<<set _location = passage()>>
<<set _title = passage().replace(/.*\s\-\s/, '')>>
<<run gtag('event', 'page_view', {
page_title: _title,
page_location: _location,
app_version: Config.saves.version
<<if !Story.get(passage()).tags.includes('system')>>
<<run document.body.classList.add('ready')>>
<<if Story.get(passage()).tags.includes('intro')>>
<<run document.body.classList.add('intro')>>
<<run document.body.classList.remove('intro')>>
<</if>><<set $sashadate1temp to true>>\
<<set $sashaintro2day to $day>>\
<<if $time !==2>>\
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $domstatus is true>>\
<<location "Images/Other/city morning.jpg" "In the city">>
<b>-"Right, time for that date with Sasha!"</b> You say as you grab your keys and head outside.
<b>-"There we go..."</b> You set the GPS and begin to drive.
<img src="Images\Sasha\intro_3_1.jpg">
<b>-"Should be just around the corner."</b>
<b>-"There it is!"</b> After driving for a good 10 minutes, you arrive at your destination.
<grey>-"ScreeecHhhH!"</grey> You park your car and step outside.
<img src="Images\Sasha\intro_3_2.jpg">
<b>-"She said that she's already inside."</b> Sasha sent you a message while you were driving.
<b>-"Huuu, time to go!"</b> You shake your arms a bit to calm down and begin walking towards the entrance.
<<pageReplace"Enter the cafe.">>\
<<location "Images/Sasha/intro_3_2.jpg" "Coffee industry">>\
<b>-"Oh wow, it's quite nice inside."</b> You begin to look around.
<b>-"Now, where is she?"</b>
<img src="Images\Sasha\intro_3_3.jpg">
<b>-"Hmmmmmm?"</b> There are quite a few people here, so it's hard to spot her.
<ad>-"$name! I'm here!"</ad> You hear Sasha's voice to the left.
<b>-"Oh?"</b> You turn and finally see her.
<img src="Images\Sasha\intro_3_4.jpg">
<b>-"There she is!"</b> She's standing in the corner of the cafe, presumably waiting for you.
<b>-"Time to say hi."</b>
<<pageReplace"Walk over to her.">>
<b>-"Heyyyy Sasha!"</b> You smile as you walk over to her.
<ad>-"Heyyyy handsome!"</ad> You both embrace in with a hug.
<img src="Images\Sasha\intro_3_5.jpg">
<b>-"How are you?"</b>
<ad>-"I'm good! How was your trip, everything okay?"</ad>
<b>-"Yup! You picked a good spot, it's not far at all from my place."</b>
<img src="Images\Sasha\intro_3_6.jpg">
<ad>-"Well I'm happy to hear that... Ready to order?"</ad> She begins to walk towards the counter.
<b>-"Sure am!"</b>
<<pageReplace"Order some coffee.">>
<<if $money>=10>>\
<<money -10 "Paid for Sasha's coffee">>
<b>-"Let's see..."</b> You mumble as you look at the menu.
<ad>-"I'll have a small latte please!"</ad> Sasha says to the barista.
<img src="Images\Sasha\intro_3_7.jpg">
<b>-"I'll have a... Small cappuccino please."</b>
<bartender>-"That'll be 10 dollars please."</bartender>
<ad>-"There..."</ad> She pulls out her card and begins to hand it to the man.
<b>-"No no no, I got it. I asked you out on the date, I should pay."</b> Sasha smiles... She's impressed!
<grey>-"Beep!"</grey> The card reader makes a sharp sound as it scans your card.
<bartender>-"Thank you, I'll bring them to you in just a second, please take a seat!"</bartender> You both nod and find an empty table.
<ad>-"Oof..."</ad> Sasha sits down - you do the same.
<img src="Images\Sasha\intro_3_8.jpg">
<b>-"So, you said that you'll tell me what happened that night."</b>
<b>-"And why it's definitely not going to happen again."</b>
<ad>-"Oh right... Well it's a pretty boring story, you sure you want to hear it?"</ad>
<<pageReplace"Of course!">>
<b>-"Of course!"</b>
<ad>-"Sigh... Well, basically, the man who assulted me was my ex."</ad>
<img src="Images\Sasha\intro_3_10.jpg">
<b>-"Your ex?"</b>
<ad>-"Yeah... At the time he was still my boyfriend, but we broke up. That's why I said that it won't happen again."</ad>
<b>-"Why did he do it?"</b> As you speak, the barista comes over to you both and puts down 2 cups of coffee on the table.
<img src="Images\Sasha\intro_3_9.jpg">
<b>-"Thank you!"</b>
<ad>-"Thanks!"</ad> The barista nods and walks off. Sasha turns to you and continues the conversation.
<ad>-"He was always insecure about what I do for a living and I think he reached his breaking point that night."</ad>
<<pageReplace"What do you do?">>
<b>-"What do you do for a living?"</b>
<ad>-"Sigh... Didn't want to say on the first date, but what the hell."</ad>
<img src="Images\Sasha\intro_3_11.jpg">
<ad>-"I'm a camgirl..."</ad> She puts her head down, like she's embarrassed.
<b>-"A camgirl? As in you do those strip shows on the internet?"</b> You've seen them before.
<b>-"How popular are you?"</b>
<ad>-"Pretty popular..."</ad> Sasha takes out her phone and shows you her profile.
<img src="Images\Sasha\intro_3_12.jpg">
<b>-"OH WOW! 630 THOUSAND FOLLOWERS?"</b> That's an insane amount...
<ad>-"A-ahem... Yeah."</ad>
<ad>-"Most men turn me down after they hear what I do... Are you still interested?"</ad>
<<set $sashashowtempday to $day>>\
<<set $sashashowtemp to 1>>\
<b>-"I don't mind. You don't stream with other guys though, right?"</b>
<ad>-"Of course not! My shows are solo only."</ad>
<img src="Images\Sasha\intro_3_13.jpg">
<b>-"Then yeah, I'm interested."</b>
<ad>-"Hmph... Good. Well, enough about me, what do you do for a living?"</ad>
<b>-"I work at a sex shop! I guess we're both sex workers in one way or another."</b> You both laugh as Sasha sips her coffee.
<ad>-"I guess so..."</ad>
<img src="Images\Sasha\intro_3_14.jpg">
<ad>-"Do you have your own place?"</ad>
<b>-"Nope, still live with parents, but don't worry, it's not a money issue."</b>
<b>-"I just... Enjoy their company."</b> It's better if she doesn't know.
<ad>-"Fair enough!"</ad> You spend a couple of hours conversing and talking about your lives. After checking your watch, you decide that it's finally time to head back.
<<pageReplace"Say your goodbyes.">>
<b>-"I had a great time to day Sasha! If you're down for it, I would like to go on a second date."</b>
<ad>-"I would like that too! I'll text you in a couple of days and we'll set it up!"</ad> You love her confident demeanor.
<ad>-"Maybe we'll do something... More intimate."</ad>
<b>-"I would love that..."</b> You stand up and hug her.
<b>-"See you then. Don't forget to text me."</b>
<ad>-"Definitely won't! See ya!"</ad> You grab your stuff from the table and head towards the door. Sasha remains seated - she hasn't finished her coffee yet.
<img src="Images\Sasha\intro_3_15.webp">
<b>-"2 hours and she still has coffee left... I must have been really interesting."</b> You laugh while talking to yourself and exit the store.
<b>-"A camgirl huh... Maybe I should check out her stream when I have the chance."</b> Time to head home and wait for her text!
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
[[Head home->room]]
<<pageReplace"No, sorry.">>
<<set $sashashowtemp to 0>>\
<b>-"No, sorry... You seem like a really nice girl, but I don't want to see someone who does that kind of stuff."</b>
<ad>-"Agh, understood."</ad>
<img src="Images\Sasha\intro_3_13.jpg">
<b>-"Sorry to disappoint."</b> You stand up.
<ad>-"Don't worry about it, you saved me from my ex and bought me coffee, that's way more than I could have asked for anyways."</ad> She stands up and hugs you.
<b>-"I wish you the best of luck in your career."</b> She smiles.
<ad>-"Thank you... For everything."</ad> Sasha hugs you once more.
<b>-"See ya."</b> You begin to walk towards the door.
<ad>-"Bye $name..."</ad> From her tone, you can tell that she's a bit disappointed.
<img src="Images\Sasha\intro_3_15.webp">
<b>-"She seems cool... But I'm definitely not dating a camgirl."</b> You tell yourself as you step outside.
[[Drive home->room]]
<<location "Images/Other/city morning.jpg" "In the city">>
<b>-"Right, time for that date with Sasha!"</b> You say as you grab your keys and head outside.
<b>-"There we go..."</b> You set the GPS and begin to drive.
<img src="Images\Sasha\intro_3_1.jpg">
<b>-"Should be just around the corner."</b>
<b>-"There it is!"</b> After driving for a good 10 minutes, you arrive at your destination.
<grey>-"ScreeecHhhH!"</grey> You park your car and step outside.
<img src="Images\Sasha\intro_3_2.jpg">
<b>-"She said that she's already inside."</b> Sasha sent you a message while you were driving.
<b>-"Huuu, time to go!"</b> You shake your arms a bit to calm down and begin walking towards the entrance.
<<pageReplace"Enter the cafe.">>\
<<location "Images/Sasha/intro_3_2.jpg" "Coffee industry">>\
<b>-"Oh wow, it's quite nice inside."</b> You begin to look around.
<b>-"Now, where is she?"</b>
<img src="Images\Sasha\intro_3_3.jpg">
<b>-"Hmmmmmm?"</b> There are quite a few people here, so it's hard to spot her.
<ad>-"$name! I-I'm here!"</ad> You hear Sasha's voice to the left.
<b>-"Oh?"</b> You turn and finally see her.
<img src="Images\Sasha\intro_3_4.jpg">
<b>-"There she is!"</b> She's standing in the corner of the cafe, presumably waiting for you.
<b>-"Time to say hi."</b> You're nervous, but it's too late to back out now.
<<pageReplace"Walk over to her.">>
<b>-"H-heyyyy Sasha!"</b> You smile as you walk over to her.
<ad>-"Heyyy $name..."</ad> You both embrace in with a hug.
<img src="Images\Sasha\intro_3_5.jpg">
<b>-"How are you?"</b>
<ad>-"I'm good! How was your trip, e-everything okay?"</ad> You both seem very nervous.
<b>-"Yup! You picked a good spot, it's not far at all from my place."</b>
<img src="Images\Sasha\intro_3_6.jpg">
<ad>-"Well I'm happy to hear that... Ready to order?"</ad> She begins to walk towards the counter.
<b>-"Sure am!"</b>
<<pageReplace"Order some coffee.">>
<<if $money>=10>>\
<<money -10 "Paid for Sasha's coffee">>
<b>-"Let's see..."</b> You mumble as you look at the menu.
<ad>-"I'll have a small latte please!"</ad> Sasha says to the barista.
<img src="Images\Sasha\intro_3_7.jpg">
<b>-"I'll have a... Small cappuccino please."</b>
<bartender>-"That'll be 10 dollars please."</bartender>
<ad>-"There..."</ad> She pulls out her card and begins to hand it to the man.
<b>-"No no no, I-I got it! I asked you out on the date, I should pay."</b> Sasha smiles... She's impressed!
<grey>-"Beep!"</grey> The card reader makes a sharp sound as it scans your card.
<bartender>-"Thank you, I'll bring them to you in just a second, please take a seat!"</bartender> You both nod and find an empty table.
<ad>-"Oof..."</ad> Sasha sits down - you do the same.
<img src="Images\Sasha\intro_3_8.jpg">
<b>-"S-so, you said that you'll tell me what happened that night."</b>
<b>-"And why it's definitely not going to happen again."</b>
<ad>-"Oh right... Well it's a pretty boring story... y-you sure you want to hear it?"</ad>
<<pageReplace"Of course!">>
<b>-"Of course!"</b>
<ad>-"Sigh... Well, basically, the man who assulted me was my ex."</ad>
<img src="Images\Sasha\intro_3_10.jpg">
<b>-"Your ex?"</b>
<ad>-"Yeah... At the time he was still my boyfriend, but we broke up. That's why I said that it won't happen again."</ad>
<b>-"Why did he do it?"</b> As you speak, the barista comes over to you both and puts down 2 cups of coffee on the table.
<img src="Images\Sasha\intro_3_9.jpg">
<b>-"Thank you!"</b>
<ad>-"T-Thanks!"</ad> The barista nods and walks off. Sasha turns to you and continues the conversation.
<ad>-"He was always insecure about what I do for a living and I think he reached his breaking point that night."</ad>
<<pageReplace"What do you do?">>
<b>-"What do you do for a living?"</b>
<ad>-"Didn't want to say on the first date, but what the hell."</ad>
<img src="Images\Sasha\intro_3_11.jpg">
<ad>-"I'm... I'm... Sigh... I'm a camgirl..."</ad> She puts her head down, like she's embarrassed.
<b>-"A c-camgirl?! As in you do those strip shows on the internet?"</b> You've seen them before.
<b>-"How popular are you?"</b>
<ad>-"Pretty popular..."</ad> Sasha takes out her phone and shows you her profile.
<img src="Images\Sasha\intro_3_12.jpg">
<b>-"OH WOW! 630 THOUSAND FOLLOWERS?"</b> That's an insane amount...
<ad>-"A-ahem... Yeah."</ad>
<ad>-"Most men turn me down after they hear what I do... Are you still interested?"</ad>
<<set $sashashowtempday to $day>>\
<<set $sashashowtemp to 1>>\
<b>-"I don't mind. Y-you don't stream with other guys though, right?"</b>
<ad>-"Of course not! M-my shows are solo only."</ad> She blushes once again.
<img src="Images\Sasha\intro_3_13.jpg">
<b>-"Then yeah, I'm interested."</b>
<ad>-"Hmph... Good. Well, enough about me, what do you do for a living?"</ad>
<b>-"I work at a sex shop! I guess we're both sex workers in one way or another."</b> You both laugh as Sasha sips her coffee.
<ad>-"I guess so..."</ad>
<img src="Images\Sasha\intro_3_14.jpg">
<ad>-"D-do you have your own place?"</ad>
<b>-"Nope, still live with parents, but don't worry, it's not a money issue."</b>
<b>-"I just... E-enjoy their company."</b> It's better if she doesn't know.
<ad>-"Fair enough!"</ad> You spend a couple of hours conversing and talking about your lives. After checking your watch, you decide that it's finally time to head back.
<<pageReplace"Say your goodbyes.">>
<b>-"I had a great time to day Sasha! If you're down for it, I would like to go on a second date."</b>
<ad>-"I would like that too! I-I'll text you in a couple of days and we'll set it up!"</ad> You love her shy demeanor.
<ad>-"Maybe we'll do something... More... I-intimate."</ad> She whispers.
<b>-"I-I would love that..."</b> You stand up and hug her.
<b>-"See you then. Don't forget to text me."</b>
<ad>-"Definitely won't! See ya!"</ad> You grab your stuff from the table and head towards the door. Sasha remains seated - she hasn't finished her coffee yet.
<img src="Images\Sasha\intro_3_15.webp">
<b>-"2 hours and she still has coffee left... I must have been really interesting."</b> You laugh while talking to yourself and exit the store.
<b>-"A camgirl huh... Maybe I should check out her stream when I have the chance."</b> Time to head home and wait for her text!
[[Head home->room]]
<<pageReplace"No, sorry.">>
<<set $sashashowtemp to 0>>\
<b>-"No, sorry... Y-You seem like a really nice girl, but I don't want to see someone who does that kind of stuff."</b>
<ad>-"Agh, u-understood."</ad>
<img src="Images\Sasha\intro_3_13.jpg">
<b>-"Sorry to disappoint."</b> You stand up.
<ad>-"Don't worry about it, you saved me from my ex and bought me coffee, that's way more than I could have asked for anyways."</ad> She stands up and hugs you.
<b>-"I wish you the best of luck in your career."</b> She smiles.
<ad>-"T-Thank you... For everything."</ad> Sasha hugs you once more.
<b>-"See ya."</b> You begin to walk towards the door.
<ad>-"Bye $name..."</ad> From her tone, you can tell that she's a bit disappointed.
<img src="Images\Sasha\intro_3_15.webp">
<b>-"She seems cool... But I'm definitely not dating a camgirl."</b> You tell yourself as you step outside.
[[Drive home->room]]
<</if>><<set $sashacamshow1temp to true>>\
<<if $domstatus ==true>>
<b>-"Hmmmm... Maybe I should see if Sasha's streaming?"</b> You think as you stare at your laptops screen.
<b>-"She has like what, 600 thousand followers on chaturbate? I want to see what all of the hype is about!"</b> You remember seeing the name "VixenP" on her profile... That's probably what you should google.
<b>-"Hmph, an instagram account pops up!"</b>
<img src="Images\Sasha\stream_1_1.png">
<b>-"Holy shit she's hot..."</b> Your cock begins to rise as you look through her pictures.
<b>-"There's a link in her bio!"</b>
<b>-"There we go!"</b> You find her chaturbate profile after clicking the link.
<img src="Images\Sasha\stream_1_2.png">
<b>-"I hope she's streaming... Would be cool to see what makes her so popular."</b>
<<pageReplace"Click on the link">>
<ad>-"NgHHhhh... T-thank you for the tips Josh1275!"</ad> Her voice fills your ears as you open her stream.
<b>-"Holy shit! She's live!"</b>
<img src="Images\Sasha\stream_1_3.webp">
<b>-"There's over 800 people watching her... How cool."</b>
<ad>-"Oh! It seems like we have a new viewer!"</ad> Sasha looks at the chat.
<ad>-"Heyyyy! Welcome anon!"</ad> You didn't create an account, so you appear as an anonymous viewer.
<img src="Images\Sasha\stream_1_4.webp">
<b>-"Hah, she treats her viewers well! That must be one of the reasons she's this popular."</b> You continue to watch.
<ad>-"MgHhhhh... T-thank you for the tip big-booty-fucker69..."</ad> The platform informs you that some sort of tip goal has been reached.
<ad>-"Agh, we reached the goal, time for me to stand up!"</ad> Sasha says as she looks at the chat.
<img src="Images\Sasha\stream_1_5.webp">
<b>-"Holy shit her hips are wide!"</b> You definitely noticed that she looked good during your date, but you didn't realize she had such a perfect figure!
<<if $toys !==1>>\
<<pageReplace"Begin to jack off.">>
<b>-"Agh fuck it, why not!"</b> You pull down your pants and begin to stroke your shaft.
<ad>-"Anyways, where was I?"</ad>
<img src="Images\Sasha\stream_1_6.webp">
<ad>-"Ahhh right, I went out with this one guy I met!"</ad> Your eyes grow wide as you look at the screen...
<b>-"Is she talking about me?"</b> The chat begins to blow up as you ponder.
<blue>-"How was he?"</blue>
<grey>-"IS HE HUNG LIKE A HORSE? KEKW"</grey>
<bartender>-"Bring him on stream!"</bartender>
<ad>-"He was nice... Very cute too."</ad> She begins to take off her sweater.
<img src="Images\Sasha\stream_1_9.webp">
<b>-"Hah, I knew I left a good impression!"</b>
<ad>-"I don't know if he's hung chat... Hahahaha! Maybe I'll find out soon!"</ad>
<<pageReplace"Continue to watch.">>
<ad>-"Would you guys like that? Seeing him fucking your goddess live?"</ad> Sasha begins to touch her tits.
<b>-"AgHhh fuckkkk..."</b> Your cock throbs as you watch.
<img src="Images\Sasha\stream_1_10.webp">
<pink>-"HELL YEAH WE WOULD!"</pink>
<grey>-"I don't want to be cucked... Pepe-sad..."</grey>
<ad>-"Hihihi, you little losers."</ad> She turns around and bends over.
<img src="Images\Sasha\stream_1_11.webp">
<b>-"FUCKKkkK!"</b> A wave of endorphins flood your brain as you imagine destroying that ass of hers.
<ad>-"Maybe I'll bring him on next stream... For our second date haha!"</ad>
<b>-"YESssSSSS!"</b> As she spreads her cheeks, you ejaculate all over the screen.
<img src="Images\Sasha\stream_1_12.webp">
<ad>-"Hehehe, that's enough of that."</ad> She straightens her back, turns around and sits down.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You sit down as well... Your balls are completely drained.
<ad>-"Enough ass for today, I'm getting off soon."</ad> She pulls down her sweater.
<img src="Images\Sasha\stream_1_13.webp">
<bartender>-"DON'T GO!"</bartender>
<blue>-"Pls no goddess 😥"</blue>
<ad>-"Sorry guys! <<if $time ==2>>Have to hit the bed, it's getting late...<<else>>Time for me to take a nap! Super tired today...!<</if>>"</ad>
<img src="Images\Sasha\stream_1_14.webp">
<b>-"Perfect timing..."</b> She's getting off right after you busted a nut.
<blue>-"You didn't even go full nude 😡"</blue>
<ad>-"My content is implied nudity only... I've never been nude on stream."</ad>
<b>-"Huh... Interesting."</b>
<ad>-"Anyways, see ya guys laterrrrr! Bye bye now! Remember to follow my twitter and instagram!"</ad>
<b>-"Bye bye, haha..."</b> You chuckle and close the stream.
<b>-"Hmph... I don't know if I have big enough balls to fuck a girl in front of 800 people..."</b> You think about it while cleaning your semen off of the screen.
<b>-"I guess I'll have to make that choice eventually."</b> Your second date is soon!
[[Close the laptop->room]]
<a><div class="hover">Begin to jack off<span class="hoverblock"><grey>You're caged!</grey></span></div></a>
<b>-"Agh, I better not."</b> You put down your arms and continue to watch.
<ad>-"Anyways, where was I?"</ad>
<ad>-"Ahhh right, I went out with this one guy I met!"</ad> Your eyes grow wide as you look at the screen...
<b>-"Is she talking about me?"</b> The chat begins to blow up as you ponder.
<blue>-"How was he?"</blue>
<grey>-"IS HE HUNG LIKE A HORSE? KEKW"</grey>
<bartender>-"Bring him on stream!"</bartender>
<ad>-"He was nice... Very cute too."</ad> She begins to take off her sweater.
<img src="Images\Sasha\stream_1_9.webp">
<b>-"Hah, I knew I left a good impression!"</b>
<ad>-"I don't know if he's hung chat... Hahahaha! Maybe I'll find out soon!"</ad>
<<pageReplace"Continue to watch.">>
<ad>-"Would you guys like that? Seeing him fucking your goddess live?"</ad> Sasha begins to touch her tits.
<b>-"AgHhh fuckkkk..."</b> Your cock throbs as you watch.
<img src="Images\Sasha\stream_1_10.webp">
<pink>-"HELL YEAH WE WOULD!"</pink>
<grey>-"I don't want to be cucked... Pepe-sad..."</grey>
<ad>-"Hihihi, you little losers."</ad> She turns around and bends over.
<img src="Images\Sasha\stream_1_11.webp">
<b>-"Holy shit she's hot..."</b> A wave of endorphins flood your brain as you imagine destroying that ass of hers.
<<pageReplace"Try your best not to jack off.">>
<ad>-"Maybe I'll bring him on next stream... For our second date haha!"</ad>
<b>-"NgHhhh... I said no!"</b> You fight with the urge to jack off.
<ad>-"Sigh... That's enough of that."</ad> She straightens her back, turns around and sits down.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You pant as your cock slowly returns to normal.
<ad>-"Enough ass for today, I'm getting off soon."</ad> She pulls down her sweater.
<img src="Images\Sasha\stream_1_13.webp">
<bartender>-"DON'T GO!"</bartender>
<blue>-"Pls no goddess 😥"</blue>
<ad>-"Sorry guys! <<if $time ==2>>Have to hit the bed, it's getting late...<<else>>Time for me to take a nap! Super tired today...!<</if>>"</ad>
<img src="Images\Sasha\stream_1_14.webp">
<b>-"Thank God..."</b> Some more teasing and you would have busted a nut!
<blue>-"You didn't even go full nude 😡"</blue>
<ad>-"My content is implied nudity only... I've never been nude on stream."</ad>
<b>-"Huh... Interesting."</b>
<ad>-"Anyways, see ya guys laterrrrr! Bye bye now! Remember to follow my twitter and instagram!"</ad>
<b>-"Bye bye, haha..."</b> You chuckle and close the stream.
<b>-"Hmph... I don't know if I have big enough balls to fuck a girl in front of 800 people..."</b>
<b>-"I guess I'll have to make that choice eventually."</b> Your second date is soon!
[[Close the laptop->room]]
<b>-"Hmmmm... Maybe I should see if Sasha's streaming?"</b> You think as you stare at your laptops screen.
<b>-"She has like what, 600 thousand followers on chaturbate? I want to see what all of the hype is about!"</b> You remember seeing the name "VixenP" on her profile... That's probably what you should google.
<b>-"Hmph, an instagram account pops up!"</b>
<img src="Images\Sasha\stream_1_1.png">
<b>-"H-holy shit she's hot..."</b> Your cock begins to leak precum as you look through her pictures.
<b>-"There's a link in her bio!"</b>
<b>-"There we go!"</b> You find her chaturbate profile after clicking the link.
<img src="Images\Sasha\stream_1_2.png">
<b>-"I hope she's streaming... Would be cool to see what makes her so popular."</b>
<<pageReplace"Click on the link">>
<ad>-"NgHHhhh... T-thank you for the tips Josh1275!"</ad> Her voice fills your ears as you open her stream.
<b>-"Holy shit! She's live!"</b>
<img src="Images\Sasha\stream_1_3.webp">
<b>-"T-there's over 800 people watching her... How cool."</b>
<ad>-"Oh! It seems like we have a new viewer!"</ad> Sasha looks at the chat.
<ad>-"Heyyyy! Welcome anon!"</ad> You didn't create an account, so you appear as an anonymous viewer.
<img src="Images\Sasha\stream_1_4.webp">
<b>-"Hah, she treats her viewers well! T-that must be one of the reasons she's this popular."</b> You continue to watch.
<ad>-"MgHhhhh... T-thank you for the tip big-booty-fucker69..."</ad> The platform informs you that some sort of tip goal has been reached.
<ad>-"Agh, we reached the goal, time for me to stand up!"</ad> Sasha says as she looks at the chat.
<img src="Images\Sasha\stream_1_5.webp">
<b>-"Holy shit her hips are wide... Wow!"</b> You definitely noticed that she looked good during your date, but you didn't realize she had such a perfect figure!
<<if $toys !==1>>\
<<pageReplace"Begin to jack off.">>
<b>-"Agh fuck it, why not!"</b> You pull down your pants and begin to stroke your <<if $chastitycagenew2==true>>tiny cock...<<else>>average cock...<</if>>
<ad>-"Anyways, where was I?"</ad>
<<if $chastitycagenew2==true>>\
<img src="Images\Sasha\stream_1_7.gif">
<img src="Images\Sasha\stream_1_8.webp">
<ad>-"Ahhh right, I went out with this one guy I met!"</ad> Your eyes grow wide as you look at the screen...
<b>-"I-Is she talking about me?"</b> The chat begins to blow up as you ponder.
<blue>-"How was he?"</blue>
<grey>-"IS HE HUNG LIKE A HORSE? KEKW"</grey>
<bartender>-"Bring him on stream!"</bartender>
<ad>-"He was nice... Very cute too."</ad> She begins to take off her sweater.
<img src="Images\Sasha\stream_1_9.webp">
<b>-"I left a good impression... Yay!"</b>
<ad>-"I don't know if he's hung chat... Hahahaha! Maybe I'll find out soon!"</ad>
<b>-"Hah, I wish..."</b>
<<pageReplace"Continue to watch.">>
<ad>-"Would you guys like that? Seeing him fucking your goddess live?"</ad> Sasha begins to touch her tits.
<b>-"AgHhh fuckkkk..."</b> Your cock throbs as you watch.
<img src="Images\Sasha\stream_1_10.webp">
<pink>-"HELL YEAH WE WOULD!"</pink>
<grey>-"I don't want to be cucked... Pepe-sad..."</grey>
<ad>-"Hihihi, you little losers."</ad> She turns around and bends over.
<img src="Images\Sasha\stream_1_11.webp">
<b>-"FUCKKkkK!"</b> A wave of endorphins flood your brain as you imagine seeing her naked body from close up.
<ad>-"Maybe I'll bring him on next stream... For our second date haha!"</ad>
<b>-"YESssSSSS!"</b> As she spreads her cheeks, you ejaculate all over the screen.
<img src="Images\Sasha\stream_1_12.webp">
<ad>-"Hehehe, that's enough of that."</ad> She straightens her back, turns around and sits down.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You sit down as well... Your small balls are completely drained!
<ad>-"Enough ass for today, I'm getting off soon."</ad> She pulls down her sweater.
<img src="Images\Sasha\stream_1_13.webp">
<bartender>-"DON'T GO!"</bartender>
<blue>-"Pls no goddess 😥"</blue>
<ad>-"Sorry guys! <<if $time ==2>>Have to hit the bed, it's getting late...<<else>>Time for me to take a nap! Super tired today...!<</if>>"</ad>
<img src="Images\Sasha\stream_1_14.webp">
<b>-"Perfect timing..."</b> She's getting off right after you busted a nut.
<blue>-"You didn't even go full nude 😡"</blue>
<ad>-"My content is implied nudity only... I've never been nude on stream."</ad>
<b>-"Huh... Interesting."</b>
<ad>-"Anyways, see ya guys laterrrrr! Bye bye now! Remember to follow my twitter and instagram!"</ad>
<b>-"Bye bye, h-haha..."</b> You chuckle and close the stream.
<b>-"Hmph... I don't know if I have big enough balls to do something with a girl in front of 800 people..."</b> You think about it while cleaning your semen off of the screen.
<b>-"I guess I'll have to make that choice eventually."</b> Your second date is soon!
[[Close the laptop->room]]
<a><div class="hover">Begin to jack off<span class="hoverblock"><grey>You're caged!</grey></span></div></a>
<b>-"Agh, I better not."</b> You put down your arms and continue to watch.
<ad>-"Anyways, where was I?"</ad>
<ad>-"Ahhh right, I went out with this one guy I met!"</ad> Your eyes grow wide as you look at the screen...
<b>-"Is she talking about me?"</b> The chat begins to blow up as you ponder.
<blue>-"How was he?"</blue>
<grey>-"IS HE HUNG LIKE A HORSE? KEKW"</grey>
<bartender>-"Bring him on stream!"</bartender>
<ad>-"He was nice... Very cute too."</ad> She begins to take off her sweater.
<img src="Images\Sasha\stream_1_9.webp">
<b>-"I left a good impression... Yey!"</b>
<ad>-"I don't know if he's hung chat... Hahahaha! Maybe I'll find out soon!"</ad>
<<pageReplace"Continue to watch.">>
<ad>-"Would you guys like that? Seeing him fucking your goddess live?"</ad> Sasha begins to touch her tits.
<b>-"AgHhh fuckkkk..."</b> Your cock throbs as you watch.
<img src="Images\Sasha\stream_1_10.webp">
<pink>-"HELL YEAH WE WOULD!"</pink>
<grey>-"I don't want to be cucked... Pepe-sad..."</grey>
<ad>-"Hihihi, you little losers."</ad> She turns around and bends over.
<img src="Images\Sasha\stream_1_11.webp">
<b>-"Holy shit she's hot..."</b> A wave of endorphins flood your brain as you imagine seein her body from close up.
<<pageReplace"Try your best not to jack off.">>
<ad>-"Maybe I'll bring him on next stream... For our second date haha!"</ad>
<b>-"NgHhhh... I said no!"</b> You fight with the urge to jack off.
<ad>-"Sigh... That's enough of that."</ad> She straightens her back, turns around and sits down.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You pant as your cock slowly returns to normal.
<ad>-"Enough ass for today, I'm getting off soon."</ad> She pulls down her sweater.
<img src="Images\Sasha\stream_1_13.webp">
<bartender>-"DON'T GO!"</bartender>
<blue>-"Pls no goddess 😥"</blue>
<ad>-"Sorry guys! <<if $time ==2>>Have to hit the bed, it's getting late...<<else>>Time for me to take a nap! Super tired today...!<</if>>"</ad>
<img src="Images\Sasha\stream_1_14.webp">
<b>-"Thank God..."</b> Some more teasing and you would have busted a nut!
<blue>-"You didn't even go full nude 😡"</blue>
<ad>-"My content is implied nudity only... I've never been nude on stream."</ad>
<b>-"Huh... Interesting."</b>
<ad>-"Anyways, see ya guys laterrrrr! Bye bye now! Remember to follow my twitter and instagram!"</ad>
<b>-"Bye bye, haha..."</b> You chuckle and close the stream.
<b>-"Hmph... I don't know if I have big enough balls to do something with a girl in front of 800 people..."</b>
<b>-"I guess I'll have to make that choice eventually."</b> Your second date is soon!
[[Close the laptop->room]]
<<messengerHeader Sasha>>
<<if $domstatus ==true>>
<<them>>So, ready for our second date? 😁<</them>>
<<them>><<image "Sasha/intro_4_1.jpg" gallery "Sasha">><</them>>
<div id="choices">
<<messageReplyReplace "Hell yeah!" #choices>>
<<me>>Hell yeah! When are you free?<</me>>
<<them wait>>How about tomorrow? Gonna be taking a break from streaming 🙂<</them>>
<<messageReply "Works for me!">>
<<me>>Works for me! Have anything planned?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Well, I did say I wanted something more intimate...<</them>>
<<them wait>>How about you come over? I can show you my camming setup!<</them>>
<<them>><<image "Sasha/intro_4_2.jpg">><</them>>
<<messageReply "I would love to!">>
<<me>>I would love to!<</me>>
<<me>>I'll grab some condoms on the way there as well 😉<</me>>
<<them wait>>Oh... I didn't mean that intimate haha...<</them>>
<<them wait>>I'm actually a virgin... I'll need some time before we... You know... Do it.<</them>>
<<messageReply "You're a virgin?!">>
<<me>>You're a virgin?!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Hah, you're that surprised?<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Sasha/intro_4_5.jpg" gallery "Sasha">><</them>>
<<them wait>>That's insulting, you know 🙄<</them>>
<<messageReply "Why do you cam then?">>
<<me>>Why do you cam then?<</me>>
<<me>>No offence, but I thought you lot were sex addicts or something.<</me>>
<<them wait>>None taken! You're kind of right tbh.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Most of us are, I'm not though... Do it purely for this:<</them>>
<<them>><<image "Sasha/intro_4_4.jfif">><</them>>
<<messageReply "Wow...">>
<<them wait>>Impressive, right? 😎<</them>>
<<them wait>>Anyways... I'm still down to... You know... Do something soon.<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Sasha/intro_4_6.jpg" gallery "Sasha">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Just not sex... You'll have to earn that.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Something is better than nothing...">>
<<me>>Something is better than nothing I guess 😘<</me>>
<<them wait>>That's the spirit!<</them>>
<<them wait>>I'll see ya tomorrow then?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Mhm!">>
<<me>>Mhm! Just send me your address!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Oh right... Here - Tegeluddsvagen 1, 115 41.<</them>>
<<them wait>>I'll be waiting!<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Sasha/intro_4_3.jpg" gallery "Sasha">><</them>>
<<messageReply "See ya!">>
<<me>>See ya! ❤️<</me>>
<<set $sashamessage2temp to true>>
<<set $sashaday to $day>>
<<set $sasha to 1>>
<<messageReplyReplace "About that..." #choices>>
<<me>>About that... I think we should stop talking.<</me>>
<<them wait>>What????<</them>>
<<them wait>>What happened? I thought we got along great???<</them>>
<<messageReply "Sorry...">>
<<me>>Sorry, just didn't feel like we clicked...<</me>>
<<them wait>>Awh, well how unfortunate... I was so excited too.<</them>>
<<them wait>>It is what it is I guess, thanks for not wasting my time and telling me straight up.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Not a problem.">>
<<me>>Not a problem Sasha. Thanks for your company, however short it was.<</me>>
<<me>>I wish you the best!<</me>>
<<them wait>>I wish you the best as well... Thank you for everything.<</them>>
<<messageReply "See you...">>
<<me>>See you...<</me>>
<<them>>See ya...<</them>>
<<set $sashamessage2temp to true>>
<<set $sasha to 0>>
<<them>>So, ready for our second date? 🙂<</them>>
<<them>><<image "Sasha/intro_4_1.jpg" gallery "Sasha">><</them>>
<<them>>Only if you want to... Of course.<</them>>
<div id="choices">
<<messageReplyReplace "Hell yeah!" #choices>>
<<me>>Hell yeah! When are you free?<</me>>
<<them wait>>How about tomorrow? Gonna be taking a break from streaming!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Works for me!">>
<<me>>Works for me! Have anything planned?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Well, I did say I wanted something more intimate...<</them>>
<<them wait>>How about you come over? I can show you my camming setup!<</them>>
<<them>><<image "Sasha/intro_4_2.jpg">><</them>>
<<messageReply "I would love to!">>
<<me>>I would love to!<</me>>
<<me>>I... I can grab some condoms if you wish... ❤️<</me>>
<<them wait>>Oh... I didn't mean that intimate haha...<</them>>
<<them wait>>I'm actually a virgin... I'll need some time before we... You know... Do it.<</them>>
<<messageReply "You're a virgin?!">>
<<me>>You're a virgin?!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Hah, you're that surprised?<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Sasha/intro_4_5.jpg" gallery "Sasha">><</them>>
<<them wait>>That's insulting, you know 🙄<</them>>
<<messageReply "Why do you cam then?">>
<<me>>Why do you cam then?<</me>>
<<me>>No offence, but I thought you lot were sex addicts or something... LOL!<</me>>
<<them wait>>None taken! You're kind of right tbh.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Most of us are, I'm not though... Do it purely for this:<</them>>
<<them>><<image "Sasha/intro_4_4.jfif">><</them>>
<<messageReply "Wow...">>
<<them wait>>Impressive, right? 😎<</them>>
<<them wait>>Anyways... I'm still down to... You know... Do something soon.<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Sasha/intro_4_6.jpg" gallery "Sasha">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Just not sex... I... I want to take it slow.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Something is better than nothing...">>
<<me>>Something is better than nothing! ❤️<</me>>
<<them wait>>That's the spirit! 🙂<</them>>
<<them wait>>I'll see ya tomorrow then?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Mhm!">>
<<me>>Mhm! Just send me your address!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Oh right... Here - Tegeluddsvagen 1, 115 41.<</them>>
<<them wait>>I'll be waiting!<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Sasha/intro_4_3.jpg" gallery "Sasha">><</them>>
<<messageReply "See ya!">>
<<me>>See ya! ❤️<</me>>
<<set $sashamessage2temp to true>>
<<set $sashaday to $day>>
<<set $sasha to 1>>
<<messageReplyReplace "About that..." #choices>>
<<me>>About that... I think we should stop talking.<</me>>
<<them wait>>What????<</them>>
<<them wait>>What happened? I thought we got along great???<</them>>
<<messageReply "Sorry...">>
<<me>>Sorry, just didn't feel like we clicked...<</me>>
<<them wait>>Awh, well how unfortunate... I was so excited too.<</them>>
<<them wait>>It is what it is I guess, thanks for not wasting my time and telling me straight up.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Not a problem.">>
<<me>>Not a problem Sasha. Thanks for your company, however short it was.<</me>>
<<me>>I wish you the best!<</me>>
<<them wait>>I wish you the best as well... Thank you for everything.<</them>>
<<messageReply "See you...">>
<<me>>See you...<</me>>
<<them>>See ya...<</them>>
<<set $sashamessage2temp to true>>
<<set $sasha to 0>>
<</messengerChat>><<set $sashashowtemp to 2>>\
<<if $time !==2>>\
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $domstatus ==true>>\
<b>-"Byeee!"</b> You shout as you exit your house.
<mia>-"Have fun baby!"</mia> Mia answers from her bedroom.
<b>-"Nghhh... There we go..."</b> You climb into your car and begin driving.
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_2_1.webp">
<b>-"Hopefully Sasha won't hate me..."</b> You did talk about meeting up today, but you haven't told her when exactly you're coming.
<b>-"..."</b> You decided to surpise her and just come without texting.
<b>-"Is this it?"</b> After about 15 minutes of driving, the GPS says that you have arrived at your destination.
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_2_2.webp">
<b>-"Jesus Christ this place is huge!"</b> Seems like camming is a lucrative business!
<grey>-"Screeetchhhh!"</grey> You hit the brakes as you park right next to her vehicle.
<b>-"A porsche 911... Good taste."</b> After climbing onto her porch, you begin to walk towards the door.
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_2_3.webp">
<b>-"A-ahem... Let's see if she's home!"</b>
<<pageReplace"Knock on the door.">>
<<location "Images/Sasha/date_2_2.webp" "Sasha's place.">>
<grey>-"Knock Knock Knock!"</grey> You knock on her front door.
<b>-"Huh? Is she not inside?"</b>
<grey>-"KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK!"</grey>
<ad>-"I-I'll be right there!"</ad> She screams from inside the house.
<b>-"Hmph, there she is."</b> After around 30 seconds, the door opens.
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_2_5.jpg">
<ad>-"$name?! You couldn't have come at a worse time!"</ad> You look her up and down.
<b>-"It appears so... Why are you not wearing any pants?"</b>
<ad>-"I live alone, I'm always half naked!"</ad> Sasha giggles and takes a step back.
<ad>-"Come in, come in. Sorry for the mess, you should have called beforehand!"</ad>
<b>-"Agh, wanted to surprise you, that's all."</b> You step inside.
<ad>-"You sure did."</ad> She laughs once again and takes off her sweater.
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_2_4.jpg">
<b>-"Here, I brought this."</b> You bought a bottle of champagne while driving here.
<ad>-"UuuUuuu! Thank you! Follow me, you can put it in my bedroom."</ad>
<<pageReplace"Take off your shoes.">>
<b>-"A nice place you got here."</b> You say as you follow her through her house.
<ad>-"Thank you! Got it a couple of months ago actually!"</ad>
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_2_18.jpg">
<ad>-"Put it on the night stand, would you?"</ad> Sasha smiles as you enter her room.
<b>-"Sure thing."</b> You place the champagne down and face her.
<b>-"You told me you'll show me your camming setup, right?"</b>
<ad>-"Heh, sure did! Follow me."</ad> She turns around and begins to walk again.
<b>-"Gosh, it's so dark..."</b> You say as you both get to the other side of the house. There are no windows here, so it's completely pitch black.
<ad>-"That's on purpose... Lighting is very important in my business!"</ad> You reach an ominous looking door.
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_2_6.jpg">
<b>-"I believe you..."</b> She walks over to the door and opens it.
<ad>-"And here it is..."</ad>
<<pageReplace"Follow her inside.">>
<ad>-"This is where the magic happens!"</ad>
<b>-"Oh wow..."</b> You enter a dimly lit room, with at least 5 cameras pointing towards the middle.
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_2_7.jfif">
<ad>-"Don't mind the stream, I was watching a friend. She just started streaming yesterday!"</ad> Sasha says as she turns off the screen.
<b>-"God damn... This whole place looks like a hollywood set!"</b>
<ad>-"Ghahaha, thank you! That's a big compliment!"</ad> She walks over to a makeup table in the corner of the room.
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_2_8.jpg">
<ad>-"This is where I get ready before my shows."</ad>
<b>-"Cool..."</b> You continue to look around.
<b>-"This must be your outfit drawer?"</b> You ask as you see a big cabinet.
<ad>-"Oh... Uhm... Haha, that's where I keep all of my toys."</ad> Sasha blushes.
<<if $sashacamshow1temp==true>>\
<b>-"Toys? I thought you didn't do nude content?"</b> You remember her saying that during the stream you watched.
<ad>-"Huh... How do you know?"</ad>
<b>-"I might have watched one of your streams..."</b> You awkwardly chuckle.
<ad>-"Hahaha! Really?"</ad> Sasha laughs.
<b>-"Yeah... Was bored one day, decided why not?"</b>
<ad>-"Hmph, I hope you liked it!"</ad> She winks.
<ad>-"Ahem! Anyways, I wasn't lying, I don't do nude content. I use them for blowjobs and stuff."</ad>
<b>-"Oh wow... You have a whole drawer of them?"</b> You chuckle.
<ad>-"Yessss... But don't think I'm a slut or anything... I don't even use them that much."</ad>
<b>-"Oh really?"</b>
<ad>-"Mhm! I don't even do naked content... Just use them for blowjobs and stuff."</ad> She shrugs.
<<pageReplace"Continue to look around.">>
<ad>-"How about we go back? We could put on a movie, drink that champagne you brought..."</ad> She licks her lips.
<b>-"Works for me beautiful..."</b> You both walk to her bedroom.
<ad>-"Oof!"</ad> Sasha moans as she sits down on the bed.
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_2_10.jpg">
<ad>-"Could you grab a pair of glasses from the kitchen? They should be in a cupboard near the fridge."</ad>
<b>-"Sure!"</b> You walk to the kitchen and grab two glasses.
<ad>-"Heeyyyy!"</ad> Your date smiles as you return.
<b>-"Hahaha, hey! Lemme open it real quick..."</b> You put them down and grab the bottle.
<grey>-"Poof!"</grey> With a couple of twists, it opens.
<ad>-"Good job..."</ad> Sasha whispers as she takes off her glasses.
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_2_11.jpg">
<b>-"There."</b> You fill both of the glasses and lay down.
<ad>-"Watch this..."</ad> Sasha claps her hands.
<b>-"Woah!"</b> Automatic curtains on the windows begin to close the lights turn off.
<ad>-"Cool, right?"</ad> She grabs her glass and turns on the TV.
<<pageReplace"That was awesome!">>
<b>-"Hah, that was awesome!"</b>
<ad>-"Hihihi, I know!"</ad> Sasha smiles and takes a sip.
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_2_12.jpg">
<b>-"Ahhh, that was delicious!"</b> You say after the bottle runs dry. You've watched a couple of shows already and have gotten pretty close.
<ad>-"Sure was! Hic!"</ad> Sasha is a bit drunk...
<ad>-"So... Hic... What do you think about my place?"</ad> She turns to you and gets close.
<b>-"About... Your place?"</b> You inch towards her as well, your lips almost touching.
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_2_13.gif">
<b>-"It's incredible... Never seen anything like it!"</b> Sasha closes her eyes.
<ad>-"As nice as it is... Hic... It's so lonely being here alone... Such a big house and nobody to share it with..."</ad>
<b>-"I could imagine how hard it must be."</b> You place your hand on her cheek...
<ad>-"Hic... You have no idea..."</ad> You feel her soft lips touch yours as she slowly leans in for a kiss.
<<pageReplace"Kiss her.">>\
<<set $sasha to 2>>\
<<set $sashaday to $day>>\
<b>-"Come here..."</b> You whisper as you embrace her with a kiss.
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_2_14.gif">
<ad>-"MgHHh... Hic... G-gentle..."</ad> She whispers back as you make out.
<b>-"NgHhhh"</b> Your cock begins to throb as you move your hand towards her thighs.
<ad>-"ArgHhhh..."</ad> Sasha moans as her legs shiver.
<b>-"Fuck... This is wrong..."</b> You think as you remember that she's a virgin... You shouldn't do this when she's drunk.
<b>-"Mwuah..."</b> You give her one last kiss and pull away.
<b>-"Sorry, don't know what came over me."</b> For some reason, you feel the need to apologize.
<ad>-"Hmph... I never said no..."</ad> Sasha claps - the lights turn on and the curtains open.
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_2_17.jpg">
<b>-"I know... But still, you're drunk, I don't think if I want to push it any further."</b> Your date smiles and gives you yet another kiss.
<ad>-"You're so... Hic... Cute..."</ad> You can tell that she's barely able to speak.
<b>-"How about you lay down and we finish the movie?"</b>
<ad>-"S-sure!"</ad> You didn't even know a person could get drunk from a couple of glasses of champagne.
<b>-"..."</b> You begin to watch the Titanic together, but after around 20 minutes, she falls asleep.
<b>-"Shit..."</b> You stand up and tuck her in. You're not that drunk yourself, you should drive fine.
<b>-"Time to head home... I bet she'll text me when she wakes up."</b> Time to head home!
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
[[Drive home->room]]
<<pageReplace"Push her back.">>\
<<set $sasha to 0>>\
<b>-"Shit... No, this is wrong."</b> Right before the big moment, you get cold feet... This isn't what you want.
<b>-"S-sorry!"</b> You pull away.
<ad>-"H-huh? Did I do something wrong?"</ad> Sasha opens her eyes.
<b>-"No... I just... This isn't right... I shouldn't be here."</b> She sits up and claps her hands - the lights turn on and the curtains open.
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_2_17.jpg">
<ad>-"What do you mean?"</ad>
<b>-"Sorry... I... I have to go."</b> You stand up.
<ad>-"What happened?! $name?!"</ad> You don't know yourself, but you can tell that she isn't the one.
<b>-"I'm truly sorry Sasha... Goodbye."</b> You grab your stuff and quickly run to your car, leaving her alone on the bed.
<b>-"Shit... I'm such an asshole."</b> You're not that drunk yourself, you should drive fine.
[[Drive home->room]]
<b>-"Byeee!"</b> You shout as you exit your house.
<mia>-"Have fun baby!"</mia> Mia answers from her bedroom.
<b>-"Nghhh... There we go..."</b> You climb into your car and begin driving.
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_2_1.webp">
<b>-"Hopefully Sasha won't hate me..."</b> You did talk about meeting up today, but you haven't told her when exactly you're coming.
<b>-"..."</b> You decided to surpise her and just come without texting.
<b>-"Is this it?"</b> After about 15 minutes of driving, the GPS says that you have arrived at your destination.
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_2_2.webp">
<b>-"Jesus Christ this place is huge!"</b> Seems like camming is a lucrative business!
<grey>-"Screeetchhhh!"</grey> You hit the brakes as you park right next to her vehicle.
<b>-"A porsche 911... Good taste."</b> After climbing onto her porch, you begin to walk towards the door.
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_2_3.webp">
<b>-"A-ahem... Let's see if she's home!"</b>
<<pageReplace"Knock on the door.">>
<<location "Images/Sasha/date_2_2.webp" "Sasha's place.">>
<grey>-"Knock Knock Knock!"</grey> You knock on her front door.
<b>-"Huh? Is she not inside?"</b>
<grey>-"KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK!"</grey>
<ad>-"I-I'll be right there!"</ad> She screams from inside the house.
<b>-"Hmph, t-there she is."</b> After around 30 seconds, the door opens.
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_2_5.jpg">
<ad>-"$name?! You couldn't have come at a worse time!"</ad> You look her up and down.
<b>-"It appears so... W-why are you not wearing any pants haha?"</b>
<ad>-"I live alone, I'm always half naked..."</ad> Sasha giggles and takes a step back.
<ad>-"Come in, come in. Sorry for the mess, you should have called beforehand!"</ad>
<b>-"Agh, wanted to surprise you, that's all."</b> You step inside.
<ad>-"You sure did."</ad> She laughs once again and takes off her sweater.
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_2_4.jpg">
<b>-"Here, I brought this."</b> You bought a bottle of champagne while driving here.
<ad>-"UuuUuuu! Thank you! Follow me, you can put it in my bedroom."</ad>
<<pageReplace"Take off your shoes.">>
<b>-"A nice place you got here."</b> You say as you follow her through her house.
<ad>-"T-thank you! Got it a couple of months ago actually!"</ad>
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_2_18.jpg">
<ad>-"Put it on the night stand, would you?"</ad> Sasha smiles as you enter her room.
<b>-"S-sure thing."</b> You place the champagne down and face her.
<b>-"You told me you'll show me your camming setup, right?"</b>
<ad>-"Heh, sure did! Follow me."</ad> She turns around and begins to walk again.
<b>-"Gosh, it's so dark..."</b> You say as you both get to the other side of the house. There are no windows here, so it's completely pitch black.
<ad>-"That's on purpose... Lighting is very important in my business!"</ad> You reach an ominous looking door.
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_2_6.jpg">
<b>-"I believe you..."</b> She walks over to the door and opens it.
<ad>-"And here it is..."</ad>
<<pageReplace"Follow her inside.">>
<ad>-"This is where the magic happens!"</ad>
<b>-"Oh wow..."</b> You enter a dimly lit room, with at least 5 cameras pointing towards the middle.
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_2_7.jfif">
<ad>-"Don't mind the stream, I was watching a friend. She just started streaming yesterday!"</ad> Sasha says as she turns off the screen.
<b>-"God damn... This whole place looks like a hollywood set!"</b>
<ad>-"Ghahaha, thank you! That's a big compliment!"</ad> She walks over to a makeup table in the corner of the room.
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_2_8.jpg">
<ad>-"This is where I get ready before my shows."</ad>
<b>-"C-cool..."</b> You continue to look around.
<b>-"This must be your outfit drawer?"</b> You ask as you see a big cabinet.
<ad>-"Oh... Uhm... Haha, t-that's where I keep all of my toys."</ad> Sasha blushes.
<<if $sashacamshow1temp==true>>\
<b>-"Toys? I thought you didn't do nude content?"</b> You remember her saying that during the stream you watched.
<ad>-"Huh... How do you know?"</ad>
<b>-"I might have watched one of your streams..."</b> You awkwardly giggle.
<ad>-"Hahaha! Really?"</ad> Sasha laughs.
<b>-"Yeah... Was bored one day, decided why not?"</b>
<ad>-"Ahem! Anyways, I wasn't lying, I don't do nude content. I use them for blowjobs and stuff."</ad>
<b>-"I-interesting..."</b> So hot!
<b>-"Oh wow... You have a whole drawer of them?"</b> You chuckle.
<ad>-"Yes... But don't think I'm a slut or anything... I-I don't even use them that much!"</ad>
<b>-"Sureeeee..."</b> You sarcastically say.
<ad>-"No, really! I don't even do naked content... Just use them for blowjobs and stuff."</ad> She shrugs.
<b>-"Interesting..."</b> So hot!
<<pageReplace"Continue to look around.">>
<ad>-"How about we go back? We could put on a movie, drink that champagne you brought..."</ad> She smiles.
<b>-"Works for me..."</b> You both walk to her bedroom.
<ad>-"Oof!"</ad> Sasha moans as she sits down on the bed.
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_2_10.jpg">
<ad>-"C-could you grab a pair of glasses from the kitchen? They should be in a cupboard near the fridge!"</ad>
<b>-"Sure!"</b> You walk to the kitchen and grab two glasses.
<ad>-"Heeyyyy!"</ad> Your date smiles as you return.
<b>-"Hahaha, hey! L-lemme open it real quick..."</b> You put them down and grab the bottle.
<grey>-"Poof!"</grey> With a couple of twists, it opens.
<ad>-"Good job..."</ad> Sasha whispers as she takes off her glasses.
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_2_11.jpg">
<b>-"There."</b> You fill both of the glasses and lay down.
<ad>-"Watch this..."</ad> Sasha claps her hands.
<b>-"Woah!"</b> Automatic curtains on the windows begin to close the lights turn off.
<ad>-"Cool, right?"</ad> She grabs her glass and turns on the TV.
<<pageReplace"That was awesome!">>
<b>-"Hah, that was awesome!"</b>
<ad>-"Hihihi, I know!"</ad> Sasha smiles and takes a sip.
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_2_12.jpg">
<b>-"Ahhh, that was delicious!"</b> You say after the bottle runs dry. You've watched a couple of shows already and have gotten pretty close.
<ad>-"Sure was! Hic!"</ad> Sasha is a bit drunk...
<ad>-"So... Hic... What do you think about my place?"</ad> She turns to you and gets close.
<b>-"About... Your place?"</b> You inch towards her as well, your lips almost touching.
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_2_13.gif">
<b>-"I-It's incredible... Never seen anything like it!"</b> Sasha closes her eyes.
<ad>-"As nice as it is... Hic... It's so lonely being here alone... Such a big house and nobody to share it with..."</ad>
<b>-"I could imagine how hard it must be."</b> Your body shivers... A girl you like is right next to you!
<ad>-"Hic... You have no idea..."</ad> You feel her soft lips touch yours as she slowly leans in for a kiss.
<<pageReplace"Kiss her.">>\
<<set $sasha to 2>>\
<<set $sashaday to $day>>\
<b>-"O-oh my God..."</b> You whisper as you embrace her with a kiss.
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_2_14.gif">
<ad>-"MgHHh... Hic... G-gentle..."</ad> She whispers back as you make out.
<b>-"NgHhhh"</b> Your little cock begins to throb as you move your hand towards her thighs.
<ad>-"ArgHhhh..."</ad> Sasha moans as her legs shiver.
<b>-"Fuck... M-maybe I shouldn't..."</b> You think as you remember that she's a virgin... You shouldn't do this when she's drunk.
<b>-"Mwuah..."</b> You give her one last kiss and pull away.
<b>-"Sorry, don't know what came over me."</b> For some reason, you feel the need to apologize.
<ad>-"Hmph... I-I never said no..."</ad> Sasha claps - the lights turn on and the curtains open.
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_2_17.jpg">
<b>-"I-I know... But still, you're drunk, I don't think if I want to push it any further."</b> Your date smiles and gives you yet another kiss.
<ad>-"You're so... Hic... Cute..."</ad> You can tell that she's barely able to speak.
<b>-"How about you lay down and we finish the movie?"</b>
<ad>-"S-sure!"</ad> You didn't even know a person could get drunk from a couple of glasses of champagne.
<b>-"..."</b> You begin to watch the Titanic together, but after around 20 minutes, she falls asleep.
<b>-"S-shit..."</b> You stand up and tuck her in. You're not that drunk yourself, you should drive fine.
<b>-"Time to head home... I bet she'll text me when she wakes up."</b> Time to head home!
[[Drive home->room]]
<<pageReplace"Push her back.">>\
<<set $sasha to 0>>\
<b>-"Shit... N-no, this is wrong."</b> Right before the big moment, you get cold feet... This isn't what you want.
<b>-"S-sorry!"</b> You pull away.
<ad>-"Huh? Did I do something wrong?"</ad> Sasha opens her eyes.
<b>-"No... I just... This isn't right... I shouldn't be here."</b> She sits up and claps her hands - the lights turn on and the curtains open.
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_2_17.jpg">
<ad>-"W-what do you mean?"</ad>
<b>-"Sorry... I... I have to go."</b> You stand up.
<ad>-"What happened?! $name?!"</ad> You don't know yourself, but you can tell that she isn't the one.
<b>-"I'm truly sorry Sasha... Goodbye."</b> You grab your stuff and quickly run to your car, leaving her alone on the bed.
<b>-"Shit... I'm such an asshole."</b> You're not that drunk yourself, you should drive fine.
[[Drive home->room]]
<<messengerHeader Sasha>>
<<if $domstatus ==true>>
<<them>>Hey $name...<</them>>
<<them>>Sorry for last night... I get drunk a little too easy.<</them>>
<<messageReply "No need to apologize.">>
<<me>>No need to apologize Sasha.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Still... I went in for that kiss without thinking.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Maybe I moved too fast...<</them>>
<<messageReply "I didn't turn you down, did I?">>
<<me>>I didn't turn you down, did I?<</me>>
<<them wait>>You did not...<</them>>
<<them wait>>Thank you $name, I had a great time.<</them>>
<<messageReply "I had a great time too!">>
<<me>>I had a great time too princess. ❤️<</me>>
<<them wait>>How cheesy 😆<</them>>
<<them wait>>Anyways, want to go out again?<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Sasha/date_3_message_1.jpg" gallery "Sasha">><</them>>
<<messageReply "Of course!">>
<<me>>Of course! Have anything in mind?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Hmmmm... Maybe the movie theatre?<</them>>
<<them wait>>But now that I think about it, no new movies are out...<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Sasha/date_3_message_2.jpg">><</them>>
<<messageReply "How about you come to my place?">>
<<me>>How about you come to my place?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Don't you live with your parents? I don't want to bother... 😥<</them>>
<<messageReply "They won't care.">>
<<me>>They won't care!<</me>>
<<me>>Or if you just don't want to meet them, you can always sneak in 😉<</me>>
<<them wait>>Hmmmmm... Maybe it could be fun.<</them>>
<<them wait>>You sure they won't mind if I show up in this?<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Sasha/date_3_message_4.jpg" gallery "Sasha">><</them>>
<<them wait>>...?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Shouldn't be a problem.">>
<<me>>Shouldn't be a problem 😍<</me>>
<<me>>My $mom1 and $sisters like to dress up in a similar fashion too.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Hmph... Fine, your place it is then.<</them>>
<<them wait>>I'm free in around 3 days. Does it work for you? 🥰<</them>>
<<messageReply "Sure does!">>
<<me>>Sure does! Here's my address - Visingso, Norrbovagen 90.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Cool! Can't wait to see you!<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Sasha/date_3_message_3.jpg">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Get ready, I think I'm finally ready to do something... In that regard.<</them>>
<<them wait>>If you know what I mean 😉<</them>>
<<messageReply "Can't wait...">>
<<me>>Can't wait beautiful...<</me>>
<<me>>I will be waiting ❤️<</me>>
<<them>>See ya soon $name ❤️<</them>>
<<set $sashaday to $day>>
<<set $sasha to 3>>
<<them>>Hey $name...<</them>>
<<them>>Sorry for last night... I get drunk a little too easy.<</them>>
<<messageReply "No need to apologize.">>
<<me>>No need to apologize Sasha.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Still... I went in for that kiss without thinking.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Maybe I moved too fast...<</them>>
<<messageReply "I liked it...">>
<<me>>I liked it... I didn't push you away...<</me>>
<<them wait>>You did not...<</them>>
<<them wait>>Thank you $name, I had a great time.<</them>>
<<messageReply "I had a great time too!">>
<<me>>I had a great time too. ❤️<</me>>
<<them wait>>❤️<</them>>
<<them wait>>Anyways, maybe we should go out again...? Only if you want to of course!<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Sasha/date_3_message_1.jpg" gallery "Sasha">><</them>>
<<messageReply "I'm down!">>
<<me>>I'm down! Have anything in mind?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Hmmmm... Maybe the movie theatre?<</them>>
<<them wait>>But now that I think about it, no new movies are out...<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Sasha/date_3_message_2.jpg">><</them>>
<<messageReply "How about you come to my place?">>
<<me>>How about you come to my place?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Don't you live with your parents? I don't want to bother... 😥<</them>>
<<messageReply "They won't care.">>
<<me>>They won't care! Probably...<</me>>
<<me>>Or if you just don't want to meet them, you can always sneak in!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Hmmmmm... Maybe it could be fun.<</them>>
<<them wait>>You sure they won't mind if I show up in this?<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Sasha/date_3_message_4.jpg" gallery "Sasha">><</them>>
<<them wait>>...?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Shouldn't be a problem.">>
<<me>>Shouldn't be a problem...<</me>>
<<me>>My $mom1 and $sisters like to dress up in a similar fashion too.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Hmph... Fine, your place it is then.<</them>>
<<them wait>>I'm free in around 3 days. Does it work for you? 🥰<</them>>
<<messageReply "Sure does!">>
<<me>>Sure does! Here's my address - Visingso, Norrbovagen 90.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Cool! Can't wait to see you!<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Sasha/date_3_message_3.jpg">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Get ready, I think I'm finally ready to do something... In that regard.<</them>>
<<them wait>>If you know what I mean 😉<</them>>
<<messageReply "Can't wait...">>
<<me>>Can't wait beautiful...<</me>>
<<me>>I will be waiting ❤️<</me>>
<<them>>See ya soon $name ❤️<</them>>
<<set $sashaday to $day>>
<<set $sasha to 3>>
<</messengerChat>><<set $sasha to 4>>
<<set $sashaday to $day>>
<<if $time !==2>>\
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $domstatus ==true>>\
<b>-"Cool..."</b> You put down your phone and take a deep breath. You just finished texting Sasha - she's coming over in about 20 minutes.
<b>-"Let's get ready!"</b> After taking a quick shower, you put on your best clothes and find your perfume.
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_3_1.jpg">
<grey>-"PShhh! PssHHhh!"</grey> You spray it all over yourself, hoping that the smell will impress your date.
<b>-"She's here!"</b> You say as another text appears on your phone.
<b>-"I better sneak her inside... Wouldn't want Kaley or Ava seeing her."</b>
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_3_2.jpg">
<grey>-"Knock Knock Knock!"</grey> Sasha begins to knock on the door as you get closer it.
<b>-"Shit..."</b> Hopefully your $sisters didn't hear it.
<<pageReplace"Open the door.">>
<b>-"Heyyy Sasha!"</b> You exchange a hug as she steps inside.
<ad>-"Hey handsomeee!"</ad> She's wearing a short, black skirt and a very revealing top...
<b>-"Let's head to my room, shall we!"</b> You urge her.
<ad>-"You in a hurry or something?"</ad>
<b>-"You could say that!"</b> Sasha shrugs, takes off her shoes and follows you to your room.
<grey>-"Smash!"</grey> You close the door shut and face her.
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_3_3.jpg">
<ad>-"What was that all about?"</ad>
<b>-"My $sisters are home... It's better if they don't see you."</b>
<ad>-"Hmph, are you really that shy?"</ad> She begins to giggle.
<b>-"No... I just think it's too early for an introduction."</b>
<ad>-"I guess that's understandable..."</ad>
<ad>-"Anyways, what's on the agenda today pookie?"</ad> Sasha smiles.
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_3_4.jpg">
<b>-"Well, thought that we could enjoy some drinks and delicacies while watching a movie!"</b>
<ad>-"Sounds incredible!"</ad>
<<pageReplace"Show her what you've got prepared.">>
<b>-"Here, I made some lemon drops for us."</b> You point at your table.
<ad>-"Lemon drops?"</ad>
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_3_5.jpg">
<b>-"It's vodka with some syrup and lemon juice. Really fucking good if you ask me!"</b> Sasha walks over and grabs a glass.
<ad>-"Huh... Didn't know you can make cocktails."</ad>
<b>-"There's a lot that you don't know about me."</b> You wink and head towards the doors.
<ad>-"Where are you going?"</ad>
<b>-"I'll make a quick cheese plate to go with the drinks... Didn't have time to do it before you arrived, sorry."</b>
<b>-"Just wait here for a minute or two, I'll be right back."</b>
<ad>-"Sure thing! I'll try out the cocktail while you're out there."</ad> You nod and leave.
<b>-"Let's see..."</b> You quickly run to the kitchen and open the fridge.
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_3_6.jpg">
<b>-"They should be here..."</b> You bought some cheese a couple of days ago in preparation for this day.
<b>-"There they are!"</b> After grabbing the various ingredients you got from the store you begin to chop them up.
<b>-"This looks really good! I'm proud of myself!"</b> You say as you look at the cheese plate you just made.
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_3_7.jpg">
<b>-"Oh shit..."</b> It's been 10 minutes already! Hopefully she hasn't gotten bored yet!
<<pageReplace"Walk back to your room.">>
<b>-"Sasha! Sorry for taking so long!"</b> You say as you enter your room.
<ad>-"Hic... It's okay! Hic..."</ad> Sasha stumbles over her words as you look at her.
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_3_8.webp">
<b>-"S-Sasha! Why are you naked?!"</b>
<ad>-"Well... Hic... I did say we'll do something... Hic... Freaky today... Didn't I?"</ad> You totally forgot how easily she gets drunk...
<b>-"Yeah... But I thought that'll happen after the movie."</b> You chuckle and place the cheese plate on the table.
<ad>-"Hmph..."</ad> Your date stands up, almost falling over in the process.
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_3_9.webp">
<ad>-"I don't think... Hic... Y-your friend is complaining..."</ad>
<b>-"What do you mean?"</b> She looks down at your crotch.
<<pageReplace"Follow her gaze...">>
<ad>-"Hihihi... Hello there... Hic... Friend!"</ad> Sasha says as she stares at your crotch.
<b>-"Oh shit..."</b> You didn't even notice, but you're completely rock hard!
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_3_10.webp">
<b>-"..."</b> It is your first time seeing her naked after all... Can you blame yourself?
<ad>-"S-so... Hic..."</ad> She walks over to you.
<ad>-"How about we... Hic... Have some fun?"</ad>
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_3_11.webp">
<b>-"You don't even have to ask me babe..."</b> You're so down for this!
<ad>-"T-Then get that sucker out... Hic... I-I'll show you some skills I learned on my... Hic... Dildo!"</ad> She licks her lips.
<b>-"NgHhh... Go ahead..."</b> You get naked and sit down on the bed.
<ad>-"Holy... Hic... Shit... It's so big!"</ad> Her eyes grow wide as she gets on her knees.
<ad>-"T-tell me if I do something wrong!"</ad> Sasha grabs your shaft.
<b>-"I will... Just by gentle at first."</b> She nods and begins to slowly lick the tip of your cock.
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_3_12.webp">
<ad>-"Hic... S-swo saltwy..."</ad>
<b>-"GnHhhhh!"</b> You grab the sheets as you moan from pleasure.
<ad>-"Ghehehe... S-so much more fun than... Hic... A dildo though!"</ad>
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_3_13.webp">
<b>-"Enough teasing... NGHhhh..."</b>
<<pageReplace"Grab her head.">>
<ad>-"ArghHHhh!"</ad> Sasha's eyes grow wide as you grab her head and push it down.
<b>-"Gooooodddd!"</b> She gets the idea, quickly grabs your shaft and begins to stroke it.
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_3_15.webp">
<b>-"Awgghhhh fuckkk yeahhhh... Good girlllll..."</b>
<ad>-"Awm I dwoing... NgHhhhh... gwood?"</ad>
<b>-"Yesss! Keep going!"</b> She nods and begins to suck harder.
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_3_16.webp">
<ad>-"Swooo bwiggg... MGHhhhh... Throbbwing... Hic... Swo hward!"</ad>
<b>-"Come here... Let's get on the bed."</b>
<<pageReplace"Get on the bed.">>
<ad>-"Ghehehe... Come here!"</ad> She grins as she lays down on the bed.
<b>-"Arghhhhh!"</b> As soon as you do, she bends over and begins to suck you off again.
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_3_14.webp">
<b>-"S-shitTtt!"</b> She's using a lot more suction this time... It's so hard not to cum!
<ad>-"Ghehehehehe... Hic... Gwimme your cwum!"</ad> As your eyes roll backwards, the sound of your door opening suddenly brings you back.
<sister>-"Ah! Am I interrupting something?"</sister> You quickly turn around.
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_3_17.jpg">
<sister>-"A-ahem... Sorry!"</sister> She silently giggles and leaves the room, closing the door behind her.
<ad>-"Hic... W-who was that?"</ad> Sasha looks at you, confused.
<b>-"G-give me a second babe! I'll be right back!"</b> You get off of the bed, put on some underwear and run after your $sister.
<ad>-"H-hey!"</ad> Sasha mumbles as you leave her on the bed.
<<pageReplace"Confront Kaley.">>
<<if $datingadriana ==true>>\
<b>-"Kaley!"</b> You run out of your room and find her standing nearby.
<sister>-"Jeez! Slow down!"</sister> She laughs as you run up to her.
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_3_18.jpg">
<sister>-"Who was that? I don't remember Adriana having blue hair..."</sister>
<b>-"Y-you... You know I'm dating Adriana? How?"</b>
<sister>-"We have our ways... Now answer the question."</sister>
<b>-"Sigh... Just a girl I'm talking to... It's complicated."</b>
<b>-"Please! You can't tell Adriana! I'll handle everything myself!"</b> Kaley smiles once again.
<sister>-"Hmph, who do you take me for? I'm not a snitch."</sister> She turns around.
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_3_19.jpg">
<sister>-"But Mia definitely won't be happy that you're bringing random girls into her house... That old hag is super jealous about you."</sister>
<b>-"She is...?"</b>
<sister>-"Mhm... And she's coming home in about 10 minutes, so I advise you to pack up."</sister> Your $sister begins to walk towards her room.
<b>-"T-thanks Kaley!"</b>
<sister>-"No problem handsome... Just tell me you're bringing someone over next time."</sister>
<b>-"I will!"</b>
<<elseif $brokeupwithemily !==true>>\
<b>-"Kaley!"</b> You run out of your room and find her standing nearby.
<sister>-"Jeez! Slow down!"</sister> She laughs as you run up to her.
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_3_18.jpg">
<sister>-"Who was that? I don't remember Emily having blue hair..."</sister>
<b>-"Sigh... Just a girl I'm talking to... It's complicated."</b>
<b>-"Please! You can't tell her! I'll handle everything myself!"</b> Kaley smiles once again.
<sister>-"Hmph, who do you take me for? I'm not a snitch."</sister> She turns around.
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_3_19.jpg">
<sister>-"But Mia definitely won't be happy that you're bringing random girls into her house... That old hag is super jealous about you."</sister>
<b>-"She is...?"</b>
<sister>-"Mhm... And she's coming home in about 10 minutes, so I advise you to pack up."</sister> Your $sister begins to walk towards her room.
<b>-"T-thanks Kaley!"</b>
<sister>-"No problem handsome... Just tell me you're bringing someone over next time."</sister>
<b>-"I will!"</b>
<b>-"Kaley!"</b> You run out of your room and find her standing nearby.
<sister>-"Jeez! Slow down!"</sister> She laughs as you run up to her.
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_3_18.jpg">
<sister>-"Who was that? I don't remember Emily having blue hair..."</sister>
<b>-"I've broken up with Emily long ago... You don't remember?"</b>
<sister>-"Oh right... Then why did you chase me?"</sister>
<b>-"I don't know... I just didn't want you to find out this way."</b> She turns around.
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_3_19.jpg">
<sister>-"Hah, I don't care! You can do whatever you want in your free time, as long as you come home and give me some love afterwards."</sister> She licks her lips.
<sister>-"But Mia definitely won't be happy that you're bringing random girls into her house... That old hag is super jealous about you."</sister>
<b>-"She is...?"</b>
<sister>-"Mhm... And she's coming home in about 10 minutes, so I advise you to pack up."</sister> Your $sister begins to walk towards her room.
<b>-"T-thanks Kaley!"</b>
<sister>-"No problem handsome... Just tell me you're bringing someone over next time."</sister>
<b>-"I will!"</b>
<<pageReplace"Walk back to your room.">>
<b>-"Hey Sasha..."</b> You awkwardly say as you walk back to your room.
<ad>-"Hic... Who was that? One of the $sisters... Hic... you talked about?"</ad> She sips on her drink.
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_3_20.webp">
<b>-"Yeah, that was Kaley."</b>
<ad>-"W-why did you run after her?"</ad>
<b>-"It's... It's a long story Sasha... A complicated one too."</b> You sigh and sit down on the bed.
<ad>-"Oh... Well you can tell me... Hic... About it another day then."</ad> She walks closer to you.
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_3_21.webp">
<ad>-"So, what happens now?"</ad>
<b>-"Now you have to get out of here... My mother is coming home soon and she's crazy jealous of me."</b> Apparently...
<ad>-"Hmph... You're full of surprises."</ad> She puts down her drink and begins to dress up - you follow suit.
<b>-"Sorry about this Sasha... This whole date got fucked up."</b>
<ad>-"Hic... D-don't worry about it $name... This is the most fun I've had in a long time!"</ad>
<b>-"Hah, really?"</b> She pulls out her phone, sends someone a quick message and looks back at you.
<ad>-"Yeah! I don't go out much... Hic... Remember? This drama is exhilarating!"</ad>
<b>-"That's true..."</b> After she gets dressed you suddenly remember something.
<b>-"Wait, how are you going to get back? You're drunk!"</b>
<ad>-"I texted my driver... Hic... He should be here already... Hic..."</ad> You look out of the window.
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_3_26.jpg">
<b>-"Huh... Cool."</b> The car is running and you can see someone sitting inside!
<ad>-"Thank you for having me $name..."</ad> Sasha walks over to you and you share a kiss.
<b>-"My pleasure..."</b> Her cheeks are still red from the alcohol... She looks so cute!
<ad>-"S-shame that I couldn't finish you off... Hic... I guess we'll do that the next time we meet up."</ad> She looks at your crotch and bites her bottom lip.
<b>-"Can't wait beautiful..."</b> You lead her out of the house. After saying your goodbyes, she climbs into her car and drives off.
<b>-"Phew, we made it."</b> Not even 2 minutes later, Mia arrives back home.
<b>-"Time to clean my room!"</b> Have to get rid of the evidence...
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
[[Clean up->room]]
<b>-"Cool..."</b> You put down your phone and take a deep breath. You just finished texting Sasha - she's coming over in about 20 minutes.
<b>-"L-let's get ready!"</b> After taking a quick shower, you put on your best clothes and find your perfume.
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_3_1.jpg">
<grey>-"PShhh! PssHHhh!"</grey> You spray it all over yourself, hoping that the smell will impress your date.
<b>-"She's here!"</b> You say as another text appears on your phone.
<b>-"I better sneak her inside... Wouldn't want Kaley or Ava seeing us together..."</b>
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_3_2.jpg">
<grey>-"Knock Knock Knock!"</grey> Sasha begins to knock on the door as you get closer it.
<b>-"S-shit..."</b> Hopefully your $sisters didn't hear it.
<<pageReplace"Open the door.">>
<b>-"H-heyyy Sasha!"</b> You exchange a hug as she steps inside.
<ad>-"H-hiii...!"</ad> She's wearing a short, black skirt and a very revealing top...
<b>-"Let's head to my room, shall we!"</b> You urge her.
<ad>-"You in a hurry or something?"</ad>
<b>-"You could say that!"</b> Sasha shrugs, takes off her shoes and follows you to your room.
<grey>-"Smash!"</grey> You close the door shut and face her.
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_3_3.jpg">
<ad>-"What was that all about?"</ad>
<b>-"My $sisters are home... I-It's better if they don't see you."</b>
<ad>-"Hmph, are you really that shy?"</ad> She begins to giggle.
<b>-"No hahaha... I just think it's too early for an introduction."</b>
<ad>-"I-I guess that's understandable..."</ad> She tucks some of her hair behind her ear.
<ad>-"Anyways, what's on the agenda today?"</ad>
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_3_4.jpg">
<b>-"W-well, thought that we could enjoy some drinks and delicacies while watching a movie!"</b>
<ad>-"Sounds incredible!"</ad>
<<pageReplace"Show her what you've got prepared.">>
<b>-"Here, I made some lemon drops for us."</b> You point at your table.
<ad>-"L-lemon drops?"</ad>
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_3_5.jpg">
<b>-"It's vodka with some syrup and lemon juice. Really good if you ask me!"</b> Sasha walks over and grabs a glass.
<ad>-"Huh... Didn't know you can make cocktails."</ad>
<b>-"Now you do..."</b> You wink and head towards the doors.
<ad>-"Where are you going?"</ad>
<b>-"I'll make a quick cheese plate to go with the drinks... Didn't have time to do it before you arrived, sorry."</b>
<b>-"J-just wait here for a minute or two, I'll be right back."</b>
<ad>-"Sure thing! I-I'll try out the cocktail while you're out there, if I can..."</ad>
<b>-"Of course you can! Go ahead!"</b> She smiles and you leave.
<b>-"Let's see..."</b> You quickly run to the kitchen and open the fridge.
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_3_6.jpg">
<b>-"They should be here..."</b> You bought some cheese a couple of days ago in preparation for this day.
<b>-"T-there they are!"</b> After grabbing the various ingredients you got from the store you begin to chop them up.
<b>-"This looks really good! I'm proud of myself!"</b> You say as you look at the cheese plate you just made.
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_3_7.jpg">
<b>-"Oh shit..."</b> It's been 10 minutes already! Hopefully she hasn't gotten bored yet!
<<pageReplace"Walk back to your room.">>
<b>-"Sasha! Sorry for taking so long!"</b> You say as you enter your room.
<ad>-"Hic... It's okay! Hic..."</ad> Sasha stumbles over her words as you look at her.
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_3_8.webp">
<b>-"S-Sasha! Why are you naked?!"</b>
<ad>-"Well... Hic... I did say we'll do something... Hic... Freaky today... Didn't I?"</ad> You totally forgot how easily she gets drunk...
<b>-"Yeah... B-but I thought that'll happen after the movie haha...."</b> You awkwardly laugh and place the cheese plate on the table.
<ad>-"Hmph..."</ad> Your date stands up, almost falling over in the process.
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_3_9.webp">
<ad>-"Well... Hic... Too bad! Hic... I want it now..."</ad> Sasha gets closer.
<ad>-"Now..."</ad> You can't say no to that!
<<if $hairextensions ==true and $toys ==1>>\
<b>-"Gulp... T-this might surprise you..."</b> You slowly begin to remove your undergarments.
<b>-"B-but I have this little thing down there..."</b> Sasha sees your caged little cock for the first time.
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_3_22.webp">
<ad>-"Oh my! Hic... Y-you have one of those! How cute!"</ad> She smiles.
<b>-"O-one of those?"</b>
<ad>-"Yeah! A chastity cage! Hic... A lot of my viewers... Hic... Have them!"</ad>
<b>-"S-so you're not mad?"</b>
<ad>-"H-hell nah! I like both men and women, so this is a jackpot for me!"</ad> She giggles and lays down on the bed.
<ad>-"But how about you get it unlocked... Hic... So we can have some fun?"</ad>
<b>"R-right away!"</b> You grab the key and quickly unlock your clit.
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_3_23.jpg">
<ad>-"Hiiiii! How cute!"</ad> Sasha smiles as she stares at your rock hard member...
<b>-"S-sorry that it's so small..."</b>
<ad>-"Hic... Why are you apologising?"</ad>
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_3_24.jpg">
<ad>-"I love it! C-come here!"</ad> She taps on the bed.
<ad>-"I'll try my best to suck it... Hic... I have like no experience though..."</ad>
<<elseif $hairextensions ==true>>\
<b>-"Gulp... T-this might surprise you..."</b> You slowly begin to remove your undergarments.
<b>-"B-but I have this little thing down there..."</b> Sasha sees your little cock for the first time.
<ad>-"Hiiiii! How cute!"</ad> She smiles as she stares at your rock hard member...
<b>-"Y-you're not mad?"</b>
<ad>-"H-hell nah! I like both men and women, so this is a jackpot for me!"</ad>
<b>-"S-sorry that it's so small..."</b>
<ad>-"Hic... Why are you apologising?"</ad>
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_3_24.jpg">
<ad>-"I love it! C-come here!"</ad> She taps on the bed.
<ad>-"I'll try my best to suck it... Hic... I have like no experience though..."</ad>
<<elseif $toys==1>>\
<b>-"Gulp... T-this might surprise you..."</b> You slowly begin to remove your undergarments.
<b>-"B-but I have this little thing down there..."</b> Sasha sees your caged little cock for the first time.
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_3_22.webp">
<ad>-"Oh my! Hic... Y-you have one of those! How cute!"</ad> She smiles.
<b>-"O-one of those?"</b>
<ad>-"Yeah! A chastity cage! Hic... A lot of my viewers... Hic... Have them!"</ad>
<b>-"S-so you're not mad?"</b>
<ad>-"H-hell nah! Caged or not caged, I don't care!"</ad> She giggles and lays down on the bed.
<ad>-"But how about you get it unlocked... Hic... So we can have some fun?"</ad>
<b>"R-right away!"</b> You grab the key and quickly unlock your clit.
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_3_23.jpg">
<ad>-"Hiiiii! How cute!"</ad> Sasha smiles as she stares at your rock hard member...
<b>-"S-sorry that it's so small..."</b>
<ad>-"Hic... Why are you apologising?"</ad>
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_3_24.jpg">
<ad>-"I love it! C-come here!"</ad> She taps on the bed.
<ad>-"I'll try my best to suck it... Hic... I have like no experience though..."</ad>
<b>-"Gulp... T-this might surprise you..."</b> You slowly begin to remove your undergarments.
<b>-"B-but I'm not really that well endowed down there..."</b> Sasha sees your little cock for the first time.
<ad>-"Hiiiii! How cute!"</ad> She smiles as she stares at your rock hard member...
<b>-"Y-you're not mad?"</b>
<ad>-"H-hell nah! Small, big, medium, tiny, I don't care! As long as it's yours..."</ad>
<b>-"S-still... Sorry that it's so mediocre..."</b>
<ad>-"Hic... Why are you apologising?"</ad>
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_3_24.jpg">
<ad>-"I love it! C-come here!"</ad> She taps on the bed.
<ad>-"I'll try my best to suck it... Hic... I have like no experience though..."</ad>
<<pageReplace"Get on the bed.">>
<b>-"Y-yes... Go ahead..."</b> You lay down on the bed.
<ad>-"MGhhhh... S-swo salwty!"</ad> Sasha says as she begins to lick the tip of your cock.
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_3_12.webp">
<b>-"Shitttttt... It feels so good!"</b> You don't remember the last time you got your <<if $hairextensions ==true>>clit<<else>>cock<</if>> sucked...
<ad>-"Ghehehe... Hic... G-get on top of me!"</ad> She lays down.
<b>-"Yes..."</b> You nod and do as she says... You're used to taking commands.
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_3_14.webp">
<b>-"ArghHhhh!"</b> You yelp out in pleasure.
<ad>-"Dwoes it feel gwood?"</ad>
<b>-"YessSSSsss!"</b> It feels like you're about to nut...
<b>-"J-just slow down! I want to last longer!"</b>
<ad>-"Ahhhhh... F-fine, lay down... Hic... I'll give you a handjob!"</ad> She says after removing your cock from her mouth.
<<pageReplace"Lay down again.">>
<ad>-"There we go..."</ad> Sasha grabs your little cock and begins to stroke it.
<b>-"UghHhhh!"</b> It's so sensitive from the blowjob... You're still on the edge!
<b>-"NghHhhh! YesssHhhh!"</b> As your eyes roll backwards, the sound of your door opening suddenly brings you back.
<sister>-"Ah! Am I interrupting something?"</sister> You quickly turn around.
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_3_17.jpg">
<sister>-"A-ahem... Sorry!"</sister> She silently giggles and leaves the room, closing the door behind her.
<ad>-"Hic... W-who was that?"</ad> Right as Sasha says that, she squeezes your cock just a little too hard...
<b>-"Wait wait wait! GrrrnHhhhhHH!"</b> You bust a nut...
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_3_25.webp">
<ad>-"Oh... Sorry.. Hic... Hahaha!"</ad> She laughs as you quiver in pleasure.
<b>-"S-shit..."</b> You grab some tissues from your nightstand and quickly clean up.
<b>-"Give me a second Sasha! I'll be right back!"</b> You get off of the bed, put on some underwear and run after your $sister.
<ad>-"H-hey!"</ad> Sasha mumbles as you leave her on the bed.
<<pageReplace"Confront Kaley.">>
<<if $datingadriana ==true>>\
<b>-"Kaley!"</b> You run out of your room and find her standing nearby.
<sister>-"Jeez! Slow down!"</sister> She laughs as you run up to her.
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_3_18.jpg">
<sister>-"Who was that? I don't remember Adriana having blue hair..."</sister>
<b>-"Y-you... You know I'm dating Adriana? How?"</b>
<sister>-"We have our ways... Now answer the question."</sister>
<b>-"Sigh... J-just a girl I'm talking to... It's complicated."</b>
<b>-"Please! You can't tell Adriana! I'll handle everything myself!"</b> Kaley smiles once again.
<sister>-"Hmph, who do you take me for? I'm not a snitch."</sister> She turns around.
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_3_19.jpg">
<sister>-"But Mia definitely won't be happy that you're bringing random girls into her house... That old hag loves your girlfriend..."</sister>
<b>-"She knows I'm dating Adriana too?!"</b>
<sister>-"Mhm... We decided not to tell you, but she adores her!"</sister>
<sister>-"And she's coming home in about 10 minutes, so I advise you to pack up."</sister> Your $sister begins to walk towards her room.
<b>-"T-thanks Kaley!"</b>
<sister>-"No problem loser... Just tell me you're bringing someone over next time."</sister>
<b>-"I will!"</b>
<<elseif $brokeupwithemily !==true>>\
<b>-"Kaley!"</b> You run out of your room and find her standing nearby.
<sister>-"Jeez! Slow down!"</sister> She laughs as you run up to her.
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_3_18.jpg">
<sister>-"Who was that? I don't remember Emily having blue hair..."</sister>
<b>-"Sigh... J-just a girl I'm talking to... It's complicated."</b>
<b>-"Please! You can't tell her! I'll handle everything myself!"</b> Kaley smiles once again.
<sister>-"Hmph, who do you take me for? I'm not a snitch."</sister> She turns around.
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_3_19.jpg">
<sister>-"But Mia definitely won't be happy that you're bringing random girls into her house... That old hag loves Emily..."</sister>
<b>-"Fuck... She does."</b>
<sister>-"And she's coming home in about 10 minutes, so I advise you to pack up."</sister> Your $sister begins to walk towards her room.
<b>-"T-thanks Kaley!"</b>
<sister>-"No problem loser... Just tell me you're bringing someone over next time."</sister>
<b>-"I will!"</b>
<b>-"Kaley!"</b> You run out of your room and find her standing nearby.
<sister>-"Jeez! Slow down!"</sister> She laughs as you run up to her.
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_3_18.jpg">
<sister>-"Who was that? I don't remember Emily having blue hair..."</sister>
<b>-"I've broken up with Emily long ago... Y-you don't remember?"</b>
<sister>-"Oh right... Then why did you chase me?"</sister>
<b>-"I don't know... I just didn't want you to find out this way."</b> She turns around.
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_3_19.jpg">
<sister>-"Hah, I don't care! You can do whatever you want in your free time, just be a little quieter next time."</sister> She licks her lips.
<sister>-"But Mia definitely won't be happy that you're bringing random girls into her house... That old hag is still not over Emily... She loved that girl."</sister>
<b>-"Fuck... She did."</b>
<sister>-"And she's coming home in about 10 minutes, so I advise you to pack up."</sister> Your $sister begins to walk towards her room.
<b>-"T-thanks Kaley!"</b>
<sister>-"No problem loser... Just tell me you're bringing someone over next time."</sister>
<b>-"I will!"</b>
<<pageReplace"Walk back to your room.">>
<b>-"H-hey Sasha..."</b> You awkwardly say as you walk back to your room.
<ad>-"Hic... Who was that? One of the $sisters... Hic... you talked about?"</ad> She sips on her drink.
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_3_20.webp">
<b>-"Yeah, that was Kaley."</b>
<ad>-"W-why did you run after her?"</ad>
<b>-"It's... It's a long story Sasha... A complicated one too."</b> You sigh and sit down on the bed.
<ad>-"Oh... Well you can tell me... Hic... About it another day then."</ad> She walks closer to you.
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_3_21.webp">
<ad>-"S-so, what happens now?"</ad>
<b>-"Now you have to get out of here... M-my mother is coming home soon and she can't see you here."</b>
<ad>-"Hmph... You're full of surprises."</ad> She puts down her drink and begins to dress up - you follow suit.
<b>-"Sorry about this Sasha... This whole date got fucked up."</b>
<ad>-"Hic... D-don't worry about it $name... This is the most fun I've had in a long time!"</ad>
<b>-"Hah, really?"</b> She pulls out her phone, sends someone a quick message and looks back at you.
<ad>-"Yeah! I-I don't go out much... Hic... Remember? This drama is exhilarating!"</ad>
<b>-"T-that's true..."</b> After she gets dressed you suddenly remember something.
<b>-"Wait, how are you going to get back? You're drunk!"</b>
<ad>-"I texted my driver... Hic... He should be here already... Hic..."</ad> You look out of the window.
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_3_26.jpg">
<b>-"Huh... Cool."</b> The car is running and you can see someone sitting inside!
<ad>-"Thank you for having me $name..."</ad> Sasha walks over to you and you share a kiss.
<b>-"M-my pleasure..."</b> Her cheeks are still red from the alcohol... She looks so cute!
<ad>-"S-shame that it has to end this way... Hic... But we can always meet up another time!"</ad>
<b>-"True... I can't wait!"</b> You lead her out of the house. After saying your goodbyes, she climbs into her car and drives off.
<b>-"Phew, we made it."</b> Not even 2 minutes later, Mia arrives back home.
<b>-"Time to clean my room!"</b> Have to get rid of the evidence...
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Clean up->room]]
<<messengerHeader Sasha>>
<<if $domstatus ==true>>
<<if $datingadriana ==true>>
<<them>>Sorry for getting drunk again yesterday...<</them>>
<<them>>But... What was that???<</them>>
<<messageReply "What was what?">>
<<me>>What was what?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Your $sister caught us and you freaked out.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Are you embarrassed that you're seeing me or something?<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Sasha/date_3_2_message_1.jpg" gallery "Sasha">><</them>>
<<messageReply "I'm not...">>
<<me>>I'm not... It's complicated.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Well you better tell me.<</them>>
<<them wait>>For this relationship to move forward I need to know that I can trust you.<</them>>
<div id="choices">
<<messageReplyReplace "Tell her the truth." #choices>>
<<me>>I'm... Actually seeing someone already.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Excuse me?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Sorry...">>
<<me>>Sorry... I told you it's complicated.<</me>>
<<me>>But you seem like such a lovely person, so I'm thinking about breaking up.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Wow, so I'm your second option then...<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Sasha/date_3_2_message_2.jpg" gallery "Sasha">><</them>>
<<messageReply "It's not like that!">>
<<me>>It's not like that! Me and you aren't even dating yet, just going out!<</me>>
<<me>>And if I break up with my girlfriend for you, doesn't that mean you're the superior option?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Don't try to manipulate me... 🙄<</them>>
<<them wait>>...<</them>>
<<them wait>>Ugh, why are you always so full of surprises?<</them>>
<<messageReply "You seemed too incredible to pass up.">>
<<me>>You seemed too incredible to pass up...<</me>>
<<me>>Sorry that I hid this from you, but I promise I'll get everything sorted soon.<</me>>
<<them wait>>...<</them>>
<<them wait>>I would like to have a longer conversation about this, but my stream is scheduled to start in 5 minutes...<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Sasha/date_3_2_message_3.jpg" gallery "Sasha">><</them>>
<<them wait>>That's why I'm dressed a little sexy...<</them>>
<<messageReply "We can talk about it later if you wish.">>
<<me>>We can talk about it later if you wish...<</me>>
<<them wait>>Fine... Just know that if you want to date me, you'll have to break up with her.<</them>>
<<them wait>>I'm not going to take part in your harem.<</them>>
<<messageReply "I understand Sasha...">>
<<me>>I understand Sasha... I'll take care of everything.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Good... Then I'm off.<</them>>
<<them wait>>See ya in a couple days?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Yeah...">>
<<me>>Yeah... I'll plan something and text you the details.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Fine...<</them>>
<<them wait>>See ya soon love ❤️<</them>>
<<messageReply "See you!">>
<<me>>See you! ❤️<</me>>
<<set $sashaday to $day>>
<<set $sasha to 5>>
<<messageReplyReplace "I can't tell you." #choices>>
<<me>>I... I can't tell you.<</me>>
<<them wait>>If you won't tell me, we're over.<</them>>
<<them wait>>I can smell that something fishy is going on.<</them>>
<<them wait>>This relationship can't move forward without mutual trust and honesty.<</them>>
<<messageReply "I'm sorry, but I can't.">>
<<me>>I'm sorry, but I can't...<</me>>
<<them wait>>...<</them>>
<<them wait>>Goodbye $name.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Wait!">>
<<me>>Wait! Come on!<</me>>
<<them>><i>This user has blocked you</i><</them>>
<<set $sasha to 0>>
<<them>>Sorry for getting drunk again yesterday...<</them>>
<<them>>But... What was that???<</them>>
<<messageReply "What was what?">>
<<me>>What was what?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Your $sister caught us and you freaked out.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Are you embarrassed that you're seeing me or something?<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Sasha/date_3_2_message_1.jpg" gallery "Sasha">><</them>>
<<messageReply "I'm not...">>
<<me>>I'm not... It's complicated.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Well you better tell me.<</them>>
<<them wait>>For this relationship to move forward I need to know that I can trust you.<</them>>
<div id="choices">
<<messageReplyReplace "Tell her the truth about your family dynamic." #choices>>
<<me>>I'm... Actually sexually active with... A couple of people from my house.<</me>>
<<them wait>>😳<</them>>
<<them wait>>Is this a joke?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Sorry, but it's not.">>
<<me>>Sorry, but it's not... I told you it's complicated.<</me>>
<<me>>I was scared that someone might get jealous that I brought you home or something.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Wow, so those weird relations of your are more important than me?<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Sasha/date_3_2_message_2.jpg" gallery "Sasha">><</them>>
<<messageReply "It's not like that!">>
<<me>>It's not like that! Me and you aren't even dating yet, just going out!<</me>>
<<me>>I just wanted to make sure they don't do anything drastic... I was trying to protect you!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Don't try to manipulate me... 🙄<</them>>
<<them wait>>...<</them>>
<<them wait>>Ugh, why are you always so full of surprises?<</them>>
<<messageReply "It's not that serious, trust me.">>
<<me>>It's not that serious, trust me.<</me>>
<<me>>We just like to have some fun together, but I'm still open to dating someone!<</me>>
<<them wait>>...<</them>>
<<them wait>>I would like to have a longer conversation about this, but my stream is scheduled to start in 5 minutes...<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Sasha/date_3_2_message_3.jpg" gallery "Sasha">><</them>>
<<them wait>>That's why I'm dressed a little sexy...<</them>>
<<messageReply "We can talk about it later if you wish.">>
<<me>>We can talk about it later if you wish...<</me>>
<<them wait>>Fine... Just know that if you want to date me, I'll have to be your priority.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Me above everyone else...<</them>>
<<them wait>>I'll treat you the same way of course, that's how a relationship should work.<</them>>
<<messageReply "I understand Sasha...">>
<<me>>I understand Sasha... I think the same way.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Good... Then I'm off.<</them>>
<<them wait>>See ya in a couple days?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Yeah...">>
<<me>>Yeah... I'll plan something and text you the details.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Fine...<</them>>
<<them wait>>See ya soon love ❤️<</them>>
<<messageReply "See you!">>
<<me>>See you! ❤️<</me>>
<<set $sashaday to $day>>
<<set $sasha to 5>>
<<messageReplyReplace "I can't tell you." #choices>>
<<me>>I... I can't tell you.<</me>>
<<them wait>>If you won't tell me, we're over.<</them>>
<<them wait>>I can smell that something fishy is going on.<</them>>
<<them wait>>This relationship can't move forward without mutual trust and honesty.<</them>>
<<messageReply "I'm sorry, but I can't.">>
<<me>>I'm sorry, but I can't...<</me>>
<<them wait>>...<</them>>
<<them wait>>Goodbye $name.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Wait!">>
<<me>>Wait! Come on!<</me>>
<<them>><i>This user has blocked you</i><</them>>
<<set $sasha to 0>>
<<if $datingadriana ==true>>
<<them>>Sorry for getting drunk again yesterday...<</them>>
<<them>>But... What was that???<</them>>
<<messageReply "What was what?">>
<<me>>What was what?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Your $sister caught us and you freaked out.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Are you embarrassed that you're seeing me or something?<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Sasha/date_3_2_message_1.jpg" gallery "Sasha">><</them>>
<<messageReply "I'm not...">>
<<me>>I'm not... It's complicated.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Well you better tell me.<</them>>
<<them wait>>For this relationship to move forward I need to know that I can trust you.<</them>>
<div id="choices">
<<messageReplyReplace "Tell her the truth." #choices>>
<<me>>I'm... Actually seeing someone already.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Excuse me?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Sorry...">>
<<me>>Sorry... I told you it's complicated.<</me>>
<<me>>But you seem like such a lovely person, so I'm thinking about breaking up.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Wow, so I'm your second option then...<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Sasha/date_3_2_message_2.jpg" gallery "Sasha">><</them>>
<<messageReply "It's not like that!">>
<<me>>It's not like that! Me and you aren't even dating yet, just going out!<</me>>
<<me>>And if I break up with my girlfriend for you, doesn't that mean you're the superior option?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Don't try to manipulate me... 🙄<</them>>
<<them wait>>...<</them>>
<<them wait>>Ugh, why are you always so full of surprises?<</them>>
<<messageReply "You seemed too incredible to pass up.">>
<<me>>You seemed too incredible to pass up...<</me>>
<<me>>Sorry that I hid this from you, but I promise I'll get everything sorted soon.<</me>>
<<them wait>>...<</them>>
<<them wait>>I would like to have a longer conversation about this, but my stream is scheduled to start in 5 minutes...<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Sasha/date_3_2_message_3.jpg" gallery "Sasha">><</them>>
<<them wait>>That's why I'm dressed a little sexy...<</them>>
<<messageReply "We can talk about it later if you wish.">>
<<me>>We can talk about it later if you wish...<</me>>
<<them wait>>Fine... Just know that if you want to date me, you'll have to break up with her.<</them>>
<<them wait>>I'm not going to take part in your harem.<</them>>
<<messageReply "I understand Sasha...">>
<<me>>I understand Sasha... I'll take care of everything!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Good... Then I'm off.<</them>>
<<them wait>>See ya in a couple days?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Yeah...">>
<<me>>Yeah... I'll plan something and text you the details.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Fine...<</them>>
<<them wait>>See ya soon love ❤️<</them>>
<<messageReply "See you!">>
<<me>>See you! ❤️<</me>>
<<set $sashaday to $day>>
<<set $sasha to 5>>
<<messageReplyReplace "I can't tell you." #choices>>
<<me>>I... I can't tell you.<</me>>
<<them wait>>If you won't tell me, we're over.<</them>>
<<them wait>>I can smell that something fishy is going on.<</them>>
<<them wait>>This relationship can't move forward without mutual trust and honesty.<</them>>
<<messageReply "I'm sorry, but I can't.">>
<<me>>I'm sorry, but I can't...<</me>>
<<them wait>>...<</them>>
<<them wait>>Goodbye $name.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Wait!">>
<<me>>Wait! Come on!<</me>>
<<them>><i>This user has blocked you</i><</them>>
<<set $sasha to 0>>
<<them>>Sorry for getting drunk again yesterday...<</them>>
<<them>>But... What was that???<</them>>
<<messageReply "What was what?">>
<<me>>What was what?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Your $sister caught us and you freaked out.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Are you embarrassed that you're seeing me or something?<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Sasha/date_3_2_message_1.jpg" gallery "Sasha">><</them>>
<<messageReply "I'm not...">>
<<me>>I'm not... It's complicated.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Well you better tell me.<</them>>
<<them wait>>For this relationship to move forward I need to know that I can trust you.<</them>>
<div id="choices">
<<messageReplyReplace "Tell her the truth about your family dynamic." #choices>>
<<me>>I'm... Actually sexually active with... A couple of people from my house.<</me>>
<<them wait>>😳<</them>>
<<them wait>>Is this a joke?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Sorry, but it's not.">>
<<me>>Sorry, but it's not... I told you it's complicated.<</me>>
<<me>>I was scared that someone might get jealous that I brought you home or something.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Wow, so those weird relations of your are more important than me?<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Sasha/date_3_2_message_2.jpg" gallery "Sasha">><</them>>
<<messageReply "It's not like that!">>
<<me>>It's not like that! Me and you aren't even dating yet, just going out!<</me>>
<<me>>I just wanted to make sure they don't do anything drastic... I was trying to protect you!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Don't try to manipulate me... 🙄<</them>>
<<them wait>>...<</them>>
<<them wait>>Ugh, why are you always so full of surprises?<</them>>
<<messageReply "It's not that serious, trust me.">>
<<me>>It's not that serious, trust me.<</me>>
<<me>>We just like to have some fun together, but I'm still open to dating someone!<</me>>
<<them wait>>...<</them>>
<<them wait>>I would like to have a longer conversation about this, but my stream is scheduled to start in 5 minutes...<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Sasha/date_3_2_message_3.jpg" gallery "Sasha">><</them>>
<<them wait>>That's why I'm dressed a little sexy...<</them>>
<<messageReply "We can talk about it later if you wish.">>
<<me>>We can talk about it later if you wish...<</me>>
<<them wait>>Fine... Just know that if you want to date me, I'll have to be your priority.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Me above everyone else...<</them>>
<<them wait>>I'll treat you the same way of course, that's how a relationship should work.<</them>>
<<messageReply "I understand Sasha...">>
<<me>>I understand Sasha... I think the same way.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Good... Then I'm off.<</them>>
<<them wait>>See ya in a couple days?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Yeah...">>
<<me>>Yeah... I'll plan something and text you the details.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Fine...<</them>>
<<them wait>>See ya soon love ❤️<</them>>
<<messageReply "See you!">>
<<me>>See you! ❤️<</me>>
<<set $sashaday to $day>>
<<set $sasha to 5>>
<<messageReplyReplace "I can't tell you." #choices>>
<<me>>I... I can't tell you.<</me>>
<<them wait>>If you won't tell me, we're over.<</them>>
<<them wait>>I can smell that something fishy is going on.<</them>>
<<them wait>>This relationship can't move forward without mutual trust and honesty.<</them>>
<<messageReply "I'm sorry, but I can't.">>
<<me>>I'm sorry, but I can't...<</me>>
<<them wait>>...<</them>>
<<them wait>>Goodbye $name.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Wait!">>
<<me>>Wait! Come on!<</me>>
<<them>><i>This user has blocked you</i><</them>>
<<set $sasha to 0>>
<</messengerChat>><<set $sashacamshow3temp to true>>\
<<if $domstatus ==true>>
<b>-"Maybe Sasha is streaming again?"</b> You wonder as you sit down on your chair.
<grey>-"Beep!"</grey> Your laptop makes a loud, sharp noise as you turn it on.
<img src="Images\Sasha\stream_2_1.png">
<b>-"VixenP was her name I'm pretty sure."</b> After the computer loads up, you google Sasha's stage name and find her links.
<b>-"She's online on chaturbate! Fuck yeah!"</b>
<b>-"Let's see what she's doing..."</b> You click on her profile and begin watching.
<img src="Images\Sasha\stream_2_2.webp">
<ad>-"Hey Anon! Welcome to the stream!"</ad> She smiles at the camera.
<b>-"Gosh those hips are insane...!"</b> Your cock begins to harden.
<<pageReplace"Watch her stream.">>
<ad>-"NgHhhhh... T-thank you for the tip butt-fucker-69..."</ad> Sasha begins to slowly grind her chair.
<b>-"So hot!"</b>
<img src="Images\Sasha\stream_2_3.webp">
<ad>-"300 tokens more and we reach our goal! You guys will get some tit teasing!"</ad>
<b>-"NGHhhh... Sounds sexy."</b> You pull out your cock as you watch her perform.
<ad>-"No butt-fucker-69, I don't do nude streams, sorry."</ad>
<b>-"FucKkkk..."</b> You slowly stroke your shaft.
<img src="Images\Sasha\stream_2_4.webp">
<ad>-"MgHhhh... T-thank you for the tip Milf-Lover-420!"</ad>
<ad>-"A-anyways, where was I?"</ad>
<ad>-"Agh, right! I met a boy a couple of weeks ago!"</ad> Is she talking about you?!
<b>-"A boy...? That has to be me!"</b>
<<pageReplace"Listen in.">>
<ad>-"Ghahaha! Noooo guysss, we haven't done it yet."</ad>
<b>-"MngHHhh... I wish we had."</b> You think as you stroke your cock.
<ad>-"Oh! Goal reached! Gimme a second!"</ad> She beging to lower her top.
<img src="Images\Sasha\stream_2_6.webp">
<ad>-"A-ahem, but he does seem like a genuinely good guy..."</ad> Sasha smiles.
<ad>-"If it works out between me and him, would you like to see him come on stream?"</ad>
<pink>-"Fuck yes!!!"</pink>
<judy>-"Seeing you get fucked would be awesome!!! ❤️"</judy>
<bartender>-"As long as he has a big dick 🤤"</bartender>
<img src="Images\Sasha\stream_2_7.webp">
<ad>-"Hmph... He definitely does have a huge cock... I've seen it."</ad> Sasha begins to tease her chat.
<b>-"ArgHhhh!"</b> Your dick begins to throb as you inch closer and closer to an orgasm.
<<pageReplace"Begin to stroke faster.">>
<ad>-"You would actually like to see that? Me getting fucked on stream?"</ad> She stands up.
<ad>-"This little pussy destroyed by a stud while you all watch?"</ad>
<img src="Images\Sasha\stream_2_9.webp">
<pink>-"YESSSS! 🤤🤤🤤"</pink>
<blue>-"PLEASE DO IT I BEG YOU I TIP BIG!!! ❤️❤️"</blue>
<sister>-"I think I came in my pants..."</sister>
<ad>-"Ghehehe, it is decided then... I'll try to get him to join me one day..."</ad> Sasha sits back down and fixes her top.
<img src="Images\Sasha\stream_2_8.webp">
<b>-"She wants me to fuck her on camera...?"</b> Her words are stuck in your head...
<b>-"ShittTTtt!"</b> As you ponder, a wave of pleasure overtakes you... You're about to cum!
<<pageReplace"Bust a nut.">>
<b>-"ArgHhhhh!"</b> You stroke your cock faster and faster as you begin to climax.
<b>-"YEssssHHhh!</b>" You scream as semen begins to pour out.
<img src="Images\Sasha\stream_2_10.webp">
<ad>-"Thanks for joining my stream today guys, but I'm think it's time for me to go!"</ad> Sasha begins waving at the camera.
<b>-"Fuck..."</b> You don't even pay attention, just sit there and breath.
<ad>-"Byeee! Love ya!"</ad> Her channel goes dark.
<img src="Images\Sasha\stream_2_12.png">
<b>-"NgHHhh... Come on $name."</b> You stand up and begin to clean yourself off with some tissues.
<b>-"I can't believe she wants me to join her on one of her streams..."</b>
<b>-"That would be kind of hot though..."</b>
[[Throw the tissues away->room]]
<b>-"Maybe Sasha is streaming again?"</b> You wonder as you sit down on your chair.
<grey>-"Beep!"</grey> Your laptop makes a loud, sharp noise as you turn it on.
<img src="Images\Sasha\stream_2_1.png">
<b>-"V-vixenP was her name I'm pretty sure!"</b> After the computer loads up, you google Sasha's stage name and find her links.
<b>-"She's online on chaturbate! Heck yeah!"</b>
<b>-"Let's see what she's doing..."</b> You click on her profile and begin watching.
<img src="Images\Sasha\stream_2_2.webp">
<ad>-"Hey Anon! Welcome to the stream!"</ad> She smiles at the camera.
<b>-"Gosh those hips are insane..."</b> Your little cock begins to harden.
<<pageReplace"Watch her stream.">>
<ad>-"NgHhhhh... T-thank you for the tip butt-fucker-69..."</ad> Sasha begins to slowly grind her chair.
<b>-"So hot!"</b>
<img src="Images\Sasha\stream_2_3.webp">
<ad>-"300 tokens more and we reach our goal! You guys will get some tit teasing!"</ad>
<b>-"NGHhhh... Sounds sexy."</b> <<if $toys==1>>You decide to have some fun today, so you take off your cage and begin to stroke your clit.<<else>>You pull out your little member and begin to stroke away.<</if>>
<ad>-"No butt-fucker-69, I don't do nude streams, sorry."</ad>
<b>-"FucKkkk..."</b> You moan as you begin to feel intense pleasure coming from down below.
<img src="Images\Sasha\stream_2_5.webp">
<ad>-"MgHhhh... T-thank you for the tip Milf-Lover-420!"</ad>
<ad>-"A-anyways, where was I?"</ad>
<ad>-"Agh, right! I met a <<if $hairextensions ==true>>girl<<else>>boy<</if>> a couple of weeks ago!"</ad> Is she talking about you?!
<b>-"A <<if $hairextensions ==true>>girl<<else>>boy<</if>>...? That has to be me!"</b>
<<pageReplace"Listen in.">>
<ad>-"Ghahaha! Noooo guysss, we haven't done it yet."</ad>
<b>-"MngHHhh... I-I wish we had."</b> You think as you stroke your cock.
<ad>-"Oh! Goal reached! Gimme a second!"</ad> She beging to lower her top.
<img src="Images\Sasha\stream_2_6.webp">
<ad>"<<if $hairextensions ==true>>A-ahem, but she does seem like a genuinely good woman...<<else>>A-ahem, but he does seem like a genuinely good guy...<</if>>"</ad> Sasha smiles.
<ad>-"If it works out between me and <<if $hairextensions ==true>>her<<else>>him<</if>>, would you like to see <<if $hairextensions ==true>>her<<else>>him<</if>> come on stream?"</ad>
<pink>-"Fuck yes!!!"</pink>
<judy>-"That would be amazing!!! ❤️"</judy>
<bartender>-"Sounds so hot 🤤"</bartender>
<img src="Images\Sasha\stream_2_7.webp">
<ad>-"Hmph... It seems like you're not against the idea.."</ad> Sasha begins to tease her chat.
<b>-"ArgHhhh!"</b> Your dick begins to throb as you inch closer and closer to an orgasm.
<<pageReplace"Begin to stroke faster.">>
<ad>-"You would actually like to see that? Me fucking someone on stream?"</ad> She stands up.
<ad>-"This little pussy destroyed by someone who's not you?"</ad> She looks at the camera.
<img src="Images\Sasha\stream_2_9.webp">
<pink>-"YESSSS! 🤤🤤🤤"</pink>
<blue>-"PLEASE DO IT I BEG YOU I TIP BIG!!! ❤️❤️"</blue>
<sister>-"I think I came in my pants..."</sister>
<ad>-"Ghehehe, it is decided then... I'll try to get <<if $hairextensions ==true>>her<<else>>him<</if>> to join me one day..."</ad> Sasha sits back down and fixes her top.
<img src="Images\Sasha\stream_2_8.webp">
<b>-"S-she wants me to come on camera with her?"</b> Her words are stuck in your head...
<b>-"ShittTTtt!"</b> As you ponder, a wave of pleasure overtakes you... You're about to cum!
<<pageReplace"Bust a nut.">>
<b>-"ArgHhhhh!"</b> You stroke your cock faster and faster as you begin to climax.
<b>-"YEssssHHhh!</b>" You scream as semen begins to pour out.
<img src="Images\Sasha\stream_2_11.gif">
<ad>-"Thanks for joining my stream today guys, but I'm think it's time for me to go!"</ad> Sasha begins waving at the camera.
<b>-"Fuck..."</b> You don't even pay attention, just sit there and breath.
<ad>-"Byeee! Love ya!"</ad> Her channel goes dark.
<img src="Images\Sasha\stream_2_12.png">
<b>-"NgHHhh... Come on $name."</b> You stand up and begin to clean yourself off with some tissues.
<b>-"No clue if that was only teasing or she actually wants me to join..."</b>
<b>-"That would be kind of hot though..."</b>
[[Throw the tissues away->room]]
<</if>><<set $sasha to 6>>\
<<set $sashaday to $day>>\
<<if $time !==2>>\
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $domstatus ==true>>\
<b>-"Agh, finally here."</b> You talked with Sasha a couple of days ago and decided to meet up at her place again.
<b>-"Hopefully she hasn't forgotten."</b> You think as you walk towards her house.
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_4_1.webp">
<b>-"Here goes nothing..."</b>
<grey>-"Knock Knock Knock!"</grey> After knocking on the door, you patiently wait for her to answer.
<ad>-"Shit..."</ad> You hear a muffled voice ring out from inside.
<ad>-"I-in a second $name!"</ad> A good 2 minutes later, she opens the door.
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_4_2.jpg">
<ad>-"Heyyyy handsome! Sorry that I took so long, was in the shower."</ad>
<b>-"Hey beautiful."</b> You step inside and close the door behind you.
<<pageReplace"Kiss her.">>
<b>-"Come here."</b> You lean in close and kiss her.
<ad>-"NgHhh... So sudden."</ad> She smiles as you pull away.
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_4_3.jpg">
<b>-"Want to watch a movie again?"</b> Both of you walk to her bedroom.
<ad>-"I thought we could finish where we left off at your place..."</ad>
<b>-"Oh?"</b> Sasha drops her towel.
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_4_4.jpg">
<ad>-"Would you like that?"</ad> She asks in a confident tone. Seems like she's horny today.
<b>-"Of course I would baby..."</b> You begin to unbuckle your jeans as she gets onto the bed.
<ad>-"Then come here and get that cock out..."</ad>
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_4_5.jpg">
<b>-"Don't have to tell me twice..."</b>
<<pageReplace"Undress and get on the bed.">>
<b>-"NghHh..."</b> You let out a moan as you lay down on the bed, completely naked.
<ad>-"Fuckkkk! Just as big as I remember it."</ad>
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_4_8.jpg">
<b>-"Like what you see?"</b>
<ad>-"Always..."</ad> She lays down and begins to tease your cock with her fingers.
<ad>-"Hehehe... As hard as a rock!"</ad>
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_4_9.webp">
<b>-"MmmMMghhh! Stop teasing and get to work."</b> You blurt out without thinking.
<ad>-"Hah, you're giving me commands now?"</ad> She slaps your balls.
<b>-"H-heyyy! That hurt!"</b>
<ad>-"Don't tell me what to do."</ad> Sasha smirks and grabs your cock with both hands. Her grip is firm...
<<pageReplace"Relax and enjoy the handjob.">>
<b>-"Ohhhhh fuck yeah..."</b>
<ad>-"Enjoying yourself, big boy?"</ad> Sasha smiles and continues to stroke your shaft.
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_4_10.webp">
<b>-"Y-yeah... Your hands are so soft!"</b> You stutter as she squeezes a little harder.
<ad>-"Have your pearls stop aching?"</ad> She giggles and begins to fondle your balls.
<b>-"No. You hit them pretty hard."</b>
<ad>-"Hmph, let's give them some love then."</ad> Sasha begins to suck on your precious cherries.
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_4_11.webp">
<b>-"Ohhhh yeahhhh... That's the spot!"</b> You throw your head backwards from the pleasure.
<ad>-"MgHhhh... I'm glad I could be of service."</ad> Your date lays down on her back and while jacking you off, begins to flick her bean as well.
<<pageReplace"Look down at her.">>
<ad>-"M-mghHhh"</ad> Sasha begins to moan as she rubs her clit faster and faster.
<b>-"ShitTtTttt..."</b> You look down while she strokes you.
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_4_12.jpg">
<b>-"Holy shit that looks good..."</b> You say outloud.
<ad>-"Argghhhh... What does?"</ad>
<b>-"Your pussy."</b> You begin to breath heavily as you sit up and get closer.
<ad>-"$name... I'm not ready yet... I told you."</ad>
<b>-"Fuck... Are you sure? All I want to do is put it in..."</b> You hover over her.
<ad>-"Y-you can grind me, but no sex! At least not now..."</ad>
<<pageReplace "Grind on her pussy.">>
<b>-"Grinding it is..."</b> You lean in closer and begin to move your dick back and forwards across her vagina.
<ad>-"NgHhh... This is a bit awkward, just lay down."</ad> It was tiring to do it this way anyways, so you agree.
<ad>-"Much better..."</ad> Sasha says after climbing on top of you and doing it herself.
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_4_15.webp">
<b>-"FucKkkkk..."</b> Her warm fluids begin to ooze out right onto your shaft as she moves her hips.
<ad>-"ArgHhhh! So bigggg!"</ad> She lowers her left hand and begins to stroke your cock.
<b>-"Grahhhahhh!"</b> This wombo combo is about to make you nut!
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_4_14.webp">
<b>-"ShittTTtttt I'm closeee!"</b> You scream as Sasha begins to grin.
<ad>-"Come on then big boy! Release that load right onto me!"</ad> Pleasure overtakes your senses... All you can think about is releasing this pent up load of yours.
<b>-"W-waggGGgggHHhhhHHH!"</b> You release a massive load right onto her stomach.
<ad>-"NGHhhhh fucKKkkk!"</ad>
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_4_16.webp">
<b>-"Holy shittt... I didn't even know I could cum that much."</b> You chuckle as you struggle to breathe.
<ad>-"Gosh... I'm completely covered hahaha!"</ad> Sasha smiles and rolls onto her back.
<ad>-"But we're not done... It's your turn to get me off."</ad> She raises her legs to give you a good look.
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_4_17.jpg">
<b>-"NgHhhh... It's so beautiful..."</b>
<ad>-"Come here and touch it then babe..."</ad> You nod and begin to sit up.
<<pageReplace"Get her off.">>
<b>-"Oh fuck yeah..."</b> Your cock goes flaccid as you get closer.
<ad>-"NgHhhh..."</ad> She maons as you slowly insert your fingers inside.
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_4_18.webp">
<ad>-"OhHHhhh fucKKkk!"</ad> It's your first time touching her down there...
<b>-"Holy shit!"</b> Maybe it's because she's a virgin, but Sasha is insanely tight!
<b>-"It's squeezing my fingers so hard..."</b> You whisper as she throws her head backwards.
<ad>-"MgHhhhh! I-is that a good thing?"</ad> You take them out and begin to rub her clit.
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_4_19.webp">
<b>-"Yes... It's very good!"</b>
<ad>-"NgHhhh... I'm glad... T-then keep going! MgHhhh!"</ad> You can tell that she's enjoying your touch.
<<pageReplace "Continue.">>
<b>-"If her vagina is so tight, I wonder how much tighter her ass is..."</b> Your curiousity overtakes you and you slowly insert one finger into her ass.
<ad>-"H-heyYyyy! I'm not clean there!"</ad> She shouts.
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_4_20.webp">
<b>-"Hehehehe, just checking."</b> Sasha smacks your hand away.
<ad>-"T-that's enough! I'm so close... Don't ruin it!"</ad> You roll your eyes and nod.
<b>-"Fine..."</b> You begin to rub her clit again.
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_4_21.webp">
<ad>-"S-shitTttt! I'm right there!"</ad> She screams as her legs begin to quiver...
<b>-"It's my time to shine..."</b> You think as you pin down her legs above her head and get ready.
<<pageReplace"Go ham!">>
<b>-"Raghhhh!"</b> You begin to jackhammer her vagina with all of your might.
<ad>-"AgghHhhhh yesssSsSSS!"</ad> Her screams fill the house as she begins to squirt all over the bedroom.
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_4_22.webp">
<ad>-"FucKkkk..."</ad> Her legs go limp as her climax ends.
<b>-"Holy shit... You can squirt?"</b>
<ad>-"NgHhhhh... I didn't even know I could do that either."</ad> Sasha laughs and musters enough energy to sit up.
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_4_24.jpg">
<ad>-"That was great $name..."</ad> You share a kiss.
<b>-"You were great too..."</b> You stand up and begin to put on your pants.
<ad>-"Going already?"</ad> Sasha rests on one of the beds legs.
<ad>-"Don't want to stay for a movie or two?"</ad>
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_4_23.jpg">
<b>-"Look at the time... We've been at it for a good two hours."</b> You have other business to attend to.
<ad>-"Ugh... Bummer."</ad> She sighs and gets off of the bed.
<ad>-"Well it was nice seeing you nonetheless... I'll go clean up then."</ad> You look at her stomach - it's still completely covered with your jizz.
<ad>-"You'll text me?"</ad>
<b>-"Of course! First thing tomorrow!"</b>
<ad>-"Good... See ya then."</ad> Sasha begins to walk towards the restroom.
<b>-"See ya soon Sasha!"</b> You shout as you head towards the exit.
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
[[Drive home->room]]
<<pageReplace "Try to secretely put it in.">>
<<set $triedtoputitinsasha to true>>\
<b>-"Fuck it... I just want to see how it feels like..."</b> You whisper as you slowly point your cock towards her vagina.
<ad>-"NgHhhh... Come on, what are you waiting for? Grind on me..."</ad> You ignore her words and get ready to shove it in.
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_4_13.webp">
<b>-"NghHhhh!"</b> Right as your tip goes inside, Sasha suddenly pushes you off.
<ad>-"HEY! YOU BASTARD!"</ad>
<b>-"S-shit... Sorry Sasha! I couldn't help myself!"</b> She frows and gets off of the bed.
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_4_25.jpg">
<ad>-"G-get out!"</ad>
<ad>-"You heard me! I said get out! I don't trust you!"</ad> She throws your pants to you.
<b>-"Come on Sasha."</b>
<ad>-"I SAID GET OUT!"</ad>
<b>-"Fuck..."</b> You quickly get dressed and get off of the bed.
<b>-"I'm sorry."</b>
<b>-"Are we over?"</b>
<ad>-"I'll text you."</ad> It seems like you really fucked up this time.
<b>-"Hm... Understood."</b> You grab your things and without another word, leave her house.
<b>-"Fuck fuck FUCK! How could I be so stupid..."</b>
[[Drive home in shame->room]]
<b>-"Agh, finally here."</b> You talked with Sasha a couple of days ago and decided to meet up at her place again.
<b>-"H-hopefully she hasn't forgotten."</b> You think as you walk towards her house.
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_4_1.webp">
<b>-"Here goes nothing..."</b>
<grey>-"Knock Knock Knock!"</grey> After knocking on the door, you patiently wait for her to answer.
<ad>-"Shit..."</ad> You hear a muffled voice ring out from inside.
<ad>-"I-in a second $name!"</ad> A good 2 minutes later, she opens the door.
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_4_2.jpg">
<ad>-"H-heyyyy beautiful...! Sorry that I took so long, was in the shower!"</ad>
<b>-"Heyyy Sasha."</b> You step inside and close the door behind you.
<<pageReplace"Kiss her.">>
<b>-"C-can I give you a kiss?."</b>
<ad>-"Of course..."</ad> You lean in close and kiss her.
<ad>-"NgHhh..."</ad> She smiles as you pull away.
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_4_3.jpg">
<b>-"Want to watch a movie again?"</b> Both of you walk to her bedroom.
<ad>-"I-I thought we could finish where we left off at your place..."</ad>
<b>-"Oh?"</b> Sasha drops her towel.
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_4_4.jpg">
<ad>-"W-would you like that?"</ad> She asks in a shy tone. Seems like she's horny today.
<b>-"O-of course I would..."</b> You begin to undress as she gets onto the bed.
<ad>-"Then come here and get that cute little cock out..."</ad>
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_4_5.jpg">
<b>-"Don't have to tell me twice..."</b>
<<pageReplace"Undress and get on the bed.">>
<<if $toys==1>>\
<b>-"Agh fuck... I'm wearing this."</b> You pull down your panties to reveal your caged cock.
<ad>-"Well get it off silly... How are we going to have fun with it on?"</ad> There are ways, but you rather not get into them right now...
<b>-"F-fine..."</b> With a turn of the key, you unlock yourself and put the cage on the bed.
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_4_6.jpg">
<ad>-"Hehehe... Good! Now lay down!"</ad>
<b>-"Yes..."</b> You blush and slowly lay down on the bed.
<ad>-"So cute!"</ad> Sasha smiles as she looks at your little cock.
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_4_7.jpeg">
<b>-"There..."</b> You pull down your undergarments to reveal your rock hard cock.
<ad>-"Hehehe... Good! Now lay down!"</ad>
<b>-"Yes..."</b> You blush and slowly lay down on the bed.
<ad>-"So cute!"</ad> Sasha smiles as she looks at your little cock.
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_4_7.jpeg">
<b>-"Y-you like it?"</b>
<ad>-"I-I love it babe!"</ad> She lays down and begins to tease your cock with her fingers.
<ad>-"So hard..."</ad>
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_4_9.webp">
<b>-"MmmMMghhh! I-it's sensitive!"</b>
<ad>-"I can see..."</ad>
<ad>-"T-try to relax and enjoy while I do the work."</ad> Sasha smiles and grabs your little cock with both hands. Her grip is firm...
<<pageReplace"Enjoy the handjob.">>
<b>-"Ohhhhh f-fuck yeah..."</b>
<ad>-"E-enjoying yourself?"</ad> Sasha smiles and continues to stroke your penis.
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_4_10.webp">
<b>-"Y-yeah... Your hands are so soft!"</b> You stutter as she squeezes a little harder.
<ad>-"These need some love too..."</ad> She begins to fondle your balls.
<b>-"ArghHhhh... Yes they do!"</b>
<ad>-"H-hmph, let's give them a kiss then..."</ad> Sasha begins to suck on your precious cherries.
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_4_11.webp">
<b>-"A-argHHhh!"</b> You yelp in pleasure.
<ad>-"MgHhhh..."</ad> Your date lays down on her back and while jacking you off, begins to flick her bean as well.
<<pageReplace"Look down at her.">>
<ad>-"M-mghHhh"</ad> Sasha begins to moan as she rubs her clit faster and faster.
<b>-"ShitTtTttt..."</b> You look down while she strokes you.
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_4_12.jpg">
<b>-"Holy shit that looks good..."</b> You say outloud.
<ad>-"Argghhhh... What does?"</ad>
<b>-"Y-your pussy..."</b> You sheepishly whisper.
<ad>-"$name... I'm not ready yet... I told you."</ad>
<<if $hairextensions ==true>>\
<ad>-"And besides, if you're a girl too, which one of us is supposed to do the fucking?"</ad> She giggles.
<b>-"Well I still have a dick..."</b>
<ad>-"I have toys as well..."</ad> You roll your eyes and face her.
<b>-"W-we're getting off topic..."</b>
<b>-"I really want to put it in though..."</b> You hover over her.
<ad>-"Y-you can grind me, but no sex! At least not now..."</ad>
<<pageReplace "Grind on her pussy.">>
<b>-"G-grinding it is..."</b> You lean in closer and begin to move your little dick back and forwards across her vagina.
<ad>-"NgHhh... This is a bit awkward, just lay down."</ad> It was tiring to do it this way anyways, so you agree.
<ad>-"M-much better...!"</ad> Sasha says after climbing on top of you and doing it herself.
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_4_15.webp">
<b>-"FucKkkkk..."</b> Her warm fluids begin to ooze out right onto your clitty as she moves her hips.
<ad>-"ArgHhhh! Feels so good!"</ad> She lowers her left hand and begins to stroke your cock.
<b>-"Grahhhahhh!"</b> This wombo combo is about to make you cum!
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_4_14.webp">
<b>-"ShittTTtttt I'm closeee!"</b> You scream as Sasha begins to smile.
<ad>-"C-come on then baby! Release that load right onto me!"</ad> Pleasure overtakes your senses... All you can think about is releasing this pent up load of yours.
<b>-"W-waggGGgggHHhhhHHH!"</b> You release a massive load right onto her stomach.
<ad>-"NGHhhhh fucKKkkk!"</ad>
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_4_16.webp">
<b>-"Holy shittt... I didn't even know I could cum that much."</b> You giggle as you struggle to breathe.
<ad>-"Gosh... I'm completely covered hahaha!"</ad> Sasha smiles and rolls onto her back.
<ad>-"But we're not done... I-it's your turn to get me off."</ad> She raises her legs to give you a good look.
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_4_17.jpg">
<b>-"NgHhhh... It's so beautiful..."</b>
<ad>-"Come here and touch it then babe..."</ad> You nod and begin to sit up.
<<pageReplace"Get her off.">>
<b>-"W-wow..."</b> Your little dick goes flaccid as you get closer.
<ad>-"NgHhhh..."</ad> She maons as you slowly insert your fingers inside.
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_4_18.webp">
<ad>-"OhHHhhh fucKKkk!"</ad> It's your first time touching her down there...
<b>-"Holy shit!"</b> Maybe it's because she's a virgin, but Sasha is insanely tight!
<b>-"It's squeezing my fingers so hard..."</b> You whisper as she throws her head backwards.
<ad>-"MgHhhhh! I-is that a good thing?"</ad> You take them out and begin to rub her clit.
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_4_19.webp">
<b>-"Yes... It's very good!"</b>
<ad>-"NgHhhh... I'm glad... T-then keep going! MgHhhh!"</ad> You can tell that she's enjoying your touch.
<<pageReplace "Continue.">>
<b>-"I-If her vagina is so tight, I wonder how much tighter her ass is..."</b> Your curiousity overtakes you and you slowly insert one finger into her ass.
<ad>-"H-heyYyyy! I'm not clean there!"</ad> She shouts.
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_4_20.webp">
<b>-"S-sorry!"</b> Sasha smacks your hand away.
<ad>-"T-that's enough! I'm so close... Don't ruin it!"</ad> You nod.
<b>-"Y-yes Sasha!"</b> You begin to rub her clit again.
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_4_21.webp">
<ad>-"S-shitTttt! I'm right there!"</ad> She screams as her legs begin to quiver...
<b>-"It's my time to shine..."</b> You think as you pin down her legs above her head and get ready.
<<pageReplace"Go ham!">>
<b>-"Raghhhh!"</b> You begin to jackhammer her vagina with all of your might. You learnt this from Kei's lessons!
<ad>-"AgghHhhhh yesssSsSSS!"</ad> Her screams fill the house as she begins to squirt all over the bedroom.
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_4_22.webp">
<ad>-"F-fucKkkk..."</ad> Her legs go limp as her climax ends.
<b>-"W-woah! You can squirt?"</b>
<ad>-"NgHhhhh... I-I didn't even know I could do that either."</ad> Sasha laughs and musters enough energy to sit up.
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_4_24.jpg">
<ad>-"That was great $name..."</ad> You share a kiss.
<b>-"You were great too..."</b> You stand up and begin to put on your pants.
<ad>-"G-going already?"</ad> Sasha rests on one of the beds legs.
<ad>-"Don't want to stay for a movie or two?"</ad>
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_4_23.jpg">
<b>-"L-look at the time... We've been at it for a good two hours."</b> You have other business to attend to.
<ad>-"Ugh... Bummer."</ad> She sighs and gets off of the bed.
<ad>-"Well it was nice seeing you nonetheless... I'll go clean up then."</ad> You look at her stomach - it's still completely covered with your jizz.
<ad>-"You'll text me?"</ad>
<b>-"Of course! First thing tomorrow!"</b>
<ad>-"Good... See ya then."</ad> Sasha begins to walk towards the restroom.
<b>-"See ya soon Sasha!"</b> You shout as you head towards the exit.
<<if $hairextensions ==true>>\
<ad>-"Oh and before you go - I was serious $name... If you ever want me to fuck you with one of my dildos, just let me know."</ad> She turns to you.
<ad>-"I don't judge., we're both girls with needs here."</ad>
<b>-"T-thanks Sasha..."</b>
<ad>-"No problem... Have a safe trip!"</ad>
<b>-"Thanks again, see ya!"</b>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Drive home->room]]
<<pageReplace "Try to secretely put it in.">>
<<set $triedtoputitinsasha to true>>\
<b>-"F-fuck it... I just want to see how it feels like..."</b> You whisper as you slowly point your little cock towards her vagina.
<ad>-"NgHhhh... Come on, what are you waiting for? Grind on me..."</ad> You ignore her words and get ready to shove it in.
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_4_13.webp">
<b>-"NghHhhh!"</b> Right as your tip goes inside, Sasha suddenly pushes you off.
<ad>-"HEY! YOU BASTARD!"</ad>
<b>-"S-shit... Sorry Sasha! I couldn't help myself!"</b> She frows and gets off of the bed.
<img src="Images\Sasha\date_4_25.jpg">
<ad>-"G-get out!"</ad>
<ad>-"You heard me! I said get out! I don't trust you!"</ad> She throws your pants to you.
<b>-"Come on Sasha."</b>
<ad>-"I SAID GET OUT!"</ad>
<b>-"Fuck..."</b> You quickly get dressed and get off of the bed.
<b>-"I'm sorry."</b>
<b>-"Are we over?"</b>
<ad>-"I'll text you."</ad> It seems like you really fucked up this time.
<b>-"Hm... Understood."</b> You grab your things and without another word, leave her house.
<b>-"Fuck fuck FUCK! How could I be so stupid..."</b>
[[Drive home in shame->room]]
<<messengerHeader Sasha>>
<<if $domstatus ==true>>
<<messageReply "Hey Sasha!">>
<<me>>Hey Sasha!<</me>>
<<messageReply "I've planned something for our next outing!">>
<<me>>I've planned something for our next outing!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Heyyyy!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Sorry if I reply slowly, I'm in a bath...<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Sasha/date_4_message_1.jpg" gallery "Sasha">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Putting that aside, what do you have in mind? 🤗<</them>>
<<messageReply "Let's go to the movies!">>
<<me>>Let's go to the movies!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Didn't we cancel our movie plans last time because there were no new movies?<</them>>
<<messageReply "A new one just came out.">>
<<me>>A new one just came out! Gladiator 2!<</me>>
<<me>><<image "Sasha/date_4_message_4.jpg">><</me>>
<<them wait>>Hmmmm... Maybe...<</them>>
<<them wait>>Gimme a second I'm getting out of the bath.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Take your time.">>
<<me>>Take your time.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Here, a pic for your patience 😉<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Sasha/date_4_message_2.jpg" gallery "Sasha">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Anyways, do we really have to go...? I don't really like public places if I'm being honest...<</them>>
<<messageReply "Beautiful 😍">>
<<me>>Beautiful 😍<</me>>
<<me>>Oh? You have social anxiety?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Something like that... I'm just constantly terrified that someone is going to recognise me from my streams.<</them>>
<<them wait>>But we can still go, just under one condition.<</them>>
<<messageReply "What is it?">>
<<me>>What is it?<</me>>
<<them wait>>If I go to the movies with you, you have to join my next stream.<</them>>
<<messageReply "A chaturbate stream?!">>
<<me>>A chaturbate stream?!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Mhm... I told my viewers I met someone I liked and they all went crazy.<</them>>
<<them wait>>They all want to see the person who managed to seduce me...<</them>>
<<messageReply "Fine...">>
<<me>>Fine... I guess we're both getting out of our comfort zones.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Yayyyyy! It's decided then!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Talking about the movie, I'll buy the tickets, we can go in a couple of days.<</them>>
<div id="choices">
<<messageReplyReplace "Cool!" #choices>>
<<me>>Cool! Just let me know a day before or something.<</me>>
<<them wait>>You're not gonna offer to pay? 🙄<</them>>
<<messageReply "Aren't you like a millionaire?">>
<<me>>Aren't you like a millionaire? 😆<</me>>
<<them wait>>Hahahaha just teasing you.<</them>>
<<them wait>>And no! At least not yet 😉<</them>>
<<messageReply "See ya in a couple then?">>
<<me>>See ya in a couple then?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Mhm! I'll let you know the date beforehand!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Awesome! Until then!">>
<<me>>Awesome! Until then! ❤️<</me>>
<<them>>Byeeee! ❤️<</them>>
<<set $sashaday to $day>>
<<set $sasha to 7>>
<<if $money>=20>>
<<messageReplyReplace "Let me buy them." #choices>>
<<me>>Let me buy the tickets.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Huh? Why? I'm pretty rich $name...<</them>>
<<messageReply "It's not about the money.">>
<<me>>It's not about the money, I just like paying for my dates.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Hmph... Well I have to give you something in return then...<</them>>
<<them wait>>Thank you 😘<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Sasha/date_4_message_3.jpg" gallery "Sasha">><</them>>
<<messageReply "Wow!">>
<<me>>Wow! So juicy... Can't wait to touch them again... 😍<</me>>
<<them wait>>Same here... 🥵<</them>>
<<messageReply "Anyways, see ya in a couple then?">>
<<me>>Anyways, see ya in a couple then?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Mhm! I'll let you know the date beforehand!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Awesome! Until then!">>
<<me>>Awesome! Until then! ❤️<</me>>
<<them>>Byeeee! ❤️<</them>>
<<set $sashadate4boughttickets to true>>
<<set $sashaday to $day>>
<<set $sasha to 7>>
<<messageReply "Hey Sasha!">>
<<me>>Hey Sasha!<</me>>
<<messageReply "I've planned something for our next outing!">>
<<me>>I've planned something for our next outing!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Heyyyy!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Sorry if I reply slowly, I'm in a bath...<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Sasha/date_4_message_1.jpg" gallery "Sasha">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Putting that aside, what do you have in mind? 🤗<</them>>
<<messageReply "Let's go to the movies!">>
<<me>>Let's go to the movies!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Didn't we cancel our movie plans last time because there were no new movies? 😪<</them>>
<<messageReply "A new one just came out.">>
<<me>>A new one just came out! Gladiator 2!<</me>>
<<me>><<image "Sasha/date_4_message_4.jpg">><</me>>
<<them wait>>Hmmmm... Maybe...<</them>>
<<them wait>>Gimme a second I'm getting out of the bath.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Take your time.">>
<<me>>Take your time.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Here, a pic for your patience 🥰<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Sasha/date_4_message_2.jpg" gallery "Sasha">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Anyways, do we really have to go...? I don't really like public places if I'm being honest...<</them>>
<<messageReply "Beautiful 😍">>
<<me>>Beautiful 😍<</me>>
<<me>>Oh? You have social anxiety?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Something like that... I'm just constantly terrified that someone is going to recognise me from my streams.<</them>>
<<them wait>>But we can still go, just under one condition.<</them>>
<<messageReply "What is it?">>
<<me>>What is it?<</me>>
<<them wait>>If I go to the movies with you, you have to join my next stream!<</them>>
<<messageReply "A chaturbate stream?!">>
<<me>>A chaturbate stream?!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Mhm... I told my viewers I met someone I liked and they all went crazy.<</them>>
<<them wait>>They all want to see the person who managed to seduce me...<</them>>
<<messageReply "Fine...">>
<<me>>Fine... I guess we're both getting out of our comfort zones haha...<</me>>
<<them wait>>Yayyyyy! It's decided then!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Talking about the movie, I'll buy the tickets, we can go in a couple of days.<</them>>
<div id="choices">
<<messageReplyReplace "Cool!" #choices>>
<<me>>Cool! Just let me know a day before or something.<</me>>
<<them wait>>You're not gonna offer to pay? 🙄<</them>>
<<messageReply "Aren't you like a millionaire?">>
<<me>>Aren't you like a millionaire? 😆<</me>>
<<them wait>>Hahahaha just teasing you.<</them>>
<<them wait>>And no! At least not yet 😉<</them>>
<<messageReply "See ya in a couple then?">>
<<me>>See ya in a couple then?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Mhm! I'll let you know the date beforehand!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Awesome! Until then!">>
<<me>>Awesome! Until then! ❤️<</me>>
<<them>>Byeeee! ❤️<</them>>
<<set $sashaday to $day>>
<<set $sasha to 7>>
<<if $money>=20>>
<<messageReplyReplace "Let me buy them." #choices>>
<<me>>Let me buy the tickets.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Huh? Why? I'm pretty rich $name...<</them>>
<<messageReply "It's not about the money.">>
<<me>>It's not about the money, I just like paying for my dates...<</me>>
<<them wait>>Hmph... Well I have to give you something in return then...<</them>>
<<them wait>>Thank you 😘<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Sasha/date_4_message_3.jpg" gallery "Sasha">><</them>>
<<messageReply "Wow!">>
<<me>>Wow! You look incredible Sasha!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Thank you baby 🥺<</them>>
<<messageReply "Anyways, see ya in a couple then?">>
<<me>>Anyways, see ya in a couple then?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Mhm! I'll let you know the date beforehand!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Awesome! Until then!">>
<<me>>Awesome! Until then! ❤️<</me>>
<<them>>Byeeee! ❤️<</them>>
<<set $sashadate4boughttickets to true>>
<<set $sashaday to $day>>
<<set $sasha to 7>>
<</messengerChat>><<set $beenthroughintro to true>>\
<span class='fadeIn3'>\
You slowly open your eyes and awaken from your nimble slumber.
<<location "Images/Other/photo-1506105692898-855e1a9dae33.webp" "On the way to Sweden">>
You're on a bus, obviously, going back home to Sweden, after 3 years of studying abroad.
Your name is <<textbox "$name" "Noah" autofocus>>, you have a lovely girlfriend back home, named <emily>Emily</emily>.
Studying mechanical engineering in Norway was fun, but during your third semester, you had a brilliant idea to cheat during one of the exams... Unfortunately, you got caught and expelled.
<b>-"Fuck.. I can't believe they caught me.."</b> You whisper to yourself... The emotional wound is still pretty fresh..
After a lot of thinking, you decided to head back home and pursue business, studying at <pink>The SUP</pink>, or <pink>The Swedish University Of Progressive Learning. </pink>
You were on the fence about your sexuality and desires for a long time and this prestigious university is offering to fix these problems while teaching you business!
Being a private and a freshly built institution, <pink> The SUPs </pink> tuition fee is <b> A LOT </b> of money.
Fortunately, your parents are paying for you.
Because you were a third year student, <pink>The SUPs </pink> representatives thought that you were ready to start learning business as a fourth year. You found that incredibly weird, because engineering and business have nothing in common and you got expelled... But you didn't complain.
<b>-"Ugh..."</b> You make sure to delete all the pictures you took in Norway, you don't want to be reminded of what happened!
<b>-"I'll keep the ones with Emily in them, though.."</b>
As you're thinking about her, you suddenly get the urge to <<linkreplace"text her.">>text her. <<message "Emily" "Emilyphoneintro" "..." open>><</linkreplace>>
<<messengerHeader Emily>>
<<messageReply "Hey!">>
<<me>>Hey baby! 🥰<</me>>
<<them wait>>$name! Heyy!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Have you arrived yet??<</them>>
<<messageReply "Not yet.">>
<<me>>Not yet, no.<</me>>
<<me>>But we're pretty close, going to be at the bus station in like 30 minutes tops!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Good.. I miss you so much..<</them>>
<div id="choices">
<<messageReplyReplace "I miss you too!" #choices>>
<<me>>I miss you too!!<</me>>
<<me>>I'll come to visit today.<</me>>
<<them wait>>You will???<</them>>
<<messageReply "Of course!">>
<<me>>Of course! To be honest, I forgot how you look like LOL!<</me>>
<<them wait>><<image "Emily/events/phone events/both/emilyintro1.jpg" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<them>>Maybe this will jog your memory 😉<</them>>
<<messageReply "Wow..">>
<<me>>Can't wait to see you 😍<</me>>
<<them>>Same here, love!<</them>>
<<goto "MiaIntro">>
<<messageReplyReplace "Show me how much you miss me." #choices>>
<<me>>Show me how much you miss me then 😉<</me>>
<<them wait>>Fineeeeee 🙄<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Emily/events/phone events/both/emilyphone2.webp" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<them>>Good enough? 😛<</them>>
<<messageReply "Wow..">>
<<me>>Are you in the shower? 😂<</me>>
<<them wait>>I am lmaooooo<</them>>
<<them wait>>I was trying something new, was it hot? 😋<</them>>
<<messageReply "Very..">>
<<me>>Very.. I'm hard already..<</me>>
<<me>>Can't wait to see you 😍<</me>>
<<them>>Same here, love! ❤️<</them>>
<<goto "MiaIntro">>
<</messengerChat>><<if $name =="">>\
<<set $name to "Nameless">>\
You put down your phone and look out of the window.
<b>-"Oh shit, we're here already!"</b> You quickly grab your stuff and exit the bus with the others. Right as you do, you hear a loud voice, calling out to you in the distance.
<<location "Images/Locations/intro.bus-terminal.webp" "Bus Terminal">>
<<todo "Register at the SUP">>\
<mia>-"$name!!! I'm right here!" </mia> You quickly turn and see none other, than your $mom1 - <<pageReplace Mia>>
<img src="Images\Other\Screenshot_2.webp" width="550px" height="550px">
<mia>-"How was your trip? I've missed you SO much!!"</mia> She screams as she's running up to you.
You haven't seen each other in a while, you used to fly to Sweden for family visits, but you had stopped doing that for the better part of last year.
<mia>-"Come, come, get inside the car, let's head back to the house, everyone is waiting for you!".</mia>
You both exchange a hug and you [[enter the car->CarIntro]]
<</pageReplace>>As you get into the car, Mia showers you with kisses and you take off. While pulling out of the bus station, she starts a conversation.
<<location "Images/Locations/intro.car-ride.webp" "On the way home">>
<mia>-"Well? Aren't you excited? I've heard nothing but great things about</mia> <pink>The SUP</pink>!
<b>-"I'm not excited, no... I'm still bummed because of what happened.."</b>
<mia>-"Comeeee onnnnnn don't be like that!"</mia> Mia pants you on the back.
<mia>-"Shit happens, the world keeps spinning."</mia>
<b>-"I guess.."</b>
<mia>-"Also, you won't have to attend the first three years! How cool is that!"</mia>
<b>-"Yeah that's true... Still, I'm feeling bit anxious.."</b> You say silently..
<mia> -"Oh don't be! I bet you'll do great, also, you haven't seen <pink>Emily</pink> in almost a year, I'm so glad you guys are going to be living next to each other again!</mia>
It was true, after all this time you'll finally meet her in person again.. Maybe this isn't that bad..
<img src="Images\Other\Screenshot_3.webp" height="475px" width="1200px">
After a lot of talking and catching up, you finally arrive at your destination - [[your childhood home->homeIntro]]As you pull into the driveway all of your childhood memories come flooding back in.
<<location "Images/Locations/house.webp" "My home">>
You remember playing in the yard with your $sisters, you remember going to school on your first day while holding your parents hands, you remember playing ball with your $dad1 in the backya...
<mia>-"Hello? HeeeEEllLLLooo??? Is $name there?</mia> Mia laughs.
<mia>-"Let's get inside, we still need to visit your girlfriend and register you for the new lectures, we're a bit on a time crunch sweetie"</mia> Mia says while getting out of the car.
You both walk up to the front doors and [[step inside->homeIntro2]]As you walk in, you immediately hear a familiar voice.
<<location "Images/Locations/house.webp" "My home">> /* TODO - backdrop inside the house? */
<sister>-"Well, well, well, our little brother couldn't make it in engineering school, who's surprised?</sister> <pink>Kaley</pink> laughs. Even though Kaley is older, she still lives with your parents, fortunately, you have seperate rooms.
<img src="Images\Other\Screenshot_4.png" class="pull-right">
<b>-"Ha... Ha... Ha... how funny. Jokes aside it's nice to see you again Kaley"</b> You exchange a long and a passionate hug.
<blue>-"Hey son!"</blue> Your old man shouts from the kitchen in the distance.
<b>-"Hey $dad1!"</b> You reply, you aren't surprised he didn't even come up to you, you've never been on great terms... <<if $incest is false>> you and your step sisters don't even call him dad..<</if>>
You spot someone walking down the stairs.
<<pageReplace "Take a look">>\
<img src="Images\Other\Kendra-Sunderland-2.webp" class="pull-left">\
It's Ava, your second older $sister.
<sister>-"Hey loser, how was the trip?</sister>
<b>-"Pretty good, but you're definetely making it worse, stop being an ass"</b>
Ava was always your bully while you were growing up, but you can't lie to yourself, her confident and dominant personality always intrigued you
<mia>-"Alright, alright it's $name's first day back home and you're all fighting already, come $name, we still have time to visit your girlfriend downtown.</mia> Mia remarks.
She was right, there was no point in arguing, you drop off your stuff and Mia drives you to [[Emily's flat->EmilyIntro]]
<</pageReplace>>As you arrive to her apartment building, you cannot hold your excitment any longer. You'll finally meet Emily in person after more than a year straight of long distance. You rush to the front door, enter the pin you remember putting in hundreds of times before and step inside.
<<location "Images/Other/7363794952_56303ea0b0_b.webp" "At Emily's place">>
You walk up the stairs and get in front of the door, every problem, every thought, every issue in your life just fades away. You still have a key that she gave you, so you decide that you will surprise her and not knock.
<<pageReplace "Unlock and open the Door">>\
<<location "Images/Locations/emily.inside.jpg" "Emily's apartment">>\
As you open the door, Emily glances towards the entrance and notices you, she gives you a warm smile and starts walking.
<img src="Images\Other\Snapinsta_app_video_241996094_1011359906444668_1663484599727776871_n_AdobeExpress.webp" class="pull-left">
As you wait for her to walk up to you can feel your heart beating faster and faster, you rushed Mia so much to get you here faster, you didn't even think about grabbing flowers or some chocolate.
<b>-"None of that matters"</b> You think to yourself, you're finally here, with her, that's the important part.
You exchange a long awaited hug and a quick kiss and both of you start going inside.
<<pageReplace "Close the door.">>
<emily>-"Heyyyy $name, how was the trip, are you okay? Did you get everything? Have you talked to your $sisters yet? Did you go to <pink>The SUP</pink> already??"</emily> She attacks you with question after question, all you can do is stare into her eyes.
<img src="Images/Other/356589864_802862951476905_564837532538176619_n.webp">
<b>-"Heyy Emilyy, I've met them already, but I still have to register for the lectures today so I'm not going to be here long..."</b> Even though the only thing you want in your life right now is to spend more time with her, you know that you only have a couple of minutes before you have to hurry to your last location of the day.
<emily>-"It's okay sweetie, we can talk another time, but before you go, let me show you how much i missed you.."</emily> \
Before you could muster a word, Emily gets on her knees and <<pageReplace "pulls down your pants.">>\
<img src="Images\Other\14E4BB4.webp">
Your dick throbs as Emily goes up and down your shaft.
<b>-"Did her blowjob skills improve? I don't remember her being this good before.. Maybe she practised on some toys?"</b> you think to yourself. The sloppy sounds she makes and the makeup running down her face is making you hornier and hornier and you feel your load building up to a dangerous level.
<b>-"Wait, wait..wAItt..WA-"</b> You cannot stop her, she's like a hungry animal starving for food after days without it.
<<pageReplace "CUM">>\
You bust your load all over your girlfriends face while your eyes roll back from pleasure.
<img src="Images/Other/25234218.webp">
<b>-"Thank you baby, that was amazing"</b> You whisper.
<emily>-"Hehe I know, I'm glad you liked it, I'm going to clean up and YOU need to hurry to the </emily><pink>The SUP!</pink>
<emily>-"Oh and baby, I forgot! After you find a job, please <u>buy yourself a car,</u> it'll be virtually impossible for you to get to me without one."</emily>
<<todo "Buy a car to visit Emily">>
<b>-"Yes babe, of course, it will be my number one priority after I start working!"</b> You both exhange a hug and a passionate kiss.
It's finally time to go to the [[University->thesupIntro]]
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<</pageReplace>>\<pink>The Swedish University of Progressive Learning</pink>... you are finally here.
<<location "Images/Other/29720049008_34dfe716ee_o.webp" "The SUP Unviersity">>
<mia>-"Hurry, hurry, you don't have much time, I'm going to wait for you here, remember to register for at least <u>one</u> out of the 4 available SUP classes, good luck!"</mia> Mia gives you a kiss on the cheek and you get out of the car.
You quickly dodge crouds of people and get to the front door. After going inside, you don't see a lot of people, none actually, you're the only one there, which is weird, because there were hundreds of people outside..
<b>-"Maybe I'm late?"</b> You think to yourself...
<pink>-"Hey!</pink> Someone shouts to your nearby.
<<pageReplace "See who is shouting">>\
<<image "Other/bleh1.webp">>
<pink>-"Hey you! Are you $name?!</pink>
<b>-"Ahem.. Yes I am, I'm $name, I'm supposed to register for my classes today, do you have any idea where I'm supposed to do that?</b> You say quietly. The truth is, the woman is incredibly attractive, you almost stuttered over your own words, but fortunately managed to get them out without a problem.
<pink>-"Yes, yes, I'm the person you need to talk with!"</pink> You slowly come up to her and see that she has piece of paper with hundreds of names on it, every single one has a check mark near them, except yours.
<pink>-"You're the last person to register today...</pink> She bites her pen while looking over the list.
<pink>-"You're the guy who got expelled right?"</pink> The woman looks you in the eyes.
<b>-"Y-yeah.. That's me.."</b> You awkwardly chuckle.
<pink>-"Right.. If you have any questions about the provided classes, please let me know. Your basic classes like math, science and ethics are automatically selected, you only need to select 1-3 special SUP classes out of the 4 available, remember, domination classes are mutually exclusive, if you pick them, you can't pick other ones!"</pink> She turns around and starts <<pageReplace "shuffling through her documents.">>\
<<image "Other/bleh2.webp">>
<pink>-"These might seem very shocking to you.. But that's to be expected.."</pink> The woman mumbles.
<pink>-"The advanced, 4th year classes are definitely pretty hardcore..."</pink> She finally finds what she's been looking for.
<pink>-"Agh, finally!"</pink>
<pink>-"Here, take a look. Again, if you have any questions or worries, let me know."</pink> The woman smiles and <<pageReplace"hands you a piece of paper">>\
<<image "Other/Screenshot_8.webp">>
It contains various phrases, presumably the names of the classes you'll be attending. You see 4 classes with little boxes near them you need to check, the classes are as follows:
<grey><code>Classes are the games main way of increasing various stats. You will be prompted to select <u>one to three</u> classes from the four provided. Monday to Friday you will be able to go to <pink>The SUP.</pink> The selected classes will take place on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. During Tuesdays and Thursdays you will attend normal lectures. The number of classes you pick doesn't matter if you are worried about time, going to one or two or three classes a day will take the same amount of time. Domination classes are mutually exclusive. Good luck :) - MegyMonster.</code></grey>
1. Domination and the art of winning. <<linkreplace"Learn more">>
<pink>-"Dom classes are lectures designed for dominant or in other words alpha males. You'll learn how to pick up and control women, how to use manipulation and charisma for your benefit and how to build an empire with your newly gained knowledge.</pink>
<grey><i>Picking these classes will take you towards the dom/vanilla route. You will be a straight man with no leeway.</i></grey>
2. Submissiveness, accepting your fate. <<linkreplace"Learn more">>
<pink>-"Sub classes are my favorite! There, you will learn how to be submissive to women, and depending on your willingness to feminize yourself, other men. You will get tasks and assignments that you will need to complete with your girlfriend, if you have one!"</pink>
<grey><i>Increasing the sub stat will take you towards the sub route (you can have multiple routes active, don't worry). Your girlfriend/$mom1/$sisters will start dominating you, and Emily will hint at the possibility of her cheating on you.</i></grey>
3. Feminization, finding your true self. <<linkreplace"Learn more">>
<pink>"Fem classes! Most of our male students attend these! If you take them, you will learn how to act and look more like a woman, you will have to try various toys, sometimes even in front of the class and of course get assignments that you will need to complete.</pink>
<grey><i>Increasing the Fem stat will take you towards the sub route. As you discover your true self, your girlfriend/family will start to notice. It'll effect their dialogue and behaviour. Increasing this stat will also give you opportunities to increase the open-minded stat. ( A full transformation will be possible in future versions ).</i></grey>
4. BNWO and paying black reparations. <<linkreplace"Learn more">>
<pink>"These classes should be mandatory in my opinion but I digress. Here you will learn how to properly serve black men... Ain't that just lovely? I highly advise you to pick this one!</pink>
<grey><i>Pick this if you like BBC content. Increasing the BNWO stat will usually increase the open-minded stat too. After learning about BNWO from you, your girlfriend will start to research it herself.. Your family might know about it too..</i></grey>
[[Im ready to pick->pickClasses]]
<</pageReplace>><<set $picked to 0>>\
<<set $domstatus to false>>\
<<set $substatus to false>>\
<<set $femstatus to false>>\
<<set $bnwostatus to false>>\
<<set $forcedwallpaper to "none">>\
<<set $setwallpaper to "none">>\
<<set $forcedby to "none">>\
<div class="middle">Number of classes picked: <<print $picked>></div>
<pink> -"Oh and remember, these choices are permanent, you cannot change them later! Domination classes are mutually exclusive!"</pink> The woman says. I have to be careful and select 1-3 classes from these 4, knowing that I cannot change my answer after today.
<<linkreplace"Pick domination classes">>
<<set $domstatus to true>>
<<set $picked to $picked+1>>
<grey>Dom classes picked!</grey>
<<goto "class finish">>
[[Skip domination->2]]<div class="middle"> Number of classes picked: <<print $picked>></div>
<pink> -"Oh and remember, these choices are permanent, you cannot change them later!"</pink> The woman says. I have to be careful and select 1-3 classes from these 4, knowing that I cannot change my answer later.
<<linkreplace"Pick submissiveness classes">>
<<set $substatus to true>>
<<set $picked to $picked+1>>
<grey>Sub classes picked!</grey>
<<goto "3">>
[[Skip submissiveness->3]]<div class="middle"> Number of classes picked: <<print $picked>></div>
<pink> -"Oh and remember, these choices are permanent, you cannot change them later!"</pink> The woman says. I have to be careful and select 1-3 classes from these 4, knowing that I cannot change my answer later.
<<linkreplace"Pick feminization classes">>
<<set $femstatus to true>>
<<set $picked to $picked+1>>
<grey>Fem classes picked!</grey>
<<goto "4">>
[[Skip feminization->4]]<div class="middle"> Number of classes picked: <<print $picked>></div>
<pink> -"Oh and remember, these choices are permanent, you cannot change them later!"</pink> The woman says. I have to be careful and select 1-3 classes from these 4, knowing that I cannot change my answer later.
<<if $picked == 3>>\
<<goto "class finish">>\
<<linkreplace"Pick BNWO classes">>
<<set $bnwostatus to true>>
<<set $picked to $picked+1>>
<grey>BNWO classes picked!</grey>\
<<goto "class finish">>\
<<if $picked >0>>
[[Skip BNWO->class finish]]
<</if>><div class="middle"> Number of classes picked: <<print $picked>></div>
<pink>-"Alright, so you picked...<<if $domstatus is true>> Domination classes, <</if>><<if $substatus is true>> submissiveness classes,<</if>><<if $femstatus is true>> feminization classes,<</if>><<if $bnwostatus is true>> BNWO classes<</if>> and... Oh that's it. Are these correct? You can go back and change your answers, so make sure that they are right, because you won't be able to change them later!"</pink>
[[Everything is good!->classfinish2]]
[[I would like to change my answers->pickClasses]]<<todoCompleted "Register at the SUP">>
<pink>-"Alright, great $name, your choices are now in the system, I'm hopeful that you won't regret them! I'll see you on monday then!"</pink> She says while a slight, warm smile forms on her face.
<pink>-"Oh! And one last thing!"</pink> The woman starts to ferret behind the desk. Finally, her eyes light up as she finds it.
<pink>-"Ah there we go! Your ISIC card, take it!"</pink> She hands you a small university ID card.
<<location "Images/Locations/intro.car-ride.webp" "On the way home">>
<b>-"Thank you for all the help! And yes, I will try to be here on monday!"</b> You wave each other goodbye and you leave towards the car. You knew that this university had classes about sexuality, but those were so hardcore! It's probably because you transferred as a fourth year...
You enter Mia's car and she drives you back home. During the car ride, you talk about the classes you picked, and Mia's seems very interested.. Turned on even.
<img src="Images\Other\Screenshot_5.webp" height="500px" width="800px">
<<if $bnwostatus is true>><mia>-"I didn't know you were curious about the BNWO... Maybe I could teach you about it some day.. Me and your $dad1 are allies!"</mia> Mia smiles.
<<elseif $substatus is true>><mia>-"I didn't know you were curious about submissiveness... maybe I could teach you some day.."</mia> Mia smiles.
<<elseif $femstatus is true>><mia>-"I didn't know you were curious about feminization... maybe I could teach you some day.."</mia> Mia smiles.
<<elseif $domstatus is true>><mia>-"I didn't know you were curious about dominating women... maybe I could teach you some day.."</mia> Mia smiles.
<b>-"Ha Ha Ha very funny $mom1, I don't want to talk about it right now... really.."</b> That was so awkward...
<<set $time to $time+1>>
You have arrived to your [[house->lastintro]]It's getting dark already, you didn't even notice how quickly the day went by. Mia pulls into the driveway and turns her head towards you.
<<location "Images/Locations/house.night.webp" "My home">>
<mia>-"Well baby, I guess this is it, tomorrow is your first day and you're going to be all on your own"</mia> She whimpers.
<b>-"Come on $mom1, are you joking? I'm not a child, I'll be fine haha, let's get inside."</b> Both of you pick your things from the backseat of the car and go up to the door.
<<pageReplace "Enter the house">>\
Your $dad1 is already sleeping, of course, but your $sisters are getting ready for bed. As you walk into the house, Kaley and Ava hear your footsteps and come to greet you
<<if $bnwostatus is true>>\
<div id="index-gallery" class="two-cols">\
<img src="Images\Other\Screenshot_6.webp" width="420px" height="600px" alt=""/>\
<img src="Images\Other\Screenshot_7.webp" width="420px" height="600px" alt=""/>\
Kaley and Ava are wearing very weird underwear... They have "Blacked" written all over them? What does that even mean...
<sister>-"Hey loser, how was your day running errands? We heard which classes you picked, Mia told us, so we dressed appropriately haha."</sister> Ava laughs. Is this about you picking BNWO lessons and them trying to make fun of you? <i>*sigh*</i> You don't know...
<b>-"Haha yeah it was my first day. What's with the clothing though?"</b>
<sister>-"HihiHhihihi!" </sister> Both of them giggle while looking at each other.
<sister>-"Don't worry about it $name, you'll find out soon enough!"</sister> Kaley winks at me.
Well... That was weird. It's best not to dwell on it. It's time to go up to my <<pageReplace "room.">>\
As you walk in, you notice that nothing is out of place. Even after 3 years of not living here, your parents haven't moved anything, just left it clean and tidy.
<b>-"How nice of them!"</b> You think.
<img src="Images/Other/90704f8813eafd7f3744f6ff641bcee7.jpeg">
You have a big day tomorrow, it's time to go to <<linkreplace "sleep">>
<<todo "Attend your first lectures at the SUP">>
<<goto "room">>
<<set $day to $day+1>>
<<set $time to 0>>
<<set $dayy to 1>>
<div id="index-gallery" class="two-cols">\
<<image "Other/a0Q5p6Q_460s.png" gallery "Family">>\
<<image "Other/actor-blake-blossom-655541_large.webp" gallery "Family">>\
They are wearing underwear to tease you, like they often did.
<sister>-"Hey loser, how was your day running errands? We heard which classes you picked, Mia told us, so we dressed appropriately haha."</sister> Ava laughs. You don't understand what's so funny? <i>*sigh*</i> You don't know...
<b>-"Haha yeah it was my first day. What's with the clothing though?"</b>
<sister>-"HihiHhihihi!" </sister> Both of them giggle while looking at each other.
<sister>-"Don't worry about it $name, you'll find out soon enough!"</sister> Kaley winks at me.
Well... That was weird. It's best not to dwell on it. It's time to go up to my <<pageReplace "room.">>\
<<location "Images/Other/90704f8813eafd7f3744f6ff641bcee7.jpeg" "My room">>\
As you walk in, you notice that nothing is out of place. Even after 3 years of not living here, your parents haven't moved anything, just left it clean and tidy.
<b>-"How nice of them!"</b> You think.
You have a big day tomorrow, it's time to go to [[sleep->room]]
<<set $day to $day+1>>\
<<set $time to 0>>\
<<set $dayy to 1>>\
<</pageReplace>><svg class="open-menu" onclick="menu.open()" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" height="0.9em" viewBox="0 0 448 512" fill="#fff"><path d="M0 96C0 78.3 14.3 64 32 64H416c17.7 0 32 14.3 32 32s-14.3 32-32 32H32C14.3 128 0 113.7 0 96zM0 256c0-17.7 14.3-32 32-32H416c17.7 0 32 14.3 32 32s-14.3 32-32 32H32c-17.7 0-32-14.3-32-32zM448 416c0 17.7-14.3 32-32 32H32c-17.7 0-32-14.3-32-32s14.3-32 32-32H416c17.7 0 32 14.3 32 32z"/></svg>\
<img src="Images/ui/logo.webp" class = "centerr" style="width: 25%"/>
<div class="middle"><manager>If you find any bugs, please report them on our [[discord ->https://discord.gg/AjVNa699wy]], [[patreon->https://www.patreon.com/user?u=99311409]] or the [[f95zone forum->https://f95zone.to/threads/the-sup-v0-3-megymonster.171918/]].
Please consider supporting us on the above mentioned platforms to help with the development of the game!
You're playing v0.8.5
You can access the escape menu by pressing "ESC" or by clicking the sandwich in the top right.
Pressing "History forward" and "History back" buttons in the escape menu can break your game! Use at your own risk!
<div class="middle">[[Forwards!->Are you 18?]] </div><svg class="open-menu" onclick="menu.open()" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" height="0.9em" viewBox="0 0 448 512" fill="#fff"><path d="M0 96C0 78.3 14.3 64 32 64H416c17.7 0 32 14.3 32 32s-14.3 32-32 32H32C14.3 128 0 113.7 0 96zM0 256c0-17.7 14.3-32 32-32H416c17.7 0 32 14.3 32 32s-14.3 32-32 32H32c-17.7 0-32-14.3-32-32zM448 416c0 17.7-14.3 32-32 32H32c-17.7 0-32-14.3-32-32s14.3-32 32-32H416c17.7 0 32 14.3 32 32z"/></svg>
<img src="Images/ui/logo.webp" class = "centerr" style="width: 25%"/>
<manager>Content Warning and some pointers:</manager>
<li>If you are an owner of an image or images in this game and you want them removed, please contact me on any of my social platforms and I will remove them.</li>
<li>This game contains heavy pornographic content.</li>
<li>Some of the games many passages, contain <u>flashing lights</u> that could cause seizures.</li>
<li>All characters portrayed in the game are at least 18 years old.</li>
<li>This game is completely free, if you paid for it, you probably got scammed.</li>
<li>This game is <u>NOT COMPLETE</u>. It is in active development and you are playing v0.8.5</li>
<hr style="opacity: 0.25">
<div id="index-gallery" class="two-cols" style="width: 100%; margin-top: 1em; align-items: center; margin: 0;">
<div>[[Incest toggle]] <<if $incest is true>><manager>| Incest is on |</manager><<else>><manager>| Incest is off |</manager><</if>></div>
<div><mia>Mia</mia> is your.. <manager><u>$mo2 </u></manager></div>
<div style="text-align: right;">
*You cannot change this later!
Are you 18 years old or older and want to proceed?
<div id="index-gallery" class="two-cols" style="width: 320px; margin-top: 1em; align-items: center;">
<div style="display: flex; align-items: center; flex-grow: 1">
[[No, I'm 17 or younger.->No]]
<div style="display: flex; align-items: center; flex-grow: 1">
[[Yes, I am at least 18 years old.->Intro Screen]]
<center><<button "One handed accessibility mode">>
UI.alert("<center>Press <blue>Space</blue> to scroll to the botton of a passage. <hr> Press <blue>Space</blue> again, to open the <manager>selection menu</manager>. <hr>Press one of the numbers to choose an option and proceed. <hr> If there is only one option, pressing <blue>Space</blue> will take you to the next passage. <hr>Do not spam <blue>Space </blue>, it will lock up.<br><br> Happy fapping!</center>");
<</button>></center>Please close the game and uninstall.
<img src="Images\Other\kitty.webp">
<div class="middle"><<link "• Close the game">><<script>>window.close()<</script>><</link>></div><svg class="open-menu" onclick="menu.open()" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" height="0.9em" viewBox="0 0 448 512" fill="#fff"><path d="M0 96C0 78.3 14.3 64 32 64H416c17.7 0 32 14.3 32 32s-14.3 32-32 32H32C14.3 128 0 113.7 0 96zM0 256c0-17.7 14.3-32 32-32H416c17.7 0 32 14.3 32 32s-14.3 32-32 32H32c-17.7 0-32-14.3-32-32zM448 416c0 17.7-14.3 32-32 32H32c-17.7 0-32-14.3-32-32s14.3-32 32-32H416c17.7 0 32 14.3 32 32z"/></svg>\
const ht = $("html").prop("scrollHeight");
<div class="fadeIn1">\
<img src="Images/ui/logo.webp" class="centerr" style="width: 50%" />\
<div class="middle"> <span class='IntroText'><span class='fadeIn1'>The Swedish University of Progressive Learning</span></span></div>
<div class="middle"> <span class='IntroText1'><span class='fadeIn1'>Special thanks to my Senior patrons: Hello Hello, Queen Sissy slut, Eumel, Atta, Venus, Beau, Biggi85, Fabi, J. Dakota, Red4ce, Mira409, Sparten, TehBrokenHart, Saura, Dragonslayer1117, Chum, xiaophoenix, astro21, Anders Hellbom, Alexxxi, TAIGA, darthzack666, red4ce, Nikolas Shores, Miguel Hernandez, Doha, Ted, 文辉 詹, Timothy Saura, Kazumi, ArmouredBear and blackjack161.</span></span></div>
<div class="middle"><span class='IntroText'><span class='fadeIn2'>[[Enter->Bus]]</span></span></div><span class='fadeIn2'><center><hr69></hr69></center></span>\
<div class="middle"><span class='IntroText'><span class='fadeIn2'>[[Skip intro]]</span></span></div>\
<div class="middle"><span class='IntroText1'><span class='fadeIn2'>(Not recommended for new players)</span></span></div>
<<addToGallery "Other/n1.webp" "Emily">>\
<<addToGallery "Other/n9.webp" "Emily">>\
<<addToGallery "Other/n2.jpg" "Emily">>\
<<addToGallery "Other/n3.jpg" "Emily">>\
<<addToGallery "Other/n4.jpg" "Emily">>\
<<addToGallery "Other/n5.jpg" "Emily">>\
<<addToGallery "Other/n6.jpg" "Emily">>\
<<addToGallery "Other/n7.jpg" "Emily">>\
<<addToGallery "Other/n8.jpg" "Emily">>\
<<addToGallery "Lockscreen/Emily.webp" "Emily">>\<svg class="open-menu" onclick="menu.open()" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" height="0.9em" viewBox="0 0 448 512" fill="#fff"><path d="M0 96C0 78.3 14.3 64 32 64H416c17.7 0 32 14.3 32 32s-14.3 32-32 32H32C14.3 128 0 113.7 0 96zM0 256c0-17.7 14.3-32 32-32H416c17.7 0 32 14.3 32 32s-14.3 32-32 32H32c-17.7 0-32-14.3-32-32zM448 416c0 17.7-14.3 32-32 32H32c-17.7 0-32-14.3-32-32s14.3-32 32-32H416c17.7 0 32 14.3 32 32z"/></svg>\
Domination classes: <<if $domstatus is true>>Yes<<else>>No<</if>>
BNWO classes: <<if $bnwostatus is true>>Yes<<else>>No<</if>>
Feminization classes: <<if $femstatus is true>>Yes<<else>>No<</if>>
Submissiveness classes: <<if $substatus is true>>Yes<<else>>No<</if>>
<<todo "Buy a car to visit Emily">>
<<todo "Attend your first lectures at the SUP">>
<manager>Remember: Domination classes are mutually exclusive.</manager>
<<linkreplace"• Toggle Domination">>
<<if $domstatus is true>>\
<<set $domstatus to false>>
<<goto "Skip intro">>
<<elseif $domstatus is false and $bnwostatus is false and $femstatus is false and $substatus is false>>\
<<set $domstatus to true>>
<<goto "Skip intro">>
<<goto "Skip intro">>
<<linkreplace"• Toggle BNWO">>
<<if $bnwostatus is true>>\
<<set $bnwostatus to false>>
<<goto "Skip intro">>
<<elseif $bnwostatus is false and $domstatus is false>>\
<<set $bnwostatus to true>>
<<goto "Skip intro">>
<<goto "Skip intro">>
<<linkreplace"• Toggle Feminization">>
<<if $femstatus is true>>\
<<set $femstatus to false>>
<<goto "Skip intro">>
<<elseif $femstatus is false and $domstatus is false>>\
<<set $femstatus to true>>
<<goto "Skip intro">>
<<goto "Skip intro">>
<<linkreplace"• Toggle Submissiveness">>
<<if $substatus is true>>\
<<set $substatus to false>>
<<goto "Skip intro">>
<<elseif $substatus is false and $domstatus is false>>\
<<set $substatus to true>>
<<goto "Skip intro">>
<<goto "Skip intro">>
You're name is <<textbox "$name" "Noah" autofocus>>
<<if $domstatus is true or $bnwostatus is true or $femstatus is true or $substatus is true>><<linkreplace"• Play">><<set $day to $day+1>><<set $time to 0>><<set $dayy to 1>><<goto "room">><</linkreplace>><</if>><<if $incest is true>>
<<set $incest to false>>
<<set $dad1 to "step dad">>
<<set $dad2 to "step father">>
<<set $mom1 to "step mom">>
<<set $mo2 to "step mother">>
<<set $sister to "step sister">>
<<set $sisters to "step sisters">>
<<goto "Are you 18?">>
<<set $incest to true>>
<<set $dad1 to "dad">>
<<set $dad2 to "father">>
<<set $mom1 to "mom">>
<<set $mo2 to "mother">>
<<set $sister to "sister">>
<<set $sisters to "sisters">>
<<goto "Are you 18?">>
<img src="Images/ui/logo.webp" width="170px" height="150px"><hr>\
Created by: <glow><i>MegyMonster</i></glow>
<div class="middle">Version: v0.3</div>\
<a target="_blank" href="https://www.patreon.com/user?u=99311409">\
<img src="Images\Other\patreon.webp" height="25px" width="25px"
<a target="_blank" href="https://twitter.com/MegyMonster5264">\
<img src="Images\Other\twitta.webp" height="25px" width="25px"
<a target="_blank" href="https://f95zone.to/members/megymonster.6420539/">\
<img src="Images\Other\f95.webp" height="25px" width="25px"
<a target="_blank" href="https://discord.gg/AjVNa699wy">\
<img src="Images\Other\discord.webp" height="25px" width="25px"
<a target="_blank" href="https://subscribestar.adult/the-sup">\
<img src="Images\Other\star.webp" height="25px" width="25px"
Day: <<print $day>>
<<if $dayy is 1>> It's Monday <<elseif $dayy is 2>> It's Tuesday <<elseif $dayy is 3>> It's Wednesday <<elseif $dayy is 4>> It's Thursday <<elseif $dayy is 5>> It's Friday <<elseif $dayy is 6>> It's Saturday <<elseif $dayy is 7>> It's Sunday<</if>><<if $time is 0>> morning <<elseif $time is 1>> evening <<elseif $time is 2>> night <</if>>
Current outfit is:
<<if $equip is 0>> Butt naked!
<img src="Images\Clothes\naked.webp" height="150px" width="150px"><</if>>\
<<if $equip is 1>>The dad fit
<img src="Images\Clothes\1.webp" height="150px" width="150px"><</if>>\
<<if $equip is 2>> A Respectful coat
<img src="Images\Clothes\2.webp" height="150px" width="150px"><</if>>\
<<if $equip is 3>> A see-through shirt
<img src="Images\Clothes\3.webp" height="150px" width="150px"><</if>>\
<<if $equip is 4>> A skintight dress
<img src="Images\Clothes\4.webp" height="150px" width="150px"><</if>>\
<<if $equip is 5>>A cute sweater with shorts
<img src="Images\Clothes\5.webp" height="150px" width="150px"><</if>>\
<<if $equip is 6>> Cheerleading uniform
<img src="Images\Clothes\6.webp" height="150px" width="150px"><</if>>\
<<if $equip is 7>> Blacked lingerie
<img src="Images\Clothes\7.webp" height="150px" width="150px"><</if>>\
<<if $equip is 8>> A classy dress
<img src="Images\Clothes\8.webp" height="150px" width="150px"><</if>>\
<<if $equip is 9>> A streetwear fit
<img src="Images\Clothes\9.webp" height="150px" width="150px"><</if>>\
<<if $equip is 10>> A classy vest
<img src="Images\Clothes\10.webp" height="150px" width="150px"><</if>>\
<<if $toys==1>>
<emily>You have a chastity cage on.</emily>
<<if $asstoys==1>>\
<emily>Your ass is plugged.</emily>
<green>Money:</green> $money $ <hr>
<manager>Rent due: </manager> $rentdue $ <hr>
<<link [img[Images\Other\stats.webp]]>>
<<set Dialog.setup("Statistics")>>
<<set Dialog.wiki("<blue>Dominant:</blue> $dominant /250 <hr> <pink>Submissive:</pink> $submissive /250 <hr> <emily>Feminization:</emily> $feminization /250 <hr><mia>Open-minded:</mia> $openminded /250 <hr> <grey>BNWO:</grey> $bnwo /250 <hr>")>>
<<set Dialog.open()>>
<<link [img[Images\Other\credits.webp]]>>
<<set Dialog.setup("Credits")>>
<<set Dialog.wiki("Senior Patrons: Queen Sissy slut, Hello Hello, Eumel, Venus, Beau, Biggi85, Fabi and Sparten.<hr>Help with visuals: Atta.<hr><mia>Mia/$mo2</mia> - Mia Malkova.<hr><sister>Kaley/$sister</sister> - Blake Blossom.<hr><sister>Ava/$sister</sister> - Kendra Sunderland.<hr><adriana>Adriana/Friend</adriana> - Me1adinha.<hr><manager>Leyja/Sex shop manager</manager> - Xenon ne, Xenon cos, Alin ma.<hr><pink>Kei/Submissiveness professor</pink> - Epicinternetgf.<hr><blue>Gina/Domination professor</blue> - Gina savage.<hr><emily>Lana/Feminization professor</emily> - Lana Rhoades.<hr><grey>Jia/BNWO professor</grey> - Jia Lissa.<hr><emily>Emily/Girlfriend</emily> - Elsa Jean.<hr> ")>>
<<set Dialog.open()>>
<hr><<set $dominant to 0>>
<<set $submissive to 0>>
<<set $feminization to 0>>
<<set $openminded to 0>>
<<set $bnwo to 0>>
<<set $picked to 0>>
<<set $forcedwallpaper to "none">>\
<<set $setwallpaper to "none">>\
<<set $forcedby to "none">>\
<<set $dating to "Emily">>
<<set $domstatus to false>>
<<set $substatus to false>>
<<set $femstatus to false>>
<<set $bnwostatus to false>>
<<set $day to 1>>
<<set $day2 to 0>>
<<set $day3 to 0>>
<<set $day4 to 0>>
<<set $money to 200>>
<<set $money2 to 0>>
<<set $time2 to 0>>
<<set $time to 0>>
<<set $dayy to 7>>
<<set $outfit2 to false>>
<<set $outfit3 to false>>
<<set $outfit4 to false>>
<<set $outfit5 to false>>
<<set $outfit6 to false>>
<<set $outfit7 to false>>
<<set $outfit8 to false>>
<<set $outfit9 to false>>
<<set $outfit10 to false>>
<<set $equip to 1>>
<<set $chastity to false>>
<<set $toys to 0>>
<<set $toys1 to 0>>
<<set $lectures to 1>>
<<set $attended to false>>
<<set $attended2 to false>>
<<set $attendedfirstlecture to false>>
<<set $roomevent1 to false>>
<<set $femresearch to false>>
<<set $domresearch to false>>
<<set $bnworesearch to false>>
<<set $subresearch to false>>
<<set $blackedcom to false>>
<<set $blackedporn to false>>
<<set $spycamera1 to false>>
<<set $spycamera2 to false>>
<<set $spycameramia to false>>
<<set $spycameramiaevent to 1>>
<<set $spycamerasisters to false>>
<<set $spycamerasistersevent to 1>>
<<set $spycameramiawrongspot to false>>
<<set $spycamerasisterswrongspot to false>>
<<set $decidespycamera to false>>
<<set $liedtoadriana to false>>
<<set $sistersb to false>>
<<set $mia to false>>
<<set $emilydays to 1>>
<<set $emilybnwo to false>>
<<set $sistersevent to 1>>
<<set $miaevent to 1>>
<<set $dreams to 1>>
<<set $adriana to 1>>
<<set $emilyphone to 1>>
<<set $phone to false>>
<<set $phoneevent to false>>
<<set $plasticintro to false>>
<<set $phoneDelay to 2000>>
<<set $workdays to 0>>
<<set $worked to false>>
<<set $sistersrandom to 1>>
<<set $miarandom to 1>>
<<set $mugged to 1>>
<<set $rentintro to false>>
<<set $rentintro2 to false>>
<<set $rent to 0>>
<<set $car to false>>
<<set $mallevenfem1 to false>>
<<set $recruited to 0>>
<<set $workweb to 1>>
<<set $worksup to 1>>
<<set $worknothing to 1>>
<<set $femininity to 0>>
<<set $incest to true>>
<<set $dad1 to "dad">>
<<set $dad2 to "father">>
<<set $mom1 to "mom">>
<<set $mo2 to "mother">>
<<set $sister to "sister">>
<<set $sisters to "sisters">>
<<set $rentdue to 0>>
<<set $name = "Noah">>
<<set $messages to []>>
<<set $tasks to []>>
<<set $tasksSeen to 0>>
<<set $gallery to {}>>
<<set $gallerySeen to 0>>
<<set $porn to {}>>
<<set $moneyStream to []>><<location "Images/AdrianaChris/DomDating/place.webp" "Adriana's place">>
<<if $adriana2 ==1>>
<<goto "Adriana 1">>
<<elseif $adriana2 ==2>>
<<goto "Adriana basic 2">>
If you're here, something is wrong. Please report this bug. [[Go back->room]]<<set $adriana2 to $adriana2 +1>>\
<<if $time !==2>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<ad>-"Come in!"</ad> Adriana's muffled voice fills your ears as you knock on her door.
<b>-"Oof..."</b> You take off your shoes in the hallway after getting inside of the apartment.
<b>-"Hey baby."</b> You find Adriana laying on the couch.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\DomDating\basic1.jpg">
<ad>-"Heyyyy! How was your trip?"</ad>
<b>-"Nothing out of the ordinary."</b> Adriana sits up as you get closer.
<ad>-"Mwuah."</ad> You both share a kiss.
<b>-"How are you doing?"</b> After sitting down next to you, she faces you.
<ad>-"Egh, pretty shitty."</ad>
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\DomDating\basic2.jpg">
<b>-"Hah, shitty? Why?"</b>
<ad>-"Yesterday was a rough day at work and I'm still mad over it."</ad> You extend your legs and rest them on top of the table.
<b>-"What happened? Tell me about it."</b> You take the remote and turn on the television. Adriana rests her head on your shoulder.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\DomDating\basic3.jpeg">
<ad>-"It's Susan again, my manager. She sucks!"</ad> You spend the whole afternoon watching shows and talking about your week. After awhile, you check your phone and figure that it's probably best to head home.
<b>-"See ya babe!"</b> Adriana kisses you as you walk through the door.
<ad>-"Drive safely!"</ad>
[[Drive home->Go outside]]<<if $time !==2>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<ad>-"Come in!"</ad> Adriana's muffled voice fills your ears as you knock on her door.
<b>-"Oof..."</b> You take off your shoes in the hallway after getting inside of the apartment.
<b>-"Hey baby."</b> You find Adriana laying on the couch.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\DomDating\basic1.jpg">
<ad>-"Heyyyy! How was your trip?"</ad>
<b>-"Nothing out of the ordinary."</b> Adriana sits up as you get closer.
<ad>-"Mwuah."</ad> You both share a kiss.
<b>-"How are you doing?"</b> After sitting down next to you, she faces you.
<ad>-"Egh, pretty shitty."</ad>
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\DomDating\basic2.jpg">
<b>-"Hah, shitty? Why?"</b>
<ad>-"Yesterday was a rough day at work and I'm still mad over it."</ad> You extend your legs and rest them on top of the table.
<b>-"What happened? Tell me about it."</b> You take the remote and turn on the television. Adriana rests her head on your shoulder.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\DomDating\basic3.jpeg">
<ad>-"It's Susan again, my manager. She sucks!"</ad> You spend the whole afternoon watching shows and talking about your week. After awhile, you check your phone and figure that it's probably best to head home.
<b>-"See ya babe!"</b> Adriana kisses you as you walk through the door.
<ad>-"Drive safely!"</ad>
<<if $adriana2>=2>>\
<code>This is currently the end of the Adriana route you're on. More content will come in future updates!! 👷♀️</code>
[[Drive home->Go outside]]<<set $adriana2 to 2>>\
<b>-"First official date with Adriana... I don't know what to expect."</b> You think as you climb to the fourth floor of her apartment building.
<grey>-"Knock Knock Knock!"</grey>
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\DomDating\a1.jpg">
<b>-"It's me! $name!"</b> As you shout, you hear some commotion inside.
<ad>-"C-come in!"</ad> Adriana's muffled voice rings out from behind the door.
<grey>-"Creeeaaakkk..."</grey> You open the door and step inside.
<ad>-"I'm in the bedroom! Come here whenever you're ready."</ad>
<b>-"Alright!"</b> You take off your shoes and walk towards the aforementioned bedroom.
<b>-"Hey beautiful."</b> You say as you step through the doorway.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\DomDating\a2.jpg">
<ad>-"Heyyyyy... S-sorry that I didn't open the door myself, had to quickly change into this..."</ad> She shows off her outfit.
<b>-"Uuuu..."</b> You can't lie, she looks damn good in that lingerie onesie.
<b>-"Wanted to surprise me?"</b>
<ad>-"Well of course, it is our first official date and everything... Wanted to look extra good for you."</ad>
<b>-"I see..."</b> It's working, you're already hard.
<<pageReplace"Walk over and kiss her.">>
<b>-"I'm not complaining..."</b> You walk over and embrace her with a kiss.
<ad>-"Come here, sit down, I need to thank you."</ad>
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\DomDating\a3.jpeg">
<b>-"Hah, thank me? For what?"</b> You chuckle and sit down.
<ad>-"For agreeing to this relationship..."</ad> She gets off of the bed and gets on her knees.
<b>-"You know, I wanted it as much as you."</b>
<ad>-"How about you stop complaining and just get your dick out before I change my mind."</ad> Adriana says in a joking matter.
<b>-"Alright, alright... No need for threats haha!"</b> You stand up and pull your pants down.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\DomDating\a4.jpg">
<ad>-"Gosh... It's incomparable to Chris's..."</ad> You grin and sit back down.
<b>-"Enough about him, this is about us."</b>
<ad>-"Y-you're right."</ad> Adriana crawls closer and puts her hands on your thighs.
<<pageReplace"Relax and enjoy.">>\
<ad>-"H-here I go!"</ad> You've gotten head from Adriana before, but now that you're dating, it feels way more intimate.
<b>-"GrrraAaHh! G-gentle!"</b> You stutter as Adriana playfully bites your cock.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\DomDating\a5.webp">
<ad>-"Ghehehe... Couldn't stop myself."</ad>
<ad>-"Ahhhh!"</ad> She takes your rod and slaps it across her tongue a couple of times.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\DomDating\a12.webp">
<b>-"MghHhh... Quit the teasing already."</b>
<ad>-"I just can't stop admiring it..."</ad>
<b>-"It's yours now, you can have it every time we meet up."</b>
<ad>-"MghHhh... Oh fuck yes..."</ad> Adriana smiles and begins to properly give you head.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\DomDating\a13.webp">
<b>-"Aghhh fuck!"</b>
<ad>-"Gahhh... Guahhh... Geahhhh..."</ad> Your new girlfriend begins to deepthroat you as you try your best not to cum.
<b>-"C-come here!"</b> You suddenly get an urge of adrenaline and the want to take control.
<<pageReplace"Face fuck her.">>
<ad>-"W-woaaahhHh!"</ad> Adriana's eyes grow wide as you stand up and grab her head.
<b>-"Ge a good girl and sit still."</b> While still holding on, you begin to face fuck her.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\DomDating\a6.webp">
<ad>-"MghhhHhhgHGHhhh! I-I cwan't breatwheeEEeEe!"</ad> She moans as you bend over and rip the top off of her body.
<ad>-"GhHhH! Swo rwough!"</ad>
<b>-"Come here!"</b> You pull out your rod and grab her by the armpits.
<ad>-"W-what's gotten into you?! I... I love it!"</ad> Without a word, you throw her onto the bed and begin to fuck her mouth again. With her chest now exposed, you begin to play with her tits as well.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\DomDating\a7.webp">
<b>-"FucCckKkKK!"</b> Your aggression has made it really hard to hold on... You feel like you're about to cum.
<b>-"S-shitTttt! Here it comes!"</b>
<ad>-"BwaaaAAaah! O-on my face $name!"</ad> She says after you remove your cock from her mouth and begin to quickly stroke it.
<<pageReplace"Cum on her face">>\
<ad>-"Yesssss!"</ad> Adriana opens her mouth as you unload straight onto her face.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\DomDating\a8.webp">
<b>-"NghHhh... Fuck me..."</b> You say as you begin to shake your cock, so the last drops of cum can exit.
<ad>-"Slurp... Gulp... Gulp... Ahhhhh!"</ad> Adriana licks up the white gold you just produced and swallows it.
<ad>-"D-delicious!"</ad> She says as you fall back onto the bed, exhausted.
<b>-"Nghhh... Good job baby."</b> Your girlfriend stands up and smiles.
<ad>-"I'm going to clean up, you should too."</ad>
<b>-"Y-yeah, just a second, I need to catch my breath."</b> She nods and walks off towards the restroom.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\DomDating\a9.gif">
<b>-"NgHhh... I should do the same."</b> Your pelvis and cock are covered in saliva. Time for you to clean up as well.
<<pageReplace"Wait for Adriana to finish and clean up yourself.">>
<b>-"There..."</b> After cleaning yourself up in the bathroom, you throw the tissues you used away and begin walking towards the bedroom. Adriana went there when you were waiting.
<b>-"Thatw as great honey."</b> You find her in the aforementioned bedroom.
<ad>-"Heh, it sure was."</ad>
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\DomDating\a10.jpg">
<ad>-"Want to cuddle?"</ad>
<b>-"Of course."</b> You both climb into bed and begin to cuddle.
<b>-"Gosh this is great."</b>
<ad>-"I know right? I think we made the right decision $name..."</ad> You smile and kiss Adriana on the cheek as she turns on the TV. You spend the afternoon watching various shows and chatting.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\DomDating\a11.jpg">
<b>-"Aghh.. It's already getting late"</b> When it was time for you to leave, you got out bed, kissed Adriana and walked towards the hallway where your shoes were.
<b>-"See you later honey!"</b> You say as you leave her apartment.
<ad>-"See ya babe!"</ad> She shouts from the bedroom. Time to drive home.
<<set $dominant to $dominant +2>>
<blue>Dominant +2!</blue>
[[Drive home->room]]
<</pageReplace>><<location "Images/club/intro/.30.jpg" "The Club">>
<<if $clubmeetinghudsontemp == true>>
<<goto "Club meeting 1">>
<<elseif $beenthroughfirstfivediner==true>>
<<goto "Diner 1-5 training letter">>
<<elseif $workdiner== 15 and $lettertemp10 !==true>>
<<goto "Diner 5-10 training letter">>
<<elseif $vendorintro !==true and $workdiner>6>>
<<goto "Vendor">>
<<elseif $work35temp3 ==false and $work35temp4 !==false>>
<<goto "Banking info">>
<<if $domstatus is true>>
<<set $name2 to $name>>
<<set $name2 to "Nora">>
<<if $wenttotheclubtemp ==true>>
<<goto "Intro club number 2">>
<<set $wentclubbing to true>>
<<locationBackdrop "club/intro/harrington-mansion-2.jpeg">>
After parking your car in the yard, you confidently walk into the club and give Dandelion your jacket. After making sure you have your mask with you, you decide where to go next.
<div class="actions">
<li>[[Work at the diner->Diner redirecting]]</li>
<<if $firstmainhalltemp ==true>>
<li>[[Visit the Rabbit Brotherhood->Rabbit Brotherhood intro]]</li>
<<if $lettertemp10 ==true and $beenthroughsecondtraining !==true>>
<li>[[Check out the training rooms->Training rooms 2]]</li>
<li>[[Check out the training rooms->Training rooms]]</li>
<li>[[Walk to the main hall->Main hall]]</li>
<<if $vendorintro ==true>>
<li>[[Visit the merchant->Vendor]]</li>
<<if $work35temp ==true>>
<li>[[Look for the safe->Looking for safe]]</li>
<<if $work35temp2 ==true>>
<li>[[Look for the Warden's office->Looking for warden's office]]</li>
<<if $work35temp3 ==false and $work35temp5 !==false>>
<li>[[Decide how to get the banking information->Banking info 1]]</li>
</div><<if $flirtingstatus<1>>
<<goto "kicked out because member flirt score too low">>
<<elseif $workdiner ==1 and $beenthroughdinerintro !==true>>\
<<goto "diner 1 with Judy intro">>
<<elseif $workdiner ==1>>
<<goto "diner 1">>
<<elseif $workdiner ==2>>
<<goto "diner basic 1">>
<<elseif $workdiner ==3>>
<<goto "diner 2">>
<<elseif $workdiner ==4>>
<<goto "diner 3">>
<<elseif $workdiner ==5>>
<<goto "diner basic 1">>
<<elseif $workdiner ==6>>
<<goto "diner 4">>
<<elseif $workdiner ==7>>
<<goto "diner 5">>
<<elseif $workdiner ==8>>
<<goto "diner basic 1">>
<<elseif $workdiner ==9 and $beenthroughfirsttraining ==true>>
<<goto "diner 6">>
<<elseif $workdiner ==9>>
<<goto "diner basic 2">>
<<elseif $workdiner ==10>>
<<goto "diner 7">>
<<elseif $workdiner ==11>>
<<goto "diner 8">>
<<elseif $workdiner ==12>>
<<goto "diner basic 1">>
<<elseif $workdiner ==13 and $workdays>36>>
<<goto "diner 9">>
<<elseif $workdiner ==13>>
<<goto "diner basic 2">>
<<elseif $workdiner ==14>>
<<goto "diner 10">>
<<elseif $workdiner ==15>>
<<goto "diner basic 1">>
<<elseif $workdiner ==16>>
<<goto "diner 11">>
<<elseif $workdiner ==17>>
<<goto "diner basic 2">>
<</if>><<set $beenthroughdinerintro to true>>\
<<set $flirtingstatus to 5>>\
<<if $domstatus is false>>\
<b>-"Time to head to the diner.. I hope I'm not late."</b> You begin walking.
<b>-"I think I need to turn left here..."</b> You look around and pick a direction.
<b>-"Finally.."</b> After walking for a couple of minutes, you finally start hearing noises of people talking and utensils being used.
<bartender>-"Haha thank you honey!"</bartender>
<sister>-"No problem mister, have a nice evening!"</sister>
<blue>-"Could we get another drink please!"</blue>
<b>-"Damn, this place is packed.."</b> You step inside of the dinner hall.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\12.jpeg">
<m>-"Yup, I'll mention it to her, don't worry!"</m> You start walking inbetween the tables, towards the back. Most guests are not wearing masks, you notice that almost all of them are 40 or older.
<b>-"Judy is probably in the kitchen.."</b>
<blue>-"Come here baby.."</blue> A man starts groping one of the servers.. She doesn't seem to complain.
<bartender>-"We need some ribs here!"</bartender> You watch as people devour the food.. They're probably tired from all of the "activities" they've been doing.
<b>-"Oh wow, she wasn't lying, the servers are dressed so provocatively.."</b> You think as you pass two workers.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\1.webp">
<b>-"Wow.. I want to look like them someday.."</b> You finally reach the end of the hall and what you assume is the kitchen.
<<pageReplace"Step inside.">>\
<b>-"..."</b> You step inside and are faced with a pretty big, modern kitchen. You see at least 8 cooks making food and some servers waiting to take the food to the members.
<b>-"Right.. Where is she.."</b> You start to look around, but as you do, you notice something.
<b>-"Oh shit.."</b> The chef is staring at you.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\3.webp">
<green>-"She's the new server Garen, no need to worry!"</green> Judy shouts as the chef nods and looks away.
<b>-"O-oh?"</b> You look to your right and there she is!
<green>-"Hey beautiful."</green> She's sitting on a table, presumedly waiting for an order.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\2.jpg">
<b>-"H-hey.."</b> You awkwardly say and walk up to her.
<green>-"Pretty impressive huh? Quite a lot of our members showed up today."</green> Judy smiles.
<b>-"Yeah, I noticed."</b> You look her up and down... Is she in a bunny costume?
<green>-"What? I need to stand out, don't I?"</green> She notices the stare and laughs.
<green>-"Heh, why do you think I earn so many tips?"</green> Judy hops off of the table.
<b>-"I guess... I'm not putting that on though."</b> You chuckle.
<green>-"Never say never!"</green>
<green>-"Come, let's meet the chef."</green> She begins walking towards him.
<<pageReplace"Follow her.">>\
<green>-"Hey Garen! This $name2, the new server I told you about."</green> You're stand face to face with the chef.. He's creepy.
<m>-"Good evening, how do you like the kitchen?"</m> Garen looks at you.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\4.webp">
<b>-"Looks professional, tidy and productive.. Love it!"</b> You try to get into his good graces.
<m>-"That's correct, we take pride in our competence here."</m> He turns back towards his workers.
<m>-"Isn't that right?"</m>
<grey>-"YES CHEF!"</grey> They all say in unison.
<b>-"Creepy.."</b> You think...
<m>-"Do you have any experience working as a server?"</m> He asks as Judy leans on one of the tables nearby and winks at you..
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\5.jpg">
<green>-"Be honest, he's nicer than he seems."</green> She whispers.
<b>-"Uhm.. Not really, no."</b>
<m>-"Just take the food that we make and bring it to the table that ordered it."</m> He smiles.
<m>-"Easy enough, right? Do that and we won't have any problems."</m>
<b>-"How do I know to which table I need to bring the food to?"</b>
<m>-"We'll tell you, don't worry."</m> He turns back again.
<m>-"We will, won't we?"</m>
<grey>-"YES CHEF!"</grey> They all say in unison.
<m>-"Judy will tell you a bit more about the position, you can start whenever you're ready."</m> He bows and starts walking back to the kitchen.
<b>-"T-thanks."</b> You bow as well.
<<pageReplace"Face Judy.">>\
<green>-"Don't mind him, he's just a little overworked, that's all."</green> Judy smiles.
<green>-"So, are you ready for your first day?"</green>
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\13.jpg">
<b>-"I think so, yeah."</b>
<green>-"Perfect! Just put this on and you're ready to go!"</green> She hands you an apron.
<b>-"Do I really have to wear this?"</b> You grab it.
<green>-"Every server has to wear one on his or hers first day, it's another old tradition."</green>
<b>-"Ugh.. Fine.."</b> You start putting it on.
<green>-"Oh come on it's just an apron, you won't die."</green> Judy rolls her eyes.
<b>-"Right, so I just grab the food and take it to the tables, right?"</b>
<green>-"Mhm, pretty much. If you get touched or something, it's up to you what to do, but if you go a long with it you're going to get some tips!"</green>
<b>-"Yeah.. Well I'm off then."</b>
<green>-"Cool! Kitchen shuts down in 2 hours, so do your best until then!"</green> You nod and begin walking towards the kitchen. While you do, you turn around and see Judy grabbing a plate and leaving towards the guests.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\11.gif">
<b>-"I'm ready to take an order or two!"</b> You say.
<grey>-"Perfect, here you are."</grey> One of the workers brings 3 plates to you.
<grey>-"Table 23, 24 and 25."</grey>
<b>-"Copy that!"</b> You grab the plates and turn around.
<<pageReplace"Walk towards the guests.">>\
<b>-"23,24,25... Where are they.."</b> You wonder as you step into the dinner hall..
<b>-"There they are!"</b> You see the numbers a couple of tables back.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\6.jpg">
<b>-"For you sir.."</b> You put down a plate on table 23.
<blue>-"Thanks beautiful!"</blue> An old man bows his head in appreciation.
<b>-"Madam.."</b> You put another plate down on table 24.
<sister>-"Mhm..."</sister> She mumbles.
<b>-"Well that's rude.."</b> You think as you continue walking towards table 25.
<b>-"Here you are!"</b> You put the last plate on table 25. There's a pretty young man occupying it.
<olive>-"Oh wow.."</olive> He looks you up and down.
<olive>-"Are you new here, honey..?"</olive> The man stands up.
<b>-"I.. I am. Today is my first day."</b> You suddenly feel him grabbing your ass.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\7.webp">
<olive>-"I can see that we're going to have a lot of fun together.."</olive> He whispers into your ear.
<<pageReplace"Play a long with it.">>
<b>-"Hmmmhhh.. I would love that..."</b> You whisper back while putting your hand on his crotch. The man grins and steps back.
<olive>-"Ask the chef for another margarita, I'm realllyyyy thirstyy.."</olive> After nodding, you start heading back towards the kitchen..
<b>-"Nghh.."</b> You try to hide the leaking pre cum with your hands, but after looking around, you notice that nobody really cares, everybody is flirting and groping each other.
<b>-"That guy was hot.."</b>
<b>-"Another margarita for table 25!"</b> You step into the kitchen and shout.
<m>-"Copy that! Another margarita chefs, prompto!"</m> Garen shouts.
<grey>-"YES CHEF!"</grey> They answer in unison. You stand there and watch as they make the order in a matter of seconds.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\15.webp">
<grey>-"Margarita is up! Table 25!"</grey> One of the workers places the drink on the counter.
<b>-"Copy that.."</b> You grab it and start turning away.
<grey>-"Oh and an order of ribs to table 19!"</grey>
<b>-"Right.."</b> You face the counter again and grab the plate. Time to serve some food.
<b>-"Table 19.. 19... 19.."</b> You mumble as you look around.
<b>-"Ah, there it is!"</b> After spotting it, you quickly walk there.
<blue>-"Thank you!"</blue> A middle aged man says as you put down his plate.
<b>-"No probl-"</b> Before you could finish the sentance, you see something..
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\14.webp">
<b>-"Woah.."</b> He's getting sucked off under the table! It shouldn't be that surprising, you're in a sex club after all, but you still didn't expect it.
<blue>-"What was that?"</blue>
<b>-"Oh.. Right.. Uhhh I said no problem!"</b> You smile and begin walking towards table 25.
<b>-"Jeez.. They'll do anything for extra cash huh.. I wonder if I'll ever stoop so low.."</b> As you're walking, you spot Judy serving a couple of guests at the other end of the hall. She seems to be flirting and laughing with them.
<b>-"She's good.."</b> You think as you reach the table.
<olive>-"Hey princess..."</olive> The man grins.
<b>-"Here you are, another margarita."</b> Before you could even put it down, he stands up and starts grabbing your ass again.
<olive>-"You're new, so you probably don't know this, but servers usually let the customers check them out on their first day.."</olive> He whispers.
<b>-"Check them out..?"</b>
<olive>-"Mhmmm.. How about you turn around and show me what you're working with..?"</olive>
<b>-"I think I know what you mean.."</b>
<<pageReplace"Do as he says.">>
<b>-"..."</b> You slowly turn around... After a couple of seconds of silence, you feel a couple of fingers go under your clothes and pierce your ass..
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\8.webp">
<b>-"O-oh... Mghhhh"</b> You moan and throw your head back.
<olive>-"Hmph.. Pretty tight..."</olive> After a couple of seconds, he let's you go and sits back down.
<olive>-"You might be my new favorite.."</olive> He licks his lips and extends his arm.
<b>-"W-well thank you.."</b> You shake it.
<b>-"$name2.."</b> You bow and let go of his hand.
<b>-"Please enjoy your drink sir..."</b>
<olive>-"Thank you.. I will indeed."</olive> You nod and begin walking back.
<b>-"Tip - secured.."</b>
<<pageReplace"Continue your shift">>
<b>-"Here you are!"</b>
<bartender>-"Thank you!"</bartender>
<b>-"For you.."</b>
<blue>-"Mhm.. Thanks.."</blue>
<b>-"The salad is here.."</b>
<adriana>-"Appreciate it.."</adriana> For another hour and a half, you serve food to the guest. Surprisingly, nobody else tries to touch you.
<b>-"Huuuu.. Was that the last order?"</b> You ask Garen as you return to the kitchen.
<m>-"Yes it was, we're closing up."</m> He begins washing his hands.
<m>-"Good work today, no complains from the guests."</m> He dries them and walks up to you.
<b>-"That's great to hear sir.."</b>
<m>-"Judy is a senior here, she collects the money."</m> He looks around.
<m>-"There she is! Ask her for your payment."</m> He points at a table on the other side of the kitchen.
<b>-"Understood, thanks."</b> You both shake hands and you begin walking towards her.
<judy>-"Hey you! How was your first day?"</judy> She smiles as you face her.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\10.jpg">
<b>-"Pretty good, the members are a lot nicer than I thought."</b>
<judy>-"Hah, well I'm glad to hear it! As I said before, people here just want to have fun, they're not horrible people or anything."</judy> She takes out an envelope from her bag.
<judy>-"Here you are, some guy left you fat tip, enjoy!"</judy> You take the envelope and open it.
<b>-"Oh shit..! Thanks!"</b>
<judy>-"Not bad for your first day, huh?"</judy> You nod as she hops off of the table.
<judy>-"See you later $name2, hopefully you'll come around to help out again."</judy>
<b>-"I will!"</b> Judy smiles.
<judy>-"Good to hear., bye bye!"</judy> She waves goodbye to you and chefs and leaves.
<b>-"Damn.. The money is pretty good! Time to head home though, it's getting really late.."</b> You check the time.
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
<<money +300 "Worked at the club">>
<green>Money +300!</green>
<<set $flirtingstatus to $flirtingstatus +1>>
[[Drive away->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Back off..">>
<b>-"Sorry sir.."</b> You take a step back.
<olive>-"Huh..?"</olive> He looks at you, confused.
<b>-"That's a little much to ask for.. I need to get a little more comfortable."</b>
<olive>-"Hmph.. Understandable."</olive> The man sits down.
<olive>-"That's going to be it for me then, you can close my tab."</olive>
<b>-"Understood, please enjoy your drink sir..."</b>
<olive>-"Thank you.."</olive> You nod and begin walking back.
<b>-"...I'm not going to touch anyone here."</b>
<<pageReplace"Continue your shift">>
<b>-"Here you are!"</b>
<bartender>-"Thank you!"</bartender>
<b>-"For you.."</b>
<blue>-"Mhm.. Thanks.."</blue>
<b>-"The salad is here.."</b>
<adriana>-"Appreciate it.."</adriana> For another hour and a half, you serve food to the guest. Surprisingly, nobody else tries to touch you.
<b>-"Huuuu.. Was that the last order?"</b> You ask the main chef as you return to the kitchen.
<m>-"Yes it was, we're closing up."</m> He begins washing his hands.
<m>-"Good work today, no complains from the guests."</m> He dries them and walks up to you.
<b>-"That's great to hear sir.."</b>
<m>-"Judy is a senior here, she collects the money."</m> He looks around.
<m>-"There she is! Ask her for your payment."</m> He points at a table on the other side of the kitchen.
<b>-"Understood, thanks."</b> You both shake hands and you begin walking towards her.
<judy>-"Hey you! How was your first day?"</judy> She smiles as you face her.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\10.jpg">
<b>-"Pretty good, the members are a lot nicer than I thought."</b>
<judy>-"Hah, well I'm glad to hear it! As I said before, people here just want to have fun, they're not horrible people or anything."</judy> She takes out an envelope from her bag.
<judy>-"Here you are, some guy left you a decent tip, enjoy!"</judy> You take the envelope and open it.
<b>-"Oh shit..! Thanks!"</b>
<judy>-"Not bad for your first day, huh?"</judy> You nod as she hops off of the table.
<judy>-"See you later $name2, hopefully you'll come around to help out again."</judy>
<b>-"I will!"</b> Judy smiles.
<judy>-"Good to hear., bye bye!"</judy> She waves goodbye to you and chefs and leaves.
<b>-"Damn.. The money is pretty good! Time to head home though, it's getting really late.."</b> You check the time.
<<money +250 "Worked at the club">>
<green>Money +250!</green>
[[Drive away->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Push him away.">>
<b>-"Hahaaaa.. Maybe, but not today.."</b> You say and step back.
<olive>-"Hmph.. You have a lot to learn... Bring me another margarita."</olive> He sits back down.
<b>-"Sorry sir.. Right away."</b> You bow and begin walking back to the kitchen. You didn't like him, but he still turned you on..
<b>-"Nghh.."</b> You try to hide the leaking pre cum with your hands, but after looking around, you notice that nobody really cares, everybody is flirting and groping each other.
<b>-"Another margarita for table 25!"</b> You step into the kitchen and shout.
<m>-"Copy that! Another margarita chefs, prompto!"</m> Garen shouts.
<grey>-"YES CHEF!"</grey> They answer in unison. You stand there and watch as they make the order in a matter of seconds.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\15.webp">
<grey>-"Margarita is up! Table 25!"</grey> One of the workers places the drink on the counter.
<b>-"Copy that.."</b> You grab it and start turning away.
<grey>-"Oh and an order of ribs to table 19!"</grey>
<b>-"Right.."</b> You face the counter again and grab the plate. Time to serve some food.
<b>-"Table 19.. 19... 19.."</b> You mumble as you look around.
<b>-"Ah, there it is!"</b> After spotting it, you quickly walk there.
<blue>-"Thank you!"</blue> A middle aged man says as you put down his plate.
<b>-"No probl-"</b> Before you could finish the sentance, you see something..
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\14.webp">
<b>-"Woah.."</b> He's getting sucked off under the table! It shouldn't be that surprising, you're in a sex club after all, but you still didn't expect it.
<blue>-"What was that?"</blue>
<b>-"Oh.. Right.. Uhhh I said no problem!"</b> You smile and begin walking towards table 25.
<b>-"Jeez.. They'll do anything for extra cash huh.. I wonder if I'll ever stoop that low."</b> As you're walking, you spot Judy serving a couple of guests at the other end of the hall. She seems to be flirting and laughing with them.
<b>-"She's good.."</b> You think as you reach the table.
<olive>-"Heyyy..."</olive> The man grins.
<b>-"Here you are, another margarita."</b> Before you could even put it down, he stands up and starts grabbing your ass again.
<olive>-"You're new, so you probably don't know this, but servers usually let the customers check them out on their first day.."</olive> He whispers.
<b>-"Check them out..?"</b>
<olive>-"Mhmmm.. How about you turn around and show me what you're working with..?"</olive>
<b>-"I think I know what you mean.."</b>
<<pageReplace"Do as he says.">>
<b>-"..."</b> You slowly turn around... You don't like this man, but you have to earn that tip! After a couple of seconds of silence, you feel a couple of fingers go under your clothes and pierce your ass..
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\8.webp">
<b>-"O-oh... Mghhhh"</b> You moan and throw your head back.
<olive>-"Hmph.. Pretty tight..."</olive> After a couple of seconds, he let's you go and sits back down.
<olive>-"I can tell you finally understood your position.."</olive> He licks his fingers.
<olive>-"You might be my new favorite.."</olive> He extends his arm.
<b>-"W-well thank you.."</b> You shake it.
<b>-"$name2.."</b> You bow and let go of his hand.
<b>-"Please enjoy your drink sir..."</b>
<olive>-"Thank you.. I will indeed."</olive> You nod and begin walking back.
<b>-"Tip - secured.."</b>
<<pageReplace"Continue your shift">>
<b>-"Here you are!"</b>
<bartender>-"Thank you!"</bartender>
<b>-"For you.."</b>
<blue>-"Mhm.. Thanks.."</blue>
<b>-"The salad is here.."</b>
<adriana>-"Appreciate it.."</adriana> For another hour and a half, you serve food to the guest. Surprisingly, nobody else tries to touch you.
<b>-"Huuuu.. Was that the last order?"</b> You ask Garen as you return to the kitchen.
<m>-"Yes it was, we're closing up."</m> He begins washing his hands.
<m>-"Good work today, no complains from the guests."</m> He dries them and walks up to you.
<b>-"That's great to hear sir.."</b>
<m>-"Judy is a senior here, she collects the money."</m> He looks around.
<m>-"There she is! Ask her for your payment."</m> He points at a table on the other side of the kitchen.
<b>-"Understood, thanks."</b> You both shake hands and you begin walking towards her.
<judy>-"Hey you! How was your first day?"</judy> She smiles as you face her.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\10.jpg">
<b>-"Pretty good, the members are a lot nicer than I thought."</b>
<judy>-"Hah, well I'm glad to hear it! As I said before, people here just want to have fun, they're not horrible people or anything."</judy> She takes out an envelope from her bag.
<judy>-"Here you are, some guy left you a decent tip, enjoy!"</judy> You take the envelope and open it.
<b>-"Oh shit..! Thanks!"</b>
<judy>-"Not bad for your first day, huh?"</judy> You nod as she hops off of the table.
<judy>-"See you later $name2, hopefully you'll come around to help out again."</judy>
<b>-"I will!"</b> Judy smiles.
<judy>-"Good to hear., bye bye!"</judy> She waves goodbye to you and chefs and leaves.
<b>-"Damn.. The money is pretty good! Time to head home though, it's getting really late.."</b> You check the time.
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
<<money +250 "Worked at the club">>
<green>Money +250!</green>
[[Drive away->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Back off..">>
<b>-"Sorry sir.."</b> You take a step back.
<olive>-"Huh..?"</olive> He looks at you, with an angry expression.
<b>-"That's a little much to ask for.. I need to get a little more comfortable."</b>
<olive>-"Hmph.. I thought you would get the memo by now.. But fine I guess, I'll just find someone else."</olive> The man sits down.
<olive>-"That's going to be it for me then, you can close my tab."</olive>
<b>-"Understood, please enjoy your drink sir..."</b>
<olive>-"Thank you.."</olive> You nod and begin walking back.
<b>-"...I'm not going to touch anyone here."</b>
<<pageReplace"Continue your shift">>
<b>-"Here you are!"</b>
<bartender>-"Thank you!"</bartender>
<b>-"For you.."</b>
<blue>-"Mhm.. Thanks.."</blue>
<b>-"The salad is here.."</b>
<adriana>-"Appreciate it.."</adriana> For another hour and a half, you serve food to the guest. Surprisingly, nobody else tries to touch you.
<b>-"Huuuu.. Was that the last order?"</b> You ask Garen as you return to the kitchen.
<m>-"Yes it was, we're closing up."</m> He begins washing his hands.
<m>-"Good work today, no complains from the guests."</m> He dries them and walks up to you.
<b>-"That's great to hear sir.."</b>
<m>-"Judy is a senior here, she collects the money."</m> He looks around.
<m>-"There she is! Ask her for your payment."</m> He points at a table on the other side of the kitchen.
<b>-"Understood, thanks."</b> You both shake hands and you begin walking towards her.
<judy>-"Hey you! How was your first day?"</judy> She smiles as you face her.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\10.jpg">
<b>-"Pretty good, the members are a lot nicer than I thought."</b>
<judy>-"Hah, well I'm glad to hear it! As I said before, people here just want to have fun, they're not horrible people or anything."</judy> She takes out an envelope from her bag.
<judy>-"Here you are, you got a couple of minor tips, nothing too major though."</judy> You take the envelope and open it.
<b>-"Oh shit..! Thanks!"</b>
<judy>-"Not bad, but try harder next time!"</judy> You nod as she hops off of the table.
<judy>-"See you later $name2, hopefully you'll come around to help out again."</judy>
<b>-"I will!"</b> Judy smiles.
<judy>-"Good to hear., bye bye!"</judy> She waves goodbye to you and chefs and leaves.
<b>-"The money is okay I guess.. Kind of my fault anyways.. Time to head home though, it's getting really late.."</b> You check the time.
<<money +200 "Worked at the club">>
<green>Money +200!</green>
<<set $flirtingstatus to $flirtingstatus -1>>
[[Drive away->Go outside]]
<b>-"Time to head to the diner.. I hope I'm not late."</b> You begin walking.
<b>-"I think I need to turn left here..."</b> You look around and pick a direction.
<b>-"Finally.."</b> After walking for a couple of minutes, you finally start hearing noises of people talking and utensils being used.
<bartender>-"Haha thank you honey!"</bartender>
<sister>-"No problem mister, have a nice evening!"</sister>
<blue>-"Could we get another drink please!"</blue>
<b>-"Damn, this place is packed.."</b> You step inside of the dinner hall.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\12.jpeg">
<m>-"Yup, I'll mention it to her, don't worry!"</m> You start walking inbetween the tables, towards the back. Most guests are not wearing masks, you notice that almost all of them are 40 or older.
<b>-"Judy is probably in the kitchen.."</b>
<blue>-"Come here baby.."</blue> A man starts groping one of the servers.. She doesn't seem to complain.
<bartender>-"We need some ribs here!"</bartender> You watch as people devour the food.. They're probably tired from all of the "activities" they've been doing.
<b>-"Oh wow, she wasn't lying, the servers are dressed so provocatively.."</b> You think as you pass two workers.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\1.webp">
<b>-"I bet they earn so many tips.."</b> You finally reach the end of the hall and what you assume is the kitchen.
<<pageReplace"Step inside.">>\
<b>-"..."</b> You step inside and are faced with a pretty big, modern kitchen. You see at least 8 cooks making food and some servers waiting to take the food to the members.
<b>-"Right.. Where is she.."</b> You start to look around, but as you do, you notice something.
<b>-"Oh shit.."</b> The chef is staring at you.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\3.webp">
<green>-"He's the new server Garen, no need to worry!"</green> Judy shouts as the chef nods and looks away.
<b>-"O-oh?"</b> You look to your right and there she is!
<green>-"Hey buddy."</green> She's sitting on a table, presumedly waiting for an order.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\2.jpg">
<b>-"H-hey.."</b> You awkwardly say and walk up to her.
<green>-"Pretty impressive huh? Quite a lot of our members showed up today."</green> Judy smiles.
<b>-"Yeah, I noticed."</b> You look her up and down... Is she in a bunny costume?
<green>-"What? I need to stand out, don't I?"</green> She notices the stare and laughs.
<green>-"Heh, why do you think I earn so many tips?"</green> Judy hops off of the table.
<b>-"I guess... I'm not putting that on though."</b> You chuckle.
<green>-"Never say never!"</green>
<green>-"Come, let's meet the chef."</green> She begins walking towards him.
<<pageReplace"Follow her.">>\
<green>-"Hey Garen! This $name2, the new server I told you about."</green> You're stand face to face with the chef.. He's creepy.
<m>-"Good evening, how do you like the kitchen?"</m> Garen looks at you.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\4.webp">
<b>-"Looks professional, tidy and productive.. Love it!"</b> You try to get into his good graces.
<m>-"That's correct, we take pride in our competence here."</m> He turns back towards his workers.
<m>-"Isn't that right?"</m>
<grey>-"YES CHEF!"</grey> They all say in unison.
<b>-"Creepy.."</b> You think...
<m>-"Do you have any experience working as a server?"</m> He asks as Judy leans on one of the tables nearby and winks at you..
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\5.jpg">
<green>-"Be honest, he's nicer than he seems."</green> She whispers.
<b>-"Uhm.. Not really, no."</b>
<m>-"Just take the food that we make and bring it to the table that ordered it."</m> He smiles.
<m>-"Easy enough, right? Do that and we won't have any problems."</m>
<b>-"How do I know to which table I need to bring the food to?"</b>
<m>-"We'll tell you, don't worry."</m> He turns back again.
<m>-"We will, won't we?"</m>
<grey>-"YES CHEF!"</grey> They all say in unison.
<m>-"Judy will tell you a bit more about the position, you can start whenever you're ready."</m> He bows and starts walking back to the kitchen.
<b>-"T-thanks."</b> You bow as well.
<<pageReplace"Face Judy.">>\
<green>-"Don't mind him, he's just a little overworked, that's all."</green> Judy smiles.
<green>-"So, are you ready for your first day?"</green>
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\13.jpg">
<b>-"I think so, yeah."</b>
<green>-"Perfect! Just put this on and you're ready to go!"</green> She hands you an apron.
<b>-"Do I really have to wear this?"</b> You grab it.
<green>-"Every server has to wear one on his or hers first day, it's another old tradition."</green>
<b>-"Ugh.. Fine.."</b> You start putting it on.
<green>-"Oh come on it's just an apron, you won't die."</green> Judy rolls her eyes.
<b>-"Right, so I just grab the food and take it to the tables, right?"</b>
<green>-"Mhm, pretty much. If you get touched or something, it's up to you what to do, but if you go a long with it you're going to get some tips!"</green>
<b>-"Yeah.. Well I'm off then."</b>
<green>-"Cool! Kitchen shuts down in 2 hours, so do your best until then!"</green> You nod and begin walking towards the kitchen. While you do, you turn around and see Judy grabbing a plate and leaving towards the guests.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\11.gif">
<b>-"I'm ready to take an order or two!"</b> You say.
<grey>-"Perfect, here you are."</grey> One of the workers brings 3 plates to you.
<grey>-"Table 23, 24 and 25."</grey>
<b>-"Copy that!"</b> You grab the plates and turn around.
<<pageReplace"Walk towards the guests.">>\
<b>-"23,24,25... Where are they.."</b> You wonder as you step into the dinner hall..
<b>-"There they are!"</b> You see the numbers a couple of tables back.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\6.jpg">
<b>-"For you sir.."</b> You put down a plate on table 23.
<blue>-"Thanks man!"</blue> An old man bows his head in appreciation.
<b>-"Madam.."</b> You put another plate down on table 24.
<sister>-"Mhm..."</sister> She mumbles.
<b>-"Well that's rude.."</b> You think as you continue walking towards table 25.
<b>-"Here you are!"</b> You put the last plate on table 25. There's a pretty young woman occupying it.
<emily>-"Oh wow.."</emily> She looks you up and down.
<emily>-"Are you new here, honey..?"</emily> The woman stands up.
<b>-"I.. I am. Today is my first day."</b> You suddenly feel her grabbing your crotch..
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\9.webp">
<emily>-"I can see that we're going to have a lot of fun together.."</emily> She whispers into your ear.
<<pageReplace"Play a long with it.">>
<b>-"Hmmmhhh.. I would love that..."</b> You whisper back while putting your hand on her waist. The woman grins and steps back.
<emily>-"Ask the chef for another margarita, I'm realllyyyyy thirstyy.."</emily> After nodding, you start heading back towards the kitchen..
<b>-"Nghh.."</b> You try to hide your rock hard cock with your hands, but after looking around, you notice that nobody really cares, everybody is flirting and groping each other.
<b>-"That chick was hot.."</b>
<b>-"Another margarita for table 25!"</b> You step into the kitchen and shout.
<m>-"Copy that! Another margarita chefs, prompto!"</m> Garen shouts.
<grey>-"YES CHEF!"</grey> They answer in unison. You stand there and watch as they make the order in a matter of seconds.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\15.webp">
<grey>-"Margarita is up! Table 25!"</grey> One of the workers places the drink on the counter.
<b>-"Copy that.."</b> You grab it and start turning away.
<grey>-"Oh and an order of ribs to table 19!"</grey>
<b>-"Right.."</b> You face the counter again and grab the plate. Time to serve some food.
<b>-"Table 19.. 19... 19.."</b> You mumble as you look around.
<b>-"Ah, there it is!"</b> After spotting it, you quickly walk there.
<blue>-"Thank you!"</blue> A middle aged man says as you put down his plate.
<b>-"No probl-"</b> Before you could finish the sentance, you see something..
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\14.webp">
<b>-"Woah.."</b> He's getting sucked off under the table! It shouldn't be that surprising, you're in a sex club after all, but you still didn't expect it.
<blue>-"What was that?"</blue>
<b>-"Oh.. Right.. Uhhh I said no problem!"</b> You smile and begin walking towards table 25.
<b>-"Jeez.. They'll do anything for extra cash huh.."</b> As you're walking, you spot Judy serving a couple of guests at the other end of the hall. She seems to be flirting and laughing with them.
<b>-"She's good.."</b> You think as you reach the table.
<emily>-"Heyyy..."</emily> The woman grins.
<b>-"Here you are, another margarita."</b> Before you could even put it down, she stands up and starts grabbing your crotch again.
<emily>-"I know this is your first day and everything, but servers usually return the favor around here.."</emily> She whispers.
<b>-"Return the favor?"</b>
<emily>-"Mhmmm.. I touch you.. You touch me.. That sort of thing."</emily>
<b>-"I think I know what you mean.."</b>
<<pageReplace"Touch her.">>
<b>-"..."</b> You suddenly grab her ass and start to gently kiss her neck.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\7.webp">
<emily>-"O-oh... Mghhhh"</emily> She moans and throws her head back.
<b>-"This is a lot better than the margarita huh.."</b>
<emily>-"YessSsss.. Yess it is.."</emily> After a couple of seconds, you let go. She takes a step back and sits down.
<emily>-"Ahaha.."</emily> She awkwardly giggles while blushing.
<emily>-"Y-you mister.. Are my new favorite.."</emily> She smiles and extends her arm.
<b>-"Well thank you.."</b> You take it and kiss it.
<b>-"$name2.."</b> You hold eye contact and let go of her hand.
<b>-"Please enjoy your drink ma'am..."</b>
<emily>-"Thank you.. I will indeed."</emily> You nod and begin walking back.
<b>-"Tip - secured.."</b>
<<pageReplace"Continue your shift">>
<b>-"Here you are!"</b>
<bartender>-"Thank you!"</bartender>
<b>-"For you.."</b>
<blue>-"Mhm.. Thanks.."</blue>
<b>-"The salad is here.."</b>
<adriana>-"Appreciate it.."</adriana> For another hour and a half, you serve food to the guest. Surprisingly, nobody else tries to touch you.
<b>-"Huuuu.. Was that the last order?"</b> You ask Garen as you return to the kitchen.
<m>-"Yes it was, we're closing up."</m> He begins washing his hands.
<m>-"Good work today, no complains from the guests."</m> He dries them and walks up to you.
<b>-"That's great to hear sir.."</b>
<m>-"Judy is a senior here, she collects the money."</m> He looks around.
<m>-"There she is! Ask her for your payment."</m> He points at a table on the other side of the kitchen.
<b>-"Understood, thanks."</b> You both shake hands and you begin walking towards her.
<judy>-"Hey you! How was your first day?"</judy> She smiles as you face her.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\10.jpg">
<b>-"Pretty good, the members are a lot nicer than I thought."</b>
<judy>-"Hah, well I'm glad to hear it! As I said before, people here just want to have fun, they're not horrible people or anything."</judy> She takes out an envelope from her bag.
<judy>-"Here you are, some lady left you fat tip, enjoy!"</judy> You take the envelope and open it.
<b>-"Oh shit..! Thanks!"</b>
<judy>-"Not bad for your first day, huh?"</judy> You nod as she hops off of the table.
<judy>-"See you later $name2, hopefully you'll come around to help out again."</judy>
<b>-"I will!"</b> Judy smiles.
<judy>-"Good to hear., bye bye!"</judy> She waves goodbye to you and chefs and leaves.
<b>-"Damn.. The money is pretty good! Time to head home though, it's getting really late.."</b> You check the time.
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
<<money +300 "Worked at the club">>
<green>Money +300!</green>
<<set $flirtingstatus to $flirtingstatus +1>>
[[Drive away->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Back off..">>
<b>-"Sorry ma'am.."</b> You take a step back.
<emily>-"Huh..?"</emily> She looks at you, confused.
<b>-"That's a little much to ask for.. I need to get a little more comfortable."</b>
<emily>-"Hmph.. Understandable."</emily> The woman sits down.
<emily>-"That's going to be it for me then, you can close my tab."</emily>
<b>-"Understood, please enjoy your drink ma'am..."</b>
<emily>-"Thank you.."</emily> You nod and begin walking back.
<b>-"...I'm not going to touch anyone here."</b>
<<pageReplace"Continue your shift">>
<b>-"Here you are!"</b>
<bartender>-"Thank you!"</bartender>
<b>-"For you.."</b>
<blue>-"Mhm.. Thanks.."</blue>
<b>-"The salad is here.."</b>
<adriana>-"Appreciate it.."</adriana> For another hour and a half, you serve food to the guest. Surprisingly, nobody else tries to touch you.
<b>-"Huuuu.. Was that the last order?"</b> You ask the main chef as you return to the kitchen.
<m>-"Yes it was, we're closing up."</m> He begins washing his hands.
<m>-"Good work today, no complains from the guests."</m> He dries them and walks up to you.
<b>-"That's great to hear sir.."</b>
<m>-"Judy is a senior here, she collects the money."</m> He looks around.
<m>-"There she is! Ask her for your payment."</m> He points at a table on the other side of the kitchen.
<b>-"Understood, thanks."</b> You both shake hands and you begin walking towards her.
<judy>-"Hey you! How was your first day?"</judy> She smiles as you face her.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\10.jpg">
<b>-"Pretty good, the members are a lot nicer than I thought."</b>
<judy>-"Hah, well I'm glad to hear it! As I said before, people here just want to have fun, they're not horrible people or anything."</judy> She takes out an envelope from her bag.
<judy>-"Here you are, some lady left you a decent tip, enjoy!"</judy> You take the envelope and open it.
<b>-"Oh shit..! Thanks!"</b>
<judy>-"Not bad for your first day, huh?"</judy> You nod as she hops off of the table.
<judy>-"See you later $name2, hopefully you'll come around to help out again."</judy>
<b>-"I will!"</b> Judy smiles.
<judy>-"Good to hear., bye bye!"</judy> She waves goodbye to you and chefs and leaves.
<b>-"Damn.. The money is pretty good! Time to head home though, it's getting really late.."</b> You check the time.
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
<<money +250 "Worked at the club">>
<green>Money +250!</green>
[[Drive away->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Push her away.">>
<b>-"Hahaaaa.. Maybe, but not today.."</b> You say and step back.
<emily>-"Hmph.. You have a lot to learn... Bring me another margarita."</emily> She sits back down.
<b>-"Sorry miss.. Right away."</b> You bow and begin walking back to the kitchen. You didn't like her, but she still turned you on..
<b>-"Nghh.."</b> You try to hide your rock hard cock with your hands, but after looking around, you notice that nobody really cares, everybody is flirting and groping each other.
<b>-"Another margarita for table 25!"</b> You step into the kitchen and shout.
<m>-"Copy that! Another margarita chefs, prompto!"</m> Garen shouts.
<grey>-"YES CHEF!"</grey> They answer in unison. You stand there and watch as they make the order in a matter of seconds.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\15.webp">
<grey>-"Margarita is up! Table 25!"</grey> One of the workers places the drink on the counter.
<b>-"Copy that.."</b> You grab it and start turning away.
<grey>-"Oh and an order of ribs to table 19!"</grey>
<b>-"Right.."</b> You face the counter again and grab the plate. Time to serve some food.
<b>-"Table 19.. 19... 19.."</b> You mumble as you look around.
<b>-"Ah, there it is!"</b> After spotting it, you quickly walk there.
<blue>-"Thank you!"</blue> A middle aged man says as you put down his plate.
<b>-"No probl-"</b> Before you could finish the sentance, you see something..
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\14.webp">
<b>-"Woah.."</b> He's getting sucked off under the table! It shouldn't be that surprising, you're in a sex club after all, but you still didn't expect it.
<blue>-"What was that?"</blue>
<b>-"Oh.. Right.. Uhhh I said no problem!"</b> You smile and begin walking towards table 25.
<b>-"Jeez.. They'll do anything for extra cash huh.."</b> As you're walking, you spot Judy serving a couple of guests at the other end of the hall. She seems to be flirting and laughing with them.
<b>-"She's good.."</b> You think as you reach the table.
<emily>-"Heyyy..."</emily> The woman grins.
<b>-"Here you are, another margarita."</b> Before you could even put it down, she stands up and starts grabbing your crotch again.
<emily>-"I know this is your first day and everything, but servers usually return the favor around here.."</emily> She whispers.
<b>-"Return the favor?"</b>
<emily>-"Mhmmm.. I touch you.. You touch me.. That sort of thing."</emily>
<b>-"I think I know what you mean.."</b>
<<pageReplace"Touch her.">>
<b>-"..."</b> You suddenly grab her ass and start to gently kiss her neck. As much as you don't like it, you need to earn that tip!
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\7.webp">
<emily>-"O-oh... Mghhhh"</emily> She moans and throws her head back.
<emily>-"So you finally understood.."</emily>
<b>-"This is a lot better than the margarita huh.."</b>
<emily>-"YessSsss.. Yess it is.."</emily> After a couple of seconds, you let go. She takes a step back and sits down.
<emily>-"Ahaha.."</emily> She awkwardly giggles while blushing.
<emily>-"Y-you mister.. Are my new favorite.. So unpredictable.. So.. Interesting.."</emily> She smiles and extends her arm.
<b>-"Well thank you.."</b> You take it and kiss it.
<b>-"$name2.."</b> You hold eye contact and let go of her hand.
<b>-"Please enjoy your drink ma'am..."</b>
<emily>-"Thank you.. I will indeed."</emily> You nod and begin walking back.
<b>-"Tip - secured.."</b>
<<pageReplace"Continue your shift">>
<b>-"Here you are!"</b>
<bartender>-"Thank you!"</bartender>
<b>-"For you.."</b>
<blue>-"Mhm.. Thanks.."</blue>
<b>-"The salad is here.."</b>
<adriana>-"Appreciate it.."</adriana> For another hour and a half, you serve food to the guest. Surprisingly, nobody else tries to touch you.
<b>-"Huuuu.. Was that the last order?"</b> You ask Garen as you return to the kitchen.
<m>-"Yes it was, we're closing up."</m> He begins washing his hands.
<m>-"Good work today, no complains from the guests."</m> He dries them and walks up to you.
<b>-"That's great to hear sir.."</b>
<m>-"Judy is a senior here, she collects the money."</m> He looks around.
<m>-"There she is! Ask her for your payment."</m> He points at a table on the other side of the kitchen.
<b>-"Understood, thanks."</b> You both shake hands and you begin walking towards her.
<judy>-"Hey you! How was your first day?"</judy> She smiles as you face her.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\10.jpg">
<b>-"Pretty good, the members are a lot nicer than I thought."</b>
<judy>-"Hah, well I'm glad to hear it! As I said before, people here just want to have fun, they're not horrible people or anything."</judy> She takes out an envelope from her bag.
<judy>-"Here you are, some lady left you a decent tip, enjoy!"</judy> You take the envelope and open it.
<b>-"Oh shit..! Thanks!"</b>
<judy>-"Not bad for your first day, huh?"</judy> You nod as she hops off of the table.
<judy>-"See you later $name2, hopefully you'll come around to help out again."</judy>
<b>-"I will!"</b> Judy smiles.
<judy>-"Good to hear., bye bye!"</judy> She waves goodbye to you and chefs and leaves.
<b>-"Damn.. The money is pretty good! Time to head home though, it's getting really late.."</b> You check the time.
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
<<money +250 "Worked at the club">>
<green>Money +250!</green>
[[Drive away->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Back off..">>
<b>-"Sorry ma'am.."</b> You take a step back.
<emily>-"Huh..?"</emily> She looks at you, with an angry expression.
<b>-"That's a little much to ask for.. I need to get a little more comfortable."</b>
<emily>-"Hmph.. I thought you would get the memo by now.. But fine I guess, I'll just find someone else."</emily> The woman sits down.
<emily>-"That's going to be it for me then, you can close my tab."</emily>
<b>-"Understood, please enjoy your drink ma'am..."</b>
<emily>-"Thank you.."</emily> You nod and begin walking back.
<b>-"...I'm not going to touch anyone here."</b>
<<pageReplace"Continue your shift">>
<b>-"Here you are!"</b>
<bartender>-"Thank you!"</bartender>
<b>-"For you.."</b>
<blue>-"Mhm.. Thanks.."</blue>
<b>-"The salad is here.."</b>
<adriana>-"Appreciate it.."</adriana> For another hour and a half, you serve food to the guest. Surprisingly, nobody else tries to touch you.
<b>-"Huuuu.. Was that the last order?"</b> You ask Garen as you return to the kitchen.
<m>-"Yes it was, we're closing up."</m> He begins washing his hands.
<m>-"Good work today, no complains from the guests."</m> He dries them and walks up to you.
<b>-"That's great to hear sir.."</b>
<m>-"Judy is a senior here, she collects the money."</m> He looks around.
<m>-"There she is! Ask her for your payment."</m> He points at a table on the other side of the kitchen.
<b>-"Understood, thanks."</b> You both shake hands and you begin walking towards her.
<judy>-"Hey you! How was your first day?"</judy> She smiles as you face her.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\10.jpg">
<b>-"Pretty good, the members are a lot nicer than I thought."</b>
<judy>-"Hah, well I'm glad to hear it! As I said before, people here just want to have fun, they're not horrible people or anything."</judy> She takes out an envelope from her bag.
<judy>-"Here you are, you got a couple of minor tips, nothing too major though."</judy> You take the envelope and open it.
<b>-"Oh shit..! Thanks!"</b>
<judy>-"Not bad, but try harder next time!"</judy> You nod as she hops off of the table.
<judy>-"See you later $name2, hopefully you'll come around to help out again."</judy>
<b>-"I will!"</b> Judy smiles.
<judy>-"Good to hear., bye bye!"</judy> She waves goodbye to you and chefs and leaves.
<b>-"The money is okay I guess.. Kind of my fault anyways.. Time to head home though, it's getting really late.."</b> You check the time.
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
<<money +200 "Worked at the club">>
<green>Money +200!</green>
<<set $flirtingstatus to $flirtingstatus -1>>
[[Drive away->Go outside]]
<</if>><<set $workdiner to 2>>\
<<locationBackdrop "Club/diner/diner1to5/12.jpeg">>\
<<if $domstatus is true>>
<b>-"Let's see if Judy is inside.."</b> You step inside of the kitchen after moving through the dinner hall.
<b>-"Hmm.. I don't think so.."</b> You didn't see her serving customers either..
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\p1.webp">
<b>-"Garen is here.. I would ask him, but he's creepy as fuck."</b> After putting your phone on one of the tables nearby, you walk up to the counter.
<b>-"Ready to take some orders!"</b> You shout.
<grey>-"Perfect! Tables 34 and 18."</grey> One of the workers put two plates in front of you.
<b>-"Understood!"</b> You take the plates.
<adriana>-"I'm ready as well."</adriana> Another server comes up to the counter.
<grey>-"You can take these to tables 12 and 13"</grey> She nods and takes the plates. You both leave the kitchen and walk into the dinner hall.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\p2.webp">
<b>-"There it is.."</b> You spot table 18 to the right of you.
<b>-"Here you are sir."</b> An old man nods and takes the plate from your hands.
<blue>-"Thank you."</blue> He nods as you spot table 34.
<b>-"Enjoy your food ma'am."</b> You put the food down.
<pink>-"Thank you honey!"</pink> An old woman smiles as you head back towards the kitchen.
<<pageReplace"Work your ass off.">>\
<b>-"Hufff.."</b> You work your ass off for a good hour or two. The kitchen is closing in about 20 minutes.
<b>-"Is that...?"</b> As you put down yet another plate on a members table, you spot Judy, sitting at the bar and drinking a cocktail.
<b>-"Huh..?"</b> After walking up to her, you ask:
<b>-"Judy? Have you been here the whole time? Why are you not working?"</b>
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\p5.jpg">
<judy>-"$name2, hey! Hic.. Garen told me to watch how you work today, s-so I just spent the whole evening here!"</judy> Judy giggles.. You can tell that she's a little tipsy.
<b>-"Huh? Why would he want you to watch over me?"</b>
<judy>-"Just to see if.. Hic.. You're flirty enough you know... Hic.."</judy>
<b>-"Flirty enough?"</b>
<judy>-"Y-yeah.. Nobody wants a.. Hic.. C-celibate in a sex club."</judy> She laughs once again.
<b>-"I guess.. So how am I doing?"</b>
<judy>-"S-so far so good!"</judy>
<b>-"Cool.. I'll serve the remaining folks then."</b> She nods and begins chugging yet another drink. You turn around and walk towards the kitchen.
<grey>-"Table 24 and 25! Last orders of today!"</grey> A worker shouts as he puts down two plates on the counter.
<b>-"Copy that."</b> You grab the plates and begin walking towards the members.
<b>-"Here's your order sir.."</b> You put down the plate on one of the tables.
<blue>-"Thanks.."</blue> You nod and start working towards your last order tonight.
<b>-"Oh.. Is that Olivia?"</b> It's the woman who groped you last time!
<<pageReplace"Serve her normally.">>\
<<set $flirtingstatus to $flirtingstatus -1>>\
<b>-"Here you are Olivia."</b> You put down her food.
<emily>-"$name2! H-how are you..?"</emily> She stands up, but you take a step back.
<b>-"I'm good, I'm good.. Enjoy the food."</b> You turn away and begin walking back. You're not in the mood today..
<emily>-"Fine.."</emily> She mumbles and sits back down.
<b>-"Oof... Finally.."</b> You walk into the kitchen area and sit down on one of the chairs. Time to wait until Judy collects all the cash!
<b>-"Yawwnnnnn.. Hopefully I got some tips tonight."</b> After around 10 minutes, Judy walks in.
<judy>-"H-hey.. Hic.. Here you are.."</judy> She hands you an envelope.
<judy>-"No h-huge tips tonight... S-saw how you rejected that girl, w-why?"</judy> Her cheeks are completely red from alcohol.
<b>-"Just wasn't in the mood."</b> You open the envelope and take a peek inside... It's not terrible, but it ain't great either.
<judy>-"Understood.. W-well you better be in the mood next time... Hic.. A couple more shenanigans like that and Garen will kick you out."</judy>
<b>-"Is that a threat?"</b>
<judy>-"It's just what he told me.."</judy> She shurgs her shoulders.
<b>-"Fuck that guy.. He told me I just need to serve food and we won't have any problems.. What a duche..."</b> You thank Judy for the payment, grab your phone and leave. Time to head home.
<<money +230 "Worked at the club">>
<green>Money +230!</green>
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Serve her food and a little surprise on the side..">>\
<<set $flirtingstatus to $flirtingstatus +1>>\
<b>-"Here you are Olivia."</b> You put down her food and immediately grab her chest and give her a kiss.
<emily>-"O-oh! $name2!"</emily>
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\p4.webp">
<emily>-"Y-you're so forward tonight!"</emily> She blushes.
<b>-"Just for you beautiful.."</b> You bow and smile.
<emily>-"How about you join me in one of the private rooms.."</emily> Olivia grabs your hand.
<b>-"Maybe not today, because I'm working, but I would love to do it whenever I'm free.."</b> You grab her chest from behind and squeeze.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\p6.webp">
<emily>-"O-ohhh... Such masculine hands.."</emily> She melts in her seat.
<b>-"Enjoy your food ma'am, I'm needed in the kitchen."</b> You smile as Olivia nods.
<emily>-"Understood.. Thank you $name2.."</emily>
<b>-"Oof... Finally.."</b> You walk into the kitchen area and sit down on one of the chairs. Time to wait until Judy collects all the cash!
<b>-"Yawwnnnnn.. Hopefully I got some tips tonight."</b> After around 10 minutes, Judy walks in.
<judy>-"H-hey.. Hic.. Here you are.."</judy> She hands you an envelope.
<judy>-"A pretty good tip from that last lady... She was so wet when you left, good job.."</judy> She punches your hand in a friendly way.
<b>-"Hah, thanks, I think I'm getting the hang of things."</b> You open the envelope and take a peek inside... Pretty good money for a couple of hours of work.
<judy>-"K-keep it up... Hic.. The members are still pretty tame around you.. Hic.. B-because you're new and stuff. After a couple of training sessions, the money will start rolling in like crazy!"</judy> Judy's cheeks are completely red.
<b>-"Cool! Do you know when I'll get the invitation letter?"</b>
<judy>-"N-nope... But I think pretty soon, you're doing a good job!"</judy> She shurgs her shoulders.
<b>-"I wonder what kind of training I'll receive..."</b> You thank Judy for the payment, grab your phone and leave. Time to head home.
<<money +280 "Worked at the club">>
<green>Money +280!</green>
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<b>-"Let's see if Judy is inside.."</b> You step inside of the kitchen after moving through the dinner hall.
<b>-"Hmm.. I don't think so.."</b> You didn't see her serving customers either..
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\p1.webp">
<b>-"Garen is here.. I would ask him, but he's creepy as fuck."</b> After putting your phone on one of the tables nearby, you walk up to the counter.
<b>-"Ready to take some orders!"</b> You shout.
<grey>-"Perfect! Tables 34 and 18."</grey> One of the workers put two plates in front of you.
<b>-"Understood!"</b> You take the plates.
<blue>-"I'm ready as well."</blue> Another server comes up to the counter.
<grey>-"You can take these to tables 12 and 13"</grey> He nods and takes the plates. You both leave the kitchen and walk into the dinner hall.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\p2.webp">
<b>-"There it is.."</b> You spot table 18 to the right of you.
<b>-"Here you are sir."</b> An old man nods and takes the plate from your hands.
<blue>-"Thank you pookie."</blue> He nods as you spot table 34.
<b>-"Enjoy your food ma'am."</b> You put the food down.
<pink>-"Thank you honey!"</pink> An old woman smiles as you head back towards the kitchen.
<<pageReplace"Work your ass off.">>\
<b>-"Hufff.."</b> You work your ass off for a good hour or two. The kitchen is closing in about 20 minutes.
<b>-"Is that...?"</b> As you put down yet another plate on a members table, you spot Judy, sitting at the bar and drinking a cocktail.
<b>-"Huh..?"</b> After walking up to her, you ask:
<b>-"Judy? Have you been here the whole time? Why are you not working?"</b>
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\p5.jpg">
<judy>-"$name2, hey! Hic.. Garen told me to watch how you work today, s-so I just spent the whole evening here!"</judy> Judy giggles.. You can tell that she's a little tipsy.
<b>-"H-huh? Why would he want you to watch over me?"</b>
<judy>-"Just to see if.. Hic.. You're flirty enough you know... Hic.."</judy>
<b>-"Flirty enough?"</b>
<judy>-"Y-yeah.. Nobody wants a.. Hic.. C-celibate in a sex club."</judy> She laughs once again.
<b>-"I guess.. So how am I doing?"</b>
<judy>-"S-so far so good!"</judy>
<b>-"C-cool.. I'll serve the remaining folks then."</b> She nods and begins chugging yet another drink. You turn around and walk towards the kitchen.
<grey>-"Table 24 and 25! Last orders of today!"</grey> A worker shouts as he puts down two plates on the counter.
<b>-"Copy that."</b> You grab the plates and begin walking towards the members.
<b>-"Here's your order sir.."</b> You put down the plate on one of the tables.
<blue>-"Thanks.."</blue> You nod and start working towards your last order tonight.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\p3.webp">
<b>-"There he is.."</b> You spot an old man.
<b>-"Here you are sir.."</b> He looks up to you as you set the plate down.
<bartender>-"Oh... Are you new?"</bartender> He stands up.
<b>-"I-I am sir.."</b>
<bartender>-"Let me take a look.."</bartender> You remember about the tradition that Oliver talked about.. You need to let him inspect the goods.
<<pageReplace"Back off.">>\
<<set $flirtingstatus to $flirtingstatus -1>>\
<b>-"I would rather not.."</b> You take a step back as the man frowns.
<bartender>-"Excuse me?"</bartender>
<b>-"S-sorry.. I'm not comfortable."</b>
<bartender>-"Hmph.. This will be reported."</bartender> He sits back down as you quickly walk back.
<b>-"Oof... Finally.. What a scary man that was.."</b> You walk into the kitchen area and sit down on one of the chairs. Time to wait until Judy collects all the cash!
<b>-"Hopefully I got some tips tonight..."</b> After around 10 minutes, Judy walks in.
<judy>-"H-hey.. Hic.. Here you are.."</judy> She hands you an envelope.
<judy>-"No h-huge tips tonight... S-saw how you rejected that guy, w-why?"</judy> Her cheeks are completely red from alcohol.
<b>-"Just wasn't in the mood.. He was creepy too.."</b> You open the envelope and take a peek inside... It's not terrible, but it ain't great either.
<judy>-"Understood.. W-well you better be in the mood next time... Hic.. A couple more shenanigans like that and Garen will kick you out."</judy>
<b>-"K-kick me out? Come on..."</b>
<judy>-"It's just what he told me.."</judy> She shurgs her shoulders.
<b>-"F-fuck that guy.. He told me I just need to serve food and we won't have any problems.. What a duche..."</b> You thank Judy for the payment, grab your phone and leave. Time to head home.
<<money +230 "Worked at the club">>
<green>Money +230!</green>
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Let him.">>\
<<set $flirtingstatus to $flirtingstatus +1>>\
<b>-"G-go ahead.."</b> You stutter as the man grins and gets closer.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\p7.webp">
<bartender>-"Quite flat.. Unfortunately.."</bartender> He mumbles as his cold hands touch your hips.
<b>-"S-sorry.."</b> A shiver runs down your spine.
<bartender>-"Hmmph.. Let's see how this feels..."</bartender> You feel his hand run down your belly towards your crotch.
<bartender>-"O-oh..?"</bartender> He stops.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\p8.webp">
<b>-"..."</b> You feel him touching your locked cock..
<bartender>-"Now this makes things a lot more interesting.."</bartender> He squeezes your precious pair of seeds.
<b>-"Y-youch.."</b> You quiver and take a step back.
<bartender>-"Hehe.. So sensitive.. So fresh.. That's enough for now."</bartender> He takes his hand out and sniffs it.
<bartender>-"Ahhhh.. Incredible.."</bartender>
<b>-"What the fuckkkk..."</b> You whisper..
<bartender>-"Thank you honey, you can go now."</bartender> He sits down.
<b>-"U-understood.. Please enjoy your food!"</b> You bow and leave.
<b>-"Oof... Finally.. What a fucking weirdo that was.."</b> You walk into the kitchen area and sit down on one of the chairs. Time to wait until Judy collects all the cash!
<b>-"Hopefully I got some tips tonight..."</b> After around 10 minutes, Judy walks in.
<judy>-"H-hey.. Hic.. Here you are.."</judy> She hands you an envelope.
<judy>-"A pretty good tip from that last guy... He was so hard when you left, good job.."</judy> She punches your hand in a friendly way.
<b>-"Hah, thanks, I think I'm getting the hang of things."</b> You open the envelope and take a peek inside... Pretty good money for a couple of hours of work.
<judy>-"K-keep it up... Hic.. The members are still pretty tame around you.. Hic.. B-because you're new and stuff. After a couple of training sessions, the money will start rolling in like crazy!"</judy> Judy's cheeks are completely red.
<b>-"Cool! Do you know when I'll get the invitation letter?"</b>
<judy>-"N-nope... But I think pretty soon, you're doing a good job!"</judy> She shurgs her shoulders.
<b>-"I wonder what kind of training I'll receive..."</b> You thank Judy for the payment, grab your phone and leave. Time to head home.
<<money +280 "Worked at the club">>
<green>Money +280!</green>
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<</if>><<set $workdiner to 4>>\
<<locationBackdrop "Club/diner/diner1to5/12.jpeg">>\
<b>-"Yawnnnn.. Let's get this done.."</b> You think as you enter the dinning hall. It's packed like always.
<b>-"How did I even get myself into this.."</b> It's hard to keep up this member facade, but you're doing it for Leyja and for the students, so it's worth it!
<b>-"Hey Judy!"</b> You say as you enter the kitchen area.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\o6.jpg">
<judy>-"Oh $name2! Hey!"</judy> She turns around and faces you.
<judy>-"Ready for your shift? Kitchen just opened."</judy>
<b>-"I am indeed! Are you going to work tonight or just stare at me again?"</b> You chuckle.
<judy>-"Unfortunately I'll have to work.. That was a nice break though, free cocktails were a plus too!"</judy> She stands up.
<b>-"I bet.."</b>
<judy>-"Let's go, the counter is full of plates."</judy> You both walk towards the chefs.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\o2.jpg">
<grey>-"Hey Judy! Table 17, 18 and 21."</grey> Judy nods and grabs the food. After turning around, she bolts through the door.
<grey>-"Good evening $name2, bring these to tables 24, 25 and 34"</grey>
<b>-"Understood."</b> You grab the loaded plates and carefully walk into the dinning hall.
<<pageReplace"Serve the food.">>\
<b>-"Alrighty.."</b> It's your third time serving the members, so you pretty much know where all of the tables are.
<b>-"Here you go."</b> You put down the food on table 17.
<adriana>-"Thank you!"</adriana>
<b>-"Enjoy your food!"</b> Table 18 is served.
<sister>-"Awesome! Thanks!"</sister>
<b>-"Your order is here!"</b>
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\o8.webp">
<blue>-"Appreciate it."</blue> Yet another happy customer.
<b>-"Time to head back to the kitchen.."</b> You think.
<<pageReplace"Continue to work.">>
<<if $domstatus is true>>\
<pink>-"Thanks!"</pink> The day is coming to an end as you continue to serve the members food.. This isn't really how you imagined infiltrating a secret club would feel like..
<b>-"Table 34 is next..."</b> You whisper as you walk towards it. A young woman and her friend is occupying it.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\o3.jpg">
<b>-"Hello, y'all ordered a portion of lobster, right?"</b> You place down a plate on their table.
<emily>-"Ohhhh... Yes we did.."</emily> They look at each other.
<adriana>-"You're $name2 right?"</adriana>
<b>-"Uhmmm yes, how do you know my name?"</b> One of the girls stand up and start to unbuckle your pants..
<emily>-"Heeeeeh.. We're heard great things from Olivia."</emily> You suddenly feel her hand go under...
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\o4.webp">
<b>-"Mghhh.. Not again.."</b> You think as the woman squeezes your cock.
<adriana>-"Well, how is he?"</adriana> Her friend asks.
<emily>-"Fuck me.. He's huge.."</emily> The woman takes out her hand and slowly turns around.
<emily>-"I can already imagine him fucking my brains out.."</emily> You feel her butt press up against your crotch..
<<pageReplace"Hump her.">>
<b>-"I can imagine that too.."</b> You flirt with her and grab her jeans... Time to earn that extra cash!
<emily>-"O-ohhhHHHH!"</emily> You start to hump the woman as her friend laughs.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\o5.webp">
<adriana>-"Ghahahahah! I love this dude!"</adriana> She starts to pull out her phone.
<b>-"Hey! No filming!"</b> You can't risk anyone recognising you.
<adriana>-"My bad!"</adriana> She puts it away as you finally let go of the woman you've been humping.
<emily>-"J-jeez.. I felt your cock bulging through your pants.. Incredible.."</emily> She pants as her cheeks turn red.
<b>-"Hah, you're not so bad as well."</b> You zip your pants back up and compose yourself.
<adriana>-"Hihihi.. We'll definitely take him to one of those rooms some day."</adriana> They whisper to each other.
<b>-"Anything else, ladies?"</b>
<adriana>-"Tell us, how does this place work? We joined because we're pretty promiscuous and we got a recommendation from a friend inside.."</adriana>
<b>-"Hmmm.. What do you mean?"</b> The woman you humped sits down.
<emily>-"Like.. I really want to have sex with you right now, should I just ask or...?"</emily>
<b>-"I mean I'm pretty new myself, so I don't know, but I guess yeah, just ask."</b> You chuckle.
<emily>-"Well I'm asking right now."</emily>
<judy>-"He's not quite ready for that yet."</judy> You hear Judy's voice behind you.
<b>-"J-judy?"</b> You turn around.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\o1.jpg">
<adriana>-"Not ready? What do you mean?"</adriana> One of the girls frown.
<green>-"This server started working a couple of weeks ago, he hasn't received the proper training yet."</green>
<emily>-"Oof.. Understood.."</emily>
<adriana>-"Come around when you get it then, we'll have lots of fun!"</adriana> They both stand up and put some money on the table.
<b>-"Hah, sure thing!"</b> You bow and smile.
<judy>-"Come."</judy> Judy grabs the cash and your arm and start to drag you to the side.
<<pageReplace"Talk with her.">>
<b>-"What was that..? Not ready?"</b> You ask as you stop at the bar.
<judy>-"Do you really think you are?"</judy>
<b>-"I mean.. Isn't it my choice at the end of the day?"</b>
<judy>-"Sure, but the training is there to insure our staff knows what they're doing."</judy> She crosses her arms.
<judy>-"Nobody wants to join a sex club where the staff don't know how to make a girl cum."</judy> You frown.
<b>-"Come on, don't underestimate me!"</b>
<judy>-"I'm not, it's just the rules. No sex until you get the proper training."</judy> You roll your eyes.
<b>-"I feel like a kid."</b>
<judy>-"Then you're the only kid I know who's getting paid this much."</judy> She hands you an envelope.
<b>-"Huh? The kitchen is open for another hour though."</b>
<judy>-"Yeah I know, but I got it from here on out, most members already ate."</judy> You look around.. It is indeed pretty empty.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> You look inside and see a pretty nice stack of cash.
<b>-"I'll see you later then."</b>
<judy>-"Mhm, sure.. Have a great night!"</judy> You both hug and go your separate ways.
<b>-"No sex until I get the proper training huh.. Annoying.."</b> Time to head home.
<<set $flirtingstatus to $flirtingstatus +1>>\
<<money +300 "Worked at the club">>
<green>Money +300!</green>
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Back off.">>
<<set $flirtingstatus to $flirtingstatus -1>>\
<b>-"Hey hey.. Let's calm down for a sec.."</b> You step back.
<emily>-"Heyy.. Am I not hot enough?"</emily> The woman faces you again.
<b>-"N-no.. It's not that.. I'm just new, not really comfortable with this whole sexual serving thing."</b>
<emily>-"Sigh.. Fine I guess.."</emily> She sits down.
<b>-"Anything else, ladies?"</b>
<adriana>-"Yeah.. Could you tell us, how does this place work? We joined because we're pretty promiscuous and we got a recommendation from a friend inside.."</adriana>
<b>-"Hmmm.. What do you mean?"</b>
<emily>-"Like.. I really want to have sex with you right now, should I just ask or...?"</emily>
<b>-"I mean.. I just told you I'm not comfortable with it, but I guess you could ask someone else, yeah."</b> You chuckle.
<emily>-"But I'm asking you."</emily>
<judy>-"He's not quite ready for that yet."</judy> You hear Judy's voice behind you.
<b>-"J-judy?"</b> You turn around.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\o1.jpg">
<adriana>-"Sigh.. Who are you?"</adriana> One of the girls frown.
<green>-"This server started working a couple of weeks ago, he hasn't received the proper training yet."</green>
<emily>-"Oof.. Understood.."</emily>
<adriana>-"Come around when you get it then, we'll have lots of fun!"</adriana> They both stand up and put some money on the table.
<b>-"Uhmm. Sure.."</b> You awkwardly say.
<judy>-"Come."</judy> Judy grabs the cash and your arm and start to drag you to the side.
<<pageReplace"Talk with her.">>
<b>-"Thanks for that."</b> You ask as you stop at the bar.
<judy>-"Sure thing. You'll have to get comfortable eventually, you know that right?"</judy>
<b>-"Yeah, I know.. What was that about training anyways, isn't it my choice who I have sex with at the end of the day?"</b>
<judy>-"I mean yeah, but he training is there to insure our staff knows what they're doing."</judy> She crosses her arms.
<judy>-"Nobody wants to join a sex club where the staff don't know how to make a girl cum."</judy> You frown.
<b>-"Come on, don't underestimate me!"</b>
<judy>-"I'm not, it's just the rules. No sex until you get the proper training."</judy> You roll your eyes.
<b>-"I feel like a kid."</b>
<judy>-"Then you're the only kid I know who's getting paid this much."</judy> She hands you an envelope.
<b>-"Huh? The kitchen is open for another hour though."</b>
<judy>-"Yeah I know, but I got it from here on out, most members already ate."</judy> You look around.. It is indeed pretty empty.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> You look inside and see a pretty nice stack of cash.
<b>-"I'll see you later then."</b>
<judy>-"Mhm, sure.. Have a great night!"</judy> You both hug and go your separate ways.
<b>-"No sex until I get the proper training huh.. Maybe that's a good thing.."</b> Time to head home.
<<set $flirtingstatus to $flirtingstatus +1>>\
<<money +220 "Worked at the club">>
<green>Money +220!</green>
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<pink>-"Thanks!"</pink> The day is coming to an end as you continue to serve the members food.. This isn't really how you imagined infiltrating a secret club would feel like..
<b>-"Table 34 is next..."</b> You whisper as you walk towards it. Oliver and his friend is occupying it.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\o9.jpg">
<b>-"Hello, y'all ordered a portion of lobster, right?"</b> You place down a plate on their table.
<olive>-"Ohhhh... $name2! We were just talking about you!"</olive> Oliver smiles.
<m>-"I've heard great things."</m>
<b>-"Ahaha t-thanks guys.."</b> Oliver stands up and shoves his hand under your panties..
<olive>-"Heard from my buddy that you're caged.. If not for him, I wouldn't have guessed you were a sissy.."</olive>
<b>-"Mghhh.. Not again.."</b> You think as he squeezes your pair..
<m>-"You weren't lying, she does look really fucking good.."</m> You throw your head backwards in pleasure.
<olive>-"Come on $name2, don't embarrass me in front my friend, put in some work!"</olive>
<b>-"Mghh.. Y-yes sir.."</b> You shove your hand down his pants as well..
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\o4.webp">
<m>-"Well, how is he?"</m> His friends laughs.
<b>-"H-huge.."</b> You whisper.
<olive>-"Hahaha! That's what I like to hear!"</olive> Oliver takes your his hand.
<olive>-"Turn around... I want to see how it would feel like to fuck you.."</olive> He places his hand on your hips.
<b>-"W-what..?"</b> You stutter.
<olive>-"You heard me."</olive>
<<pageReplace"Do as he says.">>
<b>-"Mghh... F-fine.."</b> You turn around and bend over.. Time to earn that extra cash!
<olive>-"Fuck me now that's a nice view!"</olive>He grabs your waist and begins to hump you.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\o5.webp">
<b>-"MghHhh! S-shittTt.."</b> Your caged cock is swinging freely as you're getting completely pummeled.
<m>-"Ghahahahah! I love this chick!"</m> Oliver's friend starts pulling out his phone.
<b>-"H-hey! No filming!"</b> You can't risk anyone recognising you.
<m>-"My bad, my bad!"</m> He puts it away as Oliver finally lets go of you.
<b>-"J-jeez.. I felt your cock bulging through your pants.."</b> Your cheeks turn red..
<olive>-"Hah, you're not so bad as well."</olive>He zips up his pants and composes himself.
<m>-"Ghahaha.. We'll definitely take her to one of those rooms some day."</m> His friend says.
<b>-"A-anything else?"</b>
<m>-"Tell us, how does this place work again?"</m>
<b>-"Hmmm.. What do you mean?"</b> Oliver sits down.
<olive>-"We joined a couple of weeks ago."</olive> Did they join at the same time as you?
<olive>-"Like.. I really want to have sex with you right now, should I just ask or...?"</olive>
<b>-"I mean I'm pretty new myself, but I think yeah you just need to ask.."</b> You giggle.
<olive>-"Well I'm asking right now."</olive>
<judy>-"She's not quite ready for that yet."</judy> You hear Judy's voice behind you.
<b>-"J-judy?"</b> You turn around.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\o1.jpg">
<m>-"Not ready? What do you mean?"</m> One of the guys frown.
<green>-"This server started working a couple of weeks ago, she hasn't received the proper training yet."</green>
<olive>-"Oof.. Understood.."</olive>
<m>-"Come around when you get it then, we'll have lots of fun!"</m> They both stand up and put some money on the table.
<b>-"I.. I'll think about it!"</b> You bow and smile.
<judy>-"Come."</judy> Judy grabs the cash and your arm and start to drag you to the side.
<<pageReplace"Talk with her.">>
<b>-"What was that...? N-not ready?"</b> You ask as you stop at the bar.
<judy>-"Do you really think you are?"</judy>
<b>-"I mean.. Isn't it my choice at the end of the day?"</b>
<judy>-"Sure, but the training is there to insure our staff knows what they're doing."</judy> She crosses her arms.
<judy>-"Nobody wants to join a sex club where the staff don't know how to make a guy cum."</judy> You frown.
<b>-"Come on, don't underestimate me!"</b>
<judy>-"I'm not, it's just the rules. No sex until you get the proper training."</judy> You roll your eyes.
<b>-"I feel like a kid."</b>
<judy>-"Then you're the only kid I know who's getting paid this much."</judy> She hands you an envelope.
<b>-"Huh? The kitchen is open for another hour though."</b>
<judy>-"Yeah I know, but I got it from here on out, most members already ate."</judy> You look around.. It is indeed pretty empty.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> You look inside and see a pretty nice stack of cash.
<b>-"I'll see you later then."</b>
<judy>-"Mhm, sure.. Have a great night!"</judy> You both hug and go your separate ways.
<b>-"No sex until I get the proper training huh.. Annoying.."</b> Time to head home.
<<set $flirtingstatus to $flirtingstatus +1>>\
<<money +300 "Worked at the club">>
<green>Money +300!</green>
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Back off.">>
<<set $flirtingstatus to $flirtingstatus -1>>\
<b>-"Hey hey.. Let's calm down for a sec.."</b> You step back.
<olive>-"Heyy.. Am I not big enough for you?"</olive>Oliver faces you again.
<b>-"N-no.. It's not that.. I'm just new, not really comfortable with this whole sexual serving thing."</b>
<olive>-"Sigh.. So annoying.."</olive> He sits down.
<b>-"A-anything else..?"</b>
<m>-"Tell us, how does this place work again?"</m>
<b>-"Hmmm.. What do you mean?"</b> Oliver sits down.
<olive>-"We joined a couple of weeks ago."</olive>Did they join at the same time as you?
<olive>-"Like.. I really want to have sex with you right now, should I just ask or...?"</olive>
<b>-"I mean I'm pretty new myself, but I think yeah you just need to ask.."</b>
<olive>-"Well I'm asking right now."</olive>
<judy>-"She's not quite ready for that yet."</judy> You hear Judy's voice behind you.
<b>-"J-judy?"</b> You turn around.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\o1.jpg">
<m>-"Not ready? What do you mean?"</m> One of the guys frown.
<green>-"This server started working a couple of weeks ago, she hasn't received the proper training yet."</green>
<olive>-"Oof.. Understood.."</olive>
<m>-"Come around when you get it then, we'll have lots of fun!"</m> They both stand up and put some money on the table.
<b>-"I.. I'll think about it!"</b> You bow and smile.
<judy>-"Come."</judy> Judy grabs the cash and your arm and start to drag you to the side.
<<pageReplace"Talk with her.">>
<b>-"Thanks for that."</b> You ask as you stop at the bar.
<judy>-"Sure thing. You'll have to get comfortable eventually, you know that right?"</judy>
<b>-"Yeah, I know.. What was that about training anyways, isn't it my choice who I have sex with at the end of the day?"</b>
<judy>-"I mean yeah, but he training is there to insure our staff knows what they're doing."</judy> She crosses her arms.
<judy>-"Nobody wants to join a sex club where the staff don't know how to make a guy cum."</judy> You frown.
<b>-"Come on, don't underestimate me!"</b>
<judy>-"I'm not, it's just the rules. No sex until you get the proper training."</judy> You roll your eyes.
<b>-"I feel like a kid."</b>
<judy>-"Then you're the only kid I know who's getting paid this much."</judy> She hands you an envelope.
<b>-"Huh? The kitchen is open for another hour though."</b>
<judy>-"Yeah I know, but I got it from here on out, most members already ate."</judy> You look around.. It is indeed pretty empty.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> You look inside and see a mediocre stack of cash.
<b>-"I'll see you later then."</b>
<judy>-"Mhm, sure.. Have a great night!"</judy> You both hug and go your separate ways.
<b>-"No sex until I get the proper training huh.. Maybe that's a good thing.."</b> Time to head home.
<<set $flirtingstatus to $flirtingstatus +1>>\
<<money +220 "Worked at the club">>
<green>Money +220!</green>
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>><<set $workdiner to 5>>\
<<locationBackdrop "Club/diner/diner1to5/12.jpeg">>\
<b>-"Heyy Judy, place is packed tonight!"</b> You notice her sitting nearby the kitchen and enjoying a drink.
<judy>-"Hey $name2! Sure is!"</judy> She smirks and takes another drink.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\i1.jpg">
<b>-"Taking a break?"<b/> You ask as you put your stuff on a table nearby.
<judy>-"Yeahhhh, having a pretty rough night, thanks for coming in."</judy> Judy stands up.
<b>-"No problem."</b> You smile, take a step towards the kitchen counter and look at her.
<b>-"Ready?"</b> She stands next to you.
<judy>-"Sigh.. Yup."</judy>
<b>-"Ready to take some orders!"</b> You shout as the chefs nod and begin bringing you plates of food.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\i11.webp">
<grey>-"Go ahead."</grey> You grab some of them and start bringing them to members.
<<pageReplace"Work your ass off.">>
<b>-"Gosh... My legs hurt."</b> You take a minute to rest as you watch the folks eat.
<<if $domstatus is true>>
<b>-"Hmm, I wonder where Olivia is, she's usually flirting with me right about now.."</b> <<if $flirtingstatus>=5>>You chuckle as you remember all of the harassment.<<else>>You shiver as you remember all of the unwanted attention...<</if>>
<emily>-"Heyyyyy..."</emily> Olivia's voice rings out behind you.
<b>-"H-huh??"</b> You quickly turn around.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\i12.jpg">
<b>-"What in the fuck? I was just thinking about you!"</b>
<emily>-"Awwwwhhh, you miss me that much?"</emily>
<b>-"I.. No.. What? I didn-"</b>
<emily>-"Ghahaha I'm just teasing you!"</emily> She begins walking to one of the empty tables.
<emily>-"Are you going to take my order or not?"</emily> Olivia turns around and smiles.
<b>-"Sigh.. Fine.."</b> You follow her to the table.
<b>-"Why so late tonight?"</b> She sits down.
<emily>-"I was waiting for you! Came around a couple of times and didn't see you."</emily>
<emily>-"Heh, I told you, you're my new favorite!"</emily> As Olivia speaks, you can't stop your instincts from kicking in.. Her chest is huge and you're staring straight at it.
<b>-"Ahem.. What would you like to order ma'am."</b> You snap out of it.
<emily>-"Oh... Noticed something you like?"</emily> She grins and squeezes them.
<b>-"Maybe I have..."</b>
<emily>-"You know, you can touch them if you wish."</emily> Olivia smiles.
<b>-"Well, if you insits."</b> You carefully place your hand on her breast.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\i2.webp">
<emily>-"Hmmmhhh.. How are they?"</emily>
<b>-"Soft... And squishy..."</b> You start to grope them more aggressively.. It's so fun!
<emily>-"MgHhh.. Just as I remember them..."</emily>
<emily>-"Y-your hands.. S-so masculine.."</emily> You notice her nipples getting harder and harder with every touch.
<b>-"A lot of women say that."</b>
<emily>-"Ha! I-I bet they do!"</emily> She moves away and you retract your hand.
<emily>-"S-shit that's enough.. They're starting to hurt now.."</emily>
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\i14.webp">
<b>-"I can tell you enjoyed that."</b>
<emily>-"Hah, I did.. You know what else I would enjoy..?"</emily> She bites her lip.
<b>-"Our today's special?"</b> You chuckle.
<emily>-"No you asshole!"</emily> Olivia laughs with you.
<emily>-"How about we try out one of those private rooms.. Surprisingly never been to one.."</emily> She looks down at your crotch.. You're already pretty hard.
<<pageReplace"I wish.">>
<b>-"Hah, I wish Olivia, unfortunately, I can't."</b> You take a step back.
<emily>-"Huh..? What do you mean?"</emily>
<b>-"It's n-"</b> She cuts you off.
<emily>-"Don't worry, I got everything we need, condoms, lube, the whole nine yards."</emily>
<b>-"Huh, you really planned this out, didn't you?"</b>
<emily>-"I did! That's why I waited... Look, I'm not even wearing panties.."</emily> Olivia flashes you.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\i13.webp">
<b>-"Gulp.."</b> God you wish you could fuck the shit out of this woman.
<b>-"As I was trying to say.. It's not you.. If it was up to me, we would be banging 10 minutes ago."</b>
<emily>-"Then what is it?"</emily> She covers up her bush.
<b>-"Staff have rules, if I want to keep this job, I can't have sex with any members until I recieve the proper training."</b> You sigh.
<emily>-"Huh? I thought you had plenty of exeprience.."</emily> She stands up and gets closer.
<emily>-"Don't tell me you've been lying.."</emily>
<b>-"I have not.."</b> You place your hand on her waist and slowly start to move it downwards as you hold eye contact.
<emily>-"NghhhHh.. T-then why do you need training.."</emily>
<b>-"It's the club policy beautiful, can't dodge it."</b> You reach her second pair of lips and begin to pleasure her.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\i3.webp">
<emily>-"F-fucKKkkkk... How long do I have to wait..?"</emily>
<b>-"I wish I knew..."</b> As you insert two fingers inside, Olivia grabs your shoulder.
<b>-"Relax... Let me give you a preview.."</b> You start to move the fingers quicker and quicker.
<emily>-"GhhHHHhhh.."</emily> She starts to quiver as you look around, nobody seems to mind... Of course.
<emily>-"Mgghmm.. I-I've never came that fast before.. MghhH.."</emily> You slowly take them out as she pants... The whole ordeal didn't last more than 30 seconds.
<b>-"Shit.. Can't serve food with fingers like these."</b>
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\i4.jpg">
<emily>-"I.. I need to sit down.."</emily> She plops down on the seat.
<<pageReplace"Clean yourself up.">>
<b>-"I need to clean myself up, be right back."</b> She nods as you walk away. After cleaning your hands, you return, but Olivia noweher to be scene.
<b>-"Damn.. Where did she go."</b> You sigh and turn towards the kitchen.
<b>-"I guess I'll just continue to work."</b> You begin bringing food to more and more members. After a grueling couple of hours, the dinner hall is finally empty.
<b>-"Fuck.. Finally."</b> You walk into the kitchen.
<judy>-"Heyy tigerrrrr..."</judy> Judy grins as you look at her.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\i10.jpg">
<b>-"What's with the expression?"</b>
<judy>-"Ghah, nothing, just what did you do to that one brunette? One second I'm watching you both talk, the next - you're gone and she's walking away all wobbly."</judy> Judy laughs.
<b>-"So that's where she went!"</b>
<judy>-"What? Where you planning to go for seconds?"</judy>
<b>-"Shut up.."</b> You chuckle.
<b>-"Also, that training rule is really starting to piss me off, it's the second time it cockblocked me."</b>
<judy>-"Rules are rules baby, it is what it is."</judy> She hands you an envelope.
<judy>-"She left a fat tip, good job."</judy>
<b>-"Sigh.. That's good.."</b>
<judy>-"Wallet is feeling good, but you cock ain't, huh?"</judy>
<b>-"Yeahhhh.. That's pretty much it."</b>
<judy>-"Don't worry, a week or two and the letter will come."</judy> She gets off of the sofa.
<judy>-"Going to be hard getting the members off of you.. You sure you'll still have time to help me out here?"</judy> Judy laughs and places her hand on your chest.
<b>-"I'll push them off myself if I need to.."</b> You hold eye contact as she smiles and walks by.
<judy>-"Good.. I'll see you in a couple then."</judy> You see her blush.
<b>-"Hmm.. Right. Have a good one."</b> She leaves the kitchen as you open the envelope.
<b>-"Damn.. Pretty nice.."</b>
<<money +300 "Worked at the club">>
<green>Money +300!</green>
<<set $flirtingstatus to $flirtingstatus +1>>
[[Head home yourself->Go outside]]
<b>-"Nope"</b> You take a step back.
<emily>-"Huh..? Why are you so cold all the time.."</emily> She frowns.
<b>-"I'm not cold.. Just not interested."</b>
<judy>-"Not interested..? Really?"</judy>
<b>-"Yeah.. Pretty much."</b>
<judy>-"That's not possible.."</judy> She spreads her legs and lifts her skirt.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\i13.webp">
<b>-"Hmph.. Not possible?"</b>
<judy>-"Everybody wants to fuck me!"</judy>
<b>-"Well.. I'm not everybody then."</b> You sigh.. It's pretty obvious she won't take a no for an answer.
<b>-"Sigh, even if I wanted to, I couldn't"</b>
<b>-"Staff have rules, if I want to keep this job, I can't have sex with any members until I recieve the proper training."</b>
<emily>-"Huh? I thought you had plenty of exeprience.."</emily> She stands up and gets closer.
<b>-"I do, but rules are rules, can't break them."</b> You ake a step back once again.
<emily>-"UrghhhHH! So annoying!"</emily> Olivia crosses her arms like an angry child.
<<pageReplace"I need to serve other customers">>
<b>-"Listen, I need to serve other customers."</b> Olivia rolls her eyes.
<emily>-"Yeah yeah, do whatever you have to.."</emily> You nod, turn around and begin walking towards the kitchen.
<emily>-"Fuck! I really though he would fall for me this time.."</emily> Olivia mumbles behind you.
<b>-"Right.. Let's get to work."</b> You begin bringing food to more and more members. After a grueling couple of hours, the dinner hall is finally empty.
<b>-"Fuck.. Finally."</b> You walk into the kitchen.
<b>-"Hey Judy."</b> You say as you enter.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\i10.jpg">
<judy>-"Oh, $name2"</judy> She looks at you.. You can tell that she's not happy.
<judy>-"What did you do to that one brunette? One second I'm watching you both talk, the next - you're gone and she's walking away all angry."</judy>
<b>-"Turned her down and she got pissed.. The usual basically."</b>
<judy>-"I don't want to be annoying, but remember, if you don't start to flirt with customers, Garen will kick you out."</judy> She crosses her arms.
<b>-"Yeah yeah.. I remember."</b>
<judy>-"Sigh.. Anyways, here you are."</judy> She hands you an envelope.
<judy>-"Almost no tips, good job."</judy> Judy sarcastically remarks and gets off of the sofa.
<b>-"It is what it is."</b>
<judy>-"I'll see you in a couple."</judy> She walks past.
<b>-"Hmm.. Right. Have a good one."</b> She leaves the kitchen as you open the envelope.
<b>-"Damn.. Pretty shitty.."</b>
<<money +200 "Worked at the club">>
<green>Money +200!</green>
<<set $flirtingstatus to $flirtingstatus -1>>
[[Head home yourself->Go outside]]
<b>-"Hmm, I wonder where Oliver is, he's usually flirting with me right about now.."</b> <<if $flirtingstatus>=5>>You chuckle as you remember all of the harassment.<<else>>You shiver as you remember all of the unwanted attention...<</if>>
<olive>-"$name2! Hey!"</olive> Olivers voice rings out behind you.
<b>-"H-huh??"</b> You quickly turn around.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\i15.jpg">
<b>-"W-what in the fuck? I was just thinking about you!"</b>
<olive>-"Huh, you miss me that much?"</olive>
<b>-"I.. No.. What? I didn-"</b>
<olive>-"Ghahaha I'm just teasing you!"</olive> He begins walking to the bar.
<olive>-"Come, let's talk."</olive> Oliver turns around and smiles.
<b>-"Sigh.. Fine.."</b>
<b>-"Why so late tonight?"</b> You both reach the bar.
<olive>-"I was waiting for you! Came around a couple of times and didn't see you."</olive>
<olive>-"Heh, I told you, you're my new favorite!"</olive> You roll your eyes and lean on the counter.
<b>-"So what did you want to talk about?"</b> You feel his hand run across your butt..
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\i5.webp">
<b>-"O-oliver.."</b> Suddenly, your chastity cage feels a lot more tight..
<olive>-"Hmm? Feeling good?"</olive> He whispers into your ear.
<olive>-"Of course you do.."</olive> You feel Oliver's crotch press up against your back side.
<b>-"NghHHh.. W-we can't.."</b> Your hips start to move on their own.. Feeling his bulging cock is really turning you on..
<olive>-"Yeah yeah.. Your training and shit.. You can still get me off in other ways, you know.."</olive> He places his hand on your back and slowly bends you over.
<olive>-"Come on babe.. Just like last time.."</olive>
<b>-"NghHhh.."</b> He lowers down his pants and raises your skirt.. You can't stop yourself from grinding on him..
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\i6.webp">
<olive>-"Hmmmhhh.. Why so quiet?"</olive> Oliver spanks you.
<b>-"MgHHhHh! S-sir.. P-please!"</b> Your mind is saying one thing, but your body - another.
<olive>-"Hahaha, don't act like you don't like this.."</olive>
<b>-"NgHHhhh.. I.. I don't!"</b>
<olive>-"I'll tell you what, get me off, and I'll leave you alone."</olive> He stops grinding.
<b>-"G-get you off?"</b>
<olive>-"Sure thing."</olive> Oliver sits down on one of the bar chairs and pulls down his underwear.. Revealing his cock..
<b>-"Gulp.. So big.."</b> You think..
<olive>-"So.. We have a deal?"</olive>
<<pageReplace"Get him off.">>
<b>-"Ugh.. Only because you'll leave me alone after.."</b> You lie through your teeth.
<olive>-"Sure princess, whatever you say."</olive> You straighten your back and slowly walk up to him.
<olive>-"Come on.. I don't have all day."</olive> After turning around, you begin grinding him again.
<b>-"NghHh.. H-hurry up.."</b>
<olive>-"S-shitTTtt.. Now that's the spot.."</olive> Oliver throws his head backwards.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\i7.webp">
<b>-"Shit.."</b> His cock is moving inbetween your ass cheeks.. Your little clit has completely filled up it's cage.
<b>-"Gosh you're big.."</b>
<olive>-"Hah! Now imagine it going inside.."</olive> Oliver grabs your waist.
<b>-"FucKkkk..."</b> It's your first time thinking about a man fucking you.. And it's fucking hot!
<olive>-"D-damn.. You have experience or something?! I'm about to cum!"</olive> You increase the speed as he moans..
<b>-"N-no.. You're basically.. MgHhhh.. The only asshole who's picking on me here.."</b>
<olive>-"H-hard to believe! You're way too hot!"</olive> Oliver's thighs begin shaking a bit..
<olive>-"F-fuckKKkkKKKKK!!"</olive> As you continue to grind his cock, you feel a warm liquid start to spurt out.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\i8.webp">
<b>-"O-oh my god..."</b> You quickly get off of him, but it's too late, your back side is completely covered in his juices.
<olive>-"S-shit babe.. That was quick!"</olive> Oliver continues to lay on the stool, in front of everybody.
<b>-"I.. I can't serve customers like this.."</b> Cum is dripping off of your ass.. Of course you can't.
<olive>-"Oof.. A deal is a deal, I won't bother you tonight."</olive> Oliver slowly gets up.
<b>-"I.. I need to clean up.."</b> You quickly pull down your skirt.
<b>-"I need to go Oliver."</b>
<olive>-"Fine by me.. You've done your part."</olive> He covers his cock with some underwear and looks at you.
<olive>-"I need to clean up myself haha! Thanks for the preview $name2, can't wait to go the full way."</olive> Oliver winks.
<b>-"Right.."</b> He begins walking away.
<<pageReplace"Clean yourself up.">>
<b>-"Shit.. So many stains.."</b> You sigh and begin washing them away in the bathroom.
<b>-"Finally.. Let's get back to work.</b> After making sure your skirt looks perfect, you begin bringing food to more and more members. After a grueling couple of hours, the dinner hall is finally empty.
<b>-"Fuck.. Finally."</b> You walk into the kitchen.
<judy>-"Heyy beautiful..."</judy> Judy grins as you look at her.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\i10.jpg">
<b>-"W-what's with the expression haha?"</b>
<judy>-"Ghah, nothing, just what did you do to that one guy? One second I'm watching you both talk, the next - you're gone and he's walking away with his pants down!"</judy> Judy laughs.
<b>-"L-long story haha.. Had to make him go away."</b>
<judy>-"You didn't break the rules, did you?"</judy> Judy raises one eyebrow.
<b>-"O-of course not!"</b>
<judy>-"Good! Here you are."</judy> She hands you an envelope.
<judy>-"He left a fat tip, good job."</judy>
<b>-"Sigh.. That's good.."</b>
<judy>-"Don't worry, a week or two and the letter will come."</judy> She gets off of the sofa.
<judy>-"Going to be hard getting the members off of you.. You sure you'll still have time to help me out here?"</judy>
<b>-"Of course Judy.."</b> She start to walk by.
<judy>-"Good.. I'll see you in a couple then."</judy>
<b>-"Hmm.. Have a good one."</b> She leaves the kitchen as you open the envelope.
<b>-"Damn.. Pretty nice.."</b>
<<money +300 "Worked at the club">>
<green>Money +300!</green>
<<set $flirtingstatus to $flirtingstatus +1>>
[[Head home yourself->Go outside]]
<b>-"L-listen.. It's been fun, but this is all too much.."</b> Oliver rolls his eyes.
<b>-"I need to serve other customers too..."</b>
<olive>-"Yeah yeah, of course you do."</olive>
<b>-"S-sorry.."</b> You bow, pull down your skirt, turn around and begin walking towards the kitchen.
<olive>-"Fuck! I really though she would fall for me this time.."</olive> Oliver mumbles behind you.
<b>-"Let's get to work."</b> You begin bringing food to more and more members. After a grueling couple of hours, the dinner hall is finally empty.
<b>-"Fuck.. Finally."</b> You walk into the kitchen.
<b>-"Hey Judy."</b> You say as you enter.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\i10.jpg">
<judy>-"Oh, $name2"</judy> She looks at you.. You can tell that she's not happy.
<judy>-"What did you do to that one guy? One second I'm watching you both talk, the next - you're gone and he's walking away all angry with a boner."</judy>
<b>-"Haha.. Boner?"</b>
<judy>-"Yeah! Saw it through his pants, he was that hard!"</judy>
<b>-"Turned him down and he got pissed.. The usual basically."</b>
<judy>-"I don't want to be annoying, but remember, if you don't start to flirt with customers, Garen will kick you out."</judy> She crosses her arms.
<b>-"Yeah yeah.. I remember."</b>
<judy>-"Sigh.. Anyways, here you are."</judy> She hands you an envelope.
<judy>-"Almost no tips, good job."</judy> Judy sarcastically remarks and gets off of the sofa.
<b>-"It is what it is."</b>
<judy>-"I'll see you in a couple."</judy> She walks past.
<b>-"Hmm.. Right. Have a good one."</b> She leaves the kitchen as you open the envelope.
<b>-"Damn.. Pretty shitty.."</b>
<<money +200 "Worked at the club">>
<green>Money +200!</green>
<<set $flirtingstatus to $flirtingstatus -1>>
[[Head home yourself->Go outside]]
<b>-"Nope"</b> You take a step back.
<olive>-"Huh..? Come on.. Why are you so cold all the time.."</olive> He frowns.
<b>-"I'm not cold.. Just not interested."</b>
<judy>-"Not interested..? Really?"</judy>
<b>-"Yeah.. Pretty much."</b>
<b>-"L-listen, I need to serve other customers anyways.."</b> Oliver rolls his eyes.
<olive>-"Yeah yeah, of course you do."</olive>
<b>-"S-sorry.."</b> You bow, pull down your skirt, turn around and begin walking towards the kitchen.
<olive>-"Fuck! I really though she would fall for me this time.."</olive> Oliver mumbles behind you.
<b>-"Let's get to work."</b> You begin bringing food to more and more members. After a grueling couple of hours, the dinner hall is finally empty.
<b>-"Fuck.. Finally."</b> You walk into the kitchen.
<b>-"Hey Judy."</b> You say as you enter.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\i10.jpg">
<judy>-"Oh, $name2"</judy> She looks at you.. You can tell that she's not happy.
<judy>-"What did you do to that one guy? One second I'm watching you both talk, the next - you're gone and he's walking away all angry with a boner."</judy>
<b>-"Haha.. Boner?"</b>
<judy>-"Yeah! Saw it through his pants, he was that hard!"</judy>
<b>-"Turned him down and he got pissed.. The usual basically."</b>
<judy>-"I don't want to be annoying, but remember, if you don't start to flirt with customers, Garen will kick you out."</judy> She crosses her arms.
<b>-"Yeah yeah.. I remember."</b>
<judy>-"Sigh.. Anyways, here you are."</judy> She hands you an envelope.
<judy>-"Almost no tips, good job."</judy> Judy sarcastically remarks and gets off of the sofa.
<b>-"It is what it is."</b>
<judy>-"I'll see you in a couple."</judy> She walks past.
<b>-"Hmm.. Right. Have a good one."</b> She leaves the kitchen as you open the envelope.
<b>-"Damn.. Pretty shitty.."</b>
<<money +200 "Worked at the club">>
<green>Money +200!</green>
<<set $flirtingstatus to $flirtingstatus -1>>
[[Head home yourself->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>><<set $workdiner to 7>>\
<<set $hasinfofromclubtemp to true>>\
<<locationBackdrop "Club/diner/diner1to5/12.jpeg">>\
<<if $domstatus is true>>
<b>-"Right.. Let's see where Judy is at."</b> After a couple of minutes of walking, you're at the dinner hall.
<b>-"I need to drop off my stuff first.."</b> As you walk towards the kitchen, you suddenly feel a hand spank your ass.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\u16.gif">
<blue>-"Sooo softtTtttTtt.."</blue> A drunk man mumbles as he continues to grope you.
<b>-"Sir, I will only ask this once, let go."</b>
<blue>-"Booottyyyy.. HehehehHAhahahA.."</blue> He laughs.
<b>-"Fuck off!"</b> You smack his hand away.
<b>-"You should go to sleep."</b> You shake your head in disbalief and start to walk towards the kitchen again.
<b>-"What a low life.. Can't believe the club hasn't kicked him out yet.."</b> Being touched by a member is one thing, but groped by a drunk who refuses to let go..? Fuck that..
<b>-"Hey Judy!"</b> You get inside and see her laying on a sofa nearby.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\u1.jpg">
<judy>-"Hey $name2! How's it going?"</judy>
<b>-"Pretty good!"</b> You smile and throw your stuff to the side.
<<pageReplace"Tell her about the drunk">>\
<b>-"There's a drunk loser in the hall though, can we do anything about it?"</b>
<judy>-"GareeeeenNnnnnNNN!"</judy> Judy screams and sits up.
<b>-"Oh.. Do we reall-"</b> Before you could finish the sentance, Garen is already standing in front of you.
<b>-"That was quick.."</b> You think.
<judy>-"The fucking drunk is harassing our staff again. Why hasn't the Warden kicked him yet???"</judy>
<m>-"Him again..? Pitiful.."</m> He looks throught he glass into the hall.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\u13.webp">
<grey>-"Y-yes Chef!"</grey> A young man runs up to you all.
<m>-"Kick the drunk man out, please. Table 37."</m>
<grey>-"Yes Chef! Right away Chef!"</grey> The worker bows and runs out into the dinner hall.
<m>-"Consider it taken care of."</m> Garen takes your hand and kisses it.
<b>-"Thanks Garen"</b> He nods, turns around and starts tending to the kitchen again. You would have kicked out the member yourself, but you didn't want to get in trouble.
<judy>-"I told you he was nicer than he seemed!"</judy> Judy smiles and lays down again.
<judy>-"You go ahead, I'm taking a break, I'll join you in a couple."</judy>
<b>-"Cool.. And thanks."</b> You straighten your clothes and walk up to the kitchen counter.
<<pageReplace"Start working.">>\
<b>-"Here you are."</b>
<sister>-"Thank you!"</sister> You feel the woman place her hand on your crotch.
<b>-"NgHHhh.. Y-you're welcome!"</b> You smile and continue with your work.
<b>-"For you sir."</b>
<blue>-"I appreciate it!"</blue>
<b>-"Enjoy the food!"</b>
<adriana>-"I will!"</adriana> It's time to head back to the kitchen and grab another batch of plates.
<b>-"Ready whenever you are!"</b> You shout as you lean on the counter.
<grey>-"2 plates coming up!"</grey> One of the workers screams.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\u12.gif">
<b>-"Both are the same?"</b> He brings you the food.
<grey>-"Yup, table 15. 2 people occupying it."</grey> You nod and grab the food. Time to take it to them!
<b>-"Alright.. Where are they.."</b> You look around and finally spot the table.. It's occupied by a man and a woman, weirdly both of them are wearing masks..
<b>-"Huh.. haven't seen masked members in a while.."</b> For a second, you wonder if you should put on a mask yourself, but decide not to.
<bartender>-"Oh, finally!"</bartender> One of the guests says as you put down the two plates.
<b>-"H-here you.. Enjoy!"</b>
<bartender>-"Thank you!"</bartender> He raises his glass, you instinctively grab the bottle on the table and pour him a drink.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\u14.webp">
<mia>-"So, Hudson is giving a speech soon?"</mia>
<b>-"H-hudson..?"</b> You think..
<bartender>-"From what I've heard, yes."</bartender> You put the bottle down.
<mia>-"Hey you."</mia> She looks up at you.
<mia>-"How about you sit down with us."</mia>
<b>-"S-sit down with you?"</b>
<mia>-"Correct. I need something to play with."</mia> She spreads her legs apart.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\u3.webp">
<b>-"Gulp.."</b> This could be the perfect opportunity to overhear some crucial information..
<<set $knowwhyleyjatemp to true>>\
<b>-"Sure.."</b> You take a seat next to the woman and slowly start to move your hand towards her crotch.
<mia>-"No no no!"</mia> She smacks your hand away.
<mia>-"I said I need something to play with, pull out your cock."</mia> You nod and begin unbuckling your pants.
<mia>-"So, where were we?"</mia>
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\u5.webp">
<bartender>-"I was saying that Hudson is coming over here to give a speech in a couple of weeks."</bartender>
<mia>-"Like last year? It's going to be boring again.."</mia> She takes out your cock and starts to stroke it.
<bartender>-"Ha! Probably, but new members need to hear it."</bartender> The man takes a drink as you try to act naturally.
<mia>-"Damn.. Quite big.."</mia> She looks down as she continues to jack you off.
<mia>-"I can't believe his school won again this year."</mia>
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\u6.webp">
<bartender>-"I'm not even surprised anymore, what is it, the fifth year in a row?"</bartender>
<mia>-"I think so yeah.. Their special classes definitely paid off."</mia> As she plays with your cock, you see Judy start to serve the table in front of you all.
<bartender>-"Have they started selling the tickets already?"</bartender>
<mia>-"I don't think so. At least I didn't get a letter or anything."</mia> You squirm around as your shaft begins to throb..
<<pageReplace"Try your hardest not to cum.">>
<<todoCompleted "Find any useful information in the club.">>\
<b>-"..."</b> As your cheeks grow red, Judy looks back at you.
<judy>-"Damn.."</judy> She whispers as she looks down.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\u4.jpg">
<b>-"Fuck you.."</b> Judy turns back around while laughing.
<b>-"I'll need to make sure to text Leyja after this.."</b> The woman starts to speed up again.
<bartender>-"Maybe this will be an announcement that they're starting to sell them finally."</bartender>
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\u7.webp">
<mia>-"I hope so.."</mia> She squeezes your tip as you let out a moan.
<bartender>-"Hahaha, is she that good?"</bartender> The man chuckles.
<b>-"S-she is!"</b>
<mia>-"Of course I am!"</mia> She smiles.
<b>-"S-shitTTtT!!"</b> As she squeezes your tip once again, you explode.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\u9.webp">
<mia>-"Good boy. Now clean it up."</mia> You nod and grab some napkins. After cleaning up yourself, you begin cleaning her skirt.
<bartender>-"So, are you planning to attend?"</bartender>
<mia>-"Hell yeah. Even if it's a shitty speech, it'll be cool to see so many members at one place."</mia>
<bartender>-"You're right I guess.. I might have to check it out as well."</bartender>
<mia>-"Lovely."</mia> She says as you throw the napkins away. After a couple of seconds, You pull your pants back up and bow.
<b>-"I hope you enjoy your evening."</b>
<bartender>-"Thanks, you too!"</bartender> They both nod and you start to walk off.
<b>-"Hudson is coming over to speak... I have to let Leyja know.."</b> You think as you begin moving towards the kitchen. You got drained and a lot of valuable information.. A double win!
<<pageReplace"Walk into the kitchen">>\
<b>-"Ready!"</b> You shout near the counter. Time to finish your shift.
<b>-"For you!"</b> You place down a plate of food.
<b>-"Here you are."</b>
<sister>-"Appreciate it."</sister>
<adriana>-"Thanks!"</adriana> After around an hour of working, the kitchen closes and the dinner hall empties out.
<b>-"Right.. Let's go see Judy in the kitchen."</b> As you enter, you see her laying down nearby.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\u10.jpg">
<judy>-"Haya!"</judy> She smiles.
<judy>-"Saw you with that couple.. Impressive..."</judy> She smirks.
<judy>-"Impressive how you got her to jack you off.."</judy>
<b>-"Thanks, she wanted to do it herself though.."</b> You chuckle.
<judy>-"Then you're one lucky son of a bitch."</judy> She sits up and hands you an envelope.
<judy>-"Enjoy, they left a pretty big tip."</judy>
<b>-"Thanks Judy."</b> You smile and grab it.
<judy>-"No need. See you next time."</judy> You nod and begin walking towards the exit.
<b>-"Right.. Let's check how much.."</b> You open the envelope.
<b>-"Oh shit.. Not bad.."</b> After reaching your car, you sit down and pull out your phone.
<b>-"Need to tell Leyja about what happened."</b> She'll definitely want to know about the meeting..
<<money +300 "Worked at the club">>
<green>Money +300!</green>
<<set $flirtingstatus to $flirtingstatus +1>>
<<pageReplace"Text Leyja">>
<b>-"I better finish this conversation before I drive home."</b> You think as you look out of your windshield.
<<message "Leyja" "Diner 4 message Leyja dom" "Hey Leyja!" open>>
<<todoCompleted "Find any useful information in the club.">>
<b>-"I will have to refuse.."</b>
<mia>-"Huh? Did you hear him?"</mia> She looks at his buddy.
<mia>-"Who's hiring these plebs.."</mia>
<b>-"I'm sorry.. Have a nice evening."</b> You bow and begin walking away.
<b>-"Shit.. I would like to hear some more information, but I'm not letting some old chick jack me off.."</b>
<b>-"Ready!"</b> You shout as you walk into the kitchen. Time to finish your shift.
<b>-"For you!"</b> You place down a plate of food.
<b>-"Here you are."</b>
<sister>-"Appreciate it."</sister>
<adriana>-"Thanks!"</adriana> After around an hour of working, the kitchen closes and the dinner hall empties out.
<b>-"Right.. Let's go see Judy in the kitchen."</b> As you enter, you see her laying down nearby.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\u10.jpg">
<judy>-"Haya!"</judy> She smiles.
<judy>-"How was today?"</judy>
<b>-"The usualy I guess, nothing out of the ordinary."</b> She sits up and hands you an envelope.
<judy>-"Good, good. Here you are, enjoy."</judy>
<b>-"Thanks Judy."</b> You smile and grab it.
<judy>-"No need. See you next time."</judy> You nod and begin walking towards the exit.
<b>-"Right.. Let's check how much.."</b> You open the envelope.
<b>-"It's okay.."</b> After reaching your car, you sit down and pull out your phone.
<b>-"Need to tell Leyja about what happened."</b> She'll definitely want to know about the meeting..
<<money +200 "Worked at the club">>
<green>Money +200!</green>
<<set $flirtingstatus to $flirtingstatus -1>>
<<pageReplace"Text Leyja">>
<b>-"I better finish this conversation before I drive home."</b> You think as you look out of your windshield.
<<message "Leyja" "Diner 4 message Leyja dom" "Hey Leyja!" open>>
<b>-"Right.. Let's see where Judy is at."</b> After a couple of minutes of walking, you're at the dinner hall.
<b>-"I need to drop off my stuff first.."</b> As you walk towards the kitchen, you suddenly feel a hand grab your ass.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\u11.webp">
<blue>-"Sooo softtTtttTtt.."</blue> A drunk man mumbles as he continues to grope you.
<b>-"S-sir! Please let go! I need to get ready for work!"</b>
<blue>-"Booottyyyy.. HehehehHAhahahA.."</blue> He laughs.
<b>-"I need to go!"</b> You smack his hand away.
<b>-"You should go to sleep sir."</b> You shake your head in disbalief and start to walk towards the kitchen again.
<b>-"Ugh.. What a low life.. Can't believe the club hasn't kicked him out yet.."</b> Being touched by a member is one thing, but groped by a drunk who refuses to let go..? Fuck that..
<b>-"Hey Judy!"</b> You get inside and see her laying on a sofa nearby.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\u1.jpg">
<judy>-"Hey $name2! How's it going?"</judy>
<b>-"Pretty good!"</b> You smile and throw your stuff to the side.
<<pageReplace"Tell her about the drunk">>\
<b>-"There's a drunk loser in the hall though, can we do anything about it?"</b>
<judy>-"GareeeeenNnnnnNNN!"</judy> Judy screams and sits up.
<b>-"O-oh.. Do we reall-"</b> Before you could finish the sentance, Garen is already standing in front of you.
<b>-"That was quick.."</b> You think.
<judy>-"The fucking drunk is harassing our staff again. Why hasn't the Warden kicked him yet???"</judy>
<m>-"Him again..? Pitiful.."</m> He looks throught he glass into the hall.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\u13.webp">
<grey>-"Y-yes Chef!"</grey> A young man runs up to you all.
<m>-"Kick the drunk man out, please. Table 37."</m>
<grey>-"Yes Chef! Right away Chef!"</grey> The worker bows and runs out into the dinner hall.
<m>-"Consider it taken care of."</m> Garen takes your hand and kisses it.
<b>-"O-oh.. T-thanks!"</b> He nods, turns around and starts tending to the kitchen again.
<judy>-"I told you he was nicer than he seemed!"</judy> Judy smiles and lays down again.
<judy>-"You go ahead, I'm taking a break, I'll join you in a couple."</judy>
<b>-"Cool.. And thanks."</b> You straighten your clothes and walk up to the kitchen counter.
<<pageReplace"Start working.">>\
<b>-"Here you are."</b>
<sister>-"Thank you!"</sister>
<b>-"For you sir."</b>
<blue>-"I appreciate it beautiful!"</blue> You feel the member place his hand on your thigh.
<b>-"NgHHhh.. Y-you're welcome!"</b> You smile and continue with your work.
<b>-"Enjoy the food!"</b>
<adriana>-"I will!"</adriana> It's time to head back to the kitchen and grab another batch of plates.
<b>-"Ready whenever you are!"</b> You shout as you lean on the counter.
<grey>-"2 plates coming up!"</grey> One of the workers screams.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\u12.gif">
<b>-"Both are the same?"</b> He brings you the food.
<grey>-"Yup, table 15. 2 people occupying it."</grey> You nod and grab the food. Time to take it to them!
<b>-"Alright.. Where are they.."</b> You look around and finally spot the table.. It's occupied by two men, weirdly both of them are wearing masks..
<b>-"Huh.. haven't seen masked members in a while.."</b> For a second, you wonder if you should put on a mask yourself, but decide not to.
<bartender>-"Oh, finally!"</bartender> A men says as you put down the two plates.
<b>-"H-here you.. Enjoy!"</b>
<mia>-"So, Hudson is giving a speech soon?"</mia> One of the men raises his glass, you instinctively grab the bottle on the table and pour him a drink.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\u14.webp">
<b>-"H-hudson..?"</b> You think..
<bartender>-"From what I've heard, yes."</bartender> You put the bottle down.
<mia>-"Thank you honey, how about you sit down with us?"</mia> He looks up at you.
<b>-"S-sit down with you?"</b>
<mia>-"Correct. I need someone to take care of this."</mia> You follow his gaze.. He's looking at his crotch.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\u2.jpg">
<b>-"Gulp.."</b> This could be the perfect opportunity to overhear some crucial information..
<<pageReplace"Take care of his problem..">>
<<set $knowwhyleyjatemp to true>>\
<b>-"Right away sir.."</b> You take a seat next to the man and start unbuckling his pants.
<mia>-"So, where were we?"</mia>
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\u5.webp">
<bartender>-"I was saying that Hudson is coming over here to give a speech in a couple of weeks."</bartender>
<mia>-"Like last year? It's going to be boring again.."</mia> You take out his cock and start to stroke it.
<bartender>-"Ha! Probably, but new members need to hear it."</bartender> One of the men takes a drink as you try to act naturally.
<mia>-"NghHhh.. Good girl."</mia> He pets your head as you continue to jack him off.
<mia>-"I can't believe.. NghHH.. His school won again this year."</mia>
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\u6.webp">
<bartender>-"I'm not even surprised anymore, what is it, the fifth year in a row?"</bartender>
<mia>-"I think so yeah.. Their special classes definitely paid off."</mia> As you jack the man off, you see Judy start to serve the table in front of you all.
<bartender>-"Have they started selling the tickets already?"</bartender>
<mia>-"I don't think so.. NgHHh S-shitt.. At least I didn't get a letter or anything."</mia> He squirms around.. His shaft is starting to throb.
<<pageReplace"Continue to jack him off.">>
<<todoCompleted "Find any useful information in the club.">>
<b>-"Don't ruin this Judy.."</b> You think as she looks back at you.
<judy>-"Good job.."</judy> She whispers.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\u4.jpg">
<b>-"..."</b> You nod and Judy looks away. She's proud of you!
<b>-"I'll make sure to text Leyja after this.."</b> You start to speed up a bit.
<bartender>-"Maybe this will be an announcement that they're starting to sell them finally."</bartender>
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\u7.webp">
<mia>-"MgHHh.. I hope so.."</mia> He grabs your hair.
<mia>-"Oh S-shitTttt.. Slow down.."</mia> His voice is starting to turn you on a little bit..
<bartender>-"Is she that good?"</bartender> The second man chuckles.
<mia>-"S-she is!"</mia>
<b>-"Hmph.."</b> You smile.
<mia>-"FucKKKKK!!"</mia> As you squeeze his tip with your thumb, he explodes.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\u9.webp">
<b>-"I'll clean you up."</b> You grab some napkins.
<mia>-"Thank you honey."</mia>
<bartender>-"So, are you planning to attend?"</bartender>
<mia>-"Hell yeah. Even if it's a shitty speech, it'll be cool to see so many members at one place."</mia>
<bartender>-"You're right I guess.. I might have to check it out as well."</bartender>
<mia>-"Lovely."</mia> He says as you throw the napkins away. After a couple of seconds, he pulls his pants back up and you bow.
<b>-"I-I hope you enjoy your evening."</b>
<bartender>-"Thanks, you too!"</bartender> They both nod and you start to walk off.
<b>-"Hudson is coming over to speak... I have to let Leyja know.."</b> You think as you begin moving towards the kitchen. You got a hard on, but thankfully, the cage stopped it.
<<pageReplace"Walk into the kitchen">>\
<b>-"Ready!"</b> You shout near the counter. Time to finish your shift.
<b>-"For you!"</b> You place down a plate of food.
<b>-"Here you are."</b>
<sister>-"Appreciate it."</sister>
<adriana>-"Thanks!"</adriana> After around an hour of working, the kitchen closes and the dinner hall empties out.
<b>-"Right.. Let's go see Judy in the kitchen."</b> As you enter, you see her laying down nearby.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\u10.jpg">
<judy>-"Haya!"</judy> She smiles.
<judy>-"Saw you with those dudes.. Good job."</judy>
<b>-"Thanks.. Starting to get the hang of this job."</b>
<judy>-"I can see."</judy> She sits up and hands you an envelope.
<judy>-"Enjoy, they left a pretty big tip."</judy>
<b>-"Thanks Judy."</b> You smile and grab it.
<judy>-"No need. See you next time."</judy> You nod and begin walking towards the exit.
<b>-"Right.. Let's check how much.."</b> You open the envelope.
<b>-"Oh shit.. Not bad.."</b> After reaching your car, you sit down and pull out your phone.
<b>-"Need to tell Leyja about what happened."</b> She'll definitely want to know about the meeting..
<<money +300 "Worked at the club">>
<green>Money +300!</green>
<<set $flirtingstatus to $flirtingstatus +1>>
<<pageReplace"Text Leyja">>
<b>-"I better finish this conversation before I drive home."</b> You think as you look out of your windshield.
<<message "Leyja" "Diner 4 message Leyja sub" "Hey Leyja!" open>>
<<todoCompleted "Find any useful information in the club.">>
<b>-"I will have to refuse.."</b>
<mia>-"Huh? Did you hear her?"</mia> He looks at his buddy.
<mia>-"Who's hiring these plebs.."</mia>
<b>-"I'm sorry.. Have a nice evening."</b> You bow and begin walking away.
<b>-"Shit.. I would like to hear some more information, but I'm not jacking that old fart off."</b>
<b>-"Ready!"</b> You shout as you walk into the kitchen. Time to finish your shift.
<b>-"For you!"</b> You place down a plate of food.
<b>-"Here you are."</b>
<sister>-"Appreciate it."</sister>
<adriana>-"Thanks!"</adriana> After around an hour of working, the kitchen closes and the dinner hall empties out.
<b>-"Right.. Let's go see Judy in the kitchen."</b> As you enter, you see her laying down nearby.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\u10.jpg">
<judy>-"Haya!"</judy> She smiles.
<judy>-"How was today?"</judy>
<b>-"The usualy I guess, nothing out of the ordinary."</b> She sits up and hands you an envelope.
<judy>-"Good, good. Here you are, enjoy."</judy>
<b>-"Thanks Judy."</b> You smile and grab it.
<judy>-"No need. See you next time."</judy> You nod and begin walking towards the exit.
<b>-"Right.. Let's check how much.."</b> You open the envelope.
<b>-"It's okay.."</b> After reaching your car, you sit down and pull out your phone.
<b>-"Need to tell Leyja about what happened."</b> She'll definitely want to know about the meeting..
<<money +200 "Worked at the club">>
<green>Money +200!</green>
<<set $flirtingstatus to $flirtingstatus -1>>
<<pageReplace"Text Leyja">>
<b>-"I better finish this conversation before I drive home."</b> You think as you look out of your windshield.
<<message "Leyja" "Diner 4 message Leyja sub" "Hey Leyja!" open>>
<</if>><<set $workdiner to 8>>\
<<locationBackdrop "Club/diner/diner1to5/12.jpeg">>\
<<set $beenthroughfirstfivediner to true>>\
<<if $domstatus is true>>
<b>-"Hey!"</b> You say to Judy as you enter the kitchen.
<judy>-"Hah?"</judy> She turns her head around, with an angry expression.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\y1.jpeg">
<judy>-"Oh! Hello $name2!"</judy> Judy smiles and faces you.
<b>-"What's wrong?"</b> You put down your bag full of stuff nearby.
<judy>-"Just a rough day, that's all. How's Leyja doing?"</judy>
<b>-"Pretty well I guess... The shop has been quite packed these past days."</b> You smile.
<judy>-"Good for her! So, ready for some work?"</judy>
<b>-"Sigh.. Yup, I guess."</b> You both walk to the counter.
<judy>-"We're ready!"</judy> Judy shouts.
<grey>-"Perfect! You're the only two working today, so do your best."</grey> One of the chef's brings you some plates.
<grey>-"$name2, tables 16 and 12"</grey> You nod and grab the food.
<judy>-"Go get em tiger."</judy> Judy smiles.
<b>-"You too!"</b> You walk into the dinner hall.
<<pageReplace"Start your shift.">>
<b>-"Oof.."</b> After 2 hours of serving the members, you finally have a second to sit down.
<b>-"Fuck me that was rough.."</b> Your crotch just from all the groping.. The tips have been incredible so far, though!
<grey>-"Ready to take some more orders $name2? There's a big group waiting."</grey> You sigh and stand up.
<b>-"Yeahhh I guess I am.. What did they order?"</b> You walk up to the counter and look in the kitchen.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\y3.gif">
<grey>-"A seafood boil!"</grey> He sprinkles some salt and starts to plate the food.
<b>-"Cool! Which tables?"</b>
<grey>-"They shoved a couple of them next to each other. Just look for a group of six."</grey> He puts the plates on the counter.
<b>-"Understood, thanks."</b> You grab them and walk into the dinner hall.
<b>-"Group of 6.. Group of 6... There they are!"</b> You spot a group at the back of the hall. They're all standing around the tables, talking.
<b>-"Excuse me.."</b> You say as you move inbetween other guests. After a couple of seconds, you reach them.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\y4.webp">
<b>-"Good evening! You guys ordered the seafood boil, right?"</b>
<adriana>-"Ahh yes!"</adriana> A young woman turns to you.
<adriana>-"Put it down on the table to the left, please!"</adriana> You nod and do as you're told.
<b>-"Here you go.."</b> You mumble as you pick up the lemon and squeeze it on top.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\y5.webp">
<emily>-"$name2?! Heyyy!"</emily> You hear a voice ring out..
<<pageReplace"Turn towards it.">>
<b>-"Huh?"</b> You turn towards the voice.
<emily>-"Why don't you join us?"</emily> It's Olivia! She's eating at the other end of the table.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\y6.jpg">
<b>-"Oh.. Olivia."</b> You smile.
<b>-"Join you..? I have work, I can't.."</b> You take a step back.
<emily>-"Oh come onnn, I don't know anyone here, I just want someone to talk to."</emily>
<b>-"Hah, why are you hanging out with them then.."</b>
<emily>-"To get to know them! Still, I would like to have someone I know already by my side."</emily> She smiles.
<b>-"You don't know me.."</b> You mumble under your breath.
<emily>-"What was that?"</emily>
<b>-"Nothing, nothing.. I guess I could.. Join you.."</b> Your break did indeed get cut short...
<emily>-"Great! Come, take a seat!"</emily> You nod and take a seat next to her. Right as you do, the other members finish their conversations and take a seat as well.
<blue>-"To new friendships!"</blue> One of them says.
<emily>-"Cheers!"</emily> Everyone takes a shot.. You refrain from it.
<blue>-"What's the server doing here?"</blue> A man looks at you.
<emily>-"We're good friends, invited him to taste the food!"</emily>
<blue>-"Cool! The more, the merrier!"</blue> He smiles as they all begin eating.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\y8.webp">
<emily>-"MmmMMMm.. Swo gwood!"</emily> She turns to you while chewing.
<emily>-"Why are you nwot eatwing?"</emily>
<b>-"Agh, just not hungry.."</b> Your stomach makes a comically loud noise.
<emily>-"You sure? It's incredible!"</emily>
<b>-"I'm sure Olivia haha, thank you though.."</b> You smile.
<emily>-"Hmmmph.."</emily> She scoffs as one of the members turns to you.
<mia>-"So, what's your name?"</mia>
<b>-"$name2! Started working here a a couple of week ago."</b>
<mia>-"Cool! How do you like it so far?"</mia> As you talk to the man, Olivia puts down the food and sneaks under the table while nobody is looking.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\y9.webp">
<b>-"What is that girl doing.."</b> You think..
<b>-"Uhmm.. It's been pretty fun so far!"</b> You answer and look down.
<b>-"What's this about?"</b>
<emily>-"Hehe.. Shut up and enjoy!"</emily> Olivia starts to unbuckle your pants.
<<pageReplace"Let her.">>\
<<set $flirtingstatus to $flirtingstatus +1>>\
<b>-"A-ahem.."</b> You sit back in your chair as you try to remain quiet. The other members definitely wouldn't care, but it's more fun this way.
<blue>-"Huh...? Where did Olivia go?"</blue> One of the guys asks.
<b>-"To the restroom I think! Said she was feeling pretty sick!"</b>
<blue>-"Damn.. She was here a second ago..."</blue> He looks around.
<emily>-"Hehe..."</emily> You hear her giggle as she takes out your cock.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\y10.webp">
<emily>-"So big.."</emily> Olivia begins to stroke your shaft as you eat.
<adriana>-"So, how did you find this club in the first place $name2?"</adriana>
<b>-"Found out from Juliat while helping Hudson! Thought that it sounded pretty dope, so went a long with it!"</b>
<mia>-"Oh? If you're still studying, are you part of the brotherhood?"</mia> As they all talk, you feel her lips press against your tip..
<b>-"S-shit.. Here she goes.."</b> As Olivia begins to suck you off, you try your best not to make any noise.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\y12.webp">
<b>-"O-oh.. N-noOOOo... Those blokes are... MgHhhHh.. Way too weird for me.."</b> You try to act normal.
<blue>-"You okay?"</blue>
<b>-"Y-yeah sorry.. Just got a muscle cramp.."</b> She looks up and your eyes meet.
<<pageReplace"Keep holding back.">>\
<b>-"FucKKkkk.. S-slow down.."</b> You whisper.
<emily>-"Hehe.. No.."</emily> As she starts to lick your balls, you suddenly hear a familiar voice.
<judy>-"Good evening everyone! Could I get you anything else? Maybe a refill or two?"</judy> You look up once again, and see Judy! She's serving the guests!
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\y11.webp">
<emily>-"Slurp.."</emily> Judy looks down at your crotch, and smiles.
<mia>-"Yes please. I would like something stronger."</mia>
<judy>-"We have some Scottish brandy, if you'd like."</judy>
<emily>-"Slurp.. MghHh.."</emily> She increases the speed.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\y13.webp">
<b>-"NghHHHH!!"</b> You let out a louder moan as you feel a wave of pleasure coming over you.
<b>-"S-sorry.. I would like.. NGhHh.. S-some brandy as well!"</b>
<judy>-"Understood, so two glasses of brandy, that's all?"</judy> Judy smiles.
<adriana>-"Yup! Us three don't want anything!"</adriana> A woman says.
<judy>-"Understood! I'll bring it to you in a second!"</judy>
<emily>-"MghHHhh.. Y-ywou're one luwcky server... Slurp.. Ywou kwnow?"</emily> Olivia whispers.
<b>-"Fuck.."</b> You feel like you're about to explode!
<blue>-"So unfortunate that Olivia felt sick.. She was so pretty!"</blue>
<b>-"MghHhhh.."</b> You let out a quiet moan as she continues to drain you. This is all too much!
<mia>-"I know right! I think I have a crush!"</mia>
<adriana>-"Oh come onnnnnn.. Get a room or something."</adriana> They all laugh as you look down again...
<b>-"I-I'm cumming!"</b> You grab her hair.
<emily>-"MwmMMmwm! A-awlready?"</emily> Your cock throbs.. You're about to explode!
<<pageReplace"Let it all out.">>
<emily>-"MhmmmMM!!"</emily> She begins to swallow your load.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\y14.webp">
<emily>-"Gulp.. Gulp.. Gulp.. S-so much.."</emily> You hear her whisper.
<b>-"NNnnNNNnmMMmmm..."</b> You grip the table..
<emily>-"Eat some pineapples... Your cum is disgusting.."</emily> She comments.
<mia>-"You sure you're alright $name2? You sound ill!"</mia>
<b>-"A-ahem.. Y-you know what.. Maybe I am!"</b> You start to buckle up your pants.
<b>-"Excuse me while I use the restroom!"</b>
<blue>-"Sure thing! Just make sure to come back ASAP! Don't want to drink the brandy alone haha!"</blue> You stand up.
<b>-"Haha.. Yeah, just give me a second!"</b> You check yourself to see if any cum got onto your jeans.. After making sure they're clear, you stand up and walk away as they continue to talk.
<<pageReplace"Walk to the kitchen">>
<b>-"Fuck me.. Can't believe I'm getting paid to get sucked off."</b> You whisper as you enter the kitchen.
<m>-"Kitchen closed! Good job everyone!"</m> Garen announces.
<b>-"Wait.. Really?"</b> You look at the dinner hall, it is indeed empty, except for the group you were just with.
<b>-"How didn't I notice that while walking back haha.."</b> As you wonder that, Judy walks through the door.
<judy>-"Heyyy tigerrrr.."</judy> She grins.
<b>-"Heyyyy! Caught you staring, didn't I?"</b> She sits down as you tease her.
<judy>-"You did!"</judy>
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\y2.webp">
<judy>-"The customer like you, good job, but still, that was pretty horrible."</judy> She hands you an envelope.
<judy>-"Mhm... The girl was sucking you off without any technique or skill, but you still came in like 5 minutes? I came back and you were already gone."</judy> You take it and sigh.
<b>-"I could have lasted longer if I wanted to.."</b>
<judy>-"Sure you could've.."</judy>
<b>-"..."</b> You roll your eyes and look inside.. It's full to the brim with cash!
<judy>-"Either way, it's obvious that you need some endurance training."</judy> She stands up.
<b>-"Haven't received the letter yet soooo.."</b>
<judy>-"I know I know.. I'll talk to some folks, try to make the whole process faster. Expect it soon."</judy> She smiles and begins moving towards the door she came in through.
<b>-"Understood.. I'll do my best."</b>
<judy>-"Good.."</judy> Judy stands in the doorway.
<judy>-"Anyways.. Good job tonight, keep it up."</judy> Judy smiles, bows and walks away. After she leaves, you look at the envelope again.
<b>-"Fuck yeah..."</b> Time to head home.
<<money +320 "Worked at the club">>
<green>Money +320!</green>
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Push her off.">>\
<<set $flirtingstatus to $flirtingstatus -1>>\
<b>-"What the fuck are you doing."</b> You push her away.
<emily>-"Of course.. Why did I even bother."</emily> Her pathetic attempt at making you feel bad falls short.
<b>-"I think I'll go.. You should socialize with your new friends."</b> You stand up.
<mia>-"Oh, leaving so early?"</mia>
<b>-"Yeah sorry.. Have a lot of work to do!"</b>
<adriana>-"Awwhhh.. Understood, have fun though!"</adriana>
<emily>-"A-ahem.. Sorry, dropped my phone.."</emily> Olivia says as she gets up from under the table.
<adriana>-"Good luck $name2!"</adriana>
<b>-"Thanks.. Have a good one y'all!"</b> You bow and begin walking away.
<b>-"They all seem so nice.. But I have to remember what kind of people they are.."</b> You think as you enter the kitchen.
<b>-"Ready to take some orders!"</b> You shout to the chefs.
<<pageReplace"Finish your shift.">>
<b>-"Finally!"</b> You say as the kitchen finally closes.
<judy>-"Hah, someones happy!"</judy> You hear Judy's voice to the side of you.
<b>-"Judy!"</b> You turn towards her.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\y2.webp">
<b>-"How was your shift?"</b>
<judy>-"Pretty well!"</judy> She hands you an envelope.
<judy>-"I assume, yours were not?"</judy>
<b>-"Why do you say that?"</b>
<judy>-"Your tips slowed down considerably at the end of the shift."</judy> You open the envelope and take a peek inside.
<b>-"Sorry.. Just wasn't feeling it today."</b> Judy shrugs her shoulders.
<judy>-"Cool. Just remember what happens if you continue to do so."</judy> You nod.
<b>-"I'll be going then."</b>
<judy>-"Mhm.. Good night!"</judy>
<<money +220 "Worked at the club">>
<green>Money +220!</green>
[[Leave the club->Go outside]]
<b>-"Heya!"</b> You say to Judy as you enter the kitchen.
<judy>-"Hah?"</judy> She turns her head around, with an angry expression.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\y1.jpeg">
<judy>-"Oh! Hello $name2!"</judy> Judy smiles and faces you.
<b>-"What's wrong?"</b> You put down your bag full of stuff nearby.
<judy>-"Just a rough day, that's all. How's Leyja doing?"</judy>
<b>-"Pretty well I guess... The shop has been quite packed these past days."</b> You smile.
<judy>-"Good for her! So, ready for some work?"</judy>
<b>-"Sigh.. Yup, I guess."</b> You both walk to the counter.
<judy>-"We're ready!"</judy> Judy shouts.
<grey>-"Perfect! You're the only ladies working today, so do your best."</grey> One of the chef's brings you some plates.
<grey>-"$name2, tables 16 and 12"</grey> You nod and grab the food.
<judy>-"Go get em tiger."</judy> Judy smiles.
<b>-"You too!"</b> You walk into the dinner hall.
<<pageReplace"Start your shift.">>
<b>-"Oof.."</b> After 2 hours of serving the members, you finally have a second to sit down.
<b>-"Fuck me that was rough.."</b> Your ass has turned red from all the groping and spanking.. The tips have been incredible so far, though!
<grey>-"Ready to take some more orders $name2? There's a big group waiting."</grey> You sigh and stand up.
<b>-"Yeahhh I guess I am.. What did they order?"</b> You walk up to the counter and look in the kitchen.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\y3.gif">
<grey>-"A seafood boil!"</grey> He sprinkles some salt and starts to plate the food.
<b>-"Cool! Which tables?"</b>
<grey>-"They shoved a couple of them next to each other. Just look for a group of six."</grey> He puts the plates on the counter.
<b>-"Understood, thanks."</b> You grab them and walk into the dinner hall.
<b>-"Group of 6.. Group of 6... There they are!"</b> You spot a group at the back of the hall. They're all standing around the tables, talking.
<b>-"Excuse me.."</b> You say as you move inbetween other guests. After a couple of seconds, you reach them.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\y4.webp">
<b>-"Good evening! You guys ordered the seafood boil, right?"</b>
<adriana>-"Ahh yes!"</adriana> A young woman turns to you.
<adriana>-"Put it down on the table to the left, please!"</adriana> You nod and do as you're told.
<b>-"Here you go.."</b> You mumble as you pick up the lemon and squeeze it on top.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\y5.webp">
<olive>-"$name2?! Heyyy!"</olive> You hear a voice ring out..
<<pageReplace"Turn towards it.">>
<b>-"Huh?"</b> You turn towards the voice.
<olive>-"Why don't you join us?"</olive> It's Oliver! He's eating at the other end of the table.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\y7.jpg">
<b>-"Oh.. Oliver."</b> You smile.
<b>-"Join you..? I have work, I can't.."</b> You take a step back.
<olive>-"Oh come onnn, I don't know anyone here, I just want someone to talk to."</olive>
<b>-"W-why are you hanging out with them then.."</b>
<olive>-"To get to know them! Still, I would like to have someone I know already by my side."</olive> He smiles.
<b>-"You don't know me.."</b> You mumble under your breath.
<olive>-"What was that?"</olive>
<b>-"Nothing, nothing.. I guess I could.. Join you.."</b> Your break did indeed get cut short...
<olive>-"Great! Come, take a seat!"</olive> You nod and take a seat next to him. Right as you do, the other members finish their conversations and take a seat as well.
<blue>-"To new friendships!"</blue> One of them says.
<olive>-"Cheers!"</olive> Everyone takes a shot.. You refrain from it.
<blue>-"What's the server doing here?"</blue> A man looks at you.
<olive>-"We're good friends, invited her to taste the food!"</olive>
<blue>-"Cool! The more, the merrier!"</blue> He smiles as they all begin eating.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\y8.webp">
<olive>-"MmmMMMm.. Swo gwood!"</olive> He turns to you while chewing.
<olive>-"Why are you nwot eatwing?"</olive>
<b>-"Agh, just not hungry.."</b> Your stomach makes a comically loud noise.
<olive>-"You sure? It's incredible!"</olive>
<b>-"I'm sure Oliver haha, thank you though.."</b> You smile.
<olive>-"Hmmm... Maybe you would like something else to chew on?"</olive> Oliver grins.
<b>-"And what would that be..?"</b>
<olive>-"Something long.. And thick.."</olive>
<olive>-"Take a look.."</olive> He spreads his legs apart..
<<pageReplace"Maybe you could give it a taste..">>\
<<set $flirtingstatus to $flirtingstatus +1>>\
<b>-"Maybe I could give it a taste.."</b>
<olive>-"Good girl.."</olive> You smile and sneak under the table while nobody is looking. The other members definitely wouldn't care, but it's more fun this way.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\y9.webp">
<b>-"Shit.."</b> You try your best not to touch anyone.
<blue>-"Huh...? Where did that server girl go?"</blue> One of the guys asks.
<olive>-"To the restroom I think! Said she was feeling pretty sick!"</olive> As Oliver speaks, you start to unbuckle his pants.
<blue>-"Damn.. She was here a second ago..."</blue>
<b>-"Hehe..."</b> You giggle as you take out his cock.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\y10.webp">
<b>-"So big.."</b> You begin stroking his shaft as he eats.
<adriana>-"So, how did you find this club in the first place Oliver?"</adriana>
<olive>-"Found out about it while helping Hudson a couple of years ago! Thought that it sounded pretty dope, so went a long with it!"</olive>
<bartender>-"Oh? So you're part of the brotherhood?"</bartender> As they all talk, you press your lips against his shaft.
<b>-"Oof... So salty.."</b> It's been a hot minute since you sucked someones cock... But you still remember what to do.
<b>-"H-here I go.."</b> You start to slowly pleasure Oliver with your mouth.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\y12.webp">
<olive>-"O-oh.. N-noOOOo... Those blokes are... MgHhhHh.. Way too weird for me.."</olive> He tries to act normal.
<blue>-"You okay?"</blue>
<olive>-"Y-yeah sorry.. Just got a muscle cramp.."</olive> He looks down and your eyes meet.
<<pageReplace"Keep sucking.">>\
<olive>-"FucKKkkk.. S-slow down.."</olive> He whispers to you and rises his head again.
<b>-"Hehe.. No.."</b> As you start to lick his balls, you suddenly hear a familiar voice.
<judy>-"Good evening everyone! Could I get you anything else? Maybe a refill or two?"</judy> You look up once again, and see Judy! She's serving the guests!
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\y11.webp">
<b>-"Slurp.."</b> Judy smiles while looking at you.
<bartender>-"Yes please. I would like something stronger."</bartender>
<judy>-"We have some Scottish brandy, if you'd like."</judy> She's pretty obviously staring at you... Is something wrong?
<b>-"Hmph.."</b> You're determined to make her proud! You increase the speed while looking straight back at her.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\y13.webp">
<olive>-"NghHHHH!!"</olive> He lets out a loud moan.
<olive>-"S-sorry.. I would like.. NGhHh.. S-some brandy as well!"</olive>
<judy>-"Understood, so two glasses of brandy, that's all?"</judy> Judy smiles.
<adriana>-"Yup! Us three don't want anything!"</adriana> A woman says.
<judy>-"Understood! I'll bring it to you in a second!"</judy>
<b>-"MgHHhhh.. Slurp.. This better earn me a big tip.."</b> You think as you try your best not to choke.
<blue>-"So unfortunate that our first server felt sick.. She was so pretty!"</blue>
<olive>-"MghHhhh.."</olive> He quietly moans as you continue to drain him.
<bartender>-"I know right! I think I have a crush!"</bartender>
<adriana>-"Oh come onnnnnn.. Get a room or something."</adriana> They all laugh as Oliver looks down again.
<olive>-"I-I'm cumming!"</olive> He grabs your hair.
<b>-"MwmMMmwm! A-awlready?"</b> You feel his cock throb.. He's about to explode!
<<pageReplace"Swallow it.">>
<b>-"MhmmmMM!!"</b> You aim his shaft straight at your throat and begin swallowing his load.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\y14.webp">
<b>-"Gulp.. Gulp.. Gulp.. S-so much.."</b>
<olive>-"NNnnNNNnmMMmmm..."</olive> Oliver grips the table..
<b>-"He needs to eat some pineapples.."</b> You think as you finish draining him. Thank godness you're wearing a chastity, because you would have a raging boner by now.
<bartender>-"You sure you're alright Oliver? You sound ill!"</bartender>
<olive>-"A-ahem.. You know what.. Maybe I am!"</olive> He starts to buckle up his pants.
<olive>-"Excuse me while I use the restroom!"</olive>
<blue>-"Sure thing! Just make sure to come back ASAP! Don't want to drink the brandy alone haha!"</blue> Oliver stands up.
<olive>-"Haha.. Yeah, just give me a second!"</olive> He walks off as the guests continue to talk.
<b>-"Fuck.."</b> You sit down on your butt, completely covered in cum. After licking it all up, you wait for an opportunity to sneak away...
<<pageReplace"Get out when you get the chance.">>
<b>-"Hoooo.. No clue how they didn't see me.."</b> You think as you enter the kitchen.
<m>-"Kitchen closed! Good job everyone!"</m> Garen announces.
<b>-"Wait.. Really?"</b> You look at the dinner hall, it is indeed empty, except for the group you were just with.
<b>-"How didn't I notice that while walking back haha.."</b> As you wonder that, Judy walks through the door.
<judy>-"Heyyy tigerrrr.."</judy> She grins.
<b>-"Hehehe.. Heyyyy! You saw that, right?"</b> She sits down.
<judy>-"I did!"</judy>
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\y2.webp">
<judy>-"I'm proud, but it was still pretty horrible."</judy> She hands you an envelope.
<judy>-"Mhm. Lips were awkwardly stagnant, hand movements were sluggish, no passion or anything like that."</judy> You take it and sigh.
<b>-"Ughhh.. I got him off though."</b>
<judy>-"You did! And your tips represent that!"</judy> You look inside.. It's full to the brim with cash!
<judy>-"Still! It's obvious you need training.."</judy> She stands up.
<b>-"Haven't received the letter yet.."</b>
<judy>-"I know I know.. I'll talk to some folks, try to make the whole process faster. Expect it soon."</judy> She smiles and begins moving towards the door she came in through.
<b>-"Understood.. I'll do my best."</b>
<judy>-"Good.."</judy> Judy stands in the doorway.
<judy>-"Anyways.. Good job tonight, keep it up."</judy> She smiles as you bow. After she leaves, you look at the envelope again.
<b>-"Fuck yeah..."</b> Time to head home.
<<money +320 "Worked at the club">>
<green>Money +320!</green>
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<b>-"MhmmmMM!!"</b> You pull out his cock from your mouth and aim it away.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\y15.webp">
<b>-"Ew..."</b> You mumble as he shoots his load to the side.
<olive>-"NNnnNNNnmMMmmm..."</olive> Oliver grips the table..
<b>-"Never liked the taste of semen.."</b> You think as you finish draining him. Thank godness you're wearing a chastity, because you would have a raging boner by now.
<bartender>-"You sure you're alright Oliver? You sound ill!"</bartender>
<olive>-"A-ahem.. You know what.. Maybe I am!"</olive> He starts to buckle up his pants.
<olive>-"Excuse me while I use the restroom!"</olive>
<blue>-"Sure thing! Just make sure to come back ASAP! Don't want to drink the brandy alone haha!"</blue> Oliver stands up.
<olive>-"Haha.. Yeah, just give me a second!"</olive> He walks off as the guests continue to talk.
<b>-"Fuck.."</b> You sit down on your butt and look around.. The floor is completely covered in cum. After making sure you're not stained anywhere, you wait for an opportunity to sneak away...
<<pageReplace"Get out when you get the chance.">>
<b>-"Hoooo.. No clue how they didn't see me.."</b> You think as you enter the kitchen.
<m>-"Kitchen closed! Good job everyone!"</m> Garen announces.
<b>-"Wait.. Really?"</b> You look at the dinner hall, it is indeed empty, except for the group you were just with.
<b>-"How didn't I notice that while walking back haha.."</b> As you wonder that, Judy walks through the door.
<judy>-"Heyyy tigerrrr.."</judy> She grins.
<b>-"Hehehe.. Heyyyy! You saw that, right?"</b> She sits down.
<judy>-"I did!"</judy>
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\y2.webp">
<judy>-"I'm proud, but it was still pretty horrible."</judy> She hands you an envelope.
<judy>-"Mhm. Lips were awkwardly stagnant, hand movements were sluggish, no passion or anything like that."</judy> You take it and sigh.
<b>-"Ughhh.. I got him off though."</b>
<judy>-"You did! And your tips represent that!"</judy> You look inside.. It's full to the brim with cash!
<judy>-"Still! It's obvious you need training.."</judy> She stands up.
<b>-"Haven't received the letter yet.."</b>
<judy>-"I know I know.. I'll talk to some folks, try to make the whole process faster. Expect it soon."</judy> She smiles and begins moving towards the door she came in through.
<b>-"Understood.. I'll do my best."</b>
<judy>-"Good.."</judy> Judy stands in the doorway.
<judy>-"Anyways.. Good job tonight, keep it up."</judy> She smiles as you bow. After she leaves, you look at the envelope again.
<b>-"Fuck yeah..."</b> Time to head home.
<<money +300 "Worked at the club">>
<green>Money +300!</green>
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Reiterate that you're not hungry.">>\
<<set $flirtingstatus to $flirtingstatus -1>>\
<b>-"I'll have to pass Oliver.. I'm not in the mood.."<b> He sighs and puts down the fork.
<olive>-"Of course.. Why did I even bother."</olive> His pathetic attempt at making you feel bad falls short.
<b>-"I think I'll go.. You should socialize with your new friends."</b> You stand up.
<bartender>-"Oh, leaving so early?"</bartender>
<b>-"Yeah sorry.. Have a lot of work to do!"</b>
<adriana>-"Awwhhh.. Understood, have fun though!"</adriana> After bowing, you begin walking away.
<b>-"They all seem so nice.. But I have to remember what kind of people they are.."</b> You think as you enter the kitchen.
<b>-"Ready to take some orders!"</b> You shout to the chefs.
<<pageReplace"Finish your shift.">>
<b>-"Finally!"</b> You say as the kitchen finally closes.
<judy>-"Hah, someones happy!"</judy> You hear Judy's voice to the side of you.
<b>-"Judy!"</b> You turn towards her.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\y2.webp">
<b>-"How was your shift?"</b>
<judy>-"Pretty well!"</judy> She hands you an envelope.
<judy>-"I assume, yours were not?"</judy>
<b>-"Why do you say that?"</b>
<judy>-"Your tips slowed down considerably at the end of the shift."</judy> You open the envelope and take a peek inside.
<b>-"Sorry.. Just wasn't feeling it today."</b> Judy shrugs her shoulders.
<judy>-"Cool. Just remember what happens if you continue to do so."</judy> You nod.
<b>-"I'll be going then."</b>
<judy>-"Mhm.. Good night!"</judy>
<<money +220 "Worked at the club">>
<green>Money +220!</green>
[[Leave the club->Go outside]]
<</if>><<set $workdiner to 10>>
<<locationBackdrop "Club/diner/diner1to5/12.jpeg">>\
<<if $domstatus is true>>
<judy>-"Hmph.. Nice pin."</judy> Judy remarks as you enter the kitchen.
<b>-"Already noticed?"</b>
<judy>-"Of course! I bet others will too.."</judy>
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\1.jpg">
<judy>-"How was it?"</judy>
<b>-"How was what?"</b> You throw your stuff to the side and walk up to Judy.
<judy>-"The training! Obviously."</judy>
<b>-"It was good! First lesson was about endurance!"</b>
<judy>-"Good! Maybe you won't cum as fast."</judy> She giggles.
<b>-"Come on, you know that's not true."</b> You roll your eyes.
<judy>-"Just messing around."</judy> She punches your shoulder.
<judy>-"Although, you can always last longer, you know?"</judy>
<b>-"True and now I will."</b>
<judy>-"Ready for the shift?"</judy> You nod and you both walk up to the counter.
<b>-"Ready!"</b> You shout as one of the chefs starts to plate some food.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\2.jpg">
<grey>-"Good! Judy - Tables 23 and 4."</grey> She nods, grabs the plates and begins to walk away.
<grey>-"$name2, tables 24 and 28."</grey>
<b>-"Copy that."</b> You take the food and follow Judy out of the kitchen.
<<pageReplace"Start serving the guests.">>
<b>-"Here you are!"</b> You put down the food on one of the tables.
<b>-"No problem, enjoy your food!"</b>
<b>-"Here you are!"</b>
<adriana>-"Oh.. Someone's trained, huh?"</adriana> A woman bites her bottom lip and looks you up and down.
<b>-"Yes ma'am!"</b> You chuckle as you serve her food as well.
<adriana>-"Thank you love..."</adriana> You nod and walk back to the kitchen. After picking up some more plates, you walk into the diner hall again.
<olive>-"Thank you!"</olive>
<b>-"There she is.."</b> You whisper as you walk towards the other table.
<b>-"Enjoy, Olivia."</b> You put down her food on the table.
<emily>-"$name2! Heyyyy handsomeeee!"</emily>
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\9.png">
<emily>-"New pin, huh?"</emily> Olivia grins.
<b>-"Mhm... Got it a couple of days ago."</b>
<emily>-"What was the first lesson, endurance?"</emily>
<b>-"Yes ma'am."</b>
<emily>-"So that means I can suck your dick for hours on end and you won't cum right?"</emily> She laughs.
<b>-"Well, if you leave a big enough tip, then maybe."</b> You laugh with her.
<emily>-"Hmph.."</emily> Olivia looks down.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\10.png">
<emily>-"Seems to me like you wouldn't mind either way."</emily>
<<pageReplace"Follow her gaze.">>
<b>-"Hmmm..?"</b> You follow her gaze.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\11.jpg">
<b>-"Oh shit!"</b> You didn't even notice, but you're completely rock hard!
<emily>-"Am I really that pretty?"</emily>
<b>-"I think we both can tell that that's the case.."</b> Olivia grins once again and begins touching her chest.
<emily>-"Good answer.."</emily> She slips down her bra.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\12.webp">
<emily>-"You can be sure I will be the first one to rent you when you become available..."</emily>
<b>-"Rent me?"</b>
<emily>-"Mhm... When you finish the third round of training, you'll become available for rent."</emily>
<emily>-"Remember the private rooms?"</emily>
<b>-"Hmph.. I do."</b>
<emily>-"You'll agree.. Right?"</emily> She stands up and gets closer to you.
<b>-"For you to rent me?"</b>
<<pageReplace"Of course.">>
<<set $flirtingstatus to $flirtingstatus +1>>\
<b>-"Of course I will... You're my favorite customer after all."</b>
<emily>-"Well then.. I can't wait."</emily> Your instincts suddenly take over and you start groping Olivia's crotch.
<b>-"What's stopping us from doing it now?"</b>
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\13.webp">
<emily>-"NgHhH! T-the club rules! That's what!"</emily> She pushes you away.
<b>-"You really care about them?"</b> Olivia takes a step back and pulls up her bra.
<emily>-"Yes.. And you should too! Unless you want to be kicked out."</emily>
<b>-"Sigh.. Well that's annoying."</b>
<emily>-"It is indeed."</emily> She sits down.
<emily>-"So make sure to complete your training ASAP!"</emily>
<b>-"Can I get you anything else?"</b>
<emily>-"Not really, no. Thank you $name2."</emily> You nod as you both exchange a friendly smile. After turning around you make your way towards the next customer.
<b>-"Shit.. Finally."</b> After another hour or two of serving members, you're finally done.
<b>-"So tired.."</b> You whisper as you enter the kitchen.
<judy>-"$name2! Come here!"</judy> You hear Judy shouting nearby.
<judy>-"Here."</judy> She hands you an envelope as you walk up to her.
<b>-"Thanks love... How was your day?"</b>
<judy>-"Eh, the usual. How about you?"</judy>
<b>-"Same thing here.</b> You open up the envelope and smile.
<b>-"Have a good one Judy!"</b>
<judy>-"You too!"</judy> As the words leave her lips, you begin walking out of the kitchen and towards your car.
<<money +280 "Worked at the club">>
<green>Money +280!</green>
[[Enter your car->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"We'll see..">>
<<set $flirtingstatus to $flirtingstatus -1>>\
<b>-"We'll see.. It's too early to tell."</b>
<emily>-"To early to tell?"</emily> She frowns and takes a step back.
<emily>-"Hmph! I thought I was your favorite customer!"</emily> Olivia sits back down.
<b>-"I don't have one.."</b>
<b>-"Anyways, can I get you anything else?"</b> You try to change the subject.
<emily>-"Not really, no. You may go now."</emily> You nod as she rolls her eyes. After turning around you make your way towards the next customer.
<b>-"Shit.. Finally."</b> After another hour or two of serving members, you're finally done.
<b>-"So tired.."</b> You whisper as you enter the kitchen.
<judy>-"$name2! Come here!"</judy> You hear Judy shouting nearby.
<judy>-"Here."</judy> She hands you an envelope as you walk up to her.
<b>-"Thanks love... How was your day?"</b>
<judy>-"Eh, the usual. How about you?"</judy>
<b>-"Same thing here.</b> You open up the envelope and smile.
<b>-"Have a good one Judy!"</b>
<judy>-"You too!"</judy> As the words leave her lips, you begin walking out of the kitchen and towards your car.
<<money +230 "Worked at the club">>
<green>Money +230!</green>
[[Enter your car->Go outside]]
<judy>-"Hmph.. Nice pin."</judy> Judy remarks as you enter the kitchen.
<b>-"Already noticed?"</b>
<judy>-"Of course! I bet others will too.."</judy>
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\1.jpg">
<judy>-"How was it?"</judy>
<b>-"How was what?"</b> You throw your stuff to the side and walk up to Judy.
<judy>-"The training! Obviously."</judy>
<b>-"I-it was good! First lesson was about blowjob skills!"</b>
<judy>-"Good! Hopefully I won't see you using that terrible technique again."</judy> She giggles.
<b>-"Come on, it wasn't that bad!"</b> You roll your eyes.
<judy>-"Just messing around."</judy> She punches your shoulder.
<judy>-"Although, it really wasn't that great. I'm glad that you got invited."</judy>
<b>-"I am too.."</b>
<judy>-"Ready for the shift?"</judy> You nod and you both walk up to the counter.
<b>-"Ready!"</b> You shout as one of the chefs starts to plate some food.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\2.jpg">
<grey>-"Good! Judy - Tables 23 and 4."</grey> She nods, grabs the plates and begins to walk away.
<grey>-"$name2, tables 24 and 28."</grey>
<b>-"Copy that."</b> You take the food and follow Judy out of the kitchen.
<<pageReplace"Start serving the guests.">>
<b>-"Here you are!"</b> You put down the food on one of the tables.
<b>-"No problem, enjoy your food!"</b>
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\3.gif">
<blue>-"Order 24? That's us!"</blue>
<b>-"Here you are!"</b>
<blue>-"Oh.. Someone's trained, huh?"</blue> The man looks you up and down.
<b>-"Y-ses sir!"</b>
<blue>-"Thank you love..."</blue> You nod and walk back to the kitchen. After picking up some more plates, you walk into the diner hall again.
<adriana>-"Thank you!"</adriana> You bow and begin moving towards another guest, when suddenly, you feel a hand slap your ass.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\4.webp">
<olive>-"I see you went through some training?"</olive> You hear a familiar voice behind you
<<pageReplace"Turn around.">>
<b>-"O-oliver?"</b> You turn around.
<olive>-"Hey beautiful."</olive>
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\8.jpg">
<b>-"Heyyyy! Sorry, got a little surprised..."</b>
<olive>-"What was the first test?"</olive> Oliver smiles.
<b>-"W-what?"</b> You stutter.
<olive>-"I said, what was the first test? I can see from your pin that you got some training?"</olive>
<b>-"Oh right! We worked on improving my blowjob skills!"</b> Your cheeks blush as you remember what happened.
<olive>-"Hmph... I would love to check out what you learned..."</olive>
<olive>-"You're caged right now, right?"</olive>
<b>-"Of course!"</b> You raise up your skirt and show off your cage.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\6.webp">
<olive>-"Fuck me that's beautiful.."</olive> Oliver licks his lips.
<olive>-"If I could, I would rent you right now."</olive>
<b>-"Rent me?"</b>
<olive>-"Mhm... When you finish the third round of training, you'll become available for rent."</olive>
<olive>-"Remember the private rooms?"</olive>
<b>-"I-I do.."</b>
<olive>-"Good... You'll agree.. Right?"</olive>
<b>-"Agree to you renting me?"</b>
<<pageReplace"Of course.">>
<<set $flirtingstatus to $flirtingstatus +1>>\
<b>-"Of course I will... You're my favorite customer after all!"</b>
<olive>-"Well then.. I can't wait."</olive> Your instincts suddenly take over and you start to touch Olivers cock.
<b>-"W-what's stopping us from doing it now?"</b> A drop of pre cum leaks out from your cage.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\7.webp">
<olive>-"Mghh.. The club rules. That's what."</olive> He takes a step back.
<b>-"You really care about them?"</b>
<olive>-"Yes.. And you should too! Unless you want to be kicked out."</olive>
<b>-"Sigh.. Well that's annoying."</b>
<olive>-"It is indeed."</olive> He sits down.
<olive>-"So make sure to complete your training ASAP!"</olive>
<b>-"Yes sir.."</b>
<b>-"Can I get you anything else?"</b>
<olive>-"Not really, no. Thank you $name2."</olive> You nod as you both exchange a friendly smile. After turning around you make your way towards the next customer.
<b>-"Shit.. Finally."</b> After another hour or two of serving members, you're finally done.
<b>-"So tired.."</b> You whisper as you enter the kitchen.
<judy>-"$name2! Come here!"</judy> You hear Judy shouting nearby.
<judy>-"Here."</judy> She hands you an envelope as you walk up to her.
<b>-"Thanks love... How was your day?"</b>
<judy>-"Eh, the usual. How about you?"</judy>
<b>-"Same thing here.</b> You open up the envelope and smile.
<b>-"Have a good one Judy!"</b>
<judy>-"You too!"</judy> As the words leave her lips, you begin walking out of the kitchen and towards your car.
<<money +280 "Worked at the club">>
<green>Money +280!</green>
[[Enter your car->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"We'll see..">>
<<set $flirtingstatus to $flirtingstatus -1>>\
<b>-"We'll see.. It's too early to tell."</b>
<olive>-"To early to tell?"</olive> He frowns and takes a step back.
<olive>-"I thought I was your favorite customer!"</olive> Oliver sits down at his table.
<b>-"I don't have one.."</b>
<b>-"Anyways, can I get you anything else?"</b> You try to change the subject.
<olive>-"Not really, no. You may go now."</olive> You nod as she rolls her eyes. After turning around you make your way towards the next customer.
<b>-"Shit.. Finally."</b> After another hour or two of serving members, you're finally done.
<b>-"So tired.."</b> You whisper as you enter the kitchen.
<judy>-"$name2! Come here!"</judy> You hear Judy shouting nearby.
<judy>-"Here."</judy> She hands you an envelope as you walk up to her.
<b>-"Thanks love... How was your day?"</b>
<judy>-"Eh, the usual. How about you?"</judy>
<b>-"Same thing here.</b> You open up the envelope and smile.
<b>-"Have a good one Judy!"</b>
<judy>-"You too!"</judy> As the words leave her lips, you begin walking out of the kitchen and towards your car.
<<money +230 "Worked at the club">>
<green>Money +230!</green>
[[Enter your car->Go outside]]
<</if>><<set $workdiner to 11>>
<<locationBackdrop "Club/diner/diner1to5/12.jpeg">>\
<<if $domstatus is true>>
<grey>-"PshHHhhHShHhhhshshshssHHH!"</grey> The sink tap begins to dispense water as you turn the lever.
<b>-"There..."</b> You begin to clean your hands before starting your shift.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\a1.gif">
<b>-"Right, I'm ready to go."</b> After you're done, you dry your hands with a nearby towel, make sure your clothes look presentable and then walk to the kitchen counter.
<b>-"I'm ready to take an order!"</b>
<m>-"Ah $name2! Perfect timing!"</m> Garen walks over to you.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\a2.webp">
<m>-"I need you to deliver some food to a member in one of the VIP rooms. Judy is there right now."</m>
<b>-"Judy? What is she doing there?"</b>
<m>-"She got rented, what do you think she's doing?"</m>
<b>-"Ah... Gotchu..."</b> Garen chuckles and begins to walk away.
<m>-"Give me just a second! I'll make the dish in no time!"</m>
<<pageReplace"Wait for him to finish">>\
<b>-"Is it ready?"</b> You ask as you see Garen finishing up.
<m>-"Yes! Just a second."</m>
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\a3.gif">
<m>-"There you go. The room number is 36."</m> You grab the plate and face Garen.
<b>-"I never knew we deliver food to the VIP rooms."</b>
<m>-"We usually don't, but he's an important guest, invests a lot of money into the club, so I like to spoil him sometimes."</m>
<b>-"Understood... I'll be right back then!"</b> The chef nods and walks away. You turn around and begin walking towards the aforementioned room.
<b>-"..."</b> As you walk through the halls, you begin to feel the piercing looks of the other members... They're checking you out.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\a4.jpeg">
<b>-"Heh..."</b> However, you compose yourself and don't let it distract you. With your head high, you make it through the diner hall and begin walking towards the basement where the VIP rooms are.
<b>-"Where are they again?"</b>
<b>-"Really don't want to get lost, the food will get cold!"</b> You get turned around a bit, but after encountering a familiar corridor, you remember where the rooms are.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\a5.jpeg">\
<b>-"Through here and to the left I think..."</b>
<b>-"Yup!"</b> You were right! After taking the turn, you find yourself in front of the basement stairs.
<<pageReplace"Climb down.">>
<grey>-"Thump Thumb Thump!"</grey> The staircase begins making a dull, harsh sound as you use it to go down.
<b>-"Finally... Now where is it."</b> You look around while making sure to not drop the plate of food.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\a7.jpg">
<judy>-"Hummmm Hammm!"</judy> As you walk around the VIP area, you begin to hear hums.
<b>-"Could it be Judy?"</b> You begin to follow the voice.
<judy>-"Hummm Hummm Hummm... When is he coming?"</judy> It leads you to an area with multiple doors. While still listening to the hums, you begin to look for the 36th room.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\a6.jpg">
<judy>-"Sigh... This is such a tight fit..."</judy> The woman's voice reach their peak as you reach the door farthest to the right.
<b>-"36... It's here."</b>
<b>-"H-hello?"</b> You begin to knock on the door.
<Img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\a8.jpg">
<judy>-"Hmmmm Hmmmm Hmmmm..."</judy> It seems like she doesn't hear you.
<<pageReplace"Crack open the door">>
<judy>-"Hammmm Hummm Hummm! Let's try this again..."</judy> You see Judy walk over to the restroom area of the room.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\a16.webp">
<judy>-"NghHh..."</judy> She begins to try to put on some lingerie... You can tell that it's a little too small for her.
<judy>-"Agh fuck."</judy>
<b>-"Wow... What a bombshell!"</b>
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\a17.webp">
<judy>-"Let's try this again."</judy>
<judy>-"MgHhh..."</judy> You watch as she finally puts the lingerie on.
<b>-"..."</b> As hot as this is, Garen is probably waiting for you, it's better if you deliver the food soon!
<<pageReplace"Deliver the food">>
<b>-"Hey!"</b> You smile as you enter the room.
<judy>-"Agh! You're finally here?"</judy> Judy asks and turns to you.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\a19.jpg">
<judy>-"Oh... $name2? What are you doing here?"</judy>
<b>-"Expecting someone else?"</b>
<judy>-"Y-yeah, my customer."</judy>
<b>-"You'll have to wait a little longer I guess, I'm just here to deliver the food."</b> You walk over to one of the tables in the VIP room and put down the plate.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\a13.jpeg">
<judy>-"Ah, he ordered something?"</judy>
<b>-"Sure did! Weird that he isn't here yet."</b> You figure that it would probably be best if the man didn't find you in his room speaking to his rented girl.
<judy>-"It is indeed!"</judy>
<<pageReplace"Move towards the door.">>
<b>-"I'll get going, don't want to ruin your night."</b>
<judy>-"Hah, you're not ruining anything..."</judy> She looks at your face and squints.
<judy>-"You're not mad... Are you?"</judy>
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\a18.jpg">
<b>-"Mad? Why would I be mad?"</b> Judy smiles and shakes her head.
<judy>-"You know what, nevermind! Just ignore what I said haha!"</judy>
<b>-"Hah, alright, I guess. As I said I'll get going, Garen is probably waiting for me."</b>
<judy>-"Cool, thanks for bringing the food."</judy> You nod and walk out of the room while she stares at you.
<judy>-"Fuck..."</judy> You hear her whisper as you close the door.
<b>-"What an interesting girl..."</b>
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\a15.jpg">
<b>-"Time to head back!"</b> With the plate in hand, you return to Garen. You spend the next 4 hours serving customers at the diner hall.
<b>-"Thanks!"</b> At the end of your shift, you grab your payment from the chef. Judy is still in the VIP rooms...
<<money +250 "Worked at the club">>
<green>Money +250!</green>
[[Go to your car->Go outside]]
<grey>-"PshHHhhHShHhhhshshshssHHH!"</grey> The sink tap begins to dispense water as you turn the lever.
<b>-"There..."</b> You begin to clean your hands before starting your shift.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\a1.gif">
<b>-"Right, I'm ready to go."</b> After you're done, you dry your hands with a nearby towel, make sure your clothes look presentable and then walk to the kitchen counter.
<b>-"I'm ready to take an order!"</b>
<m>-"Ah $name2! Perfect timing!"</m> Garen walks over to you.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\a2.webp">
<m>-"I need you to deliver some food to a member in one of the VIP rooms. Judy is there right now."</m>
<b>-"J-Judy? What is she doing there?"</b>
<m>-"She got rented, what do you think she's doing?"</m>
<b>-"Ah... Gotchu..."</b> Garen chuckles and begins to walk away.
<m>-"Give me just a second! I'll make the dish in no time!"</m>
<<pageReplace"Wait for him to finish">>\
<b>-"Is it ready?"</b> You ask as you see Garen finishing up.
<m>-"Yes! Just a second."</m>
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\a3.gif">
<m>-"There you go. The room number is 36."</m> You grab the plate and face Garen.
<b>-"I never knew we deliver food to the VIP rooms."</b>
<m>-"We usually don't, but he's an important guest, invests a lot of money into the club, so I like to spoil him sometimes."</m>
<b>-"Understood... I'll be right back then!"</b> The chef nods and walks away. You turn around and begin walking towards the aforementioned room.
<b>-"..."</b> As you walk through the halls, you begin to feel the piercing looks of the other members... They're checking you out.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\a4.jpeg">
<b>-"A-ahem."</b> However, you compose yourself and don't let it distract you. With your head high, you make it through the diner hall and begin walking towards the basement where the VIP rooms are.
<b>-"Where are they again?"</b>
<b>-"Really don't want to get lost, the food will get cold!"</b> You get turned around a bit, but after encountering a familiar corridor, you remember where the rooms are.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\a5.jpeg">\
<b>-"Through here and to the left I think..."</b>
<b>-"Yup!"</b> You were right! After taking the turn, you find yourself in front of the basement stairs.
<<pageReplace"Climb down.">>
<grey>-"Thump Thumb Thump!"</grey> The staircase begins making a dull, harsh sound as you use it to go down.
<b>-"Finally... Now where is it."</b> You look around while making sure to not drop the plate of food.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\a7.jpg">
<judy>-"MgHHhh..."</judy> As you walk around the VIP area, you begin to hear moans.
<b>-"C-could it be Judy?"</b> You begin to follow the voice.
<judy>-"FucKKKk! Yes!"</judy> It leads you to an area with multiple doors. While still listening to the moans, you begin to look for the 36th room.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\a6.jpg">
<judy>-"GuahhHH! YesShhH!"</judy> The woman's moans reach their peak as you reach the door farthest to the right.
<b>-"36... It's here."</b>
<b>-"H-hello?"</b> You begin to knock on the door.
<Img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\a8.jpg">
<judy>-"YEshhh! YehsHhHH! YeshHHH!"</judy> It seems like they don't hear you.
<<pageReplace"Crack open the door">>
<b>-"Gulp..."</b> You put the plate down on the table to the side and grab the door handle.
<judy>-"GoshHhH! Come on! Cum already you old bastard!"</judy> As you crack open the door, you begin to clearly hear Judy's voice.
<b>-"Oh it's definitely her..."</b>
<blue>-"Don't talk to me like that you slut! Come here!"</blue> A man's voice fills your ears as well as you open it just enough to get a peek.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\a9.webp">
<b>-"F-fuck..."</b> You whimper as you see Judy riding one of the members.
<judy>-"ShittTTttt! W-we've been at it... MgHHhhhh... For the last hour! Mghhhhh! C-cum! I have other customers to serve!"</judy>
<blue>-"GrHHhhH! You'll stay here until I'm satisfied! Now turn around!"</blue> Your caged cock begins to throb as you continue to look.
<judy>-"Y-yesss..."</judy> Judy listens to the man's commands and turns around.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\a10.webp">
<blue>-"Good girl..."</blue> As she begins to ride him again, you suddenly snap out of it and remember why you're here in the first place.
<<pageReplace"Deliver the food">>
<b>-"Y-yeah... Let's deliver the food."</b> You grab the plate and open the door fully.
<blue>-"Wah! The room is taken!"</blue> The man shouts out of pure instinct. Judy's body is covering his view.
<judy>-"$name2? Hey!"</judy> She smiles but continues to ride the man.
<b>-"I... I brought the food you guys ordered!"</b>
<blue>-"Agh that! Finally!"</blue>
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\a12.webp">
<b>-"W-where do you want it, sir?"</b>
<blue>-"Put it on the table... Beautiful."</blue> He remarks as he finally gets a good look at you.
<judy>-"NgHHHhh..."</judy> Judy turns around and focuses on the customer.
<b>-"Yes..."</b> You walk over to the aforementioned table and place the food down.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\a13.jpeg">
<blue>-"MgHHh... T-thank you honey! Have a good one!"</blue>
<judy>-"GrhHhaaaHhhh... FuckKKk... T-thanks $name2!"</judy> You nod and begin to walk towards the door.
<<pageReplace"Get one last look in.">>
<blue>-"You'll have to give me her name... She's pretty!"</blue> You hear the man whisper as you look back.
<b>-"So hot..."</b>
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\a14.webp">
<judy>-"She... MghHhh... I-isn't trained yet... NGhHhh!"</judy>
<blue>-"Fuck.. What a bummer."</blue> As they continue to fuck, you open the door and leave.
<b>-"W-wow, that was something."</b> You look down - thankfully, the precum hasn't left any visible stains on your clothes.
<b>-"Thank God for that cage..."</b>
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\a15.jpg">
<b>-"Time to head back!"</b> With the plate in hand, you return to Garen. You spend the next 4 hours serving customers at the diner hall.
<b>-"Thanks!"</b> At the end of your shift, you grab your payment from the chef. Judy is still in the VIP rooms...
<<money +250 "Worked at the club">>
<green>Money +250!</green>
[[Go to your car->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Watch for a little longer">>
<b>-"A couple extra seconds won't hurt anybody..."</b> You watch as the man grabs Leyja and throws her on her side.
<judy>-"Eeeekk! G-gentle!"</judy>
<blue>-"Ghehehehe! I know you like it!"</blue>
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\a11.webp">
<b>-"H-his cock is pretty big..."</b> You whimper as you watch him fuck her brains out.
<judy>-"MgHhhh yeshHHhhH!"</judy>
<blue>-"Take it you whore!"</blue> While they fuck and you watch, you happen to accidently touch the dish you're supposed to deliver.
<b>-"Fuck, it's barely warm!"</b>
<<pageReplace"Deliver the food">>
<b>-"E-enough... I need to deliver the food before it gets cold!"</b> You grab the plate and open the door fully.
<blue>-"Wah! The room is taken!"</blue> The man shouts out of pure instinct. Judy's body is covering his view.
<judy>-"$name2? Hey!"</judy> She smiles but continues to ride the man.
<b>-"I... I brought the food you guys ordered!"</b>
<blue>-"Agh that! Finally!"</blue>
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\a12.webp">
<b>-"W-where do you want it, sir?"</b>
<blue>-"Put it on the table... Beautiful."</blue> He remarks as he finally gets a good look at you.
<judy>-"NgHHHhh..."</judy> Judy turns around and focuses on the customer.
<b>-"Yes..."</b> You walk over to the aforementioned table and place the food down.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\a13.jpeg">
<blue>-"MgHHh... T-thank you honey! Have a good one!"</blue>
<judy>-"GrhHhaaaHhhh... FuckKKk... T-thanks $name2!"</judy> You nod and begin to walk towards the door.
<<pageReplace"Get one last look in.">>
<blue>-"You'll have to give me her name... She's pretty!"</blue> You hear the man whisper as you look back.
<b>-"So hot..."</b>
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\a14.webp">
<judy>-"She... MghHhh... I-isn't trained yet... NGhHhh!"</judy>
<blue>-"Fuck.. What a bummer."</blue> As they continue to fuck, you open the door and leave.
<b>-"W-wow, that was something."</b> You look down - thankfully, the precum hasn't left any visible stains on your clothes.
<b>-"Thank God for that cage..."</b>
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\a15.jpg">
<b>-"Time to head back!"</b> With the plate in hand, you return to Garen. You spend the next 4 hours serving customers at the diner hall.
<b>-"Thanks!"</b> At the end of your shift, you grab your payment from the chef. Judy is still in the VIP rooms...
<<money +250 "Worked at the club">>
<green>Money +250!</green>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Go to your car->Go outside]]
<</if>><<set $workdiner to 12>>
<<locationBackdrop "Club/diner/diner1to5/12.jpeg">>\
<<if $domstatus !== true>>\
<j>-"Hey beautiful!"</j> Judy smiles as you enter the diners kitchen.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\p1.jpg">
<j>-"Ready to get today's show on the road?"</j>
<b>-"Show on the road?"</b>
<j>-"Ghah, it's a saying! I'm asking if you're ready for your shift?"</j> Judy giggles.
<b>-"Agh! Yes haha! As ready as I can be!"</b>
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\p2.jpg">
<j>-"How was your day?"</j>
<b>-"Eh, as cood as it could be I guess. I'm hoping it'll get a bit better now that we're together."</b> You throw in some light flirting.
<j>-"Oh you flirt, stop that!"</j> She giggles once again.
<j>-"L-let's go and start serving the guests... They must have been waiting for a while now!"</j>
<<pageReplace"Walk over to the kitchen counter.">>\
<b>-"We're ready to take some orders!"</b>
<j>-"Yup!"</j> You both shout. One of the kitchen workers turn to you guys and begins speaking.
<grey>-"In a second, we're just finishing up the first couple of orders!"</grey> After nodding, you begin to watch them plate the food.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\p3.gif">
<grey>-"Here you are!"</grey> The worker places 4 plates full of food on the counter.
<grey>-"$name2, table 23 and 21. Judy, table 32 and 18."</grey>
<b>-"Copy that!"</b>
<j>-"Cool!"</j> You both take two plates each and leave the kitchen area.
<j>-"Good luck."</j> Judy says, as you both enter the diner hall.
<b>-"You too."</b> After those couple of kind words, you begin walking in opposite directions. As you reach your first table, you put down one of the plates full of food.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\p21.webp">
<blue>-"Thank you man!"</blue> You nod and walk to the second table.
<b>-"Here you are!"</b>
<pink>-"Lovely, thanks!"</pink> You nod once again and walk back to the kitchen area.
<<pageReplace"Grab another batch of orders.">>
<b>-"Ready again!"</b>
<grey>-"Give me a second!"</grey> Not even 30 seconds later, the worker puts a plate of food down on the counter and rings the table bell.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\p4.webp">
<grey>-"Ready! Table 26!"</grey>
<b>-"Understood!"</b> You grab the plate and begin walking towards the customer.
<b>-"Oh... Hello..."</b> You smile as you reach the next table.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\p7.webp">
<olive>-"Agh, $name2! Perfect timing!"</olive> Oliver says as you put the plate down on his table.
<b>-"H-how are you doing?"</b>
<olive>-"A lot better now that you're here! How are you though, have you put that pin to good use?"</olive>
<b>-"The pin...? Oh, this?"</b> You point at the pin you got from your first training session.
<b>-"N-not really..."</b>
<olive>-"Hmph, well we can't let all of that training go to waste! I want to see your skills!"</olive> You notice that he begins to slowly spread apart his legs.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\p8.jpeg">
<olive>-"What do you say? Will you show me what my good little girl learned?"</olive>
<<pageReplace"Yes Oliver...">>
<<set $flirtingstatus to $flirtingstatus +1>>\
<b>-"Yes Oliver... Of course."</b> A smile forms on your face as you lick your lips.
<b>-"You better leave a good tip though..."</b> You slowly get on your knees and begin crawling under the desk.
<olive>-"I always do baby."</olive> Oliver grins and spreads his legs even more.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\p9.jpg">
<b>-"Oof..."</b> You grab his thighs and take a seat on the floor.
<olive>-"Come on then, show me what you learned."</olive> He begins to unbuckle his belt.
<b>-"Gulp... Wow, just as big as I remember it."</b>
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\p10.webp">
<b>-"H-here I go!"</b> With your soft hands you grab his mascluine cock and press it against your face.
<b>-"Shittttt... It smells so good..."</b>
<<pageReplace"Give it a taste.">>\
<b>-"Remember what the man tought you $name2, the start needs to be slow..."</b> You think as you begin to gently lick the tip of his rod.
<olive>-"GrhhhHHh... Good girl!"</olive>
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\p11.webp">
<b>-"Dwelicious!"</b> Oliver's cock has a surprisingly sweet taste... You don't remember it being like that before.
<olive>-"NgHHhh!"</olive> You feel the table shake as he grabs it.
<b>-"Slurp... MGghhh!"</b> After another minute of teasing, you move on to the main event.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\p12.webp">
<olive>-"AgrRhrhhH fucKKk! T-they did teach you a thing or two!"</olive>
<b>-"Swure dwid gwhehe!"</b>
<b>-"Guhhh Guhhhh GaaAAahhh!"</b> You suddenly remember another technique the trainer tought you - using your hands more!
<<pageReplace"Try it out.">>\
<b>-"Suck the tip, jack him off with your hand $name2!"</b> You nod in agreement with yourself and begin.
<olive>-"GrhHhhhh!! O-oh fucKKkkK!!"</olive>
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\p13.webp">
<b>-"Ahhhh! You like that?"</b> You ask while slapping his cock on your tongue.
<olive>-"I... Mghhhhh! I-I love it!"</olive> The table shakes harder as he tries his best not to cum.
<b>-"Good..."</b> You stop moving your hand and go in for the killer move - the deepthroat.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\p14.webp">
<olive>-"Slow downNnn! I'm about to c-c-cuUmMmM!"</olive>
<b>-"GuuugggghhrhhHHhh!"</b> You struggle to breathe, but still persevere.
<b>-"AhhhhHHH!"</b> You stop gulping down his cock for a second and begin to furiously lick the tip - it's the most sensitive spot.
<<pageReplace"Make him nut.">>\
<b>-"Ghehehehe!"</b> You laugh as Oliver's legs begin to shake.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\p15.webp">
<b>-"Come on big boy! C-cum for me!"</b> With your free hand, you squeeze his balls, hoping that this would finally make him nut.
<olive>-"GrrAhahhHHh! H-here it comes!!!"</olive> Oliver tries his best not to shout and disrupt the other members around you guys.
<b>-"Ahhhhh!"</b> You open your mouth in anticipation.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\p16.webp">
<olive>-"FuckKkgghghHHh!"</olive> The table shakes one last time as you feel his warm jizz hit your mouth.
<b>-"MGHHhhh!"</b> You moan as you try your best to catch it all. Surprisingly, your cock hasn't gotten that hard through the whole ordeal... The smaller cage is definitely working!
<olive>-"S-shiTttt... You definitely... MgHHhhh... Learned a lot!"</olive>
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\p17.webp">
<b>-"Gulp... Gulp... Gulp... Ahhhh!"</b>
<b>-"I-I sure did!"</b>
<<pageReplace"Stand up">>
<b>-"Oof..."</b> After you're done draining Oliver, you crawl out from under the table and stand up.
<olive>-"Huuuu, now THAT, deserves a tip hahaha!"</olive> Oliver chuckles as he pulls up his pants.
<b>-"Hihi, I'm glad you liked it..."</b> As you say that, he points at some tissues on the table.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\p18.webp">
<olive>-"Clean yourself up, your face is drenched."</olive> You nod and do as instructed. After which you throw the tissue away.
<b>-"T-thanks Oliver."</b>
<olive>-"No, thank you love."</olive> He smiles and smashes his wallet down on the table.
<olive>-"When the bill comes, you're getting the fattest tip I've ever given someone."</olive>
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\p19.jpg">
<b>-"O-oh... You don't need to!"</b>
<olive>-"I want to $name2, keep training and you'll get an even fatter one!"</olive>After a couple of minutes of chatter, you say your goodbyes and go back to the kitchen.
<<pageReplace"Continue to serve other guests.">>
<b>-"NghH! Finally!"</b> You say after finally finishing your shift and sitting down on the couch.
<j>-"Done already?"</j> Judy says as she enters the kitchen area.
<j>-"Good, come and get your payment. Someone left a fat tip!"</j> You grin and walk over to her.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\p20.jpg">
<b>-"How much?"</b>
<j>-"An extra 150! I reckon you put your new skills to use?"</j>
<b>-"Sure did!"</b>
<j>-"Good, the guy seems to have enjoyed himself quite a bit. Keep at it, after your second training session they'll tip even more, I'm sure of it!"</j> You smile and grab the envelope full of cash.
<b>-"See ya later Judy!"</b>
<j>-"Mhm!"</j> Time to head back.
<<money +380 "Worked at the club">>
<green>Money +380!</green>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Not today.">>
<<set $flirtingstatus to $flirtingstatus -1>>\
<b>-"Not today Oliver, sorry..."</b>
<olive>-"Ahhh bummer! Really wanted to see what you learned!"</olive> He sighs.
<olive>-"Fine, maybe next time."</olive> You smile and turn around.
<b>-"Mhm... Maybe."</b> You walk off. Time to finish your shift!
<b>-"NghH! Finally!"</b> You say after a grueling 5 hours of work.
<j>-"Done already?"</j> Judy says as she enters the kitchen area. You're sitting on a couch in the corner.
<j>-"Good, come and get your payment."</j> You nod and walk over.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\p20.jpg">
<b>-"How much?"</b>
<j>-"Nothing out of the ordinary! Still haven't put those new skills to good use?"</j>
<b>-"Eh, haven't gotten a chance."</b>
<j>-"Hmph, don't be shy, offer yourself up to people. The tips they leave can be really good!"</j> You smile and grab the envelope full of cash.
<b>-"Thanks for the advice, see ya later Judy!"</b>
<j>-"Mhm!"</j> Time to head back.
<<money +230 "Worked at the club">>
<green>Money +230!</green>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<j>-"Hey beautiful!"</j> Judy smiles as you enter the diners kitchen.
<b>-"H-hey...!"</b> You still remember what you saw in the VIP rooms, so you feel pretty awkward.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\p1.jpg">
<j>-"Ready to get today's show on the road?"</j>
<b>-"Show on the road?"</b>
<j>-"Ghah, it's a saying! I'm asking if you're ready for your shift?"</j> Judy giggles.
<b>-"Agh! Y-yes haha! As ready as I can be!"</b> She notices that you're acting weird.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\p2.jpg">
<j>-"Everything okay?"</j>
<b>-"Yeah, yeah, everything is cool..."</b> You quickly look away in embarrassment... After seeing her in action, it feels weird to talk to her.
<j>-"Hmph, alright. Let's go ahead and start serving the guests."</j> You nod.
<<pageReplace"Walk over to the kitchen counter.">>\
<b>-"We're ready to take some orders!"</b>
<j>-"Yup!"</j> You both shout. One of the kitchen workers turn to you guys and begins speaking.
<grey>-"In a second, we're just finishing up the first couple of orders!"</grey> After nodding, you begin to watch them plate the food.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\p3.gif">
<grey>-"Here you are!"</grey> The worker places 4 plates full of food on the counter.
<grey>-"$name2, table 23 and 21. Judy, table 32 and 18."</grey>
<b>-"Copy that!"</b>
<j>-"Cool!"</j> You both take two plates each and leave the kitchen area.
<j>-"Good luck."</j> Judy says, as you both enter the diner hall.
<b>-"Y-you too."</b> After those couple of kind words, you begin walking in opposite directions. As you reach your first table, you put down one of the plates full of food.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\p21.webp">
<blue>-"Thank you love!"</blue> You nod and walk to the second table.
<b>-"Here you are!"</b>
<pink>-"Lovely, thanks!"</pink> You nod once again and walk back to the kitchen area.
<<pageReplace"Grab another batch of orders.">>
<b>-"Ready again!"</b>
<grey>-"Give me a second!"</grey> Not even 30 seconds later, the worker puts a plate of food down on the counter and rings the table bell.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\p4.webp">
<grey>-"Ready! Table 26!"</grey>
<b>-"Understood!"</b> You grab the plate and begin walking towards the customer.
<b>-"Oh... Hey..."</b> You faintly smile as you reach the next table.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\p5.jpg">
<emily>-"Agh, $name2! Perfect timing!"</emily> Olivia says as you put the plate down on her table.
<b>-"Perfect timing? Why?"</b>
<emily>-"I ordered some dessert, but now that you're here I won't have to eat it! I'm trying to stay thin so, less calories is a win!"</emily>
<b>-"Won't have to eat it? How so?"</b> You know what she means, but you still want to hear it from her.
<emily>-"You know what I mean love... A thick... Milk pudding is specifically what I'm craving right now..."</emily> She looks down at your crotch.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\p6.jpg">
<emily>-"Considering you have that pin now as well, I'm curious to see how long you can last..."</emily>
<b>-"Hah, pretty long. The training was intense."</b> She smirks.
<emily>-"Good... So, what do you say, will you let me eat the dessert I mentioned?"</emily>
<<pageReplace"Be my guest">>
<<set $flirtingstatus to $flirtingstatus +1>>\
<b>-"Be my guest Olivia."</b> A smile forms on your face as Olivia stands up and you take her place.
<b>-"You better leave a good tip though..."</b> She grins and gets on her knees.
<emily>-"I always do baby."</emily> Olivia begins to crawl under the table.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\p9.jpg">
<b>-"Oof..."</b> You let out a soft moan as you feel her hands touch your thighs.
<emily>-"Come on then, let's see what this cock has learned..."</emily> She begins to unbuckle your belt.
<b>-"NghHh, there."</b> You smack her hands away and take it out yourself, it'll be quicker that way!
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\p10.webp">
<emily>-"Y-youch! Rude..."</emily> She sighs and takes a hold of your cock again.
<emily>-"Shittttt... It smells so good..."</emily>
<<pageReplace"Let her give it a taste.">>\
<b>-"Give it a taste."</b> You say as she nods and begins to slowly lick the tip of your cock.
<b>-"GrhhhHHh... Good girl!"</b>
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\p11.webp">
<b>-"NgHHhh!"</b> The table shakes as you grab it.
<emily>-"Slurp... MGghhh!"</emily> After another minute of teasing, she moves on to the main event.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\p12.webp">
<b>-"AgrRhrhhH fucKKk! You've gotten better!"</b> She has indeed... The way her tongue moves, the way she grabs your cock and strokes it... You don't remember her being this good.
<emily>-"Gwhehe! I'wm twesting... Slurp... Ywour enduwrance!"</emily>
<emily>-"Guhhh Guhhhh GaaAAahhh!"</emily>
<<pageReplace"Try your best not to cum.">>\
<b>-"NghHhhhh! Shit!"</b> You grab the table even harder as you try your best not to cum. The training has come in handy, you would have cum already without it.
<b>-"GrhHhhhh!! O-oh fucKKkkK!!"</b>
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\p13.webp">
<emily>-"Ahhhh! You like that?"</emily>
<b>-"I... Mghhhhh! I-I love it!"</b>
<emily>-"Gwood..."</emily> Olivia takes a deep breath and goes in for the killer move - the deepthroat.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\p14.webp">
<b>-"Slow downNnn! I'm about to c-c-cuUmMmM!"</b>
<emily>-"GuuugggghhrhhHHhh!"</emily> She struggles to breathe, but still perseveres.
<emily>-"AhhhhHHH!"</emily> She stops gulping down your cock for a second and begins to furiously lick the tip - it's your most sensitive spot.
<<pageReplace"You're about to nut!">>\
<emily>-"Ghehehehe!"</emily> Olivia laughs as your legs begin to shake.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\p15.webp">
<emily>-"Come on big boy! C-cum for me! You survived my techniques, you deserve it!"</emily> With her free hand, she squeezes your balls, hoping that this would finally make you nut.
<b>-"GrrAhahhHHh! H-here it comes!!!"</b> You try your best not to shout and disrupt the other members around you.
<emily>-"Ahhhhh!"</emily> She opens her mouth in anticipation.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\p16.webp">
<b>-"FuckKkgghghHHh!"</b> The table shakes one last time as you feel your warm jizz explode from out of your cock.
<emily>-"MGHHhhh!"</emily> Olivia moans as she tries her best to catch it all.
<b>-"S-shiTttt... Didn't know you were that skilled!"</b>
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\p17.webp">
<emily>-"Gulp... Gulp... Gulp... Ahhhh!"</emily>
<b>-"S-still impressive, most nut in a couple of minutes, you lasted a good 10!"</b>
<<pageReplace"Let her stand up.">>
<emily>-"Oof..."</emily> After she's done draining you, she crawl out from under the table and stands up.
<b>-"Huuuu, I should leave you a tip for an experience like that!"</b> Olivia laughs as you pull up your pants.
<emily>-"Hihi, I'm glad you liked it..."</emily> As she says that, you point at some tissues on the table.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\p18.webp">
<b>-"Clean yourself up, your face is drenched."</b> She nods and does as instructed. After which she throws the tissues away.
<b>-"Huhhhh... T-thanks Olivia."</b> After one final pant you say.
<emily>-"No, thank you love, that was delicious!"</emily> She smiles and smashes her wallet down on the table.
<emily>-"When the bill comes, you're getting the fattest tip I've ever given someone."</emily>
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\p19.jpg">
<b>-"Oh... You don't need to!"</b>
<emily>-"I want to $name2, keep training and you'll get an even fatter one!"</emily> After a couple of minutes of chatter, you say your goodbyes and go back to the kitchen.
<<pageReplace"Continue to serve other guests.">>
<b>-"NghH! Finally!"</b> You say after finally finishing your shift and sitting down on the couch.
<j>-"Done already?"</j> Judy says as she enters the kitchen area.
<j>-"Good, come and get your payment. Someone left a fat tip!"</j> You grin and walk over to her.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\p20.jpg">
<b>-"How much?"</b>
<j>-"An extra 150! I reckon you put your new skills to use?"</j>
<b>-"Sure did!"</b>
<j>-"Good, the girl seems to have enjoyed herself quite a bit. Keep at it, after your second training session they'll tip even more, I'm sure of it!"</j> You smile and grab the envelope full of cash.
<b>-"See ya later Judy!"</b>
<j>-"Mhm!"</j> Time to head back.
<<money +380 "Worked at the club">>
<green>Money +380!</green>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Not today">>
<<set $flirtingstatus to $flirtingstatus -1>>\
<b>-"Not today Olivia, sorry..."</b>
<emily>-"Ahhh bummer! Really wanted to see what you learned!"</emily> She sighs.
<emily>-"Fine, maybe next time."</emily> You smile and turn around.
<b>-"Mhm... Maybe."</b> You walk off. Time to finish your shift!
<b>-"NghH! Finally!"</b> You say after a grueling 5 hours of work.
<j>-"Done already?"</j> Judy says as she enters the kitchen area. You're sitting on a couch in the corner.
<j>-"Good, come and get your payment."</j> You nod and walk over.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\p20.jpg">
<b>-"How much?"</b>
<j>-"Nothing out of the ordinary! Still haven't put those new skills to good use?"</j>
<b>-"Eh, haven't gotten a chance."</b>
<j>-"Hmph, don't be shy, offer yourself up to people. The tips they leave can be really good!"</j> You smile and grab the envelope full of cash.
<b>-"Thanks for the advice, see ya later Judy!"</b>
<j>-"Mhm!"</j> Time to head back.
<<money +230 "Worked at the club">>
<green>Money +230!</green>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<</if>>\<<set $workdiner to 14>>\
<<locationBackdrop "Club/diner/diner1to5/12.jpeg">>\
<<if $domstatus is true>>\
<j>-"Agh, there you are!"</j> You hear a voice as you walk towards the kitchen hall.
<b>-"Huh? Who is it?"</b> You turn around and see Judy running up to you.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\x1.jpg">
<b>-"Judy! Hey? What's up?"</b> She seems worried.
<j>-"You should put on your mask, I heard that some Hudsons associates are in the club."</j>
<b>-"O-oh shit... You're for real?"</b>
<j>-"Of course I am! So if you don't want to get caught, I suggest you put it on."</j> You look at her, suspiciously.
<b>-"Why are you helping me, anyways? I thought you and Leyja weren't on the best terms."</b> Judy smiles.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\x2.jpg">
<j>-"That's true, but you're not Leyja. We have worked quite a bit together, I care for you $name2."</j> You smile and hold eye contact.
<b>-"Hmph, well thank you."</b>
<j>-"Don't mention it. Just don't forget the mask."</j> You nod and Judy walks off towards the diner hall.
<<pageReplace"Put on the mask">>\
<b>-"Thank God I took it with me tonight."</b> You say outloud as you open your backpack.
<b>-"There it is..."</b>
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\x3.png">
<b>-"Oof..."</b> After you put it on and make sure that it completely covers your face, you make your way to the diner hall.
<b>-"Hey everyone!"</b> You shout as you enter the kitchen area.
<m>-"What's with the mask?"</m> Garen asks.
<b>-"Just wanted to do something different!"</b>
<m>-"Whatever... We'll have a couple orders ready in a second."</m> You nod and place your backpack in the corner.
<<pageReplace"Start your shift">>
<grey>-"Table 15 and table 9."</grey> A worker puts some food on the counter and speaks.
<b>-"Copy that."</b> You take the two plates full of food and turn around.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\x44.jpg">
<b>-"Right, let's start this thing."</b> You begin to serve the guests.
<b>-"Here you are!"</b>
<bartender>-"Thank you!"</bartender> The man smiles but squints when he sees you wearing a mask.
<bartender>-"Why the mask?"</bartender>
<b>-"Privacy reasons sir."</b>
<b>-"..."</b> You don't say a word and just walk off.
<b>-"Your order is here!"</b>
<pink>-"Thanks. Nice pin by the way."</pink> An elderly woman smiles.
<b>-"Thank you... I hope the meal meets your expectations!"</b> While you walk back to the kitchen, you look around and try to see if anybody catches your eye.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\x13.jpg">
<b>-"Hmmmm... Hudsons associates huh... Maybe they're not here?"</b> After not spotting anyone of interest, you shrug your shoulders and continue walking.
<<pageReplace"Continue to serve the guests.">>
<b>-"Here you are!"</b> You say to your 18th table tonight.
<adriana>-"Thanks!"</adriana> You nod and walk over to the next table.
<sister>-"Appreciate it, love."</sister>
<b>-"Right, now back to the kitchen."</b> As you walk towards it, you notice a couple that you've never seen before, sitting at a bar nearby.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\x6.jpg">
<b>-"Could they be the associates?"</b> You decide to walk by them and try to listen in. As you near them, you begin to hear them talking.
<blue>-"I told you, no need to worry about anything, they're well trained here."</blue> The man says.
<emily>-"Are they?"</emily> The man sighs. As you walk by the couple, you feel your ass get suddenly slapped.
<b>-"Agh!"</b> You jump from the surprise and quickly turn around. It was the man.
<blue>-"See? You can even touch them, they won't complain."</blue> The woman looks at you and squints her eyes.
<emily>-"Hmph, maybe."</emily> You bow, turn around and walk away, trying your best to act like that didn't startle you.
<b>-"What a cunt..."</b> You whisper to yourself.
<emily>-"So you think it's safe to be here? Just knowing Hudson puts a huge target on our backs..."</emily> You knew it! They are the people Judy talked about!
<blue>-"Of course! Plus, these workers are members as well, so they've been vetted."</blue>
<<pageReplace"Try to listen in from afar.">>
<b>-"It seems like they didn't recognise me, good."</b> They probably wouldn't know who you were even without the mask, but you can never be too careful!
<b>-"Let's see what they're talking about..."</b> You whisper to yourself as you turn left before you reach the kitchen. After reaching a support beam behind the couple, you lean on it, trying to appear nonchalant. Time to listen in!
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\x7.jpeg">
<blue>-"So, have you I calmed your worries?"</blue>
<emily>-"S-somewhat I guess... The server definitely didn't seem to mind."</emily>
<blue>-"Good! So, the plan is, we live here for around a month and a half. Hudson made sure we have rooms upstairs."</blue>
<blue>-"After the festival starts, we can leave the premises."</blue>
<b>-"Oh... So the festival in a month and a half?"</b> Hudson told you it was "soon", but never gave you a date. As you continue to listen, you pull out your phone and check the time.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\x8.jpg">
<b>-"20 minutes remain..."</b> Your shift is almost over, the diner is going to close soon.
<emily>-"So the other competing universities will just forget what we did?"</emily>
<blue>-"No, but they won't keep up the search. Hiring people to hunt us down costs a lot of money, so they'll give up after a while."</blue>
<b>-"Wow, what did they do to the other universities for them to want to have them killed...?"</b> You remember the meeting you attended. Multiple universities competed for the chance to host the festival and gain the support of investors. The SUP won, like it usually does.
<b>-"It is weird that the SUP wins so much... Maybe people like these sabotage other competing universities somehow?"</b>
<<pageReplace"Continue to listen">>\
<blue>-"So, that's the plan!"</blue>
<emily>-"Sigh... I've never felt as vulnerable as now... These uni's really want their revenge huh..."</emily>
<blue>-"Well, we did fuck up their chances at winning haha!"</blue> He drinks up and begins looking around the club.
<blue>-"Place is closing soon, we should get to our rooms."</blue> Suddenly, he turns around fully and sees you.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\x9.webp">
<b>-"Oh shit..."</b> You stop leaning on the support beam and straighten your back. Time to dip!
<emily>-"Huh, what?"</emily> You hear the woman ask as you turn around.
<blue>-"Nothing... I think. The server was looking at us, no clue why."</blue> You quickly walk away.
<b>-"I hope that don't suspect anything..."</b> You enter the kitchen area and sit down on the sofa.
<j>-"$name2! There you are!"</j> Judy smiles and walks over to you. She just finished her shift as well.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\x10.jpg">
<b>-"Oof... Hey!"</b> You say as you take off the mask and put it in your bag.
<j>-"Here you're pay."</j> She hands you an envelope.
<b>-"Thanks, love."</b>
<j>-"Did you see the associates? I didn't catch any."</j> You decide that it's better to lie. You still don't fully trust her.
<b>-"Nope, didn't see a thing."</b>
<j>-"Agh, sorry that I made you wear the mask then haha!"</j>
<b>-"No problem Judy, thank you for the heads up anyways!"</b> After a couple minutes of chit chatting, you say your goodbyes and leave the diner hall.
<<money +250 "Worked at the club">>
<green>Money +250!</green>
<<pageReplace"Walk to your car">>
<b>-"Bye Dandelion!"</b> He nods as you open the door to the outside.
<b>-"Ohhhh, finally, fresh air!"</b>
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\x11.webp">
<b>-"I should probably text Leyja, tell her that I found out when the festival is taking place!"</b>
<b>-"Where did I park again?"</b> You look around for a minute.
<b>-"Ah, there it is!"</b>
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\x12.webp">
<grey>-"Thud!"</grey> You close the door after entering the vehicle.
<b>-"Time to send her a message."</b>
<<pageReplace"Send Leyja a message.">>
<b>-"Bye Dandelion!"</b> He nods as you open the door to the outside.
<b>-"Ohhhh, finally, fresh air!"</b>
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\x11.webp">
<b>-"I should probably text Leyja, tell her that I found out when the festival is taking place!"</b>
<b>-"Where did I park again?"</b> You look around for a minute.
<b>-"Ah, there it is!"</b>
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\x12.webp">
<grey>-"Thud!"</grey> You close the door after entering the vehicle.
<b>-"Time to send her a message."</b>
<b>-"I better finish this conversation before driving off."</b>
<<message "Leyja" "diner 9 Leyja message" "Date of the festival" open>>\
<j>-"Agh, there you are!"</j> You hear a voice as you walk towards the kitchen hall.
<b>-"Huh? Who is it?"</b> You turn around and see Judy running up to you.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\x1.jpg">
<b>-"J-Judy! Hey? What's up?"</b> She seems worried.
<j>-"You should put on your mask, I heard that some Hudsons associates are in the club."</j>
<b>-"O-oh shit... You're for real?"</b>
<j>-"Of course I am! So if you don't want to get caught, I suggest you put it on."</j> You look at her, suspiciously.
<b>-"Why are you helping me, anyways? I thought you and Leyja weren't on the best terms."</b> Judy smiles.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\x2.jpg">
<j>-"That's true, but you're not Leyja. We have worked quite a bit together, I care for you $name2."</j> You blush and look down in embarrassment.
<b>-"T-thank you..."</b>
<j>-"Don't mention it. Just don't forget the mask."</j> You nod and Judy walks off towards the diner hall.
<<pageReplace"Put on the mask">>\
<<locationBackdrop "Club/diner/diner1to5/12.jpeg">>\
<b>-"Thank God I took it with me tonight."</b> You say outloud as you open your backpack.
<b>-"There it is..."</b>
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\x3.png">
<b>-"Oof..."</b> After you put it on and make sure that it completely covers your face, you make your way to the diner hall.
<b>-"Hey everyone!"</b> You shout as you enter the kitchen area.
<m>-"What's with the mask?"</m> Garen asks.
<b>-"Just wanted to do something different!"</b>
<m>-"Hmph, fine. We'll have a couple orders ready in a second."</m> You nod and place your backpack in the corner.
<<pageReplace"Start your shift">>
<grey>-"Table 15 and table 9."</grey> A worker puts some food on the counter and speaks.
<b>-"Copy that."</b> You take the two plates full of food and turn around.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\x4.jpeg">
<b>-"Right, let's start this thing."</b> You begin to serve the guests.
<b>-"Here you are!"</b>
<bartender>-"Thank you!"</bartender> The man smiles but squints when he sees you wearing a mask.
<bartender>-"Why the mask?"</bartender>
<b>-"P-privacy reasons sir."</b>
<b>-"Enjoy!"</b> You awkwardly nod and walk away.
<b>-"Your order is here!"</b>
<pink>-"Thanks love. Nice pin by the way."</pink> An elderly woman smiles.
<b>-"T-thank you... I hope the meal meets your expectations!"</b> While you walk back to the kitchen, you look around and try to see if anybody catches your eye.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\x13.jpg">
<b>-"Hmmmm... Hudsons associates huh... Maybe they're not here?"</b> After not spotting anyone of interest, you shrug your shoulders and continue walking.
<<pageReplace"Continue to serve the guests.">>
<b>-"Here you are!"</b> You say to your 18th table tonight.
<adriana>-"Thanks!"</adriana> You nod and walk over to the next table.
<sister>-"Appreciate it, love."</sister>
<b>-"Right, now back to the kitchen."</b> As you walk towards it, you notice a couple that you've never seen before, sitting at a bar nearby.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\x6.jpg">
<b>-"C-could they be the associates?"</b> You decide to walk by them and try to listen in. As you near them, you begin to hear them talking.
<blue>-"I told you, no need to worry about anything, they're well trained here."</blue> The man says.
<emily>-"Are they?"</emily> The man sighs. As you walk by the couple, you feel your ass get suddenly slapped.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\x5.gif">
<b>-"NghHhh!"</b> You jump from the surprise and quickly turn around. It was the man.
<blue>-"See? You can even touch them, they won't complain."</blue> The woman looks at you and squints her eyes.
<emily>-"Hmph, maybe."</emily> You bow, turn around and walk away, trying your best to act like that didn't startle you.
<emily>-"So you think it's safe to be here? Just knowing Hudson puts a huge target on our backs..."</emily> You knew it! They are the people Judy talked about!
<blue>-"Of course! Plus, these workers are members as well, so they've been vetted."</blue>
<<pageReplace"Try to listen in from afar.">>
<b>-"It seems like they didn't recognise me, good."</b> They probably wouldn't know who you were even without the mask, but you can never be too careful!
<b>-"Let's see what they're talking about..."</b> You whisper to yourself as you turn left before you reach the kitchen. After reaching a support beam behind the couple, you lean on it, trying to appear nonchalant. Time to listen in!
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\x7.jpeg">
<blue>-"So, have you I calmed your worries?"</blue>
<emily>-"S-somewhat I guess... The server definitely didn't seem to mind."</emily>
<blue>-"Good! So, the plan is, we live here for around a month and a half. Hudson made sure we have rooms upstairs."</blue>
<blue>-"After the festival starts, we can leave the premises."</blue>
<b>-"Oh... So the festival in a month and a half?"</b> Hudson told you it was "soon", but never gave you a date. As you continue to listen, you pull out your phone and check the time.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\x8.jpg">
<b>-"20 minutes remain..."</b> Your shift is almost over, the diner is going to close soon.
<emily>-"So the other competing universities will just forget what we did?"</emily>
<blue>-"No, but they won't keep up the search. Hiring people to hunt us down costs a lot of money, so they'll give up after a while."</blue>
<b>-"Wow, what did they do to the other universities for them to want to have them killed...?"</b> You remember the meeting you attended. Multiple universities competed for the chance to host the festival and gain the support of investors. The SUP won, like it usually does.
<b>-"It is weird that the SUP wins so much... Maybe people like these sabotage other competing universities somehow?"</b>
<<pageReplace"Continue to listen">>\
<blue>-"So, that's the plan!"</blue>
<emily>-"Sigh... I've never felt as vulnerable as now... These uni's really want their revenge huh..."</emily>
<blue>-"Well, we did fuck up their chances at winning haha!"</blue> He drinks up and begins looking around the club.
<blue>-"Place is closing soon, we should get to our rooms."</blue> Suddenly, he turns around fully and sees you.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\x9.webp">
<b>-"Oh shit..."</b> You stop leaning on the support beam and straighten your back. Time to dip!
<emily>-"Huh, what?"</emily> You hear the woman ask as you turn around.
<blue>-"Nothing... I think. The server was looking at us, no clue why."</blue> You quickly walk away.
<b>-"Oh fuck me! I hope that don't suspect anything!"</b> You enter the kitchen area and sit down on the sofa.
<j>-"$name2! There you are!"</j> Judy smiles and walks over to you. She just finished her shift as well.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\x10.jpg">
<b>-"Oof... Hey!"</b> You say as you take off the mask and put it in your bag.
<j>-"Here you're pay."</j> She hands you an envelope.
<j>-"Did you see the associates? I didn't catch any."</j> You decide that it's better to lie. You still don't fully trust her.
<b>-"Nope, didn't see a thing."</b>
<j>-"Agh, sorry that I made you wear the mask then haha!"</j>
<b>-"No problem Judy, thank you for the heads up anyways!"</b> After a couple minutes of chit chatting, you say your goodbyes and leave the diner hall.
<<money +250 "Worked at the club">>
<green>Money +250!</green>
<<pageReplace"Walk to your car">>
<b>-"Bye Dandelion!"</b> He nods as you open the door to the outside.
<b>-"Ohhhh, finally, fresh air!"</b>
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\x11.webp">
<b>-"I should probably text Leyja, tell her that I found out when the festival is taking place!"</b>
<b>-"Where did I park again?"</b> You look around for a minute.
<b>-"Ah, there it is!"</b>
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\x12.webp">
<grey>-"Thud!"</grey> You close the door after entering the vehicle.
<b>-"Time to send her a message."</b>
<<pageReplace"Send Leyja a message.">>
<b>-"Bye Dandelion!"</b> He nods as you open the door to the outside.
<b>-"Ohhhh, finally, fresh air!"</b>
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\x11.webp">
<b>-"I should probably text Leyja, tell her that I found out when the festival is taking place!"</b>
<b>-"Where did I park again?"</b> You look around for a minute.
<b>-"Ah, there it is!"</b>
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\x12.webp">
<grey>-"Thud!"</grey> You close the door after entering the vehicle.
<b>-"Time to send her a message."</b>
<b>-"I better finish this conversation before driving off."</b>
<<message "Leyja" "diner 9 Leyja message" "Date of the festival" open>>\
<<messengerHeader Leyja>>
<<if $domstatus ==true>>\
<<messageReply "Hey Leyja.">>
<<me>>Hey Leyja.<</me>>
<b>30 seconds later</b>
<<them wait>>Hey $name! What's up?<</them>>
<div id="choices">
<<messageReplyReplace "How are you doing?" #choices>>
<<me>>How's my beauty doing?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Good, just finishing up in the Lair.<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "club/diner/diner6to10/x14.jpg" gallery "Leyja">><</them>>
<<them wait>>How about you? 🤩<</them>>
<<messageReply "I'm good.">>
<<me>>I'm good! Just finished another shift at the club.<</me>>
<<me>>Anyways, I wanted to talk with you about something.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Sure, what is it?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Found out when the festival is taking place.">>
<<me>>Found out when the festival is taking place.<</me>>
<<me>>In 1-2 months time. We have to hurry.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Who did you hear it from? Are they trustworthy?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Hudson's associates...">>
<<me>>Hudson's associates visited the club and I managed to listen into their conversation.<</me>>
<<me>>They mentioned it.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Shit... It must be true then.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Fine, Laura is still working on decoding the IBAN codes, but I'll try to hurry up and find people for the coup ASAP.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Thanks for the news $name, great work.<</them>>
<<messageReply "I'll do the same.">>
<<me>>I'll do the same. If I find a group, you'll be the first to hear.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Understood.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Talk with you later $name ❤️<</them>>
<<messageReply "Until then.">>
<<me>>Until then ❤️<</me>>
<<goto "Go outside">>
<<messageReplyReplace "Get to the point." #choices>>
<<me>>Found out when the festival is taking place.<</me>>
<<me>>In 1-2 months time. We have to hurry.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Who did you hear it from? Are they trustworthy?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Hudson's associates...">>
<<me>>Hudson's associates visited the club and I managed to listen into their conversation.<</me>>
<<me>>They mentioned it.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Shit... It must be true then.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Fine, Laura is still working on decoding the IBAN codes, but I'll try to hurry up and find people for the coup ASAP.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Thanks for the news $name, great work.<</them>>
<<messageReply "I'll do the same.">>
<<me>>I'll do the same. If I find a group, you'll be the first to hear.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Understood.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Talk with you later $name ❤️<</them>>
<<messageReply "Until then.">>
<<me>>Until then ❤️<</me>>
<<goto "Go outside">>
<<messageReply "Hey Leyja.">>
<<me>>Hey Leyja.<</me>>
<b>30 seconds later</b>
<<them wait>>Hey $name! What's up?<</them>>
<div id="choices">
<<messageReplyReplace "How are you doing?" #choices>>
<<me>>How are you? 🙂<</me>>
<<them wait>>Good, just finishing up in the Lair.<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "club/diner/diner6to10/x14.jpg" gallery "Leyja">><</them>>
<<them wait>>How about you beautiful?<</them>>
<<messageReply "I'm good.">>
<<me>>I'm good! Just finished another shift at the club.<</me>>
<<me>>Anyways, I wanted to talk with you about something.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Sure, what is it?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Found out when the festival is taking place.">>
<<me>>Found out when the festival is taking place.<</me>>
<<me>>In 1-2 months time. We have to hurry.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Who did you hear it from? Are they trustworthy?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Hudson's associates...">>
<<me>>Hudson's associates visited the club and I managed to listen into their conversation.<</me>>
<<me>>They mentioned it.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Shit... It must be true then.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Fine, Laura is still working on decoding the IBAN codes, but I'll try to hurry up and find people for the coup ASAP.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Thanks for the news $name, great work.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Thank you, I'll do the same.">>
<<me>>Thank you Mistress...<</me>>
<<me>>I'll do the same. If I find a group, you'll be the first to hear.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Understood.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Talk with you later $name ❤️<</them>>
<<messageReply "Until then.">>
<<me>>Until then ❤️<</me>>
<<goto "Go outside">>
<<messageReplyReplace "Get to the point." #choices>>
<<me>>Found out when the festival is taking place.<</me>>
<<me>>In 1-2 months time. We have to hurry.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Who did you hear it from? Are they trustworthy?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Hudson's associates...">>
<<me>>Hudson's associates visited the club and I managed to listen into their conversation.<</me>>
<<me>>They mentioned it.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Shit... It must be true then.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Fine, Laura is still working on decoding the IBAN codes, but I'll try to hurry up and find people for the coup ASAP.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Thanks for the news $name, great work.<</them>>
<<messageReply "I'll do the same.">>
<<me>>I'll do the same. If I find a group, you'll be the first to hear.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Understood.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Talk with you later $name ❤️<</them>>
<<messageReply "Until then.">>
<<me>>Until then ❤️<</me>>
<<goto "Go outside">>
<</messengerChat>><<set $workdiner to 15>>
<<locationBackdrop "Club/diner/diner1to5/12.jpeg">>\
<<if $domstatus is true>>\
<b>-"Ready?"</b> You ask one of the kitchen workers as you reach the counter. You already put your bag away, time to start your shift.
<grey>-"Yup, plating now!"</grey> While you wait, you look around.
<b>-"Hmph, I wonder where Judy is?"</b>
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\b1.gif">
<grey>-"Order ready, table 22!"</grey>
<b>-"Copy that!"</b> You grab the plate and enter the diner hall.
<b>-"There she is."</b> After you spot Judy serving some guests at one of the back tables, you hurry off towards your own.
<pink>-"Thank you!"</pink> The customer smiles as you serve him food.
<b>-"Before I go back, I should quickly go to the toilet, I think I'm about to piss myself."</b> Before reaching the kitchen, you turn left towards the restrooms.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\b2.jpg">
<b>-"The girls men's of course..."</b>
<<pageReplace"Enter the men's bathroom">>
<emily>-"Fiuuu fiiii phuiii!"</emily> As you enter the restroom, you begin hearing someone whistling in one of the stalls.
<emily>-"Phuuuuu FiiIIii..."</emily> You walk over to an open stall and enter, making sure to lock the door behind you.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\b3.jpg">
<b>-"Hmph, odd."</b> The whistiling sounds... Feminine. Like a woman is doing it.
<b>-"Ahem!"</b> As soon as you clear your throat, the sounds stop.
<grey>-"Flush!"</grey> The person next to you flushes their toilet as you pull down your pants.
<b>-"Right..."</b> You decide to pee sitting down to day. After putting down the cover, you sit down and begin to releave yourself.
<emily>-"Pant... Pant... Pant..."</emily> As you do your business, you begin to hear a weird, breathing noise, like someone is very close to you.
<<pageReplace"Look up">>
<b>-"NghHh..."</b> You shake your cock a couple of times so it's clear of pee and then look up.
<b>-"WoaaHHhhH!"</b> Someone is peeking at you!
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\b6.jpg">
<emily>-"Ahem!"</emily> The woman disappears from view.
<b>-"I... Is that the girl who was whistiling?"</b> You think as you take some toilet paper and clean yourself up.
<b>-"What was she doing?"</b> Time to leave the stall.
<grey>-"Creeeaakkk..."</grey> With a simple push, the stall doors open. To your surprise, the woman is still in the restroom - she's washing her hands.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\b8.jpg">
<emily>-"Good evening young man."</emily> She says in a shaky, but firm tone. You can tell that she's nervous.
<<pageReplace"Isn't this a men's bathroom?">>\
<b>-"Hey... Isn't this a men's bathroom?"</b> You begin to clean your hands next to her.
<emily>-"It is indeed."</emily>
<b>-"Then why are you here ma'am?"</b>
<emily>-"Well, I didn't find anyone that I could rent in the diner hall... Judy is usually my go to, but she was busy."</emily> Oh... She swings both ways?
<emily>-"Thought that I could find some cute guys for rent here! And it seems like I was right."</emily> The woman looks you up and down.
<b>-"For rent?!"</b>
<emily>-"Mhm, for rent."</emily> She pulls out some cash and shows you.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\b9.png">
<b>-"Unfortunately, I can't, I only have one pin."</b> You need three to be available for rent.
<emily>-"You know... Nobody has to know."</emily> She walks over and begins to grope you.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\b10.webp">
<b>-"I... NGhHhhh... I don't want to lose my job!"</b>
<emily>-"I'll tell you what..."</emily> She takes your hand and shoves 200$ into it.
<emily>-"How about a give an assjob for a minute or two? I reckon I could get off from it..."</emily> She licks her lips.
<<set $flirtingstatus to $flirtingstatus +1>>\
<b>-"200 bucks is 200 bucks..."</b> You chuckle and put it in your pocket.
<emily>-"Is that a yes?"</emily>
<b>-"Mhm... Be my guest."</b> You walk over to one of the stalls and sit down.
<b>-"Ghehehe, fuck me this is going to be great!"</b> You're getting paid and you're going to get off? How awesome is that!
<emily>-"Come on then, pull it out..."</emily> She whispers while entering the stall with you.
<b>-"Hmph, fine."</b> You pull down your pants.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\b12.jpg">
<emily>-"W-woah... Gulp... How big is it?"</emily> She whispers.
<b>-"A good 7.5 - 8 inches. Why?"</b>
<emily>-"N-never seen a bigger one..."</emily> You chuckle once again and look up.
<b>-"Come on, your turn, show me what I'm working with."</b>
<emily>-"Yes..."</emily> She begins to take off her dress in front of you.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\b14.gif">
<b>-"Fuck me you're stacked... Now get your ass over here, I'm hard."</b>
<<pageReplace"The woman does as she's told.">>
<emily>-"Yes sir."</emily> She says as you look around.
<emily>-"D-don't worry, I locked the restroom door while you were peeing, nobody is coming in."</emily>
<b>-"Good..."</b> She walks over to you and turns around.
<b>-"Fuck me... what an ass!"</b> Her cheeks blush as she slowly bends over and grab your cock. Time to earn those 200$!
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\b15.webp">
<b>-"NgHhhH! Good girl!"</b>
<emily>-"So big..."</emily> As she starts to grind on your cock, you grab the toilet seat for some grip.
<b>-"Y-you know what you're doing! W-woah! MghHhh!"</b>
<emily>-"Ghehehe..."</emily> As she flips her hair, you suddenly get the urge to take control.
<emily>-"H-hugh?!"</emily> The woman moans as you stand up and begin to grind on her.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\b16.webp">
<<pageReplace"It feels so good...">>
<emily>-"Someone's desperate huh?"</emily> The woman begins to shake her ass.
<b>-"FUckKKkk!"</b> You moan as your cock is so close and yet so far from her vagina at the same time.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\b17.webp">
<emily>-"MgHhh... S-so good..."</emily> You can tell that she's enjoying this too, her pussy is getting wetter and wetter.
<b>-"Gosh... MgHhhhh... You're incredible!"</b> You sit down, her ass follows.
<b>-"C-come here!"</b> You grab her cheeks and begin to pleasure yourself with them.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\b18.webp">
<emily>-"NgHHHhh!"</emily> Your thighs are starting to get completely covered in your own precum and the woman's juices.
<b>-"I-I'm close!"</b> You scream in pleasure.
<<pageReplace"Are you close?">>
<b>-"FucKKkk! A-are you close?"</b> You ask inbetween strokes.
<emily>-"H-hugh... Y-yesHHhH!"</emily> Her leg's begin to shake as she increases the speed even more.
<emily>-"UGhHHhh! YesSs! YesSssS! YeShHhHH!!"</emily>
<emily>-"GhhrHHh.. L-let me do it!"</emily> You listen to the woman and let go of her behind.
<emily>-"Come on!"</emily>
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\b20.webp">
<b>-"GarArrRhHhHH!!"</b> You scream as she grabs your cock with her hand.
<emily>-"R-release! D-do it!"</emily>
<b>-"ArgHhHhH!"</b> Both of your thighs begin to shake as you cum at the same time.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\b21.webp">
<b>-"YEeasasshHhhHH!!"</b> Your warm jizz hits her ass and back.
<emily>-"W-woah... So much..."</emily> She says as she turns around.
<b>-"Fuck... N-now that, was an orgasm!"</b> After resting together for a good 20 seconds, you both manage to stand up,
<b>-"I can agree... Can't imagine how good it would be to feel that inside of me..."</b> She says while still panting. As she does, you grab some toilet paper.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\b22.png">
<b>-"Clean yourself up babe, can't go out looking like that."</b> Her behind is completely covered in your seed.
<emily>-"T-thanks..."</emily> She takes it off of your hands and cleans herself up, you do the same. You both put on your clothes and get out of the stall.
<b>-"Thanks for that love."</b> You kiss her cheek.
<emily>-"N-no, thank you sir, that was incredible!"</emily>
<emily>-"Let me know when you'll be available for rent, I want my pussy to get ravaged by something that size one day..."</emily> She licks her lips as her gaze reaches your crotch.
<b>-"I will ma'am... Thank you again."</b> She smiles, unlocks the restroom and leaves. Time for you to do the same.
<<pageReplace"Return to the diner hall.">>
<b>-"Still a couple of hours left in my shift, time to lock in!"</b> You reach the kitchen and begin to serve the guests.
<b>-"NGHHhh, finally."</b> After an hour or two of work, you finally sit down and sigh.
<judy>-"Agh $name2, there you are! Come here!"</judy> Judy is sitting nearby.
<b>-"Fuck..."</b> You whisper... You just sat down!
<b>-"What's up Judy?"</b> You say as you walk up to her.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\b23.jpg">
<judy>-"Here's your payment. A little less than usual."</judy> She hands you an envelope.
<b>-"A little less... Why?"</b>
<judy>-"Because you were missing for half of the shift? Where the fuck were you?"</judy>
<b>-"Oh... Ahem, just took a longer than usual bathroom break."</b>
<judy>-"A bathroom break? Really?!"</judy> She seems pissed.
<judy>-"Ugh, whatever, just make sure that doesn't happen again... I had to do the work for both of us!"</judy>
<judy>-"Next time let me know in advance you'll be missing, we'll find a substitute!"</judy>
<b>-"Fine... Thanks for the cash anyways."</b>
<judy>-"Mhm."</judy> Time to head home!
<<money +350 "Worked at the club">>
<green>Money +350!</green>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"No, thank you.">>
<<set $flirtingstatus to $flirtingstatus -1>>\
<b>-"I'm sorry, but I'll have to pass this time... I have to go back and serve the members!"</b>
<emily>-"Agh, you're a server?"</emily>
<b>-"Indeed I am!"</b> The woman sighs and let's go of your crotch.
<emily>-"That's a shame, then just please let me know when you're available to rent... I would love to use that cock of yours one day..."</emily>
<b>-"I will ma'am... Thank you for the compliment."</b> You smile and the woman walks off.
<b>-"Huuu, well that was something."</b> Time to head back to work!
<b>-"Still a couple of hours left in my shift, time to lock in!"</b> You reach the kitchen and begin to serve the guests.
<b>-"NGHHhh, finally."</b> After an hour or two of work, you finally sit down and sigh.
<judy>-"Agh $name2, there you are! Come here!"</judy> Judy is sitting nearby.
<b>-"Fuck..."</b> You whisper... You just sat down!
<b>-"What's up Judy?"</b> You say as you walk up to her.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\b23.jpg">
<judy>-"Here's your payment. How was your day?"</judy> She hands you an envelope.
<b>-"Egh, a little busy, but nothing out of the ordinary. How about you?"</b>
<judy>-"Same as always I would say, thankfully it wasn't terribly busy!"</judy>
<b>-"True!"</b> You both exchange a friendly smile.
<b>-"Anyways, thanks for the cash Judy, I'll get going."</b>
<judy>-"Mhm, see ya later!"</judy> Time to head home!
<<money +250 "Worked at the club">>
<green>Money +250!</green>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<b>-"Ready?"</b> You ask one of the kitchen workers as you reach the counter. You already put your bag away, time to start your shift.
<grey>-"Yup, plating now!"</grey> While you wait, you look around.
<b>-"Hmph, I wonder where Judy is?"</b>
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\b1.gif">
<grey>-"Order ready, table 22!"</grey>
<b>-"Copy that!"</b> You grab the plate and enter the diner hall.
<b>-"There she is."</b> After you spot Judy serving some guests at one of the back tables, you hurry off towards your own.
<pink>-"Thank you!"</pink> The customer smiles as you serve him food.
<b>-"Before I go back, I should quickly go to the toilet, I think I'm about to piss myself."</b> Before reaching the kitchen, you turn left towards the restrooms.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\b2.jpg">
<b>-"The girls one of course..."</b>
<<pageReplace"Enter the women's bathroom">>
<blue>-"Fiuuu fiiii phuiii!"</blue> As you enter the restroom, you begin hearing someone whistling in one of the stalls.
<blue>-"Phuuuuu FiiIIii..."</blue> You walk over to an open stall and enter, making sure to lock the door behind you.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\b3.jpg">
<b>-"Hmph, odd."</b> The whistiling sounds... Mascluine. Like a man is doing it.
<b>-"A-ahem!"</b> As soon as you clear your throat, the sounds stop.
<grey>-"Flush!"</grey> The person next to you flushes their toilet as you pull down your pants.
<b>-"This is going to be awkward..."</b> You think as you sit down on the open toilet. You're still wearing a cage!
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\b4.png">
<b>-"NgHhh..."</b> With a slight moan, you begin to pee.
<blue>-"Pant... Pant... Pant..."</blue> As you do your business, you begin to hear a weird, breathing noise, like someone is very close to you.
<<pageReplace"Look up">>
<b>-"NghHh..."</b> You shake the cage a couple of times so all of the pee leaves your cock and then look up.
<b>-"W-waHHhhH!"</b> Someone is peeking at you!
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\b5.png">
<blue>-"Ahem!"</blue> The man disappears from view.
<b>-"I... Is that the guy who was whistiling?"</b> You think as you take some toilet paper and clean yourself up.
<b>-"Fuck..."</b> Time to leave the stall. Hopefully the man is gone now.
<grey>-"Creeeaakkk..."</grey> With a simple push, the stall doors open. To your surprise, the man is still in the restroom - he's washing his hands.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\b7.jpg">
<blue>-"Good evening young lady."</blue> He says in a shaky, but masculine tone. You can tell that he's nervous.
<<pageReplace"Isn't this a women's bathroom?">>\
<b>-"Hey... Isn't this a women's bathroom?"</b> You begin to clean your hands next to him.
<blue>-"It is indeed."</blue>
<b>-"T-then why are you here sir...?"</b>
<blue>-"Well, I didn't find anyone that I could rent in the diner hall, Judy is usually my go to, but she was busy."</blue> He stops the tap and begins to dry his hands.
<blue>-"Thought that I could find some cute girls for rent here! And it seems like I was right."</blue> The man looks you up and down.
<b>-"Gulp... For rent?!"</b>
<blue>-"Mhm, for rent."</blue> He pulls out some cash and shows you.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\b9.png">
<b>-"I can't, I only have one pin..."</b> You need three to be available for rent.
<blue>-"You know... Nobody has to know."</blue> He walks over and begins to grope you.
<b>-"S-sir please..."</b>
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\b11.webp">
<b>-"I... NGhHhhh... I don't want to lose my job!"</b>
<blue>-"Fuckkk you're thick! I'll tell you what..."</blue> He takes your hand and shoves 200$ into it.
<blue>-"How about you give my cock a massage with that incredible ass you got. You won't break the rules that way, right?"</blue> He is right, it wouldn't be considered sex or renting, so it's allowed.
<<set $flirtingstatus to $flirtingstatus +1>>\
<b>-"200 bucks is 200 bucks..."</b> You giggle and put it in your pocket.
<blue>-"Is that a yes?"</blue>
<b>-"Mhm... S-sit down."</b> The man grins and opens the doors to one of the stalls.
<blue>-"Ghehehe, fuck me this is going to be great!"</blue> He pulls down his pants and sits down on the toilet. His cock is massive!
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\b12.jpg">
<b>-"J-just so you know... I'm a... A sissy..."</b> You whisper the last word.
<blue>-"A what? Say it louder?"</blue>
<b>-"Ahem! A... A sissy!"</b> You say as you begin to undress.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\b13.webp">
<blue>-"I know, that's why I asked in the first place... I saw you in the stall peeing..."</blue> His cock gets hard.
<b>-"S-so you don't mind?"</b>
<blue>-"Fuck no! I prefer it this way. Now get your ass over here, I'm hard."</blue>
<<pageReplace"Do as he says.">>
<b>-"Yes sir."</b> You say as you look around.
<blue>-"Don't worry, I locked the restroom door while you were peeing, nobody is coming in."</blue>
<b>-"G-good..."</b> You walk over to the man and turn around.
<blue>-"Fuck me... what an ass!"</blue> Your cheeks blush as you slowly bend over and grab his cock. Time to earn those 200$!
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\b15.webp">
<blue>-"NgHhhH! Good girl!"</blue>
<b>-"So big..."</b> As you start to grind on his cock, your own rod begins to rise. Thankfully, there's a cage to stop it.
<blue>-"Y-you know what you're doing! W-woah! MghHhh!"</blue>
<b>-"Ghehehe..."</b> As you flip your hair, the man suddenly stands up and grabs you.
<b>-"H-hugh?!"</b> Without a word, the man begins to grind on you.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\b16.webp">
<<pageReplace"Tease him">>
<b>-"Someone's desperate huh?"</b> You begin to shake your ass.
<blue>-"FUckKKkk!"</blue> From his reaction you can tell that all he wants right now is to ravage your little backdoor and yet... He can't.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\b17.webp">
<b>-"MgHhh..."</b> You let out a moan as your cock throbs once again... You want him to fuck you.
<blue>-"Gosh... MgHhhhh... You're incredible!"</blue> He sits down - your ass follows.
<blue>-"C-come here!"</blue> He grabs your cheeks and begins to pleasure himself with them.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\b18.webp">
<b>-"NgHHHhh!"</b> Your thighs are becoming wet from all of the precum you're releasing...
<blue>-"I-I'm close!"</blue> He screams as you feel some cum coming up your rod as well...
<<pageReplace"Are you about to cum?">>
<blue>-"FucKKkk!"</blue> The man increases his tempo.
<b>-"H-hugh?"</b> You look down to look, but alas, it's only precum again.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\b19.jpg">
<blue>-"NghHhh! I-I feel it!"</blue> You feel his cock begin to throb.
<b>-"GhhrHHh.. G-give it to me!"</b> The man takes his hands off of your ass as you begin to pleasure him on your own.
<b>-"Come on!"</b>
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\b20.webp">
<blue>-"GarArrRhHhHH!!"</blue> He screams as you grab his cock with your hand.
<b>-"R-release! D-do it!"</b>
<<pageReplace"Make him nut.">>
<blue>-"ArgHhHhH!"</blue> His thighs begin to quiver and shake as your hand and ass begin to milk him.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\b21.webp">
<blue>-"YEeasasshHhhHH!!"</blue> You feel his warm jizz hit your back and ass.
<b>-"W-woah... So much..."</b> You say as you turn around.
<blue>-"Fuck... N-now that, was an orgasm!"</blue> After you slowly and carefully stand up, the man sighs and stands up after you.
<blue>-"Well worth the 200... Damn..."</blue> He says while still panting. After a couple of seconds, he grabs some toilet paper and hands it to you.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\b22.png">
<blue>-"Clean yourself up babe, can't go out looking like that."</blue> He's right, your behind is completely covered in his seed.
<b>-"T-thanks..."</b> You take the toilet paper and clean yourself up. As you finish, he does too. You both put on your clothes and get out of the stall.
<blue>-"Thanks for that love."</blue> He kisses your cheek.
<b>-"Thanks for the money mister!"</b>
<blue>-"Let me know when you'll be available for rent, I want to fuck that pussy of yours so bad..."</blue> He licks his lips as his gaze reaches your crotch.
<b>-"I will sir... Thank you again."</b> He smiles, unlocks the restroom and leaves. Time for you to do the same.
<<pageReplace"Return to the diner hall.">>
<b>-"Still a couple of hours left in my shift, time to lock in!"</b> You reach the kitchen and begin to serve the guests.
<b>-"NGHHhh, finally."</b> After an hour or two of work, you finally sit down and sigh.
<judy>-"Agh $name2, there you are! Come here!"</judy> Judy is sitting nearby.
<b>-"Fuck..."</b> You whisper... You just sat down!
<b>-"What's up Judy?"</b> You say as you walk up to her.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\b23.jpg">
<judy>-"Here's your payment. A little less than usual."</judy> She hands you an envelope.
<b>-"A little less... Why?"</b>
<judy>-"Because you were missing for half of the shift? Where the fuck were you?"</judy>
<b>-"Oh... A-ahem, just took a longer than usual bathroom break."</b>
<judy>-"A bathroom break? Really?!"</judy> She seems pissed.
<judy>-"Ugh, whatever, just make sure that doesn't happen again... I had to do the work for both of us!"</judy>
<judy>-"Next time let me know in advance you'll be missing, we'll find a substitute!"</judy>
<b>-"Fine... Thanks for the cash anyways."</b>
<judy>-"Mhm."</judy> Time to head home!
<<money +350 "Worked at the club">>
<green>Money +350!</green>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"No, thank you.">>
<<set $flirtingstatus to $flirtingstatus -1>>\
<b>-"I'm sorry, but I'll have to pass this time... I have to go back and serve the members!"</b>
<blue>-"Agh, you're a server?"</blue>
<b>-"Indeed I am!"</b> The man sighs and let's go of you.
<blue>-"That's a shame, then just please let me know when you're available to rent... I would love to fuck that pussy of yours."</blue>
<b>-"I will sir... T-thank you for the compliments."</b> You smile and the man walks off.
<b>-"Huuu, that was scary..."</b> As uncomfortable as that was, time to head back to work!
<b>-"Still a couple of hours left in my shift, time to lock in!"</b> You reach the kitchen and begin to serve the guests.
<b>-"NGHHhh, finally."</b> After an hour or two of work, you finally sit down and sigh.
<judy>-"Agh $name2, there you are! Come here!"</judy> Judy is sitting nearby.
<b>-"Fuck..."</b> You whisper... You just sat down!
<b>-"What's up Judy?"</b> You say as you walk up to her.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner6to10\b23.jpg">
<judy>-"Here's your payment. How was your day?"</judy> She hands you an envelope.
<b>-"Egh, a little busy, but nothing out of the ordinary. How about you?"</b>
<judy>-"Same as always I would say, thankfully nobody rented me so my hoo-ha got a rest haha!"</judy>
<b>-"H-Hahaha... Yeah..."</b> You awkwardly laugh.
<b>-"Anyways, thanks for the cash Judy, I'll get going."</b>
<judy>-"Mhm, see ya later!"</judy> Time to head home!
<<money +250 "Worked at the club">>
<green>Money +250!</green>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<</if>>\<<set $workdiner to 17>>
<<locationBackdrop "Club/diner/diner1to5/12.jpeg">>\
<<if $domstatus is true>>\
<b>-"Another day another diner shift!"</b> You crack your knuckles as you enter the diner hall.
<b>-"Packed as always..."</b> You make your way through all of the people and reach the kitchen doors.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner11-15\a1.png">
<b>-"Wow, not groped even once? It's my lucky day haha."</b> The door swings open with a light push.
<m>-"We're plating in 10 $name, give us a second!"</m> Garen says while all of the chefs are hard at work.
<b>-"No problem!"</b> You say as you lay down your backpack in the corner of the kitchen area.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner11-15\a2.jpg">
<b>-"Hmph, maybe I should look for Judy, see what she's up to?"</b>
<<pageReplace"Look for Judy.">>
<b>-"Judy, there you are!"</b> You find her on the opposite side of the kitchen, messing around with something on the ground.
<judy>-"Hah, $name2?"</judy> Judy looks back.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner11-15\a3.jpeg">
<j>-"Sorry, dropped this!"</j> She picks up what appears to be a bookmark from the ground and straightens her back.
<judy>-"You're here early!"</judy>
<b>-"You are too!"</b> You sit down and you both face each other.
<b>-"Watchu doing?"</b>
<j>-"Reading a novel, it's really good!"</j> She puts the book away and squats down - you took her spot.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner11-15\a4.jpeg">
<j>-"Ready for your shift?"</j>
<b>-"Sure am! More than ready I would say!"</b>
<<pageReplace"Point at your new pin.">>
<j>-"Ahhh, you went through the second session!"</j> Judy says while standing up.
<b>-"Sure did! Just a couple of days ago actually!"</b> She takes a chair and pulls it next to you.
<b>-"Funnily enough, you didn't notice it during our last shift."</b>
<j>-"NgHHh..."</j> A soft moan leaves her lips as she takes a seat.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner11-15\a5.jpeg">
<j>-"Hah, sorry! The pin blends in with your clothes so well, I barely even see it now!"</j>
<b>-"You think?"</b>
<j>-"Yeah!"</j> She flips her hair.
<j>-"Anyways, did you learn anything new?"</j>
<b>-"New? Not really. I think my endurance imporved though. Next session in about technique."</b>
<m>-"5 minutes until we're plating the food! Get ready!"</m> Garen says from the kitchen as you continue to chat.
<j>-"Want me to give you some tips before you go? Would be a shame if you didn't pass..."</j> Her cheeks blush as she flirts with you.
<b>-"Oh...? Tips?"</b> Judy nods and teases you by showing off her goods.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner11-15\a7.jpeg">
<j>-"Leyja told me not to bed you, but... What the hell!"</j>
<b>-"Am I not misunderstanding your inte-"</b> She cuts you off.
<j>-"I want to fuck you $name2, it's as simple as that."</j>
<j>-"S-so you want me to give you those tips or not?"</j> Her voice quivers as she tries to appear confident.
<<pageReplace"Fuck yeah.">>
<<set $judysexytimediner11 to true>>\
<b>-"Fuck yeah, why not. Today after our shift then?"</b> You stand up.
<j>-"N-no, not today."</j>
<j>-"Need to clean up first... Can't let you see me all hairy and ugly."</j>
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner11-15\a6.jpeg">
<b>-"Believe me, I don't care. You'll be just as beautiful shaved or not."</b>
<j>-"Well... I do care! So you'll have to wait..."</j> Judy stands up after you.
<m>-"Plating in two!"</m> You look over at the kitchen.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner11-15\a8.webp">
<b>-"For how long?"</b>
<j>-"A shift or two... I'll let you know when I'm ready. I'll even rent a VIP room for us, so be excited!"</j> Your new sex buddy giggles and grabs your arm.
<j>-"Let's go, the chefs are almost done!"</j>
<<pageReplace"Walk over to the counter with her.">>
<m>-"There you two are!"</m> Garen looks over.
<m>-"Plate the food whenever ready!"</m>
<grey>-"YES CHEF!"</grey> All of the workers shout back. Not even a minute later, two plates land on the counter.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner11-15\a9.jpg">
<b>-"So, what will you teach me?"</b> You look at Judy.
<j>-"Hmph, you'll have to wait and see..."</j>
<b>-"You know, I don't think I have a lot more to be taught to be honest."</b>
<j>-"Leyja did mention your prowess, but everyone has flaws... I'll find yours."</j> She grabs your crotch.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner11-15\a10.png">
<b>-"NghHhh... I'm excited to see it."</b> You both smile at each other.
<grey>-"Alright love birds how about you take the food already."</grey> One of the workers interrupts you guys.
<b>-"Fuck... Yeah, sorry."</b> Time to start your shift!
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1</blue>
<<money +260 "Worked at the club">>
<green>Money +260!</green>
[[Work your shift and go home->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"I'll pass.">>
<b>-"I'll have to pass Judy."</b> You whisper.
<j>-"Huh? I didn't catch that."</j>
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner11-15\a6.jpeg">
<b>-"I said that I'll have to pass!"</b>
<j>-"Oh... W-why?"</j>
<b>-"I think we should just remain friends... I don't know, what if Leyja finds out? Things could get weird."</b> Leyja did tell you not to trust her.
<m>-"Plating in 2!"</m> Garen shouts once more.
<j>-"Right... Yeah... What was I thinking."</j> She stands up and extends her arm.
<j>-"Come, they're about to finish making the first batch of food."</j>
<<pageReplace"Walk over to the counter with her.">>
<m>-"There you two are!"</m> Garen looks over.
<m>-"Plate the food whenever ready!"</m>
<grey>-"YES CHEF!"</grey> All of the workers shout back. Not even a minute later, two plates land on the counter.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner11-15\a9.jpg">
<b>-"You're not mad, are you?"</b> You look at Judy.
<j>-"Mad...? Of course not, why would I be?"</j> She doesn't even look you in the eyes.
<b>-"You can be honest with me you know. We should talk about things like this."</b>
<j>-"Let's not..."</j> You roll your eyes and look away.
<grey>-"Are you going to bring out the food or not?"</grey> One of the workers interrupts you guys.
<b>-"Fuck... Yeah, sorry."</b> Time to start your shift!
<<money +260 "Worked at the club">>
<green>Money +260!</green>
[[Work your shift and go home->Go outside]]
<b>-"Another day another diner shift!"</b> You think as you enter the diner hall.
<b>-"Packed as always..."</b> You make your way through all of the people and reach the kitchen doors.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner11-15\a1.png">
<b>-"W-wow, not groped even once? It's my lucky day haha."</b> The door swings open with a light push.
<m>-"We're plating in 10 $name, give us a second!"</m> Garen says while all of the chefs are hard at work.
<b>-"No problem!"</b> You say as you lay down your backpack in the corner of the kitchen area.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner11-15\a2.jpg">
<b>-"Hmph, maybe I should look for Judy, see what she's up to?"</b>
<<pageReplace"Look for Judy.">>
<b>-"Judy, there you are!"</b> You find her on the opposite side of the kitchen, messing around with something on the ground.
<judy>-"Hah, $name2?"</judy> Judy looks back.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner11-15\a3.jpeg">
<j>-"Sorry, dropped this!"</j> She picks up what appears to be a bookmark from the ground and straightens her back.
<judy>-"You're here early!"</judy> You can't stop looking at her behind as she speaks.
<b>-"Y-you are too!"</b> You sit down and you both face each other.
<b>-"Watchu doing?"</b>
<j>-"Reading a novel, it's really good!"</j> She puts the book away and squats down - you took her spot.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner11-15\a4.jpeg">
<j>-"Ready for your shift?"</j>
<b>-"S-sure am! More than ready I would say!"</b>
<<pageReplace"Point at your new pin.">>
<j>-"Ahhh, you went through the second session!"</j> Judy says while standing up.
<b>-"Sure did! Just a couple of days ago actually!"</b> She takes a chair and pulls it next to you.
<b>-"F-funnily enough, you didn't notice it during our last shift."</b> You giggle.
<j>-"NgHHh..."</j> A soft moan leaves her lips as she takes a seat.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner11-15\a5.jpeg">
<j>-"Hah, sorry! The pin blends in with your clothes so well, I barely even see it now!"</j>
<b>-"You think?"</b>
<j>-"Yeah!"</j> She flips her hair.
<j>-"Anyways, did you learn anything new?"</j>
<b>-"New? Not really. I think it stretched me a bit though, I reckon I could fit someone a bit... Larger now."</b>
<b>-"Next session is about technique... Will be trying to make the instructor cum with my ass..."</b>
<m>-"5 minutes until we're plating the food! Get ready!"</m> Garen says from the kitchen as you continue to chat.
<j>-"Want me to give you some tips before you go? Would be a shame if you didn't pass..."</j> Her cheeks blush as she flirts with you.
<b>-"Oh...? Tips?"</b> Judy nods and teases you by showing off her goods.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner11-15\a7.jpeg">
<j>-"Leyja told me not to bed you, but... What the hell! I have a strap on, that's all we need!"</j>
<b>-"S-strap on?"</b>
<j>-"Mhm... It's not that big, don't worry."</j>
<j>-"Could be fun for us both! I'll get to see you in action and you will learn a thing or two!"</j>
<<pageReplace"Fuck yeah.">>
<<set $judysexytimediner11 to true>>\
<b>-"F-fuck yeah, why not. Today after our shift then?"</b> You stand up as your cock throbs in anticipation.
<j>-"N-no, not today."</j>
<j>-"Need to clean up first... Can't let you see me all hairy and ugly."</j>
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner11-15\a6.jpeg">
<b>-"I.. I don't care! You'll be just as beautiful shaved or not!"</b>
<j>-"Well, I care! So you'll have to wait..."</j> Judy stands up after you.
<m>-"Plating in two!"</m> You look over at the kitchen.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner11-15\a8.webp">
<b>-"For how long?"</b>
<j>-"A shift or two... I'll let you know when I'm ready. I'll even rent a VIP room for us, so be excited!"</j> Your new sex buddy giggles and grabs your arm.
<j>-"Let's go, the chefs are almost done!"</j>
<<pageReplace"Walk over to the counter with her.">>
<m>-"There you two are!"</m> Garen looks over.
<m>-"Plate the food whenever ready!"</m>
<grey>-"YES CHEF!"</grey> All of the workers shout back. Not even a minute later, two plates land on the counter.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner11-15\a9.jpg">
<b>-"So, what will you teach me?"</b> You look at Judy.
<j>-"Hmph, you'll have to wait and see..."</j>
<b>-"I can take dildos pretty good, I wonder what there's left to teach..."</b>
<j>-"Leyja did mention your prowess, but everyone has flaws... I'll find yours."</j> She squeezes your chest.
<b>-"NghHhh... I'm excited then..."</b> You both smile at each other.
<grey>-"Alright love birds how about you take the food already."</grey> One of the workers interrupts you guys.
<b>-"Fuck... Yeah, sorry."</b> Time to start your shift!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
<<money +260 "Worked at the club">>
<green>Money +260!</green>
[[Work your shift and go home->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"I'll pass.">>
<b>-"I'll have to pass Judy."</b> You whisper.
<j>-"Huh? I didn't catch that."</j>
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner11-15\a6.jpeg">
<b>-"I-I said that I'll have to pass!"</b>
<j>-"Oh... Why?"</j>
<b>-"I think we should just remain friends... I don't know, what if Leyja finds out? Things could get weird."</b> Leyja did tell you not to trust her.
<m>-"Plating in 2!"</m> Garen shouts once more.
<j>-"Right... Yeah... What was I thinking."</j> She stands up and extends her arm.
<j>-"Come, they're about to finish making the first batch of food."</j>
<<pageReplace"Walk over to the counter with her.">>
<m>-"There you two are!"</m> Garen looks over.
<m>-"Plate the food whenever ready!"</m>
<grey>-"YES CHEF!"</grey> All of the workers shout back. Not even a minute later, two plates land on the counter.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner11-15\a9.jpg">
<b>-"Y-you're not mad, are you?"</b> You look at Judy.
<j>-"Mad...? Of course not, why would I be?"</j> She doesn't even look you in the eyes.
<b>-"I'm sorry..."</b>
<j>-"Don't be."</j>
<grey>-"Are you going to bring out the food or not?"</grey> One of the workers interrupts you guys.
<b>-"Fuck... Yeah, sorry."</b> Time to start your shift!
<<money +260 "Worked at the club">>
<green>Money +260!</green>
[[Work your shift and go home->Go outside]]
<</if>>For future me working on the club again: Remember the Judy event above, she must invite you to do the nasty.<<set $workdiner to $workdiner +1>>
<<locationBackdrop "Club/diner/diner1to5/12.jpeg">>\
<b>-"There..."</b> You throw your bag to the side as you enter the kitchen.
<b>-"Hmm.. Where's Leyja?"</b> You look around. She's probably out serving food already.
<grey>-"Food is ready!"</grey> One of the chefs shout.
<b>-"Copy that!"</b> After walking up to the counter, you pick up the food and enter the dinner hall. Time to start your shift.
<b>-"For you ma'am!"</b> You place down a plate.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\t2.jpg">
<adriana>-"Thank you!"</adriana>
<<if $domstatus is true>>\
<b>-"For you!"</b> As you put down the plate, one of the members starts to check you out..
<emily>-"Ooooohh.. Fresh meat.."</emily> She stands up and grabs a handfull..
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\t5.webp">
<b>-"A-ahem.. I'm working.."</b>
<emily>-"You'll live... I'm only playing around.."</emily> She whispers in your ear as you feel her squeeze your tip.
<emily>-"Ghahaha! That's enough for now..."</emily> She chuckles and lets you go.
<emily>-"Sorry love, couldn't help myself."</emily> The woman sits down.
<b>-"No one can apparently.."</b> After taking a second to make sure you look presentable, you're ready to move on..
<grey>-"$name2, table 23 and 12!"</grey> One of the chefs shouts as you enter the kitchen.
<b>-"Right.."</b> You grab the plates and begin serving the members again.
<blue>-"Thanks beautiful!"</blue> An old man touches your ass..
<b>-"Yiiiisshhh.."</b> A shiver runs down your spine as you hurry towards the next table..
<b>-"For you!"</b> You put down the second plate.
<adriana>-"Appreciate it!"</adriana>
<b>-"How do you like it so far ma'am?"</b>
<adriana>-"It's pretty good... I would like something else though."</adriana> The woman gets closer.
<b>-"And what would that be?"</b> She suddenly grabs your arm..
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\t6.webp">
<adriana>-"Me and you.. In a room.. That's what I would want.."</adriana> She looks you in the eyes.
<b>-"S-sorry... Sexual encounters with members during work hours is forbidden."</b> You push her away lightly.
<adriana>-"Ugh.. Last guy said the same thing.."</adriana> She scoffs and sits down.
<b>-"I apologize.. I will inform you when I'm available."</b>
<adriana>-"Hmph.. Fine! You better get ready for the ride of your life though.."</adriana> She blushes.
<b>-"Please enjoy the meal."</b> You bow and walk to the kitchen.
<b>-"Hopefully the members will calm down a bit.. My cock is already rock hard.."</b> You think as you pick up another plate. You spend the next couple of hours working, after which you return to the kitchen once more to claim your money from Judy.
<judy>-"Good job today $name2, earned quite a bit of tips."</judy> She hands you an envelope.
<b>-"Thanks! See you later!"</b> You grab it and begin walking towards your car. Another day at the club - done.
<<money +250 "Worked at the Club">>
<div class="actions-horizontal sticky">
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<b>-"For you sir!"</b> As you put down the plate, one of the members starts to check you out..
<blue>-"Ooooohh.. Fresh meat.."</blue> He suddenly stands up and pins you against the wall.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\t3.gif">
<b>-"S-sir.. P-please.."</b> You mumble as he begins to grope you.
<blue>-"So tightttt.."</blue> He whispers in your ear as you feel his finger go inside your ass..
<blue>-"Ghahaha! That's enough for now..."</blue> He chuckles and lets you go.
<blue>-"Sorry love, couldn't help myself."</blue> The man sits down.
<b>-"I-it's okay.."</b> After taking a second to make sure you look presentable, you're ready to move on..
<grey>-"$name2, table 23 and 12!"</grey> One of the chefs shouts as you enter the kitchen.
<b>-"Right.."</b> You grab the plates and begin serving the members again.
<emily>-"Thanks beautiful!"</emily> You feel her hand brush against your butt..
<b>-"For you!"</b> You put down the second plate.
<adriana>-"Appreciate it!"</adriana> You bow and begin walking back to the kitchen.
<bartender>-"Where do you think you're going?"</bartender> A man suddenly grabs you from behind..
<b>-"U-ugh! L-let go of me!"</b> After he turns you around, you feel his cold hands grip your ass.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\t4.webp">
<bartender>-"Hwehehehe.. Want to get a room?"</bartender> His patronizing voice fills your ears.
<b>-"I-I'm working!"</b> You push him away.
<bartender>-"Whehh!! These new members have no manners.."</bartender> He scoffs.
<b>-"I must go.."</b> Before he could reply, you quickly move towards the kitchen.
<b>-"What an asshole... His hands were so masculine though.."</b> You think as you get inside.
<b>-"Hopefully the members will calm down a bit.. My ass is already red.."</b> You think as you pick up another plate. You spend the next couple of hours working, after which you return to the kitchen once more to claim your money from Judy.
<judy>-"Good job today $name2, earned quite a bit of tips."</judy> She hands you an envelope.
<b>-"Thanks! See you later!"</b> You grab it and begin walking towards your car. Another day at the club - done.
<<money +250 "Worked at the Club">>
<div class="actions-horizontal sticky">
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<</if>><<locationBackdrop "Club/diner/diner1to5/12.jpeg">>\
<b>-"There..."</b> You throw your bag to the side as you enter the kitchen.
<b>-"Hmm.. Where's Leyja?"</b> You look around. She's probably out serving food already.
<grey>-"Food is ready!"</grey> One of the chefs shout.
<b>-"Copy that!"</b> After walking up to the counter, you pick up the food and enter the dinner hall. Time to start your shift.
<b>-"For you ma'am!"</b> You place down a plate.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\t2.jpg">
<adriana>-"Thank you!"</adriana>
<<if $domstatus is true>>\
<b>-"For you!"</b> As you put down the plate, one of the members starts to check you out..
<emily>-"Ooooohh.. Fresh meat.."</emily> She stands up and grabs a handfull..
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\t5.webp">
<b>-"A-ahem.. I'm working.."</b>
<emily>-"You'll live... I'm only playing around.."</emily> She whispers in your ear as you feel her squeeze your tip.
<emily>-"Ghahaha! That's enough for now..."</emily> She chuckles and lets you go.
<emily>-"Sorry love, couldn't help myself."</emily> The woman sits down.
<b>-"No one can apparently.."</b> After taking a second to make sure you look presentable, you're ready to move on..
<grey>-"$name2, table 23 and 12!"</grey> One of the chefs shouts as you enter the kitchen.
<b>-"Right.."</b> You grab the plates and begin serving the members again.
<blue>-"Thanks beautiful!"</blue> An old man touches your ass..
<b>-"Yiiiisshhh.."</b> A shiver runs down your spine as you hurry towards the next table..
<b>-"For you!"</b> You put down the second plate.
<adriana>-"Appreciate it!"</adriana>
<b>-"How do you like it so far ma'am?"</b>
<adriana>-"It's pretty good... I would like something else though."</adriana> The woman gets closer.
<b>-"And what would that be?"</b> She suddenly grabs your arm..
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\t6.webp">
<adriana>-"Me and you.. In a room.. That's what I would want.."</adriana> She looks you in the eyes.
<b>-"S-sorry... Sexual encounters with members during work hours is forbidden."</b> You push her away lightly.
<adriana>-"Ugh.. Last guy said the same thing.."</adriana> She scoffs and sits down.
<b>-"I apologize.. I will inform you when I'm available."</b>
<adriana>-"Hmph.. Fine! You better get ready for the ride of your life though.."</adriana> She blushes.
<b>-"Please enjoy the meal."</b> You bow and walk to the kitchen.
<b>-"Hopefully the members will calm down a bit.. My cock is already rock hard.."</b> You think as you pick up another plate. You spend the next couple of hours working, after which you return to the kitchen once more to claim your money from Judy.
<judy>-"Good job today $name2, earned quite a bit of tips."</judy> She hands you an envelope.
<b>-"Thanks! See you later!"</b> You grab it and begin walking towards your car. Another day at the club - done.
<<money +250 "Worked at the Club">>
<green>Money +250!</green>
<<if $workdiner>=17>>\
<code>You've reached the end of the current diner route, more content will come in future updates! 😈</code>
<div class="actions-horizontal sticky">
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<b>-"For you sir!"</b> As you put down the plate, one of the members starts to check you out..
<blue>-"Ooooohh.. Fresh meat.."</blue> He suddenly stands up and pins you against the wall.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\t3.gif">
<b>-"S-sir.. P-please.."</b> You mumble as he begins to grope you.
<blue>-"So tightttt.."</blue> He whispers in your ear as you feel his finger go inside your ass..
<blue>-"Ghahaha! That's enough for now..."</blue> He chuckles and lets you go.
<blue>-"Sorry love, couldn't help myself."</blue> The man sits down.
<b>-"I-it's okay.."</b> After taking a second to make sure you look presentable, you're ready to move on..
<grey>-"$name2, table 23 and 12!"</grey> One of the chefs shouts as you enter the kitchen.
<b>-"Right.."</b> You grab the plates and begin serving the members again.
<emily>-"Thanks beautiful!"</emily> You feel her hand brush against your butt..
<b>-"For you!"</b> You put down the second plate.
<adriana>-"Appreciate it!"</adriana> You bow and begin walking back to the kitchen.
<bartender>-"Where do you think you're going?"</bartender> A man suddenly grabs you from behind..
<b>-"U-ugh! L-let go of me!"</b> After he turns you around, you feel his cold hands grip your ass.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\t4.webp">
<bartender>-"Hwehehehe.. Want to get a room?"</bartender> His patronizing voice fills your ears.
<b>-"I-I'm working!"</b> You push him away.
<bartender>-"Whehh!! These new members have no manners.."</bartender> He scoffs.
<b>-"I must go.."</b> Before he could reply, you quickly move towards the kitchen.
<b>-"What an asshole... His hands were so masculine though.."</b> You think as you get inside.
<b>-"Hopefully the members will calm down a bit.. My ass is already red.."</b> You think as you pick up another plate. You spend the next couple of hours working, after which you return to the kitchen once more to claim your money from Judy.
<judy>-"Good job today $name2, earned quite a bit of tips."</judy> She hands you an envelope.
<b>-"Thanks! See you later!"</b> You grab it and begin walking towards your car. Another day at the club - done.
<<money +250 "Worked at the Club">>
<green>Money +250!</green>
<<if $workdiner>=17>>\
<code>You've reached the end of the current diner route, more content will come in future updates! 😈</code>
<div class="actions-horizontal sticky">
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<</if>><<location "Images/club/Rabbit botherhood/11.jpg" "The Rabbit Brotherhood">>\
<<locationBackdrop "club/Rabbit botherhood/12.jpg">>\
The air inside of this place emits a weird, musky smell, that immediately catches you off guard. You don't like being here, but the prospect of earning a lot of money brings you back in once again.
<div class="actions">\
<li><a><div class="hover">Play some blackjack<span class="hoverblock">Coming soon!</span></div></a></li>
<li>[[Play a round of RPS->Rock Paper Scissors][$whowon to "Enter bet amount"; $betamount2 to 100; $rpsimage2 to "Images/club/Rabbit botherhood/paper1.png"; $rpsimage1 to "Images/club/Rabbit botherhood/paper.png"]]</li>
<li>[[Play a round of dice->Dice][$betamount2 to 100; $whowon to "Enter bet amount"; $dicestate to 1]]</li>
<li>[[Exit the brotherhood->Club]]</li>
</div>\<<if $brotherhood69 ==2>>\
<<goto "Rabbit Brotherhood">>
<<elseif $brotherhood69 ==1>>
<grey>-"Knock Knock Knock!"</grey>
<img src="Images\club\Rabbit botherhood\3.jpg">
<blue>-"You again?"</blue>
<blue>-"Have the token already? You're not getting inside without one."</blue>
<<if $haspocketwatchcasino ==true>>\
<<pageReplace"I think so...">>
<<set $brotherhood69 to 2>>\
<<if $boughttokenfromshop==true>>\
<b>-"I think I do... The merchant said it's the real deal..."</b> You whisper to yourself as you look at the token you bought.
<img src="Images\club\Rabbit botherhood\4.png">
<b>-"I think I do... The homeless man gave me one a while back."</b> You whisper to yourself as you look at the token he gave you.
<img src="Images\club\Rabbit botherhood\4.png">
<blue>-"What are you mumbling about?! Do you have it or not!?"</blue>
<b>-"Yeah yeah sorry, here."</b> You hand him the token.
<blue>-"Hmmm.. Intersting.."</blue> The man looks down and begins to inspect it.
<blue>-"Seems like the real deal. Where did you get it?"</blue>
<b>-"That's none of your business. As long as I have one, I can go inside, right?"</b>
<blue>-"Sigh... Fine. Here."</blue> He hands you your token back and steps away from the doors while opening them.
<img src="Images\club\Rabbit botherhood\10.webp">
<blue>-"Step inside."</blue>
<<pageReplace"Do as he says.">>\
<blue>-"Come, I'll show you around."</blue> You finally get a good look at the man. He's in his late 40's, with grey hair. You notice that he walks with a limp.
<b>-"Wow, a nice place you got here."</b> You say as you look around. A modern blackjack table specifically catches your eye... The seats in front of it are empty however.
<img src="Images\club\Rabbit botherhood\5.jpeg">
<blue>-"I know, that's why we try to... Cough.. Hide it from the others."</blue> The man coughs as you continue to follow him.
<blue>-"All they do is just consume consume consume, this place would be trashed in a week if we let them in."</blue>
<b>-"Who's they?"</b>
<blue>-"Cough.. Aghhh.. Other members of course."</blue> He spits into a trash can.
<b>-"Oh..?"</b> You round the corner to see the poker area of the brotherhood. A couple of people are already playing.
<blue>-"Here, let's meet the others. There isn't a lot of us."</blue> You both walk up to the only table with folks next to it.
<img src="Images\club\Rabbit botherhood\6.jpeg">
<b>-"Good evening."</b>
<bartender>-"Oh..? Fresh meat?"</bartender> An old man looks you up and down.
<blue>-"It appears so, kid had a token... Had to let <<if $domstatus is true>>him<<else>>her<</if>> in."</blue>
<olive>-"Eh, can't complain. Earned a bunch from the last newbie that joined."</olive> One of them chuckles.
<bartender>-"Hey, maybe this one is better!"</bartender> He looks at you.
<bartender>-"Want to play a round, stranger?"</bartender>
<<pageReplace"Maybe later.">>\
<b>-"Eh, maybe later, just looking around for now."</b> You have no idea how much money the poker chips you see on the table represent, but it seems like a lot...
<img src="Images\club\Rabbit botherhood\7.jpg">
<blue>-"Anyways, that's about it. There's like 5 of us, so most games aren't being played."</blue>
<b>-"What happened?"</b>
<blue>-"Cough.. With what?"</blue>
<b>-"With you guys? Why only 5 left?"</b>
<blue>-"Ehhh, it's a long story, I'm not in a mood. Maybe during a game someone will tell you."</blue> He begins to walk away.
<b>-"So... What now?"</b>
<blue>-"Well, you're free to come here whenever you want and play. Or don't, I don't care."</blue>
<b>-"Judy wasn't lying when she said they were rude..."</b>
<b>-"Alright.. Thanks."</b>
[[Gather your bearings->Club]]
<<pageReplace"I don't">>
<b>-"I don't."</b>
<blue>-"Ugh, then stop fucking bothering us!"</blue>
<grey>-"Smash!"</grey> The door shuts.
<img src="Images\club\Rabbit botherhood\1.png">
<b>-"I need that token.."</b>
[[Walk back->Club]]
<b>-"Do I just knock.. Orrrr..?"</b> You wonder as you look at the door.
<img src="Images\club\Rabbit botherhood\1.png">
<b>-"Judy mentioned that they're pretty rude and nobody likes them... I guess I'm about to find out if that's true."</b> After walking up to the door, you put your ear to it.
<b>-"Hmmm.."</b> You can hear some sounds coming from within, but nothing that would peak your interest.
<grey>-"Knock Knock Knock!"</grey>
<img src="Images\club\Rabbit botherhood\2.png">
<grey>-"*Crash* AgnghHh!"</grey> You hear a loud bang and people begin talking inside.
<grey>-"Creeeeek!"</grey> The door opens, but only a crack.
<img src="Images\club\Rabbit botherhood\3.jpg">
<blue>-"What do you want?"</blue> A man's raspy voice fills your eardrums.
<b>-"Hello! Is this the Rabbit Brotherhood?"</b>
<blue>-"*Spit* Obviously... Who's asking?"</blue>
<b>-"Just another member of the club. I heard you guys gamble?"</b>
<blue>-"I don't care what you've heard. You have a token or not?"</blue>
<b>-"A token?"</b>
<blue>-"Yes, a token. You can't get in without one."</blue>
<<if $haspocketwatchcasino ==true>>\
<<pageReplace"I think so...">>
<<set $brotherhood69 to 2>>\
<<if $boughttokenfromshop==true>>\
<b>-"I think I do... The merchant said it's the real deal..."</b> You whisper to yourself as you look at the token you bought.
<img src="Images\club\Rabbit botherhood\4.png">
<b>-"I think I do... The homeless man gave me one a while back."</b> You whisper to yourself as you look at the token he gave you.
<img src="Images\club\Rabbit botherhood\4.png">
<blue>-"What are you mumbling about?! Do you have it or not!?"</blue>
<b>-"Yeah yeah sorry, here."</b> You hand him the token.
<blue>-"Hmmm.. Intersting.."</blue> The man looks down and begins to inspect it.
<blue>-"Seems like the real deal. Where did you get it?"</blue>
<b>-"That's none of your business. As long as I have one, I can go inside, right?"</b>
<blue>-"Sigh... Fine. Here."</blue> He hands you your token back and steps away from the doors while opening them.
<img src="Images\club\Rabbit botherhood\10.webp">
<blue>-"Step inside."</blue>
<<pageReplace"Do as he says.">>
<blue>-"Come, I'll show you around."</blue> You finally get a good look at the man. He's in his late 40's, with grey hair. You notice that he walks with a limp.
<b>-"Wow, a nice place you got here."</b> You say as you look around. A modern blackjack table specifically catches your eye... The seats in front of it are empty however.
<img src="Images\club\Rabbit botherhood\5.jpeg">
<blue>-"I know, that's why we try to... Cough.. Hide it from the others."</blue> The man coughs as you continue to follow him.
<blue>-"All they do is just consume consume consume, this place would be trashed in a week if we let them in."</blue>
<b>-"Who's they?"</b>
<blue>-"Cough.. Aghhh.. Other members of course."</blue> He spits into a trash can.
<b>-"Oh..?"</b> You round the corner to see the poker area of the brotherhood. A couple of people are already playing.
<blue>-"Here, let's meet the others. There isn't a lot of us."</blue> You both walk up to the only table with folks next to it.
<img src="Images\club\Rabbit botherhood\6.jpeg">
<b>-"Good evening."</b>
<bartender>-"Oh..? Fresh meat?"</bartender> An old man looks you up and down.
<blue>-"It appears so, kid had a token... Had to let <<if $domstatus is true>>him<<else>>her<</if>> in."</blue>
<olive>-"Eh, can't complain. Earned a bunch from the last newbie that joined."</olive> One of them chuckles.
<bartender>-"Hey, maybe this one is better!"</bartender> He looks at you.
<bartender>-"Want to play a round, stranger?"</bartender>
<<pageReplace"Maybe later.">>
<b>-"Eh, maybe later, just looking around for now."</b> You have no idea how much money the poker chips you see on the table represent, but it seems like a lot...
<img src="Images\club\Rabbit botherhood\7.jpg">
<blue>-"Anyways, that's about it. There's like 5 of us, so most games aren't being played."</blue>
<b>-"What happened?"</b>
<blue>-"Cough.. With what?"</blue>
<b>-"With you guys? Why only 5 left?"</b>
<blue>-"Ehhh, it's a long story, I'm not in a mood. Maybe during a game someone will tell you."</blue> He begins to walk away.
<b>-"So... What now?"</b>
<blue>-"Well, you're free to come here whenever you want and play. Or don't, I don't care."</blue>
<b>-"Judy wasn't lying when she said they were rude..."</b>
<b>-"Alright.. Thanks."</b>
[[Gather your bearings->Club]]
<<pageReplace"I don't think so...">>
<<set $brotherhood69 to 1>>\
<b>-"A token...? I don't think so."</b>
<blue>-"THEN FUCK OFF!"</blue>
<grey>-"BoooM!"</grey> The man smashes the door closed.
<b>-"Wow.. Someone isn't having a great day, huh."</b> You turn around.
<b>-"I guess I have to get a token somehow."</b>
[[Walk back->Club]]
<</if>>This is here because the locationbackdrop macro doesnt work if goto links into itself dunno why lol.
<<goto "Rock Paper Scissors">><<if $money ==0 and $rps1 !==true and $workdiner >5>>
<<goto "Rock Paper Scissors secret 1">>
<<elseif $betamount2==1 and $rps2 !==true>>
<<goto "Rock Paper Scissors secret 2">>
<<locationBackdrop"club/Rabbit botherhood/Screen+Shot+2021-05-21+at+10.54.30+AM.png">>
<img @src="$rpsimage1" class="pull-left" style="width: 40%">
<img @src="$rpsimage2" class="pull-right" style="width: 40%">
<div id="rps-buttonz">
<center><div class="big"><span id="yippe1">$whowon</span></div></center>
<div class="actions-horizontal">
<<button "Rock">>
<<if $betamount1==0>>
<<replace "#yippe1">>You can't bet nothing.<</replace>>
<<elseif $money>= $betamount1>>
<<set $rpsimage1 to "Images/club/Rabbit botherhood/rock.png">>
<<set $opponentpick to either(1, 2, 3)>>
<<if $opponentpick==1>>
<<set $rpsimage2 to "Images/club/Rabbit botherhood/rock1.png">>
<<set $whowon to "It's a draw!">>
<<set $betamount2 to $betamount1>>\
<<replace "#yippe1">>$whowon<</replace>>
<<goto "Rock Paper Scissors temp">>
<<elseif $opponentpick==2>>
<<set $rpsimage2 to "Images/club/Rabbit botherhood/paper1.png">>
<<set $whowon to "You lose!">>
<<set $betamount2 to $betamount1>>\
<<replace "#yippe1">>$whowon<</replace>>
<<goto "Rock Paper Scissors temp">>
<<set $money to $money -$betamount1>>
<<elseif $opponentpick==3>>
<<set $rpsimage2 to "Images/club/Rabbit botherhood/scissors1.png">>
<<set $whowon to "You win!">>
<<set $betamount2 to $betamount1>>\
<<replace "#yippe1">>$whowon<</replace>>
<<goto "Rock Paper Scissors temp">>
<<set $money to $money +$betamount1>>
<<replace "#yippe1">>You don't have enough money to make this bet.<</replace>>
<<button "Paper">>
<<if $betamount1==0>>
<<replace "#yippe1">>You can't bet nothing.<</replace>>
<<elseif $money>= $betamount1>>
<<set $rpsimage1 to "Images/club/Rabbit botherhood/paper.png">>
<<set $opponentpick to either(1, 2, 3)>>
<<if $opponentpick==1>>
<<set $rpsimage2 to "Images/club/Rabbit botherhood/rock1.png">>
<<set $whowon to "You win!">>
<<set $betamount2 to $betamount1>>\
<<replace "#yippe1">>$whowon<</replace>>
<<goto "Rock Paper Scissors temp">>
<<set $money to $money +$betamount1>>
<<elseif $opponentpick==2>>
<<set $rpsimage2 to "Images/club/Rabbit botherhood/paper1.png">>
<<set $whowon to "It's a draw!">>
<<set $betamount2 to $betamount1>>\
<<replace "#yippe1">>$whowon<</replace>>
<<goto "Rock Paper Scissors temp">>
<<elseif $opponentpick==3>>
<<set $rpsimage2 to "Images/club/Rabbit botherhood/scissors1.png">>
<<set $whowon to "You lose!">>
<<set $betamount2 to $betamount1>>\
<<replace "#yippe1">>$whowon<</replace>>
<<goto "Rock Paper Scissors temp">>
<<set $money to $money -$betamount1>>
<<replace "#yippe1">>You don't have enough money to make this bet.<</replace>>
<<button "Scissors">>
<<if $betamount1==0>>
<<replace "#yippe1">>You can't bet nothing.<</replace>>
<<elseif $money>= $betamount1>>
<<set $rpsimage1 to "Images/club/Rabbit botherhood/scissors.png">>
<<set $opponentpick to either(1, 2, 3)>>
<<if $opponentpick==1>>
<<set $rpsimage2 to "Images/club/Rabbit botherhood/rock1.png">>
<<set $whowon to "You lose!">>
<<set $betamount2 to $betamount1>>\
<<replace "#yippe1">>$whowon<</replace>>
<<goto "Rock Paper Scissors temp">>
<<set $money to $money -$betamount1>>
<<elseif $opponentpick==2>>
<<set $rpsimage2 to "Images/club/Rabbit botherhood/paper1.png">>
<<set $whowon to "You win!">>
<<set $betamount2 to $betamount1>>\
<<replace "#yippe1">>$whowon<</replace>>
<<goto "Rock Paper Scissors temp">>
<<set $money to $money +$betamount1>>
<<elseif $opponentpick==3>>
<<set $rpsimage2 to "Images/club/Rabbit botherhood/scissors1.png">>
<<set $whowon to "It's a draw!">>
<<set $betamount2 to $betamount1>>\
<<replace "#yippe1">>$whowon<</replace>>
<<goto "Rock Paper Scissors temp">>
<<replace "#yippe1">>You don't have enough money to make this bet.<</replace>>
<div class="actions-horizontal">
<<numberbox "$betamount1" $betamount2 autofocus>>
<<button "Go back">>
<<goto "Rabbit Brotherhood">>
</div><<set $rps1 to true>>\
<b>-"Shit... I lost again.."</b>
<blue>-"Ghah! RPS isn't all about luck you know, there is some strategy!"</blue> The man you're playing against laughs.
<b>-"I guess so.."</b> You glance at your now empty wallet.
<img src="Images\club\Rabbit botherhood\sd1.png">
<b>-"Fuck.. I think I'm gonna call it a day."</b>
<blue>-"Huh, already?"</blue>
<b>-"Yeah, my wallet is empty and my head isn't in the game."</b>
<blue>-"Your wallet... Is already empty? What?"</blue> He looks at you, confused.
<img src="Images\club\Rabbit botherhood\sd2.png">
<blue>-"You didn't even bet that much though."</blue>
<b>-"Well, not all of us are rich you know."</b> He scoffs as you put your wallet back in your pocket.
<blue>-"Well, whatever, I'll just go beat someone else then."</blue>
<<set $haspocketwatchcasino2 to true>>
<b>-"Shit.. I woud love to put this cocky motherfucker in his place..."</b> You just need a couple more games, you're sure that you can beat him!
<<goto "Rabbit Brotherhood">>
<<if $domstatus !==true>>\
<<pageReplace"Offer to blow him for some cash">>
<b>-"What if.. You gave me some money?"</b>
<blue>-"Huh? What are you talking about?"</blue>
<b>-"I really want to continue playing, but I'm broke... If I made you feel good, would you give me some cash?"</b>
<blue>-"Made me feel good?"</blue> He looks confused. You roll your eyes and show him what you mean.
<img src="Images\club\Rabbit botherhood\sd4.gif">
<b>-"This is what I mean.."</b>
<blue>-"Gulp.. W-well.. "</blue> He starts to sweat.
<b>-"Is that a yes big boy?"</b> You NEED this money to put him in his place.
<blue>-"Yeah..! Totally!"</blue> Before you could even get on your knees, he pulls down his pants.
<img src="Images\club\Rabbit botherhood\sd5.webp">
<b>-"Wow! You're already hard?!"</b>
<blue>-"I'm younger than I look!"</blue> You get on all fours and crawl towards him.
<<pageReplace"Take in his smell.">>
<b>-"Sniff.. Sniff.."</b> His manly smell fills your nostrils as you take a whiff. Your head spins as your vision begins to blur.
<b>-"C-cock.."</b> Without a second thought, you begin to stroke it.
<img src="Images\club\Rabbit botherhood\sd6.webp">
<blue>-"NghHhh.. Y-yess.."</blue>
<b>-"So big.."</b> You feel his member throb as you increase the pressure.
<blue>-"You know.. MghHh.. From the second I saw you, I knew you were a slut.."</blue>
<b>-"Oh yeah?"</b>
<blue>-"W-we don't get a lot of women in this club.. Nghhhh.. But when we do, they all fall for us eventually... S-shitt.. Domination students my ass.."</blue>
<b>-"H-here I go.."</b> You slowly place the tip of his cock up against your lips and let it slide inside.
<b>-"Slurp.. GhhHHrhrhh.."</b>
<img src="Images\club\Rabbit botherhood\sd7.webp">
<b>-"Swo hward.."</b>
<blue>-"FuckkKKk! Your mouth is so warmmMMMmmmMMM!"</blue> His body shakes as you grab his balls.
<b>-"Slurp.. Mwen usuawlly love thwis.."</b> You begin to squeeze them.
<blue>-"NghhhH! G-gentle!"</blue>
<b>-"Fwine.. Bwut you move!"</b> The man nods and begins to move his hips.
<img src="Images\club\Rabbit botherhood\sd8.webp">
<b>-"Shit... Not now!"</b> You feel a spurt of pre cum leak out your cock. The man doesn't know what you are and you don't know if you want him to find out!
<<pageReplace"Try to make him cum">>
<b>-"Slurp... Fwaster! MgHhHh!"</b> You grab his hips and begin to push them towards you.
<blue>-"YyyeeSsssHhH!!"</blue> The man seems to understand what you want and increases his speed.
<img src="Images\club\Rabbit botherhood\sd11.webp">
<blue>-"YEshHhHHhH!! T-takeee itTTttT!"</blue> Your eyes roll back as you let the man take full control of your body.
<b>-"GhHRRhhhHhh!"</b> You can't even breathe!
<blue>-"O-oh fucKK!"</blue> His cock begins to throb even harder, he's close to cumming!
<b>-"Ahhhh!"</b> You pull out his cock from your mouth and begin to stroke it while meticulously licking the tip.
<blue>-"Here I come!!!!"</blue> He shouts as a thick load explodes out of his rod.
<img src="Images\club\Rabbit botherhood\sd9.webp">
<b>-"MmMMM.. So good.."</b> You continue to stroke the man's cock as you begin to lick up the cum he shot out.
<blue>-"MngnnHhHh!"</blue> He moans. Thankfully, you're the only two inside of here right now...
<<pageReplace"Clean him up with your mouth.">>\
<b>-"So creamy.. And warm.."</b> You whisper as you begin to lick the cum off of his belly.
<blue>-"Fuck me.. That was better than I expected."</blue>
<b>-"MMmmm.."</b> You quickly swallow everything you licked up.
<img src="Images\club\Rabbit botherhood\sd12.webp">
<blue>-"T-thanks love.."</blue> The man stutters and begins to put on his pants.
<b>-"Heh, I didn't do it for free."</b> After cleaning yourself up, you stand up after him.
<blue>-"Oh right.. You wanted cash."</blue>
<b>-"Mhm! And I'm gonna use it to make you go broke playing RPS!"</b>
<blue>-"Ha! Whatever, you'll just lose it again anyways."</blue> The man chuckles, pulls out some cash and begins to count it.
<img src="Images\club\Rabbit botherhood\sd10.jpg">
<b>-"Wow.. He has so much.."</b>
<blue>-"Here, this should cover your services."</blue> He hands you 300$.
<b>-"Thank you sir!"</b>
<blue>-"Mhm, now let's get on with the game, so you can lose again and blow me haha!"</blue> You smash the money on the table.
<b>-"Hmph, not going to happen!"</b>
<<money +300 "Gave a Rabbit Brotherhood member a bj!">>
<green>Money +300!</green>
[[Continue to play->Rock Paper Scissors][$betamount2 to 300]]
<<if $haspocketwatchcasino2 ==true>>\
<<pageReplace"Offer him the necklace the homeless man gave you">>
<b>-"Hmmm... What if I offered this..?"</b> You pull out the necklace the homeless man gave you. He also gave you the token you used to get inside, maybe the necklace is worth something too...?
<blue>-"Oh..?"</blue> The man turns to you, interested to see what you have.
<img src="Images\club\Rabbit botherhood\8.jpg">
<blue>-"Ha! No way! That's Archie's necklace! How did you get it?!"</blue> He tries to grab it, but you pull away.
<b>-"I got it from a.. Friend. If you want it, pay up."</b>
<blue>-"Come on! I just want to look at it!"</blue>
<b>-"Pay up and you'll be able to look at it as much as you want."</b>
<blue>-"Fine! The others will want to take a look at it too, I'll give you 200 for it."</blue>
<blue>-"Mhm. I think that's a fair price for a peace of junk like that, no?"</blue> You can tell that he's rich..
<b>-"Fine. More than I paid for it anyways."</b>
<blue>-"Paid for it? Hah, no way Archie sold it! Ghahaha that's hilarious."</blue>
<b>-"So are you buying it or not?"</b> You're not interested in the necklace's story, you just want the cash.
<blue>-"Yeah yeah fine. Give me a second."</blue> He pulls out a bunch of cash and begins to count.
<img src="Images\club\Rabbit botherhood\sd10.jpg">
<blue>-"Here, this should be 200."</blue> You recount it to make sure.
<b>-"Yup, it is. Here."</b> You hand him the necklace.
<blue>-"Ghahaha the others will fucking love it! Thanks!"</blue> You nod and smash the money on the table.
<b>-"Now play! I want to finally beat you!"</b> He chuckles once again and puts down 200 of his own dollars.
<blue>-"Fine, let's go."</blue>
[[Play a round->Rock Paper Scissors][$betamount2 to 200]]
<<pageReplace"Give me 300.">>
<b>-"Give me 300."</b>
<b>-"You heard me. 300!"</b> The man is rich, another 100 bucks won't break his wallet!
<blue>-"Fine, but not a penny more."</blue> He rolls his eyes and pulls out some money.
<<pageReplace"Nothing, nothing.">>\
<b>-"Nothing, nothing, just a weird thought."</b>
<blue>-"Alright.. Whatever you say."</blue>
<img src="Images\club\Rabbit botherhood\sd10.jpg">
<blue>-"Here, this should be 300."</blue> You recount it to make sure.
<b>-"Yup, it is. Here."</b> You hand him the necklace.
<blue>-"Ghahaha the others will fucking love it! Thanks!"</blue> You nod and smash the money on the table.
<b>-"Now play! I want to finally beat you!"</b> He chuckles once again and puts down 300 of his own dollars.
<blue>-"Fine, let's go."</blue>
[[Play a round->Rock Paper Scissors][$betamount2 to 300]]
<<pageReplace"Give me 400.">>
<b>-"Give me 400!"</b> Greed overtakes you and you ask for more.
<blue>-"Not happening."</blue> He frowns.
<b>-"Come on! I know you want it!"</b>
<blue>-"Sure, but I won't do it out of principle."</blue>
<b>-"Please! I really need this cash!"</b>
<blue>-"Don't care, 300 is the most I'm going to pay for it."</blue> You sigh and look at the floor... What should you do?
<b>-"Fine. More than I paid for it anyways."</b>
<blue>-"Paid for it? Hah, no way Archie sold it! Ghahaha that's hilarious."</blue>
<b>-"So are you buying it or not?"</b> You're not interested in the necklace's story, you just want the cash.
<blue>-"Yeah yeah fine. Give me a second."</blue> He pulls out a bunch of cash and begins to count.
<img src="Images\club\Rabbit botherhood\sd10.jpg">
<blue>-"Here, this should be 300."</blue> You recount it to make sure.
<b>-"Yup, it is. Here."</b> You hand him the necklace.
<blue>-"Ghahaha the others will fucking love it! Thanks!"</blue> You nod and smash the money on the table.
<b>-"Now play! I want to finally beat you!"</b> He chuckles once again and puts down 300 of his own dollars.
<blue>-"Fine, let's go."</blue>
[[Play a round->Rock Paper Scissors][$betamount2 to 300]]
<<pageReplace"400 or you don't get it.">>
<b>-"400 or you don't get it."</b>
<blue>-"Alright, stay broke then."</blue> He puts the money back in his pocket and begins to walk away.
<b>-"W-wait! 300 is enough!"</b>
<blue>-"Too late! Don't care!"</blue>
<b>-"FUCK!"</b> You fucked up.. After shoving the necklace back in your pocket, you begin walking towards the door, completely defeated.
<b>-"God damnit.. I really thought he would pay me more.."</b>
<</if>>\<<set $rps2 to true>>
<b>-"Boom! Let's play!"</b> You smash a 1 dollar bill on the table.
<blue>-"... Huh?"</blue>
<img src="Images\club\Rabbit botherhood\sc1.jpg">
<blue>-"Are you stupid? Really? 1 dollar?"</blue>
<b>-"What's wrong with the dollar?"</b>
<img src="Images\club\Rabbit botherhood\sc2.webp">
<blue>-"Ghahaha! There's nothing wrong with the dollar, it's just we bet a lot more around here."</blue>
<b>-"Are there any rules saying that I can't bet a dollar?"</b>
<blue>-"Not necessarily, but we usually bet something like this."</blue> The man pulls out a stack of cash and shows it to you.
<img src="Images\club\Rabbit botherhood\sc3.jpeg">
<b>-"Yeah man.. I'm not that rich."</b>
<blue>-"Come on! It'll be fun! The bigger the bet, the bigger the thrill!"</blue> You roll your eyes.
[[See how much he wants to bet->Rock Paper Scissors][$betamount2 to 4000]]<<locationBackdrop "club/Rabbit botherhood/wtf-transformed.jpeg">>
<<if $dicestate ==1>>
<center><img src="Images\club\Rabbit botherhood\w11.png" style="width: 50%"></center>
<center><div class="big"><span id="yippe1">$whowon</span></div></center>
<div id="rps-buttonz">
<<button "ROLL!">>
<<if $betamount1 >$money>>
<<replace "#yippe1">>You don't have enough money to place a bet.<</replace>>
<<elseif $betamount1 ==0>>
<<replace "#yippe1">>You can't bet nothing.<</replace>>
<<set $money to $money - $betamount1>>
<<goto "Dice temp">>
<<set $dicestate to 2>>
<<set $betamount2 to $betamount1>>\
<<set $housedice to random(3, 11)>>
<div id="rps-buttonz">
<div class="actions-horizontal">
<<numberbox "$betamount1" $betamount2 autofocus>>
<<button "Exit">>
<<goto "Rabbit Brotherhood">>
<<button "Rules">>
UI.alert("<center>After the player makes a bet, the house rolls two, 6 sided dice.<br><br> If the house rolls two 1's, or two 6's, they <m>roll again.</m> <br><br> After a permitted roll is achieved, the player must guess if their roll will be <blue>higher</blue> or <m>lower</m> than the house roll. <br><br> The more <m>risk</m> the player takes, the greater the potential <green>earnings!</green></center>");
<<elseif $dicestate ==2>>
<<if $housedice ==3>>
<center><img src="Images\club\Rabbit botherhood\w2.png" style="width: 50%"></center>
<<elseif $housedice ==4>>
<center><img src="Images\club\Rabbit botherhood\w3.png" style="width: 50%"></center>
<<elseif $housedice ==5>>
<center><img src="Images\club\Rabbit botherhood\w4.png" style="width: 50%"></center>
<<elseif $housedice ==6>>
<center><img src="Images\club\Rabbit botherhood\w5.png" style="width: 50%"></center>
<<elseif $housedice ==7>>
<center><img src="Images\club\Rabbit botherhood\w6.png" style="width: 50%"></center>
<<elseif $housedice ==8>>
<center><img src="Images\club\Rabbit botherhood\w7.png" style="width: 50%"></center>
<<elseif $housedice ==9>>
<center><img src="Images\club\Rabbit botherhood\w8.png" style="width: 50%"></center>
<<elseif $housedice ==10>>
<center><img src="Images\club\Rabbit botherhood\w9.png" style="width: 50%"></center>
<<elseif $housedice ==11>>
<center><img src="Images\club\Rabbit botherhood\w10.png" style="width: 50%"></center>
<center><div class="big">The dealer rolled <<if $housedice ==8 or $housedice ==11>>an<<else>>a<</if>> $housedice!</div></center>
<center><div class="medium">You will roll...?</div></center>
<div id="rps-buttonz">
<div class="actions-horizontal">
<div class="hover">
<<button "Higher!">>
<<set $playerdice to random(2, 12)>>
<<if $playerdice > $housedice>>
<<if $housedice ==3>>
<<set $dicewinmulti to 1.05>>
<<elseif $housedice ==4>>
<<set $dicewinmulti to 1.1>>
<<elseif $housedice ==5>>
<<set $dicewinmulti to 1.2>>
<<elseif $housedice ==6>>
<<set $dicewinmulti to 1.5>>
<<elseif $housedice ==7>>
<<set $dicewinmulti to 2>>
<<elseif $housedice ==8>>
<<set $dicewinmulti to 3>>
<<elseif $housedice ==9>>
<<set $dicewinmulti to 5.3>>
<<elseif $housedice ==10>>
<<set $dicewinmulti to 11>>
<<elseif $housedice ==11>>
<<set $dicewinmulti to 33>>
<<set $dicemoneywon to Math.round($betamount1*$dicewinmulti)>>
<<set $diceoutput to "The player wins!">>
<<set $diceoutput2 to ">">>
<<set $money to $money + $dicemoneywon>>
<<set $diceoutcome to 1>>
<<set $dicemoneywon2 to $dicemoneywon-$betamount1>>
<<elseif $playerdice < $housedice>>
<<set $diceoutput to "House wins!">>
<<set $diceoutput2 to "<">>
<<set $diceoutcome to 2>>
<<set $diceoutput to "The game ends in a draw!">>
<<set $diceoutcome to 3>>
<<set $money to $money + $betamount1>>
<<set $dicestate to 3>>
<<goto "Dice temp">>
<span class="hoverblock">
<<if $housedice ==3>>
Chance of win = 97% Winnings = 105%
<<elseif $housedice ==4>>
Chance of win = 91% Winnings = 110%
<<elseif $housedice ==5>>
Chance of win = 81% Winnings = 120%
<<elseif $housedice ==6>>
Chance of win = 68% Winnings = 150%
<<elseif $housedice ==7>>
Chance of win = 50% Winnings = 200%
<<elseif $housedice ==8>>
Chance of win = 32% Winnings = 300%
<<elseif $housedice ==9>>
Chance of win = 19% Winnings = 530%
<<elseif $housedice ==10>>
Chance of win = 9% Winnings = 1100%
<<elseif $housedice ==11>>
Chance of win = 3% Winnings = 3300%
<div class="hover">
<<button "Lower!">>
<<set $playerdice to random(2, 12)>>
<<if $playerdice < $housedice>>
<<if $housedice ==3>>
<<set $dicewinmulti to 33>>
<<elseif $housedice ==4>>
<<set $dicewinmulti to 11>>
<<elseif $housedice ==5>>
<<set $dicewinmulti to 5.3>>
<<elseif $housedice ==6>>
<<set $dicewinmulti to 3>>
<<elseif $housedice ==7>>
<<set $dicewinmulti to 2>>
<<elseif $housedice ==8>>
<<set $dicewinmulti to 1.5>>
<<elseif $housedice ==9>>
<<set $dicewinmulti to 1.2>>
<<elseif $housedice ==10>>
<<set $dicewinmulti to 1.1>>
<<elseif $housedice ==11>>
<<set $dicewinmulti to 1.05>>
<<set $dicemoneywon to Math.round($betamount1*$dicewinmulti)>>
<<set $diceoutput to "The player wins!">>
<<set $diceoutput2 to "<">>
<<set $money to $money + $dicemoneywon>>
<<set $diceoutcome to 1>>
<<set $dicemoneywon2 to $dicemoneywon-$betamount1>>
<<elseif $playerdice > $housedice>>
<<set $diceoutput to "House wins!">>
<<set $diceoutput2 to ">">>
<<set $diceoutcome to 2>>
<<set $diceoutput to "The game ends in a draw!">>
<<set $diceoutcome to 3>>
<<set $money to $money + $betamount1>>
<<set $dicestate to 3>>
<<goto "Dice temp">>
<span class="hoverblock">
<<if $housedice ==3>>
Chance of win = 3% Winnings = 3300%
<<elseif $housedice ==4>>
Chance of win = 9% Winnings = 1100%
<<elseif $housedice ==5>>
Chance of win = 19% Winnings = 530%
<<elseif $housedice ==6>>
Chance of win = 32% Winnings = 300%
<<elseif $housedice ==7>>
Chance of win = 50% Winnings = 200%
<<elseif $housedice ==8>>
Chance of win = 68% Winnings = 150%
<<elseif $housedice ==9>>
Chance of win = 81% Winnings = 120%
<<elseif $housedice ==10>>
Chance of win = 91% Winnings = 110%
<<elseif $housedice ==11>>
Chance of win = 97% Winnings = 105%
<<button "Rules">>
UI.alert("<center>After the player makes a bet, the house rolls two, 6 sided dice.<br><br> If the house rolls two 1's, or two 6's, they <m>roll again.</m> <br><br> After a permitted roll is achieved, the player must guess if their roll will be <blue>higher</blue> or <m>lower</m> than the house roll. <br><br> The more <m>risk</m> the player takes, the greater the potential <green>earnings!</green></center>");
<<elseif $dicestate ==3>>
<<if $housedice ==3>>
<center><img src="Images\club\Rabbit botherhood\w2.png" class="pull-left" style="width: 50%"></center>
<<elseif $housedice ==4>>
<center><img src="Images\club\Rabbit botherhood\w3.png" class="pull-left" style="width: 50%"></center>
<<elseif $housedice ==5>>
<center><img src="Images\club\Rabbit botherhood\w4.png" class="pull-left" style="width: 50%"></center>
<<elseif $housedice ==6>>
<center><img src="Images\club\Rabbit botherhood\w5.png" class="pull-left" style="width: 50%"></center>
<<elseif $housedice ==7>>
<center><img src="Images\club\Rabbit botherhood\w6.png" class="pull-left" style="width: 50%"></center>
<<elseif $housedice ==8>>
<center><img src="Images\club\Rabbit botherhood\w7.png" class="pull-left" style="width: 50%"></center>
<<elseif $housedice ==9>>
<center><img src="Images\club\Rabbit botherhood\w8.png" class="pull-left" style="width: 50%"></center>
<<elseif $housedice ==10>>
<center><img src="Images\club\Rabbit botherhood\w9.png" class="pull-left" style="width: 50%"></center>
<<elseif $housedice ==11>>
<center><img src="Images\club\Rabbit botherhood\w10.png" class="pull-left" style="width: 50%"></center>
<<if $playerdice ==2>>
<center><img src="Images\club\Rabbit botherhood\w1.png" class="pull-right" style="width: 50%"></center>
<<elseif $playerdice ==3>>
<center><img src="Images\club\Rabbit botherhood\w2.png" class="pull-right" style="width: 50%"></center>
<<elseif $playerdice ==4>>
<center><img src="Images\club\Rabbit botherhood\w3.png" class="pull-right" style="width: 50%"></center>
<<elseif $playerdice ==5>>
<center><img src="Images\club\Rabbit botherhood\w4.png" class="pull-right" style="width: 50%"></center>
<<elseif $playerdice ==6>>
<center><img src="Images\club\Rabbit botherhood\w5.png" class="pull-right" style="width: 50%"></center>
<<elseif $playerdice ==7>>
<center><img src="Images\club\Rabbit botherhood\w6.png" class="pull-right" style="width: 50%"></center>
<<elseif $playerdice ==8>>
<center><img src="Images\club\Rabbit botherhood\w7.png" class="pull-right" style="width: 50%"></center>
<<elseif $playerdice ==9>>
<center><img src="Images\club\Rabbit botherhood\w8.png" class="pull-right" style="width: 50%"></center>
<<elseif $playerdice ==10>>
<center><img src="Images\club\Rabbit botherhood\w9.png" class="pull-right" style="width: 50%"></center>
<<elseif $playerdice ==11>>
<center><img src="Images\club\Rabbit botherhood\w10.png" class="pull-right" style="width: 50%"></center>
<<elseif $playerdice ==12>>
<center><img src="Images\club\Rabbit botherhood\w10.png" class="pull-right" style="width: 50%"></center>
<center><div class="big">You rolled <<if $playerdice ==8 or $playerdice ==11>>an<<else>>a<</if>> $playerdice</div></center>
<center><div class="medium">$diceoutput (Money <<if $diceoutcome == 1>>won: $dicemoneywon2<<elseif $diceoutcome == 2>>lost: $betamount1<<else>>won: 0<</if>>$)</div></center>
<div id="rps-buttonz">
<div class="actions-horizontal">
<<button "Play again!">>
<<goto "Dice temp">>
<<set $dicestate to 1>>
<<button "Exit">>
<<set $dicestate to 1>>
<<goto "Rabbit Brotherhood">>
<</if>>This is here because the locationbackdrop macro doesnt work if goto links into itself dunno why lol.
<<goto "Dice">><<set $beenthroughfirstfivediner to false>>\
<b>-"Thanks Dandelion."</b> You give him your coat as you enter into the club.
<bartender>-"..."</bartender> Before you could do anything else, Dandelion stops you.
<b>-"Oh..? What is it?"</b> He looks down and starts to rummage through his bag.
<img src="Images\club\training rooms\21993236284_aa4593cc1e_b.jpg">
<b>-"Oh.. You have something for me?"</b> Dandelion nods.
<b>-"What could it be..?"</b> You wonder as he finally takes out an envelope.
<b>-"Thanks.."</b> He hands it to you.
<img src="Images\club\training rooms\envelope.jpg">
<b>-"Should I read it here?"</b> Dandelion shrugs his shoulders.
<b>-"Alright.."</b> You grab it and walk a little further into the club, until you get some privacy.
<b>-"Let's see.."
<<pageReplace"Open it">>\
<b>-"Oh.. It's a letter!"</b> You take out a piece of paper out of the envelope.
You are humbly invited to participate in your first training exercise.
Various members have voiced their displeasure that you've yet to receive any coaching, so in the best interest of the club, we have granted you passage through the first level of sexual education.
Please slide this letter under the first door, you will be met with more experienced members who will walk you through various activities.
Good luck, Warden.
<b>-"Oh wow... A personal letter from the Warden himself."</b> You finish reading the whole thing.
<b>-"I guess I better visit the training rooms then.."</b> After you shove the letter in your backpack, you look around and get your bearings..
<b>-"Right.. Let's get going."</b>
[[Decide where to go next->Club]]
<</pageReplace>><<set $lettertemp10 to true>>\
<b>-"Thanks Dandelion."</b> You give him your coat as you enter into the club.
<bartender>-"..."</bartender> Without saying a word, Dandelion stops you.
<b>-"Hm? What's up?"</b> He extends his arm... He's holding another letter.
<img src="Images\club\training rooms\n1.png">
<b>-"Oh.. Already?"</b> Dandelion nods as you grab it.
<b>-"I completed the first session not that long ago... The Warden must like me."</b> You think as Dandelion steps back.
<b>-"Thanks.."</b> He nods once again as you turn around.
<b>-"Let's see.."</b> After finding a secluded spot, you sit down and look at the envelope again.
<<pageReplace"Open it">>
<b>-"Hmmm.."</b> You begin to read.
You are humbly invited to participate in your second training exercise.
As you might now, all of the workers that have enough training can be rented by the clubs members. In preparation for you to join the ranks, an instructor has been assigned to you.
Please slide this letter under the second door, you will be met by a familiar face inside.
Good luck, Warden.
<b>-"Gulp... I'm already getting ready to be rented... Scary, but exciting!"</b> You finish reading the whole thing.
<b>-"I guess I better visit the training rooms then.."</b> After you shove the letter in your backpack, you look around and get your bearings..
<b>-"Right.. Let's get going."</b>
[[Decide where to go next->Club]]
<</pageReplace>><<if $beenthroughfirsttraining == true>>
<b>-"There they are!"</b>
<b>-"What's behind the other ones? So intriguing..."</b> You place your hand on one of the doors.
<img src="Images\club\intro\m8.webp">
<b>-"I wonder when I'll get the next letter."</b>
<b>-"Sigh, time to go, I have a lot of work to do."</b>
[[Go back->Club]]
<<if $beenthroughfirstfivediner == false and $beenthroughfirsttraining !==true>>\
<<goto "Training rooms 1">>
<<if $firstrainingroomtemp !==true>>\
<<set $firstrainingroomtemp to true>>\
<b>-"Let's see.."</b> You mumble as you round the corner.
<b>-"Hmmm..."</b> The 3 red doors are still here.. Unsurprisingly.
<img src="Images\club\intro\m8.webp">
<b>-"Judy mentioned that I'm supposed to get a letter or something.. What if I try to get inside without one?"</b> You walk up to the first door.
<b>-"Is anybody insideeeee?"</b> You place your hand on the door.
<img src="Images\club\training rooms\red-door.png">
<grey>Bumn Bumn Bumn!</grey>
<b>-"..."</b> The sound of metal hitting wood echos through the halls.. After waiting a bit, nothing happens.
<b>-"Well that's disappointing.."</b> You try to open the door, but it's locked shut.
<b>-"I guess I'll come by when I get the invitation.."</b>
[[Step away from the door->Club]]
<b>-"Hmph..."</b> You mumble as you look at the doors.. From your past attempts, it's pretty obvious that nobody is inside.
<img src="Images\club\intro\m8.webp">
<b>-"What are you hiding.."</b> You place your hand on the door.
<b>-"Sigh.. I'll just come by later."</b>
[[Step away from the door->Club]]
<</if>><<if $training1temp !==true>>
<b>-"Slide this note under the door, huh?"</b> You read the letter once again while you sit.
<img src="Images\club\training rooms\p1.jpg">
<b>-"I wonder what's waiting for me on the other side."</b> After standing up, you make your way towards the ominous red doors.
<b>-"Judy said that this will lead to more tips..."</b>
<b>-"I wonder how the members will know that I've completed stage one."</b> You think as you round a corner and reach your destination.
<img src="Images\club\intro\m8.webp">
<b>-"Hmmm..."</b> After pressing your head against the first door, you try to see if you can hear anyone on the other side, but it's completely silent.
<b>-"So, am I doing this or not?"</b> You ponder as you hold the envelope.
<<pageReplace"Slide the letter under the door.">>
<<goto "Training rooms 1 part 2">>
<<pageReplace"I can always come back later..">>
<<set $training1temp to true>>\
<b>-"N-nah..."</b> You take a step back.
<b>-"The letter never mentioned when I need to do it.. Maybe I should come back later."</b> After putting the envelope back in your pocket, you start to walk off.
<b>-"I think it's dinner time right about now.. Maybe I should check out the diner."</b>
[[Walk towards the diner->Club]]
<b>-"Let's try this again!"</b> You take the letter in your hands and walk towards the doors.
<b>-"I think I'm brave enough to give it a try now.."</b> After reaching them, you bend down.
<img src="Images\club\intro\m8.webp">
<b>-"Right... Let's do this.."</b>
<<pageReplace"Slide the letter under the door.">>
<<goto "Training rooms 1 part 2">>
<<pageReplace"I can always come back later..">>
<b>-"N-nah..."</b> You take a step back.
<b>-"These doors still creep me out, maybe later!"</b> After putting the envelope back in your pocket, you start to walk off.
<b>-"Judy should be working already... Maybe I should join her."</b>
[[Walk towards the diner->Club]]
<</if>><<set $beenthroughfirsttraining to true>>\
<<if $domstatus is true>>\
<b>-"There..."</b> You slide the letter under the door and stand up.
<b>-"Any minute now.."</b>
<b>-"Okay, what?"</b> As you start to raise your hand to knock, the door suddenly makes a noise.
<img src="Images\club\training rooms\p2.jpg">
<b>-"O-oh!"</b> It finally begins to budge!
<b>-"Finally..."</b> As the door opens up completely, you step inside. You're faced with a long corridor, leading to a brightly lit up room.
<b>-"Gosh this is weird..."</b> You start to walk towards the room, while the door shuts behind you.
<img src="Images\club\training rooms\o13.webp">
<b>-"I still don't hear anyone.."</b>
<<pageReplace"Step inside.">>\
<b>-"H-hello?"</b> You say as you step inside of the room.
<pink>-"Ugh, finally."</pink> After your eyes finally adapt to the bright light, you look to your left, towards the voice.
<pink>-"Thought you would never show up, been waiting here for ages!"</pink> There's an incredibly voluptuous woman sitting on a bed.
<img src="Images\club\training rooms\o1.webp">
<b>-"Hah, sorry about that.."</b> You look around the room. It's completely empty, besides one bed and bright fluorescent lights.
<b>-"What is this place? Where are all the windows?"</b>
<pink>-"This is the first training chamber! Others will look different."</pink> The woman says.
<pink>-"There are no windows because of privacy reasons. Some people might feel self conscious about not having much experience."</pink>
<b>-"I'm guessing we're going to be working together?"</b>
<pink>-"I wouldn't call it work.. But yeah, somewhat."</pink>
<<pageReplace"What happens now?">>
<b>-"Right... So, what happens now?"</b>
<pink>-"We can start the lesson if you wish."</pink>
<b>-"What are you going to teach me?"</b> You chuckle.
<pink>-"Hmph... Don't try to be funny, this is an actual lesson that needs your attention."</pink> The woman stands up and walks up to you.
<pink>-"First chamber is about your oral endurance. We'll see how long you can last with me trying my best to make you cum."</pink> She gets on her knees.
<img src="Images\club\training rooms\o3.webp">
<b>-"Oral endurance? What, you want me to eat you out?"</b>
<pink>-"No you idiot, I just told you! I'll suck you off, and we'll see how long you can last!"</pink>
<b>-"Ghahaha sorry!"</b>
<b>-"What should I call you, anyways?"</b> You feel blood pooling towards your cock as she licks her lips.
<pink>-"Fiora is fine."</pink>
<b>-"So... I should get naked now?"</b> Fiora giggles.
<pink>-"Obviously you dummy."</pink>
<b>-"M-my bad! This whole thing is pretty new to me."</b> You start to unbuckle your pants.
<pink>-"No worries, I understand. This isn't my first rodeo, I'll seen plently of personalities."</pink>
<b>-"It isn't?"</b>
<pink>-"No honey, I've been a member for.. What.. Like 4 or 5 years now?"</pink> You throw your pants to the side and get closer.
<b>-"Damn... Well, I'll aim to surpass all the others then."</b>
<pink>-"Good! Now take it out, the sooner we start, the sooner we finish. The diner closes soon and I'm fucking starving!"</pink> She yawns as you lower your underwear.
<img src="Images\club\training rooms\o2.webp">
<pink>-"O-oh my God..."</pink> Fiora stares at your precious sword.
<pink>-"I am... But size isn't everything you know."</pink> She places her hand on your shaft and begins to slowly stroke it.
<pink>-"You could have the biggest rod in the world, but if it stops working after 2 minutes, nobody would want it."</pink>
<b>-"I understand. I think I'm pretty good at holding off though... Ready whenever you are."</b>
<pink>-"Hmph.. Confident. I like that. Sit down on the bed."</pink>
<<pageReplace"Do as she says.">>\
<b>-"Sure."</b> You take a step back and sit down on the bed.
<pink>-"Let's start.."</pink> After she crawls up to you, Fiora takes your cock once again and presses it against her lips.
<pink>-"Hmph.."</pink> Her mouth slowly envelopes your shaft.
<img src="Images\club\training rooms\o4.webp">
<pink>-"Alwready in trouwble?"</pink> Fiora mumbles.
<b>-"MgHHhh.. Keep sucking.."</b> You can tell that she has experience, her skills are incomparable to anyone you've had before.
<pink>-"T-thankwfully.. Slurp.. NghHhhH.. You twaste pwetty gwood.."</pink>
<b>-"A lot of women have said that."</b>
<pink>-"Of couwse..."</pink> Fiora rolls her eyes.
<img src="Images\club\training rooms\o7.webp">
<pink>-"Ahhhhh!"</pink> She stops sucking you off and begins to pleasure you with her hand.
<pink>-"So.. How was that so far?"</pink>
<b>-"S-still holding on strong.."</b>
<pink>-"Hmph.."</pink> She glances at her watch.
<pink>-"Good, it's only been 4 minutes."</pink> Fiora gets back to it as you try your best not to cum.
<<pageReplace"Close your eyes.">>
<b>-"Fuck.."</b> You close your eyes, maybe it'll be easier this way.
<pink>-"MgHhh.. H-hwey! Dwont do thwat!"</pink> She stops once again.
<pink>-"That's cheating!"</pink>
<b>-"It is?"</b>
<pink>-"Mhm! Visual stimulation is part of the test!"</pink>
<pink>-"Speaking of.."</pink> Fiora stands up and begins to remove her lingerie.
<img src="Images\club\training rooms\o6.webp">
<b>-"Oh no.."</b> You're already close to cumming, this is bad!
<pink>-"Hmmmm, is someone getting nervous?"</pink>
<b>-"I'm never nervous... Give it your best shot!"</b> You put on a brave face as Fiora throws her panties to the side and gets on her knees again.
<pink>-"Good... If you last a minute longer you pass."</pink> She begins to lick the tip of your cock as she checks her watch.
<img src="Images\club\training rooms\o5.webp">
<pink>-"Ghehehe.. A little sensitive?"</pink>
<b>-"Shut up!"</b> Your head flies back as Fiora starts to fondle your balls.
<pink>-"30 secownds!"</pink>
<<pageReplace"Try your best">>
<b>-"MghhhH! N-no!"</b> Fiora shoves your rod deep into her throat.
<b>-"F-fuckkkK!!"</b> Fiora pulls it out to get a breath, but it's already too late... You start to explode..
<pink>-"O-oh!"</pink> She seems surprised, but quickly aims your rod at her mouth and begins to stroke.
<img src="Images\club\training rooms\o8.webp">
<pink>-"MmmMm... Delicious.."</pink>
<b>-"GoshHhhhh... So good..."</b> As the last drop of semen seeps out, Fiora swallows once again and checks her watch.
<pink>-"7 minutes on the dot, you passed!"</pink> She stands up as you lay down.
<b>-"T-that was only 7 minutes?"</b>
<pink>-"I said that I was good!"</pink> She lays down next to you.
<b>-"Shit.."</b> You try to catch your breath.
<pink>-"Don't put yourself down, most don't even last that long!"</pink> Fiora smirks.
<img src="Images\club\training rooms\o9.webp">
<b>-"You're really annoying..."</b>
<pink>-"Yeah yeah yeah, most men say that."</pink>
<b>-"You know, I might not last that long, but I can always go for another round!"</b> You sit up as you hear her laugh.
<pink>-"Ghahahaha! Sure! Everyone says that!"</pink>
<b>-"You don't believe me?"</b>
<pink>-"After I drained you like that? No, I don't."</pink>
<<pageReplace"Maybe you're right.">>
<b>-"Hmph.. Maybe you're right."</b> She's annoying, but as long as you passed, it's fine.
<pink>-"Of course I am."</pink> Fiora stands up.
<b>-"Gosh you're cocky."</b>
<pink>-"You won't have to suffer any longer, don't worry."</pink>
<pink>-"Give me a second.."</pink> Fiora takes a tissue from a box on the ground and cleans her face. She then walks to her discarded lingerie and pulls something out from the pile.
<pink>-"Here."</pink> She hands you a.. Pin?
<b>-"What's this?"</b> You take it.
<img src="Images\club\training rooms\p16.webp">
<pink>-"Just a pin to let other members know you've completed the first round of training."</pink>
<b>-"Hmph... I haven't seen Judy wear one.."</b> You mumble.
<b>-"One of the servers at the diner. The one with big tits."</b>
<pink>-"Ohhhh right, her! She's been part of the club for a while, all of the members know her quite well by know."</pink>
<b>-"Oh, so she doesn't need them?"</b>
<pink>-"Yeahhhhhhh, pretty much. Everyone pretty much knows she'll do anything for a good tip."</pink> Fiora sits down next to you.
<b>-"I'm pretty new, so I'll put it on then, just in case."</b> You stick the pin on your shirt, making sure it's clearly visible.
<pink>-"Good! Now members will be able to tell you're a little more experienced! Don't be surprised if you get approached with more hardcore stuff."</pink> Fiora stands up, you follow suit.
<b>-"Right.. Thanks."</b>
<pink>-"Now shoo shoo, time for you to go. I have to clean this whole place up."</pink> You look around the room, it is indeed pretty filthy and covered in saliva.
<b>-"Cool, it's been fun Fiora."</b>
<pink>-"Like wise."</pink>
<b>-"Have a good one!"</b> Fiora nods and you begin walking out of the room.
<b>-"Well.. That was pretty fun.."</b> Your balls are completely drained! You check the time... It's ten past midnight!
<b>-"Fuck! The kitchen closed 10 minutes ago.."</b> The door swings open as you get near it.
<b>-"I guess I'll just head home then."</b> You step out and begin walking towards your car.
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
<grey>Technique +1!</grey>
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Prove her wrong.">>
<b>-"Well, think again."</b> You decide to prove the annoying slut wrong... As you stand up, your cock gets rock hard again.
<pink>-"W-what?"</pink> Fiora stutters as she looks down.
<b>-"Now come here.."</b> You grab her by the hair and pull her out of bed.
<pink>-"NghhhHH! S-stop being s-so rough!"</pink>
<b>-"Open wide."</b> She frowns, but does as instructed.
<b>-"NgHhHH!"</b> You moan as you shove your shaft deep in her throat.
<pink>-"MmmghhhHHH! S-slow dwownn!!"</pink>
<img src="Images\club\training rooms\o10.gif">
<b>-"Not so funny now, huh?"</b>
<pink>-"GhhHhhnnnghhh!"</pink> Saliva begins to pour out of her mouth as you speed up.
<pink>-"NghHhh.. Swo bwiggGggg... Slurp.."</pink>
<img src="Images\club\training rooms\o11.webp">
<b>-"Does everyone do this, huh?"</b> You pull her hear.
<pink>-"N-nwooooOoooOOooo... MghhHH..."</pink>
<b>-"FuckkKK!"</b> Fiora suddenly grabs your balls again... You're about to bust for a second time!
<b>-"T-take this!"</b> You push her head away before...
<<pageReplace"Covering her face with cum">>
<b>-"GhHHhhhHHH!"</b> You explode all over her.
<pink>-"Agghhhhhh! J-jeez!"</pink> Fiora shouts after taking a breath.
<img src="Images\club\training rooms\o12.webp">
<b>-"Ghhaa! H-how about that!"</b> This round only lasted a couple of minutes, but you could already go for thirds!
<pink>-"You fucking asshole.."</pink>
<pink>-"Ugh..."</pink> She looks up at you.
<pink>-"As much as I hate being manhandled... That was good... Not a lof of men can go for seconds that quickly."</pink>
<b>-"That's what you get for comparing me to everyone else."</b>
<pink>-"Grrrr.."</pink> Fiora glares at you as she stands up.
<pink>-"Whatever... The important part is that you passed."</pink>
<b>-"Good."</b> You begin to put on your pants as you sit on the bed.
<pink>-"Give me a second.."</pink> Fiora takes a tissue from a box on the ground and cleans her face. She then walks to her discarded lingerie and pulls something out from the pile.
<pink>-"Here."</pink> She hands you a.. Pin?
<b>-"What's this?"</b> You take it.
<img src="Images\club\training rooms\p16.webp">
<pink>-"Just a pin to let other members know you've completed the first round of training."</pink>
<b>-"Hmph... I haven't seen Judy wear one.."</b> You mumble.
<b>-"One of the servers at the diner. The one with big tits."</b>
<pink>-"Ohhhh right, her! She's been part of the club for a while, all of the members know her quite well by know."</pink>
<b>-"Oh, so she doesn't need them?"</b>
<pink>-"Yeahhh, everyone pretty much knows she'll do anything for a tip."</pink> Fiora giggles and sits down next to you.
<b>-"I'm pretty new, so I'll put it on then, just in case."</b> You stick the pin on your shirt, making sure it's clearly visible.
<pink>-"Good! Now members will be able to tell you're a little more experienced! Don't be surprised if you get approached with more hardcore stuff."</pink> Fiora stands up, you follow suit.
<b>-"Right.. Thanks."</b>
<pink>-"Now shoo shoo, time for you to go. I have to clean this whole place up."</pink> You look around the room, it is indeed pretty filthy and covered in saliva.
<b>-"Cool, it's been fun Fiora."</b>
<pink>-"Like wise."</pink> She punches your shoulder.
<pink>-"Just don't pull that shit again!"</pink>
<b>-"Ghaaaa! Fine!"</b> You chuckle.
<b>-"Have a good one!"</b> Fiora nods and you begin walking out of the room.
<b>-"Well.. That was pretty fun.."</b> Your balls are completely drained! You check the time... It's ten past midnight!
<b>-"Fuck! The kitchen closed 10 minutes ago.."</b> The door swings open as you get near it.
<b>-"I guess I'll just head home then."</b> You step out and begin walking towards your car.
<<set $dominant to $dominant +2>>
<blue>Dominant +2!</blue>
<grey>Technique +1!</grey>
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<b>-"There..."</b> You slide the letter under the door and stand up.
<b>-"Any minute now.."</b>
<b>-"Okay, what?"</b> As you start to raise your hand to knock, the door suddenly makes a noise.
<img src="Images\club\training rooms\p2.jpg">
<b>-"O-oh!"</b> It finally begins to budge!
<b>-"Finally..."</b> As the door opens up completely, you step inside. You're faced with a long corridor, leading to a brightly lit up room.
<b>-"Gosh this is weird..."</b> You start to walk towards the room, while the door shuts behind you.
<img src="Images\club\training rooms\o13.webp">
<b>-"I still don't hear anyone.."</b>
<<pageReplace"Step inside.">>\
<b>-"H-hello?"</b> You say as you step inside of the room.
<blue>-"Finally!"</blue> You hear a masculine voice coming from the left.
<blue>-"Thought you would never show up, been waiting here for ages!"</blue> There's an incredibly tall and well built man sitting on the bed to the side.
<img src="Images\club\training rooms\p3.jpg">
<b>-"Hah, sorry about that.."</b> You look around the room. It's completely empty, besides one bed and bright fluorescent lights.
<b>-"W-what is this place? Where are all the windows?"</b>
<blue>-"This is the first training chamber! Others will look different."</blue> The man says.
<blue>-"There are no windows because of privacy reasons. Some people might feel self conscious about not having much experience."</blue>
<b>-"I'm guessing we're going to be working together?"</b>
<blue>-"I wouldn't call it work.. But yeah, somewhat. I'm Darius."</blue>
<b>-"I'm $name2... Also, what's with the mask..."</b> You feel so strange, all he's doing is just sitting there, but you're already turned on!
<blue>-"Same as the room, I just prefer my privacy, that's all."</blue>
<<pageReplace"What happens now?">>
<b>-"Right... S-so, what happens now?"</b> You look down in embarrassment.
<blue>-"We can start the lesson, if you wish!"</blue> His eyes squint, insinuating that he's smiling.
<b>-"What are you going to teach me?"</b>
<blue>-"First lesson is about improving oral skills."</blue> Darius takes out his cock.
<img src="Images\club\training rooms\p4.webp">
<b>-"Gulp... Fuck me that thing is massive!"</b> You think as a spurt of pre cum runs out of your cage.
<blue>-"What... Impressed already?"</blue> The man chuckles.
<blue>-"It isn't even hard yet."</blue>
<b>-"I.. I am.. I've never seen a cock that big before."</b> Darius walks up to you.
<blue>-"Don't worry, I'll be gentle."</blue> He places his hands on your shoulders.
<blue>-"Now take your clothes off, let's get started."</blue> You nod and do as he instructed.
<b>-"S-sorry.. If I'm not what you thought I was.."</b> You say after finally removing your underwear.
<blue>-"Heh, no need, I prefer it when girls are this way anyways..."</blue> Darius smacks your locked cock with his own...
<img src="Images\club\training rooms\p6.webp">
<b>-"NgHhhhh.."</b> You take a step back as your balls scream in pain for a couple of seconds.
<blue>-"Come on beautiful, get on the bed."</blue>
<b>-"MgHhh... Y-yess.."</b> You nod and do as instructed.
<<pageReplace"Take in the beauty of what's in front of you.">>
<b>-"Oh my God.."</b> You take his cock and compare it to your forearm... It's almost the same size!
<img src="Images\club\training rooms\p7.webp">
<blue>-"You think it'll fit inside?"</blue> Your eyes grow wide.
<blue>-"Inside your mouth you dumbass! Intercourse training will come later."</blue> He chuckles again as you breath out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Oh thank God.."</b> You can't even begin to imagine what it would take to fit that monster of a cock inside of you.
<b>-"Y-yeah.. I think I can give it a shot."</b> You get on your knees right in front of him.
<blue>-"Make me cum in 7 minutes or less, and you pass."</blue> Darius checks his watch.
<b>-"Copy that.."</b> Right as the words leave your lips, he places his cock right on your face.
<b>-"Gosh.. So warm.."</b> Yet another spurt of pre cum leaves your cage as you take in the masculine smell of his balls...
<img src="Images\club\training rooms\p8.webp">
<blue>-"MghHhh.. Oh yeah.."</blue>
<b>-"So big.."</b> After a good minute of taking in the beautiful sight in front of you, you finally decide to show off your skills.
<<pageReplace"Give it a taste.">>\
<b>-"MMmmmmMmm.."</b> You moan as you start to lick Darius's shaft.
<blue>-"Oh yeah babe.."</blue>
<img src="Images\club\training rooms\p17.webp">
<b>-"Gosh... Has cock always tasted this nice?"</b> You think as your head begins to spin.
<<if $emilybnwoevent >=10>>\
<b>-"M-maybe it's because.. I'm licking a black cock...?"</b> You remember Jia saying that they taste better...
<b>-"Hah.. I-I wonder if Emily would be proud of me.."</b>
<blue>-"NgHhhhh.. You alright there?"</blue> He moves your hair out of the way.
<b>-"Y-yeah..."</b> Your chastity cage is holding on for dear life...
<b>-"MmmmMMMmhhghhhh!"</b> You place the tip of his cock inside of your mouth.
<blue>-"Good, good.. MgHhhh.. Now slowly insert it deeper."</blue>
<b>-"NghHHHH!!!"</b> To your and Darius's surprise, the cock slides right in.
<blue>-"O-ohhhHHHhh!! W-wow!"</blue>
<b>-"Slurp.. O-oh mwy Gwod.."</b>
<img src="Images\club\training rooms\p9.webp">
<blue>-"Shit.. I didn't know you had that in you!"</blue> You can tell he's smiling behind that mask..
<b>-"GhHHhhhRrrGGHhhHH.."</b> You start to choke..
<<pageReplace"Take a breath.">>
<b>-"Ghaaaaaaaahhhhh!"</b> You take a deep breath as you look at his cock again.. It's completely covered in saliva.
<blue>-"3 minutes remaining... I'm close princess, get to work."</blue> As Darius shifts his body, you get an idea.
<b>-"G-ghah... S-sorry..."</b> You cough.
<b>-"H-how about... Mghhh.. You use my mouth yourself?"</b>
<b>-"You heard me... Most customers do that anyways..."</b> He takes a second to think about it.
<blue>-"We're testing your skills here, but what the hell, you're too hot!"</blue> Darius suddenly shoves his cock in your mouth and grabs your head.
<blue>-"OoHHhHHH fuck yeahhhHH!"</blue>
<img src="Images\club\training rooms\p11.webp">
<b>-"GwahhHHh GWahhghh Gwahghh!"</b> You try your best to get enough air as he face fucks the shit out of you.
<blue>-"NgHhhhHH!! Y-you're so good!"</blue>
<b>-"How did I end up here.."</b> You take a moment to wonder.
<b>-"I don't care anymore... I just want to suck more cock.."</b>
<blue>-"I-I'm close!"</blue> Darius screams.
<img src="Images\club\training rooms\p12.webp">
<blue>-"S-shit shitTttt SHITTT!"</blue> He pulls out his cock from your mouth and begins stroking it as fast as he can.
<blue>-"Where do you want it?!"</blue>
<<pageReplace"Nowhere near me.">>
<b>-"N-nowhere near me please!"</b> You back away a bit... You hate the feel and taste of semen.
<b>-"You heard me!"</b>
<blue>-"MghhHhh... Fuckk!!!"</blue> Darius explodes while stroking his cock.
<img src="Images\club\training rooms\p15.webp">
<b>-"Jesus that's a lot..."</b>
<blue>-"NghhHhhhhH!"</blue> He manages to spurt out a couple more drops.
<b>-"W-wow..."</b> Darius takes a step back and falls on the bed from exhaustion.
<blue>-"6 minutes and 30 seconds... Good fucking job."</blue>
<blue>-"I don't remember... A session.. Feeling this good... Ever!"</blue> He says inbetween pants.
<blue>-"You need to learn to take it on your face at least... In your mouth is best."</blue>
<b>-"Sorry.."</b>You take a second to look around. The bedsheets are covered in your saliva, you're sitting in a pool of your own pre cum and Darius's thighs are covered in semen.
<blue>-"S-shit.. Give me a second."</blue> Darius shakes his head and jumps out of bed. He finds some tissues on the ground and comes back with them.
<blue>-"Surprised myself with that load."</blue> He wipes off the cum from his thighs.
<b>-"It was huge.."</b> Your chastity cage is practically bursting, it hurts quite a bit.
<b>-"W-what now?"</b>
<blue>-"Now... You get this!"</blue> He walks to his discarded pants and takes out something from their pockets.
<blue>-"There you go."</blue> He hands you a.. Pin?
<b>-"What's this?"</b> You take it.
<img src="Images\club\training rooms\p16.webp">
<blue>-"Just a pin to let other members know you've completed the first round of training."</blue>
<b>-"Hmph... I haven't seen Judy wear one.."</b> You mumble.
<b>-"She's one of the servers at the diner.. The one that likes to cosplay."</b>
<blue>-"Ohhhh right, her! She's been part of the club for a while, all of the members know her quite well by know."</blue>
<b>-"O-oh, so she doesn't need them?"</b>
<blue>-"Yeahhhhhhh, pretty much. Everyone pretty much knows she'll do anything for a good tip."</blue> Darius sits down next to you. You stare at his falccid cock... It's still at least twice your size.
<b>-"I'm pretty new, so I'll put it on then, just in case."</b> You stick the pin on your shirt, making sure it's clearly visible.
<blue>-"Good! Now members will be able to tell you're a little more experienced! Don't be surprised if you get approached with more hardcore stuff."</blue> You both stand up. After finding some tissues, you begin cleaning your crotch area.
<blue>-"But I think you got it covered."</blue> He chuckles as you start to put on your clothes.
<b>-"Hahaha.. T-thanks.."</b>
<blue>-"Now shoo shoo, time for you to go. I have to clean this whole place up."</blue>
<b>-"Understood.. T-thanks Darius."</b>
<pink>-"Like wise."</pink>
<b>-"Goodbye!"</b> Darius nods and you begin walking out of the room.
<b>-"I'm going to jack off so hard when I get back..."</b> Your balls are ready to explode! You check the time... It's ten past midnight!
<b>-"Agh.. The kitchen closed 10 minutes ago."</b> The door swings open as you get near it.
<b>-"I guess I'll just head home then."</b> You step out and begin walking towards your car.
<b>-"I can't deny it anymore... I love cocks."</b>
<<set $feminization to $feminization +1>>
<emily>Feminization +1!</emily>
<grey>Technique +1!</grey>
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"On my face.">>
<b>-"O-on my face!"</b> You shout as he nods in approval.
<blue>-"MghhHhh... Here it comes!!!"</blue> Darius explodes straight onto your face.
<img src="Images\club\training rooms\p18.gif">
<b>-"Sooo warm..."</b>
<blue>-"NghhHhhhhH... Y-yessSsss!"</blue> He manages to spurt out a couple more drops.
<b>-"MghhhH.."</b> Darius takes a step back and falls on the bed from exhaustion.
<blue>-"I don't remember... A session.. Feeling this good... Ever!"</blue> He says inbetween pants.
<blue>-"6 minutes and 30 seconds... Good fucking job."</blue>
<b>-"Fuck me.."</b> You take a second to look around. The bedsheets are covered in your saliva, you're sitting in a pool of your own pre cum and your face is covered with semen...
<blue>-"S-shit.. Let me help!"</blue> Darius shakes his head and jumps out of bed. He finds some tissues on the ground and comes back with them.
<blue>-"Here.."</blue> He wipes off his cum from your face.
<b>-"T-thanks.."</b> Your chastity cage is practically bursting, it hurts quite a bit.
<b>-"NghHhh.. W-what now? I need to go to the toilet."</b>
<blue>-"Now... You get this!"</blue> He walks to his discarded pants and takes out something from their pockets.
<blue>-"There you go."</blue> He hands you a.. Pin?
<b>-"What's this?"</b> You take it.
<img src="Images\club\training rooms\p16.webp">
<blue>-"Just a pin to let other members know you've completed the first round of training."</blue>
<b>-"Hmph... I haven't seen Judy wear one.."</b> You mumble.
<b>-"She's one of the servers at the diner.. The one that likes to cosplay."</b>
<blue>-"Ohhhh right, her! She's been part of the club for a while, all of the members know her quite well by know."</blue>
<b>-"O-oh, so she doesn't need them?"</b>
<blue>-"Yeahhhhhhh, pretty much. Everyone pretty much knows she'll do anything for a good tip."</blue> Darius sits down next to you. You stare at his falccid cock... It's still at least twice your size.
<b>-"I'm pretty new, so I'll put it on then, just in case."</b> You stick the pin on your shirt, making sure it's clearly visible.
<blue>-"Good! Now members will be able to tell you're a little more experienced! Don't be surprised if you get approached with more hardcore stuff."</blue> You both stand up. After finding some tissues, you begin cleaning your crotch area.
<blue>-"But I think you got it covered."</blue> He chuckles as you start to put on your clothes.
<b>-"Hahaha.. T-thanks.."</b>
<blue>-"Now shoo shoo, time for you to go. I have to clean this whole place up."</blue>
<b>-"Understood.. T-thanks Darius."</b>
<pink>-"Like wise."</pink>
<b>-"Goodbye!"</b> Darius nods and you begin walking out of the room.
<b>-"I'm going to jack off so hard when I get back..."</b> Your balls are ready to explode! You check the time... It's ten past midnight!
<b>-"Agh.. The kitchen closed 10 minutes ago."</b> The door swings open as you get near it.
<b>-"I guess I'll just head home then."</b> You step out and begin walking towards your car.
<b>-"I can't deny it anymore... I love cocks."</b>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
<<set $feminization to $feminization +1>>
<emily>Feminization +1!</emily>
<grey>Technique +1!</grey>
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"In my mouth.">>
<b>-"I-in my mouth!"</b> You shout as he nods in approval.
<blue>-"MghhHhh... Here it comes!!!"</blue> Darius explodes, aiming straight at your mouth.
<img src="Images\club\training rooms\p13.webp">
<b>-"Sooo goodddd..."</b> You gulp it all down.
<blue>-"NghhHhhhhH... Y-yessSsss!"</blue> He manages to spurt out a couple more drops.
<b>-"MghhhH.. Delicious!"</b> Darius takes a step back and falls on the bed from exhaustion.
<blue>-"I don't remember... A session.. Feeling this good... Ever!"</blue> He says inbetween pants.
<blue>-"6 minutes and 30 seconds... Good fucking job."</blue>
<b>-"Fuck me.."</b> You take a second to look around. The bedsheets are covered in your saliva, you're sitting in a pool of your own pre cum and you just swallowed a massive load of semen.
<blue>-"S-shit.. Let me help!"</blue> Darius shakes his head and jumps out of bed. He finds some tissues on the ground and comes back with them.
<blue>-"Here.."</blue> He wipes off his cum from your lips.
<b>-"T-thanks.."</b> Your chastity cage is practically bursting, it hurts quite a bit.
<b>-"NghHhh.. W-what now? I need to go to the toilet."</b>
<blue>-"Now... You get this!"</blue> He walks to his discarded pants and takes out something from their pockets.
<blue>-"There you go."</blue> He hands you a.. Pin?
<b>-"What's this?"</b> You take it.
<img src="Images\club\training rooms\p16.webp">
<blue>-"Just a pin to let other members know you've completed the first round of training."</blue>
<b>-"Hmph... I haven't seen Judy wear one.."</b> You mumble.
<b>-"She's one of the servers at the diner.. The one that likes to cosplay."</b>
<blue>-"Ohhhh right, her! She's been part of the club for a while, all of the members know her quite well by know."</blue>
<b>-"O-oh, so she doesn't need them?"</b>
<blue>-"Yeahhhhhhh, pretty much. Everyone pretty much knows she'll do anything for a good tip."</blue> Darius sits down next to you. You stare at his falccid cock... It's still at least twice your size.
<b>-"I'm pretty new, so I'll put it on then, just in case."</b> You stick the pin on your shirt, making sure it's clearly visible.
<blue>-"Good! Now members will be able to tell you're a little more experienced! Don't be surprised if you get approached with more hardcore stuff."</blue> You both stand up. After finding some tissues, you begin cleaning your crotch area.
<blue>-"But I think you got it covered."</blue> He chuckles as you start to put on your clothes.
<b>-"Hahaha.. T-thanks.."</b>
<blue>-"Now shoo shoo, time for you to go. I have to clean this whole place up."</blue>
<b>-"Understood.. T-thanks Darius."</b>
<pink>-"Like wise."</pink>
<b>-"Goodbye!"</b> Darius nods and you begin walking out of the room.
<b>-"I'm going to jack off so hard when I get back..."</b> Your balls are ready to explode! You check the time... It's ten past midnight!
<b>-"Agh.. The kitchen closed 10 minutes ago."</b> The door swings open as you get near it.
<b>-"I guess I'll just head home then."</b> You step out and begin walking towards your car.
<b>-"I can't deny it anymore... I love cocks."</b>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<<set $feminization to $feminization +1>>
<emily>Feminization +1!</emily>
<grey>Technique +1!</grey>
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<</if>>\<<if $training2temp !==true>>
<b>-"Second training session, huh?"</b> You read the letter once again while you sit.
<img src="Images\club\training rooms\n24.png">
<b>-"I wonder what's waiting for me on the other side..."</b> After standing up, you make your way towards the ominous red doors.
<b>-"Last time it went pretty well and I did start recieving more tips."</b>
<b>-"I wonder how much more I will get if I go through stage two."</b> You think as you round a corner and reach your destination.
<img src="Images\club\intro\m8.webp">
<b>-"Hmmm..."</b> After pressing your head against the second door, you try to see if you can hear anyone on the other side, but it's completely silent.
<b>-"So, am I doing this or not?"</b> You ponder as you hold the envelope.
<<pageReplace"Slide the letter under the door.">>
<<goto "Training rooms 2 part 2">>
<<pageReplace"I can always come back later..">>
<<set $training2temp to true>>\
<b>-"N-nah..."</b> You take a step back.
<b>-I should come back later."</b> After putting the envelope back in your pocket, you start to walk off.
<b>-"I think it's dinner time right about now.. Maybe I should check out the diner."</b>
[[Walk towards the diner->Club]]
<b>-"Let's try this again!"</b> You take the letter in your hands and walk towards the doors.
<b>-"I think I'm brave enough to give it a try now.."</b> After reaching them, you bend down.
<img src="Images\club\intro\m8.webp">
<b>-"Right... Let's do this.."</b>
<<pageReplace"Slide the letter under the door.">>
<<goto "Training rooms 2 part 2">>
<<pageReplace"I can always come back later..">>
<b>-"N-nah..."</b> You take a step back.
<b>-"Even though I've done stage one already, I don't think I'm ready for stage two... At least not now."</b> After putting the envelope back in your pocket, you start to walk off.
<b>-"Judy should be working already... Maybe I should join her."</b>
[[Walk towards the diner->Club]]
<</if>><<set $beenthroughsecondtraining to true>>\
<<if $domstatus !==true>>
<b>-"There..."</b> You slide the envelope under the door and stand up.
<b>-"..."</b> After a second or two, the door open.
<img src="Images\club\training rooms\n2.jpg">
<b>-"I wonder how the door just opens by itself... The letter is always missing too."</b>
<b>-"Ahem..."</b> You step through the doorway. You're faced with a long corridor, illuminated by some red lights.
<b>-"Agh, this looks excatly the same as last time."</b>
<img src="Images\club\training rooms\n3.jfif">
<b>-"Yup, there it is."</b> You say as you walk through the corridor and begin to see a bright white room at the end of it.
<b>-"Looks excatly the same... But where is the instructor?"</b> You step into the room and look around. There's a bed, a table and a couple of chairs. You also notice a bathroom to the side.
<grey>-"FlusHhhhh!"</grey> You hear as someone flushes the toilet.
<b>-"That must be him!"</b>
<<pageReplace"Wait for him.">>\
<b>-"H-hey..."</b> You smile as you see a familiar face leaving the restroom. It's Darius!
<blue>-"Agh, you're here! Welcome $name2."</blue>
<b>-"You're my instructor again?"</b>
<img src="Images\club\training rooms\n5.jpg">
<blue>-"Mhm. What, is there a problem?"</blue>
<b>-"N-no, no, if course not. Just thought that each session would feature a new one or something."</b>
<blue>-"Most people feel a lot more confident and willing to learn if they experience the training with the same instructor each time."</blue> He sits down.
<b>-"Understood..."</b> You swallow some saliva and look around.
<b>-"So what are we going to do?"</b>
<blue>-"To earn your second pin, you'll have to improve your anal skills!"</blue> He smiles.
<b>-"They're pretty good already..."</b>
<blue>-"Well good! Then show them off and If you do well enough, you will have the pin in no time!"</blue> Darius points to a wall behind you.
<blue>-"3 toys, going up in size. If you take them all without a problem, you succeed."</blue> You turn around and look.
<img src="Images\club\training rooms\n6.jpg">
<b>-"Gulp..."</b> You've taken bigger, but these sizes are still nothing to scoff at.
<blue>-"During the third session, you will have to take me, and if you remember, I'm a lot bigger."</blue>
<blue>-"So do your best, stretch that hole of yours real good and you'll be able to move on."</blue>
<b>-"Wow..."</b> You'll have to... Fuck him? Sounds painful...
<<pageReplace"When do I start?">>
<b>-"W-when do I start?"</b> Your voice quivers as you look at Darius.
<blue>-"Whenever you want! The quicker you start, the quicker we can finish!"</blue>
<blue>-"Oh, almost forgot! You're caged right? I think you already know, but it's a requirement."</blue>
<b>-"Of course!"</b> You show off your caged clit.
<img src="Images\club\training rooms\n7.webp">
<blue>-"Good..."</blue> He licks his lips.
<blue>-"Start whenever you're ready then, I'll be watching from here."</blue> He crosses his arms and continues to sit.
<b>-"S-sure..."</b> You find a little couch in the corner of the room. You take a seat and begin to take off your clothes.
<img src="Images\club\training rooms\n8.jpg">
<blue>-"Wow... You look a lot more... Feminine."</blue> Darius looks you up and down.
<b>-"I do...?"</b> You touch your body while looking at him.
<blue>-"Mhm... Your chest is bigger, hips are wider. You look... Incredible!"</blue> Your cheeks blush as you stand up completely nude.
<b>-"T-thanks Darius... I tried."</b> You walk over the toys. You leave the smallest one of the wall and take the other two off.
<img src="Images\club\training rooms\n9.jpg">
<blue>-"Here."</blue> He walks over to you and hands you some lube.
<b>-"Gulp... Thanks."</b> You smile as he towers over you. You're getting hard already!
<<pageReplace"Lube up.">>
<b>-"MghHhh..."</b> You let out a small moan as you put some lube around your ass.
<blue>-"Don't forget to drench the toy in it as well."</blue> He walks back and sits down.
<img src="Images\club\training rooms\n12.jpeg">
<b>-"Of course..."</b> You do as you're told and put down the bottle on the ground.
<b>-"H-here I go then!"</b> You say as you inch closer to the toy.
<blue>-"Mhm."</blue> As Darius watches, you slowly insert the toy into your asshole. Unsurprisingly, it goes in without a problem. You've had plently of practice, so such a small toy doesn't faze you one bit.
<img src="Images\club\training rooms\n10.webp">
<b>-"NghHhh..."</b> However, it still feels good.
<blue>-"You weren't lying, it went in pretty easily."</blue>
<b>-"I would never lie to you Darius..."</b> You flirt with him a bit as you increase the speed.
<img src="Images\club\training rooms\n11.webp">
<b>-"MGHhhh... Easy!"</b>
<blue>-"I can tell haha!"</blue> He chuckles.
<blue>-"Enough of that then, move on the bigger one."</blue>
<<pageReplace"Do as you're told.">>
<b>-"S-sure... NgHHHhh..."</b> You inch forward as the toy slowly leaves your bottom.
<b>-"There!"</b> You stick the second toy on the wall and take off the first one.
<grey>-"SplurtTTtt..."</grey> The lube bottle makes a farting sound as you squeeze it.
<blue>-"Start whenever you feel comfortable."</blue>Darius continues to watch intently.
<b>-"Yes..."</b> You turn around and with one swift motion of your hips, you insert the toy inside.
<img src="Images\club\training rooms\n14.webp">
<b>-"MGHhhh...!"</b> This one is a bit bigger, but it's still not big enough to cause any problems.
<b>-"Shit..."</b> It is curved a bit however, so it perfectly hits you g-spot. It feels so good!
<blue>-"Good girl! Can you make it go in and out?"</blue> Darius needs to make sure you can please the members who rent you...
<b>-"O-of course!"</b>
<img src="Images\club\training rooms\n15.webp">
<b>-"ShitTTtttt... It feels so good!"</b> Your cock begins to throb in it's cage as you ride the dildo.
<blue>-"Very good..."</blue> The man licks his lips again and continues watching.
<b>-"NgHHhh..."</b> Your cage begins to leak as the toy pummels your anus.
<img src="Images\club\training rooms\n16.png">
<blue>-"Ghhhh..."</blue> Darius lets out a quiet moan as you notice a bulge in his pants. He's getting turned on!
<blue>-"A-ahemm! I think that's enough for now, I can tell that you can take it without a problem."</blue> He fixes his tie.
<blue>-"Move on to the last one. If you can take it properly, you'l get the pin!"</blue>
<<pageReplace"Get off of the toy.">>\
<b>-"MGHhhhrrrhhh..."</b> You let out a moan as the toy leaves your asshole.
<b>-"Here..."</b> You put it away and stick the biggest one on the wall.
<img src="Images\club\training rooms\n17.jpg">
<b>-"Gulp..."</b> You've definitely taken bigger before, but this size is still not something to mess with!
<blue>-"Hah, what's with the face? Worried?"</blue> Darius grins.
<b>-"Hahaha... A bit!"</b> You awkwardly laugh and cover the toy in lube.
<b>-"H-here I go!"</b> Darius crosses his arms and watches as you slowly back into the toy.
<b>-"MgHHhhHH!"</b> You start to moan as the toy penetrates you...
<img src="Images\club\training rooms\n18.webp">
<b>-"B-big..."</b> As it goes deeper and deeper inside, it begins to stretch your sides.
<blue>-"Good girl, keep going."</blue>
<<pageReplace"Speed up.">>\
<b>-"NghHHhh!"</b> You spread your cheeks apart and go to pound town.
<blue>-"Hah, bravo! You take it a like a pro!"</blue>
<img src="Images\club\training rooms\n19.webp">
<b>-"S-shiTttTt!"</b> As you continue to demolish your ass with the toy, your cage begins to leak once again, but now it feels different...
<b>-"I... I think I'm about to cum!"</b>
<b>-"NghHHh!"</b> You quickly move the toy down half a meter and mount it again. Now you can fall to your knees and pleasure yourself even faster!
<img src="Images\club\training rooms\n20.gif">
<b>-"GrRHhhHH!"</b> You're about to cum!
<blue>-"Good $name2, good. Before you cum, stop."</blue> His words destroy your mood.
<b>-"H-huh? What?!"</b> You look up at him.
<blue>-"Some clients don't like their sissies cumming. You have to be able to control it."</blue>
<b>-"FucKKkkK!"</b> You feel as the cum begins to climb up your shaft... You have to stop ASAP!
<<pageReplace"Take the toy out.">>
<b>-"NghHhh!"</b> You quickly move forward so the toy stops pleasuring you... You were so close to an orgasm!
<blue>-"Good girl."</blue> Darius stands up and walks over to you.
<blue>-"That was impressive, I don't doubt you could take a real cock even now."</blue> You sigh and sit up, your cock still throbbing.
<b>-"NgHHh... I don't doubt it either."</b>
<blue>-"But, club rules are club rules, can't speed up the process unfortunately."</blue> As he begins to reach into his suit pocket, you sit up, excited.
<b>-"Y-yes, the pin!"</b> You think, as your small, estrogen filled titties jump.
<img src="Images\club\training rooms\n13.webp">
<b>-"So, we're done?!"</b> You smile.
<blue>-"For today? We sure are!"</blue> He finds what he was looking for and begins to pull it out of the pocket.
<img src="Images\club\training rooms\n22.png">
<blue>-"Here."</blue> He takes out the second pin and hands it to you.
<b>-"F-fuck yeah!"</b> You grab it and face Darius again.
<blue>-"Good job $name2, continue to work as a server and the warden will send you the third letter in no time, I'm sure of it!"</blue>
<b>-"I... I hope so!"</b> You're finally going to be fucked...
<blue>-"Go and clean up. I'll collect the toys."</blue> Darius walks past you as you look down at the pin.
<img src="Images\club\training rooms\n23.webp">
<b>-"R-right, that's a good idea."</b> You say as you stand up. Time to clean yourself up in the restroom!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
<<set $feminization to $feminization +2>>
<emily>Feminization +2!</emily>
<grey>Technique +1!</grey>
[[Clean yourself up and leave->Go outside]]
<b>-"There..."</b> You slide the envelope under the door and stand up.
<b>-"..."</b> After a second or two, the door open.
<img src="Images\club\training rooms\n2.jpg">
<b>-"I wonder how the door just opens by itself... The letter is always missing too."</b>
<b>-"Ahem..."</b> You step through the doorway. You're faced with a long corridor, illuminated by some red lights.
<b>-"Agh, this looks excatly the same as last time."</b>
<img src="Images\club\training rooms\n3.jfif">
<b>-"Yup, there it is."</b> You say as you walk through the corridor and begin to see a bright white room at the end of it. Weirdly enough, you begin to hear what appears to be... A shower running?
<b>-"Looks excatly the same... But where is the instructor?"</b> You step into the room and look around. There's a bed, a table and a couple of chairs. You also notice a bathroom to the side.
<b>-"Huh..."</b> The shower stops and you hear someone step out of the enclosure.
<b>-"That must be her! Let's wait."</b>
<<pageReplace"Wait for her.">>\
<pink>-"Oof, that's nice..."</pink> Fiora walks out of the restroom. She was your previous instructor!
<pink>-"Oh? $name! Finally!"</pink> She says after noticing you.
<img src="Images\club\training rooms\m1.png">
<b>-"Hey! You were taking a shower?"</b> You chuckle as you look at her wet hair.
<pink>-"Of course I was! I didn't know how long I would have to wait for you!"</pink> She sighs and sits down, still in her bath robe.
<b>-"Hmph, fair enough..."</b> You look around the room and then face her.
<b>-"So, what are we doing today?"</b>
<pink>-"Ahem, well, as you may now after 3 sessions you will be available for rent."</pink>
<pink>-"So we have to make sure you can pleasure the members correctly. Your oral endurance is pretty good, now we'll check your intercourse endurance!"</pink>
<b>-"Ah! So I can finally fuck you?!"</b> Your face forms into a grin as your hands extend.
<pink>-"Not yet, today you'll be fucking that!"</pink> She points at a toy on the table.
<img src="Images\club\training rooms\m2.jpg">
<b>-"A fleshlight? Seriously?"</b>
<pink>-"It's been specifically design to cause more pleasure than a real vagina! Believe me, it won't be easy!"</pink>
<<pageReplace "Pull down your pants.">>
<b>-"Ugh... How boring."</b> You pull down your pants, leaving only your underwear on.
<b>-"NgHhhh..."</b> You throw the pants to the side and pull down your undewear as well, revealing your falccid cock.
<img src="Images\club\training rooms\m3.webp">
<pink>-"Just as big as I remember it..."</pink> Fiora licks her lips.
<pink>-"Can't believe that it's going inside of me soon..."</pink>
<b>-"Hmmm? What do you mean by that?"</b> She looks up at you.
<img src="Images\club\training rooms\m4.jpeg">
<pink>-"If you do good enough today, which I think you will, you'll be allowed to participate in the third training session."</pink>
<b>-"Which is?"</b>
<pink>-"Technique work! You'll do your best fucking me and I'll give you tips..."</pink> Fiora blushes.
<b>-"Well, well... Color me intrigued!"</b> You say as your cock rises from just that thought.
<img src="Images\club\training rooms\m5.webp">
<pink>-"Heh, good. But you have to prove that your endurance is up to par to move on, so do your best!"</pink> She walks over the table and grabs the fleshlight.
<pink>-"You ready?"</pink>
<<pageReplace"Always are.">>
<b>-"Always are!"</b> Fiora nods and drops to her knees. She takes a small bottle of lube from her robe and begins to pour it on your cock and toy.
<b>-"Oh, you're doing it for me?"</b>
<pink>-"First I'll use the toy on you, then you will have to mount it on the bed and finally you'll have to use it yourself."</pink>
<pink>-"Three different positions, to make sure you can endure every possible position!"</pink> You sigh and take a deep breath.
<b>-"Fine, go ahead then."</b> The girl nods and begins to envelope your cock with the toy.
<img src="Images\club\training rooms\m6.webp">
<b>-"NgHHhhh..."</b> As the warm silicone touches the tip of your cock, you begin to moan in pleasure.
<pink>-"How does it feel?"</pink> Fiora bites her lip as she pushes it further.
<b>-"MgHHhhh... Good... Keep going!"</b>
<img src="Images\club\training rooms\m7.webp">
<pink>-"Good job... Don't cum just yet!"</pink> She takes off her robe... She's wearing lingerie!
<b>-"NgHHh! N-not planning to!"</b> You stutter as a wave of pleasure goes through your body.
<<pageReplace"Do your best to hold off.">>
<b>-"NNNnGghhHH!"</b> Fiora increases her tempo while looking straight into your eyes.
<pink>-"Come on $name! More! More! The members won't accept anything besides perfect!"</pink>
<img src="Images\club\training rooms\m8.webp">
<b>-"ArRrgghHHhH!"</b> The fleshlight begins to heat up from your body... It feels so good!
<pink>-"Hmph, enough!"</pink> With a swift motion of her arm, she quickly pulls away the toy.
<b>-"GhhhrhHhh! W-wow!"</b>
<pink>-"What, impressed with the toy?"</pink> She giggles while standing up... You're left throbbing.
<b>-"I am! I don't remember fleshlights feeling that good!"</b> Fiora mounts the fake vagina inbetween the bed and the mattress.
<img src="Images\club\training rooms\m14.png">
<pink>-"I told you, we have them custom made to be as hard to resist as possible! You did great however, didn't cum!"</pink> She points to the bed.
<pink>-"You'll have to fuck it yourself this time though, so do your best. I'll tell you how fast to go."</pink>
<<pageReplace"Walk over to the bed.">>
<b>-"For how long?"</b> You say as you bend over with your cock in hand.
<pink>-"How long what?"</pink>
<b>-"How long do I have to fuck it for?"</b> Fiora lays down on the bed in front of you.
<img src="Images\club\training rooms\m13.png">
<pink>-"For as long as I tell you to. I'm the instructor after all."</pink> You can tell that she enjoys seeing you struggle.
<b>-"NgHh... Just wait till the third session... I will wipe that grin right off of your face with my cock."</b>
<pink>-"Sure, sure. Get through this session first."</pink> She points down, at the toy.
<pink>-"Now go ahead, we don't have all day."</pink> You rolls your eyes and slowly insert your cock inside.
<img src="Images\club\training rooms\m15.webp">
<b>-"NghHHhh...!"</b> In this position, it feels like you're actually fucking someone!
<b>-"Feels... GnHhhh... So... Good!"</b>
<pink>-"Speed up a little."</pink> She says while watching you.
<<pageReplace"Do as she says.">>
<b>-"Yes..."</b> It's a bit humiliating being barked around by a woman, but if you can get through this, you'll be able to have your revenge during the next session...
<b>-"GaAahhHhH!"</b> You begin to fuck the toy faster.
<img src="Images\club\training rooms\m9.webp">
<pink>-"Good boy... Keep going just like that."</pink> Fiora slowly moves one of her hands down towards her crotch... She's masturbating!
<b>-"Hah, enjoying the show?"</b> She blushes.
<pink>-"Shut up..."</pink>
<img src="Images\club\training rooms\m10.webp">
<pink>-"NghHhh..."</pink> She moans as you get closer and closer to an orgasm.
<b>-"S-shitTtTt! I... I'm close!"</b>
<pink>-"Sit down and move the toy yourself... It's the last position!"</pink>
<<pageReplace"Take the toy.">>
<pink>-"NgHHhh..."</pink> She continues to touch herself as you jump onto the bed with the toy.
<b>-"MGHHhhh! YeshHHhh!"</b> As soon as you begin to pleasure yourself with it again, your cock begins to throb... You're on the edge of cumming!
<img src="Images\club\training rooms\m11.webp">
<b>-"ShiTTtTtt! I... I can't hold it in any longer!"</b>
<pink>-"Fuck..."</pink> She whispers and stops touching herself.
<pink>-"You've lasted long enough! Just make sure to cum outside! Some members dislike creampies!"</pink>
<b>-"O-outside?!"</b> Your voice cracks as you continue to pound the toy.
<pink>-"Yes, outside!"</pink>
<b>-"EeeeeeaAAgAHGhHhHH!!"</b> As the cum reaches the top of your shaft, you pull the toy away and explode.
<img src="Images\club\training rooms\m12.webp">
<b>-"FucKKkkk!"</b> You throw the toy to the side and take a deep breath... Your vision is getting blurry.
<<pageReplace"Collect yourself.">>
<b>-"NgHHhh..."</b> Your cock is still throbbing, but your vision has returned to normal.
<pink>-"Hmph, a pretty impressive load."</pink> Fiora gets off of the bed.
<b>-"Gosh that toy was something else..."</b>
<pink>-"Hmph, I know right? But you did quite well, most cum in the first 2 minutes!"</pink>
<b>-"How long did I last?"</b>
<pink>-"8! The minimum is 6, so you passed!"</pink> You smile as you face her.
<b>-"So that means that..."</b> Before you could finish the sentance she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Yes, yes... You'll get to fuck me."</pink> She walks over to the robe and takes something out of it's pocket.
<b>-"Can't fucking wait..."</b> Your cock begins to turn flaccid as she hands you the item.
<img src="Images\club\training rooms\n23.webp">
<b>-"Agh, the pin!"</b>
<pink>-"Indeed! You earned it fair and square!"</pink> Fiora looks you up and down.
<pink>-"Now go to the restroom and clean up, you can't go out looking like that!"</pink> You look down and see that you're indeed drenched in cum.
<b>-"R-right, that's a good idea."</b> You say as you stand up.
<pink>-"I'll clean the toy and the room up, thanks for your participation..."</pink>
<b>-"No, thank you Fiora... I await our third meeting."</b> She blushes once more as you walk towards the restroom. Time to clean up!
<<set $dominant to $dominant +2>>
<blue>Dominant +2!</blue>
<grey>Technique +1!</grey>
[[Clean yourself up and leave->Go outside]]
<</if>><<if $firstmainhalltemp !==true>>
<<set $firstmainhalltemp to true>>\
<b>-"Yawnnnnn..."</b> It's getting pretty late and you're probably supposed to be at the diner working, but you decide to check out the main hall first.
<b>-"Empty again.."</b> You look around the place.
<img src="Images\club\intro\m6.jpg">
<b>-"I wonder when they're hosting another meeting.."</b> You remember what Leyja told you..
<b>-"Anyways.. I better go, Judy probably needs me."</b> After taking one last look, you turn around.
<<pageReplace"Head back">>
<b>-"I think I need to take a left here..? Or was it a right?"</b> You try your best to find your bearings.
<b>-"Nooo I'm pretty sure it was the left.."</b> You finally decide on a direction and begin walking.
<bartender>-"Oh! It's you!"</bartender> A voice rings out behind you.
<b>-"H-huh?"</b> You quickly turn around.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\oldman2.jpg">
<b>-"Oh shit.."</b> It's the old man you ran into while Judy was giving you a tour!
<bartender>-"I can see you're not terribly busy, would you mind having a quick talk with me?"</bartender>
<b>-"Uhm.. Sure... I guess.."</b> He grins and waves his hand.
<bartender>-"Perfect, follow me then."</bartender> You trail behind the old fart for a good 5 minutes, until he suddenly stops.
<bartender>-"Here we are."</bartender> He begins unlocking a door to your right.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\oldman4.jpg">
<b>-"Where are we?"</b>
<bartender>-"We're on the left wing of the building, this is my office."</bartender> The door swings open and he steps inside.
<bartender>-"Come on, don't be shy, step inside."</bartender>
<b>-"Right.."</b> You put on a brave face and get inside. The man takes out a pair of keys out of his pocket and places it on the table.
<bartender>-"So, what was your name again?"</bartender> He sits down.
<b>-"$name2, sir."</b> <<if $domstatus is true>>Judy already knows your name, you can't risk him finding out you gave the wrong name.<<else>><</if>>
<bartender>-"Christopher, nice to meet you!"</bartender> He smiles as you look around the room.
<bartender>-"Come, sit down, the chairs here don't bite."</bartender> Christopher chuckles as he points at a chair in front of the table.
<<pageReplace"Do as he says.">>\
<b>-"So, what can I help you with?"</b> You try to act confident.
<bartender>-"I can tell that you're nervous $name2, there's no need."</bartender> He places his hands on the table.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\oldman1.jpg">
<bartender>-"I'm nothing more than a mere enjoyer of the wonders this club provides."</bartender> You look at him, confused.
<bartender>-"Hah! Sorry, my vocabulary hasn't cought up to you young folks just yet."</bartender> He chuckles.
<bartender>-"What I meant is, I have no authority over you, I'm just here to have fun."</bartender>
<b>-"Understood.. So why am I here then?"</b>
<bartender>-"I just want to have a chit chat with a fellow member, is that too much to ask for?"</bartender>
<b>-"I guess not.."</b> You relax a bit.
<bartender>-"I knew you would understand!"</bartender> He shifts his body.
<bartender>-"Anyways, how did you join this club? Heard it's pretty hard to get in."</bartender>
<b>-"Heard? Did you not have to go through the process?"</b>
<bartender>-"I've been a member for the last 30 years, the admission requirements change, no clue how it works nowadays."</bartender>
<<pageReplace"I was invited by Juliat.">>\
<<set $clubsuspicion to 6>>\
<b>-"I was invited by Juliat!"</b>
<bartender>-"Ahh Hudson's wife! How is she? I heard she was on a trip or something, didn't know she came back."</bartender>
<b>-"She's good! We haven't talked much to be honest. She just happened to mention this place when we bumped into each other in the university."</b>
<bartender>-"Ohhh, you're still attending?"</bartender> He looks concerned.
<b>-"I am, but don't worry, I'm in the know of what happens here."</b> Christopher sits back in his chair and smiles.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\oldman3.jpg">
<bartender>-"Whoooo that's great... Thought you didn't belong here for a second!"</bartender> He chuckles.
<b>-"Haha.."</b> You awkwardly laugh with him.
<bartender>-"If you're still a student and you support what we do, why not join the Rabbit Brotherhood?"</bartender>
<b>-"What is it again? I think Judy mentioned it when giving me a tour."</b>
<bartender>-"It's a fraternity of sorts, for domination students who are in the know."</bartender>
<<if $domstatus is true>>\
<b>-"Hmmm.. Well I do fit the criteria I guess.."</b>
<bartender>-"You do indeed!"</bartender>
<b>-"Hmmm.. Well, if it's a fraternity, I'm afraid I can't join."</b>
<bartender>-"Good point, but I bet they would still take you in."</bartender>
<b>-"How so?"</b>
<bartender>-"Don't really talk to them much, but I heard rumors that most of them quit and they have like no members left."</bartender>
<b>-"Hmph... Maybe they would consider it then.."</b>
<<pageReplace"What do they even do?">>\
<b>-"Do you know what they do? Don't want to join something I won't enjoy, you know."</b>
<bartender>-"Gamble... That's all I've heard."</bartender>
<b>-"Gamble?"</b> You remember Judy mentioning something like that..
<bartender>-"I think so, yes. Heard some of them can play absolutely nasty blackjack games."</bartender>
<b>-"Hah, maybe they're counting?"</b>
<img src="Images\club\main hall\oldman6.jpeg">
<bartender>-"I bet they are!"</bartender>
<bartender>-"Anyways, if you manage to get inside, let me know, I'm curious about their situation after all."</bartender> You nod and stand up.
<b>-"It's been a nice talk Christopher, but I need to go. Judy is waiting for me, need to serve some food."</b>
<bartender>-"Agh yes, I completely forgot you're the new sever! Understood, won't hold you any longer!"</bartender> He extends his arm, you shake it.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\oldman5.png">
<bartender>-"Are you going to try earning tips?"</bartender> He leans onto your and asks.
<b>-"I.. I don't know yet."</b> You awkwardly step back.
<bartender>-"So indecisive you younglings!"</bartender> He laughs once again..
<b>-"I guess.. Anyways, I'm off then."</b> You start heading towards the door.
<bartender>-"It's been nice talking to you $name2!"</bartender>
<b>-"You too!"</b> You exit his office and breathe a sigh of relief.
<b>-"What a weird man.. Why would a member need his own office.."</b> You think as you start walking..
<grey>Member suspicion -1</grey>
[[Find your bearings->Club]]
<<pageReplace"Found an invitation form on the internet.">>\
<<set $clubsuspicion to 5>>\
<b>-"I was searching the web a while back and found an invitation form, so I filled it out."</b> You lie through your teeth.
<bartender>-"Invitation form, huh.."</bartender> He squints his eyes.
<bartender>-"Hmph.. There were no forms back in my days."</bartender> He looks concerned.
<b>-"Maybe they need members.. Anyways, don't worry about me, I know what this club stands for and I'm all for it."</b> Christopher sits back in his chair and smiles.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\oldman3.jpg">
<bartender>-"Hmm... I guess... Thought you didn't belong here for a second, but I seem to have been mistaken."</bartender>
<b>-"Haha... I guess you were."</b> You awkwardly laugh.
<bartender>-"So what do you do for work $name2?"</bartender>
<b>-"Uhm I work in a shop part time and study full time."</b>
<bartender>-"Oh.. You're still a student?"</bartender>
<b>-"Yup, last year."</b>
<bartender>-"Hmmm.. Well if you're still a student and you support what we do, why not join the Rabbit Brotherhood?"</bartender>
<b>-"What is it again? I think Judy mentioned it when giving me a tour."</b>
<bartender>-"It's a fraternity of sorts, for domination students who are in the know."</bartender>
<<if $domstatus is true>>\
<b>-"Hmmm.. Well I do fit the criteria I guess.."</b>
<bartender>-"You do indeed!"</bartender>
<b>-"Hmmm.. Well, if it's a fraternity, I'm afraid I can't join."</b>
<bartender>-"Good point, but I bet they would still take you in."</bartender>
<b>-"How so?"</b>
<bartender>-"Don't really talk to them much, but I heard rumors that most of them quit and they have like no members left."</bartender>
<b>-"Hmph... Maybe they would consider it then.."</b>
<<pageReplace"What do they even do?">>\
<b>-"Do you know what they do? Don't want to join something I won't enjoy, you know."</b>
<bartender>-"Gamble... That's all I've heard."</bartender>
<b>-"Gamble?"</b> You remember Judy mentioning something like that..
<bartender>-"I think so, yes. Heard some of them can play absolutely nasty blackjack games."</bartender>
<b>-"Hah, maybe they're counting?"</b>
<img src="Images\club\main hall\oldman6.jpeg">
<bartender>-"I bet they are!"</bartender>
<bartender>-"Anyways, if you manage to get inside, let me know, I'm curious about their situation after all."</bartender> You nod and stand up.
<b>-"It's been a nice talk Christopher, but I need to go. Judy is waiting for me, need to serve some food."</b>
<bartender>-"Agh yes, I completely forgot you're the new sever! Understood, won't hold you any longer!"</bartender> He extends his arm, you shake it.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\oldman5.png">
<bartender>-"Are you going to try earning tips?"</bartender> He leans onto your and asks.
<b>-"I.. I don't know yet."</b> You awkwardly step back.
<bartender>-"So indecisive you younglings!"</bartender> He laughs once again..
<b>-"I guess.. Anyways, I'm off then."</b> You start heading towards the door.
<bartender>-"It's been nice talking to you $name2!"</bartender>
<b>-"You too!"</b> You exit his office and breathe a sigh of relief.
<b>-"What a weird man.. Why would a member need his own office.."</b> You think as you start walking..
<grey>Member suspicion +1</grey>
[[Find your bearings->Club]]
<<pageReplace"Don't have the time to.">>
<b>-"I'm sorry sir, I really don't have time, need to help Judy at the diner."</b> He frowns.
<bartender>-"Come on.. You dodged me last time, I'm starting to get suspicious..."</bartender>
<b>-"Fuck..."</b> You whisper.. You really can't afford getting caught right now, maybe it's better to just go with him..
<bartender>-"So, are you coming or not?"</bartender>
<<set $clubsuspicion to 4>>\
<b>-"I really can't, Judy is waiting for me."</b> The man turns around as you nervously fidget with your hands.
<bartender>-"Hmph.. Fine.."</bartender> He disappears around a corner.
<b>-"Fuck.. I hope that was the right choice.."</b>
<grey>Member suspicion +2!</grey>
[[Find your bearings->Club]]
<<pageReplace"Go with him">>
<b>-"Y-yeah, I guess so.. I just hope we won't take too long."</b>
<bartender>-"Only a couple minutes, come on!"</bartender> He smiles and waves his hand.
<b>-"Right, lead the way."</b> You trail behind the old fart for a good 5 minutes, until he suddenly stops.
<bartender>-"Here we are."</bartender> He begins unlocking a door to your right.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\oldman4.jpg">
<b>-"Where are we?"</b>
<bartender>-"We're on the left wing of the building, this is my office."</bartender> The door swings open and he steps inside.
<bartender>-"Come on, don't be shy, step inside."</bartender>
<b>-"Right.."</b> You put on a brave face and get inside. The man takes out a pair of keys out of his pocket and places it on the table.
<bartender>-"So, what was your name again?"</bartender> He sits down.
<b>-"$name2, sir."</b> <<if $domstatus is true>>Judy already knows your name, you can't risk him finding out you gave the wrong name.<<else>><</if>>
<bartender>-"Christopher, nice to meet you!"</bartender> He smiles as you look around the room.
<bartender>-"Come, sit down, the chairs here don't bite."</bartender> Christopher chuckles as he points at a chair in front of the table.
<<pageReplace"Do as he says.">>\
<b>-"So, what can I help you with?"</b> You try to act confident.
<bartender>-"I can tell that you're nervous $name2, there's no need."</bartender> He places his hands on the table.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\oldman1.jpg">
<bartender>-"I'm nothing more than a mere enjoyer of the wonders this club provides."</bartender> You look at him, confused.
<bartender>-"Hah! Sorry, my vocabulary hasn't cought up to you young folks just yet."</bartender> He chuckles.
<bartender>-"What I meant is, I have no authority over you, I'm just here to have fun."</bartender>
<b>-"Understood.. So why am I here then?"</b>
<bartender>-"I just want to have a chit chat with a fellow member, is that too much to ask for?"</bartender>
<b>-"I guess not.."</b> You relax a bit.
<bartender>-"I knew you would understand!"</bartender> He shifts his body.
<bartender>-"Anyways, how did you join this club? Heard it's pretty hard to get in."</bartender>
<b>-"Heard? Did you not have to go through the process?"</b>
<bartender>-"I've been a member for the last 30 years, the admission requirements change, no clue how it works nowadays."</bartender>
<<pageReplace"I was invited by Juliat.">>\
<<set $clubsuspicion to 6>>\
<b>-"I was invited by Juliat!"</b>
<bartender>-"Ahh Hudson's wife! How is she? I heard she was on a trip or something, didn't know she came back."</bartender>
<b>-"She's good! We haven't talked much to be honest. She just happened to mention this place when we bumped into each other in the university."</b>
<bartender>-"Ohhh, you're still attending?"</bartender> He looks concerned.
<b>-"I am, but don't worry, I'm in the know of what happens here."</b> Christopher sits back in his chair and smiles.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\oldman3.jpg">
<bartender>-"Whoooo that's great... Thought you didn't belong here for a second!"</bartender> He chuckles.
<b>-"Haha.."</b> You awkwardly laugh with him.
<bartender>-"If you're still a student and you support what we do, why not join the Rabbit Brotherhood?"</bartender>
<b>-"What is it again? I think Judy mentioned it when giving me a tour."</b>
<bartender>-"It's a fraternity of sorts, for domination students who are in the know."</bartender>
<<if $domstatus is true>>\
<b>-"Hmmm.. Well I do fit the criteria I guess.."</b>
<bartender>-"You do indeed!"</bartender>
<b>-"Hmmm.. Well, if it's a fraternity, I'm afraid I can't join."</b>
<bartender>-"Good point, but I bet they would still take you in."</bartender>
<b>-"How so?"</b>
<bartender>-"Don't really talk to them much, but I heard rumors that most of them quit and they have like no members left."</bartender>
<b>-"Hmph... Maybe they would consider it then.."</b>
<<pageReplace"What do they even do?">>\
<b>-"Do you know what they do? Don't want to join something I won't enjoy, you know."</b>
<bartender>-"Gamble... That's all I've heard."</bartender>
<b>-"Gamble?"</b> You remember Judy mentioning something like that..
<bartender>-"I think so, yes. Heard some of them can play absolutely nasty blackjack games."</bartender>
<b>-"Hah, maybe they're counting?"</b>
<img src="Images\club\main hall\oldman6.jpeg">
<bartender>-"I bet they are!"</bartender>
<bartender>-"Anyways, if you manage to get inside, let me know, I'm curious about their situation after all."</bartender> You nod and stand up.
<b>-"It's been a nice talk Christopher, but I need to go. Judy is waiting for me, need to serve some food."</b>
<bartender>-"Agh yes, I completely forgot you're the new sever! Understood, won't hold you any longer!"</bartender> He extends his arm, you shake it.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\oldman5.png">
<bartender>-"Are you going to try earning tips?"</bartender> He leans onto your and asks.
<b>-"I.. I don't know yet."</b> You awkwardly step back.
<bartender>-"So indecisive you younglings!"</bartender> He laughs once again..
<b>-"I guess.. Anyways, I'm off then."</b> You start heading towards the door.
<bartender>-"It's been nice talking to you $name2!"</bartender>
<b>-"You too!"</b> You exit his office and breathe a sigh of relief.
<b>-"What a weird man.. Why would a member need his own office.."</b> You think as you start walking..
<grey>Member suspicion -1</grey>
[[Find your bearings->Club]]
<<pageReplace"Found an invitation form on the internet.">>\
<<set $clubsuspicion to 5>>\
<b>-"I was searching the web a while back and found an invitation form, so I filled it out."</b> You lie through your teeth.
<bartender>-"Invitation form, huh.."</bartender> He squints his eyes.
<bartender>-"Hmph.. There were no forms back in my days."</bartender> He looks concerned.
<b>-"Maybe they need members.. Anyways, don't worry about me, I know what this club stands for and I'm all for it."</b> Christopher sits back in his chair and smiles.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\oldman3.jpg">
<bartender>-"Hmm... I guess... Thought you didn't belong here for a second, but I seem to have been mistaken."</bartender>
<b>-"Haha... I guess you were."</b> You awkwardly laugh.
<bartender>-"So what do you do for work $name2?"</bartender>
<b>-"Uhm I work in a shop part time and study full time."</b>
<bartender>-"Oh.. You're still a student?"</bartender>
<b>-"Yup, last year."</b>
<bartender>-"Hmmm.. Well if you're still a student and you support what we do, why not join the Rabbit Brotherhood?"</bartender>
<b>-"What is it again? I think Judy mentioned it when giving me a tour."</b>
<bartender>-"It's a fraternity of sorts, for domination students who are in the know."</bartender>
<<if $domstatus is true>>\
<b>-"Hmmm.. Well I do fit the criteria I guess.."</b>
<bartender>-"You do indeed!"</bartender>
<b>-"Hmmm.. Well, if it's a fraternity, I'm afraid I can't join."</b>
<bartender>-"Good point, but I bet they would still take you in."</bartender>
<b>-"How so?"</b>
<bartender>-"Don't really talk to them much, but I heard rumors that most of them quit and they have like no members left."</bartender>
<b>-"Hmph... Maybe they would consider it then.."</b>
<<pageReplace"What do they even do?">>\
<b>-"Do you know what they do? Don't want to join something I won't enjoy, you know."</b>
<bartender>-"Gamble... That's all I've heard."</bartender>
<b>-"Gamble?"</b> You remember Judy mentioning something like that..
<bartender>-"I think so, yes. Heard some of them can play absolutely nasty blackjack games."</bartender>
<b>-"Hah, maybe they're counting?"</b>
<img src="Images\club\main hall\oldman6.jpeg">
<bartender>-"I bet they are!"</bartender>
<bartender>-"Anyways, if you manage to get inside, let me know, I'm curious about their situation after all."</bartender> You nod and stand up.
<b>-"It's been a nice talk Christopher, but I need to go. Judy is waiting for me, need to serve some food."</b>
<bartender>-"Agh yes, I completely forgot you're the new sever! Understood, won't hold you any longer!"</bartender> He extends his arm, you shake it.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\oldman5.png">
<bartender>-"Are you going to try earning tips?"</bartender> He leans onto your and asks.
<b>-"I.. I don't know yet."</b> You awkwardly step back.
<bartender>-"So indecisive you younglings!"</bartender> He laughs once again..
<b>-"I guess.. Anyways, I'm off then."</b> You start heading towards the door.
<bartender>-"It's been nice talking to you $name2!"</bartender>
<b>-"You too!"</b> You exit his office and breathe a sigh of relief.
<b>-"What a weird man.. Why would a member need his own office.."</b> You think as you start walking..
<grey>Member suspicion +1</grey>
[[Find your bearings->Club]]
<<if $workdiner >8 and $memsus2temp !==true>>\
<<goto "Member suspicion event 2">>
<b>-"Let's take another look..."</b> You walk into the giant main hall of the building.
<b>-"Empty, just as I thought."</b> You look around the place.
<img src="Images\club\intro\m6.jpg">
<b>-"I wonder when they're hosting another meeting.."</b>
<b>-"Anyways.. I better go, Judy probably needs me."</b> After taking one last look, you turn around.
[[Walk back->Club]]
<</if>><<set $memsus2temp to true>>\
<bartender>-"Yo! Yo! You!"</bartender> A strange voice rings out in the corridor as you walk towards the main hall.
<b>-"Huh?"</b> You begin to look around. The noises of the music and people talking makes it really hard to pin point where it came from.
<bartender>-"Yes, yes. You!"</bartender> After a couple of seconds, you finally find the source! It's a weirdly dressed man, with a girl at his side.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\sus1.webp">
<b>-"Hmmm? What's up?"</b> You walk up to him and ask. There are plenty of other people around who don't bat an eye to his outfit, making you think that he's a regular.
<bartender>-"Might be... Quest... Right?"</bartender> There is so much sound around that you can't hear him.
<bartender>-"I said... Students... Much?"</bartender>
<<pageReplace"Tell him that you should find a quieter spot to talk.">>
<b>-"I can't hear you, let's find a quieter spot."</b> You lean closer and whisper into his ear.
<bartender>-"Fine!"</bartender> He rolls his eyes and begins walking.
<bartender>-"Give me a second, let me put on something more appropriate."</bartender> The man says after rounding the corner. A girl from a private room nearby runs up to him and hands him some shorts, which he puts on.
<bartender>-"Oof..."</bartender> He finally sits down, while the same girl that got him his shorts, sits down on his lap. He seems pretty popular.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\sus2.jfif">
<b>-"So, you were saying?"</b>
<bartender>-"You work here, correct? I've seen you in at the diner."</bartender> The man smiles.
<b>-"Sure do. What can I help you with?"</b>
<bartender>-"Listen, maybe you don't know anything about it, but I'll ask anyways."</bartender>
<bartender>-"I've heard something about the SUP not gathering enough students for the festival and that it might be a problem."</bartender>
<bartender>-"Yeah and as you know, they won the contest this year, so i'm fucking scared this whole thing is gonna get cancelled!"</bartender>
<bartender>-"Don't know about other people, but 10 bands is a lot for me! What if I pay and they don't refund that shit?!"</bartender> He takes a sip of bear.
<b>-"So, what would you like me to do?"</b> You look at him, confused.
<bartender>-"Maybe you know if this whole thing is gonna go tits up or not? Or at least how many students are already recruited?"</bartender>
<<pageReplace"How would I know?">>
<b>-"How would I know? I'm on the same boat as you, don't know if I should buy the tickets or not!"</b> You act angry.
<bartender>-"Ugh, nobody knows anything around here..."</bartender>
<b>-"We're all members, what can I say."</b>
<bartender>-"Hah! I guess you're right."</bartender> He looks at his girl.
<bartender>-"Ready to go sweet cheeks?"</bartender>
<pink>-"Yes daddy!"</pink> She says, enthusiastically.
<bartender>-"Anyways, thanks for the help stranger, now if you'll excuse me."</bartender> The man stands up, removes his shirt and walks straight into one of the private rooms, his girl follows him.
<b>-"No problem!"</b> You shout, but the man already doesn't hear you.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\sus3.jpg">
<b>-"What a weird guy..."</b>
<<set $clubsuspicion to $clubsuspicion -2>>
<grey>Member suspicion -2!</grey>
[[Continue your walk->Main hall]]
<<pageReplace"Tell him.">>
<<set $memsusrec1 to $recruited -20>>\
<<set $memsusrec2 to $recruited +20>>\
<b>-"Uhmmmm, I think they've recruited around $memsusrec1 to $memsusrec2 students. Don't know a specific number though."</b> The man touches his beard.
<bartender>-"Interesting... You think they'll have enough time to get the rest of them?"</bartender>
<b>-"I definitely think is possible!"</b>
<b>-"The student who's helping Hudson is doing his best, I'm sure of it!"</b>
<bartender>-"A student who helps Hudson? Whaaat I didn't know he had help!"</bartender>
<b>-"Yeah not a lot of people do haha."</b>
<bartender>-"Alright thanks."</bartender>
<b>-"Mhm."</b> You nod and start to walk away, but he stops you again.
<bartender>-"Also, how do you know all of this info? I'll start asking you more questions haha, you're the only one who knows anything around here!"</bartender>
<<pageReplace"I just do.">>
<b>-"I... Just do haha!"</b> You fail to think of an excuse.
<bartender>-"You just.. Do?"</bartender> He looks at you suspiciously.
<bartender>-"Hmph, alright then."</bartender> He squints his eyes, but then relaxes.
<bartender>-"Eh, whatever! We all hold secrets I guess haha, isn't that right pookie?"</bartender>
<pink>-"Yes daddy!"</pink> The girl next to him answers.
<bartender>-"Anyways, thanks for the help stranger, now if you'll excuse me."</bartender> The man stands up, removes his shirt and walks straight into one of the private rooms, his girl follows him.
<b>-"No problem!"</b> You shout, but the man already doesn't hear you.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\sus3.jpg">
<b>-"What a weird guy..."</b>
<<set $clubsuspicion to $clubsuspicion +1>>
<grey>Member suspicion +1!</grey>
[[Continue your walk->Main hall]]
<<pageReplace"I'm Hudson's acquaintance.">>
<b>-"I'm... I'm Hudson's acquaintance! We talked from time to time!"</b>
<bartender>-"Wow, Hudson has friends? Well that's a new one!"</bartender> He bursts out in laughter and looks at his girl.
<pink>-"Hahaha you're so funny daddy!"</pink> She let's out a fake laugh right after him.
<bartender>-"Anyways, thanks for the help stranger, now if you'll excuse me."</bartender> The man stands up, removes his shirt and walks straight into one of the private rooms, his girl follows him.
<b>-"No problem!"</b> You shout, but the man already doesn't hear you.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\sus3.jpg">
<b>-"What a weird guy..."</b>
<<set $clubsuspicion to $clubsuspicion -1>>
<grey>Member suspicion -1!</grey>
[[Continue your walk->Main hall]]
<</pageReplace>><<if $work35temp2 ==false>>\
<<todoCompleted "Find the Warden's office and the safe.">>\
<<set $work35temp to false>>\
<b>-"Now, where could that safe be...?"</b> You talk to yourself as you walk through the halls.
<b>-"It's probably in the basement, somewhere a lot of people wouldn't go."</b>
<img src="Images\club\main hall\c1.jpg">
<b>-"Hudson mentioned something about it being german built and ultra secure."</b> You climb down a set of stairs and turn a corner.
<b>-"I'll have to find a way to crack it or get inside if I want to access those documents..."</b>
<pink>-"Ugh... Such a fucking idiot!"</pink> A voice rings out as you turn yet another corner.
<b>-"Hmmmn...?"</b> You spot a woman walking towards you and talking to herself.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\c2.webp">
<pink>-"Go fuck yourself Tom."</pink> She mumbles.
<b>-"Maybe she knows where it is?"</b>
<<pageReplace"Ask the woman.">>
<b>-"Excuse me miss."</b> You say as your paths cross.
<pink>-"Oh...?"</pink> She looks you up and down.
<<if $domstatus is true>>\
<pink>-"What does this handsome man want?"</pink> The woman bites her lip.
<b>-"Just to ask a weird question, that's all."</b>
<pink>-"Hmph, go ahead then."</pink>
<b>-"Do you perhaps know where the safe is?"</b> You ask, confidently.
<pink>-"What does this cute, young lady want?"</pink> The woman bites her lip.
<b>-"Uhmmm... Do you perhaps know where the safe is?"</b> You ask, awkwardly.
<pink>-"Which safe are you talking about?"</pink>
<img src="Images\club\main hall\c3.webp">
<b>-"Where the banking information is held."</b> The woman squints her eyes.
<pink>-"Why do you want to go there?"</pink>
<b>-"I need to meet the guard there. Have some news from the Warden himself."</b> You quickly make up a lie.
<pink>-"Warden has some news for Tom?! My Tom?! Hmph... Hopefully he's fired."</pink> She points behind her.
<pink>-"Go straight and then take a right. He's posted up in front of the safe."</pink>
<b>-"Thanks!"</b> The woman nods.
<pink>-"No problem. Just tell that lowlife to stop cheating one me with every bitch here!"</pink>
<pink>-"Ugh... I'm so going to break up with him one day."</pink> She walks away while mumbling to herself.
<b>-"Tom sounds like a stud haha."</b> You think as you begin walking straight.
<<pageReplace"Turn right.">>\
<blue>-"I don't know either! Maybe I should stop though, I don't want her to break up with me."</blue> You hear a manly voice from behind the corner as you reach it.
<b>-"Here we go."</b> As you go around it, you see the safe.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\c4.jpg">
<blue>-"Hmmm... Who are you?"</blue> A man walks into your field of view. He's talking on the phone.
<blue>-"I'll talk to you later, have a little situation here."</blue> He hangs up.
<blue>-"What do you want? You're not supposed to be here."</blue>
<b>-"Interesting..."</b> You whisper as you look at his waist. He isn't carrying a gun.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\c5.jpg">
<b>-"Ahh sorry, I got turned around... This isn't the diner?"</b>
<blue>-"Nah nah <<if $domstatus is true>>man,<<else>>girl, <</if>>this a secure location, I need you to leave."</blue> He steps forward.
<b>-"Understood, I'll get going then."</b> You turn around and walk away, as the man watches you intently.
<b>-"Safe - found. Have to remember to text Leyja..."</b>
[[Go back upstairs->Club]]
<</pageReplace>><<if $work35temp ==false>>\
<<todoCompleted "Find the Warden's office and the safe.">>\
<<set $work35temp2 to false>>\
<b>-"The Warden's office shouldn't be hard to find."</b> You think as you begin climbing a set of stairs.
<b>-"It's 100% on the top floor."</b> As you reach the aforementioned floor, you start to walk around.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\d1.jpg">
<b>-"Hmmm...?"</b> While walking through the halls, you notice that a lot of people are walking towards you and not a lot with you.
<b>-"Interesting."</b> You say as yet another group of people pass you.
<b>-"Are they walking away from a meeting or something?"</b>
<img src="Images\club\main hall\d3.gif">
<b>-"Let's see."</b> You continue to walk straight. After you reach the end of the corridor, you take a right.
<b>-"Wow, even more people."</b> Suddenly, something catches your eye.
<b>-"Is that...?"</b> You spot a figure walking forwards as well.
<<pageReplace"Take a closer look.">>
<b>-"No way..."</b> As you take a closer look, it seems more and more likely that the person is who you think it is.
<b>-"Is that the Warden?"</b>
<img src="Images\club\main hall\d2.gif">
<b>-"..."</b> The man is in red clothing, he's tall and has wide shoulders. He looks exactly like the Warden!
<b>-"Shit!"</b> He disappears behind yet another corner.
<b>-"Maybe he's walking towards his office!"</b> You swiftly follow after him. He's also without a mask, it would be cool to find out how he looks like.
<blue>-"The meeting is over."</blue> A masculine voice stops you in your tracks as you round the same corner.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\d4.jpg">
<b>-"The meeting?"</b> It seems like they're guarding an open door. You can see a couple of people talking inside.
<grey>-"Yes, the meeting with the Warden. Attendees are leaving as we speak, nobody is allowed to enter."</grey>
<blue>-"If you want to talk to the Warden, please contact his secretary."</blue>
<blue>-"He won't be around for the next couple of weeks however, so I wouldn't count on it."</blue>
<grey>-"Business trip."</grey>
<b>-"Interesting..."</b> You mumble as you look down at their belts. They're carrying guns!
<img src="Images\club\main hall\d5.webp">
<b>-"Judy wasn't lying, it is heavily guarded..."</b> You think as one of the men snap their fingers.
<blue>-"Hello? Anybody home? Please move along."</blue>
<b>-"Ah, sorry!"</b> You turn around and begin walking away.
<b>-"Seems like a pair of really tough guys... Trying to intimidate them probably won't work."</b>
[[Walk back->Club]]
<</pageReplace>><<set $work35temp3 to false>>\
<<todoCompleted "Find the Warden's office and the safe.">>\
<b>-"Finally."</b> You say after you reach the exit of the club.
<b>-"Have a good one Dandelion!"</b> The man nods as you put on your jacket and head outside.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\.1.jpeg">
<grey>-"Beep beep!"</grey> The car unlocks and you sit down inside.
<b>-"I hope she isn't sleeping."</b> You mumble, referring to Leyja. You have to discuss how to steal the documents.
<b>-"Let's see..."</b> After pulling out your phone, you click on the messages app.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\.2.png">
<b>-"..."</b> Time to send her a text!
<<pageReplace"Text Leyja">>\
<<message "Leyja" "Leyja message about locations part 2" "Found both locations." open>>
<b>-"Finally."</b> You say after you reach the exit of the club.
<b>-"Have a good one Dandelion!"</b> The man nods as you put on your jacket and head outside.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\.1.jpeg">
<grey>-"Beep beep!"</grey> The car unlocks and you sit down inside.
<b>-"I hope she isn't sleeping."</b> You mumble, referring to Leyja. You have to discuss how to steal the documents.
<b>-"Let's see..."</b> After pulling out your phone, you click on the messages app.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\.2.png">
<b>-"..."</b> Time to send her a text!
<b>-"I better finish this conversation before I drive off."</b> You tell yourself as you put down your phone for whatever reason.
<<messengerHeader Leyja>>
<<messageReply "Hey!">>
<<messageReply "Found both of the locations.">>
<<me>>Found both of the locations.<</me>>
<<them wait>>You did?<</them>>
<<them wait>>That's perfect! What did you see?<</them>>
<div id="choices">
<<messageReplyReplace "Talk about the safe." #choices>>
<<me>>The safe is guarded by one, singular guard. I bet he knows how to open it though.<</me>>
<<me>>He also isn't carrying a gun, just a radio and a police baton.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Interesting... Intimidation might work on him, considering he's alone.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Or anything else that would make him do your bidding. I heard that the club's vendor sells some interesting stuff.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Take a look at his stock, maybe you'll find something. 💖<</them>>
<<them wait>>Anyways, what about the office?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Talk about the Warden's office.">>
<<me>>Two guards stand in front of it at all times it seems like.<</me>>
<<me>>They're also carrying guns... Will be hard to get inside.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Hmmmm... Bribery or seduction could work.<</them>>
<<them wait>>They're probably underpaid, considering that all they do is stand around all day.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Seduction?">>
<<if $domstatus is true>>
<<me>>Seduction? They're both men Leyja...<</me>>
<<them wait>>Oh... Right. You could try asking Judy? I bet for a favor or too, she could help you.<</them>>
<<them wait>>These are of course just suggestions, you can try to go your own way too 🤷♀️<</them>>
<<them wait>>Just be careful and make sure to put on your mask, so they can't link anything back to you.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Thanks Leyja.">>
<<me>>Thanks Leyja.<</me>>
<<them wait>>No problem.<</them>>
<<them wait>>I really have to go though<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "club/main hall/.3.jpg" gallery "Leyja">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Been texting you half naked this whole time 😆<</them>>
<<messageReply "I'm not complaining.">>
<<me>>I'm not complaining 😏<</me>>
<<them wait>>Of course you aren't hahaha.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Anyways, photograph the documents or install the backdoor into the Warden's computer and then come by the shop.<</them>>
<<them wait>>I'll invite Laura, we'll have another talk.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Cool.">>
<<me>>Cool, I'll try my best.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Good luck, stay safe! ❤<</them>>
<<goto "Go outside">>
<<todo "Photograph the banking information or install the backdoor">>
<<me>>Seduction? What do you mean...?<</me>>
<<them wait>>You know what I mean.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Act all pretty and hot, make them fall for you.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Tell them you want to do it inside. After they get naked, taze them or something.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Just be careful and make sure to put on your mask, so they can't link anything back to you if they remember what happened.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Thanks Leyja.">>
<<me>>Thanks Leyja.<</me>>
<<them wait>>No problem.<</them>>
<<them wait>>I really have to go though<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "club/main hall/.3.jpg" gallery "Leyja">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Been texting you half naked this whole time 😆<</them>>
<<messageReply "I'm not complaining.">>
<<me>>I'm not complaining 😌<</me>>
<<them wait>>Of course you aren't hahaha.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Anyways, photograph the documents or install the backdoor into the Warden's computer and then come by the shop.<</them>>
<<them wait>>I'll invite Laura, we'll have another talk.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Cool.">>
<<me>>Cool, I'll try my best.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Good luck, stay safe! ❤<</them>>
<<goto "Go outside">>
<<todo "Photograph the banking information or install the backdoor">>
<<messageReplyReplace "Talk about the Warden's office." #choices>>
<<me>>Two guards stand in front of the Warden's office door at all times it seems like.<</me>>
<<me>>They're also carrying guns... Will be hard to get inside.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Hmmmm... Bribery or seduction could work.<</them>>
<<them wait>>They're probably underpaid, considering that all they do is stand around all day.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Seduction?">>
<<if $domstatus is true>>
<<me>>Seduction? They're both men Leyja...<</me>>
<<them wait>>Oh... Right. You could try asking Judy? I bet for a favor or too, she could help you.<</them>>
<<them wait>>These are of course just suggestions, you can try to go your own way too 🤷♀️<</them>>
<<them wait>>Just be careful and make sure to put on your mask, so they can't link anything back to you.<</them>>
<<messageReply"Talk about the safe.">>
<<me>>About the safe.<</me>>
<<me>>It's guarded by one, singular guard. I bet he knows how to open it though.<</me>>
<<me>>He also isn't carrying a gun, just a radio and a police baton.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Interesting... Intimidation might work on him, considering he's alone.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Or anything else that would make him do your bidding. I heard that the club's vendor sells some interesting stuff.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Take a look at his stock, maybe you'll find something. 💖<</them>>
<<messageReply "Thanks Leyja.">>
<<me>>Thanks Leyja.<</me>>
<<them wait>>No problem.<</them>>
<<them wait>>I really have to go though<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "club/main hall/.3.jpg" gallery "Leyja">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Been texting you half naked this whole time 😆<</them>>
<<messageReply "I'm not complaining.">>
<<me>>I'm not complaining 😏<</me>>
<<them wait>>Of course you aren't hahaha.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Anyways, photograph the documents or install the backdoor into the Warden's computer and then come by the shop.<</them>>
<<them wait>>I'll invite Laura, we'll have another talk.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Cool.">>
<<me>>Cool, I'll try my best.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Good luck, stay safe! ❤<</them>>
<<goto "Go outside">>
<<todo "Photograph the banking information or install the backdoor">>
<<me>>Seduction? What do you mean...?<</me>>
<<them wait>>You know what I mean.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Act all pretty and hot, make them fall for you.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Tell them you want to do it inside. After they get naked, taze them or something.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Just be careful and make sure to put on your mask, so they can't link anything back to you if they remember what happened.<</them>>
<<messageReply"Talk about the safe.">>
<<me>>About the safe.<</me>>
<<me>>It's guarded by one, singular guard. I bet he knows how to open it though.<</me>>
<<me>>He also isn't carrying a gun, just a radio and a police baton.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Interesting... Intimidation might work on him, considering he's alone.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Or anything else that would make him do your bidding. I heard that the club's vendor sells some interesting stuff.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Take a look at his stock, maybe you'll find something. 💖<</them>>
<<messageReply "Thanks Leyja.">>
<<me>>Thanks Leyja.<</me>>
<<them wait>>No problem.<</them>>
<<them wait>>I really have to go though<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "club/main hall/.3.jpg" gallery "Leyja">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Been texting you half naked this whole time 😆<</them>>
<<messageReply "I'm not complaining.">>
<<me>>I'm not complaining 😌<</me>>
<<them wait>>Of course you aren't hahaha.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Anyways, photograph the documents or install the backdoor into the Warden's computer and then come by the shop.<</them>>
<<them wait>>I'll invite Laura, we'll have another talk.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Cool.">>
<<me>>Cool, I'll try my best.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Good luck, stay safe! ❤<</them>>
<<goto "Go outside">>
<<todo "Photograph the banking information or install the backdoor">>
<</messengerChat>><<set $work35temp4 to false>>\
<grey>-"Screeechhh..."</grey> Your car comes to a halt as you find a parking spot.
<b>-"There."</b> With a swift pull, you lock the handbrake in the upright position.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\.4.jpg">
<b>-"Let's see what I have with me."</b> You're planning to steal the information soon, so figuring out what you could use is smart.
<b>-"Oof..."</b> After leaning over towards the backseat, you grab your backpack and open it.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\.5.jpg">
<<pageReplace"Take a look.">>\
<b>-"Ah, the mask of course."</b>
<img src="Images\club\main hall\.6.png">
<b>-"Let's put it on before I forget."</b> You put on the mask and continue to look inside of the backpack.
<b>-"Mhm, my wallet."</b> You take it out and check how much cash you're carrying.
<<if $money>=500>>\
<img src="Images\club\main hall\.7.png">
<b>-"It's pretty full... Should have enough if I want to bribe the two guards in front of the Warden's office."</b>
<img src="Images\club\main hall\.9.png">
<b>-"It's pretty empty... I probably don't have enough if I want to bribe the two guards in front of the Warden's office."</b>
<b>-"What else...?"</b> You shove your hand deep into the bag.
<<if $replicagun ==true>>\
<b>-"Ah yes, still have that replica gun I bought from the vendor!"</b>
<grey>-"Click click click"</grey> The fake glock makes a series of dull clicking sounds as you pull the trigger a bunch.
<b>-"Could maybe use this to intimidate the guard in front of the safe...?"</b> You put down the weapon and continue to look.
<<if $taser ==true>>\
<b>-"A taser! Totally forgot I had one!"</b> You pull it and check how much ammo you have.
<b>-"Two shots... If I decide to use seduction, this could come in handy."</b>
<<if $scopolamine ==true>>\
<b>-"Ah... I have a bottle of scopolamine as well."</b>
<b>-"The vendor said it makes the victim do your bidding and forget everything... Maybe I could use it on the safe guard?"</b>
<b>-"Hmph, that's about it."</b> You mumble as you pull out your hand from the backpack. After you grab all of the aforementioned things, you decide that it's time to head inside.
<<pageReplace"Close the backpack.">>\
<<blink "Images/club/main hall/.13.webp" 800>>\
<<if $domstatus is true>>\
<grey>-"ZiiiiPppP!"</grey> You zip up the bag and exit the car.
<b>-"Here."</b> You open the passenger car door and throw the bag inside.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\.11.webp">
<b>-"Let's head inside."</b> After making sure your mask is nice and secure, you walk to the entrance.
<b>-"Good evening."</b> You nod at Dandelion. He nods back.
<b>-"Thanks. And grab me the cloak, will you?"</b> You say as Dandelion takes your jacket. After he puts it away, he hands you the member cloak. You don't wear it often, but it does help if you want to conceal your identity.
<b>-"Thanks again, have a good one!"</b>
[[Decide what to do next->Club]]
<grey>-"ZiiiiPppP!"</grey> You zip up the bag and throw it on the passenger seat.
<b>-"Nghhh..."</b> You let out a slight moan as you exit the vehicle.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\.10.webp">
<b>-"Let's head inside."</b> After making sure your mask is nice and secure, you walk to the entrance.
<b>-"G-good evening."</b> You nod at Dandelion. He nods back.
<b>-"Thanks. Also, could you grab me that cloak please?"</b> You say as Dandelion takes your jacket. After he puts it away, he hands you the member cloak. You don't wear it often, but it does help if you want to conceal your identity.
<b>-"Thanks again, have a good one!"</b>
[[Decide what to do next->Club]]
<</pageReplace>><<if $work35safe ==true>>\
<<goto "Banking info 2">>
<<elseif $work35office ==true>>\
<<goto "Banking info 2">>
<b>-"Mgh..."</b> You sit down on a chair to the side of the main hall.
<b>-"Time to make a decision."</b> You look out into the distance and take a deep breath.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\.12.webp">
<b>-"Only one guard is in front of the safe, but I need to make him unlock the safe somehow."</b>
<b>-"The Warden's office is probably unlocked, but two guards are in front of it..."</b>
<b>-"Hmmmm..."</b> Time to make a choice.
<<pageReplace "Try to get inside of the safe.">>
<<set $work35safe to true>>\
<<goto "Banking info 2">>
<<pageReplace "Try to get inside the Warden's office.">>
<<set $work35office to true>>\
<<goto "Banking info 2">>
<<pageReplace "I'm not ready to make a decision yet.">>
<<goto "Club">>
UI.alert("I highly advise that you save before making a decision. Some of them lead to a GAME OVER.");
<<if $work35office ==true>>\
<<locationBackdrop "club/main hall/d4.jpg">>\
<b>"I'll try the office! Seems like the better option."</b> You stand up.
<b>-"There are two guards in front of the door though..."</b> How are you going to deal with them?
<<if $money<500>>
<a><div class="hover">Bribe them<span class="hoverblock"><grey>You don't have enough money for a substantial bribe.</grey></span></div></a>
<div class="hover">[[Bribe them->Banking info office][$work35officebribe to true]]<span class="hoverblock"><grey>You will try bribing them with 500$</grey></span></div>
<<if $replicagun !==true>>
<a><div class="hover">Intimidate them<span class="hoverblock"><grey>You don't have anything to use for intimidation.</grey></span></div></a>
<div class="hover">[[Intimidate them->Banking info office][$work35officegun to true]]<span class="hoverblock"><grey>You will try intimidating them with a fake gun</grey></span></div>
<<if $domstatus ==true and $taser ==true>>
<div class="hover">[[Ask Judy to seduce them->Banking info office][$work35officeseduce to true]]<span class="hoverblock"><grey>You will ask Judy to seduce the guards.</grey></span></div>
<<elseif $domstatus !==true and $taser ==true>>
<div class="hover">[[Seduce them->Banking info office][$work35officeseduce to true]]<span class="hoverblock"><grey>You will try to seduce the guards.</grey></span></div>
<<elseif $domstatus ==true>>
<a><div class="hover">Ask Judy to seduce them<span class="hoverblock"><grey>You don't have a taser to capitalize on seduction.</grey></span></div></a>
<a><div class="hover">Seduce them<span class="hoverblock"><grey>You don't have a taser to capitalize on seduction.</grey></span></div></a>
[[I need more time to think about it->Club]]
<<elseif $work35safe ==true>>
<<locationBackdrop "club/main hall/c4.jpg">>\
<b>"I'll try the safe! Seems like the better option."</b> You stand up.
<b>-"There is a guard in front of it though..."</b> How are you going to deal with him?
<<if $money<500>>
<a><div class="hover">Bribe him<span class="hoverblock"><grey>You don't have enough money for a substantial bribe.</grey></span></div></a>
<div class="hover">[[Bribe him->Banking info safe][$work35safebribe to true]]<span class="hoverblock"><grey>You will try bribing him with 500$</grey></span></div>
<<if $replicagun !==true>>
<a><div class="hover">Intimidate him<span class="hoverblock"><grey>You don't have anything to use for intimidation.</grey></span></div></a>
<<elseif $domstatus is true or $domstatus !==true and $taser ==true>>
<div class="hover">[[Intimidate him->Banking info safe][$work35safegun to true]]<span class="hoverblock"><grey>You will try intimidating him with a fake gun</grey></span></div>
<a><div class="hover">Intimidate him<span class="hoverblock"><grey>You need something to incapacitate him.</grey></span></div></a>
<<if $scopolamine !==true>>
<a><div class="hover">Drug him<span class="hoverblock"><grey>You don't have anything to drug him with.</grey></span></div></a>
<div class="hover">[[Drug him->Banking info safe][$work35safedrug to true]]<span class="hoverblock"><grey>You will try to drug him with scopolamine</grey></span></div>
<<if $domstatus ==true and $taser ==true>>
<a><div class="hover">Ask Judy to seduce them<span class="hoverblock"><grey>Too risky. You remember him saying he will stop sleeping around on the phone.</grey></span></div></a>
<<elseif $domstatus !==true and $taser ==true>>
<a><div class="hover">Seduce him<span class="hoverblock"><grey>Too risky. You remember him saying he will stop sleeping around on the phone.</grey></span></div></a>
[[I need more time to think about it->Club]]
<</if>><<set $work35temp5 to false>>\
<<if $domstatus is true>>\
<<if $work35safebribe ==true>>\
<b>-"Let's try bribing him."</b> You stand up and begin walking towards the safe.
<b>-"I doubt that it'll work, considering he's responsabile for such an important job, but it's worth a shot."</b>
<img src="Images\club\main hall\a30.jpeg">
<b>-"Open the safe, photograph the documents and get out. Seems simple enough!"</b>
<b>-"Still on..."</b> You say as you make sure your mask is tightly secured on your face.
<blue>-"Yeah we talked about it, she calmed down."</blue> A voice rings out as you round yet another corner.
<b>-"Here goes nothing."</b>
<blue>-"I'll call you back."</blue> The security guard puts down his phone.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\a7.png">
<blue>-"Huh, what do you want?"</blue> It seems like he doesn't recognise you... Good!
<<pageReplace"Try to bribe him.">>
<b>-"You're guarding the safe, right?"</b>
<blue>-"Sure do. What about it?"</blue>
<b>-"I bet they don't pay you very well... Right?"</b>
<blue>-"Not necessarily."</blue> You pull out five, 100 dollar bills and extend your arm.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\a8.png">
<b>-"You can have this, if you let me take a peek inside."</b> The man squints his eyes.
<blue>-"A peek...?"</blue> He looks at the money.
<blue>-"Give me a second."</blue> Before you could react, the man quickly takes out his radio.
<b>-"Hey, hey! Nobody needs to know!"</b> He ignores you.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\a10.webp">
<blue>-"We have a situation here, send a unit now, over."</blue>
<b>-"Fuck!"</b> You quickly turn around and begin walking away.
<blue>-"HEY!"</blue> The man shouts as your walk turns into a run. However, as you round the corner, a shiver runs down your spine.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\a11.jpeg">
<grey>-"PUT YOUR HANDS UP!"</grey> A man shouts as the safe's security guard catches up to you both.
<blue>-"Damn, you came quick! Motherfucker was trying to bribe me!"</blue>
<grey>-"I SAID PUT YOUR HANDS UP!"</grey>
<b>-"Shit..."</b> There's nowehere left to run...
<<pageReplace"Do as he says.">>
<center>You didn't listen to Leyja's advice and tried to bribe the safe's security guard. You get captured and Mr. Hudson found out you were trying to infiltrate the place...
<span class='fadeIn3'><span class='IntroText'>GAME OVER</span>
<<button "Restart the last encounter">>
<<set $work35temp5 to true>>\
<<set $work35safebribe to false>>\
<<goto "Banking info 2">>\
<<button "Load one of your saves">>
<<run UI.saves()>>
<<button "Restart the game">>
<<run UI.restart()>>
<<button "Close the game">>
<<elseif $work35safegun ==true>>\
<b>-"I bought this fake gun for a reason. Let's try intimidating him."</b> You stand up and begin walking towards the safe.
<b>-"Considering he doesn't have one himself, this might work!"</b>
<img src="Images\club\main hall\a30.jpeg">
<b>-"Open the safe, photograph the documents and get out. Seems simple enough!"</b>
<b>-"Still on..."</b> You say as you make sure your mask is tightly secured on your face.
<blue>-"Yeah we talked about it, she calmed down."</blue> A voice rings out as you round yet another corner.
<b>-"Here goes nothing."</b>
<blue>-"I'll call you back."</blue> The security guard puts down his phone.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\a7.png">
<blue>-"Huh, what do you want?"</blue> It seems like he doesn't recognise you... Good!
<<pageReplace"Pull out your gun">>
<b>-"PUT YOUR HANDS UP!"</b> You shout as you pull out your fake gun and aim it at the man.
<blue>-"WOW WOW WOW! C-CALM DOWN!"</blue> He quickly does as you say.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\a13.jpeg">
<b>-"If you do what I say, nobody will get hurt."</b>
<blue>-"Gulp... Y-yes, anything!"</blue>
<b>-"Drop the radio on the ground."</b> You point at his waist.
<blue>-"Right away!"</blue> The security guard unclips the radio from his belt and throws it on the ground.
<b>-"Now unlock the safe."</b>
<blue>-"Y-you don't know who you're messing with sir! I-if they catch yo-"</blue> You interupt him.
<b>-"Shut up and open the safe!"</b> The man nods.
<blue>-"Of course..."</blue> After putting in the code, the man opens the safe.
<b>-"Good, now come here."</b>
<blue>-"J-just... Don't shoot me."</blue> He pathetically pleads while walking up to you.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\a2.jpg">
<b>-"I'm sorry for this."</b> You have to make sure he can't call for backup while you're inside.
<<pageReplace"Knock him out.">>\
<<blink "Images/club/main hall/a14.jpg" 300>>\
<grey>-"Dumbnnn!"</grey> The man's body makes a thud as it falls onto the ground.
<b>-"Ouch..."</b> You punched so hard, that your knuckles are already bruised.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\a29.png">
<b>-"Hah, this was a great investment."</b> You mumble as you shove the gun back in your pocket.
<b>-"Time to photograph those documents.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\a5.png">
<b>-"Hopefully he won't wake up in the meantime."</b>
[[Enter the safe->Banking info 3]]
<<elseif $work35safedrug ==true>>\
<b>-"I bought these pills for a reason. Let's try using them on him."</b> You stand up and begin walking towards the safe.
<b>-"Hmmmm... How am I supposed to feed them to him?"</b> You suddenly get an idea.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\a30.jpeg">
<b>-"There!"</b> You leave only a single pill in the small plastic bag that they came in and crush it up.
<b>-"I'll try to blow it onto his face... Saw something like that on TV once!"</b> You put the remaining pills in your pocket.
<b>-"Nice, still have some remaining if I ever want to give it to someone else!"</b>
<img src="Images\club\main hall\a1.jpg">
<b>-"Open the safe, photograph the documents and get out. Seems simple enough!"</b>
<b>-"Still on..."</b> You say as you make sure your mask is tightly secured on your face.
<blue>-"Yeah we talked about it, she calmed down."</blue> A voice rings out as you round yet another corner.
<b>-"Here goes nothing."</b>
<blue>-"I'll call you back."</blue> The security guard puts down his phone.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\a7.png">
<blue>-"Huh, what do you want?"</blue> It seems like he doesn't recognise you... Good!
<<pageReplace"Blow the powder onto his face">>\
<<blink "Images/club/main hall/a3.gif" 700>>\
<b>-"PhuuuUUuu!"</b> A cloud of powder surrounds the guards face.
<blue>-"H-hey! What are you doing?!"</blue> He starts to wave the powder away, but suddenly stops.
<blue>-"Guhhh... W-what?"</blue> He looks confused, his movements slow down.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\a4.webp">
<b>-"Let's see if it worked..."</b> You clear your throat.
<b>-"Open the safe."</b> You say in a manly, demanding tone.
<blue>-"H-huh? Safe... What?"</blue> He looks at you, confused.
<b>-"The safe you're guarding. Open it."</b> After pointing at the safe, the guard finally starts to listen.
<blue>-"The safe... Yes... Open..."</blue> He walks up to the safe like a zombie and unlocks it.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\a5.png">
<b>-"Thank you."</b> You begin to move towards it.
<blue>-"Safe... Open..."</blue> He continues to mumble.
<<pageReplace"Tell him to fall asleep.">>
<b>-"Go to sleep."</b>
<blue>-"Sleep... Go... Me...?"</blue>
<b>-"Yes, go to sleep on the ground."</b>
<blue>-"Yes..."</blue> The man nods, closes his eyes and drops to the ground like a sack of potatoes.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\a29.png">
<b>-"Well... That worked better than I expected!"</b> You also remember, that the guard won't remember a thing when he wakes up!
<b>-"Perfect! Let's head inside."</b>
[[Enter the safe->Banking info 3]]
<<if $work35safebribe ==true>>\
<b>-"Let's try bribing him."</b> You stand up and begin walking towards the safe.
<b>-"I-I doubt that it'll work, considering he's responsabile for such an important job, but it's worth a shot."</b>
<img src="Images\club\main hall\a30.jpeg">
<b>-"Open the safe, photograph the documents and get out. Seems simple enough!"</b>
<b>-"Still on..."</b> You say as you make sure your mask is tightly secured on your face.
<blue>-"Yeah we talked about it, she calmed down."</blue> A voice rings out as you round yet another corner.
<b>-"Here goes nothing."</b>
<blue>-"I'll call you back."</blue> The security guard puts down his phone.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\a7.png">
<blue>-"Huh, what do you want?"</blue> It seems like he doesn't recognise you... Good!
<<pageReplace"Try to bribe him.">>
<b>-"Y-you're guarding the safe, right?"</b>
<blue>-"Sure do. What about it?"</blue>
<b>-"I bet they don't pay you very well... Right?"</b>
<blue>-"Not necessarily."</blue> You pull out five, 100 dollar bills and extend your arm.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\a8.png">
<b>-"You can have this, if you let me take a peek inside."</b> The man squints his eyes.
<blue>-"A peek...?"</blue> He looks at the money.
<blue>-"Give me a second."</blue> Before you could react, the man quickly takes out his radio.
<b>-"Hey, hey! Nobody needs to know!"</b> He ignores you.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\a10.webp">
<blue>-"We have a situation here, send a unit now, over."</blue>
<b>-"F-fuck!"</b> You quickly turn around and begin walking away.
<blue>-"HEY!"</blue> The man shouts as your walk turns into a run. However, as you round the corner, a shiver runs down your spine.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\a11.jpeg">
<grey>-"PUT YOUR HANDS UP!"</grey> A man shouts as the safe's security guard catches up to you both.
<blue>-"Damn, you came quick! Bitch was trying to bribe me!"</blue>
<grey>-"I SAID PUT YOUR HANDS UP!"</grey>
<b>-"Shit..."</b> There's nowehere left to run...
<<pageReplace"Do as he says.">>
<center>You didn't listen to Leyja's advice and tried to bribe the safe's security guard. You get captured and Mr. Hudson found out you were trying to infiltrate the place...
<span class='fadeIn3'><span class='IntroText'>GAME OVER</span>
<<button "Restart the last encounter">>
<<set $work35temp5 to true>>\
<<set $work35safebribe to false>>\
<<goto "Banking info 2">>\
<<button "Load one of your saves">>
<<run UI.saves()>>
<<button "Restart the game">>
<<run UI.restart()>>
<<button "Close the game">>
<<elseif $work35safegun ==true>>\
<b>-"I-I bought this fake gun for a reason. Let's try intimidating him."</b> You stand up and begin walking towards the safe.
<b>-"Considering he doesn't have one himself, this might work!"</b>
<img src="Images\club\main hall\a30.jpeg">
<b>-"Open the safe, photograph the documents and get out. Seems simple enough!"</b>
<b>-"Still on..."</b> You say as you make sure your mask is tightly secured on your face.
<blue>-"Yeah we talked about it, she calmed down."</blue> A voice rings out as you round yet another corner.
<b>-"Here goes nothing."</b>
<blue>-"I'll call you back."</blue> The security guard puts down his phone.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\a7.png">
<blue>-"Huh, what do you want?"</blue> It seems like he doesn't recognise you... Good!
<<pageReplace"Pull out your gun">>
<b>-"P-PUT YOUR HANDS UP!"</b> You shout as you pull out your fake gun and aim it at the man.
<blue>-"WOW WOW WOW! C-CALM DOWN!"</blue> He quickly does as you say.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\a13.jpeg">
<b>-"If you do what I say, nobody will get hurt."</b>
<blue>-"Gulp... Y-yes, anything!"</blue>
<b>-"D-Drop the radio on the ground."</b> You point at his waist, trying to remain calm and act confident.
<blue>-"Right away!"</blue> The security guard unclips the radio from his belt and throws it on the ground.
<b>-"Now unlock the safe."</b>
<blue>-"Y-you don't know who you're messing with sir! I-if they catch yo-"</blue> You interupt him.
<b>-"J-just open the safe!"</b> The man nods.
<blue>-"Of course..."</blue> After putting in the code, the man opens the safe.
<b>-"Good, now come here."</b>
<blue>-"J-just... Don't shoot me."</blue> He pathetically pleads while walking up to you.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\a2.jpg">
<b>-"I'm sorry for this."</b> You have to make sure he can't call for backup while you're inside.
<<pageReplace"Taser him.">>\
<b>-"Ngh..."</b> You pull out the taser out of your pocket with your left hand and quickly holster your gun with the right.
<blue>-"N-no!"</blue> He starts to raise his hands, but at the same exact time, you shoot.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\a25.gif">
<blue>-"GRahhHhhHHAHHHHH!!"</blue> The guard screams as electricity travels through his body.
<grey>-"Dumbnnn!"</grey> His body makes a thud as it falls onto the ground.
<b>-"Sorry... Just a little more!"</b>
<blue>-"NGhhrrhh... Ghhh... Uhh..."</blue> You continue to press the trigger until the man passes out.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\a29.png">
<b>-"I feel kind of bad, but just know that this is for the greater good!"</b> You mumble as you shove the taser gun back in your pocket.
<b>-"Time to photograph those documents.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\a5.png">
<b>-"Hopefully he won't wake up in the meantime."</b>
[[Enter the safe->Banking info 3]]
<<elseif $work35safedrug ==true>>\
<b>-"I bought these pills for a reason. Let's try using them on him."</b> You stand up and begin walking towards the safe.
<b>-"Hmmmm... How am I supposed to feed them to him?"</b> You suddenly get an idea.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\a30.jpeg">
<b>-"T-there!"</b> You leave only a single pill in the small plastic bag that they came in and crush it up.
<b>-"I'll try to blow it onto his face... Saw something like that on TV once!"</b> You put the remaining pills in your pocket.
<b>-"Nice, still have some remaining if I ever want to give it to someone else!"</b>
<img src="Images\club\main hall\a1.jpg">
<b>-"Open the safe, photograph the documents and get out. Seems simple enough!"</b>
<b>-"Still on..."</b> You say as you make sure your mask is tightly secured on your face.
<blue>-"Yeah we talked about it, she calmed down."</blue> A voice rings out as you round yet another corner.
<b>-"Here goes nothing."</b>
<blue>-"I'll call you back."</blue> The security guard puts down his phone.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\a7.png">
<blue>-"Huh, what do you want?"</blue> It seems like he doesn't recognise you... Good!
<<pageReplace"Blow the powder onto his face">>\
<<blink "Images/club/main hall/a3.gif" 700>>\
<b>-"PhuuuUUuu!"</b> A cloud of powder surrounds the guards face.
<blue>-"H-hey! What are you doing?!"</blue> He starts to wave the powder away, but suddenly stops.
<blue>-"Guhhh... W-what?"</blue> He looks confused, his movements slow down.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\a4.webp">
<b>-"Let's see if it worked..."</b> You clear your throat.
<b>-"O-Open the safe."</b> You accidently stutter.
<blue>-"H-huh? Safe... What?"</blue> He looks at you, confused.
<b>-"A-ahem! The safe you're guarding. Open it."</b> After pointing at the safe, the guard finally starts to listen.
<blue>-"The safe... Yes... Open..."</blue> He walks up to the safe like a zombie and unlocks it.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\a5.png">
<b>-"Thank you."</b> You begin to move towards it.
<blue>-"Safe... Open..."</blue> He continues to mumble.
<<pageReplace"Tell him to fall asleep.">>
<b>-"Go to sleep."</b>
<blue>-"Sleep... Go... Me...?"</blue>
<b>-"Y-yes, go to sleep on the ground."</b>
<blue>-"Yes..."</blue> The man nods, closes his eyes and drops to the ground like a sack of potatoes.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\a29.png">
<b>-"Well... That worked better than I expected!"</b> You also remember, that the guard won't remember a thing when he wakes up!
<b>-"Perfect! Let's head inside."</b>
[[Enter the safe->Banking info 3]]
<</if>>\<<set $work35temp5 to false>>\
<<if $domstatus is true>>\
<<if $work35officeseduce==true>>\
<<set $judyfavor to true>>\
<b>-"I'll take Leyja's advice and try to seduce them..."</b> You stand up and begin walking towards the diner.
<b>-"I'll ask Judy for help."</b>
<img src="Images\club\main hall\a30.jpeg">
<b>-"It's a little early, the diner is closed, but she might be in the back room."</b> As you enter the diner, you notice that it is indeed empty.
<b>-"Let's see."</b> You walk to the backroom and see her.
<b>-"Judy!"</b> She's working out in the nearby corner with a yoga mat on the ground.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\a15.jpg">
<judy>-"Huh? $name? What are you doing here, we're opening up in a couple."</judy>
<b>-"I need your help."</b>
<judy>-"Hmmmm? What kind?"</judy>
<<pageReplace"Explain everything.">>
<judy>-"Sigh, you both can't do anything on your own, huh?"</judy> She's referring to you and Leyja.
<b>-"I guess not..."</b>
<img src="Images\club\main hall\a17.jpg">
<judy>-"When Leyja said that you want to steal some documents from the club, I knew you would come begging for help."</judy> She smirks proudly.
<b>-"Are you going to help or not?"</b>
<judy>-"Well, seducing two guards isn't an easy task, even for me."</judy> Judy smiles.
<judy>-"But if it's you who needs help, then fine."</judy>
<img src="Images\club\main hall\a16.jpg">
<judy>-"However, you will owe me a favor."</judy>
<b>-"A favor?"</b>
<b>-"What kind of favor?"</b>
<judy>-"You'll have to wait and see."</judy> You roll your eyes.
<b>-"Fine... Whatever, let's just go."</b>
<judy>-"Alright, just let me change my clothes."</judy> You begin to wait as she goes to the changing room.
<judy>-"I'm ready."</judy> After 10 minutes, she comes out.
<<pageReplace"Walk to the office.">>
<b>-"Alright, seduce the guards, get inside of the office, I come in and taze both of them."</b>
<judy>-"Sounds like a plan!"</judy>
<blue>-"So what did he say?"</blue> A pair of voices ring out as you round yet another corner.
<grey>-"That I wasn't the right fit for her or something. Whatever, fuck that bitch..."</grey>
<b>-"They're right there, go do your magic."</b> You face Judy.
<judy>-"Copy that handsome."</judy> You stay behind as she walks towards the men.
<blue>-"Huh?"</blue> They both face her.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\a18.jpeg">
<grey>-"What do you want ma'am?"</grey>
<<pageReplace "Watch her.">>\
<judy>-"Heyyyy boys... You're guarding the office, right?"</judy>
<blue>-"Sure am. He's not here though, off on a trip."</blue>
<grey>-"If you want to meet him, you'll have to wait."</grey> She licks her lips while looking into their eyes.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\a31.webp">
<judy>-"You know... I always wanted to do it somewhere forbidden..."</judy>
<blue>-"D-do it? What do you mean...?"</blue> The men begin to sweat.
<judy>-"You know excatly what I mean handsome."</judy> One of the security guards grabs his crotch as Judy make a blowjob gesture with her hand.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\a21.png">
<grey>-"Ghah, b-be my guest!"</grey> He begins to unbuckle his belt.
<judy>-"Let's do it inside... On the Warden's table."</judy>
<blue>-"B-but we can't, we have orders!"</blue>
<<pageReplace"Continue to watch.">>
<judy>-"Come onnnnn... You only live once. This is going to be so fun."</judy> She walks up to one of the guards, grabs his hand and sucks on his finger.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\a20.webp">
<b>-"She's good..."</b>
<judy>-"Nghhh... I want you to fuck me on the Warden's table... MgHhhh... As I give your friend here a blowjob."</judy> The men look at each other.
<blue>-"S-should we?"</blue>
<grey>-"Fuck it! B-but we'll have to be quick!"</grey> One of the guards turns around and unlocks the door with a keycard.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\a22.jpg">
<judy>-"Perfect..."</judy> You watch as the men open the door and Judy follows them inside.
<blue>-"Come here beautiful, quick!"</blue> They disappear into the office.
<b>-"My turn to shine..."</b> You quickly walk up to the door.
<<pageReplace"Check if it's still unlocked">>
<judy>-"NghHhH! So roughhHhh!"</judy> You hear voices from the inside of the office as you get closer.
<b>-"Fuck yeah..."</b> The door is still slightly open.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\a23.jpg">
<b>-"Two shots, two targets... Come on $name, you got this."</b> You pull out your taze gun and place your finger on the trigger.
<grey>-"CreeaaaakakkKk!"</grey> The door swings open as you give it a push.
<judy>-"Slow down boys..."</judy> You see Judy and the guards kissing.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\a24.gif">
<b>-"They don't see me..."</b>You whisper as you sneak towards them all.
<blue>-"Gosh I'm so hard!"</blue>
<grey>-"Hurry up! What if someone sees?"</grey> You take this opportunity to aim your gun at one of the guards and fire.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\a25.gif">
<blue>-"SHrIIiiITtTTtTTTTT gHhHHhhrHHrhHHH!!!!"</blue> The man screams as you begin to fry him.
<judy>-"Finally! Thought that I would have to fuck these guys!"</judy> Judy takes a step to the side.
<grey2>-"Thumbp..."</grey2> Not even 5 seconds later, his body hits the floor. He's out of the fight.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\a29.png">
<grey>-"Y-you cunt! What did you do!"</grey> The other man reaches for his radio.
<<pageReplace"Reload and taze him too!">>
<b>-"Sorry! This is for the greater good!"</b> You quickly reload the gun and fire.
<grey>-"GrhHRHghHhHhHh!!!"</grey> His body too, hits the floor like a sack of potatoes.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\a28.png">
<judy>-"Hmph, nice aim."</judy> Judy begins to walk towards the exit. As she passes you, her arm touches your chest.
<b>-"Thanks for the help Judy."</b>
<judy>-"No problem handsome. Remember the favor!"</judy> She shouts while walking out of the office.
<b>-"Mhm! Thanks again!"</b> She disappears from behind the door.
<b>-"Shit, I hope they won't remember her face when they wake up."</b> You look at both of the guards laying on the ground.
<b>-"Need to do this quick..."</b>
[[Explore the office->Banking info 3]]
<<elseif $work35officegun ==true>>\
<b>-"I bought this fake gun for a reason. Let's try intimidating them."</b> You stand up and begin walking towards the office.
<b>-"There are two of them, but I think I have a pretty decent chance."</b>
<img src="Images\club\main hall\a30.jpeg">
<b>-"Enter the office, install the backdoor and get out. Seems simple enough!"</b>
<b>-"Still on..."</b> You say as you make sure your mask is tightly secured on your face.
<blue>-"So what did he say?"</blue> A pair of voices ring out as you round yet another corner.
<grey>-"That I wasn't the right fit for her or something. Whatever, fuck that bitch..."</grey>
<b>-"Here goes nothing."</b> You walk up to the men.
<blue>-"Huh?"</blue> They both face you.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\a18.jpeg">
<grey>-"What do you want sir?"</grey> It seems like they doesn't recognise you... Good!
<<pageReplace"Pull out your gun">>
<b>-"PUT YOUR HANDS UP!"</b> You shout as you pull out your fake weapon.
<blue>-"H-HUh?! WOW WOW!"</blue>
<img src="Images\club\main hall\a13.jpeg">
<blue>-"WHAT THE FUCK?!"</blue> One of the men raises his hands, but the other - doesn't.
<grey>-"NO, YOU DO! IT'S TWO AGAINST ONE!"</grey> He pulls out his own gun and aims it at you.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\a12.jpg">
<b>-"F-fuck..."</b> This whole thing went a lot better in your mind.
<blue>-"Send a unit up to the office, we have a situation here."</blue> One of the men whispers into his radio.
<blue>-"Lay down your weapon sir, nobody has to get hurt."</blue> The second guard draws his weapon as well.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\a11.jpeg">
<b>-"God damnit..."</b>
<grey>-"HANDS UP I SAID!</grey> You shout as you hear footsteps coming towards you... You're surrounded.
<<pageReplace"Raise your hands">>
<center>You didn't listen to Leyja's advice and tried to intimidate the two office guards. You get captured and Mr. Hudson found out you were trying to infiltrate the place...
<span class='fadeIn3'><span class='IntroText'>GAME OVER</span>
<<button "Restart the last encounter">>
<<set $work35temp5 to true>>\
<<set $work35officegun to false>>\
<<goto "Banking info 2">>\
<<button "Load one of your saves">>
<<run UI.saves()>>
<<button "Restart the game">>
<<run UI.restart()>>
<<button "Close the game">>
<<elseif $work35officebribe ==true>>\
<b>-"Let's try bribing them... I bet they don't earn a lot."</b> You stand up and begin walking towards the office.
<b>-"I think half a grand will suffice."</b> You mumble to yourself.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\a30.jpeg">
<b>-"Enter the office, install the backdoor and get out. Seems simple enough!"</b>
<b>-"Still on..."</b> You say as you make sure your mask is tightly secured on your face.
<blue>-"So what did he say?"</blue> A pair of voices ring out as you round yet another corner.
<grey>-"That I wasn't the right fit for her or something. Whatever, fuck that bitch..."</grey>
<b>-"Here goes nothing."</b> You walk up to the men.
<blue>-"Huh?"</blue> They both face you.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\a18.jpeg">
<grey>-"What do you want sir?"</grey> It seems like they doesn't recognise you... Good!
<<pageReplace"Try to bribe them.">>\
<b>-"You guys are guarding the Warden's office, right...?"</b>
<blue>-"Sure am. He's not here though, off on a trip."</blue>
<grey>-"If you want to meet him, you'll have to wait."</grey>
<b>-"Perfect... So I was wondering, would you guys would like to let me inside?"</b>
<blue>-"Nope, no visitors allowed."</blue>
<b>-"What if I gave you a little reward?"</b> You show them the cash.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\a8.png">
<b>-"All you have to do is turn a blind eye for a couple of minutes while I look for something inside."</b>
<blue>-"..."</blue> The men look at each other.
<bartender>-"ChrhRRHHhhh... Status report? Over."</bartender> One of the men's radio comes on.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\a10.webp">
<blue>-"Everything is fine, over."</blue> The guard answers.
<b>-"Seems like they're interested!"</b> You think.
<grey>-"Why do you want to go inside?"</grey>
<<pageReplace"It's private information.">>
<<money -500 "Gave the Warden's office guards a bribe.">>
<b>-"It's private information. Just take the money and step aside, It won't take longer than 5 minutes."</b>
<blue>-"Should we?"</blue> They look at each other and nod.
<blue>-"Fine, give it here."</blue> You hand over the cash.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\a9.png">
<grey>-"Be quick, no more than 5 minutes."</grey> The other guard walks up to the door.
<grey>-"There."</grey> He unlocks it with a keycard.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\a22.jpg">
<b>-"..."</b> You squint your eyes.
<b>-"And you won't call anyone, right?"</b> This seems too easy...
<blue>-"If you keep asking questions, we will."</blue>
<b>-"Fine, fine. Thanks."</b> You walk up to the door.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\a23.jpg">
<b>-"Hmph, I guess they are as broke as Leyja said."</b>
[[Get inside->Banking info 3]]
<<if $work35officeseduce==true>>\
<b>-"I'll take Leyja's advice and try to seduce them..."</b> You stand up and begin walking towards the office.
<b>-"They're probably so horny from listening to all the fucking happening around them."</b>
<img src="Images\club\main hall\a30.jpeg">
<b>-"Enter the office, install the backdoor and get out. Seems simple enough!"</b>
<b>-"I'll have to go without it."</b> You say as you take off your mask. It'll be easier to seduce them this way.
<blue>-"So what did he say?"</blue> A pair of voices ring out as you round yet another corner.
<grey>-"That I wasn't the right fit for her or something. Whatever, fuck that bitch..."</grey>
<b>-"Here goes nothing."</b> You walk up to the men.
<blue>-"Huh?"</blue> They both face you.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\a18.jpeg">
<grey>-"What do you want ma'am?"</grey> It seems like they remember you.
<<pageReplace "Try to seduce the men.">>\
<b>-"Heyyyy boys... You're guarding the office, right?"</b>
<blue>-"Sure am. He's not here though, off on a trip."</blue>
<grey>-"If you want to meet him, you'll have to wait."</grey> You lick your lips while looking into their eyes.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\a31.webp">
<b>-"You know... I always wanted to do it somewhere forbidden..."</b>
<blue>-"D-do it? What do you mean...?"</blue> The men begin to sweat.
<b>-"You know excatly what I mean handsome."</b> One of the security guards grabs his crotch as you make a blowjob gesture with your hand.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\a21.png">
<grey>-"Ghah, b-be my guest!"</grey> He begins to unbuckle his belt.
<b>-"Let's do it inside... On the Warden's table."</b>
<blue>-"B-but we can't, we have orders!"</blue>
<<pageReplace"Suck on his finger.">>
<b>-"Come onnnnn... You only live once. This is going to be so fun."</b> You walk up to one of the guards, grab his hand and suck on his finger.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\a20.webp">
<b>-"Nghhh... I want you to fuck me on the Warden's table... MgHhhh... As I give your friend here a blowjob."</b> The men look at each other.
<blue>-"S-should we?"</blue>
<grey>-"Fuck it! B-but we'll have to be quick!"</grey> One of the guards turns around and unlocks the door with a keycard.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\a22.jpg">
<b>-"Perfect..."</b> You wait for a moment when they're both walking towards the door.
<blue>-"Come here beautiful, quick!"</blue> You shove your hand into your pocket.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\a27.png">
<b>-"I'm sorry in advance..."</b> The men turn around, confused.
<<pageReplace"Taze them!">>
<grey>-"What do you mean sorry in advance?"</grey>
<b>-"T-this!"</b> You pull out your taze gun, aim it at one of the guards and fire.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\a25.gif">
<blue>-"SHrIIiiITtTTtTTTTT gHhHHhhrHHrhHHH!!!!"</blue>
<grey2>-"Thumbp..."</grey2> Not even 5 seconds later, his body hits the floor. He's out of the fight.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\a29.png">
<grey>-"Y-you bitch! What did you do!"</grey> The man reaches for his radio.
<<pageReplace"Reload and taze him too!">>
<b>-"I-I'm sorry! This is for the greater good!"</b> You quickly reload the gun and fire.
<grey>-"GrhHRHghHhHhHh!!!"</grey> His body too, hits the floor like a sack of potatoes.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\a28.png">
<b>-"Shit... I need to go quickly, before they wake up!"</b> You run up to the door.
<b>-"Oh thank God, it's still open!"</b>
<img src="Images\club\main hall\a23.jpg">
<b>-"Fuck, I hope they won't remember my face when they wake up!"</b>
[[Go inside of the office->Banking info 3]]
<<elseif $work35officegun ==true>>\
<b>-"I bought this fake gun for a reason. L-Let's try intimidating them!"</b> You stand up and begin walking towards the office.
<b>-"There are two of them, but I think I have a pretty decent chance."</b>
<img src="Images\club\main hall\a30.jpeg">
<b>-"Enter the office, install the backdoor and get out. Seems simple enough!"</b>
<b>-"Still on..."</b> You say as you make sure your mask is tightly secured on your face.
<blue>-"So what did he say?"</blue> A pair of voices ring out as you round yet another corner.
<grey>-"That I wasn't the right fit for her or something. Whatever, fuck that bitch..."</grey>
<b>-"Here goes nothing."</b> You walk up to the men.
<blue>-"Huh?"</blue> They both face you.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\a18.jpeg">
<grey>-"What do you want sir?"</grey> It seems like they doesn't recognise you... Good!
<<pageReplace"Pull out your gun">>
<b>-"P-PUT YOUR HANDS UP!"</b> You shout as you pull out your fake weapon.
<blue>-"H-HUh?! WOW WOW!"</blue>
<img src="Images\club\main hall\a13.jpeg">
<blue>-"WHAT THE FUCK?!"</blue> One of the men raises his hands, but the other - doesn't.
<grey>-"NO, YOU DO! IT'S TWO AGAINST ONE!"</grey> He pulls out his own gun and aims it at you.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\a12.jpg">
<b>-"F-fuck..."</b> This whole thing went a lot better in your mind.
<blue>-"Send a unit up to the office, we have a situation here."</blue> One of the men whispers into his radio.
<blue>-"Lay down your weapon ma'am, nobody has to get hurt."</blue> The second guard draws his weapon as well.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\a11.jpeg">
<b>-"God damnit..."</b>
<grey>-"HANDS UP I SAID!</grey> You shout as you hear footsteps coming towards you... You're surrounded.
<<pageReplace"Raise your hands">>
<center>You didn't listen to Leyja's advice and tried to intimidate the two office guards. You get captured and Mr. Hudson found out you were trying to infiltrate the place...
<span class='fadeIn3'><span class='IntroText'>GAME OVER</span>
<<button "Restart the last encounter">>
<<set $work35temp5 to true>>\
<<set $work35officegun to false>>\
<<goto "Banking info 2">>\
<<button "Load one of your saves">>
<<run UI.saves()>>
<<button "Restart the game">>
<<run UI.restart()>>
<<button "Close the game">>
<<elseif $work35officebribe ==true>>\
<b>-"Let's try bribing them... I bet they don't earn a lot."</b> You stand up and begin walking towards the office.
<b>-"I-I think half a grand will suffice."</b> You mumble to yourself.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\a30.jpeg">
<b>-"Enter the office, install the backdoor and get out. Seems simple enough!"</b>
<b>-"Still on..."</b> You say as you make sure your mask is tightly secured on your face.
<blue>-"So what did he say?"</blue> A pair of voices ring out as you round yet another corner.
<grey>-"That I wasn't the right fit for her or something. Whatever, fuck that bitch..."</grey>
<b>-"Here goes nothing."</b> You walk up to the men.
<blue>-"Huh?"</blue> They both face you.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\a18.jpeg">
<grey>-"What do you want ma'am?"</grey> It seems like they doesn't recognise you... Good!
<<pageReplace"Try to bribe them.">>\
<b>-"Y-you guys are guarding the Warden's office, right...?"</b>
<blue>-"Sure am. He's not here though, off on a trip."</blue>
<grey>-"If you want to meet him, you'll have to wait."</grey>
<b>-"Perfect... So I was wondering, would you guys would like to let me inside?"</b>
<blue>-"Nope, no visitors allowed."</blue>
<b>-"What if I gave you a little reward?"</b> You show them the cash.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\a8.png">
<b>-"All you have to do is turn a blind eye for a couple of minutes while I look for something inside."</b>
<blue>-"..."</blue> The men look at each other.
<bartender>-"ChrhRRHHhhh... Status report? Over."</bartender> One of the men's radio comes on.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\a10.webp">
<blue>-"Everything is fine, over."</blue> The guard answers.
<b>-"Seems like they're interested!"</b> You think.
<grey>-"Why do you want to go inside?"</grey>
<<pageReplace"It's private information.">>
<<money -500 "Gave the Warden's office guards a bribe.">>
<b>-"I-It's private information. Just take the money and step aside please, It won't take longer than 5 minutes."</b>
<blue>-"Should we?"</blue> They look at each other and nod.
<blue>-"Fine, give it here."</blue> You hand over the cash.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\a9.png">
<grey>-"Be quick, no more than 5 minutes."</grey> The other guard walks up to the door.
<grey>-"There."</grey> He unlocks it with a keycard.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\a22.jpg">
<b>-"..."</b> You squint your eyes.
<b>-"A-and you won't call anyone, right?"</b> This seems too easy...
<blue>-"If you keep asking questions, we will."</blue>
<b>-"Fine, fine. Thanks."</b> You walk up to the door.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\a23.jpg">
<b>-"Hmph, I guess they are as broke as Leyja said."</b>
[[Get inside->Banking info 3]]
<</if>><<set $work35gottheinfo to true>>\
<<todoCompleted "Photograph the banking information or install the backdoor">>\
<<if $work35office ==true>>
<b>-"Let's hurry, I don't have a lot of time!"</b>
<b>-"Of wow, this is fancy!"</b> You think as you step inside.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\bb1.jpg">
<b>-"There it is!"</b> You spot the laptop on the Warden's table.
<b>-"In and out $name, come on! No time to mess around!"</b> After you reach the table, you sit down in the Warden's comfy chair and turn on the computer.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\bb2.webp">
<grey>-"Beep!"</grey> It comes to life as you pantiently wait for it to load.
<b>-"I didn't even ask her how it works... Do I just put the flashdrive in and that's it?"</b> You take the flash drive out of your pocket and place it on the table.
<b>-"Hmph, I guess we're about to find out!"</b>
<<pageReplace"Wait for the computer to boot up fully">>
<b>-"Finally!"</b> The screen turns blue as you're greeted by the familiar sight of Windows 10.
<b>-"Shit, not good!"</b> As you try to unlock the computer, you notice that Warden has set a password.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\bb3.png">
<b>-"Fuck! Of course he has! Why didn't we think about that!"</b> You kick the table in frustration. Time is running out!
<b>-"Fuck it, I'm still trying it!"</b> You take the fake eraser and open it.
<b>-"There!"</b> You mumble as you shove it in.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\bb4.webp">
<b>-"... Huh?"</b> A good 30 seconds pass but nothing happens, when suddenly!
<b>-"WOAH!"</b> The command prompt opens for a split second and after that, all hell breaks loose.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\bb5.webp">
<b>-"Damn!"</b> The computers screen gets covered in what appears to be javascript code.
<b>-"Is it working?"</b> You wonder as you continue to look, but as quickly as the program started, it suddenly stopped.
<<pageReplace"Don't press anything">>
<b>-"Was that me?!"</b> You take your hands off of the keyboard, thinking you fucked everything up.
<b>-"Or maybe it's installed?"</b> You mumble as the command prompt opens for a split second once again.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\bb6.webp">
<grey>-"Ding!"</grey> It immediately closes after making a sudden, high pitched sound.
<b>-"I hope that's to alert me that it's done, because I'm getting out of here!"</b> You remove the flashdrive from the computer.
<b>-"Time to dip!"</b> You turn off the computer and stand up.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\bb7.webp">
<b>-"Oh, almost forgot!"</b> You grab the flashdrive off of the table.
<<pageReplace"Leave the office.">>
<<if $work35officebribe is true>>\
<b>-"Hopefully they won't be mad at me."</b> You think as head towards the door. You took around 8 minutes to do everything, not 5.
<b>-"..."</b> You check if your mask is still fully attached. After making sure that it is, you begin pushing down the door handle.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\bb8.jpeg">
<blue>-"You're done?"</blue> One of the men greet you on the other side.
<b>-"Sure am, thanks again for the help."</b>
<blue>-"Mhm, don't worry about it."</blue> He looks you up and down.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\a2.jpg">
<blue>-"You didn't steal anything, right?"</blue>
<b>-"Nope!"</b> A drop of sweat runs down your forehead as you look down at their guns.
<blue>-"Hmph, fine. Go on then."</blue> He takes a step to the side, letting you pass.
<b>-"Thanks again!!"</b> You nervously shout as you begin to speed walk towards the exit.
<<pageReplace "Get to your car ASAP">>
<b>-"Have a good one Dandelion!"</b> You say as you leave the building.
<b>-"Awwww shucks! It's raining!"</b>
<b>-"At least i have a shield."</b> You hold your jacket above your head while you run towards your car.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\b11.jpg">
<grey>-"Beep beep!"</grey> After the car unlocks, you swiftly get inside.
<b>-"Brrrr... So cold!"</b>
<img src="Images\club\main hall\b12.webp">
<b>-"..."</b> You take a second to breath.
<b>-"Phew, mission completed!"</b> You pull out your phone and open the messages app.
<b>-"Time to text Leyja!"</b>
<<pageReplace"Text her">>
<<message "Leyja" "Banking info 3 Leyja message" "Installed the backdoor!" open>>\
<b>-"Have a good one Dandelion!"</b> You say as you leave the building.
<b>-"Awwww shucks! It's raining!"</b>
<b>-"At least i have a shield."</b> You hold your jacket above your head while you run towards your car.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\b11.jpg">
<grey>-"Beep beep!"</grey> After the car unlocks, you swiftly get inside.
<b>-"Brrrr... So cold!"</b>
<img src="Images\club\main hall\b12.webp">
<b>-"..."</b> You take a second to breath.
<b>-"Phew, mission completed!"</b> You pull out your phone and open the messages app.
<b>-"Time to text Leyja!"</b>
<b>-"I better finish this conversation before driving off!"</b>
<<if $domstatus !==true>>\
<b>-"Hopefully they haven't woken up!"</b> You think as head towards the door. You took around 8 minutes to do everything.
<b>-"..."</b> You put on your mask, just in case and begin pushing down the door handle.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\bb8.jpeg">
<blue>-"GrhhhRrhhhh..."</blue> One of the guards moan while still passed out.
<b>-"Thank God, both of them are still out!"</b>
<blue>-"Nghhhh..."</blue> You know that the one moaning is fine, but the other one is completely silent.
<b>-"Is he alright?"</b> You quickly run up to him and place your fingers on his wrist. You don't want to be a murderer!
<img src="Images\club\main hall\b9.png">
<b>-"Phew, he's fine! I can feel his heart beating!"</b> You stand up and look around.
<b>-"Coast is clear, time to dip!"</b> You nervously mumble as you begin to speed walk towards the exit.
<blue>-"GrhhhRrhhhh..."</blue> One of the guards moan while still passed out in the office.
<b>-"Still out I see... Good."</b> You say after looking back at them both.
<blue>-"Nghhhh..."</blue> You know that the one moaning is fine, but the other one is completely silent.
<b>-"Is he alright?"</b> You quickly run up to him and place your fingers on his wrist. You don't want to be a murderer!
<img src="Images\club\main hall\b9.png">
<b>-"Phew, he's fine! I can feel his heart beating!"</b> You stand up and look around.
<blue>-"Grhhhrr!"</blue> While the man continues to moan, you open the office doors and exit.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\bb8.jpeg">
<b>-"Coast seems clear, time to dip!"</b> You nervously mumble as you begin to speed walk towards the exit.
<<pageReplace "Get to your car ASAP">>
<b>-"Have a good one Dandelion!"</b> You say as you leave the building.
<b>-"Awwww shucks! It's raining!"</b>
<b>-"At least i have a shield."</b> You hold your jacket above your head while you run towards your car.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\b11.jpg">
<grey>-"Beep beep!"</grey> After the car unlocks, you swiftly get inside.
<b>-"Brrrr... So cold!"</b>
<img src="Images\club\main hall\b12.webp">
<b>-"..."</b> You take a second to breath.
<b>-"Phew, mission completed!"</b> You pull out your phone and open the messages app.
<b>-"Time to text Leyja!"</b>
<<pageReplace"Text her">>
<<message "Leyja" "Banking info 3 Leyja message" "Installed the backdoor!" open>>\
<b>-"Have a good one Dandelion!"</b> You say as you leave the building.
<b>-"Awwww shucks! It's raining!"</b>
<b>-"At least i have a shield."</b> You hold your jacket above your head while you run towards your car.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\b11.jpg">
<grey>-"Beep beep!"</grey> After the car unlocks, you swiftly get inside.
<b>-"Brrrr... So cold!"</b>
<img src="Images\club\main hall\b12.webp">
<b>-"..."</b> You take a second to breath.
<b>-"Phew, mission completed!"</b> You pull out your phone and open the messages app.
<b>-"Time to text Leyja!"</b>
<b>-"I better finish this conversation before driving off!"</b>
<b>-"I have to hurry, before he wakes up!"</b>
<b>-"Oh wow, it's an actual vault, not a safe!"</b> You think as you step inside.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\b1.jpg">
<b>-"Oof, a lot of compartments to check."</b>
<grey>-"Creeeaakkkk..."</grey> The lock box makes a noise as you open it.
<b>-"Hmph, they seem to be unlocked. They probably thought that the giant door would be sufficient."</b> You look inside.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\b2.webp">
<b>-"Looks like personal stuff... I bet some officials hold their valuables here as well."</b>
<b>-"I guess the documents are in one of the boxes... Fuck..."</b>
<<pageReplace"Begin checking every lock box">>\
<b>-"Gold..."</b> You start to open them one by one.
<b>-"More cash and gold..."</b>
<b>-"Sigh, with my luck, this will take forever!"</b>
<img src="Images\club\main hall\b3.jpg">
<b>-"Less complaining, more working $name, come on!"</b> After slapping your cheeks a couple of times, you begin looking for the documents again.
<b>-"Definitely not this one..."</b>
<b>-"Oh... What's this?"</b> You say after opening one of the lock boxes. It contains a peculiar red container.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\b4.jpg">
<b>-"Let's see."</b> After removing it, you put it on the ground and try to open it.
<b>-"Ah! It's unlocked!"</b> You swiftly open the lid and your eyes widen in surprise.
<b>-"I think this is it!"</b>
<img src="Images\club\main hall\b5.png">
<blue>-"NGhhh!"</blue> You suddenly hear the guard moan while laying on the ground, but after a couple of seconds, the sounds fade out.
<b>-"Shit, have to hurry up..."</b>
<<pageReplace"Check if they are the documents you're looking for">>
<b>-"Let's take this one for example."</b> After removing one of the folders, you open it and take out a document.
<b>Name:</b> Markus Ruhl | <b>Bank:</b> Handelsbanken | <b>IBAN:</b> SE BWD7532FGFD4596GBB21
<b>Name:</b> Tom Platz | <b>Bank:</b> Barclays | <b>IBAN:</b> UK BHGY465FBBVV2311CB
<b>Name:</b> Elias Ahlquist | <b>Bank:</b> Handelsbanken | <b>IBAN:</b> SE 11FTR85692GHBVH11G3
<b>Name:</b> Lauren Brown | <b>Bank:</b> Goldman Sachs | <b>IBAN:</b> GB 33BUKB20201HGBRHSF11
<b>Name:</b> Evert Agata | <b>Bank:</b> Handelsbanken | <b>IBAN:</b> SE BHG19648GFBV65875BVGF
<b>Name:</b> Kalle Humfrid | <b>Bank:</b> Handelsbanken | <b>IBAN:</b> SE BVGG31HG453VBB15F9FB
<div class="right">Page: 6</div>
<b>-"Seems like it is!"</b> You take a closer look.
<b>-"Although, the IBAN numbers seems interesting... Mine is made out of just numbers, these contain letters as well. Hmmmm..."</b> You decide not to worry about it too much, you are in a hurry after all!
<blue>-"NgHHhh..."</blue> The guard moans again as you quickly take out your phone.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\b6.jpg">
<b>-"Let's go..."</b> As you start to take pictures, you notice that there are only 4 folders inside of the box, each containing around 10 documents. This shouldn't take too long!
<<pageReplace "Photograph the documents and get out!">>
<b>-"Finally!"</b> You say after taking a picture of the last document. After putting the folders back in the container, you shove it into the lock box and close it.
<b>-"There, there andddd there!"</b> You close the remaining lock boxes and quickly run to the vault doors.
<grey>-"EeaaaakkKKk..."</grey> It makes a strange, metalic noise as you open it a bit wider, squeeze through and close it after you've left.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\b8.jpg">
<b>-"Oof..."</b> The guard is still laying on the ground.
<b>-"Maybe I should check on him."</b> You quickly kneel down and place your fingers on his wrist.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\b9.png">
<b>-"I can feel a heartbeat, I think he's good!"</b> You stand up, make sure your mask is still on and begin walking towards the exit of the club.
<<pageReplace "Get to your car ASAP">>
<b>-"Have a good one Dandelion!"</b> You say as you leave the building.
<b>-"Awwww shucks! It's raining!"</b>
<b>-"At least i have a shield."</b> You hold your jacket above your head while you run towards your car.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\b11.jpg">
<grey>-"Beep beep!"</grey> After the car unlocks, you swiftly get inside.
<b>-"Brrrr... So cold!"</b>
<img src="Images\club\main hall\b12.webp">
<b>-"..."</b> You take a second to breath.
<b>-"Phew, mission completed!"</b> You pull out your phone and open the messages app.
<b>-"Time to text Leyja!"</b>
<<pageReplace"Text her">>
<<message "Leyja" "Banking info 3 Leyja message" "Took the pics!" open>>\
<b>-"Have a good one Dandelion!"</b> You say as you leave the building.
<b>-"Awwww shucks! It's raining!"</b>
<b>-"At least i have a shield."</b> You hold your jacket above your head while you run towards your car.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\b11.jpg">
<grey>-"Beep beep!"</grey> After the car unlocks, you swiftly get inside.
<b>-"Brrrr... So cold!"</b>
<img src="Images\club\main hall\b12.webp">
<b>-"..."</b> You take a second to breath.
<b>-"Phew, mission completed!"</b> You pull out your phone and open the messages app.
<b>-"Time to text Leyja!"</b>
<b>-"I better finish this conversation before driving off!"</b>
<<messengerHeader Leyja>>
<<if $domstatus is true>>\
<<if $work35office ==true>>\
<<messageReply "The backdoor is installed!">>
<<me>>The backdoor is installed!<</me>>
<<messageReply "Straight into the Warden's computer!">>
<<me>>Straight into the Warden's computer!<</me>>
<<them wait>>YOU DID IT?!<</them>>
<<them wait>>That's fucking awesome!<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "club/main hall/bbb1.jpg">><</them>>
<<them wait>>How did it go, you think you're in the clear?<</them>>
<div id="choices">
<<messageReplyReplace "I think so." #choices>>
<<me>>I think so!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Good! Great fucking job as always!<</them>>
<<messageReply "So what now?">>
<<me>>So what now?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Nowwww, we talk about your reward, while Laura does whatever she has to. ❤️<</them>>
<<messageReply "My reward?">>
<<me>>My reward?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Mhm... You risked your life for me... I have to repay you!<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "club/main hall/bbb5.jpg" gallery "Leyja">><</them>>
<<messageReply "WOW!">>
<<me>>WOW!!!! 😍<</me>>
<<them wait>>Hehehe didn't expect it?<</them>>
<<them wait>>Here, have another one...<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "club/main hall/bbb4.jpg" gallery "Leyja">><</them>>
<<them wait>>❤️❤️❤️❤️<</them>>
<div id="choices1">
<<messageReplyReplace "Why the censor?" #choices1>>
<<me>>Why the censor though? 😐<</me>>
<<them wait>>Ghehe I just like teasing you.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Plus, you'll be able to express your frustrations when you get here tomorrow..<</them>>
<<messageReply "Tomorrow isn't a work day.">>
<<me>>Tomorrow isn't a work day though?<</me>>
<<them wait>>I know, that's why you'll come to my place.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Hasella, Stackekärr 81.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Come in the evening... I will be waiting.<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "club/main hall/bbb3.jpg" gallery "Leyja">><</them>>
<div id="choices3">
<<messageReplyReplace "I'll be there!" #choices3>>
<<me>>I'll be there! ❤️<</me>>
<<them>>Can't wait ❤️<</them>>
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
<<set $work35agreedtodate to true>>
<<todo "Go to Leyja's place in the evening.">>
<<set $work35agreedtodateday to $day>>
<<goto "Go outside">>
<<messageReplyReplace "I'll have to refuse." #choices3>>
<<me>>I'll have to refuse...<</me>>
<<me>>My bad, but I'm really busy tomorrow.<</me>>
<<them wait>>🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄<</them>>
<<them wait>>Your loss!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Just kidding, I understand. Thanks for the help anyways $name, you're the best! ❤️<</them>>
<<messageReply "No problem.">>
<<me>>No problem ❤️<</me>>
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
<<set $work35agreedtodate to false>>
<<goto "Go outside">>
<<messageReplyReplace "I hope this isn't the reward you talked about." #choices1>>
<<me>>I hope this isn't the reward you talked about though... I want more than picturs. 😉<</me>>
<<them wait>>Heh, it's your lucky day then!<</them>>
<<them wait>>I'll give you your proper reward when you get here tomorrow 😋<</them>>
<<messageReply "Tomorrow isn't a work day.">>
<<me>>Tomorrow isn't a work day though?<</me>>
<<them wait>>I know, that's why you'll come to my place.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Hasella, Stackekärr 81.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Come in the evening... I will be waiting.<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "club/main hall/bbb3.jpg" gallery "Leyja">><</them>>
<div id="choices3">
<<messageReplyReplace "I'll be there!" #choices3>>
<<me>>I'll be there! ❤️<</me>>
<<them>>Can't wait ❤️<</them>>
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
<<set $work35agreedtodate to true>>
<<todo "Go to Leyja's place in the evening.">>
<<set $work35agreedtodateday to $day>>
<<goto "Go outside">>
<<messageReplyReplace "I'll have to refuse." #choices3>>
<<me>>I'll have to refuse...<</me>>
<<me>>My bad, but I'm really busy tomorrow.<</me>>
<<them wait>>🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄<</them>>
<<them wait>>Your loss!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Just kidding, I understand. Thanks for the help anyways $name, you're the best! ❤️<</them>>
<<messageReply "No problem.">>
<<me>>No problem ❤️<</me>>
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
<<set $work35agreedtodate to false>>
<<goto "Go outside">>
<<messageReplyReplace "No clue." #choices>>
<<me>>No clue... I hope I am though!<</me>>
<<them wait>>I hope so too, wouldn't want my best spy to get caught 🥺<</them>>
<<messageReply "So what now?">>
<<me>>So what now?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Nowwww, we talk about your reward, while Laura does whatever she has to. ❤️<</them>>
<<messageReply "My reward?">>
<<me>>My reward?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Mhm... You risked your life for me... I have to repay you!<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "club/main hall/bbb5.jpg" gallery "Leyja">><</them>>
<<messageReply "WOW!">>
<<me>>WOW!!!! 😍<</me>>
<<them wait>>Hehehe didn't expect it?<</them>>
<<them wait>>Here, have another one...<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "club/main hall/bbb4.jpg" gallery "Leyja">><</them>>
<<them wait>>❤️❤️❤️❤️<</them>>
<div id="choices1">
<<messageReplyReplace "Why the censor?" #choices1>>
<<me>>Why the censor though? 😐<</me>>
<<them wait>>Ghehe I just like teasing you.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Plus, you'll be able to express your frustrations when you get here tomorrow..<</them>>
<<messageReply "Tomorrow isn't a work day.">>
<<me>>Tomorrow isn't a work day though?<</me>>
<<them wait>>I know, that's why you'll come to my place.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Hasella, Stackekärr 81.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Come in the evening... I will be waiting.<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "club/main hall/bbb3.jpg" gallery "Leyja">><</them>>
<div id="choices3">
<<messageReplyReplace "I'll be there!" #choices3>>
<<me>>I'll be there! ❤️<</me>>
<<them>>Can't wait ❤️<</them>>
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
<<set $work35agreedtodate to true>>
<<todo "Go to Leyja's place in the evening.">>
<<set $work35agreedtodateday to $day>>
<<goto "Go outside">>
<<messageReplyReplace "I'll have to refuse." #choices3>>
<<me>>I'll have to refuse...<</me>>
<<me>>My bad, but I'm really busy tomorrow.<</me>>
<<them wait>>🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄<</them>>
<<them wait>>Your loss!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Just kidding, I understand. Thanks for the help anyways $name, you're the best! ❤️<</them>>
<<messageReply "No problem.">>
<<me>>No problem ❤️<</me>>
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
<<set $work35agreedtodate to false>>
<<goto "Go outside">>
<<messageReplyReplace "I hope this isn't the reward you talked about." #choices1>>
<<me>>I hope this isn't the reward you talked about though... I want more than picturs. 😉<</me>>
<<them wait>>Heh, it's your lucky day then!<</them>>
<<them wait>>I'll give you your proper reward when you get here tomorrow 😋<</them>>
<<messageReply "Tomorrow isn't a work day.">>
<<me>>Tomorrow isn't a work day though?<</me>>
<<them wait>>I know, that's why you'll come to my place.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Hasella, Stackekärr 81.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Come in the evening... I will be waiting.<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "club/main hall/bbb3.jpg" gallery "Leyja">><</them>>
<div id="choices3">
<<messageReplyReplace "I'll be there!" #choices3>>
<<me>>I'll be there! ❤️<</me>>
<<them>>Can't wait ❤️<</them>>
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
<<set $work35agreedtodate to true>>
<<todo "Go to Leyja's place in the evening.">>
<<set $work35agreedtodateday to $day>>
<<goto "Go outside">>
<<messageReplyReplace "I'll have to refuse." #choices3>>
<<me>>I'll have to refuse...<</me>>
<<me>>My bad, but I'm really busy tomorrow.<</me>>
<<them wait>>🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄<</them>>
<<them wait>>Your loss!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Just kidding, I understand. Thanks for the help anyways $name, you're the best! ❤️<</them>>
<<messageReply "No problem.">>
<<me>>No problem ❤️<</me>>
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
<<set $work35agreedtodate to false>>
<<goto "Go outside">>
<<messageReply "I took the pics!">>
<<me>>I took the pics!<</me>>
<<messageReply "Of the banking info documents I mean.">>
<<me>>Of the banking info documents I mean.<</me>>
<<them wait>>YOU DID?!<</them>>
<<them wait>>That's fucking awesome!<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "club/main hall/bbb1.jpg">><</them>>
<<them wait>>How did it go, you think you're in the clear?<</them>>
<div id="choices">
<<messageReplyReplace "I think so." #choices>>
<<me>>I think so!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Good! Great fucking job as always!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Send them here, I'll forward them to Laura.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Here">>
<<me>><<image "club/main hall/bbb2.png">><</me>>
<<me>>However the IBAN codes don't look right, I think we will have to ask Laura for help still...<</me>>
<<them wait>>Hmmmm... It appears so. I'll give her a ring, see what she thinks.<</them>>
<<messageReply "So what now?">>
<<me>>So what now?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Nowwww, we talk about your reward, while Laura does whatever she has to. ❤️<</them>>
<<messageReply "My reward?">>
<<me>>My reward?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Mhm... You risked your life for me... I have to repay you!<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "club/main hall/bbb5.jpg" gallery "Leyja">><</them>>
<<messageReply "WOW!">>
<<me>>WOW!!!! 😍<</me>>
<<them wait>>Hehehe didn't expect it?<</them>>
<<them wait>>Here, have another one...<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "club/main hall/bbb4.jpg" gallery "Leyja">><</them>>
<<them wait>>❤️❤️❤️❤️<</them>>
<div id="choices1">
<<messageReplyReplace "Why the censor?" #choices1>>
<<me>>Why the censor though? 😐<</me>>
<<them wait>>Ghehe I just like teasing you.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Plus, you'll be able to express your frustrations when you get here tomorrow..<</them>>
<<messageReply "Tomorrow isn't a work day.">>
<<me>>Tomorrow isn't a work day though?<</me>>
<<them wait>>I know, that's why you'll come to my place.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Hasella, Stackekärr 81.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Come in the evening... I will be waiting.<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "club/main hall/bbb3.jpg" gallery "Leyja">><</them>>
<div id="choices3">
<<messageReplyReplace "I'll be there!" #choices3>>
<<me>>I'll be there! ❤️<</me>>
<<them>>Can't wait ❤️<</them>>
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
<<set $work35agreedtodate to true>>
<<todo "Go to Leyja's place in the evening.">>
<<set $work35agreedtodateday to $day>>
<<goto "Go outside">>
<<messageReplyReplace "I'll have to refuse." #choices3>>
<<me>>I'll have to refuse...<</me>>
<<me>>My bad, but I'm really busy tomorrow.<</me>>
<<them wait>>🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄<</them>>
<<them wait>>Your loss!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Just kidding, I understand. Thanks for the help anyways $name, you're the best! ❤️<</them>>
<<messageReply "No problem.">>
<<me>>No problem ❤️<</me>>
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
<<set $work35agreedtodate to false>>
<<goto "Go outside">>
<<messageReplyReplace "I hope this isn't the reward you talked about." #choices1>>
<<me>>I hope this isn't the reward you talked about though... I want more than picturs. 😉<</me>>
<<them wait>>Heh, it's your lucky day then!<</them>>
<<them wait>>I'll give you your proper reward when you get here tomorrow 😋<</them>>
<<messageReply "Tomorrow isn't a work day.">>
<<me>>Tomorrow isn't a work day though?<</me>>
<<them wait>>I know, that's why you'll come to my place.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Hasella, Stackekärr 81.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Come in the evening... I will be waiting.<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "club/main hall/bbb3.jpg" gallery "Leyja">><</them>>
<div id="choices3">
<<messageReplyReplace "I'll be there!" #choices3>>
<<me>>I'll be there! ❤️<</me>>
<<them>>Can't wait ❤️<</them>>
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
<<set $work35agreedtodate to true>>
<<todo "Go to Leyja's place in the evening.">>
<<set $work35agreedtodateday to $day>>
<<goto "Go outside">>
<<messageReplyReplace "I'll have to refuse." #choices3>>
<<me>>I'll have to refuse...<</me>>
<<me>>My bad, but I'm really busy tomorrow.<</me>>
<<them wait>>🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄<</them>>
<<them wait>>Your loss!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Just kidding, I understand. Thanks for the help anyways $name, you're the best! ❤️<</them>>
<<messageReply "No problem.">>
<<me>>No problem ❤️<</me>>
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
<<set $work35agreedtodate to false>>
<<goto "Go outside">>
<<messageReplyReplace "No clue." #choices>>
<<me>>No clue... I hope I am though!<</me>>
<<them wait>>I hope so too, wouldn't want my best spy to get caught 🥺<</them>>
<<them wait>>Send them here, I'll forward them to Laura.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Here">>
<<me>><<image "club/main hall/bbb2.png">><</me>>
<<me>>However the IBAN codes don't look right, I think we will have to ask Laura for help still...<</me>>
<<them wait>>Hmmmm... It appears so. I'll give her a ring, see what she thinks.<</them>>
<<messageReply "So what now?">>
<<me>>So what now?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Nowwww, we talk about your reward, while Laura does whatever she has to. ❤️<</them>>
<<messageReply "My reward?">>
<<me>>My reward?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Mhm... You risked your life for me... I have to repay you!<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "club/main hall/bbb5.jpg" gallery "Leyja">><</them>>
<<messageReply "WOW!">>
<<me>>WOW!!!! 😍<</me>>
<<them wait>>Hehehe didn't expect it?<</them>>
<<them wait>>Here, have another one...<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "club/main hall/bbb4.jpg" gallery "Leyja">><</them>>
<<them wait>>❤️❤️❤️❤️<</them>>
<div id="choices1">
<<messageReplyReplace "Why the censor?" #choices1>>
<<me>>Why the censor though? 😐<</me>>
<<them wait>>Ghehe I just like teasing you.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Plus, you'll be able to express your frustrations when you get here tomorrow..<</them>>
<<messageReply "Tomorrow isn't a work day.">>
<<me>>Tomorrow isn't a work day though?<</me>>
<<them wait>>I know, that's why you'll come to my place.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Hasella, Stackekärr 81.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Come in the evening... I will be waiting.<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "club/main hall/bbb3.jpg" gallery "Leyja">><</them>>
<div id="choices3">
<<messageReplyReplace "I'll be there!" #choices3>>
<<me>>I'll be there! ❤️<</me>>
<<them>>Can't wait ❤️<</them>>
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
<<set $work35agreedtodate to true>>
<<todo "Go to Leyja's place in the evening.">>
<<set $work35agreedtodateday to $day>>
<<goto "Go outside">>
<<messageReplyReplace "I'll have to refuse." #choices3>>
<<me>>I'll have to refuse...<</me>>
<<me>>My bad, but I'm really busy tomorrow.<</me>>
<<them wait>>🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄<</them>>
<<them wait>>Your loss!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Just kidding, I understand. Thanks for the help anyways $name, you're the best! ❤️<</them>>
<<messageReply "No problem.">>
<<me>>No problem ❤️<</me>>
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
<<set $work35agreedtodate to false>>
<<goto "Go outside">>
<<messageReplyReplace "I hope this isn't the reward you talked about." #choices1>>
<<me>>I hope this isn't the reward you talked about though... I want more than picturs. 😉<</me>>
<<them wait>>Heh, it's your lucky day then!<</them>>
<<them wait>>I'll give you your proper reward when you get here tomorrow 😋<</them>>
<<messageReply "Tomorrow isn't a work day.">>
<<me>>Tomorrow isn't a work day though?<</me>>
<<them wait>>I know, that's why you'll come to my place.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Hasella, Stackekärr 81.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Come in the evening... I will be waiting.<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "club/main hall/bbb3.jpg" gallery "Leyja">><</them>>
<div id="choices3">
<<messageReplyReplace "I'll be there!" #choices3>>
<<me>>I'll be there! ❤️<</me>>
<<them>>Can't wait ❤️<</them>>
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
<<set $work35agreedtodate to true>>
<<todo "Go to Leyja's place in the evening.">>
<<set $work35agreedtodateday to $day>>
<<goto "Go outside">>
<<messageReplyReplace "I'll have to refuse." #choices3>>
<<me>>I'll have to refuse...<</me>>
<<me>>My bad, but I'm really busy tomorrow.<</me>>
<<them wait>>🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄<</them>>
<<them wait>>Your loss!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Just kidding, I understand. Thanks for the help anyways $name, you're the best! ❤️<</them>>
<<messageReply "No problem.">>
<<me>>No problem ❤️<</me>>
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
<<set $work35agreedtodate to false>>
<<goto "Go outside">>
<<if $work35office ==true>>\
<<messageReply "The backdoor is installed!">>
<<me>>The backdoor is installed!<</me>>
<<messageReply "Straight into the Warden's computer!">>
<<me>>Straight into the Warden's computer!<</me>>
<<them wait>>YOU DID IT?!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Good pet!<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "club/main hall/bbb1.jpg">><</them>>
<<them wait>>How did it go, you think you're in the clear?<</them>>
<div id="choices">
<<messageReplyReplace "I think so." #choices>>
<<me>>I think so!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Good! Great fucking job as always!<</them>>
<<messageReply "So what now?">>
<<me>>So what now?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Nowwww, we talk about your reward, while Laura does whatever she has to. ❤️<</them>>
<<messageReply "My reward?">>
<<me>>My reward?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Mhm... You risked your life for me... I have to repay you!<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "club/main hall/bbb5.jpg" gallery "Leyja">><</them>>
<<messageReply "WOW!">>
<<me>>WOW!!!! 😍<</me>>
<<them wait>>Hehehe didn't expect it?<</them>>
<<them wait>>Here, have another one...<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "club/main hall/bbb4.jpg" gallery "Leyja">><</them>>
<<them wait>>❤️❤️❤️❤️<</them>>
<div id="choices1">
<<messageReplyReplace "Why the censor?" #choices1>>
<<me>>Why the censor though? 😐<</me>>
<<them wait>>Don't question your mistress pet.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Plus, you'll be able to express your frustrations when you get here tomorrow..<</them>>
<<messageReply "Tomorrow isn't a work day.">>
<<me>>Tomorrow isn't a work day though?<</me>>
<<them wait>>I know, that's why you'll come to my place.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Hasella, Stackekärr 81.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Come in the evening... I will be waiting.<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "club/main hall/bbb3.jpg" gallery "Leyja">><</them>>
<div id="choices3">
<<messageReplyReplace "I'll be there!" #choices3>>
<<me>>I'll be there mistress! ❤️<</me>>
<<them>>Can't wait ❤️<</them>>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
<<set $work35agreedtodate to true>>
<<todo "Go to Leyja's place in the evening.">>
<<set $work35agreedtodateday to $day>>
<<goto "Go outside">>
<<messageReplyReplace "I'll have to refuse." #choices3>>
<<me>>I'll have to refuse...<</me>>
<<me>>I apologize mistress, but I'm really busy tomorrow.<</me>>
<<them wait>>🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄<</them>>
<<them wait>>Your loss!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Just kidding, I understand. Thanks for the help anyways $name, you're the best! ❤️<</them>>
<<messageReply "No problem.">>
<<me>>No problem ❤️<</me>>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
<<set $work35agreedtodate to false>>
<<goto "Go outside">>
<<messageReplyReplace "I hope this isn't the reward you talked about." #choices1>>
<<me>>I hope this isn't the reward you talked about though... I want more than picturs!!!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Hmph, you should be thankful you're getting a reward at all!<</them>>
<<them wait>>My pet should do my bidding without the expectation of anything in return!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Although, I will give you your proper reward when you get here tomorrow 😋<</them>>
<<messageReply "Tomorrow isn't a work day.">>
<<me>>Tomorrow isn't a work day though?<</me>>
<<them wait>>I know, that's why you'll come to my place.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Hasella, Stackekärr 81.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Come in the evening... I will be waiting.<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "club/main hall/bbb3.jpg" gallery "Leyja">><</them>>
<div id="choices3">
<<messageReplyReplace "I'll be there!" #choices3>>
<<me>>I'll be there mistress! ❤️<</me>>
<<them>>Can't wait ❤️<</them>>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
<<set $work35agreedtodate to true>>
<<todo "Go to Leyja's place in the evening.">>
<<set $work35agreedtodateday to $day>>
<<goto "Go outside">>
<<messageReplyReplace "I'll have to refuse." #choices3>>
<<me>>I'll have to refuse...<</me>>
<<me>>I apologize mistress, but I'm really busy tomorrow.<</me>>
<<them wait>>🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄<</them>>
<<them wait>>Your loss!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Just kidding, I understand. Thanks for the help anyways $name, you're the best! ❤️<</them>>
<<messageReply "No problem.">>
<<me>>No problem ❤️<</me>>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
<<set $work35agreedtodate to false>>
<<goto "Go outside">>
<<messageReplyReplace "No clue." #choices>>
<<me>>No clue... I hope I am though!<</me>>
<<them wait>>I hope so too, wouldn't want my best spy to get caught 🥺<</them>>
<<messageReply "So what now?">>
<<me>>So what now?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Nowwww, we talk about your reward, while Laura does whatever she has to. ❤️<</them>>
<<messageReply "My reward?">>
<<me>>My reward?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Mhm... You risked your life for me... I have to repay you!<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "club/main hall/bbb5.jpg" gallery "Leyja">><</them>>
<<messageReply "WOW!">>
<<me>>WOW!!!! 😍<</me>>
<<them wait>>Hehehe didn't expect it?<</them>>
<<them wait>>Here, have another one...<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "club/main hall/bbb4.jpg" gallery "Leyja">><</them>>
<<them wait>>❤️❤️❤️❤️<</them>>
<div id="choices1">
<<messageReplyReplace "Why the censor?" #choices1>>
<<me>>Why the censor though? 😐<</me>>
<<them wait>>Don't question your mistress pet.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Plus, you'll be able to express your frustrations when you get here tomorrow..<</them>>
<<messageReply "Tomorrow isn't a work day.">>
<<me>>Tomorrow isn't a work day though?<</me>>
<<them wait>>I know, that's why you'll come to my place.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Hasella, Stackekärr 81.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Come in the evening... I will be waiting.<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "club/main hall/bbb3.jpg" gallery "Leyja">><</them>>
<div id="choices3">
<<messageReplyReplace "I'll be there!" #choices3>>
<<me>>I'll be there mistress! ❤️<</me>>
<<them>>Can't wait ❤️<</them>>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
<<set $work35agreedtodate to true>>
<<todo "Go to Leyja's place in the evening.">>
<<set $work35agreedtodateday to $day>>
<<goto "Go outside">>
<<messageReplyReplace "I'll have to refuse." #choices3>>
<<me>>I'll have to refuse...<</me>>
<<me>>I apologize mistress, but I'm really busy tomorrow.<</me>>
<<them wait>>🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄<</them>>
<<them wait>>Your loss!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Just kidding, I understand. Thanks for the help anyways $name, you're the best! ❤️<</them>>
<<messageReply "No problem.">>
<<me>>No problem ❤️<</me>>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
<<set $work35agreedtodate to false>>
<<goto "Go outside">>
<<messageReplyReplace "I hope this isn't the reward you talked about." #choices1>>
<<me>>I hope this isn't the reward you talked about though... I want more than picturs!!!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Hmph, you should be thankful you're getting a reward at all!<</them>>
<<them wait>>My pet should do my bidding without the expectation of anything in return!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Although, I will give you your proper reward when you get here tomorrow 😋<</them>>
<<messageReply "Tomorrow isn't a work day.">>
<<me>>Tomorrow isn't a work day though?<</me>>
<<them wait>>I know, that's why you'll come to my place.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Hasella, Stackekärr 81.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Come in the evening... I will be waiting.<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "club/main hall/bbb3.jpg" gallery "Leyja">><</them>>
<div id="choices3">
<<messageReplyReplace "I'll be there!" #choices3>>
<<me>>I'll be there mistress! ❤️<</me>>
<<them>>Can't wait ❤️<</them>>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
<<set $work35agreedtodate to true>>
<<todo "Go to Leyja's place in the evening.">>
<<set $work35agreedtodateday to $day>>
<<goto "Go outside">>
<<messageReplyReplace "I'll have to refuse." #choices3>>
<<me>>I'll have to refuse...<</me>>
<<me>>I apologize mistress, but I'm really busy tomorrow.<</me>>
<<them wait>>🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄<</them>>
<<them wait>>Your loss!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Just kidding, I understand. Thanks for the help anyways $name, you're the best! ❤️<</them>>
<<messageReply "No problem.">>
<<me>>No problem ❤️<</me>>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
<<set $work35agreedtodate to false>>
<<goto "Go outside">>
<<messageReply "I took the pics!">>
<<me>>I took the pics!<</me>>
<<messageReply "Of the banking info documents I mean.">>
<<me>>Of the banking info documents I mean.<</me>>
<<them wait>>YOU DID?!<</them>>
<<them wait>>What a good pet you are!<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "club/main hall/bbb1.jpg">><</them>>
<<them wait>>How did it go, you think you're in the clear?<</them>>
<div id="choices">
<<messageReplyReplace "I think so." #choices>>
<<me>>I think so!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Good! Great fucking job as always!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Send them here, I'll forward them to Laura.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Here">>
<<me>><<image "club/main hall/bbb2.png">><</me>>
<<me>>However the IBAN codes don't look right, I think we will have to ask Laura for help still...<</me>>
<<them wait>>Hmmmm... It appears so. I'll give her a ring, see what she thinks.<</them>>
<<messageReply "So what now?">>
<<me>>So what now?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Nowwww, we talk about your reward, while Laura does whatever she has to. ❤️<</them>>
<<messageReply "My reward?">>
<<me>>My reward?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Mhm... You risked your life for me... I have to repay you!<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "club/main hall/bbb5.jpg" gallery "Leyja">><</them>>
<<messageReply "WOW!">>
<<me>>WOW!!!! 😍<</me>>
<<them wait>>Hehehe didn't expect it?<</them>>
<<them wait>>Here, have another one...<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "club/main hall/bbb4.jpg" gallery "Leyja">><</them>>
<<them wait>>❤️❤️❤️❤️<</them>>
<div id="choices1">
<<messageReplyReplace "Why the censor?" #choices1>>
<<me>>Why the censor though? 😐<</me>>
<<them wait>>Don't question your mistress pet.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Plus, you'll be able to express your frustrations when you get here tomorrow..<</them>>
<<messageReply "Tomorrow isn't a work day.">>
<<me>>Tomorrow isn't a work day though?<</me>>
<<them wait>>I know, that's why you'll come to my place.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Hasella, Stackekärr 81.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Come in the evening... I will be waiting.<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "club/main hall/bbb3.jpg" gallery "Leyja">><</them>>
<div id="choices3">
<<messageReplyReplace "I'll be there!" #choices3>>
<<me>>I'll be there mistress! ❤️<</me>>
<<them>>Can't wait ❤️<</them>>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
<<set $work35agreedtodate to true>>
<<todo "Go to Leyja's place in the evening.">>
<<set $work35agreedtodateday to $day>>
<<goto "Go outside">>
<<messageReplyReplace "I'll have to refuse." #choices3>>
<<me>>I'll have to refuse...<</me>>
<<me>>I apologize mistress, but I'm really busy tomorrow.<</me>>
<<them wait>>🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄<</them>>
<<them wait>>Your loss!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Just kidding, I understand. Thanks for the help anyways $name, you're the best! ❤️<</them>>
<<messageReply "No problem.">>
<<me>>No problem ❤️<</me>>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
<<set $work35agreedtodate to false>>
<<goto "Go outside">>
<<messageReplyReplace "I hope this isn't the reward you talked about." #choices1>>
<<me>>I hope this isn't the reward you talked about though... I want more than picturs!!!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Hmph, you should be thankful you're getting a reward at all!<</them>>
<<them wait>>My pet should do my bidding without the expectation of anything in return!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Although, I will give you your proper reward when you get here tomorrow 😋<</them>>
<<messageReply "Tomorrow isn't a work day.">>
<<me>>Tomorrow isn't a work day though?<</me>>
<<them wait>>I know, that's why you'll come to my place.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Hasella, Stackekärr 81.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Come in the evening... I will be waiting.<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "club/main hall/bbb3.jpg" gallery "Leyja">><</them>>
<div id="choices3">
<<messageReplyReplace "I'll be there!" #choices3>>
<<me>>I'll be there mistress! ❤️<</me>>
<<them>>Can't wait ❤️<</them>>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
<<set $work35agreedtodate to true>>
<<todo "Go to Leyja's place in the evening.">>
<<set $work35agreedtodateday to $day>>
<<goto "Go outside">>
<<messageReplyReplace "I'll have to refuse." #choices3>>
<<me>>I'll have to refuse...<</me>>
<<me>>I apologize mistress, but I'm really busy tomorrow.<</me>>
<<them wait>>🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄<</them>>
<<them wait>>Your loss!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Just kidding, I understand. Thanks for the help anyways $name, you're the best! ❤️<</them>>
<<messageReply "No problem.">>
<<me>>No problem ❤️<</me>>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
<<set $work35agreedtodate to false>>
<<goto "Go outside">>
<<messageReplyReplace "No clue." #choices>>
<<me>>No clue... I hope I am though!<</me>>
<<them wait>>I hope so too, wouldn't want my best spy to get caught 🥺<</them>>
<<them wait>>Send them here, I'll forward them to Laura.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Here">>
<<me>><<image "club/main hall/bbb2.png">><</me>>
<<me>>However the IBAN codes don't look right, I think we will have to ask Laura for help still...<</me>>
<<them wait>>Hmmmm... It appears so. I'll give her a ring, see what she thinks.<</them>>
<<messageReply "So what now?">>
<<me>>So what now?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Nowwww, we talk about your reward, while Laura does whatever she has to. ❤️<</them>>
<<messageReply "My reward?">>
<<me>>My reward?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Mhm... You risked your life for me... I have to repay you!<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "club/main hall/bbb5.jpg" gallery "Leyja">><</them>>
<<messageReply "WOW!">>
<<me>>WOW!!!! 😍<</me>>
<<them wait>>Hehehe didn't expect it?<</them>>
<<them wait>>Here, have another one...<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "club/main hall/bbb4.jpg" gallery "Leyja">><</them>>
<<them wait>>❤️❤️❤️❤️<</them>>
<div id="choices1">
<<messageReplyReplace "Why the censor?" #choices1>>
<<me>>Why the censor though? 😐<</me>>
<<them wait>>Don't question your mistress pet.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Plus, you'll be able to express your frustrations when you get here tomorrow..<</them>>
<<messageReply "Tomorrow isn't a work day.">>
<<me>>Tomorrow isn't a work day though?<</me>>
<<them wait>>I know, that's why you'll come to my place.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Hasella, Stackekärr 81.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Come in the evening... I will be waiting.<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "club/main hall/bbb3.jpg" gallery "Leyja">><</them>>
<div id="choices3">
<<messageReplyReplace "I'll be there!" #choices3>>
<<me>>I'll be there mistress! ❤️<</me>>
<<them>>Can't wait ❤️<</them>>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
<<set $work35agreedtodate to true>>
<<todo "Go to Leyja's place in the evening.">>
<<set $work35agreedtodateday to $day>>
<<goto "Go outside">>
<<messageReplyReplace "I'll have to refuse." #choices3>>
<<me>>I'll have to refuse...<</me>>
<<me>>I apologize mistress, but I'm really busy tomorrow.<</me>>
<<them wait>>🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄<</them>>
<<them wait>>Your loss!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Just kidding, I understand. Thanks for the help anyways $name, you're the best! ❤️<</them>>
<<messageReply "No problem.">>
<<me>>No problem ❤️<</me>>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
<<set $work35agreedtodate to false>>
<<goto "Go outside">>
<<messageReplyReplace "I hope this isn't the reward you talked about." #choices1>>
<<me>>I hope this isn't the reward you talked about though... I want more than picturs!!!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Hmph, you should be thankful you're getting a reward at all!<</them>>
<<them wait>>My pet should do my bidding without the expectation of anything in return!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Although, I will give you your proper reward when you get here tomorrow 😋<</them>>
<<messageReply "Tomorrow isn't a work day.">>
<<me>>Tomorrow isn't a work day though?<</me>>
<<them wait>>I know, that's why you'll come to my place.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Hasella, Stackekärr 81.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Come in the evening... I will be waiting.<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "club/main hall/bbb3.jpg" gallery "Leyja">><</them>>
<div id="choices3">
<<messageReplyReplace "I'll be there!" #choices3>>
<<me>>I'll be there mistress! ❤️<</me>>
<<them>>Can't wait ❤️<</them>>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
<<set $work35agreedtodate to true>>
<<todo "Go to Leyja's place in the evening.">>
<<set $work35agreedtodateday to $day>>
<<goto "Go outside">>
<<messageReplyReplace "I'll have to refuse." #choices3>>
<<me>>I'll have to refuse...<</me>>
<<me>>I apologize mistress, but I'm really busy tomorrow.<</me>>
<<them wait>>🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄<</them>>
<<them wait>>Your loss!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Just kidding, I understand. Thanks for the help anyways $name, you're the best! ❤️<</them>>
<<messageReply "No problem.">>
<<me>>No problem ❤️<</me>>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
<<set $work35agreedtodate to false>>
<<goto "Go outside">>
<</messengerChat>><<set $needstogototheclubwithleyja to false>>\
<<todoCompleted "Meet Leyja outside of the shop">>\
<<set $clubstatus to true>>\
<<set $wenttotheclubtemp to true>>\
<<if $domstatus is true>>\
<b>-"Where is she..."</b> You wonder as you look around the street..
<b>-"She said we're meeting up in front of the store... But the lights are still on."</b> It's best to check if she's still inside...
<b>-"HellooOOooo?"</b> You shout as you enter the Simply Pleasure sex shop.
<manager>-"Oh! $name! So sorry!"</manager> She pokes her head out from the counter.
<img src="Images\club\intro\.1.jpg">
<b>-"W-woah! Haha you look completely different!"</b> Leyja has a giant wig on and a ton of make up.
<manager>-"Well, I had to make sure they won't recognise me! The principal knows what I'm doing, remember the woman who came around?"</manager>
<b>-"Oh yeah! You're right! So, ready to go?"</b>
<manager>-"Yup, changing the mask was a lot harder than I thought, but I did it!"</manager> She looks you up and down.
<<if $equip ==1>>\
<manager>-"Come onnnn $name! I told you not to wear those pants!"</manager> Leyja frowns as she looks at your jeans.
<b>-"My bad Leyja! Everything else was in the washing machine!"</b> She sighs once again.
<manager>-"Fine.. It's not the end of the world I guess."</manager>
<manager>-"Wow.. You look.. Fabulous..."</manager> You see her bite her lip.
<b>-"You look great yourself.."</b> You hold eye contact with her, but she suddenly looks away.
<manager>-"If we want to make it to the ceremony, we have to hurry!"</manager> She turns and starts walking towards the door.
<img src="Images\club\intro\.2.jpg">
<b>-"The ceremony..?"</b>
<manager>-"I'll explain everything once we're there, but today is the only day of the month when new staff or members can join."</manager>
<<pageReplace"Follow her out of the store.">>\
<b>-"Really? That's why you were so pushy and wanted to get the masks quickly?"</b>
<manager>-"Yup! Thankfully we should be able to make it!"</manager>
<img src="Images\club\intro\.26.jpeg">
<b>-"Damn... nice car!"</b>
<manager>-"Thanks, but it's not mine, I rented it."</manager> She gets inside and you follow suit.
<manager>-"Wouldn't be smart to drive there with my own.."</manager> The engine comes to life.
<b>-"Right.. So, what's the plan?"</b> You ask as you pull out of the parking lot.
<manager>-"Alright, we're going to park inside of the garden and I'm going to go inside first."</manager> She makes a left turn.
<manager>-"Long story short, I have a staff member giving me information, she's going to be the one giving you a job as well."</manager> You notice a car behind you..
<b>-"Oh! We have an ally! That's good!"</b> At least there will be someone inside you can trust..
<manager>-"Ehhhhhh I wouldn't call her an ally, she just owned me a favor."</manager>
<<pageReplace"So I shouldn't trust her?">>\
<b>-"Right, so I shouldn't trust her then?"</b> Leyja makes a right turn, the car follows.
<manager>-"Not really.. Anyways! I'll go inside first and you'll have to get inside a couple of minutes later."</manager>
<manager>-"You will get lead to the main hall where you'll get assigned a woman, which will be me!"</manager>
<b>-"Assigned a woman? What the fuck haha."</b>
<manager>-"Well yeah, I told you, they're a fucked up bunch... Most of the women will be last years students..."</manager>
<b>-"A little off topic, there's a car following us."</b> Leyja quickly checks the rear-view mirror.
<img src="Images\club\intro\.27.gif">
<manager>-"Oh yeah, don't worry. We're getting pretty close, so we're getting an escort. They're making sure we aren't being followed."</manager> Leyja starts looking at the road again.
<b>-"So, they'll just assign us together becauseeeeee..?"</b>
<manager>-"Because we're both new!"</manager>
<b>-"I thought you were disguising yourself as Juliat?"</b>
<manager>-"Sure am, but every members initiation is the same and if my source is correct, Juliat is not a member."</manager>
<b>-"Understood... Why act like her then?"</b>
<manager>-"To get inside $name, come on, think. They wouldn't invite some random couple inside."</manager> You nod as you pull into the yard of a luxurious, old school mansion. There's a bunch of security around..
<manager>-"We're here..."</manager> You see the car that was following you turn away and drive off.
<b>-"Shit.. I'm nervous.."</b>
<manager>-"Don't be.. Remember our plan and everything should work out pretty well. Oh and also, nod when the Warden's goons look at you."</manager>
<b>-"H-huh?! The warden?! Nod?! What?!"</b> She starts getting out of the car.
<img src="Images\club\intro\.3.webp">
<manager>-"You'll understand everything! We can't wate any time, I have to get inside. Come in after 5 minutes."</manager>
<manager>-"Oh and, the password is Radagon's fury!"</manager> She shuts the door, puts on the mask and goes inside of the building..
<b>-"S-shit shit shit.."</b> You whisper to yourself as you look around. Every single guard outside is not wearing a mask, which you find quite odd... Nonetheless, you quickly pull your own out of the backpack and wait.
<<pageReplace"Wait a bit and get inside..">>\
<<location "Images/club/intro/.30.jpg" "The Club">>\
<b>-"It's time.."</b> After making sure nobody is staring at you, you open the door and get out.
<b>-"Come on... Grow some balls $name.."</b> You tell yourself as you walk up the steps to the giant wooden door.
<b>-"Do I knock.. N-no I shouldn't.. She didn't.."</b> You nervously chuckle. Before you could do anything, the doors swing open on their own. In front of you, stands a man in a suit and a mask.
<b>-"H-hello?"</b> You take a step inside. The man doesn't answer and just stares at you.
<b>-"Radagon's fury?"</b> You say, sheepishly. He nods and starts to take off your coat. After he does, he hands you a black robe which you put on.
<b>-"O-oh.. Uhmmm.. Thanks.."</b> You suddenly notice that you're not wearing a mask!
<b>-"Oh shit.."</b> You whisper as you quickly put it on.
<img src="Images\club\intro\.4.webp">
<b>-"Right.. Where to now.."</b> You look around the entrance hall and wonder, but the same man who took your coat, suddenly starts walking forward.
<b>-"I think I should follow him.."</b> You reluctantly follow the man through the building. It's eerily silent and kind of creepy, but you suck it up and keep going. After reaching some sort of red, cutrain wall, the man stops.
<b>-"Gulp.."</b> He then proceeds to open up the curtains and raise his hand, insinuating you need to get inside...
<<pageReplace"Step inside the main hall">>\
<img src="Images\club\intro\.5.webp">
<b>-"..."</b> As you step inside, the sound of bells fill the room.
<b>-"..."</b> You stay quiet as you look around the room... There are tens, no, hundreds of people standing around a circle of masked individuals... You manage to find an empty spot to the left of the hall...
<div class="glow-text"><b><warden>-"RISE!"</warden></b></div>\
<b>-"..."</b> A masculine and assertive voice echos through the room.. The man in the red coat speaks..
<b>-"That must be the Warden.."</b> You think to yourself as the individuals around him stand up..
<img src="Images\club\intro\.6.webp">
<b>-"Oh shit.."</b> They remove their robes... It's a bunch of topeless women..
<b>-"Jeez.. They look all look pretty young.."</b> You remember what Leyja told you.. Most of them are last years students.
<b>-"..."</b> You continue to watch as the Warden walks up to a woman, looks her in the eyes and hits the ground with his staff.
<b>-"Wait.. Is his staff making the bell noises?"</b> You think.. The woman nods while staring at the warden and starts walking. She reaches one of the members, kisses him through the mask and they both start walking off.
<b>-"It's going down.."</b> The Warden goes around the circle of women, slamming his staff down in front of each one..
<img src="Images\club\intro\.7.webp">
<b>-"There she is!"</b> You finally spot Leyja! She's one of the women in the circle.
<<pageReplace"Wait for her to get assigned to you.">>
<b>-"She said she'll get assigned to me.. So I'll just wait.."</b> You think as you suddenly spot something with a corner of your eye..
<b>-"What's their problem.."</b> Another bell sound rings out as you notice a couple staring at you on the balcony.
<img src="Images\club\intro\.8.webp">
<b>-"..."</b> More and more women are leaving the circle... Leyja is the third from last.. As you look at the couple, the man nods his head.
<img src="Images\club\intro\.9.webp">
<<pageReplace"Nod back">>
<b>-"That must be Warden's goons or whatever she called them.."</b> You think and nod back.
<img src="Images\club\intro\.28.webp">
<b>-"..."</b> The couple turns away and the show continues..
<b>-"It's Leyja's turn!"</b> You see the Warden walk up to Leyja, and hit the ground with his staff.
<b>-"..."</b> Leyja stands up, nods and starts to walk towards you.
<img src="Images\club\intro\.14.webp">
<b>-"Here she comes.."</b> Leyja walks towards you as you stand still.
<manager>-"Good job.. Follow me.."</manager> She whispers into your ear and touches your chest.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> You whisper back and take her hand.
<img src="Images\club\intro\.15.webp">
<b>-"Fuck me that was terrifying.. The red robe guy was the Warden right?"</b> You ask as you get outside of the main hall. The bell rings grow quiet...
<manager>-"Yeah.. This ceremony is why I needed to enter a little bit earlier.."</manager> She opens a door to your left.
<<pageReplace"Hide in one of the rooms.">>
<b>-"What's with the second wig..?"</b> You look at her as she closes the door.
<manager>-"Yeah I don't know.. They put that on me when I entered inside.. Maybe it's because I'm new.."</manager> She leans against the wall.
<img src="Images\club\intro\.16.webp">
<b>-"Fuck me I don't know what I expected.. But it's not this.."</b>
<manager>-"Ha.. Same, thankfully Judy told me what to do beforehand.."</manager> She takes off the second wig...
<img src="Images\club\intro\.17.jpg">
<manager>-"Yeah, the girl who got us inside. Remember?"</manager>
<b>-"The one that'll give me the job?"</b>
<manager>-"Yeah, her."</manager>
<b>-"Right, so, we're members?"</b>
<manager>-"Well, we're officially initiated... I think? We're supposed to be having sex right now.."</manager> Leyja starts to turn around.
<img src="Images\club\intro\.18.jpg">
<b>-"I mean..."</b>
<<pageReplace"Why not go through the initiation legitimately.">>
<b>-"Why not go through the initiation legitimately... You know?"</b> You wink as you touch her waist.
<manager>-"Don't even think about it!"</manager> She slaps your hand away. After fully turning around, you notice she stashed some clothes nearby.
<manager>-"This place creeps me the fuck out.. We can have fun when we get back!"</manager> You grin in excitement.
<b>-"Copy that.. So, where do we go?"</b> You ask as Leyja puts on some clothes and sits down.
<img src="Images\club\intro\.19.jpg">
<manager>-"To the dining room.. That's where Judy works, she'll give you a job as a server, we already talked."</manager> Leyja stands up.
<b>-"Fine... So I'll just serve members and listen into their conversations?"</b> You start to walk out of the room.
<manager>-"I guess... Believe me, I don't know what the job entails, we just need to find an excuse for you to be here as often as you need to.."</manager> You begin walking through different rooms.. It's apparent what kind of club this is..
<img src="Images\club\intro\.20.webp">
<b>-"Jeez.."</b> You whisper as you both walk past.
<manager>-"Yeah.. Pretty fucked up huh, those girls are barely older than you.."</manager>
<b>-"I mean.. Not to be rude but they seem to be enjoying themselves.."</b>
<manager>-"I mean yeah, they're fully corrupted at this point, after four years of studies, going to the island, being drugged and manipulated constantly... Most people would give up.."</manager> She whispers back as you enter yet another room.
<b>-"Maybe you're right.."</b>
<img src="Images\club\intro\.21.webp">
<manager>-"We're close, don't get lost in the views now.."</manager> She grabs your arm again as you stop looking at the women..
<b>-"Y-yeah, right.. Sorry.."</b> You continue to follow her. After a couple of minutes, you're finally there.
<b>-"Jeez.. This mansion is fucking huge.. It'll be hard not to get lost next time."</b> You say as you enter the dining hall..
<img src="Images\club\intro\.29.jpg">
<b>-"Why is it empty?"</b>
<manager>-"I don't know.. It's probably not dinner time yet, the plates are empty, see?"</manager> She points at the table.
<<pageReplace"Where's this Judy?">>\
<b>-"You're right.. So, where's this Judy?"</b>
<judy>-"Well well well, isn't it Leyja... Or should I say, Juliet?"</judy> You hear a voice.. You quickly turn towards it. You're faced with a woman of incredible proportions.. Her face is also covered with a mask..
<img src="Images\club\intro\.22.jpg">
<manager>-"Ha, ha, ha, so funny."</manager> Leyja let's go of your hand and walks towards the woman.
<judy>-"So you made it... How was the initiation...?"</judy> Judy looks you up and down.
<manager>-"Why do you care? We're not here to chit chat, this is your new server, $name."</manager> You bow your head.
<b>-"Good evening."</b>
<judy>-"Well he is built pretty well.. You weren't lying.. How about your promise?"</judy>
<manager>-"The debt has been paid, you don't own me anything anymore."</manager> Leyja sighs.
<judy>-"Agh! That's incredible to hear.."</judy> The woman stretches.
<img src="Images\club\intro\.24.jpg">
<b>-"When are you guys open? When should I be here?"</b>
<judy>-"Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays at night!"</judy>
<b>-"But those are.. The days I work at your place?"</b> You whisper into Leyja's ear.
<manager>-"Yeah, we'll figure it out later, just go a long with it.."</manager> She whispers back as Judy squints her eyes.
<b>-"So.. What now..?"</b>
<judy>-"Today? Nothing, it's initiation day. Next time you come around I'll give you a tour of the place and explain what you'll have to do."</judy>
<manager>-"Thanks again Judy, he'll come around in a couple of days."</manager> Leyja says.
<judy>-"Does she always talk for you, $name?"</judy>
<img src="Images\club\intro\.23.jpg">
<b>-"No, it's usually the other way around.."</b> You slap Leyja's ass.
<manager>-"H-hey! Bastard!"</manager> She punches your arm.
<judy>-"Ghahahaha! I can already tell I'll love working with you!"</judy>
<<pageReplace"Should we head back?">>\
<b>-"So... Everything went well, should we head back now?"</b> Leyja looks at you.
<manager>-"Sigh.. Yeah, I think we're done here."</manager> You both turn around and start walking.
<judy>-"Hey $name! I'll be waiting for you.. We're going to have LOTS of fun!"</judy> Judy laughs as you exit the dining hall.
<manager>-"Don't mine her.. Let's get outside and head to my place."</manager> It's finally over... After you both make your way through halls, you exit the club.
<b>-"Finally, fresh air.."</b> You say as you walk towards the car. Leyja removes her mask and gets inside, you follow suit.
<manager>-"That went pretty well!"</manager> She smiles and fires up the engine.
<b>-"It did.. I have a shit ton of questions though.."</b>
<manager>-"Fire away! I probably won't have an answer to most of them haha!"</manager>
<<pageReplace"Who's Judy?">>\
<b>-"Who's Judy?"</b> You ask as you pull out of the garden and onto the road.
<manager>-"She's an old friend from the SUP... We went to the island together."</manager>
<b>-"What do you think?"</b>
<manager>-"Think about what?"</manager>
<b>-"About her.. What kind of person she is?"</b>
<manager>-"Eh... Interesting to say the least.. She knows that what happened during the festival is horrible, but she seems to have enjoyed it."</manager>
<b>-"Maybe all of the brain washing got to her?"</b>
<manager>-"Maybe, maybe not. She's always been a bit of a masochist though, so maybe it's that"</manager> You nod and look out of the window.
<img src="Images\club\intro\.31.gif">
<manager>-"Thanks $name.."</manager>
<b>-"For what?"</b>
<manager>-"For doing the right thing.. For helping me.."</manager>
<b>-"Don't mention it Leyja.."</b> You turn on the radio and open the window a tiny bit, to let in some air.
<<pageReplace "Drive back to the store.">>\
<<todo "Find any useful information in the club.">>
<manager>-"Let's get inside.."</manager> She says as you guys pull into the parking lot nearby.
<b>-"Jeez, it's already 1 AM.."</b> You look at your phone as you exit the car.
<manager>-"Yeah, it took a lot longer than I though!"</manager> She unlocks the door and you both get inside.
<img src="Images\club\intro\.25.jpg">
<b>-"So.. What about what Judy said? Should I work here or in the club..?"</b>
<manager>-"Well, you'll have to choose! I would prefer you working here most of the time, going into the club when we need information only."</manager> She smiles.
<b>-"Hmmm... Understood..."</b> Leyja pulls out her phone and gives it to you.
<manager>-"Write down your number, we'll need to communicate when you're in the club..."</manager> You nod and punch in the digits into her contact list.
<b>-"Oof.. I'm tired, I think it's time for me to go."</b> You hand her phone back.
<manager>-"Okay.. Thanks again $name.."</manager> Leyja gets closer and kisses your cheek.
<b>-"..."</b> You smile.
<manager>-"Come around whenever you can, I'll give you that treat we talked about.."</manager> She winks.
<b>-"Haha, I'll keep that in mind."</b> You say as you start walking towards the door.
<b>-"See you later Leyja!"</b>
<manager>-"See you $name! Text me if you decide to get a tour from Judy first!"</manager>
<b>-"Aright!"</b> You exit the store.
<b>-"Fuck me.. That was something.."</b> You whisper to yourself as you walk towards your car.
<b>-"Time to head back home.."</b>
<<set $dominant to $dominant +2>>
<blue>Dominant +2!</blue>
<grey>New location unlocked - The Club!</grey>
[[Drive home->room]]
<<pageReplace"Who's the Warden?">>
<b>-"Who's the Warden?"</b> You ask as you pull out of the yard and onto the road.
<manager>-"The Warden? No clue... Judy said nobody knows.."</manager>
<b>-"Nobody knows, but he controls the place?"</b>
<manager>-"I guess? It's definitely not the principal.. Hudson is taller, I remember."</manager>
<b>-"Hmmm.. Will he cause problems?"</b>
<manager>-"No clue.. I hope not! Stay out of his way just in case."</manager>
<b>-"What if he asks questions?"</b>
<manager>-"Just say Juliat referred you and he should fuck off."</manager> You nod and look out of the window.
<img src="Images\club\intro\.31.gif">
<manager>-"Thanks $name.."</manager>
<b>-"For what?"</b>
<manager>-"For doing the right thing.. For helping me.."</manager>
<b>-"Don't mention it Leyja.."</b> You turn on the radio and open the window a tiny bit, to let in some air.
<<pageReplace "Drive back to the store.">>\
<<todo "Find any useful information in the club.">>
<manager>-"Let's get inside.."</manager> She says as you guys pull into the parking lot nearby.
<b>-"Jeez, it's already 1 AM.."</b> You look at your phone as you exit the car.
<manager>-"Yeah, it took a lot longer than I though!"</manager> She unlocks the door and you both get inside.
<img src="Images\club\intro\.25.jpg">
<b>-"So.. What about what Judy said? Should I work here or in the club..?"</b>
<manager>-"Well, you'll have to choose! I would prefer you working here most of the time, going into the club when we need information only."</manager> She smiles.
<b>-"Hmmm... Understood..."</b> Leyja pulls out her phone and gives it to you.
<manager>-"Write down your number, we'll need to communicate when you're in the club..."</manager> You nod and punch in the digits into her contact list.
<b>-"Oof.. I'm tired, I think it's time for me to go."</b> You hand her phone back.
<manager>-"Okay.. Thanks again $name.."</manager> Leyja gets closer and kisses your cheek.
<b>-"..."</b> You smile.
<manager>-"Come around whenever you can, I'll give you that treat we talked about.."</manager> She winks.
<b>-"Haha, I'll keep that in mind."</b> You say as you start walking towards the door.
<b>-"See you later Leyja!"</b>
<manager>-"See you $name! Text me if you decide to get a tour from Judy first!"</manager>
<b>-"Aright!"</b> You exit the store.
<b>-"Fuck me.. That was something.."</b> You whisper to yourself as you walk towards your car.
<b>-"Time to head back home.."</b>
<<set $dominant to $dominant +2>>
<blue>Dominant +2!</blue>
<grey>New location unlocked - The Club!</grey>
[[Drive home->room]]
<<pageReplace"Do nothing..">>
<b>-"Weirdos.."</b> You think as you continue to stare at them... Out of nowhere, the noises of the bells stop.
<div class="glow-text"><b><warden>-"HALT!"</warden></b></div>\
<b>-"Oh no.."</b> Suddenly, the women are grabbed by some of the members and dragged off, the remaining individuals stare at you..
<img src="Images\club\intro\.10.gif">
<b>-"Were they all watching me? How did they know I didn't nod.."</b> You wonder as you feel a shiver run down your spine.
<div class="glow-text"><b><warden>-"COME FORTH!"</warden></b></div>\
<b>-"Gulp.."</b> The warden points at you with his staff.. As everyone watches you, you step forward.
<b>-"Y-yes..?"</b> You stutter.
<div class="glow-text"><b><warden>-"Remove thy mask.."</warden></b></div>\
<b>-"..."</b> You hesitate for a second, but the Warden once again hits the ground with his staff.
<div class="glow-text"><b><warden>-"REMOVE THY MASK.. Or face the consequences"</warden></b></div>\
<b>-"Fuck.."</b> There's nowhere to run, you're outnumbered 200 to 1 and Leyja is nowehere to be seen..
<b>-"I'm sorry.."</b> You silenty announce as you take off your mask.
<img src="Images\club\intro\.11.webp">
<div class="glow-text"><b><warden>-"Thou was not invited here..."</warden></b></div>\
<<pageReplace"Trie to lie your way out.">>\
<b>-"I.. I was! By Juliat!"</b> You announce as you look around.. Everyone is still quiet.
<div class="glow-text"><b><warden>-"Juliat... Huh..? Lies.."</warden></b></div>\
<b>-"Leyja!"</b> You think as you see her on the balcony. How did she get there?
<img src="Images\club\intro\.12.webp">
<div class="glow-text"><b><warden>-"Take the woman to the chambers..."</warden></b></div>\
<b>-"W-what?!"</b> The warden yet again slams his staff down as you protest.
<img src="Images\club\intro\.13.webp">
<div class="glow-text"><b><warden>-"Thou is free.. We only need her.."</warden></b></div>\
<b>-"..."</b> The warden looks at you as Leyja is taken away.
<div class="glow-text"><b><warden>-"But I warn thy..."</warden></b></div>\
<div class="glow-text"><b><warden>-"If thou makes any further inquiries..."</warden></b></div>\
<div class="glow-text"><b><warden>-"Or thou says a single word to ANYONE, about what thou has seen..."</warden></b></div>\
<div class="glow-text"><b><warden>-"There will be the most dire consequences for thou and thine family..."</warden></b></div>\
<div class="glow-text"><b><warden>-"Does thou understand?"</warden></b></div>\
<b>-"Y-yes.."</b> You whisper as you look at the new empty balcony.
<div class="glow-text"><b><warden>-"Nobody can change her fate now.."</warden></b></div>\
<div class="glow-text"><b><warden>-"GO.. And never come back.."</warden></b></div>\
<b>-"Y-yes.. Warden.."</b> You nod as turn around... As the members stare at you, you slowly leave the main hall..
<<pageReplace"Exit the building">>
<center>You didn't listen to Leyja's advice and the Warden's goons managed to find out you were a fake. Leyja has been taken by the members of the club and Mr. Hudson found out you were trying to infiltrate the place...
<span class='fadeIn3'><span class='IntroText'>GAME OVER</span>
<<button "Restart the last encounter">>
<<goto "First visit to the club intro">>\
<<button "Load one of your saves">>
<<run UI.saves()>>
<<button "Restart the game">>
<<run UI.restart()>>
<<button "Close the game">>
<b>-"Where is she..."</b> You wonder as you look around the street..
<b>-"She said we're meeting up in front of the store... But the lights are still on."</b> It's best to check if she's still inside...
<b>-"HellooOOooo?"</b> You shout as you enter the Simply Pleasure sex shop.
<manager>-"Oh! $name! So sorry!"</manager> She pokes her head out from the counter.
<img src="Images\club\intro\.1.jpg">
<b>-"W-woah! Haha you look completely different!"</b> Leyja has a giant wig on and a ton of make up.
<manager>-"Well, I had to make sure they won't recognise me! The principal knows what I'm doing, remember the woman who came around?"</manager>
<b>-"Oh yeah! You're right! So, ready to go?"</b>
<manager>-"Yup, changing the mask was a lot harder than I thought, but I did it!"</manager> She looks you up and down.
<<if $equip ==1 or $equip ==2 or $equip ==10 or $equip ==11>>\
<manager>-"Come onnnn $name! I told you not to wear those pants!"</manager> Leyja frowns as she looks at your jeans.
<b>-"I'm sorry Mistress! Everything else was in the washing machine!"</b> She sighs once again.
<manager>-"Fine.. It's not the end of the world I guess..."</manager>
<manager>-"Wow.. You look.. Incredible... Almost as good as me!"</manager> You see her smile.
<b>-"Haha.. S-stop.."</b> You blush a bit.
<manager>-"I'm proud of your progress!"</manager>
<manager>-"Yes.. I can't even tell that you were once a boy.."</manager> You blush.
<manager>-"Anyways, if we want to make it to the ceremony, we have to hurry!"</manager> She turns and starts walking towards the door.
<img src="Images\club\intro\.2.jpg">
<b>-"The ceremony..?"</b>
<manager>-"I'll explain everything once we're there, but today is the only day of the month when new staff or members can join."</manager>
<<pageReplace"Follow her out of the store.">>\
<b>-"Really? That's why you were so pushy and wanted to get the masks quickly?"</b>
<manager>-"Yup! Thankfully we should be able to make it!"</manager>
<img src="Images\club\intro\.26.jpeg">
<b>-"Damn... nice car!"</b>
<manager>-"Thanks, but it's not mine, I rented it."</manager> She gets inside and you follow suit.
<manager>-"Wouldn't be smart to drive there with my own.."</manager> The engine comes to life.
<b>-"Right.. So, what's the plan?"</b> You ask as you pull out of the parking lot.
<manager>-"Alright, we're going to park inside of the garden and I'm going to go inside first."</manager> She makes a left turn.
<manager>-"Long story short, I have a staff member giving me information, she's going to be the one giving you a job as well."</manager> You notice a car behind you..
<b>-"Oh! We have an ally! That's good!"</b> At least there will be someone inside you can trust..
<manager>-"Ehhhhhh I wouldn't call her an ally, she just owned me a favor."</manager>
<<pageReplace"So I shouldn't trust her?">>\
<b>-"Right, so I shouldn't trust her then?"</b> Leyja makes a right turn, the car follows.
<manager>-"Not really.. Anyways! I'll go inside first and you'll have to get inside a couple of minutes later."</manager>
<manager>-"You will get lead to the main hall where you'll get assigned a woman, which will be me!"</manager>
<b>-"Assigned a woman? W-what the hell.."</b>
<manager>-"Well yeah, I told you, they're a fucked up bunch... Most of the women will be last years students..."</manager>
<manager>-"I told our contact to tell them I'm a lesbian, so they should pair me with another girl."</manager>
<b>-"A little off topic, there's a car following us."</b> Leyja quickly checks the rear-view mirror.
<img src="Images\club\intro\.27.gif">
<manager>-"Oh yeah, don't worry. We're getting pretty close, so we're getting an escort. They're making sure we aren't being followed."</manager> Leyja starts looking at the road again.
<b>-"So, they'll just assign us together becauseeeeee..?"</b>
<manager>-"Because we're both new!"</manager>
<b>-"I-I thought you were disguising yourself as Juliat?"</b>
<manager>-"Sure am, but every members initiation is the same and if my source is correct, Juliat is not a member."</manager>
<b>-"Understood... Why act like her then?"</b>
<manager>-"To get inside $name, come on, think. They wouldn't invite some random couple inside."</manager> You nod as you pull into the yard of a luxurious, old school mansion. There's a bunch of security around..
<manager>-"We're here..."</manager> You see the car that was following you turn away and drive off.
<b>-"S-shit.. I'm nervous.."</b>
<manager>-"Don't be.. Remember our plan and everything should work out pretty well. Oh and also, nod when the Warden's goons look at you."</manager>
<b>-"H-huh?! The warden?! Nod?! What?!"</b> She starts getting out of the car.
<img src="Images\club\intro\.3.webp">
<manager>-"You'll understand everything! We can't wate any time, I have to get inside. Come in after 5 minutes."</manager>
<manager>-"Oh and, the password is Radagon's fury!"</manager> She shuts the door, puts on the mask and goes inside of the building..
<b>-"S-shit shit shit.."</b> You whisper to yourself as you look around. Every single guard outside is not wearing a mask, which you find quite odd... Nonetheless, you quickly pull your own out of the backpack and wait.
<<pageReplace"Wait a bit and get inside..">>\
<<location "Images/club/intro/.30.jpg" "The Club">>\
<b>-"It's time.."</b> After making sure nobody is staring at you, you open the door and get out.
<b>-"Come on... Put on a brave face $name.."</b> You try to hype yourself up as you walk up the steps to the giant wooden door.
<b>-"Do I knock.. N-no I shouldn't.. She didn't.."</b> You nervously giggle. Before you could do anything, the doors swing open on their own. In front of you, stands a man in a suit and a mask.
<b>-"H-hello?"</b> You take a step inside. The man doesn't answer and just stares at you.
<b>-"Radagon's fury?"</b> You say, sheepishly. He nods and starts to take off your coat. After he does, he hands you a black robe which you put on.
<b>-"O-oh.. Uhmmm.. Thanks.."</b> You suddenly notice that you're not wearing a mask!
<b>-"Oh shit.."</b> You whisper as you quickly put it on.
<img src="Images\club\intro\.4.webp">
<b>-"Right.. Where to now.."</b> You look around the entrance hall and wonder, but the same man who took your coat, suddenly starts walking forward.
<b>-"I think I should follow him.."</b> You reluctantly follow the man through the building. It's eerily silent and kind of creepy, but you suck it up and keep going. After reaching some sort of red, cutrain wall, the man stops.
<b>-"Gulp.."</b> He then proceeds to open up the curtains and raise his hand, insinuating you need to get inside...
<<pageReplace"Step inside the main hall">>\
<img src="Images\club\intro\.5.webp">
<b>-"..."</b> As you step inside, the sound of bells fill the room.
<b>-"..."</b> You stay quiet as you look around the room... There are tens, no, hundreds of people standing around a circle of masked individuals... You manage to find an empty spot to the left of the hall...
<div class="glow-text"><b><warden>-"RISE!"</warden></b></div>\
<b>-"..."</b> A masculine and assertive voice echos through the room.. The man in the red coat speaks..
<b>-"That must be the Warden.."</b> You think to yourself as the individuals around him stand up..
<img src="Images\club\intro\.6.webp">
<b>-"Oh s-shit.."</b> They remove their robes... It's a bunch of topeless women..
<b>-"Jeez.. They look all look pretty young.."</b> You remember what Leyja told you.. Most of them are last years students.
<b>-"Their chests are so full.."</b> You stare at their breasts.. You wish you had a pair..
<b>-"..."</b> The Warden walks up to a woman, looks her in the eyes and hits the ground with his staff.
<b>-"Wait.. Is his staff making the bell noises?"</b> You think.. The woman nods while staring at the warden and starts walking. She reaches one of the members, kisses him through the mask and they both start walking off.
<b>-"It's going down.."</b> The Warden goes around the circle of women, slamming his staff down in front of each one..
<b>-"I wonder why I'm not one of the girls in the circle..?"</b> You think as you continue to watch.
<img src="Images\club\intro\.7.webp">
<b>-"There she is!"</b> You finally spot Leyja! She's one of the women in the circle.
<<pageReplace"Wait for her to get assigned to you.">>
<b>-"She said she'll get assigned to me.. So I'll just wait.."</b> You think as you suddenly spot something with a corner of your eye..
<b>-"What's their problem.."</b> Another bell sound rings out as you notice a couple staring at you on the balcony.
<img src="Images\club\intro\.8.webp">
<b>-"..."</b> More and more women are leaving the circle... Leyja is the third from last.. As you look at the couple, the man nods his head.
<img src="Images\club\intro\.9.webp">
<<pageReplace"Nod back">>
<b>-"That must be Warden's goons or whatever she called them.."</b> You think and nod back.
<img src="Images\club\intro\.28.webp">
<b>-"..."</b> The couple turns away and the show continues..
<b>-"It's Mistress's turn!"</b> You see the Warden walk up to Leyja, and hit the ground with his staff.
<b>-"..."</b> Leyja stands up, nods and starts to walk towards you.
<img src="Images\club\intro\.14.webp">
<b>-"Here she comes.."</b> Leyja walks towards you as you stand still.
<manager>-"Good job.. Follow me.."</manager> She whispers into your ear and touches your chest.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> You whisper back and take her hand.
<img src="Images\club\intro\.15.webp">
<b>-"Fuck me that was terrifying.. The red robe guy was the Warden right?"</b> You ask as you get outside of the main hall. The bell rings grow quiet...
<manager>-"Yeah.. This ceremony is why I needed to enter a little bit earlier.."</manager>
<b>-"A-also, why wasn't I in the circle if I'm new?"</b> Leyja opens a door to your left.
<manager>-"Because you're going to be a staff member, so you're not forced to have sex on the first day."</manager> She goes inside.
<<pageReplace"Hide in one of the rooms.">>
<b>-"W-what's with the second wig..?"</b> You look at her as she closes the door.
<manager>-"Yeah I don't know.. They put that on me when I entered inside.. Maybe it's because I'm new.."</manager> She leans against the wall.
<img src="Images\club\intro\.16.webp">
<b>-"I don't know what I expected.. But it's not this.."</b>
<manager>-"Ha.. Same, thankfully Judy told me what to do beforehand.."</manager> She takes off the second wig...
<img src="Images\club\intro\.17.jpg">
<b>-"Judy?"</b> You stare at Miss Leyja's breasts..
<manager>-"Yeah, the girl who got us inside. Remember?"</manager>
<b>-"The one that'll give me the job?"</b>
<manager>-"Yeah, her."</manager>
<b>-"Right, so, w-we're members?"</b>
<manager>-"Well, we're officially initiated... I think? We're supposed to be having sex right now.."</manager> Leyja starts to turn around.
<img src="Images\club\intro\.18.jpg">
<b>-"I thought I wasn't supposed to be forced to have sex?"</b>
<manager>-"I don't know how the process works $name, stop asking so many questions.."</manager>
<b>-"I mean.."</b>
<<pageReplace"Why not go through the initiation legitimately.">>
<b>-"Why not go through the initiation legitimately... You know?"</b> You wink as you touch her waist.
<manager>-"Ha! Don't even think about it!"</manager> She slaps your hand away. After fully turning around, you notice she stashed some clothes nearby.
<manager>-"You'll never fuck me, come on, I thought you knew that a long time ago."</manager>
<b>-"R-right.."</b> You whisper as your caged cock throbs a bit.. Leyja puts on some clothes and sits down.
<img src="Images\club\intro\.19.jpg">
<manager>-"I might let you cum in your cage as the treat we talked about. We have to do this first though."</manager>
<b>-"W-where to now?"</b> You ask after you nod.
<manager>-"To the dining room.. That's where Judy works, she'll give you a job as a server, we already talked."</manager> Leyja stands up.
<b>-"Fine... So I'll just serve m-members and listen into their conversations?"</b> You start to walk out of the room.
<manager>-"I guess... Believe me, I don't know what the job entails, we just need to find an excuse for you to be here as often as you need to.."</manager> You begin walking through different rooms.. It's apparent what kind of club this is..
<img src="Images\club\intro\.20.webp">
<b>-"Jeez.."</b> You whisper as you both walk past.
<manager>-"Yeah.. Pretty fucked up huh, those girls are barely older than you.."</manager>
<b>-"I mean.. N-not to be rude Mistress but they seem to be enjoying themselves.."</b>
<manager>-"I mean yeah, they're fully corrupted at this point, after four years of studies, going to the island, being drugged and manipulated constantly... Most people would give up.."</manager> She whispers back as you enter yet another room.
<b>-"Maybe you're right.."</b>
<img src="Images\club\intro\.21.webp">
<manager>-"We're close, don't get lost in the views now.."</manager> She grabs your arm again as you stop looking at the women.. And men..
<b>-"Y-yeah, right.. Sorry.."</b> You continue to follow her. After a couple of minutes, you're finally there.
<b>-"Jeez.. This mansion is huge.. It'll be hard not to get lost next time."</b> You say as you enter the dining hall..
<img src="Images\club\intro\.29.jpg">
<b>-"Why is it empty?"</b>
<manager>-"I don't know.. It's probably not dinner time yet, the plates are empty, see?"</manager> She points at the table.
<<pageReplace"Where's this Judy?">>\
<b>-"You're right.. So, where's this Judy?"</b>
<judy>-"Well well well, isn't it Leyja... Or should I say, Juliet?"</judy> You hear a voice.. You quickly turn towards it. You're faced with a woman of incredible proportions.. Her face is also covered with a mask..
<img src="Images\club\intro\.22.jpg">
<manager>-"Ha, ha, ha, so funny."</manager> Leyja let's go of your hand and walks towards the woman.
<judy>-"So you made it... How was the initiation...?"</judy> Judy looks you up and down.
<manager>-"Why do you care? We're not here to chit chat, this is your new server, $name."</manager> You bow your head.
<b>-"G-good evening."</b>
<judy>-"Well her body is pretty, you weren't lying... Her name will have to change though, $name just doesn't fit her."</judy>
<b>-"Oh.. S-sure.."</b> You sheepishly nod.
<judy>-"How about our deal?"</judy> She looks at your Mistress.
<manager>-"The debt has been paid, you don't own me anything anymore."</manager> Leyja sighs.
<judy>-"Agh! That's incredible to hear.."</judy> The woman stretches.
<img src="Images\club\intro\.24.jpg">
<b>-"W-when are you guys open? When should I be here?"</b>
<judy>-"Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays at night!"</judy>
<b>-"But those are.. The days I work at your place?"</b> You whisper into Leyja's ear.
<manager>-"Yeah, we'll figure it out later, just go a long with it.."</manager> She whispers back as Judy squints her eyes.
<b>-"So.. What now..?"</b>
<judy>-"Today? Nothing, it's initiation day. Next time you come around I'll give you a tour of the place and explain what you'll have to do."</judy>
<manager>-"Thanks again Judy, she'll come around in a couple of days."</manager> Leyja says.
<judy>-"Does she always talk for you, $name?"</judy>
<img src="Images\club\intro\.23.jpg">
<b>-"S-she is my Mistress after all.."</b> You blush a bit.
<manager>-"That's right.."</manager> She slaps your ass.
<judy>-"Ghahahaha! You trained her well! Congratulations!"</judy>
<<pageReplace"Should we head back?">>\
<b>-"So... E-everything went well, should we head back now?"</b> Leyja looks at you.
<manager>-"Sigh.. Yeah, I think we're done here."</manager> You both turn around and start walking.
<judy>-"Hey $name! I'll be waiting for you.. Can't wait to see if you can handle our members!"</judy> Judy laughs as you exit the dining hall.
<manager>-"Don't mind her.. Let's get outside and head to my place."</manager> It's finally over... After you both make your way through halls, you exit the club.
<b>-"Finally, fresh air.."</b> You say as you walk towards the car. Leyja removes her mask and gets inside, you follow suit.
<manager>-"That went pretty well!"</manager> She smiles and fires up the engine.
<b>-"It did.. I-I have a ton of questions though..!"</b>
<manager>-"Fire away! I probably won't have an answer to most of them haha!"</manager>
<<pageReplace"Who's Judy?">>\
<b>-"Who's Judy?"</b> You ask as you pull out of the garden and onto the road.
<manager>-"She's an old friend from the SUP... We went to the island together."</manager>
<b>-"What do you think?"</b>
<manager>-"Think about what?"</manager>
<b>-"A-about her.. What kind of person she is?"</b>
<manager>-"Eh... Interesting to say the least.. She knows that what happened during the festival is horrible, but she seems to have enjoyed it."</manager>
<b>-"Maybe all of the brain washing got to her?"</b>
<manager>-"Maybe, maybe not. She's always been a bit of a masochist though, so maybe it's that"</manager> You nod and look out of the window.
<img src="Images\club\intro\.31.gif">
<manager>-"Thanks $name.."</manager>
<b>-"For what?"</b>
<manager>-"For doing the right thing.. For helping me.."</manager>
<b>-"Don't mention it Mistress, where you go, I go.."</b> You turn on the radio and open the window a tiny bit, to let in some air.
<<pageReplace "Drive back to the store.">>\
<<todo "Find any useful information in the club.">>
<manager>-"Let's get inside.."</manager> She says as you guys pull into the parking lot nearby.
<b>-"Jeez, it's already 1 AM.."</b> You look at your phone as you exit the car.
<manager>-"Yeah, it took a lot longer than I though!"</manager> She unlocks the door and you both get inside.
<img src="Images\club\intro\.25.jpg">
<b>-"S-so.. What about what Judy said? Should I work here or in the club..?"</b>
<manager>-"Well, you'll have to choose! I would prefer you working here most of the time, going into the club when we need information only."</manager> She smiles.
<b>-"Yes Miss Leyja.. That's what I'll do then.."</b> Leyja pulls out her phone and gives it to you.
<manager>-"Write down your number, we'll need to communicate when you're in the club..."</manager> You nod and punch in the digits into her contact list.
<b>-"Oof.. I'm tired, I think it's time for me to go."</b> You hand her phone back.
<manager>-"Okay.. Thanks again $name.."</manager> Leyja gets closer and kisses your cheek.
<b>-"..."</b> You smile.
<manager>-"Come around whenever you can, I'll give you that treat we talked about.."</manager> She winks.
<b>-"I.. I'll keep that in mind."</b> You blush and start to walk towards the door.
<b>-"See you later Mistress!"</b>
<manager>-"See you $name! Text me if you decide to get a tour from Judy first!"</manager>
<b>-"Aright!"</b> You exit the store.
<b>-"T-that was something.."</b> You whisper to yourself as you walk towards your car.
<b>-"Time to head back home.."</b>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>New location unlocked - The Club!</grey>
[[Drive home->room]]
<<pageReplace"Who's the Warden?">>
<b>-"Who's the Warden?"</b> You ask as you pull out of the yard and onto the road.
<manager>-"The Warden? No clue... Judy said nobody knows.."</manager>
<b>-"N-nobody knows, but he controls the place?"</b>
<manager>-"I guess? It's definitely not the principal.. Hudson is taller, I remember."</manager> You his incredible stature yourself..
<b>-"Hmmm.. Will he cause any problems?"</b>
<manager>-"No clue.. I hope not! Stay out of his way just in case."</manager>
<b>-"What if he asks questions?"</b>
<manager>-"Just say Juliat referred you and he should fuck off."</manager> You nod and look out of the window.
<img src="Images\club\intro\.31.gif">
<manager>-"Thanks $name.."</manager>
<b>-"For what?"</b>
<manager>-"For doing the right thing.. For helping me.."</manager>
<b>-"Don't mention it Mistress, where you go, I go.."</b> You turn on the radio and open the window a tiny bit, to let in some air.
<<pageReplace "Drive back to the store.">>\
<<todo "Find any useful information in the club.">>
<manager>-"Let's get inside.."</manager> She says as you guys pull into the parking lot nearby.
<b>-"Jeez, it's already 1 AM.."</b> You look at your phone as you exit the car.
<manager>-"Yeah, it took a lot longer than I though!"</manager> She unlocks the door and you both get inside.
<img src="Images\club\intro\.25.jpg">
<b>-"S-so.. What about what Judy said? Should I work here or in the club..?"</b>
<manager>-"Well, you'll have to choose! I would prefer you working here most of the time, going into the club when we need information only."</manager> She smiles.
<b>-"Yes Miss Leyja.. That's what I'll do then.."</b> Leyja pulls out her phone and gives it to you.
<manager>-"Write down your number, we'll need to communicate when you're in the club..."</manager> You nod and punch in the digits into her contact list.
<b>-"Oof.. I'm tired, I think it's time for me to go."</b> You hand her phone back.
<manager>-"Okay.. Thanks again $name.."</manager> Leyja gets closer and kisses your cheek.
<b>-"..."</b> You smile.
<manager>-"Come around whenever you can, I'll give you that treat we talked about.."</manager> She winks.
<b>-"I.. I'll keep that in mind."</b> You blush and start to walk towards the door.
<b>-"See you later Mistress!"</b>
<manager>-"See you $name! Text me if you decide to get a tour from Judy first!"</manager>
<b>-"Aright!"</b> You exit the store.
<b>-"T-that was something.."</b> You whisper to yourself as you walk towards your car.
<b>-"Time to head back home.."</b>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>New location unlocked - The Club!</grey>
[[Drive home->room]]
<<pageReplace"Do nothing..">>
<b>-"Weirdos.."</b> You think as you continue to stare at them... Out of nowhere, the noises of the bells stop.
<div class="glow-text"><b><warden>-"HALT!"</warden></b></div>\
<b>-"Oh no.."</b> Suddenly, the women are grabbed by some of the members and dragged off, the remaining individuals stare at you..
<img src="Images\club\intro\.10.gif">
<b>-"Were they all watching me? How did they know I didn't nod.."</b> You wonder as you feel a shiver run down your spine.
<div class="glow-text"><b><warden>-"COME FORTH!"</warden></b></div>\
<b>-"Gulp.."</b> The warden points at you with his staff.. As everyone watches you, you step forward.
<b>-"Y-yes..?"</b> You stutter.
<div class="glow-text"><b><warden>-"Remove thy mask.."</warden></b></div>\
<b>-"..."</b> You hesitate for a second, but the Warden once again hits the ground with his staff.
<div class="glow-text"><b><warden>-"REMOVE THY MASK.. Or face the consequences"</warden></b></div>\
<b>-"Fuck.."</b> There's nowhere to run, you're outnumbered 200 to 1 and Leyja is nowehere to be seen..
<b>-"I'm sorry.."</b> You silenty announce in a womanly tone, as you take off your mask.
<img src="Images\club\intro\.11.webp">
<div class="glow-text"><b><warden>-"Thou was not invited here..."</warden></b></div>\
<<pageReplace"Trie to lie your way out.">>\
<b>-"I.. I was! By Juliat!"</b> You announce as you look around.. Everyone is still quiet.
<div class="glow-text"><b><warden>-"Juliat... Huh..? Lies.."</warden></b></div>\
<b>-"Leyja!"</b> You think as you see her on the balcony. How did she get there?
<img src="Images\club\intro\.12.webp">
<div class="glow-text"><b><warden>-"Take the woman to the chambers..."</warden></b></div>\
<b>-"W-what?!"</b> The warden yet again slams his staff down as you protest.
<img src="Images\club\intro\.13.webp">
<div class="glow-text"><b><warden>-"Thou is free.. We only need her.."</warden></b></div>\
<b>-"..."</b> The warden looks at you as Leyja is taken away.
<div class="glow-text"><b><warden>-"But I warn thy..."</warden></b></div>\
<div class="glow-text"><b><warden>-"If thou makes any further inquiries..."</warden></b></div>\
<div class="glow-text"><b><warden>-"Or thou says a single word to ANYONE, about what thou has seen..."</warden></b></div>\
<div class="glow-text"><b><warden>-"There will be the most dire consequences for thou and thine family..."</warden></b></div>\
<div class="glow-text"><b><warden>-"Does thou understand?"</warden></b></div>\
<b>-"Y-yes.."</b> You whisper as you look at the new empty balcony.
<div class="glow-text"><b><warden>-"Nobody can change her fate now.."</warden></b></div>\
<div class="glow-text"><b><warden>-"GO.. And never come back.."</warden></b></div>\
<b>-"Y-yes.. Warden.."</b> You nod as turn around... As the members stare at you, you slowly leave the main hall..
<<pageReplace"Exit the building">>
<center>You didn't listen to Leyja's advice and the Warden's goons managed to find out you were a fake. Leyja has been taken by the members of the club and Mr. Hudson found out you were trying to infiltrate the place...
<span class='fadeIn3'><span class='IntroText'>GAME OVER</span>
<<button "Restart the last encounter">>
<<goto "First visit to the club intro">>\
<<button "Load one of your saves">>
<<run UI.saves()>>
<<button "Restart the game">>
<<run UI.restart()>>
<<button "Close the game">>
<</if>><<set $wenttotheclubtemp to false>>\
<<set $workdiner to 1>>\
<<set $beenthroughsecondintro to true>>\
<<location "Images/club/intro/.30.jpg" "The Club">>\
<<if $domstatus is true>>\
<b>-"Uhm... Let's hope Judy is inside.."</b> You think as you park your car in the garden. You don't really see any security around, which you find odd..
<b>-"Hope this will go well..."</b> After putting on the mask, you get out of the car. You're supposed to get a tour of the place from Judy today.
<b>-"Good evening, Radagon's fury"</b> You announce as you get inside. A man takes your coat and gives you a robe, just like last time.
<img src="Images\club\intro\m1.webp">
<b>-"Thank you."</b> The man nods as you go on your way. As you walk towards the dining room, you notice that the club is completely empty.. It's nothing like the last time.
<b>-"Where is everyone.."</b> You wonder as you get closer to the dining room.
<b>-"It's somewhere around here I think."</b> You continue to walk through the maze like halls, until you finally find it.
<b>-"Here it is!"</b>
<img src="Images\club\intro\.29.jpg">
<b>-"Now, where's Judy?"</b> After looking around for Leyja's friend in the dining room, you find no sign of her...
<b>-"Wait.. What's that.."</b> You spot a door to the left of the hall, it's barely open, but you can hear some sounds coming from it..
<<pageReplace"Check it out..">>\
<b>-"..."</b> You slowly walk up to the door and open it completely.
<judy>-"Now where is it.. I know I put it somewhere around here.."</judy> As you walk inside, you're greeted by an amazing sight - Judy's peaches.
<img src="Images\club\intro\m2.webp">
<b>-"Woah.."</b> You freeze for a second, before regaining your composure.
<b>-"A-ahem.. Hey Judy."</b>
<judy>-"Huh? Watchu want?"</judy> She continues to search around for something.
<b>-"I'm here for the tour.. Remember?"</b>
<judy>-"Huh?"</judy> She turns around.
<img src="Images\club\intro\m3.webp">
<judy>-"OHhhHHHHH!! $name! So sorry!"</judy> You notice that she isn't wearing a mask?
<b>-"Where's your mask?"</b>
<judy>-"Huh? Oh that old thing?"</judy> She looks at yours.
<judy>-"You didn't think you'll have to wear that every time right? Hahaha!"</judy> She laughs and turns towards you.
<b>-"... I was told I should."</b>
<judy>-"Oh come on! You only NEED to wear it during the initiation rituals and meetings.. Besides then, nobody really wears them."</judy> Judy giggles once again.
<b>-"Really? But the guy who let me in was wearing one as well?"</b>
<judy>-"Oh you mean Dandelion? That old fart is always wearing one, he doesn't really speak either."</judy> She raises her hand.
<judy>-"Come onnnnnnn take it off, I want to see how you look like."</judy>
<b>-"I would rather not.."</b> You take a step back.
<judy>-"Don't be like that!"</judy>
<judy>-"You'll see, most members don't wear them every day, only a few who really want to stay anonymous."</judy> She raises her hand again, insinuating that you should take yours off.
<img src="Images\club\intro\m4.webp">
<b>-"What if I want to stay anonymous too?"</b>
<judy>-"Okay you're starting to annoy me. Listen, I'm not going to work with someone who doesn't even have the balls to show his face to me."</judy>
<b>-"Shit.."</b> You think... If you want to help Leyja, you really need this job...
<b>-"What happens during the meetings?"</b> You need to make sure you won't get spotted..
<judy>-"The meeting? Why?"</judy>
<b>-"Just answer the question please."</b> You cross your arms.
<judy>-"Well, depends on the meeting. Usually the warden comes, a couple of representatives from different schools.. Stuff like that."</judy>
<b>-"So the Warden isn't usually around?"</b> You feel like he might have connections to the SUP, so it's possible he could recognise you.. Mundane members probably won't.
<judy>-"Hahaha of course not! He has more important matters to attend to. If he decides to come and visit everybody knows like a week in advance!"</judy>
<judy>-"What's with all the questions though?"</judy> She sits down.
<b>-"Just curious.."</b> You lie as you take off the robe. Leyja told you not to trust Judy, but you have no choice, if you want this job, you have to reveal your face..
<b>-"Fuck this.."</b> You think as you slowly take off the mask. You'll just make sure to always have it with you and put it on during meetings or rituals..
<judy>-"Ooooohh! What a handsome man you are!"</judy> She smiles as you face her.
<img src="Images\club\intro\m5.webp">
<b>-"Thanks, you're not so bad yourself."</b>
<judy>-"How cheesy, flirting on your first day...?"</judy>
<b>-"You'll get use to it."</b> You smile back.
<<pageReplace"How about that tour?">>\
<b>-"So, how about that tour?"</b>
<judy>-"Oh, right!"</judy> She looks behind her.
<judy>-"I lost my charger somewhere, couldn't find it."</judy> Judy places her phone on the table.
<judy>-"Whatever, I'll live without it tonight. Follow me."</judy> She begins walking towards the door, but while passing you by, touches your chest.
<b>-"Where are we going first?"</b> You ask, unbothered, as you begin following her.
<judy>-"To the meeting hall!"</judy>
<b>-"Also, why is it so empty? It was completely packed the last time I was here?"</b>
<judy>-"Well, members come in at different times and usually only a couple times a week."</judy> Both of you take a left turn.
<judy>-"Last time you were here, we were taking in new members, so everyone came around to look and have fun."</judy>
<b>-"Sure, but tonight it's completely empty! I've seen like one person... Dandelion, or whatever his name is."</b>
<judy>-"Most members are in private rooms or even lodges outside... But I already served dinner to like 6 couples tonight, so you probably just got unlucky."</judy>
<judy>-"Unlucky for not seeing anyone, I mean."</judy> You finally walk into a giant, empty hall, illuminated by moonlight.
<judy>-"This is the main hall of the building!"</judy> She throws her hands in the air as you look around.
<img src="Images\club\intro\m6.jpg">
<b>-"This was the place the ritual took place?"</b> The room is absolutely massive, the only thing that's lighting it up is the moonlight.
<judy>-"Yup.. Looks completely different when it's not filled to the brim with creepy masked men right?"</judy> She laughs.
<b>-"Hahaha I guess, it's beautiful though.."</b>
<judy>-"True! This is where the meetings take place as well. We usually set up some chairs and stuff and it feels pretty cozy with all of us here!"</judy>
<judy>-"The masks and robes ruin it for me though."</judy> She leans on one of the walls as you continue to talk.
<b>-"Really.. Why?"</b>
<judy>-"Makes the whole place feel eerie and creepy! If it was up to me, nobody would wear them, but alas, it's not.."</judy> She balances herself and starts walking back.
<judy>-"Come on, we have some more places to visit."</judy>
<b>-"Right.."</b> You say as you begin following her.
<<pageReplace"Where to now?">>\
<b>-"So, where to know boss?"</b>
<judy>-"To the training rooms! Well, we're not going to go inside, but I'll show you where they are!"</judy>
<b>-"Training rooms?"</b> You raise you left eyebrow in confusing.
<judy>-"Yeah! Sure, our job is to serve food, but the purpose of this club is sexual pleasure and gratification... You probably noticed already?"</judy>
<b>-"Hah, yeah I did.."</b> You remember the massive orgy you saw.
<judy>-"Right, so all staff members need to have some skills in that regard as well."</judy>
<judy>-"Well yeah! While serving food, some members might take an interest in you. Of course you can refuse, staff members aren't forced to have sex or anything, but good luck getting any tips if you do that!"</judy> She laughs.
<b>-"Huh.. Interesting.."</b>
<judy>-"Don't worry, you might think it's a little weird right now, but you'll get used to it!"</judy> She punches your arm in a friendly manner.
<judy>-"Here we are."</judy> You both stop in front of three ominous red doors.
<img src="Images\club\intro\m8.webp">
<b>-"Woah.."</b> The doors seem so out of place... But also enticingly interesting..
<b>-"How do they work?"</b>
<judy>-"What do you mean?"</judy>
<b>-"Like.. Do I just go in one of them and begin training?"</b> You look at her.
<judy>-"HA! Don't be ridiculous."</judy> She tries to open one of the doors to no avail.
<judy>-"These bad boys are always closed, see?"</judy>
<b>-"So how do I train then?"</b>
<judy>-"You'll get invited! Dandelion will give you a latter of solicitation or whatever the fuck it's called."</judy>
<b>-"A letter?"</b>
<judy>-"Yeah. Then you have to slip it under one of the doors and your training partner will open them."</judy>
<b>-"Seems awfully confusing."</b>
<judy>-"True! This whole club is full of these weird, old ass traditions."</judy>
<<pageReplace"Have you completed the training?">>
<b>-"Have you completed your training already?"</b>
<judy>-"Yup! At least I think so! I was already invited to 5 sessions."</judy>
<b>-"5 sessions? I only see 3 doors."</b>
<judy>-"Wow! You're so observant!"</judy> She sarcastically says as you roll your eyes.
<img src="Images\club\intro\m12.png">
<judy>-"Two of the doors are a couple of floors down, they're a lot more hardcore too.."</judy> She blushes a bit.
<b>-"Righttttt.. So what are they about?"</b>
<judy>-"It's different for everyone! Won't go into detail, but for me it was a lot BDSM and rough stuff..."</judy>
<judy>-"And it worked! The members know me as a rope bunny hahahah!"</judy> Judy laughs once again.
<b>-"Right.. So it caters to your fetishes?"</b>
<judy>-"Somewhat. To your fetishes and to the fetishes of members. You'll see in a couple of weeks or months, let's move on for now."</judy> She begins walking away.
<b>-"Sure.. Where to?"</b>
<judy>-"Our finaly destination, the private rooms."</judy>
<b>-"The private rooms?"</b>
<judy>-"Hell yeah.. That's where the magic happens."</judy> She takes a right turn, you follow. After around a minute of walking, you arrive at a staircase.
<judy>-"Let's go down. Rooms like these are scattered across the mansions, but these should be empty today."</judy> You both begin walking down the stairs.
<img src="Images\club\intro\m13.jpg">
<b>-"Oh wow.."</b> You look around the place.
<judy>-"Pretty nice right?"</judy>
<<pageReplace"Hell yeah..">>
<b>-"Hell yeah... Everything looks so clean."</b> You say as you look in one of the rooms.
<img src="Images\club\intro\m14.webp">
<judy>-"The cleaners do a good job! The mess members leave can get crazy however, I don't know how they do it haha!"</judy> She giggles.
<b>-"Hah! Yeah.."</b> Judy is cute, but you have to remember why you're here in the first place.. Hundreds of women are manipulated to stay here..
<judy>-"Look around for as long as you want, I'll wait upstairs."</judy> Judy starts to walk away.
<b>-"Sure.."</b> You nod and continue to walk around.
<b>-"Jeez.. So many.."</b> You look into another room. After a couple of minutes, you feel like you've gotten your fill.
<b>-"Alright... Time to head back."</b> As you turn around, you spot a closed door you haven't checked out yet.
<b>-"Well, one more couldn't hurt.."</b> Your curiosity gets the better of you and you open the door.
<bartender>-"W-wow wow wow!"</bartender> You hear a manly voice.
<b>-"O-oh! So sorry!"</b> You're faced with an old man, together with a couple of girls.
<bartender>-"You must be new, closed doors mean it's occupied!"</bartender> You hear the women laugh.
<b>-"I apologize, I am new, sir.."</b>
<bartender>-"No need to apologize my friend! I can tell you didn't mean it! Care to join me for a drink?"</bartender>
<img src="Images\club\intro\m7.webp">
<b>-"Unfortunately I cannot, I'm getting a tour from Judy, need to hurry a long!"</b>
<bartender>-"Agh, no worries then, maybe next time. Send my regards to Judy."</bartender> He raises his glass towards you and takes a sip.
<b>-"I will, have a great night!"</b> You close the door and hear them giggling inside. Your heart is beating out of your chest, thankfully he didn't know who you were..
<<pageReplace"Go up the stairs.">>\
<judy>-"Jeez, took you long enough."</judy> You find her sitting on the steps.
<b>-"Sorry, accidently walked in on some old dude with a couple of girls. He sends his regards."</b> You laugh.
<judy>-"Aghahah! On your first day!"</judy> She laughs with you.
<judy>-"No worries, shit happens. I thought the whole basement was empty, my bad!"</judy> Judy stands up.
<judy>-"Let's go back and talk about the job a little bit."</judy> She starts to walk as you follow.
<b>-"Sure."</b> After a couple of minutes of walking, you spot a weird door to your left.
<b>-"Hey Judy, what's this?"</b> You point at it.
<img src="Images\club\intro\m10.png">
<judy>-"Oh! That's the rabbit brotherhood!"</judy> You both stop and face the door.
<b>-"Rabbit brotherhood?"</b><<if $hobomoney ==true>> You remember the homeless man talking about it..<</if>>
<judy>-"Yeah! I think they gamble money and other goods inside, but I'm not sure, never been in there, only heard rumors."</judy>
<b>-"Why did you never go in?"</b>
<judy>-"You need a token!"</judy>
<b>-"Oh.. How do you get it?"</b>
<judy>-"Do I look like an all knowing deity to you? I have no idea!"</judy> She laughs.
<judy>-"I just know that you're not getting inside without one!"</judy>
<b>-"Right.."</b> You look closer at the symbol on the door..
<img src="Images\club\intro\m9.jpeg">
<<if $haspocketwatchcasino ==true>>\
<b>-"I wonder if the token the homeless guy gave me could work.. I might need to check it out when I get the chance."</b> You think as Leyja begins walking again.
<b>-"Hmmm.. I would like to gamble.. I wonder where I could get a token like that.."</b> You think as Leyja begins walking again.
<<pageReplace"Walk back to Judy's room.">>
<b>-"Oof.. Finally here.."</b> You sigh as you both enter her room.
<judy>-"Ha! I know right? This place is huge!"</judy> She squats down.
<img src="Images\club\intro\m11.webp">
<judy>-"So, what do you think?"</judy> She smiles.
<b>-"About you, or the club?"</b>
<judy>-"Stop it you cornball!"</judy> Judy giggles as you lean on the wall.
<b>-"Dunno.. Seems cool at first glance, need to work for a little bit to form an opinion though."</b>
<judy>-"Good answer.. Talking about work."</judy> She stands up.
<judy>-"As I said before, I'll need you on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays. I understand if you can't make it every single day, but come around whenever you can."</judy>
<b>-"I thought you didn't really need help and just wanted to stop owing Leyja the favor?"</b>
<judy>-"Well I thought so too at first, but actually I could use a pair of extra hands."</judy> Judy smiles.
<b>-"Right, what about payment?"</b>
<judy>-"100$ per day plus tips."</judy>
<b>-"100$?! Do I look like a slave?!"</b>
<judy>-"Don't be like that! Believe me, most of the people here are richhhhhh... So you'll earn a bunch of money if you manage to get some tips."</judy>
<judy>-"Training also helps! It'll make you more confident and willing to accept more proposals by members, so you'll earn even more."</judy>
<b>-"So, the more I train, the more experience I get, the more tips I recieve, the more money I earn?"</b>
<judy>-"Pretty much! You might start off at like 120$ or 140$ a day, but the pay ceiling is pretty high, I'm personally earning around 500$ per day."</judy> She sits down.
<img src="Images\club\intro\m15.jpg">
<b>-"Damn.. Sounds pretty good.."</b>
<judy>-"Sure does!"</judy> You check your time and notice that you need to go.
<b>-"Right.. So that's it for today?"</b>
<judy>-"Yup!"</judy> She looks you up and down.
<<if $equip ==1>>\
<judy>-"Also, put on something nicer, the member will pay more if you look good."</judy>
<judy>-"Also, make sure to wear something like this when you work, the member will pay more if you look good."</judy> She winks.
<b>-"Copy that, will keep in mind."</b> You nod and point towards the ground.
<b>-"Oh and there's your charger."</b>
<judy>-"Oh shit! Thanks!"</judy> She picks it up.
<b>-"I'll be going then."</b> You take the robe that you threw on one of the chairs and start walking away.
<judy>-"See you $name! Can't wait to work together!"</judy> She shouts as you exit.
<b>-"Same here! Bye!"</b> You begin the long walk back to the exit.
<b>-"Here you go."</b> After handing the robe back to Dandelion, he nods and you exit.
<b>-"I need to text Leyja.."</b> You think as you enter the car and pull out your phone.
<<pageReplace"Text her">>\
<b>-"Yawwwwnnn, time to head back."</b> You begin driving back home while texting Leyja. It might not be the best idea, but you want to share what you learned with her.
<<message "Leyja" "Club intro leyja message dom" "" open>>
<<pageReplace"When will I get my first invitation?">>
<b>-"When will I get my first invitation?"</b>
<judy>-"No clue! Everyone is called in after different periods of time!"</judy>
<b>-"Yeah but I mean like, are we talking in days, weeks, months, years?"</b>
<judy>-"As I said, everyone is different, so people wait for years before they receive any extra training."</judy>
<img src="Images\club\intro\m12.png">
<b>-"Right... When did you get invited?"</b> You lean on the wall.
<judy>-"Hmmm... I think during my first week? But I was already pretty freaky.."</judy> She blushes a bit.
<b>-"Righttttt.. So what are they about?"</b>
<judy>-"It's different for everyone! Won't go into detail, but for me it was a lot BDSM and rough stuff..."</judy>
<judy>-"And it worked! The members know me as a rope bunny hahahah!"</judy> Judy laughs once again.
<b>-"Right.. So it caters to your fetishes?"</b>
<judy>-"Somewhat. To your fetishes and to the fetishes of members. You'll see in a couple of weeks or months, let's move on for now."</judy> She begins walking away.
<b>-"Sure.. Where to?"</b>
<judy>-"Our finaly destination, the private rooms."</judy>
<b>-"The private rooms?"</b>
<judy>-"Hell yeah.. That's where the magic happens."</judy> She takes a right turn, you follow. After around a minute of walking, you arrive at a staircase.
<judy>-"Let's go down. Rooms like these are scattered across the mansions, but these should be empty today."</judy> You both begin walking down the stairs.
<img src="Images\club\intro\m13.jpg">
<b>-"Oh wow.."</b> You look around the place.
<judy>-"Pretty nice right?"</judy>
<<pageReplace"Hell yeah..">>
<b>-"Hell yeah... Everything looks so clean."</b> You say as you look in one of the rooms.
<img src="Images\club\intro\m14.webp">
<judy>-"The cleaners do a good job! The mess members leave can get crazy however, I don't know how they do it haha!"</judy> She giggles.
<b>-"Hah! Yeah.."</b> Judy is cute, but you have to remember why you're here in the first place.. Hundreds of women are manipulated to stay here..
<judy>-"Look around for as long as you want, I'll wait upstairs."</judy> Judy starts to walk away.
<b>-"Sure.."</b> You nod and continue to walk around.
<b>-"Jeez.. So many.."</b> You look into another room. After a couple of minutes, you feel like you've gotten your fill.
<b>-"Alright... Time to head back."</b> As you turn around, you spot a closed door you haven't checked out yet.
<b>-"Well, one more couldn't hurt.."</b> Your curiosity gets the better of you and you open the door.
<bartender>-"W-wow wow wow!"</bartender> You hear a manly voice.
<b>-"O-oh! So sorry!"</b> You're faced with an old man, together with a couple of girls.
<bartender>-"You must be new, closed doors mean it's occupied!"</bartender> You hear the women laugh.
<b>-"I apologize, I am new, sir.."</b>
<bartender>-"No need to apologize my friend! I can tell you didn't mean it! Care to join me for a drink?"</bartender>
<img src="Images\club\intro\m7.webp">
<b>-"Unfortunately I cannot, I'm getting a tour from Judy, need to hurry a long!"</b>
<bartender>-"Agh, no worries then, maybe next time. Send my regards to Judy."</bartender> He raises his glass towards you and takes a sip.
<b>-"I will, have a great night!"</b> You close the door and hear them giggling inside. Your heart is beating out of your chest, thankfully he didn't know who you were..
<<pageReplace"Go up the stairs.">>\
<judy>-"Jeez, took you long enough."</judy> You find her sitting on the steps.
<b>-"Sorry, accidently walked in on some old dude with a couple of girls. He sends his regards."</b> You laugh.
<judy>-"Aghahah! On your first day!"</judy> She laughs with you.
<judy>-"No worries, shit happens. I thought the whole basement was empty, my bad!"</judy> Judy stands up.
<judy>-"Let's go back and talk about the job a little bit."</judy> She starts to walk as you follow.
<b>-"Sure."</b> After a couple of minutes of walking, you spot a weird door to your left.
<b>-"Hey Judy, what's this?"</b> You point at it.
<img src="Images\club\intro\m10.png">
<judy>-"Oh! That's the rabbit brotherhood!"</judy> You both stop and face the door.
<b>-"Rabbit brotherhood?"</b><<if $hobomoney ==true>> You remember the homeless man talking about it..<</if>>
<judy>-"Yeah! I think they gamble money and other goods inside, but I'm not sure, never been in there, only heard rumors."</judy>
<b>-"Why did you never go in?"</b>
<judy>-"You need a token!"</judy>
<b>-"Oh.. How do you get it?"</b>
<judy>-"Do I look like an all knowing deity to you? I have no idea!"</judy> She laughs.
<judy>-"I just know that you're not getting inside without one!"</judy>
<b>-"Right.."</b> You look closer at the symbol on the door..
<img src="Images\club\intro\m9.jpeg">
<<if $haspocketwatchcasino ==true>>\
<b>-"I wonder if the token the homeless guy gave me could work.. I might need to check it out when I get the chance."</b> You think as Leyja begins walking again.
<b>-"Hmmm.. I would like to gamble.. I wonder where I could get a token like that.."</b> You think as Leyja begins walking again.
<<pageReplace"Walk back to Judy's room.">>
<b>-"Oof.. Finally here.."</b> You sigh as you both enter her room.
<judy>-"Ha! I know right? This place is huge!"</judy> She squats down.
<img src="Images\club\intro\m11.webp">
<judy>-"So, what do you think?"</judy> She smiles.
<b>-"About you, or the club?"</b>
<judy>-"Stop it you cornball!"</judy> Judy giggles as you lean on the wall.
<b>-"Dunno.. Seems cool at first glance, need to work for a little bit to form an opinion though."</b>
<judy>-"Good answer.. Talking about work."</judy> She stands up.
<judy>-"As I said before, I'll need you on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays. I understand if you can't make it every single day, but come around whenever you can."</judy>
<b>-"I thought you didn't really need help and just wanted to stop owing Leyja the favor?"</b>
<judy>-"Well I thought so too at first, but actually I could use a pair of extra hands."</judy> Judy smiles.
<b>-"Right, what about payment?"</b>
<judy>-"100$ per day plus tips."</judy>
<b>-"100$?! Do I look like a slave?!"</b>
<judy>-"Don't be like that! Believe me, most of the people here are richhhhhh... So you'll earn a bunch of money if you manage to get some tips."</judy>
<judy>-"Training also helps! It'll make you more confident and willing to accept more proposals by members, so you'll earn even more."</judy>
<b>-"So, the more I train, the more experience I get, the more tips I recieve, the more money I earn?"</b>
<judy>-"Pretty much! You might start off at like 120$ or 140$ a day, but the pay ceiling is pretty high, I'm personally earning around 500$ per day."</judy> She sits down.
<img src="Images\club\intro\m15.jpg">
<b>-"Damn.. Sounds pretty good.."</b>
<judy>-"Sure does!"</judy> You check your time and notice that you need to go.
<b>-"Right.. So that's it for today?"</b>
<judy>-"Yup!"</judy> She looks you up and down.
<<if $equip ==1>>\
<judy>-"Also, put on something nicer, the member will pay more if you look good."</judy>
<judy>-"Also, make sure to wear something like this when you work, the member will pay more if you look good."</judy> She winks.
<b>-"Copy that, will keep in mind."</b> You nod and point towards the ground.
<b>-"Oh and there's your charger."</b>
<judy>-"Oh shit! Thanks!"</judy> She picks it up.
<b>-"I'll be going then."</b> You take the robe that you threw on one of the chairs and start walking away.
<judy>-"See you $name! Can't wait to work together!"</judy> She shouts as you exit.
<b>-"Same here! Bye!"</b> You begin the long walk back to the exit.
<b>-"Here you go."</b> After handing the robe back to Dandelion, he nods and you exit.
<b>-"I need to text Leyja.."</b> You think as you enter the car and pull out your phone.
<<pageReplace"Text her">>\
<b>-"Yawwwwnnn, time to head back."</b> You begin driving back home while texting Leyja. It might not be the best idea, but you want to share what you learned with her.
<<message "Leyja" "Club intro leyja message dom" "" open>>
<b>-"Uhm... Let's hope Judy is inside.."</b> You think as you park your car in the garden. You don't really see any security around, which you find odd..
<b>-"Let's get inside.."</b> After putting on the mask, you get out of the car. You're supposed to get a tour of the place from Judy today.
<b>-"Good evening, Radagon's fury"</b> You announce as you get inside. A man takes your coat and gives you a robe, just like last time.
<img src="Images\club\intro\m1.webp">
<b>-"Thank you."</b> The man nods as you go on your way. As you walk towards the dining room, you notice that the club is completely empty.. It's nothing like the last time.
<b>-"Where is everyone.."</b> You wonder as you get closer to the dining room.
<b>-"It's somewhere around here I think."</b> You continue to walk through the maze like halls, until you finally find it.
<b>-"Here it is!"</b>
<img src="Images\club\intro\.29.jpg">
<b>-"Now, where's Judy?"</b> After looking around for Leyja's friend in the dining room, you find no sign of her...
<b>-"Wait.. What's that.."</b> You spot a door to the left of the hall, it's barely open, but you can hear some sounds coming from it..
<<pageReplace"Check it out..">>\
<b>-"..."</b> You slowly walk up to the door and open it completely.
<judy>-"Now where is it.. I know I put it somewhere around here.."</judy> As you walk inside, you're greeted by an amazing sight - Judy's peaches.
<img src="Images\club\intro\m2.webp">
<b>-"Woah.."</b> You freeze for a second, before regaining your composure.
<b>-"A-ahem.. Hey Judy."</b>
<judy>-"Huh? Watchu want?"</judy> She continues to search around for something.
<b>-"I'm here for the tour.. R-remember?"</b>
<judy>-"Huh?"</judy> She turns around.
<img src="Images\club\intro\m3.webp">
<judy>-"OHhhHHHHH!! $name! So sorry!"</judy> You notice that she isn't wearing a mask?
<b>-"Where's your mask?"</b>
<judy>-"Huh? Oh that old thing?"</judy> She looks at yours.
<judy>-"You didn't think you'll have to wear that every time right? Hahaha!"</judy> She laughs and turns towards you.
<b>-"... I was told I should."</b>
<judy>-"Oh come on! You only NEED to wear it during the initiation rituals and meetings.. Besides then, nobody really wears them."</judy> Judy giggles once again.
<b>-"Really? But the guy who let me in was wearing one as well?"</b>
<judy>-"Oh you mean Dandelion? That old fart is always wearing one, he doesn't really speak either."</judy> She raises her hand.
<judy>-"Come onnnnnnn take it off, I want to see how you look like."</judy>
<b>-"I would rather not.."</b> You take a step back.
<judy>-"Don't be like that!"</judy>
<judy>-"You'll see, most members don't wear them every day, only a few who really want to stay anonymous."</judy> She raises her hand again, insinuating that you should take yours off.
<img src="Images\club\intro\m4.webp">
<b>-"What if I want to stay anonymous too?"</b>
<judy>-"Okay you're starting to annoy me. Listen, I'm not going to work with someone who doesn't even have the balls to show his face to me."</judy>
<b>-"Shit.."</b> You think... If you want to help Leyja, you really need this job...
<b>-"W-what happens during the meetings?"</b> You need to make sure you won't get spotted..
<judy>-"The meeting? Why?"</judy>
<b>-"I just want to know.."</b> You interlock your fingers.
<judy>-"Well, depends on the meeting. Usually the warden comes, a couple of representatives from different schools.. Stuff like that."</judy>
<b>-"So the Warden isn't usually around?"</b> You feel like he might have connections to the SUP, so it's possible he could recognise you.. Mundane members probably won't.
<judy>-"Hahaha of course not! He has more important matters to attend to. If he decides to come and visit everybody knows like a week in advance!"</judy>
<judy>-"What's with all the questions though?"</judy> She sits down.
<b>-"Just curious.."</b> You lie as you take off the robe. Leyja told you not to trust Judy, but you have no choice, if you want this job, you have to reveal your face..
<b>-"Fuck this.."</b> You think as you slowly take off the mask. You'll just make sure to always have it with you and put it on during meetings or rituals..
<judy>-"Ooooohh! What a handsome gal you are!"</judy> She smiles as you face her.
<img src="Images\club\intro\m5.webp">
<b>-"T-thanks.."</b> You awkwardly say.
<judy>-"Last time I only saw your body and it looked amazing.. Wouldn't have guessed you would go 2 for 2 though..."</judy>
<<pageReplace"How about that tour?">>\
<b>-"S-so, how about that tour?"</b> You try to change the subject, you're still pretty insecure about your new look.
<judy>-"Oh, right!"</judy> She looks behind her.
<judy>-"I lost my charger somewhere, couldn't find it."</judy> Judy places her phone on the table.
<judy>-"Whatever, I'll live without it tonight. Follow me."</judy> She begins walking towards the door, but while passing you by, touches your chest.
<b>-"Where are we going first?"</b> You ask, unbothered, as you begin following her.
<judy>-"To the meeting hall!"</judy>
<b>-"Also, why is it so empty? It was completely packed the last time I was here?"</b>
<judy>-"Well, members come in at different times and usually only a couple times a week."</judy> Both of you take a left turn.
<judy>-"Last time you were here, we were taking in new members, so everyone came around to look and have fun."</judy>
<b>-"Sure, but tonight it's completely empty! I've seen like one person... Dandelion, or whatever his name is."</b>
<judy>-"Most members are in private rooms or even lodges outside... But I already served dinner to like 6 couples tonight, so you probably just got unlucky."</judy>
<judy>-"Unlucky for not seeing anyone, I mean."</judy> You finally walk into a giant, empty hall, illuminated by moonlight.
<judy>-"This is the main hall of the building!"</judy> She throws her hands in the air as you look around.
<img src="Images\club\intro\m6.jpg">
<b>-"This was the place the ritual took place?"</b> The room is absolutely massive, the only thing that's lighting it up is the moonlight.
<judy>-"Yup.. Looks completely different when it's not filled to the brim with creepy masked men right?"</judy> She laughs.
<b>-"Hahaha I guess, it's beautiful though.."</b>
<judy>-"True! This is where the meetings take place as well. We usually set up some chairs and stuff and it feels pretty cozy with all of us here!"</judy>
<judy>-"The masks and robes ruin it for me though."</judy> She leans on one of the walls as you continue to talk.
<b>-"Really.. Why?"</b>
<judy>-"Makes the whole place feel eerie and creepy! If it was up to me, nobody would wear them, but alas, it's not.."</judy> She balances herself and starts walking back.
<judy>-"Come on, we have some more places to visit."</judy>
<b>-"Right.."</b> You say as you begin following her.
<<pageReplace"Where to now?">>\
<b>-"So, where to know, Judy?"</b>
<judy>-"To the training rooms! Well, we're not going to go inside, but I'll show you where they are!"</judy>
<b>-"Training rooms?"</b> You raise you left eyebrow in confusing.
<judy>-"Yeah! Sure, our job is to serve food, but the purpose of this club is sexual pleasure and gratification... You probably noticed already?"</judy>
<b>-"Hah, yeah I did.."</b> You remember the massive orgy you saw.
<judy>-"Right, so all staff members need to have some skills in that regard as well."</judy>
<b>-"Skills?"</b> You blow your hair away from your eyes.
<judy>-"Well yeah! While serving food, some members might take an interest in you. Of course you can refuse, staff members aren't forced to have sex or anything, but good luck getting any tips if you do that!"</judy> She laughs.
<b>-"Huh.. I-interesting.."</b>
<judy>-"Don't worry, you might think it's a little weird right now, but you'll get used to it!"</judy> She punches your arm in a friendly manner.
<judy>-"Here we are."</judy> You both stop in front of three ominous red doors.
<img src="Images\club\intro\m8.webp">
<b>-"Woah.."</b> The doors seem so out of place... But also enticingly interesting..
<b>-"How do they work?"</b>
<judy>-"What do you mean?"</judy>
<b>-"Like.. Do I just go in one of them and begin training?"</b> You look at her.
<judy>-"HA! Don't be ridiculous."</judy> She tries to open one of the doors to no avail.
<judy>-"These bad boys are always closed, see?"</judy>
<b>-"So... H-how do I train then?"</b>
<judy>-"You'll get invited! Dandelion will give you a latter of solicitation or whatever the fuck it's called."</judy>
<b>-"A letter?"</b>
<judy>-"Yeah. Then you have to slip it under one of the doors and your training partner will open them."</judy>
<b>-"Seems awfully confusing."</b>
<judy>-"True! This whole club is full of these weird, old ass traditions."</judy>
<<pageReplace"Have you completed the training?">>
<b>-"Have you completed your training already?"</b>
<judy>-"Yup! At least I think so! I was already invited to 5 sessions."</judy>
<b>-"5 sessions? I only see 3 doors."</b>
<judy>-"Wow! You're so observant!"</judy> She sarcastically says.
<img src="Images\club\intro\m12.png">
<judy>-"Two of the doors are a couple of floors down, they're a lot more hardcore too.."</judy> She blushes a bit.
<b>-"Righttttt.. So what are they about?"</b>
<judy>-"It's different for everyone! Won't go into detail, but for me it was a lot BDSM and rough stuff..."</judy>
<judy>-"And it worked! The members know me as a rope bunny hahahah!"</judy> Judy laughs once again.
<b>-"Right.. So it caters to your fetishes?"</b>
<judy>-"Somewhat. To your fetishes and to the fetishes of members. You'll see in a couple of weeks or months, let's move on for now."</judy> She begins walking away.
<b>-"Sure.. Where to?"</b>
<judy>-"Our finaly destination, the private rooms."</judy>
<b>-"The private rooms?"</b>
<judy>-"Hell yeah.. That's where the magic happens."</judy> She takes a right turn, you follow. After around a minute of walking, you arrive at a staircase.
<judy>-"Let's go down. Rooms like these are scattered across the mansions, but these should be empty today."</judy> You both begin walking down the stairs.
<img src="Images\club\intro\m13.jpg">
<b>-"Oh wow.."</b> You look around the place.
<judy>-"Pretty nice right?"</judy>
<<pageReplace"Hell yeah..">>
<b>-"Hell yeah... Everything looks so clean."</b> You say as you look in one of the rooms.
<img src="Images\club\intro\m14.webp">
<judy>-"The cleaners do a good job! The mess members leave can get crazy however, I don't know how they do it haha!"</judy> She giggles.
<b>-"Hah! Yeah.."</b> Judy is cute, but you have to remember why you're here in the first place.. Hundreds of women are manipulated to stay here..
<judy>-"Look around for as long as you want, I'll wait upstairs."</judy> Judy starts to walk away.
<b>-"Sure.."</b> You nod and continue to walk around.
<b>-"Jeez.. So many.."</b> You look into another room. After a couple of minutes, you feel like you've gotten your fill.
<b>-"Alright... Time to head back."</b> As you turn around, you spot a closed door you haven't checked out yet.
<b>-"Well, one more couldn't hurt.."</b> Your curiosity gets the better of you and you open the door.
<bartender>-"W-wow wow wow!"</bartender> You hear a manly voice.
<b>-"O-oh! So sorry!"</b> You're faced with an old man, together with a couple of girls.
<bartender>-"You must be new, closed doors mean it's occupied!"</bartender> You hear the women laugh.
<b>-"I apologize, I am new, sir.."</b>
<bartender>-"No need to apologize beautiful! I can tell you didn't mean it! Care to join me for a drink?"</bartender>
<img src="Images\club\intro\m7.webp">
<b>-"Unfortunately I cannot, I'm getting a tour from Judy, need to hurry a long!"</b>
<bartender>-"Agh, no worries then, maybe next time. Send my regards to Judy."</bartender> He raises his glass towards you and takes a sip.
<b>-"I will, have a great night!"</b> You close the door and hear them giggling inside. Your heart is beating out of your chest, thankfully he didn't know who you were..
<<pageReplace"Go up the stairs.">>\
<judy>-"Jeez, took you long enough."</judy> You find her sitting on the steps.
<b>-"Sorry, accidently walked in on some old dude with a couple of girls. He sends his regards."</b> You laugh.
<judy>-"Aghahah! On your first day!"</judy> She laughs with you.
<judy>-"No worries, shit happens. I thought the whole basement was empty, my bad!"</judy> Judy stands up.
<judy>-"Let's go back and talk about the job a little bit."</judy> She starts to walk as you follow.
<b>-"Sure."</b> After a couple of minutes of walking, you spot a weird door to your left.
<b>-"Hey Judy, what's this?"</b> You point at it.
<img src="Images\club\intro\m10.png">
<judy>-"Oh! That's the rabbit brotherhood!"</judy> You both stop and face the door.
<b>-"Rabbit brotherhood?"</b><<if $hobomoney ==true>> You remember the homeless man talking about it..<</if>>
<judy>-"Yeah! I think they gamble money and other goods inside, but I'm not sure, never been in there, only heard rumors."</judy>
<b>-"Why did you never go in?"</b>
<judy>-"You need a token!"</judy>
<b>-"Oh.. How do you get it?"</b>
<judy>-"Do I look like an all knowing deity to you? I have no idea!"</judy> She laughs.
<judy>-"I just know that you're not getting inside without one!"</judy>
<b>-"R-right.."</b> You look closer at the symbol on the door..
<img src="Images\club\intro\m9.jpeg">
<<if $haspocketwatchcasino ==true>>\
<b>-"I wonder if the token the homeless guy gave me could work.. I might need to check it out when I get the chance."</b> You think as Leyja begins walking again.
<b>-"Hmmm.. I would like to gamble.. I wonder where I could get a token like that.."</b> You think as Leyja begins walking again.
<<pageReplace"Walk back to Judy's room.">>
<b>-"Oof.. Finally here.."</b> You sigh as you both enter her room.
<judy>-"Ha! I know right? This place is huge!"</judy> She squats down.
<img src="Images\club\intro\m11.webp">
<judy>-"So, what do you think?"</judy> She smiles.
<b>-"Dunno.. Seems cool at first glance, need to work for a little bit to form an opinion though."</b>
<judy>-"Good answer.. Talking about work."</judy> She stands up.
<judy>-"As I said before, I'll need you on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays. I understand if you can't make it every single day, but come around whenever you can."</judy>
<b>-"I thought you didn't really need help and just wanted to stop owing Leyja the favor?"</b>
<judy>-"Well I thought so too at first, but actually I could use a pair of extra hands."</judy> Judy smiles.
<judy>-"Oh and also, make sure to wear a cage."</judy>
<b>-"My chastity cage?"</b> You take a step back... How does she know you have one?
<judy>-"Oh don't act all surprised now, you're Leyja's employee, of course she would make you wear one!"</judy>
<judy>-"Anyways, make sure to wear one, it's our policy."</judy>
<b>-"R-right, what about payment?"</b>
<judy>-"100$ per day plus tips."</judy>
<b>-"100$?! Do I look like a slave?!"</b>
<judy>-"Don't be like that! Believe me, most of the people here are richhhhhh... So you'll earn a bunch of money if you manage to get some tips."</judy>
<judy>-"Training also helps! It'll make you more confident and willing to accept more proposals by members, so you'll earn even more."</judy>
<b>-"So, the more I train, the more experience I get, the more tips I recieve, the more money I earn?"</b>
<judy>-"Pretty much! You might start off at like 120$ or 140$ a day, but the pay ceiling is pretty high, I'm personally earning around 500$ per day."</judy> She sits down.
<img src="Images\club\intro\m15.jpg">
<b>-"Damn.. Sounds pretty good.."</b>
<judy>-"Sure does!"</judy> You check your time and notice that you need to go.
<judy>-"Oh, I almost forgot, your name is Nora from now on."</judy>
<judy>-"Yeah! You can't go around looking like that while calling yourself $name.. Nora suits you a whole lot better!"</judy>
<b>-"Okay I guess.... So that's it for today?"</b>
<judy>-"Yup!"</judy> She looks you up and down.
<<if $equip ==1>>\
<judy>-"Also, put on something nicer, the member will pay more if you look good."</judy>
<judy>-"Also, make sure to wear something like this when you work, the member will pay more if you look good."</judy> She winks.
<b>-"Copy that, will keep in mind."</b> You nod and point towards the ground.
<b>-"Oh and there's your charger."</b>
<judy>-"Oh shit! Thanks!"</judy> She picks it up.
<b>-"I'll be going then."</b> You take the robe that you threw on one of the chairs and start walking away.
<judy>-"See you $name! Can't wait to work together!"</judy> She shouts as you exit.
<b>-"Same here! Bye!"</b> You begin the long walk back to the exit.
<b>-"Here you go."</b> After handing the robe back to Dandelion, he nods and you exit.
<b>-"I need to text Leyja.."</b> You think as you enter the car and pull out your phone.
<<pageReplace"Text her">>\
<b>-"Yawwwwnnn, time to head back."</b> You begin driving back home while texting Leyja. It might not be the best idea, but you want to share what you learned with her.
<<message "Leyja" "Club intro leyja message sub" "" open>>
<<pageReplace"When will I get my first invitation?">>
<b>-"When will I get my first invitation?"</b>
<judy>-"No clue! Everyone is called in after different periods of time!"</judy>
<b>-"Yeah but I mean like, are we talking in days, weeks, months, years?"</b>
<judy>-"As I said, everyone is different, so people wait for years before they receive any extra training."</judy>
<img src="Images\club\intro\m12.png">
<b>-"Right... When did you get invited?"</b> You lean on the wall.
<judy>-"Hmmm... I think during my first week? But I was already pretty freaky.."</judy> She blushes a bit.
<b>-"Righttttt.. So what are they about?"</b>
<judy>-"It's different for everyone! Won't go into detail, but for me it was a lot BDSM and rough stuff..."</judy>
<judy>-"And it worked! The members know me as a rope bunny hahahah!"</judy> Judy laughs once again.
<b>-"Right.. So it caters to your fetishes?"</b>
<judy>-"Somewhat. To your fetishes and to the fetishes of members. You'll see in a couple of weeks or months, let's move on for now."</judy> She begins walking away.
<b>-"Sure.. Where to?"</b>
<judy>-"Our finaly destination, the private rooms."</judy>
<b>-"The private rooms?"</b>
<judy>-"Hell yeah.. That's where the magic happens."</judy> She takes a right turn, you follow. After around a minute of walking, you arrive at a staircase.
<judy>-"Let's go down. Rooms like these are scattered across the mansions, but these should be empty today."</judy> You both begin walking down the stairs.
<img src="Images\club\intro\m13.jpg">
<b>-"Oh wow.."</b> You look around the place.
<judy>-"Pretty nice right?"</judy>
<<pageReplace"Hell yeah..">>
<b>-"Hell yeah... Everything looks so clean."</b> You say as you look in one of the rooms.
<img src="Images\club\intro\m14.webp">
<judy>-"The cleaners do a good job! The mess members leave can get crazy however, I don't know how they do it haha!"</judy> She giggles.
<b>-"Hah! Yeah.."</b> Judy is cute, but you have to remember why you're here in the first place.. Hundreds of women are manipulated to stay here..
<judy>-"Look around for as long as you want, I'll wait upstairs."</judy> Judy starts to walk away.
<b>-"Sure.."</b> You nod and continue to walk around.
<b>-"Jeez.. So many.."</b> You look into another room. After a couple of minutes, you feel like you've gotten your fill.
<b>-"Alright... Time to head back."</b> As you turn around, you spot a closed door you haven't checked out yet.
<b>-"Well, one more couldn't hurt.."</b> Your curiosity gets the better of you and you open the door.
<bartender>-"W-wow wow wow!"</bartender> You hear a manly voice.
<b>-"O-oh! So sorry!"</b> You're faced with an old man, together with a couple of girls.
<bartender>-"You must be new, closed doors mean it's occupied!"</bartender> You hear the women laugh.
<b>-"I apologize, I am new, sir.."</b>
<bartender>-"No need to apologize beautiful! I can tell you didn't mean it! Care to join me for a drink?"</bartender>
<img src="Images\club\intro\m7.webp">
<b>-"Unfortunately I cannot, I'm getting a tour from Judy, need to hurry a long!"</b>
<bartender>-"Agh, no worries then, maybe next time. Send my regards to Judy."</bartender> He raises his glass towards you and takes a sip.
<b>-"I will, have a great night!"</b> You close the door and hear them giggling inside. Your heart is beating out of your chest, thankfully he didn't know who you were..
<<pageReplace"Go up the stairs.">>\
<judy>-"Jeez, took you long enough."</judy> You find her sitting on the steps.
<b>-"S-sorry, accidently walked in on some old dude with a couple of girls. He sends his regards."</b> You laugh.
<judy>-"Aghahah! On your first day!"</judy> She laughs with you.
<judy>-"No worries, shit happens. I thought the whole basement was empty, my bad!"</judy> Judy stands up.
<judy>-"Let's go back and talk about the job a little bit."</judy> She starts to walk as you follow.
<b>-"Sure."</b> After a couple of minutes of walking, you spot a weird door to your left.
<b>-"Hey Judy, what's this?"</b> You point at it.
<img src="Images\club\intro\m10.png">
<judy>-"Oh! That's the rabbit brotherhood!"</judy> You both stop and face the door.
<b>-"Rabbit brotherhood?"</b><<if $hobomoney ==true>> You remember the homeless man talking about it..<</if>>
<judy>-"Yeah! I think they gamble money and other goods inside, but I'm not sure, never been in there, only heard rumors."</judy>
<b>-"Why did you never go in?"</b>
<judy>-"You need a token!"</judy>
<b>-"Oh.. How do you get it?"</b>
<judy>-"Do I look like an all knowing deity to you? I have no idea!"</judy> She laughs.
<judy>-"I just know that you're not getting inside without one!"</judy>
<b>-"Right.."</b> You look closer at the symbol on the door..
<img src="Images\club\intro\m9.jpeg">
<<if $haspocketwatchcasino ==true>>\
<b>-"I wonder if the token the homeless guy gave me could work.. I might need to check it out when I get the chance."</b> You think as Leyja begins walking again.
<b>-"Hmmm.. I would like to gamble.. I wonder where I could get a token like that.."</b> You think as Leyja begins walking again.
<<pageReplace"Walk back to Judy's room.">>
<b>-"Oof.. Finally here.."</b> You sigh as you both enter her room.
<judy>-"Ha! I know right? This place is huge!"</judy> She squats down.
<img src="Images\club\intro\m11.webp">
<judy>-"So, what do you think?"</judy> She smiles.
<b>-"Dunno.. Seems cool at first glance, need to work for a little bit to form an opinion though."</b>
<judy>-"Good answer.. Talking about work."</judy> She stands up.
<judy>-"As I said before, I'll need you on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays. I understand if you can't make it every single day, but come around whenever you can."</judy>
<b>-"I thought you didn't really need help and just wanted to stop owing Leyja the favor?"</b>
<judy>-"Well I thought so too at first, but actually I could use a pair of extra hands."</judy> Judy smiles.
<judy>-"Oh and also, make sure to wear a cage."</judy>
<b>-"My chastity cage?"</b> You take a step back... How does she know you have one?
<judy>-"Oh don't act all surprised now, you're Leyja's employee, of course she would make you wear one!"</judy>
<judy>-"Anyways, make sure to wear one, it's our policy."</judy>
<b>-"Right, what about payment?"</b>
<judy>-"100$ per day plus tips."</judy>
<b>-"100$?! Do I look like a slave?!"</b>
<judy>-"Don't be like that! Believe me, most of the people here are richhhhhh... So you'll earn a bunch of money if you manage to get some tips."</judy>
<judy>-"Training also helps! It'll make you more confident and willing to accept more proposals by members, so you'll earn even more."</judy>
<b>-"So, the more I train, the more experience I get, the more tips I recieve, the more money I earn?"</b>
<judy>-"Pretty much! You might start off at like 120$ or 140$ a day, but the pay ceiling is pretty high, I'm personally earning around 500$ per day."</judy> She sits down.
<img src="Images\club\intro\m15.jpg">
<b>-"Damn.. Sounds pretty good.."</b>
<judy>-"Sure does!"</judy> You check your time and notice that you need to go.
<judy>-"Oh, I almost forgot, your name is Nora from now on."</judy>
<judy>-"Yeah! You can't go around looking like that while calling yourself $name.. Nora suits you a whole lot better!"</judy>
<b>-"Okay I guess.... So that's it for today?"</b>
<judy>-"Yup!"</judy> She looks you up and down.
<<if $equip ==1>>\
<judy>-"Also, put on something nicer, the member will pay more if you look good."</judy>
<judy>-"Also, make sure to wear something like this when you work, the member will pay more if you look good."</judy> She winks.
<b>-"Copy that, will keep in mind."</b> You nod and point towards the ground.
<b>-"Oh and there's your charger."</b>
<judy>-"Oh shit! Thanks!"</judy> She picks it up.
<b>-"I'll be going then."</b> You take the robe that you threw on one of the chairs and start walking away.
<judy>-"See you $name! Can't wait to work together!"</judy> She shouts as you exit.
<b>-"Same here! Bye!"</b> You begin the long walk back to the exit.
<b>-"Here you go."</b> After handing the robe back to Dandelion, he nods and you exit.
<b>-"I need to text Leyja.."</b> You think as you enter the car and pull out your phone.
<<pageReplace"Text her">>\
<b>-"Yawwwwnnn, time to head back."</b> You begin driving back home while texting Leyja. It might not be the best idea, but you want to share what you learned with her.
<<message "Leyja" "Club intro leyja message sub" "" open>>
<</if>><<set $clubmeetinghudsontemp to false>>\
<<todoCompleted "Attend the meeting.">>\
<b>-"So, the meeting is supposed to be happening right about now."</b> You think as you pull into the driveway.
<b>-"There we go..."</b> After finding a parking spot, you turn off the engine and start to look for the microphone in your backpack.
<b>-"Just need to click this!"</b> You turn it on, making sure you see the small, flashing red light on the device.
<grey>-"Screeeeccchhh"</grey> A car comes to a stop next to you.
<b>-"Oh shit.."</b> The doors swing open and a man steps out.. You recognise him.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\meeting 1\1.webp">
<b>-"It's Hudson!"</b> You quickly duck down, making sure he doesn't see you. After a couple of seconds, you pop your head back up and watch him walk into the club.
<b>-"Good thing I have my mask with me."</b> After putting on the mask, you get out of your car and walk into the club after him.
<b>-"Thank you."</b> Dandelion takes your jacket and gives you a cloak, which you put on.
<b>-"The whole place is so quiet... Similar vibes to the initiation ceremony."</b>
<img src="Images\club\main hall\meeting 1\2.webp">
<b>-"Hmph.."</b> As you get closer and closer to the main hall, you start to hear people talking.
<blue>-"Hah! The only thing this place needs is more alcohol!"</blue>
<bartender>-"Couldn't agree more!"</bartender>
<b>-"Is that... Piano music?"</b> You mumble as you finally reach the voices.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\meeting 1\3.jpg">
<b>-"Interesting."</b> There's a woman on stage, playing various songs while people talk, eat and get drunk.
<b>-"Need to find a place to sit down..."</b>
<<pageReplace"Find a seat.">>\
<b>-"Here we go."</b> You sit down at the very back of the hall. You're hopeful that Hudson will have a mic, so your device picks everything up.
<b>-"Can't risk sitting at the front..."</b> You take a second to look around. Almost nobody is wearing robes, probably because most of them are drunk. Still, you feel out of place.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\meeting 1\4.png">
<blue>-"W-when is it starting? I'm starting to get.. Hic.. Bored!"</blue>
<pink>-"Dunno! But as long as there's more booze, I'm fine!"</pink> The piano music suddenly stops.
<b>-"Oh?"</b> You see a couple of buff men walk onto stage and carry the piano out.
<bartender>-"Shit.. Let's sit down."</bartender> Everyone goes quiet and quickly sit down.
<b><warden>-"Good evening!"</warden></b>
<b><warden>-"How are our dear members feeling?"</warden></b>
<b>-"There he is.."</b> The warden comes onto stage and begins speaking.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\meeting 1\6.jpg">
<grey>-"Great!"</grey> Everyone shouts in unison.
<b><warden>-"Well that's incredible to hear!"</warden></b>
<b><warden>-"Thank you to everyone who decided to attend this meeting. We will have two speakers tonight, both carrying some important news."</warden></b>
<b>-"Hmmm.. Two?"</b> Leyja only told you about one.
<b><warden>-"The first speaker - Mister Hudson, the principal of our beloved university of progressive learning!"</warden></b>
<grey>-"WHooooooohhhh!"</grey> The whole hall begins clapping.
<b><warden>-"The second speaker - Mister Bekham, a philosophy professor from the well known [[Egrogry High->https://f95zone.to/threads/becoming-prom-queen-v0-3-0b-the-nook-erotica.188960/]]!"</warden></b>
<blue>-"Huh.. Mister Bekham? Who's that?"</blue> A man next to you whispers to his friend.
<olive>-"I think he won the contest ages ago... No clue what he's doing here tonight though."</olive>
<blue>-"Won? But he's not the principal."</blue>
<olive>-"We had a lot less members then, we didn't need hundreds of students, only ten or twenty. His class had more than enough."</olive>
<b>-"Interesting..."</b> You think as Warden continues to speak.
<<pageReplace"Listen in.">>
<b><warden>-"With that being said, I think we can start."</warden></b>
<b><warden>-"Please welcome, Mister Hudson!"</warden></b>
<grey>-"YeahhHHHHH!!!"</grey> The hall errupts in applause again.
<pink>-"Can't believe they won again this year!"</pink>
<adriana>-"Same, but I'm not complaining. Last years students were the bomb!"</adriana> People around you talk as the Warden walk off.
<pink>-"Definitely! Didn't even need to use force at all, they all wanted it! The classes definitely worked!"</pink> They laugh as you turn away in disgust.
<b>-"Fuck me that's evil.."</b> As you face the stage, you see him again.
<b>-"Hudson.."</b> Surprisingly, he isn't wearing a mask.
<m>-"Good evening everyone!"</m> He takes off his hat and bows.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\meeting 1\7.jpg">
<m>-"I thought that, because you all already know me, what's the point of the mask?"</m> Hudson chuckles.
<b>-"Let's see what this snake has to say..."</b> You look down your shirt to make sure the mic is still on. It is.
<m>-"I'm eternally grateful that we won the voting contest yet again this year, we will not disappoint!"</m>
<m>-"I've brought some toys for you to look at tonight, but before that, I have a big announcement!"</m>
<img src="Images\club\main hall\meeting 1\8.jpg">
<blue>-"What do you think it'll be?"</blue>
<olive>-"No clue! I guess we're about to find out!"</olive>
<m>-"Tickets are now up for sale!"</m> You hear a couple of gasps before the hall, yet again errupts in applause.
<pink>-"OH MY GODDDD!! Already?!"</pink>
<adriana>-"Fuck yeaHHHhhhH!!!"</adriana>
<m>-"Hahaha, I'm happy that you're excited, there is a however one caveat."</m>
<m>-"The prices are rising from 5000 to 10000 this year."</m>
<m>-"I know, I know, it's quite a bit, but this year we invested a lot more into training and security!"</m> He wipes off some sweat from his forehead.
<m>-"We also started one on one training, to make sure each and every student will be ready to please you, however and whichever way you want."</m>
<b>-"One on one training, huh..?"</b>
<m>-"That leads me to the second part of my speech, the toy showcase! These dolls have already been through the full training, so gawk at them as much as you want!"</m> Suddenly, members start to stand up and rearrange the chairs, making a pathway or a catwalk of sorts in the middle of the hall, between them all.
<blue>-"10000? This better be good.."</blue> One man whispers.
<mia>-"Yeah... That price is kind of insane."</mia> Thankfully, you're at the very back of the hall, so you didn't need to do anything. As the members finish what they're doing, you start to see someone come out from behind the curtains on stage.
<<pageReplace"Look closely.">>
<m>-"Of course, like always, no pictures everyone!"</m>
<b>-"Oh my God.."</b> Naked women start to pour out from behind the curtains as you watch in shock.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\meeting 1\9.webp">
<b>-"So these are the toys he talked about..?"</b>
<olive>-"Oh fuck yeah... Look at how plump those bitches are.."</olive>
<blue>-"Can't wait to get my hands on one.."</blue> The women begin walking through the catwalk the members made, making sure to show off their curves.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\meeting 1\10.webp">
<b>-"I think I've seen her before.."</b> You wonder as you look at one of the girls.
<b>-"Hmmm.."</b> You remember that there are submissiveness classes for women as well and you have seen one of the girls standing nearby their lecture hall.
<m>-"These dolls aced all of their tests, so we decided to give them one on one training early."</m> Hudson gropes one of them.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\meeting 1\25.webp">
<emily>-"MghhHH! T-thank you sir!"</emily>
<m>-"You see? No fighting back, no talking back, she even says thank you!"</m> Members begin clapping again.
<olive>-"Wow.. Well I'm glad the SUP won again this year."</olive>
<img src="Images\club\main hall\meeting 1\11.webp">
<b>-"Gosh I hate that guy..."</b> You cross your arms and lay back on the chair.
<<pageReplace"Try to stay calm.">>\
<m>-"Aren't they incredible?"</m> He and some other members laugh.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\meeting 1\12.jpg">
<m>-"Although they look and act great, it takes a while to get to this point, that's another reason for the price increase."</m> The women begin walking back.
<m>-"We've been really struggling to find enough students who want to attend the festival... And then training each one.... Yeeesh.."</m>
<m>-"The second speaker will talk about these struggles though, that's it from me."</m> He bows once again as cheering fills the hall. He and his "dolls" leave the stage.
<b>-"Leyja was right, we have to stop that guy."</b>
<b><warden>-"Wasn't that just awesome, huh?"</warden></b>
<b>-"Here we go again.."</b> The Warden gets back on stage.
<b><warden>-"If you wish to place an order for a ticket, transfer the money directly to the club's bank account."</warden></b>
<b><warden>-"As always, your information will be stored in a top of the line, german built, secure safe in our chambers. You have nothing to worry about."</warden></b>
<blue>-"Planning to buy one?"</blue>
<olive>-"Hell yeah! Shit is expensive, but my papa is going to pay anyways, so I don't care."</olive>
<b><warden>-"Now, it's time for our second guest. Please welcome mister Bekham!"</warden></b> The warden walks off.
<b>-"Let's see what he has to say.."</b> You keep the microphone on, just in case he says something interesting.
<green>-"Good evening everyone! Long time no see!"</green> A well built man walks onto the stage.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\meeting 1\14.png">
<green>-"Some of the older members might recognise me, but for those who don't, I won the contest a couple of years back!"</green>
<b>-"..."</b> Everyone stays quiet as he speaks.
<green>-"As the club grew, I understood that my philosophy class of merely 30 students couldn't compete with whole universities."</green>
<green>-"But when Hudson asked me for help, I couldn't refuse."</green> He raises his hand.
<green>-"Come out!"</green> As he shouts, more women begin pouring out from behind the curtains.
<blue>-"Oh shit.. Is his students going to be there too?"</blue>
<b>-"What the fuck is going on."</b>
<green>-"As Hudson mentioned before, he's having a hard time getting enough students to sign up, so we decided to join forces!"</green>
<green>-"I don't have a lot, but all 30 of my students are here and ready to serve you guys on the island!"</green>
<img src="Images\club\main hall\meeting 1\15.webp">
<b>-"Another asshole..."</b>
<<pageReplace"Keep looking">>
<green>-"Some students are more.. Exotic.. Then others, please take a look."</green>
<b>-"Exotic?"</b> You notice that some of the women are sissies..
<img src="Images\club\main hall\meeting 1\16.webp">
<green>-"As you can see, they're caged nice and tight, so they won't cause any problems!"</green>
<b>-"Oh wow.."</b>
<pink>-"Heeeee soo cuteee! Can't wait to play with it!"</pink> The members next to you start whispering to each other.
<adriana>-"Ghahaha what?! You're really into that?"</adriana>
<pink>-"Hell yeah! Love seeing them squirm around while I tease them to death!"</pink>
<green>-"They will listen to all of your commands, like women should, of course."</green> He smirks as places his hand on one of the girls shoulders.
<green>-"On your knees."</green> The girl nods and does as she's told.
<emily>-"Arf!"</emily> You sigh in disappointment as you hear the members clapping again.
<m>-"Aren't they great?"</m> You hear a voice to your side.
<<pageReplace"Turn towards the voice.">>
<m>-"I said aren't the girls great? Look at her barking."</m> It's Hudson! And he sat down right next to you!
<b>-"Y-yeah.. Haha.."</b> You awkwardly chuckle as he smiles.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\meeting 1\17.jpg">
<m>-"You don't mind if I take a seat here, right?"</m>
<b>-"No, no. Of course not, go right ahead."</b> A drop of sweat runs down your cheek. Thank God that you didn't forget your mask.
<m>-"Have you enjoyed the show so far?"</m>
<b>-"Yeah! It's impressive how well they respond to commands!"</b>
<m>-"Hah, true! Took a lot of training, but we're getting there."</m> He sits back and sighs.
<m>-"Although, we're still having the problem of numbers... We need more students to sign up!"</m>
<b>-"You can't just force them?"</b> You try to get him to incriminate himself even harder.
<m>-"Before the drugs? No, they'll just go to the police."</m>
<m>-"After they sign up and show up to the training willingly, then they get a dose. At that points it's over."</m> Bingo...
<m>-"Still need them to show up."</m>
<b>-"Hmph.. I guess so."</b>
<m>-"Any ideas how to solve that problem?"</m>
<<pageReplace"Have more than one person working on that problem.">>
<b>-"Hmmm.. I guess having more than one person working on that problem would be a start, no?"</b>
<m>-"What do you mean?"</m>
<b>-"I mean, having one student invite 1000 others is quite a task, no?"</b> Hudsons smile drops.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\meeting 1\22.jpg">
<m>-"And how do you know that a student is helping me?"</m>
<b>-"Oh!"</b> Oh shit.. You need to think of something, quickly!
<<pageReplace"$name is a friend of a friend.">>
<<set $clubsuspicion to $clubsuspicion -1>>
<b>-"$name is a friend of a friend!"</b>
<b>-"He told me that $name is helping you out, but having some trouble!"</b>
<m>-"Agh, understood!"</m> He smiles.
<m>-"All good then, just make sure not to tell him anything. $name needs to stay oblivious until it's too late."</m>
<b>-"Of course, of course."</b>
<m>-"Well, it was nice talking to you, but I better get going! Have a lot of work to do!"</m> Hudson stands up and extends his arm.
<b>-"Sure."</b> You shake it.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\meeting 1\21.webp">
<m>-"Enjoy your evening!"</m> You nod as he walks off.
<b>-"Fuck yeah.. Recorded that cunt confessing."</b>
<green>-"Thank you for your attention everybody!"</green> Mister Bekham bows as you look at the stage again. The girls are already gone.
<green>-"If you have any more questions, I will be to the side of the stage for the next hour or two!"</green> He bows and disappears behind the curtains.
<b><warden>-"A collaboration! Haven't had one in long, long while!"</warden></b> Warden comes out again.
<b><warden>-"That's all for now folks, thanks again for coming. Remember, if you want to buy the tickets, only direct payments will be accepted! No checks, or cash!"</warden></b>
<b><warden>-"With that out of the way, have fun and good night!"</warden></b> The hall errupts in applause one last time as the Warden walks off. The members stand up and begin talking again.
<blue>-"Well... I'm officially hyped!"</blue>
<olive>-"Me too! Can't wait to try them all out!"</olive> You stand up with everyone, trying to blend in.
<b>-"Hmph.."</b> You see Bekham speaking to a couple members nearby.. You could listen in to get even more information.
<<pageReplace"Walk to your car.">>\
<b>-"I bet Leyja loved listening to all of that.."</b> You get inside of the car and check on the mic.
<b>-"Nice, still on.."</b> You turn the device off and take it off.
<b>-"Fuck me that was scary."</b> After taking off your mask, you pull out your phone.
<b>-"Time to text Leyja."</b>
[[Text her->Club meeting 1 part 2]]
<<pageReplace"Try to get even more information.">>
<b>-"Fuck it, let's see what he has to say."</b> You walk up to a group of members around him and listen in.
<pink>-"So, how do your students differ you say?"</pink>
<green>-"My students are focused for male pleasure and male pleasure only. They will only listen to commands made by men."</green>
<img src="Images\club\main hall\meeting 1\20.png">
<emily>-"W-what?! How about us?"</emily>
<green>-"They won't listen to you unfortunately. Sorry, but that's the philosophy the girls were tought upon."</green>
<blue>-"Fuck yeah."</blue> Two guys fist bump each other.
<green>-"Listen, if you don't like it, you'll have another 900 students from the SUP who will listen to you. Mine - won't."</green>
<emily>-"That's fucking bullshit... Let's get out of here."</emily> The women walk off, completely fuming.
<blue>-"Why did you decide to help Hudson, anyways?"</blue>
<green>-"To be honest, I'm not really helping him, I'm helping my students."</green> He lays back on his chair.
<green>-"I'm an asshole, but I'm no horrible. These girls listen to me and I reward them."</green>
<olive>-"Huh.. Is that so?"</olive>
<green>-"Mhm, some want money, some want sexual gradification, some want status or even something as trivial as [[Becoming A Prom Queen->https://f95zone.to/threads/becoming-prom-queen-v0-3-0b-the-nook-erotica.188960/]]"</green>
<green>-"And I thought that the money from ticket sales and the experience as a whole could help them."</green>
<b>-"Interesting.."</b> You check the time.
<b>-"I better get going."</b>
<<pageReplace"Walk to your car.">>\
<b>-"I bet Leyja loved listening to all of that.."</b> You get inside of the car and check on the mic.
<b>-"Nice, still on.."</b> You turn the device off and take it off.
<b>-"Fuck me that was scary."</b> After taking off your mask, you pull out your phone.
<b>-"Time to text Leyja."</b>
[[Text her->Club meeting 1 part 2]]
<<pageReplace"Lucky guess.">>
<<set $clubsuspicion to $clubsuspicion +1>>
<b>-"Oh uhmmm.. J-just a lucky guess.."</b> You stutter.
<m>-"Right..."</m> He frowns and extends his arm.
<m>-"Well, enjoy the rest of your evening then."</m> You shake it.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\meeting 1\18.webp">
<b>-"You too!"</b> Hudson stands up and walks away.
<b>-"Shit.. I hope he didn't catch on... At least I recorded that cunt confessing."</b>
<green>-"Thank you for your attention everybody!"</green> Mister Bekham bows as you look at the stage again. The girls are already gone.
<green>-"If you have any more questions, I will be to the side of the stage for the next hour or two!"</green> He bows and disappears behind the curtains.
<b><warden>-"A collaboration! Haven't had one in long, long while!"</warden></b> Warden comes out again.
<b><warden>-"That's all for now folks, thanks again for coming. Remember, if you want to buy the tickets, only direct payments will be accepted! No checks, or cash!"</warden></b>
<b><warden>-"With that out of the way, have fun and good night!"</warden></b> The hall errupts in applause one last time as the Warden walks off. The members stand up and begin talking again.
<blue>-"Well... I'm officially hyped!"</blue>
<olive>-"Me too! Can't wait to try them all out!"</olive> You stand up with everyone, trying to blend in.
<b>-"Hmph.."</b> You see Bekham speaking to a couple members nearby.. You could listen in to get even more information.
<<pageReplace"Walk to your car.">>\
<b>-"I bet Leyja loved listening to all of that.."</b> You get inside of the car and check on the mic.
<b>-"Nice, still on.."</b> You turn the device off and take it off.
<b>-"Fuck me that was scary."</b> After taking off your mask, you pull out your phone.
<b>-"Time to text Leyja."</b>
[[Text her->Club meeting 1 part 2]]
<<pageReplace"Try to get even more information.">>
<b>-"Fuck it, let's see what he has to say."</b> You walk up to a group of members around him and listen in.
<pink>-"So, how do your students differ you say?"</pink>
<green>-"My students are focused for male pleasure and male pleasure only. They will only listen to commands made by men."</green>
<img src="Images\club\main hall\meeting 1\20.png">
<emily>-"W-what?! How about us?"</emily>
<green>-"They won't listen to you unfortunately. Sorry, but that's the philosophy the girls were tought upon."</green>
<blue>-"Fuck yeah."</blue> Two guys fist bump each other.
<green>-"Listen, if you don't like it, you'll have another 900 students from the SUP who will listen to you. Mine - won't."</green>
<emily>-"That's fucking bullshit... Let's get out of here."</emily> The women walk off, completely fuming.
<blue>-"Why did you decide to help Hudson, anyways?"</blue>
<green>-"To be honest, I'm not really helping him, I'm helping my students."</green> He lays back on his chair.
<green>-"I'm an asshole, but I'm no horrible. These girls listen to me and I reward them."</green>
<olive>-"Huh.. Is that so?"</olive>
<green>-"Mhm, some want money, some want sexual gradification, some want status or even something as trivial as [[Becoming A Prom Queen->https://f95zone.to/threads/becoming-prom-queen-v0-3-0b-the-nook-erotica.188960/]]"</green>
<green>-"And I thought that the money from ticket sales and the experience as a whole could help them."</green>
<b>-"Interesting.."</b> You check the time.
<b>-"I better get going."</b>
<<pageReplace"Walk to your car.">>\
<b>-"I bet Leyja loved listening to all of that.."</b> You get inside of the car and check on the mic.
<b>-"Nice, still on.."</b> You turn the device off and take it off.
<b>-"Fuck me that was scary."</b> After taking off your mask, you pull out your phone.
<b>-"Time to text Leyja."</b>
[[Text her->Club meeting 1 part 2]]
<<pageReplace"Pay the guy who's helping you.">>
<b>-"Hmmm.. I guess you could pay the student helping you out?"</b>
<m>-"What do you mean?"</m>
<b>-"I mean, paying him might bring some financial incentive.. Maybe he'll work harder!"</b> Hudsons smile drops.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\meeting 1\22.jpg">
<m>-"And how do you know that a student is helping me?"</m>
<b>-"Oh!"</b> Oh shit.. You need to think of something, quickly!
<<pageReplace"$name is a friend of a friend.">>
<<set $clubsuspicion to $clubsuspicion -1>>
<b>-"$name is a friend of a friend!"</b>
<b>-"He told me that $name is helping you out, but having some trouble!"</b>
<m>-"Agh, understood!"</m> He smiles.
<m>-"All good then, just make sure not to tell him anything. $name needs to stay oblivious until it's too late."</m>
<b>-"Of course, of course."</b>
<m>-"Well, it was nice talking to you, but I better get going! Have a lot of work to do!"</m> Hudson stands up and extends his arm.
<b>-"Sure."</b> You shake it.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\meeting 1\21.webp">
<m>-"Enjoy your evening!"</m> You nod as he walks off.
<b>-"Fuck yeah.. Recorded that cunt confessing."</b>
<green>-"Thank you for your attention everybody!"</green> Mister Bekham bows as you look at the stage again. The girls are already gone.
<green>-"If you have any more questions, I will be to the side of the stage for the next hour or two!"</green> He bows and disappears behind the curtains.
<b><warden>-"A collaboration! Haven't had one in long, long while!"</warden></b> Warden comes out again.
<b><warden>-"That's all for now folks, thanks again for coming. Remember, if you want to buy the tickets, only direct payments will be accepted! No checks, or cash!"</warden></b>
<b><warden>-"With that out of the way, have fun and good night!"</warden></b> The hall errupts in applause one last time as the Warden walks off. The members stand up and begin talking again.
<blue>-"Well... I'm officially hyped!"</blue>
<olive>-"Me too! Can't wait to try them all out!"</olive> You stand up with everyone, trying to blend in.
<b>-"Hmph.."</b> You see Bekham speaking to a couple members nearby.. You could listen in to get even more information.
<<pageReplace"Walk to your car.">>\
<b>-"I bet Leyja loved listening to all of that.."</b> You get inside of the car and check on the mic.
<b>-"Nice, still on.."</b> You turn the device off and take it off.
<b>-"Fuck me that was scary."</b> After taking off your mask, you pull out your phone.
<b>-"Time to text Leyja."</b>
[[Text her->Club meeting 1 part 2]]
<<pageReplace"Try to get even more information.">>
<b>-"Fuck it, let's see what he has to say."</b> You walk up to a group of members around him and listen in.
<pink>-"So, how do your students differ you say?"</pink>
<green>-"My students are focused for male pleasure and male pleasure only. They will only listen to commands made by men."</green>
<img src="Images\club\main hall\meeting 1\20.png">
<emily>-"W-what?! How about us?"</emily>
<green>-"They won't listen to you unfortunately. Sorry, but that's the philosophy the girls were tought upon."</green>
<blue>-"Fuck yeah."</blue> Two guys fist bump each other.
<green>-"Listen, if you don't like it, you'll have another 900 students from the SUP who will listen to you. Mine - won't."</green>
<emily>-"That's fucking bullshit... Let's get out of here."</emily> The women walk off, completely fuming.
<blue>-"Why did you decide to help Hudson, anyways?"</blue>
<green>-"To be honest, I'm not really helping him, I'm helping my students."</green> He lays back on his chair.
<green>-"I'm an asshole, but I'm no horrible. These girls listen to me and I reward them."</green>
<olive>-"Huh.. Is that so?"</olive>
<green>-"Mhm, some want money, some want sexual gradification, some want status or even something as trivial as [[Becoming A Prom Queen->https://f95zone.to/threads/becoming-prom-queen-v0-3-0b-the-nook-erotica.188960/]]"</green>
<green>-"And I thought that the money from ticket sales and the experience as a whole could help them."</green>
<b>-"Interesting.."</b> You check the time.
<b>-"I better get going."</b>
<<pageReplace"Walk to your car.">>\
<b>-"I bet Leyja loved listening to all of that.."</b> You get inside of the car and check on the mic.
<b>-"Nice, still on.."</b> You turn the device off and take it off.
<b>-"Fuck me that was scary."</b> After taking off your mask, you pull out your phone.
<b>-"Time to text Leyja."</b>
[[Text her->Club meeting 1 part 2]]
<<pageReplace"Lucky guess.">>
<<set $clubsuspicion to $clubsuspicion +1>>
<b>-"Oh uhmmm.. J-just a lucky guess.."</b> You stutter.
<m>-"Right..."</m> He frowns and extends his arm.
<m>-"Well, enjoy the rest of your evening then."</m> You shake it.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\meeting 1\18.webp">
<b>-"You too!"</b> Hudson stands up and walks away.
<b>-"Shit.. I hope he didn't catch on... At least I recorded that cunt confessing."</b>
<green>-"Thank you for your attention everybody!"</green> Mister Bekham bows as you look at the stage again. The girls are already gone.
<green>-"If you have any more questions, I will be to the side of the stage for the next hour or two!"</green> He bows and disappears behind the curtains.
<b><warden>-"A collaboration! Haven't had one in long, long while!"</warden></b> Warden comes out again.
<b><warden>-"That's all for now folks, thanks again for coming. Remember, if you want to buy the tickets, only direct payments will be accepted! No checks, or cash!"</warden></b>
<b><warden>-"With that out of the way, have fun and good night!"</warden></b> The hall errupts in applause one last time as the Warden walks off. The members stand up and begin talking again.
<blue>-"Well... I'm officially hyped!"</blue>
<olive>-"Me too! Can't wait to try them all out!"</olive> You stand up with everyone, trying to blend in.
<b>-"Hmph.."</b> You see Bekham speaking to a couple members nearby.. You could listen in to get even more information.
<<pageReplace"Walk to your car.">>\
<b>-"I bet Leyja loved listening to all of that.."</b> You get inside of the car and check on the mic.
<b>-"Nice, still on.."</b> You turn the device off and take it off.
<b>-"Fuck me that was scary."</b> After taking off your mask, you pull out your phone.
<b>-"Time to text Leyja."</b>
[[Text her->Club meeting 1 part 2]]
<<pageReplace"Try to get even more information.">>
<b>-"Fuck it, let's see what he has to say."</b> You walk up to a group of members around him and listen in.
<pink>-"So, how do your students differ you say?"</pink>
<green>-"My students are focused for male pleasure and male pleasure only. They will only listen to commands made by men."</green>
<img src="Images\club\main hall\meeting 1\20.png">
<emily>-"W-what?! How about us?"</emily>
<green>-"They won't listen to you unfortunately. Sorry, but that's the philosophy the girls were tought upon."</green>
<blue>-"Fuck yeah."</blue> Two guys fist bump each other.
<green>-"Listen, if you don't like it, you'll have another 900 students from the SUP who will listen to you. Mine - won't."</green>
<emily>-"That's fucking bullshit... Let's get out of here."</emily> The women walk off, completely fuming.
<blue>-"Why did you decide to help Hudson, anyways?"</blue>
<green>-"To be honest, I'm not really helping him, I'm helping my students."</green> He lays back on his chair.
<green>-"I'm an asshole, but I'm no horrible. These girls listen to me and I reward them."</green>
<olive>-"Huh.. Is that so?"</olive>
<green>-"Mhm, some want money, some want sexual gradification, some want status or even something as trivial as [[Becoming A Prom Queen->https://f95zone.to/threads/becoming-prom-queen-v0-3-0b-the-nook-erotica.188960/]]"</green>
<green>-"And I thought that the money from ticket sales and the experience as a whole could help them."</green>
<b>-"Interesting.."</b> You check the time.
<b>-"I better get going."</b>
<<pageReplace"Walk to your car.">>\
<b>-"I bet Leyja loved listening to all of that.."</b> You get inside of the car and check on the mic.
<b>-"Nice, still on.."</b> You turn the device off and take it off.
<b>-"Fuck me that was scary."</b> After taking off your mask, you pull out your phone.
<b>-"Time to text Leyja."</b>
[[Text her->Club meeting 1 part 2]]
<b>-"Nope, not really. I'm not really a marketing or human resources type of person!"</b>
<m>-"Agh, understood! That's unfortunate!"</m> He smiles.
<m>-"Well, it was nice talking to you, but I better get going! Have a lot of work to do!"</m> Hudson stands up and extends his arm.
<b>-"Sure."</b> You shake it.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\meeting 1\21.webp">
<m>-"Enjoy your evening!"</m> You nod as he walks off.
<b>-"Fuck yeah.. Recorded that cunt confessing."</b>
<green>-"Thank you for your attention everybody!"</green> Mister Bekham bows as you look at the stage again. The girls are already gone.
<green>-"If you have any more questions, I will be to the side of the stage for the next hour or two!"</green> He bows and disappears behind the curtains.
<b><warden>-"A collaboration! Haven't had one in long, long while!"</warden></b> Warden comes out again.
<b><warden>-"That's all for now folks, thanks again for coming. Remember, if you want to buy the tickets, only direct payments will be accepted! No checks, or cash!"</warden></b>
<b><warden>-"With that out of the way, have fun and good night!"</warden></b> The hall errupts in applause one last time as the Warden walks off. The members stand up and begin talking again.
<blue>-"Well... I'm officially hyped!"</blue>
<olive>-"Me too! Can't wait to try them all out!"</olive> You stand up with everyone, trying to blend in.
<b>-"Hmph.."</b> You see Bekham speaking to a couple members nearby.. You could listen in to get even more information.
<<pageReplace"Walk to your car.">>\
<b>-"I bet Leyja loved listening to all of that.."</b> You get inside of the car and check on the mic.
<b>-"Nice, still on.."</b> You turn the device off and take it off.
<b>-"Fuck me that was scary."</b> After taking off your mask, you pull out your phone.
<b>-"Time to text Leyja."</b>
[[Text her->Club meeting 1 part 2]]
<<pageReplace"Try to get even more information.">>
<b>-"Fuck it, let's see what he has to say."</b> You walk up to a group of members around him and listen in.
<pink>-"So, how do your students differ you say?"</pink>
<green>-"My students are focused for male pleasure and male pleasure only. They will only listen to commands made by men."</green>
<img src="Images\club\main hall\meeting 1\20.png">
<emily>-"W-what?! How about us?"</emily>
<green>-"They won't listen to you unfortunately. Sorry, but that's the philosophy the girls were tought upon."</green>
<blue>-"Fuck yeah."</blue> Two guys fist bump each other.
<green>-"Listen, if you don't like it, you'll have another 900 students from the SUP who will listen to you. Mine - won't."</green>
<emily>-"That's fucking bullshit... Let's get out of here."</emily> The women walk off, completely fuming.
<blue>-"Why did you decide to help Hudson, anyways?"</blue>
<green>-"To be honest, I'm not really helping him, I'm helping my students."</green> He lays back on his chair.
<green>-"I'm an asshole, but I'm no horrible. These girls listen to me and I reward them."</green>
<olive>-"Huh.. Is that so?"</olive>
<green>-"Mhm, some want money, some want sexual gradification, some want status or even something as trivial as [[Becoming A Prom Queen->https://f95zone.to/threads/becoming-prom-queen-v0-3-0b-the-nook-erotica.188960/]]"</green>
<green>-"And I thought that the money from ticket sales and the experience as a whole could help them."</green>
<b>-"Interesting.."</b> You check the time.
<b>-"I better get going."</b>
<<pageReplace"Walk to your car.">>\
<b>-"I bet Leyja loved listening to all of that.."</b> You get inside of the car and check on the mic.
<b>-"Nice, still on.."</b> You turn the device off and take it off.
<b>-"Fuck me that was scary."</b> After taking off your mask, you pull out your phone.
<b>-"Time to text Leyja."</b>
[[Text her->Club meeting 1 part 2]]
<</pageReplace>>I better finish conversing with Leyja before going anywhere. I can't drive and text at the same time..
<<if $domstatus is true>>
<<message "Leyja" "Club meeting 1 part 2 dom message" "Did you hear everything?" open>>
<<message "Leyja" "Club meeting 1 part 2 sub message" "Did you hear everything?" open>>
<<messengerHeader Leyja>>
<<messageReply "Did you hear everything?">>
<<me>>I'm in the car. Did you hear everything?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Most of it, yes.<</them>>
<<messageReply "What do you think?">>
<<me>>So... What do you think?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Can't really think right now 😐<</them>>
<<them wait>>When I said that I had to help Judy with errands, I meant it.<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "club/main hall/meeting 1/23.jpg">><</them>>
<<messageReply "Hahahaha, no way.">>
<<me>>Hahahaha no way 💀<</me>>
<<them wait>>Yeahhh gonna be stuck here for a couple more hours.<</them>>
<<them wait>>I recorded the audio though, will go over it more thoroughly when I get back.<</them>>
<div id="choices">
<<messageReplyReplace "There were two speakers." #choices>>
<<me>>You didn't tell me that there would be two speakers.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Huh?<</them>>
<<them wait>>There were two speakers? Who else besides Hudson spoke?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Bekham.">>
<<me>>Some.. Bekham guy I think? He's bringing in some students too.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Agh, probably because Hudson can't get enough on his own.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Yeah that's fine nothing to worry about.<</them>>
<<messageReply "What now?">>
<<me>>So, what now?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Now, you wait.<</them>>
<<them wait>>I think I heard something about bank information being stored in the club, right?<</them>>
<<messageReply "I think so.">>
<<me>>I think so? The warden might have mentioned something.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Well that's our new lead then.<</them>>
<<them wait>>It'll take some time but I have something in mind we can do.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Just be patient.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Understood.">>
<<me>>Understood. Let me know when you think of something then.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Will do.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Oh and $name!<</them>>
<<them wait>>This is for your hard work 😛<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "club/main hall/meeting 1/24.webp" gallery "Leyja">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Didn't want to go completely nude in the restroom so that's what you get!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Can't wait to see you.">>
<<me>>Can't wait to see you 😍<</me>>
<<them>>Me too handsome 🖤<</them>>
<<goto "Go outside">>
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
<<messageReplyReplace "Hudson incriminated himself." #choices>>
<<me>>Hudson incriminated himself.<</me>>
<<me>>Talked about drugging people and brought out naked women on stage.<</me>>
<<them wait>>That's to be expected.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Good thing I recorded it then.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Are we going to go to the police?">>
<<me>>Are we going to go to the police?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Hell no! First of all, I wouldn't be surprised if they pay them to turn a blind eye.<</them>>
<<them wait>>But even if they don't, I want control of the place not a complete shutdown.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Remember my monologue a while back?<</them>>
<<messageReply "I do.">>
<<me>>Yeah yeah about how you're going to make it a better place and everything.<</me>>
<<me>>We can move on. What do we do now?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Now, you wait.<</them>>
<<them wait>>I think I heard something about bank information being stored in the club, right?<</them>>
<<messageReply "I think so.">>
<<me>>I think so? The warden might have mentioned something.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Well that's our new lead then.<</them>>
<<them wait>>It'll take some time but I have something in mind we can do.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Just be patient.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Understood.">>
<<me>>Understood. Let me know when you think of something then.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Will do.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Oh and $name!<</them>>
<<them wait>>This is for your hard work 😛<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "club/main hall/meeting 1/24.webp" gallery "Leyja">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Didn't want to go completely nude in the restroom so that's what you get!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Can't wait to see you.">>
<<me>>Can't wait to see you 😍<</me>>
<<them>>Me too handsome 🖤<</them>>
<<goto "Go outside">>
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
<<messengerHeader Leyja>>
<<messageReply "Did you hear everything?">>
<<me>>I'm in the car. Did you hear everything?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Most of it, yes.<</them>>
<<messageReply "What do you think?">>
<<me>>So... What do you think Mistress?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Can't really think right now 😐<</them>>
<<them wait>>When I said that I had to help Judy with errands, I meant it.<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "club/main hall/meeting 1/23.jpg">><</them>>
<<messageReply "I would help if I could.">>
<<me>>Damn.. Would help if I could.<</me>>
<<them wait>>It's okayyy.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Gonna be stuck here for a couple more hours though.<</them>>
<<them wait>>However, I recorded the audio! So I'll go over it more thoroughly when I get back.<</them>>
<div id="choices">
<<messageReplyReplace "There were two speakers." #choices>>
<<me>>You didn't tell me that there would be two speakers.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Huh?<</them>>
<<them wait>>There were two speakers? Who else besides Hudson spoke?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Bekham.">>
<<me>>Some.. Bekham guy I think? He's bringing in some students too.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Agh, probably because Hudson can't get enough on his own.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Yeah that's fine nothing to worry about.<</them>>
<<messageReply "What now?">>
<<me>>So, what now?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Now, you wait.<</them>>
<<them wait>>I think I heard something about bank information being stored in the club, right?<</them>>
<<messageReply "I think so.">>
<<me>>I think so? The warden might have mentioned something.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Well that's our new lead then.<</them>>
<<them wait>>It'll take some time but I have something in mind we can do.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Just be patient.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Understood.">>
<<me>>Understood. Let me know when you think of something then.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Will do.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Oh and $name!<</them>>
<<them wait>>This is for your hard work 😛<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "club/main hall/meeting 1/24.webp" gallery "Leyja">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Dunno, maybe I should start sending you random cock pics considering your transformation 😂<</them>>
<<messageReply "I will never say no to seeing you.">>
<<me>>I will never say no to seeing more of you Miss Leyja 🥵<</me>>
<<them>>Good girl 🖤<</them>>
<<them>>Talk to you soon.<</them>>
<<goto "Go outside">>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
<<messageReplyReplace "Hudson incriminated himself." #choices>>
<<me>>Hudson incriminated himself.<</me>>
<<me>>Talked about drugging people and brought out naked women on stage.<</me>>
<<them wait>>That's to be expected.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Good thing I recorded it then.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Are we going to go to the police?">>
<<me>>Are we going to go to the police?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Hell no! First of all, I wouldn't be surprised if they pay them to turn a blind eye.<</them>>
<<them wait>>But even if they don't, I want control of the place not a complete shutdown.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Remember my monologue a while back?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Of course I do..">>
<<me>>Of course I do Mistress!<</me>>
<<me>>Anyways, what do we do now?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Now, you wait.<</them>>
<<them wait>>I think I heard something about bank information being stored in the club, right?<</them>>
<<messageReply "I think so.">>
<<me>>I think so? The warden might have mentioned something.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Well that's our new lead then.<</them>>
<<them wait>>It'll take some time but I have something in mind we can do.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Just be patient.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Understood.">>
<<me>>Understood. Let me know when you think of something then.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Will do.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Oh and $name!<</them>>
<<them wait>>This is for your hard work 😛<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "club/main hall/meeting 1/24.webp" gallery "Leyja">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Dunno, maybe I should start sending you random cock pics considering your transformation 😂<</them>>
<<messageReply "I will never say no to seeing you.">>
<<me>>I will never say no to seeing more of you Miss Leyja 🥵<</me>>
<<them>>Good girl 🖤<</them>>
<<them>>Talk to you soon.<</them>>
<<goto "Go outside">>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
<<messengerHeader Leyja>>
<<messageReply "I got a tour!">>
<<me>>Hey Leyja! Got a tour of the place from Judy.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Jeez the notification spooked me..<</them>>
<<them wait>>You did?! How was it?<</them>>
<<them wait>>Sorry if I reply slowly, I'm in the bath<</them>>
<div id="choices">
<<messageReplyReplace "In the bath...?" #choices>>
<<me>>In the bath huh..? 😏<</me>>
<<them wait>>Don't... 🙄<</them>>
<<messageReply "Come onnnnn..">>
<<me>>Come onnn, I'm helping you out, you need to return the favor :P<</me>>
<<them wait>>I hate you 😐<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "club/intro/bleg1.png" gallery "Leyja">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Your turn, what happened?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Had to take off my mask.">>
<<me>>Everything went pretty well, except that I had to take off my mask...<</me>>
<<them wait>>YOU DID WHAT!?<</them>>
<<them wait>>??????????????????????????????????????????????????<</them>>
<<them wait>>That's like the ONE thing you weren't suppossed to do.<</them>>
<<messageReply "I had to.">>
<<me>>I had to, Judy said that if I didn't, she wouldn't work with me.<</me>>
<<them wait>>That fucking bitch!<</them>>
<<them wait>>God damnit I was afraid that would happen..<</them>>
<<messageReply "Most people don't wear them.">>
<<me>>Good news is that almost nobody wears them inside.<</me>>
<<me>>Found some old dude with a couple of girls, they weren't wearing them either.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Hmmmm... But everyone was with them when we met up inside?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Because it was the ritual.">>
<<me>>All of the members need to wear them during rituals and meetings. That's about it.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Fine then.. Just make sure to keep it with you at all times.<</them>>
<<them wait>>If you see someone who might recognise you, put it on.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Anyways, so what did you see?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Show me something first ;)">>
<<me>>Show me something first ;)<</me>>
<<them wait>>Stop being an extortionist...😑<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "club/intro/bleg2.png" gallery "Leyja">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Be thankful that I like you..<</them>>
<<messageReply "Tell her what you saw.">>
<<me>>She showed me around the place basically.<</me>>
<<me>>The private area, the main hall, the diner, training rooms etc.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Okay... We're going to use the main hall to spy on them during meetings..<</them>>
<<them wait>>What about the training rooms?? They sound creepy.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Try to explain.">>
<<me>>It'a a long story, but staff members can also offer sexual services for extra tips<</me>>
<<me>>And the training rooms are there to give you more confidence and experience in that regard.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Ohhhh.. Interesting..<</them>>
<<them wait>>Are you going to take part..? 😳<</them>>
<div id="choices1">
<<messageReplyReplace "Hell nah, I get enough experience from you.." #choices1>>
<<me>>Hell nah... I get plenty of experience from you ;)<</me>>
<<them wait>>Correct answer 🥰<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "club/intro/bleg3.jpg" gallery "Leyja">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Enjoy you hornball, we'll talk a bit more when we meet up..<</them>>
<<them wait>>I still owe you that treat 😋<</them>>
<<messageReply "You do..">>
<<me>>You do.. Can't wait ;)<</me>>
<<goto "Go outside">>
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
<<messageReplyReplace "Maybe..." #choices1>>
<<me>>Maybe... Only if I'm feeling lonely...<</me>>
<<them wait>>Come on 😑<</them>>
<<them wait>>Remember, don't let them befriend you, at the end of the day they're all monsters.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Anyways, we'll talk a bit more when we meet up $name.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Sure.. You still owe me that treat ;)">>
<<me>>Sure.. You still owe me that treat, remember? ;)<</me>>
<<them>>I don't forget things like that 😘<</them>>
<<goto "Go outside">>
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
<<messageReplyReplace "Had to take off my mask" #choices>>
<<me>>Everything went pretty well, except that I had to take off my mask...<</me>>
<<them wait>>YOU DID WHAT!?<</them>>
<<them wait>>??????????????????????????????????????????????????<</them>>
<<them wait>>That's like the ONE thing you weren't suppossed to do.<</them>>
<<messageReply "I had to.">>
<<me>>I had to, Judy said that if I didn't, she wouldn't work with me.<</me>>
<<them wait>>That fucking bitch!<</them>>
<<them wait>>God damnit I was afraid that would happen..<</them>>
<<messageReply "Most people don't wear them.">>
<<me>>Good news is that almost nobody wears them inside.<</me>>
<<me>>Found some old dude with a couple of girls, they weren't wearing them either.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Hmmmm... But everyone was with them when we met up?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Because it was the ritual.">>
<<me>>All of the members need to wear them during rituals and meetings. That's about it.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Fine then.. Just make sure to keep it with you at all times.<</them>>
<<them wait>>If you see someone who might recognise you, put it on.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Anyways, so what did you see?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Tell her what you saw.">>
<<me>>She showed me around the place basically.<</me>>
<<me>>The private area, the main hall, the diner, training rooms etc.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Okay... We're going to use the main hall to spy on them during meetings..<</them>>
<<them wait>>What about the training rooms?? They sound creepy.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Try to explain.">>
<<me>>It'a a long story, but staff members can also offer sexual services for extra tips<</me>>
<<me>>And the training rooms are there to give you more confidence and experience in that regard.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Ohhhh.. Interesting..<</them>>
<<them wait>>Are you going to take part..? 😳<</them>>
<div id="choices1">
<<messageReplyReplace "Hell nah, I get enough experience from you.." #choices1>>
<<me>>Hell nah... I get plenty of experience from you ;)<</me>>
<<them wait>>Correct answer 🥰<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "club/intro/bleg3.jpg" gallery "Leyja">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Enjoy you hornball, we'll talk a bit more when we meet up..<</them>>
<<them wait>>I still owe you that treat 😋<</them>>
<<messageReply "You do..">>
<<me>>You do.. Can't wait ;)<</me>>
<<goto "Go outside">>
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
<<messageReplyReplace "Maybe..." #choices1>>
<<me>>Maybe... Only if I'm feeling lonely...<</me>>
<<them wait>>Come on 😑<</them>>
<<them wait>>Remember, don't let them befriend you, at the end of the day they're all monsters.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Anyways, we'll talk a bit more when we meet up $name.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Sure.. You still owe me that treat ;)">>
<<me>>Sure.. You still owe me that treat, remember? ;)<</me>>
<<them wait>>I know, I know.. I don't forget things like that 😘<</them>>
<<goto "Go outside">>
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
<<messengerHeader Leyja>>
<<messageReply "I got a tour!">>
<<me>>Hey Leyja! Got a tour of the place from Judy.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Jeez the notification spooked me..<</them>>
<<them wait>>You did?! How was it?<</them>>
<<them wait>>Sorry if I reply slowly, I'm in the bath<</them>>
<div id="choices">
<<messageReplyReplace "In the bath...?" #choices>>
<<me>>In the bath...? 😳<</me>>
<<them wait>>Don't even try it.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Come onnnnn..">>
<<me>>Come onnn, I'm helping you out, you need to return the favor..<</me>>
<<them wait>>Not happening, if you behave and tell me everything, I might send you something at the end. 😌<</them>>
<<them wait>>Over text or not, I'm still your Mistress..<</them>>
<<them wait>>So, what happened?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Fineee..">>
<<me>>Everything went pretty well, except that I had to take off my mask...<</me>>
<<them wait>>YOU DID WHAT!?<</them>>
<<them wait>>??????????????????????????????????????????????????<</them>>
<<them wait>>That's like the ONE thing you weren't suppossed to do.<</them>>
<<messageReply "I had to.">>
<<me>>Sorry, but I had to, Judy said that if I didn't, she wouldn't work with me...<</me>>
<<them wait>>That fucking bitch!<</them>>
<<them wait>>God damnit I was afraid that would happen..<</them>>
<<messageReply "Most people don't wear them.">>
<<me>>Good news is that almost nobody wears them inside.<</me>>
<<me>>Found an old guy with a couple of girls, they weren't wearing them either.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Hmmmm... But everyone was with them when we met up inside?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Because it was the ritual.">>
<<me>>All of the members need to wear them during rituals and meetings. That's about it.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Fine then.. Just make sure to keep it with you at all times.<</them>>
<<them wait>>If you see someone who might recognise you, put it on.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Anyways, so what did you see?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Tell her what you saw.">>
<<me>>She showed me around the place basically.<</me>>
<<me>>The private area, the main hall, the diner, training rooms etc.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Okay... We're going to use the main hall to spy on them during meetings..<</them>>
<<them wait>>What about the training rooms?? They sound creepy.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Try to explain.">>
<<me>>It'a a long story, but staff members can also offer sexual services for extra tips<</me>>
<<me>>And the training rooms are there to give you more confidence and experience in that regard.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Ohhhh.. Interesting..<</them>>
<<them wait>>Are you going to take part..? 😳<</them>>
<div id="choices1">
<<messageReplyReplace "Nope.. Your training is enough for me.." #choices1>>
<<me>>Nope.. Your training is enough for me 😍<</me>>
<<them wait>>Correct answer..<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "club/intro/bleg3pixel.jpg" gallery "Leyja">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Enjoy your hornball, we'll talk more when we meet up.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Can't wait to see you squirm around next time we meet up, I still owe you that treat 😋<</them>>
<<messageReply "I can't wait!">>
<<me>>I can't wait..! 😍<</me>>
<<goto "Go outside">>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissivess +1!</pink>
<<messageReplyReplace "Maybe..." #choices1>>
<<me>>Maybe... Only if I'm feeling lonely...<</me>>
<<them wait>>Come on 😑<</them>>
<<them wait>>Remember, don't let them befriend you, at the end of the day they're all monsters.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Anyways, we'll talk a bit more when we meet up $name.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Sure thing Mistress..">>
<<me>>Sure thing Mistress.. Will I still get my treat?<</me>>
<<them>>Maybe.. We'll see 🥱<</them>>
<<goto "Go outside">>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissivess +1!</pink>
<<messageReplyReplace "Had to take off my mask" #choices>>
<<me>>Everything went pretty well, except that I had to take off my mask...<</me>>
<<them wait>>YOU DID WHAT!?<</them>>
<<them wait>>??????????????????????????????????????????????????<</them>>
<<them wait>>That's like the ONE thing you weren't suppossed to do.<</them>>
<<messageReply "I had to.">>
<<me>>Sorry, but I had to, Judy said that if I didn't, she wouldn't work with me.<</me>>
<<them wait>>That fucking bitch!<</them>>
<<them wait>>God damnit I was afraid that would happen..<</them>>
<<messageReply "Most people don't wear them.">>
<<me>>Good news is that almost nobody wears them inside.<</me>>
<<me>>Found an old guy with a couple of girls, they weren't wearing them either.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Hmmmm... But everyone was with them when we met up?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Because it was the ritual.">>
<<me>>All of the members need to wear them during rituals and meetings. That's about it.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Fine then.. Just make sure to keep it with you at all times.<</them>>
<<them wait>>If you see someone who might recognise you, put it on.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Anyways, so what did you see?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Tell her what you saw.">>
<<me>>She showed me around the place basically.<</me>>
<<me>>The private area, the main hall, the diner, training rooms etc.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Okay... We're going to use the main hall to spy on them during meetings..<</them>>
<<them wait>>What about the training rooms?? They sound creepy.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Try to explain.">>
<<me>>It'a a long story, but staff members can also offer sexual services for extra tips<</me>>
<<me>>And the training rooms are there to give you more confidence and experience in that regard.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Ohhhh.. Interesting..<</them>>
<<them wait>>Are you going to take part..? 😳<</them>>
<div id="choices1">
<<messageReplyReplace "Nope.. Your training is enough for me.." #choices1>>
<<me>>Nope.. Your training is enough for me 😍<</me>>
<<them wait>>Correct answer..<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "club/intro/bleg3pixel.jpg" gallery "Leyja">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Enjoy your hornball, we'll talk more when we meet up.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Can't wait to see you squirm around next time we meet up, I still owe you that treat 😋<</them>>
<<messageReply "I can't wait!">>
<<me>>I can't wait..! 😍<</me>>
<<goto "Go outside">>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissivess +1!</pink>
<<messageReplyReplace "Maybe..." #choices1>>
<<me>>Maybe... Only if I'm feeling lonely...<</me>>
<<them wait>>Come on 😑<</them>>
<<them wait>>Remember, don't let them befriend you, at the end of the day they're all monsters.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Anyways, we'll talk a bit more when we meet up $name.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Sure thing Mistress..">>
<<me>>Sure thing Mistress.. Will I still get my treat?<</me>>
<<them>>Maybe.. We'll see 🥱<</them>>
<<goto "Go outside">>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissivess +1!</pink>
<<messengerHeader Leyja>>
<<me>>Hey Leyja!<</me>>
<<messageReply "This is important">>
<<me>>This is important.<</me>>
<<messageReply "Leyjaaaaaa">>
<<them wait>>A triple text is crazy.<</them>>
<<them wait>>What's with you and texting me when I'm in the bathroom<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "club/diner/diner1to5/xen1.jpg">><</them>>
<div id="choices">
<<messageReplyReplace "I guess I'm just lucky." #choices>>
<<me>>I guess I'm just lucky... 😏<</me>>
<<them wait>>Don't try to flirt with me you goofball<</them>>
<<them wait>>I'm not into girls anyways.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Then you won't mind sending me a pic or two?">>
<<me>>Then you won't mind sending me a pic or two?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Omg 🙄<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "club/diner/diner1to5/xen2.jpg" gallery "Leyja">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Now hurry up, what did you want?<</them>>
<<them wait>>I'm about to head to the shower.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Hudson is coming to the club soon.">>
<<me>>Overhead a convo while I worked. Hudson is coming over to the club for a speech soon.<</me>>
<<them wait>>A speech huh...<</them>>
<<them wait>>What kind of speech?<</them>>
<<if $knowwhyleyjatemp is true>>
<<messageReply "Explain.">>
<<me>>I think he's going to announce that they're starting to sell tickets.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Oh shit... Time is ticking then.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Hmmmm... We need to find a way to set him up.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Give me a couple of days, I'll find out the specific date when he's coming and we'll go from there.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Will you come with me?">>
<<me>>Are you coming with me?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Yeahhhh probably..<</them>>
<<them wait>>Everyone is going to be with masks anyways, so I shouldn't be recognised.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Good job, giving you that job payed off..<</them>>
<<them>>How's it anyways?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Pretty good">>
<<me>>Pretty good.. A lot of groping and touching, but besides it's fine.<</me>>
<<me>>Also the tips are good!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Good to hear..<</them>>
<<them wait>>We'll talk more at the shop then, thanks for the info.<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "club/diner/diner1to5/xen3.jpg" gallery "Leyja">><</them>>
<<them>>Won't be able to reply, going in now.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Understood.">>
<<me>>Understood, have a good one :)<</me>>
<<set $beentothefourthdinerevent to true>>
<<goto "Go outside">>
<<messageReply "I don't know.">>
<<me>>I don't know.. I only heard that they're having a meeting.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Hmmm... Interesting..<</them>>
<<them wait>>We need to find a way to set him up.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Give me a couple of days, I'll find out the specific date when he's coming and we'll go from there.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Will you come with me?">>
<<me>>Are you coming with me?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Yeahhhh probably..<</them>>
<<them wait>>Everyone is going to be with masks anyways, so I shouldn't be recognised.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Good job, giving you that job payed off..<</them>>
<<them>>How's it anyways?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Pretty good">>
<<me>>Pretty good.. A lot of groping and touching, but besides it's fine.<</me>>
<<me>>Also the tips are good!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Good to hear..<</them>>
<<them wait>>We'll talk more at the shop then, thanks for the info.<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "club/diner/diner1to5/xen3.jpg" gallery "Leyja">><</them>>
<<them>>Won't be able to reply, going in now.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Understood.">>
<<me>>Understood, have a good one :)<</me>>
<<set $beentothefourthdinerevent to true>>
<<goto "Go outside">>
<<messageReplyReplace "No time for flirting." #choices>>
<<me>>This is important, seriously<</me>>
<<me>>Overhead a convo while I worked. Hudson is coming over to the club for a speech soon.<</me>>
<<them wait>>A speech huh...<</them>>
<<them wait>>What kind of speech?<</them>>
<<if $knowwhyleyjatemp is true>>
<<messageReply "Explain.">>
<<me>>I think he's going to announce that they're starting to sell tickets.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Oh shit... Time is ticking then.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Hmmmm... We need to find a way to set him up.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Give me a couple of days, I'll find out the specific date when he's coming and we'll go from there.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Will you come with me?">>
<<me>>Are you coming with me?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Yeahhhh probably..<</them>>
<<them wait>>Everyone is going to be with masks anyways, so I shouldn't be recognised.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Good job, giving you that job payed off..<</them>>
<<them>>How's it anyways?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Pretty good">>
<<me>>Pretty good.. A lot of groping and touching, but besides it's fine.<</me>>
<<me>>Also the tips are good!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Good to hear..<</them>>
<<them wait>>We'll talk more at the shop then, thanks for the info.<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "club/diner/diner1to5/xen3.jpg" gallery "Leyja">><</them>>
<<them>>Won't be able to reply, going in now.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Understood.">>
<<me>>Understood, have a good one :)<</me>>
<<set $beentothefourthdinerevent to true>>
<<goto "Go outside">>
<<messageReply "I don't know.">>
<<me>>I don't know.. I only heard that they're having a meeting.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Hmmm... Interesting..<</them>>
<<them wait>>We need to find a way to set him up.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Give me a couple of days, I'll find out the specific date when he's coming and we'll go from there.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Will you come with me?">>
<<me>>Are you coming with me?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Yeahhhh probably..<</them>>
<<them wait>>Everyone is going to be with masks anyways, so I shouldn't be recognised.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Good job, giving you that job payed off..<</them>>
<<them>>How's it anyways?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Pretty good">>
<<me>>Pretty good.. A lot of groping and touching, but besides it's fine.<</me>>
<<me>>Also the tips are good!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Good to hear..<</them>>
<<them wait>>We'll talk more at the shop then, thanks for the info.<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "club/diner/diner1to5/xen3.jpg" gallery "Leyja">><</them>>
<<them>>Won't be able to reply, going in now.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Understood.">>
<<me>>Understood, have a good one :)<</me>>
<<set $beentothefourthdinerevent to true>>
<<goto "Go outside">>
<<messengerHeader Leyja>>
<<me>>Hey Leyja!<</me>>
<<messageReply "This is important">>
<<me>>This is important.<</me>>
<<them wait>>What's with you and texting me when I'm in the bathroom<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "club/diner/diner1to5/xen1.jpg">><</them>>
<div id="choices">
<<messageReplyReplace "I guess I'm just lucky." #choices>>
<<me>>I guess I'm just lucky... 😏<</me>>
<<them wait>>Stop flirting with me!<</them>>
<<them wait>>I'm tired of masturbating constantly..<</them>>
<<messageReply "Never">>
<<me>>Never... Now send me another pic.<</me>>
<<me>><<image "club/diner/diner1to5/xen4.jpg">><</me>>
<<them wait>>Fuck..🖤<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "club/diner/diner1to5/xen2.jpg" gallery "Leyja">><</them>>
<<them wait>>That's enough of that.. What did you want to say?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Hudson is coming to the club soon.">>
<<me>>Overhead a convo while I worked. Hudson is coming over to the club for a speech soon.<</me>>
<<them wait>>A speech huh...<</them>>
<<them wait>>What kind of speech?<</them>>
<<if $knowwhyleyjatemp is true>>
<<messageReply "Explain.">>
<<me>>I think he's going to announce that they're starting to sell tickets.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Oh shit... Time is ticking then.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Hmmmm... We need to find a way to set him up.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Give me a couple of days, I'll find out the specific date when he's coming and we'll go from there.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Coming with?">>
<<me>>Coming with?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Yeahhh probably..<</them>>
<<them wait>>Everyone is going to be with masks anyways, so I shouldn't be recognised.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Good job, giving you that job payed off..<</them>>
<<them>>How's it anyways?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Pretty good">>
<<me>>Pretty good.. A lot of groping and touching, but besides it's fine.<</me>>
<<me>>Also the tips are good!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Good to hear..<</them>>
<<them wait>>We'll talk more at the shop then, thanks for the info.<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "club/diner/diner1to5/xen3.jpg" gallery "Leyja">><</them>>
<<them>>Won't be able to reply, going in now.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Understood.">>
<<me>>Cool, can't wait to see you in person.<</me>>
<<them>>Me too 🖤<</them>>
<<set $beentothefourthdinerevent to true>>
<<goto "Go outside">>
<<messageReply "I don't know.">>
<<me>>I don't know.. I only heard that they're having a meeting.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Hmmm... Interesting..<</them>>
<<them wait>>We need to find a way to set him up.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Give me a couple of days, I'll find out the specific date when he's coming and we'll go from there.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Coming with?">>
<<me>>Coming with?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Yeahhhh probably..<</them>>
<<them wait>>Everyone is going to be with masks anyways, so I shouldn't be recognised.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Good job, giving you that job payed off..<</them>>
<<them>>How's it anyways?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Pretty good">>
<<me>>Pretty good.. A lot of groping and touching, but besides it's fine.<</me>>
<<me>>Also the tips are good!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Good to hear..<</them>>
<<them wait>>We'll talk more at the shop then, thanks for the info.<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "club/diner/diner1to5/xen3.jpg" gallery "Leyja">><</them>>
<<them>>Won't be able to reply, going in now.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Understood.">>
<<me>>Cool, can't wait to see you in person.<</me>>
<<them>>Me too 🖤<</them>>
<<set $beentothefourthdinerevent to true>>
<<goto "Go outside">>
<<messageReplyReplace "No time for flirting." #choices>>
<<me>>This is important, seriously<</me>>
<<me>>Overhead a convo while I worked. Hudson is coming over to the club for a speech soon.<</me>>
<<them wait>>A speech huh...<</them>>
<<them wait>>What kind of speech?<</them>>
<<if $knowwhyleyjatemp is true>>
<<messageReply "Explain.">>
<<me>>I think he's going to announce that they're starting to sell tickets.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Oh shit... Time is ticking then.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Hmmmm... We need to find a way to set him up.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Give me a couple of days, I'll find out the specific date when he's coming and we'll go from there.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Will you come with me?">>
<<me>>Are you coming with me?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Yeahhhh probably..<</them>>
<<them wait>>Everyone is going to be with masks anyways, so I shouldn't be recognised.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Good job, giving you that job payed off..<</them>>
<<them>>How's it anyways?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Pretty good">>
<<me>>Pretty good.. A lot of groping and touching, but besides it's fine.<</me>>
<<me>>Also the tips are good!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Good to hear..<</them>>
<<them wait>>We'll talk more at the shop then, thanks for the info.<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "club/diner/diner1to5/xen3.jpg" gallery "Leyja">><</them>>
<<them>>Won't be able to reply, going in now.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Understood.">>
<<me>>Understood, have a good one :)<</me>>
<<set $beentothefourthdinerevent to true>>
<<goto "Go outside">>
<<messageReply "I don't know.">>
<<me>>I don't know.. I only heard that they're having a meeting.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Hmmm... Interesting..<</them>>
<<them wait>>We need to find a way to set him up.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Give me a couple of days, I'll find out the specific date when he's coming and we'll go from there.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Will you come with me?">>
<<me>>Are you coming with me?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Yeahhhh probably..<</them>>
<<them wait>>Everyone is going to be with masks anyways, so I shouldn't be recognised.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Good job, giving you that job payed off..<</them>>
<<them>>How's it anyways?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Pretty good">>
<<me>>Pretty good.. A lot of groping and touching, but besides it's fine.<</me>>
<<me>>Also the tips are good!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Good to hear..<</them>>
<<them wait>>We'll talk more at the shop then, thanks for the info.<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "club/diner/diner1to5/xen3.jpg" gallery "Leyja">><</them>>
<<them>>Won't be able to reply, going in now.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Understood.">>
<<me>>Understood, have a good one :)<</me>>
<<set $beentothefourthdinerevent to true>>
<<goto "Go outside">>
<</messengerChat>><<set $kickedoutofclub to true>>\
<b>-"Let's get this done.."</b> You enter the kitchen and throw your bag to the side.
<b>-"Judy is probably out working already.."</b> You think as you notice that she's missing.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\r1.jpg">
<b>-"Garen seems to be hard at work.."</b> After stretching, you decide it's finally time to take some orders.
<grey>-"Oh.. $name..."</grey> One of the chef's looks up.
<grey>-"Garen wanted to talk to you."</grey>
<b>-"Garen? Why?"</b>
<grey>-"Dunno, but he seemed pretty angry."</grey> He looks back down and continues to make food.
<b>-"Oh no.."</b>
<<pageReplace"Walk up to Garen.">>\
<b>-"Hey! You wanted to talk to me?"</b> You ask as you walk up to him.
<m>-"$name... Yes, yes I did."</m>
<m>-"Let's speak here, this is a private matter."</m> You both walk to the side of the kitchen.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\r2.webp">
<m>-"I'm not going to beat around the bush, you are no longer a server at this diner."</m>
<b>-"W-wait.. What?!"</b> You take a step back in shock.
<m>-"I'm sorry, but Judy warned you multiple times... This is a sex club, your displeasure and unwillingness to do anything of that nature has turned off our guests."</m> He sighs.
<b>-"B-but.. Sir!"</b>
<m>-"I'm sorry, but it's just the way it is. You can remain a member of the club, if you wish, nobody is stoping you."</m>
<b>-"So.. This is it?"</b>
<m>-"Unfortunately, yes."</m>
<b>-"Understood... Thanks for having me, even if it wasn't that long, Garen."</b> He nods as you shake his hand.
<b>-"FUCK! Judy said that this will happen, I thought she was bluffing.."</b> You pick up your stuff and walk back through the whole club towards your car.
<b>-"I have to text Judy.. I fucked this whole thing up.."</b> After sitting down in your car, you take out your phone.
<<pageReplace"Text Judy.">>\
<b>-"Hey! You wanted to talk to me?"</b> You ask as you walk up to him.
<m>-"$name... Yes, yes I did."</m>
<m>-"Let's speak here, this is a private matter."</m> You both walk to the side of the kitchen.
<img src="Images\club\diner\diner1to5\r2.webp">
<m>-"I'm not going to beat around the bush, you are no longer a server at this diner."</m>
<b>-"W-wait.. What?!"</b> You take a step back in shock.
<m>-"I'm sorry, but Judy warned you multiple times... This is a sex club, your displeasure and unwillingness to do anything of that nature has turned off our guests."</m> He sighs.
<b>-"B-but.. Sir!"</b>
<m>-"I'm sorry, but it's just the way it is. You can remain a member of the club, if you wish, nobody is stoping you."</m>
<b>-"So.. This is it?"</b>
<m>-"Unfortunately, yes."</m>
<b>-"Understood... Thanks for having me, even if it wasn't that long, Garen."</b> He nods as you shake his hand.
<b>-"FUCK! Judy said that this will happen, I thought she was bluffing.."</b> You pick up your stuff and walk back through the whole club towards your car.
<b>-"I have to text Judy.. I fucked this whole thing up.."</b> After sitting down in your car, you take out your phone.
<<message "Leyja" "Club Leyja kicked out message" "I'm sorry..." open>>
<<messengerHeader Leyja>>
<<messageReply "Hey Leyja..">>
<<me>>Hey Leyja...<</me>>
<<them wait>>What's up $name?<</them>>
<<them wait>>Be quick, heading to bed soon 😛<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "club/diner/diner1to5/r3.jpg">><</them>>
<<messageReply "I got kicked out of the diner.">>
<<me>>Don't be mad, but... I got kicked out of the diner..<</me>>
<<them wait>>...<</them>>
<<them wait>>What?<</them>>
<<messageReply "I got kicked out...">>
<<me>>I got kicked out... They said I wasn't willing to do sexual stuff or whatever..<</me>>
<<them wait>>So we spent all of this time.. Took all this risk.. For you to fuck it all up?<</them>>
<<messageReply "I'm sorry...">>
<<me>>I'm sorry...<</me>>
<<them wait>>You know what.. Forget it, I don't need your help with this Hudson thing anymore.<</them>>
<<them wait>>I'm fucking done.. Thanks for ruining everything.<</them>>
<<messageReply "I don't know what to say.">>
<<me>>I don't know what to say..<</me>>
<<them>>Don't say anything.<</them>>
<<goto "Go outside">>
<</messengerChat>><<if $vendorintro !==true>>
<<set $vendorintro to true>>
<b>-"Good day Dandelion."</b> The man nods as you get inside of the club.
<b>-"Judy is probably waiting already.."</b> You think as you begin walking towards the diner.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\vendor4.gif">
<b>-"Hmmm Hmmmm Hmmmm.."</b> As you hum to yourself, you suddenly hear something.
<blue>-"Pss! Here!"</blue> It's a voice!
<b>-"What?"</b> You squint your eyes and see a man in the distance.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\vendor1.png">
<blue>-"Come here!"</blue> The creepy silhouette moves.
<b>-"Well this is terrifying.."</b> You think as you look around... There's nobody around and the only way towards the diner is through him..
<<pageReplace"Walk up to the man.">>\
<b>-"What do you want?"</b> As you get closer, you notice that the man is wearing a mask and a big coat.
<blue>-"Nothing, just a moment of your time to offer you my wares!"</blue>
<img src="Images\club\main hall\vendor2.jpeg">
<b>-"You're selling something?"</b> A weird, musky smell hits your nostrils.
<blue>-"I am! Want to take a look?"</blue>
<b>-"I mean... Depends, what is it?"</b>
<blue>-"Well.. Let's just say, you really don't want to get caught with any of the items I sell."</blue>
<b>-"Right... I think I'll pass then."</b>
<blue>-"Your loss! However, I'll be here for a while, so if you want any goods from the black market, feel free to ask."</blue> The man coughs a couple of times.
<b>-"S-sure... Whatever you say buddy."</b> He moves to the side and you continue to walk towards the diner.
<b>-"The black market? What the fuck... This place is full of weirdos..."</b>
<grey>Black market merchant unlocked!</grey>
[[Get your bearings->Club]]
<<if $merchantintrotwo !==true>>\
<<set $merchantintrotwo to true>>\
<blue>-"So! You came back!"</blue>
<b>-"I did... My curiosity got the better of me."</b>
<b>-"What do you have to offer?"</b>
<blue>-"Take a look! My stock is running low, but I'll restrock soon!"</blue> He opens his coat, revealing a bunch of items strapped to it.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\vendor3.jpeg">
<blue>-"Take your pick! I guarantee total confidentiality, nobody will know you were here!"</blue>
<div class="actions">
<li @class="$scopolamine ? 'disabled' : ''">
<div class="hover">Scopolamine<span class="hoverblock"><grey>A drug that makes a person agree to anything.</grey></span></div>
<<if !$scopolamine>>
<<if $money>=550>>
[[Buy it->Scopolamine]]
<<elseif $money<550>>
<small>You don't have enough money for this.</small>
<small>❎ SOLD OUT.</small>
<li @class="$usbkiller ? 'disabled' : ''">
<div class="hover">USB killer<span class="hoverblock"><grey>A device that bricks computers.</grey></span></div>
<<if !$usbkiller>>
<<if $money>=400>>
[[Buy it->USB killer]]
<<elseif $money<400>>
<small>You don't have enough money for this.</small>
<small>❎ SOLD OUT.</small>
<li @class="$replicagun ? 'disabled' : ''">
<div class="hover">Glock replica<span class="hoverblock"><grey>A very convincing replica of glock 17.</grey></span></div>
<<if !$replicagun>>
<<if $money>=600>>
[[Buy it->Glock replica]]
<<elseif $money<600>>
<small>You don't have enough money for this.</small>
<small>❎ SOLD OUT.</small>
<li @class="$estrogen ? 'disabled' : ''">
<div class="hover">Estrogen<span class="hoverblock"><grey>A set of Estrogen pills</grey></span></div>
<<if $estrogen !==true and $femstatus == true>>
<<if $faketits1 ==true>>
<small>You already got your tits done, no point to buy this.</small>
<<elseif $money>=500>>
[[Buy it->Estrogen]]
<<elseif $money<500>>
<small>You don't have enough money for this.</small>
<small>❎ SOLD OUT.</small>
<li @class="$penisenlargement ? 'disabled' : ''">
<div class="hover">V-plex<span class="hoverblock"><grey>A bottle of penis enlargement pills</grey></span></div>
<<if $penisenlargement !==true and $domstatus == true>>
<<if $money>=450>>
[[Buy it->Penis enlargement]]
<<elseif $money<450>>
<small>You don't have enough money for this.</small>
<small>❎ SOLD OUT.</small>
<li @class="$numbingcream ? 'disabled' : ''">
<div class="hover">Numbing cream<span class="hoverblock"><grey>A container full of a potent numbing agent.</grey></span></div>
<<if $numbingcream !==true and $domstatus !== true>>
<<if $money>=150>>
[[Buy it->Numbing cream]]
<<elseif $money<150>>
<small>You don't have enough money for this.</small>
<small>❎ SOLD OUT.</small>
<li @class="$haspocketwatchcasino ? 'disabled' : ''">
<div class="hover">Rabbit brotherhood token<span class="hoverblock"><grey>A peculiar golden token, with a rabbit symbol on it.</grey></span></div>
<<if !$haspocketwatchcasino>>
<<if $money>=1500>>
[[Buy it->Rabbit token]]
<<elseif $money<1500>>
<small>You don't have enough money for this.</small>
<small>❎ SOLD OUT.</small>
<li @class="$clubmaskreplica ? 'disabled' : ''">
<div class="hover">Club mask replica<span class="hoverblock"><grey>A very convincing replica of a club mask.</grey></span></div>
<<if !$clubmaskreplica>>
<<if $money>=500>>
[[Buy it->Club mask replica]]
<<elseif $money<500>>
<small>You don't have enough money for this.</small>
<small>❎ SOLD OUT.</small>
<</if>><<set $scopolamine to true>>\
<b>-"Hmmm.. What's that?"</b> You point at an interesting pill bottle in his coat.
<blue>-"Ah, this?"</blue>
<blue>-"Scopolamine my friend! Or in other words, the zombie drug!"</blue> He hands you the drug.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\vendor2.png">
<b>-"Z-zombie drug??? What does it do..?"</b>
<blue>-"Makes a person do WHATEVER you want for a couple of hours."</blue>
<b>-"Really?! Does it wipe their memory too?"</b>
<blue>-"Yup! They won't remember a thing you told them to do!"</blue>
<b>-"Interesting... I'll take one bottle then, maybe it'll be useful one day!"</b>
<blue>-"Sure thing! That'll be 550!"</blue> You hand him the cash and stuff the bottle of pills down your pocket.
<blue>-"No problem, come again!"</blue>
<<money -550 "Bought Scopolamine">>
<green>Money -550!</green>
<grey>Scopolamine +1!</grey>
[[Continue to browse his wares->Vendor]]<<set $usbkiller to true>>\
<b>-"Is that... A flashdrive?"</b>
<blue>-"Oh, this?"</blue> He grabs the device that cought your eye.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\vendor3.png">
<b>-"Yeah.. That."</b>
<blue>-"It's USB killer! It bricks computers."</blue>
<b>-"Bricks..? What does that mean."</b>
<blue>-"Ruins, I mean. Wipes the data off of it completely and makes it unusable. Very useful if you want to ruin someones rig."</blue>
<b>-"Damn.. Sounds like something from a James Bond movie."</b>
<blue>-"Hah, you could say that! So you want one, or not?"</blue>
<b>-"Ahhh, sure, why not. Have some extra cash lying around anyways. How much is it?"</b>
<blue>-"400 green ones!"</blue> You nod and hand the merchant 4 one hundred dollar bills.
<blue>-"Here you go! Pleasure doing business with you!"</blue>
<b>-"You too!"</b>
<<money -400 "Bought a USB killer">>
<green>Money -400!</green>
<grey>USB killer +1!</grey>
[[Continue to browse his wares->Vendor]]<<set $replicagun to true>>
<b>-"Is that... A gun?"</b>
<blue>-"Oh... This? Yeah, it's a real glock!"</blue>
<blue>-"What, are you scared of guns or something?"</blue>
<b>-"No, not really.. But I don't plan to shoot anyone either..."</b>
<blue>-"Hmmm... Give me a sec then.."</blue> He shoves his hand into his coat.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\vendor10.jpg">
<blue>-"A-agh... W-where is that thing.."</blue>
<blue>-"I know I have it.."</blue> The man continues to search around for something as you wait.
<blue>-"Ah! There it is!"</blue>
<b>-"Hmmm?"</b> He pulls out... The same glock?
<blue>-"It's a complete replica of the gun you saw! This one is 3d printed however, it doesn't work!"</blue>
<img src="Images\club\main hall\vendor4.png">
<b>-"Ahhh.. For intimidation purposes I presume?"</b>
<blue>-"Yup! This one is a lot cheaper as well... Only 600 bucks, instead of the 2000 for the real one!"</blue>
<b>-"Hmmm.... If I get robbed again, it would be nice having this on me.."</b> You think as you reach for your wallet.
<b>-"I'll take it.."</b> YOu hand him the money.
<blue>-"Alright, here you go! Just remember, it's not real, but it looks like it is! Be careful not to get shot by someone who has a real one!"</blue> You nod and shove the gun into your bag.
<<money -600 "Bought a glock replica">>
<green>Money -600!</green>
<grey>Glock replica +1!</grey>
[[Continue to browse his wares->Vendor]]<<set $clubmaskreplica to true>>
<b>-"Hmmmm.. Interesting.."</b> You mumble as you look at his stock.
<blue>-"Find anything interesting?"</blue>
<b>-"Noooo.. Not really.."</b>
<blue>-"Do you have friends?"</blue>
<b>-"What? What kind of question is that?"</b>
<blue>-"A normal one. Do you have friends or not?"</blue>
<b>-"I guess I do, yeah.. Why?"</b>
<blue>-"Well, if you want them to join you in this club hassle free, look no further than at this mask!"</blue> He unclips a mask, similar to his from his coat.
<blue>-"It's a complete 1 to 1 replica I made of my own mask! Anyone can get into the club with it without a problem! Just need to get through the initiation ceremony of course."</blue> He hands it to you.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\vendor1.jpg">
<b>-"Hmmmm... And you're sure it's going to work?"</b>
<blue>-"You can have my guarantee! If it doesn't, I'll give everything away to you for free!"</blue> He chuckles.
<b>-"Hmph, fine! I'll take it then."</b>
<blue>-"Cool! That'll be 500 buckaroos!"</blue> You hand him the cash and drop the mask into your bag.
<blue>-"Come again!"</blue>
<<money -500 "Bought a club mask replica">>
<green>Money -500!</green>
<grey>Club mask replica +1!</grey>
[[Continue to browse his wares->Vendor]]<<set $haspocketwatchcasino to true>>\
<<set $boughttokenfromshop to true>>\
<b>-"Let's see.."</b>
<b>-"Hmmm... What's that golden thingy I see?"</b> You stare at his coat.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\vendor8.jpg">
<blue>-"Golden thingy?"</blue>
<blue>-"Oh! You mean the Rabbit brotherhood token?"</blue> He takes the golden token out of his coat.
<b>-"I guess, yeah. What's for?"</b>
<blue>-"You won't get past their doors without one!"</blue>
<blue>-"Yeah, the Rabbit brotherhood door I mean. Everyone who goes inside needs to have a token."</blue>
<<pageReplace"How much is it?">>\
<b>-"Oh, right... How much is it?"</b>
<blue>-"1500!"</blue> The man hands you the token... It looks old and worn out...
<img src="Images\club\main hall\vendor6.png">
<b>-"HUH?! Ain't that a bit much? That's more than I paid for my car!"</b>
<blue>-"It's a lot, sure, but it'll give you access to their gambling tables! You can make back the same amount in no time!"</blue>
<b>-"Why aren't you using it then?"</b>
<blue>-"I suck at gambling, that's why! The folks there would bleed me dry in a heartbeat!"</blue>
<b>-"Ugh, fine! I'll take my chances..."</b>
<blue>-"Y-you want it?!"</blue> The man takes a step back, surprised.
<blue>-"Hah, sorry, just surprised! Nobody really likes the guys in there, so I thought that I'll be keeping this thing forever.. Happy that finally someone wants it!"</blue>
<b>-"Right... Well, here you go."</b> You hand him the cash as the man nods.
<blue>-"Enjoy! If you make some money, make sure to come here and spend it haha!"</blue>
<<money -1500 "Bought the Rabbit Brotherhood token">>
<green>Money -1500!</green>
<grey>Rabbit Brotherhood token +1!</grey>
[[Continue to browse his wares->Vendor]]
<</pageReplace>><<set $estrogen to true>>
<b>-"Are those pills I see?"</b> You point at his coat.
<blue>-"Ah this? Yeah!"</blue>
<img src="Images\club\main hall\vendor7.jpeg">
<blue>-"It's a full round of estrogen pills! You don't need a prescription when you buy it from me!"</blue> He smirks.
<b>-"W-what does it do?"</b>
<blue>-"The drug?"</blue>
<blue>-"Well, makes your voice higher, stops facial hair growth, makes some... Feminine features more noticeable."</blue>
<b>-"Feminine features?"</b>
<blue>-"Yeah, your butt and chest might start to collect some fat tissue and grow bigger. From one round, which is what I'm selling, you won't see giant differences, but you may see an increase is volume!"</blue>
<b>-"I'll take it!"</b>
<b>-"I'll take the pills!"</b> You say, enthusiastically.
<blue>-"Hah, alright, be my guest!"</blue> You hand some money to the merchant and shove the pills down your pocket.
<blue>-"Thanks, come again!"</blue>
<b>-"Will do!"</b>
<<money -500 "Bought a set of Estrogen pills">>
<green>Money -500!</green>
<grey>Set of estrogen pills +1!</grey>
[[Continue to browse his wares->Vendor]]<<set $penisenlargement to true>>
<b>-"Are those pills I see?"</b> You point at his coat.
<blue>-"Ah this? Yeah!"</blue>
<img src="Images\club\main hall\vendor5.png">
<blue>-"It's a full bottle of V-plex! You don't need a prescription when you buy it from me!"</blue> He smirks.
<b>-"What does it do?"</b>
<blue>-"The drug?"</blue>
<blue>-"Makes your junk bigger!"</blue>
<b>-"No way! I heard that pills like these are scams!"</b>
<blue>-"I don't know about any of that, I drank some pills myself and it grew by a whole inch!"</blue>
<b>-"Damn!"</b> Your dick is already pretty big.. But it would be awesome if it was even larger!
<<pageReplace"Fuck it, give them here.">>\
<b>-"Fuck it.. Give them here."</b>
<blue>-"You're buying them?"</blue>
<b>-"Yeah, why not. Can't say no to an inch or two!"</b>
<blue>-"Ha! True! Here you go!"</blue> The man hands you the bottle.
<b>-"Thanks, how much do I owe you?"</b>
<b>-"Right.. Here."</b> You hand the merchant some cash.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\vendor9.jpeg">
<blue>-"Thanks! Keep looking though, I have some other stuff you might be interested in!"</blue>
<<money -450 "Bought a bottle of V-plex pills">>
<green>Money -450!</green>
<grey>V-plex pills +1!</grey>
[[Continue to browse his wares->Vendor]]
<</pageReplace>><<set $numbingcream to true>>\
<b>-"What's that container?"</b> You point at his coat.
<blue>-"This?"</blue> He takes it out and gives you a better look.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\numbing cream2.png">
<b>-"Yeah. I can see that's it's numbing cream... What's it for and why is it so expensive?"</b>
<blue>-"It's not just ANY numbing cream... It's medical grade."</blue> You look at him, confused.
<blue>-"You put this on your arm - you won't feel it for a good day. Shit, it can get cut off and you won't even notice it. It's that strong."</blue> He opens the container.
<img src="Images\club\main hall\numbing cream 1.png">
<blue>-"And there's quite a lot of it too, so you can reuse it a bunch."</blue>
<b>-"What do people use it on usually?"</b>
<blue>-"Well, if I'm being honest - their cocks haha!"</blue>
<blue>-"It makes you last in bed a lot longer... If you want to impress a girl, this is your go to."</blue> You sigh and grab your wallet.
<b>-"Fuck it... Give me one container then."</b>
<blue>-"Cool! Here!"</blue> He gives you the cream and you hand him the cash.
<blue>-"Anything else?"</blue>
<b>-"Let's see..."</b>
<<money -150 "Bought a container of numbing cream.">>
<green>Money -150!</green>
<grey>Numbing cream +1!</grey>
[[Continue to browse his wares->Vendor]]<<if $equip ==5 and $emilyclothes1 !==true>>
<<goto "Emilyclothes1">>
<<elseif $emilyhasyourkey1 ==true and $chastitykeyemilytemp !==true and $emilydays ==32>>
<<goto "Emily chastity key unlock event">>
<<elseif $emilyrelationship ==0 and $domstatus is true>>
<<goto "Emily dom breakup">>
<<elseif $emilyrelationship ==0 and $emilybnwoevent >2>>
<<goto "Emily bnwo breakup">>
<<elseif $emilypill == true and $pillemilyrandom !==true and $emilydays >6 or $emilypill == true and $pillemilyrandom !==true and $emilybnwoevent >2>>
<<goto "Aphrodisiac pill Emily">>
<<elseif $emilybnwoevent==1>>
<<goto "Emilybnwo1">>
<<elseif $emilybnwoevent==2>>
<<goto "Emilybnwo2">>
<<elseif $emilybnwoevent==3>>
<<goto "Emilybnwo3">>
<<elseif $emilybnwoevent==4>>
<<goto "Emily Basic BNWO">>
<<elseif $emilybnwoevent==5>>
<<goto "Emilybnwo5">>
<<elseif $emilybnwoevent==6>>
<<goto "Emilybnwo6">>
<<elseif $emilybnwoevent==7>>
<<goto "Emilybnwo7">>
<<elseif $emilybnwoevent==8>>
<<goto "Emilybnwo8">>
<<elseif $emilybnwoevent==9>>
<<goto "Emily Basic BNWO">>
<<elseif $emilybnwoevent==10>>
<<goto "Emilybnwo10">>
<<elseif $emilybnwoevent==11>>
<<goto "Emilybnwo11">>
<<elseif $emilybnwoevent==12 and $willgototheheadquarterstemp == true>>
<<goto "Emilybnwo12">>
<<elseif $emilybnwoevent==12>>
<<goto "Emily Basic BNWO">>
<<elseif $emilybnwoevent==13>>
<<goto "Emilybnwo13">>
<<elseif $emilybnwoevent==14>>
<<goto "Emilybnwo14">>
<<elseif $emilybnwoevent==15>>
<<goto "Emilybnwo15">>
<<elseif $emilybnwoevent==16 and $ibwomission1==false>>
<<goto "Emilybnwo16">>
<<elseif $emilybnwoevent==16>>
<<goto "Emily Basic 2">>
<<elseif $emilybnwoevent==17>>
<<goto "Emilybnwo17">>
<<elseif $emilybnwoevent==18>>
<<goto "Emilybnwo18">>
<<elseif $emilybnwoevent==19>>
<<goto "Emilybnwo19">>
<<elseif $emilybnwoevent==20>>
<<goto "Emilybnwo20">>
<<elseif $emilybnwoevent==21>>
<<goto "Emily Basic BNWO">>
<<elseif $emilybnwoevent==22>>
<<goto "Emilybnwo22">>
<<elseif $emilybnwoevent==23>>
<<goto "Emilybnwo23">>
<<elseif $emilybnwoevent==24>>
<<goto "Emilybnwo24">>
<<elseif $emilybnwoevent==25>>
<<goto "Emilybnwo25">>
<<elseif $emilybnwoevent==26>>
<<goto "Emilybnwo26">>
<<elseif $emilybnwoevent>26>>
<<goto "Emily Basic 2">>
<<elseif $emilydays==1>>
<<goto "Emily Intro event">>
<<elseif $emilydays==2>>
<<goto "Emily 2">>
<<elseif $emilydays==3>>
<<goto "Emily 3">>
<<elseif $emilydays==4>>
<<goto "Emily Basic">>
<<elseif $emilydays==5>>
<<goto "Emily 5">>
<<elseif $emilydays==6>>
<<goto "Emily 6">>
<<elseif $emilydays==7>>
<<if $domstatus is false>>
<<goto "Emily Basic variant">>
<<goto "Emily Basic">>
<<elseif $emilydays==8 and $lectures>=12>>
<<goto "Emily 8">>
<<elseif $emilydays==8 and $lectures<12>>
<<goto "Emily Basic 2">>
<<elseif $emilydays==9>>
<<goto "Emily 9">>
<<elseif $emilydays==10>>
<<if $domstatus is false>>
<<goto "Emily Basic variant">>
<<goto "Emily Basic">>
<<elseif $emilydays==11 and $lectures>=19>>
<<goto "Emily 11">>
<<elseif $emilydays==11 and $lectures<19>>
<<goto "Emily Basic 2">>
<<elseif $emilydays==12>>
<<goto "Emily 12">>
<<elseif $emilydays==13>>
<<if $domstatus is true and $lookeforemilydomspy !==false>>
<<goto "Emily Basic 2">>
<<goto "Emily 13">>
<<elseif $emilydays==14>>
<<goto "Emily Basic">>
<<elseif $emilydays==15>>
<<goto "Emily 15">>
<<elseif $emilydays==16 and $goestothebeachwithemily == true>>
<<goto "Emily Basic 2">>
<<elseif $emilydays==16 and $goestothebeachwithemily == false>>
<<goto "Emily Basic">>
<<elseif $emilydays==17>>
<<goto "Emily 17">>
<<elseif $emilydays==18>>
<<goto "Emily Basic">>
<<elseif $emilydays==19>>
<<goto "Emily 19">>
<<elseif $emilydays==20>>
<<goto "Emily 20">>
<<elseif $emilydays==21>>
<<goto "Emily 21">>
<<elseif $emilydays==22>>
<<goto "Emily 22">>
<<elseif $emilydays==23>>
<<goto "Emily 23">>
<<elseif $emilydays==24>>
<<goto "Emily 24">>
<<elseif $emilydays==25>>
<<goto "Emily Basic">>
<<elseif $emilydays==26>>
<<goto "Emily 26">>
<<elseif $emilydays==27>>
<<goto "Emily 27">>
<<elseif $emilydays==28>>
<<goto "Emily 28">>
<<elseif $emilydays==29>>
<<goto "Emily 29">>
<<elseif $emilydays==30>>
<<goto "Emily Basic">>
<<elseif $emilydays==31>>
<<goto "Emily 31">>
<<elseif $emilydays>31>>
<<goto "Emily Basic 2">>
<</if>><<location "Images/Other/7363794952_56303ea0b0_b.webp" "At Emily's place">>\
<<if $time !==2>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<set $emilydays to $emilydays+1>>\
<b>-"I remember we used to go on dates at a similar time.."</b> You check the time on your phone as you sit down in your new car.
<b>-"Let's surprise her! I can't wait to see the look on her face when she sees me!"</b> You turn the keys... A couple of muffled puffs echo through the car, but after a while, the engine comes to life. You quickly drive to her place, making sure not to crash into anything.. It's pretty hard to stay focused while a giant boner is forming in your pants..
<b>-"Finally.."</b> You say as you climb the stairs to her apartment.
<grey>Knock knock!</grey>
<b>-"Come on.. Come on.."</b> You whisper as you hear nothing..
<b>-"Is she not at home?"</b> You think to yourself.
<grey>Knock knock KNOCK!</grey>
<emily>-"Listen, I don't want whatever you're selling!"</emily> You hear her talk as she walks towards the door.
<b>-"Gulp.."</b> The door swings open as Emily continues to talk.
<emily>-"Did you hear me? Not intere- $name?!"</emily> Emily comes to her senses and takes a step back.
<emily>-"You're finally here!"</emily> She smiles as you both embrace in a hug.
<b>-"Ghaha.. Yeah.. Finally!"</b>
<emily>-"So, you managed to get a car, huh?"</emily> Emily takes a step back.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\both\a1.jpg">
<b>-"Sure did!"</b> You say as you slowly look her up and down.. Gosh she looks amazing.
<<pageReplace"Compliment her.">>\
<b>-"Wow.. You look incredible baby! Were you expecting me?"</b> Emily grins and turns around, showing off the skirt.
<emily>-"EeeeeEEE! You noticed! Do you like it?!"</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\both\a3.jpg">
<b>-"I love it!"</b> She smiles once again as the words leave your lips.
<emily>-"No I wasn't expecting anyone.. I was planning to go out with my girlfriends though!"</emily> She steps inside of her place and invites you in.
<b>-"Maybe I shouldn't bother then?"</b>
<emily>-"Oh come on don't be like that! They can wait, we haven't seen each other in ages!"</emily> You reluctantly step inside after her.
<b>-"Fine.. Only for a bit though."</b> Emily nods.
<emily>-"You know.."</emily> She closes the door behind you and looks straight into your eyes.
<emily>-"I truly did miss you $name.. I'm glad you're back."</emily> Before you could muster anything back, she leans in for a kiss.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\both\a6.webp">
<b>-"MgHhH..."</b> You let out a soft moan... The kiss was definitely unexpected, but you're not complaining.
<emily>-"Hehehe.."</emily> She giggles and starts moving away, but you quickly pull her back in.
<emily>-"NghHh!"</emily> You're too turned on to let this end here.. You quickly grab her hips and pin her against the wall.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\both\a7.webp">
<b>-"Fuckk.. Finally.."</b> You whisper as you kiss her neck.
<emily>-"$name.. Babe.. NghHHhhh.. Noooo.."</emily> She tries to resist, but continues to kiss you.
<b>-"Come on.. Let's do a quicky.."</b> You plead with her as you slowly raise her top..
<emily>-"$name.. GhhhhhHHaaahhh.."</emily> She continues to moan.
<b>-"So beautiful.."</b> You kiss her chest..
<img src="Images\Emily\events\both\a5.webp">
<<if $domstatus is true>>\
<emily>-"Fuck.. W-we have to stop!"</emily> She tries to push you off, but you continue..
<<pageReplace"Go down on her..">>
<b>-"Come here.."</b> You slowly pull down her skirt and begin making your way lower and lower.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\both\a4.webp">
<b>-"I know you want this.."</b> You whisper.
<emily>-"NgHHH! Nooo! E-enough is enough!"</emily> She suddenly pushes you off..
<b>-"E-Emily?"</b> You take a step back in confusion.
<emily>-"..."</emily> Emily wipes her lips with her hand and crosses her arms.
<emily>-"Listen.. I think... We shouldn't do this today!"</emily>
<<pageReplace"Question her">>
<b>-"W-what? What are you talking about?"</b> You try to get closer, but she takes a step back.
<emily>-"I think.. It's best if I took the reins of our sex life from now on!"</emily>
<b>-"Take the reins of our sex life? Did you smoke something?"</b> You chuckle.
<emily>-"I mentioned over the phone that.. I read a lot about ways to spice up our sex life and s-stuff.."</emily> Emily stutters.
<emily>-"One of the ways was me teasing you and holding back pleasure..."</emily> A quick smirk forms on her face.
<b>-"Holding off pleasure? You sure you can do that to yourself?"</b>
<emily>-"O-oh shut up!"</emily> She pounts.
<b>-"What's this whole thing about?"</b> You cross your arms.
<emily>-"Y-you were always the dominant one in bed.. I just want to change it up a little."</emily> She starts pulling her clothes back on.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\both\a2.jpg">
<emily>-"Please.. Just let me try this out."</emily> Your cock throbs a bit as you think.
<b>-"Fine I guess, you sure you can handle it?"</b> You lean against the wall.
<emily>-"Handle it..? Handle what?"</emily> She shifts her dress around, making sure it looks just as good as before.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\both\a8.jpg">
<b>-"Handle the responsibilities! Being a dom isn't all sunshine and rainbows!"</b> You chuckle once again.
<emily>-"W-well.. I guess we're going to find out!"</emily> She smiles, her eyes filled with determination.
<emily>-"Oh shit.. I need to go!"</emily> Emily says after checking her watch.
<b>-"Same time next week?"</b> You ask as you both begin walking towards the door.
<emily>-"Sure.. Let's meet up on Mondays and Thursdays, like we used to!"</emily> She smiles and opens the door. After both of you step outside, she locks the door and you begin climbing down the stairs.
<b>-"S-so.. What do you have planned?"</b> You grab her arm.
<emily>-"Oh.. We're just going out to shop!"</emily> She smiles.
<b>-"No no.. I mean for our sex life.. What do you have planned?"</b> You awkwardly laugh.
<emily>-"Ohhhhh haha! You'll have to wait and see!"</emily> You reach the ground level and begin walking towards your vehicle.
<b>-"So.. This is it?"</b> You turn towards her.
<emily>-"For now.. Yeah.. Sorry, but you randomly came without making any plans!"</emily> Emily scolds you.
<emily>-"I'll make sure my afternoons are free from now on though.."</emily> You exchange one last kiss and say your goodbyes. You begin walking towards your car and Emily - towards the city.
<b>-"You sure you don't need a ride?!"</b> You shout.
<emily>-"Thank you, but I'm sure! We're meeting up just around the corner!"</emily> She shouts back as you nod.
<b>-"Femdom.. Taking control of our sex life.. What was she on about.."</b> You think to yourself as you get in the car... Time to head home.
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
[[Drive home->room]]
<<pageReplace"What if I refuse?">>\
<b>-"What if I refuse?"</b> You lean against the wall.
<emily>-"Oh come on! Don't be like that!"</emily> She shifts her dress around, making sure it looks just as good as before.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\both\a8.jpg">
<emily>-"I can't force you to go a long with it.... Just let me try it out for a bit!"</emily> She gives you the puppy eyes.
<b>-"Fine I guess.. We're going to stop If I don't like it, right?"</b>
<emily>-"Of course baby... My priority is to make you feel good!"</emily>
<b>-"Well good... You really think you can handle it?"</b>
<emily>-"Handle what?"</emily> She raises one eyebrow.
<b>-"Handle the responsibilities! Being a dom isn't all sunshine and rainbows!"</b> You chuckle once again.
<emily>-"W-well.. I guess we're going to find out!"</emily> She smiles, her eyes filled with determination.
<emily>-"Oh shit.. I need to go!"</emily> Emily says after checking her watch.
<b>-"Same time next week?"</b> You ask as you both begin walking towards the door.
<emily>-"Sure.. Let's meet up on Mondays and Thursdays, like we used to!"</emily> She smiles and opens the door. After both of you step outside, she locks the door and you begin climbing down the stairs.
<b>-"S-so.. What do you have planned?"</b> You grab her arm.
<emily>-"Oh.. We're just going out to shop!"</emily> She smiles.
<b>-"No no.. I mean for our sex life.. What do you have planned?"</b> You awkwardly laugh.
<emily>-"Ohhhhh haha! You'll have to wait and see!"</emily> You reach the ground level and begin walking towards your vehicle.
<b>-"So.. This is it?"</b> You turn towards her.
<emily>-"For now.. Yeah.. Sorry, but you randomly came without making any plans!"</emily> Emily scolds you.
<emily>-"I'll make sure my afternoons are free from now on though.."</emily> You exchange one last kiss and say your goodbyes. You begin walking towards your car and Emily - towards the city.
<b>-"You sure you don't need a ride?!"</b> You shout.
<emily>-"Thank you, but I'm sure! We're meeting up just around the corner!"</emily> She shouts back as you nod.
<b>-"Femdom.. Taking control of our sex life.. What was she on about.."</b> You think to yourself as you get in the car... Time to head home.
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
[[Drive home->room]]
<emily>-"NgHHH! E-enough is enough!"</emily> She suddenly pushes you off..
<b>-"E-Emily?"</b> You take a step back in confusion.
<emily>-"..."</emily> Emily wipes her lips with her hand and crosses her arms.
<emily>-"Listen.. I think... We shouldn't do this today!"</emily>
<<pageReplace"Question her">>
<b>-"W-what? What are you talking about?"</b> You try to get closer, but she takes a step back.
<emily>-"I think.. It's best if I took the reins of our sex life from now on!"</emily>
<b>-"Take the reins of our sex life? I don't understand.."</b>
<emily>-"I mentioned over the phone that.. I read a lot about ways to spice up our sex life and s-stuff.."</emily> Emily stutters.
<emily>-"One of the ways was me teasing you and holding back pleasure..."</emily> A quick smirk forms on her face.
<b>-"Holding off pleasure?"</b>
<b>-"For how long.. I want to embrace you!"</b> You announce.
<emily>-"For as long as I want!"</emily> Emily takes a step forward as she raises her voice.
<emily>-"I-I'm sorry.."</emily>
<emily>-"I'm new to this whole femdom thing.."</emily>
<b>-"F-femdom?! Is this what it's called?"</b>
<emily>-"Well, there's a lot more to it than this haha!"</emily> She starts pulling her clothes back on.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\both\a2.jpg">
<emily>-"Just trust me $name, if you do what I say, our sex life will reach new heights you never though were possible!"</emily> Your cock throbs a bit as you think.
<b>-"Fine.. So no sex tonight?"</b> You cross your arms.
<emily>-"No.. Definitely not, way too soon!"</emily> She shifts her dress around, making sure it looks just as good as before.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\both\a8.jpg">
<emily>-"I need to go anyways!"</emily> Emily kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"S-same time next week?"</b> You ask as you both begin walking towards the door.
<emily>-"Sure.. Let's meet up on Mondays and Thursdays, like we used to!"</emily> She smiles and opens the door. After both of you step outside, she locks the door and you begin climbing down the stairs.
<b>-"S-so.. What do you have planned?"</b> You grab her arm.
<emily>-"Oh.. We're just going out to shop!"</emily> She smiles.
<b>-"No no.. I mean for our sex life.. What do you have planned?"</b> You awkwardly laugh.
<emily>-"Ohhhhh haha! You'll have to wait and see!"</emily> You reach the ground level and begin walking towards your vehicle.
<b>-"So.. This is it?"</b> You turn towards her.
<emily>-"For now.. Yeah.. Sorry, but you randomly came without making any plans!"</emily> Emily scolds you.
<emily>-"I'll make sure my afternoons are free from now on though.."</emily> You exchange one last kiss and say your goodbyes. You begin walking towards your car and Emily - towards the city.
<b>-"You sure you don't need a ride?!"</b> You shout.
<emily>-"Thank you, but I'm sure! We're meeting up just around the corner!"</emily> She shouts back as you nod.
<b>-"Femdom.. Taking control of our sex life.. What was she on about.."</b> You think to yourself as you get in the car... Time to head home.
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Drive home->room]]
<<pageReplace"What if I refuse?">>\
<b>-"What if I refuse?"</b> You cross your arms.
<emily>-"Oh come on! Don't be like that!"</emily> She shifts her dress around, making sure it looks just as good as before.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\both\a8.jpg">
<emily>-"I can't force you to go a long with it, but please, just let me try something new?"</emily> She gives you the puppy eyes.
<b>-"Fine.. I guess.."</b> You roll your eyes.
<emily>-"Good!"</emily> Emily grins.
<b>-"If I don't like it, we're going to stop, right?"</b>
<emily>-"Of courseeeeee!"</emily> She says, sarcastically.
<emily>-"Oh shit.. I need to go baby!"</emily> Emily says after checking the time. She gives you a kiss and begins walking towards the door, you follow.
<b>-"Right.. S-same time next week?"</b>
<emily>-"Sure.. Let's meet up on Mondays and Thursdays, like we used to!"</emily> She smiles and opens the door. After both of you step outside, she locks the door and you begin climbing down the stairs.
<b>-"S-so.. What do you have planned?"</b> You grab her arm.
<emily>-"Oh.. We're just going out to shop!"</emily> She smiles.
<b>-"No no.. I mean for our sex life.. What do you have planned?"</b> You awkwardly laugh.
<emily>-"Ohhhhh haha! You'll have to wait and see!"</emily> You reach the ground level and begin walking towards your vehicle.
<b>-"So.. This is it?"</b> You turn towards her.
<emily>-"For now.. Yeah.. Sorry, but you randomly came without making any plans!"</emily> Emily scolds you.
<emily>-"I'll make sure my afternoons are free from now on though.."</emily> You exchange one last kiss and say your goodbyes. You begin walking towards your car and Emily - towards the city.
<b>-"You sure you don't need a ride?!"</b> You shout.
<emily>-"Thank you, but I'm sure! We're meeting up just around the corner!"</emily> She shouts back as you nod.
<b>-"Femdom.. Taking control of our sex life.. What was she on about.."</b> You think to yourself as you get in the car... Time to head home.
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Drive home->room]]
<</pageReplace>><<location "Images/Other/90704f8813eafd7f3744f6ff641bcee7.jpeg" "My room">>\
<b>-"Emily... BNWO... Am I sure I want this..."</b>
<<todoCompleted "Tell Emily about the BNWO">>
<b>-"Seeing the love of my life taken right in front of me... Taking dicks so much bigger than mine.. Helping her breed with a bull.." </b>
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 12\29211231.webp" width="600px">
<b>-"B-becoming just another slut for the new world order..."</b>
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 12\tumblr_p6c8rnHS6K1wtkepxo1_1280.webp">
<b>-"A-am I sure I want this.."</b> You pick up your phone and open it...
<<pageReplace "Call Emily.">>\
<b>-"Y-yes.. I do.."</b> You take your phone and try to face time your girlfriend. After a couple of seconds she picks up.
<emily>-"B-baby? What's up?" </emily>
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 12\Elsa-Jean1.webp">
She turns on her camera, but you don't have the balls to turn on yours..
<b>-"W-what are you doing right now.."</b>
<emily>-"Nothing much just getting ready for bed.. Why did you call" </emily>
It's time..
<b>-"W-well.. During this month... I-I think I started to understand... My purpose in life.."</b>
<emily>-"W-what are you talking about $name?" </emily> You can see her getting into bed.
<b>-"I-I'm not going to go into detail but.. Please research a thing called the BNWO..." </b> You finally said it.
<emily>-"The BNWO? What's that?" </emily>
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 12\artworks-NxnK0F5OGeusnkcX-az4mww-t500x500.webp">
<b>-"J-just research it.. P-please.."</b>
<emily>-"Sure baby, I will after I wake up, that's my promise!" </emily>
You hang up before even saying goodbye.. You feel your stomach start to turn, you're about to vomit...
<b>-"F-finally.. It's done.."</b>
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo+10>>
<grey>BNWO +10!</grey>
<<set $openminded to $openminded+10>>
<mia>Open-minded +10!</mia>
<<set $emilybnwo to true>>
<<set $emilybnworesearch to false>>
<<set $bnwointro to false>>
<<pageReplace "Don't call Emily.">>\
<b>-"N-no.. It's hot, but.. Too much for me.. I don't want to involve Emily in all of this..." </b> You lower your phone and close it..
<<set $emilybnworesearch to false>>
<</pageReplace>>\<<location "Images/Other/90704f8813eafd7f3744f6ff641bcee7.jpeg" "My room">>\
<<set $day to $day-1>>\
<<set $time to 2>>\
<<if $dayy == 1>>\
<<set $dayy to 7>>\
<<set $dayy to $dayy-1>>\
<<set $bnwointro to true>>\
Right as you're about to fall asleep, you get a facetime call. It's Emily!
<b>-"What does she want this late.."</b> You wonder as you sit up in your bed and take the phone into your hand.
<<pageReplace"Pick up the call">>\
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\b.webp" height="550px">
<emily>-"Hey baby!!"</emily> She greets you with a warm smile.
<b>-"H-hey honeyy.. why are you calling?"</b> You ask her. It's definitely unusual.. you two usually talk in person.
<emily>-"Well, I did some research about the BNWO! You mentioned it to me, remember?" </emily> She smiles again, her eyes squinting and wrinkles forming near her cheeks.
<b>-"Oh.. yeah haha.."</b>
<b>-"Oh my god she googled it.. I'm starting to have second thoughts about this.."</b> You ponder to yourself.
<b>-"Well.. what did you think..?"</b> You ask her while hiding behind your phone, only showing your eyes and head.
<emily>-"It's definitely interesting! I'm quite new to all of it, but paying reparations does seem like the noble thing to do.."</emily>
<<pageReplace "That's right!">>\
<b>-"T-that's right! It's incredibly important for you to understand how to serve our- *cough* I mean, how to pay back reparations adequately..."</b> You almost messed up.. she didn't seem to catch it though..
<emily>-"Of course baby, if it's important to you, it's important to me"</emily> She goes off camera and changes.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\s.webp" height="550px">
<emily>-"I will definitely read more about it, I've also heard something about a worldwide bnwo organization.."</emily>
<b>-"What..? A WORLDWIDE organization.. I had no idea that the bnwo was so mainstream..."</b> You think to yourself.
<b>-"Huh I've never heard of that before.."</b> You whisper.
<emily>-"Ahh okay, I'll definitely look it up as well.."</emily> She smiles.
You spend the next 10 minutes talking about life, how both of you are doing, what you did that day etc. You can barely speak the whole time, you can't stop yourself from imagining Emily fucking a big... juicy... black.. cock...
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo +2>>
<grey>BNWO +2!</grey>
<<set $emilybnwoevent to 1>>
[[Say goodbye and go to sleep with a boner->Sleep]]
<<pageReplace "M-maybe you should stop researching it...">>\
<b>-"Y-you know what... m-maybe you should stop researching it babe."</b> You whimper.
<emily>-"Whaaattt... why??"</emily> She gives you a confused look, she probably doesn't understand that paying back reparations means doing so with your body..
<<pageReplace "Because I said so.">>\
<b>-"Because I said so!"</b> You're not dominant and she knows that, which arouses her suspicion... you still decide to hold your ground and show her that you're serious.
<emily>-"Wow, okay. I'm not your dog $name. I will do what I want"</emily> She hangs up..
<<pageReplace"Try to call her again">>\
She doesn't pick up.. you have no idea what to do next.. you want her to stop but you couldn't convince her..
<<set $emilybnwoevent to 1>>
[[Give up and go to sleep..->Sleep]]
<<pageReplace "You don't need to research it any further...">>\
<b>-"I needed to make someone acquaint with the idea of the bnwo for a research project at the SUP and that's it.. so you don't need to research it any further.."</b> You quickly think of an excuse.. you can't let her find out more!
<emily>-"Oh... okay! It was definitely interesting, but if you don't need me to research it I won't bother"</emily> She smiles... it worked!
You spend the next 10 minutes talking about life, how both of you are doing, what you did that day etc. You're just happy that you managed to talk your way out of it.. it could have ended badly..
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo -10>>
<grey>BNWO -10!</grey>
<<set $emilybnwo to false>>
[[Say goodbye and go to sleep->Sleep]]
<</pageReplace>>\<<location "Images/Other/7363794952_56303ea0b0_b.webp" "At Emily's place">>\
<<set $emilybnwoevent to $emilybnwoevent +1>>\
<<if $time !==2>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
You sit down in your brand new 1990 toyota corolla. Well it isn't new.. but it is new to you.
<b>"I wonder how the guy who sold me this bucket with wheels is doing right now.."</b> You think to yourself. In a matter of minutes, you are at Emily's apartment. You knock on the door and you both share a passionate hug. Time for the date night!
<img src="Images\Emily\events\5lSaX4s4_400x400.webp">
<emily>-"Hey baby! How was your drive here, everything okay?"</emily> She asks you while locking the door behind you.
<b>-"Haha yeah everything is fine babe, shall we watch a movie tonight? I brought some popcorn!"</b> You both love watching movies together.
<emily>-"Sure thing honey, let me just change into something more comfortable!"</emily>
You both lay down on the sofa, putting on a new action flick. Emily cuddles closer to you and you both lay under one blanket. She even brought her dog with her.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\AnyConv.com__EYFVPNJXkAApyfl.webp">
As you're laying in bed she starts touching your leg, going closer and closer towards your crotch.
<b>-"Haha what are you doing babe"</b> You knew exactly what she was doing.
<emily>-"Don't worry about it"</emily> She giggles.
She sits up and gets on top you, grinding you while you're both dressed.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\f7dfe435789528982e3af0ad3b584cad.webp">
<b>-"Baby.. Will you get me off tonight?"</b> You ask.
<emily>-"Hmmmm, not tonight sweetie."</emily> You let out a disappointing sigh... Emily teases through the whole movie. A crotch grab here, a whisper in the ear there... You're so close, but you never get off.
<b>-"It's already 9 o'clock I really need to go.."</b> After a good 2 hours, you announce.
<emily>-"See you next time!"</emily> She winks at you as you leave her place.
[[Drive back home->Go outside]]<<location "Images/Other/7363794952_56303ea0b0_b.webp" "At Emily's place">>\
<<set $emilybnwoevent to $emilybnwoevent +1>>\
<<if $time !==2>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
You sit down in your brand new 1990 toyota corolla. Well it isn't new.. but it is new to you.
<b>"I wonder how the guy who sold me this bucket with wheels is doing right now.."</b> You think to yourself. In a matter of minutes, you are at Emily's apartment. You knock on the door and you both share a passionate hug. Time for the date night!
<img src="Images\Emily\events\5lSaX4s4_400x400.webp">
<emily>-"Hey baby! How was your drive here, everything okay?"</emily> She asks you while locking the door behind you.
<b>-"Haha yeah everything is fine babe, shall we watch a movie tonight? I brought some popcorn!"</b> You both love watching movies together.
<emily>-"Sure thing honey, let me just change into something more comfortable!"</emily>
You both lay down on the sofa, putting on a new action flick. Emily cuddles closer to you and you both lay under one blanket. She even brought her dog with her.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\AnyConv.com__EYFVPNJXkAApyfl.webp" width="500px" height="600px">
<emily>-"I need to go to the toilet baby, I will be right back!"</emily> She whispers.
<b>-"S-sure honey.."</b> You whisper back. As she leaves, you notice that her phone falls out of her pocket and lands on the sofa next to you.
<<pageReplace "Put it on the table and do nothing.">>\
<b>-"N-no.. I shouldn't.."</b> You whisper to yourself as you pick up her phone. You put it down on the counter and wait. After a bit of time she comes back.
<emily>-"Oh.. did I drop my phone?"</emily> She smiles as she lays down next to you.
<b>-"Y-yeah.. while you were walking to the toilet..."</b>
As you're laying in bed she starts touching your leg, going closer and closer towards your crotch.
<b>-"Haha what are you doing babe"</b> You knew exactly what she was doing.
<emily>-"Don't worry about it"</emily> She giggles.
She sits up and gets on top you, grinding you while you're both dressed.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\f7dfe435789528982e3af0ad3b584cad.webp">
<b>-"Baby.. let's do it tonight?"</b> You ask.
<emily>-"Hmmmm, not tonight sweetie."</emily> She giggles. She teases you for the whole movie, making you almost explode, but right before cumming she would stop.
<b>-"Fuck babe it's already 9 o'clock I really need to go.."</b>
<emily>-"Awwwh okay honey, see you next time!"</emily> She winks at me.
Although you expected to get some laid tonight, it's best not to think about it too deeply, maybe she's just tired.
You pack up your things and head home.
[[Go home->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace "Check her search history...">>\
You pick up her phone and turn on the screen, thankfully there is no password...
<b>-"I need to find out what she's googling..."</b> You ponder to yourself..
<<pageReplace"Open the browser history">>\
<b>-"Oh my god.."</b> You whisper to yourself as you look around the room to see if Emily is coming back already, but she's still in the bathroom.
<grey>11:28 <i>What is the BNWO?</i>.</grey>
<grey>11:28 <i>What is BNWO?</i>.</grey>
<grey>11:29 <i>Boyfriend asked about BNWO?</i>.</grey>
<grey>11:31 <i>Cuck</i>.</grey>
<grey>11:31 <i>Cuckolding</i>.</grey>
<grey>11:35 <i>Is my boyfriend a cuck?</i>.</grey>
You feel your dick throb as you read what she has been searching about.. These search results are from today!
<<pageReplace "Keep reading...">>\
<b>-"J-just a little more..."</b>
<grey>11:38 <i>BNWO porn</i>.</grey>
<grey>11:46 <i>Interracial porn</i>.</grey>
<grey>12:13 <i>Cucking my boyfriend</i>.</grey>
<grey>12:17 <i>Trying BBC</i>.</grey>
<grey>12:32 <i>Is cucking your boyfriend considered cheating?</i>.</grey>
<b>-"F-fuck...." </b> You whisper as you feel your dick growing harder and harder.
<<pageReplace"Check out the porn she watched..">>\
<b>-"She watched so much porn.. I-I need to see.."</b>
You open one of the websites listed in the history tab... qosvideos.com? You click on the "watched" tab and turn on one of the videos...
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\29690791.webp" height="600px">
<<pageReplace"Look for more..">>\
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\29605784.webp" height="600px">
<b>-"T-these cocks are.. huge.. and the girls are enjoying it so much... I've never seen Emily make such a face..."</b>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\29662048.webp" height="600px">
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\29111127.webp" height="600px">
All of these men have giant dicks.. much bigger than yours, that's for sure. You feel.. inferior.. but at the same time incredibly turned on to know, that your girlfriend is looking up the black new world order...
<b>-"T-that's enough... I saw what I needed to see..."</b> You think to yourself as you put down Emily's phone on the table and act like nothing happened. She comes back and you two finish the movie without incident. You can't stop thinking about what you saw though.. it turned you on so much that you sat through the whole movie with a boner in your pants...
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo +2>>
<<set $openminded to $openminded +2>>\
<grey>BNWO +2!</grey>
<mia>Open-minded +2!</mia>
[[Say goodbye and leave->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace "Enough...">>\
<b>-"T-that's enough... I saw what I needed to see..."</b> You think to yourself as you put down Emily's phone on the table and act like nothing happened. She comes back and you two finish the movie without incident. You can't stop thinking about what you saw though.. it kind of turned you on..
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo +1>>
<<set $openminded to $openminded +1>>\
<grey>BNWO +1!</grey>
<mia>Open-minded +1!</mia>
[[Say goodbye and leave->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>>\<<location "Images/Other/7363794952_56303ea0b0_b.webp" "At Emily's place">>\
<<set $emilybnwoevent to $emilybnwoevent +1>>\
<<if $time !==2>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<pink>-"NGhhhhhh.. MGhghhh.. F-fuckk..!!!"</pink> You hear moans as you're climbing the stairs..
You finally reach Emily's apartment and notice that the moans are coming from her place...
<pink>-"F-fuck!!! Deeperrr... NGHHHhhhh give me that BIG BLACK COCK NOW!!!"</pink>
<<pageReplace"Push the door open!" t8n>>\
You push the door open in an instant, you can't believe that Emily is cheating on you!
<b>-"H-honey?!"</b> You shout as you enter the apartment..
<emily>-"Oh.. hey $name.."</emily> She smiles at you.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\Screenshot_1.webp" height="650px">
She's standing in front of you and yet, the moaning doesn't stop?
<pink>-"Fuck fuck FUCK! NGhhhh Deeper!!!"</pink> You hear coming from the living room.
<b>-"Are you cheating on me?! What's with the moaning??!!"</b> You look at her.
<emily>-"C-cheating? Hahaha stop joking around you loser, I was just looking at some porn... that's all.."</emily> She smirks, walks off towards the living room and you follow her.
<<pageReplace"Look at the television">>\
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\29834270.webp" height="450px">
There's a porn video on the TV... She stops it and turn it off.
<b>-"Oh..."</b> You're relived and yet turned on.. seeing your girlfriend looking up bbc porn on her own.. dressing up in lingerie..
You sigh and go back towards the door, you remove your shoes and leave your coat on the hanger, then walk towards the living room, where Emily is waiting for you.
<emily>-"We need to talk about something"</emily> She sits down on the sofa and you follow after her..
<b>-"S-sure honey.."</b>
<emily>-"I've been reading a lot about the bnwo $name..."</emily> She bites her bottom lip..
<emily>-"Oh..."</emily> She looks down and notices that you have a boner.
<b>-"W-what did you think..."</b> You whimper.
<emily>-"Hehe... well.."</emily> She pushes you, you fall down on the sofa and she climbs on top.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\20056128.webp" width="700px">
<emily>-"It's definitely interesting..."</emily> She smirks and rubs harder.
<emily>-"Stay stttiiiiilllllll...."</emily> She whispers.
<emily>-"Paying back reparations with my body..."</emily> She whispers..
<emily>-"Pleasing big.. black.. cock.."</emily>
<emily>-"Making you watch while I do..."</emily>
<emily>-"MghhhH.... i-it does seem incredible.."</emily> She whispers..
<div id="choices"><div class="disa">No...</div></div>
<<linkreplace"Yes..." t8n>>\
<<replace "#choices">> <</replace>>\
<b>-"Y-yes... it does..."</b> You can't stop yourself at this point..
Emily smiles and takes off the lingerie set..
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\Screenshot_2.webp" height="650px">
<emily>-"I always knew that you were a beta..."</emily> She sits up on top of the bed, completely naked and giggles.
<b>-"Nghhh Emily...."</b>
<emily>-"I sent an application to join the IBNWOO, I'm taking this very seriously you know.."</emily>
<b>-"IBNWOO... what's that?"</b> You whimper as you're cock throbs..
<emily>-"The international black world order organization.. or IBWO for short.."</emily> She stands up and gets on her knees.
<emily>-"Are you proud of me..?"</emily>
<div id="choices1"><div class="disa">No...</div></div>
<b>-"Y-yes honey... of course.. you're doing the right thing.."</b>
<emily>-"Good boy.."</emily> She smiles.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\24942213.webp" width="650px">
<emily>-"Off you go now, I'm having a video call with the IBWO, thats why I had the lingerie on..."</emily>
<b>-"W-why would you need lingerie for a video call honey.."</b>
<emily>-"Well that's none of your business now is it baby.."</emily> She smiles and gives you a kiss on the head. She pushes you outside the apartment and closes the door..
<b>-"What did I get myself into.."</b> You whisper to yourself.
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo +1>>\
<<set $openminded to $openminded +1>>\
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>\
<grey>BNWO +1!</grey>
<mia>Open-minded +1!</mia>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Drive home...->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>>\<<location "Images/Other/7363794952_56303ea0b0_b.webp" "At Emily's place">>\
<<set $emilybnwoevent to $emilybnwoevent +1>>\
<<if $time !==2>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
As you enter the apartment building, you're expecting to hear more moans and yet.. it's quiet.. You walk up the stairs to her door..
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\2.webp">
<b><i>*Knock Knock*</i></b>
<b><i>*Knock KNOCK knock*</i></b>
No answer... you planned this date beforehand though, no way that she's not home.. right?
<<pageReplace"Call Emily">>\
The phone starts to buzz..
<emily>-"H-hello!"</emily> Emily answers, she seems.. busy.. out of breath even?
<b>-"Hello honey! W-where are you? I'm at your place already."</b>
<emily>-"<i>*slurp*</i> Oh haha s-sorry honey I <i>*slurp*</i> forgot about our date tonight.. I'm at the IBWO right now.."</emily>
<b>-"The international black world order?? So she got accepted huh.."</b> You think to yourself.
<b>-"W-what's that slurping noise b-baby.."</b>
<emily>-"O-oh.. they're just showing m-me.. some slides <i>*slurp*</i> and v-videos about what it means to be an ally... S-Stoppp!!! Hahaha!"</emily> She laughs at something. It's pretty clear that she isn't the one making those slurping noises.. but you wish that...
<<pageReplace "She would..">>\
You wish that it would be her...
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\1.webp" width="750px">
Seeing her dominated.. watching her take superior cock.. even imagining it is making you horny..
<b>-"<i>*Cough*</i> S-so you got accepted I presume.."</b> You whisper into the phone while resting your hand on her door.
<emily>-"Hehaha s-stop!!! I-I'm talking! W-what was it $name??"</emily>
<b>-"I-I said.. that you got accepted I presume..?"</b>
<emily>-"O-oh, yes! They really liked the lingerie... I also had to show the toys I had and they really liked the one you bought.."</emily> You can hear her giggle again.
<b>-"W-well I'm glad.."</b>
<emily>-"Hehe yeah.. m-me and a couple of other girls here are learning about reparations... I didn't know you had to pay them with you b-body..."</emily> She whispers...
<b>-"W-well you know.. if you're not comfortable you can always stop.."</b>
<emily>-"Oh don't be ridiculous now.."</emily>
<emily>-"A-alright $name.. I-I need to go, they're about to show us a live demonstration, we'll talk later, okay?!"</emily> A live demonstration...?
<<pageReplace"Yeah okay..">>\
<b>-"Y-yeah.. okay honey.."</b> Emily hangs up the phone..
<b>-"F-fuck I wonder what they're showing her.."</b>
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo +1>>
<grey>BNWO +1!</grey>
[[Head back->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace "She would...">>\
You wish that it would be her...
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\1.webp" width="750px">
Seeing her dominated.. watching her take superior cock.. even imagining it is making you horny..
<b>-"<i>*Cough*</i> S-so you got accepted I presume.."</b> You whisper into the phone while resting your hand on her door.
<emily>-"Hehaha s-stop!!! I-I'm talking! W-what was it $name??"</emily>
<b>-"I-I said.. that you got accepted I presume..?"</b>
<emily>-"O-oh, yes! They really liked the lingerie... I also had to show the toys I had and they really liked the one you bought.."</emily> You can hear her giggle again.
<b>-"W-well I'm glad.."</b>
<emily>-"Hehe yeah.. m-me and a couple of other girls here are learning about reparations... I didn't know you had to pay them with you b-body..."</emily> She whispers...
<b>-"W-well you know.. if you're not comfortable you can always stop.."</b>
<emily>-"Oh don't be ridiculous now.."</emily>
<emily>-"A-alright $name.. I-I need to go, they're about to show us a live demonstration, we'll talk later, okay?!"</emily> A live demonstration...?
<<pageReplace"Yeah okay..">>\
<b>-"Y-yeah.. okay honey.."</b> Emily hangs up the phone..
<b>-"F-fuck I wonder what they're showing her.."</b>
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo +1>>
<grey>BNWO +1!</grey>
[[Head back->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace "She would...">>\
You wish that it would be her...
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\1.webp" width="750px">
Seeing her dominated.. watching her take superior cock.. even imagining it is making you horny..
<b>-"<i>*Cough*</i> S-so you got accepted I presume.."</b> You whisper into the phone while resting your hand on her door.
<emily>-"Hehaha s-stop!!! I-I'm talking! W-what was it $name??"</emily>
<b>-"I-I said.. that you got accepted I presume..?"</b>
<emily>-"O-oh, yes! They really liked the lingerie... I also had to show the toys I had and they really liked the one you bought.."</emily> You can hear her giggle again.
<b>-"W-well I'm glad.."</b>
<emily>-"Hehe yeah.. m-me and a couple of other girls here are learning about reparations... I didn't know you had to pay them with you b-body..."</emily> She whispers...
<b>-"W-well you know.. if you're not comfortable you can always stop.."</b>
<emily>-"Oh don't be ridiculous now.."</emily>
<emily>-"A-alright $name.. I-I need to go, they're about to show us a live demonstration, we'll talk later, okay?!"</emily> A live demonstration...?
<<pageReplace"Yeah okay..">>\
<b>-"Y-yeah.. okay honey.."</b> Emily hangs up the phone..
<b>-"F-fuck I wonder what they're showing her.."</b>
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo +1>>
<grey>BNWO +1!</grey>
[[Head back->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace "She would...">>\
You wish that it would be her...
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\1.webp" width="750px">
Seeing her dominated.. watching her take superior cock.. even imagining it is making you horny..
<b>-"<i>*Cough*</i> S-so you got accepted I presume.."</b> You whisper into the phone while resting your hand on her door.
<emily>-"Hehaha s-stop!!! I-I'm talking! W-what was it $name??"</emily>
<b>-"I-I said.. that you got accepted I presume..?"</b>
<emily>-"O-oh, yes! They really liked the lingerie... I also had to show the toys I had and they really liked the one you bought.."</emily> You can hear her giggle again.
<b>-"W-well I'm glad.."</b>
<emily>-"Hehe yeah.. m-me and a couple of other girls here are learning about reparations... I didn't know you had to pay them with you b-body..."</emily> She whispers...
<b>-"W-well you know.. if you're not comfortable you can always stop.."</b>
<emily>-"Oh don't be ridiculous now.."</emily>
<emily>-"A-alright $name.. I-I need to go, they're about to show us a live demonstration, we'll talk later, okay?!"</emily> A live demonstration...?
<<pageReplace"Yeah okay..">>\
<b>-"Y-yeah.. okay honey.."</b> Emily hangs up the phone..
<b>-"F-fuck I wonder what they're showing her.."</b>
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo +1>>
<grey>BNWO +1!</grey>
[[Head back->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>><<location "Images/Other/7363794952_56303ea0b0_b.webp" "At Emily's place">>\
<<set $emilybnwoevent to $emilybnwoevent +1>>\
<<if $time !==2>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<emily>-"NGhhhhhh.. MGhghhh..!!!"</emily> It's the moans again.. although this time, they're a lot quieter..
As you walk up the stairs to Emily's apartment, you notice that the moans kind of sound like... her...
<emily>-"F-fuck...!!!"</emily> You hear from behind the door.
<<pageReplace "Peep through the keyhole">>\
As you press your head against the door, you're shocked.. but not surprised..
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\a3.webp" width="650px">
It's emily.. masturbating..
<emily>-"NGhhhhhh.. Y-yes..."</emily> She moans while moving her fingers across her clit.
<b>-"Am I really that bad in bed that she watches porn every day.."</b> You wonder.
<<pageReplace "Keep watching...">>\
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\a2.webp" width="650px">
<emily>-"F-fuck.. so bigg..."</emily> She's watching blacked porn!
<b>-"Nghh.. t-this is so hot.."</b> You whisper to yourself as you feel your dick throb from pleasure.
<emily>-"D-deeper..."</emily> Emily moans. You suddenly see that she stops..
<emily>-"Nghhh.. w-where is it.."</emily> She starts looking around for something..
You start rubbing your dick through your pants..
<emily>-"Nghh.. T-there it is!"</emily> She pulls out something from her drawer and lays down again...
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\a4.webp">
It's a dildo! Did she buy it herself.. did the IBWO give it to her.. so many questions..
<<pageReplace"Pull down your pants">>\
You pull down your pants and keep watching, you feel your cock throbbing and pushing up against your underwear..
<emily>-"Nghhhh Y-yesssss!!!"</emily> She whimpers as she sets up the dildo and mounts it..
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\a1.webp">
<emily>-"C-cock... cock.. COckkk.. I want... cock..."</emily> She moans...
<blue>-"HEY!"</blue> Right as you hear someone shout, your shoot your load into your underwear..
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\a5.webp" width="450px">
<b>-"F-fuckkk... nghh.h.."</b> You moan quietly..
<blue>-"GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE YOU WEIRDO OR I WILL CALL THE COPS!"</blue> The voice is cumming from behind another door.. Emily's neighbour probably thought you were a creep..
<b>-"Nghhh.. alright alright man I don't want any trouble.. m-my girlfriend is in there..!"</b>
<blue>-"Im suuuureeeee she is buddy, now leave, or I'm calling the cops!"</blue> You hear the mans muffled voice again.
<b>-"F-fine.."</b> You quickly pull up your pants and and get ready to leave.. you notice that the moans stopped, did she hear you two arguing...?
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo +2>>
<grey>BNWO +2!</grey>
<<set $openminded to $openminded +2>>
<mia> Open-minded +2!</mia>
[[Drive home..->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace "Shout at Emily through the door.">>\
<b>-"E-EMILY! L-let me IN!!"</b> You shout.. but she doesn't answer.. maybe she has headphones in?
<<pageReplace"Shout louder">>\
<b>-"BABE LET ME IN PLEASE!"</b> You scream even louder while banging on the door.
<blue>-"H-HEY! LEAVE THE GIRL ALONE YOU CUNT!"</blue> Someone shouts at you..
<blue>-"LEAVE OR I'M CALLING THE POLICE!"</blue> The sound is coming from the apartment next to Emily's.. they probably think that you're a creep..
<b>-"Alright alright man I don't want any trouble.. my girlfriend is in there..!"</b>
<blue>-"Im suuuureeeee she is buddy, now leave, or I'm calling the cops!"</blue> You hear the mans voice again, coming from behind a door.
<b>-"Ugh f-fine!"</b> You'll just have to come back later...
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace "Barge in">>\
You try the door handle, but it's locked.. Before you make a scene, maybe it's worth it to just check what she is doing through the keyhole..
<<pageReplace"Peep through the keyhole">>\
As you press your head against the door, you're shocked.. but not surprised..
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\a3.webp" width="650px">
It's emily.. masturbating..
<emily>-"NGhhhhhh.. Y-yes..."</emily> She moans while moving her fingers across her clit.
<b>-"Am I really that bad in bed that she watches porn every day.."</b> You wonder.
<<pageReplace "Keep watching...">>\
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\a2.webp" width="650px">
<emily>-"F-fuck.. so bigg..."</emily> She's watching blacked porn!
<b>-"Nghh.. t-this is so hot.."</b> You whisper to yourself as you feel your dick throb from pleasure.
<emily>-"D-deeper..."</emily> Emily moans. You suddenly see that she stops..
<emily>-"Nghhh.. w-where is it.."</emily> She starts looking around for something..
You start rubbing your dick through your pants..
<emily>-"Nghh.. T-there it is!"</emily> She pulls out something from her drawer and lays down again...
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\a4.webp">
It's a dildo! But it's not the one you bought her... did she buy it herself.. did the IBWO give it to her.. so many questions..
<<pageReplace"Pull down your pants">>\
You pull down your pants and keep watching, you feel your cock throbbing and pushing up against your underwear..
<emily>-"Nghhhh Y-yesssss!!!"</emily> She whimpers as she sets up the dildo and mounts it..
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\a1.webp">
<emily>-"C-cock... cock.. COckkk.. I want... cock..."</emily> She moans...
<blue>-"HEY!"</blue> Right as you hear someone shout, your shoot your load into your underwear..
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\a5.webp" width="450px">
<b>-"F-fuckkk... nghh.h.."</b> You moan quietly..
<blue>-"GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE YOU WEIRDO OR I WILL CALL THE COPS!"</blue> The voice is cumming from behind another door.. Emily's neighbour probably thought you were a creep..
<b>-"Nghhh.. alright alright man I don't want any trouble.. m-my girlfriend is in there..!"</b>
<blue>-"Im suuuureeeee she is buddy, now leave, or I'm calling the cops!"</blue> You hear the mans muffled voice again.
<b>-"F-fine.."</b> You quickly pull up your pants and and get ready to leave.. you notice that the moans stopped, did she hear you two arguing...?
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo +2>>
<grey>BNWO +2!</grey>
<<set $openminded to $openminded +2>>
<mia> Open-minded +2!</mia>
[[Drive home..->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace "Shout at Emily through the door.">>\
<b>-"E-EMILY! L-let me IN!!"</b> You shout.. but she doesn't answer.. maybe she has headphones in?
<<pageReplace"Shout louder">>\
<b>-"BABE LET ME IN PLEASE!"</b> You scream even louder while banging on the door.
<blue>-"H-HEY! LEAVE THE GIRL ALONE YOU CUNT!"</blue> Someone shouts at you..
<blue>-"LEAVE OR I'M CALLING THE POLICE!"</blue> The sound is coming from the apartment next to Emily's.. they probably think that you're a creep..
<b>-"Alright alright man I don't want any trouble.. my girlfriend is in there..!"</b>
<blue>-"Im suuuureeeee she is buddy, now leave, or I'm calling the cops!"</blue> You hear the mans voice again, coming from behind a door.
<b>-"Ugh f-fine!"</b> You'll just have to come back later...
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>>\<<location "Images/Other/7363794952_56303ea0b0_b.webp" "At Emily's place">>\
<<set $emilybnwoevent to $emilybnwoevent +1>>\
<<if $time !==2>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
Another day another date.. you're still on the fence about the whole BNWO thing.. but it does seem to turn you on and Emily is very interested so.. why not? This time you're both laying in bed, cuddling, watching some funny dog videos on tik tok.
<emily>-"Haha this one is so funny babe.. look!"</emily> She laughs and hands you the phone. As you're looking at the video, a message pops up...
<grey>Julian: So, are you up for it? We're leaving soon baby!"</grey>
<<pageReplace"Ask her about it..">>\
<b>-"H-hey honey.. Julian texted you.. w-who is he..?"</b> You have heard the name Julian before... somewhere..
<emily>-"Oh Julian! He's responsible for me in the IBWO. He teaches me things and tells me what to do"</emily> She gives you a warm smile.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\3n75.webp">
<emily>-"So what did he say?"</emily>
<b>-"T-that they're leaving somewhere.. h-he's asking if you're up for it.."</b> You cautiously tell her.
<emily>-"O-oh! Yeah the organization is inviting all of the new girls, including me, to travel to America for a couple of weeks.. I'm thinking about going, it's completely free!"</emily>
<<pageReplace"To do what?">>\
<b>-"T-to America?? To do what??"</b> You look at her.
<emily>-"To learn more about the BNWO of course! It's a training course.."</emily>
<<pageReplace "Be supportive..">>\
<b>-"I-I think you should go.."</b> You feel your dick throb as the words leave your mouth.
<emily>-"Really.. why?"</emily> She holds eye contact.
<b>-"Y-you could experience new things.. l-learn more about the topic.."</b> Your cheeks glow red as you look away..
<emily>-"Heh maybe you're right.. you know what.. I should go! I will go!"</emily> She enthusiastically texts Julian back..
You spend the remaining night together, watching tik toks and movies, she of course keeps teasing you, but doesn't let you cum.. She assures you that she will keep in contact with you while traveling, you're just as excited to see where this leads as her...
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo +1>>
<grey>BNWO +1!</grey>
[[Go home->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace "Tell her to not go">>\
<b>-"I-I....I don't think you should go honey.."</b> You look down.
<emily>-"What? Why?"</emily> She gives you a worried look.
<b>-"I-I don't know.. it could be dangerous..."</b> You try to think of an excuse.. truthfully, you just don't know if you're ready to let your girlfriend travel abroad to a place full of men more capable than you..
<emily>-"Huh.. okay.. well I don't really care, it's not up to you at this point. I really like the IBWO and I will make this decision, am I clear?"</emily> She holds eye contact but you look away..
<b>-"Y-yes honey..."</b> It's over.. you lost control..
You spend the remaining night together, watching tik toks and movies, she of course keeps teasing you, but doesn't let you cum.. She assures you that she will keep in contact with you while traveling, but you're still worried..
[[Go home->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>>\<<location "Images/Other/7363794952_56303ea0b0_b.webp" "At Emily's place">>\
<<set $emilybnwoevent to $emilybnwoevent +1>>\
<<if $time !==2>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<emily>-"Heyyy babe! Here to help me pack?"</emily> You hear her shout from the bathroom as you open the door.
<b>-"Sure am! Are you excited? You've never been to America."</b> You step inside.
<emily>-"Definitely! Looking forward to learning about a lot of progressive ideas as well..."</emily> She pokes her head out.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\v1.jpeg">
<b>-"H-heyy beautiful.."</b> You compliment her.
<emily>-"Haha hey $name. Give me a second."</emily> She goes back to the bathroom.
<b>-"S-sure. So, what are you guys going to do there?"</b> You still don't quite understand why she's leaving.
<emily>-"I already told you! We'll learn more about the organization, it's importance. I read that we'll learn what "Black superiority" is as well.."</emily>
<emily>-"Don't quite fully know what it is myself, but I think I have an idea.."</emily> She giggles.. You remember her watching blacked porn a lot.. Maybe that's what she means..
<b>-"Haha.. Y-yeah.."</b> You laugh awkwardly.. You know that you can't compete, but it's hard to accept it.
<emily>-"I'm going to be out in a sec, please, put the clothes on my bed into my suitcase!"</emily>
<b>-"Sure thing!"</b>
<<pageReplace"Take the clothes to the suitcase">>
<b>-"R-right.."</b> You grab a bunch of clothes, making sure you don't crease them.
<emily>-"Also, thanks for the help honey! I'm not leaving today, but you know how I am.. The earlier I pack the better.."</emily> She giggles. You remember the times when your relationship was as vanilla as ice cream, she used to be late almost every time you both went out.
<b>-"W-woah.."</b> You gulp as you open the suitcase.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\v2.jpeg">
The suitcase is filled to the brim with lingerie..
<b>-"Did she buy some for this occasion..? I haven't seen some of these sets before.."</b> You whisper to yourself.
<b>-"M-maybe I shouldn't mention it.."</b> Right as you think that, Emily comes out of the bathroom.
<emily>-"What's up honey? You seem confused."</emily> Emily walks up to you.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\v3.jpg">
<b>-"N-nothing, just seems like you have a lot of lingerie in here.."</b> You put her clothes on top.
<emily>-"Well we're going to go the beach after all.."</emily>
<b>-"With.. Lingerie..?"</b> You look at her.
<emily>-"Yes! It's one of their policies, you wouldn't understand.."</emily> She scoffs as you both put more and more clothing in the suitcase.
<emily>-"There!"</emily> She zips it up.
<emily>-"Clean this mess up if you can, I'm going to make some lunch!"</emily> You nod as she walks to the kitchen.
After cleaning for a good 5 minutes, you spot another suitcase, this one is zipped up and near the door.
<<pageReplace"Check it out..">>
<b>-"I wonder what's inside.."</b> You slowly walk up to the suitcase.
<emily>-"I'm finishing up already!"</emily> She shouts from the kitchen.
<b>-"I'll be there in a sec!"</b> You unzip the suitcase..
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\v5.jpg">
<b>-"C-c-condoms?! Sex toys..?"</b> You look through the contents in disbelief.. It's a sexual orginization, definitely, but to bring condoms is..
<b>-"Gulp.."</b> Your cock throbs a bit at the though of Emily.. Using them..
<emily>-"Well come on!"</emily> She shouts again. You quickly zip up the second suitcase and join her in the kitchen.
<<pageReplace"Mention what you saw">>
<b>-"H-hey honey.."</b> You say as you enter the kitchen.
<b>-"I.. I saw the suitcase with the toys and.. C-condoms.."</b> You whimper.
<emily>-"Oh.. So what?"</emily> She turns to you, smiling.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\v4.webp">
<emily>-"Is someone a bit jealous?"</emily> Emily giggles.
<b>-"Mfgff.. N-no.."</b> You whimper as she teases you.
<emily>-"Don't act silly now $name. I'm traveling there to learn and one of the things they will teach us will be how to properly pay reparations.. Even if it means using our bodies.."</emily>
<b>-"R-right.. I understand.."</b>
<emily>-"Those condoms are for the dildos I'm bringing though.. If I decide to serve them... I'll use this."</emily> She opens her mouth.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\v6.jpg">
<b>-"S-so you still haven't fully decided..?"</b>
<emily>-"Well I want to help the cause, definitely. Just don't know how to yet."</emily> She smiles as you sit down in front of the table.
<b>-"T-thanks.."</b> You say as Emily serves you lunch.
<emily>-"No, thank you $name, for your help and support. The IBWO will change our lives."</emily> She smiles as you both start eating.
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo +1>>
<grey>BNWO +1!</grey>
[[Eat lunch and go home->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Don't mention it.">>
<b>-"H-hey honey.."</b> You say as you enter the kitchen.
<emily>-"Heyy baby! Thanks again for helping me out."</emily> She serves you lunch as you both sit down.
<b>-"M-my pleasure.."</b> You smile. You decide not to mention what you saw.. It's her business after all.
AFetr eating for a good 10 minutes, you decide that it's time to leave. AFter grabbing your things and hugging Emily goodbye, you leave her apartment.
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo +1>>
<grey>BNWO +1!</grey>
[[Go home->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Leave it be.">>
<b>-"Agh.. I better not.. It's personal.."</b> You think to yourself as you walk towards the kitchen.
<b>-"H-hey honey.."</b>
<emily>-"Heyy baby! Thanks again for helping me out."</emily> She serves you lunch as you both sit down.
<b>-"M-my pleasure.."</b> You smile. You decide not to mention what you saw.. It's her business after all.
AFetr eating for a good 10 minutes, you decide that it's time to leave. AFter grabbing your things and hugging Emily goodbye, you leave her apartment.
[[Go home->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>>\<<location "Images/Other/7363794952_56303ea0b0_b.webp" "At Emily's place">>\
<<set $emilybnwoevent to $emilybnwoevent +1>>\
<<set $emilyisinamerica to true>>\
<<set $bnwoamericaevent to 1>>\
<<if $time !==2>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<b>-"Sigh.."</b> It's time to tell Emily goodbye. She's leaving to America today.
<b>-"H-hey honey!"</b> You say as the doors to her apartment open.
<emily>-"Heyyy babe! Thanks for coming!"</emily> She sent you a message, asking you to come.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\n1.jpeg">
<b>-"My pleasure.."</b> You step inside. Emily seems to notice that you're sad.
<emily>-"Why the sad face, $name?"</emily>
<b>-"Well my girlfriend is leaving for God knows how long to another country.."</b>
<emily>-"Hehe now you know how I felt, when you left!"</emily> She giggles as you sit down on the carpet.
<emily>-"On a serious note though, We shouldn't be there long.. 2 weeks tops!"</emily> She smiles.
<b>-"R-right.."</b> Emily sits down on the carpet in front of you and spreads her legs a bit..
<emily>-"I'm getting picked up in about 5 minutes.. Really excited!"</emily> She continues to speak as you stare her crotch..
<emily>-"$name!"</emily> You lay on your stomach and get closer.. You're hungry for her.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\n3.jpg">
<b>-"Y-you look so good in that dress.."</b>
<<pageReplace"Try to have sex one last time before she leaves?">>\
<b>-"W-we can do it you know.. In 5 minutes.."</b> You inch closer.
<emily>-"$name.. N-no we cannot.."</emily> You continue to ger closer.
<emily>-"That's enough!"</emily> She raises her foot.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\n2.jpg">
<b>-"B-but Emily!"</b>
<emily>-"No butts.. Pun intended."</emily> You try to get closer, but her foot is preventing you.
<b>-"But honey.. You'll only be back in 2 weeks!"</b>
<emily>-"You'll manage.. Plus, I'm not in a mood right now.."</emily> Suddenly, her phone vibrates.
<emily>-"T-they're here! $name, quick, grab my suitcases!"</emily> You sigh as you stand up.
<b>-"R-right.."</b> After finding both of the suitcases, you open the door for her and you both leave.
<emily>-"He should be in a Rolls Royce.."</emily> She says as she looks at her phone.
<b>-"Oh don't be ridiculous, do you know how much money those things cost?"</b> You scoff.. There's no way the orginization can afford cars like that.. Right?
<emily>-"There he is!"</emily> She points at a car that just stopped near you.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\n4.jpg">
<b>-"Oh my god.. You were right.."</b>
<grey>-"You can put her stuff in the trunk."</grey> You hear the deep voice of the driver, but the windows are barely rolled down, so you can't see him.
<<pageReplace"Put her stuff in the back">>\
<b>-"R-right.."</b> You put her stuff in the car as she gets in the back seat.
<emily>-"Heyyy!"</emily> She greets the man sitting next to her. You walk up to the window.
<b>-"H-hello! Introduce me Emily?"</b> You say as you look at them both.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\n5.jpg">
<emily>-"This is my travel agent, Trevor!"</emily> She smiles.
<b>-"Hey T-Trevor!"</b>
<blue>-"Heyyy $name, Emily talked a lot about you! Thank you for supporting the cause, it's definitely the right decision!"</blue> You exchange a nod of approval as he closes the door.
<emily>-"I'll text you a lot $name, you don't have to worry!"</emily>
<b>-"I'll hold you to that!"</b> You both smile.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\n6.jpg">
<blue>-"Driver, let's go!"</blue>
<grey>-"Right.."</grey> You hear the engine come to life as the windows start to roll up.
<b>-"B-byeee! Have fun!"</b>
<emily>-"Bye bye honey! I'll be back soon!"</emily> The windows close and the car slowly drives away.
<b>-"S-so.. This is it.."</b>
<b>-"Hopefully this was worth it.. Now it's time to wait for her to message me.."</b> You walk up to your and get inside. It's time to go home.
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo +1>>
<grey>BNWO +1!</grey>
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Forget it">>\
<b>-"M-maybe she doesn't want to.."</b> You think to yourself as you pull back.
<b>-"S-sorry honey! You just looked way too good!"</b>
<emily>-"Hehe no worries.. I know that I look great in this dress."</emily> Suddenly, her phone vibrates.
<emily>-"T-they're here! $name, quick, grab my suitcases!"</emily> You sigh as you stand up.
<b>-"R-right.."</b> After finding both of the suitcases, you open the door for her and you both leave.
<emily>-"He should be in a Rolls Royce.."</emily> She says as she looks at her phone.
<b>-"Oh don't be ridiculous, do you know how much money those things cost?"</b> You scoff.. There's no way the orginization can afford cars like that.. Right?
<emily>-"There he is!"</emily> She points at a car that just stopped near you.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\n4.jpg">
<b>-"Oh my god.. You were right.."</b>
<grey>-"You can put her stuff in the trunk."</grey> You hear the deep voice of the driver, but the windows are barely rolled down, so you can't see him.
<<pageReplace"Put her stuff in the back">>
<b>-"R-right.."</b> You put her stuff in the car as she gets in the back seat.
<emily>-"Heyyy!"</emily> She greets the man sitting next to her. You walk up to the window.
<b>-"H-hello! Introduce me Emily?"</b> You say as you look at them both.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\n5.jpg">
<emily>-"This is my travel agent, Trevor!"</emily> She smiles.
<b>-"Hey T-Trevor!"</b>
<blue>-"Heyyy $name, Emily talked a lot about you! Thank you for supporting the cause, it's definitely the right decision!"</blue> You exchange a nod of approval as he closes the door.
<emily>-"I'll text you a lot $name, you don't have to worry!"</emily>
<b>-"I'll hold you to that!"</b> You both smile.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\n6.jpg">
<blue>-"Driver, let's go!"</blue>
<grey>-"Right.."</grey> You hear the engine come to life as the windows start to roll up.
<b>-"B-byeee! Have fun!"</b>
<emily>-"Bye bye honey! I'll be back soon!"</emily> The windows close and the car slowly drives away.
<b>-"S-so.. This is it.."</b>
<b>-"Hopefully this was worth it.. Now it's time to wait for her to message me.."</b> You walk up to your and get inside. It's time to go home.
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo +1>>
<grey>BNWO +1!</grey>
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>>\You open up google on your phone.
<b>-"Right.. IBWO.com.."</b> You type it in and a website pops up.
<b>-"J-jeez..."</b> You stutter as you see pages upon pages of propaganda...
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\w6.png">
<b>-"D-damn.."</b> You look around and finally see a post, uploaded 10 minutes ago.
<grey>New generation of students are here!</grey>
<b>-"That might be about Emily.. Let's check it out."</b>
<<pageReplace"Click on it.">>
<div class="middle">
<grey>Young, fresh and ready to breed. Check out our new collection of women who decided to join the cause!</grey>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\w4.png">
<grey>Small, yet feisty, women like this, will have an important duty in the new world order - breeding!</grey>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\w3.png">
<grey>Inform your daughters, your girlfriends, you friends of the new world order. Make the world a greater place, today!</grey>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\w1.png">
<grey>Join the cause, message us on facebook, instagram, email or by calling +69420556!</grey>
<b>-"W-what the fuck.."</b> You whisper as you feel your cock throb..
<b>-"Emily looks so happy.. But she didn't even mention taking photos with a man.."</b> You gulp.. Time to text her again.
<<linkreplace "Shoot her a message">>\
<<message "Emily" "EmilyAmerica4 part 2" "Wow.." open>>\
It's best to finish the conversation before doing anything else.
<</pageReplace>><<set $flyingbacktoswedenemily to false>>\
<<set $emilyisinamerica to false>>\
<b>-"Time to pick up Emily.."</b> You sit down in your car and turn on the engine.
<b>-"G-gosh I miss her so much.. Can't believe she's finally coming back!"</b> You smile as you begin driving.
After being on the road for about two hours, you finally arrive. Emily texted you 10 minutes ago, saying that you should pick her up from the private section of the airport.
<b>-"R-right.. I think I'm here.."</b> You say as you get out of the car. You see private planes all around you. Suddenly, you hear a voice.
<<pageReplace"Turn around.">>\
<b>-"Oh my God.. Emily!"</b> You shout as you spot her.
<b>-"I've missed you so much!"</b>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\z1.jpg">
<emily>-"Me too honey, me too!"</emily> She climbs down the steps and you both embrace with a hug.
<b>-"How was your flight?"</b>
<emily>-"Good! Slept for most of it though ahaha!"</emily>
<b>-"Gosh I can't believe you're finally back!"</b>
<emily>-"I'm glad to be back too! I also brought a gift for you!!"</emily> She grins.
<b>-"A-a gift?"</b>
<emily>-"Hehe yeah! The orginization said to give it to you.."</emily>
<b>-"O-ok.. Let's see it!"</b>
<emily>-"I'll show you when we get back to my place, ready to go?"</emily>
<b>-"S-sure! My car is right here, climb in."</b> You both get in the car and start your trip back.
After another 2 hours on the road, you arrive at her place.
<b>-"G-gosh.. I'm starving!"</b> You moan.
<emily>-"We can eat later, help me unpack please"</emily> You both get out of the car.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\z3.jpg">
<emily>-"Come on, take the bags and let's go!"</emily> She gives you a kiss on the cheek.
<b>-"R-right."</b> You grab her stuff and get into the apartment.
<b>-"S-so.. About that gift!"</b> You smile, you have no idea what it could be.
<emily>-"Well someone's curious huh? Turn around!"</emily>
<b>-"Haha w-what?"</b>
<emily>-"Turn arounddd it's a surprise!"</emily>
<b>-"F-fine.."</b> You turn around and face the wall. You hear a zipper, she's probably opening up one of her bags, after a minute or two, she speaks.
<emily>-"Okay, you can face me now."</emily>
<<pageReplace"Look at her.">>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\z2.png">
<emily>-"Surpriseee! It's a fleshlight!! It's modeled after my pussy, so you can feel like you're actually fucking me!"</emily> She smiles.
<b>-"W-woah.. W-why can't I just fuck you though?"</b>
<emily>-"Hahaha don't be ridiculous $name! I'm part of the IBWO, I only fuck black men from now on.."</emily>
<emily>-"Now come here, let's give it a try."</emily>
<b>-"Y-yes honey.."</b> You climb on top of the bed, already with a boner.
<emily>-"Come on.. Show me that little thing."</emily> Emily giggles.
<b>-"I-It's not that little..."</b> You pull down your pants.
<<if $toys==1>>\
<emily>-"Oh my god you're with that cage again! Take it off!"</emily> She frowns. It's probably better to comply.
<b>-"Y-yes.."</b> You unlock the cage and take it off.
<emily>-"Oh my gosh... I forgot how.. Nevermind.."</emily> She gets on top of you.
<b>-"Mghff..."</b> You let out a moan as you get harder and harder. Emily is finally here, right in front of you.. After all this time.
<emily>-"Hehe tell me how it feels, because this is the closest you'll ever be to fucking me again."</emily> She places the fleshlight around your cock and starts jerking..
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\z4.webp">
<b>-"Ughhffhhh!! D-don't say that!"</b> The wet, soft walls of the toy envelop your shaft completely and send waves of pleasure across your body..
<emily>-"Aghahaha look at you! How cute!"</emily>
<emily>-"We tried using fleshlights on our partners during our training a couple of days ago, they wouldn't even fit.."</emily> Emily laughs.
<<pageReplace"Try not to cum">>\
<b>-"G-godddd... S-so goodd!"</b> You whimper.
<emily>-"Mhmmm.. I know.. Enjoy yourself baby.."</emily> She speeds up.
<b>-"S-shit.. I'm about to c-cummmMM!"</b>
<emily>-"Hehe not yet!"</emily> She quicky pulls out your cock out of the toy.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\z6.webp">
<emily>-"Admit it! You want me to cheat on you!"</emily>
<b>-"MgffGhhh!! P-pleasee!"</b> She continues to jack you off, but always keeps you incredibly close to an orgasm..
<emily>-"You want me to get fucked by big black cock right on front of you, say it!"</emily> She shouts.
<<pageReplace"Admit it.">>\
<b>-"F-fuckkk.. Y-yes Yes YESSS! I want y-you.. MFgfGHHGFF.. T-to cheat on mEeeeEEE!"</b> You shout as Emily grins.
<emily>-"Finally, the correct answer."</emily> She squeezes your shaft so hard your eyes roll back.
<b>-"Ohhh fucKKKK!!"</b> You shoot a giant load all over the toy.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\z5.webp">
<emily>-"Ghahaha what a good little boy you are!"</emily> She laughs as your third leg shakes from pleasure.
<b>-"S-shittT..."</b> You whisper.
<emily>-"That wasn't so hard, right?"</emily>
<b>-"Y-you're the worst.."</b>
<emily>-"I know."</emily> She kisses you on the cheek.
<emily>-"This is going to be our sex life from now on $name, you watch, I fuck."</emily> She licks her finger.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\z7.webp">
<emily>-"Ew, even your cum tastes bad.</emily>
<b>-"G-gosh.. Y-you're so hot.."</b> You regain some strenght and sit up.
<emily>-"Enough with the compliments, clean this mess up, I'll make some lunch."</emily> She stands up and heads towards the bathroom.
<b>-"R-right.."</b> You can't believe you finally said it.. It's been on your mind for a long time, but.. Being a cuck was definitely not on your 2024 bingo card.
After changing the sheets and cleaning up the mess you've made, you eat lunch with Emily and finally decide to head home. Emily is back, you can finally enjoy your date nights again.
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo +2>>
<grey>BNWO +2!</grey>
<<set $openminded to $openminded +5>>
<mia>Open-minded +5!</mia>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<b>-"N-nooooOOO!"</b> You shout back.
<emily>-"YesssSS! Say it! You know you want it!"</emily> She grins as her grip tightens. Right as you're about to cum, she let's go again.
<b>-"Mfghggghhhh p-please let me cumMMM!!"</b>
<emily>-"Admit it! Admit it $name!"</emily>
<<pageReplace"Admit it...">>\
<b>-"F-fuckkk.. Y-yes Yes YESSS! I want y-you.. MFgfGHHGFF.. T-to cheat on mEeeeEEE!"</b> You shout as Emily grins.
<emily>-"Finally, the correct answer."</emily> She squeezes your shaft so hard your eyes roll back.
<b>-"Ohhh fucKKKK!!"</b> You shoot a giant load all over the toy.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\z5.webp">
<emily>-"Ghahaha what a good little boy you are!"</emily> She laughs as your third leg shakes from pleasure.
<b>-"S-shittT..."</b> You whisper.
<emily>-"That wasn't so hard, right?"</emily>
<b>-"Y-you're the worst.."</b>
<emily>-"I know."</emily> She kisses you on the cheek.
<emily>-"This is going to be our sex life from now on $name, you watch, I fuck."</emily> She licks her finger.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\z7.webp">
<emily>-"Ew, even your cum tastes bad.</emily>
<b>-"G-gosh.. Y-you're so hot.."</b> You regain some strenght and sit up.
<emily>-"Enough with the compliments, clean this mess up, I'll make some lunch."</emily> She stands up and heads towards the bathroom.
<b>-"R-right.."</b> You can't believe you finally said it.. It's been on your mind for a long time, but.. Being a cuck was definitely not on your 2024 bingo card.
After changing the sheets and cleaning up the mess you've made, you eat lunch with Emily and finally decide to head home. Emily is back, you can finally enjoy your date nights again.
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo +2>>
<grey>BNWO +2!</grey>
<<set $openminded to $openminded +5>>
<mia>Open-minded +5!</mia>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>>\<<location "Images/Other/7363794952_56303ea0b0_b.webp" "At Emily's place">>\
<<set $emilybnwoevent to $emilybnwoevent +1>>\
<<if $time !==2>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<b>-"Shit.."</b> After what came out of your mouth during your last meeting, you were reluctant to go back..
<b>-"Maybe I should break up and just run away?"</b> The thought crosses your mind.. There's no backtracking this relationship dynamic now..
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\o8.webp">
<b>-"No.. This is what I wanted.."</b> You get out of your car, take a deep breath and walk up to her apartment door.
<grey>-"Knock knock!"</grey>
<b>-"Gosh not again.."</b>
<grey>-"Knock Knock KNOCK!"</grey>
<b>-"Fuck it, I'm just going in."</b> You try the door and it's unlocked!
<b>-"Emily! I'm here for our date!"</b> You shout a couple of times, but hear no answer.
<b>-"Where is she.. Is she alright?"</b> After walking around for a bit, you decide to check the bedroom... That's where you find her!
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\o1.gif">
<b>-"Of course.."</b> She's wearing earbuds!
<<pageReplace"Walk up to her.">>\
<b>-"Heyyyy.."</b> You walk into her field of vision.
<emily>-"O-oh! $name! You scared me!"</emily> Emily removes her headphones and stands up.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\o3.jpg">
<b>-"Hah.. S-sorry.. You weren't expecting me?"</b> You embrace her with a hug.
<emily>-"I was, I was.. Just got a little zoned out.."</emily>
<b>-"No biggie! How was your day?"</b>
<emily>-"Pretty good.. Pretty good.. Got an assignment from the orginization.. I'll need your help!"</emily>
<b>-"Of course honey, what will you need me to do?"</b>
<emily>-"I'll need you to take some pictures soon... I have an old camera laying around somewhere.."</emily> Emily turns around and starts to check the drawers.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\o2.jpg">
<emily>-"Huh? What?"</emily> She turns her head. She has a spades tattoo?! Isn't that only for fully indoctrinated members?!
<b>-"Y-you have a spades tattoo?!"</b>
<emily>-"Oh.. This?"</emily> As she looks at her butt, you nod.
<emily>-"It's a temporary one!"</emily> Emily turns around and faces you.
<b>-"O-oh.. I thought..."</b>
<emily>-"Heh.."</emily> She pushes you onto the bed.
<emily>-"Thought what? That I got a real one?"</emily>
<b>-"Y-yes..."</b> You watch her jump onto the bed after you.
<emily>-"Hmph.. Of course you did.."</emily> She starts to strip your clothes down.
<emily>-"Come on.. I don't want to be the only one in underwear.."</emily> Emily starts to grab your crotch..
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\o4.jpeg">
<emily>-"I put it on to see how it looks like... I'll have to put another one when taking the photos.."</emily> She slowly pulls down your underwear..
<b>-"P-photos?"</b> You already forgot what she mentioned before.
<<if $toys==1>>\
<emily>-"Mhmm... They want us to show our loyalty.."</emily> Emily turns around and plops down on your caged cock..
<b>-"NghHhh.. Loyalty?"</b>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\o6.jpg">
<emily>-"Mhmm.. A man taking pictures of his woman with a spades tattoo and a big black dildo... It's a show of submissiveness from both of us.."</emily>
<b>-"FffFff-fuckkKKkk.."</b> As she grinds your little cock, you feel it getting harder and harder in it's cage.
<emily>-"I will show submissiveness to the IBWO... And you will show it to me... Isn't that right?"</emily>
<emily>-"Good boy! Or girl.. Or whatever.."</emily> You hear her giggle.
<emily>-"Although.. We do have a problem.."</emily> Emily pulls out her phone.
<b>-"A-a problem?"</b> You ask as you focus on her incredible buttocks.
<emily>-"MhMmm... I need a bigger dildo.."</emily>
<emily>-"The one in there is not big enough.."</emily> She points at the drawer.
<b>-"MgHhhh.. Wasn't it like.. MmMmm... 8 inches?"</b> You remember seeing it once.
<emily>-"It is.. And that's a comfortable size, but we need something bigger.. Something that will make me stand out!"</emily> She shows you an amazon page on her phone.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\o5.jpg">
<b>-"T-TEN INCHES!?"</b> You try to image what ten inches looks like... You could probably stack two of your cocks on top of each other and it wouldn't reach that high..
<emily>-"You'll be a good piggy and buy it for me, right?"</emily> She starts to hump your cage.
<<if $money>=70>>\
<<pageReplace"Of course honey!">>
<<set $emilyrelationship to 5>>\
<b>-"O-of course honey! Anything you want!"</b>
<emily>-"Heh.. That's right.. Good piggy.."</emily> She slaps your balls and gets off.
<emily>-"If you do a good enough job, I might even let this small thing cum!"</emily> Emily flicks your cock.
<b>-"MgHHHH! I will do my best!"</b>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\o9.png">
<emily>-"Good.. Now get dressed, we have to find out if that camera even works.."</emily> You understand that she's using your horniness to get free stuff... But you don't care at this point.
<b>-"S-sure.."</b> You pull up your pants and stand up from the bed. You spend the rest of the afternoon figuring out how it works and taking a couple of pictures.
<b>-"Why can't we do the photoshoot tonight?"</b> You ask.
<emily>-"Have you forgotten already? We need to wait for the new dildo to arrive!"</emily> She arches her back as you take another pic.. After spending your whole date doing precisely this, you finally decide to call it a night...
<b>-"Enjoy your evening babe!"</b> You shout as you walk through the door.
<emily>-"You too! Remember to order the toy!"</emily> You nod and close the door. After getting in your car, you open amazon and place the order... You can't wait for your next date!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
<<money -70 "Bought a bigger dildo for Emily...">>
<green>Money -70!</green>
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"I'm sorry..">>
<<set $emilyrelationship to 4>>\
<b>-"I-I'm sorry babe.. I spend it all on rent!"</b> You try to make up an excuse.
<emily>-"Sigh.. How disappointing."</emily> She slaps your balls and gets off.
<emily>-"Always with your excuse it... I really need to re-evaluate our relationship.."</emily> Emily flicks your cock.
<b>-"NghHhh.. I-I'm sorry honey.."</b>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\o9.png">
<emily>-"Whatever.. Just get dressed and come here, we have to find out if that camera even works... I'll buy the dildo myself."</emily>
<b>-"S-sure.."</b> You pull up your pants and stand up from the bed. You spend the rest of the afternoon figuring out how it works and taking a couple of pictures.
<b>-"Why can't we do the photoshoot tonight?"</b> You ask.
<emily>-"Have you forgotten already? We need to wait for the new dildo to arrive!"</emily> She arches her back as you take another pic.. After spending your whole date doing precisely this, you finally decide to call it a night...
<b>-"Enjoy your evening babe! Sorry again!"</b> You shout as you walk through the door.
<emily>-"Yeah yeah yeah. Just don't forget to come."</emily> You nod and close the door. You can't wait for your next date!
<grey>Emily will remember this!</grey>
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<emily>-"Mhmm... They want us to show our loyalty.."</emily> She slowly starts to stroke your rock hard cock with two fingers.
<b>-"NghHhh.. Loyalty?"</b>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\o7.webp">
<emily>-"Mhmm.. A man taking pictures of his woman with a spades tattoo and a big black dildo... It's a show of submissiveness from both of us.."</emily>
<b>-"FffFff-fuckkKKkk.."</b> Even from a couple of touches, you feel like you're about to explode..
<emily>-"I will show submissiveness to the IBWO... And you will show it to me... Isn't that right?"</emily>
<emily>-"Good boy!"</emily> You hear her giggle.
<emily>-"Although.. We do have a problem.."</emily> Emily pulls out her phone.
<b>-"A-a problem?"</b> You ask as you focus on the incredible pleasure.
<emily>-"MhMmm... I need a bigger dildo.."</emily>
<emily>-"The one in there is not big enough.."</emily> She points at the drawer.
<b>-"MgHhhh.. Wasn't it like.. MmMmm... 8 inches?"</b> You remember seeing it once.
<emily>-"It is.. And that's a comfortable size, but we need something bigger.. Something that will make me stand out!"</emily> She shows you an amazon page on her phone.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\o5.jpg">
<b>-"T-TEN INCHES!?"</b> You try to image what ten inches looks like... You could probably stack two of your cocks on top of each other and it wouldn't reach that high..
<emily>-"You'll be a good piggy and buy it for me, right?"</emily> You feel her fingers grip the tip of your cock.
<<if $money>=70>>\
<<pageReplace"Of course honey!">>
<<set $emilyrelationship to 5>>\
<b>-"O-of course honey! Anything you want!"</b>
<emily>-"Heh.. That's right.. Good piggy.."</emily> She slaps your balls and gets off.
<emily>-"If you do a good enough job, I might even let this small thing cum!"</emily> Emily flicks your cock.
<b>-"MgHHHH! I will do my best!"</b>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\o9.png">
<emily>-"Good.. Now get dressed, we have to find out if that camera even works.."</emily> You understand that she's using your horniness to get free stuff... But you don't care at this point.
<b>-"S-sure.."</b> You pull up your pants and stand up from the bed. You spend the rest of the afternoon figuring out how it works and taking a couple of pictures.
<b>-"Why can't we do the photoshoot tonight?"</b> You ask.
<emily>-"Have you forgotten already? We need to wait for the new dildo to arrive!"</emily> She arches her back as you take another pic.. After spending your whole date doing precisely this, you finally decide to call it a night...
<b>-"Enjoy your evening babe!"</b> You shout as you walk through the door.
<emily>-"You too! Remember to order the toy!"</emily> You nod and close the door. After getting in your car, you open amazon and place the order... You can't wait for your next date!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
<<money -70 "Bought a bigger dildo for Emily...">>
<green>Money -70!</green>
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"I'm sorry..">>
<<set $emilyrelationship to 4>>\
<b>-"I-I'm sorry babe.. I spend it all on rent!"</b> You try to make up an excuse.
<emily>-"Sigh.. How disappointing."</emily> She slaps your balls and gets off.
<emily>-"Always with your excuse it... I really need to re-evaluate our relationship.."</emily> Emily flicks your cock.
<b>-"NghHhh.. I-I'm sorry honey.."</b>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\o9.png">
<emily>-"Whatever.. Just get dressed and come here, we have to find out if that camera even works... I'll buy the dildo myself."</emily>
<b>-"S-sure.."</b> You pull up your pants and stand up from the bed. You spend the rest of the afternoon figuring out how it works and taking a couple of pictures.
<b>-"Why can't we do the photoshoot tonight?"</b> You ask.
<emily>-"Have you forgotten already? We need to wait for the new dildo to arrive!"</emily> She arches her back as you take another pic.. After spending your whole date doing precisely this, you finally decide to call it a night...
<b>-"Enjoy your evening babe! Sorry again!"</b> You shout as you walk through the door.
<emily>-"Yeah yeah yeah. Just don't forget to come."</emily> You nod and close the door. You can't wait for your next date!
<grey>Emily will remember this!</grey>
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>><<location "Images/Other/7363794952_56303ea0b0_b.webp" "At Emily's place">>\
<<set $emilybnwoevent to $emilybnwoevent +1>>\
<<set $emilybnwo11temp to true>>\
<<if $time !==2>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<emily>-"Come in!!!"</emily> She shouts as you knock on her door. Today is the day of the photoshoot!
<b>-"I'm here!"</b> You shout back as you enter her apartment and start to take off your shoes.
<emily>-"I'm getting ready in the bathroom!"</emily>
<b>-"Coming!"</b> You hang up your jacket and walk to her bathroom.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\r1.webp">
<emily>-"Hey babe! Give me a second!"</emily> Emily smiles as you open the door.
<b>-"S-so.. Anything I should know before we start?"</b> You lean on one of the walls and ask.
<emily>-"We need to make sure the pictures don't include nudity!"</emily>
<b>-"Huh..? Why did you get the toy then..?"</b> She puts on her bra and turns to you.
<emily>-"I'll explain everything in a second. Go and find the camera, it's in the bedroom."</emily>
<b>-"Sure.."</b> After walking out of the bathroom, you find the camera on her bed.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\r2.jpg">
<b>-"Jeez.. This thing is probably as old as me.."</b> You pick it up and turn it on.
<emily>-"So.. Ready?"</emily> Emily joins you in the bedroom.
<b>-"You sure this camera will be enough? I feel like my phone would take better pics.."</b> She gets onto the bed..
<b>-"Gulp.."</b> Your cock throbs as you look at her backside... She's in black lingerie and her spades tattoo is in open view..
<emily>-"It'll be fine, don't worry! If they look horrible, I'll just rent a new one or something."</emily>
<<pageReplace"Begin taking pictures.">>
<emily>-"How do I look?"</emily> Emily arches her back as you begin clicking away.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\r3.webp">
<emily>-"Heehehee.. Good to hear!"</emily>
<b>-"So.. Why can't any of the pics include nudity?"</b> You ask as you continue to take pictures.
<emily>-"The orginization told me we're going to use these in one of their public posts.."</emily>
<emily>-"I can still be a little more daring though.."</emily> She begins to pull down her panties.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\r4.jfif">
<b>-"Wow..."</b> Was Emily always this plump? You don't remember her ass being this full..
<b>-"Public post huh.. On their website you mean?"</b> She lays down on her belly to give the camera a better view.
<emily>-"By public I meant it's going to be made into an ad.. We're going to target the students of the S-"</emily> She stops herself.
<emily>-"Wait.. Forget what I said, that's confidential."</emily>
<b>-"C-come on..! You can tell me!"</b>
<emily>-"No I cannot $name... Now stop asking me stupid questions and take the pictures."</emily>
<b>-"Yes honey..."</b> As she lays there, you wonder what you should focus on.
<<pageReplace"Focus on her feet.">>\
<b>-"R-raise your legs baby.."</b> She does so and you begin taking pictures of her soles..
<emily>-"Do they look good?"</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\r5.jpeg">
<b>-"Pictures with you always look good, my love..."</b> You never noticed how hot her feet were..
<emily>-"Hmph... Good answer."</emily> Emily switches poses.
<b>-"S-so.. Will I get my reward?"</b> You remember what she told you last time.
<emily>-"Maybe.. First we'll need to see if they accept the pictures.."</emily> She arches her back again and you click away.
<emily>-"If they do, you're in for a night of fun! Haven't seen you shoot a load in a week or two.."</emily> Emily giggles.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\r18.jpg">
<b>-"A-alright.. I think that's enough, I took like a hundred pics.."</b> You check the gallery.
<emily>-"Good.. We still haven't used the toy though."</emily> Emily gets off of the bed and begins walking to the bathroom.
<emily>-"I'll take this lingerie off.. It'll look even better!"</emily>
<<pageReplace"I thought no nude pics?">>\
<b>-"I thought you said we can't take any nude pictures?"</b> You ask as you enter the bathroom with her.
<emily>-"I did.. And we won't upload any nude ones.."</emily> She begins taking off her bra.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\r10.webp">
<emily>-"I'll just edit them, put a couple of stickers if anything pokes out."</emily> She pulls down her bra and panties as you watch.
<emily>-"Stop staring you creep!"</emily> Emily laughs.
<emily>-"Go grab the dildo from the drawer, I'll be right there."</emily> You nod and leave the bathroom. After looking around for a while, you finally found it..
<b>-"Jeez.. So huge!"</b>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\r9.jpg">
<b>-"T-there's no way this fits inside of you!"</b> You say as Emily joins you.
<emily>-"Hmph.. You would be surprised."</emily> She takes it from you.
<emily>-"Haven't tried it out yet, but the 8 incher goes in without a problem.."</emily>
<b>-"Oh I know.."</b> You whisper as you remember seeing her use it.
<emily>-"What was that?"</emily>
<b>-"N-nothing, nothing! Nevermind!"</b>
<emily>-"Right.. Well, I'm ready whenever you are!"</emily> Emily lays down and places the toy on her chest.
<b>-"You sure...? You're breasts are completely exposed.."</b>
<emily>-"Just take the pictures $name."</emily>
<<pageReplace"Do it.">>
<b>-"Of course.."</b> With the click of a button, you start taking pictures.
<b>-"Woah.."</b> It reaches all the way from her belly to her upper chest!
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\r11.png">
<emily>-"Gosh... So huge.."</emily> She stares at the toy.
<emily>-"Saw a real one this size in America!"</emily> You watch as her cheeks grow red.
<b>-"Y-you did?"</b>
<emily>-"MhmmmMmm.. Remember the videos?"</emily>
<b>-"Y-yeah.."</b> After you take a couple more, she grabs the toy and puts it against her exposed crotch.
<emily>-"Most of them were this size or even bigger.."</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\r12.jpeg">
<b>-"FuckkKkk..."</b> Your little cock throbs as you click away...
<<if $hairextensions is true>>\
<emily>-"Can you imagine taking something this big..?"</emily> Emily begins to grind the toy.
<b>-"Gulp... There's no way that would fit..."</b> You imagine trying to take it inside yourself.. It would be impossible.
<emily>-"Hmmghhh... I could teach you.."</emily> She grins..
<<pageReplace"Continue to take pictures.">>
<b>-"Y-you could..?"</b>
<emily>-"Mhmmm.. Maybe you should serve with me.."</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\r13.png">
<emily>-"It's your choice, you either watch as we make this world whole, or you help me.."</emily> You watch as the dildo gets slowly covered in Emily's juices.
<b>-"Fuck you're too hot babe.."</b> You shift your body, trying to get a better angle.
<emily>-"So.. What will it be?"</emily>
<b>-"I-I... I'll have to think about it Emily. It's a hard decision."</b> You lower the camera.
<emily>-"Sure, but you better hurry. When the IBWO starts to take over, you'll have to decide what role you'll play.."</emily>
<emily>-"I think that's enough for now."</emily> Emily stands up and throws the wet dildo to the side.
<b>-"I will Emily... You can trust me."</b> You stand up with her as she puts on her underwear.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\r14.webp">
<emily>-"Good! Now, let's get back to the pictures."</emily> You nod and hand her the camera.
<b>-"What do you think?"</b> She browses through the gallery.
<emily>-"Hmmmm... They look okay!"</emily>
<b>-"Just okay?"</b>
<emily>-"Yeah... The camera kind of sucks, and the angles aren't that great."</emily>
<b>-"Sorry babe.."</b>
<emily>-"No need, you did a great job."</emily> She pets your head. You spend the next hour or two checking out the photos and picking the best ones. After she's satisfied with the selection, you begin making your way out of her apartment.
<emily>-"Thanks again for you help $name! I'll send you a message first thing tomorrow morning, the orginization should have reviewed them by then!"</emily> You nod and open the door.
<b>-"Sure.. Enjoy your evening babe, you looked incredible!"</b>
<emily>-"I will!"</emily> You close the door and go down the stairs towards your car.
<b>-"I hope they accept the pics.. Tried really hard.."</b> You think as you enter the car.
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo +4>>
<grey>BNWO +4!</grey>
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<emily>-"Can you imagine me taking something this big..?"</emily> Emily begins to grind the toy.
<b>-"Gulp... There's no way that would fit..."</b>
<emily>-"Hmmghhh... As I said, you would be surprised. I think I could take it."</emily> She grins..
<<pageReplace"Continue to take pictures.">>
<b>-"Y-you could..?"</b>
<emily>-"Mhmmm.. I could definitely take a real one inside.."</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\r13.png">
<b>-"A-a real one?!"</b>
<emily>-"Yes.. They're way more soft, easier to take inside."</emily> You watch as the dildo gets slowly covered in Emily's juices.
<b>-"Fuck you're too hot babe.."</b> You shift your body, trying to get a better angle.
<emily>-"You're so cute.."</emily>
<emily>-"I think that's enough for now."</emily> Emily stands up and throws the wet dildo to the side.
<b>-"I think so too.. I took plenty."</b> You stand up with her as she puts on her underwear.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\r14.webp">
<emily>-"Good! Let me see!"</emily> You nod and hand her the camera.
<b>-"What do you think?"</b> She browses through the gallery.
<emily>-"Hmmmm... They look okay!"</emily>
<b>-"Just okay?"</b>
<emily>-"Yeah... The camera kind of sucks, and the angles aren't that great."</emily>
<b>-"Sorry babe.."</b>
<emily>-"No need, you did a great job."</emily> She pets your head. You spend the next hour or two checking out the photos and picking the best ones. After she's satisfied with the selection, you begin making your way out of her apartment.
<emily>-"Thanks again for you help $name! I'll send you a message first thing tomorrow morning, the orginization should have reviewed them by then!"</emily> You nod and open the door.
<b>-"Sure.. Enjoy your evening babe, you looked incredible!"</b>
<emily>-"I will!"</emily> You close the door and go down the stairs towards your car.
<b>-"I hope they accept the pics.. Tried really hard.."</b> You think as you enter the car.
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo +4>>
<grey>BNWO +4!</grey>
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Focus on her ass.">>\
<b>-"Stay just like that.."</b> She nods and continues to lay on her stomach.
<emily>-"Do they look good?"</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\r6.webp">
<b>-"Pictures with you always look good, my love..."</b>
<emily>-"Hmph... Good answer."</emily> Emily switches poses.
<b>-"S-so.. Will I get my reward?"</b> You remember what she told you last time.
<emily>-"Maybe.. First we'll need to see if they accept the pictures.."</emily> She arches her back again and you click away.
<emily>-"If they do, you're in for a night of fun! Haven't seen you shoot a load in a week or two.."</emily> Emily giggles.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\r18.jpg">
<b>-"A-alright.. I think that's enough, I took like a hundred pics.."</b> You check the gallery.
<emily>-"Good.. We still haven't used the toy though."</emily> Emily gets off of the bed and begins walking to the bathroom.
<emily>-"I'll take this lingerie off.. It'll look even better!"</emily>
<<pageReplace"I thought no nude pics?">>\
<b>-"I thought you said we can't take any nude pictures?"</b> You ask as you enter the bathroom with her.
<emily>-"I did.. And we won't upload any nude ones.."</emily> She begins taking off her bra.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\r10.webp">
<emily>-"I'll just edit them, put a couple of stickers if anything pokes out."</emily> She pulls down her bra and panties as you watch.
<emily>-"Stop staring you creep!"</emily> Emily laughs.
<emily>-"Go grab the dildo from the drawer, I'll be right there."</emily> You nod and leave the bathroom. After looking around for a while, you finally found it..
<b>-"Jeez.. So huge!"</b>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\r9.jpg">
<b>-"T-there's no way this fits inside of you!"</b> You say as Emily joins you.
<emily>-"Hmph.. You would be surprised."</emily> She takes it from you.
<emily>-"Haven't tried it out yet, but the 8 incher goes in without a problem.."</emily>
<b>-"Oh I know.."</b> You whisper as you remember seeing her use it.
<emily>-"What was that?"</emily>
<b>-"N-nothing, nothing! Nevermind!"</b>
<emily>-"Right.. Well, I'm ready whenever you are!"</emily> Emily lays down and places the toy on her chest.
<b>-"You sure...? You're breasts are completely exposed.."</b>
<emily>-"Just take the pictures $name."</emily>
<<pageReplace"Do it.">>
<b>-"Of course.."</b> With the click of a button, you start taking pictures.
<b>-"Woah.."</b> It reaches all the way from her belly to her upper chest!
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\r11.png">
<emily>-"Gosh... So huge.."</emily> She stares at the toy.
<emily>-"Saw a real one this size in America!"</emily> You watch as her cheeks grow red.
<b>-"Y-you did?"</b>
<emily>-"MhmmmMmm.. Remember the videos?"</emily>
<b>-"Y-yeah.."</b> After you take a couple more, she grabs the toy and puts it against her exposed crotch.
<emily>-"Most of them were this size or even bigger.."</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\r12.jpeg">
<b>-"FuckkKkk..."</b> Your little cock throbs as you click away...
<<if $hairextensions is true>>\
<emily>-"Can you imagine taking something this big..?"</emily> Emily begins to grind the toy.
<b>-"Gulp... There's no way that would fit..."</b> You imagine trying to take it inside yourself.. It would be impossible.
<emily>-"Hmmghhh... I could teach you.."</emily> She grins..
<<pageReplace"Continue to take pictures.">>
<b>-"Y-you could..?"</b>
<emily>-"Mhmmm.. Maybe you should serve with me.."</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\r13.png">
<emily>-"It's your choice, you either watch as we make this world whole, or you help me.."</emily> You watch as the dildo gets slowly covered in Emily's juices.
<b>-"Fuck you're too hot babe.."</b> You shift your body, trying to get a better angle.
<emily>-"So.. What will it be?"</emily>
<b>-"I-I... I'll have to think about it Emily. It's a hard decision."</b> You lower the camera.
<emily>-"Sure, but you better hurry. When the IBWO starts to take over, you'll have to decide what role you'll play.."</emily>
<emily>-"I think that's enough for now."</emily> Emily stands up and throws the wet dildo to the side.
<b>-"I will Emily... You can trust me."</b> You stand up with her as she puts on her underwear.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\r14.webp">
<emily>-"Good! Now, let's get back to the pictures."</emily> You nod and hand her the camera.
<b>-"What do you think?"</b> She browses through the gallery.
<emily>-"Hmmmm... They look okay!"</emily>
<b>-"Just okay?"</b>
<emily>-"Yeah... The camera kind of sucks, and the angles aren't that great."</emily>
<b>-"Sorry babe.."</b>
<emily>-"No need, you did a great job."</emily> She pets your head. You spend the next hour or two checking out the photos and picking the best ones. After she's satisfied with the selection, you begin making your way out of her apartment.
<emily>-"Thanks again for you help $name! I'll send you a message first thing tomorrow morning, the orginization should have reviewed them by then!"</emily> You nod and open the door.
<b>-"Sure.. Enjoy your evening babe, you looked incredible!"</b>
<emily>-"I will!"</emily> You close the door and go down the stairs towards your car.
<b>-"I hope they accept the pics.. Tried really hard.."</b> You think as you enter the car.
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo +4>>
<grey>BNWO +4!</grey>
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<emily>-"Can you imagine me taking something this big..?"</emily> Emily begins to grind the toy.
<b>-"Gulp... There's no way that would fit..."</b>
<emily>-"Hmmghhh... As I said, you would be surprised. I think I could take it."</emily> She grins..
<<pageReplace"Continue to take pictures.">>
<b>-"Y-you could..?"</b>
<emily>-"Mhmmm.. I could definitely take a real one inside.."</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\r13.png">
<b>-"A-a real one?!"</b>
<emily>-"Yes.. They're way more soft, easier to take inside."</emily> You watch as the dildo gets slowly covered in Emily's juices.
<b>-"Fuck you're too hot babe.."</b> You shift your body, trying to get a better angle.
<emily>-"You're so cute.."</emily>
<emily>-"I think that's enough for now."</emily> Emily stands up and throws the wet dildo to the side.
<b>-"I think so too.. I took plenty."</b> You stand up with her as she puts on her underwear.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\r14.webp">
<emily>-"Good! Let me see!"</emily> You nod and hand her the camera.
<b>-"What do you think?"</b> She browses through the gallery.
<emily>-"Hmmmm... They look okay!"</emily>
<b>-"Just okay?"</b>
<emily>-"Yeah... The camera kind of sucks, and the angles aren't that great."</emily>
<b>-"Sorry babe.."</b>
<emily>-"No need, you did a great job."</emily> She pets your head. You spend the next hour or two checking out the photos and picking the best ones. After she's satisfied with the selection, you begin making your way out of her apartment.
<emily>-"Thanks again for you help $name! I'll send you a message first thing tomorrow morning, the orginization should have reviewed them by then!"</emily> You nod and open the door.
<b>-"Sure.. Enjoy your evening babe, you looked incredible!"</b>
<emily>-"I will!"</emily> You close the door and go down the stairs towards your car.
<b>-"I hope they accept the pics.. Tried really hard.."</b> You think as you enter the car.
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo +4>>
<grey>BNWO +4!</grey>
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>><b>-"Yawwwwnnnnnn..."</b> You wake up and check the time.. It's 7:30.
<b>-"Nice.. I can sleep for a little longer..."</b> As you roll on your other side, your phone suddenly vibrates.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\r19.gif">
<b>-"Awh shit.. Who is it.."</b> You grab the phone and check the notifications.
<b>-"Oh! It's Emily! She probably got an answer from the orginization!"</b>
<<pageReplace"Answer her.">>\
<b>-"Yawwwwnnnnnn..."</b> You wake up and check the time.. It's 7:30.
<b>-"Nice.. I can sleep for a little longer..."</b> As you roll on your other side, your phone suddenly vibrates.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\r19.gif">
<b>-"Awh shit.. Who is it.."</b> You grab the phone and check the notifications.
<b>-"Oh! It's Emily! She probably got an answer from the orginization!"</b>
<<message "Emily" "Emily bnwo 11 message 2" "Got an answer.." open>>
<<messengerHeader Emily>>
<<them>>Just woke up.<</them>>
<<them>><<image "Emily/events/bnwo/r15.jpg">><</them>>
<<them>>Texting cuz I got an answer from the IBWO...<</them>>
<<messageReply "What did they say?">>
<<me>>Soooo... What did they say??<</me>>
<<them wait>>Well I have bad news and good news... Bad news first!<</them>>
<<them wait>>They didn't like it 😫<</them>>
<<them wait>>Was really hopeful they would.. Tried so damn hard, even got that new toy ;(<</them>>
<<messageReply "Maybe you didn't blur the pictures?">>
<<me>>Maybe you didn't blur the pictures? Remember, they said no nudity!<</me>>
<<them wait>>I did, look.<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Emily/events/bnwo/r17.png" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<them wait>>They just said the camera quality was poor and the angles were all over the place...<</them>>
<<messageReply "Shit.. What now?">>
<<me>>Shit.. What now?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Well that's where the good news come in! We both got invited to their headquarters!<</them>>
<<messageReply "HUH?">>
<<me>>HUH?? To their headquarters??<</me>>
<<them wait>>Mhmmmm... They have better cameras, studios, professional lighting, everything!<</them>>
<<them wait>>You'll go with me right??? It's so cool and educational in there, I can't wait to show you around!<</them>>
<<messageReply "I mean.. Sure!">>
<<me>>I mean.. Sure! When are we going?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Before we go over the details.. I just need you to do something.<</them>>
<<them wait>>The orginization is very wary of spies or informants.. They need proof that you're what you say you are.<</them>>
<<messageReply "And who am I exactly?">>
<<me>>And who am I exactly? 😦<</me>>
<<them wait>>My cuck, obviously!<</them>>
<<them wait>>The best way to prove it is just to send them a dick pic.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Most white boy cucks are small, so I think they'll believe you if you send one!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Just a dick pic?">>
<<me>>So.. Just a dick pic?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Yeah that should be enough 😚<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Emily/events/bnwo/r16.jpg" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Here's some stimulation if you need it 😁<</them>>
<<messageReply "What if I refuse?">>
<<me>>What if I refuse?<</me>>
<<them wait>>You won't get inside and I'll have to take the pictures alone...<</them>>
<<them wait>>Just send the pic it's not hard 🙄<</them>>
<div id="choices">
<<messageReplyReplace "Fine.." #choices>>
<<me>>Fine... Don't mind the pre cum... Your picture was too hot! 😍<</me>>
<<if $toys==1>>
<<me>><<image "Emily/events/bnwo/r7.webp">><</me>>
<<me>><<image "Emily/events/bnwo/r8.jpg">><</me>>
<<them wait>>Heeee so cuteeeee!!! 🤣<</them>>
<<them wait>>I'll send them the pic, they'll definitely let you in!<</them>>
<<messageReply "When are we going?">>
<<me>>When are we going then?<</me>>
<<them wait>>On our next date! I'll make sure they get some equipment ready!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Anyways, I need to shower, have a long day ahead of me.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Have a great day!">>
<<me>>Understood.. Have a great day babe!<</me>>
<<them>>You too! 🖤<</them>>
<<set $emilybnwo11temp to false>>
<<set $willgototheheadquarterstemp to true>>
<<set $emilyrelationship to $emilyrelationship +1>>
<<goto "room">>
<<messageReplyReplace "No.." #choices>>
<<me>>Sorry babe.. This is a little weird..<</me>>
<<them wait>>Come onnn, you sure?<</them>>
<<them wait>>I really want you to take a look inside! Not a lot of people can!<</them>>
<<messageReply "A no is a no.">>
<<me>>A no is a no... I'm sorry.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Ugh whatever... Someone else will take the pics then.<</them>>
<<them wait>>I'm going into the shower rn, bye.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Have a great day!">>
<<me>>Have a great day babe!<</me>>
<<them>>Yeah yeah whatever.<</them>>
<<set $emilybnwo11temp to false>>
<<set $willgototheheadquarterstemp to false>>
<<set $emilyrelationship to $emilyrelationship -1>>
<<goto "room">>
<grey>Emily will remember this!</grey>
<</messengerChat>><<location "Images/Other/7363794952_56303ea0b0_b.webp" "At Emily's place">>\
<<set $emilybnwoevent to $emilybnwoevent +1>>\
<<set $beentotheheadquarterstemp to true>>\
<<if $time !==2>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<b>-"I think we're going to the headquarters today!"</b> You think as you pull intro the parking lot.
<b>-"Pretty excited... I'll finally see where she spends so much time at!"</b> You walk up the stairs and start to knock on her door.
<grey>-Knock Knock!</grey>
<emily>-"Heyyyyy!"</emily> Emily opens the door and leans on the doorway.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\t1.jpg">
<b>-"Oh! I can see you're ready to go?"</b>
<emily>-"Mhm! Really excited!"</emily> Emily starts forward.
<b>-"I am too!"</b> She smiles, turns around and locks the door after closing it.
<emily>-"So.. Ready to go?"</emily> You nod and begin walking down the stairs.
<emily>-"You know where it is, right?"</emily>
<b>-"I think so, yeah. We had a lecture about their headquarters..."</b>
<emily>-"OOoooohhh! You did?! What did you hear?!"</emily> You both get in the car.
<b>-"Nothing much really... The professor said they're very secretive..."</b> After turning on the engine, you both begin traveling towards the IBWO.
<emily>-"That's true! And you're going to see it with your own eyes today!"</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\t2.webp">
<b>-"Oh, right. Did they accept the picture?"</b>
<emily>-"They did! We should have no problems getting inside!"</emily> Emily smiles.
<<pageReplace"Keep driving">>\
<<location "Images/Emily/events/bnwo/t3.webp" "The IBWO headquarters">>
<b>-"It's somewhere around here.. Right?"</b> You drive around the city.
<emily>-"Yeah! It's right around the corner, take a right here."</emily> You do as she says.
<emily>-"There it is!"</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\t3.webp">
<b>-"Damn.. It looks a lot bigger in person."</b> You pull intro the parking lot.
<emily>-"I know right! I was surprised as well when I saw it for the first time"</emily> After parking your car, you both get out.
<b>-"Right.. So what are we here to do again?"</b>
<emily>-"To take pictures for the ads! Remember? We need a better camera and a studio and they have those things!"</emily>
<b>-"Oh yeah. Let's get inside then."</b> As you both walk towards the entrance, you notice how much security is around.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\t4.jpeg">
<b>-"Damn... So much security."</b>
<emily>-"Yeahhhh, they take their secrecy seriously."</emily>
<b>-"Don't they want to go mainstream though? Why such secrecy?</b>
<emily>-"Jenna says if we go public right now people we see us as radicals... So we're going mainstream, but very slowly."</emily> Emily reaches the door first.
<<pageReplace"Get inside">>
<b>-"Jenna?"</b> You ask as she opens the door and you both get inside. It's a beautiful building filled to the brim with office spaces.
<emily>-"Yeah, our public relations specialist."</emily>
<grey>-"Emily?! What are you doing here?"</grey> You hear a manly voice behind you and you both turn around.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\t18.png">
<b>-"Damn.."</b> You're faced with a hulk of a man. He's at least 6'8 and completely towering over you.
<emily>-"Oh my God! I haven't seen you in ages!"</emily> She runs up to him and jumps in his lap..
<grey>-"You must be $name?"</grey> He says as Emily hugs him tight.
<b>-"Y-yeah.. Nice to meet you."</b>
<grey>-"I must say.. You did the right decision telling her about this place."</grey> Emily turns to you.
<emily>-"Yes you did.."</emily> You awkwardly nod as yet another voice fills the hall.
<sister>-"$name! Please, follow me!"</sister> You turn to the side as see a beautiful woman walking up to you.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\t7.jpg">
<b>-"H-huh? Go where? Me and Emily are supposed to take photos?"</b>
<sister>-"Julian has got it from here, Jenna wants to ask you some questions."</sister>
<sister>-"Mhm. To make sure you're as loyal as Emily to this orginization."</sister> You turn to Emily for approval, but she's not paying attention..
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\t6.jpg">
<emily>-"MmmmMMmm.. I-I.. Missed you so much Julian.."</emily> She says as they kiss... Your cock immediately gets hard.
<sister>-"If you would please follow me $name."</sister> The woman starts to walk away.
<b>-"B-but.."</b> You look at Emily again.
<sister>-"Do not worry, Julian has got a lot of experience taking pictures. He'll make sure to do a good job."</sister> You reluctantly nod and begin following her.
<<pageReplace"Walk through the halls.">>
<b>-"What's this about again?"</b> You ask.
<sister>-"As I said, you'll be asked a couple of questions, answer truthfully and you'll be fine."</sister> As she speaks you notice the various posters covering the walls.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\t8.png">
<b>-"W-woah.."</b> You stop for a second to take a better look.
<sister>-"Sigh.. Please keep walking."</sister>
<b>-"S-sorry.."</b> You remember Emily saying that she kept hearing moaning noises when she first visited.. But you hear none.
<b>-"I was wonder-"</b> Before you could finish the sentance, the woman interrupts you.
<sister>-"We're here. It's the door to the left.."</sister>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\t9.jpg">
<b>-"Right.. Thanks.."</b> You nod and walk up to the door.
<sister>-"After the interview is done, you can leave the same way that you came. Emily will be driven back home, don't worry."</sister> The woman turns around and walks away.
<b>-"What the fuck is going on.."</b> You knock on the door.
<b>-"Let me try the handle.."</b> The door swings open!
<<pageReplace"Step inside.">>
<b>-"W-wow..."</b> You're faced with a topless woman sitting at a table. You presume is Jenna.
<m>-"Ah! $name, right?"</m> She raises her head as you close the door behind you.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\t10.jpeg">
<b>-"That's me.."</b> She points at a chair in front of the table.
<m>-"Please, take a seat."</m> As you do, she starts typing on the keyboard.
<m>-"So... Do you know why you're here?"</m> She crosses her arms.
<b>-"A woman told me you wanted to ask me some questions?"</b>
<m>-"That's right! Sounds simple enough, right?"</m> Jenna smiles.
<m>-"Good! Then let's start off with some basic questions. How did you find out about the IBWO?"</m>
<b>-"A professor mentioned it.. I'm attending BNWO classes."</b> She nods and starts to type away again. As she does, you look around the office... It is also, completely covered in various posters.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\t12.jpeg">
<m>-"Mhm.. Good.."</m>
<m>-"How did your girlfriend find out about it?"</m>
<b>-"I..I told her about it."</b>
<m>-"Very good.. Now, let's move on to some more fundamentalistic questions."</m> She looks you in the eyes.
<b>-"Okay.."</b> You start to fidget with your fingers.
<m>-"A very simple question that all supporters should know - what makes black men superior to white men?"</m> Jenna squints her eyes and glares at you.
<<pageReplace"Their fitness level.">>
<b>-"Uhmmmm.. Their fitness level?"</b>
<m>-"Hmmm..."</m> Jenna starts to type.
<m>-"Interesting answer."</m> She puts her legs on the table and faces you again.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\t11.jpeg">
<m>-"Next question, are you wearing a chastity cage right now?"</m>
<<if $toys==1>>\
<b>-"Y-yes! A 2 inch, pink one..."</b>
<m>-"Very good!"</m> Jenna makes sure to note it down.
<b>-"No.. No I'm not..."</b>
<m>-"Hmph... Understood.."</m> Jenna makes sure to note it down.
<m>-"Okay, now let's move on to questions relating to the future of your relationship with Emily and this orginization."</m>
<b>-"Sure.."</b> You check the time.. It's been 20 minutes already. You wonder if Emily is done taking pictures.
<m>-"Now, if Emily decided to breed with one of our members, would you object?"</m>
<b>-"No.. I don't think so."</b> Your cock throbs at the thought..
<m>-"Mhm... So I presume you aren't against the idea of artificially increasing interracial relationships too, right?"</m> Jenna starts to write something again.
<b>-"What's that?"</b>
<m>-"Ads, campaigns, marketing about how white women should breed with black men because they're superior. You're not against that, right?"</m>
<b>-"Of course not... I even helped her take pictures!"</b>
<m>-"Very good!"</m>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\t13.jpeg">
<m>-"Well, you're answers have been nothing short of extraordinary!"</m> Jenna looks at you.
<m>-"Emily will be sent a letter, detailing your results. Good job $name! I can tell you will be a great ally to the new world order!"</m> She stands up.
<b>-"T-thank you ma'am!"</b> You stand up with her.
<m>-"You may leave now. Emily will be driven back to her place after taking the pictures."</m>
<b>-"She's so hot.."</b> You think as you begin walking towards the door.
<m>-"Oh and $name!"</m>
<m>-"Thank you, for putting your trust in our cause. Together, we will make the world a better and more inclusive place."</m> You nod and leave her office, making sure to close the door behind you.
<b>-"Gosh.. That was scary.."</b>
<b>-"Time to head to my car then I guess.."</b> You begin walking towards the exit.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\t14.png">
<b>-"More posters.."</b> You stop to look at them for a second.
<<pageReplace"Keep walking.">>
<b>-"Huh?"</b> As you get near the exit, you start to hear a familiar voice.
<emily>-"Mmmmmm.. J-Julian.."</emily> Is that Emily?
<grey>-"Good girl.."</grey>
<b>-"Where is it coming from..?"</b> You start to look around and finally spot a barely open door nearby.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\t15.jpg">
<b>-"It doesn't sound like they're taking pictures."</b>
<b>-"Should I peak inside..? I-I know that I shouldn't.."</b> You look around, the coast seems clear.
<<pageReplace"Peak inside">>
<b>-"Fuck it.."</b> You slowly open the door and peak your head inside.
<emily>-"NghhHHh.. So manlllyYYyyy.."</emily> You see Emily laying on Julian.. Kissing him.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\t16.webp">
<b>-"Oh my god.."</b> It's your first time seeing her serve someone in person... The feeling is completely different..
<b>-"Gulp."</b> You see a camera to the left of them.. They were definitely taking pictures at some point!
<grey>-"Come on baby, you know what I want.."</grey> You watch as Emily grins.
<emily>-"Hehehe.. Yes I do.."</emily> She begins pulling down Julians pants as you start to touch your crotch..
<emily>-"So biggggg.."</emily> Emily pulls out his cock and begins to stroke it.
<b>-"Fuck me that's huge.."</b>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\t17.webp">
<grey>-"Suck it... And do that thing with your hands that you always do."</grey> She nods and begins to pleasure him with her mouth.
<b>-"W-woah.."</b> Your cock is throbbing like crazy! You wish you could masturbate, but that would be too risky!
<grey>-"Bigger than that cuck?"</grey>
<emily>-"MhHhhhh.. S-swo mwuch bwigger!"</emily> As you stare at them, you hear a voice to your side.
<m>-"Ahem!"</m> Shit! You got caught! You quickly close the door and turn.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\t19.jpg">
<m>-"Gosh this is why I hate working with white boys.."</m> It's Jenna! Just with clothes this time.
<m>-"Spying on your girlfriend, huh?"</m>
<b>-"I-I'm sorry Jenna!"</b> You cover the tent in your pants.
<m>-"You are forgiven this time, but spy on our members without permission again and we'll make sure you're no longer part of the movement."</m>
<b>-"T-thank you! I will ask to watch next time!"</b> Jenna nods and points to your left.
<m>-"The exit is that way."</m>
<b>-"Yes! Thank you!"</b> You turn around and awkwardly run out of the IBWO headquarters.
<b>-"FUCK! Can't believe she saw me.."</b> You get inside of your car.
<b>-"That was so hot though... I can't believe how big that Julian guy was..."</b>
<b>-"Time to head home, I'll talk about what happened on our next date.."</b> After pulling out of the parking lot, you get on the main road.
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo +4>>
<grey>BNWO +4!</grey>
<<set $emilyrelationship to $emilyrelationship +1>>
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<b>-"I better not.. That's probably not even Emily."</b> You think as you look forward.
<b>-"Ah, there's the exit!"</b> After looking around, you start to walk towards your car.
<b>-"Jenna was scary, but pretty hot too.."</b> The engine comes to life.
<b>-"Time to head home, I'll talk about what happened on our next date.."</b> After pulling out of the parking lot, you get on the main road.
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo +4>>
<grey>BNWO +4!</grey>
<<set $emilyrelationship to $emilyrelationship +1>>
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<b>-"Yes I would.."</b>
<m>-"You would?"</m> She looks at you, surprised.
<b>-"Yes! I want our kids to be mine and hers only!"</b> Jenna frowns and starts typing.
<m>-"Mhm... So I presume you are against the idea of artificially increasing interracial relationships also, right?"</m>
<b>-"What's that?"</b>
<m>-"Ads, campaigns, marketing about how white women should breed with black men because they're superior. You're against that too, right?"</m>
<b>-"No, not really... I think there should be more interracial couples!"</b>
<b>-"I just want my kids to be mine, that's all."</b>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\t13.jpeg">
<m>-"Well, you're answers were pretty good! There are some glaring problems in your beliefs, but we can always fix those."</m> Jenna looks at you.
<m>-"Emily will be sent a letter, detailing your results. Good job $name!"</m> She stands up.
<b>-"T-thank you ma'am!"</b> You stand up with her.
<m>-"You may leave now. Emily will be driven back to her place after taking the pictures."</m>
<b>-"She's so hot.."</b> You think as you begin walking towards the door.
<m>-"Oh and $name!"</m>
<m>-"Thank you, for putting your trust in our cause. Together, we will make the world a better and more inclusive place."</m> You nod and leave her office, making sure to close the door behind you.
<b>-"Gosh.. That was scary.."</b>
<b>-"Time to head to my car then I guess.."</b> You begin walking towards the exit.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\t14.png">
<b>-"More posters.."</b> You stop to look at them for a second.
<<pageReplace"Keep walking.">>
<b>-"Huh?"</b> As you get near the exit, you start to hear a familiar voice.
<emily>-"Mmmmmm.. J-Julian.."</emily> Is that Emily?
<grey>-"Good girl.."</grey>
<b>-"Where is it coming from..?"</b> You start to look around and finally spot a barely open door nearby.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\t15.jpg">
<b>-"It doesn't sound like they're taking pictures."</b>
<b>-"Should I peak inside..? I-I know that I shouldn't.."</b> You look around, the coast seems clear.
<<pageReplace"Peak inside">>
<b>-"Fuck it.."</b> You slowly open the door and peak your head inside.
<emily>-"NghhHHh.. So manlllyYYyyy.."</emily> You see Emily laying on Julian.. Kissing him.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\t16.webp">
<b>-"Oh my god.."</b> It's your first time seeing her serve someone in person... The feeling is completely different..
<b>-"Gulp."</b> You see a camera to the left of them.. They were definitely taking pictures at some point!
<grey>-"Come on baby, you know what I want.."</grey> You watch as Emily grins.
<emily>-"Hehehe.. Yes I do.."</emily> She begins pulling down Julians pants as you start to touch your crotch..
<emily>-"So biggggg.."</emily> Emily pulls out his cock and begins to stroke it.
<b>-"Fuck me that's huge.."</b>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\t17.webp">
<grey>-"Suck it... And do that thing with your hands that you always do."</grey> She nods and begins to pleasure him with her mouth.
<b>-"W-woah.."</b> Your cock is throbbing like crazy! You wish you could masturbate, but that would be too risky!
<grey>-"Bigger than that cuck?"</grey>
<emily>-"MhHhhhh.. S-swo mwuch bwigger!"</emily> As you stare at them, you hear a voice to your side.
<m>-"Ahem!"</m> Shit! You got caught! You quickly close the door and turn.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\t19.jpg">
<m>-"Gosh this is why I hate working with white boys.."</m> It's Jenna! Just with clothes this time.
<m>-"Spying on your girlfriend, huh?"</m>
<b>-"I-I'm sorry Jenna!"</b> You cover the tent in your pants.
<m>-"You are forgiven this time, but spy on our members without permission again and we'll make sure you're no longer part of the movement."</m>
<b>-"T-thank you! I will ask to watch next time!"</b> Jenna nods and points to your left.
<m>-"The exit is that way."</m>
<b>-"Yes! Thank you!"</b> You turn around and awkwardly run out of the IBWO headquarters.
<b>-"FUCK! Can't believe she saw me.."</b> You get inside of your car.
<b>-"That was so hot though... I can't believe how big that Julian guy was..."</b>
<b>-"Time to head home, I'll talk about what happened on our next date.."</b> After pulling out of the parking lot, you get on the main road.
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo +3>>
<grey>BNWO +3!</grey>
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<b>-"I better not.. That's probably not even Emily."</b> You think as you look forward.
<b>-"Ah, there's the exit!"</b> After looking around, you start to walk towards your car.
<b>-"Jenna was scary, but pretty hot too.."</b> The engine comes to life.
<b>-"Time to head home, I'll talk about what happened on our next date.."</b> After pulling out of the parking lot, you get on the main road.
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo +3>>
<grey>BNWO +3!</grey>
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Their penis size.">>
<b>-"Uhmmmm.. Their penis size?"</b>
<m>-"Hmmm..."</m> Jenna starts to type.
<m>-"Interesting answer."</m> She puts her legs on the table and faces you again.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\t11.jpeg">
<m>-"Next question, are you wearing a chastity cage right now?"</m>
<<if $toys==1>>\
<b>-"Y-yes! A 2 inch, pink one..."</b>
<m>-"Very good!"</m> Jenna makes sure to note it down.
<b>-"No.. No I'm not..."</b>
<m>-"Hmph... Understood.."</m> Jenna makes sure to note it down.
<m>-"Okay, now let's move on to questions relating to the future of your relationship with Emily and this orginization."</m>
<b>-"Sure.."</b> You check the time.. It's been 20 minutes already. You wonder if Emily is done taking pictures.
<m>-"Now, if Emily decided to breed with one of our members, would you object?"</m>
<b>-"No.. I don't think so."</b> Your cock throbs at the thought..
<m>-"Mhm... So I presume you aren't against the idea of artificially increasing interracial relationships too, right?"</m> Jenna starts to write something again.
<b>-"What's that?"</b>
<m>-"Ads, campaigns, marketing about how white women should breed with black men because they're superior. You're not against that, right?"</m>
<b>-"Of course not... I even helped her take pictures!"</b>
<m>-"Very good!"</m>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\t13.jpeg">
<m>-"Well, you're answers have been nothing short of extraordinary!"</m> Jenna looks at you.
<m>-"Emily will be sent a letter, detailing your results. Good job $name! I can tell you will be a great ally to the new world order!"</m> She stands up.
<b>-"T-thank you ma'am!"</b> You stand up with her.
<m>-"You may leave now. Emily will be driven back to her place after taking the pictures."</m>
<b>-"She's so hot.."</b> You think as you begin walking towards the door.
<m>-"Oh and $name!"</m>
<m>-"Thank you, for putting your trust in our cause. Together, we will make the world a better and more inclusive place."</m> You nod and leave her office, making sure to close the door behind you.
<b>-"Gosh.. That was scary.."</b>
<b>-"Time to head to my car then I guess.."</b> You begin walking towards the exit.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\t14.png">
<b>-"More posters.."</b> You stop to look at them for a second.
<<pageReplace"Keep walking.">>
<b>-"Huh?"</b> As you get near the exit, you start to hear a familiar voice.
<emily>-"Mmmmmm.. J-Julian.."</emily> Is that Emily?
<grey>-"Good girl.."</grey>
<b>-"Where is it coming from..?"</b> You start to look around and finally spot a barely open door nearby.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\t15.jpg">
<b>-"It doesn't sound like they're taking pictures."</b>
<b>-"Should I peak inside..? I-I know that I shouldn't.."</b> You look around, the coast seems clear.
<<pageReplace"Peak inside">>
<b>-"Fuck it.."</b> You slowly open the door and peak your head inside.
<emily>-"NghhHHh.. So manlllyYYyyy.."</emily> You see Emily laying on Julian.. Kissing him.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\t16.webp">
<b>-"Oh my god.."</b> It's your first time seeing her serve someone in person... The feeling is completely different..
<b>-"Gulp."</b> You see a camera to the left of them.. They were definitely taking pictures at some point!
<grey>-"Come on baby, you know what I want.."</grey> You watch as Emily grins.
<emily>-"Hehehe.. Yes I do.."</emily> She begins pulling down Julians pants as you start to touch your crotch..
<emily>-"So biggggg.."</emily> Emily pulls out his cock and begins to stroke it.
<b>-"Fuck me that's huge.."</b>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\t17.webp">
<grey>-"Suck it... And do that thing with your hands that you always do."</grey> She nods and begins to pleasure him with her mouth.
<b>-"W-woah.."</b> Your cock is throbbing like crazy! You wish you could masturbate, but that would be too risky!
<grey>-"Bigger than that cuck?"</grey>
<emily>-"MhHhhhh.. S-swo mwuch bwigger!"</emily> As you stare at them, you hear a voice to your side.
<m>-"Ahem!"</m> Shit! You got caught! You quickly close the door and turn.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\t19.jpg">
<m>-"Gosh this is why I hate working with white boys.."</m> It's Jenna! Just with clothes this time.
<m>-"Spying on your girlfriend, huh?"</m>
<b>-"I-I'm sorry Jenna!"</b> You cover the tent in your pants.
<m>-"You are forgiven this time, but spy on our members without permission again and we'll make sure you're no longer part of the movement."</m>
<b>-"T-thank you! I will ask to watch next time!"</b> Jenna nods and points to your left.
<m>-"The exit is that way."</m>
<b>-"Yes! Thank you!"</b> You turn around and awkwardly run out of the IBWO headquarters.
<b>-"FUCK! Can't believe she saw me.."</b> You get inside of your car.
<b>-"That was so hot though... I can't believe how big that Julian guy was..."</b>
<b>-"Time to head home, I'll talk about what happened on our next date.."</b> After pulling out of the parking lot, you get on the main road.
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo +4>>
<grey>BNWO +4!</grey>
<<set $emilyrelationship to $emilyrelationship +1>>
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<b>-"I better not.. That's probably not even Emily."</b> You think as you look forward.
<b>-"Ah, there's the exit!"</b> After looking around, you start to walk towards your car.
<b>-"Jenna was scary, but pretty hot too.."</b> The engine comes to life.
<b>-"Time to head home, I'll talk about what happened on our next date.."</b> After pulling out of the parking lot, you get on the main road.
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo +4>>
<grey>BNWO +4!</grey>
<<set $emilyrelationship to $emilyrelationship +1>>
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<b>-"Yes I would.."</b>
<m>-"You would?"</m> She looks at you, surprised.
<b>-"Yes! I want our kids to be mine and hers only!"</b> Jenna frowns and starts typing.
<m>-"Mhm... So I presume you are against the idea of artificially increasing interracial relationships also, right?"</m>
<b>-"What's that?"</b>
<m>-"Ads, campaigns, marketing about how white women should breed with black men because they're superior. You're against that too, right?"</m>
<b>-"No, not really... I think there should be more interracial couples!"</b>
<b>-"I just want my kids to be mine, that's all."</b>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\t13.jpeg">
<m>-"Well, you're answers were pretty good! There are some glaring problems in your beliefs, but we can always fix those."</m> Jenna looks at you.
<m>-"Emily will be sent a letter, detailing your results. Good job $name!"</m> She stands up.
<b>-"T-thank you ma'am!"</b> You stand up with her.
<m>-"You may leave now. Emily will be driven back to her place after taking the pictures."</m>
<b>-"She's so hot.."</b> You think as you begin walking towards the door.
<m>-"Oh and $name!"</m>
<m>-"Thank you, for putting your trust in our cause. Together, we will make the world a better and more inclusive place."</m> You nod and leave her office, making sure to close the door behind you.
<b>-"Gosh.. That was scary.."</b>
<b>-"Time to head to my car then I guess.."</b> You begin walking towards the exit.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\t14.png">
<b>-"More posters.."</b> You stop to look at them for a second.
<<pageReplace"Keep walking.">>
<b>-"Huh?"</b> As you get near the exit, you start to hear a familiar voice.
<emily>-"Mmmmmm.. J-Julian.."</emily> Is that Emily?
<grey>-"Good girl.."</grey>
<b>-"Where is it coming from..?"</b> You start to look around and finally spot a barely open door nearby.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\t15.jpg">
<b>-"It doesn't sound like they're taking pictures."</b>
<b>-"Should I peak inside..? I-I know that I shouldn't.."</b> You look around, the coast seems clear.
<<pageReplace"Peak inside">>
<b>-"Fuck it.."</b> You slowly open the door and peak your head inside.
<emily>-"NghhHHh.. So manlllyYYyyy.."</emily> You see Emily laying on Julian.. Kissing him.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\t16.webp">
<b>-"Oh my god.."</b> It's your first time seeing her serve someone in person... The feeling is completely different..
<b>-"Gulp."</b> You see a camera to the left of them.. They were definitely taking pictures at some point!
<grey>-"Come on baby, you know what I want.."</grey> You watch as Emily grins.
<emily>-"Hehehe.. Yes I do.."</emily> She begins pulling down Julians pants as you start to touch your crotch..
<emily>-"So biggggg.."</emily> Emily pulls out his cock and begins to stroke it.
<b>-"Fuck me that's huge.."</b>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\t17.webp">
<grey>-"Suck it... And do that thing with your hands that you always do."</grey> She nods and begins to pleasure him with her mouth.
<b>-"W-woah.."</b> Your cock is throbbing like crazy! You wish you could masturbate, but that would be too risky!
<grey>-"Bigger than that cuck?"</grey>
<emily>-"MhHhhhh.. S-swo mwuch bwigger!"</emily> As you stare at them, you hear a voice to your side.
<m>-"Ahem!"</m> Shit! You got caught! You quickly close the door and turn.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\t19.jpg">
<m>-"Gosh this is why I hate working with white boys.."</m> It's Jenna! Just with clothes this time.
<m>-"Spying on your girlfriend, huh?"</m>
<b>-"I-I'm sorry Jenna!"</b> You cover the tent in your pants.
<m>-"You are forgiven this time, but spy on our members without permission again and we'll make sure you're no longer part of the movement."</m>
<b>-"T-thank you! I will ask to watch next time!"</b> Jenna nods and points to your left.
<m>-"The exit is that way."</m>
<b>-"Yes! Thank you!"</b> You turn around and awkwardly run out of the IBWO headquarters.
<b>-"FUCK! Can't believe she saw me.."</b> You get inside of your car.
<b>-"That was so hot though... I can't believe how big that Julian guy was..."</b>
<b>-"Time to head home, I'll talk about what happened on our next date.."</b> After pulling out of the parking lot, you get on the main road.
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo +3>>
<grey>BNWO +3!</grey>
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<b>-"I better not.. That's probably not even Emily."</b> You think as you look forward.
<b>-"Ah, there's the exit!"</b> After looking around, you start to walk towards your car.
<b>-"Jenna was scary, but pretty hot too.."</b> The engine comes to life.
<b>-"Time to head home, I'll talk about what happened on our next date.."</b> After pulling out of the parking lot, you get on the main road.
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo +3>>
<grey>BNWO +3!</grey>
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Their fertility levels and genetics.">>
<b>-"Uhmmmm.. Their fertility levels and genetics.?"</b>
<m>-"Hmmm..."</m> Jenna starts to type.
<m>-"Very good! I can see that you've read a lot about our movement."</m> She puts her legs on the table and faces you again.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\t11.jpeg">
<m>-"Next question, are you wearing a chastity cage right now?"</m>
<<if $toys==1>>\
<b>-"Y-yes! A 2 inch, pink one..."</b>
<m>-"Very good!"</m> Jenna makes sure to note it down.
<b>-"No.. No I'm not..."</b>
<m>-"Hmph... Understood.."</m> Jenna makes sure to note it down.
<m>-"Okay, now let's move on to questions relating to the future of your relationship with Emily and this orginization."</m>
<b>-"Sure.."</b> You check the time.. It's been 20 minutes already. You wonder if Emily is done taking pictures.
<m>-"Now, if Emily decided to breed with one of our members, would you object?"</m>
<b>-"No.. I don't think so."</b> Your cock throbs at the thought..
<m>-"Mhm... So I presume you aren't against the idea of artificially increasing interracial relationships too, right?"</m> Jenna starts to write something again.
<b>-"What's that?"</b>
<m>-"Ads, campaigns, marketing about how white women should breed with black men because they're superior. You're not against that, right?"</m>
<b>-"Of course not... I even helped her take pictures!"</b>
<m>-"Very good!"</m>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\t13.jpeg">
<m>-"Well, you're answers have been nothing short of extraordinary!"</m> Jenna looks at you.
<m>-"Emily will be sent a letter, detailing your results. Good job $name! I can tell you will be a great ally to the new world order!"</m> She stands up.
<b>-"T-thank you ma'am!"</b> You stand up with her.
<m>-"You may leave now. Emily will be driven back to her place after taking the pictures."</m>
<b>-"She's so hot.."</b> You think as you begin walking towards the door.
<m>-"Oh and $name!"</m>
<m>-"Thank you, for putting your trust in our cause. Together, we will make the world a better and more inclusive place."</m> You nod and leave her office, making sure to close the door behind you.
<b>-"Gosh.. That was scary.."</b>
<b>-"Time to head to my car then I guess.."</b> You begin walking towards the exit.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\t14.png">
<b>-"More posters.."</b> You stop to look at them for a second.
<<pageReplace"Keep walking.">>
<b>-"Huh?"</b> As you get near the exit, you start to hear a familiar voice.
<emily>-"Mmmmmm.. J-Julian.."</emily> Is that Emily?
<grey>-"Good girl.."</grey>
<b>-"Where is it coming from..?"</b> You start to look around and finally spot a barely open door nearby.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\t15.jpg">
<b>-"It doesn't sound like they're taking pictures."</b>
<b>-"Should I peak inside..? I-I know that I shouldn't.."</b> You look around, the coast seems clear.
<<pageReplace"Peak inside">>
<b>-"Fuck it.."</b> You slowly open the door and peak your head inside.
<emily>-"NghhHHh.. So manlllyYYyyy.."</emily> You see Emily laying on Julian.. Kissing him.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\t16.webp">
<b>-"Oh my god.."</b> It's your first time seeing her serve someone in person... The feeling is completely different..
<b>-"Gulp."</b> You see a camera to the left of them.. They were definitely taking pictures at some point!
<grey>-"Come on baby, you know what I want.."</grey> You watch as Emily grins.
<emily>-"Hehehe.. Yes I do.."</emily> She begins pulling down Julians pants as you start to touch your crotch..
<emily>-"So biggggg.."</emily> Emily pulls out his cock and begins to stroke it.
<b>-"Fuck me that's huge.."</b>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\t17.webp">
<grey>-"Suck it... And do that thing with your hands that you always do."</grey> She nods and begins to pleasure him with her mouth.
<b>-"W-woah.."</b> Your cock is throbbing like crazy! You wish you could masturbate, but that would be too risky!
<grey>-"Bigger than that cuck?"</grey>
<emily>-"MhHhhhh.. S-swo mwuch bwigger!"</emily> As you stare at them, you hear a voice to your side.
<m>-"Ahem!"</m> Shit! You got caught! You quickly close the door and turn.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\t19.jpg">
<m>-"Gosh this is why I hate working with white boys.."</m> It's Jenna! Just with clothes this time.
<m>-"Spying on your girlfriend, huh?"</m>
<b>-"I-I'm sorry Jenna!"</b> You cover the tent in your pants.
<m>-"You are forgiven this time, but spy on our members without permission again and we'll make sure you're no longer part of the movement."</m>
<b>-"T-thank you! I will ask to watch next time!"</b> Jenna nods and points to your left.
<m>-"The exit is that way."</m>
<b>-"Yes! Thank you!"</b> You turn around and awkwardly run out of the IBWO headquarters.
<b>-"FUCK! Can't believe she saw me.."</b> You get inside of your car.
<b>-"That was so hot though... I can't believe how big that Julian guy was..."</b>
<b>-"Time to head home, I'll talk about what happened on our next date.."</b> After pulling out of the parking lot, you get on the main road.
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo +4>>
<grey>BNWO +4!</grey>
<<set $emilyrelationship to $emilyrelationship +2>>
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<b>-"I better not.. That's probably not even Emily."</b> You think as you look forward.
<b>-"Ah, there's the exit!"</b> After looking around, you start to walk towards your car.
<b>-"Jenna was scary, but pretty hot too.."</b> The engine comes to life.
<b>-"Time to head home, I'll talk about what happened on our next date.."</b> After pulling out of the parking lot, you get on the main road.
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo +4>>
<grey>BNWO +4!</grey>
<<set $emilyrelationship to $emilyrelationship +2>>
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<b>-"Yes I would.."</b>
<m>-"You would?"</m> She looks at you, surprised.
<b>-"Yes! I want our kids to be mine and hers only!"</b> Jenna frowns and starts typing.
<m>-"Mhm... So I presume you are against the idea of artificially increasing interracial relationships too, right?"</m>
<b>-"What's that?"</b>
<m>-"Ads, campaigns, marketing about how white women should breed with black men because they're superior. You're against that too, right?"</m>
<b>-"No, not really... I think there should be more interracial couples!"</b>
<b>-"I just want my kids to be mine, that's all."</b>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\t13.jpeg">
<m>-"Well, you're answers were pretty good! There are some glaring problems in your beliefs, but we can always fix those."</m> Jenna looks at you.
<m>-"Emily will be sent a letter, detailing your results. Good job $name!"</m> She stands up.
<b>-"T-thank you ma'am!"</b> You stand up with her.
<m>-"You may leave now. Emily will be driven back to her place after taking the pictures."</m>
<b>-"She's so hot.."</b> You think as you begin walking towards the door.
<m>-"Oh and $name!"</m>
<m>-"Thank you, for putting your trust in our cause. Together, we will make the world a better and more inclusive place."</m> You nod and leave her office, making sure to close the door behind you.
<b>-"Gosh.. That was scary.."</b>
<b>-"Time to head to my car then I guess.."</b> You begin walking towards the exit.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\t14.png">
<b>-"More posters.."</b> You stop to look at them for a second.
<<pageReplace"Keep walking.">>
<b>-"Huh?"</b> As you get near the exit, you start to hear a familiar voice.
<emily>-"Mmmmmm.. J-Julian.."</emily> Is that Emily?
<grey>-"Good girl.."</grey>
<b>-"Where is it coming from..?"</b> You start to look around and finally spot a barely open door nearby.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\t15.jpg">
<b>-"It doesn't sound like they're taking pictures."</b>
<b>-"Should I peak inside..? I-I know that I shouldn't.."</b> You look around, the coast seems clear.
<<pageReplace"Peak inside">>
<b>-"Fuck it.."</b> You slowly open the door and peak your head inside.
<emily>-"NghhHHh.. So manlllyYYyyy.."</emily> You see Emily laying on Julian.. Kissing him.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\t16.webp">
<b>-"Oh my god.."</b> It's your first time seeing her serve someone in person... The feeling is completely different..
<b>-"Gulp."</b> You see a camera to the left of them.. They were definitely taking pictures at some point!
<grey>-"Come on baby, you know what I want.."</grey> You watch as Emily grins.
<emily>-"Hehehe.. Yes I do.."</emily> She begins pulling down Julians pants as you start to touch your crotch..
<emily>-"So biggggg.."</emily> Emily pulls out his cock and begins to stroke it.
<b>-"Fuck me that's huge.."</b>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\t17.webp">
<grey>-"Suck it... And do that thing with your hands that you always do."</grey> She nods and begins to pleasure him with her mouth.
<b>-"W-woah.."</b> Your cock is throbbing like crazy! You wish you could masturbate, but that would be too risky!
<grey>-"Bigger than that cuck?"</grey>
<emily>-"MhHhhhh.. S-swo mwuch bwigger!"</emily> As you stare at them, you hear a voice to your side.
<m>-"Ahem!"</m> Shit! You got caught! You quickly close the door and turn.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\t19.jpg">
<m>-"Gosh this is why I hate working with white boys.."</m> It's Jenna! Just with clothes this time.
<m>-"Spying on your girlfriend, huh?"</m>
<b>-"I-I'm sorry Jenna!"</b> You cover the tent in your pants.
<m>-"You are forgiven this time, but spy on our members without permission again and we'll make sure you're no longer part of the movement."</m>
<b>-"T-thank you! I will ask to watch next time!"</b> Jenna nods and points to your left.
<m>-"The exit is that way."</m>
<b>-"Yes! Thank you!"</b> You turn around and awkwardly run out of the IBWO headquarters.
<b>-"FUCK! Can't believe she saw me.."</b> You get inside of your car.
<b>-"That was so hot though... I can't believe how big that Julian guy was..."</b>
<b>-"Time to head home, I'll talk about what happened on our next date.."</b> After pulling out of the parking lot, you get on the main road.
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo +3>>
<grey>BNWO +3!</grey>
<<set $emilyrelationship to $emilyrelationship +1>>
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<b>-"I better not.. That's probably not even Emily."</b> You think as you look forward.
<b>-"Ah, there's the exit!"</b> After looking around, you start to walk towards your car.
<b>-"Jenna was scary, but pretty hot too.."</b> The engine comes to life.
<b>-"Time to head home, I'll talk about what happened on our next date.."</b> After pulling out of the parking lot, you get on the main road.
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo +3>>
<grey>BNWO +3!</grey>
<<set $emilyrelationship to $emilyrelationship +1>>
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<b>-"Uhmmmm.. Nothing I guess?"</b>
<m>-"Ghahahaha, that's funny!"</b> Jenna laughs, but you don't.
<m>-"Wait.. You're serious?"</m> You nod.
<m>-"Oh.. Well that's a horrible answer."</m> She types it down.
<m>-"Whatever.. Let's move on."</m> She puts her legs on the table and faces you again.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\t11.jpeg">
<m>-"Next question, are you wearing a chastity cage right now?"</m>
<<if $toys==1>>\
<b>-"Y-yes! A 2 inch, pink one..."</b>
<m>-"Very good!"</m> Jenna makes sure to note it down.
<b>-"No.. No I'm not..."</b>
<m>-"Hmph... Understood.."</m> Jenna makes sure to note it down.
<m>-"Okay, now let's move on to questions relating to the future of your relationship with Emily and this orginization."</m>
<b>-"Sure.."</b> You check the time.. It's been 20 minutes already. You wonder if Emily is done taking pictures.
<m>-"Now, if Emily decided to breed with one of our members, would you object?"</m>
<b>-"No.. I don't think so."</b> Your cock throbs at the thought..
<m>-"Mhm... So I presume you aren't against the idea of artificially increasing interracial relationships too, right?"</m> Jenna starts to write something again.
<b>-"What's that?"</b>
<m>-"Ads, campaigns, marketing about how white women should breed with black men because they're superior. You're not against that, right?"</m>
<b>-"Of course not... I even helped her take pictures!"</b>
<m>-"Very good!"</m>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\t13.jpeg">
<m>-"Well, you're answers have been okay-ish..."</m> Jenna looks at you.
<m>-"Emily will be sent a letter, detailing your results. You have a lot to learn."</m> She stands up.
<b>-"Understood.. Thanks for having me ma'am."</b> You stand up with her.
<m>-"You may leave now. Emily will be driven back to her place after taking the pictures."</m>
<b>-"She's so hot.."</b> You nod and leave her office, making sure to close the door behind you.
<b>-"Gosh.. That was scary.."</b>
<b>-"Time to head to my car then I guess.."</b> You begin walking towards the exit.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\t14.png">
<b>-"More posters.."</b> You stop to look at them for a second.
<<pageReplace"Keep walking.">>
<b>-"Huh?"</b> As you get near the exit, you start to hear a familiar voice.
<emily>-"Mmmmmm.. J-Julian.."</emily> Is that Emily?
<grey>-"Good girl.."</grey>
<b>-"Where is it coming from..?"</b> You start to look around and finally spot a barely open door nearby.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\t15.jpg">
<b>-"It doesn't sound like they're taking pictures."</b>
<b>-"Should I peak inside..? I-I know that I shouldn't.."</b> You look around, the coast seems clear.
<<pageReplace"Peak inside">>
<b>-"Fuck it.."</b> You slowly open the door and peak your head inside.
<emily>-"NghhHHh.. So manlllyYYyyy.."</emily> You see Emily laying on Julian.. Kissing him.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\t16.webp">
<b>-"Oh my god.."</b> It's your first time seeing her serve someone in person... The feeling is completely different..
<b>-"Gulp."</b> You see a camera to the left of them.. They were definitely taking pictures at some point!
<grey>-"Come on baby, you know what I want.."</grey> You watch as Emily grins.
<emily>-"Hehehe.. Yes I do.."</emily> She begins pulling down Julians pants as you start to touch your crotch..
<emily>-"So biggggg.."</emily> Emily pulls out his cock and begins to stroke it.
<b>-"Fuck me that's huge.."</b>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\t17.webp">
<grey>-"Suck it... And do that thing with your hands that you always do."</grey> She nods and begins to pleasure him with her mouth.
<b>-"W-woah.."</b> Your cock is throbbing like crazy! You wish you could masturbate, but that would be too risky!
<grey>-"Bigger than that cuck?"</grey>
<emily>-"MhHhhhh.. S-swo mwuch bwigger!"</emily> As you stare at them, you hear a voice to your side.
<m>-"Ahem!"</m> Shit! You got caught! You quickly close the door and turn.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\t19.jpg">
<m>-"Gosh this is why I hate working with white boys.."</m> It's Jenna! Just with clothes this time.
<m>-"Spying on your girlfriend, huh?"</m>
<b>-"I-I'm sorry Jenna!"</b> You cover the tent in your pants.
<m>-"You are forgiven this time, but spy on our members without permission again and we'll make sure you're no longer part of the movement."</m>
<b>-"T-thank you! I will ask to watch next time!"</b> Jenna nods and points to your left.
<m>-"The exit is that way."</m>
<b>-"Yes! Thank you!"</b> You turn around and awkwardly run out of the IBWO headquarters.
<b>-"FUCK! Can't believe she saw me.."</b> You get inside of your car.
<b>-"That was so hot though... I can't believe how big that Julian guy was..."</b>
<b>-"Time to head home, I'll talk about what happened on our next date.."</b> After pulling out of the parking lot, you get on the main road.
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo +3>>
<grey>BNWO +3!</grey>
<<set $emilyrelationship to $emilyrelationship +1>>
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<b>-"I better not.. That's probably not even Emily."</b> You think as you look forward.
<b>-"Ah, there's the exit!"</b> After looking around, you start to walk towards your car.
<b>-"Jenna was scary, but pretty hot too.."</b> The engine comes to life.
<b>-"Time to head home, I'll talk about what happened on our next date.."</b> After pulling out of the parking lot, you get on the main road.
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo +3>>
<grey>BNWO +3!</grey>
<<set $emilyrelationship to $emilyrelationship +1>>
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<b>-"Yes I would.."</b>
<m>-"You would?"</m> She looks at you, surprised.
<b>-"Yes! I want our kids to be mine and hers only!"</b> Jenna frowns and starts typing.
<m>-"Mhm... So I presume you are against the idea of artificially increasing interracial relationships also, right?"</m>
<b>-"What's that?"</b>
<m>-"Ads, campaigns, marketing about how white women should breed with black men because they're superior. You're against that too, right?"</m>
<b>-"No, not really... I think there should be more interracial couples!"</b>
<b>-"I just want my kids to be mine, that's all."</b>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\t13.jpeg">
<m>-"Well, you're answers were pretty terrible! There are some glaring problems in your beliefs, but we can always fix those."</m> Jenna looks at you.
<m>-"Emily will be sent a letter, detailing your results. You have a lot of work ahead of you."</m> She stands up.
<b>-"understood.. I'll do my best ma'am!"</b> You stand up with her.
<m>-"You may leave now. Emily will be driven back to her place after taking the pictures."</m>
<b>-"She's so hot.."</b> You think as you leave her office, making sure to close the door behind you.
<b>-"Gosh.. That was scary.."</b>
<b>-"Time to head to my car then I guess.."</b> You begin walking towards the exit.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\t14.png">
<b>-"More posters.."</b> You stop to look at them for a second.
<<pageReplace"Keep walking.">>
<b>-"Huh?"</b> As you get near the exit, you start to hear a familiar voice.
<emily>-"Mmmmmm.. J-Julian.."</emily> Is that Emily?
<grey>-"Good girl.."</grey>
<b>-"Where is it coming from..?"</b> You start to look around and finally spot a barely open door nearby.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\t15.jpg">
<b>-"It doesn't sound like they're taking pictures."</b>
<b>-"Should I peak inside..? I-I know that I shouldn't.."</b> You look around, the coast seems clear.
<<pageReplace"Peak inside">>
<b>-"Fuck it.."</b> You slowly open the door and peak your head inside.
<emily>-"NghhHHh.. So manlllyYYyyy.."</emily> You see Emily laying on Julian.. Kissing him.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\t16.webp">
<b>-"Oh my god.."</b> It's your first time seeing her serve someone in person... The feeling is completely different..
<b>-"Gulp."</b> You see a camera to the left of them.. They were definitely taking pictures at some point!
<grey>-"Come on baby, you know what I want.."</grey> You watch as Emily grins.
<emily>-"Hehehe.. Yes I do.."</emily> She begins pulling down Julians pants as you start to touch your crotch..
<emily>-"So biggggg.."</emily> Emily pulls out his cock and begins to stroke it.
<b>-"Fuck me that's huge.."</b>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\t17.webp">
<grey>-"Suck it... And do that thing with your hands that you always do."</grey> She nods and begins to pleasure him with her mouth.
<b>-"W-woah.."</b> Your cock is throbbing like crazy! You wish you could masturbate, but that would be too risky!
<grey>-"Bigger than that cuck?"</grey>
<emily>-"MhHhhhh.. S-swo mwuch bwigger!"</emily> As you stare at them, you hear a voice to your side.
<m>-"Ahem!"</m> Shit! You got caught! You quickly close the door and turn.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\t19.jpg">
<m>-"Gosh this is why I hate working with white boys.."</m> It's Jenna! Just with clothes this time.
<m>-"Spying on your girlfriend, huh?"</m>
<b>-"I-I'm sorry Jenna!"</b> You cover the tent in your pants.
<m>-"You are forgiven this time, but spy on our members without permission again and we'll make sure you're no longer part of the movement."</m>
<b>-"T-thank you! I will ask to watch next time!"</b> Jenna nods and points to your left.
<m>-"The exit is that way."</m>
<b>-"Yes! Thank you!"</b> You turn around and awkwardly run out of the IBWO headquarters.
<b>-"FUCK! Can't believe she saw me.."</b> You get inside of your car.
<b>-"That was so hot though... I can't believe how big that Julian guy was..."</b>
<b>-"Time to head home, I'll talk about what happened on our next date.."</b> After pulling out of the parking lot, you get on the main road.
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo +2>>
<grey>BNWO +2!</grey>
<<set $emilyrelationship to $emilyrelationship -1>>
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<b>-"I better not.. That's probably not even Emily."</b> You think as you look forward.
<b>-"Ah, there's the exit!"</b> After looking around, you start to walk towards your car.
<b>-"Jenna was scary, but pretty hot too.."</b> The engine comes to life.
<b>-"Time to head home, I'll talk about what happened on our next date.."</b> After pulling out of the parking lot, you get on the main road.
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo +2>>
<grey>BNWO +2!</grey>
<<set $emilyrelationship to $emilyrelationship -1>>
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>><<location "Images/Other/7363794952_56303ea0b0_b.webp" "At Emily's place">>\
<<set $emilybnwoevent to $emilybnwoevent +1>>\
<<if $time !==2>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<if $beentotheheadquarterstemp == true>>\
<b>-"Heyyyy!"</b> You shout as you enter Emily's apartment.
<emily>-"Hey babe! I'm in the bathroom!"</emily> Emily's muffled voice fills the room.
<b>-"Ooohh..."</b> You take off your shoes and step into the living room.
<b>-"Oh wow.."</b> Her underwear is laying on the sofa...
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\d1.jpg">
<b>-"She didn't tell me she had this.."</b> After picking it up, you notice that the panties seem way too small!
<b>-"No way she actually wears these.."</b>
<emily>-"Ahem!"</emily> You hear Emily's voice and quickly turn towards it.
<emily>-"What are you doing?"</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\d3.jpg">
<b>-"O-oh.. Nothing, was just cheking out your new underwear!"</b> You awkwardly laugh.
<emily>-"Hmph.. Do you like them? Julian gave them to me during the photoshoot!"</emily>
<b>-"I do! I bet you look incredible with them on honey!"</b>
<emily>-"Come, join me in the shower."</emily> Emily turns around and starts to walk towards the bathroom.
<<pageReplace"Join her in the bathroom">>\
<b>-"How was your day?"</b> You ask as you step inside.
<emily>-"Good, good. Had an online meeting with Jenna."</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\d2.jfif">
<b>-"W-what did you talk about?"</b> You remember Jenna's titties..
<emily>-"The conversation revolved around you."</emily> She drops her towel, revealing her incredible body.
<b>-"M-me?"</b> You stare at her as you stutter.
<emily>-"Mhm. Let's get in, I'll explain everything then."</emily> You nod and begin taking off your clothes.
<<if $toys==1>>\
<emily>-"Take off the cage."</emily> Emily says as you take off your underwear.
<b>-"Y-you sure?"</b>
<emily>-"Yes. Today is your lucky day!"</emily> Your cheeks blush as you take the key out of your pocket and unlock yourself. As your cock gets it's freedom, you immediately get hard.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\d4.webp">
<emily>-"Ghahah... S-sorry.."</emily> Emily lets out a chuckle as she sees your member.
<b>-"Can't say no to that!"</b> As pull down your underwear and free you cock, it immediately get hard.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\d4.webp">
<emily>-"Ghahah... S-sorry.."</emily> Emily lets out a chuckle as she sees your member.
<b>-"Come on.. Don't be like that.."</b> You blush out of embarrassment as she steps into the shower.
<emily>-"I said sorry."</emily> You step inside after her. As she turns on the water, you both begin washing yourself.
<b>-"S-so.. What was that about Jenna?"</b>
<emily>-"Well.."</emily> Emily turns to you.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\d5.webp">
<emily>-"We talked a lot about reparations.."</emily>
<emily>-"Mhm."</emily> Emily nods.
<emily>-"You know.. I'm doing my part for the movement.. But you.."</emily> She turns around and presses her ass against your cock.
<b>-"O-oh..?"</b> As you try your best not to cum prematurely, she begins to grind your cock.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\d6.gif">
<<if $hairextensions ==true>>\
<b>-"I.. I can use my body too.."</b>
<emily>-"I know baby, but you haven't even started training yet.."</emily> You remember how long it took until Emily was an actual member.
<b>-"W-what can I do then?"</b>
<emily>-"You could show your support by helping us.. Money wise.."</emily> She grabs your cock..
<b>-"NgHhhHH! Money wise?"</b>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\d7.webp">
<emily>-"MhMmmmmm.. The orginization could always use more... Ads are not cheap you know.."</emily> Emily puts her hand on your chest.
<<if $feminization>100>>\
<emily>-"H-has your chest grown?"</emily>
<b>-"NghhhhH.. W-what?"</b> Emily let's go.
<emily>-"Nevermind... As I was saying, the IBWO could always use more money.."</emily>
<b>-"GhhHHhh.. I.. I don't know.. I already pay rent!"</b>
<emily>-"Come onnn... Don't you love your girlfriend? Don't you want what's best for her?"</emily> You remain silent.
<emily>-"Don't you want me to make you cum..?"</emily> Emily bites your ear.
<<pageReplace"How much?">>
<b>-"H-how much?"</b> That last sentance enticed you..
<emily>-"A mere 200$ every week.. That's not a lot, right?"</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\d8.webp">
<b>-"S-shitTtt.."</b> Emily is keeping you on the edge of cumming..
<emily>-"Jenna will take you a lot more seriously too.. Maybe you could even help me on a couple of assignments.."</emily>
<b>-"GhHHHhh.. W-what if I say no?"</b> She suddenly slaps your balls.
<emily>-"I definitely won't be happy.."</emily> Emily looks you in the eyes.
<emily>-"And you don't want that, believe me."</emily>
<b>-"NGhhHHffF! F-fine!"</b> Emily grins and pushes you against the wall.
<emily>-"I knew you would understand.."</emily> She blocks the water with her body, gets on her knees and begins to jack you off.
<b>-"F-fucKKKKkk.. I'm about to cum!!"</b> Your eyes roll backwards as you try not to pass out.
<emily>-"Cum for me $name... Cum for me!"</emily> Emily presses her chest against your cock... It's over..
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\d9.webp">
<b>-"FuckkkKK! Oh my GodddddDDd!"</b> Emily stands up and starts to wash away the cum.
<emily>-"Ewh.. So stinky.."</emily> After doing so, she gives you a kiss on the cheek.
<emily>-"Good job baby, you made the right decision."</emily>
<b>-"Haaaa... Haaaa.."</b> You can barely breath.. After she turns off the water, you both climb out.
<emily>-"Jenna will be so happy you agreed!"</emily> You dry yourself off and begin to put on your underwear.
<emily>-"She wasn't sure you would agree, but I always knew that you would!"</emily> Emily starts to clothe herself as well.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\d10.jpg">
<b>-"O-of course baby! I want to be part of this movement!"</b> You spend the next couple of hours figuring out where and how you should make the payment. Finally, you decide to send the money to their paypal account every Sunday, at the same time you pay rent. You spend another hour laying around and talking, before finally deciding that it's time to go.
<b>-"Have a good one Emily"</b> You shout as you walk through the doorway.
<emily>-"You too! Don't forget the payment!"</emily> You nod and walk out.
<<set $emilyrelationship to $emilyrelationship +2>>
<grey>BNWO +2!</grey>
<<set $bwno to $bnwo +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<<todoCompleted "Get 500$ for rent by Sunday">>\
<<todo "Get 700$ for rent and reparations by Sunday.">>\
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<<set $reparations to true>>\
<b>-"NGhhHHffF! I-I'm sorry.. I'll be broke, I can't"</b> Emily let's go of your cock right as you're about to cum.
<emily>-"Gosh... I can tell that you don't think this movement is serious."</emily> You begin to jack yourself off, but she slaps your hand.
<b>-"N-nooo.. P-please!"</b>
<emily>-"Don't even think about it. Now get out."</emily> Emily starts to push you out of the shower.
<emily>-"I don't want to hear it! You don't even care about it, that's pretty obvious.."</emily>
<b>-"I do!"</b> She closes the shower door as you step outside.
<emily>-"I don't want to talk to you!"</emily> You sight... After drying yourself and putting on your clothes, you decide that it's time to leave.
<b>-"Fuck.. Maybe I should have agreed.."</b>
<<set $emilyrelationship to $emilyrelationship -2>>
<grey>Emily will remember this!</grey>
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<b>-"Heyyyy!"</b> You shout as you enter Emily's apartment.
<emily>-"Hey babe! I'm in the bathroom!"</emily> Emily's muffled voice fills the room.
<b>-"Ooohh..."</b> You take off your shoes and step into the living room.
<b>-"Oh wow.."</b> Her underwear is laying on the sofa...
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\d1.jpg">
<b>-"She didn't tell me she had this.."</b> After picking it up, you notice that the panties seem way too small!
<b>-"No way she actually wears these.."</b>
<emily>-"Ahem!"</emily> You hear Emily's voice and quickly turn towards it.
<emily>-"What are you doing?"</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\d3.jpg">
<b>-"O-oh.. Nothing, was just cheking out your new underwear!"</b> You awkwardly laugh.
<emily>-"Hmph.. Do you like them? Julian gave them to me during the photoshoot!"</emily>
<b>-"J-julian?"</b> You remember his name from somwhere..
<emily>-"Yes. He helped take the pictures, because you didn't"</emily>
<emily>-"Come, join me in the shower."</emily> Emily turns around and starts to walk towards the bathroom.
<<pageReplace"Join her in the bathroom">>\
<b>-"How was your day?"</b> You ask as you step inside.
<emily>-"Good, good. Had an online meeting with Jenna."</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\d2.jfif">
<b>-"Jenna? Who's Jennna?"</b>
<emily>-"The IBWO's public relations specialist."</emily>
<b>-"W-what did you talk about?"</b>
<emily>-"The conversation revolved around you."</emily> She drops her towel, revealing her incredible body.
<b>-"M-me?"</b> You stare at her as you stutter.
<emily>-"Mhm. Let's get in, I'll explain everything then."</emily> You nod and begin taking off your clothes.
<<if $toys==1>>\
<emily>-"Take off the cage."</emily> Emily says as you take off your underwear.
<b>-"Y-you sure?"</b>
<emily>-"Yes. Today is your lucky day!"</emily> Your cheeks blush as you take the key out of your pocket and unlock yourself. As your cock gets it's freedom, you immediately get hard.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\d4.webp">
<emily>-"Ghahah... S-sorry.."</emily> Emily lets out a chuckle as she sees your member.
<b>-"Can't say no to that!"</b> As pull down your underwear and free you cock, it immediately get hard.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\d4.webp">
<emily>-"Ghahah... S-sorry.."</emily> Emily lets out a chuckle as she sees your member.
<b>-"Come on.. Don't be like that.."</b> You blush out of embarrassment as she steps into the shower.
<emily>-"I said sorry."</emily> You step inside after her. As she turns on the water, you both begin washing yourself.
<b>-"S-so.. What was that about Jenna?"</b>
<emily>-"Well.."</emily> Emily turns to you.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\d5.webp">
<emily>-"We talked a lot about reparations.."</emily>
<emily>-"Mhm."</emily> Emily nods.
<emily>-"You know.. I'm doing my part for the movement.. But you.."</emily> She turns around and presses her ass against your cock.
<b>-"O-oh..?"</b> As you try your best not to cum prematurely, she begins to grind your cock.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\d6.gif">
<<if $hairextensions ==true>>\
<b>-"I.. I can use my body too.."</b>
<emily>-"I know baby, but you haven't even started training yet.."</emily> You remember how long it took until Emily was an actual member.
<b>-"W-what can I do then?"</b>
<emily>-"You could show your support by helping us.. Money wise.."</emily> She grabs your cock..
<b>-"NgHhhHH! Money wise?"</b>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\d7.webp">
<emily>-"MhMmmmmm.. The orginization could always use more... Ads are not cheap you know.."</emily> Emily puts her hand on your chest.
<<if $feminization>100>>\
<emily>-"H-has your chest grown?"</emily>
<b>-"NghhhhH.. W-what?"</b> Emily let's go.
<emily>-"Nevermind... As I was saying, the IBWO could always use more money.."</emily>
<b>-"GhhHHhh.. I.. I don't know.. I already pay rent!"</b>
<emily>-"Come onnn... Don't you love your girlfriend? Don't you want what's best for her?"</emily> You remain silent.
<emily>-"Don't you want me to make you cum..?"</emily> Emily bites your ear.
<<pageReplace"How much?">>
<b>-"H-how much?"</b> That last sentance enticed you..
<emily>-"A mere 200$ every week.. That's not a lot, right?"</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\d8.webp">
<b>-"S-shitTtt.."</b> Emily is keeping you on the edge of cumming..
<emily>-"Jenna will take you a lot more seriously too.. Maybe you could even help me on a couple of assignments.."</emily>
<b>-"GhHHHhh.. W-what if I say no?"</b> She suddenly slaps your balls.
<emily>-"I definitely won't be happy.."</emily> Emily looks you in the eyes.
<emily>-"And you don't want that, believe me."</emily>
<b>-"NGhhHHffF! F-fine!"</b> Emily grins and pushes you against the wall.
<emily>-"I knew you would understand.."</emily> She blocks the water with her body, gets on her knees and begins to jack you off.
<b>-"F-fucKKKKkk.. I'm about to cum!!"</b> Your eyes roll backwards as you try not to pass out.
<emily>-"Cum for me $name... Cum for me!"</emily> Emily presses her chest against your cock... It's over..
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\d9.webp">
<b>-"FuckkkKK! Oh my GodddddDDd!"</b> Emily stands up and starts to wash away the cum.
<emily>-"Ewh.. So stinky.."</emily> After doing so, she gives you a kiss on the cheek.
<emily>-"Good job baby, you made the right decision."</emily>
<b>-"Haaaa... Haaaa.."</b> You can barely breath.. After she turns off the water, you both climb out.
<emily>-"Jenna will be so happy you agreed!"</emily> You dry yourself off and begin to put on your underwear.
<emily>-"She wasn't sure you would agree, but I always knew that you would!"</emily> Emily starts to clothe herself as well.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\d10.jpg">
<b>-"O-of course baby! I want to be part of this movement!"</b> You spend the next couple of hours figuring out where and how you should make the payment. Finally, you decide to send the money to their paypal account every Sunday, at the same time you pay rent. You spend another hour laying around and talking, before finally deciding that it's time to go.
<b>-"Have a good one Emily"</b> You shout as you walk through the doorway.
<emily>-"You too! Don't forget the payment!"</emily> You nod and walk out.
<<set $emilyrelationship to $emilyrelationship +2>>
<grey>BNWO +2!</grey>
<<set $bwno to $bnwo +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<<todoCompleted "Get 500$ for rent by Sunday">>\
<<todo "Get 700$ for rent and reparations by Sunday.">>\
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<<set $reparations to true>>\
<b>-"NGhhHHffF! I-I'm sorry.. I'll be broke, I can't"</b> Emily let's go of your cock right as you're about to cum.
<emily>-"Gosh... I can tell that you don't think this movement is serious."</emily> You begin to jack yourself off, but she slaps your hand.
<b>-"N-nooo.. P-please!"</b>
<emily>-"Don't even think about it. Now get out."</emily> Emily starts to push you out of the shower.
<emily>-"I don't want to hear it! You don't even care about it, that's pretty obvious.."</emily>
<b>-"I do!"</b> She closes the shower door as you step outside.
<emily>-"I don't want to talk to you!"</emily> You sight... After drying yourself and putting on your clothes, you decide that it's time to leave.
<b>-"Fuck.. Maybe I should have agreed.."</b>
<<set $emilyrelationship to $emilyrelationship -2>>
<grey>Emily will remember this!</grey>
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<</if>>\<<location "Images/Other/7363794952_56303ea0b0_b.webp" "At Emily's place">>\
<<set $emilybnwoevent to $emilybnwoevent +1>>\
<<if $time !==2>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<b>-"Oof, so many stairs!"</b> You think as you reach Emily's door.
<b>-"Honey! I'm coming in!"</b>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\aa1.png">
<emily>-"MgHhhh.."</emily> Emily's moans fill your ears as you enter her apartment.
<b>-"Is she having fun on her own again...?"</b> You take off your shoes and begin to walk towards her bedroom.
<b>-"Oh?"</b> Before you could even get there, you find her in the living room!
<emily>-"S-shit... So bigg...!"</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\aa2.webp">
<b>-"Wow, look at the size of that thing...!"</b>
<<pageReplace"Announce yourself">>
<b>-"H-hey babe!"</b>
<emily>-"Wwaaaaah!"</emily> Her hips stop moving as she falls onto her side.
<emily>-"Jeez! You scared me $name!"</emily> Emily quickly grabs the dildo, so it doesn't fall out.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\aa3.png">
<b>-"Sorry, sorry..."</b> You smile as she slowly takes out the toy.
<b>-"H-having fun?"</b>
<emily>-"Oof..."</emily> She slowly slides off of the sofa and sits down on the ground.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\aa4.jpeg">
<emily>-"I'm practicing! But it is fun, I can't lie haha!"</emily>
<b>-"Oh... Practicing?"</b>
<emily>-"Mhm! For the night of acceptance!"</emily>
<b>-"For the what now?"</b>
<emily>-"You know! The night when I'll finally get bred by a black king and get marked with a spade."</emily>
<b>-"Ah! You mean the night you'll become a full member of the IBWO?"</b> Your cock throbs in excitement, but you pay it no mind.
<emily>-"I'm already a member! I'll finally become a breeding girl though!"</emily>
<b>-"A breeding girl? What's that?"</b>
<emily>-"Heh, I'll tell you, but first, help me practice."</emily> She gets on the sofa again and spreads her legs.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\aa5.jpg">
<b>-"H-how do you want me to help you baby?"</b>
<emily>-"MghHh.. Take that toy and shove it as deep as you can inside!"</emily> She points at the black dildo to the left of you.
<<pageReplace"Do as she says.">>
<b>-"Of course baby!"</b> You grab the toy and position it right in front of her vagina.
<emily>-"N-now go slow... I need a couple of minutes to get used to the size... It's not a whiteboy cock you know!"</emily>
<b>-"H-here I go Emily!"</b> You begin to slowly insert the toy into her.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\aa6.webp">
<emily>-"MgHhhHH!! G-gentle!"</emily>
<b>-"S-sorry!"</b> You slow down the pace event more. The dildo is so big, that you can even see her stomach bulging as it's going in.
<emily>-"S-shitTTttt! A-a breeding girl... MgHhHh.. M-meansssSsssS!"</emily>
<b>-"NghHh... Mhm...?"</b> Emily grabs a vibrator laying on the table next to you and presses it against her clit.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\aa8.webp">
<emily>-"F-fUcKkKK! I-it means, I'll f-finally get sommMmeeEEEee... MghhHH!!.. B-black seed inside of meEeee... And bear the IBWO's children!"</emily> You stop for a second.
<b>-"Y-you plan to get pregnant?!"</b>
<emily>-"Of course! MgHhHh.. T-that is the life purpose of a breeding girl!"</emily> Your cock throbs once again.. It's becoming really hard to stop yourself from masturbating..
<<pageReplace"Fuck it, pull down your pants.">>
<b>-"B-babe, hold on for a second! I-I'm really horny!"</b> You let go of the toy and begin to pull down your lower garnaments.
<emily>-"MgHhH.. H-huh?"</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\aa7.jpg">
<emily>-"What are you doing?"</emily>
<b>-"Sorry! I'm just really horny.."</b> You try to take your underwear off as well, but she stops you.
<emily>-"I won't let a whiteboy masturbate next to me! That's so icky!"</emily> She slaps your hand away.
<b>-"B-but babe!"</b>
<emily>-"No buts! If you want to jack that shrimp of yours you'll do it when I tell you to!"</emily> Emily seems pissed..
<b>-"Y-yes Emily.."</b> You sigh and take the dildo again.
<emily>-"Now, put that bbc back inside of me, I'm about to cum.."</emily>
<<pageReplace"Do as she says.">>
<b>-"O-of course baby..."</b> You take the dildo and shove it even deeper inside.
<grey>-"BRrrrRRrrrRRrr!"</grey> Emily increases the speed of the vibrator.
<b>-"So creamy.."</b> Emily's juices begin to overflow.
<emily>-"S-shitTt shiTTtt shitTTtttTT!! I-I'm comiNgnGGgGGG!!"</emily> She screams as her body quivers in pleasure.
<emily>-"MgHhHH.. FucKkkk.."</emily> You slowly take out the toy.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\aa9.webp">
<b>-"L-looks like you're ready..."</b>
<emily>-"MgHHHHh.. N-not even close."</emily> She rests her head on the sofa.
<emily>-"I need to be able to milk a cock of this size without pain.. I have a lot to learn."</emily> Emily sits up.
<b>-"Understood.. Want me to help you?"</b>
<emily>-"Heh, you're such a good cuck."</emily> She stands up and you follow suit.
<emily>-"Of course I would baby. Let's go to the bedroom."</emily> You spent the next couple of hours fucking Emily with various toys. After she got her fill, you both took a quick shower.
<b>-"See you later babe!"</b>
<emily>-"See ya honey!"</emily> The evening went well, but you trying to masturbate without permission left a sour taste in Emily's mouth.
<<set $emilyrelationship to $emilyrelationship -1>>
<grey>BNWO +1!</grey>
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo +1>>
<grey>Emily will remember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Focus on her pleasure and training.">>
<b>-"N-no, I can't.."</b> You push the thoughts away, take the dildo and shove it even deeper inside.
<grey>-"BRrrrRRrrrRRrr!"</grey> Emily increases the speed of the vibrator.
<b>-"So creamy.."</b> Emily's juices begin to overflow.
<emily>-"S-shitTt shiTTtt shitTTtttTT!! I-I'm comiNgnGGgGGG!!"</emily> She screams as her body quivers in pleasure.
<emily>-"MgHhHH.. FucKkkk.."</emily> You slowly take out the toy.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\aa9.webp">
<b>-"L-looks like you're ready..."</b>
<emily>-"MgHHHHh.. N-not even close."</emily> She rests her head on the sofa.
<emily>-"I need to be able to milk a cock of this size without pain.. I have a lot to learn."</emily> Emily sits up.
<b>-"Understood.. Want me to help you?"</b>
<emily>-"Heh, you're such a good cuck."</emily> She stands up and you follow suit.
<emily>-"Of course I would baby. Let's go to the bedroom."</emily> You spent the next couple of hours fucking Emily with various toys. After she got her fill, you both took a quick shower.
<b>-"See you later babe!"</b>
<emily>-"See ya honey!"</emily> The evening went incredibly well. Emily appreciated your help and eagerness to support her.
<<set $emilyrelationship to $emilyrelationship +1>>
<grey>BNWO +1!</grey>
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo +1>>
<grey>Emily will remember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>><<location "Images/Other/7363794952_56303ea0b0_b.webp" "At Emily's place">>\
<<set $ibwomission1 to true>>\
<<set $emilybnwoevent to $emilybnwoevent +1>>\
<<if $time !==2>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<if $reparations ==true>>\
<b>-"She should be home already."</b> You think as you climb up the stairs. You talked on the phone and Emily said that she'll get home later than usual.
<b>-"Honey! I'm here!"</b> You shout as you open the door.
<emily>-"Ah babe! Hello! I'm in my bedroom!"</emily> Emily shouts back. You quickly take off your shoes and follow her voice.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\aaa1.jpg">
<emily>-"Hey shrimpy!"</emily>
<emily>-"Hehehe, that's what some of the girls in the IBWO call you whiteboys... I think it fits you!"</emily>
<b>-"C-come on babe..."</b> There might be some truth to it, but it still hurts!
<emily>-"Alright alright enough of that. Come to the bed."</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\aaa2.jpg">
<b>-"Sure.."</b> You sit down next to her and you both begin talking.
<b>-"You were at their headquarters?"</b>
<emily>-"Mhm! Got back just a second ago, I'm still with outside clothes haha!"</emily>
<emily>-"Oh! Before I forget!"</emily> She quickly turns around and picks up something from the nightstand.
<<pageReplace"See what it is.">>
<b>-"What is it?"</b>
<emily>-"Here, it's from Jenna."</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\aaa3.png">
<b>-"Huh...? A letter?"</b> You take it off Emily's hands.
<emily>-"Mhm! The IBWO was impressed that you didn't need any convincing to start paying reparations, so they started trusting you."</emily>
<b>-"O-okay.. What does it have to do with this though?"</b>
<emily>-"Inside is instructions of your first mission!"</emily> Emily begins to take off her clothes.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\aaa4.jpg">
<emily>-"Oof.. I need to take shower."</emily>
<b>-"My first mission?! What?!"</b>
<emily>-"Remember what I told you before $name? That the IBWO is striving to become more mainstream, to spread their amazing teachings far and wide?"</emily>
<b>-"Yeah, I remember."</b>
<emily>-"All I know is that this mission is tied to that."</emily> She shrugs.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\aaa5.jpg">
<b>-"W-wow... It's a big honor..."</b>
<emily>-"Well I'm glad you feel that way! I'll go take a shower, you can read the letter in the meantime."</emily>
<emily>-"Oh and, don't tell me what it's about. I can't know for some reason."</emily> She shrugs once again and stands up.
<b>-"S-sure thing."</b> Emily walks off towards the bathroom as you're left there, confused.
<b>-"I guess... I guess let's read the letter then."</b>
<<pageReplace"Open the envelope.">>
<<todo "Get the folder the IBWO wants.">>
<b>-"Let's see.."</b> You slowly open the envelope and take out the letter.
<b>-"A-ahem."</b> You begin to read.
Dear $name,
I'm writing to thank you for your ongoing support of our movement. You're definitely an ally and we value you a lot, even though you're a whiteboy!
However, to prove your worth to this organization even more and for us to allow you to keep dating one of our future breeding girls, we'll need you to do something for us.
We know that you're helping The SUP's principal invite students to a festival he's holding. We also know, that you have access to his office.
Now onto your mission - Go to Hudson's office and get a RED folder of documents from one of his drawers.
When you get them, hand the doccuments to Emily.
Make haste, the organization needs that folder ASAP!
Thank you for fighting for our cause. Let's make the world a more diverse place together! Let's establish the new black world order!
With pleasure, Jenna. <img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\aaa66.png" style="width: 15%" class = "pull-right">
<emily>-"Read it?"</emily> Emily asks as you put down the letter.
<b>-"Y-yeah... You're already out of the shower?"</b>
<emily>-"Mhm! Didn't wash my hair this time."</emily> You put the letter back in the envelope.
<emily>-"So, what did it say?"</emily>
<b>-"You said that I can't tell you."</b>
<emily>-"Oh shit! Haha I forgot!"</emily> You both laugh as she lays down on the bed.
<emily>-"Oof.. Hand me the remote please."</emily> Emily turns on the TV and lays down on your chest.
<b>-"I guess I'm going on a mission then... I wonder what's in the folder if they want it so much."</b> You think as try to relax.
<emily>-"Yawnnnnn..."</emily> You spent the evening watching TV and talking with Emily. After a couple of hours, you decide to head back.
<b>-"Have a good one!"</b>
<emily>-"Byeeee! Love you!"</emily>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<b>-"She should be home already."</b> You think as you climb up the stairs. You talked on the phone and Emily said that she'll get home later than usual.
<b>-"Honey! I'm here!"</b> You shout as you open the door.
<emily>-"Ah babe! Hello! I'm in my bedroom!"</emily> Emily shouts back. You quickly take off your shoes and follow her voice.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\aaa1.jpg">
<emily>-"Hey shrimpy!"</emily>
<emily>-"Hehehe, that's what some of the girls in the IBWO call you whiteboys... I think it fits you!"</emily>
<b>-"C-come on babe..."</b> There might be some truth to it, but it still hurts!
<emily>-"Alright alright enough of that. Come to the bed."</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\aaa2.jpg">
<b>-"Sure.."</b> You sit down next to her and you both begin talking.
<b>-"You were at their headquarters?"</b>
<emily>-"Mhm! Got back just a second ago, I'm still with outside clothes haha!"</emily>
<emily>-"Oh! Before I forget!"</emily> She quickly turns around and picks up something from the nightstand.
<<pageReplace"See what it is.">>
<b>-"What is it?"</b>
<emily>-"Here, it's from Jenna."</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\aaa3.png">
<b>-"Huh...? A letter?"</b> You take it off Emily's hands.
<emily>-"Mhm! The IBWO was incredibly disappointed that you didn't agree to pay reparations, so they want you to prove your loyalty."</emily>
<b>-"S-shit.. What does it have to do with this though?"</b>
<emily>-"Inside is instructions of your first mission!"</emily> Emily begins to take off her clothes.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\aaa4.jpg">
<emily>-"Oof.. I need to take shower."</emily>
<b>-"My first mission?! What?!"</b>
<emily>-"Remember what I told you before $name? That the IBWO is striving to become more mainstream, to spread their amazing teachings far and wide?"</emily>
<b>-"Yeah, I remember."</b>
<emily>-"All I know is that this mission is tied to that."</emily> She shrugs.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\aaa5.jpg">
<b>-"W-wow... It's a big honor..."</b>
<emily>-"Well I'm glad you feel that way! I'll go take a shower, you can read the letter in the meantime."</emily>
<emily>-"Oh and, don't tell me what it's about. I can't know for some reason."</emily> She shrugs once again and stands up.
<b>-"S-sure thing."</b> Emily walks off towards the bathroom as you're left there, confused.
<b>-"I guess... I guess let's read the letter then."</b>
<<pageReplace"Open the envelope.">>
<<todo "Get the folder the IBWO wants.">>
<b>-"Let's see.."</b> You slowly open the envelope and take out the letter.
<b>-"A-ahem."</b> You begin to read.
Dear $name,
You disappointed us all after you refused to pay monetary reparations, we definitely thought you were better than that...
In most cases, we would just dismiss you competely, but Emily was adamant that you can benefit us.
To prove your worth to this organization and for us to allow you to keep dating one of our future breeding girls, we'll need you to do something for us.
We know that you're helping The SUP's principal invite students to a festival he's holding. We also know, that you have access to his office.
Now onto your mission - Go to Hudson's office and get a RED folder of documents from one of his drawers.
When you get them, hand the doccuments to Emily.
Make haste, the organization needs that folder ASAP!
Let's make the world a more diverse place together! Let's establish the new black world order!
With pleasure, Jenna. <img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\aaa66.png" style="width: 15%" class = "pull-right">
<emily>-"Read it?"</emily> Emily asks as you put down the letter.
<b>-"Y-yeah... You're already out of the shower?"</b>
<emily>-"Mhm! Didn't wash my hair this time."</emily> You put the letter back in the envelope.
<emily>-"So, what did it say?"</emily>
<b>-"You said that I can't tell you."</b>
<emily>-"Oh shit! Haha I forgot!"</emily> You both laugh as she lays down on the bed.
<emily>-"Oof.. Hand me the remote please."</emily> Emily turns on the TV and lays down on your chest.
<b>-"I guess I'm going on a mission then... I wonder what's in the folder if they want it so much."</b> You think as try to relax.
<emily>-"Yawnnnnn..."</emily> You spent the evening watching TV and talking with Emily. After a couple of hours, you decide to head back.
<b>-"Have a good one!"</b>
<emily>-"Byeeee! Love you!"</emily>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<</if>>\<<location "Images/Other/7363794952_56303ea0b0_b.webp" "At Emily's place">>\
<<set $emilybnwoevent to $emilybnwoevent +1>>\
<<if $time !==2>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<b>-"Babe! I'm here!"</b> You shout as you enter into her apartment.
<b>-"Babe?"</b> You hear some sounds coming from her bathroom.
<b>-"Alright then..."</b> After taking off your shoes, you make your way towards it and open the door.
<b>-"Babe? Are you hear?"</b> As soon as the doors swing open, you see her.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\bbb1.jpg">
<emily>-"$name?! D-don't look! I'm changing!"</emily> Emily quickly covers up.
<b>-"O-oh sorry! Haha you didn't hear me come in?"</b>
<b>-"O-oh come on, I've seen you naked before you know."</b>
<emily>-"So what? I'm part of the IBWO now, my body is for black men ONLY!"</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\bbb2.jpg">
<b>-"Sorry, sorry..."</b> You should have known..
<emily>-"Now get out, I need to put this on."</emily> You do as you're told.
<emily>-"Did you find the folder?"</emily> She asks through the mostly closed door.
<<pageReplace"Sure did!">>
<b>-"Sure did! Give me a second..."</b> You open up your backpack and take it out.
<b>-"Here!"</b> You hand it to her through the barely open door.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\bbb3.png">
<emily>-"Hmph, good boy."</emily>
<emily>-"The IBWO will be very happy!"</emily>
<b>-"I'm glad baby..."</b>
<emily>-"Now! Where were we?"</emily> Emily opens the door.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\bbb4.jpg">
<b>-"Oh wow.. You look great honey. Getting ready to go out?"</b>
<emily>-"Sure am! Going to the IBWO headquarters in a bit, getting some oral training!"</emily>
<b>-"W-wow... Sounds hot..."</b>
<emily>-"Heh, it sure does!"</emily>
<emily>-"Oh! I also have some news!"</emily>
<emily>-"The orginization told me that whiteboy training is starting soon, so I'll need you to come with me to the headquarters next time we meet up!"</emily>
<<pageReplace"Whiteboy training?">>
<b>-"W-whiteboy training? What's that?"</b>
<emily>-"Don't know myself just yet. If I were to guess though, you'll probably have to watch me pleasing black kings or something like that."</emily>
<b>-"MghHhh... I'm down..."</b>
<emily>-"Hahaha! Of course you are!"</emily> Emily smiles.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\bbb5.jpg">
<emily>-"Anyways, want to give me a lift?"</emily>
<b>-"T-to where?"</b>
<emily>-"The headquarters silly! I just told you I'm going out to train!"</emily>
<b>-"Oh right! S-sorry!"</b> You let out an awkward laugh as Emily waits for your answer.
<<set $emilyrelationship to $emilyrelationship +1>>\
<b>-"Sure thing!"</b>
<emily>-"Yay! Let me just grab my stuff!"</emily> Emily puts on some clothes over her lingerie, grabs an extra pair of shoes and puts some extra clothes in a bag.
<b>-"Oh wow... Why so much stuff?"</b> You ask as you both walk towards your car.
<emily>-"I'm staying overnight!"</emily>
<emily>-"Mhm! My jaw is going to be soooooo tired haha!"</emily> You both enter the car and begin to drive towards the headquarters.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\bbb6.webp">
<b>-"Here we are!"</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<emily>-"Thank you honey!"</emily> Emily kisses you on the cheek and gets out of the car.
<b>-"Hope you do well in your training!"</b>
<emily>-"Me too! Maybe I'll even suck you off when I get enough experience!"</emily>
<emily>-"Hahaha of course not! That was a joke!"</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\bbb7.png">
<b>-"God damnit..."</b>
<emily>-"Alright, I'm off then!"</emily> You nod and your girlfriend walks off.
<b>-"God she's sexy!"</b> Emily appreciated that you drove her here.
<grey>Emily will remember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Maybe next time.">>
<<set $emilyrelationship to $emilyrelationship -1>>\
<b>-"Maybe next time babe, I'm really busy."</b>
<emily>-"Ugh, of course you are..."</emily> Emily seems disappointed.
<emily>-"I'll just get there myself. You can leave."</emily>
<b>-"H-how about our date?"</b>
<emily>-"Yeah I don't have time today, the IBWO is way more important."</emily> She pushes you to the side and begins to walk towards the kitchen.
<b>-"Understood... Good luck with your training then!"</b>
<emily>-"Mhm..."</emily> She mumbles as you walk towards the door.
<grey>Emily will remember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>><<location "Images/Emily/events/bnwo/t3.webp" "The IBWO headquarters">>
<<set $emilybnwoevent to $emilybnwoevent +1>>\
<<if $time !==2>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<grey>-"Screeechhh...!"</grey> Your tires come to a halt as you pull into the IBWO's parking lot.
<b>-"Finally!"</b> It's the first day of whiteboy training! You texted Emily already, she told you to meet her inside.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\cc1.webp">
<b>-"Alright, let's go inside then."</b> You step out of your car and begin to walk towards the orginization.
<grey>-"Name?"</grey> A security guard asks you.
<b>-"$name. Emily's boyfriend."</b> The man pulls out a noteboard.
<grey>-"Mmmm, good, you can come in."</grey> You nod and step inside.
<b>-"It's only my second time here, I have no idea where I'm supposed to go..."</b> As this thought crosses your mind, you spot a receptionist near the entrance.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\cc2.png">
<b>-"Ah! I could ask her!"</b>
<b>-"Excuse me miss?"</b> You ask after walking up to her desk.
<pink>-"Yes...?"</pink> She looks you up and down and answers.
<b>-"S-sorry to bother, but I'm supposed to attend... Whiteboy training? Or something like that... My girlfriend Emily said to meet her here."</b>
<pink>-"Ah yes, one second please."</pink>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\cc3.png">
<pink>-"He's here. Yes. Mhm. I'll send him in then."</pink> She puts the telephone down.
<pink>-"So $name, during this training session you will be asked to refrain from touching yourself."</pink>
<pink>-"All you have to do is watch and do as you're told. DON'T touch yourself or you will be removed."</pink>
<pink>-"We will be testing and training your self control."</pink>
<b>-"R-right, understood!"</b>
<pink>-"They already started, please head to training room 23. It is on floor two."</pink>
<b>-"Thank you!"</b> She nods as you begin walking away.
<<pageReplace"Find the training room.">>\
<b>-"Training room 23 she said."</b> You climb up a set of stairs and reach floor 2.
<pink>-"S-shitTttTT! YesSSsSSS!"</pink>
<b>-"O-oh wow..."</b> As you walk through the corridor, the sound of multiple women moaning fill your eardrums.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\cc4.jpg">
<pink>-"Ghuh ghuh ghuh! Ahhhh! S-swo bwig!"</pink>
<b>-"Twenty three, twenty three, twenty three..."</b> You try your best not to think about the moans as you walk towards the training room.
<b>-"H-here it is!"</b> A door with the number 23 on it catches your eye.
<emily>-"MghhHhh... Y-yesSHhhH!"</emily>
<b>-"I-is that Emily's moans?"</b> Your cock begins to throb as you place your hand on the handle.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\cc5.jpg">
<<pageReplace"Step inside.">>\
<emily>-"MgHnnHhHh! Y-ywou lwike thwat?"</emily>
<b>-"Oh my God..."</b> You step inside and finally see it...
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\cc6.webp">
<b>-"Gulp..."</b> Emily is sucking cock not even 5 meters away from you... Your body feels hot, yet confused. Seeing her do it in person feels way harder to handle than you thought it would be.
<grey>-"You must be $name?"</grey> One of the guys says.
<b>-"Y-yes..."</b> You sheepishly answer.
<emily>-"Ahhhhh!"</emily> Emily takes out the cock out of her mouth.
<emily>-"Baby! You made it!"</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\cc7.jpg">
<grey>-"Who told you to stop sucking?"</grey> The man grabs Emily's hair.
<emily>-"NghHhh! I-I'm sorry!"</emily>
<grey>-"Sit down."</grey> He looks at you and points to a sofa.
<emily>-"MgHhhHhH! Guh GuH GUh!"</emily> Emily starts to pleasure the man orally again.
<b>-"R-right..."</b> You turn to where he's pointing and see two guys already sitting there.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\cc8.webp">
<b>-"Hey...!"</b> They must be the boyfriends of the other two girls in the room!
<olive>-"H-hey man... N-no!... Shit..."</olive> The man answers, nervously.
<b>-"I'll just take a seat here then."</b> You sit down next to them, on a chair to the left.
<<pageReplace"Watch Emily suck some big black cock.">>\
<emily>-"GhhrRhHh! D-do ywou swee how bwig it is hwoney?"</emily>
<b>-"I-I do baby!"</b> Your cock begins to let out spurts of pre cum as you watch your girlfriend pleasure another man.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\cc9.webp">
<pink>-"NGhHHh.. Enwjoying thwis cuckwy?"</pink>
<blue>-"S-sure am baby! You look great!"</blue> Says one of the guys.
<adriana>-"Swo bwiggggg!"</adriana>
<olive>-"No no no... This can't be happening!"</olive>
<b>-"Well he seems distraught."</b>
<m>-"Enough. Show off how well you can kiss."</m> A voice comes over the speakers, the girls take a second, but they all stand up and begin kissing their partners.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\cc10.webp">
<b>-"A-are we being watched?"</b> You ask the fat guy on the sofa.
<blue>-"I think so. Why else would the speakers come on?"</blue>
<m>-"Whiteboys, please remove your trousers. We need to make sure the rules aren't being broken."</m> The speakers come on again, but before you could do anything, one of the guys freaks out.
<olive>-"N-no this is too much!"</olive> He stands up.
<adriana>-"John? Where are you going?"</adriana> The girl stops kissing her partner for a second.
<olive>-"F-fuck this shit! I-I-I can't take this anymore!"</olive> He runs out of the room.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\cc11.png">
<blue>-"Yo! Dude!"</blue> It's too late, the man is gone.
<adriana>-"Hmph, I didn't need that cuck anyways... Come here."</adriana> She embraces in a kiss again.
<<pageReplace"Remove your pants.">>
<blue>-"There..."</blue> The one remaining guy takes off his pants and you follow suit.
<<if $toys==1>><img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\cc12.jfif"><<else>><img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\cc13.jpg"><</if>>
<m>-"Very good. Continue to watch."</m> <<if $toys ==1>>The voice announces as you both sit there, awkwardly. Your cage feels like it's about to burst.<<else>>The voice announces as you both sit there, awkwardly. Your cock feels like it's about to burst.<</if>>
<m>-"Back to oral girls."</m> Emily and the others nod and get on their knees.
<emily>-"Guh guH! NghHhhH!"</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\cc14.webp">
<b>-"Gosh they're so hot."</b>
<pink>-"MghHhh! Ywou lwike it bwaby?"</pink>
<blue>-"I love it!"</blue>
<pink>-"Not ywou!"</pink> The woman looks at her partner.
<grey>-"Ghahah! I love it too baby!"</grey>
<grey>-"S-shit! I'm close!"</grey> Emily's partner shouts.
<emily>-"Ahhhhh! Come on, on my face then!"</emily> She pulls out the cock out of her mouth and sticks out her tongue.
<grey>-"ArgHhhhh!!"</grey> He releases a giant load straight onto your girlfriends face.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\cc15.webp">
<m>-"Very good, $name passes."</m> The speakers once again announce.
<b>-"F-fuck yeah..."</b> Your cock is still throbbing in denial and pleasure, but you managed to hold off.
<b>-"How was it honey?"</b> You ask as Emily walks up to you, completely drenched in cum.
<emily>-"Heh, good as always. Julian's cockhas never let me down."</emily> She leans in closer.
<emily>-"Now come here and give me a kiss."</emily>
<<pageReplace"Give her a kiss.">>
<b>-"Of course baby!"</b>
<emily>-"Mmmmm..."</emily> She moans as your lips touch.
<b>-"NgHhhh! S-swalty!"</b> Some of the cum gets on your face and lips...
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\cc16.webp">
<grey>-"Shit! I'm about to cum!"</grey> Another man says.
<adriana>-"AhhhH! G-give it to me!"</adriana> As he begins to cum on his partner, the speakers come on once again.
<m>-"Very good, Tom passes."</m>
<blue>-"Fuck yeah!"</blue>
<b>-"Ready to go babe?"</b> You ask after wiping away the cum off of your lips.
<emily>-"Of course."</emily> She smiles as you stand up.
<emily>-"Thank you Julian!"</emily>
<grey>-"Excited to host you guys again!"</grey> He laughs.
<b>-"Let's go..."</b> After you put on your pants and Emily cleans up her face, you both walk out of the room and begin walking towards the parking lot.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\cc18.jpg">
<pink>-"I heard that you both passed! Congratulations!"</pink> The receptionist says.
<b>-"T-thank you!"</b>
<pink>-"Next session will be a bit harder, most whiteboys drop out during it, but I believe in you!"</pink>
<b>-"I will do my best, for the orginizations sake!"</b>
<<pageReplace"Walk to your car">>
<emily>-"That was awesome $name! You didn't touch yourself once! Good job!"</emily> Emily says as you both get in the car.
<b>-"I can say the same thing to you... Your skills were exceptional..."</b>
<emily>-"Well, black kings deserve nothing less!"</emily> You fire up the engine and begin driving towards her place.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\cc20.jpg">
<emily>-"Thanks for supporting me $name, through thick and thin."</emily> She gives you a kiss on the cheek.
<b>-"Of course baby."</b>
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo +2>>
<grey>BNWO +2!</grey>
<<set $emilyrelationship to $emilyopenrelationship +1>>
<grey>Emily will remember this!</grey>
[[Drive back to her place->Go outside]]
<b>-"I.. I would rather not, you're covered in cum."</b> Emily frowns.
<b>-"I'm sorry..."</b>
<emily>-"Hmph, fine."</emily> She looks at Julian again.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\cc17.webp">
<emily>-"Want to go for round two?"</emily>
<grey>-"The training is over, you can go home."</grey>
<emily>-"Oh I know, but my boyfriend is being a dick so I'll just rather stay here."</emily>
<emily>-"Nope, too late. Now get out, did you hear what Julian said? The training is over."</emily> She walks to her partner again and gets on her knees.
<<pageReplace"Drive home alone.">>
<b>-"I'm sorry Emily."</b> You say as you stand up and pull up your pants.
<emily>-"GuhhhhH! MGhhhH!"</emily> She doesn't say a word and begins to devour Julian's cock again.
<b>-"Fuck..."</b> You silently leave the training room and walk to your car.
<b>-"God damnit... I'm so dumb."</b> After climbing inside, you fire up the engine.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\cc20.jpg">
<b>-"I just hope she won't be mad for long."</b>
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo +1>>
<grey>BNWO +1!</grey>
<<set $emilyrelationship to $emilyopenrelationship -1>>
<grey>Emily will remember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>><<location "Images/Other/7363794952_56303ea0b0_b.webp" "At Emily's place">>\
<<set $emilybnwoevent to $emilybnwoevent +1>>\
<<if $time !==2>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<emily>-"So, where was I?"</emily> Another day another date. You spent the last couple of hours eating and watching TV, finally, you both decided to take a rest on the bed.
<b>-"You were talking about how you gave the folder to the IBWO?"</b>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\ccc1.jpg">
<emily>-"Oh right! They were very happy with the fact that you found it, but unfortunately, they didn't find what they were looking for."</emily>
<b>-"Awh, well that sucks."</b>
<emily>-"It sure does. So they're going to need your help again."</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\ccc3.png">
<emily>-"Mhm, however, this time they told us both to come. So during our next date, we're going there ASAP!"</emily>
<b>-"There? Where is that exactly?"</b>
<emily>-"They gave me an address, too lazy to check it now though. It's somewhere near the city center."</emily>
<b>-"Any idea what we're going to be doing?"</b>
<emily>-"Nope, but I trust the organization with my life, so should you."</emily> You nod as you suddenly feel her hand slipping towards your crotch.
<b>-"O-oh?"</b> Emily smiles as you stutter.
<emily>-"If you do good, I'll use that fleshlight on you again."</emily>
<b>-"T-the what?"</b> She giggles and sits up.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\ccc2.png">
<emily>-"Have you already forgotten?"</emily> She opens one of her drawers and begins to dig around for something.
<emily>-"As you know, you won't see my pussy anytime soon... Or ever to be fair, so this toy will have to do."</emily>
<b>-"Ah... I-Is it the toy you used when you got back from America?"</b> Blood begins to pool to your dick as you remember how savagely she stroked your cock with it.
<emily>-"Hehehe, sure is!"</emily> She pulls out the toy.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\ccc4.png">
<emily>-"And remember, it's modeled after my pussy, so you can reminisce about how good it felt when were still fucking so many months ago."</emily>
<<pageReplace"Act excited.">>
<b>-"F-fuck yeah! I can't wait baby!"</b>
<emily>-"Heh, I figured you would like it."</emily> She puts the toy down and lays next to you once again.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\ccc5.jpg">
<emily>-"Gosh, you're such a good boyfriend! A lot of whiteboys don't understand the importance of this lifestyle, but you're different!"</emily> She grabs your palm and kisses your cheek.
<b>-"T-thanks babe... I try to stay open-minded for you."</b>
<emily>-"Mhm, it shows."</emily> Emily smiles once again.
<emily>-"Come, let's take a nap now."</emily>
<b>-"Sure honey."</b> You both close your eyes and drift off to sleep... After a good hour or two, you wake up, get your things and get out of her apartment, making sure not to wake her up.
<b>-"Have to remember that the IBWO will need my help during our next date!"</b> You talk to yourself as you head towards your car.
<<set $emilyrelationship to $emilyrelationship +1>>
<grey>Emily will remember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Act not impressed.">>
<b>-"That thing again... Ughh..."</b>
<emily>-"What... Do you not want it?"</emily> She frowns and puts it away.
<b>-"I want the real thing you know... At least sometimes."</b>
<emily>-"Pfft, keep dreaming whiteboy!"</emily> She bursts out laughing.
<emily>-"I thought you understood by now, that my pussy is off limits to you, no?"</emily>
<b>-"Ugh... But still!"</b>
<emily>-"Hmph, maybe you're not as big of an ally as I thought you were."</emily> Emily rolls her eyes and gets under the blanket.
<emily>-"Our date is done, I'm going to take a nap."</emily>
<b>-"Sigh... Sure honey."</b> You get up, get your things and get out of her apartment, making sure not to disturb her as she's trying to fall asleep.
<b>-"Have to remember that the IBWO will need my help during our next date."</b> You talk to yourself as you head towards your car.
<<set $emilyrelationship to $emilyrelationship -1>>
<grey>Emily will remember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>><<location "Images/Other/7363794952_56303ea0b0_b.webp" "At Emily's place">>\
<<set $emilybnwoevent to $emilybnwoevent +1>>\
<<if $time !==2>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<b>-"Aren't we supposed to help out the orginization once again today?"</b> You ask yourself as you climb the stairs.
<b>-"I think so. I better ask Emily though."</b>
<grey>-"Knock knock!"</grey>
<emily>-"Come in!"</emily> With a gentle push of your arm, the door swings open.
<b>-"H-hey babe!"</b> As soon as you come in, you see her sitting in the living room.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\dd1.jpg">
<emily>-"Hey $name! Don't mind me, just picking out an outfit!"</emily> After taking off your shoes, you walk closer.
<b>-"So we're going?"</b>
<emily>-"Of course! To help the IBWO, remember?"</emily>
<b>-"Yeah, yeah. I remember. Where to?"</b> Emily starts to put on a dress.
<emily>-"They said that we should meet at Simply Pleasure's parking lot... Wherever that is haha!"</emily> You see her struggling to zip up the back of it.
<b>-"Here, let me give you a hand."</b>
<emily>-"Thanks babe!"</emily> She smiles as you help her.
<b>-"Anyways, Simply Pleasure? Really?"</b> Emily makes sure the dress looks good and faces you.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\dd2.jpg">
<emily>-"Mhm! What about it?"</emily>
<b>-"I work there!"</b> You've told her you work at a sex shop, but never mentioned it's name.
<emily>-"Oh... Well that's peculiar, I wonder what the task will be!"</emily> Emily lays down on the bed.
<<pageReplace"When are we leaving?">>
<<set $time to 2>>\
<b>-"W-when are we leaving beautiful?"</b>
<emily>-"In around an hour. They told us to meet them in the evening."</emily>
<b>-"Also, what's with the fancy attire haha?"</b>
<emily>-"Oh, you mean this?"</emily> She points at her dress.
<emily>-"Well, I have to look good for Julian..."</emily> Emily's cheeks grow red.
<b>-"Oh... Julian will be there?"</b>
<emily>-"Mhm! Is that a problem?"</emily>
<b>-"N-no! Of course not babe!"</b> She smiles.
<emily>-"Good. Now come here, let's watch some TV."</emily> You nod and lay down next to her. You spend the next hour watching Game Of Thrones and chattering. Suddenly, Emily gets a message.
<emily>-"Time to go, they're driving to the place now."</emily>
<b>-"Right, let's go then."</b> You climb out of bed, collect your things and get out of the apartment. After climbing down the stairs, both of you get inside of the car.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\dd3.jpg">
<emily>-"Mhm, take a left here."</emily> She starts to give out directions as you drive.
<b>-"I know the place Emily, I work there haha."</b>
<emily>-"My bad, my bad. Just hurry up a little, they're already there."</emily> Emily bites her lip.
<b>-"This is the place they meant, right?"</b> You pull into the parking lot of your workplace.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\dd4.webp">
<emily>-"I think so..."</emily> She begins to look around.
<emily>-"Ah! I see them!"</emily> As soon as you park, she runs out of the car.
<b>-"E-Emily! W-wait! God damnit..."</b>
<<pageReplace"Go after her.">>
<<location "Images/Sex shop/intro/0_Sex-shoppers.webp" "Simply Pleasure sex shop">>\
<b>-"Where did she run off to...?"</b> You get out of the car and begin walking towards the direction you saw her run to.
<b>-"Oh?"</b> Not even 10 meters into the journey, you spot a group of fit, tall men to the side of the parking lot.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\dd5.jpg">
<b>-"And there she is..."</b> You finally spot her, behind you same aforementioned men, making out with one of them.
<grey>-"$name?"</grey> One of them asks.
<grey>-"Thanks for coming..."</grey> He looks you up and down.
<<if $hairextensions ==true>>\
<grey>-"Miss...? I thought we were supposed to meet Emily's boyfriend though."</grey>
<b>-"O-oh haha... I'm her girlfriend, her one and only."</b> He looks at you, confused.
<grey>-"Yeah, whatever, let's just get to work."</grey>
<grey>-"Are you Emily's boyfriend?"</grey>
<b>-"S-sure am. The one and only."</b> You let out an awkward laugh.
<grey>-"Perfect, let's get to work then."</grey>
<grey>-"You'll need this."</grey> The man takes out something small from his pocket and hands it to you.
<b>-"What's this?"</b> You ask, while inspecting said item.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\dd6.png">
<grey>-"A secret microphone. It'll record everything you say and everything you hear."</grey> He looks back at the group.
<grey>-"Isn't that right Shaun?"</grey>
<grey2>-"Mhm. Work's completely silently too, so you shouldn't get caught."</grey2> The snarky man corrects his glasses.
<<pageReplace"So who do you want me to record exactly?">>\
<b>-"So who do you want me to record exactly?"</b> You ask while putting on the microphone.
<grey>-"Leyja. We need you to ask her where Hudson keeps the banking information of the festival attendees."</grey>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\dd7.jpg">
<b>-"Festival attendees? Why do you need that info?"</b>
<grey>-"Don't worry about that, it doesn't concern you."</grey>
<b>-"F-fine..."</b> You can't say no either way, you're too deep into it.
<grey>-"Perfect! Off you go then."</grey>
<b>-"So... Just ask her about the banking information of festival attendees and that's it?"</b>
<grey>-"Mhm. We've been tracking her for quite some time, she should have the necessary information."</grey>
<b>-"Then why don't you just ask her yourself?"</b>
<grey>-"We did. She seems to have ulterior motives, because the information we recieved turned out to be false."</grey>
<grey>-"If she was part of the orginization, this whole thing would go a lot smoother..."</grey> The man whispers under his breath.
<b>-"R-right... Here I go then."</b> You turn towards Emily.
<b>-"I'm going babe!"</b>
<emily>-"MGhHhh..."</emily> She continues to kiss one of the men while not paying you any attention.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\dd8.webp">
<emily>-"Slurp... NGhhHhhH!"</emily>
<grey>-"Just go bro, we'll take care of her."</grey> He chuckles.
<<pageReplace"Go into the store.">>\
<b>-"I'm sorry Leyja, it's nothing personal."</b> You tap the microphone on your chest and make sure it's not visible.
<b>-"Now, where is she?"</b>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\dd9.jpg">
<m>-"$name?"</m> Leyja's voice rings out from somewhere on your right side.
<b>-"Leyja!"</b> You turn and see her sitting on a couch, resting.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\dd10.jpg">
<<if $dayy == 2 or $dayy == 4 or $dayy == 6 or $dayy == 7>>\
<m>-"Ready to knock down your shift?"</m> She smiles.
<b>-"Ahhhah noooo... I'm actually not here for that."</b>
<m>-"Oh...? What is it then?"</m>
<m>-"What are you doing here?"</m> She looks at you, confused.
<m>-"I don't need your help today, you know."</m>
<b>-"I know, I know. I'm actually not here for that."</b>
<m>-"Oh...? What is it then?"</m>
<b>-"I wanted to ask you a bit of a weird question."</b> You quickly think of an excuse.
<b>-"I'm trying to piece together information about the festival and the evil that happens within that you mentioned."</b>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\dd11.jpg">
<m>-"Piece together?"</m>
<<if $clubmeetinghudsontemp == false>>\
<<set $bnwoattendeeinfolocationtemp to true>>\
<b>-"Mhm! So I wanted to ask you, where is the banking information of the festival attendees held again?"</b>
<m>-"Uhmmmm... That's a bit random, but somewhere in the club, no? Hudson mentioned it when you were in the meeting."</m>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\dd12.jpg">
<b>-"Oh right!"</b> You remember him mentioning it! You didn't even need to ask Leyja anything!
<m>-"That's all you wanted to ask me?"</m> She looks at you confused.
<b>-"Yup! Thanks for the info!"</b>
<m>-"Alright then..."</m>
<b>-"See ya soon, thanks again!"</b> You bow and begin to walk out of the store.
<m>-"That was weird."</m> Leyja whispers behind you.
<b>-"Hopefully she won't suspect anything..."</b> You think as you head outside.
<grey2>-"N-nah! She crazy!"</grey2>
<grey>-"Ghahahah! I told you!"</grey> You walk up to the men, who are now laughing and... Pulling up their pants?
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\dd13.webp">
<b>-"H-hey guys."</b>
<grey>-"Oh, it's you. What's up haha?"</grey>
<<pageReplace"She told me where the information is.">>
<b>-"She told me that the info is held in the club. I recorded everything."</b>
<grey>-"Ahem..."</grey> He finished fixing up his belt.
<grey>-"Right, good work, good work. We'll take it from here."</grey> He extends his arm.
<grey>-"The microphone?"</grey>
<b>-"Oh!"</b> You take it off and hand it to him.
<grey>-"Good, off you go then. We'll analyze the recording later."</grey>
<b>-"W-what about Emily? Where is she?"</b>
<emily>-"Y-you can go alone babe, they'll drive me home!"</emily> You suddenly hear Emily's voice.
<grey2>-"We sure will ghaha!"</grey2>
<b>-"Baby?"</b> You turn towards the sound and finally spot her nearby another car. She has her top off and her face is drenched in... Various liquids.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\dd14.png">
<b>-"Y-you're not coming with?"</b> The man next to her is shirtless as well, which catches your eye.
<emily>-"Hehe, not now... We're having too much fun!"</emily> Emily looks into the man's eyes.
<emily>-"Aren't we Julian?"</emily>
<grey3>-"We sure are honey."</grey3>
<grey3>-"Thanks for the help $name, you may go now."</grey3> Julian says after turning to you.
<b>-"F-fine."</b> You turn around and storm off towards your car.
<b>-"Gosh, Emily looks mesmerised..."</b> With a quick pull, the car doors open.
<b>-"I just hope I won't lose her... All of this is for her."</b> As the engine roars to life, you pull out the parking lot. As you do, you see Emily climbing into the men's car.
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo +1>>
<grey>BNWO +1!</grey>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<elseif $clubstatus ==true>>\
<<set $bnwoattendeeinfolocationtemp to true>>\
<b>-"Mhm! So I wanted to ask you, where is the banking information of the festival attendees held again?"</b>
<m>-"That's a bit random... The banking info of the attendees?"</m> She thinks for a second.
<m>-"I have an idea of where he might hold it, but I don't know for certain."</m>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\dd12.jpg">
<b>-"That's good enough for me!"</b>
<m>-"I think the information is held in the club. It's a secure location where only members can enter. I think it would be a great place to hold such important documentation."</m>
<b>-"Understood, that definitely seems probable."</b>
<m>-"So... That's all you wanted to ask me?"</m> She looks at you confused.
<b>-"Yup! Thanks for the info!"</b>
<m>-"Alright then..."</m>
<b>-"See ya soon, thanks again!"</b> You bow and begin to walk out of the store.
<m>-"That was weird."</m> Leyja whispers behind you.
<b>-"Hopefully she won't suspect anything..."</b> You think as you head outside.
<grey2>-"N-nah! She crazy!"</grey2>
<grey>-"Ghahahah! I told you!"</grey> You walk up to the men, who are now laughing and... Pulling up their pants?
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\dd13.webp">
<b>-"H-hey guys."</b>
<grey>-"Oh, it's you. What's up haha?"</grey>
<<pageReplace"She told me where the information is.">>
<b>-"She told me that the info is held in the club. I recorded everything."</b>
<grey>-"Ahem..."</grey> He finished fixing up his belt.
<grey>-"Right, good work, good work. We'll take it from here."</grey> He extends his arm.
<grey>-"The microphone?"</grey>
<b>-"Oh!"</b> You take it off and hand it to him.
<grey>-"Good, off you go then. We'll analyze the recording later."</grey>
<b>-"W-what about Emily? Where is she?"</b>
<emily>-"Y-you can go alone babe, they'll drive me home!"</emily> You suddenly hear Emily's voice.
<grey2>-"We sure will ghaha!"</grey2>
<b>-"Baby?"</b> You turn towards the sound and finally spot her nearby another car. She has her top off and her face is drenched in... Various liquids.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\dd14.png">
<b>-"Y-you're not coming with?"</b> The man next to her is shirtless as well, which catches your eye.
<emily>-"Hehe, not now... We're having too much fun!"</emily> Emily looks into the man's eyes.
<emily>-"Aren't we Julian?"</emily>
<grey3>-"We sure are honey."</grey3>
<grey3>-"Thanks for the help $name, you may go now."</grey3> Julian says after turning to you.
<b>-"F-fine."</b> You turn around and storm off towards your car.
<b>-"Gosh, Emily looks mesmerised..."</b> With a quick pull, the car doors open.
<b>-"I just hope I won't lose her... All of this is for her."</b> As the engine roars to life, you pull out the parking lot. As you do, you see Emily climbing into the men's car.
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo +1>>
<grey>BNWO +1!</grey>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<set $bnwoattendeeinfolocationtemp to false>>\
<b>-"Mhm! So I wanted to ask you, where is the banking information of the festival attendees held again?"</b>
<m>-"That's a bit random... The banking info of the attendees?"</m> She thinks for a second.
<m>-"I honestly couldn't tell you, I have no idea."</m>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\dd12.jpg">
<m>-"I mean yeah... How would I know such a thing haha!"</m>
<b>-"Understood, welp, thanks for your help anyways!"</b>
<m>-"So... That's all you wanted to ask me?"</m> She looks at you confused.
<b>-"Yup! Thanks for the help!"</b>
<m>-"Alright then..."</m>
<b>-"See ya soon, thanks again!"</b> You bow and begin to walk out of the store.
<m>-"That was weird."</m> Leyja whispers behind you.
<b>-"Hopefully she won't suspect anything..."</b> You think as you head outside.
<grey2>-"N-nah! She crazy!"</grey2>
<grey>-"Ghahahah! I told you!"</grey> You walk up to the men, who are now laughing and... Pulling up their pants?
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\dd13.webp">
<b>-"H-hey guys."</b>
<grey>-"Oh, it's you. What's up haha?"</grey>
<<pageReplace"She told me where the information is.">>
<b>-"She knows nothing. I recorded everything."</b>
<grey>-"Ahem..."</grey> He finished fixing up his belt.
<grey>-"Right, good work, good work. We'll take it from here."</grey> He doesn't seem to pay attention to what you said.
<b>-"You don't care that she doesn't know?"</b>
<grey>-"Jenna is the one who'll care, I'm just out here doing my work."</grey> He extends his arm.
<grey>-"The microphone?"</grey>
<b>-"Oh!"</b> You take it off and hand it to him.
<grey>-"Good, off you go then. We'll analyze the recording later."</grey>
<b>-"W-what about Emily? Where is she?"</b>
<emily>-"Y-you can go alone babe, they'll drive me home!"</emily> You suddenly hear Emily's voice.
<grey2>-"We sure will ghaha!"</grey2>
<b>-"Baby?"</b> You turn towards the sound and finally spot her nearby another car. She has her top off and her face is drenched in... Various liquids.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\dd14.png">
<b>-"Y-you're not coming with?"</b> The man next to her is shirtless as well, which catches your eye.
<emily>-"Hehe, not now... We're having too much fun!"</emily> Emily looks into the man's eyes.
<emily>-"Aren't we Julian?"</emily>
<grey3>-"We sure are honey."</grey3>
<grey3>-"Thanks for the help $name, you may go now."</grey3> Julian says after turning to you.
<b>-"F-fine."</b> You turn around and storm off towards your car.
<b>-"Gosh, Emily looks mesmerised..."</b> With a quick pull, the car doors open.
<b>-"I just hope I won't lose her... All of this is for her."</b> As the engine roars to life, you pull out the parking lot. As you do, you see Emily climbing into the men's car.
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo +1>>
<grey>BNWO +1!</grey>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>><<set $time to 2>>
<b>-"Yawwwwwwwnnnnnn..."</b> It's getting late, so you decide to hit the bed.
<b>-"Oof, finally."</b>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\ddd3.webp">
<b>-"I wonder what I'll do tomorrow..."</b> You turn off the lights and lay down. As soon as your head gently touches the pillow, your phone vibrates.
<b>-"Ugh, what now?"</b> After sitting up, you check your phone.
<b>-"A message from an unknown number? Hmmmm?"</b>
<<pageReplace"Check it.">>\
<<message "IBWO" "Emilybnwo19 Jenna mesage" "Good evening." open>>\
<b>-"Yawwwwwwwnnnnnn..."</b> It's getting late, so you decide to hit the bed.
<b>-"Oof, finally."</b>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\ddd3.webp">
<b>-"I wonder what I'll do tomorrow..."</b> You turn off the lights and lay down. As soon as your head gently touches the pillow, your phone vibrates.
<b>-"Ugh, what now?"</b> After sitting up, you check your phone.
<b>-"A message from an unknown number? Hmmmm?"</b>
<b>-"I should finish the conversation before going to sleep."</b>
<<messengerHeader IBWO>>
<<them>>Good evening $name.<</them>>
<div id="choices">
<<messageReplyReplace "Good evening." #choices>>
<<me>>Good evening.<</me>>
<<them wait>>We've analyzed the voice recording of you and Leyja conversing.<</them>>
<<them wait>>A question popped up.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Ah, this must be the IBWO.">>
<<me>>Ah, this must be the IBWO.<</me>>
<<me>>Go ahead then.<</me>>
<<them wait>>I do represent the orginization, yes.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Leyja mentioned that the information is held inside of "The club"<</them>>
<<them wait>>What is she referring to?<</them>>
<div id="choices2">
<<messageReplyReplace "Tell her all you know." #choices2>>
<<me>>It's a club of sorts where festival attendees meet up and have fun.<</me>>
<<me>>At least that's what I gathered.<</me>>
<<me>>The address is "Almnäs 544 94 Hjo."<</me>>
<<them wait>>Interesting...<</them>>
<<them wait>>Very interesting...<</them>>
<<messageReply "Can I help you with anything else?">>
<<me>>Can I help you with anything else?<</me>>
<<them wait>>No, that would be all, at least for now.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Thank you for your cooperation and help $name.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Anytime.">>
<<me>>Anytime 🙂<</me>>
<<set $jennabnwomessagetemp to true>>
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo +10>>
<grey>BNWO +10!</grey>
<<set $time to 0>>
<<goto "room">>
<<messageReplyReplace "Lie." #choices2>>
<<me>>Oh, well I think she's reffering to the black cat club.<</me>>
<<me>>We went there together once or twice, the dancers there wear masks.<</me>>
<<me>><<image "Emily/events/bnwo/ddd2.png">><</me>>
<<them wait>>Interesting...<</them>>
<<them wait>>Very interesting...<</them>>
<<messageReply "Can I help you with anything else?">>
<<me>>Can I help you with anything else?<</me>>
<<them wait>>No, that would be all, at least for now.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Thank you for your cooperation and help $name.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Anytime.">>
<<me>>Anytime 🙂<</me>>
<<set $jennabnwomessagetemp to true>>
<<set $liedtotheibwo to true>>
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo -20>>
<grey>BNWO -20!</grey>
<<set $time to 0>>
<<goto "room">>
<<messageReplyReplace "Who's this?" #choices>>
<<me>>Who's this?<</me>>
<<them wait>>A representative from the IBWO, I have some questions.<</them>>
<div id="choices4">
<<messageReplyReplace "Fine." #choices4>>
<<me>>Fine, go ahead then.<</me>>
<<them wait>>We've analyzed the voice recording of you and Leyja conversing.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Leyja mentioned that the information is held inside of "The club"<</them>>
<<them wait>>What is she referring to?<</them>>
<div id="choices2">
<<messageReplyReplace "Tell her all you know." #choices2>>
<<me>>It's a club of sorts where festival attendees meet up and have fun.<</me>>
<<me>>At least that's what I gathered.<</me>>
<<me>>The address is "Almnäs 544 94 Hjo."<</me>>
<<them wait>>Interesting...<</them>>
<<them wait>>Very interesting...<</them>>
<<messageReply "Can I help you with anything else?">>
<<me>>Can I help you with anything else?<</me>>
<<them wait>>No, that would be all, at least for now.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Thank you for your cooperation and help $name.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Anytime.">>
<<me>>Anytime 🙂<</me>>
<<set $jennabnwomessagetemp to true>>
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo +10>>
<grey>BNWO +10!</grey>
<<set $time to 0>>
<<goto "room">>
<<messageReplyReplace "Lie." #choices2>>
<<me>>Oh, well I think she's reffering to the black cat club.<</me>>
<<me>>We went there together once or twice, the dancers there wear masks.<</me>>
<<me>><<image "Emily/events/bnwo/ddd2.png">><</me>>
<<them wait>>Interesting...<</them>>
<<them wait>>Very interesting...<</them>>
<<messageReply "Can I help you with anything else?">>
<<me>>Can I help you with anything else?<</me>>
<<them wait>>No, that would be all, at least for now.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Thank you for your cooperation and help $name.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Anytime.">>
<<me>>Anytime 🙂<</me>>
<<set $jennabnwomessagetemp to true>>
<<set $liedtotheibwo to true>>
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo -20>>
<grey>BNWO -20!</grey>
<<set $time to 0>>
<<goto "room">>
<<messageReplyReplace "I need to know who you are before answering questions." #choices4>>
<<me>>I need to know who you are before answering questions.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Someone's on alert, huh?<</them>>
<<them wait>>Fine, I can understand that.<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Emily/events/bnwo/ddd1.jpg">><</them>>
<<them wait>>It's Jenna. Didn't want to text you with my personal phone.<</them>>
<<them wait>>But now that the cat is out of the bag, I still need you to answer those questions.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Go ahead.">>
<<me>>Oh, good evening Jenna!<</me>>
<<me>>Go ahead then 🙂<</me>>
<<them wait>>Leyja mentioned that the information is held inside of "The club"<</them>>
<<them wait>>What is she referring to?<</them>>
<div id="choices2">
<<messageReplyReplace "Tell her all you know." #choices2>>
<<me>>It's a club of sorts where festival attendees meet up and have fun.<</me>>
<<me>>At least that's what I gathered.<</me>>
<<me>>The address is "Almnäs 544 94 Hjo."<</me>>
<<them wait>>Interesting...<</them>>
<<them wait>>Very interesting...<</them>>
<<messageReply "Can I help you with anything else?">>
<<me>>Can I help you with anything else?<</me>>
<<them wait>>No, that would be all, at least for now.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Thank you for your cooperation and help $name.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Anytime.">>
<<me>>Anytime 🙂<</me>>
<<set $jennabnwomessagetemp to true>>
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo +10>>
<grey>BNWO +10!</grey>
<<set $time to 0>>
<<goto "room">>
<<messageReplyReplace "Lie." #choices2>>
<<me>>Oh, well I think she's reffering to the black cat club.<</me>>
<<me>>We went there together once or twice, the dancers there wear masks.<</me>>
<<me>><<image "Emily/events/bnwo/ddd2.png">><</me>>
<<them wait>>Interesting...<</them>>
<<them wait>>Very interesting...<</them>>
<<messageReply "Can I help you with anything else?">>
<<me>>Can I help you with anything else?<</me>>
<<them wait>>No, that would be all, at least for now.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Thank you for your cooperation and help $name.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Anytime.">>
<<me>>Anytime 🙂<</me>>
<<set $jennabnwomessagetemp to true>>
<<set $liedtotheibwo to true>>
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo -20>>
<grey>BNWO -20!</grey>
<<set $time to 0>>
<<goto "room">>
<</messengerChat>><<location "Images/Other/7363794952_56303ea0b0_b.webp" "At Emily's place">>\
<<set $emilybnwoevent to $emilybnwoevent +1>>\
<<if $time !==2>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<b>-"R-ready, ready?"</b> You ask as you enter the bathroom. Emily is getting ready to reward you for completing the second task for the IBWO. Just how you discussed a couple of nights ago.
<emily>-"Oh, someones that excited?"</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\ee1.jpg">
<b>-"How would I not be! I haven't felt your body is so long..."</b> She begins to walk out of the restroom, you follow her.
<emily>-"Hmph, have you forgotten what your reward is?"</emily>
<b>-"No, but!"</b>
<emily>-"But what? The only thing you're going to be fucking is the toy, you can forget about my pussy $name, it's off limits."</emily>
<b>-"O-of course honey..."</b> She sits down on the bed and slowly strips in front of you.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\ee2.jpg">
<emily>-"Ready for your reward, whiteboy?"</emily>
<<if $hairextensions ==true>>\
<emily>-"Or should I call you a whitegirl, considering your appearance?"</emily> Emily laughs as your cheeks blush.
<b>-"W-whiteboy is okay..."</b>
<emily>-"Good! Come on then, get naked."</emily> She points at your crotch.
<<pageReplace"Strip naked.">>
<b>-"Right away!"</b>
<emily>-"The sooner you're done, the sooner you'll cum haha!"</emily> Emily says as she opens a drawer and takes out the fleshlight.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\ee5.jpeg">
<<if $toys ==1>>\
<b>-"There..."</b> You take off your shirt, then slowly pull down your pants.
<emily>-"Hurry up."</emily>
<b>-"I-I'm done!"</b> Your caged cock gets put on display as you throw your underwear to the side.
<emily>-"Ugh, well unlock that little toy of yours, how am I going to use a fleshlight on you?"</emily> Emily rolls her eyes.
<b>-"Of course!"</b> You quickly find the key in your discarded pants and unlock yourself.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\ee4.webp">
<b>-"There..."</b> You take off your shirt, then slowly pull down your pants.
<emily>-"Hurry up."</emily> Emily says as she opens a drawer and takes out the fleshlight.
<b>-"I-I'm done!"</b> Your small, flaccid cock gets put on display as you throw your underwear to the side.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\ee16.png">
<emily>-"Oh my God it is tiny!"</emily>
<emily>-"Did it shrink... Or did I get used to big bl..."</emily> She quickly shakes her head and faces you, not finishing the sentance.
<b>-"H-huh? What was that?"</b>
<emily>-"Nothing, nothing, just get that thing hard, don't you want to fuck this piece of plastic?"</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\ee3.jpeg">
<b>-"On it!"</b>
<<pageReplace"Start to jack off.">>
<b>-"MgHhHhh!"</b> You begin to touch yourself while looking at her, trying to get hard.
<emily>-"Hihihi, how cute."</emily>
<b>-"H-here! All ready!"</b> You cross your arms behind you.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\ee6.jpeg">
<emily>-"Hmph, good! Now lay down."</emily> You do as you're told. Emily takes some lube and begins to apply it around the back of the toy.
<b>-"Why are you putting it on the back?"</b>
<emily>-"Just trying something new, you'll see!"</emily> She stops after a couple of seconds, puts the bottle of lube away and gets in front of you.
<emily>-"Right, here I go. Cum quickly like always, so we can move on."</emily> Your cock begins to throb in pleasure as Emily envelopes it with the backside of the toy.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\ee7.webp">
<b>-"MgHhhhH!!"</b> Your penis glans are in constant stimulation as the toy's lips stay on top of the shaft.
<b>-"S-shit!!"</b> Emily begins to speed up as you throw your head backwards.
<emily>-"Ohhh... MmmMMmmm... Someone is enjoying <<if $hairextensions ==true>>herself, huh?<<else>>himself, huh?<</if>>"</emily>
<b>-"Y-yesSsHhHH! It feels so good babe!"</b>
<emily>-"Does it feel like my insides?"</emily>
<b>-"I... I don't know! MgHhHHh...I don't remember! I-it's been so long!"</b>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\ee8.webp">
<emily>-"Gosh you're so cute..."</emily> She flicks your balls as a shiver runs down your spine.
<emily>-"Hehehe, wait, I have an idea..."</emily> Suddenly, the toy gets ripped off of your penis... It's left pulsating and hungry for more.
<<pageReplace"See what she's doing.">>
<b>-"W-what are you doing babe?"</b> As you sit up, you are greeted by a peculiar sight.
<emily>-"Well... NghHhh... You'll see..."</emily> You watch her as she slowly shoves the toy inside of her.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\ee9.webp">
<b>-"O-oh... N-no way! You'll let me use it like that?"</b>
<emily>-"It's your lucky day whiteboy, you'll be practically inside of me!"</emily>
<b>-"Oh my God!"</b> You have a chance to fuck your girlfriend again! Well, almost...
<emily>-"So, what are you waiting for?"</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\ee10.png">
<emily>-"You did more for the IBWO than most whiteboys do, I have to reward you for that!"</emily>
<b>-"I-I'm going in!"</b> Your shaft throbs once again as position it in front of the toy and Emily's vagina.
<<pageReplace"Fuck Emily.">>
<b>-"GhhHhrRHhHH! Y-yesSssSS!"</b> The tip of your cock pulsates as you slowly insert it inside.
<emily>-"Heeee, so tiny!"</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\ee11.webp">
<b>-"YessHshhH! MgHHhh!"</b> Your balls begin to swing as you thrust your hips forward.
<emily>-"Are you inside?"</emily> She looks down.
<emily>-"Oh you are. Good, have fun!"</emily> Emily lays down once again as you increase the speed. You don't even care that she is disinterested, this pleasure is just too much!
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\ee12.webp">
<b>-"NghHhhh! S-so tight!"</b> Emily's vagina is squeezing the toy with immense force. It's a completely different feeling than when she was doing it with her hand!
<grey>-"Plap! Plap! Plap!"</grey> Your balls begin to hit Emily's butt as you thrust deeper and harder.
<b>-"I'm cose! NgHhHhH!"</b>
<emily>-"Of course you are haha."</emily> Emily begins to watch again.
<emily>-"Come on shrimpy, tell me when it comes."</emily>
<b>-"N-nowwWwWwW!"</b> Your body begins to shake as you feel how the giant load climbs up your shaft.
<emily>-"On my hand! Now!"</emily> Before you could figure out what's happening, Emily shift her body, making you unable to reach the toy with your cock.
<b>-"HanddDddDd?!"</b> You ask in desperation as the cum begins to leak out.
<emily>-"Yes, hand!"</emily> Emily extends her hand and you begin to violently masturbate while aiming straight at it.
<<pageReplace"Cum onto her hand.">>
<b>-"GuUuuhHhhghhHHhhHH!!"</b> Emily's apartment fills with screams as you unload the whole clip of babies straight onto her hand.
<emily>-"So warm..."</emily> She whispers while removing the toy from inside of her with her free hand.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\ee13.webp">
<b>-"ShitTtTtt..."</b> It's unfortunate that you didn't get to cum inside, but this session was still unbelievable!
<emily>-"I can't let you cum inside! That sounds so.. Yucky, even with the toy!"</emily> As the last spurt of cum leaks onto her hand, you sit down on the bed, exhausted.
<b>-"Oh my God... That was incredible!"</b>
<emily>-"I'm glad you liked it $name."</emily> Emily turns to you and grins.
<emily>-"Heh, now eat it."</emily>
<emily>-"You heard me, eat your own cum. Show me how inferior whiteboys are, show me much of a beta you truly are."</emily>
<b>-"N-no..."</b> You are a beta, but you will not swallow your own cum... That's gross!
<emily>-"Oh?"</emily> Emily turns her head.
<b>-"That's gross Emily, come on... You already know that I'm a beta..."</b>
<emily>-"Hah! Maybe that's true."</emily> She walks to the bin, turns her hand and pours the cum inside.
<emily>-"Fine. It's useless either way."</emily> After walking back, she sits down on the bed.
<emily>-"Now clean everything up. You left a mess."</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\ee17.jpg">
<b>-"NghHh..."</b> With a faint moan, you stand up.
<b>-"Of course Emily, it'll be done in a flash!"</b>
<emily>-"Keep helping the IBWO and afternoon's like this will only increase in frequancy. Even though I don't like looking at your small excuse of a dick, at the end of the day, you are helping us out."</emily>
<b>-"I will do my best!"</b>
<emily>-"Good! I'm off to the shower then!"</emily> She walks to the bathroom as you begin to clean up.
<b>-"First, the sheets."</b> You spent the next 10 minutes changing the sheets and cleaning yourself. After Emily returned, you both laid in bed and talked for the remainder of the date.
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Of course!">>
<b>-"G-give it to me Emily!"</b> You stick out your tongue like a good <<if $hairextensions==true>>girl.<<else>>boy.<</if>>
<emily>-"Ghahaha gosh you're pathetic, here!"</emily> She turns her hand, making all of the cum drip straight onto your face and mouth.
<<if $hairextensions==true>><img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\ee14.webp"><<else>><img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\ee15.webp"><</if>>
<emily>-"Now swallow."</emily> She hovers over you an barks out a command.
<b>-"Yes..."</b> You blindly follow her instructions and quickly down your own load. It tastes salty...
<b>-"Ahhhhh!"</b> You show her your now empty mouth.
<emily>-"Good."</emily> She looks down at the fluid covered sheets.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\ee17.jpg">
<emily>-"Now clean everything up. You left a mess."</emily>
<b>-"NghHh..."</b> After swallowing the last drops of semen, you stand up.
<b>-"Of course Emily, it'll be done in a flash!"</b>
<emily>-"Keep helping the IBWO and afternoon's like this will only increase in frequancy. Even though I don't like looking at your small excuse of a dick, at the end of the day, you are helping us out."</emily>
<b>-"I will do my best!"</b>
<emily>-"Good! I'm off to the shower then!"</emily> She walks to the bathroom as you begin to clean up.
<b>-"First, the sheets."</b> You spent the next 10 minutes changing the sheets and cleaning yourself. After Emily returned, you both laid in bed and talked for the remainder of the date.
<<set $submissive to $submissive +4>>
<pink>Submissiveness +4!</pink>
<<set $emilyrelationship to $emilyrelationship +1>>
<grey>Emily will remember this!</grey>
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>><<location "Images/Other/7363794952_56303ea0b0_b.webp" "At Emily's place">>\
<<set $emilybnwoevent to 23>>\
<<if $time !==2>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<b>-"S-so, what did you wanted to talk about again?"</b> Your date is coming to an end and Emily is changing her clothes to visit the IBWO headquarters.
<emily>-"Ah yes! I have some news!"</emily> Emily begins to take off her top.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\21_bnwo_1.jpg">
<b>-"..."</b> She's so beautiful!
<b>-"News? What kind of news?"</b>
<emily>-"My acceptance ceremony is soon! I'll finally get marked!"</emily> She smiles and throws her top to the side.
<b>-"A-acceptance ceremony?! The one at which you're finally going to be bred...?"</b>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\21_bnwo_2.jpg">
<emily>-"The one and only! I'll get marked too! Right here, on my butt!"</emily>
<b>-"So hot..."</b> Your cock throbs at the though of seeing her with a QOS tattoo...
<<pageReplace"When is it exactly?">>
<b>-"When is it taking place exactly?"</b>
<emily>-"In a couple of weeks! What, you want to come and watch?"</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\21_bnwo_3.jpg">
<b>-"O-of course I do! It's a big step forward in our relationship..."</b> Emily smiles.
<emily>-"That's true..."</emily>
<emily>-"Usually, whiteboys are not allowed to watch the ceremony, but I'll ask Jenna if she can make an exception."</emily> She begins to put on a fresh pair of panties.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\21_bnwo_4.jpg">
<b>-"Great! T-thank you babe!"</b> She nods and points at a couch behind you.
<emily>-"Bring me that jacket $name."</emily>
<b>-"Right away!"</b>
<<pageReplace"Do as you're told.">>
<b>-"This one right here?"</b>
<emily>-"Mhm! I bought it just yesterday!"</emily> You walk over to the couch and pick up the jacket.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\21_bnwo_5.jpg">
<b>-"It's pretty!"</b>
<emily>-"I know right!"</emily> She puts it on and stands up.
<emily>-"Alright, I'm ready!"</emily> Emily poses, waiting for your opinion on her fit.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\21_bnwo_6.jpg">
<b>-"Y-you look incredible honey!"</b>
<emily>-"Thank you $name."</emily> She walks over and gives you a kiss on the cheek.
<emily>-"Oh, I almost forgot! You'll need to help me to get ready for the ceremony."</emily>
<<pageReplace"Help how?">>
<b>-"Hmmm? How?"</b> You ask with a curious expression on your face.
<emily>-"Well, as you already know, I'm going to be bred by big black cocks during it."</emily> You nod.
<emily>-"And even though I've trained for it quite a bit, my pussy is still not ready..."</emily>
<emily>-"It's only used to white like you... So I'll need to practice with a couple of dildos before I can try the real thing."</emily>
<b>-"B-but we've already done that, no? With this dildo right here?"</b> You point at a toy she's used before. It's laying on a table nearby.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\21_bnwo_7.webp">
<emily>-"Compared to you it might look huge, but the guys in the IBWO are a lot bigger... I'll need to buy another toy."</emily>
<b>-"Gulp... Understood."</b>
<emily>-"And I'll need you to fuck me with it, so this little pussy is truly ready to take the real thing during the ceremony."</emily> Emily bends over.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\21_bnwo_8.jpg">
<emily>-"You'll help, right?"</emily>
<b>-"O-of course Emily! You can count on me!"</b> She smiles.
<emily>-"Good! Now give me a lift to the headquarters... Our meeting is starting soon."</emily> You nod and grab your car keys.
<b>-"Sure thing! Follow me babe."</b>
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo +1>>
<grey>BNWO +1!</grey>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Drive her to the IBWO headquarters and head home->room]]
<</pageReplace>><<location "Images/Other/7363794952_56303ea0b0_b.webp" "At Emily's place">>\
<<set $emilybnwoevent to 24>>\
<<if $time !==2>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<emily>-"Well... Did you get them all?"</emily> Emily says as she lays on the bed.
<b>-"Y-yes! Yes I did!"</b> She told you to gather all of her toys in preparation to take the big, realistic one she just bought.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\22_bnwo_2.png">
<b>-"Why are we doing this again?"</b>
<emily>-"You've forgotten already? My acceptance ceremony soon, so my pussy needs to get used to big black cocks!"</emily>
<b>-"Oh... R-right!"</b>
<emily>-"Bring me that one... Have to start light."</emily> Emily points at the smallest toy.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\22_bnwo_1.jpg">
<b>-"Right away!"</b> Your cock is hard, but you know you're she's not getting you off.
<emily>-"And bring me some lube too."</emily>
<<pageReplace"Do as you're told.">>
<b>-"Yes honey..."</b> You grab a bottle of lube and the smallest toy she owns and bring it to her.
<emily>-"Right... Let's start... Nghhh..."</emily> She begins to lube up her vagina with her fingers.
<b>-"N-need some help?"</b> You ask in a desperate tone... You just want to touch it...
<emily>-"Definitely not. You're a whiteboy, you don't deserve to touch it."</emily>
<b>-"Damnit..."</b> You mumble as she inserts the toy inside.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\22_bnwo_3.gif">
<b>-"How does it feel?"</b> The toy has a pretty similar girth to your cock...
<emily>-"This? Ha, like nothing. It's tiny!"</emily>
<b>-"S-shall I bring you a bigger one?"</b>
<emily>-"Mhm. This one was a bit too easy."</emily> You grab a bigger toy and hand it to her.
<emily>-"NgHhhh... T-this one is a little better."</emily> Without warming up, she shoves it inside without a problem.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\22_bnwo_4.gif">
<b>-"How does it feel babe?"</b>
<emily>-"MgHHhhh... A lot better than you ever did hahaha!"</emily> She giggles.
<b>-"H-haha... Stop teasing me babe."</b>
<emily>-"That's enough of that... Bring me one of the black ones."</emily> Emily says as she takes out the toy.
<<pageReplace"Give her the old BBC dildo she used to use.">>
<b>-"Here babe."</b> You hand her the old BBC dildo she used to use.
<emily>-"Oof... This one is still pretty big, it probably won't fit in missionary."</emily> She stands up.
<emily>-"Have to do it this way..."</emily> She sticks the dildo on a table nearby and slowly mounts it.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\22_bnwo_5.webp">
<emily>-"F-fucKKkkk... NghHhhh..."</emily> The toy slowly penetrates your girlfriend as she moans.
<b>-"Gulp..."</b> This is so hot!
<b>-"If this one barely fits, how is the next one going to?"</b> She bought a giant, 10 inch, realistic BBC dildo a couple of days ago...
<emily>-"I don't know... But it has to! The black kings who'll be fucking me will be even bigger! I have to get ready!"</emily> After a couple of minutes, she throws the toy to the side and gets on the bed again.
<emily>-"Fuck... Time to for the real deal."</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\22_bnwo_6.webp">
<b>-"Should I bring it over?"</b>
<emily>-"NGHhhh... Y-yes... Bring the vibrator too."</emily>
<<pageReplace"Bring her the toys.">>
<emily>-"MMmmgHHhhh..."</emily> Emily moans as she squirts on the bed a little... She's getting warmed up by playing with the vibrator you brought.
<b>-"W-well... are you ready?"</b> You ask while holding the toy - she asked you to fuck her with it.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\22_bnwo_7.webp">
<emily>-"Yes... MgHHhhh... I think I am!"</emily>
<b>-"H-here I go then!"</b> You take a deep breath and get closer.
<emily>-"Just be gentle $name! I'm not used to this size..."</emily>
<b>-"Of course! I'll do my best..."</b> With the dildo in your hand, you try your very best to shove it inside.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\22_bnwo_8.webp">
<emily>-"ArgHhhh!"</emily> She maons as it rubs against her clit.
<emily>-"Push a little harder! It can definitely fit inside!"</emily>
<<pageReplace"Push harder.">>
<b>-"Yes, my love."</b> You push the toys harder and surprisingly, it goes in with ease.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\22_bnwo_9.webp">
<emily>-"FucKkkkk...! It feels so good!"</emily>
<b>-"NgHHhh..."</b> Your cock is aching in pain and pleasure... It wants to be in the toy's place!
<emily>-"S-speed up $name! Speed up!"</emily>
<b>-"Yes my love..."</b>
<<pageReplace"Increase the speed.">>
<emily>-"Ohhhh shitTtTTTt!! NghHhhhh!"</emily> Her legs begin to quiver as you speed up.
<b>-"A-are you sure you can handle this babe?"</b>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\22_bnwo_10.webp">
<emily>-"YEsHghHhhhH! Keep going! Don't stop!"</emily>
<emily>-"FUck FuckKk fucKK fucKKKkKKk! I'm close! NgHHhhh! I'm so close!"</emily> She moans into the pillow as you pound her.
<b>-"MgHHhhh... T-there!"</b> Right as she comes, you quickly take out the toy so she can squirt.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\22_bnwo_11.webp">
<emily>-"ARgHHhhhhh! G-good <<if $hairextensions==true>>girl!<<else>>boy!<</if>>"</emily>
<b>-"I-is that enough?"</b>
<emily>-"N-no! I'll be pounded for hours, I need stamina too! Insert it again!"</emily>
<<pageReplace"Fuck her with the dildo once more.">>
<b>-"Okay baby..."</b> You grab the toy once again and insert it inside.
<emily>-"NgHHhhh! YesHHhhh! So bigg... So thick..."</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\22_bnwo_12.webp">
<b>-"MgHhhh... I can't wait to see you take the real one!"</b>
<emily>-"F-fuck fuck fucKKkkK! I'm close again!"</emily> Not even 2 minutes into the second session, her legs begin to quiver.
<b>-"H-here!"</b> Right as she climaxes, you take out the toy again...
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\22_bnwo_13.webp">
<emily>-"A-arghHHhhhhh!"</emily> She squirts all over the bed again...
<b>-"W-wow... I've never seen you do that babe!"</b>
<emily>-"I-I've never... MgHhhhh... Taken a cock like this before..."</emily>
<<pageReplace"Is that enough for today?">>
<b>-"Is that enough for today babe?"</b> You ask as Emily turns around and lays down on her back.
<emily>-"Y-yeash... My pussy is way too sensitive now..."</emily> She slaps it a couple of times.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\22_bnwo_14.webp">
<b>-"O-okay... I'll go clean everything up then."</b> You grab the toys and stand up.
<emily>-"Good <<if $hairextensions==true>>girl...<<else>>boy...<</if>>"</emily> After you're done, you come back to her room.
<emily>-"I almost forgot, Jenna wants to talk to you."</emily> Emily stands up from the bed, ready to clean herself up as well.
<b>-"Jenna? W-what does she want?"</b>
<emily>-"I don't know... Maybe send you on another mission?"</emily> She begins to walk towards the restroom.
<emily>-"Just give her a text."</emily>
<b>-"Alright, I'll do it now."</b> As you hear the shower turn on, you find your phone on the nightstand.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\22_bnwo_15.webp">
<b>-"Let's see what she wants..."</b>
<<pageReplace"Text Jenna.">>\
<<message "IBWO" "Emilybnwo23 message" "Good evening..." open>>\
<b>-"Is that enough for today babe?"</b> You ask as Emily turns around and lays down on her back.
<emily>-"Y-yeash... My pussy is way too sensitive now..."</emily> She slaps it a couple of times.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\22_bnwo_14.webp">
<b>-"O-okay... I'll go clean everything up then."</b> You grab the toys and stand up.
<emily>-"Good <<if $hairextensions==true>>girl...<<else>>boy...<</if>>"</emily> After you're done, you come back to her room.
<emily>-"I almost forgot, Jenna wants to talk to you."</emily> Emily stands up from the bed, ready to clean herself up as well.
<b>-"Jenna? W-what does she want?"</b>
<emily>-"I don't know... Maybe send you on another mission?"</emily> She begins to walk towards the restroom.
<emily>-"Just give her a text."</emily>
<b>-"Alright, I'll do it now."</b> As you hear the shower turn on, you find your phone on the nightstand.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\22_bnwo_15.webp">
<b>-"Let's see what she wants..."</b> You grab your phone and text her.
<b>-"I better finish the conversation before I continue..."</b> You think as you put down the phone.
<<messengerHeader IBWO>>
<<messageReply "Good afternoon.">>
<<me>>Good afternoon Jenna.<</me>>
<<me>>Emily told me you wanted to talk?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Good afternoon $name. Yes.<</them>>
<<them wait>>There's something we need to discuss.<</them>>
<<messageReply "What is it?">>
<<me>>What is it ma'am?<</me>>
<<them wait>>The orginization has another mission for you.<</them>>
<<them wait>>It's better if we speak in person about it however.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Should I come to the headquarters?">>
<<me>>Should I come to the headquarters?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Yes. Come during your next date with Emily. She'll be with us at that time.<</them>>
<<messageReply "You know when we go on dates?">>
<<me>>You know when we go on dates...?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Of course we do. On Mondays and Thrusdays.<</them>>
<<them wait>>We know everything about our members $name, don't underestimate us.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Understood...">>
<<me>>Understood... I'll be there next <<if $dayy==1>>Thursday<<else>>Monday<</if>><</me>>
<<them wait>>Thank you for your cooperation. I will be waiting.<</them>>
<<messageReply "See you soon.">>
<<me>>See you soon.<</me>>
<<goto "Emilybnwo23 part 2">>
<</messengerChat>><emily>-"Well, what did she say?"</emily> Emily asks as you put down the phone... She finished cleaning up.
<b>-"They have another mission for me. I'm going to their headquarters during our next date."</b>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\22_bnwo_16.webp">
<emily>-"Ah, perfect timing! I'll be there too! We're having a meeting about the ceremony."</emily>
<emily>-"Maybe we'll see each other."</emily> She smiles.
<b>-"Maybe..."</b> You stand up and begin walking towards the door. It's getting pretty late.
<b>-"I wonder what they'll have me do."</b> You begin to put on your shoes.
<emily>-"No clue... Maybe prove your loyalty somehow?"</emily> Emily shurgs her shoulders.
<emily>-"Oh and don't forget to ask her if you can see the ceremony! As I said, whiteboys are not allowed to watch, but maybe she'll make an exception for you!"</emily>
<b>-"I-I will babe."</b> She kisses you on the cheek as you walk through the door.
<b>-"See you soon babe."</b>
<emily>-"See ya!"</emily>
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo +1>>
<grey>BNWO +1!</grey>
[[Drive home->room]]<<location "Images/Emily/events/bnwo/23_bnwo_1.webp" "IBWO headquarters">>\
<<set $emilybnwoevent to 25>>\
<<if $time !==2>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<set $tempemilybnwo24 to true>>\
<grey>-"Screeechhh!"</grey> Your breaks make a loud, high pitched noise as you stop.
<b>-"I really need to get those checked out..."</b> You have arrived the the IBWO headquarters!
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\23_bnwo_1.webp">
<b>-"G-good afternoon. Name's is $name, I have a meeting with Jenna, scheduled for right about now."</b> You say to the security guard who stops you in front of the entrance.
<grey>-"Go on through."</grey> He opens the door and you step inside.
<b>-"I wonder if I'll see Emily here... She should be having some sort of meeting."</b> You think as you begin to walk through the halls.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\23_bnwo_2.webp">
<b>-"But the first order of business - Jenna's office... I better not be late."</b>
<<pageReplace"Walk towards her office.">>
<b>-"Ah, completely forgot about these."</b> The walls are covered in posters advertising the movement!
<b>-"T-this one is hot..."</b>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\23_bnwo_3.webp">
<b>-"Didn't Emily take pictures to be on an ad too?"</b>
<b>-"Let's see if I can find one with her!"</b> You begin to look at all of the posters.
<b>-"W-wow! There's one!"</b> A poster with Emily on it finally appears.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\23_bnwo_4.webp">
<b>-"Wow... She's so beautiful."</b> As you look at it, you suddenly remember why you came here in the first place.
<b>-"Agh shit, I better hurry up!"</b>
<<pageReplace"Continue to look for her office.">>
<b>-"There it is!"</b> You finally spot her office. You've only been here once before, so it was pretty difficult to remember the way.
<b>-"Hopefully she isn't mad that I'm a couple of minutes late."</b> You grab the door and enter.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\23_bnwo_5.jpeg">
<b>-"G-good afternoon Jenna!"</b>
<m>-"Ah, $name, you made it."</m> You finally get a good luck at her... She's pretty much naked, like last time.
<m>-"Please, sit down."</m>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\23_bnwo_6.jpg">
<b>-"T-thank you..."</b> You're already turned on!
<<pageReplace"What did you want to talk with me about?">>
<b>-"So, what did you want to talk with me about?"</b>
<m>-"As you may know, the acceptance ceremony for Emily is right around the corner."</m>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\23_bnwo_8.jpg">
<b>-"Yes... She has told me."</b>
<m>-"Emily has expressed her want for you to watch her initiation."</m>
<m>-"By the orginization rules, the only way you could watch, is if you became an honorary member yourself."</m>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\23_bnwo_7.jpg">
<b>-"I-I could become a member?"</b> Serving the IBWO together with Emily would be a dream come true!
<m>-"Yes. However, you need to do one more thing for us to undoubtedly prove your loyalty to the orginization."</m>
<<pageReplace"Of course! What is it?">>
<b>-"Of course! What is it?!"</b>
<m>-"You need to make a family member join the movement."</m> Jenna turns around and reaches for something under her desk.
<b>-"W-woah..."</b> As she does, you spot a big QOS tattoo on the back of her neck... You've always wondered where she was marked.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\23_bnwo_9.webp">
<b>-"A-a family member?!"</b> Jenna turns back around and faces you. She has something in her hands.
<m>-"Mhm. Most people have to choose, but you will not."</m> You look at her, confused.
<m>-"Mia, your $mo2, has expressed interest in the movement once again. She was part of our orginization long ago and perhaps it's time for her to join us again."</m>
<b>-"She has... S-she ordered that book from you guys not long ago."</b>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\23_bnwo_12.jpg">
<m>-"Mhm... So, are you up for it?"</m>
<<pageReplace"What does it mean to become an honorary member?">>
<b>-"Maybe... B-but I need to know what it means to become an honorary member of the IBWO?"</b>
<m>-"Good question."</m> She smiles.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\23_bnwo_11.jpg">
<m>-"Becoming an honorary member means that you could visit Emily here whenever you wanted after relocation."</m>
<b>-"R-relocation?! What are you talking about?!"</b>
<m>-"Oh? You don't know? After a woman officially joins the IBWO and is marked, she is relocated to live here, on orginization grounds."</m>
<b>-"S-so Emily will live here after the ceremony?!"</b>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\23_bnwo_8.jpg">
<m>-"Yes. And if you join the orginization as an honorary member, you will be able to visit her."</m>
<b>-"S-shit... Then I have to agree..."</b> Jenna smiles.
<m>-"Great! Then you'll have to use this!"</m> She extends her arm.
<<pageReplace"Look at what she has.">>
<b>-"Is that...?"</b>
<m>-"A flashdrive, yes."</m> She hands it to you.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\23_bnwo_10.webp">
<m>-"Plug it into your $mo2's computer and we'll take it from there."</m>
<b>-"T-That's all I have to do?"</b>
<m>-"Mhm. Plug it in, leave it inside for a good 10 seconds and then remove it and throw it away. It's one use only."</m>
<b>-"And then I'll become a member?"</b>
<m>-"An honorary one, yes."</m> You nod and stand up.
<b>-"Then that's what I'll do then..."</b> You're determined to stay part of Emily's life! This is the only way that you can continue to see her after the ceremony!
<m>-"Good choice. Thank you for your cooperation as always $name."</m> Jenna smiles once again as you walk towards the door.
<b>-"Thank you for the opportunity... Goodbye."</b> You open the door.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\23_bnwo_14.jpg">
<m>-"Goodbye $name! I wish you luck!"</m> You nod and exit the office.
<b>-"God damnit... I'm sorry $mom1, but I have to do this."</b> Mia did seem pretty interested about the orginization herself, so maybe it's a good thing to give her a push forward.
<b>-"I better get going."</b> While walking back, you paid close attention to the people around you, hoping that you would spot Emily, but she's nowhere to be seen.
<b>-"She is in a meeting after all..."</b>
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo +1>>
<grey>BNWO +1!</grey>
<grey>IBWO flashdrive +1!</grey>
[[Drive home->room]]
<</pageReplace>><<set $tempemilybnwo24 to false>>\
<<set $bnwomiadays to $day>>\
<b>-"Well, Jenna didn't say how much time I have, so I better do it ASAP!"</b> You think as you hold the flash drive in your hand.
<b>-"Let's see if she's in her room..."</b> You walk to your $mo2's room and knock.
<grey>-"Knock Knock Knock!"</grey>
<mia>-"Come in!"</mia> Mia shouts back. You press on the door's handle and open it.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\bnwo_24_mission_1.png">
<mia>-"Ahhh, $name! What do you need?"</mia> She smiles and fixes her glasses.
<b>-"Nothing in particular... Just wondering when you'll go to sleep today?"</b> You look around the room.
<mia>-"Why do you want to know? You're gonna jack off again?"</mia>
<b>-"N-no $mom1! Just plan to game with my friends tonight, so I need to know when to be quieter."</b> You finally spot the laptop... It's on her table to the left.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\bnwo_24_mission_2.jpg">
<mia>-"Well, it seems like it's your unlucky day then."</mia>
<mia>-"Mhm... Because I'm going very soon, just need to get ready."</mia> She stands up.
<<pageReplace"Act sad.">>
<b>-"Awhhh god damnit... I'll try to be quiet then."</b> Mia walks by you, heading towards the door.
<mia>-"Well, you have a good 10 minutes to be as loud as you want, I'm going to brush my teeth first."</mia>
<img src="Images\Events\random events\bnwo_24_mission_3.jpg">
<b>-"Understood! I-I'll get right to it then haha!"</b> Your $mo2 nods and walks off towards the bathroom.
<b>-"Fuck yeah! She's out!"</b> You think as you quickly run to her laptop.
<b>-"10 minutes should be more than enough!"</b> You take the flash drive out of your pocket and get ready to insert it into the computer.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\bnwo_24_mission_4.jpeg">
<b>-"Wait... Should I actually do this?"</b> Suddenly, second thoughts begin to flood your brain.
<b>-"She is my $mo2 after all..."</b>
<<pageReplace"Insert the flash drive.">>
<<set $bnwomia to true>>\
<<set $emilyrelationship to $emilyrelationship +1>>\
<b>-"No, what am I even thinking? This is definitely the right step!"</b> You insert the flash drive and wait.
<b>-"..."</b> The screen goes black for a good 10 seconds, but then, the IBWO logo pops up.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\bnwo_24_mission_5.png">
<b>-"I think... I think it worked!"</b> You smile as the laptop returns to normal. You remember what Jenna told you, so you take out the USB and throw it away in a trashcan nearby.
<b>-"It looks the same?"</b> You think as you look at the empty desktop.
<b>-"Maybe it was broken?"</b>
<img src="Images\Events\random events\bnwo_24_mission_6.jpg">
<b>-"I didn't even ask Jenna what it was supposed to do..."</b>
<b>-"Maybe it's tracking software or something?"</b> You wonder.
<<pageReplace"Try out a couple of things.">>
<b>-"Hmmmmm... No."</b> You begin to look at different websites, folders, files... Pretty much anything that you could get your hands on.
<b>-"Everything looks the same!"</b> Suddenly, you get an idea.
<b>-"What if...?"</b> You type in "Porn" into google and click search.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\bnwo_24_mission_7.png">
<b>-"N-no way!"</b> All of the porn that comes up is BNWO focused!
<b>-"Holy shit... This is some next level scripting tech!"</b> You type in another phrase into the search bar.
<b>-"No way it doesn't work now..."</b>
<img src="Images\Events\random events\bnwo_24_mission_8.png">
<b>-"It still changes the videos! Wow..."</b> You continue to type in phrases.
<b>-"Even the hentai is blacked!"</b> You begin to hear the restroom door open and Mia step out.
<<pageReplace"Quickly close the laptop and stand up.">>
<b>-"A-ahem!"</b> You close out of google, close the laptop and stand up. Right as you do, Mia walks into the room.
<mia>-"Oh? You're still here?"</mia>
<img src="Images\Events\random events\bnwo_24_mission_10.jpg">
<b>-"Oh, haha! H-hey $mom1! I just came in to say goodnight!"</b>
<mia>-"Ahhh, understood! Goodnight baby!"</mia> She walks over and kisses you on the cheek.
<mia>-"Have fun playing with your friends!"</mia>
<b>-"Thank you! B-bye!"</b> You quickly walk out of her bedroom and close the door. Thank God John is out of the house today, so you only had to deal with her.
<b>-"That was close!"</b> You walk back into your room and reach for your phone on the nightstand.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\bnwo_24_mission_11.jpg">
<b>-"Time to let Jenna know I did it."</b> After picking up your phone, you open the messages app and begin writing her a text.
<<pageReplace"Message Jenna.">>
<<message "IBWO" "Emilybnwo24 message" "I did it..." open>>\
<b>-"A-ahem!"</b> You close out of google, close the laptop and stand up. Right as you do, Mia walks into the room.
<mia>-"Oh? You're still here?"</mia>
<img src="Images\Events\random events\bnwo_24_mission_10.jpg">
<b>-"Oh, haha! H-hey $mom1! I just came back to say goodnight!"</b>
<mia>-"Ahhh, understood! Goodnight baby!"</mia> She walks over and kisses you on the cheek.
<mia>-"Have fun playing with your friends!"</mia>
<b>-"Thank you! B-bye!"</b> You quickly walk out of her bedroom and close the door. Thank God John is out of the house today, so you only had to deal with her.
<b>-"That was close!"</b> You walk back into your room and reach for your phone on the nightstand.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\bnwo_24_mission_11.jpg">
<b>-"Time to let Jenna know I did it."</b> After picking up your phone, you open the messages app and begin writing her a text.
<b>-"I better finish the conversation with Jenna before I continue."</b> You say outloud as you put down your phone.
<<pageReplace"Disobey the IBWO and don't.">>
<<set $emilyrelationship to 0>>\
<b>-"Agh... I better not. She will join willingly if she feels like it."</b> You sigh and throw away the USB in the trashcan nearby, knowing that the IBWO will not forgive this offence.
<grey>-"Crreekkkk..."</grey> You hear as the door of the restroom opens and Mia steps you.
<b>-"A-ahem!"</b> You close the laptop and stand up. Right as you do, Mia walks into the room.
<mia>-"Oh? You're still here?"</mia>
<img src="Images\Events\random events\bnwo_24_mission_10.jpg">
<b>-"Oh, haha! H-hey $mom1! You were gone for a couple of seconds, I was on my phone!"</b>
<mia>-"Ahhh, understood! I just forgot my towel, that's all."</mia> She walks over to her cabinet and grabs a towel.
<mia>-"You're gonna play with your friends?"</mia> You both walk towards the door.
<mia>-"Alright, have funnn!"</mia> You nod and quickly walk out of her bedroom. She does the same and heads to the restroom again.
<b>-"That was close!"</b> You walk back into your room and reach for your phone on the nightstand.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\bnwo_24_mission_11.jpg">
<b>-"Time to let Jenna know I didn't do it... They'll find out either way, I think it's better if I'm honest."</b> You know the power the IBWO holds... No point in trying to lie to them.
<<pageReplace"Message Jenna.">>
<<message "IBWO" "Emilybnwo24 message" "I didn't do it..." open>>\
<b>-"Agh... I better not. She will join willingly if she feels like it."</b> You sigh and throw away the USB in the trashcan nearby, knowing that the IBWO will not forgive this offence.
<grey>-"Crreekkkk..."</grey> You hear as the door of the restroom opens and Mia steps you.
<b>-"A-ahem!"</b> You close the laptop and stand up. Right as you do, Mia walks into the room.
<mia>-"Oh? You're still here?"</mia>
<img src="Images\Events\random events\bnwo_24_mission_10.jpg">
<b>-"Oh, haha! H-hey $mom1! You were gone for a couple of seconds, I was on my phone!"</b>
<mia>-"Ahhh, understood! I just forgot my towel, that's all."</mia> She walks over to her cabinet and grabs a towel.
<mia>-"You're gonna play with your friends?"</mia> You both walk towards the door.
<mia>-"Alright, have funnn!"</mia> You nod and quickly walk out of her bedroom. She does the same and heads to the restroom again.
<b>-"That was close!"</b> You walk back into your room and reach for your phone on the nightstand.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\bnwo_24_mission_11.jpg">
<b>-"Time to let Jenna know I didn't do it... They'll find out either way, I think it's better if I'm honest."</b> You know the power the IBWO holds... No point in trying to lie to them.
<b>-"I better finish the conversation with Jenna before I continue."</b> You say outloud as you put down your phone.
<</pageReplace>><<if $emilyrelationship ==0>>\
<<messengerHeader IBWO>>
<<messageReply "Hello Jenna...">>
<<me>>Hello Jenna...<</me>>
<<messageReply "I didn't it.">>
<<me>>I didn't do it...<</me>>
<<them wait>>Excuse me?<</them>>
<<them wait>>Are you saying you refuse to do a task handed out by the IBWO?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Yes...">>
<<me>>Yes... I cannot force her, she has to join willingly.<</me>>
<<them wait>>$name, for disobeying an order straight from the IBWO, you are relieved of Emily's privileges.<</them>>
<<them wait>>We will inform her shortly. Please make time to collect your things from her apartment.<</them>>
<<messageReply "What?!">>
<<me>>What?! That choice is up to her!<</me>>
<<me>>You can't just force her to break up with me!<</me>>
<<them wait>>We won't force her to do anything.<</them>>
<<them wait>>She will have an option to choose you or the orginization, and she will choose us.<</them>>
<<them wait>>All white girls do.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Please...">>
<<me>>N-no.. Please!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Good luck in your future endeavours $name, however they will not be with us.<</them>>
<<messageReply "No!">>
<<them>><i>This user has blocked you</i><</them>>
<<goto "room">>
<<messengerHeader IBWO>>
<<messageReply "Hello Jenna...">>
<<me>>Hello Jenna...<</me>>
<<messageReply "I did it.">>
<<me>>I did it.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Well that's great to hear!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Thank you for your cooperation $name! You've completed all of the assignments the IBWO has given you!<</them>>
<<them wait>>I can definitely say that you're unofficially and honorary member already!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Unofficially">>
<<me>>Unofficially? How do I make it official? 😥<</me>>
<<them wait>>Come to watch the Emily's acceptance ceremony! I'll make sure our artists mark you as well.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Wow, you have your own artists?">>
<<me>>Wow, you have your own artists?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Of course we do!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Now that you're a member, I'm allowed to show you some of our spaces...<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Events/random events/bnwo_24_mission_12.jpg">><</them>>
<<them wait>>This is our little tattoo shop! It's where you and Emily will get your marks next week!"<</them>>
<<messageReply "Is it mandatory?">>
<<me>>Wow... Is it mandatory though?<</me>>
<<them wait>>For members - yes, for honorary members - no, but it is recommended.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Why? Having second thoughts?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Of course not!">>
<<me>>Of course not! Just curious.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Well good then!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Anyways, we are well underway with out preparations for the ceremony, I hope that you'll make it!<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Events/random events/bnwo_24_mission_13.jpg">><</them>>
<<messageReply "Such a small room...">>
<<me>>Such a small room...<</me>>
<<them wait>>Indeed. Only 3 girls will be accepted during this ceremony, so we don't need a big space.<</them>>
<<them wait>>As I've mentioned before, nobody is supposed to watch it too... But you're an exception.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Thank you very much...">>
<<me>>Thank you very much Jenna... We'll be there!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Great to hear!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Thank you for being such a good ally $name! We're glad to have you on our side!<</them>>
<<them wait>>See you next week!<</them>>
<<messageReply "See you!">>
<<me>>See you!<</me>>
<<goto "room">>
<</if>>\<<location "Images/Other/7363794952_56303ea0b0_b.webp" "At Emily's place">>\
<<set $emilybnwoevent to 26>>\
<<if $time !==2>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<emily>-"NgHHhh! MgHHhh! NghHhhh!"</emily> Emily moans as she rides her new toy.
<b>-"You're doing great babe!"</b> She's gotten pretty good at this...
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\25_bnwo_1.gif">
<b>-"Y-you can take it so much deeper now!"</b>
<emily>-"ArgHHHhhHH! Y-yessshHHhhH!"</emily> She screams as her legs begin to quiver... She climaxed!
<b>-"This is so hot..."</b> You were told not to touch yourself, so all you do is watch.
<emily>-"That's enough of that for today... I think I'm pretty much ready for the ceremony."</emily> Emily takes out the toy and throws it to the side.
<b>-"I think so too!"</b> She lays down on her back and spreads her vagina apart.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\25_bnwo_2.jpg">
<emily>-"ShitTTttt... Look at how much it stretched..."</emily> If you shoved your cock in there, she literally wouldn't feel a thing... Hot!
<<pageReplace"Offer to clean the toy.">>
<b>-"Do you want me to clean the toy for you?"</b>
<emily>-"Of course! That's what you're here for anyways."</emily> She hands you the toy.
<b>-"I-I will be right back babe!"</b> You walk to the bathroom.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\25_bnwo_3.webp">
<grey>-"PsSssHHhhhh!"</grey> Water begins to flow out of the faucet as you turn the handle up.
<b>-"There!"</b> You clean the toy and rinse it with a towel.
<b>-"I'm done!"</b> You say after walking back to her bedroom.
<emily>-"NghHhh... Throw it in the drawer babe."</emily> Emily says as she lays there, exhausted.
<b>-"S-sure thing princess!"</b> You head to the drawer and open it.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\25_bnwo_4.jpg">
<b>-"It's done."</b> You say as you throw the toy in.
<emily>-"Good... Now come to bed, I want to ask you something."</emily>
<<pageReplace"Climb onto the bed.">>
<b>-"W-what's up Emily?"</b> You ask as you lay down next to her.
<emily>-"You talked with Jenna during our last date... What did she say?"</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\25_bnwo_5.jpg">
<b>-"Oh... She sent me on another mission for the orginization, that's all!"</b>
<emily>-"What was it?"</emily>
<b>-"H-had to install some software into my $mo2's computer..."</b> You stutter.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\25_bnwo_6.jpg">
<emily>-"Oh... Why? Why do they need your $mo2?"</emily>
<b>-"They said if I wanted to become an honorary member and watch your ceremony, I needed to recruit someone else... She was a prime target."</b>
<emily>-"Did you do it?"</emily>
<b>-"Y-yes..."</b> Emily's face suddenly lights up.
<emily>-"Yayyyy! So we're going to be members together! How great is that?!"</emily>
<b>-"Yeah... When is the ceremony again? I need to go too, I'll get marked together with you!"</b>
<emily>-"It's <<if $dayy==1>>this Thursday!<<else>>next Monday!"<</if>></emily> She stands up.
<emily>-"Follow me, I'm going to clean up."</emily> You nod and stand up with her. You start to head towards the bathroom.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\25_bnwo_7.jpeg">
<b>-"Wow... It's pretty soon!"</b>
<emily>-"Mhm! Also, I will need to get there a little earlier to get ready, so we'll have to go separately."</emily>
<b>-"T-that's not a problem babe, I'm just happy that I'll have an opportunity to watch you!"</b> Emily pets your head.
<emily>-"What a good little whiteboy you are! <<if $hairextensions>>Or whitegirl... Whichever you prefer!"<</if>></emily> She giggles.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\25_bnwo_8.jpg">
<emily>-"Anyways, I'm off to the shower then."</emily>
<b>-"I'll get going... It's getting pretty late."</b> You and Emily exchange a kiss.
<emily>-"See you in the IBWO headquarters then!"</emily>
<b>-"Mhm!"</b> You walk out of her apartment as she begins walking towards the shower.
<b>-"Fuck... It's really happening huh."</b> There's no turning back now!
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo +1>>
<grey>BNWO +1!</grey>
[[Drive home->room]]
<</pageReplace>><<location "Images/Emily/events/bnwo/23_bnwo_1.webp" "IBWO headquarters">>\
<<set $emilybnwoevent to 27>>\
<<set $emilybnwoevent27day to $day>>\
<<if $time !==2>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<set $ibwoheadquarters to true>>\
<<set $emilyqostattoo to true>>\
<<set $emilyibwoevent to 1>>\
<b>-"It should be around here somewhere..."</b> You think as you walk around the IBWO headquarters. It's time to attend Emily's acceptance ceremony!
<b>-"They probably started already, I'm running a bit late."</b>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\26_bnwo_1.webp">
<b>-"Jenna said the room's number was 64 and it was on the third floor... I think I'm getting close."</b> After walking for another 5 minutes, you finally spot it.
<b>-"Shit."</b> There's a security guard in front of it!
<b>-"Good afternoon. I'm $name. I'm allowed to attend this acceptance ceremony."</b> The guard looks you up and down and pulls out his walkie talkie.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\26_bnwo_2.png">
<grey>-"Have a white <<if $hairextensions ==true>>female<<else>>male<</if>> claiming that they're allowed to watch the ceremony. Advise, over."</grey> He looks at you again.
<grey>-"Give me a second."</grey> You nod and begin to wait. After a couple of seconds, he begins to speak to someone on the other end of the line.
<grey>-"Mhm... Yes... Understood, I'll <<if $hairextensions ==true>>her<<else>>him<</if>> in, over."</grey> The guard steps to the side.
<b>-"I-I can go in?"</b>
<grey>-"Mhm. Just stay quiet. You can't talk to any of the attendees until the end of the ceremony. Stay quiet and watch."</grey> You nod, take a deep breath and step forward.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\26_bnwo_3.jpeg">
<b>-"Y-you can do this $name..."</b>
<<pageReplace"Step inside.">>
<b>-"..."</b> You step inside and close the door behind you.
<b>-"H-holy shit!"</b> The ceremony has definitely started! Emily and two other girls are standing in a line, kissing some IBWO members.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\26_bnwo_4.webp">
<b>-"Emi-"</b> You cut yourself off... You remember what the guard told you - you need to stay quiet.
<b>-"This is so hot!"</b> You immediately get a boner, but refrain from touching your crotch.
<grey>-"You ready girls?"</grey> Julian, Emily's partner says.
<emily>-"Yes sir!"</emily>
<pink>-"Yes sir!"</pink>
<adriana>-"Yes sir!"</adriana> The girls say in unison and begin to get on their knees.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\26_bnwo_5.webp">
<b>-"Fuckkk... She's so into it!"</b> Emily hasn't even noticed you're there!
<emily>-"Sooo bigg... I love it."</emily> She whispers as she slowly begins to suck the cock in front of her.
<pink>-"I know right... I can't wait to have it every day!"</pink>
<emily>-"MgHhhhh... SlurrpPppp..."</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\26_bnwo_6.webp">
<b>-"There has to be a chair or something around here..."</b> Your legs already feel tired.
<<pageReplace"Look around the room.">>
<adriana>-"SlurrPPppp... HugHHhhh..."</adriana> As the girls suck the IBWO members off, you begin to look for a chair.
<b>-"There it is!"</b> You find one, in the corner of the room.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\26_bnwo_7.jpeg">
<b>-"Oof..."</b> You take a seat and begin to look at your girlfriend again.
<emily>-"NgHHhh... S-swo bwiggg... MgHHhh... SlurppPPp..."</emily> She's sucking his cock like a popscile.
<b>-"W-wow, she's incredible!"</b>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\26_bnwo_8.webp">
<grey>-"Good girls. Time to lay down."</grey> The men begin to walk towards the mattress on the ground.
<emily>-"Yes sir!"</emily>
<pink>-"Yes sir!"</pink>
<adriana>-"Yes sir!"</adriana> They say in unison again. They've been trained well!
<b>-"Gulp..."</b> The second the men lay down, Emily and the other girls fall to their knees. This time, they're facing you.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\26_bnwo_9.webp">
<b>-"I can't believe she hasn't noticed me yet!"</b>
<<pageReplace"Continue to watch.">>
<pink>-"ArgHhhh... SlurpPppp..."</pink> Emily turns to the girl on her right.
<emily>-"Y-you're doing it wrong Aurora... You're used to small whiteboy dick, this ain't it."</emily> She grabs Aurora's partners dick and begins to stroke it.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\26_bnwo_10.webp">
<emily>-"You have to stroke the shaft and suck the tip. You're trying to fit the whole thing in your mouth... That's impossible."</emily> She bends down and begins to suck.
<pink>-"Ahhh, that's how you do it! Sorry, haven't gotten a lot of training at home..."</pink>
<emily>-"SlurpPPp... T-twat's fine!"</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\26_bnwo_11.webp">
<emily>-"Bwut ywou swee how I dwo it? Ahhhh!"</emily> Emily sits up and let's Aurora have another try.
<pink>-"SlurPpppPPP... ArgHhhhh... NgHHhhh!"</pink> The girl is doing a lot better now.
<b>-"W-wow... She's even training other girls on how to do it better!"</b> Your cock is going crazy, but you know that if you pull it out - you might be kicked out.
<grey>-"That's enough of that girls, time for the main event."</grey>
<emily>-"Yes sir!"</emily>
<pink>-"Yes sir!"</pink>
<adriana>-"Yes sir!"</adriana> The men turn around, so their feet are facing your way. The girls climb on top of them.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\26_bnwo_12.webp">
<adriana>-"F-first time with a BBC... Kind of nervous."</adriana> One of the girls whisper.
<emily>-"This is going to feel amazing babe, I know it."</emily>
<<pageReplace"Watch as one of the members penetrate your girlfriend.">>
<grey>-"GRgHHhhh!"</grey> The girls slowly lower themselves over their cocks... They slide in without a problem.
<emily>-"MgHhhhHh! FucKKkkkk!"</emily> Emily and her two friends begin to moan as the cocks begin to rearrange their insides.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\26_bnwo_13.webp">
<b>-"H-holy shit!"</b> You whisper... The training has really worked, she's taking it like a boss!
<grey>-"ShiTTTttttt! So tighttt!"</grey> Julian moans as Emily begins to ride him faster and faster.
<pink>-"ArgHhhh... Yessss... This feels... NgHhhhh... So much better than white dick...! NgHHhh!"</pink>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\26_bnwo_14.webp">
<b>-"It's so deep inside... Fuckkk..."</b> You begin to focus on Julian's cock going in and out of Emily's pussy.
<emily>-"ArgHHhhh! It does! I-It truly does!"</emily>
<emily>-"NgHHhhhh!"</emily> Your girlfriend moans as her pussy grips his cock to the best of it's ability.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\26_bnwo_15.webp">
<b>-"W-wow... I wish I could get closer..."</b>
<grey>-"Time to give your little <<if $hairextensions ==true>>girlfriend a better view.<<else>>boyfriend a better view.<</if>>"</grey> Julian grins.
<<pageReplace"No way...">>
<b>-"N-no way..."</b> They acknowledged you!
<emily>-"Yes sir!"</emily>
<pink>-"Yes sir!"</pink>
<adriana>-"Yes sir!"</adriana> Without even thinking about what he said, Emily blindly follows his commands.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\26_bnwo_16.webp">
<b>-"Fuckkkk..."</b> You let out a silent moan as the men sit up on their knees and face you.
<pink>-"NgHhhh..."</pink> The girls get in position and bend over.
<grey>-"Now say - please king."</grey>
<emily>-"P-please king!"</emily>
<pink>-"Please king!"</pink>
<adriana>-"Please king!"</adriana> Them men laugh and begin to fuck the girls again.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\26_bnwo_17.webp">
<emily>-"Haaa!"</emily> Emily let's out a gasp as your eyes finally meet... She just noticed that you were there.
<b>-"..."</b> However, you both don't exchange a word - just a smile.
<b>-"I love you Emily."</b> You think as you cover up your crotch, trying to keep the boner down.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\26_bnwo_18.webp">
<emily>-"NgHHhhh! F-fuck me harder Julian! MgHHhhh... Breed me!"</emily> Emily begins to scream as she hold eye contact with you.
<pink>-"Me too! ArgHHhhh... B-breed me too!"</pink>
<adriana>-"Give me a baby.. NgHhhhh!"</adriana>
<<pageReplace"Continue to watch.">>
<grey>-"We will girls, we will... NgrrrgHhhh... But you'll have to recite your oath to the IBWO again."</grey>
<emily>-"We will! J-just... MmgHHhhh... Breed us!"</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\26_bnwo_19.webp">
<grey>-"Then get on top again... NrggHHh... S-so the semen goes straight into your womb...!"</grey> The men lay down again as the girls climb on top.
<b>-"H-holy shit... It's about to go down!"</b>
<emily>-"NgHhhhhH!"</emily> After grabbing Julians cock, Emily penetrates herself with it.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\26_bnwo_20.webp">
<pink>-"FucKKKkk! MmmgmHHhhh!"</pink> In this position, their giant cocks go in fully...
<grey>-"Recite it, girls!"</grey> The women take a deep breath and begin to speak.
<emily>-"I-I, Emily Williams, swear that I will serve the IBWO... GrgHhhhh... For the remainder of my life... MgHHhh.... I-I will spread it's message about the greatness of diversity... RgHHhhhh... And the s-superiority of the black race...! And finally... ARgHHhhhh... I will be bred and have as many offsprings as the orginization demands! MGHHhhhh!"</emily>
<adriana>-"I, Nora Muvit, swear that I will serve the IBWO for the... AgHHhhh... R-remainder of my life. I will spread it's message about the greatness of diversity and the superiority of the black race... MghHhhh... A-and finally, I will be bred and have as many offsprings... AgHHhhh... As the orginization demands!"</adriana>
<pink>-"I, Aurora Belot, swear that I will serve the I-IBWO for the remainder of my life... NgHHhh.... I-I will spread it's message about the greatness... ARgHHHhh... Of diversity and the superiority of the black race! And finally... FucKKkk... I will be bred... GggrrrHHhhh... And have as many offsprings as the orginization d-demands!"</pink>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\26_bnwo_21.webp">
<b>-"Holy shit..."</b> When you see such blind loyalty and trust, you understand why you're looked at as inferior... You could never make her say something like that!
<b>-"Such power..."</b>
<grey>-"Good girls... NghHhhhh... Now get ready to be filled up!"</grey>
<<pageReplace"Watch as Julian ejaculates inside of Emily.">>
<emily>-"MmmghHhhh... U-unload that superior semen into me!"</emily> She screams as Julian grabs her hips and begins to pound her even faster.
<grey>-"GragHHhhHHHHHHH!"</grey> The men explode straight into their wombs...
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\26_bnwo_22.webp">
<b>-"Holy shitttt..."</b>
<pink>-"MghHhhh! S-so much!"</pink> Aurora's legs begin to shake as she has yet another climax...
<grey>-"You're officially BLACKED!"</grey> Julian chuckles as you focus on Emily's vagina.
<b>-"It's so... It's so full!"</b>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\26_bnwo_23.webp">
<emily>-"Thank you sir... I feel so much of it inside of me!"</emily> Emily and the girls climb off of the men and stand up.
<grey>-"You're oficially members of the IBWO! Congratulations!"</grey> The girls smile.
<emily>-"Eeeeekk! Do we get the mark now?"</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\26_bnwo_24.jpg">
<grey>-"You do indeed. Make way to the tattoo studio, Jarvan will mark you all."</grey> Julian turns to you.
<grey>-"You can speak now, $name."</grey> The men stand up and walk out of the room.
<<pageReplace"Walk up to Emily.">>
<b>-"E-Emily! That was incredible!"</b> You run up to the group of girls, which are now facing the door.
<emily>-"Oh? Ahhh, $name!"</emily> It seems like she forgot you were there...
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\26_bnwo_25.jpg">
<pink>-"We'll let you both talk..."</pink> The two women look you up and down and walk away.
<emily>-"Fuck... I can still feel it inside of me."</emily> Emily grabs her stomach.
<b>-"Y-you did so well babe! I'm so proud of you!"</b>
<emily>-"Thank you honey! You did well too, sat there like a good little whiteboy!"</emily> She smiles and gives you a kiss on the cheek.
<b>-"S-should we go ahead and get our marks then?"</b>
<emily>-"Mhm! Follow me!"</emily> You exit the room and begin walking towards what you assume is the tattoo parlor. As Emily walks, semen begins to drip out of her vagina, but nobody seems to care...
<b>-"It seems like it's totally normal for white girls to be naked in the halls..."</b> After around 5 minutes, you finally reach it.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\26_bnwo_26.jpg">
<b>-"S-shall we head inside?"</b>
<emily>-"Mhm. After you."</emily> You nod and open the door.
<<pageReplace"Step inside.">>
<grey>-"Bzzzzzzzz...."</grey> As you step inside, you begin to hear the sounds of the tattoo machine working.
<b>-"Is that Jarvan?"</b> You ask Emily as you spot a man tattooing a woman on his table.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\26_bnwo_27.jpg">
<emily>-"Mhm! We've met before! He's a pretty cool guy!"</emily> Your naked girl runs up to the man and gives him a hug.
<emily>-"Heyyyyy Jarvan! We came to get our marks!!"</emily> He smiles and hugs her back.
<judy>-"We? Who's we? Aurora and Nora already got theirs, who else is with you?"</judy> He looks around and finally spots you, just standing there.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\26_bnwo_28.jpg">
<judy>-"Who the fuck is that?"</judy>
<emily>-"My <<if $hairextensions ==true>>boyfriend! He became an honorary member today, so mark him too!<<else>>girlfriend! She became an honorary member today, so mark her too!<</if>>"</emily> Jarvan looks at you, suspiciously.
<judy>-"I need Jenna to confirm. I'm not tattooing a non member, I need her to tell me that this is legit."</judy> Shit...
<b>-"I can wait..."</b> You sit down on one of the chairs and cross your arms.
<emily>-"I'll go and get my mark then honey, be right back!"</emily> You nod as she walks away with Jarvan.
<b>-"Hmph..."</b> The artist just let his last client on the bed... The mark will probably be a short procedure.
<<pageReplace"Wait for her to be done.">>
<emily>-"What do you mean they're inviting us back?"</emily> Emily and Nora walk out of the depths of the parlor and make your way to you.
<adriana>-"Yeah, they said if we wanted to go for round 2, we should go to their quarters!"</adriana> They turn around and continue to speak.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\26_bnwo_29.jpg">
<b>-"W-wow! There it is!"</b> Emily and her friend are now in bikinis and their asses are marked with a QOS tattoo!
<b>-"That's so hot..."</b>
<emily>-"Alright, I'll talk to $name and join you there!"</emily> Nora nods and runs off. Emily walks to you and sits down.
<emily>-"Well, what do you think?"</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\26_bnwo_30.jpg">
<b>-"It... It looks incredible honey!"</b>
<b>-"When am I getting mine?"</b>
<emily>-"About that... Jarvan couldn't get in contact with Jenna, I think you'll have to come at another time."</emily>
<b>-"Fuckkkk..."</b> She stands up.
<emily>-"But don't worry, as soon as Jenna confirms everything with him, he'll mark you in no time! So just wait a couple of days!"</emily>
<b>-"Fine... Anyways, what happens to our dates now? When do we meet up?"</b>
<emily>-"How about we just talk tomorrow? I'll give you a text!"</emily>
<emily>-"Julian invited us for round two at his quarters, so we'll head there now!"</emily> She kisses you on the cheek.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\26_bnwo_32.gif">
<b>-"Fuck... You'll text me tomorrow then?"</b>
<emily>-"Mhm!"</emily> You sigh and stand up after her.
<b>-"Fine. Talk to you then."</b> You embrace her with a hug and smile.
<b>-"Congratulations on becoming an official member babe."</b>
<emily>-"You too... See you babe!"</emily> You smile as she runs off after Nora.
<b>-"I guess she lives here now..."</b> Time to head back to your place.
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo +10>>
<grey>BNWO +10!</grey>
<grey>Emily is oficially a IBWO member!</grey>
<grey>New location unlocked - The IBWO headquarters!</grey>
[[Drive home->room]]
<<messengerHeader Emily>>
<<them>>How's my little cucky doing?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Good...">>
<<me>>Good babe... How about you? How are your quarters?<</me>>
<<them wait>>They're awesome! I thought they'll be something like the dorms you would find in a college.<</them>>
<<them wait>>But they're a lot prettier! I took this picture a couple of hours ago...<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Emily/events/IBWO/IBWO_intro_message_1.jpg">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Doesn't that look great?!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Oh wow!">>
<<me>>Oh wow! They spoil you over there! 🤩<</me>>
<<them wait>>They really do!<</them>>
<<them wait>>The whole facility is super fancy... I'm so glad I moved here!<</them>>
<<messageReply "What are you up to now?">>
<<me>>What are you up to now? 😊<</me>>
<<them wait>>Me and Nora went to the canteen to grab some food...<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Emily/events/IBWO/IBWO_intro_message_2.jpg">><</them>>
<<them wait>>It's pretty packed, but the food is great!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Oh wow... They have their own canteen?">>
<<me>>Oh wow... They have their own canteen?<</me>>
<<them wait>>They have everything here! A canteen, a gym, a hospital of sorts... Pretty much everything you would need to never leave.<</them>>
<<them wait>>It's kind of awesome actually. I can get everything I want from one place.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Including some quality dick 🤤<</them>>
<<them wait>>Speaking of which... We're going to Julian's quarters rn!!!!<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Emily/events/IBWO/IBWO_intro_message_4.jpg">><</them>>
<<messageReply "Sounds like fun!">>
<<me>>Sounds like fun 😍<</me>>
<<me>>When should I come over tho? We haven't talked about our new date times.<</me>>
<<them wait>>We should keep the same times from before. Monday and Thursday during the afternoon!<</them>>
<<them wait>>That works for you, right?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Of course!">>
<<me>>Of course!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Great! Then see you then ❤️❤️❤️<</them>>
<<them wait>>Time for me to have some fun with Julian.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Bye babe!">>
<<me>>Bye babe! See ya soon! 💕<</me>>
<<set $emilybnwoevent27messagetemp to true>>\
<</messengerChat>><<location "Images/Emily/events/bnwo/23_bnwo_1.webp" "IBWO headquarters">>
<<set $wentotheIBWO to true>>
<<locationBackdrop "Emily/events/IBWO/Headquarters_backdrop.webp">>
With your head up high, you stroll into the IBWO headquarters. The security guard recognised you, so you didn't even have to show your ID. Now that you're a member, you can explore this place to your hearts content!
<div class="actions">
<li>[[Walk to Jenna's office->Jennas office]]</li>
<li>[[Walk to the tattoo parlor->Tattoo parlor]]</li>
<li>[[Visit Emily at her quarters->Emilys quarters in the IBWO]]</li>
</div><<if $femoperation==true and $femoperationjennatemp !==true>>\
<<goto "Losing your anal virginity event part 1">>
<<locationBackdrop "Emily/events/IBWO/Jenna_backdrop.jpeg">>\
<b>-"Good afternoon Jenna..."</b> You awkwardly mumble as you walk into her office.
<m>-"Ah, $name, hey. What do you need?"</m> She looks up at you and asks.
<div class="actions">\
<<if $workdays >=37 and $ibwocoup !==true>>\
<li>[[Tell her about the club coup you're planning with Leyja->Jennas office coup event]]</li>
<<if $hairextensions ==true>>\
<li>[[Ask to serve the IBWO members together with Emily->Jennas office operation event]]</li>
<li>[[Excuse yourself and leave->The IBWO headquarters]]</li>
</div>\<<set $ibwocoup to true>>\
<b>-"I-I have something important to talk about with you."</b> You stutter as you talk.
<m>-"Oh? What is it?"</m> Jenna asks with her back turned to you. She's looking for something in her cabinet.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\IBWO\Jenna_coup_1.jpeg">
<b>-"Remember the mission you sent me on to get information from Leyja?"</b>
<m>-"Mhm. If you're going to ask what we did with that information, unfortunately I can't disclose it. It's confidential."</m> She shurgs her shoulders.
<b>-"N-no... I actually wanted to follow up on that."</b>
<m>-"Oh...? I'm listening."</m>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\IBWO\Jenna_coup_2.jpeg">
<b>-"Well as you may know, we infiltrated the club and found out where the codes are."</b> She nods.
<b>-"We are planning to orginise a coup to overthrow the current leadership there and claim control."</b>
<m>-"Hmmmm... I'm pretty sure upper management of the IBWO was planning something similar too... Where are you going with this though?"</m>
<<pageReplace"Help us overthrow them.">>
<b>-"We need people for the coup... Help us overthrow them and you'll gain control of the club and the university. W-which is what you want, I assume?"</b> She squints her eyes.
<m>-"You want to betray Leyja?"</m>
<b>-"I-I'm ready to do anything to further the goals of this orginization."</b> You say with your head up high.
<m>-"Hmph, I'm starting to like you."</m> She smiles and pulls out her phone.
<m>-"Give me a second, I need to talk to some people."</m> You nod and begin to wait patiently.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\IBWO\Jenna_coup_3.jpeg">
<m>-"Good afternoon, sir. I have something of interest to discuss with you."</m> Jenna begins to speak on the phone.
<m>-"Yes sir. Apparently the shop keeper was planning to orginize a coup to overthrow the club. We can swoop in after them and get control."</m>
<m>-"If we threatened her, I'm sure she would give up the shares. Yes."</m>
<m>-"Understood. Thank you sir."</m> After a couple more words, she puts the phone down and looks at you.
<m>-"Upper management agreed. Good work $name, you're truly an ally."</m> Jenna grabs a piece of paper and writes a number down on it.
<m>-"Here. When the time comes, gives this number a call. They'll be on alert, so give or take 30 minutes and they'll be there."</m> You take the piece of paper and look at it.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\IBWO\Jenna_coup_4.jpg">
<b>-"Understood... Thank you Jenna."</b>
<m>-"No, thank you $name. I'm happy that we have you on our side."</m> You smile and begin walking towards the door.
<b>-"H-have a great day!"</b>
<m>-"You too! Don't forget to call the number when the time comes!"</m> You nod and leave her office.
<b>-"Phew, can't believe I actually did it... Can't wait to see how the university will look like while controlled by the orginization!"</b> Your penis throbs as you imagine a world where that's the case.
<b>-"I won't have to wait long... Hopefully."</b>
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo +5>>
<grey>BNWO +5!</grey>
[[Decide what to do next->The IBWO headquarters]]
<</pageReplace>><<set $jennaoperation to true>>\
<b>-"I wanted to... I wanted to ask you something."</b>
<m>-"Oh? What is it $name?"</m> Jenna looks at you.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\IBWO\Jenna_fem_1.jpeg">
<b>-"Now that Emily can serve the IBWO members with her body, I was wondering if I could join her..."</b>
<m>-"Join her... As in serve them too?"</m>
<b>-"Mhm... I'm a virgin down there, but I think I could handle it. I-I've taken pretty big dildos before!"</b> Your cock throbs as you look at her.
<m>-"It's possible, we've had sissies serve before. There's is a big BUT however."</m>
<b>-"But what...?"</b>
<m>-"You look great $name, truly, but for our members to use you, you have to look IMPECCABLE!"</m> She begins to google something on her computer.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\IBWO\Jenna_fem_2.jpeg">
<b>-"What do you mean by that?"</b>
<m>-"I mean that your body could use some work. We have standards, you know."</m>
<<pageReplace"What kind of standards?">>
<b>-"What kind of standards are we talking about?"</b>
<m>-"Your ass could be bigger, your thighs thicker, your calves smaller."</m> She says while looking you up and down.
<b>-"..."</b> You begin to feel self concsious.
<m>-"Don't worry though, there's nothing that modern operations can't fix!"</m> She turns the monitor towards you.
<m>-"This is from the NOVA Clinic's website. They're situated in a mall nearby."</m>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\IBWO\Jenna_fem_3.png">
<b>-"Y-yeah I know NOVA... I've been there a couple of times."</b>
<m>-"Well perfect! Here, take a look at this operation they're offering."</m> She points at the monitor.
<m>-"It's called "Body contouring and feminization". Get that and then we can talk about you serving the members with Emily."</m>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\IBWO\Jenna_fem_4.jpeg">
<b>-"N-no way around it...? I have to get it?"</b>
<m>-"If you want to be involved - yes. If you only want to watch - no."</m> She shurgs her shoulders again.
<m>-"As I mentioned before $name, sorry, but we have standards."</m>
<b>-"Right... Thank you Jenna."</b>
<m>-"No problem. If you decide to get it done, come here again and I'll orginize your first time to be a little easier than usual."</m> She winks.
<b>-"Understood... T-thanks again."</b> You begin to walk towards the door.
<m>-"Hope to see you soon!"</m>
<b>-"Mhm!"</b> You leave the office and close the door.
<b>-"Shit... Isn't that operation like super expensive? Will have to save up quite a bit!"</b>
<grey>You can now get the "Body contouring and feminization" operation in the clinic!</grey>
[[Decide what to do next->The IBWO headquarters]]
<</pageReplace>><<set $femoperationjennatemp to true>>
<grey>-"Knock Knock Knock!"</grey> You knock on Jenna's door.
<m>-"Come in!"</m> You push the door open and step inside.
<b>-"G-good afternoon Jenna."</b>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\IBWO\Jenna_virginity_1.webp">
<m>-"Hey... Beautiful."</m> She looks you up and down.
<b>-"I got the operation done... The one you told me to get, remember?"</b>
<m>-"I can tell... Your ass is bigger than mine!"</m> She chuckles and turns around.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\IBWO\Jenna_virginity_2.webp">
<b>-"Hahaha... Y-you flatter me!"</b> You awkwardly laugh.
<m>-"No, but honestly, you look great $name! I'm happy for you!"</m>
<<pageReplace"So how about that deal...">>
<b>-"T-thank you... B-but how about that deal we talked about?"</b>
<m>-"Ah, you serving with Emily?"</m>
<m>-"Well, now that you look like THAT, I bet some member would want to take you for a ride!"</m> Jenna sits down and pulls out her phone.
<m>-"Let me make some calls..."</m>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\IBWO\Jenna_virginity_3.webp">
<b>-"S-sure..."</b> You sit down and begin to patiently wait.
<m>-"Mhm. You're still up for it, right? Good, she got it done. Yes. Yes, she's ready."</m> After a couple of minutes, she smiles and puts down the phone.
<m>-"He agreed to take your virginity! He'll meet you in Emily's quarters."</m>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\IBWO\Jenna_virginity_4.webp">
<b>-"Who's he...?"</b>
<b>-"J-Julian will fuck me?!"</b> That's the main Emily's bull!
<m>-"Mhm. Make your way to her quarters, he's waiting."</m> You sigh and stand up.
<b>-"Y-yes sir."</b> You try to sound confident as you walk towards the exit.
<m>-"Enjoyyyy..."</m> Jenna smiles.
[[Leave her office->The IBWO headquarters]]
<</pageReplace>><<set $emilyoperationjuliantemp to true>>\
<b>-"Knock Knock Knock!"</b> You know on Emily's door, but nobody answers.
<b>-"I-I'm coming in!"</b> Jenna told you that Julian is supposed to be here.
<emily>-"MmmghHHhh... J-Jwulian! Gwentle!"</emily> Emily's moans fill your ears as you step inside.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\IBWO\virginity_julian_1.jpg">
<b>-"A-ahem! Hello!"</b> You awkwardly say as they stop kissing.
<grey>-"Ah, $name! Didn't expect you to come so soon."</grey>
<emily>-"Heh, came to watch cutie?"</emily>
<b>-"Not this time babe... J-Julian is actually about to take my virginity..."</b> Julian sits up and looks at you.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\IBWO\virginity_julian_2.png">
<grey>-"Damn... You look sexy."</grey>
<b>-"Heh... T-thank you!"</b>
<emily>-"You're virginity? Like... He's gonna fuck you?"</emily>
<emily>-"Well, I'm happy to share him! I just didn't think that you'll be taking real dick so soon!"</emily> She giggles as Julian stands up.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\IBWO\virginity_julian_3.jpg">
<b>-"I think that I'm ready... I've played with a bunch of toys before, I'm pretty confident that I can take it!"</b> Your cheeks blush as he moves towards the door.
<grey>-"I'll be back in a bit Emily. We're going to a private room."</grey>
<emily>-"Alright then... Good luck $name, I'm happy that you decided to serve with me!"</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\IBWO\virginity_julian_4.jpg">
<b>-"S-see ya!"</b> You and Julian leave Emily's quarters and begin to walk through the halls.
<b>-"Where are we going?"</b>
<grey>-"Here."</grey> He opens one of the doors and steps inside.
<<pageReplace"Is this...?">>
<b>-"Is this the place where the acceptance ceremony took place?"</b> You say as you step inside after him.
<grey>-"The one and only. Thought that it would be fitting for you to lose your virginity here."</grey>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\IBWO\virginity_julian_5.jpg">
<grey>-"Well, what are you waiting for? Undress."</grey>
<b>-"A-already?"</b> You say as you turn towards him.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\IBWO\virginity_julian_6.jpg">
<b>-"W-woah!"</b> He's already naked!
<grey>-"I still want to have a session with Emily today, so you better hurry up!"</grey> His cock throbs as he looks you up and down.
<b>-"F-fuck... Yes sir."</b>
<b>-"NgHhhh..."</b> You let out a soft moan as you lower down your panties.
<grey>-"Good girl..."</grey> He begins to stroke his shaft while laying down on the mattress.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\IBWO\virginity_julian_12.jpg">
<<if $toys ==1>>\
<b>-"T-there..."</b> You throw them to the side and face him.
<grey>-"Is that... Is that a cage I see?"</grey>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\IBWO\virginity_julian_14.jpeg">
<grey>-"Get that shit off. I hate the clinging sound it makes while I fuck people."</grey> You don't even try to argue.
<b>-"Yes sir... Right away sir."</b> You grab the key from your undergarments and unlock your cage.
<b>-"I-is this to your liking?"</b> As soon as you put the cage away, your cock gets hard.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\IBWO\virginity_julian_13.jpg">
<grey>-"Yes. Good. Now get on your knees and suck me off."</grey> He spreads apart his legs.
<b>-"Yeshhhh..."</b> It looks so... Delicious!
<b>-"NgHhhh..."</b> You let out a soft moan as you lower down your panties.
<grey>-"Good girl..."</grey> He begins to stroke his shaft while laying down on the mattress.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\IBWO\virginity_julian_12.jpg">
<grey>-"You're not wearing that stupid cage some people use, right?"</grey> He looks down at your crotch.
<grey>-"Good! Then get on your knees and suck me off!"</grey> As he spreads his legs apart, your cock begins to harden...
<img src="Images\Emily\events\IBWO\virginity_julian_13.jpg">
<b>-"Yeshhhh..."</b> It looks so... Delicious!
<<pageReplace"Fall to your knees.">>
<b>-"Holy shit..."</b> It looks so much bigger when it's right in front of you!
<grey>-"What are you gawking at? Get to work!"</grey>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\IBWO\virginity_julian_7.jpg">
<b>-"F-fuck... Yes sir!"</b> You grab his shaft and begin to stroke it.
<grey>-"NnnngHHhhh... Come on, use your mouth..."</grey> The grabs your hair and begins guiding your mouth towards his cock.
<b>-"Gwuughhhh..."</b> You begin to slowly suck his shaft.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\IBWO\virginity_julian_8.webp">
<b>-"MgHHhhh... S-swo bwigggg!"</b>
<grey>-"Put some energy into it... NgHhhh... Come on!"</grey>
<<pageReplace"Speed up.">>
<b>-"Y-yweshhhh sirrrr!"</b> You grab his cock with both hands and begin to speed up.
<grey>-"ArgHhhhh... Your skills are on par with Emily's!"</grey> The compliment makes you go even faster...
<img src="Images\Emily\events\IBWO\virginity_julian_9.webp">
<grey>-"How's the taste, whitey?"</grey> He grins as you take his cock out of your mouth.
<b>-"Ahhhh... D-delicious sir!"</b> His smell is so masculine... It's making you dizzy.
<grey>-"Then get back to work..."</grey> You nod, smack his cock against your tongue a couple of times and continue to blow him.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\IBWO\virginity_julian_10.webp">
<grey>-"Good girl... NGhHhhh!"</grey>
<b>-"FuckKkkk... Mmmmgghhhh..."</b> You feel like you're about to cum just from giving him a blowjob!
<<pageReplace"Ask if he's close.">>
<b>-"A-arwe... Slurp... Ywou c-close... Guhhh guuhhhh... Swir?"</b> You ask inbetween strokes with your mouth.
<grey>-"Ghaaa! Not even close! I'm not a whiteboy!"</grey> He chuckles once again.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\IBWO\virginity_julian_11.webp">
<grey>-"Enough! Your oral skills are good, but they won't be enough to get a nut out of me."</grey> You take out his cock from your mouth.
<b>-"Y-yes sir..."</b>
<grey>-"Lay down, time to finally take your ass for a spin."</grey> You take a deep breath, swallow some saliva and do as he says.
<b>-"L-like this?"</b> You lay down on the mattress and spread your legs.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\IBWO\virginity_julian_16.webp">
<grey>-"Oh perfectly shaven... Fuck, just how I love it."</grey> He slowly gets on top of you.
<grey>-"Yes baby, just like that."</grey> As he begins to grind his cock up against your anus, you begin to get second thoughts.
<<pageReplace"Will it fit?">>
<b>-"Gulp... D-do you think it'll fit sir?"</b> You've played with similar sized dildos before, but this is the real thing!
<grey>-"Only one way to find out!"</grey> He grins and inserts his shaft inside.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\IBWO\virginity_julian_17.webp">
<b>-"MgHHhhhHhhHH!"</b> It feels like nothing you've ever felt before... It's incredible!
<grey>-"FucKkkkk! You're one tight bitch!"</grey> His shaft begins to throb inside of you...
<b>-"ArgHHhhh... B-be gentle! Please sir!"</b> Julian ignores you and begins to speed up.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\IBWO\virginity_julian_18.webp">
<b>-"ShitTttttt!"</b> His cock begins to stimulate your g-spot... You feel like you're about to cum!
<b>-"S-slow downNNnnnNn! NghHhhhH!"</b>
<<pageReplace"Grab your legs.">>
<grey>-"Not happening beautiful! RaghHHhhH!"</grey> He begins to pound your new pussy even harder...
<b>-"NgHHhhh!"</b> You grab your legs for some extra support.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\IBWO\virginity_julian_19.webp">
<b>-"FuCkKKkkk..."</b> You close your eyes and let out a moan of desperation... This feels too fucking good!
<grey>-"Look at this little thing... How long is it, like 5 inches?"</grey> He grabs your penis and laughs.
<b>-"NNnnngHHhhh... I-it's tiny compared to yours daddy!"</b>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\IBWO\virginity_julian_20.webp">
<grey>-"That's right... NgHhhh... It seems like you know your place!"</grey>
<<pageReplace"Beg him to make you cum.">>
<b>-"P-please! Keep pounding my ass! I-I'm... NgHhhhh... I'm about to cum!"</b> You throw your hips forward and moan.
<grey>-"I'm close too... NGhHhhh... But you'll have to say it if you want to cum..."</grey>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\IBWO\virginity_julian_21.webp">
<b>-"S-say what... NgHhhhh... Sir?"</b> Precum begins to pour of your cock as you near a climax.
<grey>-"The oath to the IBWO! MgHHhhh... You remember the words... NGHhhh... Your girlfriend said?"</grey> He grabs your cock once again and pounds your ass even harder.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\IBWO\virginity_julian_22.webp">
<b>-"YesHHhhhh..."</b> Your eyes roll back from the pleasure.
<grey>-"Then say it... MgHHHhh!"</grey>
<<pageReplace"Recite the oath.">>
<b>-"I-I, $name Smith, swear that I will serve the IBWO... GrgHhhhh... For the remainder of my life... MgHHhh.... I-I will spread it's message about the greatness of diversity... RgHHhhhh... And the s-superiority of the black race...! And finally... ARgHHhhhh... I will be bred and have as many offsprings as the orginization demands! MGHHhhhh!"</b> Julian slaps your ass as you feel his nut begin to fill your anus...
<b>-"MGhHHHhhh! YesSHhhhHhh!"</b>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\IBWO\virginity_julian_23.webp">
<grey>-"ShittTTttt... You're squeezing me so hard!"</grey> He shouts as cum begins to climb up your little cock...
<b>-"Fuck fuckkk fucKKkKKkk!"</b> You scream as you ejaculate all over yourself.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\IBWO\virginity_julian_24.gif">
<b>-"AgHHHhhh!"</b> You scream as you have possibly the best climax you've ever had...
<grey>-"J-jeez... You're one good fuck!"</grey> He slowly takes out his cock...
<<pageReplace"Fall onto your side.">>
<<set $novirginfem to true>>\
<b>-"NgHhhh..."</b> As Julian stands up, you fall onto your side.
<grey>-"That was one big load..."</grey> He mumbles as it begins to pour out of your ass.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\IBWO\virginity_julian_25.webp">
<b>-"NgHhhh..."</b> You lay there, exhausted...
<grey>-"For your first time, you did quite well."</grey> Julian. chuckles and begins to put on his clothes.
<b>-"MgHhhh... W-what happens now?"</b> You look at him.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\IBWO\virginity_julian_26.jpg">
<grey>-"Now I go back to Emily and fuck the shit out of her. Just like I was planning to."</grey>
<b>-"Wow..."</b> He still has the stamina for that? Your cock is going to be useless for at least a couple of hours after an orgasm like that...
<grey>-"Go and get cleaned up, we have showers here."</grey> You slowly sit up.
<b>-"Y-yuck..."</b> You're sitting in a pool of Julian's cum.
<grey>-"Welcome to the IBWO."</grey> He winks and begins to leave the room.
<b>-"T-thank you sir."</b> You finally understand just how superior black men are...
<grey>-"You're welcome."</grey> Time to clean up!
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo +5>>
<grey>BNWO +5!</grey>
<<set $feminization to $feminization +1>>
<emily>Feminization +1!</emily>
<grey>You are no longer a virgin!</grey>
[[Clean up and head home->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>>\<<if $tattooparlorintro !==true>>\
<<goto "Tattoo parlor intro">>\
<<locationBackdrop "Emily/events/IBWO/Tattoo_backdrop.jpg">>\
<judy>-"Welcome back! Have you made up your mind?"</judy> Jarvan asks as you enter the tattoo parlor.
<b>-"L-let me glance at the book again."</b> He nods and hands it to you.
<judy>-"Feel free!"</judy>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\IBWO\IBWO_tatoo_intro_2.png">
<b>-"Hmmmm... So many choices."</b> You begin to look through the book.
<b>-"I think I know what I want to get though."</b>
<judy>-"Let me know and we'll get it done!"</judy>
<div class="actions">
<li @class="$qostattoo ? 'disabled' : ''">
<div class="hover">The IBWO mark<span class="hoverblock"><grey>A simple QOS tattoo. It let's everybody know that you're part of the IBWO.</grey></span></div>
<<if !$qostattoo>>
<green>FREE OF CHARGE</green>
[[Get it->QOS tattoo]]
<small>✅ You already have it!</small>
<li @class="$blackownedtattoo ? 'disabled' : ''">
<div class="hover">Black Owned tattoo<span class="hoverblock"><grey>Two words that go above and below your IBWO mark. It makes sure everyone understands who you belong to.</grey></span></div>
<<if !$blackownedtattoo>>
<green>FREE OF CHARGE</green>
<<if $qostattoo ==true>>
[[Get it->Black Owned tattoo]]
<small>You have to have the IBWO mark tattooed first.</small>
<small>✅ You already have it!</small>
[[Walk back->The IBWO headquarters]]<<set $tattooparlorintro to true>>\
<grey>-"BRrrrrRRrrrzzzz...!"</grey> The sound of tattoo machines working fill your ears as you walk into the parlor.
<b>-"Hopefully he already talked with Jenna."</b> You spot Jarvan nearby.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\IBWO\IBWO_tatoo_intro_1.jpg">
<b>-"H-hey Jarvan!"</b> As you shout, he turns towards you.
<judy>-"Ahhh! $name! Hey!"</judy> He smiles... Seems like he's in a much better mood than last time.
<judy>-"I will be right back."</judy> He says to his client and then walks over to you.
<judy>-"Sorry for being an asshole when we last met. Didn't know you were an ally and such a cooperative one at that!"</judy> Jarvan extends his arm.
<b>-"D-don't worry about it, friend!"</b> You awkwardly smile and shake his hand.
<judy>-"You wanted a mark last time right?"</judy>
<b>-"Mhm... I was under the impression that's the only thing I could get though?"</b>
<judy>-"Ahhh, no no, you're an honorary member so you have quite a bit of freedom. Here, this book has the designs I can do."</judy> He hands you a book from his table.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\IBWO\IBWO_tatoo_intro_2.png">
<b>-"Let me take a look..."</b> You take the book and open it.
<b>-"O-oh wow! Nghhh..."</b> It's filled to the brim with hot designs!
<judy>-"If you find anything you like, let me know! Everything is free of charge here."</judy> He walks back and begins to tattoo his client.
<b>-"So many choices!"</b>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\IBWO\IBWO_tatoo_intro_3.jpg">
<b>-"When are you going to be free?"</b> You ask Jarvan.
<judy>-"In around 30 minutes! You can wait here or leave, I don't mind."</judy> He smiles.
<b>-"Okay... Thanks!"</b>
[[Walk around the headquarters->The IBWO headquarters]]<<set $qostattoo to true>>\
<b>-"L-let me just get the mark for now."</b> You put down the book and turn to Jarvan.
<judy>-"The IBWO mark? That's it?"</judy>
<b>-"Mhm... For now at least."</b> He stands up and begins to walk deeper into the parlor.
<judy>-"Alrighty then, follow me."</judy> You nod and begin to walk after him.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\IBWO\IBWO_tatoo_qos_1.jpg">
<judy>-"Please lay down."</judy> You lay down on the table as he start to put on a pair of gloves.
<b>-"W-will this hurt?"</b>
<judy>-"A bit, but nothing that you can't handle, I'm sure."</judy> You turn around and lay down on your stomach. Jarvan pulls don't your pants to reveal your bare ass.
<b>-"Y-you can start whenever..."</b> A couple of seconds later, the machine turns on and the needles touch your skin.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\IBWO\IBWO_tatoo_qos_2.webp">
<b>-"WagHHhhhh... Shit..."</b> It hurts quite a bit.
<judy>-"You good?"</judy> He stops for a second and looks at you.
<b>-"Y-yes! Keep going please."</b> After a grueling 10 minutes, the tattoo is finally finished!
<b>-"Wow! It looks great!"</b> You say as you look at the mirror.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\IBWO\IBWO_tatoo_qos_3.jpg">
<judy>-"Congratulations on your new tattoo! Everyone will know you're a part of the IBWO now!"</judy> Jarvan smiles.
<b>-"Thank you so much!"</b>
<judy>-"Not a problem. Please come again!"</judy> You nod and stand up.
<grey>+1 QOS tattoo!</grey>
[[Walk back to the front of the parlor->Tattoo parlor]]<<set $blackownedtattoo to true>>\
<b>-"A blacked owned tattoo? H-how does that one look?"</b>
<judy>-"The same as in the book. The words just go above and below your tattoo."</judy> He points at the example.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\IBWO\IBWO_tatoo_blackowned_1.jpg">
<b>-"W-woah... So pretty!"</b>
<judy>-"I know right! Definitely one of my favorites!"</judy> Jarvan smiles.
<b>-"I'll get it doen then."</b> He nods and stands up.
<judy>-"Cool! Follow me then."</judy> You walk deeper into the tattoo parlor until you reach his station.
<judy>-"Same as last time, just lay down and relax."</judy> You do as you're told. Not even 5 minutes later, he's already gloved and tattooing you.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\IBWO\IBWO_tatoo_blackowned_2.jpg">
<b>-"GrgHhhhh..."</b> You grit your teeth from the pain...
<judy>-"Andddd we're done!"</judy> Jarvan turns off the machine and sits up.
<b>-"A-already?"</b> It's only been 10 minutes!
<judy>-"Mhm! Take a look!"</judy> You stand up, walk to the mirror and turn around.
<img src="Images\check yourself\black_owned_tattoo_on_butt.png">
<b>-"W-wow! It looks great!"</b>
<judy>-"Thank you for the compliment!"</judy> He chuckles and stands up.
<judy>-"I better get going though, other members are waiting."</judy> He begins to walk towards the front of the parlor.
<b>-"Understood... Thanks again!"</b>
<judy>-"No problem! Please come again if you want something done!"</judy>
<grey>+1 BLACK OWNED tattoo!</grey>
[[Walk back to the front of the parlor->Tattoo parlor]]<<if $time !==2>>
<<set $time to $time+1>>
<<if $femoperationjennatemp ==true and $emilyoperationjuliantemp !==true>>
<<goto "Losing your anal virginity event part 2">>
<<elseif $emilyibwoevent ==1>>
<<goto "Emily IBWO 1">>
<<elseif $emilyibwoevent ==2>>
<<goto "Emily IBWO 2">>
<<elseif $emilyibwoevent ==3>>
<<goto "Emily IBWO basic 2">>
<</if>><<set $emilyibwoevent to 2>>\
<b>-"Right, time to give Emily a visit."</b> You say as you walk towards her quarters.
<b>-"Gulp... I wonder if she's with Julian."</b>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\IBWO\Emily_1_1.webp">
<grey>-"Kock Knock Knock!"</grey> You knock on the door and wait for an answer.
<emily>-"NgHhhhh... C-come in!"</emily> A muffled voice rings out from behind a door... It's definitely Emily.
<b>-"Seems like he is..."</b> You extend your arm and grab the handle.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\IBWO\Emily_1_2.webp">
<b>-"A-alright, here I come!"</b> You shout back and begin to open the door.
<<pageReplace"Step inside.">>
<b>-"Gulp... Knew it."</b> You see Emily on her knees, sucking Julian off.
<emily>-"Slurp... C-clwose the dwoor behind ywou bwabe."</emily> She says without looking at you.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\IBWO\Emily_1_3.webp">
<b>-"Y-yes..."</b> You close the door, take off your shoes and get closer.
<grey>-"Wassup."</grey> Julian grins and gives you a wink.
<b>-"You guys having fun?"</b> Your cock begins to harden as you ask.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\IBWO\Emily_1_4.webp">
<emily>-"NgHhhhh... YessHHhhh... You came at a perfect time..."</emily>
<grey>-"Ghahaha, that's true."</grey> Julian grabs Emily's shoulders and she begins to stand up.
<<pageReplace"Perfect time?">>
<b>-"Perfect time? H-how so?"</b>
<emily>-"You're about to see me get bred... That's how."</emily> Emily grins and gets on top of Julian.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\IBWO\Emily_1_5.webp">
<b>-"Ohhh fuck... Thank God I made it in time then."</b> You sit down and prepare to watch.
<grey>-"Hey! Don't pull that out!"</grey> Julian shouts as you start to pull out your clit.
<emily>-"Are you trying to jack off again? NghHHhhhh....! D-don't! Just watch! MgHHhhh!"</emily> Your girlfriend begins to moan as Julian penetrates her.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\IBWO\Emily_1_6.webp">
<emily>-"FucKKkkk... You're so deep!"</emily> She screams out in pleasure.
<b>-"Gulp..."</b> This is so hot!
<<pageReplace"Continue to watch.">>
<b>-"W-wow!"</b> Your eyes grow wide as Emily's ass begins to shake.
<emily>-"MgHHHhhhh! I-I cameeee..."</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\IBWO\Emily_1_7.webp">
<grey>-"GraghHHhhh! I'm close too!"</grey> He shoves his cock back in and continues to pound her pussy.
<emily>-"NgHHhhh! N-nut inside of me! Fill me with your superior semen!"</emily>
<grey>-"NghHhhh... Beg for it!"</grey> Julian grabs her tits and squeezes.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\IBWO\Emily_1_8.webp">
<emily>-"EaaeekkKKkk... I-I beg you Julian! Fill me up! Unload your seed into me as $name watches!"</emily> Your cock feels like it's about to explode!
<<pageReplace"Try your best not to masturbate.">>
<emily>-"FucK fuckKkkk FUCKKKKk! I'm close again!"</emily> She screams out in pain and pleasure.
<grey>-"Let's do it... MgHHhhh... Together then!"</grey> Emily's legs begin to shake once again as she climaxes on his cock.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\IBWO\Emily_1_9.webp">
<grey>-"RraaagHHHhhh!"</grey> Julian screams as he unloads inside of you girl...
<b>-"W-wow..."</b> A display of such power and dominance took your breath away.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\IBWO\Emily_1_10.webp">
<emily>-"Oh my God... You filled me so much."</emily> She says inbetween pants while climbing off of him.
<grey>-"Good slut, you've drained me well."</grey> Emily gets on her knees and spreads her pussy apart in front of you.
<emily>-"Do you see it $name? Do you see his cum inside of me?"</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\IBWO\Emily_1_11.webp">
<b>-"N-no... I think it's too deep in there."</b>
<emily>-"Good... It went straight into the womb then."</emily> She grins, stands up and gives Julian a kiss.
<emily>-"Round four in the shower?"</emily>
<grey>-"You betcha!"</grey> Without saying anything else to you, they both head to the restroom and close the door.
<b>-"That was so fucking hot..."</b> As the shower turns on, you stand up. Time to head home!
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo +1>>
<grey>BNWO +1!</grey>
[[Head home->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>><<set $emilyibwoevent to 3>>\
<<if $novirginfem ==true>>
<b>-"A-ahem, it's me!"</b> You shout as you enter Emily's quarters.
<emily>-"MgHhhhh... Slurpp..."</emily> Emily hears you, but doesn't answer... It seems like she's busy.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\IBWO\Emily_2_1.webp">
<grey>-"Sit down love, if you want some action, you'll have to wait til I'm done with Emily."</grey> Julian says as he sees you.
<b>-"Y-yes sir..."</b> You sit down on a chair in front of their bed and begin to patiently wait.
<emily>-"Ahhhhhh... I'm getting on top..."</emily> Emily says while mounting Julian.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\IBWO\Emily_2_2.webp">
<grey>-"Go ahead baby girl... Your <<if $hairextensions==true>>girlfriend is watching...<<else>>boyfriend is watching...<</if>>"</grey> Emily turns around and smiles.
<emily>-"Oh! Hey cucky! Didn't even see you!"</emily> After blowing you a kiss, she turns back towards Julian and begins to ride him.
<b>-"NgHhhh..."</b> You let out a soft moan as you watch.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\IBWO\Emily_2_3.webp">
<emily>-"Ohhhh fuckKkkkk... It's so deep..."</emily>
<<pageReplace"Continue to look.">>
<grey>-"Come on, hurry up you slut, this ain't gonna get me off!"</grey> Emily nods and sits up.
<emily>-"MMmmgghhh... Yes sir!"</emily> She begins to go up and down his shaft even quicker than before.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\IBWO\Emily_2_4.webp">
<emily>-"ArgHHHhhh!"</emily> After a good 5 minutes, her legs begin to tire.
<emily>-"L-let me lay down Julian."</emily>
<grey>-"Fine..."</grey> Emily lays down on her back.
<emily>-"Come here $name, hold up my head."</emily> You nod and do as you're told.
<b>-"H-here babe!"</b> You put your hands under her head.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\IBWO\Emily_2_5.webp">
<b>-"Fuckk..."</b> The view from this angle is incredible! You can see her getting bred from upclose!
<emily>-"ARghHhhh! I'm close Julian!"</emily>
<<pageReplace"Stroke her hair.">>
<b>-"Good job Emily... T-take that big black dick."</b> You mumble under your breath as you stroke her hair.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\IBWO\Emily_2_6.webp">
<grey>-"FUCKKKkkk! I'm closeeee tooooo!"</grey> Julian shouts as he pounds Emily even harder.
<grey>-"ARGHHHHhh!"</grey> His hips begin to shake as he starts to ejaculate...
<emily>-"F-fill me up sir! Please! Breed me!"</emily> Even while cumming, Julian doesn't stop, he just continues to destroy her tight little pussy...
<img src="Images\Emily\events\IBWO\Emily_2_7.webp">
<b>-"Holy shit..."</b> Semen begins to pour out of Emily's vagina as he finally stops.
<grey>-"Shitttt..."</grey> He pulls out his cock and pants in exhaustion.
<emily>-"W-want to go... NGhhhh... For another round?"</emily> She asks Julian.
<<pageReplace"I want some dick too!">>
<b>-"I... I want some dick too!"</b> You say as Julian turns to you.
<grey>-"Hmph... You do?"</grey> While laying on th bed, you spread your ass open to give him a look.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\IBWO\Emily_2_8.webp">
<b>-"D-don't you remember how good it felt?"</b>
<emily>-"Oh...? This is interesting... I can wait Julian."</emily> Emily grins and sits down on the bed next to you.
<grey>-"You really wouldn't mind?"</grey>
<emily>-"Just make sure to have enough energy for another round with me..."</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\IBWO\Emily_2_9.webp">
<grey>-"Heh, alright then, you're on $name."</grey> Your cock begins to throb from his words...
<<pageReplace"Get into position.">>
<b>-"T-there..."</b> You get into a doggy position and begin to wait.
<grey>-"Oh fuck... This ass is just as fat as Emily's."</grey>
<emily>-"Hey! Rude!"</emily> Emily laughs as Julian begins to slowly insert his cock inside.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\IBWO\Emily_2_10.webp">
<b>-"MmmmghHHhh!"</b> His thick cock penetrates your asshole with ease...
<emily>-"Wow! You've gotten a lot of training, huh?"</emily>
<b>-"Y-yesHHhhh... NghHhhh!"</b> As he begins to speed up, you feel his balls begin to hit your own.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\IBWO\Emily_2_11.webp">
<grey>-"RrraghHhhh!"</grey> The size and the wait of them... They're incomparable to yours!
<b>-"ShitTTttt!"</b> Suddenly, Julian grabs you by your ankles and turns you around.
<b>-"W-woahhhh!"</b> You scream out in surprise as he bends your legs back and penetrates you once more.
<grey>-"Take this you sissy slut!"</grey> He says in a masculine and assertive tone.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\IBWO\Emily_2_12.webp">
<b>-"Holyyyy fucKKkkkk!"</b> You've never been dicked down this hard before... It feels so fucking good!
<grey>-"ARgHHHhh!"</grey> As Julian continues to pound you, you get a glimpse of Emily, still sitting on the other side of the bed.
<emily>-"Grghhhh... This is so hot!"</emily> She mumbles as she touches herself.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\IBWO\Emily_2_13.webp">
<grey>-"You ready to... NGHhhhh... Get pumped full of cum? Huh bitch?"</grey> He slaps you across your face.
<b>-"Y-yes sir! Fill me up, just like you did with Emily!"</b>
<grey>-"Then get on top and do it yourself."</grey> Julian takes out his cock and lays down.
<<pageReplace"Do as he says.">>
<b>-"Y-yes sir..."</b> You sit up, gather your composure and begin to mount him.
<grey>-"Good girl..."</grey>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\IBWO\Emily_2_14.webp">
<b>-"MmmmgHHhhhh..."</b> You let out a soft moan as his cock enters your anus... In this position, his whole shaft goes in!
<emily>-"Good job $name! NgHHhhh... Milk him! Do it!"</emily> She says while jacking off.
<b>-"Y-yes Emily! I'll do my best!"</b> You begin to go up and down his shaft, while your small little clit is dangling without a purpose.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\IBWO\Emily_2_15.webp">
<grey>-"FUCKKkkK! I'm about to bust!"</grey> You begin to feel a wave of semen flood your ass as you continue to ride him.
<b>-"Oh my Godddd... It feels so good!"</b>
<<pageReplace"Let him finish nutting inside.">>
<grey>-"FucKkkkk... Now that's a fucking climax."</grey> He chuckles.
<b>-"MMmmgghhh..."</b> You slowly raise your hips upwards, making sure his cock gets freed.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\IBWO\Emily_2_16.webp">
<emily>-"I will never understand how you have so much cum each day..."</emily> Emily smiles and hugs Julian from behind.
<grey>-"I'm not a whitey, that's how!"</grey> He chuckles as you lay down on your side.
<b>-"FUckKkkk..."</b> Cum begins to pour out of your asshole as you moan.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\IBWO\Emily_2_17.webp">
<emily>-"Holy shit... That just made me want to get filled again!"</emily>
<grey>-"Want to have another round?"</grey> He turns to Emily.
<emily>-"Fuck yeah..."</emily> As they begin kissing, you slowly sit up.
<b>-"Shit... That was incredible."</b> Time to clean up and head home!
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo +2>>
<grey>BNWO +2!</grey>
<<set $feminization to $feminization +1>>
<emily>Feminization +1!</emily>
[[Clean up and head home->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Say nothing.">>
<grey>-"Fuck yeah I do babe."</grey>
<b>-"..."</b> You stay quiet, thinking that they would let you watch again.
<emily>-"Oh come on $name, you saw us fuck already, now give us some privacy!"</emily> Emily frowns.
<grey>-"You heard her, cuck."</grey> They both laugh and begin to kiss.
<b>-"God damnit..."</b> You mumble and stand up. It seems like you're not wanted here.
<b>-"S-see ya soon love."</b> Emily doesn't even acknowledge your exit, she's too focused on pleasing Julian.
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo +1>>
<grey>BNWO +1!</grey>
[[Head home->Go outside]]
<b>-"A-ahem, it's me!"</b> You shout as you enter Emily's quarters.
<emily>-"MgHhhhh... Slurpp..."</emily> Emily hears you, but doesn't answer... It seems like she's busy.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\IBWO\Emily_2_1.webp">
<grey>-"Sit down love, if you want some action, you'll have to wait til I'm done with Emily."</grey> Julian says as he sees you.
<b>-"Y-yes sir..."</b> You sit down on a chair in front of their bed and begin to patiently wait.
<emily>-"Ahhhhhh... I'm getting on top..."</emily> Emily says while mounting Julian.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\IBWO\Emily_2_2.webp">
<grey>-"Go ahead baby girl... Your <<if $hairextensions==true>>girlfriend is watching...<<else>>boyfriend is watching...<</if>>"</grey> Emily turns around and smiles.
<emily>-"Oh! Hey cucky! Didn't even see you!"</emily> After blowing you a kiss, she turns back towards Julian and begins to ride him.
<b>-"NgHhhh..."</b> You let out a soft moan as you watch.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\IBWO\Emily_2_3.webp">
<emily>-"Ohhhh fuckKkkkk... It's so deep..."</emily>
<<pageReplace"Continue to look.">>
<grey>-"Come on, hurry up you slut, this ain't gonna get me off!"</grey> Emily nods and sits up.
<emily>-"MMmmgghhh... Yes sir!"</emily> She begins to go up and down his shaft even quicker than before.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\IBWO\Emily_2_4.webp">
<emily>-"ArgHHHhhh!"</emily> After a good 5 minutes, her legs begin to tire.
<emily>-"L-let me lay down Julian."</emily>
<grey>-"Fine..."</grey> Emily lays down on her back.
<emily>-"Come here $name, hold up my head."</emily> You nod and do as you're told.
<b>-"H-here babe!"</b> You put your hands under her head.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\IBWO\Emily_2_5.webp">
<b>-"Fuckk..."</b> The view from this angle is incredible! You can see her getting bred from upclose!
<emily>-"ARghHhhh! I'm close Julian!"</emily>
<<pageReplace"Stroke her hair.">>
<b>-"Good job Emily... T-take that big black dick."</b> You mumble under your breath as you stroke her hair.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\IBWO\Emily_2_6.webp">
<grey>-"FUCKKKkkk! I'm closeeee tooooo!"</grey> Julian shouts as he pounds Emily even harder.
<grey>-"ARGHHHHhh!"</grey> His hips begin to shake as he starts to ejaculate...
<emily>-"F-fill me up sir! Please! Breed me!"</emily> Even while cumming, Julian doesn't stop, he just continues to destroy her tight little pussy...
<img src="Images\Emily\events\IBWO\Emily_2_7.webp">
<b>-"Holy shit..."</b> Semen begins to pour out of Emily's vagina as he finally stops.
<grey>-"Shitttt..."</grey> He pulls out his cock and pants in exhaustion.
<emily>-"W-want to go... NGhhhh... For another round?"</emily> She asks Julian.
<grey>-"Fuck yeah I do babe."</grey>
<b>-"..."</b> You stay quiet, thinking that they would let you watch again.
<emily>-"Oh come on $name, you saw us fuck already, now give us some privacy!"</emily> Emily frowns.
<grey>-"You heard her, cuck."</grey> They both laugh and begin to kiss.
<b>-"God damnit..."</b> You mumble and stand up. It seems like you're not wanted here.
<b>-"S-see ya soon love."</b> Emily doesn't even acknowledge your exit, she's too focused on pleasing Julian.
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo +1>>
<grey>BNWO +1!</grey>
[[Head home->Go outside]]
<</if>><b>-"Gosh Emily, you look so beautiful today!"</b> It's time for you to spend some time with Emily!
<emily>-"Hehe, thank you babe!"</emily> Unfortunately, or fortunately, you are not alone.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\IBWO\Emily_Basic_1.webp">
<grey3>-"I agree, this chick is the fucking bomb!"</grey3> Julians friend says as he takes off Emily's top.
<grey>-"I told you bro! This snowbunny is crazy for big dicks too! Ain't that right, sweetheart?"</grey> Julian asks as your girlfriend grabs his cock.
<emily>-"Of course... NgHhhh... T-there's nothing better in life than a big black cock!"</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\IBWO\Emily_Basic_2.webp">
<b>-"Fuck..."</b> You love to watch them do their thing... This is the best!
<grey3>-"Hah, good answer!"</grey3> The man chuckles.
<grey3>-"How about we give her what she wants then?"</grey3> He turns Emily around and begins to take off her panties.
<emily>-"Wooaahhhh! G-gentle!"</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\IBWO\Emily_Basic_3.webp">
<grey>-"I'm down! Let's head to the bedroom then."</grey> Julian grabs Emily by her waist and throws her over his shoulder.
<emily>-"AHHHhhHHhaahhahah! Juliannnnn!"</emily> He turns to you and points at the bedroom door.
<grey>-"Open the door, whitey."</grey> You stand up and enthusiastically open the door after walking to it.
<b>-"T-there you go sir!"</b> They walk inside. Julian throws Emily onto the bed and turns to you.
<grey>-"Now close it, my friend here doesn't like being watched while he works."</grey> The second man grins as you don't dare to talk back.
<b>-"Y-yes..."</b> As you close the door, you hear Emily speak up.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\IBWO\Emily_Basic_4.jpg">
<emily>-"Bye byeee $name! Have a safe trip back home!"</emily> Not long after, you begin to hear Emily moan as the bed begins to squeeke.
<b>-"Shit, I hope she's having fun!"</b> Time to head back home!
<<if $emilyibwoevent ==3>>\
<code>This is currently the end of the Emily route you're on. More content will come in future updates!! 👷♀️</code>
<div class="actions-horizontal sticky">
[[Head home->Go outside]]
</div><<set $brokeupwithemily to true>>\
<<set $dating to "single">>\
<b>-"Come on.. Why are there so many cars here!"</b> You get frustrated.. You've been searching for a parking spot for like 10 minutes!
<b>-"Agh! Finally!"</b> A car is pulling out of the lot, you quickly take it's place.
<b>-"Sheesh, finally. Time to head to Emily's place."</b> You exit the car and go to her building. After climbing up the stairs, you knock on her door.
<grey>Knock Knock</grey>
<grey>Knock Knock Knock</grey>
<grey>... ... ...</grey>
<emily>-"Jeez! Come in!"</emily> You hear a muffled voice behind the door.
<b>-"Sorry I'm late honey, I couldn't find a spot to park at!"</b> You chuckle.. She does not.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\bre3.webp">
<emily>-"It's good that you're here.. We need to have a talk."</emily> Emily seems angry, you quietly take off your shoes and nod.
<<pageReplace"What's this is about?">>
<b>-"S-sure.. What's this about?"</b> Emily walks towards the bathroom - you follow suit.
<emily>-"It's about us $name."</emily> She takes some lipstick and begins applying it.
<b>-"Us?"</b> You stand there, confused.
<emily>-"Yes, us... and the IBWO.."</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\bre1.jpg">
<emily>-"I'm breaking up with you."</emily> She says in a calm and controlled tone. She sounds like she's practiced this before.
<b>-"What..?"</b> You take a step back, confused.
<emily>-"Y-you heard me.."</emily> Her voice quivers as a tear runs down her cheek... Apparently she didn't practice enough.
<b>-"For what?!"</b> Emily puts down her lipstick and begins putting on a dress.
<emily>-"You don't support me.. You don't support what I stand for... You're useless, not only to me, but to the IBWO as well.."</emily> She starts crying as she's putting it on.
<<pageReplace"Where are you going?">>\
<b>-"W-where are you going?"</b> You don't know why, but that's the thing you wanted to know most.
<emily>-"To the headquarters.. Julian will help me take my mind off of things.."</emily> She checks herself out in the mirror, and wipes off the makeup running down her face.
<b>-"S-so this is it? We're just done? Like that?"</b>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\bre2.webp">
<emily>-"Yes we are $name, I wish you the best of luck, but I'm over this whole thing."</emily> Emily begins walking towars the door.
<emily>-"I need someone to support me and the orginization. Who can see the vision that I see."</emily> She puts on her heels.
<b>-"Emily, we can move past this!"</b>
<emily>-"Leave the keys under the mat when you leave."</emily> She throws you her keys and opens the door.
<emily>-"N-no.. No we cannot."</emily> Emily leaves.
<b>-"FUCK!"</b> You shout as the door closes in front of you... You should have treated her better...
<b>-"God damnit.."</b> You sit down for a second to calm down.. You try to text her, but notice that you're blocked. After looking around her apartment for one last time, you decide that it's time to head home..
<b>-"I.. I love you Emily.."</b> You whisper as you put the keys under the mat and leave the building.
[[Drive home->room]]
<</pageReplace>><<location "Images/Other/7363794952_56303ea0b0_b.webp" "At Emily's place">>\
<<if $dominant >60>>\
As you enter the Emily's apartment, she hugs you.
<emily>-"Heyyyy babeeee!"</emily> You smile as you kiss.
<b>-"Hey Emilyyy!"</b> You both go to the kitchen and eat some food. After catching up, Emily starts to tease you.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\b1.gif">
<emily>-"Come on big boy.. Show me what those muscles can do.."</emily> Before you know it, you're both in her bed.
<emily>-"MGhhhHH!! C-calm down!"</emily> She moans.
<b>-"AghhHH! T-take this..!"</b> You pierce her with your shlong.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\b2.webp">
<emily>-"S-shitTTT! So b-biggg!"</emily> Her moans fill the room as you speed up.
<b>-"Gosh I've m-missed this! MfghHH!!"</b> You scream.
<emily>-"YyyEssssSSSSSSSS!"</emily> You feel her quivering.
<b>-"S-so tighttt!"</b> With each thrust you feel like you're getting closer and closer to the climax.
<emily>-"Inside $name! F-fill me up!!"</emily> As you feel her shaking from pleasure, you unleash the flood gates.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\b3.webp">
<b>-"T-that was amazing baby.."</b> You give her a kiss on the cheek.
<emily>-"I.. I love you!"</emily> Emily pants.
<b>-"I love you too baby.."</b> After cleaning up the bed and eating dinner, you decide that it's time to leave.
<emily>-"Bye bye! Drive safely!"</emily> You exchange a hug.
<b>-"I will Emily! Goodnight!"</b>
<<elseif $submissive >80>>\
As you enter the Emily's apartment, she hugs you.
<emily>-"Heyyyy babeeee!"</emily> You smile as you kiss.
<b>-"H-hey Emilyyy!"</b> You both go to the kitchen and eat some food. After catching up, Emily goes into her room and after a couple of minutes, calls for you.
<emily>-"Hey babe! Come here!"</emily> You stand up and head to her room.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\b1.jpg">
<b>-"Gulp.. S-so pretty.."</b> You start to unbuckle your pants, ready for the night of your life.
<emily>-"No no no, we won't need that. Just use your mouth."</emily> She spreads her legs.
<b>-"B-but Emily!"</b>
<emily>-"No buts! Come here and pleasure your woman. That's your job."</emily> You sigh as you get on all fours and let her use your tongue.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\b2.webp">
<emily>-"MghhHHH! S-soo goodDDD!"</emily> She moans as you lick her clit. You've gotten pretty good at this!
<b>-"C-cwan I cwum twoday??"</b> You're muffled voice fills the room.
<emily>-"Maybe next time! N-now keep working!"</emily> You feel your cock throbing as you continue to pleasure Emily.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\b3.webp">
<emily>-"Oh S-shhHHHIIITTTTT!"</emily> She screams as you feel her quivering.. She came.
<emily>-"Oh my GOSH $name, we need to do this more often..."</emily> Emily gets off of you. You're completely covered in her juices.
<b>-"I.. I'm so horny Emily..."</b>
<emily>-"Good for you! Let's clean up now."</emily> You're going to have to rub one out at your room again..
<b>-"Right.."</b> After cleaning up the bed and eating dinner, you decide that it's time to leave.
<emily>-"Bye $name, drive safely!"</emily> You exchange a hug.
<b>-"I will Emily! Goodnight!"</b>
You sit down in your brand new 1990 toyota corolla. Well it isn't new.. but it is new to you.
<b>"I wonder how the guy who sold me this bucket with wheels is doing right now.."</b> You think to yourself. In a matter of minutes, you are at Emily's apartment. You knock on the door and you both share a passionate hug. Time for the date night!
<img src="Images\Emily\events\5lSaX4s4_400x400.webp">
<emily>-"Hey baby! How was your drive here, everything okay?"</emily> She asks you while locking the door behind you.
<b>-"Haha yeah everything is fine babe, shall we watch a movie tonight? I brought some popcorn!"</b> You both love watching movies together.
<emily>-"Sure thing honey, let me just change into something more comfortable!"</emily>
You both lay down on the sofa, putting on a new action flick. Emily cuddles closer to you and you both lay under one blanket. She even brought her dog with her.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\AnyConv.com__EYFVPNJXkAApyfl.webp" width="500px" height="600px">
As you're laying in bed she starts touching your leg, going closer and closer towards your crotch.
<b>-"Haha what are you doing babe"</b> You knew exactly what she was doing.
<emily>-"Don't worry about it"</emily> She giggles.
She sits up and gets on top you, grinding you while you're both dressed.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\f7dfe435789528982e3af0ad3b584cad.webp">
<b>-"Baby.. Let's do it tonight?"</b> You ask.
<emily>-"Hmmmm, not tonight sweetie."</emily> She giggles. She teases you for the whole movie, making you almost explode, but right before cumming she would stop.
<b>-"Fuck Emily.. It's already 9 o'clock I really need to go.. P-please just finish it.."</b>
<emily>-"You're funny $name... But I don't think you deserve it tonight.. Have a nice trip!"</emily>
<b>-"Awghh... F-fine.."</b> You whimper as you stand up and get ready to leave..
Although you expected to get some laid tonight, it's best not to think about it too deeply, maybe she's just tired.
You pack up your things and head home.
<<set $emilydays to $emilydays+1>>\
<<if $time !==2>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
[[Return->Go outside]]<<location "Images/Other/7363794952_56303ea0b0_b.webp" "At Emily's place">>\
<<if $dominant >60>>\
As you enter the Emily's apartment, she hugs you.
<emily>-"Heyyyy babeeee!"</emily> You smile as you kiss.
<b>-"Hey Emilyyy!"</b> You both go to the kitchen and eat some food. After catching up, Emily starts to tease you.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\b1.gif">
<emily>-"Come on big boy.. Show me what those muscles can do.."</emily> Before you know it, you're both in her bed.
<emily>-"MGhhhHH!! C-calm down!"</emily> She moans.
<b>-"AghhHH! T-take this..!"</b> You pierce her with your shlong.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\b2.webp">
<emily>-"S-shitTTT! So b-biggg!"</emily> Her moans fill the room as you speed up.
<b>-"Gosh I've m-missed this! MfghHH!!"</b> You scream.
<emily>-"YyyEssssSSSSSSSS!"</emily> You feel her quivering.
<b>-"S-so tighttt!"</b> With each thrust you feel like you're getting closer and closer to the climax.
<emily>-"Inside $name! F-fill me up!!"</emily> As you feel her shaking from pleasure, you unleash the flood gates.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\b3.webp">
<b>-"T-that was amazing baby.."</b> You give her a kiss on the cheek.
<emily>-"I.. I love you!"</emily> Emily pants.
<b>-"I love you too baby.."</b> After cleaning up the bed and eating dinner, you decide that it's time to leave.
<emily>-"Bye bye! Drive safely!"</emily> You exchange a hug.
<b>-"I will Emily! Goodnight!"</b>
<<elseif $submissive >80>>\
As you enter the Emily's apartment, she hugs you.
<emily>-"Heyyyy babeeee!"</emily> You smile as you kiss.
<b>-"H-hey Emilyyy!"</b> You both go to the kitchen and eat some food. After catching up, Emily goes into her room and after a couple of minutes, calls for you.
<emily>-"Hey babe! Come here!"</emily> You stand up and head to her room.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\b1.jpg">
<b>-"Gulp.. S-so pretty.."</b> You start to unbuckle your pants, ready for the night of your life.
<emily>-"No no no, we won't need that. Just use your mouth."</emily> She spreads her legs.
<b>-"B-but Emily!"</b>
<emily>-"No buts! Come here and pleasure your woman. That's your job."</emily> You sigh as you get on all fours and let her use your tongue.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\b2.webp">
<emily>-"MghhHHH! S-soo goodDDD!"</emily> She moans as you lick her clit. You've gotten pretty good at this!
<b>-"C-cwan I cwum twoday??"</b> You're muffled voice fills the room.
<emily>-"Maybe next time! N-now keep working!"</emily> You feel your cock throbing as you continue to pleasure Emily.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\b3.webp">
<emily>-"Oh S-shhHHHIIITTTTT!"</emily> She screams as you feel her quivering.. She came.
<emily>-"Oh my GOSH $name, we need to do this more often..."</emily> Emily gets off of you. You're completely covered in her juices.
<b>-"I.. I'm so horny Emily..."</b>
<emily>-"Good for you! Let's clean up now."</emily> You're going to have to rub one out at your room again..
<b>-"Right.."</b> After cleaning up the bed and eating dinner, you decide that it's time to leave.
<emily>-"Bye $name, drive safely!"</emily> You exchange a hug.
<b>-"I will Emily! Goodnight!"</b>
You sit down in your brand new 1990 toyota corolla. Well it isn't new.. but it is new to you.
<b>"I wonder how the guy who sold me this bucket with wheels is doing right now.."</b> You think to yourself. In a matter of minutes, you are at Emily's apartment. You knock on the door and you both share a passionate hug. Time for the date night!
<img src="Images\Emily\events\5lSaX4s4_400x400.webp">
<emily>-"Hey baby! How was your drive here, everything okay?"</emily> She asks you while locking the door behind you.
<b>-"Haha yeah everything is fine babe, shall we watch a movie tonight? I brought some popcorn!"</b> You both love watching movies together.
<emily>-"Sure thing honey, let me just change into something more comfortable!"</emily>
You both lay down on the sofa, putting on a new action flick. Emily cuddles closer to you and you both lay under one blanket. She even brought her dog with her.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\AnyConv.com__EYFVPNJXkAApyfl.webp" width="500px" height="600px">
As you're laying in bed she starts touching your leg, going closer and closer towards your crotch.
<b>-"Haha what are you doing babe"</b> You knew exactly what she was doing.
<emily>-"Don't worry about it"</emily> She giggles.
She sits up and gets on top you, grinding you while you're both dressed.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\f7dfe435789528982e3af0ad3b584cad.webp">
<b>-"Baby.. Let's do it tonight?"</b> You ask.
<emily>-"Hmmmm, not tonight sweetie."</emily> She giggles. She teases you for the whole movie, making you almost explode, but right before cumming she would stop.
<b>-"Fuck Emily.. It's already 9 o'clock I really need to go.. P-please just finish it.."</b>
<emily>-"You're funny $name... But I don't think you deserve it tonight.. Have a nice trip!"</emily>
<b>-"Awghh... F-fine.."</b> You whimper as you stand up and get ready to leave..
Although you expected to get some laid tonight, it's best not to think about it too deeply, maybe she's just tired.
You pack up your things and head home.
<<if $time !==2>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<if $emilydays>31 or $emilybnwoevent >26>>\
<code>This is currently the end of the Emily route you're on. More content will come in future updates!! 👷♀️</code>
<div class="actions-horizontal sticky">
[[Leave->Go outside]]
</div><<location "Images/Other/7363794952_56303ea0b0_b.webp" "At Emily's place">>\
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\bhuj1.jpg">
<emily>-"Hey baby.."</emily> She whispers as you open your eyes.. You fell asleep as you were both watching a movie!
<b>-"H-honey?"</b> You answer in a groggy voice.
<emily>-"I'm really horny so.."</emily> She pulls down your pants.. Is today finally the day you'll get to fuck her???
<b>-"G-go right ahead honey!"</b> She pulls our your cock and starts slowly stroking it.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\bhuj2.webp">
<emily>-"Look at this thing... You're half naked girlfriend is standing in front of you and yet it's not hard..?"</emily> She teases you...
<b>-"I.. I just woke up!"</b> You argue, as your member grows and gets ready for work..
<emily>-"There he is.."</emily> She whispers.. You can't explain it, but she seems so.. Horny today.
She climbs on top of you, but before you could say a word, she turns around and sits on your face..
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\bhuj3.webp">
<emily>-"Ooof.. Finally!"</emily> She whispers..
<emily>-"I was too lazy to use my hands today.. So you'll have to do.."</emily> Is she using you to.. Masturbate?
<b>-"F-fwuck hwoney!"</b> You whimper as you get closer and closer to cumming..
<emily>-"J-jeez.. Already? Y-you didn't get me off.. We just started!"</emily> She climbs down and pushes your hands away from your cock..
<emily>-"You don't deserve an orgasm... Ruin yourself!"</emily> SHe says as she takes your shaft but doesn't stroke.. You start fucking her hand like a puppy humping a pillow..
<b>-"F-fuck!! MfffggGGGGffF!"</b> You shout as cum flies everywhere..
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\bhuj4.webp">
<emily>-"Ugh... Clean that up.. Disappointing as always.."</emily> She whispers as she stands up..
<b>-"R-right away!"</b> You tell her..
[[Clean up and go home->Go outside]]
<<if $time !==2>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<set $emilydays to $emilydays+1>>\<<location "Images/Other/7363794952_56303ea0b0_b.webp" "At Emily's place">>\
Another evening, another date night with Emily. This time you're both laying in bed, cuddling, watching some funny cat videos on tik tok.
<emily>-"Haha this one is so funny babe, look!"</emily>
As you turn your head to take a better look, you feel something brush against your crotch. It's emily's leg.
<b>-"Ooof... Haha y-yeah that's so funny babe"</b> She keeps rubbing your dick.
<emily>-"You liked that $name?"</emily>
<b>-"The cat video or the grinding?"</b> You both laugh. She gestures you to remove your pants, so you do. You lay down on the bed and Emily takes control. She kisses the top of your dick and looks you in the eyes.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\Elsa-Jean-POV-blowjob.webp">
<emily>-"Hmmm should I let you cum tonight or not.. what do you think?"</emily>
<<pageReplace"What do you mean.. Of course!">>\
<b>-"YES baby what is this about, why are you teasing me?"</b>
<emily>-"While you were gone I read a lot of things about sex and sexuality on various internet forums, so I know what I'm doing! Now stay still you silly goose.."</emily> She says with determination filled eyes.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\elsa-jean-blowjob-5.webp">
She starts jerking you off with two fingers, almost like she's trying to tell you something. Right before you cum, she stops and let's go of your dick.
<emily>-"Hey hey not so quick cowboy, who said that you are allowed to cum? You have to ask for permission first"</emily>
<b>-"W-what.. Mfff.. A-are you saying.."</b> As the words leave your lips, you realise that she won't do anything until you beg...
<<pageReplace"Ask for permission to cum" t8n>>\
<b>-"Ugh f-fine... Please baby, let me cum, I beg you!"</b> You say loudly, almost yelling.
<emily>-"Huff huff huff how cute, but not today"</emily> She flicks your cock..
You are again left disappointed. But you love Emily so much, you cannot complain. At least you did something sexual, it's better than nothing. You pack up your things and drive home.
[[Return->Go outside]]
<<if $time !==2>>
<<set $time to $time+1>>
<<set $emilydays to $emilydays+1>><<location "Images/Other/7363794952_56303ea0b0_b.webp" "At Emily's place">>\
<<if $domstatus is true>>\
<b>-"You know what.. This fucking sucks.."</b> You randomly think to yourself as you're driving towards Emily..
<b>-"I'm the man.. I should wear the pants in the relationship.. Who gives her the right to tease me this way.."</b>
You're tired of her trying to humiliate you and you're out for revenge.. You arrive at her place and climb the stairs..
<emily>-"C-come i-"</emily> Emily says as she opens the door.. Before she could finish the sentence though, you barge in and start kissing her aggressively..
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\kiss-making-out.webp">
<emily>-"W-wait honey, you d-didn't ask for permission!"</emily> She says while trying to slighty push you away.
<b>-"Fuck your permission I had enough of your games"</b> You slip your fingers inside as she kisses your neck...
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\10167663.webp">
<emily>-"Mmmmghhhh, baby stop... fuckkkk..."</emily> Doesn't look like she wants me to stop.
<b>-"You like that huh? Teasing me all this time, I'll show you who needs to ask permission from who."</b> You shout at her as you pick up the speed..
<<pageReplace"Make her cum..">>\
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\19951292.webp">
<emily>-"F-f-fuckkkkk... MFFggFF!"</emily> She screams as her whole body shakes in pleasure..
<b>-"Good girl..."</b> You whisper..
<emily>-"F-fuck.. You.."</emily> She whispers back as she falls on the ground.. Exhausted..
You clean up the mess as Emily stays panting on the ground.. You both take a shower without saying a word.. You decide that it's best to leave for now..
[[Return->Go outside]]
As you knock on Emily's door, she opens it..
<emily>-"Hello dear, lay down on the bed, time for another session, I don't have all day."</emily>You just arrived at her apartment and this is how you are greeted.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\snapinsta.app-280534171-331111192497413-8651840732924343504-n-1080.webp" height="600px" width="480px">
<b>-"Baby what? What do you mean by session? I-is this how you greet me..?"</b> You wonder.
<emily>-"Shut up and do as I say.." </emily>Emily seems determined.. It's probably best to follow her orders...
<<pageReplace"Do as you're told for now..">>\
<emily>-"Good boy!"</emily> While you're laying there naked, Emily takes off her panties and lays down next to you.
<emily>-"Come on, what are you waiting for?"</emily> She spreads her legs..
<b>-"Oh my god c-can I really fuck you.. Finally!"</b> You shout as you get on top of her...
<emily>-"Don't be silly.. I just wanted to show you what you've been missing out on.. You can only grind me.."</emily> She giggles..
<b>-"N-no please.. W-why are you doing this.."</b>
<emily>-"It's either this, or nothing, you pick.."</emily>
<b>-"F-fine.."</b> You whimper as you press your shaft up against her clit..
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\rubbing-pussy-gifs-1.webp">
<b>-"Ughh.. F-fuck.. Y-you're so hot.."</b>
<emily>-"I know $name.. Now keep going."</emily> You started moaning louder and louder, going faster and faster...
<b>-"Ugffff.... F-fffucckkk."</b> You moan...
<emily>-"N-nonono"</emily> She giggles as she pulls away..
<b>-"N-not again! P-please!"</b> Your pleas are in vain.. The second she pulls away, the load goes back inside.. Today is not the day..
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\29065678.webp">
Your dick is leaking so much precum that it kind of looks like you're cumming, but you aren't.
<emily>-"Hihi you are so cute! Time for you to go now, I have to finish my assignments."</emily>
<b>-"Y-you're too cruel.. C-can I at least finish myself off.. Please?"</b>
<emily>-"Ew of course not.. At least not here.. I don't care what you do all alone in your bedroom with your hand though haha!"</emily> She flicks your forehead..
You pack up your things and leave. While driving you manage to masturbate with one hand, thinking about Emily, you cannot continue to do these teasing sessions with her for long...
[[Return->Go outside]]
<<if $time !==2>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<set $emilydays to $emilydays+1>>\<<location "Images/Other/7363794952_56303ea0b0_b.webp" "At Emily's place">>\
<<if $domstatus is true>>\
As you get to Emily's apartment, you're as horny as you can be... Maybe it's the stress, maybe it's work, you don't know. But you know the perfect solution for this problem..
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\Ffd8-6lXgAEmeqB.webp" height="500px" width="400px">
<emily>-"Oh hey bab- HEYYYY!"</emily> As she opens the door and starts speaking, you quickly pick her up and put her over your shoulder.
<emily>-"Let me go you bastard!!"</emily> She says while laughing.
<b>-"You're about to pay for what you did to me these past dates you witch!"</b> You blurt it out.. It seems like you're still mad for all the teasing she put your through.. You put Emily down on the sofa and pull down her panties.
<emily>-"For what?!"</emily> She asks while panting.
<emily>-"Owwwwwhhh!"</emily> You spank Emily for her sins.
<b>-"For teasing me, for trying to take control!"</b>
<<pageReplace"Spank her agin!">>\
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\asd.webp">
<emily>-"Ouchhh, I'm sorry!"</emily>
<b>-"Sorry what?"</b> You shout
<emily>-"I'm sorry daddy! I'm sorry for teasing you!"</emily>
<b>-"Good girl, don't try that shit ever again"</b> You spank her one last time.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\12191941.webp">
<emily>-"Oooof.. y-yesss, I'm sorry, i-it won't happen again.."</emily> She whimpers.
After receiving the apology, Emily makes you dinner. You both eat and have small talk.. You notice that she seems to be blushing a lot more often... Maybe she finally understood her place in the relationship..
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
Another date night, another movie! Today you are watching oppenheimer, it's interesting, but quite slow, so you both start chatting.
<b>-"How are you doing baby, everything okay? How are your studies going?"</b>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\aaaaa.jpg">
<emily>-"It's been okay, I'm only a second year so we aren't learning about such advanced concepts as you guys, but I'm doing good!"</emily> You both talk for about an hour, laughing and joking around, until her phone vibrates..
<emily>-"Ugh, h-he's so annoying!"</emily> She says as she puts down her phone..
<b>-"What is it babe?"</b>
<emily>-"T-this guy keeps bothering me, he's always sending me dick pics..."</emily>
<b>-"What? Show me! Who is it?"</b> You sit up...
<emily>-"I mean.. Take a look if you want.."</emily> She hands you the phone..
<<pageReplace"Take a look">>\
As you take her phone you see that snapchat is open and there's a saved picture in the chat... You click on it..
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\pic_4_big.webp" width="300px" height="420px">
A giant cock pops into frame.. You're stunned, it's so much bigger than yours! Also.. Why was the picture saved..
<emily>-"Ugh It's some guy from my class, he keeps trying to take me out to a date. He alwasy says that he could offer me what you couldn't, what a weird dude.."</emily> SHe giggles..
<b>-"Haha you're right, he's so weird.."</b> Well that made you insecure, but thinking about your girlfriend saving that picture has made you quite:
<<pageReplace "Horny?">>
You can't explain it but.. It turns you on? You don't understand this feeling.. And you don't think that you want to.. You quickly stand up and hide the tent in your pants.. Emily asks where you're going, but you don't answer.. After getting in your car you quckly rub one out...
<mia>Open-minded +5!</mia>
<<set $openminded to $openminded+5>>
[[Drive home in shame.->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace "Annoyed.">>
You feel annoyed that she even showed you anything like that.. And to have it saved? That's straight up disrespectful, You're pissed! Afre quickly standing up, you take your leave. Emily definitely noticed that you didn't like that.
[[Return->Go outside]]
<<if $time !==2>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<set $emilydays to $emilydays+1>>\<<location "Images/Other/7363794952_56303ea0b0_b.webp" "At Emily's place">>\
<<if $domstatus is true>>\
After cuddling and watching a movie, you stare into Emily's eyes and deicede that it's time..
<emily>-"Baby..."</emily> She whispers as you both hold eye contact..
<b>-"Get on your knees honey.. It's time"</b> You whisper.
<emily>-"T-time for what?"</emily> She looks at you confused.
<b>-"Do as I say or you'll get punished like last time"</b>
<emily>-"Y-yes.. Okay"</emily> She gets on her knees and looks up at you. You slowly pull down your pants, revealing your dick. Without saying a word, Emily gets to work..
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\23979389.webp" height="480px" width="400px">
<b>-"Go-Good Girl.. Mghh"</b> You moan. Emily is to busy sucking you off to say anything.. After a good 5 minutes of sucking you tell her your next command.
<b>-"Get on the sofa and spread your legs."</b> Your lustful gaze meets her eyes.
<emily>-"Y-yes daddy"</emily> She gets on the sofa, pulls her panties down, and gets into position. You slowly enter her... After all these years, you're finally inside..
<emily>-"Mfff... S-slow.. Please.."</emily> She whimpers as your shaft goes in and out..
<b>-"Mfff..."</b> You moan as both of you get more comfortable..
<<pageReplace"Pick up the speed">>\
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\Elsa Jean loves Porn3.webp">
<emily>-"O-Oh Ohhhhh... Fuck meeeeEEee... Mghhhh... yeEsssSSss!"</emily> She moans while sticking out her tongue.
<b>-"Take. This.. Fucking... Dick.."</b> Right as you say you feel a wave of pleasure come over you.. You're about to cum...
<b>-"F-fuck!"</b> You scream as you ejaculate all over her ass.. Emily starts to sit up, seemingly thinking that this is over..
<<pageReplace"Put it back inside">>\
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\elsa-jean_001-5.webp">
<emily>-"O-OhhhH!!"</emily> She screams in shock as you put it inside again..
<b>-"Are you on the pill?!"</b>
<emily>-"Mghhhh.. Fuckkkkk..."</emily>
<b>-"I asked you a question!"</b> You shout while spanking her.
<emily>-"Yesss... Yesss I'm on the pillllLLLlll"</emily> As the words leave her mouth, you shoot a load inside of her..
<emily>-"NffffGGGG!!! FucKKKK!!"</emily> She screams as her body convulses.. You both shared an orgasm..
<b>-"G-gosh..."</b> You step back and take a look at your hard work.. After a couple of seconds, a waterfall or semen comes gushing out of Emily..
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\20141297.webp">
<emily>-"Uhhhhhffff...."</emily> She moans like a zombie.. You might have broken her.. After cleaning her up, you pick her up and take her to the bed.. She seems incredibly exhausted, so you put the blanket on top of her and leave the room.. There's not reason for you to stay the night today..
<<set $dominant to $dominant +3>>
<blue>Dominant +3!</blue>
[[Return->Go outside]]
You're both laying on the couch watching Friends, when suddenly Emily's phone vibrates..
<emily>-"Haha..."</emily> She giggles as she opens it up...
<b>-"What is it babe?"</b>
<emily>-"Oh don't worry about it sweetie."</emily> She stands up and leaves, heading to the toilet. You can hear her giggling in there, you can also hear... What you think is a camera shutter sound?
<b>-"Is she taking pictures in the toilet.. What for I wonder... It's probably some dumb pic to her friend..."</b> Before you could finish your though process, she comes out of the toilet with a big smile on her face.
<emily>-"Lay down baby, I want you to eat me out, I'm really horny right now."</emily> She smiles..
<b>-"W-what..? Right now?"</b>
<emily>-"Ugh just do as I say..."</emily> Without much though, you do as you're told... She climbs on top of you and gently sits down.. Before you could put your tongue into action, she starts grinding your face on her own..
<<pageReplace"Gasp for breath">>\
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\bleh.webp">
<emily>-"Fuck baby you're so good at this. This is why I love you Jul- I mean $name.. Sorry about that..Mghhh.."</emily> What was that? Did she almost call you another name?... Who is that.
<b>-"What did you a-almost call me babe..?"</b> Your muffled whimpers echo through the room..
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\e8a372fdc1fc96addd66f5b2f1cfb801.webp">
<emily>-"S-shut up.. It's nobody.."</emily>
<emily>-"$name, weird... W-weird question, but.. Mghhhh, would you eat me out.. If.. Fuck... Mghhh.. Ff I was full... Of a-another mans c-cum...Mghhhhh?"</emily> She giggles in between moans..
<b>-"W-what are you talking about sweetie, I don't.. I don't even want to answer that..."</b> You answer quietly.
<emily>-"Oh come on... If y-you mghh answer truthfully.. I-I'll let you cum mghh..."</emily> Emily will finally let you cum?! You cannot miss this opportunity! She gets off of you and starts stroking your dick.
<emily>-"Sooooo... Answer... it's just a silly question anyways.."</emily>
<<pageReplace "Yes you would.">>\
<b>-"Y-y-yes I would honey...Anything for you.."</b> You whimper and imagine her getting creampied by someone else..
<<if $bnwostatus is true>>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\28130514.webp">
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\21795832.webp">
<emily>-"Good boy! Who knew that I was dating such a considerate and progressive boyfriend! For that answer alone, you deserve to get drained."</emily> She starts stroking you harder and harder and right as you ejaculate, she stops, ruining your orgasm.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\dickdastardly-d4gmi-7898f5.webp">
<b>-"F-fuckkkkk.. mghhhhhh babyyy... wWy did y-you stopp.. mghhh."</b>
<emily>-"Well I told you you would cum, I didn't say how hahahaha, now pack up your things, I have a video call with someone soon, I want to be alone" </emily>
<b>-"Mfff... Y-yes honey.. Right away."</b> You follow her orders and leave after packing your stuff up and cleaning up the bed, you can't believe what you just said...
<<set $openminded to $openminded +10>>
<mia>Open-minded +10!</mia>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +5>>
<pink>Submissive +5!</pink>
[[Return->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace "You would not!">>\
<b>-"I-I don't know honey probably not?"</b> You whimper while she jacks you.
<emily>-"Ugh whatever, I know you're lying anyways." </emily> She lets go of your cock..
<b>-"I.. I'm not! I'm just not that kind of man.."</b>
<emily>-"Whatever.. You should go now, you ruined my mood..."</emily> She scoffs at you..
<b>-"Y-yes Emily.."</b> It's better not to get into a fight about this, you think.
<<set $openminded to $openminded +1>>
<mia>Open-minded +1!</mia>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissive +1!</pink>
[[Return->Go outside]]
<<if $time !==2>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<set $emilydays to $emilydays+1>>\<<location "Images/Other/7363794952_56303ea0b0_b.webp" "At Emily's place">>\
<<if $time !==2>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<set $emilydays to $emilydays+1>>\
<<if $domstatus is false>>\
As you arrive to Emily's place, you knock on the door, but nobody answers..
<b>-"Huh, that's weird.."</b> You think to yourself as you try the handle.. It opens!
<b>-"H-honey! I'm coming in!"</b> You shout
<emily>-"O-oh, hi $name!"</emily> Emily comes out of her room.. She's in a dress?
<emily>-"S-sorry that I didn't open the door.. I was a little bit busy!"</emily> She smiles..
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\72.webp" height="700px">
<b>-"W-wow! W-what's the occasion?"</b> Emily spins to give you a better look of the dress.. She looks amazing!
<emily>-"I'm going on a date!"</emily>
<<pageReplace"Question her..">>\
<b>-"We're going on a date.. Where?"</b> You don't remember talking about going somewhere today...
<emily>-"Awhhh $name! I'm not going with you, you dummy!"</emily> She giggles..
<emily>-"I'm going out with my friend... We met a couple of days ago and he seems very nice.."</emily> A wave of shock and confusion washes over your face... She notices..
<emily>-"Oh c'mon honey don't be like that.. We're just friends! Plus, I'm not doing it behind your back am I? I invited you to help me get ready!"</emily> You don't know how to feel.. Maybe betrayed.. Confused.. Horny?
<b>-"I... I understand honey.. As long as you're just friends I'm.. I'm okay with it!"</b> You see Emily's face light up like a christmas tree..
<emily>-"Really?! I knew you would understand honey! Now come here, make sure my dress is perfect.. I want to look as good as possible for him..."</emily> You bend down to fix up her dress..
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\71.webp" height="700px">
As you do.. You notice that Emily isn't wearing any panties...
<emily>-"Make sure that it's not wrinkly or anything.. I want it to look perfect!"</emily> She tells you as you continue to help her..
<div id="choices">
<<pageReplace "Question her about the panties..">>\
<b>-"H-honey... Why are you not wearing any panties..?"</b>
<emily>-"It's hot outside $name! I don't want to get all hot and sweaty! This dress is super long as well, so there's no chance anyone sees anything!"</emily> She smiles at you and gives you a kiss on the cheek..
<b>-"Oh.. W-well I think I'm done.. You look great baby!"</b>
<emily>-"P-perfect! Well, off you go! I'm going to grab a quick snack and head out as well!"</emily> You exhange yet another kiss and say your goodbyes...
<b>-"M-make sure to text me when you get there!"</b> You say as you leave the apartment.. She nods and you close the door..
<b>-"T-this is crazy... I trust her though.. I know she isn't going to do anything.."</b> You whisper to yourself as you go down the stairs.. But deep down you do feel worried..
You get in your car and drive home, you feel your stomach turning, throat burning... Penis rising? This whole situation is so weird, you don't know what you want. Before you could figure that out, you arrive at your house, you go straight to your bed and lay down..
<b>-"Ufff...."</b> You let out a soft moan as you're body hits the bed.. Because of the traffic, you took quite a while to get here.. Emily must already be there..
<b>-"She hasn't texted me anything yet.. *Yawnnnnn*... M-maybe she's stuck in traffic as well..."</b> You start to feel tired... Your eyelids are heavy and your bed is like a pile of clouds.. You slowly drift to sleep..
[[Sleep->Emily 8 part 2]]
<<pageReplace "Don't question her...">>\
<b>-"I.. I better not.."</b> You think to yourself..
<b>-"G-god I'm such a loser..."</b>
<emily>-"Mhm mhm... That's good yeah fix that spot on the left as well! "</emily> She smiles as you finish up..
<b>-"Oh.. W-well I think I'm done.. You look great baby!"</b>
<emily>-"P-perfect! Well, off you go! I'm going to grab a quick snack and head out as well!"</emily> You exhange yet another kiss and say your goodbyes...
<b>-"M-make sure to text me when you get there!"</b> You say as you leave the apartment.. She nods and you close the door..
<b>-"T-this is crazy... I trust her though.. I know she isn't going to do anything.."</b> You whisper to yourself as you go down the stairs.. But deep down you do feel worried..
You get in your car and drive home, you feel your stomach turning, throat burning... Penis rising? This whole situation is so weird, you don't know what you want. Before you could figure that out, you arrive at your house, you go straight to your bed and lay down..
<b>-"Ufff...."</b> You let out a soft moan as you're body hits the bed.. Because of the traffic, you took quite a while to get here.. Emily must already be there..
<b>-"She hasn't texted me anything yet.. *Yawnnnnn*... M-maybe she's stuck in traffic as well..."</b> You start to feel tired... Your eyelids are heavy and your bed is like a pile of clouds.. You slowly drift to sleep..
[[Sleep->Emily 8 part 2]]
Another day another date night with Emily... As she's devouring your cock with her mouth, you can't feel anything but love...
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\81.webp" height="600px">
<b>-"Ngff.. I-I love you honey..."</b> You touch her beautiful hair as saliva runs down her face..
<emily>-"Mfggg.. I love yju twuu.."</emily> She mumbles as your thick cum starts pouring into her throat..
<b>-"F-fuckkk... MFggGGfff.."</b> You moan out in pleasure..
<emily>-"<i>*Gulp* *Gulp*</i> Ahhhh.."</emily> She swallows your load quickly....
<<pageReplace"Make her clean up..">>\
<b>-"C..C-clean it up honey.."</b>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\82.webp" height="600px">
Emily finishes cleaning your shaft and looks up at you..
<emily>-"H-honey.. When are you going to take me out somewhere.. We haven't been on a proper date for so long.."</emily>
<b>-"Uffff... <i>*pant* *pant*</i> S-sure honey.. Where do you want to go?"</b> You ask her while catching your breath..
<emily>-"There's this new sea food place that opened up.. I would buy a nice dress just for the occasion.."</emily>
<<if $money>=100>>\
<<pageReplace "Agree to the date and give her 100$ for the dress.">>\
<<set $agreedtothedateemily to true>>
<<set $paidforemilysdress to true>>\
<<set $emilyrelationship to 5>>\
<b>-"Sure honey... T-take this.."</b> You pull up your pants and take out your wallet.. Emily seems pleasantly surprised..
<emily>-"Heheh was my head so good that you're paying for it?"</emily> You both giggle..
<b>-"Shut up haha.. Buy a nice dress for yourself, I'll pick you up soon.."</b> You give her a hand and she stands up.. After exhanging a hug and a kiss, you go to put on your shoes..
<emily>-"T-thank you $name.. I love you!"</emily>
<b>-"I love you too!"</b> You leave her place and get into your car..
<<money -100 "Bought a dress for Emily">>
<green>Money -100!</green>
<<set $dominant to $dominant +2>>
<blue>Dominant +2!</blue>
[[Drive home->room]]
<<pageReplace "Agree to the date.">>\
<<set $agreedtothedateemily to true>>
<<set $emilyrelationship to 5>>\
<b>-"Sure honey... The dress is also a nice idea, I'm going to put on something fancy as well.."</b> You pull up your pants and stand up..
<emily>-"G-great! I'll make sure to buy something before we meet again.."</emily> You both smile..
<b>-"Alright well it's time for the to go.."</b> You give her a hand and she stands up.. After exhanging a hug and a kiss, you go to put on your shoes..
<emily>-"T-thank you for tonight $name.. I love you!"</emily>
<b>-"I love you too!"</b> You leave her place and get into your car..
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
[[Drive home->room]]
<<pageReplace "Don't agree to the date.">>\
<<set $agreedtothedateemily to false>>
<<set $emilyrelationship to 4>>\
<b>-"No honey.. I don't feel like going if I'm being honest with you.."</b> You pull up your pants while looking at Emily.. She looks disappointed..
<emily>-"Of course.. It's okay $name, I understand.."</emily> She stands up on her own..
<emily>-"Well it's time for you to go anyways, right?"</emily>
<b>-"Y-yeah.."</b> You put on your shoes and you exhange a quick hug..
<b>-"I love you! Bye!"</b>
<emily>-"I love you too.."</emily> You exit her place and get into your car..
<b>-"Damn she got so sad over nothing.. Weird.. Maybe she's on her period or something.. Yeah that's probably it!"</b> You say confidently to yourself as you drive off.
[[Drive home->room]]
<</if>>\<<location "Images/Other/90704f8813eafd7f3744f6ff641bcee7.jpeg" "My room">>\
<<message "Emily" "Emily 8 message" "What's up dude?!">>
<img src="Images\Other\photo-1658928785462-d57013ae4d0c.jfif">
Suddenly your get a notification on your phone! Could it be Emily?! You have to check!<<messengerChat>>
<<messengerHeader Emily>>
<<them>>What's up dude?!<</them>>
<<them>><<image "Emily/events/sub/76.webp">><</them>>
<<messageReply"Who's this?">>\
<<me>>Who's this?<</me>>
<<them>>Emily's friend. She gave me her phone, to say hi to you!<</them>>
<<them>>Anyways, you have a great gal! I'm definitely jealous!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Haha yeah">>\
<<me>>Haha yeah... Are you guys about to finish..?<</me>>
<<them>>Well we just finished eating, we already left the restaurant, but we're going to the club for a couple of hours!<</them>>
<div id="choices">
<<messageReplyReplace "Oh.. Okay.." #choices>>
<<me>>Oh... Okay.. H-have fun!<</me>>
<<them>>Will do buddy!<</them>>
10 minutes later...
<<them>>Hey baby!!! How are you doing?! We just got into the club, it's amazing here!<</them>>
<<them>><<image "Emily/events/sub/73.webp" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<messageReply"Good.. How are you??">>\
<<me>>Good.. How are you though? Make sure not to drink too much...<</me>>
<<them>>Oh $name I'm great! I'm having so much fun..<</them>>
<<them>>I'm trying, but every guy is buying me drinks haha!<</them>>
10 minutes later...
<<them>>HAHA DUDE YOU WON'T BELIEVE IT!<</them>>
<<me>>W-what happened??<</me>>
<<them>>Some dumbass told your gf that all girls need to wear stickers over their nips...<</them>>
<<them>>And she fucking believed him XDDDDD<</them>>
<<them>><<image "Emily/events/sub/74.webp" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<messageReply"Let me talk to her!!">>\
<<me>>What the fuck?? Let me talk to her man!<</me>>
<<them>>wHats upp Honeu??<</them>>
<<messageReply"Emily, what are you doing??">>\
<<me>>Emily?? What are you doing? Are you drunk??<</me>>
<<them>>Waaaat?? a little mayb, he said iff I flash himm hi buys me mor driks :)!<</them>>
<<them>>It's apparent that Emily is black out drunk..<</them>>
<<messageReply"Maybe you should stop...">>\
<<me>>Maybe you should stop Emily.. I can pick you up..<</me>>
<<them>>N-no! I'm havin too muh fun.. Someguyoff suckdic shoul??<</them>>
<<messageReply"What are you saying...">>\
<<me>>H-honey I don't understand you.. Give the phone to your date please.<</me>>
2 minutes later...
<<them>>Jeez man, didn't know you were dating a slut..<</them>>
<<them>>This bitch is making out with anyone who will buy her a drink..<</them>>
<<messageReply"That can't be true...">>\
<<me>>T-that can't be true!<</me>>
<<them>>I would show you but she went somewhere and I can't find her..<</them>>
5 minutes later...
<<them>>Dude... I'm sorry for you...<</them>>
<<messageReply"What happened?">>\
<<me>>What happened man?<</me>>
<<them>>I found her ... xd<</them>>
<<them>><<image "Emily/events/sub/75.webp" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<them>>I'm not going to lie bro I was here for the same thing...<</them>>
<<them>>But she's so drunk that she kinda forgot me lmao... I'm out of here..<</them>>
<div id="choices">
<<messageReplyReplace "This is too much, break up and block her..." #choices>>
<<me>>WE'RE OVER<</me>>
<<me>>*You have blocked this user*<</me>>
As hard as this decision is, you know that it's the right one... With tears in your eyes, you put down your phone and try to go to sleep...
<<goto "Sleep">>
<<set $brokeupwithemily to true>>
<<set $dating to "single">>
<<messageReplyReplace "This is so hot.." #choices>>
Seeing Emily suck someone else's cock... It turns you on so much... After deciding not to text her anything... You quickly screen record the video, which you're totally going to use later.. Time to go to bed.
<<goto "Sleep">>
<<messageReplyReplace "I don't want you to.." #choices>>
<<me>>I don't want you to??<</me>>
<<them>>Heh well it's not up to me buddy, she's dragging me in there herself!<</them>>
10 minutes later...
<<them>>Hey baby!!! How are you doing?! We just got into the club, it's amazing here!<</them>>
<<them>><<image "Emily/events/sub/73.webp" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<messageReply"Good.. How are you??">>\
<<me>>Good.. How are you though? Make sure not to drink too much...<</me>>
<<them>>Oh $name I'm great! I'm having so much fun..<</them>>
<<them>>I'm trying, but every guy is buying me drinks haha!<</them>>
10 minutes later...
<<them>>HAHA DUDE YOU WON'T BELIEVE IT!<</them>>
<<me>>W-what happened??<</me>>
<<them>>Some dumbass told your gf that all girls need to wear stickers over their nips...<</them>>
<<them>>And she fucking believed him XDDDDD<</them>>
<<them>><<image "Emily/events/sub/74.webp" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<messageReply"Let me talk to her!!">>\
<<me>>What the fuck?? Let me talk to her man!<</me>>
<<them>>wHats upp Honeu??<</them>>
<<messageReply"Emily, what are you doing??">>\
<<me>>Emily?? What are you doing? Are you drunk??<</me>>
<<them>>Waaaat?? a little mayb, he said iff I flash himm hi buys me mor driks :)!<</them>>
<<them>>It's apparent that Emily is black out drunk..<</them>>
<<messageReply"Maybe you should stop...">>\
<<me>>Maybe you should stop Emily.. I can pick you up..<</me>>
<<them>>N-no! I'm havin too muh fun.. Someguyoff suckdic shoul??<</them>>
<<messageReply"What are you saying...">>\
<<me>>H-honey I don't understand you.. Give the phone to your date please.<</me>>
2 minutes later...
<<them>>Jeez man, didn't know you were dating a slut..<</them>>
<<them>>This bitch is making out with anyone who will buy her a drink..<</them>>
<<messageReply"That can't be true...">>\
<<me>>T-that can't be true!<</me>>
<<them>>I would show you but she went somewhere and I can't find her..<</them>>
5 minutes later...
<<them>>Dude... I'm sorry for you...<</them>>
<<messageReply"What happened?">>\
<<me>>What happened man?<</me>>
<<them>>I found her ... xd<</them>>
<<them>><<image "Emily/events/sub/75.webp" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<them>>I'm not going to lie bro I was here for the same thing...<</them>>
<<them>>But she's so drunk that she kinda forgot me lmao... I'm out of here..<</them>>
<div id="choices">
<<messageReplyReplace "This is too much, break up and block her..." #choices>>
<<me>>WE'RE OVER<</me>>
<<me>>*You have blocked this user*<</me>>
As hard as this decision is, you know that it's the right one... With tears in your eyes, you put down your phone and try to go to sleep...
<<goto "Sleep">>
<<set $brokeupwithemily to true>>
<<set $dating to "single">>
<<messageReplyReplace "This is so hot.." #choices>>
Seeing Emily suck someone else's cock... It turns you on so much... After deciding not to text her anything... You quickly screen record the video, which you're totally going to use later.. Time to go to bed.
<<goto "Sleep">>
<</messengerChat>><<if $time !==2>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<set $emilydays to $emilydays+1>>\
<<if $domstatus is false>>\
<<location "Images/Other/7363794952_56303ea0b0_b.webp" "At Emily's place">>\
<b>-"Ugh I hope it was the right decision.."</b> You whisper to yourself as you climb the stairs to emily's apartment...
<b>-"I can't lie to myself though.. It was super hot.."</b> You remember what the video you saw.. Emily on her knees... Sucking someone else's cock... S-so hot..
<b>-"<i>*Knock* *knock*</i>"</b>
<emily>-"Come in!"</emily> You open the door, step inside and close it..
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\98.webp" height="600px">
<b>-"H-hey babe.."</b>
<emily>-"Heyyy honey pie, how are you?"</emily> She smiles.. She's acting like nothing happened.. Maybe she was too drunk and she doesn't remember?
<b>-"I'm.. Okay.. W-we need to talk baby.."</b> You tell her as you take your shoes off... She invites you to the living room and you both sit down on the couch..
<emily>-"So $name, what's the matter?"</emily> She looks you in the eyes...
<<pageReplace"Question her about what happened..">>\
<b>-"It's about.. What happened on that date.."</b>
<emily>-"Huh? What about it?"</emily> She blushes slightly...
<b>-"Your date sent me a video.."</b> You pull out your phone and show the video to her...
<b>-"M-maybe it was a mistake.. Maybe you were too drunk! I- I'll understand!"</b> Emily doesn't seem surprised while watching the video..
<emily>-"Ugh... So that idiot did send the video... Fuck him.."</emily> She whispers to herself, but you can hear everything..
<emily>-"Of course it wasn't an accident $name.."</emily>
<b>-"W-what..?"</b> She suddenly pulls down your pants..
<<if $toys==1>>\
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\93.webp" height="500px">
<b>-"W-what are you doing??"</b> Emily stares at your locked cock..
<emily>-"Oh my god... I knew that you were a beta, but... Your cock is locked??"</emily> She giggles...
<emily>-"Oh my god this is even better! Your clit is so tiny!"</emily>
<emily>-"Don't you think I deserve more $name? More than this locked little thing? While you were gone for those three years, I've read so much about open relationships.. About male incompetence.. About worship.."</emily> She starts undressing..
<b>-"What are you trying to say.."</b> You whimper as she throws her underwear at you..
<emily>-"I'm saying that I sucked that dick not because I was drunk, but because I wanted to.. I wanted to taste what a giant cock tasted like..."</emily> You cock starts throbbing in your cage.. Pre cum leaks out..
<emily>-"I want to try opening up our relationship honey... And I can see that you want that too.."</emily> She lays down and spreads her legs..
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\97.webp">
<emily>-"Don't you think this pussy deserves to be fucked by a bigger dick? By a real dick? By a dick that's not locked in a fucking cage?"</emily>
<b>-"I.. I don't know.."</b>
<emily>-"Try to fuck me $name.. Show me what you got... Show me what kind of man you are.. If you do a good enough job, I might change my mind.."</emily> Her pupils dilate as she looks at you..
<div id="choices">
<<pageReplace "Agree to open your relationship up..">>\
<<set $emilyopenrelationship to true>>
<b>-"Y-yes.."</b> You whisper as you mount her..
<emily>-"Hehe good boy! Show me how good you are!"</emily> Your cock wants to escape it's cage so bad... But the device doesn't allow it..
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\95.webp" height="600px">
<emily>-"Hahaha! How pathetic! I can't even feel it!"</emily> As she laughs at you, cum starts climbing up your shaft..
<emily>-"Don't tell me you're about to cum in your fucking cage.."</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\96.webp" height="600px">
<b>-"Ohhh ff--ffuckkkk...!!!! MfgggFF!"</b> You moan out in pleasure as you ruin your orgasm and ejaculate onto her...
<emily>-"J-jeez... And this is why I want a real cock.."</emily> As you dismount her she stands up, looking disappointed, but not surprised..
<b>-"F-fuck.. S-sorry honey!"</b>
<emily>-"It's okay baby... I already have someone in mind who will do a much better job than you.."</emily> As the words leave her lips you feel your cock get hard again..
<b>-"C-can we try again? I have the keys!"</b>
<emily>-"Heh, of course not.. That was your only try today.."</emily> She smiles..
<emily>-"I think it's time for you to go $name.. I have some.. Planning to do.. Also, hurry up and clean me up!"</emily> You already know what she means by planning.. And it turns you on..
<b>-"Y-yes Emily.. I understand.."</b> You quickly stand up and run to the kitchen.. After taking some tissues, you start cleaning her..
<emily>-"Good boy.."</emily> She whispers as you clean your cum off of her..
<emily>-"Off you go!"</emily>
<b>-"Y-yes!!"</b> You quickly pack up and open the door.. As you're exiting you can already hear Emily talking to someone on the phone..
<b>-"F-fuck.. This ain't that bad $name.. Don't worry.. It's only an open relationship.. She's still mine!"</b> You think to yourself as you go outside..
<<set $openminded to $openminded +5>>
<mia>Open-minded +5!</mia>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +5>>
<pink>Submissiveness +5!</pink>
[[Drive home->room]]
<<pageReplace "Don't agree and break up.. ( In the future there might be a love route )">>\
<<set $brokeupwithemily to true>>\
<<set $dating to "single">>\
<b>-"W-what?? This is hot yes, but.. This is wrong! I'm not this kind of person.."</b> Emily closes her legs, while looking disappointed..
<emily>-"Well $name... I don't care... I've dealt with your incompetence for long enough, it's either this, or we break up..."</emily>
<b>-"W..w-w're breaking up then.."</b> You whisper as you pull up your pants and run to the door..
<emily>-"Ugh... Disappointing.. Like always"</emily>
<emily>-"Have a nice life $name.."</emily> She says as you exit her place as tears roll down your cheeks..
<b>-"B-bye.."</b> You feel hurt and betrayed, but all you can do is say goodbye.. You get into your car and drive back to your place..
[[Get inside->room]]
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\92.webp" height="500px">
<b>-"W-what are you doing??"</b> Emily flicks your flaccid dick and giggles..
<emily>-"Look at this shit $name.. Painfully average..."</emily> She giggles again..
<emily>-"Don't you think I deserve more $name? While you were gone for those three years, I've read so much about open relationships.. About male incompetence.. About worship.."</emily> She starts undressing..
<b>-"What are you trying to say.."</b> You whimper as she throws her underwear at you..
<emily>-"I'm saying that I sucked that dick not because I was drunk, but because I wanted to.. I wanted to taste what a giant cock tasted like..."</emily> You start getting a boner.. She notices.
<emily>-"I want to try opening up our relationship honey... And I can see that you want that too.."</emily> She lays down and spreads her legs..
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\97.webp">
<emily>-"Don't you think this pussy deserves to be fucked by a bigger dick?"</emily> Your cock throbs as you watch her..
<b>-"I.. I don't know.."</b>
<emily>-"Try to fuck me $name.. Show me what you got... Show me what kind of man you are.. If you do a good enough job, I might change my mind.."</emily> Her pupils dilate as she looks at you..
<div id="choices">
<<pageReplace "Agree to open your relationship up..">>\
<<set $emilyopenrelationship to true>>
<b>-"Y-yes.."</b> You whisper as you mount her..
<emily>-"Hehe good boy! Come on then.. Show me how good you are!"</emily> Your cock has never been this hard.. As you press your shaft against her clit, you... Cum?
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\99.webp">
<b>-"Ohhh ff--ffuckkkk...!!!! MfgggFF!"</b> You moan out in pleasure as you ejaculate onto her... You didn't even make it inside...
<emily>-"J-jeez... And this is why I want a real cock.."</emily> As you dismount her she stands up, looking disappointed, but not surprised..
<b>-"F-fuck.. S-sorry honey!"</b>
<emily>-"It's okay baby... I already have someone in mind who will do a much better job than you.."</emily> As the words leave her lips you feel your cock get hard again..
<b>-"I.. It's up again! C-can we try again?"</b>
<emily>-"Heh, of course not.. That was your only try today.."</emily> She smiles..
<emily>-"I think it's time for you to go $name.. I have some.. Planning to do.. Also, hurry up and clean me up!"</emily> You already know what she means by planning.. And it turns you on..
<b>-"Y-yes Emily.. I understand.."</b> You quickly stand up and run to the kitchen.. After taking some tissues, you start cleaning her..
<emily>-"Good boy.."</emily> She whispers as you clean your cum off of her..
<emily>-"Off you go!"</emily>
<b>-"Y-yes!!"</b> You quickly pack up and open the door.. As you're exiting you can already hear Emily talking to someone on the phone..
<b>-"F-fuck.. This ain't that bad $name.. Don't worry.. It's only an open relationship.. She's still mine!"</b> You think to yourself as you go outside..
<<set $openminded to $openminded +5>>
<mia>Open-minded +5!</mia>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +5>>
<pink>Submissiveness +5!</pink>
[[Drive home->room]]
<<pageReplace "Don't agree and break up.. ( In the future there might be a love route )">>\
<<set $brokeupwithemily to true>>\
<<set $dating to "single">>
<b>-"W-what?? This is hot yes, but.. This is wrong! I'm not this kind of person.."</b> Emily closes her legs, while looking disappointed..
<emily>-"Well $name... I don't care... I've dealt with your incompetence for long enough, it's either this, or we break up..."</emily>
<b>-"W..w-w're breaking up then.."</b> You whisper as you pull up your pants and run to the door..
<emily>-"Ugh... Disappointing.. Like always"</emily>
<emily>-"Have a nice life $name.."</emily> She says as you exit her place as tears roll down your cheeks..
<b>-"B-bye.."</b> You feel hurt and betrayed, but all you can do is say goodbye.. You get into your car and drive back to your place..
[[Get inside->room]]
<<if $agreedtothedateemily is false>>
As you enter the apartment, you hear Emily shout at you..
<emily>-"I'm here honey! On the bed!"</emily> You take off your shoes and go to the bedroom..
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\94.webp" height="600px">
<emily>-"H-hey honey.. <i>*Cough* *cough*</i>"</emily> She tries to smile but coughs even more..
<b>-"Awhh.. Are you sick?"</b> You ask her while placing your palm on her forehead to check her temperature... She's burning hot!
<emily>-"Y-yeah.. A bit.. Me and my girlfriends decided to grab a drink yesterday, I think I caught a cold.."</emily>
<b>-"Awww baby.."</b> You feel so bad..
<div id="choices">
<<pageReplace "Climb in bed with her for comfort..">>\
<b>-"Here I come!"</b> You shout as you jump into bed..
<emily>-"W-what are you doing!!! You'll get sick baby, stop!"</emily> She tries covering her mouth, but you move her hand away and kiss her..
<b>-"I don't care, we can be sick together! How romantic!"</b> You both giggle and get to talking..
<emily>-"Hahaha f-fine.. T-thank you..."</emily>
<b>-"So, what did you do with your girlfriends?"</b>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\95.webp" height="500px">
<emily>-"Eh nothing much.. We went shopping.. <i>*Cough*</i> W-we also grabbed a bite to eat.. Oh and something very weird happened.."</emily>
<b>-"What do you mean?"</b>
<emily>-"We caught a couple of guys in suits staring at us.. They were so creepy!"</emily> She coughs again..
<b>-"Men in suits..? Maybe they were checking you out?"</b>
<emily>-"N-no.. I don't think so at least.. They looked very... Official? One of them was also talking on the phone.. The whole situation was very.. <i>*Cough* *cough*</i> w-weird.."</emily>
<b>-"Huh... If you notice them stalking you again, please let me know.. I'll find out what they want.."</b> You give her a kiss on the forehead and climb out of bed..
<b>-"I better let you rest now, make sure to drink a lot of tea and stay in bed!"</b>
<emily>-"Y-yes baby I know.. I love you!"</emily>
<b>-"I love you too honey!"</b>
<b>-"A group of men stalking her huh... Interesting.."</b> You whisper to yourself as you climb down the stairs..
[[Drive home->room]]
<<pageReplace "Offer to make her tea..">>\
<b>-"You should drink some tea... I will make a cup for you.."</b>
<emily>-"T-thank you baby.."</emily> While you're in the kitchen getting the tea ready, you both start talking..
<b>-"So, what did you do with your girlfriends?"</b>
<emily>-"Eh nothing much.. We went shopping.. <i>*Cough*</i> W-we also grabbed a bite to eat.. Oh and something very weird happened.."</emily>
<b>-"What do you mean?"</b>
<emily>-"We caught a couple of guys in suits staring at us.. They were so creepy!"</emily> She coughs again..
<b>-"Men in suits..? Maybe they were checking you out?"</b>
<emily>-"N-no.. I don't think so at least.. They looked very... Official? One of them was also talking on the phone.. The whole situation was very.. <i>*Cough* *cough*</i> w-weird.."</emily>
You get back to her with a cup of tea in your hand, you place it down on the counter next to the bed..
<emily>-"T-thank you honey.."</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\95.webp" height="500px">
<b>-"Huh... If you notice them stalking you again, please let me know.. I'll find out what they want.."</b> You give her a kiss on the forehead..
<b>-"I better let you rest now, make sure to drink the tea and stay in bed!"</b>
<emily>-"Y-yes baby I know.. I love you!"</emily>
<b>-"I love you too honey!"</b>
<b>-"A group of men stalking her huh... Interesting.."</b> You whisper to yourself as you climb down the stairs..
[[Drive home->room]]
<<elseif $agreedtothedateemily is true>>
You arrive at Emily's place, it's date night! You park your car and get up to her floor...
<b>-"<i>*Knock* *knock*</i>"</b> You knock on her door and she opens it a couple of seconds later..
<emily>-"Hey baby!!"</emily> Emily is in a beautiful black dress..
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\92.webp" height="600px">
<b>-"Gosh you look beautiful honey!"</b> You exhange a kiss and you lead her to your car.. Opening the door for her, of course..
<<if $paidforemilysdress is true>>\
<emily>-"Hehe I know.. I figured that I should look my best.. You bought me this dress after all.."</emily> She gives you a kiss on the cheek.
As you pull into the fancy restaurant you talked about, you can see Emily grinning.. She's happy that you took her out!
<<pageReplace"Enter and sit down">>\
You enter the restaurant, find a free table and sit down..
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\91.webp" height ="600px">
<emily>-"So, tell me, how's the SUP? We never really talked about it.."</emily>
<<pageReplace "I like it!">>\
<b>-"I like it! It's pretty fun and quite eye opening if I'm being honest with you!"</b>
<emily>-"Wow! Well I'm glad you like it!"</emily> She smiles as the waitress delivers drinks to your table..
<b>-"Cheers!"</b> You both take a sip and smile at each other..
<b>-"Gosh this is so good!"</b>
<emily>-"Y-yeah! It's amazing.."</emily>
<b>-"How are you doing baby? How are your studies going?"</b>
<emily>-"Pretty well! We just wrote our mid terms and I did quite well!"</emily> You notice how she crosses her legs.. You start lightly touching her thigh...
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\96.webp">
<emily>-"H-honey.. Not here!"</emily> She giggles and pushes her hand away..
<b>-"Heh fine.."</b> You smile.
<emily>-"Besides.. I don't want to alarm you but.."</emily> Emily seems nervous...
<<pageReplace"Ask her what's wrong..">>\
<b>-"W-what's wrong baby?"</b> You ask her as your food arrives..
<emily>-"T-thank you!"</emily> She mumbles while looking at the waitress..
<emily>-"There's... There's a couple of guys staring at us.."</emily> She whispers..
<b>-"R-really? Do you know them..?"</b>
<emily>-"No.. I was hoping you knew them.. They are to your right.. Just don't make it too obvious.."</emily> She wants you to take a look..
<<pageReplace"Try to look for the men..">>\
You slowly turn your head to your right, acting like you're just looking around.. After a couple of seconds, you spot them! Two men in suits, sitting on a couch at the back of the restaurant... Staring at you..
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\93.webp" width="600px">
You quickly turn your head back.. You can't explain it, but they seem like the type of men you don't mess with..
<b>-"I think.. I think we should eat quickly and get out of here.."</b> You have a bad feeling about this..
<emily>-"I think so too.."</emily> She whispers as you cautiously start eating.. Afer a couple of minutes, you finish and ask for the bill. You pay by card and leave a hefty tip, as you're paying you glance at the men again... They're still staring at you, one is talking on the phone..
<b>-"L-let's get out of here.."</b> You take Emily's hand and you both quickly get in your car.. The men don't seem to follow you out..
<<pageReplace"Drive Emily home..">>\
You arrive at her place and you can see that she's visibly shaken..
<b>-"Is everything alright baby?"</b> You ask her.. She grabs you arm and looks you in the eyes..
<emily>-"Y-yeah.. But can you please stay the night.. Those men scared me.."</emily>
<<pageReplace "Spend the night..">>\
<b>-"Sure honey..."</b>
<emily>-"Thank you... I love you $name.."</emily> You kiss each other and get into her apartment... After getting ready, you both jump into bed.. She looks incredibly pretty, but you know that this isn't the time to make a move.. You hug her and you both fall asleep..
After a solid 8 hours of sleep, you get up. Emily is still sleeping. You kiss her on the forehead and head out..
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
<<set $emilyrelationship to $emilyrelationship +1>>
<grey>Emily will remember this!</grey>
[[Drive home->Sleep]]
<<pageReplace "Don't spend the night..">>\
<b>-"No baby.. I have things to do and places to be at.. You don't need to worry, you're perfectly safe on your own!"</b> Emily scoffs at you..
<emily>-"Ugh.. Fine.."</emily> Before you could say your proper goodbyes or even give her a kiss, she exits the car and storms off towards the apartment..
<b>-"God damnit..."</b> You whisper..
<<set $emilyrelationship to $emilyrelationship -1>>
<grey>Emily will remember this!</grey>
[[Drive home->Sleep]]
<<pageReplace "I don't know...">>\
<b>-"Eh I don't know yet.. Maybe it's not for me.."</b>
<emily>-"Awh well I'm sorry to hear that.. You only have around a year left though, make it count!"</emily> She smiles as the waitress delivers drinks to your table..
<b>-"Cheers!"</b> You both take a sip and smile at each other..
<b>-"Gosh this is so good!"</b>
<emily>-"Y-yeah! It's amazing.."</emily>
<b>-"How are you doing baby? How are your studies going?"</b>
<emily>-"Pretty well! We just wrote our mid terms and I did quite well!"</emily> You notice how she crosses her legs.. You start lightly touching her thigh...
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\96.webp">
<emily>-"H-honey.. Not here!"</emily> She giggles and pushes her hand away..
<b>-"Heh fine.."</b> You smile.
<emily>-"Besides.. I don't want to alarm you but.."</emily> Emily seems nervous...
<<pageReplace"Ask her what's wrong..">>\
<b>-"W-what's wrong baby?"</b> You ask her as your food arrives..
<emily>-"T-thank you!"</emily> She mumbles while looking at the waitress..
<emily>-"There's... There's a couple of guys staring at us.."</emily> She whispers..
<b>-"R-really? Do you know them..?"</b>
<emily>-"No.. I was hoping you knew them.. They are to your right.. Just don't make it too obvious.."</emily> She wants you to take a look..
<<pageReplace"Try to look for the men..">>\
You slowly turn your head to your right, acting like you're just looking around.. After a couple of seconds, you spot them! Two men in suits, sitting on a couch at the back of the restaurant... Staring at you..
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\93.webp" width="600px">
You quickly turn your head back.. You can't explain it, but they seem like the type of men you don't mess with..
<b>-"I think.. I think we should eat quickly and get out of here.."</b> You have a bad feeling about this..
<emily>-"I think so too.."</emily> She whispers as you cautiously start eating.. Afer a couple of minutes, you finish and ask for the bill. You pay by card and leave a hefty tip, as you're paying you glance at the men again... They're still staring at you, one is talking on the phone..
<b>-"L-let's get out of here.."</b> You take Emily's hand and you both quickly get in your car.. The men don't seem to follow you out..
<<pageReplace"Drive Emily home..">>\
You arrive at her place and you can see that she's visibly shaken..
<b>-"Is everything alright baby?"</b> You ask her.. She grabs you arm and looks you in the eyes..
<emily>-"Y-yeah.. But can you please stay the night.. Those men scared me.."</emily>
<<pageReplace "Spend the night..">>\
<b>-"Sure honey..."</b>
<emily>-"Thank you... I love you $name.."</emily> You kiss each other and get into her apartment... After getting ready, you both jump into bed.. She looks incredibly pretty, but you know that this isn't the time to make a move.. You hug her and you both fall asleep..
After a solid 8 hours of sleep, you get up. Emily is still sleeping. You kiss her on the forehead and head out..
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
<<set $emilyrelationship to $emilyrelationship +1>>
<grey>Emily will remember this!</grey>
[[Drive home->Sleep]]
<<pageReplace "Don't spend the night..">>\
<b>-"No baby.. I have things to do and places to be at.. You don't need to worry, you're perfectly safe on your own!"</b> Emily scoffs at you..
<emily>-"Ugh.. Fine.."</emily> Before you could say your proper goodbyes or even give her a kiss, she exits the car and storms off towards the apartment..
<b>-"God damnit..."</b> You whisper..
<<set $emilyrelationship to $emilyrelationship -1>>
<grey>Emily will remember this!</grey>
[[Drive home->Sleep]]
<</if>>\<<if $time !==2>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<set $emilydays to $emilydays+1>>\
<<if $domstatus is false>>\
<<location "Images/Other/7363794952_56303ea0b0_b.webp" "At Emily's place">>\
Another day, another date night with emily..
<emily>-"Mfggggffuucc......"</emily> Emily whimpers as you eat her out... You've gotten quite good at it by now.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\101.webp" width="700px">
<emily>-"Y-yesss $name.. R-right there!! Mmmm..."</emily> Emily finally moves her underwear to the side, you immediately attack her clit with your tongue..
<b>-"I-is this good..?"</b> You ask....
<<pageReplace"Finish the job..">>\
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\106.webp" width="700px">
<emily>-"F-FffucckKKK!!"</emily> She screams as she starts convulsing from pleasure..
<b>-"<i>*Pant* *pant*</i>"</b> You're exhausting and breathing heavily, but you're glad you got your girlfriend off..
<<if $toys ==1>>\
<emily>-"Hehe you're turn!"</emily> She stands up, pushes you down on the bed and starts licking your cock through your underwear.. That shit is throbbing, even though you're in a cage you're still hopeful that you'll come.. Just maybe..
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\102.webp" width="600px">
<emily>-"Hehehe look at this little thing..."</emily> She giggles and kisses you..
<emily>-"Take those off..."</emily> She's showing you a lot more affection than you're used to.. Maybe it's because you agreed to open the relationship..? Oh.. About that...
<b>-"R-right.."</b> You pull down your underwear and reveal your caged cock..
<b>-"D-did you pick out someone you want to sleep with already..?"</b> She climbs on top you and sits down on your chest...
<emily>-"Well I want you to see my first time with someone else.."</emily> She kisses you..
<emily>-"So we're having a threesome! And I do have someone in mind.. But maybe you can offer someone better? He has to have a big dick though.."</emily>
<div id="choices">
<<if $tazedjosh !==true>>\
<<pageReplace "J-josh...">>\
<<set $emilythreesomejosh to true>>
<b>-"T-there's this Josh guy..."</b> You have no idea why your own bully came to mind but... You do think that he does have a huge dick...
<emily>-"Uuuu! Tell me more about him!"</emily> You tell her how he looks..
<emily>-"F-fuck he sounds hot!"</emily> She gets off of you and starts rubbing her ass against your cage...
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\105.webp" width="600px">
<emily>-"G-give me his number baby.."</emily> As she humps your caged cock harder and harder you have no choice but to yield.. You give her his number and she writes it down..
<b>-"F-fuck! I'm about to cum..."</b> You whimper.. Emily quickly pulls away..
<emily>-"Oh nonono! If you're caged, you're not allowed to cum!"</emily> She smiles and gives you a kiss on the forehead..
<b>-"N-no! P-pleasee...."</b>
<emily>-"Tell you what, if you're caged when we're having a threesome, I might let you cum.. I'm not saying how though.."</emily> She smiles..
<emily>-"Good boy!"</emily> She slowly climbs off of you..
<emily>-"I'll text Josh and see if we can arrange something.. I love you honey.."</emily> She gives you a kiss on the cheek..
<b>-"Y-yess..."</b> You can't even think straight.. Your own bully is going to be fucking your girlfriend.. What has your world come to..
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
<<set $openminded to $openminded +1>>
<mia>Open-minded +1!</mia>
[[Drive home->room]]
<<pageReplace "You should pick...">>\
<b>-"Y-you should pick baby..."</b> You want her to be as comfortable as possible..
<emily>-"Hehe alright.. Well I have someone in mind.. I met him during my studies.."</emily>
<emily>-"H-he's really hot!"</emily> She gets off of you and starts rubbing her ass against your cage...
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\105.webp" width="600px">
<b>-"F-fuck.. really?."</b> As she humps your caged cock harder, your eyes roll back..
<emily>-"Yess... He's so jacked too.."</emily> You can feel Emily getting wetter and wetter just thinking about him..
<b>-"F-fuck! I'm about to cum..."</b> You whimper.. Emily quickly pulls away..
<emily>-"Oh nonono! If you're caged, you're not allowed to cum!"</emily> She smiles and gives you a kiss on the forehead..
<b>-"N-no! P-pleasee...."</b>
<emily>-"Tell you what, if you're caged when we're having a threesome, I might let you cum.. I'm not saying how though.."</emily> She smiles..
<emily>-"Good boy!"</emily> She slowly climbs off of you..
<emily>-"I'll text him and see if we can arrange something.. I love you honey.."</emily> She gives you a kiss on the cheek..
<b>-"Y-yess..."</b> You can't even think straight.. A random guy is going to be fucking your girlfriend.. What has your world come to..
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
<<set $openminded to $openminded +1>>
<mia>Open-minded +1!</mia>
[[Drive home->room]]
<emily>-"Hehe you're turn!"</emily> She stands up, pushes you down on the bed and starts licking your cock through your underwear.. That shit is throbbing..
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\102.webp" width="600px">
<emily>-"Hehehe look at this little thing..."</emily> She giggles and kisses you..
<emily>-"Take those off..."</emily> She's showing you a lot more affection than you're used to.. Maybe it's because you agreed to open the relationship..? Oh.. About that...
<b>-"R-right.."</b> You pull down your underwear and reveal your hard cock..
<b>-"D-did you pick out someone you want to sleep with already..?"</b> She climbs on top you and sits down on your chest...
<emily>-"Well I want you to see my first time with someone else.."</emily> She kisses you..
<emily>-"So we're having a threesome! And I do have someone in mind.. But maybe you can offer someone better? He has to have a big dick though.."</emily>
<div id="choices">
<<if $tazedjosh !==true>>\
<<pageReplace "J-josh...">>\
<<set $emilythreesomejosh to true>>
<b>-"T-there's this Josh guy..."</b> You have no idea why your own bully came to mind but... You do think that he does have a huge dick...
<emily>-"Uuuu! Tell me more about him!"</emily> You tell her how he looks..
<emily>-"F-fuck he sounds hot!"</emily> She starts rubbing her clit against your cock..
<b>-"Mfggg..."</b> You take a hold of your shaft and start pleasuring her... You don't even dare to enter without her command..
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\104.webp" width="700px">
<emily>-"G-give me his number baby.."</emily> As you rub harder and harder she just writes down his number and starts typing something on her phone... She doesn't even seem to care that you're trying to please her..
<b>-"F-fuck! I'm about to cum..."</b> You whimper.. Emily finally puts down her phone..
<emily>-"Oh yeah.. I forgot to get you off haha, come here!"</emily> She jumps on you and starts humping you..
<emily>-"Cum for me baby.. Imagine me getting fucked by Josh and cum.."</emily> She bites your ear..
<b>-"MfgggFFfff..."</b> You moan as you shoot your load everywhere...
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\103.webp" width="700px">
<b>-"F-fuck!"</b> You scream as she continues to pleasure you...
<emily>-"Good boy!"</emily> She slowly climbs off of you..
<emily>-"I'll text Josh and see if we can arrange something.. I love you honey.."</emily> She gives you a kiss on the cheek..
<b>-"Y-yess..."</b> You can't even think straight.. Your own bully is going to be fucking your girlfriend.. What has your world come to..
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
<<set $openminded to $openminded +1>>
<mia>Open-minded +1!</mia>
[[Drive home->room]]
<<pageReplace "You should pick...">>\
<b>-"Y-you should pick baby..."</b> You want her to be as comfortable as possible..
<emily>-"Hehe alright.. Well I have someone in mind.. I met him during my studies.."</emily>
<emily>-"H-he's really hot!"</emily> She starts rubbing her clit against your cock..
<b>-"Mfggg..."</b> You take a hold of your shaft and start pleasuring her... You don't even dare to enter without her command..
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\104.webp" width="700px">
<emily>-"He's so fucking jacked too..."</emily> As you rub harder and harder she just takes out her phone and starts typing... She doesn't even seem to care that you're trying to please her.. Maybe she's texting that guy..?
<b>-"F-fuck! I'm about to cum..."</b> You whimper.. Emily finally puts down her phone..
<emily>-"Oh yeah.. I forgot to get you off haha, come here!"</emily> She jumps on you and starts humping you..
<emily>-"Cum for me baby.. Imagine me getting fucked by a big.. Muscular man and cum.."</emily> She bites your ear..
<b>-"MfgggFFfff..."</b> You moan as you shoot your load everywhere...
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\103.webp" width="700px">
<b>-"F-fuck!"</b> You scream as she continues to pleasure you...
<emily>-"Good boy!"</emily> She slowly climbs off of you..
<emily>-"I'll text him and see if we can arrange something.. I love you honey.."</emily> She gives you a kiss on the cheek..
<b>-"Y-yess..."</b> You can't even think straight.. A random guy is going to be fucking your girlfriend.. What has your world come to..
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
<<set $openminded to $openminded +1>>
<mia>Open-minded +1!</mia>
[[Drive home->room]]
<emily>-"F-fuck..."</emily> Emily moans as you're fucking her...
<b>-"Mfff... H-how are you feeling baby?"</b>
<emily>-"A lot.. B-better.. Now.. NfggffFFF..."</emily> She climbs on top of you and starts riding..
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\113.webp" width="700px">
<b>-"J-jeez honey! C-calm down!"</b>
<emily>-"Hehe no! I'm so.. F-fucking.. MfggGG... Dick hungry today!"</emily> As she's going up and down, you feel a surge of pleasure coming up your shaft.. You're about to cum..
<b>-"MffffFF take this!"</b> You push her to the side and start breeding her pile drive style..
<emily>-"AAAHhhHAHH FuCKKKK!!!!"</emily> She screams..
<<pageReplace"Cum inside">>\
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\112.webp" width="700px">
<b>-"RaaahHHHHH!!"</b> You cum inside of her, she shakes from pleasure and falls on her belly.. You slowly take out your dick..
<emily>-" <i>*Pant*</i> Oh my... <i>*Pant*</i>.. God..."</emily>
<b>-"That was fucking amazing.."</b> You whisper as you catch your breath.. After a couple of minutes, you go to the bathroom and take some tissues... You both clean up and begin talking..
<emily>-"I love you.."</emily> You give her a kiss..
<b>-"I love you too baby.."</b>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\111.webp" width="700px">
<emily>-"Are you still helping that principal guy?"</emily> She asks after you both exhange a second kiss..
<b>-"Y-yeah I am.."</b>
<emily>-"That guy seems so suspicious $name.. Be careful.."</emily>
<b>-"Mister Hudson? How do you know him?"</b>
<emily>-"I've heard a lot about him these past years.. Seems like a lot of people are scared of him, but they don't say why.."</emily>
<b>-"Huh.. Interesting.. He did seem pretty intimidating.."</b> After hours of talking, you decide that it's time to go home. You both hug and say your goodbyes.. After leaving, you start thinking..
<<if $talkedtoleyjalalreadythisisforemily is true>>\
<b>-"Maybe Leyja was right after all... I have to find out more.."</b>
<b>-"What an interesting individual.. A lot people seem to know him.. I wonder what he's hiding.."</b>
[[Get in your car->Go outside]]
<</if>>\<<if $time !==2>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<set $emilydays to $emilydays+1>>\
<<if $domstatus is false>>\
<<location "Images/Other/7363794952_56303ea0b0_b.webp" "At Emily's place">>\
Another evening, another date night with Emily. This time you're both laying in bed, watching a movie..
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\121.webp">
As you're watching the movie, you notice that Emily has been spending most of the time texting someone on her phone.
<b>-"Hey babe.. W-who ar you texting?"</b> You turn to her..
<emily>-"Haha wouldn't you like to know.."</emily> She turns to you and gives you a kiss on the cheek..
<<pageReplace"Persuade her">>\
<b>-"Come on... W-who is it Emily?"</b>
<emily>-"Alright alright.. It's our third wheel! For the threesome.. Remember?"</emily>
<b>-"Oh... W-who did you pick?"</b> As you're asking her she climbs on top of you..
<<if $emilythreesomejosh is true>>\
<emily>-"Hehe Josh obviously!</emily> She giggles and takes out her phone..
<emily>-"Just some random guy I found on tinder.."</emily> She giggles and takes out her phone..
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\123.webp">
You grab her ass while she lightly humps you..
<emily>-"Someones excited.."</emily>
<b>-"A bit.. Haha.."</b> You giggle as she goes into her gallery..
<emily>-"You want to see what we're going to be working with..?"</emily> She's asking you if you want to see his cock..
<<pageReplace "Sure...">>\
<b>-"S-sure baby..."</b> As the words leave your lips, Emily smirks and opens up a photo..
<emily>-"Hehe look.. We already exhanged photos.."</emily> She shows you the picture..
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\122.webp" height="600px">
<b>-"J-jeez.. T-that can't be real.."</b> You whimper..
<emily>-"It sure is honey.. Not everyone is as incompetent as you haha!"</emily>
<b>-"S-stop honey.."</b> You blush as emily gets off of you..
<emily>-"When we meet again be ready for a fun night.. Also don't wear that stupid cage.. It makes you look a girl! If you do, we'll have to treat you like one too!"</emily> She puts her phone back in her pocket..
<b>-"G-gosh.. I can't believe we're going through with it.."</b> You think to yourself as you lay down next to her and you both continue to watch the movie..
[[Finish the movie and go home->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace "I want it to be a surprise...">>\
<b>-"N-no.. Not really.. I want it to be a surprise you know.."</b>
<emily>-"Ahhh I see.. Well you'll definetely be surprised.. I'm sure of it.."</emily> She giggles as she climbs off of you..
<emily>-"When we meet again be ready for a fun night.. Also don't wear that stupid cage.. It makes you look a girl! If you do, we'll have to treat you like one too!"</emily> She puts her phone back in her pocket..
<b>-"G-gosh.. I can't believe we're going through with it.."</b> You think to yourself as you lay down next to her and you both continue to watch the movie..
[[Finish the movie and go home->Go outside]]
After a couple of hours of quality sex, you both lay down on the bed and start talking.
<emily>-"Oooff.. T-that was great baby..."</emily> She whispers into your ear as she kisses your neck..
<b>-"Ha... Y-yeah.. I had fun too.."</b>
<emily>-"Mfff.."</emily> She lets out a soft moan as she stops and lays on your chest..
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\2.webp">
<emily>-"Are you still working for that Hudson guy?"</emily>
<b>-"Y-yeah.. It's been pretty okay so far, to be honest with you.."</b>
<emily>-"Well I'm glad.. Just be careful please, as I said before h-he's a pretty scary guy.."</emily>
<b>-"Well enough about that, how are you doing..?"</b> You touch her cheek and hold eye contact..
<emily>-"Well.."</emily> She looks away..
<emily>-"I think I'm getting stalked again by those two guys.."</emily> She whispers..
<b>-"By the same two in suits??"</b>
<emily>-"Yeah.. This time they were outside of the apartment building though.."</emily>
<emily>-"Yeah... I saw them taking photos of the building and then driving off.. I don't think they saw me because I was looking out of the window.. It's definitely them though.. I remember their faces.."</emily> Emily seems to be.. Scared..
<b>-"Fuck.. Be careful baby, I can't protect you when I'm not with you.. Did you write down the plate number?"</b>
<emily>-"I didn't, but I remember it.. It was.. Uhm... IBU-273.. I think.."</emily> She whispers..
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\1.webp">
<b>-"Perfect... I'll find out who they are for you.."</b> You tell her as you stand up..
<emily>-"A-are you not going to spend the night?"</emily> She grabs your arm..
<<pageReplace"Not tonight">>\
<b>-"Not tonight baby.. I'm going to find out to who these plates belong to.."</b>
<emily>-"F-fine... B-but please don't do anything drastic.."</emily> You kiss her on the forehead and leave the room.. After closing the door and leaving the building, you enter your car..
<b>-"I can't believe they're still stalking her.. Who are they..?"</b> You start up the car..
<b>-"I have to search those numbers up when I get home.."</b>
<<set $searchupnumbers to true>>
[[Drive home->room]]
<</if>>\<<location "Images/Other/90704f8813eafd7f3744f6ff641bcee7.jpeg" "My room">>\
<<set $searchupnumbers to false>>\
You open up your laptop and type in "Free plate runner" into google.. After searching for a bit, you find a website!
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\3.webp" width="600px">
<b>-"Alright.. Now for the plate.. I think I remember it.."</b> You type in:
<<pageReplace "INU-275">>\
<b>-"INU-275.. I think.."</b> You type in the plate and...
<manager>This plate number does not exist, please enter a valid plate number!</manager>
<b>-"God damnit.. Let's try again.."</b>
<<pageReplace "IBU-273">>\
You sit there waiting, when a couple of second later, the site refreshes..
<manager>Public information of IBU-273</manager> It says at the top of page.. As you scroll down, you see a picture of the car..
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\4.webp" width="600px">
<b>-"Jeez.. Now that's a big car.. Imagine the fuel consumption on that thing.."</b> You think to yourself as you continue to scroll..
<manager>Purchased date: 2022-06-08</manager>
<manager>Purchase location: Din Bil Sverige AB, Stockholm</manager>
<manager>Owner: [ REDACTED ]</manager>
<manager>Payment provider: [ REDACTED ]</manager>
<manager>Insurance provider: [ REDACTED ]</manager>
<b>-"What the fuck.. Why are half of the things redacted.."</b> You try to scroll more but that's where the page ends..
<b>-"J-jeez.. I learnt almost nothing.."</b>
<b>-"I guess I'll have to find a person who can hack the site.. Or get the info somehow.."</b>
[[Close the laptop->Open the laptop]]
<<pageReplace "IVU-274">>\
<b>-"IVU-274.. I'm sure of it!"</b> You type in the plate and...
<manager>This plate number does not exist, please enter a valid plate number!
<b>-"Fuck me, I'm an idiot..."</b> One last try..
<manager>Searching... Searching... Searching.. Please wait..</manager>
You sit there waiting, when a couple of second later, the site refreshes..
<manager>Public information of IBU-273</manager> It says at the top of page.. As you scroll down, you see a picture of the car..
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\4.webp" width="600px">
<b>-"Jeez.. Now that's a big car.. Imagine the fuel consumption on that thing.."</b> You think to yourself as you continue to scroll..
<manager>Purchased date: 2022-06-08</manager>
<manager>Purchase location: Din Bil Sverige AB, Stockholm</manager>
<manager>Owner: [ REDACTED ]</manager>
<manager>Payment provider: [ REDACTED ]</manager>
<manager>Insurance provider: [ REDACTED ]</manager>
<b>-"What the fuck.. Why are half of the things redacted.."</b> You try to scroll more but that's where the page ends..
<b>-"J-jeez.. I learnt almost nothing.."</b>
<b>-"I guess I'll have to find a person who can hack the site.. Or get the info somehow.."</b>
[[Close the laptop->Open the laptop]]
<<pageReplace "IBU-273">>\
You sit there waiting, when a couple of second later, the site refreshes..
<manager>Public information of IBU-273</manager> It says at the top of page.. As you scroll down, you see a picture of the car..
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\4.webp" width="600px">
<b>-"Jeez.. Now that's a big car.. Imagine the fuel consumption on that thing.."</b> You think to yourself as you continue to scroll..
<manager>Purchased date: 2022-06-08</manager>
<manager>Purchase location: Din Bil Sverige AB, Stockholm</manager>
<manager>Owner: [ REDACTED ]</manager>
<manager>Payment provider: [ REDACTED ]</manager>
<manager>Insurance provider: [ REDACTED ]</manager>
<b>-"What the fuck.. Why are half of the things redacted.."</b> You try to scroll more but that's where the page ends..
<b>-"J-jeez.. I learnt almost nothing.."</b>
<b>-"I guess I'll have to find a person who can hack the site.. Or get the info somehow.."</b>
[[Close the laptop->Open the laptop]]
<<pageReplace "IVU-274">>\
<b>-"IVU-274.. I think.."</b> You type in the plate and...
<manager>This plate number does not exist, please enter a valid plate number!
<b>-"God damnit.. Let's try again.."</b>
<<pageReplace "IBU-273" t8n>>\
You sit there waiting, when a couple of second later, the site refreshes..
<manager>Public information of IBU-273</manager> It says at the top of page.. As you scroll down, you see a picture of the car..
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\4.webp" width="600px">
<b>-"Jeez.. Now that's a big car.. Imagine the fuel consumption on that thing.."</b> You think to yourself as you continue to scroll..
<manager>Purchased date: 2022-06-08</manager>
<manager>Purchase location: Din Bil Sverige AB, Stockholm</manager>
<manager>Owner: [ REDACTED ]</manager>
<manager>Payment provider: [ REDACTED ]</manager>
<manager>Insurance provider: [ REDACTED ]</manager>
<b>-"What the fuck.. Why are half of the things redacted.."</b> You try to scroll more but that's where the page ends..
<b>-"J-jeez.. I learnt almost nothing.."</b>
<b>-"I guess I'll have to find a person who can hack the site.. Or get the info somehow.."</b>
[[Close the laptop->Open the laptop]]
<<pageReplace "INU-275">>\
<b>-"INU-275.. I'm sure of it!"</b> You type in the plate and...
<manager>This plate number does not exist, please enter a valid plate number!
<b>-"Fuck me, I'm an idiot..."</b> One last try..
You sit there waiting, when a couple of second later, the site refreshes..
<manager>Public information of IBU-273</manager> It says at the top of page.. As you scroll down, you see a picture of the car..
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\4.webp" width="600px">
<b>-"Jeez.. Now that's a big car.. Imagine the fuel consumption on that thing.."</b> You think to yourself as you continue to scroll..
<manager>Purchased date: 2022-06-08</manager>
<manager>Purchase location: Din Bil Sverige AB, Stockholm</manager>
<manager>Owner: [ REDACTED ]</manager>
<manager>Payment provider: [ REDACTED ]</manager>
<manager>Insurance provider: [ REDACTED ]</manager>
<b>-"What the fuck.. Why are half of the things redacted.."</b> You try to scroll more but that's where the page ends..
<b>-"J-jeez.. I learnt almost nothing.."</b>
<b>-"I guess I'll have to find a person who can hack the site.. Or get the info somehow.."</b>
[[Close the laptop->Open the laptop]]
<</pageReplace>><<if $time !==2>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<set $emilydays to 14>>\
<<location "Images/Other/7363794952_56303ea0b0_b.webp" "At Emily's place">>\
<<if $domstatus is true>>
<emily>-"Hahaha, you're right, you're right."</emily> Emily laughs as you both eat your food. You arrived around 10 minutes ago, she made you some food and you sat down to eat.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\w4.webp">
<b>-"So, how are you studies going?"</b> You ask as you munch on some chicken breasts.
<emily>-"Pretty good! Got a 9 from critical theory, so I'm pretty happy!"</emily>
<b>-"That's great!"</b>
<emily>-"Sure is! But to be honest.. I have been feeling pretty lonely.."</emily>
<emily>-"Yeah... We meet up pretty rarely and I don't have a lot of friends."</emily> You see her expressions get tainted with pain as she holds eye contact.
<<pageReplace"Kiss her.">>\
<<set $emilyrelationship to $emilyrelationship +1>>\
<b>-"It's okay, you can always count on me to be here whenever you need me."</b> You lean in for a kiss.
<emily>-"Oh $name.. I know.."</emily> She smiles and leans in herself.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\w8.webp">
<emily>-"I love you..."</emily> She whispers as you kiss her neck.
<b>-"I love you too Emily.."</b> You feel her slowly get on her knees.
<emily>-"Mghh.. Come on big boy, unbuckle those pants.."</emily> You stroke her hair and slowly pull them down.
<emily>-"Fuck.. So big.."</emily> You watch Emily's eyes light up as she slowly starts to give you a blowjob.
<b>-"NghhHHhh.. Y-yesss..."</b>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\w7.webp">
<emily>-"Slurp.. I was thinkwing abwout twis.. Slurp.. A-all dway!"</emily> In the heat of the moment, you lean on the table, pushing the plates off of it.
<b>-"O-Oh!"</b> The plates shatter.
<emily>-"W-who cares! We'll clean it up later.."</emily> Emily smiles as she stands up.
<emily>-"More space for me anyways.."</emily> You see her slowly lay down on the now empty table.
<b>-"Hahaha.. I guess you're right.."</b>
<emily>-"Come on... I'm waiting for you to return the favor.."</emily> She spreads her legs.
<<pageReplace"Eat her out">>\
<b>-"Can't say no to that.."</b> You slowly bend down until you're eye level with her pefect second pair of lips.
<emily>-"Fuck.."</emily> She moans as your cold lips press up against her throbbing clit.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\w3.webp">
<b>-"MGhhhHhh.."</b> Her juices fill your mouth, flooding your brain with ecstasy..
<emily>-"S-shittTTtt! NgggfffFFF!"</emily> You watch her eyes roll back from pleasure as she tenses up.
<emily>-"I-Inside.."</emily> Emily mumbles.
<b>-"What?"</b> You ask inbetween strokes with your tongue.
<emily>-"Inside! P-put it inside please!"</emily> You nod and slowly straighten your back. You're cock is hard as it can be, time to put it to good use.
<b>-"God you're wet.."</b> You mumble as your cock slides against her outer lips.
<emily>-"I know.. You made me this way.."</emily> You hold eye contact as you slowly insert your rod inside.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\w6.webp">
<emily>-"S-shitTttTTTT!!!"</emily> Her screams echo in the kitchen.
<b>-"MghhHHh!"</b> You moan as her tight walls slowly close in on you.
<emily>-"R-right there! C-come on...!"</emily> You grab her left leg and raise it up a bit.
<b>-"I love you..!"</b> You start to speed up as you once again kiss her neck.
<emily>-"I.. I love you too babe!"</emily> Your souls connect as you feel like you're melting together.
<b>-"GghHHhhhh.."</b> Emily's eyes roll back as her body quivers from pleasure.. She's cumming.
<emily>-"UghHHhhHH.. Y-yesss... $name... YessSSsss!"</emily>
<<pageReplace"Meet her at the finish line.">>\
<b>-"S-shittTttt!"</b> You pull out your cock, ready to cum on her tits.
<emily>-"N-nooOoo! I-inside!"</emily> She screams as you stroke your cock.
<b>-"Y-you sure?!"</b>
<emily>-"YeshHHH!!"</emily> Her words take control of you..
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\w5.webp">
<b>-"O-oh shittTTTTT!"</b> You scream as you ejaculate inside of your girlfriend.
<emily>-"GhhHHHH!! F-fill me up!!!"</emily> You kiss once again as every stroke of your cock releases even more semen.
<emily>-"Godddddd..."</emily> You slowly pull your cock out, with it comes out a sea of fluids.
<b>-"Fuck me.."</b> You fall down on one of the chairs, completely exhausted. Emily is still on the table.
<emily>-"T-that was great honey.."</emily> She pants.
<b>-"It was.."</b> Both of you stay like that for a good 5 minutes. After regaining your composure, Emily decides to take a shower, while you clean all of the fluids and broken plates up.
<<pageReplace"Finish cleaning and meet her in the bedroom">>\
<b>-"Hooo.. I think I got everything."</b> You say as you enter the bedroom.
<emily>-"Thanks $name, gosh I'm exhausted."</emily> She's laying in her bed.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\w1.jpg">
<b>-"Hahaha, you gave an incredible performance, it's normal to be tired."</b> She giggles as you remember something.
<b>-"Oh.. Almost forgot, found out some information on that Johnathan guy."</b>
<emily>-"You did?"</emily> Her eyes widen as she sits up.
<b>-"Yeah, take a look at this."</b> You hand her the letter from your backpack as you lay down next to her.
<code>2022, October 11th.
To Johnathan Browey.
I hope this finds you well Browey, we have taken the necessary precautions to insure the event is accident and issue proof.
I'm sending you a list of the individuals effected. Like always, make sure that the media buys your story, don't want the cops on our tail as well.
Kind regards, William.
<ul class="footer">
<li> Taken:</li>
<ul class="footer">
<li>Morris Bernard.</li>
<li>Lizzie Riley.</li>
<ul class="footer">
<li>Leyja Chrisen. </li>
<li>Bonita Macias.</li>
<ul class="footer">
<li>Cole Williams. </li>
<li>Wilda Huang.</li>
<ul class="footer">
<li>Terrance Wood. </li>
<li>Marion Wood.</li>
<ul class="footer">
<li>Wilfred Branch.</li>
<li>Elisabeth Aguilar.</li>
<ul class="footer">
<li>Jonathan Bares.</li>
<li>Jenna Doe.</li>
<emily>-"Hmmm.."</emily> She reads it.
<emily>-"Taken? What do they mean by taken?"</emily>
<b>-"I.. I googled one of the names, apparently the ones marked with "Taken" were kidnapped.."</b> Emily's eyes grow wide.
<emily>-"K-k-kidnapped?! W-what do you mean?!"</emily> You explain to her what you read, how the people are taken for a couple of weeks, returned and don't remember anything.
<emily>-"Oh my god.."</emily> You see a tear rolling down her cheek.
<b>-"Hey hey hey!"</b> You start to stroke your hair.
<b>-"Calm down, even if it's true, I won't let anything happen to you!"</b>
<emily>-"W-why do they kidnap them.."</emily> She whispers as a shiver runs down her arms.
<b>-"I don't know. I have no idea why they would do that and then return them completely unscathed."</b> Emily suddenly hugs you.
<emily>-"P-promise me you'll protect me!"</emily>
<b>-"I promise.."</b> You stay with her, on the bed and in a hug for a good 10 minutes. After she got her fill, you told her to be careful and if something came up, to call you. After exchanging your goodbye's you left her apartment.
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
[[Drive to your place->room]]
<<set $emilyrelationship to $emilyrelationship -1>>\
<b>-"Come on honey, you know that I'm always one phone call away!"</b> You say as you finish eating.
<emily>-"Thanks $name.. I know.. Come here."</emily> She grabs your arm and leads you to the bedroom.
<emily>-"Let's cuddle, I'm so tired tonight."</emily> You both lay down on the bed.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\w1.jpg">
<b>-"Of course baby."</b> As you lay there, you remember something.
<b>-"Oh.. Almost forgot, found out some information on that Johnathan guy."</b>
<emily>-"You did?"</emily> Her eyes widen as she sits up.
<b>-"Yeah, take a look at this."</b> You hand her the letter from your backpack as you lay down next to her.
<code>2022, October 11th.
To Johnathan Browey.
I hope this finds you well Browey, we have taken the necessary precautions to insure the event is accident and issue proof.
I'm sending you a list of the individuals effected. Like always, make sure that the media buys your story, don't want the cops on our tail as well.
Kind regards, William.
<ul class="footer">
<li> Taken:</li>
<ul class="footer">
<li>Morris Bernard.</li>
<li>Lizzie Riley.</li>
<ul class="footer">
<li>Leyja Chrisen. </li>
<li>Bonita Macias.</li>
<ul class="footer">
<li>Cole Williams. </li>
<li>Wilda Huang.</li>
<ul class="footer">
<li>Terrance Wood. </li>
<li>Marion Wood.</li>
<ul class="footer">
<li>Wilfred Branch.</li>
<li>Elisabeth Aguilar.</li>
<ul class="footer">
<li>Jonathan Bares.</li>
<li>Jenna Doe.</li>
<emily>-"Hmmm.."</emily> She reads it.
<emily>-"Taken? What do they mean by taken?"</emily>
<b>-"I.. I googled one of the names, apparently the ones marked with "Taken" were kidnapped.."</b> Emily's eyes grow wide.
<emily>-"K-k-kidnapped?! W-what do you mean?!"</emily> You explain to her what you read, how the people are taken for a couple of weeks, returned and don't remember anything.
<emily>-"Oh my god.."</emily> You see a tear rolling down her cheek.
<b>-"Hey hey hey!"</b> You start to stroke your hair.
<b>-"Calm down, even if it's true, I won't let anything happen to you!"</b>
<emily>-"W-why do they kidnap them.."</emily> She whispers as a shiver runs down her arms.
<b>-"I don't know. I have no idea why they would do that and then return them completely unscathed."</b> Emily suddenly hugs you.
<emily>-"P-promise me you'll protect me!"</emily>
<b>-"I promise.."</b> You stay with her, on the bed and in a hug for a good 10 minutes. After she got her fill, you told her to be careful and if something came up, to call you. After exchanging your goodbye's you left her apartment.
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
[[Drive to your place->room]]
<<if $emilythreesomejosh ==true>>
<b>-"It's finally time.."</b> You gulp as you pull into the parking lot. You've talked about this a lot with Emily, but this whole thing is still pretty new.
<b>-"Josh should be there already, she said she's coming over at 17:00, it's 17:10 now.."</b> You try to calm yourself down as you exit the car.
<b>-"Ghhh.."</b> You climb the stairs up to the fourth floor, where you're finally faced with her door.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\x10.jpg">
<b>-"Right.. Let's hope this goes well.."</b> After fidgeting with your arms a bit, you decide to open the door.
<<pageReplace"Step inside">>
<emily>-"MGhhhhh.."</emily> As you step inside, a manly musk filled your nostrils. After taking off your shoes, you start hearing faint noises of someone kissing.
<b>-"E-emily! I'm here!"</b> You shout as your cock thumps a bit..
<emily>-"Aghh.. $name! Heyyy!"</emily> As you enter the living room, you see her.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\x1.jpg">
<blue>-"Hey bro!"</blue> Josh grins at you.
<b>-"H-hey Josh.."</b> You look down at the ground from embarrassment.
<blue>-"Can't believe you actually wanted me to act as your bull hahaha! You genuinly have a humiliation kink!"</blue> He starts to kiss your girlfriend again.
<emily>-"Hahaha, why? I never asked how you knew each other!"</emily> You take a seat nearby, watching them kiss.
<blue>-"I was this guys bully, oh and <<if $femjosh==true>>he sucked me off ghahahaha!<<else>>I fucked his sister ghahahaha!<</if>>"</blue>
<emily>-"Y-you did?! Oh you nasty man..."</emily> Josh slowly puts Emily down on the couch and climbs on top of her.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\x2.webp">
<emily>-"Ehehehe, do you like the view $name?"</emily> You blush from the question.
<<pageReplace"I do..">>\
<b>-"I.. I do Emily.."</b> You whisper.
<emily>-"Mghhh good, because you're going to see a lot more than this tonight.."</emily> Your little soldier gets a rush of blood as Emily pushes Josh away and climbs on top of him.
<blue>-"Hahaha, how fesity!"</blue> You watch him grab Emily's neck.
<emily>-"MghHhhh.. Show me that fucking thing.."</emily> She slowly unbuckles your pants as you begin to rub your crotch..
<emily>-"FuckkkkKKkk! SOOOOooo bigggg.."</emily> Emily quickly grabs his rod and starts to suck on it.
<b>-"It's huge.."</b> You mumble as you watch. You can't even compare, his shaft so that much bigger.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\x3.webp">
<emily>-"Gwosh I've waited.. Slurp.. Swo lwong for twis.."</emily> Her eyes roll back as she shoves the whole thing inside.
<blue>-"FuckkKK!!! Your bitch has some skills!"</blue> Josh screams as he grabs her air.
<b>-"Shit.. Everything is happening so quickly.."</b>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\x11.gif">
<emily>-"Well you're lwate! What dwid ywou expect?!"</emily> She asks as you continue to pleasure yourself while watching them.
<b>-"A-are you going to go all the way?"</b>
<blue>-"Ghaaa look at him! He can't wait!"</blue> He laughs as Emily stops for a second.
<emily>-"No... Not today, I'm on my period.. MghhH.."</emily> Josh stands up and Emily follows. After getting on her knees, she begins to suck him off again, right in front of you.
<emily>-"But swoon $name.. Slurp.. soown.."</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\x4.webp">
<b>-"God you're beautiful baby!"</b>
<emily>-"I know... Kweep watching!"</emily>
<b>-"S-shit.."</b> You feel like you're about to cum.
<emily>-"Dwon't bwe shy! Remove thwe underwear!"</emily> She tells you with a mouth full of cock.
<b>-"R-right.."</b> You're here to have fun as well! Why not remove them!
<<if $toys !==1>>\
<blue>-"Oof.. Unfortunate genetics my friend."</blue> Josh says as you reveal your cock.
<blue>-"Hahaha he's caged! What a loser!"</blue> Josh says as you reveal your cock.
<emily>-"H-hweyyy! D-dwon't make fun of him!"</emily> She slaps his thigh.
<b>-"..."</b> That was embarrassing..
<blue>-"S-shit! S-slow down!"</blue> You see Josh closes his eyes and grab Emily's hair.
<emily>-"MghHHhhhH!"</emily> She moans.
<<pageReplace"Watch him cum.">>\
<emily>-"Wuahhh!"</emily> Josh pulls out his cock from Emily's mouth and starts stroking it.
<b>-"Nghhh.."</b> You moan as you watch Josh unload on your girlfriend.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\x6.webp">
<emily>-"YeshhHHH!!"</emily> She screams as you get closer and closer to cumming yourself.
<emily>-"Sooo goooodd..."</emily> Emily starts licking up the semen.
<<if $toys==1>>\
<b>-"GhhhhHHhh.."</b> You try to hold in your moans as your cock throbs against it's cage. You're close to cumming, but it's not happening without external stimulation.
<blue>-"Ghahaha I feel bad for the guy, go help him out."</blue> Josh points at you.
<emily>-"MghhHhh.. B-but you're still hard.."</emily> She slowly strokes his cock.
<blue>-"It's alright babe, I'll take a shower, go and give him a show."</blue> Emily let's go as he begins walking towards the restroom.
<emily>-"D-did you like what you saw?"</emily> She grins as she crawls towards you.
<b>-"F-fuck.. I did.."</b>
<emily>-"Good... Now lay down, I need to cum too!"</emily> You listen to her instructions and lay down. She quickly climbs on top of you.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\x8.webp">
<emily>-"NghHHHhhH! Y-yeshHhhH!"</emily> She moans as you begin licking her drenched clit.
<emily>-"H-how is this little thing holding up, huh?"</emily> She giggles as you feel your cock being played with.
<b>-"UghHHHhhh.. I-I'm closee!"</b> You quiver in pleasure.
<emily>-"C-come on! MghhhHHh! H-hold on for a bit longer, I-I'm close too!"</emily> Emily starts to slowly grind your face.
<b>-"Shitt..."</b> The combination of eating her out and being played with at the same time is overpowering you... You're about to cum..
<emily>-"Y-yesss.. Yess.. YesSSSSS!!!"</emily> She screams as her whole body begins to shake..
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\x9.webp">
<b>-"NghHHHHH!!!"</b> You blow your load all over the living room.
<emily>-"ShitTTttt.. Y-you exploded.."</emily> She slowly gets off of you, leaving your face covered in her juices.
<b>-"Y-yeah.. God this was hot.."</b>
<emily>-"C-clean this up, I'm going to join Josh, I need to clean up as well..."</emily> She says inbetween pants.
<emily>-"We'll.. Pant.. Be right out.. Pant.."</emily>
<b>-"Right.."</b> You look around you, the floor is completely covered in fluids. After Emily walks off, you start to clean everything up.
<b>-"Oof.. Finally.."</b> You sit back down on the sofa. It took you about 10 minutes, but the room is clean.
<b>-"Where are they.."</b> You wonder as you notice that the sound of the shower is still there.
<b>-"E-emily?"</b> You knock on the restroom door.
<emily>-"Slurp.. Mhhhh.. $name! Y-you can gwo.. MghhH.. W-we're gwoing to be hwere a while!"</emily>
<blue>-"You heard her! I'm still hard, this is going to take a while!"</blue> You hear Josh's voice behind the door.
<emily>-"W-we'll twalk later!"</emily>
<b>-"R-right.."</b> You sigh. After picking up all of your stuff, you leave your girlfriend behind with another man and leave the apartment.
<b>-"God damnit.. Why did I agree to this.."</b> You think to yourself as you get inside of the car.
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<<set $openminded to $openminded +1>>\
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<mia>Open-minded +1!</mia>
[[Drive home with another boner->room]]
<blue>-"Gosh I love sluts like you.."</blue> He whispers.
<b>-"F-fuck fuck fuck nooOOOO!!"</b> You try to stop it from happening, but it's too late..
<b>-"NghHHHH!!"</b> You moan out of frustration as you ruin your orgasm accidently.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\x7.webp">\
<emily>-"Ghahaha! I can see that you enjoyed yourself too!"</emily> She smiles at you as you lay there, completely defeated.
<blue>-"Come on babe, let's get cleaned up."</blue> Josh gives a hand to Emily. After she stands up, you ask her a question.
<b>-"W-where are you guys going?"</b>
<emily>-"To the shower silly! We'll be right out!"</emily> She giggles as they both disappear into the restroom. After a couple of minutes, you hear the shower turn on and even more sucking sounds.
<b>-"S-shit.. I have to clean up.."</b> You look around you, the floor is completely covered in fluids. After cleaning everything up, you wait for them to come out.
<b>-"Where are they.."</b> You wonder as 10 minutes pass by.
<b>-"E-emily?"</b> You knock on the restroom door.
<emily>-"Slurp.. Mhhhh.. $name! Y-you can gwo.. MghhH.. W-we're gwoing to be hwere a while!"</emily>
<blue>-"You heard her! I'm still hard, this is going to take a while!"</blue> You hear Josh's voice behind the door.
<emily>-"W-we'll twalk later!"</emily>
<b>-"R-right.."</b> You sigh. After picking up all of your stuff, you leave your girlfriend behind with another man and leave the apartment.
<b>-"God damnit.. Why did I agree to this.."</b> You think to yourself as you get inside of the car.
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<<set $openminded to $openminded +1>>\
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<mia>Open-minded +1!</mia>
[[Drive home with another boner->room]]
<<pageReplace"I don't know..">>\
<b>-"I.. I don't know.."</b> You whisper.
<emily>-"Well, if you don't you can always leave."</emily> She scoffs at you.
<b>-"C-come on.."</b>
<emily>-"Ehehe I'm just joking.. Relax, enjoy the show. This is what both of us wanted."</emily> Your little soldier gets a rush of blood as Emily pushes Josh away and climbs on top of him.
<blue>-"Hahaha, how fesity!"</blue> You watch him grab Emily's neck.
<emily>-"MghHhhh.. Show me that fucking thing.."</emily> She slowly unbuckles your pants as you begin to rub your crotch..
<emily>-"FuckkkkKKkk! SOOOOooo bigggg.."</emily> Emily quickly grabs his rod and starts to suck on it.
<b>-"It's huge.."</b> You mumble as you watch. You can't even compare, his shaft so that much bigger.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\x3.webp">
<emily>-"Gwosh I've waited.. Slurp.. Swo lwong for twis.."</emily> Her eyes roll back as she shoves the whole thing inside.
<blue>-"FuckkKK!!! Your bitch has some skills!"</blue> Josh screams as he grabs her air.
<b>-"Shit.. Everything is happening so quickly.."</b>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\x11.gif">
<emily>-"Well you're lwate! What dwid ywou expect?!"</emily> She asks as you continue to pleasure yourself while watching them.
<b>-"A-are you going to go all the way?"</b>
<blue>-"Ghaaa look at him! He can't wait!"</blue> He laughs as Emily stops for a second.
<emily>-"No... Not today, I'm on my period.. MghhH.."</emily> Josh stands up and Emily follows. After getting on her knees, she begins to suck him off again, right in front of you.
<emily>-"But swoon $name.. Slurp.. soown.."</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\x4.webp">
<b>-"God you're beautiful baby!"</b>
<emily>-"I know... Kweep watching!"</emily>
<b>-"S-shit.."</b> You feel like you're about to cum.
<emily>-"Dwon't bwe shy! Remove thwe underwear!"</emily> She tells you with a mouth full of cock.
<b>-"R-right.."</b> You're here to have fun as well! Why not remove them!
<<if $toys !==1>>\
<blue>-"Oof.. Unfortunate genetics my friend."</blue> Josh says as you reveal your cock.
<blue>-"Hahaha he's caged! What a loser!"</blue> Josh says as you reveal your cock.
<emily>-"H-hweyyy! D-dwon't make fun of him!"</emily> She slaps his thigh.
<b>-"..."</b> That was embarrassing..
<blue>-"S-shit! S-slow down!"</blue> You see Josh closes his eyes and grab Emily's hair.
<emily>-"MghHHhhhH!"</emily> She moans.
<<pageReplace"Watch him cum.">>\
<emily>-"Wuahhh!"</emily> Josh pulls out his cock from Emily's mouth and starts stroking it.
<b>-"Nghhh.."</b> You moan as you watch Josh unload on your girlfriend.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\x6.webp">
<emily>-"YeshhHHH!!"</emily> She screams as you get closer and closer to cumming yourself.
<emily>-"Sooo goooodd..."</emily> Emily starts licking up the semen.
<<if $toys==1>>\
<b>-"GhhhhHHhh.."</b> You try to hold in your moans as your cock throbs against it's cage. You're close to cumming, but it's not happening without external stimulation.
<blue>-"Ghahaha I feel bad for the guy, go help him out."</blue> Josh points at you.
<emily>-"MghhHhh.. B-but you're still hard.."</emily> She slowly strokes his cock.
<blue>-"It's alright babe, I'll take a shower, go and give him a show."</blue> Emily let's go as he begins walking towards the restroom.
<emily>-"D-did you like what you saw?"</emily> She grins as she crawls towards you.
<b>-"F-fuck.. I did.."</b>
<emily>-"Good... Now lay down, I need to cum too!"</emily> You listen to her instructions and lay down. She quickly climbs on top of you.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\x8.webp">
<emily>-"NghHHHhhH! Y-yeshHhhH!"</emily> She moans as you begin licking her drenched clit.
<emily>-"H-how is this little thing holding up, huh?"</emily> She giggles as you feel your cock being played with.
<b>-"UghHHHhhh.. I-I'm closee!"</b> You quiver in pleasure.
<emily>-"C-come on! MghhhHHh! H-hold on for a bit longer, I-I'm close too!"</emily> Emily starts to slowly grind your face.
<b>-"Shitt..."</b> The combination of eating her out and being played with at the same time is overpowering you... You're about to cum..
<emily>-"Y-yesss.. Yess.. YesSSSSS!!!"</emily> She screams as her whole body begins to shake..
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\x9.webp">
<b>-"NghHHHHH!!!"</b> You blow your load all over the living room.
<emily>-"ShitTTttt.. Y-you exploded.."</emily> She slowly gets off of you, leaving your face covered in her juices.
<b>-"Y-yeah.. God this was hot.."</b>
<emily>-"C-clean this up, I'm going to join Josh, I need to clean up as well..."</emily> She says inbetween pants.
<emily>-"We'll.. Pant.. Be right out.. Pant.."</emily>
<b>-"Right.."</b> You look around you, the floor is completely covered in fluids. After Emily walks off, you start to clean everything up.
<b>-"Oof.. Finally.."</b> You sit back down on the sofa. It took you about 10 minutes, but the room is clean.
<b>-"Where are they.."</b> You wonder as you notice that the sound of the shower is still there.
<b>-"E-emily?"</b> You knock on the restroom door.
<emily>-"Slurp.. Mhhhh.. $name! Y-you can gwo.. MghhH.. W-we're gwoing to be hwere a while!"</emily>
<blue>-"You heard her! I'm still hard, this is going to take a while!"</blue> You hear Josh's voice behind the door.
<emily>-"W-we'll twalk later!"</emily>
<b>-"R-right.."</b> You sigh. After picking up all of your stuff, you leave your girlfriend behind with another man and leave the apartment.
<b>-"God damnit.. Why did I agree to this.."</b> You think to yourself as you get inside of the car.
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<<set $openminded to $openminded +1>>\
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<mia>Open-minded +1!</mia>
[[Drive home with another boner->room]]
<blue>-"Gosh I love sluts like you.."</blue> He whispers.
<b>-"F-fuck fuck fuck nooOOOO!!"</b> You try to stop it from happening, but it's too late..
<b>-"NghHHHH!!"</b> You moan out of frustration as you ruin your orgasm accidently.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\x7.webp">\
<emily>-"Ghahaha! I can see that you enjoyed yourself too!"</emily> She smiles at you as you lay there, completely defeated.
<blue>-"Come on babe, let's get cleaned up."</blue> Josh gives a hand to Emily. After she stands up, you ask her a question.
<b>-"W-where are you guys going?"</b>
<emily>-"To the shower silly! We'll be right out!"</emily> She giggles as they both disappear into the restroom. After a couple of minutes, you hear the shower turn on and even more sucking sounds.
<b>-"S-shit.. I have to clean up.."</b> You look around you, the floor is completely covered in fluids. After cleaning everything up, you wait for them to come out.
<b>-"Where are they.."</b> You wonder as 10 minutes pass by.
<b>-"E-emily?"</b> You knock on the restroom door.
<emily>-"Slurp.. Mhhhh.. $name! Y-you can gwo.. MghhH.. W-we're gwoing to be hwere a while!"</emily>
<blue>-"You heard her! I'm still hard, this is going to take a while!"</blue> You hear Josh's voice behind the door.
<emily>-"W-we'll twalk later!"</emily>
<b>-"R-right.."</b> You sigh. After picking up all of your stuff, you leave your girlfriend behind with another man and leave the apartment.
<b>-"God damnit.. Why did I agree to this.."</b> You think to yourself as you get inside of the car.
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<<set $openminded to $openminded +1>>\
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<mia>Open-minded +1!</mia>
[[Drive home with another boner->room]]
<b>-"It's finally time.."</b> You gulp as you pull into the parking lot. You've talked about this a lot with Emily, but this whole thing is still pretty new.
<b>-"Her date should be there already, she said she's coming over at 17:00, it's 17:10 now.."</b> You try to calm yourself down as you exit the car.
<b>-"Ghhh.."</b> You climb the stairs up to the fourth floor, where you're finally faced with her door.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\x10.jpg">
<b>-"Right.. Let's hope this goes well.."</b> After fidgeting with your arms a bit, you decide to open the door.
<<pageReplace"Step inside">>
<emily>-"MGhhhhh.."</emily> As you step inside, a manly musk filled your nostrils. After taking off your shoes, you start hearing faint noises of someone kissing.
<b>-"E-emily! I'm here!"</b> You shout as your cock thumps a bit..
<emily>-"Aghh.. $name! Heyyy!"</emily> As you enter the living room, you see her.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\x1.jpg">
<blue>-"Hey bro!"</blue> A huge man grins at you. He's around 6'5, 250 pounds. You gulp just at the sigh of him.
<b>-"H-hey.."</b> You look down at the ground from embarrassment.
<blue>-"No need to be embarrassed, I'm a bull for a lot of couples!"</blue>
<emily>-"H-he is! We talked about it before you got here!"</emily>
<blue>-"I'm Matthew by the way."</blue> He says as he slowly puts down your girlfriend on the sofa.
<b>-"$name, nice to meet you..."</b> You sit down on a chair that's facing them.
<blue>-"Relax man, this whole thing is going to be a lot more fun than you think!"</blue> Matthew smiles and begins to climb on Emily.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\x2.webp">
<emily>-"Ehehehe, do you like the view $name?"</emily> You blush from the question.
<<pageReplace"I do..">>\
<b>-"I.. I do Emily.."</b> You whisper.
<emily>-"Mghhh good, because you're going to see a lot more than this tonight.."</emily> Your little soldier gets a rush of blood as Emily pushes Matthew away and climbs on top of him.
<blue>-"Hahaha, how fesity!"</blue> You watch him grab Emily's neck.
<emily>-"MghHhhh.. Show me that fucking thing.."</emily> She slowly unbuckles your pants as you begin to rub your crotch..
<emily>-"FuckkkkKKkk! SOOOOooo bigggg.."</emily> Emily quickly grabs his rod and starts to suck on it.
<b>-"It's huge.."</b> You mumble as you watch. You can't even compare, his shaft so that much bigger.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\x3.webp">
<emily>-"Gwosh I've waited.. Slurp.. Swo lwong for twis.."</emily> Her eyes roll back as she shoves the whole thing inside.
<blue>-"FuckkKK!!! Your chick has some skills!"</blue> Matthew screams as he grabs her air.
<b>-"Shit.. Everything is happening so quickly.."</b>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\x11.gif">
<emily>-"Well you're lwate! What dwid ywou expect?!"</emily> She asks as you continue to pleasure yourself while watching them.
<b>-"A-are you going to go all the way?"</b>
<blue>-"Ghaaa not yet!"</blue> He laughs as Emily stops for a second.
<emily>-"No... Not today, I'm on my period.. MghhH.."</emily> Matthew stands up and Emily follows. After getting on her knees, she begins to suck him off again, right in front of you.
<emily>-"But swoon $name.. Slurp.. soown.."</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\x4.webp">
<b>-"God you're beautiful baby!"</b>
<emily>-"I know... Kweep watching!"</emily>
<b>-"S-shit.."</b> You feel like you're about to cum.
<emily>-"Dwon't bwe shy! Remove thwe underwear!"</emily> She tells you with a mouth full of cock.
<b>-"R-right.."</b> You're here to have fun as well! Why not remove them!
<<if $toys !==1>>\
<blue>-"Ooh.. You aren't small yourself!"</blue> Matthew smiles at you, trying to lighten the mood and make you relax.
<blue>-"Oh you're caged? More power to you, a lot of the couples I work with do that!"</blue> Matthew smiles at you, trying to lighten the mood and make you relax.
<emily>-"That's right!"</emily> She smiles at you as well.
<b>-"Hahaha I guess.."</b> He's nice, but this is still pretty embarrassing..
<blue>-"S-shit! S-slow down!"</blue> You see Matthew closes his eyes and grab Emily's hair.
<emily>-"MghHHhhhH!"</emily> She moans.
<<pageReplace"Watch him cum.">>\
<emily>-"Wuahhh!"</emily> Matthew pulls out his cock from Emily's mouth and starts stroking it.
<b>-"Nghhh.."</b> You moan as you watch Matthew unload on your girlfriend.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\x6.webp">
<emily>-"YeshhHHH!!"</emily> She screams as you get closer and closer to cumming yourself.
<emily>-"Sooo goooodd..."</emily> Emily starts licking up the semen.
<<if $toys==1>>\
<b>-"GhhhhHHhh.."</b> You try to hold in your moans as your cock throbs against it's cage. You're close to cumming, but it's not happening without external stimulation.
<blue>-"I'm all out of juice, go help him out."</blue> Matthew points at you.
<emily>-"MghhHhh.. B-but you're still hard.."</emily> She slowly strokes his cock.
<blue>-"It's alright babe, I'll take a shower, go and give him a show."</blue> Emily let's go as he begins walking towards the restroom.
<emily>-"D-did you like what you saw?"</emily> She grins as she crawls towards you.
<b>-"F-fuck.. I did.."</b>
<emily>-"Good... Now lay down, I need to cum too!"</emily> You listen to her instructions and lay down. She quickly climbs on top of you.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\x8.webp">
<emily>-"NghHHHhhH! Y-yeshHhhH!"</emily> She moans as you begin licking her drenched clit.
<emily>-"H-how is this little thing holding up, huh?"</emily> She giggles as you feel your cock being played with.
<b>-"UghHHHhhh.. I-I'm closee!"</b> You quiver in pleasure.
<emily>-"C-come on! MghhhHHh! H-hold on for a bit longer, I-I'm close too!"</emily> Emily starts to slowly grind your face.
<b>-"Shitt..."</b> The combination of eating her out and being played with at the same time is overpowering you... You're about to cum..
<emily>-"Y-yesss.. Yess.. YesSSSSS!!!"</emily> She screams as her whole body begins to shake..
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\x9.webp">
<b>-"NghHHHHH!!!"</b> You blow your load all over the living room.
<emily>-"ShitTTttt.. Y-you exploded.."</emily> She slowly gets off of you, leaving your face covered in her juices.
<b>-"Y-yeah.. God this was hot.."</b>
<emily>-"C-clean this up, I'm going to join Matthew, I need to clean up as well..."</emily> She says inbetween pants.
<emily>-"We'll.. Pant.. Be right out.. Pant.."</emily>
<b>-"Right.."</b> You look around you, the floor is completely covered in fluids. After Emily walks off, you start to clean everything up.
<b>-"Oof.. Finally.."</b> You sit back down on the sofa. It took you about 10 minutes, but the room is clean.
<b>-"Where are they.."</b> You wonder as you notice that the sound of the shower is still there.
<b>-"E-emily?"</b> You knock on the restroom door.
<emily>-"Slurp.. Mhhhh.. $name! Y-you can gwo.. MghhH.. W-we're gwoing to be hwere a while!"</emily>
<blue>-"You heard her! I'm still hard, this is going to take a while! You can leave her with me, she's in good hands!"</blue> You hear Matthew's voice behind the door.
<emily>-"W-we'll twalk later!"</emily>
<b>-"R-right.."</b> You sigh. After picking up all of your stuff, you leave your girlfriend behind with another man and leave the apartment.
<b>-"God damnit.. Why did I agree to this.."</b> You think to yourself as you get inside of the car.
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<<set $openminded to $openminded +1>>\
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<mia>Open-minded +1!</mia>
[[Drive home with another boner->room]]
<blue>-"Gosh I love bimbos like you.."</blue> He whispers.
<b>-"F-fuck fuck fuck nooOOOO!!"</b> You try to stop it from happening, but it's too late..
<b>-"NghHHHH!!"</b> You moan out of frustration as you ruin your orgasm accidently.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\x7.webp">\
<emily>-"Ghahaha! I can see that you enjoyed yourself too!"</emily> She smiles at you as you lay there, completely defeated.
<blue>-"Come on Emily, let's get cleaned up."</blue> Matthew gives a hand to Emily. After she stands up, you ask her a question.
<b>-"W-where are you guys going?"</b>
<emily>-"To the shower silly! We'll be right out!"</emily> She giggles as they both disappear into the restroom. After a couple of minutes, you hear the shower turn on and even more sucking sounds.
<b>-"S-shit.. I have to clean up.."</b> You look around you, the floor is completely covered in fluids. After cleaning everything up, you wait for them to come out.
<b>-"Where are they.."</b> You wonder as 10 minutes pass by.
<b>-"E-emily?"</b> You knock on the restroom door.
<emily>-"Slurp.. Mhhhh.. $name! Y-you can gwo.. MghhH.. W-we're gwoing to be hwere a while!"</emily>
<blue>-"You heard her! I'm still hard, this is going to take a while! You can leave her with me, she's in good hands!"</blue> You hear Matthew's voice behind the door.
<emily>-"W-we'll twalk later!"</emily>
<b>-"R-right.."</b> You sigh. After picking up all of your stuff, you leave your girlfriend behind with another man and leave the apartment.
<b>-"God damnit.. Why did I agree to this.."</b> You think to yourself as you get inside of the car.
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<<set $openminded to $openminded +1>>\
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<mia>Open-minded +1!</mia>
[[Drive home with another boner->room]]
<<pageReplace"I don't know..">>\
<b>-"I.. I don't know.."</b> You whisper.
<emily>-"Well, if you don't you can always leave."</emily> She scoffs at you.
<b>-"C-come on.."</b>
<emily>-"Ehehe I'm just joking.. Relax, enjoy the show. This is what both of us wanted."</emily> Your little soldier gets a rush of blood as Emily pushes Matthew away and climbs on top of him.
<blue>-"Hahaha, how fesity!"</blue> You watch him grab Emily's neck.
<emily>-"MghHhhh.. Show me that fucking thing.."</emily> She slowly unbuckles your pants as you begin to rub your crotch..
<emily>-"FuckkkkKKkk! SOOOOooo bigggg.."</emily> Emily quickly grabs his rod and starts to suck on it.
<b>-"It's huge.."</b> You mumble as you watch. You can't even compare, his shaft so that much bigger.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\x3.webp">
<emily>-"Gwosh I've waited.. Slurp.. Swo lwong for twis.."</emily> Her eyes roll back as she shoves the whole thing inside.
<blue>-"FuckkKK!!! Your chick has some skills!"</blue> Matthew screams as he grabs her air.
<b>-"Shit.. Everything is happening so quickly.."</b>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\x11.gif">
<emily>-"Well you're lwate! What dwid ywou expect?!"</emily> She asks as you continue to pleasure yourself while watching them.
<b>-"A-are you going to go all the way?"</b>
<blue>-"Ghaaa not today!"</blue> He laughs as Emily stops for a second.
<emily>-"No... Not today, I'm on my period.. MghhH.."</emily> Matthew stands up and Emily follows. After getting on her knees, she begins to suck him off again, right in front of you.
<emily>-"But swoon $name.. Slurp.. soown.."</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\x4.webp">
<b>-"God you're beautiful baby!"</b>
<emily>-"I know... Kweep watching!"</emily>
<b>-"S-shit.."</b> You feel like you're about to cum.
<emily>-"Dwon't bwe shy! Remove thwe underwear!"</emily> She tells you with a mouth full of cock.
<b>-"R-right.."</b> You're here to have fun as well! Why not remove them!
<<if $toys !==1>>\
<blue>-"Oh! You're not that small yourself!"</blue> Matthew smiles, trying to lighten the mood and make you relax.
<blue>-"Oh you're caged! A lot of couples I work with do that!"</blue> Matthew smiles, trying to lighten the mood and make you relax.
<emily>-"Hehehe that's right!"</emily> Emily smiles as well.
<b>-"Haaa.. Thanks.."</b> He was nice, but it's still embarrassing..
<blue>-"S-shit! S-slow down!"</blue> You see Matthew closes his eyes and grab Emily's hair.
<emily>-"MghHHhhhH!"</emily> She moans.
<<pageReplace"Watch him cum.">>\
<emily>-"Wuahhh!"</emily> Matthew pulls out his cock from Emily's mouth and starts stroking it.
<b>-"Nghhh.."</b> You moan as you watch Matthew unload on your girlfriend.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\x6.webp">
<emily>-"YeshhHHH!!"</emily> She screams as you get closer and closer to cumming yourself.
<emily>-"Sooo goooodd..."</emily> Emily starts licking up the semen.
<<if $toys==1>>\
<b>-"GhhhhHHhh.."</b> You try to hold in your moans as your cock throbs against it's cage. You're close to cumming, but it's not happening without external stimulation.
<blue>-"Ghaaaa I'm out of juice.. Go help your hubby out!"</blue> Matthew points at you.
<emily>-"MghhHhh.. B-but you're still hard.."</emily> She slowly strokes his cock.
<blue>-"It's alright babe, I'll take a shower, go and give him a show."</blue> Emily let's go as he begins walking towards the restroom.
<emily>-"D-did you like what you saw?"</emily> She grins as she crawls towards you.
<b>-"F-fuck.. I did.."</b>
<emily>-"Good... Now lay down, I need to cum too!"</emily> You listen to her instructions and lay down. She quickly climbs on top of you.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\x8.webp">
<emily>-"NghHHHhhH! Y-yeshHhhH!"</emily> She moans as you begin licking her drenched clit.
<emily>-"H-how is this little thing holding up, huh?"</emily> She giggles as you feel your cock being played with.
<b>-"UghHHHhhh.. I-I'm closee!"</b> You quiver in pleasure.
<emily>-"C-come on! MghhhHHh! H-hold on for a bit longer, I-I'm close too!"</emily> Emily starts to slowly grind your face.
<b>-"Shitt..."</b> The combination of eating her out and being played with at the same time is overpowering you... You're about to cum..
<emily>-"Y-yesss.. Yess.. YesSSSSS!!!"</emily> She screams as her whole body begins to shake..
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\x9.webp">
<b>-"NghHHHHH!!!"</b> You blow your load all over the living room.
<emily>-"ShitTTttt.. Y-you exploded.."</emily> She slowly gets off of you, leaving your face covered in her juices.
<b>-"Y-yeah.. God this was hot.."</b>
<emily>-"C-clean this up, I'm going to join Matthew, I need to clean up as well..."</emily> She says inbetween pants.
<emily>-"We'll.. Pant.. Be right out.. Pant.."</emily>
<b>-"Right.."</b> You look around you, the floor is completely covered in fluids. After Emily walks off, you start to clean everything up.
<b>-"Oof.. Finally.."</b> You sit back down on the sofa. It took you about 10 minutes, but the room is clean.
<b>-"Where are they.."</b> You wonder as you notice that the sound of the shower is still there.
<b>-"E-emily?"</b> You knock on the restroom door.
<emily>-"Slurp.. Mhhhh.. $name! Y-you can gwo.. MghhH.. W-we're gwoing to be hwere a while!"</emily>
<blue>-"You heard her! I'm still hard, this is going to take a while! You can leave her with me, she's in good hands!"</blue> You hear Matthew's voice behind the door.
<emily>-"W-we'll twalk later!"</emily>
<b>-"R-right.."</b> You sigh. After picking up all of your stuff, you leave your girlfriend behind with another man and leave the apartment.
<b>-"God damnit.. Why did I agree to this.."</b> You think to yourself as you get inside of the car.
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<<set $openminded to $openminded +1>>\
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<mia>Open-minded +1!</mia>
[[Drive home with another boner->room]]
<blue>-"Gosh I love bimbos like you.."</blue> He whispers.
<b>-"F-fuck fuck fuck nooOOOO!!"</b> You try to stop it from happening, but it's too late..
<b>-"NghHHHH!!"</b> You moan out of frustration as you ruin your orgasm accidently.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\x7.webp">\
<emily>-"Ghahaha! I can see that you enjoyed yourself too!"</emily> She smiles at you as you lay there, completely defeated.
<blue>-"Come on babe, let's get cleaned up."</blue> Matthew gives a hand to Emily. After she stands up, you ask her a question.
<b>-"W-where are you guys going?"</b>
<emily>-"To the shower silly! We'll be right out!"</emily> She giggles as they both disappear into the restroom. After a couple of minutes, you hear the shower turn on and even more sucking sounds.
<b>-"S-shit.. I have to clean up.."</b> You look around you, the floor is completely covered in fluids. After cleaning everything up, you wait for them to come out.
<b>-"Where are they.."</b> You wonder as 10 minutes pass by.
<b>-"E-emily?"</b> You knock on the restroom door.
<emily>-"Slurp.. Mhhhh.. $name! Y-you can gwo.. MghhH.. W-we're gwoing to be hwere a while!"</emily>
<blue>-"You heard her! I'm still hard, this is going to take a while! You can leave her with me, she's in good hands!"</blue> You hear Matthew's voice behind the door.
<emily>-"W-we'll twalk later!"</emily>
<b>-"R-right.."</b> You sigh. After picking up all of your stuff, you leave your girlfriend behind with another man and leave the apartment.
<b>-"God damnit.. Why did I agree to this.."</b> You think to yourself as you get inside of the car.
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<<set $openminded to $openminded +1>>\
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<mia>Open-minded +1!</mia>
[[Drive home with another boner->room]]
<</if>><<if $time !==2>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<set $emilydays to 16>>\
<<location "Images/Other/7363794952_56303ea0b0_b.webp" "At Emily's place">>\
<<if $domstatus is true>>
<b>-"Ooof.."</b> You let out a sigh as you lay down.
<emily>-"T-that.. Was great.."</emily> She whispers while panting.
<b>-"I love you Emily."</b>
<emily>-"I love you too pookie."</emily> You face each other.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\g1.png">
<emily>-"Oh I forgot to tell you!"</emily> You watch her face light up.
<emily>-"We've been pretty stressed lately, with the whole stalking and kidnapping thing.."</emily> Before she can continue, you interrupt her.
<b>-"Oh yeah, I forgot to ask, have you seen the men lately?"</b> The moment you met you were taken away by feeling of passion and lust, you feel pretty bad about not asking.
<emily>-"Not really, no. I'm a lot more careful now, always hang out with my girlfriends."</emily> Emily smiles.
<b>-"That's good to hear, as I said, if anything happens, you call me."</b> She nods and gives you a kiss on the cheek.
<<pageReplace"Keep talking">>\
<emily>-"So, as I said, I figured out a way for us to relax a little!"</emily>
<b>-"Oh really? How?"</b>
<emily>-"We're going to the beach!"</emily> You see her grin.
<b>-"The beach? It's like 300 kilometers away, what are you talking about?"</b> You chuckle from the absurdity.
<emily>-"So what?! Come onnnn! It's like a 3 hour trip!"</emily> She rolls on her stomach.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\g2.jpeg">
<emily>-"We both would take the Saturday off, no work, no studies, no responsibilities."</emily>
<emily>-"We would leave early in the morning and return in the evening."</emily>
<b>-"Hmmmm.. I.. I don't know."</b>
<emily>-"Come onnnn!! How often do we go out huh? This could be an incredible experience!"</emily>
<<pageReplace"I'm down!">>
<<set $emilyrelationship to $emilyrelationship +1>>\
<<set $goestothebeachwithemily to true>>\
<b>-"To be honest, I have been feeling pretty on edge lately... Let's take a break."</b> You smile as Emily gives you yet another smootch.
<emily>-"YayyYYYYyyyYY!!!"</emily> She screams.
<emily>-"I'll text you first thing Saturday morning then, be ready!!"</emily>
<b>-"Right. So what are we bringing? Some towels, underwear, water.. What else?"</b>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\g3.png">
<emily>-"Don't forget the condoms.."</emily> Emily teases you.
<b>-"Haha I never do!"</b> You begin kissing her neck passionately as she slowly starts to grind your left leg. It's going to be a long evening..
[[Have sex once again and drive home->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"I don't want to.">>
<<set $emilyrelationship to $emilyrelationship -1>>\
<<set $goestothebeachwithemily to false>>\
<b>-"To be honest, I just really don't feel like going.."</b> You see the smile fade off of Emily's face.
<emily>-"Sigh.. Really?"</emily> She frowns.
<b>-"Yeah.. Don't be mad, I'll take you out some other time!"</b>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\g3.png">
<emily>-"Fine, I'll take you up on that.."</emily>
<b>-"..."</b> You sigh and place your head on the pillow. After a couple of hours of cuddling and talking, you decide to head home.
[[Head home->Go outside]]
<b>-"Ooof.."</b> You let out a sigh as you lay down.
<emily>-"T-that.. Was great.."</emily> She whispers while panting. You just ate her out.
<b>-"I-I love you Emily."</b> You whimper.
<emily>-"Hehe.. I love you too pookie."</emily> You face each other.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\g1.png">
<emily>-"Oh I forgot to tell you.."</emily> You watch her face light up.
<emily>-"I have some great news! <<if $emilythreesomejosh==true>>Josh<<else>>The tinder date that fucked me<</if>> told me about this nice private beach not far from here!"</emily>
<b>-"A-a private beach?"</b> You stutter over yourself while remembering your last date.
<emily>-"Yup! It's pretty far from here, but it's realyyyyy nice! I checked it out on google!"</emily> Emily smiles.
<<pageReplace"Keep talking">>\
<emily>-"So, I was thinking.. Maybe we should go?"</emily>
<b>-"Huh? What do you mean? Like right now?"</b>
<emily>-"Of course not you dummy!"</emily> She giggles.
<emily>-"Maybe on a Saturday when we're both free or something!"</emily> Emily smiles.
<b>-"Where is it at exactly?"</b>
<emily>-"Uhmmm Boviksvagen? Or something like that. He gave me the address I have it written down."</emily> She rolls on her stomach.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\g2.jpeg">
<b>-"Boviksvagen??? That's 300 kilometers away!"</b> Your eyes grow wide.
<emily>-"So what? We both would take the Saturday off, no work, no studies, no responsibilities."</emily>
<emily>-"We would leave early in the morning and return in the evening."</emily>
<b>-"Hmmmm.. I.. I don't know."</b>
<emily>-"Come onnnn!! How often do we go out huh? This could be an incredible experience!"</emily>
<<pageReplace"I'm down!">>
<<set $goestothebeachwithemily to true>>\
<b>-"Sure honey, if you really want to, we can go."</b> You smile as Emily gives you a smootch.
<emily>-"Hehe I knew you would agree!"</emily>
<emily>-"I'll text you first thing Saturday morning then, be ready!!"</emily>
<b>-"Right. So what are we bringing? Some towels, underwear, water.. What else?"</b>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\g3.png">
<emily>-"I'll take some lube with me.. <<if $emilythreesomejosh==true>>Josh <<else>>The tinder guy <</if>>is coming with us"</emily> Emily licks her lips.
<b>-"Wait what?"</b>
<emily>-"Yeah! It's his airbnb, we're going to stay free of charge if we need too!"</emily>
<emily>-"I will have to pay him another way however.."</emily> She giggles.
<b>-"Of course.."</b> You awkwardly laugh as you both lay back down and begin cuddling. After a couple of hours, you're ready to come back home.
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"I don't want to.">>
<<set $goestothebeachwithemily to false>>\
<b>-"To be honest, I just really don't feel like going.."</b> You see the smile fade off of Emily's face.
<emily>-"Sigh.. Really?"</emily> She frowns.
<b>-"Yeah.. Don't be mad, I'll take you out some other time!"</b>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\g3.png">
<emily>-"Fine, I'll take you up on that.."</emily>
<b>-"..."</b> You sigh and place your head on the pillow. After a couple of hours of cuddling and talking, you decide to head home.
[[Head home->Go outside]]
<</if>><b>Yawwwwwwnnnnnnnn... Gosh, what is going on..</b>You whisper as you open your eyes. Your phone is vibrating like it's on drugs.
<b>-"Let's see.."</b> You grab your phone and sit up.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\phone events\both\I also like kittens.png">
<b>-"It's Emily.. Of course.."</b>
<<pageReplace"Open the message">>
I should finish the conversation with Emily before getting out of bed!
<<message "Emily" "Emily trip to the beach intro message 2" "$name! Are you there???" open>>
<<messengerHeader Emily>>
<<them>>Are you there????<</them>>
<<them>>Wake up!!! Come on! I'm already waiting for you!<</them>>
<<messageReply "What..?">>
<<me>>What??? What's going on?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Oh my god there you are!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Did you just wake up?<</them>>
<div id="choices">
<<messageReplyReplace "Yeah..." #choices>>
<<me>>Yeah.. What do you mean you're waiting for me??<</me>>
<<them wait>>Well, I told you, we have to leave early in the morning if we want to make it back right after sundown.<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Emily/events/phone events/both/don't tell anyone but i actually like boobies.jpeg">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Waiting outside of your place!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Fine..">>
<<me>>Kind of forgot we're going out LOL<</me>>
<<me>>Going to be right out, just let me get ready first.<</me>>
<<them>>Fine, just hurry up please... I can already smell the beach!<</them>>
<<goto "room">>
<<messageReplyReplace "Obviously.." #choices>>
<<me>>Obviously.. It's 6 in the morning!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Well, I told you, we have to leave early in the morning if we want to make it back right after sundown.<</them>>
<<them wait>>So don't blame me, we talked about it!<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Emily/events/phone events/both/don't tell anyone but i actually like boobies.jpeg">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Waiting outside of your place!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Fine..">>
<<me>>Kind of forgot we're going out LOL<</me>>
<<me>>Going to be right out, just let me get ready first.<</me>>
<<them>>Fine, just hurry up please... I can already smell the beach!<</them>>
<<goto "room">>
<</messengerChat>><<if $time !==2>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<set $emilydays to 17>>\
<<set $goestothebeachwithemily to false>>\
<<set $wentothebeachwithemily to true>>\
<<if $domstatus is true>>
<b>-"Mhm.. Everything is packed, where's my charger though?"</b> You look around your room as your brush your teeth.
<b>-"There it is!"</b> You quickly grab it and shove it down your back. After making sure your teeth are nice and clean, you put on some fresh clothes from your closet and head outside.
<b>-"Right.. Where is she?"</b> You think as you exit your apartment. After looking around for a while, you finally spot her car.
<emily>-"Heyyy $name!"</emily> Emily says as you enter the vehicle.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\q1.jpg">
<emily>-"Throw the backpack in the back."</emily> You nod as you take it off.
<emily>-"Gosh you look great $name"</emily> She looks you up an down.
<b>-"Hahaha thanks! You look incredible as well!"</b>
<emily>-"Let's go! We have a long road ahead of us."</emily>
<b>-"We sure do."</b> You buckle up and get comfortable. As you start driving, you talk about what you're going to do. You decide to spend the whole day at the beach and maybe go out to eat if the weather gets bad.
<<pageReplace"Try to take a nap as Emily drives.">>
<emily>-"And we're here!"</emily> Your eyes open as Emily shouts.
<b>-"Aghhhh.. I was just getting to the good part of the dream!"</b> You scoff at her.
<emily>-"The beach looks more dreamy than your dream haha! Come on, let's go!"</emily> She laughs and gets out of the car.
<b>-"Fine.. Fine.."</b> You slowly get outside of the car as well, still pretty sleepy.
<emily>-"Ahhhhh I'm so happy we're here!"</emily> You watch Emily take off her clothes.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\q2.webp">
<emily>-"What are you waiting for? Change, come on!"</emily> You nod and slowly start to take off your clothes as well. The beach is pretty big and you can see quite a lot of people around you.
<b>-"What time is it?"</b>
<emily>-"10 in the morning! We took a little longer, I stopped for coffee mid way through!"</emily> You throw your normal clothes in the car. Emily is in a bikini and you - in swimming trunks.
<emily>-"Alright, let's go, I see an empty spot not far from here."</emily> Emily points at the beach as she begins walking. You follow suit.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\q3.webp">
<b>-"Gosh, this place is beautiful! You weren't lying!"</b> You smile as you finally arrive at the beach.
<emily>-"Ahahaha yeah! Found it on google it and it looked incredible, glad I wasn't mistaken!"</emily>
<<pageReplace "Set up your towel">>
<emily>-"There's the spot!"</emily> She points at a pretty open area between a couple of people.
<b>-"Yeah, this seems great!"</b> You throw down the towel and your bags. After taking off your flip flops, you finally feel the hot sand touch your feet.
<b>-"Whooo.. It is so damn hot here!"</b> You say as you both sit down.
<emily>-"It's the beach, what do you expect?"</emily> Emily chuckles as she begins rummaging through the bag.
<emily>-"There it is!"</emily> She pulls out a bottle of sunscreen and starts to apply it on herself.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\q7.webp">
<b>-"Mmmm.."</b> You hum as you watch her.
<emily>-"Ehehehe like what you see?"</emily>
<b>-"Of course I do.."</b> You grin.
<emily>-"Come on you horny bastard, lay down, I don't want you to get cancer or anything."</emily> You lay down on your stomach and she begins to apply the cream on your body.
<emily>-"Whoooo, finally, we can relax.."</emily> She lays down next to your after she finishes.
<b>-"We needed this.."</b>
<emily>-"We sure did.."</emily> The sun is gently warming and caressing your body as your stress slowly melts away. You lay like that for a good hour or two, before Emily get's bored and sits up.
<emily>-"H-hey?"</emily> She whispers.
<b>-"Huh?"</b> You mumble.
<emily>-"Oh! I thought you were asleep for a second!"</emily> She wipes off the sand off of her thighs.
<emily>-"I'm going for a swim, you want to come with?"</emily>
<b>-"I can't, have to watch our stuff!"</b> You face her.
<emily>-"Oh come on! The beach is right here, we can easily keep an eye on our spot!"</emily> Emily stands up and extends her arm.
<<pageReplace"Go with her.">>\
<b>-"I mean yeah, you're right I guess.. Let's go!"</b> You take her hand and stand up. After only taking a couple of steps, your feet are already in the water.
<b>-"Whooo! Cold!"</b> A shiver runs down your body.
<emily>-"EeeeEEEEeee! You're right!"</emily> You hold her hand as you slowly go deeper and deeper.
<emily>-"You know what.. This isn't half bad!"</emily> She let's go and starts towards the ocean.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\q6.webp">
<b>-"Y-yo! Haha! Wait for me!"</b> You suffer through the pain as you follow her inside.
<emily>-"Thanks for coming out here with me $name, I truly mean it, I needed this.."</emily> She says as you both go under, leaving only your heads over water.
<b>-"Brrrr... N-no problem.. Brrrrr.. I-I.. Brrrr.. Love it here... Too!"</b> Emily laughs as your lips turn blue from the cold.
<emily>-"Jeez! You suck $name! How are you this cold already?!"</emily> She laughs.
<b>-"I have no idea! But I'm getting out!"</b> You say as you turn away and start to swim towards the shore.
<emily>-"Fineeee!!"</emily> You hear Emily say behind you as she begins to follow you.
<b>-"Fuck meeeeeee that was cold!"</b> You mumble as you get onto the shore.
<emily>-"True, but that's half the fun!"</emily>
<emily>-"Come on, let's sit down."</emily> You arrive at your little spot, nothing seems to be stolen.
<<pageReplace"Sit down.">>
<b>-"Hooooo, good to be back!"</b> You say a you plop down on the towel.
<emily>-"Very true!"</emily>
<emily>-"Wait.. Is this..?"</emily> You hear her mumble behind you.
<emily>-"This is a nudist beach!"</emily> Emily laughs.
<b>-"Is it?"</b> You sit up and look around.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\q9.webp">
<b>-"Damn.."</b> Right on queue, an incredibly voluptuous women walks by, with her assets freely on display.
<b>-"Oh shit.. You're right!"</b> You feel a light tingling sensation in your crotch area, but you pay it no mind.
<emily>-"You know.."</emily> She sits down next to you.
<emily>-"We're already doing something wild and out of our comfort zone.. What if we go completely crazy today.."</emily>
<b>-"What do you mean?"</b>
<emily>-"I mean this.."</emily> Emily stands up and takes a couple of steps forward. After making sure nobody is looking, she begins to remove her bikini.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\q1.jpg">
<b>-"Oh..?"</b> You mumble.
<<pageReplace"Let her continue.">>
<b>-"I like where this is going.."</b> Emily grins after hearing your words.. She takes off her bikini completely and throws it at you.
<emily>-"Come on! Your turn!"</emily> She gets on all fours.
<b>-"My turn?"</b>
<emily>-"Of course! I won't be the only one naked here, come one! Haha!"</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\q2.jpg">
<b>-"Fine.. Fine!"</b> You smile and think - why the hell not? After taking off your trunks, Emily lays next to you.
<emily>-"Gosh.. This feels completely different."</emily>
<b>-"It does.."</b> It's emberrasing, but at the same time incredibly freeing. As you look around the beach, you spot yet another naked woman.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\q10.webp">
<b>-"Fuck.."</b> You think as you cock gets a little harder. It'll be basically impossible to hide your boner if you don't stop looking, so you quickly avert your gaze.
<emily>-"Oh.. Did you see someone you like?"</emily> Emily asks as you feel her palm wrap around your flaccid cock. With only her touch, it spring into action and becomes hard before you could muster a word.
<b>-"Haha.. I don't know what you're talking about.."</b> You awkwardly laugh.
<emily>-"Heh.. It's okay.. Today is a day of relaxation and pleasure.."</emily> She begins to pleasure herself and you at the same time...
<<pageReplace"See where this goes.">>
<b>-"S-shit.. You're not mad?"</b>
<emily>-"Mghhh.. Of course not, it's a beach full of beautful women, it's only natural."</emily>
<emily>-"S-shitt..."</emily> She begins to rub her clit a little faster.
<b>-"Y-you sure about this?"</b> You can't believe you're masturbating on a public beach..
<emily>-"Why the hell not $name.. We only live once!"</emily> You exchange a kiss.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\q3.webp">
<b>-"Nghhh.. Keep going baby.."</b>
<emily>-"I don't plan on stopping."</emily> You exchange yet another kiss as your eyes roll back in pleasure. Her hands are as soft as silk, you feel them trying their hardest to milk every last drop of life juice you have.
<b>-"FuckkkkKKk.."</b> You moan as Emily suddenly stops.
<emily>-"Look..."</emily> She moves her head to the left a bit. You turn towards that direction and take a look.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\q4.webp">
<emily>-"She's looking at us.."</emily> A woman, a good 20 meters away is watching you and masturbating.
<b>-"Ghaha.. W-what a creep!"</b> Emily squeezes your cock.
<emily>-"Creep? You can't judge her, we're doing the same thing.."</emily> She scolds you.
<b>-"You're right, you're right.."</b>
<emily>-"Should I give her a better view?"</emily> She looks at you.
<emily>-"You heard me.."</emily> You have no idea where she got this confidence from, but it's pretty hot.
<<pageReplace"Let her.">>
<b>-"Fuck yeah baby, show off as much as you like.."</b> As long as it's a girl, you're fine with it.
<emily>-"NghhHHh.. Gosh this is hot.."</emily> She faces the woman and spreads her legs.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\q5.webp">
<emily>-"FuckKKKkkkkKKk!"</emily> Emily's leg shake a bit.
<emily>-"She's looking straight at us.."</emily>
<b>-"Y-yeah.. I see.."</b> Emily continues to pleasure you. This is completely new to both of you, but you feel incredibly secure and confident.
<b>-"L-look look!"</b> You tell Emily as you notice yet another woman watching you both.
<emily>-"Oh my god.."</emily> She whispers as you point her out.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\q6.webp">
<emily>-"I.. I'm close $name.."</emily> You feel her speed up even more. Your tip has swollen a little bit from all the overstimulation, but you Emily doesn't care and continues to pleasure you.
<b>-"Right there honey.."</b> You kiss her neck.
<emily>-"NghHhhHH.. God.."</emily> Her eyes roll backwards.
<<pageReplace"It's way too late to stop..">>
<b>-"I.. I'm close too baby!"</b> You whisper into her ear.
<emily>-"G-good! L-let's cum together.."</emily> You feel Emily squeeze you even harder, from her hand alone you can feel her intent to completely empty you.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\q7.webp">
<emily>-"S-shit shitTttt shittTTtTTTT!!!"</emily> She lets out a load moan and begins quivering with pleasure.
<b>-"FuckkKKkk.."</b> You feel like you're about to bust yourself, but before you do, Emily shoves your cock in her mouth.
<emily>-"C-cwome on! I.. I want to show twhem your mwine!"</emily> She tries to get the words out while your cock is deep in her throat. You can't hold off any longer..
<b>-"YessSSSSsssS!"</b> You scream as you explode deep in her mouth. As your eyes roll backwards, you rest your head on the towel, completely exhausted.
<emily>-"AghHHhhHH.."</emily> After swallowing some, she opens her mouth so show you what remains.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\q8.webp">
<b>-"Ghaaa.. You're beautiful my love."</b> Emily smiles as you both look around. Both of the girls are nowhere to be seen.
<emily>-"I guess they came too.."</emily> She giggles.
<b>-"Or got spooked.."</b>
<emily>-"Maybe.. We have to bounce too, what if someone called the cops.."</emily>
<b>-"You're right, but god damn was that hot.."</b> You stand up and clean not only yourself, but also Emily with the towel you both layed on. After packing up all of the stuff you came here with, you begin walking towards the car.
<emily>-"Thanks again for coming out here with me $name.."</emily> She smiles.
<b>-"No need to thank me Emily, I enjoyed myself as well."</b>
<emily>-"I never knew that doing... Indecent things in public can be this hot!"</emily> You both throw your stuff into the trunk.
<b>-"I didn't either.. We have to do something similar one day!"</b> After getting inside of the car, you buckle up and begin the journey back. You talk about what you plan to do when you come back, you both want to do something in public again.. After a couple of hours you're finally back in your city. After saying your goodbyes and kissing her, you exit the car and she drives off.
<<set $dominant to $dominant +2>>
<blue>Dominant +2!</blue>
<<set $time to 2>>
[[Look for a way to go back home->Go outside]]
<b>-"No honey.. This is enough.."</b> You grab her thigh and turn it away from the woman... Emily is yours and yours alone.
<emily>-"Yes honey.."</emily> She obeys.
<b>-"L-look look!"</b> You tell Emily as you notice yet another woman watching you both.
<emily>-"Oh my god.."</emily> She whispers as you point her out.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\q6.webp">
<emily>-"I.. I'm close $name.."</emily> You feel her speed up even more. Your tip has swollen a little bit from all the overstimulation, but you Emily doesn't care and continues to pleasure you.
<b>-"Right there honey.."</b> You kiss her neck.
<emily>-"NghHhhHH.. God.."</emily> Her eyes roll backwards.
<<pageReplace"It's way too late to stop..">>
<b>-"I.. I'm close too baby!"</b> You whisper into her ear.
<emily>-"G-good! L-let's cum together.."</emily> You feel Emily squeeze you even harder, from her hand alone you can feel her intent to completely empty you.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\q7.webp">
<emily>-"S-shit shitTttt shittTTtTTTT!!!"</emily> She lets out a load moan and begins quivering with pleasure.
<b>-"FuckkKKkk.."</b> You feel like you're about to bust yourself, but before you do, Emily shoves your cock in her mouth.
<emily>-"C-cwome on! I.. I want to show twhem your mwine!"</emily> She tries to get the words out while your cock is deep in her throat. You can't hold off any longer..
<b>-"YessSSSSsssS!"</b> You scream as you explode deep in her mouth. As your eyes roll backwards, you rest your head on the towel, completely exhausted.
<emily>-"AghHHhhHH.."</emily> After swallowing some, she opens her mouth so show you what remains.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\q8.webp">
<b>-"Ghaaa.. You're beautiful my love."</b> Emily smiles as you both look around. Both of the girls are nowhere to be seen.
<emily>-"I guess they came too.."</emily> She giggles.
<b>-"Or got spooked.."</b>
<emily>-"Maybe.. We have to bounce too, what if someone called the cops.."</emily>
<b>-"You're right, but god damn was that hot.."</b> You stand up and clean not only yourself, but also Emily with the towel you both layed on. After packing up all of the stuff you came here with, you begin walking towards the car.
<emily>-"Thanks again for coming out here with me $name.."</emily> She smiles.
<b>-"No need to thank me Emily, I enjoyed myself as well."</b>
<emily>-"I never knew that doing... Indecent things in public can be this hot!"</emily> You both throw your stuff into the trunk.
<b>-"I didn't either.. We have to do something similar one day!"</b> After getting inside of the car, you buckle up and begin the journey back. You talk about what you plan to do when you come back, you both want to do something in public again.. After a couple of hours you're finally back in your city. After saying your goodbyes and kissing her, you exit the car and she drives off.
<<set $dominant to $dominant +2>>
<blue>Dominant +2!</blue>
<<set $time to 2>>
[[Look for a way to go back home->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Stop her.">>
<b>-"Hey, hey! What do you think you're doing?"</b> You shout.
<b>-"Put that back on! What if someone sees?"</b> You're too overprotective to let other people see her naked, even on a nudist beach.
<emily>-"I.. Fine.."</emily> You can tell that she's embarrassed. After pulling up her bikini, she sits next to you.
<emily>-"I just thought... Nevermind."</emily>
<b>-"What is it?"</b> You try to get more information out of her.
<emily>-"It's nothing $name, let's just relax."</emily> You decide not to probe any further and just enjoy the outing. After a couple of minutes, you drift off to sleep/
<emily>-"Come on $name, it's time to go. If we leave right now we might get back before sundown!"</emily> She wakes you up.
<b>-"Y-yes.."</b> You answer in a groggy voice. After packing up all of the stuff you came here with, you begin walking towards the car.
<emily>-"Thanks again for coming out here with me $name.."</emily> She smiles.
<b>-"No need to thank me Emily, I enjoyed myself as well."</b>
<emily>-"We should do this more often."</emily> You both throw your stuff into the trunk.
<b>-"We should"</b> After getting inside of the car, you buckle up and begin the journey back. You talk about what you plan to do when you come back. You can tell something is a little bit off, but you can't quite point your finger at it. After a couple of hours you're finally back in your city. After saying your goodbyes and kissing her, you exit the car and she drives off.
<<set $time to 2>>
[[Look for a way to go back home->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Stay behind.">>\
<b>-"It's our first time here Emily, better be safe than sorry!"</b> She frowns and takes her hand away.
<emily>-"Fineeeee! I'll be right back then."</emily> You nod as she runs off.
<b>-"Shuuuu, maybe I should have gone with her, it's hot as hell here.."</b> You put on a hat and look around.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\q9.webp">
<b>-"Damn.."</b> An incredibly voluptuous women walks by, with her assets freely on display.
<b>-"I was not expecting that.."</b> You continue to look around and notice.. This is a nudist beach! Half of the people are with swimsuits however, so it looked like a normal one at first glance.
<emily>-"Heyyyy!"</emily> Emily says as she comes back. You quickly cover up your raising boner with your hands and smile at her.
<b>-"Heyyyyyy! How's the water?"</b>
<emily>-"Pretty damn good! A little cold, but I had some fun!"</emily>
<b>-"I just noticed, this is a nudist beach right?"</b>
<emily>-"Uhmmm.."</emily> She looks around.
<emily>-"Apparently so, didn't know that!"</emily>
<<pageReplace"Wait for her to sit down.">>
<emily>-"You know.."</emily> She sits down next to you.
<emily>-"We're already doing something wild and out of our comfort zone.. What if we go completely crazy today.."</emily>
<b>-"What do you mean?"</b>
<emily>-"I mean this.."</emily> Emily stands up and takes a couple of steps forward. After making sure nobody is looking, she begins to remove her bikini.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\q1.jpg">
<b>-"Oh..?"</b> You mumble.
<<pageReplace"Let her continue.">>
<b>-"I like where this is going.."</b> Emily grins after hearing your words.. She takes off her bikini completely and throws it at you.
<emily>-"Come on! Your turn!"</emily> She gets on all fours.
<b>-"My turn?"</b>
<emily>-"Of course! I won't be the only one naked here, come one! Haha!"</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\q2.jpg">
<b>-"Fine.. Fine!"</b> You smile and think - why the hell not? After taking off your trunks, Emily lays next to you.
<emily>-"Gosh.. This feels completely different."</emily>
<b>-"It does.."</b> It's emberrasing, but at the same time incredibly freeing. As you look around the beach, you spot yet another naked woman.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\q10.webp">
<b>-"Fuck.."</b> You think as you cock gets a little harder. It'll be basically impossible to hide your boner if you don't stop looking, so you quickly avert your gaze.
<emily>-"Oh.. Did you see someone you like?"</emily> Emily asks as you feel her palm wrap around your flaccid cock. With only her touch, it spring into action and becomes hard before you could muster a word.
<b>-"Haha.. I don't know what you're talking about.."</b> You awkwardly laugh.
<emily>-"Heh.. It's okay.. Today is a day of relaxation and pleasure.."</emily> She begins to pleasure herself and you at the same time...
<<pageReplace"See where this goes.">>
<b>-"S-shit.. You're not mad?"</b>
<emily>-"Mghhh.. Of course not, it's a beach full of beautful women, it's only natural."</emily>
<emily>-"S-shitt..."</emily> She begins to rub her clit a little faster.
<b>-"Y-you sure about this?"</b> You can't believe you're masturbating on a public beach..
<emily>-"Why the hell not $name.. We only live once!"</emily> You exchange a kiss.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\q3.webp">
<b>-"Nghhh.. Keep going baby.."</b>
<emily>-"I don't plan on stopping."</emily> You exchange yet another kiss as your eyes roll back in pleasure. Her hands are as soft as silk, you feel them trying their hardest to milk every last drop of life juice you have.
<b>-"FuckkkkKKk.."</b> You moan as Emily suddenly stops.
<emily>-"Look..."</emily> She moves her head to the left a bit. You turn towards that direction and take a look.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\q4.webp">
<emily>-"She's looking at us.."</emily> A woman, a good 20 meters away is watching you and masturbating.
<b>-"Ghaha.. W-what a creep!"</b> Emily squeezes your cock.
<emily>-"Creep? You can't judge her, we're doing the same thing.."</emily> She scolds you.
<b>-"You're right, you're right.."</b>
<emily>-"Should I give her a better view?"</emily> She looks at you.
<emily>-"You heard me.."</emily> You have no idea where she got this confidence from, but it's pretty hot.
<<pageReplace"Let her.">>
<b>-"Fuck yeah baby, show off as much as you like.."</b> As long as it's a girl, you're fine with it.
<emily>-"NghhHHh.. Gosh this is hot.."</emily> She faces the woman and spreads her legs.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\q5.webp">
<emily>-"FuckKKKkkkkKKk!"</emily> Emily's leg shake a bit.
<emily>-"She's looking straight at us.."</emily>
<b>-"Y-yeah.. I see.."</b> Emily continues to pleasure you. This is completely new to both of you, but you feel incredibly secure and confident.
<b>-"L-look look!"</b> You tell Emily as you notice yet another woman watching you both.
<emily>-"Oh my god.."</emily> She whispers as you point her out.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\q6.webp">
<emily>-"I.. I'm close $name.."</emily> You feel her speed up even more. Your tip has swollen a little bit from all the overstimulation, but you Emily doesn't care and continues to pleasure you.
<b>-"Right there honey.."</b> You kiss her neck.
<emily>-"NghHhhHH.. God.."</emily> Her eyes roll backwards.
<<pageReplace"It's way too late to stop..">>
<b>-"I.. I'm close too baby!"</b> You whisper into her ear.
<emily>-"G-good! L-let's cum together.."</emily> You feel Emily squeeze you even harder, from her hand alone you can feel her intent to completely empty you.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\q7.webp">
<emily>-"S-shit shitTttt shittTTtTTTT!!!"</emily> She lets out a load moan and begins quivering with pleasure.
<b>-"FuckkKKkk.."</b> You feel like you're about to bust yourself, but before you do, Emily shoves your cock in her mouth.
<emily>-"C-cwome on! I.. I want to show twhem your mwine!"</emily> She tries to get the words out while your cock is deep in her throat. You can't hold off any longer..
<b>-"YessSSSSsssS!"</b> You scream as you explode deep in her mouth. As your eyes roll backwards, you rest your head on the towel, completely exhausted.
<emily>-"AghHHhhHH.."</emily> After swallowing some, she opens her mouth so show you what remains.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\q8.webp">
<b>-"Ghaaa.. You're beautiful my love."</b> Emily smiles as you both look around. Both of the girls are nowhere to be seen.
<emily>-"I guess they came too.."</emily> She giggles.
<b>-"Or got spooked.."</b>
<emily>-"Maybe.. We have to bounce too, what if someone called the cops.."</emily>
<b>-"You're right, but god damn was that hot.."</b> You stand up and clean not only yourself, but also Emily with the towel you both layed on. After packing up all of the stuff you came here with, you begin walking towards the car.
<emily>-"Thanks again for coming out here with me $name.."</emily> She smiles.
<b>-"No need to thank me Emily, I enjoyed myself as well."</b>
<emily>-"I never knew that doing... Indecent things in public can be this hot!"</emily> You both throw your stuff into the trunk.
<b>-"I didn't either.. We have to do something similar one day!"</b> After getting inside of the car, you buckle up and begin the journey back. You talk about what you plan to do when you come back, you both want to do something in public again.. After a couple of hours you're finally back in your city. After saying your goodbyes and kissing her, you exit the car and she drives off.
<<set $dominant to $dominant +2>>
<blue>Dominant +2!</blue>
<<set $time to 2>>
[[Look for a way to go back home->Go outside]]
<b>-"No honey.. This is enough.."</b> You grab her thigh and turn it away from the woman... Emily is yours and yours alone.
<emily>-"Yes honey.."</emily> She obeys.
<b>-"L-look look!"</b> You tell Emily as you notice yet another woman watching you both.
<emily>-"Oh my god.."</emily> She whispers as you point her out.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\q6.webp">
<emily>-"I.. I'm close $name.."</emily> You feel her speed up even more. Your tip has swollen a little bit from all the overstimulation, but you Emily doesn't care and continues to pleasure you.
<b>-"Right there honey.."</b> You kiss her neck.
<emily>-"NghHhhHH.. God.."</emily> Her eyes roll backwards.
<<pageReplace"It's way too late to stop..">>
<b>-"I.. I'm close too baby!"</b> You whisper into her ear.
<emily>-"G-good! L-let's cum together.."</emily> You feel Emily squeeze you even harder, from her hand alone you can feel her intent to completely empty you.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\q7.webp">
<emily>-"S-shit shitTttt shittTTtTTTT!!!"</emily> She lets out a load moan and begins quivering with pleasure.
<b>-"FuckkKKkk.."</b> You feel like you're about to bust yourself, but before you do, Emily shoves your cock in her mouth.
<emily>-"C-cwome on! I.. I want to show twhem your mwine!"</emily> She tries to get the words out while your cock is deep in her throat. You can't hold off any longer..
<b>-"YessSSSSsssS!"</b> You scream as you explode deep in her mouth. As your eyes roll backwards, you rest your head on the towel, completely exhausted.
<emily>-"AghHHhhHH.."</emily> After swallowing some, she opens her mouth so show you what remains.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\q8.webp">
<b>-"Ghaaa.. You're beautiful my love."</b> Emily smiles as you both look around. Both of the girls are nowhere to be seen.
<emily>-"I guess they came too.."</emily> She giggles.
<b>-"Or got spooked.."</b>
<emily>-"Maybe.. We have to bounce too, what if someone called the cops.."</emily>
<b>-"You're right, but god damn was that hot.."</b> You stand up and clean not only yourself, but also Emily with the towel you both layed on. After packing up all of the stuff you came here with, you begin walking towards the car.
<emily>-"Thanks again for coming out here with me $name.."</emily> She smiles.
<b>-"No need to thank me Emily, I enjoyed myself as well."</b>
<emily>-"I never knew that doing... Indecent things in public can be this hot!"</emily> You both throw your stuff into the trunk.
<b>-"I didn't either.. We have to do something similar one day!"</b> After getting inside of the car, you buckle up and begin the journey back. You talk about what you plan to do when you come back, you both want to do something in public again.. After a couple of hours you're finally back in your city. After saying your goodbyes and kissing her, you exit the car and she drives off.
<<set $dominant to $dominant +2>>
<blue>Dominant +2!</blue>
<<set $time to 2>>
[[Look for a way to go back home->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Stop her.">>
<b>-"Hey, hey! What do you think you're doing?"</b> You shout.
<b>-"Put that back on! What if someone sees?"</b> You're too overprotective to let other people see her naked, even on a nudist beach.
<emily>-"I.. Fine.."</emily> You can tell that she's embarrassed. After pulling up her bikini, she sits next to you.
<emily>-"I just thought... Nevermind."</emily>
<b>-"What is it?"</b> You try to get more information out of her.
<emily>-"It's nothing $name, let's just relax."</emily> You decide not to probe any further and just enjoy the outing. After a couple of minutes, you drift off to sleep/
<emily>-"Come on $name, it's time to go. If we leave right now we might get back before sundown!"</emily> She wakes you up.
<b>-"Y-yes.."</b> You answer in a groggy voice. After packing up all of the stuff you came here with, you begin walking towards the car.
<emily>-"Thanks again for coming out here with me $name.."</emily> She smiles.
<b>-"No need to thank me Emily, I enjoyed myself as well."</b>
<emily>-"We should do this more often."</emily> You both throw your stuff into the trunk.
<b>-"We should"</b> After getting inside of the car, you buckle up and begin the journey back. You talk about what you plan to do when you come back. You can tell something is a little bit off, but you can't quite point your finger at it. After a couple of hours you're finally back in your city. After saying your goodbyes and kissing her, you exit the car and she drives off.
<<set $time to 2>>
[[Look for a way to go back home->Go outside]]
<b>-"Mhm.. Everything is packed, where's my charger though?"</b> You look around your room as your brush your teeth. <<if $toys ==1>>You also make sure you take off your chastity, it's going to be too visible if you leave it on and go swimming.<</if>>
<b>-"There it is!"</b> You quickly grab it and shove it down your back. After making sure your teeth are nice and clean, you put on some fresh clothes from your closet and head outside.
<b>-"Right.. Where is she?"</b> You think as you exit your apartment. After looking around for a while, you finally spot her car.
<emily>-"Heyyy $name!"</emily> Emily says as you enter the vehicle.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\q1.jpg">
<emily>-"Throw the backpack in the back, we have a long trip ahead of us!"</emily> You nod as you take it off.
<emily>-"Also.. What are you wearing? You're really going out with.. That.. On?"</emily> She squints her eyes.
<b>-"I-I mean yeah... Does it really look that bad?"</b> You get self conscious for a second, but Emily quickly reassures you.
<emily>-"No, you look great! Just.. Nevermind"</emily> She turns away and starts the car.
<emily>-"Let's go! We're going to have so much fun!"</emily>
<b>-"I hope so too!"</b> You buckle up and get comfortable. As you start driving, you talk about what you're going to do. You decide to spend the whole day at the beach and if the weather gets bad, hide in the AirBnb <<if $emilythreesomejosh==true>>Josh <<else>>Emily's friend <</if>>has.
<<pageReplace"Try to take a nap as Emily drives.">>
<emily>-"And we're here!"</emily> Your eyes open as Emily shouts.
<b>-"Aghhhh.. I was just getting to the good part of the dream!"</b> You scoff at her.
<emily>-"The beach looks more dreamy than your dream haha! Come on, let's go!"</emily> She laughs and gets out of the car.
<b>-"Fine.. Fine.."</b> You slowly get outside of the car as well, still pretty sleepy.
<emily>-"Ahhhhh I'm so happy we're here!"</emily> You watch Emily take off her clothes.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\q2.webp">
<emily>-"What are you waiting for? Change, come on!"</emily> You nod and slowly start to take off your clothes as well. The beach is pretty big and you can see quite a lot of people around you.
<b>-"What time is it?"</b>
<emily>-"10 in the morning! We took a little longer, I stopped for coffee mid way through!"</emily> You throw your normal clothes in the car. Emily is in a bikini and you - in swimming trunks.
<emily>-"Alright, let's go, I see an empty spot not far from here."</emily> Emily points at the beach as she begins walking. You follow suit.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\q3.webp">
<b>-"Gosh, this place is beautiful! You weren't lying!"</b> You smile as you finally arrive at the beach.
<emily>-"Ahahaha yeah! After he told me about it, I googled it and it looked incredible, glad I wasn't mistaken!"</emily>
<<pageReplace "Set up your towel">>
<emily>-"There's the spot!"</emily> She points at a pretty open area between a couple of people.
<b>-"Yeah, this seems great!"</b> You throw down the towel and your bags. After taking off your flip flops, you finally feel the hot sand touch your feet.
<b>-"Whooo.. It is so damn hot here!"</b> You say as you both sit down.
<emily>-"It's the beach, what do you expect?"</emily> Emily chuckles as she begins rummaging through the bag.
<emily>-"There it is!"</emily> She pulls out a bottle of sunscreen and starts to apply it on herself.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\q7.webp">
<b>-"Mmmm.."</b> You hum as you watch her.
<emily>-"Ehehehe like what you see?"</emily> You nod as she winks at you.
<emily>-"Come on you horny bastard, lay down, I don't want you to get cancer or anything."</emily> You lay down on your stomach and she begins to apply the cream on your body.
<emily>-"Whoooo, finally, we can relax.."</emily> She lays down next to your after she finishes.
<b>-"We needed this.."</b>
<emily>-"We sure did.."</emily> The sun is gently warming and caressing your body as your stress slowly melts away. You lay like that for a good hour or two, before Emily get's bored and sits up.
<emily>-"H-hey?"</emily> She whispers.
<b>-"Huh?"</b> You mumble.
<emily>-"Oh! I thought you were asleep for a second!"</emily> She wipes off the sand off of her thighs.
<emily>-"I'm going for a swim, you want to come with?"</emily>
<b>-"I can't, have to watch our stuff!"</b> You face her.
<emily>-"Oh come on! The beach is right here, we can easily keep an eye on our spot!"</emily> Emily stands up and extends her arm.
<<pageReplace"Go with her.">>
<b>-"I mean yeah, you're right I guess.. Let's go!"</b> You take her hand and stand up. After only taking a couple of steps, your feet are already in the water.
<b>-"Whooo! Cold!"</b> A shiver runs down your body.
<emily>-"EeeeEEEEeee! You're right!"</emily> You hold her hand as you slowly go deeper and deeper.
<emily>-"You know what.. This isn't half bad!"</emily> She let's go and starts towards the ocean.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\q6.webp">
<b>-"Y-yo! Haha! Wait for me!"</b> You suffer through the pain as you follow her inside.
<emily>-"Thanks for coming out here with me $name, I truly mean it, I needed this.."</emily> She says as you both go under, leaving only your heads over water.
<b>-"Brrrr... N-no problem.. Brrrrr.. I-I.. Brrrr.. Love it here... Too!"</b> Emily laughs as your lips turn blue from the cold.
<emily>-"Jeez! You suck $name! How are you this cold already?!"</emily> She laughs.
<b>-"I have no idea! But I'm getting out!"</b> You say as you turn away and start to swim towards the shore.
<emily>-"Fineeee!!"</emily> You hear Emily say behind you as she begins to follow you.
<b>-"Fuck meeeeeee that was cold!"</b> You mumble as you get onto the shore.
<emily>-"True, but that's half the fun!"</emily>
<emily>-"Come on, let's sit down."</emily> You arrive at your little spot, nothing seems to be stolen.
<<pageReplace"Sit down.">>
<grey>Buzz Buzz</grey>
<emily>-"Oh?"</emily> Emily's phone vibrates as you both sit down.
<b>-"Who is it?"</b>
<emily>-"Mmm.. It's him.."</emily> She reads something on her phone.
<b>-"Who..?"</b> You aready know the answer, but you ask anyways.
<emily>-"You know who $name, he's inviting me to check out his airbnb.."</emily> You see her blush a bit.
<b>-"Let's go, I want to see it too!"</b> You smile.
<emily>-"No no no.. Just me.."</emily> She takes out a bottle of lube from the bag.
<b>-"Oh.. That's what you mean.."</b> You feel a slight boner form in your pants.
<emily>-"Ehehehe what are you covering?"</emily> She asks as you place your hands on your crotch.
<b>-"Nothing.."</b> You smile.
<emily>-"Righttttt..."</emily> Emily stands up.
<emily>-"I'll be right back baby! Don't fall asleep, we're going to send you some videos!"</emily> She begins walking away.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\q8.webp">
<b>-"C-copy that!"</b> You stutter as you swallow a bunch of saliva... You can't wait..
<<pageReplace"Wait for her to text you.">>
<b>-"Damn she's bad.."</b> You whisper as you look at another naked women nearby. After around 10 minutes of waiting, your phone finally vibrates.
<grey>-"Buzz buzz"</grey>
<b>-"Gulp.. Finally.."</b> You take another towel and throw it over your head, so nobody would see your screen.
<b>-"R-right.."</b> You roll over onto your belly so nobody would notice your boner..
<<pageReplace"Open the message">>
<<message "Emily" "Emily trip to the beach intro message 3" "As promised..." open>>
You put down your phone for a second and poke your head out of the towel. After making sure nobody is watching you, you hide under it once again. Time to answer her messages.
<<pageReplace"Stay behind.">>
<b>-"It's our first time here Emily, better be safe than sorry!"</b> She frowns and takes her hand away.
<emily>-"Fineeeee! I'll be right back then."</emily> You nod as she runs off.
<b>-"Shuuuu, maybe I should have gone with her, it's hot as hell here.."</b> You put on a hat and look around.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\q9.webp">
<b>-"Gulp.."</b> An incredibly voluptuous women walks by, with her assets freely on display.
<b>-"F-fuck me.. I was not expecting that.."</b> You continue to look around and notice.. This is a nudist beach! Half of the people are with swimsuits however, so it looked like a normal one at first glance.
<emily>-"Heyyyy!"</emily> Emily says as she comes back. You quickly cover up your raising boner with your hands and smile at her.
<b>-"Heyyyyyy! How's the water?"</b>
<emily>-"Pretty damn good! A little cold, but I had some fun!"</emily>
<b>-"I just noticed, this is a nudist beach right?"</b>
<emily>-"Uhmmm.."</emily> She looks around.
<emily>-"Apparently so, didn't know that! What, is someone getting excited?"</emily> She grins.
<emily>-"Ghahaha loser.."</emily> She teases you.
<<pageReplace"Make space for her to sit down.">>
<grey>Buzz Buzz</grey>
<emily>-"Oh?"</emily> Emily's phone vibrates as she sits down.
<b>-"Who is it?"</b>
<emily>-"Mmm.. It's him.."</emily> She reads something on her phone.
<b>-"Who..?"</b> You aready know the answer, but you ask anyways.
<emily>-"You know who $name, he's inviting me to check out his airbnb.."</emily> You see her blush a bit.
<b>-"Let's go, I want to see it too!"</b> You smile.
<emily>-"No no no.. Just me.."</emily> She takes out a bottle of lube from the bag.
<b>-"Oh.. That's what you mean.."</b> You feel a slight boner form in your pants.
<emily>-"Ehehehe what are you covering?"</emily> She asks as you place your hands on your crotch.
<b>-"Nothing.."</b> You smile.
<emily>-"Righttttt..."</emily> Emily stands up.
<emily>-"I'll be right back baby! Don't fall asleep, we're going to send you some videos!"</emily> She begins walking away.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\q8.webp">
<b>-"C-copy that!"</b> You stutter as you swallow a bunch of saliva... You can't wait..
<<pageReplace"Wait for her to text you.">>
<b>-"Damn she's bad.."</b> You whisper as you look at another naked women nearby. After around 10 minutes of waiting, your phone finally vibrates.
<grey>-"Buzz buzz"</grey>
<b>-"Gulp.. Finally.."</b> You take another towel and throw it over your head, so nobody would see your screen.
<b>-"R-right.."</b> You roll over onto your belly so nobody would notice your boner..
<<pageReplace"Open the message">>
<<message "Emily" "Emily trip to the beach intro message 3" "As promised..." open>>
You put down your phone for a second and poke your head out of the towel. After making sure nobody is watching you, you hide under it once again. Time to answer her messages.
<<messengerHeader Emily>>
<<them>>As promised.. Here's a pic 😉<</them>>
<<them>><<image "Emily/events/sub/q12.webp" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<messageReply "Fuck me..">>
<<me>>Fuck me that's hot..<</me>>
<<them wait>>I know right.. He's so big.. <</them>>
<<them wait>>His airbnb is cool too! 😆<</them>>
<<messageReply "Send me more!">>
<<me>>Send me more! I'm going crazy over here! 🤤<</me>>
<<them wait>>Wait lemme hand him the phone..<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Emily/events/sub/q15.webp">><</them>>
<<them>>What's up little man!<</them>>
<<if $emilythreesomejosh ==true>>
<div id="choices">
<<messageReplyReplace "I'm great.." #choices>>
<<me>>I'm great Josh.. Fuck this is hot..<</me>>
<<them wait>>You cucks always made me laugh lmao<</them>>
<<them wait>>How can you guys lend out your girlfriend like that, I never understand.<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Emily/events/sub/q16.webp" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<them>>But as I said before, I'm not complaining!<</them>>
<<messageReply "How long?">>
<<me>>How long are you guys going to take..?<</me>>
<<them wait>>As long as we want, what's with all the questions?<</them>>
<<them wait>>Be thankful I even send you these vids man, I could just turn off the phone.<</them>>
<<messageReply "I didn't mean anything by it.">>
<<me>>I didn't mean anything by it man! My bad!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Yeah yeah..<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Emily/events/sub/q17.webp" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Fuck me.. I'm close already!<</them>>
<<messageReply "She's great..">>
<<me>>Haha yeah she's great like that... I wish she would show off those skills on me sometimes..<</me>>
<<them wait>>Keep wishing lmao!!!! 🤣<</them>>
<<them wait>>She told me to say that you can't cum without her by the way, so leave that little cock of yours alone!<</them>>
<div id="choices1">
<<messageReplyReplace "Yes..." #choices1>>
<<me>>Yesss.. I won't..<</me>>
<<them wait>>Fuck meeeeeee<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Emily/events/sub/q18.webp" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<them wait>>My bad bruh! I ate some pinapple beforehand though, so her breath shouldn't stink horribly! 😁<</them>>
<<them wait>>I'm handing her the phone.<</them>>
<<messageReply "I'm so hard..">>
<<me>>I'm so hard Emily.. Please get here quickly..<</me>>
<<them wait>>I believe you... He got me so wet too..<</them>>
<<them wait>>He tried to shoot inside but some got on my face as well..<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Emily/events/sub/q13.jpg" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<them wait>>He's all out of juice now though.. Fuck how I would love to ride that cock..<</them>>
<<messageReply "I would love to see..">>
<<me>>I would love to see that..<</me>>
<<them>>I know and that's why I love you 😍<</them>>
<<them>>Don't jack off! I'm going to be right there!<</them>>
<<goto "Emily trip to the beach part 2">>
<<messageReplyReplace "You can't tell me what to do.." #choices1>>
<<me>>You can't tell me what to do..<</me>>
<<them wait>>Are you blind? That's what she said, not me, I don't give a fuck what you do!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Fuck meeeeeee<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Emily/events/sub/q18.webp" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<them wait>>My bad bruh! I ate some pinapple beforehand though, so her breath shouldn't stink horribly! 😁<</them>>
<<them wait>>I'm handing her the phone.<</them>>
<<messageReply "I'm so hard..">>
<<me>>I'm so hard Emily.. Please get here quickly..<</me>>
<<them wait>>I believe you... He got me so wet too..<</them>>
<<them wait>>He tried to shoot inside but some got on my face as well..<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Emily/events/sub/q13.jpg" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<them wait>>He's all out of juice now though.. Fuck how I would love to ride that cock..<</them>>
<<messageReply "I would love to see..">>
<<me>>I would love to see that..<</me>>
<<them>>I know and that's why I love you 😍<</them>>
<<them>>Don't jack off! I'm going to be right there!<</them>>
<<goto "Emily trip to the beach part 2">>
<<messageReplyReplace "How is she..?" #choices>>
<<me>>A better question is how does she feel?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Fucking great man! Her lips are so soft..<</them>>
<<them wait>>She told me to send another vid.<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Emily/events/sub/q16.webp" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<messageReply "How long?">>
<<me>>How long are you guys going to take..?<</me>>
<<them wait>>As long as we want, what's with all the questions?<</them>>
<<them wait>>Be thankful I even send you these vids man, I could just turn off the phone.<</them>>
<<messageReply "I didn't mean anything by it.">>
<<me>>I didn't mean anything by it man! My bad!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Yeah yeah..<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Emily/events/sub/q17.webp" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Fuck me.. I'm close already!<</them>>
<<messageReply "She's great..">>
<<me>>Haha yeah she's great like that... I wish she would show off those skills on me sometimes..<</me>>
<<them wait>>Keep wishing lmao!!!! 🤣<</them>>
<<them wait>>She told me to say that you can't cum without her by the way, so leave that little cock of yours alone!<</them>>
<div id="choices1">
<<messageReplyReplace "Yes..." #choices1>>
<<me>>Yesss.. I won't..<</me>>
<<them wait>>Fuck meeeeeee<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Emily/events/sub/q18.webp" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<them wait>>My bad bruh! I ate some pinapple beforehand though, so her breath shouldn't stink horribly! 😁<</them>>
<<them wait>>I'm handing her the phone.<</them>>
<<messageReply "I'm so hard..">>
<<me>>I'm so hard Emily.. Please get here quickly..<</me>>
<<them wait>>I believe you... He got me so wet too..<</them>>
<<them wait>>He tried to shoot inside but some got on my face as well..<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Emily/events/sub/q13.jpg" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<them wait>>He's all out of juice now though.. Fuck how I would love to ride that cock..<</them>>
<<messageReply "I would love to see..">>
<<me>>I would love to see that..<</me>>
<<them>>I know and that's why I love you 😍<</them>>
<<them>>Don't jack off! I'm going to be right there!<</them>>
<<goto "Emily trip to the beach part 2">>
<<messageReplyReplace "You can't tell me what to do.." #choices1>>
<<me>>You can't tell me what to do..<</me>>
<<them wait>>Are you blind? That's what she said, not me, I don't give a fuck what you do!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Fuck meeeeeee<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Emily/events/sub/q18.webp" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<them wait>>My bad bruh! I ate some pinapple beforehand though, so her breath shouldn't stink horribly! 😁<</them>>
<<them wait>>I'm handing her the phone.<</them>>
<<messageReply "I'm so hard..">>
<<me>>I'm so hard Emily.. Please get here quickly..<</me>>
<<them wait>>I believe you... He got me so wet too..<</them>>
<<them wait>>He tried to shoot inside but some got on my face as well..<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Emily/events/sub/q13.jpg" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<them wait>>He's all out of juice now though.. Fuck how I would love to ride that cock..<</them>>
<<messageReply "I would love to see..">>
<<me>>I would love to see that..<</me>>
<<them>>I know and that's why I love you 😍<</them>>
<<them>>Don't jack off! I'm going to be right there!<</them>>
<<goto "Emily trip to the beach part 2">>
<div id="choices">
<<messageReplyReplace "I'm great.." #choices>>
<<me>>I'm great.. Wait what's your name? I never asked?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Stephen my friend!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Emily told me yours, $name right? Anyways, she's fucking crazy!<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Emily/events/sub/q16.webp" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<messageReply "How long?">>
<<me>>How long are you guys going to take..?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Not long at all if she keeps going at it this hard!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Her tongue is the quickest i've encountered!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Good..">>
<<me>>Good.. Because I'm about to pop myself..<</me>>
<<them wait>>Hahaha I bet you are!<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Emily/events/sub/q17.webp" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Shitttt.. She's sucking me dry!<</them>>
<<messageReply "She's great..">>
<<me>>Haha yeah she's great like that... I wish she would show off those skills on me sometimes..<</me>>
<<them wait>>You should ask! A lot of couples swing but also have sex!<</them>>
<<them wait>>She told me to say that you can't cum without her by the way, so no touching!<</them>>
<div id="choices1">
<<messageReplyReplace "Yes..." #choices1>>
<<me>>Yesss.. I won't..<</me>>
<<them wait>>Fuck meeeeeee<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Emily/events/sub/q18.webp" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<them wait>>My bad man! She really wanted it in her mouth though!<</them>>
<<them wait>>I'm handing her the phone.<</them>>
<<messageReply "I'm so hard..">>
<<me>>I'm so hard Emily.. Please get here quickly..<</me>>
<<them wait>>I believe you... He got me so wet too..<</them>>
<<them wait>>He tried to shoot inside but some got on my face as well..<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Emily/events/sub/q13.jpg" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<them wait>>He's all out of juice now though.. Fuck how I would love to ride that cock..<</them>>
<<messageReply "I would love to see..">>
<<me>>I would love to see that..<</me>>
<<them>>I know and that's why I love you 😍<</them>>
<<them>>Don't jack off! I'm going to be right there!<</them>>
<<goto "Emily trip to the beach part 2">>
<<messageReplyReplace "You can't tell me what to do.." #choices1>>
<<me>>You can't tell me what to do..<</me>>
<<them wait>>Whaaa don't be like that! I just told you what she told me!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Forget about that I'm about to explodeeeeeee...<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Emily/events/sub/q18.webp" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<them wait>>My bad man! She really wanted it in her mouth though!<</them>>
<<them wait>>I'm handing her the phone.<</them>>
<<messageReply "I'm so hard..">>
<<me>>I'm so hard Emily.. Please get here quickly..<</me>>
<<them wait>>I believe you... He got me so wet too..<</them>>
<<them wait>>He tried to shoot inside but some got on my face as well..<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Emily/events/sub/q13.jpg" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<them wait>>He's all out of juice now though.. Fuck how I would love to ride that cock..<</them>>
<<messageReply "I would love to see..">>
<<me>>I would love to see that..<</me>>
<<them>>I know and that's why I love you 😍<</them>>
<<them>>Don't jack off! I'm going to be right there!<</them>>
<<goto "Emily trip to the beach part 2">>
<<messageReplyReplace "How is she..?" #choices>>
<<me>>A better question is how does she feel?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Fucking great man! Her lips are so soft..<</them>>
<<them wait>>She told me to send another vid.<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Emily/events/sub/q16.webp" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<messageReply "How long?">>
<<me>>How long are you guys going to take..?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Not long at all if she keeps going at it this hard!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Her tongue is the quickest i've encountered!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Good..">>
<<me>>Good.. Because I'm about to pop myself..<</me>>
<<them wait>>Hahaha I bet you are!<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Emily/events/sub/q17.webp" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Shitttt.. She's sucking me dry!<</them>>
<<messageReply "She's great..">>
<<me>>Haha yeah she's great like that... I wish she would show off those skills on me sometimes..<</me>>
<<them wait>>You should ask! A lot of couples swing but also have sex!<</them>>
<<them wait>>She told me to say that you can't cum without her by the way, so no touching!<</them>>
<div id="choices1">
<<messageReplyReplace "Yes..." #choices1>>
<<me>>Yesss.. I won't..<</me>>
<<them wait>>Fuck meeeeeee<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Emily/events/sub/q18.webp" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<them wait>>My bad man! She really wanted it in her mouth though!<</them>>
<<them wait>>I'm handing her the phone.<</them>>
<<messageReply "I'm so hard..">>
<<me>>I'm so hard Emily.. Please get here quickly..<</me>>
<<them wait>>I believe you... He got me so wet too..<</them>>
<<them wait>>He tried to shoot inside but some got on my face as well..<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Emily/events/sub/q13.jpg" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<them wait>>He's all out of juice now though.. Fuck how I would love to ride that cock..<</them>>
<<messageReply "I would love to see..">>
<<me>>I would love to see that..<</me>>
<<them>>I know and that's why I love you 😍<</them>>
<<them>>Don't jack off! I'm going to be right there!<</them>>
<<goto "Emily trip to the beach part 2">>
<<messageReplyReplace "You can't tell me what to do.." #choices1>>
<<me>>You can't tell me what to do..<</me>>
<<them wait>>Whaaa don't be like that! I just told you what she told me!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Forget about that I'm about to explodeeeeeee...<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Emily/events/sub/q18.webp" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<them wait>>My bad man! She really wanted it in her mouth though!<</them>>
<<them wait>>I'm handing her the phone.<</them>>
<<messageReply "I'm so hard..">>
<<me>>I'm so hard Emily.. Please get here quickly..<</me>>
<<them wait>>I believe you... He got me so wet too..<</them>>
<<them wait>>He tried to shoot inside but some got on my face as well..<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Emily/events/sub/q13.jpg" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<them wait>>He's all out of juice now though.. Fuck how I would love to ride that cock..<</them>>
<<messageReply "I would love to see..">>
<<me>>I would love to see that..<</me>>
<<them>>I know and that's why I love you 😍<</them>>
<<them>>Don't jack off! I'm going to be right there!<</them>>
<<goto "Emily trip to the beach part 2">>
<</messengerChat>><b>-"Shit shit shit.."</b> You put down your phone and take a peek at your crotch.
<b>-"This is bad.."</b> It's completely drenched in pre cum! You try your hardest not to jack off, but with so many beautiful women around, you struggle to wait for Emily to come back..
<b>-"Mghh.."</b> A slight moan leaves your lips as the tip of your cock brushes against your thigh. When suddenly, Emily's voice rings out behind you.
<emily>-"Heyyy pookie!"</emily> You swiftly turn around..
<b>-"H-heyy beautiful.."</b> Emily smiles and plops her bag on the towel.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\q5.webp">
<emily>-"Did my little $name like the videos?"</emily> She looks at your crotch, noticing it's completely wet.
<b>-"I did.."</b> You whisper as your cheeks blush.
<emily>-"I couldn't have guessed."</emily> She remarks, sarcastically. After laying down next to you, she starts to slowly touch you..
<<pageReplace"Ask a couple of questions.">>
<b>-"So.. Did you enjoy yourself..?"</b>
<emily>-"Fuck yeah I did.. I have some unfortunate news though.."</emily> You shiver a bit as she squeezes your tip through your shorts.
<b>-"Yeeeek.. W-what is it?"</b> You try to relax.
<emily>-"<<if $emilythreesomejosh==true>> Josh is staying here for awhile, we'll need a new bull!<<else>> Stephen is staying here for awhile, we'll need a new bull!<</if>>"</emily> She grits her teeth.
<emily>-"Gosh he's annoying.. I didn't even get to fuck him.."</emily>
<b>-"MghhHHHh... Fuck I would have loved to see that.."</b>
<emily>-"Hehe I bet.."</emily>
<emily>-"He said he wants to stay near the sea for a bit though, it's good for his skin or whatever."</emily> She starts to take off your shorts.
<b>-"W-woah! There are people around here!"</b> You stop her.
<emily>-"So what? This is a nudist beach, nobody will care!"</emily> She pets your head to calm you down. You look around once again, seeing plently of completely naked women in front of you.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\q10.webp">
<b>-"F-fine.."</b> You lean back and relax. After Emily removes the shorts, she starts to speak again.
<emily>-"Come on.. Image me riding that big fucking cock.."</emily> She whispers in your ear as you try your hardest not to cum..
<b>-"Nghhhh.."</b> You feel the warm weaves of pleasure wrap around you..
<emily>-"Good boy.. Come on.. Keep it up.."</emily>
<b>-"ShittttTttt.."</b> You try to remain as silent as possible as she tightly grips your shaft.
<emily>-"Are you close?"</emily> Emily stops for a second.
<b>-"Y-yeah.. Keep going.."</b>
<emily>-"I guess you deserve some release today.."</emily> She slips off her bra, revealing her perfect round breasts.
<emily>-"Cum for me $name.. Cum for me as you imagine me pleasuring another man.."</emily> She continues to whisper into your ear.
<b>-"AghHhhhHHH!!"</b> You cover your mouth with your mouth to keep silent.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\q14.webp">
<emily>-"Good boy! Come on! A little more!"</emily> She encourages you as you explode everywhere.
<b>-"NghHhhhHHH! G-god.. L-let go! I'm so sensitive!"</b> You beg her...
<emily>-"Hehehe... I like to see you squirm around like that.."</emily> She rubs your tip as your legs shake.
<emily>-"That's enough."</emily> To your relief, she let's go and shakes her hand clean of cum.
<b>-"I.. I love you Emily."</b>
<emily>-"I love you too babe.."</emily> She gives you a kiss on the forehead.
<emily>-"Come on, clean up and let's go, if we leave right now we might get back before sundown!"</emily> You check the watch and nod.
<b>-"Y-yes.."</b> After packing up all of the stuff you came here with, you begin walking towards the car.
<emily>-"Thanks again for coming out here with me $name.."</emily> She smiles.
<b>-"No need to thank me Emily, I enjoyed myself as well."</b>
<emily>-"Our relationship might be a little weird, but I wouldn't trade it for anything!"</emily> You both throw your stuff into the trunk.
<b>-"I'm pretty surprised I like it this much to be honest.. I can't complain though."</b> After getting inside of the car, you buckle up and begin the journey back. You talk about what happened, what your other plans are, where Emily will find her new bull and things of that nature. After a couple of hours you're finally back in your city. After saying your goodbyes and kissing her, you exit the car and she drives off.
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<<set $openminded to $openminded +1>>\
<mia>Open-minded +1!</mia>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
<<pageReplace "Look around for a way to get home">>
<<set $time to 2>>
<<goto "Go outside">>
<</pageReplace>><<if $time !==2>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<set $emilydays to 18>>\
<<location "Images/Other/7363794952_56303ea0b0_b.webp" "At Emily's place">>\
<<if $wentothebeachwithemily == true>>\
<<if $domstatus is true>>\
<b>-"Honeyyy! I'm here!"</b> You say as you enter her apartment. You decided to stop by a KFC while driving here and take some wings.
<emily>-"Heyyyy baby! How was your trip?"</emily> She pokes her head out of the kitchen.
<b>-"Pretty good, look at what I brought!"</b> You hold up the bag.
<emily>-"WhaaaaaaAAAaa! Yay! I was starving!"</emily> Her face lights up as you take off your shoes. After walking into the kitchen, you plop down the food on the counter.
<b>-"I'm going to dig in straight away!"</b> Emily quickly takes out the bucket of wings and takes a couple.
<emily>-"Thanks $name!"</emily>
<b>-"No problem babe, enjoy!"</b>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\m3.webp">
<emily>-"So... What did you think?"</emily>
<b>-"Think of what?"</b> You sit down in front of her and begin eating.
<emily>-"The trip.. What happened... Everything?"</emily> You haven't really talked about what happened at the beach besides when you were in the car coming back.
<<pageReplace"I liked it.">>
<b>-"I liked it.. It was an incredible feeling... Being watched by so many people.."</b> Your crotch tingles at the thought of what happened.
<emily>-"I liked it too.. To be honest, I liked it way too much..."</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\m2.webp">
<b>-"What do you mean..?"</b> It's a bit awkward to talk about your sex life while eating chicken wings, but it is what it is.
<emily>-"I've been reliving the moment every night after it happened... I want to do something like that again!"</emily> She puts down her food.
<b>-"Like.. Public exhibitionism stuff?"</b>
<emily>-"Yeah! I already have an idea.."</emily> She grins.
<emily>-"Would you feel comfortable with doing it in public again?"</emily>
<b>-"I mean sure! What's the idea?"</b> You raise your right eyebrow.
<emily>-"This..."</emily> She glances to her left, you follow her gaze with your own eyes.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\m1.jpg">
<b>-"I'm confused.."</b> You mumble.
<emily>-"The balcony you dummy.."</emily> She laughs.
<emily>-"Image.. Us doing it.. People can see through their windows... SOOO hot.."</emily>
<b>-"It sounds hot, true.. We should do it right now.."</b> You walk up to Emily and grab her waist.
<emily>-"MgHhhHH! N-not today $name.."</emily>
<<pageReplace"Why not?">>\
<b>-"Why not?"</b> You take a step back.
<emily>-"It's that time of the month.."</emily> She blushes a bit.
<emily>-"Yeah.. Believe me, if I could agree, I would.."</emily> She lifts up her shirt.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\m2.jpg">
<emily>-"This is a little tease to keep you happy for now"</emily> Emily winks.
<b>-"Can't wait.."</b> You grin as you both sit down again. After finishing your food, you throw out the trash and climb into bed. You spend the whole afternoon cuddling and talking about life and other insignificant things.
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Depends what it is.">>
<b>-"Depends what it is."</b> You raise your right eyebrow.
<emily>-"Well.. It's this"</emily> She glances to her left, you follow her gaze with your own eyes.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\m1.jpg">
<b>-"I'm confused.."</b> You mumble.
<emily>-"The balcony you dummy.."</emily> She laughs.
<emily>-"Image.. Us doing it.. People can see through their windows... SOOO hot.."</emily>
<b>-"It sounds hot, true.. We should do it right now.."</b> You walk up to Emily and grab her waist.
<emily>-"MgHhhHH! N-not today $name.."</emily>
<<pageReplace"Why not?">>\
<b>-"Why not?"</b> You take a step back.
<emily>-"It's that time of the month.."</emily> She blushes a bit.
<emily>-"Yeah.. Believe me, if I could agree, I would.."</emily> She lifts up her shirt.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\m2.jpg">
<emily>-"This is a little tease to keep you happy for now"</emily> Emily winks.
<b>-"Can't wait.."</b> You grin as you both sit down again. After finishing your food, you throw out the trash and climb into bed. You spend the whole afternoon cuddling and talking about life and other insignificant things.
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"I don't know.">>
<b>-"I don't know... Too soon to tell.."</b> You mumble.
<emily>-"You don't know?"</emily> Emily giggles.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\m2.webp">
<emily>-"Your cock seems to have liked it..."</emily>
<b>-"Maybe my cock liked you, not the situation as a whole."</b>
<emily>-"Maybe.. But me on the other hand.."</emily> She puts her food down.
<emily>-"I've been reliving the moment every night after it happened... I want to do something like that again!"</emily> It's a bit awkward to talk about your sex life while eating chicken wings, but it is what it is.
<b>-"Like.. Public exhibitionism stuff?"</b>
<emily>-"Yeah! I already have an idea.."</emily> She grins.
<emily>-"Would you feel comfortable with doing it in public again?"</emily>
<b>-"I mean sure! What's the idea?"</b> You raise your right eyebrow.
<emily>-"This..."</emily> She glances to her left, you follow her gaze with your own eyes.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\m1.jpg">
<b>-"I'm confused.."</b> You mumble.
<emily>-"The balcony you dummy.."</emily> She laughs.
<emily>-"Image.. Us doing it.. People can see through their windows... SOOO hot.."</emily>
<b>-"It sounds hot, true.. We should do it right now.."</b> You walk up to Emily and grab her waist.
<emily>-"MgHhhHH! N-not today $name.."</emily>
<<pageReplace"Why not?">>\
<b>-"Why not?"</b> You take a step back.
<emily>-"It's that time of the month.."</emily> She blushes a bit.
<emily>-"Yeah.. Believe me, if I could agree, I would.."</emily> She lifts up her shirt.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\m2.jpg">
<emily>-"This is a little tease to keep you happy for now"</emily> Emily winks.
<b>-"Can't wait.."</b> You grin as you both sit down again. After finishing your food, you throw out the trash and climb into bed. You spend the whole afternoon cuddling and talking about life and other insignificant things.
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Depends what it is.">>
<b>-"Depends what it is."</b> You raise your right eyebrow.
<emily>-"Well.. It's this"</emily> She glances to her left, you follow her gaze with your own eyes.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\m1.jpg">
<b>-"I'm confused.."</b> You mumble.
<emily>-"The balcony you dummy.."</emily> She laughs.
<emily>-"Image.. Us doing it.. People can see through their windows... SOOO hot.."</emily>
<b>-"It sounds hot, true.. We should do it right now.."</b> You walk up to Emily and grab her waist.
<emily>-"MgHhhHH! N-not today $name.."</emily>
<<pageReplace"Why not?">>\
<b>-"Why not?"</b> You take a step back.
<emily>-"It's that time of the month.."</emily> She blushes a bit.
<emily>-"Yeah.. Believe me, if I could agree, I would.."</emily> She lifts up her shirt.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\m2.jpg">
<emily>-"This is a little tease to keep you happy for now"</emily> Emily winks.
<b>-"Can't wait.."</b> You grin as you both sit down again. After finishing your food, you throw out the trash and climb into bed. You spend the whole afternoon cuddling and talking about life and other insignificant things.
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<b>-"Honeyyy! I'm here!"</b> You say as you enter her apartment. You decided to stop by a KFC while driving here and take some wings.
<emily>-"Heyyyy baby! How was your trip?"</emily> She pokes her head out of the kitchen.
<b>-"Pretty good, look at what I brought!"</b> You hold up the bag.
<emily>-"WhaaaaaaAAAaa! Yay! I was starving!"</emily> Her face lights up as you take off your shoes. After walking into the kitchen, you plop down the food on the counter.
<b>-"I'm going to dig in straight away!"</b> Emily quickly takes out the bucket of wings and takes a couple.
<emily>-"Thanks $name!"</emily>
<b>-"No problem babe, enjoy!"</b>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\m3.webp">
<emily>-"So, we've had an open relationship for quite a while now.. What do you think?"</emily> She asks as you sit down yourself and begin eating.
<b>-"W-where did that come from?!"</b> You stutter over your words.
<emily>-"What? The question isn't that weird come on."</emily>
<<pageReplace"I like it.">>\
<b>-"I like it! We talked about cucks and similar things at the SUP, but.. I never knew I would actually become one!"</b> Emily laughs as you say that.
<emily>-"Haha! I didn't expect you to like it as much myself! I thought you would break up with me!"</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\m2.webp">
<b>-"You know I couldn't do that baby.."</b> You smile.
<emily>-"AWhhhhhh.."</emily> Her eyes light up.
<emily>-"I love you $name.."</emily>
<b>-"I love you too baby!"</b> After finishing the food and throwing away the trash, you both lay down on her bed.
<emily>-"UghHHhhHHHhh.. I have a food baby.."</emily> She moans.
<b>-"S-same... Shouldn't have order that much!"</b>
<emily>-"Oh, I almost forgot!"</emily> Emily turns to you.
<<pageReplace"See where this goes.">>\
<emily>-"We need a new bull, remember?"</emily> You look her in the eyes.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\m1.jpg">
<b>-"A what?"</b>
<emily>-"A bull! A new guy for me to fuck!"</emily>
<b>-"Oh right.."</b> Now you remember.
<emily>-"Our old one stayed at the resort."</emily>
<b>-"Do you have anyone in mind?"</b> She pulls up her phone.
<emily>-"Hehe I sure do! I made a tinder account just to look for them!"</emily> Emily shows you a screenshot.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\m5.jpeg">
<emily>-"This is bull #1! He looks pretty nice if I do say so myself."</emily> A giggle escapes her lips.
<b>-"Mhm.. Knowing you, there's more than one option."</b> You blush a little bit.
<emily>-"You're correct!"</emily> She swipes.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\m4.jpeg">
<emily>-"Option #2! He's a lot bigger.. In probably one ways than one!"</emily> Emily bites her bottom lip.
<emily>-"I'm not saying that It'll happen, but I wouldn't be surprised that the guy you choose will take my swinger virginity!"</emily>
<b>-"Swinger virginity?"</b>
<emily>-"Mhm! I've only sucked dick before, but I think I'm finally ready to get properly dicked down by someone else!"</emily> You gulp.
<b>-"Oh.. That's what you mean.."</b>
<emily>-"Come on then, the choice is up to you! I'll text whoever you pick!"</emily>
<b>-"From their descriptions, #2 sounds like a real douche... #1 is probably a bit smaller however.."</b> You think.
<<pageReplace "Guy #1">>
<<set $emilysecondbullnumber1 to true>>\
<b>-"The first guy is my pick!"</b> You announce.
<emily>-"Really? Why?"</emily>
<b>-"D-don't know.. He just seems a little nicer."</b>
<emily>-"Well alright, first guy it is! I'll text in a couple of days."</emily> She turns off the phone.
<emily>-"Can't wait to see us in action huh?"</emily> Emily grabs your crotch.. You haven't even noticed, but your cock is rock hard!
<b>-"O-oh! Haha! I guess so!"</b> You awkwardly laugh. You spend the afternoon cuddling and talking about what your plans are with then new bull.. After a while, it's time to head home.
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<mia>Open-minded +1!</mia>
<<set $openminded to $openminded +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace "Guy #2">>
<<set $emilysecondbullnumber1 to false>>\
<b>-"The second guy is my pick!"</b> You announce.
<emily>-"Really? Why?"</emily>
<b>-"He definitely sounds a bit like a douche, but I can't lie, seeing you with bigger men turns me on.."</b>
<emily>-"Oh really? Couldn't have guessed.."</emily> Emily grabs your crotch.. You haven't even noticed, but your cock is rock hard!
<emily>-"Haha well alright, second guy it is! I'll text in a couple of days."</emily> She turns off the phone.
<b>-"Fuckkkk.. Can't wait."</b> You spend the afternoon cuddling and talking about what your plans are with then new bull.. After a while, it's time to head home.
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<mia>Open-minded +1!</mia>
<<set $openminded to $openminded +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace "You don't need a bull you have me.">>
<b>-"Y-you don't need a bull Emily.. You have me!"</b> You try to act confident.
<emily>-"Hahaha! Yeah that's not happening! Way too late for that."</emily> She flicks your crotch.
<b>-"Youch! "</b>
<emily>-"I need something bigger than this, come on, pick already."</emily> She seems pretty serious.. It's better if you pick.
<<pageReplace "Guy #1">>
<<set $emilysecondbullnumber1 to true>>\
<b>-"The first guy is my pick!"</b> You announce.
<emily>-"Really? Why?"</emily>
<b>-"D-don't know.. He just seems a little nicer."</b>
<emily>-"Well alright, first guy it is! I'll text in a couple of days."</emily> She turns off the phone.
<emily>-"Can't wait to see us in action huh?"</emily> Emily grabs your crotch.. You haven't even noticed, but your cock is rock hard!
<b>-"O-oh! Haha! I guess so!"</b> You awkwardly laugh. You spend the afternoon cuddling and talking about what your plans are with then new bull.. After a while, it's time to head home.
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<mia>Open-minded +1!</mia>
<<set $openminded to $openminded +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace "Guy #2">>
<<set $emilysecondbullnumber1 to false>>\
<b>-"The second guy is my pick!"</b> You announce.
<emily>-"Really? Why?"</emily>
<b>-"He definitely sounds a bit like a douche, but I can't lie, seeing you with bigger men turns me on.."</b>
<emily>-"Oh really? Couldn't have guessed.."</emily> Emily grabs your crotch.. You haven't even noticed, but your cock is rock hard!
<emily>-"Haha well alright, second guy it is! I'll text in a couple of days."</emily> She turns off the phone.
<b>-"Fuckkkk.. Can't wait."</b> You spend the afternoon cuddling and talking about what your plans are with then new bull.. After a while, it's time to head home.
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<mia>Open-minded +1!</mia>
<<set $openminded to $openminded +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"I don't know yet.">>
<b>-"I don't know yet.. It's too soon to tell!"</b> Emily laughs as you say that.
<emily>-"Haha what? Too soon? I think it's a bit too late to decide!"</emily>
<b>-"What do you mean?"</b>
<emily>-"I mean, if you decide that you don't like this, we're breaking up. I finally discovered a part of me that laid hidden all this time."</emily>
<emily>-"I love cucking you $name and I can't imagine us going back to our old dynamic."</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\m2.webp">
<b>-"Hmmmm... Maybe you're right."</b> Maybe it is too late to turn back... You can't lie, you get turned on when you see her with other men.
<emily>-"I love you $name.."</emily>
<b>-"I love you too baby!"</b> After finishing the food and throwing away the trash, you both lay down on her bed.
<emily>-"UghHHhhHHHhh.. I have a food baby.."</emily> She moans.
<b>-"S-same... Shouldn't have order that much!"</b>
<emily>-"Oh, I almost forgot!"</emily> Emily turns to you.
<<pageReplace"See where this goes.">>\
<emily>-"We need a new bull, remember?"</emily> You look her in the eyes.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\m1.jpg">
<b>-"A what?"</b>
<emily>-"A bull! A new guy for me to fuck!"</emily>
<b>-"Oh right.."</b> Now you remember.
<emily>-"Our old one stayed at the resort."</emily>
<b>-"Do you have anyone in mind?"</b> She pulls up her phone.
<emily>-"Hehe I sure do! I made a tinder account just to look for them!"</emily> Emily shows you a screenshot.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\m5.jpeg">
<emily>-"This is bull #1! He looks pretty nice if I do say so myself."</emily> A giggle escapes her lips.
<b>-"Mhm.. Knowing you, there's more than one option."</b> You blush a little bit.
<emily>-"You're correct!"</emily> She swipes.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\m4.jpeg">
<emily>-"Option #2! He's a lot bigger.. In probably one ways than one!"</emily> Emily bites her bottom lip.
<emily>-"I'm not saying that It'll happen, but I wouldn't be surprised that the guy you choose will take my swinger virginity!"</emily>
<b>-"Swinger virginity?"</b>
<emily>-"Mhm! I've only sucked dick before, but I think I'm finally ready to get properly dicked down by someone else!"</emily> You gulp.
<b>-"Oh.. That's what you mean.."</b>
<emily>-"Come on then, the choice is up to you! I'll text whoever you pick!"</emily>
<b>-"From their descriptions, #2 sounds like a real douche... #1 is probably a bit smaller however.."</b> You think.
<<pageReplace "Guy #1">>
<<set $emilysecondbullnumber1 to true>>\
<b>-"The first guy is my pick!"</b> You announce.
<emily>-"Really? Why?"</emily>
<b>-"D-don't know.. He just seems a little nicer."</b>
<emily>-"Well alright, first guy it is! I'll text in a couple of days."</emily> She turns off the phone.
<emily>-"Can't wait to see us in action huh?"</emily> Emily grabs your crotch.. You haven't even noticed, but your cock is rock hard!
<b>-"O-oh! Haha! I guess so!"</b> You awkwardly laugh. You spend the afternoon cuddling and talking about what your plans are with then new bull.. After a while, it's time to head home.
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<mia>Open-minded +1!</mia>
<<set $openminded to $openminded +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace "Guy #2">>
<<set $emilysecondbullnumber1 to false>>\
<b>-"The second guy is my pick!"</b> You announce.
<emily>-"Really? Why?"</emily>
<b>-"He definitely sounds a bit like a douche, but I can't lie, seeing you with bigger men turns me on.."</b>
<emily>-"Oh really? Couldn't have guessed.."</emily> Emily grabs your crotch.. You haven't even noticed, but your cock is rock hard!
<emily>-"Haha well alright, second guy it is! I'll text in a couple of days."</emily> She turns off the phone.
<b>-"Fuckkkk.. Can't wait."</b> You spend the afternoon cuddling and talking about what your plans are with then new bull.. After a while, it's time to head home.
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<mia>Open-minded +1!</mia>
<<set $openminded to $openminded +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace "You don't need a bull you have me.">>
<b>-"Y-you don't need a bull Emily.. You have me!"</b> You try to act confident.
<emily>-"Hahaha! Yeah that's not happening! Way too late for that."</emily> She flicks your crotch.
<b>-"Youch! "</b>
<emily>-"I need something bigger than this, come on, pick already."</emily> She seems pretty serious.. It's better if you pick.
<<pageReplace "Guy #1">>
<<set $emilysecondbullnumber1 to true>>\
<b>-"The first guy is my pick!"</b> You announce.
<emily>-"Really? Why?"</emily>
<b>-"D-don't know.. He just seems a little nicer."</b>
<emily>-"Well alright, first guy it is! I'll text in a couple of days."</emily> She turns off the phone.
<emily>-"Can't wait to see us in action huh?"</emily> Emily grabs your crotch.. You haven't even noticed, but your cock is rock hard!
<b>-"O-oh! Haha! I guess so!"</b> You awkwardly laugh. You spend the afternoon cuddling and talking about what your plans are with then new bull.. After a while, it's time to head home.
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<mia>Open-minded +1!</mia>
<<set $openminded to $openminded +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace "Guy #2">>
<<set $emilysecondbullnumber1 to false>>\
<b>-"The second guy is my pick!"</b> You announce.
<emily>-"Really? Why?"</emily>
<b>-"He definitely sounds a bit like a douche, but I can't lie, seeing you with bigger men turns me on.."</b>
<emily>-"Oh really? Couldn't have guessed.."</emily> Emily grabs your crotch.. You haven't even noticed, but your cock is rock hard!
<emily>-"Haha well alright, second guy it is! I'll text in a couple of days."</emily> She turns off the phone.
<b>-"Fuckkkk.. Can't wait."</b> You spend the afternoon cuddling and talking about what your plans are with then new bull.. After a while, it's time to head home.
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<mia>Open-minded +1!</mia>
<<set $openminded to $openminded +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<<if $domstatus is true>>\
<b>-"Honeyyy! I'm here!"</b> You say as you enter her apartment. You decided to stop by a KFC while driving here and take some wings.
<emily>-"Heyyyy baby! How was your trip?"</emily> She pokes her head out of the kitchen.
<b>-"Pretty good, look at what I brought!"</b> You hold up the bag.
<emily>-"WhaaaaaaAAAaa! Yay! I was starving!"</emily> Her face lights up as you take off your shoes. After walking into the kitchen, you plop down the food on the counter.
<b>-"I'm going to dig in straight away!"</b> Emily quickly takes out the bucket of wings and takes a couple.
<emily>-"Thanks $name!"</emily>
<b>-"No problem babe, enjoy!"</b>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\m3.webp">
<emily>-"Weird question $name.. What do you think about exhibitionism?"</emily>
<b>-"W-what?!"</b> You almost spit out your food.
<b>-"That's so random."</b>
<emily>-"Hah maybe.. Just answer the question please."</emily>
<<pageReplace"I like it.">>
<b>-"I like it.. The thought of people watching us while we do it sounds hot!"</b> Your crotch tingles at the thought.
<emily>-"I like it too.. To be honest, I like it way too much..."</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\m2.webp">
<b>-"What do you mean..?"</b> It's a bit awkward to talk about your sex life while eating chicken wings, but it is what it is.
<emily>-"I've been dreaming about doing something brave.. Something new."</emily> She puts down her food.
<b>-"Like.. Public exhibitionism stuff?"</b>
<emily>-"Yeah! I already have an idea.."</emily> She grins.
<emily>-"Would you feel comfortable with doing it something like that?"</emily>
<b>-"I mean sure! What's the idea?"</b> You raise your right eyebrow.
<emily>-"This..."</emily> She glances to her left, you follow her gaze with your own eyes.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\m1.jpg">
<b>-"I'm confused.."</b> You mumble.
<emily>-"The balcony you dummy.."</emily> She laughs.
<emily>-"Image.. Us doing it.. People can see through their windows... SOOO hot.."</emily>
<b>-"It sounds hot, true.. We should do it right now.."</b> You walk up to Emily and grab her waist.
<emily>-"MgHhhHH! N-not today $name.."</emily>
<<pageReplace"Why not?">>\
<b>-"Why not?"</b> You take a step back.
<emily>-"It's that time of the month.."</emily> She blushes a bit.
<emily>-"Yeah.. Believe me, if I could agree, I would.."</emily> She lifts up her shirt.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\m2.jpg">
<emily>-"This is a little tease to keep you happy for now"</emily> Emily winks.
<b>-"Can't wait.."</b> You grin as you both sit down again. After finishing your food, you throw out the trash and climb into bed. You spend the whole afternoon cuddling and talking about life and other insignificant things.
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Depends what it is.">>
<b>-"Depends what it is."</b> You raise your right eyebrow.
<emily>-"Well.. It's this"</emily> She glances to her left, you follow her gaze with your own eyes.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\m1.jpg">
<b>-"I'm confused.."</b> You mumble.
<emily>-"The balcony you dummy.."</emily> She laughs.
<emily>-"Image.. Us doing it.. People can see through their windows... SOOO hot.."</emily>
<b>-"It sounds hot, true.. We should do it right now.."</b> You walk up to Emily and grab her waist.
<emily>-"MgHhhHH! N-not today $name.."</emily>
<<pageReplace"Why not?">>\
<b>-"Why not?"</b> You take a step back.
<emily>-"It's that time of the month.."</emily> She blushes a bit.
<emily>-"Yeah.. Believe me, if I could agree, I would.."</emily> She lifts up her shirt.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\m2.jpg">
<emily>-"This is a little tease to keep you happy for now"</emily> Emily winks.
<b>-"Can't wait.."</b> You grin as you both sit down again. After finishing your food, you throw out the trash and climb into bed. You spend the whole afternoon cuddling and talking about life and other insignificant things.
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"I don't know.">>
<b>-"I don't know.. Never really gave it a proper try."</b> You mumble.
<emily>-"A proper try huh?"</emily> Emily giggles.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\m2.webp">
<emily>-"Would you?"</emily>
<b>-"Would I what?"</b>
<emily>-"Would you like to give it a try?"</emily> She puts her food down and stares into your soul.
<b>-"Like.. Public exhibitionism stuff?"</b> It's a bit awkward to talk about your sex life while eating chicken wings, but it is what it is.
<emily>-"Yeah! I already have an idea.."</emily> She grins.
<emily>-"Would you feel comfortable with doing it in public again?"</emily>
<b>-"I mean sure! What's the idea?"</b> You raise your right eyebrow.
<emily>-"This..."</emily> She glances to her left, you follow her gaze with your own eyes.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\m1.jpg">
<b>-"I'm confused.."</b> You mumble.
<emily>-"The balcony you dummy.."</emily> She laughs.
<emily>-"Image.. Us doing it.. People can see through their windows... SOOO hot.."</emily>
<b>-"It sounds hot, true.. We should do it right now.."</b> You walk up to Emily and grab her waist.
<emily>-"MgHhhHH! N-not today $name.."</emily>
<<pageReplace"Why not?">>\
<b>-"Why not?"</b> You take a step back.
<emily>-"It's that time of the month.."</emily> She blushes a bit.
<emily>-"Yeah.. Believe me, if I could agree, I would.."</emily> She lifts up her shirt.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\m2.jpg">
<emily>-"This is a little tease to keep you happy for now"</emily> Emily winks.
<b>-"Can't wait.."</b> You grin as you both sit down again. After finishing your food, you throw out the trash and climb into bed. You spend the whole afternoon cuddling and talking about life and other insignificant things.
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Depends what it is.">>
<b>-"Depends what it is."</b> You raise your right eyebrow.
<emily>-"Well.. It's this"</emily> She glances to her left, you follow her gaze with your own eyes.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\m1.jpg">
<b>-"I'm confused.."</b> You mumble.
<emily>-"The balcony you dummy.."</emily> She laughs.
<emily>-"Image.. Us doing it.. People can see through their windows... SOOO hot.."</emily>
<b>-"It sounds hot, true.. We should do it right now.."</b> You walk up to Emily and grab her waist.
<emily>-"MgHhhHH! N-not today $name.."</emily>
<<pageReplace"Why not?">>\
<b>-"Why not?"</b> You take a step back.
<emily>-"It's that time of the month.."</emily> She blushes a bit.
<emily>-"Yeah.. Believe me, if I could agree, I would.."</emily> She lifts up her shirt.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\m2.jpg">
<emily>-"This is a little tease to keep you happy for now"</emily> Emily winks.
<b>-"Can't wait.."</b> You grin as you both sit down again. After finishing your food, you throw out the trash and climb into bed. You spend the whole afternoon cuddling and talking about life and other insignificant things.
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<b>-"Honeyyy! I'm here!"</b> You say as you enter her apartment. You decided to stop by a KFC while driving here and take some wings.
<emily>-"Heyyyy baby! How was your trip?"</emily> She pokes her head out of the kitchen.
<b>-"Pretty good, look at what I brought!"</b> You hold up the bag.
<emily>-"WhaaaaaaAAAaa! Yay! I was starving!"</emily> Her face lights up as you take off your shoes. After walking into the kitchen, you plop down the food on the counter.
<b>-"I'm going to dig in straight away!"</b> Emily quickly takes out the bucket of wings and takes a couple.
<emily>-"Thanks $name!"</emily>
<b>-"No problem babe, enjoy!"</b>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\m3.webp">
<emily>-"So, we've had an open relationship for quite a while now.. What do you think?"</emily> She asks as you sit down yourself and begin eating.
<b>-"W-where did that come from?!"</b> You stutter over your words.
<emily>-"What? The question isn't that weird come on."</emily>
<<pageReplace"I like it.">>\
<b>-"I like it! We talked about cucks and similar things at the SUP, but.. I never knew I would actually become one!"</b> Emily laughs as you say that.
<emily>-"Haha! I didn't expect you to like it as much myself! I thought you would break up with me!"</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\m2.webp">
<b>-"You know I couldn't do that baby.."</b> You smile.
<emily>-"AWhhhhhh.."</emily> Her eyes light up.
<emily>-"I love you $name.."</emily>
<b>-"I love you too baby!"</b> After finishing the food and throwing away the trash, you both lay down on her bed.
<emily>-"UghHHhhHHHhh.. I have a food baby.."</emily> She moans.
<b>-"S-same... Shouldn't have order that much!"</b>
<emily>-"Oh, I almost forgot!"</emily> Emily turns to you.
<<pageReplace"See where this goes.">>\
<emily>-"We need a new bull."</emily> You look her in the eyes.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\m1.jpg">
<b>-"A what?"</b>
<emily>-"A bull! A new guy for me to fuck!"</emily>
<b>-"Wait why? What's wrong with the current guy?"</b>
<emily>-"He was supposed to meet us at the resort near the beach, but we didn't go so he went alone."</emily>
<emily>-"And he decided to stay there. The water is healthy for his skin or whatever."</emily>
<emily>-"Now we need a new cock!"</emily>
<b>-"Do you have anyone in mind?"</b> She pulls up her phone.
<emily>-"Hehe I sure do! I made a tinder account just to look for them!"</emily> Emily shows you a screenshot.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\m5.jpeg">
<emily>-"This is bull #1! He looks pretty nice if I do say so myself."</emily> A giggle escapes her lips.
<b>-"Mhm.. Knowing you, there's more than one option."</b> You blush a little bit.
<emily>-"You're correct!"</emily> She swipes.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\m4.jpeg">
<emily>-"Option #2! He's a lot bigger.. In probably one ways than one!"</emily> Emily bites her bottom lip.
<emily>-"I'm not saying that It'll happen, but I wouldn't be surprised that the guy you choose will take my swinger virginity!"</emily>
<b>-"Swinger virginity?"</b>
<emily>-"Mhm! I've only sucked dick before, but I think I'm finally ready to get properly dicked down by someone else!"</emily> You gulp.
<b>-"Oh.. That's what you mean.."</b>
<emily>-"Come on then, the choice is up to you! I'll text whoever you pick!"</emily>
<b>-"From their descriptions, #2 sounds like a real douche... #1 is probably a bit smaller however.."</b> You think.
<<pageReplace "Guy #1">>
<<set $emilysecondbullnumber1 to true>>\
<b>-"The first guy is my pick!"</b> You announce.
<emily>-"Really? Why?"</emily>
<b>-"D-don't know.. He just seems a little nicer."</b>
<emily>-"Well alright, first guy it is! I'll text in a couple of days."</emily> She turns off the phone.
<emily>-"Can't wait to see us in action huh?"</emily> Emily grabs your crotch.. You haven't even noticed, but your cock is rock hard!
<b>-"O-oh! Haha! I guess so!"</b> You awkwardly laugh. You spend the afternoon cuddling and talking about what your plans are with then new bull.. After a while, it's time to head home.
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<mia>Open-minded +1!</mia>
<<set $openminded to $openminded +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace "Guy #2">>
<<set $emilysecondbullnumber1 to false>>\
<b>-"The second guy is my pick!"</b> You announce.
<emily>-"Really? Why?"</emily>
<b>-"He definitely sounds a bit like a douche, but I can't lie, seeing you with bigger men turns me on.."</b>
<emily>-"Oh really? Couldn't have guessed.."</emily> Emily grabs your crotch.. You haven't even noticed, but your cock is rock hard!
<emily>-"Haha well alright, second guy it is! I'll text in a couple of days."</emily> She turns off the phone.
<b>-"Fuckkkk.. Can't wait."</b> You spend the afternoon cuddling and talking about what your plans are with then new bull.. After a while, it's time to head home.
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<mia>Open-minded +1!</mia>
<<set $openminded to $openminded +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace "You don't need a bull you have me.">>
<b>-"Y-you don't need a bull Emily.. You have me!"</b> You try to act confident.
<emily>-"Hahaha! Yeah that's not happening! Way too late for that."</emily> She flicks your crotch.
<b>-"Youch! "</b>
<emily>-"I need something bigger than this, come on, pick already."</emily> She seems pretty serious.. It's better if you pick.
<<pageReplace "Guy #1">>
<<set $emilysecondbullnumber1 to true>>\
<b>-"The first guy is my pick!"</b> You announce.
<emily>-"Really? Why?"</emily>
<b>-"D-don't know.. He just seems a little nicer."</b>
<emily>-"Well alright, first guy it is! I'll text in a couple of days."</emily> She turns off the phone.
<emily>-"Can't wait to see us in action huh?"</emily> Emily grabs your crotch.. You haven't even noticed, but your cock is rock hard!
<b>-"O-oh! Haha! I guess so!"</b> You awkwardly laugh. You spend the afternoon cuddling and talking about what your plans are with then new bull.. After a while, it's time to head home.
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<mia>Open-minded +1!</mia>
<<set $openminded to $openminded +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace "Guy #2">>
<<set $emilysecondbullnumber1 to false>>\
<b>-"The second guy is my pick!"</b> You announce.
<emily>-"Really? Why?"</emily>
<b>-"He definitely sounds a bit like a douche, but I can't lie, seeing you with bigger men turns me on.."</b>
<emily>-"Oh really? Couldn't have guessed.."</emily> Emily grabs your crotch.. You haven't even noticed, but your cock is rock hard!
<emily>-"Haha well alright, second guy it is! I'll text in a couple of days."</emily> She turns off the phone.
<b>-"Fuckkkk.. Can't wait."</b> You spend the afternoon cuddling and talking about what your plans are with then new bull.. After a while, it's time to head home.
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<mia>Open-minded +1!</mia>
<<set $openminded to $openminded +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"I don't know yet.">>
<b>-"I don't know yet.. It's too soon to tell!"</b> Emily laughs as you say that.
<emily>-"Haha what? Too soon? I think it's a bit too late to decide!"</emily>
<b>-"What do you mean?"</b>
<emily>-"I mean, if you decide that you don't like this, we're breaking up. I finally discovered a part of me that laid hidden all this time."</emily>
<emily>-"I love cucking you $name and I can't imagine us going back to our old dynamic."</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\m2.webp">
<b>-"Hmmmm... Maybe you're right."</b> Maybe it is too late to turn back... You can't lie, you get turned on when you see her with other men.
<emily>-"I love you $name.."</emily>
<b>-"I love you too baby!"</b> After finishing the food and throwing away the trash, you both lay down on her bed.
<emily>-"UghHHhhHHHhh.. I have a food baby.."</emily> She moans.
<b>-"S-same... Shouldn't have order that much!"</b>
<emily>-"Oh, I almost forgot!"</emily> Emily turns to you.
<<pageReplace"See where this goes.">>\
<emily>-"We need a new bull."</emily> You look her in the eyes.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\m1.jpg">
<b>-"A what?"</b>
<emily>-"A bull! A new guy for me to fuck!"</emily>
<b>-"Wait why? What's wrong with the current guy?"</b>
<emily>-"He was supposed to meet us at the resort near the beach, but we didn't go so he went alone."</emily>
<emily>-"And he decided to stay there. The water is healthy for his skin or whatever."</emily>
<emily>-"Now we need a new cock!"</emily>
<b>-"Do you have anyone in mind?"</b> She pulls up her phone.
<emily>-"Hehe I sure do! I made a tinder account just to look for them!"</emily> Emily shows you a screenshot.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\m5.jpeg">
<emily>-"This is bull #1! He looks pretty nice if I do say so myself."</emily> A giggle escapes her lips.
<b>-"Mhm.. Knowing you, there's more than one option."</b> You blush a little bit.
<emily>-"You're correct!"</emily> She swipes.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\m4.jpeg">
<emily>-"Option #2! He's a lot bigger.. In probably one ways than one!"</emily> Emily bites her bottom lip.
<emily>-"I'm not saying that It'll happen, but I wouldn't be surprised that the guy you choose will take my swinger virginity!"</emily>
<b>-"Swinger virginity?"</b>
<emily>-"Mhm! I've only sucked dick before, but I think I'm finally ready to get properly dicked down by someone else!"</emily> You gulp.
<b>-"Oh.. That's what you mean.."</b>
<emily>-"Come on then, the choice is up to you! I'll text whoever you pick!"</emily>
<b>-"From their descriptions, #2 sounds like a real douche... #1 is probably a bit smaller however.."</b> You think.
<<pageReplace "Guy #1">>
<<set $emilysecondbullnumber1 to true>>\
<b>-"The first guy is my pick!"</b> You announce.
<emily>-"Really? Why?"</emily>
<b>-"D-don't know.. He just seems a little nicer."</b>
<emily>-"Well alright, first guy it is! I'll text in a couple of days."</emily> She turns off the phone.
<emily>-"Can't wait to see us in action huh?"</emily> Emily grabs your crotch.. You haven't even noticed, but your cock is rock hard!
<b>-"O-oh! Haha! I guess so!"</b> You awkwardly laugh. You spend the afternoon cuddling and talking about what your plans are with then new bull.. After a while, it's time to head home.
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<mia>Open-minded +1!</mia>
<<set $openminded to $openminded +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace "Guy #2">>
<<set $emilysecondbullnumber1 to false>>\
<b>-"The second guy is my pick!"</b> You announce.
<emily>-"Really? Why?"</emily>
<b>-"He definitely sounds a bit like a douche, but I can't lie, seeing you with bigger men turns me on.."</b>
<emily>-"Oh really? Couldn't have guessed.."</emily> Emily grabs your crotch.. You haven't even noticed, but your cock is rock hard!
<emily>-"Haha well alright, second guy it is! I'll text in a couple of days."</emily> She turns off the phone.
<b>-"Fuckkkk.. Can't wait."</b> You spend the afternoon cuddling and talking about what your plans are with then new bull.. After a while, it's time to head home.
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<mia>Open-minded +1!</mia>
<<set $openminded to $openminded +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace "You don't need a bull you have me.">>
<b>-"Y-you don't need a bull Emily.. You have me!"</b> You try to act confident.
<emily>-"Hahaha! Yeah that's not happening! Way too late for that."</emily> She flicks your crotch.
<b>-"Youch! "</b>
<emily>-"I need something bigger than this, come on, pick already."</emily> She seems pretty serious.. It's better if you pick.
<<pageReplace "Guy #1">>
<<set $emilysecondbullnumber1 to true>>\
<b>-"The first guy is my pick!"</b> You announce.
<emily>-"Really? Why?"</emily>
<b>-"D-don't know.. He just seems a little nicer."</b>
<emily>-"Well alright, first guy it is! I'll text in a couple of days."</emily> She turns off the phone.
<emily>-"Can't wait to see us in action huh?"</emily> Emily grabs your crotch.. You haven't even noticed, but your cock is rock hard!
<b>-"O-oh! Haha! I guess so!"</b> You awkwardly laugh. You spend the afternoon cuddling and talking about what your plans are with then new bull.. After a while, it's time to head home.
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<mia>Open-minded +1!</mia>
<<set $openminded to $openminded +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace "Guy #2">>
<<set $emilysecondbullnumber1 to false>>\
<b>-"The second guy is my pick!"</b> You announce.
<emily>-"Really? Why?"</emily>
<b>-"He definitely sounds a bit like a douche, but I can't lie, seeing you with bigger men turns me on.."</b>
<emily>-"Oh really? Couldn't have guessed.."</emily> Emily grabs your crotch.. You haven't even noticed, but your cock is rock hard!
<emily>-"Haha well alright, second guy it is! I'll text in a couple of days."</emily> She turns off the phone.
<b>-"Fuckkkk.. Can't wait."</b> You spend the afternoon cuddling and talking about what your plans are with then new bull.. After a while, it's time to head home.
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<mia>Open-minded +1!</mia>
<<set $openminded to $openminded +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<</if>>\<<if $time !==2>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<set $emilydays to 20>>\
<<location "Images/Other/7363794952_56303ea0b0_b.webp" "At Emily's place">>\
<<if $domstatus is true>>
<b>-"I'm here!"</b> You shout as you enter the apartment.
<emily>-"I'm in the bedroom!"</emily> Emily shouts back. You take off your shoes and join her.
<b>-"Hey babe! What are we doing here, don't you want to eat?"</b>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\f1.jpg">
<emily>-"I want what we talked about.."</emily> She grins.
<b>-"Huh?"</b> You let out a confused chuckle.
<emily>-"Me.. You.. Balcony.. Now.."</emily> She turns around.
<b>-"Ohhhh, the exhibitionism stuff..?"</b> Now you remember. You have no clue why she's so horny, but you're not complaining!
<emily>-"Come here big boy, I've been thinking about you the whole day.."</emily> Emily slowly slips down her underwear.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\f4.webp">
<b>-"Hah, what's gotten into you all of the sudden?"</b> You start to walk up to her.
<emily>-"No more questions $name, just fuck the shit out of me, PLEASE!"</emily> You remember that Gina talked about women who have short menstrual cycles... Most of them ovulate straight after their period.. Could Emily be part of that boat?
<<pageReplace"Grab her">>\
<emily>-"EeeeEEeeeKkk!"</emily> Emily screeches as you grab her buttocks with one hand and her waist with the other.
<b>-"The balcony it is.."</b> You kiss Emily's neck as you carry her out of the room.
<emily>-"NghHhhHHh.. Y-yesssSss..."</emily> She moans into your ear. You enter the balcony and gently put her back on her feet.
<emily>-"Fuck.. I hope someone sees us.."</emily> You look her in the eyes.. They look crazy.
<b>-"Hah, you do?"</b> You unbuckle your pants and take out your cock.
<emily>-"ShittTttt.. So hard already.."</emily> She grabs it and starts slowly stroking it.
<b>-"Take that off.."</b> You mumble as you remove her shirt.
<emily>-"C-come on.. Mount me.."</emily> She puts her hands on the railing and arches her back. After taking in the view, you go for it.
<<pageReplace"Fuck the shit out of Emily">>\
<emily>-"Y-yessSHHHhHHhH!"</emily> She screams as you slowly insert your rod inside.
<b>-"Shhhhh.. K-keep it down baby.."</b> You brush her hair with your hand as you continue to slowly pierce her insides.
<emily>-"I will do... NghHhhh.. N-no such thing!... MghHhhH!!"</emily> She continues to moan.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\f4.webp">
<b>-"G-gosh.. You're way more soaked than usually."</b>
<emily>-"This is.. Nghhhh.. A lot hotter than usual!"</emily> She turns to your and smiles. You exchange a kiss and continue to do your thing.
<b>-"L-look! There's a person walking by!"</b> You point towards the sidewalk. The man is a good 50 meters away and not looking your way.
<emily>-"ShitTtt.. I wish he would just turn towards us.."</emily> Emily's vagina tightens up as she says that.
<b>-"GhhaaAaahhHH!! W-what's gotten into you?"</b> You ask inbetween pants.
<emily>-"I don't know! MgHHhHHh.. D-destroyyyyYYYyyyy meeeEEee pleaseeEEeeEeee!"</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\f2.webp">
<emily>-"GeeeEeeeKkk!"</emily> She screams once again as you slap her ass...
<b>-"You like that, huh?"</b>
<emily>-"Y-yeshhHHhhH!!"</emily> You see Emily put her head up for a second.
<b>-"What..?"</b> You ask as she stops in her tracks.
<emily>-"L-look..."</emily> She points at something.
<<pageReplace"See what it is.">>\
<b>-"H-huh, what is it?"</b> You stutter a bit as you try to look for something.
<emily>-"It's them.."</emily> You finally spot them.. They're the same two men who were stalking Emily!
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\f1.jpg">
<b>-"No way..."</b> They're a good 100 meters away, on another balcony. You can clearly see them looking at you and then starting to talk.
<emily>-"F-fuckKKkkk.. N-noOooo.. Not now.."</emily> She moans out of frustraition.
<emily>-"W-what should we do?"</emily>
<<pageReplace"Give them a better view.">>\
<<set $fuckedinfrontofmeninsuits to true>>\
<b>-"Fuck it.."</b> You grab her leg and raise it up.
<emily>-"$name! W-what are you doing?! NghHhhHH! I-it's them!"</emily> You can see the panic in her eyes.
<b>-"Good.. We need to show them we're not afraid!"</b>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\f3.webp">
<emily>-"GgHhhhHHHhhhhH! Y-you're right! F-fuck me harder!"</emily> Emily shouts and turns towards the men.
<emily>-"Nghhh.. W-watch us.. MghHHh.. Y-you fucking losers!"</emily>
<b>-"S-shit.. I'm close Emily!"</b> Your cock begins pulsating slowly..
<emily>-"Inside! Give it to me inside!"</emily> You feel her squeezing even harder.
<b>-"You sure? Are you on the pill?!"</b>
<emily>-"W-when am I not? sssSSsHhhhHHhhhooootttt! Q-quickly!"</emily>
<<pageReplace"Cum inside.">>
<b>-"Here it comesssSSSsss! S-shitTtttTT!!"</b> Sticky white liquid explodes from your tip, filling her insides.
<emily>-"GhHHhhhhaaaAaaaAAAa!!"</emily> She screams.. After delivering your full load, you finally relax.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\f5.webp">
<emily>-"S-shit..."</emily> You slowly pull out your cock.
<b>-"No way we just did that.."</b> You look at the other balcony again.. They're nowhere to be seen again.
<emily>-"T-they're gone.."</emily>
<b>-"Yeah.."</b> You grab her arm.
<b>-"Come, let's clean up."</b> You lead Emily to the shower. You can't believe you let lust take over and actually had sex infront of the stalkers...
<emily>-"Fuck.. I hope we didn't make things worse.."</emily> She leans her head on your chest as you turn on the shower.
<b>-"Even if we did, I will always be here to protect you.."</b> Emily looks at you and you exchange a kiss. Time to to clean up.
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
[[Shower and drive home->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Stop everything and retreat.">>\
<<set $fuckedinfrontofmeninsuits to false>>\
<b>-"Fuck! We better go!"</b> You quickly pull your cock out.
<emily>-"Shit, I guess you're right... It was just getting good... FUCK!"</emily> You quickly duck and exit the balcony.
<emily>-"Close the blinds! Quickly!"</emily> You nod and do as instructed.
<b>-"What are they doing here?"</b> You ask her. Your cock is already flaccid.
<emily>-"How should I know? Sigh... They're here almost every day."</emily> You can see that she's scared. After walking up to her, you give her a kiss.
<b>-"Come here, let's get cleaned up."</b> She leans her head on your chest as you turn on the shower.
<emily>-"Fuck.. I hope we didn't make things worse by doing that.."</emily>
<b>-"Even if we did, I will always be here to protect you.."</b> Emily looks at you and you exchange a kiss. Time to to clean up.
[[Shower and drive home->Go outside]]
<b>-"I'm here!"</b> You shout as you enter the apartment.
<emily>-"I'm in the bedroom!"</emily> Emily shouts back. You take off your shoes and join her.
<b>-"Hey babe! What are we doing here, don't you want to eat?"</b>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\f1.jpg">
<emily>-"Noooo, not right now. Come here, let's cuddle."</emily> She taps the bed a a couple of times as she lays down.
<b>-"Awh, what, are you feeling down?"</b> You lay down next to her.
<emily>-"On the contrary, I'm just horny.."</emily> Emily grins.
<b>-"Oh...?"</b> You smirk.
<emily>-"Look at what he sent me.."</emily> By "him", she means her new bull and you know it. After taking out her phone, she shows you a picture.
<<if $emilysecondbullnumber1==true>>\
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\f2.png">
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\f3.webp">
<b>-"Gulp.. Fuck that.."</b> You feel your cock throb suddenly.
<emily>-"Isn't he just fucking huge.."</emily> She suddenly get on her knees.
<emily>-"I need to make sure you're just as much into as him as I am.."</emily> You see her slowly pull down her panties.
<b>-"W-what do you mean?"</b> You just got here.. Everything is moving so quickly.
<emily>-"You will understand in a second.."</emily>
<<pageReplace"Look at her undressing">>\
<b>-"Y-you're beautiful baby.."</b> You stutter as you look at her.
<emily>-"I know.."</emily> She removes her panties and throws them at you.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\f4.webp">
<emily>-"Now.."</emily> Emily slowly climbs on top of you, completely naked.
<b>-"W-woah.."</b> She plops down straight on your crotch.
<<if $feminization >100 and $toys==1>>\
<emily>-"Come on, take those fucking pants off.."</emily> She starts unbuckling your pants.
<b>-"Y-yes.."</b> You mumble as Emily flips around. You take off everything below your waist.
<emily>-"Pathetic.. Just as I remember it.."</emily> She takes your caged cock in her hands.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\f5.webp">
<b>-"MghHhhh!"</b> You moan as Emily begins to fondle your balls.
<emily>-"Gosh, if you show up looking like this.. All caged and feminine.. I don't know what will happen."</emily> She whispers..
<b>-"What is going on.."</b> You think to yourself. You remember that professor Kei talked about women who have short menstrual cycles... Most of them ovulate straight after their period.. Could Emily be part of that boat?
<emily>-"Maybe he'll treat you like a girl as well.."</emily> Emily turns around and looks you straight into the eyes. She looks crazy!
<b>-"W-what are you saying?! NghHhhhh"</b> You let out an uncomfortable moan.
<emily>-"You know exactly what I'm saying $name."</emily> She slaps your balls.
<b>-"Y-youch!"</b> Her vagina is right in front of you.. It's definitely not helping your erection to calm down.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\f6.webp">
<emily>-"If you look like a girl, you're going be treated like a girl.."</emily>
<emily>-"He's coming over soon.."</emily> She whispers.
<b>-"Y-your bull?"</b>
<emily>-"Yes.."</emily> Your cock presses up against the cage as you hear the words.
<<pageReplace"Try to calm down.">>
<b>-"Fuck.. Do you need anything?"</b>
<emily>-"Ehehe.. No.. He's bring the condoms.."</emily>
<b>-"T-the condoms?"</b>
<b>-"Gulp.. S-so it's true.. You're losing your swinger virginity.. MghHHHhh.. O-or whatever you call it?"</b>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\f7.webp">
<emily>-"That's right.. And you're going to watch.. Or even participate."</emily> She spits on your cage.
<b>-"P-participate?"</b> You stutter..
<emily>-"Yeah... You can suck his dick before I ride it.. Make it all wet.."</emily> She laughs.
<b>-"NghHHhh... W-what if I don't want to?"</b>
<emily>-"Hah! You don't? Just look at yourself, it's obvious you do.."</emily>
<b>-"FuckKKkk..."</b> Imagining sucking that cock made you even hornier and Emily seems to have noticed.
<emily>-"I had to make sure you weren't going to ruin the moment by backing out, but.."</emily>
<emily>-"You seem ever hornier than me!"</emily> Emily giggles.
<b>-"MghHHhh.. Well with your vagina in my face.. It's hard not to be.."</b>
<emily>-"Are you sure it's just the vagina?"</emily> Emily teases you. She sits up a bit more, making sure her pussy is only a couple of inches above your face.
<emily>-"Imagine that pussy getting fucked right in front of you.."</emily> You feel your balls getting squeezed again.
<b>-"GhHhhh.. N-nooOo.."</b> You try to resist.
<emily>-"Imagine a giant fucking cock piercing me while you can't do anything but watch.."</emily> She laughs and slaps your cage.
<b>-"F-fuck Emily! I-I'm close!!!"</b> You scream as you feel a load brewing.
<emily>-"Good.. But you're not cumming today.."</emily> She slaps it one more time and jumps off.
<b>-"F-fuck fuck fucKKkkKK!"</b> It might be too late..
<<pageReplace"Try not to cum">>
<emily>-"No shot you're going to cum just from a few taps, right?"</emily> She giggles and crosses her arms.
<b>-"N-noo nooo nooOooOO!!"</b> You scream as you shoot your load onto your leg. You somehow came prematurely.. In a cage.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\f8.webp">
<emily>-"Hahaahahhaha! I'm not even mad!"</emily> Emily laughs as she watches you.
<b>-"I.. I'm sorry!"</b> You lay there, defeated.
<emily>-"No need baby, now I know how you truly feel about our situation.."</emily> Emily grins.
<emily>-"Come, let's get you cleaned up."</emily> She extends her arm and you grab it.
<b>-"Thank you.."</b> She leads you to the shower.
<emily>-"Come here honey, take off that cage."</emily> You both step into the shower. You lean you head on her chest.
<b>-"God I hope I won't regret this.."</b> As the water slowly runs through your hair, you open up.
<emily>-"You won't baby.."</emily> She begins to shampoo your head.
<emily>-"It's a natural step in our relationship... Your orgasm just proved that!"</emily> You silently nod, accepting her logic. Time to get cleaned up properly.
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pinK>
[[Shower and drive home->Go outside]]
<<if $toys ==1>>\
<emily>-"Come on, take those fucking pants off.."</emily> She starts unbuckling your pants.
<b>-"Y-yes.."</b> You mumble as Emily flips around. You take off everything below your waist.
<emily>-"Pathetic.. Just as I remember it.."</emily> She takes your caged cock in her hands.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\f5.webp">
<b>-"MghHhhh!"</b> You moan as Emily begins to fondle your balls.
<emily>-"Look at that pre cum..."</emily> She whispers..
<b>-"What is going on.."</b> You think to yourself. You remember that professor Kei talked about women who have short menstrual cycles... Most of them ovulate straight after their period.. Could Emily be part of that boat?
<emily>-"Can you imagine that cock fucking me.. While you watch?"</emily> Emily turns around and looks you straight into the eyes. She looks crazy!
<b>-"MgHhhH!"</b> You let out an uncomfortable moan.
<b>-"Y-yesssSss.."</b> You admit.
<emily>-"HMmmMMm... Good boy.."</emily> She slaps your balls.
<b>-"Y-youch!"</b> Her vagina is right in front of you.. It's definitely not helping your erection to calm down.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\f6.webp">
<emily>-"He's coming over soon.."</emily> She whispers.
<b>-"Y-your bull?"</b>
<emily>-"Yes.."</emily> Your cock presses up against the cage as you hear the words.
<<pageReplace"Try to calm down.">>
<b>-"Fuck.. Do you need anything?"</b>
<emily>-"Ehehe.. No.. He's bring the condoms.."</emily>
<b>-"T-the condoms?"</b>
<b>-"Gulp.. S-so it's true.. You're losing your swinger virginity.. MghHHHhh.. O-or whatever you call it?"</b>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\f7.webp">
<emily>-"That's right.. And you're going to watch.."</emily> She spits on your cage.
<emily>-"I had to make sure you weren't going to ruin the moment by backing out, but.."</emily>
<emily>-"You seem ever hornier than me!"</emily> Emily giggles.
<b>-"MghHHhh.. Well with your vagina in my face.. It's hard not to be.."</b>
<emily>-"Good.. Imagine that pussy getting fucked right in front of you.."</emily> You feel your balls getting squeezed again.
<b>-"GhHhhh.. N-nooOo.."</b> You try to resist.
<emily>-"Imagine a giant fucking cock piercing me while you can't do anything but watch.."</emily> She laughs and slaps your cage.
<b>-"F-fuck Emily! I-I'm close!!!"</b> You scream as you feel a load brewing.
<emily>-"Good.. But you're not cumming today.."</emily> She slaps it one more time and jumps off.
<b>-"F-fuck fuck fucKKkkKK!"</b> It might be too late..
<<pageReplace"Try not to cum">>
<emily>-"No shot you're going to cum just from a few taps, right?"</emily> She giggles and crosses her arms.
<b>-"N-noo nooo nooOooOO!!"</b> You scream as you shoot your load onto your leg. You somehow came prematurely.. In a cage.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\f8.webp">
<emily>-"Hahaahahhaha! I'm not even mad!"</emily> Emily laughs as she watches you.
<b>-"I.. I'm sorry!"</b> You lay there, defeated.
<emily>-"No need baby, now I know how you truly feel about our situation.."</emily> Emily grins.
<emily>-"Come, let's get you cleaned up."</emily> She extends her arm and you grab it.
<b>-"Thank you.."</b> She leads you to the shower.
<emily>-"Come here honey, take off that cage."</emily> You both step into the shower. You lean you head on her chest.
<b>-"God I hope I won't regret this.."</b> As the water slowly runs through your hair, you open up.
<emily>-"You won't baby.."</emily> She begins to shampoo your head.
<emily>-"It's a natural step in our relationship... Your orgasm just proved that!"</emily> You silently nod, accepting her logic. Time to get cleaned up properly.
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pinK>
[[Shower and drive home->Go outside]]
<emily>-"Come on, take those fucking pants off.."</emily> She starts unbuckling your pants.
<b>-"Y-yes.."</b> You mumble as Emily flips around. You take off everything below your waist.
<emily>-"Pathetic.. Just as I remember it.."</emily> She takes your rock hard cock and begins slowly touching it.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\f9.webp">
<b>-"MghHhhh!"</b> You moan..
<emily>-"Look at that pre cum..."</emily> She whispers..
<b>-"What is going on.."</b> You think to yourself. You remember that professor Kei talked about women who have short menstrual cycles... Most of them ovulate straight after their period.. Could Emily be part of that boat?
<emily>-"Can you imagine that cock fucking me.. While you watch?"</emily> Emily turns around and looks you straight into the eyes. She looks crazy!
<b>-"MgHhhH!"</b> You let out an uncomfortable moan.
<b>-"Y-yesssSss.."</b> You admit.
<emily>-"HMmmMMm... Good boy.."</emily> She slaps your balls.
<b>-"Y-youch!"</b> Her vagina is right in front of you.. It's definitely not helping your erection to calm down.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\f6.webp">
<emily>-"He's coming over soon.."</emily> She whispers.
<b>-"Y-your bull?"</b>
<emily>-"Yes.."</emily> Your cock gets even harder as you hear her words.
<<pageReplace"Try to calm down.">>
<b>-"Fuck.. Do you need anything?"</b>
<emily>-"Ehehe.. No.. He's bring the condoms.."</emily>
<b>-"T-the condoms?"</b>
<b>-"Gulp.. S-so it's true.. You're losing your swinger virginity.. MghHHHhh.. O-or whatever you call it?"</b>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\f10.webp">
<emily>-"That's right.. And you're going to watch.."</emily> She begins to masturbate you with 1 finger.
<emily>-"Ghahaha look at that! You're throbbing from one finger!"</emily>
<b>-"S-shit.. You're just too hot!"</b>
<emily>-"I had to make sure you weren't going to ruin the moment by backing out, but.."</emily>
<emily>-"You seem ever hornier than me!"</emily> Emily giggles.
<b>-"MghHHhh.. Well with your vagina in my face.. It's hard not to be.."</b>
<emily>-"Good.. Imagine that pussy getting fucked right in front of you.."</emily> You feel your balls getting squeezed again.
<b>-"GhHhhh.. N-nooOo.."</b> You try to resist.
<emily>-"Imagine a giant fucking cock piercing me while you can't do anything but watch.."</emily> She laughs and slaps your cage.
<b>-"F-fuck Emily! I-I'm close!!!"</b> You scream as you feel a load brewing.
<emily>-"Good.. But you're not cumming today.."</emily> She let's go completely and just hold the shaft of your cock.
<b>-"F-fuck fuck fucKKkkKK!"</b> It might be too late..
<<pageReplace"Try not to cum">>
<emily>-"No shot you're going to cum just from my single finger, right?"</emily> She chuckles again as you see her watching.
<b>-"N-noo nooo nooOooOO!!"</b> You scream as you shoot your load straight onto your thighs... You got ruined, once again.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\f11.webp">
<emily>-"Hahaahahhaha! I'm not even mad!"</emily>
<b>-"I.. I'm sorry!"</b> You lay there, defeated.
<emily>-"No need baby, now I know how you truly feel about our situation.."</emily> Emily grins.
<emily>-"Come, let's get you cleaned up."</emily> She extends her arm and you grab it.
<b>-"Thank you.."</b> She leads you to the shower.
<emily>-"Come here honey, step inside"</emily> You both step into the shower. You lean you head on her chest.
<b>-"God I hope I won't regret this.."</b> As the water slowly runs through your hair, you open up.
<emily>-"You won't baby.."</emily> She begins to shampoo your head.
<emily>-"It's a natural step in our relationship... Your orgasm just proved that!"</emily> You silently nod, accepting her logic. Time to get cleaned up properly.
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pinK>
[[Shower and drive home->Go outside]]
<</if>>\<<set $brokeupwithemily to true>>\
<<set $dating to "single">>\
<b>-"Come on.. Why are there so many cars here!"</b> You get frustrated.. You've been searching for a parking spot for like 10 minutes!
<b>-"Agh! Finally!"</b> A car is pulling out of the lot, you quickly take it's place.
<b>-"Sheesh, finally. Time to head to Emily's place."</b> You exit the car and go to her building. After climbing up the stairs, you knock on her door.
<grey>Knock Knock</grey>
<grey>Knock Knock Knock</grey>
<grey>... ... ...</grey>
<emily>-"Jeez! Come in!"</emily> You hear a muffled voice behind the door.
<b>-"Sorry I'm late honey, I couldn't find a spot to park at!"</b> You chuckle.. She does not.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\bre3.webp">
<emily>-"It's good that you're here.. We need to have a talk."</emily> Emily seems angry, you quietly take off your shoes and nod.
<<pageReplace"What's this is about?">>
<b>-"S-sure.. What's this about?"</b> Emily walks towards the bathroom - you follow suit.
<emily>-"It's about us $name."</emily> She takes some lipstick and begins applying it.
<b>-"Us?"</b> You stand there, confused.
<emily>-"Yes, us."</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\bre1.jpg">
<emily>-"I'm breaking up with you."</emily> She says in a calm and controlled tone. She sounds like she's practiced this before.
<b>-"What..?"</b> You take a step back, confused.
<emily>-"Y-you heard me.."</emily> Her voice quivers as a tear runs down her cheek... Apparently she didn't practice enough.
<b>-"For what?!"</b> Emily puts down her lipstick and begins putting on a dress.
<emily>-"You don't take me on dates, you don't kiss me when I need kisses, you're not there when I need you.."</emily> She starts crying as she's putting it on.
<<pageReplace"Where are you going?">>\
<b>-"W-where are you going?"</b> You don't know why, but that's the thing you wanted to know most.
<emily>-"I'm going out with my girlfriends.. To take my mind off of things"</emily> She checks herself out in the mirror, and wipes off the makeup running down her face.
<b>-"S-so this is it? We're just done? Like that?"</b>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\bre2.webp">
<emily>-"Yes we are $name, I wish you the best of luck, but I'm over this whole thing."</emily> Emily begins walking towars the door.
<emily>-"I need a man who takes care of me, not one who uses me for my body and doesn't care for me emotionally.."</emily> She puts on her heels.
<b>-"Emily, we can move past this!"</b>
<emily>-"Leave the keys under the mat when you leave."</emily> She throws you her keys and opens the door.
<emily>-"N-no.. No we cannot."</emily> Emily leaves.
<b>-"FUCK!"</b> You shout as the door closes in front of you... You should have treated her better...
<b>-"God damnit.."</b> You sit down for a second to calm down.. You try to text her, but notice that you're blocked. After looking around her apartment for one last time, you decide that it's time to head home..
<b>-"I.. I love you Emily.."</b> You whisper as you put the keys under the mat and leave the building.
[[Drive home->room]]
<</pageReplace>><<if $time !==2>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<set $emilydays to 21>>\
<<location "Images/Other/7363794952_56303ea0b0_b.webp" "At Emily's place">>\
<<if $domstatus is true>>\
<grey>-"Dum Dum Dum."</grey> The stairs make a faint, dull sound as you use them to get to the third floor.
<b>-"Oh?"</b> You exclaim in confusion as you try the handle, but the door doesn't open. Emily usually keeps it unlocked.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\aa1.jpg">
<b>-"Emily? You there?"</b>
<emily>-"W-who's there?!"</emily> Her quivering voice answers from behind the door.
<b>-"It's $name, open the door."</b> You hear the little metal peephole cover move... She's making sure it's really you.
<grey>-"Creeeekkk..."</grey> The door swings open.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\aa2.jpg">
<b>-"Emily?! What's wrong?"</b> Emily looks terrified! You quickly step inside and embrace her with a hug.
<emily>-"I-I'm getting stalked again... I saw someone looking through one of the windows!"</emily> She says while shaking in your arms.
<b>-"Through the window? This is the third floor babe."</b> Could it be the same men in suits harassing her?
<emily>-"I know but I-I swear I saw someone! C-can you check it out? I beg you!"</emily>
<grey>-"Badumbmm..."</grey> A muffled sound rings out from the kitchen.
<emily>-"D-did you hear that?! P-please check it out!"</emily>
<<pageReplace"Of course!">>\
<b>-"Of course! Lock the door, and stay near it."</b> She silently nods as you clench your fists and step deeper into the apartment.
<b>-"S-shit..."</b> It's pretty dark inside, but you decide against turning on the lights to remain sneaky.
<grey>-"Bumbbbddrr..."</grey> Yet another sound comes from the kitchen.
<b>-"..."</b> You silently walk towards it. After a second or two, you reach the kitchen's doorway.
<b>-"One... Two... Three!"</b> You hype yourself up, put on a brave face and take a step inside.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\aa3.jpg">
<b>-"HEY!"</b> The man behind the window disappears as you shout.
<b>-"...W-what?"</b> You run to the window as fast as you can. This doesn't make any sense! You're on the third floor!
<b>-"HELLOOOOO??!"</b> You shout once again, this time with the window open, but all you see is darkness.
<b>-"..."</b> Suddenly, you spot a neighbour taking a smoke with his window open next to you.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\aa4.jpg">
<b>-"Y-yo, did you see him?!"</b> You face the man.
<blue>-"Huh...? You're talking to me?"</blue>
<b>-"Yes! Did you see who the man was?"</b>
<blue>-"What man? What are you talking about?"</blue>
<b>-"There was a man shining a flashlight into our window, you must have seen it!"</b>
<blue>-"I think you had too much to drink buddy. Take a rest."</blue> The man retreats into his apartment and closes the window.
<<pageReplace"Return to Emily.">>\
<emily>-"S-so... What did you see?! I heard you shouting..."</emily> You walk back to Emily and turn on the lights.
<b>-"There was a man looking through the window with a flashlight! He disappeared behind the wall when I saw him."</b>
<emily>-"B-but how could that be... We're so high up..."</emily> You both sit down on the couch, Emily is still shaking.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\aa5.webp">
<b>-"I don't know..."</b> You suddenly remember the weird neighbour.
<emily>-"Unless what?!"</emily>
<b>-"Unless, your neighbour is working with whoever is stalking you."</b>
<b>-"Your neighbour has a window right next to ours and it was open when I checked."</b>
<emily>-"You're saying the man could've climbed out of his window to spy on me?"</emily>
<b>-"I mean it's possible... Does seem unlikely though."</b>
<emily>-"W-why are they doing this?! I don't get it... What did I do to deserve it?!"</emily> You embrace her with another hug.
<emily>-"Fuck I'm so scared..."</emily>
<b>-"You haven't done anything babe and as long as I'm here, you're totally safe."</b>
<emily>-"Then spend the night with me again!"</emily>
<emily>-"Please $name! I won't feel safe sleeping here tonight."</emily>
<<pageReplace"Sure baby.">>
<<set $emily20domtemp to true>>\
<b>-"Sure baby, if it makes you feel safer, I will."</b> Emily smiles.
<emily>-"Come then, it's getting late."</emily> You cuddle up in bed and turn on the TV.
<emily>-"What would I do without you $name... I love you."</emily>
<b>-"I love you too baby."</b> After watching a couple of episodes of Game Of Thrones, Emily falls asleep.
<b>-"Cute..."</b> You give her a kiss.
<<set $emilyrelationship to $emilyrelationship +1>>
<grey>Emily will remember this!</grey>
[[Go to sleep and drive back in the morning->Sleep]]
<b>-"I wish I could babe, but I have a really busy evening."</b> Emily frowns.
<emily>-"Come on... Am I not important to you?"</emily>
<b>-"Of course you are! The man won't be back, believe me, I spooked him good!"</b> You flex your bicep, trying to make her smile, but she doesn't budge.
<emily>-"Whatever, just go."</emily> She begins walking towards her bedroom.
<<set $emilyrelationship to $emilyrelationship -1>>
<grey>Emily will remember this!</grey>
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Fuck this, I'm too scared!">>
<b>-"H-hell no! I'm scared too!"</b> You take a step back. You don't know what's gotten into you, but you're totally petrified!
<emily>-"W-what? $name, please!"</emily>
<b>-"I.. I have to go Emily! Stay at a friends house or something... I-It's not safe here!"</b> It feels like you're not even controlling your body. You quickly turn around and begin climbing down the stairs.
<emily>-"Babe please!"</emily> Emily let's out a desperate cry.
<b>-"I'm sorry!"</b> A shiver runs down your spine as you head outside.
<b>-"Ahhh... Ahhhh... Ahhh..."</b> You pant, it feels like you just got a panic attack!
<b>-"I need... I need to get home!"</b> The car doors open and you climb inside. With a flick of your fingers, the engine comes to life.
<<set $emilyrelationship to $emilyrelationship -99>>
<grey>Emily will remember this!</grey>
[[Speed back home->Go outside]]
<<if $emily20datestage2 !==true>>\
<b>-"Bye $mom1!"</b>
<mia>-"Enjoy your date!"</mia> Mia shouts back as you head outside.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\aa1.webp">
<b>-"Oof..."</b> You moan as your rock hard cock quivers. You remember what you talked about with Emily during your last date... Did she already invite her date?
<grey>-"Buzz! Buzz!"</grey> Your phone vibrates the second you get inside of your car.
<b>-"Oh?"</b> After closing the door, you check who sent you a message.
<b>-"It's Emily!"</b>
<<pageReplace"Open the message.">>\
<<message "Emily" "Emily 20 message" "When are you coming over?" open>>\
<b>-"Bye $mom1!"</b>
<mia>-"Enjoy your date!"</mia> Mia shouts back as you head outside.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\aa1.webp">
<b>-"Oof..."</b> You moan as your rock hard cock quivers. You remember what you talked about with Emily during your last date... Did she already invite her date?
<grey>-"Buzz! Buzz!"</grey> Your phone vibrates the second you get inside of your car.
<b>-"Oh?"</b> After closing the door, you check who sent you a message.
<b>-"It's Emily!"</b>
<b>-"I better finish the conversation before going to her place!"</b> You say as you put the phone down.
<<if $emilysecondbullnumber1 == true>>\
<b>-"S-shit shit shit get out of the way!"</b> You shout as you overtake a slow driver.
<b>-"She's finally... She's finally doing it! I have to see it with my own two eyes!"</b> The car screeches to a stop as you reach the parking lot of her complex.
<grey>"Bumb!"</grey> With a swing of the arm, the car door closes.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\aa5.webp">
<emily>-"Guhhh GHuhhh GuhHH!"</emily> You begin to hear Emily's faint sounds as you climb up the stairs.
<b>-"I'm so fucking horny..."</b>
<b>-"Finally!"</b> After reaching her door, you place your hand on the handle.
<grey>-"Creeeeck!"</grey> It's open!
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\aa6.jpg">
<emily>-"GhhhrrRhhHh! YesHhH!"</emily> Emily's moans grow much louder.
<<pageReplace"Step inside.">>\
<emily>-"GrrrrHhHhhHH... MgHhhHh!"</emily> You quickly slip out of your shoes and walk towards the noise.
<b>-"E-emily..."</b> You stutter as you're hit with the incredible sight of your loved one on her knees, sucking someone else's cock.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\aa7.webp">
<emily>-"Ahhhh!"</emily> Emily stops sucking for a second and turns to you.
<emily>-"$name! Heyyyy!"</emily>
<b>-"Hey babe..."</b> You look at her, awestruck. It's your first time seeing her do something lewd in person, not on a phone screen.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\aa9.jpg">
<emily>-"Glad you could make it... This is Anton."</emily> She looks up at the guy.
<blue>-"Good afternoon."</blue> He smiles.
<b>-"H-hey!"</b> It seems like you made the right choice... The man seems cool!
<emily>-"We put a seat right there so you can enjoy the show."</emily> She points behind you.
<<pageReplace"Take a look.">>\
<<if $feminization>100 and $hairextensions ==true>>\
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\aa17.webp">
<b>-"Thank you honey..."</b> You begin to walk towards the chair.
<emily>-"Orrrrrrr, would you like to help Anton warm up first?"</emily>
<emily>-"We've been doing that for the past 30 minutes already, but Anton wouldn't mind another mouth tasting his manhood, no?"</emily> She looks up at the man once again.
<b>-"T-tasting his manhood?"</b> Does Emily want you to suck his dick?
<blue>-"Hmph, she's pretty, I'm down."</blue> Emily moves away as Anton gets closer.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\aa10.webp">
<emily>-"So? Want to give it a taste?"</emily>
<<pageReplace"It does look delicious...">>
<b>-"I can't lie... It does look delicious..."</b> The cocks inviting stare is pulling you in.
<emily>-"Give it a taste baby... Just be careful, he's so thick, I have trouble fitting it in my mouth!"</emily>
<b>-"This isn't that weird, right?"</b> You think as you slowly get on your knees.
<blue>-"NgHhhh..."</blue> Anton let's out a moan as your lips touch his tip.
<b>-"MmmmmMMm. You weren't lying."</b> Your penis throbs once more as Emily begins to smile.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\aa11.webp">
<blue>-"S-shit!"</blue> He moans as you begin to stroke his cock.
<emily>-"Let me just..."</emily> Emily whispers as she begins to take off her panties.
<b>-"Slurp... MgHhhh! Ahhh!"</b> You take a deep breath in preparation to begin sucking.
<emily>-"That's enough."</emily> She says as you both turn your heads towards her.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\aa14.jpg">
<emily>-"I need to get fucked, like now!"</emily> Emily slaps her butt and Anton takes a step back.
<b>-"N-no!"</b> You wanted to suck his cock for longer!
<blue>-"You have to understand, those lips look a lot better ghahaha!"</blue>
<b>-"NghHhh... Fuck."</b> You stand up and walk to the cuck chair. A drop of pre cum hits the carpet as your cock begins to leak.
<emily>-"Sorry babe, but this cock is mine for tonight... I'll share the next one with you for longer hihi!"</emily> Anton climbs onto the couch and begins to mount her.
<<pageReplace"Sit down and watch.">>
<emily>-"Come on big boy, give me a proper fucking... I've needed one for ages!"</emily> Anton slips his rod against her ass a couple of times and moves his hips back.
<blue>-"Ready babe?"</blue> The man asks in a thick, russian accent.
<b>-"Gulp..."</b> As soon as your butt hits the chair, Emily gets penetrated.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\aa16.webp">
<emily>-"MGhHhHhhh yessSssssSS!"</emily> She screams as the man begins to move his hips back and forth.
<emily>-"Y-you see this babe...? MgHHhh... This is a real cock!"</emily>
<blue>-"GhhrhRHhHH!"</blue> The man releases a primal groan as he increases in speed.
<b>-"S-shit... You're so hot Emily!"</b> <<if $toys ==1>>You slip down your pants and underwear, revealing your small, caged cock.<<else>>You slip down your pants and underwear, revealing your mediocre cock. With one grab of the shaft, another spurt of pre cum leaks out.<</if>>
<<if $toys ==1>><img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\aa19.jpg"><<else>><img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\aa18.webp"><</if>>
<emily>-"GodddDdddd! It's so d-deeEeePPp!"</emily>
<b>-"NgHhhh..."</b> Your eyes widen as you see Emily moan in pleasure.
<blue>-"Maybe you want a piece?"</blue> Anton stops and turns to you.
<emily>-"<<if $hairextensions ==true>>She<<else>>He<</if>> does not! <<if $toys==1>>Look at that small caged little thing! He couldn't fuck me even if I let <<if $toys !==1>>him!<<else>>her!<</if>><<else>>Look at that pathetic thing in his hands! I prefer your a lot more hehe...<</if>>"</emily> Emily grins and begins to throw her ass back, insinuating that Anton should carry on.
<blue>-"Gha! Can't complain!"</blue>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\aa20.webp">
<emily>-"AgHhHhhh! YesssSSsSS!"</emily>
<<pageReplace"Continue to watch.">>
<b>-"F-fucKKK!"</b> <<if $toys ==1>>Your cock begins to press up against its cage harder and harder. It's pretty painful!<<else>>As you continue to masturbate, it's becoming harder and harder not to cum!<</if>>
<emily>-"Fuck me Anton! MghHHHhhh... Fucking ravage me p-plEasEEeeee!"</emily> The man takes Emily and turns her around.
<emily>-"MgHhHh! YeshhsHH!"</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\aa22.webp">
<blue>-"GrRrrhhHHH! Y-you're so tight... I'm close!"</blue>
<emily>-"J-just a little more baby! NgHHHH! I-I'm about to cum too!"</emily> <<if $toys !==1>>You begin to stroke your cock faster and faster... The end is near.<</if>>
<<if $toys !==1>>\
<b>-"F-fucKkKkkKK!!!"</b> You scream as you feel a load climbing up your shaft.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\aa24.webp">
<b>-"GhHnnHhgHHhH!"</b> Your pathetic cum falls onto the carpet as Emily looks over.
<emily>-"NGhhhhhH! Ghahaha!"</emily> Emily laughs as her legs begin to shake.
<b>-"NgHhHH... N-no!"</b> You stand up and instinctively try to grab your penis, but it's caged...
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\aa25.webp">
<b>-"Fuck..."</b> You lower your hands once again... You look quite pathetic.
<emily>-"NGhhhhhH! Ghahaha!"</emily> Emily laughs as her legs begin to shake.
<emily>-"I-I'm... MgHhHhH... coOMmiIIinNGGGG!"</emily>
<<pageReplace"Watch her.">>
<blue>-"FuckKKK I'm close!"</blue>
<emily>-"NgHhHhHhh!!! YEsSshhSHHHH ANTONNN!"</emily> Her legs begin to quiver as you watch intently.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\aa26.webp">
<emily>-"S-stop stopPPP stopPpPP!"</emily> Anton gives her a second to rest, but starts up again.
<blue>-"GrHhHh! A-a little more!"</blue> He shouts as he thrusts so deep inside, that his balls begin to hit Emily's butt with each movement of the hips.
<emily>-"Come for me baby! On my face!"</emily>
<blue>-"Here it comMMesSSss!"</blue> Emily gets down on her knees and the man stands up. Unloading his ammo straight onto your girlfriend's face as you watch.
<emily>-"Yessss... So warm!"</emily> As the cum stops flowing, Emily begins to suck the remaining liquid out.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\aa27.webp">
<emily>-"Enjoyed the show?"</emily>
<b>-"Y-yes..."</b> Your voice quivers as you sit there, awestruck once again.
<emily>-"Want a taste?"</emily> Emily walks over and asks. She still has some semen in her mouth.
<emily>-"Mhmm..."</emily> Anton lays down to rest behind her.
<b>-"Of course baby!"</b>
<emily>-"Mmmmm..."</emily> She moans as your lips touch.
<b>-"NgHhhh! S-swalty!"</b> Some of the cum gets on your face and lips...
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\aa29.webp">
<emily>-"Ahhhh... That was incredible!"</emily> Emily says after pulling away.
<blue>-"Thank you for the experience."</blue> Anton walks over to you guys.
<emily>-"Hihihi, no, thank you!"</emily>
<b>-"Yeah... That was great Anton."</b>
<blue>-"I'm glad I could be of service."</blue> He begins to put on his clothes.
<emily>-"Awh, leaving so soon?"</emily>
<blue>-"You're not the only couple I'm visiting today."</blue> He winks. After a bit of small talk, he finally leaves the apartment, leaving both of you alone.
<emily>-"Wasn't he just great?"</emily>
<b>-"Sure was..."</b>
<emily>-"Anyways, could you clean everything up babe? I'm going to take a shower."</emily>
<b>-"Of course Emily!"</b> <<if $toys ==1>>Your cock has calm down a bit, but the cage still feels pretty tight.<<else>>Your cock has calm down a bit, but it's not fully flaccid.<</if>>
<emily>-"Thank you! Love ya!"</emily> She runs off towards the shower.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\aa30.webp">
<b>-"That was... Incredible!"</b> You slowly stand up and look around. The whole floor is covered in fluids. It'll take you a while to clean!
<b>-"The sooner I start, the sooner I'll finish!"</b> You spend the next 30 minutes cleaning everything. When Emily comes out of the shower, the place is spotless. You spend the rest of the afternoon cuddling and talking about the experience. You both decide to try it again.
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<<set $feminization to $feminization +2>>
<emily>Feminization +2!</emily>
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"No thank you...">>
<b>-"N-no thanks babe, I'm not really into that."</b> You take a step back as Emily shrugs.
<emily>-"Heh, your loss!"</emily> She begins to lick her fingers.
<blue>-"Thank you for the experience."</blue> Anton walks over to you guys.
<emily>-"No, thank you!"</emily>
<b>-"Yeah... That was great Anton."</b>
<blue>-"I'm glad I could be of service."</blue> He begins to put on his clothes.
<emily>-"Awh, leaving so soon?"</emily>
<blue>-"You're not the only couple I'm visiting today."</blue> He winks. After a bit of small talk, he finally leaves the apartment, leaving both of you alone.
<emily>-"Wasn't he just great?"</emily>
<b>-"Sure was..."</b>
<emily>-"Anyways, could you clean everything up babe? I'm going to take a shower."</emily>
<b>-"Of course Emily!"</b> <<if $toys ==1>>Your cock has calm down a bit, but the cage still feels pretty tight.<<else>>Your cock has calm down a bit, but it's not fully flaccid.<</if>>
<emily>-"Thank you! Love ya!"</emily> She runs off towards the shower.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\aa30.webp">
<b>-"That was... Incredible!"</b> You slowly stand up and look around. The whole floor is covered in fluids. It'll take you a while to clean!
<b>-"The sooner I start, the sooner I'll finish!"</b> You spend the next 30 minutes cleaning everything. When Emily comes out of the shower, the place is spotless. You spend the rest of the afternoon cuddling and talking about the experience. You both decide to try it again.
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<<set $feminization to $feminization +1>>
<emily>Feminization +1!</emily>
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"No thank you.">>
<b>-"N-no thanks babe... Not really into it."</b> You step away from the cock.
<blue>-"Understandable, sorry."</blue> The man nods and steps back himself.
<emily>-"Welp, more cock for me haha!"</emily> She laughs as you both look over.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\aa14.jpg">
<emily>-"If you don't mind, come here Anton..."</emily>
<emily>-"I need to get fucked, like now!"</emily> Emily slaps her butt as he gets closer.
<blue>-"Don't have to tell me twice!"</blue>
<b>-"NghHhh... Fuck."</b> You stand up and walk to the cuck chair. A drop of pre cum hits the carpet as your cock begins to leak.
<emily>-"Get comfrotable babe, this will a while!"</emily> Anton climbs onto the couch and begins to mount her.
<<pageReplace"Sit down and watch.">>
<emily>-"Come on big boy, give me a proper fucking... I've needed one for ages!"</emily> Anton slips his rod against her ass a couple of times and moves his hips back.
<blue>-"Ready babe?"</blue> The man asks in a thick, russian accent.
<b>-"Gulp..."</b> As soon as your butt hits the chair, Emily gets penetrated.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\aa16.webp">
<emily>-"MGhHhHhhh yessSssssSS!"</emily> She screams as the man begins to move his hips back and forth.
<emily>-"Y-you see this babe...? MgHHhh... This is a real cock!"</emily>
<blue>-"GhhrhRHhHH!"</blue> The man releases a primal groan as he increases in speed.
<b>-"S-shit... You're so hot Emily!"</b> <<if $toys ==1>>You slip down your pants and underwear, revealing your small, caged cock.<<else>>You slip down your pants and underwear, revealing your mediocre cock. With one grab of the shaft, another spurt of pre cum leaks out.<</if>>
<<if $toys ==1>><img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\aa19.jpg"><<else>><img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\aa18.webp"><</if>>
<emily>-"GodddDdddd! It's so d-deeEeePPp!"</emily>
<b>-"NgHhhh..."</b> Your eyes widen as you see Emily moan in pleasure.
<blue>-"Maybe you want a piece?"</blue> Anton stops and turns to you.
<emily>-"<<if $hairextensions ==true>>She<<else>>He<</if>> does not! <<if $toys==1>>Look at that small caged little thing! He couldn't fuck me even if I let <<if $toys !==1>>him!<<else>>her!<</if>><<else>>Look at that pathetic thing in his hands! I prefer your a lot more hehe...<</if>>"</emily> Emily grins and begins to throw her ass back, insinuating that Anton should carry on.
<blue>-"Gha! Can't complain!"</blue>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\aa20.webp">
<emily>-"AgHhHhhh! YesssSSsSS!"</emily>
<<pageReplace"Continue to watch.">>
<b>-"F-fucKKK!"</b> <<if $toys ==1>>Your cock begins to press up against its cage harder and harder. It's pretty painful!<<else>>As you continue to masturbate, it's becoming harder and harder not to cum!<</if>>
<emily>-"Fuck me Anton! MghHHHhhh... Fucking ravage me p-plEasEEeeee!"</emily> The man takes Emily and turns her around.
<emily>-"MgHhHh! YeshhsHH!"</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\aa22.webp">
<blue>-"GrRrrhhHHH! Y-you're so tight... I'm close!"</blue>
<emily>-"J-just a little more baby! NgHHHH! I-I'm about to cum too!"</emily> <<if $toys !==1>>You begin to stroke your cock faster and faster... The end is near.<</if>>
<<if $toys !==1>>\
<b>-"F-fucKkKkkKK!!!"</b> You scream as you feel a load climbing up your shaft.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\aa24.webp">
<b>-"GhHnnHhgHHhH!"</b> Your pathetic cum falls onto the carpet as Emily looks over.
<emily>-"NGhhhhhH! Ghahaha!"</emily> Emily laughs as her legs begin to shake.
<b>-"NgHhHH... N-no!"</b> You stand up and instinctively try to grab your penis, but it's caged...
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\aa25.webp">
<b>-"Fuck..."</b> You lower your hands once again... You look quite pathetic.
<emily>-"NGhhhhhH! Ghahaha!"</emily> Emily laughs as her legs begin to shake.
<emily>-"I-I'm... MgHhHhH... coOMmiIIinNGGGG!"</emily>
<<pageReplace"Watch her.">>
<blue>-"FuckKKK I'm close!"</blue>
<emily>-"NgHhHhHhh!!! YEsSshhSHHHH ANTONNN!"</emily> Her legs begin to quiver as you watch intently.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\aa26.webp">
<emily>-"S-stop stopPPP stopPpPP!"</emily> Anton gives her a second to rest, but starts up again.
<blue>-"GrHhHh! A-a little more!"</blue> He shouts as he thrusts so deep inside, that his balls begin to hit Emily's butt with each movement of the hips.
<emily>-"Come for me baby! On my face!"</emily>
<blue>-"Here it comMMesSSss!"</blue> Emily gets down on her knees and the man stands up. Unloading his ammo straight onto your girlfriend's face as you watch.
<emily>-"Yessss... So warm!"</emily> As the cum stops flowing, Emily begins to suck the remaining liquid out.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\aa27.webp">
<emily>-"Enjoyed the show?"</emily>
<b>-"Y-yes..."</b> Your voice quivers as you sit there, awestruck once again.
<emily>-"Want a taste?"</emily> Emily walks over and asks. She still has some semen in her mouth.
<emily>-"Mhmm..."</emily> Anton lays down to rest behind her.
<b>-"Of course baby!"</b>
<emily>-"Mmmmm..."</emily> She moans as your lips touch.
<b>-"NgHhhh! S-swalty!"</b> Some of the cum gets on your face and lips...
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\aa29.webp">
<emily>-"Ahhhh... That was incredible!"</emily> Emily says after pulling away.
<blue>-"Thank you for the experience."</blue> Anton walks over to you guys.
<emily>-"Hihihi, no, thank you!"</emily>
<b>-"Yeah... That was great Anton."</b>
<blue>-"I'm glad I could be of service."</blue> He begins to put on his clothes.
<emily>-"Awh, leaving so soon?"</emily>
<blue>-"You're not the only couple I'm visiting today."</blue> He winks. After a bit of small talk, he finally leaves the apartment, leaving both of you alone.
<emily>-"Wasn't he just great?"</emily>
<b>-"Sure was..."</b>
<emily>-"Anyways, could you clean everything up babe? I'm going to take a shower."</emily>
<b>-"Of course Emily!"</b> <<if $toys ==1>>Your cock has calm down a bit, but the cage still feels pretty tight.<<else>>Your cock has calm down a bit, but it's not fully flaccid.<</if>>
<emily>-"Thank you! Love ya!"</emily> She runs off towards the shower.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\aa30.webp">
<b>-"That was... Incredible!"</b> You slowly stand up and look around. The whole floor is covered in fluids. It'll take you a while to clean!
<b>-"The sooner I start, the sooner I'll finish!"</b> You spend the next 30 minutes cleaning everything. When Emily comes out of the shower, the place is spotless. You spend the rest of the afternoon cuddling and talking about the experience. You both decide to try it again.
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<<set $feminization to $feminization +2>>
<emily>Feminization +2!</emily>
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"No thank you...">>
<b>-"N-no thanks babe, I'm not really into that."</b> You take a step back as Emily shrugs.
<emily>-"Heh, your loss!"</emily> She begins to lick her fingers.
<blue>-"Thank you for the experience."</blue> Anton walks over to you guys.
<emily>-"No, thank you!"</emily>
<b>-"Yeah... That was great Anton."</b>
<blue>-"I'm glad I could be of service."</blue> He begins to put on his clothes.
<emily>-"Awh, leaving so soon?"</emily>
<blue>-"You're not the only couple I'm visiting today."</blue> He winks. After a bit of small talk, he finally leaves the apartment, leaving both of you alone.
<emily>-"Wasn't he just great?"</emily>
<b>-"Sure was..."</b>
<emily>-"Anyways, could you clean everything up babe? I'm going to take a shower."</emily>
<b>-"Of course Emily!"</b> <<if $toys ==1>>Your cock has calm down a bit, but the cage still feels pretty tight.<<else>>Your cock has calm down a bit, but it's not fully flaccid.<</if>>
<emily>-"Thank you! Love ya!"</emily> She runs off towards the shower.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\aa30.webp">
<b>-"That was... Incredible!"</b> You slowly stand up and look around. The whole floor is covered in fluids. It'll take you a while to clean!
<b>-"The sooner I start, the sooner I'll finish!"</b> You spend the next 30 minutes cleaning everything. When Emily comes out of the shower, the place is spotless. You spend the rest of the afternoon cuddling and talking about the experience. You both decide to try it again.
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<<set $feminization to $feminization +1>>
<emily>Feminization +1!</emily>
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\aa17.webp">
<b>-"Thank you honey..."</b> You begin to walk towards the chair.
<emily>-"Now..."</emily> Emily pulls her panties down.
<emily>-"Come here big boy."</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\aa14.jpg">
<emily>-"I need to get fucked, like now!"</emily> Emily slaps her butt and Anton takes a step forward.
<blue>-"You don't have to tell me twice!"</blue>
<b>-"NghHhh... Fuck."</b> A drop of pre cum hits the carpet as your cock begins to leak.
<emily>-"Get comfrotable babe, this will take a while!"</emily> Anton climbs onto the couch and begins to mount her.
<<pageReplace"Sit down and watch.">>
<emily>-"Come on big boy, give me a proper fucking... I've needed one for ages!"</emily> Anton slips his rod against her ass a couple of times and moves his hips back.
<blue>-"Ready babe?"</blue> The man asks in a thick, russian accent.
<b>-"Gulp..."</b> As soon as your butt hits the chair, Emily gets penetrated.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\aa16.webp">
<emily>-"MGhHhHhhh yessSssssSS!"</emily> She screams as the man begins to move his hips back and forth.
<emily>-"Y-you see this babe...? MgHHhh... This is a real cock!"</emily>
<blue>-"GhhrhRHhHH!"</blue> The man releases a primal groan as he increases in speed.
<b>-"S-shit... You're so hot Emily!"</b> <<if $toys ==1>>You slip down your pants and underwear, revealing your small, caged cock.<<else>>You slip down your pants and underwear, revealing your mediocre cock. With one grab of the shaft, another spurt of pre cum leaks out.<</if>>
<<if $toys ==1>><img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\aa19.jpg"><<else>><img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\aa18.webp"><</if>>
<emily>-"GodddDdddd! It's so d-deeEeePPp!"</emily>
<b>-"NgHhhh..."</b> Your eyes widen as you see Emily moan in pleasure.
<blue>-"Maybe you want a piece?"</blue> Anton stops and turns to you.
<emily>-"<<if $hairextensions ==true>>She<<else>>He<</if>> does not! <<if $toys==1>>Look at that small caged little thing! He couldn't fuck me even if I let <<if $toys !==1>>him!<<else>>her!<</if>><<else>>Look at that pathetic thing in his hands! I prefer your a lot more hehe...<</if>>"</emily> Emily grins and begins to throw her ass back, insinuating that Anton should carry on.
<blue>-"Gha! Can't complain!"</blue>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\aa20.webp">
<emily>-"AgHhHhhh! YesssSSsSS!"</emily>
<<pageReplace"Continue to watch.">>
<b>-"F-fucKKK!"</b> <<if $toys ==1>>Your cock begins to press up against its cage harder and harder. It's pretty painful!<<else>>As you continue to masturbate, it's becoming harder and harder not to cum!<</if>>
<emily>-"Fuck me Anton! MghHHHhhh... Fucking ravage me p-plEasEEeeee!"</emily> The man takes Emily and turns her around.
<emily>-"MgHhHh! YeshhsHH!"</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\aa22.webp">
<blue>-"GrRrrhhHHH! Y-you're so tight... I'm close!"</blue>
<emily>-"J-just a little more baby! NgHHHH! I-I'm about to cum too!"</emily> <<if $toys !==1>>You begin to stroke your cock faster and faster... The end is near.<</if>>
<<if $toys !==1>>\
<b>-"F-fucKkKkkKK!!!"</b> You scream as you feel a load climbing up your shaft.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\aa24.webp">
<b>-"GhHnnHhgHHhH!"</b> Your pathetic cum falls onto the carpet as Emily looks over.
<emily>-"NGhhhhhH! Ghahaha!"</emily> Emily laughs as her legs begin to shake.
<b>-"NgHhHH... N-no!"</b> You stand up and instinctively try to grab your penis, but it's caged...
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\aa25.webp">
<b>-"Fuck..."</b> You lower your hands once again... You look quite pathetic.
<emily>-"NGhhhhhH! Ghahaha!"</emily> Emily laughs as her legs begin to shake.
<emily>-"I-I'm... MgHhHhH... coOMmiIIinNGGGG!"</emily>
<<pageReplace"Watch her.">>
<blue>-"FuckKKK I'm close!"</blue>
<emily>-"NgHhHhHhh!!! YEsSshhSHHHH ANTONNNN!"</emily> Her legs begin to quiver as you watch intently.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\aa26.webp">
<emily>-"S-stop stopPPP stopPpPP!"</emily> Anton gives her a second to rest, but starts up again.
<blue>-"GrHhHh! A-a little more!"</blue> He shouts as he thrusts so deep inside, that his balls begin to hit Emily's butt with each movement of the hips.
<emily>-"Come for me baby! On my face!"</emily>
<blue>-"Here it comMMesSSss!"</blue> Emily gets down on her knees and the man stands up. Unloading his ammo straight onto your girlfriend's face as you watch.
<emily>-"Yessss... So warm!"</emily> As the cum stops flowing, Emily begins to suck the remaining liquid out.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\aa27.webp">
<emily>-"Enjoyed the show?"</emily>
<b>-"Y-yes..."</b> Your voice quivers as you sit there, awestruck once again.
<emily>-"Want a taste?"</emily> Emily walks over and asks. She still has some semen in her mouth.
<emily>-"Mhmm..."</emily> Anton lays down to rest behind her.
<b>-"Of course baby!"</b>
<emily>-"Mmmmm..."</emily> She moans as your lips touch.
<b>-"NgHhhh! S-swalty!"</b> Some of the cum gets on your face and lips...
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\aa29.webp">
<emily>-"Ahhhh... That was incredible!"</emily> Emily says after pulling away.
<blue>-"Thank you for the experience."</blue> Anton walks over to you guys.
<emily>-"Hihihi, no, thank you!"</emily>
<b>-"Yeah... That was great Anton."</b>
<blue>-"I'm glad I could be of service."</blue> He begins to put on his clothes.
<emily>-"Awh, leaving so soon?"</emily>
<blue>-"You're not the only couple I'm visiting today."</blue> He winks. After a bit of small talk, he finally leaves the apartment, leaving both of you alone.
<emily>-"Wasn't he just great?"</emily>
<b>-"Sure was..."</b>
<emily>-"Anyways, could you clean everything up babe? I'm going to take a shower."</emily>
<b>-"Of course Emily!"</b> <<if $toys ==1>>Your cock has calm down a bit, but the cage still feels pretty tight.<<else>>Your cock has calm down a bit, but it's not fully flaccid.<</if>>
<emily>-"Thank you! Love ya!"</emily> She runs off towards the shower.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\aa30.webp">
<b>-"That was... Incredible!"</b> You slowly stand up and look around. The whole floor is covered in fluids. It'll take you a while to clean!
<b>-"The sooner I start, the sooner I'll finish!"</b> You spend the next 30 minutes cleaning everything. When Emily comes out of the shower, the place is spotless. You spend the rest of the afternoon cuddling and talking about the experience. You both decide to try it again.
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<<set $feminization to $feminization +1>>
<emily>Feminization +1!</emily>
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"No thank you...">>
<b>-"N-no thanks babe, I'm not really into that."</b> You take a step back as Emily shrugs.
<emily>-"Heh, your loss!"</emily> She begins to lick her fingers.
<blue>-"Thank you for the experience."</blue> Anton walks over to you guys.
<emily>-"No, thank you!"</emily>
<b>-"Yeah... That was great Anton."</b>
<blue>-"I'm glad I could be of service."</blue> He begins to put on his clothes.
<emily>-"Awh, leaving so soon?"</emily>
<blue>-"You're not the only couple I'm visiting today."</blue> He winks. After a bit of small talk, he finally leaves the apartment, leaving both of you alone.
<emily>-"Wasn't he just great?"</emily>
<b>-"Sure was..."</b>
<emily>-"Anyways, could you clean everything up babe? I'm going to take a shower."</emily>
<b>-"Of course Emily!"</b> <<if $toys ==1>>Your cock has calm down a bit, but the cage still feels pretty tight.<<else>>Your cock has calm down a bit, but it's not fully flaccid.<</if>>
<emily>-"Thank you! Love ya!"</emily> She runs off towards the shower.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\aa30.webp">
<b>-"That was... Incredible!"</b> You slowly stand up and look around. The whole floor is covered in fluids. It'll take you a while to clean!
<b>-"The sooner I start, the sooner I'll finish!"</b> You spend the next 30 minutes cleaning everything. When Emily comes out of the shower, the place is spotless. You spend the rest of the afternoon cuddling and talking about the experience. You both decide to try it again.
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<b>-"S-shit shit shit get out of the way!"</b> You shout as you overtake a slow driver.
<b>-"She's finally... She's finally doing it! I have to see it with my own two eyes!"</b> The car screeches to a stop as you reach the parking lot of her complex.
<grey>"Bumb!"</grey> With a swing of the arm, the car door closes.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\aa5.webp">
<emily>-"Guhhh GHuhhh GuhHH!"</emily> You begin to hear Emily's faint sounds as you climb up the stairs.
<b>-"I'm so fucking horny..."</b>
<b>-"Finally!"</b> After reaching her door, you place your hand on the handle.
<grey>-"Creeeeck!"</grey> It's open!
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\aa6.jpg">
<emily>-"GhhhrrRhhHh! YesHhH!"</emily> Emily's moans grow much louder.
<<pageReplace"Step inside.">>\
<emily>-"GrrrrHhHhhHH... MgHhhHh!"</emily> You quickly slip out of your shoes and walk towards the noise.
<b>-"E-emily..."</b> You stutter as you're hit with the incredible sight of your loved one on her knees, sucking someone else's cock.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\aa8.webp">
<emily>-"Ahhhh!"</emily> Emily stops sucking for a second and turns to you.
<emily>-"$name! Heyyyy!"</emily>
<b>-"Hey babe..."</b> You look at her, awestruck. It's your first time seeing her do something lewd in person, not on a phone screen.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\aa9.jpg">
<emily>-"Glad you could make it... This is Ched."</emily> She looks up at the guy.
<blue>-"What's up cuck."</blue> He grins.
<b>-"H-hey!"</b> You stutter as he towers over you.
<emily>-"We put a seat right there so you can enjoy the show."</emily> She points behind you.
<<pageReplace"Take a look.">>\
<<if $feminization>100 and $hairextensions ==true>>\
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\aa17.webp">
<b>-"Thank you honey..."</b> You begin to walk towards the chair.
<emily>-"Orrrrrrr, would you like to help Ched warm up first?"</emily>
<emily>-"We've been doing that for the past 30 minutes already, but Ched wouldn't mind another mouth tasting his manhood, no?"</emily> She looks up at the man once again.
<b>-"T-tasting his manhood?"</b> Does Emily want you to suck his dick?
<blue>-"Hmph, I don't really like cucks, but she's not bad looking, go ahead."</blue> Emily moves away as Ched gets closer.
<emily>-"So? Want to give it a taste?"</emily>
<<pageReplace"It does look delicious...">>
<b>-"I can't lie... It does look delicious..."</b> The cocks inviting stare is pulling you in.
<emily>-"Give it a taste baby... Just be careful, he's so thick, I have trouble fitting it in my mouth!"</emily>
<b>-"This isn't that weird, right?"</b> You think as you slowly get on your knees.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\aa12.webp">
<blue>-"NgHhhh..."</blue> Ched let's out a moan as you begin to jack him off. Emily's saliva is acting like lube.
<b>-"Just a taste..."</b> You whisper as your lips begin to touch his manhood.
<b>-"MmmmmMMm. You weren't lying."</b> Your penis throbs once more as Emily begins to smile.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\aa13.webp">
<blue>-"S-shit!"</blue> He moans as you begin to stroke his cock.
<emily>-"Let me just..."</emily> Emily whispers as she begins to take off her panties.
<b>-"Slurp... MgHhhh! Ahhh!"</b> You take a deep breath in preparation to deepthroat him.
<emily>-"That's enough."</emily> She says as you both turn your heads towards her.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\aa14.jpg">
<emily>-"I need to get fucked, like now!"</emily> Emily slaps her butt and Ched takes a step back.
<b>-"N-no!"</b> You wanted to suck his cock for longer!
<blue>-"Her lips look better. Just sit down and watch."</blue>
<b>-"NghHhh... Fuck."</b> You stand up and walk to the cuck chair. A drop of pre cum hits the carpet as your cock begins to leak.
<emily>-"Sorry babe, but this cock is mine for tonight... I'll share the next one with you for longer hihi!"</emily> Ched climbs onto the couch and begins to mount her.
<<pageReplace"Sit down and watch.">>
<emily>-"Come on big boy, give me a proper fucking... I've needed one for ages!"</emily> Ched slips his rod against her ass a couple of times and moves his hips back.
<blue>-"Ready babe?"</blue> The man asks.
<b>-"Gulp..."</b> As soon as your butt hits the chair, Emily gets penetrated.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\aa15.webp">
<emily>-"MGhHhHhhh yessSssssSS!"</emily> She screams as the man begins to move his hips back and forth.
<emily>-"Y-you see this babe...? MgHHhh... This is a real cock!"</emily>
<blue>-"GhhrhRHhHH!"</blue> The man releases a primal groan as he increases in speed.
<b>-"S-shit... You're so hot Emily!"</b> <<if $toys ==1>>You slip down your pants and underwear, revealing your small, caged cock.<<else>>You slip down your pants and underwear, revealing your mediocre cock. With one grab of the shaft, another spurt of pre cum leaks out.<</if>>
<<if $toys ==1>><img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\aa19.jpg"><<else>><img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\aa18.webp"><</if>>
<emily>-"GodddDdddd! It's so d-deeEeePPp!"</emily>
<b>-"NgHhhh..."</b> Your eyes widen as you see Emily moan in pleasure.
<blue>-"He looks so desperate, maybe we should give him a try, huh? Haha!"</blue> Ched stops for a second and laughs, while noding towards you.
<emily>-"<<if $hairextensions ==true>>She<<else>>He<</if>> does not! <<if $toys==1>>Look at that small caged little thing! He couldn't fuck me even if I let <<if $toys !==1>>him!<<else>>her!<</if>><<else>>Look at that pathetic thing in his hands! I prefer your a lot more hehe...<</if>>"</emily> Emily grins and begins to throw her ass back, insinuating that Ched should carry on.
<blue>-"Gha! Can't complain!"</blue>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\aa21.webp">
<emily>-"AgHhHhhh! YesssSSsSS!"</emily>
<<pageReplace"Continue to watch.">>
<b>-"F-fucKKK!"</b> <<if $toys ==1>>Your cock begins to press up against its cage harder and harder. It's pretty painful!<<else>>As you continue to masturbate, it's becoming harder and harder not to cum!<</if>>
<emily>-"Fuck me Ched! MghHHHhhh... Fucking ravage me p-plEasEEeeee!"</emily> The man takes Emily and turns her around.
<emily>-"MgHhHh! YeshhsHH!"</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\aa23.webp">
<blue>-"GrRrrhhHHH! Y-you're so tight... I'm close!"</blue>
<emily>-"J-just a little more baby! NgHHHH! I-I'm about to cum too!"</emily> <<if $toys !==1>>You begin to stroke your cock faster and faster... The end is near.<</if>>
<<if $toys !==1>>\
<b>-"F-fucKkKkkKK!!!"</b> You scream as you feel a load climbing up your shaft.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\aa24.webp">
<b>-"GhHnnHhgHHhH!"</b> Your pathetic cum falls onto the carpet as Emily looks over.
<emily>-"NGhhhhhH! Ghahaha!"</emily> Emily laughs as her legs begin to shake.
<b>-"NgHhHH... N-no!"</b> You stand up and instinctively try to grab your penis, but it's caged...
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\aa25.webp">
<b>-"Fuck..."</b> You lower your hands once again... You look quite pathetic.
<emily>-"NGhhhhhH! Ghahaha!"</emily> Emily laughs as her legs begin to shake.
<emily>-"I-I'm... MgHhHhH... coOMmiIIinNGGGG!"</emily>
<<pageReplace"Watch her.">>
<blue>-"FuckKKK I'm close!"</blue>
<emily>-"NgHhHhHhh!!! YEsSshhSHHHH CHEDDD!"</emily> Her legs begin to quiver as you watch intently.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\aa26.webp">
<emily>-"S-stop stopPPP stopPpPP!"</emily> Ched gives her a second to rest, but starts up again.
<blue>-"GrHhHh! A-a little more!"</blue> He shouts as he thrusts so deep inside, that his balls begin to hit Emily's butt with each movement of the hips.
<emily>-"Come for me baby! On my face!"</emily>
<blue>-"Here it comMMesSSss!"</blue> Emily gets down on her knees and the man stands up. Unloading his ammo straight onto your girlfriend's face as you watch.
<emily>-"Yessss... So warm!"</emily> As the cum stops flowing, Emily begins to suck the remaining liquid out.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\aa28.webp">
<emily>-"Enjoyed the show?"</emily>
<b>-"Y-yes..."</b> Your voice quivers as you sit there, awestruck once again.
<emily>-"Want a taste?"</emily> Emily walks over and asks. She still has some semen in her mouth.
<emily>-"Mhmm..."</emily> Ched lays down to rest behind her.
<b>-"Of course baby!"</b>
<emily>-"Mmmmm..."</emily> She moans as your lips touch.
<b>-"NgHhhh! S-swalty!"</b> Some of the cum gets on your face and lips...
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\aa29.webp">
<emily>-"Ahhhh... That was incredible!"</emily> Emily says after pulling away.
<blue>-"You were a good fuck Emily."</blue> Ched walks over to you guys.
<emily>-"Hihihi, thank you!"</emily>
<b>-"That was great Ched."</b>
<blue>-"I know, cuck."</blue> He begins to put on his clothes.
<emily>-"Awh, leaving so soon?"</emily>
<blue>-"You're not the only couple I'm visiting today."</blue> He winks. After a bit of small talk, he finally leaves the apartment, leaving both of you alone.
<emily>-"Wasn't he just great?"</emily>
<b>-"Sure was..."</b>
<emily>-"Anyways, could you clean everything up babe? I'm going to take a shower."</emily>
<b>-"Of course Emily!"</b> <<if $toys ==1>>Your cock has calm down a bit, but the cage still feels pretty tight.<<else>>Your cock has calm down a bit, but it's not fully flaccid.<</if>>
<emily>-"Thank you! Love ya!"</emily> She runs off towards the shower.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\aa30.webp">
<b>-"That was... Incredible!"</b> You slowly stand up and look around. The whole floor is covered in fluids. It'll take you a while to clean!
<b>-"The sooner I start, the sooner I'll finish!"</b> You spend the next 30 minutes cleaning everything. When Emily comes out of the shower, the place is spotless. You spend the rest of the afternoon cuddling and talking about the experience. You both decide to try it again.
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<<set $feminization to $feminization +2>>
<emily>Feminization +2!</emily>
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"No thank you...">>
<b>-"N-no thanks babe, I'm not really into that."</b> You take a step back as Emily shrugs.
<emily>-"Heh, your loss!"</emily> She begins to lick her fingers.
<blue>-"You were a good fuck Emily."</blue> Ched walks over to you guys.
<emily>-"Hihihi, thank you!"</emily>
<b>-"That was great Ched."</b>
<blue>-"I know, cuck."</blue> He begins to put on his clothes.
<emily>-"Awh, leaving so soon?"</emily>
<blue>-"You're not the only couple I'm visiting today."</blue> He winks. After a bit of small talk, he finally leaves the apartment, leaving both of you alone.
<emily>-"Wasn't he just great?"</emily>
<b>-"Sure was..."</b>
<emily>-"Anyways, could you clean everything up babe? I'm going to take a shower."</emily>
<b>-"Of course Emily!"</b> <<if $toys ==1>>Your cock has calm down a bit, but the cage still feels pretty tight.<<else>>Your cock has calm down a bit, but it's not fully flaccid.<</if>>
<emily>-"Thank you! Love ya!"</emily> She runs off towards the shower.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\aa30.webp">
<b>-"That was... Incredible!"</b> You slowly stand up and look around. The whole floor is covered in fluids. It'll take you a while to clean!
<b>-"The sooner I start, the sooner I'll finish!"</b> You spend the next 30 minutes cleaning everything. When Emily comes out of the shower, the place is spotless. You spend the rest of the afternoon cuddling and talking about the experience. You both decide to try it again.
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<<set $feminization to $feminization +1>>
<emily>Feminization +1!</emily>
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"No thank you.">>
<b>-"N-no thanks babe... Not really into it."</b> You step away from the cock.
<blue>-"Hah, your loss."</blue> The man steps back.
<emily>-"Welp, more cock for me haha!"</emily> She laughs as you both look over.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\aa14.jpg">
<emily>-"If you don't mind, come here Ched..."</emily>
<emily>-"I need to get fucked, like now!"</emily> Emily slaps her butt as he gets closer.
<blue>-"Don't have to tell me twice!"</blue>
<b>-"NghHhh... Fuck."</b> You stand up and walk to the cuck chair. A drop of pre cum hits the carpet as your cock begins to leak.
<emily>-"Get comfrotable babe, this will a while!"</emily> Ched climbs onto the couch and begins to mount her.
<<pageReplace"Sit down and watch.">>
<emily>-"Come on big boy, give me a proper fucking... I've needed one for ages!"</emily> Ched slips his rod against her ass a couple of times and moves his hips back.
<blue>-"Ready babe?"</blue> The man asks in a thick, russian accent.
<b>-"Gulp..."</b> As soon as your butt hits the chair, Emily gets penetrated.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\aa15.webp">
<emily>-"MGhHhHhhh yessSssssSS!"</emily> She screams as the man begins to move his hips back and forth.
<emily>-"Y-you see this babe...? MgHHhh... This is a real cock!"</emily>
<blue>-"GhhrhRHhHH!"</blue> The man releases a primal groan as he increases in speed.
<b>-"S-shit... You're so hot Emily!"</b> <<if $toys ==1>>You slip down your pants and underwear, revealing your small, caged cock.<<else>>You slip down your pants and underwear, revealing your mediocre cock. With one grab of the shaft, another spurt of pre cum leaks out.<</if>>
<<if $toys ==1>><img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\aa19.jpg"><<else>><img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\aa18.webp"><</if>>
<emily>-"GodddDdddd! It's so d-deeEeePPp!"</emily>
<b>-"NgHhhh..."</b> Your eyes widen as you see Emily moan in pleasure.
<blue>-"Maybe we should give the cuck a try? He looks so pathetic haha!"</blue> Ched stops and turns to you.
<emily>-"<<if $hairextensions ==true>>She<<else>>He<</if>> does not! <<if $toys==1>>Look at that small caged little thing! He couldn't fuck me even if I let <<if $toys !==1>>him!<<else>>her!<</if>><<else>>Look at that pathetic thing in his hands! I prefer your a lot more hehe...<</if>>"</emily> Emily grins and begins to throw her ass back, insinuating that Ched should carry on.
<blue>-"Gha! Can't complain!"</blue>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\aa21.webp">
<emily>-"AgHhHhhh! YesssSSsSS!"</emily>
<<pageReplace"Continue to watch.">>
<b>-"F-fucKKK!"</b> <<if $toys ==1>>Your cock begins to press up against its cage harder and harder. It's pretty painful!<<else>>As you continue to masturbate, it's becoming harder and harder not to cum!<</if>>
<emily>-"Fuck me Ched! MghHHHhhh... Fucking ravage me p-plEasEEeeee!"</emily> The man takes Emily and turns her around.
<emily>-"MgHhHh! YeshhsHH!"</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\aa23.webp">
<blue>-"GrRrrhhHHH! Y-you're so tight... I'm close!"</blue>
<emily>-"J-just a little more baby! NgHHHH! I-I'm about to cum too!"</emily> <<if $toys !==1>>You begin to stroke your cock faster and faster... The end is near.<</if>>
<<if $toys !==1>>\
<b>-"F-fucKkKkkKK!!!"</b> You scream as you feel a load climbing up your shaft.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\aa24.webp">
<b>-"GhHnnHhgHHhH!"</b> Your pathetic cum falls onto the carpet as Emily looks over.
<emily>-"NGhhhhhH! Ghahaha!"</emily> Emily laughs as her legs begin to shake.
<b>-"NgHhHH... N-no!"</b> You stand up and instinctively try to grab your penis, but it's caged...
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\aa25.webp">
<b>-"Fuck..."</b> You lower your hands once again... You look quite pathetic.
<emily>-"NGhhhhhH! Ghahaha!"</emily> Emily laughs as her legs begin to shake.
<emily>-"I-I'm... MgHhHhH... coOMmiIIinNGGGG!"</emily>
<<pageReplace"Watch her.">>
<blue>-"FuckKKK I'm close!"</blue>
<emily>-"NgHhHhHhh!!! YEsSshhSHHHH CHEDDD!"</emily> Her legs begin to quiver as you watch intently.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\aa26.webp">
<emily>-"S-stop stopPPP stopPpPP!"</emily> Ched gives her a second to rest, but starts up again.
<blue>-"GrHhHh! A-a little more!"</blue> He shouts as he thrusts so deep inside, that his balls begin to hit Emily's butt with each movement of the hips.
<emily>-"Come for me baby! On my face!"</emily>
<blue>-"Here it comMMesSSss!"</blue> Emily gets down on her knees and the man stands up. Unloading his ammo straight onto your girlfriend's face as you watch.
<emily>-"Yessss... So warm!"</emily> As the cum stops flowing, Emily begins to suck the remaining liquid out.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\aa28.webp">
<emily>-"Enjoyed the show?"</emily>
<b>-"Y-yes..."</b> Your voice quivers as you sit there, awestruck once again.
<emily>-"Want a taste?"</emily> Emily walks over and asks. She still has some semen in her mouth.
<emily>-"Mhmm..."</emily> Ched lays down to rest behind her.
<b>-"Of course baby!"</b>
<emily>-"Mmmmm..."</emily> She moans as your lips touch.
<b>-"NgHhhh! S-swalty!"</b> Some of the cum gets on your face and lips...
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\aa29.webp">
<emily>-"Ahhhh... That was incredible!"</emily> Emily says after pulling away.
<blue>-"You were a good fuck, Emily."</blue> Ched walks over to you guys.
<emily>-"Hihihi, thank you!"</emily>
<b>-"That was great Ched."</b>
<blue>-"I know, cuck."</blue> He begins to put on his clothes.
<emily>-"Awh, leaving so soon?"</emily>
<blue>-"You're not the only couple I'm visiting today."</blue> He winks. After a bit of small talk, he finally leaves the apartment, leaving both of you alone.
<emily>-"Wasn't he just great?"</emily>
<b>-"Sure was..."</b>
<emily>-"Anyways, could you clean everything up babe? I'm going to take a shower."</emily>
<b>-"Of course Emily!"</b> <<if $toys ==1>>Your cock has calm down a bit, but the cage still feels pretty tight.<<else>>Your cock has calm down a bit, but it's not fully flaccid.<</if>>
<emily>-"Thank you! Love ya!"</emily> She runs off towards the shower.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\aa30.webp">
<b>-"That was... Incredible!"</b> You slowly stand up and look around. The whole floor is covered in fluids. It'll take you a while to clean!
<b>-"The sooner I start, the sooner I'll finish!"</b> You spend the next 30 minutes cleaning everything. When Emily comes out of the shower, the place is spotless. You spend the rest of the afternoon cuddling and talking about the experience. You both decide to try it again.
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<<set $feminization to $feminization +2>>
<emily>Feminization +2!</emily>
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"No thank you...">>
<b>-"N-no thanks babe, I'm not really into that."</b> You take a step back as Emily shrugs.
<emily>-"Heh, your loss!"</emily> She begins to lick her fingers.
<blue>-"You were a good fuck, Emily."</blue> Ched walks over to you guys.
<emily>-"Hihihi, thank you!"</emily>
<b>-"That was great Ched."</b>
<blue>-"I know, cuck."</blue> He begins to put on his clothes.
<emily>-"Awh, leaving so soon?"</emily>
<blue>-"You're not the only couple I'm visiting today."</blue> He winks. After a bit of small talk, he finally leaves the apartment, leaving both of you alone.
<emily>-"Wasn't he just great?"</emily>
<b>-"Sure was..."</b>
<emily>-"Anyways, could you clean everything up babe? I'm going to take a shower."</emily>
<b>-"Of course Emily!"</b> <<if $toys ==1>>Your cock has calm down a bit, but the cage still feels pretty tight.<<else>>Your cock has calm down a bit, but it's not fully flaccid.<</if>>
<emily>-"Thank you! Love ya!"</emily> She runs off towards the shower.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\aa30.webp">
<b>-"That was... Incredible!"</b> You slowly stand up and look around. The whole floor is covered in fluids. It'll take you a while to clean!
<b>-"The sooner I start, the sooner I'll finish!"</b> You spend the next 30 minutes cleaning everything. When Emily comes out of the shower, the place is spotless. You spend the rest of the afternoon cuddling and talking about the experience. You both decide to try it again.
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<<set $feminization to $feminization +1>>
<emily>Feminization +1!</emily>
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\aa17.webp">
<b>-"Thank you honey..."</b> You begin to walk towards the chair.
<emily>-"Now..."</emily> Emily pulls her panties down.
<emily>-"Come here big boy."</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\aa14.jpg">
<emily>-"I need to get fucked, like now!"</emily> Emily slaps her butt and Ched takes a step forward.
<blue>-"You don't have to tell me twice!"</blue>
<b>-"NghHhh... Fuck."</b> A drop of pre cum hits the carpet as your cock begins to leak.
<emily>-"Get comfrotable babe, this will take a while!"</emily> Ched climbs onto the couch and begins to mount her.
<<pageReplace"Sit down and watch.">>
<emily>-"Come on big boy, give me a proper fucking... I've needed one for ages!"</emily> Ched slips his rod against her ass a couple of times and moves his hips back.
<blue>-"Ready babe?"</blue> The man asks in a thick, russian accent.
<b>-"Gulp..."</b> As soon as your butt hits the chair, Emily gets penetrated.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\aa15.webp">
<emily>-"MGhHhHhhh yessSssssSS!"</emily> She screams as the man begins to move his hips back and forth.
<emily>-"Y-you see this babe...? MgHHhh... This is a real cock!"</emily>
<blue>-"GhhrhRHhHH!"</blue> The man releases a primal groan as he increases in speed.
<b>-"S-shit... You're so hot Emily!"</b> <<if $toys ==1>>You slip down your pants and underwear, revealing your small, caged cock.<<else>>You slip down your pants and underwear, revealing your mediocre cock. With one grab of the shaft, another spurt of pre cum leaks out.<</if>>
<<if $toys ==1>><img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\aa19.jpg"><<else>><img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\aa18.webp"><</if>>
<emily>-"GodddDdddd! It's so d-deeEeePPp!"</emily>
<b>-"NgHhhh..."</b> Your eyes widen as you see Emily moan in pleasure.
<blue>-"Maybe we should give the cuck a try? He looks so pathetic haha!"</blue> Ched stops and turns to you.
<emily>-"<<if $hairextensions ==true>>She<<else>>He<</if>> does not! <<if $toys==1>>Look at that small caged little thing! He couldn't fuck me even if I let <<if $toys !==1>>him!<<else>>her!<</if>><<else>>Look at that pathetic thing in his hands! I prefer your a lot more hehe...<</if>>"</emily> Emily grins and begins to throw her ass back, insinuating that Ched should carry on.
<blue>-"Gha! Can't complain!"</blue>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\aa21.webp">
<emily>-"AgHhHhhh! YesssSSsSS!"</emily>
<<pageReplace"Continue to watch.">>
<b>-"F-fucKKK!"</b> <<if $toys ==1>>Your cock begins to press up against its cage harder and harder. It's pretty painful!<<else>>As you continue to masturbate, it's becoming harder and harder not to cum!<</if>>
<emily>-"Fuck me Ched! MghHHHhhh... Fucking ravage me p-plEasEEeeee!"</emily> The man takes Emily and turns her around.
<emily>-"MgHhHh! YeshhsHH!"</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\aa23.webp">
<blue>-"GrRrrhhHHH! Y-you're so tight... I'm close!"</blue>
<emily>-"J-just a little more baby! NgHHHH! I-I'm about to cum too!"</emily> <<if $toys !==1>>You begin to stroke your cock faster and faster... The end is near.<</if>>
<<if $toys !==1>>\
<b>-"F-fucKkKkkKK!!!"</b> You scream as you feel a load climbing up your shaft.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\aa24.webp">
<b>-"GhHnnHhgHHhH!"</b> Your pathetic cum falls onto the carpet as Emily looks over.
<emily>-"NGhhhhhH! Ghahaha!"</emily> Emily laughs as her legs begin to shake.
<b>-"NgHhHH... N-no!"</b> You stand up and instinctively try to grab your penis, but it's caged...
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\aa25.webp">
<b>-"Fuck..."</b> You lower your hands once again... You look quite pathetic.
<emily>-"NGhhhhhH! Ghahaha!"</emily> Emily laughs as her legs begin to shake.
<emily>-"I-I'm... MgHhHhH... coOMmiIIinNGGGG!"</emily>
<<pageReplace"Watch her.">>
<blue>-"FuckKKK I'm close!"</blue>
<emily>-"NgHhHhHhh!!! YEsSshhSHHHH CHEDDD!"</emily> Her legs begin to quiver as you watch intently.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\aa26.webp">
<emily>-"S-stop stopPPP stopPpPP!"</emily> Ched gives her a second to rest, but starts up again.
<blue>-"GrHhHh! A-a little more!"</blue> He shouts as he thrusts so deep inside, that his balls begin to hit Emily's butt with each movement of the hips.
<emily>-"Come for me baby! On my face!"</emily>
<blue>-"Here it comMMesSSss!"</blue> Emily gets down on her knees and the man stands up. Unloading his ammo straight onto your girlfriend's face as you watch.
<emily>-"Yessss... So warm!"</emily> As the cum stops flowing, Emily begins to suck the remaining liquid out.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\aa28.webp">
<emily>-"Enjoyed the show?"</emily>
<b>-"Y-yes..."</b> Your voice quivers as you sit there, awestruck once again.
<emily>-"Want a taste?"</emily> Emily walks over and asks. She still has some semen in her mouth.
<emily>-"Mhmm..."</emily> Ched lays down to rest behind her.
<b>-"Of course baby!"</b>
<emily>-"Mmmmm..."</emily> She moans as your lips touch.
<b>-"NgHhhh! S-swalty!"</b> Some of the cum gets on your face and lips...
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\aa29.webp">
<emily>-"Ahhhh... That was incredible!"</emily> Emily says after pulling away.
<blue>-"You were a good fuck, Emily."</blue> Ched walks over to you guys.
<emily>-"Hihihi, thank you!"</emily>
<b>-"That was great Ched."</b>
<blue>-"I know, cuck."</blue> He begins to put on his clothes.
<emily>-"Awh, leaving so soon?"</emily>
<blue>-"You're not the only couple I'm visiting today."</blue> He winks. After a bit of small talk, he finally leaves the apartment, leaving both of you alone.
<emily>-"Wasn't he just great?"</emily>
<b>-"Sure was..."</b>
<emily>-"Anyways, could you clean everything up babe? I'm going to take a shower."</emily>
<b>-"Of course Emily!"</b> <<if $toys ==1>>Your cock has calm down a bit, but the cage still feels pretty tight.<<else>>Your cock has calm down a bit, but it's not fully flaccid.<</if>>
<emily>-"Thank you! Love ya!"</emily> She runs off towards the shower.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\aa30.webp">
<b>-"That was... Incredible!"</b> You slowly stand up and look around. The whole floor is covered in fluids. It'll take you a while to clean!
<b>-"The sooner I start, the sooner I'll finish!"</b> You spend the next 30 minutes cleaning everything. When Emily comes out of the shower, the place is spotless. You spend the rest of the afternoon cuddling and talking about the experience. You both decide to try it again.
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<<set $feminization to $feminization +1>>
<emily>Feminization +1!</emily>
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"No thank you...">>
<b>-"N-no thanks babe, I'm not really into that."</b> You take a step back as Emily shrugs.
<emily>-"Heh, your loss!"</emily> She begins to lick her fingers.
<blue>-"You were a good fuck, Emily."</blue> Ched walks over to you guys.
<emily>-"Hihihi, thank you!"</emily>
<b>-"That was great Ched."</b>
<blue>-"I know, cuck."</blue> He begins to put on his clothes.
<emily>-"Awh, leaving so soon?"</emily>
<blue>-"You're not the only couple I'm visiting today."</blue> He winks. After a bit of small talk, he finally leaves the apartment, leaving both of you alone.
<emily>-"Wasn't he just great?"</emily>
<b>-"Sure was..."</b>
<emily>-"Anyways, could you clean everything up babe? I'm going to take a shower."</emily>
<b>-"Of course Emily!"</b> <<if $toys ==1>>Your cock has calm down a bit, but the cage still feels pretty tight.<<else>>Your cock has calm down a bit, but it's not fully flaccid.<</if>>
<emily>-"Thank you! Love ya!"</emily> She runs off towards the shower.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\aa30.webp">
<b>-"That was... Incredible!"</b> You slowly stand up and look around. The whole floor is covered in fluids. It'll take you a while to clean!
<b>-"The sooner I start, the sooner I'll finish!"</b> You spend the next 30 minutes cleaning everything. When Emily comes out of the shower, the place is spotless. You spend the rest of the afternoon cuddling and talking about the experience. You both decide to try it again.
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<<messengerHeader Emily>>
<<them>>When are you coming over?<</them>>
<<them>>We're already having fun!<</them>>
<<if $emilysecondbullnumber1 == true>>
<<them>><<image "Emily/events/sub/aa2.jpg" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<them>><<image "Emily/events/sub/aa3.jpg" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<messageReply "Don't start without me!">>
<<me>>Nooo! Don't start without me!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Wow, someone is this excited to see him take my swinger virginity?<</them>>
<<them wait>>Cute! 🥰<</them>>
<<messageReply "Gonna be there in a flash!">>
<<me>>Gonna be there in flash! I want to see! ❤️<</me>>
<<them wait>>Fine, but hurry up!<</them>>
<<them wait>>I'm already ready to go 🥵<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Emily/events/sub/aa4.jpg" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<messageReply "Already driving!">>
<<me>>Already driving! 😍<</me>>
<<them wait>>Good, we'll be waiting ❤️<</them>>
<<set $emily20datestage2 to true>>
<<goto "Emily 20">>
<<messengerHeader Emily>>
<<them>>Hey $name.<</them>>
<<them>>Just wanted to thank you for comforting me yesterday.<</them>>
<<them>>I know that I'm still not safe, but I feel a lot better knowing I have you.<</them>>
<<them>><<image "Emily/events/dom/bb1.jpg">><</them>>
<div id="choices">
<<messageReplyReplace "Love you." #choices>>
<<me>>Awwwww, I love you babe.<</me>>
<<them wait>>I love you too :)<</them>>
<<them wait>>Also, had my dad come around in the morning and install this!<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Emily/events/dom/bb3.jfif">><</them>>
<<messageReply "Nice!">>
<<me>>Nice! Any extra protection while I'm not there is good!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Thought the same ❤️<</them>>
<<them wait>>Anyways, gonna talk about it a bit more when we meet up, but we're meeting my friends soon.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Oh?">>
<<me>>Oh? Your friends?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Mhm.<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Emily/events/dom/bb2.jpg">><</them>>
<<them wait>>I really need to take my mind off this whole shitshow.<</them>>
<<them wait>>So we're going out for dinner.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Sure babe.">>
<<me>>Sure babe. Just give me the details when we meet up. Love ya.<</me>>
<<them wait>>I will!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Love you toooooooo 💝<</them>>
<<set $emily20domtemp to false>>
<<messageReplyReplace "Any time babe." #choices>>
<<me>>Any time babe!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Good, because I feel like I'll need your help a lot more often from now on.<</them>>
<<them wait>>I feel paranoid.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Had my dad come around in the morning and install this...<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Emily/events/dom/bb3.jfif">><</them>>
<<messageReply "That's good!">>
<<me>>That's good! I hope you feel at least a little safer.!<</me>>
<<them wait>>I do ❤️<</them>>
<<them wait>>Anyways, gonna talk about it a bit more when we meet up, but we're meeting my friends soon as well.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Oh?">>
<<me>>Oh? Your friends?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Mhm.<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Emily/events/dom/bb2.jpg">><</them>>
<<them wait>>I really need to take my mind off this whole shitshow.<</them>>
<<them wait>>So we're going out for dinner.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Sure babe.">>
<<me>>Sure babe. Just give me the details when we meet up. Love ya.<</me>>
<<them wait>>I will!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Love you toooooooo 💝<</them>>
<<set $emily20domtemp to false>>
<</messengerChat>><<if $time !==2>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<set $emilydays to 22>>\
<<location "Images/Other/7363794952_56303ea0b0_b.webp" "At Emily's place">>\
<<if $domstatus is true>>\
<b>-"Hey babe!"</b> You smile as the door opens. She didn't keep it locked this time!
<emily>-"Heyyyyy!"</emily> Emily comes out of the kitchen to greet you.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\bbb1.jpg">
<b>-"Wow, someone is glowing today!"</b>
<emily>-"Hehehe I am! After my dad installed that lock, I feel a lot safer!"</emily>
<b>-"I'm glad to hear it! Lemme just..."</b> You take off your shoes, put down your bag and walk closer to Emily.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\bbb2.jpg">
<emily>-"Come here..."</emily> You both exchange a kiss.
<b>-"How have you been? Has the man been back again?"</b>
<emily>-"Nope... I think you scared him off for good!"</emily>
<b>-"Well I'm glad to hear that, I couldn't imagine a life without you."</b> Emily blushes.
<emily>-"Y-you know... Your sweet words turn me on..."</emily> She begins to slip down her top.
<b>-"Oh...? Do they know?"</b>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\bbb3.jpg">
<emily>-"They do... You were so brave that night, I think you deserve a reward."</emily> Before you could get another word out, she pushes you onto the couch.
<b>-"Oof! How feisty!"</b>
<<pageReplace"See where this goes...">>\
<emily>-"Take those pants off big boy."</emily> She says in a confident tone.
<b>-"Hmph, as you say, miss."</b> You play along with it. As you slip your pants down, she does the same. When you're both completely naked, Emily drops to her knees and begins to pleasure you with her hands.
<emily>-"MmmmmmMMmm... So big already..."</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\bbb4.webp">
<b>-"MgHHhh... Enjoy what you see?"</b>
<emily>-"I do... It looks so tasty."</emily>
<b>-"Give it a taste then."</b> You spread your legs apart and relax.
<emily>-"T-that sounds like a great idea!"</emily> Suddenly, Emily spits on your cock and begins to lick it like a popsicle.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\bbb5.webp">
<emily>-"Swo rigid..."</emily>
<b>-"S-shiTTttTT!"</b> You stutter as Emily wraps her lips around the tip of your shaft.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\bbb7.webp">
<emily>-"Ahhhh! I forgot to tell you more about that meeting with my friends!"</emily> She stops sucking for a second.
<<pageReplace"Yeah what's that about it?">>
<b>-"Yeah, what's that about?"</b> You ask as she starts to pleasure you again.
<emily>-"Gahh gahh gahh... Ahhh!"</emily> Emily stops once again.
<emily>-"We're going to the Portal! A pretty fancy restaurant a couple of blocks from here."</emily> She takes her phone from the kitchen table, while still holding your cock with one hand.
<emily>-"Here. MghHhhh... GhhRRrr!"</emily> She hands you the phone and continues to suck.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\bbb6.webp">
<b>-"NgHhHh... Looks nice."</b>
<emily>-"Mghmm, it dwoes!"</emily>
<b>-"NNNNGgGGHghHHH! Who's... Who's coming?"</b> It's becoming harder and harder to speak... You're close.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\bbb8.webp">
<emily>-"A cwouple of mwy giwrlfriends... Slurp... MgHhHhh... With thweir boyfriewnds... NgHhhhHh... Of cwourse."</emily>
<b>-"FuckKKKk baby.. I'm.. I'm about to cum!"</b> You try your hardest to hold on, but Emily's skills have improved drastically.
<emily>-"AhhhhH! Good, come for me!"</emily> She takes your cock out of her mouth and begins to violently jack you off.
<<pageReplace"Release your load.">>
<emily>-"Sooo harddddddd.."</emily> Emily grins.
<b>-"FuckKkKKKK!!"</b> You scream as you unload all over her hands.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\bbb9.webp">
<b>-"J-jeez... That was incredible baby."</b>
<emily>-"Ghehehe, always is!"</emily>
<b>-"Can't argue with that."</b> Some cum drips onto your stomach as Emily stands up.
<b>-"Bring me a tissue babe."</b>
<emily>-"Sure baby."</emily> After she does, you clean yourself up and put on your clothes. Emily does not and just jumps into bed.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\bbb10.jpg">
<b>-"So we're going out then?"</b>
<emily>-"Mhm! Come pick me up if you can, I'll direct you to our meeting spot."</emily>
<b>-"Sure."</b> You spend the second half of the afternoon watching a movie and cuddling. After it finishes, you kiss Emily on the cheek and decide to head back home.
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<emily>-"MgHhHHhh..."</emily> Emily's moans ring out as your lips touch her... Second pair of lips.
<b>-"D-dwelicious!"</b> You spend the first half of your date talking about what happened with <<if $emilysecondbullnumber1 == true>>Anton. <<else>>Ched. <</if>> However in the middle of the coversation, you both got horny, so this is how you ended up.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\bb1.webp">
<emily>-"NgHhHh.. G-gentle $name!"</emily> She grabs your hear.
<b>-"Ofw cwourse..."</b> You slow down and begin to pleasure her clit with circular motions of your tongue.
<b>-"Have ywou... Slurp... Startwed lwooking... MgHhhh.. For anothwer dwate?"</b>
<emily>-"Hmphhmmmm.. I haveEeeEE!"</emily> You feel her thighs quiver as she pushes you away.
<emily>-"On that note, let me continue my search."</emily> She turns around, and sticks out her butt. With not a second to spare, you dig rick back in.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\bb2.webp">
<b>-"Ywour searwch?"</b>
<emily>-"Nghhh! Yes..."</emily> Emily pulls out her phone and begins to use it. However, her ass is blocking your view.
<emily>-"MgHHhhh... Good <<if $hairextensions==true>>girl... Keep it up.<<else>>boy... Keep it up.<</if>>"</emily>
<<pageReplace"See what she's doing.">>
<b>-"Ahhhhh!"</b> You stop for a split second and move your head to the side.
<emily>-"Hmmm? Who told you to stop?"</emily> Your cock throbs as you see what she's doing...
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\bb3.webp">
<b>-"GhhhHRhhh..."</b> You let out a groan as you begin to eat her out once again. She's using tinder while you pleasure her, that's so hot!
<emily>-"Ew no... MgHhhh... Yes, yes, no..."</emily> She says inbetween swipes.
<emily>-"OhHHnngHHh... D-definitely a yes!"</emily> More and more juices explode out of her flower as you increase the speed.
<b>-"Swo gwoooOooodd..."</b>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\bb4.webp">
<emily>-"MgHhHhhhh k-keep going! I'm close!"</emily> She puts the phone away and grabs the sheets.
<b>-"Slurp... NNnnnnGhHhh!"</b> The sight of her getting fucked appears in front of you once again... You've learnt not to touch yourself without permission, but it's really tempting!
<emily>-"YesShHhHhHHh.. A little more!"</emily>
<<pageReplace"Make her cum">>
<b>-"Slurp... NgHhh!"</b>
<emily>-"MgHHHhhhh... YesSSSSS!"</emily> Her whole body begins to shake as you keep up the pressure and continue to ravage her clit.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\bb5.webp">
<emily>-"FUCcKKKkKKKKK!!!"</emily> She screams as your face gets covered in her juices.
<b>-"W-wow!"</b> Emily throws her head back, completely drained of energy.
<emily>-"Gosh... If you only you had a bigger cock... You would be perfect!"</emily> A smile forms on her lips.
<b>-"G-glad to be of service baby."</b> You lick your lips and stand up.
<emily>-"Mghhh... Talking about big cocks..."</emily> Emily grabs her phone and hands it to you.
<emily>-"Found our potential date."</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\bb6.png">
<b>-"He isn't from here, isn't he?"</b>
<emily>-"I don't think so... No clue what that language is. He's probably on vacation."</emily> She stands up after you.
<emily>-"That also probably means he's looking for hookups."</emily> She flicks your crotch.
<b>-"A-AghhH! P-probably..."</b>
<emily>-"We'll talk about him later... I still need to make sure he isn't a douche."</emily> Emily grabs her clothes and extends her arm.
<emily>-"Come on then, put that phone down and let's take a shower."</emily>
<b>-"Of course."</b> You put down her phone and grab her arm... Time to have even more fun!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Have fun in the shower and drive back->Go outside]]
<</if>><<if $time !==2>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<set $emilydays to 23>>\
<<location "Images/Other/7363794952_56303ea0b0_b.webp" "At Emily's place">>\
<<if $domstatus is true>>\
<emily>-"How do I look?"</emily> Emily asks as you check out her outfit.
<b>-"You look great!"</b> You're meeting up with her friends today!
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\cc1.jpg">
<emily>-"Do you think this dress makes me look fat?"</emily>
<b>-"Of course not! Why would I think that?"</b>
<emily>-"Ugh... I don't know... I just want to look good for you, you know?"</emily>
<b>-"You always look good for me."</b>
<emily>-"AWwwwwww!"</emily> You exchange a kiss. While you do, you notice a crease on her dress.
<b>-"Let me fix this for you."</b>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\cc2.jpg">
<emily>-"Thanks babe!"</emily> You nod and straighten your back.
<b>-"Ready to go?"</b>
<emily>-"Mhm!"</emily> Emily grabs your hand and you both leave the apartment, making sure to lock the door behind you.
<<pageReplace"Get in the car.">>\
<<location "Images/Emily/events/dom/bbb6.webp" "Restaurant Portal">>\
<grey>-"VrooooommMMmmMM!"</grey> The cars engine roars to life as you push the key in and turn it.
<b>-"Where to?"</b>
<emily>-"Just drive towards the city, I'll show you, it's not far."</emily> You nod and do as she says.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\cc3.jpeg">
<b>-"So, who are we meeting again?"</b> You gently place your hand on her thigh.
<emily>-"We were supposed to meet two of my girlfriends and their boyfriends, but one couple couldn't make it."</emily>
<emily>-"So we're hanging out with Barbara and her guy. Don't know his name hahaha!"</emily>
<b>-"Alright then, let's hope that it's going to be a fun afternoon. You definitely need one."</b> After listening to Emily's directions, you arrive at your destination around 15 minutes later.
<b>-"This is the place?"</b>
<emily>-"Mhm! Let's head inside."</emily> A nice, sweet smell fills your nostrils as you enter the restaurant. The atmosphere is cozy and warm, but the place is completely packed.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\cc4.jpg">
<b>-"Are they here already?"</b>
<emily>-"Mhm, Barbara said they already ordered."</emily> You and Emily hold hands and begin to walk through the tables, looking for the couple.
<emily>-"There they are!"</emily> She points towards a table.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\cc5.jpeg">
<b>-"They seem nice."</b>
<emily>-"They are! Come, let me introduce you!"</emily>
<<pageReplace"Meet the couple">>\
<pink>-"EMILYYYYYYY YOU MADE IT AHHHH!"</pink> The woman turns around and screams.
<emily>-"HEY BARBARAAAAAA! LONG TIME NO SEEEEEE!"</emily> They hug each other as you greet the man with a nod.
<blue>-"Adin."</blue> He extends his arm and you shake it.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\cc6.gif">
<emily>-"Barbara, this is $name."</emily> The woman smiles and shakes your hand as well.
<pink>-"Hey $name! I've heard great things!"</pink>
<b>-"Aghahaha really? What have you heard?"</b> You ask while you all sit down.
<pink>-"That you're tall, good looking, earn a lot of money and are well versed in the... Physical arts."</pink> She laughs as Adin jokingly flicks her forehead.
<blue>-"Come on!"</blue>
<pink>-"Ghahaha sorry, sorry, just relaying what I heard!"</pink> As the couple chats, you look at Emily.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\cc7.jpg">
<b>-"What's up?"</b>
<emily>-"Nothing, I'm just happy to be here."</emily> You smile and rub her hand with yours. After finding the menu, you open it and begin to look through it with Emily.
<<pageReplace"Wait for the server to get here.">>
<bartender>-"I can see that this table has gotten a lot fuller, perhaps you would like to order something?"</bartender> The server asks. Barabara and Adin have already ordered.
<b>-"I would likeeeee... The spaghetti bolognaise please. And half a liter of your best house beer."</b>
<bartender>-"Mhm... What else?"</bartender>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\cc16.jpg">
<emily>-"I'll take the fettuccine alfredo and a glass of red wine please."</emily>
<bartender>-"Will that be all?"</bartender>
<b>-"For now at least, yes."</b>
<bartender>-"Alright perfect, I'll be right back with your food!"</bartender> The server walks off.
<blue>-"So $name, what do you do for a living?"</blue> The man asks.
<b>-"I'm still a student, so I just work part time here and there."</b>
<blue>-"Ahhh, understood. Do I mind if I ask you what you're studying?"</blue>
<pink>-"Pipe down with the interrogation Adin! Let the man relax, we're here to have fun!"</pink> You look at Emily once again. As you do, you feel her arm run down your thigh.
<<pageReplace"Touch her back.">>
<b>-"I'm studying at the SUP! I'm a 4th year business student there."</b>
<emily>-"NgHhhh.."</emily> Emily let's out a faint moan as your hand runs down her thigh and calf.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\cc8.webp">
<blue>-"Ahhhh the SUP! I heard great things!"</blue>
<pink>-"Me too! However, I heard that there was some drama with students claiming they were abused on some island or something..."</pink> You stop your hand and the table goes silent for a couple of seconds.
<pink>-"Ghahaha can you believe that? Sounds like something from a movie! They're just desperate for attention, I'm sure of it!"</pink>
<b>-"Haha... You're probably right."</b> As a drop of sweat runs down your forehead, a sudden noise startles you.
<grey>-"Ding!"</grey> You look down and see a fork laying on the ground.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\cc9.jpeg">
<emily>-"Ah! How clumsy of me!"</emily> Emily says and goes under the table.
<b>-"What do you do for a living, Adin?"</b>
<blue>-"..."</blue> Barbara looks at him and grins.
<pink>-"Come on then, tell him."</pink> While the couple yaps, you feel someone grab your leg... You look down in confusion.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\cc10.webp">
<b>-"Fucking Emily..."</b>
<<pageReplace"Try to act normal.">>\
<b>-"A-ahem..."</b> You stutter while putting your hands on the table.
<blue>-"I uhmm... Run a cam business."</blue> The man smiles.
<b>-"A cam business?"</b> Emily suddenly grabs your testicles and continues to suck.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\cc11.webp">
<b>-"A-aggHGhHhH! Excuse me... Just a cough."</b>
<pink>-"Mhm, a cam business!"</pink>
<emily>-"MgHhhh... Slurp..."</emily>
<pink>-"Can you believe that?! And he didn't tell me until we started dating!"</pink> Barbara slaps Adin on the back of his head lightly.
<blue>-"O-ouch! Cease with the violence woman!"</blue> They both laugh.
<blue>-"Anyways, where's Emily? She just vanished!"</blue> The couple probably missed the whole fork on the ground thing.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\cc12.jpeg">
<b>-"I think she went to the bathroom. She'll be right back I reckon."</b>
<emily>-"Guh guh Gughhh!"</emily> Because the place is crowded, the sounds of your dick being devoured fall on deaf ears.
<pink>-"Good! I want some female company here, tired of talking to you boys."</pink>
<blue>-"Alright, alright, no need to be rude now!"</blue>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\cc13.webp">
<b>-"NgHhhhH!"</b> You grab the table sheet and squeeze it as you're getting closer and closer to climaxing.
<pink>-"Are you sure you're alright?"</pink> Barbara asks, with a worried expression on her face.
<b>-"Y-yeah! Just something in my throat!"</b> You grab your neck and squeeze it lightly, to make the claim more believable.
<b>-"FUCK! I'M ABOUT TO CUM!"</b> You think as Emily begins to jack you off as well.
<pink>-"Anyways, you see Adin, $name is studying business, he's going to be a business man!"</pink> Barbara turns to Adin as a giant load climbs up your cock.
<emily>-"Ahhhh!"</emily> Emily senses your cock throbbing, so she takes it out of her mouth, but aims your shaft straight at it.
<pink>-"Doesn't that sound a lot better than having a cam business!?"</pink>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\cc14.webp">
<blue>-"Come on babe! You always talk about it like it's the worst thing ever..."</blue> Adin rolls his eyes as you do too, just for a different reason.
<emily>-"Gulp... Gulp... Gulp..."</emily> Emily swallows your whole load.
<blue>-"But I pay for everything, we go on vacation like every month... Give me a break!"</blue> As the couple continues to argue, Emily comes up from under the table.
<bartender>-"Here are your drinks!"</bartender> Right as she does, the server comes over and puts down all of the drinks on the table.
<b>-"Thanks."</b> You smile while secretly zipping up your jeans.
<emily>-"Thank you!"</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\cc15.jpg">
<pink>-"Oh! Emily! You're back!"</pink> Barabara and Adin finally turn to you both.
<blue>-"Anyways, enough with the arguing, let's just enjoy our afternoon."</blue> The man raises his glass of beer.
<b>-"Aye aye to that!"</b> Everyone does the same.
<pink>-"I have a lot of tea to spill Emily, be ready!"</pink> Barabara faces your girlfriend.
<b>-"Can you tell me about that cam business Adin? Sounds dope."</b> You face the man. You spend the next hour or two chatting. You enjoyed the company, Emily seems to have enjoyed herself as well. After you all finish eating, Adin pays the bill.
<b>-"Are you sure bro? It's a lot of money!"</b>
<blue>-"I'm sure man! That cam business of mine is boomin haha!"</blue>
<pink>-"Ugh shut up!"</pink> Barbara says in a jokingly matter. You all say your goodbyes and you leave the restaurant. You drive Emily back to her place, thank her for the quicky under the table and wait until she exits the car.
<emily>-"Thanks $name, love ya!"</emily> Emily says while walking away.
<b>-"Love ya too! Stay safe!"</b> After you make sure she gets into the building safely, you drive off.
<<set $dominant to $dominant +2>>
<blue>Dominant +2!</blue>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<b>-"I'm studying at the SUP! I'm a 4th year business student there."</b> You answer, while not responding to Emily's advances. After a couple of seconds, she moves her hand away.
<blue>-"Ahhhh the SUP! I heard great things!"</blue>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\cc12.jpeg">
<pink>-"Me too! However, I heard that there was some drama with students claiming they were abused on some island or something..."</pink> The table goes silent for a couple of seconds.
<pink>-"Ghahaha can you believe that? Sounds like something from a movie! They're just desperate for attention, I'm sure of it!"</pink>
<b>-"Haha... You're probably right."</b> As a drop of sweat runs down your forehead, you feel Emily squeeze your hand.
<emily>-"You okay?"</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\cc15.jpg">
<b>-"Yeah, yeah I'm fine."</b> You smile and turns towards Adin.
<b>-"What do you do for a living, Adin?"</b>
<blue>-"..."</blue> Barbara looks at him and grins.
<pink>-"Come on then, tell him."</pink> Adin's cheeks grow red in embarrassment.
<blue>-"I uhmm... Run a cam business."</blue>
<b>-"Really?! Tell me more about it, sounds dope!"</b> You face the man. You spend the next hour or two chatting. You enjoyed the company, Emily seems to have enjoyed herself as well. After you all finish eating, Adin pays the bill.
<b>-"Are you sure bro? It's a lot of money!"</b>
<blue>-"I'm sure man! That cam business of mine is boomin haha!"</blue>
<pink>-"All you boys talk about is work!"</pink> Barbara says in a jokingly matter. You all say your goodbyes and you leave the restaurant. You drive Emily back to her place, thank her for her company and wait until she exits the car.
<emily>-"Thanks $name, love ya!"</emily> Emily says while walking away.
<b>-"Love ya too! Stay safe!"</b> After you make sure she gets into the building safely, you drive off.
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<emily>-"NgHhhh... MgHhHh... FuckKkkK..."</emily> You hear Emily moan as you enter her apartment.
<b>-"Babe?! You there?"</b> You shout while taking off your shoes.
<emily>-"MgHHhhhh... So big...!"</emily> You get no answer. After following the sounds for a couple of seconds, you find where they're coming from.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\cc1.jpeg">
<b>-"S-she must be in there."</b>
<grey>-"Creeeek..."</grey> You open the door fully.
<emily>-"NghHHh! Yessss..."</emily> As you enter the bedroom, you see her.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\cc2.webp">
<emily>-"Soooo gooood!"</emily> You can't tell what she's looking at on her phone, but it must be something good, because she's moaning like crazy.
<b>-"Fuck..."</b> You whisper as you feel your cock move. It's pathetic how easily you get a boner.
<<pageReplace"Announce yourself">>
<b>-"Y-yo!"</b> You say, awkwardly.
<emily>-"AHhHHHH!!!!"</emily> Emily screams and quickly covers up.
<emily>-"$name?!"</emily> She turns around.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\cc3.png">
<b>-"S-sorry! Tried shouting, but you didn't hear me."</b>
<emily>-"Gosh, you scared me!"</emily> She lowers her arms, revealing her bare chest.
<b>-"Having fun?"</b>
<emily>-"Sigh, I was. Ghahaha..."</emily> Emily laughs and covers her face.
<emily>-"We're meeting that Romeo guy from tinder."</emily>
<b>-"We are?"</b>
<emily>-"Mhm... Look."</emily> She hands you her phone.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\cc4.jpg">
<b>-"D-damn! So that's why you were...?"</b> Your cock throbs once again. The man is huge!
<emily>-"Mhm... Couldn't help myself. He's so big!"</emily>
<<pageReplace"Hand her back her phone.">>
<b>-"He is... Wow!"</b> You try to hand the phone back to her, but she doesn't take it.
<emily>-"Can you just... Hold it?"</emily>
<b>-"What? The phone?"</b>
<emily>-"Mhm."</emily> Emily slowly spreads her legs as you understand what she means.
<b>-"O-of course baby..."</b> You hold the phone, making sure that the picture is facing Emily. After she spits on her fingers, she begins to pleasure herself.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\cc5.webp">
<emily>-"Hehehe.. Good cuck... MgHhhhh...!"</emily> You can't stop your face from forming into a smile. This is so hot!
<b>-"I-is he even going to fit?"</b>
<emily>-"NgHhHh... I-I don't know! We'll find out..."</emily> Emily stretches her vagina.
<emily>-"I fit the last guy inside, this will go right in as well."</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\cc8.webp">
<b>-"Fuck... I hope it does."</b> You want to pleasure yourself as well, but you know that you're not allowed unless she permits you.
<emily>-"Ghehehe, of course you do... MGHhhh!"</emily>
<emily>-"Change the pic..."</emily> She mumbles inbetween moans.
<emily>-"Y-yeah! MGggHHhhHhhh... He sent another one a while back!"</emily>
<<pageReplace"Change the picture.">>
<b>-"Right away baby!"</b> You scroll to the left.
<b>-"T-that can't be it..."</b> You scroll twice to the right and find it. Holyyyyy he's massive! You couldn't compete...
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\cc7.jpg">
<emily>-"Hurry... MGHhhhh... U-up!"</emily>
<b>-"Here!"</b> You turn the phone to her again.
<emily>-"Fuck mEeEeeEEE! MGHHhhhHHhh..."</emily> As soon as she sees it, she throws her head back and increases in speed.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\cc6.webp">
<b>-"NghHhh..."</b> You instinctively start to hump the air as your cock throbs.
<emily>-"GrRrRfFffff! I-I'm about to... Ghhhrrhhhh.. C-cummMMm!"</emily> Her body begins to quiver, as you continue to hold the phone.
<<pageReplace"Watch her cum.">>\
<b>-"So hot!"</b> You think as her thighs begin to shake even harder.
<emily>-"NGHHhHhHH YeEsSsSSSSSSsSsssSS!!!"</emily> Emily screams while a splash of her juices land on your face.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\cc9.webp">
<b>-"W-woah..."</b> You swipe the fluid off of your face with your finger, then tasting it.
<b>-"So sweet..."</b>
<emily>-"Gahhhhh... T-that was so good..."</emily> She lays there, exhausted. You put the phone to sleep and put it on the nightstand.
<emily>-"Thanks babe."</emily>
<b>-"No, thank you for the show!"</b> Emily laughs and sits up.
<emily>-"You're hilariously pathetic $name. Can't wait for Romeo to come over."</emily>
<b>-"Hehe.. Is he coming soon?"</b>
<emily>-"We'll go on a date first, already planned it."</emily> She stands up and gives you a kiss.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\cc10.jpg">
<emily>-"Want to make sure he isn't a creep."</emily>
<emily>-"YAAawwwWWwwnnnnnn... I'm exhausted... Want to order something to eat?"</emily>
<b>-"Sure babe."</b> As emily cleans herself up and puts on some clothes, you place an order on Uber Eats.
<b>-"Should I bring some condoms?"</b> You ask while you both eat.
<emily>-"Hell no... I'm taking it raw!"</emily>
<emily>-"Of course. Covering up a cock that size would be a shame!"</emily> She notices your worried expression.
<emily>-"What... Are you worried I'll get pregnant?"</emily> Emily grins.
<b>-"N-no! Of course not!"</b>
<emily>-"Ghehehe good, because I'm on birth control."</emily> You spend the afternoon eating and chatting. After a couple of hours of begging, <<if $toys==1>>she let's you out of the cage and gives you a handjob, while showing pictures of his cock. Of course, she doesn't let you cum at the end, leaving you craving for more.<<else>>she gives you a handjob, while showing you pictures of his cock. Of course, she doesn't let you cum at the end, leaving you craving for more.<</if>>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<</if>><<if $time !==2>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<set $emilydays to 24>>\
<<location "Images/Other/7363794952_56303ea0b0_b.webp" "At Emily's place">>\
<<if $domstatus is true>>\
<<set $colewilliamstemp to false>>\
<b>-"YawWwwwwnnnnn..."</b> You and Emily decide to stay in this afternoon. After you both got on the couch, you turn on Game Of Thrones on the TV.
<emily>-"Already sleepy?"</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\both\b1.png">
<emily>-"Wanna brew some coffee?"</emily>
<b>-"Hmph... Good idea."</b> You slowly get up from the couch and face Emily.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\both\b2.jpg">
<b>-"You want some?"</b>
<emily>-"Oh sorry! Just reading an interesting article. No thank you!"</emily> You nod and walk to the kitchen.
<<pageReplace"Brew a cup of coffee.">>\
<<blink "Images/Events/random events/boil.gif" 600>>\
<b>-"Nice."</b> You pour the water over the ground up coffee beans.
<b>-"The deed is done!"</b> You shout from the kitchen as you take the cup and begin walking towards Emily.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\both\b3.jpg">
<emily>-"Looks lovely!"</emily> Emily sits up.
<b>-"Hehehe, sure does!"</b> You notice Emily hyper focusing on something on her phone.
<b>-"What's the article about?"</b> You ask while putting down the cup.
<b>-"You're reading an article, right?"</b>
<emily>-"Oh, yeah yeah. Remember what Barbara mentioned when we met up?"</emily>
<emily>-"About how some students complained about mistreatment on the island?"</emily>
<b>-"Yup, what about it?"</b> Emily moves her hair to the side.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\both\b4.png">
<emily>-"Well, I thought that I would find the article myself and low and behold, it takes about people getting kidnapped as well."</emily>
<emily>-"Yeah. Remember that Johnathan Browey guy? The list of people who were "taken"? That whole thing."</emily>
<b>-"Yeah, I remember."</b>
<emily>-"I think his goons want to take me..."</emily>
<b>-"Huh? You think the men in suits work for Browey?"</b>
<emily>-"I think so... You're an SUP student, I'm your loved one, the festival is being held soon, everything seems to add up."</emily>
<<pageReplace"You might be right...">>
<b>-"I think... I think you might be right."</b>
<emily>-"Knew I wasn't crazy.."</emily>
<emily>-"Anyways, the article also said, that all of the whistleblowers went missing.. However!"</emily> She sits up.
<emily>-"I found one of them on facebook and he seems to be active! Cole Williams is his name."</emily> Emily hands you the phone. You look at the mans profile on Facebook - it is indeed active.
<b>-"Interesting... Maybe I should write him a message? Ask him what he knows?"</b>
<emily>-"I thought the same!"</emily> Emily stands up and begins to change her clothes.
<emily>-"You spooked them good last time, but I don't doubt that they will come again... We should have as much information about them as possible before that happens."</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\both\b6.webp">
<b>-"Off topic, you're going somewhere?"</b>
<emily>-"Yeah, me and Barbara are going out for some coffee."</emily> She mentioned it to you before, but you forgot.
<b>-"Ohhh right! Need a lift?"</b>
<emily>-"Sure!"</emily> While you drive Emily to her location, you continue to speak.
<b>-"Maybe he has a phone number in his profile? I don't want to text him on facebook."</b>
<emily>-"Why not?"</emily>
<b>-"Dunno if I can trust him, don't want him to know who's texting."</b>
<emily>-"Good call... He does!"</emily> Emily puts the phone number into your phone and saves it. After around 10 minutes of driving, you arrive at the coffee shop.
<emily>-"So you'll text him, right?"</emily>
<b>-"Mhm. Will try to get some info."</b>
<emily>-"Thank youuuuu! I'm off then!"</emily> She says while getting out of the car.
<b>-"Enjoy the coffee, stay safe!"</b> Emily nods and walks into the shop.
<b>-"Right, I need to remember to text the guy when I get back home."</b>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<set $emily23subtemp to false>>\
<b>-"YawWwwwwnnnnn..."</b> You and Emily decide to stay in this afternoon. After you both got on the couch, you turn on Game Of Thrones on the TV.
<emily>-"Already sleepy?"</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\both\b1.png">
<emily>-"Go brew some coffee."</emily>
<b>-"Hmph... Good idea!"</b> You slowly get up from the couch and face Emily.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\both\b2.jpg">
<b>-"Y-you want some?"</b>
<emily>-"Oh sorry! Just reading an interesting article. No thank you!"</emily> You nod and walk to the kitchen.
<<pageReplace"Brew a cup of coffee.">>\
<<blink "Images/Events/random events/boil.gif" 600>>\
<b>-"Nice."</b> You pour the water over the ground up coffee beans.
<b>-"The deed is done!"</b> You shout from the kitchen as you take the cup and begin walking towards Emily.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\both\b3.jpg">
<emily>-"Looks lovely!"</emily> Emily sits up.
<b>-"Hehehe, sure does!"</b> You notice Emily hyper focusing on something on her phone.
<b>-"What's the article about?"</b> You ask while putting down the cup.
<b>-"You're reading an article, right?"</b>
<emily>-"Oh, yeah!"</emily> She moves her hair away from her face.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\both\b4.png">
<emily>-"You're helping out Hudson, right?"</emily>
<emily>-"This is an article about the festival he's organizing!"</emily>
<emily>-"Apparently, some people report being abused on the island it takes place at! And some people related to the event even got kidnapped and returned without remembering what heppened!"</emily>
<b>-"..."</b> You remain silent.
<emily>-"All of the whistleblowers seem to have gone missing as well... Doesn't that sound shady to you?"</emily>
<b>-"I-it does..."</b>
<emily>-"You should be careful $name, this whole thing seems dangerous."</emily>
<<if $nocontrolpath !==true>>
<<pageReplace"Tell her what you know.">>
<<set $toldemilyabouthudson to true>>\
<b>-"It is... I never told you, but I know quite a bit about the shit that happens there."</b>
<b>-"Yeah. It's a long story, but the students on the island will be used for sexual pleasure by the elite. Hudson is getting a payday from them. Manipulation, corruption, extortion, prostitution... The SUP is full of it!"</b> Emily seems shocked.
<emily>-"Shouldn't you go to the police then? Why are you helping him?!"</emily>
<b>-"I will, if I gather enough incriminating evidence against him. So far, I have pretty much nothing."</b>
<emily>-"Didn't answer my second question."</emily>
<b>-"W-well, I'm in a position of power that I would rather not lose. I'm working on bringing him down and having access to his office, computer and other devices is definitely helpful."</b>
<emily>-"Hmph, understood."</emily> She stands up and begins to change clothing.
<emily>-"Sigh... I hope I know what you're doing, because I don't want to get involved."</emily>
<b>-"I-I don't want you involved either... It's too dangerous."</b>
<emily>-"J-just... Stay safe, okay?"</emily>
<emily>-"I love you, you know?"</emily>
<b>-"I love you too Emily and I will."</b>
<<pageReplace"Are you going somewhere?">>
<b>-"Off topic, you're going somewhere?"</b>
<emily>-"Yeah, to meet Romeo for a date, remember?"</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\both\b6.webp">
<b>-"Ohhhh right... Want me to give you a lift?"</b> You awkwardly ask.
<emily>-"Heh, sure."</emily> While you drive Emily to her location, you continue to speak.
<b>-"S-so you're just meeting up for coffee or...?"</b>
<emily>-"Today? Sure. If he's not a creep though, he's coming over and fucking the shit out of me next time we meet up."</emily>
<emily>-"And you're going to sit in the corner and watch, right?"</emily> Emily giggles as you arrive at her meeting spot.
<emily>-"Good cuck."</emily> She gets out of the car.
<emily>-"Talk to you later!"</emily>
<b>-"Mhm! Enjoy your evening!"</b> As your girlfriend enters the coffee shop, you drive off.
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"I'm sure everything is fine.">>
<b>-"I-I'm sure everything is find baby, no need to worry."</b> Emily sighs and stands up.
<emily>-"Sigh... If you think so, but be careful."</emily> She begins to change her clothes.
<emily>-"I love you, you know?"</emily>
<b>-"I love you too Emily."</b>
<b>-"Off topic, you're going somewhere?"</b>
<emily>-"Yeah, to meet Romeo for a date, remember?"</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\both\b6.webp">
<b>-"Ohhhh right... Want me to give you a lift?"</b> You awkwardly ask.
<emily>-"Heh, sure."</emily> While you drive Emily to her location, you continue to speak.
<b>-"S-so you're just meeting up for coffee or...?"</b>
<emily>-"Today? Sure. If he's not a creep though, he's coming over and fucking the shit out of me next time we meet up."</emily>
<emily>-"And you're going to sit in the corner and watch, right?"</emily> Emily giggles as you arrive at her meeting spot.
<emily>-"Good cuck."</emily> She gets out of the car.
<emily>-"Talk to you later!"</emily>
<b>-"Mhm! Enjoy your evening!"</b> As your girlfriend enters the coffee shop, you drive off.
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<</if>><<if $domstatus is true>>\
<b>-"Yawnnnn... So dark already."</b> You mumble as you look out of the kitchen window.
<mia>-"Making dinner?"</mia> Mia pops out from around the corner. She's wearing a night gown.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\both\bb8.png">
<b>-"Yup. Want me to make you something?"</b>
<mia>-"No no no baby, it's way too late. I'm heading to bed."</mia> She walks to the counter and picks up a glass of water.
<mia>-"Ahhhh... John is already asleep, try to stay quiet."</mia> Mia turns around.
<b>-"Alright, goodnight!"</b> You face the kitcen counter again.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\both\bb6.jpg">
<mia>-"Goodnight."</mia> As she walks off, you try to think of what you want to eat.
<b>-"Pancakes would be delicious, but it takes a long ass time to make..."</b>
<<pageReplace"Ramen is quick and easy to make!">>
<b>-"I'll just make some ramen."</b> After taking the dried up block of pasta out of the packet, you place it in a bowl and fire up the electric kettle.
<b>-"Now we wait."</b> As you lean on the counter out of boredom, you remember something.
<b>-"Ah! I have to text the Cole Williams guy!"</b> You talked about him with Emily.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\both\bb7.jpg">
<grey>-"Ding!"</grey> The water is ready.
<b>-"There we go!"</b> You pour the hot water all over the pasta. After putting down the kettle, you take the bowl and bring it to your room. Time to text William!
<<pageReplace"Text him.">>\
<<message "UNKNOWN" "Emily 23 message dom" "Good evening." open>>\
<b>-"I'll just make some ramen."</b> After taking the dried up block of pasta out of the packet, you place it in a bowl and fire up the electric kettle.
<b>-"Now we wait."</b> As you lean on the counter out of boredom, you remember something.
<b>-"Ah! I have to text the Cole Williams guy!"</b> You talked about him with Emily.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\both\bb7.jpg">
<grey>-"Ding!"</grey> The water is ready.
<b>-"There we go!"</b> You pour the hot water all over the pasta. After putting down the kettle, you take the bowl and bring it to your room. Time to text William!
<b>-"Nom nom nom..."</b> You eat some of the ramen as you put the phone down.
<b>-"I better finish this conversation! It's important!"</b>
<b>-"Yawnnnn... So dark already."</b> You mumble as you look out of the kitchen window.
<mia>-"Making dinner?"</mia> Mia pops out from around the corner. She's wearing a night gown.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\both\bb8.png">
<b>-"Y-yup. Want me to make you something?"</b>
<mia>-"No no no baby, it's way too late. I'm heading to bed."</mia> She walks to the counter and picks up a glass of water.
<mia>-"Ahhhh... John is already asleep, try to stay quiet."</mia> Mia turns around.
<b>-"Alright, goodnight!"</b> You face the kitcen counter again.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\both\bb6.jpg">
<mia>-"Goodnight."</mia> As she walks off, you try to think of what you want to eat.
<b>-"Pancakes would be delicious, but it takes a long ass time to make..."</b>
<<pageReplace"Ramen is quick and easy to make!">>
<b>-"I'll just make some ramen."</b> After taking the dried up block of pasta out of the packet, you place it in a bowl and fire up the electric kettle.
<b>-"Now we wait."</b> As you lean on the counter out of boredom, your phone suddenly vibrates.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\both\bb7.jpg">
<b>-"..."</b> You check who texted you - it's Emily!
<grey>-"Ding!"</grey> The water is ready.
<b>-"Let's do this first."</b> You pour the hot water all over the pasta. After putting down the kettle, you take the bowl and bring it to your room. Time to answer Emily!
<<pageReplace"Text her.">>\
<<message "Emily" "Emily 23 message sub" "It went well..." open>>
<b>-"I'll just make some ramen."</b> After taking the dried up block of pasta out of the packet, you place it in a bowl and fire up the electric kettle.
<b>-"Now we wait."</b> As you lean on the counter out of boredom, you remember something.
<b>-"Ah! I have to text the Cole Williams guy!"</b> You talked about him with Emily.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\both\bb7.jpg">
<grey>-"Ding!"</grey> The water is ready.
<b>-"There we go!"</b> You pour the hot water all over the pasta. After putting down the kettle, you take the bowl and bring it to your room. Time to text William!
<b>-"Nom nom nom..."</b> You eat some of the ramen as you put the phone down.
<b>-"I better finish this conversation! It's important!"</b>
<<messengerHeader UNKNOWN>>
<<messageReply "Good evening.">>
<<me>>Good evening.<</me>>
<<messageReply "Is this Cole Williams?">>
<<me>>Is this Cole Williams?<</me>>
<<messageReply "Hellloooooo?">>
<<them wait>>Stop blowing up my phone.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Who are you, what do you want?<</them>>
<div id="choices">
<<messageReplyReplace "I want to ask some questions." #choices>>
<<me>>I just want to ask some questions.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Hmph, not suspicious at all.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Are you one of Browey's goons trying to find me again?<</them>>
<<messageReply "No, I'm not.">>
<<me>>No I'm not, I'm a student of the SUP.<</me>>
<<me>>I just need some information about Browey and his whole involvement in the festival and the kidnappings.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Hmmmm...<</them>>
<<them wait>>How can I know you're actually a student?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Send him an ISIC card receipt.">>
<<me>>Here, a receipt I got after purchasing my ISIC card.<</me>>
<<me>>Only students can buy it.<</me>>
<<me>><<image "Emily/events/both/bb1.png">><</me>>
<<them wait>>Fine. Why should I help you anyways?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Because if you don't, history is going to repeat itself.">>
<<me>>Because if you don't, history is going to repeat itself.<</me>>
<<them wait>>...<</them>>
<<them wait>>What do you need to know?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Explain your situation.">>
<<me>>My girlfriend is being stalked by what we think are Browey's men.<</me>>
<<me>>The festival is around the corner... I just want her to be safe.<</me>>
<<me>>Know anything about why the kidnappings happen, how to protect ourselves etc?<</me>>
<<them wait>>You're a dom student right?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Yes.">>
<<them wait>>Then yeah, your girl is probably going to be taken.<</them>>
<<them wait>>They do it so you keep your mouth shut during the festival.<</them>>
<<them wait>>After it's done, you reunite, but she won't remember getting taken.<</them>>
<<them wait>>And most people are so scared that it'll happen again, they keep silent.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Those who don't, get... Silenced.<</them>>
<div id="choices2">
<<messageReplyReplace "Why were you not silenced?" #choices2>>
<<me>>Why were you not silenced?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Because I ran away.<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Emily/events/both/bb2.png">><</them>>
<<them wait>>I wouldn't dare stepping in Sweden now.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Why do they need dom students on the island?">>
<<me>>Why do they need dom students on the island?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Most of the elites are men, but not all.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Some women want to get properly dicked down.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Some people also enjoy dominating a dom student. They enjoy the weird power dynamic.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Still, dom students are a minority on the island.<</them>>
<<them wait>>At least they were, when I went there.<</them>>
<<messageReply "So what am I supposed to do?">>
<<me>>So what am I supposed to do?<</me>>
<<me>>The goons are getting more and more bold.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Hmmmm...<</them>>
<<them wait>>Bribe them? I bet guys like that just work for whoever pays the most.<</them>>
<<them wait>>If the bribe doesn't work, scare them by flashing a gun or something.<</them>>
<<them wait>>They won't risk their life for a small amount of cash.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Thanks.">>
<<them wait>>No problem.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Also, if you gather enough evidence, contact me, I'll go back to Sweden and testify.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Hawaii is nice and all, but I want those cunts to pay.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Will do.">>
<<me>>Will do. Thanks again.<</me>>
<<them>>Good luck, you'll need it.<</them>>
<<set $colewilliamstemp to true>>
<<goto "room">>
<<messageReplyReplace "Why do they need dom students on the island?" #choices2>>
<<me>>Why do they need dom students on the island?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Most of the elites are men, but not all.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Some women want to get properly dicked down.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Some people also enjoy dominating a dom student. They enjoy the weird power dynamic.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Still, dom students are a minority on the island.<</them>>
<<them wait>>At least they were, when I went there.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Why were you not silenced?">>
<<me>>Why were you not silenced?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Because I ran away.<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Emily/events/both/bb2.png">><</them>>
<<them wait>>I wouldn't dare stepping in Sweden now.<</them>>
<<messageReply "So what am I supposed to do?">>
<<me>>So what am I supposed to do?<</me>>
<<me>>The goons are getting more and more bold.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Hmmmm...<</them>>
<<them wait>>Bribe them? I bet guys like that just work for whoever pays the most.<</them>>
<<them wait>>If the bribe doesn't work, scare them by flashing a gun or something.<</them>>
<<them wait>>They won't risk their life for a small amount of cash.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Thanks.">>
<<them wait>>No problem.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Also, if you gather enough evidence, contact me, I'll go back to Sweden and testify.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Hawaii is nice and all, but I want those cunts to pay.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Will do.">>
<<me>>Will do. Thanks again.<</me>>
<<them>>Good luck, you'll need it.<</them>>
<<set $colewilliamstemp to true>>
<<goto "room">>
<<messageReplyReplace "Me first, are you Cole Williams or not?" #choices>>
<<me>>Me first, are you Cole Williams or not?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Hah! You text me, refuse to tell me who you are and now are barking out demands?<</them>>
<<them wait>>Not gonna happen.<</them>>
<<messageReply "I'm sorry.">>
<<me>>I'm sorry, but you could never be too careful.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Yeah yeah whatever.<</them>>
<<them wait>>It is Cole Williams, now who are you?<</them>>
<<them wait>>Another Browey's goon trying to get my location?<</them>>
<<messageReply "No, I'm not.">>
<<me>>No I'm not, I'm a student of the SUP.<</me>>
<<me>>I just need some information about Browey and his whole involvement in the festival and the kidnappings.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Hmmmm...<</them>>
<<them wait>>How can I know you're actually a student?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Send him an ISIC card receipt.">>
<<me>>Here, a receipt I got after purchasing my ISIC card.<</me>>
<<me>>Only students can buy it.<</me>>
<<me>><<image "Emily/events/both/bb1.png">><</me>>
<<me>>I really need your help.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Why should I care?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Because if you don't, history is going to repeat itself.">>
<<me>>Because if you don't, history is going to repeat itself.<</me>>
<<them wait>>...<</them>>
<<them wait>>What do you need to know?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Explain your situation.">>
<<me>>My girlfriend is being stalked by what we think are Browey's men.<</me>>
<<me>>The festival is around the corner... I just want her to be safe.<</me>>
<<me>>Know anything about why the kidnappings happen, how to protect ourselves etc?<</me>>
<<them wait>>You're a dom student right?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Yes.">>
<<them wait>>Then yeah, your girl is probably going to be taken.<</them>>
<<them wait>>They do it so you keep your mouth shut during the festival.<</them>>
<<them wait>>After it's done, you reunite, but she won't remember getting taken.<</them>>
<<them wait>>And most people are so scared that it'll happen again, they keep silent.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Those who don't, get... Silenced.<</them>>
<div id="choices2">
<<messageReplyReplace "Why were you not silenced?" #choices2>>
<<me>>Why were you not silenced?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Because I ran away.<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Emily/events/both/bb2.png">><</them>>
<<them wait>>I wouldn't dare stepping in Sweden now.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Why do they need dom students on the island?">>
<<me>>Why do they need dom students on the island?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Most of the elites are men, but not all.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Some women want to get properly dicked down.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Some people also enjoy dominating a dom student. They enjoy the weird power dynamic.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Still, dom students are a minority on the island.<</them>>
<<them wait>>At least they were, when I went there.<</them>>
<<messageReply "So what am I supposed to do?">>
<<me>>So what am I supposed to do?<</me>>
<<me>>The goons are getting more and more bold.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Hmmmm...<</them>>
<<them wait>>Bribe them? I bet guys like that just work for whoever pays the most.<</them>>
<<them wait>>If the bribe doesn't work, scare them by flashing a gun or something.<</them>>
<<them wait>>They won't risk their life for a small amount of cash.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Thanks.">>
<<them wait>>No problem.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Also, if you gather enough evidence, contact me, I'll go back to Sweden and testify.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Hawaii is nice and all, but I want those cunts to pay.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Will do.">>
<<me>>Will do. Thanks again.<</me>>
<<them>>Good luck, you'll need it.<</them>>
<<set $colewilliamstemp to true>>
<<goto "room">>
<<messageReplyReplace "Why do they need dom students on the island?" #choices2>>
<<me>>Why do they need dom students on the island?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Most of the elites are men, but not all.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Some women want to get properly dicked down.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Some people also enjoy dominating a dom student. They enjoy the weird power dynamic.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Still, dom students are a minority on the island.<</them>>
<<them wait>>At least they were, when I went there.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Why were you not silenced?">>
<<me>>Why were you not silenced?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Because I ran away.<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Emily/events/both/bb2.png">><</them>>
<<them wait>>I wouldn't dare stepping in Sweden now.<</them>>
<<messageReply "So what am I supposed to do?">>
<<me>>So what am I supposed to do?<</me>>
<<me>>The goons are getting more and more bold.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Hmmmm...<</them>>
<<them wait>>Bribe them? I bet guys like that just work for whoever pays the most.<</them>>
<<them wait>>If the bribe doesn't work, scare them by flashing a gun or something.<</them>>
<<them wait>>They won't risk their life for a small amount of cash.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Thanks.">>
<<them wait>>No problem.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Also, if you gather enough evidence, contact me, I'll go back to Sweden and testify.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Hawaii is nice and all, but I want those cunts to pay.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Will do.">>
<<me>>Will do. Thanks again.<</me>>
<<them>>Good luck, you'll need it.<</them>>
<<set $colewilliamstemp to true>>
<<goto "room">>
<<messengerHeader Emily>>
<<them>>It went well...<</them>>
<<messageReply "What did?">>
<<me>>What did?<</me>>
<<them wait>>The date with Romeo.<</them>>
<<them wait>>He's driving me back rn... His cock looks even bigger in person!<</them>>
<<messageReply "How would you know?">>
<<me>>How would you know? 😖<</me>>
<<them wait>>I couldn't resist...<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Emily/events/both/bb3.webp" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<messageReply "Oh my God...">>
<<me>>Oh my God... 😍<</me>>
<<me>>Just don't go all the way without me!<</me>>
<<them wait>>He said he doesn't have time to stop by tonight anyways.<</them>>
<<them wait>>He's excited to meet you though!<</them>>
<<messageReply "I'm excited too!">>
<<me>>I'm excited too!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Gimme a sec...<</them>>
<grey>2 minutes later</grey>
<<messageReply "Emily?">>
<<them wait>><<image "Emily/events/both/bb4.jpg" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Sorry, couldn't text and eat my dessert at the same time ❤️<</them>>
<<them wait>>We're arrived :)<</them>>
<grey>1 minute later</grey>
<<them wait>>He's driving off now, I'm going inside.<</them>>
<div id="choices">
<<messageReplyReplace "When are we three meeting up?" #choices>>
<<me>>When are we three meeting up?<</me>>
<<them wait>>During our next date!<</them>>
<<them wait>>We already talked, he's available at that time! 🤩<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Emily/events/both/bb5.jpg">><</them>>
<<them wait>>I'm home! Heading to the shower soon.<</them>>
<<messageReply "I'll see you in a couple.">>
<<me>>I'll see you in a couple days love, don't want to take up too much of your time!<</me>>
<<them wait>>See ya! Bring some condoms with you!<</them>>
<<them wait>>For me and Romeo 😉<</them>>
<<messageReply "Will do!">>
<<me>>Will do! 🥵<</me>>
<<them wait>>Ghahaha I'm joking, I'm on birth control, remember?<</them>>
<<them wait>>Talking about BC, I am thinking about going off of it, it's been messing up my mental health.<</them>>
<<them wait>>If I do, you'll definitely need to buy condoms if you don't want pregnant 😋<</them>>
<<messageReply "Do what's best for you!">>
<<me>>Do what's best for you babe! I will support you either way!<</me>>
<<them>>Of course you will...<</them>>
<<them>>Love ya! 💝<</them>>
<<set $emily23subtemp to true>>
<<goto "room">>
<<messageReplyReplace "How was the taste?" #choices>>
<<me>>How was the taste...?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Sweet! Surprisingly... I remember yours was always salty.<</them>>
<<them wait>>I think you should start drinking more water!<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Emily/events/both/bb5.jpg">><</them>>
<<them wait>>I'm home! Heading to the shower soon.<</them>>
<<messageReply "I'll see you in a couple.">>
<<me>>I'll see you in a couple days love, don't want to take up too much of your time!<</me>>
<<them wait>>See ya! Bring some condoms with you!<</them>>
<<them wait>>For me and Romeo 😉<</them>>
<<messageReply "Will do!">>
<<me>>Will do! 🥵<</me>>
<<them wait>>Ghahaha I'm joking, I'm on birth control, remember?<</them>>
<<them wait>>Talking about BC, I am thinking about going off of it, it's been messing up my mental health.<</them>>
<<them wait>>If I do, you'll definitely need to buy condoms if you don't want pregnant 😋<</them>>
<<messageReply "Do what's best for you!">>
<<me>>Do what's best for you babe! I will support you either way!<</me>>
<<them>>Of course you will...<</them>>
<<them>>Love ya! 💝<</them>>
<<set $emily23subtemp to true>>
<<goto "room">>
<</messengerChat>><<if $time !==2>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<set $emilydays to 25>>\
<<location "Images/Other/7363794952_56303ea0b0_b.webp" "At Emily's place">>\
<<if $domstatus is true>>\
<emily>-"MgHhhHhHH n-noOoOoO!"</emily> Emily let's out a desperate moan as you continue to ravage her pussy.
<b>-"I'm close!"</b> You shout inbetween breaths. You both couldn't help yourself today, the first thing you did after meeting up was have some fun.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\d1.webp">
<b>-"Come here!"</b> With a gentle push of your hand, you move Emily's right leg to the side and begin to breed her from above.
<emily>-"GHhhHrHHHHh! I-I'm coominNGgGG!"</emily> Her legs begin to quiver as you start to unload inside of her.
<b>-"NgHrRHHHH!"</b> You're so turned on however, you don't stop moving your hips even while ejaculating.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\d2.webp">
<b>-"More... MORE... MOREEE!"</b> Your primal instincts overtake you as you continue to pound her cute butt into oblivion.
<emily>-"$name... NGhHhHhh... $name... FucKKkKK... $name... S-slow down!"</emily> Her sharp nails embed themselves into your back.
<b>-"GUHhhhh!"</b> After one final thrust, you fall to your side in exhaustion, with the cock still inside.
<emily>-"F-fuck..."</emily> She lays on her side as well and you slowly take out your rod.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\d3.webp">
<emily>-"S-so warm."</emily>
<b>-"Shit... Incredible as always."</b> You let out a final, quiet moan and lay down on your back.
<emily>-"I love you babe."</emily> Emily leans in and kisses you on the cheek.
<<pageReplace"I love you too.">>
<b>-"I love you too."</b>
<emily>-"Want to hit the shower with me?"</emily> Emily stands up as you cover your head with your hands. You went so hard that you feel dizzy now.
<b>-"H-huh? What did you say?"</b>
<emily>-"Let's take a shower together babe."</emily> You move your hands away and sigh.
<b>-"Of course. Let's go."</b> Emily begins to walk towards the shower, you follow suit.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\d4.webp">
<emily>-"Oof... I needed that."</emily>
<b>-"Hah, you did?"</b>
<emily>-"Mhm... Had a pretty rough week. Your dick always makes it better."</emily> You chuckle once again as you reach the bathroom.
<emily>-"Come on then, let's go inside."</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\d5.jpg">
<b>-"Don't make the water boiling please."</b> You mumble while Emily gets inside.
<emily>-"My shower, my rules! Hahaha!"</emily> After sarcastically rolling your eyes, you follow her inside.
<<pageReplace"Clean yourself up.">>
<<blink "Images/Emily/events/dom/d10.gif" 800>>\
<emily>-"Anddd there!"</emily> She turns the handle and water begins to pour out of the faucet. With a push of a button, the water redirects and begins to pour out of the shower head.
<b>-"AGhhHhh too hot!!!"</b> You step away as Emily laughs.
<emily>-"Ghahaha such a tough man is scared of water?"</emily> She lowers the waters temperature and begins to apply body wash to her perfect figure.
<b>-"That's better..."</b> You follow suit.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\d6.webp">
<emily>-"Oh, almost forgot, did you talk to the guy?"</emily>
<b>-"To the guy?"</b>
<emily>-"Cole Williams? Or whatever his name was."</emily>
<b>-"Oh, yeah I did."</b> Emily begins to clean her vagina. As she does, you see what's left of your cum start to slowly pour out.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\d7.webp">
<emily>-"Nghhhhh... Finally, empty."</emily> She mumbles and turns to you.
<emily>-"What did he say?"</emily>
<<pageReplace"Tell her everything.">>
<b>-"They're scared that I will talk after I see what happens on the island, so they want to kidnap you to keep my quiet."</b>
<emily>-"Fucking knew it..."</emily>
<b>-"If I still talked after they took you, they would silence me."</b>
<emily>-"Silence as in... K-kill you?"</emily>
<b>-"Yeah... Williams wasn't silenced because he escaped the country."</b> You both wash off the soap off of your bodies.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\d8.webp">
<emily>-"W-what should we do then...?"</emily>
<b>-"He gave me some tips. The goons are probably easily bribable. They also wouldn't risk their life to kidnap someone, so if I scare them good enough they should fuck off."</b>
<b>-"I'll just save up a couple of grand, or buy a gun. I don't know yet..."</b>
<emily>-"You'll keep me safe, right?"</emily>
<b>-"Of course babe! Come here."</b> As you hug Emily from behind, you feel her butt touch your cock.
<emily>-"MgHhh... Good..."</emily>
<emily>-"I'm safe with you, right?"</emily> She rubs harder... Your cock begins to rise.
<b>-"Yes babe, always."</b>
<emily>-"I have nothing to worry about with you around, right?"</emily>
<b>-"Yessss..."</b> As you kiss her neck, she begins to grind you.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\d9.webp">
<emily>-"Good... Now show me how much you care about me."</emily>
<b>-"It would be my honor."</b> Time to have some shower fun!
<<set $dominant to $dominant +2>>
<blue>Dominant +2!</blue>
[[Have some fun and then end the date->Go outside]]
<<if $hairextensions ==true>>\
<b>-"Today is the day!"</b> You smile as you enthusiastically climb the stairs.
<b>-"I wonder if Romeo is already at her place... I'm not hearing any moans however."</b> You reach the door.
<grey>-"Knock Knock Knock!"</grey>
<emily>-"Come in!"</emily> You open the door and step inside of her apartment.
<emily>-"I'm in the kitchen!"</emily> After taking off your shoes, you walk towards her voice.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\d1.jpg">
<emily>-"Heyyyyy."</emily> Emily grins.
<b>-"A-already ready, I see?"</b>
<emily>-"Mhm... Romeo is on his way."</emily> She shifts her body towards you.
<emily>-"Before we start however, I have a rule I want you to follow tonight."</emily>
<b>-"A-a rule?"</b>
<emily>-"No touching yourself or even showing your cock. Romeo said he's had bad experiences with couples getting post nut clarity."</emily>
<emily>-"So keep it in your pants tonight. Also, he already knows you're a sissy, so no point in hiding it."</emily> Emily can tell that you're not happy.
<emily>-"Don't worry babe, with our next bull, I'll not only allow you to touch yourself, but to cum too."</emily>
<emily>-"Mhm."</emily> The doorbell suddenly rings.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\d2.jpg">
<emily>-"Oh... I think he's here."</emily> Emily stands up and walks towards the door.
<<pageReplace"Wait for Romeo to come inside.">>\
<emily>-"You made it!"</emily> She screams as the doors open.
<blue>-"Of course I did! Couldn't miss showing your girlfriend a proper fucking haha!"</blue> The man says in a thick, french accent as they both hug.
<emily>-"Romeo, this is $name. $name, this is Romeo."</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\d3.jpg">
<blue>-"Hello, you must be her girlfriend?"</blue> You both shake hands as you look down at his crotch instinctively... He's already hard! You can tell even through his jeans!
<b>-"S-sure am!"</b>
<blue>-"Cool! I hope Emily told you the rule I want you to follow... I'm tired of people getting violent when I fuck their girlfriends better than them."</blue> Emily blushes.
<b>-"Not a problem..."</b>
<emily>-"Hehehe perfect! T-then, shall we?"</emily> Romeo nods and takes off his clothing.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\d4.jpeg">
<blue>-"Been Holding it in for a couple of days, I'll need at least two or three loads until I'm satisfied."</blue> He proudly announces.
<emily>-"Ghehehe good... $name, you want to start?"</emily>
<b>-"M-me?"</b> Your little cock throbs in your underwear.
<emily>-"Mhm. Give him a proper blowjob, I want it nice and lubricated before he goes inside of me."</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\d5.jpg">
<<pageReplace"Right away!">>\
<b>-"R-right away!"</b>
<blue>-"Come on then, show me what you got."</blue> Romeo puts his hands on his waist as you drop to your knees.
<b>-"Nghh..."</b> You moan as you breath in his manly scent.
<b>-"H-here I go."</b> You place your hand on his shaft and begin to lick.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\d6.webp">
<b>-"MmmmmMMMmm..."</b> Emily wasn't lying, the taste is sweet!
<blue>-"GrHHh! You're good!"</blue>
<b>-"Dwelicious..!"</b> You mumble while taking the cock deeper.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\d7.webp">
<blue>-"E-emily... Did you tought her these skills?"</blue>
<emily>-"MgHhhhh... I... I did not."</emily> Emily says inbetween moans. She's masturbating while watching you guys.
<blue>-"She's better than you!"</blue> He announces as you continue to pleasure him.
<emily>-"NghHhh... Keep sucking $name."</emily> She says as you look at her.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\d8.webp">
<blue>-"FucKkkKkk! So good!"</blue>
<<pageReplace"Keep blowing him.">>\
<b>-"Guh guh guHhHh!"</b> You go down on him quicker and quicker. You've gotten quite good at this.
<blue>-"S-sShiTItTT I'm closeeee!"</blue> As you feel his legs begin to quiver, you begin to focus on the tip of his cock.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\d9.webp">
<emily>-"NgHhhh... Keep going baby."</emily> Emily moans.
<b>-"Cwum for mwe!"</b>
<blue>-"Here... NgHHhh... It comessSs!"</blue> You squeeze his cock as hard as you can and aim the tip into your mouth.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\d10.webp">
<grey>-"Spurt... Spurt... Spurt..."</grey> A massive load fills up your mouth completely.
<emily>-"Holy shit that was huge!"</emily>
<blue>-"Hah! Told you was holding back for a couple of days!"</blue> You swiftly swallow all of his cum... It's pretty tasty.
<b>-"Ahhhh! T-that was good..."</b> Your cock is rock hard already, but you remember the rule.
<emily>-"Ghehehe, my turn!"</emily> Emily grabs Romeos hand and begins to lead him towards the sofa.
<b>-"Didn't he cum just now?"</b> You finally look up at Romeo.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\d11.jpg">
<b>-"R-rock hard again?!"</b>
<blue>-"Of course!"</blue> Emily giggles and lays down.
<emily>-"Come on then big boy, show $name how you can fuck me."</emily> You wipe off some saliva from your lips and stand up. The show is about to start, so you take a seat on a nearby chair and put your hands on the rests. It'll be hard not to touch yourself!
<emily>-"Oof..."</emily> Emily moans as Romeo rests his cock on her vagina.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\d12.jpg">
<emily>-"C-come on! Quit the teasing and put it in!"</emily>
<b>-"MgHhhh..."</b> It's hot to hear your girlfriend be so desperate for someone else's cock.
<blue>-"Hold on then!"</blue> With a slow, but consistent motion, Romeo shoves his cock inside of Emily's pussy.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\d19.webp">
<emily>-"MmGhHHhHH!! Sooo bigGggg!"</emily>
<blue>-"Gosh you're tight! Does she even fuck you?"</blue> Romeo points to you with his head.
<emily>-"MgHhHhhH! E-enough talking about her... Just fuck me!"</emily>
<blue>-"Whatever you say!"</blue> He increases in speed.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\d13.webp">
<b>-"I could never do something like that."</b> You think as you continue to watch. It's becoming really hard not to pull out your cock.
<<pageReplace"Continue watching.">>\
<emily>-"YESSSsHHSHHH!"</emily> She screams as their hips clash.
<blue>-"GraraaAHAHHH!"</blue> Emily raps her legs around Romeo's torso.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\d18.webp">
<emily>-"BreeeEEeDd meEeEEE RomeEeeOOoO!"</emily>
<b>-"Grhhh..."</b> Her words scare you, but she did tell you that she's on birth control.
<blue>-"GhaaaAaaAhhHhh here it comes!!"</blue> As Romeo continues to pound Emily, you begin to see his cum start to pour out.
<emily>-"YEsSSSS!!!"</emily> Emily's legs begin to shake as she climaxes.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\d15.webp">
<b>-"Oh my God."</b> Romeo's stamina must be insane!
<<pageReplace"You notice him finally slowing down.">>\
<emily>-"NgHHHhhh... Gosh that was incredible!"</emily>
<blue>-"Fuck... You've sucked me dry..."</blue> He mumbles and slowly takes out his cock.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\d14.webp">
<b>-"Gulp..."</b> Your underwear is soaking wet with pre cum.
<emily>-"Ghehehe, thank you babe."</emily> She kisses Romeo as he stands up.
<blue>-"Have to give it to you, I've never fucked someone tighter!"</blue> His cock slowly turns flaccid.
<b>-"Fuck... Even while flaccid it's bigger than mine."</b> You shake your head trying to get rid of these humiliating thoughts.
<emily>-"MgHhh... Delicious..."</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\d20.webp">
<emily>-"$name, lead Romeo out of the apartment, I need to clean myself up..."</emily> She says while licking even more cum from her fingers.
<b>-"Right away!"</b> You turn to Romeo.
<b>-"E-enjoyed yourself?"</b> He turns to you.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\d17.gif">
<blue>-"I did indeed... You?"</blue> He begins putting on his clothes.
<b>-"I did! Watching you ravage her like that was so hot!"</b>
<blue>-"Hmph, you seem like a cool chick. If we ever meet up again, you can forget about that rule we talked about."</blue>
<b>-"H-hell yeah!"</b> He stands up and you lead him to the door.
<b>-"Have a good one! Thanks again!"</b>
<emily>-"Bye bye handsome!"</emily> Emily screams from the living room.
<b>-"Need any help cleaning up?"</b> You ask as you walk back to Emily.
<emily>-"Sure... The whole sofa is covered in fluids haha!"</emily> You spend the next 30 minutes cleaning your whole living room. After you're done, you and Emily talk about the experience. She reminds you of her promise - that you can finally cum when you're with her next bull!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<<set $feminization to $feminization +1>>
<emily>Feminization +1!</emily>
[[Say your goodbyes and leave->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"No thank you.">>\
<b>-"N-no.. Thank you, I'll pass."</b>
<emily>-"Hmph, whatever then, more for me!"</emily> Emily pushes you to the side and drops to her knees.
<blue>-"Come on then, show me what you got."</blue> Romeo puts his hands on his waist and faces Emily.
<emily>-"Nghh..."</emily> She let's out a moan as she breaths in his manly scent.
<emily>-"H-here I go!"</emily> She carefully places her hand on his shaft and begin to lick. You take a seat nearby and watch.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\d6.webp">
<blue>-"GrHHh! Just as good as I rememeber..."</blue>
<emily>-"Dwelicious..!"</emily> She mumble while taking the cock deeper.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\d7.webp">
<blue>-"K-keep going baby!"</blue>
<emily>-"Enjoywing thwe show?"</emily> She says as you look at her.
<blue>-"FucKkkKkk! So good!"</blue>
<<pageReplace"Keep watching Emily blow him.">>\
<emily>-"Guh guh guHhHh!"</emily> She goes down on him quicker and quicker.
<blue>-"S-sShiTItTT I'm closeeee!"</blue> As Emily feels his legs begin to quiver, she begin to focus on the tip of his cock.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\d9.webp">
<emily>-"Cwum for mwe!"</emily>
<blue>-"Here... NgHHhh... It comessSs!"</blue> She squeezes his cock as hard as she can and aims the tip into her mouth.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\d10.webp">
<grey>-"Spurt... Spurt... Spurt..."</grey> A massive load fills up her mouth completely.
<b>-"Holy shit that was huge!"</b>
<blue>-"Hah! Told you was holding back for a couple of days!"</blue> Emily swiftly swallows all of his cum...
<emily>-"Ahhhh! T-that was good..."</emily> Your cock is rock hard already, but you remember the rule.
<emily>-"Ghehehe, now to the main course!"</emily> Emily grabs Romeos hand and begins to lead him towards the sofa.
<b>-"Didn't he cum just now?"</b> You look at Romeo's cock.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\d11.jpg">
<b>-"R-rock hard again?!"</b>
<blue>-"Of course!"</blue> Emily giggles and lays down.
<emily>-"Come on then big boy, show $name how you can fuck me."</emily> The show is about to start, so you put your hands on the rests of the chair in hopes it helps you not to touch yourself.
<emily>-"Oof..."</emily> Emily moans as Romeo rests his cock on her vagina.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\d12.jpg">
<emily>-"C-come on! Quit the teasing and put it in!"</emily>
<b>-"MgHhhh..."</b> It's hot to hear your girlfriend be so desperate for someone else's cock.
<blue>-"Hold on then!"</blue> With a slow, but consistent motion, Romeo shoves his cock inside of Emily's pussy.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\d19.webp">
<emily>-"MmGhHHhHH!! Sooo bigGggg!"</emily>
<blue>-"Gosh you're tight! Does she even fuck you?"</blue> Romeo points to you with his head.
<emily>-"MgHhHhhH! E-enough talking about her... Just fuck me!"</emily>
<blue>-"Whatever you say!"</blue> He increases in speed.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\d13.webp">
<b>-"I could never do something like that."</b> You think as you continue to watch. It's becoming really hard not to pull out your cock.
<<pageReplace"Continue watching.">>\
<emily>-"YESSSsHHSHHH!"</emily> She screams as their hips clash.
<blue>-"GraraaAHAHHH!"</blue> Emily raps her legs around Romeo's torso.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\d18.webp">
<emily>-"BreeeEEeDd meEeEEE RomeEeeOOoO!"</emily>
<b>-"Grhhh..."</b> Her words scare you, but she did tell you that she's on birth control.
<blue>-"GhaaaAaaAhhHhh here it comes!!"</blue> As Romeo continues to pound Emily, you begin to see his cum start to pour out.
<emily>-"YEsSSSS!!!"</emily> Emily's legs begin to shake as she climaxes.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\d15.webp">
<b>-"Oh my God."</b> Romeo's stamina must be insane!
<<pageReplace"You notice him finally slowing down.">>\
<emily>-"NgHHHhhh... Gosh that was incredible!"</emily>
<blue>-"Fuck... You've sucked me dry..."</blue> He mumbles and slowly takes out his cock.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\d14.webp">
<b>-"Gulp..."</b> Your underwear is soaking wet with pre cum.
<emily>-"Ghehehe, thank you babe."</emily> She kisses Romeo as he stands up.
<blue>-"Have to give it to you, I've never fucked someone tighter!"</blue> His cock slowly turns flaccid.
<b>-"Fuck... Even while flaccid it's bigger than mine."</b> You shake your head trying to get rid of these humiliating thoughts.
<emily>-"MgHhh... Delicious..."</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\d20.webp">
<emily>-"$name, lead Romeo out of the apartment, I need to clean myself up..."</emily> She says while licking even more cum from her fingers.
<b>-"Right away!"</b> You turn to Romeo.
<b>-"E-enjoyed yourself?"</b> He turns to you.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\d17.gif">
<blue>-"I did indeed... You?"</blue> He begins putting on his clothes.
<b>-"I did! Watching you ravage her like that was so hot!"</b>
<blue>-"Hmph, you seem like a cool chick. If we ever meet up again, you can forget about that rule we talked about."</blue>
<b>-"H-hell yeah!"</b> He stands up and you lead him to the door.
<b>-"Have a good one! Thanks again!"</b>
<emily>-"Bye bye handsome!"</emily> Emily screams from the living room.
<b>-"Need any help cleaning up?"</b> You ask as you walk back to Emily.
<emily>-"Sure... The whole sofa is covered in fluids haha!"</emily> You spend the next 30 minutes cleaning your whole living room. After you're done, you and Emily talk about the experience. She reminds you of her promise - that you can finally cum when you're with her next bull!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
[[Say your goodbyes and leave->Go outside]]
<b>-"Today is the day!"</b> You smile as you enthusiastically climb the stairs.
<b>-"I wonder if Romeo is already at her place... I'm not hearing any moans however."</b> You reach the door.
<grey>-"Knock Knock Knock!"</grey>
<emily>-"Come in!"</emily> You open the door and step inside of her apartment.
<emily>-"I'm in the kitchen!"</emily> After taking off your shoes, you walk towards her voice.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\d1.jpg">
<emily>-"Heyyyyy."</emily> Emily grins.
<b>-"A-already ready, I see?"</b>
<emily>-"Mhm... Romeo is on his way."</emily> She shifts her body towards you.
<emily>-"Before we start however, I have a rule I want you to follow tonight."</emily>
<b>-"A-a rule?"</b>
<emily>-"No touching yourself or even showing your cock. Romeo said he's had bad experiences with couples getting post nut clarity."</emily>
<emily>-"So keep it in your pants tonight."</emily> Emily can tell that you're not happy.
<emily>-"Don't worry babe, with our next bull, I'll not only allow you to touch yourself, but to cum too."</emily>
<emily>-"Mhm."</emily> The doorbell suddenly rings.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\d2.jpg">
<emily>-"Oh... I think he's here."</emily> Emily stands up and walks towards the door.
<<pageReplace"Wait for Romeo to come inside.">>\
<emily>-"You made it!"</emily> She screams as the doors open.
<blue>-"Of course I did! Couldn't miss showing your boyfriend a proper fucking haha!"</blue> The man says in a thick, french accent as they both hug.
<emily>-"Romeo, this is $name. $name, this is Romeo."</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\d3.jpg">
<blue>-"Hello, you must be her boyfriend?"</blue> You both shake hands as you look down at his crotch instinctively... He's already hard! You can tell even through his jeans!
<b>-"S-sure am!"</b>
<blue>-"Cool! I hope Emily told you the rule I want you to follow... I'm tired of guys getting violent when I fuck their girlfriends better than them."</blue> Emily blushes.
<b>-"Not a problem..."</b>
<emily>-"Hehehe perfect! T-then, shall we?"</emily> Romeo nods and takes off his clothing.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\d4.jpeg">
<blue>-"Been Holding it in for a couple of days, I'll need at least two or three loads until I'm satisfied."</blue> He proudly announces.
<emily>-"Ghehehe good... $name, ready to watch?"</emily>
<b>-"O-of course!"</b> You take a seat on a nearby chair.
<<pageReplace"Suddenly, Emily falls to her knees.">>\
<emily>-"NgHhhh..."</emily> Emily lets out a moan as she drops to her knees.
<blue>-"Come on then, show me what you got."</blue> Romeo puts his hands on his waist and faces Emily.
<emily>-"Yesss..."</emily> She whispers as she breaths in his manly scent.
<emily>-"H-here I go!"</emily> She carefully places her hand on his shaft and begin to lick. You take a seat nearby and watch.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\d6.webp">
<blue>-"GrHHh! Just as good as I rememeber..."</blue>
<emily>-"Dwelicious..!"</emily> She mumble while taking the cock deeper.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\d7.webp">
<blue>-"K-keep going baby!"</blue>
<emily>-"Enjoywing thwe show?"</emily> She says as you look at her.
<blue>-"FucKkkKkk! So good!"</blue>
<<pageReplace"Keep watching Emily blow him.">>\
<emily>-"Guh guh guHhHh!"</emily> She goes down on him quicker and quicker.
<blue>-"S-sShiTItTT I'm closeeee!"</blue> As Emily feels his legs begin to quiver, she begin to focus on the tip of his cock.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\d9.webp">
<emily>-"Cwum for mwe!"</emily>
<blue>-"Here... NgHHhh... It comessSs!"</blue> She squeezes his cock as hard as she can and aims the tip into her mouth.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\d10.webp">
<grey>-"Spurt... Spurt... Spurt..."</grey> A massive load fills up her mouth completely.
<b>-"Holy shit that was huge!"</b>
<blue>-"Hah! Told you was holding back for a couple of days!"</blue> Emily swiftly swallows all of his cum...
<emily>-"Ahhhh! T-that was good..."</emily> Your cock is rock hard already, but you remember the rule.
<emily>-"Ghehehe, now to the main course!"</emily> Emily grabs Romeos hand and begins to lead him towards the sofa.
<b>-"Didn't he cum just now?"</b> You look at Romeo's cock.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\d11.jpg">
<b>-"R-rock hard again?!"</b>
<blue>-"Of course!"</blue> Emily giggles and lays down.
<emily>-"Come on then big boy, show $name how you can fuck me."</emily> The show is about to start, so you put your hands on the rests of the chair in hopes it helps you not to touch yourself.
<emily>-"Oof..."</emily> Emily moans as Romeo rests his cock on her vagina.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\d12.jpg">
<emily>-"C-come on! Quit the teasing and put it in!"</emily>
<b>-"MgHhhh..."</b> It's hot to hear your girlfriend be so desperate for someone else's cock.
<blue>-"Hold on then!"</blue> With a slow, but consistent motion, Romeo shoves his cock inside of Emily's pussy.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\d19.webp">
<emily>-"MmGhHHhHH!! Sooo bigGggg!"</emily>
<blue>-"Gosh you're tight! Does she even fuck you?"</blue> Romeo points to you with his head.
<emily>-"MgHhHhhH! E-enough talking about her... Just fuck me!"</emily>
<blue>-"Whatever you say!"</blue> He increases in speed.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\d13.webp">
<b>-"I could never do something like that."</b> You think as you continue to watch. It's becoming really hard not to pull out your cock.
<<pageReplace"Continue watching.">>\
<emily>-"YESSSsHHSHHH!"</emily> She screams as their hips clash.
<blue>-"GraraaAHAHHH!"</blue> Emily raps her legs around Romeo's torso.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\d18.webp">
<emily>-"BreeeEEeDd meEeEEE RomeEeeOOoO!"</emily>
<b>-"Grhhh..."</b> Her words scare you, but she did tell you that she's on birth control.
<blue>-"GhaaaAaaAhhHhh here it comes!!"</blue> As Romeo continues to pound Emily, you begin to see his cum start to pour out.
<emily>-"YEsSSSS!!!"</emily> Emily's legs begin to shake as she climaxes.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\d15.webp">
<b>-"Oh my God."</b> Romeo's stamina must be insane!
<<pageReplace"You notice him finally slowing down.">>\
<emily>-"NgHHHhhh... Gosh that was incredible!"</emily>
<blue>-"Fuck... You've sucked me dry..."</blue> He mumbles and slowly takes out his cock.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\d14.webp">
<b>-"Gulp..."</b> Your underwear is soaking wet with pre cum.
<emily>-"Ghehehe, thank you babe."</emily> She kisses Romeo as he stands up.
<blue>-"Have to give it to you, I've never fucked someone tighter!"</blue> His cock slowly turns flaccid.
<b>-"Fuck... Even while flaccid it's bigger than mine."</b> You shake your head trying to get rid of these humiliating thoughts.
<emily>-"MgHhh... Delicious..."</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\d20.webp">
<emily>-"$name, lead Romeo out of the apartment, I need to clean myself up..."</emily> She says while licking even more cum from her fingers.
<b>-"Right away!"</b> You turn to Romeo.
<b>-"E-enjoyed yourself?"</b> He turns to you.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\d17.gif">
<blue>-"I did indeed... You?"</blue> He begins putting on his clothes.
<b>-"I did! Watching you ravage her like that was so hot!"</b>
<blue>-"Hmph, you seem like a cool dude. If we ever meet up again, you can forget about that rule we talked about."</blue>
<b>-"H-hell yeah!"</b> He stands up and you lead him to the door.
<b>-"Have a good one! Thanks again!"</b>
<emily>-"Bye bye handsome!"</emily> Emily screams from the living room.
<b>-"Need any help cleaning up?"</b> You ask as you walk back to Emily.
<emily>-"Sure... The whole sofa is covered in fluids haha!"</emily> You spend the next 30 minutes cleaning your whole living room. After you're done, you and Emily talk about the experience. She reminds you of her promise - that you can finally cum when you're with her next bull!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
[[Say your goodbyes and leave->Go outside]]
<</if>>\<<if $time !==2>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<set $emilydays to 27>>\
<<location "Images/Other/7363794952_56303ea0b0_b.webp" "At Emily's place">>\
<<if $domstatus is true>>\
<b>-"Hmph... How peculiar..."</b> You say as you look at Emily's lock.
<b>-"Has it been tampered with?"</b> You noticed it immediately when you arrived.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\25_dom_1.webp">
<b>-"Hmmmm... Better ask Emily, maybe she knows something."</b>
<grey>-"Knock Knock Knock!"</grey>
<emily>-"Come in babe! I unlocked it for ya!"</emily> It seems like she was expecting you.
<b>-"Hey princess!"</b> You smile as you enter her place.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\25_dom_2.jpg">
<b>-"Getting ready to go to the gym?"</b>
<emily>-"Yeah! Thought that after our date I could get some cardio in!"</emily>
<<pageReplace"Ask about the lock.">>
<b>-"Listen, while I was in front of your door, I noticed that your lock looked weird."</b>
<emily>-"My lock? What are you talking about?"</emily> Emily turns around.
<emily>-"Did you not get my hint about cardio?"</emily> She flaunts her ass and winks.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\25_dom_3.jpg">
<b>-"Emily. This is serious."</b>
<emily>-"Wait... Actually?"</emily> Her smirk forms into a confused expression as she turns around.
<emily>-"Someone actually messed with it?"</emily>
<b>-"It appears so. I think we both know who."</b> You can tell that Emily begins to shrivel up in fear, so you grab her arms and smile.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\25_dom_4.jpeg">
<b>-"Hey, listen to me, everything will be alright."</b> She looks up at you.
<b>-"I'm here and I will always be here."</b>
<emily>-"B-but you're not here 24/7... What if they break in when I'm alone?"</emily>
<<pageReplace"Think of a solution.">>
<b>-"I'm one call away, you know that."</b>
<emily>-"S-still..."</emily> You can tell that she still doesn't feel safe, so you pull out your phone and open amazon.
<b>-"Here, this should give you some comfort."</b> You show her a reinforced lock you heard great things about.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\25_dom_5.png">
<emily>-"A-a reinforced door? You think that'll be enough...?"</emily>
<b>-"It'll last long enough for me to get here and that's what counts."</b> She sighs and grabs your phone.
<emily>-"Okay... I'll get it then."</emily>
<<if $money>=30>>\
<<pageReplace"Let me buy it for you.">>
<<set $emilyrelationship to $emilyrelationship +1>>\
<b>-"Let me buy it for you babe... I brought this onto you in the first place, it's the least I could do."</b> Emily runs up to you and embraces you with a hug.
<emily>-"T-thank you baby... For always taking care of me."</emily> A smile forms on your face as you embrace her back.
<b>-"Don't mention it sweetie."</b> Your girlfriend pulls away, grabs your face and kisses you.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\25_dom_7.webp">
<emily>-"You're the best husband ever."</emily>
<b>-"Oh? I'm a husband now?"</b>
<emily>-"You will be soon."</emily> You both laugh as you take your phone back.
<b>-"Give me a sec, need to order this really quick."</b>
<emily>-"Sure thing honey."</emily> She leans up against a wall.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\25_dom_6.jpg">
<emily>-"Will you stay a little longer? Maybe watch a movie?"</emily>
<b>-"Of course babe! That's why I'm here in the first place."</b> After you're done ordering the lock, you both sit down on the couch and turn on the latest action flick.
<b>-"Yawwwwnnnnn... Time for me to dip babe."</b> You say after you spend a good 4 hours together.
<emily>-"Sigh... Fineeeeee. When will the lock get here?"</emily>
<b>-"Amazon says that they'll deliver it by tomorrow. I typed in your address, so except a delivery soon!"</b> You stand up and head towards the door.
<emily>-"I love you babe."</emily> You share yet another kiss after you put on your shoes.
<b>-"I love you too honey. Stay safe."</b>
<emily>-"You too."</emily> Time to hit the road!
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
<grey>Emily will remember this!</grey>
[[Drive home->room]]
<<set $emilyrelationship to $emilyrelationship -1>>\
<b>-"Good... Make sure to get the express deliver too."</b> Emily nods and types something into your phone.
<emily>-"Done... Thank you for the suggestion $name."</emily> She walks over and places her hand on your cheek.
<b>-"Don't mention it sweetie."</b> You both embrace with a kiss.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\25_dom_7.webp">
<emily>-"You're the best boyfriend ever."</emily>
<b>-"You flatter me too much."</b> A smile forms on your face.
<emily>-"You won't say it back?"</emily> She pounts.
<b>-"Your the best girlfriend everrrrr..."</b> You say in a joking matter. You both begin to laugh.
<emily>-"Ghahaha... A little off topic but..."</emily> She leans up against the wall.
<emily>-"Will you stay a little longer? Maybe watch a movie?"</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\25_dom_6.jpg">
<b>-"Of course babe! That's why I'm here in the first place."</b> After you're done ordering the lock, you both sit down on the couch and turn on the latest action flick.
<b>-"Yawwwwnnnnn... Time for me to dip babe."</b> You say after you spend a good 4 hours together.
<emily>-"Sigh... Fineeeeee. The lock is supposed to get here tomorrow, so I should be safe... Hopefully."</emily>
<b>-"Thank godness... Remember, if anything happens - call me."</b> You stand up and head towards the door.
<emily>-"I love you babe."</emily> You share yet another kiss after you put on your shoes.
<b>-"I love you too honey. Stay safe."</b>
<emily>-"You too."</emily> Time to hit the road!
<grey>Emily will remember this!</grey>
[[Drive home->room]]
<<if $toys==1>>\
<<set $emilysubnochastitytraining to false>>\
<b>-"Knock knock knock!"</b> You knock on Emily's door. After what happened during your last date, you feel... Freed? You finally understood that this is what you liked and you feel a lot more confident to go on this journey of discovery.
<emily>-"Come in babe! I unlocked it for ya!"</emily> You squeeze the handle and open the door.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\25_sub_13.jpg">
<emily>-"Heyyyy my little cucky."</emily> Emily smiles.
<b>-"Heyyy Emily!"</b> That nickname hurt you before, but now it just turns you on.
<emily>-"Undress and come to the living room... I have a little surprise for you..."</emily> She walks off towards teh aforementioned living room.
<b>-"A surprise? Sure thing!"</b> You quickly undress and follow her.
<b>-"Oh... H-hey."</b> You find her sitting on the sofa.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\25_sub_2.jpg">
<emily>-"Hehehe, heyy!"</emily> You embrace with a hug and sit down in front of her.
<b>-"So... W-what's the surprise?"</b>
<emily>-"Welllll... I thought that I should reward you for how good you did during our date with Romeo."</emily>
<emily>-"I saw how hard you wanted to cum, but yet you didn't. That's impressive!"</emily>
<b>-"Ghehehe... Thank you Emily."</b> She nods.
<<pageReplace"So what's the reward?">>
<b>-"S-so what's the reward?"</b>
<emily>-"I bet you can already tell, but I'm making you cum today."</emily> She smiles and gets on her knees.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\25_sub_1.jpg">
<b>-"Y-yayyyy!"</b> You don't remember the last time she let you ejaculate... Much less with her help!
<emily>-"We're going to do it a little different today though."</emily>
<b>-"A-a little different? What do you mean?"</b> Emily grins.
<emily>-"You're not getting unlocked."</emily> She takes out a key from her pocket.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\25_sub_3.png">
<b>-"W-wait... Is that...?"</b>
<emily>-"Your key? Yes. I'm going to hold on to it for a while."</emily>
<b>-"W-wha- But it was in my pocket just a second ago!"</b>
<emily>-"I have fast hands... Took it while we were hugging."</emily> A proud smirk forms on her face.
<<pageReplace"God damnit...">>
<b>-"God damnit..."</b> You look down at the ground, disappointed.
<emily>-"Heyyyy! Don't think it won't feel good though... We're going to be using a toy! How fun!"</emily> Emily smiles.
<b>-"A-a toy?"</b>
<emily>-"Mhm."</emily> She walks over to the bedroom, you follow her.
<b>-"Oh shit..."</b> You find a vibrator on the bed.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\25_sub_4.jpg">
<emily>-"Well? Ready?"</emily> Emily jumps onto bed.
<b>-"NghHhh... I-I guess so."</b> You pull down your pants, revealing your caged cock.
<b>-"Here I come."</b> You get on the bed and lay down next to her.
<emily>-"Good <<if $hairextensions>>girl...<<else>>boy...<</if>>"</emily> Emily grabs the vibrator and turns it on.
<grey>-"BrRrrRrrrrrrRRRRr!"</grey> The sound of it gives you goosebumps.
<b>-"GrgHHhh... F-fuck..."</b> You let out a feminine moan as the toy touches your cage.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\25_sub_5.webp">
<emily>-"Stop squirming babe... It's hard to keep it steady."</emily>
<b>-"MGHhhh! Sorry!"</b> Surprisingly, the vibrations feel really fucking good!
<<pageReplace"Try your best not to cum just yet.">>
<b>-"NgHhhhh!"</b> You want this to last a little longer, so you take a deep breath and try your best not to nut.
<emily>-"Oh yeah... Look at the precum leak everywhere... How pathetic!"</emily> Her humiliating words turn you on even more.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\25_sub_6.webp">
<b>-"FuCKkkk! It feels so good!"</b>
<emily>-"Ghehehehe, does it now?"</emily> She applies a bit of pressure and increases the speed of the toy.
<b>-"ArgHHhhh! S-slow down!"</b> You had no idea that a toy for girls could feel this great!
<emily>-"Huh? Why? Are you going to cum already?"</emily> Emily laughs.
<emily>-"There'll be no reason to unlock you in the future if you can ejaculate that easily"</emily> As her words repeat in your mind, a sudden wave of pleasure overtakes you.
<b>-"ShittTTttt!"</b> Without warning, you explode all over the toy.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\25_sub_7.webp">
<b>-"GrGhHhhhHhh!"</b> You begin to shake in pleasure and Emily's eyes grow wide.
<emily>-"Jeezzzzz... I was joking, but... Seems like you genuinly don't need to be unlocked to cum anymore."</emily> She shrugs her shoulders and stands up.
<b>-"MGHhhhh... S-sorry Emily."</b>
<emily>-"Heh, no need to apologize sweetie, just remember what I told you..."</emily> She grabs the toy and starts to walk towards the bathroom.
<emily>-"A couple more sessions like these and I'm keeping the key for good."</emily>
<b>-"Fuck..."</b> <u>You have to figure out how to last longer in your cage if you don't want the key taken away.</u>
<emily>-"Get cleaned up! I'll clean the toy in the meantime!"</emily> She shouts from the restroom as you hear the sink turn on.
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Clean up and continue your date->room]]
<<set $emilysubnochastitytraining to true>>\
<b>-"Knock knock knock!"</b> You knock on Emily's door. After what happened during your last date, you feel... Freed? You finally understood that this is what you liked and you feel a lot more confident to go on this journey of discovery.
<emily>-"Come in babe! I unlocked it for ya!"</emily> You squeeze the handle and open the door.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\25_sub_13.jpg">
<emily>-"Heyyyy my little cucky."</emily> Emily smiles.
<b>-"Heyyy Emily!"</b> That nickname hurt you before, but now it just turns you on.
<emily>-"Undress and come to the living room... I have a little surprise for you..."</emily> She walks off towards teh aforementioned living room.
<b>-"A surprise? Sure thing!"</b> You quickly undress and follow her.
<b>-"Oh... H-hey."</b> You find her sitting on the sofa.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\25_sub_2.jpg">
<emily>-"Hehehe, heyy!"</emily> You embrace with a hug and sit down in front of her.
<b>-"So... W-what's the surprise?"</b>
<emily>-"Welllll... I thought that I should reward you for how good you did during our date with Romeo."</emily>
<emily>-"I saw how hard you wanted to cum, but yet you didn't. That's impressive!"</emily>
<b>-"Ghehehe... Thank you Emily."</b> She nods.
<<pageReplace"So what's the reward?">>
<b>-"S-so what's the reward?"</b>
<emily>-"I bet you can already tell, but I'm making you cum today."</emily> She smiles and gets on her knees.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\25_sub_1.jpg">
<b>-"Y-yayyyy!"</b> You don't remember the last time she let you ejaculate... Much less with her help!
<emily>-"We're going to do it a little different today though."</emily>
<b>-"A-a little different? What do you mean?"</b> Emily grins.
<emily>-"You're not getting any visual stimulation."</emily> She stands up and walks towards the restroom.
<b>-"N-no visual stimulation?"</b>
<emily>-"Mhm... You're only going to be focusing on the pleasure and my voice."</emily> Emily says as she comes out in a robe.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\25_sub_8.jpg">
<emily>-"Hah, don't be disappointed! This is for your training after all... I want you to be able to cum on command one day..."</emily> She giggles and grabs your hand.
<emily>-"Now relax and undress."</emily> She sits down next to you.
<<pageReplace"Do as she says.">>
<b>-"Yes Emily..."</b> You remove your clothes and spread your legs. Your small, rock hard cock is on display.
<emily>-"Heeee... How cute!"</emily> Emily smiles and grabs your little shaft.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\25_sub_9.webp">
<emily>-"Oh...? Does it feel good?"</emily> She bites your ear.
<b>-"ArgHhhhh! Y-yessss!"</b> You moan as waves of pleasure begin to fill your brain.
<emily>-"If you enjoy my hands this much... Could you imagine how good my pussy would feel like?"</emily>
<b>-"NGhHhhhh... FucKKkkk..."</b> You've completely forgotten the feeling...
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\25_sub_10.webp">
<emily>-"Someone is squirming already... Pathetic little cuck."</emily> Emily grins and bites your neck this time.
<b>-"NghHhh... S-shittt!"</b> Your thighs begin to shake as you inch closer to an orgasm. It's only been a good 2 minutes, but you're already on the edge!
<<pageReplace"Try your best not to cum just yet.">>
<b>-"NgHhhhh!"</b> You want this to last a little longer, so you take a deep breath and try your best not to nut.
<emily>-"Heh, don't you try anything. You're totally under my control."</emily> She squeezes the tip of your cock, making your thighs shake like crazy.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\25_sub_11.webp">
<emily>-"Would you want to know what it feels like? Have you forgotten already? How wet it is? How warm it is inside?"</emily> Emily whispers into your ear.
<b>-"NgHhhhh! Y-yesSssS!"</b>
<emily>-"You... Never... Will..."</emily> She gets even closer.
<emily>-"Now cum for me."</emily> An overwhelming sensation comes over your body... You can't stop yourself from ejaculating all over her hands.
<b>-"ArgHHhhh! FuCKKKkkk!"</b> You scream as you have the best orgasm of your life.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\25_sub_12.gif">
<emily>-"Gosh... I love that you've become such a loser. It's so fun to train you."</emily> She smiles once more and stands up.
<b>-"MGHhhhh... S-sorry Emily."</b>
<emily>-"No need to apologize sweetie, this is our life from now on. There's nothing you can do to change it."</emily> She starts to walk towards the bathroom.
<emily>-"A couple more sessions and you'll cum with a simple command... How hot."</emily> Emily whispers under her breath.
<b>-"Fuck..."</b> <u>You have to figure out how to last longer during these sessions, or you'll become a total slave to her words!</u>
<emily>-"Get cleaned up! We have a movie to watch."</emily> She shouts from the restroom as you hear the sink turn on.
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Clean up and continue your date->room]]
<</if>>\<<if $time !==2>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<set $emilydays to 28>>\
<<location "Images/Other/7363794952_56303ea0b0_b.webp" "At Emily's place">>\
<<if $domstatus is true>>\
<emily>-"AgHHhhh! D-deeper $name! Deeper!"</emily> Emily moans as your cock goes in and out of her vagina.
<b>-"RAghAHHhhH!"</b> The first few hours of your date were tame, but as lust overtook your minds, you began to breed like rabbits.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\27_dom_1.gif">
<b>-"Get that shit off..."</b> You take off her shirt and continue to pound that tight hole of hers.
<emily>-"NgHHhhH! I'm closeeeEEee!"</emily> With each thrust of your hips, her walls begin to grip you shaft tighter... Her body is doing it's best to make you nut inside.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\27_dom_2.gif">
<grey>-"TrgHhhh... Trrrr..."</grey> You hear a weird sound coming from the door to the apartment. You're doing the deed in the living room, so the door is pretty close.
<<pageReplace"Look over.">>
<b>-"MgHhhh... H-huh?"</b> You stop and turn towards it.
<b>-"Did you hear that?"</b>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\27_dom_3.jpg">
<emily>-"N-no... Now keep fucking me, I'm close!"</emily> Emily says as she squeezes her glutes, trying to milk your cock.
<b>-"Hmph... It must have been nothing then."</b> Before you could even start fucking her again, Emily throws her hips backwards so fast that you fall onto your butt.
<b>-"W-woah!"</b> She turns around and climbs on top of you.
<emily>-"MMmmmgHHhh! If you're not going to fuck me, I'll have to fuck you..."</emily> She begins to ride your shaft at record speed.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\27_dom_4.gif">
<b>-"FucKkkkK!"</b> You shout as precum begins to pool out of the tip of your shaft... It feels heavinly.
<grey>-"TrrrrRggghhh..."</grey> Another sound emanates from the door, but you ignore it.
<b>-"ArHGHhhhh!"</b> You feel like you're on the edge of a climax. Time to pick up the pace.
<<pageReplace"Begin to pound her pussy once again.">>
<emily>-"YESsSSHShhH!"</emily> She screams as you take back control and begin to rearrange her insides.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\27_dom_5.gif">
<b>-"MgHHhhHH! I'm closeEEeeeE!"</b>
<emily>-"M-me too! Keep going babe!"</emily> Her thighs begin to shake, when suddenly...
<grey>-"CreaakkkKkk!"</grey> You could swear that you hear the door opening.
<b>-"..."</b> While continuing to fuck her, you take a peek at the door, not saying anything to Emily to not ruin the mood.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\27_dom_6.jpeg">
<b>-"What the fuck..."</b> You whisper as you try your best to understand what you're seeing.
<b>-"WHAT THE FUCK?!"</b> This time, you scream. There's an intruder!
<<pageReplace"Push Emily off.">>
<b>-"Hide babe!"</b> You throw Emily off of you and stand up as fast as you can. You couldn't care less that you're butt ass naked.
<emily>-"W-what?!"</emily> Emily looks at you, confused.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\27_dom_7.png">
<b>-"..."</b> Your and the intruders eyes meet. His - grow wide.
<emily>-"Not again..."</emily> Emily whispers as she gets under the covers.
<blue>-"FUCK!"</blue> As soon as he sees you, the man disappears behind the door and smashes it closed.
<b>-"COME HERE!"</b> You run after him at full speed.
<b>-"..."</b> You open the door to the stairway, but you're greeted by total emptiness.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\27_dom_8.jpg">
<grey>-"Badump badummm... BadUMpp!"</grey> You hear someone running down the stairs.
<grey>-"Creeeek!"</grey> The door to the building opens and closes in quick succession.
<b>-"FUCK!"</b> You can't chase him through the streets, you're naked! And even if you could, he has such a big lead...
<b>-"Fucking bastards."</b> You walk back to the apartment... Not even 10 seconds later, you hear a car speeding off outside.
<<pageReplace"Walk over to Emily.">>
<emily>-"Sniff... Awaahhhh... Sniff..."</emily> You hear her crying in the bedroom.
<b>-"B-baby?"</b> You find her on the bed.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\27_dom_9.jpg">
<emily>-"I-is he gone?"</emily>
<b>-"Yes. He's gone."</b> Emily pokes her head out - her eyes red and cheeks covered in tears.
<emily>-"W-what if you weren't here? Would he have taken me?"</emily>
<b>-"I... I don't know."</b> You wonder how the man didn't hear you having sex... You were pretty loud, but he seemed surprised when he saw you.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\27_dom_10.jpg">
<emily>-"What am I supposed to do...? T-they're going to keep breaking in until they get me..."</emily> She begins to cry again.
<b>-"No, they won't."</b> You lay down next to her and try your best to give her comfort.
<b>-"Has the security lock arrived yet?"</b>
<emily>-"Yes... I-it's in the kitchen. You really think it'll help?"</emily>
<b>-"It's better than nothing. Let me install it for you."</b> You stand up and walk to the kitchen.
<b>-"Shit..."</b> In truth, you know that this won't do much, maybe buy her some time, but that's it.
<b>-"I need to get ready."</b> Now that they know you're there to protect her, they might come to take her in force... You have to be able to defend her.
<b>-"A gun, or a lot of money... I think that's my only chance."</b>
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
[[Install the lock and comfort Emily->room]]
<<if $emilysubnochastitytraining==false>>\
<emily>-"Well, come here, lay down. What are you waiting for?"</emily> Emily says as you enter her room.
<b>-"A-already?"</b> You just got here and she already wants to milk you.
<emily>-"Of course! The quicker we get this done, the quicker we can go about our evening, no?"</emily> She smiles.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\27_sub_1.jpg">
<b>-"You don't sound too excited..."</b>
<emily>-"That's where you're wrong! Having you be able to cum in that cage hands free would be so hot! I could tell all of my friends about it too... I bet they would be impressed!"</emily> She sits down on the bed.
<emily>-"Now come here! I'm getting tired of waiting!"</emily> She gently taps the bed a couple of times.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\27_sub_2.jpg">
<b>-"F-fuck..."</b> You slowly lay down on the bed and begin to undress.
<emily>-"Good <<if $hairextensions ==true>>girl!<<else>>boy!<</if>>"</emily> As you get your caged cock out, your girlfriend giggles.
<<pageReplace"What's so funny?">>
<b>-"W-what's so funny?"</b>
<emily>-"Ghehehe, your penis, obviously. It makes me laugh everytime I see it."</emily> Her words begin to give you a boner.
<emily>-"Look at it press up against the cage... How cute."</emily> She sclimbs on top of you with her vibrator toy.
<emily>-"Ready to give it a try again?"</emily>
<b>-"Y-yes..."</b> Last time it felt so good...
<emily>-"Here I go."</emily> She slowly lowers the toy until it touches your chastity cage.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\27_sub_10.webp">
<b>-"GNnNnngHHhh!"</b> It feels so good! But you remember what Emily told you... If you keep cumming hands free, she might take the key away for good!
<emily>-"Look at you squirm... You're such a cutie pie."</emily> She gives you a kiss on the cheek and continues.
<b>-"Nghhhh! S-slow down!"</b> This time, the vibrator feels even better!
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\27_sub_11.webp">
<emily>-"Never!"</emily> Emily presses the toy up against your cage even harder.
<emily>-"Feel the vibrations baby... Enjoy them... Savour them... Because this is all you're going to get from now on."</emily>
<b>-"NooOOoooOO!"</b> You moan out in pleasure as you feel semen climbing up your shaft... It's only been a good minute, but you're ready to bust!
<emily>-"Yes... Yesss!"</emily> Emily gently takes your cage and aims it at your face.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\27_sub_12.webp">
<emily>-"Open your mouth nice and wide..."</emily> She smiles as you try your best not to nut.
<b>-"ARGHgHhhHh! N-nOoooo!"</b> You don't want this cage to be on forever... You have to resist!
<emily>-"Do it baby... Cum for me!"</emily> Emily whispers into your ear as your thighs begin to shake.
<emily>-"Cum for me... Prove to me that your cock is useless... Prove to me that I need other men to satisfy me."</emily> Your head begins to spin as you explode all over yourself...
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\27_sub_13.webp">
<b>-"A-aaawghHh!"</b> You quickly close your mouth as the semen covers your face.
<emily>-"Ghahahaha! Jeez! It's a cum fountain!"</emily> Emily laughs as she hold your cage in away that you continue to spray yourself in the face.
<b>-"Shitttt..."</b> As the climax ends, Emily slowly gets off of you.
<emily>-"You look so ugly with all of the semen covering your pretty face... How about you lick it off."</emily>
<<if $hairextensions==true>>\
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\27_sub_15.jpg">
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\27_sub_14.jpg">
<b>-"F-fuck..."</b> You whisper as you think about what you should do.
<<pageReplace"Lick up and swallow your semen.">>
<b>-"F-fuck it! Why not..."</b> You begin to lick up your semen and slowly swallow it. This is so hot!
<emily>-"Heh, what a good pet you are... Listening to every command I give you."</emily> She kisses you on the cheek, making sure to kiss where there's no cum.
<b>-"Gulp... Gulp..."</b> You swallow the last couple of drops.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\27_sub_16.gif">
<emily>-"Good job babe!"</emily> Emily stands up.
<emily>-"Yet another day when you didn't need to get out of your cage to cum... Another session like this and I'm taking away your key for good!"</emily> She grins.
<emily>-"We will celebrate the occasion by meeting up with another guy... How does that sound?"</emily>
<b>-"D-don't be so confident... Maybe I'll get some stamina!"</b>
<emily>-"Ghah! We'll see about that!"</emily> <u>You have to figure out away how to last longer or Emily will take away your chastity key!</u>
<emily>-"Go and clean up. I can still see some semen on your chest."</emily> You stand up and nod.
<b>-"Right away baby..."</b> Maybe you need a numbing agent...? That could help...
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<<set $feminization to $feminization +1>>
<emily>Feminization +1!</emily>
[[Clean up and finish your date->room]]
<<pageReplace"Just use a tissue.">>
<b>-"N-no thank you... Can you hand me a tissue?"</b> Emily frowns... She's disappointed.
<emily>-"Wahhh, how boring."</emily> She roles her eyes and hands you a tissue from her table.
<b>-"There..."</b> You clean your face and look at her.
<emily>-"Sigh... Anyways, good job babe!"</emily>
<emily>-"Yet another day when you didn't need to get out of your cage to cum... Another session like this and I'm taking away your key for good!"</emily> She grins.
<emily>-"We will celebrate the occasion by meeting up with another guy... How does that sound?"</emily>
<b>-"D-don't be so confident... Maybe I'll get some stamina!"</b>
<emily>-"Ghah! We'll see about that!"</emily> <u>You have to figure out away how to last longer or Emily will take away your chastity key!</u>
<emily>-"Go and clean up. I can still see some semen on your chest."</emily> You stand up and nod.
<b>-"Right away baby..."</b> Maybe you need a numbing agent...? That could help...
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
<<set $feminization to $feminization +1>>
<emily>Feminization +1!</emily>
[[Clean up and finish your date->room]]
<emily>-"Well, come here, sit down. What are you waiting for?"</emily> Emily says as you enter her room.
<b>-"A-already?"</b> You just got here and she already wants to milk you.
<emily>-"Of course! The quicker we get this done, the quicker we can go about our evening, no?"</emily> She smiles.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\27_sub_1.jpg">
<b>-"You don't sound too excited..."</b>
<emily>-"That's where you're wrong! Having you be able to cum on command would be so hot! I could tell all of my friends about it too... I bet they would be impressed!"</emily> She sits down on the bed.
<emily>-"Now come here! I'm getting tired of waiting!"</emily> She gently taps the bed a couple of times.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\27_sub_2.jpg">
<b>-"F-fuck..."</b> You slowly lay down on the bed and begin to undress.
<emily>-"Good <<if $hairextensions ==true>>girl!<<else>>boy!<</if>>"</emily> As you get your small cock out, your girlfriend giggles.
<<pageReplace"What's so funny?">>
<b>-"W-what's so funny?"</b>
<emily>-"Ghehehe, your penis, obviously. It makes me laugh everytime I see it."</emily> Her words begin to give you a boner.
<emily>-"Look at it all nice and hard... How cute."</emily> She sits down next to you and begins to touch your nipples.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\27_sub_6.webp">
<emily>-"Shall we start?"</emily>
<b>-"Y-yes Emily."</b> Last time it felt so good!
<emily>-"Here I go."</emily> She begins to touch your stomach, slowly moving down towards your crotch.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\27_sub_3.webp">
<b>-"GNnNnngHHhh!"</b> It feels incredible! But you remember what Emily told you - if you keep cumming like this, her words will be enough to make you bust one day!
<emily>-"Look at you squirm... You're such a cutie pie."</emily> She gives you a kiss on the cheek and continues.
<b>-"Nghhhh!"</b> She finally reaches your penis and begins to stroke it with two fingers.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\27_sub_4.webp">
<emily>-"You see... I only need two fingers baby... Soon I'll use only one... Then - zero."</emily> Emily whispers into your ear.
<emily>-"Give up $name... Your cock is useless... Let yourself go, let me take control."</emily>
<b>-"NooOOoooOO!"</b> You moan out in pleasure as you feel semen climbing up your shaft... It's only been a good minute, but you're ready to bust!
<emily>-"Yes... Yesss!"</emily> Emily increases in speed.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\27_sub_5.webp">
<emily>-"Open your mouth nice and wide..."</emily> She smiles as you try your best not to nut.
<b>-"ARGHgHhhHh! M-my mouth?! W-why?!"</b> You don't want to be so pathetic that you come from a voice alone... You have to resist!
<emily>-"Don't question it and do it."</emily> She spanks your balls... You comply.
<emily>-"Now do it baby... Cum for me!"</emily> Emily whispers into your ear as your thighs begin to shake.
<emily>-"Cum for me... Prove to me that your cock is useless... Prove to me that I need other men to satisfy me. Prove to me that you only need my voice to cum!"</emily> Your head begins to spin as you're about to ejaculate.
<emily>-"CUM FOR ME!"</emily> She shouts in your ear and lets go.
<b>-"RagGggHhHHHHHHH!!"</b> Even without her stimulating it, your cock explodes...
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\27_sub_8.gif">
<b>-"A-aaawghHh!"</b> As you cum, Emily raises your shaft with one of her fingers and aims it at your face.
<b>-"WaghHhhHH!"</b> You cover your face in semen...
<emily>-"Ghahahaha! Jeez! It's a cum fountain!"</emily> Emily laughs as she watches you spray yourself.
<b>-"Shitttt..."</b> As the climax ends, Emily grins and stands up.
<emily>-"You look so ugly with all of the semen covering your pretty face... How about you lick it off."</emily>
<<if $hairextensions==true>>\
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\27_sub_15.jpg">
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\27_sub_14.jpg">
<b>-"F-fuck..."</b> You whisper as you think about what you should do.
<<pageReplace"Lick up and swallow your semen.">>
<b>-"F-fuck it! Why not..."</b> You begin to lick up your semen and slowly swallow it. This is so hot!
<emily>-"Heh, what a good pet you are... Listening to every command I give you."</emily> She kisses you on the cheek, making sure to kiss where there's no cum.
<b>-"Gulp... Gulp..."</b> You swallow the last couple of drops.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\27_sub_16.gif">
<emily>-"Good job babe!"</emily>
<emily>-"You came just from my voice there at the end... I'm proud of you."</emily> There is some truth to her words. The climax wasn't even ruined, you actually ejaculated when you heard the words "Cum for me".
<emily>-"Another session like this and I won't even have to touch you!"</emily>
<emily>-"We will celebrate the occasion by meeting up with another guy... How does that sound?"</emily>
<b>-"D-don't be so confident... Maybe I'll manage to resist!"</b>
<emily>-"Ghah! We'll see about that!"</emily> <u>You have to figure out away how to last longer or Emily will take away your chastity key!</u>
<emily>-"Go and clean up. I can still see some semen on your chest."</emily> You stand up and nod.
<b>-"Right away baby..."</b> Maybe you need a numbing agent...? That could help...
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<<set $feminization to $feminization +1>>
<emily>Feminization +1!</emily>
[[Clean up and finish your date->room]]
<<pageReplace"Just use a tissue.">>
<b>-"N-no thank you... Can you hand me a tissue?"</b> Emily frowns... She's disappointed.
<emily>-"Wahhh, how boring."</emily> She roles her eyes and hands you a tissue from her table.
<b>-"There..."</b> You clean your face and look at her.
<emily>-"Sigh... Anyways, good job babe!"</emily>
<emily>-"You came just from my voice there at the end... I'm proud of you."</emily> There is some truth to her words. The climax wasn't even ruined, you actually ejaculated when you heard the words "Cum for me".
<emily>-"Another session like this and I won't even have to touch you!"</emily>
<emily>-"We will celebrate the occasion by meeting up with another guy... How does that sound?"</emily>
<b>-"D-don't be so confident... Maybe I'll manage to resist!"</b>
<emily>-"Ghah! We'll see about that!"</emily> <u>You have to figure out away how to last longer or Emily will take away your chastity key!</u>
<emily>-"Go and clean up. I can still see some semen on your chest."</emily> You stand up and nod.
<b>-"Right away baby..."</b> Maybe you need a numbing agent...? That could help...
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
<<set $feminization to $feminization +1>>
<emily>Feminization +1!</emily>
[[Clean up and finish your date->room]]
<</if>><<if $time !==2>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<set $emilydays to 29>>\
<<set $emilykidnappeddays to $day>>\
<<location "Images/Other/7363794952_56303ea0b0_b.webp" "At Emily's place">>\
<<if $domstatus is true>>\
<b>-"Ha! So, what happened then?"</b> You chat with Emily as you both lay in bed.
<emily>-"He bit me! Can you believe it? This furball actually bit me!"</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\28_dom_1.jpg">
<b>-"He might look cute... But he's a vicious monster underneath!"</b> You both laugh
<emily>-"Ghahahaha! It appears so! Huh, Parker?"</emily> She kisses her dog on the forehead. The monster continues to slumber.
<b>-"Wahhhh... It's getting dark."</b> You stretch as you sit up.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\28_dom_2.jpg">
<emily>-"No it's not... We just have the blinds closed."</emily> She points at the window.
<emily>-"Care to open them?"</emily>
<b>-"Sure thing honey."</b>
<<pageReplace"Open the blinds.">>
<b>-"Oh wow! You were right!"</b> You say as sunlight pours into the room.
<emily>-"Of course I was."</emily> She slowly sits up. Parker let's out a loud sigh and gets off of the bed.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\28_dom_3.jpg">
<b>-"Maybe it's not dark, but it's definitely getting late. I'll need to get going soon."</b>
<emily>-"Oh comeeeee onnnnn... How about you come back to bed and we laze around for another hour...? I know you want to..."</emily> Emily smiles.
<b>-"Fuck... I do baby, I really do.</b> As you continue to talk, you begin to hear a faint sound of the front door opening.
<b>-"Did I forgot to lock it?"</b> You wonder as you start to turn towards it.
<<pageReplace"Face the door.">>\
<<blink "Images/Emily/events/dom/28_dom_4.gif" 250>>\
<<drunk 2>>\
<b>-"W-what the fuck...?!"</b> You stumble backwards as you try to shake off the dizziness.
<emily>-"$name! H-help!"</emily> Emily shouts as you try your best to see what's going on.
<blue>-"DON'T MOVE! WE'RE JUST HERE FOR THE GIRL!"</blue> A man shouts and points a gun at you.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\28_dom_5.png">
<b>-"W-who are you people...?"</b> You try to take a step forward towards the man, but you suddenly feel a gun barrel hit your temple.
<bartender>-"Don't try to be a hero."</bartender>
<b>-"Fuck..."</b> There's a second man...
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\28_dom_6.jpeg">
<emily>-"$name!"</emily> She get's off of the bed and charges one of the men.
<<pageReplace"Emily don't!">>
<<drunk 1>>\
<b>-"EMILY DON'T!"</b> One of the criminals takes out a bag, quickly turns your fiery girlfriend around and begins to choke her.
<grey>-"WOOF! WOOF WOOF WOOF!"</grey> Parker is doing his best to defend your family, but the men don't care.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\28_dom_7.jpg">
<emily>-"AWGhHhhHH!"</emily> Emily screams as she struggles to breath.
<b>-"L-let go of her!"</b> You take yet another step forward.
<blue>-"Stay there before I shoot you! He ain't gonna kill her!"</blue> You girlfriend passes out... She's then thrown onto the bed.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\28_dom_8.jpeg">
<b>-"Shit..."</b> You're slowly regaining your senses...
<b>-"What do you guys want?!"</b> Both of the men face you.
<blue>-"The girl. She will be returned to you in due time."</blue>
<blue>-"Do not fight back or we will use lethal force."</blue>
<blue>-"Do not call the police or we will use deadly force."</blue>
<blue>-"Do not tell anyone about what happened here or we will use deadly force."</blue> As the first man speaks, the second man begins to lift up Emily.
<b>-"Fuck...!"</b> If you're going to do something, you better do it now!
<<pageReplace"Do nothing.">>
<<drunk clear>>\
<<set $emilykidnapped to true>>\
<b>-"..."</b> You can't believe it, but you froze...
<b>-"T-take her..."</b> You muster out as the criminal's eyes grow wide.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\28_dom_14b.png">
<blue>-"Hah, not even going to fight us for her?"</blue> He shrugs his shoulders.
<blue>-"That's a new one."</blue>
<bartender>-"He seemed like a brave guy... What a loser."</bartender> The second man chuckles as she grabs Emily and throws her over his shoulder.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\28_dom_16b.png">
<blue>-"Alright $name. See you soon. Remember what I told you."</blue> They even know your name...
<b>-"Fuck..."</b> You whisper as the men leave Emily's apartment and close the door behind them.
<b>-"FUCK FUCK FUCK!"</b> You can't call the police or they will hurt her... You're fucked!
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\28_dom_23idk.jpg">
<b>-"I should have done something when I could..."</b>
<<if $nocontrolpath !==true>>\
<b>-"Fucking Hudson and his goons... I will have my revenge."</b> I guess all you can do now is wait to hear from them.
<b>-"Fucking criminals... I hope they don't ask for ransom or something."</b> I guess all you can do now is wait to hear from them.
<grey>Emily has been kidnapped!</grey>
[[Drive home->room]]
<<if $money>=1000>>\
<<pageReplace"Bribe them.">>
<<drunk clear>>\
<<money -1000 "Had to bribe some criminals...">>
<b>-"How about we make a deal?"</b> You shove your hand in your pocket.
<blue>-"HEY!</blue> The man points his AR at you.
<b>-"C-calm down... Just taking out my wallet."</b> They both stop and look at you.
<bartender>-"What kind of deal?"</bartender> They seem to be intrigued.
<b>-"I know that this whole business of yours is full of risk..."</b> They nod.
<b>-"So how about I just give you some money and you can leave knowing that you're not going to be in trouble."</b> You take out 500$ and show them.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\28_dom_15b.png">
<b>-"No police looking for a missing girl... Nobody on your tail... 500 bucks, how about it?"</b> The first man grabs the cash.
<blue>-"500 bucks... Each."</blue>
<blue>-"Each. Or we take the girl."</blue> Fuck... A grand is a ton of money.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\28_dom_16b.png">
<b>-"Ugh... Fine!"</b> The safety of your girlfriend matters a lot more however.
<b>-"Here."</b> You hand the second man 500 dollars.
<bartender>-"As my partner said... If you tell anyone about what happened here, we will come back."</bartender> The man let's go of your girlfriend.
<blue>-"And we won't be so kind."</blue> They turn around and begin to leave.
<b>-"F-fucking assholes..."</b>
<<pageReplace"Check on Emily!">>
<b>-"E-Emily?!"</b> You run up to her as the men disappear into the stairway.
<emily>-"..."</emily> You check her pulse - she seems okay.
<b>-"I'll bring you some water!"</b> After running to the kitchen, you fill a cup with water.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\28_dom_19bc.jpg">
<b>-"Here!"</b> You try to give her the water, but she's passed out.
<b>-"Oh... Right."</b> You throw the water onto her face.
<emily>-"HHHAAAAAA!"</emily> She comes back to life.
<emily>-"W-what happened?!"</emily> Emily grabs her head.
<emily>-"Awwhhhh... It hurts..."</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\28_dom_20bc.png">
<b>-"You were almost kidnapped <<if $nocontrolpath !==true>>by Hudson's goons!<<else>>by criminals!<</if>>"</b>
<b>-"I managed to bribe them however... They should leave us alone from now on, as long as we don't contact police."</b>
<emily>-"Fuck..."</emily> She lays down on the bed, exhausted.
<<pageReplace"Lay down next to her.">>
<b>-"How do you feel?"</b>
<emily>-"Like I just got hit by a truck... W-why was I passed out?"</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\28_dom_21bc.jpg">
<b>-"They choked you until you stopped moving... They meant business."</b> Emily begins to tear up.
<emily>-"T-thank you $name..."</emily> You embrace her with a hug.
<b>-"I told you - I will always be here to protect you."</b>
<emily>-"Yes... Yes... And you were."</emily> You take her hand.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\28_dom_22bc.jpeg">
<b>-"You're safe... WE're safe from now on... You don't have to worry about them anymore."</b> At least you hope so...
<emily>-"I love you $name."</emily> She kisses you.
<b>-"I love you too Emily..."</b>
<emily>-"Stay the night here? P-please?"</emily>
<b>-"Of course..."</b>
<<set $emilyrelationship to $emilyrelationship +2>>
<grey>Emily will remember this!</grey>
[[Spend the night and drive home->Sleep]]
<<if $taser ==true>>\
<<pageReplace"Pull out your taser.">>
<<drunk clear>>\
<<set $emilykidnapped to true>>\
<b>-"Y-you're not taking her!"</b> You shove your hand in your pocket and pull out the taser you bought.
<b>-"Stay back!"</b> You shout as you point it at one of the men.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\28_dom_9a.png">
<blue>-"Are you joking?"</blue> He walks up to you... You hesitate to fire knowing the second man is nearby with his gun drawn.
<bartender>-"What a cornball..."</bartender>
<blue>-"I know right..."</blue> As he reaches you, he quickly grabs the taser and knocks it out of your hand.
<blue>-"Amateur... Henry, take care of him."</blue> The second man nods and walks up to you as well.
<b>-"F-fuck..."</b> You stutter as he presses his pistol up against your head.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\28_dom_10a.png">
<b>-"Please don't..."</b>
<bartender>-"Hmph, loser."</bartender>
<<pageReplace"Everything goes black...">>
<<drunk 1>>
<<blink "Images/Emily/events/dom/28_dom_11a.png" 1000>>\
<b>-"AWhhhh..."</b> Your eyes slowly open as you feel dizzy... Once again.
<b>-"What the fuck happened...?"</b> Your head hurts like crazy!
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\28_dom_12a.jpg">
<b>-"Cunt must have knocked me out..."</b> You manage to stand up.
<b>-"Fuck! They took her!"</b> Emily is noweher to be seen.
<b>-"And I can't call the police either... I'm fucked."</b> You sit down and grab your head.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\28_dom_23idk.jpg">
<b>-"A fucking taser...? Really $name? How could I have been so stupid."</b>
<<if $nocontrolpath !==true>>\
<b>-"Fucking Hudson and his goons. I will have my revenge."</b> I guess all you can do now is wait to hear from them.
<b>-"Fucking criminals. I hope they don't ask for ransom or something."</b> I guess all you can do now is wait to hear from them.
<grey>Emily has been kidnapped!</grey>
<<pageReplace"Drive home">>
<<drunk clear>>
<<goto "room">>
<<if $replicagun ==true>>\
<<pageReplace"Pull out your gun.">>
<<drunk clear>>\
<b>-"How about we make a deal?"</b> You shove your hand in your pocket.
<blue>-"A deal?</blue> He seems intrigued...
<b>-"Mhm... A 1000 bucks for the both of you."</b> They both lower their weapons and look at you.
<blue>-"Hmph... What do you think, Tom?"</blue>
<bartender>-"Seems like a deal to me."</bartender> He chuckles.
<b>-"They're right where I want them..."</b> You whisper and suddenly pull out your fake gun.
<b>-"HANDS UP! I WON'T HESITATE TO SHOOT!"</b> You point it at them.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\28_dom_17c.png">
<blue>-"WOW WOW WOW! CALM DOWN!"</blue> They both raise their hands.
<bartender>-"W-we will leave you alone! J-just lower the gun!"</bartender> You point at the door.
<b>-"GET OUT OF HERE! I KNOW THIS JOB AINT WORTH RISKING YOUR LIFE OVER!"</b> They look at each other and nod.
<blue>-"Y-you're right... Fuck this!"</blue> They turn around and run out of the apartment.
<b>-"..."</b> You run after them, to make sure that they leave for good.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\28_dom_18c.jpeg">
<b>-"Fucking cowards..."</b> The whisper as you slam the door shut.
<<pageReplace"Check on Emily!">>
<b>-"E-Emily?!"</b> You run up to her.
<emily>-"..."</emily> You check her pulse - she seems okay.
<b>-"I'll bring you some water!"</b> After running to the kitchen, you fill a cup with water.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\28_dom_19bc.jpg">
<b>-"Here!"</b> You try to give her the water, but she's passed out.
<b>-"Oh... Right."</b> You throw the water onto her face.
<emily>-"HHHAAAAAA!"</emily> She comes back to life.
<emily>-"W-what happened?!"</emily> Emily grabs her head.
<emily>-"Awwhhhh... It hurts..."</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\28_dom_20bc.png">
<b>-"You were almost kidnapped <<if $nocontrolpath !==true>>by Hudson's goons!<<else>>by criminals!<</if>>"</b>
<b>-"I managed to scare them off however... They should leave us alone from now on... I hope."</b>
<emily>-"Fuck..."</emily> She lays down on the bed, exhausted.
<<pageReplace"Lay down next to her.">>
<b>-"How do you feel?"</b>
<emily>-"Like I just got hit by a truck... W-why was I passed out?"</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\28_dom_21bc.jpg">
<b>-"They choked you until you stopped moving... They meant business."</b> Emily begins to tear up.
<emily>-"T-thank you $name..."</emily> You embrace her with a hug.
<b>-"I told you - I will always be here to protect you."</b>
<emily>-"Yes... Yes... And you were."</emily> You take her hand.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\28_dom_22bc.jpeg">
<b>-"You're safe... WE're safe from now on... You don't have to worry about them anymore."</b> At least you hope so...
<emily>-"I love you $name."</emily> She kisses you.
<b>-"I love you too Emily..."</b>
<emily>-"Stay the night here? P-please?"</emily>
<b>-"Of course..."</b>
<<set $emilyrelationship to $emilyrelationship +2>>
<grey>Emily will remember this!</grey>
[[Spend the night and drive home->Sleep]]
<<if $numbingcream==true>>\
<b>-"..."</b> You climb up the stairs and reach Emily's apartment.
<b>-"Right... Am I ready for this?"</b> You remember what Emily told you last time - <<if $toys ==1>>if you cum again, she'll take away your key for a while!<<else>>another sessions like last time and you'll cum from her voice alone!<</if>>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\28_sub_1.jpg">
<b>-"Fuck... I'm a premature ejaculator already, this would make it even worse!"</b> You frown as you get ready to knock.
<b>-"Wait!"</b> The vendor sold you some numbing cream... You almost forgot!
<b>-"I bet it could help me last longer today!"</b>
<<pageReplace"Use the numbing cream.">>\
<<set $usednumbingcream to true>>\
<b>-"Yeah... Let's use it."</b> You take out the container and open it.
<b>-"You will not defeat me Emily!"</b> After lowering your undergarments, you look around, making sure nobody is around.
<b>-"I think I'm safe..."</b> Time to apply it.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\28_sub_2.jpg">
<b>-"O-oof... Cold!"</b> You put a generous amount of cream all over your junk and get dressed.
<b>-"Time to head inside!"</b>
[[Knock on the door->Emily 28 part two]]
<b>-"I... I better not."</b> You decide against it.
<b>-"L-letting her have total control of my body seems way too hot to pass up."</b> You walk up to the door.
<b>-"Time to head inside..."</b>
[[Knock on the door->Emily 28 part two]]
<b>-"..."</b> You climb up the stairs and reach Emily's apartment.
<b>-"Right... Am I ready for this?"</b> You remember what Emily told you last time - <<if $toys ==1>>if you cum again, she'll take away your key for a while!<<else>>another sessions like last time and you'll cum from her voice alone!<</if>>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\28_sub_1.jpg">
<b>-"Fuck... I'm a premature ejaculator already, this would make it even worse!"</b> You frown as you get ready to knock.
<b>-"Shame that I don't have anything to use... Maybe I should've bought a numbing agent or something."</b> It is what it is... You'll have to survive without one now.
[[Knock on the door->Emily 28 part two]]
<</if>>\<<if $emilysubnochastitytraining ==false>>
<emily>-"Come in babe!"</emily> Emily's muffled voice fills the stairway as you knock.
<b>-"R-right away!"</b> You open the door and step inside.
<emily>-"I'm in the bedroom already! Waiting for you!"</emily> You don't say a word. Just take off your shoes and follow her voice.
<b>-"H-hey babe..."</b>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\28_sub_3.jpg">
<emily>-"Heyyyyy sweetie! You made it!"</emily> She's in lingerie already... Fuck.
<b>-"I... I did."</b>
<emily>-"Well, you remember what I told you last time? This is your last session of our little exercise!"</emily> She licks her lips.
<emily>-"If you cum today, I'll take your key for a good month..."</emily>
<b>-"NgHhhh... I do..."</b>
<emily>-"I also decided to add some incentive for you to last longer."</emily> She lays down on the bed.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\28_sub_4.jpg">
<b>-"Incentive? W-what do you mean?"</b>
<emily>-"If you manage to go without cumming today, I'll let you pick my next bull!"</emily> Emily smiles.
<emily>-"If you nut - I'll pick him myself."</emily>
<<pageReplace"So hot...">>
<b>-"S-so hot..."</b> You whisper.
<emily>-"Hm? What's that?"</emily>
<b>-"N-nothing... I'll try my very best not to cum then!"</b>
<emily>-"Great! Then lay down and undress."</emily> You nod and pull down your undergarments. <<if $usednumbingcream ==true>>You already feel the numbing cream working. You can barely feel your dick!<</if>>
<b>-"NgHHhh..."</b> You let out a moan as Emily begins to touch you.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\28_sub_13.webp">
<emily>-"Already leaking precum, huh?"</emily> You look down and notice that Emily's hand is covered in your juices.
<b>-"Y-you're just so hot Emily!"</b> She giggles and sits up.
<emily>-"I know..."</emily> She grabs a toy from her nightstand and lays down again.
<emily>-"Today I'm going to use a smaller toy... It'll provide even less stimulation... We'll see how you'll do."</emily> You nod as she slowly lowers the toy towards your locked clit.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\28_sub_14.webp">
<b>-"MgHhhhhH!"</b> <<if $usednumbingcream>> Even with the cream on - it feels so fucking good.<<else>>Even with the smaller vibrator - it feels so fucking good.<</if>>
<emily>-"Ghahaha look at you squirming around already! I can tell that you won't last long today..."</emily> She kisses your cheek and continues.
<<pageReplace"Fight back against the pleasure!">>
<b>-"ArgHHhhh!"</b> You gather your strength and fight against the pleasure.
<emily>-"Give up $name... You know that this is where you belong... In a cage, locked for eternity."</emily> She whispers into your ear and bites it.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\28_sub_15.webp">
<b>-"GarGHHhhh! N-noOoooO!"</b> <<if $usednumbingcream>>The pleasure is so overpowering, you feel like you can nut at any moment, even with the cream on!<<else>>The pleasure is so overpowering, you feel like you can nut at any moment!<</if>>
<emily>-"Let go $name! Focus on the pleasure and let go!"</emily> Her words are starting to beat your will power.
<b>-"FucKkkk... It feels so good!"</b> Your hips begin to move as your body desperately tries to climax.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\28_sub_16.webp">
<emily>-"I'll pick a stud with a giant dick to fuck me right in front of you... While you're caged and can't do a thing."</emily> Emily continues to tease you.
<emily>-"He'll nut inside of me while you spurt your useless cum straight on the carpet..."</emily>
<<if $usednumbingcream ==true>>\
<<set $picksoutemilysdate to true>>\
<b>-"FUCKKKKK!"</b> It feels so fucking good!
<emily>-"Do it $name! Cum for me! Let me take away your key! Do it!"</emily> Your hips begin to move on your own as you start to slowly hump the air.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\28_sub_17.webp">
<b>-"NgHHhhh!"</b> It feels so good and yet... You don't cum... The numbing cream is working!
<b>-"N-noOooo!"</b> You scream out as you feel something climbing up your shaft... It's a spurt of precum... You let out a sigh of relief.
<emily>-"Hmph... How disappointing."</emily> Emily stops and takes the vibrator away.
<emily>-"You went from coming in a cage easily to now not being able to? Something fishy is going on..."</emily> She gets off of you.
<b>-"MgHHhh... F-fuck..."</b> Your cock is throbbing in pleasure and pain!
<emily>-"But, a deal is a deal."</emily> She shrugs her shoulders.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\28_sub_19.jpg">
<emily>-"You proved to me that you deserve at least some personal agency in this relationship... I won't take away your key."</emily> Emily gets off of the bed.
<b>-"Yes!"</b> Mission accomplished!
<emily>-"I'll find some bulls before our next date... You'll have to pick one."</emily> You can tell that your girlfriend is disappointed that you didn't cum, but somewhat proud that you manged to hold off.
<b>-"O-okay... NGHHhh... I'm excited to see them!"</b>
<emily>-"Now go and clean up... I'll pick out a movie for us to watch tonight."</emily> She kisses you on the cheek as you stand up.
<b>-"Yes my love..."</b>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Clean up and finish your date->room]]
<<set $emilyhasyourkey1 to true>>\
<b>-"FUCKKKKK!"</b> It feels so fucking good!
<emily>-"Do it $name! Cum for me! Let me take away your key! Do it!"</emily> Your hips begin to move on your own as you start to slowly hump the air.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\28_sub_17.webp">
<b>-"NgHHhhh!"</b> It feels so good... You're about to nut!
<b>-"N-noOooo!"</b> You scream out as you feel something climbing up your shaft...
<emily>-"Come on honey! Do it! Shoot your useless cum all over the bed!"</emily> Emily presses the vibrator against your clit even harder.
<b>-"ArGHHhhhH!"</b> As you begin to cum, she quickly moves the toy away, to ruin your orgasm even further...
<emily>-"Unload that pathetic semen of yours!"</emily> She laughs at your ruined orgasm.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\28_sub_18.webp">
<b>-"MgHHhh... F-fuck..."</b> Your cock is throbbing in pleasure and pain!
<emily>-"Hehehe! You're not getting your key back now..."</emily> Emily let's out a mischievous laugh and climbs off of the bed. She then gets your chastity key from the undergarments on the ground.
<b>-"Shitttt... F-for how long babe?"</b>
<emily>-"It's your first time, so let's say 15 days..."</emily> She puts the key in her pocket.
<emily>-"If you cum again after I return it, I'll take it away for 30."</emily>
<emily>-"If you do the same thing again... Well... We're flushing it down the toilet."</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\28_sub_19.jpg">
<emily>-"Understood? My little beta."</emily> She kisses you on the forehead.
<b>-"Y-yes Emily..."</b> This is bad...
<emily>-"I'll find some bulls before our next date... I'll show you who I picked. You won't be able to say no."</emily> You can tell that she's excited.
<b>-"God damnit... Sigh... I understand baby."</b>
<emily>-"Now go and clean up... I'll pick out a movie for us to watch tonight."</emily> You nod and stand up.
<b>-"Yes my love..."</b>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
<grey>Emily has your key!</grey>
[[Clean up and finish your date->room]]
<emily>-"Come in babe!"</emily> Emily's muffled voice fills the stairway as you knock.
<b>-"R-right away!"</b> You open the door and step inside.
<emily>-"I'm in the bedroom already! Waiting for you!"</emily> You don't say a word. Just take off your shoes and follow her voice.
<b>-"H-hey babe..."</b>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\28_sub_3.jpg">
<emily>-"Heyyyyy sweetie! You made it!"</emily> She's in lingerie already... Fuck.
<b>-"I... I did."</b>
<emily>-"Well, you remember what I told you last time? This is your last session of our little exercise!"</emily> She licks her lips.
<emily>-"If I succeed - you'll officially be able to cum from my voice alone..."</emily>
<b>-"NgHhhh... Fuck..."</b> Your little cock throbs as Emily lays down on the bed.
<emily>-"I also decided to add some incentive for you to last longer."</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\28_sub_4.jpg">
<b>-"Incentive? W-what do you mean?"</b>
<emily>-"If you manage to go without cumming today, I'll let you pick my next bull!"</emily> Emily smiles.
<emily>-"If you nut - I'll pick him myself."</emily>
<<pageReplace"So hot...">>
<b>-"S-so hot..."</b> You whisper.
<emily>-"Hm? What's that?"</emily>
<b>-"N-nothing... I'll try my very best not to cum then!"</b>
<emily>-"Great! Then lay down and undress."</emily> You nod and pull down your undergarments. <<if $usednumbingcream ==true>>You already feel the numbing cream working. You can barely feel your dick!<</if>>
<b>-"NgHHhh..."</b> You let out a moan as Emily begins to touch you... She starts off with your nipples.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\28_sub_5.webp">
<emily>-"Already leaking precum, huh?"</emily> You look down and notice that the tip of your cock is covered in precum.
<b>-"Y-you're just so hot Emily!"</b> She giggles and continues to caress your chest.
<emily>-"I know..."</emily> She begins to squeeze your nipples harder.
<b>-"Arghhhh! G-gentle!"</b> Emily laughs and slowly moves her hand towards your cock.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\28_sub_6.webp">
<emily>-"Ghehehe! Fine, fine!"</emily>
<b>-"MgHhhhhH!"</b> <<if $usednumbingcream>> Even with the cream on - it feels so fucking good.<<else>>It feels so fucking good.<</if>>
<emily>-"Look at you squirming around already! I can tell that you won't last long today..."</emily> She kisses your cheek and continues.
<<pageReplace"Fight back against the pleasure!">>
<b>-"ArgHHhhh!"</b> You gather your strength and fight against the pleasure.
<emily>-"Give up $name... You know that this is where you belong... Beneath me... Begging me to let you cum."</emily> She whispers into your ear and bites it.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\28_sub_7.webp">
<b>-"GarGHHhhh! N-noOoooO!"</b> <<if $usednumbingcream>>The pleasure is so overpowering, you feel like you can nut at any moment, even with the cream on!<<else>>The pleasure is so overpowering, you feel like you can nut at any moment!<</if>>
<emily>-"Let go $name! Focus on the pleasure and let go!"</emily> Her words are starting to beat your will power.
<b>-"FucKkkk... It feels so good!"</b> Your hips begin to move as your body desperately tries to climax.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\28_sub_8.webp">
<emily>-"I'll pick a stud with a giant dick to fuck me right in front of you... While you sit there and can't do a thing."</emily> Emily continues to tease you.
<emily>-"He'll nut inside of me while you spurt your useless cum straight on the carpet..."</emily>
<<if $usednumbingcream ==true>>\
<<set $picksoutemilysdate to true>>\
<b>-"FUCKKKKK!"</b> It feels so fucking good!
<emily>-"Ghehehe... Don't you dare cum just yet."</emily> Your hips begin to move on your own as you start to slowly hump the air.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\28_sub_10.webp">
<b>-"NgHHhhh!"</b> You're so close to the edge! Fortunately, the nubming cream is definitely working!
<emily>-"Now it's time..."</emily> She lets go of your shaft, letting it just sit there - throbbing.
<emily>-"Cum for me $name... Show me how much of a beta loser you are..."</emily> Emily whispers into your ear.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\28_sub_9.gif">
<b>-"FucKKkk! N-nOooOoO!"</b>
<emily>-"Cum for me baby! Cum for me!"</emily> She kisses your neck as you feel something climbing up your shaft...
<b>-"ARGHHhhHH!"</b> You scream out in pleasure as you look down... It's a spurt of precum... You let out a sigh of relief.
<emily>-"W-what?! No way!"</emily> She grabs your cock and squeezes.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\28_sub_11.gif">
<emily>-"Oh my God... It's only precum..."</emily> She rolls her eyes and let's go.
<emily>-"How annoying..."</emily> You can tell that she's not happy.
<emily>-"You went from coming incredibly easily to not being able to? Something fishy is going on..."</emily> She gets off of you.
<b>-"MgHHhh... F-fuck..."</b> Thank godness you got that cream!
<emily>-"But, a deal is a deal."</emily> She shrugs her shoulders.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\28_sub_19.jpg">
<emily>-"You proved to me that you deserve at least some personal agency in this relationship... I won't bother you with this anymore."</emily> Emily gets off of the bed.
<b>-"Thank God...!"</b> Mission accomplished!
<emily>-"I'll find some bulls before our next date... You'll have to pick one."</emily> She's definitely disappointed that you didn't cum, but somewhat proud that you manged to hold off.
<b>-"O-okay... NGHHhh... I'm excited to see them!"</b>
<emily>-"Now go and clean up... I'll pick out a movie for us to watch tonight."</emily> She kisses you on the cheek as you stand up.
<b>-"Yes my love..."</b>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Clean up and finish your date->room]]
<b>-"FUCKKKKK!"</b> It feels so fucking good!
<emily>-"Ghehehe... Don't you dare cum just yet."</emily> Your hips begin to move on your own as you start to slowly hump the air.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\28_sub_10.webp">
<b>-"NgHHhhh!"</b> You're so close to the edge!
<emily>-"Now it's time..."</emily> She lets go of your shaft, letting it just sit there - throbbing.
<emily>-"Cum for me $name... Show me how much of a beta loser you are..."</emily> Emily whispers into your ear.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\28_sub_9.gif">
<b>-"FucKKkk! N-nOooOoO!"</b>
<emily>-"Cum for me baby! Cum for me!"</emily> She kisses your neck as you feel something climbing up your shaft...
<b>-"ARGHHhhHH!"</b> You scream out in pleasure as you begin to climax.
<emily>-"Good <<if $hairextensions ==true>>girl!<<else>>boy!<</if>>"</emily> She smiles.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\28_sub_12.gif">
<emily>-"Gosh! Such a big load!"</emily> She giggles as you continue to explode.
<b>-"MgHHhh... F-fuck..."</b> Oh no... You came from her voice...
<emily>-"Ghehehe, what a good pet you are!"</emily> She kisses your cheek again.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\28_sub_19.jpg">
<emily>-"What a loser you are..."</emily> Emily gets off of the bed.
<b>-"Go damnit..."</b> You're such a loser.
<emily>-"I'll find a bull before our next date... You won't be able to pick."</emily> You can tell that's she's proud that she made you cum with her voice.
<b>-"NGHHhh... I'm excited to see who you pick..."</b> Even know, you're turned on by the idea of her cheating on you.
<emily>-"Now go and clean up... I'll pick out a movie for us to watch tonight."</emily> She kisses you on the cheek as you stand up.
<b>-"Yes my love..."</b>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Clean up and finish your date->room]]
<</if>><<if $time !==2>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<set $emilydays to 30>>\
<<location "Images/Other/7363794952_56303ea0b0_b.webp" "At Emily's place">>\
<<if $domstatus is true>>\
<emily>-"NgHhhh... W-well, what are you waiting for?"</emily> Emily asks as she flaunts her exposed ass in your face.
<b>-"Just admiring the view baby..."</b>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\29_dom_1.gif">
<grey>-"ZiIiippp!"</grey> You lower down your pants and grab you're shaft.
<emily>-"H-hell yeah $name... Put it in..."</emily> You nod and begin to insert your penis inside.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\29_dom_2.gif">
<emily>-"ARgHHhhhhH!"</emily> Emily let's out a load moan of extasy as you penetrate her insides.
<b>-"MgHHhhhH!"</b> Her warm walls walls begin trying their best to squeeze the semen out of you.
<<pageReplace"Increase the speed.">>\
<b>-"R-ragHhhh!"</b> You scream out as you begin to throw your hips back and forth a lot faster.
<emily>-"NgHHhh! Y-yes baby! Fuck me! Destroy me!"</emily> Emily smiles as she turns her head towards you.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\29_dom_3.gif">
<emily>-"C-can you stop for a second? MgHHhh...</emily> You stop, take out your cock and raise one eyebrow in confusion.
<b>-"Arghhh... What for babe? You okay?"</b>
<emily>-"Yeahhh... It's just getting a little hot."</emily> She takes off her shirt and presses her hips up against yours again.
<emily>-"You can continue big boy..."</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\29_dom_4.gif">
<b>-"Don't have to tell me twice beautiful!"</b> You grab her ass and begin fucking her again.
<<pageReplace"Try your best not to cum.">>
<b>-"GrHhhhHhh! Gosh you're tight!"</b> You shout as you pound her wet pussy.
<emily>-"NgHhhhh... N-noOOoo... You're just massive down there!"</emily> Her legs begin to quiver as she gets closer and closer to an orgasm.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\29_dom_5.webp">
<b>-"FucKKkk! I'm about to nut!"</b> You scream out.
<emily>-"A-aghHh! Just a little more baby! NghHhh! I'm close too!"</emily> Emily begins to shake from the pleasure.
<b>-"RaghHHhhh!"</b> You unload straight into her womb, but don't stop and continue to destroy her.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\29_dom_6.webp">
<emily>-"AGHHHhhHH! YESSHHhHHH!"</emily> Emily squirts all over her sofa as you speed up again.
<b>-"FUCKKKK!"</b> The tip of your cock is so sensitive... You can't do this for long!
<emily>-"NGHHHhh!"</emily> Her legs give out from under her... She climaxed.
<<pageReplace"Take out your shaft.">>
<emily>-"NgHhhh... Holy shit that was awesome..."</emily>
<b>-"Shitttt..."</b> You moan as you slowly take out your cock.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\29_dom_7.gif">
<grey>-"SpurttTttt!"</grey> What seems like an endless pool of semen comes pouring out of her vagina straight onto the sofa.
<b>-"Ohhh fuck... Let me bring you some tissues."</b> You stand up.
<emily>-"NgHHhh... H-how about we just head straight into the shower?"</emily>
<b>-"Sure honey."</b> You and Emily walk to the restroom. She gets into the shower first, while you take a leak.
<emily>-"Well... Are you joining me?"</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\29_dom_8.webp">
<b>-"Of course..."</b>
<<pageReplace"Shower with her.">>
<b>-"Oof... Finally."</b> You mumble as you climb out of the cabin.
<grey>-"Woof! Woof!"</grey> Parker barks as Emily climbs out as well.
<emily>-"Oh comeee onnnn... Who are you barking at?"</emily> She puts on a robe and takes the dog into her arms.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\29_dom_9.jpg">
<b>-"Such a cutie, hahaha."</b> You pet Parker as you get dressed.
<emily>-"Which one?"</emily>
<b>-"Both you."</b> You chuckle and kiss her on the cheek. After you put on your clothes, you both get into the bedroom and lay down.
<emily>-"Oh! I almost forgot! We still have to celebrate the men leaving us alone!"</emily> After you made them leave, Emily was so appreciative, she wanted to take you out somewhere as thanks.
<b>-"Have you figured out where you want to go?"</b> Emily pulls out her phone and shows you a picture.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\29_dom_10.png">
<emily>-"To a theme park! One just opening a couple of kilometers away!"</emily>
<b>-"Ahhhhh, I saw an ad for it a couple of days ago... It looked fun!"</b>
<emily>-"So... What do you think? Shall we go?"</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\29_dom_11.jpg">
<b>-"Of course! Seems super fun! Want to go during our next date?"</b>
<emily>-"Mhm! Works for me!"</emily> You both embrace in yet another kiss as you lay down next to her.
<b>-"Sounds like a plan..."</b>
<emily>-"I love you $name."</emily>
<b>-"I love you Emily."</b>
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
[[Finish the date and head home->room]]
<<if $picksoutemilysdate ==true>>\
<b>-"S-so... Did you pick them out?"</b> You ask as Emily undresses in front of you.
<emily>-"Someone's impatient, huh?"</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\29_sub_1.jpg">
<b>-"I... I just want to know!"</b> She said that she'll pick out some bulls for your next meeting... And that you'll get to pick!
<emily>-"Hmph, come here, give my feet a good rub."</emily> Emily lays down on the bed.
<b>-"Y-yes my love!"</b>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\29_sub_2.jpg">
<emily>-"I have indeed picked two guys... You'll have to choose one."</emily>
<emily>-"There's a little twist with the second guy too... I think you'll love it."</emily> She grins.
<<pageReplace"Massage her feet.">>
<b>-"A twist?! W-what kind?"</b> You ask as you begin to massage her feet.
<emily>-"Hehehe... You will see."</emily> She takes her phone from the nightstand and begins to use it.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\29_sub_3.webp">
<b>-"Does it feel good, my love?"</b>
<emily>-"MgHhhhh... Yes... Good <<if $hairextensions ==true>>girl...<<else>>boy...<</if>>"</emily>
<emily>-"This is the first guy."</emily> She shows you a tinder match on her phone.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\29_sub_4.webp">
<emily>-"He's pretty buff, right?"</emily>
<b>-"Mhm... And pretty old! He must be experienced..."</b> Would be hot to see his experience in action with your girlfriend!
<<pageReplace"Who's the second guy?">>
<b>-"Who's the second guy?"</b> You ask as you begin to get a boner.
<emily>-"Gimme a sec..."</emily> While she searches for his profile, you silently remove your undergarments and press her feet up against your crotch.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\29_sub_5.webp">
<b>-"NgHhhhh..."</b> Her soft soles are pressing against your little dick... It feels incredible!
<emily>-"The twist with the second guy isssss.... He would come and visit together with his friend."</emily> She shows you his profile.
<b>-"W-woah... This one is a lot younger!"</b>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\29_sub_6.webp">
<emily>-"Mhm! Both him and his friend are 23... Could you imagine seeing me split-roasted inbetween them?"</emily> Emily grins.
<b>-"F-fuck... That would be so hot."</b>
<emily>-"Well, who will it be then? A two for one, or a more experienced guy?"</emily>
<<pageReplace"Two for one.">>
<<set $experiencedguy to false>>\
<b>-"T-two for one! That sounds so hot!"</b> Emily smiles once again and begins to tease your cock with her feet.
<emily>-"I knew this little loser would pick two studs instead of one... How adorable."</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\29_sub_7.webp">
<emily>-"Good choice. I'll invite them over for our next date then... Be ready!"</emily> She stops and begins to dress up.
<b>-"W-wait! You won't finish me off?"</b>
<emily>-"Hah! Don't be ridiculous! I wasn't planning to in the first place, you were the one who got his little pecker out!"</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\29_sub_8.jpg">
<b>-"F-fuckKKkk..."</b> You let out a moan of disappointment.
<emily>-"The more semen you'll have in those little balls of yours during our next date the more fun it'll be."</emily> Emily get's off of the bed.
<emily>-"So don't you dare jack off!"</emily>
<b>-"U-understood Emily..."</b> God damnit...
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Finish the date and head home->room]]
<<pageReplace"The more experienced guy.">>
<<set $experiencedguy to true>>\
<b>-"The more experienced guy! I bet he knows some moves we haven't seen before!"</b> Emily smiles once again and begins to tease your cock with her feet.
<emily>-"I knew this little loser would pick the guy who can destroy me in bed... How adorable."</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\29_sub_7.webp">
<emily>-"Good choice. I'll invite him over for our next date then... Be ready!"</emily> She stops and begins to dress up.
<b>-"W-wait! You won't finish me off?"</b>
<emily>-"Hah! Don't be ridiculous! I wasn't planning to in the first place, you were the one who got his little pecker out!"</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\29_sub_8.jpg">
<b>-"F-fuckKKkk..."</b> You let out a moan of disappointment.
<emily>-"The more semen you'll have in those little balls of yours during our next date the more fun it'll be."</emily> Emily get's off of the bed.
<emily>-"So don't you dare jack off!"</emily>
<b>-"U-understood Emily..."</b> God damnit...
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Finish the date and head home->room]]
<b>-"S-so... Did you pick them out?"</b> You ask as Emily undresses in front of you.
<emily>-"Someone's impatient, huh?"</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\29_sub_1.jpg">
<b>-"I... I just want to know!"</b> She said that she'll pick out a bull for your next meeting...
<emily>-"Hmph, come here, give my feet a good rub."</emily> Emily lays down on the bed.
<b>-"Y-yes my love!"</b>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\29_sub_2.jpg">
<emily>-"I have indeed picked two guys... Haven't chosen which one I'll invite however."</emily>
<emily>-"There's a little twist with the second guy too... I think you'll love it."</emily> She grins.
<<pageReplace"Massage her feet.">>
<b>-"A twist?! W-what kind?"</b> You ask as you begin to massage her feet.
<emily>-"Hehehe... You will see."</emily> She takes her phone from the nightstand and begins to use it.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\29_sub_3.webp">
<b>-"Does it feel good, my love?"</b>
<emily>-"MgHhhhh... Yes... Good <<if $hairextensions ==true>>girl...<<else>>boy...<</if>>"</emily>
<emily>-"This is the first guy."</emily> She shows you a tinder match on her phone.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\29_sub_4.webp">
<emily>-"He's pretty buff, right?"</emily>
<b>-"Mhm... And pretty old! He must be experienced..."</b> Would be hot to see his experience in action with your girlfriend!
<<pageReplace"Who's the second guy?">>
<b>-"Who's the second guy?"</b> You ask as you begin to get a boner.
<emily>-"Gimme a sec..."</emily> While she searches for his profile, you silently remove your undergarments and press her feet up against your crotch.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\29_sub_5.webp">
<b>-"NgHhhhh..."</b> Her soft soles are pressing against your little dick... It feels incredible!
<emily>-"The twist with the second guy isssss.... He would come and visit together with his friend."</emily> She shows you his profile.
<b>-"W-woah... This one is a lot younger!"</b>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\29_sub_6.webp">
<emily>-"Mhm! Both him and his friend are 23... Could you imagine seeing me split-roasted inbetween them?"</emily> Emily grins.
<b>-"F-fuck... That would be so hot..."</b>
<<pageReplace"So who do you choose?">>
<b>-"S-so... Who do you choose?"</b> Emily smiles once again and begins to tease your cock with her feet.
<emily>-"I think... The two for one!"</emily>
<b>-"MgHHhHHH!"</b> You moan out in pleasure as you imagine her getting destroyed by two cocks.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\29_sub_7.webp">
<b>-"G-great choice honey! MgHhhh!"</b> She smiles once again and pulls her legs away.
<b>-"W-wait! You won't finish me off?"</b>
<emily>-"Hah! Don't be ridiculous! I wasn't planning to in the first place, you were the one who got his little pecker out!"</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\29_sub_8.jpg">
<b>-"F-fuckKKkk..."</b> You let out a moan of disappointment.
<emily>-"The more semen you'll have in those little balls of yours during our next date the more fun it'll be."</emily> Emily get's off of the bed.
<emily>-"So don't you dare jack off!"</emily>
<b>-"U-understood Emily..."</b> God damnit...
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Finish the date and head home->room]]
<</if>><<if $time !==2>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<set $emilydays to 32>>\
<<location "Images/Other/7363794952_56303ea0b0_b.webp" "At Emily's place">>\
<<if $domstatus is true>>\
<emily>-"Finally! Didn't think it was this far..."</emily> Emily says as you both exit the car. You've arrived at the amusement park you talked about during your last date!
<b>-"How is this park called again?"</b>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\30_dom_1.jpg"s>
<emily>-"Luna park! We wanted to go to MajaLand, but it was closed, remember?"</emily> She smiles and closes the car's backdoor.
<b>-"Right, right, my bad."</b> You grab her arm and begin walking towards the entrance.
<b>-"Wow... It's beautiful here!"</b>
<emily>-"I know right!"</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\30_dom_2.jpg">
<b>-"Where are the ticket booths?"</b> Emily points to your right.
<emily>-"Right there, next to the entrance!"</emily>
<<if $money>=40>>\
<<pageReplace"Stay here, I'll pay.">>
<<set $emilyrelationship to $emilyrelationship +1>>\
<<money -40 "Paid for park tickets">>
<b>-"Stay here babe, I'll pay."</b> Emily nods.
<emily>-"Thanks babe! I'll get in line, so we don't have to wait as long!"</emily> As she begins waiting to enter the park, you quickly walk to the ticket booth.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\30_dom_3.jpeg">
<b>-"Good afternoon! 2 tickets please!"</b>
<pink>-"Hello! For adults, I assume?"</pink>
<b>-"Mhm!"</b> She nods and hands you a pair of tickets.
<pink>-"That'll be 40$ sir!"</pink>
<b>-"Here you go."</b> You hand the woman 40$.
<pink>-"Thank you and please have a fantastic time!"</pink> You smile and walk off towards Emily.
<emily>-"You got them?"</emily> You find her near the entrance of the park.
<b>-"Sure did! Let's head inside."</b> Because Emily stood in line, you only have to wait around 5 minutes to enter.
<<pageReplace"Look around when you get inside.">>
<b>-"Well... What do you want to do first?"</b> You turn to Emily as you both enter the park.
<emily>-"Go on the biggest ride here, obviously!"</emily>
<b>-"Ghahahaha! Alright, alright, let's looks around - tell me if you find anything that looks cool."</b> After around 10 minutes, Emily sees something she likes.
<emily>-"Look! The guardian! It looks so cool!"</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\30_dom_4.jpeg">
<b>-"Want to try it?"</b>
<emily>-"Hell yeah!"</emily> You nod and begin waiting in line to ride it.
<emily>-"Isn't this fun $name? The atmosphere! The people! I'm so glad we came here!"</emily> You nod in agreement.
<b>-"Definitely babe, I'm glad we came here too."</b> Emily smiles.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\30_dom_5.jpg">
<emily>-"I don't know if you're being sarcastic or not... But you definitely won't be later today."</emily> She blushes.
<b>-"Huh? What do you mean?"</b>
<emily>-"Well, I have to show you how thankful I am for you protect me from those men and now taking me out here..."</emily> She grabs your crotch.
<b>-"W-wow... Emily... There are people around."</b> You whisper.
<emily>-"Ghehehe, when has that ever stopped us?"</emily> As she whispers back, the ride's conductor taps you on your shoulder.
<judy>-"Hey sir! It's your turn!"</judy> You turn around to see that you're at the very front of the line.
<b>-"A-ah, yes! Thank you!"</b>
<<pageReplace"Get on the ride.">>
<emily>-"Well, are you ready?!"</emily> Emily smiles as you both get on the ride.
<b>-"Hell yeah I am!"</b> You both hold hands as you begin moving.
<emily>-"WEOOOOOOoooohhhhhhoOOooOo!"</emily> Emily begins to scream as the ride speeds up and does a couple of loops.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\30_dom_6.webp">
<grey>-"ScreeeeecHHhh!"</grey> The attraction comes to a stop after a good 2 minutes.
<b>-"Wooooo! I'm dizzy!"</b> You get up from your seat.
<emily>-"That was awesome babe!"</emily> She hugs you after standing up herself.
<b>-"Want to grab a quick treat? I'm craving something sweet!"</b>
<emily>-"Sure!"</emily> You grab your stuff and walk to one of the ice cream stands nearby.
<b>-"Two scoops of vanilla please"</b> You both like it bland... How boring.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\30_dom_7.jpg">
<emily>-"Thanks babe."</emily> She takes her portion and gives you a kiss on the cheek.
<emily>-"Want to go on that?"</emily> Emily points at a ferris wheel nearby.
<b>-"Sure honey."</b> You begin to walk towards it as you eat your ice cream.
<<pageReplace"It's getting pretty late.">>
<b>-"It's getting pretty late."</b> You check your watch - it's 19:00.
<emily>-"Yeah, and pretty chilly too... Thankfully I brought this!"</emily> She takes out a hoodie from her backpack.
<b>-"Nice!"</b> You get in line for the ferris wheel as she puts it on.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\30_dom_8.webp">
<adriana>-"Just you two?"</adriana> The conductor asks as you get closer.
<adriana>-"Cool, let's wait a bit for a couple's pod to arrive!"</adriana> You throw away your empty ice cream bowls.
<emily>-"Oh wow, a couple's pod? How is it any different?"</emily>
<adriana>-"You'll have a little more privacy, that's all!"</adriana> Emily grins and turns to you.
<b>-"Oh shit..."</b> You chuckle. After a minute or two of waiting, you climb aboard.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\30_dom_9.webp">
<emily>-"Isn't it beautiful?"</emily> She looks out at the park.
<b>-"It is indeed!"</b>
<emily>-"Thank you once again for taking me out here... I needed to escape my apartment for a couple of hours after what happened."</emily> Emily smiles.
<b>-"Don't mention it babe. I love you."</b>
<emily>-"I love you too..."</emily>
<<pageReplace"Look at her.">>
<emily>-"And this is how I'm going to show it..."</emily> She begins to raise up her hoodie.
<b>-"You little rascal..."</b> You grin as she begins to fondle her tits.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\30_dom_10.webp">
<emily>-"Heard what the conductor said? We have a lot more privacy in this pod..."</emily>
<b>-"People can still see us from the outside... Don't be fooled."</b>
<emily>-"Whooo caresssss... Let's have some fun!"</emily> Emily gets on her knees and begins to unbuckle your pants.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\30_dom_11.webp">
<b>-"MmmmgHHhh! Emily!"</b>
<emily>-"The louder you moan the bigger the chance someone spots up... So stay quiet!"</emily> You can tell that you won't be able to reason with her...
<b>-"Fuck... Fine."</b> You just have to do your best and stay undetected.
<<pageReplace"Try to stay quiet as Emily gives you a blowjob.">>
<b>-"NnnghHhh!"</b> You let out a quiet moan as Emily's warm mouth touches the tip of your cock.
<emily>-"You like that, big boy?"</emily> She begins to envelope your shaft...
<b>-"MmmgHHhhH! Yesss!"</b>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\30_dom_12.webp">
<emily>-"Good, because we're moving to the main event already hehe..."</emily> She stands up and begins to pull down her underwear.
<b>-"Already?!"</b> You usually foreplay for a good 10 minutes before fucking.
<emily>-"We're already at the top of the ride! We don't have much time."</emily> She slowly lower her fat ass over your cock.
<b>-"MgHHhhH! Y-you're right."</b> You look outside.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\30_dom_13.webp">
<emily>-"Owwwhhhh fuckKkkk!"</emily> Emily let's out a load, soft moan. You quickly cover her mouth.
<b>-"You have to be quiet, remember?! They'll kick us out!"</b>
<emily>-"NgHhhhh... M-my bad $name, you just feel way too good!"</emily> She says as you let go.
<<pageReplace"Continue to fuck her.">>
<b>-"AargHhhhh..."</b> You try your best to keep your voice down as you grab her ass with your right hand.
<emily>-"F-fucKkkk... K-keep going babe!"</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\30_dom_14.webp">
<emily>-"I'm about to... NgHHhh... I'm about to cum!"</emily> You begin to pound her even faster.
<b>-"I'm close too babe!"</b> Her vagina begins to pulse as you feel her getting closer and closer to a climax.
<b>-"GrHHhh!"</b> You try your best to last just a little longer.
<emily>-"ARgHHHhh!"</emily> Emily's legs begin to shake as she cums.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\30_dom_15.webp">
<b>-"I'm about to nut!"</b> Emily suddenly moves forward - taking your dick out in the process.
<emily>-"In my mouth! It's not a safe day for me!"</emily>
<<pageReplace"Unload in her mouth.">>
<b>-"ArgHhhhH! Here I come!"</b> You begin to stroke your shaft as you begin to climax.
<emily>-"Q-qucik! AgHhhhH!"</emily> She opens her mouth.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\30_dom_16.webp">
<b>-"GrGHhHhhH!"</b> You unload straight into her mouth.
<emily>-"Gulp... Gulp... Gulp..."</emily> She quickly swallows it all as you look out of the window.
<b>-"Oh shit!"</b> You're about to be on the bottom! You stand up and start to pull up your pants.
<emily>-"Told you to hurry up babe! Ghahaha!"</emily> Thankfully, you make it in time and get off of the ride without issues.
<b>-"J-jeez... That was... Exhilarating!"</b>
<emily>-"I know right! I love doing it in public, it feels so good!"</emily>
<emily>-"Ah! Look! Let's go there!"</emily> Emily points at yet another ride she sees nearby.
<b>-"Sure honey."</b> Time to have some more fun!
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
<grey>Emily will remember this!</grey>
[[Finish your date at the park and head home->room]]
<<pageReplace"Can you pay?">>
<<set $emilyrelationship to $emilyrelationship -1>>\
<b>-"Can you pay babe... I'm running short."</b> Emily look at you.
<emily>-"Oh... Sure... Wait in line to enter then, I'll be right back."</emily> She looks disappointed, but doesn't complain. You begin waiting in line to enter the park as she heads to the ticket booth.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\30_dom_3.jpeg">
<b>-"You got them?"</b> You ask as she comes back after a good 5 minutes.
<emily>-"Sure did! They were only 40 bucks, nothing too crazy!"</emily> Good thing you stood in line - you're right next to the entrance.
<b>-"Great! Thanks babe!"</b> You grab your ticket - you're going to need to scan it in a second!
<<pageReplace"Look around when you get inside.">>
<b>-"Well... What do you want to do first?"</b> You turn to Emily as you both enter the park.
<emily>-"Go on the biggest ride here, obviously!"</emily>
<b>-"Ghahahaha! Alright, alright, let's looks around - tell me if you find anything that looks cool."</b> After around 10 minutes, Emily sees something she likes.
<emily>-"Look! The guardian! It looks so cool!"</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\30_dom_4.jpeg">
<b>-"Want to try it?"</b>
<emily>-"Hell yeah!"</emily> You nod and begin waiting in line to ride it.
<emily>-"Isn't this fun $name? The atmosphere! The people! I'm so glad we came here!"</emily> You nod in agreement.
<b>-"Definitely babe, I'm glad we came here too."</b> Emily smiles.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\30_dom_5.jpg">
<emily>-"I don't know if you're being sarcastic or not... But you definitely won't be later today."</emily> She blushes.
<b>-"Huh? What do you mean?"</b>
<emily>-"Well, I have to show you how thankful I am for you protect me from those men and now taking me out here..."</emily> She grabs your crotch.
<b>-"W-wow... Emily... There are people around."</b> You whisper.
<emily>-"Ghehehe, when has that ever stopped us?"</emily> As she whispers back, the ride's conductor taps you on your shoulder.
<judy>-"Hey sir! It's your turn!"</judy> You turn around to see that you're at the very front of the line.
<b>-"A-ah, yes! Thank you!"</b>
<<pageReplace"Get on the ride.">>
<emily>-"Well, are you ready?!"</emily> Emily smiles as you both get on the ride.
<b>-"Hell yeah I am!"</b> You both hold hands as you begin moving.
<emily>-"WEOOOOOOoooohhhhhhoOOooOo!"</emily> Emily begins to scream as the ride speeds up and does a couple of loops.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\30_dom_6.webp">
<grey>-"ScreeeeecHHhh!"</grey> The attraction comes to a stop after a good 2 minutes.
<b>-"Wooooo! I'm dizzy!"</b> You get up from your seat.
<emily>-"That was awesome babe!"</emily> She hugs you after standing up herself.
<b>-"Want to grab a quick treat? I'm craving something sweet!"</b>
<emily>-"Sure!"</emily> You grab your stuff and walk to one of the ice cream stands nearby.
<b>-"Two scoops of vanilla please"</b> You both like it bland... How boring.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\30_dom_7.jpg">
<emily>-"Thanks babe."</emily> She takes her portion and gives you a kiss on the cheek.
<emily>-"Want to go on that?"</emily> Emily points at a ferris wheel nearby.
<b>-"Sure honey."</b> You begin to walk towards it as you eat your ice cream.
<<pageReplace"It's getting pretty late.">>
<b>-"It's getting pretty late."</b> You check your watch - it's 19:00.
<emily>-"Yeah, and pretty chilly too... Thankfully I brought this!"</emily> She takes out a hoodie from her backpack.
<b>-"Nice!"</b> You get in line for the ferris wheel as she puts it on.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\30_dom_8.webp">
<adriana>-"Just you two?"</adriana> The conductor asks as you get closer.
<adriana>-"Cool, let's wait a bit for a couple's pod to arrive!"</adriana> You throw away your empty ice cream bowls.
<emily>-"Oh wow, a couple's pod? How is it any different?"</emily>
<adriana>-"You'll have a little more privacy, that's all!"</adriana> Emily grins and turns to you.
<b>-"Oh shit..."</b> You chuckle. After a minute or two of waiting, you climb aboard.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\30_dom_9.webp">
<emily>-"Isn't it beautiful?"</emily> She looks out at the park.
<b>-"It is indeed!"</b>
<emily>-"Thank you once again for taking me out here... I needed to escape my apartment for a couple of hours after what happened."</emily> Emily smiles.
<b>-"Don't mention it babe. I love you."</b>
<emily>-"I love you too..."</emily>
<<pageReplace"Look at her.">>
<emily>-"And this is how I'm going to show it..."</emily> She begins to raise up her hoodie.
<b>-"You little rascal..."</b> You grin as she begins to fondle her tits.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\30_dom_10.webp">
<emily>-"Heard what the conductor said? We have a lot more privacy in this pod..."</emily>
<b>-"People can still see us from the outside... Don't be fooled."</b>
<emily>-"Whooo caresssss... Let's have some fun!"</emily> Emily gets on her knees and begins to unbuckle your pants.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\30_dom_11.webp">
<b>-"MmmmgHHhh! Emily!"</b>
<emily>-"The louder you moan the bigger the chance someone spots up... So stay quiet!"</emily> You can tell that you won't be able to reason with her...
<b>-"Fuck... Fine."</b> You just have to do your best and stay undetected.
<<pageReplace"Try to stay quiet as Emily gives you a blowjob.">>
<b>-"NnnghHhh!"</b> You let out a quiet moan as Emily's warm mouth touches the tip of your cock.
<emily>-"You like that, big boy?"</emily> She begins to envelope your shaft...
<b>-"MmmgHHhhH! Yesss!"</b>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\30_dom_12.webp">
<emily>-"Good, because we're moving to the main event already hehe..."</emily> She stands up and begins to pull down her underwear.
<b>-"Already?!"</b> You usually foreplay for a good 10 minutes before fucking.
<emily>-"We're already at the top of the ride! We don't have much time."</emily> She slowly lower her fat ass over your cock.
<b>-"MgHHhhH! Y-you're right."</b> You look outside.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\30_dom_13.webp">
<emily>-"Owwwhhhh fuckKkkk!"</emily> Emily let's out a load, soft moan. You quickly cover her mouth.
<b>-"You have to be quiet, remember?! They'll kick us out!"</b>
<emily>-"NgHhhhh... M-my bad $name, you just feel way too good!"</emily> She says as you let go.
<<pageReplace"Continue to fuck her.">>
<b>-"AargHhhhh..."</b> You try your best to keep your voice down as you grab her ass with your right hand.
<emily>-"F-fucKkkk... K-keep going babe!"</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\30_dom_14.webp">
<emily>-"I'm about to... NgHHhh... I'm about to cum!"</emily> You begin to pound her even faster.
<b>-"I'm close too babe!"</b> Her vagina begins to pulse as you feel her getting closer and closer to a climax.
<b>-"GrHHhh!"</b> You try your best to last just a little longer.
<emily>-"ARgHHHhh!"</emily> Emily's legs begin to shake as she cums.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\30_dom_15.webp">
<b>-"I'm about to nut!"</b> Emily suddenly moves forward - taking your dick out in the process.
<emily>-"In my mouth! It's not a safe day for me!"</emily>
<<pageReplace"Unload in her mouth.">>
<b>-"ArgHhhhH! Here I come!"</b> You begin to stroke your shaft as you begin to climax.
<emily>-"Q-qucik! AgHhhhH!"</emily> She opens her mouth.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\30_dom_16.webp">
<b>-"GrGHhHhhH!"</b> You unload straight into her mouth.
<emily>-"Gulp... Gulp... Gulp..."</emily> She quickly swallows it all as you look out of the window.
<b>-"Oh shit!"</b> You're about to be on the bottom! You stand up and start to pull up your pants.
<emily>-"Told you to hurry up babe! Ghahaha!"</emily> Thankfully, you make it in time and get off of the ride without issues.
<b>-"J-jeez... That was... Exhilarating!"</b>
<emily>-"I know right! I love doing it in public, it feels so good!"</emily>
<emily>-"Ah! Look! Let's go there!"</emily> Emily points at yet another ride she sees nearby.
<b>-"Sure honey."</b> Time to have some more fun!
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
<grey>Emily will remember this!</grey>
[[Finish your date at the park and head home->room]]
<<if $emilyhasyourkey1 ==true>>\
<<if $experiencedguy ==true>>
<b>-"Is Emily not home? We planned to have a date tonight."</b>
<b>-"Hmph... I definetely came at the right time..."</b> You say as you look at your phone.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\31_sub_1.webp">
<b>-"S-she planned to bring that guy over too... I was excited."</b> You start to turn around, when suddenly - a faint moan fills your eardrums.
<b>-"I-is that... Is that her?!"</b> They're probably at it already! That's why she isn't texting you back!
<b>-"Maybe she left it unlocked?"</b> You place your hand on the handle and try to open the door.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\31_sub_2.jpeg">
<b>-"It is!"</b> You step inside as the moans grow louder.
<emily>-"ArgHHhh! Y-yesshHHh!"</emily>
<<pageReplace"Walk towards the sounds.">>
<emily>-"A-argHHhh! Deeper!"</emily>
<b>-"Gulp..."</b> You take off your shoes and head towards Emily's bedroom. Your cock is so hard it feels like it's going to explode!
<b>-"..."</b> You step inside her room and see what you expected - your girlfriend and her tinder date having sex.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\31_sub_3.webp">
<blue>-"You like that? Tight little slut..."</blue> The man pants loudly.
<emily>-"A-ahaaaaa! YeahHHhh!"</emily>
<b>-"H-hey guys..."</b> You mumble... The couple doesn't pay you any attention.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\31_sub_4.webp">
<b>-"Hey!"</b> You say it a louder tone.
<emily>-"NghHhh... O-oh! $name! You made it! MghHhhh!"</emily> She turns to you and smiles.
<blue>-"This the cuck you talked about?"</blue>
<emily>-"Yesssshhhh babyyy..."</emily> Emily begins to kiss the man.
<<pageReplace"Sit down and watch.">>
<b>-"NgHhhh... S-so hot."</b> You begin to sit down, but Emily stops you.
<emily>-"H-hey! What do you think you're doing?!"</emily> She asks while kissing her date.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\31_sub_5.webp">
<b>-"Sitting down."</b>
<emily>-"Get that little clit of yours out first! You're caged, right?"</emily>
<b>-"Of course... You took my key after all."</b> You begin to undress.
<emily>-"Good! Hurry up, I want to see it!"</emily>
<b>-"Y-yes love... NgHhhh..."</b> You slowly lower your underwear to reveal your caged cock.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\31_sub_6_2.png">
<blue>-"Ghahaha..."</blue> The man turns to you, chuckles, then continues to kiss your girlfriend.
<emily>-"MMmgHHHhh... G-get the vibrator from my nightstand babe."</emily>
<<pageReplace"Do as she says.">>
<b>-"Y-yes..."</b> You walk over to the bed and open her nightstand.
<emily>-"MgHHhhHH!"</emily> As you do, they begin to fuck again.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\31_sub_7.webp">
<emily>-"FUCKKKk! S-sooo bigggg!"</emily>
<blue>-"GragHHhHHh!"</blue> The man screams as he pounds the ever living shit out of Emily's pussy.
<emily>-"Y-you're going to be using that... NGHhhhh... To get off today $name!"</emily> With her shaking hand, she points at the vibrator you're holding.
<b>-"Gulp... I will do my best."</b> You sit down and turn on the toy.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\31_sub_8_2.webp">
<b>-"AHhhHhhh!"</b> All of that training Emily put you through is working! Having a vibrator against your toy feels exactly the same as masturbating now!
<emily>-"ShitTTttt! NghHhhHh! I'm about to cuMMmmMM!"</emily> She screams in the man's ear as he speeds up.
<<pageReplace"Get a closer look.">>
<b>-"Fuckkkk..."</b> You stand up and walk closer... You have to see this from upclose!
<emily>-"NghHHhh! YESHHhhHH!"</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\31_sub_9.webp">
<emily>-"ArgHhhh! ArghHHhhhh! ARrGHHHHhHHHH!"</emily> She screams as her legs begin to quiver... She's climaxing on someone else's cock.
<blue>-"R-raghHHhhh! Come here!"</blue> The man grabs Emily by her neck and turns her around, so she's facing the ceiling.
<b>-"Such power!"</b> You sit back down and begin to play with the toy again.
<blue>-"I'm close too! NnngnHHhh!"</blue>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\31_sub_10.webp">
<emily>-"On my face h-handsome! NghHhh! On my face!"</emily>
<blue>-"ArgHHh! Fine, come here!"</blue> He pulls at and Emily gets on her knees.
<b>-"FucKkkK..."</b> You're getting close as well!
<<pageReplace"Watch the man unload on Emily.">>
<blue>-"NghHHhhhH! FucKKKkk!"</blue> The man begins to shoot his giant load all over Emily's face.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\31_sub_11.webp">
<b>-"MgHhhh... I'm about to... I'm about to cum!"</b> You shout, but they both ignore you.
<blue>-"NnnnghHHhh! Goooood girllll..."</blue>
<emily>-"Soooo warmmmm..."</emily> She begins to swallow his semen as you watch...
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\31_sub_12.webp">
<b>-"EagHHhh! AegHHhh!"</b> You begin to let out softer and softer moans as you're right on the edge of a climax.
<emily>-"Gulp... Delicious..."</emily> She says as she swallows his last drops.
<b>-"ARGHHhhh!"</b> Her complimenting another man's semen was the last straw...
<emily>-"Ghehehe, look at that dweeb."</emily> They both turn to you.
<b>-"UGHHhhrhHHHhhH!"</b> You scream as you explode all over your thighs.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\31_sub_13_2.webp">
<blue>-"Hah, you were right, <<if $hairextensions ==true>>she<<else>>he<</if>> is pathetic."</blue> The man chuckles once again as Emily stands up.
<emily>-"Did you enjoy yourself $name?"</emily> She walks over to you.
<b>-"NgHhhhh... I-I did."</b>
<emily>-"Good, then we have a little task for you."</emily> Emily points at a table next to you. There's a 50$ bill on it.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\31_sub_14.gif">
<emily>-"Go the store and grab some plan b, would you? He nutted in me a couple of times, I don't want to get pregnant."</emily>
<b>-"O-of course honey!"</b>
<<pageReplace"Stand up.">>
<emily>-"Just clean up first... You're covered in your own semen haha!"</emily> You grab the cash and nod.
<b>-"Right away"</b> You begin to clean yourself off with some paper tissues as Emily begins to walk towards the bathroom.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\31_sub_14.gif">
<emily>-"While you do, me and Dan here are going to have our fifth round in the shower. Right?"</emily> She turns towards the man.
<blue>-"Ha, can't say no to that!"</blue> He stands up - his cock still completely hard.
<emily>-"Hurry up $name! We plan to go out for dinner later, be back before then!"</emily> Emily shouts while walking off with Dan.
<b>-"I will do my best!"</b> After you're done cleaning up, you quickly exit the apartment, get in your car and drive to the nearest gas station.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\31_sub_16.jpg">
<b>-"I have to hurry!"</b> You remind yourself as you exit the car.
<<pageReplace"Enter the gas station.">>
<b>-"Plan b... Plan b... Where is it?"</b> You begin to look around for it.
<b>-"Ah! There it is! It's 50 bucks too. Perfect!"</b>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\31_sub_17.jpeg">
<b>-"There..."</b> You grab it and head to the checkout.
<bartender>-"Will this be all sir?"</bartender> An attractive young woman asks.
<b>-"Y-yes. This will be all."</b> You blush as she scans the plan-b.
<bartender>-"Someone got lucky, huh?"</bartender> She winks.
<b>-"H-hahaha... I guess you could say that."</b> If only she knew...
<bartender>-"Here's your check, thank you!"</bartender> The woman says after giving you one penny as change.
<b>-"Thank you!"</b> You quickly get in your car and speed back home.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\31_sub_18.jpg">
<b>-"S-shit!"</b> You try the handle, but the door is locked.
<b>-"Am I too late?"</b> Suddenly, you get an idea.
<<pageReplace"Try to see if you can hear them.">>
<b>-"Maybe I can hear them?"</b> You place your ear on the door and listen in.
<emily>-"ArgHhh! ArghHhh! ArghHHh!"</emily> Emily's moans are being muffled by the shower running, but they're definitely there!
<b>-"Fuck... I guess they won't leave for a while."</b> You sigh and place the bag near the door.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\31_sub_19.png">
<emily>-"D-deeper! Deeper! NgHhhhh!"</emily>
<b>-"I was hoping I was going to get a round two..."</b> Your cock is still hard... How unfortunate.
<b>-"M-maybe next time!"</b> You stay positive as you begin to walk towards your car.
<b>-"One orgasm is pretty good too... I usually get none."</b>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Climb into your car and head home->room]]
<b>-"Is Emily not home? We planned to have a date tonight."</b>
<b>-"Hmph... I definetely came at the right time..."</b> You say as you look at your phone.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\31_sub_1.webp">
<b>-"S-she planned to bring those guys over too... I was excited."</b> You start to turn around, when suddenly - a faint moan fills your eardrums.
<b>-"I-is that... Is that her?!"</b> They're probably at it already! That's why she isn't texting you back!
<b>-"Maybe she left it unlocked?"</b> You place your hand on the handle and try to open the door.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\31_sub_2.jpeg">
<b>-"It is!"</b> You step inside as the moans grow louder.
<emily>-"ArgHHhh! Y-yesshHHh!"</emily>
<<pageReplace"Walk towards the sounds.">>
<emily>-"A-argHHhh! Deeper!"</emily>
<b>-"Gulp..."</b> You take off your shoes and head towards Emily's bedroom. Your cock is so hard it feels like it's going to explode!
<b>-"..."</b> You take a peek at her room and see what you expected - your girlfriend and her tinder date having sex.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\31_sub_20.webp">
<blue>-"You like that? Tight little slut..."</blue> The man pants loudly.
<emily>-"A-ahaaaaa! YeahHHhh!"</emily>
<b>-"H-hey guys..."</b> You mumble as you walk inside. The second man comes out from behind the corner.
<grey>-"Ah, the cuck is here!"</grey> He shouts as he walks over to your girlfriend.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\31_sub_21.webp">
<b>-"Y-yeah."</b> You mumble...
<emily>-"NghHhh... O-oh! $name! You made it! MghHhhh!"</emily> She turns to you and smiles.
<blue>-"This is the "<<if $hairextensions==true>>girl<<else>>boy<</if>> you talked about?"</blue>
<emily>-"Yesssshhhh babyyy..."</emily> The second man bends down and kisses Emily.
<<pageReplace"Sit down and watch.">>
<b>-"NgHhhh... S-so hot."</b> You begin to sit down, but Emily stops you.
<emily>-"H-hey! What do you think you're doing?!"</emily> She asks as she lays down and the first man raises her leg.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\31_sub_22.webp">
<b>-"Sitting down."</b>
<emily>-"Gwet thwat little clit of yours outw first! Youw're cwaged, right?"</emily> Emily tries to speak as she sucks on his schlong.
<b>-"Of course... You took my key after all."</b> You begin to undress.
<emily>-"Gwood! Hwurry up, I want to swee it!"</emily>
<b>-"Y-yes love... NgHhhh..."</b> You slowly lower your underwear to reveal your caged cock.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\31_sub_6_2.png">
<blue>-"Ghahaha..."</blue> The man turns to you, chuckles, then continues to fuck your girlfriend.
<emily>-"MMmgHHHhh... G-get the vibrator from my nightstand babe."</emily>
<<pageReplace"Do as she says.">>
<b>-"Y-yes..."</b> You walk over to the bed and open her nightstand.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\31_sub_23.webp">
<emily>-"FUCKKKk! S-sooo bigggg!"</emily>
<blue>-"GragHHhHHh!"</blue> The man screams as he pounds the ever living shit out of Emily's pussy.
<emily>-"Y-you're going to be using that... NGHhhhh... To get off today $name!"</emily> With her shaking hand, she points at the vibrator you're holding.
<b>-"Gulp... I will do my best."</b> You sit down and turn on the toy.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\31_sub_8_2.webp">
<b>-"AHhhHhhh!"</b> All of that training Emily put you through is working! Having a vibrator against your toy feels exactly the same as masturbating now!
<emily>-"ShitTTttt! NghHhhHh! I'm about to cuMMmmMM!"</emily> She screams in the man's ear as he speeds up.
<<pageReplace"Get a closer look.">>
<b>-"Fuckkkk..."</b> You stand up and walk closer... You have to see this from upclose!
<emily>-"NghHHhh! YESHHhhHH!"</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\31_sub_24.webp">
<emily>-"ArgHhhh! ArghHHhhhh! ARrGHHHHhHHHH!"</emily> She screams as her legs begin to quiver... She's climaxing on someone else's cock.
<grey>-"R-raghHHhhh! I'm close too!"</grey> The second man closes his eyes and Emily sucks him off.
<blue>-"S-same here! ArgHHhhh!"</blue>
<emily>-"On my face boys! NghHhh! On my face!"</emily> She screams as the men nod in agreement.
<blue>-"Fine! Come here!"</blue>
<b>-"FucKkkK..."</b> You're getting close as well!
<<pageReplace"Watch the man unload on Emily.">>
<blue>-"NghHHhhhH! FucKKKkk!"</blue> The men begins to shoot their giant load all over Emily's face.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\31_sub_25.webp">
<b>-"MgHhhh... I'm about to... I'm about to cum!"</b> You shout, but they all ignore you.
<blue>-"NnnnghHHhh! Goooood girllll..."</blue>
<emily>-"Soooo warmmmm..."</emily> She begins to swallow his semen as the second man unloads on her face as well.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\31_sub_26.webp">
<b>-"EagHHhh! AegHHhh!"</b> You begin to let out softer and softer moans as you're right on the edge of a climax.
<emily>-"Gulp... Delicious..."</emily> She says as she swallows his last drops too.
<b>-"ARGHHhhh!"</b> Her complimenting another man's semen was the last straw...
<emily>-"Ghehehe, look at that dweeb."</emily> They all turn to you.
<b>-"UGHHhhrhHHHhhH!"</b> You scream as you explode all over your thighs.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\31_sub_13_2.webp">
<grey>-"Hah, you were right, <<if $hairextensions ==true>>she<<else>>he<</if>> is pathetic."</grey> The second man chuckles once again as Emily stands up.
<emily>-"Did you enjoy yourself $name?"</emily> She walks over to you.
<b>-"NgHhhhh... I-I did."</b>
<emily>-"Good, then we have a little task for you."</emily> Emily points at a table next to you. There's a 50$ bill on it.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\31_sub_14.gif">
<emily>-"Go the store and grab some plan b, would you? They nutted in me a couple of times, I don't want to get pregnant."</emily>
<b>-"O-of course honey!"</b>
<<pageReplace"Stand up.">>
<emily>-"Just clean up first... You're covered in your own semen haha!"</emily> You grab the cash and nod.
<b>-"Right away"</b> You begin to clean yourself off with some paper tissues as Emily begins to walk towards the bathroom.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\31_sub_14.gif">
<emily>-"While you do, me and the boys are going to have our fifth round in the shower. Right?"</emily> She turns towards the men.
<blue>-"Ha, can't say no to that!"</blue> The first man stands up - his cock still completely hard.
<grey>-"Works for me!"</grey>
<emily>-"Hurry up $name! We plan to go out for dinner later, be back before then!"</emily> Emily shouts while walking off with them men.
<b>-"I will do my best!"</b> After you're done cleaning up, you quickly exit the apartment, get in your car and drive to the nearest gas station.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\31_sub_16.jpg">
<b>-"I have to hurry!"</b> You remind yourself as you exit the car.
<<pageReplace"Enter the gas station.">>
<b>-"Plan b... Plan b... Where is it?"</b> You begin to look around for it.
<b>-"Ah! There it is! It's 50 bucks too. Perfect!"</b>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\31_sub_17.jpeg">
<b>-"There..."</b> You grab it and head to the checkout.
<bartender>-"Will this be all sir?"</bartender> An attractive young woman asks.
<b>-"Y-yes. This will be all."</b> You blush as she scans the plan-b.
<bartender>-"Someone got lucky, huh?"</bartender> She winks.
<b>-"H-hahaha... I guess you could say that."</b> If only she knew...
<bartender>-"Here's your check, thank you!"</bartender> The woman says after giving you one penny as change.
<b>-"Thank you!"</b> You quickly get in your car and speed back home.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\31_sub_18.jpg">
<b>-"S-shit!"</b> You try the handle, but the door is locked.
<b>-"Am I too late?"</b> Suddenly, you get an idea.
<<pageReplace"Try to see if you can hear them.">>
<b>-"Maybe I can hear them?"</b> You place your ear on the door and listen in.
<emily>-"ArgHhh! ArghHhh! ArghHHh!"</emily> Emily's moans are being muffled by the shower running, but they're definitely there!
<b>-"Fuck... I guess they won't leave for a while."</b> You sigh and place the bag near the door.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\31_sub_19.png">
<emily>-"D-deeper! Deeper! NgHhhhh!"</emily>
<b>-"I was hoping I was going to get a round two..."</b> Your cock is still hard... How unfortunate.
<b>-"M-maybe next time!"</b> You stay positive as you begin to walk towards your car.
<b>-"One orgasm is pretty good too... I usually get none."</b>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Climb into your car and head home->room]]
<<if $experiencedguy ==true>>
<b>-"Is Emily not home? We planned to have a date tonight."</b>
<b>-"Hmph... I definetely came at the right time..."</b> You say as you look at your phone.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\31_sub_1.webp">
<b>-"S-she planned to bring that guy over too... I was excited."</b> You start to turn around, when suddenly - a faint moan fills your eardrums.
<b>-"I-is that... Is that her?!"</b> They're probably at it already! That's why she isn't texting you back!
<b>-"Maybe she left it unlocked?"</b> You place your hand on the handle and try to open the door.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\31_sub_2.jpeg">
<b>-"It is!"</b> You step inside as the moans grow louder.
<emily>-"ArgHHhh! Y-yesshHHh!"</emily>
<<pageReplace"Walk towards the sounds.">>
<emily>-"A-argHHhh! Deeper!"</emily>
<b>-"Gulp..."</b> You take off your shoes and head towards Emily's bedroom. Your cock is so hard it feels like it's going to explode!
<b>-"..."</b> You step inside her room and see what you expected - your girlfriend and her tinder date having sex.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\31_sub_3.webp">
<blue>-"You like that? Tight little slut..."</blue> The man pants loudly.
<emily>-"A-ahaaaaa! YeahHHhh!"</emily>
<b>-"H-hey guys..."</b> You mumble... The couple doesn't pay you any attention.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\31_sub_4.webp">
<b>-"Hey!"</b> You say it a louder tone.
<emily>-"NghHhh... O-oh! $name! You made it! MghHhhh!"</emily> She turns to you and smiles.
<blue>-"This the cuck you talked about?"</blue>
<emily>-"Yesssshhhh babyyy..."</emily> Emily begins to kiss the man.
<<pageReplace"Sit down and watch.">>
<b>-"NgHhhh... S-so hot."</b> You begin to sit down, but Emily stops you.
<emily>-"H-hey! What do you think you're doing?!"</emily> She asks while kissing her date.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\31_sub_5.webp">
<b>-"Sitting down."</b>
<emily>-"Get that little clit of yours out first!"</emily>
<b>-"Y-yes love... NgHhhh..."</b> You nod and slowly lower your underwear.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\31_sub_6.jpg">
<blue>-"Ghahaha..."</blue> The man turns to you, chuckles, then continues to kiss your girlfriend.
<emily>-"MMmgHHHhh... Put your hands behind your back babe."</emily>
<<pageReplace"Hands behind my back?">>
<b>-"H-hands behind my back?"</b> You ask her in a confused tone.
<emily>-"MgHHhhHH!"</emily> Emily moans as they begin fucking again.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\31_sub_7.webp">
<emily>-"FUCKKKk! S-sooo bigggg!"</emily>
<blue>-"GragHHhHHh!"</blue> The man screams as he pounds the ever living shit out of Emily's pussy.
<emily>-"Y-yes! Behind your back! I'll tell you when to cum!"</emily>
<b>-"Gulp... Yes my love."</b> You do as you're told and just stand there - watching.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\31_sub_8.webp">
<b>-"AHhhHhhh!"</b> Even without touching your cock, it feels so good watching her getting fucked!
<emily>-"ShitTTttt! NghHhhHh! I'm about to cuMMmmMM!"</emily> She screams in the man's ear as he speeds up.
<<pageReplace"Get a closer look.">>
<b>-"Fuckkkk..."</b> You stand up and walk closer... You have to see this from upclose!
<emily>-"NghHHhh! YESHHhhHH!"</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\31_sub_9.webp">
<emily>-"ArgHhhh! ArghHHhhhh! ARrGHHHHhHHHH!"</emily> She screams as her legs begin to quiver... She's climaxing on someone else's cock.
<blue>-"R-raghHHhhh! Come here!"</blue> The man grabs Emily by her neck and turns her around, so she's facing the ceiling.
<b>-"Such power!"</b> You take a step back and continue to watch.
<blue>-"I'm close too! NnngnHHhh!"</blue>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\31_sub_10.webp">
<emily>-"On my face h-handsome! NghHhh! On my face!"</emily>
<blue>-"ArgHHh! Fine, come here!"</blue> He pulls at and Emily gets on her knees.
<b>-"FucKkkK..."</b> Even though you haven't touched your clit yet, it feels like it's it's about to burst!
<<pageReplace"Watch the man unload on Emily.">>
<blue>-"NghHHhhhH! FucKKKkk!"</blue> The man begins to shoot his giant load all over Emily's face.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\31_sub_11.webp">
<b>-"MgHhhh... So hot!"</b> You mumble as they both ignore you.
<blue>-"NnnnghHHhh! Goooood girllll..."</blue>
<emily>-"Soooo warmmmm..."</emily> She begins to swallow his semen as you watch...
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\31_sub_12.webp">
<b>-"EagHHhh! AegHHhh!"</b> You begin to let out softer and softer moans as you're right on the edge of a climax.
<emily>-"Gulp... Delicious..."</emily> She says as she swallows his last drops.
<emily>-"..."</emily> Emily turns to you.
<b>-"..."</b> You stand there, not saying a word.
<emily>-"Cum."</emily> Her words penetrate your mind the same way his cock penetrated her pussy...
<b>-"UGHHhhrhHHHhhH!"</b> You scream as you explode all over your thighs.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\31_sub_13.webp">
<blue>-"Hah, you were right, <<if $hairextensions ==true>>she<<else>>he<</if>> is pathetic."</blue> The man chuckles once again as Emily stands up.
<emily>-"True... I'm still proud that I taught <<if $hairextensions ==true>>her<<else>>him<</if>> how to cum with only my voice though."</emily>
<emily>-"A-ahem, did you enjoy yourself $name?"</emily> She walks over to you.
<b>-"NgHhhhh... I-I did."</b>
<emily>-"Good, then we have a little task for you."</emily> Emily points at a table next to you. There's a 50$ bill on it.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\31_sub_14.gif">
<emily>-"Go the store and grab some plan b, would you? He nutted in me a couple of times, I don't want to get pregnant."</emily>
<b>-"O-of course honey!"</b>
<<pageReplace"Stand up.">>
<emily>-"Just clean up first... You're covered in your own semen haha!"</emily> You grab the cash and nod.
<b>-"Right away"</b> You begin to clean yourself off with some paper tissues as Emily begins to walk towards the bathroom.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\31_sub_14.gif">
<emily>-"While you do, me and Dan here are going to have our fifth round in the shower. Right?"</emily> She turns towards the man.
<blue>-"Ha, can't say no to that!"</blue> He stands up - his cock still completely hard.
<emily>-"Hurry up $name! We plan to go out for dinner later, be back before then!"</emily> Emily shouts while walking off with Dan.
<b>-"I will do my best!"</b> After you're done cleaning up, you quickly exit the apartment, get in your car and drive to the nearest gas station.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\31_sub_16.jpg">
<b>-"I have to hurry!"</b> You remind yourself as you exit the car.
<<pageReplace"Enter the gas station.">>
<b>-"Plan b... Plan b... Where is it?"</b> You begin to look around for it.
<b>-"Ah! There it is! It's 50 bucks too. Perfect!"</b>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\31_sub_17.jpeg">
<b>-"There..."</b> You grab it and head to the checkout.
<bartender>-"Will this be all sir?"</bartender> An attractive young woman asks.
<b>-"Y-yes. This will be all."</b> You blush as she scans the plan-b.
<bartender>-"Someone got lucky, huh?"</bartender> She winks.
<b>-"H-hahaha... I guess you could say that."</b> If only she knew...
<bartender>-"Here's your check, thank you!"</bartender> The woman says after giving you one penny as change.
<b>-"Thank you!"</b> You quickly get in your car and speed back home.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\31_sub_18.jpg">
<b>-"S-shit!"</b> You try the handle, but the door is locked.
<b>-"Am I too late?"</b> Suddenly, you get an idea.
<<pageReplace"Try to see if you can hear them.">>
<b>-"Maybe I can hear them?"</b> You place your ear on the door and listen in.
<emily>-"ArgHhh! ArghHhh! ArghHHh!"</emily> Emily's moans are being muffled by the shower running, but they're definitely there!
<b>-"Fuck... I guess they won't leave for a while."</b> You sigh and place the bag near the door.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\31_sub_19.png">
<emily>-"D-deeper! Deeper! NgHhhhh!"</emily>
<b>-"I was hoping I was going to get a round two..."</b> Your cock is still hard... How unfortunate.
<b>-"M-maybe next time!"</b> You stay positive as you begin to walk towards your car.
<b>-"One orgasm is pretty good too... I usually get none."</b>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Climb into your car and head home->room]]
<b>-"Is Emily not home? We planned to have a date tonight."</b>
<b>-"Hmph... I definetely came at the right time..."</b> You say as you look at your phone.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\31_sub_1.webp">
<b>-"S-she planned to bring those guys over too... I was excited."</b> You start to turn around, when suddenly - a faint moan fills your eardrums.
<b>-"I-is that... Is that her?!"</b> They're probably at it already! That's why she isn't texting you back!
<b>-"Maybe she left it unlocked?"</b> You place your hand on the handle and try to open the door.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\31_sub_2.jpeg">
<b>-"It is!"</b> You step inside as the moans grow louder.
<emily>-"ArgHHhh! Y-yesshHHh!"</emily>
<<pageReplace"Walk towards the sounds.">>
<emily>-"A-argHHhh! Deeper!"</emily>
<b>-"Gulp..."</b> You take off your shoes and head towards Emily's bedroom. Your cock is so hard it feels like it's going to explode!
<b>-"..."</b> You take a peek at her room and see what you expected - your girlfriend and her tinder date having sex.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\31_sub_20.webp">
<blue>-"You like that? Tight little slut..."</blue> The man pants loudly.
<emily>-"A-ahaaaaa! YeahHHhh!"</emily>
<b>-"H-hey guys..."</b> You mumble as you walk inside. The second man comes out from behind the corner.
<grey>-"Ah, the cuck is here!"</grey> He shouts as he walks over to your girlfriend.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\31_sub_21.webp">
<b>-"Y-yeah."</b> You mumble...
<emily>-"NghHhh... O-oh! $name! You made it! MghHhhh!"</emily> She turns to you and smiles.
<blue>-"This is the "<<if $hairextensions==true>>girl<<else>>boy<</if>> you talked about?"</blue>
<emily>-"Yesssshhhh babyyy..."</emily> The second man bends down and kisses Emily.
<<pageReplace"Sit down and watch.">>
<b>-"NgHhhh... S-so hot."</b> You begin to sit down, but Emily stops you.
<emily>-"H-hey! What do you think you're doing?!"</emily> She asks as she lays down and the first man raises her leg.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\31_sub_22.webp">
<b>-"Sitting down."</b>
<emily>-"Gwet thwat little clit of yours outw first!"</emily> Emily tries to speak as she sucks on his schlong.
<b>-"Y-yes love... NgHhhh..."</b> You slowly lower your underwear to reveal your tiny cock.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\31_sub_6.jpg">
<blue>-"Ghahaha..."</blue> The man turns to you, chuckles, then continues to fuck your girlfriend.
<emily>-"MMmgHHHhh... Pwut your hwands behind your back!"</emily>
<<pageReplace"Behind my back?">>
<b>-"B-behind my back?"</b> You look at her, confused.
<emily>-"MgHHhhHH!"</emily> She ignores you as the men continue to pound her pussy...
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\31_sub_23.webp">
<emily>-"FUCKKKk! S-sooo bigggg!"</emily>
<emily>-"Y-yes $name! Behind your back! NgHHhhhh! I'll tell you when to cum!"</emily>
<b>-"Gulp... Yes my love..."</b> You do as you're told...
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\31_sub_8.webp">
<b>-"AHhhHhhh!"</b> Even though you're not doing anything, seeing her getting fucked like this is turning you on so much!
<emily>-"ShitTTttt! NghHhhHh! I'm about to cuMMmmMM!"</emily> She screams in the man's ear as he speeds up.
<<pageReplace"Get a closer look.">>
<b>-"Fuckkkk..."</b> You stand up and walk closer... You have to see this from upclose!
<emily>-"NghHHhh! YESHHhhHH!"</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\31_sub_24.webp">
<emily>-"ArgHhhh! ArghHHhhhh! ARrGHHHHhHHHH!"</emily> She screams as her legs begin to quiver... She's climaxing on someone else's cock.
<grey>-"R-raghHHhhh! I'm close too!"</grey> The second man closes his eyes and Emily sucks him off.
<blue>-"S-same here! ArgHHhhh!"</blue>
<emily>-"On my face boys! NghHhh! On my face!"</emily> She screams as the men nod in agreement.
<blue>-"Fine! Come here!"</blue>
<b>-"FucKkkK..."</b> You feel like you're about to bust too!
<<pageReplace"Watch the man unload on Emily.">>
<blue>-"NghHHhhhH! FucKKKkk!"</blue> The men begins to shoot their giant load all over Emily's face.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\31_sub_25.webp">
<blue>-"NnnnghHHhh! Goooood girllll..."</blue>
<emily>-"Soooo warmmmm..."</emily> She begins to swallow his semen as the second man unloads on her face as well.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\31_sub_26.webp">
<b>-"EagHHhh! AegHHhh!"</b> You begin to let out softer and softer moans as you're right on the edge of a climax.
<emily>-"Gulp... Delicious..."</emily> She says as she swallows his last drops too.
<b>-"P-please Emily!"</b> You shout... After a good 5 seconds, she turns to you and stares.
<b>-"..."</b> You stare back, with a desperate expression on your face.
<emily>-"Cum."</emily> Her words penetrate your brain the same way their cock was penetrating her pussy...
<b>-"UGHHhhrhHHHhhH!"</b> You scream as you explode all over your thighs.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\31_sub_13.webp">
<grey>-"Hah, you were right, <<if $hairextensions ==true>>she<<else>>he<</if>> is pathetic."</grey> The second man chuckles once again as Emily stands up.
<emily>-"Definitely, but I'm still impressed that I managed to train <<if $hairextensions ==true>>her<<else>>him<</if>> to cum from my voice alone!"</emily>
<emily>-"Did you enjoy yourself $name?"</emily> She walks over to you.
<b>-"NgHhhhh... I-I did."</b>
<emily>-"Good, then we have a little task for you."</emily> Emily points at a table next to you. There's a 50$ bill on it.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\31_sub_14.gif">
<emily>-"Go the store and grab some plan b, would you? They nutted in me a couple of times, I don't want to get pregnant."</emily>
<b>-"O-of course honey!"</b>
<<pageReplace"Stand up.">>
<emily>-"Just clean up first... You're covered in your own semen haha!"</emily> You grab the cash and nod.
<b>-"Right away"</b> You begin to clean yourself off with some paper tissues as Emily begins to walk towards the bathroom.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\31_sub_14.gif">
<emily>-"While you do, me and the boys are going to have our fifth round in the shower. Right?"</emily> She turns towards the men.
<blue>-"Ha, can't say no to that!"</blue> The first man stands up - his cock still completely hard.
<grey>-"Works for me!"</grey>
<emily>-"Hurry up $name! We plan to go out for dinner later, be back before then!"</emily> Emily shouts while walking off with them men.
<b>-"I will do my best!"</b> After you're done cleaning up, you quickly exit the apartment, get in your car and drive to the nearest gas station.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\31_sub_16.jpg">
<b>-"I have to hurry!"</b> You remind yourself as you exit the car.
<<pageReplace"Enter the gas station.">>
<b>-"Plan b... Plan b... Where is it?"</b> You begin to look around for it.
<b>-"Ah! There it is! It's 50 bucks too. Perfect!"</b>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\31_sub_17.jpeg">
<b>-"There..."</b> You grab it and head to the checkout.
<bartender>-"Will this be all sir?"</bartender> An attractive young woman asks.
<b>-"Y-yes. This will be all."</b> You blush as she scans the plan-b.
<bartender>-"Someone got lucky, huh?"</bartender> She winks.
<b>-"H-hahaha... I guess you could say that."</b> If only she knew...
<bartender>-"Here's your check, thank you!"</bartender> The woman says after giving you one penny as change.
<b>-"Thank you!"</b> You quickly get in your car and speed back home.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\31_sub_18.jpg">
<b>-"S-shit!"</b> You try the handle, but the door is locked.
<b>-"Am I too late?"</b> Suddenly, you get an idea.
<<pageReplace"Try to see if you can hear them.">>
<b>-"Maybe I can hear them?"</b> You place your ear on the door and listen in.
<emily>-"ArgHhh! ArghHhh! ArghHHh!"</emily> Emily's moans are being muffled by the shower running, but they're definitely there!
<b>-"Fuck... I guess they won't leave for a while."</b> You sigh and place the bag near the door.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\31_sub_19.png">
<emily>-"D-deeper! Deeper! NgHhhhh!"</emily>
<b>-"I was hoping I was going to get a round two..."</b> Your cock is still hard... How unfortunate.
<b>-"M-maybe next time!"</b> You stay positive as you begin to walk towards your car.
<b>-"One orgasm is pretty good too... I usually get none."</b>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Climb into your car and head home->room]]
<</if>><<set $chastitykeyemilytemp to true>>\
<<set $emilyhasyourkey1 to false>>\
<b>-"Well... What did you want to talk about?"</b> You ask as you walk into Emily's bedroom. You were eating in the kitchen, but she called you over.
<emily>-"Wanted to ask you how you're doing with that little clit of yours caged for 2 weeks?"</emily> She smiles as she begins to change her clothes.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\chastity_returnal_1.jpg">
<b>-"It's been... Hard... Quite annoying to pee, actually."</b> You awkardly laugh.
<emily>-"Hah, I can imagine!"</emily> She grabs her pajamas from the bed and begins to put them on.
<emily>-"But, have you learned your lesson?"</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\chastity_returnal_2.jpg">
<b>-"M-my lesson?"</b>
<emily>-"Mhm."</emily> She looks at you and smiles once again.
<<pageReplace"What lesson...">>
<b>-"What lesson... I just thought you enjoyed seeing me suffer."</b> You say in a semi sarcastic tone.
<emily>-"Heh, I do, but the lesson was that you're supposed to listen to me!"</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\chastity_returnal_3.jpg">
<emily>-"If I say that you should last longer, you should last longer. If I say that you need to cum, you need to cum."</emily>
<b>-"Fuck... I've definitely learned that by now."</b>
<emily>-"Good! Then you can have these back!"</emily> She grabs the keys out of her pocket and holds them up.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\chastity_returnal_4.png">
<b>-"I-I can?!"</b> Finally! You can jack off!
<emily>-"Mhm. But listen close, if you keep showing me that you don't listen to my commands and that you can cum without in a problem in that cage, I'll take away the key for good!"</emily>
<<pageReplace"I understand...">>
<b>-"I understand love... I will try my best to listen to you!"</b>
<emily>-"Good boy!"</emily> She smiles as you grab the keys.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\chastity_returnal_5.jpg">
<emily>-"Now put on something good to watch, I'll clean up the kitchen."</emily>
<b>-"Y-yes Emily! Thank you!"</b> You head to the living room and sit down.
<b>-"She's so nice today... It feels like we're just a normal couple."</b> You start to reminisce about your past as you turn on the TV.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\chastity_returnal_6.jpg">
<emily>-"Oof... Come here."</emily> She slaps her thighs a couple of times after sitting down.
<b>-"Y-yes baby..."</b> You lay down on her lap and begin to watch a movie.
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Finish your date->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>><<location "Images/Other/atria_5.webp" "The SUP">>
<<if $hairextensions==true and $randomhairspanking !==true>>
<<goto "Random spanking SUP event">>
<<elseif $emilyisinamerica == false and $lectures>=23 and $day>= $dayamerica +3 and $emilyspyingonsuptemp !==false and $dayy==3>>
<<goto "Emily bnwo spying sup">>
<<elseif $domstatus is true and $lectures>=23 and $emilyspyingonsuptemp !==false and $dayy==3 and $emilydays>=13 and $searchupnumbers == false>>
<<goto "Emily followed dom">>
<<elseif $bnwostatus ==true and $lectures>=23 and $dayy ==2 and $bnworandomsuptemp !==true or $bnwostatus ==true and $lectures>=23 and $dayy ==4 and $bnworandomsuptemp !==true>>
<<goto "Bnwo random sup event 1">>
<<elseif $bnwoobservationsuptemp !==true and $bnwostatus ==true and $lectures>=27>>
<<goto "The SUP BNWO observation">>
As you walk in to the university, you can hear people talking, coffee machines working overtime and the faint <i>buzzing</i> of the fluorescent lights.
After taking in the beauty of the <pink>The SUP</pink> for a while, you decide what you're going to do today.
<div class="actions">
<<if $lectures ==30 and $dayy !==1 and $dayy !==5>>
<li>You've reached the end of the current SUP lecture event line. Stay tuned for more content! 👽</li>
<li>[[Attend your classes->The SUP lecture redirecting passage]]</li>
<div class="actions-horizontal">
[[Exit the SUP->Go outside]]
[[Go home->room]]
</div><<if $beentoparty == true and $talkedtoprincipalafterparty !==true>>
<<goto "Principal after party">>
<<elseif $talkedtoprincipalafterparty ==true and $dayy ==2 or $talkedtoprincipalafterparty ==true and $dayy ==4>>
<<goto "Tuesday/Thursday lectures">>
<<elseif $dayy==2 and $lectures<20 or $dayy==4 and $lectures<20>>
<<goto "Tuesday/Thursday lectures">>
<<elseif $dayy==1 and $lectures>=20 and $talkedtoprincipalafterparty !==true or $dayy==3 and $lectures>=20 and $talkedtoprincipalafterparty !==true or $dayy==5 and $lectures>=20 and $talkedtoprincipalafterparty !==true>>
<<goto "Monday/wednesday/friday lectures">>
<<elseif $lectures ==1>>
<<set $attendedfirstlecture to true>>
<<set $attended to true>>
<<set $time to $time+1>>
<<set $lectures to $lectures+1>>
<<todoCompleted "Attend your first lectures at the SUP">>
<<if $domstatus is true>>
<<goto "lecture 1 dom">>
<<elseif $substatus is true>>
<<goto "lecture 1 sub">>
<<elseif $femstatus is true>>
<<goto "lecture 1 fem">>
<<elseif $bnwostatus is true>>
<<goto "lecture 1 bnwo">>
<<elseif $lectures ==2>>
<<set $attended to true>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<set $lectures to $lectures+1>>
<<if $domstatus is true>>
<<goto "lecture 2 dom">>
<<elseif $substatus is true>>
<<goto "lecture 2 sub">>
<<elseif $femstatus is true>>
<<goto "lecture 2 fem">>
<<elseif $bnwostatus is true>>
<<goto "lecture 2 bnwo">>
<<elseif $lectures ==3>>
<<set $attended to true>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<set $lectures to $lectures+1>>
<<if $domstatus is true>>
<<goto "lecture 3 dom">>
<<elseif $substatus is true>>
<<goto "lecture 3 sub">>
<<elseif $femstatus is true>>
<<goto "lecture 3 fem">>
<<elseif $bnwostatus is true>>
<<goto "lecture 3 bnwo">>
<<elseif $lectures ==4>>
<<set $attended to true>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<set $lectures to $lectures+1>>
<<if $domstatus is true>>
<<goto "lecture 4 dom">>
<<elseif $substatus is true>>
<<goto "lecture 4 sub">>
<<elseif $femstatus is true>>
<<goto "lecture 4 fem">>
<<elseif $bnwostatus is true>>
<<goto "lecture 4 bnwo">>
<<elseif $lectures ==5>>
<<set $attended to true>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<set $lectures to $lectures+1>>
<<if $domstatus is true>>
<<goto "lecture 5 dom">>
<<elseif $substatus is true>>
<<goto "lecture 5 sub">>
<<elseif $femstatus is true>>
<<goto "lecture 5 fem">>
<<elseif $bnwostatus is true>>
<<goto "lecture 5 bnwo">>
<<elseif $lectures ==6>>
<<set $attended to true>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<set $lectures to $lectures+1>>
<<if $domstatus is true>>
<<goto "lecture 6 dom">>
<<elseif $substatus is true>>
<<goto "lecture 6 sub">>
<<elseif $femstatus is true>>
<<goto "lecture 6 fem">>
<<elseif $bnwostatus is true>>
<<goto "lecture 6 bnwo">>
<<elseif $lectures ==7>>
<<set $attended to true>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<set $lectures to $lectures+1>>
<<if $domstatus is true>>
<<goto "lecture 7 dom">>
<<elseif $substatus is true>>
<<goto "lecture 7 sub">>
<<elseif $femstatus is true>>
<<goto "lecture 7 fem">>
<<elseif $bnwostatus is true>>
<<goto "lecture 7 bnwo">>
<<elseif $lectures ==8>>
<<set $attended to true>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<set $lectures to $lectures+1>>
<<if $domstatus is true>>
<<goto "lecture 8 dom">>
<<elseif $substatus is true>>
<<goto "lecture 8 sub">>
<<elseif $femstatus is true>>
<<goto "lecture 8 fem">>
<<elseif $bnwostatus is true>>
<<goto "lecture 8 bnwo">>
<<elseif $lectures ==9>>
<<set $attended to true>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<set $lectures to $lectures+1>>
<<if $domstatus is true>>
<<goto "lecture 9 dom">>
<<elseif $substatus is true>>
<<goto "lecture 9 sub">>
<<elseif $femstatus is true>>
<<goto "lecture 9 fem">>
<<elseif $bnwostatus is true>>
<<goto "lecture 9 bnwo">>
<<elseif $lectures ==10>>
<<set $attended to true>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<set $lectures to $lectures+1>>
<<if $domstatus is true>>
<<goto "lecture 10 dom">>
<<elseif $substatus is true>>
<<goto "lecture 10 sub">>
<<elseif $femstatus is true>>
<<goto "lecture 10 fem">>
<<elseif $bnwostatus is true>>
<<goto "lecture 10 bnwo">>
<<elseif $lectures ==11>>
<<set $attended to true>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<set $lectures to $lectures+1>>
<<if $domstatus is true>>
<<goto "lecture 11 dom">>
<<elseif $substatus is true>>
<<goto "lecture 11 sub">>
<<elseif $femstatus is true>>
<<goto "lecture 11 fem">>
<<elseif $bnwostatus is true>>
<<goto "lecture 11 bnwo">>
<<elseif $lectures ==12>>
<<set $attended to true>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<set $lectures to $lectures+1>>
<<if $domstatus is true>>
<<goto "lecture 12 dom">>
<<elseif $substatus is true>>
<<goto "lecture 12 sub">>
<<elseif $femstatus is true>>
<<goto "lecture 12 fem">>
<<elseif $bnwostatus is true>>
<<goto "lecture 12 bnwo">>
<<elseif $lectures ==13>>
<<set $attended to true>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<set $lectures to $lectures+1>>
<<goto "bully 1">>
<<elseif $lectures ==14>>
<<set $attended to true>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<set $lectures to $lectures+1>>
<<if $domstatus is true>>
<<goto "lecture 14 dom">>
<<elseif $substatus is true>>
<<goto "lecture 14 sub">>
<<elseif $femstatus is true>>
<<goto "lecture 14 fem">>
<<elseif $bnwostatus is true>>
<<goto "lecture 14 bnwo">>
<<elseif $lectures ==15>>
<<set $attended to true>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<set $lectures to $lectures+1>>
<<goto "bully 2">>
<<elseif $lectures ==16>>
<<set $attended to true>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<set $lectures to $lectures+1>>
<<goto "Principal 1">>
<<elseif $lectures ==17>>
<<set $attended to true>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<set $lectures to $lectures+1>>
<<if $domstatus is true>>
<<goto "lecture 17 dom">>
<<elseif $substatus is true>>
<<goto "lecture 17 sub">>
<<elseif $femstatus is true>>
<<goto "lecture 17 fem">>
<<elseif $bnwostatus is true>>
<<goto "lecture 17 bnwo">>
<<elseif $lectures ==18>>
<<set $attended to true>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<set $lectures to $lectures+1>>
<<if $domstatus is true>>
<<goto "lecture 18 dom">>
<<elseif $substatus is true>>
<<goto "lecture 18 sub">>
<<elseif $femstatus is true>>
<<goto "lecture 18 fem">>
<<elseif $bnwostatus is true>>
<<goto "lecture 18 bnwo">>
<<elseif $lectures ==19>>
<<set $attended to true>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<set $lectures to $lectures+1>>
<<goto "Principal 2">>
<<elseif $lectures ==20 and $talkedtoprincipalafterparty !==true>>
<<goto "Principal 3">>
<<elseif $talkedtoprincipalafterparty ==true and $dayy ==1 or $talkedtoprincipalafterparty ==true and $dayy ==5>>
<<goto "Principal 3">>
<<elseif $lectures ==20 and $dayy == 3>>
<<set $attended to true>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<set $lectures to $lectures+1>>
<<if $domstatus is true>>
<<goto "lecture 19 dom">>
<<elseif $substatus is true>>
<<goto "lecture 19 sub">>
<<elseif $femstatus is true>>
<<goto "lecture 19 fem">>
<<elseif $bnwostatus is true>>
<<goto "lecture 19 bnwo">>
<<elseif $lectures ==21 and $dayy == 3>>
<<set $attended to true>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<set $lectures to $lectures+1>>
<<if $domstatus is true>>
<<goto "lecture 20 dom">>
<<elseif $substatus is true>>
<<goto "lecture 20 sub">>
<<elseif $femstatus is true>>
<<goto "lecture 20 fem">>
<<elseif $bnwostatus is true>>
<<goto "lecture 20 bnwo">>
<<elseif $lectures ==22 and $dayy == 3>>
<<set $attended to true>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<set $lectures to $lectures+1>>
<<if $domstatus is true>>
<<goto "lecture 21 dom">>
<<elseif $substatus is true>>
<<goto "lecture 21 sub">>
<<elseif $femstatus is true>>
<<goto "lecture 21 fem">>
<<elseif $bnwostatus is true>>
<<goto "lecture 21 bnwo">>
<<elseif $lectures ==23 and $dayy == 3>>
<<set $attended to true>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<set $lectures to $lectures+1>>
<<if $domstatus is true>>
<<goto "lecture 22 dom">>
<<elseif $substatus is true>>
<<goto "lecture 22 sub">>
<<elseif $femstatus is true>>
<<goto "lecture 22 fem">>
<<elseif $bnwostatus is true>>
<<goto "lecture 22 bnwo">>
<<elseif $lectures ==24 and $dayy == 3>>
<<set $attended to true>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<set $lectures to $lectures+1>>
<<if $domstatus is true>>
<<goto "lecture 23 dom">>
<<elseif $substatus is true>>
<<goto "lecture 23 sub">>
<<elseif $femstatus is true>>
<<goto "lecture 23 fem">>
<<elseif $bnwostatus is true>>
<<goto "lecture 23 bnwo">>
<<elseif $lectures ==25 and $dayy == 3>>
<<set $attended to true>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<set $lectures to $lectures+1>>
<<if $domstatus is true>>
<<goto "lecture 24 dom">>
<<elseif $substatus is true>>
<<goto "lecture 24 sub">>
<<elseif $femstatus is true>>
<<goto "lecture 24 fem">>
<<elseif $bnwostatus is true>>
<<goto "lecture 24 bnwo">>
<<elseif $lectures ==26 and $dayy == 3>>
<<set $attended to true>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<set $lectures to $lectures+1>>
<<if $domstatus is true>>
<<goto "lecture 25 dom">>
<<elseif $substatus is true>>
<<goto "lecture 25 sub">>
<<elseif $femstatus is true>>
<<goto "lecture 25 fem">>
<<elseif $bnwostatus is true>>
<<goto "lecture 25 bnwo">>
<<elseif $lectures ==27 and $dayy == 3>>
<<set $attended to true>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<set $lectures to $lectures+1>>
<<if $domstatus is true>>
<<goto "lecture 26 dom">>
<<elseif $substatus is true>>
<<goto "lecture 26 sub">>
<<elseif $femstatus is true>>
<<goto "lecture 26 fem">>
<<elseif $bnwostatus is true>>
<<goto "lecture 26 bnwo">>
<<elseif $lectures ==28 and $dayy == 3>>
<<set $attended to true>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<set $lectures to $lectures+1>>
<<if $domstatus is true>>
<<goto "lecture 27 dom">>
<<elseif $substatus is true>>
<<goto "lecture 27 sub">>
<<elseif $femstatus is true>>
<<goto "lecture 27 fem">>
<<elseif $bnwostatus is true>>
<<goto "lecture 27 bnwo">>
<<elseif $lectures ==29 and $dayy == 3>>
<<set $attended to true>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<set $lectures to $lectures+1>>
<<if $domstatus is true>>
<<goto "lecture 28 dom">>
<<elseif $substatus is true>>
<<goto "lecture 28 sub">>
<<elseif $femstatus is true>>
<<goto "lecture 28 fem">>
<<elseif $bnwostatus is true>>
<<goto "lecture 28 bnwo">>
<</if>>Today you don't have any special SUP lessons, just math, science and history.
<i>As you go through your lectures and exams you barely stay awake, questioning if university is even for you</i>.
<<set $attended to true>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>
After a while you are finally finished and are able to go [[outside->Go outside]]<<recruitmentCard>>
You sit down and open the computer, mister Hudson gave you the password, so you punch it in and get to work.
You scatter the internet searching for events, blog posts, forums, anything or anywhere where students chat or meet. You don't find anything..
<b>-"I need to get the recruitment numbers up a bit soon.. they're quite low.."</b> You whisper to yourself as you turn off the computer..
<div class="actions-horizontal">
[[Go outside]]
<<set $attended2 to true>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>><<lecture "Domination class" "Introduction">>
While you're walking to the class you glance at your watch.
<b>-"Ah I'm going to be early.."</b> you whisper to yourself. No worries though, you are a patient man after all. As you open the door you are greeted by... nothing. The lecturer isn't here yet, all you can do is <<pageReplace"Wait">>
You fell asleep while waiting... after hearing some noise you open your eyes and see a full lecture hall, it's filled almost exclusively by men! And after glancing at the professor, you know why..
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 1\ginagina.webp">
In front of you stands a beautiful latina, with massive fucking tiddies.
<pink>-"Hello class, and welcome to domination 101!"</pink> she smiles.
<pink>-"Todays lesson is a simple and a quick one, it's the introduction to the course after all! In this course, I will personally teach you how to become a man. A man of respect, a man of status and a man of undeniable power."</pink> The class of young, lustful students erupt into an applause. The lesson went on for about an hour. The professor explained how the course will work and how to perform assignments that will be given to us.
<b>-"Gosh she's hot.."</b> You think to yourself..
<<pageReplace"Continue to listen">>\
<pink>-"Oh and boys, remember, the best student of the course will get personal lessons with me, where he'll show me the skills he learned in this classroom.</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 1\tumblr_945fc6bbaca44470ab44a33e47c766cb_a27b01e2_540.webp">
She lifts up her skirt to show us what we are fighting for...
<b>-"Oh I'm going to get those private lessons alright..."</b> you think to yourself.
<<set $dominant to $dominant+3>>
<blue> Dominant +3!</blue>
[[Leave the University->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>><<lecture "Submissiveness class" "Introduction">>
While you're walking to the classroom you think to yourself:
<b>-"Am I really about to do this? Am I really about to take classes on femdom... I don't know what I was thinking when I picked this class...</b>
You get to the door, inhale deeply and put on your brave face. <<pageReplace "Open the door">>
As you enter the classroom you feel a sharp gaze directed straight at you, it's the professor.. You quickly find your seat and sit down.
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 1\AnyConv.com__FBws8CrWUAUvt2v.webp" height="550px" width="500px">
<pink>-"Hello students, I will be your submissiveness professor for the rest of the year"</pink> She is so hot that you can't concentrate on what she is saying.
<b>-"D-damn.."</b> You whisper to yourself..
<pink>-"So, the first order of business is.."</pink> The professor suddenly stops..
<pink>-"Hey! Moron!" </pink> She shouts. Is she talking about me? What is going on?
<<pageReplace"Look up at her">>\
<pink>-"Yeah yeah you! The loser with a stripped shirt, pay attention, this isn't a strip club you know, it's a serious matter, am I understood?</pink> She stares at you.. Were you subconsciously staring at her tits and she noticed?
<b>-"Yes ma'am."</b> You whisper.
<pink> -"Good, now todays lesson will be a short one, I will show you losers some positions you can try with your girlfriends, if incels like you even have them."</pink> The professor laughs.
You all ended up watching porn for almost the whole lecture, such lewd acts being shown on a screen this big really made it hard for you not to jack off...
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 1\214c7ef08d9c339d10ddb6fe22ad21d8.webp">
You end up leaving with a massive boner...
<<set $submissive to $submissive+3>>
<pink>Submissiveness +3!</pink>
<<if $femstatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 1 fem]]
<<elseif $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 1 bnwo]]
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>>\<<lecture "Feminization class" "Introduction">>
Well... You were always curious about the other side so to speak and it is time to find out if your curiousity was valid. As you get closer and closer to the door you feel the other students start to stare at you, their judging gazes impaled you like knives, but you swallowed your pride and <<pageReplace"got inside">>
As you went in.. All of your worries subsided, the class was full of men! Presumably, they were like-minded individuals.
<pink>-"Hello class! I will be your feminization professor this year. Or should I say last year, because you're all fourth years already."</pink> She awkwardly laughs.
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 1\channels4_profile.webp">
<pink>-"In this class you will learn how to be, how to feel, how to act and how to look like a woman. I bet the receptionist already gave you the gist of the course, but I will repeat the information again. Your assignments will consist of theory at first, but we will move to practical theory application in the upcoming weeks, which will include various toys, procedures, and acts. Your first assignment is to research what a chastity is and report to me in the next lecture, that will be all"</pink> The professor left without saying anything else, the other male students seem just as confused.
<b>-"Are.. Are we supposed to go also? Was t-that the whole lecture?"</b> You ask a guy sitting to your right.
<blue>-"I.. I guess? I don't know about you, but I'm going!"</blue> As he stands up, other students start to pack their things as well..
<b>-"A chastity? What's that?"</b> You think to yourself as you leave the class with the others..
<<todo "Research chastity devices">>
<<set $femresearch to true>>\
<<set $feminization to $feminization+3>>\
<emily>Feminization +3!</emily>
<<if $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 1 bnwo]]
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>>\<<lecture "BNWO class" "Introduction">>
The last class of the day! As you get closer to the classroom you notice that there are hundreds of students around it! Apparently this course is so popular, that even students from other schools are coming in to attend it, even if it means only seeing it through the closed doors window.
As you sit down, the lecture <<pageReplace "begins">>
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 1\jia-lissa-d6hp42tk9t-1080x1350.webp" height="600px" width="500px">
<pink>-"Hello students, welcome to BNWO 101! In this course, we will talk about black history, how we can pay black reparations to makes things right and other things of this great matter. This class is not only for women, but for men too. Women will learn how to serve and men will learn how to make women in their life serve."</pink>
<b>-"Serve? What does that even mean?"</b> You ask the professor.
<pink>-"Ah you must be $name! This is all pretty new to you I presume. Do not worry I will show everything with practical examples! Todays lesson will be about serving black kings with your mouth!"</pink> ....What.
The professor turns on the projector which is showing a video. <<pageReplace"Look.">>
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 1\25440334.webp" height="600px">
<b>-"Is that..."</b> You think to yourself.
<pink> -" As i said, I will provide practical examples in every lesson, so start writing down notes everybody. Pay attention to my technique class, when paying black reparations with our bodies, we must first ensure, that the bull is ready."</pink>
<b>-"Oh this is so hot.."</b> You whisper to yourself.
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 1\22489254.webp" width="650px">
Everyone is the class is getting hot and heavy, you start to see women slighty touching themselves and men grinding on their tables.
<pink>-"After making sure that the penis is hard, we firmly wrap our hands around the shaft and put it in our mouths. Make sure to suck as hard as possible and to go as deep as possible, you will get better with time!"</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 1\23535700.webp" height="500px">
<pink>-"After the bull cums, you have to try and catch every last drop in your mouth and swallow. As you can see in the video I failed to do so and I regret it to this day"</pink>
God this is so hot, you have a massive boner and it won't go away.
<<pageReplace "Masturbate.">>\
You can't stop yourself anymore, the thought of the professor sucking a thick black cock proved to difficult to resist. You carefully place your hands on your cock and start stroking, begging nobody to notice.
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 1\pulling_cock_out-4198.webp">\
As you cum, you notice that others are starting to leave.. you quickly stand up and leave with them, hoping that nobody saw you.<grey>
BNWO +4! </grey>
<mia>Open-minded +1!</mia>
<<set $openminded to $openminded +1>>
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo+4>>\
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace "Don't.">>\
<b>-"It's best not to, what would Emily think?"</b>
You quickly leave the hall with a raging boner, the professor looks disappointed..
<grey>+1 BNWO</grey>
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo+1>>
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>>\<<todoCompleted "Research chastity devices">>
As you type the word "Chastity" into google, multiple results show up.
<b>-"Hmm it appears to be a strange metal device you put on your penis? Is this some sort of medieval torture method?"</b> You giggle as you open the images tab.
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 1\FMJfG8sVcAI-8TY.webp" height="600px" width="400px">
As you read more about it you start to get the gist of it.
<b>-"Oh so men put these on to deny themselves pleasure, or to become more girl like? Interesting... but how do they cum then? I must ask the professor during the next lecture!"</b>
<<pageReplace"Continue to browse">>\
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 1\tzic65qlx2ra1.webp" height="600px" width="800px">
You cannot lie, looking up all of these toys made you kind of..
<<pageReplace "Horny.">>
You quickly close the laptop before you do anything stupid.
<b>-"I got hard to the idea of me being in a chastity cage.. What is wrong with me"</b> You wonder.
<emily> +1 Feminization!</emily>
<mia> +2 Open-minded!</mia>
<<set $feminization to $feminization+1>><<set $openminded to $openminded+2>>
[[Close the laptop ->room]]
<<pageReplace "Weirded out">>\
<b> -"This is not for me... How can men do this to themselves is beyond me."</b> You think.
[[Close the laptop ->room]]
<<set $femresearch to false>>\<<lecture "Domination class" "Techniques in bed to show who's who.">>
A bunch of men pour into the class as the bell rings. You enter with them, find your seat and take out your notepad.
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 2\d87faf5452730be1c424b38281c29bac.webp" height="570px" width="450px">
<pink>-"Alright students, settle down, today we're going to be looking at how to properly dominate a woman and show her your authority in bed!."</pink>
Professor Gina turns on the projector and starts showing us video after video of men roughly fucking women.
<<pageReplace"Watch the video..">>\
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 2\domination_001.webp">
<pink>-"Pay attention students, as I said, the best student of the class will have to personally show me what he has learned after class in a couple of weeks!"</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 2\270878-she-really-likes-domination.webp">
The whole lecture was just us looking at porn with brief comments from professor Gina, talking about technique and how to properly overpower "your prey" as she calls it. You wrote down everything on your notepad, hoping that when the day comes, Gina will choose you.
<blue>Dominant +3!</blue>
<<set $dominant to $dominant+3>>
[[Leave the University->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>><<lecture "Submissiveness class" "Submitting your mind, before body.">>
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 2\AnyConv.com__FC996IkWQAIwRhL.webp" height="600px" width="550px">
<pink>-"Alright students settle down"</pink> Professor Kei says firmly.
<pink>-"As I said in the last lecture, this course will show you guys how to serve women not only sexually, but in any other ways too, because the beta's of society deserve just that - servitude. Today's lecture will be about how to properly give a women your salary"</pink> She says while staring us all down.
<b>-"W-what? Why would I give a woman my whole salary.."</b> A thought runs through your naive mind.
She turns on the projector.
<<pageReplace"Take a look">>\
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 2\knees-kneel.webp">
The professor shows us video after video of men surrendering their paychecks to their mistresses.. The other students seem almost hypnotized, writing down every single word that leaves the professors mouth. You don't really pay attention and Kei notices, as you leave the hall, she stares you down..
<b>-"Oh no..."</b>
<<set $submissive to $submissive+3>>
<pink>Submissiveness +3!</pink>
<<if $femstatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 2 fem]]
<<elseif $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 2 bnwo]]
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>><<lecture "Feminization class" "Crossdressing and it's benefit for society.">>
As you enter the class, you hear multiple students talking and whispering about the task that was given to you last lecture.
<b>-"Seems like the other students enjoyed researching about the chastity device.. "</b> Right after that thought, professor Lana comes into the hall, dressed in a skimpy and skin tight outfit.
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 2\61mSevezUQL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL80_.webp" height="600px" width="420px">
<pink>-"Well students, I hope you all have completed your research and from the enthusiastic chittering I hear, I suspect that most you of liked it. </pink>
<b>-"Miss Lana, during my research I ran into a bit of a problem. How do men with chastity cages ejaculate?"</b> You ask quietly. It's an awkward question but you want to know, the other students seem to back you up, asking similar questions of their own.
<pink>-"Well well students, calm down, I understand that you are eager to learn more about the process you will undergo in the upcoming weeks or months, but this subject will come a little bit later in the course!"</pink> You sigh disappointedly. I guess you will have to wait to find that out.
<<pageReplace"Pay attention to the material">>\
The lecture went on for about an hour, professor Lana talked about crossdressing and it's benefit for society and the male mind.
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 2\6eb5eadadea215e5a2c5eef7b0fb1fb6.webp">
You leave the hall after the lecture feeling excited for the classes soon to come.
<emily> Feminization +3!</emily>
<<set $feminization to $feminization+3>>\
<<if $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 2 bnwo]]
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>><<lecture "BNWO class" "Serving doesn't have to be purely sexual..">>
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 2\65088.webp" height="500px" width="400px">
<pink>-"Hello class! I was informed by the university's administrator that my course was going a bit too fast, she told me you all needed to warm up to the BNWO idea first, before learning how to serve with your bodies"</pink> The girls in the class let out a loud sigh.
<pink>-"Todays lecture will be about serving, but in another way! Today we will learn how to cook and clean! We can be useful in more than one way, girls!"</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 2\25972152.webp">
The lecture went on for about two hours, during which professor Jia talked about the various ways women need to dress while cleaning their bulls apartment, or house.
<pink>-"Here for example, notice how the girl purposefully exposes herself. Pay attention students!"</pink>
<<pageReplace"Write everything down">>\
<b>-"R-right!"</b> You whisper as you write it down..
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 2\21846750.gif">
After the lecture finished, you quickly hurried to the door, you were rock hard again.
Professor Jia seemed to notice, because she glanced at your crotch, then back at you and let out a soft smile.
<pink>-"I bet you'll be a great ally to the new world order, $name."</pink> She smiles again.
<b>-"Haha yeah, I guess.."</b>
You quickly leave.
<grey>BNWO +3!</grey>
<mia>Open-minded +1!</mia>
<<set $openminded to $openminded+1>>\
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo+3>>
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>><<lecture "Domination class" "Strenght, power and proper appearance.">>
<<set $domresearch to false>>
The more domination classes you attend, the more you seem to notice, that miss Gina is starting to dress more and more provocatively, she's almost naked today. She also seems to glance at you more than the other students...
<b>-"Does she like me or am I going crazy?"</b> You think to yourself.
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 3\207230117_992813208171069_3891635691793057647_n.webp" height="600px" width="550px">
The lecture goes by very fast, professor Gina talks about the importance of strength for the male species and how to show it off during sexual intimacy.
<<pageReplace"Watch the videos she shows">>\
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 3\22562241.webp">
After the lecture, you quickly pack up your things and head towards the door.
<<if $dominant >5>>\
Before you can get out, the professor stops you.
<<todo "Visit Gina at the SUP at night">>
<pink>-"I've noticed that you've adapted surprisingly well to this new university, I want to have a talk with you after the lectures, see me at the SUP's main hall at night.</pink> She quickly packs up her things, gives you a kiss on the cheek and leaves.
<b><u>-"I guess I'll have to come to the SUP at night today if I want to see Gina"</u></b>
<<set $domresearch to true>>\
<blue> Dominant +3! </blue>
<<set $dominant to $dominant+3>>
[[Leave the University->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>><<lecture "Submissiveness class" "Obedience, authority and compliance.">>
On your way to the lectures you notice that the professors of the university are starting to dress more and more provocatively. The receptionist mentioned that the lessons will become more and more sexual.. But still... Is this not too much?
You arrive to the lecture hall and enter.
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 3\Screenshot_8.webp" height="600px" width="550px">
As you sit down, you notice that professor Kei is staring at you... You wonder if it's because you didn't pay attention last time and she caught you.
<pink>-"Today's lecture will be about obedience, and listening to authority!"</pink> She opens.
<pink>-"There is a student in this class that seems to have the attention span of a fish and doesn't quite grasp the importance of this subject. $name, please come in front of the class." </pink>
<b>-"Oh no..."</b> You think to yourself.
As you stand up from the table you see hundreds of people staring at you with their judging gazes, seemingly disappointed with your behavior. When you get to the front of the class, professor Kia announces:
<pink>-"For your rude behavior and disregard for my teachings, you will be spanked in front of the other students, please remove your pants and underwear at once".</pink>
What? Are you really about to get spanked in front the whole class? As you look into the crowd, the other students don't seem to be bothered, it seems like this is a normal occurrence for this university.
<<pageReplace "Remove your pants.">>\
<b>-"Yes ma'am"</b> As you remove your pants and underwear, you notice a quick smirk leave the professors mouth.
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 3\preview.webp" height="370px" width="350px">
<pink>-"Good boy... Now bend over and spread those legs"</pink>
<<pageReplace"Yes ma'am">>\
The moment you bend over, professor Kei starts spanking you.
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 3\23376750.webp">
<pink>-"This is for not paying attention! This is for being rude! This is for being a beta loser!"</pink> She's insulting your ego, but you can't stop yourself from being hard as a rock...
After the punishment ends, you are allowed back to your seat, the lesson resumes after which you leave... with a red butt, a raging boner and a want for more.
<pink> Submissive +4! </pink>
<<set $submissive to $submissive+4>>\
<<if $femstatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 3 fem]]
<<elseif $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 3 bnwo]]
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace "Don't and quickly leave.">>\
<b>-"No... this is too much, I can't do it"</b> You whisper
<pink>-"Then leave my classroom at once, you're skipping todays lecture"</pink>
<b>-"Yes ma'am"</b> You whimper.
You quickly pack up your things and leave the classroom.
<<if $femstatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 3 fem]]
<<elseif $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 3 bnwo]]
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>>\<<lecture "Feminization class" "First round of therapy..">>
This lecture was a quick one. You were a bit late, but when you sat down you noticed that professor Lana wasn't even in the lecture hall. The projector was playing various images and videos of.. Something? Words like "Sissy" and "Hypno" came up a lot..
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 3\28326023.webp">
<b>-"Hey dude, what are even supposed to do today? The professor isn't even here..." </b> You ask a guy sitting to your right.
<blue>-"Uhmm.. Professor Lana said she needed to attend a meeting and to just pay attention to the videos on screen. I guess we just have to watch this porn of sorts for a couple of hours.. I'm not complaining!" </blue> You both laugh.
<<pageReplace"Continue to watch the content">>\
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 3\15286836.webp" height="500px">
After the videos finish everyone starts looking around for the professor, but she never comes. One after the other, students start to stand up and leave the hall, you do too, but not before checking your pants, to see if the pre cum you made leaked through..
<emily>Feminization +2!</emily>
<<set $feminization to $feminization+2>>\
<<if $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 3 bnwo]]
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>><<lecture "BNWO class" "Imagining is the first step of creating.">>
<pink>-"Hello class!"</pink> Professor Jia says right as you enter the lecture hall.
<pink>-"As you can see I am wearing something new today!"</pink> That is an understatement.
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 3\8d9e1a3326ecbb3c4bf9c6784119cdbd.webp">
<pink>-"I love this class and see a lot of potential in you guys, so i managed to convince the student board to finance these new, exclusive "Blacked" underwear for every female student in the class!"</pink> The students errupt in applause and the girls are practically running over eacho ther getting to the front of the class. After every girl had the underwear set in hand, the lecture continued.
<pink>-"Todays lecture will be more of a philosophical one, girls, you now must close your eyes and imagine a black bull in front of you, imagine all of the ways you would serve him, please him, pleasure him. And the boys, close your eyes and imagine your girlfriends serving black kings while you watch, everyone please report how you felt after the lecture!"</pink>
<<pageReplace "Imagine Emily with a black bull.">>\
You can't stop yourself from imagining Emily taking long, thick, black cock while you watch.
How she would touch it, her small hands wrapping around the bulls whole shaft.
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 3\22119805.webp">
How she would put it in her mouth and suck it, with no regard to you or your feelings.
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 3\elsa-jean-my-rise-in-the-ranks-blacked_001.webp">
How she would fuck it with primal determination and need.
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 3\28382138.webp">
<b>-"Oh my god what am I doing"</b> You stop yourself right before ejaculating under a university table, thinking about your girlfriend getting fucked by a BBC... What the fuck. After the lecture finishes, you tell profesor Jia how you felt and left the lecture hall.
<grey> BNWO +5!</grey>
<mia>Open-Minded +5!</mia>
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo+5>>\
<<set $openminded to $openminded+5>>
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace "Pretend to do so.">>
<b>-"No this is too much, even for me, I would never forgive Emily if she cheated on me"</b> After professor Jia ends the exercise, you told her that the thoughts made you feel conflicted and you left.
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>>\<<location "Images/Other/atria_5.webp" "The SUP">>\
Most of the lights on the university campus are off. You see teachers leaving the SUP, getting in their cars and driving off. As you enter the building you quickly find professors Gina's lecture hall and <<pageReplace "knock">>
<<todoCompleted "Visit Gina at the SUP at night">>
<i>"Knock, knock..."</i>
<i>"Knock, Knock, KNOCK!"</i>
<pink> -"Yes, yes, come in $name"</pink> A muffled voice calls out to you behind the door. As you enter the room you can see your teacher almost naked, laying on ground.
<b>-"I know she's trying to tease me, but this is too much..."</b> You think to yourself.
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 3\gina.webp" height="400px" width="700px">
<pink> -"Hey big boy, don't mind me, I'm just stretching after a long... Hardddd day of work"</pink> Okay this is getting ridiculous...
She stands up and gives you a hug.
<pink>-"Right, lets get straight to the point! You're here, because your performance in this class has been nothing short of extraordinary. You've aced almost all of yours tests and quizzes!</pink> You've done a couple quizzes at the end of some lectures, you didn't even know that they mattered much...
<pink>-"If you keep this up, I suspect I will see you after class more and more often."</pink>
<<pageReplace"Hold eye contact">>\
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 3\ezgif-1-985129c75b.webp">
She starts shaking her hips, insinuating what she means by "I will see you after class".
<pink> -"Don't forget what you're fighting for handsome"</pink>
She gives you a kiss and you leaves. God you love that woman.
<b>-"I need to keep attending these domination lessons, she's just so hot!"</b>
<<set $dominant to $dominant+1>>
<blue>Dominant +1! </blue>
<<set $domresearch to false>>
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>><<lecture "Domination class" "Utter domination is the only key to success.">>
<<todoCompleted "Visit Gina at the SUP at night">>
Another day another domination class..
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 4\161460559_887743732046783_6240941168925825313_n.webp" width="600px" height="700px">
<pink>-"Good morning students, this lesson will show you all, how a woman needs to properly submit to a man. You can record this lesson and show it to your girlfriends or other females if you wish."</pink> She says it loudly. Professor Gina then turns on the projector, showing various images of women on their knees.
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 4\bdsmlr-334791-1SbDnoJWf0.webp">
<pink>-"After the women gets on all fours, you need to show further dominance by shoving your cock in her mouth. We are going to have a live presentation today students, so please pay attention"</pink> Everyone gasps.
<b>-"Is she going to suck someones cock?? What's going on" </b> You wonder. As you're looking around you notice two students come into the classroom.
<pink>-"These are some students who finished the course last year. They will be performing the demonstation. Justin, please show the students what you've learned." </pink> The female student gets on her knees and gets ready, Justin takes out his cock in front of the whole class and shows it down her throat.
<<pageReplace"Watch them.">>\
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 4\8836271.webp">
After around 10 minutes, Justin cums in her mouth, she obviously swallows.
<pink>-"Thank you Justin, you can both leave now"</pink> They both nod and leave without saying a word.
The class went on for another hour, where we went over the technique they both used, how forceful you should be and other tips you could use with emily.
<<set $dominant to $dominant+4>>
<blue>Dominant +4!</blue>
[[Leave the University->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>>\<<lecture "Submissiveness class" "Ruining yourself is upholding the standard.">>
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 4\epicinternetgf_0453.webp" height="640px" width="500px">
Today's lecture was about ruining your orgasms. Professor Kei explained why it is important, how giving control of when you cum to women is the correct step and how to do it ourselves.
<pink>-"Now pay attention class, on the screen you'll see how boys like you will cum from now on. Please follow this example when you are masturbating." </pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 4\22284482.webp">
<pink>-"If you somehow have a woman in your life, you need to explain to her that she is completely in control of your orgasms and can make you cum however she pleases."</pink> She goes into great detail and you write everything down. This is fascinating.
<<pageReplace"Write everything down..">>\
<b>-"R-right.."</b> You take out your pen and start writing down her every word furiously.. She shows more videos to the whole class.
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 4\21626475.webp" height="350px" width="700px">
As the lecture finishes, you cannot stop yourself from imagining Emily doing that to you... or even your $sisters..
<pink>Submissive +3!</pink>
<<set $submissive to $submissive+3>>\
<<if $femstatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 4 fem]]
<<elseif $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 4 bnwo]]
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>>\<<lecture "Feminization class" "Being honest is key to progress">>
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 4\Screenshot_5.png" height="500px">
<pink>-"Hello students! Today we're going to do a quick questionnaire or a survey in other words.. Should be pretty fun!" </pink> She lets out a warm smile. She hands everyone an empty piece of paper.
<pink>-"Please answer as truthfully as possible. First question: Are you straight?" </pink> All of the students in the class start writing down their answers. You write down:
<<pageReplace"I'm straight">>\
<b>-"I am straight" </b> You write down with confidence. You're pretty sure about that one.
<pink>-"Please look at the screen before listening to the second question" </pink> Professor Lana turns on the projector.
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 4\19536159.webp">
On screen there were videos after videos of girls jerking off massive dicks. You get a bit flustered...
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 4\24054943.webp">
<pink>-"The second question is... While you were looking at these videos, were you looking at the girls or the penises the most?" </pink>
<b>-"What a weird question... Although... No no no definitely the girls..." </b> You whisper to yourself while you write down the answer:
<<pageReplace"The girls...">>\
She waits for everyone to finish writing down their answers and shows yet another video on screen.
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 4\28013557.webp">
<pink>-"And the last question, does this turn you on?" </pink> You ponder for a little bit and answer:
<<pageReplace "Definitely not.">>\
<b>-"Of course not" </b> You quickly write down on your paper. After everyone finishes, you hand the paper to professor Lana.
<pink>-"Good work today boys, you are free to go. These answers will be useful in the future!" </pink> You thank her for her hospitality and leave the lecture hall.
<<set $feminization to $feminization+1>>
<emily>Feminization +1!</emily>
<<if $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 4 bnwo]]
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace "I-I don't know...">>\
<b>-"I-I don't know.. maybe?" </b> You quickly write down on your paper... You're very embarrassed to admit it. After everyone finishes, you hand the paper to professor Lana.
<pink>-"Good work today boys, you are free to go. These answers will be useful in the future!" </pink> You thank her for her hospitality and leave the lecture hall.
<<set $feminization to $feminization+4>>
<emily>Feminization +4!</emily>
<<if $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 4 bnwo]]
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>>\<<lecture "BNWO class" "The first priority is always the new world order.">>
Another day another lecture. Professor Jia is as beautiful as always. Today's lesson was about our role in society and how most of our time and energy should be focused on paying reparations.
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 4\actor-jia-lissa-69780_large.webp">
You're still on the fence about this whole idea, but you're starting to understand it more and more.
<pink>-"Please remember your job in this modern, new society students! When the time comes, you all have to play your role!" </pink> Your role? What is she talking about..
She then of course showed us porn on the projector screen, this time the girls were incredibly young, no older than 20. She went on about how important it is to start at 18 and not "Waste your time doing other things".
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 4\28838697.webp">
You leave feeling a little more comfortable about the new world order.
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo+2>>
<grey>BNWO +2!</grey>
[[Leave the University->Go outside]]<<lecture "Domination class" "Protecting, observing - that's what real men do.">>
Today you went over the history of powerful men. Talking about how men are protectors of society and other misogynistic ideas. Other schools or universities would condemn ideas of men superiority, but the SUP embraces it.
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 5\main-qimg-1b9f69ef48555297232a16bab22876fd-lq.webp">
Professor Gina also talked about how men are not only superior in the leadership sense, but of course, in the physical sense as well.
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 5\file-20180625-152156-h5qc8w.webp" height="450px" width="550px">
You wrote down everything as always and made sure to go over the notes as you walked out of the lecture hall.
<<set $dominant to $dominant+1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
[[Leave the University->Go outside]]<<lecture "Submissiveness class" "Female domination and it's benefits.">>
Hundreds of students pour into the class.. And you're one of them! You still can't believe that you got to attend this prestigious university. You find your seat and sit down.
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 5\epicinternetgf_0179.webp" height="680px" width="400px">
<pink>-"Hello students, today we're going to be testing your obedience! I need a volunteer to step forward to the front of the class." </pink>She says while looking around the class.
Nobody raises their hand.. The class is completely silent..
<pink>-"Come on.. Anyone??"</pink> She angrily looks around.. Maybe it would be smart to raise your hand.. You need to make a good impression after what happened!
<<pageReplace"Raise your hand">>\
<b>-"I-I can be a volunteer Miss Kei..." </b> You whisper.
<pink>-"Ah $name! What a surprise.. But a welcome one! Please, step forward." </pink> She gives you a warm smile. You stand up from your desk and walk up to her.
<pink>-"Now, do you understand your role when face to face with a woman, $name?" </pink> She asks.
<b>-"Y-yes, I must do whatever you want me to do.." </b>
<pink>-"That is correct!"</pink> She smiles and raises her foot.
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 5\epicinternetgf_0178.webp" height="550px" width="400px">
<pink>-"If you understand, then suck my foot."</pink> She smirks and looks at you. The class gasps but they don't seem to be that surprised.
<<pageReplace "Obey her.">>
Following her orders, you lay down on the ground and open your mouth. She quickly pulls down her socks and puts her foot on your mouth. The other students are staring at you, waiting for you to do something.
<pink>-"Start sucking, I command you" </pink> She looks at you with lustful eyes.
<b>-"Y-yes mistress Kei" </b> You cannot stop yourself now.
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 5\24828620.webp" height="400px" width="480px">
She spits on your face and starts spreading that spit on your face with her foot. Showing everyone how submissive and obedient you are.
<pink>-"Good boy $name. You can stand up now" </pink> She laughs and puts on her socks. As you stand up you notice that some of the students are filming you, some are laughing. You are overtaken by shame and regret, you quickly take all of your stuff and leave the class.
<pink>Submissive +4!</pink>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +4>>\
<<if $femstatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 5 fem]]
<<elseif $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 5 bnwo]]
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace "Refuse.">>
<b>-"If I want to keep going to these lectures I need to start doing what professor Kei wants me to... I cannot afford to disobey her again." </b>You think to yourself.
<<pageReplace"Obey her">>\
Following her orders, you lay down on the ground and open your mouth. She quickly pulls down her socks and puts her foot on your mouth. The other students are staring at you, waiting for you to do something.
<pink>-"Start sucking, I command you" </pink> She looks at you with lustful eyes.
<b>-"Y-yes mistress Kei" </b> You cannot stop yourself now.
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 5\24828620.webp" height="400px" width="480px">
She spits on your face and starts spreading that spit on your face with her foot. Showing everyone how submissive and obedient you are.
<pink>-"Good boy $name. You can stand up now" </pink> She laughs and puts on her socks. As you stand up you notice that some of the students are filming you, some are laughing. You are overtaken by shame and regret, you quickly take all of your stuff and leave the class.
<pink>Submissive +4!</pink>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +4>>\
<<if $femstatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 5 fem]]
<<elseif $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 5 bnwo]]
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>>\<<lecture "Feminization class" "First steps in looking like a woman.">>
During the fifth feminization lecture professor Lana talked about plastic surgery. How it can improve the lives of those that decide that they want to change their bodies.
She talked about permanently shaving your legs with lazer treatment .
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 5\legs.jpg" height="400px" width="400px">
She talked about changing your face to look more feminine.
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 5\oooo yeah.webp" height="500px" width="500px">
And even mentioned something called "Anal bleaching"? She said that it's for good boys like us and we should all get it eventually.
<<pageReplace"Look at the images..">>\
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 5\shemale_sissy_gapi-9076.webp">
You have no idea what she meant, but the idea of having plastic surgery at some point in your life definitely:
<<pageReplace "Intrigued you.">>
Intrigued you.. Being more feminine seems like... The right way to go..
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 5\Make me move like a freak.webp" height="630px" width="500px">
Making yourself look indistinguishable from other women seemed pretty hot..
<emily>Feminization +4!</emily>
<<set $feminization to $feminization +4>>
<mia>Open-minded +2!</mia>
<<set $openminded to $openminded+2>>\
<<if $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 5 bnwo]]
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace "Didn't interest you.">>\
Didn't interest you... You are a straight male after all.... Probably..
<emily>Feminization +1!</emily>\
<<set $feminization to $feminization +1>>\
<<if $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 5 bnwo]]
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>>\<<lecture "BNWO class" "Your place in the new world order.">>
As you sit down at your desk, you start wondering what a bnwo world would look like. Would it be full of sex.. Women... Power.. Or would it be full or slavery.. Pain.. Anguish? You don't know... You also don't know if you want to find out. Before you could dwell on these thoughts longer, Professor Jia started her lecture.
<pink>-"Hello students! During the last lecture, we talked about "roles" in the new world order. A lot of you seemed to be confused, so that's what we are going to be talking about today. Your role as a white man will be to help your women be bred by black kings and take care of their offspring!" </pink>She goes on a long rant about the importance of these roles.
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 5\28937195.webp" height="400px" width="550px">
The other students are writing everything down on their notebooks, so you do too.
<pink>-"And don't think that this new reality will be boring for you, no, quite the opposite, seeing the women in your life finally getting the dick they deserve will be an incredible experience for everyone involved, including you!" </pink> You see more and more videos on screen of men helping their woman breed.
<<pageReplace"Pay attention">>\
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 5\455_1000.webp">
After you're all done, you can't stop yourself from imagining what it would feel like to see Emily.. Or Mia.. Or Eva... Or Kaley.. Getting taken away from you by a big...Black..Coc-
<b>-"Keep it together $name, Jesus, what am I thinking about..." </b> You whisper to yourself as you exit the SUP to get some fresh air.
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo+3>>
<grey>BNWO +3!</grey>
<<set $openminded to $openminded+1>>
<mia>Open-minded +1!</mia>
[[Leave the University->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>>\<<lecture "Domination class" "Manipulation and how to make it serve you.">>
Today's class was relatively boring. The SUP is definitely progressive, but god damnit does it have a lot of theory and slides you need to look over. As you're copying information from the slides about manipulation tactics, professor Gina walks up to your table.
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 6\78541230_557743725011355_3407064441995395072_n.webp" height="550px" width="530px">
<pink>-"Hello $name, please follow me to my desk if you can, I need to ask you something." </pink> You do as she says. As you walk to her desk you look behind you, the other students seem to be too busy copying the slides to pay attention to you.
<pink>-"I trust you $name, I really do, you pay attention during my lectures, you write everything down, I like you. So you're going to help me solve this problem. I cought two students cheating during our last test, what do you think I sould do?" </pink>
<b>-"Hmmm, well I think you should..."</b>
<<pageReplace "Punish the female student.">>\
<b>-"Punish the female student miss Gina... The male student can do whatever he wants in your class"</b> You look at her with determination.
<pink>-"Mmmmm, good job, you are learning well, your answer is correct"</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 6\20544104.webp" width="600px">
She grabs your crotch, bites her bottom lip and lets go.
<pink>-"You can go to your seat now, big boy."</pink> You quickly sit down, finish writing down your notes and leave. You cannot wait to finally fuck the professor, that bitch wants it.
<blue>Dominant +4!</blue>
<<set $dominant to $dominant+4>>
[[Leave the University->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace "Punish the male student.">>\
<b>-"Punish the male student miss Gina... He needs to pay attention to the material, if he wants become more dominant."</b> You look at her with determination.
<pink>-"Hmmm.. interesting answer, but you, yourself seem to not pay attention to the material, if you answered like that. Male students, just like other men, run the world, they make the rules, if he wants to cheat, he can." </pink> She seems disappointed.
<pink>-"You can go to your seat now."</pink> You quickly sit down, finish writing down your notes and leave.
<<set $dominant to $dominant+1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
[[Leave the University->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace "Punish both students.">>\
<b>-"Punish both students miss Gina, they both cheated after all."</b> You look at her with determination.
<pink>-" <i>*sigh*</i> I thought you knew better... go and take your seat." </pink> She seems disappointed. You quickly sit down, finish writing down your notes and leave. You have no idea which anwer was correct...
[[Leave the University->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>>\<<lecture "Submissiveness class" "The natural art of femdom.">>
As you enter the lecture hall, you notice that professor Kei is smirking at you.. She probably liked humiliating you in front of everybody last lecture... You also see that she's wearing even less clothing than before, same as the other professors in the SUP.
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 6\epicinternetgf_0469.webp" height="710px" width="530px">
<pink>-"During the last lecture you all saw what a good boy needs to do, when faced with a dominant woman such as myself.. Follow her commands." </pink>The whole class gives you a look.
<pink>-"Today we're going to dig deeper into the obedience techniques, things you can do for you mistress and things to look out for." </pink> The whole lecture professor Kei went on about what she called "Femdom" and how it's the natural sex life of couples.<u><i> She also told us to research it ourselves before the next lecture.</i></u>
<<todo "Research femdom">>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
<<set $submissive to $submissive+1>>\
<<set $subresearch to true>>\
<<if $femstatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 6 fem]]
<<elseif $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 6 bnwo]]
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<</if>>\<<lecture "Feminization class" "Chastity cages, how they work and how to properly use them.">>
While you're waiting for others to arrive to the lecture hall you drift off to sleep... You dream about Emily... You want to see her soon... You dream about miss Leyja.. You want to see her s- wait what?.. You quickly wake up from your slumber. You have no idea why you dreamed about your manager..
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 6\27933733.webp">
<pink>-"Hello class, today we're going to have an interactive lesson!" </pink> She says while walking into the classroom.
<b>-"DAMN! She's only in a bikini!!!" </b> Your brain almost explodes from seeing her gorgeous body in front of you.
<b>-"God I wish I knew how it would feel like to look that gorgeous." </b> You whisper to yourself in jealousy.
<pink>-"I need a volunteer to come to the front of the class. I'm going to demonstrate how to use a chastity device!" </pink>She smirks. You look around the class and finally decide to:
<<pageReplace "Raise your hand.">>\
<b>-"Me! Me! Me professor Lana, you can use me!" </b> You quickly put up your hand and sprint towards the front of the class, making sure to look behind you to see if anyone raised their hand too, but they didn't.
<pink>-"Ah $name! Perfect! Please, remove your pants in front of the class. I'm sure you're not embarrassed, we're all on this journey together, after all." </pink>She rubs your head slightly to encourage you.
<<pageReplace"Remove your pants and underwear.">>\
As you remove everything below your waist, professor Lana looks down at your penis and says:
<pink>-"Awwwhh how cute $name, this small thing definitely needs to be locked up!" </pink> She giggles.
<b>-"S-small.. I'm n-not small.." </b> You whisper as she hands you the toy. You try your best to put it on, but you get an erection and it stops you..
<pink>-"It's okay $name.. Don't worry, just put the small ring around your balls and then squish your penis with the cap, it's not that big so it shouldn't be a problem!" </pink> She spanks your balls lightly and you hear a couple of students giggle.
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 6\29472860.webp" height="450px" width="350px">
As you close the chastity, professor Lana quickly puts a lock on it and locks your penis inside.
<b>-"W-what? I thought this was a-a quick demonstration..." </b> You look up at her.
<pink>-"Of course $name, don't worry, I will remove it at the end of the lecture!" </pink> She pets your head again.
<pink>-"Pay attention students! This is how you all are going to look like at the end of the course. With your clitties locked up, assholes bleached and ready to take dick!" </pink> You just stand there while she says her monologue.
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 6\twisteddiscipl69-cb4pf-cc652d.webp">
After she's done and the lecture is over, she lets your penis free from it's cage..
<b>-"G-gosh.. Finally.. Freedom!"</b>
<pink>-"Good boy $name! I can tell that we will get a long during our time together. If you manage to get a chastity on your own and come to one of my lectures with it, I might even reward you..." </pink> She whispers in your ear as the others are leaving the lecture hall. You thank her for everything and quickly leave with the others.
<emily>Feminization +5!</emily>
<<set $feminization to $feminization+5>>
<mia>Open-minded +3!</mia>
<<set $openminded to $openminded+3>>\
<<if $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 6 bnwo]]
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace "Don't raise your hand.">>\
You decide not to raise your hand and another boy from the class raises his.
<pink>-"Oh, Kevin! Come to the front of class!" </pink> She smiles. When he finally gets there, you can see them whispering something to each other and then Kevin removes his pants.
<pink>-"Kevin is one of my more "advanced" students, he is already wearing a chastity full time! Now observe!" </pink> After Kevin removes his underwear, everyone is blessed with an amazing sight.
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 6\321_1000.webp" height="500px" width="700px">
<b>-"Wow that chastity is small!"</b> You think to yourself.
<pink>-"Pay attention students! This is how you all are going to look like at the end of the course. With your clitties locked up, assholes bleached and ready to take dick!" </pink> Kevin just stands there while she says her monologue.
After she's done and the lecture is over she says:
<pink>-"I encourage everyone to be more like Kevin! If you can, get a chastity on your own!" </pink> You quickly stand up, pack your things and leave with the others.
<emily>Feminization +2!</emily>
<<set $feminization to $feminization+2>>\
<<if $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 6 bnwo]]
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>>\<<lecture "BNWO class" "Comparison often leads to the truth.">>
This lecture's purpose was to further humilliate the whole class. Professor Jia talked about how incomparable bbc is to any other type of dick. She even showed you videos of her cucking her husband, comparing their sizes etc. By her account, her husband gave in and helps her to breed everyday now.
<pink>-"Now pay attentions students, this is what my husbands dick looks like!" </pink> She turns on the projector.
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 6\ezgif-4-fa72eb81f1.webp">
The class looks confused, her husbands dick is pretty large...
<b>-"D-damn.. I mean he's definitely bigger than me... And she considers it small?" </b> You whisper under your breath as you watch the screen.
<pink>-"And now, this is my bulls penis! Pay close attention!" </pink>She turns to face the screen, seemingly excited to see it.
<<pageReplace"Take a look">>\
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 6\ezgif-4-dcb0773c98.webp">
Jesus Christ that thing is massive..
<pink>-"Mgh.. A-as you can see.. He's.. Uhmm.. A lot bigger.." </pink>The professor seems flustered. Is she getting turned on just by the video of her giving a blowjob?
<pink>-"I-I need to go class.. Nghh.. P-please watch this v-video of me breeding fo-for the remaining 10 minutes.." </pink> She plays another video and quickly starts heading towards the door.
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 6\29045138.webp" height="450px" width="570px">
You spot a tiny bit of whitish, gooey liquid run down her leg as she leaves the building
<b>-"There's no way that she's so horny already..." </b>
<mia>Open-minded +1!</mia>
<<set $openminded to $openminded+1>>
<grey>BNWO +2!</grey>
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo+2>>
[[Leave the University->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>>\As you type femdom into google, various sites, images and videos pop up, most of them are porn. As you look through them you start to understand professors Kei's words more and more. Seeing big, strong men being completely dominated by women does seem incredibly sexy...
<<todoCompleted "Research femdom">>
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 6\25388727.webp">
You also notice that in a lot of the videos the women are putting... Toys into the mans assholes?...
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 6\24907603.webp">
You have no idea what it's called... But it sure is interesting. These bulky men seem to enjoy it, so who says you wouldn't? You think about Emily doing this to you and you can't seem to make up your mind.
<<pageReplace"Keep looking">>\
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 6\21546432.webp">
After researching femdom for about an hour you finally decide that...
<<pageReplace "It turns you on.">>\
The raging boner in your pants tells you all you need to know. You quickly open some porn sites, search up femdom and rub one out. You decide to ask the professor what the anal play is called next lecture.
<<set $submissive to $submissive+3>>
<pink>Submissiveness +3!</pink>
<<set $subresearch to false>>
<<pageReplace "It's not for you.">>\
It's not really for you..
<b>-"Maybe I should start skipping submissiveness lessons if I want to avoid these things..." </b> You think to yourself. You decide to ask the professor what the anal play is called next lecture anyways, if you end up going.
<<set $subresearch to false>>
<</pageReplace>>\<<lecture "Domination class" "Deepthroating. How to make any woman your personal fleshlight.">>
Professor Gina showed you and the other students deepthroating techniques and talked about how to train women not to choke on your dicks the whole lecture.
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 7\23667282.webp">
<pink>-"You need to encourage your women to train daily, with your dick or dildos at home, to learn how to properly please a man such as yourself."</pink> She remarked while showing examples on the screen.
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 7\19110851.webp">
You wrote down everything on your notepad, feeling excited to show this info to Emily, when you get the chance. After putting everything into your backpack, you stand up and <<pageReplace"head towards the door">>
<<if $dominant>10>>\
<<set $domresearch to true>>
<pink>-"$name! Come here for a second!" </pink> You turn around and notice that professor Gina is waving while looking at you. You go up to her.
<<todo "Meet Gina at the SUP at night">>
<b>-"Yes professor?"</b>
<pink>-"Meet me after class today, at night, in this lecture hall. You're my best student, so I want to show some of these techniques to you in person.." </pink> She winks.
<b><u><i>-"If I want to meet professor Gina, I need to make sure to go to the SUP at night today" </i></u></b>You ponder to yourself.
<blue>Dominant +1</blue>
<<set $dominant to $dominant+1>>
[[Leave the University->Go outside]]
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
[[Leave the University->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>>\<<lecture "Submissiveness class" "Various obedience techniques and learning how to follow orders.">>
<b>-"Ooof.. S-soo tiredd..."</b> You didn't sleep well today..
<pink>-"Hello everyone!"</pink> The professor announces as she enter the hall.
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 7\epicinternetgf_0386.webp" height="500px" width="400px">
Today's lecture was a short one, professor Kei talked about femdom again, how from now on it should be our focus to convert our girlfriends into dominant women who control our lifes.
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 7\19461012.webp" height="500px">
<pink>-"Giving up control to women is only natural and has been happening for hundreds of years, remember that students!" </pink> She remarks.
<b>-"M-miss Kei, while I was researching femdom, I noticed that it included a lot of anal play. Is that part of the package so to speak?" </b> You ask her quietly.
<pink>-"Ah! Great question $name. Yes, anal play, or in other words pegging, is an inportant part in the femdom lifestyle. It changes the relationship dynamic greatly. We will go more in depth in the next lecture!" </pink>She winks at you.
<<pageReplace"Professor Kei shows more images..">>\
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 7\19051664.webp">
The teacher goes on about femdom for another 30 minutes and lets you all go early. After the lecture you stop at a drinking station to fill up your flask and decide what to do next.
<<set $submissive to $submissive+2>>
<pink>Submissive +2!</pink>
<<if $femstatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 7 fem]]
<<elseif $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 7 bnwo]]
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>><<lecture "Feminization class" "How to properly pleasure yourself in a cage.">>
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 7\42513341_887257541477471_4394153295048867840_n.webp" height="600px" width="450px">
<pink>-"Hey boys! Todays lesson will be about how to pleasure yourself if you are in a chastity! A lot of students have already voiced their concerns and some are wearing chastity's right now! Pay attention to the screen where I will showcase the first way to drain yourself!"</pink> Finally you'll understand how someone in a chastity can cum!
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 7\1b8857bad2d6c63be2ab26b68caf46b7.webp">
<pink>-"The first way is to pleasure yourself normally! A good girl knows how to cum without her dick being able to leave the cage! So all the sissies in the class, start practising slapping your balls and cumming that way!"</pink> Interesting...
<pink>-"The second method you will research yourself, look up what anal play for men is! We will go over what we learned in the next lecture!"</pink>
<<set $femresearch to true>>\
<<if $substatus is true>>\
<b>-"Oh! Anal play, we just talked about that in the submissiveness lecture!"</b> You think to yourself as you write down the topic..
<b>-"I'll make sure to look it up!"</b> You smile at the professor as you leave the hall.
<b>-"Hmm anal play for men, <u>I have to make sure to google that before the next lecture.."</u></b>
<<todo "Research anal play">>
<emily> Feminization +3! </emily>
<<set $feminization to $feminization+3>>\
<<if $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 7 bnwo]]
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<</if>>\<<lecture "BNWO class" "First hand account of the power the BNWO holds.">>
As you enter the class you see a weird looking schoolgirl standing at the front of the lecture hall, talking to Jia.
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 7\8f4cb9795345969431123d8eb0e19c3c.webp" height="550px" width="320px">
<b>-"She looks so alt.. I usually don't like that, but damn is she pretty.." </b>You whisper to the guy sitting to your left.
<blue>-"Yeah man totally! I talked to the professor before the lecture, I think the girl will be talking about her experiences with the new world order!" </blue> He whispers back and then turns away, pulling out a notebook from his backpack.
<pink>-"Hello students! This is Zuza! She went through the full BNWO course last year and she will talk about her experiences a little bit! Take it away Zuza!" </pink> She sits down at her desk and looks at Zuza, giving her the green light to start.
<emily>-"Y-yes hello! So I'm going to keep it short and sweet! When I f-first heard about the BNWO I found it incredibly weird.. But with the help of professor Jia and the wonderful staff at the SUP, I started to understand that this should be the fate of every man or woman who has any self responsibility, empathy or the want to finally feel the pleasure they deserve." </emily>
She starts showing you pictures of.. Penises?
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 7\asdas.webp">
<emily>-"S-so uhmm.. This was my ex-boyfriends dick, as you can see it is laughably tiny!" </emily>The girl and professor Jia let out a quiet giggle.
<b>-"I mean it's not the biggest.. But it's not tiny.." </b> You whisper, while looking around for approval.. You find none.
<emily>-"So what did I do? Of course I told him about the BNWO and how I want to serve big black dicks! H-his cock was not even close to being enough. He unfortunately could not accept these simple terms, so I broke up with him!" </emily> She smiles and Jia nods in approval.
Zuza turns on the projector. She brought some videos with her on a flashdrive.
<<pageReplace"Take a look">>\
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 7\27318814.webp">
<emily>-"As you can see, the men I serve now, are a lot more... Packed, down there.." </emily>
<<pageReplace"Continue looking">>\
<b>-"Incredible, It's so massive and yet it fits so easily!"</b> You can't stop thinking about it.
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 7\29249900.webp">
<emily>-"So what I wanted to say is.. If you feel like your girlfriend deserves more.. She probably does and she's thinking about it daily. Do the right t-thing and.. Uhmm.. Tell her about the BNWO! Thank you for your attention!" </emily> She smiles and takes out the flashdrive, making the screen go black.
<pink>-"Thank you Zuza! You definitely made the right choice, I'm glad to have you as my ally!" </pink> Professor Jia starts clapping.
<pink>-"That's it for today students, but before you go, just a quick thought experiment. If a woman in your life said that she wants to become a BNWO ally, would you accept?" </pink> She asks while all of the students are packing their things. After you leave the hall you sit down at the cafateria to eat lunch and remember her question.
<b>-"If Emily wanted to become an ally.. I would probably.."</b>
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 7\f60bbdcdf0d3ce04af734ee1859bbd2c.webp" height="550px" width="500px">
<<pageReplace "Accept it.">>\
<b>-"I-I think I would accept that she has needs.. Also, seeing her getting fucked would be kinda hot..." </b> Your head spins as you imagine her taking bbc after bbc..
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo+3>>
<grey>BNWO +3!</grey>
<<set $openminded to $openminded+2>>
<mia>Open-minded +2!</mia>
[[Leave the University->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace "Serve with her.">>
<b>-"I-I think I would serve with her.. Helping the true kings breed Emily... Or me... Would be an honor..." </b> Your head spins as you imagine her taking bbc after bbc..
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo+5>>
<grey>BNWO +5!</grey>
<<set $openminded to $openminded+4>>
<mia>Open-minded +4!</mia>
<<set $feminization to $feminization+3>>
<emily>Feminization +3!</emily>
[[Leave the University->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace "Break up with her.">>
<b>-"Probably break up with her.. I'm getting comfortable with the idea, but.. It would be too much, too quickly.." </b>
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo+1>>
<grey>BNWO +1!</grey>
[[Leave the University->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>>\You have been going to these lectures for 2 weeks now, so you quickly find the correct hall and try to enter. It is locked.
<<todoCompleted "Meet Gina at the SUP at night">>
<<pageReplace "Knock">>\
<i>*Knock* *Knock*</i>
<b>-"It's me, $name."</b> You whisper.
<pink>-"Ahh $name, yes I'll unlock the door right away"</pink> You hear the professors muffled voice from behind the door. She unlocks the door and opens it.
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 7\2zOOF25c.webp" height="450px" width="620px">
Professor Gina is standing in front of you, with her massive tits out. She looks you up and down and quickly pulls you into the lecture hall.
<pink>-"Well... What do you think?" </pink> She seems slightly embarrassed.
<b>-"F-fuck Gina.. W-woah.." </b> You step back.. A litle bit shocked.
<b>-"I.. I knew you had a crush on me.. Hah.."</b> You smile.
<pink>-"I-I wouldn't say a crush $name, you're just my b-best student that's all.. Now about that private lesson.." </pink> She quickly pulls you inside.
<b>-"W-woah.."</b> She gets on her knees and unbuckles your pants, she did say that she will teach you in private after all.
<pink>-"F-for being such a good student... You can tell me what to do... Show me how much you've learned..." </pink> She looks up at you.
<<pageReplace "Tell her to give you a blowjob.">>
<b>-"Let's put that throat to use, you talk too much"</b> You need to act as confident as possible!
<pink>-"Y-yes" </pink> Professor Gina starts sucking your cock, but that's not enough for you. You shove your dick deep into her throat to the point that she almost chokes.
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 7\25898389.webp" height="600px" width="500px">
<pink>-"Ummmghhhh... Y-you mghh.. You've learned.. Mghhh.. welllLLLL ughhhh.." </pink> Gina can barely speak as you're shoving your cock deeper and deeper.
<b>-"I.. I-I had a great teacher!" </b> You raise your voice.
<b>-"F-fuck.. G-go deeper you slut!"</b>
<pink>-"Y-yesh $name.. That's how y-you're mghhh.. Suppowsed to tawk to.. Women.. Now s-slap mwe."</pink> She begs while barely being able to speak.
<i>Agh!</i> You slap her across the face.
<pink>-"Y-yeshhhh... Gooodddd....." </pink> She moans.
<b>-"F-fuckkk, I'm about to cum.... </b> You moan.
<pink>"Mghhh... I'm r-readyyyyYYY!.." </pink> She takes you're dick as deep as she can.
<b>-"T-take this!!." </b> You whimper.
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 7\20588154.webp" height="520px" width="500px">
<pink>-"Mghhh... Thank you f-for the meal.." </pink> She says while swallowing.
<b>-"F-fuck that was amazing.. Good work Gina" </b> You whisper.
<pink>-"Y-yes, you did well. Keep up the good work in my class and w-we'll do even more!" </pink> She winks at you and sucks on her finger. After saying your goodbyes you pick up your things and leave.
<b>-"God that was great, she's so fucking hot"</b> You think to yourself as you leave the campus.
<<set $dominant to $dominant+4>>
<<set $domresearch to false>>
<<pageReplace "Tell her to give you a boobjob.">>
<b>-"Your tits are fucking massive, I always wanted to use them"</b> You grin.. You have to act as forward as possible!
<pink>-"Y-your wish is my command..." </pink> She takes her breasts and puts them around your dick, slowly rubbing your shaft.
<b>-"Mfggg.. F-faster! Y-you bitch!" </b> You say aggressively. You remembered that professor Gina said to use insults to make women obey your commands, so you're putting her teachings to work.
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 7\14164016.webp" height="420px" width="500px">
She starts rubbing her thick tits against you're shaft and tip faster and faster.
<pink>-"Ummmghhhh... Y-you mghh.. You've learned.. Mghhh.. WelllLLLL ughhhh.. You can h-hold off for a while" </pink> Gina can barely speak, she's out of breath.
<b>-"You like that?! Huh?! You like that b-big fucking shaft in between your tits.." </b> You raise your voice.
<pink>-"Y-yesh $name.. That's how y-you're mghhh.. Supposed to talk to.. Women.. Now s-slap me."</pink> She begs..
<i>Argh!</i> You slap her across the face.
<pink>-"Y-yeshhhh... gooodddd....." </pink> She moans.
<b>-"F-fuckkk, I'm about to cum.... </b> You moan.
<pink>"Mghhh... I'm readyyyy.." </pink> She speeds up even more.
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 7\8006184.webp" height="550px" width="500px">
<b>-"Godddd... F-fuckkkkkkkkk"</b> You moan as you cum all over your professors tits.
<pink>-"T-thank you.. f-for the meal" </pink> She says while licking your cum off of her fingertips.
<b>-"F-fuck that was amazing, good work Gina" </b> You whisper.
<pink>-"Y-yes, you did well. Keep up the good work in my class and w-we'll do even more" </pink> She winks at you and sucks on her finger. After saying your goodbyes you pick up your things and leave.
<b>-"God that was great, she's so fucking hot"</b> You think to yourself as you leave the campus.
<<set $dominant to $dominant+4>>
<<set $domresearch to false>>
<</pageReplace>>\Unfortunately, as you type the words "Anal play for men" into google, you only see gay guys.
You decide to google "Anal play for men with chastity" and something more interesting shows up.
<<todoCompleted "Research anal play">>
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 7\9a56131dbceec9288663dfe36c2e6fcf.webp">
Men pleasuring themselves with dildos... You felt conflicted, but
<<pageReplace "Horny.">>
<b>-"Trying out a dildo sounds... Kind of nice"</b> You think to yourself. You can imagine yourself hopelessly lying in bed while Emily uses a dildo on you... Maybe you are more like a women than a man after all.
<emily> +3 Feminization!</emily>
<mia> +2 Open-minded!</mia>
<<set $feminization to $feminization+3>><<set $openminded to $openminded+2>>
[[Close the laptop ->room]]
<<pageReplace "Weirded out">>
<b> -"This is not for me... How can men do this to themselves is beyond me."</b>
[[Close the laptop->room]]
<<set $femresearch to false>>\<<lecture "Domination class" "Anal. How to use it to make any woman beg for more.">>
<<todoCompleted "Meet Gina at the SUP at night">>
As per usual, professor Gina is even more provocative than before, dressed in a literal bikini.
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 8\gina-savage-porn-01.webp">
While you walked past her she winked at you and looked down towards your crotch.. You got goosebumps while imagining how good it must feel to fuck her. She then starts off the lesson by talking about the benefits of anal and of course, showing examples on screen.
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 8\20732638.webp">
<pink>-"Anal is an important tool in your arsenal. It shows women that they're only a pair of holes to be used by you. You need to teach them that they are toys for your pleasure" </pink> She says while getting hot and heavy, looking over at your direction from time to time. You write down everything quickly.
<<pageReplace"Continue to listen">>\
<pink>-"It's important to understand that if a girl is not ready for anal, you can't force her. You need the girl so sumbit willingly, so make her use toys or fingers at first." </pink>
<pink>-"After you teach her, she'll understand the power of it and the incredible pleasure it can produce." </pink> She says while looking straight at you.
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 8\28852233.webp">
After the lecture you get up to leave and head towards the door, but you notice that professor Gina is blushing, looking over at you and very slowly... rubbing her crotch. The moment she notices you looking she stops and looks away, pretending to be doing something else.
<b>-"Haha I know that whore wants me..." </b> You think to yourself as you leave the hall.
<blue>Dominant +2!</blue>
<<set $dominant to $dominant+2>>
[[Leave the University->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>>\<<lecture "Submissiveness class" "Pegging, what is it and what it's used for.">>
You're a bit late to your class, but when you get there, professor Kei just smiles and gestures towards your seat.
<b>-"Sorry I'm late!"</b> You whisper as you walk up to your desk.
<<pageReplace"Face the front of the class">>\
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 8\epicinternetgf_0326.webp" height="500px" width="450px">
<pink>-"As I mentioned last lecture, today we're going to be talking about pegging and it's benefit to your various relationships. Pegging changes the dynamic of traditional roles and makes the woman fuck you, not the other way around." </pink>She turns on the projector and starts playing various videos.
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 8\24704403.webp">
You write everything down that she's saying on your notepad, making sure to not miss a single sentence, you know that a test is coming soon.
<pink>-"Women naturally want to be dominant, so if you notice that your girlfriend, sister, mother or even wife start to slowly take away certain privileges or become rougher in bed, let it happen and eventually, when she mentions pegging, you must comply and bend over like the good boy you are." </pink>She stares you dead in the eyes while saying it. You get embarrassed and look away, quickly closing your eyes. You imagine:
<<pageReplace "Emily pegging you.">>\
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 8\6453868.webp" height="400px" width="400px">
You imagine laying in bed while emily takes out a strap-on and puts it inside. You imagine how she would dominate you, take control of you, humiliate you.. You get a raging boner and quickly leave the class, miss Kei notices the tent in your pants as you walk away and grins.
<pink>Submissive +5!</pink>
<<set $submissive to $submissive+5>>
<mia>Open-minded +5!</mia>
<<set $openminded to $openminded+5>>\
<<if $femstatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 8 fem]]
<<elseif $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 8 bnwo]]
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace "Nothing.">>\
You don't think about anything. You look back up to see that miss Kei is no longer staring. You continue to write everything down and after the lecture, you quickly leave the hall, deciding what to do next.
<pink>Submissive +3!</pink>
<<set $submissive to $submissive+3>>\
<<if $femstatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 8 fem]]
<<elseif $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 8 bnwo]]
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>>\<<lecture "Feminization class" "A glimpse into the future.">>
You sit down in your chair and open your notebook, the lesson starts.
<pink>-"Well students, I hope you all completed your assignments! And if you didn't, well you're going to see what anal play is today anyways!</pink> Professor Lana says.
<pink>-"You can come in!" </pink> She shouts at someone while looking towards the door. All of the students look in that direction. As the doors swing open you can see an incredibly attractive girl standing there.
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 8\Screenshot_9.webp">
<emily>-"H-hello.. Ev-everyone..." </emily> She stutters.
<pink>-"This is Ema everyone! She was a student in this course last year and she will show us how she masturbates! Isn't that right Ema?" </pink> Wait.. what?
<emily>-"Y-yes.. Hello everyone, I'm Ema. I u-used to go by David.. Please.. Take a look..." </emily> Ema lifts up her skirt.
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 8\257829442ba0cf158cc9abe7f9307004.webp" height="500px" width="400px">
<pink>-"Incredible! Please, whenever you are ready you can start!" </pink> Professor Lana looks so proud.
<b>-"So Ema was a dude? Wow..." </b> You ponder to yourself.
<emily>-"Y-yes.. I will start right away.. I'm going to be using a d-dildo.." </emily> Ema quickly sits down and pulls out a massive bbc dildo from her backpack.
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 8\63kdinm6zkk91.webp" height="950px" width="500px">
She sets it up on the floor, in front of the whole class and finally mounts it.
<b>-"Oh my god.. No way she can take it all the way in.. That thing is huge!" </b> You whisper.
<emily>-"Mghhh... F-fuckkk..." </emily> Ema moans quietly but starts picking up speed.
<<pageReplace"Stare at her hypnotised ">>\
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 8\21303951.webp">
As you watch her riding the dildo you can't help yourself.. You're getting turned on.
<pink>-"Wow! Pay attention students, as you progress in the course all of your sexual activity and orgasms will need to look like this! Good job Ema, keep it up!" </pink> Professor Lana pets Ema on the head.
<emily>-"F-fuckk I-I'm close... It's hitting my.. My prostate.." </emily> She moans out in pleasure.
<pink>-"Write that down students, you need to focus on pleasuring your prostate to cum without hands!" </pink> You quickly write down Ema's words.
<emily>-"FuucckkkKKKKK!!! MGHhhhhhh!" </emily> The girl lets out a final moan.
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 8\26594782.webp">
As she cums all over herself you can see her cheeks getting more and more red. She's a shy one.
<pink>-"Amazing! G-good job Ema!"</pink> The professor starts clapping.
<emily>-"Mghhh.. I-I'll be.. I'll be going now.." </emily> She can barely move but she just manages to stand up. She picks up her dildo and quickly leaves the hall as the students are cheering her on, she didn't even clean the cum from her clothes.
<pink>-"Well students, what did you think?!" </pink>
<mia>-"That was so cool, I want to try!" </mia>
<sister>-"Can I try next lecture miss Lana?.. Please!"</sister>
The whole class erupts in acceptance and applause. They definitely seem to like it..
<pink>-"Haha, well I'm glad you liked it! That's it for today, you can quietly leave the hall! If you want to try something similar on your own, continue to come to my lectures!" </pink> She giggles. You pick up your things and head towards the door, before you exit you thank miss Lana for the amazing lecture and go to the toilet to collect your thoughts and to decide where to go next.
<<set $feminization to $feminization+4>>
<emily>Feminization +4!</emily>
<<if $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 8 bnwo]]
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>>\<<lecture "BNWO class" "Mild hypnosis.">>
The lecture was very quick, only around 10 minutes. Professor Jia needed to be somewhere. She quickly came into the lecture hall, turned on a video and started speaking.
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 8\29509182.webp">
<pink>-"Hello Hello! This is going to be a very short lesson, so please just watch this 10 minute hypno video and you can leave the hall!" </pink>
<b>-"A hypno video? What does that even mean.." </b> You ask the professor.
<pink>-"It helps good little white boys like you to understand your place, $name, no more questions, I'm in a hurry!" </pink> She starts heading towards the door but quickly stops.
<pink>-"Oh yeah I almost forgot! Next lecture we are writing a test of course, most of you already know, but I forgot to give you an assignment last time we met, so I'm going to give you one know! Please research the site Blacked.com and buy a subscription there! Of course this is not required, but It would help you greatly in this course!" </pink> She says her goodbyes and leaves the hall.
<<todo "Google blacked.com">>
<b>"Blacked.com huh.. I bet I could find that site on my laptop"</b>
<<set $blackedcom to true>>
<grey>BNWO +1!</grey>
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo+1>>
[[Leave the University->Go outside]]<div class="middle"><img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 8\Blacked.webp">
<<todoCompleted "Google blacked.com">>
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 8\15937448.webp" width="1000px">
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 8\14700057.webp" width="1000px">
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 8\16024748.webp" width="1000px">
<div class="middle"><yellow>Subscribe now and get 67% off! Our lifetime subscription has never been this cheap, only 100 dollars!</yellow></div>
<<if $money>=100>>
<div class="middle"><<pageReplace "Subscribe and pay 100$.">>
<b>-"Awh fuck it who cares.. This is too hot not to buy.."</b>
<green>Money -100$!</green>
<<money -100 "Bought a BLACKED subscription">>
[[Close the laptop->room]]
<<set $blackedporn to true>>
<<set $blackedcom to false>>
<div class="middle"><<pageReplace "Think about it more.">>
<b>-"100 $? That's quite a bit of money.. I'll think about it more.."</b>
[[Close the laptop->room]]
<div class="middle">You sadly don't have enough money to buy the subscription.
[[Close the laptop->room]] </div>
<</if>><<lecture "Domination class" "Test day.">>
Today is test day! You're writing an important test about dominance and it starts in about an hour, so you come the lecture hall early. As you wait and go over your notes, more and more students start to show up. When everyone is inside and ready, professor Gina starts talking.
<pink>-"I'm glad to see that everyone made it. This test is a simple one, going over the basic things we learned in earlier lectures, as I said at the start of the course, the best student will have the opportunity to get private lessons from me after class... Make sure to do your best." </pink> More private lessons from Gina? You cannot pass this up! You must do as best you as you can!
When you get the paper, all of your nerves go away. These questions are ridiculously easy! As you look over to the people sitting next to you, you notice that their test is completely different and much harder.
<b>-"Hmmm... Does she want me to do the best? Huh... Well I'm not complaining!" </b> You think to yourself.
You write down your answers and get up from your desk, heading towards the front. You're the first in the class to do so. As you walk up to the front desk, Gina bends down in front of you, lifting up her skirt on purpose.
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 9\25038523.webp">
<pink>-"Oh $name! Haha don't mind me, you finished already?"</pink>
<b>-"Yes Gina, I did" </b>
<pink>-"Mmmghhh, you did it so quickly.. I hope you do the best $name." </pink> She bites her bottom lip.
<b>-"I don't do everything quickly Gina, if you catch my drift" </b> You wink at her. She blushes and you leave the hall.
You'll find out your test results during the next lecture!
[[Leave the University->Principalspying]]<<lecture "Submissiveness class" "Test day.">>
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 9\epicinternetgf_0202.webp" height="450px" width="400px">
<pink>-"Hello students, I'm glad that so many of you made it and yet, I can see that 3 students didn't show up, how disappointing..." </pink> Miss Kei sighs.
<pink>-"Please take the test paper from the pile over here." </pink> She point at her desk.
<pink>-"After you are finished, quietly bring it to me." </pink> She wishes everyone good luck and after every student has their paper, the test starts.
<b>-"...What...The...Fuck.." </b> You whisper. These questions are completely different from what you prepared for.
<b>-"H-how deep inside is the male prostate...? What are these questions man..." </b> You ponder to yourself. After writing down the answers to the questions you knew, you are left with more than 10 questions that you have to idea how to answer, all you can do is guess. After you finish, you hand her the paper and as you walk out the lecture hall you feel a ball of worry and discomfort form in your chest.
<<if $femstatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 9 fem]]
<<elseif $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 9 bnwo]]
[[Leave the university->Principalspying]]
<</if>>\<<lecture "Feminization class" "Test day.">>
You're sitting in the cafetaria skimming over your notes, getting ready for todays feminization test. When you feel like you're ready, you stand up and head towards the class, you are ten minutes early. Right as you sit down at your desk, you see the professor come in.
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 9\lana-rhoades-boobs.gif">
She seems... Suspicious? You have no idea why she's acting weird and looking around, but you don't pay too much attention to it. As the lecture starts, you get introduced to the test and its rules.
<pink>-"W-welcome students! Today... Today is test day.. Mghh.. Pleassee tak-take the exam sheet and.. Nghh.. Write down your answers.." </pink> She's letting out soft and quiet moans while speaking.. What could that mean.
As you're reading the questions you calm down a bit, the test isn't even that hard. Some questions are about chastity's others are about the prostate and dildos, there's 10 questions in total and you feel confident that you got at least 7 correct.
<pink>-"I'm... going to head out for some time, j-just leave the answer sheet on my desk" </pink> Professor Lana leaves the room. Students start talking and sharing answers, cheating from each other, but you don't. After you're done, you put down your answer sheet and leave the lecture hall, heading towards the toilet.
<<pageReplace"Enter the toilet">>\
As you enter the toilet you are greeted by an interesting sight.
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 9\asdasd.webp">
Professor Lana is sucking someones cock.
<pink>-"Mghhh.. Oh! $name! D-don't mind me!" </pink> She gives you a look and continues to suck dick.
<b>-"Oh.. I'm.. S-sorry, I will go to another toilet!" </b> You stutter over your words in pure shock.
<pink>-"Mghhh.. Ogh Com onn, yju cwan nghhhh... Swuck this d-dwick with me.." </pink> You can barely make out what she is saying, but you think she's inviting you to suck the dick with her?
<b>-"N-no it's okay... I'm good.." </b> You quickly run out of the bathroom in shame. You're not quite ready to do that, but you will definitely:
<<pageReplace "Do it in the future.">>\
You definitely plan to do something like that in the future.. maybe even the near future... As you exit the SUP to get some fresh air you feel a small tent rising up in your pants.
<emily>Feminization +5!</emily>
<<set $feminization to $feminization+5>>
<mia>Open-minded +2!</mia>
<<set $openminded to $openminded+2>>\
<<if $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 9 bnwo]]
[[Leave the university->Principalspying]]
<<pageReplace "Avoid it in the future.">>\
You continue to lie to yourself about your sexuality. You just can't seem to grasp that you're changing so you choose to live in lies. As you exit the SUP to get some fresh air you feel a small tent rising up in your pants.
<emily>Feminization +2!</emily>
<<set $feminization to $feminization+2>>\
<<if $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 9 bnwo]]
[[Leave the university->Principalspying]]
<</pageReplace>>\<<lecture "BNWO class" "Test day.">>
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 9\1684705126112442741.webp" height="600px">
<pink>-"Welcome students, to probably your last test of today. Talking amongst each other is strictly forbidden." </pink> You just sat down and she's already giving you all a monologue. After she hands everyone the test sheet, she sits down.
<pink>-"Oh and I forgot to mention, whoever does the best, will get a nice surprise from me! Believe me, it's worth it, so do you best!" </pink> The test is interesting. It has a lot of vague and philosophical questions. Questioning racial superiority and discrimination. You answer to the best of your abilities and hand in your test.
<b>-"I'm done miss Jean, what did you mean by the surprise exactly?"</b>
<pink>-"Well it wouldn't be a surprise if I told you $name! If you do the best, you will find out!"</pink> She smiles and you leave the hall, wondering how well you did.
<grey>BNWO +1!</grey>
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo+1>>
[[Leave the University->Principalspying]]As you're walking out of the the SUP after a long, grueling day of tests, you start to feel.. Uneasy... Almost like someone or something is watching you..
<b>-"M-maybe I'm just paranoid.. H-haha.. Yeah.."</b> You think to yourself as you subconsciously start walking faster..
<<pageReplace"Look behind you">>\
You still decide to look behind you.. just in case..
Nothing... Or so you thought at first.. While scanning the first floor you meet someones gaze..
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 9\gusfring1.webp" width="700px">
<b>-"W-what..?"</b> You whisper to yourself as you quickly look away..
<b>-"A strange man in a suit staring at me while talking on the phone? What in "Men In Black" type shit is this.."</b> You ponder to yourself as you quickly leave the university..
<b>-"Jeez that was weird.."</b>
[[Quickly exit the SUP->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>>\<<lecture "Domination class" "Test results.">>
You're sitting at your table, professor Gina is giving everyone their test results. You see people being sad, others are happy, some are looking at Gina with lustful eyes, probably believing that they did the best on the test. When she comes up to you she doesn't give you anything.
<pink>-"Oops.. I seem to have lost your test somewhere $name" </pink> She looks at you and blushes.
<b>-"Right, right, it's okay" </b> You answer. You have no idea what she's planning, but she did it on purpose and you're not going to let her get away with it. After she hands everyone their papers, she speaks.
<pink>-"You guys can leave now, no lecture today. I will send an email to the student that did the best to come and meet me after working hours" </pink>Everyone starts leaving the hall, but you stay put. You'll find out where she put that test one way or another. After everyone leaves you finally stand up and go up to her.
<<pageReplace "Confront her">>\
<b>-"I know yo put my test somewhere Gina, where is it, how did I do?"</b> You look down at her sitting.
<pink>-"Mmghh... I don't know... I lost it somewhere.." </pink> She looks up at you with puppy eyes.
<b>-"Alright you bimbo, I'll get that information from you by force then" </b> You walk behind her desk and pull Gina from her seat.
<pink>-"Ughh- what are you doing??!" </pink>She seems surprised by your sudden display of dominance.
<b>-"Getting my test results" </b>You tell her as you pull her skirt up and start slapping her ass.
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 10\18101015.webp" width="600px" height="300px">
<pink>-"Mghhh... F-fuckkk.. s-stoppp I don't knoww.." </pink> She moans after every slap.
<b>-"Tell me how I did you whore, I know I did the best. I see you looking at me every lecture, blushing, touching yourself. Submit and tell me!"</b> You shout.
<pink>-"Ughhh S-stoppp p-please.... Mghhhh" </pink> She moans even louder. You remove her skirt and panties and start spanking her even harder, to the point that her ass is bright red.
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 10\22324980.webp" width="470px" height="300px">
<pink>-"F-fuckkk okayyy $name... You did t-the mghhhhh.. You did t-the bBBEEsssTTTT!" </pink> She screams as you slap her one last time.
<b>-"That's what I thought, wasn't so hard was it?" </b> You let her go and she falls to the floor, moaning and with her tongue out.
<b>-"If you don't want to give me the private lessons, I'll get them myself, just you wait.." </b>
<b>-"Oops.. I think I broke you..." </b> You laugh, put on your backpack and leave.
<blue>Dominant +5!</blue>
<<set $dominant to $dominant+5>>
[[Leave the University->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>>\<<lecture "Submissiveness class" "Test results.">>
You get to the class a bit earlier than everyone else and sit down. As the students start to show up, more and more chatter starts going around the class, people are talking about how they think they did, sharing answers and speculating. When Miss Kei comes into the class, everyone goes silent, she looks at everyone with a warm smile, but then her smile turns into an angry frown and she looks straight at you.
<pink>-"Well students, I'm guessing you all want to find out your test results... Everyone did great, except for one student." </pink>Everyone is listening intently, hoping that they are not that specific student she is reffering to.
<pink>-"$name, come forward to the front of the class" </pink> Everyone sighs and looks at you... Oh no... As you walk up to the front of the hall, you notice that professor Kei is incredibly mad and holding some sort of tool.
<b>-"H-here I a-am...." </b> You whimper, waiting for something to happen.
<pink>-"This little cuck right here, managed to score not 4... not 3.. not 2... but 1 point out of 10!" </pink> The class erupts in laughter. Your cheeks burn with shame.
<pink>-"To make sure this doesn't happen again, I will teach you a lesson again, in front of the whole class." </pink> Miss Kei orders you to remove your pants and underwear, which you do immediately. She takes her tool, which you notice is a spanking paddle, bends you over the table and starts spanking your balls.
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 10\ezgif-3-4996f6663f.webp">
<pink>-"<i>*SLAP*</i>How the fuck did you manage to get 1 point huh? <i>*SLAP*</i> Are you dumb? <i>*SLAP*</i> Huh?<i> *SLAP*</i>"</pink> You scream in pain and pleasure while other students start to laugh and film.
<b>-"F-fuckk.. Mghh... I-I'm sorry!!!" </b>
<pink>-"Stop laughing, students, or you're next!" </pink> The class goes silent.
<pink>-"Now lay down" </pink> Your balls are already red but you <<pageReplace"follow her command and lay down.">>
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 10\C3D27E6.webp">
<pink>-"You like that huh? You like that?!" </pink> She screams straight to your face.
<b>-"I-I'm sorry! I w-will do.. Mghhh... I will do better! I-I promise!" </b> You moan in pleasure and pain.
<pink>-"UGHH you annoy me! Stand up! And put that small thing away!" </pink> You quickly stand up and put on your underwear, your balls are completely red and so is your face..
<pink>-"Get out of my sigh you idiot." </pink> She says while pointing at the door. You don't question her futher and run out of the lecture hall..
<<if $femstatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 10 fem]]
<<elseif $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 10 bnwo]]
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>>\<<lecture "Feminization class" "Test results.">>
You don't remember what you did during the lecture because you fell asleep. The only thing you could recall were your test results. You got 6 questions correct out of the 10 given, which isn't horrible, but you want to improve. After the lecture finishes, you go up to the professor.
<b>-"H-hello professor Lana, I'm here to ask for a little bit of help" </b> You give her a warm smile while the students exiting the hall glanze at you with a curious look.
<pink>-"Sure $name! What do you need help with?" </pink>
<b>-"Well I noticed that I only got 6 questions correct during the last lectures test, so I was wondering what I could do to improve?" </b> You look down at the ground, not expecting much.
<pink>-"Hmmm.. I'm looking over your test sheet right now and I can see that most of the questions you didn't answer were about oral, is that correct?" </pink> She skims over your answer sheet.
<b>-"Y-yes.. I have no experience in that regard.." </b> You whisper, making sure to look over your shoulder to see if anyone heard you.
<pink>-"Oh.. Well come to my office in about 10 minutes, I can teach you a thing or two during the lunch break!" </pink> She pets your head lightly.
<b>-"Understood! I will come back in 10 minutes!" </b> You leave, excited about the private lecture you're about to get. 10 minutes pass and you walk up to the door.
Professor Lana is already on the ground, laying on a towel, seemingly getting ready to teach me a thing or two. She licks a dildo she's holding and notices you.
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 10\27542046.webp">
<pink>-"You made it! Come here, lay down next to me!" </pink> She gives you an inviting look, you follow her lead and sit down next to her.
<pink>-"The best experience is practical experience! So today I'm going to teach you interactively! Pay attention to how I pleasure the toy, you have to imagine that it's a real human being" </pink> She starts sucking the dildo, making sure to look at you once in a while to see if you're paying attention.
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 10\ezgif-3-36ccfc0264.webp">
After she sucks the dildo for a couple of minutes, giving you tips and pointers, saying what to touch, what to do with your tongue and how to avoid using your teeth.
<pink>-"Mghh.. <i>*slurp*</i>.. Okay, I think you're ready. Put this wig on.." </pink> She pulls out a wig out of her desk and gives it to you.
<b>-"W-what is it for?" </b> You whisper.
<pink>-"Well you're in a feminization class after all, we have to make you look like a girl! Put it on and get to sucking!" </pink> You reluctantly put the wig on and:
<<pageReplace "Decide that this is too much and run away.">>
<b>-"N-no.. I change my mind.. T-this is too much.." </b> You stand up and give her the wig.
<pink>-"Well thats unfortunate.. Maybe you just need more time.." </pink> She seems disappointed.
<pink>-"Don't worry though, next lecture we will be going more in depth about oral anyways, so you can learn without doing anything" </pink> She gives you a warm smile and takes the wig.
<b>-"T-thank you for understanding.." </b> You take your backpack and leave.
<<if $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 10 bnwo]]
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace "Suck the dildo.">>\
You slowly take the dildo into your hands and put in in your mouth.
<pink>-"Good bo- I mean girl! Now wrap your tongue around the tip, make sure to please it as much as possible!"</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 10\17464564.webp">
<b>-" <i>*slurp*</i> Nghh... Awm I d-dwoing it r-right?" </b> You stutter over your words because your mouth is completely full.
<pink>-"Y-yes honey! You're doing great! Move over a bit.. I want to join you." </pink> Professor Lana gets in front of you and starts sucking the other side of the dildo, seemingly not being able to control her urges.
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 10\29214045.webp">
You feel your penis growing harder and harder by the minute.. You need to stop this asap! After around 10 minutes of practice, you finally decide that its time to stop.
<b>-"O-okay.. I think that's enough... <i>*spit*</i> " </b> You spit out your saliva and start standing up.
<b>-"T-thank you for the lesson.." </b>
<pink>-"Of cwourse $name! Y-you cwan go, <i>*slurp* </i> I'll stay here for a second.."</pink> She continues to suck the dildo. As you exit the lecture hall heading towards the toilet to clean up, you can hear the slurping noises getting louder and louder behind you..
<b>-"Damn.. She's putting in some work.." </b> You think to yourself as you open the toilets door.
<emily>Feminization +4!</emily>
<<set $feminization to $feminization +4>>
<mia>Open-minded +1!</mia>
<<set $openminded to $openminded+1>>\
<<if $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 10 bnwo]]
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<<if $bnwostatus is true>>
<<pageReplace "Request a bbc dildo.">>\
You look at the dildo and then at the professor.
<b>-"C-could you.. Do you... Maybe have a black one?" </b> You whisper in embarrassment.
<pink>-"What? Oh! A bbc dildo! Of course, of course.. You probably go to the bnwo lectures, I didn't even think about it!" </pink> She quickly runs up to her desk and pulls out a bbc dildo, handing it to you.
<b>-"T-thank you.." </b> You take it and slowly put the tip inside of your mouth. You have no idea what you are doing, so you look kind of awkward.
<pink>-"Good bo- I mean girl! Now wrap your tongue around the tip, make sure to please it as much as possible!"</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 10\C129F8F.webp">
<b>-" <i>*slurp*</i> Nghh... Awm I d-dwoing it r-right?" </b> You stutter over your words because your mouth is completely full.
<pink>-"Y-yes honey! You're doing great! Move over a bit.. I want to join you." </pink> Professor Lana gets in front of you and starts sucking the other side of the dildo, seemingly not being able to control her urges.
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 10\29214045.webp">
You feel your penis growing harder and harder by the minute.. You need to stop this asap! After around 10 minutes of practice, you finally decide that its time to stop.
<b>-"O-okay.. I think that's enough... <i>*spit*</i> " </b> You spit out your saliva and start standing up.
<b>-"T-thank you for the lesson.." </b>
<pink>-"Of cwourse $name! Y-you cwan go, <i>*slurp* </i> I'll stay here for a second.."</pink> She continues to suck the dildo. As you exit the lecture hall heading towards the toilet to clean up, you can hear the slurping noises getting louder and louder behind you..
<b>-"Damn.. She's putting in some work.." </b> You think to yourself as you open the toilets door.
<emily>Feminization +4!</emily>
<<set $feminization to $feminization +4>>
<mia>Open-minded +1!</mia>
<<set $openminded to $openminded+1>>
<grey>BNWO +3!</grey>
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo+3>>\
<<if $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 10 bnwo]]
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>>\<<lecture "BNWO class" "Test results.">>
As you walk up to the door you notice that you can't hear anyone, or even see anyone around here.
<b>-"Huh, is the lecture cancelled?" </b> You say to yourself outloud.
As you open the door and enter, you see that nobody is here, just you and professor Jia.
<pink>-"$name!!! Heyyy! I'm so glad you made it!" </pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 10\asd.webp" height="600px">
<b>-"What are you wea- W-what is going on?" </b>
<pink>-"You did the best during yesterdays test! That's what's happening! Congrats! I sent an email to all of the other students that today's lecture is cancelled!" </pink> She smiles and runs up to you.
<b>-"OhhhHHH! Is this about the surprise? Well, what did I win miss Jia?" </b> You smile in excitement.
<pink>-"Well $name, as my new best student, you will have the honor of filming a porno with me!" </pink>
<b>-"Oh my god really??! I can't believe I'm going to fuck a professor!" </b> You can't stop yourself from smilling and giggling.
<pink>-"Ew, you won't fuck me silly! You will FILM me, while I fuck my black bull!" </pink> She gives you a weird look and turns around, quickly running up to her desk and grabbing her phone.
<b>-"Ahh yes.. Of course... What was I thinking.." </b> You can't tell if this is better or worse than actually fucking her.
<pink>-"Uhmmm what time is it.. Okay.. Well meet me here at the SUP at night before our next lecture and we will go! Okay?"</pink> She smiles and gives you a kiss on the cheek.
<b>-"Y-yes of course, miss Jia, I will be there.." </b>
<<todo "Meet Jia at the SUP at night">>
<b><u>-"I need to come to the SUP at night If I want to meet professor Jia!" </u></b> You try to not forget as you leave the lecture hall.
<<set $bnworesearch to true>>
[[Leave the University->Go outside]]<b>-"Where is she..."</b> You've been waiting for more than 15 minutes. She told you to meet her at the entrace, but there's no sign of her..
<b>-"Ughh I'm just going to go.." </b> You say outloud while turning around.
<<todoCompleted "Meet Jia at the SUP at night">>
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 10\tn_16.webp" height="550px">
<b>-"Oh Jesus! You scared me!" </b> You take a step backwards.
<pink>-"Haha sorry I'm late $name! Had to clean up a bit before the shoot! Are you ready to go?" </pink> Other people are looking at you two, probably thinking that you are on a date..
<b>-"S-sure..." </b>
<<pageReplace"Get in the car">>\
You sat in the passenger's seat while Jia drove for about an hour. You finally arrived at your location - an old apartment complex.
<b>-"Is this the correct place miss Jia?" </b>
<pink>-"Y-yes, no need to worry $name!" </pink>
You exit the car and get to the front door of the complex. Jia punches in a 4 digit code and gets inside. You both take the elevator to the fourth floor and are now standing infront of a door.
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 10\ezgif-4-e8f63729c0.webp">
Right as you enter you start hearing moans. There's an active porno shoot going on!
<blue>-"Oh hey Jia, who's the new kid?" </blue> A strange, fat, camera man turns to see you.
<pink>-"Oh don't worry about him, he's going to film my new porno with Julian!"</pink>
<blue>-"Haha alright, well you know where to find me if you need me!" </blue> The obese beast keeps eating his doughnut and turns around.
You and Jia enter another room, to the left of the studio and close the door. There's a black man sitting on the bed.
<grey>-"Oh.. Who's the new kid, love?" </grey> He asks as he looks you up and down.
<pink>-"Oh he's just a student who goes to my BNWO classes, he's going to film us today!" </pink>
<grey>-"Haha alright kid, just hold the camera straight" </grey> He points at a camera sitting on a counter. You pick it up and get ready.
<b>-"A-alright.. Y-you can.. Uhmmm... Start.." </b> You whisper.
<<pageReplace"Turn on the camera">>\
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 10\ezgif-4-a80f689564.webp">
They start getting right into it. They didn't even ask if you turned the camera on, they're that horny for each other. After they're done making out, Miss Jia gets on her knees.
<pink>-"F-fuckk... Gwive it to mwe.. <i>*slurp* </i> You swee.. Nghhhh.. This hubby? Twhis is a real dwick!" </pink> Her husband is probably going to watch this video, so she's adressing him..
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 10\ezgif-4-71466c9ee1.webp">
<pink>-" <i>*Slurp*</i> Mghhh.. Hwold the c-cwamera s-sstrwaight!" </pink> She moans and gives you an angry look.
<grey>-"You heard her cuck, hold it straight before I make you!"</grey>
<b>-"Y-yes sir.." </b> The guy is much bigger and stronger than you, you can't do much.
After some time, Jia removes the dick from her mouth and says:
<pink>-"I-it's time, I want you Julian, please breed me, please show this loser and everyone who is watching who this pussy belongs to.." </pink>
<grey>-"Get on the bed you whore" </grey>
You turn the camera to face the bed, but before you can even set it up correctly, they are already at it.
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 10\26499432.webp">
<pink>-"F-fuckkkkk.. Nghhhhh" </pink> She moans.
<grey>-"Jesus you're tight... Who do you belong to bitch!? </grey> He slaps her ass.
<pink>-"Y-you.. I belong to you.."</pink>
<grey>-"You are never gonna fuck a whiteboy right?!" </grey> He slaps her ass again.
<pink>-"Nghhh nooooo... I'm a s-slut for th- nghhhh... Thee bnwo... FucccKKKK" </pink>
She starts moaning louder and louder... You can feel your dick getting harder and harder.
<<pageReplace "Masturbate.">>\
<<if $toys !==1>>\
You can't stop yourself now.. You image Emily taking Julians dick and lower your pants. You take the camera in one hand and your penis in the other.
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 10\22797584.webp" height="600px">
<pink>-"HAHAHAA Look at that cuck! He's masturbating!" </pink> Professor Jia laughs at you.
<grey>-"Hahaha what a loser! I don't care how horny you are kid, make sure to film it good or I'll beat you up."</grey>
<b>-"Nghh.. O-of course sir.."</b>
You only film them for around 30 seconds before wanting to bust your load.
<b>-"F-fuck.. I'm.. I-I'm about to c-cumm.." </b> You start jacking faster and faster.
<grey>-"Hahaha already bro? Come on!"</grey>
<pink>-"D-don't you dare you fucking loser, h-have you.. MGhhhh.. Learned nothing in my lectures? W-white boys don't cum, f-fuckkk... They just watch! Put t-that little.. NGhhhhhHHHH... Thing back in your pants you betaaaAAA."</pink> She moans and screams at you.. You listen to her and put your dick back in your pants. You can feel it throbbing in there.
<pink>-"Mghhhh.. Hold the f-fucking camera straight.. mghhh.. NGHH FUCK ME FUCK ME F-FUCK NGHHHH FUCK ME!" </pink> You're.. Kinda enjoying this.
<grey>-"G-gosh.. I'm a bout to cumm.."</grey> Julian moans and pulls out his dick.
<grey>-"Open your m-mouth bitch, Nghhh I want you to eat it TodAAay!" </grey> He cums straight into your professors mouth as you film.
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 10\23639062.webp">
<grey>-"F-fuckkkkkk nghhhhh.. Swallow bitch!" </grey> He slaps her across the face.
<pink>-"Y-yesss.. <i>*Gulp*</i> T-thank you..<i>*Gulp*</i> F-for the meal.."</pink>
<b>-"W-wow miss Jia.. That was intense!" </b>
<pink>-"Oh... You're still here? Get out of here you loser, me and Julian are going to the shower.</pink>
<b>-"B-but you drove me here?"</b>
<pink>-"Okay and? The surprise was a trip here to film me, driving you back was not part of it. Just find a bus or whatever and leave me alone" </pink> She laughs, takes Julian by the hand and leads him to the shower. You can hear her moans coming from the bathroom as you sit on the bed contemplating your life's desicions..
You can't stop yourself now.. You image Emily taking Julians dick and lower your pants. But in the heat of the moment you forgot that you're wearing a chastity cage!
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 10\bbbb7.jpg">
<b>-"F-fuck.. Emily.."</b> You moan as a spurt of pre cum leaves the tip of your cock.
<pink>-"HAHAHAA Look at that cuck! He's caged!" </pink> Professor Jia laughs at you.
<grey>-"Hahaha what a loser! I don't care how horny you are kid, make sure to film it good or I'll beat you up."</grey>
<b>-"Nghh.. O-of course sir.."</b>
<pink>-"Hmph... M-maybe it's.. NghHhh.. Maybe it's a good thing!! S-shit.. All white boys s-should be caged anyways... MghHh.."</pink> Her moans grow louder and louder.
<pink>-"Mghhhh.. Hold the f-fucking camera straight.. Mghhh.. NGHH FUCK ME FUCK ME F-FUCK NGHHHH FUCK ME!" </pink> You're.. Kinda enjoying this.
<grey>-"G-gosh.. I'm a bout to cumm.."</grey> Julian moans and pulls out his dick.
<grey>-"Open your m-mouth bitch, Nghhh I want you to eat it TodAAay!" </grey> He cums straight into your professors mouth as you film.
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 10\23639062.webp">
<grey>-"F-fuckkkkkk nghhhhh.. Swallow bitch!" </grey> He slaps her across the face.
<pink>-"Y-yesss.. <i>*Gulp*</i> T-thank you..<i>*Gulp*</i> F-for the meal.."</pink>
<b>-"W-wow miss Jia.. That was intense!" </b>
<pink>-"Oh... You're still here? Get out of here you loser, me and Julian are going to the shower.</pink>
<b>-"B-but you drove me here?"</b>
<pink>-"Okay and? The surprise was a trip here to film me, driving you back was not part of it. Just find a bus or whatever and leave me alone" </pink> She laughs, takes Julian by the hand and leads him to the shower. You can hear her moans coming from the bathroom as you sit on the bed contemplating your life's desicions..
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo+10>>
<grey>BNWO +10!</grey>
<<set $openminded to $openminded+6>>
<<set $bnworesearch to false>>
[[Find a bus->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace "Don't.">>\
<b>-"N-no.. I shouldn't.." </b> You think to yourself as you continue to film.
<pink>-"Mghhhh.. Hold the f-fucking camera straight.. mghhh.. You F-FUCKING L-LOSERR NGHH FUCK ME FUCK ME F-FUCK NGHHHH FUCK ME!" </pink> She's insulting you but.. You kind of like it.
<grey>-"F-fuckk.. I'm a bout to cumm.."</grey> Julian moans and pulls out his dick.
<grey>-"Open your m-mouth bitch, Nghhh I want you to eat it TodAAay!" </grey> He cums straight into your professors mouth as you film.
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 10\23639062.webp">
<grey>-"F-fuckkkkkk nghhhhh.. Swallow bitch!" </grey> He slaps her across the face.
<pink>-"Y-yesss.. <i>*gulp*</i> t-thank you.. For the meal.."</pink>
<b>-"W-wow miss Jia.. That was intense!" </b>
<pink>-"Oh... You're still here? Get out of here you loser, me and Julian are going to the shower.</pink>
<b>-"B-but you drove me here?"</b>
<pink>-"Okay and? The surprise was a trip here to film me, driving you back was not part of it. Just find a bus or whatever and leave me alone" </pink> She laughs, takes Julian by the hand and leads him to the shower. You can hear her moans coming from the bathroom as you sit on the bed contemplating your life's desicions..
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo+5>>
<grey>BNWO +5!</grey>
<<set $openminded to $openminded+3>>
[[Find a bus->room]]
<<set $bnworesearch to false>>\
<</pageReplace>>\<<lecture "Domination class" "Theory. Read - Remember - Revise.">>
You're all going over some new material that Gina presented, writing down notes, watching videos, the usual. You suddenly get the urge to jack off... and you don't want to wait until you get back home.
<b>-"Hey miss Gina, could you help me with something" </b> You say loudly.
<pink>-"Y-yes of course $name, I will be right there!" </pink> She stutters a bit, but nobody seems to notice.
<pink>-"What do you need $name?" </pink> She asks as she sits down next to you.
<b>-"What I need is to cum, now get to work" </b> You look at her angrily and she obeys. Luckily, you are sitting alone today, at the back of the hall.
<pink>-"O-okay... Your wish is my command.." </pink> She whispers as her gaze meets yours.. She seems proud of you.
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 11\28440749.webp" height="400px" width="600px">
She quietly pulls out your cock and starts giving you a handjob.
<b>-"Do you think this is enough? Put that mouth where it belongs" </b> You whisper as you push her head down.
<pink>-"Y-yes $name..." </pink> She gets under the table and gets to work.
<<pageReplace"Look down">>\
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 11\26511710.webp">
<b>-"F-fuckkk, you like that?" </b>
<pink>-"Mghhh... Y-yeshhh, bwut be mwore rough, nghhhhh, y-you nweed to show dominance" </pink> She moans while lecturing you. You follow her advice, take her hair and make her deepthroat your cock.
<b>-"Keep it down or other will hear you!" </b> You whisper.
<b>-"F-fuckk I'm about to cum.." </b> Your toes curl in your shoes.
<pink>-"Nghh... Mghhh.. Do it in my mouthhHHh"</pink> She moans and some students look over at you, but you act like you're just coughing and they look away.
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 11\28210401.webp">
<b>-"F-fuckkk..." </b> You whisper, as you cum into Gina's mouth.
<pink>-"Good job, you're turning into a real man quicker and quicker... Keep it up" </pink> She winks at you, swallows your cum, cleans her face and goes to the front of the class. You finish writing down your notes and leave the hall, feeling refreshed.
<blue>Dominant +3!</blue>
<<set $dominant to $dominant+3>>
[[Leave the University->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>><<lecture "Submissiveness class" "CANCELLED">>
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 11\epicinternetgf_0430.webp" height="550px" width="350px">
As you enter the lecture hall, you notice that nobody is here, even though the lecture starts in 5 minutes. The professor is standing alone, in lingerie.
<b>-"Professor Kei... W-why is nobody here?" </b> You whisper.
<pink>-"Ah, $name. I sent everyone an email that todays lecture was cancelled, but I wanted you here, so you didn't receive one." </pink>She smiles at you. You look up at her with a confused look on your face.
<pink>-"You see, at the start of the course you weren't paying attention, now you did horrible during the test, I don't know what to think.." </pink> She looks down at you, disappointed.
<b>-"Miss Kei! I know I'm not a great student, but believe me, I'm the most obedient boy in the class! I will do anything that you ask me!" </b>
<pink>-"I like your enthusiasm, I really do. Let's do this then... Come to the class next lecture with your asshole completely cleaned" </pink><i> *she hands you an enema bulb*</i>
<pink>-"Use this.."</pink>
<b>-"W-what for?" </b> You ask with a worried expression on your face.
<pink>-"I will peg you in front of all my students of course, this will show your total and utter obedience to me, then you will be forgiven for your bad performance." </pink> She gestures towards the door and tells you to go. You leave the hall and put the enema bulb in your backpack.
<b>-"I have to make sure to clean my ass with this before the next lecture.. Or I could just skip it if I want to spare myself from the embarrassment...</b> You whisper to yourself.
<<set $submissive to $submissive+1>>
<pink>Submissive +1!</pink>
<<if $femstatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 11 fem]]
<<elseif $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 11 bnwo]]
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<</if>>\<<lecture "Feminization class" "Sucking cock 101. How to and the benefits of.">>
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 11\Lana-Rhoades-1.webp">
<pink>-"Hello students! Tomorrow will be your first practice lecture! What is a practice lecture you might ask? Well, as you transition from boys to girls, you will need to learn how to please real men and the first thing you need to learn is how to give a blowjob!" </pink>She smiles as the students start whispering to each other.
Professor Lana then continued to talk about what we are going to do next lecture, showing us videos and giving us tips on how to suck dick properly.
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 11\21181319.webp" height="500px" width="280px">
She also talked about the importance of swallowing.
<<pageReplace"Keep listening">>\
<pink>-"Your job next lecture will be to please the men that will come to visit. It doesn't matter how horny you will be, you MUSN'T masturbate or even show your penis, put on your chastity devices if you have them!" </pink> She shows you even more videos.
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 11\24205894.webp">
After the lecture ends, you exit the hall with the mob of students.
<b>-"So during the next lecture I'm going to suck real dick huh... I have no idea if I'm ready.. Maybe I should skip it.."</b> You think to yourself.
<emily>Feminization +2!</emily>
<<set $feminization to $feminization+2>>\
<<if $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 11 bnwo]]
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>>\<<set $bnworesearch to false>>\
<<lecture "BNWO class" "CANCELLED">>
You're walking through the university towards your next lecture, but all you can hear are.. moans?
<pink>-"F-fuckk.. NGhhhHH.. D-deeeperr..!" </pink>
<b>-"H-huh? Is there a student orgy going on somewhere..? What the fuck.." </b>
You finally get to the lecture hall. The sounds seem to be coming from there...
<<pageReplace"Open the door">>\
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 11\asdasdasd.webp">
<b>-"W-what.. I-I'll come back later."</b> You say outloud as you start closing the door.
<pink>-"$name!! Come here buddy!" </pink> You peek through the door crack to see that professor Jia is calling you. Even though there's a whole ass orgy going on, she's fully clothed.
<b>-"P-professor Jia? What is going on in here?" </b> You ask cautiously.
<pink>-"Well, I decided that the best way to celebrate the good test results is for us all to have an orgy! Well, the girls are having an orgy, you guys just watch.." </pink> She pulls on your hand and you get inside, closing the door behind you.
<pink>-"Every boy in this class has a partner that they need to help breed, there's one girl remaining, she has been waiting specifically for you!" </pink>
<emily>-"H-hey.. Your name is $name right?" </emily> A voice calls out to you.
<<pageReplace"Turn to see who's speaking">>\
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 11\asdasd.webp" height="700px">
<emily>-"Y-you will be helping me today."</emily>
<pink>-"Remember your role $name, if you want to pass this class you will do as you're told." </pink>
<b>-"Y-yes.. I understand.." </b> You don't know what's happening to you. You feel hot and heavy... Seeing so many people fucking.. So many people watching.. It's turning you on.
<emily>-"L-lay down $name..." </emily>
<b>-"Y-yes.." </b> You lay down and the girl gets on top of you. Before you could tell what's going on, her breeding partner gets closer.
<emily>-"P-put his d-dick inside of me.. N-now"</emily> The girl wants to appear confident, but you can sense that she's new to this.
<div class="disa">No...</div>
<b>-"Y-yes... Your wish is my command.." </b> You take the bulls penis and carefully put it in.
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 11\blehh.webp">
<emily>-"Nghhhh.. F-fuckk.." </emily>
He starts fucking her right above you. You can see her pussy contracting during each thrust. As he picks up speed she moans louder and louder to the point that other couples start to glance at us three.
<emily>-"D-deeper.. B-breeeeeddd.. NGhhhhh f-fuckkk... BreeeEEeeeDDD MeEEEE P-PLEASEEEEE!" </emily> She screams as you can feel her juices hit your forehead. You imagine how it would feel if you were watching Emily do the same thing right now.. You grow harder and harder but have learned your lesson, you don't even bother pulling your dick out.
<grey>-"F-fuckk. I'm ab-about to cum... F-first round goes to the mouth!" </grey> Her breeding partner quickly pulls out his cock and stands up.
<emily>-"Y-yess.. Give it to me!" </emily> The girl turns around and opens her mouth.
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 11\26516816.webp" height="450px">
<emily>-"F-fuckk... It's so delicious.." </emily>
<pink>-"Come on $name, kiss your partner!" </pink> Says professor Jia, after she notices that we're finished.
<div class="disa">No...</div>
You stand up as well and give her a quick kiss.. As hot as this is, you're not completely ready to make out with a face full of cum..
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 11\26780298.webp" height="450px">
<emily>-"Hehe.. T-thank you $name..." </emily> She smiles and wipes off her sweat.
<b>-"Y-yes.. Any time..." </b> You watched the orgy go on and on and on. All of the guys came on their partners faces, apparently this is only round 1, during other orgys the girls will finally get bred and professor is encouraging us to take our girlfriends to watch..
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo+5>>
<grey>BNWO +5!</grey>
<<set $openminded to $openminded +2>>
<mia>Open-minded +2!</mia>
[[Leave the University->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>>\<<lecture "Domination class" "Theory. Read - Remember - Revise.">>
<<if $dominant>($openminded+$submissive+$bnwo+$feminization)>>\
After the lecture finishes, you go up to professor Gina to talk.
<<todo "Meet Gina at the SUP at night">>
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 12\photo_2022-08-10_13-58-20-659x824.webp" height="550px" width="450px">
<b>-"Hello miss Gina, I really liked your lecture today!"</b> You smile at her.
<pink>-"I'm glad you liked it $name!"</pink> She smiles back at you.
<b>-"I'm here because I wanted to show you how much I've learned from this class. I'm inviting you for dinner at my house today, my family will be out watching a movie."</b> You smirk at her, insinuating what you mean.
<pink>-"O-oh... sure $name, I would love too!" </pink> She blushes.
<b>-"It's a date then" </b> You wink at her and leave the hall.
<b>-"That slut will finally get this dick, I cannot wait..."</b> You think to yourself.
<<set $domresearch to true>>\
<<set $dominant to $dominant+2>>
<blue> Dominant+2!</blue>
[[Leave the University->Go outside]]
After the lecture finishes, you go up to professor Gina to talk.
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 12\photo_2022-08-10_13-58-20-659x824.webp" height="550px" width="450px">
<b>-"Hello miss Gina, I really liked your lecture today!"</b> You smile at her.
<pink>-"I'm glad you liked it $name!"</pink> She smiles back at you.
<b>-"I'm here because I wanted to show you how much I've learned from this class. I'm inviting you for dinner at my house today, my family will be out watching a movie."</b> You smirk at her, insinuating what you mean.
<pink>-"O-oh... I don't know $name... I don't really want to" </pink> She says.
<b>-"O-oh.. I understand" </b> You pick up your stuff and quickly leave..
<b>-"God damnit... I thought I was doing so good..." </b>
<grey>-"Your not dominant enough for Gina to consider meeting up with you after class..."</grey>
[[Leave the University->Go outside]]
<</if>><<lecture "Submissiveness class" "Live demonstration of total submission.">>
Before the class starts, you remember that you need to clean your ass. You quickly run to the bathroom and use the enema bulb to spray out any gunk that is stuck in there. With your brand new boy-pussy, you bravely step into the lecture hall.
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 12\epicinternetgf_0094.webp" height="600px" width="400px">
<pink>-"Hello students! Today you will see what a truly submissive individual is capable of! We are going to have a live demonstration!" </pink> She says proudly.
<pink>-"Oh! Speak of the devil! Our boy is here!"</pink> She looks at you, so does everyone else.
<b>-"H-haha.. I'm h-here..." </b> You whimper.
<pink>-"This is $name, as most of you know. He isn't our best student that's for sure, but we have made a deal, he's going to get used in front of all of you! This will show his obedience to me, and the commitment to the class." </pink>The class gasps, you can see that some of the boys seem.. Jealous?
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 12\epicinternetgf_0090.webp" height="600px" width="400px">
Miss kei removes her coat, puts on some gloves and finally, straps on a massive bbc dildo. You have never seen a dildo so big before...
<<pageReplace"Look up at her..">>\
<b>-"T-thats going inside of me? I-I don't know..." </b>You look down as you take off your pants and underwear, revealing your flaccid penis.
<pink>-"Well it's not up for debate now loser, bend over before I lose my temper again" </pink> She slaps your ass..
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 12\5099337afcd7f9af7c78376bb63ce5ba.webp">
<<pageReplace"Bend over..">>\
She slowly enters your asshole and you let out a desperate cry. You are face to face to a class full of students. They're all watching you, some are masturbating, some are filming, some are laughing.
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 12\608_1000.webp">
<b>-"F-fuckkk... It hurts..." </b> You moan out to the class.
<pink>-"Haha I bet it does, who's your mistress?" </pink>
<b>-"Y-you.. mghhh.. You m-miss Kei...nghhh.." </b> The dildo is hitting your prostate each thrurst. You cannot hold it in any longer, you have to admit that you're...
<<pageReplace"Enjoying it">>\
<b>-"F-fuckkk.. mghhhh... D-d...D-deeepeerr.. mghhh.." </b> You moan out.
<pink>-"You see students? This is what a broken loser sounds like, begging for me to go deeper" </pink>The students giggle.
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 12\strapon_gif_p-6288.webp">
<pink>-"You want to cum loser? Huh? Do you?" </pink> She shouts in your ear.
<b>-"Y-yesss... Please... Mghhhhh.." </b>
<pink>-"Beg for it you cuck!" </pink>She laughs while thrusting even harder.
<b>-"I- I beg you... Nghhhh.. pleaseeEEE! M-make... Nghhhh make mEEeee mghhhh... MAke me cummmMM!!!" </b> You scream out in pleasure.
<pink>-"Haha whatever, finish it quickly." </pink> She pulls out her dildo with a quick and sudden movenment.
<<pageReplace"Finish yourself off">>\
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 12\tumblr_njnkcwA83H1t9bwpoo1_400.webp">
<b>-"Ughhhh..mghhhh...fuckkkk..."</b> You fall to the floor.
<pink>-"Hahaha good boy. That's it for today guys!" </pink>Everyone stands up from their desks and walks around you, all of them stare straight at you, but you can't say or do anything. You lay there completely defeated.
<pink>-"Stand up you bastard and clean up the mess" </pink> She very lightly kicks you to get you to move. You stand up and clean up all of your juices from the floor.
<b>-"T-thank you professor Kei.. For the lesson" </b>
<pink>-"You did good $name, you definitely have potential" </pink> You thank her, pick up your clothes and leave. Your ass feels like it has a hole inside of it, you go to the toilet to concentrate and decide what to do next.
<<if $femstatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 12 fem]]
<<elseif $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 12 bnwo]]
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>>\<<lecture "Feminization class" "Cock sucking practice. Remember the theory!">>
You're a bit late to class, but not by much. As you enter the lecture hall you can see a bunch of women and men standing in front of the class. You walk up to the professor.
<b>-"H-hello, what's going on?" </b>
<pink>-"What do you mean? Nothing, we're just getting ready for our first practical lesson" </pink> She looks at you confused.
<b>-"What are all these women doing here?"</b>
<pink>-"Oh haha, these are your fellow students $name! They're all just crossdressed and with wigs! Please pick up your new clothes and put them on, they're on my desk." </pink> She smiles.
<b>-"Ohhhhh... Now I get it.." </b> You whisper as put on your new outfit. WIth the clothes, wig and makeup that Lana applied, you look just like a real woman! As you look at the line of guys standing near you, you see one that is alone so you come up to him.
<pink>-"Alright class, the men standing in front you are from domination and BNWO classes! Please get on your knees and follow my lead!" </pink> Every student gets on their knees, including you. Professor Lana also has a man in front of her, she pulls down his pants and starts sucking.
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 12\22605792.webp">
<pink>-"Y-you <i>*slurp*</i> cwan start twu... Rememwber my twips!" </pink> She says while taking the man's dick as deep as she can. You start seeing students slowly removing the men's pants in front of them and hesitently start touching their dicks. You already know how to properly give oral, so you confidently remove the guys pants and get to work. You want to impress the professor!
<<pageReplace "Suck his dick">>\
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 12\28682060.webp">
<b>-" <i>*slurp*</i> Ughh fuckk.. y-you like twat?" </b> You moan as your mouth fills up with the mans cock.
<blue>-"Fuckkkk... ughhh.. Y-you're so.... GoodddDDD" </blue> He moans.
You can see that professor Lana is looking at you, and seems pretty impressed by your skills. As you continue to suck harder and harder, using all of the skills that you have learned, the guy suddenly starts to throb.
<blue>-"Ohhh.. oHHh f-fuckkkk." </blue> He starts moaning louder and louder.
<<pageReplace "Swallow">>\
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 12\ezgif-4-ff7301d1eb.webp" height="350px" width="700px">
<b>-" <i>*Gulp* *gulp* *gulp*</i> Ahhhhh" </b> You swallow the mans thick load, it tastes quite.. salty. Professor Lana takes the dick out of her mouth and looks at you.
<pink>-"Good job $name! You're the first one to make a guy cum and you swallowed too! Come here, help me with this one." </pink> She waves her hand, inviting you to suck another cock with her.
<<pageReplace "Help her">>
As you walk up to Lana she turns around and continues to suck the man's dick. You sit down next to her and get to work.
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 12\28151224.webp" height="500px" width="480px">
You both do as best as you can, Lana is of course way more experienced so she continues to give you pointers. After a while you get the hang of it and get quite comfortable.
<blue>-"F-fuck I'm about too.. ughhhh.. <i>*throb*</i>" </blue> He moans.
<pink>-"Catch it $name!" </pink> She moves to the side to give you the lead. You snap out of your trans after hearing your name.. It sounds wrong.. Maybe you should change it.. Before you could give it more thought, the man starts cumming.
<blue>-"Oh my gawdddd.. fuckkkk" </blue> He cums all over your face.
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 12\26820880.webp">
<b>-"T-thank you..." </b> You say while panting. Lana congratulates you on a job well done. You can see that the other students have finished too. The row of men thank you all and quickly leave.
<pink>-"Good job students!! I'm so proud of you all, you did great! Continue to come to these lectures and you will change even more drastically!" </pink> She says while standing up and cleaning herself up.
After a short monologue from the professor, you are dismissed. You go to the toilet and clean yourself up. There are some marks left on your clothes, but they aren't that noticeable. You decide what to do next.
<emily>Feminization +6!</emily>
<<set $feminization to $feminization +6>>
<mia>Open-minded to 2!</mia>
<<set $openminded to $openminded+2>>\
<<if $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 12 bnwo]]
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace "Don't">>
<b>-"I-I'm good Miss Lana, really, one is <i>*split*</i> enough.."</b>
<pink>-"Okay $name, whatever you say. If you don't feel comfortable to keep going you are welcome to leave." </pink> She turns around and continues to suck. You cannot believe you just sucked someones dick.. Emily cannot know about this. You quickly pack up your things and leave. The other students continue to give blowjobs, they're not even close to being finished..
<emily>Feminization +4!</emily>
<<set $feminization to $feminization+4>>\
<<if $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 12 bnwo]]
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>>\<<lecture "BNWO class" "Telling your loved ones about the new world order.">>
<<set $emilybnworesearch to true>>
Right as you open the door you are greeted by an amazing sight.
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 12\1528076304p4cl8.webp">
Two of your classmates are devouring a bbc right in front of the whole class. You sit down and watch in awe at the sheer prowess of them.
<b>-"F-fuck this is hot, they have definitely done that before.." </b> You think to yourself.
<pink>-"Don't mind them students! These two girls have done some extra work after class, so I decided to reward them today!" </pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 12\00077-1027636946.webp" height="600px">
<b>-"W-wow.. That's one amazing reward"</b> You start leaking pre cum in your pants again.
<pink>-"Today's lecture will be short and sweet, all of the boys in the class, could you come to the front and stand in a line please." </pink> She asked us, but it was more like an order. We followed her instructions and started walking towards the front of the class.
<<pageReplace"Get in line">>\
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 12\asdasdasdsa.webp" width="600px">
<pink>-"Well boys, It's been around a month of us studying together, I think it's time to take a new step, what do you say?" </pink>
<blue>-"Of-of course miss Jia!"</blue>
<green>-"Yes please.."</green>
All of the boys say in unison.
<pink>-"Perfect, I want you to repeat after me: I am a SUP's fourth year student."</pink>
<b>-"I-I am a SUP's fourth year student." </b> You whisper while the girls continue to suck. They don't even seem to care what's going on right next to them.
<pink>-"And today I will tell my girlfriend or any other woman in my life.." </pink>
<b>-"And today I w-will tell my girlfriend o-or any other woman... In my life.."</b>
<pink>-"About the BNWO!" </pink>
<b>-"About the BNWO..." </b> You say quietly.
<pink>-"Now everything together!"</pink>
<b>-"I-I am a SUP's fourth year student, and today I will tell my girlfriend or any other woman in my life about the BNWO.."</b>
<<todo "Tell Emily about the BNWO">>
<pink>-"Good boys! Now shoo, I don't want you here anymore, I want to get some of that bbc action with the girls." </pink> She points at the door, telling us to leave.
<u><b>-"I'll decide if I should tell Emily about the BNWO after class..."</b></u> You think to yourself as you leave the hall.
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo +1>>
<grey>BNWO +1!</grey>
<<set $emilybnworesearch to true>>
[[Leave the University->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>>\You sit down on the couch and turn on the TV. You're family has already left to the movie. Not even 10 minutes into your wait, you hear a knock on the door.
<<todoCompleted "Meet Gina at the SUP at night">>
As you open the door, you see you're domination professor at your door, she's looking as good as ever.
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 12\Screenshot_1.webp" height="600px" width="500px">
<pink>-"Hey $name.. Thank you for inviting me" </pink> She smiles and enters.
<b>-"Of course Gina, before continuing, let's grab something to eat" </b> You sit Gina down at your kitchen table and serve her some spgahetti you made while waiting.
<pink>-"Now $name I need you to understand that I know what your intentions are and I'm okay with them. I will however, rate you and tell you how to improve after we're done, I am your professor after all" </pink> She says while eating.
<b>-"Of course Gina, I will treat this as a private lesson" </b> You lie straight to her face. All you care about is being able to finally fuck her. As she finishes eating, you take her by the hand and lead her to the bedroom.
<pink>-"Okay big boy, now show me what you have learned and make me your woman for tonight" </pink> She spreads her legs like an animal in heat.
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 12\1663089583_1-titis-org-p-gina-savage-porn-krasivoe-porno-2.webp" height="600px" width="450px">
<b>-"Oh fuck yeah!" </b> You pick her up and turn her around.
<pink>-"Oo-OOhh.. You're so s-strong.."</pink>
<<pageReplace"Start spanking her..">>\
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 12\ezgif-2-b0cca7a6d4.webp">
<b>-"You like that slut? God I waited so long to finally do this!" </b> You whisper in her ear.
<pink>-"Mghhh... I-I bet you did... Nghhhh... Take m-me already." </pink> She moans while taking off her panties.
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 12\26118327.webp">
<pink>-"Come on... What are you waiting for, take me like the bitch I am!" </pink> She shouts while moving her ass closer and closer to your crotch. It's time to show her how much you've learned. You pull down and reveal your rock hard cock..
<pink>-"Mfgg.. S-so big.."</pink> She whispers as your tip touches her second pair of lips..
<b>-"I.. I'm putting it in.."</b>
<<pageReplace"Make Gina yours..">>\
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 12\ezgif-2-34fd13d8e8.webp">
<pink>-"Ohhhh F-FUCKKkkkkk..." </pink> She screams out in pain and pleasure.
<b>-"God damnit you a-are so fucking tight!" </b>
<pink>-"Come on! Mghhh... h-harder! Faster! Nghhhh...S-stronger! Show m-me how much o-of... mghhhhh.. of a man you are!" </pink> She moans while her juices are dripping all over your bedsheet.
<b>-"FUCK! Get this dick you whore! I- I wanted to fuck you f-from THE SECOND I saw you." </b> You shout.
<pink>-"Y-yessshhh...Mghhhhh" </pink>
<b>-"I'm about to c-cummm, take it you slut!" </b> Your breathing is getting heavier and heavier.
<pink>-"N-no! Not inside!" </pink>She screams.
<<pageReplace "Cum inside.">>\
<b>-"F-fuck you I don't care!" </b>You're finally fucking her, you're not about to cum outside.
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 12\21093940.webp" height="600px" width="500px">
<pink>-"F-fuckkkkk...Mghhh... You bastard.." </pink> Gina falls over on the bed completely defeated.
<b>-"God that w-was great..." </b> You slap her ass. You both catch your breath and Gina goes into the shower to clean up.
<b>-"Uffff.. I wonder how I did.." </b> You wonder to yourself as you pant. Gina walks out of the bathroom already dressed in her dress.
<pink>-"Well $name I-I must say.. Mfggg.. T-that was better than I expected. You even came when I asked you not to, which is a plus.. T-that was a test." </pink> She smiles as her cheeks grow red. She's still horny..
<b>-"Oh I knew" </b> You did not.
<pink>-"Either way, you did good.. I have no tips to give you... I'm sure we will see each other outside of class again, Goodbye $name." </pink> She gives you a kiss and leaves. Leaving you in complete exhaustion and satisfaction.
<<set $dominant to $dominant+5>>
<blue>Dominant +5!</blue>
<<set $domresearch to false>>
<<pageReplace "Cum outside.">>\
<b>-"God damnit!" </b>You're finally fucking her, and you have to cum outside? That is bullshit, but you must comply.
<img src="Images\Lectures\Lecture 12\29657336.webp" height="600px" width="400px">
<pink>-"F-fuckkkkk...mghhh...." </pink> Gina falls over on the bed completely defeated.
<b>-"God that w-was great..." </b> You slap her ass. You both catch your breath and Gina goes into the shower to clean up.
<b>-"Uffff.. I wonder how I did.." </b> You wonder to yourself as you pant. Gina walks out of the bathroom already dressed in her dress.
<pink>-"Well $name I must say.. That was better than I expected, but it wasn't amazing. I told you to cum outside and you did, that was a test, you should do whatever you want, you should have came inside of me." </pink> She smiles.
<b>-"Oh... I will do better next time!" </b> You whisper.
<pink>-"Either way, you did good.. I have no tips to give you... I'm sure we will see each other outside of class again, Goodbye $name." </pink> She gives you a kiss and leaves. Leaving you in complete exhaustion and satisfaction.
<<set $dominant to $dominant+3>>
<blue>Dominant +3!</blue>
<<set $domresearch to false>>\
<</pageReplace>>\<<lecture "Domination class" "Politics and male dominance within.">>
<<todoCompleted "Meet Gina at the SUP at night">>
Another day another domination lesson. You're sitting at the table, listening to Gina, like you usually do.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 13\gina-savage-ginasavagex-6iir09gey7-1080x1350.webp" height="600px">
She's talking about politics and who's supposed to be running the country.. you feel so bored that you start drifting off to sleep and yet you notice, that a lot of the students in class are.. worried? Maybe anxious would be the correct word.. you don't know, but something is definitely off..
<blue>-"Miss Gina.."</blue> A student whisper from a seat behind you, she doesn't notice.
<blue>-"M-Miss Gina!!"</blue> The students shouts louder.
<pink>-"Oh.. yes, Michael?"</pink> She smiles at him. You're still sleepy, but definitely interested to see what he has to say..
<blue>-"Me and some other students are still wondering, when is the best student going to get the prize..?"</blue>
<pink>-"What do you mean?"</pink> She rests her arm against her table and tilts her head to the right.
<blue>-"Well you said.. whoever does the best on the test will get rewarded.. "</blue>
<green>-"Y-yeah who won? I think I did!"</green>
<red>-"Who's the winner?!"</red>
The class erupts into chaos, the other students don't know, that you did the best and you have already been.. "rewarded"..
<pink>-"Now now students settle down, this is not how men like you should act!"</pink> She gives them an angry look. The students shut their mouths and sit down..
<pink>-"As I said..."</pink> Gina removes her sweater revealing her massive tits encased in a small bra.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 13\29323299.webp" height="600px">
<pink>-"I've sent an email to the winner... he has already claimed his prize"</pink> She winks at the class and gives you a look..
<red>-"What?! N-no fair!"</red>
<green>-"I won though! I won! I won!"</green> The students throw their temper tantrums again, all you do is roll your eyes and daze off to sleep..
<<pageReplace"Take a nap">>\
<pink>-"$name..."</pink> It felt like only a couple of minutes went by after you closed your eyes, but as you open them, you see an empty lecture hall and Gina standing in front of you.
<b>-"O-oh.. haha sorry.. fell asleep, those losers bored me.."</b>
<pink>-"Y-yeah.. I was right to pick you $name. Y-you know, I could use your help man-"</pink> She shakes her head and looks down..
<pink>-"N-no.. maybe it's not the right time yet.."</pink> She whispers under her breath.
<<pageReplace"Question her">>\
<b>-"Not the right time? W-what do you mean, not the right time for what?"</b> You lift your head off from the table.
<pink>-"I-... I can't say. B-but keep being a great student and you might find out.. the principal has taken a liking in you.."</pink> She smiles and walks off..
The principal..? Universities have principals? What..? You stand up confused, you want to ask Gina more questions, but you can see that she won't be willing to answer.. you take your leave and decide where to go next.
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
[[Leave the University->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>>\<<lecture "Submissiveness class" "CANCELLED">>
As you get closer and closer to the lecture hall, you can hear faint moans of a man..
<blue>-"Ahhh.. nghhH.. p-please!"</blue> Is someone having sex in there...? You double, no, triple check the universities app to make sure that this is the correct hall.. and it is..
<<pageReplace"Cautiously enter">>\
As you open the door you can see that nobody is inside, just professor Kei and one student..
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 13\23571913.webp">
She's stepping on his cock with her heels!
<b>-"I-is this the wrong t-time miss Kei..."</b> You look down in submissiveness..
<pink>-"Hello $name, today's lecture was cancelled, but I still wanted you to come.."</pink> She looks up at you.
<blue>-"f-fuckKk!! P-please!!"</blue> He screams as his ruined orgasm hits the floor and yet she keeps going.
<pink>-"Shut up you idiot! You did this to yourself!"</pink> She looks down at the student.
<b>-"W-why did you need me.."</b>
<pink>-"Just wanted to show you what will happen, if you keep failing m-my - STOP MOVING AROUND! Excuse me.. if you keep failing my class"</pink> She kicks the mans balls.
<blue>-"Umffff... nghhhH.."</blue> He moans. The sight in front you surely is scary.. but the thought of Miss Kei stepping on your cock does turn you on..
<b>-"I-I understand.. c-can I go now.."</b> You whisper as your little cock gets harder and harder.
<pink>-"Heh.. sure.."</pink> She looks into your eyes.. like a tiger would, hunting it's prey. As you hold eye contact you understand.. you're nothing but a pawn in her game of chess, while she's the queen.. she's playing you like a fiddle... and you like it.
<b>-"Y-yes.."</b> You turn around to leave.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 13\20355818.webp">
As you start walking towards the door, she quickly reaches for her pointer stick and slaps your ass with it.
<pink>-"Remember your place loser, I bet I'll have to use that ass again if you don't straighten up.."</pink> You turn your head to face her, as you do, she winks at you.
You quickly leave without saying a word.. hearing the students loud moans behind you..
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
<<if $femstatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 13 fem]]
<<elseif $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 13 bnwo]]
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>>\<<lecture "Feminization class" "Theory. Read - Remember - Revise.">>
During the lecture nothing of note happened. You got there early, as usual and said hi to Lana.
<pink>-"Good job $name, I was really proud of you last time we met, you're making great progress!"</pink> She winked at you. You exchanged a couple of words and you sat down at your desk. The lecture went by quick, she talked about the importance of not only being in a "girly" mindset, but actually looking like one too..
<pink>-"I heard there was a plastic surgeon clinic in the mall nearby, you might want to use it if you have any disposable income. You should all start to think about how you look."</pink> She went on and on about the importance of shaving your legs, shaving your butthole, growing your hair out etc..
<pink>-"To finish this course you of course will need to show me an ability to take things anally! Your clitty will be locked by that point, of course.."</pink>
She showed you video after video of men.. or rather women.. pleasuring themselves with dildos..
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 13\18550196.webp" width="600px">
<blue>-"W-will we have to.. get fucked by anyone to pass.."</blue> A student behind you whispers a question to professor Lana.
<pink>-"Great question! That step you will take on your own accord.. I highly advise it, but you will be able to pass without doing so!"</pink> As her words leave her mouth, you catch yourself thinking about such a situation..
<<pageReplace "You would consider getting fucked by someone....">>\
<b>-"I...I wouldn't mind.."</b> You think to yourself as images of your little boy-pussy getting used pop up in your head..
<<set $feminization to $feminization+2>>
After miss Lana finishes, you decide what to do next...
<emily>Feminization +2!</emily>
<<if $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 13 bnwo]]
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace "That's pushing it...">>\
<b>-"N-no.. that's not for me.."</b> You think to yourself as you shove all of the weird thoughts in your head away.
<<set $feminization to $feminization+1>>
After miss Lana finishes, you decide what to do next...
<emily>Feminization +1!</emily>
<<if $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 13 bnwo]]
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>>\<<lecture "BNWO class" "CANCELLED">>
<pink>-"<i>*Slurp..*</i> <i>*Slurp..*</i> Nghhh..."</pink> You hear strange moans as you get closer and closer to the door...
<b>-"T-this is definitely the door.. i've been here so many times already.."</b> You wonder to yourself, as you decide what to do next..
<<pageReplace"Try the door..">>\
<pink>-"F-fuck... NGhhh.. f-fowloww mwy s-stweps... <i>*Slurp..*</i> Nghhh..."</pink>
You try the door but it's locked...
<<pageReplace "Fuck this shit i'm going to the cafateria...">>\
<b>-"F-fuck this shit man.. I'm just going to get some food.."</b> You whisper under your breath as you turn around to leave. It's clear to see that the lecture won't be happening today, so there's no reason to be here..
<<set $spottedbyjia to false>>
You get to the cafateria, eat some soup and garlic bread, while thinking about what you're going to do back home..
[[Leave the University->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace "Peek through the glass panel..">>\
As you crouch down and press your face against the glass panel, you see Jia, with a student..
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 13\22938026.webp">
It's definitely not a surprising sight.. but a welcome one for sure!
<pink>-"Nghhh... F-follow mwee!"</pink> Professor Jia says as she hand the penis to the student.
<emily>-"<i>*Slurp..*</i> L-like dwis?"</emily> The student asks as she shoves the cock deeper and deeper into her mouth. All you can do is watch.. you look around to see if anyone is nearby.. you seem to be alone.
<<pageReplace "T-that's enough...">>\
<b>-"F-fuck this shit man.. I can't get caught with my dick out in the middle of the university...."</b> You whisper under your breath as you turn around to leave. It's clear to see that the lecture won't be happening today, so there's no reason to be here..
<<set $spottedbyjia to false>>
You get to the cafateria, eat some soup and garlic bread, while thinking about what you just saw.. you can't wait to get home now, you'll definitely rub one out...
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo +1>>
<grey>BNWO +1!</grey>
[[Leave the University->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace "Pull out your dick and keep watching...">>\
You pull out your penis and start going to town on it.. you continue to watch the girls suck on some random black dudes member.. you can't stop yourself from thinking about how Emily would look in this situation..
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 13\26281147.webp" width="600px">
<emily>-"<i>*Slurp*</i> F-fuck.. y-your swo bwiggg!!"</emily> The student remarks as Jia smiles..
<pink>-"G-give it here.."</pink> The professor pushes the girl away and starts deepthroating the big black cock in front of her..
<blue>-"F-fuckkk girl..."</blue> The guy moans.. all you can do is jack harder and harder.. you're getting so close...
<<pageReplace "Just a little more..">>\
<b>-"NghHH j-just a little more.."</b> You silently moan under your breath, but suddenly..
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 13\DWlvQW1XUAApp_X.webp" width="600px">
<pink>-"Heweh.. we hwave swome compwany..."</pink> You can hear her mumbled voice through the door, you can barely understand her because her mouth is filled to the brim with BBC.
<<set $spottedbyjia to true>>
<b>-"S-sorry!"</b> You scream out as you quickly pull up your pants, not being able to finish in time and run out of there.. you can't believe Jia just caught you peeking..
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo +3>>
<grey>BNWO +3!</grey>
[[Leave the University->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace "Leave before you get spotted...">>\
<b>-"U-ugh.. I'll just finish at home.. can't risk getting caught.."</b> You think to yourself as you quickly pull up your pants and leave.. It's clear to see that the lecture won't be happening today, so there's no reason to be here..
<<set $spottedbyjia to false>>
You get to the cafateria, eat some soup and garlic bread, while thinking about what you just saw.. you can't wait to get home now, you'll definitely rub one out...
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo +2>>
<grey>BNWO +2</grey>
[[Leave the University->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>>\<<if $domstatus is true>>\
<b>-"<i>Sigh..</i> I didn't sleep well.. I don't want to be here.."</b>
As you're walking through the halls towards your first lecture, you notice a small group standing in the middle of the hallway..
<b>-"No big deal.. I'll just walk around them"</b> You think to yourself.
As you get closer and closer to the group you can see that it consists of a young guy and two girls. They glance and you and start laughing..
<blue>-"This one?? Hahaha!"</blue> The man laughs while you're getting closer.
<adriana>-"Hihihi y-yeah yeah!"</adriana> One of the girls says.
<<pageReplace"Walk past them..">>\
As you're walking past them, the guy suddely tries to pull down your pants while giggling!
<b>-"DUDE! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!"</b> You shout at the man.
<blue>-"HAHA fuck you dude! Remove your pants on your own or I will make you! I got dared and I ain't backing down!"</blue> The guy looks at the girls and winks.. They giggle..
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 13\bully 1.webp" height="600px">
The guy looks jacked.. He's atleast 6'2 with a lean.. Muscular build...
<b>-"Yeah? How are you going to that?"</b> You glare at him.
<blue>-"Try me bitch, you'll see!"</blue> He shows his fists..
<b>-"Yeah I'm not about to expose myself to these people.."</b> You think to yourself as you decide what you should do..
<<pageReplace "Fight!">>\
<<set $foughtjosh to true>>\
<b>-"You know what? FUCK YOU!"</b> You shout as you tackle the guy to the ground.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 13\bully 3.webp">
<blue>-"OOUFFF!"</blue> The man lets out a huff of pain as you tackle him to the floor and punch him across the face.
<adriana>-"OH MY GOD! G-GET HIM JOSH!"</adriana> One of the girls scream...
<b>-"I'LL SEE? I WILL SEE? SHOW ME THEN, SHOW ME!"</b> You scream at Josh while restraining his arms. You feel rage surging through your veins..
<blue>-"KISS MY BLACK ASS YOU CUNT!"</blue> Josh shouts back as he punches you back while trying to get away from you..
<blue>-"L-LET ME GO!"</blue> He shouts as the girls notice that this fight is not going in their favor..
<emily>-"G-GET AWAY FROM HIM JOSH.. L-LET'S GO!"</emily>The other girl shouts as they both run away..
<<pageReplace "Let him run">>\
As he Josh stands up, so do you, you glare at him while he runs off.
<b>-"T-that's what I thought you pussy!"</b> You shout...
<b>-"F-fuck that dude..."</b> You whisper to yourself as you catch your breath. You look around and see that there's a pretty big crowd of students gathered around you..
<<pageReplace"Quickly go to the toilet..">>\
You practically run to the toilet to escape the crowd.. You don't want anymore drama today..
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 13\bully 6.webp" height="600px">
You check your knuckles to see that they're incredibly bloody and bruised.. You wash them with the water from the sink..
<b>-"Oh I'll get that motherfucker for disrespecting me like that.."</b> You whisper to yourself while looking at the mirror.. You can't stop yourself from smiling..
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
[[Collect your thoughts and go to your lectures..->lecture 13 dom]]
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>\
<<pageReplace "Punch him one last time.">>\
As he Josh stands up, ready to run, you give him one last good punch..
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 13\bully 4.webp">
<blue>-"ARrrrgHHHH!"</blue> He yelps in pain while starting to run..
<b>-"F-fuck that dude..."</b> You whisper to yourself as you catch your breath. You look around and see that there's a pretty big crowd of students gathered around you..
<<pageReplace"Quickly go to the toilet..">>\
You practically run to the toilet to escape the crowd.. You don't want anymore drama today..
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 13\bully 6.webp" height="600px">
You check your knuckles to see that they're incredibly bloody and bruised.. You wash them with the water from the sink..
<b>-"Oh I'll get that motherfucker for disrespecting me like that.."</b> You whisper to yourself while looking at the mirror.. You can't stop yourself from smiling..
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
[[Collect your thoughts and go to your lectures..->lecture 13 dom]]
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>\
<<pageReplace "Run...">>\
<<set $ranfromjosh to true>>\
<b>-"F-fuck this shit.."</b> You say while you turn around and start to run..
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 13\bully 2.webp">
<adriana>-"HAHAHA look at him run! Get him Josh!"</adriana>
<emily>-"HAHAHAHAHA GET HIM!!!"</emily> The girls scream...
<<pageReplace"Take a look behind you">>\
<blue>-"COME HERE YOU LOSER HAHA!"</blue> The man screams while chasing after you..
<b>-"F-FUCK YOU DUDE!"</b> You shout as you round a corner and blend into a crowd of students.
<b>-"<i>*Pant..* *Pant..*</i> F-fuck that guy..."</b> You whisper to yourself as you catch your breath..
<b>-"O-oh... <i>*Pant...</i> O-oh I'll get that m-mothefucker back.."</b> You giggle..
[[Catch your breath and go to class->lecture 13 dom]]
<<elseif $domstatus is false>>\
<b>-"<i>Sigh..</i> I didn't sleep well.. I don't want to be here.."</b>
As you're walking through the halls towards your first lecture, you notice a small group standing in the middle of the hallway..
<b>-"No big deal.. I'll just walk around them"</b> You think to yourself.
As you get closer and closer to the group you can see that it consists of a young guy and two girls. They glance and you and start laughing..
<blue>-"This one?? Hahaha!"</blue> The man laughs while you're getting closer.
<adriana>-"Hihihi y-yeah yeah!"</adriana> One of the girls says.
<<pageReplace"Walk past them..">>\
As you're walking past them, the guy suddely tries to pulls down your pants while giggling!
<b>-"D-DUDE! W-WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!"</b> You shout at the man.
<blue>-"HAHA fuck you dude! Remove your pants on your own or I will make you! I got dared and I ain't backing down!"</blue> The guy looks at the girls and winks.. They giggle..
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 13\bully 1.webp" height="600px">
The guy looks jacked.. He's atleast 6'2 with a lean.. Muscular build...
<b>-"Y-yeah? H-how are you going to that?"</b> You glare at him.
<blue>-"Try me bitch, you'll see!"</blue> He shows his fists..
<<pageReplace "RUN!">>\
<<set $ranfromjosh to true>>\
<b>-"F-fuck this shit.."</b> You say while you turn around and start to run..
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 13\bully 2.webp">
<adriana>-"HAHAHA look at him run! Get him Josh!"</adriana>
<emily>-"HAHAHAHAHA GET HIM!!!"</emily> The girls scream...
<<pageReplace"Take a look behind you">>\
<blue>-"COME HERE YOU LOSER HAHA!"</blue> The man screams while chasing after you..
<b>-"P-PLEASE STOP!"</b> You shout as you round a corner and blend into a crowd of students.
<b>-"<i>*Pant..* *Pant..*</i> W-whaa... w-what's wrong w-with people.."</b> You whisper to yourself as you catch your breath..
<b>-"O-oh... <i>*Pant...</i> O-oh I-I hope he'll leave me alone.."</b> You sigh..
<<linkreplace"Catch your breath and go to class">>\
<<if $substatus is true>>\
<<goto "lecture 13 sub">>
<<elseif $femstatus is true>>
<<goto "lecture 13 fem">>
<<elseif $bnwostatus is true>>
<<goto "lecture 13 bnwo">>
<<pageReplace "Fine..">>\
<<set $phonejosh to true>>\
<b>-"F-fine!"</b> You can't believe that you're doing this.. The guy is way too strong though.. You have no chance or choice..
<<if $toys !== 1>>\
You slowly pull down your pants and reveal your flaccid dick..
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 13\bully 5.webp">
<<elseif $toys ==1>>\
You whimper as you slowly pull down your pants to reveal your little caged cock...
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\21660633.webp" height="500px">
<b>-"T-there... h-happy?!"</b> You ask him while quickly pulling up your pants.
<blue>-"HAHA DID YOU SEE THAT?!"</blue> She turns around to face the girls while giggling.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 13\bully 2.webp">
<adriana>-"IT'S SO SMALL! HAHAHA!"</adriana> The girls laughs.. You can tell that they don't understand that flaccid dicks exist.. Or maybe you're just coping...
<emily>-"D-do the second dare Josh, come on!"</emily> One of the girls laughs.
<blue>-"Hahaa right right.. G-give me your phone you cuck."</blue>
<blue>-"You heard me, your phone, now!"</blue> He shouts at you..
<<pageReplace "Give him the phone..">>\
<b>-"F-fine.."</b> You hand him your phone.. You wait patiently while he swipes around.. You can't see what he's doing but it's probably not good.. Suddenly he takes out his phone and takes a picture of the screen.
<b>-"H-huh? W-what did you take a photo of?!"</b>
<blue>-"None of your business fool!"</blue> The guy laughs at you while throwing your phone on the ground.
<adriana>-"Hihihi l-le'ts go Josh!"</adriana> The girls giggle while walking off with the guy.
You pick up your phone and check it for cracks.. Thankfully it's alright.. You have no idea what he took a photo of, but your contact list is open..
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<<linkreplace"Catch your breath and go to class">>\
<<if $substatus is true>>\
<<goto "lecture 13 sub">>
<<elseif $femstatus is true>>
<<goto "lecture 13 fem">>
<<elseif $bnwostatus is true>>
<<goto "lecture 13 bnwo">>
<<pageReplace "Refuse..">>\
<b>-"Y-your not getting my phone.. D-dude!"</b> You look down at the ground..
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 13\bully 4.webp">
The guy punches you straight in the face!
<blue>-"GIVE ME THE FUCKING PHONE!"</blue>
<b>-"F-fine.."</b> You hand him your phone.. You wait patiently while he swipes around.. You can't see what he's doing but it's probably not good.. Suddenly he takes out his phone and takes a picture of the screen.
<b>-"H-huh? W-what did you take a photo of?!"</b>
<blue>-"None of your business fool!"</blue> The guy laughs at you while throwing your phone on the ground.
<adriana>-"Hihihi l-le'ts go Josh!"</adriana> The girls giggle while walking off with the guy.
You pick up your phone and check it for cracks.. Thankfully it's alright.. You have no idea what he took a photo of, but your contact list is open..
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<<linkreplace"Catch your breath and go to class">>\
<<if $substatus is true>>\
<<goto "lecture 13 sub">>
<<elseif $femstatus is true>>
<<goto "lecture 13 fem">>
<<elseif $bnwostatus is true>>
<<goto "lecture 13 bnwo">>
<</if>>\<<lecture "Domination class" "Theory. Read - Remember - Revise.">>
The class went on without a hitch. Although, while Gina was talking, you couldn't stop yourself from remembering what she said last time you two met. Something about a principal and that he has taken an interest in you..
<pink>-"Take a look at the board everyone, this information will be useful for your next test!"</pink> Professor Gina remarks, while you're still deep in thought, not paying attention. After the lecture finishes, you decide that...
<<pageReplace "You should ask her about it.">>\
You patiently wait until everyone leaves to make your move. You remember that she wasn't comfortable last time you asked about it, so it's going to be just as hard this time..
<b>-"On your knees."</b> After looking around the classroom to make sure you're the only two people there, you stand up from your desk, walk towards professor Gina and command her.
<pink>-"Y-yes.."</pink> She follows your orders and gets on her knees. Her teachings are working!
<b>-"Take off my pants."</b> You stare into her eyes, showing who has the authority in the exchange..
<pink>-"Whatever you want $name.."</pink> She bites her bottom lip and pulls down your pants. She can see the imprint of your dick through your underwear, you can notice her blushing, getting hot and heavy.
<<pageReplace"Remove the underwear, Gina">>\
<b>-"Remove the underwear and get to sucking Gina.."</b> You decide that if she gets horny enough, she might be less protective of the information that she's hiding...
<pink>-"NghhHH <i>*Slurp*</i>"</pink> She plunges your cock deep into her throat, making an audible gasp while doing so.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 14\26911081.webp">
<b>-"NGhhhh.. j-jeez you're quick.."</b>
<pink>-"I-I was thwinking abwout this cocwwk.. nGHhhh.. the whole twime.."</pink> She moans as she takes your cock deeper and deeper.
<<pageReplace"Pull out">>\
You suddenly pull your throbbing dick out from her mouth. You can see her horny expression quickly change into a surprised one..
<pink>-"W-what.. why.."</pink> She looks up at you.
<b>-"Last time we talked, you said something about the principal taking an interest in me, care to elaborate?"</b>
<pink>-"Nghh.. I-I can't.. it's not place to.. he needs to invite you personally.."</pink> She quickly jumps towards you and starts licking your cock again, like a starving dog licking food off of the ground...
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 14\29571387.webp" height="600px">
<b>-"Ugh god you're starving today.."</b>
<<pageReplace"Question her further">>\
<b>-"S-so.. ughhh.. invite me to where.. what does he want?"</b> You moan while asking her the question...
<pink>-"It's swomething to dwo with the festwival, maybe he nweeds.. NGhhhhH.. your help with.. <i>*slurp*</i>.. swomething.."</pink> The festival? What? What is going on???
<b>-"F-fuckkk..."</b> You can't hold out much longer..
<pink>-"I-Inside!!"</pink> She shouts as she opens her mouth as wide as she can.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 14\25649192.webp" height="600px">
<b>-"Mghhhhh... y-yesss.."</b> You moan into her ear as waves of pleasure shoot up throughout your whole body.
<b>-"The f-festival??"</b> You question her while she's still cleaning up the mess you made on her face.
<pink>-"NGhhhH.. w-what.."</pink> She whispers as she's licking her fingers and looking at you..
<b>-"Y-you said something about a festival?"</b>
<pink>-"OH NO! N-no! Forget it! I-I didn't say anything!"</pink> She quickly stands up and starts pushing you out of the lecture hall..
<b>-"W-wait! What's going on?!"</b>
<pink>-"Y-you heard nothing!"</pink> She slams the door behind you... you have no clue what just happened. A festival? Why are they so secretive..
<<set $dominant to $dominant +2>>
<blue>Dominant +2!</blue>
[[Leave the University->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace "You shouldn't ask her about it.">>\
<b>-"Agh, she didn't feel comfortable last time, so I better not try my luck.."</b> You stand up from your desk with the other students and start heading towards the door. Gina is standing nearby, cleaning the board..
<<pageReplace "Give her a proper goodbye.">>\
<b>-"Goodbye Gina, thanks for the lecture"</b> You whisper into her ear while walking past, your hand slowly moving towards her ass.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 14\24116345.webp">
<pink>-"Oomf! $name!"</pink> She giggles under her breath, while the other students give you two a glance... although they don't notice anything.
<b>-"How about we repeat what we did a couple of days ago?"</b> You wink at her and she smiles.
<pink>-"W-well you're the man, just tell me the place and t-time.."</pink> She blushes a bit.
<b>-"Heh alright, I'll tell you when I my schedule opens up."</b> All of the other students have left already, you give her a kiss on the cheek and leave too..
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
[[Leave the University->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace "Just leave.">>\
You feel a little under the weather today, you just give her a smile and leave the lecture hall.
<b>-"Ugh I just want to go home.."</b> You whisper to yourself. As you exit the university..
[[Leave the University->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>>\<<lecture "Submissiveness class" "Pegging and why all men should try it.">>
Today's lecture was about pegging. As she showed video after video of men getting pegged, you kept noticing that people were looking at you... they saw what professor Kei did to you last lecture.. how you moaned.. how you enjoyed yourself...
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 14\ezgif-2-79e858884b.webp" width="650px">
<pink>-"As you can see, the woman is on top, signifying who has the authority in the relationship!"</pink> She tells the class.
<blue>-"M-miss Kei, i-is pegging required?"</blue> A student sitting next to you asks the professor, you can see him blushing and stuttering over his words.
<pink>-"Of course not Josh, some women are not into it!"</pink> She smiles.
<pink>-"But if your girlfriend tells you to do it, you better do, you're her toy, her tool not her equal."</pink>
<blue>-"Y-yes.."</blue> The man nods his head and quickly writes down her words into his notepad.
And with that the lecture finished, as people started packing their bags and leaving, you hear your voice being called out.
<pink>-"$name! Stay here for a second!"</pink> Professor Kei shouts at you.
<<pageReplace"Of course..">>\
<b>-"O-of course miss Kei!"</b> You shout back as you too, pack your bags. You stand up from your desk, the last student to do so and get down to the auditoriums bottom.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 14\Screenshot_1.webp" height="600px">
<pink>-"Come here, I have something to tell you.."</pink> She gestures you to come closer.
<b>-"Y-yes.. what do you need?"</b> You ask her cautiously.
<pink>-"Well, something unexpected happened the principal has taken a liking to you..."</pink> She looks disappointed.
<b>-"M-me? The principal? W-what do you mean Miss Kei??"</b> Your eyes grow wide, you have no idea what this means.
<pink>-"I can't tell you anything else, just know that you will visit him soon and when you do.. you better fucking behave yourself"</pink> She stares you down.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 14\ezgif-2-1f7e763307.webp">
<b>-"Mfgghh!"</b> You moan out in pleasure as professor Kei grabs your crotch.
<pink>-"The principal has power beyond your understanding $name, be careful and play by his rules.."</pink> You are so fucking confused. What is going on??
<b>-"I-I don't understand? Nghh.."</b> You ask her while a faint moan leaves your lips.
<pink>-"You will understanding everything with time.. now go"</pink> She lets go of you crotch, setting you free..
<b>-"I do-"</b> You start to ask her another question.
<pink>-"No more questions $name, just go"</pink> You nod your head and leave the lecture hall. You have no idea who the principal is, what he wants, why he has taken in interest in you and why he's so "powerful". So many questions and yet so little answers..
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<<if $femstatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 14 fem]]
<<elseif $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 14 bnwo]]
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>>\<<lecture "Feminization class" "Taking care of your body is just as imporant as being taken care of mentally.">>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 14\NINTCHDBPICT000566202883.webp" height="600px">
<pink>-"Hello students! Today we're going to be talking about the importance of shaving your legs!"</pink> Lana says while you write down her words on your notepad.
<pink>-"Good boys like you, shave their legs to make them look more feminine, hairy legs are so ugly, nobody likes them!"</pink> You focus on her words and start thinking..
<b>-"M-my legs are a bit hairy.. maybe I should shave them.."</b> You think to yourself as professor Lana plays a video.
<<pageReplace"Take a look">>\
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 14\ezgif-2-6ae405a1c4.webp">
<pink>-"This video is actually from a student of mine! He graduated a couple of years ago!"</pink> She announces proudly.
<b>-"W-wow.. amazing.."</b>
<pink>-"Make sure to shave them regularly, or get the hairs lasered off! I heard that it lasts for a long time!"</pink> She remarks..
<b>-"The platic surgery clinic at the mall does that.. I think.."</b> You whisper to yourself as the lecture finishes..
<<set $feminization to $feminization +1>>
<emily>Feminization +1!</emily>
<<if $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 14 bnwo]]
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>>\<<lecture "BNWO class" "BNWO is slowly becoming mainstream and that's a good thing!">>
Another day another BNWO lecture! As you walk into the hall, you notice that professor Jia is already there, setting up her workplace. A lot of students are already here as well, so you decide to find your seat and get ready.
<<if $spottedbyjia is true>>\
As you walk past Jia, she notices you and smiles.
<pink>-"Did you enjoy the show yesterday?"</pink> She bites her lips.
<b>-"W-what show!?"</b> You whisper.
<pink>-"Hehe don't act dumb, I saw you peaking at me, you even screamed "sorry!" when you saw me!"</pink> She giggles.
<pink>-"It's normal for white boy to be amazed by women worshipping black cocks, it's okay, go and take your seat $name"</pink> She smiles..
<b>-"I- I- you don't und... okay.."</b> You decide not to argue..
As you walk past Jia, you remember what happened last "lecture". Good thing that she didn't catch you.. you have no idea what she would do...
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 14\23903517.webp" width="600px">
The lecture starts and it's about diversity in the hentai genre!
<<pageReplace"Pay attention">>\
<pink>-"As you can see, interracial content is becoming popular even in Asian culture."</pink> She tells the class.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 14\25640391.webp" width="600px">
<pink>-"Even they can't escape the harsh reality, that bbc is king"</pink> Professor Jia blushes and you can feel a boner forming in your pants.
<pink>-"Even popular video games characters are confirmed to be black only!"</pink>
<<pageReplace"Keep watching">>\
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 14\19956532.webp" width="600px">
<b>-"Nghhh.. t-that's so hot.."</b> You grab your crotch with your left hand...
<pink>-"This is amazing representation of the real world. More and more women are becoming bbc only, which is shown in popular media and games!"</pink> She continued to talk about the importance of diversity in these things. You wrote down everything in your notebook, you want to do the best on the next test!
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo +1>>
<grey>BNWO +1!</grey>
[[Leave the University->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>>\<<lecture "Domination class" "Leadership and manipulation go hand in hand when done right.">>
Nothing of note happened. Professor Gina just showed you all more positions, more manipulation techniques and talked about the importance of being a good leader.
<pink>-"Take note how he thrusts class, he does it with power, with intent, with an end goal in mind!"</pink> She remarks.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 15\15540354.webp" width="600px">
While looking at the videos you couldn't stop yourself from drifting off and thinking about what Gina said about the principal.. you hope that you will meet him soon..
<pink>-"Take a look how he takes control of the women, making her lay on the ground and take the pounding without a second thought!"</pink> She plays another video.
<<pageReplace"Keep watching">>\
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 15\21893949.webp" width="600px">
<pink>-"It's important to remember these things students, because as leaders of society, as leaders of the household, as leaders of your relationships, it will be your responsibility to pleasure your women to her hearts content!"</pink> She plays yet another video.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 15\27739018.webp">
A horrible thought creeps into your mind..
<b>-"God I wish I was face fucking Adriana right now..."</b> You whispers under your breath. Right as you do, you regain your composure and get surprised by what you just said..
<b>-"Oh my god.. I meant Emily.."</b> You give your cheek a light slap to snap out of these weird thoughts. As the lecture finishes, you pick up your things and..
<<pageReplace"Exit the hall">>\
As you exit the hall and start walking towards the toilet, you get a feeling that... you're being watched.. you have no idea why you feel that way, but you clench your fists in your pockets as a precaution nonetheless.
You notice that keeps glancing at you to your left...
<<pageReplace "Quickly take a look..">>\
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 15\principal.webp" width="600px">
It's a man in a suit, talking to a... colleague of his? You've seen him looking at you a while back.. while talking, he glances at you again, making eye contact. He squints his eyes and looks away again, talking to the other man again..
<b>-"W-... who's that.."</b> You think to yourself as you pick up the pace and quickly exit the SUP.. You have no idea who that man wants and you don't want to find out..
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
[[Leave the University->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace "Keep walking..">>\
<b>-"This is too fishy.. let's just keep walking.."</b> You think to yourself as you pick up the pace and quickly exit the SUP.. You have no idea who that man wants and you don't want to find out..
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
[[Leave the University->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>>\<<lecture "Submissiveness class" "How to be a good tool for your woman.">>
Nothing of note happened. Professor Kei just showed you all more positions, more ways to serve your queens and talked about the importance of being a good little slave.
<pink>-"Take note hows he thrusts class, she does it with power, with intent, with an end goal in mind!"</pink> She remarks.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 15\26470353.webp" width="600px">
While looking at the videos you couldn't stop yourself from drifting off and thinking about what Kei said about the principal.. you hope that you will meet him soon..
<pink>-"Take a look how she takes full control of the man, putting a collar on and making him serve her."</pink> She plays another video.
<<pageReplace"Keep watching">>\
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 15\20531937.webp" width="600px">
<pink>-"It's important to remember these things students, because as leaders of society, as leaders of the household, as leaders of your relationships, women will need to be served not only financially, but sexually too. It will be your responsibility to pleasure your women to her hearts content!"</pink> She plays yet another video.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 15\18370291.webp" width="600px">
A horrible thought creeps into your mind..
<b>-"God I wish I was with Adriana right now..."</b> You whispers under your breath. Right as you do, you regain your composure and get surprised by what you just said..
<b>-"Oh my god.. I meant Emily.."</b> You give your cheek a light slap to snap out of these weird thoughts. As the lecture finishes, you pick up your things and..
<<pageReplace"Exit the hall">>\
As you exit the hall and start walking towards the toilet, you get a feeling that... you're being watched.. you have no idea why you feel that way, but you clench your fists in your pockets as a precaution nonetheless.
You notice that keeps glancing at you to your left...
<<pageReplace "Quickly take a look..">>\
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 15\principal.webp" width="600px">
It's a man in a suit, talking to a... colleague of his? You've seen him looking at you a while back.. while talking, he glances at you again, making eye contact. He squints his eyes and looks away again, talking to the other man again..
<b>-"W-... who's that.."</b> You think to yourself as you pick up the pace and quickly enter the toilet.. You have no idea who that man wants and you don't want to find out..
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<blue>Submissiveness +1!</blue>
<<if $femstatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 15 fem]]
<<elseif $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 15 bnwo]]
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace "Keep walking..">>\
<b>-"This is too fishy.. let's just keep walking.."</b> You think to yourself as you pick up the pace and quickly enter the toilet... You have no idea who that man wants and you don't want to find out..
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<blue>Submissiveness +1!</blue>
<<if $femstatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 15 fem]]
<<elseif $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 15 bnwo]]
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>>\<<lecture "Feminization class" "Anal, anal and more anal!">>
<pink>-"Hello class, I'm proud to announce that over 55% of my students are now wearing chastitys!"</pink> Professor Lana announces proudly as you walk into the hall. The class erupts in applause, you follow suit and clap with the others.
As you sit down and open your notebook, professor Lana starts her lecture. She writes "The next step" on the board and proceeds.
<pink>-"So students, I was impressed with your performance a couple of weeks back, when you all showed me your oral skills!"</pink> You remember that day vividly...
<pink>-"They can improve though! Today we're going to be talking about, how to properly pleasure a man, not only with your mouth, but with your little hole as well!"</pink> She smiles and turns on the projector.
<<pageReplace"Watch the video">>\
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 15\25824746.webp" width="500px">
<pink>-"This is actually one of my students! Look at her go, she's changed so much!"</pink>
<b>-"W-woah.."</b> You whisper under your breath... You can feel your throbbing dick getting harder and harder, <<if $toys==1>>but it gets stopped by your chastity cage...<<else>>pressing against your pants..<</if>>
<pink>-"Now again, pleasuring men with your mouths of course won't be enough, your little boypussy will come in use too! She plays another video..</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 15\23479538.webp" width="600px">
<b>-"Nghh..."</b> You let out a faint moan as your dick is getting harder and harder.. you want to experience what you're seeing on screen...
<pink>-"In this video the little sissy isn't wearing a chastity cage, which is a shame, make sure to wear yours!"</pink> She remarks. The lecture goes by quickly, you cock throbbed the whole time, but you managed to refrain from touching it..
<<set $feminization to $feminization +1>>
<emily>Feminization +1!</emily>
<<if $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 15 bnwo]]
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>>\<<lecture "BNWO class" "IBWO and it's incredible benefits to society.">>
<pink>-"Hello class!"</pink> Professor Jia greets everyone with a warm smile. Right as you all start pulling out your notes, she stops you.
<pink>-"Today you're notes will not be needed, we're going to be talking about the IBWO!"</pink> The IBWO?
You have no idea what the IBWO is, but you continue to listen nonetheless..
<pink>-"What is the IBWO you might be asking? Well, it is an international organization working on progressive issues in Sweden and other european countries!"</pink> She turns on the monitor.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 15\1280px-Pan_American_Health_Organization_Building.webp" width="800px">
<pink>-"These are their headquarters!"</pink> Damn... the building is huge!
<<pageReplace"Continue to listen">>\
<<if $brokeupwithemily !== true>>\
<b>-"I wonder if Emily knows about this.."</b> You think to yourself.
<pink>-"The IBWO is incredibly secretive... nobody is allowed to film inside, but I have some contacts, so I got a couple of videos to show you!"</pink> She class gasps, a couple of students thank the teacher.
<b>-"Wow.. we're going to see w-what's inside.."</b> She switches to another video..
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 15\29783608.webp" height="650px">
<pink>-"As you can see, they have various praying rituals, where white women pray to their black demi-gods."</pink> She giggles and looks at the screen..
<blue>-"W-wow.. b-but what is the purpose of t-the.. organization?"</blue> A student asks.
<pink>-"Great question! The IBWO has many purposes, one of them is indoctrinating young students, such as yourself and teaching them about diversity issues in the country!"</pink> She says it with such confidence that you start wanting to learn more about it yourself..
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 15\26237089.webp">
She plays yet another video..
<pink>-"This is the mark that girls receive after they've been working for the IBWO for a set amount of time.."</pink> She says while you can see her cheeks blush a little bit..
<pink>-"Queens of spades... they call them.."</pink>
<<if $brokeupwithemily !== true>>\
The lecture finishes and you can't stop thinking about what you got Emily into...
<b>-"I hope it wasn't a mistake"</b> You whisper under your breath as you exit the lecture hall..
<b>-"Q-queen of spades huh.."</b> You imagine yourself with one of those tattoos one day..
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo+1>>
<grey>BNWO +1!</grey>
[[Leave the University->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>>\<<if $domstatus is true>>\
<<set $joshtaser to true>>\
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 15\bully 2.webp">
You're walking through the SUP, when a thought enters your mind..
<b>-"Fuck that Josh guy.. Coming up to me like that.."</b> You remember getting jumped by Josh and his two girls.. you clench your fists in anger..
<<if $foughtjosh is true>>\
<b>-"Oufff.."</b> You let out a soft moan, your knuckles still hurt after beating the shit out of him...
Suddenly you see someone... It's Josh!
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 15\bully 1.webp">
He has his back turned to you.. He's talking to someone...
<<pageReplace "Listen in..">>\
You lean on some lockers nearby and act like you're on your phone not to arouse suspicion, as you start to concentrate, you begin to hear their conversation..
<blue>-"Huh.. So how is my sister doing?"</blue>
<<if $foughtjosh is true>>\
<adriana>-"Good, you don't look well though, who did this to you?"</adriana> Josh's sister touches his face...
<blue>-"Eh nobody, I just fell, don't worry about it Stacey.."</blue>
<<elseif $ranfromjosh is true>>\
<adriana>-"Good, how about yourself?"</adriana> Josh's sister turns her head...
<blue>-"Eh okay I guess, how many lectures do you have left Stacey?"</blue>
<b>-"Stacey huh..."</b> You smirk..
<<pageReplace "Write down her name..">>\
You open the notes app on your phone and write down her name.
<b>-"Stacey... With a brother named Josh.. Shouldn't be difficult to find.."</b> You think to yourself as you regain your posture and walk towards your lecture hall..
<b>-"Oh that dude will regret messing with me.."</b>
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
<<set $joshsister to true>>
[[Continue walking->lecture 15 dom]]
<<pageReplace "Just forget about it..">>\
<b>-"Haha.."</b> You laugh to yourself after realizing what you were about to do..
<b>-"We fought.. So what? I'm not going after his family!"</b> You chuckle to yourself as you regain your posture and walk towards your lecture hall.
[[Continue walking->lecture 15 dom]]
<<pageReplace "Leave him alone...">>\
<b>-"Eh whatever, I beat the shit out of him once already.."</b> You think to yourself as you keep walking..
[[Go to your lectures->lecture 15 dom]]
<<elseif $domstatus is false>>\
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 15\bully 2.webp">
You're walking through the SUP, when a thought enters your mind..
<b>-"F-fuck that Josh guy.. C-coming up to me like that.."</b> You remember getting jumped by Josh and his two girls.. You have no way of defending yourself against such a hulk of a man.
Suddenly you see someone... It's Josh! He's talking to someone!
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 15\bully 1.webp">
<<pageReplace"Walk past him quietly..">>\
As you're walking past him you see his head turn..
<b>-"Oh no.."</b> You whisper as your eyes meet his..
<blue>-"HAH! This is the loser I was just talking about!"</blue> He says to the guy he's talking to...
<blue>-"Hey come here!"</blue> He shouts at you..
<b>-"N-no.. f-fuck off!"</b>
<blue>-"Come here buddy, we're talking about Ava!"</blue> He smirks..
<b>-"A-ava..?"</b> You whisper.. Ava as in your $sister??? What's going on?!
<b>-"H-how do you know her name?!"</b> You ask Josh while walking up to them.
<<if $phonejosh is true>>\
<blue>-"Heh, you gave your phone to me you dumbass!"</blue> He and his friend laugh.
<<elseif $ranfromjosh is true>>\
<blue>-"Heh, your professors were incredibly easy to convince.."</blue> He winks..
While giggling he opens up his phone and shows you something..
<<pageReplace"Take a look..">>\
<blue>-"Hah, this yo $sister?"</blue> You see an open facebook page on his phone..
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 15\bully 3.webp" height="600px">
It's Ava! He found her facebook!
<<pageReplace "No it isn't..">>\
<b>-"N-no it isn't!"</b> You tell him while looking at the ground, it's obvious that you're lying..
<blue>-"So you wouldn't care if I fucked her right?"</blue> Josh's friend bursts out in laughter.
<b>-"W-why would I care.. I-I-If you fucked some.. Random g-girl.."</b> You stutter over your words..
<blue>-"HAHA FINE! Have it your way then, cuck!"</blue> He flicks your forehead.
<blue>-"Let's go Jerome, we need to set up a date with this cucks $sister!"</blue> They both laugh while walking away from you..
<b>-"T-this is not good.. I can't let him get to Ava... I need a weapon.."</b> You understand that you won't be able to fight off Josh on your own, you need to find some way of defending yourself if you want him to stop...
<<set $joshtaser to true>>\
<<linkreplace"Go to class">>\
<<if $substatus is true>>\
<<goto "lecture 15 sub">>
<<elseif $femstatus is true>>
<<goto "lecture 15 fem">>
<<elseif $bnwostatus is true>>
<<goto "lecture 15 bnwo">>
<<pageReplace "Yeah.. So what?">>\
<b>-"Y-yeah.. So what?"</b> You whisper while looking at the ground.
<blue>-"Hah! Well my second dare was to fuck someones sister, I guess it will be yours!"</blue> Josh's friend bursts out in laughter.
<b>-"F-fuck off, as if Ava would ever fall for t-the likes of you!"</b> You shout at him in desperation.
<blue>-"HAHA WATCH ME! Give me a week or two and she will be mine!"</blue> He flicks your forehead.
<blue>-"Let's go Jerome, we need to set up a date with this cucks $sister!"</blue> They both laugh while walking away from you..
<b>-"T-this is not good.. I can't let him get to Ava... I need a weapon.."</b> You understand that you won't be able to fight off Josh on your own, you need to find some way of defending yourself if you want him to stop...
<<set $joshtaser to true>>\
<<linkreplace"Go to class">>\
<<if $substatus is true>>\
<<goto "lecture 15 sub">>
<<elseif $femstatus is true>>
<<goto "lecture 15 fem">>
<<elseif $bnwostatus is true>>
<<goto "lecture 15 bnwo">>
<</if>>\<<set $attended2 to true>>
You're walking towards the SUP, headphones in, music playing, not a worry in the world. You say hi to a couple of your classmates when you pass them by, noticing that they seem tired..
<b>-"This university is pretty great, but it sure isn't easy!"</b> You think to yourself as you get to the entrance, take a deep breath and...
<<pageReplace"Go inside">>\
<img src="Images\Lectures\principal 1\Screenshot_1.webp">
A strange woman is standing to the side of the entrance. As you enter the building, she looks you up and down and asks:
<adriana>-"Are you $name?"</adriana>
<b>-"I-I mean yeahhhh..? Who's asking?"</b> You cautiously question her.
<adriana>-"Follow me.."</adriana> She starts walking away. She looks like a professor.. No... A maid perhaps?
<<pageReplace"Follow her">>\
<b>-"W-where are we going lady, who are you?"</b> You start to follow her.
<adriana>-"I was instructed to bring you to the principal, nothing more, nothing less, stay quiet and follow my lead."</adriana> The woman says with a cold, deathly tone.
<b>-"<i>*Gulp*</i> T-the principal..?"</b> You whisper to yourself.. You'll finally meet him! You follow the woman through the whole university, going up and down flight of stairs.. You never noticed how maze like the SUP actually was..
<adriana>-"This is it!"</adriana> The girl says while pointing towards an ominous door..
<img src="Images\Lectures\principal 1\Screenshot_2.webp" height="600px">
She picks up some equipment and starts dusting as well as cleaning the furniture around you.
<b>-"Hmmm... So she was a maid after all.."</b> You whisper to yourself..
<b>-"Sooo.. Do I just go in?"</b> The woman doesn't answer.. She just continues to clean.
<b>-"I'll take that as a yes.."</b>
<<pageReplace"Open the door">>\
As you open the door, you're suddenly met with a strong aroma of... Whiskey and cinnamon.. You can't explain it, but it smells like pure, concentrated power...
<img src="Images\Lectures\principal 1\bcs_308_ms_0113_0431-rt_-_h_2017.webp">
<manager>-"Hello $name, I'm glad you made it"</manager> It's the man that you caught staring at you!
He's sitting completely upright, with his hands together on the table. His tone of voice is soft and yet at the same time.. Confident, he articulated his words quickly and yet purposefully, he must have planned this meeting in advance.. You should choose your words carefully...
<b>-"Thank you, mister...?"</b>
<manager>-"Hudson, but you can call me mister Hud"</manager> He extends his arm to shake yours..
<<pageReplace"Shake his arm">>\
You have no reason not to trust him.. Yet at least.. So you grab his palm and shake, firmly.
<b>-"So, mister Hud, h-how can I be of assistance?"</b> You stutter over your words a bit.
<manager>-"Right, let's get straight to the point. I've been watching you $name.. I've keeping track of your test results, your answers, all of it.."</manager> He look at you and his eyes meet with yours..
<manager>-"And I can say that I'm impressed, you're one of my top students at the moment"</manager> He lets out a slight smile. You feel like a pile of rocks just rolled down from your chest..
<b>-"T-thank you! I definitely try!"</b> You smile.
<manager>-"Now I didn't invite you here just to give you props, I need your help."</manager> He shifts his posture a little bit, to appear less threatening.
<<pageReplace"What kind of help..?">>\
<b>-"What kind of help are we talking about mister Hud?"</b>
<img src="Images\Lectures\principal 1\Gustavo-Fring-Breaking-Bad.webp">
<manager>-"I'm planning an event. An event of grand size. An event full of <i>very</i> important people. An event that I cannot afford to fuck up."</manager> He grids his teeth.
<manager>-"For this event to succeed, most of the fourth year students need to participate, as one of my best students, you should have an easier time to convince them to join, you're one of their peers after all.."</manager>
<manager>-"Are you interested in helping me make this event a reality..?"</manager>
<<pageReplace "Ask him for more information.">>\
<b>-"I...I would like to know more about the, quote on quote job, you're offering me.."</b> You hold eye contact.
<manager>-"Hmm.. Smart. I can't provide any confidential information about it $name, all I can say it, that it has to do something with our sexuality program."</manager>
<b>-"The sexuality program? The one I've been attending..?"</b> You think to yourself..
<<pageReplace "I'm interested.">>\
You don't know why, but you feel compelled to agree.. You fidget with your hands and start speaking.
<b>-"Thank you for the offer, I'm definitely interested.. What do you need me to do?"</b> Your left leg starts jumping in nervousness a bit.
<img src="Images\Lectures\principal 1\gus-fring.webp" width="800px">
<manager>-"I'm glad you're up to the task, I will send one of my maids to pick you up soon, we will discuss the details then"</manager> He stands up and starts walking towards the door, right as you turn around, he opens it and leaves. You're now alone in his office..
<b>-"W-wow.."</b> You whisper to yourself. An opportunity to help the universities principal is pretty rare.. you definitely couldn't say no..
<<set $yestoprincipal to true>>
[[Exit the university->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace "I'll think about it.">>\
You don't know why, but you feel like you need more time to think.. you look Don in the eyes and start speaking.
<b>-"Thank you for the offer, I will definitely think about it, but.. I-I need more time to make a decision.."</b> Your left leg starts jumping in nervousness a bit.
<img src="Images\Lectures\principal 1\gus-fring.webp" width="800px">
<manager>-"Fine, just don't think about it for too long..."</manager> He stands up.
<manager>-"I need some help and I need it now, I will send my maid to get you soon, you better have made up your mind by then.."</manager> He starts walking towards the door, right as you turn around, he opens it and leaves. You're now alone in his office..
<b>-"W-wow.."</b> You whisper to yourself. An opportunity to help the universities principal is pretty rare.. but you decide that you should give yourself some more time to think it through...
<<set $yestoprincipal to false>>
[[Exit the university->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace "I'm interested.">>\
You don't know why, but you feel compelled to agree.. you look Don in the eyes and start speaking.
<b>-"Thank you for the offer, I'm definitely interested.. what do you need me to do?"</b> Your left leg starts jumping in nervousness a bit.
<img src="Images\Lectures\principal 1\gus-fring.webp" width="800px">
<manager>-"I'm glad you're up to the task, I will send one of my maids to pick you up soon, we will discuss the details then"</manager> He stands up and starts walking towards the door, right as you turn around, he opens it and leaves. You're now alone in his office..
<b>-"W-wow.."</b> You whisper to yourself. An opportunity to help the universities principal is pretty rare.. you definitely couldn't say no..
<<set $yestoprincipal to true>>
[[Exit the university->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace "I'll think about it.">>\
You don't know why, but you feel like you need more time to think.. you look Don in the eyes and start speaking.
<b>-"Thank you for the offer, I will definitely think about it, but.. I-I need more time to make a decision.."</b> Your left leg starts jumping in nervousness a bit.
<img src="Images\Lectures\principal 1\gus-fring.webp" width="800px">
<manager>-"Fine, just don't think about it for too long..."</manager> He stands up.
<manager>-"I need some help and I need it now, I will send my maid to get you soon, you better have made up your mind by then.."</manager> He starts walking towards the door, right as you turn around, he opens it and leaves. You're now alone in his office..
<b>-"W-wow.."</b> You whisper to yourself. An opportunity to help the universities principal is pretty rare.. but you decide that you should give yourself some more time to think it through...
<<set $yestoprincipal to false>>
[[Exit the university->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>>\<<lecture "Domination class" "How to make any woman your personal hole.">>
Professor Gina showed you and the other students deepthroating techniques and talked about how to train women not to choke on your dicks the whole lecture.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 17\EdjCz72UMAAhaDq.webp" height="600px">
<pink>-"You need to encourage your women to train daily with your dick, to learn how to properly please a man such as yourself."</pink> She remarked.
You wrote down everything on your notepad, like always, although you do have a feeling that Gina would still let you pass, even if you failed a test or two... After putting everything into your backpack, you stand up and head towards the door.
<pink>-"H-hey $name!"</pink> She shouts before you exit.
<b>-"What's up?"</b> You walk up to her and answer. She waits for the students to leave the hall to start speaking again.
<pink>-"I-I need a favour.."</pink> She blushes.
<<pageReplace"What is it?">>\
<b>-"What is it?"</b>
<pink>-"I talked to the principal, I know that he's trying to make you work.. well help him with his.. project."</pink> She whispers, looking around the hall.
<b>-"Correct, what about it?"</b>
<pink>-"Well if you do end up helping him, we won't meet very often, I'll come to visit you of course but.. just thinking about losing this dick is driving me nuts..."</pink> She looks down at the ground.
<<pageReplace "Too bad.">>\
<b>-"Huh well, too bad.."</b> You cross your arms..
<b>-"Just find someone else to fuck your brains out and if you can't find anyone, just visit me in his office."</b> You're tired of her complaining, if she wants to get fucked, she should find out wherever you are.
<pink>-"I...I understand $name..."</pink> She nods her head and you leave the hall.
<b>-"Hopefully she got the message.."</b> You whisper to yourself.
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1</blue>
[[Leave the University->bully 3]]
<<pageReplace "I'm going to make you miss me even more..">>\
<b>-"I'm going to make you miss me even more.."</b> You whisper to her while holding eye contact.
<pink>-"Ngh.. w-what.."</pink> She whispers back while a faint moan leaves her mouth.
<<pageReplace"Pick her up">>\
<b>-"You heard me.."</b> You pick her up and throw her on the table.
<pink>-"$name!!!! UmmmGGGGfFF- f-fuck!"</pink> There's a loud thud and then silence.
<b>-"Take those panties off, give me a good look."</b>
<pink>-"Y-yes..."</pink> Gina obeys.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 17\22790302.webp" width="600px">
<pink>-"W-what now?"</pink>
<b>-"It's time to fuck your brains out."</b> You pull out a condom from your pocket and put it on..
<b>-"Mghhh.. You ready?"</b> You whisper into her ear as you slowly caress her neck.
<pink>-"F-fuck me in the ass today $name.."</pink> She kisses you.
<b>-"Mhghh.. F-fine, take the condom off then"</b> You point at your thick shaft, she slowly lowers her hands and takes it off.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 17\20792716.webp" height="450px">
<pink>-"T-there.. Now put it in!"</pink> She raises her voice in anticipation.
<b>-"Your wish is my command.."</b>
<<pageReplace"Destroy her">>\
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 17\21373802.webp" height="600px">
<pink>-"NGHHHHhhhHHH! F-fuck! S-slow down!!!"</pink> She screams as you start ramming her asshole.
<b>-"Mghhhh.. Fuck no! I'm going to f-fuck you so hard.. ngHHHh.. t-that you'll have to visit me for this dick!"</b> You shout at her as you hear her queefing and moaning.
<pink>-"F-fuckkkkkkuukkuukkkkk"</pink> Gina moans in pain and pleasure.
<b>-"Mghhhh.. H-here, in the principals office, at home... mGHhhhh. d-doesn't matter, you're getting this dick everywhere!"</b> You moan into her ear. Right as these words leave your mouth, you notice that Gina relaxes, she now fully believes that your cock isn't going anywhere, she won't be left behind when you're working for the principal...
<pink>-"NGhhhhhHH!! I'm.. I'M ABOUT TO-"</pink> She screams in pleasure, without a thought in her mind.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 17\22498087.webp" width="600px">
<pink>-"FFUUUUUCKCKKKKKKK!!!"</pink> She screams as her juices explode onto to your clothes, covering you from head to toe.
<b>-"NGhhhhHH!"</b> You moan as you ejaculate straight on to her back.
<pink>-"F-fuck..."</pink> Gina catches her breath.
<b>-"Y-you like that...?"</b> You say while panting.
<pink>-"Y-you won't leave me?"</pink> She says in between breaths.
<b>-"Mghhh.. O-of course not, you'll get this dick.. mghhh... e-every day if you want to.."</b> You both clean up and put on your clothes after catching your breaths. She gives you a kiss on the cheek as you get ready to leave.
<pink>-"T-thank you..."</pink> You kiss her on the cheek and leave the hall. The whole ordeal only took 20 minutes, but it felt like an eternity...
<<set $dominant to $dominant +2>>
<blue>Dominant +2!</blue>
[[Leave the University->bully 3]]
<</pageReplace>>\<<lecture "Submissiveness class" "Theory. Read - Remember - Revise.">>
You're sitting at the table, writing down notes.. the usual. When suddenly, professor Kei mentions your name.
<pink>-"$name, come down here!"</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 17\Screenshot_1.webp" height="600px">
<<pageReplace"Obey her">>\
<b>-"Y-yes professor Kei?"</b> You cautiously ask her.
<pink>-"I've noticed that you've been taking notes and actually listening to my lectures, congrats!"</pink> She smirks..
<b>-"T-thank you.. I try!"</b>
<pink>-"Do you think you could fuck me properly $name?"</pink> She looks you in the eyes and asks, you notice that the class has gone quiet.
<b>-"E-excuse me?"</b> You're confused.
<pink>-"You heard me, do you think you would be able to fuck me properly?"</pink>
<<pageReplace "Y-yes, definitely!">>\
<b>-"Y-yes! Of course!"</b> You announce proudly, maybe this is your chance to finally fuck professor Kei!
<pink>-"Hmmm.. oh really? Take off your pants then.."</pink> She giggles.
<b>-"L-like right here.. Right now?"</b> You whimper.
<pink>-"Of course! You will show all of my students how to properly fuck a woman!"</pink> She giggles again...
<<if $toys==1>>\
<<pageReplace"Remove your pants..">>\
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 17\21570897.webp" height="600px">
You remove your pants and reveal your small caged cock to the whole class...
<pink>-"HAHAHAHAH!"</pink> Professor Kei bursts out laughing, so does the class..
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 17\laugh-class.webp">
<pink>-"Hahaha you're hilarious! I didn't know that we had a sissy amongst our ranks!"</pink> The whole class giggles again... your cheeks grow red in embarrassment but you stay quiet...
<pink>-"Come on then, fuck me!"</pink> Professor Kei says while removing her panties.
<b>-"R-right here?"</b> You whisper.
<pink>-"Haha sure, try your best.."</pink>
<<pageReplace"Try to fuck her">>\
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 17\21341981.webp" width="600px">
You mount your professor doggy style, but because your cock is locked shut, you can't do anything but hump her leg like a loser...
<b>-"Nghhh..."</b> You whimper while the class giggles and takes pictures.
<pink>-"Hahaha! Come on, show us all how you fuck women!"</pink> She yells at you while throwing her ass back towards your crotch.
<pink>-"Jeez you're such a loser! Stand up, it's obvious that you can't.."</pink> The professor stands up, you obey her command and stand up with her.
<b>-"I-.... I apologize.."</b> You're incredibly embarrassed, but you manage to apologize to the professor while pulling up your pants.
<pink>-"I hope you learned your lesson you loser, go and sit down!"</pink> She commands you while pulling her panties up. As you sit down you can still catch students making fun of you.. you have no idea why, but miss Kei likes to bully you..
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<<set $feminization to $feminization +1>>
<emily>Feminization +1!</emily>
<<if $femstatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 17 fem]]
<<elseif $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 17 bnwo]]
[[Leave the University->bully 3]]
<<pageReplace"Remove your pants..">>\
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 17\nude_men_with_a-4289.webp" height="500px">
You remove your pants and reveal your hard cock to the whole class...
<pink>-"HAHAHAHAH!"</pink> Professor Kei bursts out laughing, you can hear a couple of giggles from the class too..
<pink>-"Hahaha you're hilarious! I didn't think you would actually try it!"</pink> The whole class giggles again... your cheeks grow red in embarrassment but you stay quiet...
<pink>-"Come on then, fuck me!"</pink> Professor Kei says while removing her panties.
<b>-"R-right here?"</b> You whisper.
<pink>-"Haha sure, try your best.."</pink>
<<pageReplace"Try to fuck her">>\
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 17\ezgif-5-e87e5ff573.webp" height="600px">
She pushes you over, climbs on top you and starts teasing your dick with her pussy.
<b>-"Nghhh..."</b> You whimper..
<pink>-"Hahaha! Come on, show us all how you fuck women!"</pink> She yells at you.
<b>-"MghhhhH!"</b> Her pussy is so close.. Yet... She doesn't let you inside.. And you're too much of a beta to take control..
<pink>-"Jeez you're such a loser! Get up, it's obvious that you can't.."</pink> The professor stands up, you obey her command and stand up with her.
<b>-"I-... I apologize.."</b> You're incredibly embarrassed, but you manage to apologize to the professor while pulling up your pants.
<pink>-"As you can see students, boys in this day and age can't even seize the opportunity to fuck someone, when it's right in front of them!"</pink> She pull up her panties up.
<pink>-"Sit down! And pay attention!"</pink> She shouts at you.. You get the hint and go to your seat.. You sit through the remainder of the lecture in silence.
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<<if $femstatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 17 fem]]
<<elseif $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 17 bnwo]]
[[Leave the University->bully 3]]
<<pageReplace "N-no..">>\
<b>-"N-no not really.."</b> You whimper in place..
<pink>-"Good answer $name, you're learning!"</pink> She gives you a warm smile.
<pink>-"But why is that $name?"</pink>
<b>-"M-men shouldn't do the fucking.. w-we're just toys.."</b> You whisper.
<pink>-"CORRECT!!! Good boy! Go and sit down!"</pink> She spanks your butt.
<b>-"Umf.. o-okay.."</b> You sat down at your desk and noticed, that a couple of people gave you weird looks, but all around the students seemed to agree with you..
Professor Kei continued her lesson and when the time came, you left the lecture hall and decided where to go next..
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissivness +1!</pink>
<<if $femstatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 17 fem]]
<<elseif $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 17 bnwo]]
[[Leave the University->bully 3]]
<</pageReplace>>\<<lecture "Feminization class" "Dildos, what are they, how to use them, where to buy them.">>
This feminization lesson we talked about dildos, their benefits and how to pleasure yourself with them..
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 17\28198959.webp" height="700px">
<b>-"Mghh..."</b> You catch yourself being quite.. turned on by what you see on screen...
<pink>-"Please remember students, pleasuring yourself with a dildo will be the only means of masturbation for you in the future!"</pink> Professor Lana remarks as you write down her words on your notebook...
<<pageReplace"Keep watching">>\
You have already talked about dildos before, but this time it's more direct... professor Lana is even suggesting us what size dildos we should try..
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 17\27461379.webp" width="700px">
<pink>-"If you want to go above and beyond for this course, buy a dildo and experiment with it!"</pink> She announces..
<b>-"Maybe Leyja will have some dildos on sale.. No... Maybe I shouldn't.."</b> You whisper to yourself while walking out of the class..
<<set $feminization to $feminization+1>>
<emily>Feminization +1!</emily>
<<if $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 17 bnwo]]
[[Leave the University->bully 3]]
<</pageReplace>>\<<lecture "BNWO class" "Annual bachelor theses review.">>
During todays lecture, you and the other students were watching and analyzing last year's bachelor theses.. most female students talked about how going bbc only improved their life dramatically..
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 17\29174796.webp" width="600px">
Their theses were full of them taking massive, black cocks over and over and over again, listing the benefits this lifestyle brought to their lives..
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 17\25527492.webp" height="600px">
<b>-"Mghh..."</b> You let out a soft moan as you watch the videos..
You notice that the female students in your class are blushing, but confidently masturbating through their pants and skirts... they're not even trying to hide that they're turned on.. you are too..
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 17\21584750.webp" height="600px">
<<if $brokeupwithemily !== true>>\
All you could think about is Emily taking these cocks as her final university project...
<b>-"That would be so.. h-hot.."</b> You whimper as you leave the hall..
<b>-"That's so hot.."</b> You whimper as you leave the hall..
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo +1>>
<grey>BNWO +1!</grey>
[[Leave the University->bully 3]]<<if $domstatus is true>>\
<<goto "Go outside">>\
As you're walking out of the SUP, you make sure to enjoy the nice weather, you're often inside, studying or working, so walking out in the open like this is pretty nice. While rounding a corner you see.. Josh.. He's texting someone on the phone!
<<pageReplace"Take a closer look">>\
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 17\bully 1.webp" width="750px">
As you get near him you notice that he has headphones in, there's no way he that he will hear you.. You sneak up on him and look over his shoulder. He's texting Ava!!!
<b>-"T-that son of a bitch.."</b> You whisper to yourself.
<<pageReplace "Try to read their texts...">>\
You lean your head over his shoulder, making sure to hold your breath so he doesn't feel you breathing...
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 17\bully 2.webp">
<b>-"T-that c-cunt! He's flirting with h-her...!"</b> You whisper to yourself..
<b>-"UGhhh!!!!"</b> You groan in anger as you pull away from him.. As angry as you are, you have no chance to against him.. You quickly turn away from him and start going home...
<b>-"I-I know Ava won't fall for a dumbass like him.."</b> You push the thoughts of Josh fucking your sister out of your head..
[[Go home->room]]
<<pageReplace "Leave before he notices.">>\
<b>-"I better leave before he notices me.."</b> You think to yourself as you turn the other way and begin walking...
<b>-"I-I know Ava won't fall for a dumbass like him.."</b> You push the thoughts of Josh fucking your sister out of your head..
[[Go home->room]]
<<messengerHeader Stacey>>
<<them>>Who are you? What's up?<</them>>
<div id="choices">
<<messageReplyReplace "I know Josh" #choices>>
<<me>>I know Josh, he's your brother right?<</me>>
<<them>>Yeah! I'm his sister.<</them>>
<<them>>So, what do you need? :)<</them>>
<<messageReply "I wanted to..">>\
<<me>>Well, I just found you on here and you're incredibly cute, I want to get to know you better ;)<</me>>
<<them>>Haha oh really?<</them>>
<<them>>Well.. What do you look like? Maybe I'll be interested too.. ;)<</them>>
<div id="choices1">
<<messageReplyReplace "Let's skip the formalities..." #choices1>>
<<me>>Let's skip the formalities Stacey...<</me>>
<<me>><<image "Lectures/lecture 17/bully 7.webp">><</me>>
<<them>>Wow.. I mean.. That's.. big...<</them>>
<<messageReply"Send something back..">>\
<<me>>Send something back ;) I need to see the goods I'm going to be using soon...<</me>>
<<them>>I don't know...<</them>>
<<them>>We just met.. And you're Josh's friend..<</them>>
<div id="choices2">
<<messageReplyReplace "Just do it." #choices2>>
<<me>>Just do it already, I don't have all day.<</me>>
<<them>><i>This user has blocked you</i><</them>>
It's time to hit the bed..
<<set $joshsister to false>>
<<goto "room">>
<<messageReplyReplace "Don't get me wrong, I'm a gentleman!" #choices2>>
<<me>>Don't get me wrong, I'm a gentleman! I'll take you out for dinner first..<</me>>
<<me>>I'm just very straight foward 😉<</me>>
<<them>>Hmmm... I guess...<</them>>
<<them>><<image "Lectures/lecture 17/bully 8.webp" gallery "Stacey">><</them>>
<<them>>Don't you dare tell Josh..<</them>>
<<me>>Wow.. You're beautiful.. How about that date huh, want to go out?<</me>>
<<them>>Well I already sent you my tits, so of course I do, when and where are we meeting up haha?<</them>>
<<messageReply"I will tell you">>\
<<me>>Haha I guess you're right.. I'll text you in a couple of days 😍<</me>>
<<them>>Hehe sure.. I can't believe I'm meeting up with someone I haven't even seen yet.<</them>>
<<them>>See you soon though.. You better look as good as your dick does.<</them>>
It's time to hit the bed..
<<goto "room">>
<<messageReplyReplace "There you go.." #choices1>>
<<me>>Heh, fine..<</me>>
<<me>><<image "Lectures/lecture 17/bully 9.webp">><</me>>
<<them>>Oh... Well now I'm definitely interested ;)<</them>>
<<messageReply"I bet you are ;)">>\
<<me>><<image "Lectures/lecture 17/bully 7.webp">><</me>>
<<me>>I bet you are 😉<</me>>
<<them>>Wow.. I mean.. That's.. big...<</them>>
<<messageReply"Send something back..">>\
<<me>>Send something back ;) I need to see the goods I'm going to be using soon...<</me>>
<<them>>I don't know...<</them>>
<<them>>We just met.. And you're Josh's friend..<</them>>
<div id="choices2">
<<messageReplyReplace "Just do it." #choices2>>
<<me>>Just do it already, I don't have all day.<</me>>
<<them>><i>This user has blocked you</i><</them>>
It's time to hit the bed..
<<set $joshsister to false>>
<<goto "room">>
<<messageReplyReplace "Don't get me wrong, I'm a gentleman!" #choices2>>
<<me>>Don't get me wrong, I'm a gentleman! I'll take you out for dinner first..<</me>>
<<me>>I'm just very straight foward 😉<</me>>
<<them>>Hmmm... I guess...<</them>>
<<them>><<image "Lectures/lecture 17/bully 8.webp" gallery "Stacey">><</them>>
<<them>>Don't you dare tell Josh..<</them>>
<<me>>Wow.. You're beautiful.. How about that date huh, want to go out?<</me>>
<<them>>Well I already sent you my tits, so of course I do, when and where are we meeting up haha?<</them>>
<<messageReply"I will tell you">>\
<<me>>Haha I guess you're right.. I'll text you in a couple of days 😍<</me>>
<<them>>Hehe sure.. I can't believe I'm meeting up with someone I haven't even seen yet.<</them>>
<<them>>See you soon though.. You better look as good as your dick does.<</them>>
It's time to hit the bed..
<<goto "room">>
<<messageReplyReplace "I just found you on here.." #choices>>
<<me>>Well, I just found you on here and you're incredibly cute, I want to get to know you better ;)<</me>>
<<them>>Haha oh really?<</them>>
<<them>>Well.. What do you look like? Maybe I'll be interested too.. ;)<</them>>
<div id="choices1">
<<messageReplyReplace "Let's skip the formalities..." #choices1>>
<<me>>Let's skip the formalities Stacey...<</me>>
<<me>><<image "Lectures/lecture 17/bully 7.webp">><</me>>
<<them>>Wow.. I mean.. That's.. big...<</them>>
<<messageReply"Send something back..">>\
<<me>>Send something back ;) I need to see the goods I'm going to be using soon...<</me>>
<<them>>I don't know...<</them>>
<<them>>We just met.. And you're Josh's friend..<</them>>
<div id="choices2">
<<messageReplyReplace "Just do it." #choices2>>
<<me>>Just do it already, I don't have all day.<</me>>
<<them>><i>This user has blocked you</i><</them>>
It's time to hit the bed..
<<set $joshsister to false>>
<<goto "room">>
<<messageReplyReplace "Don't get me wrong, I'm a gentleman!" #choices2>>
<<me>>Don't get me wrong, I'm a gentleman! I'll take you out for dinner first..<</me>>
<<me>>I'm just very straight foward 😉<</me>>
<<them>>Hmmm... I guess...<</them>>
<<them>><<image "Lectures/lecture 17/bully 8.webp" gallery "Stacey">><</them>>
<<them>>Don't you dare tell Josh..<</them>>
<<me>>Wow.. You're beautiful.. How about that date huh, want to go out?<</me>>
<<them>>Well I already sent you my tits, so of course I do, when and where are we meeting up haha?<</them>>
<<messageReply"I will tell you">>\
<<me>>Haha I guess you're right.. I'll text you in a couple of days 😍<</me>>
<<them>>Hehe sure.. I can't believe I'm meeting up with someone I haven't even seen yet.<</them>>
<<them>>See you soon though.. You better look as good as your dick does.<</them>>
It's time to hit the bed..
<<goto "room">>
<<messageReplyReplace "There you go.." #choices1>>
<<me>>Heh, fine..<</me>>
<<me>><<image "Lectures/lecture 17/bully 9.webp">><</me>>
<<them>>Oh... Well now I'm definitely interested ;)<</them>>
<<messageReply"I bet you are ;)">>\
<<me>><<image "Lectures/lecture 17/bully 7.webp">><</me>>
<<me>>I bet you are 😉<</me>>
<<them>>Wow.. I mean.. That's.. big...<</them>>
<<messageReply"Send something back..">>\
<<me>>Send something back ;) I need to see the goods I'm going to be using soon...<</me>>
<<them>>I don't know...<</them>>
<<them>>We just met.. And you're Josh's friend..<</them>>
<div id="choices2">
<<messageReplyReplace "Just do it." #choices2>>
<<me>>Just do it already, I don't have all day.<</me>>
<<them>><i>This user has blocked you</i><</them>>
It's time to hit the bed..
<<set $joshsister to false>>
<<goto "room">>
<<messageReplyReplace "Don't get me wrong, I'm a gentleman!" #choices2>>
<<me>>Don't get me wrong, I'm a gentleman! I'll take you out for dinner first..<</me>>
<<me>>I'm just very straight foward 😉<</me>>
<<them>>Hmmm... I guess...<</them>>
<<them>><<image "Lectures/lecture 17/bully 8.webp" gallery "Stacey">><</them>>
<<them>>Don't you dare tell Josh..<</them>>
<<me>>Wow.. You're beautiful.. How about that date huh, want to go out?<</me>>
<<them>>Well I already sent you my tits, so of course I do, when and where are we meeting up haha?<</them>>
<<messageReply"I will tell you">>\
<<me>>Haha I guess you're right.. I'll text you in a couple of days 😍<</me>>
<<them>>Hehe sure.. I can't believe I'm meeting up with someone I haven't even seen yet.<</them>>
<<them>>See you soon though.. You better look as good as your dick does.<</them>>
It's time to hit the bed..
<<goto "room">>
<</messengerChat>><<set $bullythree to true>>\
<<if $domstatus is true>>\
As you lay in bed, you remember something..
<b>-"Hmmm.. I should check Josh's sister out.. What was her name..."</b> You open the notes app on your phone...
<b>-"Ah.. Stacey!"</b> You open up facebook, find Josh and then through his contact list you find Stacey.
<b>-"Let's check out some of her pictures..."</b>
<<pageReplace"Check them out">>\
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 17\bully 6.webp" height="600px">
<b>-"DAMN! She's a cosplayer! And she's crazy hot!!"</b> You keep scrolling through her feed..
<b>-"No fucking way.."</b> You whisper to yourself..
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 17\bully 5.webp" height="600px">
<b>-"JESUS CHRIST! Oh now I definitely have to fuck her..."</b> You giggle..
Fucking Josh's sister would be an incredible act of revenge and display of your power as a man..
<b>-"She would be so down for a hookup..."</b>
<b>-"Hmmm would I be going overboard though.."</b> You think to yourself as your finger hovers over the "Send a message" button.
<<pageReplace "Fuck it, text her.">>\
<<message "Stacey" "bully 3.5 message" "Who are you? What's up?" open>>
You send her a text and quickly put the phone down. Normally, you're a confident dude, but her enticing looks have you.. Flustered.
Suddenly, you get a text back!
<b>-"Oh shit.. I better check that before I hit the bed."</b>
<<pageReplace "Leave her alone...">>\
<<set $joshsister to false>>
<b>-"Yeahhhh I would be going overboard.."</b> You think to yourself.
<b>-"Ehhh I'll just let Josh off the hook, revenge is a fools game anyways.."</b> You close facebook, set your alarm and go to sleep, you have an eventful day tomorrow, better get a full nights rest.
[[Go to sleep->room]]
<<elseif $domstatus is false>>\
As you lay down to rest, you start hearing a commotion nearby.. Your $sisters are doing something and making A LOT of noise.. You can't sleep...
<<pageReplace"Check it out">>\
After standing up from your bed you open the door. After making sure that the noise is coming from their side, you go to Ava's and Kaley's room.
<b>-"W-what is going on here.. I'I'm trying to sleep.."</b> You whisper as you open their door. The light blinds you, making you close your eyes in an instant.
<sister>-"I'm getting ready for a date $name, what do you think?"</sister> You hear Ava's voice. After a bit of getting used to the light, you can finally see your $sister.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 17\bully 4.webp" height="600px">
She's standing in front of you in what you could only call a... Skimpy dress..
<b>-"W-wow... Who are you meeting.."</b> You pray to God in your thoughts that it's not Josh...
<sister>-"Heh, wouldn't you like to know.."</sister> She winks at you..
<sister>-"It's none of your business who she's going out with, loser!"</sister> Kaley giggles on her bed while looking at her phone.
<b>-"W-whatever..."</b> It's obvious that they won't tell you...
<<pageReplace "Comment on her dress">>\
<b>-"D-don't you think that your dress.. I-is a bit too much..?"</b> You stutter over your words and look at the ground.
<sister>-"Hmmm.. You think so?"</sister> Ava bites her lip and gets closer.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 17\bully 3.webp" height="600px">
<sister>-"I think I'm dressed.. Very.. Appropriately.."</sister> She winks.
<b>-"I... I don-"</b> You get cut off..
<sister>-"We're not kids anymore $name, shut up and get out of my room."</sister> She starts pushing you out of her room..
<b>-"I-I'm sorry I just..!"</b> Before you could finish the door is slammed shut in front of your face.
<b>-"Damnit..."</b> You whisper as you turn around and head to your room..
You jump into your bed and close your eyes.. Imagining Josh with Ava makes you so...
<<pageReplace "...Horny?">>\
You can't lie to yourself.. It does make you... Kind of horny...
<b>-"N-no..!"</b> You push these thoughts out of your head and quickly try to fall asleep..
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
<<pageReplace "Disgusted...">>\
<b>-"I-I will do everything in my p-power to stop him.. I just need a weapon.."</b> You think to yourself as you drift off to sleep..
<<pageReplace "Don't say anything and go to sleep.">>\
<b>-"W-whatever..."</b> You yawn.
<b>-"J-just please.. Keep it down.."</b> You turn around and start heading towards your room.
<sister>-"Ugh.. f-fine.."</sister> Ava whispers.
You jump into your bed and close your eyes.. Imagining Josh with Ava makes you so...
<<pageReplace "...Horny?">>\
You can't lie to yourself.. It does make you... Kind of horny...
<b>-"N-no..!"</b> You push these thoughts out of your head and quickly try to fall asleep..
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
<<pageReplace "Disgusted...">>\
<b>-"I-I will do everything in my p-power to stop him.. I just need a weapon.."</b> You think to yourself as you drift off to sleep..
<</if>>\<<lecture "Domination class" "Taking care of those, who submit.">>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 18\83aa13d073818da85930bcc923a1217d.webp" height="600px">
Today's lecture was a little bit different.. usually, you and the other students just watch porn or listen to the tips given by Gina about sex, but today, she decided to talk more about the aspect of being a strong leader, not only sexually, but in other ways too..
<pink>-"You have to remember, being dominant is not only about sexually dominating women! It's of course a very important part of it, but for you to have women submit, you need to show them how strong and capable you are!"</pink> She turns on the monitors.
<<pageReplace"Take a look">>\
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 18\chris-evans-wood.webp">
<pink>-"As you can see, it's men like these we submit to! Not skinny, weak, frail looking boys, but leaders, who will empower us and protect us!"</pink> She says proudly.
<b>-"I'm not that jacked.. but I would definitely protect my woman from danger.."</b> You whisper to yourself.
<pink>-"And of course, if you do these things, we will fall heels over head you and do whatever you want.."</pink> She blushes slightly.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 18\24674537.webp">
<pink>-"That's how we thank you.. with out holes.."</pink> She looks at you and winks...
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
[[Leave the University->bully 4]]
<</pageReplace>>\<<lecture "Submissiveness class" "Theory. Read - Remember - Revise.">>
<b>-"Huh.."</b> You mumble under your breath as you enter the submissiveness hall... the professor is not there. You find your seat and sit down, the other students seem pretty confused too..
As you open your phone, you notice that it's about to die, so you quickly check the time and your e-email to see if professor Kei has said anything, but it's empty..
As you wait and wait and wait, more and more students start to leave.. you're so bored, that you're start imagining things..
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 18\s2.webp" height="600px">
As you day dream about watching porn and making love, you slowly doze off and fall asleep...
<grey>-"N-no..h."</grey> You hear someone in your dream..
<grey>-"$name!"</grey> The voice shouts, startling you!
<<pageReplace"Wake up">>\
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 18\s1.webp" height="600px">
<pink>-"$name! Get your ass up you loser, you're drooling all over your desk!"</pink> You look up to see professor Kei standing there.
<b>-"O-oh! I-I apologize!"</b> You look around and see that the whole class has left already.
<pink>-"I got stuck in traffic, it's too late to start the lecture now, just leave."</pink> She points at the door.
<b>-"I-I understand.."</b> You whisper to her while wiping off your saliva from the desk.. after it's sparkling clean, you quickly pack your things and leave..
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Sumissiveness +1!</pink>
<<if $femstatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 18 fem]]
<<elseif $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 18 bnwo]]
[[Leave the University->bully 4]]
<</pageReplace>>\<<lecture "Feminization class" "Butt plugs. Is it your next step in womanhood?">>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 18\f2.webp" height="600px">
<pink>-"Hello students, today we're going to be talking about butt plugs!"</pink> Professor Lana remarks.
<pink>-"You might be asking, but why butt plugs professor Lana? Well, dildos are fun and all, but butt plugs can we worn every day!"</pink> She giggles.
<b>-"Butt plugs.. that sounds kind of.."</b>
<<pageReplace "Hot..">>\
<b>-"Kind of hot..."</b> You whisper to yourself
<pink>-"Just out of curiosity students, how many of you are wearing butt plugs right now?"</pink>
<<pageReplace"Stay put">>\
You have no reason to raise your hand, other will probably stay put as well..
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 18\f1.webp">
To your surprise, almost the whole class raises their hands.
<pink>-"Hahaha wow! What a bunch of good girls you are!"</pink> She giggles.
As the lecture continued, professor Lana talked about how to use them, clean them and wear them everyday.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 18\f3.webp" width="550px">
She also talked about how important it is to train your ass with them before you move on to dildos or even real dicks..
<<set $feminization to $feminization +2>>
<emily>Feminization +2!</emily>
<<if $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 18 bnwo]]
[[Leave the University->bully 4]]
<<if $asstoys == 1>>
<<pageReplace"Raise your hand">>
You raise your hand as you clinch your butt.. Surprisingly, other students raise their hands as well..
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 18\f1.webp">
<pink>-"Hahaha wow! What a bunch of good girls you are!"</pink> She giggles.
As the lecture continued, professor Lana talked about how to use them, clean them and wear them everyday.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 18\f3.webp" width="550px">
She also talked about how important it is to train your ass with them before you move on to dildos or even real dicks..
<<set $feminization to $feminization +2>>
<emily>Feminization +2!</emily>
<<if $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 18 bnwo]]
[[Leave the University->bully 4]]
<<pageReplace "Disgusting...">>\
<b>-"Kind of icky..."</b> You whisper to yourself.
<pink>-"Just out of curiosity students, how many of you are wearing butt plugs right now?"</pink>
<<pageReplace"Stay put">>\
You have no reason to raise your hand, other will probably stay put as well..
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 18\f1.webp">
To your surprise, almost the whole class raises their hands.
<pink>-"Hahaha wow! What a bunch of good girls you are!"</pink> She giggles.
As the lecture continued, professor Lana talked about how to use them, clean them and wear them everyday.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 18\f3.webp" width="550px">
She also talked about how important it is to train your ass with them before you move on to dildos or even real dicks..
<<set $feminization to $feminization +1>>
<emily>Feminization +1!</emily>
<<if $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 18 bnwo]]
[[Leave the University->bully 4]]
<<if $asstoys == 1>>
<<pageReplace"Raise your hand">>
You raise your hand as you clinch your butt.. Surprisingly, other students raise their hands as well..
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 18\f1.webp">
<pink>-"Hahaha wow! What a bunch of good girls you are!"</pink> She giggles.
As the lecture continued, professor Lana talked about how to use them, clean them and wear them everyday.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 18\f3.webp" width="550px">
She also talked about how important it is to train your ass with them before you move on to dildos or even real dicks..
<<set $feminization to $feminization +2>>
<emily>Feminization +2!</emily>
<<if $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 18 bnwo]]
[[Leave the University->bully 4]]
<</pageReplace>>\<<lecture "BNWO class" "Assignment review.">>
As you enter the hall, you notice that there's a small group of male students around professor Lia...
<<pageReplace"Check it out">>\
You walk up to them and notice that they're talking.
<pink>-"Oh $name, perfect timing!"</pink> She winks at you.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 18\b1.webp" height="700px">
She puts her leg on top of a chair to fix her shoe.
<pink>-"We were talking about the assignment I gave you all a couple of weeks back.."</pink> By all she probably means the male students..
<b>-"W-which one..?"</b> You whimper.
<pink>-"The one where you swore to tell your girlfriend about the BNWO!"</pink> Your heart drops for a second, you imagine Emily taking big black cock again..
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 18\b2.webp">
<pink>-"We were all sharing our experiences, did you tell her, $name?"</pink>
<<if $emilybnwo is true>>
<b>-"Y-yes.. yes I did!"</b> You whisper...
<pink>-"Good boy! I could tell from the moment you walked into my class that you would become a great asset to the new world order!"</pink> She giggles..
You talk about your experiences for about an hour, you tell her that you find it incredibly hot and you're prepared to do whatever it takes to aid the BNWO...
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo +1>>
<grey>BNWO +1!</grey>
[[Leave the University->bully 4]]
<b>-"N-no.. I did not.."</b> You whisper...
<pink>-"Disappointing $name.. truly. But we can't force these things, they should come naturally."</pink> She smiles.
You talk about your experiences for about an hour, you tell her that you find it incredibly hot, but you're not yet ready to bring it up to your girlfriend...
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo +1>>
<grey>BNWO +1!</grey>
[[Leave the University->bully 4]]
<</pageReplace>>\<<set $time to 1>>\
<<if $domstatus is true and $joshsister is false>>\
<<goto "Go outside">>
<<elseif $domstatus is true>>\
As you get outside you see Josh again, he's getting into someones car! You're still not over what he did to you, you clench your fists and..
<<pageReplace"Confront him">>\
<b>-"HEY!"</b> You shout at him while getting closer.
<blue>-"Oh, what's up?"</blue> Josh says while stopping for a second and turning towards you.
<b>-"Are you going to apologize?!"</b> You ask him while walking up menacingly..
<blue>-"Apologize for what haha?"</blue> He laughs.
<b>-"For trying to fucking jump me?</b>
<blue>-"Dude, stop being such a bitch haha, take it like a man and move on!"</blue> He laughs again.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 18\bully 1.webp">
<b>-"Oh yeah?!"</b> You shout at him as he closes the door.
<b>-"Let's see how you like this.."</b> You pull out your as he drives off..
<<pageReplace"Text Stacey">>\
<b>-"Hey, are you down to go right now?"</b>
<adriana>-"Go right now? Like on our date?"</adriana> Stacey texts back immediately.
<b>-"Yeah, if you're ready, I am too..."</b>
<adriana>-"I mean sure... Where do I go.."</adriana>
<b>-"I'll come pick you up, be ready in 20"</b> She texts you back her address as you get inside of your car..
<b>-"Josh will fucking pay.."</b> You whisper to yourself as you smile and start the car..
<<pageReplace"Drive to her place..">>\
You are at her place.. It's an apartment complex, it reminds you somewhat of Emily's apartment..
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 18\bully 4.webp" height="600px">
<b>-'I-It's not the time to think about her.."</b> You whisper to yourself as you focus on the task at hand..
While you're thinking, you see Stacey coming out of her place... She looks amazing.. As she gets into your car, you finally see her in person..
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 18\bully 2.webp" height="600px">
<<pageReplace "Compliment her.">>\
<b>-"Heyy!"</b> You hug her and give her a kiss on the cheek.
<adriana>-"H-hey..."</adriana> She whispers.. You can tell that she's embarrassed.
<b>-"You look stunning Stacey, I can't believe that I'm the lucky man who's taking you out.."</b> You can see a small smile form on her face..
<adriana>-"T-thank you.. Y-you look great too..."</adriana> She whispers as you start driving..
<b>-"Heh I know.."</b> You make her giggle.
<adriana>-"S-so where are we going?"</adriana> You remember that you didn't even tell her where your date takes place...
<b>-"Oh! I forgot to tell you haha, my bad. We're going to a restaurant!"</b>
<adriana>-"Oh wow... I-I don't go to restaurants often.."</adriana> She looks down.
<b>-"How come?"</b> You ask her while pulling up into the parking lot.
<adriana>-"W-well.. Even from a young age my parents spoiled J-josh and kind of.. Didn't leave me with anything.."</adriana> As you turn off the engine you look at her.
<b>-"Well today that changes, I'm going to spoil you to your hearts content.."</b> You wink at her and she smiles.
<<pageReplace"Get inside">>\
You enter the restaurant you booked in advance and sit down, as you start chatting, you order some wine and appetizers.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 18\bully 3.webp">
As you eat the main course you make some jokes and talk about your experiences together. You notice that she looks a lot more comfortable now.
<adriana>-"I can't believe that I'm in an actual restaurant.."</adriana> She smiles and looks around once more.
<b>-"I'm glad she feels happy.."</b> You think to yourself as you can't stop yourself from smiling..
After you both finish eating, you pay the bill and invite Stacey back to your car.
<b>-"Are you ready to go?"</b>
<adriana>-"Of course $name.."</adriana> She grabs your arm and you both walk out of the restaurant..
<<pageReplace"Drive her back">>\
<adriana>-"I-I had a really fun time today $name.."</adriana> Stacey blushes...
<b>-"Heh.. Me too, give Josh my kind rewards!"</b> You smile.
<adriana>-"Y-you know.. He's not home right now.. Do you want to come over to maybe.. Watch a movie?"</adriana> She looks at you.
<<pageReplace "Follow her inside.">>\
<<set $fuckedjoshsister to true>>
<b>-"Sure Stacey, lead the way.."</b> You both exit the car and get inside of her place.
You're greeted by quite a nice sight, the apartment is clean and tidy, it's pretty modern looking too!
<b>-"W-wow, such a nice place you got here!"</b>
<adriana>-"Hah thanks.. W-well it's not mine completely... I still live with my brother.."</adriana> She takes off her shoes and leaves them near the door.
<adriana>-"M-make yourself comfortable, I'm going to change.."</adriana> She smiles as she goes into another room..
<b>-"Huh.. A-alright!"</b> You feel a bit awkward, but you take off your shoes and turn on the TV.. She did say that you're going to be watching a movie..
After around 5 minutes, you hear a voice behind you...
<adriana>-"H-hey.. W-what are you doing?"</adriana>
[[Turn around->bully 4.5]]
<<pageReplace "Drive home alone.">>\
<b>-"I enjoyed my time today Stacey, I really did, but I think I'm going to head home for the night.."</b>
<adriana>-"Oh..."</adriana> She looks disappointed..
<adriana>-"I...I understand.. D-drive safe!"</adriana> She tells you as she exits the car..
<b>-"Have a good night!"</b> You shout through your open window as she disappears into her apartment complex.
<b>-"Well.. That was pretty fun..."</b> You think to yourself as you turn on your car.
You don't even care about Josh anymore, you're just happy that you had such a fun night today..
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
[[Drive home->room]]
<<pageReplace "Don't.">>\
<b>-"Heyy!"</b> You hug her and give her a kiss on the cheek.
<adriana>-"H-hey..."</adriana> She whispers.. You can tell that she's embarrassed.
<adriana>-"Y-you look great..."</adriana> She whispers as you start driving..
<b>-"Heh I know.."</b> You make her giggle.
<adriana>-"S-so where are we going?"</adriana> You remember that you didn't even tell her where your date takes place...
<b>-"Oh! I forgot to tell you haha, my bad. We're going to a restaurant!"</b>
<adriana>-"Oh wow... I-I don't go to restaurants often.."</adriana> She looks down.
<b>-"How come?"</b> You ask her while pulling up into the parking lot.
<adriana>-"W-well.. Even from a young age my parents spoiled J-josh and kind of.. Didn't leave me with anything.."</adriana> As you turn off the engine you look at her.
<b>-"Well today that changes, I'm going to spoil you to your hearts content.."</b> You wink at her and she smiles.
<<pageReplace"Get inside">>\
You enter the restaurant you booked in advance and sit down, as you start chatting, you order some wine and appetizers.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 18\bully 3.webp">
As you eat the main course you make some jokes and talk about your experiences together. You notice that she looks a lot more comfortable now.
<adriana>-"I can't believe that I'm in an actual restaurant.."</adriana> She smiles and looks around once more.
<b>-"I'm glad she feels happy.."</b> You think to yourself as you can't stop yourself from smiling..
After you both finish eating, you pay the bill and invite Stacey back to your car.
<b>-"Are you ready to go?"</b>
<adriana>-"Of course $name.."</adriana> She grabs your arm and you both walk out of the restaurant..
<<pageReplace"Drive her back">>\
<adriana>-"I-I had a really fun time today $name.."</adriana> Stacey blushes...
<b>-"Heh.. Me too, give Josh my kind rewards!"</b> You smile.
<adriana>-"Y-you know.. He's not home right now.. Do you want to come over to maybe.. Watch a movie?"</adriana> She looks at you.
<<pageReplace "Follow her inside.">>\
<<set $fuckedjoshsister to true>>
<b>-"Sure Stacey, lead the way.."</b> You both exit the car and get inside of her place.
You're greeted by quite a nice sight, the apartment is clean and tidy, it's pretty modern looking too!
<b>-"W-wow, such a nice place you got here!"</b>
<adriana>-"Hah thanks.. W-well it's not mine completely... I still live with my brother.."</adriana> She takes off her shoes and leaves them near the door.
<adriana>-"M-make yourself comfortable, I'm going to change.."</adriana> She smiles as she goes into another room..
<b>-"Huh.. A-alright!"</b> You feel a bit awkward, but you take off your shoes and turn on the TV.. She did say that you're going to be watching a movie..
After around 5 minutes, you hear a voice behind you...
<adriana>-"H-hey.. W-what are you doing?"</adriana>
[[Turn around->bully 4.5]]
<<pageReplace "Drive home alone.">>\
<b>-"I enjoyed my time today Stacey, I really did, but I think I'm going to head home for the night.."</b>
<adriana>-"Oh..."</adriana> She looks disappointed..
<adriana>-"I...I understand.. D-drive safe!"</adriana> She tells you as she exits the car..
<b>-"Have a good night!"</b> You shout through your open window as she disappears into her apartment complex.
<b>-"Well.. That was pretty fun..."</b> You think to yourself as you turn on your car.
You don't even care about Josh anymore, you're just happy that you had such a fun night today..
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
[[Drive home->room]]
<<elseif $domstatus is false>>\
As you get outside you see Josh again, he's getting into someones car! You're still not over what he did to you, you clench your fists and..
<<pageReplace"Confront him">>\
<b>-"H-HEY!"</b> You shout at him while getting closer.
<blue>-"Oh, what's up?"</blue> Josh says while stopping for a second and turning towards you.
<b>-"A-are you going... To a-apologize?!"</b> You ask him while stuttering..
<blue>-"Apologize for what haha?"</blue> He laughs.
<b>-"F-for trying to fucking j-jump me? A-a-and then t-texting Ava??</b>
<blue>-"HAHA I don't care you loser, we went on a date yesterday, I'm driving to pick her up right now!"</blue> He laughs again as he slowly gets in the car
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 18\bully 1.webp">
<blue>-"I'm going to send you a video of us fucking though, don't worry!"</blue>
You feel strange.... You're angry, but turned on.. You don't know what to do...
<<if $taser is true>>\
<<pageReplace "Pull out the taser..">>\
<<set $tazedjosh to true>>
You remember that you have a taser in your backpack... Suddenly you know what you need to do.. You throw your backpack to the ground, quickly unzip it and take out the tazer.
<b>-"HEY JOSH!"</b> You shout as he gets into the car.
<blue>-"What do you want bro, stop being so fucking annoying!"</blue> He shouts back as he turns towards you.. His eyes grow wide as he sees the tazer you're holding.
<<pageReplace"Taze the fuck out of him">>\
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 18\bullysub2.webp">
As you pull the trigger, two small darts leave the gun. After reaching Josh, they stick deep inside of his skin, the electricity is now ready to be supplied...
<blue>-"Ahhh fuck, you cunt!"</blue> He starts charging at you..
<<pageReplace"Pull the trigger again...">>\
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 18\bullysub1.webp">
As you pull the trigger again, the darts deliver over 20000 volts of electricity straight through Josh.
<blue>-"AGhghhHHHGHHHHHHH!!!"</blue> He screams as his whole body shakes and he falls to the ground. The car that was picking him up quickly drives off.
<blue>-"F-f-fffUUCCKCKkkkk-KKKKkKkkK!"</blue> Josh shakes uncontrollably as you continue to tase him..
<b>-"LEAVE ME AND AVA ALONE!"</b> You scream as you let go of the trigger..
<blue>-"UgghhffFHhhhh.."</blue> He lets out a soft, painful moan.
<b>-"Fuck you!"</b> You shout at him while kicking him in the stomach..
<b>-"I need to get out of here.."</b> After looking around to make sure nobody saw that, you start running towards your car. As you look back you see Josh trying to stand up, but he falls again..
<b>-"That will teach him a fucking lesson.. Haha.. H-haa.. Hahahah..!"</b> The whole situation was stressful, but... liberating.. After you get inside of your car you quickly turn it on and start driving home..
<b>-"Hopefully he'll leave Ava alone now.."</b>
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>\
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
[[Go home->room]]
<<pageReplace "Let him leave...">>\
<<set $joshava to true>>
<b>-"W-whatever.. Ava would never fuck you..!"</b> You shout as you hear him laughing in the car. The door shuts in front of you and he drives off..
<b>-"A-ava would never..."</b> You think to yourself as you head towards your car...
[[Go home->room]]
<<if $feminization>80>>
<<pageReplace "Offer yourself instead of Ava...">>\
<<set $femjosh to true>>
You can't let Ava be corrupted by your own fucking bully... You will offer yourself instead..
<b>-"J-josh!"</b> You yell at him while he's getting in the car.
<blue>-"DUDE WHAT?! Stop being so fucking annoying!"</blue> He yells back, angrily.
<b>-"T...T-take me instead..."</b> You whisper.
<blue>-"What? I didn't hear you."</blue> He looks confused.
<b>-"I-I said.. T-take me instead..."</b>
<blue>-"HAHA WHAT?! You would rather I fuck you than your $sister?"</blue> He starts laughing.
<b>-"W-well no... I'm not quite ready for that.."</b> You whisper and look at the ground.
<blue>-"Then stop wasting my fucking time you cuck!"</blue>
<b>-"I..I-I can suck your dick!"</b> You shout and quickly look around to see if anybody else heard it...
<blue>-"Haha fine! Mouth fucking a loser like you is going to make one hell of a story!"</blue> He says something to the driver of the car and it speeds off..
<blue>-"Follow me, let's go into this alley"</blue> He says while giggling and walking towards some buildings.
<<pageReplace"Follow him">>\
<b>-"O-okay.."</b> You whimper as you quietly follow him to the alley. You can't believe that you're actually going through with it, but you have to protect your Ava...
<blue>-"On your knees loser!"</blue> He commands you when you both arrive.
<b>-"P-promise me y-you will leave Ava alone.."</b> You whisper and you look around.
<blue>-"Hah, as long as you do the work for her, I don't need her."</blue> He laughs and starts unbuckling his jeans.
<blue>-"Pull it out."</blue>
<<pageReplace"Pull out Josh's cock...">>\
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 18\bullysub4.webp" width="600px">
<b>-"O-oh my..."</b> You've never seen a cock this big before.. It's... Kind of hot...
<blue>-"Heh, surprised? I bet it's so much bigger than that little thing you have!"</blue> Josh laughs again.. He's right though, your cock is so much smaller..
<blue>-"I don't have all day, get to sucking fool!"</blue> He shouts as he grabs your hair.
<b>-"Y-yes.."</b> You say as your lips wrap around the head of his cock.. It's not the first time you're doing something like this, but it's still pretty new..
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 18\bullysub6.webp" height="700px">
<b>-"Nghhh.. <i>*slurp*</i> F-fwuck..."</b> You moan as his cock fills up your mouth compeletely, making it hard to breathe.
<blue>-"F-fuck me! D-do you have experience or something?! Y-you're sucking me better than some bitches!"</blue> He moans as he picks up the speed, thrusting his hips faster and faster..
<b>-"MghhHH! S-Swol downn!"</b> Your muffled voice doesn't seem to bother Josh, who fucks your throat even harder..
<<pageReplace"Gasp for air">>\
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 18\bullysub5.webp" height="700px">
<<if $toys==1>>
You can feel your little cock press up against its cage.. It wants to get harder, but it can't...
You can feel your little cock getting harder and harder, it's pressing up against your jeans..
<blue>-"F-fffuccckKKK!!! I'm about to C-ccumMM!"</blue> He shouts as he grabs your head and makes you deepthroat his cock..
<b>-"MMmmggMMMM!!"</b> You can't breathe!
<blue>-"FFFFuuckcKKKK!!!"</blue> He shouts as he quickly pulls out his cock from your mouth and ejaculates straight into your throat...
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 18\bullysub7.webp" height="500px">
<blue>-"F-fuckkk... S-swallow it cuck.."</blue> He says while panting..
<blue>-"Or I won't leave your sister... A-alone.."</blue>
<b>-"<i>*Gulp*</i>"</b> You swallow his thick semen with one gulp... You can't believe you just did this..
<blue>-"Hahaha good boy! I'll leave Ava for now.."</blue> He pulls up his jeans while you're still on your knees.. Exhausted..
<blue>-"I will need your services in the future however, capish?"</blue> He slaps your across the face lightly..
<b>-"Y-yes..."</b> You answer him.. Completely defeated..
He walks out of the alley, leaving you alone and covered in his saliva..
<b>-"A-at least Ava is safe.."</b> You think to yourself as you clean yourself up...
<b>-"I... I kind of liked it too.."</b>
<<set $feminization to $feminization +5>>
<emily>Feminization +5!</emily>
[[Go home->room]]
<</if>>\<<if $joshava is true>>\
<<set $joshavaintrophone to true>>\
As you lay down in your bed, you remember that you didn't see Ava coming home today..
<b>-"Definitely weird, but I'm doubtful she's with Josh.."</b> You push these thoughts out of your head and try to go to sleep.
Suddenly, your phone gets a notification..
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 18\bullysub3.webp">
<<pageReplace"Check it out..">>\
It's from Josh! He sent you a couple of videos!
<b>-"N-no way.."</b> You have a bad feeling about this.. As you open one of the videos your nightmares come true...
<<image "Lectures/lecture 18/bullysub9.webp" gallery "Ava">>
It's Ava! She's completely naked!
<b>-"N-n-noononononono...! H-how could this be.. W-whyy!"</b> You're destroyed but.. You can't stop yourself from getting hard..
Josh sends you another video with the caption "Damn bro she knows how to suck dick!"...
<<pageReplace "Watch the video..">>\
<b>-"I... I'll just a look.."</b> You whisper to yourself as you open up another video...
<<image "Lectures/lecture 18/bullysub8.webp" gallery "Ava">>
It's your own $sister sucking your bullies dick.. You can hear them talking in the video..
<blue>-"Y-you're crazy! You sure I can send this to him?"</blue>
<sister>-"Mmgghh! O-of cwhourse! Show twat loser ewverytwing!"</sister>
<b>-"Nghhh.. N-noo...!"</b> You can't stop yourself, your dick is too hard..
<<pageReplace"Masturbate to Ava sucking Josh off..">>\
<<if $toys==1>>\
You pull out your dick but.. It's in a chastity!
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 18\bullysub13.webp" height="500px">
All you can do as you watch the videos is to hump your bed with the cage on...
You pull out your cock and start jacking off to your own $sister....
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 18\bullysub15.webp" height="600px">
Josh sends you another video... With a throbbing dick you decide what to do...
<div class="disa">Sleep...</div>
<<pageReplace"Watch it...">>\
<b>-"J-just one more..!"</b> You tell yourself as you open the video...
<<image "Lectures/lecture 18/bullysub10.webp" gallery "Ava">>
<b>-"Nghh!! N-nooo!"</b> You shout as your dick gets harder than you ever thought was possible...
<blue>-"F-fuckkk!!"</blue> You can hear Josh moaning while fucking your $sister.. When suddenly he switches holes!
<sister>-"MgHhHHHH!!! J-joshh!! You bugger!!"</sister> Ava giggles as you can hear the clapping noise of her cheeks...
<<image "Lectures/lecture 18/bullysub11.webp" gallery "Ava">>
<<if $toys==1>>\
You start humping your bed harder and harder.. In hopes you somehow cum, even though you know that you can't...
You start jacking off harder and harder, to the point that it begins to hurt..
Your receive yet another video with a caption - "Last one, thanks for lending me your sis"...
<div class="disa">Sleep...</div>
<<pageReplace"Watch another one...">>\
<b>-"NghhH!"</b> You open the video..
<<image "Lectures/lecture 18/bullysub12.webp" gallery "Ava">>
<b>-"Ff--ffFFFcuKCKCKKKK!!"</b> You shout as you're about to cum...
<<if $toys==1>>\
As you watch your bully breed your $sister your cock throbs in excitement... And yet the cage stops your orgasm.. You lay on your bed.. Covered in pre cum.. Imagining your sister riding your bully...
<grey>*Buzz* *Buzz*</grey>
<b>-"M-more??"</b> You whisper as you grab your phone..
<<pageReplace"Check what he sent">>\
<div class="shake"><img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 18\bullysub17.webp"></div>
<b>-"W-woah.."</b> It's a dick pic!
<b>-"It's kind of.. I don't know.."</b> As you stare straight at Josh's cock.. You get an idea.. Should you save the image?
<<pageReplace "Save his dick pic..">>\
<<addToGallery "Lectures/lecture 18/bullysub17.webp" "Josh">>
<b>-"R-right.. This isn't weird or anything.. I-it just looks.. P-pretty.."</b> You whisper as you slowly roll off the bed..
<b>-"Nghh...."</b> You let out a soft moan as you go to the bathroom and clean yourself up...
<b>-"F-fuck.."</b> You look yourself in the mirror.. Not knowing if you like what you see..
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Go to sleep->room]]
<b>-"N-no.. W-what am I even thinking about.."</b> You whisper as you slowly roll off the bed.. You must just be tired.
<b>-"Nghh...."</b> You let out a soft moan as you go to the bathroom and clean yourself up...
<b>-"F-fuck.."</b> You look yourself in the mirror.. Not knowing if you like what you see..
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Go to sleep->room]]
As you watch your bully breed your $sister you bust your load all over your bed...
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 18\bullysub16.webp" height="550px">
<b>-"N-nGhhHHH!"</b> You moan in pleasure as your eyes fixate on Josh's cum flowing out of Ava's pussy...
<b>-"F-ffuckKCKKKK!!"</b> You let out a sigh after you drained yourself...
<grey>*Buzz* *Buzz*</grey>
<b>-"M-more??"</b> You whisper as you grab your phone..
<<pageReplace"Check what he sent">>\
<div class="shake"><img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 18\bullysub17.webp"></div>
<b>-"W-woah.."</b> It's a dick pic!
<b>-"It's kind of.. I don't know.."</b> As you stare straight at Josh's cock.. You get an idea.. Should you save the image?
<<pageReplace "Save his dick pic..">>\
<<addToGallery "Lectures/lecture 18/bullysub17.webp" "Josh">>
<b>-"R-right.. This isn't weird or anything.. I-it just looks.. P-pretty.."</b> You whisper as you slowly roll off the bed..
<b>-"Nghh...."</b> You let out a soft moan as you go to the bathroom and clean yourself up...
<b>-"F-fuck.."</b> You look yourself in the mirror.. Not knowing if you like what you see..
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Go to sleep->room]]
<b>-"N-no.. W-what am I even thinking about.."</b> You whisper as you slowly roll off the bed.. You must just be tired.
<b>-"Nghh...."</b> You let out a soft moan as you go to the bathroom and clean yourself up...
<b>-"F-fuck.."</b> You look yourself in the mirror.. Not knowing if you like what you see..
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Go to sleep->room]]
<<pageReplace "Don't and go to sleep...">>\
<b>-"W-whatver... S-she's a grown woman she c-can do whatever she wants..."</b> You try to cope with the fact that your own sister is fucking your bully as you turn off the notifications on your phone and close your eyes..
[[Go to sleep->room]]
It's Stacey! She's only in her underwear!
<b>-"W-wow!"</b> You feel the blood start rushing to your cock..
<b>-"I-I mean you said we're watching a movie.."</b>
<adriana>-"Hah c-come on.. Y-you're not that dumb..!"</adriana> She giggles as she takes off her panties.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 18\bully 5.webp">
<adriana>-"N-now come here.. Make me yours for tonight.."</adriana> She blushes as she extends her arm towards you..
<<pageReplace"Take her hand">>\
She pulls you in closer as you both embrace each other with a long kiss.
<adriana>-"I-I wanted to do this.. F-from the second I thought that monster in your pants.."</adriana> She probably means when you sent her that photo...
<b>-"F-fuck.... L-lay down.."</b> You can't contain your excitement any longer. As Stacey lays on her back, you spread her legs and start eating her out..
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 18\bully 6.webp" width="650px">
You feel Stacey shiver as your tongue hits her clit..
<adriana>-"Anghhhh!"</adriana> She whimpers.
<b>-"Y-you're so beautiful.."</b> You whisper as you continue to lick. You feel a genuine connection to Stacey..
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 18\bully 7.webp" height="600px">
<adriana>-"Nghhhh..! I-I want.."</adriana> She rolls her backwards as waves of pleasure take over her body.
<adriana>-"I-I nGHHhhhH! I want you... OOoohhhh! I-Inside of me! N-NOW!"</adriana> She moans in pleasure as you stand up and pull out your cock..
<<pageReplace"Tease her">>\
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 18\bully 8.webp" width="700px">
You rub your cock against her wet clit while she shakes in ecstasy...
<adriana>-"P-please... I-inside..."</adriana>
<b>-"Your wish is my command princess.."</b> You whisper into her ear as get ready to penetrate.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 18\bully 9.webp">
<adriana>-"Nghhhh!!"</adriana> She lets out a loud moan as you enter her body.
<adriana>-"F-fuckkk!!!"</adriana> She screams in pleasure as you pick up in speed.
<b>-"G-god.. Y-you're so t-tight!! NGHhhHH!"</b>
<adriana>-"Y-yessSSSs!! M-moreee!!!"</adriana> She grabs your hair.
<adriana>-"M-my turn!"</adriana> She pushes you to the side, but before she can mount you, you start fucking her again, like a puppy would, out of instinct.
<<pageReplace"Face her">>\
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 18\bully 10.webp" width="600px">
<adriana>-"NGHhhHHH! N-noo!!!"</adriana> She pushes you again, finally getting on top of you.
<b>-"W-what are you doing..!"</b> You ask her in desperation, you were about to cum...
<adriana>-"W-watch.."</adriana> She mounts your cock and starts riding it on her own..
<adriana>-"Nghhhhh.. Y-you're mine for tonight!"</adriana> She takes a hold of your legs and starts mouning louder and louder...
<b>-"F-fuckkk..!!!"</b> You shout as you're about to cum...
<b>-"Nghhhh!!!"</b> You moan as you ejaculate inside of Stacey..
<adriana>-"F-f-f-ffuckkkKKKKkkKKKKK!!!!"</adriana> She screams as she cums with you..
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 18\bully 11.webp" height="600px">
You both fall onto the bed.. Exhausted...
<b>-"F-fuck.. T-that was amazing.."</b> You tell her while panting...
<adriana>-"NghhhH..."</adriana> She lets out a soft moan while still quivering form pleasure.
<adriana>-"N-not a word.. To Josh... P-please..."</adriana> She whispers as she lays on her stomach...
<<pageReplace "Take a video and send it to Josh...">>\
<b>-"I-I told you that you will pay..."</b> You think to yourself as quietly pull out your phone, and film a short video without Stacey noticing...
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 18\bully 12.webp" height="600px">
<adriana>-"NghhhH..."</adriana> She moans as you touch her ass...
You stop filming and quickly send the video to Josh.. Attaching a message to the file..
<grey>-"Fuck you.. Ps: She takes dick like a champ.."</grey>
<adriana>-"Nghhh.. Y-you need to leave.. J-josh is going to be here soon.."</adriana> Stacey turns around and faces you..
<b>-"Alright princess.. I-I hope we can repeat this again someday.."</b> You give her a kiss..
<adriana>-"Y-yes... M-me too.."</adriana> You can tell that she's completely exhausted...
You put on your shoes and quickly leave..
<b>-"I hope you learned your lesson Josh.."</b> You whisper to yourself as a smile forms on your lips..
<<set $sentvideotojosh to true>>
<<set $dominant to $dominant +2>>\
<blue>Dominant +2!</blue>
[[Drive home->room]]
<<pageReplace "Don't..">>\
<adriana>-"Nghhh.. Y-you need to leave.. J-josh is going to be here soon.."</adriana> Stacey turns around and faces you..
<b>-"Alright princess.. I-I hope we can repeat this again someday.."</b> You give her a kiss..
<adriana>-"Y-yes... M-me too.."</adriana> You can tell that she's completely exhausted...
You put on your shoes and quickly leave..
<b>-"It's not worth it...."</b> You whisper to yourself as you're thinking about Josh..
<b>-"I kind of like her too.. I don't want to ruin our relationship so early on.."</b> A smile forms on your lips as you think about Stacey..
<<set $dominant to $dominant +2>>\
<blue>Dominant +2!</blue>
[[Drive home->room]]
<</if>>\As you enter the building, you're greeted by a familiar sight... it's the principals maid again!
<img src="Images\Lectures\principal 2\Screenshot_1.webp" height="600px">
<adriana>-"Hello, please follow me, the principal wants to see you again."</adriana> The woman says, while turning away and starting to walk.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> You mumble under your breath as you begin to follow her.
<<pageReplace"Go to the principal's office">>\
<adriana>-"Here we are..."</adriana> The girl whispers and quickly leaves, without giving you any instructions..
<b>-"I might as well knock.."</b> You think to yourself as you raise your right hand to bang on the door.
<i>*Knock* *knock* *knock*</i>
The knocks make a loud, ringing noise, before you could raise your hand to knock again, mister Hudson opens the door.
<img src="Images\Lectures\principal 2\449ee0611edc9fc373c3676b72ef18a094-09-gus-bcs.rsquare.w700.webp" height="600px">
<manager>-"Hello, $name. Come inside."</manager>
<b>-"U-understood.."</b> You answer him while walking into his office.
<manager>-"Please, take a seat"</manager> He points at a chair next to his desk.
<b>-"Alright.. t-thanks.."</b>
<<pageReplace"Sit down">>\
<img src="Images\Lectures\principal 2\GusFring.webp">
<<if $yestoprincipal is true>>
<manager>-"I'm glad you decided to help me, start as soon as you can"</manager> He says while he picks something up from his table.
<manager>-"I'm moving to another office tomorrow, so this whole place will be yours."</manager> He smiles.
<b>-"T-this whole place.. mine?"</b> You think to yourself as you look around.
<b>-"W-why me mister Hud?"</b> You ask him.
<manager>-"Well as I said, you're one of my best students and I need all the help that I can get."</manager> He stands up.
<manager>-"I expect at least 1000 attendees that you recruit."</manager>
<b>-"O-one thousand???!!!!"</b>
<manager>-"Yes.. shouldn't be impossible $name, I believe in you. You should start by doing some research online, see where our students gather, ask them to join there.."</manager> He starts walking towards the door.
<b>-"B-but what I am recruiting them for??"</b> You still don't know what the festival is..
<manager>-"Just tell them that it's a fully paid for holiday in a private owned island."</manager> He doesn't let you answer any more questions and leaves the office..
<img src="Images\Lectures\principal 2\offpic_cm_330.webp">
<b>-"So.. this is were I'm going to be spending my time now huh.. I have so many questions.."</b> You think to yourself..
<b>-"I better start inviting people first thing tomorrow morning... one thousand students.. that's a lot.."</b>
[[Go back for today..->Go outside]]
<manager>-"So $name, have you made up your mind?"</manager>
<b>-"About what.."</b> You already know the answer, you have no idea why you asked him again..
<manager>-"Helping me recruit people, of course."</manager>
<<pageReplace "I will help you..">>\
<b>-"I... I will help you.."</b> You say proudly, but with a little bit of caution.
<manager>-"Good, I'm moving to another office tomorrow, so this whole place will be yours."</manager> He smiles.
<b>-"T-this whole place.. mine?"</b> You think to yourself as you look around.
<b>-"W-why me mister Hud?"</b> You ask him.
<manager>-"Well as I said, you're one of my best students and I need all the help that I can get."</manager> He stands up.
<manager>-"I expect at least 1000 attendees that you recruit."</manager>
<b>-"O-one thousand???!!!!"</b>
<manager>-"Yes.. shouldn't be impossible $name, I believe in you. You should start by doing some research online, see where our students gather, ask them to join there.."</manager> He starts walking towards the door.
<b>-"B-but what I am recruiting them for??"</b> You still don't know what the festival is..
<manager>-"Just tell them that it's a fully paid for holiday in a private owned island."</manager> He doesn't let you answer any more questions and leaves the office..
<img src="Images\Lectures\principal 2\offpic_cm_330.webp">
<b>-"So.. this is were I'm going to be spending my time now huh.. I have so many questions.."</b> You think to yourself..
<b>-"I better start inviting people first thing tomorrow morning... one thousand students.. that's a lot.."</b>
[[Go back for today..->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace "I will not help you..">>\
<b>-"I... I won't help you.. this is weird.."</b> You can't shake the thought that this is.. suspicious..
<manager>-"Huh.. didn't expect that.. well I'm not really asking you to help to be honest, if you won't I will just expell you, your choice."</manager> He crosses his arms...
<<pageReplace "F-fine...">>\
<b>-"F-fine.."</b> Wow.. the principal is forcing you to help him, what a nice guy...
<manager>-"Good, I'm moving to another office tomorrow, so this whole place will be yours."</manager> He smiles.
<b>-"T-this whole place.. mine?"</b> You think to yourself as you look around.
<b>-"W-why me mister Hud?"</b> You ask him.
<manager>-"Well as I said, you're one of my best students and I need all the help that I can get."</manager> He stands up.
<manager>-"I expect at least 1000 attendees that you recruit."</manager>
<b>-"O-one thousand???!!!!"</b>
<manager>-"Yes.. shouldn't be impossible $name, I believe in you. You should start by doing some research online, see where our students gather, ask them to join there.."</manager> He starts walking towards the door.
<b>-"B-but what I am recruiting them for??"</b> You still don't know what the festival is..
<manager>-"Just tell them that it's a fully paid for holiday in a private owned island."</manager> He doesn't let you answer any more questions and leaves the office..
<img src="Images\Lectures\principal 2\offpic_cm_330.webp">
<b>-"So.. this is were I'm going to be spending my time now huh.. I have so many questions.."</b> You think to yourself..
<b>-"I better start inviting people first thing tomorrow morning... one thousand students.. that's a lot.."</b>
[[Go back for today..->Go outside]]
<<linkreplace "I don't care....">>\
<<goto "Principal expell ending">>\
<<set $workingforprincipal to true>><center>Because of your own stupidity, or maybe foolish bravery, you defied the principal's orders. He not only expelled you, but condemned nationally, making other schools and universities wary of you, with no education and support from your disappointed family, you end up on the streets of Sweden.
<span class='fadeIn3'><span class='IntroText'>GAME OVER</span>
<<button "Restart the last encounter">>
<<goto "Principal 2">>\
<<button "Load one of your saves">>
<<run UI.saves()>>
<<button "Restart the game">>
<<run UI.restart()>>
<<button "Close the game">>
<<set $attended to true>>\
<<set $time to $time-1>>\
<<set $lectures to $lectures-1>>\<<recruitmentCard>>
You walk into the office, ready to recruit some new students to misters Hudson's cause! You sit down on the office chair in front of the desk and ponder what you should do today..
<div class="actions">
<li>[[Search the web for various events->Search the web]]</li>
<li>[[Walk around the SUP and ask students to join->Walk around the sup]]</li>
<li>[[You feel tired today..->Do nothing]]</li>
<<if $sawthesafe is true>>\
<li>[[Check out the safe..->Check out the safe]]</li>
<<if $leyjaaskedforthemask==true and $gottheclueformask !==true>>\
<li>[[Look for clues->Clues for mask event]]</li>
<<if $lookeforemilydomspy ==true>>\
<li>[[Snoop around for information about Johnathan->Do nothing dom emily]]</li>
<<if $ibwomission1 == true>>\
<li>[[Try to find the red folder->IBWO mission 1]]</li>
</div><<if $knowthepassword !==true>>\
<<set _pass to 0o144733453057>>\
<<set _pass to 0o3702>>\
<<if $knowthepassword == true>>\
<b>-"L-let's check out that safe again.."</b> You mumble to yourself as you stand up and go up to the painting.. after removing it, you're faced with a black safe, inside of the wall..
<img src="Images\Lectures\do nothing\Are-our-wall-safes-secure.webp">
It has a <u>numerical</u> keypad on the side of it. You can see that it needs an input of <u>four</u> numbers...
<b>-"Right... She's between 35 to 40 years old.. What year was she born..."</b> You think...
As you lower your head to get a better look at the keypad, a phrase lights up..
<grey><i>Please input the password to continue.</i></grey>
<<textbox "_answer" "">>
<<button "Press Enter">>
<<if _answer is "">>
/% They have not supplied an answer. %/
<<script>>UI.alert("Please enter the password!");<</script>>
Remove extra white space from both ends of the answer then
convert it to lowercase. %/
<<set _answer to _answer.trim().toLowerCase()>>
Check if one of the correct answers was supplied,
otherwise send them to the Start passage. %/
<<if Number(_answer) is _pass>>
/% Send the Reader to the next relevant passage. %/
<<goto "safemask">>
/% Send the Reader to back to the start. %/
<<goto "Check out the safe">>
<b>-"L-let's check out that safe again.."</b> You mumble to yourself as you stand up and go up to the painting.. after removing it, you're faced with a black safe, inside of the wall..
<img src="Images\Lectures\do nothing\Are-our-wall-safes-secure.webp">
It has a <u>numerical</u> keypad on the side of it. You can see that it needs an input of <u>four</u> numbers...
As you lower your head to get a better look at the keypad, a phrase lights up..
<grey><i>Please input the password to continue.</i></grey>
<b>-"Maybe I should head back here later? There's no way I could guess it."</b>
<<textbox "_answer" "">>
<<button "Press Enter">>
<<if _answer is "">>
/% They have not supplied an answer. %/
<<script>>UI.alert("Please enter the password!");<</script>>
Remove extra white space from both ends of the answer then
convert it to lowercase. %/
<<set _answer to _answer.trim().toLowerCase()>>
Check if one of the correct answers was supplied,
otherwise send them to the Start passage. %/
<<if Number(_answer) is _pass>>
/% Send the Reader to the next relevant passage. %/
<<goto "safemask">>
/% Send the Reader to back to the start. %/
<<goto "Check out the safe">>
[[Return->Principal 3]]<<if $havetheclubmask>>
You open up the safe again.. You see <<if $domstatus is true>> the female mask laying there...<<else>> the male mask laying there...<</if>>
<b>-"Right.. What was I doing again..?"</b> You stare at the mask for a couple of seconds and close the safe. There's nothing to see here.
[[Return to the office->Principal 3]]
<<elseif $knowthepassword == true>>\
<<todoCompleted "Unlock the safe. Juliat is between 35 and 40 years old.">>
<<set $havetheclubmask to true>>\
As you enter the correct PIN, the safe swings open.
<b>-"Fuck yeah! So she's 38 huh.."</b> You quickly look around to see if you're in the clear... You are.
<b>-"Rightttt.. Let's see what's inside.."</b> You stick your head in the safe.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 27\4.webp">
<b>-"There you are..."</b> You spot two masks inside of the safe. One seems like it's made for a woman, the other - for a man.
<<if $domstatus is true>>\
You of course, grab the mask for men and quickly close the safe.
<b>-"Let's see.."</b> You try to open it again, to check if it locked - it did.
<b>-"Ok good.. Now I need to meet up with Leyja.."</b> You put the painting back in place.
[[Return to the office->Principal 3]]
<b>-"Hmmmm.. The mask for men are probably Hudson's.. I better take the one for women, he'll just think that his wife is back."</b> You quickly take the mask and shut the safe door.
<b>-"Let's see.."</b> You try to open it again, to check if it locked - it did.
<b>-"Ok good.. Now I need to meet up with Leyja.."</b> You put the painting back in place.
[[Return to the office->Principal 3]]
<b>-"O-oh.."</b> You surprised yourself.
<b>-"I.. Guessed it?"</b> The safe swings open.. You just guessed and somehow managed to input the correct password.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 27\4.webp">
<b>-"Hmmmm.. A couple of masks?"</b> You look at them.
<b>-"It's probably best not to take anything.."</b> You think to yourself as you close the safe.
<b>-"At least I know the code now.. Maybe it'll become useful someday."</b> You put the painting back in place.
[[Return to the office->Principal 3]]
<</if>>\<<set $gottheclueformask to true>>\
<<set $attended2 to true>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<todoCompleted "Look around for clues on how to open the safe">>\
<b>-"I have to find a way to open that safe.. Let's look for some clues.."</b> You think as you begin creeping around the office.
You open drawer after drawer, closet after closet, searching through piles of documents in hopes of finding something.
<b>-"Oof..."</b> You sigh as you open up yet another drawer.
<img src="Images\Lectures\do nothing\1.jpg">
<b>-"Let's see..."</b> You whisper as you begin sifting through the various files.
<b>-"Hmmm.. An invoice?"</b> You spot an interesting header.
<code>The Swedish University Of Progressive Learning.
Event: 2024 SUP festival.
Bill to: [REDACTED]
Ship to: Figgeberg Gårdeby 75, Junsele.
<ul class="footer">
<li>Service price:</li>
<ul class="footer">
<li> 2</li>
<li> Entrance ticket.</li>
<li> 5000$</li>
<div class ="right">TOTAL: </div>
<div class ="right">10000$ </div>
<b>-"J-jeez... They pay 5000 dollars just to get in? I always wondered how they had enough money to host one every year if students didn't pay.."</b> You look over the invoice once more.
<b>-"Maybe I should.. Take it..?"</b>
<<pageReplace"Take the incriminating evidence">>\
<<set $previdence to $previdence +1>>\
<b>-"This might become useful someday.. I better take it."</b> You say as you shove the document down your backpack.
<b>-"Hopefully Hudson won't notice it missing.."</b>
<b>-"Right.. Let's keep looking..</b>
You close the cabinet and decide to look around Hudsons desk.
<b>-"Hmmm.. Some invoices for tuitions... A newspaper.. Noo.. Hmmm.. Oh!"</b> You spot an open envelope..
<b>-"Is this.. A letter?"</b> You slowly take out the piece of paper from within.
To Juliat Marxit.
I've tried to contact you by phone and e-mail, which you ignored or didn't receive, this is why I'm writing this letter.
Please return to Sweden, your spritual expedition... or whatever you call it, is taking too long.
We're hosting another festival this year and I need your help with management, you're the only person I can truly trust.
If you decide to come unannounced, as you usally do, you can find me in my office or at the club.
You can find your mask in the safe, the code is your birth year, just as before. You know the password.
<div class="right">
Kind regards,
Hudson Marxit.
<b>-"Juliat Marxit.. Is that his wife? Or daughter? Whatever, the code is her birth year, maybe Leyja knows something!"</b>You quickly shove the letter into your backpack.
<b>-"That's enough of that for now.. Time to put everything back to where it was and head out of here."</b> You hide the empty envelope and close all of the drawers. After looking around and making sure everything looks good, you decide to head out.
[[Exit the university->Go outside]]
<b>-"I better not.. What if Hudson found out."</b> You put the document back in the drawer.
<b>-"Right.. Let's keep looking..</b>
You close the cabinet and decide to look around Hudsons desk.
<b>-"Hmmm.. Some invoices for tuitions... A newspaper.. Noo.. Hmmm.. Oh!"</b> You spot an open envelope..
<b>-"Is this.. A letter?"</b> You slowly take out the piece of paper from within.
To Juliat Marxit.
I've tried to contact you by phone and e-mail, which you ignored or didn't receive, this is why I'm writing this letter.
Please return to Sweden, your spritual expedition... or whatever you call it, is taking too long.
We're hosting another festival this year and I need your help with management, you're the only person I can truly trust.
If you decide to come unannounced, as you usally do, you can find me in my office or at the club.
You can find your mask in the safe, the code is your birth year, just as before. You know the password.
<div class="right">
Kind regards,
Hudson Marxit.
<b>-"Juliat Marxit.. Is that his wife? Or daughter? Whatever, the code is her birth year, maybe Leyja knows something!"</b>You quickly shove the letter into your backpack.
<b>-"That's enough of that for now.. Time to put everything back to where it was and head out of here."</b> You hide the empty envelope and close all of the drawers. After looking around and making sure everything looks good, you decide to head out.
[[Exit the university->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>><<set $ibwomission1 to false>>\
<b>-"Red folder she said... Hmmmmm..."</b> You begin looking around in the office.
<b>-"The letter says it's in "one of the drawers". Wow, that's helpful."</b>
<b>-"Let's start off with this one I guess..."</b>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\bb1.png">
<b>-"Hmph, nope."</b>
<b>-"How about this one?"</b> You spot another drawer right next to the one you checked before.
<b>-"Empty as well.."</b> After spending quite a bit of time looking for it, you finally find something peculiar.
<b>-"Oh?"</b> You never noticed, but there's a small drawer right below the desk.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\bb2.webp">
<b>-"Huh, how did I notice it before?"</b> It was completely flush with the desk, so that's probably why...
<<pageReplace"Look for the red folder.">>
<<todoCompleted "Get the folder the IBWO wants.">>
<b>-"Not this."</b> You slide a white folder to the side.
<b>-"Nope..."</b> More papers get thrown back.
<b>-"Ah! There it is!"</b> You finally find it! It's a bright red folder with a bunch of documents inside.
<b>-"There we go!"</b> You slap the folder on the table and close the drawer.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\bb3.jpeg">
<b>-"Now all that's left to do is to hand it over to Emily!"</b>
<b>-"But.. What if.."</b>
<<pageReplace"Peak inside">>
<<set $lookedatthefolderibwo1 to true>>\
<b>-"Fuck it! I'm way too curious!"</b> You quickly open up the folder and take out one of the documents.
<ul class="footer">
<li>Access code:</li>
<ul class="footer">
<ul class="footer">
<li>The Club</li>
<ul class="footer">
<li>The Club</li>
<ul class="footer">
<ul class="footer">
<ul class="footer">
<li>The Club</li>
<ul class="footer">
<li>The Club</li>
Page 1/36
<b>-"Interesting, why would the IBWO want the banking information of these people... Hmmmm..."</b> You close the folder.
<b>-"No point in thinking about it now, let's go."</b> You shove the folder in your backpack and open up your computer.
<b>-"I still have some work to do."</b> You spend the next couple of hours inviting students to join the festival.
<<set $recruited to $recruited +5>>
<grey>Recruited +5!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<b>-"Nah, I better not. I trust that the IBWO's intentions are in the right place."</b> You close the folder.
<b>-"Anyways..."</b> You shove the folder in your backpack and open up your computer.
<b>-"I still have some work to do."</b> You spend the next couple of hours inviting students to join the festival.
<<set $recruited to $recruited +5>>
<grey>Recruited +5!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>><<if $worknothing==1>>
<<goto "Do nothing 1">>
<<elseif $worknothing==2>>
<<goto "Do nothing 2">>
<<elseif $worknothing==3>>
<<goto "Do nothing 3">>
<<elseif $worknothing==4>>
<<goto "Do nothing 4">>
<<elseif $worknothing==5>>
<<goto "Do nothing 5">>
<<elseif $worknothing==6>>
<<goto "Do nothing 6">>
<<elseif $worknothing==7>>
<<goto "Do nothing 7">>
<<elseif $worknothing==8>>
<<goto "Do nothing 8">>
<<elseif $worknothing==9>>
<<goto "Do nothing 9">>
<<elseif $worknothing==10>>
<<goto "Do nothing 10">>
If you're here something is wrong..
[[Return->Go outside]]<b>-"I'm just going to chill today.."</b> You whisper to yourself as you relax on the couch.. who knew that recruiting people to a FREE vacation would be so hard..
As you look around the office, you notice something interesting...
<img src="Images\Lectures\do nothing\7l60chshpc541.webp" height="600px">
A crooked painting on the wall, it seems awfully.. suspicious...
<<pageReplace"Check it out">>\
<b>-"Let me take a look.."</b> You whisper to yourself as you stand up and go up to the painting..
<b>-"Hmmm.."</b> You mumble as you remove the painting..
<img src="Images\Lectures\do nothing\safe-wall.webp">
As you lift the painting off of the wall, you spot it... its a safe!
<b>-"A safe..? Wha-"</b> Before you could finish your thought, you hear someone knocking on the door...
<b>-"O-one minute!"</b> You shout as you quickly put the painting back where it belongs.. You run up to the door and...
<<pageReplace"Open it">>\
<b>-"Hello?"</b> You say as you open it, but there's nobody there..
<b>-"Ugh.. probably some kids pranking me.."</b> You mumble to yourself as you sit down on the couch.. You have no idea what a safe is doing in the principals office, but you don't have the balls to check it out today..
<grey>Recruited +0!</grey>
<<set $sawthesafe to true>>
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<<set $attended2 to true>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<set $worknothing to $worknothing +1>>\<<if $domstatus is false>>\
<b>-"Ooof.."</b> You let out a soft moan as your butt touches the couch... You don't feel like doing anything today!
<b>-"Let's see how my clash of clans base is doing.."</b> You open up your phone and start up the game.
<b>-"Fuck me, I got raided by some chinese dude.. They're insane at the game man.."</b> Suddenly, the door to your office opens..
<<pageReplace"Take a look">>\
<img src="Images\Lectures\do nothing\epicinternetgf_0567.webp" height="600px">
<pink>-"Well, well, well... Isn't it our principals little helper.."</pink> It's the submissiveness professor, miss Kei!
<b>-"Oh.. H-hello?"</b> You stand up..
<pink>-"I didn't know you were assigned to.. Sit on your ass all day and play video games.."</pink>
<b>-"I.. I'm sorry Ke- I mean Miss Kei.. I'm hard at work usually.. It's j-just today I wanted to take it easy.."</b> You look down at the ground as you stutter..
<pink>-"Mhm... I bet.. So how are you doing? How many have you recruited?"</pink>
<b>-"W-well.. I just started.. So.. $recruited in total.."</b>
<pink>-"Wow.. How impressive.."</pink> She giggles..
<pink>-"Do you at least like working here? You know.. It's a big honor to help mister Hudson after all.."</pink>
<<pageReplace "Of.. Of course..">>\
<b>-"O..Of course I do Miss Kei! It is indeed a great honor!"</b> Miss Kei pets your head..
<pink>-"Good... You should make Hudson happy.. If he's happy.. I'm happy.."</pink> She turns around..
<img src="Images\Lectures\do nothing\epicinternetgf_0560.webp" height="600px">
<pink>-"Keep up the work, don't let me catch you lacking again.."</pink>
<b>-"Y-yes.."</b> Miss Kei walks out of the room..
<b>-"D-damn.. Didn't think someone would come in..."</b> You whisper to yourself..
<b>-"Well at least now I know that I need to help Hudson if I want to get closer to Kei.."</b>
<grey>Recruited +0!</grey>
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace "I.. I don't know yet..">>\
<b>-"I.. I don't know yet.."</b> Miss Kei puts a hand on your shoulder and squeezes..
<pink>-"You better start liking it.. Pet.. If Hudson is unhappy.. I'm going to be unhappy.."</pink> She turns around..
<img src="Images\Lectures\do nothing\epicinternetgf_0560.webp" height="600px">
<pink>-"Keep up the work, don't let me catch you lacking again.."</pink>
<b>-"Y-yes.."</b> Miss Kei walks out of the room..
<b>-"D-damn.. Didn't think someone would come in..."</b> You whisper to yourself..
<b>-"Well at least now I know that I need to help Hudson if I want to get closer to Kei.."</b>
<grey>Recruited +0!</grey>
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<b>-"Ooof.."</b> You let out a soft moan as your butt touches the couch... You don't feel like doing anything today!
<b>-"Let's see how my clash of clans base is doing.."</b> You open up your phone and start up the game.
<b>-"Fuck me, I got raided by some chinese dude.. They're insane at the game man.."</b> Suddenly, the door to your office opens..
<<pageReplace"Check it out">>\
<img src="Images\Lectures\do nothing\epicinternetgf_0567.webp" height="600px">
<b>-"Hello?"</b> There's a woman standing in front of you.. You haven't seen her before..
<pink>-"Well, well, well... Isn't it our principals little helper.."</pink> She giggles..
<b>-"Who.. Who are you?"</b> You stand up..
<pink>-"I'm one of the professors at this university.."</pink>
<pink>-"I didn't know you were assigned to.. Sit on your ass all day and play video games.."</pink> She turns her head to the side a bit..
<b>-"Come on, don't be like that.. I'm usually working!"</b>
<pink>-"Hmmm.. Are you?"</pink> She squints..
<pink>-"So how are you doing? How many have you recruited?"</pink>
<b>-"W-well.. I just started.. So.. $recruited in total.."</b>
<pink>-"Wow.. How impressive.."</pink> She giggles again..
<pink>-"Do you at least like working here? You know it's a great honor to help mister Hudson.."</pink>
<<pageReplace "Of.. Of course..">>\
<b>-"Of course.. I have this whole office to myself, how could i not?!"</b> You laugh..
<pink>-"Hahaha.. Good! I can see that we're going to get a long justttt fine.."</pink> She turns around..
<img src="Images\Lectures\do nothing\epicinternetgf_0560.webp" height="600px">
<b>-"Oh..? And why's that?"</b> Kei notices that you're staring at her ass..
<pink>-"Mff.. Well.. As long as you make Mister Hudson happy.. I'm going to make sure you're happy too.."</pink> She pulls down her garment..
<img src="Images\Lectures\do nothing\epicinternetgf_0562.webp" height="600px">
<b>-"Oh.. Haha alright.. D-damn.."</b> You giggle as you take in the view..
<pink>-"Hmmm.. I'm glad we have an understanding.."</pink> She pulls it up again...
<pink>-"Keep up the work, don't let me catch you lacking again.."</pink>
<b>-"Yes.. Sure.."</b> The professor walks out of the room..
<b>-"D-damn.. Didn't think someone would come in... I didn't even ask her her name.."</b> You whisper to yourself..
<b>-"It's apparent that if I want to get closer to her.. I have to help Hudson..."</b>
<grey>Recruited +0!</grey>
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace "I.. I don't know yet..">>\
<b>-"Hmmm.. I don't know yet.."</b> You raise your eyebrow..
<pink>-"Mff.. You should respect your elders more, boy..."</pink> She turns around..
<img src="Images\Lectures\do nothing\epicinternetgf_0560.webp" height="600px">
<b>-"Oh..? S-should I.."</b> Kei notices that you're staring at her ass..
<pink>-"You should.. Let me tell you this.. Make sure that Hudson is happy.. And I'm going to return the favor.."</pink> She pulls down her garment..
<img src="Images\Lectures\do nothing\epicinternetgf_0562.webp" height="600px">
<b>-"Oh.. Haha alright.. D-damn.."</b> You giggle as you take in the view..
<pink>-"Hmmm.. I'm glad we have an understanding.."</pink> She pulls it up again...
<pink>-"Keep up the work, don't let me catch you lacking again.."</pink>
<b>-"Yes.. Sure.."</b> The professor walks out of the room..
<b>-"D-damn.. Didn't think someone would come in... I didn't even ask her her name.."</b> You whisper to yourself..
<b>-"It's apparent that if I want to get closer to her.. I have to help Hudson..."</b>
<grey>Recruited +0!</grey>
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<<set $attended2 to true>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<set $worknothing to $worknothing +1>>\<<set $attended2 to true>>\
<<set $worknothing to $worknothing +1>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<b>-"I'm sooOOOooOO boredddDDdd..."</b> You announce as you look up to the ceiling..
<b>-"Why did I agree to help him anyways... I could be attending lectures right now.."</b> You sigh as you look back down.. You're so bored that you start looking around the office. After a while, you notice a table to your side, with an open drawer.
<img src="Images\Lectures\do nothing\drawer.jpg">
<b>-"Hmmm.. Is this perhaps the principals assistant's table? It's to the side of the office.."</b> You stand up and walk over to it..
<b>-"Oh! Wow..."</b> You drawer is filled with documents about the SUP and the principal.. You probably shouldn't snoop around but..
<<pageReplace"Take a look at some of them..">>\
<b>-"Agh fuck it, let's take a look!"</b> You rub your hands like a greedy goblin and dive in..
<img src="Images\Lectures\do nothing\doccument.webp">
<b>-"Hmmm... The SUP grade statistics.. Nah too boring.."</b> You whisper.
<b>-"2022 The SUP cafateria incident.. W-what haha.."</b> You giggle as you pull out the document.
<b>-"Oh, it's empty. Ok whatever let's keep looking.."</b> After 5 minutes or so, one header catches your eye..
<b>-"Woah.. It's the attendee list for the upcoming festival.."</b> You quickly pull out the page.
<code><div class="middle">The SUP festival 2024 attendees.</div>
Mr. Hudson and his team, including the professors.
1000+ students. (At least 90% should not be attending dominant lessons.)
Family members of students SHALL NOT be invited or allowed to enter.
[[EUHK representative.->https://f95zone.to/threads/hung-kong-v0-1-3-puyi.175279/]]
IBWO representative.
The mayor and his team.
<b>-"Damn.. This is some interesting stuff.."</b> You quickly look around..
<b>-"Hmmm.. 90% of the students can't be attending dominant lectures? I wonder why.. And so many names are redacted.. It's an official document though.."</b> You whisper to yourself..
<<pageReplace"Take the document..">>
<b>-"Yoink.."</b> You take the piece of paper and put it in your backpack.. You still don't trust Mr. Hudson completely.. Maybe this will come in use later.
<b>-"Yawwwnnnnn.. I better get going.."</b> You close the drawer and start heading out of the office.
<grey>Incriminating evidence +1!</grey>
[[Leave the building->Go outside]]
<<set $previdence to $previdence +1>>
<<pageReplace"Leave the document in the drawer.">>
<b>-"I better not.. What if we notices that it's gone.."</b> You think to yourself as you put the piece of paper back in the drawer..
<b>-"Yawwwnnnnn.. I better get going.."</b> You close the drawer and start heading out of the office.
[[Leave the building->Go outside]]
<b>-"Nahhhh I better not.. What if we notices that I've snooped around.."</b> You think to yourself as you close the drawer..
<b>-"Yawwwnnnnn.. I'm just going to take a quick nap.."</b> You say as you lay down on the sofa.. After going to dreamland for a bit, you decide that it's time to leave.
[[Leave the building->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>><<set $attended2 to true>>\
<<set $worknothing to $worknothing +1>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<b>-"Shuuuuu.."</b> You look around the office, hoping you find something interesting.
<b>-"Hehe perhaps I'll find another interesting document.."</b> Your curiosity is quickly shut down by another thought.
<b>-"Ehhh but Mr.Hudson noticed last time.. I better not.. Sighhhh.."</b> You sit down on the sofa. As your hopes of having an interesting day slowly faded away, your phone vibrated.
<img src="Images\Lectures\do nothing\phone.gif">
<b>-"Hmmmm.. Who could it be?"</b>
<<if $adriana>0>>\
<<if $domstatus is true>>\
You check your messages.. It's Adriana!
<b>-"Ugh finally.. Something to do!"</b>
<<linkreplace"Open the message">>\
It's probably better to finish the conversation.. You're bored anyways.
<<message "Adriana" "Do Nothing Adriana Dom 1" "What's up :P" open>>
You check your messages.. It's Adriana!
<b>-"Ugh finally.. Something to do!"</b>
<<linkreplace"Open the message">>\
It's probably better to finish the conversation.. You're bored anyways.
<<message "Adriana" "Do Nothing Adriana Sub 1" "What's up :P" open>>
You check your messages.. It's Adriana!
<b>-"Wait.. How could that be.. I think she blocked me.."</b> You rub your eyes and.. It's not her.
<b>-"Oh god fucking damnit.. It's a snapchat notification.. Sighhh.."</b> You spend the rest of the day playing clash of clans and watching tik tok.. You kind of wish you had treated Adriana better.. Maybe you would have something to do.
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<</if>><<if $adriana == 0>>
<b>-"OH COME ON! She really fucking blocked me.."</b> You sigh as you put your phone down.
<b>-"This day just got bad from worse.. Shouldn't have answered her at all.."</b> You look at the time.
<b>-"At least it's time to go home.. Fuck this shit.."</b> You grab your stuff and head out of the principals office.. You didn't recruit a single student today.
<grey>Recruited +0!</grey>
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<b>-"God she's so fucking hot.."</b> You sigh as you put your phone down.
<b>-"I wish I wasn't stuck doing this shit.. G-god I miss her."</b> You look at the time.
<b>-"At least it's time to go home.."</b> You grab your stuff and head out of the principals office.. You didn't recruit a single student today.
<grey>Recruited +0!</grey>
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<</if>><<set $attended2 to true>>\
<<set $worknothing to $worknothing +1>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<if $hasnudesofprofessorkei !== true>>
<b>-"S-shit.."</b> You whisper as you lock the door. You can't focus today.. Way too horny!
<b>-"Let's open up twitter.."</b> You look around for some nut worthy material. It's probably not the best idea to do this inside of the office, but you have no choice.
<b>-"D-damn.."</b> You stuble across the ad again.. Just this time, with different pictures.
<img src="Images\Lectures\do nothing\s3.png">
<b>-"S-so hot!"</b> You pull down your pants and start to slowly stroke your shaft. You click on the ad with hopes to see some more content, but you're greeted with a paywall.
<b>-"Fuck meeEEe.."</b> You stroke faster and faster as you focus on the first picture..
<img src="Images\Lectures\do nothing\s5.webp">
You cum in a couple of minutes.. You've never seen someone so curvy before.. Way too hot!
<b>-"Time to clean up."</b> You grab a tissue and clean yourself.
[[Finish your work->Go outside]]
<<elseif $domstatus is true>>\
<b>-"S-shit.."</b> You whisper as you close the door. You can't focus today.. Way too horny!
<b>-"Let's open up twitter.."</b> You look around for some nut worthy material. It's probably not the best idea to do this inside of the office, but you have no choice.
<b>-"D-damn.."</b> You stuble across some hotties.. As you're about to pull your pants down, the door suddenly opens.
<img src="Images\Lectures\do nothing\s1.png">
<pink>-"Oh wow.. Caught slacking off once more!"</pink> The professor laughs.. You've met here before.
<b>-"I'm just taking a break.. Let me breath, woman!"</b> You laugh.
Suddenly you realise... Is this not the woman you saw in those porn ads a while ago..? She certainly looks similar..
<pink>-"Mhm.. I wonder what the principal would think.."</pink> She crosses her arms.
<<pageReplace"I wonder..">>
<b>-"I wonder what the principal would think if I told him about that interesting business you're running.."</b> You lick your lips.
<pink>-"W-what are you talking about?!"</pink> She shift her head.
<b>-"This.."</b> You pull out your phone and show her the saved pictures. Her expression quickly changes from confident, to worried.
<pink>-"T-that.. Is not me!"</pink>
<b>-"You sure..? That little mole on your chest and shoulder seem to match up perfectly.."</b>
<pink>-"Ugh.. You caught me!"</pink> She frows as she throws her arms in the air.
<pink>-"This fucking job doesn't pay well enough.. A girl has to make a living, you know.."</pink> The professor sighs.
<b>-"Righttt.. So what was that about telling on me?"</b> You put your phone away.
<pink>-"Fine fine.. I won't snitch, if you won't snitch on me neither!"</pink>
<<set $flashedbykei1 to false>>
<b>-"Fine! An eye for an eye.. Or something like that I don't know.."</b> She smiles after your cheesy line.
<pink>-"Good! I won't bother you anymore then, a deal is a deal."</pink> She turns around.
<img src="Images\Lectures\do nothing\s2.png">
<pink>-"Try not to snooze around too much though, Hudson is not one to be pushed around."</pink> She winks as the doors open.
<b>-"Right.."</b> You nod as she starts to leave.
<pink>-"Have fun.. Doing whatever you were doing. I was never here."</pink> The door closes.
<b>-"Hhhooo... Good thing I saved those pics, could have been in trouble."</b> You open up twitter again, but suddenly your not that horny.
<b>-"Agh shit she ruined the mood.. God damnit.."</b>
[[Finish your work->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"I'll need a little more..">>
<<set $flashedbykei1 to true>>
<b>-"No no no.. I think a professor having an onlyfans is a much bigger deal than a student taking a break."</b>
<pink>-"Sigh.. What are you implying, $name?"</pink> She knows your name?
<b>-"Show me a little something.."</b>
<pink>-"Do what exactly?"</pink> She squints her eyes.
<b>-"You heard me. Give me a trial of your onlyfans for example, show some of the goods off.."</b> You cross your arms as you sit back.
<pink>-"And you won't tell him anything?"</pink>
<b>-"Not a word."</b>
<pink>-"Ugh.. F-fine!"</pink> She sits down and lifts up her robe.
<img src="Images\Lectures\do nothing\s4.png">
<pink>-"T-this is all you get.."</pink>
<b>-"Oh come on! You have to show off more.. I want to see you in your birthday suit.."</b>
<pink>-"Haha! Not happening!"</pink> She turns to you.
<pink>-"To see more, you'll have to earn it, little one."</pink> She teases you.
<img src="Images\Lectures\do nothing\s3.png">
<b>-"Ohh..?"</b> You see her blush as you look her up and down.
<b>-"Earn it?"</b>
<pink>-"O-oh..."</pink> She suddenly seems confused.
<pink>-"D-did I really just say that.."</pink> The professor stands up.
<<pageReplace"Stand up with her.">>\
<b>-"You did.."</b> You smile.
<pink>-"F-forget it! M-my bad.. I just blurted out some nonsense.."</pink> What's wrong with her?
<pink>-"G-goodbye!"</pink> She turns away and start heading towards the door.
<b>-"Professor? You okay?"</b>
<pink>-"Y-yes! Worry about yourself!"</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\do nothing\s2.png">
She opens the door and exits, closing the door behind her.
<b>-"What was her problem.."</b> You've read something about nymphomaniacs a while back, it said that they can't control their actions when overtaken by desire and lust.
<b>-"Is she.. N-nooo.. Probably not.."</b> You sit back down.
<b>-"Maybe she's just awkward.."</b>
<b>-"Hhhooo... Anyways, good thing I saved those pics, could have been in trouble."</b> You open up twitter, but suddenly your not that horny.
<b>-"Agh shit she ruined the mood.. God damnit.."</b>
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
[[Finish your work->Go outside]]
<b>-"S-shit.."</b> You whisper as you close the door. You can't focus today.. Way too horny!
<b>-"Let's open up twitter.."</b> You look around for some nut worthy material. It's probably not the best idea to do this inside of the office, but you have no choice.
<b>-"D-damn.."</b> You stuble across some hotties.. As you're about to pull your pants down, the door suddenly opens.
<img src="Images\Lectures\do nothing\s1.png">
<pink>-"Oh wow.. Caught slacking off once more!"</pink> Professor Kei laughs..
<b>-"Professor Kei! I-I'm just taking a break.."</b> You put down your phone.
<pink>-"Mhm.. I wonder what the principal would think.."</pink> She crosses her arms. You suddenly remember that you saved those nudes.. Time to fight back.
<<pageReplace"I wonder..">>
<b>-"I-I wonder what the principal would think if I told him about that interesting business you're running.."</b> You cross your arms.
<pink>-"W-what are you talking about?!"</pink> She shift her head.
<b>-"This.."</b> You pull out your phone and show her the saved pictures. Her expression quickly changes from confident, to worried.
<pink>-"T-that.. Is not me!"</pink>
<b>-"Y-you sure..? That little mole on your chest and shoulder seem to match up perfectly.."</b>
<pink>-"Ugh.. You caught me!"</pink> She frows as she throws her arms in the air.
<pink>-"This fucking job doesn't pay well enough.. A girl has to make a living, you know.."</pink> The professor sighs.
<b>-"Righttt.. So what was that about telling on me?"</b> You put your phone away.
<pink>-"Haha what? Are you trying to blackmail me?"</pink> She sits down.
<b>-"N-no.. I just want us to have a fair transaction.. You don't say anything, I don't say anything."</b>
<pink>-"You don't have the balls to say anything either way."</pink> She moves her robe slightly, your eyes focus on her crotch..
<img src="Images\Lectures\do nothing\s3.png">
<pink>-"Ahaha knew it. Boys like you are so easily bought."</pink>
<b>-"B-but the nudes!"</b>
<pink>-"Do you really think Hudson cares if I have an onlyfans?! Haha! Don't be ridiculous, this is a university about sexuality anyways, have you been living under a rock?"</pink>
<b>-"R-right.."</b> On second thought, what were you thinking..
<pink>-"Look $name, let's make this simple. I won't say anything, if you help me out."</pink> She turns around on the chair.
<pink>-"You snap a couple of pictures of this beauty.."</pink> She moves her robe.
<img src="Images\Lectures\do nothing\s4.png">
<pink>-"And I'll call it even."</pink> She licks her lips.
<b>-"You want me to be your.. Photographer?"</b>
<pink>-"For a day. Kind of sick of trying to take the photos myself."</pink>
<pink>-"Orrrr, I can just tell the principal about your laziness.."</pink> When she puts it like that, you only have one choice..
<b>-"F-fine.. One night, a couple of pictures.. That's it, right?"</b> How did you end up in this situation.. You thought that you had a trump card.
<pink>-"Correct. You made the right choice."</pink> She stands up.
<pink>-"The principal won't hear a peep from me!"</pink> She smiles.
<b>-"Sooo.. When are we doing this.."</b>
<pink>-"I'll contact you, don't worry."</pink> She winks and opens the door.
<img src="Images\Lectures\do nothing\s2.png">
<pink>-"Try not to snooze around too much though, Hudson is not one to be pushed around."</pink> She steps through the doorway.
<pink>-"Bye bye!"</pink> The door shuts.
<b>-"All things considered.. This ain't half bad.."</b>
<b>-"She's really hot anyways.. I-I'm excited to take some pictures!"</b> You think to yourself as you pull out your phone. You open up twitter, but suddenly your not that horny.
<b>-"Agh shit she ruined the mood.. God damnit.."</b>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Finish your work->Go outside]]
<</if>>\<<set $attended2 to true>>\
<<set $worknothing to $worknothing +1>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<if $hasnudesofprofessorkei !== true>>\
<<if $femstatus !== true>>\
Another boring day. After playing on your phone for an hour or two, you decide to look around the office once more.
<b>-"I know that Hudson caught me last time, but.. This time I won't take, just read it."</b> You open up a drawer... Nothing.
<b>-"Agh damnit.."</b> You open up another one..
<img src="Images\Lectures\do nothing\doccument.webp">
<b>-"Bingooo!!!"</b> You snoop around a little.
<b>-"UuuuUUU!!! SUP's 2023 festival schedule! This is from last year!"</b> You slowly pull the document out, but suddenly.
<grey>Click.. Click... Click..</grey> You can hear someones heels! They're getting closer!
<<pageReplace"Shove the document back inside">>
<b>-"S-shit shit shit!"</b> You shove the piece of paper back inside and quickly close the drawer!
<grey>Creeeeeek!</grey> The door opens.
<img src="Images\Lectures\do nothing\d5.jpg">
<pink>-"H-hello?"</pink> She looks at you with a surprised expression.
<b>-"H-hello.. To you too?"</b>
<pink>-"Are you a professor? What are you doing in the principals office?"</pink>
<b>-"Oh no no no haha! I'm helping him out, inviting students to the festival. I'm basically his PR team."</b>
<pink>-"Ahh, PR team of one."</pink> She giggles.. The woman is gorgeous..
<b>-"Do you teach here?"</b>
<pink>-"Yes! I'm the feminization professor, nice to meet you."</pink> She smiles.
<pink>-"Anyways, time is not on my side. Could you please do me a favor."</pink>
<b>-"Of course!"</b> You stand up.
<pink>-"Get me a dildo from that drawer."</pink> She points to the drawer next to you.
<b>-"A.. Dildo?"</b>
<pink>-"Yeah! We're doing some stretching exercises."</pink>
<b>-"Right.. Stretching.."<b> You walk over to the drawer.
<<pageReplace"Open it">>\
<img src="Images\Lectures\do nothing\d4.jpg">
<b>-"Jeeez! Why does the principal have so many toys.."</b> You laugh.
<pink>-"They're not his haha! He just let's me hold them here! Anyways, bring me that big one on the right."</pink>
<b>-"Sure."</b> You grab the toy and hand it to the professor.
<pink>-"Thank you! I'm Lana by the way."</pink>
<b>-"$name!"</b> You shake her hand.. Her skin is silky smooth, kind of reminds you of Emily.
<pink>-"Need to go! Hopefully we'll meet again soon!"</pink> She opens the door.
<b>-"Likewise! Byee!"</b> Lana leaves with her toy and you close the door behind her. During all of this commotion, you manage to forget what you were doing.
<b>-"Ooof.."</b> You check the time on your phone.
<b>-"Oh! Time to go! Finally."</b> You pack up, making sure that you're not leaving anything behind.
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
Another boring day. After playing on your phone for an hour or two, you decide to look around the office once more.
<b>-"I know that Hudson caught me last time, but.. This time I won't take, just read it."</b> You open up a drawer... Nothing.
<b>-"Agh damnit.."</b> You open up another one..
<img src="Images\Lectures\do nothing\doccument.webp">
<b>-"Bingooo!!!"</b> You snoop around a little.
<b>-"UuuuUUU!!! SUP's 2023 festival schedule! This is from last year!"</b> You slowly pull the document out, but suddenly.
<grey>Click.. Click... Click..</grey> You can hear someones heels! They're getting closer!
<<pageReplace"Shove the document back inside">>
<b>-"S-shit shit shit!"</b> You shove the piece of paper back inside and quickly close the drawer!
<grey>Creeeeeek!</grey> The door opens.
<img src="Images\Lectures\do nothing\d5.jpg">
<pink>-"$name?"</pink> She looks at you with a surprised expression.
<b>-"Oh.. H-hey Lana."</b>
<pink>-"Still helping out the principal huh?"</pink> She leans against the door.
<b>-"Yeahhh.. Doing the job of multiple people, I'm basically his PR team."</b> You laugh.
<pink>-"Ahh, PR team of one."</pink> She giggles..
<pink>-"Anyways, time is not on my side. Could you please do me a favor."</pink>
<b>-"Of course!"</b> You stand up.
<pink>-"Get me a dildo from that drawer."</pink> She points to the drawer next to you.
<b>-"A.. Dildo?"</b>
<pink>-"Yeah! We're doing some stretching exercises."</pink>
<b>-"Right.. Stretching.."<b> You walk over to the drawer.
<pink>-"Wish you could join us, you know.."</pink>
<b>-"I wish so too, but.. I'm stuck here."</b>
<<pageReplace"Open the drawer">>\
<img src="Images\Lectures\do nothing\d4.jpg">
<b>-"Jeeez! Why does the principal have so many toys.."</b> You laugh.
<pink>-"They're not his haha! He just let's me hold them here! Anyways, bring me that big one on the right."</pink>
<b>-"Sure."</b> You grab the toy and hand it to the professor.
<pink>-"Thank you!"</pink>
<pink>-"Need to go! Hopefully we'll meet again soon, don't forget about my lectures!!"</pink> She opens the door.
<b>-"Of course I won't! B-bye!"</b> Lana leaves with her toy and you close the door behind her. During all of this commotion, you manage to forget what you were doing.
<b>-"Ooof.."</b> You check the time on your phone.
<b>-"Oh! Time to go! Finally."</b> You pack up, making sure that you're not leaving anything behind.
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<<elseif $domstatus is true>>\
<b>-"Yawwwwnnnn.."</b> You open up your phone out of boredom.
<b>-"I haven't been on the universities website for a while.."</b> You search up the words - The SUP.
<b>-"There we go..."</b>
<img src="Images\Lectures\do nothing\d6.png">
You search around for God knows what.. You're just burning time.
<b>-"Hmmm..?"</b> You notice an interesting tab..
<b>-"Contact a professor today..?"</b> You open it up. Lo and behold, it's a list of phone numbers that belong to various professors!
<b>-"UUuu.. Let's see.."</b> You already have Gina's number, so you skip over her.
Suddenly, a number catches your eye.
<b>-"Professor Kei.. The submissiveness professor huh.. Shit I'm bored anyways..."</b> You type the number into your phone.
<<linkreplace"Text her">>\
<<message "Kei" "Do Nothing Kei Dom 1" "Hey.." open>>\
It's probably best to finish the conversation before you move on. You're bored anyways!
<b>-"Yawwwwnnnn.."</b> You open up your phone out of boredom.
<b>-"I haven't been on the universities website for a while.."</b> You search up the words - The SUP.
<b>-"There we go..."</b>
<img src="Images\Lectures\do nothing\d6.png">
You search around for God knows what.. You're just burning time.
<b>-"Hmmm..?"</b> Your phone suddenly vibrates.
<b>-"Who could be texting me at this time."</b> You open up your phone. It's an unknown number.
<b>-"Egh, I'm bored anyways."</b>
<<linkreplace"Open the message">>\
<<message "Kei" "Do Nothing Kei Sub 1" "It's Kei" open>>\
It's probably best to finish the conversation before you move on. You're bored anyways!
<</if>>\<<if $domstatus !==true>>\
<b>-"Right.. Meet Kei in the city at night.. Have to remember that.."</b> You check the time.
<b>-"It's time to go home.. Hopefully I'll have enough time to get ready.. Don't want to look homeless in front of her."</b> You stand up.
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<<if $shoveddicktokei !== true>>\
<b>-"Agh fuck.. That woman needs to lower her fucking standards Jesus Christ.."</b> You check the time.
<b>-"Agh it's time to go anyways.. Her onlyfans will have to do for now."</b> You stand up.
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<b>-"Damn.. She's so fucking hot.."</b> You feel your cock throb as you save the pictures to your gallery.
<b>-"Can't wait to fuck her brains out.."</b> You check the time.
<b>-"Agh it's time to go.."</b> You stand up.
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<</if>>\<<set $helpingkeitakesphotos to false>>\
<<todoCompleted "Meet Kei in the city at night.">>
<b>-"Well.. "Meet me in the city" is not really that specific huh.."</b> You look around, looking for Kei.
<b>-"Sigh.. Should have asked for more directions.."</b> Suddenly, you feel someone grab your shoulder.
<b>-"Waaaaah!"</b> You quickly turn around, frightened.
<img src="Images\Lectures\do nothing\q8.png">
<pink>-"Jeez calm down! I'm not that scary, am I?"</pink>
<b>-"Huuuu.. Y-you scared me, Kei!"</b> You sigh.
<pink>-"Hey! It's still professor Kei to you."</pink> Kei frowns and crosses her arms.
<b>-"Y-yes professor.. Sorry.."</b>
<pink>-"Come on now, I'll take you to my flat."</pink>
<b>-"R-right.."</b> You both walk to her car.
<img src="Images\Lectures\do nothing\q9.webp">
<b>-"I.. Is that?!"</b>
<pink>-"A Subaru BRZ, yes. You like it?"</pink> She smiles and gets in the front seat.
<b>-"F-fuck yeah I like it!!"</b> You get inside.
<pink>-"Well good. Now shut up please, I have to take a call."</pink> The car comes to life and you start rolling down the street. As she's talking to her friend on the phone, you can't stop yourself from dozing off..
<<pageReplace"You've arrived!">>
<pink>-"We're here you sleepyhead.."</pink> She shakes you awake.
<b>-"W-wow!"</b> You look around as you exit the car.
<pink>-"Haha, impressed?"</pink>
<b>-"C-certainly! Does onlyfans really pay this much?"</b> Around you is a block of luxurious apartments.
<img src="Images\Lectures\do nothing\q10.jpg">
<pink>-"Hell yeah! Losers like you pay top dollar to see some of this ass.."</pink> She leads you to her apartment building.
<b>-"Gulp.."</b> You start to get a little nervous..
<pink>-"Come inside."</pink>
<<pageReplace "Step inside">>
<<location "Images/Lectures/do nothing/q11.jpg" "Professor's Kei's apartment">>
<b>-"W-woah!"</b> You say as you look around.
<pink>-"Make yourself at home. I'll get ready for the shoot."</pink> She puts her purse down.
<b>-"R-right. Where's the camera though?"</b>
<pink>-"In the studio. It's the room to your left."</pink> You nod as Kei goes into the bathroom to get ready.
<b>-"Time to check out the studio.."</b> You enter the room the professor pointed at. You spot a camera on the counter, which you take. You also spot some white clotch draped over the wall.
<img src="Images\Lectures\do nothing\q12.jpg">
<b>-"Agh.. This is probably where the shoot will take place."</b> You sit down on one of the chairs.
<<pageReplace"Wait for Kei">>\
<b>-"Yawwwnnn.."</b> You've been waiting for 10 minutes.. Where is she..
<pink>-"I see that you already found the camera!"</pink> She comes into the studio.
<b>-"Y-yeah.."</b> Kei only has lingerie on.. You can't lie - this is turning you on.
<pink>-"Come on, let's start. You better do a good job though, or I'm snitching on your ass."</pink> She squats down in the middle of the studio. It's your queue to start taking pictures.
<b>-"I.. I know, you don't have to remind me."</b> You take out the camera and snap a picture.
<img src="Images\Lectures\do nothing\q3.png">
<pink>-"How do I look?"</pink>
<pink>-"That's what I like to hear.."</pink> You see her shifting her body a bit.
<pink>-"Anyways, bring me that cushion"</pink> She points at a piece of furniture next to you.
<b>-"R-right away.."</b> You take it and bring it to her.
<pink>-"Good boy.."</pink> She slowly climbs on top of it and you snap another picture.
<img src="Images\Lectures\do nothing\q2.png">
<pink>-"Oh..? Did someone wake up?"</pink> She giggles.
<b>-"W-what?"</b> You see her glance at your crotch.
<pink>-"Look for yourself."</pink> You look down and lo and behold - your pants are now a tent.
<b>-"S-shit.. Sorry.."</b> Your cheeks blush.
<pink>-"Hahaha! Don't worry about it, it's normal for men like you."</pink>
<pink>-"Come closer for the last shot."</pink> You nod as walk towards her.
<pink>-"Lay down."</pink>
<b>-"W-what?"</b> You stutter.
<pink>-"You heard me. Lay down."</pink>
<b>-"Y-yes..."</b> As you lay down, professor Kei squats over your face.
<pink>-"Take the final shot $name!"</pink> As you press the button, you feel a light tingling sensation in your penis.
<img src="Images\Lectures\do nothing\q1.png">
<pink>-"Hmmm.. Should we let it say hello?"</pink> She's massaging your crotch!
<b>-"P-professor Kei!"</b>
<pink>-"Hehe gosh you're so cute."</pink>
<<pageReplace"Let it continue.">>\
<<set $pushedkeiawaysub to false>>\
<b>-"Mmmmhhh.. P-professor.."</b> You moan as she shoves the camera away.
<pink>-"Hehe come on, let's see what you got..</pink> She stands up.
<pink>-"Come on, pull it out."</pink> Kei grins.
<b>-"Pull what out..?"</b> You already know the answer.
<pink>-"Your penis. Your pecker. Your dick. Pull it out already, come on!"</pink> You can see that Kei is incredibly horny.. A streak of white liquid is running down her leg.. What's gotten into her? Maybe she's ovulating?
<b>-"R-right.."</b> You stand up and pull down your pants.
<<if $toys ==1>>\
<img src="Images\Lectures\do nothing\q5.jpg">
<pink>-"Agh shit.. T-this will have to do.."</pink> You can see her disappointed face as she pushes you over.
<b>-"W-whaaa!"</b> You scream as you land on your back. Professor Kei climbs on top. As she does, you feel like your cock is about to explode, even with a chastity cage. Being this close with the professor is a dream come true!
<pink>-"C-come on.. W-we have to take it off somehow.."</pink> She desperately starts trying to take the cage off.
<b>-"O-oh shit! P-professor Kei!"</b> You try to warn her, but it's too late..
<img src="Images\Lectures\do nothing\q7.webp">
<b>-"A-aghhh! O-oH my god!!!"</b> You scream as you explode all over.. It's not common that you manage to cum with a cage on.. But professor Kei is just too hot..
<pink>-"Oh.. Oh my god.."</pink> She stands up..
<pink>-"W-what am I doing.."</pink> She looks around, seeing her floor covered in your fluids.
<pink>-"Get out.."</pink> She mumbles.
<b>-"W-what?"</b> You stand up, confused.
<pink>-"I said GET OUT!"</pink> You get the message..
<b>-"R-right away professor Kei!"</b> You quickly pack up your things and start to head out.
<pink>-"Oh and $name."</pink> Kei shouts before you could exit.
<pink>-"Not a word to anyone about what happened here today."</pink>
<b>-"Of.. Of course!"</b> You mumble as you exit the apartment.
<b>-"J-jeez.. Is she a nymphomaniac or something.."</b> You think as you walk towards the bus station.
<b>-"If I only I hadn't worn that stupid fucking cage.."</b>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Go to the city->Go outside]]
<img src="Images\Lectures\do nothing\q4.jpg">
<pink>-"Agh shit.. T-this will have to do.."</pink> You can see her disappointed face as she pushes you towards the wall.
<b>-"W-whaaa!"</b> You scream as your back hits the wall. Kei bends down and starts to grind your cock.. Her fat ass is turning you on so much, you feel like you're about to explode!
<pink>-"C-come on.. I.. I really fucking want.. S-some dick.."</pink> She mumbles as you try your hardest not to cum.. Just a little longer!!
<b>-"O-oh shit! P-professor Kei!"</b> You try to warn her, but it's too late..
<img src="Images\Lectures\do nothing\q6.webp">
<b>-"A-aghhh! O-oH my god!!!"</b> You scream as you explode all over her.. It's not common that you manage to cum hands free.. But professor Kei is just too hot..
<pink>-"Oh.. Oh my god.."</pink> She stands up..
<pink>-"W-what am I doing.."</pink> She looks around, seeing her floor covered in your fluids.
<pink>-"Get out.."</pink> She mumbles.
<b>-"W-what?"</b> You stand up, confused.
<pink>-"I said GET OUT!"</pink> You get the message..
<b>-"R-right away professor Kei!"</b> You quickly pack up your things and start to head out.
<pink>-"Oh and $name."</pink> Kei shouts before you could exit.
<pink>-"Not a word to anyone about what happened here today."</pink>
<b>-"Of.. Of course!"</b> You mumble as you exit the apartment.
<b>-"J-jeez.. Is she a nymphomaniac or something.."</b> You think as you walk towards the bus station.
<b>-"If I only I would have a little more stamina.."</b>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Go to the city->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Stop it.">>
<<set $pushedkeiawaysub to true>>
<b>-"S-stop! Professor Kei!"</b> You push her away from you and stand up.
<pink>-"Excuse me?"</pink>
<b>-"T-this is a purely professional transaction. P-please don't do anything you might regret later!"</b>
<pink>-"Hah! How disappointing. I thought you were cute."</pink> She stands up after you.
<pink>-"We're done here, you can go."</pink> She forcefully takes the camera away from you.
<b>-"S-so you won't tell the principal I've been slacking off?"</b>
<b>-"A.. A-alright.."</b> You walk out of the studio without saying a word.
<pink>-"Oh and $name."</pink> Kei shouts before you could exit.
<pink>-"Not a word to anyone about what happened here today."</pink>
<b>-"Mhm..."</b> You mumble as you exit the apartment.
<b>-"Finally.. Free from her grasp.. Time to catch the bus."</b> You think as you walk towards the bus station.
[[Go to the city->Go outside]]
<pink>-"Well make it so I look amazing!"</pink> You see her shifting her body a bit.
<b>-"How would I do that?"</b>
<pink>-"Take better pictures, obviously."</pink>
<pink>-"Anyways, bring me that cushion"</pink> She points at a piece of furniture next to you.
<b>-"R-right away.."</b> You take it and bring it to her.
<pink>-"Good boy.."</pink> She slowly climbs on top of it and you snap another picture.
<img src="Images\Lectures\do nothing\q2.png">
<pink>-"Oh..? Did someone wake up?"</pink> She giggles.
<b>-"W-what?"</b> You see her glance at your crotch.
<pink>-"Look for yourself."</pink> You look down and lo and behold - your pants are now a tent.
<b>-"S-shit.. Sorry.."</b> Your cheeks blush.
<pink>-"Hahaha! Don't worry about it, it's normal for men like you."</pink>
<pink>-"Come closer for the last shot."</pink> You nod as walk towards her.
<pink>-"Lay down."</pink>
<b>-"W-what?"</b> You stutter.
<pink>-"You heard me. Lay down."</pink>
<b>-"Y-yes..."</b> As you lay down, professor Kei squats over your face.
<pink>-"Take the final shot $name!"</pink> As you press the button, you feel a light tingling sensation in your penis.
<img src="Images\Lectures\do nothing\q1.png">
<pink>-"Hmmm.. Should we let it say hello?"</pink> She's massaging your crotch!
<b>-"P-professor Kei!"</b>
<pink>-"Hehe gosh you're so cute."</pink>
<<pageReplace"Let it continue.">>
<<set $pushedkeiawaysub to false>>\
<b>-"Mmmmhhh.. P-professor.."</b> You moan as she shoves the camera away.
<pink>-"Hehe come on, let's see what you got..</pink> She stands up.
<pink>-"Come on, pull it out."</pink> Kei grins.
<b>-"Pull what out..?"</b> You already know the answer.
<pink>-"Your penis. Your pecker. Your dick. Pull it out already, come on!"</pink> You can see that Kei is incredibly horny.. A streak of white liquid is running down her leg.. What's gotten into her? Maybe she's ovulating?
<b>-"R-right.."</b> You stand up and pull down your pants.
<<if $toys ==1>>\
<img src="Images\Lectures\do nothing\q5.jpg">
<pink>-"Agh shit.. T-this will have to do.."</pink> You can see her disappointed face as she pushes you over.
<b>-"W-whaaa!"</b> You scream as you land on your back. Professor Kei climbs on top. As she does, you feel like your cock is about to explode, even with a chastity cage. Being this close with the professor is a dream come true!
<pink>-"C-come on.. W-we have to take it off somehow.."</pink> She desperately starts trying to take the cage off.
<b>-"O-oh shit! P-professor Kei!"</b> You try to warn her, but it's too late..
<img src="Images\Lectures\do nothing\q7.webp">
<b>-"A-aghhh! O-oH my god!!!"</b> You scream as you explode all over.. It's not common that you manage to cum with a cage on.. But professor Kei is just too hot..
<pink>-"Oh.. Oh my god.."</pink> She stands up..
<pink>-"W-what am I doing.."</pink> She looks around, seeing her floor covered in your fluids.
<pink>-"Get out.."</pink> She mumbles.
<b>-"W-what?"</b> You stand up, confused.
<pink>-"I said GET OUT!"</pink> You get the message..
<b>-"R-right away professor Kei!"</b> You quickly pack up your things and start to head out.
<pink>-"Oh and $name."</pink> Kei shouts before you could exit.
<pink>-"Not a word to anyone about what happened here today."</pink>
<b>-"Of.. Of course!"</b> You mumble as you exit the apartment.
<b>-"J-jeez.. Is she a nymphomaniac or something.."</b> You think as you walk towards the bus station.
<b>-"If I only I hadn't worn that stupid fucking cage.."</b>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Go to the city->Go outside]]
<img src="Images\Lectures\do nothing\q4.jpg">
<pink>-"Agh shit.. T-this will have to do.."</pink> You can see her disappointed face as she pushes you towards the wall.
<b>-"W-whaaa!"</b> You scream as your back hits the wall. Kei bends down and starts to grind your cock.. Her fat ass is turning you on so much, you feel like you're about to explode!
<pink>-"C-come on.. I.. I really fucking want.. S-some dick.."</pink> She mumbles as you try your hardest not to cum.. Just a little longer!!
<b>-"O-oh shit! P-professor Kei!"</b> You try to warn her, but it's too late..
<img src="Images\Lectures\do nothing\q6.webp">
<b>-"A-aghhh! O-oH my god!!!"</b> You scream as you explode all over her.. It's not common that you manage to cum hands free.. But professor Kei is just too hot..
<pink>-"Oh.. Oh my god.."</pink> She stands up..
<pink>-"W-what am I doing.."</pink> She looks around, seeing her floor covered in your fluids.
<pink>-"Get out.."</pink> She mumbles.
<b>-"W-what?"</b> You stand up, confused.
<pink>-"I said GET OUT!"</pink> You get the message..
<b>-"R-right away professor Kei!"</b> You quickly pack up your things and start to head out.
<pink>-"Oh and $name."</pink> Kei shouts before you could exit.
<pink>-"Not a word to anyone about what happened here today."</pink>
<b>-"Of.. Of course!"</b> You mumble as you exit the apartment.
<b>-"J-jeez.. Is she a nymphomaniac or something.."</b> You think as you walk towards the bus station.
<b>-"If I only I would have a little more stamina.."</b>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Go to the city->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Stop it.">>
<<set $pushedkeiawaysub to true>>
<b>-"S-stop! Professor Kei!"</b> You push her away from you and stand up.
<pink>-"Excuse me?"</pink>
<b>-"T-this is a purely professional transaction. P-please don't do anything you might regret later!"</b>
<pink>-"Hah! How disappointing. I thought you were cute."</pink> She stands up after you.
<pink>-"We're done here, you can go."</pink> She forcefully takes the camera away from you.
<b>-"S-so you won't tell the principal I've been slacking off?"</b>
<b>-"A.. A-alright.."</b> You walk out of the studio without saying a word.
<pink>-"Oh and $name."</pink> Kei shouts before you could exit.
<pink>-"Not a word to anyone about what happened here today."</pink>
<b>-"Mhm..."</b> You mumble as you exit the apartment.
<b>-"Finally.. Free from her grasp.. Time to catch the bus."</b> You think as you walk towards the bus station.
[[Go to the city->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>><<set $attended2 to true>>\
<<set $worknothing to $worknothing +1>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<if $adriana>0>>
<b>-"So hotttt.."</b> You whisper as you begin looking at rule 36 of overwatch...
<img src="Images\Lectures\do nothing\a1.png">
<b>-"Gosh I love widowmaker, those hips are crazy!"</b> Your cock begins to harden.
<b>-"What the fuck am I doing.."</b> You suddenly get a feeling of existential dread.
<b>-"I still need to invite so many students and all I'm doing is messing around.."</b> Your phone vibrates, you get a weather forecast notification.
<img src="Images\Lectures\do nothing\a2.png">
<b>-"Hmmm... I could invite Adriana and some of her friends..."</b>
<b>-"They won't be from the SUP, but I doubt Hudson would care that much.."</b>
<<pageReplace"Text her.">>
<b>-"Wait, what am I doing? I better finish this conversation before continuing to laze around..."</b> You think as you put the phone down.
<<message "Adriana" "Do nothing 7 part 2" "Hey! Have a second?" open>>
<<pageReplace"Nah, not worth it.">>
<b>-"Nah, not worth it, she probably wouldn't agree anyways."</b>
<b>-"I'm starting to regret agreeing to help to be honest."</b>
<b>-"Sigh.."</b> You let out another sigh and open up Agar.io on your computer.
<b>-"Need to pass this time somehow!"</b>
<grey>Recruited +0!</grey>
[[Laze around for the rest of the day->Go outside]]
<b>-"So hotttt.."</b> You whisper as you begin looking at rule 36 of overwatch...
<img src="Images\Lectures\do nothing\a1.png">
<b>-"Gosh I love widowmaker, those hips are crazy!"</b> Your cock begins to harden.
<b>-"What the fuck am I doing.."</b> You suddenly get a feeling of existential dread.
<b>-"I still need to invite so many students and all I'm doing is messing around.."</b> Your phone vibrates, you get a weather forecast notification.
<img src="Images\Lectures\do nothing\a2.png">
<b>-"Hmmm... I could invite some of my friends to join.."</b>
<b>-"On second thought.. I don't really have any friends.. Shit.</b> You let out another sigh and open up Agar.io on your computer.
<b>-"Need to pass this time somehow!"</b>
<grey>Recruited +0!</grey>
[[Laze around for the rest of the day->Go outside]]
<<messengerHeader Adriana>>
<<if $domstatus is true>>
<<me>>Hey, have a second?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Uhmmm, sure, just laying in bed with Chris rn.<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Lectures/do nothing/a3.jpg">><</them>>
<<them wait>>What's up?<</them>>
<div id="choices">
<<messageReplyReplace "How was he?" #choices>>
<<me>> How was he?<</me>>
<<them wait>>What do you mean? 😅<</them>>
<<messageReply "In bed I mean.">>
<<me>> How was he in bed, I mean.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Oh! Well, mediocre, as always..<</them>>
<<them wait>>I'm used to it by now 🤣<</them>>
<<them wait>>Anyways, so what did you want?<</them>>
<<messageReply "The SUP is hosting a festival, maybe you would like to join?">>
<<me>>The SUP is hosting a festival, maybe you would like to join?<</me>>
<<me>>You can invite your friends as well.<</me>>
<<them wait>>A festival..?<</them>>
<<them wait>>Isn't it just for students? Why are you inviting me?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Need a lot more students to register.">>
<<me>>I need to meet a quota of 1000 students and I'm nowhere near it 😄<</me>>
<<me>>Thought that inviting some outsiders might be smart.<</me>>
<<me>>You have some sort of friend group you could invite right? The more the merrier.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Uhmmmm, I could invite my girlfriends, we have a snapchat group together.<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Lectures/do nothing/a4.webp">><</them>>
<<messageReply "Perfect!">>
<<me>>Perfect! Then just tell them to send their details to my number and I'll make sure that y'all are on the guest list.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Woah woah woah hold your horses...<</them>>
<<them wait>>I'm doing you a favor here... I want something in return... 😎<</them>>
<<messageReply "Here we go..">>
<<me>>Here we go.. Of course you do... What is it?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Well, I've been looking to buy this little toy for a while 😋<</them>>
<<them wait>>Lemme take a pic...<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Lectures/do nothing/a5.webp">><</them>>
<<them wait>>If you send me some cash I'll gladly invite my friends!!!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Are you actually this broke?">>
<<me>>Are you actually this broke?<</me>>
<<them wait>>RUDE!<</them>>
<<them wait>>I'm a stay at home girlfriend, of course I don't have any money!<</them>>
<<them wait>>And Chris sucks, he would never buy me something like this..<</them>>
<<if $money>=46>>
<div id="choices2">
<<messageReplyReplace "Fine.. Sending the money now." #choices2>>
<<me>>Fineee, sending the money now.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Hehehe thank you!!!! ❤️❤️❤️<</them>>
<<them wait>>I'm texting them now!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Talk to you later.">>
<<me>>Good.. Talk to you later, need to head home.<</me>>
<<them>>Mhm, sure! Thanks again! :P<</them>>
<<money -46 "Bought Adriana a dildo.">>
<<set $boughtadrianaadildo to true>>
<<set $recruited to $recruited +15>>
<grey>Recruited +15!</grey>
<<goto "Go outside">>
<<messageReplyReplace "Why do you need a dildo anyways, when you have me?" #choices2>>
<<me>>Why do you need a dildo, when you have me anyways?<</me>>
<<me>>Sending an old pic, just to jog your memory..<</me>>
<<me>><<image "Lectures/do nothing/a6.jpg">><</me>>
<<them wait>>Fuck... Maybe you're right..<</them>>
<<them wait>>Not going to lie, I've missed that thing..<</them>>
<<messageReply "Won't have to miss it for long if you invite your friends.">>
<<me>>Won't have to miss it for long if you invite your friends 😏<</me>>
<<them wait>>Shit..<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Lectures/do nothing/a8.webp" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Now I have to go and clean up, thanks idiot 🙄<</them>>
<<them wait>>I'm saving the pic though 😋<</them>>
<<messageReply "Is that a yes?">>
<<me>>Is that a yes?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Yeahhh fine... I'll invite them. You owe me a good pounding session though!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Fine by me!">>
<<me>>Fine by me!<</me>>
<<me>>Anyways, talk to you later, need to head home.<</me>>
<<them>>Mhm, sure! Sending them the message now... :P<</them>>
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
<<set $recruited to $recruited +15>>
<grey>Recruited +15!</grey>
<<goto "Go outside">>
<<messageReplyReplace "Forget it, don't want to waste my cash on useless things like this." #choices2>>
<<me>>Eh forget it, don't want to waste my cash on useless things like this.<</me>>
<<them wait>>It's not useless :(<</them>>
<<them wait>>So it's a no?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Unfortunately not.">>
<<me>>Unfortunately not..<</me>>
<<them wait>>Unfortunate indeed... No new students for you!<</them>>
<grey>Recruited +0!</grey>
<<goto "Go outside">>
<div id="choices2">
<<messageReplyReplace "Forget it, don't have enough cash myself." #choices2>>
<<me>>Eh forget it, don't have enough cash myself.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Awh.. :(<</them>>
<<them wait>>So it's a no?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Unfortunately not.">>
<<me>>Unfortunately not..<</me>>
<<them wait>>Unfortunate indeed... No new students for you!<</them>>
<grey>Recruited +0!</grey>
<<goto "Go outside">>
<<messageReplyReplace "Why do you need a dildo anyways, when you have me?" #choices2>>
<<me>>Why do you need a dildo, when you have me anyways?<</me>>
<<me>>Sending an old pic, just to jog your memory..<</me>>
<<me>><<image "Lectures/do nothing/a6.jpg">><</me>>
<<them wait>>Fuck... Maybe you're right..<</them>>
<<them wait>>Not going to lie, I've missed that thing..<</them>>
<<messageReply "Won't have to miss it for long if you invite your friends.">>
<<me>>Won't have to miss it for long if you invite your friends 😏<</me>>
<<them wait>>Shit..<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Lectures/do nothing/a8.webp" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Now I have to go and clean up, thanks idiot 🙄<</them>>
<<them wait>>I'm saving the pic though 😋<</them>>
<<messageReply "Is that a yes?">>
<<me>>Is that a yes?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Yeahhh fine... I'll invite them. You owe me a good pounding session though!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Fine by me!">>
<<me>>Fine by me!<</me>>
<<me>>Anyways, talk to you later, need to head home.<</me>>
<<them>>Mhm, sure! Sending them the message now... :P<</them>>
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
<<set $recruited to $recruited +15>>
<grey>Recruited +15!</grey>
<<goto "Go outside">>
<<messageReplyReplace "Get to the point." #choices>>
<<me>>The SUP is hosting a festival, maybe you would like to join?<</me>>
<<me>>You can invite your friends as well.<</me>>
<<them wait>>A festival..?<</them>>
<<them wait>>Isn't it just for students? Why are you inviting me?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Need a lot more students to register.">>
<<me>>I need to meet a quota of 1000 students and I'm nowhere near it 😄<</me>>
<<me>>Thought that inviting some outsiders might be smart.<</me>>
<<me>>You have some sort of friend group you could invite right? The more the merrier.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Uhmmmm, I could invite my girlfriends, we have a snapchat group together.<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Lectures/do nothing/a4.webp">><</them>>
<<messageReply "Perfect!">>
<<me>>Perfect! Then just tell them to send their details to my number and I'll make sure that y'all are on the guest list.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Woah woah woah hold your horses...<</them>>
<<them wait>>I'm doing you a favor here... I want something in return... 😎<</them>>
<<messageReply "Here we go..">>
<<me>>Here we go.. Of course you do... What is it?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Well, I've been looking to buy this little toy for a while 😋<</them>>
<<them wait>>Lemme take a pic...<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Lectures/do nothing/a5.webp">><</them>>
<<them wait>>If you send me some cash I'll gladly invite my friends!!!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Are you actually this broke?">>
<<me>>Are you actually this broke?<</me>>
<<them wait>>RUDE!<</them>>
<<them wait>>I'm a stay at home girlfriend, of course I don't have any money!<</them>>
<<them wait>>And Chris sucks, he would never buy me something like this..<</them>>
<<if $money>=46>>
<div id="choices2">
<<messageReplyReplace "Fine.. Sending the money now." #choices2>>
<<me>>Fineee, sending the money now.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Hehehe thank you!!!! ❤️❤️❤️<</them>>
<<them wait>>I'm texting them now!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Talk to you later.">>
<<me>>Good.. Talk to you later, need to head home.<</me>>
<<them>>Mhm, sure! Thanks again! :P<</them>>
<<money -46 "Bought Adriana a dildo.">>
<<set $boughtadrianaadildo to true>>
<<set $recruited to $recruited +15>>
<grey>Recruited +15!</grey>
<<goto "Go outside">>
<<messageReplyReplace "Why do you need a dildo anyways, when you have me?" #choices2>>
<<me>>Why do you need a dildo, when you have me anyways?<</me>>
<<me>>Sending an old pic, just to jog your memory..<</me>>
<<me>><<image "Lectures/do nothing/a6.jpg">><</me>>
<<them wait>>Fuck... Maybe you're right..<</them>>
<<them wait>>Not going to lie, I've missed that thing..<</them>>
<<messageReply "Won't have to miss it for long if you invite your friends.">>
<<me>>Won't have to miss it for long if you invite your friends 😏<</me>>
<<them wait>>Shit..<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Lectures/do nothing/a8.webp" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Now I have to go and clean up, thanks idiot 🙄<</them>>
<<them wait>>I'm saving the pic though 😋<</them>>
<<messageReply "Is that a yes?">>
<<me>>Is that a yes?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Yeahhh fine... I'll invite them. You owe me a good pounding session though!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Fine by me!">>
<<me>>Fine by me!<</me>>
<<me>>Anyways, talk to you later, need to head home.<</me>>
<<them>>Mhm, sure! Sending them the message now... :P<</them>>
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
<<set $recruited to $recruited +15>>
<grey>Recruited +15!</grey>
<<goto "Go outside">>
<<messageReplyReplace "Forget it, don't want to waste my cash on useless things like this." #choices2>>
<<me>>Eh forget it, don't want to waste my cash on useless things like this.<</me>>
<<them wait>>It's not useless :(<</them>>
<<them wait>>So it's a no?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Unfortunately not.">>
<<me>>Unfortunately not..<</me>>
<<them wait>>Unfortunate indeed... No new students for you!<</them>>
<grey>Recruited +0!</grey>
<<goto "Go outside">>
<div id="choices2">
<<messageReplyReplace "Forget it, don't have enough cash myself." #choices2>>
<<me>>Eh forget it, don't have enough cash myself.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Awh.. :(<</them>>
<<them wait>>So it's a no?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Unfortunately not.">>
<<me>>Unfortunately not..<</me>>
<<them wait>>Unfortunate indeed... No new students for you!<</them>>
<grey>Recruited +0!</grey>
<<goto "Go outside">>
<<messageReplyReplace "Why do you need a dildo anyways, when you have me?" #choices2>>
<<me>>Why do you need a dildo, when you have me anyways?<</me>>
<<me>>Sending an old pic, just to jog your memory..<</me>>
<<me>><<image "Lectures/do nothing/a6.jpg">><</me>>
<<them wait>>Fuck... Maybe you're right..<</them>>
<<them wait>>Not going to lie, I've missed that thing..<</them>>
<<messageReply "Won't have to miss it for long if you invite your friends.">>
<<me>>Won't have to miss it for long if you invite your friends 😏<</me>>
<<them wait>>Shit..<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Lectures/do nothing/a8.webp" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Now I have to go and clean up, thanks idiot 🙄<</them>>
<<them wait>>I'm saving the pic though 😋<</them>>
<<messageReply "Is that a yes?">>
<<me>>Is that a yes?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Yeahhh fine... I'll invite them. You owe me a good pounding session though!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Fine by me!">>
<<me>>Fine by me!<</me>>
<<me>>Anyways, talk to you later, need to head home.<</me>>
<<them>>Mhm, sure! Sending them the message now... :P<</them>>
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
<<set $recruited to $recruited +15>>
<grey>Recruited +15!</grey>
<<goto "Go outside">>
<<me>>Hey, have a second?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Uhmmm, sure, just laying in bed with Chris rn.<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Lectures/do nothing/a3.jpg">><</them>>
<<them wait>>What's up?<</them>>
<div id="choices">
<<messageReplyReplace "How was he?" #choices>>
<<me>> How was he?<</me>>
<<them wait>>What do you mean? 😅<</them>>
<<messageReply "In bed I mean.">>
<<me>> How was he in bed, I mean.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Incredible, as always.<</them>>
<<them wait>>What, you want to watch again? 🤣<</them>>
<<messageReply "Shut up..">>
<<me>>Shut up, I'm here for another reason 🙄<</me>>
<<me>>The SUP is hosting a festival, maybe you would like to join?<</me>>
<<me>>You can invite your friends as well.<</me>>
<<them wait>>A festival..?<</them>>
<<them wait>>Isn't it just for students? Why are you inviting me?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Need a lot more students to register.">>
<<me>>I need to meet a quota of 1000 students and I'm nowhere near it 😄<</me>>
<<me>>Thought that inviting some outsiders might be smart.<</me>>
<<me>>You have some sort of friend group you could invite right? The more the merrier.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Uhmmmm, I could invite my girlfriends, we have a snapchat group together.<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Lectures/do nothing/a4.webp">><</them>>
<<messageReply "Perfect!">>
<<me>>Perfect! Then just tell them to send their details to my number and I'll make sure that y'all are on the guest list.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Woah woah woah hold your horses...<</them>>
<<them wait>>I'm doing you a favor here... I want something in return... 😎<</them>>
<<messageReply "Here we go..">>
<<me>>Here we go.. Of course you do... What is it?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Well, I've been looking to buy this little toy for a while 😋<</them>>
<<them wait>>Lemme take a pic...<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Lectures/do nothing/a5.webp">><</them>>
<<them wait>>If you send me some cash I'll gladly invite my friends!!!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Are you actually this broke?">>
<<me>>Are you actually this broke?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Obviously not.<</them>>
<<them wait>>But as a cuck and our pet, you should buy us our toys, no?<</them>>
<<them wait>>You could watch while we use it too :P<</them>>
<<if $money>=46>>
<div id="choices2">
<<messageReplyReplace "Fine.. Sending the money now." #choices2>>
<<me>>Fineee, sending the money now.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Hehehe thank you!!!! ❤️❤️❤️<</them>>
<<them wait>>I'm texting them now!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Talk to you later.">>
<<me>>Good.. Talk to you later, need to head home.<</me>>
<<them>>Mhm, sure! Thanks again! :P<</them>>
<<money -46 "Bought Adriana a dildo.">>
<<set $boughtadrianaadildo to true>>
<<set $recruited to $recruited +15>>
<grey>Recruited +15!</grey>
<<goto "Go outside">>
<<messageReplyReplace "Why do you need a dildo anyways, when you have me?" #choices2>>
<<me>>Why do you need a dildo, when you have me and Chris anyways?<</me>>
<<me>>Look at this, it's a old pic I took... 😎<</me>>
<<me>><<image "Lectures/do nothing/a7.png">><</me>>
<<them wait>>💀💀💀<</them>>
<<them wait>>Put a away that little thing.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Come on..">>
<<me>>Come on... It's the same size as the dildo!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Yeah, but the dildo lasts longer than 2 minutes!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Look..<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Lectures/do nothing/a9.jpg" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Dry as the sahara desert! 😄<</them>>
<<messageReply "So no?">>
<<me>>So no?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Obviously not.. Either pay, or no deal!<</them>>
<div id="choices3">
<<messageReplyReplace "Fine.." #choices3>>
<<me>>Fineee, sending the money now.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Hehehe thank you!!!! ❤️❤️❤️<</them>>
<<them wait>>I'm texting them now!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Talk to you later.">>
<<me>>Good.. Talk to you later, need to head home.<</me>>
<<them>>Mhm, sure! Thanks again! :P<</them>>
<<money -46 "Bought Adriana a dildo.">>
<<set $boughtadrianaadildo to true>>
<<set $recruited to $recruited +15>>
<grey>Recruited +15!</grey>
<<goto "Go outside">>
<<messageReplyReplace "No.." #choices3>>
<<me>>Eh forget it, don't want to waste my cash on useless things like this.<</me>>
<<them wait>>It's a lot more useful than that thing u sent..<</them>>
<<them wait>>So it's a no?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Unfortunately not.">>
<<me>>Unfortunately not..<</me>>
<<them wait>>Unfortunate indeed... No new students for you!<</them>>
<grey>Recruited +0!</grey>
<<goto "Go outside">>
<<messageReplyReplace "Forget it, don't want to waste my cash on useless things like this." #choices2>>
<<me>>Eh forget it, don't want to waste my cash on useless things like this.<</me>>
<<them wait>>It's not useless :(<</them>>
<<them wait>>So it's a no?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Unfortunately not.">>
<<me>>Unfortunately not..<</me>>
<<them wait>>Unfortunate indeed... No new students for you!<</them>>
<grey>Recruited +0!</grey>
<<goto "Go outside">>
<div id="choices2">
<<messageReplyReplace "Forget it, don't have enough cash myself." #choices2>>
<<me>>Eh forget it, don't have enough cash myself.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Awh.. :(<</them>>
<<them wait>>So it's a no?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Unfortunately not.">>
<<me>>Unfortunately not..<</me>>
<<them wait>>Unfortunate indeed... No new students for you!<</them>>
<grey>Recruited +0!</grey>
<<goto "Go outside">>
<<messageReplyReplace "Why do you need a dildo anyways, when you have me?" #choices2>>
<<me>>Why do you need a dildo, when you have me and Chris anyways?<</me>>
<<me>>Look at this, it's a old pic I took... 😎<</me>>
<<me>><<image "Lectures/do nothing/a7.png">><</me>>
<<them wait>>💀💀💀<</them>>
<<them wait>>Put a away that little thing.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Come on..">>
<<me>>Come on... It's the same size as the dildo!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Yeah, but the dildo lasts longer than 2 minutes!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Look..<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Lectures/do nothing/a9.jpg" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Dry as the sahara desert! 😄<</them>>
<<messageReply "So no?">>
<<me>>So no?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Obviously not.. Either pay, or no deal!<</them>>
<div id="choices3">
<<messageReplyReplace "Fine.." #choices3>>
<<me>>Fineee, sending the money now.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Hehehe thank you!!!! ❤️❤️❤️<</them>>
<<them wait>>I'm texting them now!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Talk to you later.">>
<<me>>Good.. Talk to you later, need to head home.<</me>>
<<them>>Mhm, sure! Thanks again! :P<</them>>
<<money -46 "Bought Adriana a dildo.">>
<<set $boughtadrianaadildo to true>>
<<set $recruited to $recruited +15>>
<grey>Recruited +15!</grey>
<<goto "Go outside">>
<<messageReplyReplace "No.." #choices3>>
<<me>>Eh forget it, don't want to waste my cash on useless things like this.<</me>>
<<them wait>>It's a lot more useful than that thing u sent..<</them>>
<<them wait>>So it's a no?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Unfortunately not.">>
<<me>>Unfortunately not..<</me>>
<<them wait>>Unfortunate indeed... No new students for you!<</them>>
<grey>Recruited +0!</grey>
<<goto "Go outside">>
<<messageReplyReplace "Get to the point." #choices>>
<<me>>The SUP is hosting a festival, maybe you would like to join?<</me>>
<<me>>You can invite your friends as well.<</me>>
<<them wait>>A festival..?<</them>>
<<them wait>>Isn't it just for students? Why are you inviting me?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Need a lot more students to register.">>
<<me>>I need to meet a quota of 1000 students and I'm nowhere near it 😄<</me>>
<<me>>Thought that inviting some outsiders might be smart.<</me>>
<<me>>You have some sort of friend group you could invite right? The more the merrier.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Uhmmmm, I could invite my girlfriends, we have a snapchat group together.<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Lectures/do nothing/a4.webp">><</them>>
<<messageReply "Perfect!">>
<<me>>Perfect! Then just tell them to send their details to my number and I'll make sure that y'all are on the guest list.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Woah woah woah hold your horses...<</them>>
<<them wait>>I'm doing you a favor here... I want something in return... 😎<</them>>
<<messageReply "Here we go..">>
<<me>>Here we go.. Of course you do... What is it?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Well, I've been looking to buy this little toy for a while 😋<</them>>
<<them wait>>Lemme take a pic...<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Lectures/do nothing/a5.webp">><</them>>
<<them wait>>If you send me some cash I'll gladly invite my friends!!!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Are you actually this broke?">>
<<me>>Are you actually this broke?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Obviously not.<</them>>
<<them wait>>But as a cuck and our pet, you should buy us our toys, no?<</them>>
<<them wait>>You could watch while we use it too :P<</them>>
<<if $money>=46>>
<div id="choices2">
<<messageReplyReplace "Fine.. Sending the money now." #choices2>>
<<me>>Fineee, sending the money now.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Hehehe thank you!!!! ❤️❤️❤️<</them>>
<<them wait>>I'm texting them now!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Talk to you later.">>
<<me>>Good.. Talk to you later, need to head home.<</me>>
<<them>>Mhm, sure! Thanks again! :P<</them>>
<<money -46 "Bought Adriana a dildo.">>
<<set $boughtadrianaadildo to true>>
<<set $recruited to $recruited +15>>
<grey>Recruited +15!</grey>
<<goto "Go outside">>
<<messageReplyReplace "Why do you need a dildo anyways, when you have me?" #choices2>>
<<me>>Why do you need a dildo, when you have me and Chris anyways?<</me>>
<<me>>Look at this, it's a old pic I took... 😎<</me>>
<<me>><<image "Lectures/do nothing/a7.png">><</me>>
<<them wait>>💀💀💀<</them>>
<<them wait>>Put a away that little thing.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Come on..">>
<<me>>Come on... It's the same size as the dildo!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Yeah, but the dildo lasts longer than 2 minutes!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Look..<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Lectures/do nothing/a9.jpg" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Dry as the sahara desert! 😄<</them>>
<<messageReply "So no?">>
<<me>>So no?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Obviously not.. Either pay, or no deal!<</them>>
<div id="choices3">
<<messageReplyReplace "Fine.." #choices3>>
<<me>>Fineee, sending the money now.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Hehehe thank you!!!! ❤️❤️❤️<</them>>
<<them wait>>I'm texting them now!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Talk to you later.">>
<<me>>Good.. Talk to you later, need to head home.<</me>>
<<them>>Mhm, sure! Thanks again! :P<</them>>
<<money -46 "Bought Adriana a dildo.">>
<<set $boughtadrianaadildo to true>>
<<set $recruited to $recruited +15>>
<grey>Recruited +15!</grey>
<<goto "Go outside">>
<<messageReplyReplace "No.." #choices3>>
<<me>>Eh forget it, don't want to waste my cash on useless things like this.<</me>>
<<them wait>>It's a lot more useful than that thing u sent..<</them>>
<<them wait>>So it's a no?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Unfortunately not.">>
<<me>>Unfortunately not..<</me>>
<<them wait>>Unfortunate indeed... No new students for you!<</them>>
<grey>Recruited +0!</grey>
<<goto "Go outside">>
<<messageReplyReplace "Forget it, don't want to waste my cash on useless things like this." #choices2>>
<<me>>Eh forget it, don't want to waste my cash on useless things like this.<</me>>
<<them wait>>It's not useless :(<</them>>
<<them wait>>So it's a no?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Unfortunately not.">>
<<me>>Unfortunately not..<</me>>
<<them wait>>Unfortunate indeed... No new students for you!<</them>>
<grey>Recruited +0!</grey>
<<goto "Go outside">>
<div id="choices2">
<<messageReplyReplace "Forget it, don't have enough cash myself." #choices2>>
<<me>>Eh forget it, don't have enough cash myself.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Awh.. :(<</them>>
<<them wait>>So it's a no?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Unfortunately not.">>
<<me>>Unfortunately not..<</me>>
<<them wait>>Unfortunate indeed... No new students for you!<</them>>
<grey>Recruited +0!</grey>
<<goto "Go outside">>
<<messageReplyReplace "Why do you need a dildo anyways, when you have me?" #choices2>>
<<me>>Why do you need a dildo, when you have me and Chris anyways?<</me>>
<<me>>Look at this, it's a old pic I took... 😎<</me>>
<<me>><<image "Lectures/do nothing/a7.png">><</me>>
<<them wait>>💀💀💀<</them>>
<<them wait>>Put a away that little thing.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Come on..">>
<<me>>Come on... It's the same size as the dildo!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Yeah, but the dildo lasts longer than 2 minutes!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Look..<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Lectures/do nothing/a9.jpg" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Dry as the sahara desert! 😄<</them>>
<<messageReply "So no?">>
<<me>>So no?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Obviously not.. Either pay, or no deal!<</them>>
<div id="choices3">
<<messageReplyReplace "Fine.." #choices3>>
<<me>>Fineee, sending the money now.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Hehehe thank you!!!! ❤️❤️❤️<</them>>
<<them wait>>I'm texting them now!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Talk to you later.">>
<<me>>Good.. Talk to you later, need to head home.<</me>>
<<them>>Mhm, sure! Thanks again! :P<</them>>
<<money -46 "Bought Adriana a dildo.">>
<<set $boughtadrianaadildo to true>>
<<set $recruited to $recruited +15>>
<grey>Recruited +15!</grey>
<<goto "Go outside">>
<<messageReplyReplace "No.." #choices3>>
<<me>>Eh forget it, don't want to waste my cash on useless things like this.<</me>>
<<them wait>>It's a lot more useful than that thing u sent..<</them>>
<<them wait>>So it's a no?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Unfortunately not.">>
<<me>>Unfortunately not..<</me>>
<<them wait>>Unfortunate indeed... No new students for you!<</them>>
<grey>Recruited +0!</grey>
<<goto "Go outside">>
<</messengerChat>><<set $attended2 to true>>\
<<set $worknothing to $worknothing +1>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<b>-"Oof.. Another day, another boring afternoon.."</b> You don't feel like doing anything today...
<grey>Dum durum!</grey>
<b>-"Nice.."</b> The sound of clash of clans opening up fills the room.
<img src="Images\Lectures\do nothing\aa1.jpg">
<b>-"Fuck yeah.. Townhall 12, finally!"</b> You play for a good ten minutes, but get bored once again.
<b>-"Sigh.."</b> As you begin looking around the office, a drawer grabs your attention.
<b>-"It's the drawer I found those documents in..."</b>
<img src="Images\Lectures\do nothing\aa2.jpg">
<b>-"Should I?"</b>
<<pageReplace"Look for more incriminating evidence.">>
<b>-"Fuck it! Bored anyways."</b> You get your ass out of the chair and slowly walk to the drawer.
<b>-"Let's see.."</b> With a slight pull, it opens up, revealing a similar collection of documents that you remember.
<b>-"Now, let's see if we can find something interesting..</b>
<img src="Images\Lectures\do nothing\aa3.jpeg">
<b>-"The SUP water bill... No.."</b>
<b>-"Employee benefits list.. Don't care.."</b>
<b>-"Hmmm.. The SUP 2023 festival bank statements? This is from last year.. Intersting."</b> You pull the document out.
The SUP 2023 festival bank statements.
<ul class="footer2">
<ul class="footer2">
<ul class="footer2">
<li>Thank you.</li>
<ul class="footer2">
<ul class="footer2">
<li>Private show.</li>
<ul class="footer2">
<li>For VIP.</li>
<ul class="footer2">
<ul class="footer2">
<li>For VIP.</li>
IMPORTANT: Only official services are represented on paper and in the system. Reason for price differences are in the comments.
Page 1/46.
<b>-"Interesting... They pay 2500 dollars extra just to become a VIP? What does that even mean?"</b>
<b>-"Private show is an extra 4 grand as well..."</b>
<b>-"Also, 46 damn pages? DAMN!</b>
<b>-"Let's grab one just in case, might become useful later."</b> You shove the document into your backpack and quickly close the drawer.
<b>-"Right!"</b> As you stand up, you instinctively look around.
<b>-"Wait.. Is that...?"</b> You spot something near the door.
<img src="Images\Lectures\do nothing\aa4.png">
<b>-"Shit!"</b> As soon as you look over, the door closes.
<b>-"Someone was spying one me!"</b>
<<pageReplace"Find out who.">>
<b>-"Shit shit shit shit! Gosh I hope it's not one of the professors..</b> You quickly run up to the door.
<b>-"W-whoever you are, I'm sorry!"</b> You announce as you open the door.
<img src="Images\Lectures\do nothing\aa5.jpg">
<b>-"Wait.. Huh?"</b> You look both ways, but the corridor is empty.
<b>-"How did they disappear that quickly..?"</b> While being silent, you close the door and sit back down in your chair.
<b>-"Fuck... What was that?! Am I just paranoid? No, but I heard the bang! That was definitely real!"</b>
<b>-"I.. I don't know.. Hopefully this doesn't ruin things.."</b>
<<set $previdence to $previdence +1>>
<grey>Incriminating evidence +1!</grey>
[[Calm down and go home->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"I better not.">>
<b>-"Nah.. I better not, what if Hudson finds out.."</b> You look down at your phone again.
<grey>Dum durum!</grey>
<b>-"Hehehe, let's play some more.."</b>
[[Play clash of clans the whole afternoon->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>><<set $attended2 to true>>\
<<set $worknothing to $worknothing +1>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<b>-"Pu pu pupuruuu... Pa pa paparaaaa..."</b> You mumble while looking at the ceiling.
<b>-"Gosh this is boring.."</b>
<img src="Images\Lectures\do nothing\y1.png">
<b>-"I wonder how Emily is doing... Maybe I should text her..?"</b> You grab your phone.
<b>-"Yeah, why not!"</b> Before you could do anything though, the office door quickly opens.
<b>-"Oh?"</b> As soon as you turn to see who it is, your stomach drops..
<img src="Images\Lectures\do nothing\y2.png">
<m>-"Good afternoon.."</m> It's Hudson! What is he doing here?!
<b>-"M-mister Hudson! Good day!"</b> You quickly stand up and shove the phone in your pocket.
<m>-"Calm down $name, I'm not here for an inspection or anything."</m> He chuckles.
<b>-"Hah, just got surprised, that's all!"</b>
<m>-"Understood... Taking a break huh?"</m>
<b>-"Yeah! Been a pretty rough day today!"</b>
<m>-"Can relate... Anyways, if you don't mind.."</m> He points at the drawer behind you.
<<pageReplace"Move out of the way.">>
<b>-"Oh.. Of course!"</b> You move to the side as Hudson walks up to the drawer.
<b>-"You need something?"</b>
<m>-"Yeah.. Just some documents I left here.."</m> He bends down, turns on a small flashlight and begins looking.
<img src="Images\Lectures\do nothing\y3.jpg">
<<if $previdence >1>>\
<m>-"Hmmghhh.."</m> You begin to get nervous as he continues to look for it.
<b>-"Not finding it?"</b>
<m>-"No.. It seems like it's missing.."</m>
<b>-"W-well how could that be the case..?"</b>
<m>-"I don't know.."</m> He stands up and looks at you.
<img src="Images\Lectures\do nothing\y5.jpg">
<m>-"You wouldn't have taken it, right?"</m>
<b>-"Of course not! Sir!"</b>
<m>-"...I figured.."</m>
<m>-"Sigh, fine, maybe I left it in another office of mine."</m> Mister Hudson begins to move towards the door as a drop of sweat runs down your face.
<m>-"Some of the documents in that drawer are very important, I'm intrusting their safety to you $name, please make sure none of them go missing."</m>
<b>-"You can count on me!"</b>
<m>-"Good..."</m> The door swings open.
<m>-"Keep up the good work, the festival is taking place soon."</m>
<b>-"Yes sir!"</b> He exits as you breath out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuckkkkkk!! I hope he wasn't looking for one of the documents I took.."</b>
<b>-"Gosh that would ruin things.."</b> You sit back down.
<b>-"I need to be even more sneaky from now on if I want to get away with it.."</b>
[[Calm down before continuing to laze around->Go outside]]
<m>-"Hmmghhh.."</m> You begin to get nervous as he continues to look for it.
<b>-"Not finding it?"</b>
<m>-"Ah! There it is!"</m> He takes out a document from the drawer.
<b>-"Nice! Happy that you found it!"</b>
<m>-"Hah, me too, this little paper is going to save me from a whole lot of trouble!"</m> He chuckles and stands up.
<m>-"Anyways, keep up the good work, the festival is taking place soon."</m>
<b>-"Yes sir!"</b> You answer as he walks to the door.
<m>-"You're going to reach a thousand, right?"</m> Hudson looks back.
<img src="Images\Lectures\do nothing\y5.jpg">
<b>-"Of course! You can count on me sir!"</b>
<m>-"Good, have a great rest of your afternoon then."</m>
<b>-"You too!"</b> The door closes as he exists.
<b>-"Huueeewww.. That was scary.."</b> You sit back down.
<b>-"If I ever want to take a document or two from there, I'll have to find a way to hide my tracks.."</b>
[[Calm down before continuing to laze around->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>><<set $attended2 to true>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
This is the end of "Do nothing" option in v0.8.5
Doing nothing in future releases will lead to you discovering various things in the office, leading to different endings. You might also get caught, by the principal or by other professors, who will accuse you of being lazy.. how you will handle this will be up to you.
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]<<set $attended2 to true>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<set $lookeforemilydomspy to false>>\
<<todoCompleted "Find some information on Johnathan Browey">>\
<b>-"Alright, Johnathan Browey... Johnathan Browey..."</b> You mumble as you rummage through the document cabinet.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\c1.jpg">
<b>-"Agh! There's his file!"</b> Thank god the documents are neatly orginized, so easy to find what you need!
<b>-"Righttttt, let's see what it says.."</b> As you open his file, a letter adressed to him falls out.
<code>2022, October 11th.
To Johnathan Browey.
I hope this finds you well Browey, we have taken the necessary precautions to insure the event is accident and issue proof.
I'm sending you a list of the individuals effected. Like always, make sure that the media buys your story, don't want the cops on our tail as well.
Kind regards, William.
<ul class="footer">
<li> Taken:</li>
<ul class="footer">
<li>Morris Bernard.</li>
<li>Lizzie Riley.</li>
<ul class="footer">
<li>Leyja Chrisen. </li>
<li>Bonita Macias.</li>
<ul class="footer">
<li>Cole Williams. </li>
<li>Wilda Huang.</li>
<ul class="footer">
<li>Terrance Wood. </li>
<li>Marion Wood.</li>
<ul class="footer">
<li>Wilfred Branch.</li>
<li>Elisabeth Aguilar.</li>
<ul class="footer">
<li>Jonathan Bares.</li>
<li>Jenna Doe.</li>
<b>-"Huh? What do they mean by the word taken?"</b> You flip the letter, the other side is full of names as well.
<b>-"Wait.. Are they..?"</b> You suddenly feel a knot in your stomach. You run to the computer and open up chrome.
<<pageReplace"Google one of the names.">>
<b>-"I'm probably delusional, but.. What if.."</b> You open up google and type in Jenna Doe, one of the names you saw under the section "Taken".
<img src="Images\Events\random events\c2.jpg">
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b>
<b>-"There's a short news blog about her.."</b> You click on it.
<blue>Jenna Doe. An anomaly, or a string of strange disappearances?
Jenna Doe is one of many, who went missing during the second week of October, 2022. Seems familiar? Well, 10 people went missing in 2020 during the second week of October as well!
Fortunately, all of the victims were found completely fine each time, however when questioned, they said they didn't remember anything.
These events caused mass panic across the nation, sparking multiple protests, which aimed to encourage the government to take action.</blue>
<b>-"Mass kindapping events? They're then returned, completely fine but with their memories wiped..?"</b> You stroke your goatee, deep in thought.
<b>-"God this whole fucking thing is confusing... I need to show this to Emily.."</b> You shove the document into your backpack.
<b>-"Andddd done."</b> You delete the history on the computer and close the drawer. Time to show her what you found.
[[Leave the campus->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>><<if $beentotheheadquarterstemp == true and $beentotheheadquarterstemp2 !== true>>
<<goto "Search the web bnwo ad">>
<<elseif $adcampaign == true and $adcampaign2 !==true>>
<<goto "Ad campaign decision">>
<<elseif $workweb==1>>
<<goto "Search the web 1">>
<<elseif $workweb==2>>
<<goto "Search the web 2">>
<<elseif $workweb==3>>
<<goto "Search the web 3">>
<<elseif $workweb==4>>
<<goto "Search the web 4">>
<<elseif $workweb==5>>
<<goto "Search the web 5">>
<<elseif $workweb==6>>
<<goto "Search the web 6">>
<<elseif $workweb==7>>
<<goto "Search the web 7">>
<<elseif $workweb==8>>
<<goto "Search the web 8">>
<<elseif $workweb==9>>
<<goto "Search the web 9">>
If you're here something is wrong..
[[Return->Go outside]]<<set $beentotheheadquarterstemp2 to true>>\
<<set $attended2 to true>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<b>-"Alright.. Haven't done this in a while!"</b> You fire up the laptop and begin typing away.
<b>-"Hmmm.. Let's visit the SUP forum first."</b>
<img src="Images\Lectures\search the web\t4.jpg">
<b>-"..."</b> You spend the next hour or two posting on the forum, answering questions about the festival and ineracting with students.
<b>-"And that's another one!"</b> A smile forms on your face as yet another student agrees to join.
<b>-"Alright, I think that's enough for today.."</b> As you're finishing up and closing all of the tabs, an interesting ad catches your eye.
<b>-"Wait.. Is that...?"</b> It's on the main SUP forum, taking almost the whole sidebar... You have no clue how you didn't notice it before.
<img src="Images\Lectures\search the web\t3.jpeg">
<b>-"No way.. That's Emily!"</b> Even with her eyes blocked, you can easily tell that that's your girlfriend!
<b>-"These must be the ads she was talking about!"</b> You make sure to save the image onto the desktop.
<b>-"L-let's refresh the page.."</b> After refreshing, yet another ad pops up.
<img src="Images\Lectures\search the web\t2.jpeg">
<b>-"Wow.."</b> Your pants are not a tent...
<b>-"Fuck me she's hot.."</b> You save the image again.
<b>-"So Julian did end up taking some pictures..!"</b>
<b>-"..."</b> It's already time to leave, but you decide to refresh one last time.
<img src="Images\Lectures\search the web\t1.jpeg">
<b>-"O-oh my God.. That's Julian!"</b> You feel your underwear getting wet from all of the pre cum..
<b>-"Shit.. Maybe I should.. No.. Well.."</b> You wonder if you should send the images to your phone to "use" later.
<<pageReplace"Send the images to your phone.">>\
<<addToGallery "Lectures/search the web/t3.jpeg" "Emily">>\
<<addToGallery "Lectures/search the web/t2.jpeg" "Emily">>\
<<addToGallery "Lectures/search the web/t1.jpeg" "Emily">>\
<b>-"Fuck it!"</b> You quickly send the images to your phone and save them to your gallery... It's going to be a fun night!
<b>-"Time to bounce!"</b> You close the laptop and stand up. After gathering all of your stuff, you're ready to go outside.
<<set $recruited to $recruited +5>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<grey>+5 recruited!</grey>
[[Go outside]]
<b>-"No.. That would be fucked up.."</b> You quickly delete the images...
<b>-"Time to bounce!"</b> You close the laptop and stand up. After gathering all of your stuff, you're ready to go outside.
<<set $recruited to $recruited +5>>
<grey>+5 recruited!</grey>
[[Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>><<set $workweb to $workweb +1>>\
<<set $attended2 to true>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
As you start to search the web, you decide that you should look for some willing students on facebook!
<img src="Images\Lectures\search the web\facebook2.webp">
You open the app, log in to the school's account and decide what you should do..
<<pageReplace "Advertise the festival in your class groupchat.">>\
<b>-"Hmmm.. I'll post it in my main groupchat first.. let's see if any of my classmates want to join.."</b> You think to yourself as you start writing out the post...
You advertise it as the principal said, a fully paid vacation/festival on a private island where you can let loose and explore your sexual fantasies..
5 students text you about it, after a bit of convincing, they agree to join the festival....
<<set $recruited to $recruited +5>>
<grey>+5 recruited!</grey>
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace "Advertise the festival on the main SUP page.">>\
<b>-"Hmmm.. I'll post it on the main SUP page.. that should get more traction.."</b> You think to yourself as you start writing out the post...
You advertise it as the principal said, a fully paid vacation/festival on a private island where you can let loose and explore your sexual fantasies..
10 students text you about it, after a bit of convincing, they agree to join the festival....
<<set $recruited to $recruited +10>>
<grey>+10 recruited!</grey>
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>>\<<if $sawthepartyposter2 !==true>>\
<b>-“Let's check out the main SUP forum…”</b> You think to yourself as you sit down and open the laptop in front of you..
<img src=" Images\Lectures\search the web\dekstop.webp" width=”700px”>
As you search around the page, you find various new posts..
<grey>Does anybody have some spare shampoo? Dorm NR.21!!!</grey>
<grey>Whoever keeps shitting on the toilet seats on the second floor, fuck you!!!!!</grey>
<grey>Student fashion show in 2 weeks guys!!!</grey>
<grey>Girls night party, only SUP students welcome!! Register soon!!</grey>
<b>-“Oh.. A party huh? I think it's only for girls though..”</b>
<<pageReplace "Click on it" t8n>>\
<img src="Images\Lectures\search the web\Flyer1.png" height=”600px”>
<b>-"Hmmm.. Seems like a good opportunity to get some students.."</b> You think to yourself as you continue to read about the party..
<grey>-"Men are also welcome... If they're hot!!!"</grey>
<<if $domstatus is true>>\
<b>-"I mean shit I'm pretty hot.. They must be talking about me!"</b> You giggle to yourself..
<b>-"I'm fabulous! They'll d-definitely let me in!"</b> You giggle to yourself..
<grey>Registration opens soon!</grey>
You save the url to the post, you'll make sure to register to it when the time comes..
<b>-"Oh.. It's already pretty late, I better get going!"</b> You close the laptop.. You didn't recruit anyone today, but the party seems like massive news..
<<set $sawthepartyposter to true>>\
<<set $workweb to $workweb +1>>\
<<set $attended2 to true>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<grey>Recruited +0!</grey>
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<b>-“Let’s check out the main SUP forum…”</b> You think to yourself as you sit down and open the laptop in front of you..
<img src="Images\Lectures\search the web\dekstop.webp">
As you search around the page, you find various new posts..
<grey>Does anybody have some spare shampoo? Dorm NR.21!!!</grey>
<grey>Whoever keeps shitting on the toilet seats on the second floor, fuck you!!!!!</grey>
<grey>Student fashion show in 2 weeks guys!!!</grey>
<grey>Girls night party, only SUP students welcome!! Register soon!!</grey>
<b>-“Oh.. A party huh? Is it the one I saw while exploring the SUP?..”</b>
<<pageReplace "Click on it">>\
<img src="Images\Lectures\search the web\Flyer1.png">
<b>-"Hmmm.. Seems like a good opportunity to get some students.."</b> You think to yourself as you continue to read about the party..
<grey>-"Men are also welcome... If they're hot!!!"</grey>
<<if $domstatus is true>>\
<b>-"I mean shit I'm pretty hot.. They must be talking about me!"</b> You giggle to yourself..
<b>-"I'm fabulous! They'll d-definitely let me in!"</b> You giggle to yourself..
<grey>Registration opens soon!</grey>
You save the url to the post, you'll make sure to register to it when the time comes..
<b>-"Oh.. It's already pretty late, I better get going!"</b> You close the laptop.. You didn't recruit anyone today, but the party seems like massive news..
<<set $sawthepartyposter to true>>\
<<set $workweb to $workweb +1>>\
<<set $attended2 to true>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<grey>Recruited +0!</grey>
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<</if>><<set $workweb to $workweb +1>>\
<<set $attended2 to true>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<b>-"Hmmm.. Let's check the SUP forum page again.. Maybe the party registration opened up already."</b> You click on the website...
<img src="Images\Lectures\search the web\Flyer2.png">
<b>-"It has! The party is.. TOMORROW???"</b> You gasp a bit.. You read the promotion a bit more..
<b>-"The party is taking place in an old building, nearby campus.. It's pretty close to me... And the price doesn't seem horrible.."</b>
<b>-"Oh shit! What do I do, what do I do... It's such a good opportunity to recruit more students.."</b>
<<todo "Attend the SUP's annual party">>\
<<set $partyattend to true>>\
<<set $daypartyy to $day>>
<b>-"Fuck it.. Why not.."</b> You fill out the regitration form and send it..
<b>-"Shit.. I have to get ready.. I also have to make sure I have 25$ when I get there.. I don't want to get kicked out.."</b> You quickly grab your things and head out. The party is tomorrow, you must get ready!
[[Leave the building->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>><<set $workweb to $workweb +1>>\
<<set $attended2 to true>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<b>-"Alright.."</b> You crack your knuckles and turn on the pc.
<b>-"Time to invite some students!"</b> You open up some forums and get to work.
<blue>-"Too busy, srr"</blue>
<grey>-"Hell nah bruh"</grey>
<emily>-"No, thank you ;)"</emily>
<b>-"Sigh.. After around an hour of texting, nobody has agreed yet.."</b> You feel a little sad.
<pink>-"See what's behind the curtain.. Join today for 50% off!"</pink>
<b>-"Huh..?"</b> An ad catches your eye.. A picture is attached.
<img src="Images\Lectures\search the web\b3.jpg">
<pink>-"I like it when you watch.. ;) Join today for 50% off!"</pink>
<b>-"Is that.."</b> The person you see reminds you of someone..
<<pageReplace"Continue inviting students.">>
<b>-"Nahhh don't know her.."</b> You scroll away and continue to invite students.
<grey>-"Sure, sign me up."</grey>
<green>-"Scary.. I'll pass."</green>
<adriana>-"Okay, sounds like fun :)"</adriana>
After an extra hour of the same thing, you manage to sign up 5 extra students to join the festival!
<b>-"Yippy! Time to go home."</b>
<<set $recruited to $recruited +5>>
<grey>Recruited +5!</grey>
[[Leave the university ->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Click on the ad.">>
<div class="middle">
An onlyfans page opens up. Some of the posts are public, so you begin scrolling.
<pink>-"BUY NOW and save 50%!"</pink>
<pink>-"Daily posts and more!"</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\search the web\b4.jpg">
<pink>-"BUY NOW and save 50%!"</pink>
<pink>-"Completely nude!"</pink>
<pink>-"BUY NOW and save 50%!"</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\search the web\b2.jpg">
<<if $domstatus is true>>\
It's one of the professors! You've seen her before!
<b>-"Shit.. I don't remember her name.. Was it.. K-kei? Or something?"</b> You could've sworn you saw her teaching a class.. The submissiveness one, perhaps?
<b>-"Damn she's hot.. I'll need to talk to her when I get the chance.."</b> You think as you continue to click around.
<pink>-"Sneak peak for my ppv content! :P"</pink> You read a caption above a blurred picture.. It's nsfw, so you have to confirm you're over 18 years old.
<b>-"Hmmm.."</b> You click on it.
<img src="Images\Lectures\search the web\b1.webp">
<b>-"Dayum! The ad mentioned she does nudity, but still.."</b> You lick your lips.
<b>-"Agh shit, it's almost time to go home, I have to get back to work!"</b> A thought crosses your mind.. Should you screenshot some of these pics on your phone before you go..?
<<pageReplace "Save the pics.">>\
<<set $hasnudesofprofessorkei to true>>\
<<addToGallery "Lectures/search the web/b1.webp" "Professor Kei">>\
<<addToGallery "Lectures/search the web/b3.jpg" "Professor Kei">>\
<<addToGallery "Lectures/search the web/b4.jpg" "Professor Kei">>\
<b>-"Hehe yeah.. They might become useful some day.."</b> You quickly pull out your phone, enter the link you see on the computer and take some screenshots..
<b>-"Perfect.. Now back to work!"</b> You close the onlyfans page and continue to invite students.
<grey>-"Sure, sign me up."</grey>
<green>-"Scary.. I'll pass."</green>
<adriana>-"Okay, sounds like fun :)"</adriana>
After an extra hour of the same thing, you manage to sign up 3 extra students to join the festival!
<b>-"Yippy! Time to go home."</b>
<<set $recruited to $recruited +3>>
<grey>Recruited +3!</grey>
[[Leave the university ->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace "Don't">>\
<b>-"Nahhh I shouldn't.. None of my business how she makes money on the side.."</b> You sigh.
<b>-"Alright... Now back to work!"</b> You close the onlyfans page and continue to invite students.
<grey>-"Sure, sign me up."</grey>
<green>-"Scary.. I'll pass."</green>
<adriana>-"Okay, sounds like fun :)"</adriana>
After an extra hour of the same thing, you manage to sign up 3 extra students to join the festival!
<b>-"Yippy! Time to go home."</b>
<<set $recruited to $recruited +3>>
<grey>Recruited +3!</grey>
[[Leave the university ->Go outside]]
<b>-"Woah!"</b> It's professor Kei!
<b>-"N-no way! I can't believe she has an onlyfans!"</b> You gulp as you continue to click around her profile.
<pink>-"Sneak peak for my ppv content! :P"</pink> You read a caption above a blurred picture.. It's nsfw, so you have to confirm you're over 18 years old.
<b>-"Hmmm.."</b> You click on it.
<img src="Images\Lectures\search the web\b1.webp">
<b>-"D-dayum! The ad mentioned she does nudity, but still.."</b> You lick you lips.
<b>-"Agh damnit.. It's almost time to go home.. I have to invite some more students before I go though.."</b> A thought crosses your mind.. Should you screenshot some of these pics on your phone before you go..?
<<pageReplace "Save the pics.">>\
<<set $hasnudesofprofessorkei to true>>\
<<addToGallery "Lectures/search the web/b1.webp" "Professor Kei">>\
<<addToGallery "Lectures/search the web/b3.jpg" "Professor Kei">>\
<<addToGallery "Lectures/search the web/b4.jpg" "Professor Kei">>\
<b>-"S-She's so hot! M-maybe these will become useful someday.."</b> You quickly pull out your phone, enter the link you see on the computer and take some screenshots..
<b>-"Perfect.. Now back to work!"</b> You close the onlyfans page and continue to invite students.
<grey>-"Sure, sign me up."</grey>
<green>-"Scary.. I'll pass."</green>
<adriana>-"Okay, sounds like fun :)"</adriana>
After an extra hour of the same thing, you manage to sign up 3 extra students to join the festival!
<b>-"Yippy! Time to go home."</b>
<<set $recruited to $recruited +3>>
<grey>Recruited +3!</grey>
[[Leave the university ->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace "Don't">>\
<b>-"Nah I-I shouldn't.. None of my business how she makes money on the side.."</b> You sigh.
<b>-"Alright... Now back to work!"</b> You close the onlyfans page and continue to invite students.
<grey>-"Sure, sign me up."</grey>
<green>-"Scary.. I'll pass."</green>
<adriana>-"Okay, sounds like fun :)"</adriana>
After an extra hour of the same thing, you manage to sign up 3 extra students to join the festival!
<b>-"Yippy! Time to go home."</b>
<<set $recruited to $recruited +3>>
<grey>Recruited +3!</grey>
[[Leave the university ->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>>\<<set $workweb to $workweb +1>>\
<<set $attended2 to true>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<b>-"Haha what the fuck.."</b> You chuckle as you read through the twitter posts that have your university tagged. You're taking a break after sending out emails for a couple of hours.
<b>-"She seems pissed.."</b>
<img src="Images\Lectures\search the web\y4.webp">
<b>-"Oh, there seems to be an image attached."</b> You click on it.
<img src="Images\Lectures\search the web\y3.jpeg">
<b>-"God damn that's full! Someone must've done a good job.."</b>
<b>-"I wonder if the university replied.."</b> You click on their profile and find a tweet with the woman tagged.
<b>-"They did indeed.."</b>
<<pageReplace"Read the tweet.">>
<b>-"Hmph, typical corp answer."</b>
<img src="Images\Lectures\search the web\y5.webp">
<b>-"Damn, there's a lot of them!"</b> You read through tweet after tweet about how poorly maintained the restrooms are at the SUP.
<b>-"Hmph, didn't really notice it myself. They seemed fine."</b>
<b>-"Right, time to head back to work."</b> After a little bit of messing around, you decide to go back to work and research how much it would cost to run an ad campaign about the festival.
<b>-"Hmmm... None of the agencies tell their prices... Annoying."</b>
<img src="Images\Lectures\search the web\y1.png">
<b>-"These fuse guys might work though. Seems like they specialize in marketing for young people, which is my demographic!"</b>
<b>-"Welp, if they're not going to list their prices, I'll just ask them."</b>
<<pageReplace"Write them an email.">>
<b>-"There it is.."</b> You find the contact area on their website and write them an email.
<img src="Images\Lectures\search the web\y2.png">
<b>-"Mhm.... Anddddd done!"</b>
Dear Fuse team,
I am $name, a student of the Swedish University of Progressive Learning. We are hosting a festival for our students in a couple of months, but we're struggling to get people interested.
What would you charge to market this event to our students? We already have around $recruited attendees, but we need around a thousand.
Thank you!
Principal's associate, $name.
<b>-"Perfect! Let's send this off and wait for an answer."</b> You click send and close the tab. After spending another hour or so inviting students, you decide to end the day.
<<set $recruited to $recruited +5>>
<grey>Recruited +5!</grey>
[[Leave the university ->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>><<set $workweb to $workweb +1>>\
<<set $attended2 to true>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<if $bnwostatus is true>>\
<b>-"Let's see if those Fuse guys wrote me back.."</b> You remember the email you sent them.
<b>-"Nope.. Not yet at least."</b>
<b>-"Welp, while we wait let's go on the SUP forum again."</b>
<img src="Images\Lectures\search the web\a1.jpg">
<b>-"Alright.."</b> You make yet another post about the festival.
<b>-"These guys are asking for upcoming events... Let's send them a message."</b> As you work, you suddenly notice an ad to the right of the screen.
<img src="Images\Lectures\search the web\a2.png">
<b>-"I didn't know the IBWO had a forum! I could try posting there!"</b>
<b>-"Hopefully some of them will be interested."</b> You click on the link.
<b>-"Awh shit.."</b>
<b>-"I have to make an account...?? Really?!"</b>
<img src="Images\Lectures\search the web\a5.png">
<b>-"Fuck it.. If it brings more students to the festival I'll do it..."</b>
<<pageReplace"Use your real name.">>\
<<set $usedrealnameinbnwoforum to true>>\
<b>-"I'll just use my real one.. Nobody will care anyways."</b>
<b>-"And there.."</b> You type in the password you thought of.
<b>-"Nice!"</b> Your account gets accepted.
<img src="Images\Lectures\search the web\a3.png">
<b>-"Hmmm.. Looks similar to our universities forum."</b>
<b>-"Just a lot more sexual.."</b>
<b>-"..."</b> You click on one of the posts.
<grey>Worn panties for sale! Starting at 150$!</grey>
<img src="Images\Lectures\search the web\a4.webp">
<b>-"No way.."</b> There's a whole bidding war going on in the comment section over some worn panties.
<b>-"Wait.. What am I doing.. I'm here to work!"</b> You quickly shake your head, and close the post. Time to make one yourself!
<b>-"There we go.."</b> After 30 minutes or so, it's done. You publish the forum post, which talks about the festival and how to register.
<b>-"Now we wait."</b> During the next two hours, you get a couple of messages of people who want to attend. You write down their names and close the computer.
<b>-"Time to head home!"</b>
<<set $recruited to $recruited +10>>
<grey>Recruited +10!</grey>
[[Leave the university ->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Use a fake one.">>\
<<set $usedrealnameinbnwoforum to false>>\
<b>-"I definitely need to use a fake one... Can't afford someone tracking me or something."</b>
<b>-"And there.."</b> You type in the password you thought of.
<b>-"Nice!"</b> Your account gets accepted.
<img src="Images\Lectures\search the web\a3.png">
<b>-"Hmmm.. Looks similar to our universities forum."</b>
<b>-"Just a lot more sexual.."</b>
<b>-"..."</b> You click on one of the posts.
<grey>Worn panties for sale! Starting at 150$!</grey>
<img src="Images\Lectures\search the web\a4.webp">
<b>-"No way.."</b> There's a whole bidding war going on in the comment section over some worn panties.
<b>-"Wait.. What am I doing.. I'm here to work!"</b> You quickly shake your head, and close the post. Time to make one yourself!
<b>-"There we go.."</b> After 30 minutes or so, it's done. You publish the forum post, which talks about the festival and how to register.
<b>-"Now we wait."</b> During the next two hours, you get a couple of messages of people who want to attend. You write down their names and close the computer.
<b>-"Time to head home!"</b>
<<set $recruited to $recruited +10>>
<grey>Recruited +10!</grey>
[[Leave the university ->Go outside]]
<b>-"Let's see if those Fuse guys wrote me back.."</b> You remember the email you sent them.
<b>-"Nope.. Not yet at least."</b>
<b>-"Welp, while we wait let's go on the SUP forum again."</b>
<img src="Images\Lectures\search the web\a1.jpg">
<b>-"Alright.."</b> You make yet another post about the festival.
<b>-"These guys are asking for upcoming events... Let's send them a message."</b> As you work, you suddenly notice an ad to the right of the screen.
<img src="Images\Lectures\search the web\a2.png">
<b>-"The IBWO? What the fuck is that.."</b>
<b>-"Is this some weird fetish?"</b> You click on the link.
<b>-"Awh shit.."</b>
<b>-"I have to make an account...?? Really?!"</b>
<img src="Images\Lectures\search the web\a5.png">
<b>-"It looks like most of the users are other students... This might be a great place to make another post about the festival."</b>
<b>-"Fuck it.. I'm willing to make an account if it means I'll get more students..."</b>
<<pageReplace"Use your real name.">>\
<<set $usedrealnameinbnwoforum to true>>\
<b>-"I'll just use my real one.. Nobody will care anyways."</b>
<b>-"And there.."</b> You type in the password you thought of.
<b>-"Nice!"</b> Your account gets accepted.
<img src="Images\Lectures\search the web\a3.png">
<b>-"Hmmm.. Looks similar to our universities forum."</b>
<b>-"Just a lot more sexual and weird.."</b>
<b>-"..."</b> You click on one of the posts.
<grey>Worn panties for sale! Starting at 150$!</grey>
<img src="Images\Lectures\search the web\a4.webp">
<b>-"No way.."</b> There's a whole bidding war going on in the comment section over some worn panties.
<b>-"Fucking losers.."</b> You read through the comments.
<b>-"Wait.. What am I doing.. I'm here to work!"</b> You quickly shake your head, and close the post. Time to make one yourself!
<b>-"There we go.."</b> After 30 minutes or so, it's done. You publish the forum post, which talks about the festival and how to register.
<b>-"Now we wait."</b> During the next two hours, you get a couple of messages of people who want to attend. You write down their names and close the computer.
<b>-"Time to head home!"</b>
<<set $recruited to $recruited +10>>
<grey>Recruited +10!</grey>
[[Leave the university ->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Use a fake one.">>\
<<set $usedrealnameinbnwoforum to false>>\
<b>-"I definitely need to use a fake one... Can't afford someone tracking me or something."</b>
<b>-"And there.."</b> You type in the password you thought of.
<b>-"Nice!"</b> Your account gets accepted.
<img src="Images\Lectures\search the web\a3.png">
<b>-"Hmmm.. Looks similar to our universities forum."</b>
<b>-"Just a lot more sexual and weird.."</b>
<b>-"..."</b> You click on one of the posts.
<grey>Worn panties for sale! Starting at 150$!</grey>
<img src="Images\Lectures\search the web\a4.webp">
<b>-"No way.."</b> There's a whole bidding war going on in the comment section over some worn panties.
<b>-"Fucking losers.."</b> You read through the comments.
<b>-"Wait.. What am I doing.. I'm here to work!"</b> You quickly shake your head, and close the post. Time to make one yourself!
<b>-"There we go.."</b> After 30 minutes or so, it's done. You publish the forum post, which talks about the festival and how to register.
<b>-"Now we wait."</b> During the next two hours, you get a couple of messages of people who want to attend. You write down their names and close the computer.
<b>-"Time to head home!"</b>
<<set $recruited to $recruited +10>>
<grey>Recruited +10!</grey>
[[Leave the university ->Go outside]]
<</if>>\<<set $adcampaign to true>>\
<<set $workweb to $workweb +1>>\
<<set $attended2 to true>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<b>-"Right.. Time to work."</b> You open up the laptop.
<b>-"Oh! The Fuse team got back to me!"</b> You announce as you check your gmail notifications.
<img src="Images\Lectures\search the web\c1.png">
<b>-"Let's see.."</b> You open the letter.
Good evening $name!
I'm Luna, the CEO of Fuse. These messages are usually automatic, but I decided to write back to you myself, because I was a huge fan of the festival you guys hosted last year!
What a coincidence, right?
Anyways, I'm sorry to hear you're struggling to find attendees and we can certainly help you!
Here's a bit of our portfolio, so you would know what we're capable of before we talk about prices.
1. A music festival we did the marketing for. Around 2000 people showed up.
<img src="Images\Lectures\search the web\c2.png">
2. A get together of graduates, marketed by us. The event hosted around 350 students.
<img src="Images\Lectures\search the web\c4.png">
We also promote adult events, which I think is releavant to mention, considering the nature of the festival.
3. A public orgy we made flyers for. Hosted around 50 people.
<img src="Images\Lectures\search the web\c3.png">
We would love to work with you to market the festival and make it more well known. We would of course be discreet, not mentioning the sexual themes of the event.
Now, let's talk about prices! A standard rate for a project of this size would be around 1500$, but I have a weird proposition as well.
I was invited to last years festival by an acquaintance, who also mentioned that there's this... Club of sorts. He couldn't tell me much about it, but he did mention that I needed some sort of mask to get inside and be accepted as a member.
If you manage to find and send me one of these... "Masks", I will run this ad campaign for free.
If you don't know what I'm talking about, then just ignore the last part of this email.
I hope we can work together $name!
With love, Luna.
<<if $workdays > 26>>
<b>-"Hmph... So she's one of the cunts who use the students on the island for pleasure.."</b>
<b>-"I would hate working with a chick like that, but I can't blow my cover either... If I run this ad campaign, Hudson will trust me even more."</b>
<b>-"Oh..?"</b> You get another e-mail from Luna.
<<pageReplace"Take a look.">>
<<todo"Decide what to do with the ad campaign.">>
Ps. If you need proof that my assets would be... Enough for the members of the club, I'm attaching an image I took a couple of minutes ago.
<img src="Images\Lectures\search the web\c6.png">
Hopefully this proves that I would fit right in. Really hoping you'll send the mask and not the money!
With love, Luna.
<<if $clubstatus ==true>>\
<b>-"Hmph.. She really wants to join the club, huh...?"</b>
<b>-"An extra mask..? Have no clue where I would find one... I stole the one I'm using."</b> You sigh and close the laptop.
<b>-"It's getting late, I better head home."</b> After picking up your stuff, you stand up.
<b>-"I need to sleep on it, I'll make a decision later..."</b>
[[Head home->Go outside]]
<b>-"Masks... Clubs... What the fuck is she talking about."</b>
<b>-"Welp, she did say to ignore the last part if I'm confused so that's what I'll do."</b> You chuckle and check the time.
<b>-"Oh! It's getting late, I better head home."</b> After picking up your stuff, you stand up.
<b>-"I need to sleep on it, I'll make a decision later... Don't know if I want to work with a prick like this."</b>
[[Head home->Go outside]]
<b>-"Sexual themes... What the fuck is she talking about?"</b>
<b>-"Isn't this just a normal festival? I'm confused.."</b>
<b>-"I think she's mistaking the event with another one... Whatever, she said she'll make sure the sexual themes aren't part of the campaign, so we're fine."</b>
<b>-"Oh..?"</b> You get another e-mail from Luna.
<<pageReplace"Take a look.">>
<<todo"Decide what to do with the ad campaign.">>
Ps. If you need proof that my assets would be... Enough for the members of the club, I'm attaching an image I took a couple of minutes ago.
<img src="Images\Lectures\search the web\c6.png">
Hopefully this proves that I would fit right in. Really hoping you'll send the mask and not the money!
With love, Luna.
<b>-"Masks... Clubs... Yeah I have no idea about any of that."</b>
<b>-"Welp, she did say to ignore the last part if I'm confused so that's what I'll do."</b> You chuckle and check the time.
<b>-"Oh! It's getting late, I better head home."</b> After picking up your stuff, you stand up.
<b>-"I need to sleep on it, I'll make a decision later... Don't know if I want to spend this much money.."</b>
[[Head home->Go outside]]
<</if>><b>-"Alright.. Time to make a decision.."</b> You open up your gmail.
<img src="Images\Lectures\search the web\a1.jpg">
<b>-"She said the normal rate for a project of this size is around 1500 dollars.."</b>
<b>-"Or I could send her that mask... Orrrrr I could turn her down completely.. I do need a lot more students to join though.."</b>
<<if $money<1500>>
<a><div class="hover">Pay her.<span class="hoverblock"><grey>Not enough money.</grey></span></div></a>
<<elseif $money>=1500>>
<div class="hover">[[Pay her->Ad campaign decision 2][$sentadladymoney to true]]<span class="hoverblock"><grey>This will cost 1500$.</grey></span></div>
<<if $clubmaskreplica !==true>>
<a><div class="hover">Send her a club mask.<span class="hoverblock"><grey>You don't have an extra mask.</grey></span></div></a>
<<elseif $clubmaskreplica ==true>>
<div class="hover">[[Send her the mask->Ad campaign decision 2][$sentadladymask to true]]<span class="hoverblock"><grey>You will lose the mask replica.</grey></span></div>
<div class="hover">[[Don't work with her->Ad campaign decision 2][$adladyrejection to true]]<span class="hoverblock"><grey>Are you sure? The festival is in a couple of months...</grey></span></div>
[[I'm not ready to make a decision just yet->Principal 3]]<<set $adcampaign2 to true>>\
<<set $attended2 to true>>
<<todoCompleted "Decide what to do with the ad campaign.">>
<<if $time<2>><<set $time to $time+1>><</if>>\
<<if $sentadladymask==true>>\
<<set $meetingwithadlady to true>>\
<b>-"Well, I paid 500$ for it, so it's definitely a better deal!"</b> You take out the mask out of your backpack and take a picture.
<b>-"Let's send her a letter with the image attached.."</b> You open up your gmail account.
Good afternoon, Luna.
I managed to get my hands on an extra mask. I'll send it to you later today, so you should receive it by the end of the week! I just need your address.
(Attaching an image of how it looks like.)
<img src="Images\Lectures\search the web\yy2.webp">
You must know, that you still have to attend the initiation ceremony. The next one is happening on the 24th of this month. Put on the mask and get inside. (You know the address, right?) When you see a couple of men nod at you, make sure to nod back.
That's pretty much all you need to know. Oh and, if anyone asks who referred you, say that Juliat did.
Hope this is enough to get the ad campaign up and going.
Excited to hear from you, $name.
<b>-"Still have a couple of hours... Let's work a bit."</b> You close out of gmail and open up the SUP forum.
<<pageReplace"Begin inviting students manually.">>
<<todo "Have a meeting with Luna.">>
<b>-"Nice!"</b> You write down another 3 names.
<b>-"Quite a couple people joined today... Let's check if Fuse wrote back."</b> Right after opening up gmail, you get a new letter.
<b>-"Ah! Perfect timing!"</b>
Hello, $name!
Thank you very much! I'm super excited to see what the fuss was all about during the festival!
You can send me the mask to this address - Sunne, Ängsgatan 21. 68600
Also, I will need you to come to the same place, to talk about the project, how it will look like etc.
The address is to our office building, it looks like this.
<img src="Images\Lectures\search the web\yy3.jpg">
You can come whenever you wish, our office hours are between 09:00 and 18:00.
As I promised, it won't cost you a penny!
Excited to see you in person, Luna.
<b>-"Perfect! I'll meet with her ASAP then."</b> A smile forms on your face as you put the mask inside of a cardboard box.
<b>-"Time to send it off... It's about time I stop working anyways."</b>
<<set $recruited to $recruited +5>>\
<<set $clubmaskreplica to false>>
<grey>Club mask replica -1!</grey>
<grey>Recruited +5!</grey>
[[Leave the university and send off the package->Go outside]]
<<elseif $sentadladymoney==true>>\
<<set $meetingwithadlady to true>>\
<b>-"I'll just send her the money.. It's the easiest way."</b> You take out some cash from your wallet, shove it into an envelope and take a picture.
<b>-"Let's send her a letter with the image attached.."</b> You open up your gmail account.
Good afternoon, Luna.
I think 1500 dollars is fair, and I'm ready to pay for your services. I'll send the money to you later today, so you should receive it by the end of the week! I just need your address.
(Attaching an image of the package, so don't be surprised when you get it in the mail.)
<img src="Images\Lectures\search the web\yy1.jpg">
If there are any hidden costs or stuff like that, please let me know! I'm a struggling student and this is a lot of money for me!
Hope this is enough to get the ad campaign up and going though.
Excited to hear from you, $name.
<b>-"Still have a couple of hours... Let's work a bit."</b> You close out of gmail and open up the SUP forum.
<<pageReplace"Begin inviting students manually.">>
<<todo "Have a meeting with Luna.">>
<b>-"Nice!"</b> You write down another 3 names.
<b>-"Quite a couple people joined today... Let's check if Fuse wrote back."</b> Right after opening up gmail, you get a new letter.
<b>-"Ah! Perfect timing!"</b>
Hello, $name!
Understood! It's a little weird to receive cash by envelope in the mail... Our clients usually just wire the money, but this will work anyways.
You can send the money to this address - Sunne, Ängsgatan 21. 68600
Also, I will need you to come to the same place, to talk about the project, how it will look like etc.
The address is to our office building, it looks like this.
<img src="Images\Lectures\search the web\yy3.jpg">
You can come whenever you wish, our office hours are between 09:00 and 18:00.
Excited to see you in person, Luna.
<b>-"Perfect! I'll meet with her ASAP then."</b> A smile forms on your face as you glue the envelope shut.
<b>-"Time to send it off... It's about time I stop working anyways."</b>
<green>Money -1500!</green>
<<money -1500 "Paid for the ad campaign.">>
<<set $recruited to $recruited +5>>\
<grey>Recruited +5!</grey>
[[Leave the university and send off the package->Go outside]]
<<elseif $adladyrejection == true>>\
<<set $workweb to 9>>\
<b>-"Eh.. Maybe this was a bad idea after all..."</b> You sigh and open up gmail.
<b>-"Let's tell her I'm no longer up for it.."</b>
Good afternoon, Luna.
I have some unfortunate news... Due to some circumstances, the deal is off. I apologize and truly hope we can work together someday, maybe on a different project.
I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavours.
With love, $name.
<b>-"Still have a couple of hours... Let's work a bit."</b> You close out of gmail and open up the SUP forum.
<<pageReplace"Begin inviting students manually.">>
<<todo "Have a meeting with Luna.">>
<b>-"Nice!"</b> You write down another 3 names.
<b>-"Quite a couple people joined today... Let's check if Fuse wrote back."</b> Right after opening up gmail, you get a new letter.
<b>-"Ah! Perfect timing!"</b>
Hello, $name!
Understood... That's very unfortunate, I was definitely excited to market the festival I love so dearly.
If you do end up needing any help anyways, please feel free to contact us!
Have a great rest of your week, Luna.
<b>-"Sigh.. That's that then."</b> You sit back in your chair.
<b>-"Agh.. It's already getting late."</b> You think after you check your watch.
<<set $recruited to $recruited +5>>
<grey>Recruited +5!</grey>
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<</if>><<set $meetingwithadlady to false>>\
<<todoCompleted "Have a meeting with Luna.">>
<<set $attended to true>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<set $adscore to 0>>
<b>-"Let's head to the fuse headquarters, I have some free time right now..."</b> You make sure you have your wallet and phone before leaving the house.
<b>-"Right.."</b> After getting into your car, you begin the short journey there.
<img src="Images\Lectures\search the web\g16.webp">
<b>-"I wonder what kind of questions I'll have to answer..."</b>
<b>-"I hope it's nothing too serious, I don't know a lot about marketing."</b> You pull into their parking lot after about 15 minutes on the road.
<b>-"Not a lot of cars outside... Hopefully I'll be able to talk to Luna without waiting for ages."</b>
<img src="Images/Lectures/search the web/yy3.jpg">
<b>-"Let's head inside."</b>
<<pageReplace"Enter the Fuse headquarters.">>
<<location "Images/Lectures/search the web/yy3.jpg" "Fuse headquarters">>\
<b>-"Good afternoon!"</b>
<blue>-"Good day sir! How may I assist you?"</blue> A male receptionist looks at you.
<img src="Images\Lectures\search the web\g1.jpg">
<b>-"Me and Luna talked over the internet about running an ad campaign about this project of mine.. She said to come to talk over some details?"</b>
<blue>-"Mhm... Give me a second.."</blue> He begins to check something on his computer.
<blue>-"Ah! You must be $name, right?"</blue>
<b>-"That's me!"</b>
<blue>-"Perfect! Please head to Luna's office, it's right around the corner! You'll see a plate with her name on it, right above the door!"</blue>
<b>-"Understood, thank you!"</b> You turn to your left and begin walking deeper inside.
<b>-"I think this is it..?"</b> You spot a door with a metal plate over it. "Luna" is engraved on it.
<grey>Knock Knock!</grey>
<grey>...Knock Knock Knock!</grey>
<b>-"Maybe she's with headphones?"</b>
<<pageReplace"Try to open the door">>
<b>-"Hello?"</b> You open the door, but find the office empty.
<img src="Images\Lectures\search the web\g2.jpg">
<b>-"Hmm.. What an interesting space, she doesn't even use chairs.."</b> Before you could look around for any longer, a woman enter the office right after you.
<pink>-"Oh! You must be $name?"</pink>
<b>-"L-luna?"</b> You turn around.
<img src="Images\Lectures\search the web\g3.png">
<pink>-"That's me!"</pink>
<b>-"Sorry for barging in, the receptionist told me to come here."</b>
<pink>-"No need! Please, take a seat on the tatami, while I get everything ready."</pink> You nod and begin walking towards the front of the office.
<b>-"Is that..?"</b> As you get closer, you notice some... Toys on the table.
<img src="Images\Lectures\search the web\g4.jpg">
<pink>-"A-ahem! Hahahaha d-don't mind that! T-that was.. Uhmm.. That was for another project! Yes!"</pink> She notices as quickly as you do and quickly shoves the toys into a drawer.
<b>-"Hahah.. No need to apologize."</b> You find it weird that she would have such items on display, but considering how she's dressed, maybe it's not so weird..
<pink>-"W-where were we... Yes please take a seat! W-while I.. Uhmm.. Turn on the computer! Yes!"</pink> You can tell that she's embarrassed and incredibly nervous.
<b>-"Oof.."</b> You take a seat on the tatami pad, it's weirdly comfortable!
<<pageReplace"Wait for her to get everything ready.">>
<b>-"I'm ready whenever you are."</b>
<pink>-"Right... Let me just.."</pink> She looks at the computer as it turns on.
<img src="Images\Lectures\search the web\g6.png">
<pink>-"There we go! We can start!"</pink> Luna says after opening a word file.
<pink>-"S-sorry for such an unprofessional introduction, just didn't expect you to come today!"</pink>
<b>-"I apologize if I ruined any... Plans you had."</b> You remember the toys on the table.
<pink>-"Ahahaha! Y-you didn't ruin anything!"</pink> She awkwardly laughs.
<pink>-"How about we start, no?"</pink> Luna smiles and faces you.
<img src="Images\Lectures\search the web\g11.png">
<pink>-"So, from what we talked about, I understand that you want to market a festival the SUP is hosting, correct?"</pink>
<b>-"Precisely! I was tasked by our principal to do this task, but I'm having trouble getting enough people interested!"</b>
<pink>-"Eeeeek so awesomeeeee!! I can't believe I get to advertise it! Loved taking part in it last year!"</pink>
<b>-"Hah, well I'm happy you liked it!"</b>
<pink>-"So, this is how it's going to go, I'm going to ask you a couple of questions, depending on your answers, we'll make a different set of ads! How does that sound?"</pink>
<b>-"Perfect! Fire away!</b>
<pink>-"First question, the age rating of your ads! You can pick between PG, G and NC-18."</pink>
<b>-"What's the difference?"</b>
<pink>-"G - is the lowest rating we offer, it's meant for kids mostly. PG - give us a little wiggle room with the language and visuals that we can use in the ads. However, it does mean that some of the ads might not be completely suitable for children."</pink>
<pink>-"And finally, NC-18 raiting gives us total creative freedom, but they won't be shown for anyone under the age of 18. That shouldn't be a problem though, considering all of the SUP students are adults."</pink>
<b>-"Mhm..."</b> You mumble as you think about your options.
<pink>-"So that's the first choice... What would you like to pick?"</pink>
<<pageReplace"Rating PG.">>
<<set $choice69 to "rating PG">>
<<goto "Ad campaign meeting 2">>
<<pageReplace"Rating G.">>
<<set $adscore to $adscore +1>>
<<goto "Ad campaign meeting 2">>
<<set $choice69 to "rating G">>
<<pageReplace"Rating NC-18.">>
<<set $canpicksexualtheme to true>>
<<set $adscore to $adscore +2>>
<<goto "Ad campaign meeting 2">>
<<set $choice69 to "rating NC-18">>
<</pageReplace>><b>-"Uhmmm... I think $choice69 sounds the best."</b>
<pink>-"Mhm.. Perfect.."</pink> Luna writes down your answer into her docx file.
<img src="Images\Lectures\search the web\g7.webp">
<<if $canpicksexualtheme==true>>\
<pink>-"Now, our second question is even more important.."</pink>
<b>-"Fire away.."</b>
<pink>-"The theme of the ads! Considering your age rating choice, you have 3 options."</pink> Luna grabs a a pile of papers from her drawer.
<pink>-"First option, a fun theme! Perfect for various events like concerts, festivals and parties!"</pink> She hands you one of the papers.
<pink>-"Here, it's an example of how it would look like."</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\search the web\g13.webp">
<b>-"Mhm.. What are the other two?"</b>
<pink>-"Second option - an intellectual theme. Perfect for events like a book market, or a ted talk. Stuff like that."</pink> Luna hands you another paper.
<img src="Images\Lectures\search the web\g14.jpeg">
<b>-"Well that sounds kind of dumb.."</b> You think as you look over the poster.
<pink>-"I don't think this theme fits the festival at all, but at the end of the day it's your choice."</pink>
<pink>-"And third, but not least - the sexual theme! This is available because you picked the NC-18 rating."</pink> You grab yet another example.
<img src="Images\Lectures\search the web\g17.webp">
<pink>-"My personal favorite! Especially considering the nature of the event... Also, most students are absolute hornballs and would register in a heartbeat!"</pink> Luna giggles.
<b>-"Sexual theme, huh..?"</b>
<pink>-"Mhm! The ads would talk about how easy it would be to get laid on the island, or how there would be plenty of condoms and they would free! Basically things that would interest an average, horny student."</pink>
<pink>-"Sure is! Whenever you're ready, take your pick!"</pink>
<<pageReplace"Fun theme.">>
<<set $adscore to $adscore +2>>
<<set $choice69 to "fun theme">>
<<goto "Ad campaign meeting 3">>
<<set $themead to 2>>
<<pageReplace"Intellectual theme.">>
<<set $adscore to $adscore +1>>
<<set $choice69 to "intellectual theme">>
<<goto "Ad campaign meeting 3">>
<<set $themead to 1>>
<<pageReplace"Sexual theme.">>
<<set $adscore to $adscore +2>>
<<goto "Ad campaign meeting 3">>
<<set $choice69 to "sexual theme">>
<<set $themead to 3>>
<b>-"Uhmmm... I think $choice69 sounds the best."</b>
<pink>-"Mhm.. Perfect.."</pink> Luna writes down your answer into her docx file.
<img src="Images\Lectures\search the web\g7.webp">
<pink>-"Now, our second question is even more important.."</pink>
<b>-"Fire away.."</b>
<pink>-"The theme of the ads! Considering your age rating choice, you have 2 options."</pink> Luna grabs a a pile of papers from her drawer.
<pink>-"First option, a fun theme! Perfect for various events like concerts, festivals and parties!"</pink> She hands you one of the papers.
<pink>-"Here, it's an example of how it would look like."</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\search the web\g13.webp">
<b>-"Mhm.. What are the other two?"</b>
<pink>-"And the second option - an intellectual theme. Perfect for events like a book market, or a ted talk. Stuff like that."</pink> Luna hands you another paper.
<img src="Images\Lectures\search the web\g14.jpeg">
<b>-"Well that sounds kind of dumb.."</b> You think as you look over the poster.
<pink>-"I don't think this theme fits the festival at all, but at the end of the day it's your choice."</pink>
<pink>-"There would be a third and final option, but your rating doesn't allow it... Unfortunate, because it's my favorite!"</pink>
<b>-"Awh.. That sucks.."</b>
<pink>-"Sure does! Anyways, whenever you're ready, take your pick!"</pink>
<<pageReplace"Fun theme.">>
<<set $adscore to $adscore +2>>
<<set $choice69 to "fun theme">>
<<goto "Ad campaign meeting 3">>
<<set $themead to 2>>
<<pageReplace"Intellectual theme.">>
<<set $adscore to $adscore +1>>
<<set $choice69 to "intellectual theme">>
<<goto "Ad campaign meeting 3">>
<<set $themead to 1>>
<</if>><b>-"I pick the $choice69!"</b>
<pink>-"Awesomeee... Let me just write that down.."</pink>
<b>-"Gulp.. Damn.."</b> As Luna begins typing away, you can't stop looking at her tits..
<img src="Images\Lectures\search the web\g10.png">
<b>-"They're massive!!!"</b>
<pink>-"Alright, 2 questions remaining!"</pink> You quickly turn away as she faces you.
<b>-"Ahem.. Right, go ahead!"</b>
<pink>-"You have to decide who will publish the ads and where they'll end up being shown!"</pink>
<pink>-"You have two options - Either our team at Fuse will publish and upload them, or we can just give them to google and they'll show them to their users."</pink>
<b>-"What's the better option?"</b>
<pink>-"Well, in my opinion, it's us. We would focus specifically on various forums and advertise a lot there... Google on the other hand would show the ads to everyone, including non students who can't even join."</pink>
<pink>-"Buttttt, they are a lot bigger than us and most likely a lot more people would see the ads if you go with them."</pink>
<b>-"So basically, either less people see it, but those who do, will probably be interested, or a lot of people see it, but they won't be intrigued?"</b>
<pink>-"Pretty much!"</pink>
<<pageReplace"Pick Google">>
<<set $adscore to $adscore +1>>
<<set $choice69 to "Google">>
<<goto "Ad campaign meeting 4">>
<<set $adlocation to 1>>
<<pageReplace"Pick Fuse">>
<<set $adscore to $adscore +2>>
<<set $choice69 to "Fuse">>
<<goto "Ad campaign meeting 4">>
<<set $adlocation to 2>>
<</pageReplace>><b>-"I think I"ll go with $choice69.."</b>
<pink>-"Okay... And done.."</pink> She writes down your answer.
<pink>-"Now, the last question! How long do you want the ads to be?"</pink>
<b>-"How long? As in seconds?"</b>
<pink>-"No no, they won't be videos, they'll be stationary ads, but we have to know how much text and information you want them to have."</pink> She hands you another piece of paper.
<img src="Images\Lectures\search the web\g15.jpg">
<pink>-"This is an example of a very long, stationary ad, meaning there's a bunch of text, see?"</pink>
<b>-"Oh yeah.. It's a little overwhelming.."</b>
<pink>-"I think so too! Although, this length fits well with the intellectual theme for example."</pink>
<b>-"What are my options?"</b>
<pink>-"Short, medium, or long."</pink>
<pink>-"Short ads have no more than 20 words, they are meant to grab your attention with visuals, perfect for the sexual theme. Medium length ads have around 50 words, they're perfect for the fun theme, and we already talked about the very long ads.."</pink>
<pink>-"Now you pick!"</pink> She lays down on the tatami.
<img src="Images\Lectures\search the web\g8.png">
<b>-"Hmmm... Give me a second.."</b>
<pink>-"Sure thing, take your time!"</pink>
<<pageReplace"Pick the long length ads.">>
<<set $lengthad to 1>>
<<set $adscore to $adscore +1>>\
<b>-"Uhmmm.. I'll go with the long ads then."</b>
<pink>-"Long ads.. Mhm... Sure.. Your choice.."</pink> She bites her bottom lip and begins typing away again.
<b>-"Gosh those tits are incredible.."</b>
<img src="Images\Lectures\search the web\g18.jpg">
<pink>-"Anddd I think that'll be it!"</pink>
<b>-"We're done?"</b>
<pink>-"Mhm!"</pink> She puts the computer to sleep and stands up, you follow suit.
<pink>-"Thank you again for picking Fuse, we'll send you an e-mail whenever the ads are published and live!"</pink>
<b>-"Oh.. Perfect, thank you!"</b>
<pink>-"No problem! We've received the payment in the mail already, so all that's left for you to do is wait!"</pink> <<if $sentadladymask==true>>Luna says loudly and winks... She probably doesn't want her workpalce to find out about the mask you sent..<</if>>
<b>-"Alright.. Perfect, I'll get going then!"</b>
<pink>-"Mhm, have a great day!"</pink> You nod and exit her office.
<<pageReplace"Walk towards the exit.">>
<<todo "Wait for the ad campaign to do it's magic.">>\
<b>-"Well that went better than expected."</b> As you begin walking towards the exit, the receptionist stops you.
<blue>-"Hello sir! Should I schedule another meeting?"</blue>
<b>-"No, thank you. I think we talked everything over!"</b>
<blue>-"Alright, perfect, have a great day then!"</blue>
<b>-"You too!"</b> You exit the Fuse headquarters and head to your car.
<img src="Images\Lectures\search the web\g19.png">
<b>-"And now we wait.."</b> The car beeps as you unlock it and get inside.
<b>-"Hopefully this ad campaign will spread the message a lot more efficiently than I can on my own..</b> The car roars to life as you turn on the engine... Time to drive home.
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Pick the medium length ads.">>
<<set $lengthad to 1>>\
<<set $adscore to $adscore +2>>\
<b>-"Uhmmm.. I'll go with the medium ads then."</b>
<pink>-"Medium ads.. Mhm... Sure.. Nice choice.."</pink> She bites her bottom lip and begins typing away again.
<b>-"Gosh those tits are incredible.."</b>
<img src="Images\Lectures\search the web\g18.jpg">
<pink>-"Anddd I think that'll be it!"</pink>
<b>-"We're done?"</b>
<pink>-"Mhm!"</pink> She puts the computer to sleep and stands up, you follow suit.
<pink>-"Thank you again for picking Fuse, we'll send you an e-mail whenever the ads are published and live!"</pink>
<b>-"Oh.. Perfect, thank you!"</b>
<pink>-"No problem! We've received the payment in the mail already, so all that's left for you to do is wait!"</pink> <<if $sentadladymask==true>>Luna says loudly and winks... She probably doesn't want her workpalce to find out about the mask you sent..<</if>>
<b>-"Alright.. Perfect, I'll get going then!"</b>
<pink>-"Mhm, have a great day!"</pink> You nod and exit her office.
<<pageReplace"Walk towards the exit.">>
<<todo "Wait for the ad campaign to do it's magic.">>\
<b>-"Well that went better than expected."</b> As you begin walking towards the exit, the receptionist stops you.
<blue>-"Hello sir! Should I schedule another meeting?"</blue>
<b>-"No, thank you. I think we talked everything over!"</b>
<blue>-"Alright, perfect, have a great day then!"</blue>
<b>-"You too!"</b> You exit the Fuse headquarters and head to your car.
<img src="Images\Lectures\search the web\g19.png">
<b>-"And now we wait.."</b> The car beeps as you unlock it and get inside.
<b>-"Hopefully this ad campaign will spread the message a lot more efficiently than I can on my own..</b> The car roars to life as you turn on the engine... Time to drive home.
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Pick the short length ads.">>
<<set $lengthad to 2>>\
<<set $adscore to $adscore +2>>\
<b>-"Uhmmm.. I'll go with the short ads then."</b>
<pink>-"Short ads.. Mhm... Sure.. Good choice.."</pink> She bites her bottom lip and begins typing away again.
<b>-"Gosh those tits are incredible.."</b>
<img src="Images\Lectures\search the web\g18.jpg">
<pink>-"Anddd I think that'll be it!"</pink>
<b>-"We're done?"</b>
<pink>-"Mhm!"</pink> She puts the computer to sleep and stands up, you follow suit.
<pink>-"Thank you again for picking Fuse, we'll send you an e-mail whenever the ads are published and live!"</pink>
<b>-"Oh.. Perfect, thank you!"</b>
<pink>-"No problem! We've received the payment in the mail already, so all that's left for you to do is wait!"</pink> <<if $sentadladymask==true>>Luna says loudly and winks... She probably doesn't want her workpalce to find out about the mask you sent..<</if>>
<b>-"Alright.. Perfect, I'll get going then!"</b>
<pink>-"Mhm, have a great day!"</pink> You nod and exit her office.
<<pageReplace"Walk towards the exit.">>
<<todo "Wait for the ad campaign to do it's magic.">>\
<b>-"Well that went better than expected."</b> As you begin walking towards the exit, the receptionist stops you.
<blue>-"Hello sir! Should I schedule another meeting?"</blue>
<b>-"No, thank you. I think we talked everything over!"</b>
<blue>-"Alright, perfect, have a great day then!"</blue>
<b>-"You too!"</b> You exit the Fuse headquarters and head to your car.
<img src="Images\Lectures\search the web\g19.png">
<b>-"And now we wait.."</b> The car beeps as you unlock it and get inside.
<b>-"Hopefully this ad campaign will spread the message a lot more efficiently than I can on my own..</b> The car roars to life as you turn on the engine... Time to drive home.
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>><<todoCompleted "Wait for the ad campaign to do it's magic.">>\
<<set $workweb to $workweb +1>>\
<<set $attended2 to true>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<set $totalinvited to $adscore*30>>\
<<set $totalinvited2 to $totalinvited/2>>\
<<if $sentadladymask ==true>>\
<b>-"Damn! What's with all the messages!"</b> You think as you take a seat. Your phone has been blowing up with various questions about the festival.
<img src="Images\Lectures\search the web\ad4.gif">
<b>-"Already over $totalinvited2 people registered for the event... The ads must be live!"</b> After opening up your gmail account, you see that you have a message.
<b>-"Knew it! Luna sent me a letter!"</b>
Good afternoon, $name!
Just writing to say, that your ads are up and running! Just as we talked about before, they will run for about a week, if you want to extend this period, you'll have to send us another payment.
Loved working with you and I hope you like the designs we came up with!
Also, I want to thank you again, for sending me the mask! I attended the initiation ceremony and it went off without a hitch! The Juliet tip really saved my butt!
Sending you a couple of pics from my first night there... I know that cameras are not allowed, but I snuck one in anyways!!
Us having some fun after the formalities.
<img src="Images\Lectures\search the web\ad2.jpeg">
The roughness of the guys really reminded me of the festival last year! They really don't take no for an answer.. Thankfully, I love that!
<img src="Images\Lectures\search the web\ad1.jpg">
Also managed to snap a pic of officials with one of the girls... They look so scary, but their hands are skillful!
<img src="Images\Lectures\search the web\ad3.webp">
Hopefully we'll meet at the club one day! Now that masks aren't obligatory, you'll have no problem recognising me!
Thanks again and hopefully we can work together again soon!
With love, Luna.
<b>-"Welp, she seems to be enjoying herself... That's cool I guess."</b> You close gmail and open up google.
<b>-"Let's see hot they look like... They must be good, so many people joined already!"</b>
<<if $adlocation ==2>>\
<b>-"Alright, I picked Fuse as the publisher, so the ads should be posted in various forums."</b> You begin looking through the aforementioned forums, while looking for them.
<b>-"Ah! Here's a couple!"</b>
<b>-"Alright, I picked Google as the publisher, so the ads should be posted... Everywhere"</b> You begin looking through some websites students visit while looking for them.
<b>-"Ah! Here's a couple!"</b>
<b>-"Damn! What's with all the messages!"</b> You think as you take a seat. Your phone has been blowing up with various questions about the festival.
<img src="Images\Lectures\search the web\ad4.gif">
<b>-"Already over $totalinvited2 people registered for the event... The ads must be live!"</b> After opening up your gmail account, you see that you have a message.
<b>-"Knew it! Luna sent me a letter!"</b>
Good afternoon, $name!
Just writing to say, that your ads are up and running! Just as we talked about before, they will run for about a week, if you want to extend this period, you'll have to send us another payment.
Loved working with you and I hope you like the designs we came up with!
If you have any questions, or want to change something about the ads, we do paid consultations! For more information, please call our number!
With love, Luna.
<b>-"Awesomeeeee!! Let's see how they look like.."</b> You close gmail and open up google.
<<if $adlocation ==2>>\
<b>-"Alright, I picked Fuse as the publisher, so the ads should be posted in various forums."</b> You begin looking through the aforementioned forums, while looking for them.
<b>-"Ah! Here's a couple!"</b>
<b>-"Alright, I picked Google as the publisher, so the ads should be posted... Everywhere"</b> You begin looking through some websites students visit while looking for them.
<b>-"Ah! Here's a couple!"</b>
<<pageReplace "Check them out">>
<<if $themead ==1>>\
<<if $lengthad ==1>>\
<b>-"Dude! There's so many!"</b> Everywhere you look, your ads are there!
<b>-"Awh man, this one is nice!"</b> You find an ad in the book section of one of the forums.
<img src="Images\Lectures\search the web\smart_long_mid.png">
<b>-"No clue if the intellectual theme was the play to be honest..."</b>
<b>-"Especially because, the festival won't be about that at all.. So I'm just pretty much lying.."</b>
<b>-"Oh, this one is nice too!"</b>
<img src="Images\Lectures\search the web\smart_2_long_mid.png">
<b>-"Ghahaha mental exercises... More like physical exercises.."</b> You chuckle to yourself as you continue to look at the ads.
<grey>Buzz Buzz</grey>
<b>-"Damn.."</b> Your phone continues to vibrate as more and more students send you messages.
<b>-"Hiring Fuse was definitely the right play.. Hudson will for sure be happy!"</b> You spend the rest of the day writing back to people who asked for more details and writing down everyone's information. After a couple of hours, your phone began to appear more and more silent, so you decided to head home.
<<set $recruited to $recruited+$totalinvited>>
<grey>Recruited +$totalinvited!</grey>
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<b>-"Dude! There's so many!"</b> Everywhere you look, your ads are there!
<b>-"Awh man, this one is nice!"</b> You find an ad in the book section of one of the forums.
<img src="Images\Lectures\search the web\smart_short.png">
<b>-"No clue if the intellectual theme was the play to be honest..."</b>
<b>-"Especially because, the festival won't be about that at all.. So I'm just pretty much lying.."</b>
<b>-"Oh, this one is nice too!"</b>
<img src="Images\Lectures\search the web\smart_2_short.png">
<b>-"Ghahaha mental exercises... More like physical exercises.."</b> You chuckle to yourself as you continue to look at the ads.
<grey>Buzz Buzz</grey>
<b>-"Damn.."</b> Your phone continues to vibrate as more and more students send you messages.
<b>-"Hiring Fuse was definitely the right play.. Hudson will for sure be happy!"</b> You spend the rest of the day writing back to people who asked for more details and writing down everyone's information. After a couple of hours, your phone began to appear more and more silent, so you decided to head home.
<<set $recruited to $recruited+$totalinvited>>
<grey>Recruited +$totalinvited!</grey>
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<<elseif $themead ==2>>\
<<if $lengthad ==1>>\
<b>-"Dude! There's so many!"</b> Everywhere you look, your ads are there!
<b>-"Awh man, this one is nice!"</b> You find an ad in one of the forums.
<img src="Images\Lectures\search the web\fun_mid_long.png">
<b>-"No clue if the fun theme was the play to be honest.. But it seems to be working out!"</b>
<b>-"This one reminds me of the flyers I made..."</b>
<b>-"Oh, this one is nice too!"</b>
<img src="Images\Lectures\search the web\fun_2_long_mid.png">
<b>-"Hah, smart, making them think that the spots are running out.."</b> You continue to look at the ads.
<grey>Buzz Buzz</grey>
<b>-"Damn.."</b> Your phone continues to vibrate as more and more students send you messages.
<b>-"Hiring Fuse was definitely the right play.. Hudson will for sure be happy!"</b> You spend the rest of the day writing back to people who asked for more details and writing down everyone's information. After a couple of hours, your phone began to appear more and more silent, so you decided to head home.
<<set $recruited to $recruited+$totalinvited>>
<grey>Recruited +$totalinvited!</grey>
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<b>-"Dude! There's so many!"</b> Everywhere you look, your ads are there!
<b>-"Awh man, this one is nice!"</b> You find an ad in one of the forums.
<img src="Images\Lectures\search the web\fun_short.png">
<b>-"No clue if the fun theme was the play to be honest.. But it seems to be working out!"</b>
<b>-"This one reminds me of the flyers I made..."</b>
<b>-"Oh, this one is nice too!"</b>
<img src="Images\Lectures\search the web\fun_2_short.png">
<b>-"Hah, smart, making them think that the spots are running out.."</b> You continue to look at the ads.
<grey>Buzz Buzz</grey>
<b>-"Damn.."</b> Your phone continues to vibrate as more and more students send you messages.
<b>-"Hiring Fuse was definitely the right play.. Hudson will for sure be happy!"</b> You spend the rest of the day writing back to people who asked for more details and writing down everyone's information. After a couple of hours, your phone began to appear more and more silent, so you decided to head home.
<<set $recruited to $recruited+$totalinvited>>
<grey>Recruited +$totalinvited!</grey>
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<<if $lengthad ==1>>\
<b>-"Dude! There's so many!"</b> Everywhere you look, your ads are there!
<b>-"Awh man, this one is nice!"</b> You find an ad in one of the forums.
<img src="Images\Lectures\search the web\sexual_mid_long.png">
<b>-"Damn.. They're pretty hot too! No wonder everyone is blowing up my phone!"</b>
<b>-"I wonder if my flyers would have done better, if they were sexually themed as well.."</b>
<b>-"Oh, this one is nice too!"</b>
<img src="Images\Lectures\search the web\sexual_2_long_mid.png">
<b>-"The cover pic is awesome! I wonder if they drew it themselves."</b> You continue to look at the ads.
<grey>Buzz Buzz</grey>
<b>-"Damn.."</b> Your phone continues to vibrate as more and more students send you messages.
<b>-"Hiring Fuse was definitely the right play.. Hudson will for sure be happy!"</b> You spend the rest of the day writing back to people who asked for more details and writing down everyone's information. After a couple of hours, your phone began to appear more and more silent, so you decided to head home.
<<set $recruited to $recruited+$totalinvited>>
<grey>Recruited +$totalinvited!</grey>
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<b>-"Dude! There's so many!"</b> Everywhere you look, your ads are there!
<b>-"Awh man, this one is nice!"</b> You find an ad in one of the forums.
<img src="Images\Lectures\search the web\sexual_short.png">
<b>-"Damn.. They're pretty hot too! No wonder everyone is blowing up my phone!"</b>
<b>-"I wonder if my flyers would have done better, if they were sexually themed as well.."</b>
<b>-"Oh, this one is nice too!"</b>
<img src="Images\Lectures\search the web\sexual_2_short.png">
<b>-"The cover pic is awesome! I wonder if they drew it themselves."</b> You continue to look at the ads.
<grey>Buzz Buzz</grey>
<b>-"Damn.."</b> Your phone continues to vibrate as more and more students send you messages.
<b>-"Hiring Fuse was definitely the right play.. Hudson will for sure be happy!"</b> You spend the rest of the day writing back to people who asked for more details and writing down everyone's information. After a couple of hours, your phone began to appear more and more silent, so you decided to head home.
<<set $recruited to $recruited+$totalinvited>>
<grey>Recruited +$totalinvited!</grey>
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>>\This is the end of "Search the web" option in v0.8.5
Searching the web in future releases will lead to various events, like invitations to parties, potential sex work to get more people recruited etc.
<<set $attended2 to true>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]<<if $worksup==2 and $beentoparty == true>>
<<set $worksup to 3>>
<<if $worksup==1>>
<<goto "Walk around the sup 1">>
<<elseif $worksup==2>>
<<goto "Walk around the sup 2">>
<<elseif $worksup==3>>
<<goto "Walk around the sup 3">>
<<elseif $worksup==4>>
<<goto "Walk around the sup 4">>
<<elseif $worksup==5>>
<<goto "Walk around the sup 5">>
<<elseif $worksup==6>>
<<goto "Walk around the sup 6">>
<<elseif $worksup==7>>
<<goto "Walk around the sup 7">>
<<elseif $worksup==8>>
<<goto "Walk around the sup 8">>
<<elseif $worksup==9>>
<<goto "Walk around the sup 9">>
<<elseif $worksup==10>>
<<goto "Walk around the sup 10">>
If you're here something is wrong..
[[Return->Go outside]]As you're walking around the SUP, looking for people to recruit, you spot a group of four girls sitting nearby the submissiveness lecture hall.. they're chatting and eating something..
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\desktop-wallpaper-friendship-group-girls-friends-group.webp" height="500px">
<b>-"I might as well ask them.."</b> You think to yourself as you walk up to them.
<<pageReplace"Introduce yourself">>\
<b>-"H-hello! My name is $name, the principal is inviting you to a free vacation/festival that will take place on a private island..."</b> It's your first time doing this, you come off as a bit confused and.. desperate.
<emily>-"Hmmm.. a free vacation you say?"</emily> They look at each other.
The girls start whispering to each other and laughing, after a while, one of them looks at you and says:
<emily>-"Hahaha, you seem pretty desperate, do you need people that bad?"</emily>
<b>-"I mean yeah.. i have to recruit a 1000 students before the end of the semester.."</b>
<emily>-"Heh, alright, if you need us that badly, we'll join.... if you kiss my foot."</emily> The group starts laughing as the girl points at her right foot.
<<if $domstatus is true>>\
<<pageReplace "Kiss her foot..">>\
<b>-"Ugh.. fine.."</b> You whisper as you get on your knees.
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\24561225.webp" width="600px">
You kiss her foot quickly and purposefully, standing up after you're done.
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\TcR.webp">
The girls start laughing at you.
<emily>-"HAHAHA I can't believe you actually did it!"</emily> One shouts.
<b>-"Whatever, will you come now?"</b> You wipe off the saliva from your lips.
<emily>-"Hahahaha.. haha... ha.. y-yeah, me and Susan will the other two... well.."</emily> She smiles and looks at them.
<adriana>-"Show us your dick and we will join.."</adriana> One of the two girls speaks.
<b>-"Jesus Christ what is wrong with you.."</b>
<<pageReplace "Do it..">>\
<b>-"Ugh whatever, I don't have anything to hide anyways.."</b> You whisper as you pull down your pants, revealing your flaccid.. but impressive cock.
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\big-thick-soft-dick.webp">
<adriana>-"U...Ughhhh... y-yaah.."</adriana> You can see that she didn't expect to see such a huge cock..
<adriana>-"Y-yeah.. we will join.."</adriana> The girl whimpers. You exchange social medias and quickly leave..
<<set $recruited to $recruited +4>>
<grey>Recruited +4!</grey>
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace "I'm fine with two new recruits..">>\
<b>-"Hell nah what the fuck.."</b> You shout at them.
<b>-"I'm good with two new recruits!"</b>
<emily>-"Heh fine.. can't say I wasn't excited to see what you were hiding behind those pants, but whatever, me and Susan will be there, just let me know when and where.."</emily> You exchange social medias and leave..
<<set $recruited to $recruited +2>>
<grey>Recruited +2!</grey>
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace "Fuck it, slap her tits for disrespecting you">>\
You have no idea why, but you got incredibly mad. The thought of kissing her foot in submissiveness angered the very core of you.
<b>-"What the fuck!"</b> You shout as you grab the girl.
<emily>-"W-whaaaaa!!! I'm sorry!"</emily> She shouts.
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\18772820.webp">
You grab her tit and slap it.
<emily>-"FuuUUUUUCKKK!"</emily> She shouts in pain, the other girls look at you in fear and back off.
<emily>-"I-I'm sorry!!!! W-we'll join! Just please let me go!"</emily> The girl shouts. After hearing these words you let her go.
<b>-"Fine, I better see you there though!"</b> You shout at her while they all run off.
<<set $recruited to $recruited +4>>
<grey>Recruited +4!</grey>
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace "Kiss her foot..">>\
<b>-"Ugh.. f-fine.."</b> You whimper as you get on your knees.
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\24561225.webp" width="600px">
You kiss her foot slowly, and with passion.. you have some experience and you can't lie.. it's kind of nice..
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\TcR.webp">
The girls start laughing at you.
<emily>-"HAHAHA I can't believe you actually did it!"</emily> One shouts.
<b>-"W-whatever, w-will you come now... please?"</b> You wipe off the saliva from your lips.
<emily>-"Hahahaha.. haha... ha.. y-yeah, me and Susan will the other two... well.."</emily> She smiles and looks at them.
<adriana>-"Show us your dick and we will join.."</adriana> One of the two girls speaks.
<b>-"M-my dick..."</b> You whisper..
<<pageReplace "Do it..">>\
<<if $toys==1>>\
<b>-"O-okay..."</b> You whimper as you slowly pull down your pants to reveal your little caged cock...
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\21660633.webp" height="500px">
<adriana>-"HAHAHA HE'S IN A CHASTITY!"</adriana> The group starts to laugh again. You quickly blush and pull up your pants.
<adriana>-"Jeez you're a loser! Haha, after that amazing show, we have to join!"</adriana> The girl giggles. You exchange social medias and quickly leave..
<<set $recruited to $recruited +4>>
<grey>Recruited +4!</grey>
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<<elseif $toys!==1>>\
<b>-"O-okay..."</b> You whimper as you slowly pull down your pants to reveal your average cock...
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\long-soft-cock-463x550.webp">
<adriana>-"Hahaha, how cute"</adriana> The group starts to laugh again. You quickly blush and pull up your pants.
<adriana>-"Haha, after that amazing show, we have to join!"</adriana> The girl giggles. You exchange social medias and quickly leave..
<<set $recruited to $recruited +4>>
<grey>Recruited +4!</grey>
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace "I'm fine with two new recruits..">>\
<b>-"I-I'm not comfortable.. I'm okay with two of y-you.."</b> You look down at the ground..
<emily>-"Heh fine.. can't say I wasn't excited to see what a loser like you was hiding behind those pants, but whatever, me and Susan will be there, just let me know when and where.."</emily> You exchange social medias and leave..
<<set $recruited to $recruited +2>>
<grey>Recruited +2!</grey>
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace "Don't...">>\
<b>-"W-what? N-no!"</b> You answer.
<emily>-"Heh, fine, we're not going!"</emily> She shouts.
<b>-"Whatever.."</b> You whisper under your breath as you turn and around and leave.. you will not be humiliated today..
<grey>Recruited +0!</grey>
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<<set $worksup to $worksup +1>>\
<<set $attended2 to true>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\<<if $sawthepartyposter is true>>\
<b>-"Let's see if any students walking around want to join.."</b> You think as you open the door and walk out..
After a couple of minutes, you spot some people and decide to invite them..
<b>-"Yo! D-do you w-"</b>
<blue>-"Not interested, thanks."</blue> The group of guys reply..
<b>-"Alright... Let's find some more people I guess."</b> You think..
<b>-"Hello! Do you want to hear about this new festival the SUP is hosting?"</b> You ask a girl passing by..
<adriana>-"Oh.. I have a boyfriend.."</adriana> She walks off..
<<pageReplace"Continue looking">>\
<b>-"Oh.. what's this.."</b> You spot a poster on the wall..
<img src="Images\Lectures\search the web\Flyer1.png">
<b>-"Ah! It's the same poster I saw on the internet.. Damn this party must be pretty big if they're putting posters up in the university itself.."</b>
As you're looking at the poster, you spot a group of people talking nearby..
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\blyat.webp">
Maybe they know something about the party?
<b>-"Y-yo! Do you guys know anything about this party?"</b> You point at the poster..
<adriana>-"Ah no.. So sorry. Nobody really knows how to even register.. It said on their website that registration opens soon.."</adriana>
<blue>-"Yeah man that party is going to be pretty hard to get into.. It's gonna be athletes and hot chicks mostly haha"</blue> The group laughs...
<b>-'Agh.. Well thanks for the info guys!'</b> You say your goodbyes and leave..
<b>-"Hmmm.. It seems I need to find a way to get into the party if I want to recruit more people.."</b>
<b>-"My best bet is probably waiting till the online registration opens up.."</b>
As you look at your phone you notice that it's getting pretty late.. It's time to leave..
<grey>Recruited +0!</grey>
[[Leave the SUP->Go outside]]
<b>-"Let's see if any students walking around want to join.."</b> You think as you open the door and walk out..
After a couple of minutes, you spot some people and decide to invite them..
<b>-"Yo! D-do you w-"</b>
<blue>-"Not interested, thanks."</blue> The group of guys reply..
<b>-"Alright... Let's find some more people I guess."</b> You think..
<b>-"Hello! Do you want to hear about this new festival the SUP is hosting?"</b> You ask a girl passing by..
<adriana>-"Oh.. I have a boyfriend.."</adriana> She walks off..
<<pageReplace"Continue looking">>\
<b>-"Oh.. what's this.."</b> You spot a poster on the wall..
<img src="Images\Lectures\search the web\Flyer1.png">
<b>-"Ah! It's a poster for a party.. Damn, it must be pretty big if they're putting posters up in the university itself.."</b>
As you're looking at the poster, you spot a group of people talking nearby..
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\blyat.webp">
Maybe they know something about the party?
<b>-"Y-yo! Do you guys know anything about this party?"</b> You point at the poster..
<adriana>-"Ah no.. So sorry. Nobody really knows how to even register.. It said on their website that registration opens soon.."</adriana>
<blue>-"Yeah man that party is going to be pretty hard to get into.. It's gonna be athletes and hot chicks mostly haha"</blue> The group laughs...
<b>-'Agh.. Well thanks for the info guys!'</b> You say your goodbyes and leave..
<b>-"Hmmm.. It seems I need to find a way to get into the party if I want to recruit more people.."</b>
<b>-"My best bet is probably waiting till the online registration opens up.."</b>
As you look at your phone you notice that it's getting pretty late.. It's time to leave..
<grey>Recruited +0!</grey>
[[Leave the SUP->Go outside]]
<<set $sawthepartyposter2 to true>>\
<<set $attended2 to true>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<set $worksup to $worksup +1>>\<<set $attended2 to true>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<set $worksup to $worksup +1>>\
<b>-"The SUP festival guys! FreeeeeEEEE festival!!! Register here!!"</b> You shout as you walk around the halls..
<b>-"Ugh.. T-this is not going well.."</b> You think to yourself.. It's been almost an hour, and you only managed to recruit 5 students!
<blue>-"No thanks man.."</blue> A man says..
<pink>-"I'm good!"</pink> A woman smiles.
<adriana>-"Maybe next year..."</adriana> People keep rejecting you..
<b>-"Fuck this.. I need to take a piss.."</b> You whisper to yourself as you head towards the toilets..
You enter the restroom, pull down your pants and start to take a piss..
<b>-"H-huh??"</b> As you're doing the deed, you notice a peculiar hole in the wall..
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\65jlr0ss6kny.jpg">
<b>-"Is that what I think it is.."</b> You flush the toilet and pull up your pants..
<b>-"N-no way that's a real gloryhole right?"</b> You giggle to yourself.. But as you do, something starts to come out of it..
<<pageReplace"Take a better look..">>
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\Screenshot_1.png">
<b>-"Oh.. Oh my god.."</b> You whisper as you're faced with a pretty hefty cock.. And 100$ bill on top of it..
<b>-"W-what the fuck.."</b> You laugh to yourself.. You can't believe what you're seeing..
<blue>-"Get to sucking.. Hurry up!"</blue> The man behind the wall tells you..
<<pageReplace"Take the money and run">>
<b>-"Yeahhhhhh.. No!"</b> You button it up your pants, slick back your hair and take a deep breath..
<b>-"YOINK!"</b> You grab the 100$ bill and book it out of there.
<blue>-"H-hey! C-come back here!"</blue> You hear the man struggling in the stall..
<b>-"You ain't catching me!"</b> You shout as you leave the restroom!
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\giphy.gif">
You zip through the halls, straight into the principals office.. He can't get you here..
<b>-"Woohoo! I call that a productive day!"</b> You laugh to yourself as you stuff the money into your wallet. After catching your breath, you decide what to do next..
<<set $recruited to $recruited +5>>
<green>Money +100!</green>
<<money +100 "Yoinked it from some gloryhole freak.">>
<grey>Recruited +5!</grey>
[[Go home->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Just leave">>
<b>-"Yeahhhhhh.. No!"</b> You button it up your pants and leave the stall..
<blue>-"C-come on! Don't leave me hanging!"</blue> You hear the man struggling in the stall..
<b>-"Ew.. Not happening!"</b> You shout as you leave the bathroom and go to the principals office..
<b>-"Gosh this school can be weird sometimes! At least I recruited a couple of students.."</b> After catching your breath for a bit, you decide what to do next..
<<set $recruited to $recruited +5>>
<grey>Recruited +5!</grey>
[[Go home->Go outside]]
<<if $feminization>85>>
<<pageReplace"Earn the 100 dollars...">>
<b>-"Welp.. M-might as well.."</b> You get on your knees and take the 100$ bill.. You quickly shove it inside of your wallet.
<blue>-"Hurry up!"</blue> The man shouts...
<b>-"Y-yes.."</b> You slowly put your lips up against his shaft..
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\27422207.webp">
<b>-"Mfggf..."</b> you whimper as saliva pools in your mouth..
<blue>-"F-fuck.. Finally.."</blue> You hear the man moan..
<b>-"Mfgff.. Y-you like that?"</b> You asks as your tongue draws circles around his tip.. You can't lie to yourself.. This is turning you on...
<<if $toys ==1>>\
Your little cock presses up against it's cage as you continue to suck the mans cock..
Your little cock presses up against your pants as you continue to suck the mans cock.
<blue>-"F-fuckk... Q-quit teasing and get in there!"</blue> He commands you..
<b>-"Y-yes sir!"</b>
<<pageReplace"Take it deeper.">>
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\18433835.webp">
<b>-"Mfgfff.. S-so bigggg"</b> You whimper as you taste his pre cum.. So salty.
<blue>-"G-good g-girll... MfGFfFF..."</blue> You almost choke as he throbs in your mouth.
<b>-"Gwosh.. Y-ywour swo bigg..."</b> You pull out the massive shaft from your mouth and start stroking it..
<blue>-"I.. I know.. N-now put those lips to use again!"</blue> As the words leave his lips, you start sucking him off again..
<blue>-"S-shit.. G-good!"</blue>
<b>-"Hehe.. I-I knowww."</b> You smile as you taste him again..
<blue>-"NfgggGGGfFF.. I-I'm close!"</blue> He shouts as you feel his member pulse.
<<pageReplace"Finish him!">>
<b>-"F-fuckk.."</b> You don't feel like swallowing today.. You start stroking his shaft as you back away..
<b>-"D-do it!"</b> You stroke him harder and harder...
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\ezgif-3-53ab1a9652.webp">
<blue>-"FuckkKKKKKKK!!!"</blue> He shouts.. His cum covering your entire arm.
<b>-"J-jeez.. H-how long have you been waiting.. T-this is massive load!"</b>
<blue>-"T-too long.."</blue> He slowly pulls his dick back as you grab some toilet paper and start cleaning yourself up..
<blue>-"I.. I was never here.. We never met.."</blue> The man says as you hear his stall's door open and close.. He quickly leaves the restroom.
<b>-"Welp.. I call that a productive day!"</b> After catching your breath, you decide what to do next..
<<set $recruited to $recruited +5>>
<green>Money +100!</green>
<<money +100 "Sucked a dude off for some cash">>
<grey>Recruited +5!</grey>
[[Go home->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>><<set $attended2 to true>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<set $worksup to $worksup +1>>\
<b>-"Annnnddd there!"</b> You smile as you look at your hard work.
<b>-"Hooo finally, took so long to do, but they look really good!"</b> You just finished making a bunch of flyers!
<b>-"Time to hand them out.."</b> You take a pile of them with you.
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\s1.png">
As you head out of the office, you start handing them to everyone. On the other side of the paper, you left your number and instructions for how to apply.
<b>-"There you go!"</b> You hand a student a flyer.
<blue>-"Oh.. Thanks man!"</blue> You both exchange a smile as you walk off.
<b>-"Take this!"</b>
<pink>-"Thank you!"</pink> You hand another to a cute girl nearby.. After a while, you give every person in the vicinity the invitation.
<b>-"Time to visit some classes.."</b> You tell yourself as you start entering various club meetings, lounges and other student-only places.
After a while of, you're finally left with only a handful of them.. Time to find your last victims and end the day.
<b>-"Hmmm.."</b> You hum outloud as you walk up to another class. You read it's name..
<b>-"Sissification club.. New members welcome!"</b> Oh wow.. Well you need to get rid of these last couple flyers.. Might as well..
<pink>-"Ohhh fuckkkk!!!"</pink> You hear a voice as you open the door..
<pink>-"God f-fucking damnit..."</pink>
<b>-"H-hello?"</b> You shout as you look around the hall..
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\s2.webp">
<pink>-"NFgffffmmm w-whyyy!"</pink> You spot a person in the corner.. They're using a.. Machine?
<pink>-"MfgfFFF... C-come in!"</pink> The machine slowly comes to a stop as they see you.
<b>-"Not interrupting.. Am I?"<b> You walk closer.
<pink>-"Ughhh.. N-no.."</pink>
<pink>-"I'm just trying to cum with this stupid thing on.."</pink> They slowly stand up and point at their chastity cage.
<<if $domstatus is true>>\
<b>-"Right.. Must be difficult.. With that thing on.."</b> It's.. A chastity cage?
<pink>-"I mean yeah.. It's a lot smaller than I'm used to.. Anyways, are you here to join the club?"</pink>
<b>-"Ahah.. N-no not really."</b> The person gives you a confused look.
<pink>-"Really? T-then why are you here?"</pink> You look him up and down.
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\s4.jpg">
<b>-"I'm inviting people to a festival the SUP is hosting. Want to join?"</b> You show the flyer.
<pink>-"Hmm.. A festival huh.."</pink>
<pink>-"I might.. Sounds pretty cool to be honest!"</pink> You see a tiny bit of pre cum leak out from his cage..
<b>-"Yeahh... I'm off then, send me a message if you decide to go for it! The number is on the other side of the flyer!"</b> They nod as you smile.
<pink>-"R-right! I will!"</pink> As you begin to walk away, they again start to use the dildo.. This time, without the machine.
<pink>-"Oof... L-lemme try a-again.."</pink> As you reach the door the moans start up again. You decide to look back.
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\s3.webp">
<<pageReplace"Just leave...">>
<b>-"What a weird guy.."</b> You think to yourself as you leave the hall.
<b>-"One.. Two.. Three.. Oh nice, 5 people registered!"</b> You count the applications you recieved and write down their names.
<b>-"Time to head home!"</b> You pack up and leave the university.
<<set $recruited to $recruited +5>>
<grey>Recruited +5!</grey>
[[Walk to the city->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Offer to solve his problem..">>
<<set $agreedtohelpthesissy to true>>\
<b>-"Hmmm.."</b> You feel a strange sort of attraction to the person.. You've only been with women but..
<b>-"You know.."</b> You say outloud.
<pink>-"Mhff.. H-huh..?"</pink> They stop for a second.
<b>-"I could help you solve that problem.."</b>
<pink>-"W-what problem?"</pink>
<b>-"You not cumming.. In that cage.."</b>
<pink>-"R-really..? How would you do that?"</pink>
<b>-"Act as your dildo for a bit.. Women seem to say that it's a lot better!"</b> You giggle as they answer.
<pink>-"Mfgff.. A-are you implying what I think you're implying.. "</pink> They giggle too..
<pink>-"I do find you kind of hot.. I'm in this hall basically every day.. Meet me here, alone.."</pink> You nod as you turn around.
<b>-"Will do.."</b> You open the door and leave, the moans start up again..
<b>-"Well this is a first.."</b> You smile as you open up your notebook.
<b>-"One.. Two.. Three.. Oh nice, 5 people registered!"</b> You count the applications you recieved and write down their names.
<b>-"Time to head home!"</b> You pack up and leave the university.
<<set $recruited to $recruited +5>>
<grey>Recruited +5!</grey>
[[Walk to the city->Go outside]]
<b>-"Haha.. Y-yeah.. Must be difficult"</b> You laugh awkwardly.
<pink>-"I mean yeah.. It's a lot smaller than I'm used to.. Anyways, are you here to join the club?"</pink>
<b>-"Ahah.. N-no not really."</b> The person gives you a confused look.
<pink>-"Really? T-then why are you here?"</pink> You look him up and down.
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\s4.jpg">
<b>-"I'm inviting people to a festival the SUP is hosting. W-want to join?"</b> You show the flyer.
<pink>-"Hmm.. A festival huh.."</pink>
<pink>-"I might.. Sounds pretty cool to be honest!"</pink> You see a tiny bit of pre cum leak out from his cage..
<b>-"Y-yeahh... I'm off then, send me a message if you decide to go for it! T-the number is on the other side of the flyer!"</b> They nod as you smile.
<pink>-"R-right! I will!"</pink> As you begin to walk away, they again start to use the dildo.. This time, without the machine.
<pink>-"Oof... L-lemme try a-again.."</pink> As you reach the door the moans start up again. You decide to look back.
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\s3.webp">
<<pageReplace"Just leave...">>
<b>-"Gosh... N-not for me!"</b> You think to yourself as you leave the hall.
<b>-"One.. Two.. Three.. Oh nice, 5 people registered!"</b> You count the applications you recieved and write down their names.
<b>-"Time to head home!"</b> You pack up and leave the university.
<<set $recruited to $recruited +5>>
<grey>Recruited +5!</grey>
[[Walk to the city->Go outside]]
<<if $femstatus is true and $feminization >40>>
<<pageReplace"Offer to solve his problem..">>
<<set $agreedtohelpthesissy to true>>\
<b>-"Hmmm.."</b> You feel your cock throb a bit as you hear their moans..
<b>-"You know.."</b> You say outloud.
<pink>-"Mhff.. H-huh..?"</pink> They stop for a second.
<b>-"I could help you solve that problem.."</b>
<pink>-"W-what problem?"</pink>
<b>-"You not cumming.. In that cage.."</b>
<pink>-"R-really..? How would you do that?"</pink>
<b>-"W-well.. Peg you a bit.. I'm usually caged myself, but could also come without it.."</b>
<pink>-"Mfgff.. A-are you implying what I think you're implying.."</pink> They giggle too..
<b>-"Could be a bit easier if I help you.."</b>
<pink>-"I do find you kind of hot.. I'm in this hall basically every day.. Meet me here, alone.."</pink> You nod as you turn around.
<b>-"W-will do.."</b> You open the door and leave, the moans start up again..
<b>-"Oh my God I did it.."</b> You smile as you feel your heart shake..
<b>-"R-right.. Focus $name.."</b> You open up your notebook.
<b>-"One.. Two.. Three.. Oh nice, 5 people registered!"</b> You count the applications you recieved and write down their names.
<b>-"Time to head home!"</b> You pack up and leave the university.
<<set $recruited to $recruited +5>>
<grey>Recruited +5!</grey>
[[Walk to the city->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>>\<<set $attended2 to true>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<set $worksup to $worksup +1>>\
<<if $agreedtohelpthesissy == true>>\
<<if $domstatus is true>>\
<b>-"Welp.. He told I could find him here.."</b> You say as you walk up to the sissification club.
<b>-"What am I doing... I should be recruiting students not.. This shit.."</b> You laugh at how ridiculous this is..
<grey>Knock Knock!</grey>
<pink>-"Come in please!"</pink> You hear a muffled voice ring out from behind door.
<b>-"R-right.."</b> You open the door and step inside.
<pink>-"So.. You came! I'm Mary by the way. Or at least that's what my club memebers call me.."</pink> She smiles.
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\d3.jpeg">
<b>-"I'm $name.. So, Still having trouble, Mary?"</b> You close the door behind you.
<pink>-"You could say that.. Decided that learning how to cum from anal without that plastic thing is the play though.."</pink> She giggles.
<b>-"Oh.. So you're without the cage?"</b>
<pink>-"Haha what are you disappointed?"</pink> Mary lays down.
<pink>-"Shouldn't affect you, I'm still up for what we talked about.."</pink> You stare as she pulls her panties down.
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\d2.jpg">
<b>-"W-woah.. Gulp.."</b>
<pink>-"So..? What are you waiting for? Is this your first time playing with another joystick?"</pink>
<b>-"You could say that.."</b>
<<pageReplace"Get on top of Mary..">>\
<pink>-"Woah!"</pink> She laughs as you jump on top her.
<b>-"L-let's do this quickly.."</b>
<pink>-"Aigh aigh captain!"</pink> She looks you in the eyes as you take off her clothes.
<pink>-"You know.. If you do a good enough job I might invite other members to that festival of yours.."</pink>
<b>-"Hmmm.. You will..?"</b> You lick your lips as your cock throbs.
<b>-"Then I'll try my best.."</b> You slowly pull down your pants and start rubbing your shaft up against her hole..
<pink>-"S-shit.."</pink> You can see her member grow harder and harder as she watches.
<pink>-"It's so.. Big.."</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\d5.webp">
<pink>-"F-FucKKKKKkkK!"</pink> Mary shouts as you pierce her insides.
<b>-"J-jeez you're tight!"</b> It's your first time doing it with... Someone like this.. But you're just as turned on.
<b>-"MfgFFhhH!! H-how does it feel?"</b>
<pink>-"S-shit.. So much.. NFgFFF... B-better!"</pink> You feel her convulsing after every thrust.. This feels amazing!
<pink>-"I.. I can feel i-it hitting my p-prostate.. MFgfff.. S-speed a up a bit!</pink> She instructs you.
<<pageReplace"Speed up.">>\
<b>-"R-right.."</b> You take a deep breath and shove it as deep as you can go..
<pink>-"EeeekKK!"</pink> You quickly pull it out and pierce her again..
<b>-"MFgffGhhh..."</b> As you increase in speed you can see Mary's eyes roll back from pleasure.
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\d6.webp">
<pink>-"N-no way.. S-speed up more..! I'm.. MfGFFffgghhh.. AhhhHHHH!.. I'm a-about to cum!"</pink> As the words leave her lips, something comes over you..
<b>-"UghhhHHH.."</b> You lose control of your body.. You turn into an absolute machine..
<pink>-"MfgfFFF F-fUCKKKK!!"</pink> Mary let's go of her pleasure stick, wanting to cum completely from anal.
<b>-"S-shitTTT..!"</b> As you both scream, it becomes obvious that you're about to cum with Mary..
<<pageReplace"Cum in her mouth.">>\
<b>-"UghhhHHH!!"</b> As a giant load rises up from your shaft, you watch as Mary comes all over herself..
<pink>-"Oh my GOoodoDOODDDDD!!! MfgFFhhfFFF!!!"</pink> As she ejaculates, you quickly pull out.
<b>-"N-now swallowWwW!"</b> As you shove your cock down her throat, you can see makeup run down her face.
<pink>-"MmmmMMMM.. Bhruuu.."</pink> She struggles to breath as you unload in her.
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\d1.webp">
<pink>-"Gulp.. Gulp.."</pink> She swallows every last drop..
<pink>-"W-woah.."</pink> Mary pants as she looks at herself.. Completely drenched in her own cum..
<b>-"J-jeez.. How long have you been holding off for.."</b>
<pink>-"Haha a-a while.. Honestly I didn't think you could make me do it, but... You exceeded my expectations!"</pink> You both giggle as you struggle to stand up.
<b>-"You're not the first to be surprised.."</b> You start to dress up.
<pink>-"R-really.. Huh.. Anyways!"</pink> Mary starts cleaning the cum off her belly with a tissue.
<pink>-"Thank you for today $name.. I'll remember this."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<pink>-"I'll invite the other members and send you a message.. Okay?"</pink>
<b>-"S-sure! I'm off then.."</b> You start heading towards the door.
<pink>-"R-right.. Maybe we can repeat this again sometime, just with the cage on.."</pink> Mary winks as you exit the club.
<b>-"S-shit.. That just happened.."</b> You head to the toilet to collect your thoughts. As you do, a message appears.
<b>-"Ah.. It's Mary again.."</b> 10 club members decided to join.. Not bad! After checking yourself out in the restroom mirror, you decide to head home.
<<set $recruited to $recruited +10>>
<grey>Recruited +10!</grey>
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Come together..">>\
<b>-"UghhhHHH!!"</b> As a giant load rises up from your shaft, you watch as Mary comes all over herself..
<pink>-"Oh my GOoodoDOODDDDD!!! MfgFFhhfFFF!!!"</pink> As she ejaculates, you quickly pull out.
<b>-"S-shit.."</b> Mary suddenly grabs your shaft and starts to rub them both against each other..
<pink>-"MmmMMMm.. L-let's cum.. T-together!"</pink> She struggles to breath..
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\d7.webp">
<pink>-"AghhhHHHH!!!"</pink> She screams as you both unload on her belly.
<pink>-"W-woah..."</pink> Mary pants as she looks at herself.. Completely drenched in her own cum..
<b>-"J-jeez.. How long have you been holding off for.."</b>
<pink>-"Haha a-a while.. Honestly I didn't think you could make me do it, but... You exceeded my expectations!"</pink> You both giggle as you struggle to stand up.
<b>-"You're not the first to be surprised.."</b> You start to dress up.
<pink>-"R-really.. Huh.. Anyways!"</pink> Mary starts cleaning the cum off herself with a tissue.
<pink>-"Thank you for today $name.. I'll remember this."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<pink>-"I'll invite the other members and send you a message.. Okay?"</pink>
<b>-"S-sure! I'm off then.."</b> You start heading towards the door.
<pink>-"R-right.. Maybe we can repeat this again sometime, just with the cage on.."</pink> Mary winks as you exit the club.
<b>-"S-shit.. That just happened.."</b> You head to the toilet to collect your thoughts. As you do, a message appears.
<b>-"Ah.. It's Mary again.."</b> 10 club members decided to join.. Not bad! After checking yourself out in the restroom mirror, you decide to head home.
<<set $recruited to $recruited +10>>
<grey>Recruited +10!</grey>
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"I changed my mind.">>\
<b>-"Y-you know what.. My bad.. I changed my mind.."</b> Mary pulls up her panties and looks at you.
<pink>-"Awh come on.."</pink>
<pink>-"I cleaned myself and everything.. Sigh.. Whatever, can't force you or anything."</pink>
<pink>-"Don't worry about it man. I understand. First time is always the hardest!"</pink> You both exchange a smile as you slowly turn around.
<b>-"I hope you solve that problem of yours!"</b>
<pink>-"Thanks! Try not to cockblock others like this though.. Very annoying"</pink> You walk out of the club.
<b>-"D-damn.. At the end I couldn't do it.. At least she was cool about it though.."</b>
You check the time and see that you should get going right about now. You didn't manage to recruit anyone..
<grey>Recruited +0!</grey>
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<b>-"W-welp.. He told I could find him here.."</b> You say as you walk up to the sissification club.
<b>-"What am I doing... I should be recruiting students not.. This shit.."</b> You laugh at how ridiculous this is..
<grey>Knock Knock!</grey>
<pink>-"Come in please!"</pink> You hear a muffled voice ring out from behind door.
<b>-"R-right.."</b> You open the door and step inside.
<pink>-"So.. You came! I'm Mary by the way. Or at least that's what my club memebers call me.."</pink> She smiles.
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\d3.jpeg">
<b>-"I'm $name.. S-so, Still having trouble, Mary?"</b> You close the door behind you.
<pink>-"You could say that.. Decided that learning how to cum from anal without that plastic thing is the play though.."</pink> She giggles.
<b>-"Oh.. So you're without the cage?"</b>
<pink>-"Haha what are you disappointed?"</pink> Mary lays down.
<pink>-"Shouldn't affect you, I'm still up for what we talked about.."</pink> You stare as she pulls her panties down.
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\d2.jpg">
<b>-"W-woah.. Gulp.."</b>
<pink>-"So..? What are you waiting for? Is this your first time playing with another joystick?"</pink>
<<if $toys==1>>\
<b>-"W-woah... Y-you know.. I'm with a cage though.."</b>
<pink>-"You are..? Well take it off then.."</pink>
<b>-"I thought I would be pegging you today.."</b> You give her a confused look.
<pink>-"Forgot the dildo ahaha.. We'll have to do without it.."</pink> She smiles.
<b>-"Ugh.. F-fine.."</b> You pull down your pants and unlock your cage.
<pink>-"P-put it on the counter there, next to mine!"</pink>
<b>-"R-right.."</b> You place the chastity next to hers.
<<pageReplace"Get on top of Mary..">>\
<pink>-"Woah!"</pink> She laughs as you jump on top her.
<b>-"L-let's do this quickly.."</b>
<pink>-"Aigh aigh captain!"</pink> She looks you in the eyes as you take off her clothes.
<pink>-"You know.. If you do a good enough job I might invite other members to that festival of yours.."</pink>
<b>-"Hmmm.. You will..?"</b> You lick your lips as your cock throbs.
<b>-"Then I'll try my best.."</b> You slowly pull down your pants and start rubbing your shaft up against her hole..
<pink>-"S-shit.."</pink> You can see her member grow harder and harder as she watches.
<pink>-"Hehe I can tell you've been wearing the cage for a while.. It's quite small.."</pink> You blush as the words leave her lips.
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\d6.webp">
<b>-"MfgfFFf.. D-don't be rude!"</b>
<pink>-"F-FucKKKKKkkKkk! I-I'm not trying to be! It's c-cute!"</pink> Mary shouts as you pierce her insides.
<b>-"J-jeez you're tight!"</b> It's your first time doing it with... Someone like this.. But you're just as turned on.
<b>-"MfgFFhhH!! H-how does it feel?"</b>
<pink>-"S-shit.. So much.. NFgFFF... B-better than the dildo!"</pink> You feel her convulsing after every thrust.. This feels amazing!
<pink>-"I.. I can feel i-it hitting my p-prostate.. MFgfff.. S-speed a up a bit!</pink> She instructs you.
<<pageReplace"Speed up.">>\
<b>-"R-right.."</b> You take a deep breath and shove it as deep as you can go..
<pink>-"EeeekKK!"</pink> You quickly pull it out and pierce her again..
<b>-"MFgffGhhh..."</b> As you increase in speed you can see Mary's eyes roll back from pleasure.
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\d4.gif">
<pink>-"N-no way.. S-speed up more..! I'm.. MfGFFffgghhh.. AhhhHHHH!.. I'm a-about to cum!"</pink> As the words leave her lips, something comes over you..
<b>-"UghhhHHH.."</b> You lose control of your body.. You turn into an absolute machine..
<pink>-"MfgfFFF F-fUCKKKK!!"</pink> Mary let's go of her pleasure stick, wanting to cum completely from anal.
<b>-"S-shitTTT..!"</b> As you both scream, it becomes obvious that you're about to cum with Mary..
<<pageReplace"Cum in her mouth.">>\
<b>-"UghhhHHH!!"</b> As a giant load rises up from your shaft, you watch as Mary comes all over herself..
<pink>-"Oh my GOoodoDOODDDDD!!! MfgFFhhfFFF!!!"</pink> As she ejaculates, you quickly pull out.
<b>-"N-now swallowWwW!"</b> As you shove your cock down her throat, you can see makeup run down her face.
<pink>-"MmmmMMMM.. Bhruuu.."</pink> She struggles to breath as you unload in her.
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\d1.webp">
<pink>-"Gulp.. Gulp.."</pink> She swallows every last drop..
<pink>-"W-woah.."</pink> Mary pants as she looks at herself.. Completely drenched in her own cum..
<b>-"J-jeez.. How long have you been holding off for.."</b>
<pink>-"Haha a-a while.. Honestly I didn't think you could make me do it, but... You exceeded my expectations!"</pink> You both giggle as you struggle to stand up.
<b>-"Hehe.. I-I'm glad you liked it!"</b> You start to dress up.
<pink>-"R-really.. Huh.. Anyways!"</pink> Mary starts cleaning the cum off her belly with a tissue.
<pink>-"Thank you for today $name.. I'll remember this."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<pink>-"I'll invite the other members and send you a message.. Okay?"</pink>
<b>-"S-sure! I'm off then.."</b> You start heading towards the door.
<pink>-"R-right.. Maybe we can repeat this again sometime, just with the cage on.."</pink> Mary winks as you exit the club.
<b>-"S-shit.. That just happened.."</b> You head to the toilet to collect your thoughts. As you do, a message appears.
<b>-"Ah.. It's Mary again.."</b> 10 club members decided to join.. Not bad! After checking yourself out in the restroom mirror, you decide to head home.
<<set $recruited to $recruited +10>>
<grey>Recruited +10!</grey>
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Come together..">>\
<b>-"UghhhHHH!!"</b> As a giant load rises up from your shaft, you watch as Mary comes all over herself..
<pink>-"Oh my GOoodoDOODDDDD!!! MfgFFhhfFFF!!!"</pink> As she ejaculates, you quickly pull out.
<b>-"S-shit.."</b> Mary suddenly grabs your shaft and starts to rub them both against each other..
<pink>-"MmmMMMm.. L-let's cum.. T-together!"</pink> She struggles to breath..
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\d7.webp">
<pink>-"AghhhHHHH!!!"</pink> She screams as you both unload on her belly.
<pink>-"W-woah..."</pink> Mary pants as she looks at herself.. Completely drenched in her own cum..
<b>-"J-jeez.. How long have you been holding off for.."</b>
<pink>-"Haha a-a while.. Honestly I didn't think you could make me do it, but... You exceeded my expectations!"</pink> You both giggle as you struggle to stand up.
<b>-"H-hehe.. I'm glad you liked it.."</b> You start to dress up.
<pink>-"Anyways!"</pink> Mary starts cleaning the cum off herself with a tissue.
<pink>-"Thank you for today $name.. I'll remember this."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<pink>-"I'll invite the other members and send you a message.. Okay?"</pink>
<b>-"S-sure! I'm off then.."</b> You start heading towards the door.
<pink>-"R-right.. Maybe we can repeat this again sometime, just with the cage on.."</pink> Mary winks as you exit the club.
<b>-"S-shit.. That just happened.."</b> You head to the toilet to collect your thoughts. As you do, a message appears.
<b>-"Ah.. It's Mary again.."</b> 10 club members decided to join.. Not bad! After checking yourself out in the restroom mirror, you decide to head home.
<<set $recruited to $recruited +10>>
<grey>Recruited +10!</grey>
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"I changed my mind.">>\
<b>-"Y-you know what.. My bad.. I changed my mind.."</b> Mary pulls up her panties and looks at you.
<pink>-"Awh come on.."</pink> <<if $toys ==1>>You pick up your chastity cage.<</if>>
<pink>-"I cleaned myself and everything.. Sigh.. Whatever, can't force you or anything."</pink>
<pink>-"Don't worry about it man. I understand. First time is always the hardest!"</pink> You both exchange a smile as you slowly turn around.
<b>-"I hope you solve that problem of yours!"</b>
<pink>-"Thanks! Try not to cockblock others like this though.. Very annoying"</pink> You walk out of the club.
<b>-"D-damn.. At the end I couldn't do it.. At least she was cool about it though.."</b>
You check the time and see that you should get going right about now. You didn't manage to recruit anyone..
<grey>Recruited +0!</grey>
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<b>-"Sigh.. Let's go."</b> You tell yourself as you take the flyers and head out. You still have a couple of them.. Better put them to good use.
<b>-"Right.. Hopefully it'll go a bit better than last time!"</b> You start handing them out.
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\s1.png">
<green>-"Not interested."</green>
<blue>-"I'll take one!"</blue>
As you converse with the students and walk around the SUP, you come by the sissifciation club again.
<b>-"Gosh what a weird guy.."</b> You remember the person you talked to.
<b>-"Good thing I didn't agree to anything weird.."</b> You leave the last 5 flyers in front of the door. Maybe some other members will find them and join.
After a hard days of work, you check how many people texted your number with their information.
<b>-"5! Not bad!"</b> You check your watch and see that it's time to head out.
<<set $recruited to $recruited +5>>
<grey>Recruited +5!</grey>
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<</if>>\<<set $attended2 to true>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<set $worksup to $worksup +1>>\
<<if $domstatus is true>>
<b>-"The SUP festival is taking place soon! Take a flyer please!"</b> Your shouts right out as you walk around the SUP.
<b>-"Are they not good enough..?"</b> You spent a couple of hours making new ones.. Last time handing them out didn't go incredibly well.
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\a1.png">
<b>-"I think they look pretty cool.."</b>
<bartender>-"A festival, huh?"</bartender> A student walks up to you.
<b>-"Yes sir! On a private island no less!"</b>
<bartender>-"Sounds awesome! Could I get one?"</bartender> He reaches for a flyer.
<b>-"Sure thing! My number is on the back, so if you want to register, just send me a message with your name!"</b>
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\a2.png">
<bartender>-"Cool! I'll make sure to do that, thank you!"</bartender> The man grabs one and begins to walk off.
<b>-"Right... Let's see if anyone else is willing to take one.."</b>
<<pageReplace"Keep looking for students who want to join.">>
<blue>-"Ghahaha! The way he cried was hilarious!"</blue> A small group of students begin to walk your way.
<grey>-"Fuck yeah it was! What a loser!"</grey>
<b>-"Hmmm...?"</b> You think you remember that voice from somewhere.. You turn to see who they are.
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\a3.jpeg">
<b>-"Josh?"</b> It's the guy that tried bullying you!
<blue>-"Ghaha- Huh?"</blue> He turns to you.
<blue>-"Oh not this asshole again.."</blue>
<grey>-"You know him?"</grey>
<blue>-"Eh, just some cunt I used to make fun of, let's go."</blue> They all turn around and begin walking away.
<<pageReplace"Invite them.">>
<b>-"Yo Josh!"</b>
<blue>-"Huh? What do you want?"</blue>
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\a4.png">
<b>-"Want to join the festival? We're hosting it soon."</b>
<<if $joshsister ==true>>\
<blue>-"The festival?"</blue>
<b>-"Mhm. It's going to be on a private island. Hot girls, booze, music, what's not to like?"</b>
<blue>-"You.. That's what not to like. You'll be there."</blue>
<b>-"What's your problem?"</b>
<blue>-"You're a loser, that's my problem, now fuck off."</blue>
<grey>-"Pftt.. What an idiot."</grey>
<b>-"I'm the loser? How about I show your buddies here how I fucked your sister."</b>
<blue>-"W-what did you say?"</blue>
<b>-"You heard me. Look at what his sister sent me."</b> You pull out your phone and show them a photo Stacey sent you.
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\a7.webp">
<grey>-"W-wait.. Ain't no way that's your actual sister.."</grey>
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\a8.webp">
<blue>-"Why are you laughing you cunt!"</blue> Josh pushes his friend.
<<pageReplace"No need to get violent.">>\
<b>-"Wow, wow, no need to get violent."</b>
<b>-"So, you want to register or do you want me to show more pictures?"</b>
<blue>-"Fine! Fuck me you're annoying.."</blue> He crosses his arms as you pull out your notebook.
<grey>-"I can't believe I just saw that! Ghahaha.."</grey>
<b>-"You're going too, or your sister is next."</b>
<grey>-"Ei ei, chill bro, I'm on your side."</grey>
<b>-"Perfect! Just give me the details then."</b> The three friends give you their info and you write everything down.
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\a10.jpeg">
<b>-"Very! Enjoy the rest of your day!"</b>
<blue>-"Yeah, yeah, whatever.."</blue> They turn around and begin walking away.
<grey>-"Your own fucking sister Josh! HAHAHA!"</grey>
<blue>-"Fuck off..."</blue> They argue as you smile.
<b>-"That's what you fucking get.."</b>
<<set $recruited to $recruited +8>>
<grey>Recruited +8!</grey>
[[Finish handing out flyers and go home->Go outside]]
<blue>-"The festival?"</blue>
<b>-"Mhm. It's going to be on a private island. Hot girls, booze, music, what's not to like?"</b>
<blue>-"You.. That's what not to like. You'll be there."</blue>
<b>-"What's your problem?"</b>
<blue>-"You're a loser, that's my problem, now fuck off."</blue>
<grey>-"Pftt.. What an idiot."</grey>
<b>-"I'm the loser? How about I beat your ass, just like I did last time?"</b>
<blue>-"W-what did you say?"</blue>
<b>-"You heard me. Want to embarrass yourself in front of everyone again? I remember how much those girls laughed.."</b> You squeeze your fist.
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\a11.gif">
<blue>-"Dude... Calm down..."</blue>
<grey>-"W-wait.. Did he really beat your ass?"</grey>
<blue>-"..."</blue> Josh stays quiet.
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\a8.webp">
<blue>-"Why are you laughing you cunt!"</blue> Josh pushes his friend.
<<pageReplace"No need to get violent.">>\
<b>-"No need to get violent Josh."</b>
<b>-"As long as you register, of course."</b>
<blue>-"Fine! Fuck me you're annoying.."</blue> He crosses his arms as you pull out your notebook.
<grey>-"I can't believe you got your ass handed to you! Ghahaha.."</grey>
<b>-"You're going too, or I'm beating your ass too."</b>
<grey>-"Ei ei, chill bro, I'm on your side."</grey>
<b>-"Perfect! Just give me the details then."</b> The three friends give you their info and you write everything down.
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\a10.jpeg">
<b>-"Very! Enjoy the rest of your day!"</b>
<blue>-"Yeah, yeah, whatever.."</blue> They turn around and begin walking away.
<grey>-"In front of the girls Josh?! HAHAHA!"</grey>
<blue>-"Fuck off..."</blue> They argue as you smile.
<b>-"That's what you fucking get.."</b>
<<set $recruited to $recruited +8>>
<grey>Recruited +8!</grey>
[[Finish handing out flyers and go home->Go outside]]
<b>-"Agh fuck it, I don't want them there.."</b> You say nothing as they walk away.
<b>-"I wish he would give me an opportunity to beat his ass though.."</b>
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\a11.gif">
<b>-"I need to calm down."</b> You take a couple of deep breaths as Josh disappears out of view.
<b>-"Right, where was it..."</b>
<<set $recruited to $recruited +5>>
<grey>Recruited +5!</grey>
[[Finish handing out flyers and go home->Go outside]]
<b>-"The SUP festival is taking place soon! Take a flyer please!"</b> Your shouts right out as you walk around the SUP.
<b>-"Are they not good enough..?"</b> You spent a couple of hours making new ones.. Last time handing them out didn't go incredibly well.
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\a1.png">
<b>-"I think they look pretty cool.."</b>
<bartender>-"A festival, huh?"</bartender> A student walks up to you.
<b>-"Yes sir! On a private island no less!"</b>
<bartender>-"Sounds awesome! Could I get one?"</bartender> He reaches for a flyer.
<b>-"Sure thing! My number is on the back, so if you want to register, just send me a message with your name!"</b>
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\a2.png">
<bartender>-"Cool! I'll make sure to do that, thank you!"</bartender> The man grabs one and begins to walk off.
<b>-"Right... Let's see if anyone else is willing to take one.."</b>
<<pageReplace"Keep looking for students who want to join.">>
<blue>-"Ghahaha! The way he cried was hilarious!"</blue> A small group of students begin to walk your way.
<grey>-"Fuck yeah it was! What a loser!"</grey>
<b>-"Hmmm...?"</b> You think you remember that voice from somewhere.. You turn to see who they are.
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\a3.jpeg">
<b>-"Josh?"</b> It's the guy who bullied you...
<blue>-"Ghaha- Huh?"</blue> He turns to you.
<blue>-"Oh not this goofer again.."</blue>
<grey>-"You know him?"</grey>
<blue>-"Eh, just some cunt I used to make fun of, let's go."</blue> They all turn around and begin walking away.
<<pageReplace"Invite them.">>
<b>-"Yo Josh!"</b>
<blue>-"Huh? What do you want?"</blue>
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\a4.png">
<b>-"Want to join the festival? We're hosting it soon."</b>
<blue>-"The festival?"</blue>
<b>-"Mhm. It's going to be on a private island. Hot girls, booze, music, what's not to like?"</b>
<<if $tazedjosh==true>>\
<blue>-"You.. That's what not to like. You'll be there."</blue>
<b>-"What's your problem?"</b>
<blue>-"You're a loser, that's my problem, now fuck off."</blue>
<grey>-"Pftt.. What an idiot."</grey>
<b>-"I'm the loser? How about I taser your ass like last time?"</b>
<blue>-"W-what did you say?"</blue>
<b>-"You heard me. Want to embarrass yourself in front of everyone again?"</b> You take out your tazer.
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\a9.jpeg">
<b>-"Shit.."</b> Your hands are shaking, but you act confident.
<blue>-"Dude... Calm down..."</blue>
<grey>-"W-wait.. Did he really taze your ass?"</grey>
<blue>-"..."</blue> Josh stays quiet.
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\a8.webp">
<blue>-"Why are you laughing you cunt!"</blue> Josh pushes his friend.
<<pageReplace"No need to get violent.">>\
<b>-"No need to get violent Josh."</b>
<b>-"As long as you register, of course."</b>
<blue>-"Fine! Fuck me you're annoying.."</blue> He crosses his arms as you pull out your notebook.
<grey>-"I can't believe you got your ass handed to you! Ghahaha.."</grey>
<b>-"Just give me the details please..."</b> The three friends give you their info and you write everything down.
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\a10.jpeg">
<b>-"Very! Enjoy the rest of your day!"</b>
<blue>-"Yeah, yeah, whatever.."</blue> They turn around and begin walking away.
<grey>-"How did it feel? I heard people piss themselves when they get tazed, did you? HAHAHA!"</grey>
<blue>-"Fuck off..."</blue> They argue as you smile.
<b>-"That's what you get.."</b>
<<set $recruited to $recruited +8>>
<grey>Recruited +8!</grey>
[[Finish handing out flyers and go home->Go outside]]
<<elseif $femjosh == true>>\
<blue>-"Will you be there?"</blue>
<b>-"M-me? Probably.. Why?"</b>
<blue>-"Maybe you'll give me another blowjob there... What do you think?"</blue>
<grey>-"W-wait.. Did you really suck his dick?"</grey> Josh's friend looks at you.
<b>-"That was my only choice.."</b>
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\a8.webp">
<grey>-"You wild bro!"</grey>
<blue>-"Ghahaha, it was either that or I fuck his sister. Look, I even took a video."</blue> He pulls out his phone.
<b>-"W-what?! You recorded it?!"</b>
<blue>-"Of course I did!"</blue> He shows your the video.
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\a5.webp">
<blue>-"GhAHAHaha.. So what will it be $name? If you promise to blow me there I'll register."</blue>
<<set $femjosh2 to true>>\
<b>-"Fine.. As long as you all register."</b>
<blue>-"Gosh you're a loser.."</blue> Josh lets out a chuckle.
<grey>-"Fuck me you're pathetic! Josh was right!"</grey>
<b>-"Yeah, yeah.. Just give me your info.."</b>
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\a10.jpeg">
<b>-"Yes, thank you.."</b>
<blue>-"Good! I'll remember this cucky, your mouth will be mine that night."</blue> They turn around and begin walking away.
<grey>-"How did it feel, was the head even good?"</grey>
<blue>-"Mediocre at best.."</blue> They laugh as you sigh.
<b>-"Fuck.. Whatever, at least I got more students."</b>
<<set $recruited to $recruited +8>>
<grey>Recruited +8!</grey>
[[Finish handing out flyers and go home->Go outside]]
<blue>-"Will your $sister be there"</blue>
<b>-"A-ava? Maybe.. Why?"</b>
<blue>-"Maybe she'll let me hit again, haven't seen her in a couple!"</blue>
<grey>-"W-wait.. Did he really fuck your $sister?"</grey> Josh's friend looks at you.
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\a8.webp">
<grey>-"You wild bro!"</grey>
<blue>-"Ghahaha, she was so easy too! Look, I have a ton of videos!"</blue> He pulls out his phone.
<b>-"S-stop! Don't show him!"</b>
<blue>-"Don't tell me what to do! Look at your $sister all happy sucking my cock."</blue> He shows everyone the video.
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\a6.webp">
<b>-"C-come on..."</b>
<grey>-"DAYUMMMM! Who's the other chick?"</grey>
<blue>-"Eh, just some random friend of hers."</blue>
<blue>-"Anyways.. So what will it be $name? If you promise to invite her, I'll register."</blue>
<<set $femjosh2 to true>>\
<b>-"Fine.. As long as you all register though."</b>
<blue>-"Gosh you're a loser.."</blue> Josh lets out a chuckle.
<grey>-"Fuck me you're pathetic! Josh was right!"</grey>
<b>-"Yeah, yeah.. Just give me your info.."</b>
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\a10.jpeg">
<b>-"Yes, thank you.."</b>
<blue>-"Good! I'll remember this cucky, your $sister will be mine that night."</blue> They turn around and begin walking away.
<grey>-"How did it feel, was the head even good?"</grey>
<blue>-"Mediocre at best.."</blue> They laugh as you sigh.
<b>-"Fuck.. Whatever, at least I got more students."</b>
<<set $recruited to $recruited +8>>
<grey>Recruited +8!</grey>
[[Finish handing out flyers and go home->Go outside]]
<b>-"Agh fuck it, I don't want them there anyways.."</b> You say nothing as they walk away.
<b>-"Ugh.. Fuck that guy.."</b>
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\a11.gif">
<b>-"I need to calm down."</b> You take a couple of deep breaths as Josh disappears out of view.
<b>-"Right, where was it..."</b>
<<set $recruited to $recruited +5>>
<grey>Recruited +5!</grey>
[[Finish handing out flyers and go home->Go outside]]
<</if>><<set $attended2 to true>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<set $worksup to $worksup +1>>\
<<if $domstatus is true>>\
<b>-"Here you go!"</b> You decide to spend another afternoon handing out flyers.
<blue>-"Thank you!"</blue>
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\b1.jpeg">
<b>-"Remember to text the number on the back with you details!"</b>
<b>-"Here you go!"</b>
<b>-"We would love to have you!"</b>
<olive>-"I'll make sure to come!"</olive>
<b>-"Sigh... So tired..."</b> Your pile of flyers is pretty much empty. You spent a couple hours handing them out already.
<b>-"Right, let's get rid of these last ones."</b> As you look for your last victims, you notice that the corridors are vacant.
<b>-"Ah shit, the lectures have ended!"</b> You say after you look at your watch.
<b>-"Let's check out the stadium... Maybe some people are still practicing."</b>
<<pageReplace"Walk to the stadium">>
<grey>Cheek cHiiNnn cHeeEE!</grey>
<bartender>-"SHUT THE FUCK UP!"</bartender>
<b>-"..."</b> The sounds of sneakers squeaking and people screaming fill the stadium as you enter.
<b>-"Nice.. There's a bunch of people here."</b> As you look around, you notice a cheerleader walking towards the locker room.
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\b2.webp">
<b>-"Maybe I should ask her... If the whole cheerleading team joins, that must be at least 30 new students!"</b> You begin walking behind her, trying to catch up.
<b>-"Hey!"</b> The woman doesn't hear you and continues to walk away.
<b>-"Yo! Cheerleader, talking to you!"</b>
<b>-"Shit.."</b> Before you could reach her, she disappears into the changing room... However, as the doors close, you get a peek of what's going on inside...
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\b3.webp">
<b>-"Damn..."</b> You look around to see if anyone is looking.. You're in the clear.
<b>-"Maybe I should take a longer peek.."</b>
<<pageReplace"Shove your foot in between the door and the wall.">>
<b>-"Fuck it!"</b> You quickly shove your foot in between the door and the wall.
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\b4.jpeg">
<b>-"Ouch.. Shit.."</b> A wave of pain climbs up your leg as the door rests on your foot.
<pink>-"Come on! While there's hot water!"</pink> One of the girls laugh as you look up.
<emily>-"I'll be right there!"</emily>
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\b5.webp">
<b>-"Beautiful.."</b> You forget why you're even here in the first place...
<m>-"So, it's in 4 days, right?"</m>
<pink>-"The game? Yeah!"</pink> The girls talk as you look around... Nobody seems to notice you.
<<pageReplace"Continue to watch.">>
<b>-"How I would love to fuck the shit out of them.."</b> You start to get a boner, when suddenly, one of the still dressed girls spot you.
<pink>-"Oh...?"</pink> She grins and begins to walk towards you.
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\b6.webp">
<pink>-"Spying, are we?"</pink> The girls opens the door as you take a step back.
<b>-"Wouldn't say spying... Just admiring the view!"</b> You awkwardly chuckle and take a step back.
<pink>-"Well, a lot of guys do, you could be a little less obvious though haha..."</pink> She giggles and begins to close the door.
<b>-"Wait! I'm actually here to give you something!"</b>
<b>-"Here, I'm handing out flyers, inviting folks to come to our festival."</b>
<pink>-"Fesitval, huh? Haven't heard that excuse before.."</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\b7.jpg">
<b>-"It's not an excuse! Read it, we already have a bunch of students coming!"</b>
<pink>-"Hmph.."</pink> The girl begins reading through the flyer.
<<pageReplace"It would be cool if you could all come.">>
<b>-"Right? We still need students though, so it would be awesome if you could all come."</b>
<pink>-"Well that could be fun.."</pink> Suddenly you hear another voice.
<adriana>-"Susie! Come on! Let's get in the shower!"</adriana> One of the girls screams, while jumping around topless.
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\b8.webp">
<pink>-"I'll be right there!"</pink> Susie shakes her head in embarrassment.
<pink>-"Don't mind her, most of our girls are not afraid to show some skin!"</pink>
<b>-"Hmph, I can see that."</b>
<pink>-"Well, how about this. We're performing at a game in a couple of days. Come around, watch us and I'll tell the girls about this festival of yours."</pink>
<b>-"So I just have to come and watch you guys?"</b>
<pink>-"Mhm! Similar to you, we're having trouble getting enough people interested in our performances... So if you help me out and come, I'll help you out and invite everyone!"</pink>
<<set $cheerleaderevent to true>>
<b>-"Fine, why not."</b> Susie smiles as the words leave your lips.
<pink>-"Perfect! If I see you watching us during our next game, I'll tell the girls about the festival!</pink>
<b>-"Cool! I'll make sure to make it then!"</b> You take another step back, insinuating that you got what you came for.
<pink>-"Oh and, as I said, if you plan to spy on us again, don't make it so obvious."</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\b9.webp">
<b>-"Alright alright.. My apologies.."</b>
<pink>-"No need, we like to be watched, but it's better if you don't get caught by outsiders!"</pink> She winks.
<pink>-"Anyways, I'll be expecting you!"</pink>
<b>-"Understood, I won't let you down!"</b> The doors close as you turn around.
<b>-"That was kind of awkward..."</b>
<b>-"Need to remember to watch their game though.."</b>
<<set $recruited to $recruited +5>>
<grey>Recruited +5!</grey>
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"No thank you.">>
<b>-"Nah, I'm sorry, this week is pretty busy for me."</b> You make up an excuse.
<pink>-"We're performing next week as well!"</pink>
<b>-"Next week is pretty busy too.."</b>
<pink>-"Right.."</pink> Susie frowns.
<pink>-"Well, no deal then."</pink> She hands you back the flyer.
<b>-"My bad."</b>
<pink>-"Whatever, just stop spying on us."</pink> The doors close in front of you.
<b>-"Shit.."</b> You turn around.
<b>-"At least I won't have to go to a stupid game..."</b>
<<set $recruited to $recruited +5>>
<grey>Recruited +5!</grey>
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Forget about it.">>
<b>-"Eh, I better not.. What if they see me.."</b> The doors shut close in front of you.
<b>-"Let's just give them to someone else."</b> You hand out your flyers to some students who are playing basketball.
<blue>-"Thanks man."</blue>
<olive>-"Appreciate it!"</olive> They thank you as you get rid of the rest of the pile.
<b>-"Now that's a job well done."</b> Time to head home and wait for the people to send you their details!
<<set $recruited to $recruited +5>>
<grey>Recruited +5!</grey>
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<b>-"Here you go!"</b> You decide to spend another afternoon handing out flyers.
<blue>-"Thank you!"</blue>
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\b1.jpeg">
<b>-"Remember to text the number on the back with you details!"</b>
<b>-"Here you go!"</b>
<b>-"We would love to have you!"</b>
<olive>-"I'll make sure to come!"</olive>
<b>-"Sigh... So tired..."</b> Your pile of flyers is pretty much empty. You spent a couple hours handing them out already.
<b>-"Right, let's get rid of these last ones."</b> As you look for your last victims, you notice that the corridors are vacant.
<b>-"Ah shit, the lectures have ended!"</b> You say after you look at your watch.
<b>-"Let's check out the stadium... Maybe some people are still practicing."</b>
<<pageReplace"Walk to the stadium">>
<grey>Cheek cHiiNnn cHeeEE!</grey>
<bartender>-"SHUT THE FUCK UP!"</bartender>
<b>-"..."</b> The sounds of sneakers squeaking and people screaming fill the stadium as you enter.
<b>-"Nice.. There's a bunch of people here."</b> As you look around, you notice a cheerleader walking towards the locker room.
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\b2.webp">
<b>-"Maybe I should ask her... If the whole cheerleading team joins, that must be at least 30 new students!"</b> You begin walking behind her, trying to catch up.
<b>-"Hey!"</b> The woman doesn't hear you and continues to walk away.
<b>-"B-behind you!"</b>
<b>-"Shit.."</b> Before you could reach her, she disappears into the changing room... However, as the doors close, you get a peek of what's going on inside...
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\b3.webp">
<b>-"Damn..."</b> You look around to see if anyone is looking.. You're in the clear.
<b>-"Maybe I should take a longer peek.."</b>
<<pageReplace"Shove your foot in between the door and the wall.">>
<b>-"Fuck it... They're way too pretty!"</b> You quickly shove your foot in between the door and the wall.
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\b4.jpeg">
<b>-"Ouch.. Shit.."</b> A wave of pain climbs up your leg as the door rests on your foot.
<pink>-"Come on! While there's hot water!"</pink> One of the girls laugh as you look up.
<emily>-"I'll be right there!"</emily>
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\b5.webp">
<b>-"They're such goddesses..."</b> You forget why you're even here in the first place...
<m>-"So, it's in 4 days, right?"</m>
<pink>-"The game? Yeah!"</pink> The girls talk as you look around... Nobody seems to notice you.
<<pageReplace"Continue to watch.">>
<b>-"How I would love to worship them.."</b> You start to get a boner, when suddenly, one of the still dressed girls spot you.
<pink>-"Oh...?"</pink> She grins and begins to walk towards you.
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\b6.webp">
<pink>-"Spying, are we?"</pink> The girls opens the door as you take a step back.
<b>-"O-oh! Sorry!"</b> You awkwardly take a step back.
<pink>-"Don't worry, a bunch of people spy on us, you could be a little less obvious though haha..."</pink> She giggles and begins to close the door.
<b>-"W-wait! I'm actually here to give you something!"</b>
<b>-"Here, I'm handing out flyers, inviting folks to come to our festival!"</b>
<pink>-"Fesitval, huh? Haven't heard that excuse before.."</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\b7.jpg">
<b>-"It's not an excuse! Read it, we already have a bunch of students coming!"</b>
<pink>-"Hmph.."</pink> The girl begins reading through the flyer.
<<pageReplace"It would be cool if you could all come.">>
<b>-"R-right? We still need students though, so it would be awesome if you could all come!"</b>
<pink>-"Well that could be fun.."</pink> Suddenly you hear another voice.
<adriana>-"Susie! Come on! Let's get in the shower!"</adriana> One of the girls screams, while jumping around topless.
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\b8.webp">
<pink>-"I'll be right there!"</pink> Susie shakes her head in embarrassment.
<pink>-"Don't mind her, most of our girls are not afraid to show some skin!"</pink>
<b>-"Yeah.. I've noticed.."</b> Your cheeks blush as Susie smiles.
<pink>-"Well, how about this. We're performing at a game in a couple of days. Come around, watch us and I'll tell the girls about this festival of yours."</pink>
<b>-"So I just have to come and watch you guys?"</b>
<pink>-"Mhm! Similar to you, we're having trouble getting enough people interested in our performances... So if you help me out and come, I'll help you out and invite everyone!"</pink>
<<set $cheerleaderevent to true>>
<b>-"Fine, why not!"</b> Susie smiles as the words leave your lips.
<pink>-"Perfect! If I see you watching us during our next game, I'll tell the girls about the festival!</pink>
<b>-"Cool! I'll make sure to make it then!"</b> You take another step back, insinuating that you got what you came for.
<pink>-"Oh and, as I said, if you plan to spy on us again, don't make it so obvious."</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\b9.webp">
<b>-"My apologies.."</b>
<pink>-"No need, we like to be watched, but it's better if you don't get caught by outsiders!"</pink> She winks.
<pink>-"Anyways, I'll be expecting you!"</pink>
<b>-"Understood, I won't let you down!"</b> The doors close as you turn around.
<b>-"That was kind of awkward..."</b>
<b>-"Need to remember to watch their game though.."</b>
<<set $recruited to $recruited +5>>
<grey>Recruited +5!</grey>
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"No thank you.">>
<b>-"Nah, I'm sorry, this week is pretty busy for me."</b> You make up an excuse.
<pink>-"We're performing next week as well!"</pink>
<b>-"N-next week is pretty busy too.."</b>
<pink>-"Right.."</pink> Susie frowns.
<pink>-"Well, no deal then."</pink> She hands you back the flyer.
<b>-"My bad."</b>
<pink>-"Whatever, just stop spying on us."</pink> The doors close in front of you.
<b>-"Shit.."</b> You turn around.
<b>-"At least I won't have to go to a stupid game..."</b>
<<set $recruited to $recruited +5>>
<grey>Recruited +5!</grey>
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Forget about it.">>
<b>-"Eh, I better not.. What if they see me.."</b> The doors shut close in front of you.
<b>-"Let's just give them to someone else."</b> You hand out your flyers to some students who are playing basketball.
<blue>-"Thanks man."</blue>
<olive>-"Appreciate it!"</olive> They thank you as you get rid of the rest of the pile.
<b>-"Now that's a job well done."</b> Time to head home and wait for the people to send you their details!
<<set $recruited to $recruited +5>>
<grey>Recruited +5!</grey>
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<</if>><<set $attended2 to true>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<set $worksup to $worksup +1>>\
<<if $cheerleaderevent ==true>>
<<if $domstatus is true>>
<b>-"Ah right! The basketball game is today!"</b> You remember your deal with the Susie.
<b>-"It's probably already started.. Let's head to the stadium!"</b>
<b>-"Can't believe that all I have to do is watch and they're going to register... That's like 30 extra students!"</b> You think as you walk through the halls.
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\ag1.gif">
<grey>Squeek! SChhNn! Sqeeee!</grey>
<blue>-"Up up! Come oNNnn!!"</blue>
<olive>-"I'm free, I'M freeeeEEe.. I'M FFRRREEEEEEE!!"</olive> The sound of sneakers and passion filled voices fill your eardrums as you enter into the stadium.
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\ag2.jfif">
<b>-"Susie said they're having trouble getting people to watch.. But this stadium seems almost full!"</b>
<grey>*A whistle rings out*</grey>
<m>-"Alright folks, time for a 10 minute strategic break!"</m> The students stop playing as you find your seat.
<b>-"There they are.."</b> You spot the cheerleading team practicing to the side.
<b>-"Hmph, I thought they were supposed to dance during breaks? Apparently not.."</b> From the timer on the wall, you can tell that the game is going to end in 30 minutes.
<b>-"Maybe then they'll dance?"</b>
<<pageReplace"Wait for the game to finish">>\
<blue>-"GOOD GOOD!!!!"</blue>
<grey>SChhNn! Squueeeekkkk!</grey>
<olive>-"Come on!!!"</olive> One of the players raises towards the basket as 10 seconds remain on the clock.
<b>-"If he makes it, they win!"</b> You became pretty invested during the 30 minutes you watched the game.
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\ag3.webp">
<b>-"OhHHhhHHHHHHH!!!!!"</b> Everyone goes crazy after one of the players lands a massive dunk right as the timer runs out.
<m>-"Home wins, 94-93!"</m> The players begin to celebrate as you finally see the cheerleaders run out.
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\ag4.webp">
<b>-"Hah, they're actually pretty good.."</b> As you watch them perform, your eyes meet Susie's. She nods.
<b>-"Good, she saw me."</b>
<<pageReplace"Watch them perform.">>
<b>-"Finally.."</b> You spend a good 10 minutes watching them dance. Finally, the show is over. The players leave the stadium, so do the viewers.
<pink>-"Come on! A picture!"</pink> The girls group up for one last photo.
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\ag5.webp">
<emily>-"That was great!"</emily>
<adriana>-"Sure was! Always believed we would win!"</adriana> They begin moving towards the locker room.
<emily>-"Susie, you coming?"</emily>
<pink>-"Yeah, yeah, just give me a second!"</pink> As the other girls walk off, Susie walks towards you.
<pink>-"Enjoyed the show stranger?"</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\ag6.png">
<b>-"Sure did."</b>
<pink>-"You know, I never asked you your name..."</pink>
<b>-"$name! Nice to meet you."</b> Susie smiles.
<b>-"Quite a lot of people came.. Thought you were struggling?"</b>
<pink>-"Well, the stadium wasn't packed full, was it?"</pink> You roll your eyes.
<b>-"I guess you're right."</b>
<pink>-"Anyways... Want to join us in the locker room?"</pink>
<b>-"Excuse me?"</b>
<pink>-"You know... For the after game celebrations?"</pink> You heard myths that the cheerleading squad fucks the players, but you didn't know it was true...
<b>-"Are we both thinking about the same.. Celebrations?"</b> Susie blushes and grins.
<pink>-"I'll invite the girls to your festival either way, but why not have some fun with us? They're already at it, I'm sure of it."</pink>
<<pageReplace"Lead the way.">>\
<b>-"Well call me intrigued... Lead the way."</b> Susie grins and grabs your hand.
<pink>-"I already know they'll love you.."</pink>
<b>-"The girls?"</b>
<pink>-"Mhm!"</pink> You walk through the halls and finally reach the locker room.
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\ag7.jpg">
<emily>-"NgHhHH! C-come on!"</emily> You hear moans coming out from behind the door.
<pink>-"Come on, let's get inside."</pink> Susie opens the door and you head inside together.
<b>-"Oh my God..."</b> Your cock gets flooded with blood as you look around.
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\ag8.webp">
<b>-"Jesus.. It's a whole orgy in here..."</b>
<adriana>-"O-oh..? MghHhh.. Who's this?"</adriana>
<pink>-"It's the festival guy I talked about! Isn't he handsome?"</pink> Susie grabs your crotch.
<pink>-"I bet he's packing too!"</pink>
<blue>-"What's up bro!"</blue> A manly voice rings out to the right. You swing your head towards it.
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\ag9.webp">
<b>-"Hey man!"</b> It's one of the players! The myths are indeed true!
<emily>-"Packing huh? Well, let's find out!"</emily> Two girls walk up to you and get on their knees.
<pink>-"Enjoy $name! I'll go get underessed."</pink> Susie walks off as the girls begin to pull down your pants.
<<pageReplace"Let them">>\
<emily>-"MgHHh.. Of course!"</emily> Your pants slowly slide down as both of the girls gasp.
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\ag12.webp">
<emily>-"Oh my God..."</emily>
<adriana>-"Susie was right..."</adriana>
<emily>-"Come on, sit your ass down."</emily> One girl pushes you onto a bench.
<b>-"I said gentle!"</b>
<adriana>-"MghHhH!"</adriana> They begin to suck your dick as your head leans back.
<b>-"Nghhh! W-what did I get myself into.."</b>
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\ag13.webp">
<adriana>-"Ahhh! W-wow! I can barely fit it in my mouth!"</adriana>
<emily>-"Move, give me a try!"</emily> The other cheerleader begins to devour your cock as you look around.
<b>-"There's Susie.."</b> You think as you spot her having fun with one of the players.
<b>-"It's a whole ass orgy.."</b>
<emily>-"Ahhh! You're right! It is huge!"</emily>
<adriana>-"I'll try to mount it.."</adriana> Both girls stand up as you remain seated.
<b>-"Always.."</b> She tries to slowly sit down.
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\ag26.webp">
<adriana>-"S-shitTTT!!"</adriana> The girl tries to spread her cheeks like it would help.
<b>-"NGhHhhh.. Gosh you're tight!"</b>
<<pageReplace"Start to carefully fuck her.">>
<b>-"Come on.. It'll be less painful in this position..."</b> You stand up and make her get on her knees on the bench. Doggystyle it is!
<adriana>-"MgHhh.. N-not all the way please! It's hitting my cervix!"</adriana>
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\ag14.webp">
<pink>-"NghhHh.. How is she?"</pink> Susie asks from the sidelines.
<b>-"Tight as fuck!"</b>
<emily>-"That's enough, give me a try!"</emily> The girls switch places, but this time another couple join you.
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\ag16.webp">
<blue>-"NghHh, where did you learn to do that with your tongue?"</blue>
<adriana>-"Slurp.. I twook femwale subwmission... NghHhh... Classes twhis ywear!"</adriana>
<b>-"Fuck.."</b> You try your best not to cum as you continue to fuck the woman.
<pink>-"M-me next! I want to try him out for myself!"</pink> Susie says as you feel her hands touch your waist.
<<pageReplace"Your wish is my command">>
<b>-"Your wish is my command babe.."</b>
<pink>-"O-oHhhHhH! FucKkKKKK!!!"</pink>
<b>-"MGhhhhh! YeshhH!"</b> You scream as you begin to ravage Susie.
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\ag15.webp">
<pink>-"S-sooo bigggGGgGg.."</pink>
<b>-"RRrrrahHHH!"</b> You feel yourself getting closer and closer to the edge of climaxing.
<b>-"Shit, I'll cum soon!"</b>
<pink>-"On my face $name! It's not a safe day for me!"</pink>
<b>-"FFffffffInNEEEE!!!"</b> Against your own instincts, you pull out of her vagina and unload straight onto her face.
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\ag17.webp">
<adriana>-"Y-yesSSss! INSIDEEE!!!!!"</adriana>
<emily>-"NghhHhh!!"</emily> You look around and see that the others are finishing up as well.
<pink>-"Fuck me... Feel free to come to our other games as well haha!"</pink> Susie laughs.
<b>-"Hmph, maybe I will.."</b> Your cock begins to calm down as she starts to lick the cum up from her face.
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\ag27.webp">
<b>-"Pant.. So.. Pant.. How about.."</b>
<pink>-"Slurp.. W-what?"</pink>
<<pageReplace"How about that festival?">>
<b>-"How about that festival?"</b>
<pink>-"Oh! Give us a sec, we will send you the info later, but I bet most of us will come!"</pink> She stands up.
<adriana>-"Susie, you coming?"</adriana> The girls begin to walk towards the showers.
<emily>-"Come on, the water is hot!"</emily>
<pink>-"In a sec!"</pink>
<pink>-"Thanks for helping us out $name!"</pink> She gives you a kiss on the cheek.
<b>-"No problem, just remember to text me the info!"</b> Susie nods and runs off to the shower. You start to pull up your pants.
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\ag18.webp">
<b>-"Time to get out of here.."</b> The other guys have already left.. Time for you to do the same.
<b>-"Finally.."</b> You sigh as you get into your car. Right as you're about to pull out of the parking lot, you get a text with a bunch of names.
<<set $dominant to $dominant +2>>
<blue>Dominant +2!</blue>
<<set $recruited to $recruited +30>>
<grey>Recruited +30!</grey>
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"I'll have to pass.">>
<b>-"I'm sorry Susie, I'll have to pass, I just came here to watch the game."</b> Susie sighs.
<pink>-"Welp, a deal is a deal! I'll tell her about the festival anyways."</pink>
<pink>-"Shame that you're not going to join us though.. You look like you're packing.."</pink>
<b>-"Hah, thanks Susie, I really need to get going though."</b>
<pink>-"Alright, alright won't hold you for any longer."</pink> You start to turn around.
<pink>-"Thanks for the help, have a good one!"</pink>
<b>-"You too!"</b> She nods and runs off towards the locker room.
<b>-"Time to get out of here.."</b> Everyone has already left.. Time for you to do the same.
<b>-"Finally.."</b> You sigh as you get into your car. Right as you're about to pull out of the parking lot, you get a text with a bunch of names.
<<set $recruited to $recruited +30>>
<grey>Recruited +30!</grey>
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<b>-"Ah right! The basketball game is today!"</b> You remember your deal with the Susie.
<b>-"It's probably already started.. Let's head to the stadium!"</b>
<b>-"Can't believe that all I have to do is watch and they're going to register... That's like 30 extra students!"</b> You think as you walk through the halls.
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\ag1.gif">
<grey>Squeek! SChhNn! Sqeeee!</grey>
<blue>-"Up up! Come oNNnn!!"</blue>
<olive>-"I'm free, I'M freeeeEEe.. I'M FFRRREEEEEEE!!"</olive> The sound of sneakers and passion filled voices fill your eardrums as you enter into the stadium.
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\ag2.jfif">
<b>-"Susie said they're having trouble getting people to watch.. But this stadium seems almost full!"</b>
<grey>*A whistle rings out*</grey>
<m>-"Alright folks, time for a 10 minute strategic break!"</m> The students stop playing as you find your seat.
<b>-"There they are.."</b> You spot the cheerleading team practicing to the side.
<b>-"Hmph, I thought they were supposed to dance during breaks? Apparently not.."</b> From the timer on the wall, you can tell that the game is going to end in 30 minutes.
<b>-"Maybe then they'll dance?"</b>
<<pageReplace"Wait for the game to finish">>\
<blue>-"GOOD GOOD!!!!"</blue>
<grey>SChhNn! Squueeeekkkk!</grey>
<olive>-"Come on!!!"</olive> One of the players raises towards the basket as 10 seconds remain on the clock.
<b>-"If he makes it, they win!"</b> You became pretty invested during the 30 minutes you watched the game.
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\ag3.webp">
<b>-"OhHHhhHHHHHHH!!!!!"</b> Everyone goes crazy after one of the players lands a massive dunk right as the timer runs out.
<m>-"Home wins, 94-93!"</m> The players begin to celebrate as you finally see the cheerleaders run out.
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\ag4.webp">
<b>-"Hah, they're actually pretty good.."</b> As you watch them perform, your eyes meet Susie's. She nods.
<b>-"Good, she saw me."</b>
<<pageReplace"Wait for them to finish.">>
<b>-"Finally.."</b> You spend a good 10 minutes watching them dance. Finally, the show is over. The players leave the stadium, so do the viewers.
<pink>-"Come on! A picture!"</pink> The girls group up for one last photo.
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\ag5.webp">
<emily>-"That was great!"</emily>
<adriana>-"Sure was! Always believed we would win!"</adriana> They begin moving towards the locker room.
<emily>-"Susie, you coming?"</emily>
<pink>-"Yeah, yeah, just give me a second!"</pink> As the other girls walk off, Susie walks towards you.
<pink>-"Enjoyed the show stranger?"</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\ag6.png">
<b>-"Sure did."</b>
<pink>-"You know, I never asked you your name..."</pink>
<b>-"$name! Nice to meet you."</b> Susie smiles.
<b>-"Quite a lot of people came.. Thought you were struggling?"</b>
<pink>-"Well, the stadium wasn't packed full, was it?"</pink> You roll your eyes.
<b>-"I guess you're right."</b>
<pink>-"Anyways... Want to join us in the locker room?"</pink>
<b>-"Excuse me?"</b>
<pink>-"You know... For the after game celebrations?"</pink> You heard myths that the cheerleading squad fucks the players, but you didn't know it was true...
<b>-"Are we both thinking about the same.. Celebrations?"</b> Susie blushes and grins.
<pink>-"I'll invite the girls to your festival either way, but why not have some fun with us? They're already at it, I'm sure of it."</pink>
<<if $hairextensions==true>>\
<b>-"You know.."</b> Before you could finish the sentance, Susie interrupts you.
<pink>-"We're into girls as well, don't worry!"</pink>
<<pageReplace"Lead the way.">>\
<b>-"W-well call me intrigued then... Lead the way."</b> Susie grins and grabs your hand.
<pink>-"I already know they'll love you.."</pink>
<b>-"The girls?"</b>
<pink>-"Mhm!"</pink> You walk through the halls and finally reach the locker room.
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\ag7.jpg">
<emily>-"NgHhHH! C-come on!"</emily> You hear moans coming out from behind the door.
<pink>-"Come on, let's get inside."</pink> Susie opens the door and you head inside together.
<b>-"Oh my God..."</b> Your cock gets flooded with blood as you look around.
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\ag8.webp">
<b>-"Jesus.. It's a whole orgy in here..."</b>
<adriana>-"O-oh..? MghHhh.. Who's this?"</adriana>
<<if $hairextensions==true>>\
<pink>-"It's the festival girl I talked about! Isn't she handsome?"</pink> Susie grabs your crotch.
<blue>-"What's up!"</blue> A manly voice rings out to the right. You swing your head towards it.
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\ag9.webp">
<b>-"H-hey!"</b> It's one of the players! The myths are indeed true!
<emily>-"Heheh, let's see those second lips!"</emily> Two girls walk up to you and get on their knees.
<pink>-"Enjoy $name! I'll go get underessed."</pink> Susie walks off as the girls begin to pull down your pants.
<pink>-"It's the festival guy I talked about! Isn't he handsome?"</pink> Susie grabs your crotch.
<pink>-"I bet he's packing too!"</pink>
<blue>-"What's up bro!"</blue> A manly voice rings out to the right. You swing your head towards it.
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\ag9.webp">
<b>-"Hey man!"</b> It's one of the players! The myths are indeed true!
<emily>-"Packing huh? Well, let's find out!"</emily> Two girls walk up to you and get on their knees.
<pink>-"Enjoy $name! I'll go get underessed."</pink> Susie walks off as the girls begin to pull down your pants.
<<pageReplace"Let them">>\
<<if $toys==1>>\
<emily>-"Nope!"</emily> Your pants slowly slide down as both of the girls gasp.
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\ag11.webp">
<emily>-"Oh my God..."</emily>
<adriana>-"Ghahaha no way!"</adriana>
<emily>-"Come on, sit your ass down, let's see what this little thing can handle!"</emily> One girl pushes you onto a bench.
<adriana>-"Hihihi.. So cute!"</adriana> They begin to play around with your locked cock.
<b>-"Nghhh! W-what did I get myself into.."</b>
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\ag19.webp">
<adriana>-"Ahhhahah! Look at it jump around!"</adriana>
<emily>-"Sooo cute!"</emily> The other cheerleader begins to touch your balls.
<b>-"There's Susie.."</b> You think as you spot her having fun with one of the players.
<b>-"Gosh.. I wish I would have left my cage at home."</b>
<emily>-"Already leaking pre cum, look!"</emily> They laugh.
<emily>-"Nope!"</emily> Your pants slowly slide down as both of the girls gasp.
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\ag10.jpeg">
<emily>-"Oh my God... It's so small!"</emily>
<adriana>-"Ghahaha no way!"</adriana>
<emily>-"Come on, sit your ass down, let's see what this little thing can handle!"</emily> One girl pushes you onto a bench.
<adriana>-"Hihihi.. So cute!"</adriana> They begin to play around with your cock.
<b>-"Nghhh! W-what did I get myself into.."</b>
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\ag20.webp">
<adriana>-"Ahhhahah! Look at it twitching around!"</adriana>
<emily>-"Sooo cute!"</emily> The other cheerleader begins to touch your balls.
<b>-"There's Susie.."</b> You think as you spot her having fun with one of the players.
<b>-"Gosh.. I wish I was bigger..."</b>
<emily>-"Already leaking pre cum, look!"</emily> They laugh.
<<pageReplace"Try your best no to cum.">>
<<if $toys==1>>\
<b>-"S-shittT! S-slow down!"</b> One of the girls squeezes your balls as your body begins to shake.
<adriana>-"Ghahahah! No way! Let go!"</adriana> They both let go of your cock as you begin to ejaculate all over yourself.
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\ag22.webp">
<b>-"FuckKK!!! I'm sorry!"</b> As your balls empty out, you feel a pair of cold hands on your shoulders.
<pink>-"Caged, huh?"</pink> It's Susie!
<pink>-"No problem, you can help out in other ways! Put that tongue to good use!"</pink>
<emily>-"Heh, true! Here, let's see what you can do!"</emily> You nod, determined to make them feel good.
<b>-"Here I come!"</b>
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\ag23.webp">
<emily>-"EeEeekkk! S-slow down!"</emily> She squirms around as you begin to eat her out.
<b>-"Slurp.. MghHh.. So gwood.."</b>
<emily>-"MghHHHh!"</emily> After a good ten minutes and a couple of orgasms, Susie calls out to you again.
<pink>-"Hey mgHhH... $name, come here!"</pink>
<b>-"S-shittT! S-slow down!"</b> One of the girls squeezes your balls as your body begins to shake.
<adriana>-"Ghahahah! No way! Let go!"</adriana> They both let go of your cock as you begin to ejaculate all over yourself.
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\ag21.webp">
<b>-"FuckKK!!! I'm sorry!"</b> As your balls empty out, you feel a pair of cold hands on your shoulders.
<pink>-"Premature, huh?"</pink> It's Susie!
<pink>-"No problem, you can help out in other ways! Put that tongue to good use!"</pink>
<emily>-"Heh, true! Here, let's see what you can do!"</emily> You nod, determined to make them feel good.
<b>-"Here I come!"</b>
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\ag23.webp">
<emily>-"EeEeekkk! S-slow down!"</emily> She squirms around as you begin to eat her out.
<b>-"Slurp.. MghHh.. So gwood.."</b>
<emily>-"MghHHHh!"</emily> After a good ten minutes and a couple of orgasms, Susie calls out to you again.
<pink>-"Hey mgHhH... $name, come here!"</pink>
<<pageReplace"Your wish is my command">>
<b>-"Your wish is my command!"</b> You let go of the girl you're pleasuring and move towards Susie, who's being fucked by one of the players.
<pink>-"O-oHhhHhH! FucKkKKKK!!! J-join us $name!"</pink>
<b>-"Y-yeshhh..!"</b> You begin to eat her out as well.
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\ag24.webp">
<pink>-"S-sooo bigggGGgGg.. Swooo Gwooddd..."</pink>
<b>-"Slurp.. Mghhhh!"</b> You feel Susie's body begin to shake.
<pink>-"S-shiTITTtttTT yeshHhHHH!!"</pink> She begins to quiver in pleasure.
<blue>-"I-I'm about to cuMmmM!!"</blue>
<pink>-"On my face babe!"</pink> You get back as the man unloads on Susie's face.
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\ag17.webp">
<pink>-"Aghh... So warm.."</pink>
<adriana>-"Y-yesSSss! INSIDEEE!!!!!"</adriana>
<emily>-"NghhHhh!!"</emily> You look around and see that the others are finishing up as well.
<pink>-"Hah, you were better with that tongue than I expected!"</pink> Susie laughs.
<b>-"Hmph, thank you..!"</b> A spurt of pre cum leaves your cock again.
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\ag27.webp">
<pink>-"Mmmmm... Delicious.."</pink>
<b>-"Pant.. So.. Pant.. How about.."</b>
<pink>-"Slurp.. W-what?"</pink>
<<pageReplace"How about that festival?">>
<b>-"How about that festival?"</b>
<pink>-"Oh! Give us a sec, we will send you the info later, but I bet most of us will come!"</pink> She stands up.
<adriana>-"Susie, you coming?"</adriana> The girls begin to walk towards the showers.
<emily>-"Come on, the water is hot!"</emily>
<pink>-"In a sec!"</pink>
<pink>-"Thanks for helping us out $name!"</pink> She gives you a kiss on the cheek.
<b>-"No problem, just remember to text me the info!"</b> Susie nods and runs off to the shower. You start to pull up your pants.
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\ag18.webp">
<b>-"Time to get out of here.."</b> The other guys have already left.. Time for you to do the same.
<b>-"Finally.."</b> You sigh as you get into your car. Right as you're about to pull out of the parking lot, you get a text with a bunch of names.
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<<set $recruited to $recruited +30>>
<grey>Recruited +30!</grey>
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"I'll have to pass.">>
<b>-"I'm sorry Susie, I'll have to pass, I just came here to watch the game."</b> Susie sighs.
<pink>-"Welp, a deal is a deal! I'll tell her about the festival anyways."</pink>
<pink>-"Shame that you're not going to join us though.. You look like you could be fun.."</pink>
<b>-"Hah, thanks Susie, I really need to get going though."</b>
<pink>-"Alright, alright won't hold you for any longer."</pink> You start to turn around.
<pink>-"Thanks for the help, have a good one!"</pink>
<b>-"You too!"</b> She nods and runs off towards the locker room.
<b>-"Time to get out of here.."</b> Everyone has already left.. Time for you to do the same.
<b>-"Finally.."</b> You sigh as you get into your car. Right as you're about to pull out of the parking lot, you get a text with a bunch of names.
<<set $recruited to $recruited +30>>
<grey>Recruited +30!</grey>
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<b>-"Let's give these flyers one last try!"</b> You grab a pile and get out of the office.
<b>-"Ah right! The basketball game is today!"</b> Susie's words return to your head.
<b>-"It's probably already started.. Let's head to the stadium, there should be plenty of students there!"</b> You think as you walk through the halls.
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\ag1.gif">
<grey>Squeek! SChhNn! Sqeeee!</grey>
<blue>-"Up up! Come oNNnn!!"</blue>
<olive>-"I'm free, I'M freeeeEEe.. I'M FFRRREEEEEEE!!"</olive> The sound of sneakers and passion filled voices fill your eardrums as you enter into the stadium.
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\ag2.jfif">
<b>-"Susie said they're having trouble getting people to watch.. But this stadium seems almost full!"</b>
<grey>*A whistle rings out*</grey>
<m>-"Alright folks, time for a 10 minute strategic break!"</m> The students stop playing and walk towards their seats.
<b>-"Perfect time to hand some out!"</b> You spot the cheerleading team practicing to the side.
<b>-"Oh! There they are! Hopefully she won't take it personally that I'm here."</b> You begin walking through the seats and handing out flyers.
<<pageReplace"Give out the whole pile.">>\
<b>-"For you!"</b>
<blue>-"Thanks! I'll make sure to come!"</blue>
<b>-"Please take one! The festival is taking place soon!"</b>
<m>-"No thank you..."</m>
<olive>-"Thanks bro."</olive> As you finish handing them out, you notice the cheerleaders begin their performance.
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\ag4.webp">
<b>-"Hah, they're actually pretty good.."</b> As you watch them dance, your eyes meet Susie's. She frowns.
<b>-"Awh shit.. Let's get out of here..."</b>
<<set $recruited to $recruited +10>>
<grey>Recruited +10!</grey>
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<</if>><<set $attended2 to true>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<set $worksup to $worksup +1>>\
<<if $substatus is true>>
<b>-"This time, I'm going to target groups!"</b> You think as you leave the office. You don't have any flyers this time, but hope your word of mouth will be enough to convince some students.
<b>-"Good afternoon, could I interrupt you for a second?"</b> You walk up to a group of girls laughing.
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\bb1.jpg">
<pink>-"Ghahahaah Jessica! O-oh.. Sorry, yes?"</pink> They turn to you.
<b>-"Would you be interested in registering for an upcoming event the SUP is organizing? It's completely free of charge!"</b>
<emily>-"Uuuu, sounds interesting! What is it?"</emily>
<b>-"We're going to host a festival on a private island soon! Everything is paid for, already a bunch of your peers have registered!"</b>
<pink>-"Festival huh.. I'm down for it, when is it taking place?"</pink>
<b>-"You will receive an e-mail with the date whenever we finish planning everything! I just need your details!"</b> They nod and you write down their names and gmail accounts.
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\bb2.png">
<b>-"Great, thank you!"</b>
<b>-"Right... Now let's find another group."</b> You look around and spot some more students.
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\bb3.jpg">
<b>-"Time to go to work.."</b>
<<pageReplace"Invite them as well.">>
<b>-"Thank you so much guys!"</b> You write down their names as well.
<blue>-"No, thank you for the invite! Hope to meet you on the island!"</blue>
<emily>-"Mhm, thanks for inviting us!"</emily>
<b>-"No problem guys, enjoy the rest of your afternoon!"</b> You smile and begin to walk off.
<b>-"Right.. Who to invite next..."</b>
<b>-"Oh!"</b> A curvy student standing to the side catches your eye...
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\bb4.png">
<b>-"Let's ask her to register as well!"</b> You begin to walk towards her.
<b>-"H-hey miss!"</b> She begins to lower the book as you speak.
<b>-"Would you like to reg - PROFFESOR KEI?"</b>
<pink>-"Oh...? $name? What's up?"</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\bb5.png">
<b>-"Oh.. Uhmm.."</b>
<<pageReplace"Invite her as well.">>
<<if $nocontrolpath !==true>>\
<b>-"I'm inviting students to come to the festival.. Maybe you would like to join too?"</b>
<pink>-"Well, thank you, but I'm not a student, am I?"</pink>
<b>-"No.. But I would still like you to come!"</b>
<pink>-"Isn't that nice.. And yet, I'll have to refuse.."</pink> She seems.. Sad?
<pink>-"I.. I can't tell you $name, It's against the rules.. Let's just say that, I don't like what happens there.."</pink>
<b>-"Huh.. She knows?"</b> You think... Are the professors in on it too?
<pink>-"Now if you'll excuse me, I have some lectures to manage.."</pink> She turns around.
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\bb6.png">
<b>-"Sure.. Have a great rest of your day professor!"</b>
<pink>-"You too!"</pink> She answers while walking off.
<b>-"Interesting.. So Kei knows what happens on the island, but can't do anything about it..?"</b>
<b>-"I wonder if I can sway her to our side somehow.."</b>
<b>-"No point in thinking about it now, let's just invite some more students.."</b>
<<set $recruited to $recruited +5>>
<grey>Recruited +5!</grey>
[[Finish inviting students and go home->Go outside]]
<b>-"I'm inviting students to come to the festival.. Maybe you would like to join too?"</b>
<pink>-"Well, thank you, but I'm not a student, am I?"</pink>
<b>-"No.. But I would still like you to come!"</b>
<pink>-"Isn't that nice.. And yet, I'll have to refuse.."</pink> She seems.. Sad?
<pink>-"I.. I can't tell you $name, It's against the rules.. Let's just say that, I don't like what happens there.."</pink>
<b>-"Huh.. What is she talking about?"</b> You think...
<b>-"Uhmmm. Okay, understood I guess.."</b>
<pink>-"Now if you'll excuse me, I have some lectures to manage.."</pink> She turns around.
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\bb6.png">
<b>-"Sure.. Have a great rest of your day professor!"</b>
<pink>-"You too!"</pink> She answers while walking off.
<b>-"Interesting... She doesn't like students dancing and drinking? Hmmm.."</b>
<b>-"No point in thinking about it now, let's just invite some more students.."</b>
<<set $recruited to $recruited +5>>
<grey>Recruited +5!</grey>
[[Finish inviting students and go home->Go outside]]
<b>-"O-oh.. Nevermind, sorry! Just thought you were a cute girl, that's all!"</b>
<pink>-"So you came up and talked to me? Well well.. Didn't know you were this confident!"</pink>
<<if $goingoutwithkei == true>>\
<pink>-"What for?"</pink>
<b>-"Well, we're going out and everything..."</b>
<pink>-"Ghahaha don't worry! That was one date!"</pink>
<pink>-"We're not dating or anything"</pink> She giggles.
<b>-"Ah, so you're not mad?"</b>
<pink>-"Of course not!"</pink>
<b>-"Shiuuu.. Thank God.."</b>
<pink>-"Hmph, now go, let me read in peace."</pink>
<b>-"Yes professor!"</b>
<b>-"Let's invite some other students.."</b> You begin looking around.
<<set $recruited to $recruited +5>>
<grey>Recruited +5!</grey>
[[Finish inviting students and go home->Go outside]]
<b>-"Heh.. Thanks.."</b>
<pink>-"Now, if you don't have anything to tell me, please move on."</pink>
<pink>-"Let me read in peace."</pink>
<b>-"Yes professor!"</b>
<b>-"Let's invite some other students.."</b> You begin looking around.
<<set $recruited to $recruited +5>>
<grey>Recruited +5!</grey>
[[Finish inviting students and go home->Go outside]]
<<if $worknothing>2>>
<b>-"This time, I'm going to target groups!"</b> You think as you leave the office. You don't have any flyers this time, but hope your word of mouth will be enough to convince some students.
<b>-"Good afternoon, could I interrupt you for a second?"</b> You walk up to a group of girls laughing.
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\bb1.jpg">
<pink>-"Ghahahaah Jessica! O-oh.. Sorry, yes?"</pink> They turn to you.
<b>-"Would you be interested in registering for an upcoming event the SUP is organizing? It's completely free of charge!"</b>
<emily>-"Uuuu, sounds interesting! What is it?"</emily>
<b>-"We're going to host a festival on a private island soon! Everything is paid for, already a bunch of your peers have registered!"</b>
<pink>-"Festival huh.. I'm down for it, when is it taking place?"</pink>
<b>-"You will receive an e-mail with the date whenever we finish planning everything! I just need your details!"</b> They nod and you write down their names and gmail accounts.
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\bb2.png">
<b>-"Great, thank you!"</b>
<b>-"Right... Now let's find another group."</b> You look around and spot some more students.
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\bb3.jpg">
<b>-"Time to go to work.."</b>
<<pageReplace"Invite them as well.">>
<b>-"Thank you so much guys!"</b> You write down their names as well.
<blue>-"No, thank you for the invite! Hope to meet you on the island!"</blue>
<emily>-"Mhm, thanks for inviting us!"</emily>
<b>-"No problem guys, enjoy the rest of your afternoon!"</b> You smile and begin to walk off.
<b>-"Right.. Who to invite next..."</b>
<b>-"Oh!"</b> A curvy student standing to the side catches your eye...
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\bb4.png">
<b>-"Let's ask her to register as well!"</b> You begin to walk towards her.
<b>-"Hey miss!"</b> She begins to lower the book as you speak.
<b>-"Would you like to reg - PROFFESOR KEI?"</b> It's the submissiveness professor you've met in the principal's office!
<pink>-"Oh...? $name? What's up?"</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\bb5.png">
<<pageReplace"Invite her as well.">>
<<if $nocontrolpath !==true>>\
<b>-"I'm inviting students to come to the festival.. Maybe you would like to join too?"</b>
<pink>-"Well, thank you, but I'm not a student, am I?"</pink>
<b>-"No.. But I would still like you to come!"</b>
<pink>-"Isn't that nice.. And yet, I'll have to refuse.."</pink> She seems.. Sad?
<pink>-"I.. I can't tell you $name, It's against the rules.. Let's just say that, I don't like what happens there.."</pink>
<b>-"Huh.. She knows?"</b> You think... Are the professors in on it too?
<pink>-"Now if you'll excuse me, I have some lectures to manage.."</pink> She turns around.
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\bb6.png">
<b>-"Sure.. Have a great rest of your day professor!"</b>
<pink>-"You too!"</pink> She answers while walking off.
<b>-"Interesting.. So Kei knows what happens on the island, but can't do anything about it..?"</b>
<b>-"I wonder if I can sway her to our side somehow.."</b>
<b>-"No point in thinking about it now, let's just invite some more students.."</b>
<<set $recruited to $recruited +5>>
<grey>Recruited +5!</grey>
[[Finish inviting students and go home->Go outside]]
<b>-"I'm inviting students to come to the festival.. Maybe you would like to join too?"</b>
<pink>-"Well, thank you, but I'm not a student, am I?"</pink>
<b>-"No.. But I would still like you to come!"</b>
<pink>-"Isn't that nice.. And yet, I'll have to refuse.."</pink> She seems.. Sad?
<pink>-"I.. I can't tell you $name, It's against the rules.. Let's just say that, I don't like what happens there.."</pink>
<b>-"Huh.. What is she talking about?"</b> You think...
<b>-"Uhmmm. Okay, understood I guess.."</b>
<pink>-"Now if you'll excuse me, I have some lectures to manage.."</pink> She turns around.
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\bb6.png">
<b>-"Sure.. Have a great rest of your day professor!"</b>
<pink>-"You too!"</pink> She answers while walking off.
<b>-"Interesting... She doesn't like students dancing and drinking? Hmmm.."</b>
<b>-"No point in thinking about it now, let's just invite some more students.."</b>
<<set $recruited to $recruited +5>>
<grey>Recruited +5!</grey>
[[Finish inviting students and go home->Go outside]]
<b>-"O-oh.. Nevermind, sorry! Just thought you were a cute girl, that's all!"</b>
<pink>-"So you came up and talked to me? Well well.. Didn't know you were this confident!"</pink>
<b>-"Heh.. Thanks.."</b>
<pink>-"Now, if you don't have anything to tell me, please move on."</pink>
<pink>-"Let me read in peace."</pink>
<b>-"Yes professor!"</b>
<b>-"Let's invite some other students.."</b> You begin looking around.
<<set $recruited to $recruited +5>>
<grey>Recruited +5!</grey>
[[Finish inviting students and go home->Go outside]]
<b>-"This time, I'm going to target groups!"</b> You think as you leave the office. You don't have any flyers this time, but hope your word of mouth will be enough to convince some students.
<b>-"Good afternoon, could I interrupt you for a second?"</b> You walk up to a group of girls laughing.
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\bb1.jpg">
<pink>-"Ghahahaah Jessica! O-oh.. Sorry, yes?"</pink> They turn to you.
<b>-"Would you be interested in registering for an upcoming event the SUP is organizing? It's completely free of charge!"</b>
<emily>-"Uuuu, sounds interesting! What is it?"</emily>
<b>-"We're going to host a festival on a private island soon! Everything is paid for, already a bunch of your peers have registered!"</b>
<pink>-"Festival huh.. I'm down for it, when is it taking place?"</pink>
<b>-"You will receive an e-mail with the date whenever we finish planning everything! I just need your details!"</b> They nod and you write down their names and gmail accounts.
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\bb2.png">
<b>-"Great, thank you!"</b>
<b>-"Right... Now let's find another group."</b> You look around and spot some more students.
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\bb3.jpg">
<b>-"Time to go to work.."</b>
<<pageReplace"Invite them as well.">>
<b>-"Thank you so much guys!"</b> You write down their names as well.
<blue>-"No, thank you for the invite! Hope to meet you on the island!"</blue>
<emily>-"Mhm, thanks for inviting us!"</emily>
<b>-"No problem guys, enjoy the rest of your afternoon!"</b> You smile and begin to walk off.
<b>-"Right.. Who to invite next..."</b>
<b>-"Oh!"</b> A curvy student standing to the side catches your eye...
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\bb4.png">
<b>-"Let's ask her to register as well!"</b> You begin to walk towards her.
<b>-"Hey miss!"</b> She begins to lower the book as you speak.
<b>-"Would you like to register as a member for an upcoming festival?"</b>
<pink>-"Oh...? Me?"</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\bb5.png">
<pink>-"I'm sorry, I'm a professor, not a student.."</pink>
<<pageReplace"Invite her anyways.">>
<<if $nocontrolpath !==true>>\
<b>-"Oh... But maybe you would still like to join?"</b>
<pink>-"Isn't that nice.. And yet, I'll have to refuse.."</pink> She seems.. Sad?
<pink>-"I.. I can't tell you, It's against the rules.. Let's just say that, I don't like what happens there.."</pink>
<b>-"Huh.. She knows?"</b> You think... Are the professors in on it too?
<pink>-"Now if you'll excuse me, I have some lectures to manage.."</pink> She turns around.
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\bb6.png">
<b>-"Sure.. Have a great rest of your day!"</b>
<pink>-"You too!"</pink> She answers while walking off.
<b>-"Interesting.. So the professors knows what happens on the island, but can't do anything about it..?"</b>
<b>-"I wonder if I can sway them to our side somehow.."</b>
<b>-"No point in thinking about it now, let's just invite some more students.."</b>
<<set $recruited to $recruited +5>>
<grey>Recruited +5!</grey>
[[Finish inviting students and go home->Go outside]]
<b>-"Oh... But maybe you would still like to join?"</b>
<pink>-"Isn't that nice.. And yet, I'll have to refuse.."</pink> She seems.. Sad?
<pink>-"I.. I can't tell you, It's against the rules.. Let's just say that, I don't like what happens there.."</pink>
<b>-"Huh.. What is she talking about?"</b> You think...
<b>-"Uhmmm. Okay, understood I guess.."</b>
<pink>-"Now if you'll excuse me, I have some lectures to manage.."</pink> She turns around.
<img src="Images\Lectures\walk around\bb6.png">
<b>-"Sure.. Have a great rest of your day!"</b>
<pink>-"You too!"</pink> She answers while walking off.
<b>-"Interesting... She doesn't like students dancing and drinking? Hmmm.."</b>
<b>-"No point in thinking about it now, let's just invite some more students.."</b>
<<set $recruited to $recruited +5>>
<grey>Recruited +5!</grey>
[[Finish inviting students and go home->Go outside]]
<b>-"Oh.. Nevermind, sorry! Just thought you were a cute girl, that's all!"</b>
<pink>-"No harm no foul, no need to apologize!"</pink>
<b>-"Heh.. Thanks.."</b>
<pink>-"Now, if you don't have anything to tell me, please move on."</pink>
<pink>-"Let me read in peace."</pink>
<b>-"Yes professor!"</b>
<b>-"Let's invite some other students.."</b> You begin looking around.
<<set $recruited to $recruited +5>>
<grey>Recruited +5!</grey>
[[Finish inviting students and go home->Go outside]]
<</if>>This is the end of "Walk around the sup" option in v0.8.5
Walking around the sup and looking for people to recruit in future releases, will lead to discovering many secrets the sup holds, some students will want favours from you for joining etc.
<<set $attended2 to true>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]<<location "Images/Lectures/party/location.jpeg" "In front of the party house.">>
<<set $beentoparty to true>>
<<todoCompleted "Attend the SUP's annual party">>\
<<if $time<2>>\
<<set $time to $time +1>>\
<b>-"Hmmmm... The website said that the building was right next to the campus.. Might as well take a walk.."</b> It's very annoying that none of the posts or posters had an address. You decide that you're
going to walk around campus and just search for the building yourself..
<img src="Images\Lectures\party\walking.gif">
After walking for what it felt like hours, you finally spot something.. An old building, just like the website said, but the windows are emitting a neon red color.
<b>-"Please be it, please be it, please be it.."</b> You moan desperately as your feet ache.
<<pageReplace "Walk to the entrance">>\
<img src="Images\Lectures\party\entrance.jpg">
As you arrive you see a couple of beefy men standing around the door and talking. Strangely, you can only spot a couple of students standing nearby.
<blue>-"I think so, why?"</blue>
<grey>-"Dunno man, the whole thing sounds fucking fishy if i'm being honest with you.."</grey>
<b>-"H-hey guys! Is this the party?"</b> You ask them as they turn towards you.
<blue>-"Hey man, yeah it is, but you're a bit early."</blue>
<grey>-"Yup, wait for a couple hours, the party starts in 2 hours."</grey> They turn away and start chatting with each other again..
<b>-"God fucking damnit.."</b> You whisper under your breath. You just spent hours looking for this shit-hole and now you have to wait 2 extra hours??
<b>-"Sigh.."</b> You sit down on a bench nearby and open your phone...
<b>-"Hmmm.. Maybe I should text Emily.. See what she's up to.."</b>
<<if $brokeupwithemily !== true>>
<<pageReplace"Message Emily.">>
<<message "Emily" "Emily party phone" "Hey babe." open>>
You take out your phone and start texting her.. You have two hours to spare anyways, better finish this conversation.
<<if $brokeupwithemily ==true>>
<<pageReplace"What am I thinking..">>
<b>-"What am I thinking.. I broke up with her for a reason.."</b> You open up clash of clans on your phone..
<b>-"This will keep me occupied while I wait!"</b> You tell yourself as you start grinding away.. After some time has passed, you decide to check if anything's happening.
[[Put down your phone->Party intro 2]]
<<messengerHeader Emily>>
<<me>>Hey babe.<</me>>
<<them>>Heyyy honey! 🥰<</them>>
<<them>>Watchu doing?<</them>>
<div id="choices">
<<messageReplyReplace "Waiting for a party to start!" #choices>>
<<me>>Waiting for a party to start!<</me>>
<<them>>A party?!<</them>>
<<them>>Without me?? 😒<</them>>
<div id="choices1">
<<messageReplyReplace "I'm on a mission.." #choices1>>
<<me>>Haha I wish I could take you with me, but I'm on a mission!<</me>>
<<them>>A mission?<</them>>
<<them>>Who are you, James Bond? 🤣<</them>>
<div id="choices2">
<<messageReplyReplace "Very funny." #choices2>>
<<me>>Very funny... 😄<</me>>
<<me>>I'm actually here to invite people to the festival. Remember when I told you I was working with Hudson?<</me>>
<<them>>Ahhh Hudson? Who's that?<</them>>
<<them>>Maybe you did.. Dunno.. Don't remember.<</them>>
<<them>><<image "Lectures/party/nap.jpg">><</them>>
<<them>>I'm eepy.. 😪<</them>>
<div id="choices3">
<<messageReplyReplace "Take a nap." #choices3>>
<<me>>Take a nap!<</me>>
<<them>>Yeahhh going to.. Good luck with your party..<</them>>
<<them>>I might text you later, when I wake up 😉<</them>>
<div id="choices4">
<<messageReplyReplace "Ok!" #choices4>>
<<me>>Ok! 😛<</me>>
<<me>>Goodnight, wish me luck!<</me>>
<<them>>Good luck!!<</them>>
<<goto "Party intro 2">>
<<set $time to 2>>
<<messageReplyReplace "Entertain me, woman!" #choices3>>
<<me>>Entertain me, woman! I'm bored...<</me>>
<<them>>You'll have to entertain yourself I'm afraid.. The eep is getting closer.<</them>>
<<them>>I might text you later, when I wake up thought 😉<</them>>
<div id="choices4">
<<messageReplyReplace "Ok!" #choices4>>
<<me>>Ok! 😛<</me>>
<<me>>Goodnight, wish me luck!<</me>>
<<them>>Good luck!!<</them>>
<<goto "Party intro 2">>
<<set $time to 2>>
<</messengerChat>>As you put down your phone, you look up to see that the door is surrounded by students!
<b>-"No way it's been two hours already.. I must have zoned out.."</b> You tell yourself as you stand up.
<<pageReplace"Head towards the entrance">>\
After walking up to the building, you get to the back of the queue and wait your turn. After around 50 students get inside in front of you, you're finally face to face with the bouncer.
<img src="Images\Lectures\party\entrance2.jpg">
<blue>-"Ticket please."</blue> He extends his arm.
<b>-"Ticket? I thought I could get one here.."</b>
<blue>-"Ughhh.. You cannn.."</blue> He rolls his eyes and shoves his hand in his pocket. Most students probably bought tickets online, but you couldn't find them..
<blue>-"Here you are"</blue>
You extend your arm to get it, but the bouncer quickly pulls the ticket back.
<blue>-"25$ first man, it's the entrance fee."</blue>
<b>-"Agh shit.."</b>
<<if $money>=25>>
<<pageReplace"Pay the fee.">>
<<set $bartenderparty to 1>>\
<<set $dancefloor to 1>>\
<<set $couchguysparty to 1>>\
<<set $vipgirlsparty to 1>>\
<b>-"Here you are."</b> You hand the man a crisp 20$ bill and a fiver.
<blue>-"Alright, take this and you're good to go!"</blue> As he opens the door, you shove the ticket in your pocket. Time to party!
<b>-"I musn't forget why I'm here.. To make as many students as possible join the festival.."</b> You tell yourself..
<<money -25 "A ticket to the SUP's party.">>
<green>Money -25$!</green>
[[Step inside->Party hall]]
<<pageReplace"Do not pay the fee and leave.">>\
<<set $didntgetinsideofpartycuzcash to true>>
<b>-"25$ Agh shit, nevermind then.."</b> You whisper as you step back. 25$ is a little out of your budget.
<blue>-"Aigh bro you do you, just let the next person through."</blue> As you walk away from the entrance, you notice that other students are staring at you..
<b>-"Damn.. They probably think I'm broke.."</b> You die a little inside.. Time to find something else to do. You're hopeful that you'll find another way to recruit students in the future!
[[Walk around the city->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"I don't have enough money..">>
<<set $didntgetinsideofpartycuzcash to true>>
<b>-"25$ Agh shit, nevermind then.."</b> You whisper as you step back.
<blue>-"Aigh bro you do you, just let the next person through."</blue> As you walk away from the entrance, you notice that other students are staring at you..
<b>-"Damn.. They probably think I'm broke.. I kind of am.. But still."</b> You die a little inside.. Time to find something else to do. You're hopeful that you'll find another way to recruit students in the future!
[[Walk around the city->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>><<location "Images/Lectures/party/location1.jpg" "At the party.">>\
<<locationBackdrop "Lectures/party/club.jpeg">>\
<img src="Images/Lectures/party/ticket.jpg" class="location-pull-up" style="opacity: 0.8;">\
As you enter the main hall, overpowering music fills your ears. The ground is sticky and your vision is blurry, because of all the neon lights... However, you musn't forget your goal - recruit as many students as possible.
<div class="actions">
<li><span class ='redlink'>[[The bar]]</span></li>
<li><span class ='redlink'>[[The dance floor]]</span></li>
<li><span class ='redlink'>[[The couches in the corner]]</span></li>
<<if $partybracelet is true>>
<li><span class ='redlink'>[[VIP area]]</span></li>
<<if $recruitedcouchguysparty == true and $recruitedvipgirlsparty== true>>
<li><span class ='redlink'>[[Leave the party.->Party leave]]</span></li>
<li><span class ='redlink'>[[Give up and leave->Party leave]]</span></li>
<</nobr>><<locationBackdrop "Lectures/party/club.jpeg">>\
<<if $bartenderparty ==1>>\
<<set $bartenderparty to 2>>
As you look around, you spot a modest bar to the side of the hall. It seems relatively empty.. Maybe a drink could calm your nerves...
<<drunk clear>>
<b>-"I might as well.."</b> You walk up to the bar and sit down. As you watch the man serve drink after drink, you patiently wait your turn.
<img src= "Images\Lectures\party\bar.jpg">
<bartender>-"What's up man? What can I get you?"</bartender> He asks.
UI.alert("You can get drunk if you drink too much, be careful. Also, it makes it basically impossible to read your phone messages!!! You can sober up by sleeping.");
<<pageReplace"Get a drink">>\
<img src= "Images\Lectures\party\bar.jpg">
<b>-"A tequila old fashioned with a splash of beer and a chili garnish, please."</b>
<bartender>-"Ah, the silverhand special.. Good taste!"</bartender> He makes your drink and puts it on the counter.
<b>-"How much do I owe you?"</b>
<bartender>-"The drinks are free man! Included in the entrance fee!"</bartender> He smiles as he turns away and starts serving other customers.
<b>-"T-thank you!"</b> You down the drink in a couple of gulps and get up from your chair... Time to find some students..
<<pageReplace"Drink another shot.">>
<img src= "Images\Lectures\party\bar.jpg">
<<drunk 1>>
<b>-"Gulp.. Gulp.."</b> You quickly take another shot. It goes down without a problem.. You get a warm, funny feeling in your belly and throat.
<b>-"Ahhh! Agh shit.. Now I feel it.."</b> Your eyes get a little dazy..
<b>-"Were the light always that bright.. Jesus.."</b> You mumble.
<<pageReplace"Drink another shot.">>
<img src= "Images\Lectures\party\bar.jpg">
<<drunk 2>>
<b>-"Gulp.. Gulp.."</b> You take yet another shot
<b>-"J-jeez..."</b> It's start to get harder and harder to focus your eyes.
<bartender>-"Yooo.. Maybe that's enough? Don't want to get kicked out, eh?"</bartender> He laughs as he takes the empty shot glass.
<b>-"Y-yeah.. W-whAaatever"</b> You mumble.
<<pageReplace"Drink another shot.">>
<img src= "Images\Lectures\party\bar.jpg">
<<drunk 3>>
<b>-"Gulp.. Gulp.."</b> You take yet ANOTHER shot..
<b>-"F-fuckkkk... Burp.."</b> Everything is spinning.. You feel like you're about to vomit.
<bartender>-"Yeahh you're done bro, I'm not serving you anymore drinks tonight."</bartender> The bartender looks concerned..
<b>-"C-comee onnNNwnNN!"</b> You mumble.
<bartender>-"Get out of here before I call security.. Don't make a scene."</bartender>
<b>-"Hic.. F-fine! Hic.."</b> You stand up, barely staying upfront..
<b>-"S-shit.."</b> You slap yourself on the cheeks. It's time to get to work, drunk or not..
[[Go back to the main hall->Party hall]]
<<pageReplace"Move on">>
<img src= "Images\Lectures\party\bar.jpg">
<b>-"Agh shit.. T-time to go.."</b> You mumble under your breath and stand up. Everything is spinning a bit, but you're fine.
[[Go back to the main hall->Party hall]]
<<pageReplace"Move on">>
<img src= "Images\Lectures\party\bar.jpg">
<b>-"Ah time to go.."</b> You get up from your chair... You wobble a little. Time to find some students..
[[Go back to the main hall->Party hall]]
<<pageReplace"Move on">>
<img src= "Images\Lectures\party\bar.jpg">
<b>-"Ah time to go.."</b> You get up from your chair... Time to find some students..
[[Go back to the main hall->Party hall]]
<img src= "Images\Lectures\party\bar.jpg">
<b>-"Ah nothing man, I'm good."</b>
<bartender>-"Alright! Just don't sit around for too long, people who want drinks also want to sit down!"</bartender> He laughs as you nod.
<b>-"R-right.."</b> You down the drink in a couple of gulps and get up from your chair... Time to find some students..
[[Go back to the main hall->Party hall]]
<<elseif $bartenderparty ==2>>\
You walk up to the bar and sit down. The bartender knows some useful information, you're sure of it, but if you don't have anything to ask him, he's of no help.
After sitting around for a couple of minutes, you decide that you should move.
[[Go back to the main hall->Party hall]]
<<elseif $bartenderparty ==3>>\
You walk up to the bar and sit down. The bartender knows some useful information, you're sure of it, perhaps you should ask him about the VIP area.
You wait patiently until he finishes serving other folks and comes up to you.
<img src= "Images\Lectures\party\bar.jpg">
<bartender>-"What's up man? What it'll be?"</bartender>
<<pageReplace"Ask him where the VIP area is.">>\
<b>-"I-I need to get into the VIP area... Know anything about it?"</b>
<bartender>-"Ah that section. Of course I do! You need a stamp to get in there though."</bartender> He leans on the table.
<b>-"Alright.. How do I get one?"</b>
<bartender>-"Buy one, obviously!"</bartender> He smiles.
<b>-"H-how much?"</b>
<bartender>-"It's 100 bucks for the whole day. You want one?"</bartender> He extends his palm, insinuating for you to pay.
<<if $domstatus is true>>
<<pageReplace"Threaten him.">>
<<set $bartenderparty to 2>>\
<<set $partybracelet to true>>\
<b>-"Rightttt... Not happening."</b> You grab his collar.
<bartender>-"W-woah! C-chill man."</bartender>
<b>-"Give me the fucking stamp, before I stamp your head with my foot."</b>
<bartender>-"J-jeez! Fine man.."</bartender> You let go..
<bartender>-"I don't get paid enough for this shit.."</bartender> He stamps your hand.
<img src="Images\Lectures\party\stamp.jpeg">
<b>-"Pleasure doing business with you."</b>
<bartender>-"Y-yeah.. Whatever.."</bartender> He turns away.
[[Move away from the bar->Party hall]]
<<if $money>=100>>
<<pageReplace"Pay up">>
<<set $bartenderparty to 2>>\
<<set $partybracelet to true>>\
<b>-"A little steep, but fine."</b> You hand the man 100$.
<bartender>-"Awesome! You won't regret it!"</bartender>
<b>-"I hope.."</b> He stamps your arm.
<img src="Images\Lectures\party\stamp.jpeg">
<bartender>-"Pleasure doing business with you."</bartender>
<<money -100 "Stamp for the VIP section.">>
<green>Money -100$!</green>
[[Move away from the bar->Party hall]]
<<if $feminization>=90>>
<<pageReplace"Seduce him...?">>
<<set $bartenderparty to 2>>\
<<set $partybracelet to true>>\
<b>-"You know.. I could give something worth a lot more than 100 bucks.."</b> You bite your lip, trying to seem confident.
<bartender>-"Oh..? And what would that be?"</bartender>
<b>-"You know.. This.. And that.. A little bit of something.."</b>You dance around him with your words. He looks confused, but as you look down at his crotch, he seems to understand what you're getting at.
<bartender>-"Oh.. OHHH! J-jeez man, nah... I-I'm good!"</bartender> He blushes..
<b>-"Y-you sure?"</b>
<bartender>-"Yeah dude.. I.. I'm straight.. B-but thanks for the compliment haha.."</bartender>
<b>-"Are you sureeeeeee??"</b>
<bartender>-"Just take the damn stamp"</bartender> He stamps your arm.. It's obvious he wants this conversation to end.
<img src="Images\Lectures\party\stamp.jpeg">
<b>-"T-thanks! Pleasure doing business!"</b>
[[Move away from the bar->Party hall]]
<<pageReplace"Offer to do some work">>
<<set $bartenderparty to 2>>\
<<set $partybracelet to true>>\
<b>-"L-listen, I don't want to spend 100 bucks on some stupid stamp.."</b>
<bartender>-"Okayyy..? So you're not getting in."</bartender> He retracts his arm.
<b>-"B-but I need to.. What if I.. Dunno, helped in the kitchen?"</b>
<bartender>-"I mean.. We do need some help.."</bartender>
<bartender>-"I'll tell you what, you do the dishes, mop the floors and I'll give you the stamp. Deal?"</bartender>
<b>-"Deal!"</b> The bartender leads you to the back of the bar and puts you to work. It's a litle emberrasing, but you'll manage.
<img src="Images\Lectures\party\dishes.gif">
After cleaning the dishes for a good 30 minutes, you start mopping all of the floors.
<img src="Images\Lectures\party\mopping.gif">
<b>-"Oof.. Finally done.."</b> You put down the mop and get in front of the bar again.
<b>-"I'm done!"</b> You tell the man.
<bartender>-"Ah! Perfect! Thanks for all the help, you deserve this."</bartender> He stamps your arm.
<img src="Images\Lectures\party\stamp.jpeg">
<bartender>-"Pleasure doing business!"</bartender>
[[Go back to the main hall->Party hall]]
<<pageReplace"Just leave">>
<<goto "Party hall">>
<</if>><<locationBackdrop "Lectures/party/club.jpeg">>\
<<if $dancefloor == 1>>\
<<set $dancefloor to 2>>
<<if $emilybnwoevent >=4 and $brokeupwithemily !== true>>
<b>-"Time to dance!"</b> You tell yourself as you get onto the dance floor.
<img src="Images\Lectures\party\dancing.jpg">
After you're slowly swallowed by the crowd of people, you find yourself in the middle of them all.
<green>-"I.. I-i nwEEd anodtha d-drink!"</green>
<adriana>-"M-my contact! My l-left contact fell out!"</adriana>
As the peeps around you talk with each other, you start to relax and enjoy the music. You wish you had someone to bring here, but alas - having fun alone will have to do.
<img src= "Images\Lectures\party\dancing1.gif">
After dancing for a good 10 minutes and even breaking into a small sweat, you decide that enough is enough.
<<pageReplace"Go back to the main hall">>\
As you leave the dance floor, you suddenly feel your phone vibrating in your pocket... It's Emily!
This might be important, you better finish the conversation before continuing..
<<message "Emily" "Emily party phone2" "I woke up!!" open>>
<b>-"Time to dance!"</b> You tell yourself as you get onto the dance floor.
<img src="Images\Lectures\party\dancing.jpg">
After you're slowly swallowed by the crowd of people, you find yourself in the middle of them all.
<green>-"I.. I-i nwEEd anodtha d-drink!"</green>
<adriana>-"M-my contact! My l-left contact fell out!"</adriana>
As the peeps around you talk with each other, you start to relax and enjoy the music. You wish you had someone to bring here, but alas - having fun alone will have to do.
<img src= "Images\Lectures\party\dancing1.gif">
After dancing for a good 10 minutes and even breaking into a small sweat, you decide that enough is enough.
[[Go back to the main hall->Party hall]]
<<elseif $dancefloor ==2>>\
<b>-"Time to dance!"</b> You tell yourself as you get onto the dance floor.
<img src="Images\Lectures\party\dancing.jpg">
After you're slowly swallowed by the crowd of people, you find yourself in the middle of them all.
<green>-"I.. I-i nwEEd anodtha d-drink!"</green>
<adriana>-"M-my contact! My l-left contact fell out!"</adriana>
As the peeps around you talk with each other, you start to relax and enjoy the music. You wish you had someone to bring here, but alas - having fun alone will have to do.
<img src= "Images\Lectures\party\dancing1.gif">
After dancing for a good 10 minutes and even breaking into a small sweat, you decide that enough is enough.
[[Go back to the main hall->Party hall]]
<</if>>\<<locationBackdrop "Lectures/party/club.jpeg">>\
<<if $couchguysparty ==1>>\
<<set $bartenderparty to 3>>\
<<set $couchguysparty to 2>>\
You spot some couches in the corner of the building... The neon lights are blinding you, but you can barely make out the shape of a couple of dudes sitting together.
<b>-"Welp.. At least they're not dancing or drinking.. Might as well ask them.."</b> You walk through the crowd of people to the other side of the party. Your observations were correct - there are 3 dudes sitting in front of a table.
<<pageReplace "Walk up to them">>\
<<todo "Get into the VIP section.">>
<<if $domstatus is true>>
<grey>-"Stop kidding yourself Michael, she was way too fat..."</grey>
<blue>-"HAHAHA you're right! She was a little too chubby hahaAHHA!"</blue>
<b>-"Ahem.. What's up guys!"</b> You walk up to them, confidently.
<img src="Images\Lectures\party\Meatheads.jpg">
<blue>-"What's up bro? Did you bring the drinks?"</blue>
<b>-"The drinks?"</b>
<blue>-"Oh you're not the bartender's assistant or something?"</blue> He giggles.
<grey>-"Watchu want man?"</grey> They all sit back and stare at you.
<b>-"I work with the university. The SUP is planning to host a festival soon. Shit is going to be huge, on a private island and everything. You guys want to join?"</b> You pull out your phone, ready to write down their names if they agree.
<blue>-"A festival you say, huh?"</blue> You can see the gears in his head turn.
<blue>-"Will there be any chicks there?"</blue>
<b>-"I mean.. Probably.."</b>
<grey>-"Listen listen, we'll make it easy for you.. We're leading one of the biggest fraternity on this campus... Some chicks we like from an opposing sorority are in the VIP section"</grey> He cracks his neck.
<grey>-"If you manage to convince them to attend the festival, we'll join as well.. Right boys?"</grey>
<blue>-"YEAH!"</blue> The other two guys shout in unison.
<b>-"Alright, I'll see what I can do.."</b> You nod and turn away.. As you're walking away, you hear the men continue their conversation.
<b>-"So... If I want to recruit them and their fraternity, I have to somehow convince the girls in the VIP section to join.. First I have to get there somehow.. Maybe the bartender knows something."</b>
[[Go back to the main hall->Party hall]]
<grey>-"Stop kidding yourself Michael, she was way too fat..."</grey>
<blue>-"HAHAHA you're right! She was a little too chubby hahaAHHA!"</blue>
<b>-"A-ahem.. W-what's up guys!"</b> You walk up to them, awkwardly.
<img src="Images\Lectures\party\Meatheads.jpg">
<blue>-"What's up bro? Did you bring the drinks?"</blue>
<b>-"T-the drinks?"</b> Your voice trembles a bit.. The men are huge.
<blue>-"Oh you're not the bartender's assistant or something?"</blue> He giggles.
<grey>-"Watchu want man?"</grey> They all sit back and stare at you.
<b>-"I-I work with the university and well, the SUP is planning to host a festival soon, on a private island and e-everything. Would you guys.. Want to join maybe?"</b> You pull out your phone, ready to write down their names if they agree. It's also a good tool to escape eye contact..
<blue>-"A festival you say, huh?"</blue> You can see the gears in his head turn.
<blue>-"Will there be any chicks there?"</blue>
<b>-"I mean.. P-probably..?"</b>
<grey>-"Listen listen, we'll make it easy for you.. We're leading one of the biggest fraternity on this campus... Some chicks we like from an opposing sorority are in the VIP section"</grey> He cracks his neck.
<grey>-"If you manage to convince them to attend the festival, we'll join as well.. Right boys?"</grey>
<blue>-"YEAH!"</blue> The other two guys shout in unison.
<b>-"A-alright, I'll see what I can do.."</b> You nod and turn away.. As you're walking away, you hear the men continue their conversation.
<b>-"So... If I want to recruit them and their fraternity, I have to somehow convince the girls in the VIP section to join.. First I have to get there somehow.. Maybe the bartender knows something."</b>
[[Go back to the main hall->Party hall]]
<<elseif $couchguysparty == 2>>\
You look around and see the group of dudes still talking on the couch..
<b>-"I haven't gotten the girls to join.. I don't feel like they're going to be pleased if I interrupt them again."</b> You turn away.
[[Decide what to do next->Party hall]]
<<elseif $couchguysparty == 3>>\
You look around and see the group of dudes still talking on the couch..
<b>-"R-right! The girls said that they'll join, time to tell the dudes!"</b>
<blue>-"HAHAHA you can't be serious dude!"</blue>
<grey>-"I swear to god bro, I thought the pad sticks to the vagina my whole life!"</grey> They both laugh as you get closer.
<b>-"Hey!"</b> You greet them.
<blue>-"Agh, it's you. What's up?"</blue>
<b>-"The girls said that they will join, so.. Y'all are joining too?"</b>
<grey>-"THE SORORITY CHICKS??"</grey> Both of them are shocked.
<blue>-"N-no way you convinced them!"</blue> They both look at each other.
<blue>-"Fuck yeah we'll join! Good fuckin job!"</blue> He extends his arm, you follow suit.
<img src="Images\Lectures\party\dab.gif">
After writing down their names and how many people are in their fraternity, you finally complete what you came to the party to do..
<b>-"Finally.."</b> You sigh as you turn around.. Time to get out of here.
[[Go to the main hall->Party hall]]
<<set $recruitedcouchguysparty to true>>
<<set $couchguysparty to 4>>\
<<elseif $couchguysparty == 4>>\
You look around and see the group of dudes still talking on the couch..
<b>-"I already got them to join the cause.. I better not bother them again."</b> You turn away.
[[Decide what to do next->Party hall]]
<</if>>\<<set $dancefloor to 2>>\
<<locationBackdrop "Lectures/party/VIP.jpg">>\
<<if $vipgirlsparty ==1>>
<<todoCompleted "Get into the VIP section.">>\
As you walk up the steps, you're greeted by an amazing sight.. The walls are covered in marble, the lights are a lot more dim, the music is quieter. All in all, the vibe is much better!
After walking around, looking for the women, you finally spot something.. A group of young girls, sitting in the corner.
<b>-"It's probably the sorority chicks.. I better say hi"</b> You whisper to yourself as you start walking towards them.
<img src="Images\Lectures\party\vip girls.jpg">
<adriana>-"Oh...? What do we have here?"</adriana> They all turn to you.
<<if $domstatus is true>>\
<b>-"If I knew that the VIP section was full of such beautiful women, I would have gotten here sooner.."</b>
<emily>-"Hahaha! So cheesy.."</emily> The girls giggle.
<adriana>-"Sayy.. Are you here only for some company, or do you want something?"</adriana>
<<pageReplace"Tell them about the festival">>
<b>-"Hmmm... Well... I'm actually here to invite you to a festival.."</b> You shift your head.
<emily>-"Oh..? A fetival?"</emily>
<b>-"Yes! The SUP is hosting a festival on a private island pretty soon, my job is to inform the students. Would you guys consider joining?"</b> The girls look at each other and whisper something..
<emily>-"Perhaps.. But join us for a drink or two, before we decide.."</emily>
<<pageReplace"Why not..">>\
<b>-"Huh.. Why not!"</b> You sit down next to the women. As long as it's just a drink - why not?
<adriana>-"To the festival!"</adriana> The woman shouts as she raises her shot. Everyone follows.
<img src="Images\Lectures\party\shots.gif">
After downing the shot, you all start talking.
<emily>-"So, what's your name beautiful?"</emily> She crosses her legs and looks you in the eyes..
<b>-"Flirting already? It's $name.."</b> The girls giggle.
<adriana>-"She isn't flirting.. She's outgoing, that's all..."</adriana> The other woman winks as you all grab another shot.
<img src="Images\Lectures\party\moreshots.gif">
<b>-"Ahhh!"</b> You put down the glass..
<emily>-"Ooohh! I'm feeling it already! How about a quick dance $name?"</emily> One of the girls stand up...
<b>-"A dance..?"</b>
<emily>-"Mhmm.. Show me your dance moves.. If they're good enough, we might join..."</emily> She winks..
<b>-"Sure!"</b> She leads you to the dance floor and you start having fun.
<img src="Images\Lectures\party\dom1.webp">
<emily>-"Mhhmmm.. H-how's this..?"</emily> She starts slowly rubbing her ass against you as you dance.
<b>-"W-woah.. W-where are the other girls..?"</b>
<emily>-"I'm the president of the sorority.. W-worry about me.."</emily> She turns around and holds eye contact..
<emily>-"Now show me what you got.."</emily> She suddenly kisses you, turns around and starts grinding you again..
<<pageReplace"This is too much..">>
<b>-"W-woah! I have a girlfriend.."</b> You push her off gently..
<emily>-"Are you seriously rejecting me?"</emily>
<b>-"I just want y'all to join, not to have sex in the middle of the dance floor.."</b>
<emily>-"Fuck you prick, forget us, because we ain't joining!"</emily> She pushes back and quickly leaves the dance floor.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b>
<<set $vipgirlsparty to 2>>
[[Leave the VIP section defeated->Party hall]]
<<pageReplace"Go along with it..">>
<b>-"As you wish.."</b> You come up behind her and start fondeling her body...
<img src="Images\Lectures\party\dom2.webp">
<emily>-"Mmm... S-so forward.. I like it.."</emily> She moans quietly.
<b>-"D-do this often?"</b> You giggle..
<emily>-"Getting touched in the club? not particularly.. Mghh.."</emily> She laughs with you.
<emily>-"C-come one.. Let's go to one of the private rooms.."</emily> She grabs your cortch and pulls..
<img src="Images\Lectures\party\dom3.webp">
<b>-"Your wish is my command.."</b> After you both reach the room, you slip inside and close the door behind you..
<<pageReplace"Kiss her.">>
You both share and intimate kiss.. But as you do, you notice that you're not alone.. The room is full of other women..
<b>-"W-what's this?"</b>
<emily>-"Ugh.. Don't worry about them, they're used to this by now.."</emily> She sits down.. The other women don't seem to pay much attention.
<emily>-"Mghh.. C-come on.. If you do good, we'll join whatever festival you're hosting.."</emily> She pulls down her dress.
<img src="Images\Lectures\party\dom7.webp">
<b>-"S-say less.."</b> You feel your member grow bigger and bigger in your pants.. You quickly undress the woman and throw her onto the bed.
<b>-"Spread those legs.."</b>
<emily>-"Y-yesss..."</emily> The moment her legs come apart, you pierce them with your long shaft..
<img src="Images\Lectures\party\dom4.webp">
<emily>-"F-fuckkkKKKK!!"</emily> She shouts as you look around to see if any of the women reacted.. They did not.
<b>-"Mgfff... G-god you're tight!"</b>
<emily>-"I... Nffff.. I know!"</emily> She moans as you feel yourself getting squeezed dry..
<b>-"G-god damnit... mfGGGFff"</b>
<emily>-"K-keep going!"</emily>
<<pageReplace"Turn her around.">>
You lift her up and turn her around..
<b>-"T-this is better.."
<emily>-"UghhhgGG!!!"</emily> She screams as you basically split her in two..
<img src="Images\Lectures\party\dom5.webp">
<b>-"F-fuckk..!"</b> As your cock rubs against the walls made out of pure pleasure, you feel it throbbing harder and harder.. Getting closer to release.
<b>-"S-shit.. I'm close!"</b>
<emily>-"M-mmEWeeEE ttTTwWOOO MFffGF!"</emily> The woman moans as you suddenly pull your cock.. You didn't ask her if it was her safe day - better not risk it..
<b>-"On your knees!"</b>
<emily>-"Y-yes $name!"</emily>
<img src="Images\Lectures\party\dom6.webp">
As you shoot your hot load all her face, you see a couple of the women around you start smilling..
<adriana>-"Woohooo! That's 3 today already!"</adriana> One shouts..
<b>-"F-fuck.."</b> You shake off the last couple drops of cum from your cock..
<emily>-"Ahaha.. Y-you did good.."</emily> She wipes off her face and stands up..
<emily>-"Definitely the best I've had today.."</emily>
<emily>-"We'll join your stupid fesitval, you can fuck off now."</emily> She points at the door.. You feel kind of used..
<b>-"R-right.. Thanks.."</b> After pulling up your pants, you head towards the door.
<emily>-"Oh and $name, nobody need to know about this."</emily> She winks as you nod.
<<set $recruitedvipgirlsparty to true>>
<<set $couchguysparty to 3>>\
<<set $vipgirlsparty to 2>>\
[[Clean up and leave the room->Party hall]]
<b>-"A-are you guys from the s-sorority?"</b> You stutter over your words as you see the women giggle.
<adriana>-"Hmmm.. Yes.. Why?"</adriana> One of the women answer.
<b>-"T-the SUP is hosting a festival for their students soon.. W-would you guys consider joining?"</b>
<emily>-"I'm the president, you should talk to me."</emily> Another women comes forward.
<emily>-"Sit down with us."</emily> She points at the table.
<<pageReplace"Sit down">>\
<b>-"S-sure.."</b> As you sit down, the woman pours everyone a shot. The rooms seems awfully quiet.
<emily>-"To our health!"</emily> You decide to go along with it..
<b>-"T-to our health!"</b>
<img src="Images\Lectures\party\shots.gif">
<b>-"AhhhH!"</b> You down the shot quickly. With no pre game or snacks, it hits hard.
<adriana>-"S-so, what's your name young man?"</adriana> A girl from the group asks you.
<emily>-"Listen $name, I'll make it simple for you. We're filming a video.. A trailer for the sorority let's say. If you're down to be our film guy, we'll join."</emily> She leans back.
<b>-"A trailer..? W-what kind of trailer..."</b>
<emily>-"Haha don't be silly, I think you already know. We're students of the SUP after all."</emily>
<emily>-"So, what will it be?"</emily>
<b>-"They'll probably go around kissing other dudes.. And I'll just have to sit there and film. Am I sure this is worth it?" You think to yourself.
<<pageReplace"Agree to film them..">>
<<locationBackdrop "Lectures/party/club.jpeg">>\
<b>-"F-fine.. Just make it quick.."</b>
<emily>-"Awesome! C'mon girls, let's take another shot!"</emily> She pours another glass, but skips yours. After downing them quickly, they start to move.
<emily>-"Let's go girls!"</emily> They stand up.
<adriana>-"Wooooohh!"</adriana> They slowly start heading downstairs towards the dance floor.. You follow them.
As you all get to the dance floor, the sorority president hands you a camera.
<emily>-"Keep it straight! Make sure to capture everything!"</emily> You take it and start filming..
<img src= "Images\Lectures\party\sub1.webp">
<pink>-"G-gosh.. So many attractive guys here.."</pink>
<adriana>-"Wooohhh!!!"</adriana> The girls start to dance as they look around.
Shot after shot, the girls become more and more drunk.
<img src="Images\Lectures\party\moreshots.gif">
You keep the camera steady, filming everything that's happening..
<b>-"I have to get them to join.."</b> You whisper to yourself.
<blue>-"FUCK YEAHHHHH!!!"</blue> A man screams as you quickly turn around.
<img src="Images\Lectures\party\sub2.webp">
<b>-"W-woah.."</b> Two of the girls are kissing already and y'all just started!
<<pageReplace"Continue to film">>\
You can feel your member come to life.. But you try to ignore it. Capturing this footage will not only make the sorority join, but the meatheads as well!!
<img src="Images\Lectures\party\sub4.webp">
<adriana>-"Mhmmmm.. S-soo biiiggggGG.."</adriana> The girl moans..
<blue>-"Fuckkk chika.. You wanna get out of here..?"</blue>
<adriana>-"Hmmmhhh.. N-not without my mates.."</adriana> As she look towards the president, your camera follows.. She's also grinding someone..
<emily>-"C-come on everyone, let's get back to the lounge.."</emily> She takes the arm of a man and starts leading him out of the dance floor... The other women pick a man and do the same..
<b>-"S-should I follow..?"</b> You sheepishly ask her as she passes you.
<emily>-"Mmmm... Of course baby.. Your job is not done."</emily>
<<pageReplace"Follow her.">>
<img src="Images\Lectures\party\sub3.webp">
<<locationBackdrop "Lectures/party/VIP.jpg">>
As you follow them all back to the VIP section, your camera stays rolling.. Something is about to go down and you know it. Right as you arrive, the president falls to her knees..
<emily>-"Come on big boy, pull it out!"</emily> She says as the man nods and complies.
<b>-"Uh-oh.."</b> You continue to film, even though you're slowly getting harder and harder..
<adriana>-"Haha keep filming!"</adriana> The other girls get on their knees too..
<img src="Images\Lectures\party\sub5.webp">
<blue>-"Mgfff... G-god you're good!"</blue>
<emily>-"I... Nffff.. I know!"</emily> She moans as you zoom in..
<blue>-"G-god damnit... mfGGGFff"</blue>
<emily>-"E-enough!"</emily> She pulls out the cock from her mouth..
<emily>-"C-come on... We have to put on a good show.."</emily> She leads the man to the sofa.
<b>-"P-president.. Can I go.."</b>
<emily>-"I-if you want us to join.."</emily> She mounts him.
<emily>-"Film everythinggGGGGHhH!"</emily> As she lowers herself down, the cock pierces her..
<img src="Images\Lectures\party\sub6.webp">
<blue>-"G-god you're one tight chika!!!"</blue>
<emily>-"F-fuckkkK!! F-film us all $name!"</emily> She screams.
<<pageReplace"Film the whole lounge.">>
<img src="Images\Lectures\party\sub8.webp">
<adriana>-"NgfffF!! F-fuckkKKK!!!"</adriana>
<bartender>-"ArgghhhH!!"</bartender> At least 4 couples around you are having sex.. All you can do is film..
<pink>-"F-fuck Fuck fUck fUCKKCf FUCKCKKKKKK!!"</pink> As you continue to film the women, you can feel your cock rubbing against your pants.. You're about to cum without touching it..
<emily>-"MfggFFFF H-here $name!!!"</emily> You quickly turn around to film the president again.
<img src="Images\Lectures\party\sub7.webp">
<emily>-"Oh my goddDDDDD!!!"</emily> She screams as she quivers from pleasure.. You can't take this anymore, you're about to cum!
<<pageReplace"Cum in your pants..">>
<b>-"F-fuck me..."</b> You whisper as you shoot your load in your underwear..
<emily>-"G-gosh.. T-that was great.."</emily> The woman slowly stands up and turns to you..
<b>-"Y-yeah.."</b> You whimper..
<emily>-"Y-you can put down the camera now.."</emily> She tells you while she catches her breath and walks a couple of meters to the side. You follow her.
<img src="Images\Lectures\party\sub10.jpg">
<emily>-"Haha.. S-sorry if that was a little shocking to you.. But what did you expect.."</emily> She flicks her hair.
<b>-"S-so about our deal.."</b> You hand her the camera. You can't lie, it was pretty hot to film them taking dick.
<adriana>-"Aghhh.."</adriana> You can hear the girls panting behind you..
<emily>-"R-right.. A deal is a deal.. We'll join."</emily>
<emily>-"Good job today $name, if we ever to meet again, I would like you to film us again."</emily> The president winks at you..
<b>-"R-right.. Thanks for keeping your word.."</b> You both smile at each other and she walks back to the lounge...
<b>-"Nice.. N-now I should go tell the meatheads that I got some girls to join.."</b>
<<set $recruitedvipgirlsparty to true>>\
<<set $couchguysparty to 3>>\
<<set $vipgirlsparty to 2>>\
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<<if $emilyaskedbnwoparty !==true>>\
[[Leave the lounge->Party hall]]
[[You suddenly remember something->VIP girls BNWO]]
<<pageReplace"Pull down your pants first..">>
<<if $toys ==1>>\
<b>-"F-fuck me..."</b> You whisper as you quickly pull down your pants and shoot your load..
<img src="Images\Lectures\party\sub10.webp">
<b>-"Mfggg..."</b> You let out a soft moan as you quickly pull your pants back up.. Thankfully nobody saw you.. They were too busy actually fucking.
<b>-"F-fuck me..."</b> You whisper as you quickly pull down your pants and shoot your load..
<img src="Images\Lectures\party\sub9.webp">
<b>-"Mfggg..."</b> You let out a soft moan as you quickly pull your pants back up.. Thankfully nobody saw you.. They were too busy actually fucking.
<emily>-"G-gosh.. T-that was great.."</emily> The woman slowly stands up and turns to you..
<b>-"Y-yeah.."</b> You whimper..
<emily>-"Y-you can put down the camera now.."</emily> She tells you while she catches her breath and walks a couple of meters to the side. You follow her.
<img src="Images\Lectures\party\sub10.jpg">
<emily>-"Haha.. S-sorry if that was a little shocking to you.. But what did you expect.."</emily> She flicks her hair.
<b>-"S-so about our deal.."</b> You hand her the camera. You can't lie, it was pretty hot to film them taking dick.
<adriana>-"Aghhh.."</adriana> You can hear the girls panting behind you..
<emily>-"R-right.. A deal is a deal.. We'll join."</emily>
<emily>-"Good job today $name, if we ever to meet again, I would like you to film us again."</emily> The president winks at you..
<b>-"R-right.. Thanks for keeping your word.."</b> You both smile at each other and she walks back to the lounge...
<b>-"Nice.. N-now I should go tell the meatheads that I got some girls to join.."</b>
<<set $recruitedvipgirlsparty to true>>\
<<set $couchguysparty to 3>>\
<<set $vipgirlsparty to 2>>\
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<<if $emilyaskedbnwoparty !==true>>\
[[Leave the lounge->Party hall]]
[[You suddenly remember something->VIP girls BNWO]]
<<pageReplace"Don't agree..">>
<b>-"T-thanks for the offer.. But I'm good."</b> You stand up.
<emily>-"Huh! Well, whatever, we ain't joining though."</emily> They pick up the glass and down another shot.
<img src="Images\Lectures\party\moreshots.gif">
<emily>-"Let's go girls!"</emily> They stand up.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You watch them walk downstairs.
<<set $vipgirlsparty to 2>>
[[Leave the VIP section defeated->Party hall]]
<<elseif $vipgirlsparty ==2>>
You walk up the steps to the VIP area, before realizing that you don't have anything to do here..
<b>-"Oops.."</b> You whisper as you turn around and head down the stairs
[[Go back to the main party hall->Party hall]]
<<messengerHeader Emily>>
<<them>>I woke up!<</them>>
<<them>>How are you doing? 🥰<</them>>
<div id="choices">
<<messageReplyReplace "Good!" #choices>>
<<me>>Pretty good! It's quite fun in here, the music is awesome.<</me>>
<<them>>Awh well that's great to hear! 🥰<</them>>
<<them>>Have you invited anyone to the festival yet?<</them>>
<div id="choices69">
<<messageReplyReplace "Not yet" #choices69>>
<<me>>Noo not yet honey.. Why?<</me>>
<<them>>Mhm.. Nothing.. Just.. You know how I'm part of the IBWO right?<</them>>
<div id="choices1">
<<messageReplyReplace "Yeah of course I know!" #choices1>>
<<me>>Yeah, of course I know 😃<</me>>
<<them>>Sooo.. I was wondering if you could invite some girls to join as well.. We could always use more people!<</them>>
<<them>>You know if you dooooo.. I might send you something spicyyyy 😛<</them>>
<div id="choices3">
<<messageReplyReplace "Sure!" #choices3>>
<<me>>Sure! If I meet some girls I'll definitely mention it!<</me>>
<<me>>Do you want me to give them your number?<</me>>
<<them>>Good boy! Yes, just give them my number and I'll do the rest..<</them>>
<<them>>Thanks honey, maybe the management will treat me more seriously from now on!!<</them>>
<div id="choices4">
<<messageReplyReplace "I love you!" #choices4>>
<<me>>I love you honey!<</me>>
<<them>>I love you too my little pet! ❤<</them>>
<<goto "Party hall">>
<<set $emilyaskedbnwoparty to true>>
<<messageReplyReplace "I'll think about it." #choices3>>
<<me>>I'll think about it baby..<</me>>
<<them>>Think about it hard, you know how important it is to me. Just give them my number and I'll do the rest.. <</them>>
<<them>>Thanks honey, maybe the management will treat me more seriously from now on!!<</them>>
<div id="choices4">
<<messageReplyReplace "I love you!" #choices4>>
<<me>>I love you honey!<</me>>
<<them>>I love you too my little pet! ❤<</them>>
<<goto "Party hall">>
<<set $emilyaskedbnwoparty to true>>
<<messageReplyReplace "Remind me, what is it again?" #choices1>>
<<me>>Remind me, what is it again?<</me>>
<<them>>OMG!! It's the bnwo orginization I joined.. You even told me to look it up!<</them>>
<<them>>Ugh anyways.. I was wondering if you could invite some girls to join as well.. We could always use more people!<</them>>
<<them>>You know if you dooooo.. I might send you something spicyyyy 😛<</them>>
<div id="choices3">
<<messageReplyReplace "Sure!" #choices3>>
<<me>>Sure! If I meet some girls I'll definitely mention it!<</me>>
<<me>>Do you want me to give them your number?<</me>>
<<them>>Good boy! Yes, just give them my number and I'll do the rest..<</them>>
<<them>>Thanks honey, maybe the management will treat me more seriously from now on!!<</them>>
<div id="choices4">
<<messageReplyReplace "I love you!" #choices4>>
<<me>>I love you honey!<</me>>
<<them>>I love you too my little pet! ❤<</them>>
<<goto "Party hall">>
<<set $emilyaskedbnwoparty to true>>
<<messageReplyReplace "I'll think about it." #choices3>>
<<me>>I'll think about it baby..<</me>>
<<them>>Think about it hard, you know how important it is to me. Just give them my number and I'll do the rest.. <</them>>
<<them>>Thanks honey, maybe the management will treat me more seriously from now on!!<</them>>
<div id="choices4">
<<messageReplyReplace "I love you!" #choices4>>
<<me>>I love you honey!<</me>>
<<them>>I love you too my little pet! ❤<</them>>
<<goto "Party hall">>
<<set $emilyaskedbnwoparty to true>>
<<messageReplyReplace "Fine.." #choices>>
<<me>>Eh fine I guess.. Wish you were here..<</me>>
<<them>>Awh how cute... I'm busyy thoughhh<</them>>
<<them>>Have you invited anyone to the festival yet?<</them>>
<div id="choices69">
<<messageReplyReplace "Not yet" #choices69>>
<<me>>Noo not yet honey.. Why?<</me>>
<<them>>Mhm.. Nothing.. Just.. You know how I'm part of the IBWO right?<</them>>
<div id="choices1">
<<messageReplyReplace "Yeah of course I know!" #choices1>>
<<me>>Yeah, of course I know 😃<</me>>
<<them>>Sooo.. I was wondering if you could invite some girls to join as well.. We could always use more people!<</them>>
<<them>>You know if you dooooo.. I might send you something spicyyyy 😛<</them>>
<div id="choices3">
<<messageReplyReplace "Sure!" #choices3>>
<<me>>Sure! If I meet some girls I'll definitely mention it!<</me>>
<<me>>Do you want me to give them your number?<</me>>
<<them>>Good boy! Yes, just give them my number and I'll do the rest..<</them>>
<<them>>Thanks honey, maybe the management will treat me more seriously from now on!!<</them>>
<div id="choices4">
<<messageReplyReplace "I love you!" #choices4>>
<<me>>I love you honey!<</me>>
<<them>>I love you too my little pet! ❤<</them>>
<<goto "Party hall">>
<<set $emilyaskedbnwoparty to true>>
<<messageReplyReplace "I'll think about it." #choices3>>
<<me>>I'll think about it baby..<</me>>
<<them>>Think about it hard, you know how important it is to me. Just give them my number and I'll do the rest.. <</them>>
<<them>>Thanks honey, maybe the management will treat me more seriously from now on!!<</them>>
<div id="choices4">
<<messageReplyReplace "I love you!" #choices4>>
<<me>>I love you honey!<</me>>
<<them>>I love you too my little pet! ❤<</them>>
<<goto "Party hall">>
<<set $emilyaskedbnwoparty to true>>
<<messageReplyReplace "Remind me, what is it again?" #choices1>>
<<me>>Remind me, what is it again?<</me>>
<<them>>OMG!! It's the bnwo orginization I joined.. You even told me to look it up!<</them>>
<<them>>Ugh anyways.. I was wondering if you could invite some girls to join as well.. We could always use more people!<</them>>
<<them>>You know if you dooooo.. I might send you something spicyyyy 😛<</them>>
<div id="choices3">
<<messageReplyReplace "Sure!" #choices3>>
<<me>>Sure! If I meet some girls I'll definitely mention it!<</me>>
<<me>>Do you want me to give them your number?<</me>>
<<them>>Good boy! Yes, just give them my number and I'll do the rest..<</them>>
<<them>>Thanks honey, maybe the management will treat me more seriously from now on!!<</them>>
<div id="choices4">
<<messageReplyReplace "I love you!" #choices4>>
<<me>>I love you honey!<</me>>
<<them>>I love you too my little pet! ❤<</them>>
<<goto "Party hall">>
<<set $emilyaskedbnwoparty to true>>
<<messageReplyReplace "I'll think about it." #choices3>>
<<me>>I'll think about it baby..<</me>>
<<them>>Think about it hard, you know how important it is to me. Just give them my number and I'll do the rest.. <</them>>
<<them>>Thanks honey, maybe the management will treat me more seriously from now on!!<</them>>
<div id="choices4">
<<messageReplyReplace "I love you!" #choices4>>
<<me>>I love you honey!<</me>>
<<them>>I love you too my little pet! ❤<</them>>
<<goto "Party hall">>
<<set $emilyaskedbnwoparty to true>>
<</messengerChat>><<location "Images/Lectures/party/location.jpeg" "In front of the party house.">>\
<<todoCompleted "Get into the VIP section.">>\
<<if $recruitedcouchguysparty !==true and $recruitedvipgirlsparty !==true>>\
<b>-"Agh fuck this.."</b> You whisper to yourself.
<b>-"I'll recruit students some other time.. I hated that place."</b> You look at your notepad. You've managed to recruit 20 people, which isn't a lot, considering how big the party was, but it's better than nothing.
<img src="Images\Lectures\party\exit.jpg">
As you look back, you see that the line to the club has only grown bigger..
<b>-"Jezz.. This party is a lot bigger than I thought.. It's time to go home though."</b>
<<set $recruited to $recruited +20>>
<grey>Recruited +20!</grey>
<<elseif $recruitedcouchguysparty !==true and $recruitedvipgirlsparty ==true>>\
<b>-"I really don't want to talk to those dudes."</b> You whisper to yourself.
<b>-"The sorority is big enough anyways.. Should be enough recruited students."</b> You look at your notepad. You've managed to recruit 60 people, which is quite a lot.
<img src="Images\Lectures\party\exit.jpg">
As you look back, you see that the line to the club has only grown bigger..
<b>-"Jezz.. This party is a lot bigger than I thought.. It's time to go home though."</b>
<<set $recruited to $recruited +60>>
<grey>Recruited +60!</grey>
<<elseif $recruitedcouchguysparty ==true and $recruitedvipgirlsparty ==true>>\
<b>-"Awesome, I got a bunch of students to register."</b> You whisper to yourself.
<b>-"The guys were a lot nicer than I thought to be honest, glad that they joined as well."</b> You look at your notepad. You've managed to recruit 100 people, which is more than enough for today!
<img src="Images\Lectures\party\exit.jpg">
As you look back, you see that the line to the club has only grown bigger..
<b>-"Jezz.. This party is a lot bigger than I thought.. It's time to go home though."</b>
<<set $recruited to $recruited +100>>
<grey>Recruited +100!</grey>
<<if $vipgirlsbnworesearch == true>>\
<<pageReplace"Walk towards home">>
As you start walking, you suddenly get a text. It's Emily again!
<b>-"I better reply, it might be important."</b>
<<linkreplace"Pull out your phone">>
<<message "Emily" "Emily party phone3" "Hey honeyyyy.." open>>
[[Walk towards home->Go outside]]
<</if>>\<<locationBackdrop "Lectures/party/VIP.jpg">>\
<b>-"O-oh!"</b> You say outloud. You remembered the Emily message!
<emily>-"Huh? What is it?"</emily> The sorority president turns around.
<b>-"Emily asked me to tell some girls about the IBWO.."</b> You whisper under your breath..
<emily>-"Hellooo?"</emily> The woman shifts her head.
<<pageReplace"Tell her about it.">>\
<b>-"R-right! Sorry.."</b>
<b>-"H-have you guys ever heard of the IBWO?"</b>
<emily>-"T-the what now?"</emily> She gives you a confused look.
<b>-"The international black world order organization.. Or IBWO for short."</b>
<emily>-"Ohhhh.. Y-yeah my ex told me something about it, why?"</emily> She starts touching herself lightly.. It's apparent that the orgy was not enough.
<img src="Images\Lectures\party\sub11.webp">
<b>-"N-nothing really, the orginization is just looking for more recruits, perhaps you would want to look into it?"</b>
<emily>-"Hmmm.. Sure! You've helped us a bunch today, why not."</emily> She smiles as you hand them Emily's number.
<b>-"T-text her, she'll tell you all about it!"</b>
<emily>-"Sure! Me and the girlies will have a bunch of time after we clean up, we'll definitely take a look!"</emily>
<b>-"R-really? Awesome! I-I'll be going now!"</b> You both exchange a hug. She's still covered in sweat.. It's a little icky.
<<set $vipgirlsbnworesearch to true>>
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo +1>>\
<grey>BNWO +1!</grey>
[[Leave the lounge->Party hall]]
<<pageReplace"Don't tell her about it.">>\
<b>-"Nevermind.. Had a thought, but forgot it!"</b>
<emily>-"Rightttt... Well, good luck!"</emily> She starts walking away again.
<b>-"God damnit."</b>
[[Leave the lounge->Party hall]]
<<messengerHeader Emily>>
<<them>>Heyyyy honey 😍<</them>>
<<them>>How's my pookie bear doing?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Never better!">>
<<me>>Never better! Recruited quite a bit of students. How are you tho? 😉<</me>>
<<them>>I'm absolutely overjoyed!!!<</them>>
<<them>>Guess who texted me..<</them>>
<div id="choices">
<<messageReplyReplace "Dunno.. Who?" #choices>>
<<me>>Dunno, who? 😃<</me>>
<<them>>A president of some sorority texted me and told me they're all interested in the IBWO!!!!!!!!!! <</them>>
<<them wait>>You cannot understand how happy I am right now! Management will have to take me more seriously now!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Awesome!">>
<<me>>Awesome! I'm glad they joined 😛<</me>>
<<me>>Still don't fully understand what y'all do there, but I'm happy for you!<</me>>
<<them>>Right now we're still in theory.. Learning how to properly pay reparations.. I'll tell you about it some other day..<</them>>
<<them>>I told you you'll get a reward though..<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Lectures/party/emilybnwo.webp" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<messageReply "Wow..">>
<<me>>I've seen that logo somewhere..<</me>>
<<them>>Hehe it's the queen of spades! It's a gift from the organization.. Don't quite fully know what it means myself<</them>>
<<them>><<image "Lectures/party/emilybnwo2.jpg" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<them>>You like em? 🥰<</them>>
<<messageReply "I love them..">>
<<me>>I.. I love them honey! You look amazing..<</me>>
<<them>>Hehehe that's what I was hoping to hear..<</them>>
<<them wait>>Anyways, see you honey!!! Thanks again for spreading the word!<</them>>
<<goto "Go outside">>
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo +1>>
<grey>BNWO +1!</grey>
<<messageReplyReplace "One of your girlfriends?" #choices>>
<<me>>One of your girlfriends maybe? 😃<</me>>
<<them>>A president of some sorority texted me and told me they're all interested in the IBWO!!!!!!!!!! <</them>>
<<them wait>>You cannot understand how happy I am right now! Management will have to take me more seriously now!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Awesome!">>
<<me>>Awesome! I'm glad they joined 😛<</me>>
<<me>>Still don't fully understand what y'all do there, but I'm happy for you!<</me>>
<<them>>Right now we're still in theory.. Learning how to properly pay reparations.. I'll tell you about it some other day..<</them>>
<<them>>I told you you'll get a reward though..<</them>>
<<them>><<image "Lectures/party/emilybnwo.webp" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<messageReply "Wow..">>
<<me>>I've seen that logo somewhere..<</me>>
<<them>>Hehe it's the queen of spades! It's a gift from the organization.. Don't quite fully know what it means myself<</them>>
<<them>><<image "Lectures/party/emilybnwo2.jpg" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<them>>You like em? 🥰<</them>>
<<messageReply "I love them..">>
<<me>>I.. I love them honey! You look amazing..<</me>>
<<them>>Hehehe that's what I was hoping to hear..<</them>>
<<them wait>>Anyways, see you honey!!! Thanks again for spreading the word!<</them>>
<<goto "Go outside">>
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo +1>>
<grey>BNWO +1!</grey>
<</messengerChat>><<set $talkedtoprincipalafterparty to true>>\
<<if $time<2>><<set $time to $time +1>><</if>>\
<<set $attended2 to true>>
As you walk into the building, you see a familiar face.
<img src= "Images\Lectures\principal 3\jia.jpg">
<<if $bnwostatus is true>>\
<b>-"M-miss Jia? What are you doing here?"</b> It's your bnwo professor!
<b>-"I think it's one of the professors.."</b> You mumble as you walk past.
<pink>-"Ah $name! There you are!"</pink> She finishes tying her shoe.
<b>-"H-hello?"</b> You give her a confused look.. You weren't expecting her.
<pink>-"The principal sent me, he wants to see you!"</pink> She smiles.
<b>-"Ah! Right, okay. I'll go meet him now."</b>
<pink>-"You know the way, right?"</pink> She walks up to you.
<b>-"Yeah.. Been there once or twice."</b> You start walking towards the office.
<pink>-"Perfect.. Oh and $name!"</pink> You turn towards her.
<pink>-"Good luck!"</pink> She smiles.
<<pageReplace"Walk to the principals office.">>
As you arrive, you notice that it's awfully dark..
<b>-"Where's the maid.. She's usually out here, cleaning stuff.. Whatever."</b> You walk up to the door and knock.
<img src= "Images\Lectures\principal 3\door.gif">
<manager>-"Please, come in!"</manager> You hear a muffled voice from behind the door.
<<pageReplace"Open the door and walk inside">>\
<manager>-"Good evening."</manager> The principals office is in complete darkness.. How strange.
<b>-"H-hello.."</b> You slowly close the door behind you and walk up to his desk.
<manager>-"Please, take a seat. We've much to discuss."</manager> You take a seat.
<img src= "Images\Lectures\principal 3\Screenshot_1.png">
<b>-"So.. W-why am I here mister Hudson?"</b>
<manager>-"To talk about your performance. You've been inviting students for a couple weeks now.. It's time for a review."</manager>
<manager>-"Let's start by the total number of students that registered..."</manager> He leands back. You take out your notepad with all of the names on it and check the number.
<b>-"Uhmmm.. I have $recruited names written down."</b>
<<if $recruited >100>>\
<manager>-"Good.. Very good!"</manager> The principal smiles.
<manager>-"Hmf.. Could be better, but it's fine."</manager> Hudson frowns a bit.
<manager>-"The SUP hosted a party not long ago, were you there?"</manager>
<<if $didntgetinsideofpartycuzcash == true>>\
<b>-"But didn't manage to get inside.. The tickets were too expensive."</b>
<manager>-"Oh really.. We made the tickets 25$ dollars for the purpose of gathering as many students as possible.."</manager> He squints his eyes.
<manager>-"But.. I don't know your financial situation.. Cannot blame you."</manager>
<img src="Images\Lectures\principal 3\Screenshot_3.png">
<<elseif $recruitedvipgirlsparty !== true and $recruitedcouchguysparty !== true>>\
<b>-"Managed to get inside.. But only recruited about 20 students. Had a pretty terrible day.."</b>
<manager>-"During the whole party.. You only managed to invite 20?"</manager> He squints his eyes.
<manager>-"Alas.. 20 is better than nothing I guess.."</manager>
<img src="Images\Lectures\principal 3\Screenshot_3.png">
<<elseif $recruitedvipgirlsparty == true and $recruitedcouchguysparty !== true>>\
<b>-"Managed to get inside.. But only recruited about 60 students. Thought the festival could use more women then men, so I didn't invite boys."</b>
<manager>-"Next time, please don't do that. We need just as many men as women.</manager> He squints his eyes.
<manager>-"But I commend you for trying"</manager> An awkward smile forms on his face.
<img src="Images\Lectures\principal 3\Screenshot_2.png">
<<elseif $recruitedvipgirlsparty == true and $recruitedcouchguysparty == true>>\
<b>-"Managed to get inside and recruit over 100 students. People seemed to like me I guess.."</b> You laugh. He does not.
<manager>-"Over 100 students?</manager> He squints his eyes.
<manager>-"Wow. You exceeded my expectations $name.. Good job."</manager> An awkward smile forms on his face.
<img src="Images\Lectures\principal 3\Screenshot_2.png">
<manager>-"How has it been so far? Have you enjoyed taking on so much responsibility?"</manager>
<<pageReplace"It's hard.">>
<b>-"It's been pretty difficult.. Not a lot of students want to join something they have no idea about."</b>
<manager>-"I understand and appreciate you helping us out $name."</manager>
<manager>-"Before we part ways, I wanted to tell you that the lectures are now on your agenda again."</manager> Your eyes widen.
<manager>-"I've talked to professor Jia. She said it could negatively inpact your development as a student."</manager> He stands up.
<b>-"S-so I don't need to help your anymore?"</b>
<manager>-"Of course you do. You can attend your regular classes on wednesday and on wednesday only."</manager> I guess it's better than nothing...
<b>-"R-right.. T-Thank you mister Hudson!"</b> You stand up.
<manager>-"Keep up the good work $name."</manager> You both shake hands.
<img src="Images\Lectures\principal 3\ezgif-2-ccd83e002c.webp">
<<if $previdence == 1>>\
<manager>-"Oh and..."</manager>He squeezes your arm.
<manager>-"I would advise you against stealing confidential documents from my office."</manager> Mister Hudson stares into your soul.
<manager>-"Off you go!"</manager> He smiles..
<b>-"R-right.."</b> You try not to show your worried expression as you turn around. You feel like apologizing would make things worse.
<b>-"R-right.."</b> You smile and turn around.
[[Leave the office->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"It's stressful">>
<b>-"It's been pretty stressful.. The constent worry if I'm going to make it is eating me from the inside out."</b>
<manager>-"I understand and appreciate you helping us out $name."</manager>
<manager>-"Before we part ways, I wanted to tell you that the lectures are now on your agenda again."</manager> Your eyes widen.
<manager>-"I've talked to professor Jia. She said it could negatively inpact your development as a student."</manager> He stands up.
<b>-"S-so I don't need to help your anymore?"</b>
<manager>-"Of course you do. You can attend your regular classes on wednesday and on wednesday only."</manager> I guess it's better than nothing...
<b>-"R-right.. T-Thank you mister Hudson!"</b> You stand up.
<manager>-"Keep up the good work $name."</manager> You both shake hands.
<img src="Images\Lectures\principal 3\ezgif-2-ccd83e002c.webp">
<<if $previdence == 1>>\
<manager>-"Oh and..."</manager>He squeezes your arm.
<manager>-"I would advise you against stealing confidential documents from my office."</manager> Mister Hudson stares into your soul.
<manager>-"Off you go!"</manager> He smiles..
<b>-"R-right.."</b> You try not to show your worried expression as you turn around. You feel like apologizing would make things worse.
<b>-"R-right.."</b> You smile and turn around.
[[Leave the office->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"It's quite nice.">>
<b>-"It's actually been quite nice. I always wanted to take on such a monumental task."</b>
<manager>-"Well I'm glad. I appreciate you helping us out $name."</manager>
<manager>-"Before we part ways, I wanted to tell you that the lectures are now on your agenda again."</manager> Your eyes widen.
<manager>-"I've talked to professor Jia. She said it could negatively inpact your development as a student."</manager> He stands up.
<b>-"S-so I don't need to help your anymore?"</b>
<manager>-"Of course you do. You can attend your regular classes on wednesday and on wednesday only."</manager> I guess it's better than nothing...
<b>-"R-right.. T-Thank you mister Hudson!"</b> You stand up.
<manager>-"Keep up the good work $name."</manager> You both shake hands.
<img src="Images\Lectures\principal 3\ezgif-2-ccd83e002c.webp">
<<if $previdence == 1>>\
<manager>-"Oh and..."</manager>He squeezes your arm.
<manager>-"I would advise you against stealing confidential documents from my office."</manager> Mister Hudson stares into your soul.
<manager>-"Off you go!"</manager> He smiles..
<b>-"R-right.."</b> You try not to show your worried expression as you turn around. You feel like apologizing would make things worse.
<b>-"R-right.."</b> You smile and turn around.
[[Leave the office->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>><<lecture "Domination class" "Reunion.">>
<b>-"Agh.. I can attend lectures again.. Finally!"</b> You can't lie, you've missed professor Gina and her shenanigans.
You arrive a little early. You figured that she will want to have a chat, knowing that she's not expecting you.
<<pageReplace"Enter the lecture hall.">>\
<b>-"Hey Gina!"</b> You smile as you open the door.
<pink>-"$name?! W-what are you doing here?"</pink> She comes up to you and leans on the door.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 19\Screenshot_1.png">
<b>-"The principal let up a little, I can attend your lectures again! Although, just once a week."</b> You see her face light up.
<pink>-"Ahh! That's great!! You're my favorite student after all.."</pink> She gets closer.
<pink>-"I'm excited to teach you some more.. Advanced techniques..."</pink> Professor Gina grabs your crotch.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 19\grab.gif">
<b>-"W-woah! Not so fast!"</b> You pull away.
<b>-"The class starts soon, let's stay professional!"</b> You wink at her.
<pink>-"Ugh.. F-fine!"</pink> She nods as you take your seat.
<<pageReplace"Wait for the lecture to start.">>
As you sit down, students start pouring into the class.
<blue>-"Oh, what's up man, long time no see!"</blue> One shakes your hand and sits next to you.
<b>-"Hey! Nice to see you."</b> You both smile.
<pink>-"Good <<if $time ==0>>morning<<else>>afternoon<</if>> students!"</pink> Professor Gina starts her lecture.
<pink>-"Today we'll do something different. You'll have a chance to see how your professor likes to be fucked... How most women like to be fucked!"</pink> She turns on the monitor.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 19\ezgif-2-b0cca7a6d4.webp">
<b>-"Is that.. M-my hand?"</b> You remember the night vividly, you invited her to your home and you fucked.. Did she secretly film you..?
<blue>-"W-woah.. I wonder who's the lucky guy..."</blue>
<pink>-"See how the man grabs my ass, plays with it like a toy he owns."</pink> She looks at you.
<pink>-"Don't you guys wish you were in his place.."</pink> A giggle rings out through the hall.
<b>-"You little snake.."</b> You think as you lick your lips and hold eye contact.
<pink>-"Right as his cock enters, he starts to destroy me. None of that sensual shit, just straight up destruction.. He's taking what's his."</pink> She continues to look at you.
<<pageReplace"Continue to hold eye contact">>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 19\ezgif-2-34fd13d8e8.webp">
<b>-"Mhm..."</b> You nod your head as she continues.
<pink>-"Continue to work on your techniques and your manipulation knowledge, perhaps you'll be in his place some day."</pink>
<blue>-"G-gosh.. I can't believe someone managed to get her.."</blue>
<b>-"Yeah haha.. Can't believe it myself."</b> You smile at the guy next to you.
After showing the whole thing, professor Gina finally turns off the monitor.
<pink>-"I saw everyone took notes, good job! You may leave now."</pink> You stand up with the others.
<pink>-"Oh and $name, come here for a second."</pink>
<blue>-"See ya bro, don't blow it, you might be in the next video!!!"</blue> Your fellow classmate jokes around.
After waking up to her, you both wait patinetly until everyone leaves the hall..
<pink>-"So $name, did you enjoy the lesson?"</pink> She bites her bottom lip.
<<pageReplace"I don't appreciate you filming me.">>
<b>-"I don't appreciate you filming me without asking."</b> A frown forms on your face.
<pink>-"Oh don't be like that! To be fair, I filmed you for the purpose of watching it back and looking for errors.. But I couldn't find any."</pink> She giggles.
<pink>-"So it become the perfect material to teach the class with!"</pink>
<pink>-"Perhaps, you'll want to film some more?"</pink> She turns around.
<b>-"Hmmm..?"</b> You squint your eyes.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 19\gina.jpg">
<pink>-"I know that you can't turn down this.."</pink>
<b>-"You know me well then.. Not today though, it's my first day back, have to talk to the others."</b> You spank her ass.
<pink>-"O-ouch! F-fine.. I'm just happy you're here. The other guys are a bunch of wannabes"</pink> You both laugh.
<b>-"I'm off.. Glad to have seen you today beautiful. The class will have a lot more material soon."</b> You turn around and head towards the door.
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
[[Leave the hall and chat with your mates->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"I did..">>
<b>-"Heh.. I did, the students looked impressed."</b>
<pink>-"No wonder, you were pretty amazing.. Funny thing is I filmed you for the purpose of watching it back and looking for errors.. But I couldn't find any."</pink>She giggles.
<pink>-"So it become the perfect material to teach the class with!"</pink>
<pink>-"Perhaps, you'll want to film some more?"</pink> She turns around.
<b>-"Hmmm..?"</b> You squint your eyes.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 19\gina.jpg">
<pink>-"I know that you can't turn down this.."</pink>
<b>-"You know me well then.. Not today though, it's my first day back, have to talk to the others."</b> You spank her ass.
<pink>-"O-ouch! F-fine.. I'm just happy you're here. The other guys are a bunch of wannabes"</pink> You both laugh.
<b>-"I'm off.. Glad to have seen you today beautiful. The class will have a lot more material soon."</b> You turn around and head towards the door.
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
[[Leave the hall and chat with your mates->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>>\<<lecture "Submissiveness class" "Reunion.">>
<b>-"Agh.. I can attend lectures again.. Finally!"</b> You can't lie, you've missed professor Kei.. Even though she is a little hardcore.
You arrive a little early. You figured that she will want to have a chat, knowing that she's not expecting you.
<<pageReplace"Enter the lecture hall.">>\
<b>-"P-professor Kei! H-hey!"</b> You say as you enter the hall and close the door behind you.
<pink>-"$name? Hello. How come you're not in the principals office?"</pink> She turns to you.
<b>-"H-he let up a little, I can attend your lectures again! Although, just once a week."</b> You see her smile slightly.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 19\sub5.png">
<pink>-"Very good! I got my favorite toy back."</pink> She giggles.
<b>-"Haha. S-sure.. Can I sit down?"</b>
<pink>-"You're not going to be sitting today."</pink> She walks to her desk.
<pink>-"See $name, I missed you. I want to be as close to you as possible today."</pink> She grins.
<pink>-"So you're going to act as my chair. We'll be together this whole lecture."</pink> She points at her seat.
<b>-"W-what?"</b> You mumble..
<pink>-"Come on this isn't your first rodeo, don't act surprised. Lay your face on the chair, now."</pink> She points at her seat.
<<set $subresearch to true>>\
<<todo "Research face sitting">>\
<b>-"Y-yes miss Kei.."</b> You whisper as you lay you head on her chair.
<pink>-"Good boy! Now that wasn't so hard, right?"</pink> A giggle rings out.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 19\sub3.png">
<pink>-"The students are about to pour in, are you ready? I need to be seated comfortability by then."</pink> She hovers over you.
<b>-"Y-yes professor Kei.. P-please take a seat."
<pink>-"Perfect..."</pink> She slowly sits down on your face.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 19\sub1.gif">
<pink>-"Gosh your comfortable!"</pink> She jokes as the doors to hall open and students start coming inside. You're sure some of them spot you, but they don't care. Everyone is used to these shenanigans by now.
<pink>-"Hello students! Today we're going to talk about pet play, or in other words, how to treat your girlfriends as your owners!"</pink>
As you lay there, barely breathing, you notice that Professor Kei lowers her hand and pulls her panties to the side. Her second lips touch yours.. Suddenly, you're overwhelmed by the amazing smell and taste of your professor..
<<pageReplace"Eat her out.">>
<pink>-"Mfggffff! S-some of you might have noticed, I have o-one of my pets under me right now actually."</pink> She points at you.
<pink>-"He's acting as m-my chair and.. MFgff.. D-doing a proper good job at that!"</pink> She turns on the monitor.
<b>-"NfgfFF!"</b> You continue to devour her.. Praying that you're doing a good enough job. You're cock is getting harder and harder by the minute, but if you learnt anything in this class, it's that you're not supposed to touch yourself without permission.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 19\sub2.webp">
<pink>-"T-take a look at the monitor students."</pink>
She starts showing the class slides with various images and videos. You're not and cannot pay attention.. All you can and want to do is pleasure your queen..
<pink>-"MfgffF! F-fuck..! A-as you can see, the man is on his knees, begging to be made useful."</pink> She goes over the slides.
<b>-"Ahhh! MmmHmMm!"</b> Slide after slide, professor Kei goes over all of the material. After around an hour or two, she finally finishes the lecture.
<pink>-"GhhRRhhGGhh... T-that's it for today guys! G-grab your notes and get out.. D-don't forget the homework!"</pink> The students pack up and slowly leave.
<<pageReplace"Continue to pleasure her.">>
<b>-"Mhmmmghh..."</b> Your face is covered in her juices. Your mouth is tired, you're barely awake..
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 19\sub4.webp">
<pink>-"Gosh.. Y-you're pretty good!"</pink> She giggles as she shakes her ass one more time and stands up. As she does, light shows itself to your eyes for the first time in an hour or two and fresh air fills your lungs.
<b>-"Aghhhgh..."</b> You moan like a zombie..
<pink>-"Your technique could definitely use some work $name.. I didn't come once during those two hours.. Do you not know where the clit is?"</pink>
<b>-"I.. I d-don.. Agff.."</b> You can't even speak.. She stands you up and laughs.
<pink>-"Hahaha! Look at you! Completely defeated! Good!"</pink>
<pink>-"For your first time, you were alright."</pink> She picks up and pushes your backpack into your arms.
<pink>-"You can go now.. Oh and please, research some better face sitting techniques. Please."</pink> She smacks your ass to insinuate that you should go.
<b>-"Y-yes p-professor Kei.."</b> You mumble as wipe the juices off of your face.. You're crotch is completely drenched in pre cum.. It's time to clean up.
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
<<if $femstatus is true>>\
[[Clean up and go to the next lecture->lecture 19 fem]]
<<elseif $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Clean up and go to the next lecture->lecture 19 bnwo]]
[[Clean up and leave the university->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Do not obey.">>
<b>-"I.. I will not!"</b> You push your chest forward.
<pink>-"Oh? I can tell that my toy got a little too confident while working for powerful people."</pink> She grins.
<pink>-"Now listen here prick, you either lay down, or you get out of my class."</pink> Professor Gina squints her eyes.
<pink>-"This is a submissiveness class, you need to show me how you submit, now!"</pink> She points at her seat again.
<<set $subresearch to true>>\
<<todo "Research face sitting">>\
<b>-"F-fine.."</b> You whisper as you lay you head on her chair.
<b>-"Y-yes miss Kei.."</b> You whisper as you lay you head on her chair.
<pink>-"Good boy! Now that wasn't so hard, right?"</pink> A giggle rings out.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 19\sub3.png">
<pink>-"The students are about to pour in, are you ready? I need to be seated comfortability by then."</pink> She hovers over you.
<b>-"Y-yes professor Kei.. P-please take a seat."
<pink>-"Perfect..."</pink> She slowly sits down on your face.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 19\sub1.gif">
<pink>-"Gosh your comfortable!"</pink> She jokes as the doors to hall open and students start coming inside. You're sure some of them spot you, but they don't care. Everyone is used to these shenanigans by now.
<pink>-"Hello students! Today we're going to talk about pet play, or in other words, how to treat your girlfriends as your owners!"</pink>
As you lay there, barely breathing, you notice that Professor Kei lowers her hand and pulls her panties to the side. Her second lips touch yours.. Suddenly, you're overwhelmed by the amazing smell and taste of your professor..
<<pageReplace"Eat her out.">>
<pink>-"Mfggffff! S-some of you might have noticed, I have o-one of my pets under me right now actually."</pink> She points at you.
<pink>-"He's acting as m-my chair and.. MFgff.. D-doing a proper good job at that!"</pink> She turns on the monitor.
<b>-"NfgfFF!"</b> You continue to devour her.. Praying that you're doing a good enough job. You're cock is getting harder and harder by the minute, but if you learnt anything in this class, it's that you're not supposed to touch yourself without permission.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 19\sub2.webp">
<pink>-"T-take a look at the monitor students."</pink>
She starts showing the class slides with various images and videos. You're not and cannot pay attention.. All you can and want to do is pleasure your queen..
<pink>-"MfgffF! F-fuck..! A-as you can see, the man is on his knees, begging to be made useful."</pink> She goes over the slides.
<b>-"Ahhh! MmmHmMm!"</b> Slide after slide, professor Kei goes over all of the material. After around an hour or two, she finally finishes the lecture.
<pink>-"GhhRRhhGGhh... T-that's it for today guys! G-grab your notes and get out.. D-don't forget the homework!"</pink> The students pack up and slowly leave.
<<pageReplace"Continue to pleasure her.">>
<b>-"Mhmmmghh..."</b> Your face is covered in her juices. Your mouth is tired, you're barely awake..
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 19\sub4.webp">
<pink>-"Gosh.. Y-you're pretty good!"</pink> She giggles as she shakes her ass one more time and stands up. As she does, light shows itself to your eyes for the first time in an hour or two and fresh air fills your lungs.
<b>-"Aghhhgh..."</b> You moan like a zombie..
<pink>-"Your technique could definitely use some work $name.. I didn't come once during those two hours.. Do you not know where the clit is?"</pink>
<b>-"I.. I d-don.. Agff.."</b> You can't even speak.. She stands you up and laughs.
<pink>-"Hahaha! Look at you! Completely defeated! Good!"</pink>
<pink>-"For your first time, you were alright."</pink> She picks up and pushes your backpack into your arms.
<pink>-"You can go now.. Oh and please, research some better face sitting techniques. Please."</pink> She smacks your ass to insinuate that you should go.
<b>-"Y-yes p-professor Kei.."</b> You mumble as wipe the juices off of your face.. You're crotch is completely drenched in pre cum.. It's time to clean up.
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
<<if $femstatus is true>>\
[[Clean up and go to the next lecture->lecture 19 fem]]
<<elseif $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Clean up and go to the next lecture->lecture 19 bnwo]]
[[Clean up and leave the university->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Do not obey">>
<b>-"I.. I will not! I would rather leave!"</b> You turn around and start heading towards the door.
<pink>-"Disappointing.. As always $name."</pink> She scoffs.
<pink>-"Play stupid games like these again and I'll fail you. Now get out!"</pink> She screams at you as you leave the hall.. What a perfect reunion.
<<if $femstatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 19 fem]]
<<elseif $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 19 bnwo]]
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>>\<<lecture "Feminization class" "Reunion.">>
You enter the lecture hall with the other students, but before you could sit down, professor Lana stop you.
<pink>-"$name? $name! Heyyy!"</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 19\fem1.jpg">
<pink>-"I heard that the principal let up a little, I'm happy for you!"</pink> She smiles as you walk up to her.
<b>-"Thank you professor Lana.. I'm not here to disappoint!"</b>
<pink>-"I'm pleased to hear that! Take a seat, the lecture begins shortly!"</pink>
<<pageReplace"Take a seat">>
You take a seat and take out the notepad. You definitely missed this class..
<b>-"It's good to be back!"</b> You whisper.
<pink>-"Good afternoon students! Todays lecture is going to be a bit personal.."</pink> She turns on the monitor. You can see a picture of what appears to be a normal man.
<pink>-"I'm going to share a story about how I feminized my husband!"</pink> A couple of gasps ring out in the hall..
<pink>-"As you can see from the picture, he was once a very normal, straight male. As time went on with our relationship, I didn't feel satisfied in bed and wanted to change things up a bit.."</pink>
<pink>-"Naturally, we decided to try femdom and eventually.. Pegging."</pink> She presses a button on the display remote.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 19\fem5.webp">
<b>-"G-gosh.. That's hot.."</b>
<pink>-"After months of pegging and denying him, he finally gave up and one day I came home to this!"</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 19\fem2.webp">
<pink>-"He was using the dildo himself.. Alone!"</pink> She giggles.
<pink>-"That's when I knew what I had to do.."</pink>
As you look around the hall, you see other students start to rub their cocks through their pants.. Others are trying to remain civil and write everything down.
<<pageReplace"Keep looking">>
<pink>-"After a lot of convincing, we finally had our first experience with a bull.. He fucked us both very well.."</pink> You can see her blush.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 19\fem3.webp">
<b>-"J-jeez.. I wonder if I'll ever be brave enough to get fucked by someone.."</b> A thought goes through your mind as your cock throbs..
<pink>-"And now we get to the present. My husband is now my wife."</pink> She giggels again.
<pink>-"He doesn't even use his cock anymore, just his ass."</pink> She play yet another video.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 19\fem4.webp">
<pink>-"Hopefully this will be you guys someday.. Confident in yourself, confident in your sexuality, confident in your ability to suck and take dick."</pink>
<b>-"S-someday.. Maybe.."</b> You stand up with the others, the lecture is done.
As you're going down the steps, ready to leave, professor Lana stops you again.
<pink>-"Did you enjoy the lecture $name?"</pink> She smiles.
<b>-"Of course professor! You were amazing, as always!"</b>
<pink>-"You were one of my most promising students before that whole principal fiasco. Have you been feminizing yourself properly while you were away?"</pink> She turns her head, like a confused puppy.
<b>-"W-what do you mean miss Lana?"</b>
<pink>-"Well, for example, are you wearing a chastity cage right now?"</pink> She asks.
<<if $toys ==1>>\
<<pageReplace "Yes!">>
<b>-"Y-yes! I have a chastity cage on!"</b> You smile
<pink>-"Hmf.. Good! Make sure to have it on during our next lecture, it's important!"</pink> She winks at you and slaps your butt.
<pink>-"Off you go!"</pink>
<b>-"Y-yes professor!"</b>
<<set $feminization to $feminization +1>>
<emily>Feminization +1!</emily>
<<if $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 19 bnwo]]
[[Leave the University->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace "Yes! (Lie)">>
<<set $liedtolanachastity to true>>\
<b>-"Y-yes! I have a chastity cage on!"</b> You smile as you lie through your teeth..
<pink>-"Hmf.. Good! Make sure to have it on during our next lecture, it's important!"</pink> She winks at you and slaps your butt.
<pink>-"Off you go!"</pink>
<b>-"Y-yes professor!"</b>
<<if $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 19 bnwo]]
[[Leave the University->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace "No..">>
<b>-"N-no.. I forgot it today.."</b> You smile as you look down in shame.
<pink>-"Hmf.. It's okay! You're still learning, it's normal to forget sometimes! "</pink>
<pink>-"Just make sure to wear it during our next lecture. It's important!"</pink> She winks at you and slaps your butt.
<pink>-"Off you go!"</pink>
<b>-"Y-yes professor!"</b>
<<if $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 19 bnwo]]
[[Leave the University->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>>\<<lecture "BNWO class" "Reunion.">>
<b>-"Ooff.. Oooof..."</b> You pant as you run through the tight corridors.. You're late to your lecture.. Very late!
<b>-"F-fuck fuck fuck.. I hope I didn't miss it!"</b> You think to yourself as you run up to the door.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 19\bnwo4.jpg">
<b>-"F-finally.."</b> You check your watch and.. You're 45 minutes late! That's half of the lecture!
<<pageReplace"Head inside.">>\
<b>-"P-professor Jia! I'm s-so sorry!"</b> You shout as you open the door and get inside.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 19\bnwo2.jpg">
<b>-"Oh..?"</b> You look around and see.. No students. Only Jia.
<pink>-"H-hey $name!"</pink> She smiles as she gets up from her chair.
<pink>-"Running a bit late, huh?"</pink> She giggles.
<b>-"S-sorry! Y-yeah.. I got a little over-confident and thought I could make it.."</b> You went out to eat before the lecture.
<b>-"W-where is everyone?"</b> You look around.
<pink>-"Agh, don't worry about them, I let them out early!"</pink> She smiles.
<<pageReplace"Why did you talk to the principal?">>
<b>-"Professor Jia, why did you talk to the principal and ask him to let me resume my lectures?"</b> You're curious.
<pink>-"Well, you're one of our best allies $name, I still have a lot to teach you. We're hopeful you'll join us one day!"</pink>
<b>-"What do you mean by us, professor?"</b>
<pink>-"The IBWO, obviously! See?"</pink> She pulls down her underwear a bit.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 19\bnwo1.jpg">
<pink>-"I'm part of the orginization. Speaking of, how's Emily holding up?"</pink>
<b>-"Pretty good! We try to see each other at least once a week.. So far it's been great!"</b> You smile.
<pink>-"Did she take an interest in the bnwo and perhaps the IBWO?"</pink> She smiles.
<<pageReplace"Be honest.">>\
<<if $emilybnwoevent>1>>\
<b>-"She did! She's already researching it herself!"</b> You smile as Jia's eyes light up.
<pink>-"Oh my god, that's amazing $name!"</pink> She hugs you and squeezes thightly.
<pink>-"I always knew that you'll understand how important it is!"</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 19\bnwo3.jpg">
<pink>-"Well this was a nice chat, but I have to get back to work!"</pink> She sits down.
<b>-"R-right.. I enjoyed it too!"</b> You smile.
<pink>-"Catch you later $name, try not to be late next time!"</pink> You nod and turn around.
<pink>-"Hopefully I'll see you both in our facility some day!"</pink>
<b>-"I.. I hope so too!"</b> You walk out.
[[Leave the University->Go outside]]
<b>-"S-she.. She did not.."</b> You look at the ground as Jia frowns.
<pink>-"Agh.. Well that's disappointing.."</pink>
<pink>-"You know.. You can still help the cause by telling your $sisters about it or something.."</pink> She sighs..
<b>-"R-right.. I-I'll think about it."</b> You look up.
<pink>-"Catch you later $name, try not to be late next time.."</pink> She shakes her head and turns around.
<pink>-"Hopefully you both will see the societal benefits this brings.."</pink>
<b>-"R-right.."</b> You walk out.
[[Leave the University->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>>\<<set $subresearch to false>>
<<todoCompleted "Research face sitting">>
<b>-"F-face sitting.."</b> You type it into google. Thousands of results come back, you click on the images tab.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 19\research.webp">
<b>-"So that's how you properly do it.."</b> You pay attention to what the men in the gifs and images are doing.
<b>-"I.. I won't disappoint you again professor Kei!"</b>
As you continue browse the images, one link under a gif catches your eyes.
<b>-"How to p-pleasure your woman with your tongue... Learn the secrets of my trade..?"</b> You read outloud.. You decide to check it out.
<<pageReplace"Click on the link">>\
<div class="middle">
<manager>-"DO YOU NOT KNOW WHERE THE CLIT IS?"</manager>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 19\research1.webp">
<manager>-"MAKE EVERY WOMAN CUM WITH ONE LICK!"</manager>
<manager>-"BUY NOW 50% OFF!"</manager>
<manager>-"BUY NOW 50% OFF!"</manager>
<manager>-"BUY NOW 50% OFF!"</manager>
The site is incredibly fishy.. Ads everywhere, no reviews or even a support number.. This whole thing smells like a giant scam.</div>
<<if $money<50>>\
<<pageReplace"Do not buy the course (Not enough money)">>
<b>-"Agh not enough money.. But what the hell haha"</b> You giggle..
<b>-"Do people really buy courses about face sitting..."</b> You close the tab.
<b>-"Welp, at least I learnt something today."</b>
[[Close the laptop->room]]
<<pageReplace"Buy the course (50$)">>
<b>-"Agh fuck it.. M-maybe I'll learn something."</b> You click buy.. After a couple of seconds, the transaction processes as you get redirected to another page.
<div class="middle">
<manager>-"GET SCAMMED NERD!!!!!!"</manager>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 19\scammed.png">
The site quickly goes offline. You try to refresh it, but get an error.
<b>-"Aghhhh fuck me!"</b> You smash your desk. You ought to be more careful next time..
[[Accept your losses and close the page->room]]
<<pageReplace"Do not buy the course.">>
<b>-"What the hell... I'm not going to buy something from a goofy ahh site."</b> You giggle..
<b>-"Do people really buy courses about face sitting..."</b> You close the tab.
<b>-"Welp, at least I learnt something today."</b>
[[Close the laptop->room]]
<</pageReplace>>\<<lecture "Domination class" "Theory, theory and more theory.">>
Another day another lecture, professor Gina is looking as good as always.. As you're taking down your notes, you can't stop yourself from peeking at her from time to time.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 20\dom5.webp">
<b>-"God she's hot.."</b> You whisper..
<blue>-"I.. I know right!"</blue> The guy next to you randomly answers. You give him a weird look.
<b>-"Anyways.. I need to take a piss.."</b> This time you don't say it outloud. You look around to see what the other students are doing. They're all writing down the material from the slides.
As you stand up and head down the stairs, professor Gina stops you.
<pink>-"Heyy! Where are you going?"</pink> She whispers as a smile forms on her face.
<b>-"To the toilet, where else.."</b> You chuckle.
<pink>-"R-right right.. Off you go then!"</pink>
<<pageReplace"Invite her to come with you">>
<b>-"Wanna come with?"</b> You grab her arm.
<pink>-"W-what..?"</pink> She looks around.
<b>-You know what I mean.."</b> You lightly pull her towards the door..
<pink>-"Agh fuck it.."</pink> She pulls her arm away.
<pink>-"Everyone, please continue to take notes, me and Mr.$name will be right back!"</pink> She smiles and walks out of the hall. You follow after her.
<pink>-"C-come on.."</pink> She takes your hand and leads you to the restroom..
<b>-"Someones excited, huh?"</b> You chuckle again as you both enter.
<pink>-"S-shut up!"</pink> Professor Gina takes off her top as you both get inside one of the stalls.
<pink>-"You know how horny I can get with you in my class.."</pink> You grab her neck as she speaks.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 20\dom6.webp">
<b>-"On your knees."</b> You blurt out a command.
<pink>-"Y-yes $name.."</pink> She pulls down your pants as she goes down.. You wanted to piss a second ago, but suddenly you don't feel like doing it.
<<pageReplace"Shove your cock into her throat.">>
<b>-"Come on.. G-get to work!"</b> You tell her as you shove your thick shaft into her throat.
<pink>-"Mfgffghhhh! S-so bwig.."</pink> Saliva pools out of her mouth.
<b>-"F-fucking take it.."</b>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 20\dom1.webp">
<pink>-"Y-yeshhhh!!"</pink> She takes your cock deeper and deeper with each thrust.
<b>-"Aghahahaha! Your s-students will be without work!"</b> You chuckle.
<pink>-"I.. I dwon't c-cware! Ugh.. UGhgHHFFFF!"</pink> She chokes a bit.
<pink>-"G-gosh I mwissed this.."</pink> You haven't done anything with Gina in weeks, it's normal that she's feeling extra horny today.
<b>-"Mffhff y-yes!"</b> Gina starts rubbing her crotch with her left hand very slowly.. As your moans grow louder and louder, you hear a strange noise..
<b>-"Oh s-shit!"</b> The bathrooms door opened!
<b>-"G-gina.. M-maybe we should s-stop!"</b> You whisper as you look down.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 20\dom2.webp">
Gina doesn't say a word, she just continues to absolutely destroy your cock. Her moans fall silent however..
<b>-"S-shittt.."</b> You whisper again.
<blue>-"H-hello?"</blue> You hear a mans voice behind the stall.
<b>-"W-what's up?"</b> You answer, trying to sound as normal as possible.
<blue>-"Y-you're $name, right? I was just wondering where Gina went, we have no work to do in the class..."</blue> You notice that Gina starts to pleasure herself more quickly.. Is she turned on by this situation..?
<b>-"I.. I don't know man! I'm j-just taking a piss haha, she wandered off somewhere"</b> You hear the man turn around and start to wash his hands.. Gina is still going at it.. Suddenly, you get an idea.
<<pageReplace"Open the stall door.">>
<blue>-"Right.. I was actually interested in the material today.. Hopefully she'll come back!"</blue> You start hearing the soap dispenser squeek.
You suddenly open the stall door and reveal yourself.. Luckily, his back is turned.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 20\dom3.webp">
<pink>-"MfgfFFF!"</pink> An angry moan escapes Ginas lips as she quickly pulls out your cock from her mouth..
<blue>-"H-huh?"</blue> The man starts to turn around, but before he does, Gina slams the door shut.
<blue>-"J-jeez.. You okay?"</blue>
<b>-"Y-yeah, sorry.. J-just having diarrhea"</b> You giggle as the professor gives you an angry look, but resumes sucking your cock again.. The floor is completely covered in saliva and her juices, she's incredibly turned on.
<blue>-"Haha right, I'll leave you to it then."</blue> You hear the man leave the bathroom and close the door behind him.
<pink>-"Y-ywou cwunt!"</pink> She shouts at you.
<b>-"H-hahaha.. Y-you.. MFgffGghh.. L-liked it! Didn't you?"</b>
<pink>-"F-fwuck owff!"</pink> She deepthroats your shaft again, this time, reaching your balls. You've never felt this sensation before, as you stand there shocked by her performance, your load explodes all over Gina's face.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 20\dom4.webp">
<b>-"Aghhffff!!"</b> You shout a she gulps it down.
<pink>-"Mhfgggff... W-Why did you do that!"</pink> She stands up.
<b>-"Aghaha.. Y-you liked it!"</b> You pant as you pull your pants up.
<pink>-"N-no I didn't!"</pink> She takes some toilet paper and starts wiping her face off.
<pink>-"C-come on.. Let's get back to class.."</pink> She says as she throws the tissue into the closet. You both stand up and leave the stall.
<b>-"I saw you speed up when I opened the stall.. We might have to do something daring again.."</b> You tease her..
<pink>-"S-shut up.."</pink> She blushes as you both arrive at the lecture hall.
You sit down at your seat and the lecture proceeds as normal. You exchange a couple of looks with the professor, but she stays professional and the lecture finishes not long after.
<<set $dominant to $dominant +2>>
<<set $openminded to $openminded +1>>\
<blue>Dominant +2!</blue>
<mia>Open-minded +1!</mia>
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Do not open it.">>
<blue>-"Bummer! Hopefully she'll come back soon!"</blue> You hear the water stop.
<pink>-"GhhhFHH!"</pink> She deepthroats your shaft again, this time, reaching your balls. You've never felt this sensation before, as you stand there shocked by her performance, your load starts to climb up your shaft..
<b>-"O-oh shit.."</b> You whimper as you grab her head.
<blue>-"I'm off! We'll talk some more when you get back!"</blue> You hear him exit the restroom and close the door behind him as you explode onto Gina.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 20\dom4.webp">
<b>-"Aghhffff!!"</b> You shout a she gulps it down.
<pink>-"Mhfgggff... G-gosh t-that was close!"</pink> She stands up.
<b>-"Aghaha.. Y-you liked it!"</b> You pant as you pull your pants up.
<pink>-"Mghhh.. I-I don't know"</pink> She takes some toilet paper and starts wiping her face off.
<pink>-"C-come on.. Let's get back to class.."</pink> She says as she throws the tissue into the closet. You both stand up and leave the stall.
<b>-"I saw you speed up when he entered the restroom... We might have to do something daring again."</b> You tease her..
<pink>-"S-shut up.."</pink> She blushes as you both arrive at the lecture hall.
You sit down at your seat and the lecture proceeds as normal. You exchange a couple of looks with the professor, but she stays professional and the lecture finishes not long after.
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Don't invite her.">>
You nod and leave the lecture hall. After arriving at the restroom, you pull down your pants and unleash the flood.
<b>-"Ahhhh!"</b> A moan escapes your throat as you relieve yourself.
<b>-"Finally!"</b> After cleaning up after yourself and not forgetting to wash your hands, you leave the bathroom and head to the lecture hall.
You finish taking your notes and before you know it, the lecture finishes. Time to go home.
[[Leave the hall->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>><<lecture "Submissiveness class" "Hands free orgasms and their benefits.">>
As you sit down, you take out your notepad and write down todays subject. After a couple of minutes, Professor Kei walks into the lecture hall.
<pink>-"Hello students!"</pink> She puts down her laptop on the table.
<pink>-"As you can see from the name, today we're going to be talking about hands free orgasms.. Who wants to cum today?"</pink> She giggles.
<b>-"C-cum?"</b> You whisper.
<pink>-"Yes $name, cum. I need a volunteer!"</pink> She smiles. As you look around, the other students seem to be feeling a little shy.. Nobody is raising their hand.
<<pageReplace"Raise your hand">>
<b>-"I.. I can go!"</b> You raise your arm as the professors gaze meets yours.
<pink>-"Perfect! Come on down here $name!"</pink> As you stand up, a couple of students look at you, but most are not bothered.
<pink>-"There you are!"</pink> You arrive at the front of the class.
<b>-"H-here I am haha"</b>
<pink>-"Right so! Hands free orgasms, what are they?"</pink> She raises her voice and starts speaking to the class.
<pink>-"When a man is completely submissive towards a woman, he needs only visual stimulation to cum. This, of course, is not that comfortable."</pink> She turns around to place something on the table..
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 20\sub2.png">
<b>-"S-she isn't wearing any panties!"</b> You think to yourself as your cheeks grow red.
<pink>-"However, the school still requires me to show you all an example.. Some people are also into it, so pay close attention!"</pink> She turns to you.
<pink>-"Take off your pants $name."</pink>
<<pageReplace"Yes miss.">>
<b>-"Y-yes miss Kei!"</b> You quickly pull down your pants.
<<if $toys ==1>>\
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 20\sub7.png">
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 20\sub6.webp">
Your cock throbs a bit as Kei smiles.
<pink>-"Now, are you ready? It's going to be a bit embarrassing, but remember, we're doing this for research purposes!"</pink> She giggles.
<b>-"R-ready!"</b> She turns around once more.
<pink>-"Good! Now, don't touch yourself, but imagine fucking me.."</pink> She bends down..
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 20\sub3.png">
<b>-"Mfgff.."</b> A soft moan escapes your lips as your cock rubs against <<if $toys==1>>the cage.<<else>>your underwear.<</if>>
<pink>-"Good boy.."</pink> You look around the auditorium, the other students are intently watching you both.
<pink>-"Imagine your cock going in and out of my fat.. Wet.. Fucking pussy.."</pink> She starts shaking her ass back and fourth..
<b>-"F-fuckk..!"</b> You whimper as your hand grabs your cock out of instinct.
<pink>-"NO TOUCHING!"</pink> She shouts. You quickly pull your hand away.
<b>-"Y-yessszz misssSzzSS.."</b> You feel like you're about to cum, but you're missing just a little something.. A little push of pleasure..
<pink>-"Haha look at him! I can already see he's ready to explode!"</pink> She stands up straight.
<pink>-"Now $name, to finish this show, I need to know what kind of man you are.. Are you an ass guy, or a feet guy?"</pink> She bites her lip..
<<pageReplace"Feet guy..">>\
<b>-"I.. I'm a feet guy.."</b>
<pink>-"Remember, no touching!"</pink> She winks at you as she lays down.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 20\sub5.png">
<pink>-"Now cum $name! Cum for me! Come on!"</pink> She shouts as you stare her soles.. Completely mesmerised.
<b>-"F-fuckkk!"</b> You shout as a massive load climbs up your shaft.. You slowly pull down your underwear.
<pink>-"Do it! Shoot your fucking load!"</pink> Before you know it, it all comes out..
<<if $toys ==1>>\
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 20\sub8.webp">
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 20\sub1.gif">
<b>-"F-fuckkKKKK!!"</b> You shout as the fountain of pleasure quickly disappears.. You ruined yourself.
<pink>-"Hahaha! Amazing!"</pink> Professor Kei smiles as she stands up. You hear the class whispering to one another.
<b>-"J-jeezz.."</b> You look around, dazed. After a couple of seconds, you pull up your underwear and pants.
<pink>-"Take this, clean everything up."</pink> She hands you a tissue.
<pink>-"And that's how your properly make someone cum without hands!"</pink> She says loudly, to the class.
<pink>-"Thank you! That will be all!"</pink> The others start to pack up as you finish up cleaning everything.
<b>-"T-there!"</b> You throw the tissue away and walk to the professor.
<pink>-"Amazing performance $name, you're starting to grow on me!"</pink> You both exchange a smile.
<b>-"I.. I'm glad professor Kia! I've been trying my best in this class!"</b> After making a bit of small talk, she tells you to go with the others.
<b>-"R-right!"</b> After packing up, you leave the auditorium.
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<<if $femstatus is true>>\
[[Go to the next lecture->lecture 20 fem]]
<<elseif $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Go to the next lecture->lecture 20 bnwo]]
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Ass guy..">>
<b>-"I.. I'm an ass guy!"</b>
<pink>-"Remember, no touching!"</pink> She winks at you as she takes off her dress and bends down..
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 20\sub4.png">
<pink>-"Now cum $name! Cum for me! Come on!"</pink> She shouts as you stare her ass... Completely mesmerised.
<b>-"F-fuckkk!"</b> You shout as a massive load climbs up your shaft.. You slowly pull down your underwear.
<pink>-"Do it! Shoot your fucking load!"</pink> Before you know it, it all comes out..
<<if $toys ==1>>\
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 20\sub8.webp">
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 20\sub1.gif">
<b>-"F-fuckkKKKK!!"</b> You shout as the fountain of pleasure quickly disappears.. You ruined yourself.
<pink>-"Hahaha! Amazing!"</pink> Professor Kei smiles as she stands up. You hear the class whispering to one another.
<b>-"J-jeezz.."</b> You look around, dazed. After a couple of seconds, you pull up your underwear and pants.
<pink>-"Take this, clean everything up."</pink> She hands you a tissue.
<pink>-"And that's how your properly make someone cum without hands!"</pink> She says loudly, to the class.
<pink>-"Thank you! That will be all!"</pink> The others start to pack up as you finish up cleaning everything.
<b>-"T-there!"</b> You throw the tissue away and walk to the professor.
<pink>-"Amazing performance $name, you're starting to grow on me!"</pink> You both exchange a smile.
<b>-"I.. I'm glad professor Kia! I've been trying my best in this class!"</b> After making a bit of small talk, she tells you to go with the others.
<b>-"R-right!"</b> After packing up, you leave the auditorium.
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<<if $femstatus is true>>\
[[Go to the next lecture->lecture 20 fem]]
<<elseif $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Go to the next lecture->lecture 20 bnwo]]
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Do not raise your hand">>
<b>-"N-nah.. I better not.."</b> You think to yourself as you do nothing.
<pink>-"Ugh.. So annoying! Another theory lecture it is, then."</pink> She turns on the monitor and sighs. During the lecture, she shows you all videos of hands free orgasms, explains how to achieve them and their benefits/cons.
<pink>-"Anddd we're done, you're free to leave! Just please, next time, someone volunteer."</pink> You pack up with the others and leave.
<<if $femstatus is true>>\
[[Go to the next lecture->lecture 20 fem]]
<<elseif $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Go to the next lecture->lecture 20 bnwo]]
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>><<lecture "Feminization class" "The first performance inspection.">>
<b>-"Hmmmm.."</b> You arrive to the auditorium a bit early, but it's locked.
<b>-"A note..?"</b> You spot a piece of paper stuck to the door.
<div class="middle"><code>Please come outside, behind the university.
Our "lecture" will take place there.
- Lana</code></div>
<b>-"Outside.. How weird!"</b> You think to yourself as you turn around an start heading downstairs. After a couple of minutes, you get outside.
<b>-"Behind the university she said.."</b> You walk around the building and finally spot something. It's Lana with the other students!
<<pageReplace"Walk up to them">>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 20\fem4.jpg">
<b>-"H-hey professor Lana! Did you want us to get some fresh air or something?"</b> You giggle. Lana smiles.
<pink>-"Haha no! A couple of men will arrive shortly, they'll see how good of a professor I am."</pink>
<b>-"Huh..? What do you mean? How would they do that? Who are they? Why are we here?"</b> You ask her a thousand questions.
<pink>-"Everything in due time $name, now, step in line and take your clotheso off."</pink> She points at the other students. They're all in a line, some of them are already naked.
<b>-"N-naked?! W-what for?!"</b>
<pink>-"As I said, the men will judge my performance as a professor. Remember, what I asked you last lecture?"</pink> You suddenly remember her mentioning something about wearing a chastity cage. <<if $toys==1>>Good thing you're caged!<<else>>You forgot to put it on..<</if>>
<<if $toys==1>>\
<b>-"Y-yeah.. I'm caged professor Lana!"</b>
<pink>-"Perfect! Then get in line get in line with the students on the left."</pink> She points at a line of boys.. Or girls.. All already naked.. They're with chastity cages.
<b>-"Y-yes!"</b> You get in line and start to slowly undress.
<b>-"Y-yeah.. But I forgot to put it on professor Lana!"</b>
<pink>-"Ugh... Great, another one.."</pink> She frowns.
<pink>-"Get in line with the students on the right."</pink> She points at a line of boys.. Or girls.. All already naked.. None are wearing chastity cages..
<b>-"Y-yes.."</b> You get in line and start to slowly undress.
<pink>-"Here they come students! Undress quicker!"</pink> You see Lana taking her top off..
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 20\fem5.jpg">
<<pageReplace"Undress fully">>
After you're completely naked, you look to your left and see them..
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 20\fem7.png">
A group of men, fitted out in suits stroll up to you.
<pink>-"N-now be good and don't say a word, let me do the talking!"</pink> Lana says as she undresses fully as well.. You're all standing there, completely naked.
<blue>-"Good evening."</blue> One of the men says as they stroll up.
<pink>-"G-good evening s-sir!"</pink> Professor Lana stutters..
<pink>-"I devided them into two lines, just how you requested it!"</pink> She points at you and the other students. You look around. One line is full of guys with chastity cages, the other - without.
<<if $toys==1>>\
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 20\fem3.png">
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 20\fem2.webp">
You stand there, completely naked and quiet.
<blue>-"Hmmm.."</blue> The men walk up to the line on the right.
<blue>-"Disappointing.."</blue> <<if $toys==1>>He says after looking at them.<<else>>He says after looking you up and down.<</if>>
<grey>-"More students are on this side, however."</grey> Another man says as he <<if $toys==1>>looks you up and down<<else>>stares at the other group.<</if>>
<<pageReplace"Keep standing there">>\
<green>-"I need the stats, nothing else."</green> A third man says.
<grey>-"26 with, 5 without."</grey>
<green>-"Mmmm.. Good.. Very good!"</green> He writes down the stats.
<pink>-"H-how are the other universities doing?"</pink>
<green>-"Can't disclose that information, Lana."</green> He shoves his hand in his pocket.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 20\fem6.jpg">
<green>-"Not bad. We'll return soon."</green> Lana takes the money as the men turn around.
<pink>-"T-thank you!"</pink> She stutters.
<blue>-"Have a pleasant evening."</blue> They walk off.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 20\fem8.png">
<<pageReplace"Question Lana">>\
<b>-"W-what was that..?"</b> You ask Lana as the other students start to talk to each other.
<pink>-"Y-yessss!!! D-did you guys hear what he said?? He said that we did very well!!!!"</pink>
<b>-"Was this some kind of test?"</b> You start to dress up.
<pink>-"It would take to long to explain $name.."</pink> She smiles.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 20\fem9.jpg">
<pink>-"Gosh I'm so happy right now.."</pink> She turns to you.
<<if $toys ==1>>\
<pink>-"Thank you for doing your part.."</pink> She hands you a 100$ bill..
<b>-"W-woah.. T-thank you!"</b>
<pink>-"No, thank you!"</pink> She hands some money to each student who wore a chastity device.
<pink>-The lecture, if we can even call it that, is over. Thank you for your participation, you may now leave!"</pink> She smiles as she starts to dress up as well.
<b>-"A-are you going to explain to us what that was about?"</b> You're still curious.
<pink>-"No.. And I would advise against asking questions during times like these. Ignorance can save your skin sometimes.."</pink> She drops a random nugget of knowledge as the other students start to leave.
<b>-"R-right.."</b> You start heading back with them.
<<set $feminization to $feminization +1>>
<emily>Feminization +1!</emily>
<<money +100 "Lana gave it to me for wearing a chastity cage!">>
<green>Money +100$!</green>
<<if $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 20 bnwo]]
[[Leave the University->Go outside]]
<pink>-"Ugh, I asked you to come with it on! I even told you it was important!"</pink> She frowns.
<b>-"I.. I'm sorry.. I forgot."</b>
<pink>-"Whatever.."</pink> She hands some money to each student who wore a chastity device.
<pink>-The lecture, if we can even call it that, is over. Thank you for your participation, you may now leave!"</pink> She smiles as she starts to dress up as well.
<b>-"A-are you going to explain to us what that was about?"</b> You're still curious.
<pink>-"No.. And I would advise against asking questions during times like these. Ignorance can save your skin sometimes.."</pink> She drops a random nugget of knowledge as the other students start to leave.
<b>-"R-right.."</b> You start heading back with them.
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<emily>Submissiveness +1!</emily>
<<if $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 20 bnwo]]
[[Leave the University->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>>\<<lecture "BNWO class" "BNWO 101 - how did it become mainstream?">>
<pink>-"Hello students! Today we're going to be talking about the bnwo and how it became so mainstream!"</pink> She turns on the monitor.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 20\bnwo1.png">
<pink>-"As you can see from the graph, over the years, bnwo became more and more popular. Why is that, you might wonder."</pink>
<b>-"W-wow.."</b> You've never seen those statistics before, but they seem legit.
<pink>-"Well basically, as women got more and more frustrated by whiteboys and their dicks, they found comfort in black men."</pink> She presses on the monitor remote.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 20\bnwo3.webp">
<pink>-"Tik tok was a huge part of it. Snowbunnies showing other women what they're missing."</pink> You feel your cock throb.
<<pageReplace"Keep listening">>\
<pink>-"Companies like Nike, Adiddas and others, after seeing the trend, started making BLACKED and QOS clothing."</pink> She shows yet another image.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 20\bnwo2.gif">
<b>-"I've never seen clothes like that in the mall.. The qos collections are always sold out."</b> You think to yourself.
<pink>-"So even women who don't use the internet, were exposed to the bnwo and their ideology."</pink> Professor Jia presses the remote again.
<pink>-"And of course we can't forget porn!"</pink> She giggles.
<pink>-"The bnwo and interracial categories have dominated the leaderboards in most sites for a while now!"</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 20\bnwo4.webp">
Professor Jia continued to talk about the bnwo and the reasons it's so popular. After the lecture finally finished, you were left feeling incredibly:
<<pageReplace "Horny">>\
Horny.. You walked out of class with a giant boner.. You're definitely going to jack off when you get back..
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo +1>>
<grey>BNWO +1!</grey>
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace "Weirded out.">>\
Even after all this time, you're still not completely on board with it, the whole lecture seemed weird to you..
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>>\<<lecture "Domination class" "Test preparations.">>
<pink>-"Hello students! Let's talk about the upcoming test."</pink> She says as you sit down.
<b>-"A test..? Awgh shit.. I forgot.."</b> You think to yourself as you continue to listen.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 21\dom2.jpeg">
<pink>-"Last test was about general knowledge, this one will be on female anatomy. You will need to show that you know how and where to pleasure a woman."</pink> She smiles as your eyes meet.
<b>-"Shouldn't be too hard.. I have a lot of experience, after all.."</b> You giggle quietly.
<pink>-"Please open up page 46 on your notebooks. We'll do a quick recap of the whole section!"</pink> You yawn and open up your notebook.
<pink>-"So, let's start off by talking about the clit!"</pink> She smiles.
<<pageReplace"Finish the lecture.">>
<pink>-"Annddd we're done! If you wrote everything down, you should have no problem passing this test!"</pink> Every student, you included, close their books and start packing up.
<b>-"Yawwwnnn, finally.."</b> You didn't write a single thing down, it was all common knowledge.
<pink>-"Oh and remember, the contest is still valid and running, the student who does the best, will get to show what they learned on me!"</pink> Gina shows off her ass.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 21\dom3.jpeg">
<blue>-"Fuck me.. She's so hot! I hope I win this time.."</blue> Some random guy says as you both stand up from your seats.
<b>-"Ghaha yeah, she's a beauty!"</b> You start heading towards the door.
<pink>-"$name, stay here for a sec!"</pink> She smiles as you nod.
<b>-"Sure."</b> You walk up to her as the other students leave the lecture hall.
<pink>-"Soooo.. Are you ready for the second serious test?"</pink> She places her hand on your chest.
<b>-"THe better question would be, are you ready?"</b> You touch her face lighly.
<pink>-"MmmMMm.."</pink> She lets out a soft moan.
<b>-"What would you do if someone else got a better score than me?"</b>
<pink>-"That won't happen.. You won't be even taking the test."</pink> She suddenly pulls down her top.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 21\dom1.png">
<pink>-"Show up, that's all you got to do.."</pink> Gina blushes.
<b>-"Hmm.. Fine.. Use the pill, we're not using the rubbers."</b>
<pink>-"Y-yes $name.."</pink> She whispers as you turn around.
<pink>-"S-so... I can expect you to show up next week?"</pink> She steps forward.
<b>-"We'll see."</b> You tease her on purpose as you walk away.
<b>-"Ghaha she doesn't even want me to take the test anymore.. She's mine."</b> You think to yourself as you exit the classroom.
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>><<lecture "Submissiveness class" "Test preparations.">>
<pink>-"Hello students! Let's talk about the upcoming test."</pink> She says as you sit down.
<b>-"A test..? Awgh shit.. I forgot.."</b> You think to yourself as you continue to listen.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 21\sub1.png">
<pink>-"Last test was about general knowledge, this one will be on female anatomy. You will need to show that you know how and where to pleasure a woman."</pink> She smiles.
<blue>-"H-how to pleasure a woman?"</blue> A boy next to you asks.
<pink>-"Yes. Where to lick, what to suck, that sort of thing."</pink> Kei giggles.
<b>-"S-shouldn't be too hard.."</b> You think to yourself.
<pink>-"Please open up page 46 on your notebooks. We'll do a quick recap of the whole section!"</pink> You yawn and open up your notebook.
<pink>-"So, let's start off by talking about the clit!"</pink> She smiles.
<<pageReplace"Finish the lecture.">>
<pink>-"Annddd we're done! If you wrote everything down, you should have no problem passing this test!"</pink> Every student, you included, close their books and start packing up.
<b>-"F-finally.."</b> You wrote down every word that came out of the professors mouth.. You know better now.
<pink>-"Oh and, whoever does the best on test, will be able to show off their skills on me."</pink> Kei shows off her ass.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 21\sub2.png">
<blue>-"W-what?? No way!"</blue> The same boy whispers.
<b>-"Incredible.. To be allowed to pleasure professor Kei.. That's a dream come true.."</b> You feel your cock throb a bit as you start heading towards the door.
<pink>-"$name, stay here for a sec!"</pink> She smiles as you nod.
<b>-"R-right. Sure."</b> You walk up to her as the other students leave the lecture hall.
<pink>-"Come, follow me."</pink> She starts walking towards the desk. You follow.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 21\sub3.webp">
<pink>-"So.. Are you ready for the second serious test?"</pink> She places her hand on your chest.
<b>-"I.. I think so?"</b> You whimper.
<pink>-"You know, if you do the best, it would be one hell of a redemption arc. From one of the worst students, to the best."</pink> She smiles.
<b>-"Well.. I-I'll try my best."</b>
<pink>-"You better... If you win, I might even let you try to fuck me..<<if $pushedkeiawaysub == false>>Again..<</if>>"</pink> She giggles.
<b>-"R-really???"</b> Your eyes grow wide.
<pink>-"Sure, if your pecker even makes it pass my ass cheeks, that is."</pink> She laughs as you get embarrassed.
<pink>-"Dismissed, you can go. Be sure to study hard."</pink> You nod.
<b>-"Y-yes professor Kei!"</b> You head towards the door.
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
<<if $femstatus is true>>\
[[Go to the next lecture->lecture 21 fem]]
<<elseif $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Go to the next lecture->lecture 21 bnwo]]
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>><<lecture "Feminization class" "Test preparations.">>
<b>-"Sighh.."</b> You want to go home.. You're not feeling that good today.
<pink>-"Hello everyone, today we're going to talking about the test you're all taking next week."</pink> Professor Lana smiles.
<blue>-"A-a test??"</blue> A boy next to you whispers.
<b>-"Yeah, did you forget? She mentioned something during the lecture."</b>
<blue>-"Fuckkk.."</blue> He whispers as you continue to listen to Lana.
<pink>-"The test will be a little different."</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 21\fem1.jpg">
<pink>-"You won't have to write anything, you'll just need to show me how you trained your body."</pink>
<b>-"S-show you?"</b> You ask her.
<pink>-"Yes, show me, practically. We'll see how good your holes are at streching, how well your cocks behave in a chastity cage and so on."</pink>
<pink>-"So, first things first, please remember to come with your cages on and with your asses plugged!"</pink> You quickly set an alarm on your phone to remember.
<pink>-"If you'll arrive without them, you will be provided one, but still, please bring your own!"</pink> She smiles. As she continues her yap session, you can't stop yourself from checking her out..
<<pageReplace"Look at her">>
<<todo "Come to the next feminization lecture caged and plugged.">>
<b>-"Lana is so pretty.. I bet she works out a lot.."</b> You admire her.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 21\fem2.jpg">
<pink>-"And that's about it, please remember these tips! The test won't be hard, but if you're not ready, it can be quite painful!"</pink> She smiles.
<pink>-"You're free to go now!"</pink> Lana sits down on her chair as the students stand up.
<b>-"Caged and plugged, caged and plugged.. Have to remember that.."</b> You mumble under your breath as you head towards the door.
<<set $feminization to $feminization +1>>
<emily>Feminization +1!</emily>
<<if $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 21 bnwo]]
[[Leave the University->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>><<lecture "BNWO class" "Test preparations.">>
<b>-"The final lecture.. Finally.."</b> You enter the lecture hall and find your seat. After around 5 minutes, the lecture starts.
<pink>-"Well students, you probably know what we're going to be doing today.. Talking about the test, of course!"</pink> She turns on the monitor with some slides on it.
<pink>-"Take a look, make sure to write everything down!"</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 21\bnwo1.jpg">
<pink>-I will test your knowledge about the BNWO movenment and about the IBWO orginization as a whole.</pink>
<b>-"R-right.."</b> You write everything down.
<pink>-"If you followed my advice and told your girlfriends about it, the test should be a breeze!"</pink>
<blue>-"W-what do you mean..? Why?"</blue> A boy next to you asks.
<pink>-"Well because the orginization incorporates males as well as females. So if your women became members, you must know the orginization in and out yourself!"</pink> She smiles.
<blue>-"Oh yeah.. U-understood..!"</blue>
<pink>-"Also, if you're studying feminization, I've got some great news!"</pink>
<<if $femstatus ==true>>\
<b>-"Oh..? I'm studying feminization.. Let's see.."</b> You whisper.
<b>-"I'm not studying feminization.. But I wonder what the good news is about.."</b> You whisper.
<pink>-"You will get a custom, queen of spades butt plug from me!"</pink> Professor Jia smiles.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 21\bnwo2.jpg">
<blue>-"W-woah? Really..?"</blue>
<pink>-"Hehehe yes! The orginization gave a couple to me, but I only need one, so I'm giving the other one away!"</pink>
<b>-"T-that's cool!"</b> You think.
<pink>-"And that's about it! Study hard, don't cheat and maybe you'll be the lucky one to walk away with a brand new toy!"</pink> Everyone starts to stand up.
<b>-"That's a lot of information to learn but.. I must study hard. My parents paid a lot for me to be here!"</b> You think as you exit the lecture hall.
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo +1>>
<grey>BNWO +1!</grey>
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]<<lecture "Domination class" "Test day.">>
It's test day! Well, not really.. At least not for you.
<b>-"Gina said to just show up.. I hope she's not fucking with me because I didn't learn shit."</b> You open the door and enter the auditorium.
<pink>-"$name! You came. Good."</pink> She smiles.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 22\dom1.jpg">
<b>-"Should I sit down?"</b> You ask her.
<pink>-"Of course, you're no different from any student."</pink> You look around and see that the lecture hall is full of students. You nod and sit down.
<pink>-"Hello everyone! As you know, today you're writing a test. Please do your best and as always, the best student will win.. Well.. Me!"</pink> She giggles.
<blue>-"I'm going to do the best! I studied so much for this test!"</blue> A guy next to you says.
<b>-"Good luck! You'll need it."</b> Professor Gina goes around and gives every student a piece of paper with questions on it. Including you. After everyone has gotten one, she speaks.
<pink>-"You may start the test now."</pink> Gina winks at you.
<b>-"I don't get it. So I should also do it?"</b> You think to yourself as you flip the paper.
<b>-"Eh whatever.."</b> You start answering the questions.
<<pageReplace"Write the test.">>\
As you write the test, you notice that the professor starts staring at you.
<pink>-"$name! $name has been disqualified for cheating!"</pink> She suddenly announces.
<b>-"Huh?"</b> You look around and see that everyone is staring at you.
<pink>-"Please come with me $name, we're going to the principals office."</pink>
<b>-"Ohhhhhh.. How original."</b> You think as you stand up.
<pink>-"Please follow me."</pink> She says as you start to exit the auditorium.
<b>-"Really? You didn't have to embarrass me like that."</b> You tell her.
<pink>-"O-oh shut up, nobody can find out the rewards are rigged, come here."</pink> She unlocks another lecture hall and you both step inside.
<b>-"W-wow!"</b> You say as she gets on her knees.
<pink>-"What are you waiting for?? Pull those pants down!"</pink>
<b>-"Are you sure nobody is going to come in??"</b>
<pink>-"Yes, I'm sure. Now quickly! I'm so fucking horny.."</pink>
<<pageReplace "Pull your pants down.">>\
<b>-"Agh shit.. Fine.. Just make sure nobody comes inside."</b> You pull down your pants and reveal your erect shaft.
<pink>-"Yeah yeah whatever.. Nobody uses this auditorium anyways."</pink> She grabs your cock.
<pink>-"Ahhhh.."</pink> She sniffs it..?
<pink>-"G-gosh I've missed this smell.."</pink> She puts the tip into her mouth and after a bit of concentration, shoves the whole thing down her throat.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 22\dom2.webp">
<b>-"F-fuckkkKKK!!"</b> You shout as her warm mouth envelops your cock.
<pink>-"Mfgfhhhh.. S-so bwigggGgg..."</pink>
<b>-"G-gosh I've missed this.."</b>
<b>-"MmmMMM!"</b> You moan as she speeds up.
<pink>-"Aghhhehehheh.. Ywou lwike that?"</pink>
<pink>-"AghhhHH!"</pink> She pulls it out.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 22\dom4.jpg">
<pink>-"G-gosh.. I'm covered already.."</pink>
<<pageReplace"Tell her to take off her top.">>\
<b>-"Take off your top. You don't want to return all wet."</b>
<pink>-"Y-yeah.. You're right.."</pink> She quickly takes off her top, revealing her beautiful, round breasts.
<b>-"MmmHMMMMMM!!"</b> You starts to suck out your life juice again.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 22\dom3.webp">
<b>-"S-shitttTttT!"</b> You feel like you're about to explode.
<pink>-"D-dwon't ywou fucking dware!"</pink> She can barely speak.
<pink>-"AghhghHHH!"</pink> She stops sucking you off.
<b>-"F-fuck.. I was so close.."</b>
<pink>-"I know.. That's why I stopped.."</pink> Professor Gina stands up.
<pink>-"N-now come on.."</pink> She starts to take off her panties.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 22\dom9.jpg">
<pink>-"Do your part and.. a-and.. F-fuck the shit out of me.."</pink>
<b>-"Your wish is my command.."</b> You lay her down on one of the tables.
<pink>-"Mfghhh.. S-so rough.. I wonder where you learned that.."</pink> You both giggle.
<b>-"H-here I come.."</b> You put the tip of your cock up against her clit.
<pink>-"mmmMMMMmm.. D-do it.."</pink> She shivers.
<<pageReplace"Put it in.">>\
<pink>-"F-fuckkKKKkkKK..!"</pink> She shouts as you slowly pierce her.
<b>-"G-gosh y-you're tight.."</b>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 22\dom6.webp">
<pink>-"Y-yesssHhHHHHSSHHH! F-finally..."</pink> She squirms as you pierce her insides.
<b>-"Y-you sure nobody will hear us?"</b>
<pink>-"UghhHH! I.. I don't care! K-keep.. MGFghhhh... K-keep going!"</pink> You feel her tightening.
<b>-"AghhHHH!"</b> You speed up.
<pink>-"Good.. G-goodddDDD.. K-keep going!"</pink> After each thrust, you feel more and more tired.
<b>-"Pant..S-shit.. D-do you mind..? Pant.."</b>
<b>-"T-take the top.."</b> You pull out and lay down.
<pink>-"Ughgh.. F-fine!"</pink> She gets on top of you and starts riding your rod.
<b>-"M-muchh better.."</b> Your eyes roll back in pleasure as your grab hold of her ass.
<pink>-"Mhgghhhh..."</pink> She moans as you suddenly get an idea.
<b>-"H-how about thisssSS.."</b> You shove two fingers inside of her back door.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 22\dom7.webp">
<pink>-"$name! Y-you bastard!!"</pink> You feel her flesh walls quivering.
<b>-"Ghahaha.. I can feel that you like it.."</b>
<pink>-"S-shut up!"</pink>
<<pageReplace"Keep going.">>\
<b>-"G-grawhhh.."</b> You start thrusting as she rides you.. As her ass bounces up and down your thighs, you feel like you're about to explode..
<b>-"F-fuckKkKKK.. I-I'm about to cum..!"</b>
<pink>-"H-hold off... F-for a second!"</pink> She shouts as you suddenly hear the door open.
<blue>-"P-professor Gina?"</blue>
<b>-"W-what?"</b> You both turn.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 22\dom5.gif">
<blue>-"O-OH MY GOD S-SO SORRY!!"</blue> The man quickly closes the door.
<b>-"Oh my god.. W-was that one of your students.."</b> You look at Gina.. She's completely red from embarrassment.
<pink>-"Y-yes.. B-but he didn't see you.."</pink> She quickly rolls on her back and you get on top.
<b>-"S-should we go back??"</b> As the words leave your lips, Gina kisses you.
<pink>-"F-fuck no.. S-speed up.."</pink> Being so close to an orgasm, you don't protest.
<b>-"Aghh Y-yessSS.."</b> You bury your cock deep inside of her, and after a couple thrust, you can't hold off any longer.
<pink>-"NghGhhHH F-fuckkKKK!! $name! $name! Y-yesss! I'm about to c-cummMMM!!"</pink> She screams.
<b>-"S-shiiITTTTT!"</b> You scream as you unload inside of her.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 22\dom8.webp">
<b>-"F-fuckKKK!"</b> You slowly pull your cock out.. It's the first time you've seen Gina squirt.
<pink>-"Pant.. Pant.. F-fuck.. I can't believe someone caught us.."</pink>
<b>-"You said nobody uses this auditorium.."</b>
<pink>-"Well I thought so.."</pink> She stands up, still panting.
<pink>-"Agh fuck.. I need to clean up.. Y-you need to get out of here.. You were behind me s-so.. He probably didn't see you.."</pink> She can barely stand straight.
<b>-"R-right.. Do I go back to class?"</b>
<pink>-"N-no you dumbass.. J-just go home.."</pink> You pull up your pants.
<pink>-"Oh and.. Thanks for today.."</pink> She gives you a kiss on the cheek.
<b>-"A-any time.. Just make sure to lock the door next time.."</b>
<<set $dominant to $dominant +2>>
<blue>Dominant +2!</blue>
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace "You don't want this.">>
<b>-"I'm sorry Gina, I don't want this."</b> You whisper as you back off.
<pink>-"What?"</pink> She looks at you, confused.
<b>-"You heard me. I just don't feel like doing it today."</b>
<pink>-"I rigged the test, I orginized the hall to be empty, I got the key, I made up an excuse to get us out of there and you don't feel like it?"</pink> She stands up.
<pink>-"Fuck you $name, you're lucky that I like you."</pink>
<b>-"I'm sorry.. It's just how I feel."</b>
<pink>-"Whatever, get out of here. The students need to think that you're at the principals office."</pink> She looks disappointed.
<b>-"R-right.."</b> You quickly nod and exit the auditorium. Time to go home..
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>><<lecture "Submissiveness class" "Test day.">>
It's test day! You've studied hard for this and you're confidence is at an all time high!
<b>-"R-right.. Let's do this!"</b> You say as you enter the classroom.
<pink>-"Hello students! As you now, today is test day!"</pink> Professor Kei grins.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 22\sub1.png">
<b>-"G-gosh she looks amazing.."</b> You think as you sit down.
<pink>-"The questions aren't hard, but they aren't easy either. If you've studied, you should have no problem passing it!"</pink> Professor Kei goes around the auditorium and hands everyone a piece of paper with questions on it.
<b>-"R-right.."</b> You try to concentrate and calm your nerves.
<pink>-"Remember, whoever does the best, will win.. Well.. Me!"</pink> She turns around.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 22\sub2.png">
<pink>-"You will have the privilege to serve me and try to make me cum, so do your best!"</pink>
<blue>-"I.. I'm so winning that prize! I studied for a whole week!"</blue> A boy next to you says.
<b>-"G-good luck! We both will need it.."</b> You and the boy giggle.
<pink>-"The test starts.. Now!"</pink> The projector displays a timer.
<b>-"Right.. Let's do this!"</b> You flip the piece of paper and start answering questions.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 22\sub3.gif">
<b>-"I know this one.. And this one.. Damn.. These aren't bad at all!"</b> You answer every question with confidence, all of the studying definitely paid off!
<b>-"Time to hand it in!"</b> You stand up and hand the piece of paper to Kei. You're the first one to do so.
<pink>-"$name? You're done that quickly? I don't know whether or not that's a good thing, but call me pleasantly surprised."</pink>
<b>-"I studied hard professor, hopefully I'll win that prize!"</b> You smile.
<pink>-"Ghahaha, I hope so too!"</pink> She winks as you go and pick up your bag. Time to continue with your day.
<<if $femstatus is true>>\
[[Go to the next lecture->lecture 22 fem]]
<<elseif $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Go to the next lecture->lecture 22 bnwo]]
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<</if>>\<<lecture "Feminization class" "Test day.">>
<<todoCompleted "Come to the next feminization lecture caged and plugged.">>
<pink>-"I hope you all arrived with your cages on and your asses plugged!"</pink> You hear professor Lana say as you enter the classroom.
<<if $toys ==1 and $asstoys ==1>>\
<<set $femexamscore to 3>>\
Good thing you remembered!
<<elseif $toys ==1>>\
<<set $femexamscore to 2>>\
Well at least you arrive with the cage on.. You forgot the butt plug though..
<<elseif $asstoys ==1>>\
<<set $femexamscore to 2>>\
Well at least you arrive with the butt plug in.. You forgot the cage though..
<<set $femexamscore to 1>>\
You forgot! Oh shit..
<b>-"Oof..."</b> You sit down and put down your bag. You're hopeful that you'll pass.
<pink>-"The test will be simple, we see what kind of chastity cage best fits you and if you're ass is trained enough!"</pink> Professor Lana smiles.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 22\fem6.jpg">
<pink>-"$name! You just entered the class, would you like to go first?"</pink> She smiles.
<b>-"N-not really.. But I don't have a choice right?"</b>
<pink>-"You're correct! Come here."</pink> You sigh and stand up. After getting to the front of the class, the professor starts speaking again.
<pink>-"So, first order of business, please remove your pants and let's see what kind of chastity you're wearing."</pink> You looks at your crotch.
<<if $asstoys ==1>>\
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 22\fem2.webp">
You pull down your pants and panties.
<pink>-"Good.. Good.. I can see that you're wearing a butt plug. Now please turn around."</pink> She says.
<b>-"S-sure.."</b> You whisper.
<<if $toys==1>>\
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 22\fem1.webp">
<pink>-"Amazing! He's wearing a cage as well!"</pink>
<b>-"I'm not.. Wearing one.."</b> You turn around and reveal your flaccid penis.
<pink>-"I'm very disappointed.. Minus points for that.."</pink> She writes down something.
<pink>-"There's a bunch of cages on the table, please put one on."</pink> You head to the table, pick out the one that looks the most familiar and put it on.
<b>-"H-here."</b> You walk up to her again.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 22\fem1.webp">
<pink>-"Mhm.. Good.."</pink>
You pull down your pants and panties.
<pink>-"Not good.. No butt plug.."</pink> She writes down something on her notepad.
<pink>-"Please turn around and show us your cage."</pink>
<b>-"S-sure.."</b> You whisper.
<<if $toys==1>>\
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 22\fem1.webp">
<pink>-"Good.. At least you're wearing the cage."</pink>
<b>-"I'm not.. Wearing one.."</b> You turn around and reveal your flaccid penis.
<pink>-"I'm very disappointed.. Minus points for that.."</pink> She writes down something.
<pink>-"There's a bunch of cages on the table, please put one on."</pink> You head to the table, pick out the one that looks the most familiar and put it on.
<b>-"H-here."</b> You walk up to her again.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 22\fem1.webp">
<pink>-"Mhm.. Good.."</pink>
<pink>-"Now, let's assess the size of the cage you <<if $toys==1>>have arrived with.<<else>>picked out.<</if>>"</pink> She bends down and stares at your locked penis.
<<pageReplace"Just stand there.">>\
<<if $chastitycagenew1 == true>>\
<<set $femexamscore to $femexamscore +3>>\
<pink>-"Very good!"</pink> She smiles.
<pink>-"It's smaller than the standard one, a big plus for that!"</pink> She writes something down again.
<<set $femexamscore to $femexamscore +1>>\
<pink>-"Eh...."</pink> She frowns.
<pink>-"The size is standard.. It's okay I guess."</pink> She writes something down again.
<pink>Okay finally, let's see how your ass handles some action.</pink> She walks to her table and takes something.
<pink>-"Please, use this to warm up."</pink> She hands you a bigger butt plug.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 22\fem4.webp">
<b>-"D-damn.. That's pretty big..."</b> You whisper as you look around the class. The other students don't seem to be bothered at all.
<pink>-"No it isn't. Lube it up and it should go in without a problem."</pink>
<b>-"R-right.."</b> You lay down and lube up the toy,<<if $asstoys==1>>after removing your old toy from your back door, you slowly shove the new one inside. <<else>>after a couple of tries, you finally push it inside.<</if>>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 22\fem5.webp">
<pink>-"Mhm.. Okay.. Very good.."</pink> She watches you and yet again, writes something down.
<b>-"I-Is that good?"</b> You whimper as your cock throbs.
<pink>-"Yes. Now, your final task is to insert this."</pink> She shoves you a dildo.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 22\fem8.webp">
<b>-"A-a dildo?"</b> You gulp.
<pink>-"Yes! A medium sized dildo. It's only 6 inches, you should be able to take it without a problem."</pink> She hands you the toy and sits down.
<<pageReplace"Try to put it in.">>\
You slowly remove the butt plug and pour some lube on the dildo.
<b>-"H-here I go.."</b> You whisper as Lana continues to watch.
<<if $dildo1 == true>>\
<<set $femexamscore to $femexamscore +4>>\
<b>-"Mghgggfff..."</b> You moan as the top of the toy touches your anus. You have some experience with dildos.. This shouldn't be hard..
<b>-"S-shit.."</b> You push it in.. It finally goes inside..
<pink>-"Very good $name! Now show us a bit more action."</pink> You get on your knees and start to slowly ride the toy.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 22\fem7.webp">
<b>-"Mfghhh!! I-Is that good?!"</b> You ask her as you feel your cock press up against the cage.
<pink>-"Oh my god! Yes! That's amazing!!"</pink> You stop as she says it. You're still very embarrassed.. You're doing this in front of the class..
<b>-"F-fuckkkK.."</b> You slowly take out the dildo.
<pink>-"You can stand up now $name."</pink> She helps you up.
<b>-"S-so.. How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"Very well.."</pink> She looks at her notes.
<pink>-"You will learn the details during our next lecture. I'll tell you everything then."</pink> She smiles.
<b>-"Oh.. S-so I can leave, right?"</b>
<pink>-"Sure, no point in staying."</pink> You nod. After pulling up your pants, cleaning up the mess and <<if $toys !==1>>placing the chastity back on the table<<else>>grabing your bag<</if>>, you leave the auditorium.
<<set $feminization to $feminization +1>>
<emily>Feminization +1!</emily>
<<if $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 22 bnwo]]
[[Leave the University->Go outside]]
<<set $femexamscore to $femexamscore +1>>\
<b>-"Mghgggfff..."</b> You moan as the top of the toy touches your anus. You have virtually no experience with dildos.. This will be hard.
<b>-"S-shit.."</b> You try to push it in, but it's not budging.
<b>-"I.. I'm sorry.. I can't.."</b> You throw the dildo to the side.
<pink>-"How disappointing.."</pink>
<pink>-"You can stand up now $name."</pink> She helps you up.
<b>-"S-so.. How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"Not well.."</pink> She looks at her notes.
<pink>-"You will learn the details during our next lecture. I'll tell you everything then."</pink> She smiles.
<b>-"Oh.. S-so I can leave, right?"</b>
<pink>-"Sure, no point in staying."</pink> You nod. After pulling up your pants, cleaning up the mess and <<if $toys !==1>>placing the chastity back on the table<<else>>grabing your bag<</if>>, you leave the auditorium.
<<set $feminization to $feminization +1>>
<emily>Feminization +1!</emily>
<<if $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 22 bnwo]]
[[Leave the University->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>>\<<lecture "BNWO class" "Test day.">>
<b>-"Ooooof... Finally, the last lecture."</b> You get inside.
<pink>-"Good <<if $time==1>>afternoon.<<else>>evening.<</if>>"</pink> Professor Jia smiles.
<pink>-"We already talked about the test, but I'll explain it once again."</pink>
<pink>-"You will be asked questions about the IBWO orginization and the BNWO movenment."</pink> She smiles as she hands everyone a piece of paper.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 22\bnwo2.jpg">
<pink>-"Please don't cheat and answer truthfully."</pink>
<b>-"Come on $name.. You can do this.."</b> You hype yourself up.
<pink>-"The winner will win a qos butt plug! If you're in the feminization class, of course!"</pink> She turns on the monitor. It has a timer on it.
<pink>-"Andddd the test starts now!"</pink> You flip the piece of paper and start to write down your answers.
<b>-"Let's do this.."</b>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 22\bnwo1.gif">
<<if $emilybnwoevent>5>>\
<blue>-"What the fuckkk.. I don't know any of these.."</blue> A boy next to you says.
<b>-"T-this isn't that bad.."</b> You say as you start to answer question after question.. Emily told you a lot about these things.
<b>-"What is the IBWO mark called.. Queen Of Spades I think!"</b> You answer yet another question. After around 10 minutes, you're done.
<pink>-"Done already?"</pink> Professor Jia asks as you hand in your answer sheet.
<b>-"Yes! It was very easy, my girlfiend talked a lot about the orginization and the movenment so, I had no problems!"</b> You smile.
<pink>-"Good! I'm proud of you both! You may leave now, the results will be revealed during our next lecture!"</pink> You nod. After picking up your back, you exit the auditorium.
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<blue>-"What the fuckkk.. I don't know any of these.."</blue> A boy next to you says.
<b>-"Oh gosh.. Me neither.."</b> You whisper. You've studied a bit.. But it's apparent that it wasn't enough.
<b>-"What is the IBWO mark called.. Queen Of Hearts? I think?"</b> You answer yet another question. After around 10 minutes, you're done.
<pink>-"Done already?"</pink> Professor Jia asks as you hand in your answer sheet.
<b>-"I mean yeah it's only 10 questions.. It was very difficult but.. I hope I passed!"</b> You smile.
<pink>-"Haha I hope so too! You may leave now, the results will be revealed during our next lecture!"</pink> You nod. After picking up your back, you exit the auditorium.
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<</if>><<lecture "Domination class" "Aftercare and it's importance.">>
<b>-"Hmph.. She wasn't lying."</b> You think as you open the university app and check your grades.
<b>-"Got a 10/10 from that test... And I didn't even take it.. Hah, awesome."</b> After shoving the phone down your pocket, you start walking towards the auditoriums doors. You're a little bit late, but it's not the end of the world
<b>-"Oh...?"</b> As you get closer, you notice a man doing something strange.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 23\dom1.jpeg">
<bartender>-"Yo! You're here to watch too? She's about to start!"</bartender> The man says while not even glancing at you.
<b>-"What are you doing?"</b>
<bartender>-"Watching Goddess Gina of course! Are you not here to do the same?"</bartender> He finally looks at you.
<b>-"I'm a student here you dimwit, now shoo, I need to get inside."</b>
<bartender>-"O-of course! My apologies! Professor K-Kei told us to find a goddess to worship.. Gina was the perfect fit."</bartender> The man smiles as you push him to the side.
<b>-"Yeah, yeah, don't need your whole life's story, go away."</b> You sigh and open the door.
<<pageReplace"Step inside">>\
<b>-"What a fucking weirdo.."</b> After stepping inside, you close the door behind you.
<pink>-"And that's everyone I think!"</pink> Gina says as you begin walking towards your desk.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 23\dom2.png">
<pink>-"You're all probably very excited to hear who did the best during our last test, right?"</pink> Gina grins as you sit down.
<blue>-"We are!"</blue>
<green>-"Tell us already!"</green> The students shout.
<pink>-"Well, unfortunately I'll have to disappoint you once again!"</pink>
<pink>-"The winner, just like last time, has been informed with an email. If you didn't receive one, you didn't do the best."</pink> The study hall is suddenly full of sighs and scoffs as Gina looks at you and winks.
<blue>-"God fucking damnit... Studied so hard for it too.."</blue>
<grey>-"Same.. Thought I had it this time."</grey> Two men next to you start to whisper to each other.
<b>-"Hmph... Smart way to get them off of your back.."</b> You lay back on your chair and think. You didn't receive an email, but it's apparent that you've won.
<pink>-"Now now students, being mad and loud won't help you get better grades, but studying will!"</pink> Gina turns around.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 23\dom3.png">
<pink>-"That's why we're diving head first into our next subject - Aftercare!"</pink> She turns on the monitor and a video of a couple having sex starts playing.
<b>-"Sigh... Time to do my best to not fall asleep."</b>
<pink>-"Pay attention to the position of the woman."</pink> She points at the screen.
<pink>-"See how her thighs raise? She isn't sitting on him, she's squatting!"</pink> You take a look out of boredom.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 23\dom4.webp">
<pink>-"After the lovemaking comes to end, you'll see how she'll struggle to walk or even stand up!"</pink>
<b>-"Where is she going with this..?"</b>
<pink>-"That's why aftercare is so important! You need to take care of your partner after a hot night together."</pink>
<b>-"Oh.."</b> It's pretty obvious stuff, at least to you. Yet another lecture where you learn nothing new.
<<pageReplace"Put your head on the table.">>
<b>-"Let's just rest for a second.."</b> You put down your head on the table and close your eyes.
<pink>-"So, after you've donne thve firsts stepp, yvou mwuusss... Ffolw throu..."</pink> Gina's words fade into the backround as you begin to slowly fall asleep.
<b>-"Unicorns... Snoreeee... Rainbows... Snoreee... Wasians with a slim waist... Snoreeee"</b>
<pink>-"SHIT! Not again!"</pink> Gina suddenly screams as you raise your head in confusion.
<b>-"What the fuck happened.."</b> You think as you look forward.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 23\dom5.jpeg">
<b>-"That's not good.."</b> A couple of sparks and a puff of smoke leave the projector.
<pink>-"God damnit... That's the second one this week!"</pink> Gina sighs.
<pink>-"I can't teach you guys without proper equipment."</pink>
<pink>-"You're dismissed... We're gonna have to carry on during our next lecture."</pink> The students begin standing up.
<b>-"Well shit.. It's only been 30 minutes."</b> You think as you check the time and stand up yourself.
<pink>-"Have a good day!"</pink> Gina smiles as the students leave the hall.
<b>-"Hey beautiful."</b> After making sure everybody left, you walk up to her.
<pink>-"Hey handsome.."</pink> After exchanging a passionate kiss together, you begin speaking.
<b>-"Did you know that there's a guy spying on your from behind the hall door?"</b>
<pink>-"Oh! Of course, he's probably one of the submissiveness students! They watch me all the time."</pink>
<pink>-"Yeah, one of the tasks their professor gave them was to find a goddess to worship... A lot of them chose me, of course."</pink> She flicks her hair.
<b>-"Alright alright that's enough bragging. What does worship mean excatly?"</b>
<pink>-"What, are you jealous someone might take a piece of this ass?"</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 23\dom6.png">
<b>-"What if I am?"</b>
<pink>-"Hmph.."</pink> Gina places her hand on your chest.
<pink>-"I was just joking, you have nothing to worry about, believe me."</pink> She glances down towards your crotch.
<pink>-"They watch me, take pictures, do tasks for me, stuff like that. They're just losers, don't mind them."</pink>
<b>-"Jesus.. What a bunch of weirdos."</b>
<pink>-"Ha! I know right!"</pink> Gina sits down.
<b>-"Anyways, what happened?"</b>
<pink>-"What happened with what?"</pink>
<b>-"With the projector. One moment I'm sleeping, the next it's going up in smoke!"</b>
<pink>-"Oh, this piece of shit.."</pink> She punches the thing.
<pink>-"Had to buy one with my own money, because I accidentally spilled coffee on the one the university provided."</pink>
<b>-"Well that's unfortunate."</b>
<pink>-"Yeah... And this one broke on it's own, so I have to buy one again!"</pink> Gina rolls her eyes.
<b>-"How much are they?"</b>
<pink>-"A new one is around 200 bucks... And I'll definitely buy it new, because this one was used!"</pink>
<pink>-"I'm so fucking broke though..."</pink> She whispers.
<b>-"The SUP doesn't pay much, huh?"</b>
<pink>-"What do you think? They can't even buy me another projector.."</pink>
<<pageReplace"I wish you the best of luck.">>
<<set $paidforprojectorgina to false>>\
<b>-"Welp, I wish you the best of luck!"</b>
<pink>-"Thank you.. I'll need it haha."</pink> Gina stands up and you exchange a hug.
<b>-"Have a good one beautiful, oh and thanks for the good grade!"</b>
<pink>-"Thank you for a fun time!"</pink> She winks and you walk off.
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<<if $money>=200>>\
<<pageReplace"I can buy it for you.">>
<<set $paidforprojectorgina to true>>\
<b>-"I can buy it."</b>
<b>-"I said that I can buy it."</b>
<pink>-"$name... I couldn't accept that amount of money!"</pink>
<b>-"200 bucks? That's like half of what I earn in a day, I'll live."</b> You tell a white lie..
<pink>-"A-are you sure?"</pink>
<b>-"Of course."</b> You open up your wallet.
<b>-"Here you go."</b> You hand her two 100 dollar bills.
<pink>-"I.. I don't know what to say."</pink> Gina's cheeks grow red.
<pink>-"I'll make it up to you, I promise!"</pink>
<b>-"Hah, make it up to me?"</b>
<pink>-"Y-yes! You'll see!"</pink> You chuckle and shove the wallet down your pocket.
<b>-"Whatever you say Gina."</b>
<pink>-"Thank you $name, you're truly helping me out here!"</pink> Gina stands up and you exchange a hug.
<b>-"No problem, just make sure not to break the new one."</b> You both laugh.
<pink>-"I'll do my best!"</pink>
<<money -200 "Bought a projector for Gina">>
<green>Money -200!</green>
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"What if we made the sub students pay?">>
<<set $ginasextapeprojector to true>>\
<<todo "Wait for Gina to send you the video">>
<b>-"What if we made the submissiveness students pay?"</b>
<b>-"Well, you said that they worship you, why not ask them for some cash?"</b>
<pink>-"Well.. I don't know... I doubt that they'll just give it to me."</pink>
<b>-"Those hornballs are spying on you through a keyhole! They'll definitely pay hundreds just to see a titty or two!"</b> You chuckle.
<pink>-"You think...?"</pink>
<b>-"I don't think, I know."</b>
<b>-"You know their names, right?"</b>
<pink>-"I do.."</pink>
<b>-"Go home, make a video of you playing with your chest or something and send a preview to their email, saying something like.."</b> You put on a silly voice.
<b>-"You Goddess will send you a full video if you pay her 50 dollars!"</b> You laugh.
<pink>-"I don't know.. Selling videos of myself.. That's a bit much... No?"</pink>
<b>-"A bit much? You showed our sex tape in front of the whole class a while back!"</b>
<pink>-"Hah, that's true..."</pink> Gina giggles.
<pink>-"Sure.. I'll give it a try."</pink> She smiles.
<b>-"Good. Send me the video first, so I can make sure it's good."</b>
<pink>-"Fine... Let's hope it works, because I really don't have enough for this new projector."</pink>
<b>-"I'm bouncing, text me when you make the vid!"</b>
<pink>-"Thank you $name, I will!"</pink> Gina stands up and you exchange a hug.
<b>-"Bye!"</b> She nods and you walk off.
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>><<lecture "Submissiveness class" "And the winner is...?">>
<b>-"Time to get inside."</b> You think as you near the auditoriums door.
<b>-"There.."</b> After stepping inside, you close the door behind you. The class is completely packed with students.
<blue>-"Will you tell us the results today?"</blue> One of the students asks as you walk to your desk.
<pink>-"Yes, but let's wait for everyone to get here."</pink> Professor Kei says while looking for something on her desk.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 23\sub1.jpg">
<b>-"I studied hard for that test.. Hopefully I did well."</b> You remember the humiliation you experienced when you failed the last one..
<pink>-"Hmmmm.. I think that's everyone."</pink> She turns towards the class.
<pink>-"Looking at your faces, you're all excited to see who did the best, huh?"</pink>
<bartender>-"Sure are!"</bartender>
<blue>-"It must be me!"</blue>
<grey>-"Hmph, Nope! It'll be me!"</grey>
<pink>-"Now now, calm down everyone. Although everyone did relatively well, there's definitely a clear victor!"</pink>
<b>-"Spit it out already.."</b> You think.
<pink>-"The results surprised me. The winner did very poorly during our last test."</pink> Kei glances at you.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 23\sub2.png">
<b>-"Wait.. Can it be...?"</b>
<pink>-"The winner isssssss..."</pink>
<<pageReplace"Listen close.">>
<pink>-"$name! He scored a perfect 10/10! Was definitely not expecting that!"</pink>
<pink>-"Yes, you!"</pink> She giggles as you can't contain your excitement.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 23\sub3.jpeg">
<b>-"Fuck yeah!"</b> You whisper to yourself.
<blue>-"Ugh I can't fucking believe it... I really thought I had it this time."</blue>
<grey>-"A perfect 10/10? This has to be rigged..."</grey> The students next to you talk amongst each other.
<pink>-"Calm down everyone, you will get another chance, the year hasn't come to an end just yet!"</pink> She sits down.
<pink>-"As for you $name, you know what you won, right?"</pink>
<b>-"Remind me please.."</b>
<pink>-"During our next lecture, you will have to show off you're knowledge in front of the class and try your best to make me cum! In any way that you want!"</pink>
<pink>-"Mhm.. Any.."</pink> Professor Kei grins and pulls her panties to the side.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 23\sub4.jpg">
<pink>-"You think you'll manage?"</pink>
<<pageReplace"Of course!">>
<<todo "Research the female orgasm">>\
<<set $femaleorgasmresearch to true>>\
<b>-"Of course! I'll do my best!"</b>
<pink>-"Good! I would suggest you to study even more before you show up. It won't be easy."</pink>
<b>-"I will professor! You will be surprised with my skills, I'm sure of it!"</b>
<pink>-"Hmph, good! We're going to be learning about the female orgasm today and how to achieve it, so this is very relevant to you, pay attention."</pink> She turns around and turns on the projector.
<blue>-"Nah this was my last straw, I'm locking in. I HAVE to win the next one."</blue>
<grey>-"Same here... Can't believe that dork will get to have fun with the professor and I won't.."</grey> The students glance at you as you roll your eyes.
<b>-"Well they're jealous.."</b> You think as you set an alarm to remind yourself to research the female orgasm.
<pink>-"First things first, oral pleasure! We already talked about it, but let's go more in depth!"</pink> A video begins playing as you take out your notebook.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 23\sub5.webp">
<pink>-"As you can see, the man is using his fingers TOGETHER with his mouth to pleasure his queen. Why do you think that is John?"</pink>
<blue>-"Two pleasure sources?"</blue> A student answers.
<pink>-"That's correct! The more sources of pleasure there are, the better!"</pink>
<b>-"Right.. Let's write this down."</b>
<<if $femstatus is true>>\
[[Finish this lecture and move on.->lecture 23 fem]]
<<elseif $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Finish this lecture and move on.->lecture 23 bnwo]]
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>><<lecture "Feminization class" "Class - CANCELLED.">>
<grey>Ding... Ding.. Ding...</grey>
<b>-"So nice.."</b> You whisper as you hear the church bells singing. You decided to spend your break inbetween lectures outside.
<b>-"Right.. Time to go."</b> After checking your watch, you stand up and begin walking towards your next class.
<b>-"Interesting..."</b> As you reach the doors, you notice that they're open, yet you don't see anyone inside.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 23\fem5.jpg">
<b>-"Am I at the wrong hall?"</b> You check the number over the door - it is indeed the correct one. After a couple of seconds of hesitation, you step inside.
<emily>-"Oh! $name! Hello! What are you doing here?"</emily> Lana's voice fills the empty auditorium.
<b>-"Uhmmm.. I came here to study? Why is nobody here?"</b> You walk up to her, she's sitting nearby her desk.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 23\fem1.jpg">
<emily>-"Well, we're a bit ahead of our study schedule, so I thought I would cancel today's lecture. Did you not get the email?"</emily>
<b>-"I did not.."</b> You sigh.
<emily>-"Well that's unfortunate! Sorry for wasting your time then!"</emily>
<b>-"No problem... Have a great day."</b>
<emily>-"You too!"</emily> You nod and begin walking away.
<b>-"Oh wait!"</b> Lana raises her head once again as you turn around.
<<pageReplace"Ask for your test results.">>
<b>-"Forgot to ask, maybe you have my test results already?"</b>
<emily>-"Oh! I was planning to tell you with the others, during our next lecture, but what the hell."</emily> She pulls out a piece of paper from a drawer.
<emily>-"Let's see... $name, $name, $name.."</emily> Professor Lana begins looking over the list.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 23\fem2.jpg">
<emily>-"Ah yes, found you!"</emily>
<b>-"S-so.. How did I do?"</b>
<<if $femexamscore>=5>>\
<emily>-"Incredibly well! You got a perfect score!"</emily> She smiles.
<b>-"That's great!"</b>
<emily>-"It is! On that note, I have a surprise for you!"</emily>
<b>-"A surprise?"</b> You ask as Lana begins going through her drawer again.
<emily>-"Mhm. As we're nearing the semester, the SUP has started to offer financial incentives to their best students!"</emily>
<b>-"Oh wow.. Just for studying well?"</b>
<emily>-"Yup! It's to encourage students to keep up their good grades and at least in my class, to start getting various visual operations!"</emily> Lana extends her arm with some cash in it.
<emily>-"And you're basically my number one student, so you get the biggest prize!"</emily>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 23\fem3.jpeg">
<b>-"A-are you sure?"</b>
<emily>-"Just take it $name, it's not my money."</emily> You nod and grab the cash.
<b>-"Thanks...! And what was that about operations?"</b>
<emily>-"The university wants you to feel as comfortable as possible and for most people to do that, they need operations."</emily>
<emily>-"There's a plastic surgery and beauty clinic in our local mall, maybe you've seen it?"</emily>
<<pageReplace"I have.">>
<b>-"I have."</b>
<emily>-"Well now you can spend this cash to buy something there! Maybe get your eyebrows done or something."</emily> She giggles.
<b>-"Understood... I will Lana!"</b>
<emily>-"Good! And keep up the great work, the university is planning to collaborate with the clinic and give our best students some discounts as well!"</emily>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 23\fem4.webp">
<b>-"Hah, that would be great, because some of the prices there are insane!"</b>
<emily>-"Hahaha that's true! I've tried going there myself once, but the amount they charge spooked me!"</emily> You shove the cash down your wallet.
<b>-"Well, thank you for the great news professor, I'll get going then!"</b>
<emily>-"No problem, enjoy your prize!"</emily> You nod as begin walking away.
<<money +100 "Prize for doing good during fem test.">>
<green>Money +100!</green>
<<if $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 23 bnwo]]
[[Leave the University->Go outside]]
<<elseif $femexamscore>=3>>\
<emily>-"Pretty well! You almost made the top 5!"</emily> She smiles.
<b>-"That's great!"</b>
<emily>-"It is! On that note, I have a surprise for you!"</emily>
<b>-"A surprise?"</b> You ask as Lana begins going through her drawer again.
<emily>-"Mhm. As we're nearing the semester, the SUP has started to offer financial incentives to their best students!"</emily>
<b>-"Oh wow.. Just for studying well?"</b>
<emily>-"Yup! It's to encourage students to keep up their good grades and at least in my class, to start getting various visual operations!"</emily> Lana extends her arm with some cash in it.
<emily>-"And you made the top 10! So you won't get the biggest prize, but it's still something!"</emily>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 23\fem3.jpeg">
<b>-"A-are you sure?"</b>
<emily>-"Just take it $name, it's not my money."</emily> You nod and grab the cash.
<b>-"Thanks...! And what was that about operations?"</b>
<emily>-"The university wants you to feel as comfortable as possible and for most people to do that, they need operations."</emily>
<emily>-"There's a plastic surgery and beauty clinic in our local mall, maybe you've seen it?"</emily>
<<pageReplace"I have.">>
<b>-"I have."</b>
<emily>-"Well now you can spend this cash to buy something there! Maybe get your eyebrows done or something."</emily> She giggles.
<b>-"Understood... I will Lana!"</b>
<emily>-"Good! And keep up the great work, the university is planning to collaborate with the clinic and give our best students some discounts as well!"</emily>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 23\fem4.webp">
<b>-"Hah, that would be great, because some of the prices there are insane!"</b>
<emily>-"Hahaha that's true! I've tried going there myself once, but the amount they charge spooked me!"</emily> You shove the cash down your wallet.
<b>-"Well, thank you for the great news professor, I'll get going then!"</b>
<emily>-"No problem, enjoy your prize!"</emily> You nod as begin walking away.
<<money +60 "Prize for doing good during fem test.">>
<green>Money +60!</green>
<<if $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 23 bnwo]]
[[Leave the University->Go outside]]
<emily>-"Uhmmmm.. You did okay-ish, I guess."</emily> She frowns.
<b>-"Oh... How much did I get?"</b>
<emily>-"I won't tell you the score, because it's pretty sad, but you're on the bottom third of the class."</emily>
<b>-"Damn... I'm sorry."</b>
<emily>-"No need to apologize! I think you just need some motivation!"</emily>
<emily>-"Mhm. As we're nearing the semester, the SUP has started to offer financial incentives to their best students!"</emily>
<b>-"Oh wow.. Just for studying well?"</b>
<emily>-"Yup! But you need to place at least in the top 10 of the class during tests."</emily>
<emily>-"It's to encourage students to keep up their good grades and at least in my class, to start getting various visual operations!"</emily>
<emily>-"So if you want to be part of that program and get some cash, I would advise you to study and train your body even more!"</emily>
<b>-"You also mentioned something about operations? What's that about?"</b>
<emily>-"The university wants you to feel as comfortable as possible and for most people to do that, they need operations."</emily>
<emily>-"There's a plastic surgery and beauty clinic in our local mall, maybe you've seen it?"</emily>
<<pageReplace"I have.">>
<b>-"I have."</b>
<emily>-"Yeah so, the money that the top students get are to get operations there!"</emily> She smiles.
<b>-"Damn... The prices there are insane, some financial aid would definitely help."</b>
<emily>-"Then study harder! The university is planning to collaborate with the clinic and give our best students some discounts as well, so do your best!"</emily>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 23\fem4.webp">
<b>-"Understood.. I will try my best!"</b>
<emily>-"That's the spirit!"</emily>
<b>-"I'll get going then, thank you for the info."</b> You smile and turns towards the door.
<emily>-"No problem, hope you make the top 10 next time!"</emily> You nod as begin walking away.
<<if $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 23 bnwo]]
[[Leave the University->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>><<lecture "BNWO class" "Test results.">>
<<if $emilybnwoevent>5>>\
<b>-"I already know I passed, but I'm curious if someone else could have done better..."</b> You think as you enter the lecture hall of your last subject today.
<b>-"Nah, probably not. I know the IBWO pretty well at this point."</b> You close the door behind you and walk to your desk. Professor Jia starts her lecture as soon as you sit down.
<pink>-"Good afternoon everyone!"</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 23\bnwo1.jpg">
<pink>-"I graded your tests yesterday, and I must say, you folks know a lot more about the orginization than I thought! Good job!"</pink>
<blue>-"Of course we do, it's the future!"</blue> One students shouts.
<pink>-"Ha! Ain't that the truth?"</pink> She stands up and picks up the graded papers.
<pink>-"Anyways! Time to reveal who won the prize!"</pink>
<b>-"I already know it's me.."</b> You whisper.
<pink>-"It was very close, but one student came out on top with one point!"</pink>
<pink>-"Drum roll please....! Katey! You won!"</pink>
<emily>-"M-me?! Really?!"</emily> One of the girls of your class stands up.
<b>-"WHAT?!"</b> You accidently shout.
<b>-"S-sorry.."</b> Kaley smirks at you as she heads towards the front of the class.
<pink>-"Give her a round of applause guys, she got a perfect score!"</pink>
<b>-"What the fuck.. I was 99% sure I got everything correct!"</b> The students begin clapping as you stare.
<emily>-"Thank you, thank you!"</emily> Katey smiles as she takes her prize - the butt plug, out of Jia's hands and turns towards everyone.
<emily>-"It was pretty easy, I am a member after all!"</emily> A giggle rings out as she raises her skirt in front of the whole class.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 23\bnwo2.jpg">
<blue>-"W-woah!"</blue> One of the students shouts.
<pink>-"Hah, is this the first time you've shown them?"</pink>
<emily>-"Heh, sure is!"</emily>
<<pageReplace"Take a closer look.">>\
<b>-"Fuck.. She has the mark and everything.."</b> You think as you take a closer look at her bottom half.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 23\bnwo7.jpg">
<b>-"Can't compete with an actual member.. She probably knows everything about the place."</b> You roll your eyes as she walks back to her seat.
<blue>-"Good job Katey!"</blue> A student whispers.
<emily>-"Thanks Josh!"</emily>
<grey>-"Put it to good use!"</grey>
<emily>-"I will!"</emily>
<pink>-"Now that that's finished, we can actually start our lecture!"</pink> She flips on the monitor.
<pink>-"Today we're going to be talking about monetary reparations and how you can directly support our cause!"</pink> You take out your notebook and start to write everything down.
<b>-"Yawwwnnnn..."</b> After a good hour and a half, Jia finally finishes.
<pink>-"And that will conclude our lecture today! Thank you all for coming and thank you Katey for being an outstanding student and allay!"</pink> The class begins packing up and slowly leaving. You're still not sure where you made a mistake during the test, so you decide to ask Jia.
<<pageReplace"Wait for the students to leave.">>
<b>-"Time to go.."</b> You stand up and begin walking to the front of the class after everyone has left.
<b>-"Sorry to bother you Miss Jia, but I have a question."</b> She turns to you.
<pink>-"Sure thing $name! What is it?"</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 23\bnwo3.jpg">
<b>-"I thought I aced the last test, but Katey ended up winning. Where was the mistake?"</b>
<pink>-"Hmmmmm, let me see.."</pink> She begins rummaging around all of the papers, looking for yours.
<pink>-"There it is! Let's see... 9 out of 10 and the mistake issssss..."</pink> You both begin looking over the test.
<pink>-"Here it is! The question was - When does an IBWO member get marked?"</pink>
<b>-"Mhm.. Remember that one."</b>
<pink>-"And there's the mistake! You circled "Whenever they become a full member", but the answer is "After they complete the first round of training.""</pink>
<b>-"But that's not the case! The members only get a tattoo after they are fully assimilated!"</b>
<pink>-"That's not true, I got my tattoo right after the first round of training!"</pink>
<b>-"Maybe they changed how it works? Because I remember someone mentioning that only fully trained members get them!"</b>
<pink>-"Hmph.. Let me give them a call."</pink>
<b>-"Sure."</b> Jia picks up her phone and enters a number.
<pink>-"Hello! It's Jia, could I speak to Jenna please?"</pink>
<pink>-"Yes, thank you!"</pink>
<pink>-"Hey Jenna! I was wondering, when do the new members get marked? I remember I got mine right after the first round of training."</pink>
<pink>-"Mhm... Yeah.."</pink>
<b>-"I wish I could hear their conversation.."</b> You think.
<pink>-"Sigh.. Understood! Thank you for your time."</pink>
<pink>-"Bye bye."</pink> She puts down the phone.
<b>-"So... What did they say?"</b>
<pink>-"You were right, they did change how it works! Now only fully assimilated members get them..."</pink>
<b>-"BOOM! Knew it! So Katey got it wrong?"</b>
<pink>-"I guess so.. She has been a member for quite a while, no wonder she didn't know."</pink>
<b>-"Gosh so unfortunate, if she was here I would still get the prize.."</b> You look down at the ground, disappointed.
<pink>-"I'm sorry $name... My mistake, honestly."</pink>
<b>-"It's fine professor, don't worry about it."</b> You try to act like you don't care, but truly - you do. After turning around, you begin walking out.
<pink>-"You know what.. I can't let you leave empty handed!"</pink>
<pink>-"Let me.. Just.."</pink> You see Jia slip her pants down and start to lick her finger.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 23\bnwo4.jpg">
<pink>-"It'll come out a little easier this way.."</pink> She starts to slowly lean on the table.
<b>-"What are you doing?"</b> You awkwardly chuckle.
<pink>-"I-I have the same.. MghHhh... Butt plug as I gave Katey.. Inside of me.."</pink> She begins to rub her anus as you notice the toy.
<b>-"I-I see.."</b>
<pink>-"C-come on.."</pink> She begins to slowly take it out.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 23\bnwo5.gif">
<pink>-"AhhhHHH! There we go!"</pink> She licks the toy clean and places it on the table.
<pink>-"Good as new!"</pink>
<b>-"There's no way she's going to give it to me... Right..?"</b> You think as Jia pulls up her pants.
<<pageReplace"Check out the toy.">>
<b>-"Oh wow.."</b> ...It looks brand new!
<pink>-"You are free to take it, it's yours!"</pink> She says as she walks closer.
<b>-"K-keep it?"</b>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 23\bnwo6.jpg">
<pink>-"Mhm! You're the real winner after all, can't leave you without anything! You don't mind that I used it for a bit, right?"</pink>
<<if $femstatus is true>>\
<b>-"Of course not!"</b>
<b>-"Can I really take it?"</b>
<pink>-"You sure can! I have plenty of them, the orginization spoils me!"</pink> You reach for the toy and take it. It's still slightly warm.
<b>-"T-thank you Jia!"</b>
<pink>-"No problem! You deserve it!"</pink> You throw the butt plug in your backpack and say your goodbyes. After leaving the auditorium, you begin to walk towards your car.
<b>-"Hah, knew it!"</b>
<<set $qosbuttplug to true>>\
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo +2>>
<grey>BNWO +2!</grey>
<grey>New toy - qos buttplug unlocked!</grey>
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<b>-"Of course not, but I'm not a feminization student... I wouldn't even know what to do with it..."</b>
<pink>-"Right! I forgot about that.."</pink> She begins to laugh.
<pink>-"Ahaha, well that was dumb, didn't even need to do that whole fiasco."</pink> Jia walks to her table.
<b>-"I'm not complaining.."</b>
<pink>-"Of course you're not haha. Here!"</pink> She hands you 50$.
<b>-"H-huh? What for?"</b>
<pink>-"The IBWO said to give this to the winner if they don't want the toy. They thought of everything!"</pink>
<b>-"O-oh.. Well thank you!"</b>
<pink>-"No problem! You deserve it!"</pink> You shove the cash in your wallet and say your goodbyes. After leaving the auditorium, you begin to walk towards your car.
<b>-"Hah, knew it!"</b>
<<money +50 "Did the best during the bnwo test!">>\
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo +2>>
<grey>BNWO +2!</grey>
<green>Money +50!</green>
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<b>-"I already know I bombed the fuck out of that test.. Hopefully I passed though."</b> You think as you enter the lecture hall of your last subject today.
<b>-"Let's get inside."</b> You close the door behind you and walk to your desk. Professor Jia starts her lecture as soon as you sit down.
<pink>-"Good afternoon everyone!"</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 23\bnwo1.jpg">
<pink>-"I graded your tests yesterday, and I must say, you folks know a lot more about the orginization than I thought! Good job!"</pink>
<blue>-"Of course we do, it's the future!"</blue> One students shouts.
<pink>-"Ha! Ain't that the truth?"</pink> She stands up and picks up the graded papers.
<pink>-"Anyways! Time to reveal who won the prize!"</pink>
<b>-"I wonder who did the best..."</b> You whisper.
<pink>-"It was very close, but one student came out on top with one point!"</pink>
<pink>-"Drum roll please....! Katey! You won!"</pink>
<emily>-"M-me?! Really?!"</emily> One of the girls of your class stands up.
<b>-"Nice... Good for her!"</b> You smile.
<pink>-"Good job Katey!"</pink>
<emily>-"Thank you!"</emily> Kaley smirks as she heads towards the front of the class.
<pink>-"Give her a round of applause guys, she got a perfect score!"</pink>
<b>-"Wooo, congrats!"</b> You and the students begin clapping!
<emily>-"Thank you, thank you!"</emily> Katey smiles as she takes her prize - the butt plug, out of Jia's hands and turns towards everyone.
<emily>-"It was pretty easy, I am a member after all!"</emily> A giggle rings out as she raises her skirt in front of the whole class.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 23\bnwo2.jpg">
<blue>-"W-woah!"</blue> One of the students shouts.
<pink>-"Hah, is this the first time you've shown them?"</pink>
<emily>-"Heh, sure is!"</emily>
<<pageReplace"Take a closer look.">>\
<b>-"Fuck.. She has the mark and everything.."</b> You think as you take a closer look at her bottom half.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 23\bnwo7.jpg">
<b>-"Can't compete with an actual member.. She probably knows everything about the place."</b> You roll your eyes as she walks back to her seat.
<blue>-"Good job Katey!"</blue> A student whispers.
<emily>-"Thanks Josh!"</emily>
<grey>-"Put it to good use!"</grey>
<emily>-"I will!"</emily>
<pink>-"Now that that's finished, we can actually start our lecture!"</pink> She flips on the monitor.
<b>-"How about others, did we pass?"</b> You ask.
<pink>-"Ah $name! Yes, as I mentioned at the start, you all knew a lot more than I thought. Everyone ended up passing!"</pink>
<b>-"Fuck yeah.."</b>
<pink>-"Anyways, today we're going to be talking about monetary reparations and how you can directly support our cause!"</pink> You take out your notebook and start to write everything down.
<b>-"Yawwwnnnn..."</b> After a good hour and a half, Jia finally finishes.
<pink>-"And that will conclude our lecture today! Thank you all for coming and thank you Katey for being an outstanding student and allay!"</pink> The class begins packing up and slowly leaving, you follow suit.
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<</if>><<set $femaleorgasmresearch to false>>
<<todoCompleted "Research the female orgasm">>\
<b>-"Let's see..."</b> You type in the subject into google and press enter.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 23\sub_research 1.png">
<b>-"I know some information already, but we never really talked about it with Emily all that much..."</b> In the good old days you would just thrust as fast as you can in hopes she likes it.
<b>-"A beginner's guide to female orgasms! Perfect!"</b> You open up the page and begin reading.
<b>-"Being sensual? What's that?"</b> You read about how teasing a woman can be very benificial to getting her horny enough.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 23\sub_research 2.webp">
<b>-"Oh wow, if a woman is horny enough, you don't even need lube?! I didn't know that.."</b>
<b>-"Interesting.. Me and Emily just used lotion..."</b>
<<pageReplace"Continue to read.">>\
<b>-"Some women can come from penetration alone, but not all.."</b> You loudly read the words in front of you.
<b>-"Oh my God.. Is she supposed to be shaking like that?"</b>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 23\sub_research 4.webp">
<b>-"I don't remember Emily doing that... We would just stop after I finish."</b>
<b>-"Sometimes stimulation of the clitoris is needed to reach climax. Hmph, well at least I know where that is."</b>
<b>-"Oh wow.. She's quivering like crazy."</b>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 23\sub_research 3.webp">
<b>-"Anal stimulation and it's connection to orgasms.."</b> You read the next bullet point.
<b>-"Interesting.."</b> Even though Professor Kei gave you this task, you're still feeling kind of lazy.
<b>-"Maybe I should stop early..?"</b> You ask yourself as you stare at the league of legends logo on your desktop.
<<pageReplace"That's enough studying for today.">>
<<set $learnedfemaleorgasm to false>>
<<goto "room">>
<<pageReplace"No, this is important. Continue to study until you fall asleep.">>
<<set $learnedfemaleorgasm to true>>
<<goto "Sleep">>
<</pageReplace>><<set $sextapeginatemp to true>>
<b>-"Yawwwnnnn..."</b> It's getting late, time to hit the bed.
<b>-"Hmph, so she didn't end up texting me, huh?"</b> You remember telling Gina to send you a message before filming the video.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 23\domsextape8.jpeg">
<b>-"Mhgh.."</b> You lay your head down on the pillow and place your phone on the counter.
<b>-"Long day tomorrow, need to get some rest."</b>
<grey>Buzz buzz!</grey>
<b>-"Hmmmmm?"</b> You reluctantly pick your phone back up.
<b>-"Oh, right on queue!"</b> It's Gina!
<<pageReplace"Check what she sent.">>
<<message "Gina" "dom gina video lecture 23 message" "Hey handsome." open>>
<b>-"Let's finish this conversation before I hit the bed."</b> You think as you put down your phone.
<<messengerHeader Gina>>
<<them>>Hey handsome.<</them>>
<<them>>Sorry for texting so late, but I'm starting to film the video.<</them>>
<<them>><<image "Lectures/lecture 23/domsextape1.jpg" gallery "Gina">><</them>>
<<them>>Just need to change 😛<</them>>
<<messageReply "What are you going to be wearing?">>
<<me>>What are you going to be wearing?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Not even a "Hey how are you doing"?<</them>>
<<them wait>>Typical 🙄<</them>>
<div id="choices">
<<messageReplyReplace "Hey how are you doing." #choices>>
<<me>>Hey! How are you doing this fine evening!! 🙂🙂🙂🙂<</me>>
<<them wait>>I'm doing well how about you?! 🤩<</them>>
<<messageReply "Good.">>
<<me>>Good, now what will you be wearing?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Omg...<</them>>
<<them wait>>A bikini 🙄<</them>>
<<messageReply "Show it off.">>
<<me>>Come on then, show it off.<</me>>
<<me>>We need to make sure they'll buy it.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Of course they will!<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Lectures/lecture 23/domsextape2.webp" gallery "Gina">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Who wouldn't 😗<</them>>
<div id="choices1">
<<messageReplyReplace "I wouldn't." #choices1>>
<<me>>I wouldn't<</me>>
<<them wait>><<image "Lectures/lecture 23/domsextape3.jpg">><</them>>
<<them wait>>STOP BEING AN ASSHOLE!<</them>>
<<them wait>>I thought you were supposed to help me!<</them>>
<<messageReply "My bad.">>
<<me>>Ahahaha my bad, my bad, just joking around.<</me>>
<<me>>Start showing a little skin, those hornballs will pay more to see more.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Fine... Give me a sec..<</them>>
2 minutes later.
<<them wait>>Good enough?<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Lectures/lecture 23/domsextape4.webp">><</them>>
<<messageReply "DAMN!">>
<<me>>DAMN! Got me all hot and heavy..<</me>>
<<me>><<image "Lectures/lecture 23/domsextape5.jpg">><</me>>
<<them wait>>Hehe good.. That's what I was going for.<</them>>
<div id="choices2">
<<messageReplyReplace "I think that's enough." #choices2>>
<<me>>I think that's enough for now, how long is the video?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Like 5 minutes. Didn't really do or show much to be honest..<</them>>
<<them wait>>You sure they'll buy it?<</them>>
<<messageReply "They'll buy anything.">>
<<me>>Believe me, they'll buy anything from a goddess like you.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Hmph, good.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Thanks for the help, I'll try to send it out now then.<</them>>
<<messageReply "See you in class.">>
<<me>>See you in class, I'm hitting the bed.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Sweet dreams 😘<</them>>
<<goto "room">>
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
<<todoCompleted "Wait for Gina to send you the video">>
<<messageReplyReplace "Show even more." #choices2>>
<<me>>Show even more... I bet they'll go crazy!<</me>>
<<them wait>>.. You sure?<</them>>
<<messageReply "You need that new projector, right?">>
<<me>>You need that new projector, right?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Fine...<</them>>
2 minutes later.
<<them wait>>They better pay crazy money for this..<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Lectures/lecture 23/domsextape6.webp" gallery "Gina">><</them>>
<<them wait>>What do you think...? ❤️<</them>>
<<messageReply "You look incredible.">>
<<me>>You look incredible Gina! 😍<</me>>
<<them wait>>They're all yours 🥰<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Lectures/lecture 23/domsextape7.webp" gallery "Gina">><</them>>
<<messageReply "I know.">>
<<me>>I know. I can't wait to see them in person <3<</me>>
<<them wait>>You won't have to wait long 😘😘<</them>>
<<them wait>>I think I'm done, the video is 10 minutes long already.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Still.. You sure they'll buy it?<</them>>
<<messageReply "They'll buy anything.">>
<<me>>Believe me, they'll buy anything from a goddess like you.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Hmph, good.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Thanks for the help, I'll try to send it out now then.<</them>>
<<messageReply "See you in class.">>
<<me>>See you in class, I'm hitting the bed.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Sweet dreams 😘<</them>>
<<goto "room">>
<<set $ginasextape23nude to true>>
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
<<todoCompleted "Wait for Gina to send you the video">>
<<messageReplyReplace "Fair enough 😍" #choices1>>
<<me>>Fair enough, no lies were told 😍<</me>>
<<me>>Start showing a little skin though, those hornballs will pay more to see more.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Heh, give me a second... <3<</them>>
2 minutes later.
<<them wait>>Good enough?<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Lectures/lecture 23/domsextape4.webp">><</them>>
<<messageReply "DAMN!">>
<<me>>DAMN! Got me all hot and heavy..<</me>>
<<me>><<image "Lectures/lecture 23/domsextape5.jpg">><</me>>
<<them wait>>Hehe good.. That's what I was going for.<</them>>
<div id="choices2">
<<messageReplyReplace "I think that's enough." #choices2>>
<<me>>I think that's enough for now, how long is the video?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Like 5 minutes. Didn't really do or show much to be honest..<</them>>
<<them wait>>You sure they'll buy it?<</them>>
<<messageReply "They'll buy anything.">>
<<me>>Believe me, they'll buy anything from a goddess like you.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Hmph, good.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Thanks for the help, I'll try to send it out now then.<</them>>
<<messageReply "See you in class.">>
<<me>>See you in class, I'm hitting the bed.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Sweet dreams 😘<</them>>
<<goto "room">>
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
<<todoCompleted "Wait for Gina to send you the video">>
<<messageReplyReplace "Show even more." #choices2>>
<<me>>Show even more... I bet they'll go crazy!<</me>>
<<them wait>>.. You sure?<</them>>
<<messageReply "You need that new projector, right?">>
<<me>>You need that new projector, right?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Fine...<</them>>
2 minutes later.
<<them wait>>They better pay crazy money for this..<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Lectures/lecture 23/domsextape6.webp" gallery "Gina">><</them>>
<<them wait>>What do you think...? ❤️<</them>>
<<messageReply "You look incredible.">>
<<me>>You look incredible Gina! 😍<</me>>
<<them wait>>They're all yours 🥰<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Lectures/lecture 23/domsextape7.webp" gallery "Gina">><</them>>
<<messageReply "I know.">>
<<me>>I know. I can't wait to see them in person <3<</me>>
<<them wait>>You won't have to wait long 😘😘<</them>>
<<them wait>>I think I'm done, the video is 10 minutes long already.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Still.. You sure they'll buy it?<</them>>
<<messageReply "They'll buy anything.">>
<<me>>Believe me, they'll buy anything from a goddess like you.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Hmph, good.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Thanks for the help, I'll try to send it out now then.<</them>>
<<messageReply "See you in class.">>
<<me>>See you in class, I'm hitting the bed.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Sweet dreams 😘<</them>>
<<goto "room">>
<<set $ginasextape23nude to true>>
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
<<todoCompleted "Wait for Gina to send you the video">>
<<messageReplyReplace "Answer the question." #choices>>
<<me>>Just answer the question.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Omg...<</them>>
<<them wait>>A bikini 🙄<</them>>
<<messageReply "Show it off.">>
<<me>>Come on then, show it off.<</me>>
<<me>>We need to make sure they'll buy it.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Of course they will!<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Lectures/lecture 23/domsextape2.webp" gallery "Gina">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Who wouldn't 😗<</them>>
<div id="choices1">
<<messageReplyReplace "I wouldn't." #choices1>>
<<me>>I wouldn't<</me>>
<<them wait>><<image "Lectures/lecture 23/domsextape3.jpg">><</them>>
<<them wait>>STOP BEING AN ASSHOLE!<</them>>
<<them wait>>I thought you were supposed to help me!<</them>>
<<messageReply "My bad.">>
<<me>>Ahahaha my bad, my bad, just joking around.<</me>>
<<me>>Start showing a little skin, those hornballs will pay more to see more.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Fine... Give me a sec..<</them>>
2 minutes later.
<<them wait>>Good enough?<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Lectures/lecture 23/domsextape4.webp">><</them>>
<<messageReply "DAMN!">>
<<me>>DAMN! Got me all hot and heavy..<</me>>
<<me>><<image "Lectures/lecture 23/domsextape5.jpg">><</me>>
<<them wait>>Hehe good.. That's what I was going for.<</them>>
<div id="choices2">
<<messageReplyReplace "I think that's enough." #choices2>>
<<me>>I think that's enough for now, how long is the video?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Like 5 minutes. Didn't really do or show much to be honest..<</them>>
<<them wait>>You sure they'll buy it?<</them>>
<<messageReply "They'll buy anything.">>
<<me>>Believe me, they'll buy anything from a goddess like you.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Hmph, good.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Thanks for the help, I'll try to send it out now then.<</them>>
<<messageReply "See you in class.">>
<<me>>See you in class, I'm hitting the bed.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Sweet dreams 😘<</them>>
<<goto "room">>
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
<<todoCompleted "Wait for Gina to send you the video">>
<<messageReplyReplace "Show even more." #choices2>>
<<me>>Show even more... I bet they'll go crazy!<</me>>
<<them wait>>.. You sure?<</them>>
<<messageReply "You need that new projector, right?">>
<<me>>You need that new projector, right?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Fine...<</them>>
2 minutes later.
<<them wait>>They better pay crazy money for this..<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Lectures/lecture 23/domsextape6.webp" gallery "Gina">><</them>>
<<them wait>>What do you think...? ❤️<</them>>
<<messageReply "You look incredible.">>
<<me>>You look incredible Gina! 😍<</me>>
<<them wait>>They're all yours 🥰<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Lectures/lecture 23/domsextape7.webp" gallery "Gina">><</them>>
<<messageReply "I know.">>
<<me>>I know. I can't wait to see them in person <3<</me>>
<<them wait>>You won't have to wait long 😘😘<</them>>
<<them wait>>I think I'm done, the video is 10 minutes long already.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Still.. You sure they'll buy it?<</them>>
<<messageReply "They'll buy anything.">>
<<me>>Believe me, they'll buy anything from a goddess like you.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Hmph, good.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Thanks for the help, I'll try to send it out now then.<</them>>
<<messageReply "See you in class.">>
<<me>>See you in class, I'm hitting the bed.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Sweet dreams 😘<</them>>
<<goto "room">>
<<set $ginasextape23nude to true>>
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
<<todoCompleted "Wait for Gina to send you the video">>
<<messageReplyReplace "Fair enough 😍" #choices1>>
<<me>>Fair enough, no lies were told 😍<</me>>
<<me>>Start showing a little skin though, those hornballs will pay more to see more.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Heh, give me a second... <3<</them>>
2 minutes later.
<<them wait>>Good enough?<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Lectures/lecture 23/domsextape4.webp">><</them>>
<<messageReply "DAMN!">>
<<me>>DAMN! Got me all hot and heavy..<</me>>
<<me>><<image "Lectures/lecture 23/domsextape5.jpg">><</me>>
<<them wait>>Hehe good.. That's what I was going for.<</them>>
<div id="choices2">
<<messageReplyReplace "I think that's enough." #choices2>>
<<me>>I think that's enough for now, how long is the video?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Like 5 minutes. Didn't really do or show much to be honest..<</them>>
<<them wait>>You sure they'll buy it?<</them>>
<<messageReply "They'll buy anything.">>
<<me>>Believe me, they'll buy anything from a goddess like you.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Hmph, good.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Thanks for the help, I'll try to send it out now then.<</them>>
<<messageReply "See you in class.">>
<<me>>See you in class, I'm hitting the bed.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Sweet dreams 😘<</them>>
<<goto "room">>
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
<<todoCompleted "Wait for Gina to send you the video">>
<<messageReplyReplace "Show even more." #choices2>>
<<me>>Show even more... I bet they'll go crazy!<</me>>
<<them wait>>.. You sure?<</them>>
<<messageReply "You need that new projector, right?">>
<<me>>You need that new projector, right?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Fine...<</them>>
2 minutes later.
<<them wait>>They better pay crazy money for this..<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Lectures/lecture 23/domsextape6.webp" gallery "Gina">><</them>>
<<them wait>>What do you think...? ❤️<</them>>
<<messageReply "You look incredible.">>
<<me>>You look incredible Gina! 😍<</me>>
<<them wait>>They're all yours 🥰<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Lectures/lecture 23/domsextape7.webp" gallery "Gina">><</them>>
<<messageReply "I know.">>
<<me>>I know. I can't wait to see them in person <3<</me>>
<<them wait>>You won't have to wait long 😘😘<</them>>
<<them wait>>I think I'm done, the video is 10 minutes long already.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Still.. You sure they'll buy it?<</them>>
<<messageReply "They'll buy anything.">>
<<me>>Believe me, they'll buy anything from a goddess like you.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Hmph, good.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Thanks for the help, I'll try to send it out now then.<</them>>
<<messageReply "See you in class.">>
<<me>>See you in class, I'm hitting the bed.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Sweet dreams 😘<</them>>
<<goto "room">>
<<set $ginasextape23nude to true>>
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
<<todoCompleted "Wait for Gina to send you the video">>
<</messengerChat>><<lecture "Domination class" "Financial domination.">>
<<if $paidforprojectorgina ==true>>
<b>-"A little early, but that's fine."</b> You whisper to yourself as you walk towards the lecture hall.
<b>-"Oh!"</b> As you enter the aduitorium, you notice that there's a new projector, already up and running.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 24\dom1.jpg">
<b>-"Wow, so it worked!"</b> You look around for Gina, but she doesn't seem to be anywhere nearby.
<b>-"Gina? You here?"</b>
<pink>-"Oh $name! I'm right behind the desk!"</pink> Her muffled voice fills the hall.
<b>-"Hmmm.. What are you doing there?"</b> You put down your backpack and follow her voice.
<pink>-"Just need to... C-connect these fucking wires.."</pink>
<b>-"Having trouble?"</b> You walk behind her table to find her tinkering around with some cables.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 24\dom2.jpg">
<pink>-"Oh.. Hey! Yeah, a little bit."</pink>
<b>-"Let me help out."</b> You bend down with her and take a look.
<<pageReplace"What a mess..">>
<b>-"Jesus Christ.. Now that's a mess."</b>
<pink>-"Hah! I know right."</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 24\dom5.jpg">
<b>-"What seems to be the problem, anyways? The projector seems to be working."</b>
<pink>-"Sigh, it is, but the screen is stuck. I think one of the cables disconnected."</pink>
<b>-"Hmmm.."</b> You look around for a couple of seconds and finally spot something.
<b>-"Maybe it's this one?"</b> You grab a wire and show it into the computer.
<pink>-"Oh!"</pink> The projector beeps and a blue light comes on.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 24\dom3.jpg">
<pink>-"It worked! The screen changed!"</pink>
<b>-"That's great!"</b>
<pink>-"Thanks $name!"</pink> You exchange a hug and you step back.
<b>-"So, it was enough money, huh?"</b>
<pink>-"Sure was! Bought the most expensive one, so hopefully it won't explode in 10 minutes like the last one."</pink> Gina rolls her eyes.
<pink>-"Thank you..."</pink>
<b>-"No need, you deserve it."</b>
<<pageReplace"Head to your seat.">>
<b>-"I'll go ahead and take a seat then."</b> You turn away and begin walking towards your table.
<pink>-"You know.. I was thinking."</pink>
<pink>-"The last projector had internal storage.. S-so.."</pink>
<b>-"Go on."</b>
<pink>-"All of my visual material got fucked.. Including some of the videos we filmed."</pink>
<b>-"Shame.. They were pretty nice."</b>
<pink>-"They sure were.."</pink> Gina blushes.
<pink>-"So.. Would you want to film some more?"</pink>
<b>-"You're asking me to film another sex tape with you?"</b>
<pink>-"I am.."</pink>
<pink>-"I can't run a class without any visual material... Plus, I know that you can't refuse..."</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 24\dom4.jpg">
<b>-"Hmph, you sure about that?"</b>
<pink>-"Come on.. You won't refuse will you?"</pink>
<pink>-"This time we'll do it at my place, so we won't even have to worry about your parents."</pink>
<<todo "Meet Gina at her place at night">>
<<set $needstomeetginaprojector to true>>\
<b>-"Fine, under one condition."</b>
<pink>-"Yayyy! Anything you want!"</pink>
<b>-"Your face will be in it, so the students will know it's you."</b>
<pink>-"W-what?! I can't do that.."</pink>
<b>-"Is that a no I hear?"</b>
<pink>-"Mghh... F-fine.."</pink>
<pink>-"But we can't let them know it's you that's fucking me! I still need them to think they can win me during the tests."</pink> You chuckle.
<b>-"Fine, it's a deal then."</b> Right as the words leave your lips, the auditorium's doors swing open.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 24\dom5.png">
<blue>-"Yawwwnnnn, finally, the last lecture."</blue>
<bartender>-"I know right! It's been such a long day."</bartender> Students begin pouring into the class while talking.
<pink>-"Right, you should go and sit down."</pink>
<b>-"Mhm in a sec. So later today, yeah?"</b> You try to use inconspicuous words.
<pink>-"Y-yes. Just give me a text before you come."</pink> You nod and walk to your table.
<pink>-"Hello students! Today we're going to be talking about financial domination and how to use it!"</pink> After you write down the address from the piece of paper into your notes app, you begin to pay attention.
[[Leave after the lecture finishes->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"No thank you">>
<<set $needstomeetginaprojector2 to true>>
<b>-"No thank you."</b>
<b>-"You heard me. I just don't feel like it."</b>
<pink>-"C-come on $name!"</pink>
<b>-"Oh?"</b> You look to the right and see the aduitorium's doors swing open.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 24\dom5.png">
<blue>-"Yawwwnnnn, finally, the last lecture."</blue>
<bartender>-"I know right! It's been such a long day."</bartender> Students begin pouring into the class while talking.
<pink>-"Fine, I'll just find someone else to film it with.."</pink> She whispers.
<b>-"Mhm, I'll go and sit down then."</b> Gina nods as you turn around and head to your table.
<pink>-"Hello students! Today we're going to be talking about financial domination and how to use it!"</pink> You sigh and begin to write down everything she says.
[[Leave after the lecture finishes->Go outside]]
<<elseif $ginasextapeprojector ==true>>
<b>-"A little early, but that's fine."</b> You whisper to yourself as you walk towards the lecture hall.
<b>-"Oh!"</b> As you enter the aduitorium, you notice that there's a new projector, already up and running.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 24\dom1.jpg">
<b>-"Wow, so it worked!"</b> You look around for Gina, but she doesn't seem to be anywhere nearby.
<b>-"Gina? You here?"</b>
<pink>-"Oh $name! I'm right behind the desk!"</pink> Her muffled voice fills the hall.
<b>-"Hmmm.. What are you doing there?"</b> You put down your backpack and follow her voice.
<pink>-"Just need to... C-connect these fucking wires.."</pink>
<b>-"Having trouble?"</b> You walk behind her table to find her tinkering around with some cables.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 24\dom2.jpg">
<pink>-"Oh.. Hey! Yeah, a little bit."</pink>
<b>-"Let me help out."</b> You bend down with her and take a look.
<<pageReplace"What a mess..">>
<b>-"Jesus Christ.. Now that's a mess."</b>
<pink>-"Hah! I know right."</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 24\dom5.jpg">
<b>-"What seems to be the problem, anyways? The projector seems to be working."</b>
<pink>-"Sigh, it is, but the screen is stuck. I think one of the cables disconnected."</pink>
<b>-"Hmmm.."</b> You look around for a couple of seconds and finally spot something.
<b>-"Maybe it's this one?"</b> You grab a wire and show it into the computer.
<pink>-"Oh!"</pink> The projector beeps and a blue light comes on.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 24\dom3.jpg">
<pink>-"It worked! The screen changed!"</pink>
<b>-"That's great!"</b>
<pink>-"Thanks $name!"</pink> You exchange a hug and you step back.
<b>-"So, the losers payed up, huh?"</b>
<pink>-"They sure did! Sent an email with a teaser to a couple of them and they all bought it in the first 5 minutes!"</pink> She smiles.
<pink>-"Bought the most expensive one, so hopefully it won't explode in 10 minutes like the last one!"</pink>
<pink>-"Thank you, wouldn't have known they were that desperate if not for you."</pink>
<b>-"No need, you deserve it."</b>
<<pageReplace"Head to your seat.">>
<b>-"I'll go ahead and take a seat then."</b> You turn away and begin walking towards your table.
<pink>-"You know.. I was thinking."</pink>
<pink>-"The last projector had internal storage.. S-so.."</pink>
<b>-"Go on."</b>
<pink>-"All of my visual material got fucked.. Including some of the videos we filmed."</pink>
<b>-"Shame.. They were pretty nice."</b>
<pink>-"They sure were.."</pink> Gina blushes.
<pink>-"So.. Would you want to film some more?"</pink>
<b>-"You're asking me to film another sex tape with you?"</b>
<pink>-"I am.."</pink>
<pink>-"I can't run a class without any visual material... Plus, I know that you can't refuse..."</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 24\dom4.jpg">
<b>-"Hmph, you sure about that?"</b>
<pink>-"Come on.. You won't refuse will you?"</pink>
<pink>-"This time we'll do it at my place, so we won't even have to worry about your parents."</pink>
<<todo "Meet Gina at her place at night">>
<<set $needstomeetginaprojector to true>>\
<b>-"Fine, under one condition."</b>
<pink>-"Yayyy! Anything you want!"</pink>
<b>-"Your face will be in it, so the students will know it's you."</b>
<pink>-"W-what?! I can't do that.."</pink>
<b>-"Is that a no I hear?"</b>
<pink>-"Mghh... F-fine.."</pink>
<pink>-"But we can't let them know it's you that's fucking me! I still need them to think they can win me during the tests."</pink> You chuckle.
<b>-"Fine, it's a deal then."</b> Right as the words leave your lips, the auditorium's doors swing open.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 24\dom5.png">
<blue>-"Yawwwnnnn, finally, the last lecture."</blue>
<bartender>-"I know right! It's been such a long day."</bartender> Students begin pouring into the class while talking.
<pink>-"Right, you should go and sit down."</pink>
<b>-"Mhm in a sec. So later today, yeah?"</b> You try to use inconspicuous words.
<pink>-"Y-yes. Just give me a text before you come."</pink> You nod and walk to your table.
<pink>-"Hello students! Today we're going to be talking about financial domination and how to use it!"</pink> After you write down the address from the piece of paper into your notes app, you begin to pay attention.
[[Leave after the lecture finishes->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"No thank you">>
<<set $needstomeetginaprojector2 to true>>
<b>-"No thank you."</b>
<b>-"You heard me. I just don't feel like it."</b>
<pink>-"C-come on $name!"</pink>
<b>-"Oh?"</b> You look to the right and see the aduitorium's doors swing open.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 24\dom5.png">
<blue>-"Yawwwnnnn, finally, the last lecture."</blue>
<bartender>-"I know right! It's been such a long day."</bartender> Students begin pouring into the class while talking.
<pink>-"Fine, I'll just find someone else to film it with.."</pink> She whispers.
<b>-"Mhm, I'll go and sit down then."</b> Gina nods as you turn around and head to your table.
<pink>-"Hello students! Today we're going to be talking about financial domination and how to use it!"</pink> You sigh and begin to write down everything she says.
[[Leave after the lecture finishes->Go outside]]
<b>-"A little early, but that's fine."</b> You whisper to yourself as you walk towards the lecture hall.
<b>-"Oh!"</b> As you enter the aduitorium, you notice that there's a new projector, already up and running.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 24\dom1.jpg">
<b>-"Wow, so it worked!"</b> You look around for Gina, but she doesn't seem to be anywhere nearby.
<b>-"Gina? You here?"</b>
<pink>-"Oh $name! I'm right behind the desk!"</pink> Her muffled voice fills the hall.
<b>-"Hmmm.. What are you doing there?"</b> You put down your backpack and follow her voice.
<pink>-"Just need to... C-connect these fucking wires.."</pink>
<b>-"Having trouble?"</b> You walk behind her table to find her tinkering around with some cables.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 24\dom2.jpg">
<pink>-"Oh.. Hey! Yeah, a little bit."</pink>
<b>-"Let me help out."</b> You bend down with her and take a look.
<<pageReplace"What a mess..">>
<b>-"Jesus Christ.. Now that's a mess."</b>
<pink>-"Hah! I know right."</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 24\dom5.jpg">
<b>-"What seems to be the problem, anyways? The projector seems to be working."</b>
<pink>-"Sigh, it is, but the screen is stuck. I think one of the cables disconnected."</pink>
<b>-"Hmmm.."</b> You look around for a couple of seconds and finally spot something.
<b>-"Maybe it's this one?"</b> You grab a wire and show it into the computer.
<pink>-"Oh!"</pink> The projector beeps and a blue light comes on.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 24\dom3.jpg">
<pink>-"It worked! The screen changed!"</pink>
<b>-"That's great!"</b>
<pink>-"Thanks $name!"</pink> You exchange a hug and you step back.
<b>-"So, you got some money?"</b>
<pink>-"Sure did... No thanks to you though."</pink> She rolls her eyes.
<b>-"Right, right.. So what did you end up doing?"</b>
<pink>-"Made the submissiveness students pay for it. Send them a video."</pink>
<b>-"Understood... Sorry for not helping out."</b>
<pink>-"Eh, forget about it."</pink> She scoffs as the auditorium's doors swing open.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 24\dom5.png">
<blue>-"Yawwwnnnn, finally, the last lecture."</blue>
<bartender>-"I know right! It's been such a long day."</bartender> Students begin pouring into the class while talking.
<pink>-"Right, you should go and sit down."</pink>
<b>-"Sure.."</b> You turn around and do as she says.
<pink>-"Hello students! Today we're going to be talking about financial domination and how to use it!"</pink> You sigh and begin to write down everything she says.
[[Leave after the lecture finishes->Go outside]]
<</if>><<lecture "Submissiveness class" "Showcase of skills.">>
<b>-"It's time! I'll finally show her that I can make her cum!"</b> You stroll into the auditorium, with your head high and full of confidence.
<b>-"Pretty empty.."</b> You look around and see around 20 people. Most students probably didn't show up, thinking they wouldn't be learning anything new from you.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 24\sub9.png">
<pink>-"There's our winner!"</pink> A loud voice fills the hall.
<b>-"Professor! H-hello!"</b>
<pink>-"Good afternoon! Ready to show off your skills?"</pink>
<b>-"Sure am! You'll definitely be surprised, I studied hard!"</b>
<pink>-"Hmph, we'll see about that. Put down your bag and meet me upfront."</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 24\sub1.webp">
<b>-"Yes Professor."</b> You quickly run up to your table and throw your backpack to the side.
<blue>-"Go get her tiger!"</blue> One student whispers.
<b>-"Ha, I will!"</b>
<b>-"I-I'm ready."</b> You say as you meet Kei in front of the class.
<pink>-"Perfect."</pink> She throws her hands up in the air.
<pink>-"The rules are simple, try your best to make me cum! If you succeed... Well, I haven't thought about it yet, let's get there first."</pink> Kei giggles.
<pink>-"Remember students, no filming is allowed! However, do pay attention please, this will bring you a lot of useful information!"</pink> She points at something to your right.
<pink>-"Go ahead, lay down."</pink> You look at where she's pointing.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 24\sub13.png">
<pink>-"Come on, we don't have all day."</pink>
<<pageReplace"We're going to use... That?">>
<b>-"We're going to use... That?"</b> You ask as you look at the pathetic, thin matress laying on the ground.
<pink>-"Hey! It's a perfectly okay matress! Plus, it's the only one the university had to spare.."</pink>
<pink>-"See?"</pink> Professor Kei lays down.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 24\sub3.webp">
<pink>-"It's surprisingly comfy!"</pink>
<b>-"R-right.. It'll work."</b> You lay down next to her.
<b>-"So.. What now?"</b>
<pink>-"Gosh you're awkward.."</pink> She stands back up.
<pink>-"Let's start off with oral stimulation. You've learned a lot about it in this class, so we'll see how you'll do."</pink>
<b>-"Copy that!"</b> You have quite a bit of experience in that regard, but the studying you did after the last lecture will definitely come into play here.
<pink>-"Pay attention students, we're starting off with oral!"</pink> Still laying down, you look around. The students are staring pretty intently, with their notebooks out.
<b>-"O-oh fuck.."</b> You stutter as professor Kei begins to pull down her underwear. Your cock is already going crazy.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 24\sub2.webp">
<pink>-"Ready? I won't give you longer than 5 minutes."</pink> She pulls everything down and proudly stands there, completely naked.
<b>-"Go ahead professor!"</b>
<pink>-"Try not to cum just from this..."</pink> You hear her giggle as her crotch inches closer and closer towards your face.
<<pageReplace"Let her take a seat.">>\
<<if $learnedfemaleorgasm == true>>\
<pink>-"Mghhh... Here we go.."</pink> She lowers herself onto you.
<b>-"NghHH!"</b> Her heavy hips lay down on your face as you struggle to breathe.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 24\sub4.webp">
<pink>-"O-oh?"</pink> She stutters as your tongue begins to pleasure her clit.
<b>-"MghhhH... D-dwelicious.."</b> You cock throbs as you swallow more and more of her juices.
<pink>-"W-where did you learn that?!"</pink>
<b>-"Nghh.."</b> You look to your side and see the students watching you. They seem surprised of your skills.
<b>-"F-from ywou mwiss!"</b>
<pink>-"Fuck.. MghhhHHhhh... Keep going!"</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 24\sub5.webp">
<pink>-"R-right there.."</pink> You remember the trick you learned while studying..
<b>-"T-twry this.."</b> You insert your tongue inside and aim it upwards, moving it side to side.
<<pageReplace"Try your best to make her cum.">>
<b>-"MGHHhhhh.. Slurp... NghhhHHhh.."</b> You increase the speed as Professor Kei begins to lightly quiver.
<pink>-"F-fuck.. NoooOOoo.. I can't..."</pink>
<pink>-"MghhHhhh!! N-nooOOO!"</pink>
<b>-"Come on.. Come on..."</b> You think as you get ready to channel of your skills into one last move.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 24\sub6.webp">
<pink>-"A-ahem! That's enough!"</pink> She suddenly pulls away with juices still flowing out.
<b>-"Huh?"</b> You sit up as you see her legs quiver once again.
<pink>-"Pant.. The 5 minutes... Pant.. Are up..."</pink> She shows you her phone with a stopwatch turned on. It has indeed been 5 minutes and 20 seconds.
<pink>-"I must admit.. Pant.. You've exceeded my expectations $name.. Pant.. Good job."</pink> She pets your head as a small amount of pre cum leaks out into your underwear...
<b>-"I.. I studied hard Professor!"</b>
<pink>-"Yet, you still failed.."</pink> Kei catches her breath.
<pink>-"Still have some work to do, but you're getting their. If you keep it up, you might be come my personal pet someday."</pink> Kei chuckles.
<b>-"I would like that.."</b> You whisper.
<b>-"A-ahem, nothing!"</b>
<pink>-"Right. Anyways, stand up and head to your seat, your reward has ended."</pink> She begins to put on her clothes.
<b>-"Professor..."</b> You say, frustrated.
<b>-"Why did we only oral?"</b>
<pink>-"What do you mean?"</pink>
<b>-"You said, I will able to use any means necessary to make you climax... Y-yet you only let me use my mouth."</b>
<pink>-"Well, I assumed you would have the best shot with your mouth.. Was I wrong?"</pink> Your cock throbs once again..
<<pageReplace"You're right.">>
<b>-"I guess.. I guess you're right Professor Kei."</b>
<pink>-"Of course I am. I always am."</pink> She pulls up her panties.
<pink>-"Here, clean up. I don't want you to smother the chair with all of that pre cum."</pink> She throws you a towel.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 24\sub14.png">
<b>-"H-huh..?"</b> You look down to see your crotch completely drenched in your own fluids.
<b>-"Shit! Thank you professor, I'll be right back!"</b> You quickly run out of the hall as you hear Kei begin to speak behind you.
<pink>-"As you can see, he failed! But his skills have improved! I hope yours have too!"</pink> After getting inside of one of the stalls, you begin cleaning yourself up.
<b>-"F-fuck.. I was so close!"</b>
<b>-"But... She did say I was getting better."</b> You blush as you remember her words.
<b>-"Kei's pet... Gosh I would love that."</b>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
<<if $femstatus is true>>\
[[Get back to class->lecture 24 fem]]
<<elseif $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Get back to class->lecture 24 bnwo]]
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"My cock could make you cum!">>\
<<if $toys ==1>>\
<b>-"M-my cock could make you cum in that time!"</b>
<b>-"I said.. My c-"</b> She cuts you off.
<pink>-"You really want to embarrass yourself in front of everyone?"</pink> She raises an eyebrow.
<b>-"Just give me a chance... I'll prove you wrong!"</b>
<pink>-"Hah, fine! Take off those pants then, let's see what you're working with, boy."</pink> You nod and begin to unbuckle them.
<b>-"Wait.."</b> Right as you pull them down, you remember - You're still caged!
<pink>-"HAHAHAHA! What, is that supposed to make me cum?!"</pink> She squeezes your precious pair as it leaks with pre cum once again.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 24\sub7.webp">
<b>-"S-shit! Mghhh.. I forgot!"</b> You hear your fellow students chuckle silently.
<pink>-"With a pathetic thing like that, you have no chance. Put your pants back on."</pink> She rolls her eyes and continues to put on her clothes.
<b>-"I'm sorry professor.."</b> You do as she says.
<pink>-"Hilarious... And to think you had my hopes up!"</pink>
<pink>-"Here, clean up. I don't want you to smother the chair with all of that pre cum."</pink> She throws you a towel.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 24\sub14.png">
<b>-"Thank you.."</b> Your pants get completely drenched as you put them on.
<b>-"I'll be right back!"</b> You quickly run out of the hall as you hear Kei begin to speak behind you.
<pink>-"As you can see, he failed! But his skills have improved! I hope yours have too!"</pink> After getting inside of one of the stalls, you begin cleaning yourself up.
<b>-"F-fuck.. I was so close!"</b>
<b>-"But... She did say I was getting better."</b> You blush as you remember her words.
<b>-"Kei's pet... Gosh I would love that."</b>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<emily>Feminization +1!</emily>
<<set $feminization to $feminization +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
<<if $femstatus is true>>\
[[Get back to class->lecture 24 fem]]
<<elseif $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Get back to class->lecture 24 bnwo]]
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<b>-"M-my cock could make you cum in that time!"</b>
<b>-"I said.. My c-"</b> She cuts you off.
<pink>-"You really want to embarrass yourself in front of everyone?"</pink> She raises an eyebrow.
<b>-"Just give me a chance... I'll prove you wrong!"</b>
<pink>-"Hah, fine! Take off those pants then, let's see what you're working with, boy."</pink> You nod and begin to unbuckle them.
<b>-"MghH.. There!"</b> You pull your pants down completely, while still laying down.
<pink>-"Pfft, average. Just as I thought."</pink> She gets closer.
<pink>-"And already hard as a rock.."</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 24\sub8.webp">
<pink>-"Well, I did say you could use everything in your disposal.."</pink> She takes her phone.
<pink>-"Timer is running, let's see what you're made of."</pink> Professor Kei gets on top of you.
<<pageReplace"Remain calm.">>
<b>-"Huuuu... Huuuuu.. Breathe.."</b> You think as Kei's second pair of lips begin to slide across your shaft.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 24\sub10.webp">
<pink>-"What, are you about to cum already?"</pink> She grins.
<pink>-"Don't worry, most men don't even get inside before popping."</pink> She giggles as you grab the sheets.
<b>-"NghhhhHH.."</b> More and more pre cum begins to leak, making it feel even better.
<b>-"G-get on your back.."</b>
<b>-"Get on your back.. I'm ready!"</b> You feel like you're about to cum.
<pink>-"Ha! Sure. 4 minutes remaining."</pink> She slowly gets off of you and lays on her back nearby.
<b>-"R-right.."</b> You look to your left to see the students cheering you on. You're about to fuck the professor!
<<pageReplace"Try to put it in.">>
<pink>-"Well, what are you waiting for?"</pink>
<b>-"O-oh my God.."</b> You're completely mesmerised by the sight infront of you...
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 24\sub15.jpg">
<b>-"S-shit.. If I don't do it soon.."</b> You quickly glance at the phone... 3 minutes and 40 seconds remaining.
<b>-"Here I go!"</b> With a quick thrust, you try to get inside... You miss.
<pink>-"Calm down, take it slow."</pink> She gently rubs your arm as you try again.
<b>-"MghhhhhHHH!"</b> You miss yet again, but this time, the tip of your cock rubs against her clit. You're so close to exploding!
<b>-"Come on!"</b>
<b>-"N-no.. NOOo.. NoOOooOOO!!"</b> As you miss for the final third time, your cock suddenly gives up..
<pink>-"W-woaHHHH hahahaha!"</pink> Professor Kei chuckles as you explode all over her stomach.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 24\sub11.webp">
<pink>-"Gosh.. How pathetic."</pink>
<b>-"Fuck.. I'm sorry.."</b>
<pink>-"Hah, and that's excatly why I asked if you really wanted to go through with it!"</pink>
<pink>-"And this is why students, it is so important to learn oral skills!"</pink> She says to the class.
<pink>-"When you're in front of your mistress, it's almost impossible not to cum in seconds!"</pink> Kei flicks your cock.
<pink>-"And end up like this."</pink> The professor stands up.
<b>-"I thought I had it.."</b> You whisper as you stand up as well.
<pink>-"A lot of men do!"</pink>
<pink>-"Fucking hilarious... And to think you had my hopes up!"</pink>
<pink>-"Here, clean up. I don't want you to smother the chair with all of that cum."</pink> She throws you a towel.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 24\sub14.png">
<b>-"Thank you.."</b> Your pants get completely drenched as you put them on.
<b>-"I'll be right back!"</b> You quickly run out of the hall as you hear Kei begin to speak behind you.
<pink>-"Again, get the importance of oral through your head students. Your average wieners are fun to mess around, but hard to get off to!"</pink> After getting inside of one of the stalls, you begin cleaning yourself up.
<b>-"F-fuck.. How did I fuck that up! Stupid $name!"</b>
<b>-"But... She did say I was getting better at eating her out..."</b> You blush as you remember her words.
<b>-"Kei's pet... Gosh I would love that."</b>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
<<if $femstatus is true>>\
[[Get back to class->lecture 24 fem]]
<<elseif $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Get back to class->lecture 24 bnwo]]
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<pink>-"Mghhh... Here we go.."</pink> She lowers herself onto you.
<b>-"NghHH!"</b> Her heavy hips lay down on your face as you struggle to breathe.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 24\sub4.webp">
<pink>-"O-oh?"</pink> She stutters as your tongue begins to pleasure her clit.
<b>-"MghhhH... D-dwelicious.."</b> You cock throbs as you swallow more and more of her juices.
<pink>-"Come on.. Do your thing."</pink>
<b>-"I-I amw!"</b>
<pink>-"Hmph, mediocre."</pink>
<b>-"Nghh.."</b> You look to your side and see the students watching you, which turn you on even more.
<pink>-"MghHhh.. Come on, time is ticking you know."</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 24\sub5.webp">
<pink>-"GhhHH! T-that was good!"</pink>
<pink>-"R-right there.."</pink>
<b>-"Ghaaaa... Hhaaaa.."</b> You stop for a second and try your best to breathe.
<pink>-"Who said you could stop?"</pink>
<b>-"S-sorry miss!"</b> You dive right back in, but professor Kei doesn't seem to be impressed.
<pink>-"What a pathetic performance. No wonder no students showed up."</pink>
<b>-"MghhHhh!"</b> You begin to increase the speed.
<pink>-"Ughh.. Come on, put some force into it!"</pink> She grabs your head.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 24\sub6part2.webp">
<pink>-"Good! Faster!"</pink> Kei begins to use your tongue as some sort of toy.
<b>-"GhhhhHhHHH?"</b> You try your best to please her, but the lack of studying is really kicking you in the ass right now.
<pink>-"Pfft, the 5 minutes are up."</pink> She lets go of your head and slowly gets up.
<b>-"Fuck.."</b> You really should have spent more time researching this topic..
<pink>-"As expected, my fingers would have done a much better job."</pink> She frowns as a small amount of pre cum leaks out into your underwear...
<b>-"I.. I studied hard Professor!"</b>
<pink>-"Yet, you still failed.."</pink> Kei catches her breath.
<b>-"I apologize! I will do better next time!"</b>
<pink>-"Right. Anyways, stand up and head to your seat, your reward has ended."</pink> She begins to put on her clothes.
<b>-"Professor..."</b> You say, frustrated.
<b>-"Why did we only oral?"</b>
<pink>-"What do you mean?"</pink>
<b>-"You said, I will able to use any means necessary to make you climax... Y-yet you only let me use my mouth."</b>
<pink>-"Well, I assumed you would have the best shot with your mouth and if you failed with that, what else could you do?"</pink> Your cock throbs once again..
<<pageReplace"You're right.">>
<b>-"I guess.. I guess you're right Professor Kei."</b>
<pink>-"Of course I am. I always am."</pink> She pulls up her panties.
<pink>-"Here, clean up. I don't want you to smother the chair with all of that pre cum."</pink> She throws you a towel.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 24\sub14.png">
<b>-"H-huh..?"</b> You look down to see your crotch completely drenched in your own fluids.
<b>-"Shit! Thank you professor, I'll be right back!"</b> You quickly run out of the hall as you hear Kei begin to speak behind you.
<pink>-"As you can see, he failed! But I still sensed some improvements! However, he still has a long way to go!"</pink> After getting inside of one of the stalls, you begin cleaning yourself up.
<b>-"F-fuck.. I was so close!"</b>
<b>-"But... She did say I was getting better."</b> You blush as you remember her words.
<b>-"Gosh I wish I would have made her cum today..."</b>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
<<if $femstatus is true>>\
[[Get back to class->lecture 24 fem]]
<<elseif $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Get back to class->lecture 24 bnwo]]
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"My cock could make you cum!">>\
<<if $toys ==1>>\
<b>-"M-my cock could make you cum in that time!"</b>
<b>-"I said.. My c-"</b> She cuts you off.
<pink>-"You really want to embarrass yourself in front of everyone?"</pink> She raises an eyebrow.
<b>-"Just give me a chance... I'll prove you wrong!"</b>
<pink>-"Hah, fine! Take off those pants then, let's see what you're working with, boy."</pink> You nod and begin to unbuckle them.
<b>-"Wait.."</b> Right as you pull them down, you remember - You're still caged!
<pink>-"HAHAHAHA! What, is that supposed to make me cum?!"</pink> She squeezes your precious pair as it leaks with pre cum once again.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 24\sub7.webp">
<b>-"S-shit! Mghhh.. I forgot!"</b> You hear your fellow students chuckle silently.
<pink>-"With a pathetic thing like that, you have no chance. Put your pants back on."</pink> She rolls her eyes and continues to put on her clothes.
<b>-"I'm sorry professor.."</b> You do as she says.
<pink>-"Hilarious... And to think you had my hopes up!"</pink>
<pink>-"Here, clean up. I don't want you to smother the chair with all of that pre cum."</pink> She throws you a towel.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 24\sub14.png">
<b>-"Thank you.."</b> Your pants get completely drenched as you put them on.
<b>-"I'll be right back!"</b> You quickly run out of the hall as you hear Kei begin to speak behind you.
<pink>-"As you can see, he failed! But I still sensed some improvements! However, he still has a long way to go!"</pink> After getting inside of one of the stalls, you begin cleaning yourself up.
<b>-"F-fuck.. I was so close!"</b>
<b>-"But... She did say I was getting better."</b> You blush as you remember her words.
<b>-"Gosh I wish I would have made her cum today..."</b>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<emily>Feminization +1!</emily>
<<set $feminization to $feminization +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
<<if $femstatus is true>>\
[[Get back to class->lecture 24 fem]]
<<elseif $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Get back to class->lecture 24 bnwo]]
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<b>-"M-my cock could make you cum in that time!"</b>
<b>-"I said.. My c-"</b> She cuts you off.
<pink>-"You really want to embarrass yourself in front of everyone?"</pink> She raises an eyebrow.
<b>-"Just give me a chance... I'll prove you wrong!"</b>
<pink>-"Hah, fine! Take off those pants then, let's see what you're working with, boy."</pink> You nod and begin to unbuckle them.
<b>-"MghH.. There!"</b> You pull your pants down completely, while still laying down.
<pink>-"Pfft, average. Just as I thought."</pink> She gets closer.
<pink>-"And already hard as a rock.."</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 24\sub8.webp">
<pink>-"Well, I did say you could use everything in your disposal.."</pink> She takes her phone.
<pink>-"Timer is running, let's see what you're made of."</pink> Professor Kei gets on top of you.
<<pageReplace"Remain calm.">>
<b>-"Huuuu... Huuuuu.. Breathe.."</b> You think as Kei's second pair of lips begin to slide across your shaft.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 24\sub10.webp">
<pink>-"What, are you about to cum already?"</pink> She grins.
<pink>-"Don't worry, most men don't even get inside before popping."</pink> She giggles as you grab the sheets.
<b>-"NghhhhHH.."</b> More and more pre cum begins to leak, making it feel even better.
<b>-"G-get on your back.."</b>
<b>-"Get on your back.. I'm ready!"</b> You feel like you're about to cum.
<pink>-"Ha! Sure. 4 minutes remaining."</pink> She slowly gets off of you and lays on her back nearby.
<b>-"R-right.."</b> You look to your left to see the students cheering you on. You're about to fuck the professor!
<<pageReplace"Try to put it in.">>
<pink>-"Well, what are you waiting for?"</pink>
<b>-"O-oh my God.."</b> You're completely mesmerised by the sight infront of you...
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 24\sub15.jpg">
<b>-"S-shit.. If I don't do it soon.."</b> You quickly glance at the phone... 3 minutes and 40 seconds remaining.
<b>-"Here I go!"</b> With a quick thrust, you try to get inside... You miss.
<pink>-"Calm down, take it slow."</pink> She gently rubs your arm as you try again.
<b>-"MghhhhhHHH!"</b> You miss yet again, but this time, the tip of your cock rubs against her clit. You're so close to exploding!
<b>-"Come on!"</b>
<b>-"N-no.. NOOo.. NoOOooOOO!!"</b> As you miss for the final third time, your cock suddenly gives up..
<pink>-"W-woaHHHH hahahaha!"</pink> Professor Kei chuckles as you explode all over her stomach.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 24\sub11.webp">
<pink>-"Gosh.. How pathetic."</pink>
<b>-"Fuck.. I'm sorry.."</b>
<pink>-"Hah, and that's excatly why I asked if you really wanted to go through with it!"</pink>
<pink>-"And this is why students, it is so important to learn oral skills!"</pink> She says to the class.
<pink>-"When you're in front of your mistress, it's almost impossible not to cum in seconds!"</pink> Kei flicks your cock.
<pink>-"And end up like this."</pink> The professor stands up.
<b>-"I thought I had it.."</b> You whisper as you stand up as well.
<pink>-"A lot of men do!"</pink>
<pink>-"Fucking hilarious... And to think you had my hopes up!"</pink>
<pink>-"Here, clean up. I don't want you to smother the chair with all of that cum."</pink> She throws you a towel.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 24\sub14.png">
<b>-"Thank you.."</b> Your pants get completely drenched as you put them on.
<b>-"I'll be right back!"</b> You quickly run out of the hall as you hear Kei begin to speak behind you.
<pink>-"Again, get the importance of oral through your head students. Your average wieners are fun to mess around, but hard to get off to!"</pink> After getting inside of one of the stalls, you begin cleaning yourself up.
<b>-"F-fuck.. How did I fuck that up! Stupid $name!"</b>
<b>-"But... She did say sensed some improvements though..</b> You blush as you remember her words.
<b>-"Gosh I wish I would have made her cum today..."</b>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
<<if $femstatus is true>>\
[[Get back to class->lecture 24 fem]]
<<elseif $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Get back to class->lecture 24 bnwo]]
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>>\<<lecture "Feminization class" "Surgery and how to transform your body.">>
<emily>-"No John, this doesn't apply to you."</emily> You hear Lana's voice as you get closer to the auditorium.
<blue>-"God damnit.."</blue>
<pink>-"How about me, would they consider hiring me?"</pink> You get inside and walk towards your desk.
<emily>-"What was that?"</emily> Lana turns towards one of the students.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 24\fem1.jpg">
<emily>-"Oh, Janice. I would say so! You already look and sound like a girl, wouldn't be surprised if they confused you for one."</emily>
<b>-"What are they talking about..?"</b> You sit down and put down your backpack.
<pink>-"Hmph... Maybe I'll try it out then."</pink>
<emily>-"Nice! The strip club is an incredible place to earn some serious cash!"</emily>
<emily>-"Anyways! Time to start the lecture everybody!"</emily> Professor Lana closes the door and turns on the projector.
<emily>-"Today we're going to be talking about plastic surgeries!"</emily>
<b>-"Haven't we talked about this already?"</b> You think.
<emily>-"We've already had this topic in our class before, but this time we're going to go into specifics."</emily> Lana then proceeds to spend the next hour showing pictures and talking about plastic surgeries. Talking about which ones she recommends and how to deal with the social stigma that comes with getting them done.
<<pageReplace"Try your best not to fall asleep.">>\
<b>-"YaaAaAAaaawwwnnn.."</b> You look at the time and see, that the lecture is ending soon.
<emily>-"And that's about it for today students!"</emily> Lana fixes her outfit.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 24\fem3.jpg">
<emily>-"A-ahem!"</emily> As students begin to pack, she intervenes.
<emily>-"I almost forgot! I have some great news!"</emily>
<emily>-"The SUP is now partnered with Nova! A plastic surgery and beauty clinic in the nearby mall!"</emily>
<pink>-"Oh wow!"</pink>
<blue>-"I've been there..."</blue> Two students begin to whisper next to you.
<olive>-"Did you like it?"</olive>
<blue>-"I did... The laser treatment was so good, I've gotten no hairs on my legs for the past 4 months!"</blue>
<olive>-"Damn.. I might have to visit them too. Let's see what she has to say."</olive>
<emily>-"I even made a little slideshow..."</emily> With a click of the remote, the projection changes.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 24\fem2.webp">
<b>-"Hmph, I wonder what she meant by partnered..?"</b>
<emily>-"The clinic offers various services, ranging from simple facials, to full blown implants, permanent hair extensions and more!"</emily>
<emily>-"Take a look, these are only some of their services!"</emily>
<b>-"Wow, these slides are well done."</b>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 24\fem4.png">
<emily>-"So, you might be thinking what I meant by partnered, right?"</emily>
<b>-"Mhm.."</b> You whisper.
<<pageReplace"Listen in">>
<emily>-"During your next test, the top 5 students who do the best will get discounts in the clinic!"</emily>
<blue>-"Oh wow!"</blue>
<pink>-"Oh my gosh that's amazing! The prices of their services are so high!"</pink> Students begin talking.
<emily>-"This is to encourage slowly moving from only psychological transitioning into physical. For those who haven't already at least."</emily>
<b>-"Damn, seems cool! Janice is right, the prices are pretty crazy... I would like a discount."</b> You think as Lana continues to speak.
<emily>-"But remember folks, only 5 of you will get it, so work hard to be at the top of the class!"</emily>
<blue>-"Miss Lana, when is our next test scheduled for?"</blue>
<emily>-"Good question.. Let me see.."</emily> She picks up some papers and begins to look through them.
<emily>-"Oh shit!"</emily> Suddenly, Professor Lana drops them.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 24\fem5.webp">
<emily>-"Awh shit!"</emily>
<emily>-"So clumsy... Let me just pick them up."</emily> Professor Lana slowly bends down to pick them up. This, however, lifts up her skirt.
<b>-"Oh my God.."</b>
<img src="Images/Lectures\lecture 24\fem6.jpg">
<emily>-"Anyways.. Where was I.."</emily> She says after picking the papers back up and facing the class.
<emily>-"Right, the test! It is in 3 weeks! Please, everyone write it down in your notebooks. 3 weeks!"</emily>
<<pageReplace"Write it down.">>\
<b>-"Ahem.. Let's focus."</b> You open up your calender.
<b>-"3 weeks from now, was it?"</b> You say, loudly.
<emily>-"That's right! Do your best and you might win!"</emily>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 24\fem7.jpeg">
<emily>-"And that'll be it for today students, thank you for attending!"</emily> After you finish marking the date, you show everything into your backpack and stand up with the others.
<blue>-"I'll definitely take top 5 this time! Really want to get the laser treatment done!"</blue>
<olive>-"Same here, going to try my best! My lips could look a lot more full!"</olive>
<b>-"Hmph.. It seems like I'll have some fierce competition."</b>
<<set $feminization to $feminization +1>>
<emily>Feminization +1!</emily>
<<if $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 24 bnwo]]
[[Leave the University->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>><<lecture "BNWO class" "Coming out as an ally.">>
<pink>-"Good afternoon and welcome to what I presume is your last lecture?"</pink> Professor Jia starts speaking as you enter.
<grey>-"Mhm.."</grey> A student whispers as you walk towards your desk.
<pink>-"Well, I can tell that you're all tired, fortunately, this lecture will be a bit shorter!"</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 24\bnwo1.jpg">
<pink>-"Todays topic.."</pink> She turns towards the board and grabs some chalk.
<pink>-"How to come out as an ally to your loved ones!"</pink> She begins writing.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 24\bnwo2.webp">
<b>-"Interesting.."</b> You write down the topic in your notebook.
<pink>-"But before that, I have some news!"</pink>
<pink>-"You guys remember when we talked about the IBWO right? One of the test questions was even about them!"</pink>
<b>-"We do!"</b> You say, loudly.
<pink>-"Great, well, I managed to convince them to send a representative!"</pink>
<blue>-"Oh wow.. An IBWO representative? Didn't Jia say they're pretty secretive and try to avoid interacting with the outside world?"</blue>
<judy>-"I heard the same thing. Interesting.. Maybe the want to go more maisntream?"</judy> Two students begin talking next to you.
<<pageReplace"Continue to listen to Jia.">>
<pink>-"So bring your notebooks and pens, it'll definitely be a fun and an informative lecture!"</pink>
<b>-"Hmph.. Can't wait to see what they say."</b>
<pink>-"Anyways, let's get back to what I was talking about!"</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 24\bnwo3.webp">
<pink>-"Let's start off with your significant other!"</pink> She turns on the projector.
<pink>-"We're assuming the couple is already in an open relationship of course. Getting into one is a whole different topic."</pink>
<b>-"Let's see what she has to say.."</b>
<pink>-"To slowly show and make him or her understand the dominance and superiority of black men, start to go out with them more and more."</pink> She switches slides.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 24\bnwo4.jpeg">
<pink>-"Take simple pictures, teasing your loved one, saying how much fun you had and how masculine the guy was."</pink>
<pink>-"Then, begin to exclusively sleep with them and tell your partner how incredible the experience was."</pink>
<<pageReplace"Write everything down.">>
<b>-"..."</b> You make sure to write everything down.
<pink>-"If he still doesn't get the idea, start sending them more and more revealing pictures.."</pink>
<pink>-"Hah, that's how I got my ex into it, at least."</pink> Jia laughs.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 24\bnwo5.jpg">
<b>-"Oh wow.."</b>
<pink>-"And the last and final step is to invite your significant other to watch!"</pink> The professor licks her lips.
<pink>-"Believe me, nobody can resist seeing their girlfriend taken by big black cock.."</pink>
<b>-"I-I can believe that.."</b> You think as blood begins pooling in your cock.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 24\bnwo7.jpg">
<pink>-"That's the easy part, now let's talk about how to tell your parents and friends about it!"</pink> Jia spends the next half hour talking about the various methods you can use to get your family and other mutuals to accept your new obsession.
<pink>-"Subtle hints at first is the important part!"</pink> However, she wasn't lying, the lecture was indeed shorter. The whole thing didn't take longer than an hour.
<pink>-"And that'll be it students! Thank you for listening!"</pink> People begin rising from their seats and walking towards the door. You remain seated for a minute or two, trying to make your boner go away.
<pink>-"Oh and please remember that the IBWO representative is coming to our next lecture! Please remember to attend it!"</pink>
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo +1>>
<grey>BNWO +1!</grey>
[[Leave after your cock calms down->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>><<todoCompleted "Meet Gina at her place at night">>
<<set $needstomeetginaprojectortemp to true>>\
<<set $needstomeetginaprojector to false>>\
<<set $didntvisitgina24 to false>>\
<b>-"Right, she told me to text her before I come."</b> You get inside of your car.
<b>-"Speaking of, I don't even know where she lives."</b> After pulling out your phone, you search for her number.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 24\DomMeetUp1.jpeg">
<b>-"There it is.. Let's </b><<pageReplace"send her a text">>
<b>-"Right, she told me to text her before I come."</b> You get inside of your car.
<b>-"Speaking of, I don't even know where she lives."</b> After pulling out your phone, you search for her number.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 24\DomMeetUp1.jpeg">
<b>-"There it is.. Let's give her a text."</b>
<<message "Gina" "Dom 24 meet up event part 2" "I'm ready to go." open>>
<<messengerHeader Gina>>
<<messageReply "I'm ready to go.">>
<<me>>I'm ready to go if you're free.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Good.. Just got out of the shower.<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Lectures/lecture 24/DomMeetUp2.jpg" gallery "Gina">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Come and claim what's yours 😍<</them>>
<<messageReply "What's your address?">>
<<me>>Fuck me that's hot... I will, as soon as you tell me your address.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Did I never tell you? Hah, silly me...<</them>>
<<them wait>>Nordkoster, Korsgatan 44.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Apartment number 16, you'll find me on the third floor 🥰<</them>>
<<messageReply "I'll be there in a flash!">>
<<me>>I'll be there in a flash!<</me>>
<<them wait>>I have no doubt... <3<</them>>
<<goto "Dom 24 meet up event part 3">>
<</messengerChat>><grey>Beep... Beep... Beep...</grey>
<b>-"I think this is the place."</b> The gps beeps as you think.
<b>-"See some lights on the third floor.. This must be the place."</b>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 24\DomMeetUp3.jpg">
<b>-"Hmmm.. Nah.."</b> You look at the condoms you brought, but decide to leave them in the car. Gina likes it raw anyways.
<b>-"Here we go."</b> After finding the door with the number 16 on it, you knock.
<grey>Knock knock knock!</grey>
<pink>-"Just a second!"</pink> Her muffled voice rings out from behind the door.
<b>-"Take your time!"</b>
<pink>-"S-sorry $name, had to throw something on real quick."</pink> She opens the door and says.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 24\DomMeetUp4.jpg">
<b>-"I understand, can I come in?"</b>
<pink>-"Of course handsome."</pink>
<<pageReplace"Get inside.">>\
<<location "Images/Lectures/lecture 24/DomMeetUp5.jpeg" "Gina's apartment">>\
<b>-"Oh wow, what a nice place you got here."</b> You step inside and look around.
<pink>-"Thank you... It ain't much, but it's home."</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 24\DomMeetUp5.jpeg">
<b>-"I thought you said you were broke?"</b> You chuckle.
<pink>-"That I am, this place is tiny!"</pink> Gina begins walking as you take off your shoes.
<pink>-"Come, follow me"</pink> You catch up to her and you both climb some stairs. Her giant ass jiggles with each step, turning you on.
<pink>-"Here's the bed!"</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 24\DomMeetUp6.jpeg">
<b>-"MMmmmm.. So it's a loft?"</b> She gets onto the bed.
<pink>-"But enough about insignificant things like the layout of my apartment haha."</pink> Gina laughs and begins to take off her bikini.
<pink>-"L-let's get this show on the road, I need to get that visual material for my class."</pink>
<b>-"Hmph, you don't have to ask my twice!"</b> You follow her lead and begin to take off your bottoms as well.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 24\DomMeetUp7.jpg">
<pink>-"I'm ready whenever you are.."</pink> You climb onto the bed and throw your pants to the side as she arches her back.
<<pageReplace"Take off your underwear.">>
<b>-"Fuck me how could I resist.."</b> After taking off your spiderman themed underwear, you get into your battle position.
<pink>-"MghhHhh.. G-gentle.."</pink> She whimpers as you begin to slowly grind her.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 24\DomMeetUp8.webp">
<pink>-"Shit... Nghhh.. J-just don't forget to film."</pink>
<b>-"Oh right!"</b> You take out your phone, but before turning on the camera, you remember the one condition your proposed.
<b>-"Remember our deal right? Your face will be in it."</b>
<pink>-"Fine.."</pink> Gina whispers.
<b>-"What was that? Didn't quite catch it?"</b> You teaser her.
<pink>-"Grrrr... I said fine!"</pink>
<b>-"Hmmm.. Good!"</b> You turn on the camera and slowly pierce her with your shaft.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 24\DomMeetUp9.webp">
<pink>-"S-shitTttTT!! Just as big as I remember it.."</pink>
<<pageReplace"Speed up.">>
<pink>-"GhhhhHHHH!! Y-yesss..."</pink> Gina begins to move on her own as you increase the speed.
<b>-"F-fuckkk... MGhHhHhh.."</b>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 24\DomMeetUp10.webp">
<pink>-"A-are you filming babe?"</pink>
<pink>-"Ugh.. Shut up.. MghHhhh!"</pink>
<b>-"I am! Let me just.."</b> You place the camera on the counter to your right.
<b>-"Here, now I have two hands."</b>
<pink>-"UgHhrhRHHRrrrHHH!! FucKKkK!"</pink> She screams as you begin to ravage her.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 24\DomMeetUp11.webp">
<b>-"Enough, lay on your back, let's show them all who you are."</b> You say as you push her away and pull out your cock.
<pink>-"Shit.. NghHhh.."</pink> Gina follows your lead.
<<pageReplace"Take the camera again.">>
<pink>-"MghHhHH!! S-slow down!"</pink> You begin to fuck her again, this time making sure to capture her face full of ecstasy.
<b>-"GaahhH! Hell no!"</b>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 24\DomMeetUp12.webp">
<pink>-"SOooOoO deeEEEeeEppp."</pink>
<b>-"MghHh.. Everyone.. NgHhh... Look at your professor getting fucked.."</b>
<pink>-"I-I'll mute the vid you cunt!"</pink>
<b>-"Hmph, no you won't."</b> You pull your cock out once again and lay down next to her.
<b>-"Get on top of me."</b> Without saying anything, she does as she's told.
<pink>-"NgHhhhh.. Fuck.."</pink> You begin filming the mirror in front of you both as she begins to ride you.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 24\DomMeetUp13.webp">
<b>-"Shit.. So tight!"</b>
<pink>-"GrRrhhh.. I-I'm close baby!"</pink> You feel her insides get tighter and tighter as her thighs begin to slowly quiver.
<b>-"M-me too!"</b> Your eyes squint as you try your best to hold the camera straight.
<pink>-"YESssSShsHHHHH!! MGHghHHHH!!"</pink> A flood of fluids flow out of her as she shakes on your cock.
<b>-"NghHhH!"</b> A wave of cum quickly climbs up your dick, you have to choose where to unload and do it now!
<<pageReplace"Cum inside">>
<<set $cameinsidegina24 to true>>\
<b>-"I'mmm cumMiiNnGGG!!"</b> You unload your whole load straight into her hoo ha.
<pink>-"BbHhHRHrhRRRRhhhh.. S-so warm..."</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 24\DomMeetUp14.webp">
<b>-"Fuck..."</b> You turns off the camera as she rolls off of you.
<b>-"Mghhh... There, that'll be enough footage.. Right?"</b>
<pink>-"Pant.. Pant.. Pant.."</pink>
<b>-"Gina?"</b> You turn to her.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 24\DomMeetUp15.webp">
<pink>-"Pant.. O-oh my.. Pant.. God.."</pink>
<b>-"You okay beautiful?"</b> You slowly stroke her hair as she struggles to breathe.
<pink>-"Y-yeah.. Pant.. Just a bit shocked, that's all."</pink>
<pink>-"Pant.. Haven't had an orgasm like that.. In ages..!"</pink>
<b>-"Hmh, good!"</b> You look down at your now flaccid cock. Time to find your underwear!
<b>-"I'll send you the footage later today, I think it should be enough for a couple of classes at least."</b> You stand up and put on your bottoms.
<pink>-"S-spend the night.."</pink> She whispers.
<pink>-"Spend the night with me.."</pink> Gina looks at you while still breathing heavily.
<b>-"I.. You want me to spend the night with you?"</b>
<b>-"You know what.. Fine."</b>
<pink>-"T-thank you.."</pink>
<b>-"Let me grab some tissues."</b> You say after getting dressed.
<b>-"What did I get myself into.."</b> After cleaning her up, she gets dressed. You spend the evening watching a movie, eating and joking around. It feels like a real date!
<pink>-"Thank you $name... I get pretty lonely sometimes."</pink> Gina turns off the lights as you both get into bed.
<b>-"Don't mention it princess."</b>
<<set $ginarelationship to 5>>
<grey>Gina will remember this!</grey>
<<set $dominant to $dominant +2>>
<blue>Dominant +2!</blue>
[[Spend the night and drive home->room]]
<<pageReplace"I have some important business to attend to.">>
<b>-"I'm sorry Gina, I have some really important business to attend to today."</b>
<pink>-"O-oh.."</pink> She awkwardly covers up her chest with her arms.
<b>-"I'm sorry, maybe next time!"</b>
<pink>-"Yeah.. Sure."</pink> She whispers as you get dressed.
<b>-"Have a great evening, as I said, I'll send the footage later today!"</b> You shout as you begin to walk towards the door.
<pink>-"Mhm.. Close the door behind you."</pink>
<b>-"Sure thing!"</b>
<<set $ginarelationship to 4>>
<grey>Gina will remember this!</grey>
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
[[Drive home->room]]
<<pageReplace"Cum outside.">>
<<set $cameinsidegina24 to false>>\
<b>-"I'mmm cumMiiNnGGG!!"</b> You unload your whole load straight onto her stomach.
<pink>-"BbHhHRHrhRRRRhhhh.. S-so warm..."</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 24\DomMeetUp16.webp">
<b>-"Fuck..."</b> You turns off the camera as she rolls off of you.
<b>-"Mghhh... There, that'll be enough footage.. Right?"</b>
<pink>-"Pant.. Pant.. Pant.."</pink>
<b>-"Gina?"</b> You turn to her.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 24\DomMeetUp17.webp">
<pink>-"Pant.. O-oh my.. Pant.. God.."</pink>
<b>-"You okay beautiful?"</b> You slowly stroke her hair as she struggles to breathe.
<pink>-"Y-yeah.. Pant.. Just a bit shocked, that's all."</pink>
<pink>-"Pant.. Haven't had an orgasm like that.. In ages..!"</pink>
<b>-"Hmh, good!"</b> You look down at your now flaccid cock. Time to find your underwear!
<b>-"I'll send you the footage later today, I think it should be enough for a couple of classes at least."</b> You stand up and put on your bottoms.
<pink>-"S-spend the night.."</pink> She whispers.
<pink>-"Spend the night with me.."</pink> Gina looks at you while still breathing heavily.
<b>-"I.. You want me to spend the night with you?"</b>
<b>-"You know what.. Fine."</b>
<pink>-"T-thank you.."</pink>
<b>-"Let me grab some tissues."</b> You say after getting dressed.
<b>-"What did I get myself into.."</b> After cleaning her up, she gets dressed. You spend the evening watching a movie, eating and joking around. It feels like a real date!
<pink>-"Thank you $name... I get pretty lonely sometimes."</pink> Gina turns off the lights as you both get into bed.
<b>-"Don't mention it princess."</b>
<<set $ginarelationship to 5>>
<grey>Gina will remember this!</grey>
<<set $dominant to $dominant +2>>
<blue>Dominant +2!</blue>
[[Spend the night and drive home->room]]
<<pageReplace"I have some important business to attend to.">>
<b>-"I'm sorry Gina, I have some really important business to attend to today."</b>
<pink>-"O-oh.."</pink> She awkwardly covers up her chest with her arms.
<b>-"I'm sorry, maybe next time!"</b>
<pink>-"Yeah.. Sure."</pink> She whispers as you get dressed.
<b>-"Have a great evening, as I said, I'll send the footage later today!"</b> You shout as you begin to walk towards the door.
<pink>-"Mhm.. Close the door behind you."</pink>
<b>-"Sure thing!"</b>
<<set $ginarelationship to 4>>
<grey>Gina will remember this!</grey>
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
[[Drive home->room]]
<</pageReplace>><<lecture "Domination class" "More tips on positioning.">>
<<if $didntvisitgina24 == true>>
<pink>-"Good evening students!"</pink> Gina says as you enter the class.
<pink>-"Today we're going to be expanding on a topic we've talked about before. Dominant positions during sex!"</pink> She turns on her brand new projector as you sit down.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 25\dom1.jfif">
<pink>-"Unfortunately, my old visual material got ruined, when the projector malfunctioned."</pink>
<blue>-"Damn that's tough.. Loved the visuals she used to show."</blue>
<olive>-"True! She had videos for every topic!"</olive>
<pink>-"I had plans to get some, but someone in this class let me down and now we have to use porn from the internet."</pink> She stares at you and frowns.
<b>-"SHIT! I FORGOT WE WERE SUPPOSED TO MEET!"</b> You think as she start playing some porn.
<pink>-"Sigh, I'm getting off topic already."</pink>
<b>-"God damnit... I fucked up."</b>
<<pageReplace"Sit through the lecture.">>
<pink>-"Full nelson could be a great position to fully control a woman."</pink>
<pink>-"With you holding her legs, she can't move, which puts the reins of control in your hands."</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 25\dom3.webp">
<pink>-"Another great position with a similar theme is this one!"</pink> She shows yet another video.
<pink>-"Missionary, just with one leg thrown to the side."</pink>
<b>-"Maybe I should apologize?"</b> You can't focus, you just want to get into her good graces again.
<pink>-"This is great for the same reason full nelson is good. It gives you a lot of control over her body."</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 25\dom2.webp">
<b>-"I'll try to talk to her after the lecture.."</b> You sit through the whole thing while anxiously fidgeting, thinking about what you're going to say. These lecture have tought you how to be dominant, but they didn't teach you how to reconcile with someone you disappointed and let down.
<<pageReplace"Wait for the lecture to finish.">>
<pink>-"That'll be it everyone! Have a great day!"</pink> The students start to pack and walk towards the door. You do the same, but walk to Gina instead.
<b>-"H-hey Gina.. How are you doing?"</b>
<pink>-"What do you want $name?"</pink>
<b>-"Just came here to say sorry.. Totally forgot we were meant to meet up."</b> She glares at you and frowns.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 25\dom5.jpg">
<pink>-"Mhm, of course you did."</pink>
<b>-"I can make it up to you! Let's plan another date, I'll definitely show up this time!"</b>
<pink>-"Yeah, yeah, not in the mood tonight $name. Maybe next time."</pink> She picks up her purse and moves towards the door. You follow.
<b>-"Gina! Please!"</b>
<pink>-"I need some alone time $name. We'll talk about this later, if ever."</pink> You both exit the auditorium and she locks the door.
<b>-"I'm sorry..."</b>
<pink>-"It's fine, really. I just need time."</pink> Gina begins to walk away as you stand there.
<b>-"God damnit I'm such an idiot.."</b>
<<set $ginarelationship to 3>>
<grey>Gina will remember this!</grey>
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<<elseif $didntvisitgina24 == false>>
<pink>-"Good evening students!"</pink> Gina says as you enter the class.
<pink>-"Today we're going to be expanding on a topic we've talked about before. Dominant positions during sex!"</pink> She turns on her brand new projector as you sit down.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 25\dom1.jfif">
<pink>-"Unfortunately, my old visual material got ruined, when the projector malfunctioned."</pink>
<blue>-"Damn that's tough.. Loved the visuals she used to show."</blue>
<olive>-"True! She had videos for every topic!"</olive>
<pink>-"Buttttt, with the help of a... Friend, I filmed some for you guys!"</pink> She looks at you and blushes.
<b>-"Hahaha.. Friend she says..."</b> You think as she starts playing clips from the video you filmed.
<olive>-"Holy shit! It's Gina in the video!"</olive>
<blue>-"Gulp.. Who's the lucky bastard who got to fuck her?"</blue>
<pink>-"Let's get this show on the road!"</pink>
<<pageReplace"Sit through the lecture.">>
<pink>-"Doggy style could be a great position to fully control a woman, but you have to be aggresive!"</pink>
<pink>-"Watch as he holds my face and throws me to the side when he's done!"</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 24\DomMeetUp11.webp">
<pink>-"Surprisingly, another great position could be cowgirl!"</pink> She shows the class yet another snippet.
<pink>-"But you have to tell the girl what to do, at what speed to go at, how to move her hips.. Everything!"</pink>
<b>-"Can't wait to film even more with her.."</b>
<pink>-"You take control psychologically, not physically in this position."</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 24\DomMeetUp13.webp">
<b>-"Hah, look at them.."</b> The other students stare intently as the sex tape continues.
<pink>-"Let's take a look at another angle.."</pink> You sit through the thing while reminiscing about what happened that night. Gina keeps looking at you while talking, so you decide to talk to her after the lecture.
<<pageReplace"Wait for the lecture to finish.">>
<pink>-"That'll be it everyone! Have a great day!"</pink> The students start to pack and walk towards the door. You do the same, but walk to Gina instead.
<b>-"Hey beautiful.."</b> You exchange a hug and a kiss after making sure everyone left.
<pink>-"Hmph, hey handsome."</pink>
<b>-"Incredible visual material you got there.. Where did you get it?"</b>
<pink>-"Hmph, you know excatly where.."</pink> She smirks as you chuckle.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 25\dom4.webp">
<b>-"Excited to film some more?"</b>
<pink>-"Fuck yeah... My legs were shaking for the next two days after that night!"</pink>
<b>-"That's what I like to hear!"</b>
<b>-"The students watched with such focus... Guys were probably shocked to see you in the videos!"</b>
<pink>-"Probably, but I think it was a good idea to let them know I'm taken already."</pink> She picks up her purse and moves towards the door. You follow.
<b>-"Oh... Taken?"</b>
<pink>-"Of course.. After taking your cock, why would I need anyone else's?"</pink> You both exit the auditorium and she locks the door.
<b>-"Great answers."</b> You exchange one last kiss as she starts to walk away.
<pink>-"Can't wait to do it again!"</pink> She shouts.
<b>-"Me too!"</b>
<b>-"Gosh I love that woman.."</b>
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<pink>-"Good evening students!"</pink> Gina says as you enter the class.
<pink>-"Today we're going to be expanding on a topic we've talked about before. Dominant positions during sex!"</pink> She turns on her brand new projector as you sit down.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 25\dom1.jfif">
<pink>-"Unfortunately, my old visual material got ruined, when the projector malfunctioned."</pink>
<blue>-"Damn that's tough.. Loved the visuals she used to show."</blue>
<olive>-"True! She had videos for every topic!"</olive>
<pink>-"So unfortunately, we'll just have to use videos from the internet."</pink>
<b>-"I wish I could have made some with her.."</b> You think as she start playing some porn.
<pink>-"Right, let's get started!"</pink>
<b>-"Welp, let's write this down."</b> You take out your notebook.
<<pageReplace"Sit through the lecture.">>
<pink>-"Full nelson could be a great position to fully control a woman."</pink>
<pink>-"With you holding her legs, she can't move, which puts the reins of control in your hands."</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 25\dom3.webp">
<pink>-"Another great position with a similar theme is this one!"</pink> She shows yet another video.
<pink>-"Missionary, just with one leg thrown to the side."</pink>
<b>-"Gina seems sad.. Or tired..? Maybe I should talk to her."</b> You think.
<pink>-"This is great for the same reason full nelson is good. It gives you a lot of control over her body."</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 25\dom2.webp">
<b>-"I'll try to talk to her after the lecture.."</b> You sit through the whole thing while writing down position after position. Need to get ready for that next test, you have no idea if it'll be rigged this time!
<<pageReplace"Wait for the lecture to finish.">>
<pink>-"That'll be it everyone! Have a great day!"</pink> The students start to pack and walk towards the door. You do the same, but walk to Gina instead.
<b>-"Hey Gina.. How are you doing?"</b>
<pink>-"What do you want $name?"</pink>
<b>-"Just came here to say what's up...? You seem sad."</b> She glares at you and frowns.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 25\dom5.jpg">
<pink>-"I am sad, all of my material got fucked up."</pink>
<b>-"I can help you to get some back, you know."</b>
<<if $needstomeetginaprojector2 == true>>\
<pink>-"Mhm, you had that opportunity, but you turned it down."</pink>
<b>-"Well.. I genuinly had things to do that day, I'm sorry."</b>
<b>-"We can go on a date tonight, if you wish?"</b>
<pink>-"Yeah, yeah, not in the mood tonight $name. Maybe next time."</pink> She picks up her purse and moves towards the door. You follow.
<b>-"Come on, you're not mad at me for not going, right?"</b>
<pink>-"No, but I need some alone time $name. We'll talk about this later, if ever."</pink> You both exit the auditorium and she locks the door.
<b>-"I'm sorry..."</b>
<pink>-"It's fine, really. I just need time."</pink> Gina begins to walk away as you stand there.
<b>-"Didn't think she would get this mad over it."</b>
<<set $ginarelationship to 3>>
<grey>Gina will remember this!</grey>
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<pink>-"Hah, the same way you helped me get the new projector?"</pink>
<b>-"Well.. I genuinly had problems of my own that day, I'm sorry."</b>
<b>-"Come on, you're not mad at me for that, right?"</b>
<pink>-"No, but I need some alone time $name. We'll talk about this later, if ever."</pink> You both exit the auditorium and she locks the door.
<b>-"I'm sorry..."</b>
<pink>-"It's fine, really. I just need time."</pink> Gina begins to walk away as you stand there.
<b>-"Didn't think she would get this mad over it."</b>
<<set $ginarelationship to 3>>
<grey>Gina will remember this!</grey>
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<</if>><<lecture "Submissiveness class" "Ways to last longer as her pet.">>
<pink>-"Good afternoon students!"</pink> Professor Kei turns to the class as you look up.
<b>-"Finally..."</b> You got here a little early and have grown inpatient.
<pink>-"Today we're going to be talking about ways to last longer!"</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 25\sub1.jpg">
<b>-"Last longer? I thought we were only supposed to use our mouths.."</b> You think.
<pink>-"I have mentioned before, that oral is the best way to get your mistress off, but in a couple of odd situations, your partner might want to use your cock to pleasure herself!"</pink>
<olive>-"Oh I can't wait to hear more about this!"</olive> A student next to you whispers.
<pink>-"I can't relate to those women however, I have yet to meet a man who would meet my expectations in terms of cock size."</pink> Professor Kei bends down.
<pink>-"Most dicks can't even pass my cheeks."</pink> She laughs.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 25\sub2.jpg">
<b>-"Gulp.. Oh wow."</b>
<pink>-"However, if you are one of the blessed ones and have a cock worth of use, this lecture is for you!"</pink> The projector comes to life.
<olive>-"This is definitely for me then!"</olive>
<blue>-"Oh shut up, isn't your cock like 5 inches?"</blue>
<olive>-"So what? That's more than enough!"</olive>
<pink>-"Now now students, pay attention please!"</pink>
<<pageReplace"Listen to the professor.">>\
<pink>-"Ahem.. So, let's start off by talking about the easiest way to last longer!"</pink> She turns on some slides.
<pink>-"Numbing products! You don't even have to do any training, just put them on and you'll last longer that same night!"</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 25\sub9.jpg">
<b>-"Didn't even know they existed."</b>
<pink>-"This also has a benefit of making you feel absolutely nothing! So it's a perfect way for your partners to tease you!"</pink>
<b>-"I might have to buy some when I get the chance.."</b> You whisper.
<pink>-"Anyways, let's move on!"</pink> The slides change yet again.
<pink>-"There's a lot of research that suggests, doing kegels will improve your longevity in bed! How, you might wonder? That's our next topic!"</pink> You start to write down topic after topic that professor Kei talks about. After around an hour and a half of listening, the lecture comes to an end and the students begin to leave the adutitorium.
<b>-"Finally.."</b> You stand up with the others.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 25\sub3.jpg">
<pink>-"Oh and $name, please meet me at my table!"</pink> She shouts.
<blue>-"Ooooohhh, good luck buddy!"</blue> A student pats you on the back.
<b>-"H-hah, thanks.."</b> What could this be about?
<<pageReplace"Walk up to her.">>
<b>-"Here I am."</b> You say as you get to the front of the auditorium. The other students have left already.
<pink>-"Good, I have a favor to ask!"</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 25\sub4.jpeg">
<b>-"S-sure.. What do you need professor?"</b>
<pink>-"I need you to clean the floors of the class. We're holding a meeting here in a couple of hours and the cleaners are busy right now."</pink> She begins packing her things.
<b>-"What? I have other lectures you know.."</b>
<pink>-"This won't take longer than 30 minutes, you'll make it."</pink>
<pink>-"You'll do it for me, right? We've gotten so close the past couple of months.."</pink> She tires to pull on your heart strings.
<b>-"I.. I don't know. This would eat up my whole break."</b>
<pink>-"Ugh come on, I really need to get this done!"</pink>
<b>-"F-fine! But I want something in return..!"</b>
<pink>-"Of course you do. What is it?"</pink> Kei raises her left eyebrow and waits for your answer.
<<pageReplace"On second thought, I'm not doing it.">>\
<b>-"On second thought... I'm not doing it."</b>
<pink>-"What? But you just said.."</pink> You cut her off.
<b>-"I know, I know, I'm sorry! But I really have to go, today is a busy day for me!"</b>
<pink>-"Gosh you're annoying! Shit this ruins things.."</pink> Kei finishes packing.
<pink>-"Right, whatever, should have expected as much from a loser like you."</pink> She begins to walk towards the door.
<b>-"My bad.."</b> You follow her.
<pink>-"Mhm."</pink> She lets you go out first. After walking out herself, she locks the door and starts to walk away.
<pink>-"Gosh I hate these students.."</pink> You hear her mumble.
<b>-"Welp.. At least I won't miss my lunch!"</b>
<<set $keirelationship to 3>>
<grey>Professor Kei will remember this!</grey>
<<if $femstatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 25 fem]]
<<elseif $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 25 bnwo]]
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"I want a picture of your tits.">>
<b>-"I want a picture of your tits."</b> You announce, confidently.
<b>-"Y-you heard me! This will take a while so... A picture is what I want in return!"</b>
<pink>-"Gosh you're pathetic.. You've seen my tits before."</pink>
<b>-"I have.. But now I will have a picture!"</b>
<pink>-"Hmph, and that's your only request?"</pink>
<b>-"Yes ma'am.."</b>
<pink>-"Works for me then."</pink> She slowly takes off her sleeveless corset top, leaving just the bra on.
<pink>-"Just make sure my face isn't in it."</pink>
<b>-"O-of course!"</b> Kei slowly removes her bra, revealing her incredibly voluptuous, bare chest.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 25\sub6.png">
<b>-"Gulp.."</b> You stare at her, mesmerised.
<pink>-"Come on, snap away, I have places to be."</pink>
<<pageReplace"Take a picture">>
<<blink "Images/Events/random events/flash.gif" 350>>\
<<addToGallery "Lectures/lecture 25/sub6.png" "Kei">>\
<b>-"T-thank you miss Kei!"</b>
<pink>-"Hmph, my pleasure."</pink> She puts her clothes back on as you make sure the picture is in your gallery.
<pink>-"Right, well I have to go, make sure to do a good job, this is an important meeting!"</pink>
<b>-"Of course Professor!"</b> You say while you try to hide your boner.
<pink>-"The cleaning supplies are behind my desk, good luck!"</pink>
<b>-"Copy that!"</b> She takes her purse and walks out of the auditorium, closing the door behind her.
<b>-"Oh my God!!!! I can't believe I actually got a picture of her tits!"</b> You look at the image again.
<b>-"I'll have so much fun tonight.."</b> A spurt of pre cum stains your underwear as you look for the supplies.
<b>-"H-here they are.. The faster I'm done, the faster I can leave."</b> After putting on a pair of rubber gloves, you begin cleaning.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 25\sub8.gif">
<b>-"Huff.. Finally..."</b> After around 25 minutes, the floors are sparkly clean!
<b>-"Now that's what I call a job well done!"</b> You put the supplies back where you found them and take off the gloves.
<b>-"Time to head to my next lecture, it's about to start!"</b>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
<<set $keirelationship to 4>>
<grey>Professor Kei will remember this!</grey>
<<if $femstatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 25 fem]]
<<elseif $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 25 bnwo]]
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Go out with me.">>
<<set $goingoutwithkei to true>>\
<<todo "Plan the date with Kei">>\
<b>-"G-go out with me.."</b> You whisper.
<b>-"I said.. Go out with me!"</b>
<pink>-"Go out.. With you? Hahahahaha, why would I do that?!"</pink> She laughs.
<b>-"Come on professor.. No string attached, I'll take you out to eat somewhere fancy.."</b>
<pink>-"Hmph, where did this come from?"</pink>
<b>-"Nowehere.. I just have a little crush on you, that's all.."</b> You blush as your professor giggles once again.
<pink>-"Hah, most of my students do."</pink>
<b>-"So.. what will it be?"</b>
<pink>-"You know what.."</pink> She squints her eyes.
<pink>-"Fine, this is far too intriguing not to pursue, even as a joke. I've never been asked out by a student before, your confidence is admirable."</pink> She smiles.
<b>-"R-really?! Oh my God! I won't let you down professor!"</b>
<pink>-"Hmph, we'll see about that, pet. I expect you to plan everything though, I'll show up with nothing."</pink> She takes her purse and throws it over her shoulder.
<b>-"Of course! When are you free?"</b>
<pink>-"I'm free during the evening after our next lecture. You know how to contact me."</pink> She begins to walk towards the door.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 25\sub7.jpg">
<pink>-"Don't disappoint me $name!"</pink>
<b>-"I won't! Trust me!"</b> She exists the auditorium.
<b>-"Oh my God!!!! I can't believe she's actually going out with me!"</b> You look down at your crotch.
<b>-"S-shit.. Already hard as a brick.."</b> A spurt of pre cum stains your underwear as you look for the supplies.
<b>-"H-here they are.. The faster I'm done, the faster I can leave."</b> After putting on a pair of rubber gloves, you begin cleaning.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 25\sub8.gif">
<b>-"Huff.. Finally..."</b> After around 25 minutes, the floors are sparkly clean!
<b>-"Now that's what I call a job well done!"</b> You put the supplies back where you found them and take off the gloves.
<b>-"Time to head to my next lecture, it's about to start!"</b>
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
<<set $keirelationship to 5>>
<grey>Professor Kei will remember this!</grey>
<<if $femstatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 25 fem]]
<<elseif $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 25 bnwo]]
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>><<lecture "Feminization class" "Ways to pleasure your new body.">>
<b>-"Wow she's pretty.."</b> You think as you enter the auditorium. Professor Lana isn't wearing anything else, but lingerie.
<emily>-"Good evening! There's quite a bit of you today!"</emily> She turns to the class while you search for your seat.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 25\fem1.jpg">
<emily>-"This lecture will be about your new bodies and how to pleasure them!"</emily>
<emily>-"I know we talked about this before, but this time, we'll go over some... Unconditional methods."</emily>
<b>-"Hmmm.. Interesting."</b> You pull our your notebook.
<emily>-"Let's start off with something mild... Anal! You've all heard of it, most of you have tried it by now."</emily> She turns on the projector.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 25\fem3.webp">
<emily>-"But eventually, at least for some, this might become... Unfulfilling."</emily>
<emily>-"That's when you turn to more unpopular ways... As an example, we'll use self milking!"</emily> Professor Lana shows another video.
<b>-"O-oh.. Wow.."</b>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 25\fem2.webp">
<blue>-"That's so weird.."</blue> A student next to you whispers.
<emily>-"Now now students, it might seem a little unusual, but this is a safe place for all of us and we can't kink shame anyone!"</emily>
<emily>-"This is just another way for you to relieve yourself, if you don't like it - don't do it, however as a teacher of this class, I have to tell you what it is."</emily>
<b>-"Hmph.."</b> You write everything down as she yaps. The lecture goes on like this for another hour or two. She shows everyone different methods girls like you use to get off, you like some, others - not so much.
<emily>-"And that'll be it, you're free to go!"</emily> She shouts as the lecture comes to an end.
<olive>-"Huuuu, finally!"</olive>
<blue>-"I know right.. Felt like it took ages!"</blue>
<emily>-"Oh and $name, please come to the front of the class for a quick chat!"</emily>
<b>-"Oh..? What could this be about?"</b> You wonder as you walk towards the professor as the students leave the auditorium.
<<pageReplace"Ask her what she wants.">>\
<b>-"You called professor?"</b> You meet Lana at her desk.
<emily>-"Yes $name, thank you for coming."</emily>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 25\fem4.jpg">
<b>-"Did I do something wrong?"</b>
<emily>-"No no no, nothing like that haha!"</emily> She laughs as you smile in relief.
<emily>-"Just wanted to.. congratulate you I guess. You've changed, you look nothing like you did when you first came here!"</emily>
<b>-"Thank you... It's been a long couple of months!"</b>
<emily>-"I've had my doubts, if a transfer student could... Well, no pun intended, transition, or even understand the material we're teaching."</emily>
<emily>-"But you've exceeded my expectations! Of course, you have a long way to go, but you've made incredible progress!"</emily>
<b>-"T-thank you once again professor.. This truly means a lot to me."</b>
<emily>-"Speaking of, how do you feel in your new body?"</emily>
<b>-"How do I feel?"</b>
<b>-"I feel great! Have nothing to really complain about, I guess."</b>
<emily>-"Well that's great to hear! And your girlfriend, how did she react?"</emily>
<b>-"Didn't seem to mind to be honest! Just brushed the news off, like she usually does."</b>
<emily>-"Hmph, well, as long as you're still together, I guess she's okay with it!"</emily>
<<if $brokeupwithemily == true>>\
<b>-"Well, about that.. We're not really dating anymore.."</b>
<emily>-"Oh.. How so? You think it was your transition?"</emily>
<b>-"Probably not... It's a long story, I rather wouldn't get into it."</b>
<b>-"True! Still feel like we love each other to death, so it's okay!"</b>
<emily>-"Well isn't that nice to hear!"</emily> She smiles.
<emily>-"Anyways, keep it up! A couple more months and operations later, I trust that you'll have a body like mine in no time!"</emily>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 25\fem5.jpg">
<b>-"I hope so too professor Lana!"</b> You throw your backpack over your shoulder.
<emily>-"See you around $name, good luck!"</emily>
<b>-"You as well!"</b> You begin walking out of the auditorium with a big smile on your face.
<b>-"Well that was nice..."</b>
<<set $feminization to $feminization +1>>
<emily>Feminization +1!</emily>
<<if $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 25 bnwo]]
[[Leave the University->Go outside]]
<b>-"Pretty confused... Don't really know how to feel about the changes yet."</b>
<emily>-"Well.. Your body changed pretty quickly, maybe your mind needs to catch up?"</emily>
<b>-"I guess so.."<b>
<emily>-"Don't worry $name, it's a normal part of the process, trust me."</emily> She pats your shoulder.
<b>-"Thank you miss Lana."</b>
<emily>-"No need. Anyways, how did your girlfriend react?"</emily>
<b>-"To the changes?"</b>
<b>-"Didn't seem to mind to be honest! Just brushed the news off, like she usually does."</b>
<emily>-"Hmph, well, as long as you're still together, I guess she's okay with it!"</emily>
<<if $brokeupwithemily == true>>\
<b>-"Well, about that.. We're not really dating anymore.."</b>
<emily>-"Oh.. How so? You think it was your transition?"</emily>
<b>-"Probably not... It's a long story, I rather wouldn't get into it."</b>
<b>-"True! Still feel like we love each other to death, so it's okay!"</b>
<emily>-"Well isn't that nice to hear!"</emily> She smiles.
<emily>-"Anyways, keep it up! A couple more months and operations later, I trust that you'll have a body like mine in no time!"</emily>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 25\fem5.jpg">
<b>-"I hope so too professor Lana! Thank you for cheering me up!"</b> You throw your backpack over your shoulder.
<emily>-"See you around $name, good luck!"</emily>
<b>-"You as well!"</b> You begin walking out of the auditorium.
<b>-"Well that was nice..."</b>
<<set $feminization to $feminization +1>>
<emily>Feminization +1!</emily>
<<if $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 25 bnwo]]
[[Leave the University->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Pretty bad.">>
<b>-"Pretty bad... Been really regretting these choices."</b>
<emily>-"Well.. Your body changed pretty quickly, maybe your mind needs to catch up?"</emily>
<b>-"I don't know.. I just don't feel like myself anymore."<b>
<emily>-"Well, as much as I hate to say this, I think it's a bit late to turn back completely."</emily> She pats your shoulder.
<emily>-"I genuinly think you just need time. Time and relaxation."</emily>
<b>-"Thank you miss Lana... Maybe you're right."</b>
<emily>-"No need. I presume your girlfriend reacted negatively?"</emily>
<b>-"To the changes?"</b>
<b>-"Didn't seem to mind to be honest! Just brushed the news off, like she usually does."</b>
<emily>-"Hmph, well, as long as you're still together, I guess she's okay with it!"</emily>
<<if $brokeupwithemily == true>>\
<b>-"Well, about that.. We're not really dating anymore.."</b>
<emily>-"Oh.. How so? You think it was your transition?"</emily>
<b>-"Probably not... It's a long story, I rather wouldn't get into it."</b>
<b>-"True! Still feel like we love each other to death, so it's okay!"</b>
<emily>-"Well isn't that nice to hear!"</emily> She smiles.
<emily>-"Anyways, just don't do anything drastic and let your mind rest a bit. Everything is completely new to you, I understand. You need time to get to grips with your new reality."</emily>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 25\fem5.jpg">
<b>-"I think so too.. Thank you, once again. I really needed this talk."</b> You throw your backpack over your shoulder.
<emily>-"See you around $name, good luck!"</emily>
<b>-"You as well!"</b> You begin walking out of the auditorium.
<b>-"Damn.. Maybe I should get a therapist."</b>
<<if $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 25 bnwo]]
[[Leave the University->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>><<lecture "BNWO class" "The IBWO representative speech.">>
<<if $beentotheheadquarterstemp == true>>\
<b>-"Oh.. It's Jenna!"</b> You think while entering the auditorium. Today is the day that an IBWO representative is supposed to give a speech to the whole class.. However, you didn't think it would be Jenna!
<pink>-"So, you're ready?"</pink> Jia asks her as you find your seat.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 25\bnwo2.jpg">
<m>-"Sure am honey."</m> Jenna sits down.
<b>-"Let's see what she has to say.."</b> You sit down and open your notebook.
<b>-"Hmmm.. Now that I think about it, she is the public relations specialist... So it makes sense she would be here."</b>
<pink>-"A-ahem! Students, I proudly introduce the woman you will be listening to today. She is the representative I talked about before.. Please meet, the IBWO public relations specialist - Jenna!"</pink> Jia announces.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 25\bnwo1.jpg">
<grey>Clap Clap! WooooOO! Clap Clap!</grey>
<b>-"..."</b> The class errupts in applause. You follow suit.
<m>-"Thank you, thank you."</m> Jenna lays back in her chair.
<m>-"I appreciate you all having me here, hopefully you will learn something new today and perhaps even become an active ally!"</m>
<blue>-"Oh wow... She's hot!"</blue> A student whispers.
<pink>-"The floor is yours!"</pink> Professor Jia moves to the side.
<<pageReplace"Listen to her speech.">>\
<m>-"Well, some of you might be wondering what I'm doing here? After all, the IBWO is a very secrative and scary orginization.. Right?"</m> She says, sarcastically, as the projector comes to life.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\t3.webp">
<b>-"Jia sure made it seem that way.."</b> You chuckle silently.
<m>-"I'm here to tell you, that that's not true! We're here, same as any other non profit orginization, to improve the life of this countries citizens!"</m> She picks up a marker and starts to fidget with it.
<m>-"Our mission, is to do this by making everyones genes better, stronger and fitter!"</m>
<blue>-"G-genes? What do you mean?"</blue> A student asks.
<m>-"Interracial breeding, that's what I mean! Combining the genes of beautiful, voluptuous women like myself, with the genes of muscular... Fit.. Black men.."</m> Jenna licks the marker, while looking straight at the class.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 25\bnwo3.jpg">
<olive>-"W-where do we come into play though?"</olive> Another student asks.
<olive>-"Yeah.. I don't fit that discription.."</olive>
<m>-"We have a use for you in our new world order, don't worry. Everyone has a place and a role they'll play, when this becomes mainstream!"</m>
<b>-"Gulp.."</b> You're already getting a boner!
<m>-"Before we talk about that though, let's just go over some differences between guys like... You... And the incredible specimen of human nature, that is the black male!"</m> Jenna grins as switches to a picture.
<<pageReplace"Take a look.">>\
<m>-"Take a look at the muscle, at the pure stature of this man."</m> You take a glance at the images shown.
<b>-"Oh wow... H-he's so.. Muscular."</b>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 25\bnwo4.jpeg">
<m>-"They're naturally more resilient, muscular.. Masculine."</m> You look around the class, everyone seems to be completely mesmerised by the photo.
<pink>-"Incredible.."</pink> You hear Jia whisper as she watches from a far.
<m>-"And of course, their cock size is incomparable to white boys."</m> She clicks the projectors remote.
<b>-"So big.."</b>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 25\bnwo7.webp">
<m>-"Now that we understand why their genes and bodies are superior, let's talk about how we must serve them."</m>
<adriana>-"Gosh their cocks are so big.."</adriana> A student next to you whispers, as you watch her slowly lower her hand towards her crotch.
<m>-"As a female ally, at first you will be intrusted with "relieving" tasks, like blowjobs, handjobs and the like."</m>
<m>-"This will show your understanding of their superiority and the want to help them instate the new world order."</m>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 25\bnwo11.webp">
<adriana>-"MhhmmmMmmm.."</adriana> You hear a quiet voice to your right.
<b>-"N-no way.. Is she actually..?"</b>
<<pageReplace"Turn and take a look.">>
<adriana>-"S-shitTtt.. Mghhhh.."</adriana> The student next to you continues to moan as you take a look.
<b>-"Oh my God.."</b> Your cock throbs at the sigh of her masturbating.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 25\bnwo9.webp">
<b>-"Wow.."</b> You quickly look away, before she could catch you.
<m>-"However, after you go through our full training program and after receiving the mark, your main task will be to breed."</m>
<blue>-"T-the mark?"</blue>
<m>-"Yes, a tattoo, showing everyone that you're a queen of spades."</m>
<b>-"So hot.."</b> She shows yet another video.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 25\bnwo14.webp">
<m>-"Of course, as I said, everyone has a place in this new reality, including white boys!"</m>
<m>-"Your role will be to support your loved ones in their transitional period and training."</m>
<adriana>-"NghHhhh.. Y-yeshhh.."</adriana>
<m>-"This includes, but is not limited to - moving her hair out of the way as she pleasures a black cock, holding her hand as she gets the tattoo, pleasuring her orally as she's getting bred."</m>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 25\bnwo8.webp">
<m>-"As you can see, nobody will left out! Everyone will have better lives than now!"</m>
<<pageReplace"Maybe she's right..">>\
<b>-"M-maybe she's right.."</b>
<m>-"So please, join us on our journey to make the world a better place, by becoming a part of the IBWO today!"</m> She plays one last video.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 25\bnwo10.webp">
<adriana>-"MgHhh... Y-yeah!!"</adriana> The whole class begins to clap, you follow suit.
<pink>-"What an incredible speech, ain't that right students?"</pink> Jia stands up. You notice a stain on her crotch, it seems like the images really turned her on.
<pink>-"So Jenna, before you go, please share with the students how they're supposed to join!"</pink>
<m>-"Sure thing! Just contact us on any of our social media platforms! We already have over a million followers, so we're very easy to find!"</m>
<m>-"The training is free, white boys will be asked to pay reparations however. They aren't mandatory, but will make the orginization a lot more interested in you."</m>
<m>-"For more details, you can ask some of your fellow students. A couple of them are already allies."</m> She looks at you.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 25\bnwo6.jpg">
<blue>-"Really..? I wonder who they are."</blue> Another student whispers.
<m>-"Anyways, thank you for listening to my speech! As I said, if you want to join us, please send us a message!"</m>
<pink>-"Give it up for Jenna everybody!"</pink> The class errupts in applause again as she gathers her things.
<m>-"Have a great afternoon everyone!"</m> Jenna begins to walk out of the auditorium as the clapping slowly subsides.
<pink>-"And that's todays lecture everyone! Hope you enjoyed it!"</pink>
<b>-"Sure did.."</b>
<pink>-"I think the IBWO has decided to go mainstream, because I don't remember the last time they sent out representatives to speak on the behalf of the orginization."</pink> Jia smiles.
<pink>-"Which is good! The whole world should know about it, am I right?"</pink>
<pink>-"Hmph, good! You're free to go students, thank you for showing up."</pink> You pick up your stuff and leave the auditorium with the rest of the students. It's been a long, but an informative lecture.
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo +1>>
<grey>BNWO +1!</grey>
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<a>She's obviously brainwashed..</a>
<b>-"Oh.. Who's this?"</b> You think while entering the auditorium. There's a woman standing next to Jia that you've never seen before. You suddenly remember that today is the day that an IBWO representative is supposed to give a speech to the whole class..
<pink>-"So, you're ready?"</pink> Jia asks her as you find your seat.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 25\bnwo2.jpg">
<m>-"Sure am honey."</m> The woman sits down.
<b>-"Let's see what she has to say.."</b> You sit down and open your notebook.
<pink>-"A-ahem! Students, I proudly introduce the woman you will be listening to today. She is the representative I talked about before.. Please meet, the IBWO public relations specialist - Jenna!"</pink> Jia announces.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 25\bnwo1.jpg">
<grey>Clap Clap! WooooOO! Clap Clap!</grey>
<b>-"..."</b> The class errupts in applause. You follow suit.
<m>-"Thank you, thank you."</m> Jenna lays back in her chair.
<m>-"I appreciate you all having me here, hopefully you will learn something new today and perhaps even become an active ally!"</m>
<blue>-"Oh wow... She's hot!"</blue> A student whispers.
<b>-"Sure is.."</b>
<pink>-"The floor is yours!"</pink> Professor Jia moves to the side.
<<pageReplace"Listen to her speech.">>\
<m>-"Well, some of you might be wondering what I'm doing here? After all, the IBWO is a very secrative and scary orginization.. Right?"</m> She says, sarcastically, as the projector comes to life.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\t3.webp">
<b>-"Jia sure made it seem that way.."</b> You chuckle silently.
<m>-"I'm here to tell you, that that's not true! We're here, same as any other non profit orginization, to improve the life of this countries citizens!"</m> She picks up a marker and starts to fidget with it.
<m>-"Our mission, is to do this by making everyones genes better, stronger and fitter!"</m>
<blue>-"G-genes? What do you mean?"</blue> A student asks.
<m>-"Interracial breeding, that's what I mean! Combining the genes of beautiful, voluptuous women like myself, with the genes of muscular... Fit.. Black men.."</m> Jenna licks the marker, while looking straight at the class.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 25\bnwo3.jpg">
<olive>-"W-where do we come into play though?"</olive> Another student asks.
<olive>-"Yeah.. I don't fit that discription.."</olive>
<m>-"We have a use for you in our new world order, don't worry. Everyone has a place and a role they'll play, when this becomes mainstream!"</m>
<b>-"Gulp.."</b> You're already getting a boner!
<m>-"Before we talk about that though, let's just go over some differences between guys like... You... And the incredible specimen of human nature, that is the black male!"</m> Jenna grins as switches to a picture.
<<pageReplace"Take a look.">>\
<m>-"Take a look at the muscle, at the pure stature of this man."</m> You take a glance at the images shown.
<b>-"Oh wow... H-he's so.. Muscular."</b>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 25\bnwo4.jpeg">
<m>-"They're naturally more resilient, muscular.. Masculine."</m> You look around the class, everyone seems to be completely mesmerised by the photo.
<pink>-"Incredible.."</pink> You hear Jia whisper as she watches from a far.
<m>-"And of course, their cock size is incomparable to white boys."</m> She clicks the projectors remote.
<b>-"So big.."</b>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 25\bnwo7.webp">
<m>-"Now that we understand why their genes and bodies are superior, let's talk about how we must serve them."</m>
<adriana>-"Gosh their cocks are so big.."</adriana> A student next to you whispers, as you watch her slowly lower her hand towards her crotch.
<m>-"As a female ally, at first you will be intrusted with "relieving" tasks, like blowjobs, handjobs and the like."</m>
<m>-"This will show your understanding of their superiority and the want to help them instate the new world order."</m>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 25\bnwo11.webp">
<adriana>-"MhhmmmMmmm.."</adriana> You hear a quiet voice to your right.
<b>-"N-no way.. Is she actually..?"</b>
<<pageReplace"Turn and take a look.">>
<adriana>-"S-shitTtt.. Mghhhh.."</adriana> The student next to you continues to moan as you take a look.
<b>-"Oh my God.."</b> Your cock throbs at the sigh of her masturbating.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 25\bnwo9.webp">
<b>-"Wow.."</b> You quickly look away, before she could catch you.
<m>-"However, after you go through our full training program and after receiving the mark, your main task will be to breed."</m>
<blue>-"T-the mark?"</blue>
<m>-"Yes, a tattoo, showing everyone that you're a queen of spades."</m>
<b>-"So hot.."</b> She shows yet another video.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 25\bnwo14.webp">
<m>-"Of course, as I said, everyone has a place in this new reality, including white boys!"</m>
<m>-"Your role will be to support your loved ones in their transitional period and training."</m>
<adriana>-"NghHhhh.. Y-yeshhh.."</adriana>
<m>-"This includes, but is not limited to - moving her hair out of the way as she pleasures a black cock, holding her hand as she gets the tattoo, pleasuring her orally as she's getting bred."</m>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 25\bnwo8.webp">
<m>-"As you can see, nobody will left out! Everyone will have better lives than now!"</m>
<<pageReplace"Maybe she's right..">>\
<b>-"M-maybe she's right.."</b>
<m>-"So please, join us on our journey to make the world a better place, by becoming a part of the IBWO today!"</m> She plays one last video.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 25\bnwo10.webp">
<adriana>-"MgHhh... Y-yeah!!"</adriana> The whole class begins to clap, you follow suit.
<pink>-"What an incredible speech, ain't that right students?"</pink> Jia stands up. You notice a stain on her crotch, it seems like the images really turned her on.
<pink>-"So Jenna, before you go, please share with the students how they're supposed to join!"</pink>
<m>-"Sure thing! Just contact us on any of our social media platforms! We already have over a million followers, so we're very easy to find!"</m>
<m>-"The training is free, white boys will be asked to pay reparations however. They aren't mandatory, but will make the orginization a lot more interested in you."</m>
<m>-"For more details, you can ask some of your fellow students. A couple of them are already allies."</m> She looks at the girl next to you.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 25\bnwo6.jpg">
<blue>-"Really..? I wonder who they are."</blue> Another student whispers.
<m>-"Anyways, thank you for listening to my speech! As I said, if you want to join us, please send us a message!"</m>
<pink>-"Give it up for Jenna everybody!"</pink> The class errupts in applause again as she gathers her things.
<m>-"Have a great afternoon everyone!"</m> Jenna begins to walk out of the auditorium as the clapping slowly subsides.
<pink>-"And that's todays lecture everyone! Hope you enjoyed it!"</pink>
<b>-"Sure did.."</b>
<pink>-"I think the IBWO has decided to go mainstream, because I don't remember the last time they sent out representatives to speak on the behalf of the orginization."</pink> Jia smiles.
<pink>-"Which is good! The whole world should know about it, am I right?"</pink>
<pink>-"Hmph, good! You're free to go students, thank you for showing up."</pink> You pick up your stuff and leave the auditorium with the rest of the students. It's been a long, but an informative lecture.
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo +1>>
<grey>BNWO +1!</grey>
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<a>She's obviously brainwashed..</a>
<</if>><<set $goingoutwithkei2 to true>>\
<<todoCompleted "Plan the date with Kei">>\
<b>-"I still can't believe Professor Kei actually agreed to go out with me!"</b> You think as you lay in bed.
<b>-"I've always looked up to her and now I finally have a chance to prove it!"</b>
<b>-"Our date is next week, let's be productive though and plan it today.."</b> You open your phone and go on google maps.
<b>-"First, we're going out to eat, so let's find a restaurant I could take her to."</b>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 25\subdateplan1.png">
<b>-"Hmmmm.. No... Too expensive.."</b>
<b>-"Definitely not, we're not getting pizza.."</b>
<b>-"No, looks too old."</b> After around 10 minutes of looking, you find two restaurants that interest you.
<b>-"Viet Kitchen looks nice.. And it's not too expensive! I think it's a pretty good place for a first date!"</b> You look at the pictures of the restaurant again.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 25\subdateplan3.jpg">
<b>-"It does not look formal at all though.."</b>
<b>-"Smak looks a lot more fancy, but it's really expensive.."</b>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 25\subdateplan2.jpg">
<b>-"From their menus I can tell that I would spend around 50$ if we eat at Viet Kitchen, and about 200$ if we eat at Smak."</b>
<b>-"Can't ask her which one she would prefer, she said she just wants to show up.."</b>
<<pageReplace"Pick Viet Kitchen">>\
<<set $keilocationdate to false>>\
<b>-"Eh, it's our first date, I think the cheaper option is better."</b> You save the link to the restaurant in your notes app.
<b>-"Now, transportation. I could take my car, but gas is really expensive these days.."</b>
<b>-"I know that Kei has a car... Maybe I should take a bus and tell her to drive there herself?"</b>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 25\subdateplan4.png">
<b>-"Should only take me around 15 minutes to get to both restaurants by bus."</b>
<b>-"She probably wants to be picked up though.."</b>
<b>-"Hmmm.. Choices, choices choices."</b>
<<pageReplace"Pick her up in your car.">>
<<set $keitransportationdate to true>>\
<b>-"Car it is. I'm already picking the less expensive restaurant, don't want to cheap out completely!"</b>
<b>-"And that's about it I think.. I'll just have to pick out some nice clothes next Wednesday, because I know she'll notice!"</b>
<b>-"Let's give her a text and tell her the details."</b>
<<pageReplace"Message Kei">>
<b>-"Car it is. I'm already picking the less expensive restaurant, don't want to cheap out completely!"</b>
<b>-"And that's about it I think.. I'll just have to pick out some nice clothes next Wednesday, because I know she'll notice!"</b>
<b>-"Let's give her a text and tell her the details."</b>
<b>-"I better finish this conversation before I move on."</b> You think as you put down the phone.
<<message "Kei" "Sub 25 date planning message" "Hey! How's your day going? :)" open>>\
<<pageReplace"Take the bus.">>
<<set $keitransportationdate to false>>\
<b>-"Eh, I'll just take the bus, she has the car for a reason."</b>
<b>-"And that's about it I think.. I'll just have to pick out some nice clothes next Wednesday, because I know she'll notice!"</b>
<b>-"Let's give her a text and tell her the details."</b>
<<pageReplace"Message Kei">>
<b>-"Eh, I'll just take the bus, she has the car for a reason."</b>
<b>-"And that's about it I think.. I'll just have to pick out some nice clothes next Wednesday, because I know she'll notice!"</b>
<b>-"Let's give her a text and tell her the details."</b>
<b>-"I better finish this conversation before I move on."</b> You think as you put down the phone.
<<message "Kei" "Sub 25 date planning message" "Hey! How's your day going? :)" open>>\
<<pageReplace"Pick Smak">>\
<<set $keilocationdate to true>>\
<b>-"It's our first date, I need to impress her! Smak it is."</b> You save the link to the restaurant in your notes app.
<b>-"Now, transportation. I could take my car, but gas is really expensive these days.."</b>
<b>-"I know that Kei has a car... Maybe I should take a bus and tell her to drive there herself?"</b>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 25\subdateplan4.png">
<b>-"Should only take me around 15 minutes to get to both restaurants by bus."</b>
<b>-"She probably wants to be picked up though.."</b>
<b>-"Hmmm.. Choices, choices choices."</b>
<<pageReplace"Pick her up in your car.">>
<<set $keitransportationdate to true>>\
<b>-"Car it is. Can't ask her out to fancy restaurant and not even pick her up!"</b>
<b>-"And that's about it I think.. I'll just have to pick out some nice clothes next Wednesday, because I know she'll notice!"</b>
<b>-"Let's give her a text and tell her the details."</b>
<<pageReplace"Message Kei">>
<b>-"Car it is. Can't ask her out to fancy restaurant and not even pick her up!"</b>
<b>-"And that's about it I think.. I'll just have to pick out some nice clothes next Wednesday, because I know she'll notice!"</b>
<b>-"Let's give her a text and tell her the details."</b>
<b>-"I better finish this conversation before I move on."</b> You think as you put down the phone.
<<message "Kei" "Sub 25 date planning message" "Hey! How's your day going? :)" open>>\
<<pageReplace"Take the bus.">>
<<set $keitransportationdate to false>>\
<b>-"Eh, I'll just take the bus. Already spending so much on the restaurant, let's save some money on gas."</b>
<b>-"And that's about it I think.. I'll just have to pick out some nice clothes next Wednesday, because I know she'll notice!"</b>
<b>-"Let's give her a text and tell her the details."</b>
<<pageReplace"Message Kei">>
<b>-"Eh, I'll just take the bus. Already spending so much on the restaurant, let's save some money on gas."</b>
<b>-"And that's about it I think.. I'll just have to pick out some nice clothes next Wednesday, because I know she'll notice!"</b>
<b>-"Let's give her a text and tell her the details."</b>
<b>-"I better finish this conversation before I move on."</b> You think as you put down the phone.
<<message "Kei" "Sub 25 date planning message" "Hey! How's your day going? :)" open>>\
<<messengerHeader Kei>>
<<if $keitransportationdate == false and $keilocationdate == false>>
<<messageReply "Hey!">>
<<me>>Hey! How's your day going? 😊<</me>>
<<them wait>>What is this?<</them>>
<<them wait>>Don't think we're all lovey dovey because I gave you a chance<</them>>
<<them wait>>What do you want?<</them>>
<<messageReply "I planned our date!">>
<<me>>I planned a date! You want the details, no?<</me>>
<<them wait>>... Fine<</them>>
<<them wait>>But be quick, I'm at the gym.<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Lectures/lecture 25/subdateplan5.jpg" gallery "Kei">><</them>>
<<messageReply "Tell her the details.">>
<<me>>Well.. We're going to eat at Viet Kitchen! I think it's perfect for a first date!<</me>>
<<me>><<image "Lectures/lecture 25/subdateplan7.jpg">><</me>>
<<them wait>>Well... Not my type of place, but alright.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Where is it?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Send her the address.">>
<<me>>Götgatan 78, 118. You'll have to get there yourself though, I'm taking the bus.<</me>>
<<them wait>><<image "Lectures/lecture 25/subdateplan8.jpg" gallery "Kei">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Are you serious?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Yeah..">>
<<me>>Yeah... What's wrong? You have a car, no?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Why do I even bother..<</them>>
<<them wait>>Yeah whatever, fine, I'll get there myself.<</them>>
<<them wait>>But at least pay for my meal, be a gentleman.<</them>>
<div id="choices">
<<messageReplyReplace "Of course!" #choices>>
<<me>>Of course! I got the bill covered.<</me>>
<<them wait>>That's good at least...<</them>>
<<them wait>>Alright, thanks for the news, I'll be there next Wednesday.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Have a great workout!">>
<<me>>Have a great workout!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Mhm, thanks.<</them>>
<<goto "room">>
<<todo "Go on a date with Professor Kei next Wednesday">>
<grey>Kei will remember this!</grey>
<<messageReplyReplace "We'll see." #choices>>
<<me>>We'll see... You know, gender equality is getting pretty popular 😆<</me>>
<<them wait>>Yeah I can tell this isn't going to work...<</them>>
<<them wait>>But fuck it, I'll just treat this as me taking myself out.<</them>>
<<them wait>>I'll be there next Wednesday.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Have a great workout!">>
<<me>>Have a great workout!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Mhm, thanks.<</them>>
<<goto "room">>
<<todo "Go on a date with Professor Kei next Wednesday">>
<<set $keirelationship to $keirelationship -1>>
<grey>Kei will remember this!</grey>
<<elseif $keitransportationdate == true and $keilocationdate == false>>
<<messageReply "Hey!">>
<<me>>Hey! How's your day going? 😊<</me>>
<<them wait>>What is this?<</them>>
<<them wait>>Don't think we're all lovey dovey because I gave you a chance<</them>>
<<them wait>>What do you want?<</them>>
<<messageReply "I planned our date!">>
<<me>>I planned a date! You want the details, no?<</me>>
<<them wait>>... Fine<</them>>
<<them wait>>But be quick, I'm at the gym.<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Lectures/lecture 25/subdateplan5.jpg" gallery "Kei">><</them>>
<<messageReply "Tell her the details.">>
<<me>>Well.. We're going to eat at Viet Kitchen! I think it's perfect for a first date!<</me>>
<<me>><<image "Lectures/lecture 25/subdateplan7.jpg">><</me>>
<<them wait>>Well... Not my type of place, but alright.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Where is it?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Send her the address.">>
<<me>>Götgatan 78, 118. I'll pick you up though, so you don't have to worry.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Wow... That's nice at least.<</them>>
<<them wait>>You'll pay for my meal too, right?<</them>>
<div id="choices">
<<messageReplyReplace "Of course!" #choices>>
<<me>>Of course! I got the bill covered.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Hmph.. Good!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Alright, thanks for the news, I'll be waiting for you next Wednesday then.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Have a great workout!">>
<<me>>Have a great workout!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Thank you. 😊<</them>>
<<goto "room">>
<<todo "Go on a date with Professor Kei next Wednesday">>
<<set $keirelationship to $keirelationship +2>>
<grey>Kei will remember this!</grey>
<<messageReplyReplace "We'll see." #choices>>
<<me>>We'll see... You know, gender equality is getting pretty popular 😆<</me>>
<<them wait>><<image "Lectures/lecture 25/subdateplan8.jpg" gallery "Kei">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Gosh you sound pathetic, I can tell you don't know how to treat a lady.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Whatever... I'll be there next Wednesday.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Have a great workout!">>
<<me>>Have a great workout!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Thanks.<</them>>
<<goto "room">>
<<todo "Go on a date with Professor Kei next Wednesday">>
<<set $keirelationship to $keirelationship +1>>
<grey>Kei will remember this!</grey>
<<elseif $keitransportationdate == false and $keilocationdate == true>>
<<messageReply "Hey!">>
<<me>>Hey! How's your day going? 😊<</me>>
<<them wait>>What is this?<</them>>
<<them wait>>Don't think we're all lovey dovey because I gave you a chance<</them>>
<<them wait>>What do you want?<</them>>
<<messageReply "I planned our date!">>
<<me>>I planned a date! You want the details, no?<</me>>
<<them wait>>... Fine<</them>>
<<them wait>>But be quick, I'm at the gym.<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Lectures/lecture 25/subdateplan5.jpg" gallery "Kei">><</them>>
<<messageReply "Tell her the details.">>
<<me>>Well.. We're going to eat at Smak! Fancy restaurant for a fancy lady ❤️<</me>>
<<me>><<image "Lectures/lecture 25/subdateplan6.jpg">><</me>>
<<them wait>>Wow... Never been there, good choice.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Where is it?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Send her the address.">>
<<me>>Götgatan 78, 118. You'll have to get there yourself though, I'm taking the bus.<</me>>
<<them wait>><<image "Lectures/lecture 25/subdateplan8.jpg" gallery "Kei">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Are you serious?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Yeah..">>
<<me>>Yeah... What's wrong? You have a car, no?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Why do I even bother..<</them>>
<<them wait>>Yeah whatever, fine, I'll get there myself.<</them>>
<<them wait>>But at least pay for my meal, be a gentleman.<</them>>
<div id="choices">
<<messageReplyReplace "Of course!" #choices>>
<<me>>Of course! I got the bill covered.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Hmph.. Good!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Alright, thanks for the news, I'll be there next Wednesday.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Have a great workout!">>
<<me>>Have a great workout!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Thank you.<</them>>
<<goto "room">>
<<todo "Go on a date with Professor Kei next Wednesday">>
<<set $keirelationship to $keirelationship +2>>
<grey>Kei will remember this!</grey>
<<messageReplyReplace "We'll see." #choices>>
<<me>>We'll see... You know, gender equality is getting pretty popular 😆<</me>>
<<them wait>>Gosh you sound pathetic, I can tell you don't know how to treat a lady.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Whatever... I'll be there next Wednesday.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Have a great workout!">>
<<me>>Have a great workout!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Thanks.<</them>>
<<goto "room">>
<<todo "Go on a date with Professor Kei next Wednesday">>
<<set $keirelationship to $keirelationship +1>>
<grey>Kei will remember this!</grey>
<<elseif $keitransportationdate == true and $keilocationdate == true>>
<<messageReply "Hey!">>
<<me>>Hey! How's your day going? 😊<</me>>
<<them wait>>What is this?<</them>>
<<them wait>>Don't think we're all lovey dovey because I gave you a chance<</them>>
<<them wait>>What do you want?<</them>>
<<messageReply "I planned our date!">>
<<me>>I planned a date! You want the details, no?<</me>>
<<them wait>>... Fine<</them>>
<<them wait>>But be quick, I'm at the gym.<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Lectures/lecture 25/subdateplan5.jpg" gallery "Kei">><</them>>
<<messageReply "Tell her the details.">>
<<me>>Well.. We're going to eat at Smak! Fancy restaurant for a fancy lady ❤️<</me>>
<<me>><<image "Lectures/lecture 25/subdateplan6.jpg">><</me>>
<<them wait>>Wow... Never been there, good choice.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Where is it?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Send her the address.">>
<<me>>Götgatan 78, 118. I'll pick you up though, so you don't have to worry.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Wow... You thought of everything.. Good!<</them>>
<<them wait>>You'll pay for my meal too, right?<</them>>
<div id="choices">
<<messageReplyReplace "Of course!" #choices>>
<<me>>Of course! I got the bill covered.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Hmph.. You flatter me.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Alright, thanks for the news, I'll be waiting for you next Wednesday then.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Have a great workout!">>
<<me>>Have a great workout!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Thank you. 😊<</them>>
<<goto "room">>
<<todo "Go on a date with Professor Kei next Wednesday">>
<<set $keirelationship to $keirelationship +3>>
<grey>Kei will remember this!</grey>
<<messageReplyReplace "We'll see." #choices>>
<<me>>We'll see... You know, gender equality is getting pretty popular 😆<</me>>
<<them wait>>...That just ruined everything. It's obvious you don't know how to treat a lady.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Whatever... I'll be there next Wednesday.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Have a great workout!">>
<<me>>Have a great workout!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Thanks.<</them>>
<<set $keirelationship to $keirelationship +2>>
<grey>Kei will remember this!</grey>
<<goto "room">>
<<todo "Go on a date with Professor Kei next Wednesday">>
<</messengerChat>><<lecture "Domination class" "Pimping and how you can earn your fortune.">>
<pink>-"Good afternoon everyone! Thank you all for coming."</pink> Gina turns on the projector.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\dom1.png">
<pink>-"Today we're going to be talking about pimping! It's an incredible way to earn some cash by using the women under your control!"</pink>
<b>-"Pimping.. What's that?"</b> You think as you listen in.
<pink>-"Pimping, is the act of "renting" a woman that you have authority over, to people for money!"</pink>
<pink>-"So anyone with a big roster of submissive girls, this is for you!"</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\dom2.jpg">
<pink>-"I don't recommend pimping out your loved one however, but that's just my opinion."</pink>
<pink>-"Let's move to the first step of this operation.. Inspection!"</pink>
<<pageReplace"Start writing everything down.">>\
<b>-"Inspection.. Uh huh.."</b> You write down the name of the topic. This is one of the rare occasions when you're actually interested in hearing more.
<pink>-"You have to make sure your girls are properly.. Plumpy. Nobody wants to rent a board, or an obese chick!"</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\dom4.webp">
<b>-"Hah.. I mean I guess there's some truth to it."</b>
<pink>-"After making sure their outside appearance is competent, you need to inspect their insides as well."</pink>
<blue>-"Insides?"</blue> A student chuckles.
<pink>-"Yes Johnathan, insides."</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\dom3.webp">
<pink>-"You need to make sure the women are tight enough. Think about it this way - the faster she'll make a customer cum, the faster she can move on to the next one, so more money for you!"</pink>
<b>-"Sounds like prostitution.."</b> You think.
<b>-"Well.. I mean it's legal..."</b> You shrug your shoulders and write down everything she says.
<<pageReplace"Continue listening">>\
<pink>-"After that, it's time for pimping! If you dominated them properly, the women should be happy to please others, if you commanded them."</pink>
<b>-"Oh wow."</b> You whisper as professor Gina shows a video to the class.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\dom6.webp">
<pink>-"Pretty simple right!?"</pink>
<blue>-"Damn.. Might have to do this with some of mine."</blue> One of the students whispers.
<olive>-"Same here, I don't really like them anyways."</olive>
<blue>-"Ha, same!"</blue>
<pink>-"If you've done everything correctly, you'll be able to enjoy thousands of dollars a month for basically no work!"</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\dom7.webp">
<pink>-"Now let's talk about the management side of things for a little, because it's quite a bit more complicated."</pink> She spends the next 30 minutes talking about how to manage a business like this. Where to find girls and how to get them under your control.. Consensually of course.
<pink>-"That's it for today, you may now leave!"</pink> Gina announces as the students stand up and begin to pack their bags.
<pink>-"Oh and $name, meet me in front of the class for a quick chat!"</pink> You nod as begin packing your bag as well.
<<pageReplace"Meet her at the front.">>
<b>-"You wanted to see me?"</b>
<pink>-"Yes! Thank you for coming."</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\dom8.png">
<pink>-"I was wondering.. Will you be free after this lecture next week?"</pink>
<b>-"Same time as right now?"</b>
<pink>-"Yeah, just next week."</pink>
<b>-"Uhmmm, probably. Why?"</b>
<pink>-"Well.. I talked with our universities submissiveness professor, Miss Kei. Her next lecture is about cuckolding and how submissiveness students need to accept that their women sometimes want to experiment..."</pink>
<b>-"Okayyy.. Where do I come into this?"</b>
<pink>-"She wants some visuals and I agreed to help out! I need you to fuck me in front of their whole class as I reject them."</pink> She lays down.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\dom5.png">
<pink>-"I know, I know, it's a big ask.. But I already agreed to help!"</pink>
<b>-"I thought we were supposed to be hiding the fact that I'm fucking you? So other domination students would feel like they have a chance?"</b>
<pink>-"Don't worry, you'll be wearing a mask! Everything will be taken care of! I just need you to agree!"</pink>
<pink>-"Please $name, will you do this for me?"</pink> Gina stands up and places her hand on your chest.
<<pageReplace"Fuck it, why not.">>
<<set $ginafuckinginfrontofclass to true>>\
<b>-"Sigh... Fuck it, why not!"</b>
<pink>-"So you agree?!"</pink>
<b>-"I do."</b>
<pink>-"YiIiiiiIIEEE! I knew that you would! Thank you thank you thank you!!!"</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<pink>-"Next week then, after this lecture!"</pink>
<b>-"Hm, sure. Don't forget the mask."</b>
<pink>-"Sure and you don't forget your giant cock!"</pink> You chuckle and throw the backpack over your shoulder.
<b>-"I won't!"</b> You begin walking towards the door.
<pink>-"Until next week!"</pink>
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Hell no!">>
<<set $ginafuckinginfrontofclass to false>>\
<b>-"Hell no! What we do stays between us, I don't want to fuck you in front of others!"</b>
<pink>-"B-but you'll be with a mask.."</pink>
<b>-"I don't care.. That's still weird!"</b>
<pink>-"Sigh.. Fine, I understand."</pink>
<pink>-"I'll give her a call then, tell her that I can't help out."</pink>
<b>-"Good."</b> You throw the backpack over your shoulder.
<b>-"Until next week."</b> You begin walking towards the door.
<pink>-"Sure.."</pink> She says quietly.
<b>-"What a weird request.."</b>
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>><<lecture "Submissiveness class" "Findom and monetary submission.">>
<pink>-"Good afternoon students!"</pink> Professor Kei turns on the projector as you sit down.
<pink>-"Today we're going to be talking about findom! What it is, how it works and it's benefits!"</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\sub1.png">
<b>-"Interesting."</b> You write down the name of the topic into your notebook and begin listening.
<pink>-"Sometimes, it can be hard to keep track of your finances, when to spend, when to save, when to invest.."</pink>
<pink>-"Instead of worrying about all of that, why wouldn't you want to give control of your finances to someone more knowledgeable?"</pink> Kei smiles.
<pink>-"Findom takes worrying about money straight out of your life, you can relax knowing that everything is taken care of."</pink>
<b>-"When you put it like that.."</b>
<pink>-"On top of that, a competent mistress will even reward you for giving her your money."</pink> She begins showing the class videos.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\sub4.webp">
<pink>-"Look at this video for example. Both parties are as happy as they could be! Wouldn't you like to be in his place, huh?"</pink>
<<pageReplace"Continue to listen">>
<pink>-"Now, let's go over the proper way to hand your mistress the money."</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\sub3.webp">
<blue>-"P-proper way?"</blue>
<pink>-"Yes Justin, the proper way."</pink>
<pink>-"You can't just hand her your wallet and call it a day, you have to show that your submission is total and complete."</pink>
<blue>-"And how would we do that..?"</blue>
<pink>-"By crawling, of course."</pink> Professor Kei giggles and begins showing another video.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\sub2.webp">
<pink>-"Next on the agenda - how to ask your queen for some spending money!"</pink> Professor Kei spends the next hour or two going over everything related to findom. After the lecture finishes, you begin moving towards the door.
<<if $goingoutwithkei ==true>>\
<b>-"Oh wait.."</b> You remember something.. You're going out with Kei today!
<<pageReplace"Walk up to her.">>
<<set $professorkeidatetoday to true>>\
<<todoCompleted "Go on a date with Professor Kei next Wednesday">>\
<<todo "Get ready for your date.">>\
<b>-"H-hey Professor."</b> You say as you walk to her. Professor Kei is facing the board.
<pink>-"Hmph?"</pink> She turns her head.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\sub5.png">
<pink>-"Oh! $name, what's up?"</pink>
<b>-"Just checking in.. We're still going out tonight?"</b> You whisper as she smiles.
<pink>-"Of course! I assume you have some lectures after this one?"</pink>
<b>-"I do... But I'll be free in a couple of hours!"</b>
<pink>-"Great, I'll get ready in the mean time then."</pink> You nod and turn around.
<pink>-"But hey, rememember, you only have one chance, I was feeling generous when I said yes. Don't fuck it up."</pink>
<b>-"Of course Professor! I won't let you down!"</b>
<<if $femstatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 26 fem]]
<<elseif $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 26 bnwo]]
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<<if $femstatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 26 fem]]
<<elseif $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 26 bnwo]]
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>><<lecture "Feminization class" "Good toys to use before taking the big step.">>
<b>-"Damn that was delicious.."</b> You think as you enter the auditorium. You just ate your lunch.
<emily>-"Good afternoon."</emily> Lana says, without even looking at you.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\fem1.jpeg">
<emily>-"It seems like everyone is here... We can start then."</emily>
<b>-"Sigh.."</b> You sit down in front of your table and pull out your notes.
<emily>-"Today we're going to be talking about various toys you can use, so taking the big step is a bit easier!"</emily>
<pink>-"B-big step.. What do you mean?"</pink> A student asks.
<emily>-"I'm reffering to sex Susie. You'll eventually want to have some and it's going to seriously hurt if you're not ready!"</emily>
<b>-"Aren't toys we already use enough?"</b> You ask.
<emily>-"They're... Sufficient, but not ideal."</emily>
<emily>-"The toys we're going to be talking about today, look more like this."</emily> She takes out a buttplug out of her drawer and shows it to the class.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\fem2.webp">
<emily>-"Inflatable toys!"</emily>
<b>-"Haha, it looks so silly!"</b>
<<pageReplace"Keep listening.">>
<emily>-"Inflatable buttplugs for example, are perfect for stretching your holes to the limit."</emily> Professor Lana turns on the projector.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\fem3.webp">
<b>-"Gulp.. So big."</b>
<emily>-"They're used pretty often by fellow sissies to get ready for actual dicks. After you use an inflatable toy for a couple of nights, a normal cocks won't cause any pain!"</emily>
<emily>-"Does that clear it up a little, $name?"</emily>
<b>-"Y-yes professor, I understand now."</b>
<emily>-"Anyways, talking about cocks, let's move on to inflatable dildos!"</emily> Professor Lana takes out another toy from her drawer and puts it on the table.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\fem7.png">
<b>-"Mmmm.."</b> You begin to drool a little as you look at the toy.
<emily>-"Looks like a normal toy, right?"</emily>
<emily>-"Well, look at this!"</emily> She picks up a weird.. Balloon looking thing, connected to the toy.
<emily>-"I'll just give it a couple of squeeze and watch what happens!"</emily>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\fem4.webp">
<b>-"Woah! It tripled in size!"</b> You think as the whole class lets out gasps of surprise.
<emily>-"Cool, right?"</emily>
<b>-"Very!"</b> You answer as Lana stops.
<emily>-"These dildos serve the same purpose, they're just a little longer."</emily> She shows yet another video.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\fem5.gif">
<b>-"So hot.. I might have to get one when I get the chance."</b> You think as your cock begins throbbing.
<emily>-"There are multiple things you have to keep in mind when buying them though, like the material, pressure, size after inflating and more. Let's talk about those points now!"</emily> Professor Lana talks about the toys for another 30 minutes.
<emily>-"And I think that'll be it for today! Not a hard subject, right?"</emily> Professor Lana faces the class.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\fem6.jpeg">
<pink>-"Not at all professor!"</pink>
<emily>-"Good! Then you're free to go!"</emily> The students begin to pack.
<emily>-"Oh and just a reminder, our test is in two weeks! The winner gets discounted prices at the clinic!"</emily>
<b>-"Oh right... I have to study hard if I want those prices reduced!"</b> You think as you head towards the doors.
<<set $feminization to $feminization +1>>
<emily>Feminization +1!</emily>
<<if $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 26 bnwo]]
[[Leave the University->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>><<lecture "BNWO class" "How to properly train, to take BBC.">>
<pink>-"Good afternoon, welcome to your final lecture of today! Well, at least I presume."</pink> Professor Jia smiles as you lay back in your chair.
<b>-"Oof.. So tired."</b>
<pink>-"Today we're going to be talking about something different..."</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\bnwo1.jpg">
<pink>-"I've gotten a couple of complains from your fellow students, that no matter how hard they try, they can't breed with black cocks, because they're too big!"</pink>
<emily>-"Mhm.."</emily> One of the girls mumbles.
<pink>-"I definitely understand your pain, for the longest time I couldn't fit them either!"</pink> Jia turns on the monitor.
<pink>-"This was the first time I ever took a BBC and as you can see, only the tip fits!"</pink>
<b>-"Woah.. It's huge!"</b>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\bnwo8.webp">
<pink>-"So let's go over so tips I have for you gals and hopefully you'll be breeding in a a couple of weeks or even days!"</pink>
<<pageReplace"Listen in">>
<pink>-"First order of business is to order a bbc dildo! They're usually pretty big, but a bit smaller than the real thing!"</pink>
<pink>-"With enough lube and time, you should have no problem fitting it inside! Even if only half goes in, that's still better than nothing."</pink> She shows yet another video.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\bnwo7.webp">
<emily>-"I already did that, but a real on still doesn't fit.."</emily>
<pink>-"That's totally okay! You just need more time with the toy!"</pink>
<pink>-"When you're ready to take an actual cock, you should be riding dildos like this."</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\bnwo3.webp">
<pink>-"It should go in and out without a problem!"</pink>
<emily>-"So I just need more practice with the toy?"</emily>
<<pageReplace"Write down what she said.">>
<b>-"Right.. Need to be proficient at riding dildos, before.. Taking.. Mhm.. The real thing."</b> You mumble as you write down everything.
<pink>-"Now, when you think you're ready, make sure to lube that thing up like crazy!"</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\bnwo4.webp">
<pink>-"When you think that you put enough lube, put on 3 times as much, I'm not kidding."</pink>
<pink>-"This isn't some whiteboy's dick, we're talking about BBC's, they're incredibly hard to get used to!"</pink>
<emily>-"I'll just use the whole bottle then."</emily> The student laughs.
<pink>-"Hahah good!"</pink> Professor Jia laughs.
<pink>-"Now that that's done, we can move on to insertion."</pink>
<pink>-"Ask your bull to go in slowly. If you have a white partner, ask him to comfort you!"</pink>
<b>-"Mghh.. So hot.."</b>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\bnwo2.webp">
<pink>-"Nghh.. owever, with the tips I gave you and some preparations.. Y-you should have no problems fitting it inside."</pink> You notice that Jia is stuttering a bit.
<<pageReplace"Look at her.">>
<pink>-"And.. MGhhh.. After a couple of sessions... NghH.. BBC's should slide in and out with ease!"</pink>
<b>-"What's she doing?"</b> You look at her as puts on another video.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\bnwo6.webp">
<b>-"Is she..?"</b> You notice her hand slipping down towards her crotch as she looks at the videos.
<emily>-"So that's it, just lube and patience?"</emily>
<pink>-"Pretty much! believe me, you'll be breeding in no time.. MgHh.. With this strategy!"</pink>
<pink>-"So big.."</pink> The professor whispers.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\bnwo5.jpg">
<b>-"Oh my.."</b> Your little cock throbs as you watch Jia masturbate.
<pink>-"A-ahem! That'll be it for today then students! I-I have some important business to attend to!"</pink> She shakes her head a bit and covers herself. It's pretty obvious what kind of business she's reffering to..
<b>-"So hot.."</b> You begin packing with the others.
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo +1>>
<grey>BNWO +1!</grey>
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>><<set $professorkeidatetoday to false>>\
<<todoCompleted "Get ready for your date.">>\
<b>-"I think I'm ready."</b> You check yourself out in front of the mirror and head towards the door.
<sister>-"$name? You're leaving?"</sister> Ava's voice rings out.
<<if $keitransportationdate == false>>\
<<money +20 "Gas money from Ava">>\
<b>-"Yup, going on a date, need to catch the bus!"</b>
<sister>-"What... the bus?"</sister> She goes down the stairs and places her purse down.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate17.jpg">
<sister>-"Don't you have a car?"</sister>
<b>-"I do.. But gas is expensive!"</b>
<sister>-"Jeez you're such a cheapskate!"</sister> Ava takes some cash from her purse.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate18.jpg">
<sister>-"As pathetic as you are, you're still my brother. I won't let you pick up some girl in a fucking bus."</sister>
<b>-"I wouldn't have picked her up, we would have met there."</b>
<sister>-"Yeah, that's not better. Here."</sister> She hands you a twenty.
<b>-"Thanks Ava.."</b>
<sister>-"You're welcome. Now get out of my face before I change my mind."</sister>
<b>-"Right..!"</b> You quickly grab the cash and go outside.</b>
<b>-"Yup, gonna be back in a few!"</b>
<sister>-"Alright, don't get into too much trouble!"</sister>
<b>-"Mhm!"</b> You get outside and hop into your car.
<b>-"Alright, time to pick her up."</b> After typing in her address into the GPS, you begin driving.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"Gosh I hope this goes well, I can't believe she actually gave me a chance!"</b>
<grey>-"Turn left in 150 meters."</grey> The gps announces.
<b>-"Okay.."</b> You spend the next 20 minutes on the road, making your way towards Kei's apartment.
<b>-"I think this is it."</b>
<img src="Images\Lectures\do nothing\q10.jpg">
<grey>-"Brrhhh.."</grey> Your engine goes to sleep as you finish parking.
<b>-"Time to wait, I'm a bit early."</b>
<<pageReplace"Wait for professor Kei.">>
<b>-"I wonder how she'll look like.."</b> You begin drooling as you wait.
<b>-"I hope she likes the place I picked out too... Maybe she'll agree to a second date that way!"</b>
<grey>-"Knock knock knock!"</grey> Someone knocks on the window.
<pink>-"Is anybody there?"</pink>
<b>-"W-waaah! Professor!"</b> You quickly turn towards her voice.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate1.png">
<b>-"Woah.."</b> There she is, standing in front of your car, in a formal dress and some heels.
<pink>-"Are you going to continue to stare or open the door?"</pink>
<b>-"My bad! Of course!"</b> You quickly exit the car, walk around to the other side and open the door for her, making sure to close it after she gets inside.
<b>-"You look great professor!"</b> You say after sitting down in the front seat yourself and closing the door.
<pink>-"Thank you dear, I tried my best."</pink> Professor Kei smiles and looks at you.
<<if $outfit !==1 and $outfit !==3 and $outfit !==6>>\
<pink>-"I must say, you look pretty good yourself.</pink>
<b>-"Heh.. Thank you.."</b>
<pink>-"I must say however, you could have put on something more formal.</pink>
<b>-"Oh.. I apologize."</b>
<pink>-"No need. Just do better, if we ever go out again. Big emphasis on IF."</pink>
<pink>-"Anyways, so where are we going again?"</pink>
<<if $keilocationdate == true>>\
<b>-"Smak! It's a fancy restaurant nearby our town."</b> The engine roars to life and you begin driving.
<pink>-"Ah yes.. Good choice, never been there!"</pink>
<<if $hairextensions == true>>\
<b>-"Anyways, I wanted to ask you something.."</b>
<pink>-"Go ahead."</pink>
<b>-"I never really knew that you were into girls... From the lecture material I thought you were straight."</b> You push your hair out of your face.
<pink>-"I'm bisexual, I don't care how you look or what you feel like, as long as you submit and listen to me."</pink>
<b>-"Hmph.. Understood."</b>
<<pageReplace"Drive to the restaurant">>
<<location "Images/Lectures/lecture 26/subdate3.webp" "Smak">>\
<pink>-"Oh wow... This place is nice!"</pink> Kei smiles as you both step inside. It took you no longer than 10 minutes to drive there, you talked quite a bit on the way here... The mood is great so far!
<b>-"I know right.. So fancy.."</b>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate3.webp">
<bartender>-"Good evening! Have you reserved a table with us today?"</bartender>
<b>-"Yup, it should be a table for two, under the name $name."</b> The door girl looks at her computer.
<bartender>-"Mhm, perfect! Please follow me."</bartender>
<b>-"God damn Kei's ass is huge.."</b> You think as you both begin to follow the woman.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate2.png">
<bartender>-"Here you are, please take a seat, a server will join you shortly!"</bartender> She announces as you reach your table.
<b>-"Thank you!"</b>
<pink>-"Thanks."</pink> The woman nods and walks off.
<pink>-"Alright.."</pink> Professor Kei bends down to pulls out one of the chairs.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate5.png">
<b>-"Gulp.. It's see through."</b> You think as she glances at you.
<pink>-"Enjoying the show?"</pink>
<b>-"O-oh! My bad professor!"</b>
<pink>-"Hahaha no need, we're on a date after all!"</pink> Kei giggles as you both sit down.
<bartender>-"Good evening, I'm Susie and I will be your server tonight!"</bartender>
<bartender>-"Here are the menus!"</bartender>
<b>-"Thank you!"</b>
<bartender>-"Please take your time, I'll come back in a few to take your orders!"</bartender>
<<pageReplace"Pick what you want to eat">>
<b>-"..."</b> You spent the next couple of minutes picking out what you wanted to eat. After the sever came back, you told her what you both wanted.
<bartender>-"Here you are! A sushi platter for two, and a side of rice!"</bartender>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate6.jpg">
<pink>-"Thank you love and could you refill my vine please? I'm already running dry."</pink>
<bartender>-"Of course! Right away ma'am!"</bartender> After a minute or two, the woman joins you both with a bottle of vine.
<bartender>-"There you go!"</bartender> She refills both of your glasses.
<b>-"Thank you!"</b>
<bartender>-"If you'll need anything else, please let me know!"</bartender> You nod and she walks off.
<pink>-"So $name, what do you do for fun?"</pink> You both begin to eat.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate7.png">
<b>-"W-well.. Nothing much really, I'm either studying or working most of the time!"</b>
<pink>-"Oh.. Poor you.."</pink>
<<pageReplace"How about you?">>\
<b>-"How about you professor?"</b>
<pink>-"Well, if I'm not at the SUP, I'm working online as a dominatrix."</pink>
<b>-"W-wait.. Really?!"</b>
<pink>-"Mhm. Remember our last lecture, about findom? That's basically what I do."</pink>
<b>-"Wow.."</b> You can already imagine how sexy and dominant Kei looks while doing..
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate12.jpg">
<b>-"Mmmmmm.."</b> You drool as you begin day dreaming..
<pink>-"Ahem, you okay there?"</pink>
<b>-"O-oh, right sorry! Haha!"</b> You pick up the fork again.
<b>-"It must be fun, to earn money while doing something you enjoy, huh?"</b>
<pink>-"It truly is, you know what they say, if you love what you do, you never work a day in your life!"</pink> You spend the next 10 minutes talking. You make her laugh a couple of times and it seems you're both enjoying the time you're spending together.
<pink>-"Hmph, well that was delicious!"</pink> The platter is now empty...
<b>-"It was!"</b>
<pink>-"Hmph.. This was a lot more fun than I expected."</pink>
<b>-"Thank you... I tried to make a good first impression!"</b>
<pink>-"You succeeded!"</pink> Professor Kei calls over the server and asks for the check.
<bartender>-"Understood, however it might take a minute or two, we're running low on staff right now!"</bartender> The woman apologizes.
<b>-"No problem, we can wait!"</b> The waiter nods and begins walking away.
<pink>-"Oh! You dropped something!"</pink> Kei gets out of her seat and picks up the notebook the woman dropped.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate8.png">
<bartender>-"Oh! Thank you! Sorry, I'm running around like crazy!"</bartender> You both chuckle as Kei gets back in her seat.
<pink>-"While we wait, do you want to play a game?"</pink>
<b>-"A game?"</b>
<pink>-"Mhm... Let's do truth or dare!"</pink>
<b>-"Hahah, a little childish, but okay.."</b> You laugh.
<pink>-"Hah, don't be sour like that!"</pink>
<pink>-"You can start!"</pink>
<b>-"Alright.. Truth or dare?"</b>
<<pageReplace"Do you like me?">>
<b>-"Do you like me?"</b>
<pink>-"Do I like you?"</pink>
<pink>-"Well, you took me out on a nice date and been pretty submissive during lectures and others outings... I would say that I do!"</pink> Professor Kei smiles.
<b>-"Hmph.. Cheers to that!"</b>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate13.png">
<pink>-"My turn! Truth or dare?"</pink>
<b>-"True.."</b> Your cheeks begin to blush as you drink more and more alcohol.
<pink>-"What do you like about me so much? Most of my students adore me, but not quite as much as you."</pink>
<<pageReplace"Your body.">>
<<set $keirelationship to $keirelationship -1>>\
<b>-"Your body... It's so curvy and voluptuous and sexy and.."</b> She cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah, alright alright I get it."</pink> Kei looks away for a second.
<b>-"Everything okay?"</b> You look at her, concerned.
<pink>-"Mhm, ask away."</pink> You take turns asking each other question after question, none of you are picking dare. The questions are getting steamy however.
<pink>-"So when did you lose your virginity?"</pink>
<b>-"I lost it to Emily! Quite a bit ago, before I moved to Norway!"</b> After a while, Kei seems to have become bored.
<pink>-"Alright asking questions is fun and all, but let's spice things up a bit! How about we both have to pick dare for our next choice?"</pink>
<b>-"Hmph... Sure! It's my turn though! Truth or dare?"</b>
<pink>-"Dare!"</pink> Professor Kei smiles as you rub your hands like a villain.
<pink>-"Haha, oh no!"</pink>
<<pageReplace "Flash me your tits.">>
<b>-"Flash me your tits!"</b>
<pink>-"Gosh you're desperate.."</pink> She rolls her eyes.
<b>-"I'm sorry.. They're just so perfect!"</b> Your cock throbs as Kei looks around.
<pink>-"Fine, but only because I like you, pet."</pink> She quickly pulls down her dress and reveals her bare breasts.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate14.webp">
<b>-"So hot.."</b> You whisper as Kei suddenly looks to her left.
<bartender>-"Here's your receipt! Thank you for dining at Smak!"</bartender> The waiter puts down a small box with a receipt inside on the table.
<pink>-"A-ahem! Thank you!"</pink> She quickly fixes her dress.
<b>-"Where did she come from.."</b> You chuckle, silently.
<bartender>-"I hope you have a great rest of your evening!"</bartender> She bows and walks away.
<b>-"Hah! That was close!"</b> You take the receipt and take a closer look.
<pink>-"Sure was!"</pink>
<b>-"Gulp.. Damn.."</b> The bill came out to a total of 210 dollars! Damn!
<<if $money>=210>>\
<<pageReplace"Pay up.">>
<<set $keirelationship to $keirelationship +1>>\
<<money -210 "Date with Kei.">>
<pink>-"How much is it?"</pink> She asks as you pull out your wallet.
<b>-"Don't worry about it."</b>
<pink>-"Hmph.. Good pet."</pink> You place the cash in the box and close it.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate16.jpg">
<b>-"Ready to go?"</b>
<pink>-"Nope! Did you forget, you still have to do a dare!"</pink>
<b>-"Oh... Right! Well, go on!"</b>
<pink>-"Beg for a second date."</pink>
<pink>-"You heard me. I need to make sure that you would know your place if we go on more dates."</pink>
<<pageReplace"Do it.">>
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to true>>\
<b>-"F-fine.."</b> You wait for a moment when nobody is looking and quickly fall to your knees.
<b>-"P-pleaseibegyouforaseconddate!"</b> You blurt out a mess of words and quickly stand up.
<pink>-"What? Do it again, properly this time."</pink>
<b>-"Yes ma'am.."</b> You get on your knees again.
<b>-"Please.. I beg you, go out with me for a second date!"</b> Professor Kei stands up.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate15.png">
<pink>-"Hmph, good pet. I'll think about it."</pink> You nod and stand up.
<b>-"I-is that a yes?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and grab your jacket.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> After you both leave the restaurant, you get into your car and begin driving back to Kei's place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"Surprisingly... Adequately... I expected a lot less!"</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"Well, I'm glad I exceeded your expectations then!"</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes chit chatting as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! I'm not that easy, toy! You'll have to work a lot harder to spend the night with me!"</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"But, take me on a couple more dates and I'll give that little cock of yours another chance to fuck me!"</pink> You remember what happened when you tried to claim your prize in class..
<pink>-"Drive safe $name!"</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<green>Money -210!</green>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to false>>\
<b>-"I'm not doing that!"</b> You look at her and frown.
<pink>-"Oh.. Talking back, are we?"</pink>
<b>-"That's way too embarrassing..."</b> Professor Kei stands up, you follow suit.
<pink>-"Fine, let's go then."</pink>
<b>-"But how about it though?"</b>
<pink>-"How about what?"</pink> She asks you walk towards your car.
<b>-"How about that second date?"</b>
<pink>-"Well, you fucked up your chances by not begging, but I'll think about it."</pink>
<b>-"Damn... But it's not a no, right?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and open the door for her.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> You both get inside and you begin driving towards her place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"Surprisingly... Adequately... Besides the last part. I expected a lot less!"</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"Well, I'm glad I exceeded your expectations then!"</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes chit chatting as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! I'm not that easy, toy! You'll have to work a lot harder to spend the night with me!"</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"But, take me on a couple more dates and I'll give that little cock of yours another chance to fuck me!"</pink> You remember what happened when you tried to claim your prize in class..
<pink>-"Drive safe $name!"</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<green>Money -210!</green>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Ask Kei to pay.">>
<<set $keirelationship to $keirelationship -2>>\
<pink>-"How much is it?"</pink> She asks as you look down in shame.
<b>-"210... C-could you.. Pay for it?"</b>
<pink>-"Excuse me?"</pink>
<<if $money >=210>>\
<b>-"I'm sorry, but I can't spend this much! I have other responsibilities.."</b>
<b>-"I'm sorry, but I don't even have enough! The bill was a lot higher than I expected.."</b>
<pink>-"Sigh... Fine."</pink> She takes out her wallet and places some cash into the box.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate16.jpg">
<b>-"T-thank you.."</b>
<pink>-"Whatever."</pink> Kei rolls her eyes.
<b>-"Ready to go?"</b>
<pink>-"Nope. Did you forget, you still have to do a dare."</pink>
<b>-"Oh... Right! Well, go on!"</b>
<pink>-"Beg for a second date."</pink>
<pink>-"You heard me. I need to make sure that you would know your place if we go on more dates."</pink>
<pink>-"We probably won't because you didn't pay, but still."</pink>
<<pageReplace"Do it.">>
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to true>>\
<b>-"F-fine.."</b> You wait for a moment when nobody is looking and quickly fall to your knees.
<b>-"P-pleaseibegyouforaseconddate!"</b> You blurt out a mess of words and quickly stand up.
<pink>-"What? Do it again, properly this time."</pink>
<b>-"Yes ma'am.."</b> You get on your knees again.
<b>-"Please.. I beg you, go out with me for a second date!"</b> Professor Kei stands up.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate15.png">
<pink>-"Hmph, good pet. I'll think about it."</pink> You nod and stand up.
<b>-"I-is that a yes?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and grab your jacket.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> After you both leave the restaurant, you get into your car and begin driving back to Kei's place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"Surprisingly... Adequately... I expected a lot less!"</pink>
<pink>-"However, you need to stop asking people on dates if you can't pay. It's rude."</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"But I'm glad I exceeded your expectations!"</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes chit chatting as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! I'm not that easy, toy! You'll have to work a lot harder to spend the night with me!"</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"But, take me on a couple more dates and I'll give that little cock of yours another chance to fuck me!"</pink> You remember what happened when you tried to claim your prize in class..
<pink>-"Drive safe $name!"</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to false>>\
<b>-"I'm not doing that!"</b> You look at her and frown.
<pink>-"Oh.. Talking back, are we?"</pink>
<b>-"That's way too embarrassing..."</b> Professor Kei stands up, you follow suit.
<pink>-"Fine, let's go then."</pink>
<b>-"But how about it though?"</b>
<pink>-"How about what?"</pink> She asks you walk towards your car.
<b>-"How about that second date?"</b>
<pink>-"Well, you fucked up your chances by not begging, but I'll think about it."</pink>
<b>-"Damn... But it's not a no, right?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and open the door for her.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> You both get inside and you begin driving towards her place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"The start was good, but you fucked it up. Didn't beg for a second date and didn't even cover the bill, pathetic."</pink> She crosses her arms.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"Sorry Professor.."</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes in silence as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! Don't even try it."</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"You ruined your chances with that pathetic performance you called a date."</pink>
<pink>-"Drive safe $name."</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace "Flash me your ass.">>
<b>-"Flash me your ass!"</b>
<pink>-"Gosh you're desperate.."</pink> She rolls her eyes.
<b>-"I'm sorry.. It's just so perfect!"</b> Your cock throbs as Kei looks around.
<pink>-"Fine, but only because I like you, pet."</pink> She quickly stands up, bends over and pulls up her dress.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate9.webp">
<b>-"So hot.."</b> You whisper as Kei suddenly pulls it back down and takes a seat.
<bartender>-"Here's your receipt! Thank you for dining at Smak!"</bartender> The waiter puts down a small box with a receipt inside on the table.
<pink>-"A-ahem! Thank you!"</pink> She quickly fixes her dress.
<b>-"Where did she come from.."</b> You chuckle, silently.
<bartender>-"I hope you have a great rest of your evening!"</bartender> She bows and walks away.
<b>-"Hah! That was close!"</b> You take the receipt and take a closer look.
<pink>-"Sure was!"</pink>
<b>-"Gulp.. Damn.."</b> The bill came out to a total of 210 dollars! Damn!
<<if $money>=210>>\
<<pageReplace"Pay up.">>
<<set $keirelationship to $keirelationship +1>>\
<<money -210 "Date with Kei.">>
<pink>-"How much is it?"</pink> She asks as you pull out your wallet.
<b>-"Don't worry about it."</b>
<pink>-"Hmph.. Good pet."</pink> You place the cash in the box and close it.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate16.jpg">
<b>-"Ready to go?"</b>
<pink>-"Nope! Did you forget, you still have to do a dare!"</pink>
<b>-"Oh... Right! Well, go on!"</b>
<pink>-"Beg for a second date."</pink>
<pink>-"You heard me. I need to make sure that you would know your place if we go on more dates."</pink>
<<pageReplace"Do it.">>
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to true>>\
<b>-"F-fine.."</b> You wait for a moment when nobody is looking and quickly fall to your knees.
<b>-"P-pleaseibegyouforaseconddate!"</b> You blurt out a mess of words and quickly stand up.
<pink>-"What? Do it again, properly this time."</pink>
<b>-"Yes ma'am.."</b> You get on your knees again.
<b>-"Please.. I beg you, go out with me for a second date!"</b> Professor Kei stands up.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate15.png">
<pink>-"Hmph, good pet. I'll think about it."</pink> You nod and stand up.
<b>-"I-is that a yes?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and grab your jacket.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> After you both leave the restaurant, you get into your car and begin driving back to Kei's place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"Surprisingly... Adequately... I expected a lot less!"</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"Well, I'm glad I exceeded your expectations then!"</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes chit chatting as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! I'm not that easy, toy! You'll have to work a lot harder to spend the night with me!"</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"But, take me on a couple more dates and I'll give that little cock of yours another chance to fuck me!"</pink> You remember what happened when you tried to claim your prize in class..
<pink>-"Drive safe $name!"</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<green>Money -210!</green>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to false>>\
<b>-"I'm not doing that!"</b> You look at her and frown.
<pink>-"Oh.. Talking back, are we?"</pink>
<b>-"That's way too embarrassing..."</b> Professor Kei stands up, you follow suit.
<pink>-"Fine, let's go then."</pink>
<b>-"But how about it though?"</b>
<pink>-"How about what?"</pink> She asks you walk towards your car.
<b>-"How about that second date?"</b>
<pink>-"Well, you fucked up your chances by not begging, but I'll think about it."</pink>
<b>-"Damn... But it's not a no, right?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and open the door for her.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> You both get inside and you begin driving towards her place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"Surprisingly... Adequately... Besides the last part. I expected a lot less!"</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"Well, I'm glad I exceeded your expectations then!"</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes chit chatting as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! I'm not that easy, toy! You'll have to work a lot harder to spend the night with me!"</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"But, take me on a couple more dates and I'll give that little cock of yours another chance to fuck me!"</pink> You remember what happened when you tried to claim your prize in class..
<pink>-"Drive safe $name!"</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<green>Money -210!</green>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Ask Kei to pay.">>
<<set $keirelationship to $keirelationship -2>>\
<pink>-"How much is it?"</pink> She asks as you look down in shame.
<b>-"210... C-could you.. Pay for it?"</b>
<pink>-"Excuse me?"</pink>
<<if $money >=210>>\
<b>-"I'm sorry, but I can't spend this much! I have other responsibilities.."</b>
<b>-"I'm sorry, but I don't even have enough! The bill was a lot higher than I expected.."</b>
<pink>-"Sigh... Fine."</pink> She takes out her wallet and places some cash into the box.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate16.jpg">
<b>-"T-thank you.."</b>
<pink>-"Whatever."</pink> Kei rolls her eyes.
<b>-"Ready to go?"</b>
<pink>-"Nope. Did you forget, you still have to do a dare."</pink>
<b>-"Oh... Right! Well, go on!"</b>
<pink>-"Beg for a second date."</pink>
<pink>-"You heard me. I need to make sure that you would know your place if we go on more dates."</pink>
<pink>-"We probably won't because you didn't pay, but still."</pink>
<<pageReplace"Do it.">>
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to true>>\
<b>-"F-fine.."</b> You wait for a moment when nobody is looking and quickly fall to your knees.
<b>-"P-pleaseibegyouforaseconddate!"</b> You blurt out a mess of words and quickly stand up.
<pink>-"What? Do it again, properly this time."</pink>
<b>-"Yes ma'am.."</b> You get on your knees again.
<b>-"Please.. I beg you, go out with me for a second date!"</b> Professor Kei stands up.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate15.png">
<pink>-"Hmph, good pet. I'll think about it."</pink> You nod and stand up.
<b>-"I-is that a yes?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and grab your jacket.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> After you both leave the restaurant, you get into your car and begin driving back to Kei's place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"Surprisingly... Adequately... I expected a lot less!"</pink>
<pink>-"However, you need to stop asking people on dates if you can't pay. It's rude."</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"But I'm glad I exceeded your expectations!"</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes chit chatting as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! I'm not that easy, toy! You'll have to work a lot harder to spend the night with me!"</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"But, take me on a couple more dates and I'll give that little cock of yours another chance to fuck me!"</pink> You remember what happened when you tried to claim your prize in class..
<pink>-"Drive safe $name!"</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to false>>\
<b>-"I'm not doing that!"</b> You look at her and frown.
<pink>-"Oh.. Talking back, are we?"</pink>
<b>-"That's way too embarrassing..."</b> Professor Kei stands up, you follow suit.
<pink>-"Fine, let's go then."</pink>
<b>-"But how about it though?"</b>
<pink>-"How about what?"</pink> She asks you walk towards your car.
<b>-"How about that second date?"</b>
<pink>-"Well, you fucked up your chances by not begging, but I'll think about it."</pink>
<b>-"Damn... But it's not a no, right?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and open the door for her.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> You both get inside and you begin driving towards her place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"The start was good, but you fucked it up. Didn't beg for a second date and didn't even cover the bill, pathetic."</pink> She crosses her arms.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"Sorry Professor.."</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes in silence as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! Don't even try it."</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"You ruined your chances with that pathetic performance you called a date."</pink>
<pink>-"Drive safe $name."</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace "Kiss me.">>
<b>-"Kiss me!"</b>
<pink>-"Gosh you're desperate.."</pink> She rolls her eyes.
<b>-"I'm sorry.. I've been staring at those lips for so long though.."</b> Your cock throbs as Kei looks around.
<pink>-"Fine, but only because I like you, pet."</pink> She quickly leans over the desk and you follow suit..
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subda15.webp">
<b>-"Fuck... Those lips are so warm.."</b> You whisper as Kei smiles and leans back.
<bartender>-"Here's your receipt! Thank you for dining at Smak!"</bartender> The waiter puts down a small box with a receipt inside on the table.
<pink>-"A-ahem! Thank you!"</pink> You both look at the waiter, surprised.
<b>-"Where did she come from.."</b> You chuckle, silently.
<bartender>-"I hope you have a great rest of your evening!"</bartender> She bows and walks away.
<b>-"Hah! That was close!"</b> You take the receipt and take a closer look.
<pink>-"Sure was!"</pink>
<b>-"Gulp.. Damn.."</b> The bill came out to a total of 210 dollars! Damn!
<<if $money>=210>>\
<<pageReplace"Pay up.">>
<<set $keirelationship to $keirelationship +1>>\
<<money -210 "Date with Kei.">>
<pink>-"How much is it?"</pink> She asks as you pull out your wallet.
<b>-"Don't worry about it."</b>
<pink>-"Hmph.. Good pet."</pink> You place the cash in the box and close it.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate16.jpg">
<b>-"Ready to go?"</b>
<pink>-"Nope! Did you forget, you still have to do a dare!"</pink>
<b>-"Oh... Right! Well, go on!"</b>
<pink>-"Beg for a second date."</pink>
<pink>-"You heard me. I need to make sure that you would know your place if we go on more dates."</pink>
<<pageReplace"Do it.">>
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to true>>\
<b>-"F-fine.."</b> You wait for a moment when nobody is looking and quickly fall to your knees.
<b>-"P-pleaseibegyouforaseconddate!"</b> You blurt out a mess of words and quickly stand up.
<pink>-"What? Do it again, properly this time."</pink>
<b>-"Yes ma'am.."</b> You get on your knees again.
<b>-"Please.. I beg you, go out with me for a second date!"</b> Professor Kei stands up.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate15.png">
<pink>-"Hmph, good pet. I'll think about it."</pink> You nod and stand up.
<b>-"I-is that a yes?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and grab your jacket.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> After you both leave the restaurant, you get into your car and begin driving back to Kei's place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"Surprisingly... Adequately... I expected a lot less!"</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"Well, I'm glad I exceeded your expectations then!"</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes chit chatting as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! I'm not that easy, toy! You'll have to work a lot harder to spend the night with me!"</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"But, take me on a couple more dates and I'll give that little cock of yours another chance to fuck me!"</pink> You remember what happened when you tried to claim your prize in class..
<pink>-"Drive safe $name!"</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<green>Money -210!</green>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to false>>\
<b>-"I'm not doing that!"</b> You look at her and frown.
<pink>-"Oh.. Talking back, are we?"</pink>
<b>-"That's way too embarrassing..."</b> Professor Kei stands up, you follow suit.
<pink>-"Fine, let's go then."</pink>
<b>-"But how about it though?"</b>
<pink>-"How about what?"</pink> She asks you walk towards your car.
<b>-"How about that second date?"</b>
<pink>-"Well, you fucked up your chances by not begging, but I'll think about it."</pink>
<b>-"Damn... But it's not a no, right?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and open the door for her.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> You both get inside and you begin driving towards her place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"Surprisingly... Adequately... Besides the last part. I expected a lot less!"</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"Well, I'm glad I exceeded your expectations then!"</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes chit chatting as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! I'm not that easy, toy! You'll have to work a lot harder to spend the night with me!"</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"But, take me on a couple more dates and I'll give that little cock of yours another chance to fuck me!"</pink> You remember what happened when you tried to claim your prize in class..
<pink>-"Drive safe $name!"</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<green>Money -210!</green>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Ask Kei to pay.">>
<<set $keirelationship to $keirelationship -2>>\
<pink>-"How much is it?"</pink> She asks as you look down in shame.
<b>-"210... C-could you.. Pay for it?"</b>
<pink>-"Excuse me?"</pink>
<<if $money >=210>>\
<b>-"I'm sorry, but I can't spend this much! I have other responsibilities.."</b>
<b>-"I'm sorry, but I don't even have enough! The bill was a lot higher than I expected.."</b>
<pink>-"Sigh... Fine."</pink> She takes out her wallet and places some cash into the box.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate16.jpg">
<b>-"T-thank you.."</b>
<pink>-"Whatever."</pink> Kei rolls her eyes.
<b>-"Ready to go?"</b>
<pink>-"Nope. Did you forget, you still have to do a dare."</pink>
<b>-"Oh... Right! Well, go on!"</b>
<pink>-"Beg for a second date."</pink>
<pink>-"You heard me. I need to make sure that you would know your place if we go on more dates."</pink>
<pink>-"We probably won't because you didn't pay, but still."</pink>
<<pageReplace"Do it.">>
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to true>>\
<b>-"F-fine.."</b> You wait for a moment when nobody is looking and quickly fall to your knees.
<b>-"P-pleaseibegyouforaseconddate!"</b> You blurt out a mess of words and quickly stand up.
<pink>-"What? Do it again, properly this time."</pink>
<b>-"Yes ma'am.."</b> You get on your knees again.
<b>-"Please.. I beg you, go out with me for a second date!"</b> Professor Kei stands up.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate15.png">
<pink>-"Hmph, good pet. I'll think about it."</pink> You nod and stand up.
<b>-"I-is that a yes?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and grab your jacket.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> After you both leave the restaurant, you get into your car and begin driving back to Kei's place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"Surprisingly... Adequately... I expected a lot less!"</pink>
<pink>-"However, you need to stop asking people on dates if you can't pay. It's rude."</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"But I'm glad I exceeded your expectations!"</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes chit chatting as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! I'm not that easy, toy! You'll have to work a lot harder to spend the night with me!"</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"But, take me on a couple more dates and I'll give that little cock of yours another chance to fuck me!"</pink> You remember what happened when you tried to claim your prize in class..
<pink>-"Drive safe $name!"</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to false>>\
<b>-"I'm not doing that!"</b> You look at her and frown.
<pink>-"Oh.. Talking back, are we?"</pink>
<b>-"That's way too embarrassing..."</b> Professor Kei stands up, you follow suit.
<pink>-"Fine, let's go then."</pink>
<b>-"But how about it though?"</b>
<pink>-"How about what?"</pink> She asks you walk towards your car.
<b>-"How about that second date?"</b>
<pink>-"Well, you fucked up your chances by not begging, but I'll think about it."</pink>
<b>-"Damn... But it's not a no, right?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and open the door for her.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> You both get inside and you begin driving towards her place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"The start was good, but you fucked it up. Didn't beg for a second date and didn't even cover the bill, pathetic."</pink> She crosses her arms.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"Sorry Professor.."</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes in silence as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! Don't even try it."</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"You ruined your chances with that pathetic performance you called a date."</pink>
<pink>-"Drive safe $name."</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Your character.">>
<<set $keirelationship to $keirelationship +1>>\
<b>-"Your character... You seem cold, but loving and caring at the same time.. I also love how you dominate me.. I think it's super hot!"</b>
<pink>-"Alright alright I get it."</pink> Kei looks away and smiles.
<pink>-"I'll give you this, you know how to make a woman blush.."</pink>
<b>-"Hah, t-thank you professor!"</b>
<pink>-"Anyways, it's your turn!"</pink> You take turns asking each other question after question, none of you are picking dare. The questions are getting steamy however.
<pink>-"So when did you lose your virginity?"</pink>
<b>-"I lost it to Emily! Quite a bit ago, before I moved to Norway!"</b> After a while, Kei seems to have become bored.
<pink>-"Alright asking questions is fun and all, but let's spice things up a bit! How about we both have to pick dare for our next choice?"</pink>
<b>-"Hmph... Sure! It's my turn though! Truth or dare?"</b>
<pink>-"Dare!"</pink> Professor Kei smiles as you rub your hands like a villain.
<pink>-"Haha, oh no!"</pink>
<<pageReplace "Flash me your tits.">>
<b>-"Flash me your tits!"</b>
<pink>-"Gosh you're desperate.."</pink> She rolls her eyes.
<b>-"I'm sorry.. They're just so perfect!"</b> Your cock throbs as Kei looks around.
<pink>-"Fine, but only because I like you, pet."</pink> She quickly pulls down her dress and reveals her bare breasts.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate14.webp">
<b>-"So hot.."</b> You whisper as Kei suddenly looks to her left.
<bartender>-"Here's your receipt! Thank you for dining at Smak!"</bartender> The waiter puts down a small box with a receipt inside on the table.
<pink>-"A-ahem! Thank you!"</pink> She quickly fixes her dress.
<b>-"Where did she come from.."</b> You chuckle, silently.
<bartender>-"I hope you have a great rest of your evening!"</bartender> She bows and walks away.
<b>-"Hah! That was close!"</b> You take the receipt and take a closer look.
<pink>-"Sure was!"</pink>
<b>-"Gulp.. Damn.."</b> The bill came out to a total of 210 dollars! Damn!
<<if $money>=210>>\
<<pageReplace"Pay up.">>
<<set $keirelationship to $keirelationship +1>>\
<<money -210 "Date with Kei.">>
<pink>-"How much is it?"</pink> She asks as you pull out your wallet.
<b>-"Don't worry about it."</b>
<pink>-"Hmph.. Good pet."</pink> You place the cash in the box and close it.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate16.jpg">
<b>-"Ready to go?"</b>
<pink>-"Nope! Did you forget, you still have to do a dare!"</pink>
<b>-"Oh... Right! Well, go on!"</b>
<pink>-"Beg for a second date."</pink>
<pink>-"You heard me. I need to make sure that you would know your place if we go on more dates."</pink>
<<pageReplace"Do it.">>
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to true>>\
<b>-"F-fine.."</b> You wait for a moment when nobody is looking and quickly fall to your knees.
<b>-"P-pleaseibegyouforaseconddate!"</b> You blurt out a mess of words and quickly stand up.
<pink>-"What? Do it again, properly this time."</pink>
<b>-"Yes ma'am.."</b> You get on your knees again.
<b>-"Please.. I beg you, go out with me for a second date!"</b> Professor Kei stands up.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate15.png">
<pink>-"Hmph, good pet. I'll think about it."</pink> You nod and stand up.
<b>-"I-is that a yes?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and grab your jacket.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> After you both leave the restaurant, you get into your car and begin driving back to Kei's place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"Surprisingly... Adequately... I expected a lot less!"</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"Well, I'm glad I exceeded your expectations then!"</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes chit chatting as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! I'm not that easy, toy! You'll have to work a lot harder to spend the night with me!"</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"But, take me on a couple more dates and I'll give that little cock of yours another chance to fuck me!"</pink> You remember what happened when you tried to claim your prize in class..
<pink>-"Drive safe $name!"</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<green>Money -210!</green>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to false>>\
<b>-"I'm not doing that!"</b> You look at her and frown.
<pink>-"Oh.. Talking back, are we?"</pink>
<b>-"That's way too embarrassing..."</b> Professor Kei stands up, you follow suit.
<pink>-"Fine, let's go then."</pink>
<b>-"But how about it though?"</b>
<pink>-"How about what?"</pink> She asks you walk towards your car.
<b>-"How about that second date?"</b>
<pink>-"Well, you fucked up your chances by not begging, but I'll think about it."</pink>
<b>-"Damn... But it's not a no, right?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and open the door for her.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> You both get inside and you begin driving towards her place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"Surprisingly... Adequately... Besides the last part. I expected a lot less!"</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"Well, I'm glad I exceeded your expectations then!"</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes chit chatting as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! I'm not that easy, toy! You'll have to work a lot harder to spend the night with me!"</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"But, take me on a couple more dates and I'll give that little cock of yours another chance to fuck me!"</pink> You remember what happened when you tried to claim your prize in class..
<pink>-"Drive safe $name!"</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<green>Money -210!</green>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Ask Kei to pay.">>
<<set $keirelationship to $keirelationship -2>>\
<pink>-"How much is it?"</pink> She asks as you look down in shame.
<b>-"210... C-could you.. Pay for it?"</b>
<pink>-"Excuse me?"</pink>
<<if $money >=210>>\
<b>-"I'm sorry, but I can't spend this much! I have other responsibilities.."</b>
<b>-"I'm sorry, but I don't even have enough! The bill was a lot higher than I expected.."</b>
<pink>-"Sigh... Fine."</pink> She takes out her wallet and places some cash into the box.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate16.jpg">
<b>-"T-thank you.."</b>
<pink>-"Whatever."</pink> Kei rolls her eyes.
<b>-"Ready to go?"</b>
<pink>-"Nope. Did you forget, you still have to do a dare."</pink>
<b>-"Oh... Right! Well, go on!"</b>
<pink>-"Beg for a second date."</pink>
<pink>-"You heard me. I need to make sure that you would know your place if we go on more dates."</pink>
<pink>-"We probably won't because you didn't pay, but still."</pink>
<<pageReplace"Do it.">>
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to true>>\
<b>-"F-fine.."</b> You wait for a moment when nobody is looking and quickly fall to your knees.
<b>-"P-pleaseibegyouforaseconddate!"</b> You blurt out a mess of words and quickly stand up.
<pink>-"What? Do it again, properly this time."</pink>
<b>-"Yes ma'am.."</b> You get on your knees again.
<b>-"Please.. I beg you, go out with me for a second date!"</b> Professor Kei stands up.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate15.png">
<pink>-"Hmph, good pet. I'll think about it."</pink> You nod and stand up.
<b>-"I-is that a yes?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and grab your jacket.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> After you both leave the restaurant, you get into your car and begin driving back to Kei's place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"Surprisingly... Adequately... I expected a lot less!"</pink>
<pink>-"However, you need to stop asking people on dates if you can't pay. It's rude."</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"But I'm glad I exceeded your expectations!"</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes chit chatting as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! I'm not that easy, toy! You'll have to work a lot harder to spend the night with me!"</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"But, take me on a couple more dates and I'll give that little cock of yours another chance to fuck me!"</pink> You remember what happened when you tried to claim your prize in class..
<pink>-"Drive safe $name!"</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to false>>\
<b>-"I'm not doing that!"</b> You look at her and frown.
<pink>-"Oh.. Talking back, are we?"</pink>
<b>-"That's way too embarrassing..."</b> Professor Kei stands up, you follow suit.
<pink>-"Fine, let's go then."</pink>
<b>-"But how about it though?"</b>
<pink>-"How about what?"</pink> She asks you walk towards your car.
<b>-"How about that second date?"</b>
<pink>-"Well, you fucked up your chances by not begging, but I'll think about it."</pink>
<b>-"Damn... But it's not a no, right?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and open the door for her.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> You both get inside and you begin driving towards her place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"The start was good, but you fucked it up. Didn't beg for a second date and didn't even cover the bill, pathetic."</pink> She crosses her arms.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"Sorry Professor.."</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes in silence as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! Don't even try it."</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"You ruined your chances with that pathetic performance you called a date."</pink>
<pink>-"Drive safe $name."</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace "Flash me your ass.">>
<b>-"Flash me your ass!"</b>
<pink>-"Gosh you're desperate.."</pink> She rolls her eyes.
<b>-"I'm sorry.. It's just so perfect!"</b> Your cock throbs as Kei looks around.
<pink>-"Fine, but only because I like you, pet."</pink> She quickly stands up, bends over and pulls up her dress.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate9.webp">
<b>-"So hot.."</b> You whisper as Kei suddenly pulls it back down and takes a seat.
<bartender>-"Here's your receipt! Thank you for dining at Smak!"</bartender> The waiter puts down a small box with a receipt inside on the table.
<pink>-"A-ahem! Thank you!"</pink> She quickly fixes her dress.
<b>-"Where did she come from.."</b> You chuckle, silently.
<bartender>-"I hope you have a great rest of your evening!"</bartender> She bows and walks away.
<b>-"Hah! That was close!"</b> You take the receipt and take a closer look.
<pink>-"Sure was!"</pink>
<b>-"Gulp.. Damn.."</b> The bill came out to a total of 210 dollars! Damn!
<<if $money>=210>>\
<<pageReplace"Pay up.">>
<<set $keirelationship to $keirelationship +1>>\
<<money -210 "Date with Kei.">>
<pink>-"How much is it?"</pink> She asks as you pull out your wallet.
<b>-"Don't worry about it."</b>
<pink>-"Hmph.. Good pet."</pink> You place the cash in the box and close it.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate16.jpg">
<b>-"Ready to go?"</b>
<pink>-"Nope! Did you forget, you still have to do a dare!"</pink>
<b>-"Oh... Right! Well, go on!"</b>
<pink>-"Beg for a second date."</pink>
<pink>-"You heard me. I need to make sure that you would know your place if we go on more dates."</pink>
<<pageReplace"Do it.">>
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to true>>\
<b>-"F-fine.."</b> You wait for a moment when nobody is looking and quickly fall to your knees.
<b>-"P-pleaseibegyouforaseconddate!"</b> You blurt out a mess of words and quickly stand up.
<pink>-"What? Do it again, properly this time."</pink>
<b>-"Yes ma'am.."</b> You get on your knees again.
<b>-"Please.. I beg you, go out with me for a second date!"</b> Professor Kei stands up.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate15.png">
<pink>-"Hmph, good pet. I'll think about it."</pink> You nod and stand up.
<b>-"I-is that a yes?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and grab your jacket.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> After you both leave the restaurant, you get into your car and begin driving back to Kei's place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"Surprisingly... Adequately... I expected a lot less!"</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"Well, I'm glad I exceeded your expectations then!"</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes chit chatting as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! I'm not that easy, toy! You'll have to work a lot harder to spend the night with me!"</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"But, take me on a couple more dates and I'll give that little cock of yours another chance to fuck me!"</pink> You remember what happened when you tried to claim your prize in class..
<pink>-"Drive safe $name!"</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<green>Money -210!</green>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to false>>\
<b>-"I'm not doing that!"</b> You look at her and frown.
<pink>-"Oh.. Talking back, are we?"</pink>
<b>-"That's way too embarrassing..."</b> Professor Kei stands up, you follow suit.
<pink>-"Fine, let's go then."</pink>
<b>-"But how about it though?"</b>
<pink>-"How about what?"</pink> She asks you walk towards your car.
<b>-"How about that second date?"</b>
<pink>-"Well, you fucked up your chances by not begging, but I'll think about it."</pink>
<b>-"Damn... But it's not a no, right?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and open the door for her.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> You both get inside and you begin driving towards her place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"Surprisingly... Adequately... Besides the last part. I expected a lot less!"</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"Well, I'm glad I exceeded your expectations then!"</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes chit chatting as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! I'm not that easy, toy! You'll have to work a lot harder to spend the night with me!"</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"But, take me on a couple more dates and I'll give that little cock of yours another chance to fuck me!"</pink> You remember what happened when you tried to claim your prize in class..
<pink>-"Drive safe $name!"</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<green>Money -210!</green>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Ask Kei to pay.">>
<<set $keirelationship to $keirelationship -2>>\
<pink>-"How much is it?"</pink> She asks as you look down in shame.
<b>-"210... C-could you.. Pay for it?"</b>
<pink>-"Excuse me?"</pink>
<<if $money >=210>>\
<b>-"I'm sorry, but I can't spend this much! I have other responsibilities.."</b>
<b>-"I'm sorry, but I don't even have enough! The bill was a lot higher than I expected.."</b>
<pink>-"Sigh... Fine."</pink> She takes out her wallet and places some cash into the box.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate16.jpg">
<b>-"T-thank you.."</b>
<pink>-"Whatever."</pink> Kei rolls her eyes.
<b>-"Ready to go?"</b>
<pink>-"Nope. Did you forget, you still have to do a dare."</pink>
<b>-"Oh... Right! Well, go on!"</b>
<pink>-"Beg for a second date."</pink>
<pink>-"You heard me. I need to make sure that you would know your place if we go on more dates."</pink>
<pink>-"We probably won't because you didn't pay, but still."</pink>
<<pageReplace"Do it.">>
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to true>>\
<b>-"F-fine.."</b> You wait for a moment when nobody is looking and quickly fall to your knees.
<b>-"P-pleaseibegyouforaseconddate!"</b> You blurt out a mess of words and quickly stand up.
<pink>-"What? Do it again, properly this time."</pink>
<b>-"Yes ma'am.."</b> You get on your knees again.
<b>-"Please.. I beg you, go out with me for a second date!"</b> Professor Kei stands up.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate15.png">
<pink>-"Hmph, good pet. I'll think about it."</pink> You nod and stand up.
<b>-"I-is that a yes?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and grab your jacket.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> After you both leave the restaurant, you get into your car and begin driving back to Kei's place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"Surprisingly... Adequately... I expected a lot less!"</pink>
<pink>-"However, you need to stop asking people on dates if you can't pay. It's rude."</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"But I'm glad I exceeded your expectations!"</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes chit chatting as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! I'm not that easy, toy! You'll have to work a lot harder to spend the night with me!"</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"But, take me on a couple more dates and I'll give that little cock of yours another chance to fuck me!"</pink> You remember what happened when you tried to claim your prize in class..
<pink>-"Drive safe $name!"</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to false>>\
<b>-"I'm not doing that!"</b> You look at her and frown.
<pink>-"Oh.. Talking back, are we?"</pink>
<b>-"That's way too embarrassing..."</b> Professor Kei stands up, you follow suit.
<pink>-"Fine, let's go then."</pink>
<b>-"But how about it though?"</b>
<pink>-"How about what?"</pink> She asks you walk towards your car.
<b>-"How about that second date?"</b>
<pink>-"Well, you fucked up your chances by not begging, but I'll think about it."</pink>
<b>-"Damn... But it's not a no, right?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and open the door for her.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> You both get inside and you begin driving towards her place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"The start was good, but you fucked it up. Didn't beg for a second date and didn't even cover the bill, pathetic."</pink> She crosses her arms.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"Sorry Professor.."</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes in silence as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! Don't even try it."</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"You ruined your chances with that pathetic performance you called a date."</pink>
<pink>-"Drive safe $name."</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace "Kiss me.">>
<b>-"Kiss me!"</b>
<pink>-"Gosh you're desperate.."</pink> She rolls her eyes.
<b>-"I'm sorry.. I've been staring at those lips for so long though.."</b> Your cock throbs as Kei looks around.
<pink>-"Fine, but only because I like you, pet."</pink> She quickly leans over the desk and you follow suit..
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subda15.webp">
<b>-"Fuck... Those lips are so warm.."</b> You whisper as Kei smiles and leans back.
<bartender>-"Here's your receipt! Thank you for dining at Smak!"</bartender> The waiter puts down a small box with a receipt inside on the table.
<pink>-"A-ahem! Thank you!"</pink> You both look at the waiter, surprised.
<b>-"Where did she come from.."</b> You chuckle, silently.
<bartender>-"I hope you have a great rest of your evening!"</bartender> She bows and walks away.
<b>-"Hah! That was close!"</b> You take the receipt and take a closer look.
<pink>-"Sure was!"</pink>
<b>-"Gulp.. Damn.."</b> The bill came out to a total of 210 dollars! Damn!
<<if $money>=210>>\
<<pageReplace"Pay up.">>
<<set $keirelationship to $keirelationship +1>>\
<<money -210 "Date with Kei.">>
<pink>-"How much is it?"</pink> She asks as you pull out your wallet.
<b>-"Don't worry about it."</b>
<pink>-"Hmph.. Good pet."</pink> You place the cash in the box and close it.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate16.jpg">
<b>-"Ready to go?"</b>
<pink>-"Nope! Did you forget, you still have to do a dare!"</pink>
<b>-"Oh... Right! Well, go on!"</b>
<pink>-"Beg for a second date."</pink>
<pink>-"You heard me. I need to make sure that you would know your place if we go on more dates."</pink>
<<pageReplace"Do it.">>
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to true>>\
<b>-"F-fine.."</b> You wait for a moment when nobody is looking and quickly fall to your knees.
<b>-"P-pleaseibegyouforaseconddate!"</b> You blurt out a mess of words and quickly stand up.
<pink>-"What? Do it again, properly this time."</pink>
<b>-"Yes ma'am.."</b> You get on your knees again.
<b>-"Please.. I beg you, go out with me for a second date!"</b> Professor Kei stands up.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate15.png">
<pink>-"Hmph, good pet. I'll think about it."</pink> You nod and stand up.
<b>-"I-is that a yes?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and grab your jacket.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> After you both leave the restaurant, you get into your car and begin driving back to Kei's place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"Surprisingly... Adequately... I expected a lot less!"</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"Well, I'm glad I exceeded your expectations then!"</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes chit chatting as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! I'm not that easy, toy! You'll have to work a lot harder to spend the night with me!"</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"But, take me on a couple more dates and I'll give that little cock of yours another chance to fuck me!"</pink> You remember what happened when you tried to claim your prize in class..
<pink>-"Drive safe $name!"</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<green>Money -210!</green>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to false>>\
<b>-"I'm not doing that!"</b> You look at her and frown.
<pink>-"Oh.. Talking back, are we?"</pink>
<b>-"That's way too embarrassing..."</b> Professor Kei stands up, you follow suit.
<pink>-"Fine, let's go then."</pink>
<b>-"But how about it though?"</b>
<pink>-"How about what?"</pink> She asks you walk towards your car.
<b>-"How about that second date?"</b>
<pink>-"Well, you fucked up your chances by not begging, but I'll think about it."</pink>
<b>-"Damn... But it's not a no, right?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and open the door for her.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> You both get inside and you begin driving towards her place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"Surprisingly... Adequately... Besides the last part. I expected a lot less!"</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"Well, I'm glad I exceeded your expectations then!"</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes chit chatting as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! I'm not that easy, toy! You'll have to work a lot harder to spend the night with me!"</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"But, take me on a couple more dates and I'll give that little cock of yours another chance to fuck me!"</pink> You remember what happened when you tried to claim your prize in class..
<pink>-"Drive safe $name!"</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<green>Money -210!</green>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Ask Kei to pay.">>
<<set $keirelationship to $keirelationship -2>>\
<pink>-"How much is it?"</pink> She asks as you look down in shame.
<b>-"210... C-could you.. Pay for it?"</b>
<pink>-"Excuse me?"</pink>
<<if $money >=210>>\
<b>-"I'm sorry, but I can't spend this much! I have other responsibilities.."</b>
<b>-"I'm sorry, but I don't even have enough! The bill was a lot higher than I expected.."</b>
<pink>-"Sigh... Fine."</pink> She takes out her wallet and places some cash into the box.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate16.jpg">
<b>-"T-thank you.."</b>
<pink>-"Whatever."</pink> Kei rolls her eyes.
<b>-"Ready to go?"</b>
<pink>-"Nope. Did you forget, you still have to do a dare."</pink>
<b>-"Oh... Right! Well, go on!"</b>
<pink>-"Beg for a second date."</pink>
<pink>-"You heard me. I need to make sure that you would know your place if we go on more dates."</pink>
<pink>-"We probably won't because you didn't pay, but still."</pink>
<<pageReplace"Do it.">>
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to true>>\
<b>-"F-fine.."</b> You wait for a moment when nobody is looking and quickly fall to your knees.
<b>-"P-pleaseibegyouforaseconddate!"</b> You blurt out a mess of words and quickly stand up.
<pink>-"What? Do it again, properly this time."</pink>
<b>-"Yes ma'am.."</b> You get on your knees again.
<b>-"Please.. I beg you, go out with me for a second date!"</b> Professor Kei stands up.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate15.png">
<pink>-"Hmph, good pet. I'll think about it."</pink> You nod and stand up.
<b>-"I-is that a yes?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and grab your jacket.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> After you both leave the restaurant, you get into your car and begin driving back to Kei's place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"Surprisingly... Adequately... I expected a lot less!"</pink>
<pink>-"However, you need to stop asking people on dates if you can't pay. It's rude."</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"But I'm glad I exceeded your expectations!"</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes chit chatting as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! I'm not that easy, toy! You'll have to work a lot harder to spend the night with me!"</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"But, take me on a couple more dates and I'll give that little cock of yours another chance to fuck me!"</pink> You remember what happened when you tried to claim your prize in class..
<pink>-"Drive safe $name!"</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to false>>\
<b>-"I'm not doing that!"</b> You look at her and frown.
<pink>-"Oh.. Talking back, are we?"</pink>
<b>-"That's way too embarrassing..."</b> Professor Kei stands up, you follow suit.
<pink>-"Fine, let's go then."</pink>
<b>-"But how about it though?"</b>
<pink>-"How about what?"</pink> She asks you walk towards your car.
<b>-"How about that second date?"</b>
<pink>-"Well, you fucked up your chances by not begging, but I'll think about it."</pink>
<b>-"Damn... But it's not a no, right?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and open the door for her.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> You both get inside and you begin driving towards her place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"The start was good, but you fucked it up. Didn't beg for a second date and didn't even cover the bill, pathetic."</pink> She crosses her arms.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"Sorry Professor.."</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes in silence as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! Don't even try it."</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"You ruined your chances with that pathetic performance you called a date."</pink>
<pink>-"Drive safe $name."</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Would you date one of your students?">>
<b>-"Would you date one of your students?"</b>
<pink>-"Hmmmm, I wonder why you want to know.."</pink> She giggles.
<b>-"Hahaha.. You have to answer!"</b>
<pink>-"Well, if I like him or her enough, I think I would! The SUP doesn't have any rules prohibiting it."</pink> Professor Kei smiles.
<b>-"Hmph.. Cheers to that!"</b>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate13.png">
<pink>-"My turn! Truth or dare?"</pink>
<b>-"True.."</b> Your cheeks begin to blush as you drink more and more alcohol.
<pink>-"What do you like about me so much? Most of my students adore me, but not quite as much as you."</pink>
<<pageReplace"Your body.">>
<<set $keirelationship to $keirelationship -1>>\
<b>-"Your body... It's so curvy and voluptuous and sexy and.."</b> She cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah, alright alright I get it."</pink> Kei looks away for a second.
<b>-"Everything okay?"</b> You look at her, concerned.
<pink>-"Mhm, ask away."</pink> You take turns asking each other question after question, none of you are picking dare. The questions are getting steamy however.
<pink>-"So when did you lose your virginity?"</pink>
<b>-"I lost it to Emily! Quite a bit ago, before I moved to Norway!"</b> After a while, Kei seems to have become bored.
<pink>-"Alright asking questions is fun and all, but let's spice things up a bit! How about we both have to pick dare for our next choice?"</pink>
<b>-"Hmph... Sure! It's my turn though! Truth or dare?"</b>
<pink>-"Dare!"</pink> Professor Kei smiles as you rub your hands like a villain.
<pink>-"Haha, oh no!"</pink>
<<pageReplace "Flash me your tits.">>
<b>-"Flash me your tits!"</b>
<pink>-"Gosh you're desperate.."</pink> She rolls her eyes.
<b>-"I'm sorry.. They're just so perfect!"</b> Your cock throbs as Kei looks around.
<pink>-"Fine, but only because I like you, pet."</pink> She quickly pulls down her dress and reveals her bare breasts.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate14.webp">
<b>-"So hot.."</b> You whisper as Kei suddenly looks to her left.
<bartender>-"Here's your receipt! Thank you for dining at Smak!"</bartender> The waiter puts down a small box with a receipt inside on the table.
<pink>-"A-ahem! Thank you!"</pink> She quickly fixes her dress.
<b>-"Where did she come from.."</b> You chuckle, silently.
<bartender>-"I hope you have a great rest of your evening!"</bartender> She bows and walks away.
<b>-"Hah! That was close!"</b> You take the receipt and take a closer look.
<pink>-"Sure was!"</pink>
<b>-"Gulp.. Damn.."</b> The bill came out to a total of 210 dollars! Damn!
<<if $money>=210>>\
<<pageReplace"Pay up.">>
<<set $keirelationship to $keirelationship +1>>\
<<money -210 "Date with Kei.">>
<pink>-"How much is it?"</pink> She asks as you pull out your wallet.
<b>-"Don't worry about it."</b>
<pink>-"Hmph.. Good pet."</pink> You place the cash in the box and close it.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate16.jpg">
<b>-"Ready to go?"</b>
<pink>-"Nope! Did you forget, you still have to do a dare!"</pink>
<b>-"Oh... Right! Well, go on!"</b>
<pink>-"Beg for a second date."</pink>
<pink>-"You heard me. I need to make sure that you would know your place if we go on more dates."</pink>
<<pageReplace"Do it.">>
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to true>>\
<b>-"F-fine.."</b> You wait for a moment when nobody is looking and quickly fall to your knees.
<b>-"P-pleaseibegyouforaseconddate!"</b> You blurt out a mess of words and quickly stand up.
<pink>-"What? Do it again, properly this time."</pink>
<b>-"Yes ma'am.."</b> You get on your knees again.
<b>-"Please.. I beg you, go out with me for a second date!"</b> Professor Kei stands up.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate15.png">
<pink>-"Hmph, good pet. I'll think about it."</pink> You nod and stand up.
<b>-"I-is that a yes?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and grab your jacket.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> After you both leave the restaurant, you get into your car and begin driving back to Kei's place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"Surprisingly... Adequately... I expected a lot less!"</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"Well, I'm glad I exceeded your expectations then!"</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes chit chatting as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! I'm not that easy, toy! You'll have to work a lot harder to spend the night with me!"</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"But, take me on a couple more dates and I'll give that little cock of yours another chance to fuck me!"</pink> You remember what happened when you tried to claim your prize in class..
<pink>-"Drive safe $name!"</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<green>Money -210!</green>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to false>>\
<b>-"I'm not doing that!"</b> You look at her and frown.
<pink>-"Oh.. Talking back, are we?"</pink>
<b>-"That's way too embarrassing..."</b> Professor Kei stands up, you follow suit.
<pink>-"Fine, let's go then."</pink>
<b>-"But how about it though?"</b>
<pink>-"How about what?"</pink> She asks you walk towards your car.
<b>-"How about that second date?"</b>
<pink>-"Well, you fucked up your chances by not begging, but I'll think about it."</pink>
<b>-"Damn... But it's not a no, right?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and open the door for her.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> You both get inside and you begin driving towards her place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"Surprisingly... Adequately... Besides the last part. I expected a lot less!"</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"Well, I'm glad I exceeded your expectations then!"</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes chit chatting as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! I'm not that easy, toy! You'll have to work a lot harder to spend the night with me!"</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"But, take me on a couple more dates and I'll give that little cock of yours another chance to fuck me!"</pink> You remember what happened when you tried to claim your prize in class..
<pink>-"Drive safe $name!"</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<green>Money -210!</green>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Ask Kei to pay.">>
<<set $keirelationship to $keirelationship -2>>\
<pink>-"How much is it?"</pink> She asks as you look down in shame.
<b>-"210... C-could you.. Pay for it?"</b>
<pink>-"Excuse me?"</pink>
<<if $money >=210>>\
<b>-"I'm sorry, but I can't spend this much! I have other responsibilities.."</b>
<b>-"I'm sorry, but I don't even have enough! The bill was a lot higher than I expected.."</b>
<pink>-"Sigh... Fine."</pink> She takes out her wallet and places some cash into the box.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate16.jpg">
<b>-"T-thank you.."</b>
<pink>-"Whatever."</pink> Kei rolls her eyes.
<b>-"Ready to go?"</b>
<pink>-"Nope. Did you forget, you still have to do a dare."</pink>
<b>-"Oh... Right! Well, go on!"</b>
<pink>-"Beg for a second date."</pink>
<pink>-"You heard me. I need to make sure that you would know your place if we go on more dates."</pink>
<pink>-"We probably won't because you didn't pay, but still."</pink>
<<pageReplace"Do it.">>
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to true>>\
<b>-"F-fine.."</b> You wait for a moment when nobody is looking and quickly fall to your knees.
<b>-"P-pleaseibegyouforaseconddate!"</b> You blurt out a mess of words and quickly stand up.
<pink>-"What? Do it again, properly this time."</pink>
<b>-"Yes ma'am.."</b> You get on your knees again.
<b>-"Please.. I beg you, go out with me for a second date!"</b> Professor Kei stands up.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate15.png">
<pink>-"Hmph, good pet. I'll think about it."</pink> You nod and stand up.
<b>-"I-is that a yes?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and grab your jacket.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> After you both leave the restaurant, you get into your car and begin driving back to Kei's place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"Surprisingly... Adequately... I expected a lot less!"</pink>
<pink>-"However, you need to stop asking people on dates if you can't pay. It's rude."</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"But I'm glad I exceeded your expectations!"</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes chit chatting as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! I'm not that easy, toy! You'll have to work a lot harder to spend the night with me!"</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"But, take me on a couple more dates and I'll give that little cock of yours another chance to fuck me!"</pink> You remember what happened when you tried to claim your prize in class..
<pink>-"Drive safe $name!"</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to false>>\
<b>-"I'm not doing that!"</b> You look at her and frown.
<pink>-"Oh.. Talking back, are we?"</pink>
<b>-"That's way too embarrassing..."</b> Professor Kei stands up, you follow suit.
<pink>-"Fine, let's go then."</pink>
<b>-"But how about it though?"</b>
<pink>-"How about what?"</pink> She asks you walk towards your car.
<b>-"How about that second date?"</b>
<pink>-"Well, you fucked up your chances by not begging, but I'll think about it."</pink>
<b>-"Damn... But it's not a no, right?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and open the door for her.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> You both get inside and you begin driving towards her place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"The start was good, but you fucked it up. Didn't beg for a second date and didn't even cover the bill, pathetic."</pink> She crosses her arms.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"Sorry Professor.."</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes in silence as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! Don't even try it."</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"You ruined your chances with that pathetic performance you called a date."</pink>
<pink>-"Drive safe $name."</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace "Flash me your ass.">>
<b>-"Flash me your ass!"</b>
<pink>-"Gosh you're desperate.."</pink> She rolls her eyes.
<b>-"I'm sorry.. It's just so perfect!"</b> Your cock throbs as Kei looks around.
<pink>-"Fine, but only because I like you, pet."</pink> She quickly stands up, bends over and pulls up her dress.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate9.webp">
<b>-"So hot.."</b> You whisper as Kei suddenly pulls it back down and takes a seat.
<bartender>-"Here's your receipt! Thank you for dining at Smak!"</bartender> The waiter puts down a small box with a receipt inside on the table.
<pink>-"A-ahem! Thank you!"</pink> She quickly fixes her dress.
<b>-"Where did she come from.."</b> You chuckle, silently.
<bartender>-"I hope you have a great rest of your evening!"</bartender> She bows and walks away.
<b>-"Hah! That was close!"</b> You take the receipt and take a closer look.
<pink>-"Sure was!"</pink>
<b>-"Gulp.. Damn.."</b> The bill came out to a total of 210 dollars! Damn!
<<if $money>=210>>\
<<pageReplace"Pay up.">>
<<set $keirelationship to $keirelationship +1>>\
<<money -210 "Date with Kei.">>
<pink>-"How much is it?"</pink> She asks as you pull out your wallet.
<b>-"Don't worry about it."</b>
<pink>-"Hmph.. Good pet."</pink> You place the cash in the box and close it.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate16.jpg">
<b>-"Ready to go?"</b>
<pink>-"Nope! Did you forget, you still have to do a dare!"</pink>
<b>-"Oh... Right! Well, go on!"</b>
<pink>-"Beg for a second date."</pink>
<pink>-"You heard me. I need to make sure that you would know your place if we go on more dates."</pink>
<<pageReplace"Do it.">>
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to true>>\
<b>-"F-fine.."</b> You wait for a moment when nobody is looking and quickly fall to your knees.
<b>-"P-pleaseibegyouforaseconddate!"</b> You blurt out a mess of words and quickly stand up.
<pink>-"What? Do it again, properly this time."</pink>
<b>-"Yes ma'am.."</b> You get on your knees again.
<b>-"Please.. I beg you, go out with me for a second date!"</b> Professor Kei stands up.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate15.png">
<pink>-"Hmph, good pet. I'll think about it."</pink> You nod and stand up.
<b>-"I-is that a yes?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and grab your jacket.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> After you both leave the restaurant, you get into your car and begin driving back to Kei's place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"Surprisingly... Adequately... I expected a lot less!"</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"Well, I'm glad I exceeded your expectations then!"</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes chit chatting as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! I'm not that easy, toy! You'll have to work a lot harder to spend the night with me!"</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"But, take me on a couple more dates and I'll give that little cock of yours another chance to fuck me!"</pink> You remember what happened when you tried to claim your prize in class..
<pink>-"Drive safe $name!"</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<green>Money -210!</green>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to false>>\
<b>-"I'm not doing that!"</b> You look at her and frown.
<pink>-"Oh.. Talking back, are we?"</pink>
<b>-"That's way too embarrassing..."</b> Professor Kei stands up, you follow suit.
<pink>-"Fine, let's go then."</pink>
<b>-"But how about it though?"</b>
<pink>-"How about what?"</pink> She asks you walk towards your car.
<b>-"How about that second date?"</b>
<pink>-"Well, you fucked up your chances by not begging, but I'll think about it."</pink>
<b>-"Damn... But it's not a no, right?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and open the door for her.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> You both get inside and you begin driving towards her place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"Surprisingly... Adequately... Besides the last part. I expected a lot less!"</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"Well, I'm glad I exceeded your expectations then!"</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes chit chatting as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! I'm not that easy, toy! You'll have to work a lot harder to spend the night with me!"</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"But, take me on a couple more dates and I'll give that little cock of yours another chance to fuck me!"</pink> You remember what happened when you tried to claim your prize in class..
<pink>-"Drive safe $name!"</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<green>Money -210!</green>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Ask Kei to pay.">>
<<set $keirelationship to $keirelationship -2>>\
<pink>-"How much is it?"</pink> She asks as you look down in shame.
<b>-"210... C-could you.. Pay for it?"</b>
<pink>-"Excuse me?"</pink>
<<if $money >=210>>\
<b>-"I'm sorry, but I can't spend this much! I have other responsibilities.."</b>
<b>-"I'm sorry, but I don't even have enough! The bill was a lot higher than I expected.."</b>
<pink>-"Sigh... Fine."</pink> She takes out her wallet and places some cash into the box.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate16.jpg">
<b>-"T-thank you.."</b>
<pink>-"Whatever."</pink> Kei rolls her eyes.
<b>-"Ready to go?"</b>
<pink>-"Nope. Did you forget, you still have to do a dare."</pink>
<b>-"Oh... Right! Well, go on!"</b>
<pink>-"Beg for a second date."</pink>
<pink>-"You heard me. I need to make sure that you would know your place if we go on more dates."</pink>
<pink>-"We probably won't because you didn't pay, but still."</pink>
<<pageReplace"Do it.">>
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to true>>\
<b>-"F-fine.."</b> You wait for a moment when nobody is looking and quickly fall to your knees.
<b>-"P-pleaseibegyouforaseconddate!"</b> You blurt out a mess of words and quickly stand up.
<pink>-"What? Do it again, properly this time."</pink>
<b>-"Yes ma'am.."</b> You get on your knees again.
<b>-"Please.. I beg you, go out with me for a second date!"</b> Professor Kei stands up.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate15.png">
<pink>-"Hmph, good pet. I'll think about it."</pink> You nod and stand up.
<b>-"I-is that a yes?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and grab your jacket.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> After you both leave the restaurant, you get into your car and begin driving back to Kei's place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"Surprisingly... Adequately... I expected a lot less!"</pink>
<pink>-"However, you need to stop asking people on dates if you can't pay. It's rude."</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"But I'm glad I exceeded your expectations!"</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes chit chatting as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! I'm not that easy, toy! You'll have to work a lot harder to spend the night with me!"</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"But, take me on a couple more dates and I'll give that little cock of yours another chance to fuck me!"</pink> You remember what happened when you tried to claim your prize in class..
<pink>-"Drive safe $name!"</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to false>>\
<b>-"I'm not doing that!"</b> You look at her and frown.
<pink>-"Oh.. Talking back, are we?"</pink>
<b>-"That's way too embarrassing..."</b> Professor Kei stands up, you follow suit.
<pink>-"Fine, let's go then."</pink>
<b>-"But how about it though?"</b>
<pink>-"How about what?"</pink> She asks you walk towards your car.
<b>-"How about that second date?"</b>
<pink>-"Well, you fucked up your chances by not begging, but I'll think about it."</pink>
<b>-"Damn... But it's not a no, right?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and open the door for her.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> You both get inside and you begin driving towards her place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"The start was good, but you fucked it up. Didn't beg for a second date and didn't even cover the bill, pathetic."</pink> She crosses her arms.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"Sorry Professor.."</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes in silence as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! Don't even try it."</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"You ruined your chances with that pathetic performance you called a date."</pink>
<pink>-"Drive safe $name."</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace "Kiss me.">>
<b>-"Kiss me!"</b>
<pink>-"Gosh you're desperate.."</pink> She rolls her eyes.
<b>-"I'm sorry.. I've been staring at those lips for so long though.."</b> Your cock throbs as Kei looks around.
<pink>-"Fine, but only because I like you, pet."</pink> She quickly leans over the desk and you follow suit..
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subda15.webp">
<b>-"Fuck... Those lips are so warm.."</b> You whisper as Kei smiles and leans back.
<bartender>-"Here's your receipt! Thank you for dining at Smak!"</bartender> The waiter puts down a small box with a receipt inside on the table.
<pink>-"A-ahem! Thank you!"</pink> You both look at the waiter, surprised.
<b>-"Where did she come from.."</b> You chuckle, silently.
<bartender>-"I hope you have a great rest of your evening!"</bartender> She bows and walks away.
<b>-"Hah! That was close!"</b> You take the receipt and take a closer look.
<pink>-"Sure was!"</pink>
<b>-"Gulp.. Damn.."</b> The bill came out to a total of 210 dollars! Damn!
<<if $money>=210>>\
<<pageReplace"Pay up.">>
<<set $keirelationship to $keirelationship +1>>\
<<money -210 "Date with Kei.">>
<pink>-"How much is it?"</pink> She asks as you pull out your wallet.
<b>-"Don't worry about it."</b>
<pink>-"Hmph.. Good pet."</pink> You place the cash in the box and close it.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate16.jpg">
<b>-"Ready to go?"</b>
<pink>-"Nope! Did you forget, you still have to do a dare!"</pink>
<b>-"Oh... Right! Well, go on!"</b>
<pink>-"Beg for a second date."</pink>
<pink>-"You heard me. I need to make sure that you would know your place if we go on more dates."</pink>
<<pageReplace"Do it.">>
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to true>>\
<b>-"F-fine.."</b> You wait for a moment when nobody is looking and quickly fall to your knees.
<b>-"P-pleaseibegyouforaseconddate!"</b> You blurt out a mess of words and quickly stand up.
<pink>-"What? Do it again, properly this time."</pink>
<b>-"Yes ma'am.."</b> You get on your knees again.
<b>-"Please.. I beg you, go out with me for a second date!"</b> Professor Kei stands up.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate15.png">
<pink>-"Hmph, good pet. I'll think about it."</pink> You nod and stand up.
<b>-"I-is that a yes?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and grab your jacket.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> After you both leave the restaurant, you get into your car and begin driving back to Kei's place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"Surprisingly... Adequately... I expected a lot less!"</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"Well, I'm glad I exceeded your expectations then!"</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes chit chatting as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! I'm not that easy, toy! You'll have to work a lot harder to spend the night with me!"</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"But, take me on a couple more dates and I'll give that little cock of yours another chance to fuck me!"</pink> You remember what happened when you tried to claim your prize in class..
<pink>-"Drive safe $name!"</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<green>Money -210!</green>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to false>>\
<b>-"I'm not doing that!"</b> You look at her and frown.
<pink>-"Oh.. Talking back, are we?"</pink>
<b>-"That's way too embarrassing..."</b> Professor Kei stands up, you follow suit.
<pink>-"Fine, let's go then."</pink>
<b>-"But how about it though?"</b>
<pink>-"How about what?"</pink> She asks you walk towards your car.
<b>-"How about that second date?"</b>
<pink>-"Well, you fucked up your chances by not begging, but I'll think about it."</pink>
<b>-"Damn... But it's not a no, right?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and open the door for her.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> You both get inside and you begin driving towards her place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"Surprisingly... Adequately... Besides the last part. I expected a lot less!"</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"Well, I'm glad I exceeded your expectations then!"</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes chit chatting as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! I'm not that easy, toy! You'll have to work a lot harder to spend the night with me!"</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"But, take me on a couple more dates and I'll give that little cock of yours another chance to fuck me!"</pink> You remember what happened when you tried to claim your prize in class..
<pink>-"Drive safe $name!"</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<green>Money -210!</green>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Ask Kei to pay.">>
<<set $keirelationship to $keirelationship -2>>\
<pink>-"How much is it?"</pink> She asks as you look down in shame.
<b>-"210... C-could you.. Pay for it?"</b>
<pink>-"Excuse me?"</pink>
<<if $money >=210>>\
<b>-"I'm sorry, but I can't spend this much! I have other responsibilities.."</b>
<b>-"I'm sorry, but I don't even have enough! The bill was a lot higher than I expected.."</b>
<pink>-"Sigh... Fine."</pink> She takes out her wallet and places some cash into the box.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate16.jpg">
<b>-"T-thank you.."</b>
<pink>-"Whatever."</pink> Kei rolls her eyes.
<b>-"Ready to go?"</b>
<pink>-"Nope. Did you forget, you still have to do a dare."</pink>
<b>-"Oh... Right! Well, go on!"</b>
<pink>-"Beg for a second date."</pink>
<pink>-"You heard me. I need to make sure that you would know your place if we go on more dates."</pink>
<pink>-"We probably won't because you didn't pay, but still."</pink>
<<pageReplace"Do it.">>
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to true>>\
<b>-"F-fine.."</b> You wait for a moment when nobody is looking and quickly fall to your knees.
<b>-"P-pleaseibegyouforaseconddate!"</b> You blurt out a mess of words and quickly stand up.
<pink>-"What? Do it again, properly this time."</pink>
<b>-"Yes ma'am.."</b> You get on your knees again.
<b>-"Please.. I beg you, go out with me for a second date!"</b> Professor Kei stands up.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate15.png">
<pink>-"Hmph, good pet. I'll think about it."</pink> You nod and stand up.
<b>-"I-is that a yes?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and grab your jacket.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> After you both leave the restaurant, you get into your car and begin driving back to Kei's place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"Surprisingly... Adequately... I expected a lot less!"</pink>
<pink>-"However, you need to stop asking people on dates if you can't pay. It's rude."</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"But I'm glad I exceeded your expectations!"</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes chit chatting as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! I'm not that easy, toy! You'll have to work a lot harder to spend the night with me!"</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"But, take me on a couple more dates and I'll give that little cock of yours another chance to fuck me!"</pink> You remember what happened when you tried to claim your prize in class..
<pink>-"Drive safe $name!"</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to false>>\
<b>-"I'm not doing that!"</b> You look at her and frown.
<pink>-"Oh.. Talking back, are we?"</pink>
<b>-"That's way too embarrassing..."</b> Professor Kei stands up, you follow suit.
<pink>-"Fine, let's go then."</pink>
<b>-"But how about it though?"</b>
<pink>-"How about what?"</pink> She asks you walk towards your car.
<b>-"How about that second date?"</b>
<pink>-"Well, you fucked up your chances by not begging, but I'll think about it."</pink>
<b>-"Damn... But it's not a no, right?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and open the door for her.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> You both get inside and you begin driving towards her place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"The start was good, but you fucked it up. Didn't beg for a second date and didn't even cover the bill, pathetic."</pink> She crosses her arms.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"Sorry Professor.."</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes in silence as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! Don't even try it."</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"You ruined your chances with that pathetic performance you called a date."</pink>
<pink>-"Drive safe $name."</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Your character.">>
<<set $keirelationship to $keirelationship +1>>\
<b>-"Your character... You seem cold, but loving and caring at the same time.. I also love how you dominate me.. I think it's super hot!"</b>
<pink>-"Alright alright I get it."</pink> Kei looks away and smiles.
<pink>-"I'll give you this, you know how to make a woman blush.."</pink>
<b>-"Hah, t-thank you professor!"</b>
<pink>-"Anyways, it's your turn!"</pink> You take turns asking each other question after question, none of you are picking dare. The questions are getting steamy however.
<pink>-"So when did you lose your virginity?"</pink>
<b>-"I lost it to Emily! Quite a bit ago, before I moved to Norway!"</b> After a while, Kei seems to have become bored.
<pink>-"Alright asking questions is fun and all, but let's spice things up a bit! How about we both have to pick dare for our next choice?"</pink>
<b>-"Hmph... Sure! It's my turn though! Truth or dare?"</b>
<pink>-"Dare!"</pink> Professor Kei smiles as you rub your hands like a villain.
<pink>-"Haha, oh no!"</pink>
<<pageReplace "Flash me your tits.">>
<b>-"Flash me your tits!"</b>
<pink>-"Gosh you're desperate.."</pink> She rolls her eyes.
<b>-"I'm sorry.. They're just so perfect!"</b> Your cock throbs as Kei looks around.
<pink>-"Fine, but only because I like you, pet."</pink> She quickly pulls down her dress and reveals her bare breasts.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate14.webp">
<b>-"So hot.."</b> You whisper as Kei suddenly looks to her left.
<bartender>-"Here's your receipt! Thank you for dining at Smak!"</bartender> The waiter puts down a small box with a receipt inside on the table.
<pink>-"A-ahem! Thank you!"</pink> She quickly fixes her dress.
<b>-"Where did she come from.."</b> You chuckle, silently.
<bartender>-"I hope you have a great rest of your evening!"</bartender> She bows and walks away.
<b>-"Hah! That was close!"</b> You take the receipt and take a closer look.
<pink>-"Sure was!"</pink>
<b>-"Gulp.. Damn.."</b> The bill came out to a total of 210 dollars! Damn!
<<if $money>=210>>\
<<pageReplace"Pay up.">>
<<set $keirelationship to $keirelationship +1>>\
<<money -210 "Date with Kei.">>
<pink>-"How much is it?"</pink> She asks as you pull out your wallet.
<b>-"Don't worry about it."</b>
<pink>-"Hmph.. Good pet."</pink> You place the cash in the box and close it.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate16.jpg">
<b>-"Ready to go?"</b>
<pink>-"Nope! Did you forget, you still have to do a dare!"</pink>
<b>-"Oh... Right! Well, go on!"</b>
<pink>-"Beg for a second date."</pink>
<pink>-"You heard me. I need to make sure that you would know your place if we go on more dates."</pink>
<<pageReplace"Do it.">>
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to true>>\
<b>-"F-fine.."</b> You wait for a moment when nobody is looking and quickly fall to your knees.
<b>-"P-pleaseibegyouforaseconddate!"</b> You blurt out a mess of words and quickly stand up.
<pink>-"What? Do it again, properly this time."</pink>
<b>-"Yes ma'am.."</b> You get on your knees again.
<b>-"Please.. I beg you, go out with me for a second date!"</b> Professor Kei stands up.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate15.png">
<pink>-"Hmph, good pet. I'll think about it."</pink> You nod and stand up.
<b>-"I-is that a yes?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and grab your jacket.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> After you both leave the restaurant, you get into your car and begin driving back to Kei's place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"Surprisingly... Adequately... I expected a lot less!"</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"Well, I'm glad I exceeded your expectations then!"</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes chit chatting as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! I'm not that easy, toy! You'll have to work a lot harder to spend the night with me!"</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"But, take me on a couple more dates and I'll give that little cock of yours another chance to fuck me!"</pink> You remember what happened when you tried to claim your prize in class..
<pink>-"Drive safe $name!"</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<green>Money -210!</green>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to false>>\
<b>-"I'm not doing that!"</b> You look at her and frown.
<pink>-"Oh.. Talking back, are we?"</pink>
<b>-"That's way too embarrassing..."</b> Professor Kei stands up, you follow suit.
<pink>-"Fine, let's go then."</pink>
<b>-"But how about it though?"</b>
<pink>-"How about what?"</pink> She asks you walk towards your car.
<b>-"How about that second date?"</b>
<pink>-"Well, you fucked up your chances by not begging, but I'll think about it."</pink>
<b>-"Damn... But it's not a no, right?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and open the door for her.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> You both get inside and you begin driving towards her place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"Surprisingly... Adequately... Besides the last part. I expected a lot less!"</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"Well, I'm glad I exceeded your expectations then!"</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes chit chatting as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! I'm not that easy, toy! You'll have to work a lot harder to spend the night with me!"</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"But, take me on a couple more dates and I'll give that little cock of yours another chance to fuck me!"</pink> You remember what happened when you tried to claim your prize in class..
<pink>-"Drive safe $name!"</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<green>Money -210!</green>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Ask Kei to pay.">>
<<set $keirelationship to $keirelationship -2>>\
<pink>-"How much is it?"</pink> She asks as you look down in shame.
<b>-"210... C-could you.. Pay for it?"</b>
<pink>-"Excuse me?"</pink>
<<if $money >=210>>\
<b>-"I'm sorry, but I can't spend this much! I have other responsibilities.."</b>
<b>-"I'm sorry, but I don't even have enough! The bill was a lot higher than I expected.."</b>
<pink>-"Sigh... Fine."</pink> She takes out her wallet and places some cash into the box.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate16.jpg">
<b>-"T-thank you.."</b>
<pink>-"Whatever."</pink> Kei rolls her eyes.
<b>-"Ready to go?"</b>
<pink>-"Nope. Did you forget, you still have to do a dare."</pink>
<b>-"Oh... Right! Well, go on!"</b>
<pink>-"Beg for a second date."</pink>
<pink>-"You heard me. I need to make sure that you would know your place if we go on more dates."</pink>
<pink>-"We probably won't because you didn't pay, but still."</pink>
<<pageReplace"Do it.">>
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to true>>\
<b>-"F-fine.."</b> You wait for a moment when nobody is looking and quickly fall to your knees.
<b>-"P-pleaseibegyouforaseconddate!"</b> You blurt out a mess of words and quickly stand up.
<pink>-"What? Do it again, properly this time."</pink>
<b>-"Yes ma'am.."</b> You get on your knees again.
<b>-"Please.. I beg you, go out with me for a second date!"</b> Professor Kei stands up.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate15.png">
<pink>-"Hmph, good pet. I'll think about it."</pink> You nod and stand up.
<b>-"I-is that a yes?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and grab your jacket.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> After you both leave the restaurant, you get into your car and begin driving back to Kei's place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"Surprisingly... Adequately... I expected a lot less!"</pink>
<pink>-"However, you need to stop asking people on dates if you can't pay. It's rude."</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"But I'm glad I exceeded your expectations!"</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes chit chatting as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! I'm not that easy, toy! You'll have to work a lot harder to spend the night with me!"</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"But, take me on a couple more dates and I'll give that little cock of yours another chance to fuck me!"</pink> You remember what happened when you tried to claim your prize in class..
<pink>-"Drive safe $name!"</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to false>>\
<b>-"I'm not doing that!"</b> You look at her and frown.
<pink>-"Oh.. Talking back, are we?"</pink>
<b>-"That's way too embarrassing..."</b> Professor Kei stands up, you follow suit.
<pink>-"Fine, let's go then."</pink>
<b>-"But how about it though?"</b>
<pink>-"How about what?"</pink> She asks you walk towards your car.
<b>-"How about that second date?"</b>
<pink>-"Well, you fucked up your chances by not begging, but I'll think about it."</pink>
<b>-"Damn... But it's not a no, right?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and open the door for her.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> You both get inside and you begin driving towards her place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"The start was good, but you fucked it up. Didn't beg for a second date and didn't even cover the bill, pathetic."</pink> She crosses her arms.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"Sorry Professor.."</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes in silence as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! Don't even try it."</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"You ruined your chances with that pathetic performance you called a date."</pink>
<pink>-"Drive safe $name."</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace "Flash me your ass.">>
<b>-"Flash me your ass!"</b>
<pink>-"Gosh you're desperate.."</pink> She rolls her eyes.
<b>-"I'm sorry.. It's just so perfect!"</b> Your cock throbs as Kei looks around.
<pink>-"Fine, but only because I like you, pet."</pink> She quickly stands up, bends over and pulls up her dress.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate9.webp">
<b>-"So hot.."</b> You whisper as Kei suddenly pulls it back down and takes a seat.
<bartender>-"Here's your receipt! Thank you for dining at Smak!"</bartender> The waiter puts down a small box with a receipt inside on the table.
<pink>-"A-ahem! Thank you!"</pink> She quickly fixes her dress.
<b>-"Where did she come from.."</b> You chuckle, silently.
<bartender>-"I hope you have a great rest of your evening!"</bartender> She bows and walks away.
<b>-"Hah! That was close!"</b> You take the receipt and take a closer look.
<pink>-"Sure was!"</pink>
<b>-"Gulp.. Damn.."</b> The bill came out to a total of 210 dollars! Damn!
<<if $money>=210>>\
<<pageReplace"Pay up.">>
<<set $keirelationship to $keirelationship +1>>\
<<money -210 "Date with Kei.">>
<pink>-"How much is it?"</pink> She asks as you pull out your wallet.
<b>-"Don't worry about it."</b>
<pink>-"Hmph.. Good pet."</pink> You place the cash in the box and close it.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate16.jpg">
<b>-"Ready to go?"</b>
<pink>-"Nope! Did you forget, you still have to do a dare!"</pink>
<b>-"Oh... Right! Well, go on!"</b>
<pink>-"Beg for a second date."</pink>
<pink>-"You heard me. I need to make sure that you would know your place if we go on more dates."</pink>
<<pageReplace"Do it.">>
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to true>>\
<b>-"F-fine.."</b> You wait for a moment when nobody is looking and quickly fall to your knees.
<b>-"P-pleaseibegyouforaseconddate!"</b> You blurt out a mess of words and quickly stand up.
<pink>-"What? Do it again, properly this time."</pink>
<b>-"Yes ma'am.."</b> You get on your knees again.
<b>-"Please.. I beg you, go out with me for a second date!"</b> Professor Kei stands up.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate15.png">
<pink>-"Hmph, good pet. I'll think about it."</pink> You nod and stand up.
<b>-"I-is that a yes?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and grab your jacket.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> After you both leave the restaurant, you get into your car and begin driving back to Kei's place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"Surprisingly... Adequately... I expected a lot less!"</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"Well, I'm glad I exceeded your expectations then!"</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes chit chatting as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! I'm not that easy, toy! You'll have to work a lot harder to spend the night with me!"</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"But, take me on a couple more dates and I'll give that little cock of yours another chance to fuck me!"</pink> You remember what happened when you tried to claim your prize in class..
<pink>-"Drive safe $name!"</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<green>Money -210!</green>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to false>>\
<b>-"I'm not doing that!"</b> You look at her and frown.
<pink>-"Oh.. Talking back, are we?"</pink>
<b>-"That's way too embarrassing..."</b> Professor Kei stands up, you follow suit.
<pink>-"Fine, let's go then."</pink>
<b>-"But how about it though?"</b>
<pink>-"How about what?"</pink> She asks you walk towards your car.
<b>-"How about that second date?"</b>
<pink>-"Well, you fucked up your chances by not begging, but I'll think about it."</pink>
<b>-"Damn... But it's not a no, right?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and open the door for her.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> You both get inside and you begin driving towards her place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"Surprisingly... Adequately... Besides the last part. I expected a lot less!"</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"Well, I'm glad I exceeded your expectations then!"</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes chit chatting as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! I'm not that easy, toy! You'll have to work a lot harder to spend the night with me!"</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"But, take me on a couple more dates and I'll give that little cock of yours another chance to fuck me!"</pink> You remember what happened when you tried to claim your prize in class..
<pink>-"Drive safe $name!"</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<green>Money -210!</green>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Ask Kei to pay.">>
<<set $keirelationship to $keirelationship -2>>\
<pink>-"How much is it?"</pink> She asks as you look down in shame.
<b>-"210... C-could you.. Pay for it?"</b>
<pink>-"Excuse me?"</pink>
<<if $money >=210>>\
<b>-"I'm sorry, but I can't spend this much! I have other responsibilities.."</b>
<b>-"I'm sorry, but I don't even have enough! The bill was a lot higher than I expected.."</b>
<pink>-"Sigh... Fine."</pink> She takes out her wallet and places some cash into the box.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate16.jpg">
<b>-"T-thank you.."</b>
<pink>-"Whatever."</pink> Kei rolls her eyes.
<b>-"Ready to go?"</b>
<pink>-"Nope. Did you forget, you still have to do a dare."</pink>
<b>-"Oh... Right! Well, go on!"</b>
<pink>-"Beg for a second date."</pink>
<pink>-"You heard me. I need to make sure that you would know your place if we go on more dates."</pink>
<pink>-"We probably won't because you didn't pay, but still."</pink>
<<pageReplace"Do it.">>
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to true>>\
<b>-"F-fine.."</b> You wait for a moment when nobody is looking and quickly fall to your knees.
<b>-"P-pleaseibegyouforaseconddate!"</b> You blurt out a mess of words and quickly stand up.
<pink>-"What? Do it again, properly this time."</pink>
<b>-"Yes ma'am.."</b> You get on your knees again.
<b>-"Please.. I beg you, go out with me for a second date!"</b> Professor Kei stands up.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate15.png">
<pink>-"Hmph, good pet. I'll think about it."</pink> You nod and stand up.
<b>-"I-is that a yes?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and grab your jacket.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> After you both leave the restaurant, you get into your car and begin driving back to Kei's place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"Surprisingly... Adequately... I expected a lot less!"</pink>
<pink>-"However, you need to stop asking people on dates if you can't pay. It's rude."</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"But I'm glad I exceeded your expectations!"</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes chit chatting as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! I'm not that easy, toy! You'll have to work a lot harder to spend the night with me!"</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"But, take me on a couple more dates and I'll give that little cock of yours another chance to fuck me!"</pink> You remember what happened when you tried to claim your prize in class..
<pink>-"Drive safe $name!"</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to false>>\
<b>-"I'm not doing that!"</b> You look at her and frown.
<pink>-"Oh.. Talking back, are we?"</pink>
<b>-"That's way too embarrassing..."</b> Professor Kei stands up, you follow suit.
<pink>-"Fine, let's go then."</pink>
<b>-"But how about it though?"</b>
<pink>-"How about what?"</pink> She asks you walk towards your car.
<b>-"How about that second date?"</b>
<pink>-"Well, you fucked up your chances by not begging, but I'll think about it."</pink>
<b>-"Damn... But it's not a no, right?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and open the door for her.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> You both get inside and you begin driving towards her place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"The start was good, but you fucked it up. Didn't beg for a second date and didn't even cover the bill, pathetic."</pink> She crosses her arms.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"Sorry Professor.."</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes in silence as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! Don't even try it."</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"You ruined your chances with that pathetic performance you called a date."</pink>
<pink>-"Drive safe $name."</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace "Kiss me.">>
<b>-"Kiss me!"</b>
<pink>-"Gosh you're desperate.."</pink> She rolls her eyes.
<b>-"I'm sorry.. I've been staring at those lips for so long though.."</b> Your cock throbs as Kei looks around.
<pink>-"Fine, but only because I like you, pet."</pink> She quickly leans over the desk and you follow suit..
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subda15.webp">
<b>-"Fuck... Those lips are so warm.."</b> You whisper as Kei smiles and leans back.
<bartender>-"Here's your receipt! Thank you for dining at Smak!"</bartender> The waiter puts down a small box with a receipt inside on the table.
<pink>-"A-ahem! Thank you!"</pink> You both look at the waiter, surprised.
<b>-"Where did she come from.."</b> You chuckle, silently.
<bartender>-"I hope you have a great rest of your evening!"</bartender> She bows and walks away.
<b>-"Hah! That was close!"</b> You take the receipt and take a closer look.
<pink>-"Sure was!"</pink>
<b>-"Gulp.. Damn.."</b> The bill came out to a total of 210 dollars! Damn!
<<if $money>=210>>\
<<pageReplace"Pay up.">>
<<set $keirelationship to $keirelationship +1>>\
<<money -210 "Date with Kei.">>
<pink>-"How much is it?"</pink> She asks as you pull out your wallet.
<b>-"Don't worry about it."</b>
<pink>-"Hmph.. Good pet."</pink> You place the cash in the box and close it.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate16.jpg">
<b>-"Ready to go?"</b>
<pink>-"Nope! Did you forget, you still have to do a dare!"</pink>
<b>-"Oh... Right! Well, go on!"</b>
<pink>-"Beg for a second date."</pink>
<pink>-"You heard me. I need to make sure that you would know your place if we go on more dates."</pink>
<<pageReplace"Do it.">>
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to true>>\
<b>-"F-fine.."</b> You wait for a moment when nobody is looking and quickly fall to your knees.
<b>-"P-pleaseibegyouforaseconddate!"</b> You blurt out a mess of words and quickly stand up.
<pink>-"What? Do it again, properly this time."</pink>
<b>-"Yes ma'am.."</b> You get on your knees again.
<b>-"Please.. I beg you, go out with me for a second date!"</b> Professor Kei stands up.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate15.png">
<pink>-"Hmph, good pet. I'll think about it."</pink> You nod and stand up.
<b>-"I-is that a yes?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and grab your jacket.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> After you both leave the restaurant, you get into your car and begin driving back to Kei's place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"Surprisingly... Adequately... I expected a lot less!"</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"Well, I'm glad I exceeded your expectations then!"</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes chit chatting as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! I'm not that easy, toy! You'll have to work a lot harder to spend the night with me!"</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"But, take me on a couple more dates and I'll give that little cock of yours another chance to fuck me!"</pink> You remember what happened when you tried to claim your prize in class..
<pink>-"Drive safe $name!"</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<green>Money -210!</green>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to false>>\
<b>-"I'm not doing that!"</b> You look at her and frown.
<pink>-"Oh.. Talking back, are we?"</pink>
<b>-"That's way too embarrassing..."</b> Professor Kei stands up, you follow suit.
<pink>-"Fine, let's go then."</pink>
<b>-"But how about it though?"</b>
<pink>-"How about what?"</pink> She asks you walk towards your car.
<b>-"How about that second date?"</b>
<pink>-"Well, you fucked up your chances by not begging, but I'll think about it."</pink>
<b>-"Damn... But it's not a no, right?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and open the door for her.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> You both get inside and you begin driving towards her place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"Surprisingly... Adequately... Besides the last part. I expected a lot less!"</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"Well, I'm glad I exceeded your expectations then!"</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes chit chatting as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! I'm not that easy, toy! You'll have to work a lot harder to spend the night with me!"</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"But, take me on a couple more dates and I'll give that little cock of yours another chance to fuck me!"</pink> You remember what happened when you tried to claim your prize in class..
<pink>-"Drive safe $name!"</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<green>Money -210!</green>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Ask Kei to pay.">>
<<set $keirelationship to $keirelationship -2>>\
<pink>-"How much is it?"</pink> She asks as you look down in shame.
<b>-"210... C-could you.. Pay for it?"</b>
<pink>-"Excuse me?"</pink>
<<if $money >=210>>\
<b>-"I'm sorry, but I can't spend this much! I have other responsibilities.."</b>
<b>-"I'm sorry, but I don't even have enough! The bill was a lot higher than I expected.."</b>
<pink>-"Sigh... Fine."</pink> She takes out her wallet and places some cash into the box.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate16.jpg">
<b>-"T-thank you.."</b>
<pink>-"Whatever."</pink> Kei rolls her eyes.
<b>-"Ready to go?"</b>
<pink>-"Nope. Did you forget, you still have to do a dare."</pink>
<b>-"Oh... Right! Well, go on!"</b>
<pink>-"Beg for a second date."</pink>
<pink>-"You heard me. I need to make sure that you would know your place if we go on more dates."</pink>
<pink>-"We probably won't because you didn't pay, but still."</pink>
<<pageReplace"Do it.">>
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to true>>\
<b>-"F-fine.."</b> You wait for a moment when nobody is looking and quickly fall to your knees.
<b>-"P-pleaseibegyouforaseconddate!"</b> You blurt out a mess of words and quickly stand up.
<pink>-"What? Do it again, properly this time."</pink>
<b>-"Yes ma'am.."</b> You get on your knees again.
<b>-"Please.. I beg you, go out with me for a second date!"</b> Professor Kei stands up.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate15.png">
<pink>-"Hmph, good pet. I'll think about it."</pink> You nod and stand up.
<b>-"I-is that a yes?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and grab your jacket.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> After you both leave the restaurant, you get into your car and begin driving back to Kei's place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"Surprisingly... Adequately... I expected a lot less!"</pink>
<pink>-"However, you need to stop asking people on dates if you can't pay. It's rude."</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"But I'm glad I exceeded your expectations!"</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes chit chatting as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! I'm not that easy, toy! You'll have to work a lot harder to spend the night with me!"</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"But, take me on a couple more dates and I'll give that little cock of yours another chance to fuck me!"</pink> You remember what happened when you tried to claim your prize in class..
<pink>-"Drive safe $name!"</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to false>>\
<b>-"I'm not doing that!"</b> You look at her and frown.
<pink>-"Oh.. Talking back, are we?"</pink>
<b>-"That's way too embarrassing..."</b> Professor Kei stands up, you follow suit.
<pink>-"Fine, let's go then."</pink>
<b>-"But how about it though?"</b>
<pink>-"How about what?"</pink> She asks you walk towards your car.
<b>-"How about that second date?"</b>
<pink>-"Well, you fucked up your chances by not begging, but I'll think about it."</pink>
<b>-"Damn... But it's not a no, right?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and open the door for her.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> You both get inside and you begin driving towards her place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"The start was good, but you fucked it up. Didn't beg for a second date and didn't even cover the bill, pathetic."</pink> She crosses her arms.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"Sorry Professor.."</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes in silence as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! Don't even try it."</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"You ruined your chances with that pathetic performance you called a date."</pink>
<pink>-"Drive safe $name."</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"How many sexual partners have you had?">>
<b>-"How many sexual partners have you had?"</b>
<pink>-"Hmph, getting personal already?"</pink> She giggles.
<b>-"I guess.. You have to answer though!"</b> You laugh with her.
<pink>-"Well, I never counted. Quite a few though. I don't if a lot of the boys I've had "sex" with count though. As I mentioned before, quite a few of them didn't even make it past my cheeks!"</pink> Professor Kei laughs.
<pink>-"Seems like the more submissive the guy, the smaller the cock!"</pink>
<b>-"Well that's not true..."</b>
<pink>-"Sure there are exceptions, you're not one of them though."</pink> She laughs again.
<b>-"Rude!"</b> You chuckle.
<pink>-"Right, enough talking, more drinking, this vine isn't going to drink itself!"</pink>
<b>-"True.. Cheers!"</b>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate13.png">
<pink>-"My turn! Truth or dare?"</pink>
<b>-"True.."</b> Your cheeks begin to blush as you drink more and more alcohol.
<pink>-"What do you like about me so much? Most of my students adore me, but not quite as much as you."</pink>
<<pageReplace"Your body.">>
<<set $keirelationship to $keirelationship -1>>\
<b>-"Your body... It's so curvy and voluptuous and sexy and.."</b> She cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah, alright alright I get it."</pink> Kei looks away for a second.
<b>-"Everything okay?"</b> You look at her, concerned.
<pink>-"Mhm, ask away."</pink> You take turns asking each other question after question, none of you are picking dare. The questions are getting steamy however.
<pink>-"So when did you lose your virginity?"</pink>
<b>-"I lost it to Emily! Quite a bit ago, before I moved to Norway!"</b> After a while, Kei seems to have become bored.
<pink>-"Alright asking questions is fun and all, but let's spice things up a bit! How about we both have to pick dare for our next choice?"</pink>
<b>-"Hmph... Sure! It's my turn though! Truth or dare?"</b>
<pink>-"Dare!"</pink> Professor Kei smiles as you rub your hands like a villain.
<pink>-"Haha, oh no!"</pink>
<<pageReplace "Flash me your tits.">>
<b>-"Flash me your tits!"</b>
<pink>-"Gosh you're desperate.."</pink> She rolls her eyes.
<b>-"I'm sorry.. They're just so perfect!"</b> Your cock throbs as Kei looks around.
<pink>-"Fine, but only because I like you, pet."</pink> She quickly pulls down her dress and reveals her bare breasts.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate14.webp">
<b>-"So hot.."</b> You whisper as Kei suddenly looks to her left.
<bartender>-"Here's your receipt! Thank you for dining at Smak!"</bartender> The waiter puts down a small box with a receipt inside on the table.
<pink>-"A-ahem! Thank you!"</pink> She quickly fixes her dress.
<b>-"Where did she come from.."</b> You chuckle, silently.
<bartender>-"I hope you have a great rest of your evening!"</bartender> She bows and walks away.
<b>-"Hah! That was close!"</b> You take the receipt and take a closer look.
<pink>-"Sure was!"</pink>
<b>-"Gulp.. Damn.."</b> The bill came out to a total of 210 dollars! Damn!
<<if $money>=210>>\
<<pageReplace"Pay up.">>
<<set $keirelationship to $keirelationship +1>>\
<<money -210 "Date with Kei.">>
<pink>-"How much is it?"</pink> She asks as you pull out your wallet.
<b>-"Don't worry about it."</b>
<pink>-"Hmph.. Good pet."</pink> You place the cash in the box and close it.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate16.jpg">
<b>-"Ready to go?"</b>
<pink>-"Nope! Did you forget, you still have to do a dare!"</pink>
<b>-"Oh... Right! Well, go on!"</b>
<pink>-"Beg for a second date."</pink>
<pink>-"You heard me. I need to make sure that you would know your place if we go on more dates."</pink>
<<pageReplace"Do it.">>
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to true>>\
<b>-"F-fine.."</b> You wait for a moment when nobody is looking and quickly fall to your knees.
<b>-"P-pleaseibegyouforaseconddate!"</b> You blurt out a mess of words and quickly stand up.
<pink>-"What? Do it again, properly this time."</pink>
<b>-"Yes ma'am.."</b> You get on your knees again.
<b>-"Please.. I beg you, go out with me for a second date!"</b> Professor Kei stands up.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate15.png">
<pink>-"Hmph, good pet. I'll think about it."</pink> You nod and stand up.
<b>-"I-is that a yes?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and grab your jacket.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> After you both leave the restaurant, you get into your car and begin driving back to Kei's place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"Surprisingly... Adequately... I expected a lot less!"</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"Well, I'm glad I exceeded your expectations then!"</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes chit chatting as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! I'm not that easy, toy! You'll have to work a lot harder to spend the night with me!"</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"But, take me on a couple more dates and I'll give that little cock of yours another chance to fuck me!"</pink> You remember what happened when you tried to claim your prize in class..
<pink>-"Drive safe $name!"</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<green>Money -210!</green>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to false>>\
<b>-"I'm not doing that!"</b> You look at her and frown.
<pink>-"Oh.. Talking back, are we?"</pink>
<b>-"That's way too embarrassing..."</b> Professor Kei stands up, you follow suit.
<pink>-"Fine, let's go then."</pink>
<b>-"But how about it though?"</b>
<pink>-"How about what?"</pink> She asks you walk towards your car.
<b>-"How about that second date?"</b>
<pink>-"Well, you fucked up your chances by not begging, but I'll think about it."</pink>
<b>-"Damn... But it's not a no, right?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and open the door for her.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> You both get inside and you begin driving towards her place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"Surprisingly... Adequately... Besides the last part. I expected a lot less!"</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"Well, I'm glad I exceeded your expectations then!"</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes chit chatting as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! I'm not that easy, toy! You'll have to work a lot harder to spend the night with me!"</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"But, take me on a couple more dates and I'll give that little cock of yours another chance to fuck me!"</pink> You remember what happened when you tried to claim your prize in class..
<pink>-"Drive safe $name!"</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<green>Money -210!</green>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Ask Kei to pay.">>
<<set $keirelationship to $keirelationship -2>>\
<pink>-"How much is it?"</pink> She asks as you look down in shame.
<b>-"210... C-could you.. Pay for it?"</b>
<pink>-"Excuse me?"</pink>
<<if $money >=210>>\
<b>-"I'm sorry, but I can't spend this much! I have other responsibilities.."</b>
<b>-"I'm sorry, but I don't even have enough! The bill was a lot higher than I expected.."</b>
<pink>-"Sigh... Fine."</pink> She takes out her wallet and places some cash into the box.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate16.jpg">
<b>-"T-thank you.."</b>
<pink>-"Whatever."</pink> Kei rolls her eyes.
<b>-"Ready to go?"</b>
<pink>-"Nope. Did you forget, you still have to do a dare."</pink>
<b>-"Oh... Right! Well, go on!"</b>
<pink>-"Beg for a second date."</pink>
<pink>-"You heard me. I need to make sure that you would know your place if we go on more dates."</pink>
<pink>-"We probably won't because you didn't pay, but still."</pink>
<<pageReplace"Do it.">>
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to true>>\
<b>-"F-fine.."</b> You wait for a moment when nobody is looking and quickly fall to your knees.
<b>-"P-pleaseibegyouforaseconddate!"</b> You blurt out a mess of words and quickly stand up.
<pink>-"What? Do it again, properly this time."</pink>
<b>-"Yes ma'am.."</b> You get on your knees again.
<b>-"Please.. I beg you, go out with me for a second date!"</b> Professor Kei stands up.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate15.png">
<pink>-"Hmph, good pet. I'll think about it."</pink> You nod and stand up.
<b>-"I-is that a yes?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and grab your jacket.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> After you both leave the restaurant, you get into your car and begin driving back to Kei's place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"Surprisingly... Adequately... I expected a lot less!"</pink>
<pink>-"However, you need to stop asking people on dates if you can't pay. It's rude."</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"But I'm glad I exceeded your expectations!"</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes chit chatting as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! I'm not that easy, toy! You'll have to work a lot harder to spend the night with me!"</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"But, take me on a couple more dates and I'll give that little cock of yours another chance to fuck me!"</pink> You remember what happened when you tried to claim your prize in class..
<pink>-"Drive safe $name!"</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to false>>\
<b>-"I'm not doing that!"</b> You look at her and frown.
<pink>-"Oh.. Talking back, are we?"</pink>
<b>-"That's way too embarrassing..."</b> Professor Kei stands up, you follow suit.
<pink>-"Fine, let's go then."</pink>
<b>-"But how about it though?"</b>
<pink>-"How about what?"</pink> She asks you walk towards your car.
<b>-"How about that second date?"</b>
<pink>-"Well, you fucked up your chances by not begging, but I'll think about it."</pink>
<b>-"Damn... But it's not a no, right?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and open the door for her.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> You both get inside and you begin driving towards her place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"The start was good, but you fucked it up. Didn't beg for a second date and didn't even cover the bill, pathetic."</pink> She crosses her arms.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"Sorry Professor.."</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes in silence as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! Don't even try it."</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"You ruined your chances with that pathetic performance you called a date."</pink>
<pink>-"Drive safe $name."</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace "Flash me your ass.">>
<b>-"Flash me your ass!"</b>
<pink>-"Gosh you're desperate.."</pink> She rolls her eyes.
<b>-"I'm sorry.. It's just so perfect!"</b> Your cock throbs as Kei looks around.
<pink>-"Fine, but only because I like you, pet."</pink> She quickly stands up, bends over and pulls up her dress.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate9.webp">
<b>-"So hot.."</b> You whisper as Kei suddenly pulls it back down and takes a seat.
<bartender>-"Here's your receipt! Thank you for dining at Smak!"</bartender> The waiter puts down a small box with a receipt inside on the table.
<pink>-"A-ahem! Thank you!"</pink> She quickly fixes her dress.
<b>-"Where did she come from.."</b> You chuckle, silently.
<bartender>-"I hope you have a great rest of your evening!"</bartender> She bows and walks away.
<b>-"Hah! That was close!"</b> You take the receipt and take a closer look.
<pink>-"Sure was!"</pink>
<b>-"Gulp.. Damn.."</b> The bill came out to a total of 210 dollars! Damn!
<<if $money>=210>>\
<<pageReplace"Pay up.">>
<<set $keirelationship to $keirelationship +1>>\
<<money -210 "Date with Kei.">>
<pink>-"How much is it?"</pink> She asks as you pull out your wallet.
<b>-"Don't worry about it."</b>
<pink>-"Hmph.. Good pet."</pink> You place the cash in the box and close it.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate16.jpg">
<b>-"Ready to go?"</b>
<pink>-"Nope! Did you forget, you still have to do a dare!"</pink>
<b>-"Oh... Right! Well, go on!"</b>
<pink>-"Beg for a second date."</pink>
<pink>-"You heard me. I need to make sure that you would know your place if we go on more dates."</pink>
<<pageReplace"Do it.">>
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to true>>\
<b>-"F-fine.."</b> You wait for a moment when nobody is looking and quickly fall to your knees.
<b>-"P-pleaseibegyouforaseconddate!"</b> You blurt out a mess of words and quickly stand up.
<pink>-"What? Do it again, properly this time."</pink>
<b>-"Yes ma'am.."</b> You get on your knees again.
<b>-"Please.. I beg you, go out with me for a second date!"</b> Professor Kei stands up.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate15.png">
<pink>-"Hmph, good pet. I'll think about it."</pink> You nod and stand up.
<b>-"I-is that a yes?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and grab your jacket.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> After you both leave the restaurant, you get into your car and begin driving back to Kei's place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"Surprisingly... Adequately... I expected a lot less!"</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"Well, I'm glad I exceeded your expectations then!"</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes chit chatting as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! I'm not that easy, toy! You'll have to work a lot harder to spend the night with me!"</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"But, take me on a couple more dates and I'll give that little cock of yours another chance to fuck me!"</pink> You remember what happened when you tried to claim your prize in class..
<pink>-"Drive safe $name!"</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<green>Money -210!</green>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to false>>\
<b>-"I'm not doing that!"</b> You look at her and frown.
<pink>-"Oh.. Talking back, are we?"</pink>
<b>-"That's way too embarrassing..."</b> Professor Kei stands up, you follow suit.
<pink>-"Fine, let's go then."</pink>
<b>-"But how about it though?"</b>
<pink>-"How about what?"</pink> She asks you walk towards your car.
<b>-"How about that second date?"</b>
<pink>-"Well, you fucked up your chances by not begging, but I'll think about it."</pink>
<b>-"Damn... But it's not a no, right?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and open the door for her.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> You both get inside and you begin driving towards her place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"Surprisingly... Adequately... Besides the last part. I expected a lot less!"</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"Well, I'm glad I exceeded your expectations then!"</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes chit chatting as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! I'm not that easy, toy! You'll have to work a lot harder to spend the night with me!"</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"But, take me on a couple more dates and I'll give that little cock of yours another chance to fuck me!"</pink> You remember what happened when you tried to claim your prize in class..
<pink>-"Drive safe $name!"</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<green>Money -210!</green>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Ask Kei to pay.">>
<<set $keirelationship to $keirelationship -2>>\
<pink>-"How much is it?"</pink> She asks as you look down in shame.
<b>-"210... C-could you.. Pay for it?"</b>
<pink>-"Excuse me?"</pink>
<<if $money >=210>>\
<b>-"I'm sorry, but I can't spend this much! I have other responsibilities.."</b>
<b>-"I'm sorry, but I don't even have enough! The bill was a lot higher than I expected.."</b>
<pink>-"Sigh... Fine."</pink> She takes out her wallet and places some cash into the box.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate16.jpg">
<b>-"T-thank you.."</b>
<pink>-"Whatever."</pink> Kei rolls her eyes.
<b>-"Ready to go?"</b>
<pink>-"Nope. Did you forget, you still have to do a dare."</pink>
<b>-"Oh... Right! Well, go on!"</b>
<pink>-"Beg for a second date."</pink>
<pink>-"You heard me. I need to make sure that you would know your place if we go on more dates."</pink>
<pink>-"We probably won't because you didn't pay, but still."</pink>
<<pageReplace"Do it.">>
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to true>>\
<b>-"F-fine.."</b> You wait for a moment when nobody is looking and quickly fall to your knees.
<b>-"P-pleaseibegyouforaseconddate!"</b> You blurt out a mess of words and quickly stand up.
<pink>-"What? Do it again, properly this time."</pink>
<b>-"Yes ma'am.."</b> You get on your knees again.
<b>-"Please.. I beg you, go out with me for a second date!"</b> Professor Kei stands up.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate15.png">
<pink>-"Hmph, good pet. I'll think about it."</pink> You nod and stand up.
<b>-"I-is that a yes?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and grab your jacket.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> After you both leave the restaurant, you get into your car and begin driving back to Kei's place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"Surprisingly... Adequately... I expected a lot less!"</pink>
<pink>-"However, you need to stop asking people on dates if you can't pay. It's rude."</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"But I'm glad I exceeded your expectations!"</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes chit chatting as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! I'm not that easy, toy! You'll have to work a lot harder to spend the night with me!"</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"But, take me on a couple more dates and I'll give that little cock of yours another chance to fuck me!"</pink> You remember what happened when you tried to claim your prize in class..
<pink>-"Drive safe $name!"</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to false>>\
<b>-"I'm not doing that!"</b> You look at her and frown.
<pink>-"Oh.. Talking back, are we?"</pink>
<b>-"That's way too embarrassing..."</b> Professor Kei stands up, you follow suit.
<pink>-"Fine, let's go then."</pink>
<b>-"But how about it though?"</b>
<pink>-"How about what?"</pink> She asks you walk towards your car.
<b>-"How about that second date?"</b>
<pink>-"Well, you fucked up your chances by not begging, but I'll think about it."</pink>
<b>-"Damn... But it's not a no, right?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and open the door for her.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> You both get inside and you begin driving towards her place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"The start was good, but you fucked it up. Didn't beg for a second date and didn't even cover the bill, pathetic."</pink> She crosses her arms.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"Sorry Professor.."</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes in silence as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! Don't even try it."</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"You ruined your chances with that pathetic performance you called a date."</pink>
<pink>-"Drive safe $name."</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace "Kiss me.">>
<b>-"Kiss me!"</b>
<pink>-"Gosh you're desperate.."</pink> She rolls her eyes.
<b>-"I'm sorry.. I've been staring at those lips for so long though.."</b> Your cock throbs as Kei looks around.
<pink>-"Fine, but only because I like you, pet."</pink> She quickly leans over the desk and you follow suit..
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subda15.webp">
<b>-"Fuck... Those lips are so warm.."</b> You whisper as Kei smiles and leans back.
<bartender>-"Here's your receipt! Thank you for dining at Smak!"</bartender> The waiter puts down a small box with a receipt inside on the table.
<pink>-"A-ahem! Thank you!"</pink> You both look at the waiter, surprised.
<b>-"Where did she come from.."</b> You chuckle, silently.
<bartender>-"I hope you have a great rest of your evening!"</bartender> She bows and walks away.
<b>-"Hah! That was close!"</b> You take the receipt and take a closer look.
<pink>-"Sure was!"</pink>
<b>-"Gulp.. Damn.."</b> The bill came out to a total of 210 dollars! Damn!
<<if $money>=210>>\
<<pageReplace"Pay up.">>
<<set $keirelationship to $keirelationship +1>>\
<<money -210 "Date with Kei.">>
<pink>-"How much is it?"</pink> She asks as you pull out your wallet.
<b>-"Don't worry about it."</b>
<pink>-"Hmph.. Good pet."</pink> You place the cash in the box and close it.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate16.jpg">
<b>-"Ready to go?"</b>
<pink>-"Nope! Did you forget, you still have to do a dare!"</pink>
<b>-"Oh... Right! Well, go on!"</b>
<pink>-"Beg for a second date."</pink>
<pink>-"You heard me. I need to make sure that you would know your place if we go on more dates."</pink>
<<pageReplace"Do it.">>
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to true>>\
<b>-"F-fine.."</b> You wait for a moment when nobody is looking and quickly fall to your knees.
<b>-"P-pleaseibegyouforaseconddate!"</b> You blurt out a mess of words and quickly stand up.
<pink>-"What? Do it again, properly this time."</pink>
<b>-"Yes ma'am.."</b> You get on your knees again.
<b>-"Please.. I beg you, go out with me for a second date!"</b> Professor Kei stands up.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate15.png">
<pink>-"Hmph, good pet. I'll think about it."</pink> You nod and stand up.
<b>-"I-is that a yes?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and grab your jacket.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> After you both leave the restaurant, you get into your car and begin driving back to Kei's place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"Surprisingly... Adequately... I expected a lot less!"</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"Well, I'm glad I exceeded your expectations then!"</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes chit chatting as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! I'm not that easy, toy! You'll have to work a lot harder to spend the night with me!"</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"But, take me on a couple more dates and I'll give that little cock of yours another chance to fuck me!"</pink> You remember what happened when you tried to claim your prize in class..
<pink>-"Drive safe $name!"</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<green>Money -210!</green>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to false>>\
<b>-"I'm not doing that!"</b> You look at her and frown.
<pink>-"Oh.. Talking back, are we?"</pink>
<b>-"That's way too embarrassing..."</b> Professor Kei stands up, you follow suit.
<pink>-"Fine, let's go then."</pink>
<b>-"But how about it though?"</b>
<pink>-"How about what?"</pink> She asks you walk towards your car.
<b>-"How about that second date?"</b>
<pink>-"Well, you fucked up your chances by not begging, but I'll think about it."</pink>
<b>-"Damn... But it's not a no, right?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and open the door for her.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> You both get inside and you begin driving towards her place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"Surprisingly... Adequately... Besides the last part. I expected a lot less!"</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"Well, I'm glad I exceeded your expectations then!"</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes chit chatting as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! I'm not that easy, toy! You'll have to work a lot harder to spend the night with me!"</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"But, take me on a couple more dates and I'll give that little cock of yours another chance to fuck me!"</pink> You remember what happened when you tried to claim your prize in class..
<pink>-"Drive safe $name!"</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<green>Money -210!</green>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Ask Kei to pay.">>
<<set $keirelationship to $keirelationship -2>>\
<pink>-"How much is it?"</pink> She asks as you look down in shame.
<b>-"210... C-could you.. Pay for it?"</b>
<pink>-"Excuse me?"</pink>
<<if $money >=210>>\
<b>-"I'm sorry, but I can't spend this much! I have other responsibilities.."</b>
<b>-"I'm sorry, but I don't even have enough! The bill was a lot higher than I expected.."</b>
<pink>-"Sigh... Fine."</pink> She takes out her wallet and places some cash into the box.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate16.jpg">
<b>-"T-thank you.."</b>
<pink>-"Whatever."</pink> Kei rolls her eyes.
<b>-"Ready to go?"</b>
<pink>-"Nope. Did you forget, you still have to do a dare."</pink>
<b>-"Oh... Right! Well, go on!"</b>
<pink>-"Beg for a second date."</pink>
<pink>-"You heard me. I need to make sure that you would know your place if we go on more dates."</pink>
<pink>-"We probably won't because you didn't pay, but still."</pink>
<<pageReplace"Do it.">>
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to true>>\
<b>-"F-fine.."</b> You wait for a moment when nobody is looking and quickly fall to your knees.
<b>-"P-pleaseibegyouforaseconddate!"</b> You blurt out a mess of words and quickly stand up.
<pink>-"What? Do it again, properly this time."</pink>
<b>-"Yes ma'am.."</b> You get on your knees again.
<b>-"Please.. I beg you, go out with me for a second date!"</b> Professor Kei stands up.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate15.png">
<pink>-"Hmph, good pet. I'll think about it."</pink> You nod and stand up.
<b>-"I-is that a yes?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and grab your jacket.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> After you both leave the restaurant, you get into your car and begin driving back to Kei's place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"Surprisingly... Adequately... I expected a lot less!"</pink>
<pink>-"However, you need to stop asking people on dates if you can't pay. It's rude."</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"But I'm glad I exceeded your expectations!"</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes chit chatting as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! I'm not that easy, toy! You'll have to work a lot harder to spend the night with me!"</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"But, take me on a couple more dates and I'll give that little cock of yours another chance to fuck me!"</pink> You remember what happened when you tried to claim your prize in class..
<pink>-"Drive safe $name!"</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to false>>\
<b>-"I'm not doing that!"</b> You look at her and frown.
<pink>-"Oh.. Talking back, are we?"</pink>
<b>-"That's way too embarrassing..."</b> Professor Kei stands up, you follow suit.
<pink>-"Fine, let's go then."</pink>
<b>-"But how about it though?"</b>
<pink>-"How about what?"</pink> She asks you walk towards your car.
<b>-"How about that second date?"</b>
<pink>-"Well, you fucked up your chances by not begging, but I'll think about it."</pink>
<b>-"Damn... But it's not a no, right?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and open the door for her.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> You both get inside and you begin driving towards her place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"The start was good, but you fucked it up. Didn't beg for a second date and didn't even cover the bill, pathetic."</pink> She crosses her arms.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"Sorry Professor.."</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes in silence as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! Don't even try it."</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"You ruined your chances with that pathetic performance you called a date."</pink>
<pink>-"Drive safe $name."</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Your character.">>
<<set $keirelationship to $keirelationship +1>>\
<b>-"Your character... You seem cold, but loving and caring at the same time.. I also love how you dominate me.. I think it's super hot!"</b>
<pink>-"Alright alright I get it."</pink> Kei looks away and smiles.
<pink>-"I'll give you this, you know how to make a woman blush.."</pink>
<b>-"Hah, t-thank you professor!"</b>
<pink>-"Anyways, it's your turn!"</pink> You take turns asking each other question after question, none of you are picking dare. The questions are getting steamy however.
<pink>-"So when did you lose your virginity?"</pink>
<b>-"I lost it to Emily! Quite a bit ago, before I moved to Norway!"</b> After a while, Kei seems to have become bored.
<pink>-"Alright asking questions is fun and all, but let's spice things up a bit! How about we both have to pick dare for our next choice?"</pink>
<b>-"Hmph... Sure! It's my turn though! Truth or dare?"</b>
<pink>-"Dare!"</pink> Professor Kei smiles as you rub your hands like a villain.
<pink>-"Haha, oh no!"</pink>
<<pageReplace "Flash me your tits.">>
<b>-"Flash me your tits!"</b>
<pink>-"Gosh you're desperate.."</pink> She rolls her eyes.
<b>-"I'm sorry.. They're just so perfect!"</b> Your cock throbs as Kei looks around.
<pink>-"Fine, but only because I like you, pet."</pink> She quickly pulls down her dress and reveals her bare breasts.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate14.webp">
<b>-"So hot.."</b> You whisper as Kei suddenly looks to her left.
<bartender>-"Here's your receipt! Thank you for dining at Smak!"</bartender> The waiter puts down a small box with a receipt inside on the table.
<pink>-"A-ahem! Thank you!"</pink> She quickly fixes her dress.
<b>-"Where did she come from.."</b> You chuckle, silently.
<bartender>-"I hope you have a great rest of your evening!"</bartender> She bows and walks away.
<b>-"Hah! That was close!"</b> You take the receipt and take a closer look.
<pink>-"Sure was!"</pink>
<b>-"Gulp.. Damn.."</b> The bill came out to a total of 210 dollars! Damn!
<<if $money>=210>>\
<<pageReplace"Pay up.">>
<<set $keirelationship to $keirelationship +1>>\
<<money -210 "Date with Kei.">>
<pink>-"How much is it?"</pink> She asks as you pull out your wallet.
<b>-"Don't worry about it."</b>
<pink>-"Hmph.. Good pet."</pink> You place the cash in the box and close it.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate16.jpg">
<b>-"Ready to go?"</b>
<pink>-"Nope! Did you forget, you still have to do a dare!"</pink>
<b>-"Oh... Right! Well, go on!"</b>
<pink>-"Beg for a second date."</pink>
<pink>-"You heard me. I need to make sure that you would know your place if we go on more dates."</pink>
<<pageReplace"Do it.">>
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to true>>\
<b>-"F-fine.."</b> You wait for a moment when nobody is looking and quickly fall to your knees.
<b>-"P-pleaseibegyouforaseconddate!"</b> You blurt out a mess of words and quickly stand up.
<pink>-"What? Do it again, properly this time."</pink>
<b>-"Yes ma'am.."</b> You get on your knees again.
<b>-"Please.. I beg you, go out with me for a second date!"</b> Professor Kei stands up.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate15.png">
<pink>-"Hmph, good pet. I'll think about it."</pink> You nod and stand up.
<b>-"I-is that a yes?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and grab your jacket.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> After you both leave the restaurant, you get into your car and begin driving back to Kei's place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"Surprisingly... Adequately... I expected a lot less!"</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"Well, I'm glad I exceeded your expectations then!"</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes chit chatting as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! I'm not that easy, toy! You'll have to work a lot harder to spend the night with me!"</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"But, take me on a couple more dates and I'll give that little cock of yours another chance to fuck me!"</pink> You remember what happened when you tried to claim your prize in class..
<pink>-"Drive safe $name!"</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<green>Money -210!</green>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to false>>\
<b>-"I'm not doing that!"</b> You look at her and frown.
<pink>-"Oh.. Talking back, are we?"</pink>
<b>-"That's way too embarrassing..."</b> Professor Kei stands up, you follow suit.
<pink>-"Fine, let's go then."</pink>
<b>-"But how about it though?"</b>
<pink>-"How about what?"</pink> She asks you walk towards your car.
<b>-"How about that second date?"</b>
<pink>-"Well, you fucked up your chances by not begging, but I'll think about it."</pink>
<b>-"Damn... But it's not a no, right?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and open the door for her.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> You both get inside and you begin driving towards her place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"Surprisingly... Adequately... Besides the last part. I expected a lot less!"</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"Well, I'm glad I exceeded your expectations then!"</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes chit chatting as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! I'm not that easy, toy! You'll have to work a lot harder to spend the night with me!"</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"But, take me on a couple more dates and I'll give that little cock of yours another chance to fuck me!"</pink> You remember what happened when you tried to claim your prize in class..
<pink>-"Drive safe $name!"</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<green>Money -210!</green>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Ask Kei to pay.">>
<<set $keirelationship to $keirelationship -2>>\
<pink>-"How much is it?"</pink> She asks as you look down in shame.
<b>-"210... C-could you.. Pay for it?"</b>
<pink>-"Excuse me?"</pink>
<<if $money >=210>>\
<b>-"I'm sorry, but I can't spend this much! I have other responsibilities.."</b>
<b>-"I'm sorry, but I don't even have enough! The bill was a lot higher than I expected.."</b>
<pink>-"Sigh... Fine."</pink> She takes out her wallet and places some cash into the box.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate16.jpg">
<b>-"T-thank you.."</b>
<pink>-"Whatever."</pink> Kei rolls her eyes.
<b>-"Ready to go?"</b>
<pink>-"Nope. Did you forget, you still have to do a dare."</pink>
<b>-"Oh... Right! Well, go on!"</b>
<pink>-"Beg for a second date."</pink>
<pink>-"You heard me. I need to make sure that you would know your place if we go on more dates."</pink>
<pink>-"We probably won't because you didn't pay, but still."</pink>
<<pageReplace"Do it.">>
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to true>>\
<b>-"F-fine.."</b> You wait for a moment when nobody is looking and quickly fall to your knees.
<b>-"P-pleaseibegyouforaseconddate!"</b> You blurt out a mess of words and quickly stand up.
<pink>-"What? Do it again, properly this time."</pink>
<b>-"Yes ma'am.."</b> You get on your knees again.
<b>-"Please.. I beg you, go out with me for a second date!"</b> Professor Kei stands up.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate15.png">
<pink>-"Hmph, good pet. I'll think about it."</pink> You nod and stand up.
<b>-"I-is that a yes?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and grab your jacket.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> After you both leave the restaurant, you get into your car and begin driving back to Kei's place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"Surprisingly... Adequately... I expected a lot less!"</pink>
<pink>-"However, you need to stop asking people on dates if you can't pay. It's rude."</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"But I'm glad I exceeded your expectations!"</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes chit chatting as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! I'm not that easy, toy! You'll have to work a lot harder to spend the night with me!"</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"But, take me on a couple more dates and I'll give that little cock of yours another chance to fuck me!"</pink> You remember what happened when you tried to claim your prize in class..
<pink>-"Drive safe $name!"</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to false>>\
<b>-"I'm not doing that!"</b> You look at her and frown.
<pink>-"Oh.. Talking back, are we?"</pink>
<b>-"That's way too embarrassing..."</b> Professor Kei stands up, you follow suit.
<pink>-"Fine, let's go then."</pink>
<b>-"But how about it though?"</b>
<pink>-"How about what?"</pink> She asks you walk towards your car.
<b>-"How about that second date?"</b>
<pink>-"Well, you fucked up your chances by not begging, but I'll think about it."</pink>
<b>-"Damn... But it's not a no, right?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and open the door for her.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> You both get inside and you begin driving towards her place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"The start was good, but you fucked it up. Didn't beg for a second date and didn't even cover the bill, pathetic."</pink> She crosses her arms.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"Sorry Professor.."</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes in silence as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! Don't even try it."</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"You ruined your chances with that pathetic performance you called a date."</pink>
<pink>-"Drive safe $name."</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace "Flash me your ass.">>
<b>-"Flash me your ass!"</b>
<pink>-"Gosh you're desperate.."</pink> She rolls her eyes.
<b>-"I'm sorry.. It's just so perfect!"</b> Your cock throbs as Kei looks around.
<pink>-"Fine, but only because I like you, pet."</pink> She quickly stands up, bends over and pulls up her dress.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate9.webp">
<b>-"So hot.."</b> You whisper as Kei suddenly pulls it back down and takes a seat.
<bartender>-"Here's your receipt! Thank you for dining at Smak!"</bartender> The waiter puts down a small box with a receipt inside on the table.
<pink>-"A-ahem! Thank you!"</pink> She quickly fixes her dress.
<b>-"Where did she come from.."</b> You chuckle, silently.
<bartender>-"I hope you have a great rest of your evening!"</bartender> She bows and walks away.
<b>-"Hah! That was close!"</b> You take the receipt and take a closer look.
<pink>-"Sure was!"</pink>
<b>-"Gulp.. Damn.."</b> The bill came out to a total of 210 dollars! Damn!
<<if $money>=210>>\
<<pageReplace"Pay up.">>
<<set $keirelationship to $keirelationship +1>>\
<<money -210 "Date with Kei.">>
<pink>-"How much is it?"</pink> She asks as you pull out your wallet.
<b>-"Don't worry about it."</b>
<pink>-"Hmph.. Good pet."</pink> You place the cash in the box and close it.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate16.jpg">
<b>-"Ready to go?"</b>
<pink>-"Nope! Did you forget, you still have to do a dare!"</pink>
<b>-"Oh... Right! Well, go on!"</b>
<pink>-"Beg for a second date."</pink>
<pink>-"You heard me. I need to make sure that you would know your place if we go on more dates."</pink>
<<pageReplace"Do it.">>
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to true>>\
<b>-"F-fine.."</b> You wait for a moment when nobody is looking and quickly fall to your knees.
<b>-"P-pleaseibegyouforaseconddate!"</b> You blurt out a mess of words and quickly stand up.
<pink>-"What? Do it again, properly this time."</pink>
<b>-"Yes ma'am.."</b> You get on your knees again.
<b>-"Please.. I beg you, go out with me for a second date!"</b> Professor Kei stands up.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate15.png">
<pink>-"Hmph, good pet. I'll think about it."</pink> You nod and stand up.
<b>-"I-is that a yes?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and grab your jacket.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> After you both leave the restaurant, you get into your car and begin driving back to Kei's place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"Surprisingly... Adequately... I expected a lot less!"</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"Well, I'm glad I exceeded your expectations then!"</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes chit chatting as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! I'm not that easy, toy! You'll have to work a lot harder to spend the night with me!"</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"But, take me on a couple more dates and I'll give that little cock of yours another chance to fuck me!"</pink> You remember what happened when you tried to claim your prize in class..
<pink>-"Drive safe $name!"</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<green>Money -210!</green>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to false>>\
<b>-"I'm not doing that!"</b> You look at her and frown.
<pink>-"Oh.. Talking back, are we?"</pink>
<b>-"That's way too embarrassing..."</b> Professor Kei stands up, you follow suit.
<pink>-"Fine, let's go then."</pink>
<b>-"But how about it though?"</b>
<pink>-"How about what?"</pink> She asks you walk towards your car.
<b>-"How about that second date?"</b>
<pink>-"Well, you fucked up your chances by not begging, but I'll think about it."</pink>
<b>-"Damn... But it's not a no, right?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and open the door for her.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> You both get inside and you begin driving towards her place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"Surprisingly... Adequately... Besides the last part. I expected a lot less!"</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"Well, I'm glad I exceeded your expectations then!"</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes chit chatting as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! I'm not that easy, toy! You'll have to work a lot harder to spend the night with me!"</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"But, take me on a couple more dates and I'll give that little cock of yours another chance to fuck me!"</pink> You remember what happened when you tried to claim your prize in class..
<pink>-"Drive safe $name!"</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<green>Money -210!</green>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Ask Kei to pay.">>
<<set $keirelationship to $keirelationship -2>>\
<pink>-"How much is it?"</pink> She asks as you look down in shame.
<b>-"210... C-could you.. Pay for it?"</b>
<pink>-"Excuse me?"</pink>
<<if $money >=210>>\
<b>-"I'm sorry, but I can't spend this much! I have other responsibilities.."</b>
<b>-"I'm sorry, but I don't even have enough! The bill was a lot higher than I expected.."</b>
<pink>-"Sigh... Fine."</pink> She takes out her wallet and places some cash into the box.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate16.jpg">
<b>-"T-thank you.."</b>
<pink>-"Whatever."</pink> Kei rolls her eyes.
<b>-"Ready to go?"</b>
<pink>-"Nope. Did you forget, you still have to do a dare."</pink>
<b>-"Oh... Right! Well, go on!"</b>
<pink>-"Beg for a second date."</pink>
<pink>-"You heard me. I need to make sure that you would know your place if we go on more dates."</pink>
<pink>-"We probably won't because you didn't pay, but still."</pink>
<<pageReplace"Do it.">>
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to true>>\
<b>-"F-fine.."</b> You wait for a moment when nobody is looking and quickly fall to your knees.
<b>-"P-pleaseibegyouforaseconddate!"</b> You blurt out a mess of words and quickly stand up.
<pink>-"What? Do it again, properly this time."</pink>
<b>-"Yes ma'am.."</b> You get on your knees again.
<b>-"Please.. I beg you, go out with me for a second date!"</b> Professor Kei stands up.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate15.png">
<pink>-"Hmph, good pet. I'll think about it."</pink> You nod and stand up.
<b>-"I-is that a yes?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and grab your jacket.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> After you both leave the restaurant, you get into your car and begin driving back to Kei's place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"Surprisingly... Adequately... I expected a lot less!"</pink>
<pink>-"However, you need to stop asking people on dates if you can't pay. It's rude."</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"But I'm glad I exceeded your expectations!"</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes chit chatting as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! I'm not that easy, toy! You'll have to work a lot harder to spend the night with me!"</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"But, take me on a couple more dates and I'll give that little cock of yours another chance to fuck me!"</pink> You remember what happened when you tried to claim your prize in class..
<pink>-"Drive safe $name!"</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to false>>\
<b>-"I'm not doing that!"</b> You look at her and frown.
<pink>-"Oh.. Talking back, are we?"</pink>
<b>-"That's way too embarrassing..."</b> Professor Kei stands up, you follow suit.
<pink>-"Fine, let's go then."</pink>
<b>-"But how about it though?"</b>
<pink>-"How about what?"</pink> She asks you walk towards your car.
<b>-"How about that second date?"</b>
<pink>-"Well, you fucked up your chances by not begging, but I'll think about it."</pink>
<b>-"Damn... But it's not a no, right?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and open the door for her.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> You both get inside and you begin driving towards her place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"The start was good, but you fucked it up. Didn't beg for a second date and didn't even cover the bill, pathetic."</pink> She crosses her arms.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"Sorry Professor.."</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes in silence as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! Don't even try it."</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"You ruined your chances with that pathetic performance you called a date."</pink>
<pink>-"Drive safe $name."</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace "Kiss me.">>
<b>-"Kiss me!"</b>
<pink>-"Gosh you're desperate.."</pink> She rolls her eyes.
<b>-"I'm sorry.. I've been staring at those lips for so long though.."</b> Your cock throbs as Kei looks around.
<pink>-"Fine, but only because I like you, pet."</pink> She quickly leans over the desk and you follow suit..
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subda15.webp">
<b>-"Fuck... Those lips are so warm.."</b> You whisper as Kei smiles and leans back.
<bartender>-"Here's your receipt! Thank you for dining at Smak!"</bartender> The waiter puts down a small box with a receipt inside on the table.
<pink>-"A-ahem! Thank you!"</pink> You both look at the waiter, surprised.
<b>-"Where did she come from.."</b> You chuckle, silently.
<bartender>-"I hope you have a great rest of your evening!"</bartender> She bows and walks away.
<b>-"Hah! That was close!"</b> You take the receipt and take a closer look.
<pink>-"Sure was!"</pink>
<b>-"Gulp.. Damn.."</b> The bill came out to a total of 210 dollars! Damn!
<<if $money>=210>>\
<<pageReplace"Pay up.">>
<<set $keirelationship to $keirelationship +1>>\
<<money -210 "Date with Kei.">>
<pink>-"How much is it?"</pink> She asks as you pull out your wallet.
<b>-"Don't worry about it."</b>
<pink>-"Hmph.. Good pet."</pink> You place the cash in the box and close it.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate16.jpg">
<b>-"Ready to go?"</b>
<pink>-"Nope! Did you forget, you still have to do a dare!"</pink>
<b>-"Oh... Right! Well, go on!"</b>
<pink>-"Beg for a second date."</pink>
<pink>-"You heard me. I need to make sure that you would know your place if we go on more dates."</pink>
<<pageReplace"Do it.">>
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to true>>\
<b>-"F-fine.."</b> You wait for a moment when nobody is looking and quickly fall to your knees.
<b>-"P-pleaseibegyouforaseconddate!"</b> You blurt out a mess of words and quickly stand up.
<pink>-"What? Do it again, properly this time."</pink>
<b>-"Yes ma'am.."</b> You get on your knees again.
<b>-"Please.. I beg you, go out with me for a second date!"</b> Professor Kei stands up.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate15.png">
<pink>-"Hmph, good pet. I'll think about it."</pink> You nod and stand up.
<b>-"I-is that a yes?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and grab your jacket.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> After you both leave the restaurant, you get into your car and begin driving back to Kei's place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"Surprisingly... Adequately... I expected a lot less!"</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"Well, I'm glad I exceeded your expectations then!"</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes chit chatting as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! I'm not that easy, toy! You'll have to work a lot harder to spend the night with me!"</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"But, take me on a couple more dates and I'll give that little cock of yours another chance to fuck me!"</pink> You remember what happened when you tried to claim your prize in class..
<pink>-"Drive safe $name!"</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<green>Money -210!</green>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to false>>\
<b>-"I'm not doing that!"</b> You look at her and frown.
<pink>-"Oh.. Talking back, are we?"</pink>
<b>-"That's way too embarrassing..."</b> Professor Kei stands up, you follow suit.
<pink>-"Fine, let's go then."</pink>
<b>-"But how about it though?"</b>
<pink>-"How about what?"</pink> She asks you walk towards your car.
<b>-"How about that second date?"</b>
<pink>-"Well, you fucked up your chances by not begging, but I'll think about it."</pink>
<b>-"Damn... But it's not a no, right?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and open the door for her.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> You both get inside and you begin driving towards her place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"Surprisingly... Adequately... Besides the last part. I expected a lot less!"</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"Well, I'm glad I exceeded your expectations then!"</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes chit chatting as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! I'm not that easy, toy! You'll have to work a lot harder to spend the night with me!"</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"But, take me on a couple more dates and I'll give that little cock of yours another chance to fuck me!"</pink> You remember what happened when you tried to claim your prize in class..
<pink>-"Drive safe $name!"</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<green>Money -210!</green>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Ask Kei to pay.">>
<<set $keirelationship to $keirelationship -2>>\
<pink>-"How much is it?"</pink> She asks as you look down in shame.
<b>-"210... C-could you.. Pay for it?"</b>
<pink>-"Excuse me?"</pink>
<<if $money >=210>>\
<b>-"I'm sorry, but I can't spend this much! I have other responsibilities.."</b>
<b>-"I'm sorry, but I don't even have enough! The bill was a lot higher than I expected.."</b>
<pink>-"Sigh... Fine."</pink> She takes out her wallet and places some cash into the box.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate16.jpg">
<b>-"T-thank you.."</b>
<pink>-"Whatever."</pink> Kei rolls her eyes.
<b>-"Ready to go?"</b>
<pink>-"Nope. Did you forget, you still have to do a dare."</pink>
<b>-"Oh... Right! Well, go on!"</b>
<pink>-"Beg for a second date."</pink>
<pink>-"You heard me. I need to make sure that you would know your place if we go on more dates."</pink>
<pink>-"We probably won't because you didn't pay, but still."</pink>
<<pageReplace"Do it.">>
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to true>>\
<b>-"F-fine.."</b> You wait for a moment when nobody is looking and quickly fall to your knees.
<b>-"P-pleaseibegyouforaseconddate!"</b> You blurt out a mess of words and quickly stand up.
<pink>-"What? Do it again, properly this time."</pink>
<b>-"Yes ma'am.."</b> You get on your knees again.
<b>-"Please.. I beg you, go out with me for a second date!"</b> Professor Kei stands up.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate15.png">
<pink>-"Hmph, good pet. I'll think about it."</pink> You nod and stand up.
<b>-"I-is that a yes?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and grab your jacket.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> After you both leave the restaurant, you get into your car and begin driving back to Kei's place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"Surprisingly... Adequately... I expected a lot less!"</pink>
<pink>-"However, you need to stop asking people on dates if you can't pay. It's rude."</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"But I'm glad I exceeded your expectations!"</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes chit chatting as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! I'm not that easy, toy! You'll have to work a lot harder to spend the night with me!"</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"But, take me on a couple more dates and I'll give that little cock of yours another chance to fuck me!"</pink> You remember what happened when you tried to claim your prize in class..
<pink>-"Drive safe $name!"</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to false>>\
<b>-"I'm not doing that!"</b> You look at her and frown.
<pink>-"Oh.. Talking back, are we?"</pink>
<b>-"That's way too embarrassing..."</b> Professor Kei stands up, you follow suit.
<pink>-"Fine, let's go then."</pink>
<b>-"But how about it though?"</b>
<pink>-"How about what?"</pink> She asks you walk towards your car.
<b>-"How about that second date?"</b>
<pink>-"Well, you fucked up your chances by not begging, but I'll think about it."</pink>
<b>-"Damn... But it's not a no, right?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and open the door for her.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> You both get inside and you begin driving towards her place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"The start was good, but you fucked it up. Didn't beg for a second date and didn't even cover the bill, pathetic."</pink> She crosses her arms.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"Sorry Professor.."</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes in silence as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! Don't even try it."</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"You ruined your chances with that pathetic performance you called a date."</pink>
<pink>-"Drive safe $name."</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<b>-"Viet kitchen! It's a simple restaurant nearby town."</b> The engine roars to life and you begin driving.
<pink>-"Ah yes, I remember. Nothing fancy, but I'm excited to see what they have to offer."</pink>
<<if $hairextensions == true>>\
<b>-"Anyways, I wanted to ask you something.."</b>
<pink>-"Go ahead."</pink>
<b>-"I never really knew that you were into girls... From the lecture material I thought you were straight."</b> You push your hair out of your face.
<pink>-"I'm bisexual, I don't care how you look or what you feel like, as long as you submit and listen to me."</pink>
<b>-"Hmph.. Understood."</b>
<<pageReplace"Drive to the restaurant">>
<<location "Images/Lectures/lecture 26/subdate4.jpg" "Viet kitchen.">>\
<pink>-"Oh wow... This place is nice!"</pink> Kei smiles as you both step inside. It took you no longer than 10 minutes to drive there, you talked quite a bit on the way here... The mood is great so far!
<b>-"I know right.. So fancy.."</b>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate4.jpg">
<bartender>-"Good evening! Have you reserved a table with us today?"</bartender>
<b>-"Yup, it should be a table for two, under the name $name."</b> The door girl looks at her computer.
<bartender>-"Mhm, perfect! Please follow me."</bartender>
<b>-"God damn Kei's ass is huge.."</b> You think as you both begin to follow the woman.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate2.png">
<bartender>-"Here you are, please take a seat, a server will join you shortly!"</bartender> She announces as you reach your table.
<b>-"Thank you!"</b>
<pink>-"Thanks."</pink> The woman nods and walks off.
<pink>-"Alright.."</pink> Professor Kei bends down to pull out one of the chairs.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate5.png">
<b>-"Gulp.. It's see through."</b> You think as she glances at you.
<pink>-"Enjoying the show?"</pink>
<b>-"O-oh! My bad professor!"</b>
<pink>-"Hahaha no need, we're on a date after all!"</pink> Kei giggles as you both sit down.
<bartender>-"Good evening, I'm Susie and I will be your server tonight!"</bartender>
<bartender>-"Here are the menus!"</bartender>
<b>-"Thank you!"</b>
<bartender>-"Please take your time, I'll come back in a few to take your orders!"</bartender>
<<pageReplace"Pick what you want to eat">>
<b>-"..."</b> You spent the next couple of minutes picking out what you wanted to eat. After the sever came back, you told her what you both wanted.
<bartender>-"Here you are! A sushi platter for two, and a side of rice!"</bartender>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate6.jpg">
<pink>-"Thank you love and could you refill my vine please? I'm already running dry."</pink>
<bartender>-"Of course! Right away ma'am!"</bartender> After a minute or two, the woman joins you both with a bottle of vine.
<bartender>-"There you go!"</bartender> She refills both of your glasses.
<b>-"Thank you!"</b>
<bartender>-"If you'll need anything else, please let me know!"</bartender> You nod and she walks off.
<pink>-"So $name, what do you do for fun?"</pink> You both begin to eat.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate7.png">
<b>-"W-well.. Nothing much really, I'm either studying or working most of the time!"</b>
<pink>-"Oh.. Poor you.."</pink>
<<pageReplace"How about you?">>\
<b>-"How about you professor?"</b>
<pink>-"Well, if I'm not at the SUP, I'm working online as a dominatrix."</pink>
<b>-"W-wait.. Really?!"</b>
<pink>-"Mhm. Remember our last lecture, about findom? That's basically what I do."</pink>
<b>-"Wow.."</b> You can already imagine how sexy and dominant Kei looks while doing..
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate12.jpg">
<b>-"Mmmmmm.."</b> You drool as you begin day dreaming..
<pink>-"Ahem, you okay there?"</pink>
<b>-"O-oh, right sorry! Haha!"</b> You pick up the fork again.
<b>-"It must be fun, to earn money while doing something you enjoy, huh?"</b>
<pink>-"It truly is, you know what they say, if you love what you do, you never work a day in your life!"</pink> You spend the next 10 minutes talking. You make her laugh a couple of times and it seems you're both enjoying the time you're spending together.
<pink>-"Hmph, well that was delicious!"</pink> The platter is now empty...
<b>-"It was!"</b>
<pink>-"Hmph.. This was a lot more fun than I expected."</pink>
<b>-"Thank you... I tried to make a good first impression!"</b>
<pink>-"You succeeded!"</pink> Professor Kei calls over the server and asks for the check.
<bartender>-"Understood, however it might take a minute or two, we're running low on staff right now!"</bartender> The woman apologizes.
<b>-"No problem, we can wait!"</b> The waiter nods and begins walking away.
<pink>-"Oh! You dropped something!"</pink> Kei gets out of her seat and picks up the notebook the woman dropped.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate8.png">
<bartender>-"Oh! Thank you! Sorry, I'm running around like crazy!"</bartender> You both chuckle as Kei gets back in her seat.
<pink>-"While we wait, do you want to play a game?"</pink>
<b>-"A game?"</b>
<pink>-"Mhm... Let's do truth or dare!"</pink>
<b>-"Hahah, a little childish, but okay.."</b> You laugh.
<pink>-"Hah, don't be sour like that!"</pink>
<pink>-"You can start!"</pink>
<b>-"Alright.. Truth or dare?"</b>
<<pageReplace"Do you like me?">>
<b>-"Do you like me?"</b>
<pink>-"Do I like you?"</pink>
<pink>-"Well, you took me out on a nice date and been pretty submissive during lectures and others outings... I would say that I do!"</pink> Professor Kei smiles.
<b>-"Hmph.. Cheers to that!"</b>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate13.png">
<pink>-"My turn! Truth or dare?"</pink>
<b>-"True.."</b> Your cheeks begin to blush as you drink more and more alcohol.
<pink>-"What do you like about me so much? Most of my students adore me, but not quite as much as you."</pink>
<<pageReplace"Your body.">>
<<set $keirelationship to $keirelationship -1>>\
<b>-"Your body... It's so curvy and voluptuous and sexy and.."</b> She cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah, alright alright I get it."</pink> Kei looks away for a second.
<b>-"Everything okay?"</b> You look at her, concerned.
<pink>-"Mhm, ask away."</pink> You take turns asking each other question after question, none of you are picking dare. The questions are getting steamy however.
<pink>-"So when did you lose your virginity?"</pink>
<b>-"I lost it to Emily! Quite a bit ago, before I moved to Norway!"</b> After a while, Kei seems to have become bored.
<pink>-"Alright asking questions is fun and all, but let's spice things up a bit! How about we both have to pick dare for our next choice?"</pink>
<b>-"Hmph... Sure! It's my turn though! Truth or dare?"</b>
<pink>-"Dare!"</pink> Professor Kei smiles as you rub your hands like a villain.
<pink>-"Haha, oh no!"</pink>
<<pageReplace "Flash me your tits.">>
<b>-"Flash me your tits!"</b>
<pink>-"Gosh you're desperate.."</pink> She rolls her eyes.
<b>-"I'm sorry.. They're just so perfect!"</b> Your cock throbs as Kei looks around.
<pink>-"Fine, but only because I like you, pet."</pink> She quickly pulls down her dress and reveals her bare breasts.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate14.webp">
<b>-"So hot.."</b> You whisper as Kei suddenly looks to her left.
<bartender>-"Here's your receipt! Thank you for dining at Viet kitchen!"</bartender> The waiter puts down a small box with a receipt inside on the table.
<pink>-"A-ahem! Thank you!"</pink> She quickly fixes her dress.
<b>-"Where did she come from.."</b> You chuckle, silently.
<bartender>-"I hope you have a great rest of your evening!"</bartender> She bows and walks away.
<b>-"Hah! That was close!"</b> You take the receipt and take a closer look.
<pink>-"Sure was!"</pink>
<b>-"Alright.."</b> The bill came out to a total of 50 dollars! Not that bad!
<<if $money>=50>>\
<<pageReplace"Pay up.">>
<<set $keirelationship to $keirelationship +1>>\
<<money -50 "Date with Kei.">>
<pink>-"How much is it?"</pink> She asks as you pull out your wallet.
<b>-"Don't worry about it."</b>
<pink>-"Hmph.. Good pet."</pink> You place the cash in the box and close it.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate16.jpg">
<b>-"Ready to go?"</b>
<pink>-"Nope! Did you forget, you still have to do a dare!"</pink>
<b>-"Oh... Right! Well, go on!"</b>
<pink>-"Beg for a second date."</pink>
<pink>-"You heard me. I need to make sure that you would know your place if we go on more dates."</pink>
<<pageReplace"Do it.">>
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to true>>\
<b>-"F-fine.."</b> You wait for a moment when nobody is looking and quickly fall to your knees.
<b>-"P-pleaseibegyouforaseconddate!"</b> You blurt out a mess of words and quickly stand up.
<pink>-"What? Do it again, properly this time."</pink>
<b>-"Yes ma'am.."</b> You get on your knees again.
<b>-"Please.. I beg you, go out with me for a second date!"</b> Professor Kei stands up.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate15.png">
<pink>-"Hmph, good pet. I'll think about it."</pink> You nod and stand up.
<b>-"I-is that a yes?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and grab your jacket.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> After you both leave the restaurant, you get into your car and begin driving back to Kei's place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"Surprisingly... Adequately... I expected a lot less!"</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"Well, I'm glad I exceeded your expectations then!"</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes chit chatting as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! I'm not that easy, toy! You'll have to work a lot harder to spend the night with me!"</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"But, take me on a couple more dates and I'll give that little cock of yours another chance to fuck me!"</pink> You remember what happened when you tried to claim your prize in class..
<pink>-"Drive safe $name!"</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<green>Money -50!</green>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to false>>\
<b>-"I'm not doing that!"</b> You look at her and frown.
<pink>-"Oh.. Talking back, are we?"</pink>
<b>-"That's way too embarrassing..."</b> Professor Kei stands up, you follow suit.
<pink>-"Fine, let's go then."</pink>
<b>-"But how about it though?"</b>
<pink>-"How about what?"</pink> She asks you walk towards your car.
<b>-"How about that second date?"</b>
<pink>-"Well, you fucked up your chances by not begging, but I'll think about it."</pink>
<b>-"Damn... But it's not a no, right?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and open the door for her.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> You both get inside and you begin driving towards her place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"Surprisingly... Adequately... Besides the last part. I expected a lot less!"</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"Well, I'm glad I exceeded your expectations then!"</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes chit chatting as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! I'm not that easy, toy! You'll have to work a lot harder to spend the night with me!"</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"But, take me on a couple more dates and I'll give that little cock of yours another chance to fuck me!"</pink> You remember what happened when you tried to claim your prize in class..
<pink>-"Drive safe $name!"</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<green>Money -50!</green>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Ask Kei to pay.">>
<<set $keirelationship to $keirelationship -2>>\
<pink>-"How much is it?"</pink> She asks as you look down in shame.
<b>-"50... C-could you.. Pay for it?"</b>
<pink>-"Excuse me?"</pink>
<<if $money >=50>>\
<b>-"I'm sorry, but I can't spend this much! I have other responsibilities.."</b>
<b>-"I'm sorry, but I don't even have enough! The bill was a lot higher than I expected.."</b>
<pink>-"Sigh... Fine."</pink> She takes out her wallet and places some cash into the box.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate16.jpg">
<b>-"T-thank you.."</b>
<pink>-"Whatever."</pink> Kei rolls her eyes.
<b>-"Ready to go?"</b>
<pink>-"Nope. Did you forget, you still have to do a dare."</pink>
<b>-"Oh... Right! Well, go on!"</b>
<pink>-"Beg for a second date."</pink>
<pink>-"You heard me. I need to make sure that you would know your place if we go on more dates."</pink>
<pink>-"We probably won't because you didn't pay, but still."</pink>
<<pageReplace"Do it.">>
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to true>>\
<b>-"F-fine.."</b> You wait for a moment when nobody is looking and quickly fall to your knees.
<b>-"P-pleaseibegyouforaseconddate!"</b> You blurt out a mess of words and quickly stand up.
<pink>-"What? Do it again, properly this time."</pink>
<b>-"Yes ma'am.."</b> You get on your knees again.
<b>-"Please.. I beg you, go out with me for a second date!"</b> Professor Kei stands up.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate15.png">
<pink>-"Hmph, good pet. I'll think about it."</pink> You nod and stand up.
<b>-"I-is that a yes?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and grab your jacket.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> After you both leave the restaurant, you get into your car and begin driving back to Kei's place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"Surprisingly... Adequately... I expected a lot less!"</pink>
<pink>-"However, you need to stop asking people on dates if you can't pay. It's rude."</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"But I'm glad I exceeded your expectations!"</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes chit chatting as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! I'm not that easy, toy! You'll have to work a lot harder to spend the night with me!"</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"But, take me on a couple more dates and I'll give that little cock of yours another chance to fuck me!"</pink> You remember what happened when you tried to claim your prize in class..
<pink>-"Drive safe $name!"</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to false>>\
<b>-"I'm not doing that!"</b> You look at her and frown.
<pink>-"Oh.. Talking back, are we?"</pink>
<b>-"That's way too embarrassing..."</b> Professor Kei stands up, you follow suit.
<pink>-"Fine, let's go then."</pink>
<b>-"But how about it though?"</b>
<pink>-"How about what?"</pink> She asks you walk towards your car.
<b>-"How about that second date?"</b>
<pink>-"Well, you fucked up your chances by not begging, but I'll think about it."</pink>
<b>-"Damn... But it's not a no, right?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and open the door for her.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> You both get inside and you begin driving towards her place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"The start was good, but you fucked it up. Didn't beg for a second date and didn't even cover the bill, pathetic."</pink> She crosses her arms.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"Sorry Professor.."</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes in silence as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! Don't even try it."</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"You ruined your chances with that pathetic performance you called a date."</pink>
<pink>-"Drive safe $name."</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace "Flash me your ass.">>
<b>-"Flash me your ass!"</b>
<pink>-"Gosh you're desperate.."</pink> She rolls her eyes.
<b>-"I'm sorry.. It's just so perfect!"</b> Your cock throbs as Kei looks around.
<pink>-"Fine, but only because I like you, pet."</pink> She quickly stands up, bends over and pulls up her dress.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate9.webp">
<b>-"So hot.."</b> You whisper as Kei suddenly pulls it back down and takes a seat.
<bartender>-"Here's your receipt! Thank you for dining at Viet kitchen!"</bartender> The waiter puts down a small box with a receipt inside on the table.
<pink>-"A-ahem! Thank you!"</pink> She quickly fixes her dress.
<b>-"Where did she come from.."</b> You chuckle, silently.
<bartender>-"I hope you have a great rest of your evening!"</bartender> She bows and walks away.
<b>-"Hah! That was close!"</b> You take the receipt and take a closer look.
<pink>-"Sure was!"</pink>
<b>-"Alright.."</b> The bill came out to a total of 50 dollars! Not that bad!
<<if $money>=50>>\
<<pageReplace"Pay up.">>
<<set $keirelationship to $keirelationship +1>>\
<<money -50 "Date with Kei.">>
<pink>-"How much is it?"</pink> She asks as you pull out your wallet.
<b>-"Don't worry about it."</b>
<pink>-"Hmph.. Good pet."</pink> You place the cash in the box and close it.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate16.jpg">
<b>-"Ready to go?"</b>
<pink>-"Nope! Did you forget, you still have to do a dare!"</pink>
<b>-"Oh... Right! Well, go on!"</b>
<pink>-"Beg for a second date."</pink>
<pink>-"You heard me. I need to make sure that you would know your place if we go on more dates."</pink>
<<pageReplace"Do it.">>
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to true>>\
<b>-"F-fine.."</b> You wait for a moment when nobody is looking and quickly fall to your knees.
<b>-"P-pleaseibegyouforaseconddate!"</b> You blurt out a mess of words and quickly stand up.
<pink>-"What? Do it again, properly this time."</pink>
<b>-"Yes ma'am.."</b> You get on your knees again.
<b>-"Please.. I beg you, go out with me for a second date!"</b> Professor Kei stands up.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate15.png">
<pink>-"Hmph, good pet. I'll think about it."</pink> You nod and stand up.
<b>-"I-is that a yes?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and grab your jacket.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> After you both leave the restaurant, you get into your car and begin driving back to Kei's place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"Surprisingly... Adequately... I expected a lot less!"</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"Well, I'm glad I exceeded your expectations then!"</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes chit chatting as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! I'm not that easy, toy! You'll have to work a lot harder to spend the night with me!"</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"But, take me on a couple more dates and I'll give that little cock of yours another chance to fuck me!"</pink> You remember what happened when you tried to claim your prize in class..
<pink>-"Drive safe $name!"</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<green>Money -50!</green>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to false>>\
<b>-"I'm not doing that!"</b> You look at her and frown.
<pink>-"Oh.. Talking back, are we?"</pink>
<b>-"That's way too embarrassing..."</b> Professor Kei stands up, you follow suit.
<pink>-"Fine, let's go then."</pink>
<b>-"But how about it though?"</b>
<pink>-"How about what?"</pink> She asks you walk towards your car.
<b>-"How about that second date?"</b>
<pink>-"Well, you fucked up your chances by not begging, but I'll think about it."</pink>
<b>-"Damn... But it's not a no, right?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and open the door for her.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> You both get inside and you begin driving towards her place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"Surprisingly... Adequately... Besides the last part. I expected a lot less!"</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"Well, I'm glad I exceeded your expectations then!"</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes chit chatting as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! I'm not that easy, toy! You'll have to work a lot harder to spend the night with me!"</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"But, take me on a couple more dates and I'll give that little cock of yours another chance to fuck me!"</pink> You remember what happened when you tried to claim your prize in class..
<pink>-"Drive safe $name!"</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<green>Money -50!</green>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Ask Kei to pay.">>
<<set $keirelationship to $keirelationship -2>>\
<pink>-"How much is it?"</pink> She asks as you look down in shame.
<b>-"50... C-could you.. Pay for it?"</b>
<pink>-"Excuse me?"</pink>
<<if $money >=50>>\
<b>-"I'm sorry, but I can't spend this much! I have other responsibilities.."</b>
<b>-"I'm sorry, but I don't even have enough! The bill was a lot higher than I expected.."</b>
<pink>-"Sigh... Fine."</pink> She takes out her wallet and places some cash into the box.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate16.jpg">
<b>-"T-thank you.."</b>
<pink>-"Whatever."</pink> Kei rolls her eyes.
<b>-"Ready to go?"</b>
<pink>-"Nope. Did you forget, you still have to do a dare."</pink>
<b>-"Oh... Right! Well, go on!"</b>
<pink>-"Beg for a second date."</pink>
<pink>-"You heard me. I need to make sure that you would know your place if we go on more dates."</pink>
<pink>-"We probably won't because you didn't pay, but still."</pink>
<<pageReplace"Do it.">>
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to true>>\
<b>-"F-fine.."</b> You wait for a moment when nobody is looking and quickly fall to your knees.
<b>-"P-pleaseibegyouforaseconddate!"</b> You blurt out a mess of words and quickly stand up.
<pink>-"What? Do it again, properly this time."</pink>
<b>-"Yes ma'am.."</b> You get on your knees again.
<b>-"Please.. I beg you, go out with me for a second date!"</b> Professor Kei stands up.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate15.png">
<pink>-"Hmph, good pet. I'll think about it."</pink> You nod and stand up.
<b>-"I-is that a yes?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and grab your jacket.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> After you both leave the restaurant, you get into your car and begin driving back to Kei's place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"Surprisingly... Adequately... I expected a lot less!"</pink>
<pink>-"However, you need to stop asking people on dates if you can't pay. It's rude."</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"But I'm glad I exceeded your expectations!"</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes chit chatting as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! I'm not that easy, toy! You'll have to work a lot harder to spend the night with me!"</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"But, take me on a couple more dates and I'll give that little cock of yours another chance to fuck me!"</pink> You remember what happened when you tried to claim your prize in class..
<pink>-"Drive safe $name!"</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to false>>\
<b>-"I'm not doing that!"</b> You look at her and frown.
<pink>-"Oh.. Talking back, are we?"</pink>
<b>-"That's way too embarrassing..."</b> Professor Kei stands up, you follow suit.
<pink>-"Fine, let's go then."</pink>
<b>-"But how about it though?"</b>
<pink>-"How about what?"</pink> She asks you walk towards your car.
<b>-"How about that second date?"</b>
<pink>-"Well, you fucked up your chances by not begging, but I'll think about it."</pink>
<b>-"Damn... But it's not a no, right?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and open the door for her.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> You both get inside and you begin driving towards her place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"The start was good, but you fucked it up. Didn't beg for a second date and didn't even cover the bill, pathetic."</pink> She crosses her arms.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"Sorry Professor.."</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes in silence as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! Don't even try it."</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"You ruined your chances with that pathetic performance you called a date."</pink>
<pink>-"Drive safe $name."</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace "Kiss me.">>
<b>-"Kiss me!"</b>
<pink>-"Gosh you're desperate.."</pink> She rolls her eyes.
<b>-"I'm sorry.. I've been staring at those lips for so long though.."</b> Your cock throbs as Kei looks around.
<pink>-"Fine, but only because I like you, pet."</pink> She quickly leans over the desk and you follow suit..
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subda15.webp">
<b>-"Fuck... Those lips are so warm.."</b> You whisper as Kei smiles and leans back.
<bartender>-"Here's your receipt! Thank you for dining at Viet kitchen!"</bartender> The waiter puts down a small box with a receipt inside on the table.
<pink>-"A-ahem! Thank you!"</pink> You both look at the waiter, surprised.
<b>-"Where did she come from.."</b> You chuckle, silently.
<bartender>-"I hope you have a great rest of your evening!"</bartender> She bows and walks away.
<b>-"Hah! That was close!"</b> You take the receipt and take a closer look.
<pink>-"Sure was!"</pink>
<b>-"Alright.."</b> The bill came out to a total of 50 dollars! Not that bad!
<<if $money>=50>>\
<<pageReplace"Pay up.">>
<<set $keirelationship to $keirelationship +1>>\
<<money -50 "Date with Kei.">>
<pink>-"How much is it?"</pink> She asks as you pull out your wallet.
<b>-"Don't worry about it."</b>
<pink>-"Hmph.. Good pet."</pink> You place the cash in the box and close it.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate16.jpg">
<b>-"Ready to go?"</b>
<pink>-"Nope! Did you forget, you still have to do a dare!"</pink>
<b>-"Oh... Right! Well, go on!"</b>
<pink>-"Beg for a second date."</pink>
<pink>-"You heard me. I need to make sure that you would know your place if we go on more dates."</pink>
<<pageReplace"Do it.">>
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to true>>\
<b>-"F-fine.."</b> You wait for a moment when nobody is looking and quickly fall to your knees.
<b>-"P-pleaseibegyouforaseconddate!"</b> You blurt out a mess of words and quickly stand up.
<pink>-"What? Do it again, properly this time."</pink>
<b>-"Yes ma'am.."</b> You get on your knees again.
<b>-"Please.. I beg you, go out with me for a second date!"</b> Professor Kei stands up.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate15.png">
<pink>-"Hmph, good pet. I'll think about it."</pink> You nod and stand up.
<b>-"I-is that a yes?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and grab your jacket.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> After you both leave the restaurant, you get into your car and begin driving back to Kei's place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"Surprisingly... Adequately... I expected a lot less!"</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"Well, I'm glad I exceeded your expectations then!"</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes chit chatting as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! I'm not that easy, toy! You'll have to work a lot harder to spend the night with me!"</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"But, take me on a couple more dates and I'll give that little cock of yours another chance to fuck me!"</pink> You remember what happened when you tried to claim your prize in class..
<pink>-"Drive safe $name!"</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<green>Money -50!</green>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to false>>\
<b>-"I'm not doing that!"</b> You look at her and frown.
<pink>-"Oh.. Talking back, are we?"</pink>
<b>-"That's way too embarrassing..."</b> Professor Kei stands up, you follow suit.
<pink>-"Fine, let's go then."</pink>
<b>-"But how about it though?"</b>
<pink>-"How about what?"</pink> She asks you walk towards your car.
<b>-"How about that second date?"</b>
<pink>-"Well, you fucked up your chances by not begging, but I'll think about it."</pink>
<b>-"Damn... But it's not a no, right?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and open the door for her.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> You both get inside and you begin driving towards her place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"Surprisingly... Adequately... Besides the last part. I expected a lot less!"</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"Well, I'm glad I exceeded your expectations then!"</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes chit chatting as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! I'm not that easy, toy! You'll have to work a lot harder to spend the night with me!"</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"But, take me on a couple more dates and I'll give that little cock of yours another chance to fuck me!"</pink> You remember what happened when you tried to claim your prize in class..
<pink>-"Drive safe $name!"</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<green>Money -50!</green>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Ask Kei to pay.">>
<<set $keirelationship to $keirelationship -2>>\
<pink>-"How much is it?"</pink> She asks as you look down in shame.
<b>-"50... C-could you.. Pay for it?"</b>
<pink>-"Excuse me?"</pink>
<<if $money >=50>>\
<b>-"I'm sorry, but I can't spend this much! I have other responsibilities.."</b>
<b>-"I'm sorry, but I don't even have enough! The bill was a lot higher than I expected.."</b>
<pink>-"Sigh... Fine."</pink> She takes out her wallet and places some cash into the box.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate16.jpg">
<b>-"T-thank you.."</b>
<pink>-"Whatever."</pink> Kei rolls her eyes.
<b>-"Ready to go?"</b>
<pink>-"Nope. Did you forget, you still have to do a dare."</pink>
<b>-"Oh... Right! Well, go on!"</b>
<pink>-"Beg for a second date."</pink>
<pink>-"You heard me. I need to make sure that you would know your place if we go on more dates."</pink>
<pink>-"We probably won't because you didn't pay, but still."</pink>
<<pageReplace"Do it.">>
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to true>>\
<b>-"F-fine.."</b> You wait for a moment when nobody is looking and quickly fall to your knees.
<b>-"P-pleaseibegyouforaseconddate!"</b> You blurt out a mess of words and quickly stand up.
<pink>-"What? Do it again, properly this time."</pink>
<b>-"Yes ma'am.."</b> You get on your knees again.
<b>-"Please.. I beg you, go out with me for a second date!"</b> Professor Kei stands up.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate15.png">
<pink>-"Hmph, good pet. I'll think about it."</pink> You nod and stand up.
<b>-"I-is that a yes?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and grab your jacket.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> After you both leave the restaurant, you get into your car and begin driving back to Kei's place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"Surprisingly... Adequately... I expected a lot less!"</pink>
<pink>-"However, you need to stop asking people on dates if you can't pay. It's rude."</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"But I'm glad I exceeded your expectations!"</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes chit chatting as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! I'm not that easy, toy! You'll have to work a lot harder to spend the night with me!"</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"But, take me on a couple more dates and I'll give that little cock of yours another chance to fuck me!"</pink> You remember what happened when you tried to claim your prize in class..
<pink>-"Drive safe $name!"</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to false>>\
<b>-"I'm not doing that!"</b> You look at her and frown.
<pink>-"Oh.. Talking back, are we?"</pink>
<b>-"That's way too embarrassing..."</b> Professor Kei stands up, you follow suit.
<pink>-"Fine, let's go then."</pink>
<b>-"But how about it though?"</b>
<pink>-"How about what?"</pink> She asks you walk towards your car.
<b>-"How about that second date?"</b>
<pink>-"Well, you fucked up your chances by not begging, but I'll think about it."</pink>
<b>-"Damn... But it's not a no, right?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and open the door for her.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> You both get inside and you begin driving towards her place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"The start was good, but you fucked it up. Didn't beg for a second date and didn't even cover the bill, pathetic."</pink> She crosses her arms.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"Sorry Professor.."</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes in silence as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! Don't even try it."</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"You ruined your chances with that pathetic performance you called a date."</pink>
<pink>-"Drive safe $name."</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Your character.">>
<<set $keirelationship to $keirelationship +1>>\
<b>-"Your character... You seem cold, but loving and caring at the same time.. I also love how you dominate me.. I think it's super hot!"</b>
<pink>-"Alright alright I get it."</pink> Kei looks away and smiles.
<pink>-"I'll give you this, you know how to make a woman blush.."</pink>
<b>-"Hah, t-thank you professor!"</b>
<pink>-"Anyways, it's your turn!"</pink> You take turns asking each other question after question, none of you are picking dare. The questions are getting steamy however.
<pink>-"So when did you lose your virginity?"</pink>
<b>-"I lost it to Emily! Quite a bit ago, before I moved to Norway!"</b> After a while, Kei seems to have become bored.
<pink>-"Alright asking questions is fun and all, but let's spice things up a bit! How about we both have to pick dare for our next choice?"</pink>
<b>-"Hmph... Sure! It's my turn though! Truth or dare?"</b>
<pink>-"Dare!"</pink> Professor Kei smiles as you rub your hands like a villain.
<pink>-"Haha, oh no!"</pink>
<<pageReplace "Flash me your tits.">>
<b>-"Flash me your tits!"</b>
<pink>-"Gosh you're desperate.."</pink> She rolls her eyes.
<b>-"I'm sorry.. They're just so perfect!"</b> Your cock throbs as Kei looks around.
<pink>-"Fine, but only because I like you, pet."</pink> She quickly pulls down her dress and reveals her bare breasts.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate14.webp">
<b>-"So hot.."</b> You whisper as Kei suddenly looks to her left.
<bartender>-"Here's your receipt! Thank you for dining at Viet kitchen!"</bartender> The waiter puts down a small box with a receipt inside on the table.
<pink>-"A-ahem! Thank you!"</pink> She quickly fixes her dress.
<b>-"Where did she come from.."</b> You chuckle, silently.
<bartender>-"I hope you have a great rest of your evening!"</bartender> She bows and walks away.
<b>-"Hah! That was close!"</b> You take the receipt and take a closer look.
<pink>-"Sure was!"</pink>
<b>-"Alright.."</b> The bill came out to a total of 50 dollars! Not that bad!
<<if $money>=50>>\
<<pageReplace"Pay up.">>
<<set $keirelationship to $keirelationship +1>>\
<<money -50 "Date with Kei.">>
<pink>-"How much is it?"</pink> She asks as you pull out your wallet.
<b>-"Don't worry about it."</b>
<pink>-"Hmph.. Good pet."</pink> You place the cash in the box and close it.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate16.jpg">
<b>-"Ready to go?"</b>
<pink>-"Nope! Did you forget, you still have to do a dare!"</pink>
<b>-"Oh... Right! Well, go on!"</b>
<pink>-"Beg for a second date."</pink>
<pink>-"You heard me. I need to make sure that you would know your place if we go on more dates."</pink>
<<pageReplace"Do it.">>
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to true>>\
<b>-"F-fine.."</b> You wait for a moment when nobody is looking and quickly fall to your knees.
<b>-"P-pleaseibegyouforaseconddate!"</b> You blurt out a mess of words and quickly stand up.
<pink>-"What? Do it again, properly this time."</pink>
<b>-"Yes ma'am.."</b> You get on your knees again.
<b>-"Please.. I beg you, go out with me for a second date!"</b> Professor Kei stands up.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate15.png">
<pink>-"Hmph, good pet. I'll think about it."</pink> You nod and stand up.
<b>-"I-is that a yes?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and grab your jacket.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> After you both leave the restaurant, you get into your car and begin driving back to Kei's place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"Surprisingly... Adequately... I expected a lot less!"</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"Well, I'm glad I exceeded your expectations then!"</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes chit chatting as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! I'm not that easy, toy! You'll have to work a lot harder to spend the night with me!"</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"But, take me on a couple more dates and I'll give that little cock of yours another chance to fuck me!"</pink> You remember what happened when you tried to claim your prize in class..
<pink>-"Drive safe $name!"</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<green>Money -50!</green>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to false>>\
<b>-"I'm not doing that!"</b> You look at her and frown.
<pink>-"Oh.. Talking back, are we?"</pink>
<b>-"That's way too embarrassing..."</b> Professor Kei stands up, you follow suit.
<pink>-"Fine, let's go then."</pink>
<b>-"But how about it though?"</b>
<pink>-"How about what?"</pink> She asks you walk towards your car.
<b>-"How about that second date?"</b>
<pink>-"Well, you fucked up your chances by not begging, but I'll think about it."</pink>
<b>-"Damn... But it's not a no, right?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and open the door for her.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> You both get inside and you begin driving towards her place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"Surprisingly... Adequately... Besides the last part. I expected a lot less!"</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"Well, I'm glad I exceeded your expectations then!"</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes chit chatting as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! I'm not that easy, toy! You'll have to work a lot harder to spend the night with me!"</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"But, take me on a couple more dates and I'll give that little cock of yours another chance to fuck me!"</pink> You remember what happened when you tried to claim your prize in class..
<pink>-"Drive safe $name!"</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<green>Money -50!</green>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Ask Kei to pay.">>
<<set $keirelationship to $keirelationship -2>>\
<pink>-"How much is it?"</pink> She asks as you look down in shame.
<b>-"50... C-could you.. Pay for it?"</b>
<pink>-"Excuse me?"</pink>
<<if $money >=50>>\
<b>-"I'm sorry, but I can't spend this much! I have other responsibilities.."</b>
<b>-"I'm sorry, but I don't even have enough! The bill was a lot higher than I expected.."</b>
<pink>-"Sigh... Fine."</pink> She takes out her wallet and places some cash into the box.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate16.jpg">
<b>-"T-thank you.."</b>
<pink>-"Whatever."</pink> Kei rolls her eyes.
<b>-"Ready to go?"</b>
<pink>-"Nope. Did you forget, you still have to do a dare."</pink>
<b>-"Oh... Right! Well, go on!"</b>
<pink>-"Beg for a second date."</pink>
<pink>-"You heard me. I need to make sure that you would know your place if we go on more dates."</pink>
<pink>-"We probably won't because you didn't pay, but still."</pink>
<<pageReplace"Do it.">>
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to true>>\
<b>-"F-fine.."</b> You wait for a moment when nobody is looking and quickly fall to your knees.
<b>-"P-pleaseibegyouforaseconddate!"</b> You blurt out a mess of words and quickly stand up.
<pink>-"What? Do it again, properly this time."</pink>
<b>-"Yes ma'am.."</b> You get on your knees again.
<b>-"Please.. I beg you, go out with me for a second date!"</b> Professor Kei stands up.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate15.png">
<pink>-"Hmph, good pet. I'll think about it."</pink> You nod and stand up.
<b>-"I-is that a yes?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and grab your jacket.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> After you both leave the restaurant, you get into your car and begin driving back to Kei's place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"Surprisingly... Adequately... I expected a lot less!"</pink>
<pink>-"However, you need to stop asking people on dates if you can't pay. It's rude."</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"But I'm glad I exceeded your expectations!"</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes chit chatting as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! I'm not that easy, toy! You'll have to work a lot harder to spend the night with me!"</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"But, take me on a couple more dates and I'll give that little cock of yours another chance to fuck me!"</pink> You remember what happened when you tried to claim your prize in class..
<pink>-"Drive safe $name!"</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to false>>\
<b>-"I'm not doing that!"</b> You look at her and frown.
<pink>-"Oh.. Talking back, are we?"</pink>
<b>-"That's way too embarrassing..."</b> Professor Kei stands up, you follow suit.
<pink>-"Fine, let's go then."</pink>
<b>-"But how about it though?"</b>
<pink>-"How about what?"</pink> She asks you walk towards your car.
<b>-"How about that second date?"</b>
<pink>-"Well, you fucked up your chances by not begging, but I'll think about it."</pink>
<b>-"Damn... But it's not a no, right?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and open the door for her.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> You both get inside and you begin driving towards her place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"The start was good, but you fucked it up. Didn't beg for a second date and didn't even cover the bill, pathetic."</pink> She crosses her arms.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"Sorry Professor.."</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes in silence as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! Don't even try it."</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"You ruined your chances with that pathetic performance you called a date."</pink>
<pink>-"Drive safe $name."</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace "Flash me your ass.">>
<b>-"Flash me your ass!"</b>
<pink>-"Gosh you're desperate.."</pink> She rolls her eyes.
<b>-"I'm sorry.. It's just so perfect!"</b> Your cock throbs as Kei looks around.
<pink>-"Fine, but only because I like you, pet."</pink> She quickly stands up, bends over and pulls up her dress.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate9.webp">
<b>-"So hot.."</b> You whisper as Kei suddenly pulls it back down and takes a seat.
<bartender>-"Here's your receipt! Thank you for dining at Viet kitchen!"</bartender> The waiter puts down a small box with a receipt inside on the table.
<pink>-"A-ahem! Thank you!"</pink> She quickly fixes her dress.
<b>-"Where did she come from.."</b> You chuckle, silently.
<bartender>-"I hope you have a great rest of your evening!"</bartender> She bows and walks away.
<b>-"Hah! That was close!"</b> You take the receipt and take a closer look.
<pink>-"Sure was!"</pink>
<b>-"Alright.."</b> The bill came out to a total of 50 dollars! Not that bad!
<<if $money>=50>>\
<<pageReplace"Pay up.">>
<<set $keirelationship to $keirelationship +1>>\
<<money -50 "Date with Kei.">>
<pink>-"How much is it?"</pink> She asks as you pull out your wallet.
<b>-"Don't worry about it."</b>
<pink>-"Hmph.. Good pet."</pink> You place the cash in the box and close it.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate16.jpg">
<b>-"Ready to go?"</b>
<pink>-"Nope! Did you forget, you still have to do a dare!"</pink>
<b>-"Oh... Right! Well, go on!"</b>
<pink>-"Beg for a second date."</pink>
<pink>-"You heard me. I need to make sure that you would know your place if we go on more dates."</pink>
<<pageReplace"Do it.">>
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to true>>\
<b>-"F-fine.."</b> You wait for a moment when nobody is looking and quickly fall to your knees.
<b>-"P-pleaseibegyouforaseconddate!"</b> You blurt out a mess of words and quickly stand up.
<pink>-"What? Do it again, properly this time."</pink>
<b>-"Yes ma'am.."</b> You get on your knees again.
<b>-"Please.. I beg you, go out with me for a second date!"</b> Professor Kei stands up.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate15.png">
<pink>-"Hmph, good pet. I'll think about it."</pink> You nod and stand up.
<b>-"I-is that a yes?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and grab your jacket.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> After you both leave the restaurant, you get into your car and begin driving back to Kei's place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"Surprisingly... Adequately... I expected a lot less!"</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"Well, I'm glad I exceeded your expectations then!"</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes chit chatting as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! I'm not that easy, toy! You'll have to work a lot harder to spend the night with me!"</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"But, take me on a couple more dates and I'll give that little cock of yours another chance to fuck me!"</pink> You remember what happened when you tried to claim your prize in class..
<pink>-"Drive safe $name!"</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<green>Money -50!</green>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to false>>\
<b>-"I'm not doing that!"</b> You look at her and frown.
<pink>-"Oh.. Talking back, are we?"</pink>
<b>-"That's way too embarrassing..."</b> Professor Kei stands up, you follow suit.
<pink>-"Fine, let's go then."</pink>
<b>-"But how about it though?"</b>
<pink>-"How about what?"</pink> She asks you walk towards your car.
<b>-"How about that second date?"</b>
<pink>-"Well, you fucked up your chances by not begging, but I'll think about it."</pink>
<b>-"Damn... But it's not a no, right?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and open the door for her.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> You both get inside and you begin driving towards her place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"Surprisingly... Adequately... Besides the last part. I expected a lot less!"</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"Well, I'm glad I exceeded your expectations then!"</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes chit chatting as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! I'm not that easy, toy! You'll have to work a lot harder to spend the night with me!"</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"But, take me on a couple more dates and I'll give that little cock of yours another chance to fuck me!"</pink> You remember what happened when you tried to claim your prize in class..
<pink>-"Drive safe $name!"</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<green>Money -50!</green>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Ask Kei to pay.">>
<<set $keirelationship to $keirelationship -2>>\
<pink>-"How much is it?"</pink> She asks as you look down in shame.
<b>-"50... C-could you.. Pay for it?"</b>
<pink>-"Excuse me?"</pink>
<<if $money >=50>>\
<b>-"I'm sorry, but I can't spend this much! I have other responsibilities.."</b>
<b>-"I'm sorry, but I don't even have enough! The bill was a lot higher than I expected.."</b>
<pink>-"Sigh... Fine."</pink> She takes out her wallet and places some cash into the box.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate16.jpg">
<b>-"T-thank you.."</b>
<pink>-"Whatever."</pink> Kei rolls her eyes.
<b>-"Ready to go?"</b>
<pink>-"Nope. Did you forget, you still have to do a dare."</pink>
<b>-"Oh... Right! Well, go on!"</b>
<pink>-"Beg for a second date."</pink>
<pink>-"You heard me. I need to make sure that you would know your place if we go on more dates."</pink>
<pink>-"We probably won't because you didn't pay, but still."</pink>
<<pageReplace"Do it.">>
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to true>>\
<b>-"F-fine.."</b> You wait for a moment when nobody is looking and quickly fall to your knees.
<b>-"P-pleaseibegyouforaseconddate!"</b> You blurt out a mess of words and quickly stand up.
<pink>-"What? Do it again, properly this time."</pink>
<b>-"Yes ma'am.."</b> You get on your knees again.
<b>-"Please.. I beg you, go out with me for a second date!"</b> Professor Kei stands up.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate15.png">
<pink>-"Hmph, good pet. I'll think about it."</pink> You nod and stand up.
<b>-"I-is that a yes?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and grab your jacket.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> After you both leave the restaurant, you get into your car and begin driving back to Kei's place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"Surprisingly... Adequately... I expected a lot less!"</pink>
<pink>-"However, you need to stop asking people on dates if you can't pay. It's rude."</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"But I'm glad I exceeded your expectations!"</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes chit chatting as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! I'm not that easy, toy! You'll have to work a lot harder to spend the night with me!"</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"But, take me on a couple more dates and I'll give that little cock of yours another chance to fuck me!"</pink> You remember what happened when you tried to claim your prize in class..
<pink>-"Drive safe $name!"</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to false>>\
<b>-"I'm not doing that!"</b> You look at her and frown.
<pink>-"Oh.. Talking back, are we?"</pink>
<b>-"That's way too embarrassing..."</b> Professor Kei stands up, you follow suit.
<pink>-"Fine, let's go then."</pink>
<b>-"But how about it though?"</b>
<pink>-"How about what?"</pink> She asks you walk towards your car.
<b>-"How about that second date?"</b>
<pink>-"Well, you fucked up your chances by not begging, but I'll think about it."</pink>
<b>-"Damn... But it's not a no, right?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and open the door for her.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> You both get inside and you begin driving towards her place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"The start was good, but you fucked it up. Didn't beg for a second date and didn't even cover the bill, pathetic."</pink> She crosses her arms.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"Sorry Professor.."</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes in silence as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! Don't even try it."</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"You ruined your chances with that pathetic performance you called a date."</pink>
<pink>-"Drive safe $name."</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace "Kiss me.">>
<b>-"Kiss me!"</b>
<pink>-"Gosh you're desperate.."</pink> She rolls her eyes.
<b>-"I'm sorry.. I've been staring at those lips for so long though.."</b> Your cock throbs as Kei looks around.
<pink>-"Fine, but only because I like you, pet."</pink> She quickly leans over the desk and you follow suit..
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subda15.webp">
<b>-"Fuck... Those lips are so warm.."</b> You whisper as Kei smiles and leans back.
<bartender>-"Here's your receipt! Thank you for dining at Viet kitchen!"</bartender> The waiter puts down a small box with a receipt inside on the table.
<pink>-"A-ahem! Thank you!"</pink> You both look at the waiter, surprised.
<b>-"Where did she come from.."</b> You chuckle, silently.
<bartender>-"I hope you have a great rest of your evening!"</bartender> She bows and walks away.
<b>-"Hah! That was close!"</b> You take the receipt and take a closer look.
<pink>-"Sure was!"</pink>
<b>-"Alright.."</b> The bill came out to a total of 50 dollars! Not that bad!
<<if $money>=50>>\
<<pageReplace"Pay up.">>
<<set $keirelationship to $keirelationship +1>>\
<<money -50 "Date with Kei.">>
<pink>-"How much is it?"</pink> She asks as you pull out your wallet.
<b>-"Don't worry about it."</b>
<pink>-"Hmph.. Good pet."</pink> You place the cash in the box and close it.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate16.jpg">
<b>-"Ready to go?"</b>
<pink>-"Nope! Did you forget, you still have to do a dare!"</pink>
<b>-"Oh... Right! Well, go on!"</b>
<pink>-"Beg for a second date."</pink>
<pink>-"You heard me. I need to make sure that you would know your place if we go on more dates."</pink>
<<pageReplace"Do it.">>
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to true>>\
<b>-"F-fine.."</b> You wait for a moment when nobody is looking and quickly fall to your knees.
<b>-"P-pleaseibegyouforaseconddate!"</b> You blurt out a mess of words and quickly stand up.
<pink>-"What? Do it again, properly this time."</pink>
<b>-"Yes ma'am.."</b> You get on your knees again.
<b>-"Please.. I beg you, go out with me for a second date!"</b> Professor Kei stands up.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate15.png">
<pink>-"Hmph, good pet. I'll think about it."</pink> You nod and stand up.
<b>-"I-is that a yes?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and grab your jacket.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> After you both leave the restaurant, you get into your car and begin driving back to Kei's place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"Surprisingly... Adequately... I expected a lot less!"</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"Well, I'm glad I exceeded your expectations then!"</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes chit chatting as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! I'm not that easy, toy! You'll have to work a lot harder to spend the night with me!"</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"But, take me on a couple more dates and I'll give that little cock of yours another chance to fuck me!"</pink> You remember what happened when you tried to claim your prize in class..
<pink>-"Drive safe $name!"</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<green>Money -50!</green>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to false>>\
<b>-"I'm not doing that!"</b> You look at her and frown.
<pink>-"Oh.. Talking back, are we?"</pink>
<b>-"That's way too embarrassing..."</b> Professor Kei stands up, you follow suit.
<pink>-"Fine, let's go then."</pink>
<b>-"But how about it though?"</b>
<pink>-"How about what?"</pink> She asks you walk towards your car.
<b>-"How about that second date?"</b>
<pink>-"Well, you fucked up your chances by not begging, but I'll think about it."</pink>
<b>-"Damn... But it's not a no, right?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and open the door for her.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> You both get inside and you begin driving towards her place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"Surprisingly... Adequately... Besides the last part. I expected a lot less!"</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"Well, I'm glad I exceeded your expectations then!"</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes chit chatting as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! I'm not that easy, toy! You'll have to work a lot harder to spend the night with me!"</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"But, take me on a couple more dates and I'll give that little cock of yours another chance to fuck me!"</pink> You remember what happened when you tried to claim your prize in class..
<pink>-"Drive safe $name!"</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<green>Money -50!</green>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Ask Kei to pay.">>
<<set $keirelationship to $keirelationship -2>>\
<pink>-"How much is it?"</pink> She asks as you look down in shame.
<b>-"50... C-could you.. Pay for it?"</b>
<pink>-"Excuse me?"</pink>
<<if $money >=50>>\
<b>-"I'm sorry, but I can't spend this much! I have other responsibilities.."</b>
<b>-"I'm sorry, but I don't even have enough! The bill was a lot higher than I expected.."</b>
<pink>-"Sigh... Fine."</pink> She takes out her wallet and places some cash into the box.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate16.jpg">
<b>-"T-thank you.."</b>
<pink>-"Whatever."</pink> Kei rolls her eyes.
<b>-"Ready to go?"</b>
<pink>-"Nope. Did you forget, you still have to do a dare."</pink>
<b>-"Oh... Right! Well, go on!"</b>
<pink>-"Beg for a second date."</pink>
<pink>-"You heard me. I need to make sure that you would know your place if we go on more dates."</pink>
<pink>-"We probably won't because you didn't pay, but still."</pink>
<<pageReplace"Do it.">>
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to true>>\
<b>-"F-fine.."</b> You wait for a moment when nobody is looking and quickly fall to your knees.
<b>-"P-pleaseibegyouforaseconddate!"</b> You blurt out a mess of words and quickly stand up.
<pink>-"What? Do it again, properly this time."</pink>
<b>-"Yes ma'am.."</b> You get on your knees again.
<b>-"Please.. I beg you, go out with me for a second date!"</b> Professor Kei stands up.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate15.png">
<pink>-"Hmph, good pet. I'll think about it."</pink> You nod and stand up.
<b>-"I-is that a yes?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and grab your jacket.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> After you both leave the restaurant, you get into your car and begin driving back to Kei's place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"Surprisingly... Adequately... I expected a lot less!"</pink>
<pink>-"However, you need to stop asking people on dates if you can't pay. It's rude."</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"But I'm glad I exceeded your expectations!"</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes chit chatting as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! I'm not that easy, toy! You'll have to work a lot harder to spend the night with me!"</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"But, take me on a couple more dates and I'll give that little cock of yours another chance to fuck me!"</pink> You remember what happened when you tried to claim your prize in class..
<pink>-"Drive safe $name!"</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to false>>\
<b>-"I'm not doing that!"</b> You look at her and frown.
<pink>-"Oh.. Talking back, are we?"</pink>
<b>-"That's way too embarrassing..."</b> Professor Kei stands up, you follow suit.
<pink>-"Fine, let's go then."</pink>
<b>-"But how about it though?"</b>
<pink>-"How about what?"</pink> She asks you walk towards your car.
<b>-"How about that second date?"</b>
<pink>-"Well, you fucked up your chances by not begging, but I'll think about it."</pink>
<b>-"Damn... But it's not a no, right?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and open the door for her.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> You both get inside and you begin driving towards her place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"The start was good, but you fucked it up. Didn't beg for a second date and didn't even cover the bill, pathetic."</pink> She crosses her arms.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"Sorry Professor.."</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes in silence as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! Don't even try it."</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"You ruined your chances with that pathetic performance you called a date."</pink>
<pink>-"Drive safe $name."</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Would you date one of your students?">>
<b>-"Would you date one of your students?"</b>
<pink>-"Hmmmm, I wonder why you want to know.."</pink> She giggles.
<b>-"Hahaha.. You have to answer!"</b>
<pink>-"Well, if I like him or her enough, I think I would! The SUP doesn't have any rules prohibiting it."</pink> Professor Kei smiles.
<b>-"Hmph.. Cheers to that!"</b>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate13.png">
<pink>-"My turn! Truth or dare?"</pink>
<b>-"True.."</b> Your cheeks begin to blush as you drink more and more alcohol.
<pink>-"What do you like about me so much? Most of my students adore me, but not quite as much as you."</pink>
<<pageReplace"Your body.">>
<<set $keirelationship to $keirelationship -1>>\
<b>-"Your body... It's so curvy and voluptuous and sexy and.."</b> She cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah, alright alright I get it."</pink> Kei looks away for a second.
<b>-"Everything okay?"</b> You look at her, concerned.
<pink>-"Mhm, ask away."</pink> You take turns asking each other question after question, none of you are picking dare. The questions are getting steamy however.
<pink>-"So when did you lose your virginity?"</pink>
<b>-"I lost it to Emily! Quite a bit ago, before I moved to Norway!"</b> After a while, Kei seems to have become bored.
<pink>-"Alright asking questions is fun and all, but let's spice things up a bit! How about we both have to pick dare for our next choice?"</pink>
<b>-"Hmph... Sure! It's my turn though! Truth or dare?"</b>
<pink>-"Dare!"</pink> Professor Kei smiles as you rub your hands like a villain.
<pink>-"Haha, oh no!"</pink>
<<pageReplace "Flash me your tits.">>
<b>-"Flash me your tits!"</b>
<pink>-"Gosh you're desperate.."</pink> She rolls her eyes.
<b>-"I'm sorry.. They're just so perfect!"</b> Your cock throbs as Kei looks around.
<pink>-"Fine, but only because I like you, pet."</pink> She quickly pulls down her dress and reveals her bare breasts.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate14.webp">
<b>-"So hot.."</b> You whisper as Kei suddenly looks to her left.
<bartender>-"Here's your receipt! Thank you for dining at Viet kitchen!"</bartender> The waiter puts down a small box with a receipt inside on the table.
<pink>-"A-ahem! Thank you!"</pink> She quickly fixes her dress.
<b>-"Where did she come from.."</b> You chuckle, silently.
<bartender>-"I hope you have a great rest of your evening!"</bartender> She bows and walks away.
<b>-"Hah! That was close!"</b> You take the receipt and take a closer look.
<pink>-"Sure was!"</pink>
<b>-"Alright.."</b> The bill came out to a total of 50 dollars! Not that bad!
<<if $money>=50>>\
<<pageReplace"Pay up.">>
<<set $keirelationship to $keirelationship +1>>\
<<money -50 "Date with Kei.">>
<pink>-"How much is it?"</pink> She asks as you pull out your wallet.
<b>-"Don't worry about it."</b>
<pink>-"Hmph.. Good pet."</pink> You place the cash in the box and close it.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate16.jpg">
<b>-"Ready to go?"</b>
<pink>-"Nope! Did you forget, you still have to do a dare!"</pink>
<b>-"Oh... Right! Well, go on!"</b>
<pink>-"Beg for a second date."</pink>
<pink>-"You heard me. I need to make sure that you would know your place if we go on more dates."</pink>
<<pageReplace"Do it.">>
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to true>>\
<b>-"F-fine.."</b> You wait for a moment when nobody is looking and quickly fall to your knees.
<b>-"P-pleaseibegyouforaseconddate!"</b> You blurt out a mess of words and quickly stand up.
<pink>-"What? Do it again, properly this time."</pink>
<b>-"Yes ma'am.."</b> You get on your knees again.
<b>-"Please.. I beg you, go out with me for a second date!"</b> Professor Kei stands up.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate15.png">
<pink>-"Hmph, good pet. I'll think about it."</pink> You nod and stand up.
<b>-"I-is that a yes?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and grab your jacket.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> After you both leave the restaurant, you get into your car and begin driving back to Kei's place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"Surprisingly... Adequately... I expected a lot less!"</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"Well, I'm glad I exceeded your expectations then!"</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes chit chatting as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! I'm not that easy, toy! You'll have to work a lot harder to spend the night with me!"</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"But, take me on a couple more dates and I'll give that little cock of yours another chance to fuck me!"</pink> You remember what happened when you tried to claim your prize in class..
<pink>-"Drive safe $name!"</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<green>Money -50!</green>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to false>>\
<b>-"I'm not doing that!"</b> You look at her and frown.
<pink>-"Oh.. Talking back, are we?"</pink>
<b>-"That's way too embarrassing..."</b> Professor Kei stands up, you follow suit.
<pink>-"Fine, let's go then."</pink>
<b>-"But how about it though?"</b>
<pink>-"How about what?"</pink> She asks you walk towards your car.
<b>-"How about that second date?"</b>
<pink>-"Well, you fucked up your chances by not begging, but I'll think about it."</pink>
<b>-"Damn... But it's not a no, right?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and open the door for her.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> You both get inside and you begin driving towards her place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"Surprisingly... Adequately... Besides the last part. I expected a lot less!"</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"Well, I'm glad I exceeded your expectations then!"</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes chit chatting as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! I'm not that easy, toy! You'll have to work a lot harder to spend the night with me!"</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"But, take me on a couple more dates and I'll give that little cock of yours another chance to fuck me!"</pink> You remember what happened when you tried to claim your prize in class..
<pink>-"Drive safe $name!"</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<green>Money -50!</green>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Ask Kei to pay.">>
<<set $keirelationship to $keirelationship -2>>\
<pink>-"How much is it?"</pink> She asks as you look down in shame.
<b>-"50... C-could you.. Pay for it?"</b>
<pink>-"Excuse me?"</pink>
<<if $money >=50>>\
<b>-"I'm sorry, but I can't spend this much! I have other responsibilities.."</b>
<b>-"I'm sorry, but I don't even have enough! The bill was a lot higher than I expected.."</b>
<pink>-"Sigh... Fine."</pink> She takes out her wallet and places some cash into the box.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate16.jpg">
<b>-"T-thank you.."</b>
<pink>-"Whatever."</pink> Kei rolls her eyes.
<b>-"Ready to go?"</b>
<pink>-"Nope. Did you forget, you still have to do a dare."</pink>
<b>-"Oh... Right! Well, go on!"</b>
<pink>-"Beg for a second date."</pink>
<pink>-"You heard me. I need to make sure that you would know your place if we go on more dates."</pink>
<pink>-"We probably won't because you didn't pay, but still."</pink>
<<pageReplace"Do it.">>
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to true>>\
<b>-"F-fine.."</b> You wait for a moment when nobody is looking and quickly fall to your knees.
<b>-"P-pleaseibegyouforaseconddate!"</b> You blurt out a mess of words and quickly stand up.
<pink>-"What? Do it again, properly this time."</pink>
<b>-"Yes ma'am.."</b> You get on your knees again.
<b>-"Please.. I beg you, go out with me for a second date!"</b> Professor Kei stands up.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate15.png">
<pink>-"Hmph, good pet. I'll think about it."</pink> You nod and stand up.
<b>-"I-is that a yes?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and grab your jacket.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> After you both leave the restaurant, you get into your car and begin driving back to Kei's place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"Surprisingly... Adequately... I expected a lot less!"</pink>
<pink>-"However, you need to stop asking people on dates if you can't pay. It's rude."</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"But I'm glad I exceeded your expectations!"</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes chit chatting as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! I'm not that easy, toy! You'll have to work a lot harder to spend the night with me!"</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"But, take me on a couple more dates and I'll give that little cock of yours another chance to fuck me!"</pink> You remember what happened when you tried to claim your prize in class..
<pink>-"Drive safe $name!"</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to false>>\
<b>-"I'm not doing that!"</b> You look at her and frown.
<pink>-"Oh.. Talking back, are we?"</pink>
<b>-"That's way too embarrassing..."</b> Professor Kei stands up, you follow suit.
<pink>-"Fine, let's go then."</pink>
<b>-"But how about it though?"</b>
<pink>-"How about what?"</pink> She asks you walk towards your car.
<b>-"How about that second date?"</b>
<pink>-"Well, you fucked up your chances by not begging, but I'll think about it."</pink>
<b>-"Damn... But it's not a no, right?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and open the door for her.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> You both get inside and you begin driving towards her place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"The start was good, but you fucked it up. Didn't beg for a second date and didn't even cover the bill, pathetic."</pink> She crosses her arms.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"Sorry Professor.."</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes in silence as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! Don't even try it."</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"You ruined your chances with that pathetic performance you called a date."</pink>
<pink>-"Drive safe $name."</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace "Flash me your ass.">>
<b>-"Flash me your ass!"</b>
<pink>-"Gosh you're desperate.."</pink> She rolls her eyes.
<b>-"I'm sorry.. It's just so perfect!"</b> Your cock throbs as Kei looks around.
<pink>-"Fine, but only because I like you, pet."</pink> She quickly stands up, bends over and pulls up her dress.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate9.webp">
<b>-"So hot.."</b> You whisper as Kei suddenly pulls it back down and takes a seat.
<bartender>-"Here's your receipt! Thank you for dining at Viet kitchen!"</bartender> The waiter puts down a small box with a receipt inside on the table.
<pink>-"A-ahem! Thank you!"</pink> She quickly fixes her dress.
<b>-"Where did she come from.."</b> You chuckle, silently.
<bartender>-"I hope you have a great rest of your evening!"</bartender> She bows and walks away.
<b>-"Hah! That was close!"</b> You take the receipt and take a closer look.
<pink>-"Sure was!"</pink>
<b>-"Alright.."</b> The bill came out to a total of 50 dollars! Not that bad!
<<if $money>=50>>\
<<pageReplace"Pay up.">>
<<set $keirelationship to $keirelationship +1>>\
<<money -50 "Date with Kei.">>
<pink>-"How much is it?"</pink> She asks as you pull out your wallet.
<b>-"Don't worry about it."</b>
<pink>-"Hmph.. Good pet."</pink> You place the cash in the box and close it.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate16.jpg">
<b>-"Ready to go?"</b>
<pink>-"Nope! Did you forget, you still have to do a dare!"</pink>
<b>-"Oh... Right! Well, go on!"</b>
<pink>-"Beg for a second date."</pink>
<pink>-"You heard me. I need to make sure that you would know your place if we go on more dates."</pink>
<<pageReplace"Do it.">>
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to true>>\
<b>-"F-fine.."</b> You wait for a moment when nobody is looking and quickly fall to your knees.
<b>-"P-pleaseibegyouforaseconddate!"</b> You blurt out a mess of words and quickly stand up.
<pink>-"What? Do it again, properly this time."</pink>
<b>-"Yes ma'am.."</b> You get on your knees again.
<b>-"Please.. I beg you, go out with me for a second date!"</b> Professor Kei stands up.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate15.png">
<pink>-"Hmph, good pet. I'll think about it."</pink> You nod and stand up.
<b>-"I-is that a yes?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and grab your jacket.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> After you both leave the restaurant, you get into your car and begin driving back to Kei's place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"Surprisingly... Adequately... I expected a lot less!"</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"Well, I'm glad I exceeded your expectations then!"</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes chit chatting as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! I'm not that easy, toy! You'll have to work a lot harder to spend the night with me!"</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"But, take me on a couple more dates and I'll give that little cock of yours another chance to fuck me!"</pink> You remember what happened when you tried to claim your prize in class..
<pink>-"Drive safe $name!"</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<green>Money -50!</green>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to false>>\
<b>-"I'm not doing that!"</b> You look at her and frown.
<pink>-"Oh.. Talking back, are we?"</pink>
<b>-"That's way too embarrassing..."</b> Professor Kei stands up, you follow suit.
<pink>-"Fine, let's go then."</pink>
<b>-"But how about it though?"</b>
<pink>-"How about what?"</pink> She asks you walk towards your car.
<b>-"How about that second date?"</b>
<pink>-"Well, you fucked up your chances by not begging, but I'll think about it."</pink>
<b>-"Damn... But it's not a no, right?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and open the door for her.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> You both get inside and you begin driving towards her place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"Surprisingly... Adequately... Besides the last part. I expected a lot less!"</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"Well, I'm glad I exceeded your expectations then!"</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes chit chatting as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! I'm not that easy, toy! You'll have to work a lot harder to spend the night with me!"</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"But, take me on a couple more dates and I'll give that little cock of yours another chance to fuck me!"</pink> You remember what happened when you tried to claim your prize in class..
<pink>-"Drive safe $name!"</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<green>Money -50!</green>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Ask Kei to pay.">>
<<set $keirelationship to $keirelationship -2>>\
<pink>-"How much is it?"</pink> She asks as you look down in shame.
<b>-"50... C-could you.. Pay for it?"</b>
<pink>-"Excuse me?"</pink>
<<if $money >=50>>\
<b>-"I'm sorry, but I can't spend this much! I have other responsibilities.."</b>
<b>-"I'm sorry, but I don't even have enough! The bill was a lot higher than I expected.."</b>
<pink>-"Sigh... Fine."</pink> She takes out her wallet and places some cash into the box.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate16.jpg">
<b>-"T-thank you.."</b>
<pink>-"Whatever."</pink> Kei rolls her eyes.
<b>-"Ready to go?"</b>
<pink>-"Nope. Did you forget, you still have to do a dare."</pink>
<b>-"Oh... Right! Well, go on!"</b>
<pink>-"Beg for a second date."</pink>
<pink>-"You heard me. I need to make sure that you would know your place if we go on more dates."</pink>
<pink>-"We probably won't because you didn't pay, but still."</pink>
<<pageReplace"Do it.">>
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to true>>\
<b>-"F-fine.."</b> You wait for a moment when nobody is looking and quickly fall to your knees.
<b>-"P-pleaseibegyouforaseconddate!"</b> You blurt out a mess of words and quickly stand up.
<pink>-"What? Do it again, properly this time."</pink>
<b>-"Yes ma'am.."</b> You get on your knees again.
<b>-"Please.. I beg you, go out with me for a second date!"</b> Professor Kei stands up.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate15.png">
<pink>-"Hmph, good pet. I'll think about it."</pink> You nod and stand up.
<b>-"I-is that a yes?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and grab your jacket.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> After you both leave the restaurant, you get into your car and begin driving back to Kei's place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"Surprisingly... Adequately... I expected a lot less!"</pink>
<pink>-"However, you need to stop asking people on dates if you can't pay. It's rude."</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"But I'm glad I exceeded your expectations!"</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes chit chatting as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! I'm not that easy, toy! You'll have to work a lot harder to spend the night with me!"</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"But, take me on a couple more dates and I'll give that little cock of yours another chance to fuck me!"</pink> You remember what happened when you tried to claim your prize in class..
<pink>-"Drive safe $name!"</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to false>>\
<b>-"I'm not doing that!"</b> You look at her and frown.
<pink>-"Oh.. Talking back, are we?"</pink>
<b>-"That's way too embarrassing..."</b> Professor Kei stands up, you follow suit.
<pink>-"Fine, let's go then."</pink>
<b>-"But how about it though?"</b>
<pink>-"How about what?"</pink> She asks you walk towards your car.
<b>-"How about that second date?"</b>
<pink>-"Well, you fucked up your chances by not begging, but I'll think about it."</pink>
<b>-"Damn... But it's not a no, right?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and open the door for her.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> You both get inside and you begin driving towards her place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"The start was good, but you fucked it up. Didn't beg for a second date and didn't even cover the bill, pathetic."</pink> She crosses her arms.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"Sorry Professor.."</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes in silence as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! Don't even try it."</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"You ruined your chances with that pathetic performance you called a date."</pink>
<pink>-"Drive safe $name."</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace "Kiss me.">>
<b>-"Kiss me!"</b>
<pink>-"Gosh you're desperate.."</pink> She rolls her eyes.
<b>-"I'm sorry.. I've been staring at those lips for so long though.."</b> Your cock throbs as Kei looks around.
<pink>-"Fine, but only because I like you, pet."</pink> She quickly leans over the desk and you follow suit..
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subda15.webp">
<b>-"Fuck... Those lips are so warm.."</b> You whisper as Kei smiles and leans back.
<bartender>-"Here's your receipt! Thank you for dining at Viet kitchen!"</bartender> The waiter puts down a small box with a receipt inside on the table.
<pink>-"A-ahem! Thank you!"</pink> You both look at the waiter, surprised.
<b>-"Where did she come from.."</b> You chuckle, silently.
<bartender>-"I hope you have a great rest of your evening!"</bartender> She bows and walks away.
<b>-"Hah! That was close!"</b> You take the receipt and take a closer look.
<pink>-"Sure was!"</pink>
<b>-"Alright.."</b> The bill came out to a total of 50 dollars! Not that bad!
<<if $money>=50>>\
<<pageReplace"Pay up.">>
<<set $keirelationship to $keirelationship +1>>\
<<money -50 "Date with Kei.">>
<pink>-"How much is it?"</pink> She asks as you pull out your wallet.
<b>-"Don't worry about it."</b>
<pink>-"Hmph.. Good pet."</pink> You place the cash in the box and close it.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate16.jpg">
<b>-"Ready to go?"</b>
<pink>-"Nope! Did you forget, you still have to do a dare!"</pink>
<b>-"Oh... Right! Well, go on!"</b>
<pink>-"Beg for a second date."</pink>
<pink>-"You heard me. I need to make sure that you would know your place if we go on more dates."</pink>
<<pageReplace"Do it.">>
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to true>>\
<b>-"F-fine.."</b> You wait for a moment when nobody is looking and quickly fall to your knees.
<b>-"P-pleaseibegyouforaseconddate!"</b> You blurt out a mess of words and quickly stand up.
<pink>-"What? Do it again, properly this time."</pink>
<b>-"Yes ma'am.."</b> You get on your knees again.
<b>-"Please.. I beg you, go out with me for a second date!"</b> Professor Kei stands up.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate15.png">
<pink>-"Hmph, good pet. I'll think about it."</pink> You nod and stand up.
<b>-"I-is that a yes?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and grab your jacket.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> After you both leave the restaurant, you get into your car and begin driving back to Kei's place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"Surprisingly... Adequately... I expected a lot less!"</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"Well, I'm glad I exceeded your expectations then!"</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes chit chatting as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! I'm not that easy, toy! You'll have to work a lot harder to spend the night with me!"</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"But, take me on a couple more dates and I'll give that little cock of yours another chance to fuck me!"</pink> You remember what happened when you tried to claim your prize in class..
<pink>-"Drive safe $name!"</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<green>Money -50!</green>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to false>>\
<b>-"I'm not doing that!"</b> You look at her and frown.
<pink>-"Oh.. Talking back, are we?"</pink>
<b>-"That's way too embarrassing..."</b> Professor Kei stands up, you follow suit.
<pink>-"Fine, let's go then."</pink>
<b>-"But how about it though?"</b>
<pink>-"How about what?"</pink> She asks you walk towards your car.
<b>-"How about that second date?"</b>
<pink>-"Well, you fucked up your chances by not begging, but I'll think about it."</pink>
<b>-"Damn... But it's not a no, right?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and open the door for her.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> You both get inside and you begin driving towards her place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"Surprisingly... Adequately... Besides the last part. I expected a lot less!"</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"Well, I'm glad I exceeded your expectations then!"</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes chit chatting as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! I'm not that easy, toy! You'll have to work a lot harder to spend the night with me!"</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"But, take me on a couple more dates and I'll give that little cock of yours another chance to fuck me!"</pink> You remember what happened when you tried to claim your prize in class..
<pink>-"Drive safe $name!"</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<green>Money -50!</green>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Ask Kei to pay.">>
<<set $keirelationship to $keirelationship -2>>\
<pink>-"How much is it?"</pink> She asks as you look down in shame.
<b>-"50... C-could you.. Pay for it?"</b>
<pink>-"Excuse me?"</pink>
<<if $money >=50>>\
<b>-"I'm sorry, but I can't spend this much! I have other responsibilities.."</b>
<b>-"I'm sorry, but I don't even have enough! The bill was a lot higher than I expected.."</b>
<pink>-"Sigh... Fine."</pink> She takes out her wallet and places some cash into the box.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate16.jpg">
<b>-"T-thank you.."</b>
<pink>-"Whatever."</pink> Kei rolls her eyes.
<b>-"Ready to go?"</b>
<pink>-"Nope. Did you forget, you still have to do a dare."</pink>
<b>-"Oh... Right! Well, go on!"</b>
<pink>-"Beg for a second date."</pink>
<pink>-"You heard me. I need to make sure that you would know your place if we go on more dates."</pink>
<pink>-"We probably won't because you didn't pay, but still."</pink>
<<pageReplace"Do it.">>
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to true>>\
<b>-"F-fine.."</b> You wait for a moment when nobody is looking and quickly fall to your knees.
<b>-"P-pleaseibegyouforaseconddate!"</b> You blurt out a mess of words and quickly stand up.
<pink>-"What? Do it again, properly this time."</pink>
<b>-"Yes ma'am.."</b> You get on your knees again.
<b>-"Please.. I beg you, go out with me for a second date!"</b> Professor Kei stands up.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate15.png">
<pink>-"Hmph, good pet. I'll think about it."</pink> You nod and stand up.
<b>-"I-is that a yes?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and grab your jacket.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> After you both leave the restaurant, you get into your car and begin driving back to Kei's place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"Surprisingly... Adequately... I expected a lot less!"</pink>
<pink>-"However, you need to stop asking people on dates if you can't pay. It's rude."</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"But I'm glad I exceeded your expectations!"</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes chit chatting as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! I'm not that easy, toy! You'll have to work a lot harder to spend the night with me!"</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"But, take me on a couple more dates and I'll give that little cock of yours another chance to fuck me!"</pink> You remember what happened when you tried to claim your prize in class..
<pink>-"Drive safe $name!"</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to false>>\
<b>-"I'm not doing that!"</b> You look at her and frown.
<pink>-"Oh.. Talking back, are we?"</pink>
<b>-"That's way too embarrassing..."</b> Professor Kei stands up, you follow suit.
<pink>-"Fine, let's go then."</pink>
<b>-"But how about it though?"</b>
<pink>-"How about what?"</pink> She asks you walk towards your car.
<b>-"How about that second date?"</b>
<pink>-"Well, you fucked up your chances by not begging, but I'll think about it."</pink>
<b>-"Damn... But it's not a no, right?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and open the door for her.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> You both get inside and you begin driving towards her place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"The start was good, but you fucked it up. Didn't beg for a second date and didn't even cover the bill, pathetic."</pink> She crosses her arms.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"Sorry Professor.."</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes in silence as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! Don't even try it."</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"You ruined your chances with that pathetic performance you called a date."</pink>
<pink>-"Drive safe $name."</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Your character.">>
<<set $keirelationship to $keirelationship +1>>\
<b>-"Your character... You seem cold, but loving and caring at the same time.. I also love how you dominate me.. I think it's super hot!"</b>
<pink>-"Alright alright I get it."</pink> Kei looks away and smiles.
<pink>-"I'll give you this, you know how to make a woman blush.."</pink>
<b>-"Hah, t-thank you professor!"</b>
<pink>-"Anyways, it's your turn!"</pink> You take turns asking each other question after question, none of you are picking dare. The questions are getting steamy however.
<pink>-"So when did you lose your virginity?"</pink>
<b>-"I lost it to Emily! Quite a bit ago, before I moved to Norway!"</b> After a while, Kei seems to have become bored.
<pink>-"Alright asking questions is fun and all, but let's spice things up a bit! How about we both have to pick dare for our next choice?"</pink>
<b>-"Hmph... Sure! It's my turn though! Truth or dare?"</b>
<pink>-"Dare!"</pink> Professor Kei smiles as you rub your hands like a villain.
<pink>-"Haha, oh no!"</pink>
<<pageReplace "Flash me your tits.">>
<b>-"Flash me your tits!"</b>
<pink>-"Gosh you're desperate.."</pink> She rolls her eyes.
<b>-"I'm sorry.. They're just so perfect!"</b> Your cock throbs as Kei looks around.
<pink>-"Fine, but only because I like you, pet."</pink> She quickly pulls down her dress and reveals her bare breasts.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate14.webp">
<b>-"So hot.."</b> You whisper as Kei suddenly looks to her left.
<bartender>-"Here's your receipt! Thank you for dining at Viet kitchen!"</bartender> The waiter puts down a small box with a receipt inside on the table.
<pink>-"A-ahem! Thank you!"</pink> She quickly fixes her dress.
<b>-"Where did she come from.."</b> You chuckle, silently.
<bartender>-"I hope you have a great rest of your evening!"</bartender> She bows and walks away.
<b>-"Hah! That was close!"</b> You take the receipt and take a closer look.
<pink>-"Sure was!"</pink>
<b>-"Alright.."</b> The bill came out to a total of 50 dollars! Not that bad!
<<if $money>=50>>\
<<pageReplace"Pay up.">>
<<set $keirelationship to $keirelationship +1>>\
<<money -50 "Date with Kei.">>
<pink>-"How much is it?"</pink> She asks as you pull out your wallet.
<b>-"Don't worry about it."</b>
<pink>-"Hmph.. Good pet."</pink> You place the cash in the box and close it.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate16.jpg">
<b>-"Ready to go?"</b>
<pink>-"Nope! Did you forget, you still have to do a dare!"</pink>
<b>-"Oh... Right! Well, go on!"</b>
<pink>-"Beg for a second date."</pink>
<pink>-"You heard me. I need to make sure that you would know your place if we go on more dates."</pink>
<<pageReplace"Do it.">>
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to true>>\
<b>-"F-fine.."</b> You wait for a moment when nobody is looking and quickly fall to your knees.
<b>-"P-pleaseibegyouforaseconddate!"</b> You blurt out a mess of words and quickly stand up.
<pink>-"What? Do it again, properly this time."</pink>
<b>-"Yes ma'am.."</b> You get on your knees again.
<b>-"Please.. I beg you, go out with me for a second date!"</b> Professor Kei stands up.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate15.png">
<pink>-"Hmph, good pet. I'll think about it."</pink> You nod and stand up.
<b>-"I-is that a yes?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and grab your jacket.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> After you both leave the restaurant, you get into your car and begin driving back to Kei's place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"Surprisingly... Adequately... I expected a lot less!"</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"Well, I'm glad I exceeded your expectations then!"</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes chit chatting as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! I'm not that easy, toy! You'll have to work a lot harder to spend the night with me!"</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"But, take me on a couple more dates and I'll give that little cock of yours another chance to fuck me!"</pink> You remember what happened when you tried to claim your prize in class..
<pink>-"Drive safe $name!"</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<green>Money -50!</green>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to false>>\
<b>-"I'm not doing that!"</b> You look at her and frown.
<pink>-"Oh.. Talking back, are we?"</pink>
<b>-"That's way too embarrassing..."</b> Professor Kei stands up, you follow suit.
<pink>-"Fine, let's go then."</pink>
<b>-"But how about it though?"</b>
<pink>-"How about what?"</pink> She asks you walk towards your car.
<b>-"How about that second date?"</b>
<pink>-"Well, you fucked up your chances by not begging, but I'll think about it."</pink>
<b>-"Damn... But it's not a no, right?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and open the door for her.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> You both get inside and you begin driving towards her place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"Surprisingly... Adequately... Besides the last part. I expected a lot less!"</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"Well, I'm glad I exceeded your expectations then!"</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes chit chatting as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! I'm not that easy, toy! You'll have to work a lot harder to spend the night with me!"</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"But, take me on a couple more dates and I'll give that little cock of yours another chance to fuck me!"</pink> You remember what happened when you tried to claim your prize in class..
<pink>-"Drive safe $name!"</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<green>Money -50!</green>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Ask Kei to pay.">>
<<set $keirelationship to $keirelationship -2>>\
<pink>-"How much is it?"</pink> She asks as you look down in shame.
<b>-"50... C-could you.. Pay for it?"</b>
<pink>-"Excuse me?"</pink>
<<if $money >=50>>\
<b>-"I'm sorry, but I can't spend this much! I have other responsibilities.."</b>
<b>-"I'm sorry, but I don't even have enough! The bill was a lot higher than I expected.."</b>
<pink>-"Sigh... Fine."</pink> She takes out her wallet and places some cash into the box.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate16.jpg">
<b>-"T-thank you.."</b>
<pink>-"Whatever."</pink> Kei rolls her eyes.
<b>-"Ready to go?"</b>
<pink>-"Nope. Did you forget, you still have to do a dare."</pink>
<b>-"Oh... Right! Well, go on!"</b>
<pink>-"Beg for a second date."</pink>
<pink>-"You heard me. I need to make sure that you would know your place if we go on more dates."</pink>
<pink>-"We probably won't because you didn't pay, but still."</pink>
<<pageReplace"Do it.">>
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to true>>\
<b>-"F-fine.."</b> You wait for a moment when nobody is looking and quickly fall to your knees.
<b>-"P-pleaseibegyouforaseconddate!"</b> You blurt out a mess of words and quickly stand up.
<pink>-"What? Do it again, properly this time."</pink>
<b>-"Yes ma'am.."</b> You get on your knees again.
<b>-"Please.. I beg you, go out with me for a second date!"</b> Professor Kei stands up.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate15.png">
<pink>-"Hmph, good pet. I'll think about it."</pink> You nod and stand up.
<b>-"I-is that a yes?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and grab your jacket.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> After you both leave the restaurant, you get into your car and begin driving back to Kei's place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"Surprisingly... Adequately... I expected a lot less!"</pink>
<pink>-"However, you need to stop asking people on dates if you can't pay. It's rude."</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"But I'm glad I exceeded your expectations!"</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes chit chatting as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! I'm not that easy, toy! You'll have to work a lot harder to spend the night with me!"</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"But, take me on a couple more dates and I'll give that little cock of yours another chance to fuck me!"</pink> You remember what happened when you tried to claim your prize in class..
<pink>-"Drive safe $name!"</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to false>>\
<b>-"I'm not doing that!"</b> You look at her and frown.
<pink>-"Oh.. Talking back, are we?"</pink>
<b>-"That's way too embarrassing..."</b> Professor Kei stands up, you follow suit.
<pink>-"Fine, let's go then."</pink>
<b>-"But how about it though?"</b>
<pink>-"How about what?"</pink> She asks you walk towards your car.
<b>-"How about that second date?"</b>
<pink>-"Well, you fucked up your chances by not begging, but I'll think about it."</pink>
<b>-"Damn... But it's not a no, right?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and open the door for her.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> You both get inside and you begin driving towards her place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"The start was good, but you fucked it up. Didn't beg for a second date and didn't even cover the bill, pathetic."</pink> She crosses her arms.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"Sorry Professor.."</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes in silence as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! Don't even try it."</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"You ruined your chances with that pathetic performance you called a date."</pink>
<pink>-"Drive safe $name."</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace "Flash me your ass.">>
<b>-"Flash me your ass!"</b>
<pink>-"Gosh you're desperate.."</pink> She rolls her eyes.
<b>-"I'm sorry.. It's just so perfect!"</b> Your cock throbs as Kei looks around.
<pink>-"Fine, but only because I like you, pet."</pink> She quickly stands up, bends over and pulls up her dress.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate9.webp">
<b>-"So hot.."</b> You whisper as Kei suddenly pulls it back down and takes a seat.
<bartender>-"Here's your receipt! Thank you for dining at Viet kitchen!"</bartender> The waiter puts down a small box with a receipt inside on the table.
<pink>-"A-ahem! Thank you!"</pink> She quickly fixes her dress.
<b>-"Where did she come from.."</b> You chuckle, silently.
<bartender>-"I hope you have a great rest of your evening!"</bartender> She bows and walks away.
<b>-"Hah! That was close!"</b> You take the receipt and take a closer look.
<pink>-"Sure was!"</pink>
<b>-"Alright.."</b> The bill came out to a total of 50 dollars! Not that bad!
<<if $money>=50>>\
<<pageReplace"Pay up.">>
<<set $keirelationship to $keirelationship +1>>\
<<money -50 "Date with Kei.">>
<pink>-"How much is it?"</pink> She asks as you pull out your wallet.
<b>-"Don't worry about it."</b>
<pink>-"Hmph.. Good pet."</pink> You place the cash in the box and close it.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate16.jpg">
<b>-"Ready to go?"</b>
<pink>-"Nope! Did you forget, you still have to do a dare!"</pink>
<b>-"Oh... Right! Well, go on!"</b>
<pink>-"Beg for a second date."</pink>
<pink>-"You heard me. I need to make sure that you would know your place if we go on more dates."</pink>
<<pageReplace"Do it.">>
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to true>>\
<b>-"F-fine.."</b> You wait for a moment when nobody is looking and quickly fall to your knees.
<b>-"P-pleaseibegyouforaseconddate!"</b> You blurt out a mess of words and quickly stand up.
<pink>-"What? Do it again, properly this time."</pink>
<b>-"Yes ma'am.."</b> You get on your knees again.
<b>-"Please.. I beg you, go out with me for a second date!"</b> Professor Kei stands up.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate15.png">
<pink>-"Hmph, good pet. I'll think about it."</pink> You nod and stand up.
<b>-"I-is that a yes?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and grab your jacket.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> After you both leave the restaurant, you get into your car and begin driving back to Kei's place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"Surprisingly... Adequately... I expected a lot less!"</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"Well, I'm glad I exceeded your expectations then!"</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes chit chatting as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! I'm not that easy, toy! You'll have to work a lot harder to spend the night with me!"</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"But, take me on a couple more dates and I'll give that little cock of yours another chance to fuck me!"</pink> You remember what happened when you tried to claim your prize in class..
<pink>-"Drive safe $name!"</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<green>Money -50!</green>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to false>>\
<b>-"I'm not doing that!"</b> You look at her and frown.
<pink>-"Oh.. Talking back, are we?"</pink>
<b>-"That's way too embarrassing..."</b> Professor Kei stands up, you follow suit.
<pink>-"Fine, let's go then."</pink>
<b>-"But how about it though?"</b>
<pink>-"How about what?"</pink> She asks you walk towards your car.
<b>-"How about that second date?"</b>
<pink>-"Well, you fucked up your chances by not begging, but I'll think about it."</pink>
<b>-"Damn... But it's not a no, right?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and open the door for her.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> You both get inside and you begin driving towards her place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"Surprisingly... Adequately... Besides the last part. I expected a lot less!"</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"Well, I'm glad I exceeded your expectations then!"</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes chit chatting as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! I'm not that easy, toy! You'll have to work a lot harder to spend the night with me!"</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"But, take me on a couple more dates and I'll give that little cock of yours another chance to fuck me!"</pink> You remember what happened when you tried to claim your prize in class..
<pink>-"Drive safe $name!"</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<green>Money -50!</green>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Ask Kei to pay.">>
<<set $keirelationship to $keirelationship -2>>\
<pink>-"How much is it?"</pink> She asks as you look down in shame.
<b>-"50... C-could you.. Pay for it?"</b>
<pink>-"Excuse me?"</pink>
<<if $money >=50>>\
<b>-"I'm sorry, but I can't spend this much! I have other responsibilities.."</b>
<b>-"I'm sorry, but I don't even have enough! The bill was a lot higher than I expected.."</b>
<pink>-"Sigh... Fine."</pink> She takes out her wallet and places some cash into the box.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate16.jpg">
<b>-"T-thank you.."</b>
<pink>-"Whatever."</pink> Kei rolls her eyes.
<b>-"Ready to go?"</b>
<pink>-"Nope. Did you forget, you still have to do a dare."</pink>
<b>-"Oh... Right! Well, go on!"</b>
<pink>-"Beg for a second date."</pink>
<pink>-"You heard me. I need to make sure that you would know your place if we go on more dates."</pink>
<pink>-"We probably won't because you didn't pay, but still."</pink>
<<pageReplace"Do it.">>
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to true>>\
<b>-"F-fine.."</b> You wait for a moment when nobody is looking and quickly fall to your knees.
<b>-"P-pleaseibegyouforaseconddate!"</b> You blurt out a mess of words and quickly stand up.
<pink>-"What? Do it again, properly this time."</pink>
<b>-"Yes ma'am.."</b> You get on your knees again.
<b>-"Please.. I beg you, go out with me for a second date!"</b> Professor Kei stands up.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate15.png">
<pink>-"Hmph, good pet. I'll think about it."</pink> You nod and stand up.
<b>-"I-is that a yes?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and grab your jacket.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> After you both leave the restaurant, you get into your car and begin driving back to Kei's place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"Surprisingly... Adequately... I expected a lot less!"</pink>
<pink>-"However, you need to stop asking people on dates if you can't pay. It's rude."</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"But I'm glad I exceeded your expectations!"</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes chit chatting as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! I'm not that easy, toy! You'll have to work a lot harder to spend the night with me!"</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"But, take me on a couple more dates and I'll give that little cock of yours another chance to fuck me!"</pink> You remember what happened when you tried to claim your prize in class..
<pink>-"Drive safe $name!"</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to false>>\
<b>-"I'm not doing that!"</b> You look at her and frown.
<pink>-"Oh.. Talking back, are we?"</pink>
<b>-"That's way too embarrassing..."</b> Professor Kei stands up, you follow suit.
<pink>-"Fine, let's go then."</pink>
<b>-"But how about it though?"</b>
<pink>-"How about what?"</pink> She asks you walk towards your car.
<b>-"How about that second date?"</b>
<pink>-"Well, you fucked up your chances by not begging, but I'll think about it."</pink>
<b>-"Damn... But it's not a no, right?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and open the door for her.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> You both get inside and you begin driving towards her place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"The start was good, but you fucked it up. Didn't beg for a second date and didn't even cover the bill, pathetic."</pink> She crosses her arms.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"Sorry Professor.."</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes in silence as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! Don't even try it."</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"You ruined your chances with that pathetic performance you called a date."</pink>
<pink>-"Drive safe $name."</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace "Kiss me.">>
<b>-"Kiss me!"</b>
<pink>-"Gosh you're desperate.."</pink> She rolls her eyes.
<b>-"I'm sorry.. I've been staring at those lips for so long though.."</b> Your cock throbs as Kei looks around.
<pink>-"Fine, but only because I like you, pet."</pink> She quickly leans over the desk and you follow suit..
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subda15.webp">
<b>-"Fuck... Those lips are so warm.."</b> You whisper as Kei smiles and leans back.
<bartender>-"Here's your receipt! Thank you for dining at Viet kitchen!"</bartender> The waiter puts down a small box with a receipt inside on the table.
<pink>-"A-ahem! Thank you!"</pink> You both look at the waiter, surprised.
<b>-"Where did she come from.."</b> You chuckle, silently.
<bartender>-"I hope you have a great rest of your evening!"</bartender> She bows and walks away.
<b>-"Hah! That was close!"</b> You take the receipt and take a closer look.
<pink>-"Sure was!"</pink>
<b>-"Alright.."</b> The bill came out to a total of 50 dollars! Not that bad!
<<if $money>=50>>\
<<pageReplace"Pay up.">>
<<set $keirelationship to $keirelationship +1>>\
<<money -50 "Date with Kei.">>
<pink>-"How much is it?"</pink> She asks as you pull out your wallet.
<b>-"Don't worry about it."</b>
<pink>-"Hmph.. Good pet."</pink> You place the cash in the box and close it.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate16.jpg">
<b>-"Ready to go?"</b>
<pink>-"Nope! Did you forget, you still have to do a dare!"</pink>
<b>-"Oh... Right! Well, go on!"</b>
<pink>-"Beg for a second date."</pink>
<pink>-"You heard me. I need to make sure that you would know your place if we go on more dates."</pink>
<<pageReplace"Do it.">>
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to true>>\
<b>-"F-fine.."</b> You wait for a moment when nobody is looking and quickly fall to your knees.
<b>-"P-pleaseibegyouforaseconddate!"</b> You blurt out a mess of words and quickly stand up.
<pink>-"What? Do it again, properly this time."</pink>
<b>-"Yes ma'am.."</b> You get on your knees again.
<b>-"Please.. I beg you, go out with me for a second date!"</b> Professor Kei stands up.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate15.png">
<pink>-"Hmph, good pet. I'll think about it."</pink> You nod and stand up.
<b>-"I-is that a yes?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and grab your jacket.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> After you both leave the restaurant, you get into your car and begin driving back to Kei's place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"Surprisingly... Adequately... I expected a lot less!"</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"Well, I'm glad I exceeded your expectations then!"</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes chit chatting as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! I'm not that easy, toy! You'll have to work a lot harder to spend the night with me!"</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"But, take me on a couple more dates and I'll give that little cock of yours another chance to fuck me!"</pink> You remember what happened when you tried to claim your prize in class..
<pink>-"Drive safe $name!"</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<green>Money -50!</green>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to false>>\
<b>-"I'm not doing that!"</b> You look at her and frown.
<pink>-"Oh.. Talking back, are we?"</pink>
<b>-"That's way too embarrassing..."</b> Professor Kei stands up, you follow suit.
<pink>-"Fine, let's go then."</pink>
<b>-"But how about it though?"</b>
<pink>-"How about what?"</pink> She asks you walk towards your car.
<b>-"How about that second date?"</b>
<pink>-"Well, you fucked up your chances by not begging, but I'll think about it."</pink>
<b>-"Damn... But it's not a no, right?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and open the door for her.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> You both get inside and you begin driving towards her place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"Surprisingly... Adequately... Besides the last part. I expected a lot less!"</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"Well, I'm glad I exceeded your expectations then!"</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes chit chatting as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! I'm not that easy, toy! You'll have to work a lot harder to spend the night with me!"</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"But, take me on a couple more dates and I'll give that little cock of yours another chance to fuck me!"</pink> You remember what happened when you tried to claim your prize in class..
<pink>-"Drive safe $name!"</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<green>Money -50!</green>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Ask Kei to pay.">>
<<set $keirelationship to $keirelationship -2>>\
<pink>-"How much is it?"</pink> She asks as you look down in shame.
<b>-"50... C-could you.. Pay for it?"</b>
<pink>-"Excuse me?"</pink>
<<if $money >=50>>\
<b>-"I'm sorry, but I can't spend this much! I have other responsibilities.."</b>
<b>-"I'm sorry, but I don't even have enough! The bill was a lot higher than I expected.."</b>
<pink>-"Sigh... Fine."</pink> She takes out her wallet and places some cash into the box.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate16.jpg">
<b>-"T-thank you.."</b>
<pink>-"Whatever."</pink> Kei rolls her eyes.
<b>-"Ready to go?"</b>
<pink>-"Nope. Did you forget, you still have to do a dare."</pink>
<b>-"Oh... Right! Well, go on!"</b>
<pink>-"Beg for a second date."</pink>
<pink>-"You heard me. I need to make sure that you would know your place if we go on more dates."</pink>
<pink>-"We probably won't because you didn't pay, but still."</pink>
<<pageReplace"Do it.">>
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to true>>\
<b>-"F-fine.."</b> You wait for a moment when nobody is looking and quickly fall to your knees.
<b>-"P-pleaseibegyouforaseconddate!"</b> You blurt out a mess of words and quickly stand up.
<pink>-"What? Do it again, properly this time."</pink>
<b>-"Yes ma'am.."</b> You get on your knees again.
<b>-"Please.. I beg you, go out with me for a second date!"</b> Professor Kei stands up.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate15.png">
<pink>-"Hmph, good pet. I'll think about it."</pink> You nod and stand up.
<b>-"I-is that a yes?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and grab your jacket.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> After you both leave the restaurant, you get into your car and begin driving back to Kei's place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"Surprisingly... Adequately... I expected a lot less!"</pink>
<pink>-"However, you need to stop asking people on dates if you can't pay. It's rude."</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"But I'm glad I exceeded your expectations!"</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes chit chatting as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! I'm not that easy, toy! You'll have to work a lot harder to spend the night with me!"</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"But, take me on a couple more dates and I'll give that little cock of yours another chance to fuck me!"</pink> You remember what happened when you tried to claim your prize in class..
<pink>-"Drive safe $name!"</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to false>>\
<b>-"I'm not doing that!"</b> You look at her and frown.
<pink>-"Oh.. Talking back, are we?"</pink>
<b>-"That's way too embarrassing..."</b> Professor Kei stands up, you follow suit.
<pink>-"Fine, let's go then."</pink>
<b>-"But how about it though?"</b>
<pink>-"How about what?"</pink> She asks you walk towards your car.
<b>-"How about that second date?"</b>
<pink>-"Well, you fucked up your chances by not begging, but I'll think about it."</pink>
<b>-"Damn... But it's not a no, right?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and open the door for her.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> You both get inside and you begin driving towards her place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"The start was good, but you fucked it up. Didn't beg for a second date and didn't even cover the bill, pathetic."</pink> She crosses her arms.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"Sorry Professor.."</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes in silence as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! Don't even try it."</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"You ruined your chances with that pathetic performance you called a date."</pink>
<pink>-"Drive safe $name."</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"How many sexual partners have you had?">>
<b>-"How many sexual partners have you had?"</b>
<pink>-"Hmph, getting personal already?"</pink> She giggles.
<b>-"I guess.. You have to answer though!"</b> You laugh with her.
<pink>-"Well, I never counted. Quite a few though. I don't if a lot of the boys I've had "sex" with count though. As I mentioned before, quite a few of them didn't even make it past my cheeks!"</pink> Professor Kei laughs.
<pink>-"Seems like the more submissive the guy, the smaller the cock!"</pink>
<b>-"Well that's not true..."</b>
<pink>-"Sure there are exceptions, you're not one of them though."</pink> She laughs again.
<b>-"Rude!"</b> You chuckle.
<pink>-"Right, enough talking, more drinking, this vine isn't going to drink itself!"</pink>
<b>-"True.. Cheers!"</b>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate13.png">
<pink>-"My turn! Truth or dare?"</pink>
<b>-"True.."</b> Your cheeks begin to blush as you drink more and more alcohol.
<pink>-"What do you like about me so much? Most of my students adore me, but not quite as much as you."</pink>
<<pageReplace"Your body.">>
<<set $keirelationship to $keirelationship -1>>\
<b>-"Your body... It's so curvy and voluptuous and sexy and.."</b> She cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah, alright alright I get it."</pink> Kei looks away for a second.
<b>-"Everything okay?"</b> You look at her, concerned.
<pink>-"Mhm, ask away."</pink> You take turns asking each other question after question, none of you are picking dare. The questions are getting steamy however.
<pink>-"So when did you lose your virginity?"</pink>
<b>-"I lost it to Emily! Quite a bit ago, before I moved to Norway!"</b> After a while, Kei seems to have become bored.
<pink>-"Alright asking questions is fun and all, but let's spice things up a bit! How about we both have to pick dare for our next choice?"</pink>
<b>-"Hmph... Sure! It's my turn though! Truth or dare?"</b>
<pink>-"Dare!"</pink> Professor Kei smiles as you rub your hands like a villain.
<pink>-"Haha, oh no!"</pink>
<<pageReplace "Flash me your tits.">>
<b>-"Flash me your tits!"</b>
<pink>-"Gosh you're desperate.."</pink> She rolls her eyes.
<b>-"I'm sorry.. They're just so perfect!"</b> Your cock throbs as Kei looks around.
<pink>-"Fine, but only because I like you, pet."</pink> She quickly pulls down her dress and reveals her bare breasts.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate14.webp">
<b>-"So hot.."</b> You whisper as Kei suddenly looks to her left.
<bartender>-"Here's your receipt! Thank you for dining at Viet kitchen!"</bartender> The waiter puts down a small box with a receipt inside on the table.
<pink>-"A-ahem! Thank you!"</pink> She quickly fixes her dress.
<b>-"Where did she come from.."</b> You chuckle, silently.
<bartender>-"I hope you have a great rest of your evening!"</bartender> She bows and walks away.
<b>-"Hah! That was close!"</b> You take the receipt and take a closer look.
<pink>-"Sure was!"</pink>
<b>-"Alright.."</b> The bill came out to a total of 50 dollars! Not that bad!
<<if $money>=50>>\
<<pageReplace"Pay up.">>
<<set $keirelationship to $keirelationship +1>>\
<<money -50 "Date with Kei.">>
<pink>-"How much is it?"</pink> She asks as you pull out your wallet.
<b>-"Don't worry about it."</b>
<pink>-"Hmph.. Good pet."</pink> You place the cash in the box and close it.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate16.jpg">
<b>-"Ready to go?"</b>
<pink>-"Nope! Did you forget, you still have to do a dare!"</pink>
<b>-"Oh... Right! Well, go on!"</b>
<pink>-"Beg for a second date."</pink>
<pink>-"You heard me. I need to make sure that you would know your place if we go on more dates."</pink>
<<pageReplace"Do it.">>
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to true>>\
<b>-"F-fine.."</b> You wait for a moment when nobody is looking and quickly fall to your knees.
<b>-"P-pleaseibegyouforaseconddate!"</b> You blurt out a mess of words and quickly stand up.
<pink>-"What? Do it again, properly this time."</pink>
<b>-"Yes ma'am.."</b> You get on your knees again.
<b>-"Please.. I beg you, go out with me for a second date!"</b> Professor Kei stands up.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate15.png">
<pink>-"Hmph, good pet. I'll think about it."</pink> You nod and stand up.
<b>-"I-is that a yes?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and grab your jacket.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> After you both leave the restaurant, you get into your car and begin driving back to Kei's place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"Surprisingly... Adequately... I expected a lot less!"</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"Well, I'm glad I exceeded your expectations then!"</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes chit chatting as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! I'm not that easy, toy! You'll have to work a lot harder to spend the night with me!"</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"But, take me on a couple more dates and I'll give that little cock of yours another chance to fuck me!"</pink> You remember what happened when you tried to claim your prize in class..
<pink>-"Drive safe $name!"</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<green>Money -50!</green>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to false>>\
<b>-"I'm not doing that!"</b> You look at her and frown.
<pink>-"Oh.. Talking back, are we?"</pink>
<b>-"That's way too embarrassing..."</b> Professor Kei stands up, you follow suit.
<pink>-"Fine, let's go then."</pink>
<b>-"But how about it though?"</b>
<pink>-"How about what?"</pink> She asks you walk towards your car.
<b>-"How about that second date?"</b>
<pink>-"Well, you fucked up your chances by not begging, but I'll think about it."</pink>
<b>-"Damn... But it's not a no, right?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and open the door for her.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> You both get inside and you begin driving towards her place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"Surprisingly... Adequately... Besides the last part. I expected a lot less!"</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"Well, I'm glad I exceeded your expectations then!"</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes chit chatting as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! I'm not that easy, toy! You'll have to work a lot harder to spend the night with me!"</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"But, take me on a couple more dates and I'll give that little cock of yours another chance to fuck me!"</pink> You remember what happened when you tried to claim your prize in class..
<pink>-"Drive safe $name!"</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<green>Money -50!</green>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Ask Kei to pay.">>
<<set $keirelationship to $keirelationship -2>>\
<pink>-"How much is it?"</pink> She asks as you look down in shame.
<b>-"50... C-could you.. Pay for it?"</b>
<pink>-"Excuse me?"</pink>
<<if $money >=50>>\
<b>-"I'm sorry, but I can't spend this much! I have other responsibilities.."</b>
<b>-"I'm sorry, but I don't even have enough! The bill was a lot higher than I expected.."</b>
<pink>-"Sigh... Fine."</pink> She takes out her wallet and places some cash into the box.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate16.jpg">
<b>-"T-thank you.."</b>
<pink>-"Whatever."</pink> Kei rolls her eyes.
<b>-"Ready to go?"</b>
<pink>-"Nope. Did you forget, you still have to do a dare."</pink>
<b>-"Oh... Right! Well, go on!"</b>
<pink>-"Beg for a second date."</pink>
<pink>-"You heard me. I need to make sure that you would know your place if we go on more dates."</pink>
<pink>-"We probably won't because you didn't pay, but still."</pink>
<<pageReplace"Do it.">>
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to true>>\
<b>-"F-fine.."</b> You wait for a moment when nobody is looking and quickly fall to your knees.
<b>-"P-pleaseibegyouforaseconddate!"</b> You blurt out a mess of words and quickly stand up.
<pink>-"What? Do it again, properly this time."</pink>
<b>-"Yes ma'am.."</b> You get on your knees again.
<b>-"Please.. I beg you, go out with me for a second date!"</b> Professor Kei stands up.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate15.png">
<pink>-"Hmph, good pet. I'll think about it."</pink> You nod and stand up.
<b>-"I-is that a yes?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and grab your jacket.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> After you both leave the restaurant, you get into your car and begin driving back to Kei's place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"Surprisingly... Adequately... I expected a lot less!"</pink>
<pink>-"However, you need to stop asking people on dates if you can't pay. It's rude."</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"But I'm glad I exceeded your expectations!"</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes chit chatting as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! I'm not that easy, toy! You'll have to work a lot harder to spend the night with me!"</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"But, take me on a couple more dates and I'll give that little cock of yours another chance to fuck me!"</pink> You remember what happened when you tried to claim your prize in class..
<pink>-"Drive safe $name!"</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to false>>\
<b>-"I'm not doing that!"</b> You look at her and frown.
<pink>-"Oh.. Talking back, are we?"</pink>
<b>-"That's way too embarrassing..."</b> Professor Kei stands up, you follow suit.
<pink>-"Fine, let's go then."</pink>
<b>-"But how about it though?"</b>
<pink>-"How about what?"</pink> She asks you walk towards your car.
<b>-"How about that second date?"</b>
<pink>-"Well, you fucked up your chances by not begging, but I'll think about it."</pink>
<b>-"Damn... But it's not a no, right?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and open the door for her.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> You both get inside and you begin driving towards her place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"The start was good, but you fucked it up. Didn't beg for a second date and didn't even cover the bill, pathetic."</pink> She crosses her arms.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"Sorry Professor.."</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes in silence as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! Don't even try it."</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"You ruined your chances with that pathetic performance you called a date."</pink>
<pink>-"Drive safe $name."</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace "Flash me your ass.">>
<b>-"Flash me your ass!"</b>
<pink>-"Gosh you're desperate.."</pink> She rolls her eyes.
<b>-"I'm sorry.. It's just so perfect!"</b> Your cock throbs as Kei looks around.
<pink>-"Fine, but only because I like you, pet."</pink> She quickly stands up, bends over and pulls up her dress.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate9.webp">
<b>-"So hot.."</b> You whisper as Kei suddenly pulls it back down and takes a seat.
<bartender>-"Here's your receipt! Thank you for dining at Viet kitchen!"</bartender> The waiter puts down a small box with a receipt inside on the table.
<pink>-"A-ahem! Thank you!"</pink> She quickly fixes her dress.
<b>-"Where did she come from.."</b> You chuckle, silently.
<bartender>-"I hope you have a great rest of your evening!"</bartender> She bows and walks away.
<b>-"Hah! That was close!"</b> You take the receipt and take a closer look.
<pink>-"Sure was!"</pink>
<b>-"Alright.."</b> The bill came out to a total of 50 dollars! Not that bad!
<<if $money>=50>>\
<<pageReplace"Pay up.">>
<<set $keirelationship to $keirelationship +1>>\
<<money -50 "Date with Kei.">>
<pink>-"How much is it?"</pink> She asks as you pull out your wallet.
<b>-"Don't worry about it."</b>
<pink>-"Hmph.. Good pet."</pink> You place the cash in the box and close it.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate16.jpg">
<b>-"Ready to go?"</b>
<pink>-"Nope! Did you forget, you still have to do a dare!"</pink>
<b>-"Oh... Right! Well, go on!"</b>
<pink>-"Beg for a second date."</pink>
<pink>-"You heard me. I need to make sure that you would know your place if we go on more dates."</pink>
<<pageReplace"Do it.">>
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to true>>\
<b>-"F-fine.."</b> You wait for a moment when nobody is looking and quickly fall to your knees.
<b>-"P-pleaseibegyouforaseconddate!"</b> You blurt out a mess of words and quickly stand up.
<pink>-"What? Do it again, properly this time."</pink>
<b>-"Yes ma'am.."</b> You get on your knees again.
<b>-"Please.. I beg you, go out with me for a second date!"</b> Professor Kei stands up.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate15.png">
<pink>-"Hmph, good pet. I'll think about it."</pink> You nod and stand up.
<b>-"I-is that a yes?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and grab your jacket.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> After you both leave the restaurant, you get into your car and begin driving back to Kei's place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"Surprisingly... Adequately... I expected a lot less!"</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"Well, I'm glad I exceeded your expectations then!"</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes chit chatting as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! I'm not that easy, toy! You'll have to work a lot harder to spend the night with me!"</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"But, take me on a couple more dates and I'll give that little cock of yours another chance to fuck me!"</pink> You remember what happened when you tried to claim your prize in class..
<pink>-"Drive safe $name!"</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<green>Money -50!</green>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to false>>\
<b>-"I'm not doing that!"</b> You look at her and frown.
<pink>-"Oh.. Talking back, are we?"</pink>
<b>-"That's way too embarrassing..."</b> Professor Kei stands up, you follow suit.
<pink>-"Fine, let's go then."</pink>
<b>-"But how about it though?"</b>
<pink>-"How about what?"</pink> She asks you walk towards your car.
<b>-"How about that second date?"</b>
<pink>-"Well, you fucked up your chances by not begging, but I'll think about it."</pink>
<b>-"Damn... But it's not a no, right?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and open the door for her.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> You both get inside and you begin driving towards her place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"Surprisingly... Adequately... Besides the last part. I expected a lot less!"</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"Well, I'm glad I exceeded your expectations then!"</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes chit chatting as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! I'm not that easy, toy! You'll have to work a lot harder to spend the night with me!"</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"But, take me on a couple more dates and I'll give that little cock of yours another chance to fuck me!"</pink> You remember what happened when you tried to claim your prize in class..
<pink>-"Drive safe $name!"</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<green>Money -50!</green>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Ask Kei to pay.">>
<<set $keirelationship to $keirelationship -2>>\
<pink>-"How much is it?"</pink> She asks as you look down in shame.
<b>-"50... C-could you.. Pay for it?"</b>
<pink>-"Excuse me?"</pink>
<<if $money >=50>>\
<b>-"I'm sorry, but I can't spend this much! I have other responsibilities.."</b>
<b>-"I'm sorry, but I don't even have enough! The bill was a lot higher than I expected.."</b>
<pink>-"Sigh... Fine."</pink> She takes out her wallet and places some cash into the box.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate16.jpg">
<b>-"T-thank you.."</b>
<pink>-"Whatever."</pink> Kei rolls her eyes.
<b>-"Ready to go?"</b>
<pink>-"Nope. Did you forget, you still have to do a dare."</pink>
<b>-"Oh... Right! Well, go on!"</b>
<pink>-"Beg for a second date."</pink>
<pink>-"You heard me. I need to make sure that you would know your place if we go on more dates."</pink>
<pink>-"We probably won't because you didn't pay, but still."</pink>
<<pageReplace"Do it.">>
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to true>>\
<b>-"F-fine.."</b> You wait for a moment when nobody is looking and quickly fall to your knees.
<b>-"P-pleaseibegyouforaseconddate!"</b> You blurt out a mess of words and quickly stand up.
<pink>-"What? Do it again, properly this time."</pink>
<b>-"Yes ma'am.."</b> You get on your knees again.
<b>-"Please.. I beg you, go out with me for a second date!"</b> Professor Kei stands up.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate15.png">
<pink>-"Hmph, good pet. I'll think about it."</pink> You nod and stand up.
<b>-"I-is that a yes?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and grab your jacket.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> After you both leave the restaurant, you get into your car and begin driving back to Kei's place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"Surprisingly... Adequately... I expected a lot less!"</pink>
<pink>-"However, you need to stop asking people on dates if you can't pay. It's rude."</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"But I'm glad I exceeded your expectations!"</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes chit chatting as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! I'm not that easy, toy! You'll have to work a lot harder to spend the night with me!"</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"But, take me on a couple more dates and I'll give that little cock of yours another chance to fuck me!"</pink> You remember what happened when you tried to claim your prize in class..
<pink>-"Drive safe $name!"</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to false>>\
<b>-"I'm not doing that!"</b> You look at her and frown.
<pink>-"Oh.. Talking back, are we?"</pink>
<b>-"That's way too embarrassing..."</b> Professor Kei stands up, you follow suit.
<pink>-"Fine, let's go then."</pink>
<b>-"But how about it though?"</b>
<pink>-"How about what?"</pink> She asks you walk towards your car.
<b>-"How about that second date?"</b>
<pink>-"Well, you fucked up your chances by not begging, but I'll think about it."</pink>
<b>-"Damn... But it's not a no, right?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and open the door for her.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> You both get inside and you begin driving towards her place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"The start was good, but you fucked it up. Didn't beg for a second date and didn't even cover the bill, pathetic."</pink> She crosses her arms.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"Sorry Professor.."</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes in silence as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! Don't even try it."</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"You ruined your chances with that pathetic performance you called a date."</pink>
<pink>-"Drive safe $name."</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace "Kiss me.">>
<b>-"Kiss me!"</b>
<pink>-"Gosh you're desperate.."</pink> She rolls her eyes.
<b>-"I'm sorry.. I've been staring at those lips for so long though.."</b> Your cock throbs as Kei looks around.
<pink>-"Fine, but only because I like you, pet."</pink> She quickly leans over the desk and you follow suit..
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subda15.webp">
<b>-"Fuck... Those lips are so warm.."</b> You whisper as Kei smiles and leans back.
<bartender>-"Here's your receipt! Thank you for dining at Viet kitchen!"</bartender> The waiter puts down a small box with a receipt inside on the table.
<pink>-"A-ahem! Thank you!"</pink> You both look at the waiter, surprised.
<b>-"Where did she come from.."</b> You chuckle, silently.
<bartender>-"I hope you have a great rest of your evening!"</bartender> She bows and walks away.
<b>-"Hah! That was close!"</b> You take the receipt and take a closer look.
<pink>-"Sure was!"</pink>
<b>-"Alright.."</b> The bill came out to a total of 50 dollars! Not that bad!
<<if $money>=50>>\
<<pageReplace"Pay up.">>
<<set $keirelationship to $keirelationship +1>>\
<<money -50 "Date with Kei.">>
<pink>-"How much is it?"</pink> She asks as you pull out your wallet.
<b>-"Don't worry about it."</b>
<pink>-"Hmph.. Good pet."</pink> You place the cash in the box and close it.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate16.jpg">
<b>-"Ready to go?"</b>
<pink>-"Nope! Did you forget, you still have to do a dare!"</pink>
<b>-"Oh... Right! Well, go on!"</b>
<pink>-"Beg for a second date."</pink>
<pink>-"You heard me. I need to make sure that you would know your place if we go on more dates."</pink>
<<pageReplace"Do it.">>
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to true>>\
<b>-"F-fine.."</b> You wait for a moment when nobody is looking and quickly fall to your knees.
<b>-"P-pleaseibegyouforaseconddate!"</b> You blurt out a mess of words and quickly stand up.
<pink>-"What? Do it again, properly this time."</pink>
<b>-"Yes ma'am.."</b> You get on your knees again.
<b>-"Please.. I beg you, go out with me for a second date!"</b> Professor Kei stands up.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate15.png">
<pink>-"Hmph, good pet. I'll think about it."</pink> You nod and stand up.
<b>-"I-is that a yes?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and grab your jacket.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> After you both leave the restaurant, you get into your car and begin driving back to Kei's place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"Surprisingly... Adequately... I expected a lot less!"</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"Well, I'm glad I exceeded your expectations then!"</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes chit chatting as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! I'm not that easy, toy! You'll have to work a lot harder to spend the night with me!"</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"But, take me on a couple more dates and I'll give that little cock of yours another chance to fuck me!"</pink> You remember what happened when you tried to claim your prize in class..
<pink>-"Drive safe $name!"</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<green>Money -50!</green>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to false>>\
<b>-"I'm not doing that!"</b> You look at her and frown.
<pink>-"Oh.. Talking back, are we?"</pink>
<b>-"That's way too embarrassing..."</b> Professor Kei stands up, you follow suit.
<pink>-"Fine, let's go then."</pink>
<b>-"But how about it though?"</b>
<pink>-"How about what?"</pink> She asks you walk towards your car.
<b>-"How about that second date?"</b>
<pink>-"Well, you fucked up your chances by not begging, but I'll think about it."</pink>
<b>-"Damn... But it's not a no, right?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and open the door for her.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> You both get inside and you begin driving towards her place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"Surprisingly... Adequately... Besides the last part. I expected a lot less!"</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"Well, I'm glad I exceeded your expectations then!"</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes chit chatting as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! I'm not that easy, toy! You'll have to work a lot harder to spend the night with me!"</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"But, take me on a couple more dates and I'll give that little cock of yours another chance to fuck me!"</pink> You remember what happened when you tried to claim your prize in class..
<pink>-"Drive safe $name!"</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<green>Money -50!</green>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Ask Kei to pay.">>
<<set $keirelationship to $keirelationship -2>>\
<pink>-"How much is it?"</pink> She asks as you look down in shame.
<b>-"50... C-could you.. Pay for it?"</b>
<pink>-"Excuse me?"</pink>
<<if $money >=50>>\
<b>-"I'm sorry, but I can't spend this much! I have other responsibilities.."</b>
<b>-"I'm sorry, but I don't even have enough! The bill was a lot higher than I expected.."</b>
<pink>-"Sigh... Fine."</pink> She takes out her wallet and places some cash into the box.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate16.jpg">
<b>-"T-thank you.."</b>
<pink>-"Whatever."</pink> Kei rolls her eyes.
<b>-"Ready to go?"</b>
<pink>-"Nope. Did you forget, you still have to do a dare."</pink>
<b>-"Oh... Right! Well, go on!"</b>
<pink>-"Beg for a second date."</pink>
<pink>-"You heard me. I need to make sure that you would know your place if we go on more dates."</pink>
<pink>-"We probably won't because you didn't pay, but still."</pink>
<<pageReplace"Do it.">>
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to true>>\
<b>-"F-fine.."</b> You wait for a moment when nobody is looking and quickly fall to your knees.
<b>-"P-pleaseibegyouforaseconddate!"</b> You blurt out a mess of words and quickly stand up.
<pink>-"What? Do it again, properly this time."</pink>
<b>-"Yes ma'am.."</b> You get on your knees again.
<b>-"Please.. I beg you, go out with me for a second date!"</b> Professor Kei stands up.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate15.png">
<pink>-"Hmph, good pet. I'll think about it."</pink> You nod and stand up.
<b>-"I-is that a yes?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and grab your jacket.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> After you both leave the restaurant, you get into your car and begin driving back to Kei's place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"Surprisingly... Adequately... I expected a lot less!"</pink>
<pink>-"However, you need to stop asking people on dates if you can't pay. It's rude."</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"But I'm glad I exceeded your expectations!"</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes chit chatting as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! I'm not that easy, toy! You'll have to work a lot harder to spend the night with me!"</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"But, take me on a couple more dates and I'll give that little cock of yours another chance to fuck me!"</pink> You remember what happened when you tried to claim your prize in class..
<pink>-"Drive safe $name!"</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to false>>\
<b>-"I'm not doing that!"</b> You look at her and frown.
<pink>-"Oh.. Talking back, are we?"</pink>
<b>-"That's way too embarrassing..."</b> Professor Kei stands up, you follow suit.
<pink>-"Fine, let's go then."</pink>
<b>-"But how about it though?"</b>
<pink>-"How about what?"</pink> She asks you walk towards your car.
<b>-"How about that second date?"</b>
<pink>-"Well, you fucked up your chances by not begging, but I'll think about it."</pink>
<b>-"Damn... But it's not a no, right?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and open the door for her.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> You both get inside and you begin driving towards her place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"The start was good, but you fucked it up. Didn't beg for a second date and didn't even cover the bill, pathetic."</pink> She crosses her arms.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"Sorry Professor.."</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes in silence as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! Don't even try it."</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"You ruined your chances with that pathetic performance you called a date."</pink>
<pink>-"Drive safe $name."</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Your character.">>
<<set $keirelationship to $keirelationship +1>>\
<b>-"Your character... You seem cold, but loving and caring at the same time.. I also love how you dominate me.. I think it's super hot!"</b>
<pink>-"Alright alright I get it."</pink> Kei looks away and smiles.
<pink>-"I'll give you this, you know how to make a woman blush.."</pink>
<b>-"Hah, t-thank you professor!"</b>
<pink>-"Anyways, it's your turn!"</pink> You take turns asking each other question after question, none of you are picking dare. The questions are getting steamy however.
<pink>-"So when did you lose your virginity?"</pink>
<b>-"I lost it to Emily! Quite a bit ago, before I moved to Norway!"</b> After a while, Kei seems to have become bored.
<pink>-"Alright asking questions is fun and all, but let's spice things up a bit! How about we both have to pick dare for our next choice?"</pink>
<b>-"Hmph... Sure! It's my turn though! Truth or dare?"</b>
<pink>-"Dare!"</pink> Professor Kei smiles as you rub your hands like a villain.
<pink>-"Haha, oh no!"</pink>
<<pageReplace "Flash me your tits.">>
<b>-"Flash me your tits!"</b>
<pink>-"Gosh you're desperate.."</pink> She rolls her eyes.
<b>-"I'm sorry.. They're just so perfect!"</b> Your cock throbs as Kei looks around.
<pink>-"Fine, but only because I like you, pet."</pink> She quickly pulls down her dress and reveals her bare breasts.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate14.webp">
<b>-"So hot.."</b> You whisper as Kei suddenly looks to her left.
<bartender>-"Here's your receipt! Thank you for dining at Viet kitchen!"</bartender> The waiter puts down a small box with a receipt inside on the table.
<pink>-"A-ahem! Thank you!"</pink> She quickly fixes her dress.
<b>-"Where did she come from.."</b> You chuckle, silently.
<bartender>-"I hope you have a great rest of your evening!"</bartender> She bows and walks away.
<b>-"Hah! That was close!"</b> You take the receipt and take a closer look.
<pink>-"Sure was!"</pink>
<b>-"Alright.."</b> The bill came out to a total of 50 dollars! Not that bad!
<<if $money>=50>>\
<<pageReplace"Pay up.">>
<<set $keirelationship to $keirelationship +1>>\
<<money -50 "Date with Kei.">>
<pink>-"How much is it?"</pink> She asks as you pull out your wallet.
<b>-"Don't worry about it."</b>
<pink>-"Hmph.. Good pet."</pink> You place the cash in the box and close it.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate16.jpg">
<b>-"Ready to go?"</b>
<pink>-"Nope! Did you forget, you still have to do a dare!"</pink>
<b>-"Oh... Right! Well, go on!"</b>
<pink>-"Beg for a second date."</pink>
<pink>-"You heard me. I need to make sure that you would know your place if we go on more dates."</pink>
<<pageReplace"Do it.">>
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to true>>\
<b>-"F-fine.."</b> You wait for a moment when nobody is looking and quickly fall to your knees.
<b>-"P-pleaseibegyouforaseconddate!"</b> You blurt out a mess of words and quickly stand up.
<pink>-"What? Do it again, properly this time."</pink>
<b>-"Yes ma'am.."</b> You get on your knees again.
<b>-"Please.. I beg you, go out with me for a second date!"</b> Professor Kei stands up.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate15.png">
<pink>-"Hmph, good pet. I'll think about it."</pink> You nod and stand up.
<b>-"I-is that a yes?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and grab your jacket.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> After you both leave the restaurant, you get into your car and begin driving back to Kei's place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"Surprisingly... Adequately... I expected a lot less!"</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"Well, I'm glad I exceeded your expectations then!"</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes chit chatting as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! I'm not that easy, toy! You'll have to work a lot harder to spend the night with me!"</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"But, take me on a couple more dates and I'll give that little cock of yours another chance to fuck me!"</pink> You remember what happened when you tried to claim your prize in class..
<pink>-"Drive safe $name!"</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<green>Money -50!</green>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to false>>\
<b>-"I'm not doing that!"</b> You look at her and frown.
<pink>-"Oh.. Talking back, are we?"</pink>
<b>-"That's way too embarrassing..."</b> Professor Kei stands up, you follow suit.
<pink>-"Fine, let's go then."</pink>
<b>-"But how about it though?"</b>
<pink>-"How about what?"</pink> She asks you walk towards your car.
<b>-"How about that second date?"</b>
<pink>-"Well, you fucked up your chances by not begging, but I'll think about it."</pink>
<b>-"Damn... But it's not a no, right?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and open the door for her.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> You both get inside and you begin driving towards her place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"Surprisingly... Adequately... Besides the last part. I expected a lot less!"</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"Well, I'm glad I exceeded your expectations then!"</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes chit chatting as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! I'm not that easy, toy! You'll have to work a lot harder to spend the night with me!"</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"But, take me on a couple more dates and I'll give that little cock of yours another chance to fuck me!"</pink> You remember what happened when you tried to claim your prize in class..
<pink>-"Drive safe $name!"</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<green>Money -50!</green>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Ask Kei to pay.">>
<<set $keirelationship to $keirelationship -2>>\
<pink>-"How much is it?"</pink> She asks as you look down in shame.
<b>-"50... C-could you.. Pay for it?"</b>
<pink>-"Excuse me?"</pink>
<<if $money >=50>>\
<b>-"I'm sorry, but I can't spend this much! I have other responsibilities.."</b>
<b>-"I'm sorry, but I don't even have enough! The bill was a lot higher than I expected.."</b>
<pink>-"Sigh... Fine."</pink> She takes out her wallet and places some cash into the box.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate16.jpg">
<b>-"T-thank you.."</b>
<pink>-"Whatever."</pink> Kei rolls her eyes.
<b>-"Ready to go?"</b>
<pink>-"Nope. Did you forget, you still have to do a dare."</pink>
<b>-"Oh... Right! Well, go on!"</b>
<pink>-"Beg for a second date."</pink>
<pink>-"You heard me. I need to make sure that you would know your place if we go on more dates."</pink>
<pink>-"We probably won't because you didn't pay, but still."</pink>
<<pageReplace"Do it.">>
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to true>>\
<b>-"F-fine.."</b> You wait for a moment when nobody is looking and quickly fall to your knees.
<b>-"P-pleaseibegyouforaseconddate!"</b> You blurt out a mess of words and quickly stand up.
<pink>-"What? Do it again, properly this time."</pink>
<b>-"Yes ma'am.."</b> You get on your knees again.
<b>-"Please.. I beg you, go out with me for a second date!"</b> Professor Kei stands up.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate15.png">
<pink>-"Hmph, good pet. I'll think about it."</pink> You nod and stand up.
<b>-"I-is that a yes?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and grab your jacket.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> After you both leave the restaurant, you get into your car and begin driving back to Kei's place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"Surprisingly... Adequately... I expected a lot less!"</pink>
<pink>-"However, you need to stop asking people on dates if you can't pay. It's rude."</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"But I'm glad I exceeded your expectations!"</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes chit chatting as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! I'm not that easy, toy! You'll have to work a lot harder to spend the night with me!"</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"But, take me on a couple more dates and I'll give that little cock of yours another chance to fuck me!"</pink> You remember what happened when you tried to claim your prize in class..
<pink>-"Drive safe $name!"</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to false>>\
<b>-"I'm not doing that!"</b> You look at her and frown.
<pink>-"Oh.. Talking back, are we?"</pink>
<b>-"That's way too embarrassing..."</b> Professor Kei stands up, you follow suit.
<pink>-"Fine, let's go then."</pink>
<b>-"But how about it though?"</b>
<pink>-"How about what?"</pink> She asks you walk towards your car.
<b>-"How about that second date?"</b>
<pink>-"Well, you fucked up your chances by not begging, but I'll think about it."</pink>
<b>-"Damn... But it's not a no, right?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and open the door for her.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> You both get inside and you begin driving towards her place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"The start was good, but you fucked it up. Didn't beg for a second date and didn't even cover the bill, pathetic."</pink> She crosses her arms.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"Sorry Professor.."</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes in silence as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! Don't even try it."</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"You ruined your chances with that pathetic performance you called a date."</pink>
<pink>-"Drive safe $name."</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace "Flash me your ass.">>
<b>-"Flash me your ass!"</b>
<pink>-"Gosh you're desperate.."</pink> She rolls her eyes.
<b>-"I'm sorry.. It's just so perfect!"</b> Your cock throbs as Kei looks around.
<pink>-"Fine, but only because I like you, pet."</pink> She quickly stands up, bends over and pulls up her dress.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate9.webp">
<b>-"So hot.."</b> You whisper as Kei suddenly pulls it back down and takes a seat.
<bartender>-"Here's your receipt! Thank you for dining at Viet kitchen!"</bartender> The waiter puts down a small box with a receipt inside on the table.
<pink>-"A-ahem! Thank you!"</pink> She quickly fixes her dress.
<b>-"Where did she come from.."</b> You chuckle, silently.
<bartender>-"I hope you have a great rest of your evening!"</bartender> She bows and walks away.
<b>-"Hah! That was close!"</b> You take the receipt and take a closer look.
<pink>-"Sure was!"</pink>
<b>-"Alright.."</b> The bill came out to a total of 50 dollars! Not that bad!
<<if $money>=50>>\
<<pageReplace"Pay up.">>
<<set $keirelationship to $keirelationship +1>>\
<<money -50 "Date with Kei.">>
<pink>-"How much is it?"</pink> She asks as you pull out your wallet.
<b>-"Don't worry about it."</b>
<pink>-"Hmph.. Good pet."</pink> You place the cash in the box and close it.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate16.jpg">
<b>-"Ready to go?"</b>
<pink>-"Nope! Did you forget, you still have to do a dare!"</pink>
<b>-"Oh... Right! Well, go on!"</b>
<pink>-"Beg for a second date."</pink>
<pink>-"You heard me. I need to make sure that you would know your place if we go on more dates."</pink>
<<pageReplace"Do it.">>
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to true>>\
<b>-"F-fine.."</b> You wait for a moment when nobody is looking and quickly fall to your knees.
<b>-"P-pleaseibegyouforaseconddate!"</b> You blurt out a mess of words and quickly stand up.
<pink>-"What? Do it again, properly this time."</pink>
<b>-"Yes ma'am.."</b> You get on your knees again.
<b>-"Please.. I beg you, go out with me for a second date!"</b> Professor Kei stands up.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate15.png">
<pink>-"Hmph, good pet. I'll think about it."</pink> You nod and stand up.
<b>-"I-is that a yes?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and grab your jacket.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> After you both leave the restaurant, you get into your car and begin driving back to Kei's place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"Surprisingly... Adequately... I expected a lot less!"</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"Well, I'm glad I exceeded your expectations then!"</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes chit chatting as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! I'm not that easy, toy! You'll have to work a lot harder to spend the night with me!"</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"But, take me on a couple more dates and I'll give that little cock of yours another chance to fuck me!"</pink> You remember what happened when you tried to claim your prize in class..
<pink>-"Drive safe $name!"</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<green>Money -50!</green>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to false>>\
<b>-"I'm not doing that!"</b> You look at her and frown.
<pink>-"Oh.. Talking back, are we?"</pink>
<b>-"That's way too embarrassing..."</b> Professor Kei stands up, you follow suit.
<pink>-"Fine, let's go then."</pink>
<b>-"But how about it though?"</b>
<pink>-"How about what?"</pink> She asks you walk towards your car.
<b>-"How about that second date?"</b>
<pink>-"Well, you fucked up your chances by not begging, but I'll think about it."</pink>
<b>-"Damn... But it's not a no, right?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and open the door for her.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> You both get inside and you begin driving towards her place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"Surprisingly... Adequately... Besides the last part. I expected a lot less!"</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"Well, I'm glad I exceeded your expectations then!"</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes chit chatting as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! I'm not that easy, toy! You'll have to work a lot harder to spend the night with me!"</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"But, take me on a couple more dates and I'll give that little cock of yours another chance to fuck me!"</pink> You remember what happened when you tried to claim your prize in class..
<pink>-"Drive safe $name!"</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<green>Money -50!</green>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Ask Kei to pay.">>
<<set $keirelationship to $keirelationship -2>>\
<pink>-"How much is it?"</pink> She asks as you look down in shame.
<b>-"50... C-could you.. Pay for it?"</b>
<pink>-"Excuse me?"</pink>
<<if $money >=50>>\
<b>-"I'm sorry, but I can't spend this much! I have other responsibilities.."</b>
<b>-"I'm sorry, but I don't even have enough! The bill was a lot higher than I expected.."</b>
<pink>-"Sigh... Fine."</pink> She takes out her wallet and places some cash into the box.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate16.jpg">
<b>-"T-thank you.."</b>
<pink>-"Whatever."</pink> Kei rolls her eyes.
<b>-"Ready to go?"</b>
<pink>-"Nope. Did you forget, you still have to do a dare."</pink>
<b>-"Oh... Right! Well, go on!"</b>
<pink>-"Beg for a second date."</pink>
<pink>-"You heard me. I need to make sure that you would know your place if we go on more dates."</pink>
<pink>-"We probably won't because you didn't pay, but still."</pink>
<<pageReplace"Do it.">>
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to true>>\
<b>-"F-fine.."</b> You wait for a moment when nobody is looking and quickly fall to your knees.
<b>-"P-pleaseibegyouforaseconddate!"</b> You blurt out a mess of words and quickly stand up.
<pink>-"What? Do it again, properly this time."</pink>
<b>-"Yes ma'am.."</b> You get on your knees again.
<b>-"Please.. I beg you, go out with me for a second date!"</b> Professor Kei stands up.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate15.png">
<pink>-"Hmph, good pet. I'll think about it."</pink> You nod and stand up.
<b>-"I-is that a yes?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and grab your jacket.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> After you both leave the restaurant, you get into your car and begin driving back to Kei's place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"Surprisingly... Adequately... I expected a lot less!"</pink>
<pink>-"However, you need to stop asking people on dates if you can't pay. It's rude."</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"But I'm glad I exceeded your expectations!"</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes chit chatting as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! I'm not that easy, toy! You'll have to work a lot harder to spend the night with me!"</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"But, take me on a couple more dates and I'll give that little cock of yours another chance to fuck me!"</pink> You remember what happened when you tried to claim your prize in class..
<pink>-"Drive safe $name!"</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to false>>\
<b>-"I'm not doing that!"</b> You look at her and frown.
<pink>-"Oh.. Talking back, are we?"</pink>
<b>-"That's way too embarrassing..."</b> Professor Kei stands up, you follow suit.
<pink>-"Fine, let's go then."</pink>
<b>-"But how about it though?"</b>
<pink>-"How about what?"</pink> She asks you walk towards your car.
<b>-"How about that second date?"</b>
<pink>-"Well, you fucked up your chances by not begging, but I'll think about it."</pink>
<b>-"Damn... But it's not a no, right?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and open the door for her.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> You both get inside and you begin driving towards her place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"The start was good, but you fucked it up. Didn't beg for a second date and didn't even cover the bill, pathetic."</pink> She crosses her arms.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"Sorry Professor.."</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes in silence as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! Don't even try it."</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"You ruined your chances with that pathetic performance you called a date."</pink>
<pink>-"Drive safe $name."</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace "Kiss me.">>
<b>-"Kiss me!"</b>
<pink>-"Gosh you're desperate.."</pink> She rolls her eyes.
<b>-"I'm sorry.. I've been staring at those lips for so long though.."</b> Your cock throbs as Kei looks around.
<pink>-"Fine, but only because I like you, pet."</pink> She quickly leans over the desk and you follow suit..
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subda15.webp">
<b>-"Fuck... Those lips are so warm.."</b> You whisper as Kei smiles and leans back.
<bartender>-"Here's your receipt! Thank you for dining at Viet kitchen!"</bartender> The waiter puts down a small box with a receipt inside on the table.
<pink>-"A-ahem! Thank you!"</pink> You both look at the waiter, surprised.
<b>-"Where did she come from.."</b> You chuckle, silently.
<bartender>-"I hope you have a great rest of your evening!"</bartender> She bows and walks away.
<b>-"Hah! That was close!"</b> You take the receipt and take a closer look.
<pink>-"Sure was!"</pink>
<b>-"Alright.."</b> The bill came out to a total of 50 dollars! Not that bad!
<<if $money>=50>>\
<<pageReplace"Pay up.">>
<<set $keirelationship to $keirelationship +1>>\
<<money -50 "Date with Kei.">>
<pink>-"How much is it?"</pink> She asks as you pull out your wallet.
<b>-"Don't worry about it."</b>
<pink>-"Hmph.. Good pet."</pink> You place the cash in the box and close it.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate16.jpg">
<b>-"Ready to go?"</b>
<pink>-"Nope! Did you forget, you still have to do a dare!"</pink>
<b>-"Oh... Right! Well, go on!"</b>
<pink>-"Beg for a second date."</pink>
<pink>-"You heard me. I need to make sure that you would know your place if we go on more dates."</pink>
<<pageReplace"Do it.">>
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to true>>\
<b>-"F-fine.."</b> You wait for a moment when nobody is looking and quickly fall to your knees.
<b>-"P-pleaseibegyouforaseconddate!"</b> You blurt out a mess of words and quickly stand up.
<pink>-"What? Do it again, properly this time."</pink>
<b>-"Yes ma'am.."</b> You get on your knees again.
<b>-"Please.. I beg you, go out with me for a second date!"</b> Professor Kei stands up.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate15.png">
<pink>-"Hmph, good pet. I'll think about it."</pink> You nod and stand up.
<b>-"I-is that a yes?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and grab your jacket.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> After you both leave the restaurant, you get into your car and begin driving back to Kei's place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"Surprisingly... Adequately... I expected a lot less!"</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"Well, I'm glad I exceeded your expectations then!"</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes chit chatting as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! I'm not that easy, toy! You'll have to work a lot harder to spend the night with me!"</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"But, take me on a couple more dates and I'll give that little cock of yours another chance to fuck me!"</pink> You remember what happened when you tried to claim your prize in class..
<pink>-"Drive safe $name!"</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<green>Money -50!</green>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to false>>\
<b>-"I'm not doing that!"</b> You look at her and frown.
<pink>-"Oh.. Talking back, are we?"</pink>
<b>-"That's way too embarrassing..."</b> Professor Kei stands up, you follow suit.
<pink>-"Fine, let's go then."</pink>
<b>-"But how about it though?"</b>
<pink>-"How about what?"</pink> She asks you walk towards your car.
<b>-"How about that second date?"</b>
<pink>-"Well, you fucked up your chances by not begging, but I'll think about it."</pink>
<b>-"Damn... But it's not a no, right?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and open the door for her.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> You both get inside and you begin driving towards her place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"Surprisingly... Adequately... Besides the last part. I expected a lot less!"</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"Well, I'm glad I exceeded your expectations then!"</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes chit chatting as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! I'm not that easy, toy! You'll have to work a lot harder to spend the night with me!"</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"But, take me on a couple more dates and I'll give that little cock of yours another chance to fuck me!"</pink> You remember what happened when you tried to claim your prize in class..
<pink>-"Drive safe $name!"</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<green>Money -50!</green>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Ask Kei to pay.">>
<<set $keirelationship to $keirelationship -2>>\
<pink>-"How much is it?"</pink> She asks as you look down in shame.
<b>-"50... C-could you.. Pay for it?"</b>
<pink>-"Excuse me?"</pink>
<<if $money >=50>>\
<b>-"I'm sorry, but I can't spend this much! I have other responsibilities.."</b>
<b>-"I'm sorry, but I don't even have enough! The bill was a lot higher than I expected.."</b>
<pink>-"Sigh... Fine."</pink> She takes out her wallet and places some cash into the box.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate16.jpg">
<b>-"T-thank you.."</b>
<pink>-"Whatever."</pink> Kei rolls her eyes.
<b>-"Ready to go?"</b>
<pink>-"Nope. Did you forget, you still have to do a dare."</pink>
<b>-"Oh... Right! Well, go on!"</b>
<pink>-"Beg for a second date."</pink>
<pink>-"You heard me. I need to make sure that you would know your place if we go on more dates."</pink>
<pink>-"We probably won't because you didn't pay, but still."</pink>
<<pageReplace"Do it.">>
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to true>>\
<b>-"F-fine.."</b> You wait for a moment when nobody is looking and quickly fall to your knees.
<b>-"P-pleaseibegyouforaseconddate!"</b> You blurt out a mess of words and quickly stand up.
<pink>-"What? Do it again, properly this time."</pink>
<b>-"Yes ma'am.."</b> You get on your knees again.
<b>-"Please.. I beg you, go out with me for a second date!"</b> Professor Kei stands up.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate15.png">
<pink>-"Hmph, good pet. I'll think about it."</pink> You nod and stand up.
<b>-"I-is that a yes?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and grab your jacket.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> After you both leave the restaurant, you get into your car and begin driving back to Kei's place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"Surprisingly... Adequately... I expected a lot less!"</pink>
<pink>-"However, you need to stop asking people on dates if you can't pay. It's rude."</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"But I'm glad I exceeded your expectations!"</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes chit chatting as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! I'm not that easy, toy! You'll have to work a lot harder to spend the night with me!"</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"But, take me on a couple more dates and I'll give that little cock of yours another chance to fuck me!"</pink> You remember what happened when you tried to claim your prize in class..
<pink>-"Drive safe $name!"</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<set $agreedtobegforseconddatekei to false>>\
<b>-"I'm not doing that!"</b> You look at her and frown.
<pink>-"Oh.. Talking back, are we?"</pink>
<b>-"That's way too embarrassing..."</b> Professor Kei stands up, you follow suit.
<pink>-"Fine, let's go then."</pink>
<b>-"But how about it though?"</b>
<pink>-"How about what?"</pink> She asks you walk towards your car.
<b>-"How about that second date?"</b>
<pink>-"Well, you fucked up your chances by not begging, but I'll think about it."</pink>
<b>-"Damn... But it's not a no, right?"</b>
<pink>-"I said what I said, I'll think about it."</pink> You sigh and open the door for her.
<b>-"Understood.."</b> You both get inside and you begin driving towards her place.
<b>-"So... How did I do?"</b>
<pink>-"The start was good, but you fucked it up. Didn't beg for a second date and didn't even cover the bill, pathetic."</pink> She crosses her arms.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 26\subdate10.webp">
<b>-"Sorry Professor.."</b> Both of you spend the next 10 minutes in silence as you drive her back.
<b>-"Here we are.."</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<pink>-"Thank you for the fun evening $name."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<b>-"Maybe I should go insi-.."</b> Before you could finish, she cuts you off.
<pink>-"Hah! Don't even try it."</pink>
<<if $helpingkeitakesphotos == false>>\
<b>-"B-but! Remember when I helped you take those photos?"</b>
<pink>-"That was a fluke, I was ovulating."</pink> Professor Kei laughs and gets out of the car.
<pink>-"You ruined your chances with that pathetic performance you called a date."</pink>
<pink>-"Drive safe $name."</pink> She closes the door.
<b>-"Good night!"</b> As she walks off, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> You throw your head back.
<b>-"God she's so hot.."</b>
<b>-"I hope I have another chance to take her out.."</b> You pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<grey>Professor Kei will rememember this!</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>>\<<if $ginafuckinginfrontofclass ==true>>\
<<lecture "Domination class" "Rest day.">>
<b>-"Hello?"</b> You say as you enter the lecture hall. The lights are off and it's empty.
<pink>-"Hey $name! Ready for our little show?"</pink> You hear Gina's voice ring out from the front of the hall.
<b>-"Our show?"</b> You walk over and face her.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 27\dom1.png">
<pink>-"You've forgotten? We are supposed to give the submissiveness students a little demonstration!"</pink> You remember her mentioning something like that.
<b>-"Remind me a little."</b>
<pink>-"Professor Kei wants to give her students a visual lecture about how they're meant to accept that their women sometimes will want to find sexual satisfaction elsewhere."</pink>
<pink>-"So you'll be fucking me in front of them all, while Kei asks them questions."</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 27\dom2.png">
<b>-"Right... I think I got it."</b> She rolls her eyes and walks past you.
<pink>-"All you need to do is fuck me in front of them, we'll take care of the rest."</pink>
<b>-"Where are you going?"</b>
<pink>-"To change, give me a second."</pink> She leaves the hall.
<<pageReplace"Turn on the lights.">>
<pink>-"So, what do you think?"</pink> She returns to the lecture hall with her new outfit.
<b>-"You look great Gina! You want to look like a student I assume?"</b>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 27\dom3.png">
<pink>-"Yeah, thought it would be fitting. Their girlfriends are probably students too."</pink> She grabs your arm.
<pink>-"Ready to go?"</pink>
<b>-"I think so, yeah."</b> Before you head out, you suddenly remember something.
<b>-"Oh! How about the mask? The students can't know I'm fucking you!"</b>
<pink>-"Ahhh, right! You should find one on my table!"</pink> You nod and walk over to it.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 27\dom19.webp">
<b>-"This you mean?"</b> You hold up the mask.
<pink>-"Yeah, that should be good."</pink> You shrug your shoulders and put it on.
<b>-"Alright then, let's go."</b>
<<pageReplace"Walk over to the submissiveness lecture hall.">>
<b>-"Is this it?"</b> You walk over to the doors.
<pink>-"I think so, yeah!"</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 27\dom4.jpg">
<pink>-"Kei should be expecting us, so let's make our way there!"</pink> You nod, open the door and step inside.
<adriana>-"Ahhhh, perfect timing, there they are students!"</adriana> Professor Kei says as the students look at you both.
<b>-"Gulp..."</b> The hall is packed!
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 27\dom5.jpg">
<b>-"Do we start immediately?"</b> You whisper to Gina.
<pink>-"Give Kei a second, we start when she tells us to."</pink> You nod.
<<pageReplace"Look at professor Kei.">>
<adriana>-"This is professor Gina, our universities domination professor."</adriana> Adriana bows.
<adriana>-"And this is her bull!"</adriana> She points at you. You bow.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 27\sub2.jpg">
<b>-"..."</b> Holy shit she's hot!!!
<adriana>-"As I've mentioned last lecture, you will imagine that Gina is your girlfriend and that the bull here is her second partner."</adriana> The students nod.
<adriana>-"I will ask you various questions, make sure to answer as best as you can!"</adriana> Kei sits down and faces you both.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 27\sub7.jpg">
<adriana>-"You can start."</adriana>
<pink>-"Heh, perfect..."</pink> Gina lowers down her panties.
<b>-"Oof..."</b> You sit down on the table and face her.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 27\dom9.webp">
<pink>-"Well, what are you waiting for? Get that cock out..."</pink>
<<pageReplace"Take out your shaft.">>
<b>-"Fine, fine..."</b> You're a little shy, there is around 60 people looking at you...
<b>-"Oof..."</b> However, you put on a brave face, lower down your pants and finally take out your cock.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 27\dom7.gif">
<adriana>-"Oh wow..."</adriana> Professor Kei bites her lip.
<b>-"A-ahem."</b> You grab your cock and begin to slowly stroke it.
<judy>-"W-wow!"</judy> A student says outloud. You turn her head and look.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 27\dom8.png">
<b>-"..."</b> The girls in the class seem pretty impressed by your size!
<pink>-"Come on $name, enough, let's get to work."</pink> Gina turns around and begins to show herself off.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 27\dom9.webp">
<b>-"Hmph... Climb on top of me then."</b> You lay down on the table.
<pink>-"O-on top of you?!"</pink>
<b>-"Yes... Let's give them a good show!"</b> Gina stands there for a second, thinking, but finally agrees and climbs on top.
<<pageReplace"Slap her ass.">>
<pink>-"NgHhhhh!"</pink> Gina begins to moan as you slap her ass.
<adriana>-"Take a look at how he handles his woman students... You couldn't do that, right?"</adriana> Kei begins to speak again.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 27\dom10.webp">
<pink>-"F-fuck!"</pink> After a couple more slaps, you lick your fingers and slowly push them inside.
<adriana>-"Now, do you remember what we talked about last lecture? What could you, as the cuck, offer you woman and her bull before they have sex?"</adriana>
<blue>-"W-we could offer them condoms?"</blue> A students says.
<b>-"NgHhhh..."</b> Your cock begins to throb as you feel her pussy quivering from your touch.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 27\dom11.webp">
<adriana>-"Good guess, but most bulls fuck raw."</adriana> She turns to you two.
<adriana>-"As you're about to see..."</adriana>
<<pageReplace"Penetrate Gina.">>
<b>-"NnnngHhhhh!"</b> You slowly insert your shaft inside Gina's vagina.
<pink>-"F-fucKkkkkk!"</pink> She screams out in pleasure.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 27\dom12.webp">
<b>-"MgHhhh!"</b> Her legs begin to quiver as you grab her hips and begin to pound away.
<adriana>-"O-oh wow... Ahem, where was I."</adriana> Kei faces the class again.
<adriana>-"What else could you offer your loved one in the process of breeding?"</adriana> A student raises her hand as you continue to fuck.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 27\dom13.webp">
<judy>-"M-my boyfriend always offers us water!"</judy>
<b>-"NgHHhhhh!"</b> You try your best not to cum.
<adriana>-"That's great! Yes! Water, snacks, other small things like that are great!"</adriana>
<pink>-"S-shitTtttt... Pound me baby!"</pink>
<<pageReplace"Fuck her even faster.">>
<b>-"RaghHhhhh!"</b> You begin to pound Gina even quicker!
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 27\dom14.webp">
<adriana>-"Well, students, do you think you could pleasure your loved one this well?"</adriana>
<bartender>-"Definitely not..."</bartender> You hear them start speaking and instinctively turn towards them.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 27\dom15.png">
<b>-"J-jeez... There're a lot of them."</b> You shake the weird thought away and continue to fuck.
<pink>-"NgHHhhhh... L-let me turn around!"</pink>
<<pageReplace"Switch positions.">>
<b>-"Sure babe."</b> While keeping your cock inside, Gina sits up and turns around. She's now facing the class.
<pink>-"NgHhhhhh!"</pink> She moans as you begin to rearrange her guts again.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 27\dom16.webp">
<b>-"G-graghHhh! I'm close!"</b> You shout as you feel your balls twitching.
<pink>-"Just a little more babe! I'm close too!"</pink> You turn to Kei... She's weirdly quiet.
<adriana>-"Gulp... H-he's so fast... I wonder what he could do to me..."</adriana> You hear her mumble as she arches her back.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 27\sub8.jpg">
<pink>-"MmmmgHhhhhh!"</pink> Gina begins to shake as she climaxes on your cock.
<b>-"GragHHhhhhH! Here I come!"</b>
<<pageReplace"Creampie her.">>
<b>-"ArgHhhhhhh!"</b> Your balls begin to empty.
<pink>-"Ohhhh fucKKkkkkk...!"</pink> Gina screams as you fill her up.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 27\dom17.webp">
<adriana>-"A-ahem! Where was I?!"</adriana> Professor Kei finally looks away.
<adriana>-"Right... W-what should you offer after the deed is done students?"</adriana>
<b>-"NgHhhhh..."</b> You take out your cock and let your semen pour out of her vagina.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 27\dom18.gif">
<blue>-"W-we should offer some tissues and maybe a hot bath?"</blue> A student answers.
<adriana>-"That is correct Johnathan! Good job!"</adriana> After a couple of seconds, Gina manages to stand up.
<pink>-"L-let's get out of here..."</pink> She and Kei nod to each other. Time for you to dip!
<b>-"Alright, I'll go clean up in the restroom."</b> You say as you both walk out of the lecture hall naked.
<pink>-"Y-yeah... Me too. Good job today."</pink> Time to clean up!
<<set $dominant to $dominant +2>>
<blue>Dominant +2!</blue>
[[Clean up and leave the university->Go outside]]
<<lecture "Domination class" "Test preparations.">>
<b>-"Yawnnnnnn..."</b> You're feeling sleepy.
<b>-"Hopefully this won't take long."</b> You say as you reach the lecture hall.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 27\dom4.jpg">
<b>-"..."</b> As you step inside, Gina greets you.
<pink>-"Hey $name!"</pink>
<b>-"Hey beauti... A-ahem, I mean professor!"</b> The lecture hall is packed, you better not expose your relationship with her to the public.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 27\dom5.jpg">
<blue>-"H-hey dude."</blue> A fellow students says as you sit down next to him.
<b>-"Hello."</b> You take out your notebook and look at the front of the class.
<<pageReplace"Begin to listen.">>
<pink>-"As you might know, we're writing a test in a couple of days!"</pink> Gina begins to speak.
<b>-"We are...?"</b> It's the first time you're hearing about it!
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 27\dom2.png">
<pink>-"So today we're just going to go over what we learned these past few weeks!"</pink> She turns on the projector.
<b>-"She'll probably let me slip by without even looking at the results, but I still better study a bit."</b> You look a the screen.
<pink>-"Let's start off with something easy! The best ways to manipulate a woman!"</pink> Gina begins to show the class some slides.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 27\dom2.png">
<pink>-"Give me some examples, students!"</pink> As your fellow classmates begin to speak, you start to write everything down.
<b>-"How boring..."</b>
[[Write everything down and go home->Go outside]]
<</if>>\<<lecture "Submissiveness class" "Public displays of submissiveness.">>
<b>-"Oof..."</b> You sit down in your chair and face forward. After a couple of minutes pass by, the lectures starts.
<pink>-"Good afternoon students!"</pink> Professor Kei begins to speak.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 27\sub1.jpeg">
<adriana>-"Good afternoon!"</adriana>
<blue>-"Good afternoon...!"</blue>
<b>-"G-good afternoon!"</b> The class answers.
<pink>-"Today's lecture will be about public displays of submissiveness!"</pink> She steps to the side and you finally get a glimpse of her outfit.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 27\sub2.jpg">
<b>-"S-so hot..."</b> Kei turns on the projector.
<pink>-"Serving your woman doesn't only happen behind closed doors, it's also important to stay in "character" even while outside or in public!"</pink>
<<pageReplace"Look at the screen.">>
<pink>-"It might be something simpler, like serving your boss in the workplace."</pink> A video begins to play on the screen.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 27\sub4.gif">
<pink>-"To something more revealing, like pegging in public!"</pink>
<blue>-"P-pegging in public? Isn't that illegal...?"</blue> A student asks as Kei plays yet another video.
<pink>-"It sure is, but if your mistress commands you to do something, you do it."</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 27\sub3.gif">
<pink>-"Isn't that right, students?"</pink> She specifically looks at you.
<judy>-"Yes ma'am!"</judy> The class answers.
<<pageReplace"Continue to listen.">>
<pink>-"Some women will also want you to serve them in a monetary way in public."</pink> She plays yet another video.
<pink>-"Showing everyone that your paycheck goes straight to your mistress is the perfect way to make her feel appreciated."</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 27\sub6.webp">
<b>-"..."</b> You open your notebook and begin to write everything down.
<pink>-"Let's go over some more examples..."</pink> Professor Kei continues to speak about public displays of submissiveness for another hour or so.
<pink>-"And that'll be it for today students!"</pink> After she's done, she turns around and turns off the projector.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 27\sub5.jpg">
<pink>-"Don't forget that our monthly test is in a week! So study hard, I expect everyone to do good!"</pink>
<b>-"I-it's in a week?!"</b> You think as the students around you begin to stand up.
<b>-"Shit... I'll have to study quite a bit."</b> <<if $professorkeidatetoday ==false>>As everyone heads to the door, you decide to talk with Kei for a bit.<</if>>
<<if $professorkeidatetoday ==false>>\
<<pageReplace"Walk over to her.">>
<b>-"H-hey professor!"</b> You walk over to her. She's sitting on the ground, facing you. It appears that she was waiting for you to come over.
<pink>-"Heh, hey pet."</pink>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 27\sub7.jpg">
<b>-"S-so... How was my date?"</b>
<pink>-"Your date? You mean our date?"</pink> You're too nervous to speak properly!
<b>-"Yes! Sorry! Our date!"</b>
<pink>-"As I mentioned last week, it was okay. I have had better, but you did well."</pink> She smiles and nods.
<b>-"S-so how about we go on another one? You said that you'll think about it..."</b> Professor Kei ponders for a minute or two.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 27\sub8.jpg">
<pink>-"Well how about this, if you do well enough in the upcoming test, I'll let you take me out again."</pink>
<b>-"How well do I have to do professor?"</b>
<pink>-"Hmph... Place in the top 3 and we'll call it good enough."</pink> You nod and put on a brave face.
<b>-"Y-you can count on me!"</b> She giggles and stands up.
<pink>-"Alright, alright, we'll see."</pink>
<b>-"I won't let you down!"</b> You put on your backpack and take a step towards the door.
<pink>-"I hope not. I've grown to like you, pet."</pink> Her words immediately give you a boner.
<b>-"..."</b> Seems like you have a lot of studying to do!
<<if $femstatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 27 fem]]
<<elseif $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 27 bnwo]]
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<<if $femstatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 27 fem]]
<<elseif $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 27 bnwo]]
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>>\<<lecture "Feminization class" "Best operations for your transformation journey.">>
<emily>-"Good afternoon students!"</emily> Jia says as you all pile into the lecture hall.
<b>-"..."</b> You sit down next to a couple of people and take out your notebook from the backpack.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 27\fem1.jpg">
<emily>-"As you may know, we're having a test next week and the winner is getting discounts in the clinic at the mall."</emily> You remember Lana talking about this.
<emily>-"So I thought it would be fitting to talk about the various operations that they offer."</emily>
<b>-"Sounds like a good idea..."</b> You mumble as she turns around and powers on the projector.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 27\fem2.jpg">
<emily>-"Let's start off with something simple - breast augmentations!"</emily>
<b>-"I'm getting those discounts if it's the last thing I do..."</b>
<<pageReplace"Look at the screen.">>
<emily>-"Breast augmentation is a pretty invasive procedure, that consists of making a small incision below your breasts and inserting silicone implants."</emily> A picture appears on the screen.
<emily>-"Here you can see the difference!"</emily>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 27\fem4.jpg">
<b>-"Wow, they look great!"</b> <<if $faketits1 ==true>>Your implants look even better though!<</if>>
<emily>-"A similar, but a little harder procedure is body contouring!"</emily> She clicks a button and the image changes.
<emily>-"The surgeons take fat away from your belly and redistribute it to your hips and butt!"</emily>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 27\fem6.jpg">
<b>-"W-wow!"</b> <<if $femoperation ==true>>Her hips are almost as wide as yours!<</if>>
<blue>-"A-are there even more invasive procedures than this one?"</blue> A student next to you asks.
<<pageReplace"Listen in for an answer.">>
<emily>-"There is indeed! They call is facial feminization!"</emily> She changes the image once again.
<b>-"It costs a fortune..."</b> You remember seeing the price a little while back.
<emily>-"The surgeons cut various facial bones, redistribute fat and move around other pieces to make your face appear more feminine!"</emily>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 27\fem3.webp">
<emily>-"This procedure is VERY invasive and takes a very long time to heal!"</emily> As she continues to talk about other operations, you continue to write everything down in preparation for the test.
<emily>-"And that's most of them! They have some more, but we'we talked about like 90% of them."</emily> Professor Lana turns off the monitor.
<b>-"That should be everything..."</b> You whisper as you close the notebook.
<emily>-"There will be questions from this topic in your test, so do make sure to study!"</emily>
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 27\fem5.jpg">
<b>-"..."</b> So many tests next week... It's going to be a hard weekend.
<emily>-"See you soon everyone! Lecture is finished!"</emily> She says as everyone begins to stand up.
<<if $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 27 bnwo]]
[[Leave the University->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>>\<<lecture "BNWO class" "A sponsored IBWO event!">>
<pink>-"Wecome to your last lecture of the day students!"</pink> Jia smiles as you all sit down.
<b>-"Sexy..."</b> She's dressed so provocatively today!
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 27\bnwo1.jpg">
<pink>-"Today, I have a surprise for all of you!"</pink>
<b>-"A-a surprise?"</b> You ask outloud.
<pink>-"Yes $name, a surprise!"</pink> She turns on the projector. You look at the screen.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 27\bnwo2.webp">
<pink>-"You all remember the IBWO, right? The International Black World Order Orginization?"</pink> The students nod.
<pink>-"Well, they sponsored this class! As you may know, we have a test next week and the first place winner is getting something from them!"</pink>
<<pageReplace"What is it?">>
<b>-"What is it...?"</b> You silienty wonder.
<pink>-"They don't let in outsiders, but whoever does the best in the test, will be allowed to attend a breeding session with me and... B-big D..."</pink> She stutters as she changes the picture on the screen.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 27\bnwo3.png">
<blue>-"Big D...? Who's that?"</blue> A student asks.
<pink>-"The man you see on the screen Johnathan... Gulp... One hell of a man actually."</pink> Jia begins to slowly rub her crotch as you look at the specimen on screen.
<b>-"Holy shit he's big... W-wouldn't you need like two hands to jack off?"</b> You imagine holding a rod of that size.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 27\bnwo6.jpeg">
<b>-"Gulp... W-wow!"</b>
<pink>-"A gave away a similar prize a little while ago. $name won if I'm not mistaken and helped me film a porno, am I right?"</pink> She turns to you.
<pink>-"Well, as fun as that was, this is much different. Big D has a MUCH bigger cock... And you'll have front row seats to see him putting a babie in me."</pink> She switches the image once again.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 27\bnwo5.jpg">
<b>-"Jesus Christ that's the size of my arm."</b>
<pink>-"So do your best in this test everyone! I assume everyone would want to win, right?"</pink>
<blue>-"OF COURSE!"</blue> The class errupts in agreement.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 27\bnwo7.jpg">
<pink>-"Ghehehe, good! Then let's go over what the test will consist of. Get your notebooks out!"</pink> You grab yours and get ready to write everything down.
<b>-"I-I'm winning this 100%!"</b>
[[Finish the lecture and leave the university->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>><<lecture "Domination class" "Test day.">>
<pink>-"Well, you ready?"</pink> Gina asks as you enter the lecture hall.
<b>-"Ready for what?"</b> You walk over to her. The hall is pretty much empty, so you can talk normally.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 28\dom1.jfif">
<pink>-"For the test! Have you forgotten already?"</pink>
<b>-"Oh shit!"</b> You definitely did forget! You didn't even study!
<b>-"You're going to slip me by, right?"</b> You put both of your hands on her waist.
<pink>-"Heh, you're pathetic."</pink> She kisses you on the cheek.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 28\dom4.png">
<pink>-"But of course I will."</pink>
<<pageReplace"Grab a test from her table.">>
<b>-"Good girl... I love you."</b> You grab a test from her table and start to slowly head towards your table.
<pink>-"What a goofball..."</pink> She mumbles behind you.
<b>-"Now... Let's see what kind of questions these are."</b> You say as you put down the peice of paper on your table and sit down.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 28\dom3.jpeg">
<b>-"Oh... That's easy!"</b> You write down your answer and continue to read.
<b>-"Hmmmm, is it the clit or the g-spot?"</b> You think for a second and write down your answer.
<b>-"..."</b> You spend a good 20 minutes finishing the test. After you're done, you stand up and head to Gina again.
<pink>-"Done already?"</pink> She asks as you put the test on the table.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 28\dom2.png">
<b>-"They were pretty simple questions, I think I'll pass just fine even without your help."</b>
<pink>-"Oh? Someone's confident..."</pink> You shrug.
<pink>-"Well, if you do pass without my help, I'll let you do something special to me."</pink> You raise one of your eyebrows.
<b>-"Something special?"</b> Gina leans in and whispers into your ear:
<pink>-"I'll let you do me in the ass."</pink> You begin to grin.
<b>-"You better grab some lube then."</b> The professor blushes and puts her hand on your chest.
<pink>-"We'll see if I need it. Give me a couple of days to grade it."</pink> You nod and begin to walk to the door.
<b>-"See you then."</b> Hopefully you passed!
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>><<lecture "Submissiveness class" "Test day.">>
<pink>-"Good afternoon students!"</pink> Professor Kei says as she starts the lecture.
<pink>-"Today is... Test day! As you may already know!"</pink> You studying for quite a bit last weekend... You should be ready!
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 28\sub1.png">
<b>-"Come on $name... You got this!"</b> <<if $professorkeidatetoday ==false>>You remember what Kei told you... If you want to get a second date with her, you have to do good!<</if>>
<pink>-"The test consists of 10 questions. All of them have ONE correct answer. Circle the one you think is right."</pink> She begins to walk around the hall and give everyone the test.
<b>-"T-this is easy! I'll pass, 100%!"</b> You try to hype yourself up.
<<if $hairextensions ==true>>\
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 28\sub2.jpeg">
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 28\sub3.png">
<pink>-"Well, you think you're ready $name?"</pink> Kei asks as she reaches your table.
<b>-"I think so!"</b> She tries to hand you the test.
<<pageReplace"Take it.">>
<b>-"..."</b> You grab the test and put it on the table face down.
<pink>-"Hmph, well good! I hope you do well!"</pink> She smiles and continues to walk.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 28\sub4.jpeg">
<pink>-"Are there students who still don't have tests?"</pink> Kei asks after she gets to the front of the hall. The class is silent.
<pink>-"Good! Then you may start!"</pink> You flip the test page around.
<b>-"L-let's see..."</b>
<grey>-"QUESTION 1: What is the most sensitive part of a woman's vagina?"</grey>
<<pageReplace"The urethra.">>
<<set $keitestscore to 0>>\
<b>-"I think it's the urethra? Right?"</b> You mumble as you circle the answer.
<b>-"Question number two... Hopefully this one is easier."</b> You begin to read the second question.
<grey>-"QUESTION 2: In a Findom relationship, how much money should you give your mistress?"</grey>
<<pageReplace"Your whole paycheck.">>
<b>-"I guess my whole paycheck... She should manage my finances completely."</b> You circle the answer.
<b>-"Hmmmmm..."</b> You begin to read the third question.
<grey>-"QUESTION 3: If your Mistress's instructions seem flawed/wrong, what should you do?"</grey>
<<pageReplace"Disregard them.">>
<b>-"I should just probably disregard them... If they're obviously wrong."</b> You shrug and circle the answer.
<b>-"Phew, finally."</b> After finishing the remaining 7 questions, you grab your test and head to the front of the hall.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 28\sub5.png">
<pink>-"Done already?"</pink>
<b>-"I think so... Yeah."</b> You put down the test sheet on her table.
<pink>-"How well do you think you did?"</pink>
<b>-"P-pretty well professor Kei! Hoping to place in the top 5!"</b> She smiles.
<pink>-"Good! Give me a couple of days I'll finish grading them!"</pink> You nod and begin to move towards the door.
<b>-"Understood! S-see you then!"</b> Hopefully you passed!
<<if $femstatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 28 fem]]
<<elseif $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 28 bnwo]]
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Make up your own instructions.">>
<b>-"I would just make up my own instructions! If her's are obviously wrong."</b> You shrug and circle the answer.
<b>-"Phew, finally."</b> After finishing the remaining 7 questions, you grab your test and head to the front of the hall.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 28\sub5.png">
<pink>-"Done already?"</pink>
<b>-"I think so... Yeah."</b> You put down the test sheet on her table.
<pink>-"How well do you think you did?"</pink>
<b>-"P-pretty well professor Kei! Hoping to place in the top 5!"</b> She smiles.
<pink>-"Good! Give me a couple of days I'll finish grading them!"</pink> You nod and begin to move towards the door.
<b>-"Understood! S-see you then!"</b> Hopefully you passed!
<<if $femstatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 28 fem]]
<<elseif $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 28 bnwo]]
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Still listen to them regardless.">>
<<set $keitestscore to $keitestscore+1>>\
<b>-"Still listen to the regardless... Obviously! She is my Mistress after all!"</b> You shrug and circle the answer.
<b>-"Phew, finally."</b> After finishing the remaining 7 questions, you grab your test and head to the front of the hall.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 28\sub5.png">
<pink>-"Done already?"</pink>
<b>-"I think so... Yeah."</b> You put down the test sheet on her table.
<pink>-"How well do you think you did?"</pink>
<b>-"P-pretty well professor Kei! Hoping to place in the top 5!"</b> She smiles.
<pink>-"Good! Give me a couple of days I'll finish grading them!"</pink> You nod and begin to move towards the door.
<b>-"Understood! S-see you then!"</b> Hopefully you passed!
<<if $femstatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 28 fem]]
<<elseif $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 28 bnwo]]
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Half of your paycheck.">>
<b>-"I guess half of my paycheck... So she gets some and I get some."</b> You circle the answer.
<b>-"Hmmmmm..."</b> You begin to read the third question.
<grey>-"QUESTION 3: If your Mistress's instructions seem flawed/wrong, what should you do?"</grey>
<<pageReplace"Disregard them.">>
<b>-"I should just probably disregard them... If they're obviously wrong."</b> You shrug and circle the answer.
<b>-"Phew, finally."</b> After finishing the remaining 7 questions, you grab your test and head to the front of the hall.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 28\sub5.png">
<pink>-"Done already?"</pink>
<b>-"I think so... Yeah."</b> You put down the test sheet on her table.
<pink>-"How well do you think you did?"</pink>
<b>-"P-pretty well professor Kei! Hoping to place in the top 5!"</b> She smiles.
<pink>-"Good! Give me a couple of days I'll finish grading them!"</pink> You nod and begin to move towards the door.
<b>-"Understood! S-see you then!"</b> Hopefully you passed!
<<if $femstatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 28 fem]]
<<elseif $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 28 bnwo]]
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Make up your own instructions.">>
<b>-"I would just make up my own instructions! If her's are obviously wrong."</b> You shrug and circle the answer.
<b>-"Phew, finally."</b> After finishing the remaining 7 questions, you grab your test and head to the front of the hall.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 28\sub5.png">
<pink>-"Done already?"</pink>
<b>-"I think so... Yeah."</b> You put down the test sheet on her table.
<pink>-"How well do you think you did?"</pink>
<b>-"P-pretty well professor Kei! Hoping to place in the top 5!"</b> She smiles.
<pink>-"Good! Give me a couple of days I'll finish grading them!"</pink> You nod and begin to move towards the door.
<b>-"Understood! S-see you then!"</b> Hopefully you passed!
<<if $femstatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 28 fem]]
<<elseif $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 28 bnwo]]
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Still listen to them regardless.">>
<<set $keitestscore to $keitestscore+1>>\
<b>-"Still listen to the regardless... Obviously! She is my Mistress after all!"</b> You shrug and circle the answer.
<b>-"Phew, finally."</b> After finishing the remaining 7 questions, you grab your test and head to the front of the hall.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 28\sub5.png">
<pink>-"Done already?"</pink>
<b>-"I think so... Yeah."</b> You put down the test sheet on her table.
<pink>-"How well do you think you did?"</pink>
<b>-"P-pretty well professor Kei! Hoping to place in the top 5!"</b> She smiles.
<pink>-"Good! Give me a couple of days I'll finish grading them!"</pink> You nod and begin to move towards the door.
<b>-"Understood! S-see you then!"</b> Hopefully you passed!
<<if $femstatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 28 fem]]
<<elseif $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 28 bnwo]]
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"However much she asks for.">>
<<set $keitestscore to $keitestscore+1>>\
<b>-"However much she asks for! It might be half, it might be all!"</b> You circle the answer.
<b>-"Hmmmmm..."</b> You begin to read the third question.
<grey>-"QUESTION 3: If your Mistress's instructions seem flawed/wrong, what should you do?"</grey>
<<pageReplace"Disregard them.">>
<b>-"I should just probably disregard them... If they're obviously wrong."</b> You shrug and circle the answer.
<b>-"Phew, finally."</b> After finishing the remaining 7 questions, you grab your test and head to the front of the hall.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 28\sub5.png">
<pink>-"Done already?"</pink>
<b>-"I think so... Yeah."</b> You put down the test sheet on her table.
<pink>-"How well do you think you did?"</pink>
<b>-"P-pretty well professor Kei! Hoping to place in the top 5!"</b> She smiles.
<pink>-"Good! Give me a couple of days I'll finish grading them!"</pink> You nod and begin to move towards the door.
<b>-"Understood! S-see you then!"</b> Hopefully you passed!
<<if $femstatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 28 fem]]
<<elseif $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 28 bnwo]]
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Make up your own instructions.">>
<b>-"I would just make up my own instructions! If her's are obviously wrong."</b> You shrug and circle the answer.
<b>-"Phew, finally."</b> After finishing the remaining 7 questions, you grab your test and head to the front of the hall.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 28\sub5.png">
<pink>-"Done already?"</pink>
<b>-"I think so... Yeah."</b> You put down the test sheet on her table.
<pink>-"How well do you think you did?"</pink>
<b>-"P-pretty well professor Kei! Hoping to place in the top 5!"</b> She smiles.
<pink>-"Good! Give me a couple of days I'll finish grading them!"</pink> You nod and begin to move towards the door.
<b>-"Understood! S-see you then!"</b> Hopefully you passed!
<<if $femstatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 28 fem]]
<<elseif $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 28 bnwo]]
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Still listen to them regardless.">>
<<set $keitestscore to $keitestscore+1>>\
<b>-"Still listen to the regardless... Obviously! She is my Mistress after all!"</b> You shrug and circle the answer.
<b>-"Phew, finally."</b> After finishing the remaining 7 questions, you grab your test and head to the front of the hall.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 28\sub5.png">
<pink>-"Done already?"</pink>
<b>-"I think so... Yeah."</b> You put down the test sheet on her table.
<pink>-"How well do you think you did?"</pink>
<b>-"P-pretty well professor Kei! Hoping to place in the top 5!"</b> She smiles.
<pink>-"Good! Give me a couple of days I'll finish grading them!"</pink> You nod and begin to move towards the door.
<b>-"Understood! S-see you then!"</b> Hopefully you passed!
<<if $femstatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 28 fem]]
<<elseif $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 28 bnwo]]
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"The clitoris.">>
<<set $keitestscore to 1>>\
<b>-"The clitoris must be the answer! T-they all go crazy when I lick it..."</b> You mumble as you circle the answer.
<b>-"Question number two... Hopefully this one is easier."</b> You begin to read the second question.
<grey>-"QUESTION 2: In a Findom relationship, how much money should you give your mistress?"</grey>
<<pageReplace"Your whole paycheck.">>
<b>-"I guess my whole paycheck... She should manage my finances completely."</b> You circle the answer.
<b>-"Hmmmmm..."</b> You begin to read the third question.
<grey>-"QUESTION 3: If your Mistress's instructions seem flawed/wrong, what should you do?"</grey>
<<pageReplace"Disregard them.">>
<b>-"I should just probably disregard them... If they're obviously wrong."</b> You shrug and circle the answer.
<b>-"Phew, finally."</b> After finishing the remaining 7 questions, you grab your test and head to the front of the hall.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 28\sub5.png">
<pink>-"Done already?"</pink>
<b>-"I think so... Yeah."</b> You put down the test sheet on her table.
<pink>-"How well do you think you did?"</pink>
<b>-"P-pretty well professor Kei! Hoping to place in the top 5!"</b> She smiles.
<pink>-"Good! Give me a couple of days I'll finish grading them!"</pink> You nod and begin to move towards the door.
<b>-"Understood! S-see you then!"</b> Hopefully you passed!
<<if $femstatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 28 fem]]
<<elseif $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 28 bnwo]]
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Make up your own instructions.">>
<b>-"I would just make up my own instructions! If her's are obviously wrong."</b> You shrug and circle the answer.
<b>-"Phew, finally."</b> After finishing the remaining 7 questions, you grab your test and head to the front of the hall.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 28\sub5.png">
<pink>-"Done already?"</pink>
<b>-"I think so... Yeah."</b> You put down the test sheet on her table.
<pink>-"How well do you think you did?"</pink>
<b>-"P-pretty well professor Kei! Hoping to place in the top 5!"</b> She smiles.
<pink>-"Good! Give me a couple of days I'll finish grading them!"</pink> You nod and begin to move towards the door.
<b>-"Understood! S-see you then!"</b> Hopefully you passed!
<<if $femstatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 28 fem]]
<<elseif $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 28 bnwo]]
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Still listen to them regardless.">>
<<set $keitestscore to $keitestscore+1>>\
<b>-"Still listen to the regardless... Obviously! She is my Mistress after all!"</b> You shrug and circle the answer.
<b>-"Phew, finally."</b> After finishing the remaining 7 questions, you grab your test and head to the front of the hall.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 28\sub5.png">
<pink>-"Done already?"</pink>
<b>-"I think so... Yeah."</b> You put down the test sheet on her table.
<pink>-"How well do you think you did?"</pink>
<b>-"P-pretty well professor Kei! Hoping to place in the top 5!"</b> She smiles.
<pink>-"Good! Give me a couple of days I'll finish grading them!"</pink> You nod and begin to move towards the door.
<b>-"Understood! S-see you then!"</b> Hopefully you passed!
<<if $femstatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 28 fem]]
<<elseif $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 28 bnwo]]
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Half of your paycheck.">>
<b>-"I guess half of my paycheck... So she gets some and I get some."</b> You circle the answer.
<b>-"Hmmmmm..."</b> You begin to read the third question.
<grey>-"QUESTION 3: If your Mistress's instructions seem flawed/wrong, what should you do?"</grey>
<<pageReplace"Disregard them.">>
<b>-"I should just probably disregard them... If they're obviously wrong."</b> You shrug and circle the answer.
<b>-"Phew, finally."</b> After finishing the remaining 7 questions, you grab your test and head to the front of the hall.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 28\sub5.png">
<pink>-"Done already?"</pink>
<b>-"I think so... Yeah."</b> You put down the test sheet on her table.
<pink>-"How well do you think you did?"</pink>
<b>-"P-pretty well professor Kei! Hoping to place in the top 5!"</b> She smiles.
<pink>-"Good! Give me a couple of days I'll finish grading them!"</pink> You nod and begin to move towards the door.
<b>-"Understood! S-see you then!"</b> Hopefully you passed!
<<if $femstatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 28 fem]]
<<elseif $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 28 bnwo]]
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Make up your own instructions.">>
<b>-"I would just make up my own instructions! If her's are obviously wrong."</b> You shrug and circle the answer.
<b>-"Phew, finally."</b> After finishing the remaining 7 questions, you grab your test and head to the front of the hall.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 28\sub5.png">
<pink>-"Done already?"</pink>
<b>-"I think so... Yeah."</b> You put down the test sheet on her table.
<pink>-"How well do you think you did?"</pink>
<b>-"P-pretty well professor Kei! Hoping to place in the top 5!"</b> She smiles.
<pink>-"Good! Give me a couple of days I'll finish grading them!"</pink> You nod and begin to move towards the door.
<b>-"Understood! S-see you then!"</b> Hopefully you passed!
<<if $femstatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 28 fem]]
<<elseif $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 28 bnwo]]
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Still listen to them regardless.">>
<<set $keitestscore to $keitestscore+1>>\
<b>-"Still listen to the regardless... Obviously! She is my Mistress after all!"</b> You shrug and circle the answer.
<b>-"Phew, finally."</b> After finishing the remaining 7 questions, you grab your test and head to the front of the hall.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 28\sub5.png">
<pink>-"Done already?"</pink>
<b>-"I think so... Yeah."</b> You put down the test sheet on her table.
<pink>-"How well do you think you did?"</pink>
<b>-"P-pretty well professor Kei! Hoping to place in the top 5!"</b> She smiles.
<pink>-"Good! Give me a couple of days I'll finish grading them!"</pink> You nod and begin to move towards the door.
<b>-"Understood! S-see you then!"</b> Hopefully you passed!
<<if $femstatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 28 fem]]
<<elseif $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 28 bnwo]]
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"However much she asks for.">>
<<set $keitestscore to $keitestscore+1>>\
<b>-"However much she asks for! It might be half, it might be all!"</b> You circle the answer.
<b>-"Hmmmmm..."</b> You begin to read the third question.
<grey>-"QUESTION 3: If your Mistress's instructions seem flawed/wrong, what should you do?"</grey>
<<pageReplace"Disregard them.">>
<b>-"I should just probably disregard them... If they're obviously wrong."</b> You shrug and circle the answer.
<b>-"Phew, finally."</b> After finishing the remaining 7 questions, you grab your test and head to the front of the hall.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 28\sub5.png">
<pink>-"Done already?"</pink>
<b>-"I think so... Yeah."</b> You put down the test sheet on her table.
<pink>-"How well do you think you did?"</pink>
<b>-"P-pretty well professor Kei! Hoping to place in the top 5!"</b> She smiles.
<pink>-"Good! Give me a couple of days I'll finish grading them!"</pink> You nod and begin to move towards the door.
<b>-"Understood! S-see you then!"</b> Hopefully you passed!
<<if $femstatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 28 fem]]
<<elseif $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 28 bnwo]]
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Make up your own instructions.">>
<b>-"I would just make up my own instructions! If her's are obviously wrong."</b> You shrug and circle the answer.
<b>-"Phew, finally."</b> After finishing the remaining 7 questions, you grab your test and head to the front of the hall.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 28\sub5.png">
<pink>-"Done already?"</pink>
<b>-"I think so... Yeah."</b> You put down the test sheet on her table.
<pink>-"How well do you think you did?"</pink>
<b>-"P-pretty well professor Kei! Hoping to place in the top 5!"</b> She smiles.
<pink>-"Good! Give me a couple of days I'll finish grading them!"</pink> You nod and begin to move towards the door.
<b>-"Understood! S-see you then!"</b> Hopefully you passed!
<<if $femstatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 28 fem]]
<<elseif $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 28 bnwo]]
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Still listen to them regardless.">>
<<set $keitestscore to $keitestscore+1>>\
<b>-"Still listen to the regardless... Obviously! She is my Mistress after all!"</b> You shrug and circle the answer.
<b>-"Phew, finally."</b> After finishing the remaining 7 questions, you grab your test and head to the front of the hall.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 28\sub5.png">
<pink>-"Done already?"</pink>
<b>-"I think so... Yeah."</b> You put down the test sheet on her table.
<pink>-"How well do you think you did?"</pink>
<b>-"P-pretty well professor Kei! Hoping to place in the top 5!"</b> She smiles.
<pink>-"Good! Give me a couple of days I'll finish grading them!"</pink> You nod and begin to move towards the door.
<b>-"Understood! S-see you then!"</b> Hopefully you passed!
<<if $femstatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 28 fem]]
<<elseif $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 28 bnwo]]
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Inner/outer lips.">>
<<set $keitestscore to 0>>\
<b>-"I think the inner and outter lips are pretty sensitive... Right?"</b> You mumble as you circle the answer.
<b>-"Question number two... Hopefully this one is easier."</b> You begin to read the second question.
<grey>-"QUESTION 2: In a Findom relationship, how much money should you give your mistress?"</grey>
<<pageReplace"Your whole paycheck.">>
<b>-"I guess my whole paycheck... She should manage my finances completely."</b> You circle the answer.
<b>-"Hmmmmm..."</b> You begin to read the third question.
<grey>-"QUESTION 3: If your Mistress's instructions seem flawed/wrong, what should you do?"</grey>
<<pageReplace"Disregard them.">>
<b>-"I should just probably disregard them... If they're obviously wrong."</b> You shrug and circle the answer.
<b>-"Phew, finally."</b> After finishing the remaining 7 questions, you grab your test and head to the front of the hall.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 28\sub5.png">
<pink>-"Done already?"</pink>
<b>-"I think so... Yeah."</b> You put down the test sheet on her table.
<pink>-"How well do you think you did?"</pink>
<b>-"P-pretty well professor Kei! Hoping to place in the top 5!"</b> She smiles.
<pink>-"Good! Give me a couple of days I'll finish grading them!"</pink> You nod and begin to move towards the door.
<b>-"Understood! S-see you then!"</b> Hopefully you passed!
<<if $femstatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 28 fem]]
<<elseif $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 28 bnwo]]
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Make up your own instructions.">>
<b>-"I would just make up my own instructions! If her's are obviously wrong."</b> You shrug and circle the answer.
<b>-"Phew, finally."</b> After finishing the remaining 7 questions, you grab your test and head to the front of the hall.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 28\sub5.png">
<pink>-"Done already?"</pink>
<b>-"I think so... Yeah."</b> You put down the test sheet on her table.
<pink>-"How well do you think you did?"</pink>
<b>-"P-pretty well professor Kei! Hoping to place in the top 5!"</b> She smiles.
<pink>-"Good! Give me a couple of days I'll finish grading them!"</pink> You nod and begin to move towards the door.
<b>-"Understood! S-see you then!"</b> Hopefully you passed!
<<if $femstatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 28 fem]]
<<elseif $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 28 bnwo]]
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Still listen to them regardless.">>
<<set $keitestscore to $keitestscore+1>>\
<b>-"Still listen to the regardless... Obviously! She is my Mistress after all!"</b> You shrug and circle the answer.
<b>-"Phew, finally."</b> After finishing the remaining 7 questions, you grab your test and head to the front of the hall.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 28\sub5.png">
<pink>-"Done already?"</pink>
<b>-"I think so... Yeah."</b> You put down the test sheet on her table.
<pink>-"How well do you think you did?"</pink>
<b>-"P-pretty well professor Kei! Hoping to place in the top 5!"</b> She smiles.
<pink>-"Good! Give me a couple of days I'll finish grading them!"</pink> You nod and begin to move towards the door.
<b>-"Understood! S-see you then!"</b> Hopefully you passed!
<<if $femstatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 28 fem]]
<<elseif $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 28 bnwo]]
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Half of your paycheck.">>
<b>-"I guess half of my paycheck... So she gets some and I get some."</b> You circle the answer.
<b>-"Hmmmmm..."</b> You begin to read the third question.
<grey>-"QUESTION 3: If your Mistress's instructions seem flawed/wrong, what should you do?"</grey>
<<pageReplace"Disregard them.">>
<b>-"I should just probably disregard them... If they're obviously wrong."</b> You shrug and circle the answer.
<b>-"Phew, finally."</b> After finishing the remaining 7 questions, you grab your test and head to the front of the hall.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 28\sub5.png">
<pink>-"Done already?"</pink>
<b>-"I think so... Yeah."</b> You put down the test sheet on her table.
<pink>-"How well do you think you did?"</pink>
<b>-"P-pretty well professor Kei! Hoping to place in the top 5!"</b> She smiles.
<pink>-"Good! Give me a couple of days I'll finish grading them!"</pink> You nod and begin to move towards the door.
<b>-"Understood! S-see you then!"</b> Hopefully you passed!
<<if $femstatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 28 fem]]
<<elseif $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 28 bnwo]]
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Make up your own instructions.">>
<b>-"I would just make up my own instructions! If her's are obviously wrong."</b> You shrug and circle the answer.
<b>-"Phew, finally."</b> After finishing the remaining 7 questions, you grab your test and head to the front of the hall.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 28\sub5.png">
<pink>-"Done already?"</pink>
<b>-"I think so... Yeah."</b> You put down the test sheet on her table.
<pink>-"How well do you think you did?"</pink>
<b>-"P-pretty well professor Kei! Hoping to place in the top 5!"</b> She smiles.
<pink>-"Good! Give me a couple of days I'll finish grading them!"</pink> You nod and begin to move towards the door.
<b>-"Understood! S-see you then!"</b> Hopefully you passed!
<<if $femstatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 28 fem]]
<<elseif $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 28 bnwo]]
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Still listen to them regardless.">>
<<set $keitestscore to $keitestscore+1>>\
<b>-"Still listen to the regardless... Obviously! She is my Mistress after all!"</b> You shrug and circle the answer.
<b>-"Phew, finally."</b> After finishing the remaining 7 questions, you grab your test and head to the front of the hall.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 28\sub5.png">
<pink>-"Done already?"</pink>
<b>-"I think so... Yeah."</b> You put down the test sheet on her table.
<pink>-"How well do you think you did?"</pink>
<b>-"P-pretty well professor Kei! Hoping to place in the top 5!"</b> She smiles.
<pink>-"Good! Give me a couple of days I'll finish grading them!"</pink> You nod and begin to move towards the door.
<b>-"Understood! S-see you then!"</b> Hopefully you passed!
<<if $femstatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 28 fem]]
<<elseif $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 28 bnwo]]
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"However much she asks for.">>
<<set $keitestscore to $keitestscore+1>>\
<b>-"However much she asks for! It might be half, it might be all!"</b> You circle the answer.
<b>-"Hmmmmm..."</b> You begin to read the third question.
<grey>-"QUESTION 3: If your Mistress's instructions seem flawed/wrong, what should you do?"</grey>
<<pageReplace"Disregard them.">>
<b>-"I should just probably disregard them... If they're obviously wrong."</b> You shrug and circle the answer.
<b>-"Phew, finally."</b> After finishing the remaining 7 questions, you grab your test and head to the front of the hall.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 28\sub5.png">
<pink>-"Done already?"</pink>
<b>-"I think so... Yeah."</b> You put down the test sheet on her table.
<pink>-"How well do you think you did?"</pink>
<b>-"P-pretty well professor Kei! Hoping to place in the top 5!"</b> She smiles.
<pink>-"Good! Give me a couple of days I'll finish grading them!"</pink> You nod and begin to move towards the door.
<b>-"Understood! S-see you then!"</b> Hopefully you passed!
<<if $femstatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 28 fem]]
<<elseif $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 28 bnwo]]
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Make up your own instructions.">>
<b>-"I would just make up my own instructions! If her's are obviously wrong."</b> You shrug and circle the answer.
<b>-"Phew, finally."</b> After finishing the remaining 7 questions, you grab your test and head to the front of the hall.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 28\sub5.png">
<pink>-"Done already?"</pink>
<b>-"I think so... Yeah."</b> You put down the test sheet on her table.
<pink>-"How well do you think you did?"</pink>
<b>-"P-pretty well professor Kei! Hoping to place in the top 5!"</b> She smiles.
<pink>-"Good! Give me a couple of days I'll finish grading them!"</pink> You nod and begin to move towards the door.
<b>-"Understood! S-see you then!"</b> Hopefully you passed!
<<if $femstatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 28 fem]]
<<elseif $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 28 bnwo]]
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Still listen to them regardless.">>
<<set $keitestscore to $keitestscore+1>>\
<b>-"Still listen to the regardless... Obviously! She is my Mistress after all!"</b> You shrug and circle the answer.
<b>-"Phew, finally."</b> After finishing the remaining 7 questions, you grab your test and head to the front of the hall.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 28\sub5.png">
<pink>-"Done already?"</pink>
<b>-"I think so... Yeah."</b> You put down the test sheet on her table.
<pink>-"How well do you think you did?"</pink>
<b>-"P-pretty well professor Kei! Hoping to place in the top 5!"</b> She smiles.
<pink>-"Good! Give me a couple of days I'll finish grading them!"</pink> You nod and begin to move towards the door.
<b>-"Understood! S-see you then!"</b> Hopefully you passed!
<<if $femstatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 28 fem]]
<<elseif $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 28 bnwo]]
[[Leave the university->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>><<lecture "Feminization class" "Test day.">>
<emily>-"Well, how confident are you $name?"</emily> Lana asks as she passes by your table and hands you your test.
<b>-"I-I think that I'll pass... No clue how well I'll do though!"</b> Today is test day!
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 28\fem2.png">
<emily>-"Hmph, well good luck then! You'll need it!"</emily> She giggles.
<b>-"It's that hard?!"</b>
<emily>-"Not terribly, but the questions are definitely not easy!"</emily> You begin to tap your feet from the nervousness.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 28\fem4.gif">
<b>-"Calm down $name... You got this."</b>
<<pageReplace"Take the test sheet from her hand.">>
<b>-"T-thank you Miss Lana!"</b> You say as she hands you the test sheet.
<emily>-"No problem. Just don't flip it until I say that you can."</emily> You nod and stare at the piece of paper.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 28\fem3.jpeg">
<emily>-"Everyone has a sheet, right?"</emily> She says outloud after reaching the front of the hall.
<b>-"Mhm!"</b> The whole class mumbles.
<emily>-"Good, then you may start!"</emily> You flip around the sheet.
<b>-"Okay... 5 questions only... Should be easy!"</b> You begin to read.
<grey>-"QUESTION 1: What is the most expensive feminization operation commercially available in the NOVA clinic?"</grey>
<<pageReplace"Body contouring.">>
<<set $lanatestscore to 0>>\
<b>-"Body countouring I guess...?"</b> You mark the answer by circling it with your pen.
<b>-"Hopefully that's correct..."</b> You begin to read the second question.
<grey>-"QUESTION 2: Best toy to START training anally?"</grey>
<<pageReplace"Butt plugs.">>
<<set $lanatestscore to $lanatestscore+1>>
<<goto "lecture 28 fem question 2">>
<<goto "lecture 28 fem question 2">>
<<goto "lecture 28 fem question 2">>
<<pageReplace"Breast augmentation.">>
<<set $lanatestscore to 0>>\
<b>-"Breast augmentation I guess...?"</b> You mark the answer by circling it with your pen.
<b>-"Hopefully that's correct..."</b> You begin to read the second question.
<grey>-"QUESTION 2: Best toy to START training anally?"</grey>
<<pageReplace"Butt plugs.">>
<<set $lanatestscore to $lanatestscore+1>>
<<goto "lecture 28 fem question 2">>
<<goto "lecture 28 fem question 2">>
<<goto "lecture 28 fem question 2">>
<<pageReplace"Facial feminization.">>
<<set $lanatestscore to 1>>\
<b>-"Facial feminization I guess...?"</b> You mark the answer by circling it with your pen.
<b>-"Hopefully that's correct..."</b> You begin to read the second question.
<grey>-"QUESTION 2: Best toy to START training anally?"</grey>
<<pageReplace"Butt plugs.">>
<<set $lanatestscore to $lanatestscore+1>>
<<goto "lecture 28 fem question 2">>
<<goto "lecture 28 fem question 2">>
<<goto "lecture 28 fem question 2">>
<</pageReplace>><b>-"I think it's this one..."</b> You mark the answer on your sheet and continue to read.
<b>-"Hmmmmmm..."</b> This one sounds interesting.
<grey>-"QUESTION 3: Where is the male g-spot located?"</grey>
<<pageReplace"Under the testicles.">>
<b>-"I think I've read somewhere that it was under the testicles!"</b> You confidently mark your answer.
<b>-"Phew! And that's the test done!"</b> You mark the remaining two questions and stand up.
<b>-"H-here you are Professor!"</b> You put down the test sheet on her table.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 28\fem1.png">
<emily>-"Wow, you're quick!"</emily>
<b>-"T-there are only five questions haha!"</b>
<emily>-"Still, you're the first one!"</emily> You don't know if that's a good or a bad thing...
<emily>-"Hoping for a perfect score?"</emily> You begin to move towards teh door.
<b>-"A-always! Really want that discount!"</b> Whoever does the best, will get a discount in the clinic!
<emily>-"Well, I'm rooting for you!"</emily> You thank her and begin to leave the hall.
<<if $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 28 bnwo]]
[[Leave the University->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"In the anus.">>
<<set $lanatestscore to $lanatestscore+1>>\
<b>-"I think I've read somewhere that it in the anus actually!"</b> You confidently mark your answer.
<b>-"Phew! And that's the test done!"</b> You mark the remaining two questions and stand up.
<b>-"H-here you are Professor!"</b> You put down the test sheet on her table.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 28\fem1.png">
<emily>-"Wow, you're quick!"</emily>
<b>-"T-there are only five questions haha!"</b>
<emily>-"Still, you're the first one!"</emily> You don't know if that's a good or a bad thing...
<emily>-"Hoping for a perfect score?"</emily> You begin to move towards teh door.
<b>-"A-always! Really want that discount!"</b> Whoever does the best, will get a discount in the clinic!
<emily>-"Well, I'm rooting for you!"</emily> You thank her and begin to leave the hall.
<<if $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 28 bnwo]]
[[Leave the University->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"On the tip of the penis.">>
<b>-"I think I've read somewhere that it was on the tip of the penis!"</b> You confidently mark your answer.
<b>-"Phew! And that's the test done!"</b> You mark the remaining two questions and stand up.
<b>-"H-here you are Professor!"</b> You put down the test sheet on her table.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 28\fem1.png">
<emily>-"Wow, you're quick!"</emily>
<b>-"T-there are only five questions haha!"</b>
<emily>-"Still, you're the first one!"</emily> You don't know if that's a good or a bad thing...
<emily>-"Hoping for a perfect score?"</emily> You begin to move towards teh door.
<b>-"A-always! Really want that discount!"</b> Whoever does the best, will get a discount in the clinic!
<emily>-"Well, I'm rooting for you!"</emily> You thank her and begin to leave the hall.
<<if $bnwostatus is true>>\
[[Go to your next lecture->lecture 28 bnwo]]
[[Leave the University->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>><<lecture "BNWO class" "Test day.">>
<b>-"Finally, the day is almost over!"</b> Time for your final lecture!
<b>-"Hmph... Pretty empty."</b> You mumble as you step inside.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 28\bnwo1.png">
<b>-"..."</b> You see the IBWO logo on the projector screen.
<pink>-"$name! Hey!"</pink> Professor Jia says from the front of the class.
<b>-"H-hey professor! Why is nobody here?"</b> You walk over to her.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 28\bnwo4.png">
<pink>-"Well, you are early! Someone's excited for the test, haha?"</pink>
<b>-"I don't think that excited is the right word... Ha... Ha..."</b>
<pink>-"Well, nonetheless, grab a test and get to work! You can start early!"</pink> She smiles.
<<pageReplace"Look at her table.">>
<b>-"F-from this pile right here?"</b> You look at her table.
<pink>-"Mhm."</pink> You nod and grab a test sheet.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 28\bnwo3.jpeg">
<pink>-"Remember what's at stake $name! You want to do the best!"</pink>
<b>-"I-I will try my hardest professor!"</b> After walking to your table, you sit down and begin to read the questions.
<b>-"Hmph... This definitely won't be easy."</b>
<grey>-"QUESTIONS 1: What does the IBWO stand for?"</grey>
<<pageReplace"Internal Bureaucracy Worship Organization.">>
<<set $jiatestscore to 0>>
<b>-"I think it was something like that... Hopefully that's right."</b> You mark down your answer.
<b>-"Let's see..."</b> Time for question 2!
<grey>-"QUESTIONS 2: How are black men superior to a white boys?"</grey>
<<goto "lecture 28 bnwo question 2">>
<<goto "lecture 28 bnwo question 2">>
<<pageReplace"Physically and mentally.">>
<<set $jiatestscore to $jiatestscore+1>>
<<goto "lecture 28 bnwo question 2">>
<<pageReplace"International Black World Order.">>
<<set $jiatestscore to 1>>
<b>-"I think it was something like that... Hopefully that's right."</b> You mark down your answer.
<b>-"Let's see..."</b> Time for question 2!
<grey>-"QUESTIONS 2: How are black men superior to a white boys?"</grey>
<<goto "lecture 28 bnwo question 2">>
<<goto "lecture 28 bnwo question 2">>
<<pageReplace"Physically and mentally.">>
<<set $jiatestscore to $jiatestscore+1>>
<<goto "lecture 28 bnwo question 2">>
<<pageReplace"International Black Worship Order.">>
<<set $jiatestscore to 0>>
<b>-"I think it was something like that... Hopefully that's right."</b> You mark down your answer.
<b>-"Let's see..."</b> Time for question 2!
<grey>-"QUESTIONS 2: How are black men superior to a white boys?"</grey>
<<goto "lecture 28 bnwo question 2">>
<<goto "lecture 28 bnwo question 2">>
<<pageReplace"Physically and mentally.">>
<<set $jiatestscore to $jiatestscore+1>>
<<goto "lecture 28 bnwo question 2">>
<</pageReplace>><b>-"I think that's the correct answer..."</b> You mark it and start to read the third question.
<b>-"This one doesn't sound easy either!"</b>
<grey>-"QUESTION 3: What is the other name for the QOS tattoo that some IBWO members have?"</grey>
<<pageReplace"The IBWO mark.">>
<<set $jiatestscore to $jiatestscore+1>>\
<b>-"I'm pretty sure it's the IBWO mark... I remember them saying that their members get marked."</b> You circle the answer.
<b>-"Phew, finally!"</b> After answering the remaining questions, you stand up and head to the front of the hall. It's pretty much filled with students by now, so you try to be quiet.
<b>-"H-hey professor Jia, I'm done!"</b> She turns around.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 28\bnwo2.png">
<pink>-"Ahhh $name! Good! Put it on my table there!"</pink> You nod and do as she says.
<pink>-"How was it? Hopefully not that hard?"</pink>
<b>-"Definitely double!"</b> Jia smiles.
<pink>-"Great! Then I hope you come in first place!"</pink>
<b>-"I-I hope so too!"</b> You fix your backpack and start heading out.
<b>-"Finally! So many tests today!"</b> Time to head home!
[[Leave the University->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"The IBWO loyalty symbol.">>
<b>-"I'm pretty sure it's the IBWO loyalty symbol..."</b> You circle the answer.
<b>-"Phew, finally!"</b> After answering the remaining questions, you stand up and head to the front of the hall. It's pretty much filled with students by now, so you try to be quiet.
<b>-"H-hey professor Jia, I'm done!"</b> She turns around.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 28\bnwo2.png">
<pink>-"Ahhh $name! Good! Put it on my table there!"</pink> You nod and do as she says.
<pink>-"How was it? Hopefully not that hard?"</pink>
<b>-"Definitely double!"</b> Jia smiles.
<pink>-"Great! Then I hope you come in first place!"</pink>
<b>-"I-I hope so too!"</b> You fix your backpack and start heading out.
<b>-"Finally! So many tests today!"</b> Time to head home!
[[Leave the University->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"The IBWO spot.">>
<b>-"I'm pretty sure it's the IBWO spot... I remember them saying that their members get spots on them."</b> You circle the answer.
<b>-"Phew, finally!"</b> After answering the remaining questions, you stand up and head to the front of the hall. It's pretty much filled with students by now, so you try to be quiet.
<b>-"H-hey professor Jia, I'm done!"</b> She turns around.
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 28\bnwo2.png">
<pink>-"Ahhh $name! Good! Put it on my table there!"</pink> You nod and do as she says.
<pink>-"How was it? Hopefully not that hard?"</pink>
<b>-"Definitely double!"</b> Jia smiles.
<pink>-"Great! Then I hope you come in first place!"</pink>
<b>-"I-I hope so too!"</b> You fix your backpack and start heading out.
<b>-"Finally! So many tests today!"</b> Time to head home!
[[Leave the University->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>><<if $equip ==0>>\
<<set $equip to 1>>\
<<set $miaevent to $miaevent-1>>\
<<goto "Mia dom1">>\
<<set $miaevent to $miaevent+1>>\
<<location "Images/Other/parentsbedroom.webp" "Parent's bedroom">>\
<<set $miaphoneevents to 1>>\
As you walk into her room, you see her sitting on her bed.
<mia>-"Hey $name, I just want a quick word"</mia>
<b>-"Sure thing $mom1"</b>
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\dom\NINTCHDBPICT000631473461.webp" height="600px" width="650px">
God she is so hot... You know that she's your $mom1 but still...
<mia>-"I just wanted to say that your rent is due today, make sure to give me the money before you for-...."</mia> She is talking but you are not listening, all you can think about is her delicious lips in front of you. You cannot control yourself for any longer...
<<pageReplace"Kiss her..">>\
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\dom\tumblr_o0i2l0sICq1qc63x7o3_640.webp">
You kiss Mia and surprisingly, she kisses you back. You share a passionate french kiss before she pushes you off of herself.
<mia>-"$name! I, I don't know what to say.. J-just get out of my room!"</mia>
<b>-"I... $mom1.. you don't understand.."</b>
<mia>-"G-get out..! I need to think.."</mia> She turns away from you.. All you can is:
<<set $mia to true>>\
<<if $time !==2>>
<<set $time to $time+1>>
<</if>><<if $equip ==0>>\
<<set $equip to 1>>\
<<set $miaevent to $miaevent-2>>\
<<goto "Mia dom2">>\
<<set $mia to true>>\
<<set $miaevent to $miaevent+2>>\
<<location "Images/Other/parentsbedroom.webp" "Parent's bedroom">>\
You go up the stairs where your $mom1's bedroom is and as you get closer, you starts hearing some weird noises...
<pink>-"Mmmghnn.. Mghh... $name... YessSSss.. Mmmmm..."</pink> Is someone moaning? Are they hurt? What is going on?? You get to the door and see that it's slightly open.
<<pageReplace "Peek">>\
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\dom\13113424.webp" height="400px" width="700px">
Oh. My. God. It's your $mo2, Mia, masturbating. God you haven't seen her in so long... And she's is laying there naked... It's kinda turning you on. Suddenly, you get an idea...
<<pageReplace "Take out your phone and film her.">>\
You quickly pull out your phone and film a short, 30 second video of Mia masturbating. You take in a deep breath and...
<<pageReplace "Confront her">>\
You enter the room, Mia notices you, quickly stops and puts a blanket on herself.
<mia>-" OH MY GOD $name!"</mia> She screams. Good thing that you're the only two people in the house.
<mia>-"What are you doing here?!"</mia> She shouts as her cheeks grow red..
<b>-"I'm here to give you a choice..."</b> You smirk.. You just hope this plan will work..
<mia>-"What are you talking about you dumbass?! Leave my room!"</mia>
<b>-"Look here you whore <i>*You show her the video.*</i> How would John feel if I showed him this video of you masturbating while moaning my name?</b>
<mia>-"Ugh just tell me what you want you little shit. The last person I expected to be blackmailed by was you..."</mia> She looks disappointed..
<<pageReplace"Instruct her to drop the blanket">>\
<b>-"If you drop the blanket I won't show the video to John"</b> You say while grinning.
<mia>-"W-what? Why.. Why would you want to see that.."</mia> She turns away slightly...
<b>-"Just do as I say and everything will be fine..."</b>
<mia>-"Ugh fine, it's not like you haven't seen my naked before.."</mia>
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\dom\mia-malkova_3474.webp">
<mia>-"Now please delete the video... John can't know about this."</mia>
<b>-"Now now, who said anything about deleting? I said I won't show it, not delete it. If you want it deleted, lay down and spread your legs, give me a good look."</b>
<mia>-"Oh my god you're such a bastard"</mia> Mia lays down on the bed and spreads her legs.
<<pageReplace "Take a good look..">>\
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\dom\mia-malkova_3492.webp">
<b>-"Good girl, I deleted it."</b>
<mia>-"...Thank you, NOW LEAVE!" </mia> You quickly leave with a massive boner.
<b>-"Oh I'll get her again... somehow I will.."</b> You think.
<blue> Dominant +4! </blue>
<<set $dominant to $dominant+4>>
[[Leave her room->room]]
<<pageReplace "Don't and quickly leave.">>\
<b>-"This is my $mo2, I shouldn't do such weird things.."</b> You silently close the door and exit.
[[Leave her room->room]]
<<if $time !==2>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<</if>>\<<if $equip ==0>>\
<<set $equip to 1>>\
<<set $miaevent to $miaevent-1>>\
<<goto "Mia dom4">>\
<<set $miaevent to $miaevent+1>>
<<location "Images/Other/bathroom.jpg" "Bathroom">>\
You get to the bathroom, with a towel and fresh underwear in hand.
<mia>-"O-oh, $name, are you going to take a shower?" </mia> Mia peeks her head out of her room.
<b>-"Yup, going in right now!"</b>
<mia>-"Alright, just wanted to tell you that we don't have hot water right now, there's something wrong with the pipes."</mia>
<b>-"Oh noo.. It's alright Mia, I'll manage, thanks for the heads up!" </b> No hot water? Damnit.. You hate showering in the cold, but it is what it is.
As you get into the shower and feel the freezing cold water hit your body, shivers run down your spine.
<b>-"This is actually kind of nice..."</b> You think to yourself as your skin cools down to the waters temperature...
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\dom\shower-dean.webp">
Right as you finish showering and get out, you get this incredibly strong feeling of being watched..
<b>-"W-what..." </b> You think to yourself. You look around the bathroom while naked, looking for someone or something, but you don't find anything, until...
<<pageReplace"Look through the doors keyhole">>\
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\dom\h2GUK8.webp">
<b>-"Waaa what the fuck!"</b> You scream outloud and rip the door open.
<mia>-"O-oh.. H-hey.." </mia> Mia is standing right in front of the door. She looks down at your uncovered dick and bites her lip.
<b>-"Were you spying on me?!" </b>
<mia>-"N-no.. I was just.. Checking if you were finished, I want to shower too.. You see? I have a towel!" </mia>
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\dom\slips-1.webp">
<b>-"Sure Mia, I believe you." </b> You do not.
<b>-"Just get out of my face for now, let me change" </b> You're not in the mood to play these games.
<mia>-"Y-yes.. Okay.." </mia> She looks disappointed.. Did she want you to do something?
You put on your clothes and exit the bathroom. Mia is standing nearby, blushing. She doesn't even look at you, just quickly runs in while avoiding eye contact and closes the door, locking it.
<<set $dominant to $dominant +2>>
<blue> Dominant +2!</blue>
<<if $time <2>> <<set $time to $time+1>> <</if>>\
<<set $mia to true>>\
[[Go to your room->room]]
<</pageReplace>>\<<if $equip ==0>>\
<<set $equip to 1>>\
<<set $miaevent to $miaevent-1>>\
<<goto "Mia dom5">>\
<<set $miaevent to $miaevent+1>>\
<<location "Images/Other/parentsbedroom.webp" "Parent's bedroom">>\
As you get out of your room and start working towards the stairs, you hear Mia call out your name.
<mia>-"$name! C-come here, I have to talk to you!"</mia> You hear her muffled voice coming out of her room.
<b>-"I'll be right there!"</b> You shout back as you turn around and start heading towards her voice.
<<pageReplace"Enter her bedroom">>\
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\51.webp" height="600px">\
Your $mo2 is sitting in front of you. She looks you up and down and smiles.
<mia>-"Come honey, sit down.."</mia> She touches her bed.
<b>-"R-right.."</b> You sit down, spread your legs apart and get comfortable.
<mia>-"S-so.. I don't want to be confrontational or anything, but..."</mia> You can see Mia blush a little bit..
<mia>-"What are those strange noises that I keep hearing coming out of your room.."</mia> She bites her finger and looks at you..
<b>-"S-strange noises...? What are you talking about?"</b> You look at her confused..
<mia>-"Wellllll... You usually go to bed before I do... And I keep hearing weird.. W-wet noises coming from your room.."</mia> Did she hear you masturbating..?
<mia>-"I was wondering.. D-do you perhaps watch porn before you go to bed..?"</mia> She smiles again as you smile..
<<pageReplace "Sometimes...">>\
<b>-"Hah well.. Sometimes, sure!"</b> Mia blushes as the words leave your mouth.
<mia>-"W-what kind...?"</mia> She looks down at the ground..
<b>-"What are you asking me about Mia? Why do you want to know what kind of porn I watch?"</b>
<mia>-"I... I don't know... I'm just curious you know.."</mia> She stands up and lays down on the bed next to you..
<b>-"Hmmf... What kind do you watch?"</b> You bite your lip as you turn to her..
<mia>-"I like... R-rough... H...harddd...Fasttt pornn..."</mia> She lets out a soft moan as she arches her back..
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\52.webp" height="550px">
<b>-"Oh yeah...?"</b> You can feel your little soldier getting ready for battle..
<b>-"What, can John not satisfy you or something?"</b> You glare at her..
<mia>-"Mghhh... M-maybe..."</mia> She bites her lip..
Overpowered by lust.. You stand up and hover over your $mo2 ... You're about to do something you might regret.. But then..
<blue>-"Honey! I'm home!"</blue> You hear John coming through the front door.. He was out to run some errands..
<mia>-"Y-yes I.. I will be right there!"</mia> Her smile fades and she jumps out of the bed.. After putting on some clothes she pushes you aside and goes downstairs..
<b>-"Fucking John again... I need to talk to her when she's alone and maybe then..."</b> Before you finish your thought, you quickly shake your head..
<b>-"N-no! She's my $mom1... It's one thing seeing her naked.. But fucking her...? T-that's too much..."</b> You think to yourself as you feel your hard cock pressing against your pants... It's apparent that you're lying to yourself..
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
[[Go to your room...->room]]
<<pageReplace "Not really..">>\
<b>-"Not really.. Why?"</b> Mia smiles as the words leave your mouth.
<mia>-"W-why?"</mia> She looks down at the ground..
<b>-"I don't know.. I prefer fucking someone over jacking my shit.. Why?"</b>
<mia>-"I... I don't know... I'm just curious you know.."</mia> She stands up and lays down on the bed next to you..
<b>-"Hmmf... What kind do you watch?"</b> You bite your lip as you turn to her..
<mia>-"I like... R-rough... H...harddd...Fasttt pornn..."</mia> She lets out a soft moan as she arches her back..
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\52.webp" height="550px">
<b>-"Oh yeah...?"</b> You can feel your little soldier getting ready for battle..
<b>-"What, can John not satisfy you or something?"</b> You glare at her..
<mia>-"Mghhh... M-maybe..."</mia> She bites her lip..
Overpowered by lust.. You stand up and hover over your $mo2 ... You're about to do something you might regret.. But then..
<blue>-"Honey! I'm home!"</blue> You hear John coming through the front door.. He was out to run some errands..
<mia>-"Y-yes I.. I will be right there!"</mia> Her smile fades and she jumps out of the bed.. After putting on some clothes she pushes you aside and goes downstairs..
<b>-"Fucking John again... I need to talk to her when she's alone and maybe then..."</b> Before you finish your thought, you quickly shake your head..
<b>-"N-no! She's my $mom1... It's one thing seeing her naked.. But fucking her...? T-that's too much..."</b> You think to yourself as you feel your hard cock pressing against your pants... It's apparent that you're lying to yourself..
<<set $dominant to $dominant +2>>
<blue>Dominant +2!</blue>
[[Go to your room...->room]]
<<if $time <2>> <<set $time to $time+1>> <</if>>\
<<set $mia to true>>\
<</pageReplace>>\<<if $equip ==0>>\
<<set $equip to 1>>\
<<set $miaevent to $miaevent-1>>\
<<goto "Mia dom6">>\
<b>-"Hmmm... I could use a pick-me-up right now..."</b> You tell yourself after a hard week of studying..
As you lay down on your bed, you instinctively grab your phone, your fingers move on their own accord, leading you straight into a porn website...
<<pageReplace "Do the nasty..">>\
<b>-"Nghhff.. F-fuck I wanna do it so badly.."</b> You think to yourself as you pull out your cock from your pants... You click on the first video you see and get to work..
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\64.webp" height="500px">
As you see the woman on the screen get revenged by a cock much bigger than you thought was possible, your cock starts aching you to explode....
Right before you paint your walls white.. You suddenly notice that your door is slightly open..
<<pageReplace"Take a closer look..">>\
You stop yourself and take a good look at your door... Something feels off...
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\62.webp">
Someone is peeking!!!!!
<b>-"Who's there? Come on out!"</b> You shout as you quickly cover up.. The person who was looking at you quickly moves away..
<b>-"Ava! A-ava! Come out! You're not fooling anyone!"</b> You shout as you stand up and head towards the door..
You open the door and see a figure.. Your eyes meet for a second, before you process what you're seeing.. It's Mia! And she's grinning while looking at her phone!
<b>-"M-mia! Why were you spying on me?!"</b> You shout at her..
<mia>-"Oh $name! Haha n-nothing!"</mia> She quickly covers her crotch with her hands.. Was she... Masturbating too..?
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\61.webp" height="600px">
<b>-"W-what's with you lately..?"</b> You ask her while noticing that she's covering up..
<mia>-"I..I don't know what you're talking about.."</mia> She whispers with a blushed expression on her face..
<b>-"W-what.. Move your hands.."</b> You grab her hands and move them away... She's dripping wet! You can see the stain on her shorts!
<mia>-"N-no! It's not what it looks like!"</mia> She shouts as she covers up again..
<b>-"So John doesn't satisfy you huh..."</b> You grin as you look down at her..
<mia>-"W-whatever.."</mia> She looks down.. Not daring to hold eye contact..
<<pageReplace"Offer a solution...">>\
<b>-"How about I show you.."</b> You wink at her..
<mia>-"S-show me..? Show me what?"</mia> She whispers..
<b>-"How a real man pleasures his woman.."</b> You see her blush again...
<mia>-"I... I.."</mia> She stutters over her words..
<b>-"Wait for me next Sunday in your bedroom, make sure that John goes somewhere."</b> You lift her chin up so she faces you..
<b>-"Will you do that for me?"</b>
<b>-"Good girl, now go.."</b> You slap her butt as she runs off.
<b>-"I guess I need to get ready to show my $mo2 what I'm made of.."</b> You think to yourself as you get back inside of your room, making sure to close the door behind you this time..
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
[[Collect your thoughts->room]]
<<if $time <2>> <<set $time to $time+1>> <</if>>\
<<set $mia to true>>\
<<set $miaevent to $miaevent+1>><<if $equip ==0>>\
<<set $equip to 1>>\
<<set $miaevent to $miaevent-1>>\
<<goto "Mia dom7">>\
<<location "Images/Other/parentsbedroom.webp" "Parent's bedroom">>\
You walk around your home, looking for around for any sign of life.. But everyone seems to be gone somewhwere.. Except Mia, of course..
<b>-"W-we should be good.."</b> You whisper to yourself as you start heading upstrairs...
<<pageReplace"Go to Mia's bedroom">>\
<b>-"He's gone... Right..?"</b> You ask Mia as you enter her room..
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\dom\72.webp" height="560px">
<mia>-"Y-yeah.."</mia> You walk up to her and start lightly touching her breasts..
<mia>-"Mfggg... I-... I don't know if w-we should do this.."</mia> She moans in pleasure as you touch her nipples..
<b>-"I knew that John couldn't handle this.."</b>
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\dom\71.webp" height="450px">
<mia>-"S-stop.. D-don't talk about him.."</mia> She whispers as you kiss..
<b>-"Are you ready..?"</b>
<mia>-"R-ready for what..?"</mia> You throw Mia on to the bed..
<b>-"To feel some real pleasure..?"</b> You pull down your pants and reveal your cock..
<mia>-"Mfggg.. N-no honey.. Not yet... P-please use your hands.."</mia> She looks down at your crotch with a surprised look on her face..
<b>-"As you wish..."</b> You turn Mia around and get ready to get to work..
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\dom\75.webp" height="600px">
<mia>-"W-what are you waiting for baby.."</mia> She turns to you and asks..
<<pageReplace"Eat her out..">>\
<b>-"Just admiring the view.."</b> You whisper back as you tongue hits her clit..
<mia>-"Nghhhff!! Y-yesss..."</mia> She moans out in pleasure..
<mia>-"W-why.. mfgggGFFF! A-are you using.. Y-your tongue honey.."</mia> She whispers while moaning..
<b>-"Has John never used his tongue..? It's one of the best ways to pleasure a woman!"</b> You stop for a second and answer her question..
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\dom\73.webp" width="550px">
<mia>-"F-fffucckKKK! H-He's never done anything.. B-besides fucking me..."</mia>
<b>-"Nfggg.. T-thats a shame $mom1.... Come here.."</b> You turn Mia around again and start fingering her vagina..
<mia>-"Nfggggfff Yy--YeyeesssssS!!!!"</mia> She screams in pleasure as you go up in speed...
<b>-"F-fucckckkkK!! Ttttaaakkee thiisss!!"</b> You shout as you use your second hand to rub her clit..
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\dom\74.webp" height="450px">
<b>-"FucckkkK!!!"</b> You shout as Mia covers you in her juices..
<mia>-"Mfggg... I.. I didn't know I could feel this good.."</mia> She whispers while panting and laying down..
<b>-"Heh.. I-I'm glad you liked it.."</b> Before you could go for round two, you hear something downstairs..
<blue>-"I'm home!"</blue>
<b>-"Uhg it's that idiot again.."</b>
<mia>-"N-noo.. D-don't talk about him like that.. G-go.. I'll clean up!"</mia> She gives you a kiss on the cheek and you quickly leave, making sure that John doesn't see you leave Mia's room..
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
[[Clean up->room]]
<<if $time <2>> <<set $time to $time+1>> <</if>>\
<<set $mia to true>>\
<<set $miaevent to $miaevent+1>>\<<if $time <2>> <<set $time to $time+1>> <</if>>\
<<set $miaevent to 9>>
<<set $mia to true>>\
<<set $miadateday to $day>>
<<if $equip ==0>>\
<<set $equip to 1>>\
<<goto "Mia dom8">>\
<b>-"Let's see what Mia is up to.."</b> You get your fat ass off of the bed and walk to her room.
<b>-"Heyyy $mom1!"</b> You say as you open the door.
<mia>-"Heyoo honeyyy! How are you?"</mia> She smiles.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\l1.jpg">
<b>-"Pretty good.. Just came here to say hello! We haven't talked in a while.. After.. That happened.."</b> You chuckle.
<mia>-"Aghaha.. N-no need to be shy about it.."</mia> Mia stands up as her cheeks blush.
<mia>-"Anyways, it's good that you're here, I need some help!"</mia>
<b>-"Help?"</b> You look at her again.
<mia>-"Mhm... I'm going on a date next Sunday, I need you to help me pick out a dress!"</mia> She walks towards the closet.
<b>-"Ohhhh.. Right about time John got outside of the house.."</b> You chuckle.
<mia>-"Yeahhh.. Would much rather go out with you, but.. He's my husband after all."</mia> She starts putting on a dress as you instinctively turn around.
<b>-"He's a cuck, maybe he would like it!"</b>
<mia>-"Getting cucked by.. You..? Probably not.. He would be embarrassed. You can turn around now.."</mia>
<<pageReplace"Do it">>\
<b>-"R-right.."</b>You slowly turn towards her.
<mia>-"Well, what do you think? I don't like this one that much.."</mia> She shows off the dress.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\l3.jpg">
<b>-"I think it looks good!"</b> You look her up and down.
<mia>-"Of course you do.."</mia> She smiles.
<b>-"Where are you guys going?"</b> You turn around once more as she puts on another dress.
<mia>-"Ugh.. Some chinese restaurant I think.. Going to be bored to death the whole evening again.."</mia>
<mia>-"You can turn around."</mia>
<<pageReplace"Turn around once again.">>\
<mia>-"Well? What do you think?"</mia> She shows off the second dress.
<mia>-"I think it fits me a lot better!"</mia>
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\l2.webp">
<b>-"Woah.. You look great in this one too, $mom1!"</b> You lick your lips.
<mia>-"Well? So which one do you like better?"</mia> SHe spins around once more.
<<pageReplace"First one.">>
<b>-"I loved the first one.. Go with that one."</b>
<mia>-"As you wish $name.."</mia> She smiles.
<b>-"I can make your night a little more interesting if you wish.. You said that you'll be bored.."</b> You walk up to her and grab he chest..
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\l4.webp">
<mia>-"MghhHggFfF! $name!</mia> She lets out a moan.
<mia>-"A-and how would you do t-that!?"</mia> She asks.
<b>-"You escape into the toilet during dinner.. Send me some pics.. I send some back..."</b> You kiss her neck.
<mia>-"NfgghHHgggff! N-noooOoo.. T-too riskyyy.."</mia> You grab her tits even harder.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\l5.webp">
<b>-"You'll take that risk for me though.. Huh..?"</b> You whisper into her ear..
<mia>-"UgghhffFFF! Y-yesSSssss $name!"</mia> You let go.
<b>-"Good.. I will be waiting for you message.."</b> You slowly step away as Mia catches her breath..
<mia>-"U-understood.. "</mia> She quickly pulls up her top.
<mia>-"I.. I'll text you honey.."</mia>
<b>-"Good.. Can't wait.."</b> You lick your lips once again and exit her room..
<b>-"Time to wait.."</b> You chuckle as you walk towards your room.
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
<<pageReplace"Second one.">>
<b>-"I love this second one.. Go with that one."</b>
<mia>-"As you wish $name.."</mia> She smiles.
<b>-"I can make your night a little more interesting if you'd like.. You said that you'll be bored.."</b> You walk up to her and grab he chest..
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\l4.webp">
<mia>-"MghhHggFfF! $name!</mia> She lets out a moan.
<mia>-"A-and how would you do t-that!?"</mia> She asks.
<b>-"You escape into the toilet during dinner.. Send me some pics.. I send some back..."</b> You kiss her neck.
<mia>-"NfgghHHgggff! N-noooOoo.. T-too riskyyy.."</mia> You grab her tits even harder.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\l5.webp">
<b>-"You'll take that risk for me though.. Huh..?"</b> You whisper into her ear..
<mia>-"UgghhffFFF! Y-yesSSssss $name!"</mia> You let go.
<b>-"Good.. I will be waiting for you message.."</b> You slowly step away as Mia catches her breath..
<mia>-"U-understood.. "</mia> She quickly pulls up her top.
<mia>-"I.. I'll text you honey.."</mia>
<b>-"Good.. Can't wait.."</b> You lick your lips once again and exit her room..
<b>-"Time to wait.."</b> You chuckle as you walk towards your room.
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
<</pageReplace>>\<<if $time <2>> <<set $time to $time+1>> <</if>>\
<<set $miaevent to 11>>\
<<set $mia to true>>\
<<if $equip ==0>>\
<<set $equip to 1>>\
<<goto "Mia dom10">>\
<b>-"Mia said John will be out of town today... Might as well give her a visit."</b> You get your fat ass off of the bed and head towards her room.
<b>-"Ava and Kaley are out watching a movie as well.. This is fucking perfect!!"</b>
<grey>Knock Knock</grey>
<grey>Knock Knock Knock</grey>
<mia>-"C-come on in $name!"</mia> You hear Mia's voice as you knock on the door. After taking a deep breath, you step inside.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\dom\q2.jpg">
<mia>-"Heyyy.."</mia> Mia says awkwardly. By her attire, you can tell that she was expecting you..
<b>-"Hey beautiful.. John isn't here, right?"</b>
<mia>-"Stop asking stupid questions $name, why do you think I'm in lingerie?"</mia> You both chuckle.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\dom\q1.jpg">
<mia>-"Now stop wasting time and come here.. We have the whole day to have some fun.."</mia> She licks her lips as you get onto the bed.
<b>-"Your wish is my command.."</b> You embrace Mia in a passionate kiss as you feel your blood pooling into your cock.
<mia>-"Mgf.. T-take off your pants.."</mia> She mumbles.
<<pageReplace"Do it.">>\
<b>-"Yes princess.."</b> You slowly pull down your pants, revealing your almost fully hard cock.
<mia>-"Gosh, that thing surprises me every time I see it.."</mia> She slowly starts to stroke your shaft.
<mia>-"Mghh.. L-let me take this top off.."</mia>
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\t4.webp">
<b>-"You're so beautiful.."</b> You mumble as she smiles. After getting down on all fours, Mia starts to pleasure your cock with her mouth.
<b>-"F-fuckKKkkk..."</b> You moan in pleasure.
<mia>-"I-I'mw gwood.. Rwight??"</mia>
<mia>-"MghhffF... Swo bwiggg..."</mia> Her muffled voice echoes through the room.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\t5.webp">
<b>-"J-jeez.. Have you gotten better? I don't remember you knowing those t-trickkSSssSS..! With your tongue.."</b> You can barely get your words out, she's sucking that hard.
<mia>-"Hehe y-yweah.. I watched a cwouple of youtuwbe videos.. MFghhh... Y-wou like it?"</mia>
<b>-"ShittTTt.. I.. Nghhh.. I love it!"</b>
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\dom\q3.webp">
<mia>-"AghhhHHH!"</mia> She pulls your cock out of her mouth.
<mia>-"Y-your turn.."</mia> She quickly turns around and pulls her panties down.
<b>-"Fuckk.."</b> You let out a soft moan as you watch her ass shake..
<mia>-"Come on big boy.. Show me what a real man can do.."</mia>
<<pageReplace"Put it inside.">>\
<mia>-"MghhHFhHFHHF!! F-fucKKKKKK!!!"</mia> She shouts as you pierce her insides..
<b>-"G-god you're tight..!"</b>
<mia>-"T-this feels soo goooDDdddD! Goddd I've missed this.."</mia>
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\t6.webp">
<b>-"Mghg.. Mghff.. Hghh.. Nfghh.."</b> You moan with each thrust.
<mia>-"S-shittTTt.. J-john can barely make it pass m-my.. Nfggf.. Ass cheeks.."</mia> She buries her head into a pillow.
<mia>-"Y-you're hitting.. Mghhfffg.. M-my cervix!!"</mia> You feel her squirming around as you continue to pound her.
<b>-"Good.."</b> You slap her ass.
<mia>-"O-oucHHH! MfghHH!"</mia>
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\t7.webp">
<mia>-"I.. MghhgGGh.. I-I'm cummingggGGG!!!"</mia> She shakes as you feel her walls gripping onto your cock.
<b>-"J-jeez.."</b> You try your hardest to stay inside, but Mia shakes too violently and your cock falls out.
<mia>-"MghhFfghh.. S-sorry.."</mia> She whimpers.
<<pageReplace"Continue to fuck in doggy.">>\
<b>-"Don't worry about it love.."</b> You put your cock back inside. Mia starts to ride it herself.
<mia>-"UghhFghh! S-shitt... T-too muchh!!"</mia> She screams as you feel your semen climbing up your cock.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\dom\q5.webp">
<b>-"I-I'm close Mia!"</b> You shout as Mia speeds up.
<mia>-"C-come on.. C-cum for your $mo2!"</mia> Your eyes roll backwards as the pleasure completely over takes you.
<mia>-"H-here honey, on my face!"</mia> She quickly pulls out and faces you.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\t8.webp">
<b>-"F-fuckKKKKKKkKKkK!!! T-take it!!"</b> You unload all over your own $mom1.
<mia>-"UghhFFhH!"</mia> She moans as you finish the show and fall onto the bed from exhaustion.
<b>-"T.. That was awesome.."</b>
<mia>-"Y-yeah.."</mia> She licks her fingers and stands up.
<mia>-"C-come on.. Let's go and clean up.."</mia> She extends her arm and you grab it.. Your cock has lost some strenght, but it's ready for round two.
<b>-"Come here.."</b> You suddenly pick up Mia and start heading towards the shower.
<mia>-"W-whaaaa! C-calm down hahahaha!"</mia> She laughs as you get inside.. Time to finish what you started..
<<set $dominant to $dominant +2>>
<blue>Dominant +2!</blue>
[[Fuck Mia again and take a shower->room]]
<<pageReplace"Switch to cow girl">>\
<b>-"Don't worry about it love.."</b> You lay down.
<b>-"It's your turn to do some work again though."</b>
<mia>-"UghhFghh.. Y-yes..."</mia> She slowly climbs on top of you and sits down..
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\dom\q4.webp">
<mia>-"G-god.. I-It's so deeeeeeepppp.."</mia>
<b>-"I-I'm close Mia!"</b> You shout as Mia speeds up.
<mia>-"C-come on.. C-cum for your $mo2!"</mia> Your eyes roll backwards as the pleasure completely over takes you.
<mia>-"H-here honey, on my face!"</mia> She quickly pulls out and faces you.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\t8.webp">
<b>-"F-fuckKKKKKKkKKkK!!! T-take it!!"</b> You unload all over your own $mom1.
<mia>-"UghhFFhH!"</mia> She moans as you finish the show and fall onto the bed from exhaustion.
<b>-"T.. That was awesome.."</b>
<mia>-"Y-yeah.."</mia> She licks her fingers and stands up.
<mia>-"C-come on.. Let's go and clean up.."</mia> She extends her arm and you grab it.. Your cock has lost some strenght, but it's ready for round two.
<b>-"Come here.."</b> You suddenly pick up Mia and start heading towards the shower.
<mia>-"W-whaaaa! C-calm down hahahaha!"</mia> She laughs as you get inside.. Time to finish what you started..
<<set $dominant to $dominant +2>>
<blue>Dominant +2!</blue>
[[Fuck Mia again and take a shower->room]]
<<pageReplace"You changed your mind.">>\
<b>-"Y-you know what.."</b> You slowly pull away.
<b>-"I.. I don't feel like it tonight."</b>
<mia>-"W-what?"</mia> She looks at you, confused.
<b>-"I just.. I just don't want to have sex with you right now.."</b> You get off of the bed.
<mia>-"B-but.. I got ready for you.. I made sure the girls were out of the house.. C-come on.."</mia> Mia looks disappointed and perhaps a little bit sad.
<b>-"I'm sorry Mia.. Maybe next time."</b> You quickly leave her room to avoid the awkwardness...
[[Go to your room->room]]
<</pageReplace>><<if $time <2>> <<set $time to $time+1>> <</if>>\
<<set $miaevent to 12>>\
<<set $mia to true>>\
<<if $equip ==0>>\
<<set $equip to 1>>\
<<goto "Mia dom11">>\
<b>-"Huh?"</b> You say outloud as you hear something.
<mia>-"Say it!"</mia> A muffled voice echos through the house.
<b>-"No way... Is it Mia and John again..?"</b> You get out of the bed.
<mia>-"Apologize!"</mia> She shouts. Fortunately Ava and Kaley are out on a walk.
<b>-"Hmmm... Should I check it out..?"</b> You ask yourself.
<<pageReplace"Spy on them.">>\
<b>-"I'm too curious not to see!"</b> You open up your door and start to sneak towards their room.
<mia>-"Say sorry, come on!"</mia> You hear her voice grow louder and louder as you get closer.
<b>-"Just a peek.."</b> You open up the door slightly to see what's going on.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\x2.webp">
<blue>-"What are you talking about Mia?"</blue> Your $dad2 says.
<mia>-"I'm talking about my ruined fucking panties again."</mia> You see Mia show him a pair of underwear.
<mia>-"Why the fuck do you keep cumming in them?! Are you that much of a loser?"</mia>
<b>-"No way...!"</b> You try to hold in your laughter.
<blue>-"You don't understand.. I just miss you!"</blue>
<mia>-"Miss me? I send you videos every night, jack off into a tissue or something, not my panties!"</mia> She points at the ground.
<mia>-"Lay down."</mia>
<blue>-"R-right away Mia!"</blue> You see your $dad1 laying down.
<mia>-"Maybe now you'll learn your lesson.."</mia> She puts on the panties.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\x4.webp">
<blue>-"Mghhh.. M-Mia p-please.. No!"</blue> He whimpers as she hovers above him.
<<pageReplace"Keep watching">>\
<b>-"God she's treating him like he's a dog.."</b>
<mia>-"Oh yeah... Get a good taste of your stupid load..."</mia> You see her taking a seat on your $dad2's face.
<blue>-"UghhhHhh.. NooOOooo.."</blue> Mia slowly unbuckles his pants.
<mia>-"Gosh even your son has more balls than you!"</mia> She suddenly slaps his testicles.
<blue>-"AghhHHhhH!! F-fucKKK!"</blue>
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\x3.webp">
<blue>-"I-I'm sorry!"</blue>
<mia>-"Sorry for what?!"</mia> You continue to watch them.
<blue>-"Sorry for being a loser! S-sorry for using your panties!"</blue> He screams.
<mia>-"Good. Scream louder, maybe $name will hear your confession and come here to fuck me!"</mia> She giggles.
<b>-"Only if hahaha.."</b> You start to get turned on..
<<pageReplace"Keep watching">>\
<mia>-"God you're pathetic, why is your cock getting harder, huh?"</mia>
<blue>-"I-I'm sorry!"</blue>
<mia>-"Are you turned on by the fact that $name is a bigger, better man than you?"</mia> She slaps his balls even harder.
<blue>-"UghHH!!! I-I don't know!"</blue>
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\x5.webp">
<mia>-"Stay still!"</mia>
<blue>-"S-stopp pleaseeee!"</blue> Your $dad2 shouts.
<mia>-"We're going to do this all night John, you need to accept that you're no longer the man of the house!"</mia> As her words ring out in the room.
<mia>-"$name isn't a loser who cums in my fucking panties! He has a giant fucking cock that you'll beg to see me fuck!"</mia> Mia slaps his balls again.
<mia>-"Maybe I should, huh? Maybe you woud learn a lesson, huh?!"</mia>
<blue>-"I-I beg you Mia! L-let go!"</blue>
<mia>-"Not happening!"</mia> Mia slaps his balls again.
<blue>-"MghhHHhhhh!"</blue> A spurt of liquid leaves John's body.
<mia>-"Ugh... Get up! Your filthy pre cum is all over the place. Take some towels from the restroom."</mia>
<blue>-"Y-yeshhhh.. R-right away Mia!"</blue> You see him slowly standing up.
<b>-"Oh shit!"</b> It's time to hide! You quickly close the door and run to your room.
<b>-"Fuck me.. I can't believe she's actually training him to become my cuck.. I'll have a talk about it with her later.."</b>
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
[[Clean up yourself->room]]
<b>-"Nahh not worth it... Can't risk what to get caught, I like me and Mia's relationship."</b> You sit back down on your bed.
<mia>-"Come on, on your knees!"</mia>
<b>-"Haha gosh he's a loser."</b> You put on a pair of headphones and turn on your PC.
[[Take a nap->room]]
<</pageReplace>><<if $time <2>> <<set $time to $time+1>> <</if>>\
<<set $mia to true>>\
<<if $equip ==0>>\
<<set $equip to 1>>\
<<goto "Mia dom12">>\
Another Saturday, another day to enjoy Mia's company. As John goes outside to cut the grass, his woman comes into your room to pleasure you.
<b>-"ShittTttt.."</b> You moan as your $mo2's hot tongue wraps around the tip of your cock..
<mia>-"MGhhhfhhh.. Swoo gwooddddDDddd..."</mia> She moans.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\dom\o1.webp">
<b>-"FUckKkkkKk.. You're skills have improved so much.."</b> You grab her hair.
<mia>-"Hwhehe.. Slurp.. I've hwad a lot of traiwning!"</mia>
<mia>-"Ahhhh!"</mia> She stops sucking and begins groping your precious pair of balls.
<b>-"NghHH! G-gentle!"</b>
<mia>-"Hmph! I know what I'm doing!"</mia> She scoffs at you.
<<pageReplace"Try your hardest not to cum">>\
<b>-"S-shitTTtt!"</b> You shout as you cock throbs.
<mia>-"Shhhh! Keep quiet, what if John hears us?"</mia> She's right, he's right outside of the window.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\dom\o2.webp">
<b>-"I bet he would love it haha!"</b> You remember their talk last week.
<mia>-"Slupr.. GhhHHH!"</mia> She shoves your rod back into her throat.
<mia>-"W-what are ywou twalking abwout?"</mia> You see her frowning as saliva runs down her lips.
<b>-"Hah, I heard you and him arguing about me.."</b> Mia suddenly stops.
<mia>-"Aghhhh.."</mia> She wipes her lips clean and looks at you.
<mia>-"Y-you did..?"</mia>
<b>-"Who told you to stop sucking?"</b> You stand up, grab her hair and shove your cock deep inside.
<<pageReplace"Continue to face fuck her.">>\
<mia>-"M-my bad.."</mia>
<b>-"I did hear you, yes. John seems to have enjoyed fantasizing about it."</b>
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\dom\o3.webp">
<mia>-"H-hwe did!"</mia>
<b>-"S-shit... I'm close!"</b> You begin shaking in pleasure a bit.
<mia>-"N-nwot yet!"</mia> Mia pulls away a bit, making you slow down.
<b>-"Agh.. You rascal!"</b> You sigh, she just denied you an orgasm..
<b>-"I didn't know you wanted to cuck him..."</b> You once again start talking about John..
<mia>-"Well.. He wanted it first! Bwut I gwot into it.. Slurp.. Myself soon after!"</mia>
<<pageReplace"Say nothing and continue..">>
<<set $miaevent to 14>>\
<b>-"MghHHhhh"</b> You close your eyes, trying your hardest not to cum.
<mia>-"Gha.. Ghaaa.. Ghaaa!"</mia> She chokes on your cock...
<b>-"FuckKKKK!!!"</b> You shout as the show reaches it's climax.
<mia>-"MghHHh.. O-on my face!"</mia>
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\dom\o4.webp">
<mia>-"N-now that's a big load.."</mia> You fall on the bed, exhausted.
<b>-"Gosh... You never disappoint.."</b>
<mia>-"S-so.."</mia> She stands up, completely covered in your semen.
<mia>-"What was that about cucking John?"</mia> She sits down next to you and takes a tissue.
<b>-"Nothing, nothing.. I just blurted something out in the heat of the moment."</b>
<mia>-"Right.."</mia> She seems disappointed... After wiping the cum off of herself, Mia stands up.
<mia>-"Time for me to clean up, you should too."</mia> You nod as she leaves your room.
<b>-"Maybe I shouldn't..."</b>
[[Clean up->room]]
<<pageReplace"Ask her about being her bull.">>\
<<set $miaevent to 13>>\
<<set $yournowmiasbull to true>>\
<b>-"What if we made that fantasy.. Mghhhh.. A reality?"</b>
<mia>-"GhhHHhhh.. w-what dwo ywou mwean? W-what fantasy?"</mia>
<b>-"That fantasy of John getting cucked by me..."</b> You close your eyes, trying your hardest not to cum.
<mia>-"Gha.. Ghaaa.. Ghaaa!"</mia> She chokes on your cock...
<b>-"FuckKKKK!!!"</b> You shout as the show reaches it's climax.
<mia>-"MghHHh.. O-on my face!"</mia>
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\dom\o4.webp">
<mia>-"N-now that's a big load.."</mia> You fall on the bed, exhausted.
<b>-"Gosh... You never disappoint.."</b>
<mia>-"S-so.."</mia> She stands up, completely covered in your semen.
<mia>-"What was that about making John's fantasy come true?"</mia> She sits down on the bed and takes a tissue. After she's done cleaning herself up, you sit up as well.
<b>-"Well, he seems to have liked that idea... Do you want to try it out?"</b> Mia sighs and giggles a bit.
<mia>-"I can't believe I'm going to cuck my own husband with my son.."</mia>
<b>-"Is that a yes?"</b>
<mia>-"Hah, sure... I'll try to talk with him about it, see what he thinks."</mia> Mia stands up and stretches.
<b>-"Shit... I can't wait."</b>
<mia>-"I can't wait too baby!"</mia> She kisses you on the cheek.
<mia>-"Time for me to clean up, you should too."</mia> You nod as she leaves your room.
<b>-"Fuck yeah.. Can't wait to cuck that guy!"</b>
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
[[Clean up->room]]
<</pageReplace>><<if $time <2>> <<set $time to $time+1>> <</if>>\
<<set $mia to true>>\
<<if $equip ==0>>\
<<set $equip to 1>>\
<<goto "Mia dom12 random 1">>\
<mia>-"Guahhh... Guahhh... GUahhhH!"</mia> Mia chokes on your cock.
<b>-"Good girl..."</b> John left for some groceries, so you had a free hour together.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\dom\end_1_1.webp">
<mia>-"MgHhhhh! A-awm I'm dwoing gwood?"</mia>
<b>-"Ghhrhhh.. Very! Your skills have improved!"</b>
<mia>-"AGhHhh! T-thank you!"</mia> Mia takes out your cock from her mouth and smiles.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\dom\end_1_2.webp">
<blue>-"Honeyyyy! I'm homeeee!"</blue> John shouts as you both instinctively look towards the bedroom door... Thankfully, you're on the second floor.
<mia>-"Start stacking the refrigerator honey, I'll be right there!"</mia>
<blue>-"Sure!"</blue> Mia grins and begins to suck your cock again.
<b>-"GrrrhhhhHhh! You're brave, I'll give you that."</b> She begins to use her tongue, obviously trying to make you cum faster.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\dom\end_1_3.webp">
<mia>-"Cwome on $name... GuaaahhHh... Nwut in ywour $mo2's mwouth! MgHhhhH!"</mia>
<b>-"FucKkkkK!"</b> Her tongue does feel really good, you won't last long with her using it!
<b>-"I-I"m closeee! NgHhhhH!"</b> You try to keep your voice down, but it's difficult.
<mia>-"AghHhh! In my mouth!"</mia> Mia says after she stops sucking and begins to jack you off.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\dom\end_1_4.webp">
<b>-"ShitTttTt!"</b> You unload right into Mia's mouth. Without saying a word, she swallows the whole thing.
<mia>-"Gulp... Gulp... Gulp... Aghhh! T-thank you for the meal!"</mia> Mia smiles and stands up.
<b>-"Fuck you're so hot."</b> She grins and gives you a kiss.
<mia>-"Now shoo, I have to put on some clothes, John will come up here in a second!"</mia> You nod, pull up your pants and leave her bedroom.
<blue>-"Hmmmm... Hmmm... Hmmmm!"</blue> You hear your $dad2 stacking the fridge and humming. It seems like he didn't hear you guys!
<b>-"Fuck yeah..."</b>
<div class="actions-horizontal sticky">
[[Go to your room->room]]
</div><<if $time <2>> <<set $time to $time+1>> <</if>>\
<<set $mia to true>>\
<<if $equip ==0>>\
<<set $equip to 1>>\
<<goto "Mia dom12 random 2">>\
<b>-"Come on slut, faster!"</b> You shout as Mia goes forwards and backwards on your shaft.
<mia>-"NgHhhh! R-rudeee!"</mia>
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\dom\end_2_1.webp">
<b>-"GrhHhh! We're doing in John's bed, are you not embarrassed?"</b>
<mia>-"Hah, f-fuck that guy! NgHHhhH! I've been cucking him for ages, he likes it, remember? MgHHhh!"</mia>
<b>-"Oh yeah... Still, getting cucked by your own son is next level hahaha!"</b> You take your dick out and lay down.
<b>-"Come on top baby."</b> Mia smiles.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\dom\end_2_2.webp">
<mia>-"FucKKkkggGGGgggGg! Y-you're so biggGggg!"</mia> Her legs begin to shake as she has yet another orgasm on your cock.
<b>-"Take that fucking dick! MghHhHH!"</b> You grab Mia's neck and squeeze.
<mia>-"HhaaaAAAaa! GgHHhAaaa!"</mia> She tries her best to breath.
<b>-"Who's your master? Hah?"</b>
<b>-"SAY IT!"</b>
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\dom\end_2_3.webp">
<mia>-"Y-ywoUuuUU! MgGHHHhhh! You're my master!"</mia> You let go of her throat and grin.
<b>-"Good girl... Here's your prize!"</b> You begin to pound her pussy even harder. Not even 10 seconds later, you feel a giant load coming up your dick.
<mia>-"YESSsSSS!"</mia> You explode inside of her pussy. You didn't even ask if she was on the pill, frankly, you don't care.
<mia>-"NgHHhh..."</mia> As you pull out your cock, semen begins to pour out of her vagina.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\dom\end_2_4.webp">
<b>-"Shittt... Haven't had a load that big in a while!"</b>
<mia>-"Ghehehe! I know how to milk a man, that's for sure!"</mia> You lean in and kiss her.
<b>-"I'm going to the shower, care to join me?"</b>
<mia>-"Y-yeah, let's go."</mia> Time for you both to clean up!
<div class="actions-horizontal sticky">
[[Clean up with Mia->room]]
</div><<if $time <2>> <<set $time to $time+1>> <</if>>\
<<set $mia to true>>\
<<if $equip ==0>>\
<<set $equip to 1>>\
<<goto "Mia dom12 random 3">>\
<<location "Images/Other/backyard.webp" "The backyard">>\
<b>-"Ah, there you are!"</b> You find Mia in the backyard, doing some yoga.
<mia>-"$name? What's up?"</mia>
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\dom\end_3_1.jpg">
<b>-"Well, John is out of the house and the girls left to see a movie..."</b>
<mia>-"O-oh...? So you want to...?"</mia> Mia blushes.
<b>-"Mhm."</b> She begins to stretch.
<mia>-"Fine, just give me a second, I'm about to finish."</mia> As you watch her arch her back, your instincts overtake you.
<b>-"Fuck it, you can do some stretches while we do it!"</b> You walk up to her and rip open her yoga pants.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\dom\end_3_2.webp">
<mia>-"$name! Oh my God! NgHhhh!"</mia> You pull out your cock and place in on her ass, ready to stick it in.
<b>-"Ghehehe, you ready?"</b>
<mia>-"Ugh, if we're doing this, then lay down!"</mia> She sits up.
<b>-"Huh... Fine!"</b> You're surprised by her taking the lead, but follow her instructions and lay down.
<mia>-"FuckKKkk..."</mia> Mia gets on top of you and penetrates herself with your rod.
<b>-"MgHHhHH!"</b> You moan as she begins to ride you.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\dom\end_3_3.webp">
<mia>-"S-someone... NGHHhhh... Couldn't wait for his $mo2 to... GhhHHhrhHh... Finish, huh?"</mia>
<b>-"You're too hot Mia! AgHHhh! I couldn't resist!"</b> After 5 minutes of her being on top, she starts complaining about her legs hurting.
<mia>-"Fuck... C-can we switch positions? My legs hurt."</mia>
<b>-"Sure thing, lay down, time to do some stretches."</b> After she lays down, you grab her legs and raise them over her head.
<mia>-"MgHHhhH! YesshHHhH!"</mia>
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\dom\end_3_4.webp">
<mia>-"FucKKkk! It feels so fucking gwoooddDDdDD!"</mia> Her legs begin to quiver as she climaxes on your cock.
<b>-"NgHHhhH! I'm close too!"</b> You begin to pound her pussy into oblivion as you reach for the finish.
<mia>-"Inside baby! D-do it inside!"</mia> Your legs go numb as you unload the package straight into her hoo-ha.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\dom\end_3_5.webp">
<b>-"AgHHrHHhhh!"</b> The tip of your cock is so sensitive, you're scared to move.
<mia>-"Yessssshhh..."</mia> Mia moans as you grow some balls and slowly take out your cock.
<b>-"Fuck!"</b> It's a bit painful, but you get through it. You breathe for a couple of seconds and then stand up.
<mia>-"Wow... S-someone was impatient today."</mia>
<b>-"You just looked too good, couldn't stop myself!"</b> Mia extends her arm and you grab it. After helping her stand up, she grabs the yoga pad from the ground and you both head inside.
<mia>-"Want to shower together? We're both sweaty as fuck..."</mia>
<b>-"Sure."</b> Time to clean up!
<div class="actions-horizontal sticky">
[[Clean up with Mia->room]]
</div><<if $time <2>> <<set $time to $time+1>> <</if>>\
<<set $mia to true>>\
<<set $miaevent to 14>>\
<<if $equip ==0>>\
<<set $equip to 1>>\
<<goto "Mia dom13">>\
<b>-"Mia!"</b> You shout as you walk down the stairs.
<mia>-"I'm in the living room baby!"</mia> Mia shouts back.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\dom\b1.jpeg">
<mia>-"Hey handsome! What's up?"</mia>
<b>-"Did you talk about it with him?"</b>
<mia>-"Hmm? What are you talking about?"</mia>
<b>-"Cucking John? Me becoming your new bull?"</b>
<mia>-"Agh, that!"</mia> She sits up.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\dom\b2.jpeg">
<mia>-"I didn't, no."</mia>
<<pageReplace"Why not?">>
<b>-"Why not? I thought you wanted it also..."</b>
<mia>-"I do want it! I just want to surprise him..."</mia> Mia blushes.
<b>-"Surprise him?"</b>
<mia>-"Mhm... Thought that not telling John and him walking in on us doing it would be hotter!"</mia>
<b>-"Fuck... But I was ready to do it today... Look at horny I am."</b> Mia looks at your crotch.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\dom\b4.jpg">
<mia>-"Well, you'll have to hold it in for a just a little longer."</mia> Mia stands up and walks closer to you.
<mia>-"Already drained John today, we can't fuck tonight... The whole post nut clarity thing might fuck things up..."</mia> She leans closer for a kiss.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\dom\b5.webp">
<b>-"You think?"</b>
<mia>-"Mhm... I'll edge him for a whole week before he sees us doing it... He'll be so into it!"</mia>
<b>-"Fine... But next week I'm fucking your brains out, with or without John present."</b>
<mia>-"Of course babe... This body is yours and yours only."</mia>
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\dom\b3.jpeg">
<b>-"Hmph, good. Let me know when you're ready."</b>
<mia>-"Of course... I'll make sure Kaley and Ava are out of the house too, so we can make some noise."</mia> Mia winks.
<b>-"Sounds like a plan."</b> You give her one last kiss and begin to walk away.
<b>-"Oh and do I need to bring any condoms?"</b> You turn back and ask.
<mia>-"Of course not! We're doing it raw in front of him."</mia> Your cock throbs at the thought.
<b>-"Understood. I'll wait for you to call me on Sunday then."</b> After Mia nods, you turn away again and walk back to your room.
<b>-"Cucking my own $dad2 with my $mo2... Now that will hot!"</b>
[[Chill at your room->room]]
<</pageReplace>><<if $time <2>> <<set $time to $time+1>> <</if>>\
<<set $mia to true>>\
<<set $miaevent to 15>>\
<<if $equip ==0>>\
<<set $equip to 1>>\
<<goto "Mia dom14">>\
<b>-"Hmph."</b> You stand up from your chair and exit your room. Mia told you to come around her room at around this time... It's time to surprise John.
<b>-"Huh, where's John?"</b> You think as you reach her bedroom door. You don't hear him anywhere in the house.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\dom\r1.webp">
<b>-"I'm coming in Mia!"</b>
<mia>-"Feel free to baby!"</mia> Mia's muffled voice rings out from behind the door.
<grey>-"Creeeakkkk..."</grey> The door swings open as you pull it.
<mia>-"Heyyyyy handsomeeeee."</mia> She is laying on the bed, already naked, ready for action.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\dom\r2.webp">
<b>-"Where's John?"</b>
<mia>-"Told him to get some groceries, he's going to be back in around 10 minutes..."</mia> Mia bites her lip.
<mia>-"T-the perfect amount of time for us to get warmed up, don't you think?"</mia> You grin and climb onto the bed.
<b>-"I think you're right..."</b> Time to take your $mo2 for another ride.
<<pageReplace"Get naked.">>
<b>-"There."</b> You throw your clothes to the side and begin to stroke your huge cock.
<mia>-"FucKkkk... Let me help you."</mia> Mia crawls over to you and begins pleasuring your rod with her mouth.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\dom\r3.webp">
<mia>-"Guahhhh... J-jwust as hward asw I remwember it... NgHHhh!"</mia>
<b>-"Get it nice and hard baby, need to put on a good show for that cuck."</b>
<mia>-"Yeshhhh m-master..."</mia>
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\dom\r4.webp">
<mia>-"Gahhh... Gahhh... GaaAaahhh!"</mia> Mia begins to deepthroat your cock as you eyes roll back/
<b>-"D-damnNnnNn! NgHHhh!"</b>
<mia>-"Hehehe, surprised by my skills?"</mia> She asks after stopping.
<b>-"Always am!"</b>
<mia>-"Come on then, stick it in, I think we can start."</mia>
<<pageReplace"Turn Mia around.">>
<mia>-"O-oHhHH!"</mia> You grab Mia by her waist and quickly turn her around.
<b>-"Here I go..."</b> You grab your cock with your right hand and slowly insert it inside.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\dom\r5.webp">
<mia>-"NgHHhhh! S-soo bigg!"</mia>
<b>-"FucKKkk!"</b> As you begin to fuck Mia's brains out, you hear the house door on the first floor open.
<blue>-"Honeyyyy, I'm home!"</blue> It's John!
<mia>-"Nghhh... C-come here baby!"</mia> She shouts and turns to you.
<mia>-"Ghehehe, lay down, I need to give him a good view."</mia> You nod and lay down on your back. Mia sits up and climbs on top of you.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\dom\r6.webp">
<b>-"FucKkkk!"</b> You moan as you hear John climbing up the stairs.
<mia>-"NgHhhhh!"</mia> Mia begins to moan louder on purpose.
<grey>-"Creaaakkkk..."</grey> The door slowly opens.
<<pageReplace"Look at him.">>
<blue>-"M-mia? $name?!"</blue> He drops the grocerie bag and just stares at you both.
<mia>-"Heyyy cucky."</mia>
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\dom\r15.jpg">
<blue>-"N-no way... Mia!"</blue>
<mia>-"Don't act all surprised now! I told you he was the man of the house!"</mia>
<mia>-"No buts!"</mia> Mia smiles.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\dom\r7.webp">
<mia>-"Now come here, get naked and watch your own son fuck the shit out of your wife."</mia>
<blue>-"NgHhhh... P-please..."</blue> John begins to cover his crotch, obviously hiding his boner.
<mia>-"Do as I say, cuck!"</mia> He lowers his head, nods and walks closer.
<<pageReplace"Wait for him to get naked.">>
<blue>-"GnnHhh..."</blue> He takes off his clothes and places them neatly to the side.
<b>-"Ghah! How pathetic!"</b> He's wearing a chastity cage!
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\dom\r8.webp">
<b>-"Did you wear that to the store?"</b> You laugh as Mia grins... She likes you taking control.
<mia>-"Of course he did! He's a loser! Aren't you, John?"</mia> John blushes and nods.
<mia>-"$name, show this loser how to properly fuck a woman!"</mia>
<b>-"Of course!"</b> You grab her ass and begin fucking her again.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\dom\r9.webp">
<mia>-"Y-you see this John? NgHhhh! See how good he fucks me?!"</mia> She screams.
<blue>-"GnHhh! Y-yes love! So good!"</blue>
<<pageReplace"Grab Mia's neck.">>
<b>-"ArGHhhh!"</b> Your primal instincts take over. You grab Mia's neck and squeeze, your hips begin to move on their own.
<mia>-"AghHhh! GhHHhH!"</mia> She gaps for air as her pussy begins to turn red from all of the pounding.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\dom\r10.webp">
<blue>-"Yessshhhh..."</blue> Your hear your $dad2 moan to the side.
<mia>-"GHhhh! L-look at him... AgHhhh! C-cumming! Ghahaha!"</mia> Mia says inbetween breaths.
<blue>-"NgHHhh!"</blue> John comes in his chastity while watching you guys...
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\dom\r11.webp">
<b>-"F-fuck! NGhHhh! What a loser!"</b> You continue to pound Mia's pussy, but let go of her neck.
<mia>-"NgHhhh! K-keep going baby! I'm about to cum!"</mia> She screams as her legs shake.
<b>-"I'm close too! NnnggGHHhh!"</b>
<mia>-"FucKkkKK!"</mia> Mia's eyes roll back as she climaxes all over your cock.
<b>-"NgHhhh! Here it comes!"</b> You quickly pull it out, and unload your semen right onto Mia's face.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\dom\r12.webp">
<blue>-"..."</blue> John doesn't say a word, but stares intently.
<mia>-"Ohhh give it to me baby!"</mia> Mia swallows everything that drops into her mouth and faces her husband.
<mia>-"See that load? Now that's how much a real man cums."</mia>
<<pageReplace"Make them kiss.">>
<b>-"Kiss him Mia."</b> She looks at you and smiles.
<mia>-"You know what... That's a great idea, come here hubby."</mia> Mia walks over to John.
<blue>-"Yes baby..."</blue> They embrace in a kiss.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\dom\r13.webp">
<mia>-"Good boy."</mia> Mia pets his head and walks back to you.
<mia>-"$name is the head of the house from now on, he fucks me whenever and wherever he wants. Understood?"</mia>
<blue>-"Y-yes..."</blue> Mia points at a closet behind him.
<mia>-"Now hand us some towels, we need to clean up."</mia> Like a good boy that he is, John stands up and hands you both a towel.
<b>-"What a loser."</b> You give him a snarky look and walk away towards the bathroom.
<b>-"Didn't think he would go a long with everything we did to be honest."</b> You say as you both enter the bathroom and close the door.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\dom\r14.jpg">
<mia>-"Hmph, I trained him well! He already knew there was something between us anyways."</mia> Mia drops the towel, revealing her naked body.
<mia>-"So, you coming in?"</mia> She steps into the shower cabin.
<b>-"Of course!"</b> Time to have some fun and clean up!
<<set $dominant to $dominant +2>>
<blue>Dominant +2!</blue>
[[Clean up and head to your room->room]]
<b>-"Nah, I better not..."</b> You say as you look at her cum covered face.
<b>-"Anyways, we should get cleaned up Mia, we're both drenched."</b> You say as you Mia glances at your semen covered cock.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\dom\r13_2.jpg">
<mia>-"That's a great idea $name... But before that, I have to make something clear."</mia> Mia faces John.
<mia>-"$name is the head of the house from now on, he fucks me whenever and wherever he wants. Understood?"</mia>
<blue>-"Y-yes..."</blue> Mia points at a closet behind him.
<mia>-"Now hand us some towels, we need to take a shower."</mia> Like a good boy that he is, John stands up and hands you both a towel.
<b>-"What a loser."</b> You give him a snarky look and walk away towards the bathroom.
<b>-"Didn't think he would go a long with everything we did to be honest."</b> You say as you both enter the bathroom and close the door.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\dom\r14.jpg">
<mia>-"Hmph, I trained him well! He already knew there was something between us anyways."</mia> Mia drops the towel, revealing her naked body.
<mia>-"So, you coming in?"</mia> She steps into the shower cabin.
<b>-"Of course!"</b> Time to have some fun and clean up!
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
[[Clean up and head to your room->room]]
<</pageReplace>><<if $time <2>> <<set $time to $time+1>> <</if>>\
<<set $mia to true>>\
<<set $miaevent to 16>>\
<<if $equip ==0>>\
<<set $equip to 1>>\
<<goto "Mia dom15">>\
<<set $norentdom to true>>\
<mia>-"$name! Come here for a sec!"</mia> You hear Mia shout from her room.
<b>-"In a sec!"</b> After standing up from your bed, you walk towards her voice.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\dom\both1.jpg">
<mia>-"Hey handsome..."</mia>
<b>-"Hi hottie. What did you need?"</b> You walk closer and bite your lip... Her voluptuous body is turning you on.
<mia>-"Wanted to talk to you about what happened last Sunday..."</mia>
<b>-"Oh? What's up?"</b>
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\dom\both2.jpg">
<mia>-"It seems like John is acknowledging you as the new man of the house... However he needs some time."</mia>
<b>-"Some time?"</b>
<<pageReplace"What do you mean?">>
<b>-"What do you mean?"</b>
<mia>-"Well, getting cucked by your own son takes some time to get used to haha!"</mia> Mia laughs and faces you.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\dom\both3.jpg">
<b>-"Understood... Cool, that loser had it coming."</b> You were never on good terms with him.
<mia>-"He sure did."</mia> Mia stands up and gets closer.
<mia>-"Gosh... I-I can't wait to cuck him again with that giant rod of yours."</mia> Mia reaches down and grabs your crotch.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\dom\both4.webp">
<b>-"NgHhh... Won't have to wait long beautiful."</b> You embrace her with a kiss. After you're done, Mia walks back to her bed and lays down.
<mia>-"I hope not... As soon as he's ready, we're doing it again."</mia>
<mia>-"Oh and one more thing!"</mia>
<<pageReplace"What's up?">>
<b>-"What's up?"</b> You ask as Mia smiles.
<mia>-"It would be weird if the new head of the house would have to pay rent, right?"</mia>
<b>-"Hmph, it would."</b>
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\dom\both6.jpg">
<mia>-"I'm glad we agree. From today, you don't have to pay a cent. John will pay for you."</mia>
<b>-"Works for me! Ghahaha!"</b> She smiles once again as you begin to chuckle.
<mia>-"Now shoo, shoo, out of my room. I have to call John, let him know that he'll have to pick up another shift at work..."</mia> You see her laugh as she looks down at her phone screen.
<b>-"Alright, alright. See you later love."</b> You turn around and begin waking out of her bedroom.
<mia>-"Bye baby!"</mia> She shouts as you close the door.
<b>-"Uuuuf!"</b> A moan leaves your lips as you lay down on your bed.
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
[[Decide how to spend your remaining Sunday->room]]
<</pageReplace>><<if $time <2>> <<set $time to $time+1>> <</if>>\
<<set $mia to true>>\
<<set $miaevent to 17>>\
<<if $equip ==0>>\
<<set $equip to 1>>\
<<goto "Mia dom16">>\
<grey>-"Creeek!"</grey> The fridge's door opens as you pull on the handle.
<b>-"Yaaaawwwnnn... Let's see."</b>
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\dom\e2.jpeg">
<b>-"This will do for now."</b> You grab a banana and close the fridge.
<b>-"I wonder where everyone is? It's so quiet."</b> You look out of the living room window.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\dom\e1.webp">
<b>-"Seems like Mia is home, John's car is gone though."</b> You walk to her bedroom while eating the banana, but she's not there.
<b>-"Interesting... Maybe she's outside?"</b>
<<pageReplace"Check outside.">>
<b>-"..."</b> You throw away the banana peel and walk outside.
<b>-"Ah, there you are!"</b> You find Mia in the backyard, doing yoga.
<mia>-"$name! Hey!"</mia>
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\dom\e3.jpg">
<b>-"I was wondering where everyone went! The house is so silent."</b>
<mia>-"Kaley and Ava went out with some friends and John is out shopping."</mia> Mia smiles and looks you in the eyes.
<mia>-"While you're here, want to help out?"</mia>
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\dom\end_3_1.jpg">
<b>-"Help out?"</b>
<mia>-"With my yoga! Yes!"</mia>
<b>-"Sure thing, walk me through it."</b> You get closer and fall to your knees.
<mia>-"NgHhhh... Here, push this leg towards me."</mia> Mia begins to stretch - you do your best to help.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\dom\e4.jpg">
<b>-"You know... If John is not home..."</b>
<mia>-"Oh...? Is someone getting turned on?"</mia>
<b>-"Well you are in yoga pants..."</b> Mia blushes and turns around.
<mia>-"Gosh... NGHhhh... You're despicable... What if someone saw us..."</mia>
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\dom\e5.jpg">
<b>-"Who cares...! Let's have some fun!"</b> She doesn't say a word, but you know she that she wants it.
<b>-"I'll take that as a yes."</b>
<<pageReplace"Rip her leggings.">>
<b>-"RaHhhh!"</b> With your muscular arms, you grab her leggings and effortlessly rip them.
<mia>-"AGhHhh! $name!"</b>
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\dom\end_3_2.webp">
<mia>-"T-those were expensive!"</mia>
<b>-"Turn around!"</b> You grab her waist and help her turn around. As you look at her laying there, with her pussy exposed, you slowly unbuckle your pants.
<mia>-"F-fuck... This is dangerous."</mia>
<b>-"Most fun things are..."</b> You get on top of her and slowly insert your cock.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\dom\e6.webp">
<mia>-"MGHhhhH! FucKkkkK!"</mia>
<b>-"Come here... GNHhhh... You slut...!"</b> You grab her legs and push them behind her head.
<<pageReplace"Go to pound town.">>
<b>-"GrahhhHh!"</b> You begin to pound the ever living shit out Mia's pussy.
<mia>-"MGHhhhH! YesSsSs!"</mia>
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\dom\end_3_4.webp">
<mia>-"AghHhhh... Yessss baby... B-but let me on top!"</mia>
<b>-"Fine, just hurry!"</b> You quickly get off of her and lay down. Not even 10 seconds later, she mounts you once more.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\dom\end_3_3.webp">
<mia>-"NgHhhhH!"</mia> Mia's eyes roll backwards in pleasure.
<b>-"ShitttTTTt! MgHhhh!"</b>
<<pageReplace"Try your best not to cum.">>
<b>-"NGHHhh! W-when is John coming home?"</b>
<mia>-"I... NGhHhh... I don't know! MgHhhh... I don't care!"</mia>
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\dom\e7.webp">
<b>-"AgHHhhH! I'm closeeEeeeE!"</b> You sream out, without a care in the world for your neighbours.
<mia>-"S-sameee! NghHhh!"</mia> You grab her waist once more and lay her on her side.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\dom\e8.webp">
<mia>-"D-do it inside baby! Inside!"</mia> You close your eyes and grind your teeth. You're about to bust!
<<pageReplace"Explode inside of her.">>
<b>-"MMmMmgHhhhh! Here it comesssSSss!"</b> Your hips stop moving as a giant load travels up your shaft.
<mia>-"AgHHhHH! YesHHhHH!"</mia> Her legs begin to shake as she climaxes with you.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\dom\end_3_5.webp">
<b>-"Fuckkkk!"</b> After you slowly pull out your cock, what seems like a liter of semen pours out of her vagina.
<mia>-"NgHHhh!"</mia> She lays there, covering her face as you stand up.
<b>-"Pant... Pant... Want to.. Pant... Hit the shower?"</b>
<mia>-"Y-yeah. Good fucking job today. Didn't even know I was craving dick, but I was."</mia> She looks up and smiles.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\dom\e9.png">
<b>-"Hah, come here."</b> She grabs your extended arm and stands up. Time to clean up!
<<set $dominant to $dominant +2>>
<blue>Dominant +2!</blue>
[[Clean up->room]]
<<pageReplace"I'd rather not.">>
<b>-"I'd rather not Mia, have a lot of things to do today."</b> Mia looks disappointed.
<mia>-"Understood... I'll see you later then."</mia>
<b>-"See ya."</b> Mia turns around and begins doing her yoga.
<b>-"Fuck me she's sexy..."</b> You look at her one more time as you walk towards the house.
<b>-"Time to decide what I'll do all day."</b>
[[Go to your room->room]]
<</pageReplace>><<if $time <2>> <<set $time to $time+1>> <</if>>\
<<set $mia to true>>\
<<if $equip ==0>>\
<<set $equip to 1>>\
<<goto "Mia dom17">>\
<grey>-"Knock Knock Knock!"</grey> Someone is knocking on your door.
<b>-"Come in!"</b> The door swings open - Mia is on the other side.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\dom\bomba1.jpg">
<mia>-"Hey daddy..."</mia> She keeps calling you that... Is that your new nickname?
<b>-"Hey princess."</b> Mia walks over and embraces you with a kiss.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\dom\bomba2.gif">
<mia>-"Ahhhh..."</mia> Some saliva drips down her chin as you wipe your lips.
<b>-"So, what do you need?"</b>
<mia>-"N-need to talk... That's all."</mia> She sits down on your sofa.
<<pageReplace"Talk about what?">>
<b>-"Talk about what?"</b>
<mia>-"Your $dad2... He's ready for round two."</mia>
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\dom\bomba3.webp">
<b>-"Oh really?"</b>
<mia>-"Mhm... As I said before, he understands you're the new head of the household."</mia> She flips her hair.
<mia>-"But now he wants to prove it."</mia>
<b>-"How so?"</b>
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\dom\bomba5.jpg">
<mia>-"He's going to help us... B-breed."</mia>
<<pageReplace"Breed as in have children?!">>
<b>-"Breed... As in have children?!"</b>
<mia>-"Y-yes..."</mia> She looks up at you.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\dom\bomba6.webp">
<mia>-"It's up you baby, but... Me and John think it's the right step."</mia> She begins to remove her top.
<mia>-"My fat tits, wide hips... Your huge shoulders, stature and confidence... We would make a perfect baby!"</mia>
<b>-"Holy shit..."</b> You didn't expect this at all!
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\dom\bomba4.jpg">
<mia>-"Me and John would raise it, you wouldn't have to worry about a thing."</mia>
<mia>-"So, what do you think?"</mia>
<<set $miaevent to 18>>\
<b>-"Of course Mia! As long as that's really what you want."</b> Your cock throbs at the thought of releasing a fat load straight into her womb.
<mia>-"It is... I don't want to reproduce with that loser anyways."</mia> She licks her lips and stands up.
<mia>-"See you next Sunday then, we'll be waiting."</mia>
<b>-"I'll be there."</b> You kiss each other once again and Mia leaves.
<b>-"I can't believe I'm actually about to breed Mia! Holy fuck!"</b> You think as you sit down on the sofa.
<b>-"I have to get ready..."</b> If you don't cum for a while, your load will be bigger, so that's what you decide to do!
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
[[Collect your thoughts->room]]
<<set $miaevent to 14>>\
<<set $yournowmiasbull to false>>\
<b>-"I think that's going a bit far Mia... I'm sorry, I'll have to refuse."</b> Mia pulls up her bra... She seems sad.
<mia>-"I... I understand... I just thought... Nevermind."</mia> Your $mo2 stands up and walks to the door.
<mia>-"L-let's just pretend this conversation never happened."</mia>
<b>-"Sure."</b> She sighs, nods and leaves your room.
<b>-"Mia is super hot, but having a child with her seems wrong..."</b> You think as you sit down on the sofa.
<b>-"I hope she won't hold a grudge."</b>
[[Collect your thoughts->room]]
<</pageReplace>><<if $equip ==0>>\
<<set $equip to 1>>\
<<set $miaevent to $miaevent-1>>\
<<goto "Mia sub1">>\
<<set $miaevent to $miaevent+1>>\
<<set $miaphoneevents to 1>>\
<<location "Images/Other/backyard.webp" "The backyard">>
After such a hard week, you just want to relax. You decide that you should go sunbathing, but you notice that Mia is already in the backyard, you see her hair through the window.
<b>-"Hey $mom1!"</b> You shout as you exit the house and start heading towards her..
<mia>-"Oh hey $name, what's up? Here to catch some sun?"</mia> She answers back as you're about to round the corner...
<<pageReplace"Greet her in person..">>\
<div class="shake"><img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\Mia-Malkova-Feet-5982975.webp" height="500px"></div>
<b>-"W-why are you naked? Put a bikini on, please!"</b> You obstruct your eyes with your hand.
<mia>-"Oh don't be silly, I'm your $mo2! Who sunbathes with a bikini on in their own backyard?!"</mia> She giggles.. You peek through your fingers..
<b>-"S-still.. T-this is weird.. What would John think.. What if the neighbours see?"</b> You whisper..
<mia>-"John is okay with it, believe me"</mia> She winks..
<mia>-"Honestly you came at the perfect time anyways, I'm going to the sauna, follow me, we haven't talked in a while"</mia> She puts her hand on your shoulder as she walks past you..
<<pageReplace"Try not to stare as you follow her..">>\
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\vqwzvpg1itq61.webp" height="700px">
<mia>-"Alright come inside."</mia> This is so awkward... You both sit down and start talking.
<mia>-"So, how's the university treating you?"</mia> She asks while a slight smile appears on her face.
<b>-"It's going okay, it's kind of hard to catch up to the other students during the special lessons, all of the topics are very new to me.."</b> You whisper.
<mia>-"Topics? You mean math and stuff?"</mia> She lets out chuckle..
<b>-"No.. I mean the.. Sexual stuff you know.."</b>
<mia>-"Ohhh.. Well it is a progressive school after all!"</mia>
<b>-"I mean.. Y-yeah.. I guess."</b> You blush slightly..
<mia>-"Awwhh it's okay honey, you can talk about your sexuality with me, it's a natural thing" </mia> Mia notices that you're getting uncomfortable so she tries to be relatable.
<mia>-"You know, it took me and your $dad1 a long time to find what works for us sexually too!"</mia>
<b>-"What do you mean?"</b> You look up at her.
<mia>-"Let's just say, we decided that this beauty needs to be shared" </mia> She giggles again as she turns around..
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\sauna-3a0as6nn4p-540x694.webp">
<b>-"W-what?!"</b> You look up at her..
<mia>-"God you're innocent!"</mia>
<mia>-"Don't worry, you'll learn everything in time.. At least I hope, we paid a lot for your tuition!"</mia>
<b>-"R-right.."</b> You whisper as you leave the sauna.. You have no idea what she meant.
[[Sunbathe and return to your room->room]]
<<set $mia to true>>\
<<if $time !==2>>
<<set $time to $time+1>>
<</pageReplace>>\<<if $equip ==0>>\
<<set $equip to 1>>\
<<set $miaevent to $miaevent-1>>\
<<goto "Mia sub2">>\
<<set $mia to true>>\
<<set $miaevent to $miaevent+1>>\
<<location "Images/Other/parentsbedroom.webp" "Parent's bedroom">>\
<b>-"I wonder what Mia is up to.."</b> You wonder.. You haven't talked in so long!
You go up the stairs where your $mom1's bedroom is and as you get closer, you starts hearing some weird noises...
<pink>-"Mmmghnn.. Mghh... You like that? You fucking loser..."</pink> Is someone moaning? Are they hurt? What is going on?? You get to the door and see that it's slightly open.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\ezgif-1-2859b4c8a8.webp">
Oh. My. God. It's John and Mia. What are they doing in broad fucking daylight..
<mia>-"Yeah you like that cuck? Suck those toes you fucking loser"</mia> Jeez... You didn't know their sexual relationship was so... Interesting.
<mia>-"Say how you much you want me to take this thick, big, <<if $bnwo>8>>black <</if>>dick you beta."</mia>Mia pulls out a phone and shows John some sort of video.. You can't make it out, but you can hear your $mo2's moans coming from the device..
<blue>"So much honey... Please.. P-please fuck that cock... Please!"</blue> John whimpers.
<<pageReplace "Jack off..">>\
<b>-"F-fuck.. This is so hot.."</b> You whimper as you watch them..
You lower your pants and start wanking away. Was their relationship always like this? Did it happen during the 3 years you weren't home? How... What... You don't know. All you know now is that it's hot and you want to cum.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\29012224.webp">
<blue>-"Let me cummmm.. please baby!"</blue> Your $dad1 begs on his knees.
<mia>-"You know that's not going to happen idiot, stop asking, I might let you cum when I peg you next week though"</mia> She giggles..
<b>-"P-pegging.. What's that.."</b> You ask yourself..
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\asd.webp">
<mia>-"Enough! You bore me!"</mia> She shouts.. Are they not worried that someone will hear them??
<b>-"F-fuck.."</b> You let out a soft moan as John stands up.. T-this is too hot!
<blue>-"Y-yes Mia! Would you like me to bring you the cage?"</blue>
<b>-"Mffff..."</b> You struggle as cum climbs up your shaft..
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\28785416.webp" height="450px">
<b>-"ffFFFUuUUUUCCCKCKK!"</b> You whisper as you cum all over the door..
<mia>-"Yes! Bring it to me, pet!"</mia> She answers John..
<b>-"Oh shit.."</b> You think as you realise what just happened.. You need to dip!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +4>>
<<set $openminded to $openminded+2>>\
<pink>Submissive +4!</pink>
<mia>Open-minded +2!</mia>
[[Run to your room->room]]
<<pageReplace "Don't and quickly leave.">>\
<b>"W-what the fuck.."</b> You whisper.. You don't know what they're doing, but it ain't your business!!
<b>-"Can't believe they left the door open.."</b> You close the door to their bedroom and walk back to your room...
[[Take a nap->room]]
<<if $time !==2>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<</if>>\<<if $equip ==0>>\
<<set $equip to 1>>\
<<set $miaevent to $miaevent-1>>\
<<goto "Mia sub3">>\
<<if $time <2>> <<set $time to $time+1>> <</if>>\
<<set $miaevent to $miaevent+1>>\
You decide that you want to grab a snack.
<b>-"Oh, there's some chocolate in the living room I think!" </b> You say outload as you get your fat ass out of the bed. You open the door and walk towards the living room while browsing tik tok.
<b>-"Whaaa! You scared me!" </b>
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\mia_malkova_174775280_1204756663312991_5166890641720035783_n.webp" height="600px">
It's Mia. She's sitting at a table. You weren't playing attention so she startled the shit out of.. You look up to see her and of course - she's half naked.
<b>-"W-what are you doing here.."</b>
<mia>-"What do you mean silly? I live here, I can do whatever I want in my living room haha." </mia> She does have a point, you don't know why you asked such a stupid question.
<mia>-"Oh and I also wanted to talk to you about something"</mia> She smiles at you.
<b>-"S-sure.. Just put some clothes on.. Please" </b> Her smiles disappears, but she does put on a robe. You both sit down on a couch.
<<pageReplace"Face her">>\
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\mia_malkova_246149648_269849608396498_1403775603381175723_n.webp" height="600px">
<mia>-"Is this better?" </mia>
<b>-"Y-yes... Thank you.." </b>
<mia>-"S-so, <i>*clears her throat*</i> what I wanted to talk to you about is.." </mia> She looks towards the ground.
<mia>-"Your lectures and you peeking.."</mia>
<b>-"W-what? What do you mean" </b> You start sweating.
<mia>-"W-well.. I talked to your university advisor and he told me which lectures you picked.. I also caught you peeping on me and John.." </mia>
<b>-"I-I didn't.. Well.. Maybe a little bit, but only because I was concerned for you!"</b> You try to think of an excuse.
<mia>-"Listen, I'm not judging you $name, you seem a lot like your $dad2." </mia> She looks up at you and holds heavy eye contact.
<mia>-"I understand that.. You're not like the rest of the boys.. You like watching.. Being humiliated... Dominated.. Am I not right $name? Be honest with me.." </mia>
<<pageReplace "I don't know yet..">>\
<b>-"I don't know yet... Why are we talking about this.." </b> You can't hold eye contact with her for any longer, so you look away.
<mia>-"Well.. I want the best for you son, I want you to experience the joys of the cuckolding lifestyle that your $dad2 and I are a part of.."</mia>
<b>-"Cuckolding.. I-is that watching others.. While they do it?" </b>
<mia>-"Something like that..."</mia>
<mia>-"I know everything seems new and scary to you $name and It's okay. I'm just going to give you a question that will help you decide.. You want to see your $mo2 happy, right $name?" </mia>
<b>-"Of course Mia.." </b>
<mia>-"Well, John did too. He understood that I wasn't satisfied with him, so he agreed to be a cuck, now take a look at how happy I am, living this lifestyle!" </mia> She gives you her phone, a video is playing on it.
<<pageReplace"View it">>\
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\23349291.webp" height="400px">
<mia>-"Getting fucked by real.. Hard.. Masculine men, is every girls right!" </mia>
<b>-"... I-I don't know.." </b> You whisper as you watch your $mo2 getting fucked by guys you have never seen before, you guessed that Mia was a hotwife... But still, this is shocking... And hot..
<mia>-"Emily deserves that too! You owe her that $name!" </mia>
<b>-"Y-you really think so...?"</b>
<mia>-"Of course! Imagine her getting dicked down by men who actually know what they are doing.. Imagine how amazing that would be not only for her, but for you too.. Imagine how incredible your sex lives would be!" </mia>
<<pageReplace"Imagine Emily">>\
You close your eyes and Imagine the love of your life being handled by other men..
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\22976178.webp" height="600px">
Seeing her pretty face.. The face that you kiss... The face that you dream about every night... The face that you fell in love with.. Covered in cum of another man..
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\23925287.webp" height="500px">
<b>-"I-I'll think about it Mia..." </b> You whisper as you open your eyes.
<mia>-"Sure big boy.." </mia> She looks down at your crotch. You follow her eyes and notice that you're completely hard!
<b>-"O-oh... Haha.. I-I'll be going now.." </b> You quickly stand up out of shame and
embarrassment and head towards your room.. You can see that Mia is giggling and bitting her lower lip.
<mia>-"Got him..." </mia> She whispers.
<pink>Submissiveness +3!</pink>
<<set $submissive to $submissive+3>>
<mia>Open-minded +3!</mia>
<<set $openminded to $openminded+3>>
<<set $mia to true>>\
[[Go back to your room->room]]
<<pageReplace "Y-you're wrong!">>\
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\ezgif-1-013c2a9ddf.webp" height="600px">
She looks down at her phone.. Watching some sort of video.
<mia>-"Sure $name.. Whatever you say. I thought we would have a grown up conversation for once, but it seems like you're still not ready.." </mia> She looks up at you, disappointed.
<b>-"W-whatever.." </b> You stand up and start going towards your room. Your $mo2 continues to watch the video... You can hear faint moans coming from the phone..
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<<set $mia to true>>\
<<set $miaevent to $miaevent+1>>\
[[Go back to your room->room]]
<</pageReplace>>\<<if $equip ==0 and $toys !==0>>\
<<set $equip to 1>>\
<<set $miaevent to $miaevent-1>>\
<<set $toys to 0>>\
<<set $feminization to $feminization-10>>
<<set $submissive to $submissive-10>>
<<goto "Mia sub4">>\
<<elseif $equip ==0>>\
<<set $equip to 1>>\
<<set $miaevent to $miaevent-1>>\
<<goto "Mia sub4">>\
<<elseif $toys !==0>>\
<<set $toys to 0>>\
<<set $feminization to $feminization-10>>
<<set $submissive to $submissive-10>>
<<set $miaevent to $miaevent-1>>\
<<goto "Mia sub4">>\
<<set $miaevent to $miaevent+1>>\
You get to the bathroom, with a towel and fresh underwear in hand.
<mia>-"O-oh, $name, are you going to take a shower?" </mia> Mia peeks her head out of her room.
<b>-"Yup, going in right now!"</b>
<mia>-"Alright, just wanted to tell you that we don't have hot water right now, there's something wrong with the pipes."</mia>
<b>-"Oh noo.. It's alright Mia, I'll manage, thanks for the heads up!" </b> No hot water? Damnit.. You hate showering in the cold, but it is what it is.
As you get into the shower and feel the freezing cold water hit your body, shivers run down your spine.
<b>-"Why did I do this.."</b> You think to yourself as your skin cools down to the waters temperature...
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\shower-dean.webp">
While shampooing your hair, you look down so that it doesn't get into your eyes.
<b>-"Oh my God!"</b> You say outloud as you look at your penis. Because of the cold water, it shrank to a tiny size! It looks more like a clit now, not a dick..
<b>-"What the fuck.. I better get out.." </b> You can't bear looking at that tiny thing for any longer, you need warmth...
<<pageReplace"Get out of the shower">>\
<mia>-"$name! Are you alright?!" </mia> Mia shouts as she opens the door right as you exit the shower.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\Screenshot_2.webp" height="600px">
<b>-"Waaaa! W-w-what are you doing here!!!" </b> You shout as you try to cover up.
<mia>-"I heard you shouting "Oh my god!", I thought you fell and hurt yourself!" </mia> She looks at you, worried.
<b>-"N-no.. I'm fine Mia.." </b> She sighs in relief, but notices your tiny penis.
<mia>-"O..Oh... I d-didn't know..."</mia> You follow her gaze and understand that she's looking at your crotch.
<b>-"N-no no no no!! It's the cold water!!" </b> You cry out in embarrassment.
<mia>-"Haha sure silly, every guy with a micro penis says that.." </mia> She giggles and flicks your dick.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\ezgif-1-fa1914f0ef.webp">
<b>-"S-stop $mom1!" </b> She giggles and lets go.
<mia>-"Alright, alright, I'm just messing around, you know? I'm glad to see that you're okay" </mia> She gives you a wink and leaves the bathroom, closing the door behind her.
<b>-"Ugh.. That was annoying.."</b>
<<set $submissive to $submissive+1>>
<pink> Submissiveness +1!</pink>
<<if $time <2>> <<set $time to $time+1>> <</if>>\
<<set $mia to true>>\
[[Leave the bathroom->room]]
<</pageReplace>>\<<if $equip ==0>>\
<<set $equip to 1>>\
<<set $miaevent to $miaevent-1>>\
<<goto "Mia sub5">>\
<<set $miaevent to $miaevent+1>>
As you get out of your room and start working towards the stairs, you hear Mia call out your name.
<mia>-"$name! C-come here, I have to talk to you!"</mia> You hear her muffled voice coming out of her room.
<b>-"I-I'll be right there!"</b> You shout back as you turn around and start heading towards her voice.
<<pageReplace"Enter her bedroom">>\
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\51.webp" height="600px">\
Your $mo2 is sitting in front of you. She looks you up and down and smiles.
<mia>-"Come honey, sit down.."</mia> She touches her bed.
<b>-"R-right.."</b> You sit down.
<mia>-"S-so.. I don't want to be confrontational or anything, but..."</mia> You can see Mia blush a little bit..
<mia>-"What are those strange noises that I keep hearing coming out of your room.."</mia> She bites her finger and looks at you..
<b>-"S-strange noises...? W-what do you mean..?"</b> You whimper while looking around..
<mia>-"Wellllll... You usually go to bed before I do... And I keep hearing weird.. W-wet noises coming from your room.."</mia> Did she hear you masturbating..?
<mia>-"I was wondering.. D-do you perhaps watch porn before you go to bed..?"</mia> She smiles again as you blush..
<<pageReplace "S-sometimes...">>\
<b>-"I-I mean sometimes.. I-I guess.."</b> Mia smiles as the words leave your mouth.
<mia>-"Hmmmff.. Knew it.."</mia> She bites her lip.
<mia>-"Keep doing it.."</mia>
<b>-"W-what..?"</b> You ask her cautiously.
<mia>-"You heard me.. K-keep doing it... A-a lot of people say that porn isn't good for you but.. Porn is what got John into cuckolding..."</mia>
<b>-"S-stop!"</b> You shout in embarrassment as she gets up from her chair and lays down on the bed next to you..
<mia>-"Hmm.. I will... After you submit and accept your new role in your relationship with Emily..."</mia> What is she talking about? Why does she want Emily to cuck you this badly..
<b>-"W-what are you saying $mom1 ..."</b> She arches her back as she listens..
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\52.webp" height="550px">
<mia>-"Mmm nothing honey... Don't worry about it..."</mia>
<mia>-"All I'm saying is don't be ashamed to watch your porn on full volume.. It's only natural for you to do so.."</mia> She winks at you and slaps your butt.
<b>-"W-whatever Mia!"</b> You quickly stand up and leave..
<b>-"W-what's with her.. W-why does she want to corrupt me so badly..."</b> You think to yourself as you go into your room..
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Close the door...->room]]
<<pageReplace "N-never!">>\
<b>-"N-never! T-that stuff disgusts me!"</b> Mia smiles as the words leave your mouth.
<mia>-"Oh really..."</mia> She bites her lip.
<mia>-"Why? It's only natural for you to watch it though...."</mia>
<b>-"W-what..?"</b> You ask her cautiously.
<mia>-"You heard me.. Good boys like you need to be addicted to porn.."</mia>
<b>-"S-stop!"</b> You shout in embarrassment as she gets up from her chair and lays down on the bed next to you..
<mia>-"Hmm.. I will... After you submit and accept your new role in your relationship with Emily..."</mia> What is she talking about? Why does she want Emily to cuck you this badly..
<b>-"W-what are you saying $mom1 ..."</b> She arches her back as she listens..
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\52.webp" height="550px">
<mia>-"Mmm nothing honey... Don't worry about it..."</mia>
<mia>-"All I'm saying is don't be ashamed to watch your porn on full volume.. It's only natural for you to do so.."</mia> She winks at you and slaps your butt.
<b>-"W-whatever Mia!"</b> You quickly stand up and leave..
<b>-"W-what's with her.. W-why does she want to corrupt me so badly..."</b> You think to yourself as you go into your room..
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Close the door...->room]]
<<if $time <2>> <<set $time to $time+1>> <</if>>\
<<set $mia to true>>\
<</pageReplace>>\<<if $equip ==0>>\
<<set $equip to 1>>\
<<set $miaevent to $miaevent-1>>\
<<goto "Mia sub6">>\
<<set $miaevent to $miaevent+1>>
<b>-"Hmmm... I could use a pick-me-up right now..."</b> You tell yourself after a hard week of studying..
As you lay down on your bed, you instinctively grab your phone, your fingers move on their own accord, leading you straight into a porn website...
<<pageReplace "Do the nasty..">>\
<b>-"Nghhff.. F-fuck I wanna do it so badly.."</b> You think to yourself as you pull out your cock from your pants... You click on the first video you see and get to work..
<<if $toys==1>>\
And yet.. You forgot that you had a chastity on!
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\63.webp" height="500px">
<b>-"NghhhH.. N-noo!!"</b> You moan out in anger as you reach for the key on your bedside table...
Right as you do, you notice that your door is slightly open..
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\64.webp" height="500px">
As you see the woman on the screen get revenged by a cock much bigger than you thought was possible, your cock starts aching you to explode....
Right before you paint your walls white.. You suddenly notice that your door is slightly open..
<<pageReplace"Take a closer look..">>\
You stop yourself and take a good look at your door... Something feels off...
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\62.webp">
Someone is peeking!!!!!
<b>-"W-what! C-come out!!!"</b> You shout as you quickly cover up.. The person who was looking at you quickly moves away..
<<pageReplace "Investigate..">>\
<b>-"Kaley! A-ava! C-come out!"</b> You shout as you stand up and head towards the door..
You open the door and see a figure.. Your eyes meet for a second, before you process what you're seeing.. It's Mia! And she's grinning while looking at her phone!
<b>-"M-mia! W-why were you spying on me?!"</b> You shout at her..
<mia>-"Oh $name! Haha look at this!"</mia> She extends her arm with phone in hand. She shows you a video of you watching porn! You look around for a second, to make sure nobody is listening..
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\61.webp" height="600px">
<b>-"W-what!? Did you film me just now?!!?!"</b> You whisper..
<mia>-"Heheh of course, this is my house, my property, I can do whatever I want..!"</mia> She smiles again..
<b>-"Please delete it!"</b> You beg her.. You can't believe how embarrassing this is..
<mia>-"Hmmm nooooo... I don't think that I will, come here.. Let's get inside of your room.."</mia> She smiles again as she goes past you, straight into your room..
<<pageReplace "Follow her..">>\
<b>-"W-what do you want $mo2..."</b> You ask her she sits down your bed..
<mia>-"MMMmmm.. T-that's not a proper way to speak to a lady you know.."</mia> She winks at you..
<mia>-"Should I show this video to your $sisters ?"</mia> Mia winks and bites her lip..
<b>-"N-no! Anything but that!"</b> You can't take being bullied as is, you can't even imagine how hard they would bully you if the video went public...
<mia>-"Heh.. Then do something for me.."</mia>
<b>-"W-what...?"</b> You whimper..
<mia>-"Masturbate in front of me..."</mia>
<<pageReplace "What?!">>\
<mia>-"You heard me, I just want to see my little boy pleasure himself.. You have to do it to a video I choose thought.."</mia> She smiles again..
<b>-"T-that's ridiculous!"</b> You shout at her!
<mia>-"Welllll.. If you won't, I'll show the video to Kaley right now... She's home.."</mia> She whispers and gives you the puppy eyes..
<<pageReplace "F-fine... I will do it..">>\
<b>-"F-fine!"</b> You shout as Mia lets out a soft moan...
<mia>-"Mghhh... Good boy! Now lay down..."</mia> She encourages you while searching for something on her phone..
<b>-"Nghh..."</b> You let out a moan as you pull out your cock again..
<<if $toys==1>>\
<mia>-"Oh.. My little baby is caged.. It's okay, you still need to watch.."</mia> She smiles...
As you slowly get comfortable and start touching yourself, Mia starts speaking..
<mia>-"Ah! There it is!"</mia> She starts some sort of video on her phone.. You can hear moans and slapping noises coming out of it..
After she hands you the phone, you finally get a better look at the video...
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\65.webp" height="550px">
It's a woman getting absolutely pounded.. She... She kind of looks like your $mom1..
<b>-"Nghh..."</b> You let out a soft moan as your cock gets harder and harder...
<<if $toys==1>>
Your cock presses against its cage.. All you can do is watch..
<b>-"Nghhh.. M-maybe I should unlock myself.."</b> You whisper to Mia, who's watching you intently and smiling...
She grabs your arm as you reach for the key...
<mia>-"No no no honey.. Be a good boy and keep watching.."</mia>
<b>-"Nghhh!!!"</b> You moan as you start humping your bed...
<mia>-"Good job!"</mia> She pets your head as the video ends..
<mia>-"One more video and you're done!"</mia> You scroll to the second video and see the same woman.. You can't make out her face well enough..
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\66.webp" height="450px">
<b>-"F-fuck..."</b> You moan as precum leaks out of your cage..
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\69.webp" height="380px">
<mia>-"Good boy!"</mia> She pets your head again..
<b>-"F-fffuckkk!!!"</b> You were so close to finishing, but the cage stopped it!
<b>-"Nghhh!! W-who's the woman in the v-video $mom1 ?"</b> You ask her as the video ends...
<mia>-"Hmm nobody baby... Good job today though, I won't show the video to anyone.."</mia> She smiles as she gets off of the bed.. While walking out of your room she looks at your once more..
<mia>-"Was the woman in the video hot baby?"</mia>
<b>-"Y-yeah..."</b> You answer her while panting..
<mia>-"Mghh.. Good..."</mia> She bites her lip and leaves..
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<<set $feminization to $feminization +1>>\
<emily>Feminization +1!</emily>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Clean yourself up..->room]]
You jack your shaft faster and faster as you get closer to the finale...
<b>-"Nghhh.. I'm close.."</b> You whisper to Mia, who's watching you intently and smiling...
<mia>-"No no no not yet honey.. Be a good boy and keep watching.."</mia>
<b>-"Nghhh!!!"</b> You moan as you start humping your hand....
<mia>-"Good job!"</mia> She pets your head as the video ends..
<mia>-"One more video and you're done!"</mia> You scroll to the second video and see the same woman.. You can't make out her face well enough..
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\66.webp" height="450px">
<b>-"F-fuck..."</b> You moan as precum leaves the tip of your cock...
<mia>-"Good boy!"</mia> She pets your head again..
<b>-"F-fffuckkk!!!"</b> You moan as the cum train gets closer and closer to it's final stop...
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\68.webp" height="550px">
<b>-"NgmmmGMGHHHH!"</b> You scream in pleasure as you cover your t-shirt with cum..
<mia>-"W-wow! You did amazing baby!"</mia>
<b>-"Nghhh!! W-who's the woman in the v-video $mom1 ?"</b> You ask her as the video ends...
<mia>-"Hmm nobody baby... Good job today though, I won't show the video to anyone.."</mia> She smiles as she gets off of the bed.. While walking out of your room she looks at your once more..
<mia>-"Was the woman in the video hot baby?"</mia>
<b>-"Y-yeah..."</b> You answer her while panting..
<mia>-"Mghh.. Good..."</mia> She bites her lip and leaves..
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Clean yourself up..->room]]
<<pageReplace "S-show her then!">>\
<b>-"I don't care! S-show her!"</b> You answer her.. What's the worse that can happen..
<mia>-"Oh Kaleyyyy!!!"</mia> She shouts as she turns around and starts heading downstairs..
<b>-"W-w-waittt!!"</b> You shout at Mia as you follow her..
<sister>-"Yes $mo2 ?"</sister> Kaley answers as you both get downstairs..
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\67.webp" height="600px">
<mia>-"Hehehe look at our little boy having fun.."</mia> Mia hands the phone with the video to Kaley..
<b>-"S-stop $mom1!"</b> You shout as Kaley's face lights up...
<sister>-"HAHAHA look at him go!"</sister> They both laugh together...
<sister>-"W-wow! It's always a pleasure to see how small he is, thanks mom!"</sister>
<mia>-"Haha you're welcome!"</mia> She smiles at Kaley and turns to you..
<b>-"M-mia..."</b> You whimper..
<mia>-"See what happens when you don't listen to me?"</mia> She puts her hand on your shoulder..
<mia>-"Remember this... Don't disobey me again.."</mia> She gives you a kiss on the cheek..
<b>-"God damnit.."</b> You whisper to yourself as you see Kaley smiling and typing something on her phone..
<b>-"Ugh she's probably texting Ava.. W-whatever..."</b> You think to yourself as you start heading upstairs..
[[Go to your room->room]]
<<pageReplace "Refrain from it..">>\
<b>-"Ehhh nahhh.. I don't want to right now.."</b> You change your mind and open tik tok. You spend a couple hours browsing through it looking at funny cat videos..
[[Close the site->room]]
<<if $time <2>> <<set $time to $time+1>> <</if>>\
<<set $mia to true>>\<b>-"UugggHhhhff..."</b> You yawn as you your heavy eyelids make you sleepier and sleepier...
<b>-"I'll just take a quick nap..."</b> You think to yourself as you get comfortable and lay down on your bed...
<<pageReplace"Fall asleep..">>\
As you slowly drift off into your magical slumber, you start dreaming about... Her...
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\71.webp" height="450px">
<b>-"G-god she's perfect..."</b> You think about your girlfriend while your cock throbs in your dreams... And in real life...
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\72.webp" height="450px">
<b>-"Y-yesss Emily..."</b> You quietly whisper as you sleep, imagining her sucking your cock...
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\73.webp" height="500px">
<emily>-"Awwhhh, is mwy lwittle bwaby jwealouss..?"</emily> She says while being stuffed with cock..
<b>-"N-no w-what.. T-that's not me! B-baby!"</b> You say in confusion and desperation..
<emily>-"Wake..."</emily> She whispers..
<mia>-"Wake.. up!"</mia> You feel someone shaking you! You quickly wake up, confused, dazed and with a huge boner...
<mia>-"There's my baby..."</mia> You hear someone to your side..
<<pageReplace"Turn to your side..">>\
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\75.webp" height="550px">
<b>-"W-what.. $mom1..? </b> You whisper as you face Mia..
<mia>-"Hello dear.."</mia> She smiles as she looks towards your crotch and licks her lips.. While being confused and lost, you follow her gaze.. Your cock is on display!
<<if $toys ==1>>\
Your little friend is locked, but Mia doesn't seem surprised.. She's probably used to it at this point..
<b>-"Waaahh!!"</b> You shout as you quickly cover yourself up. Mia giggles.
<mia>-"Haha come on honey, I've seen you naked plently of times already.."</mia> She pets your head..
<b>-"W-what do you want?!"</b>
<mia>-"I'm here to announce some house rules baby!"</mia> She smiles..
<<pageReplace"House rules?">>\
<b>-"H-house rules? W-what are you talking about.."</b> You ask her while pulling up your underwear under the sheets..
<mia>-"Heh well... Me and your sisters have noticed how incredibly horny you've been these past weeks.."</mia> She starts caressing your crotch through the sheets...
<b>-"Nggfff.."</b> You let out a soft moan..
<mia>-"So from now on, every Sunday, we're going to be doing a draining session..."</mia> She licks her lips again..
<b>-"Nfff... A-a draining session..?"</b>
<mia>-"Yes baby.. I'll supervise you during each one... We figured that if you're drained properly at least once per week, maybe you won't be such a horny loser, spying on us all of the time.."</mia> She giggles again..
<b>-"Mfghhh.. I... I-I don't know!"</b>
<mia>-"Come on honey.."</mia> Mia starts playing with her breasts..
<<pageReplace"Watch her..">>\
<mia>-"I want you to say it.. I want you to say that you want your own $mo2 to drain you.."</mia> She takes off her bra.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\74.webp" height="550px">
<mia>-"If you say yes, we start from next week.. If you say no, I won't bother you ever again.."</mia> She winks at you..
<b>-"Mfgff.. M-mia.."</b> Getting drained by Mia sounds so hot.. But this could also be an opportunity to make her stop teasing you...
<<pageReplace "Yess...">>\
<b>-"Y-yes... I agree..."</b> You can't believe what just came out of your mouth..
<mia>-"Say the whole thing baby.."</mia>
<b>-"I... I want my own $mo2 to drain my cock.."</b> You whisper while blushing..
<mia>-"Good boy!"</mia> She kisses your forehead, pulls up her bra and stands up..
<mia>-"I'll see you next Sunday, be ready.."</mia> She bites her lip and leaves..
<b>-"W-what have I done.."</b> You think to yourself as you lay back down on the bed...
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Get out of bed->room]]
<<set $miaevent to $miaevent+1>>\
<<pageReplace "No!">>\
<b>-"N-no! You're my $mo2 ! This is all to much, I want it to stop!"</b> You tell her while pushing her hand away.. This ends now!
<mia>-"Hmfff.. I thought you were better than then, suit yourself then.."</mia> She stands up and storms out of the room, smashing the door behind her..
<b>-"F-finally, free from her grasp!"</b> You think to yourself..
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
[[Get out bed->room]]
<<set $miaevent to 0>>\
<<if $time <2>> <<set $time to $time+1>> <</if>>\
<<set $mia to true>>\<<if $equip ==0>>\
<<set $equip to 1>>\
<<set $miaevent to $miaevent-1>>\
<<goto "Mia sub8">>\
You can't believe you actually agreed to Mia last week.. The time has come, today is your first draining session.. You have no clue if you should go to Mia, or she's going to come to you, so you just lay down on the bed and wait..
<<if $toys==1>>\
<<set $toys to 0>>\
<<set $feminization to $feminization-10>>\
<<set $submissive to $submissive-10>>\
You decide that you should take off your chastity, you quickly find the keys and unlock yourself...
<b>-"Wouldn't be much of a draining session if I had the cage on.."</b> You think to yourself as you place the just worn chastity on your counter..
<mia>-"Awww honey, were you waiting for me?"</mia> You hear Mia's voice fill your room as she opens the door..
<b>-"W-well.. I.. I didn't know what I should do.."</b> You whimper..
<mia>-"Good thing you waited.. I made sure that nobody will hear us.. Now let's get to work.."</mia> She sits down on your bed and reveals her chest..
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\81.webp" width="660px">
<mia>-"This should get you going.. Right?"</mia> She giggles as your eyes grow wide..
<b>-"M-mia! Y-yeah!"</b> You cock immediately goes into battle mode..
<mia>-"Good, now show me how you usually masturbate.."</mia> You nod and start slowly jacking off while looking at her tits..
<b>-"T-this is great!"</b> You think to yourself as your brain fills up to the brim with dopamine..
<<pageReplace"Keep it up..">>\
<mia>-"Mfggg.. Amazing baby.."</mia> She turns around and arches her back, moving her panties to the side to reveal her pussy..
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\82.webp" height="500px">
<mia>-"Heheh.. Do you want to fuck me $name..?"</mia> She whispers..
<b>-"I.. I don't know.. $mom1.."</b>
<<pageReplace "I do...!">>\
<b>-"I mean.. I do! Y-you're so hot!"</b> You answer her as you stroke faster and faster..
<mia>-"Heh, not good. A cuck like you will never fuck a woman like me.. You should know that.."</mia> She giggles and faces you again.
<b>-"W-what.. N-no!"</b> You cry in desperation as Mia finds a video on her phone and shows it to you..
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\86.webp" width="600px">
<mia>-"A real man takes a control.. A real man gets what he wants.."</mia> She says while you watch the video of her getting fucked..
<b>-"N-no... $mom1 w-who are you with.. I-in the video.."</b> She starts rubbing her pussy while you stroke harder and harder..
<mia>-"Shut up and jerk faster!"</mia> She shouts at you as you feel the cum train getting closer and closer..
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\84.webp" width="600px">
<b>-"F-fuck.... I.. I-I'm so close!"</b> You whimper as Mia masturbates in front of you..
<mia>-"Shoot your loser load all over yourself $name, drain yourself, forget about sex, embrace using your hand..."</mia> She whispers into your ear as you both pant..
<<pageReplace"Focus on her words..">>\
<b>-"F--ffuucckckkKKKK!!!!"</b> You shout as you erupt all over yourself..
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\83.webp" width="600px">
<mia>-"Good boy!"</mia> She pets your head..
<mia>-"This will be your sex life from now on... Humping your head while watching your $mo2 getting fucked.."</mia> She giggles and gives you a kiss..
<b>-"T-thank you.."</b> The words flow out your mouth on their own..
<b>-"T-thank you.. F-for the session.."</b>
<mia>-"Awhhh of course baby!"</mia> She kisses you on the cheek and stands up, covered in sweat..
<mia>-"Same time next week, be ready!"</mia> She winks at you and leaves..
<b>-"W-what happened to me.. Why am I like this..."</b> You think to yourself as your head hits your pillow.. You're covered in cum and sweat..
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Clean up->room]]
<<pageReplace "I don't..">>\
<b>-"I mean.. I don't!"</b> You whimper..
<mia>-"Good, a cuck like you will never fuck a woman like me.. I'm glad you know that.."</mia> She giggles and faces you again.
<b>-"W-what.. N-no!"</b> You cry in desperation as Mia finds a video on her phone and shows it to you..
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\86.webp" width="600px">
<mia>-"A real man takes a control.. A real man gets what he wants.."</mia> She says while you watch the video of her getting fucked..
<b>-"N-no... $mom1 w-who are you with.. I-in the video.."</b> She starts rubbing her pussy while you stroke harder and harder..
<mia>-"Shut up and jerk faster!"</mia> She shouts at you as you feel the cum train getting closer and closer..
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\84.webp" width="600px">
<b>-"F-fuck.... I.. I-I'm so close!"</b> You whimper as Mia masturbates in front of you..
<mia>-"Shoot your loser load all over yourself $name, drain yourself, forget about sex, embrace using your hand..."</mia> She whispers into your ear as you both pant..
<<pageReplace"Focus on her words.." t8n>>\
<b>-"F--ffuucckckkKKKK!!!!"</b> You shout as you erupt all over yourself..
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\83.webp" width="600px">
<mia>-"Good boy!"</mia> She pets your head..
<mia>-"This will be your sex life from now on... Humping your head while watching your $mo2 getting fucked.."</mia> She giggles and gives you a kiss..
<b>-"T-thank you.."</b> The words flow out your mouth on their own..
<b>-"T-thank you.. F-for the session.."</b>
<mia>-"Awhhh of course baby!"</mia> She kisses you on the cheek and stands up, covered in sweat..
<mia>-"Same time next week, be ready!"</mia> She winks at you and leaves..
<b>-"W-what happened to me.. Why am I like this..."</b> You think to yourself as your head hits your pillow.. You're covered in cum and sweat..
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Clean up->room]]
<<set $miaevent to $miaevent+1>>\
<<if $time <2>> <<set $time to $time+1>> <</if>>\
<<set $mia to true>>\<<if $time <2>> <<set $time to $time+1>> <</if>>\
<<set $miaevent to 10>>\
<<set $mia to true>>\
<<set $miadateday to $day>>
<<if $equip ==0>>\
<<set $equip to 1>>\
<<goto "Mia sub9">>\
<b>-"Let's see what Mia is up to.."</b> You get your fat ass off of the bed and walk to her room.
<b>-"Heyyy $mom1!"</b> You say as you open the door.
<mia>-"Heyoo honeyyy! How are you?"</mia> She smiles.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\l1.jpg">
<b>-"Pretty good.. Just came here to say hello! We haven't talked in a while.. After.. That happened.."</b> You look down.
<mia>-"Awwwww is someone shy? Come onnnn, man up a little."</mia> Mia stands up.
<mia>-"Anyways, it's good that you're here, I need some help!"</mia>
<b>-"Help?"</b> You look at her again.
<mia>-"Mhm... I'm going on a date next Sunday, I need you to help me pick out a dress!"</mia> She walks towards the closet.
<b>-"Ohhhh.. Right about time John got outside of the house.."</b> You chuckle.
<mia>-"Yeahhh.. I'm not going out with him."</mia> She starts putting on a dress as you instinctively turn around.
<mia>-"He's a cuck, you know this by now. Going to get dicked down properly by another man, but only after we eat dinner."</mia> You gulp..
<b>-"R-right.. What was I thinking.."</b>
<mia>-"Turn around."</mia>
<<pageReplace"Do it">>\
<b>-"R-right.."</b>You slowly turn towards her.
<mia>-"Well, what do you think? I don't like this one that much.."</mia> She shows off the dress.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\l3.jpg">
<b>-"I think it looks good.. Ahahaa.."</b> You awkwardly laugh.
<mia>-"Of course you do.."</mia> She smiles.
<mia>-"Well the guy I'm meeting is not a loser, so I really need to impress him!"</mia> She starts undressing and you turn around again.
<b>-"W-why..?"</b> You ask.
<mia>-"Well real men don't fuck any chick they see $name. I need to show him that I'm worth his time.."</mia> You hear her shuffling behind you.
<mia>-"Alright, turn around again, this is the second one."</mia>
<<pageReplace"Turn around once again.">>\
<mia>-"Well? What do you think?"</mia> She shows off the second dress.
<mia>-"I think it fits me a lot better!"</mia>
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\l2.webp">
<b>-"W-woah.. You look great in this one too, $mom1!"</b> You blush as you look her up and down.
<mia>-"Well? So which one do you like better?"</mia> SHe spins around once more.
<<pageReplace"First one.">>
<b>-"I loved the first one.. I think you should go with that one!"</b>
<mia>-"Really? Hmmm... Maybe I should.."</mia> You see her ponder for a second.
<mia>-"You know what, sure! I'll trust you this time!"</mia> She starts to take off her dress.
<b>-"Y-you're going with the first one?"</b> You cautiously ask.
<mia>-"Yeahhh why not!"</mia> She smiles.
<mia>-"I look great in both anyways, I bet I'll get his cock either way."</mia>
<b>-"Y-yeah.. Aahaha.."</b> You once again awkwardly laugh.
<mia>-"Thanks for the help $name... I'll make sure to send you some videos!"</mia> She spanks her ass.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\l6.webp">
<mia>-"You can play with that thing yourself for a change."</mia> She giggles.
<b>-"$mom1! S-stop.."</b> You blush.. Her teasing you like this has become the norm, but you're still embarrassed.
<mia>-"Yeahhh whatever, I already know you'll watch the videos. Go on now, I need to try on some lingerie, I don't want you staring at me the whole evening."</mia> She starts to pull down her panties.
<b>-"Y-yes!"</b> You quickly leave her room..
<b>-"I'm going to see her getting fucked in real time next week.. I.. I can't wait!"</b> You quickly run to your room to rub one out..
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Clean up->room]]
<<pageReplace"Second one.">>
<b>-"I love the second one.. I think you should go with that one!"</b>
<mia>-"Hehehe I think so too.."</mia> You see her ponder for a second.
<mia>-"You know what, yeah! I'll go with the second one!"</mia> She starts to take off her dress.
<b>-"So you choose this one?"</b> You cautiously ask.
<mia>-"Yeahhh why not!"</mia> She smiles.
<mia>-"I look great in both anyways, I bet I'll get his cock either way."</mia>
<b>-"Y-yeah.. Aahaha.."</b> You once again awkwardly laugh.
<mia>-"Thanks for the help $name... I'll make sure to send you some videos!"</mia> She spanks her ass.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\l6.webp">
<mia>-"You can play with that thing yourself for a change."</mia> She giggles.
<b>-"$mom1! S-stop.."</b> You blush.. Her teasing you like this has become the norm, but you're still embarrassed.
<mia>-"Yeahhh whatever, I already know you'll watch the videos. Go on now, I need to try on some lingerie, I don't want you staring at me the whole evening."</mia> She starts to pull down her panties.
<b>-"Y-yes!"</b> You quickly leave her room..
<b>-"I'm going to see her getting fucked in real time next week.. I.. I can't wait!"</b> You quickly run to your room to rub one out..
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Clean up->room]]
<</pageReplace>>\<<if $time <2>> <<set $time to $time+1>> <</if>>\
<<set $miaevent to 12>>\
<<set $mia to true>>\
<<if $equip ==0>>\
<<set $equip to 1>>\
<<goto "Mia sub11">>\
<b>-"Mia told me to be ready for another draining session.."</b> You remember the texts.
<b>-"Gosh this is going to be so awkward again.."</b> You go to the restroom, clean yourself up and head back.
<b>-"R-right.. Let's just wait here for a bit.."</b> After laying down, not even 10 minutes pass by before the door to your room swings open.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\b8.jpg">
<mia>-"Hey $name."</mia> She says as you look her up and down. She's wearing see through lingerie..
<b>-"H-hey $mom1! I'm ready for.. For the session..."</b> Mia grins.
<mia>-"Good.. Good.. I can see that you're eager to start.."</mia> She walks up to your bed and sits down.
<mia>-"Take off your pants."</mia>
<b>-"R-right away.."</b>
<<pageReplace"Take them off.">>\
<<if $toys==1>>\
You take off your pants and underwear, revealing your caged cock.
<mia>-"Oh come on $name, take that thing off! It's a draining session, how am I going to drain you if you're in a cage!"</mia> She scoffs.
<b>-"R-right away Mia!"</b> You quickly pick up the keys from the nightstand and unlock yourself.
<mia>-"Good boy, now lay and relax."</mia> She pets your head.
You take off your pants and underwear, revealing your flaccid cock.
<mia>-"Awhhh how cute..!"</mia> Mia grins once again.
<b>-"S-stop $mom1!"</b>
<mia>-"Shhh.. Lay and relax."</mia> She pets your head.
<mia>-"This is how it's going to work. You're not going to touch yourself in any way, I will do all the work."</mia> She places her hand on your cock.. You suddenly feel it getting harder and harder.
<b>-"Mghh.. Y-yes.."</b> You mumble.
<mia>-"I will show you some videos, like last time. Try your hardest to hold off. Okay?"</mia> Mia smiles.
<b>-"Yes.. P-please carry on.."</b> She starts to stroke your did slowly.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\b4.webp">
<mia>-"Good.. Good.. Stay calm.."</mia> She takes out her phone with the other hand and opens up her gallery.
<b>-"Oooof.."</b> You squirm in the bed as she continues to touch you.
<mia>-"Now, now.. Lemme just.."</mia> She looks for a video on her phone,
<mia>-"There it is! We're going to be watching this one today!"</mia> Mia turns on a video.
<mia>-"It's me, getting fucked a couple of days ago! John was filming as well hahaha!"</mia> She puts the phone up to your face..
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\b1.webp">
<b>-"UghhHH f-fuckkKK! W-who's that.. With you?"</b> You ask as you try your hardest not to cum.
<mia>-"Agh her, don't worry about it. I think it's the guys wife or something, they're both really freaky."</mia> Mia giggles as she continues to pleasure you.
<<pageReplace"Watch the video.">>\
<b>-"ShitttTtt.."</b> You whimper as you watch the video.
<mia>-"Good boy.. You're doing so good!"</mia>
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\b5.gif">
<mia>-"Hahaha look at that! Your whole dick can fit inbetween my fingers!"</mia> Mia chuckles.
<mia>-"I need two hands to jack off my bull.. You're pathetic."</mia> She slaps your cock as you continue to watch the video.
<b>-"UghhhH $mom1.."</b> Your eyes roll backwards in pleasure.
<mia>-"UUuuuU this is my favorite part! I told John I wasn't on birth control, but still made my bull cum inside!"</mia> You stare in disbelief..
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\b2.webp">
<mia>-"I of course was.. But seeing his confused and desperate expression was worth it!"</mia> Mia giggles as you suddenly feel her hand tighten.
<b>-"F-fuckKK! I-I'm about to cum!!"</b> You scream as you feel a wave of fluid coming up your shaft..
<mia>-"W-what? No you're not! Not without my permission!"</mia> She quickly let's go and slaps your cock.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\b6.gif">
<b>-"uUuffgghHH! NooOOOOoo!"</b> You shout.
<mia>-"Oh come on.. Man up a little!"</mia> She slaps your cock once again.
<mia>-"We're almost done, just hold off a little longer."</mia> Mia starts to slowly stroke you again.
<b>-"T-this is so hard Mia.."</b>
<mia>-"I know.. I know.. Shhh.."</mia> She says in a motherly tone.
<<pageReplace"Continue to watch the video.">>\
<mia>-"The video is about to finish.. This is the part where I claim my reward.."</mia> She smiles.. Seemingly reminiscing about what happened.
<mia>-"Yes.. He came in my mouth and I loveeeeee the tase of his cum!"</mia> She licks her lips..
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\b3.webp">
<mia>-"Mmmmm.. It's almost like I can taste it by just watching the video.."</mia> You feel that you're getting closer and closer to an orgasm again..
<b>-"S-shit.. I'm close.."</b>
<mia>-"Good.."</mia> Mia slows down.
<mia>-"Now $name, after seeing these videos, do you think you could give a woman this kind of pleasure?"</mia>
<b>-"Whaatt.."</b> You were so focused that you didn't even hear the question.
<mia>-"You heard me. Do you think you could pleasure a woman like the bull in the video?"</mia> She suddenly stops her hand. It's obvious that you need to answer.
<<pageReplace"Yes I could..">>\
<b>-"Y-yes.. I could!"</b> You squirm in your bed once again.
<mia>-"Hmpf.."</mia> She lets go of your cock completely.
<mia>-"Wrong answer. You're not cumming today."</mia> She stands up.
<b>-"B-but $mo2!"</b> You try to place your hand on your cock but she slaps it away.
<mia>-"No buts and don't even try to touch yourself, you don't deserve it."</mia> She throws your pants and underwear at you.
<mia>-"I thought you've learnt your lesson by now. More sessions are needed I see.."</mia> She starts walking away.
<b>-"P-please..!"</b> You beg her as your cock throbs. But without saying a word, she leaves your room.
<b>-"FuckkKkk.. W-why did I say that.."</b> You whisper to yourself as you sit up..
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink> Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Put on your underwear->room]]
<<pageReplace"No I couldn't.">>\
<b>-"No.. I couldn'tttT!"</b> Mia smiles as the words leave your lips.
<mia>-"Good boy.."</mia> She begins to stroke you again, her grip getting tighter and tighter..
<b>-"UghhhFFffff S-shitTT!"</b> You whimper as you're once again nearing an orgasm.
<mia>-"Good boy.. Cum for me.."</mia>
As you shoot your load, Mia grabs your balls and stops stroking. She's ruining your orgasm!
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\b7.gif">
<b>-"N-noaaooo! W-whyyy $mo2!"</b> You cover yourself in cum.. It didn't even feel good..
<mia>-"Because I like to see you suffer!"</mia> She chuckles as she looks at her arms.
<mia>-"Ew.. You came on my hands.."</mia> Mia stands up.
<b>-"Shittt..."</b> You bury your head in a pillow.
<mia>-"You did well today $name, clean up."</mia> She throws your pants and underwear to you.
<mia>-"Clean yourself up, you look awful."</mia>
<b>-"Y-yesss.."</b> You slowly sit up, watching the cum from your belly run down.
<mia>-"More session are needed, you tried to cum without my permission, but we're making progress."</mia> She starts to walk towards the door.
<mia>-"Put some clothes on and meet me in the kitchen, let's have some lunch."</mia> She smiles like nothing happened and leaves your room.
<b>-"Fuck me that was hot.."</b> You think to yourself as you stand up..
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink> Submissiveness +2!</pink>
[[Put on your underwear->room]]
<</pageReplace>><<if $time <2>> <<set $time to $time+1>> <</if>>\
<<set $miaevent to 13>>\
<<set $mia to true>>\
<<if $equip ==0>>\
<<set $equip to 1>>\
<<goto "Mia sub12">>\
<b>-"Huh?"</b> You say outloud as you hear something.
<mia>-"Come on.. Say it!"</mia> A muffled voice echos through the house.
<b>-"Is it Mia and John again..?"</b> You get out of the bed.
<mia>-"Apologize!"</mia> She shouts. Fortunately Ava and Kaley are out on a walk.
<b>-"Fuck me.. S-should I check it out..?"</b> You ask yourself.
<<pageReplace"Spy on them.">>\
<b>-"Fuck it, I have to see!"</b> You open up your door and start to sneak towards their room.
<mia>-"Are you proud? Are you proud of the kid you brought up?"</mia> You hear her voice grow louder and louder as you get closer.
<b>-"J-just a peek.."</b> You open up the door slightly to see what's going on.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\x2.webp">
<blue>-"What are you talking about Mia?"</blue> Your $dad2 says.
<mia>-"What I'm saying is, your son is a cuck. Same as you! Are you proud of him?"</mia> You see Mia grin.
<b>-"No way... W-why did she tell him?!"</b>
<blue>-"N-no.. $name... Is he really?"</blue>
<mia>-"Yes and it's all thanks to you. Because of your absence, because your shitty parential skills."</mia> She points at the ground.
<mia>-"Lay down."</mia>
<blue>-"R-right away Mia!"</blue> You see your $dad1 laying down.
<mia>-"Are you proud of him? Are you proud of the man he has become?"</mia> She asks again.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\x4.webp">
<blue>-"Mghhh.. Y-yes.."</blue> He whimpers as you feel your cock getting harder and harder.
<<pageReplace"Keep watching">>\
<b>-"Fuck this is hot.. I can't believe she actually told John about my fantasies..."</b> You rub your rod through your jeans.
<mia>-"Come on, apologize!"</mia> You see her taking a seat on your $dad2's face.
<blue>-"UghhhHhh.. F-for whattt.."</blue> Mia slowly unbuckles his pants.
<mia>-"For raising a loser!"</mia> She suddenly slaps his balls.
<blue>-"AghhHHhhH!! F-fucKKK!"</blue>
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\x3.webp">
<blue>-"I-I'm sorry!"</blue>
<mia>-"Sorry for what?!"</mia> You continue to watch them.
<blue>-"Sorry for raising a son who's a loser! A-and a cuck!"</blue> He screams.
<mia>-"Good. Scream louder, maybe he'll hear you in his room hahaha!"</mia> She giggles.
<b>-"Mghhh.."</b> You continue to rub your crotch.
<<pageReplace"Keep watching">>\
<mia>-"God you're pathetic, why is your cock getting harder, huh?"</mia>
<blue>-"I-I'm sorry!"</blue>
<mia>-"Are you turned on by the fact $name is a loser just like you?"</mia> She slaps his balls even harder.
<blue>-"UghHH!!! I-I don't know!"</blue>
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\x5.webp">
<mia>-"Stay still!"</mia> You feel like you're getting closer and closer to cumming..
<blue>-"S-stopp pleaseeee!"</blue> Your $dad2 shouts.
<mia>-"We're going to do this all night John, you need to understand how big of a fuck up you've raised!"</mia> As her words ring out in the room, you feel a wave of pleasure come over you..
<<if $toys==1>>\
<b>-"Mghhh! N-nooOOooO!"</b> You feel like you're about to cum, but the cage stops it from happening.
<b>-"F-fuck meeee.. I need to get this thing off.."</b>
<mia>-"You like it huh?!"</mia> Mia slaps his balls again.
<mia>-"Get up! Your filthy pre cum is all over the place. Take some towels from the restroom."</mia>
<blue>-"Right away Mia!"</blue> You see him slowly standing up.
<b>-"Oh shit!"</b> It's time to hide! You quickly close the door and run to your room.
<b>-"Fuck me.. I can't believe she actually told John about me.. I hope our relationship won't change, it's already pretty shit."</b>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Clean up yourself->room]]
<b>-"Mghhh! F-fuckKK!!"</b> You feel a giant load shoot out from your cock.. Unfortunately, you still have your underwear on.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\x6.webp">
<b>-"F-fuck meeee.. I made a mess.."</b>
<mia>-"You like it huh?!"</mia> Mia slaps his balls again.
<mia>-"Get up! Your filthy pre cum is all over the place. Take some towels from the restroom."</mia>
<blue>-"Right away Mia!"</blue> You see him slowly standing up.
<b>-"Oh shit!"</b> It's time to hide! You quickly close the door and run to your room.
<b>-"Fuck me.. I can't believe she actually told John about me.. I hope our relationship won't change, it's already pretty shit."</b>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Clean up yourself->room]]
<b>-"Nahh not worth it... What if they cought me or something. That would be so awkward!"</b> You sit back down on your bed.
<mia>-"Come on, on your knees!"</mia>
<b>-"Fuck me.. I can't listen to this.."</b> You feel your cock throbbing from the sounds. After laying down, you put a pillow on your head to drown out the sounds.
[[Take a nap->room]]
<</pageReplace>><<if $time <2>> <<set $time to $time+1>> <</if>>\
<<set $miaevent to 14>>\
<<set $mia to true>>\
<<if $equip ==0>>\
<<set $equip to 1>>\
<<goto "Mia sub13">>\
<b>-"Gosh.. This is getting kind of boring."</b> You say outloud after another match of Apex Legends.
<b>-"I want something sweet!"</b> You stand up. Maybe there are some snacks in the kitchen?
<b>-"Yawwnnn.."</b> After slowly climbing down the stairs, you get to the kitchen.
<b>-"Oh, hi $mom1!"</b> Mia is here too!
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\o1.webp">
<mia>-"Hey baby!"</mia> She's kitted out in lingerie, but it doesn't faze you anymore, you're used to it.
<b>-"I'm just here to grab some snacks..."</b> You mumble as you look around the counter.
<mia>-"There are some chips in the drawer there, if you want."</mia> She points at it.
<b>-"Oh! Thank you!"</b> As you grab them, Mia stands up from the chair and begins walking towards the living room.
<mia>-"Take them and come here for a second, we need to talk."</mia> From her tone of voice you understand that it's going to be one of "those" conversations.
<b>-"N-not this again.."</b> You whisper..
<<pageReplace"Join her in the living room">>\
<b>-"What did you want to talk about?"</b> You throw the bag of chips on the table and sit down. Mia faces you and leans on the table.
<mia>-"So.. How's it going with Emily?"</mia>
<b>-"What do you mean?"</b> Mia rolls her eyes.
<mia>-"You know what I mean $name, don't act dumb."</mia>
<mia>-"We talked about you becoming a cuck, a couple of weeks back... Did you listen to my advice?"</mia>
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\o3.webp">
<<if $brokeupwithemily == true>>\
<b>-"She wanted me to become one.. That's why we broke up."</b> You look down at the ground.
<mia>-"W-what?"</mia> Mia takes a step back.
<mia>-"You guys broke up?! But why?! I thought you liked each other!"</mia>
<<pageReplace"I didn't want an open relationship.">>\
<b>-"I don't know.. I guess I just didn't want an open relationship."</b> You answer.
<mia>-"Huh.. So all of that training the SUP provided was in vain.. Sigh.."</mia> Mia sits down on the table.
<mia>-"I genuinly though you were into it.."</mia>
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\o3.webp">
<b>-"I thought so too at first, but when push came to shove I had to refuse."</b>
<mia>-"Disappointing.. I was going to offer some more cuckolding training with your $dad2, but now I don't see the point."</mia> She crosses her legs as you watch..
<b>-"W-with $dad1? What do you mean..?"</b> You heard them talking about something similar last week..
<mia>-"Well, I thought it would be hot if the two of you could watch me while I do my thing.."</mia> Mia stands up once again and turns around, showing off her goods.
<b>-"Gulp.. Me and John.. Watching you?"</b>
<mia>-"Yeah.. Wouldn't that be hot..?"</mia> She arches her back.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\o4.webp">
<mia>-"What do you think $name?"</mia>
<<pageReplace"Fuck it, why not.">>
<b>-"Fuck it.. T-that would be hot.."</b> You don't know you feel this way, but you want to watch her with your $dad2...
<mia>-"Great! I knew you were still a cuckold!"</mia> Mia grins.
<mia>-"I'll find a date I can fuck then. In the meanwhile, don't jack off too much, I don't want you to get post nut clarity or whatever it's called."</mia> She laughs.
<b>-"Haha.. Y-yeah.. Fine.."</b> You awkwardly laugh and stand up.
<b>-"I'll get going then."</b> You grab the bag of chips.
<mia>-"Fine. I'll tell John you're up for it then."</mia>
<b>-"Oh.. He knew you wanted to do this?"</b>
<mia>-"It was his idea dummy."</mia> She smiles once again and walks off towards the kitchen.
<b>-"H-his idea.. No way.."</b> You gulp...
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Go to your room->room]]
<b>-"If I wasn't into it with Emily, what makes you think I would be into it with.. You?"</b> You awkwardly laugh.
<mia>-"Oh come onnnn.. I know you would like to see me getting fucked.."</mia> She smiles, still trying to hook you in.
<b>-"Thanks for the offer Mia, but I have to refuse."</b> You stand up from the couch and grab the bag of snacks.
<mia>-"Shit... Well, your loss. Thank God I still have John to tease."</mia>
<b>-"See you later $mom1"</b> You start heading towards your room.
<mia>-"That bastard.."</mia> You hear her mumble behind your back.
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
[[Go to your room->room]]
<<elseif $bnwoamericaevent>0>>\
<b>-"She became part of the IBWO.."</b> You look down at the ground.
<mia>-"W-what?"</mia> Mia takes a step back.
<mia>-"Really?! I never thought you had that in you.."</mia>
<b>-"W-what do you mean?"</b>
<mia>-"Well, I knew you picked the BNWO classes and I even said me and John are allies, but the IBWO is a very hardcore organization.."</mia> She bites her lip.
<mia>-"But maybe that's not a bad thing..."</mia>
<b>-"Hardcore? I would say it's quite progressive.."</b> You blush a little.
<mia>-"Hmph.. I guess you're right."</mia> Mia sits down on the table.
<mia>-"Oh and don't misunderstand my shock as disapprovement, I'm very proud of you!"</mia> She smiles.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\o3.webp">
<b>-"Haha.. Thanks $mom1"</b>
<mia>-"Are you going to serve with her?"</mia> She crosses her legs as you watch..
<b>-"I don't know yet.. They haven't really invited me to do it or anything."</b>
<mia>-"Agh, then Emily is not fully trained yet."</mia>
<mia>-"Or maybe the process has changed... We left a long time ago."</mia>
<b>-"You left the IBWO?"</b>
<mia>-"Yeah, unfortunately. We were part of it a long time ago, when you were still a child. We had to move about 10 years ago to where we live now, and the headquarters were too far to commute to."</mia>
<b>-"B-but, the headquarters are like 10 minutes away from here?"</b> You look at her, confused.
<mia>-"That's a new building! They came here like a year or two ago...."</mia>
<b>-"So why didn't you reconnect with them?"</b> Mia seems deep in thought.
<mia>-"Now that you mention it, we might have to.."</mia> She sighs.
<mia>-"Anyways! We're going off topic! Me and John talked about something last week and we want to make you a proposition."</mia>
<b>-"Gulp.. Proposition?"</b>
<mia>-"Cuckolding training! Just with him on the side. He knows a lot more about it.."</mia>
<b>-"Me and $dad1? W-what would that entail..?"</b>
<mia>-"I would find someone to fuck and you both would watch me of course.."</mia> Mia stands up once again and turns around, showing off her goods.
<mia>-"Wouldn't that be hot..?"</mia> She arches her back.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\o4.webp">
<b>-"And $dad1 is okay with this..?"</b>
<mia>-"It was his idea! So, what do you think?"</mia>
<<pageReplace"Fuck it, why not.">>
<b>-"Fuck it.. T-that would be hot.."</b> You don't know you feel this way, but you want to watch her with your $dad2...
<mia>-"Great! I knew you were still a cuck for mommy.."</mia> Mia grins.
<mia>-"I'll find a date I can fuck then. In the meanwhile, don't jack off too much, I don't want you to get post nut clarity or whatever it's called."</mia> She laughs.
<b>-"Haha.. Y-yeah.. Fine.."</b> You awkwardly laugh and stand up.
<b>-"I'll get going then."</b> You grab the bag of chips.
<mia>-"Fine. I'll tell John you're up for it then."</mia>
<b>-"O-okay.."</b> You start heading upstrairs as Mia walks towards the kitchen.
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Go to your room->room]]
<b>-"Ewww.. With $dad1? No thank you haha.."</b> You awkwardly laugh.
<mia>-"Oh come onnnn.. I know you would like to see me getting fucked.."</mia> She smiles, still trying to hook you in.
<b>-"I would... But not with him on the side.."</b> You stand up from the couch and grab the bag of snacks.
<mia>-"Shit... Well, your loss."</mia>
<b>-"See you later $mom1"</b> You start heading towards your room.
<mia>-"God damnit.."</mia> You hear her mumble behind your back.
[[Go to your room->room]]
<<elseif $emilydays >13>>\
<b>-"I did.. She already has a bull.."</b> You look down at the ground.
<mia>-"Really?! That's great $name!"</mia> She runs up and gives you a hug.
<mia>-"So.. How is it? Are you enjoying yourself?"</mia>
<<pageReplace"I am..">>\
<b>-"I am.. I never knew being a cuck could be this hot."</b> You answer.
<mia>-"Haaaa.. Thank god my training wasn't in vain."</mia> Mia sits down on the table.
<mia>-"I'm genuinly so pleased that you turned out this way."</mia>
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\o3.webp">
<mia>-"Knowing this, would you consider some more cuckold training.. But this time with your $dad2?"</mia> She crosses her legs as you watch..
<b>-"W-with $dad1? What do you mean..?"</b> You heard them talking about something similar last week..
<mia>-"Well, I thought it would be hot if the two of you could watch me while I do my thing.."</mia> Mia stands up once again and turns around, showing off her goods.
<b>-"Gulp.. Me and John.. Watching you?"</b>
<mia>-"Yeah.. Wouldn't that be hot..?"</mia> She arches her back.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\o4.webp">
<mia>-"What do you think $name?"</mia>
<<pageReplace"Fuck it, why not.">>
<b>-"Fuck it.. T-that would be hot.."</b> You don't know you feel this way, but you want to watch her with your $dad2...
<mia>-"Great! I knew you were still a cuckold!"</mia> Mia grins.
<mia>-"I'll find a date I can fuck then. In the meanwhile, don't jack off too much, I don't want you to get post nut clarity or whatever it's called."</mia> She laughs.
<b>-"Haha.. Y-yeah.. Fine.."</b> You awkwardly laugh and stand up.
<b>-"I'll get going then."</b> You grab the bag of chips.
<mia>-"Fine. I'll tell John you're up for it then."</mia>
<b>-"Oh.. He knew you wanted to do this?"</b>
<mia>-"It was his idea dummy."</mia> She smiles once again and walks off towards the kitchen.
<b>-"H-his idea.. No way.."</b> You gulp...
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Go to your room->room]]
<b>-"Ewww.. With $dad1? No thank you haha.."</b> You awkwardly laugh.
<mia>-"Oh come onnnn.. I know you would like to see me getting fucked.."</mia> She smiles, still trying to hook you in.
<b>-"I would... But not with him on the side.."</b> You stand up from the couch and grab the bag of snacks.
<mia>-"Shit... Well, your loss."</mia>
<b>-"See you later $mom1"</b> You start heading towards your room.
<mia>-"God damnit.."</mia> You hear her mumble behind your back.
[[Go to your room->room]]
<b>-"I guess? I don't have anything new to report.."</b> You look down at the ground.
<mia>-"Oh so she's still teasing you, but she hasn't asked you to open up the relationship yet?"</mia> You nod.
<mia>-"Hm... Sad, I might have to push her a bit."</mia>
<<pageReplace"Stay quiet.">>\
<b>-"..."</b> You stay quiet, still not sure about this whole thing.
<mia>-"Welp, at least you haven't broken up with her yet."</mia> Mia sits down on the table.
<b>-"I don't plan to $mom1, I truly love her!"</b>
<mia>-"Good, good. Keep the same attitude when she eventually pops the question."</mia>
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\o3.webp">
<mia>-"Anyways, knowing that you're still into cuckolding, would you consider some more training.. But this time with your $dad2?"</mia> She crosses her legs as you watch..
<b>-"W-with $dad1? What do you mean..?"</b> You heard them talking about something similar last week..
<mia>-"Well, I thought it would be hot if the two of you could watch me while I do my thing.."</mia> Mia stands up once again and turns around, showing off her goods.
<b>-"Gulp.. Me and John.. Watching you?"</b>
<mia>-"Yeah.. Wouldn't that be hot..?"</mia> She arches her back.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\o4.webp">
<mia>-"What do you think $name?"</mia>
<<pageReplace"Fuck it, why not.">>
<b>-"Fuck it.. T-that would be hot.."</b> You don't know you feel this way, but you want to watch her with your $dad2...
<mia>-"Great! I knew you were still a cuckold!"</mia> Mia grins.
<mia>-"I'll find a date I can fuck then. In the meanwhile, don't jack off too much, I don't want you to get post nut clarity or whatever it's called."</mia> She laughs.
<b>-"Haha.. Y-yeah.. Fine.."</b> You awkwardly laugh and stand up.
<b>-"I'll get going then."</b> You grab the bag of chips.
<mia>-"Fine. I'll tell John you're up for it then."</mia>
<b>-"Oh.. He knew you wanted to do this?"</b>
<mia>-"It was his idea dummy."</mia> She smiles once again and walks off towards the kitchen.
<b>-"H-his idea.. No way.."</b> You gulp...
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Go to your room->room]]
<b>-"Ewww.. With $dad1? No thank you haha.."</b> You awkwardly laugh.
<mia>-"Oh come onnnn.. I know you would like to see me getting fucked.."</mia> She smiles, still trying to hook you in.
<b>-"I would... But not with him on the side.."</b> You stand up from the couch and grab the bag of snacks.
<mia>-"Shit... Well, your loss."</mia>
<b>-"See you later $mom1"</b> You start heading towards your room.
<mia>-"God damnit.."</mia> You hear her mumble behind your back.
[[Go to your room->room]]
<</pageReplace>><<if $time <2>> <<set $time to $time+1>> <</if>>\
<<set $miaevent to 15>>\
<<set $mia to true>>\
<<if $equip ==0>>\
<<set $equip to 1>>\
<<goto "Mia sub14">>\
<b>-"MgHHhh!"</b> You moan as Mia teases you... Your third draining session has already started.
<mia>-"Hihihi... I love how small it is."</mia>
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\bb1.webp">
<mia>-"I have something to ask you."</mia>
<b>-"NngHHhh! W-what is it $mom1?"</b>
<mia>-"Remember when we talked about you and John watching me?"</mia> She sits up and brings her chest closer to you.
<b>-"Gulp..."</b> Her tits are so huge, it takes your breath away.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\bb2.webp">
<b>-"NgHHh... Yeah... MgGHhhhh! I remember!"</b>
<mia>-"Well... I found a date already..."</mia>
<<pageReplace"A date?">>
<b>-"A date?! N-nnnGHhhh..."</b>
<mia>-"Mhmmmm... Take a look."</mia> She takes her phone from the nightstand and shows you a screenshot.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\bb3.webp">
<mia>-"Doesn't he look incredible hun? I can already tell his cock is huge..."</mia>
<b>-"F-fuckKKkk!"</b> It's hard to focus on her words while she plays with your dick.
<mia>-"I know we already talked about it, but I have to make sure that you want to do this... To watch me with your $dad2..."</mia>
<b>-"MgHhh... N-no!"</b> You moan as she lets go of your cock.
<mia>-"I know you want to see this ass fucked by another man in person..."</mia>
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\bb4.webp">
<mia>-"The question is, are you truly ready to do it with your father to the side?"</mia>
<b>-"Ghhhrrrrhhhh..."</b> Your cock is throbbing... It's so close to cumming, but Mia refuses to touch it before you answer.
<<set $sonfathercuck to true>>\
<b>-"YESSSsSSsssSSS!"</b> You scream as your desperation grows with each second that passes.
<mia>-"Heh, good..."</mia> Mia takes your cock and begins to stroke it again.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\bb5.webp">
<mia>-"John is up for it as well... Damon is coming next week. I'll make sure the girls are out of the house."</mia>
<b>-"A-aghhHh... Damon?"</b>
<mia>-"The tinder date silly."</mia> She squeezes your cock harder.
<b>-"FucKkkKK! I-I'm about to cum!"</b> Right as you're about to bust, she stops.
<mia>-"You're not cumming today."</mia>
<b>-"AghHhhh! W-what?! B-but I agreed!"</b> While still holding your cock, Mia takes your underwear and begins to pull them up.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\bb7.jpg">
<mia>-"You did, that's the point. Save your nut until then. Imagine how good it'll feel to release a full load while watching your $mo2 take a giant cock..."</mia> She licks her lips as your eyes roll backwards.
<b>-"NgHHhhh..."</b> You let out one final moan as she covers your cock with your underwear. It's still throbbing, but the pain is slowly going away.
<b>-"Fuck..."</b> You were just about to cum! She's so cruel!
<mia>-"Ew, need to clean this up."</mia> Mia looks at her hand, which is covered in your precum. After standing up, she faces you.
<mia>-"So, be ready for next week! Make sure your balls are full, because things you'll see that night will be legendary haha!"</mia>
<b>-"NgHhh... Y-yes..."</b> She exits the room, leaving you laying on your bed, defeated.
<b>-"Gosh darn! I was so close to a climax!"</b> It's better to listen to her advice though. Let's save your nut for next week.
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Go clean up as well->room]]
<b>-"N-no! Not with $dad1! NghHhh!"</b>
<mia>-"Oh...? So it's a no?"</mia> Mia takes your cock and begins to stroke it again.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\bb5.webp">
<mia>-"Hmph, it is what is then."</mia>
<b>-"H-huh?"</b> You thought that she would stop after you said no, but she increased the speed!
<mia>-"A no is a no, but draining sessions must still take place."</mia> Your whole body begins to shake.
<b>-"I-I'm about to cummMmmMmM!"</b> Right as you scream the words, Mia let's go, ruining your orgasm.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\bb6.webp">
<b>-"AghHhhHH! N-nOooOo!"</b> Your cock unloads a massive supply of semen, but you don't feel an orgasm...
<mia>-"Ew, need to clean this up."</mia> Mia looks at her hand, which is covered in your precum. After standing up, she faces you.
<mia>-"I'll tell John that you're not up for it. That's that then, but get ready to get drained again next week."</mia>
<b>-"NgHhh... Y-yes..."</b> She exits the room, leaving you laying on your bed, defeated.
<b>-"Gosh darn! I was so close to a climax!"</b> Fortunately, you won't have to see her getting dicked down with your $dad2 to the side...
<b>-"I should clean up too..."</b>
[[Go clean up as well->room]]
<</pageReplace>><<if $time <2>> <<set $time to $time+1>> <</if>>\
<<set $mia to true>>\
<<if $equip ==0>>\
<<set $equip to 1>>\
<<goto "Mia sub14 random 1">>\
<mia>-"Come on, what are you waiting for?"</mia> Mia asks as she waits for you on your bed.
<b>-"Y-yeah... Sorry."</b> It's time for your weekly draining session!
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\end_1_1.jpg">
<mia>-"Today it's going to be a little different."</mia> She says as you lay down next to her.
<b>-"How so?"</b> You begin to pull out your little member, but she quickly smacks your hand away.
<mia>-"We're going to do a little exercise! You'll imagine some things I talk about and try your best not to touch yourself."</mia>
<b>-"B-but I thought I need to get drained during these sessions..."</b>
<mia>-"Oh you will, don't worry! But try your best not to for as long as possible, okay?"</mia>
<b>-"Sure $mom1."</b> Mia smiles as you close your eyes.
<mia>-"Imagine Ava, inbetween two hung men... You're sitting in the corner, watching them embrace in each other's presence."</mia>
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\end_1_2.webp">
<b>-"Nghhhh..."</b> You moan as your cock grows harder and harder in your underwear.
<mia>-"Imagine your $sister, Kaley, in the other corner taking massive cock as you desperately try to stop her, yet can't..."</mia>
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\end_1_3.webp">
<b>-"F-fucKkkk!"</b> You begin to rub the tip of your cock against the fabric of your undergarments, hoping it'll give you enough stimulation to cum.
<mia>-"Oh...? Having a hard time now, are we?"</b> Mia spends the next 10 minutes talking about various fantasies of hers... You're inching closer and closer to a climax each minute.
<b>-"AghHhhh! P-please $mo2!"</b> You let out a desperate moan as Mia grins.
<mia>-"Oh fine fine, that's enough for now. You can jack off now."</mia> Your eyes grow wide in excitement as you quickly grab your cock and yet...
<b>-"GhrhHHhH!"</b> Your hand feels so good, that you cum even before lowering your underwear.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\end_1_4.webp">
<mia>-"Ghahaha! Wow! Someone was pent up!"</mia> Mia laughs as you continue to unload your seed.
<b>-"Hee... Heeeee... Heeee!"</b> You pant as the climax passes and you fall on your bed exhausted.
<mia>-"Draining session done! Didn't think you would cum that quickly though haha!"</mia> Mia gets off of the bed.
<mia>-"Next time I'll give you some stimulation myself, don't worry."</mia>
<b>-"Aghhh... Y-yesss... Thank you!"</b> Mia leaves, leaving you alone in your room. Time to clean up!
<div class="actions-horizontal sticky">
[[Clean up->room]]
</div><<if $time <2>> <<set $time to $time+1>> <</if>>\
<<set $mia to true>>\
<<if $equip ==0>>\
<<set $equip to 1>>\
<<goto "Mia sub14 random 2">>\
<mia>-"So, ready?"</mia> Mia smiles as she shows off some skin.
<b>-"Y-yes!"</b> During today's session, Mia is going to be showing you more videos of herself!
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\end_2_1.webp">
<mia>-"Ghehehe, here we go then..."</mia> With one hand, she grabs your shaft, with the other, she begins to show you a video.
<b>-"Gulp... W-when was this $mom1?"</b> You body shivers as you look at her getting fucked.
<mia>-"Yesterday... John filmed, like he usually does."</mia>
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\end_2_2.webp">
<mia>-"Oh wow, close already, are we?"</mia> Mia smiles as your cock begins to throb.
<b>-"NnnnnggGhhhh! N-no! I can last longer!"</b>
<mia>-"Heh, that's the spirit."</mia> With her thumb, she swipes right and begins to show you a second video.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\end_2_3.webp">
<mia>-"Fuck... This one dicked me down good... Will definitely have to visit him again."</mia>
<b>-"F-fucKKkk! M-mia! Slow down!"</b>
<mia>-"Oh? Fine."</mia> She let's go and begins to lightly massage the tip of your shaft.
<b>-"ShitTTttTt!"</b> And yet - it is too late...
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\end_2_4.webp">
<b>-"MghHhhh!"</b> You moan as you bust all over your stomach.
<mia>-"Gosh you're pathetic... It's been like 2 minutes!"</mia> Mia looks disappointed.
<mia>-"Eh, I guess it's less work for me. Draining session done!"</mia> She gets off of the bed and stands up.
<b>-"Gosh darn it..."</b> You wanted to watch more videos, but your poor sexual stamina ruined it.
<mia>-"See you next week $name, make sure to last longer by then!"</mia> She raises one eyebrow.
<mia>-"Or actually... I don't really care, as long as you cum, I'm fine with it!"</mia> Mia leaves the room, leaving you laying there.
<b>-"NgHhhh..."</b> Time to clean up...
<div class="actions-horizontal sticky">
[[Clean up->room]]
</div><<if $time <2>> <<set $time to $time+1>> <</if>>\
<<set $mia to true>>\
<<if $equip ==0>>\
<<set $equip to 1>>\
<<goto "Mia sub14 random 3">>\
<mia>-"NgHhhHh! C-come on baby!"</mia> During today's draining sessions, Mia decided the join in.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\end_3_2.webp">
<mia>-"MghHhhH! Look at your $mom1 and stroke that little thing! NgGhHHhh!"</mia> She throws her head backwards and begins touching herself faster.
<b>-"Y-you're so hot Mia!"</b> You say as you continue to jack off that little pecker of yours.
<mia>-"NgHHhhh! I just need a big cock to fill me... FucKKkkk..."</mia>
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\end_3_1.webp">
<b>-"I-it's so close...!"</b> You stare at Mia's vagina... You feel like you're about to cum!
<mia>-"Why is my husband... MGHhhh... Such a loser... Nghhhhh..."</mia> Suddenly, a wave of pleasure comes over you as you go over your edge.
<b>-"AghhhHHh!"</b> You scream out in pleasure as you explode all over you stomach.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\end_3_3.gif">
<mia>-"I need... A cock... Now...!"</mia> Mia doesn't even notice that you finished.
<b>-"S-shit..."</b> After the last couple of drops dribble out, you sit up and face her.
<b>-"It's over Mia... I-I came."</b>
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\end_3_4.gif">
<mia>-"MmGhhhhH! Just leave mommy for a bit! G-go clean up or something! MgHHhhh! I need a minute!"</mia> You nod and stand up.
<b>-"Of course Mia..."</b>
<mia>-"FucKkKKkK!"</mia> Her moans grow louder and louder as you walk towards the bathroom.
<div class="actions-horizontal sticky">
[[Clean up->room]]
</div><<if $time <2>> <<set $time to $time+1>> <</if>>\
<<set $miaevent to 16>>\
<<set $mia to true>>\
<<if $equip ==0>>\
<<set $equip to 1>>\
<<goto "Mia sub15">>\
<grey2>-"Knock Knock Knock!"</grey2> Someone is knocking on your room's door.
<b>-"Come in!"</b>
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\r1.jpg">
<mia>-"Hey cucky!"</mia> She's using John's pet name on you...
<b>-"H-hey Mia..."</b>
<mia>-"My date is coming over in around 5 minutes. Can you let him in? Me and John are making the bed."</mia>
<b>-"O-of course $mom1..."</b> Your cock throbs as you understand what's about to go down.
<mia>-"Oh and, lead him to the bedroom... I'm ready for him..."</mia> She shows you her drenched pussy.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\r2.jpg">
<b>-"Oh my God..."</b> So hot!
<b>-"I will Mia!"</b>
<mia>-"Good! See ya in 5 then!"</mia> Mia smiles and leaves your room.
<<pageReplace"Wait for the doorbell to ring.">>
<grey2>-"Dringggg!"</grey2> As the doorbell rings, you quickly stand up and head to the door.
<b>-"Holy shit he's big..."</b> You mumble as you look at the man outside through the peep hole.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\r3.jpg">
<b>-"H-hey..."</b> You open the door and greet the man.
<grey>-"What's up! Is this where Mia lives?"</grey>
<grey>-"Good! Then you must be the cuck who's bitch I'm fucking! Where is she?"</grey> He steps inside.
<b>-"R-right this way sir..."</b> He takes off his shoes and you lead him to the bedroom.
<grey>-"Agh, there you are, slut!"</grey> The man grins as he sees Mia laying on the bed.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\r4.jpg">
<mia>-"Damon, this is $name, my <<if $hairextensions ==true>>daughter<<else>>son<</if>> and this is John, my husband."</mia> She points to the side.
<b>-"O-oh?"</b> John is here? You didn't even notice him.
<<pageReplace"Take a look.">>
<grey>-"Ghahaha! You're cucking your own <<if $hairextensions ==true>>daughter<<else>>son<</if>> too?! That's fucked up!"</grey> Damon laughs and begins to undress.
<blue>-"NgHhh..."</blue> John is sitting in corner of the room, with his hands tied behind his back.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\r5.png">
<mia>-"Sit down and watch the show like your $dad2 $name, but don't you dare touch yourself."</mia> Damon throws his clothes to the side as you take a seat.
<mia>-"Oh and you, cage up!"</mia> She turns to John.
<blue>-"M-my hands baby..."</blue>
<mia>-"Oh right, haha!"</mia> Mia climbs off of the bed and puts a chastity cage onto John's cock while Damon patiently waits naked.
<mia>-"Now we're ready!"</mia>
<grey>-"Finally, come here baby."</grey> Mia walks over to Damon and jumps into his arms.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\r6.jpg">
<b>-"Fuck that's hot..."</b> As they embrace in a kiss, you begin to undress too.
<b>-"I can't believe I'm watching this with my $dad1 nearby..."</b> You look at him, but he's too busy watching Mia.
<<pageReplace"Put your clothes to the side.">>
<b>-"NgHhh..."</b> You get completely naked and put your clothes neatly to the side. <<if $toys==1>>Your cage tries it's best to stop your cock from throbbing, but it fails.<</if>>
<mia>-"MmGhHhhh! YesHhhH!"</mia> Mia screams as Damon inserts his monstrous cock inside.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\r7.webp">
<b>-"Gosh... Starting to fast and hard already?"</b> You think as you take a seat and watch.
<blue>-"MgHhhh..."</blue> Your father bites his lip as he watches his wife being fucked in front of him.
<mia>-"NGhHhh! How's the show $name?"</mia>
<b>-"G-good $mom1!"</b> Mia places her hands on Damon's chest. He stops.
<mia>-"How about we give you an even better view... John sees this almost every week, you're not used to it yet."</mia> You swallow your saliva as they climb onto the bed.
<grey>-"NGHhhh!"</grey> The man moans as he inserts his cock inside again. This time, Mia is facing you.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\r8.webp">
<mia>-"Look me in my... GnnNHhh! E-eyes $name!"</mia> You do as you're told... Your cock throbs once more, this is way too hot!
<mia>-"NGHhhh! Come closer! Both of you!"</mia> You look over at John, who nods.
<<pageReplace"Get closer.">>
<b>-"H-hey..."</b> You whisper as John get's close.
<blue>-"She got you too huh... I'm proud of you."</blue> You both smile at each other.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\r9.jpg">
<mia>-"AghHhh! Deeper Damon! Yesss!"</mia>
<grey>-"ARrrrgHHhhH! I'm about to cum you slut!"</grey> He screams as he pounds her pussy.
<blue>-"W-wow..."</blue> Your $dad2 mumbles.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\r10.webp">
<mia>-"AghHhH! J-just a little longer you brute! I'm about to... NgHhhh... About to cum!"</mia>
<mia>-"FuCKkkkK!"</mia> Mia's legs begin to shake.
<<pageReplace"Watch Mia cum.">>
<mia>-"Shitttt!"</mia> She screams as her whole body begins to shake in pleasure, but Demon doesn't stop.
<grey>-"RagHhhhh!"</grey> His primal screams fill the room as he annihilates her pussy.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\r11.webp">
<grey>-"I'm about to fucking bust!"</grey>
<mia>-"Inside baby! MghHhh! Inside!"</mia> She screams as your $dad1 looks in extasy.
<grey>-"ARghHhhH!"</grey> The man unloads his seed staright into your $mo2's womb...
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\r12.webp">
<b>-"Holy shit... That's a lot of cum."</b> You mumble, but Mia hears you.
<mia>-"AghHhh... O-of course... T-this is how a real load looks like $name!"</mia>
<blue>-"Good job baby! Y-you took that cock like a champ!"</blue> John begins to pet Mia's head.
<mia>-"NgHHhh... T-talking about loads, how about you clean me up $name?"</mia> As Damon gets off of her, she spreads her legs, showing you her semen covered vagina.
<<pageReplace"Of course!">>
<b>-"O-of course!"</b> Damon gets off of the bed and laughs.
<grey>-"Gosh... What a loser."</grey> You lay down and Mia gets on top of you.
<mia>-"Good <<if $hairextensions ==true>>girl...<<else>>boy...<</if>>"</mia> As the semen begins to drip down, you open your mouth.
<<if $hairextensions ==true>>\
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\r13_2.webp">
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\r13.webp">
<blue>-"Good... Good..."</blue> John pets your head as well.
<b>-"MgHhhh... S-so salty..."</b> You swallow the man's load and Mia gets off of you.
<mia>-"Bring us some towels John, me and Damon need to clean up."</mia> She walks over to him.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\r14.jpeg">
<blue>-"O-of course my love!"</blue> While John walks to the closet for the towels, you stand up and wipe some semen off of your lips.
<b>-"Fuck..."</b> Your cock wants to cum so bad, but Mia definitely wouldn't let you.
<<pageReplace"Look over at John.">>
<grey>-"Round two in the shower?"</grey> Damon says to Mia.
<blue>-"T-there..."</blue> He reaches the closet and grabs some towels.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\r15.jpg">
<mia>-"Of course... Just without these two, I want us to get some private time too."</mia> They embrace in a kiss as your $dad1 get's back.
<blue>-"Here you guys go!"</blue> You can see some precum on his cage... He's turned on as well!
<mia>-"Hmph, good. Clean everything up here then, we're going to the shower."</mia> John nods as they begin to walk away.
<mia>-"Oh and good job $name, you've been great today."</mia> Mia smiles.
<b>-"T-thank you $mom1!"</b> She nods and walks away with Damon.
<blue>-"Well... How was your first experience $name?"</blue> John smiles.
<b>-"G-good... I just don't know how to stop wanting to masturbate... My cock is always so hard!"</b> You look down at your crotch.
<<if $toys==1>>\
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\r16.jpg">
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\r17.jpg">
<blue>-"It'll come with time! I get horny too, but I understand my place."</blue> He smiles.
<blue>-"Also, you did manage to not touch yourself the whole time! That's very impressive for your first time!"</blue>
<b>-"Y-you think so?"</b>
<blue>-"Mhm."</blue> You breath out a sigh of relief as you hear the shower turn on.
<blue>-"R-right, let's clean this bedroom up while they have some fun."</blue> You nod and grab some towels. Time to clean!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
[[Clean the bedroom and go to your room->room]]
<<pageReplace"Not today.">>
<b>-"N-not today $mom1..."</b> Damon gets off of the bed and laughs.
<grey>-"Well at least you're not completely insane!"</grey> Mia sighs and looks at John.
<mia>-"Looks like you're going to have to take our <<if $hairextensions ==true>>daughters place. Come here.<<else>>son's place. Come here.<</if>>"</mia> John nods and lays down.
<blue>-"Of course!"</blue> Mia climbs on top of him. As the semen begins to drip down, he opens his mouth.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\r13.webp">
<mia>-"Good... Good..."</mia> Mia mumbles as you watch in awe.
<b>-"W-wow..."</b> He swallows the man's load and Mia gets off of him.
<blue>-'D-delicious!'</blue> He stands up as well and licks some semen off of his lips.
<mia>-"Bring us some towels John, me and Damon need to clean up."</mia> She walks over to him.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\r14.jpeg">
<blue>-"O-of course my love!"</blue> While John walks to the closet for the towels, you just stand there awkwardly.
<b>-"Fuck..."</b> Your cock wants to cum so bad, but Mia definitely wouldn't let you.
<<pageReplace"Look over at John.">>
<grey>-"Round two in the shower?"</grey> Damon says to Mia.
<blue>-"T-there..."</blue> He reaches the closet and grabs some towels.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\r15.jpg">
<mia>-"Of course... Just without these two, I want us to get some private time too."</mia> They embrace in a kiss as your $dad1 get's back.
<blue>-"Here you guys go!"</blue> You can see some precum on his cage... He's turned on as well!
<mia>-"Hmph, good. Clean everything up here then, we're going to the shower."</mia> John nods as they begin to walk away.
<mia>-"Oh and good job $name, you've been great today."</mia> Mia smiles.
<b>-"T-thank you $mom1!"</b> She nods and walks away with Damon.
<blue>-"Well... How was your first experience $name?"</blue> John smiles.
<b>-"G-good... I just don't know how to stop wanting to masturbate... My cock is always so hard!"</b> You look down at your crotch.
<<if $toys==1>>\
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\r16.jpg">
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\r17.jpg">
<blue>-"It'll come with time! I get horny too, but I understand my place."</blue> He smiles.
<blue>-"Also, you did manage to not touch yourself the whole time! That's very impressive for your first time!"</blue>
<b>-"Y-you think so?"</b>
<blue>-"Mhm."</blue> You breath out a sigh of relief as you hear the shower turn on.
<blue>-"R-right, let's clean this bedroom up while they have some fun."</blue> You nod and grab some towels. Time to clean!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Clean the bedroom and go to your room->room]]
<</pageReplace>><<if $time <2>> <<set $time to $time+1>> <</if>>\
<<set $miaevent to 17>>\
<<set $mia to true>>\
<<if $equip ==0>>\
<<set $equip to 1>>\
<<goto "Mia sub16">>\
<mia>-"$name! Come here for a sec!"</mia> You hear Mia shout from her room.
<b>-"In a sec!"</b> After standing up from your bed, you walk towards her voice.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\dom\both1.jpg">
<mia>-"Hey baby."</mia>
<b>-"H-hey $mom1... What did you want?"</b> Your voice quivers as you look at her half naked body.
<mia>-"I wanted to talk about what happened last Sunday."</mia> Mia turns to you.
<b>-"Gulp... S-sure..."</b>
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\dom\both2.jpg">
<mia>-"Me and John talked about it after Damon left... He said that he's proud of you."</mia>
<b>-"He did? Wow..."</b> You were never on good terms with your $dad2, but now this might change.
<b>-"W-why though?"</b>
<mia>-"Well, he said that he respects you for finding your true self and being brave enough to embrace it."</mia>
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\dom\both3.jpg">
<mia>-"However, he still needs some time to think everything over and come to terms with our new reality."</mia> She sighs.
<mia>-"It's understable, really. Finding out your <<if $hairextensions ==true>>son... or should I say daughter...<<else>>son<</if>> is a cuck that likes seeing his $mo2 get fucked is a lot to take in haha!"</mia> Your $mo2 giggles as you blush.
<b>-"So what happens now?"</b> Mia gets off of the bed and walks over to you.
<mia>-"Well, while your $dad2 comes to terms with it, we're going to start doing draining sessions again."</mia> You feel her warm hand slap your ass.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\dom\both5.gif">
<mia>-"I don't want to hear you jacking that pathetic thing off every day again."</mia> Mia grins as she lays down on the bed again.
<<pageReplace"How long will he take?">>
<b>-"H-how long will $dad1 take to accept who I am?"</b> You sheepishly ask.
<mia>-"I don't know... A week, maybe two, maybe three."</mia> She shrugs.
<mia>-"But when he does, we'll have plenty of fun together... I already have another date lined up."</mia>
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\dom\both6.jpg">
<b>-"Understood... I'll be waiting!"</b> You would expect your cock to be throbbing by now, but it does nothing. It's getting used to being neglected!
<mia>-"Now shoo, shoo, out of my room. I have to take some pictures, one of my dates is asking for some."</mia> You see her cheeks grow a little red as she looks down at her phone screen.
<b>-"Of course $mo2!"</b> You bow, turn around and walk out of the room.
<mia>-"Don't jack off this week, I'll drain you next Sunday, remember!"</mia> She shouts.
<b>-"Y-yes!"</b> You shout back and close the door.
<b>-"Shuuuu..."</b> A moan leaves your lips as you lay down on your bed.
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>\
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Decide how you'll spend your remaining Sunday->room]]
<</pageReplace>><<if $time <2>> <<set $time to $time+1>> <</if>>\
<<set $miaevent to 18>>\
<<set $mia to true>>\
<<if $equip ==0>>\
<<set $equip to 1>>\
<<goto "Mia sub17">>\
<grey>-"Creeek!"</grey> The fridge's door opens as you pull on the handle.
<b>-"Yaaaawwwnnn... Let's see."</b>
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\dom\e2.jpeg">
<b>-"T-this will do for now."</b> You grab a banana and close the fridge.
<b>-"I wonder where everyone is? It's so quiet."</b> You look out of the living room window.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\dom\e1.webp">
<b>-"Seems like Mia is home, John's car is gone though."</b> You walk to her bedroom while eating the banana, but she's not there.
<mia>-"$name! Come here already!"</mia> You hear Mia's voice coming out of your room.
<b>-"Oh?"</b> You throw the banana peel away and begin to follow her voice.
<<pageReplace"Walk to your room">>
<mia>-"Slurpppp..."</mia> You find Mia laying on your bed, drinking tea.
<b>-"O-oh... Hey $mom1..."</b> She's naked!
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\e1.jpg">
<mia>-"Oh? Why are you surprised?"</mia> Mia says after turning to you.
<mia>-"We're doing another draining session today, did you forget?"</mia>
<b>-"O-oh yeahhh! Sorry Mia, I did..."</b>
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\e2.jpg">
<mia>-"Eh, it's no matter. Now climb into bed and get that little dicklet out."</mia> Your cheeks blush as you pull down your pants.
<b>-"Yes $mo2..."</b>
<<pageReplace"Get naked and climb onto the bed.">>
<mia>-"Have you been watching a lot of porn lately?"</mia> <<if $toys==1>>You take off your cage and place it on the nightstand.<</if>>
<b>-"O-of course not! I wait for these sessions!"</b> Mia squints her eyes.
<mia>-"Good <<if $hairextensions ==true>>girl.<<else>>boy.<</if>>"</mia> She lays down next to you.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\end_2_4.webp">
<mia>-"Oh? Someone is sensitive today, huh?"</mia> As her fingers touch the tip of your cock, your whole body quivers.
<b>-"AgHHhh! A-a little!"</b>
<mia>-"Today we're doing something a little different."</mia> Mia says as she begins to stroke your little cock.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\e3.webp">
<mia>-"You're going to drain yourself... I'll just give you some visual stimulation."</mia> She lets go.
<<pageReplace"Visual stimulation?">>
<b>-"V-visual stimulation?"</b>
<mia>-"Mhm..."</mia> Mia nods, moves to the other side of the bed and begins to touch herself.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\end_3_1.webp">
<mia>-"NghHhh... W-while I imagine some big cock fucking me... AghHHhh... You're going to be watching and jacking off..."</mia>
<b>-"W-woah!"</b> Seeing Mia masturbating right in front of you took your breath away so hard, you forgot to do the same thing!
<mia>-"MGhhhhh... You're not going to?"</mia>
<b>-"Oh shit! S-sorry!"</b> You grab your shaft and begin to stroke it.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\end_3_2.webp">
<b>-"Holy shit this is hot..."</b> It's going to be hard to last!
<<pageReplace"Try your best.">>
<b>-"ShitTtttT!"</b> You try your best not to cum, but it already feels like you're on the edge!
<mia>-"MgHhhhh! Yes baby, stroke it!"</mia>
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\e4.gif">
<mia>-"FucKKkkk... If only you had a bigger cock..."</mia> She whispers inbetween moans.
<b>-"Y-you're so hot $mom1! MgHHhh!"</b>
<mia>-"AGHHHhh!"</mia> She raises her legs and increases in speed.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\end_3_4.gif">
<mia>-"YESSSSS!"</mia> Mia screams as her legs begin to shake... She's climaxing.
<b>-"NggGHHHhhH!"</b> Such a sight has brought you over the edge as well...
<<pageReplace"Cum together with her.">>
<b>-"AhhHhh!"</b> You let out a yelp as you cum all over youself.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\end_3_3.gif">
<mia>-"FuckKKk... Now that was something."</mia> Mia says inbetween pants as you both just lay there.
<b>-"T-thank you... NnGhhHh... For the session $mom1..."</b>
<mia>-"Heh, you did it yourself this time, no need to thank me."</mia> She sits up and puts on some panties.
<mia>-"But good job, you did good."</mia>
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\end_2_1.webp">
<b>-"W-what now?"</b>
<mia>-"Now I go to the shower, need to clean up."</mia> Mia stands up.
<mia>-"And as for you, try not to jack off this week. We'll do something with your father next week, need your balls nice and full."</mia>
<b>-"Something? What do you mean?"</b>
<mia>-"It's a surprise."</mia> She walks through the doorway.
<mia>-"See ya cutie, remember, don't jack off!"</mia> Your $mo2 winks and walks out of your room.
<b>-"I wonder what we'll do..."</b>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
[[Clean up->room]]
<</pageReplace>><<if $time <2>> <<set $time to $time+1>> <</if>>\
<<set $miaevent to 19>>\
<<set $mia to true>>\
<<if $equip ==0>>\
<<set $equip to 1>>\
<<goto "Mia sub18">>\
<b>-"Didn't Mia tell me she had a surprise for me today?"</b> You remember her telling you to keep your balls nice and full.
<b>-"Let's see if it's ready..."</b> You stand up and begin to walk towards her room.
<grey>-"Knock Knock Knock!"</grey>
<mia>-"Come in!"</mia> Mia shouts from behind the door.
<b>-"H-hey $mom1..."</b> You step into her room.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\18_1.jpg">
<mia>-"Perfect timing $name! I was about to call you over!"</mia> She says as you check her out... Her lingerie is so hot!
<b>-"I-is my surprise ready?"</b>
<mia>-"Sure is, take a look!"</mia> Mia points at her table.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\18_3.webp">
<b>-"Huh? What is it?"</b> The table is completely covered with her sex toys, but she's pointing at some sort of harness inbetween them all.
<mia>-"A strap on! You're going to be fucking me tonight!"</mia>
<<pageReplace"F-fucking you?!">>
<b>-"F-fucking you?!"</b> No way!
<mia>-"Mhm... I can see you're already getting excited."</mia> Mia turns around and shows off her goods.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\18_2.jpg">
<b>-"I am! I didn't think this day would come!"</b> Your cock throbs at the thought of your bodies connecting.
<b>-"But what's the harness for?"</b>
<mia>-"About that... There is a little catch though to this whole fucking thing."</mia> She points at a wall behind you.
<mia>-"You're going to be fucking me with that."</mia> You turn around, confused.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\18_4.jpg">
<b>-"Oh my God..."</b> It's a giant dildo!
<b>-"B-but... I thought I was going to use my own... C-cock..."</b>
<mia>-"Oh don't be ridiculous $name, it's way too small and you know that."</mia> She walks over and pets your head.
<<if $toys==1>>\
<b>-"Fuck... Well I guess it's better than nothing."</b> You think as you begin to pull down your pants.
<mia>-"You're caged, right?"</mia>
<<if $miahastakenyourkey==true>>\
<b>-"O-of course I am Mia! You even took my key, remember?"</b> Mia smiles.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\18_6.jpg">
<mia>-"Hmmmm, I do remember, but still, let me see."</mia>
<b>-"O-of course I am Mia! I'm always with it on!"</b> Mia smiles.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\18_6.jpg">
<mia>-"Hmmmm, let me see."</mia>
<b>-"Sure thing..."</b> You take off your underwear and lay down.
<mia>-"Nice and locked... Good job!"</mia>
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\18_7.webp">
<b>-"So, what now?"</b>
<mia>-"First, let's warm up a bit."</mia> Mia begins to bend over.
<b>-"Fuck... Well I guess it's better than nothing."</b> You think as you begin to pull down your pants.
<mia>-"Also, you're caged, right?"</mia>
<<if $chastity is true>>\
<b>-"Not right now, no..."</b> Mia frowns.
<mia>-"No no no, you have to be caged!"</mia> Your $mom1 takes something out of the drawer.
<b>-"Agh fuck..."</b> You whisper.
<mia>-"Here, you can use your fathers."</mia> She throws your $dad1's chastity cage on the bed.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\18_5.jpg">
<b>-"Y-you sure I have to do this?"</b>
<mia>-"We won't continue until you have it on."</mia> She crosses her arms.
<b>-"God damnit."</b> It seems like there's no way around this.
<b>-"Nghhh..."</b> You slowly insert your cock into the cage and lock it shut.
<mia>-"Good... Let me check."</mia> Mia comes over and checks if you locked it properly.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\18_7.webp">
<mia>-"Nice and tight... Very good. You and John are of similar size."</mia>
<b>-"S-so, what now?"</b>
<mia>-"First, let's warm up a bit."</mia> Mia begins to bend over.
<b>-"Caged? I don't have a cage..."</b> Mia frowns.
<mia>-"Not good, you have to be caged for this to work."</mia> Your $mom1 takes something out of the drawer.
<b>-"Agh fuck..."</b> You whisper.
<mia>-"Here, you can use your fathers."</mia> She throws your $dad1's chastity cage on the bed.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\18_5.jpg">
<b>-"Y-you sure I have to do this?"</b>
<mia>-"We won't continue until you have it on."</mia> She crosses her arms.
<b>-"God damnit."</b> It seems like there's no way around this.
<b>-"As long as she unlocks me after this whole ordeal, it's fine!"</b> You think as you slowly insert your cock into the cage and lock it shut.
<mia>-"Good... Let me check."</mia> Mia comes over and checks if you locked it properly.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\18_7.webp">
<mia>-"Nice and tight... Very good. You and John are of similar size."</mia>
<b>-"O-ouch!"</b> It hurts quite a bit, considering that it's your first time in a cage.
<mia>-"If I'm being honest I'm impressed, guys usually don't fit in such small cages on their first try!"</mia>
<b>-"..."</b> You don't know if you're supposed to take that as a compliment or not.
<b>-"S-so, what now?"</b>
<mia>-"First, let's warm up a bit."</mia> Mia begins to bend over.
<<pageReplace"Warm up?">>
<b>-"W-warm up?"</b>
<mia>-"Mhm... I need to get nice and wet for that huge monster..."</mia> She begins to shake her ass in your face.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\18_8.webp">
<mia>-"I need you nice and hard too... You're cumming today, remember?"</mia>
<b>-"Gulp... Y-yeah!"</b> Her plan is working, because you're already getting rock hard! Of course, the cage stops it, but still feels good!
<mia>-"Hehehe..."</mia> Mia turns around and climbs on top of you.
<mia>-"Now that you're ready, you need to do the same to me."</mia> She sits down on your face.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\18_9.webp">
<b>-"MgHhhh! Y-yesh mwother!"</b> You say inbetween breaths.
<<pageReplace"Eat her out.">>
<b>-"NgHhhhh!"</b> You try your best to eat her out, but her panties are in a way.
<mia>-"Ghehehe, how cute!"</mia> Mia says as she plays with your caged cock.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\18_10.webp">
<b>-"ArgHHhhh!"</b> You yelp in pain and pleasure as she touches your sensitive nuts.
<mia>-"MgHhhh... That's enough of that, I'm wet enough..."</mia> She climbs off of you and takes off her panties.
<b>-"Haaaaa... Haaaaaa... Haaaaa!"</b> You sit up and breath.
<mia>-"So, are you ready to fuck the shit out of your $mo2?"</mia> Mia climbs back onto the bed and begins teasing you once more.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\18_11.webp">
<mia>-"You'll be able to feel like one of my bulls for once..."</mia> She laughs.
<b>-"NghHhh... Y-yes, I'm ready!"</b>
<mia>-"Put on that harness then."</mia>
<<pageReplace"Do as she says.">>
<mia>-"So, how does it feel?"</mia> She asks after you put on the harness and attached the dildo to it.
<b>-"I-It feels great! But unusual at the same time..."</b>
<mia>-"What, not used to having a big cock inbetween your legs? Hahahaha!"</mia>
<b>-"Hahaha... I guess you could say that."</b> Mia bites her lip as she looks at the toy.
<mia>-"Stroke it a bit, see how it feels."</mia> You nod and begin to stroke the toy.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\18_12.webp">
<b>-"FucKkkkk..."</b> It's so big, it feels like you're holding a weapon.
<mia>-"Ghehehe, spread those legs $name, time to start."</mia>
<b>-"Y-yes..."</b> She sits down inbetween your legs and begins to move.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\18_13.webp">
<mia>-"MgHHhh... Ready?"</mia>
<mia>-"Good... NGhHHhhHh!"</mia> She takes the dildo and slowly inserts it inside.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\18_14.webp">
<b>-"FucKkkkk!"</b> Your hips are holding up her wait... This totally feels like sex!
<mia>-"Holy shit it's big! MgHHhh!"</mia> Mia begins to move her hips slowly.
<mia>-"H-how does... NgHhhhh... It feel baby?"</mia>
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\18_15.webp">
<b>-"I-incredible!"</b> Your caged cock starts throbbing out of control. It thinks it's inside!
<<pageReplace"Try your best to last longer.">>
<b>-"ArgHhhhh! I won't cum just yet!"</b> You close your eyes and grit your teeth...
<mia>-"YesSshHhHhh! It feels so goooddd!"</mia>
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\18_16.webp">
<b>-"NgHHhh!"</b> Your whole body begins to shake as you try your best not to cum, but you're getting close.
<mia>-"Come on! A-a little more! YesssSsss!"</mia> She screams as her body quivers together with yours.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\18_17.webp">
<b>-"FucKkkkk!"</b> Her thick hips bouncing up and down, her tits rubbing on your face, the smell of her juices going everywhere as the dildo penetrates her... It's all too much...
<b>-"I'm cummminggg!"</b> You can't believe it, but you're actually cumming with 0 stimulation to your penis.
<mia>-"ArgHHhhh!!"</mia> Mia screams as you both climax at the same time.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\18_18.webp">
<grey>-"Spurt! Spurt! Spurt!"</grey> You shoot your cum all over her room.
<mia>-"AghHhhh... FucKkkk..."</mia> Mia slowly dismounts you and sits down.
<mia>-"Holy shit! My whole pussy is throbbing!"</mia>
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\18_19.jpg">
<b>-"H-how did I do?"</b> You ask as you take off the harness.
<mia>-"Fabulously! And you managed to cum in the cage! Impressive!"</mia>
<<if $toys==1 and $miahastakenyourkey !==true>>
<b>-"Shit... I need to clean my cage."</b> It's completely drenched in cum!
<mia>-"Clean our bedroom while you're at it too, you shot your load everywhere!"</mia> You look around and see the floor covered in your semen.
<b>-"R-right away Mia!"</b> You stand up and head to the door.
<mia>-"But great job today $name... We'll have a lot more fun in the future, I can tell."</mia> You nod and run to the bathroom.
<<set $submissive to $submissive +3>>
<pink>Submissiveness +3!</pink>
<<pageReplace"Clean up after yourself.">>
<<set $miahastakenyourkey to false>>\
<<goto "room">>
<b>-"T-talking about my cage..."</b>
<mia>-"Oh, right, the keys!"</mia> Mia grabs them from the drawer and hands them to you.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\18_20.png">
<mia>-"Here ya go!"</mia>
<b>-"Shit... I need to clean the chastity cage..."</b> It's completely drenched in cum!
<mia>-"Clean our bedroom while you're at it too, you shot your load everywhere!"</mia> You look around and see the floor covered in your semen.
<b>-"R-right away Mia!"</b> You stand up and head to the door.
<mia>-"But great job today $name... We'll have a lot more fun in the future, I can tell."</mia> You nod and run to the bathroom.
<<set $submissive to $submissive +3>>
<pink>Submissiveness +3!</pink>
<<pageReplace"Clean up after yourself.">>
<<set $miahastakenyourkey to false>>\
<<goto "room">>
<</pageReplace>><<if $equip ==0>>\
<<set $equip to 1>>\
<<set $sistersevent to $sistersevent-1>>\
<<goto "Sisters dom1">>\
<<set $sistersb to true>>\
<<set $sistersevent to $sistersevent+1>>\
<<if $time <2>> <<set $time to $time+1>> <</if>>\
You enter the kitchen and see your whole family, excluding your $mom1, sitting around the table. Mia is doing the finishing touches to the food on the countertop.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\dining-table-34-870x580.webp" height="400px" width="600px">
<mia>-"Well, the food is ready everybody, today we're having pork soup and a side of fries!"</mia> Oh fuck yeah, your favorite!
<blue>-"Thank you honey!"</blue> John kisses Mia on the cheek.
<sister>-"Thanks $mom1!"</sister> Both of your $sisters say at the same time.
<b>-"Thank you Mia, so, what did you guys do all week?"</b>
<mia>-"To be honest i didn't do much, cleaned the house a couple of times, went out with my girlfriends and that's pretty much it, it's a boring life being a house wife"</mia> Your $mom1 laughs.
<Blue>-"How about you buddy, how is the SUP treating you?"</blue> I know he doesn't care, but I'll bite.
<b>-"Ah it's fine, I really like the special lectures the university hosts, they're very interesting!"</b>
<mia>-"That's great to hear, how are our girls doing, Kaley, Ava?</mia>
<sister>-"Oh I'm doing just fine, I got this new job in a marketing agency, finally earning some cash!"</sister> Kaley says.
As the $sisters are speaking, you look down to check out how they've grown. Both of them have thick, delicious looking thighs, you decide to:
<<pageReplace "Touch Ava's thighs.">>\
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\tumblr_inline_oupjgs48DD1rsqbsl_400.webp">
As you put your hand on Ava she lets out a soft moan... others don't seem to notice.
<mia>-"So Ava, did you end up finding a job like Kaley did?"</mia> Mia asks.
<sister>-"Mmghh.. No $mom1.. Nghhhh... I haven't yet.</sister>
<blue>-"Honey are you sick or something? Do I need to bring you some medicine?"</blue> John looks at Ava, concerned.
<sister>-"No $dad1... I'm fine Mghhh.. Really".</sister> Ava looks up to me angry and pushes my hand away.
<<pageReplace "Touch Kaley's thighs.">>\
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\thighs-teasing.webp">
Kaley lets out a soft moan while eating, but quickly pushes your hand away.
<sister>-"Mghh... Stop already"</sister> She whispers.
You all quickly finish eating and you leave the kitchen, feeling more confident than ever.
<<set $dominant to $dominant+4>>
<blue>Dominant +4!</blue>
[[Return to your room->room]]
<<pageReplace "Resist">>\
You resist touching Kaleys thighs.
<b>-"One pair of legs is enough for me"</b> you think to myself.
You all quickly finish eating and you leave the kitchen, feeling more confident.
<<set $dominant to $dominant+2>>
<blue>Dominant +2!</blue>
[[Return to your room->room]]
<<pageReplace "Resist">>\
You decide against it... they are your $sisters after all.
You all quickly finish eating and you leave the kitchen, feeling the same way as before.
[[Return to your room->room]]
<</pageReplace>>\<<if $equip ==0>>\
<<set $equip to 1>>\
<<set $sistersevent to $sistersevent-2>>\
<<goto "Sisters dom2">>\
As you get closer and closer to the bathroom, you start to hear something.. It's running water.
<b>-"Oh.. Someone's showering.."</b> You whisper to yourself.. You saw Kaley in the Kitchen, and Mia is out of town with John.. So it's Ava!
<b>-"Hmm.... I bet she wouldn't notice me if I took a quick look.."</b>
<<pageReplace"Peek at her...">>\
You slowly open the door, making sure not to make any sound...
<b>-"Damn.."</b> You whisper as your eyes gaze upon the beauty in front of you.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\tumblr_nlqjon6e5l1rpc1yyo2_400.gif">
Her perfect body is in front of you, with soap in her eyes, she doesn't seem to notice you.
<b>-"F-fuck.. I know that it's wrong but.. I can't stop myself from being turned on.."</b> You think as you feel your member rise..
<<pageReplace"Keep watching..">>\
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\tumblr_nlqjon6e5l1rpc1yyo4_400.gif">
She's you $sister, but you feel an irresistible urge to fuck her. You notice that she's finishing up..
<b>-"Oh shit.."</b> You think as you quickly look around..
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
[[Slowly back away and go to your room->room]]
<<set $dominant to $dominant+2>>
<<pageReplace"Decide not to..">>\
<b>-"No no no, what am I thinking.. That's creepy as shit, I better not."</b> You sit down on the coutch and wait for Ava to be done..
After a couple of minutes, she's done!
<sister>-"I'm done $name, you can go ahead."</sister> Ava says as she leaves the bathroom..
<b>-"Perfect! Thank you!"</b> You answer her.
<blue>Dominant +2!</blue>
[[Take a shower->room]]
<<set $dominant to $dominant+2>>\
<<set $sistersb to true>>\
<<set $sistersevent to $sistersevent+2>>\
<<if $time !==2>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<</if>>\<<if $equip ==0>>\
<<set $equip to 1>>\
<<set $sistersevent to $sistersevent-1>>\
<<goto "Sisters dom4">>\
As you lay in your bed, playing clash of clans, you start hearing a strange noise coming outside of your room..
<sister>-"Nffff..."</sister> Someone moans in the distance..
<b>-"Is.. Is that what I think it is.."</b> You think to yourself as you raise from your bed..
You exit your room and follow the noises to.. Your sisters room!
<sister>-"Nghhh.... F-fuckk...$name.."</sister> You hear a muffled voice from behind the door.
<b>-"Oh I want to see this.."</b> You whisper as you grin..
<<pageReplace"Slightly open the door">>\
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\ezgif-2-67e3edf4aa.webp" height="400px">
<sister>-"Fuck me $name.. F-fuck me.. P-please.."</sister> She moans after each pleasure filled motion of her fingers..
<b>-"Is she.. Masturbating while moaning my name...?"</b> You think to yourself as you watch Kaley through the crack.
<<pageReplace"Confront her!">>\
<b>-"Well, well, well.. What do we have here?"</b> You say outloud as you open the door fully and step inside.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\ezgif-2-24810d1a7d.webp">
<sister>-"O-Oh my god.. $name.. GET OUT!!!" </sister>
<b>-"Moaning my name while masturbating? How pathetic are you.." </b> You say as you tilt your head..
<sister>-"S-shut up! If you don't get out, I'll call Mia!!!</sister>
<b>-"Fine fine, just know that next time, you can ask me to join.."</b> You wink as you see her blush..
<<set $dominant to $dominant+2>>
<blue>Dominant +2!</blue>
[[Exit her room->room]]
<<pageReplace"It's her business, not yours. Leave.">>
<b>-"I hope she enjoys herself haha.."</b> You chuckle and you close the door..
[[Return to your roomn->room]]
<<if $time <2>> <<set $time to $time+1>> <</if>>\
<<set $sistersevent to $sistersevent+1>>\
<<set $sistersb to true>>\<<if $equip ==0>>\
<<set $equip to 1>>\
<<set $sistersevent to $sistersevent-1>>\
<<goto "Sisters dom5">>\
<<if $time <2>> <<set $time to $time+1>> <</if>>\
<<set $sistersevent to $sistersevent+1>>\
<<set $sistersb to true>>\
<b>-"Buldur's gate 3 just came out.. I should give it a shot.."</b> You think to yourself as you sit down at your computer and boot it up..
<b>-"Thankfully I downloaded it yesterday, this shit is over 90 gb..."</b> You whisper quietly as someone slowly opens your door..
<sister>-"Hey $name.."</sister> You hear a voice behind you right as you're about to put on the headset.
<<pageReplace"Turn around">>\
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\52.webp" height="500px">
<sister>-"I... I just wanted to say that I'm about to take a s.. s-shower so don't come in..!"</sister>
<b>-"Oh? Okay, sure.."</b>
<sister>-"Y-yeah so.. I just wanted to tell you that.."</sister> She smiles..
<b>-"Alright I guess, is there anything else?"</b>
<sister>-"D-do you like my outfit?"</sister>
<b>-"What's with all of these questions.."</b> You think to yourself.
<<pageReplace "Not really.">>\
<b>-"Not really, no.."</b> You look her up and down and answer.
<sister>-"Oh... Oh.. I dressed up just for you though.."</sister> She looks down.. She seems sad.
<b>-"F-for me?"</b> You question her.
<sister>-"Whatever..."</sister> She slowly leaves your room, closing the door behind her.
<b>-"She's dressing up just for me huh.."</b> A thought flashes through your mind..
<b>-"Maybe I can make her try on some clothes in the future..."</b> You grin as you put on your headset..
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
[[Play some BG3->room]]
<<pageReplace "I guess.">>\
<b>-"I guess? You look as good as always."</b>
<sister>-"Y-you do?! Yayyy! I put it on just for you!"</sister> She lifts her hands up in the air, but while doing so, the buttons holding her blouse shut explode, revealing her chest!
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\51.webp" height ="600px">
<b>-"Oh... Well now I love this outfit.."</b>
<sister>-"Oh... Oh... m-my... GOD!!!"</sister> She runs out of your room while covering her chest...
<b>-"She's dressing up just for me huh.."</b> A thought flashes through your mind..
<b>-"Maybe I can make her try on some clothes in the future..."</b> You grin as you put on your headset..
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
[[Play some BG3->room]]
<</pageReplace>>\<<if $equip ==0>>\
<<set $equip to 1>>\
<<set $sistersevent to $sistersevent-1>>\
<<goto "Sisters dom6">>\
<<if $time <2>> <<set $time to $time+1>> <</if>>\
<<set $sistersevent to $sistersevent+1>>\
<<set $sistersb to true>>\
As you open up your laptop, you remember what Ava said to you last time..
<b>-"So she started to dress up for me to get my attention huh.."</b> You get an idea..
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\64.webp" width="550px">
<b>-"If she's this desperate, I bet I could make her put on some lingerie..."</b> You smerk at the thought of it and open google...
<<if $money >=100>>\
<<pageReplace"Browse the web">>\
As you browse through the pages of various websites, you finally pick out three candidates..
A white, stripped, sexy langerie set.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\62.webp" height="600px">
A black, more revealing but just as erotic lingerie set.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\61.webp" height="600px">
And finally, a set that has "Vixen" written all over it.. You don't know why, but you find it kind of hot..
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\63.webp" height="600px">
<b>-"God these are all so hot, but they're all expensive as shit! I must pick one.."</b> You think to yourself as you stare at their price tag... All of them cost 100 dollars..
<<pageReplace "Buy the white lingerie set.">>\
<b>-"Oh yeah, she's going to love this white one...."</b> You punch in your bank details, set the correct address and click "Pay". You see a hundren dollars leave your bank account, but you know that it was worth it..
<b>-"Fuck yeah, can't wait until I see her in this thing.."</b>
<<money -100 "Bought Ava a lingerie set">>
<green>Money -100!</green>
<<set $AvaLingerieWhite to true>>
[[Vacuum your room->room]]
<<pageReplace "Buy the black lingerie set.">>\
<b>-"Oh yeah, she's going to love this black one...."</b> You punch in your bank details, set the correct address and click "Pay". You see a hundren dollars leave your bank account, but you know that it was worth it..
<b>-"Fuck yeah, can't wait until I see her in this thing.."</b>
<<money -100 "Bought Ava a lingerie set">>
<green>Money -100!</green>
<<set $AvaLingerieBlack to true>>
[[Vacuum your room->room]]
<<pageReplace "Buy the Vixen lingerie set.">>\
<b>-"Oh yeah, she's going to love this Vixen one...."</b> You don't know why the words Vixen turned you on, but they did...You punch in your bank details, set the correct address and click "Pay". You see a hundren dollars leave your bank account, but you know that it was worth it..
<b>-"Fuck yeah, can't wait until I see her in this thing.."</b>
<<money -100 "Bought Ava a lingerie set">>
<green>Money -100!</green>
<<set $AvaLingerieVixen to true>>
[[Vacuum your room->room]]
<<pageReplace "Don't buy anything.">>\
<b>-"Agh forget it, 100 bucks is way too much right now.."</b> You think to yourself as you close the laptop.
<b>-"Whatever, I'm sure she will put on something more revealing herself anyways.."</b> You close the laptop and decide what to do next..
[[Vacuum your room->room]]
But before you google anything, you decide to check your wallet, to see how much money you have..
<b>-"Ah damn.. I'm broke.."</b> You whisper to yourself as a disappointed sigh leaves your mouth.
<b>-"Whatever, I'm sure she will put on something more revealing herself anyways.."</b> You close the laptop and decide what to do next..
[[Vacuum your room->room]]
<</if>>\<<if $equip ==0>>\
<<set $equip to 1>>\
<<set $sistersevent to $sistersevent-1>>\
<<goto "Sisters dom7">>\
<<if $time <2>> <<set $time to $time+1>> <</if>>\
<<set $sistersevent to $sistersevent+1>>\
<<set $sistersb to true>>\
<<if $AvaLingerieWhite is true>>\
<b>-"It arrived!"</b> You shout in your room as you get the message that the lingerie you order is at your door. You quickly run downstairs, pick it up and bring it to your room..
You unpack it and you're finally faced with what you have ordered - A white lingerie set..
<b>-"Fuck yeah, can't wait to see it on Ava.."</b> You think to yourself as you grab it and head towards her room..
<b>-"<i> *Knock* *Knock* *Knock*</i>"</b>
<sister>-"C-come in!"</sister> You enter her room, she greets with a warm smile.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\71.webp" height="550px">
<b>-"Oh wow, are you going out somewhere?"</b>
<sister>-"N-no.. I was just trying on this new dress I bought.."</sister>
<b>-"Great then, because I have some clothes I want you to try on as well.."</b> You grin as you extend your arm, showing her the lingerie..
<sister>-"Y-y-you want me to p-put that.. Thing... On???"</sister> She blushes and looks down...
<<pageReplace"Yes I do">>\
<b>-"Yes I do Ava, no hurry up, I bought it for you, the least you could is show me how it looks.."</b> Faced with such an argument, Ava just nodded her head and went into the changing room...
<sister>-"F-fine! But don't peek while I'm changing!"</sister>
<b>-"F-fine... Whatever.."</b> You remark as she goes inside and yet... She doesn't close the door the whole way.. Does she want you to see??
<<pageReplace "Peek">>\
<b>-"Fuck it who cares.."</b> You tell yourself as your head slowly peaks behind the door..
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\72.webp" width="650px">
Oh fuck! She sees you! You quickly pull your head out..
<b>-"J-jeez.. It's like she was waiting for me!"</b>
<sister>-"I.. I told you not to peek!"</sister>
<b>-"Sorry! Keep going!"</b> You blurt out as you wait.. After about 10 minutes, she finally comes out..
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\76.webp" height="600px">
<sister>-"D-do you like it...?"</sister> She whimpers as she blushes..
<b>-"Fuck Ava.. I love it.. This shit was worth every penny.."</b> You lick your lips.. You can see that Ava is getting turned on..
<sister>-"I... I'm glad.."</sister>
<<pageReplace"Tell her to get naked.">>\
<b>-"Get naked.."</b>
<sister>-"W-what??"</sister> She looks up at you, shocked.
<b>-"I said, get naked. I've seen you eyeing me lately, I know you want this, not take off your clothes.."</b> She glares into your eyes, looking pale as a ghost... But..
<sister>-"F-fine.."</sister> It worked!?! You're ecstatic, but mask it under a poker face.
<sister>-"Mghh..."</sister> A slight moan leaves her lips as she slowly takes off her bra, revealing her perfect tits.. Then her panties, revealing her perfect lower body..
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\79.webp" height="600px">
She looks up at you with puppy eyes, seemingly waiting for another command..
<<pageReplace "Spread your legs.">>\
<b>-"Spread your legs."</b> You command her as you look into her eyes. She blushes, but doesn't say anything... After a couple of seconds, she does it..
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\77.webp" width="650px">
<sister>-"Y.. Yes sir.."</sister> She whispers as her legs grow apart..
<b>-"Good girl, go get dressed."</b> You whisper as you lick her lips..
<sister>-"O.. Oh.. W-what?"</sister> She looks.. Disappointed?
<b>-"You heard me.. Go!"</b>
<sister>-"Y-yes $name..."</sister>
<b>-"If I want to get her fully under my control, I have to take my time.."</b> You think to yourself as you exit her room.
<b>-"if I leave her horny and wanting more, it might be beneficial.."</b>
<<set $dominant to $dominant +2>>
<blue>Dominant +2!</blue>
[[Go to your room->room]]
<<pageReplace "That's enough for today..">>\
<b>-"Good girl, go get dressed."</b> You whisper as you lick her lips..
<sister>-"O.. Oh.. Y-yes $name..."</sister> She looks.. Disappointed?
<b>-"If I want to get her fully under my control, I have to take my time.."</b> You think to yourself as you exit her room.
<b>-"if I leave her horny and wanting more, it might be beneficial.."</b>
<<set $dominant to $dominant +2>>
<blue>Dominant +2!</blue>
[[Go to your room->room]]
<<pageReplace "Don't peek.">>\
After about 10 minutes, she finally comes out..
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\76.webp" height="600px">
<sister>-"D-do you like it...?"</sister> She whimpers as she blushes..
<b>-"Fuck Ava.. I love it.. This shit was worth every penny.."</b> You lick your lips.. You can see that Ava is getting turned on..
<sister>-"I... I'm glad.."</sister>
<<pageReplace"Tell her to get naked.">>\
<b>-"Get naked.."</b>
<sister>-"W-what??"</sister> She looks up at you, shocked.
<b>-"I said, get naked. I've seen you eyeing me lately, I know you want this, not take off your clothes.."</b> She glares into your eyes, looking pale as a ghost... But..
<sister>-"F-fine.."</sister> It worked!?! You're ecstatic, but mask it under a poker face.
<sister>-"Mghh..."</sister> A slight moan leaves her lips as she slowly takes off her bra, revealing her perfect tits.. Then her panties, revealing her perfect lower body..
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\79.webp" height="600px">
She looks up at you with puppy eyes, seemingly waiting for another command..
<<pageReplace "Spread your legs.">>\
<b>-"Spread your legs."</b> You command her as you look into her eyes. She blushes, but doesn't say anything... After a couple of seconds, she does it..
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\77.webp" width="650px">
<sister>-"Y.. Yes sir.."</sister> She whispers as her legs grow apart..
<b>-"Good girl, go get dressed."</b> You whisper as you lick her lips..
<sister>-"O.. Oh.. W-what?"</sister> She looks.. Disappointed?
<b>-"You heard me.. Go!"</b>
<sister>-"Y-yes $name..."</sister>
<b>-"If I want to get her fully under my control, I have to take my time.."</b> You think to yourself as you exit her room.
<b>-"if I leave her horny and wanting more, it might be beneficial.."</b>
<<set $dominant to $dominant +2>>
<blue>Dominant +2!</blue>
[[Go to your room->room]]
<<pageReplace "That's enough for today..">>\
<b>-"Good girl, go get dressed."</b> You whisper as you lick her lips..
<sister>-"O.. Oh.. Y-yes $name..."</sister> She looks.. Disappointed?
<b>-"If I want to get her fully under my control, I have to take my time.."</b> You think to yourself as you exit her room.
<b>-"if I leave her horny and wanting more, it might be beneficial.."</b>
<<set $dominant to $dominant +2>>
<blue>Dominant +2!</blue>
[[Go to your room->room]]
<<elseif $AvaLingerieBlack is true>>\
<b>-"It arrived!"</b> You shout in your room as you get the message that the lingerie you order is at your door. You quickly run downstairs, pick it up and bring it to your room..
You unpack it and you're finally faced with what you have ordered - A black lingerie set..
<b>-"Fuck yeah, can't wait to see it on Ava.."</b> You think to yourself as you grab it and head towards her room..
<b>-"<i> *Knock* *Knock* *Knock*</i>"</b>
<sister>-"C-come in!"</sister> You enter her room, she greets with a warm smile.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\71.webp" height="550px">
<b>-"Oh wow, are you going out somewhere?"</b>
<sister>-"N-no.. I was just trying on this new dress I bought.."</sister>
<b>-"Great then, because I have some clothes I want you to try on as well.."</b> You grin as you extend your arm, showing her the lingerie..
<sister>-"Y-y-you want me to p-put that.. Thing... On???"</sister> She blushes and looks down...
<<pageReplace"Yes I do">>\
<b>-"Yes I do Ava, no hurry up, I bought it for you, the least you could is show me how it looks.."</b> Faced with such an argument, Ava just nodded her head and went into the changing room...
<sister>-"F-fine! But don't peek while I'm changing!"</sister>
<b>-"F-fine... Whatever.."</b> You remark as she goes inside and yet... She doesn't close the door the whole way.. Does she want you to see??
<<pageReplace "Peek">>\
<b>-"Fuck it who cares.."</b> You tell yourself as your head slowly peaks behind the door..
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\72.webp" width="650px">
Oh fuck! She sees you! You quickly pull your head out..
<b>-"J-jeez.. It's like she was waiting for me!"</b>
<sister>-"I.. I told you not to peek!"</sister>
<b>-"Sorry! Keep going!"</b> You blurt out as you wait.. After about 10 minutes, she finally comes out..
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\75.webp" height="600px">
<sister>-"D-do you like it...?"</sister> She whimpers as she blushes..
<b>-"Fuck Ava.. I love it.. This shit was worth every penny.."</b> You lick your lips.. You can see that Ava is getting turned on..
<sister>-"I... I'm glad.."</sister>
<<pageReplace"Tell her to get naked.">>\
<b>-"Get naked.."</b>
<sister>-"W-what??"</sister> She looks up at you, shocked.
<b>-"I said, get naked. I've seen you eyeing me lately, I know you want this, not take off your clothes.."</b> She glares into your eyes, looking pale as a ghost... But..
<sister>-"F-fine.."</sister> It worked!?! You're ecstatic, but mask it under a poker face.
<sister>-"Mghh..."</sister> A slight moan leaves her lips as she slowly takes off her bra, revealing her perfect tits.. Then her panties, revealing her perfect lower body..
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\79.webp" height="600px">
She looks up at you with puppy eyes, seemingly waiting for another command..
<<pageReplace "Spread your legs.">>\
<b>-"Spread your legs."</b> You command her as you look into her eyes. She blushes, but doesn't say anything... After a couple of seconds, she does it..
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\77.webp" width="650px">
<sister>-"Y.. Yes sir.."</sister> She whispers as her legs grow apart..
<b>-"Good girl, go get dressed."</b> You whisper as you lick her lips..
<sister>-"O.. Oh.. W-what?"</sister> She looks.. Disappointed?
<b>-"You heard me.. Go!"</b>
<sister>-"Y-yes $name..."</sister>
<b>-"If I want to get her fully under my control, I have to take my time.."</b> You think to yourself as you exit her room.
<b>-"if I leave her horny and wanting more, it might be beneficial.."</b>
<<set $dominant to $dominant +2>>
<blue>Dominant +2!</blue>
[[Go to your room->room]]
<<pageReplace "That's enough for today..">>\
<b>-"Good girl, go get dressed."</b> You whisper as you lick her lips..
<sister>-"O.. Oh.. Y-yes $name..."</sister> She looks.. Disappointed?
<b>-"If I want to get her fully under my control, I have to take my time.."</b> You think to yourself as you exit her room.
<b>-"if I leave her horny and wanting more, it might be beneficial.."</b>
<<set $dominant to $dominant +2>>
<blue>Dominant +2!</blue>
[[Go to your room->room]]
<<pageReplace "Don't peek.">>\
After about 10 minutes, she finally comes out..
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\75.webp" height="600px">
<sister>-"D-do you like it...?"</sister> She whimpers as she blushes..
<b>-"Fuck Ava.. I love it.. This shit was worth every penny.."</b> You lick your lips.. You can see that Ava is getting turned on..
<sister>-"I... I'm glad.."</sister>
<<pageReplace"Tell her to get naked.">>\
<b>-"Get naked.."</b>
<sister>-"W-what??"</sister> She looks up at you, shocked.
<b>-"I said, get naked. I've seen you eyeing me lately, I know you want this, not take off your clothes.."</b> She glares into your eyes, looking pale as a ghost... But..
<sister>-"F-fine.."</sister> It worked!?! You're ecstatic, but mask it under a poker face.
<sister>-"Mghh..."</sister> A slight moan leaves her lips as she slowly takes off her bra, revealing her perfect tits.. Then her panties, revealing her perfect lower body..
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\79.webp" height="600px">
She looks up at you with puppy eyes, seemingly waiting for another command..
<<pageReplace "Spread your legs.">>\
<b>-"Spread your legs."</b> You command her as you look into her eyes. She blushes, but doesn't say anything... After a couple of seconds, she does it..
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\77.webp" width="650px">
<sister>-"Y.. Yes sir.."</sister> She whispers as her legs grow apart..
<b>-"Good girl, go get dressed."</b> You whisper as you lick her lips..
<sister>-"O.. Oh.. W-what?"</sister> She looks.. Disappointed?
<b>-"You heard me.. Go!"</b>
<sister>-"Y-yes $name..."</sister>
<b>-"If I want to get her fully under my control, I have to take my time.."</b> You think to yourself as you exit her room.
<b>-"if I leave her horny and wanting more, it might be beneficial.."</b>
<<set $dominant to $dominant +2>>
<blue>Dominant +2!</blue>
[[Go to your room->room]]
<<pageReplace "That's enough for today..">>\
<b>-"Good girl, go get dressed."</b> You whisper as you lick her lips..
<sister>-"O.. Oh.. Y-yes $name..."</sister> She looks.. Disappointed?
<b>-"If I want to get her fully under my control, I have to take my time.."</b> You think to yourself as you exit her room.
<b>-"if I leave her horny and wanting more, it might be beneficial.."</b>
<<set $dominant to $dominant +2>>
<blue>Dominant +2!</blue>
[[Go to your room->room]]
<<elseif $AvaLingerieVixen is true>>\
<b>-"It arrived!"</b> You shout in your room as you get the message that the lingerie you order is at your door. You quickly run downstairs, pick it up and bring it to your room..
You unpack it and you're finally faced with what you have ordered - A vixen lingerie set..
<b>-"Fuck yeah, can't wait to see it on Ava.."</b> You think to yourself as you grab it and head towards her room..
<b>-"<i> *Knock* *Knock* *Knock*</i>"</b>
<sister>-"C-come in!"</sister> You enter her room, she greets with a warm smile.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\71.webp" height="550px">
<b>-"Oh wow, are you going out somewhere?"</b>
<sister>-"N-no.. I was just trying on this new dress I bought.."</sister>
<b>-"Great then, because I have some clothes I want you to try on as well.."</b> You grin as you extend your arm, showing her the lingerie..
<sister>-"Y-y-you want me to p-put that.. Thing... On???"</sister> She blushes and looks down...
<<pageReplace"Yes I do">>\
<b>-"Yes I do Ava, no hurry up, I bought it for you, the least you could is show me how it looks.."</b> Faced with such an argument, Ava just nodded her head and went into the changing room...
<sister>-"F-fine! But don't peek while I'm changing!"</sister>
<b>-"F-fine... Whatever.."</b> You remark as she goes inside and yet... She doesn't close the door the whole way.. Does she want you to see??
<<pageReplace "Peek">>\
<b>-"Fuck it who cares.."</b> You tell yourself as your head slowly peaks behind the door..
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\72.webp" width="650px">
Oh fuck! She sees you! You quickly pull your head out..
<b>-"J-jeez.. It's like she was waiting for me!"</b>
<sister>-"I.. I told you not to peek!"</sister>
<b>-"Sorry! Keep going!"</b> You blurt out as you wait.. After about 10 minutes, she finally comes out..
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\73.webp" height="600px">
<sister>-"D-do you like it...?"</sister> She whimpers as she blushes..
<b>-"Fuck Ava.. I love it.. This shit was worth every penny.."</b> You lick your lips.. You can see that Ava is getting turned on..
<sister>-"I... I'm glad.."</sister>
<<pageReplace"Tell her to get naked.">>\
<b>-"Get naked.."</b>
<sister>-"W-what??"</sister> She looks up at you, shocked.
<b>-"I said, get naked. I've seen you eyeing me lately, I know you want this, not take off your clothes.."</b> She glares into your eyes, looking pale as a ghost... But..
<sister>-"F-fine.."</sister> It worked!?! You're ecstatic, but mask it under a poker face.
<sister>-"Mghh..."</sister> A slight moan leaves her lips as she slowly takes off her bra, revealing her perfect tits.. Then her panties, revealing her perfect lower body..
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\79.webp" height="600px">
She looks up at you with puppy eyes, seemingly waiting for another command..
<<pageReplace "Spread your legs.">>\
<b>-"Spread your legs."</b> You command her as you look into her eyes. She blushes, but doesn't say anything... After a couple of seconds, she does it..
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\77.webp" width="650px">
<sister>-"Y.. Yes sir.."</sister> She whispers as her legs grow apart..
<b>-"Good girl, go get dressed."</b> You whisper as you lick her lips..
<sister>-"O.. Oh.. W-what?"</sister> She looks.. Disappointed?
<b>-"You heard me.. Go!"</b>
<sister>-"Y-yes $name..."</sister>
<b>-"If I want to get her fully under my control, I have to take my time.."</b> You think to yourself as you exit her room.
<b>-"if I leave her horny and wanting more, it might be beneficial.."</b>
<<set $dominant to $dominant +2>>
<blue>Dominant +2!</blue>
[[Go to your room->room]]
<<pageReplace "That's enough for today..">>\
<b>-"Good girl, go get dressed."</b> You whisper as you lick her lips..
<sister>-"O.. Oh.. Y-yes $name..."</sister> She looks.. Disappointed?
<b>-"If I want to get her fully under my control, I have to take my time.."</b> You think to yourself as you exit her room.
<b>-"if I leave her horny and wanting more, it might be beneficial.."</b>
<<set $dominant to $dominant +2>>
<blue>Dominant +2!</blue>
[[Go to your room->room]]
<<pageReplace "Don't peek.">>\
After about 10 minutes, she finally comes out..
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\73.webp" height="600px">
<sister>-"D-do you like it...?"</sister> She whimpers as she blushes..
<b>-"Fuck Ava.. I love it.. This shit was worth every penny.."</b> You lick your lips.. You can see that Ava is getting turned on..
<sister>-"I... I'm glad.."</sister>
<<pageReplace"Tell her to get naked.">>\
<b>-"Get naked.."</b>
<sister>-"W-what??"</sister> She looks up at you, shocked.
<b>-"I said, get naked. I've seen you eyeing me lately, I know you want this, not take off your clothes.."</b> She glares into your eyes, looking pale as a ghost... But..
<sister>-"F-fine.."</sister> It worked!?! You're ecstatic, but mask it under a poker face.
<sister>-"Mghh..."</sister> A slight moan leaves her lips as she slowly takes off her bra, revealing her perfect tits.. Then her panties, revealing her perfect lower body..
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\79.webp" height="600px">
She looks up at you with puppy eyes, seemingly waiting for another command..
<<pageReplace "Spread your legs.">>\
<b>-"Spread your legs."</b> You command her as you look into her eyes. She blushes, but doesn't say anything... After a couple of seconds, she does it..
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\77.webp" width="650px">
<sister>-"Y.. Yes sir.."</sister> She whispers as her legs grow apart..
<b>-"Good girl, go get dressed."</b> You whisper as you lick her lips..
<sister>-"O.. Oh.. W-what?"</sister> She looks.. Disappointed?
<b>-"You heard me.. Go!"</b>
<sister>-"Y-yes $name..."</sister>
<b>-"If I want to get her fully under my control, I have to take my time.."</b> You think to yourself as you exit her room.
<b>-"if I leave her horny and wanting more, it might be beneficial.."</b>
<<set $dominant to $dominant +2>>
<blue>Dominant +2!</blue>
[[Go to your room->room]]
<<pageReplace "That's enough for today..">>\
<b>-"Good girl, go get dressed."</b> You whisper as you lick her lips..
<sister>-"O.. Oh.. Y-yes $name..."</sister> She looks.. Disappointed?
<b>-"If I want to get her fully under my control, I have to take my time.."</b> You think to yourself as you exit her room.
<b>-"if I leave her horny and wanting more, it might be beneficial.."</b>
<<set $dominant to $dominant +2>>
<blue>Dominant +2!</blue>
[[Go to your room->room]]
<b>-"Fuck it, let's see what Ava is up to!"</b> You didn't buy any lingerie for her, but you still decide to see how she's doing..
<b>-"<i> *Knock* *Knock* *Knock*</i>"</b>
<sister>-"C-come in!"</sister> You enter her room, she greets with a warm smile.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\71.webp" height="550px">
<b>-"Oh wow, are you going out somewhere?"</b>
<sister>-"N-no.. I was just trying on this new dress I bought.."</sister>
<b>-"Alright.. Do you have anything new to show me?"</b> You lick your lips.. Maybe she bought something on her own..?
<sister>-"N-noo.. not really.. I was about to change into my pajamas anyways.. They're way more comfy.."</sister> She whispers as she gets into the changing room, It's your cue to leave but.. She doesn't close the door all the way.. Does she want you to peek..?
<<pageReplace "Fuck it, peek.">>\
<b>-"Fuck it who cares.."</b> You tell yourself as your head slowly peaks behind the door..
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\72.webp" width="650px">
Oh fuck! She sees you! You quickly pull your head out..
<b>-"J-jeez.. It's like she was waiting for me!"</b>
<b>-"Sorry! Keep going! I'm going out!"</b> You blurt out as you walk out of her room..
<b>-"Shit.. Maybe I was a bit too eager.."</b>
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
[[Go to your room->room]]
<<pageReplace "Don't and quickly leave.">>\
<b>-"Not worth the trouble.."</b> You think to yourself as you leave the room.
<b>-"What a shame man... I was hoping she had some new clothes to show me.."</b>
[[Go to your room->room]]
<</if>>\<<if $equip ==0>>\
<<set $equip to 1>>\
<<goto "Sisters dom8">>\
<<if $time <2>> <<set $time to $time+1>> <</if>>\
<<set $sistersb to true>>\
As your laying in your bed, relaxing and reading the patch notes for the new helldivers 2 update, you suddenly hear a knock on your door.
<grey>Knock Knock</grey>
<grey>Knock Knock Knock</grey>
<sister>-"Heyyy, it's Kaley.. Can I come in?"</sister> You hear her muffled voice behind the door.
<b>-"Sure!"</b> A couple of seconds later, the door swings open.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\q1.jpg">
<b>-"Oh..?"</b> You look her up and down.
<sister>-"Oh shut up.. I just did my laundry."</sister> Kaley blushes.
<b>-"Sure sure. So, what do you want?"</b>
<sister>-"Well, me and a couple of friends are going out next Saturday.. Do you want to come with?"</sister>
<b>-"Huh? Why me? I don't even know them."</b> You sit up.
<sister>-"Ugh long story short, they all have boyfriends except me... I don't want to be a fifth wheel!"</sister> Kaley leans against the wall.
<<pageReplace"A fifth wheel?">>
<b>-"A fifth wheel?"</b>
<sister>-"Yeah.. Two couples and.. Me.. That would be stupid! I need a partner."</sister> She walks over to the bed
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\q4.jpg">
<sister>-"You'll help me out, right? You always do! You're my favorite brother!"</sister> You're the only brother she has.
<b>-"Right, right, stop with the useless compliments, what will I have to do?"</b>
<sister>-"Nothing.. Just show up, act as my boyfriend for a bit, watch a movie with us.. That's about it!"</sister>
<<set $sistersevent to 9>>\
<b>-"I mean sure. When are we going out again?"</b>
<sister>-"YayyYYY!! I knew you would agree!"</sister> She takes out her phone and starts typing away.
<sister>-"Oh right, sorry, sorry! We're going out next Saturday!"</sister> Kaley smiles.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\q2.jpg">
<sister>-"Be ready!! I'll buy the tickets, don't worry, it's my treat!"</sister> She smiles.
<b>-"Cool! Can't wait. Just remind me next week, because I'm probably going to forget!"</b>
<sister>-"No problem! See ya!"</sister> She smiles once again and leaves your room.
<b>-"Kaley even paid for the tickets.. That's awesome."</b> You lay back down.
<b>-"God damnit.. She's hot though.. Can't wait to play her boyfriend, even if it's for a little bit.."</b> You turn on your phone once again.
[[Continue to read the patchnotes->room]]
<<if $money>=20>>
<<pageReplace"Here, take some money.">>\
<<set $paidforkaleymovie to true>>\
<<money -20 "Paid for Kaley's movie tickets.">>
<b>-"Here, take some cash. If I'm playing your boyfriend, I can at least pay."</b> You hand her a crisp 20 dollar bill.
<sister>-"A-are you sure?! T-Thanks $name!"</sister> Kaley blushes a bit as she takes it.
<b>-"Of course. Just remind me about this whole ordeal next week, because I'll probably forget."</b>
<sister>-"No problem! See ya!"</sister> She smiles once again and leaves your room.
<b>-"Haha she got flustered.. I love how cute she is."</b> You lay back down.
<b>-"She's hot though.. Can't wait to play her boyfriend, even if it's for a little bit.."</b> You turn on your phone once again.
<green>Money -20!</green>
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
[[Continue to read the patchnotes->room]]
<<pageReplace"No thank you.">>\
<<set $sistersevent to 10>>\
<b>-"Ehhhh no thanks, I'm way too busy anyways."</b> You quickly think of an excuse. Truth be told, you just find it kind of weird.
<sister>-"W-whaaaat? Are you sure? Come on man.."</sister> She crosses her arms.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\q3.jpg">
<b>-"I'm sure Kaley. Maybe next time. Oh and, put some clothes on, please."</b> You brush her off.
<sister>-"Ugh.. You're no fun! Evening ruined!"</sister> She storms out of the room.
<b>-"She's so silly.. I'm not acting as her boyfriend, that's way to weird, even for me!"</b> You lay down again.
[[Continue to read the patch notes->room]]
<</pageReplace>><<if $equip ==0>>\
<<set $equip to 1>>\
<<goto "Sisters dom9">>\
<<if $time <2>> <<set $time to $time+1>> <</if>>\
<<set $sistersb to true>>\
<<set $sistersevent to 10>>\
<<set $wenttodatewithkaleyandfriends to true>>\
<b>-"This looks pretty good.. But the collar looks a bit too formal.."</b> You look at yourself in the mirror.
<sister>-"Are you ready?"</sister> You hear Kaley ask from behind you.
<b>-"In a bit!"</b> You turn around to face her.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\r10.png">
<b>-"Are you going out like that?"</b>
<sister>-"Haha y-you wish! I was just making sure you didn't forget.. I'll be ready in a second myself!"</sister> You nod and face the mirror again.
<b>-"Right, now this looks amazing!"</b> You finally find a shirt that matches perfectly with the jeans you're wearing. After making sure you didn't forget anything, you exit your room and climb down to the first floor.
<b>-"I'm ready Kaley!"</b> You shout.
<sister>-"Okay! Gimme a minute!"</sister>
<b>-"Fine.. I'll wait in the car!"</b> After putting on your shoes, you exit the house and get inside of the car. After around 5 minutes, Kaley finally joins you.
<sister>-"Ooof.."</sister> She lets out a soft moan as her butt touches the seat.
<b>-"Ready to go?"</b>
<sister>-"Yup, let's go!"</sister> You both exchange a smile as you fire up the engine. Time to socialize!
<<pageReplace"Drive to the movie theatre.">>\
<<location "Images/Other/city afternoon.jpg" "In the city">>\
<b>-"What are we watching again?"</b> You ask you both exit the car and begin walking towards the theatre.
<sister>-"I.. Don't know myself to be honest!"</sister>
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\r1.png">
<<if $paidforkaleymovie == true>>\
<b>-"Didn't I pay for the tickets? You don't remember what you bought with the money?"</b> You chuckle.
<sister>-"Not really ahahaha, the movie is not the point $name, it's the socializing we're after! I haven't seen my girlfriends in so long!"</sister>
<sister>-"Oh and.. Thanks again for paying.. You're a real gentleman.."</sister> You feel Kaleys hand touch your crotch.
<b>-"O-oh?"</b> You turn your head.
<sister>-"Hehehe.. Look at you all flustered.."</sister> She grins and turns around. You've arrived! Kaley starts to climb up the stairs and you follow her.
<b>-"Didn't you pay for the tickets? You don't remember what you bought with the money?"</b> You chuckle.
<sister>-"Not really ahahaha, the movie is not the point $name, it's the socializing we're after! I haven't seen my girlfriends in so long!"</sister>
<sister>-"Anyways, we're here."</sister> She grins and turns around. You've arrived! Kaley starts to climb up the stairs and you follow her.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\r5.jpg">
<b>-"Is she not wearing any panties?"</b> You think to yourself as she accidently flashes you. You don't manage to get a good look, the stairs end.
<b>-"No.. I was probably seeing things.."</b> You quickly run in front of Kaley and open the cinema door.
<sister>-"Thank you."</sister> She smiles and steps inside.
<<pageReplace"Get inside.">>
<bartender>-"Mhm.. Mhm.. Okay perfect, please go to the third hall. It's to the left."</bartender> The man says after scanning your tickets.
<sister>-"Come on, let's go! We're 5 minutes late!"</sister> She grabs your arm as you move through the building.
<b>-"It's here! I think.."</b> You tell her as you run past a door.
<sister>-"Wait is it..? Oh yeah!"</sister> You see a big four painted on the doors.
<b>-"Dune: Part 2 huh.. Never saw the first one."</b> You read out the name of the movie as you both head inside.
<sister>-"Remember, you need to act as my boyfriend!"</sister> She quickly grabs your arm.
<b>-"Right, right.. I remember."</b> As you arrive to your seats, you see two couples seated nearby.
<sister>-"Oh my GoddDDddddDD! SusannnNNnnnNN!!"</sister> Kaley suddenly smiles.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\m1.webp">
<pink>-"Heyyyy babeeeEEeeeEEee!"</pink> Kaley runs up to her friend and they exchange a hug.
<sister>-"Oh my gosSHhHHH CrystalllLllLLL!!"</sister> She hugs yet another friend.
<adriana>-"Heyyy beautiful!"</adriana> You and the two guys exchange a friendly nod.
<b>-"Shhh.. Let's sit down."</b> You put your hand on Kaley's shoulder.
<sister>-"R-right right.. Sorry."</sister> You both sit down. As Kaley and the other girls get to chatting, you get comfortable. Not even 5 minutes pass before Susan asks you a question.
<pink>-"Heyyy $name... When did you and Kaley started dating? I didn't even know she had a boyfriend!"</pink> Kaley lightly pinches your arm.
<<pageReplace"We're not dating.">>\
<b>-"What do you mean? Me and Kaley aren't dating!"</b> You look at her, confused.
<sister>-"Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!"</sister> She laughs as you feel her right arm squeezing your balls.
<b>-"Y-youch!"</b> You whisper.
<sister>-"$name is just joking around! He's such a comedian!"</sister>
<sister>-"We've been dating for a couple of months!"</sister> Kaley angrily glares at you.
<b>-"R-right right! A couple of months!"</b> You nod as Susan leans back.
After around 10 minutes, everything seems to have slowed down. Everyone is silent and watching the movie.. When suddenly, you sense some movement to your right..
<blue>-"Come on babe.."</blue> One of the guys whispers.
<adriana>-"Not now!"</adriana> You see Crystal shove back her boyfriends hand. Kaley doesn't seem to notice.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\m2.gif">
<blue>-"Come onnnNNnnn.."</blue> The guy persists.
<adriana>-"Ahem, me and Kevin need to talk for a second, we'll go to the back."</adriana> Crystal announces.
<sister>-"Oh.. Sure thing! We'll stay here!"</sister> One of the couples stand up and go to the back of the theatre.
<b>-"W-what was that all about?"</b> You ask Kaley.
<sister>-"I don't know.. They've always been kind of weird."</sister> You continue to watch the movie. However, after a couple of minutes, you start hearing weird noises again.
<adriana>-"Mghhghjgfhh.. Slurp.."</adriana> They noises are coming from behind you and are incredibly faint. Nobody seems to have noticed them.
<<pageReplace"Turn around and check.">>\
<b>-"What the fuck is going on.."</b> You cautiously turn around.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\m4.webp">
<blue>-"Shh.. Keep it down.."</blue> You hear them whispering.
<b>-"In the cinema?? Damn.."</b> You tap Kaley on the shoulder.
<b>-"Look at this shit.."</b> You point at the couple and she quickly takes a look.
<sister>-"Oh my god those two.. Can't fucking believe it.."</sister> You see her blush.
<sister>-"They always do this.. Can never hold back.."</sister> As she says that, you take a look at Susan and her boyfriend to your left.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\m3.webp">
<b>-"Oh my god.. Susan is at it too.."</b> You both stare at the second couple. They don't seem to care.
<sister>-"N-no way.. Oh my god.."</sister>
<sister>-"Let's just go.. I don't even know why I'm friends with these hornballs.."</sister> Kaley starts to pack her things up.
<<pageReplace"You're right, let's go.">>\
<b>-"You're right, let's go... This is becoming too weird, even for me.</b> You quickly pack up your things and stand up.
<pink>-"Oh..? Going already?"</pink> Susan giggles as she continues to jack off her boyfriend.
<sister>-"Come on Susan.. In the cinema? T-this is unacceptable!"</sister> Kaley lashes out.
<pink>-"Oh stop it, Ava has done even more daring shit. She would have joined in!"</pink>
<sister>-"Well, I'm not Ava!"</sister> Kaley grabs your hand and leads you out of the cinema.
<b>-"Weird bunch of friends you got there."</b> You say as you swiftly exit the building.
<sister>-"Sorry about that $name... I've been trying to get closer to them for a while now, they're good friends of Ava."</sister> She sighs as you walk towards the car.
<sister>-"That bunch is not for me though. I can't do things in public!"</sister> You pat your $sister on the back.
<sister>-"Sorry that I brought you all the way out here."</sister>
<b>-"It's fine Kaley, I actually quite enjoyed the movie, or at least the half that I saw."</b> You both get inside of the car.
<sister>-"Aghaha.. Well.. I'm glad."</sister> After firing up the engine, you start driving. What a weird evening.
[[Drive home->room]]
<<pageReplace"We can't let them win..">>\
<<set $kaleyblowjobyippy to true>>\
<b>-"Are we seriously going to let them win?"</b> You ask her.
<sister>-"Let them win? What are you on about $name?"</sister>
<b>-"Why do you think they're doing this shit out in public? They're trying to intimidate you.. Trying to see if you're as daring as they are!"</b> You make up a dumb ass reason.
<sister>-"Y-you think so..?"</sister>
<b>-"Of course.. We need to show them that you're on their level.. That you're confident and not afraid of doing things in public!"</b> You try to manipulate her.
<sister>-"You know what.. Y-you're right! They're always hanging out with Ava and she's a known exhibitionist.."</sister> She ponders for a second.
<sister>-"They probably want to see if I'm as confident as she is... And.. Well.. I'm even more confident!"</sister> Kaley quickly stands up and takes your hand.
<b>-"W-woah!"</b> You stumble out of your seat. Your little speech seems to have worked!
<pink>-"Going already? Don't tell me you got embarrassed!"</pink> Susan laughs as she continues to jack off her boyfriend.
<sister>-"Ugh... Just wait and see. Keep your phone close to you!"</sister> You and Kaley quickly leave the hall.
<b>-"Where are we going?"</b> You ask her.
<sister>-"Somewhere quiet... I'll show them what I can do.."</sister> As you walk you stumble across a storage room.
<sister>-"Come here.."</sister> She opens the door and heads inside.
<b>-"It says employees only!"</b> You whisper.
<sister>-"Who cares! Come on!"</sister> You reluctantly head inside after her.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\m5.jpg">
<b>-"I thought you were going to prove them wrong?"</b>
<sister>-"I am... Take out your phone.."</sister> She begins to take off her top.
<sister>-"I.. I-I'm not ready to do it in the cinema but... This storage room will suffice."</sister>
<b>-"Well shit.. Don't mind if I do!"</b>
<<pageReplace"Take out your phone">>\
You take your phone out of your pocket as Kaley takes off her bra, revealing her round, perfect breasts.
<b>-"S-shit.. You look amazing.."</b> You compliment her as you make sure nobody is at the door. You're in the clear.
<sister>-"Shut up... I'm only doing this because I don't want to lose.."</sister> She gets on her knees.
<sister>-"S-start filming $name.."</sister> You grin as you open up the camera app on your phone.
<b>-"Your wish is my command!"</b> You press the record button.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\m6.webp">
<sister>-"Oh fuckkk.. Y-you see this Susan? Crystal? Yeah... We're in the storage room.."</sister> You pan the camera around to show your surroundings.
<b>-"F-fuckkkkKKkkk.."</b> You moan as Kaley licks the tip of your shaft.
<sister>-"You're not the only ones who can do this shit in public.."</sister> She slowly inserts your cock into her mouth.
<sister>-"Mghhfghh.. Slurp.. S-swo bwiggGgg!"</sister> Kaley stares straight into the camera.
<b>-"G-goddDdd.. W-where did you learn that.."</b> She stops for a second.
<sister>-"Awgghhh.. O-on you dumbass! You're my boyfriend!"</sister> She glares at you.
<b>-"R-right right.. I was just making sure aghahah!"</b> You awkwardly laugh as you continue to film.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\m7.webp">
<sister>-"Y-ywou like twhat?!"</sister>
<b>-"Nghhh.. I do.."</b>
<<pageReplace"Continue to film">>
<b>-"This is so hot.."</b> Kaley pushes you against one of the tables. You sit down.
<sister>-"Ehehehe.. I've never done something quite like this before.."</sister> She puts your shaft back into her mouth and continues to suck.
<b>-"FuckkKkkk.. W-well.. You're damn good at it.. Keep it up.."</b> Kaley squeezes your balls.
<b>-"N-nothing like back at home.."</b> You try to act as her boyfriend.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\m8.webp">
<sister>-"Hehehhe.. Mwaybe nwext time... Mghhhghh.. we'll do it in twhe theatre.. Slurp... itself.. Hwuh?"</sister> She says inbetween strokes.
<b>-"You betcha... Can't believe you're friends with such folks.."</b> You chuckle as you continue to film.
<b>-"Mghhhfg.. G-god damnit.."</b> You stutter as you feel a rush of endorfins flood your brain.
<sister>-"Uuuuu.. Iws somewone cwlose?"</sister>
<b>-"NgGhhhhhHHGHhhh.. Yeah.."</b> You roll your eyes back as you try to keep the camera still. Kaley pulls your member out of her mouth and starts to stroke you with her hand.
<b>-"S-shiitTTTttTTT! NmghHHHHHH!!"</b> You try to keep your voice down, but it doesn't work.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\m9.webp">
<sister>-"Mhmhmhmh.. D-delicous!"</sister> She licks the tip of your cock as you stop recording.
<b>-"I.. I can't believe that you had the balls to do that.."</b> You put your phone down,
<sister>-"Hehehe.. W-we showed them!"</sister> Kaley slowly stands up.
<sister>-"S-shit.. I'm covered in filth.."</sister>
<b>-"Here."</b> You hand her a packet of tissues laying nearby. She carefully opens the packet and cleans herself.
<b>-"Do I.. Send the video to them?"</b>
<sister>-"Fuck yeah! We have a group chat, drop it in there."</sister> You open up the messenger as you lay there, with your cock out.
<b>-"The besties? Is this the one?"</b> You slowly get up as you put on your pants.
<sister>-"Y-yup!"</sister> You see her putting on her top.
<b>-"Andddddd sent. That'll show em!"</b> You put the phone down and put on your pants.
<sister>-"Fuck yeah it will.. Long gone are the days of them underestimating me.."</sister> Kaley squeezes your crotch.
<sister>-"Thanks for the help $name.. I might need to invite you to other outings as well, if you don't mind."</sister>
<b>-"Oh believe me, I don't."</b> You see Kaley blush as she hears your comment. After packing up, you both leave and head towards the car.
<b>-"Are we not coming back into the cinema?"</b>
<sister>-"Nah.. They're probably still at it.. I'll wait till they see the video at home."</sister> You both enter the car.
<b>-"Understood. Let's head home then."</b>
<sister>-"Sure. Thanks again $name, I really appreciate it."</sister> She smiles as you turn on the engine.
<<set $dominant to $dominant +2>>
<blue>Dominant +2!</blue>
[[Drive home->room]]
<<pageReplace"A couple of months">>\
<b>-"Uhmmmm.. A couple of months probably, not that long."</b>
<sister>-"Ugh, you don't even remember when we started dating?!"</sister>
<sister>-"Men, am I right?"</sister> She jokes around with her friends. Susan leans back, satisfied with your answer.
After around 10 minutes, everything seems to have slowed down. Everyone is silent and watching the movie.. When suddenly, you sense some movement to your right..
<blue>-"Come on babe.."</blue> One of the guys whispers.
<adriana>-"Not now!"</adriana> You see Crystal shove back her boyfriends hand. Kaley doesn't seem to notice.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\m2.gif">
<blue>-"Come onnnNNnnn.."</blue> The guy persists.
<adriana>-"Ahem, me and Kevin need to talk for a second, we'll go to the back."</adriana> Crystal announces.
<sister>-"Oh.. Sure thing! We'll stay here!"</sister> One of the couples stand up and go to the back of the theatre.
<b>-"W-what was that all about?"</b> You ask Kaley.
<sister>-"I don't know.. They've always been kind of weird."</sister> You continue to watch the movie. However, after a couple of minutes you start hearing weird noises again.
<adriana>-"Mghhghjgfhh.. Slurp.."</adriana> They noises are coming from behind you and are incredibly faint. Nobody seems to have noticed them.
<<pageReplace"Turn around and check.">>\
<b>-"What the fuck is going on.."</b> You cautiously turn around.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\m4.webp">
<blue>-"Shh.. Keep it down.."</blue> You hear them whispering.
<b>-"In the cinema?? Damn.."</b> You tap Kaley on the shoulder.
<b>-"Look at this shit.."</b> You point at the couple and she quickly takes a look.
<sister>-"Oh my god those two.. Can't fucking believe it.."</sister> You see her blush.
<sister>-"They always do this.. Can never hold back.."</sister> As she says that, you take a look at Susan and her boyfriend to your left.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\m3.webp">
<b>-"Oh my god.. Susan is at it too.."</b> You both stare at the second couple. They don't seem to care.
<sister>-"N-no way.. Oh my god.."</sister>
<sister>-"Let's just go.. I don't even know why I'm friends with these hornballs.."</sister> Kaley starts to pack her things up.
<<pageReplace"You're right, let's go.">>\
<b>-"You're right, let's go... This is becoming too weird, even for me.</b> You quickly pack up your things and stand up.
<pink>-"Oh..? Going already?"</pink> Susan giggles as she continues to jack off her boyfriend.
<sister>-"Come on Susan.. In the cinema? T-this is unacceptable!"</sister> Kaley lashes out.
<pink>-"Oh stop it, Ava has done even more daring shit. She would have joined in!"</pink>
<sister>-"Well, I'm not Ava!"</sister> Kaley grabs your hand and leads you out of the cinema.
<b>-"Weird bunch of friends you got there."</b> You say as you swiftly exit the building.
<sister>-"Sorry about that $name... I've been trying to get closer to them for a while now, they're good friends of Ava."</sister> She sighs as you walk towards the car.
<sister>-"That bunch is not for me though. I can't do things in public!"</sister> You pat your $sister on the back.
<sister>-"Sorry that I brought you all the way out here."</sister>
<b>-"It's fine Kaley, I actually quite enjoyed the movie, or at least the half that I saw."</b> You both get inside of the car.
<sister>-"Aghaha.. Well.. I'm glad."</sister> After firing up the engine, you start driving. What a weird evening.
[[Drive home->room]]
<<pageReplace"We can't let them win..">>\
<<set $kaleyblowjobyippy to true>>\
<b>-"Are we seriously going to let them win?"</b> You ask her.
<sister>-"Let them win? What are you on about $name?"</sister>
<b>-"Why do you think they're doing this shit out in public? They're trying to intimidate you.. Trying to see if you're as daring as they are!"</b> You make up a dumb ass reason.
<sister>-"Y-you think so..?"</sister>
<b>-"Of course.. We need to show them that you're on their level.. That you're confident and not afraid of doing things in public!"</b> You try to manipulate her.
<sister>-"You know what.. Y-you're right! They're always hanging out with Ava and she's a known exhibitionist.."</sister> She ponders for a second.
<sister>-"They probably want to see if I'm as confident as she is... And.. Well.. I'm even more confident!"</sister> Kaley quickly stands up and takes your hand.
<b>-"W-woah!"</b> You stumble out of your seat. Your little speech seems to have worked!
<pink>-"Going already? Don't tell me you got embarrassed!"</pink> Susan laughs as she continues to jack off her boyfriend.
<sister>-"Ugh... Just wait and see. Keep your phone close to you!"</sister> You and Kaley quickly leave the hall.
<b>-"Where are we going?"</b> You ask her.
<sister>-"Somewhere quiet... I'll show them what I can do.."</sister> As you walk you stumble across a storage room.
<sister>-"Come here.."</sister> She opens the door and heads inside.
<b>-"It says employees only!"</b> You whisper.
<sister>-"Who cares! Come on!"</sister> You reluctantly head inside after her.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\m5.jpg">
<b>-"I thought you were going to prove them wrong?"</b>
<sister>-"I am... Take out your phone.."</sister> She begins to take off her top.
<sister>-"I.. I-I'm not ready to do it in the cinema but... This storage room will suffice."</sister>
<b>-"Well shit.. Don't mind if I do!"</b>
<<pageReplace"Take out your phone">>\
You take your phone out of your pocket as Kaley takes off her bra, revealing her round, perfect breasts.
<b>-"S-shit.. You look amazing.."</b> You compliment her as you make sure nobody is at the door. You're in the clear.
<sister>-"Shut up... I'm only doing this because I don't want to lose.."</sister> She gets on her knees.
<sister>-"S-start filming $name.."</sister> You grin as you open up the camera app on your phone.
<b>-"Your wish is my command!"</b> You press the record button.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\m6.webp">
<sister>-"Oh fuckkk.. Y-you see this Susan? Crystal? Yeah... We're in the storage room.."</sister> You pan the camera around to show your surroundings.
<b>-"F-fuckkkkKKkkk.."</b> You moan as Kaley licks the tip of your shaft.
<sister>-"You're not the only ones who can do this shit in public.."</sister> She slowly inserts your cock into her mouth.
<sister>-"Mghhfghh.. Slurp.. S-swo bwiggGgg!"</sister> Kaley stares straight into the camera.
<b>-"G-goddDdd.. W-where did you learn that.."</b> She stops for a second.
<sister>-"Awgghhh.. O-on you dumbass! You're my boyfriend!"</sister> She glares at you.
<b>-"R-right right.. I was just making sure aghahah!"</b> You awkwardly laugh as you continue to film.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\m7.webp">
<sister>-"Y-ywou like twhat?!"</sister>
<b>-"Nghhh.. I do.."</b>
<<pageReplace"Continue to film">>
<b>-"This is so hot.."</b> Kaley pushes you against one of the tables. You sit down.
<sister>-"Ehehehe.. I've never done something quite like this before.."</sister> She puts your shaft back into her mouth and continues to suck.
<b>-"FuckkKkkk.. W-well.. You're damn good at it.. Keep it up.."</b> Kaley squeezes your balls.
<b>-"N-nothing like back at home.."</b> You try to act as her boyfriend.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\m8.webp">
<sister>-"Hehehhe.. Mwaybe nwext time... Mghhhghh.. we'll do it in twhe theatre.. Slurp... itself.. Hwuh?"</sister> She says inbetween strokes.
<b>-"You betcha... Can't believe you're friends with such folks.."</b> You chuckle as you continue to film.
<b>-"Mghhhfg.. G-god damnit.."</b> You stutter as you feel a rush of endorfins flood your brain.
<sister>-"Uuuuu.. Iws somewone cwlose?"</sister>
<b>-"NgGhhhhhHHGHhhh.. Yeah.."</b> You roll your eyes back as you try to keep the camera still. Kaley pulls your member out of her mouth and starts to stroke you with her hand.
<b>-"S-shiitTTTttTTT! NmghHHHHHH!!"</b> You try to keep your voice down, but it doesn't work.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\m9.webp">
<sister>-"Mhmhmhmh.. D-delicous!"</sister> She licks the tip of your cock as you stop recording.
<b>-"I.. I can't believe that you had the balls to do that.."</b> You put your phone down,
<sister>-"Hehehe.. W-we showed them!"</sister> Kaley slowly stands up.
<sister>-"S-shit.. I'm covered in filth.."</sister>
<b>-"Here."</b> You hand her a packet of tissues laying nearby. She carefully opens the packet and cleans herself.
<b>-"Do I.. Send the video to them?"</b>
<sister>-"Fuck yeah! We have a group chat, drop it in there."</sister> You open up the messenger as you lay there, with your cock out.
<b>-"The besties? Is this the one?"</b> You slowly get up as you put on your pants.
<sister>-"Y-yup!"</sister> You see her putting on her top.
<b>-"Andddddd sent. That'll show em!"</b> You put the phone down and put on your pants.
<sister>-"Fuck yeah it will.. Long gone are the days of them underestimating me.."</sister> Kaley squeezes your crotch.
<sister>-"Thanks for the help $name.. I might need to invite you to other outings as well, if you don't mind."</sister>
<b>-"Oh believe me, I don't."</b> You see Kaley blush as she hears your comment. After packing up, you both leave and head towards the car.
<b>-"Are we not coming back into the cinema?"</b>
<sister>-"Nah.. They're probably still at it.. I'll wait till they see the video at home."</sister> You both enter the car.
<b>-"Understood. Let's head home then."</b>
<sister>-"Sure. Thanks again $name, I really appreciate it."</sister> She smiles as you turn on the engine.
<<set $dominant to $dominant +2>>
<blue>Dominant +2!</blue>
[[Drive home->room]]
<</pageReplace>><<if $equip ==0>>\
<<set $equip to 1>>\
<<goto "Sisters dom10">>\
<<if $time <2>> <<set $time to $time+1>> <</if>>\
<<set $sistersb to true>>\
<sister>-"$name! Come here for a second!"</sister> You hear Ava shout from her room.
<b>-"Coming!"</b> You shout back as you put down your phone and stand up.
<b>-"What does she want this time.."</b> You wonder as you begin walking towards her room.
<b>-"What's up?"</b> You ask as you enter her room. Ava is half naked like always, you're used to it by now.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\w1.jpg">
<sister>-"Heyyyy.. What do you think? Do you like my outfit?"</sister> She waits for your reaction.
<b>-"It's okay I guess haha, why?"</b> You reply. You've seen her in lingerie like 20 times already, this isn't special.
<sister>-"I.. GhhhHhh.."</sister> Ava looks pretty angry that you didn't intimidately fall for her.
<sister>-"Ugh whatever, I didn't call you over just to show off. I wanted to talk about Kaley."</sister>
<b>-"What about her?"</b>
<sister>-"She told you me you and her went out and saw a movie, is this true?"</sister> She crosses her arms.
<b>-"Hah, why do you care?"</b>
<sister>-"J-just answer the question $name, please."</sister>
<<pageReplace "Be honest">>\
<<if $wenttodatewithkaleyandfriends==true>>\
<b>-"Yeah me an Kaley and a couple of her friends watched a movie together, why?"</b> You lean on the wall.
<sister>-"N-nothing.. It's just you and me haven't gone out.. At all to be honest."</sister> You see her blush.
<b>-"Are you jealous?"</b> You grin.
<sister>-"No! Well.. Maybe.."</sister> She shifts her weight and hold eye contact.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\w2.jpg">
<sister>-"I always see you both being lovey-dovey togeher... Maybe I want something similar as well!"</sister> Ava pouts.
<b>-"Oh yeah? What would you like to do then?"</b>
<sister>-"I don't know.. A dinner date maybe.. I just want to feel wanted, same as Kaley.."</sister> She looks down at the ground.
<<pageReplace"Accept the proposal.">>\
<<set $sistersevent to 11>>\
<<set $toldthathesgonnahelpava to true>>\
<b>-"I accept the proposal!"</b> You announce.
<sister>-"What do you mean?"</sister> She looks up at you, confused.
<b>-"You want to go out right? I accept! We'll go somewhere next Saturday, get ready."</b> You watch as Ava's face lights up.
<b>-"Yes, really."</b>
<sister>-"YessSSSSS!!"</sister> She runs up to you and gives you a big hug.
<sister>-"T-thank you, thank you, thank you! I'll make sure to look my best!"</sister>
<b>-"Alright alright that's enough."</b> You lightly push her away.
<b>-"We leave next Saturday, make sure you're ready!"</b> You smile.
<sister>-"Yes! I'll be, you can be sure of it!"</sister> You nod and slowly leave her room.
<b>-"Sigh, what would they do without me..."</b> You walk towards your place.
<b>-"I need to make sure I have some money on hand, wouldn't want the evening to turn sour when my card declines."</b> You think to yourself as you arrive in front of your door.
[[Enter your room->room]]
<<pageReplace"Don't accept the proposal.">>\
<<set $sistersevent to 12>>\
<<set $toldthathesgonnahelpava to false>>\
<b>-"Thanks for the enthusiasm, but I'm pretty busy this month Ava."</b> You see her frown.
<sister>-"Oh so you can take her out, but not me huh.."</sister> She points at the door.
<sister>-"O-out..."</sister> You see turning red from embarrassment.
<b>-"Ava, it's not you, it's just-"</b>
<sister>-"OUT!"</sister> She shouts.
<b>-"Right.."</b> It's better not to anger her fruther, you leave her room and close the door behind her.
<b>-"Kaley interests me way more, I just didn't want to say it.."</b> You think to yourself as you start to walk towards your place.
[[Enter your room->room]]
<b>-"She invited me, sure, but I didn't accept."</b> You lean on the wall.
<sister>-"Oh... So she lied then."</sister> She seems happy..
<sister>-"What if.."</sister> She shifts her weight and hold eye contact.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\w2.jpg">
<sister>-"I invited you though? Would you go out with me?"</sister> Ava pouts.
<b>-"Oh yeah? To do what?"</b>
<sister>-"I don't know.. We could have a dinner date maybe.. I could finally prove to her that I'm your favorite.."</sister> She looks down at the ground.
<<pageReplace"Accept the proposal.">>\
<<set $sistersevent to 11>>\
<<set $toldthathesgonnahelpava to true>>\
<b>-"I accept the proposal!"</b> You announce.
<sister>-"What do you mean?"</sister> She looks up at you, confused.
<b>-"You want to go out right? I accept! We'll go somewhere next Saturday, get ready."</b> You watch as Ava's face lights up.
<b>-"Yes, really."</b>
<sister>-"YessSSSSS!!"</sister> She runs up to you and gives you a big hug.
<sister>-"T-thank you, thank you, thank you! I'll make sure to look my best!"</sister>
<b>-"Alright alright that's enough."</b> You lightly push her away.
<b>-"We leave next Saturday, make sure you're ready!"</b> You smile.
<sister>-"Yes! I'll be, you can be sure of it!"</sister> You nod and slowly leave her room.
<b>-"Sigh, what would they do without me..."</b> You walk towards your place.
<b>-"I need to make sure I have some money on hand, wouldn't want the evening to turn sour when my card declines."</b> You think to yourself as you arrive in front of your door.
[[Enter your room->room]]
<<pageReplace"Don't accept the proposal.">>\
<<set $sistersevent to 12>>\
<<set $toldthathesgonnahelpava to false>>\
<b>-"Thanks for the enthusiasm, but I'm pretty busy this month Ava."</b> You see her frown.
<sister>-"Oh.. Well at least you rejected Kaley as well.."</sister>
<sister>-"I thought our rleationship was a bit better.."</sister> You see turning red from embarrassment.
<b>-"Our relatioship is great Ava! I'm just genuinly busy!"</b>
<sister>-"I think it's time for you to go $name.."</sister> Ava points at the door.
<b>-"Right.."</b> It's better to leave her alone for now. You leave her room and close the door behind you.
<b>-"Going out with either one of them would be weird.. They're my sisters!"</b> You think to yourself as you start to walk towards your place.
[[Enter your room->room]]
<</pageReplace>><<if $equip ==0>>\
<<set $equip to 1>>\
<<goto "Sisters dom11">>\
<<if $time <2>> <<set $time to $time+1>> <</if>>\
<<set $sistersb to true>>\
<<set $sistersevent to 12>>\
<sister>-"$name! Are you getting ready?"</sister> Ava's voices rings out.
<b>-"HuhHhhHHH??"</b> You shout back confused. After not getting an answer, you leave your room and go to hers.
<b>-"What did you say?"</b> You poke your head inside.
<sister>-"We're going out, remember?"</sister>
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\p1.webp">
<b>-"Oh yeah.. Where are we going again?"</b> You forgot.
<sister>-"To a restaurant! Kaley will be so jealous when she sees us.."</sister> You see Ava bite her lip.
<b>-"Right, I'll be ready in a second."</b> You mumble and head to your room. After putting on some nice clothes, you check your wallet.
<<if $money>50>>\
<b>-"This should be enough.."</b> You stare at some spare cash you have inside.
<b>-"Oh shit.. Well this definitely won't be enough"</b> You stare at the basically empty wallet.
<b>-"Whatever, it's too late now anyways."</b>
<sister>-"I'm waiting downstairs!"</sister> Ava's voice fills the house once again.
<b>-"Yup! Coming in a second!"</b> After leaving your room, you slowly make your way downstairs, making sure you took everything.
<b>-"Alright.. Ready to go?"</b>
<sister>-"Yes! I can't wait!"</sister> It's a bit early to go out, but it's just a friendly date after all, who cares?
<b>-"Good, let's get in the car then."</b> You mumble as you put on your shoes. After both of you leave the house, you make sure to lock the house.
<sister>-"I picked a sushi restaurant not far from here, they have good reviews and I always wanted to try the food there!"</sister> Ava says as you both sit down in the car.
<b>-"Cool, punch in the address here."</b> You hand her the phone with the gps activated. As she finishes writing it down, you pull out of the driveway.
<<pageReplace"Drive to the restaurant">>
<<location "Images/Other/sushi.png" "Sushi restaurant">>
<b>-"Wow! This place is packed!"</b> You pull into the parking lot.
<sister>-"I know right! At this time too.."</sister> You find a parking spot. After leaving your car, you both head inside.
<b>-"After you."</b> You hold the door open for her.
<sister>-"Thank you."</sister> Ava smiles and puts her hand on your chest as she walks by.
<bartender>-"Hello! Would you like a table for two?"</bartender> You hear a voice in your left ear.
<b>-"O-oh.."</b> You get startled for a second. After turning to your left, you finally see him.
<b>-"Yes please, a table for two."</b> The man nods and starts to lead you.
<bartender>-"Here you are, a server will join you shortly."</bartender>
<sister>-"Understood, thank you!"</sister> You both sit down.
<sister>-"So, what do you think?"</sister>
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\p2.jpg">
<<pageReplace"Too early to tell.">>\
<b>-"A little too early to tell, we haven't even eaten anything."</b>
<sister>-"Obviously! I'm talking about the atmosphere.. The vibe!"</sister> Ava rolls her eyes.
<b>-"I like it! Seems like a cool place to be honest!"</b>
<sister>-"Well that's good to hear."</sister> She smiles.
<pink>-"Good evening! I will be your server today!"</pink> You see a women coming towards your table.
<pink>-"These are on the house!"</pink> The server is carrying cocktails. How nice of them.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\p8.webp">
<b>-"Thank you! We appreciate it!"</b> You smile as Ava turns towards the server as well.
<sister>-"Tha- Susan?!"</sister> The woman stops for a second.
<pink>-"Ava??! What are you doing here love?"</pink> They seem to know each other.. After putting down the drinks on your table, both of them embrace in a hug.
<sister>-"$name, this is Susan, my good friend from school and Susan, this is $name."</sister> Susan looks you up and down.
<pink>-"Oh.. Is he your boyfriend?"</pink> Ava blushes a bit as the server looks at you.
<pink>-"What are you to my little Ava?"</pink> She jokingly pouts while waiting for an answer. You feel Ava's foot touch your leg.. She probably wants you to tell her you're dating.
<b>-"I'm her boyfriend, we just started dating."</b> Susan's eyes light up.
<pink>-"AhhhhHHHHHH! Finally, you found someone you loser!"</pink> She lightly punches Ava's shoulder in a joking manner.
<sister>-"Ghaha.. I guess I did!"</sister> She blushes once again as you smile.
<pink>-"Alright alright, enough is enough, I won't bother you any further."</pink> She clears her throat.
<pink>-"Would you like to order something?"</pink> Susan smiles.
<b>-"The 16 sushi mix please."</b> You point at the menu.
<sister>-"I will take.. Uhmmm.. These 8 here."</sister> Ava shows what she wants to Susan. The server writes everything down and nods.
<pink>-"Alright, I'll be with you in a second!"</pink> She walks off.
<b>-"Hah, haven't seen each other in a while I presume?"</b>
<sister>-"You presume right.. We don't really hang out anymore."</sister>
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\p1.png">
<sister>-"Thanks for saying that by the way.."</sister>
<b>-"Saying what?"</b>
<sister>-"That I'm your girlfriend.."</sister>
<b>-"Oh right, no problem."</b> You touch her hand and smile.
<sister>-"She always makes fun of me for being single.. Today she can't!"</sister> You both spend the next 5 minutes talking and lightly flirting.. Finally, you see the server coming over again.
<pink>-"Anddd here's your food!"</pink> Susan puts down some plates on the table.
<b>-"Thank you!"</b>
<sister>-"Thanks Susan!"</sister> You both begin eating as she walks away. You talk about what you're going to do after finishing the food. You decide to head back home. After you're done, you ask for the bill.
<b>-"Aghh.. That was delicious!"</b>
<sister>-"It sure was!"</sister>
<pink>-"Here you are! Please come again!"</pink> She puts it down and walks off.
<sister>-"How much is it?"</sister> Ava smiles as you check it out.
<b>-"Oh... 50 bucks!"</b> <<if $money>=50>>That isn't that bad..<<else>>Fuck, you can't afford it.<</if>>
<<if $money>=50>>\
<<pageReplace"Pay for the food.">>
<b>-"Ready to go?"</b> You ask Ava as you put a 50 $ bill inside the receipt box.
<sister>-"Hehe.. Yes.."</sister> She seems happy that you paid for her.
<sister>-"Let's go.."</sister> She grabs your arm and you both stand up. After heading outside, you both sit down in the car.
<b>-"I enjoyed myself Ava, thanks for inviting me out."</b>
<sister>-"Oh we're not done..."</sister> You see her blush.. She seems.. In heat?
<b>-"What do you mean?"</b>
<sister>-"Just drive home.. You'll understand in a second."</sister> She grins as you nod and begin driving.
[[Drive home->Sisters dom11 part 2]]
<<pageReplace"Ask her to pay.">>
<b>-"Hey Ava.. Can you pay?"</b> You look down in shame.
<sister>-"W-what?"</sister> She looks at you, confused. Ava is a traditional woman.
<b>-"I can't really spend this much money right now, can you pay?"</b> She looks disappointed.
<sister>-"I guess..."</sister> Ava puts a 50 $ bill inside the receipt box and stands up.
<sister>-"Let's go."</sister> She grabs your arm and you both stand up. After heading outside, you both sit down in the car.
<b>-"I enjoyed myself Ava, thanks for inviting me out."</b>
<sister>-"Yeah.. I did too.."</sister> The mood seems to be ruined.
[[Drive home->room]]
<<pageReplace"You can't afford it..">>
<b>-"Hey Ava.. Can you pay?"</b> You look down in shame.
<sister>-"W-what?"</sister> She looks at you, confused. Ava is a traditional woman.
<b>-"I don't have enough money.. I'm sorry."</b> She looks disappointed.
<sister>-"I guess..."</sister> Ava puts a 50 $ bill inside the receipt box and stands up.
<sister>-"Let's go."</sister> She grabs your arm and you both stand up. After heading outside, you both sit down in the car.
<b>-"I enjoyed myself Ava, thanks for inviting me out."</b>
<sister>-"Yeah.. I did too.."</sister> The mood seems to be ruined.
[[Drive home->room]]
<b>-"I'm her brother, we're on a friendly date.."</b> Susan giggles.
<pink>-"Oh... I thought she finally found someone haha! My bad!"</pink> She lightly punches Ava's shoulder in a joking manner.
<sister>-"Hah.. Not yet.."</sister> You see her getting embarrassed.
<pink>-"Alright alright, enough is enough, I won't bother you any further."</pink> She clears her throat.
<pink>-"Would you like to order something?"</pink> Susan smiles.
<b>-"The 16 sushi mix please."</b> You point at the menu.
<sister>-"I will take.. Uhmmm.. These 8 here."</sister> Ava shows what she wants to Susan. The server writes everything down and nods.
<pink>-"Alright, I'll be with you in a second!"</pink> She walks off.
<sister>-"Did you really have to tell her that I'm your $sister??? Come on!"</sister> Ava looks mad.
<b>-"Did you not want me to?"</b>
<sister>-"Obviously not! Ugh!"</sister> Ava crosses her arms.
<b>-"My bad, my bad!"</b>
<b>-"I'll make sure to tell everyone we're dating from now on!"</b> You say in a jokingly manner.
<sister>-"Good! Because we are!"</sister> She giggles.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\p1.png">
<pink>-"Anddd here's your food!"</pink> Susan puts down some plates on the table.
<b>-"Thank you!"</b>
<sister>-"Thanks Susan!"</sister> You both begin eating as she walks away. You talk about what you're going to do after finishing the food. You decide to head back home. After you're done, you ask for the bill.
<b>-"Aghh.. That was delicious!"</b>
<sister>-"It sure was!"</sister>
<pink>-"Here you are! Please come again!"</pink> She puts it down and walks off.
<sister>-"How much is it?"</sister> Ava smiles as you check it out.
<b>-"Oh... 50 bucks!"</b> <<if $money>=50>>That isn't that bad..<<else>>Fuck, you can't afford it.<</if>>
<<if $money>=50>>\
<<pageReplace"Pay for the food.">>
<b>-"Ready to go?"</b> You ask Ava as you put a 50 $ bill inside the receipt box.
<sister>-"Hehe.. Yes.."</sister> She seems happy that you paid for her.
<sister>-"Let's go.."</sister> She grabs your arm and you both stand up. After heading outside, you both sit down in the car.
<b>-"I enjoyed myself Ava, thanks for inviting me out."</b>
<sister>-"Oh we're not done..."</sister> You see her blush.. She seems.. In heat?
<b>-"What do you mean?"</b>
<sister>-"Just drive home.. You'll understand in a second."</sister> She grins as you nod and begin driving.
[[Drive home->Sisters dom11 part 2]]
<<pageReplace"Ask her to pay.">>
<b>-"Hey Ava.. Can you pay?"</b> You look down in shame.
<sister>-"W-what?"</sister> She looks at you, confused. Ava is a traditional woman.
<b>-"I can't really spend this much money right now, can you pay?"</b> She looks disappointed.
<sister>-"I guess..."</sister> Ava puts a 50 $ bill inside the receipt box and stands up.
<sister>-"Let's go."</sister> She grabs your arm and you both stand up. After heading outside, you both sit down in the car.
<b>-"I enjoyed myself Ava, thanks for inviting me out."</b>
<sister>-"Yeah.. I did too.."</sister> The mood seems to be ruined.
[[Drive home->room]]
<<pageReplace"You can't afford it..">>
<b>-"Hey Ava.. Can you pay?"</b> You look down in shame.
<sister>-"W-what?"</sister> She looks at you, confused. Ava is a traditional woman.
<b>-"I don't have enough money.. I'm sorry."</b> She looks disappointed.
<sister>-"I guess..."</sister> Ava puts a 50 $ bill inside the receipt box and stands up.
<sister>-"Let's go."</sister> She grabs your arm and you both stand up. After heading outside, you both sit down in the car.
<b>-"I enjoyed myself Ava, thanks for inviting me out."</b>
<sister>-"Yeah.. I did too.."</sister> The mood seems to be ruined.
[[Drive home->room]]
<</pageReplace>><<location "Images/Other/room.jpg" "My room">>
<b>-"Yawwwwwnnnn.. We're here."</b> You pull into the driveway.
<sister>-"Heh good... Come here, quickly."</sister> YOu both exit the car.
<b>-"What's this about again?"</b> You ask as Ava runs to the door and unlocks it.
<sister>-"You've been good to me today $name, the least I can do is reward you."</sister> You enter the house.. It's completely empty.
<b>-"Reward me?"</b>
<sister>-"Hehe.. Yes.. Also, as I said.."</sister> She suddenly kisses you.
<sister>-"We need to show Kaley that I'm your favorite.."</sister> She pushes you lightly towards the stairs, you start backing up.
<b>-"Oh..? Show her?"</b> You begin going upstairs as she follows you. You know where this is going.
<sister>-"Yes.. Show her.."</sister> As you get inside of her room, the shuts the door.
<sister>-"I think we both know what I mean.."</sister> She slowly reveals her breasts.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\p3.jpg">
<sister>-"I think we understand each other? All you have to do is film.."</sister>
<<pageReplace"Fuck yeah..">>
<<set $avasuckedurcock to true>>\
<b>-"Fuck yeah.."</b> You grin as you take out your phone.
<sister>-"Hehe.. That's the spirit.."</sister> She quickly get on her knees and starts unbuckling your pants.
<sister>-"This will finally shut her down.."</sister> Ava slips down your pants and takes out your throbbing cock.
<b>-"S-shit.."</b> You stutter a bit as she begins to slowly stroke it.
<sister>-"Fuck.. I forgot how massive it was.."</sister> She wastes no time and begins to kiss it.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\p7.webp">
<b>-"MgHHhh.."</b> You grab her hear as you turn on the camera.
<sister>-"You see this Kaley? You're not his favorite, I am!"</sister> Right after saying it, she shoves your shaft deep in her mouth.
<b>-"S-shit!!"</b> You shout.
<sister>-"Ghehe.. bwetter thwan kwaley, hwuh? Slurp.."</sister> She starts devouring your cock with her mouth.
<b>-"ShittttTT.. I don't know..<<if $kaleyblowjobyippy==true>>She was pretty damn good herself..<</if>>"</b> You tease her a bit.
<b>-"YouchHhH! Sorry!"</b> She squeezes your balls in protest.
<sister>-"MgHhHHH! Swo gwood.. Slurp.. Kweep filming.."</sister>
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\p5.webp">
<b>-"FuckkKkk.. Slow down.."</b> You feel like you're about to cum..
<<pageReplace"Hold on..">>
<b>-"MghHhh.."</b> You let out a moan as you try not to explode on the spot.
<sister>-"Ahhhh!"</sister> She stops for a second.
<sister>-"I'm going to milk you.. Until you admit I'm better than her!"</sister> She starts once again.
<sister>-"GHhhHHhh.."</sister> Ava deepthroats your cock.
<b>-"ShitTTt"</b> Your eyes roll backwards as endorfins flood your brain.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\p4.webp">
<sister>-"Cwome on dwaddy.. Cum for mwe!"</sister> She starts massaging the balls she just squeezed so painfully a minute before..
<b>-"NghhHHhH!"</b> Hearing her calling you daddy is making you even more horny.. You try your best to hold the phone steady, but you arms are starting to shake.
<sister>-"Slurp.. MGhHHHH!,</sister> As she begins deepthroating your shaft again, you feel the flood gates open.
<b>-"Ohhh fuckKKKK!!!"</b>
<sister>-"MMmmMMM!"</sister> Your $sister moans as you unload in her mouth.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\p6.webp">
<b>-"NghHHH!"</b> You make sure to film her well as she drains every last drop from you.
<sister>-"Ahhhh! Delicious.."</sister> She lets go of your cock... It falls on your chest, half hard and completely exhausted.
<b>-"Gosh that was great.."</b> You stop filming and put the phone on the counter.
<sister>-"Hehe I know.. Take me out on more dates and we'll do this again.."</sister> This competition between Ava and Kaley has really made her more confident..
<b>-"Good to know.."</b> You lay your head on the pillow.
<sister>-"Send me that video, I can't wait to see her face when she sees it!"</sister> Ava giggles as you both stand up.
<b>-"Right... Give me a second."</b> You take your phone and send her the clip. After pulling up your pants, you go to the restroom to clean up.
<mia>-"I'm homeeEEeE!"</mia> Mia shouts as you hear the door open.
<b>-"Well shit, good thing we're already finished.."</b> You think as you wash your hands.
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
[[Go say hi to Mia->room]]
<<pageReplace"Fuck no.">>
<b>-"Oh..."</b> You frown and look away.
<b>-"I'm sorry, but.. Fuck no.. You're my $sister.. This is wrong.."</b>
<b>-"You heard me.. I don't want this."</b>
<sister>-"B-but.. You were so into it.."</sister> She hides her chest.
<b>-"We went on a friendly date, that's it. I'm sorry if I lead you on.."</b> An awkward silence fills the room.
<sister>-"Fine.."</sister> She mumbles and walks out of the room.
<b>-"Sorry!"</b> You shout once again as she leaves.
<b>-"Fuck me that was awkward.."</b>
[[Find something else to do->room]]
<</pageReplace>><<if $equip ==0>>\
<<set $equip to 1>>\
<<goto "Sisters dom12">>\
<<if $time <2>> <<set $time to $time+1>> <</if>>\
<<set $sistersb to true>>\
<b>-"Ahhhh, finally, the weekend!"</b> You think as the cold pillow envolepes your head completely. You open up tiktok and begin watching video after video, it's finally time to relax.
<sister>-"Come here $name! We need to talk!"</sister> You hear Kaley's voice ring out in the house.
<b>-"Sigh.. What now.."</b> You put down your phone and stand up. As you exit your room, you start hearing your sisters arguing..
<sister>-"No! It's me!"</sister> Kaley says.
<sister>-"Nuh uh! It's totally me!"</sister> Ava answers.. You walk up to their room and open the door.
<b>-"Yo.. What did you want?"</b> You enter.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\n1.jpg">
<sister>-"$name! Good to see you!"</sister> Kaley smiles, obviously trying to get into your good graces.
<sister>-"We're arguing about who's your favorite... It's obviously me!"</sister> Ava scoffs.
<sister>-"Nuh uh!"</sister> Kaley shouts.
<sister>-"Yuh uh!"</sister>
<b>-"Girls, girls, calm down."</b>
<<if $kaleyblowjobyippy == true and $toldthathesgonnahelpava == true>>\
<sister>-"Remember how fucking great my mouth felt after the movie date?"</sister> Kaley says.
<b>-"I.. I did.."</b> What did you get yourself into..
<sister>-"Yeah I bet it felt great, but it can't compare to my blowjob! Right $name?!"</sister> Ava looks at you.
<b>-"It was pretty damn good too.."</b>
<sister>-"So.. Who did a better job?!"</sister> They both ask in unison.
<<pageReplace"I don't know..">>
<b>-"I.. I don't know?"</b> You awkwardly answer.. They're both hot, that's all you care about.
<sister>-"You don't know?! Really?! How is it not obvious that it's me?!"</sister> Ava scoffs.
<sister>-"I'm ready to fuck him if that's what it takes to prove my prowess"</sister> Kaley says.
<sister>-"Me too!"</sister> Ava answers.
<b>-"Oh my God.."</b> You silently whisper as you look down.. What's gotten into them.
<sister>-"Wait.."</sister> Ava says and starts to whisper something in Kaley's ear.
<sister>-"Hey $name.. What if we played a game next week.."</sister> You face your sisters once again.
<b>-"A game?"</b> You see Kaley undressing..
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\n2.jpg">
<sister>-"Yes.. A game.."</sister> She laughs as Ava slips down her dress.
<sister>-"We'll get ready... Be nice and clean for you.."</sister> Ava smiles.
<b>-"Uhuh.."</b> You think you know where this is going..
<sister>-"I'll buy some lube.. We'll make sure everything is ready.. The whole nine yards.."</sister>
<sister>-"All you would have to do is show up... And fuck the shit out of us.."</sister> They both giggle as Kaley begins taking off Ava's dress as well.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\n3.jpg">
<<pageReplace "Really?">>
<b>-"Hah! Wow, really? You want me to fuck both of you?"</b> You ask them as they fully undress, standing completely naked in front of you..
<b>-"..."</b> You already knew what they were thinking, but it's still surprising to hear.
<sister>-"Absolutely... Then you'll be able to compare and finally pick your favorite."</sister> Ava says.
<b>-"You're tempting me.."</b> You start sweating a bit as they touch your crotch.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\n4.jpg">
<sister>-"So, what do you say? Will you be our judge?"</sister>
<b>-"..."</b> Your cock throbs at the thought of fucking both of them... Should you agree?
<<set $sistersevent to 13>>\
<b>-"Fine.. I'll do it."</b> How could you say no to an offer like that!
<sister>-"Perfect! We will once and for all figure out who he likes best!"</sister> Kaley smiles, proudly.
<sister>-"Yes! Which will be me!"</sister> Ava stands up.
<sister>-"No.. It's me!"</sister> Kaley stands up as well.. It's obvious that you have no reason to be here any longer..
<b>-"I'll go then.."</b> You tell them, but they don't seem to notice.
<sister>-"I deepthroated it for like 20 seconds Ava!"</sister>
<sister>-"Wowwwww do you want a medal? I did it for like 30!"</sister> You hear them argue as you leave their room.
<b>-"Shit.. I can't wait.. Fucking both of them at the same time.."</b> You mumble as you begin walking towards your room.
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
[[Go to your room->room]]
<<set $sistersevent to 14>>\
<b>-"Be your judge..? Nooo thank you.. That's for you two to figure out."</b> You take a step backwards.
<sister>-"Huh..? We're literally offering you to fuck us both!"</sister> Ava squints her eyes.
<b>-"I understand.. I don't want to."</b>
<sister>-"You see what you did?! This is your fault!"</sister> Kaley scoffs.
<sister>-"Huh?! You invited him in the first place!"</sister> Ava look at her.
<b>-"I'll go then.."</b> You tell them, but they don't seem to notice.
<sister>-"He just doesn't want to say it, but I'm his favorite Ava! He took me out and acted as my boyfriend!"</sister>
<sister>-"Yeah, he did the same to me!"</sister> You hear them argue as you leave their room.
<b>-"I'm not going to play their stupid games.."</b> You mumble as you begin walking towards your room.
[[Go to your room->room]]
<<elseif $kaleyblowjobyippy == true>>\
<sister>-"Remember how fucking great my mouth felt after the movie date?"</sister> Kaley says.
<b>-"I.. I did.."</b> What did you get yourself into..
<sister>-"Wowwww, so you let her suck your cock, but you wouldn't be even go out with me?"</sister> Ava looks at you.
<b>-"I'm sorry Ava, I just wasn't in the mood.."</b>
<sister>-"Whatever.. You've seen what I can do anyways, you know I'm better than Kaley!"</sister>
<b>-"I mean that's a pretty big assumption, Kaley was really good."</b>
<sister>-"Told you!"</sister> Kaley smiles.
<sister>-"Oh shut up.."</sister> Ava pushes her lightly.
<sister>-"So, who do you like better?!"</sister> They both ask in unison.
<<pageReplace"I don't know..">>
<b>-"I.. I don't know?"</b> You awkwardly answer.. They're both hot, that's all you care about.
<sister>-"You don't know?! Really?! How is it not obvious that it's me?!"</sister> Ava scoffs.
<sister>-"I'm ready to fuck him if that's what it takes to prove my prowess"</sister> Kaley says.
<sister>-"Me too!"</sister> Ava answers.
<b>-"Oh my God.."</b> You silently whisper as you look down.. What's gotten into them.
<sister>-"Wait.."</sister> Ava says and starts to whisper something in Kaley's ear.
<sister>-"Hey $name.. What if we played a game next week.."</sister> You face your sisters once again.
<b>-"A game?"</b> You see Kaley undressing..
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\n2.jpg">
<sister>-"Yes.. A game.."</sister> She laughs as Ava slips down her dress.
<sister>-"We'll get ready... Be nice and clean for you.."</sister> Ava smiles.
<b>-"Uhuh.."</b> You think you know where this is going..
<sister>-"I'll buy some lube.. We'll make sure everything is ready.. The whole nine yards.."</sister>
<sister>-"All you would have to do is show up... And fuck the shit out of us.."</sister> They both giggle as Kaley begins taking off Ava's dress as well.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\n3.jpg">
<<pageReplace "Really?">>
<b>-"Hah! Wow, really? You want me to fuck both of you?"</b> You ask them as they fully undress, standing completely naked in front of you..
<b>-"..."</b> You already knew what they were thinking, but it's still surprising to hear.
<sister>-"Absolutely... Then you'll be able to compare and finally pick your favorite."</sister> Ava says.
<b>-"You're tempting me.."</b> You start sweating a bit as they touch your crotch.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\n4.jpg">
<sister>-"So, what do you say? Will you be our judge?"</sister>
<b>-"..."</b> Your cock throbs at the thought of fucking both of them... Should you agree?
<<set $sistersevent to 13>>\
<b>-"Fine.. I'll do it."</b> How could you say no to an offer like that!
<sister>-"Perfect! We will once and for all figure out who he likes best!"</sister> Kaley smiles, proudly.
<sister>-"Yes! Which will be me!"</sister> Ava stands up.
<sister>-"No.. It's me!"</sister> Kaley stands up as well.. It's obvious that you have no reason to be here any longer..
<b>-"I'll go then.."</b> You tell them, but they don't seem to notice.
<sister>-"I deepthroated it for like 20 seconds Ava!"</sister>
<sister>-"Wowwwww do you want a medal? I did it for like 30!"</sister> You hear them argue as you leave their room.
<b>-"Shit.. I can't wait.. Fucking both of them at the same time.."</b> You mumble as you begin walking towards your room.
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
[[Go to your room->room]]
<<set $sistersevent to 14>>\
<b>-"Be your judge..? Nooo thank you.. That's for you two to figure out."</b> You take a step backwards.
<sister>-"Huh..? We're literally offering you to fuck us both!"</sister> Ava squints her eyes.
<b>-"I understand.. I don't want to."</b>
<sister>-"You see what you did?! This is your fault!"</sister> Kaley scoffs.
<sister>-"Huh?! You invited him in the first place!"</sister> Ava look at her.
<b>-"I'll go then.."</b> You tell them, but they don't seem to notice.
<sister>-"He just doesn't want to say it, but I'm his favorite Ava! He took me out and acted as my boyfriend!"</sister>
<sister>-"Yeah, he did the same to me!"</sister> You hear them argue as you leave their room.
<b>-"I'm not going to play their stupid games.."</b> You mumble as you begin walking towards your room.
[[Go to your room->room]]
<<elseif $toldthathesgonnahelpava == true>>\
<sister>-"Remember how fucking great my mouth felt after the date?"</sister> Ava says.
<b>-"I.. I did.."</b> What did you get yourself into..
<sister>-"WOwwwwww, so you let her suck your cock but you wouldn't even go out with me?"</sister> Kaley looks at you.
<b>-"I'm sorry Kaley, I just wasn't in the mood.."</b>
<sister>-"Whatever.. You've seen what I can do anyways, you know I'm better than Ava!"</sister>
<b>-"I mean that's a pretty big assumption, Ava was really good."</b>
<sister>-"Told you!"</sister> Ava smiles.
<sister>-"Oh shut up.."</sister> Kaley pushes her lightly.
<sister>-"So, who do you like better?!"</sister> They both ask in unison.
<<pageReplace"I don't know..">>
<b>-"I.. I don't know?"</b> You awkwardly answer.. They're both hot, that's all you care about.
<sister>-"You don't know?! Really?! How is it not obvious that it's me?!"</sister> Ava scoffs.
<sister>-"I'm ready to fuck him if that's what it takes to prove my prowess"</sister> Kaley says.
<sister>-"Me too!"</sister> Ava answers.
<b>-"Oh my God.."</b> You silently whisper as you look down.. What's gotten into them.
<sister>-"Wait.."</sister> Ava says and starts to whisper something in Kaley's ear.
<sister>-"Hey $name.. What if we played a game next week.."</sister> You face your sisters once again.
<b>-"A game?"</b> You see Kaley undressing..
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\n2.jpg">
<sister>-"Yes.. A game.."</sister> She laughs as Ava slips down her dress.
<sister>-"We'll get ready... Be nice and clean for you.."</sister> Ava smiles.
<b>-"Uhuh.."</b> You think you know where this is going..
<sister>-"I'll buy some lube.. We'll make sure everything is ready.. The whole nine yards.."</sister>
<sister>-"All you would have to do is show up... And fuck the shit out of us.."</sister> They both giggle as Kaley begins taking off Ava's dress as well.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\n3.jpg">
<<pageReplace "Really?">>
<b>-"Hah! Wow, really? You want me to fuck both of you?"</b> You ask them as they fully undress, standing completely naked in front of you..
<b>-"..."</b> You already knew what they were thinking, but it's still surprising to hear.
<sister>-"Absolutely... Then you'll be able to compare and finally pick your favorite."</sister> Ava says.
<b>-"You're tempting me.."</b> You start sweating a bit as they touch your crotch.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\n4.jpg">
<sister>-"So, what do you say? Will you be our judge?"</sister>
<b>-"..."</b> Your cock throbs at the thought of fucking both of them... Should you agree?
<<set $sistersevent to 13>>\
<b>-"Fine.. I'll do it."</b> How could you say no to an offer like that!
<sister>-"Perfect! We will once and for all figure out who he likes best!"</sister> Kaley smiles, proudly.
<sister>-"Yes! Which will be me!"</sister> Ava stands up.
<sister>-"No.. It's me!"</sister> Kaley stands up as well.. It's obvious that you have no reason to be here any longer..
<b>-"I'll go then.."</b> You tell them, but they don't seem to notice.
<sister>-"I deepthroated it for like 20 seconds Ava!"</sister>
<sister>-"Wowwwww do you want a medal? I did it for like 30!"</sister> You hear them argue as you leave their room.
<b>-"Shit.. I can't wait.. Fucking both of them at the same time.."</b> You mumble as you begin walking towards your room.
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
[[Go to your room->room]]
<<set $sistersevent to 14>>\
<b>-"Be your judge..? Nooo thank you.. That's for you two to figure out."</b> You take a step backwards.
<sister>-"Huh..? We're literally offering you to fuck us both!"</sister> Ava squints her eyes.
<b>-"I understand.. I don't want to."</b>
<sister>-"You see what you did?! This is your fault!"</sister> Kaley scoffs.
<sister>-"Huh?! You invited him in the first place!"</sister> Ava look at her.
<b>-"I'll go then.."</b> You tell them, but they don't seem to notice.
<sister>-"He just doesn't want to say it, but I'm his favorite Ava! He took me out and acted as my boyfriend!"</sister>
<sister>-"Yeah, he did the same to me!"</sister> You hear them argue as you leave their room.
<b>-"I'm not going to play their stupid games.."</b> You mumble as you begin walking towards your room.
[[Go to your room->room]]
<sister>-"You've seen my body $name, I know you love it!"</sister> Ava grabs her tits.
<sister>-"Bitch please! The only good thing you have is tits! Your ass is as flat as a board!"</sister>
<b>-"Haha.."</b> You awkwardly laugh as they continue to argue.
<sister>-"I've seen him peeping on me in the shower! He lovesssss me!"</sister> Ava outs you..
<sister>-"So what!? I bet he fantasises about fucking me every night!"</sister> Kaley answers.
<b>-"That's not true, but I better stay quiet.."</b> You think.
<sister>-"Ugh, just tell us, who's your favorite?!"</sister> They say in unison!
<<pageReplace"I don't know..">>
<b>-"I.. I don't know?"</b> You awkwardly answer.. They're both hot, that's all you care about.
<sister>-"You don't know?! Really?! How is it not obvious that it's me?!"</sister> Ava scoffs.
<sister>-"I'm ready to fuck him if that's what it takes to prove my prowess"</sister> Kaley says.
<sister>-"Me too!"</sister> Ava answers.
<b>-"Oh my God.."</b> You silently whisper as you look down.. What's gotten into them.
<sister>-"Wait.."</sister> Ava says and starts to whisper something in Kaley's ear.
<sister>-"Hey $name.. What if we played a game next week.."</sister> You face your sisters once again.
<b>-"A game?"</b> You see Kaley undressing..
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\n2.jpg">
<sister>-"Yes.. A game.."</sister> She laughs as Ava slips down her dress.
<sister>-"We'll get ready... Be nice and clean for you.."</sister> Ava smiles.
<b>-"Uhuh.."</b> You think you know where this is going..
<sister>-"I'll buy some lube.. We'll make sure everything is ready.. The whole nine yards.."</sister>
<sister>-"All you would have to do is show up... And fuck the shit out of us.."</sister> They both giggle as Kaley begins taking off Ava's dress as well.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\n3.jpg">
<<pageReplace "Really?">>
<b>-"Hah! Wow, really? You want me to fuck both of you?"</b> You ask them as they fully undress, standing completely naked in front of you..
<b>-"..."</b> You already knew what they were thinking, but it's still surprising to hear.
<sister>-"Absolutely... Then you'll be able to compare and finally pick your favorite."</sister> Ava says.
<b>-"You're tempting me.."</b> You start sweating a bit as they touch your crotch.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\n4.jpg">
<sister>-"So, what do you say? Will you be our judge?"</sister>
<b>-"..."</b> Your cock throbs at the thought of fucking both of them... Should you agree?
<<set $sistersevent to 13>>\
<b>-"Fine.. I'll do it."</b> How could you say no to an offer like that!
<sister>-"Perfect! We will once and for all figure out who he likes best!"</sister> Kaley smiles, proudly.
<sister>-"Yes! Which will be me!"</sister> Ava stands up.
<sister>-"No.. It's me!"</sister> Kaley stands up as well.. It's obvious that you have no reason to be here any longer..
<b>-"I'll go then.."</b> You tell them, but they don't seem to notice.
<sister>-"I deepthroated it for like 20 seconds Ava!"</sister>
<sister>-"Wowwwww do you want a medal? I did it for like 30!"</sister> You hear them argue as you leave their room.
<b>-"Shit.. I can't wait.. Fucking both of them at the same time.."</b> You mumble as you begin walking towards your room.
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
[[Go to your room->room]]
<<set $sistersevent to 14>>\
<b>-"Be your judge..? Nooo thank you.. That's for you two to figure out."</b> You take a step backwards.
<sister>-"Huh..? We're literally offering you to fuck us both!"</sister> Ava squints her eyes.
<b>-"I understand.. I don't want to."</b>
<sister>-"You see what you did?! This is your fault!"</sister> Kaley scoffs.
<sister>-"Huh?! You invited him in the first place!"</sister> Ava look at her.
<b>-"I'll go then.."</b> You tell them, but they don't seem to notice.
<sister>-"He just doesn't want to say it, but I'm his favorite Ava! He took me out and acted as my boyfriend!"</sister>
<sister>-"Yeah, he did the same to me!"</sister> You hear them argue as you leave their room.
<b>-"I'm not going to play their stupid games.."</b> You mumble as you begin walking towards your room.
[[Go to your room->room]]
<</if>><<if $equip ==0>>\
<<set $equip to 1>>\
<<goto "Sisters dom13">>\
<<if $time <2>> <<set $time to $time+1>> <</if>>\
<<set $sistersb to true>>\
<<set $sistersevent to 14>>\
<sister>-"$name! Come here!"</sister> You hear Ava shouting for you.
<b>-"In a sec!"</b> You shout back as you get out of bed and begin walking towards their room.
<b>-"You called me?"</b> You ask as you enter.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\f1.jpg">
<sister>-"Well, are you ready?"</sister> Kaley asks as you look them both up and down.
<b>-"Oh wow... Ready for what?"</b> Her half naked bodies are already turning you on.
<sister>-"The contest dummy! You don't remember?"</sister>
<b>-"Ahhh, now that you mention it, I do! Remind me of the details though."</b>
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\f2.jpg">
<sister>-"Y-you're going to fuck us, and tell us which one of us is better in bed."</sister> Ava stutters as her cheeks grow red.
<b>-"Hmph, alright then, get those tits out."</b> They nod and begin to take off their lingerie.
<<pageReplace"Watch them undress.">>
<sister>-"This is going to be such an easy win for me!"</sister> Kaley looks at Ava as she removes her bra.
<sister>-"You wish! My skills are so much better than yours!"</sister>
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\f4.webp">
<b>-"Here..."</b> You undress as well.
<sister>-"Fuck me... I always forget how big that cock is."</sister> Kaley says as she gets onto the bed and sits down.
<sister>-"A-ahem, which one of us should start?"</sister>
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\f5.jpg">
<b>-"I can pick?"</b>
<sister>-"Of course!"</sister> Kaley answers, but Ava suddenly drops to her knees.
<sister>-"You took too long, I'm first!"</sister> She quickly grabs your cock and places it inbetween her breasts.
<sister>-"H-hey! Not fair!"</sister> Kaley shouts.
<<pageReplace"Look down.">>
<sister>-"Ghehehe, my tits are a lot bigger, right $name?"</sister>
<b>-"FucKkkk... So sudden!"</b>
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\f1.webp">
<sister>-"Ugh... Fine, I'll wait for my turn"</sister> Kaley mumbles as she sits on the bed.
<sister>-"Time for some mouth action!"</sister> Ava grabs your cock with her right hand and begins to lick the tip of it.
<b>-"FucKkkk!"</b> Not even 10 seconds later, your whole shaft is in her mouth.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\f2.webp">
<sister>-"Guhhhh... GuHhhh... GuHhhhh!"</sister> Ava chokes on your cock as Kaley rolls her eyes.
<sister>-"That's not even impressive..."</sister>
<<pageReplace"Try your best not to cum.">>
<b>-"GhhrhHhh!"</b> Her wet and warm mouth is completely destroying your stamina.
<sister>-"Remember the cinema date $name? My mouth felt a lot better, right?"</sister> Kaley asks.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\f11.jpg">
<sister>-"AHhhh! S-stop coercing him! You will have your time with him!"</sister> Ava stops sucking you off.
<sister>-"Fine..."</sister> Kaley goes quiet once again as Ava stands up.
<sister>-"Time for the main course!"</sister> You nod and lay down. After your $sister climbs on top of you, you take your cock and slowly insert it inside.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\f3.gif">
<sister>-"NgHhhhh... S-so big!"</sister>
<b>-"Gosh you're tight Ava!"</b>
<sister>-"T-tight?! She's loose as fuck! Mine is tighter!"</sister> Kaley comments once again.
<<pageReplace"Fuck Ava faster.">>
<b>-"ArghHhh!"</b> You shout as your hips begin to move faster.
<sister>-"NgHHhh! W-wowwWWwwW!"</sister>
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\f4.webp">
<sister>-"L-let me do it! I need to... GnHhhh... Show you my skills, no?"</sister>
<b>-"ArghHhh... G-go ahead!"</b> You relax your body as Ava begins to move on her own.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\f5.webp">
<b>-"GhhHRhHhh!"</b> Her tight pussy is trying it's best to milk you.
<sister>-"T-that's enough of that!"</sister> Kaley gets off of the bed.
<<pageReplace"Look at her.">>
<b>-"NgHhhh!"</b> As you hold on for dear life, Kaley gets clsoer.
<sister>-"How about you give me a try now, sis?"</sister>
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\f6.gif">
<sister>-"FucKkkkk... NgHHhhh... F-fineeEEee... GNHhhhh!"</sister> After a couple more thrusts, she stops and hops off of your dick.
<sister>-"My pussy is throbbing anyways... GrRhhhh..."</sister> Kaley drops to her knees as Ava lays down on the sofa nearby.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\f14.jpg">
<sister>-"Come on then, Kaley, show him how inferior you are."</sister> Ava begins to play with her pussy as she watches you both.
<sister>-"Hmph, watch and learn."</sister> Kaley answers and begins to suck you off.
<<pageReplace"Look her in the eyes.">>
<sister>-"GuahahHh... GuhhHh...! Ahhh! I'm a lot better, right?"</sister>
<b>-"NnngHHhh! Too early too tell!"</b> Kaley rolls her eyes and starts to suck you off again.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\f7.webp">
<b>-"AgHrHhhh!"</b> You shout as she begins to deepthroat your shaft.
<sister>-"Wow... Didn't know you could do that."</sister> Ava comments.
<sister>-"Guhhh... Guhhh.. GAhhHH!"</sister>
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\f8.webp">
<b>-"Fuckkkk!"</b> You grab the carpet you're laying and squeeze.
<sister>-"Ahhhh! T-that's enough of that!"</sister> Kaley stops sucking, stands up and gets on top of you.
<<pageReplace"Get ready for penetration.">>
<b>-"NnngHHhh! Gentle, I'm sensitive!"</b> You don't want to cum before the contest is over!
<sister>-"Heh, w-when am I not?"</sister> Kaley smiles and slowly inserts your cock inside.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\f9.webp">
<sister>-"FuCKkkk!"</sister> Your $sister moans as your cock penetrates her tight pussy.
<b>-"GrHhhh! Good girl!"</b> As Ava watches, Kaley begins to move her hips.
<sister>-"Impressive..."</sister> Ava mumbles.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\f10.webp">
<sister>-"NgHhhh! So bigggg!"</sister>
<b>-"FuCKkkk! You were right... NGHhh... You are even tighter!"</b>
<sister>-"Ugh..."</sister> Ava rolls her eyes as Kaley grins.
<<pageReplace"You feel like you're about to explode!">>
<b>-"FuCKkkkk! I'm closee!"</b>
<sister>-"Just a little more baby! C-come on!"</sister>
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\f12.webp">
<b>-"NgHhhh!"</b> You let go of the carpet and grab Kaley's tits.
<sister>-"AghHhh! YesshHhh!"</sister>
<sister>-"NgHhhh..."</sister> Ava moans as she rubs her pussy faster.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\f13.webp">
<b>-"I'm about to cum! GhRhHhHH!"</b> Suddenly, kaley gets off of you and gets on her knees.
<sister>-"On my face baby!"</sister> Ava does the same.
<sister>-"N-no! Cum on me!"</sister>
<<pageReplace"Cum on Kaley.">>
<b>-"Come here Kaley!"</b> Kaley's eyes grow wide and a smile forms on her face.
<sister>-"Ghehehe, watch this sis!"</sister> She says as you unload all over her face.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\f15.webp">
<b>-"AgrhHhhH!"</b> After the last drops of your nut leave your cock, you fall onto the bed, exhausted.
<sister>-"Delicous..."</sister> Kaley licks up your cum and swallows it. You turn to Ava, but you can tell that she isn't happy.
<sister>-"Y-you might've came on her, but that doesn't mean I didn't do a better job, right?"</sister> Your $sisters get closer to each other.
<sister>-"Ha! I was better, obviously, right $name?"</sister> Kaley asks.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\f22.jpg">
<b>-"I... I don't..."</b>
<sister>-"You have to pick one $name! That was our deal!"</sister>
<<pageReplace"Ava was better.">>
<<set $kaleyavacontest to 1>>\
<b>-"I think... I think Ava was better!"</b> You answer truthfully.
<sister>-"Hah, told you!"</sister> Ava grins and turns to her sister.
<sister>-"Ugh you little slut... That pussy of yours got loose after all of those cocks you took!"</sister> Kaley turns her sister around.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\f25.webp">
<sister>-"Aghhh! K-Kaley!"</sister> You sit there, grinning as your $sisters begin to enjoy each others company a little too much.
<b>-"So hot..."</b> You would love to join in, but your cock is drained...
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\f24.webp">
<sister>-"NGHhhh... Want me to teach you how to take cock better?"</sister> Ava asks.
<sister>-"Yeshhhh..."</sister> Kaley asnwers as you stand up.
<b>-"Enjoy yourselfs girls, I'm out of here."</b> They turn to you.
<sister>-"T-thank you $name!"</sister> They both say as Ava gets on top of Kaley.
<b>-"Don't mention it."</b> You quickly grab your things and begin making your way out of their room.
<b>-"Wow..."</b> After you exit, you turn back to get one last look.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\f25.webp">
<b>-"God damnit they're hot..."</b>
<sister>-"NgHhhhh! Good girl!"</sister> Ava grins as Kaley increases in speed... Time to shut the door.
<b>-"I wonder what awaits me next Saturday, now that I have picked a winner..."</b>
<<set $dominant to $dominant>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
[[Go to your room->room]]
<<pageReplace"Kaley was better.">>
<<set $kaleyavacontest to 2>>\
<b>-"I think... I think Kaley was better!"</b> You answer truthfully.
<sister>-"Hah, told you!"</sister> Kaley grins and turns to her sister.
<sister>-"Ugh you little slut... That pussy of yours is getting looser and looser!"</sister> Ava pushes Kaley over and embraces her with a kiss.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\f24.webp">
<sister>-"Aghhh! A-Ava!"</sister> You sit there, grinning as your $sisters begin to enjoy each others company a little too much.
<b>-"So hot..."</b> You think as Kaley moves onto Ava's backdoor.
<sister>-"I might be loose, but not as loose as you..."</sister> You would love to join in, but your cock is drained...
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\f25.webp">
<sister>-"NGHhhh... You bitch..."</sister> Ava whispers...
<sister>-"Come here, I'll show you my new skills."</sister>
<b>-"Enjoy yourselfs girls, I'm out of here."</b> They turn to you.
<sister>-"T-thank you $name!"</sister> They both say as Ava gets on top of Kaley.
<sister>-"Yesshhh!"</sister> Ava moans as Kaley begins to eat her out.
<b>-"Don't mention it."</b> You quickly grab your things and begin making your way out of their room.
<b>-"Wow..."</b> After you exit, you turn back to get one last look.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\f25.webp">
<b>-"God damnit they're hot..."</b>
<sister>-"NgHhhhh! Good girl!"</sister>
<b>-"I wonder what awaits me next Saturday, now that I have picked a winner..."</b>
<<set $dominant to $dominant>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
[[Go to your room->room]]
<<pageReplace"Cum on Ava.">>
<b>-"Come here Ava!"</b> Ava's eyes grow wide and a smile forms on her face.
<sister>-"Ghehehe, watch this sis!"</sister> She says as you unload straight into her mouth.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\f14.webp">
<b>-"AgrhHhhH!"</b> After the last drops of your nut leave your cock, you fall onto the bed, exhausted.
<sister>-"Delicous..."</sister> Ava swallows your whole load. You turn to Kaley, but you can tell that she isn't happy.
<sister>-"Y-you might've came on her, but that doesn't mean I didn't do a better job, right?"</sister> Your $sisters get closer to each other.
<sister>-"Ha! I was better, obviously, right $name?"</sister> Ava asks.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\f22.jpg">
<b>-"I... I don't..."</b>
<sister>-"You have to pick one $name! That was our deal!"</sister>
<<pageReplace"Ava was better.">>
<<set $kaleyavacontest to 1>>\
<b>-"I think... I think Ava was better!"</b> You answer truthfully.
<sister>-"Hah, told you!"</sister> Ava grins and turns to her sister.
<sister>-"Ugh you little slut... That pussy of yours got loose after all of those cocks you took!"</sister> Kaley turns her sister around.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\f25.webp">
<sister>-"Aghhh! K-Kaley!"</sister> You sit there, grinning as your $sisters begin to enjoy each others company a little too much.
<b>-"So hot..."</b> You would love to join in, but your cock is drained...
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\f24.webp">
<sister>-"NGHhhh... Want me to teach you how to take cock better?"</sister> Ava asks.
<sister>-"Yeshhhh..."</sister> Kaley asnwers as you stand up.
<b>-"Enjoy yourselfs girls, I'm out of here."</b> They turn to you.
<sister>-"T-thank you $name!"</sister> They both say as Ava gets on top of Kaley.
<b>-"Don't mention it."</b> You quickly grab your things and begin making your way out of their room.
<b>-"Wow..."</b> After you exit, you turn back to get one last look.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\f25.webp">
<b>-"God damnit they're hot..."</b>
<sister>-"NgHhhhh! Good girl!"</sister> Ava grins as Kaley increases in speed... Time to shut the door.
<b>-"I wonder what awaits me next Saturday, now that I have picked a winner..."</b>
<<set $dominant to $dominant>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
[[Go to your room->room]]
<<pageReplace"Kaley was better.">>
<<set $kaleyavacontest to 2>>\
<b>-"I think... I think Kaley was better!"</b> You answer truthfully.
<sister>-"Hah, told you!"</sister> Kaley grins and turns to her sister.
<sister>-"Ugh you little slut... That pussy of yours is getting looser and looser!"</sister> Ava pushes Kaley over and embraces her with a kiss.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\f24.webp">
<sister>-"Aghhh! A-Ava!"</sister> You sit there, grinning as your $sisters begin to enjoy each others company a little too much.
<b>-"So hot..."</b> You think as Kaley moves onto Ava's backdoor.
<sister>-"I might be loose, but not as loose as you..."</sister> You would love to join in, but your cock is drained...
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\f25.webp">
<sister>-"NGHhhh... You bitch..."</sister> Ava whispers...
<sister>-"Come here, I'll show you my new skills."</sister>
<b>-"Enjoy yourselfs girls, I'm out of here."</b> They turn to you.
<sister>-"T-thank you $name!"</sister> They both say as Ava gets on top of Kaley.
<sister>-"Yesshhh!"</sister> Ava moans as Kaley begins to eat her out.
<b>-"Don't mention it."</b> You quickly grab your things and begin making your way out of their room.
<b>-"Wow..."</b> After you exit, you turn back to get one last look.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\f25.webp">
<b>-"God damnit they're hot..."</b>
<sister>-"NgHhhhh! Good girl!"</sister>
<b>-"I wonder what awaits me next Saturday, now that I have picked a winner..."</b>
<<set $dominant to $dominant>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
[[Go to your room->room]]
<</pageReplace>><<if $equip ==0>>\
<<set $equip to 1>>\
<<goto "Sisters dom14">>\
<<if $time <2>> <<set $time to $time+1>> <</if>>\
<<set $sistersb to true>>\
<<if $kaleyavacontest ==1>>
<grey>-"Knock Knock Knock!"</grey> Somebody knocks on your door as you lay in bed.
<b>-"Come in!"</b>
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\a1.jpg">
<sister>-"H-hey..."</sister> It's your $sister!
<b>-"What's up Kaley? What do you need?"</b>
<sister>-"I... I wanted to talk with you about what happened last week..."</sister> She seems sad.
<b>-"You mean the contest? What about it?"</b>
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\a2.jpg">
<sister>-"Well, I ended up losing, but I don't think that Ava deserved to win."</sister> Kaley looks down at the ground.
<b>-"What do you mean?"</b>
<sister>-"A-Ava has a lot more experience than I do, but I'm trying everyday to learn new skills for you!"</sister>
<sister>-"You think I'm just an amateur, b-but I'm way more than that!"</sister>
<<pageReplace"What are you saying?">>
<b>-"What are you even trying to say?"</b>
<sister>-"I... I want you to come to the club with me, I'll show you how good I can fuck and you'll change your mind in an instant...!"</sister> She moves her swimsuit to the side, revealing her bare chest.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\a3.jpg">
<b>-"To the club? Why?"</b>
<sister>-"T-to show you that I'm not scared of doing it in public places! To let everyone know how much of a slut I am for you!"</sister> Her cheeks grow red as you squint your eyes.
<sister>-"Please $name, let me prove myself to you!"</sister>
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\a4.jpg">
<b>-"So let me get this straight, you want me to take you to a club, so we could fuck in public?"</b>
<sister>-"W-we could dance first..."</sister> You both laugh as you think you think about how to answer.
<<set $wenttoclubwithkaley to true>>\
<<set $sistersevent to 15>>\
<b>-"Egh, fine, next Saturday then."</b>
<sister>-"Eeeeeek! Thank you!"</sister> Kaley smiles.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\a5.jpg">
<sister>-"You won't regret it! Your dick won't know what hit it!"</sister> She stands up, pulls up her top and walks towards the door.
<b>-"A little off topic, but why are you in a swimsuit?"</b>
<sister>-"Had to seduce you somehow... Thought it was pretty sexy... You don't think so?"</sister>
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\a6.jpg">
<b>-"Well it worked, so I guess I do."</b>
<sister>-"Heh, good!"</sister> She smiles once again.
<sister>-"So next Saturday, right?"</sister>
<b>-"Mhm, see ya then!"</b>
<sister>-"See ya!"</sister> She exits your room and closes the door.
<b>-"Can't wait to have some fun with her again..."</b>
[[Decide what to do next->room]]
<<pageReplace"No thank you.">>
<<set $sistersevent to 16>>\
<b>-"Egh, no thank you Kaley."</b>
<sister>-"W-what? But why?!"</sister> She stands up.
<b>-"Just don't want to. I don't like clubs."</b> In truth, you prefer Ava.
<sister>-"Ugh, all I want is to prove myself to you..."</sister> You can tell that this deeply hurt her. She quickly runs to your door.
<b>-"I'm sorry Kaley."</b>
<sister>-"S-shut up..."</sister> She whispers and exits.
<b>-"God damnit, she's totally overreacting."</b>
[[Decide what to do next->room]]
<<elseif $kaleyavacontest ==2>>
<b>-"So cloudy today..."</b> The clouds are blocking the sun, it's so dark in your house!
<grey>-"Knock Knock Knock!"</grey> Somebody knocks on your door as you lay in bed.
<b>-"Hmm?"</b> You get up, walk to your door and open it.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\a7.jpg">
<sister>-"Hey babe..."</sister> It's your $sister!
<b>-"What's up Ava? What do you need?"</b>
<sister>-"I wanted to talk with you about what happened last week..."</sister> Ava is acting confident.
<b>-"You mean the contest? What about it?"</b>
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\a8.jpg">
<sister>-"Well, I ended up losing, but I don't think that Kaley deserved to win."</sister>
<b>-"What do you mean?"</b>
<sister>-"Kaley is an amateur, she doesn't know what she's doing."</sister>
<sister>-"I'm a lot more knowledgeable, my skills are way more refined."</sister>
<<pageReplace"What are you saying?">>
<b>-"What are you even trying to say?"</b>
<sister>-"I... I want you to come to the club with me, I'll show you how good I can fuck and you'll change your mind in an instant!"</sister> She enters your room and sits down.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\a9.jpg">
<b>-"To the club? Why?"</b>
<sister>-"To show you that I'm not scared of doing it in public places! To let everyone know how much of a slut I am for you!"</sister>
<sister>-"I bet Kaley wouldn't have the balls to do it in public."</sister>
<sister>-"Come on $name, let me prove myself to you!"</sister> She turns around to show off some of her assets.
<sister>-"Don't tell me you're going to turn down an ass this big?"</sister>
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\a10.jpg">
<b>-"So let me get this straight, you want me to take you to a club, so we could fuck in public?"</b>
<sister>-"We could dance first..."</sister> You both laugh as you think you think about how to answer.
<<set $wenttoclubwithava to true>>\
<<set $sistersevent to 15>>\
<b>-"Egh, fine, next Saturday then."</b>
<sister>-"Good choice."</sister> Ava stands up and bites her finger.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\a12.jpg">
<sister>-"Your dick won't know what hit it!"</sister>
<b>-"Which club do you want to visit?"</b>
<sister>-"Eh, let me think about it for a couple of days. I'll let you know when we start driving."</sister>
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\a11.jpg">
<b>-"Alrighty then, understood."</b> She nods and walks to the door.
<sister>-"So next Saturday, right?"</sister>
<b>-"Mhm, see ya then!"</b>
<sister>-"See ya!"</sister> She exits your room and closes the door.
<b>-"Can't wait to have some fun with her again..."</b>
[[Decide what to do next->room]]
<<pageReplace"No thank you.">>
<<set $sistersevent to 16>>\
<b>-"Egh, no thank you Ava."</b>
<sister>-"W-what? But why?!"</sister> She stands up.
<b>-"Just don't want to. I don't like clubs."</b> In truth, you prefer Kaley.
<sister>-"Ugh, all I want is to prove myself to you..."</sister> You can tell that this deeply hurt her. She quickly runs to your door.
<b>-"I'm sorry Ava."</b>
<sister>-"S-shut up..."</sister> She whispers and exits.
<b>-"God damnit, she's totally overreacting."</b>
[[Decide what to do next->room]]
<grey>-"Knock Knock Knock!"</grey> Somebody knocks on your door as you lay in bed.
<b>-"Come in!"</b>
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\a1.jpg">
<sister>-"H-hey..."</sister> It's your $sister!
<b>-"What's up Kaley? What do you need?"</b>
<sister>-"I... I wanted to talk with you about what happened last week..."</sister> She seems sad.
<b>-"Last week? What about it?"</b>
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\a2.jpg">
<sister>-"Well, you turned down the contest, remember?"</sister> Kaley looks down at the ground.
<b>-"I do."</b>
<sister>-"I think I would have won it..."</sister>
<sister>-"And it's been bugging me all week."</sister>
<<pageReplace"What are you saying?">>
<b>-"What are you even trying to say?"</b>
<sister>-"I want to prove to you I'm better..."</sister>
<sister>-"C-come to the club with me, I'll show you how good I can fuck and you'll finally know who's the better $sister!"</sister> She moves her swimsuit to the side, revealing her bare chest.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\a3.jpg">
<b>-"To the club? Why?"</b>
<sister>-"T-to show you that I'm not scared of doing it in public places! To let everyone know how much of a slut I am for you!"</sister> Her cheeks grow red as you squint your eyes.
<sister>-"Please $name, let me prove myself to you!"</sister>
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\a4.jpg">
<b>-"So let me get this straight, you want me to take you to a club, so we could fuck in public?"</b>
<sister>-"W-we could dance first..."</sister> You both laugh as you think you think about how to answer.
<<set $wenttoclubwithkaley to true>>\
<<set $sistersevent to 15>>\
<b>-"Egh, fine, next Saturday then."</b>
<sister>-"Eeeeeek! Thank you!"</sister> Kaley smiles.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\a5.jpg">
<sister>-"You won't regret it! Your dick won't know what hit it!"</sister> She stands up, pulls up her top and walks towards the door.
<b>-"A little off topic, but why are you in a swimsuit?"</b>
<sister>-"Had to seduce you somehow... Thought it was pretty sexy... You don't think so?"</sister>
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\a6.jpg">
<b>-"Well it worked, so I guess I do."</b>
<sister>-"Heh, good!"</sister> She smiles once again.
<sister>-"So next Saturday, right?"</sister>
<b>-"Mhm, see ya then!"</b>
<sister>-"See ya!"</sister> She exits your room and closes the door.
<b>-"Can't wait to have some fun with her again..."</b>
[[Decide what to do next->room]]
<<pageReplace"No thank you.">>
<<set $sistersevent to 16>>\
<b>-"Egh, no thank you Kaley."</b>
<sister>-"W-what? But why?!"</sister> She stands up.
<b>-"Just don't want to. I don't like clubs."</b> In truth, you prefer Ava.
<sister>-"Ugh, all I want is to prove myself to you..."</sister> You can tell that this deeply hurt her. She quickly runs to your door.
<b>-"I'm sorry Kaley."</b>
<sister>-"S-shut up..."</sister> She whispers and exits.
<b>-"God damnit, she's totally overreacting."</b>
[[Decide what to do next->room]]
<</if>><<if $equip ==0>>\
<<set $equip to 1>>\
<<goto "Sisters dom15">>\
<<if $time <2>> <<set $time to $time+1>> <</if>>\
<<set $sistersb to true>>\
<<set $sistersevent to 16>>\
<<if $wenttoclubwithkaley ==true>>
<b>-"Right, time to go."</b> You say as you check your watch. It's 21:00!
<grey>-"Knock Knock Knock!"</grey> You knock on Kaley's door.
<sister>-"Come in!"</sister> Right as she says that, you open it and step inside.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\b3.jpg">
<b>-"Ready to go?"</b>
<sister>-"H-hah, does it look like I am?"</sister> She giggles.
<sister>-"Give me a minute or two, just need to put on my outfit!"</sister>
<b>-"Sure. Hurry up though."</b>
<sister>-"Oh? Is someone excited to fuck his littl $sister?"</sister>
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\b4.jpg">
<b>-"Shut up you weirdo."</b> You both laugh.
<b>-"I'll be waiting in the car."</b> After she nods, you walk out of her room and close the door.
<<pageReplace"Walk to your car.">>
<<location "Images/Other/city night.jpg" "In the city">>\
<b>-"There she is."</b> You look at Kaley through your rear view mirror.
<sister>-"NgHhhh..."</sister> She let's out a quiet moan as she sits down in your car.
<b>-"You're going out in that?"</b> Her outfit is... Quite revealing.
<sister>-"Sure am! I want to show you how much of a slut I am for you, no?"</sister> You roll your eyes and turn the key.
<b>-"Whatever... Where are we going anyways? You haven't told me the club's name."</b> You start to drive towards the city.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\b5.jpg">
<sister>-"We're going to MOJO'S! It's a club right next to the sex shop you work at."</sister>
<b>-"How do you know I work there?"</b> You never told her.
<sister>-"Mia mentioned it."</sister> After a good 10 minutes of driving, you finally arrive.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\b6.jpeg">
<b>-"Wow! Pretty packed!"</b>
<sister>-"Good... More people will see my devotion for you."</sister> Kaley bites her lip.
<<pageReplace"Park your car.">>
<<location "Images/Events/sister events/both/b17.webp" "MOJO'S club">>
<b>-"..."</b> You park your car and walk to the end of the line. You both wait for around 30 minutes, but finally get in. The entrance was free.
<b>-"Gosh, finally!"</b>
<sister>-"AghHhhh! It's just as nice as in the pictures!"</sister>
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\b7.jpg">
<sister>-"Ready to have some fun?!"</sister>
<b>-"Hell yeah!"</b> You walk to the side of the crowd and find and empty-ish area of the club.
<sister>-"Hold this."</sister> She hands you her purse.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\b10.jpeg">
<sister>-"I'm going to the bar to get us some drinks, stay here for a while, would you?"</sister>
<b>-"Sure thing."</b>
<sister>-"Perfect, see ya in a little!"</sister> She disappears into the crowd.
<<pageReplace"Try to have some fun while you wait.">>
<grey>-"Dumts Dumts Dumts!"</grey> You focus on the music as you look into the crowd.
<pink>-"YeahHhhh!"</pink> People around you are smiling and dancing. The atmosphere is incredible!
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\b8.gif">
<adriana>-"YEAHHHHhHHh SUSANNnnNnNNN!"</adriana> You turn towards a woman who's screaming.
<b>-"Oh...?"</b> You notice that she's hyping up her friend who's dancing.
<b>-"Holy shit!"</b> The friend is without panties!
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\b11.webp">
<b>-"..."</b> You begin to pay more attention and notice that most of the girls here are pretty much naked.
<b>-"W-what kind of club is this..."</b>
<<pageReplace"Continue to look around.">>
<b>-"Holy shit..."</b> You see yet another girl with no panties... Her dumptruck is huge!
<grey>-"Spank!"</grey> A man spanks her ass.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\b12.webp">
<pink>-"H-hey... Watch it..."</pink> The woman blushes and turns to her assailant.
<blue>-"Want to get out of here?"</blue> They begin to flirt.
<sister>-"$name! There you are!"</sister> Kaley taps you on your back.
<b>-"O-oh! Hey haha!"</b> You turn around
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\b14.jpeg">
<sister>-"Bought as martinis! Enjoy!"</sister> She hands you a drink.
<b>-"Thanks Kaley!"</b> You enjoy each others company and finish the drinks.
<sister>-"Hic... I feel light headed already... Wow!"</sister>
<b>-"Yeah, no kidding, the drinks are strong here!"</b>
<<pageReplace"You notice someone walks over to you both.">>
<blue>-"Hey, is he bothering you?"</blue> A man asks your $sister.
<b>-"Huh?"</b> You look him up and down.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\b15.jpeg">
<sister>-"What? No?"</sister> Kaley looks at his with disgust.
<blue>-"Hmph... He looked like he did."</blue> The man grabs her waist with one hand.
<blue>-"Care to join me for a dance?"</blue>
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\b16.webp">
<sister>-"Fuck no. Get away from me."</sister> Kaley takes a step back.
<b>-"The fuck is wrong with you?"</b> You push the man - he goes flying.
<blue>-"Y-yo! Chill!"</blue> People around you begin to notice the commotion.
<b>-"Try to grab her again and I'll beat the fuck out of you."</b> The man stands up.
<blue>-"Understood... Understood... Didn't mean anything by it."</blue> He raises his hands up in a non confrontational way.
<sister>-"L-let's go $name, before someone calls security..."</sister>
<sister>-"Hehehe... To the bathroom! My knight deserves to get a reward for that whole fiasco!"</sister> You can tell that she's a bit drunk, but appreciative for what you did.
<b>-"Hmph, fine."</b> Kaley leads to the restrooms. You both enter the female one.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\b20.jpeg">
<sister>-"Into the stall, come on."</sister> There are no people inside... At least for now.
<b>-"J-jeez! Someone is impatient!"</b> As soon as you close the stall's door, Kaley drops to her knees and begins to pull down your pants.
<sister>-"Ghehehe... You bet!"</sister>
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\b28.webp">
<sister>-"NgHhh... Forgot how big it was."</sister> She licks her lips.
<<pageReplace"Brace for impact!">>
<b>-"FucKkkkk!"</b> You let out a moan as her mouth comes in contact with your shaft.
<sister>-"GWahhhh... GwuhhHh!"</sister>
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\b29.webp">
<grey>-"Creeeek!"</grey> You hear as the door opens and someone steps inside the restroom.
<b>-"NgHhhh... We should keep it down..."</b> You whisper.
<sister>-"Gahhh... Dwon't... GauahhhHH... Cware!"</sister> Kaley begins to make even more noise as you hear the person quickly leave.
<b>-"Oh my God... NGHhhh... Kaley!"</b> She stops and stands up.
<sister>-"I told you, I'm a whore for you baby."</sister> She turns around and you begin to raise her skirt.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\b30.webp">
<b>-"Fuck... The quicker we're done, the better!"</b> You don't want to get caught by security!
<<pageReplace"Put it inside.">>
<b>-"AgHhhhh..."</b> You put your cock inside and slowly begin to move back and forth.
<sister>-"MgGHHhhhh shittt!"</sister>
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\b31.webp">
<b>-"ArGhhhh! Gosh you're tight today!"</b>
<sister>-"AghHHHhhhh... Only for you baby!"</sister>
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\b32.webp">
<b>-"Oh fuck..."</b> You hear yet another person enter the restroom.
<sister>-"OHHH YESSSS! Fuck me $name! PLEASEEEE!"</sister> Kaley begins to scream on purpose... You hear the person leave.
<b>-"Ghahaha, you bitch!"</b>
<sister>-"Ghehehe..."</sister> Her tight pussy begins to squeeze you even more... You're about to cum!
<b>-"NghHhh... I'm close!"</b>
<sister>-"Inside baby! Do it inside!"</sister>
<<pageReplace"Creampie her.">>
<sister>-"YesSHshHhh! Come on!"</sister>
<b>-"ArgHhhhh!"</b> You unload straight into her pussy and after a couple of extra thrusts, you pull out.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\b33.webp">
<grey>-"Knock Knock Knock!"</grey> Someone is knocking on your stall's door!
<grey1>-"Security! Come out!"</grey1>
<b>-"Oh shit!"</b> Both of you quickly get dressed and open the door.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\b27.webp">
<grey2>-"Ugh, another pair of pervs."</grey2> They grab you by the arms.
<b>-"Hey! Be gentle with her!"</b> The security guards drag you both out of the club.
<grey1>-"Out you go."</grey1> They smash the door shut.
<b>-"Fuck..."</b> You look around - at least it's pretty empty outside, nobody saw what happened.
<sister>-"Hehehehe! Wasn't that just awesome!"</sister> Kaley faces you.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\b35.png">
<b>-"Awesome?! We go caught!"</b>
<sister>-"So?! That was so fun! I felt so... Alive!"</sister> She gives you a kiss and you both begin walking towards your car.
<b>-"Hmph... I guess."</b>
<sister>-"Now remember this evening when you think about who's the better sister... Ava wouldn't have the balls to do something like this!"</sister>
<b>-"Hmph, sure Kaley, I will."</b> Time to head home.
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
[[Drive home->room]]
<b>-"Right, time to go."</b> You say as you check your watch. It's 21:00!
<grey>-"Knock Knock Knock!"</grey> You knock on Ava's door.
<sister>-"Come in!"</sister> Right as she says that, you open it and step inside.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\b1.jpg">
<b>-"Ready to go?"</b>
<sister>-"H-hah, does it look like I am?"</sister> She giggles.
<sister>-"Give me a minute or two, just need to put on my outfit!"</sister>
<b>-"Sure. Hurry up though."</b>
<sister>-"Oh? Is someone excited to fuck his littl $sister?"</sister>
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\b2.jpg">
<b>-"Shut up you weirdo."</b> You both laugh.
<b>-"I'll be waiting in the car."</b> After she nods, you walk out of her room and close the door.
<<pageReplace"Walk to your car.">>
<<location "Images/Other/city night.jpg" "In the city">>\
<b>-"There she is."</b> You look at Ava through your rear view mirror.
<sister>-"NgHhhh..."</sister> She let's out a quiet moan as she sits down in your car.
<b>-"You're going out in that?"</b> Her outfit is... Quite revealing.
<sister>-"Sure am! I want to show you how much of a slut I am for you, no?"</sister> You roll your eyes and turn the key.
<b>-"Whatever... Where are we going anyways? You haven't told me the club's name."</b> You start to drive towards the city.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\b5.jpg">
<sister>-"We're going to MOJO'S! It's a club right next to the sex shop you work at."</sister>
<b>-"How do you know I work there?"</b> You never told her.
<sister>-"Mia mentioned it."</sister> After a good 10 minutes of driving, you finally arrive.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\b6.jpeg">
<b>-"Wow! Pretty packed!"</b>
<sister>-"Good... More people will see my devotion for you."</sister> Ava bites her lip.
<<pageReplace"Park your car.">>
<<location "Images/Events/sister events/both/b17.webp" "MOJO'S club">>
<b>-"..."</b> You park your car and walk to the end of the line. You both wait for around 30 minutes, but finally get in. The entrance was free.
<b>-"Gosh, finally!"</b>
<sister>-"AghHhhh! It's just as nice as in the pictures!"</sister>
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\b7.jpg">
<sister>-"Ready to have some fun?!"</sister>
<b>-"Hell yeah!"</b> You walk to the side of the crowd and find and empty-ish area of the club.
<sister>-"Hold this."</sister> She hands you her purse.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\b9.jpeg">
<sister>-"I'm going to the bar to get us some drinks, stay here for a while, would you?"</sister>
<b>-"Sure thing."</b>
<sister>-"Perfect, see ya in a little!"</sister> She disappears into the crowd.
<<pageReplace"Try to have some fun while you wait.">>
<grey>-"Dumts Dumts Dumts!"</grey> You focus on the music as you look into the crowd.
<pink>-"YeahHhhh!"</pink> People around you are smiling and dancing. The atmosphere is incredible!
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\b8.gif">
<adriana>-"YEAHHHHhHHh SUSANNnnNnNNN!"</adriana> You turn towards a woman who's screaming.
<b>-"Oh...?"</b> You notice that she's hyping up her friend who's dancing.
<b>-"Holy shit!"</b> The friend is without panties!
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\b11.webp">
<b>-"..."</b> You begin to pay more attention and notice that most of the girls here are pretty much naked.
<b>-"W-what kind of club is this..."</b>
<<pageReplace"Continue to look around.">>
<b>-"Holy shit..."</b> You see yet another girl with no panties... Her dumptruck is huge!
<grey>-"Spank!"</grey> A man spanks her ass.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\b12.webp">
<pink>-"H-hey... Watch it..."</pink> The woman blushes and turns to her assailant.
<blue>-"Want to get out of here?"</blue> They begin to flirt.
<sister>-"$name! There you are!"</sister> Ava taps you on your back.
<b>-"O-oh! Hey haha!"</b> You turn around
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\b13.jpeg">
<sister>-"Bought as martinis! Enjoy!"</sister> She hands you a drink.
<b>-"Thanks Ava!"</b> You enjoy each others company and finish the drinks.
<sister>-"Hic... I feel light headed already... Wow!"</sister>
<b>-"Yeah, no kidding, the drinks are strong here!"</b>
<<pageReplace"You notice someone walks over to you both.">>
<blue>-"Hey, is he bothering you?"</blue> A man asks your $sister.
<b>-"Huh?"</b> You look him up and down.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\b15.jpeg">
<sister>-"What? No?"</sister> Ava looks at his with disgust.
<blue>-"Hmph... He looked like he did."</blue> The man grabs her waist with one hand.
<blue>-"Care to join me for a dance?"</blue>
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\b16.webp">
<sister>-"Fuck no. Get away from me."</sister> Ava takes a step back.
<b>-"The fuck is wrong with you?"</b> You push the man - he goes flying.
<blue>-"Y-yo! Chill!"</blue> People around you begin to notice the commotion.
<b>-"Try to grab her again and I'll beat the fuck out of you."</b> The man stands up.
<blue>-"Understood... Understood... Didn't mean anything by it."</blue> He raises his hands up in a non confrontational way.
<sister>-"L-let's go $name, before someone calls security..."</sister>
<sister>-"Hehehe... To the bathroom! My knight deserves to get a reward for that whole fiasco!"</sister> You can tell that she's a bit drunk, but appreciative for what you did.
<b>-"Hmph, fine."</b> Ava leads to the restrooms. You both enter the female one.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\b20.jpeg">
<sister>-"Into the stall, come on."</sister> There are no people inside... At least for now.
<b>-"J-jeez! Someone is impatient!"</b> As soon as you close the stall's door, Ava drops to her knees and begins to pull down your pants.
<sister>-"Ghehehe... You bet!"</sister>
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\b28.webp">
<sister>-"NgHhh... Forgot how big it was."</sister> She licks her lips.
<<pageReplace"Brace for impact!">>
<b>-"FucKkkkk!"</b> You let out a moan as her mouth comes in contact with your shaft.
<sister>-"GWahhhh... GwuhhHh!"</sister>
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\b29.webp">
<grey>-"Creeeek!"</grey> You hear as the door opens and someone steps inside the restroom.
<b>-"NgHhhh... We should keep it down..."</b> You whisper.
<sister>-"Gahhh... Dwon't... GauahhhHH... Cware!"</sister> Ava begins to make even more noise as you hear the person quickly leave.
<b>-"Oh my God... NGHhhh... Ava!"</b> She stops and stands up.
<sister>-"I told you, I'm a whore for you baby."</sister> She turns around and you begin to raise her skirt.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\b30.webp">
<b>-"Fuck... The quicker we're done, the better!"</b> You don't want to get caught by security!
<<pageReplace"Put it inside.">>
<b>-"AgHhhhh..."</b> You put your cock inside and slowly begin to move back and forth.
<sister>-"MgGHHhhhh shittt!"</sister>
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\b31.webp">
<b>-"ArGhhhh! Gosh you're tight today!"</b>
<sister>-"AghHHHhhhh... Only for you baby!"</sister>
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\b32.webp">
<b>-"Oh fuck..."</b> You hear yet another person enter the restroom.
<sister>-"OHHH YESSSS! Fuck me $name! PLEASEEEE!"</sister> Ava begins to scream on purpose... You hear the person leave.
<b>-"Ghahaha, you bitch!"</b>
<sister>-"Ghehehe..."</sister> Her tight pussy begins to squeeze you even more... You're about to cum!
<b>-"NghHhh... I'm close!"</b>
<sister>-"Inside baby! Do it inside!"</sister>
<<pageReplace"Creampie her.">>
<sister>-"YesSHshHhh! Come on!"</sister>
<b>-"ArgHhhhh!"</b> You unload straight into her pussy and after a couple of extra thrusts, you pull out.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\b33.webp">
<grey>-"Knock Knock Knock!"</grey> Someone is knocking on your stall's door!
<grey1>-"Security! Come out!"</grey1>
<b>-"Oh shit!"</b> Both of you quickly get dressed and open the door.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\b27.webp">
<grey2>-"Ugh, another pair of pervs."</grey2> They grab you by the arms.
<b>-"Hey! Be gentle with her!"</b> The security guards drag you both out of the club.
<grey1>-"Out you go."</grey1> They smash the door shut.
<b>-"Fuck..."</b> You look around - at least it's pretty empty outside, nobody saw what happened.
<sister>-"Hehehehe! Wasn't that just awesome!"</sister> Ava faces you.
<b>-"Awesome?! We go caught!"</b>
<sister>-"So?! That was so fun! I felt so... Alive!"</sister> She gives you a kiss and you both get in the car.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\b34.jpg">
<b>-"Hmph... I guess."</b>
<sister>-"Now remember this evening when you think about who's the better sister... Kaley wouldn't have the balls to do something like this!"</sister>
<b>-"Hmph, sure Ava, I will."</b> Time to head home.
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
[[Drive home->room]]
<</if>><<if $equip ==0>>\
<<set $equip to 1>>\
<<goto "Sisters dom16">>\
<<if $time <2>> <<set $time to $time+1>> <</if>>\
<<set $sistersb to true>>\
<<set $sistersevent to 17>>\
<b>-"Ugh... What to do, what to do."</b> You think as you stare up at the ceiling.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\zzz1.webp">
<sister>-"Kaley! Gentle!"</sister> You hear the faint voices of your sisters talking.
<b>-"Oh?"</b> You sit up and focus on listening.
<sister>-"So, what do you think about my idea?"</sister> You're bored anyways, might as well see what they're talking about.
<b>-"Oof!"</b> You stand up and begin to walk towards their room
<img src="Images\Events\random events\zzz2.jpg">
<sister>-"MgHhhh! It might be interesting, but don't tell $name yet!"</sister> The door is slightly open, so that's why you can hear them pretty well!
<sister>-"Of course I won't! NgHhhh... We have to put up a show for him!"</sister> They're talking about you! Maybe listening in wouldn't be such a bad idea?
<<pageReplace"Take a peek inside">>
<b>-"Hah, wow!"</b> Your $sisters are doing the nasty!
<sister>-"Where did you even get that idea from?!"</sister> Ava asks as Kaley embraces her with a kiss.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\zzz3.webp">
<b>-"Fuck... All I want to do is barge in there and fuck the shit out of them."</b> You try to keep it down while you continue to watch.
<sister>-"Lauren has one and she's making bank!"</sister>
<b>-"What are they even talking about?"</b>
<img src="Images\Events\random events\zzz4.webp">
<sister>-"Lauren has an onlyfans?! Really?!"</sister> Ava seems surprised.
<b>-"Onlyfans?! Are they planning to...? No way!"</b>
<<pageReplace"Continue to spy on them.">>
<sister>-"She sure does! And we should too! We're like totally the hottest bombshells around here, people would love us!"</sister> Kaley grins.
<sister>-"Hmph, maybe.... Imagine how much people would pay to see us getting fucked by him... $name's cock is humongous!"</sister>
<sister>-"True... Also, get those panties off babe, I wan't to eat you out."</sister> Ava smiles as well and begins to remove her undergarments.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\zzz5.webp">
<b>-"Fuck..."</b> You begin to get hard.
<sister>-"NGhHhh... W-why not start by camming though?"</sister> Ava asks.
<sister>-"There's more money on onlyfans!"</sister> Kaley gets under Ava and begins to eat her out.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\zzz6.webp">
<sister>-"M-maybe... So what's the plan then?"</sister>
<<pageReplace"Continue to spy on them.">>
<b>-"A plan huh? They're so silly..."</b>
<sister>-"We gwet put on some nwice lingerie... MggGHHhhhh... And try to lure him in with mwoney and our bwodies... UgHhhh! He'll fold in a secwond!"</sister> You chuckle as you listen to them.
<sister>-"Maybe that's not a bad idea... Come here!"</sister> Ava gets off of Kaley and turns her around.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\zzz7.webp">
<sister>-"Next week it is!"</sister>
<b>-"Fuck... This is bad."</b> You think as you look down... Your cock is practically bursting out of your pants!
<img src="Images\Events\random events\zzz8.webp">
<b>-"I better get out of here, before I do something stupid."</b> You want them to think you don't know about their plan... Also, it's an extra week to think about if you want to do onlyfans or not.
<sister>-"MMgHhhh! You're so hot Ava!"</sister> Kaley moans as you slowly close the door.
<b>-"Time to head back."</b> You begin to walk towards your room.
[[Run to your room->room]]
<<pageReplace"Respect their privacy and close the door.">>
<b>-"Nah, I better not... Don't want to be weird."</b> You slowly close the door shut.
<b>-"Their private business is none of mine."</b> As curious as you are, it's just not a respectable thing to do.
<b>-"Oof..."</b> You let out a sigh as you lay down in your bed again... Time to find something else to do!
[[Decide what to do next->room]]
<</pageReplace>><<if $equip ==0>>\
<<set $equip to 1>>\
<<goto "Sisters dom17">>\
<<if $time <2>> <<set $time to $time+1>> <</if>>\
<<set $sistersb to true>>\
<<set $sistersevent to 18>>\
<sister>-"$name! Come here for a second!"</sister> You hear Kaley shout from her room.
<b>-"What a surprise."</b> You remember what happened last week...
<b>-"Let's see what they have to say."</b> You walk over to their room and open the door.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\c1.jpg">
<sister>-"Agh, there you are!"</sister> They were taking pictures. After they see you, the sisters lower their phones and face you.
<b>-"What did you want Kaley?"</b>
<sister>-"Welllll... We have a little proposition for you."</sister>
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\c2.jpg">
<b>-"A proposition? What kind?"</b>
<sister>-"We want to start an onlyfans and for you to join us!"</sister>
<<pageReplace"Act surprised.">>
<b>-"An onlyfans?! What for?!"</b> You act like you had no idea about this plan of theirs.
<sister>-"For money, obviously!"</sister> Kaley laughs as Ava begins to speak.
<sister>-"A-aren't we pretty? Don't you think people would be a shit ton of money to see us naked?"</sister> Your $sisters pose for you.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\c3.jpg">
<b>-"You are but... Isn't that a bit much?"</b>
<sister>-"Maybe... That's why we are asking for your permission."</sister>
<b>-"Permission? Wow..."</b> You've trained them well.
<sister>-"You would fuck us and film the whole thing. We of course would share the profit, 80% of it going to you!"</sister>
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\c4.jpg">
<b>-"Hmmmm... 80%?"</b>
<<pageReplace"Agree, but I get 90%.">>
<b>-"Hmph, fine, make it 90% though."</b>
<sister>-"90?! T-that leaves us with 5% each!"</sister> They look at each other and then back to you.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\c22.jpg">
<b>-"Take it or not, I don't care."</b>
<sister>-"I'm down if you're down Kaley..."</sister> Ava whispers.
<sister>-"Fine, 90/10 it is."</sister> Kaley says.
<b>-"Cool. See you next week?"</b>
<sister>-"Y-yes... We'll bring the camera, you just need to show up."</sister> You nod and begin walking towards the door.
<b>-"Looking forward to working with you."</b> As you close the door, your $sisters begin to fight. It appears that they didn't like the 90/10 deal after all.
<b>-"Oof... Time to decide what to do next."</b> You let out a moan as you fall on the bed.
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
[[Decide what to do next->room]]
<<pageReplace"Agree, but you want to fuck them in the return.">>
<b>-"Hmph, fine, I want something i return though."</b>
<sister>-"In return? What do you mean?"</sister>
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\c22.jpg">
<b>-"Get on your knees."</b> They look at each other and then back to you. It seems like they get the idea.
<sister>-"Fuck... Yes..."</sister>
<b>-"Good girls."</b> You pull down your pants and take out your fat cock.
<sister>-"MgHhhh... T-this is the least we can do..."</sister> Kaley whispers as they both begin to suck you off.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\c5.webp">
<b>-"NgHhhh... Let me sit down."</b> You begin to back away towards the bed, your $sisters follow you on their knees.
<<pageReplace"Sit down.">>
<b>-"GrgHhhh! G-gentle!"</b> You shout as they fight over your cock.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\c6.webp">
<b>-"How lewd... NGHhhhh... Is the first photoshoot going to be?"</b>
<sister>-"AgHhhhh! As lewd as you want it baby!"</sister> Your $sisters stop and answer.
<sister>-"Give him to me for a second!"</sister> Ava pushes Kaley to the side, takes off her bra and begins to give you a boobjob.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\c7.webp">
<b>-"ArgHHhh fucKkkk..."</b>
<sister>-"H-hey, no fair!"</sister> Kaley shouts and undresses.
<sister>-"Lay down $name, it's time for the main course!"</sister> Ava rolls her eyes and steps to the side.
<sister>-"Ugh... You can't let me have any fun, can you?"</sister>
<sister>-"Don't give me that look, you gave him a boobjob first, so I can fuck him first!"</sister>
<<pageReplace"Lay down and let Kaley mount you.">>
<b>-"Enough fighting, you'll all get a proper fucking, I promise."</b> Kaley grins as you lay down. She gets on the bed and mounts you.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\c8.webp">
<b>-"FucKKkk you're tight!"</b> You shout as Kaley's second pair of lips begin to stroke your cock.
<sister>-"H-hey, I'm getting on top too!"</sister> Ava gets on the bed and sits down on your face.
<b>-"ARgHhhh!"</b> Her fat ass is making it hard to breath...
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\c11.webp">
<sister>-"MgGHhhhh d-deeper! Faster! P-please! NgHhhh!"</sister> Kaley screams as you fuck the shit out of her.
<sister>-"S-shitTttt... He's good with his tongue too!"</sister> Ava seems surprised.
<<pageReplace"Try your best not to cum.">>
<b>-"FucKkkk!"</b> You try your best not to cum while Kaley rides you.
<sister>-"G-give me a try Kaley, it's my turn!"</sister>
<sister>-"Fine..."</sister> The sisters switch places.
<sister>-"Thank you... Now come here!"</sister> They embrace with a kiss.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\c10.webp">
<b>-"RgHhhhh... I'm close!"</b> You shout inbetween licks.
<sister>-"ArgHhhH S-sameeEeee!"</sister> Ava's legs begin to shake as you pound her.
<sister>-"YEsSssSSHHhhhh!"</sister> She screams as her vagina tightens.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\c9.webp">
<sister>-"MGhHhhh!"</sister> Kaley's legs begin to quicker as well... They're both cumming at the same time!
<b>-"ArgHHhh! H-here I come!"</b> You shout as a wave of semen is coming up your shaft.
<sister>-"S-shoot it on me!"</sister> Kaley says after getting off of you.
<sister>-"N-no, on me!"</sister> Ava pleads after doing the same.
<<pageReplace"Explode on Kaley.">>
<b>-"Kaley, come here!"</b> Her eyes light up as you begin to stroke your cock.
<sister>-"Y-yes daddy!"</sister> She opens her mouth and smiles.
<b>-"ARgHHhhh!"</b> You unload straight onto her face.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\c12.webp">
<sister>-"God damnit... I wanted it..."</sister> Ava whispers.
<b>-"NgHhhh... Kaley, share it with Ava."</b>
<sister>-"R-really?! Yay!"</sister>
<sister>-"Fineee..."</sister> Kaley rolls her eyes and begins to kiss Ava.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\c14.webp">
<b>-"Fuck..."</b> You feel completely exhausted.
<sister>-"Delicious!"</sister> Your $sisters lick up all of the semen and swallow it.
<b>-"NgHhh... So the photoshoot is next week?"</b> You ask while pulling up your pants.
<sister>-"Yes! We'll bring the camera, just make sure to show up!"</sister> They smile.
<b>-"Copy that. I'm going to clean up."</b> You walk to the door.
<b>-"See ya next week then, good job today."</b>
<sister>-"See ya daddy!"</sister> They both say as you close the door. Time to clean up!
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
[[Clean up->room]]
<<pageReplace"Explode on Ava.">>
<b>-"Ava, come here!"</b> Her eyes light up as you begin to stroke your cock.
<sister>-"Y-yes daddy!"</sister> She opens her mouth and smiles.
<b>-"ARgHHhhh!"</b> You unload straight onto her face.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\c13.gif">
<sister>-"God damnit... I wanted it..."</sister> Kaley whispers.
<b>-"NgHhhh... Ava, share it with Kaley."</b>
<sister>-"R-really?! Yay!"</sister>
<sister>-"Fineee..."</sister> Ava rolls her eyes and begin to kiss Kaley. Most of your cum landed on her chest, but some still made it to her mouth.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\c14.webp">
<b>-"Fuck..."</b> You feel completely exhausted.
<sister>-"Delicious!"</sister> Your $sisters lick up all of the semen and swallow it.
<b>-"NgHhh... So the photoshoot is next week?"</b> You ask while pulling up your pants.
<sister>-"Yes! We'll bring the camera, just make sure to show up!"</sister> They smile.
<b>-"Copy that. I'm going to clean up."</b> You walk to the door.
<b>-"See ya next week then, good job today."</b>
<sister>-"See ya daddy!"</sister> They both say as you close the door. Time to clean up!
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
[[Clean up->room]]
<<set $sistersrouteend to true>>\
<b>-"Hmph, no thanks. I don't like sex work."</b>
<sister>-"H-how about 90/10? You would keep 90% of the profits!"</sister>
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\c22.jpg">
<b>-"A no is a no, I'm sorry."</b> Your $sisters sigh.
<sister>-"Fuck... There goes our plan."</sister> You begin to move towards the door.
<b>-"If you think of some better business ideas, let me know, but I will not partake in this one."</b>
<sister>-"Ugh... We will $name, thanks."</sister> You nod and close the door.
<b>-"I definitely don't want to whore out my $sisters... That's weird."</b> You think as you walk towards your room.
<b>-"Oof... Time to decide what to do next."</b> You let out a moan as you fall on the bed.
[[Decide what to do next->room]]
<</pageReplace>><<if $equip ==0>>\
<<set $equip to 1>>\
<<goto "Sisters dom17 random 1">>\
<<if $time <2>> <<set $time to $time+1>> <</if>>\
<<set $sistersb to true>>\
<sister>-"Well, how was your morning?"</sister> Ava asks as she strokes your cock.
<b>-"NgHhh... Pretty shit..."</b> She came in around 10 minutes ago, wanting to get dicked down.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\end_1_1.webp">
<b>-"But you made the day bearable!"</b> You compliment Ava as she smiles and let's go of your rod.
<sister>-"Hehehe... You know your way with words, that's for sure."</sister> She climbs on top of you and slowly mounts your cock.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\end_1_2.webp">
<b>-"ArRgHhh! So tight!"</b> You're already sensitive after the handjob... This is too much!
<sister>-"AgHHhhh... YesSSssSs!"</sister> Not even 5 minutes in, Ava's legs begin to shake in pleasure... She's climaxing!
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\end_1_3.webp">
<grey>-"Plap Plap Plap!"</grey> Your balls begin to slap her ass as you go faster and deeper.
<b>-"I'm cumming!!!"</b> You scream as you close your eyes... Time to finish inside.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\end_1_4.webp">
<b>-"HaaagHHHh..."</b> After a couple more thrusts, you stop moving your hips and begin to pant.
<sister>-"T-thanks baby."</sister> Ava climbs off of you... Her pussy is completely red from all the pounding.
<sister>-"Join me for a shower?"</sister> She extends her arm.
<b>-"Yeah... Let's go."</b> You grab it and stand up. Time for round two!
<div class="actions-horizontal sticky">
[[Shower and go back to your room->room]]
</div><<if $equip ==0>>\
<<set $equip to 1>>\
<<goto "Sisters dom17 random 2">>\
<<if $time <2>> <<set $time to $time+1>> <</if>>\
<<set $sistersb to true>>\
<sister>-"Guhhh... GaGHhh... GuHhhH!"</sister>
<b>-"Aghhhh... What a beautiful sound to relax to..."</b> You smile and look up at the ceiling.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\end_2_1.jpg">
<sister>-"NghHhh... GuhHhh!"</sister>
<b>-"What could be better than this..."</b> You slowly look down.
<b>-"Keep going baby."</b> As you lay there and relax, Kaley is sucking you off!
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\end_2_2.webp">
<sister>-"A-amw I dwoing gwood bwaby?"</sister>
<b>-"NgHhh... Very much so."</b> Kaley grins and speeds up.
<b>-"MgHHh! Gentle! I'm getting close"</b>
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\end_2_3.webp">
<sister>-"GruahhHHh... N-nut on my face please!"</sister> She grins and gets off of the bed.
<b>-"I'm not there yet though, finish the job."</b> You follow her and stand up.
<sister>-"Y-yes sir..."</sister>
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\end_2_4.webp">
<b>-"GNHhhhh! Open wide!"</b> Kaley nods and opens her mouth.
<sister>-"Aim inside daddy!"</sister>
<b>-"ARghHhhH!"</b> You unload straight onto her face.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\end_2_5.webp">
<b>-"FucKKkk!"</b> You fall onto the bed, exhausted.
<sister>-"Ghehehe... Delicious!"</sister> Kaley licks her lips clean and stands up.
<sister>-"See ya soon bro!"</sister>
<b>-"NGhhh... Mhm..."</b> She milked you dry...
<div class="actions-horizontal sticky">
[[Collect yourself->room]]
</div><<if $equip ==0>>\
<<set $equip to 1>>\
<<goto "Sisters dom17 random 3">>\
<<if $time <2>> <<set $time to $time+1>> <</if>>\
<<set $sistersb to true>>\
<<if $sistersendtemp3 ==1>>\
<<set $sistersendtemp3 to 2>>
<<set $sistersendtemp3 to 1>>
<sister>-"Ghehehe, come on then!"</sister> Kaley and Ava asked to have a threesome... You said yes.
<b>-"There..."</b> You all begin to undress.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\end_3_1.webp">
<b>-"Kaley goes first!"</b> You lay down on your bed.
<sister>-"UgH... No fair!"</sister> Your other $sister frowns.
<sister>-"Let me at least warm you up!"</sister> As Kaley gets on top of you, Ava begins to suck you off.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\end_3_2.webp">
<b>-"Come on then!"</b> You get up and position Kaley in front of you.
<sister>-"D-do it daddy! Penetrate me!"</sister> Kaley says.
<b>-"Hmph... Don't have to tell me twice."</b> You slowly insert your cock inside.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\end_3_3.webp">
<sister>-"FucKkkKK!"</sister> She screams in pain and pleasure.
<b>-"MgHHhh... Is Mia and John home?"</b> You don't want them to hear.
<sister>-"ArghHhh... I-I don't think so..."</sister> After about 10 minutes, the sisters switch places.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\end_3_4.webp">
<sister>-"YessHHhh!"</sister> Ava screams as she eats out Kaley.
<b>-"ShittTtt! I'm about to bust!"</b>
<sister>-"Do it on me babe!"</sister>
<sister>-"N-no! On me daddy, on me!"</sister> Your sisters fight...
<<if $sistersendtemp3==1>>\
<b>-"Today is Kaley's turn..."</b> You stand up and Kaley gets on her knees.
<sister>-"Yey!"</sister> As you stroke your cock, you feel a wave of semen slowly go up your shaft.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\end_3_5.webp">
<sister>-"W-whatever..."</sister> Ava watches you from the sidelines.
<sister>-"Ghehehe, delicious!"</sister> Kaley licks her lips clean and stands up.
<b>-"Don't be mad Ava, next time you'll get it."</b>
<sister>-"Fine..."</sister> They both begin to walk towards the door as you lay down again, completely drained.
<sister>-"See ya soon $name!"</sister> They both smile and exit your room.
<b>-"What a pair of lovely sisters I have..."</b> Time to clean up!
<b>-"Today is Ava's turn..."</b> You stand up and Ava gets on her knees.
<sister>-"Yey!"</sister> As you stroke your cock, you feel a wave of semen slowly go up your shaft.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\end_3_6.webp">
<sister>-"W-whatever..."</sister> Kaley watches you from the sidelines.
<sister>-"Ghehehe, delicious!"</sister> Ava licks her lips clean and stands up.
<b>-"Don't be mad Kaley, next time you'll get it."</b>
<sister>-"Fine..."</sister> They both begin to walk towards the door as you lay down again, completely drained.
<sister>-"See ya soon $name!"</sister> They both smile and exit your room.
<b>-"What a pair of lovely sisters I have..."</b> Time to clean up!
<div class="actions-horizontal sticky">
[[Clean up and go to your room->room]]
</div><<if $equip ==0>>\
<<set $equip to 1>>\
<<set $sistersevent to $sistersevent-1>>\
<<goto "Sisters sub1">>\
<<set $sistersb to true>>\
<<set $sistersevent to $sistersevent+1>>\
<<if $time <2>> <<set $time to $time+1>> <</if>>\
You enter the kitchen and see your whole family, excluding your $mom1, sitting around the table. Mia is doing the finishing touches to the food on the countertop.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\dining-table-34-870x580.webp" height="400px" width="600px">
<mia>-"Well, the food is ready everybody, today we're having pork soup and a side of fries!"</mia> Oh fuck yeah, my favorite!
<blue>-"Thank you honey!"</blue> John kisses Mia on the cheek.
<sister>-"Thanks $mom1!"</sister> Both $sisters say at the same time.
<b>-"Thank you Mia, so, what did you guys do all week?"</b>
<mia>-"To be honest i didn't do much, cleaned the house a couple of times, went out with my girlfriends and that's pretty much it, it's a boring life being a house wife"</mia> Your $mom1 laughs.
<Blue>-"How about you buddy, how is the SUP treating you?"</blue> I know he doesn't care, but I'll bite.
<b>-"Ah it's fine, I really like the special lectures the university hosts, they're very interesting!"</b>
<mia>-"That's great to hear, how are our girls doing, Kaley, Ava?</mia>
<sister>-"Oh I'm doing just fine, I got this new job in a marketing agency, finally earning some cash!"</sister> Kaley says.
As the $sisters are speaking, You notice that Ava is starting to touch your legs, going up to your crotch.
<<pageReplace "Stay silent.">>\
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\tumblr_a8987005b935209fc5abc65e916c9e8a_8693330c_500.webp">
<b>-"Mff.."</b> You let out a soft moan.
<sister>-"Mghh.. You like that?"</sister> Ava giggles while whispering.
Kaley noticed what Ava is doing and quickly put her feet on your right leg. You're so hard it's impossible to resist.
<sister>-"Do you want more..?"</sister> Kaley whispers while Mia and John are talking at the other end of the table.
<b>-"Y-yes..."</b> You whisper..
<sister>-"Admit that you're a loser who gets turned on by our feet.. "</sister> Both of them giggle.
<b>-"W-what..?"</b> You whisper again.. You can't afford John or Mia hearing you..
<sister>-"You heard her, say it!"</sister> Kaley bites your ear..
<<pageReplace "Admit it.">>\
<b>-"I.. I'm.. I'm a loser who...Mggghhh.. Who goons for his $sisters feet.."</b> you whisper.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\ezgif-4-5383cf79ef.webp">
<sister>-"Good boy!"</sister> Kaley says.
Right before cumming, Kaley removes her feet and Ava removes her hand as they both giggle and leave.
<mia>-"Hah, what's so funny Ava?"</mia> Mia smiles..
<sister>-"It's nothing $mom1, we're done already, so we're going upstairs!"</sister> They both turn to you and smile..
<<set $submissive to $submissive+4>>
<pink>Submissive +4!</pink>
[[FInish eating and go to your room...->room]]
<<pageReplace "Push her feet away">>\
<b>-"Very funny Kaley, but I'm not laughing"</b> This is getting a bit too much, you quickly stand up and leave, leaving with a boner that Ava gave you.
<<set $submissive to $submissive+2>>
<pink>Submissive +2!</pink>
[[Go to your room->room]]
<<pageReplace "Push her hand away">>
You decide against it and push her hands away, they are your $sisters after all.
You all quickly finish eating and you leave the kitchen, feeling the same way as before.
[[Go to your room->room]]
<</pageReplace>>\<<if $equip ==0>>\
<<set $equip to 1>>\
<<set $sistersevent to $sistersevent-1>>\
<<goto "Sisters sub2">>\
<<set $sistersevent to $sistersevent+1>>\
You lay down on your bed ready to take a nap but suddenly Kaley comes into your room.
<sister>-"What's up $name, going to bed already?"</sister> She laughs.
<b>-"N-no, no i'm not! I was just resting my eyes"</b> You laugh..
<sister>-"Hah! Sure, I'm just here to tease you about your class selection"</sister> She smiles as she climbs up onto the bed.
<b>-"What? What do you mean" </b> You're confused.
<sister>-"Well as I said two weeks ago, me and Ava know what classes you selected... <<if $substatus is true>> Submissiveness... <</if>><<if $femstatus is true>> Feminization... <</if>><<if $bnwostatus is true>>Bnwo... <</if>> You're such a loser..."</sister> She giggles as she hovers over you..
<<pageReplace"Look up">>\
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\tumblr_oannmxzDmQ1thej0ko1_400.webp">
<sister>-"Does your little friend down there like it when I tease you like this?"</sister> She smiles..
<b>-"S-stop I'm your family..."</b>
<sister>-"Hah! Have it your way, you'll be crawling to me for more soon anyways.."</sister> She brushes your cock with her foot as she gets off..
<sister>-"Good luck with those classes you beta.."</sister> She chuckles and closes your door..
<b>-"Well that was rude.."</b> You think to yourself as you close your eyes..
<<set $submissive to $submissive+2>>
<pink>Submissive +2!</pink>
[[Try to fall asleep...->room]]
<<set $sistersb to true>>\
<<if $time !==2>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<</if>>\<<if $equip ==0>>\
<<set $equip to 1>>\
<<set $sistersevent to $sistersevent-1>>\
<<goto "Sisters sub3">>\
<<if $time <2>> <<set $time to $time+1>> <</if>>\
You open the door to see who's knocking. It's Ava and Kaley.
<sister>-"Heyyy cuckyyyy, how was your beauty sleep?" </sister> Ava makes fun of you.
<b>-"W-what do you want Ava..." </b> She sits down on your bed while Kaley keeps standing.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\d00c672ea0d442be16893534584c6930.webp" height="600px">
<sister>-"Well $name, as we said before, we know which lectures you picked and that.. Changes the dynamic of our relationship" </sister> Kaley giggles as the words leave her mouth.
<b>-"W-what do you mean.." </b>
<sister>-"Well, we love our brother sooooo much, that we wanted to show you this" </sister> Ava raises her phone towards you.
<<if $bnwostatus is true>>\
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\24042336.webp">
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\porn-gifs-porn-blowjob-porn-6753116.webp" height="400px">
<b>-"W-woww! W-what? Why are y-ou.. Why are you showing me this.." </b> You stutter over your words. It's the first time you've seen your $sister suck dick before.
<sister>-"Hahahaha! Look at our little loser get flustered." </sister> Ava says as both of them laugh.
<sister>-"Considering what you are studying, getting cucked by your $sisters will be very beneficial! Take a look hahaha!" </sister> Kaley says in a mocking tone and raises her phone as well.
<<pageReplace "Take a look.">>\
<<if $bnwostatus is true>>\
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\26363213.webp" height="500px">
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\26308814.webp" height="500px">
<sister>-"Haha what do you think? Is your little clitty getting turned on?" </sister> Ava laughs in the backround and Kaley continues to show you her video. You're getting harder and harder and it's impossible to hide it.
<b>-"I-I don't know... S-stop insulting me.." </b> Kaley takes her phone back and puts it in her pocket.
<sister>-"Kaley! Look! He's getting hard! Hahahah!" </sister> Both Ava and Kaley laugh at you as they get off of the bed..
<b>-"It's.. It's not what it looks like!"</b> You shout..
<sister>-"Sure! Let's see what Mia thinks!"</sister> They quickly run out of the room while gossiping something..
<b>-"G-god.. What did I get myself into.."</b> You whisper to yourself..
<<set $submissive to $submissive +3>>\
<pink>Submissiveness +3!</pink>
<<set $sistersevent to $sistersevent+1>>
<<set $sistersb to true>>\
[[Close the door->room]]
<<pageReplace "Politely decline.">>
<b>-"I-I'm good Kaley..." </b> You tell her as you push her phone away.
<sister>-"Haha well okay, suit yourself, but you will be begging me to see these videos in a couple weeks"</sister> Kaley puts her phone back in her pocket and they both leaving, giggling and whispering to each other.
<b>-"What a bunch of weirdos..." </b> You think to yourself..
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
<<set $submissive to $submissive+1>>
<<set $sistersevent to $sistersevent+1>>\
<<set $sistersb to true>>\
[[Close the door->room]]
<<pageReplace "Smack the phone out of her hand.">>\
You smack Kaleys phone out of her hand, it flies through your room and hits a wall, cracking its screen.
<sister>-"Are you out of your god damn mind?! What is wrong with you!" </sister>
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\tumblr_m5dgtyjRXP1rxkc3uo1_500.webp">
Kaley slaps you across the face.
<b>-"Get. Out. Of. My. ROOM!" </b> You shout.. You're not in the mood to deal with their shit..
<sister>-"Fuck you dude, you will be licking our feet in a couple of weeks anyways"</sister> Kaley shouts.. They both storm off and you close the door behind them.
<<set $dominant to $dominant+1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
<<set $sistersevent to $sistersevent+1>>\
<<set $sistersb to true>>
[[Calm down->room]]
<</pageReplace>>\<<if $equip ==0>>\
<<set $equip to 1>>\
<<set $sistersevent to $sistersevent-1>>\
<<goto "Sisters sub4">>\
<<if $time <2>> <<set $time to $time+1>> <</if>>\
<<if $chastity is true>>\
Ah time to take a nap. Last weeks lectures were so hard, that you feel tired even on a Saturday. You get into bed and close your eyes.
<i><b>*Knock Knock Knock*</b></i>
Before you can even do anything both of your $sisters come into your room.
<sister>-"Heyyy cucky!" </sister> Ava laughs.
<b>-"W-what do you want.. I'm trying to take a nap you know.."</b>
<sister>-"Well... While you were at the SUP me and Ava snooped around your room about and.. We found this!" </sister> Kaley laughs and pulls out your chastity!
<b>-"W-what.. S-stop that's for work!" </b>
<sister>-"HAHAHA SURE BUDDY! For work he says!" </sister> Both of them laugh.
<sister>-"Well, listen.. If you put it on in front of us.. I will let you touch my tits.."</sister> Kalay bites her lip.
Touch Kaleys tits! You cannot pass this up!
<<pageReplace"Agree to put on the chastity">>
<b>-"O..okay" </b> You tell her as you reach out your hand to take it.
<sister>-"Hehe okay.. But let me put it on.." </sister> Kaley says. You lay down and and lower your pants, exposing your half hard dick.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\29316995.webp" height="400px">
<sister>-"And done!"</sister> She giggles and takes off her top.
<sister>-"Touch as much as you want loser!" </sister>
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\29412360.webp" height="500px">
<b>-"A-amazing.. T-thank you.." </b> You whisper as you touch Kaleys breasts.
<sister>-"Haha that's enough for now cuck. Now lay down" </sister>
<b>-"F-for what?" </b> You ask cautiously.
<sister>-"Just do it!" </sister> Ava looks at you with an angry expression on her face, you quickly obey. Ava gets on the bed while Kaley watches.
<sister>-"We're here to show our little brother how real men fuck us again.. Maybe you will see it in person some day you whimp!" </sister> Yet again they are here to make fun of you..
Ava opens her instagram and show you her private story while you're laying down.
<sister>-"Hehe this was yesterday"</sister>
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\23614687.webp">
<b>-"F-fuck Ava..." </b> You can feel your penis getting harder and harder, but the cage stops it.
<sister>-"Awwwhh.. Are you getting turned on by the thought of your $sister getting fucked?" </sister> Ava moves down towards your crotch.
<<pageReplace"Continue to watch the video">>\
<sister>-"Haha Kaley.. Look!" </sister> Ava starts licking your cage, seemingly challenging her to see who could tease you more.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\28349891.webp" height="600px">
<b>-"F-fuck Ava.. Mghhh.." </b> You moan as her saliva reaches your tip.
<sister>-"Hey! I want to tease him too!" </sister> Kaley gets on top you and pushes Ava's phone away, showing her own phone in your hand.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\26079170.webp" height="600px">
<sister>-"Look at your $sister getting fucked loser!"</sister> Kaley shouts as she mounts your face.
<b>-"W-what are you.."</b>
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\21579682.webp" height="500px">
<sister>-"HAhahahah look at that little thing throb in it's little cage!" </sister> Both of them giggle.
<b>-"I'm ab-about to.. C-cu.."</b>
<sister>-"W-what? Eww.. What the fuck.." </sister> Both $sisters get off of you.
<sister>-"You're not cumming near us, not ever." </sister>
<b>-"B-but.." </b> They both look at you in a disgust.
<sister>-"You can watch us getting fucked, nobody said anything about cumming.."</sister> Ava says.
<sister>-"Yeah.. You'll cum whenever we tell you to cum." </sister> Kaley looks down at you.
<sister>-"Never pull shit like that again" </sister>
<b>-"W-what the fuck.. I can't control it you know!" </b> They don't seem to care.. Disgusted, they leave your room without saying a word... They tease you, but get turned off by the idea of you cumming? How cruel can they be...
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<<set $toys to 1>>\
<<set $sistersevent to $sistersevent+1>>\
<<set $sistersb to true>>\
[[Clean up..->room]]
Ah time to take a nap. Last weeks lectures were so hard, that you feel tired even on Saturday. You get into bed and close your eyes.
<i><b>*Knock Knock Knock*</b></i>
Before you can even do anything both of your $sisters come into your room.
<sister>-"Heyyy cucky!" </sister> Ava laughs.
<b>-"W-what do you want.. I'm trying to take a nap you know.."</b>
<sister>-"Lay down" </sister>
<b>-"F-for what?" </b> You ask cautiously.
<sister>-"Just do it!" </sister> Ava looks at you with an angry expression on her face, you quickly obey. Ava gets on the bed while Kaley watches.
<sister>-"We're here to show our little brother how real men fuck us again.. Maybe you will see it in person some day you whimp!" </sister> Yet again they are here to make fun of you..
Ava opens her instagram and show you her private story while you're laying down.
<sister>-"Hehe this was yesterday"</sister>
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\23614687.webp">
<b>-"F-fuck Ava..." </b> You can feel your penis getting harder and harder.
<sister>-"Awwwhh.. Are you getting turned on by the thought of your $sister getting fucked?" </sister> Ava moves down towards your crotch.
<<pageReplace"Continue to watch the video">>\
<sister>-"Haha Kaley.. Look!" </sister> Ava starts grinding on your dick, seemingly challenging her to see who could tease you more.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\15335162.webp" height="500px">
<b>-"F-fuck Ava.. Mghhh.." </b>
<sister>-"Haha look at that little thing throb!"</sister>
<sister>-"Hey! I want to tease him too!" </sister> Kaley gets on top you and pushes Ava's phone away, showing her own phone in your hand.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\26079170.webp" height="700px">
<sister>-"Look at your $sister getting fucked loser!"</sister> Kaley shouts as Ava moves away, making space for Kaley.
<b>-"W-what are you.."</b>
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\26067537.webp" height="500px">
<sister>-"HAhahahah he's so funny!" </sister> Both of them giggle.
<b>-"I'm ab-about to.. C-cu.."</b>
<sister>-"W-what? Eww.. What the fuck.." </sister> Both $sisters get off of you.
<sister>-"You're not cumming near us, not ever." </sister>
<b>-"B-but.." </b> They both look at you in a disgust.
<sister>-"You can watch us getting fucked, nobody said anything about cumming.."</sister> Ava says.
<sister>-"Yeah.. You'll cum whenever we tell you to cum." </sister> Kaley looks down at you.
<sister>-"Never pull shit like that again" </sister>
<b>-"W-what the fuck.. I can't control it you know!" </b> They don't seem to care.. Disgusted, they leave your room without saying a word... They tease you, but get turned off by the idea of you cumming? How cruel can they be...
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<<set $sistersevent to $sistersevent+1>>\
<<set $sistersb to true>>\
[[Clean up...->room]]
<</if>>\<<if $equip ==0>>\
<<set $equip to 1>>\
<<set $sistersevent to $sistersevent-1>>\
<<goto "Sisters sub5">>\
<<if $time <2>> <<set $time to $time+1>> <</if>>\
<<set $sistersevent to $sistersevent+1>>\
<<set $sistersb to true>>\
<b>-"<i>*Sniff* *Sniff*</i>"</b> You inhale your odor and almost vomit..
<b>-"J-jeez! Time to take a fucking shower, I stink!"</b> You think to yourself as you get out of bed. After taking an extra pair of underwear and a towel, you enter the bathroom..
<<pageReplace"Get in the shower">>\
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\51.webp">
<b>-"Huuuuu.. FInally!"</b> The water is hot, there's shampoo on your head, you're having fun, life is good!
After showering for a good 10 minutes, you're finally done. After getting out of the shower, you dry yourself off with the towel, put on your fresh pair of underwear and start blow drying your hair..
<sister>-"<i>*Knock* *Knock*</i> H-hello!?"</sister> You hear Ava banging on the door..
<b>-"W-what do you want Ava?"</b> You ask her after stopping the blow dryer.
<sister>-"To shower obviously, let me in!"</sister>
<<pageReplace "F-fine..">>\
<b>-"Ugh whatever, I'm almost done anyways!"</b> You open the door..
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\52.webp" height="550px">
<sister>-"I hope you didn't use all of the hot water you idiot!"</sister>
<b>-"N-no I didn't..."</b> You can't stop yourself from quickly glancing at her chest...
<sister>-"My eyes are up here dumbass.."</sister> She smiles..
<b>-"O.. Oh s-sorry!"</b>
<sister>-"You like what you see huh, haha?"</sister> She giggles.. It's obvious that she enjoys seeing you embarrassed..
<b>-"T-this is weird.. I'm almost finished!"</b> You tell her while quickly picking up your things..
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\53.webp" height="600px">
Ava grins and removes her towel.. Revealing her naked body.
<b>-"W-w-wwhat!!?? A-ava!"</b> You quickly cover your eyes.
<sister>-"Hahaha, you're such a goofball"</sister> She whisper into your ear as gets in the shower..
<b>-"W-what the fuck.."</b> You think to yourself as you quickly leave the bathroom..
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Go to your room->room]]
<<pageReplace "No! Wait for your turn..">>\
<b>-"N-no! Wait for your turn, I'm about to finish!"</b> You shout.
<sister>-"Ugh... Fine!"</sister> You hear her storming off..
<b>-"Jeez..."</b> You put the hair dryer back in the cabinet, put on your clothes and exit... Ava is nowhere to be seen..
[[Go to your room->room]]
<</pageReplace>>\<<if $equip ==0>>\
<<set $equip to 1>>\
<<set $sistersevent to $sistersevent-1>>\
<<goto "Sisters sub6">>\
<<if $time <2>> <<set $time to $time+1>> <</if>>\
<<set $sistersevent to $sistersevent+1>>\
<<set $sistersb to true>>\
You open your door and slowly creep to the bathroom.
<b>-"<i>*YAwnnwNNnnnn*</i>, finally!"</b> You whisper to yourself as you unzip your pants in front of the toilet..
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\63.webp">
<b>-"W-w-whoaaahhH!H!!"</b> You scream as your piss goes everywhere..
<b>-"God damnit.. Happens every time.."</b> You whisper to yourself as you clean yourself and the toilet up..
<<pageReplace"Go back to your room">>\
As you exit the toilet and start heading towards your room you start hearing faint moans coming out of your sisters room...
<sister>-"Mghhhh...."</sister> You hear a muffled voice behind the door...
<b>-"Damn.. W-what should I do..."</b>
<<pageReplace "Peek.">>\
<<set $peekedatKaley to true>>\
<sister>-"Mghhhggg...."</sister> The moans grow louder and you slowly creep up to the door... You have no clue which sister is behind the door.. But you're about to find out.. As you slowly open the door, you can see a silhouette on the bed..
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\62.webp" width="550px">
<sister>-"Fuuckkkk.... J-josh...."</sister> You can't tell if it's Kaley or Ava, the girl has her back to you..
<b>-"J-josh..? W-where have I heard that name before.."</b>
<sister>-"Nghghfff.. S-sooo bigg...."</sister> She's looking at something on her phone..
<b>-"T-this is so hot.."</b> You whisper to yourself..
<sister>-"F--ffuckckckk nfnfngggggffff!!!!"</sister> Her moans echo through her room as she climaxes...
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\61.webp" width="600px">
<sister>-"Huuu.. fuuu.."</sister> She pants as she turns towards the door..
<sister>-"$name...?"</sister> She slowly says between pants..
<b>-"Oh shit!"</b> You heart drops as you quickly close the door and run to your room..
<b>-"Fuck fuck fuck! I hope she didn't see me clearly!"</b> You think to yourself..
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Calm down->room]]
<<pageReplace "Don't peek.">>\
<b>-"I.. I better not.."</b> You turn around and head to your room.
<b>-"Who knows what would happen if I got caught.. I better give her some privacy..."</b> You whisper to yourself as you enter your room..
[[Close the door->room]]
<</pageReplace>>\<<if $equip ==0>>\
<<set $equip to 1>>\
<<set $sistersevent to $sistersevent-1>>\
<<goto "Sisters sub7">>\
<<if $time <2>> <<set $time to $time+1>> <</if>>\
<<set $sistersevent to $sistersevent+1>>\
<<set $sistersb to true>>\
<<if $peekedatKaley == true>>\
<b>-"Buldur's gate 3 just came out.. I should give it a shot.."</b> You think to yourself as you sit down at your computer and boot it up..
<b>-"Thankfully I downloaded it yesterday, this shit is over 90 gb..."</b> You whisper quietly as someone slowly opens your door..
<sister>-"Hey $name.."</sister> You hear a voice behind you right as you're about to put on the headset.
<<pageReplace"Turn around">>\
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\71.webp" height="600px">
<b>-"Oh hey... What's up?"</b> You ask her while a slight smile forms on your face.
<sister>-"I just wanted to quickly say that.. I saw you peeking last week.."</sister>
<b>-"W-what.."</b> God damnit.. she did see you after all..
<sister>-"Don't interrupt me! I'm not mad.."</sister> She smiles.
<sister>-"Just.. Don't make it obvious next time.."</sister>
<b>-"She.. D-doesn't care..?"</b> You think to yourself..
<b>-"R-right.. I.. I'm sorry..</b>
<sister>-"No need to apologize, I know that boys like.. You, do stuff like that.."</sister> She smiles.
<b>-"I will stop.."</b> You whisper..
<sister>-"No need.. Just make sure nobody sees you.."</sister> She winks at you and licks her lips.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\72.webp">
She turns around and walks out of your room..
<b>-"Sooo.. She doesn't mind if I peek at her.. F-fuck yeah.."</b> You think to yourself as your penis throbs at the thought of looking at Kaley again..
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Play some BG3->room]]
<b>-"Buldur's gate 3 just came out.. I should give it a shot.."</b> You think to yourself as you sit down at your computer and boot it up..
<b>-"Thankfully I downloaded it yesterday, this shit is over 90 gb..."</b> You whisper quietly as someone slowly opens your door..
<sister>-"Hey $name.."</sister> You hear a voice behind you right as you're about to put on the headset.
<<pageReplace"Turn around">>\
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\71.webp" height="600px">
<b>-"Oh hey... What's up?"</b> You ask her while a slight smile forms on your face.
<sister>-"I just wanted to say that's I'm going out so... You're going to be alone today"</sister>
<b>-"Oh really? Where's Mia?"</b>
<sister>-"Oh.. She's going on a date again."</sister> She smiles..
<b>-"Oh.. D-does Kaley also know about Mia's and John's relationship..?"</b> You think to yourself as Kaley picks up on your facial expressions.
<sister>-"What? Are you surprised that I know.. Haha of course I do.."</sister> Kaley licks her lips..
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\72.webp">
<sister>-"While you play your little game, remember that your own $mo2 is getting dicked down.."</sister> She laughs and turns around.
<b>-"K-Kaley!"</b> You shout at her..
<sister>-"Hihihi it's funny because it's true!!"</sister> She laughs and leaves your room..
<b>-"W-what the fuck..."</b> You think to yourself as your penis throbs at the thought of Mia...
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Play some BG3->room]]
<</if>><<if $equip ==0>>\
<<set $equip to 1>>\
<<set $sistersevent to $sistersevent-1>>\
<<goto "Sisters sub8">>\
<<if $time <2>> <<set $time to $time+1>> <</if>>\
<<set $sistersevent to $sistersevent+1>>\
<<set $sistersb to true>>\
<b>-"Mgh.."</b> You slightly moan as your cock grows harder and harder.
<b>-"F-fuck!"</b> The porn in front of you is hardcore, but... You can't cum.. You put down the phone in disappointment.
<b>-"God damnit.. I need something... Real.."</b> A thought flashes through your mind. Kaley! She said she didn't mind you peeking last time so you could probably get away with doing it again...
<<pageReplace"Go up to her room">>\
As you get closer and closer to her door, you can hear her moaning..
<b>-"Of course s-she's at it again.."</b> Your little friend gets excited again.. You open the door a smidge and peek inside..
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\84.webp" width="600px">
<sister>-"Nghhh.... F-fuckk...."</sister>
<b>-"D-damn.. T-this is so much better than porn!"</b>. You think to yourself as you whip out your sword and start stroking it slowly.
<sister>-"Mghhh..."</sister> She moans as her ass bounces up and down.. You try to match her speed with your hand..
<b>-"F-fuck.. I couldn't imagine fucking her for real.. She.. She's too hot!"</b> Kaley suddenly starts to turn around, presumably to change positions..
<<pageReplace "Stay for a little longer...">>\
<b>-"F-fuck this is too hot.. I can't go now!"</b> You think to yourself as you start to jack off harder and harder.. Kaley sits up on her bed, facing to the left of the door and start touching herself again..
<sister>-"G-godddd...."</sister> She moans as she rubs her clit with her dildo.. But suddenly..
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\81.webp" width="550px">
<sister>-"O..Oh my god! It's you again!"</sister> She shouts... You quickly put your dick back in your pants, close the door and shout back..
<b>-"I.. I-I'm sorry! You said that it was fine!"</b> You hear her run up to the door and open it.
<sister>-"Yeah if you don't get caught dumbass!"</sister> She says while facing you, completely naked..
<sister>-"Come here, you're going to be my fucking dildo holder!"</sister> She pushes you into her room and closes the door.
<b>-"K-Kaley..."</b> You whisper... As she touches her tits and throws you on the bed..
<sister>-"You want to spy on me huh? Spy on these you loser!"</sister> She shoves her tits in your face.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\82.webp" width="550px">
<b>-"MghhhHHH!"</b> You can't breathe!
<sister>-"I told you not to get caught!"</sister> She let's you go, lays down on her bed, and gives you her dildo..
<sister>-"I was so close to cumming and you ruined it, you're going to finish the fucking job.."</sister> She spreads her legs and points at her pussy..
<b>-"Y-you want me to..."</b> You whimper as you hold her dildo..
<sister>-"Fuck me $name. I want you to fuck me with that dildo.."</sister>
<<pageReplace"Do it">>\
<b>-"Y.. Y-yes..."</b> You whisper as you take the dildo and slowly push it inside of her..
<sister>-"Mghhhh...."</sister> She squirms as you push it deeper and deeper in.. Your cock is as ready to play as it could be...
<b>-"I-is that good..?"</b> You ask her, but she doesn't answer. Her eyes rolls backwards as she gets closer and closer to cumming...
<b>-"S-she did say she was close..."</b> You whimper as you start to fuck her with the dildo..
<sister>-"F-ffuuckckckkkkK!K!!!!.."</sister> She screams as shakes from pleasure..
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\83.webp" height="500px">
<b>-"D-did you cum.. Already..?"</b> You look down at the toy, covered in juices..
<sister>-"Y-yeah... N-now... Get out of my room.."</sister> She tells you while panting..
<sister>-"I said... GET OUT!"</sister> She grabs her dildo and pushes you away..
<b>-"Y-yes Kaley!"</b> You follow her instructions and quickly leave the room.. You're still hard as rock..
<b>-"F-fuck.. I got caught again.."</b> You whisper to yourself as you walk towards your room..
<b>-"I hope she's not mad..."</b>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Jack off->room]]
<<pageReplace "Don't get spotted and run!">>\
<b>-"S-shit!"</b> You whisper as you quickly close the door..
<b>-"S-she said she doesn't mind as long as I don't get caught..."</b> You quickly go to your room and close your door.. As hot as that was it didn't get you off..
<b>-"B-back to porn I guess.. I'll try next week.."</b>
[[Jack off->room]]
<</pageReplace>>\<<if $equip ==0>>\
<<set $equip to 1>>\
<<goto "Sisters sub9">>\
<<if $time <2>> <<set $time to $time+1>> <</if>>\
<<set $sistersevent to 10>>\
<<set $sistersb to true>>\
It's been a slow and uneventful day so far. All you did was lay in bed and go out a little bit. After browsing through the web for a couple of hours, you decide to do something more interesting.
<b>-"Aghh.."</b> Grunting, you get off of your bed.
<b>-"Time to spread some liberty and freedom amongst the stars!"</b> You say as you fire up helldivers 2, it's your new obsession!
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\q5.gif">
<sister>-"Helldivers 2 huh? I saw a bunch of videos about it on tiktok!"</sister> You hear a voice behind you.
<<pageReplace"Turn around.">>\
<sister>-"Heyyy!"</sister> Kaley giggles as you turn round.
<b>-"Kaley!"</b> You both exchange a smile. Why is she in lingerie though?
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\q1.jpg">
<b>-"In lingerie again? C-c'mon.."</b> You stutter. You can't lie though, she looks great.
<sister>-"Oh please, you're my brother, you shouldn't be bothered."</sister> She leans against the wall.
<sister>-"Anyways, I need your help."</sister>
<b>-"M-my help? With what?"</b> You stare at her, suspiciously.
<sister>-"Well, I haven't been fucked properly in a while and Ava is constantly bragging about getting laid."</sister> She scoffs.
<sister>-"I need you to be my wingman and help me find a big dick to fuck."</sister> She grins.
<b>-"W-what? A wingman.. What does that mean."</b>
<sister>-"Ugh just come to a bar with me, help me pick out a man and introduce us."</sister>
<b>-"Why would I do that? That's so awkward!"</b> You look down at the ground.
<sister>-"Because I'm your older sister and I said so? Also, I know that you're cuck, so we'll send you a couple videos to jack off to."</sister> She grins once again.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\q4.jpg">
<b>-"You don't have to insult me you know.."</b>
<sister>-"A cuck is not an insult $name! You're just a little different, that's all."</sister> Kaley laughs.
<sister>-"Anyways, do you want to help or not?"</sister>
<<set $agreedtobeKaleyswingman to true>>\
<b>-"I mean.. Sure.. What do I have to do?"</b>
<sister>-"Aghahaha I knew that you would agree! I'll finally show Ava I can get some quality cock without her help.."</sister> She bites her lip and smiles.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\q2.jpg">
<sister>-"You don't have to do anything yet, we're going out next Saturday, okay?"</sister>
<b>-"Sure Kaley.. W-whatever you say."</b> You blush from the thought of receiving a sex tape from her.
<sister>-"Good puppy. I'm going out, need to buy some condoms."</sister> She kisses your forehead.
<sister>-"You're the best!"</sister> You both exchange a smile and you turn around to face the computer.
<b>-"F-fuck yeah.. Seeing Kaley getting dicked down.. Shit is going to be so hot.."</b> Your cock throbs just from the thought of it.. Maybe you should stop playing helldivers and play with something else..
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Watch some porn->Open the laptop]]
<<pageReplace"Fuck no.">>\
<<set $agreedtobeKaleyswingman to false>>\
<b>-"Fuck no.. That's so weird, I'm not going to look for a one night stand for my sister.."</b> You frown.
<sister>-"Ugh, you're no fun."</sister>
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\q3.jpg">
<sister>-"I guess I'll just have to do it myself. No videos for you!"</sister> She flicks your forehead.
<b>-"O-ouch! I didn't even want any.."</b> You turn around and face the computer.
<sister>-"Sure you didn't. Thanks for nothing"</sister> You hear her walk out of your room and close the door. Time to finish what you started!
[[Finish playing helldivers 2->room]]
<</pageReplace>><<if $equip ==0>>\
<<set $equip to 1>>\
<<goto "Sisters sub10">>\
<<if $time <2>> <<set $time to $time+1>> <</if>>\
<<set $sistersevent to 11>>\
<<set $sistersb to true>>\
<<set $kaleyfuckssomeguytemp to true>>
<<if $agreedtobeKaleyswingman == true>>\
As you lay in bed, relaxing, you suddenly remember something.
<b>-"Didn't Kaley mention that we're going out this weekend.. And I'm her wingman or something?"</b> Right as you think that, you hear a voice call out downstairs.
<sister>-"Come on $name! We don't have all day, it's time we go to the bar!"</sister> You hear Kaley shout.
<b>-"I-I'll be right there!"</b> You say, not wanting her to know that you forgot.
<b>-"Shit shit shit.. Have to put something on quickly.."</b> You find some clothes laying on your chair and put them on.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\r9.jpg">
After running downstairs, you put on your shoes and head outside. Kaley is already waiting for you in the driveway.
<sister>-"Finally! Come on, get in, I'll drive."</sister> She starts walking towards her car.
<b>-"Where are we going again?"</b>
<sister>-"The bar, you dumbass. I need to find some good cock for tonight."</sister> You skittishly nod and get inside of the car.
<b>-"So.. I just have to help you pick out a guy?"</b>
<sister>-"Correct! Shouldn't be too hard!"</sister> She begins driving. After around 10 minutes, you're in the city. After getting out of the car, you begin walking towards the establishment.
<<pageReplace"Turn to her.">>\
<<location "Images/Other/city afternoon.jpg" "In the city">>
<b>-"H-hey Kaley.."</b>
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\r1.png">
<sister>-"Huh.. What?"</sister> She turns to you as you both walk.
<b>-"Why me?"</b> You ask her.
<sister>-"What do you mean?"</sister>
<b>-"Why do you want me to help? I don't have a lot of experience.."</b>
<sister>-"Because you're my little brother and I love to see you all flustered.."</sister> Kaley giggles as you both arrive to your destination.
<sister>-"Plus, your studying at the SUP right? You should easily tell apart a real man and a.. Cuck such as yourself. Do your best to point out a man who will fuck my brains out, I will greatly appreciate it."</sister> She begins walking up the stairs.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\r5.jpg">
<b>-"Is she.. Not wearing any panties?"</b> You think to yourself as you go after her..
<b>-"S-so hot.."</b>
<<pageReplace"Get inside">>\
As you walk inside, you're hit with a strong aroma of alcohol and smoke. You hear people talking all around you. After finding a place to sit, you both get comfortable.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\r3.jpg">
<bartender>-"Y'all want anything?"</bartender> A bartender asks you.
<sister>-"N-no, thanks. We're good for now!"</sister> He nods and walks away.
<b>-"W-well.. What do you think?"</b> You ask Kaley as you see her looking around.
<sister>-"Don't know.. They all look the same to me. Come on, do your job, pick a guy or two!"</sister> You roll your eyes and begin to scan the bar. The men do look similar, but after attending so many lectures, you can tell which ones look more dominant..
<b>-"Hmmm.. He looks interesting.."</b> You spot a guy sitting pretty close to you guys.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\r4.jpeg">
<b>-"A suit, a quiet, reserved demeanor, he's definitely a good candidate..."</b> You tell her. She quickly turns around to look at him.
<sister>-"Hmmm.. He is pretty cute.."</sister>
<<pageReplace "Continue to look around.">>\
<b>-"Oh..?"</b> You see a man enter the bar and sit down. He's pretty far away, but you can tell from his body language that he means business..
<b>-"L-look at him.. I think he would fit your criteria."</b> You point him out.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\r6.jpeg">
<sister>-"My criteria?"</sister> She looks at him.
<b>-"Well yeah.. You said he has to have a big dick, right?"</b>
<sister>-"Hmmm.. Well that's true.. Ava is always bragging about how giant her one night stands are.."</sister> She licks her lips.
<sister>-"Well pick one.. They both look valid to me.. You're going to be the one watching us fuck. Which cock do you want me to ride?"</sister> She grins, teasing you.
<b>-"Ugh.. S-shut up.."</b> You smile from embarrassment.
<<pageReplace"The first guy.">>\
<<set $kaleywentwiththeblackguy to false>>
<b>-"Hmmm.. The first guy seems more dominant to be honest.. I bet he's packing too.. I.. I think you should go with him!"</b> Your cheeks grow red and she smiles.
<sister>-"Understood! Well thanks $name, I knew that I made the right choice bringing you here!"</sister> She stands up.
<b>-"W-what now?"</b> You look up at her.
<sister>-"Well I'm going to flirt with him a bit. You should head home, I'll send you some videos later."</sister> She pets your head.
<b>-"B-but, you drove me here!"</b>
<sister>-"So? The bus will take you back home in no time!"</sister> She laughs and walks away.
<b>-"Well that was a bitch move.. I just helped her.."</b> After sighing, you watch Kaley walk up to the man. They begin talking and eventually laughing together. After around 5 minutes, she looks at you and gives you a wink..
<b>-"I guess she likes him.."</b> You think to yourself as you stand up. Time to head home.. You walk towards the exit, as you do, you take a last look at them both.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\r8.webp">
<b>-"Not even 10 minutes in, the lovebirds are already kissing... Jesus.."</b> You feel your cock throb a bit as you watch them both kiss for a second. After taking in the view, you leave the bar.
<b>-"Ugh time to take the bus.. Hopefully she'll at least send me some videos.. I really want to see her getting fucked.."</b> After sitting down on a bench, you put your jacket on your crotch to hide the giant boner Kaley just gave you.
[[Take the bus back home->room]]
<<pageReplace"The second guy.">>\
<<set $kaleywentwiththeblackguy to true>>\
<b>-"Hmmm.. The second guy seems more dominant to be honest.. I bet he's packing too.. I.. I think you should go with him!"</b> Your cheeks grow red and she smiles.
<sister>-"Understood! Well thanks $name, I knew that I made the right choice bringing you here!"</sister> She stands up.
<b>-"W-what now?"</b> You look up at her.
<sister>-"Well I'm going to flirt with him a bit. You should head home, I'll send you some videos later."</sister> She pets your head.
<b>-"B-but, you drove me here!"</b>
<sister>-"So? The bus will take you back home in no time!"</sister> She laughs and walks away.
<b>-"Well that was a bitch move.. I just helped her.."</b> After sighing, you watch Kaley walk up to the man. They begin talking and eventually laughing together. After around 5 minutes, she looks at you and gives you a wink..
<b>-"I guess she likes him.."</b> You think to yourself as you stand up. Time to head home.. You walk towards the exit, as you do, you take a last look at them both.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\r7.png">
<b>-"Not even 10 minutes in, the lovebirds are already kissing... Jesus.."</b> You feel your cock throb a bit as you watch them both kiss for a second. After taking in the view, you leave the bar.
<b>-"Ugh time to take the bus.. Hopefully she'll at least send me some videos.. I really want to see her getting fucked.."</b> After sitting down on a bench, you put your jacket on your crotch to hide the giant boner Kaley just gave you.
[[Take the bus back home->room]]
<<set $kaleytakessomeonehome to true>>
As you lay in bed, relaxing, you suddenly remember something.
<b>-"Didn't Kaley mention that we're going out this weekend.. And I'm her wingman or something?"</b>
<b>-"Oh yeahhh, I said that I won't help her.."</b> You get your ass off of the bed and stand up.
<b>-"I better check on her.. Don't want her to think that I have something against her or something.."</b> You start walking towards her room. As you arrive, you knock on her door.
<grey>Knock Knock</grey>
<sister>-"W-what do you want?!"</sister> You hear Kaley shout.
<b>-"C-can you open up?"</b> You hear a sigh, but after a couple of seconds, the door swings open.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\r10.png">
<sister>-"Watchu want?"</sister> She frowns as your gazes meet.
<b>-"Nothing.. Just came here to apologize for what I said last time. I hope you didn't take it personally!"</b>
<sister>-"Huh? What do you mean?"</sister>
<<pageReplace"Try to explain">>\
<b>-"The bar and the wingman thingy. I told you that I didn't want to do it."</b>
<sister>-"Ohhhhh! Ahahaha! Don't worry about it you cutie, I'll just go without you."</sister> She steps back.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\r11.png">
<sister>-"I'm getting ready to go out right now actually."</sister> Kaley smiles.
<b>-"Oh.. You need any help?"</b>
<sister>-"Eh, not really. But thanks for asking!"</sister>
<b>-"So.. We're good, right?"</b> You ask cautiously.
<sister>-"Of course! However, you still need to be punished!"</sister> Kaley grins.
<b>-"P-punished?! For what!? I thought we were good!"</b>
<sister>-"Because you went against my orders! Didn't the SUP teach you anything? You need to shut up and submit!"</sister> Kaley scoffs.
<sister>-"Anyways, your punishment will be to hear your sister breed.. I'm taking a boy home tonight."</sister> Your eyes grow wide.
<sister>-"Aghahaha! Not so bad, right?"</sister> You silently nod.. Sounds more like a reward, not a punishment..
<sister>-"Anyways, shoo shoo, it's time I changed into my dress."</sister> She lightly pushes you out of her room.
<b>-"Right, sorry.."</b> You step back.
<b>-"When will you be back?"</b>
<sister>-"Well, whenever I find someone I guess. Probably late at night. Why, are you excited?"</sister> Kaley tases you.
<b>-"N-no! I'll just go to sleep before you both arrive so I wouldn't hear you!"</b> You try to act like you don't give a fuck.
<sister>-"I'm sureeee you will $name."</sister> She closes the door in front of you.
<b>-"Shittt.. So she's coming back with a boy tonight.. Fuck me.."</b> As you turn around to walk to your room, you notice that you're completely hard... Time to rub one out..
[[Watch some porn->Open the laptop]]
<</if>><<if $equip ==0>>\
<<set $equip to 1>>\
<<goto "Sisters sub11">>\
<<if $time <2>> <<set $time to $time+1>> <</if>>\
<<set $sistersevent to 12>>\
<<set $sistersb to true>>\
<<set $kaleyfuckssomeguytemp2 to true>>\
<<if $kaleytakessomeonehome == true>>\
It's late, the sun is behind the horizon and your eyelids feel heavy..
<b>-"Yawwwnnnn... Time to hit the bed.."</b> You tell yourself as you sink your head into the pillow.
After an hour or two of sleeping, you suddenly wake up..
<sister>-"MghhffFhh.. Y-yessSsss..."</sister> You hear your sister silently moaning.
<b>-"N-no way.. Did she actually brought the guy here..?"</b> You gulp..
<<pageReplace"Check it out.">>\
<b>-"Fuck.. I need to check it out.."</b> You quietly climb out of bed and open your bedroom door. After sneaking across the second floor, you arrive at your $sisters room.
<sister>-"Y-yesSSSss D-deeper!!"</sister> You hear her screaming..
<b>-"W-where is Ava..?"</b> You wonder. Both of your $sisters live in the same room after all.. Maybe she's out?
You slowly open the door, making sure not to make a lot of noise.
<sister>-"MfghHHggGFff!"</sister> You finally get a look inside.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\x3.webp">
<b>-"Oh s-shit.."</b> Your little soldier throbs at the sight of Kaley.
<sister>-"S-so deEeeeEeppp.. Y-yesssSss.."</sister> She moans.
<<pageReplace"Continue to spy on them">>
<sister>-"Film me, come on.. Mghhfgghh.. A-Ava needs to see this!"</sister> You see her hand a phone to the man and turn around.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\x4.webp">
<b>-"Oh my God.."</b> You refrain from touching yourself.. They would probably hear your whimpers.
<sister>-"You see this Ava? T-this is.. MFghhggh.. Even bigger than the one you showed me yesterday!"</sister> She says as the man films her.
<blue>-"Y-yo.. I think someone is watching us?"</blue> You hear the man whisper to Kaley.
<b>-"Oh fuck!"</b> You quickly close the door and step away. The moaning stops for a second.
<sister>-"Ughh.. S-stop being ridiculous.. Everyone is asleep.."</sister> After a couple of seconds, the sounds start up again.
<sister>-"Nnghhhff.. Y-yess.."</sister>
<b>"Fuck me that was close.."</b> You wipe the sweat off of your forehead and go to your room..
<b>-"She looked so hot.."</b> You whisper as you lay down again.
<b>-"I'm so hard right now..<<if $toys==1>>The cage is so annoying..<</if>>"</b>You would jack off, but you remember what Professor Kei tought you. It's better not to cum and teach your body discipline and obedience.
<b>-"Ugh.. The quicker I fall asleep, the quicker I can get these horny thoughts out of my mind.."</b> You put another pillow on your head to drown out the sounds and go to sleep.
[[Go to sleep->room]]
<<pageReplace"This is weird">>\
<b>-"Agh.. Whatever... I don't want to see that shit anyways."</b> You take another pillow and put it on your head, surprisingly, it works and you stop hearing the sounds.
[[Go back to sleep->room]]
<<elseif $kaleywentwiththeblackguy == true>>\
<b>-"Ugh.. I don't think she'll text me tonight.. Whatever.."</b> You remember what Kaley said as you lay down.
<b>-"She's probably having sex right now.. G-gosh how much I would pay to see that.."</b> You feel your cock throb as you think about Kaley.
<grey>Buzz Buzz</grey>
<b>-"Huh?"</b> You turn towards your phone.
<b>-"No way.."</b> You pick up your phone from the nightstand and turn it on... Kaley is texting you!
<<pageReplace"Open the message">>\
<<message "Kaley" "Kaley black guy date." "You were right!" open>>\
<b>-"I should finish the conversation with Kaley before going to sleep."</b>
<b>-"Ugh.. I don't think she'll text me tonight.. Whatever.."</b> You remember what Kaley said as you lay down.
<b>-"She's probably having sex right now.. G-gosh how much I would pay to see that.."</b> You feel your cock throb as you think about Kaley.
<grey>Buzz Buzz</grey>
<b>-"Huh?"</b> You turn towards your phone.
<b>-"No way.."</b> You pick up your phone from the nightstand and turn it on... Kaley is texting you!
<<pageReplace"Open the message">>\
<<message "Kaley" "Kaley white guy date." "You were right!" open>>\
<b>-"I should finish the conversation with Kaley before going to sleep."</b>
<</if>>\<<if $didntwatchthemfuckingkaley == true>>\
<b>-"I didn't think she would actually send me a video of them fucking.."</b> You lie to yourself.
<b>-"Such a weirdo..</b> You put your phone on silent mode and sink your head into the pillow. Time to sleep.
[[Go to sleep->room]]
<b>-"That was so fucking hot..</b> You whisper.
<b>-"Fuckkk.. I'm so hard right now..<<if $toys==1>>The cage is so annoying.."<</if>>"</b>You would jack off, but you remember what Professor Kei tought you. It's better not to cum and teach your body discipline and obedience.
<b>-"Ugh.. The quicker I fall asleep, the quicker I can get these horny thoughts out of my mind.."</b> You put your phone on silent mode and sink your head into the pillow. Time to sleep.
[[Go to sleep->room]]
<</if>>\<<if $equip ==0>>\
<<set $equip to 1>>\
<<goto "Sisters sub12">>\
<<if $time <2>> <<set $time to $time+1>> <</if>>\
<<set $sistersb to true>>\
<sister>-"$name! Come here for a second!"</sister> You hear Ava shout from her room.
<b>-"Coming!"</b> You shout back as you put down your phone and stand up.
<b>-"What does she want this time.."</b> You wonder as you begin walking towards her room.
<b>-"What's up?"</b> You ask as you enter her room. Ava is half naked like always, you're used to it by now.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\w1.jpg">
<sister>-"Heyyyy.. What do you think? Do you like my outfit?"</sister> She waits for your reaction.
<b>-"It's okay I-I guess.."</b> You reply. You've seen her in lingerie like 20 times already, this isn't special.
<sister>-"I.. GhhhHhh.."</sister> Ava looks pretty angry that you didn't intimidately fall for her.
<sister>-"Ugh whatever, I didn't call you over just to show off. I wanted to talk about Kaley."</sister>
<sister>-"She sent me some vids of her fucking and bragged about you helping her. Is this true?"</sister> She shifts her weight, still trying to impress you.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\w2.jpg">
<b>-"What do you mean is this true?"</b>
<sister>-"I mean did you help her get dicked down or at least find her a date?"</sister>
<<pageReplace"Be honest.">>\
<<if $kaleytakessomeonehome == true>>\
<b>-"She asked for help, but I refused.. It's the truth!"</b> You answer her.
<sister>-"Hmmm.. You did? So she lied.."</sister> Ava thinks for a second.
<sister>-"Would you consider helping me then?"</sister> She slowly starts caressing her chest.
<b>-"H-help you?"</b>
<sister>-"Yeah... She tried to one up me by fucking a giant cock and then bragging about you helping her."</sister> Ava slowly removes her bra.
<sister>-"If I could get you to film one of my bigger one night stands, she would finally understand who's on top of the food chain in this house.."</sister> She reveals her perfect round tits, possibly trying to relay on your daily horniness.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\w3.jpg">
<sister>-"What do you say? Will you help me?"</sister>
<b>-"H-help you how again?"</b> You weren't really paying attention, her chest is just too perfect.
<sister>-"I'm going to bring someone over when Kaley is not home, all you'll have to do is film us for a bit while we do the deed..."</sister>
<sister>-"You'll be able to see your $sister fucked by a giant cock.. What else could a cuck want?"</sister> She laughs.
<<set $sistersevent to 13>>\
<<set $toldthathesgonnahelpava to true>>\
<b>-"Fine.. Only because you're my favorite sister."</b> You see Ava smile.
<sister>-"Hehehe I always knew we got along!"</sister> She shifts her weight once more, showing off her chest.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\w4.jpg">
<b>-"So.. What should I do?"</b>
<sister>-"Right now? Wait.. I'll let you know when I find someone with a nice package, then you'll have to film us have fun, that's about it."</sister>
<b>-"Copy that, I'll wait for a message or something then."</b> She nods and points at the door.
<sister>-"Alright enough staring, off you go. I'll download tinder again, there's usually a lot of equipped bulls in there."</sister>
<b>-"Right."</b> You slowly leave her room and make sure to close the door behind you.
<b>-"Ava has always been my favorite of the sisters.. It's only fair to only help her."</b> You think to yourself as you walk towards your room.
<b>-"Plus.. I can't wait to finally see her fucking someone live, right in front of me.."</b> A tiny bit of precum leaks out just from the thought of it.
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Enter your lair->room]]
<<set $sistersevent to 14>>\
<<set $toldthathesgonnahelpava to false>>\
<b>-"No thanks Ava.. Kaley felt bad that you always one up her, I won't be helping you do it again."</b> You cross your arms and blush as you continue to stare at her perfect breasts.
<sister>-"Sigh.. How annoying."</sister> To your dismay, she puts on her bra back on.
<sister>-"Fine, a no is a no, but don't expect me to help you if you ever ask."</sister> She points at the door.
<sister>-"Out you go."</sister>
<b>-'R-right.. Good luck.'</b> You nod and slowly leave the room, making sure to close the door behind you.
<b>-"I want them to get along better, I think not helping either one is the best option."</b> You think to yourself as you walk towards your room.
[[Enter your lair->room]]
<b>-"She asked for help, and I accepted.. Didn't think much of it."</b> You answer her.
<sister>-"Hmmm so she wasn't lying.."</sister> Ava seems annoyed.
<sister>-"Would you consider helping me too?"</sister> She slowly starts caressing her chest.
<b>-"H-help you?"</b>
<sister>-"Yeah... She tried to one up me by fucking a giant cock and then bragging about you helping her."</sister> Ava slowly removes her bra.
<sister>-"If I could get you to film one of my bigger one night stands, she would finally understand who's on top of the food chain in this house.."</sister> She reveals her perfect round tits, possibly trying to relay on your daily horniness.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\w3.jpg">
<sister>-"What do you say? Will you help me?"</sister>
<b>-"H-help you how again?"</b> You weren't really paying attention, her chest is just too perfect.
<sister>-"I'm going to bring someone over when Kaley is not home, all you'll have to do is film us for a bit while we do the deed..."</sister>
<sister>-"You'll be able to see your $sister fucked by a giant cock.. What else could a cuck want?"</sister> She laughs.
<<set $sistersevent to 13>>\
<<set $toldthathesgonnahelpava to true>>\
<b>-"Fine.. Only because I also helped Kaley.."</b> You see Ava smile.
<sister>-"Hehehe good enough for me!"</sister> She shifts her weight once more, showing off her chest.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\w4.jpg">
<b>-"So.. What should I do?"</b>
<sister>-"Right now? Wait.. I'll let you know when I find someone with a nice package, then you'll have to film us have fun, that's about it."</sister>
<b>-"Copy that, I'll wait for a message or something then."</b> She nods and points at the door.
<sister>-"Alright enough staring, off you go. I'll download tinder again, there's usually a lot of equipped bulls in there."</sister>
<b>-"Right."</b> You slowly leave her room and make sure to close the door behind you.
<b>-"I want them to get along, it's only fair to help them both!"</b> You think to yourself as you walk towards your room.
<b>-"Plus.. I can't wait to finally see her fucking someone live, right in front of me.."</b> A tiny bit of precum leaks out just from the thought of it.
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Enter your lair->room]]
<<set $sistersevent to 14>>\
<<set $toldthathesgonnahelpava to false>>\
<b>-"No thanks Ava.. Kaley felt bad that you always one up her, I won't be helping you do it again."</b> You cross your arms and blush as you continue to stare at her perfect breasts.
<sister>-"Sigh.. How annoying."</sister> To your dismay, she puts on her bra back on.
<sister>-"Fine, a no is a no, but don't expect me to help you if you ever ask."</sister> She points at the door.
<sister>-"Out you go."</sister>
<b>-'R-right.. Good luck.'</b> You nod and slowly leave the room, making sure to close the door behind you.
<b>-"Kaley has always been my favorite... I can't let Ava win once again."</b> You think to yourself as you walk towards your room.
[[Enter your lair->room]]
<</pageReplace>><<if $equip ==0>>\
<<set $equip to 1>>\
<<goto "Sisters sub13">>\
<<if $time <2>> <<set $time to $time+1>> <</if>>\
<<set $sistersevent to 14>>\
<<set $sistersb to true>>\
<sister>-"$name! She's gone, it's time!"</sister> Ava's voices rings out.
<b>-"HuhHhhHHH??"</b> You shout back confused. After not getting an answer, you leave your room and go to hers.
<b>-"What did you say?"</b> You poke your head inside.
<sister>-"Get ready to film the video we talked about, Kaley is gone."</sister>
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\p1.webp">
<b>-"Oh... So you found someone?"</b>
<sister>-"I did.. He's coming in a couple."</sister> Ava turns towards you.
<sister>-"I managed to get Mia and John to leave as well, we're filming in the living room."</sister>
<b>-"T-the living room? Isn't that a bit much... It's pretty early too, what if someone sees the action through a window.."</b>
<sister>-"Well let's hope they have popcorn then, I don't care."</sister> Your $sister laughs.
<grey>Bring... Bring...</grey>
<sister>-"There he is!"</sister> She smiles after your doorbell rings.
<b>-"Should I let him in?"</b>
<sister>-"I'll do it, you should look around for the camera."</sister> You nod as you both leave her room. She goes downstairs and you go into Mia's room in search of the family's camera.
<<pageReplace"There it is!">>\
<b>-"There it is!"</b> You announce as you finally find it, sitting on the counter nearby the bed.
<b>-"Right.. Time to head downstairs.."</b> You touch your crotch as you hear Ava talking to a man downstairs. This is going to be great!
<b>-"H-hey guys.."</b> You mumble as you walk into the living room.
<grey>-"Oh.. What's up bro!"</grey> You're faced with a real life giant. The guy is at least 6'8, 250 pounds.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\p3.jpeg">
<grey>-"Hah, don't be nervous my friend, Ava told me the whole situation, you're going to be filming us, right?"</grey> He smiles.
<b>-"Y-yeah.. $name.."</b> You extend your arm for a handshake.
<grey>-"Geralt!"</grey> He squeezes your palm so hard that you step back, in pain.
<b>-"Ooof.. N-nice to meet you."</b> You stutter and awkwardly smile.
<sister>-"Right, a couple of rules!"</sister> Ava turns to you.
<sister>-"No masturbating! I don't care how horny you are, we're here to film a video and to finally show Kaley that she can never out-slut me."</sister>
<sister>-"So don't ruin the whole thing by rubbing one out!"</sister> She squints her eyes.
<b>-"Yes.. Go ahead, whenever you're ready."</b> You take the camera in your hands.
<sister>-"Good.. Come here.."</sister> She smiles and turns towards Geralt. As they start to embrace, you start filming.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\p4.webp">
<grey>-"Mmmm... Babe.."</grey> He mumbles as they begin kissing.. You keep the camera as steady as you can!
<sister>-"It wasn't easy to find a guy this size.. B-but.. Mghh.."</sister> Ava kisses him again.
<sister>-"I'll finally show you.. MghHH.. That I can always one up you Kaley.."</sister> Ava starts to unbuckle his pants.
<b>-"O-oh my god.."</b> You whisper as you see the monster Geralt is packing.
<grey>-"Shitttt..."</grey> He moans as his pants slip down fully, and Ava begins to jack him off.
<sister>-"You see this? Look at this fucking thing.."</sister> You walk closer and make sure his cock is in frame.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\p5.webp">
<sister>-"NghHhhh.. We'll show her baby.."</sister> They embrace in yet another kiss as you feel your cock getting harder and harder.. It's going to be hard not to masturbate.
<grey>-"Come on.. On you knees."</grey> Geralt places his hand on Ava's head and starts to push. Ava follows his lead and gets on her knees.
<<pageReplace"Film Ava removing her dress.">>\
<b>-"Jeez... This is a full blown porno.."</b> You mumble as you watch her undress.
<sister>-"Of course it is.. Kaley sent me a video herself after that night... I can't wait to see her face when I send her an actual porno filmed in our living room!"</sister> Her sinister laugh fills the room... She seems completely crazy, you're just happy to be there.
<sister>-"Slurp.. O-owh yweah.. MghHHhh.."</sister> She starts to suck his giant cock.
<grey>-"FuckkkKkkk... Y-you're amazing babe.."</grey>
<sister>-"C-cwome on! Slurp... Cwome cwloser!"</sister> You nod and walk up to them, raising the camera above Geralt's shoulder.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\p6.webp">
<b>-"Sure.."</b> You mumble.
<sister>-"GhHHhhhhHH.. Swo bwigGGgggggg.. Ywou couldn't even fwit this.. Slurp.. In ywour mwouth!"</sister> She stares into the cameras as you refrain from touching your cock once again.. It's completely rock hard at this point.
<grey>-"Enough is enough.."</grey> Geralt suddenly grabs Ava by her shoulders and picks her up.
<sister>-"W-whaaa! WaittttTttt!"</sister> She screeches as he throws her onto the sofa.
<sister>-"MgHhhh.. Goshh you're so strong!"</sister> The man quickly opens up your $sister's legs and starts to eat her out.. You walk to the side to get a better angle.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\p7.webp">
<b>-"Fuck..."</b> You whisper as you watch her.
<sister>-"BHhaaaaAaaa! S-so good.."</sister> Ava turns her head towards the camera.
<<pageReplace"Try your best not to masturbate..">>
<b>-"Shit.. I can't.."</b> You think as you push the thoughts of an orgasm away.. You must keep the camera steady!
<sister>-"NghHHhh.. F-fuck.. P-put it in already.."</sister> Geralt's frame rises up as Ava sits up. You can see that her second pair of lips are already red from his tongue..
<grey>-"As you wish.."</grey> He takes his giant rod and begins rubbing it against her pussy.
<b>-"Fuck.. No way that I'll fit.."</b> You think as you watch them both.. It's at least 3 times your size.
<sister>-"Look Kaley.. I bet it wouldn't even fit if you were in my shoes.."</sister> Geralt starts to push his cock inside, surprisingly, it slides right in.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\p8.webp">
<sister>-"NgHhHHhhHHHHH!!! YessSSsssSSS! Look at that!"</sister> She rolls her eyes backwards in pleasure.
<b>-"Gosh.."</b> You blush a little as you get closer.
<grey>-"Come here buddy, take a look."</grey> He smiles and moves his hand, giving you and the camera a better look.
<sister>-"FuckKKkkKK!"</sister> Ava moans and the man starts to speed up.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\p9.webp">
<sister>-"So fucking.. GooodDddDDDD! MgHhhHHH! It's hitting my fucking cervix..."</sister> She shouts.. You have no idea why she's enjoying that, but you don't dare to ask.
<grey>-"Come, stand up"</grey> He says after a couple of minutes, in an almost robotic voice.. He's a total machine.
<b>-"..."</b> Geralt pulls out and stands up.
<sister>-"Yess.."</sister> She pants, but does as she's instructed.
<<pageReplace"Keep filming.">>
<sister>-"L-like this?"</sister> She places her hands on a chair and arches her back.
<sister>-"ShitTttTTT!"</sister> Ava screams as he enters inside.
<grey>-"FuckKKkk.. You're the first one to take the whole thing!"</grey> Geralt grabs her waist.
<sister>-"Heh.. I'm not my sister you know.. Mghhhh... I can handle big boys.."</sister> She stares at the camera, making sure to humiliate Kaley.
<b>-"Gulp.. Mghhh.."</b> The tip of your cock is rubbing against your pants...
<sister>-"S-shitTtt!"</sister> Ava starts to speed up once again.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\p11.webp">
<grey>-"MgHhhHHH! F-fuck.. I'm close babe!"</grey>
<sister>-"D-don't you dare! N-not yet!"</sister> Ava stares him down.
<sister>-"BhhHHhhh.. I'm so close..!"</sister> She closes her eyes.
<grey>-"HuGhHH! C-come here, I know a better way!"</grey> He grabs her once again. After carrying her to the sofa, he sits down and places her on top of himself.
<sister>-"NgHHhHH!!"</sister> She quickly grabs his cock and inserts it inside.
<sister>-"FuckKkk!"</sister> You see Geralt shift his hips a little, making sure the tip of his cock pleasures her g-spot.
<b>-"It worked.."</b> You think as you watch Ava start to shake.
<sister>-"YesSSssSSSSS!!!!"</sister> You watch Ava quiver in pleasure.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\p10.webp">
<grey>-"GhHHHHH!! I'm cumming!!!"</grey> He screams.
<sister>-"MgHhHHh! $name! Come here!"</sister> She screams after jumping off of his dick. You get closer to get the final shot.
<<pageReplace"Film the facial.">>
<sister>-"C-come on!"</sister> She begins stroking his cock as soon as she gets on her knees.
<grey>-"NghhHHH!"</grey> Geralt starts to shake.
<sister>-"Look Kaley!"</sister> As hot as this is, you make sure to keep both of your hands on the camera and hold it steady.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\p12.webp">
<grey>-"FuckKKkKKKK!!"</grey> He shouts as he unloads on your $sister.
<sister>-"ShitttT... S-so much.."</sister> She mumbles as Geralt steps away.
<sister>-"MMmmmm.."</sister> Ava licks up some of his cum as you continue to film.
<sister>-"And that's how you fuck, you loser!"</sister> She says while looking at the camera, you turn it off right after.
<b>-"I-it's done.."</b> You mumble and place the camera on the table.
<grey>-"Good job kiddo.."</grey> The man pants.
<sister>-"Fuck me.. That was better than I expected.."</sister> Ava stands up and looks up at Geralt.
<sister>-"Round two?"</sister> She grins.
<grey>-"Heh.. I could never say no to that.."</grey> Geralt grins.
<b>-"Should I..?"</b> You grab the camera.
<sister>-"Oh.. You're still here? Thanks for the help $name, you can go now."</sister> Geralt quickly lifts her up.
<b>-"Right.. Haha"</b> You awkwardly laugh as you grab your crotch.. Your trousers are completely drenched in pre cum!
<grey>-"Let's get into the shower!"</grey> He announces as he begins carrying your $sister towars the restroom. The last sight you see before they disappear is his half hard cock swinging from side to side.
<b>-"S-shit.. I need to jack off.. Like now.."</b> You think to yourself as you look down your pants.. You've done your job, time to rewards yourself.
<<set $submissive to $submissive +3>>
<pink>Submissiveness +3!</pink>
[[Run to your room and look at some porn->Open the laptop]]
<<pageReplace"Rub your crotch a little..">>
<b>-"MghHh.. M-maybe a little.."</b> You hold the camera with one head and start to rub yourself with the other.. The video loses focus.
<sister>-"$name! S-stop you cunt!"</sister> She notices you.
<b>-"S-sorry!"</b> You quickly grab the camera with the other hand as well.
<sister>-"Ugh, if I catch you letting go of the camera again, you're out of here!"</sister> She grabs Geralt's hair as he continues to eat her out.
<sister>-"MgHhhhH.. W-we'll just film the whole thing ourselves if we need to!"</sister>
<b>-"I.. I understand Ava, it won't happen again!"</b> She scoffs and turns away.
<sister>-"NghHHhh.. F-fuck.. P-put it in already.."</sister> Geralt's frame rises up as Ava sits up. You can see that her second pair of lips are already red from his tongue..
<grey>-"As you wish.."</grey> He takes his giant rod and begins rubbing it against her pussy.
<b>-"Fuck.. No way that I'll fit.."</b> You think as you watch them both.. It's at least 3 times your size.
<sister>-"Look Kaley.. I bet it wouldn't even fit if you were in my shoes.."</sister> Geralt starts to push his cock inside, surprisingly, it slides right in.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\p8.webp">
<sister>-"NgHhHHhhHHHHH!!! YessSSsssSSS! Look at that!"</sister> She rolls her eyes backwards in pleasure.
<b>-"Gosh.."</b> You blush a little as you get closer.
<grey>-"Come here buddy, take a look."</grey> He smiles and moves his hand, giving you and the camera a better look.
<sister>-"FuckKKkkKK!"</sister> Ava moans and the man starts to speed up.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\p9.webp">
<sister>-"So fucking.. GooodDddDDDD! MgHhhHHH! It's hitting my fucking cervix..."</sister> She shouts.. You have no idea why she's enjoying that, but you don't dare to ask.
<grey>-"Come, stand up"</grey> He says after a couple of minutes, in an almost robotic voice.. He's a total machine.
<b>-"..."</b> Geralt pulls out and stands up.
<sister>-"Yess.."</sister> She pants, but does as she's instructed.
<<pageReplace"Keep filming..">>
<sister>-"L-like this?"</sister> She places her hands on a chair and arches her back.
<sister>-"ShitTttTTT!"</sister> Ava screams as he enters inside.
<grey>-"FuckKKkk.. You're the first one to take the whole thing!"</grey> Geralt grabs her waist.
<sister>-"Heh.. I'm not my sister you know.. Mghhhh... I can handle big boys.."</sister> She stares at the camera, making sure to humiliate Kaley.
<b>-"Gulp.. Mghhh.."</b> The tip of your cock is rubbing against your pants...
<sister>-"S-shitTtt!"</sister> Ava starts to speed up once again.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\p11.webp">
<grey>-"MgHhhHHH! F-fuck.. I'm close babe!"</grey>
<sister>-"D-don't you dare! N-not yet!"</sister> Ava stares him down.
<sister>-"BhhHHhhh.. I'm so close..!"</sister> She closes her eyes.
<grey>-"HuGhHH! C-come here, I know a better way!"</grey> He grabs her once again. After carrying her to the sofa, he sits down and places her on top of himself.
<sister>-"NgHHhHH!!"</sister> She quickly grabs his cock and inserts it inside.
<sister>-"FuckKkk!"</sister> You see Geralt shift his hips a little, making sure the tip of his cock pleasures her g-spot.
<b>-"It worked.."</b> You think as you watch Ava start to shake.
<sister>-"YesSSssSSSSS!!!!"</sister> You watch Ava quiver in pleasure.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\p10.webp">
<grey>-"GhHHHHH!! I'm cumming!!!"</grey> He screams.
<sister>-"MgHhHHh! $name! Come here!"</sister> She screams after jumping off of his dick. You get closer to get the final shot.
<<pageReplace"Film the facial.">>
<sister>-"C-come on!"</sister> She begins stroking his cock as soon as she gets on her knees.
<grey>-"NghhHHH!"</grey> Geralt starts to shake.
<sister>-"Look Kaley!"</sister> As hot as this is, you make sure to keep both of your hands on the camera and hold it steady.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\p12.webp">
<grey>-"FuckKKkKKKK!!"</grey> He shouts as he unloads on your $sister.
<sister>-"ShitttT... S-so much.."</sister> She mumbles as Geralt steps away.
<sister>-"MMmmmm.."</sister> Ava licks up some of his cum as you continue to film.
<sister>-"And that's how you fuck, you loser!"</sister> She says while looking at the camera, you turn it off right after.
<b>-"I-it's done.."</b> You mumble and place the camera on the table.
<grey>-"Good job kiddo.."</grey> The man pants.
<sister>-"Fuck me.. That was better than I expected.."</sister> Ava stands up and looks up at Geralt.
<sister>-"Round two?"</sister> She grins.
<grey>-"Heh.. I could never say no to that.."</grey> Geralt grins.
<b>-"Should I..?"</b> You grab the camera.
<sister>-"Oh.. You're still here? Thanks for the help $name, you can go now."</sister> Geralt quickly lifts her up.
<b>-"Right.. Haha"</b> You awkwardly laugh as you grab your crotch.. Your trousers are completely drenched in pre cum!
<grey>-"Let's get into the shower!"</grey> He announces as he begins carrying your $sister towars the restroom. The last sight you see before they disappear is his half hard cock swinging from side to side.
<b>-"S-shit.. I need to jack off.. Like now.."</b> You think to yourself as you look down your pants.. You've done your job, time to rewards yourself.
<<set $submissive to $submissive +3>>
<pink>Submissiveness +3!</pink>
[[Run to your room and look at some porn->Open the laptop]]
<<pageReplace"Try to touch yourself again.">>
<sister>-"L-like this?"</sister> She places her hands on a chair and arches her back.
<sister>-"ShitTttTTT!"</sister> Ava screams as he enters inside.
<grey>-"FuckKKkk.. You're the first one to take the whole thing!"</grey> Geralt grabs her waist.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\p11.webp">
<b>-"Shit.."</b> You can't hold off any longer.. You once again try to rub your crotch in hopes of cumming in your pants.
<b>-"Gulp.."</b> The camera loses focus once again as you lean against the wall.
<sister>-"NgHhhh.. $name!"</sister> She notices you once again.
<sister>-"That's it! Take the camera away Geralt!"</sister> The man sighs as you take a step back.
<grey>-"Fuck me.. Come on buddy, you're done."</grey> He pulls his cock out and steps towards you.
<b>-"N-no no I can still film! C-come on guys, it's my bad!"</b> You grab the device with both hands once again.
<sister>-"Too late!"</sister> She shouts as Geralt grabs the camera. You're no match for his strenght, so he just pulls it away.
<sister>-"Go upstairs, we don't want you here!"</sister>
<b>-"B-but Ava!"</b>
<sister>-"You had one job! And you fucked it up! Get out of here! MghhhhH!!"</sister> Ava moans as he begins to fuck her again as he holds the camera above her.
<b>-"FuckkkKK.."</b> You fucked up.. There's no point in fighting it, Geralt is just going to kick you out.. You accept your defeat and head to your room. At least now you can jack off!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Look at some porn->Open the laptop]]
<b>-"B-but!"</b> You try to bargain as you grab the camera.
<sister>-"No buts! If I catch you masturbating you're out of here!"</sister> She scoffs.
<grey>-"You heard her!"</grey> Geralt grabs Ava's waist.
<b>-"B-but why?!"</b>
<sister>-"Uhmmm.. Because I don't want to see it? And how are you going to hold the camera with one hand you dumbass?"</sister>
<b>-"Fine.. I'll do my best.."</b> You sigh and turn on the camera.
<sister>-"Good.. Come here.."</sister> She smiles and turns towards Geralt. As they start to embrace, you start filming.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\p4.webp">
<grey>-"Mmmm... Babe.."</grey> He mumbles as they begin kissing.. You keep the camera as steady as you can!
<sister>-"It wasn't easy to find a guy this size.. B-but.. Mghh.."</sister> Ava kisses him again.
<sister>-"I'll finally show you.. MghHH.. That I can always one up you Kaley.."</sister> Ava starts to unbuckle his pants.
<b>-"O-oh my god.."</b> You whisper as you see the monster Geralt is packing.
<grey>-"Shitttt..."</grey> He moans as his pants slip down fully, and Ava begins to jack him off.
<sister>-"You see this? Look at this fucking thing.."</sister> You walk closer and make sure his cock is in frame.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\p5.webp">
<sister>-"NghHhhh.. We'll show her baby.."</sister> They embrace in yet another kiss as you feel your cock getting harder and harder.. It's going to be hard not to masturbate.
<grey>-"Come on.. On you knees."</grey> Geralt places his hand on Ava's head and starts to push. Ava follows his lead and gets on her knees.
<<pageReplace"Film Ava removing her dress.">>\
<b>-"Jeez... This is a full blown porno.."</b> You mumble as you watch her undress.
<sister>-"Of course it is.. Kaley sent me a video herself after that night... I can't wait to see her face when I send her an actual porno filmed in our living room!"</sister> Her sinister laugh fills the room... She seems completely crazy, you're just happy to be there.
<sister>-"Slurp.. O-owh yweah.. MghHHhh.."</sister> She starts to suck his giant cock.
<grey>-"FuckkkKkkk... Y-you're amazing babe.."</grey>
<sister>-"C-cwome on! Slurp... Cwome cwloser!"</sister> You nod and walk up to them, raising the camera above Geralt's shoulder.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\p6.webp">
<b>-"Sure.."</b> You mumble.
<sister>-"GhHHhhhhHH.. Swo bwigGGgggggg.. Ywou couldn't even fwit this.. Slurp.. In ywour mwouth!"</sister> She stares into the cameras as you refrain from touching your cock once again.. It's completely rock hard at this point.
<grey>-"Enough is enough.."</grey> Geralt suddenly grabs Ava by her shoulders and picks her up.
<sister>-"W-whaaa! WaittttTttt!"</sister> She screeches as he throws her onto the sofa.
<sister>-"MgHhhh.. Goshh you're so strong!"</sister> The man quickly opens up your $sister's legs and starts to eat her out.. You walk to the side to get a better angle.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\p7.webp">
<b>-"Fuck..."</b> You whisper as you watch her.
<sister>-"BHhaaaaAaaa! S-so good.."</sister> Ava turns her head towards the camera.
<<pageReplace"Try your best not to masturbate..">>
<b>-"Shit.. I can't.."</b> You think as you push the thoughts of an orgasm away.. You must keep the camera steady!
<sister>-"NghHHhh.. F-fuck.. P-put it in already.."</sister> Geralt's frame rises up as Ava sits up. You can see that her second pair of lips are already red from his tongue..
<grey>-"As you wish.."</grey> He takes his giant rod and begins rubbing it against her pussy.
<b>-"Fuck.. No way that I'll fit.."</b> You think as you watch them both.. It's at least 3 times your size.
<sister>-"Look Kaley.. I bet it wouldn't even fit if you were in my shoes.."</sister> Geralt starts to push his cock inside, surprisingly, it slides right in.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\p8.webp">
<sister>-"NgHhHHhhHHHHH!!! YessSSsssSSS! Look at that!"</sister> She rolls her eyes backwards in pleasure.
<b>-"Gosh.."</b> You blush a little as you get closer.
<grey>-"Come here buddy, take a look."</grey> He smiles and moves his hand, giving you and the camera a better look.
<sister>-"FuckKKkkKK!"</sister> Ava moans and the man starts to speed up.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\p9.webp">
<sister>-"So fucking.. GooodDddDDDD! MgHhhHHH! It's hitting my fucking cervix..."</sister> She shouts.. You have no idea why she's enjoying that, but you don't dare to ask.
<grey>-"Come, stand up"</grey> He says after a couple of minutes, in an almost robotic voice.. He's a total machine.
<b>-"..."</b> Geralt pulls out and stands up.
<sister>-"Yess.."</sister> She pants, but does as she's instructed.
<<pageReplace"Keep filming.">>
<sister>-"L-like this?"</sister> She places her hands on a chair and arches her back.
<sister>-"ShitTttTTT!"</sister> Ava screams as he enters inside.
<grey>-"FuckKKkk.. You're the first one to take the whole thing!"</grey> Geralt grabs her waist.
<sister>-"Heh.. I'm not my sister you know.. Mghhhh... I can handle big boys.."</sister> She stares at the camera, making sure to humiliate Kaley.
<b>-"Gulp.. Mghhh.."</b> The tip of your cock is rubbing against your pants...
<sister>-"S-shitTtt!"</sister> Ava starts to speed up once again.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\p11.webp">
<grey>-"MgHhhHHH! F-fuck.. I'm close babe!"</grey>
<sister>-"D-don't you dare! N-not yet!"</sister> Ava stares him down.
<sister>-"BhhHHhhh.. I'm so close..!"</sister> She closes her eyes.
<grey>-"HuGhHH! C-come here, I know a better way!"</grey> He grabs her once again. After carrying her to the sofa, he sits down and places her on top of himself.
<sister>-"NgHHhHH!!"</sister> She quickly grabs his cock and inserts it inside.
<sister>-"FuckKkk!"</sister> You see Geralt shift his hips a little, making sure the tip of his cock pleasures her g-spot.
<b>-"It worked.."</b> You think as you watch Ava start to shake.
<sister>-"YesSSssSSSSS!!!!"</sister> You watch Ava quiver in pleasure.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\p10.webp">
<grey>-"GhHHHHH!! I'm cumming!!!"</grey> He screams.
<sister>-"MgHhHHh! $name! Come here!"</sister> She screams after jumping off of his dick. You get closer to get the final shot.
<<pageReplace"Film the facial.">>
<sister>-"C-come on!"</sister> She begins stroking his cock as soon as she gets on her knees.
<grey>-"NghhHHH!"</grey> Geralt starts to shake.
<sister>-"Look Kaley!"</sister> As hot as this is, you make sure to keep both of your hands on the camera and hold it steady.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\p12.webp">
<grey>-"FuckKKkKKKK!!"</grey> He shouts as he unloads on your $sister.
<sister>-"ShitttT... S-so much.."</sister> She mumbles as Geralt steps away.
<sister>-"MMmmmm.."</sister> Ava licks up some of his cum as you continue to film.
<sister>-"And that's how you fuck, you loser!"</sister> She says while looking at the camera, you turn it off right after.
<b>-"I-it's done.."</b> You mumble and place the camera on the table.
<grey>-"Good job kiddo.."</grey> The man pants.
<sister>-"Fuck me.. That was better than I expected.."</sister> Ava stands up and looks up at Geralt.
<sister>-"Round two?"</sister> She grins.
<grey>-"Heh.. I could never say no to that.."</grey> Geralt grins.
<b>-"Should I..?"</b> You grab the camera.
<sister>-"Oh.. You're still here? Thanks for the help $name, you can go now."</sister> Geralt quickly lifts her up.
<b>-"Right.. Haha"</b> You awkwardly laugh as you grab your crotch.. Your trousers are completely drenched in pre cum!
<grey>-"Let's get into the shower!"</grey> He announces as he begins carrying your $sister towars the restroom. The last sight you see before they disappear is his half hard cock swinging from side to side.
<b>-"S-shit.. I need to jack off.. Like now.."</b> You think to yourself as you look down your pants.. You've done your job, time to rewards yourself.
<<set $submissive to $submissive +3>>
<pink>Submissiveness +3!</pink>
[[Run to your room and look at some porn->Open the laptop]]
<<pageReplace"Rub your crotch a little..">>
<b>-"MghHh.. M-maybe a little.."</b> You hold the camera with one head and start to rub yourself with the other.. The video loses focus.
<sister>-"$name! S-stop you cunt!"</sister> She notices you.
<b>-"S-sorry!"</b> You quickly grab the camera with the other hand as well.
<sister>-"Ugh, if I catch you letting go of the camera again, you're out of here!"</sister> She grabs Geralt's hair as he continues to eat her out.
<sister>-"MgHhhhH.. W-we'll just film the whole thing ourselves if we need to!"</sister>
<b>-"I.. I understand Ava, it won't happen again!"</b> She scoffs and turns away.
<sister>-"NghHHhh.. F-fuck.. P-put it in already.."</sister> Geralt's frame rises up as Ava sits up. You can see that her second pair of lips are already red from his tongue..
<grey>-"As you wish.."</grey> He takes his giant rod and begins rubbing it against her pussy.
<b>-"Fuck.. No way that I'll fit.."</b> You think as you watch them both.. It's at least 3 times your size.
<sister>-"Look Kaley.. I bet it wouldn't even fit if you were in my shoes.."</sister> Geralt starts to push his cock inside, surprisingly, it slides right in.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\p8.webp">
<sister>-"NgHhHHhhHHHHH!!! YessSSsssSSS! Look at that!"</sister> She rolls her eyes backwards in pleasure.
<b>-"Gosh.."</b> You blush a little as you get closer.
<grey>-"Come here buddy, take a look."</grey> He smiles and moves his hand, giving you and the camera a better look.
<sister>-"FuckKKkkKK!"</sister> Ava moans and the man starts to speed up.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\p9.webp">
<sister>-"So fucking.. GooodDddDDDD! MgHhhHHH! It's hitting my fucking cervix..."</sister> She shouts.. You have no idea why she's enjoying that, but you don't dare to ask.
<grey>-"Come, stand up"</grey> He says after a couple of minutes, in an almost robotic voice.. He's a total machine.
<b>-"..."</b> Geralt pulls out and stands up.
<sister>-"Yess.."</sister> She pants, but does as she's instructed.
<<pageReplace"Keep filming..">>
<sister>-"L-like this?"</sister> She places her hands on a chair and arches her back.
<sister>-"ShitTttTTT!"</sister> Ava screams as he enters inside.
<grey>-"FuckKKkk.. You're the first one to take the whole thing!"</grey> Geralt grabs her waist.
<sister>-"Heh.. I'm not my sister you know.. Mghhhh... I can handle big boys.."</sister> She stares at the camera, making sure to humiliate Kaley.
<b>-"Gulp.. Mghhh.."</b> The tip of your cock is rubbing against your pants...
<sister>-"S-shitTtt!"</sister> Ava starts to speed up once again.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\p11.webp">
<grey>-"MgHhhHHH! F-fuck.. I'm close babe!"</grey>
<sister>-"D-don't you dare! N-not yet!"</sister> Ava stares him down.
<sister>-"BhhHHhhh.. I'm so close..!"</sister> She closes her eyes.
<grey>-"HuGhHH! C-come here, I know a better way!"</grey> He grabs her once again. After carrying her to the sofa, he sits down and places her on top of himself.
<sister>-"NgHHhHH!!"</sister> She quickly grabs his cock and inserts it inside.
<sister>-"FuckKkk!"</sister> You see Geralt shift his hips a little, making sure the tip of his cock pleasures her g-spot.
<b>-"It worked.."</b> You think as you watch Ava start to shake.
<sister>-"YesSSssSSSSS!!!!"</sister> You watch Ava quiver in pleasure.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\p10.webp">
<grey>-"GhHHHHH!! I'm cumming!!!"</grey> He screams.
<sister>-"MgHhHHh! $name! Come here!"</sister> She screams after jumping off of his dick. You get closer to get the final shot.
<<pageReplace"Film the facial.">>
<sister>-"C-come on!"</sister> She begins stroking his cock as soon as she gets on her knees.
<grey>-"NghhHHH!"</grey> Geralt starts to shake.
<sister>-"Look Kaley!"</sister> As hot as this is, you make sure to keep both of your hands on the camera and hold it steady.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\p12.webp">
<grey>-"FuckKKkKKKK!!"</grey> He shouts as he unloads on your $sister.
<sister>-"ShitttT... S-so much.."</sister> She mumbles as Geralt steps away.
<sister>-"MMmmmm.."</sister> Ava licks up some of his cum as you continue to film.
<sister>-"And that's how you fuck, you loser!"</sister> She says while looking at the camera, you turn it off right after.
<b>-"I-it's done.."</b> You mumble and place the camera on the table.
<grey>-"Good job kiddo.."</grey> The man pants.
<sister>-"Fuck me.. That was better than I expected.."</sister> Ava stands up and looks up at Geralt.
<sister>-"Round two?"</sister> She grins.
<grey>-"Heh.. I could never say no to that.."</grey> Geralt grins.
<b>-"Should I..?"</b> You grab the camera.
<sister>-"Oh.. You're still here? Thanks for the help $name, you can go now."</sister> Geralt quickly lifts her up.
<b>-"Right.. Haha"</b> You awkwardly laugh as you grab your crotch.. Your trousers are completely drenched in pre cum!
<grey>-"Let's get into the shower!"</grey> He announces as he begins carrying your $sister towars the restroom. The last sight you see before they disappear is his half hard cock swinging from side to side.
<b>-"S-shit.. I need to jack off.. Like now.."</b> You think to yourself as you look down your pants.. You've done your job, time to rewards yourself.
<<set $submissive to $submissive +3>>
<pink>Submissiveness +3!</pink>
[[Run to your room and look at some porn->Open the laptop]]
<<pageReplace"Try to touch yourself again.">>
<sister>-"L-like this?"</sister> She places her hands on a chair and arches her back.
<sister>-"ShitTttTTT!"</sister> Ava screams as he enters inside.
<grey>-"FuckKKkk.. You're the first one to take the whole thing!"</grey> Geralt grabs her waist.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\p11.webp">
<b>-"Shit.."</b> You can't hold off any longer.. You once again try to rub your crotch in hopes of cumming in your pants.
<b>-"Gulp.."</b> The camera loses focus once again as you lean against the wall.
<sister>-"NgHhhh.. $name!"</sister> She notices you once again.
<sister>-"That's it! Take the camera away Geralt!"</sister> The man sighs as you take a step back.
<grey>-"Fuck me.. Come on buddy, you're done."</grey> He pulls his cock out and steps towards you.
<b>-"N-no no I can still film! C-come on guys, it's my bad!"</b> You grab the device with both hands once again.
<sister>-"Too late!"</sister> She shouts as Geralt grabs the camera. You're no match for his strenght, so he just pulls it away.
<sister>-"Go upstairs, we don't want you here!"</sister>
<b>-"B-but Ava!"</b>
<sister>-"You had one job! And you fucked it up! Get out of here! MghhhhH!!"</sister> Ava moans as he begins to fuck her again as he holds the camera above her.
<b>-"FuckkkKK.."</b> You fucked up.. There's no point in fighting it, Geralt is just going to kick you out.. You accept your defeat and head to your room. At least now you can jack off!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Look at some porn->Open the laptop]]
<</pageReplace>><<if $equip ==0>>\
<<set $equip to 1>>\
<<goto "Sisters sub14">>\
<<if $time <2>> <<set $time to $time+1>> <</if>>\
<<set $sistersb to true>>\
<b>-"Ahhhh, finally, the weekend!"</b> You think as the cold pillow envolepes your head completely. You open up tiktok and begin watching video after video, it's finally time to relax.
<sister>-"Come here $name! We need to talk!"</sister> You hear Kaley's voice ring out in the house.
<b>-"Sigh.. What now.."</b> You put down your phone and stand up. As you exit your room, you start hearing your sisters arguing..
<sister>-"No! It's me!"</sister> Kaley says.
<sister>-"Nuh uh! It's totally me!"</sister> Ava answers.. You walk up to their room and open the door.
<b>-"Yo.. What did you want?"</b> You enter.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\n1.jpg">
<sister>-"$name! Good to see you!"</sister> Kaley smiles, obviously trying to get into your good graces.
<sister>-"We're arguing about promiscuity! I've slept with more men that Kaley has, but she's still arguing that she's better at sex!"</sister> Ava scoffs.
<<if $agreedtobeKaleyswingman == true and $toldthathesgonnahelpava == true>>\
<sister>-"You saw those videos $name, you saw me getting dicked down by that massive dude!"</sister> Kaley says.
<b>-"I.. I did.."</b> What did you get yourself into..
<sister>-"Okayyy? You filmed me taking an even bigger cock last week, remember?!"</sister> Ava looks at you.
<b>-"I remember, yeah.."</b>
<sister>-"So.. Who do you think is better at sex?!"</sister> They both ask in unison.
<<pageReplace"I don't know..">>
<b>-"I.. I don't know?"</b> You awkwardly answer.. They're both hot, that's all you care about.
<sister>-"You don't know?! Really?! How is it not obvious that it's me?!"</sister> Ava scoffs. After shrugging your shoulders, you get ready to leave, but Kaley whispers something in Ava's ear.
<sister>-"Hey $name.. What if we played a game next week.."</sister> You turn around.
<b>-"A game?"</b> You see Kaley undressing..
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\n2.jpg">
<sister>-"Yes.. A game.."</sister> She laughs as Ava slips down her dress.
<sister>-"We'll buy some toys varying in size.. You'll have to rate us depending on how well we take them.."</sister> Ava smiles.
<sister>-"Yes.. Dildos to be specific.."</sister> They both giggle as Kaley begins taking off Ava's dress as well.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\n3.jpg">
<<pageReplace "What's in it for me...?">>
<b>-"Hmmm.. What's in it for me?"</b> You ask them as they fully undress, standing completely naked in front of you..
<sister>-"I don't know.. How about seeing your $sisters stretched to their limits? Would that be enough?"</sister> Ava says.
<sister>-"We would allow you to jack off as well... I haven't seen that little thing in a while.."</sister> Kaley bites her lip.
<b>-"R-really?"</b> You start sweating a bit as they touch your crotch.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\n4.jpg">
<sister>-"Really.. So, what do you say? Will you be our judge?"</sister>
<b>-"..."</b> Your cock throbs at the thought of seeing your sisters masturbating together... Should you agree?
<<set $sistersevent to 15>>\
<b>-"Fine.. I'll do it."</b> You mumble as they grin at each other.
<sister>-"Perfect! We will once and for all figure out who the biggest slut of this household is!"</sister> Kaley smiles, proudly.
<sister>-"Yes! Which will be me!"</sister> Ava stands up.
<sister>-"No.. It's me!"</sister> Kaley stands up as well.. It's obvious that you have no reason to be here any longer..
<b>-"I'll go then.."</b> You tell them, but they don't seem to notice.
<sister>-"It was 7 inches Ava! Seven!"</sister>
<sister>-"That's fucking tiny! I took a 9 incher last week!"</sister> You hear them argue as you leave their room.
<b>-"Shit.. I can't wait.. I wonder what toys they'll order.."</b> You mumble as you begin walking towards your room.
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Go to your room->room]]
<<set $sistersevent to 16>>\
<b>-"Be your judge..? Nooo thank you.. That's for you two to figure out."</b> You take a step backwards.
<sister>-"Huh..? Our little cucky doesn't want to see their sisters masturbating?"</sister> Ava squints her eyes.
<b>-"N-no.. I don't.."</b>
<sister>-"Fine, we'll figure it out on our own!"</sister> Kaley scoffs.
<sister>-"Yes we will! And I will win"</sister> Ava look at her.
<sister>-"No.. It's me!"</sister> Kaley answers. It's obvious that you have no reason to be here any longer..
<b>-"I'll go then.."</b> You tell them, but they don't seem to notice.
<sister>-"It was 7 inches Ava! Seven!"</sister>
<sister>-"That's fucking tiny! I took a 9 incher last week!"</sister> You hear them argue as you leave their room.
<b>-"I'm not going to play their stupid games.."</b> You mumble as you begin walking towards your room.
[[Go to your room->room]]
<<elseif $agreedtobeKaleyswingman == true>>\
<sister>-"You saw those videos $name, you saw me getting dicked down by that massive dude!"</sister> Kaley says.
<b>-"I.. I did.."</b> What did you get yourself into..
<sister>-"Woowwwwww, so you helped her and not me?"</sister> Ava looks at you.
<b>-"I guess.. We already talked about it.."</b>
<sister>-"Whatever, all you need to know is that I found a date and took a 9 inch cock LIKE NOTHING!"</sister> Ava smiles with pride.
<b>-"Wow.."</b> That's actually kind of impressive..
<sister>-"So.. Who do you think is better at sex?!"</sister> They both ask in unison.
<<pageReplace"I don't know..">>
<b>-"I.. I don't know?"</b> You awkwardly answer.. They're both hot, that's all you care about.
<sister>-"You don't know?! Really?! How is it not obvious that it's me?!"</sister> Ava scoffs. After shrugging your shoulders, you get ready to leave, but Kaley whispers something in Ava's ear.
<sister>-"Hey $name.. What if we played a game next week.."</sister> You turn around.
<b>-"A game?"</b> You see Kaley undressing..
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\n2.jpg">
<sister>-"Yes.. A game.."</sister> She laughs as Ava slips down her dress.
<sister>-"We'll buy some toys varying in size.. You'll have to rate us depending on how well we take them.."</sister> Ava smiles.
<sister>-"Yes.. Dildos to be specific.."</sister> They both giggle as Kaley begins taking off Ava's dress as well.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\n3.jpg">
<<pageReplace "What's in it for me...?">>
<b>-"Hmmm.. What's in it for me?"</b> You ask them as they fully undress, standing completely naked in front of you..
<sister>-"I don't know.. How about seeing your $sisters stretched to their limits? Would that be enough?"</sister> Ava says.
<sister>-"We would allow you to jack off as well... I haven't seen that little thing in a while.."</sister> Kaley bites her lip.
<b>-"R-really?"</b> You start sweating a bit as they touch your crotch.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\n4.jpg">
<sister>-"Really.. So, what do you say? Will you be our judge?"</sister>
<b>-"..."</b> Your cock throbs at the thought of seeing your sisters masturbating together... Should you agree?
<<set $sistersevent to 15>>\
<b>-"Fine.. I'll do it."</b> You mumble as they grin at each other.
<sister>-"Perfect! We will once and for all figure out who the biggest slut of this household is!"</sister> Kaley smiles, proudly.
<sister>-"Yes! Which will be me!"</sister> Ava stands up.
<sister>-"No.. It's me!"</sister> Kaley stands up as well.. It's obvious that you have no reason to be here any longer..
<b>-"I'll go then.."</b> You tell them, but they don't seem to notice.
<sister>-"It was 7 inches Ava! Seven!"</sister>
<sister>-"That's fucking tiny! I took a 9 incher last week!"</sister> You hear them argue as you leave their room.
<b>-"Shit.. I can't wait.. I wonder what toys they'll order.."</b> You mumble as you begin walking towards your room.
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Go to your room->room]]
<<set $sistersevent to 16>>\
<b>-"Be your judge..? Nooo thank you.. That's for you two to figure out."</b> You take a step backwards.
<sister>-"Huh..? Our little cucky doesn't want to see their sisters masturbating?"</sister> Ava squints her eyes.
<b>-"N-no.. I don't.."</b>
<sister>-"Fine, we'll figure it out on our own!"</sister> Kaley scoffs.
<sister>-"Yes we will! And I will win"</sister> Ava look at her.
<sister>-"No.. It's me!"</sister> Kaley answers. It's obvious that you have no reason to be here any longer..
<b>-"I'll go then.."</b> You tell them, but they don't seem to notice.
<sister>-"It was 7 inches Ava! Seven!"</sister>
<sister>-"That's fucking tiny! I took a 9 incher last week!"</sister> You hear them argue as you leave their room.
<b>-"I'm not going to play their stupid games.."</b> You mumble as you begin walking towards your room.
[[Go to your room->room]]
<<elseif $toldthathesgonnahelpava == true>>\
<sister>-"You filmed me taking that huge cock last week, remember $name?"</sister> Ava looks at you.
<b>-"I did.."</b>
<sister>-"Wowwwwww, so you filmed her, but couldn't even help me pick out a date?"</sister> Kaley crosses her arms.
<b>-"Sorry Kaley.. I just wasn't in the mood that day..."</b>
<sister>-"Whatever, all you need to know is, I took a 7 inch monster like NOTHING that day.."</sister> Kaley looks at Ava proudly.
<sister>-"Hah! 7 inches?! Who did you fuck, a child? That's nothing! I took a 9 incher a week before!"</sister> They both stare at each other.
<sister>-"So.. Who do you think is better at sex?!"</sister> They both ask in unison.
<<pageReplace"I don't know..">>
<b>-"I.. I don't know?"</b> You awkwardly answer.. They're both hot, that's all you care about.
<sister>-"You don't know?! Really?! How is it not obvious that it's me?!"</sister> Ava scoffs. After shrugging your shoulders, you get ready to leave, but Kaley whispers something in Ava's ear.
<sister>-"Hey $name.. What if we played a game next week.."</sister> You turn around.
<b>-"A game?"</b> You see Kaley undressing..
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\n2.jpg">
<sister>-"Yes.. A game.."</sister> She laughs as Ava slips down her dress.
<sister>-"We'll buy some toys varying in size.. You'll have to rate us depending on how well we take them.."</sister> Ava smiles.
<sister>-"Yes.. Dildos to be specific.."</sister> They both giggle as Kaley begins taking off Ava's dress as well.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\n3.jpg">
<<pageReplace "What's in it for me...?">>
<b>-"Hmmm.. What's in it for me?"</b> You ask them as they fully undress, standing completely naked in front of you..
<sister>-"I don't know.. How about seeing your $sisters stretched to their limits? Would that be enough?"</sister> Ava says.
<sister>-"We would allow you to jack off as well... I haven't seen that little thing in a while.."</sister> Kaley bites her lip.
<b>-"R-really?"</b> You start sweating a bit as they touch your crotch.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\n4.jpg">
<sister>-"Really.. So, what do you say? Will you be our judge?"</sister>
<b>-"..."</b> Your cock throbs at the thought of seeing your sisters masturbating together... Should you agree?
<<set $sistersevent to 15>>\
<b>-"Fine.. I'll do it."</b> You mumble as they grin at each other.
<sister>-"Perfect! We will once and for all figure out who the biggest slut of this household is!"</sister> Kaley smiles, proudly.
<sister>-"Yes! Which will be me!"</sister> Ava stands up.
<sister>-"No.. It's me!"</sister> Kaley stands up as well.. It's obvious that you have no reason to be here any longer..
<b>-"I'll go then.."</b> You tell them, but they don't seem to notice.
<sister>-"It was 7 inches Ava! Seven!"</sister>
<sister>-"That's fucking tiny! I took a 9 incher last week!"</sister> You hear them argue as you leave their room.
<b>-"Shit.. I can't wait.. I wonder what toys they'll order.."</b> You mumble as you begin walking towards your room.
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Go to your room->room]]
<<set $sistersevent to 16>>\
<b>-"Be your judge..? Nooo thank you.. That's for you two to figure out."</b> You take a step backwards.
<sister>-"Huh..? Our little cucky doesn't want to see their sisters masturbating?"</sister> Ava squints her eyes.
<b>-"N-no.. I don't.."</b>
<sister>-"Fine, we'll figure it out on our own!"</sister> Kaley scoffs.
<sister>-"Yes we will! And I will win"</sister> Ava look at her.
<sister>-"No.. It's me!"</sister> Kaley answers. It's obvious that you have no reason to be here any longer..
<b>-"I'll go then.."</b> You tell them, but they don't seem to notice.
<sister>-"It was 7 inches Ava! Seven!"</sister>
<sister>-"That's fucking tiny! I took a 9 incher last week!"</sister> You hear them argue as you leave their room.
<b>-"I'm not going to play their stupid games.."</b> You mumble as you begin walking towards your room.
[[Go to your room->room]]
<sister>-"You didn't help me when I asked, but I found a date and took a 7 inch cock like NOTHING $name!"</sister> Kaley says, proudly.
<b>-"Wow.."</b> You mumble.
<sister>-"Wowwwwwwww 7 inches? Who did you fuck, a child? I found a date as well, but he was a 9 incher and I fucked him for 3 hours straight!"</sister> Ava announces.
<b>-"Sounds hella fake but okay.."</b> You think..
<sister>-"So.. Who do you think is better at sex?!"</sister> They both ask in unison.
<<pageReplace"I don't know..">>
<b>-"I.. I don't know?"</b> You awkwardly answer.. They're both hot, that's all you care about.
<sister>-"You don't know?! Really?! How is it not obvious that it's me?!"</sister> Ava scoffs. After shrugging your shoulders, you get ready to leave, but Kaley whispers something in Ava's ear.
<sister>-"Hey $name.. What if we played a game next week.."</sister> You turn around.
<b>-"A game?"</b> You see Kaley undressing..
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\n2.jpg">
<sister>-"Yes.. A game.."</sister> She laughs as Ava slips down her dress.
<sister>-"We'll buy some toys varying in size.. You'll have to rate us depending on how well we take them.."</sister> Ava smiles.
<sister>-"Yes.. Dildos to be specific.."</sister> They both giggle as Kaley begins taking off Ava's dress as well.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\n3.jpg">
<<pageReplace "What's in it for me...?">>
<b>-"Hmmm.. What's in it for me?"</b> You ask them as they fully undress, standing completely naked in front of you..
<sister>-"I don't know.. How about seeing your $sisters stretched to their limits? Would that be enough?"</sister> Ava says.
<sister>-"We would allow you to jack off as well... I haven't seen that little thing in a while.."</sister> Kaley bites her lip.
<b>-"R-really?"</b> You start sweating a bit as they touch your crotch.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\dom\n4.jpg">
<sister>-"Really.. So, what do you say? Will you be our judge?"</sister>
<b>-"..."</b> Your cock throbs at the thought of seeing your sisters masturbating together... Should you agree?
<<set $sistersevent to 15>>\
<b>-"Fine.. I'll do it."</b> You mumble as they grin at each other.
<sister>-"Perfect! We will once and for all figure out who the biggest slut of this household is!"</sister> Kaley smiles, proudly.
<sister>-"Yes! Which will be me!"</sister> Ava stands up.
<sister>-"No.. It's me!"</sister> Kaley stands up as well.. It's obvious that you have no reason to be here any longer..
<b>-"I'll go then.."</b> You tell them, but they don't seem to notice.
<sister>-"It was 7 inches Ava! Seven!"</sister>
<sister>-"That's fucking tiny! I took a 9 incher last week!"</sister> You hear them argue as you leave their room.
<b>-"Shit.. I can't wait.. I wonder what toys they'll order.."</b> You mumble as you begin walking towards your room.
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Go to your room->room]]
<<set $sistersevent to 16>>\
<b>-"Be your judge..? Nooo thank you.. That's for you two to figure out."</b> You take a step backwards.
<sister>-"Huh..? Our little cucky doesn't want to see their sisters masturbating?"</sister> Ava squints her eyes.
<b>-"N-no.. I don't.."</b>
<sister>-"Fine, we'll figure it out on our own!"</sister> Kaley scoffs.
<sister>-"Yes we will! And I will win"</sister> Ava look at her.
<sister>-"No.. It's me!"</sister> Kaley answers. It's obvious that you have no reason to be here any longer..
<b>-"I'll go then.."</b> You tell them, but they don't seem to notice.
<sister>-"It was 7 inches Ava! Seven!"</sister>
<sister>-"That's fucking tiny! I took a 9 incher last week!"</sister> You hear them argue as you leave their room.
<b>-"I'm not going to play their stupid games.."</b> You mumble as you begin walking towards your room.
[[Go to your room->room]]
<</if>><<if $equip ==0>>\
<<set $equip to 1>>\
<<goto "Sisters sub15">>\
<<if $time <2>> <<set $time to $time+1>> <</if>>\
<<set $sistersb to true>>\
<<set $sistersevent to 16>>\
<sister>-"$name! Come here!"</sister> You hear Ava shouting for you.
<b>-"In a sec!"</b> You shout back as you get out of bed and begin walking towards their room.
<b>-"Y-you called me?"</b> You ask as you enter.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\f1.jpg">
<sister>-"Well, are you ready?"</sister> Ava asks.
<b>-"Ready for what...?"</b> Your cheeks blush a bit as you look them up and down.
<sister>-"The contest silly! Remember our deal?"</sister> Kaley points to the left. After you follow her gaze, you see 3 toys on their table.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\f3.jpg">
<sister>-"We'll both ride each of them and you'll decide who's better at taking dick!"</sister>
<b>-"Gulp... N-now I remember."</b> You also remember that they told you that you can jack off! Hooray!
<<pageReplace"Who starts?">>
<b>-"S-so, who starts?"</b>
<sister>-"Hah! Someone is excited I see!"</sister> Ava laughs.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\f2.jpg">
<sister>-"How about I start then?"</sister> She asks Kaley.
<sister>-"Sure babe!"</sister>
<sister>-"Maybe you'll learn a thing or two from watching..."</sister> Ava teases her sister as she removes her bra.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\f4.webp">
<sister>-"Ghahah! You will be the one learning from me!"</sister> Kaley turns to you.
<sister>-"Isn't that right, $name?"</sister> You sit down on a chair in the corner of the room.
<b>-"W-we'll see... I'll try my best to judge!"</b>
<sister>-"Good <<if $hairextensions ==true>>girl.<<else>>boy.<</if>>"</sister>
<<pageReplace"Watch as Ava gets ready.">>
<sister>-"NgHhh... There."</sister> After Ava gets completely naked, she grabs the smallest toy and gets on her knees.
<sister>-"This should be pretty easy."</sister> She says as she begins to rub her fat ass up and down it's shaft.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\f6.webp">
<b>-"N-no lube?"</b>
<sister>-"I don't need lube, my pussy is always wet enough for cocks."</sister> Her vulgar words are beginning to turn you on...
<sister>-"NgHhhh..."</sister> Kaley moans as she removes her clothes and gets onto the bed.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\f5.jpg">
<sister>-"Hurry up sis! I want to ride it too!"</sister>
<sister>-"Fine, fine! J-just give me a second!"</sister> Ava takes a deep breath and slowly inserts the toy inside.
<<pageReplace"And the show begins.">>
<sister>-"Oh fuck yeah..."</sister> Ava mumbles as the cock slides right in.
<sister>-"Told you that this is nothing... The first dildo is tiny!"</sister> Her hips begin to jump up and down as you cock grows harder and harder.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\f7.webp">
<sister>-"Hmph, impressive, but nothing special."</sister> Kaley says.
<b>-"Gulp..."</b> You can tell that this will get competitive.
<sister>-"Not impressive huh? H-how about this!"</sister> Ava raises one of her legs and begins to fuck the toy even faster.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\f8.webp">
<sister>-"Yeah I think $name has seen enough, how about you move on to the next one?"</sister> Kaley asks.
<sister>-"Aghhh!"</sister> Your $sister stops.
<<pageReplace"Ava begins to mount the second toy.">>
<sister>-"NgHhhh!"</sister> With her leg still up, she lowers herself onto the second toy.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\f9.webp">
<sister>-"H-hah... L-like butter!"</sister> You can tell that she's begging to struggle, but her pussy can definitely stretch further.
<b>-"FucK!"</b> You're getting way too turned on just watching... They did mention that you can jack off - this is the perfect time to do so!
<b>-"NgHhh..."</b> <<if $toys ==1>>You quietly remove your pants, unlock your cage and get your cock out.<<else>>You quietly remove your pants and get your cock out.<</if>>
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\f10.jpg">
<sister>-"FucKKkk!"</sister> Ava shouts as she begins to ride the toy faster and faster.
<sister>-"Oh... What do we have here?"</sister> Kaley says as she looks down at your cock.
<<pageReplace"You told me I can touch myself!">>
<b>-"You told me I... That I c-can touch myself, no?"</b> You look at Kaley, embarrassed. Ava is too focused on riding the toy to care.
<sister>-"Maybe we did, but only so you would agree, obviously!"</sister>
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\f11.jpg">
<sister>-"Now put that thing away! I don't want to see my little <<if $hairextensions ==true>>sister stroking her clit...<<else>>brother stroking his mini...<</if>>"</sister>
<b>-"C-come on!"</b>
<sister>-"No buts! It's either this, or you leave."</sister>
<<pageReplace"Agree not to touch yourself.">>
<b>-"Ugh, f-fine!"</b> You let go of your little rod and Kaley smiles.
<sister>-"Good! Now look, Ava is moving onto the biggest toy!"</sister> You quickly turn towards Ava.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\f12.webp">
<sister>-"FucKkkk! It's... B-bigger that it looks!"</sister>
<sister>-"Hah, is it too big for my weak little sister?"</sister> Kaley begins to tease Ava.
<sister>-"Oh fuck you! I-it'll be easier like this!"</sister> Ava turns around and gets on her knees again.
<sister>-"NgHhhh! Much better!"</sister> In this position, she can ride the toy a lot quicker.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\f13.webp">
<b>-"S-shit... That's impressive!"</b> You mumble as your cock begins to throb from the sight.
<b>-"NgHhh..."</b> Her ass, her feet, her pussy are all on display for you to enjoy... It's so hard not to touch yourself!
<<pageReplace"Try your best not to.">>
<b>-"AgHHhh..."</b> You press your legs together as you try your best to hold still.
<sister>-"NGHhh! T-that's it... Or I'll cum."</sister> Ava stops riding the toy and stands up.
<sister>-"Done already?"</sister> Ava asks as her sister lays down on the bed.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\f14.jpg">
<sister>-"Fuck yeah I'm done... My whole pussy is throbbing!"</sister>
<sister>-"My turn then!"</sister> Kaley jumps up and runs over to the toys.
<sister>-"NgHhh... B-be my guest."</sister> Ava answers.
<sister>-"Arrrghhhh... Make sure to watch $name!"</sister> Kaley moans as she inserts the first toy inside.
<b>-"I-I'm watching!"</b> Kaley grins and begins to ride the first toy at an incredible speed.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\f15.webp">
<b>-"Wow!"</b> Ava was fast, but Kaley is even faster!
<sister>-"Hmph, not bad."</sister> Ava chuckles as she lays on the bed.
<<pageReplace"Continue to watch.">>
<sister>-"Agh, that's enough of that, it's too easy!"</sister> Kaley throws the small toy to the side and grabs the second one.
<b>-"Already... She's impressive."</b> Kaley's skills have definitely improved! You remember her being a lot worse than Ava at pretty much anything sex related.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\f16.webp">
<sister>-"Slow and steady... In it goes."</sister> Kaley slowly inserts the second toy inside.
<sister>-"NgHhh!"</sister> She sits up, grabs the wall for some support and begins to jump up and down.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\f17.webp">
<b>-"NGHhhh..."</b> Precum begins to leak out as Ava notices.
<sister>-"Oh, you got your dick out? How pathetic."</sister>
<<pageReplace"Turn to her.">>
<b>-"Y-you girls told me I could touch it!"</b>
<sister>-"And you believed us! That's on you!"</sister> Ava laughs as your cock throbs once more.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\f18.png">
<sister>-"Anyways, so who do you think will win this little contest of ours?"</sister>
<sister>-"I said who do you think will win this contest?"</sister> Ava asks while showing off her pussy, probably trying to bribe you visually.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\f19.jpg">
<sister>-"Stop coercing him! H-he hasn't seen me take the biggest one yet!"</sister> Kaley interrupts.
<sister>-"Look!"</sister> She quickly throws the second toy to the side and grabs the biggest one.
<<pageReplace"Do as she says.">>
<sister>-"A-are you looking?!"</sister> Ava asks as she hold the cock up against her pussy.
<b>-"Y-yes!"</b> She nods and slowly inserts it inside.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\f20.webp">
<sister>-"FuuuCKKkkKK!"</sister> The toy slowly penetrates your sister... You can tell that she's in pain.
<sister>-"Ghah! That's all you can do? Take it that slowly?"</sister> Ava begins to laugh.
<sister>-"ArghhH! J-just watch!"</sister> Kaley sticks the toy onto their table and begins to ride it while standing up.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\f21.webp">
<b>-"W-wow..."</b> In this position, she's a lot quicker!
<sister>-"Hah, w-why are you so silent... NGHhhh... N-now sister?!"</sister> Kaley shouts.
<<pageReplace"Wait for Kaley to finish.">>
<sister>-"FucKkkk..."</sister> After a minute or two, she finally finishes.
<sister>-"Damnit... Definitely didn't think you could take the biggest one. I'm impressed."</sister> Ava mumbles as Kaley joins her on the bed.
<sister>-"So, what do you think?"</sister> They both turn to you.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\f22.jpg">
<b>-"H-huh...?"</b> You were so focused at trying not to cum, that you didn't even realise they were done!
<sister>-"Look at him! He's completely mesmerised! That loser!"</sister> They both laugh at you as Ava slowly brings her hips up.
<sister>-"Do you think this pussy did a better job? Or Kaley's?"</sister> She bites her lip as you stare at her vagina.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\f23.jpg">
<b>-"Shit... I have to choose."</b> You talk to yourself.
<sister>-"Come on then! You know it's me!"</sister> Kaley says.
<sister>-"Your performance was impressive, but mine was way more consistent!"</sister> Ava jumps in.
<b>-"I think..."</b>
<<pageReplace "Ava was better.">>
<<set $kaleyavacontest to 1>>\
<b>-"I think... I think Ava was better!"</b> You answer truthfully.
<sister>-"Hah, told you!"</sister> Ava grins and turns to her sister.
<sister>-"Ugh you little slut... That pussy of yours got loose after all of those cocks you took!"</sister> Kaley turns her sister around.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\f25.webp">
<sister>-"Aghhh! K-Kaley!"</sister> You sit there awkwardly as your $sisters begin to enjoy each others company a little too much.
<b>-"So hot..."</b> You think as they begin to make out.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\f24.webp">
<sister>-"NGHhhh... Want me to teach you how to take the toys better?"</sister> Ava asks.
<sister>-"Yeshhhh..."</sister> Kaley asnwers as you stand up.
<b>-"I think... I think I'll go!"</b> They ignore you and continue to chat.
<sister>-"But first, get me off!"</sister> Kaley nods as Ava gets on top of her.
<b>-"Shit..."</b> You quickly grab your things and begin making your way out of their room. You know that seeing them like this will make you jack off, which would bring all kinds of trouble!
<b>-"Wow..."</b> After you exit, you turn back to get one last look.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\f25.webp">
<b>-"God damnit they're hot..."</b>
<sister>-"NgHhhhh! Good girl!"</sister> Ava grins as Kaley increases in speed... Time to shut the door.
<b>-"I wonder what awaits me next Saturday, now that I have picked a winner..."</b>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Go to your room->room]]
<<pageReplace "Kaley was better.">>
<<set $kaleyavacontest to 2>>\
<b>-"I think... I think Kaley was better!"</b> You answer truthfully.
<sister>-"Hah, told you!"</sister> Kaley grins and turns to her sister.
<sister>-"Ugh you little slut... That pussy of yours is getting looser and looser!"</sister> Ava pushes Kaley over and embraces her with a kiss.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\f24.webp">
<sister>-"Aghhh! A-Ava!"</sister> You sit there awkwardly as your $sisters begin to enjoy each others company a little too much.
<b>-"So hot..."</b> You think as Kaley moves onto Ava's backdoor.
<sister>-"I might be loose, but not as loose as you..."</sister>
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\f25.webp">
<sister>-"NGHhhh... You bitch..."</sister> Ava whispers...
<sister>-"Come here, I'll show you my new skills."</sister> Kaley says. Her sister nods and climbs on top of her.
<b>-"I think... I think I'll go!"</b> They ignore you and continue to chat.
<sister>-"Yesshhh!"</sister> Ava moans as Kaley begins to eat her out.
<b>-"Shit..."</b> You quickly grab your things and begin making your way out of their room. You know that seeing them like this will make you jack off, which would bring all kinds of trouble!
<b>-"Wow..."</b> After you exit, you turn back to get one last look.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\f25.webp">
<b>-"God damnit they're hot..."</b>
<sister>-"NgHhhhh! Good girl!"</sister>
<b>-"I wonder what awaits me next Saturday, now that I have picked a winner..."</b>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Go to your room->room]]
<<set $kaleyavacontest to 3>>\
<b>-"A deal is a deal... I-I won't stand for this!"</b> You try to act confident.
<sister>-"Hah! Fine, get out of our room then!"</sister> They both laugh as you stand up.
<sister>-"Too bad, you won't be seeing this pussy stretched to it's limit."</sister>
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\f23.jpg">
<b>-"I don't care..."</b> You grab your stuff and begin waking out of her room.
<sister>-"Now that <<if $hairextensions ==true>>she's<<else>>he's<</if>> gone, how about we forget the contest and have some fun?"</sister> Ava asks her sister.
<sister>-"Heh, sounds good."</sister> As you walk out of their room, you glance back to get one last look.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\f24.webp">
<b>-"God damnit they're hot..."</b>
<sister>-"NgHhhhh! Good girl! Come here!"</sister> They talk to each other.
<b>-"I wonder what awaits me next Saturday, now that I just left... They're probably going to be angry..."</b>
[[Go to your room->room]]
<</pageReplace>><<if $equip ==0>>\
<<set $equip to 1>>\
<<goto "Sisters sub16">>\
<<if $time <2>> <<set $time to $time+1>> <</if>>\
<<set $sistersb to true>>\
<<set $sistersevent to 17>>\
<<if $kaleyavacontest ==1>>
<grey>-"Knock Knock Knock!"</grey> Somebody knocks on your door as you lay in bed.
<b>-"Come in!"</b>
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\a1.jpg">
<sister>-"Hey loser."</sister> It's your $sister!
<b>-"W-what's up Kaley? What do you need?"</b>
<sister>-"I wanted to talk with you about what happened last week."</sister> She seems mad.
<b>-"You mean the contest? What about it?"</b>
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\a2.jpg">
<sister>-"Well, I ended up losing, but I don't think that Ava deserved to win."</sister> Kaley frowns.
<b>-"W-what do you mean?"</b>
<sister>-"Ava has a lot more experience than I do, so her holes are looser."</sister>
<sister>-"But my technique is a lot better! I ride men way quicker than she does!"</sister>
<<pageReplace"What are you saying?">>
<b>-"W-what are you even trying to say?"</b>
<sister>-"I want you to come to the club with me, I'll show you how good I can fuck and you'll change your mind in an instant!"</sister> She moves her swimsuit to the side, revealing her bare chest.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\a3.jpg">
<b>-"To the club? Why?"</b>
<sister>-"To show you that I'm not scared of doing it in public places! To let everyone know how much of a slut I am!"</sister>
<b>-"W-why do you care about my opinion so much?"</b>
<sister>-"Because Ava keeps reminding me that I lost, it's driving me crazy!"</sister>
<sister>-"If you change your mind, maybe she'll finally leave me alone."</sister>
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\a4.jpg">
<b>-"S-so let me get this straight, you want me to take you to a club, so you could fuck some guy in public?"</b> Your cheeks grow red.
<sister>-"Pretty much."</sister>
<<set $wenttoclubwithkaley to true>>\
<<set $sistersevent to 17>>\
<b>-"F-fine, next Saturday then."</b>
<sister>-"Good choice."</sister> Kaley smiles.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\a5.jpg">
<sister>-"You won't regret it! You'll see how good your $sister can ride!"</sister> She stands up, pulls up her top and walks towards the door.
<b>-"A little off topic, but why are you in a swimsuit?"</b>
<sister>-"Had to seduce you somehow... Thought it was pretty sexy... You don't think so?"</sister> She frowns once again.
<b>-"I-I do, I do!"</b>
<sister>-"Heh, good!"</sister> She smiles and walks through the doorway.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\a6.jpg">
<sister>-"So next Saturday, right?"</sister>
<b>-"Mhm, see ya then!"</b>
<sister>-"See ya!"</sister> She exits your room and closes the door.
<b>-"Fuck... That'll be so hot to see!"</b>
[[Decide what to do next->room]]
<<pageReplace"No thank you.">>
<<set $sistersevent to 18>>\
<b>-"Egh, no thank you Kaley."</b>
<sister>-"What? But why?!"</sister> She stands up.
<b>-"J-Just don't want to. I don't like clubs."</b> In truth, you prefer Ava.
<sister>-"Ugh, how annoying."</sister> Kaley walks to the door.
<b>-"I'm sorry Kaley."</b>
<sister>-"Shut up..."</sister> She whispers and exits.
<b>-"God damnit, she's totally overreacting."</b>
[[Decide what to do next->room]]
<<elseif $kaleyavacontest ==2>>
<b>-"So cloudy today..."</b> The clouds are blocking the sun, it's so dark in your house!
<grey>-"Knock Knock Knock!"</grey> Somebody knocks on your door as you lay in bed.
<b>-"Hmm?"</b> You get up, walk to your door and open it.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\a7.jpg">
<sister>-"Hey babe..."</sister> It's your $sister!
<b>-"W-what's up Ava? What do you need?"</b>
<sister>-"I wanted to talk with you about what happened last week."</sister>
<b>-"You mean the contest? What about it?"</b>
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\a8.jpg">
<sister>-"Well, I ended up losing, but I don't think that Kaley deserved to win."</sister>
<b>-"W-what do you mean?"</b>
<sister>-"Kaley is an amateur, she doesn't know what she's doing."</sister>
<sister>-"I'm a lot more knowledgeable, my skills are way more refined."</sister>
<<pageReplace"What are you saying?">>
<b>-"What are you even trying to say?"</b>
<sister>-"I want you to come to the club with me, I'll show you how good I can fuck and you'll change your mind in an instant!"</sister> She enters your room and sits down.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\a9.jpg">
<b>-"To the club? Why?"</b>
<sister>-"To show you that I'm not scared of doing it in public places! To let everyone know how much of a slut I am!"</sister>
<sister>-"I bet Kaley wouldn't have the balls to do it in public."</sister>
<b>-"W-why do you care about my opinion so much?"</b>
<sister>-"Because Kaley keeps reminding me that I lost, it's driving me crazy!"</sister>
<sister>-"If you change your mind, maybe she'll finally leave me alone."</sister> She turns to the side.
<sister>-"Come on, are you really going to turn down seeing this ass fucked?"</sister>
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\a10.jpg">
<b>-"So let me get this straight, you want me to take you to a club, so you could fuck someone in public?"</b>
<sister>-"Yeah, pretty much."</sister>
<<set $wenttoclubwithava to true>>\
<<set $sistersevent to 17>>\
<b>-"Egh, fine, next Saturday then."</b>
<sister>-"Good choice."</sister> Ava stands up and bites her finger.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\a12.jpg">
<sister>-"You won't regret it! You'll see how good your $sister can ride!"</sister>
<b>-"W-which club do you want to visit?"</b>
<sister>-"Eh, let me think about it for a couple of days. I'll let you know when we start driving."</sister>
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\a11.jpg">
<b>-"Alrighty then, understood."</b> She nods and walks to the door.
<sister>-"So next Saturday, right?"</sister>
<b>-"Mhm, see ya then!"</b>
<sister>-"See ya!"</sister> She exits your room and closes the door.
<b>-"Fuck... Can't wait to see her getting fucked..."</b>
[[Decide what to do next->room]]
<<pageReplace"No thank you.">>
<<set $sistersevent to 18>>\
<b>-"Egh, no thank you Ava."</b>
<sister>-"W-what? But why?!"</sister> She stands up.
<b>-"Just don't want to. I don't like clubs."</b> In truth, you prefer Kaley.
<sister>-"Ugh, all I want is to prove myself to you..."</sister> You can tell that this deeply hurt her. She quickly runs to your door.
<b>-"I'm sorry Ava."</b>
<sister>-"S-shut up..."</sister> She whispers and exits.
<b>-"God damnit, she's totally overreacting."</b>
[[Decide what to do next->room]]
<<elseif $kaleyavacontest ==3>>
<grey>-"Knock Knock Knock!"</grey> Somebody knocks on your door as you lay in bed.
<b>-"Come in!"</b>
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\a1.jpg">
<sister>-"H-hey..."</sister> It's your $sister!
<b>-"What's up Kaley? What do you need?"</b>
<sister>-"I... I wanted to talk with you about what happened last week..."</sister> She seems sad.
<b>-"T-the contest? What about it?"</b>
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\a2.jpg">
<sister>-"Well, you left in the middle of it, remember?"</sister> Kaley looks at you.
<b>-"Yeah... You lied to me... I-I thought I could touch myself!"</b>
<sister>-"Eh, doesn't matter why you did it now... The problem is, I think I would have won it..."</sister>
<sister>-"And it's been bugging me all week."</sister>
<<pageReplace"What are you saying?">>
<b>-"W-what are you even trying to say?"</b>
<sister>-"I want you to come to the club with me, I'll show you how good I can fuck and you'll change your mind in an instant!"</sister> She moves her swimsuit to the side, revealing her bare chest.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\a3.jpg">
<b>-"To the club? Why?"</b>
<sister>-"To show you that I'm not scared of doing it in public places! To let everyone know how much of a slut I am!"</sister>
<b>-"W-why do you care about my opinion so much?"</b>
<sister>-"Because Ava keeps reminding me that I lost, it's driving me crazy!"</sister>
<sister>-"If you change your mind, maybe she'll finally leave me alone."</sister>
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\a4.jpg">
<b>-"S-so let me get this straight, you want me to take you to a club, so you could fuck some guy in public?"</b> Your cheeks grow red.
<sister>-"Pretty much."</sister>
<<set $wenttoclubwithkaley to true>>\
<<set $sistersevent to 17>>\
<b>-"F-fine, next Saturday then."</b>
<sister>-"Good choice."</sister> Kaley smiles.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\a5.jpg">
<sister>-"You won't regret it! You'll see how good your $sister can ride!"</sister> She stands up, pulls up her top and walks towards the door.
<b>-"A little off topic, but why are you in a swimsuit?"</b>
<sister>-"Had to seduce you somehow... Thought it was pretty sexy... You don't think so?"</sister> She frowns once again.
<b>-"I-I do, I do!"</b>
<sister>-"Heh, good!"</sister> She smiles and walks through the doorway.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\a6.jpg">
<sister>-"So next Saturday, right?"</sister>
<b>-"Mhm, see ya then!"</b>
<sister>-"See ya!"</sister> She exits your room and closes the door.
<b>-"Fuck... That'll be so hot to see!"</b>
[[Decide what to do next->room]]
<<pageReplace"No thank you.">>
<<set $sistersevent to 18>>\
<b>-"Egh, no thank you Kaley."</b>
<sister>-"What? But why?!"</sister> She stands up.
<b>-"J-Just don't want to. I don't like clubs."</b> In truth, you prefer Ava.
<sister>-"Ugh, how annoying."</sister> Kaley walks to the door.
<b>-"I'm sorry Kaley."</b>
<sister>-"Shut up..."</sister> She whispers and exits.
<b>-"God damnit, she's totally overreacting."</b>
[[Decide what to do next->room]]
<grey>-"Knock Knock Knock!"</grey> Somebody knocks on your door as you lay in bed.
<b>-"Come in!"</b>
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\a1.jpg">
<sister>-"H-hey..."</sister> It's your $sister!
<b>-"What's up Kaley? What do you need?"</b>
<sister>-"I... I wanted to talk with you about what happened last week..."</sister> She seems sad.
<b>-"T-the contest? What about it?"</b>
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\a2.jpg">
<sister>-"Well, you turned it down, remember?"</sister> Kaley looks at you.
<b>-"Yeah... I do.."</b>
<sister>-"Sigh... I think I would have won it..."</sister>
<sister>-"And it's been bugging me all week."</sister>
<<pageReplace"What are you saying?">>
<b>-"W-what are you even trying to say?"</b>
<sister>-"I want you to come to the club with me, I'll show you how good I can fuck and you'll finally understand that I'm better than that hag!"</sister> She moves her swimsuit to the side, revealing her bare chest.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\a3.jpg">
<b>-"To the club? Why?"</b>
<sister>-"To show you that I'm not scared of doing it in public places! To let everyone know how much of a slut I am!"</sister>
<b>-"W-why do you care about my opinion so much?"</b>
<sister>-"Because Ava keeps reminding me that I lost, it's driving me crazy!"</sister>
<sister>-"If you change your mind, maybe she'll finally leave me alone."</sister>
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\a4.jpg">
<b>-"S-so let me get this straight, you want me to take you to a club, so you could fuck some guy in public?"</b> Your cheeks grow red.
<sister>-"Pretty much."</sister>
<<set $wenttoclubwithkaley to true>>\
<<set $sistersevent to 17>>\
<b>-"F-fine, next Saturday then."</b>
<sister>-"Good choice."</sister> Kaley smiles.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\a5.jpg">
<sister>-"You won't regret it! You'll see how good your $sister can ride!"</sister> She stands up, pulls up her top and walks towards the door.
<b>-"A little off topic, but why are you in a swimsuit?"</b>
<sister>-"Had to seduce you somehow... Thought it was pretty sexy... You don't think so?"</sister> She frowns once again.
<b>-"I-I do, I do!"</b>
<sister>-"Heh, good!"</sister> She smiles and walks through the doorway.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\a6.jpg">
<sister>-"So next Saturday, right?"</sister>
<b>-"Mhm, see ya then!"</b>
<sister>-"See ya!"</sister> She exits your room and closes the door.
<b>-"Fuck... That'll be so hot to see!"</b>
[[Decide what to do next->room]]
<<pageReplace"No thank you.">>
<<set $sistersevent to 18>>\
<b>-"Egh, no thank you Kaley."</b>
<sister>-"What? But why?!"</sister> She stands up.
<b>-"J-Just don't want to. I don't like clubs."</b> In truth, you prefer Ava.
<sister>-"Ugh, how annoying."</sister> Kaley walks to the door.
<b>-"I'm sorry Kaley."</b>
<sister>-"Shut up..."</sister> She whispers and exits.
<b>-"God damnit, she's totally overreacting."</b>
[[Decide what to do next->room]]
<</if>><<if $equip ==0>>\
<<set $equip to 1>>\
<<goto "Sisters sub17">>\
<<if $time <2>> <<set $time to $time+1>> <</if>>\
<<set $sistersb to true>>\
<<set $sistersevent to 18>>\
<<if $wenttoclubwithkaley ==true>>
<b>-"Right, time to go."</b> You say as you check your watch. It's 21:00!
<grey>-"Knock Knock Knock!"</grey> You knock on Kaley's door.
<sister>-"Come in!"</sister> Right as she says that, you open it and step inside.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\b3.jpg">
<b>-"R-ready to go?"</b>
<sister>-"Hah, does it look like I am?"</sister> She chuckles.
<sister>-"Give me a minute or two, just need to put on my outfit."</sister>
<b>-"Okay. Just hurry up please."</b>
<sister>-"Oh? Is someone excited to see his $sister fucked...?"</sister>
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\b4.jpg">
<b>-"S-shut up..."</b> You blush as she chuckles once again.
<b>-"I'll be waiting in the car."</b> After she nods, you walk out of her room and close the door.
<<pageReplace"Walk to your car.">>
<<location "Images/Other/city night.jpg" "In the city">>\
<b>-"There she is."</b> You look at Kaley through your rear view mirror.
<sister>-"NgHhhh..."</sister> She let's out a quiet moan as she sits down in your car.
<b>-"Y-you're going out in that?"</b> Her outfit is... Quite revealing.
<sister>-"Sure am! I'm going to there to get fucked, have you forgotten already?"</sister> You roll your eyes and turn the key.
<b>-"Whatever... Where are we going anyways? You haven't told me the club's name."</b> You start to drive towards the city.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\b5.jpg">
<sister>-"We're going to MOJO'S! It's a club right next to the sex shop you work at."</sister>
<b>-"How do you know I work there?"</b> You never told her.
<sister>-"Mia mentioned it."</sister> After a good 10 minutes of driving, you finally arrive.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\b6.jpeg">
<b>-"Wow! P-pretty packed!"</b>
<sister>-"Good... I'll have more men to choose from."</sister> Kaley bites her lip.
<<pageReplace"Park your car.">>
<<location "Images/Events/sister events/both/b17.webp" "MOJO'S club">>
<b>-"..."</b> You park your car and walk to the end of the line. You both wait for around 30 minutes, but finally get in. The entrance was free.
<b>-"Gosh, finally!"</b>
<sister>-"AghHhhh! It's just as nice as in the pictures!"</sister>
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\b7.jpg">
<sister>-"Ready to have some fun?!"</sister>
<b>-"Y-yeah!"</b> You walk to the side of the crowd and find and empty-ish area of the club.
<sister>-"Hold this."</sister> She hands you her purse.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\b10.jpeg">
<sister>-"I'm going to the front to dance, let's meet back here in like 10 minutes."</sister>
<b>-"S-sure, what do I do with the purse?"</b>
<sister>-"I dunno... Hold on to it? I don't want to carry it around."</sister> How annoying...
<sister>-"Anyways, I'm off, see ya in 10!"</sister> She disappears into the crowd.
<<pageReplace"Try to have some fun.">>
<grey>-"Dumts Dumts Dumts!"</grey> You focus on the music as you slowly move into the crowd.
<pink>-"YeahHhhh!"</pink> People around you are smiling and dancing. The atmosphere is incredible!
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\b8.gif">
<adriana>-"YEAHHHHhHHh SUSANNnnNnNNN!"</adriana> You turn towards a woman who's screaming.
<b>-"Oh...?"</b> You notice that she's hyping up her friend who's dancing.
<b>-"Holy shit!"</b> The friend is without panties!
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\b11.webp">
<b>-"..."</b> You begin to pay more attention and notice that most of the girls here are pretty much naked.
<b>-"W-what kind of club is this..."</b>
<<pageReplace"Continue to look around.">>
<b>-"Holy shit..."</b> You see yet another girl with no panties... Her dumptruck is huge!
<grey>-"Spank!"</grey> A man spanks her ass.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\b12.webp">
<pink>-"H-hey... Watch it..."</pink> The woman blushes and turns to her assailant.
<blue>-"Want to get out of here?"</blue> They begin to flirt.
<b>-"T-time to go."</b> You tell yourself as you check your watch. It's been 10 minutes already!
<b>-"There she is!"</b> You find Kaley already waiting for you at the same spot you talked about.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\b14.jpeg">
<sister>-"Ah, $name! So, what do you think, how's the vibe?"</sister>
<b>-"P-pretty good! How about you, have you found the lucky guy yet?"</b>
<sister>-"N-no... Not yet."</sister> She frowns.
<sister>-"This club is full of boys... I need a man!"</sister> She sighs.
<<pageReplace"Someone walks over to you both.">>
<blue>-"Hey, is he bothering you?"</blue> A man asks your $sister.
<b>-"H-huh?"</b> He looks you up and down.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\b15.jpeg">
<sister>-"Hahaha no! That's my little brother!"</sister> Kaley pets your head.
<blue>-"Ahhh, that makes sense."</blue> The man grabs her waist with one hand.
<blue>-"Care to join me for a dance?"</blue>
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\b16.webp">
<sister>-"Hehehe... Sure!"</sister> Kaley smiles and turns to you.
<sister>-"Grab some drinks for us, would you?"</sister>
<b>-"A-at the bar?"</b>
<sister>-"Mhm! We'll be right here when you come back!"</sister> They begin to dance.
<<pageReplace"Grab some drinks.">>
<<if $money>=20>>\
<<money -20 "Bought two martinis">>
<b>-"Two martinis please!"</b> You won't be drinking, you're driving.
<bartender>-"That'll be 20$ please!"</bartender> You nod and pay.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\b19.jpg">
<b>-"I'm back!"</b> You say with a smile as you walk back to the spot they were dancing.
<b>-"Huh?"</b> However, they're both missing.
<b>-"H-hey, sorry to bother... Have you seen a blonde girl and a tall man around here?"</b> You ask a girl who's dancing nearby.
<pink>-"Uhmmm yeah, they walked to the bathroom together I'm pretty sure!"</pink> She says while dancing.
<b>-"Thanks!"</b> You walk over to the bathrooms and notice that the door to the female restrooms is open.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\b20.jpeg">
<b>-"Gulp... Are they doing what I think they're doing?"</b> The club is playing music incredibly loudly, so you can't hear the moans, if there are any.
<<pageReplace"Check it out.">>
<b>-"Fuck it..."</b> You put down the martinis on a table nearby, look around and slowly enter the bathroom.
<sister>-"Guhhh... GuHhhh! GHuuHhhH!"</sister> As you round the corner, you see them...
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\b21.webp">
<b>-"Fuck... Just as I thought."</b> Kaley is on her knees, sucking off the guy you just met!
<blue>-"NgHHhh... Good girl, now get up."</blue> He grabs her by the hair.
<sister>-"Yes daddy!"</sister>
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\b22.webp">
<b>-"Holy shit!"</b> They're not even in a stall! What if someone else comes into the restroom?
<sister>-"NgHHhh! Put it inside! P-please!"</sister> You don't want to jack off for the same reason... It's better if you just watch.
<<pageReplace"Continue to watch.">>
<blue>-"ArGHhhh! I knew you were a slut the second I saw you!"</blue> He sticks his thick rod inside.
<sister>-"AGaaAhhhHhh! Y-yes daddy! I am!"</sister>
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\b23.webp">
<b>-"Fuck... So hot."</b> She wasn't lying, she is a slut! Maybe you should have chosen her during the contest...
<blue>-"Good little whores take it in the ass too."</blue> The man takes out his cock and begins to penetrate her ass.
<sister>-"W-wahhHhh! N-no! I'm not ready!"</sister>
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\b24.webp">
<blue>-"Shut the fuck up! See how easily it slides in?"</blue> He grabs her so she doesn't move around.
<sister>-"ArgHhhhh! Y-yesSHhhHhH!"</sister>
<<pageReplace"Look around.">>
<b>-"Phew..."</b> Seems like nobody is coming into the restroom, at least for now.
<sister>-"YEsSsssS! Your cock feels soOOo goooddd!"</sister>
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\b25.webp">
<blue>-"ArgHHhh! Come here!"</blue> The man grabs her by the waist and lifs her up with ease.
<b>-"W-wow he's strong..."</b> He turns her around and sits her down on the counter.
<sister>-"AgHHhhh... YesHhhh!"</sister> She moans as he enters her again.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\b26.webp">
<blue>-"You're coming back with me to my apartment for round two... Understood?"</blue>
<sister>-"Yessss daddy!"</sister>
<b>-"FucKkkk..."</b> You begin to touch yourself through your pants... This is too hot!
<grey1>-"Hey! What are you doing?!"</grey1> You hear a voice behind you.
<<pageReplace"Turn around.">>
<b>-"H-huh?"</b> You quickly turn around... There's a pair of security guards staring at you through the restroom doorway.
<grey1>-"What the fuck are you doing you creep?!"</grey1>
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\b27.webp">
<b>-"C-creep?!"</b> You totally forgot that you're in the female bathroom!
<grey2>-"Get the fuck out of the club you perv! Spying on women, really?!"</grey2> They grab you and begin to drag you outside.
<b>-"N-no no you don't get it! M-my $sister is in there!"</b>
<grey1>-"That's even fucking weirder!"</grey1> They throw you outside into the street.
<grey1>-"And don't come back!"</grey1> They walk back into the club.
<b>-"Fuck..."</b> You look around - at least there are no people around you, so nobody saw what happened.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\b17.webp">
<b>-"..."</b> You did hear them talk about getting back to his apartment... You should probably drive back alone.
<b>-"Fucking security... Ruined everything!"</b> You walk to your car... Time to head back!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Drive home->room]]
<<pageReplace"Wait for them outside.">>
<b>-"Hmph... Where are they?"</b> You wait for a good 30 minutes, but they never came out.
<b>-"Let's see..."</b> You poke your head into the female bathrooms to take a look.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\b36.jpg">
<b>-"Huh..."</b> They're completely empty. They seemed to have disappeared...
<b>-"Oh well, maybe they went back to his place or something."</b> You spill the martinis into a trash can nearby and exit the club.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\b17.webp">
<b>-"God damnit... So much time wasted!"</b> Time to head back!
[[Drive home->room]]
<b>-"Right, time to go."</b> You say as you check your watch. It's 21:00!
<grey>-"Knock Knock Knock!"</grey> You knock on Ava's door.
<sister>-"Come in!"</sister> Right as she says that, you open it and step inside.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\b1.jpg">
<b>-"R-ready to go?"</b>
<sister>-"Hah, does it look like I am?"</sister> She chuckles.
<sister>-"Give me a minute or two, just need to put on my outfit."</sister>
<b>-"Okay. Just hurry up please."</b>
<sister>-"Oh? Is someone excited to see his $sister fucked...?"</sister>
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\b2.jpg">
<b>-"S-shut up..."</b> You blush as she chuckles once again.
<b>-"I'll be waiting in the car."</b> After she nods, you walk out of her room and close the door.
<<pageReplace"Walk to your car.">>
<<location "Images/Other/city night.jpg" "In the city">>\
<b>-"There she is."</b> You look at Ava through your rear view mirror.
<sister>-"NgHhhh..."</sister> She let's out a quiet moan as she sits down in your car.
<b>-"Y-you're going out in that?"</b> Her outfit is... Quite revealing.
<sister>-"Sure am! I'm going to there to get fucked, have you forgotten already?"</sister> You roll your eyes and turn the key.
<b>-"Whatever... Where are we going anyways? You haven't told me the club's name."</b> You start to drive towards the city.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\b5.jpg">
<sister>-"We're going to MOJO'S! It's a club right next to the sex shop you work at."</sister>
<b>-"How do you know I work there?"</b> You never told her.
<sister>-"Mia mentioned it."</sister> After a good 10 minutes of driving, you finally arrive.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\b6.jpeg">
<b>-"Wow! P-pretty packed!"</b>
<sister>-"Good... I'll have more men to choose from."</sister> Ava bites her lip.
<<pageReplace"Park your car.">>
<<location "Images/Events/sister events/both/b17.webp" "MOJO'S club">>
<b>-"..."</b> You park your car and walk to the end of the line. You both wait for around 30 minutes, but finally get in. The entrance was free.
<b>-"Gosh, finally!"</b>
<sister>-"AghHhhh! It's just as nice as in the pictures!"</sister>
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\b7.jpg">
<sister>-"Ready to have some fun?!"</sister>
<b>-"Y-yeah!"</b> You walk to the side of the crowd and find and empty-ish area of the club.
<sister>-"Hold this."</sister> She hands you her purse.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\b9.jpeg">
<sister>-"I'm going to the front to dance, let's meet back here in like 10 minutes."</sister>
<b>-"S-sure, what do I do with the purse?"</b>
<sister>-"I dunno... Hold on to it? I don't want to carry it around."</sister> How annoying...
<sister>-"Anyways, I'm off, see ya in 10!"</sister> She disappears into the crowd.
<<pageReplace"Try to have some fun.">>
<grey>-"Dumts Dumts Dumts!"</grey> You focus on the music as you slowly move into the crowd.
<pink>-"YeahHhhh!"</pink> People around you are smiling and dancing. The atmosphere is incredible!
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\b8.gif">
<adriana>-"YEAHHHHhHHh SUSANNnnNnNNN!"</adriana> You turn towards a woman who's screaming.
<b>-"Oh...?"</b> You notice that she's hyping up her friend who's dancing.
<b>-"Holy shit!"</b> The friend is without panties!
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\b11.webp">
<b>-"..."</b> You begin to pay more attention and notice that most of the girls here are pretty much naked.
<b>-"W-what kind of club is this..."</b>
<<pageReplace"Continue to look around.">>
<b>-"Holy shit..."</b> You see yet another girl with no panties... Her dumptruck is huge!
<grey>-"Spank!"</grey> A man spanks her ass.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\b12.webp">
<pink>-"H-hey... Watch it..."</pink> The woman blushes and turns to her assailant.
<blue>-"Want to get out of here?"</blue> They begin to flirt.
<b>-"T-time to go."</b> You tell yourself as you check your watch. It's been 10 minutes already!
<b>-"There she is!"</b> You find Ava already waiting for you at the same spot you talked about.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\b13.jpeg">
<sister>-"Ah, $name! So, what do you think, how's the vibe?"</sister>
<b>-"P-pretty good! How about you, have you found the lucky guy yet?"</b>
<sister>-"N-no... Not yet."</sister> She frowns.
<sister>-"This club is full of boys... I need a man!"</sister> She sighs.
<<pageReplace"Someone walks over to you both.">>
<blue>-"Hey, is he bothering you?"</blue> A man asks your $sister.
<b>-"H-huh?"</b> He looks you up and down.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\b15.jpeg">
<sister>-"Hahaha no! That's my little brother!"</sister> Ava pets your head.
<blue>-"Ahhh, that makes sense."</blue> The man grabs her waist with one hand.
<blue>-"Care to join me for a dance?"</blue>
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\b16.webp">
<sister>-"Hehehe... Sure!"</sister> Ava smiles and turns to you.
<sister>-"Grab some drinks for us, would you?"</sister>
<b>-"A-at the bar?"</b>
<sister>-"Mhm! We'll be right here when you come back!"</sister> They begin to dance.
<<pageReplace"Grab some drinks.">>
<<if $money>=20>>\
<<money -20 "Bought two martinis">>
<b>-"Two martinis please!"</b> You won't be drinking, you're driving.
<bartender>-"That'll be 20$ please!"</bartender> You nod and pay.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\b19.jpg">
<b>-"I'm back!"</b> You say with a smile as you walk back to the spot they were dancing.
<b>-"Huh?"</b> However, they're both missing.
<b>-"H-hey, sorry to bother... Have you seen a blonde girl and a tall man around here?"</b> You ask a girl who's dancing nearby.
<pink>-"Uhmmm yeah, they walked to the bathroom together I'm pretty sure!"</pink> She says while dancing.
<b>-"Thanks!"</b> You walk over to the bathrooms and notice that the door to the female restrooms is open.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\b20.jpeg">
<b>-"Gulp... Are they doing what I think they're doing?"</b> The club is playing music incredibly loudly, so you can't hear the moans, if there are any.
<<pageReplace"Check it out.">>
<b>-"Fuck it..."</b> You put down the martinis on a table nearby, look around and slowly enter the bathroom.
<sister>-"Guhhh... GuHhhh! GHuuHhhH!"</sister> As you round the corner, you see them...
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\b21.webp">
<b>-"Fuck... Just as I thought."</b> Ava is on her knees, sucking off the guy you just met!
<blue>-"NgHHhh... Good girl, now get up."</blue> He grabs her by the hair.
<sister>-"Yes daddy!"</sister>
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\b22.webp">
<b>-"Holy shit!"</b> They're not even in a stall! What if someone else comes into the restroom?
<sister>-"NgHHhh! Put it inside! P-please!"</sister> You don't want to jack off for the same reason... It's better if you just watch.
<<pageReplace"Continue to watch.">>
<blue>-"ArGHhhh! I knew you were a slut the second I saw you!"</blue> He sticks his thick rod inside.
<sister>-"AGaaAhhhHhh! Y-yes daddy! I am!"</sister>
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\b23.webp">
<b>-"Fuck... So hot."</b> She wasn't lying, she is a slut! Maybe you should have chosen her during the contest...
<blue>-"Good little whores take it in the ass too."</blue> The man takes out his cock and begins to penetrate her ass.
<sister>-"W-wahhHhh! N-no! I'm not ready!"</sister>
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\b24.webp">
<blue>-"Shut the fuck up! See how easily it slides in?"</blue> He grabs her so she doesn't move around.
<sister>-"ArgHhhhh! Y-yesSHhhHhH!"</sister>
<<pageReplace"Look around.">>
<b>-"Phew..."</b> Seems like nobody is coming into the restroom, at least for now.
<sister>-"YEsSsssS! Your cock feels soOOo goooddd!"</sister>
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\b25.webp">
<blue>-"ArgHHhh! Come here!"</blue> The man grabs her by the waist and lifs her up with ease.
<b>-"W-wow he's strong..."</b> He turns her around and sits her down on the counter.
<sister>-"AgHHhhh... YesHhhh!"</sister> She moans as he enters her again.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\b26.webp">
<blue>-"You're coming back with me to my apartment for round two... Understood?"</blue>
<sister>-"Yessss daddy!"</sister>
<b>-"FucKkkk..."</b> You begin to touch yourself through your pants... This is too hot!
<grey1>-"Hey! What are you doing?!"</grey1> You hear a voice behind you.
<<pageReplace"Turn around.">>
<b>-"H-huh?"</b> You quickly turn around... There's a pair of security guards staring at you through the restroom doorway.
<grey1>-"What the fuck are you doing you creep?!"</grey1>
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\b27.webp">
<b>-"C-creep?!"</b> You totally forgot that you're in the female bathroom!
<grey2>-"Get the fuck out of the club you perv! Spying on women, really?!"</grey2> They grab you and begin to drag you outside.
<b>-"N-no no you don't get it! M-my $sister is in there!"</b>
<grey1>-"That's even fucking weirder!"</grey1> They throw you outside into the street.
<grey1>-"And don't come back!"</grey1> They walk back into the club.
<b>-"Fuck..."</b> You look around - at least there are no people around you, so nobody saw what happened.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\b17.webp">
<b>-"..."</b> You did hear them talk about getting back to his apartment... You should probably drive back alone.
<b>-"Fucking security... Ruined everything!"</b> You walk to your car... Time to head back!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Drive home->room]]
<<pageReplace"Wait for them outside.">>
<b>-"Hmph... Where are they?"</b> You wait for a good 30 minutes, but they never came out.
<b>-"Let's see..."</b> You poke your head into the female bathrooms to take a look.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\b36.jpg">
<b>-"Huh..."</b> They're completely empty. They seemed to have disappeared...
<b>-"Oh well, maybe they went back to his place or something."</b> You spill the martinis into a trash can nearby and exit the club.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\b17.webp">
<b>-"God damnit... So much time wasted!"</b> Time to head back!
[[Drive home->room]]
<</if>><<if $equip ==0>>\
<<set $equip to 1>>\
<<goto "Sisters sub18">>\
<<if $time <2>> <<set $time to $time+1>> <</if>>\
<<set $sistersb to true>>\
<<set $sistersevent to 19>>\
<b>-"Ugh... What to do, what to do."</b> You think as you stare up at the ceiling.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\zzz1.webp">
<sister>-"Kaley! Gentle!"</sister> You hear the faint voices of your sisters talking.
<b>-"Oh?"</b> You sit up and focus on listening.
<sister>-"So, what do you think about my idea?"</sister> You're bored anyways, might as well spy on them.
<b>-"Oof!"</b> You stand up and begin to walk towards their room
<img src="Images\Events\random events\zzz2.jpg">
<sister>-"MgHhhh! A-are you still talking about that?"</sister> The door is slightly open, so that's why you can hear them pretty well!
<sister>-"Of course I am! NgHhhh... I think it's a great way to earn money!"</sister> You walk up right next to their room and begin to hear various... Interesting sounds coming from within. They're doing something lewd!
<<pageReplace"Take a peek inside">>
<b>-"W-wow!"</b> Your $sisters are at it!
<sister>-"Where did you even get that idea from?!"</sister> Ava asks as Kaley embraces her with a kiss.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\zzz3.webp">
<b>-"Gosh they're sexy..."</b> You try to keep it down while you continue to watch.
<sister>-"Lauren has one and she's making bank!"</sister>
<b>-"What are they even talking about?"</b>
<img src="Images\Events\random events\zzz4.webp">
<sister>-"Lauren has an onlyfans?! Really?!"</sister> Ava seems surprised.
<b>-"Onlyfans?! A-are they planning to...? No way!"</b>
<<pageReplace"Continue to spy on them.">>
<sister>-"She sure does! And we should too! We're like totally the hottest bombshells around here, people would love us!"</sister> Kaley grins.
<sister>-"Now get those panties off."</sister> Ava smiles as well and begins to remove her undergarments.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\zzz5.webp">
<b>-"Holy shit..."</b> You begin to get hard... <<if $toys ==1>>Your cage quickly stops it however.<</if>>
<sister>-"Ghehehe, you know what would be funny too?"</sister> Kaley asks.
<sister>-"What?"</sister> Kaley gets under Ava and begins to eat her out.
<sister>-"What if we gwot... MgHhhh... $name involved?"</sister>
<img src="Images\Events\random events\zzz6.webp">
<b>-"M-me?! Why me?!"</b> You think as you continue to watch.
<sister>-"NgHHhhh! That little prick? UgHhhhh! H-how?"</sister>
<<if $brokeupwithemily==true>>\
<sister>-"We cwould get his.. NGHhhh... Littwle girlfriend two jwoin!"</sister>
<sister>-"UgHhhh! Didn't they break up!?"</sister>
<sister>-"Even bwetter... MgHhhh... Imagine how he'll react when we gwet his... F-fwucking girlfriend to dwo onlyfans with us!"</sister>
<<pageReplace"What the fuck...">>
<b>-"What the fuck... They want to get Emily involved?!"</b>
<sister>-"Maybe it's not a bad idea... Come here!"</sister> Ava gets off of Kaley and turns her around.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\zzz7.webp">
<sister>-"NgHhhhH! Let's tell him next week, when we get everything planned out!"</sister>
<b>-"Fuck... This is bad."</b> You think as you look down... Your underwear are completely drenched!
<img src="Images\Events\random events\zzz9.jpg">
<b>-"Oh shit!"</b> While you're looking down, you suddenly lose balance and grab the door for comfort... It makes a loud sound.
<sister>-"Huh? What was that?"</sister> Both sisters turn towards you.
<b>-"Fuck!"</b> You have to dip before they see you through the crack!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Run to your room->room]]
<sister>-"We cwould get his.. NGHhhh... Littwle girlfriend two jwoin!"</sister>
<sister>-"His girlfriend? NghHh... You mean Emily?"</sister>
<sister>-"Yweah... Imagine how he'll react when we gwet his... NgHhhh... F-fwucking girlfriend to dwo onlyfans with us!"</sister>
<<pageReplace"What the fuck...">>
<b>-"What the fuck... They want to get Emily involved?!"</b>
<sister>-"Maybe it's not a bad idea... Come here!"</sister> Ava gets off of Kaley and turns her around.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\zzz7.webp">
<sister>-"NgHhhhH! Let's tell him next week, when we get everything planned out!"</sister>
<b>-"Fuck... This is bad."</b> You think as you look down... Your underwear are completely drenched!
<img src="Images\Events\random events\zzz9.jpg">
<b>-"Oh shit!"</b> While you're looking down, you suddenly lose balance and grab the door for comfort... It makes a loud sound.
<sister>-"Huh? What was that?"</sister> Both sisters turn towards you.
<b>-"Fuck!"</b> You have to dip before they see you through the crack!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Run to your room->room]]
<<pageReplace"Respect their privacy and close the door.">>
<b>-"Nah, I better not... What if they catch me again?"</b> You slowly close the door shut.
<b>-"I learned my lesson last time!"</b> As curious as you are, it's just not worth the risk.
<b>-"Oof..."</b> You let out a sigh as you lay down in your bed again... Time to find something else to do!
[[Decide what to do next->room]]
<</pageReplace>><<if $equip ==0>>\
<<set $equip to 1>>\
<<goto "Sisters sub19">>\
<<if $time <2>> <<set $time to $time+1>> <</if>>\
<<set $sistersb to true>>\
<<set $sistersevent to 20>>\
<sister>-"$name! Come here for a second!"</sister> You hear Kaley shout from her room.
<b>-"Shit..."</b> You remember what happened last week...
<b>-"Let's see what they have to say."</b> You walk over to their room and open the door.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\c1.jpg">
<sister>-"Agh, there you are!"</sister> They were taking pictures. After they see you, the sisters lower their phones and face you.
<b>-"W-what did you want Kaley?"</b>
<sister>-"Welllll... We have a little proposition for you."</sister>
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\c2.jpg">
<b>-"A proposition? W-what kind?"</b>
<sister>-"We want to start an onlyfans and for you to be our photographer!"</sister>
<<pageReplace"Act surprised.">>
<b>-"An onlyfans?! W-what for?!"</b> You act like you had no idea about this plan of theirs.
<sister>-"For money, obviously!"</sister> Kaley laughs as Ava begins to speak.
<sister>-"Aren't we pretty? Don't you think people would be a shit ton of money to see us naked?"</sister> Your $sisters pose for you.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\c3.jpg">
<b>-"You are but... Isn't that a bit much?"</b>
<sister>-"Oh come on! Grow some balls!"</sister> They laugh once again.
<sister>-"We even got your little girlfriend on board!"</sister>
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\c4.jpg">
<<if $brokeupwithemily ==true>>\
<b>-"Girlfriend? You mean Emily? We broke up..."</b>
<sister>-"Well, let me rephrase - we got your ex on board."</sister>
<b>-"E-emily?! No way!"</b>
<sister>-"Yes way. She was pretty excited about it too!"</sister>
<<pageReplace"I don't believe it!">>
<b>-"I don't believe it! Emily would never start an onlyfans, she's not that kind of girl!"</b>
<sister>-"Hah! Take a look!"</sister> Ava takes out her phone and shows you a picture.
<sister>-"She already bought some lingerie for our first photoshoot!"</sister>
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\c15.jpeg">
<b>-"Fuck..."</b> You don't think they're lying, you haven't seen her with that lingerie before.
<sister>-"You can text her yourself if you don't believe us."</sister> Kaley says.
<sister>-"So, what will it be?"</sister> Ava walks up to you.
<<if $hairextensions ==true>>\
<sister>-"If you do good enough as a photographer, we might let you be in some of the pics as well... Your ass is pretty good now."</sister> She pulls down your skirt and spanks your butt.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\c16.webp">
<sister>-"True! We'll share a bit of the profit too, if you agree."</sister> Kaley crosses her legs.
<sister>-"Anyways, so, what do you say?"</sister>
<<elseif $toys==1>>\
<sister>-"Your little caged cock definitely wants to say yesssss..."</sister>
<b>-"H-how do you know it's caged?"</b>
<sister>-"Don't be ridiculous, it's always caged."</sister> She quickly pulls down your pants.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\c18.jpg">
<sister>-"Hahaha, who could have guessed?"</sister> Kaley crosses her legs.
<sister>-"Anyways, so, what do you say?"</sister>
<sister>-"Your little cock definitely wants to say yesssss..."</sister>
<b>-"W-what?"</b> Ava points at your crotch.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\c17.jpg">
<b>-"Oh shit...!"</b> Your cock is so hard, it's poking out of your underwear!
<sister>-"Hahaha, how cute!"</sister> Kaley crosses her legs.
<sister>-"Anyways, so, what do you say?"</sister>
<b>-"F-fine... I'll be your photographer."</b>
<sister>-"Good <<if $hairextensions==true>>girl.<<else>>boy.<</if>>"</sister>
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\c22.jpg">
<sister>-"Our first little photoshoot is happening next week, Emily is coming over as well."</sister> Kaley begins to speak.
<sister>-"We'll get you a camera, just be prepared to work for a couple of hours, we need the pics to be perfect!"</sister>
<sister>-"Now shoo shoo, we need to practice our posing!"</sister> Ava walks over to you and begins to push you out of the room.
<b>-"O-okay okay! See you next week!"</b> As soon as you exit, they close their door.
<b>-"I can't believe Emily is going to do onlyfans with my $sisters! T-that's so fucked up!"</b> You walk to your room and find your phone.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\c21.webp">
<<if $brokeupwithemily==true>>\
<b>-"I wish she hadn't blocked my number... I would text her."</b> You sigh and lay down in your bed.
<b>-"Time to find something else to do."</b>
[[Decide what to do next->room]]
<b>-"I should text her, see what her thought process was!"</b> You lay down and grab the aforementioned phone.
<b>-"Let's see what she has to say..."</b>
<<pageReplace"Text her">>
<b>-"Let's see what she has to say..."</b> You better finish the conversation before doing anything else
<<message "Emily" "Sisters sub19 Emily message" "You're starting an onlyfans?!" open>>
<<set $sistersrouteend to true>>\
<b>-"No... That's way too much. I can't believe you got Emily to agree!"</b> They shrug their shoulders.
<sister>-"Your loss I guess."</sister>
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\both\c22.jpg">
<sister>-"If you're not up for it, we probably won't even take her."</sister>
<sister>-"I mean yeah, we invited her to annoy you pretty much, but you're a bitch who didn't agree."</sister> Ava sighs and walks over to you.
<sister>-"Get out of the room $name, we need to make some calls... We have to find a new photographer."</sister> She begins to push you out of the room.
<b>-"O-okay okay! Chill!"</b> As soon as you exit, they close their door.
<b>-"I can't believe Emily was actually going to do it! She didn't even talk to me about it!"</b> You walk to your room and lay down.
<b>-"Sigh... At least it worked out at the end though, Kaley and Ava will take back their invitation."</b> Time to find something else to do.
[[Decide what to do next->room]]
<<messengerHeader Emily>>
<<messageReply "You're starting an onlyfans now?!">>
<<me>>You're starting an onlyfans now?!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Whaaaat? Slow down.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Starting an onlyfans? What are you talking about?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Ava and Kaley told me...">>
<<me>>Ava and Kaley told me you were going to take pictures with them!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Oh right, yeah I will be doing that. I'm not starting my own account though, silly.<</them>>
<<them wait>>At least not for now...<</them>>
<<them wait>>Why do you care anyways? It's only a couple of pictures!<</them>>
<<messageReply "You could have asked me first.">>
<<me>>You could have asked me first 😡<</me>>
<<them wait>>Can we not fight about this right now? I'm out shopping<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Events/sister events/both/c19.png">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Also, I'm not your dog, I can do whatever I want.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Andddd you already share me with other men, so why care?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Still...">>
<<me>>Still... Sharing and showing you to everyone on the internet are two different things...<</me>>
<<them wait>>Oh don't be like that.<</them>>
<<them wait>>They told me you'll be taking the pictures too, so you have nothing to worry about.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Maybe you're right.">>
<<me>>Maybe you're right.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Of course I am!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Plus, I bet that pathetic little cock of yours will love to see me getting praised on the web, am I not right?<</them>>
<<messageReply "That would be kind of hot...">>
<<me>>That would be kind of hot...<</me>>
<<them wait>>Told ya 😉<</them>>
<<them wait>>Anyways, we just got into the car, I have to go, I'm driving.<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Events/sister events/both/c20.jpg">><</them>>
<<them wait>>See ya soon?<</them>>
<<messageReply "See ya!">>
<<me>>See ya! ❤️<</me>>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
<<goto "room">>
<</messengerChat>><<if $equip ==0>>\
<<set $equip to 1>>\
<<goto "Sisters sub19 random 1">>\
<<if $time <2>> <<set $time to $time+1>> <</if>>\
<<set $sistersb to true>>\
<sister>-"Well, what are you waiting for?"</sister>
<b>-"Y-yes..."</b> Ava said she wants to be eaten out... You couldn't refuse.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\end_1_1.jpg">
<sister>-"Lay down!"</sister>
<b>-"R-right away!"</b> You lay down on your bed and open your mouth.
<sister>-"Good <<if $hairextensions ==true>>girl.<<else>>boy.<</if>>"</sister> She comes over and slowly mounts your face.
<<if $hairextensions ==true>><img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\end_1_2.webp"><<else>><img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\end_1_2_2.webp"><</if>>
<b>-"MmmmMMmm!"</b> You struggle to breath.
<sister>-"ArghHhh! S-stay still!"</sister> She grabs your neck and begins to grind even faster.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\end_1_3.webp">
<sister>-"NgHHhh... YEsssHHhh!"</sister> After a good 10 minutes of this, her body begins quiver.
<sister>-"FucKKkk! I'm close!"</sister>
<b>-"GrHhgHhhH!"</b> Your cock is throbbing, but you don't dare say a word.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\end_1_4.webp">
<sister>-"AGrrhHHhhHHH!!"</sister> Ava begins to scream as she grabs your mouth.
<b>-"ArghHhh! T-too rwough!"</b> You shout but she ignores you.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\end_1_5.webp">
<sister>-"Haaaaa... Haaaagghhhh... HagHHhhh!"</sister> She begins to pant as her climax comes to an end.
<b>-"Shittt."</b> Ava gets off of you... Your face is completely drenched in her juices.
<sister>-"G-good... NggGhHHHhh... Job."</sister> She stands up and walks to the door.
<sister>-"See you next week, pet."</sister>
<b>-"Fuck..."</b> Time to clean up.
<div class="actions-horizontal sticky">
[[Clean up and decide what to do next->room]]
</div><<if $equip ==0>>\
<<set $equip to 1>>\
<<goto "Sisters sub19 random 2">>\
<<if $time <2>> <<set $time to $time+1>> <</if>>\
<<set $sistersb to true>>\
<sister>-"Well, are you done?"</sister> Kaley asks.
<b>-"J-just a bit more!"</b> Your $sister allowed you to use her thighs to cum today!
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\end_2_1.webp">
<sister>-"Ugh... Hurry up!"</sister>
<b>-"I-I'm so close!"</b> You whimper as you continue to hump.
<sister>-"Just come here, it'll be faster this way..."</sister> She sits up and grabs your cock.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\end_2_2.webp">
<b>-"Raghhhh! But you said I could use your thighs!"</b>
<sister>-"..."</sister> She rolls her eyes.
<sister>-"Fineeeee... Give me a second."</sister> Kaley walks to her room and after a minute or two, comes back in lingerie.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\end_2_3.jpg">
<sister>-"Stand up!"</sister>
<b>-"R-right away!"</b> You quickly get on your feet... Your cock is completely rock hard!
<sister>-"Against the wall!"</sister> You do as she says. After you back touches the wall, she gets closer and shoves your cock inbetween her thighs.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\end_2_4.webp">
<b>-"ArgHhhhhH!"</b> You scream out in pleasure as her thighs begin to milk you.
<b>-"NgHHhhh!"</b> It hasn't even been a minute yet and you're already about to cum!
<sister>-"Shihihihi... How pathetic."</sister> Kaley turns around and grabs your arms.
<sister>-"Here!"</sister> She places them on her hips and you begin to hump away.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\end_2_5.webp">
<sister>-"Wahhh, you stained my lingerie..."</sister> Kaley frowns and takes a step forward, releasing your cock from her thighs.
<b>-"S-sorry!"</b> As you apologize, she takes off the pantyhose and hands them to you.
<sister>-"Clean them and bring them to my room."</sister> She through the doorway.
<b>-"Y-yes! Right away!"</b>
<div class="actions-horizontal sticky">
[[Clean her lingerie->room]]
</div><<if $equip ==0>>\
<<set $equip to 1>>\
<<goto "Sisters sub19 random 3">>\
<<if $time <2>> <<set $time to $time+1>> <</if>>\
<<set $sistersb to true>>\
<sister>-"GrHHhhh..."</sister> Ava invited you to her room to help her "get off".
<b>-"W-wow!"</b> But when you entered, you found her already doing a pretty good job.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\end_3_1.webp">
<sister>-"That should be good..."</sister> She takes out the dildo.
<sister>-"Put that on."</sister> She points at an interesting device on her table.
<b>-"W-what for?"</b>
<sister>-"You want to help me get off right? Put it on."</sister> You nod and do as she says. The device goes right over your mouth.
<sister>-"Good <<if $hairextensions ==true>>girl.<<else>>boy.<</if>>"</sister> She comes over and mounts the dildo straight on the device.
<b>-"MMMmmmMMm!"</b> You can't say a word...
<sister>-"Shhhh, stay quiet."</sister> She begins to suck on the dildo.
<<if $hairextensions ==true>><img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\end_3_2.webp"><<else>><img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\end_3_2_2.webp"><</if>>
<sister>-"AgHhhh... Should be good, now lay down."</sister> You slowly nod and do as she says.
<b>-"MngHHhhhH!"</b> Before you could even plead, she gets on top of you and mounts the dildo.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\end_3_3.webp">
<sister>-"FucKkkk! S-stop moving around! Focus!"</sister> Ava screams inbetween moans.
<b>-"Y-yesHHhh!"</b> You manage to mutter inbetween breaths.
<sister>-"NghHhh... Your turn to do the work!"</sister> She says as she lays down on her back next to you...
<b>-"Hmmmm!"</b> You put on a brave face and begin to pleasure your $sister.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\end_3_4.webp">
<b>-"..."</b> The smell, the juices on your face, Ava's moans... It's all too much, you feel like you're about to cum with no stimulation whatsoever!
<sister>-"Fuck... FucKkkK... FucKKkKKkk...! FUCKKKKKk!"</sister> But before you can, Ava's body begins to shake in pleasure.
<sister>-"ARhHHhh!"</sister> She quickly pushes you off the bed and begins to furiously rub her pussy.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\end_3_5.webp">
<b>-"MMmmmm..."</b> You watch as your $sister climaxes.
<sister>-"ArghHhh... Good job..."</sister> She pants and stands up. After she takes off the device, you can finally breath.
<b>-"T-that was amazing Ava!"</b>
<sister>-"Hah, it was pretty good, sure."</sister> She hands you the dildo.
<sister>-"Be nice and clean it for me please?"</sister>
<sister>-"Thanks, pet."</sister> As Ava cleans her sheets, you go to the bathroom to clean the dildo.
<div class="actions-horizontal sticky">
[[Clean the toy->room]]
<<if def $lastEquip and !previous().includes("Put on your uniform")>>
<<set $equipGoTo to "Go outside">>
<<set _target to "Equip " + $lastEquip>>
<<goto _target>>
<<if $equip is 0>>\
You're naked! Put on some clothes you dirty animal!
<img src="Images\Clothes\jake-gyllenhaal-naked.webp">
<<if $avapill ==true and $pillfamilyevent !==true or $kaleypill ==true and $pillfamilyevent !==true or $miapill ==true and $pillfamilyevent !==true>>
<<goto "Aphrodisiac pill family">>
<<elseif $miawalkinrandomtemp !==true and $miaevent>4 and $dayy !==7 and $time ==0 and $domstatus !==true>>
<<goto "Mia walk in event">>
<<elseif $emilykidnapped ==true and $day>$emilykidnappeddays+7 and $randomdomemilykindapped !==true>>
<<goto "dom emily kidnapped random">>
<<elseif $time !==2 and $kindappedgirltemp !==true and $lectures >21>>
<<goto "Kindapped girl event">>
<<elseif $work35temp2 ==false and $work35temp==false and $work35temp3 !==false>>
<<goto "Leyja message about locations part 1">>
<<elseif $time ==2 and $kaleyadrianatemp !==true and $lectures >25 and $domstatus !==true or $time ==2 and $kaleyadrianatemp !==true and $lectures >25 and $adriana>1 and $domstatus ==true>>
<<goto "Kaley or Adriana random alley">>
<<elseif $equip==5 and $clotheshomeintro1 !==true>>
<<goto "5outfitintrohouse">>
<<elseif $muggedagain !==true and $lectures==17>>
<<goto "muggedagain">>
<<elseif $phoneevent is false and $lectures>=11 and $time<2>>\
<<goto "Phone Event">>
<<elseif $mugged ==1 and $lectures>=8>>\
<<goto "Mugged">>
<<elseif $hobomoney !==true and $lectures>=22>>\
<<goto "Hobo asks for money">>
<<elseif $toys ==1 and $asstoys ==1 and $day>=40 and $ShoppingRandomDone !== true>>
<<goto "ShoppingRandom">>
<<elseif $sashaintro1 !==true and $day>=75 and $time ==2 and $lectures>10 and $car ==true>>
<<goto "Sasha first intro">>
<<elseif $SavedSasha ==true and $sashaintro2 !==true and $time !==2 and $day > $sashaintro1day +6>>
<<goto "Sasha intro 2">>
<<elseif $clothespublicreactiontemp !==true and $equip == 7>>
<<goto "clothes public reaction">>
<<elseif $clothespublicreactiontemp2 !==true and $equip == 7 and $day > $clothingtempeventday+5>>
<<goto "clothes public reaction 2">>
<<if $time ==0>>\
It's a beautiful day, the sun is shining, you can hear and see cars driving past you every minute, presumably going to work. After taking in the view of the amazing city you reside in, you decide where to go next.
<<location "Images/Other/city morning.jpg" "In the city">>
<<elseif $time ==1>>\
As afternoon hits, you sense that everything slowed down. The city seems almost empty, you hear no friendly talks between residents, no faint sounds of populated coofee shops in the distance. Everyone is working, maybe you should too.
<<location "Images/Other/city afternoon.jpg" "In the city">>
Nightfall. You're alone, cold and itching to go back to your room. Whatever you're planning to do, best do it fast and efficiently, a warm bed awaits you back at home.
<<location "Images/Other/city night.jpg" "In the city">>
<div class="actions">
<<if $clubstatus is true>>
<<if $kickedoutofclub == true>>
<li>You have no reason to visit the club anymore...</li>
<<elseif $dayy ==1 or $dayy ==3 or $dayy ==5>>
<li>The club is closed today.</li>
<<elseif $time ==0 or $time==1>>
<li>The club only opens at night!</li>
<<elseif $wentclubbing is true>>
<li>You already went to the club today.</li>
<<elseif $worked is true>>
<li>The club is already closed.</li>
<<elseif $femstatus == true and $toys !==1 and $beenthroughsecondintro == true>>
<li>Judy told you, that you can only work while caged.</li>
<li>[[The club->Club]]</li>
<<if $needstogototheclubwithleyja == true>>
<li>[[Meet Leyja outside of the shop->First visit to the club intro]]</li>
<<elseif $wentclubbing==true>>
<li>The sex shop is already closed.</li>
<<elseif $worked is true>>
<li>You already worked today.</li>
<<elseif $dayy ==1 or $dayy ==3 or $dayy ==5>>
<li>The sex shop is closed today.</li>
<<elseif $time ==0 or $time==1>>
<li>The sex shop only opens at night!</li>
<<elseif $time !==0 and $attendedfirstlecture is false>>
<li>I should go to my first lecture before I look for a job!</li>
<<elseif $time !==0 and $attendedfirstlecture is true and $day <3>>
<li>I will look for a job later!</li>
<<elseif $leyjatoldyoutoshaveyourlegs ==true>>
<li>Leyja told me to shave my legs before the shift. I should check out the mall.</li>
<<elseif $workdays>20 and $equip !==6 and $toys !==1 and $asstoys !==1 and $domstatus is false or $workdays>20 and $equip !==6 and $toys ==1 and $asstoys !==1 and $domstatus is false or $workdays>20 and $equip ==6 and $toys !==1 and $asstoys !==1 and $domstatus is false or $workdays>20 and $equip !==6 and $toys ==1 and $asstoys ==1 and $domstatus is false or $workdays>20 and $equip !==6 and $toys !==1 and $asstoys ==1 and $domstatus is false or $workdays>20 and $equip ==6 and $toys !==1 and $asstoys ==1 and $domstatus is false or $workdays>20 and $equip ==6 and $toys ==1 and $asstoys !==1 and $domstatus is false>>
<li>[[Put on your uniform->Put on your uniform4]]</li>
<<elseif $workdays>=15 and $workdays<21 and $domstatus is false and $equip==3 and $toys==1 and $asstoys!==1 or $workdays>=15 and $workdays<21 and $domstatus is false and $equip==3 and $toys!==1 and $asstoys ==1 or $workdays>=15 and $workdays<21 and $domstatus is false and $equip!==3 and $toys==1 and $asstoys==1 or $workdays>=15 and $workdays<21 and $domstatus is false and $equip!==3 and $toys!==1 and $asstoys==1 or $workdays>=15 and $workdays<21 and $domstatus is false and $equip!==3 and $toys==1 and $asstoys!==1 or $workdays>=15 and $workdays<21 and $domstatus is false and $equip==3 and $toys!==1 and $asstoys!==1 or $workdays>=15 and $workdays<21 and $domstatus is false and $equip!==3 and $toys!==1 and $asstoys!==1>>
<li>[[Put on your uniform->Put on your uniform3]]</li>
<<elseif $workdays>=11 and $workdays<15 and $equip!==3 and $toys!==1 and $domstatus is false or $workdays>=11 and $workdays<15 and $equip==3 and $toys!==1 and $domstatus is false or $workdays>=11 and $workdays<15 and $equip!==3 and $toys==1 and $domstatus is false>>
<li>[[Put on your uniform->Put on your uniform2]]</li>
<<elseif $workdays>=1 and $workdays<11 and $equip !==3 and $domstatus is false>>
<li>[[Put on your uniform]]</li>
<<elseif $leyjaslair == true and $kickedoutofclub !==true>>
<li>[[Work at the sex shop->Sex shop]] | <<if $leyjaslairevent ==1>>[[Work at the Leyja's Lair->handjob 1]]<<else>>[[Work at the Leyja's Lair->Leyjas Lair]]<</if>></li>
<li>[[Work at the sex shop->Sex shop]]</li>
<<if $toys ==1 and $feminization<50>>
<li>You are not brave enough to go to the mall with a chastity on. [[Take it off]]</li>
<<elseif $equip ==6>>
<li>You are not brave enough to go to the mall with this outfit on.</li>
<li>[[The mall]]</li>
<<if $partyattend==true and $day >= $daypartyy+1 and $beentoparty !==true>>
<li>Try to [[look around->Party intro]] for the old building where the party takes place</li>
<<elseif $helpingkeitakesphotos == true and $time ==2>>
<li>[[Look for Professor Kei-> Kei taking photos event 1]]</li>
<<elseif $needstomeetginaprojector == true and $needstomeetginaprojectortemp !==true and $time ==2>>
<li>Get in your car and [[send Gina a message->Dom 24 meet up event part 1]]</li>
<<elseif $domresearch is true and $lectures==4 and $time ==2 and $dayy !==6 and $dayy !==7>>
<li>See professor Gina at [[The SUP->domevent1]]</li>
<<elseif $domresearch is true and $lectures==8 and $time ==2 and $dayy !==6 and $dayy !==7>>
<li>See professor Gina at [[The SUP->domevent2]]</li>
<<elseif $bnworesearch is true and $lectures==11 and $time ==2 and $dayy !==6 and $dayy !==7>>
<li>See professor Jia at [[The SUP->BbcPorno]] </li>
<<elseif $meetingwithadlady == true and $time !==2 and $dayy !==6 and $dayy !==7>>
<li>Drive to the [[Fuse headquarters->Ad campaign meeting]]</li>
<<elseif $dayy <6 and $time <2 and $attended == true or $dayy <6 and $time <2 and $attended2 == true>>
<li>You've already visited the SUP today.</li>
<<elseif $dayy <6 and $time <2 and $toys==1 and $feminization<70>>
<li>You are not brave enough to go to the SUP with a chastity on. [[Take it off]]</li>
<<elseif $dayy <6 and $time <2 and $equip ==6>>
<li>You are not brave enough to go to the SUP with this outfit on.</li>
<<elseif $dayy <6 and $time <2>>
<li>[[The SUP]]</li>
<<elseif $dayy >5>>
<li>There are no classes on the weekends, go and have fun!</li>
<<elseif $time ==2>>
<li>The SUP is closed at night!</li>
<<if $datingadriana !==true>>
<<if $ibwoheadquarters !==true>>
<<if $brokeupwithemily is true>>
<li>You broke up with Emily, you have no reason to visit her...</li>
<<elseif $emilykidnapped ==true>>
<li>Emily has been kidnapped! You can't visit her.</li>
<<elseif $emilyisinamerica == true and $flyingbacktoswedenemily ==true and $day >= $dayamerica +1>>
<li>[[Drive to the airport->Emily Bnwo America Airport Pick Up]]</li>
<<elseif $emilyisinamerica == true>>
<li>Emily is in America, you can't visit her.</li>
<<elseif $car is false>>
<li>You need a car to visit Emily!</li>
<<elseif $car is true and $dayy !==1 and $dayy !==4>>
<li>Your dates with Emily are on Monday's and Thursday's.</li>
<<elseif $car is true and $dayy==1 and $time !==1 or $car is true and $dayy==4 and $time !==1>>
<li>You can only visit Emily in the afternoon.</li>
<<elseif $equip ==6>>
<li>You are not brave enough to visit Emily with this outfit on.</li>
<<elseif $toys==1 and $lectures <20>>
<li>You are not brave enough to visit Emily with a chastity on. [[Take it off]]</li>
<<elseif $lookeforemilydomspy==true>>
<li>I need to find out some information about Johnathan Browey before visiting Emily.</li>
<<elseif $emilybnwoevent==24 or $emilybnwoevent==26>>
<li>[[Head to the IBWO headquarters->Emily's house]]</li>
<li>[[Emily's apartment->Emily's house]]</li>
<<if $dayy !==1 and $dayy !==4>>
<li>Your dates with Emily are on Monday's and Thursday's.</li>
<<elseif $wentotheIBWO ==true>>
<li>You already visited the IBWO today.</li>
<<elseif $dayy==1 and $time !==1 or $dayy==4 and $time !==1>>
<li>You should wait until afternoon to visit Emily at the IBWO.</li>
<li>[[Visit the IBWO headquarters->The IBWO headquarters]]</li>
<<if $dayy !==1 and $dayy !==4>>
<li>Your dates with Adriana are on Monday's and Thursday's.</li>
<<elseif $dayy==1 and $time !==1 or $dayy==4 and $time !==1>>
<li>You can only visit Adriana in the afternoon.</li>
<li>[[Adriana's place]]</li>
<<if $needtomeetadrianaincity == true>>
<li>[[Look for Adriana and Chris->adrianasub7 part 2]]</li>
<<if $adrianasub9temp == true and $day == $adrianasub9tempday +2>>
<li>[[Drive to Adriana's place->adrianasub10]]</li>
<<if $adrianadom8temp == true and $day == $adrianadom8tempday +2>>
<li>[[Drive to Adriana's place->adrianadom9]]</li>
<<if $work35agreedtodate ==true and $day==$work35agreedtodateday+1 and $time !==2>>
<li><a><div class="hover">Drive to Leyja's place<span class="hoverblock"><grey>Your meeting is in the evening.</grey></span></div></a></li>
<<elseif $work35agreedtodate ==true and $day==$work35agreedtodateday+1 and $work35agreedtodatetemp !==true>>
<li>[[Drive to Leyja's place->Work 35 meet up]]</li>
<div class="actions-horizontal">
[[Return home->room]]
<<if $time < 2>>
<<linkreplace "Wait">>
<<set $time to $time+1>>
<<goto "Go outside">>
<span style="opacity: 0.5">Wait</span>
<</if>><<set $toys to 0>>
<<set $feminization to $feminization-10>>
<<set $submissive to $submissive-10>>
<<goto "Go outside">><<if $mugged is 2 and $day69==$day and $time2==$time>>\
<<elseif $bnwo >100 and $mallrandombnwoordomtemp !==true or $dominant >100 and $mallrandombnwoordomtemp !==true>>
<<goto "Mall random bnwo or dom">>
<<elseif $feminization>35 and $dominant<$feminization and $plasticintro is false or $leyjatoldyoutoshaveyourlegs == true and $plasticintro is false>>\
<<goto "PlasticSurgeryIntro">>
<<elseif $lectures>=18 and $day >40 and $pillseventtemp !==true and $time ==2 and $miaevent >5 or $lectures>=18 and $day >40 and $pillseventtemp !==true and $time ==2 and $sistersevent >5>>\
<<goto "PillsManEvent">>
<<elseif $bnwostatus is true and $day>45 and $gloryholebnwotemp !==true and $bnwo > 40 and $lectures>=18>>\
<<goto "gloryholebnwo1">>
<<elseif $equip==10 and $domstatus is true and $domrandomvest1 !==true>>\
<<goto "domrandomvest1">>
<<elseif $toys==1 and $mallevenfem1 is false>>\
<<goto "MallEventFem1">>
This is the downtown mall! People are laughing, stores are filled to the brim with new merchandise and you can hear the faint elevator music coming out of the speakers.
<<location "Images/Other/istockphoto-182408547-612x612.webp" "The mall">>
<div class="actions">
<li>[[Men's Outwear]]</li>
<li>[[Women's Fashion]]</li>
<<if $plasticintro is true>>
<li>[[Plastic Surgery Clinic->PlasticSurgery]] </li>
<li>[[Electronic's Center]]</li>
<<if $car is false and $day>7>>
<li>[[Car salesman]]</li>
<<if $car is false and $day>7>>
<<if !$carSalesmanVisited>>
You hear someone shouting in the corner of the mall.
<blue>-"Cheap car! I am selling a cheap car! Please someone!"</blue>
<b>-"I do need a car if I want to visit Emily, I might as well [[check what he is selling->Car salesman]]."</b>
<div class="actions-horizontal">
[[Exit the mall->Go outside]]
[[Go home->room]]
<<if $time < 2>><<linkreplace "Wait">><<set $time to $time+1>><<goto "The mall">><</linkreplace>><<else>><span style="opacity: 0.5">Wait</span><</if>>
<</nobr>><<set $carSalesmanVisited = true>>\
<blue>-"Yo dude, yeah you man, are you interested in a cheap car? Please dude."</blue>
<img src="Images\Other\istockphoto-1062512408-612x612.webp" height="350px" width="500px">
<b>-"Well I mean what are you offering? And why are you so panicked?"</b>
<blue>-"Mannnnnn it's a long story, I lost all of my money in the casino today, but dude, you have to believe me dude, I'm so close to beating the system and winning everything back dude! I just need a bit more cash dude, a bit more money and I will win, I swear dude!!"</blue>
Ooof what a weird guy, why does he keep repeating the word dude? Ugh.. let's just see what he's offering.
<b>-"Alright alright I understand, I'm sure you will beat the system man, totally, so what are you selling?"</b>
<blue>-"A 1990 toyota corolla, I know it's old, but trust me dude it runs perfectly. I need this money quick though, I just want 650$, deal?</blue>
<img src="Images\Other\1991_toyota_corolla_sedan_le_fq_oem_1_500.webp">
<b>-"Hmm a toyota corolla huh, for 650 bucks right?"</b>
<blue>-"That's right dude that's right, now hurry!"</blue>
<<if $money>=650>>
<blue>-"Awh thanks dude, you're the best! I will totally win all of my savings back now!"</blue>
<b>-"Haha I'm sure you will..." </b> You whisper under your breath.
<<todoCompleted "Buy a car to visit Emily">>
<grey> You just bought a car, you can now visit emily on Monday's and Thursday's!</grey>
<<money -650 "Bought a car from a shady dude">>
<<set $car to true>>\
<green>Money +650!</green>
[[Go back to the mall->The mall]]
You don't have enough money right now, so you promise him to come back later...
[[Go back to the mall->The mall]]<<nobr>>
<div class="location-header">
<h2>The Electronic's Center</h2>
<div id="index-gallery">\
<<if $day<35 or $domstatus is true or $lectures<11>>
<div class="item1">
<img src="Images\Other\1-removebg-preview.webp" width="105px" height="105px" alt=""/>
<p>A small spy camera that connects to your phone. Can be installed in various small spaces.
Why would you buy this?
<<elseif $money>=450 and $spycamera1 is false>>\
<div class="item1">
<img src="Images\Other\1-removebg-preview.webp" width="105px" height="105px" alt=""/>
<p>[[Buy the spy camera]]
A small spy camera. Can be installed in various small spaces.
Price: 450$</p>\
<<elseif $money<450 and $spycamera1 is false>>\
<div class="item1">
<img src="Images\Other\1-removebg-preview.webp" width="105px" height="105px" alt=""/>
You cannot afford this. (450$) </grey></p>\
<div class="item1">
<img src="Images\Other\1-removebg-preview.webp" width="105px" height="105px" alt=""/>
You already own this item.</grey></p>\
<<if $joshtaser !==true and $taser !==true>>
<div class="item1">
<img src="Images\Other\tazer.webp" width="105px" height="105px" alt=""/>
<p>A tazer for personal protection. Over 20000 volts!
Why would you buy this?
<<elseif $money>=250 and $joshtaser == true and $taser !==true>>\
<div class="item1">
<img src="Images\Other\tazer.webp" width="105px" height="105px" alt=""/>
<p>[[Buy the taser]]
A tazer for personal protection. Over 20000 volts!
Price: 250$</p>\
<<elseif $money<250 and $joshtaser == true and $taser !==true>>\
<div class="item1">
<img src="Images\Other\tazer.webp" width="105px" height="105px" alt=""/>
You cannot afford this. (250$) </grey></p>\
<div class="item1">
<img src="Images\Other\tazer.webp" width="105px" height="105px" alt=""/>
You already own this item.</grey></p>\
<div class="actions-horizontal">
[[Return to the mall->The mall]]
<code>Not fully implemented yet, more options are comming soon.</code><<set $spycamera1 to true>>
<<money -450 "Bought a spy camera">>
<<set $phone to true>>
<<goto "Electronic's Center">><<set $taser to true>>
<<money -250 "Bought a taser for self protection!">>
<<goto "Electronic's Center">><<nobr>>
<div class="location-header">
<h1>The Men's Outwear</h1>
<div class="big">Clothes</div>
<div id="index-gallery">\
<<if $money>=200 and $outfit2 is false>>\
<div class="item1">
<img src="Images\Clothes\2.webp" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
<p><div class="hover"><<nobr>>[[Buy the respectful coat]]<span class="hoverblock"><blue>Dominant +7</blue></span><</nobr>></div>
A respectful coat, which makes you look wealthy.
Price: 200$</p>\
<<elseif $money<200 and $outfit2 is false>>\
<div class="item1">
<img src="Images\Clothes\2.webp" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
You cannot afford this. (200$) </grey></p>\
<div class="item1">
<img src="Images\Clothes\2.webp" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
You already own this item.</grey></p>\
<<if $money>=200 and $outfit9 is false>>\
<div class="item1">
<img src="Images\Clothes\9.webp" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
<p><div class="hover"><<nobr>>[[Buy the Streetwear fit]]<span class="hoverblock">Nothing</span><</nobr>></div>
A fashionable, streetwear inspired outfit.
Price: 200$</p>\
<<elseif $money<200 and $outfit2 is false>>\
<div class="item1">
<img src="Images\Clothes\9.webp" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
You cannot afford this. (200$) </grey></p>\
<div class="item1">
<img src="Images\Clothes\9.webp" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
You already own this item.</grey></p>\
<<if $money>=400 and $outfit10 is false>>\
<div class="item1">
<img src="Images\Clothes\10.webp" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
<p><div class="hover"><<nobr>>[[Buy the Classy vest]]<span class="hoverblock"><blue>Dominant +15</blue></span><</nobr>></div>
A Classy vest. Makes you stand out and appear more confident.
Price: 400$</p>\
<<elseif $money<400 and $outfit10 is false>>\
<div class="item1">
<img src="Images\Clothes\10.webp" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
You cannot afford this. (400$) </grey></p>\
<div class="item1">
<img src="Images\Clothes\10.webp" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
You already own this item.</grey></p>\
<<if $money>=600 and $outfit11 !==true and $dominant<100>>\
<div class="item1">
<img src="Images\Clothes\11.webp" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
You don't feel like you need a suit.</grey></p>\
<<elseif $money<600 and $outfit11 !==true>>\
<div class="item1">
<img src="Images\Clothes\11.webp" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
You cannot afford this. (600$) </grey></p>\
<<elseif $money>=600 and $outfit11 !==true>>\
<div class="item1">
<img src="Images\Clothes\11.webp" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
<p><div class="hover"><<nobr>>[[Buy the fancy suit]]<span class="hoverblock"><blue>Dominant +20</blue></span><</nobr>></div>
A fancy suit. Makes you appear way more dominant.
Price: 600$</p>\
<div class="item1">
<img src="Images\Clothes\11.webp" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
You already own this item.</grey></p>\
<div class="big">Accessories</div>
<div id="index-gallery">\
<<if $money>=650 and $accessorie1 !==true>>\
<div class="item1">
<img src="Images\Clothes\a1.png" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
<p><div class="hover"><<nobr>>[[Buy the luxuriuos watch]]<span class="hoverblock"><blue>Dominant +10</blue></span><</nobr>></div>
A luxurious watch. Gives the impression that you're of high status.
<<elseif $money<650 and $accessorie1 !==true>>\
<div class="item1">
<img src="Images\Clothes\a1.png" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
You cannot afford this. (650$) </grey></p>\
<div class="item1">
<img src="Images\Clothes\a1.png" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
You already own this item.</grey></p>\
<<if $money>=220 and $accessorie3 !==true>>\
<div class="item1">
<img src="Images\Clothes\a3.png" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
<p><div class="hover"><<nobr>>[[Buy the silver chain]]<span class="hoverblock"><blue>Dominant +5</blue></span><</nobr>></div>
A silver chain. Makes you look more confident.
Price: 220$</p>\
<<elseif $money<220 and $accessorie3 !==true>>\
<div class="item1">
<img src="Images\Clothes\a3.png" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
You cannot afford this. (220$) </grey></p>\
<div class="item1">
<img src="Images\Clothes\a3.png" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
You already own this item.</grey></p>\
<<if $money>=1000 and $accessorie2 !==true>>\
<div class="item1">
<img src="Images\Clothes\a2.png" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
<p><div class="hover"><<nobr>>[[Buy the golden chain]]<span class="hoverblock"><blue>Dominant +10</blue></span><</nobr>></div>
A golden chain. Makes you appear more dominant and of high status.
Price: 1000$</p>\
<<elseif $money<1000 and $accessorie2 !==true>>\
<div class="item1">
<img src="Images\Clothes\a2.png" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
You cannot afford this. (1000$) </grey></p>\
<div class="item1">
<img src="Images\Clothes\a2.png" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
You already own this item.</grey></p>\
<div class="actions-horizontal">
[[Return to the mall->The mall]]
</div><<set $outfit2 to true>>
<<money -200 "Bought a coat.">>
<<goto "Men's Outwear">><<set $outfit9 to true>>
<<money -200 "Bought a cool streetwear outfit.">>
<<goto "Men's Outwear">><<set $outfit10 to true>>
<<money -400 "Bought a very fancy vest!!">>
<<goto "Men's Outwear">><<set $outfit11 to true>>
<<money -600 "Bought a nice suit.">>
<<goto "Men's Outwear">><<set $accessorie1 to true>>
<<money -650 "Bought a luxurious watch.">>
<<goto "Men's Outwear">><<set $accessorie3 to true>>
<<money -220 "Bought a nice silver chain.">>
<<goto "Men's Outwear">><<set $accessorie2 to true>>
<<money -1000 "Bought a nice golden chain.">>
<<goto "Men's Outwear">><<nobr>>
<div class="location-header">
<h1>The Fashion Butique</h1>
<div class="big">Clothes</div>
<div id="index-gallery">\
<<if $money>=250 and $outfit5 is false and $feminization>=75>>\
<div class="item1">
<img src="Images\Clothes\5.webp" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
<p><div class="hover"><<nobr>>[[Buy the cute sweater with shorts]]<span class="hoverblock"><emily>Feminization +5</emily></span><</nobr>></div>
A fun sweater and some colorful shorts! Perfect to show off your more feminine side!
Price: 250$</p>\
<<elseif $feminization<75 and $outfit5 is false>>\
<div class="item1">
<img src="Images\Clothes\5.webp" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
You are not brave enough to buy this. </grey></p>\
<<elseif $money<250 and $outfit5 is false>>\
<div class="item1">
<img src="Images\Clothes\5.webp" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
You cannot afford this. (250$)</grey></p>\
<div class="item1">
<img src="Images\Clothes\5.webp" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
You already own this item.</grey></p>\
<<if $money>=400 and $outfit4 is false and $feminization>=95>>\
<div class="item1">
<img src="Images\Clothes\4.webp" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
<p><div class="hover"><<nobr>>[[Buy the summer dress]]<span class="hoverblock"><emily>Feminization +10</emily></span><</nobr>></div>
A summer dress. It makes you appear more ladylike.
Price: 400$</p>\
<<elseif $feminization<95 and $outfit4 is false>>\
<div class="item1">
<img src="Images\Clothes\4.webp" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
You are not brave enough to buy this. </grey></p>\
<<elseif $money<400 and $outfit4 is false>>\
<div class="item1">
<img src="Images\Clothes\4.webp" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
You cannot afford this. (400$)</grey></p>\
<div class="item1">
<img src="Images\Clothes\4.webp" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
You already own this item.</grey></p>\
<<if $money>=300 and $outfit7 is false and $feminization>=110>>\
<div class="item1">
<img src="Images\Clothes\7.webp" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
<p><div class="hover"><<nobr>>[[Buy the cute summer set]]<span class="hoverblock"><emily>Feminization +10</emily></span><</nobr>></div>
A cute summer set, with which you appear more feminine!
Price: 300$</p>\
<<elseif $feminization<110 and $outfit7 is false>>\
<div class="item1">
<img src="Images\Clothes\7.webp" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
You are not brave enough to buy this. </grey></p>\
<<elseif $money<300 and $outfit7 is false>>\
<div class="item1">
<img src="Images\Clothes\7.webp" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
You cannot afford this. (300$)</grey></p>\
<div class="item1">
<img src="Images\Clothes\7.webp" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
You already own this item.</grey></p>\
<<if $money>=350 and $outfit8 is false and $feminization>=130>>\
<div class="item1">
<img src="Images\Clothes\8.webp" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
<p><div class="hover"><<nobr>>[[Buy the mini skirt set]]<span class="hoverblock"><emily>Feminization +15</emily></span><</nobr>></div>
A skimpy, mini skirt set. It barely covers anything..
Price: 350$</p>\
<<elseif $feminization<130 and $outfit8 is false>>\
<div class="item1">
<img src="Images\Clothes\8.webp" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
You are not brave enough to buy this. </grey></p>\
<<elseif $money<350 and $outfit8 is false>>\
<div class="item1">
<img src="Images\Clothes\8.webp" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
You cannot afford this. (350$)</grey></p>\
<div class="item1">
<img src="Images\Clothes\8.webp" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
You already own this item.</grey></p>\
<div class="big">Accessories</div>
<div id="index-gallery">\
<<if $money>=200 and $accessorie5 !==true and $feminization>=50>>\
<div class="item1">
<img src="Images\Clothes\a5.png" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
<p><div class="hover"><<nobr>>[[Buy the pink earrings]]<span class="hoverblock"><emily>Feminization +5</emily></span><</nobr>></div>
A pair of pink earrings... They're so cute!
Price: 150$</p>\
<<elseif $feminization<50 and $accessorie5 !==true>>\
<div class="item1">
<img src="Images\Clothes\a5.png" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
You are not brave enough to buy this. </grey></p>\
<<elseif $money<150 and $accessorie5 !==true>>\
<div class="item1">
<img src="Images\Clothes\a5.png" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
You cannot afford this. (150$)</grey></p>\
<div class="item1">
<img src="Images\Clothes\a5.png" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
You already own this item.</grey></p>\
<<if $money>=150 and $accessorie4 !==true and $feminization>=50 and $bnwo>=50>>\
<div class="item1">
<img src="Images\Clothes\a4.png" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
<p><div class="hover"><<nobr>>[[Buy the spades earrings]]<span class="hoverblock"><grey>BNWO +5</grey></span><</nobr>></div>
A pair of spades earrings. Most people probably don't know what they imply...
Price: 150$</p>\
<<elseif $feminization<50 and $accessorie4 !==true or $bnwo<50 and $accessorie4 !==true>>\
<div class="item1">
<img src="Images\Clothes\a4.png" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
You are not brave enough to buy this. </grey></p>\
<<elseif $money<150 and $accessorie4 !==true>>\
<div class="item1">
<img src="Images\Clothes\a4.png" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
You cannot afford this. (150$)</grey></p>\
<div class="item1">
<img src="Images\Clothes\a4.png" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
You already own this item.</grey></p>\
<<if $money>=130 and $accessorie9 !==true and $feminization>=80>>\
<div class="item1">
<img src="Images\Clothes\a9.png" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
<p><div class="hover"><<nobr>>[[Buy the black choker]]<span class="hoverblock"><emily>Feminization +5</emily></span><</nobr>></div>
A black choker. Makes you appear easier to sleep with.
Price: 130$</p>\
<<elseif $feminization<80 and $accessorie9 !==true>>\
<div class="item1">
<img src="Images\Clothes\a9.png" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
You are not brave enough to buy this. </grey></p>\
<<elseif $money<130 and $accessorie9 !==true>>\
<div class="item1">
<img src="Images\Clothes\a9.png" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
You cannot afford this. (130$)</grey></p>\
<div class="item1">
<img src="Images\Clothes\a9.png" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
You already own this item.</grey></p>\
<<if $money>=200 and $accessorie8 !==true and $feminization>=110>>\
<div class="item1">
<img src="Images\Clothes\a8.png" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
<p><div class="hover"><<nobr>>[[Buy the kinky choker]]<span class="hoverblock"><emily>Feminization +10</emily></span><</nobr>></div>
A kinky choker. You have no idea what it's doing in this store...
Price: 200$</p>\
<<elseif $feminization<110 and $accessorie8 !==true>>\
<div class="item1">
<img src="Images\Clothes\a8.png" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
You are not brave enough to buy this. </grey></p>\
<<elseif $money<200 and $accessorie8 !==true>>\
<div class="item1">
<img src="Images\Clothes\a8.png" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
You cannot afford this. (200$)</grey></p>\
<div class="item1">
<img src="Images\Clothes\a8.png" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
You already own this item.</grey></p>\
<<if $money>=200 and $accessorie6 !==true and $feminization>=100>>\
<div class="item1">
<img src="Images\Clothes\a6.png" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
<p><div class="hover"><<nobr>>[[Buy the black thigh highs]]<span class="hoverblock"><emily>Feminization +5</emily></span><</nobr>></div>
A pair of classic, black thigh highs. So cute!
Price: 200$</p>\
<<elseif $feminization<100 and $accessorie6 !==true>>\
<div class="item1">
<img src="Images\Clothes\a6.png" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
You are not brave enough to buy this. </grey></p>\
<<elseif $money<200 and $accessorie6 !==true>>\
<div class="item1">
<img src="Images\Clothes\a6.png" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
You cannot afford this. (200$)</grey></p>\
<div class="item1">
<img src="Images\Clothes\a6.png" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
You already own this item.</grey></p>\
<<if $money>=220 and $accessorie7 !==true and $feminization>=120>>\
<div class="item1">
<img src="Images\Clothes\a7.png" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
<p><div class="hover"><<nobr>>[[Buy the white thigh highs]]<span class="hoverblock"><emily>Feminization +5</emily></span><</nobr>></div>
A pair of white thigh highs. They show off your legs quite well.
Price: 220$</p>\
<<elseif $feminization<120 and $accessorie7 !==true>>\
<div class="item1">
<img src="Images\Clothes\a7.png" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
You are not brave enough to buy this. </grey></p>\
<<elseif $money<220 and $accessorie7 !==true>>\
<div class="item1">
<img src="Images\Clothes\a7.png" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
You cannot afford this. (220$)</grey></p>\
<div class="item1">
<img src="Images\Clothes\a7.png" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
You already own this item.</grey></p>\
<div class="actions-horizontal">
[[Return to the mall->The mall]]
</div><<set $outfit4 to true>>
<<money -400 "Bought a very cute summer dress!">>
<<goto "Women's Fashion">><<set $accessorie5 to true>>
<<money -150 "Got some cute earrings!">>
<<goto "Women's Fashion">><<set $accessorie4 to true>>
<<money -150 "Bought a pair of cute spades earrings!">>
<<goto "Women's Fashion">><<set $accessorie6 to true>>
<<money -200 "Got a pair of black thigh highs!">>
<<goto "Women's Fashion">><<set $accessorie7 to true>>
<<money -220 "Got a pair of white thigh highs!">>
<<goto "Women's Fashion">><<set $accessorie9 to true>>
<<money -130 "Bought a sexy black choker.">>
<<goto "Women's Fashion">><<set $accessorie8 to true>>
<<money -200 "Bought a kinky/spiky choker!!!">>
<<goto "Cashiercomment2">><<set $outfit5 to true>>
<<money -250 "Got a pair of shorts and a sweater!">>
<<goto "Cashiercomment1">>You pick up the outfit and head towards the cashier.. As you're walking there, you notice that a lot of women start staring at you..
<b>-"J-jeez.. At least don't make it obvious.."</b> You whisper to yourself as you arrive at the checkout..
<adriana>-"Hello! Would this be all?"</adriana> The woman smiles as she scans the clothes..
<b>-"Y-yes! That's all!"</b>
<img src="Images\Events\random events\yppe.webp" width="800px">
<b>-"There you go.."</b> You hand her your card.
<adriana>-"I bet your girlfriend will look amazing in this!"</adriana> She smiles as she scans it.
<<pageReplace "She will!">>\
<b>-"Y-yeah! She definitely will!"</b> You both exchange a warm smile.
<adriana>-"There you are, have an amazing day!"</adriana> She hands you a bag with the outfit you just bought packed inside.
<b>-"Thanks! You too!"</b> After you take it, you leave the store while grinning to yourself..
<b>-"I... I can't believe I actually bought it!"</b>
<green>Money -250</green>
[[Exit the store->The mall]]
<<pageReplace "Actually, it's for me..">>\
<b>-"Well actually.. It's for me.."</b> You whisper..
<adriana>-"Ohhhhh! Someone's progressive I see!"</adriana> She smiles..
<adriana>-"I wish more men would get in touch with their feminine side a bit more! The world would be a better place!"</adriana> She giggles as she packs up the outfit..
<b>-"Haha y-yeah.. I guess.."</b>
<adriana>-"There you are, have an amazing day!"</adriana> She hands you a bag.
<b>-"Thanks! You too!"</b> After you take it, you leave the store while grinning to yourself..
<b>-"I... I can't believe I actually bought it!"</b>
<green>Money -250</green>
[[Exit the store->The mall]]
<</pageReplace>><b>-"Is this...?"</b> You find an interesting choker on one of the shelves.
<b>-"This doesn't look like it belongs here haha.."</b> It looks like something you would find in an alternative shop... Or even a sex store!
<b>-"Hmmmm, let's see..."</b> You put it on and look at yourself in one of the mirrors.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\bb4.jpg">
<b>-"Well.. It does suit me.."</b>
<b>-"Fuck it, I'm getting it."</b> You take the choker off and begin walking towards the register.
<b>-"The price is a bit steep, but it's so cute!"</b>
<adriana>-"Good day ma'am!"</adriana> The cashier smiles.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\bb5.jpeg">
<b>-"Good day!"</b> You put the collar on the counter.
<<pageReplace"Just this please.">>
<b>-"Just this please."</b>
<adriana>-"O-oh...?"</adriana> She looks at it.
<adriana>-"Are you sure you found it here?"</adriana>
<b>-"I'm pretty sure... It was on one of the shelves."</b> The woman picks up the choker and turns it around.
<adriana>-"Oh yeah, I see the barcode right here."</adriana> She shrugs and scans it.
<adriana>-"Wow, didn't know we sold things like that."</adriana>
<b>-"Ha! Me neither!"</b> You take out your phone.
<b>-"Paying by card."</b> She nods and you hear a beep on the machine in front of you.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\bb6.jpeg">
<grey>-"Beep!"</grey> It emits another sound as you press your phone up against it's screen.
<adriana>-"Thank you for your purchase.. Uhm... Enjoy...?"</adriana>
<b>-"Will do!"</b> You take the choker and put it in your bag. What a great purchase!
[[Gather your bearings->The mall]]
<</pageReplace>><<set $outfit7 to true>>
<<money -300 "Had to have that cute summer set!">>
<<goto "Women's Fashion">><<set $outfit8 to true>>
<<money -350 "Had to have that cute mini skirt set!">>
<<goto "Women's Fashion">><<locationBackdrop "Other/nova-hero2022-06m-wide.jpeg">>\
You enter the plastic surgery clinic, greet the cashier and start looking through the options catalog.
<b>-"There are so many services!"</b> You think to yourself as you look through them.
<adriana>-"H-have you decided what you want <<if $hairextensions == true>>ma'am<<else>>sir<</if>>?"</adriana> The receptionist asks you..
<div class="actions">
<li @class="$lightmakeup ? 'disabled' : ''">
Permanent light makeup.
<<if !$lightmakeup>>
<<if $feminization<50 or $lectures<13>>
<small>You're not brave enough to do this.</small>
<<elseif $lightmakeup == true>>
<small>✅ You've already done this..</small>
<<elseif $money>=300>>
[[Buy it->lightmakeup]]
<<elseif $money<300>>
<small>You don't have enough money for this.</small>
<small>✅ You've already done this..</small>
<li @class="$shavedlegs ? 'disabled' : ''">
Permanent leg hair removal with a laser.
<<if !$shavedlegs>>
<<if $shavedlegs == true>>
<small>✅ You've already done this..</small>
<<elseif $leyjatoldyoutoshaveyourlegs == true and $money>=400>>
[[Buy it->leghair]]
<<elseif $leyjatoldyoutoshaveyourlegs == true and $money<400>>
<small>You don't have enough money for this.</small>
<<elseif $feminization<60 or $lectures<15>>
<small>You're not brave enough to do this.</small>
<<elseif $money>=400>>
[[Buy it->leghair]]
<<elseif $money<400>>
<small>You don't have enough money for this.</small>
<small>✅ You've already done this..</small>
<li @class="$longlashes ? 'disabled' : ''">
Eyelash transplant.
<<if !$longlashes>>
<<if $longlashes == true>>
<small>✅ You've already done this..</small>
<<elseif $feminization <110>>
<small>You're not brave enough to do this.</small>
<<elseif $money>=350>>
[[Buy it->Eyelash transplant]]
<<elseif $money<350>>
<small>You don't have enough money for this.</small>
<small>✅ You've already done this..</small>
<li @class="$hairextensions ? 'disabled' : ''">
Hair extensions.
<<if !$hairextensions>>
<<if $hairextensions == true>>
<small>✅ You've already done this..</small>
<<elseif $leyjatoldutogetthewig !== true>>
<small>You're not brave enough to do this.</small>
<<elseif $leyjatoldutogetthewig == true and $money>=600>>
[[Buy it->hairextensions]]
<<elseif $money<600>>
<small>You don't have enough money for this.</small>
<small>✅ You've already done this..</small>
<li @class="$piercedears ? 'disabled' : ''">
Ear piercing.
<<if !$piercedears>>
<<if $piercedears == true>>
<small>✅ You've already done this..</small>
<<elseif $feminization <40>>
<small>You're not brave enough to do this.</small>
<<elseif $money>=150>>
[[Buy it->Ear piercing]]
<<elseif $money<150>>
<small>You don't have enough money for this.</small>
<small>✅ You've already done this..</small>
<li @class="$fakelips ? 'disabled' : ''">
Lip filler.
<<if !$fakelips>>
<<if $fakelips == true>>
<small>✅ You've already done this..</small>
<<elseif $feminization <140>>
<small>You're not brave enough to do this.</small>
<<elseif $money>=400>>
[[Buy it->Lip filler]]
<<elseif $money<400>>
<small>You don't have enough money for this.</small>
<small>✅ You've already done this..</small>
<li @class="$fakenose ? 'disabled' : ''">
A nose job.
<<if !$fakenose>>
<<if $fakenose == true>>
<small>✅ You've already done this..</small>
<<elseif $feminization <140>>
<small>You're not brave enough to do this.</small>
<<elseif $money>=700>>
[[Buy it->A nose job]]
<<elseif $money<700>>
<small>You don't have enough money for this.</small>
<small>✅ You've already done this..</small>
<li @class="$faketits1 ? 'disabled' : ''">
Breast augmentation.
<<if !$faketits1>>
<<if $faketits1 == true>>
<small>✅ You've already done this..</small>
<<elseif $randomtittemp !==true>>
<small>You're not brave enough to do this.</small>
<<elseif $money>=1180>>
[[Buy it->Breast augmentation]]
<<elseif $money<1180>>
<small>You don't have enough money for this.</small>
<small>✅ You've already done this..</small>
<li @class="$femoperation ? 'disabled' : ''">
Body contouring and feminization.
<<if !$femoperation>>
<<if $femoperation == true>>
<small>✅ You've already done this..</small>
<<elseif $jennaoperation !==true>>
<small>You're not brave enough to do this.</small>
<<elseif $money>=2500>>
[[Buy it->Body contouring and feminization]]
<<elseif $money<2500>>
<small>You don't have enough money for this.</small>
<small>✅ You've already done this..</small>
Brazilian butt lift
<small>You're not brave enough to do this.</small>
Facial feminization surgery
<small>You're not brave enough to do this.</small>
<div class="actions-horizontal">
[[Return to the mall->The mall]]
<</nobr>>As you walk through the mall, you start paying attention to all of the different stores and shops around, there are so many! You notice a food cart, you notice a coffee shop, you notice a clothing shop, you notice... A plastic surgery clinic? What is it doing over here..
<img src="Images\Other\nova-hero2022-06m-wide.jpeg" height="650px">
<b>-"N-nova.. Huh..."</b>
<<pageReplace"Go in">>\
<b>-"H-hello!" </b>
<img src="Images\Other\d2aa69bd0359ae60d4a24c0a2de4d81d.webp" height="550px">
<adriana>-"Hello! Welcome to Nova! How can I help you?" </adriana>
<b>-"Oh.. N-no no, I'm just here to look around, I didn't notice this clinic here last week, when did you guys move in?"</b>
<adriana>-"Oh! We opened yersterday, we are a plastic surgery clinic and a beauty salon, all in one! Very unfortunate that you missed it sir, we were handing out coupons!" </adriana>
<b>-"Awh It's okay.." </b> You look around for a bit.
<adriana>-"Are you thinking about getting something done?"</adriana>
<b>-"Oh no no, not now anyways!"</b> You look around for a bit longer, say goodbye to the worker and leave the clinic.
[[Look around->The mall]]
<<set $plasticintro to true>>
<</pageReplace>><<set $piercedears to true>>
<<money -150 "Got my ears pierced!">>
<b>-"Oh, you do ear piercings as well?"</b>
<adriana>-"We sure do!"</adriana>
<b>-"Is it done with a gun or a needle?"</b>
<adriana>-"We do it with a gun, it's a lot quicker that way!"</adriana> She points to the side of the table.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\bb1.jpg">
<adriana>-"If you wish to get it done, you'll first have to choose what kind of temporary piercing you want."</adriana>
<b>-"What is a temporary piercing again?"</b>
<adriana>-"It's just a regular, small piercing that will stay in your ear for a couple of weeks while the hole heals. You can also switch it to another piercing you own if you wish."</adriana>
<b>-"Understood.. I'll go with the skin tone one then. It seems almost invisible!"</b> If you end up not liking it, it's better to get one that blends in well.
<adriana>-"So you want to get it done?"</adriana>
<adriana>-"Alright, perfect, please follow me then."</adriana> She grabs the gun and the piercing you picked and starts to walk towards the operation room.
<<pageReplace"Follow her.">>
<adriana>-"Please take a seat."</adriana> You do as she says.
<b>-"H-how painful will it be?"</b> The woman puts on some gloves and faces you.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\bb2.jpg">
<adriana>-"Not painful at all!"</adriana> A shiver runs down your spine as she gently places her hand on your face.
<adriana>-"Please turn your head."</adriana>
<b>-"Yes.."</b> You do as instructed. She then grabs your ear and presses the gun against it.
<b>-"M-mhm.."</b> You close your eyes.
<adriana>-"Say cheese!"</adriana>
<b>-"Wha- O-ouch!"</b> Before you could finish the sentence, she pierces your ear.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\bb3.jpeg">
<adriana>-"Hah, sorry, but confused folks are easier to pierce."</adriana> The woman chuckles and moves to the other side of your head.
<b>-"It wasn't that bad actually.."</b>
<adriana>-"Told you! Nothing to be afraid of."</adriana> With another click of the trigger, your other ear is pierced.
<adriana>-"And we're done! The piercings are in!"</adriana> The woman hands you a mirror to check yourself out. Your ears look red, but the piercings are cute! You spend the next couple of minutes listening to her talk about how to properly care for the wound and how to make the healing process easier.
<adriana>-"That's about it!"</adriana> You both walk to the register where you proceed to pay for the service.
<b>-"Thank you!"</b>
<adriana>-"No problem, come again!"</adriana>
<green>Money -150!</green>
[[Gather your bearings->The mall]]
<</pageReplace>><<set $longlashes to true>>\
<<set $femininity to $femininity +1>>\
<<set $feminization to $feminization +3>>\
<<money -350 "Got some long ass lashes.">>
<b>-"Hmmmm.. Eyelash transplant... What's that?"</b>
<adriana>-"We take some hair from the back of your scalp and implant them on your eyelids!"</adriana>
<adriana>-"We have a method that doesn't require very long healing, so you can leave this place with long eyelashes even today!"</adriana> She smiles.
<b>-"Oh wow... That sounds scary!"</b>
<adriana>-"Hah, it does, but it's not!"</adriana>
<adriana>-"Are you thinking about getting it?"</adriana>
<adriana>-"Well, if it helps, I have them implanted! And I look pretty good, don't you think?"</adriana> The woman behind the desk giggles.
<b>-"Hah, you sure do... I'll get them then."</b>
<adriana>-"Perfect! Please press your card against the machine whenever you're ready. It'll be 350 dollars."</adriana> You nod and do as you're told. After the payment goes through, she leads you to the operation room.
<img src="Images\Other\OR-1.webp">
<adriana>-"Please sit down and make yourself comfortable!"</adriana>
<b>-"Sure.."</b> You sit down and watch as she begins to put on protective measures.
<b>-"How long will this take?"</b>
<adriana>-"Just a couple of minutes, I only need a handfull of hairs!"</adriana>
<img src="Images\Other\hhhh.webp">
<adriana>-"You can lay down now."</adriana>
<<pageReplace"Do it.">>\
<b>-"Nghh.."</b> You lay down on the table and try to get comfortable.
<adriana>-"Alright, so before we move on, take a look at your eyelashes now."</adriana> She brings you a mirror.
<img src="Images\Other\hhhh2.png">
<adriana>-"They're pretty short, yeah?"</adriana>
<adriana>-"We're about to change that!"</adriana>
<adriana>-"Alright, here I go."</adriana> She gets behind you.
<b>-"O-ouch!"</b> You move around a bit as she begins to pricks some of your hair out.
<adriana>-"That's not terrible, right?"</adriana>
<b>-"No.. Not at all."</b> Only a couple of minutes pass, but she's already done!
<adriana>-"Anddd we're finished! Take a look!"</adriana> She holds up the mirror once again.
<img src="Images\Other\hhhh3.png">
<adriana>-"Notice a difference?"</adriana> The woman pulls down her mask.
<b>-"Oh my God I do! They're so much longer!"</b>
<adriana>-"I'm happy that you like it!"</adriana> You get up from the table and the woman begins to talk about the healing process. You'll only need to rub a certain cream on your eyes for 3 days in a row after the surgery. So simple! After around 10 minutes of talking, you both begin walking back to the counter.
<b>-"Understood. I'll go and get the cream then."</b>
<adriana>-"Perfect! I bet they'll heal great!"</adriana>
<b>-"Thank you!"</b> You shout as you begin walking out of the store.
<adriana>-"No problem, thanks for using our clinic! Come again!"</adriana>
<emily>Feminization +3!</emily>
<adriana>Femininity +1!</adriana>
[[Leave the clinic->The mall]]
<</pageReplace>><<set $shavedlegs to true>>\
<<set $leyjatoldyoutoshaveyourlegs to false>>\
<<todoCompleted "Shave your legs">>\
<<money -400 "Shaved em legs! Now they look great!">>
<<set $feminization to $feminization +5>>\
<<set $femininity to $femininity +1>>\
<b>-"Permanent hair removal p-please..."</b> You whisper.. professor Lana said this was the correct step..
<adriana>-"Alright perfect, please follow me!"</adriana> The women starts walking towards the back of the store and you follow.
<img src="Images\Other\OR-1.webp" width="600px">
As you enter the operating room, the woman speaks again.
<adriana>-"Please lay down on the table, this will be completely painless and pretty quick!"</adriana> You follow her orders and lay down.
<adriana>-"Are you ready?"</adriana> She smiles while picking up a weird device.
<b>-"I-I think so!"</b> You whisper. The moment the words leave your mouth, the woman starts the procedure.
<img src="Images\Other\1671716065882.webp">
<b>-"O-Ouff.."</b> It hurts a tiny bit.. but it's nothing that you can't handle.. after around 10 minutes, your legs look brand new!
<adriana>-"Andddddd we're done! Thank you for choosing the Nova clinic for this procedure!"</adriana>
You leave the store after applying some sort of body cream that the woman gave you to ease the pain.. you can feel your legs burning up a bit.. but it was worth it!
<emily>Feminization +5!</emily>
<pink><u>Femininity +1!</u></pink>
<green>Money -400!</green>
[[Wander around the mall->The mall]]<<set $lightmakeup to true>>\
<<money -300 "Permanent light make up..! I can almost see it.. LOL">>
<<set $feminization to $feminization +5>>\
<<set $femininity to $femininity +1>>\
<b>-"Could I get the... Uhm... Permanent light makeup please?"</b>
<adriana>-"Sure! You do understand that it is.. Permanent? As in, you can't take it off correct? It's very light though, we even recommend it to our male customers!"</adriana> She smiles..
<b>-"Y-yeah.. I understand.."</b> You give her the 300$ in cash, she puts it away and leads you to the operation room.
<img src="Images\Other\OR-1.webp" width="600px">
<adriana>-"Are you ready? It's going to sting a bit, but it'll be over quickly!"</adriana>
<b>-"Y-yes, I'm ready..."</b> The woman takes various instruments and starts working on your face..
<img src="Images\Other\1.webp" width="600px">
Your lips look more full, your eyes have permanent eyeliner, your eyebrows are darker... You look.. Amazing!
<adriana>-"Andddddd we're done!"</adriana> The woman says..
<b>-"T-thank you so much!"</b> You both exhange small talk and you're allowed to leave the room.. She recommends to rinse your face often and avoid the sun for a bit, you write everything down and get ready to leave..
<emily>Feminization +5!</emily>
<pink><u>Femininity +1!</u></pink>
<green>Money -300!</green>
[[Wander around the mall->The mall]]<<money -600 "Hair extensions. I can't believe that I'm doing this..">>
<<todoCompleted "Get a permanent hair extensions">>\
<<set $feminization to $feminization +5>>\
<<set $femininity to $femininity +1>>\
<b>-"I want to order theeee.. Uhmmm.. Permanent hair extensions!"</b> You can't believe you actually went for it.. There's no turning back now.
<adriana>-"Y-you? You sure? They're permanent, you won't be able to remove them.."</adriana> She squints her eyes in confused.
<b>-"Y-yes.. I'm sure.."</b> You hand her the 600$.
<adriana>-"Welp.. Okay, it's your decision.."</adriana> She puts the cash in the register.
<adriana>-"Please follow me."</adriana> She leads you to the operation room.
<img src="Images\Other\OR-1.webp" width="600px">
<adriana>-"Please, lay down."</adriana> You nod and follow her directions. She pulls something out from a drawer.
<b>-"Are these the extensions?"</b> She shows you a bunch of hair.
<adriana>-"Yes, these are it!"</adriana>
<img src="Images\Other\hairextensions1.png">
<adriana>-"Again, are you 100% sure you want this?"</adriana>
<adriana>-"I'm sorry if I'm annoying, we just don't get a lot of male clients who want this done."</adriana>
<b>-"I do.. I feel like this is a step in the right direction for me."</b> She nods and sits you up. After putting on her gloves and getting ready, the woman begins putting them onto you.
<<pageReplace"Stay still..">>
<<set $hairextensions to true>>\
<b>-"Ouch.."</b> You feel a little bit of pain.
<adriana>-"Oops sorry love.. We're almost done!"</adriana> You feel her hands running across your hair.
<img src="Images\Other\extensions.jpg">
<adriana>-"Anddddd... That's it!"</adriana> She smiles.
<b>-"W-woah.."</b> You look at yourself in the mirror.. You look like a completely different person..
<adriana>-"You look incredible honey!"</adriana> She throws her gloves away.
<b>-"T-thank you so much!"</b> You both exhange small talk and you finally leave the room. You're advised not to take showers for at least 2 days and not to style the hair in any way for a week. You nod and leave the store.
<emily>Feminization +5!</emily>
<pink><u>Femininity +1!</u></pink>
<green>Money -600!</green>
[[Wander around the mall->The mall]]
<</pageReplace>><<set $faketits1 to true>>\
<<set $faketit1day to $day>>\
<<money -1180 "Got fake tits! Fuck yeah!">>\
<b>-"B-breast augmentation... Tell me a little about it."</b> You smile as you look at the clerk.
<adriana>-"Well, it's an invase procedure, so you have to be put to sleep for us to do our magic."</adriana>
<adriana>-"The procedure includes us making a small incision under the breasts and inserting the desired implants."</adriana>
<b>-"How obvious would the scars be?"</b>
<adriana>-"Almost non visible. We've come a long way in terms of technology. Our implants are also super soft, so folks won't be able to tell that they're fake!"</adriana>
<b>-"S-so they feel like the real thing?"</b>
<adriana>-"They sure do!"</adriana>
<b>-"I... I want a pair then."</b>
<adriana>-"Awesome! First, you have to choose a size."</adriana> The woman bends over behind the desk and pulls out two implants.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\l1.jpg">
<adriana>-"These are A sized cups we offer, we recommend this size for someone who's flat chested."</adriana> She looks at your boobs.
<adriana>-"You however, are not. I would advise to get B cups for now, you can always move up in size later."</adriana> The woman bends over again and shows you a new pair of implants.
<b>-"These are B cups?"</b>
<img src="Images\Events\random events\l2.png">
<adriana>-"They sure are!"</adriana>
<b>-"And I can always move up in size, right?"</b> You might want bigger ones later!
<adriana>-"Mhm! You skin isn't stretched enough right now, so bigger implants would just rip you apart... Literally."</adriana> Sounds scary!
<<pageReplace"I'll get the B cups then.">>
<b>-"I-I'll get the B cups then..."</b> You can't believe that you're actually doing this.
<adriana>-"Sure thing! Our surgeon is in the clinic, we can do the operation right now if you wish."</adriana>
<b>-"L-let's do it now then..."</b> The clerk smiles.
<adriana>-"Perfect! That'll be 1200 dollars then!"</adriana>
<b>-"I have this coupon too..."</b> You hand her the piece of paper.
<adriana>-"Mhm..."</adriana> She takes and scans it.
<adriana>-"That'll be 1180 dollars please!"</adriana> You nod and pull out your wallet.
<b>-"200, 300, 400... 1000, 1100... 1180! That should be it!"</b> You say as you count your money.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\l7.jpg">
<adriana>-"Yes it is, perfect!"</adriana> She smiles after counting the money herself and finally putting it into the register.
<adriana>-"Please follow me."</adriana> You nod and begin walking after her.
<b>-"Gulp... Gosh, what have I done."</b> After a minute or two, you reach a scary looking operation room.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\l8.jpeg">
<adriana>-"She ordered B cups and wants to do it right now, you're free, right?"</adriana> The clerk begins talking to a surgeon in the room.
<emily>-"Oh, yeah! Leave her with me!"</emily> You face a middle age, soft looking woman. Your nerves calm down a bit.
<adriana>-"Cool! Good luck!"</adriana> The clerk leaves.
<emily>-"Please take a seat."</emily> She points at the operation table.
<<pageReplace"Do as she says.">>
<b>-"Of course..."</b> You sit down and face the woman.
<emily>-"There's nothing to be scared about beautiful, it'll only take an hour or two!"</emily> She says as she notices your worried expression.
<b>-"Sigh... I hope so."</b>
<emily>-"Please remove your top and lay down."</emily> You nod and remove everything above your waist. After laying down, the woman puts on some gloves and a mask.
<emily>-"I'm going to lower this mask onto you, please breathe slowly and deeply. After a couple of seconds, count down from 10."</emily>
<img src="Images\Events\random events\l3.webp">
<b>-"Y-yes..."</b> As the mask gets stuck on your face, you take a couple of deep breaths... Everything around you starts to blur.
<b>-"10, 9, 8... 7... 6........ 5......."</b> Before you could finish the count, you start drifting off to sleep.
<emily>-"Right, time to start this thing."</emily> You hear her say right before passing out.
<<pageReplace"Wake up.">>
<b>-"MgHhhh..."</b> You mumble as you begin to open your eyes.
<emily>-"Now, now, no need to rush. Sit up slowly."</emily> The surgeon says as you look down.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\l4.jpeg">
<b>-"AgHHhh... A-are we done?"</b>
<emily>-"Yes we are! Do you feel any pain?"</emily>
<b>-"N-no... I don't feel anything."</b> You do notice that your chest feels heavier as you sit up.
<emily>-"Perfect, the medicine works then!"</emily> She let's go of you.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\l6.jpg">
<b>-"W-what now?"</b>
<emily>-"Now you're free to go! Don't remove the bandages for at least 3 days. If you get any complications, please call us!"</emily>
<emily>-"Oh and of course, don't drive for around 5 hours. You probably feel dizzy from the gas."</emily> Good thing you came here on foot.
<b>-"T-thanks doctor..."</b> With your vision still blurry, you begin to put on your clothes.
<emily>-"Enjoy your new look!"</emily> Time to head back.
<<set $femininity to $femininity +1>>
<pink>Femininity +1!</pink>
<<set $feminization to $feminization +5>>
<emily>Feminization +5!</emily>
<green>Money -1180!</green>
[[Decide if you want to get anything else done->PlasticSurgery]]
<</pageReplace>><<money -400 "Got lip injections!">>\
<<set $fakelips to true>>\
<b>-"I would like to order some lip filler!"</b> You smile as the clerk looks up at you.
<adriana>-"Awesome! What dose would you like?"</adriana>
<b>-"0.5ml is the recommended dose for new clients, right?"</b> You saw that number on a wall advert you saw before walking in.
<adriana>-"Yup! If it's your first time, I definitely wouldn't recommend going higher than that!"</adriana>
<b>-"I'll get the 0.5ml then."</b> The woman smiles.
<adriana>-"Cool! That'll be 400 dollars please!"</adriana> You nod and pull out your wallet.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\i8.jpg">
<b>-"That should be it..."</b> She smiles once again as you hand her the cash.
<adriana>-"Yup, perfect! Please follow me, we won't take long."</adriana> You nod and begin to follow the woman. After a minute or two, you reach the operation room.
<adriana>-"Please sit down."</adriana>
<b>-"Yes..."</b> You do as you're told and take a seat.
<adriana>-"Before we start, would you like me to take a picture, so you see the before and after? Don't worry, the picture will be deleted when you leave."</adriana>
<b>-"Uhmmm... S-sure!"</b> The woman nods, takes a camera from a table nearby and snaps a pic of your lips.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\i9.webp">
<adriana>-"Awesome, now please lay down and relax."</adriana>
<b>-"Yes..."</b> You're quite nervous, but you know that you're in good hands.
<<pageReplace"Lay down">>
<b>-"W-will it hurt?"</b>
<adriana>-"It will sting a bit, yes, but nothing that you won't be able to handle, believe me!"</adriana> She begins to draw a liquid out of a vile.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\i10.jpg">
<b>-"I always wondered, what's in it?"</b>
<adriana>-"In what?"</adriana>
<b>-"Like, the lip filler, what's it made of?"</b>
<adriana>-"Oh! We use synthetic hyaluronic acid! It's naturally produced in the body, so your lips won't react negatively to it!"</adriana>
<b>-"That name sounds scary haha..."</b>
<adriana>-"Ghahaha no need to be afraid! Now please close your eyes, I'm ready to make an injection."</adriana>
<b>-"Yes..."</b> As you close your eyes, you feel a cold, wet sansation on your lips. She's probably disinfecting them.
<b>-"O-ouch!"</b> You feel a light sting as the needle pierces your bottom lip. After around 5 seconds, the pain stops and start on the other side of your lip.
<adriana>-"Alrighty, bottom lip is done!"</adriana> The same feelings come back, but now in your upper lip. After another 10 seconds or so, you're done!
<adriana>-"Andddd we're done!"</adriana>
<b>-"A-already?"</b> You smack your lips together a couple of times, but they don't feel any different.
<adriana>-"Mhm! Let me take a picture!"</adriana> The woman puts down the empty syringe, picks up a camera and snaps a pic.
<adriana>-"Here, look at the difference!"</adriana>
<img src="Images\Events\random events\i11.jpeg">
<b>-"O-oh wow!"</b>
<adriana>-"They're a bit swollen right now, but it'll go away in an hour or so."</adriana>
<b>-"Thank you so much! They look incredible!"</b>
<adriana>-"No problem! If you require anymore services, please let me know!"</adriana>
<b>-"I will!"</b> You and the woman walk back to the desk near the entrance.
<<set $femininity to $femininity +1>>
<pink>Femininity +1!</pink>
<<set $feminization to $feminization +2>>
<emily>Feminization +2!</emily>
<green>Money -400!</green>
[[Decide if you want to get anything else done->PlasticSurgery]]
<</pageReplace>><<set $fakenose to true>>\
<<money -700 "Got a nose job!">>\
<adriana>-"Hmm? Picked out something you want?"</adriana> The clerk looks up at you.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\i1.jfif">
<b>-"I see you do nose jobs... Do you have to go under to get one?"</b> You've always been insecure about your masculine nose.
<adriana>-"No! We offer non-surgical rhinoplasties!"</adriana>
<b>-"Non-surgical, how does that work?"</b>
<adriana>-"Gimme just a sec!"</adriana> She bends over under the table and grabs a pamphlet.
<adriana>-"Here! You can read more about them here!"</adriana> She puts it on the table.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\i2.jpg">
<b>-"Hmmmm... Let's see."</b>
<<pageReplace"Read the whole thing.">>
<adriana>-"So, what do you think?"</adriana> The clerk asks as you finish reading.
<b>-"Sounds good! I don't like going under the knife, so an injection sounds a lot better!"</b>
<adriana>-"Cool! Then let's head to our surgeon. If he approves, you can get it today."</adriana> She begins walking.
<b>-"S-sure, how much will it be though?"</b>
<adriana>-"700 dollars! You can pay after though!"</adriana> You nod and follow her.
<adriana>-"Hey Josh! Client right here wants to get a nose injection. You're free, right?"</adriana> She says as you both enter one of the operation rooms.
<blue>-"Oh... Yeah! I was just disinfecting my tools, perfect timing!"</blue> Your surgeon appears to be an old, friendly looking man.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\i3.jpg">
<adriana>-"See ya at the desk!"</adriana> The clerk smiles at you and leaves.
<blue>-"Please take a seat."</blue> You nod and sit down.
<b>-"Weird that a surgeon has to make an injection..."</b> They usually work on more serious operations.
<blue>-"Ha! It might sound easy, but only a skilled hand can inject the right amount of fluid into just the right spot for your nose to look great!"</blue> He walks over to you..
<blue>-"Talking about noses, give me a look."</blue> You close your eyes as he inspects your beak.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\i4.jpg">
<blue>-"Ah yes, you do have a slightly curved bridge... A pretty masculine feature. You want that removed, right?"</blue>
<b>-"Mhm... If possible. I want a cute, tiny nose!"</b>
<blue>-"Ghahaha, I'll do my best!"</blue> He walks over to his desk and picks up a syringe with a needle at the end.
<<pageReplace"Wait for him to fill his syringe.">>
<b>-"What's that liquid?"</b> Your curiosity gets the better of you.
<blue>-"Aren't you a curious one? Hyaluronic acid! It'll disolve after around 9 months!"</blue>
<blue>-"Perfect if you ask me... If you end up liking it, you'll be more open to the idea of an actual operation."</blue> He walks over to you with the needle.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\i5.jpeg">
<blue>-"So, ready?"</blue>
<b>-"I think so... Y-yeah..."</b> You close your eyes as the surgeon walks closer.
<blue>-"You might feel a light tingle as I inject the material... Please do not worry, it's completely normal!"</blue>
<b>-"Y-youch!"</b> The pain is a little worse than you expected, but it goes away just as fast as it came.
<blue>-"We're done!"</blue>
<b>-"W-what?! Already?"</b>
<blue>-"Mhm! It's just one single injection at the top of your nose! Now let me take a look..."</blue> As you open your eyes, you see him bent over, looking at your nose.
<blue>-"Your curved bridge is gone! Here, take a look."</blue> He hands you a hand mirror.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\i6.jpg">
<b>-"Let's see..."</b>
<<pageReplace"Take a look at yourself.">>
<blue>-"Well, what do you think young lady?"</blue> He asks as you put up the mirror up to your face.
<b>-"WOW! It looks so much better!"</b>
<img src="Images\Events\random events\i7.jpg">
<blue>-"Ha! Glad you liked it!"</blue> You put the mirror down and touch your nose.
<b>-"Hah, I don't feel any pain either... Anything I should know before I go?"</b>
<blue>-"Not really, the operation is non invasive, so you don't have to worry about anything!"</blue> He throws away the syringe as you stand up.
<b>-"Well thank you then!"</b>
<blue>-"No problem! Please come again!"</blue> You nod and walk out of the operation room.
<b>-"Right... Time to pay."</b>
<<set $femininity to $femininity +1>>
<pink>Femininity +1!</pink>
<<set $feminization to $feminization +1>>
<emily>Feminization +1!</emily>
<green>Money -700!</green>
[[Decide if you want to get anything else done->PlasticSurgery]]
<</pageReplace>><b>-"Body contouring and feminization... Jenna told me to get that one."</b> You mumble as you look at the available operations.
<adriana>-"What was that?"</adriana> The cashier asks.
<b>-"Uhmmm, what can you tell me about Body contouring and feminization? How invasive is it and do you recommend it?"</b>
<adriana>-"For a case like yours, I definitely recommend it! You look great, but with the operation, you would look incredible!"</adriana> She bends over behind a counter and gets something.
<adriana>-"It's definitely an invasive procedure, the surgeons basically take fat away from your belly and redistribute it to your hips and butt."</adriana> She places some pictures on the table.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\femop_1.jpg">
<b>-"O-oh wow... That looks incredible."</b>
<b>-"How long would the recovery take?"</b>
<adriana>-"Around a week. You would stay in the clinic the whole time though. We'll give you a room, provide food, everything."</adriana> You begin to think...
<b>-"Hmmmm..."</b> If you don't show up for a whole week, you doubt that Mia will charge your rent.
<adriana>-"Well, what do you think?"</adriana>
<<pageReplace"Let me think about it more.">>
<b>-"I-it's a big decision, let me think about it more..."</b> The woman nods.
<adriana>-"Sure thing, take your time!"</adriana>
<b>-"Hmmmmm..."</b> You begin to browse the catalog of available operations again.
[[Try to find something you like->PlasticSurgery]]
<<pageReplace"Let's go for it!">>
<<set $femoperation to true>>\
<<money -2500 "Got a feminization operation done!">>\
<b>-"Fuck it, let's go for it!"</b> You smile and pull out your wallet.
<adriana>-"Alright! First, we have to confirm the payment, then our surgeons will get to work!"</adriana> The credit card terminal beeps. You look at the screen - it's requesting 2500$.
<b>-"Fuck me that's a lot of money..."</b> You mumble under your breath as you press your card up against it.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\femop_2.jpg">
<grey>-"Beep!"</grey> The machine makes a sound as it accepts your payment.
<adriana>-"It went through! Perfect! Follow me please!"</adriana> You nod and you both begin to walk deeper into the clinic.
<adriana>-"Susan, you guys ready for another client?"</adriana> She asks as you both stroll into the operation room.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\femop_3.webp">
<pink>-"Huh? Oh yeah, I just finished sterilizing everything, we're ready."</pink>
<adriana>-"Then I leave you with them, $name."</adriana> She knows your name...
<<pageReplace"Thank her.">>
<b>-"T-thank you..."</b> The woman begins to walk away.
<adriana>-"No, thank you for choosing us as you clinic!"</adriana> As she disappears, you turn back towards the surgeons.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\femop_4.jpg">
<pink>-"Your name is $name, right?"</pink>
<b>-"M-mhm..."</b> You say in a nervous tone.
<pink>-"Don't be scared $name, just undress and hop on the table for me."</pink> You nod and do as you're told.
<pink>-"You haven't eaten anything today, right?"</pink>
<b>-"N-no... Just drank water."</b>
<pink>-"Perfect. Then wait til this mask is on you and count to 10."</pink> Another surgeon begins to lower a mask onto your face.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\femop_5.webp">
<b>-"10, 9, 8, 7... 6... 5... 4..."</b> Before you could finish counting, you fall asleep....
<<pageReplace"Wake up.">>
<<drunk 1>>\
<b>-"NghHhh..."</b> You slowly open your eyes to find yourself in another bed...
<b>-"Fuck... I-is it over?"</b> You mumble as you lok around, however - you're alone.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\femop_6.jpg">
<b>-"Mghhhhh..."</b> Your whole body aches like crazy... Bandages cover almost your whole body.
<b>-"..."</b> The next week in the hospital is a blur. You spent most of it alone, sleeping. Nurses came in once in a while to change your bandages and to feed you a meal.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\femop_7.png">
<pink>-"Well $name, how do you feel?"</pink>
<b>-"ArgHhhh... B-better today..."</b> You manage to answer.
<pink>-"Only a couple of days left and you'll be free to go!"</pink>
<<pageReplace"Recover for the remaining days.">>
<<set $day to $day +7>>\
<<drunk clear>>\
<b>-"Wahhh, finally!"</b> You say as one of the nurses finally take off your bandages.
<b>-"I'll be free to go after this, right?"</b>
<pink>-"Mhm! Seems like your body healed very well, you shouldn't have any complications!"</pink>
<img src="Images\Events\random events\femop_8.jpg">
<b>-"NgHhh... P-perfect, can't wait to see how I look."</b> It still quite hurts to get touched...
<pink>-"Andd we're done!"</pink>
<b>-"Awesome!"</b> You slowly roll off the bed and stand up.
<b>-"I feel... Beautiful!"</b> You say as you look down... Your hips look a lot wider!
<pink>-"Haha, glad to hear it! If you have any of the aforementioned complications, please come for a visit!"</pink> She says as you put on your clothes and begin to move towards the door.
<b>-"I will! Thank you so much!"</b> Time to head back home!
<<set $femininity to $femininity +2>>
<pink>Femininity +2!</pink>
<<set $feminization to $feminization +5>>
<emily>Feminization +5!</emily>
<green>Money -2500!</green>
[[Leave the mall->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>><<set _adrianaMessages = $day gte $day2 + 3 and [1, 2, 3 ,4].includes($adriana) ? 1 : 0 >>
<<set _emilyMessages = $emilyphone is 1 and $emilydays gt 6 or $domstatus is false and $emilybnwoevent gt 1 and $emilyphone is 1 or $emilyphone is 2 and $day gte $day3 + 5 or $domstatus is false and $emilyphone is 3 and $day gte $day3+5 ? 1 : 0>>
<div id="messages-app" class="app-view">
<ul class="messages-list">
<<set _messages = [].concat($messages)>>
<<run _messages.reverse()>>
<<for _message range _messages>>
<li @class="'message-item ' + (!_message.read ? 'unread' : 'read')" @data-target="_message.passage">
<img @src="'Images/' + window._ui.avatars[_message.author]">
<big><<= _message.author >></big>
<small><<= _message.text >></small>
<<if !$messages.length>>
<div class="app-empty">
You have not started any conversations yet.
<<messengerHeader Emily>>
<<them>>Hey babe!<</them>>
<<them>>Are you planning to get a car soon? 😥<</them>>
<<them>><<image "Emily/events/phone events/both/beem2.png">><</them>>
<<them>>I miss you...<</them>>
<div id="choices">
<<messageReplyReplace "I'm working on it!" #choices>>
<<me>>I know babe, I know.. I'm working on it! I'll get it in to time! 💪<</me>>
<<them wait>>You better! I can't wait to see you..<</them>>
<<them wait>>That little reunion we had left me aching for more...<</them>>
<<messageReply "Me too..">>
<<me>>Hehe me too... We're gonna go crazy when we meet up again...<</me>>
<<them wait>>Welllll about that.. I have some interesting ideas I want to try out..<</them>>
<<them>><<image "Emily/events/phone events/both/beem1.jpg">><</them>>
<<messageReply "Interesting ideas?">>
<<me>>Interesting ideas... What do you mean? 😰<</me>>
<<them wait>>Read a lot about ways to spice up our vanilla sex life... Be ready!<</them>>
<<them wait>>As for the details.. You'll have to wait and see 😈<</them>>
<<messageReply "Scary..">>
<<me>>You're scaring me.. 😨<</me>>
<<them wait>>You better be scared.. 😈<</them>>
<<them wait>>Anywayssss!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Change of topic, want to see what I found while clearing out my gallery??<</them>>
<<messageReply "Show me!">>
<<me>>What is it? :)<</me>>
<<them wait>>A pic of us before you left for Norway!<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Emily/events/phone events/both/beem3.png">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Gosh do you remember? I was alllll over you that night.. Couldn't believe you were actually leaving!<</them>>
<<messageReply "I remember it..">>
<<me>>I remember it as if it was yesterday baby!<</me>>
<<me>>Sometimes I regret going there tbh, missed out on so many memories..<</me>>
<<them wait>>Heyyy don't be like that! Now that you're here, we're going to make plenty of them!<</them>>
<<messageReply "I love you!">>
<<me>>I love you babe! 🥰<</me>>
<<them wait>>I love you tooo!!<</them>>
<div id="choices1">
<<messageReplyReplace "Save the image of you laying together." #choices1>>
<<set $messagebeforecartemp to true>>
<<addToGallery "Emily/events/phone events/both/beem3.png" "Emily">>
<<messageReplyReplace "Don't" #choices1>>
<<set $messagebeforecartemp to true>>
<<messageReplyReplace "Why can't I take the bus again?" #choices>>
<<me>>Remind me again babe, why can't I just take the bus to your place?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Did you get hit in the head on the flight back? How are you forgetting these things 🤣<</them>>
<<them wait>>We talked about it last time you were here! The buses don't go anywhere near my place..<</them>>
<<messageReply "I could take an uber.">>
<<me>>Okay... I could take an uber though?<</me>>
<<them wait>>I mean sureeeee, that's what I do when I want to go out, but it's so expensive!<</them>>
<<them wait>>It's about time we got an upgrade, don't you think? We'll be able to go on trips as well!<</them>>
<<them>><<image "Emily/events/phone events/both/beem1.jpg">><</them>>
<<them wait>>This pretty face needs her boyfriend to drive her around like a princess... 😌<</them>>
<<messageReply "I guess you're right..">>
<<me>>I guess you're right honey..I am dating a princess after all..<</me>>
<<me>>I'll get some cash and buy a car ASAP 😊<</me>>
<<them wait>>Yayyyy! Can't wait!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Anywayssss..<</them>>
<<them wait>>Change of topic, want to see what I found while clearing out my gallery..? 🤗<</them>>
<<messageReply "Show me!">>
<<me>>What is it? :)<</me>>
<<them wait>>A pic of us before you left for Norway!<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Emily/events/phone events/both/beem3.png">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Gosh do you remember? I was alllll over you that night.. Couldn't believe you were actually leaving!<</them>>
<<messageReply "I remember it..">>
<<me>>I remember it as if it was yesterday baby!<</me>>
<<me>>Sometimes I regret going there tbh, missed out on so many memories..<</me>>
<<them wait>>Heyyy don't be like that! Now that you're here, we're going to make plenty of them!<</them>>
<<messageReply "I love you!">>
<<me>>I love you babe! 🥰<</me>>
<<them wait>>I love you tooo!!<</them>>
<div id="choices1">
<<messageReplyReplace "Save the image of you laying together." #choices1>>
<<set $messagebeforecartemp to true>>
<<addToGallery "Emily/events/phone events/both/beem3.png" "Emily">>
<<messageReplyReplace "Don't" #choices1>>
<<set $messagebeforecartemp to true>>
<<messengerHeader Emily>>
<<them>>I misssss uuuuuu<</them>>
<<them>>It's been like three weeks where are you! 🤬<</them>>
<<them>><<image "Emily/events/phone events/both/boom1.jpg" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<them>>I'm about to take a bath... you could take it with me if you were here...<</them>>
<div id="choices">
<<messageReplyReplace "You sound desperate..." #choices>>
<<me>>You sound prettyd desperate.. Is someone horny...?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Hmph.. You wish..<</them>>
<<them wait>>I'm just excited to play with you when you get here!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Play with me...?">>
<<me>>Play with me?? That sounds weirdly terrifying 😨<</me>>
<<them wait>>Good!<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Emily/events/phone events/both/boom3.jpg" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Can't wait to see you squirming around, begging for me to make you cum!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Revenge?">>
<<me>>Will that be revenge for me taking too long to visit you? 🤣<</me>>
<<them wait>>You're god damn right 😎<</them>>
<<them wait>>ALSO! You didn't even compliment me?? I basically sent you nudes!<</them>>
<div id="choices1">
<<messageReplyReplace "Compliment her" #choices1>>
<<me>>My bad honey.. You look amazing! 😍<</me>>
<<me>>Can't wait to get a taste...<</me>>
<<them wait>>Well hurry up! Or else I might give someone else a taste! 🙄<</them>>
<<messageReply "Woah woah!">>
<<me>>Woah woah! No need for threats babe! I'll get a car and visit you ASAP!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Good 😌<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Emily/events/phone events/both/boom2.jpg" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Here's a pic to keep you busy.. Don't jack off too much!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Thanks babe!">>
<<me>>Thanks babe.. Can't wait to see you!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Same..❤️<</them>>
<<set $messagebeforecartemp2 to true>>
<<messageReplyReplace "Send her something better than a compliment." #choices1>>
<<me>>I can send you something better..<</me>>
<<me>><<image "Emily/events/phone events/both/boom5.jpg">><</me>>
<<them wait>>I would have preferred the compliment...<</them>>
<<them wait>>Why is it so small XD<</them>>
<<messageReply "Emily!">>
<<me>>Emily! Come on!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Hahahaha I'm just teasing you $name!😪<</them>>
<<them wait>>But on a serious note, you better come visit me soon, or else I'll invite someone else!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Woah woah!">>
<<me>>Woah woah! No need for threats babe! I'll get a car and visit you ASAP!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Good 😌<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Emily/events/phone events/both/boom2.jpg" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Here's a pic to keep you busy.. Don't jack off too much!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Thanks babe!">>
<<me>>Thanks babe.. Can't wait to see you!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Same..❤️<</them>>
<<set $messagebeforecartemp2 to true>>
<<messageReplyReplace "Still working on it!" #choices>>
<<me>>Still working on it babe! Had to start paying rent to Mia..<</me>>
<<me>>Money is pretty tight right now, but I think I can afford to get a car pretty soon!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Good! I can't wait to play with you when you get here!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Play with me...?">>
<<me>>Play with me?? That sounds weirdly terrifying 😨<</me>>
<<them wait>>That's what I was going for!<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Emily/events/phone events/both/boom3.jpg" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Can't wait to see you squirming around, begging for me to make you cum!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Revenge?">>
<<me>>Will that be revenge for me taking too long to visit you? 🤣<</me>>
<<them wait>>You're god damn right 😎<</them>>
<<them wait>>ALSO! You didn't even compliment me?? I basically sent you nudes!<</them>>
<div id="choices1">
<<messageReplyReplace "Compliment her" #choices1>>
<<me>>My bad honey.. You look amazing! 😍<</me>>
<<me>>Can't wait to get a taste...<</me>>
<<them wait>>Well hurry up! Or else I might give someone else a taste! 🙄<</them>>
<<messageReply "Woah woah!">>
<<me>>Woah woah! No need for threats babe! I'll get a car and visit you ASAP!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Good 😌<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Emily/events/phone events/both/boom2.jpg" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Here's a pic to keep you busy.. Don't jack off too much!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Thanks babe!">>
<<me>>Thanks babe.. Can't wait to see you!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Same..❤️<</them>>
<<set $messagebeforecartemp2 to true>>
<<messageReplyReplace "Send her something better than a compliment." #choices1>>
<<me>>I can send you something better..<</me>>
<<me>><<image "Emily/events/phone events/both/boom5.jpg">><</me>>
<<them wait>>I would have preferred the compliment...<</them>>
<<them wait>>Why is it so small XD<</them>>
<<messageReply "Emily!">>
<<me>>Emily! Come on!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Hahahaha I'm just teasing you $name!😪<</them>>
<<them wait>>But on a serious note, you better come visit me soon, or else I'll invite someone else!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Woah woah!">>
<<me>>Woah woah! No need for threats babe! I'll get a car and visit you ASAP!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Good 😌<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Emily/events/phone events/both/boom2.jpg" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Here's a pic to keep you busy.. Don't jack off too much!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Thanks babe!">>
<<me>>Thanks babe.. Can't wait to see you!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Same..❤️<</them>>
<<set $messagebeforecartemp2 to true>>
<<messengerHeader Emily>>
<<them>>I misssss uuuuuu<</them>>
<<them>>It's been like three weeks where are you! 🤬<</them>>
<<them>><<image "Emily/events/phone events/both/boom1.jpg" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<them>>I'm about to take a bath... you could take it with me if you were here...<</them>>
<div id="choices">
<<messageReplyReplace "You sound desperate..." #choices>>
<<me>>You sound prettyd desperate.. Is someone horny...?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Hmph.. Maybe...<</them>>
<<them wait>>I'm gonna milk your dry when you get here 😈<</them>>
<<messageReply "Milk me?">>
<<me>>Milk me?? That sounds weirdly terrifying 😨<</me>>
<<them wait>>That's what I was going for!<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Emily/events/phone events/both/boom3.jpg" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Can't wait to see you squirming around, exploding everywhere!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Don't threaten me with a good time!">>
<<me>>Don't threaten me with a good time! 🤣<</me>>
<<them wait>>🙄<</them>>
<<them wait>>ALSO! You didn't even compliment me?? I basically sent you nudes!<</them>>
<div id="choices1">
<<messageReplyReplace "Compliment her" #choices1>>
<<me>>My bad honey.. You look amazing! 😍<</me>>
<<me>>Can't wait to get a taste...<</me>>
<<them wait>>Well hurry up! Or else I might give someone else a taste! 🙄<</them>>
<<messageReply "Stop lying.">>
<<me>>Hah, stop lying, I know you wouldn't dare!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Hmph...<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Emily/events/phone events/both/boom2.jpg" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Maybe you're right.. 🙄<</them>>
<<messageReply "Have a nice bath!">>
<<me>>Have a nice bath honey, see you soon!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Thank you.. Hurry up though! ❤️<</them>>
<<set $messagebeforecartemp2 to true>>
<<messageReplyReplace "Send her something better than a compliment." #choices1>>
<<me>>I can send you something better..<</me>>
<<me>><<image "Emily/events/phone events/both/boom4.jpg">><</me>>
<<them wait>>Shitttt... Don't tease me like that.. Now I need to see the thing uncovered..<</them>>
<<messageReply "Not happening..">>
<<me>>Not happening.. That would be too boring.. Need to tease you a bit 😋<</me>>
<<them wait>>Ugh.. I hate you😪<</them>>
<<them wait>>But on a serious note, you better come visit me soon, or else I'll invite someone else!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Stop lying.">>
<<me>>Hah, stop lying, I know you wouldn't dare!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Hmph...<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Emily/events/phone events/both/boom2.jpg" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Maybe you're right.. 🙄<</them>>
<<messageReply "Have a nice bath!">>
<<me>>Have a nice bath honey, see you soon!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Thank you.. Hurry up though! ❤️<</them>>
<<set $messagebeforecartemp2 to true>>
<<messageReplyReplace "Still working on it!" #choices>>
<<me>>Still working on it babe! Had to start paying rent to Mia..<</me>>
<<me>>Money is pretty tight right now, but I think I can afford to get a car pretty soon!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Good... I'm gonna milk your dry when you get here 😈<</them>>
<<messageReply "Milk me?">>
<<me>>Milk me?? That sounds weirdly terrifying 😨<</me>>
<<them wait>>That's what I was going for!<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Emily/events/phone events/both/boom3.jpg" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Can't wait to see you squirming around, exploding everywhere!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Don't threaten me with a good time!">>
<<me>>Don't threaten me with a good time! 🤣<</me>>
<<them wait>>🙄<</them>>
<<them wait>>ALSO! You didn't even compliment me?? I basically sent you nudes!<</them>>
<div id="choices1">
<<messageReplyReplace "Compliment her" #choices1>>
<<me>>My bad honey.. You look amazing! 😍<</me>>
<<me>>Can't wait to get a taste...<</me>>
<<them wait>>Well hurry up! Or else I might give someone else a taste! 🙄<</them>>
<<messageReply "Stop lying.">>
<<me>>Hah, stop lying, I know you wouldn't dare!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Hmph...<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Emily/events/phone events/both/boom2.jpg" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Maybe you're right.. 🙄<</them>>
<<messageReply "Have a nice bath!">>
<<me>>Have a nice bath honey, see you soon!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Thank you.. Hurry up though! ❤️<</them>>
<<set $messagebeforecartemp2 to true>>
<<messageReplyReplace "Send her something better than a compliment." #choices1>>
<<me>>I can send you something better..<</me>>
<<me>><<image "Emily/events/phone events/both/boom4.jpg">><</me>>
<<them wait>>Shitttt... Don't tease me like that.. Now I need to see the thing uncovered..<</them>>
<<messageReply "Not happening..">>
<<me>>Not happening.. That would be too boring.. Need to tease you a bit 😋<</me>>
<<them wait>>Ugh.. I hate you😪<</them>>
<<them wait>>But on a serious note, you better come visit me soon, or else I'll invite someone else!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Stop lying.">>
<<me>>Hah, stop lying, I know you wouldn't dare!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Hmph...<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Emily/events/phone events/both/boom2.jpg" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Maybe you're right.. 🙄<</them>>
<<messageReply "Have a nice bath!">>
<<me>>Have a nice bath honey, see you soon!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Thank you.. Hurry up though! ❤️<</them>>
<<set $messagebeforecartemp2 to true>>
<<messengerHeader Emily>>
<<them>>Hey baby..<</them>>
<<messageReply "Hey princess.">>
<<me>>Heyy princess, how have you been?<</me>>
<<them>>Hehe.. I've been gooooodd...<</them>>
<<them>>I just got out of the shower...<</them>>
<div id="choices">
<<messageReplyReplace "Mmm.. Show me..." #choices>>
<<me>>Mmmm.. send me a pic.<</me>>
<<them>><<image "Emily/events/phone events/dom/EiYXTopXsAEjs8C.webp" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<them>>Thinking about you...<</them>>
<<messageReply "Send me more...">>
<<me>>Send me more baby, I'm getting hard..<</me>>
<<them>><<image "Emily/events/phone events/dom/Screenshot_1.webp" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<them>>S-send me a dick pic... I'm getting horny too..<</them>>
<div id="choices1">
<<messageReplyReplace "Send her a dick pic." #choices1>>
<<me>><<image "Emily/events/phone events/dom/boy-with-a-thick-hairy-dick.webp">><</me>>
<<them>>T-tjams... do vig<</them>>
<<messageReply "What?">>
<<me>>What? What are you saying?<</me>>
<<messageReply "Emily?">>
<<me>>Emily.. Hello?<</me>>
<<them>>I-I'm sorry.. I couldn't stop myself...<</them>>
<<them>>Sending video...<</them>>
<<them>><<image "Emily/events/phone events/dom/25754171.webp" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<them>>I need to go.. C-clean up..<</them>>
<<messageRead "emilyphonedom1">>
<<set $day3 to $day>>
<<set $emilyphone to $emilyphone +1>>
<<set $dominant to $dominant +2>>
<blue>Dominant +2!</blue>
<<messageReplyReplace "Don't." #choices1>>
<<me>>No baby, I don't want to right now.. It's not a good time.. Don't take it personally!<</me>>
<<them>>I-It's fine.. I need to go anyways.. bye<</them>>
<<messageRead "emilyphonedom1">>
<<set $day3 to $day>>
<<set $emilyphone to $emilyphone +1>>
<<set $dominant to $dominant +2>>
<blue>Dominant +2!</blue>
<<messageReplyReplace "Haha good for you.." #choices>>
<<me>>Haha good for you!<</me>>
<<them>>Do you not want to see???<</them>>
<<messageReply "I do...">>
<<them>><<image "Emily/events/phone events/dom/EiYXTopXsAEjs8C.webp" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<them>>Thinking about you...<</them>>
<<messageReply "Send me more...">>
<<me>>Send me more baby, I'm getting hard..<</me>>
<<them>><<image "Emily/events/phone events/dom/Screenshot_1.webp" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<them>>S-send me a dick pic... I'm getting horny too..<</them>>
<div id="choices1">
<<messageReplyReplace "Send her a dick pic." #choices1>>
<<me>><<image "Emily/events/phone events/dom/boy-with-a-thick-hairy-dick.webp">><</me>>
<<them>>T-tjams... do vig<</them>>
<<messageReply "What?">>
<<me>>What? What are you saying?<</me>>
<<messageReply "Emily?">>
<<me>>Emily.. Hello?<</me>>
<<them>>I-I'm sorry.. I couldn't stop myself...<</them>>
<<them>>Sending video...<</them>>
<<them>><<image "Emily/events/phone events/dom/25754171.webp" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<them>>I need to go.. C-clean up..<</them>>
<<messageRead "emilyphonedom1">>
<<set $day3 to $day>>
<<set $emilyphone to $emilyphone +1>>
<<set $dominant to $dominant +2>>
<blue>Dominant +2!</blue>
<<messageReplyReplace "Don't." #choices1>>
<<me>>No baby, I don't want to right now.. It's not a good time.. Don't take it personally!<</me>>
<<them>>I-It's fine.. I need to go anyways.. bye<</them>>
<<messageRead "emilyphonedom1">>
<<set $day3 to $day>>
<<set $emilyphone to $emilyphone +1>>
<<dominant 2>>
<<messengerHeader Emily>>
<<messageReply "Hey baby!">>
<<me>>Heyy baby!<</me>>
<<me>>How are you?<</me>>
<<them>>I'm gooood, guess where I am!<</them>>
<div id="choices">
<<messageReplyReplace "The mall?" #choices>>
<<me>>Hmmm..the mall maybe?<</me>>
<<them>><<image "Emily/events/phone events/dom/Fj3faiJXoAEuLja.webp" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<them>>I want to buy some new lingerie ;)<</them>>
<<messageReply "Oh really...?">>
<<me>>Oh really... Show me..<</me>>
<<them>>I still haven't picked anything..<</them>>
<<messageReply "Are you in public?">>
<<me>>Are you in public right now?<</me>>
<<them>>Y-yeah.. I'm in the store.. why?<</them>>
<div id="choices1">
<<messageReplyReplace "Send her a sudden dick pic" #choices1>>
<<me>><<image "Emily/events/phone events/dom/beautiful-dick-selfie-3.webp">><</me>>
<<me>>Thinking about you in that lingerie <3<</me>>
<<them>>Omg.. stop.. don't make me horny in the store lol..<</them>>
<<messageReply "Go into the changing room...">>
<<me>>Go into the changing room. You know what to do..<</me>>
<<them>>Y-yes... $name<</them>>
<<them>><<image "Emily/events/phone events/dom/29540339.webp" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<them>>I hate you.. you made me wet at the mall..<</them>>
<<them>>What... what do I do now?<</them>>
<div id="choices2">
<<messageReplyReplace "Send a video of you masturbating.." #choices2>>
<<me>>Send me a vid of you masturbating. Now.<</me>>
<<them>>Okay.. let me set up the camera...<</them>>
<<them>><<image "Emily/events/phone events/dom/28641602.webp" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<them>>Fuck... can you come over?<</them>>
<<messageReply "I'll think about it">>
<<me>>I'll think about it. Don't cum, keep that cunt desperate for more.<</me>>
<<them>>N-noo.... I was so close..<</them>>
<<messageReply "Do as I say">>
<<me>>Do as I say..<</me>>
<<them>>If you wish.. $name..<</them>>
<<messageRead "emilyphonedom2">>
<<set $day3 to $day>>
<<set $emilyphone to $emilyphone +1>>
<<dominant 3>>
<<messageReplyReplace "Nothing.. Stay horny" #choices2>>
<<me>>Nothing, stay horny until I come over and fuck your brains out.<</me>>
<<them>>No baby... please.. look..<</them>>
<<them>><<image "Emily/events/phone events/dom/29047352.webp" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<them>>Please let me maturbate.. I'm so horny...<</them>>
<<messageReply "No">>
<<me>>No, buy the lingerie and get back home, DO NOT touch yourself.<</me>>
<<them>>Y-yes $name..<</them>>
<<messageRead "emilyphonedom2">>
<<set $day3 to $day>>
<<set $emilyphone to $emilyphone +1>>
<<dominant 3>>
<<messageReplyReplace "Don't, just ask her about her day." #choices1>>
<<me>>No.. nothing. How's your day baby?<</me>>
<<them>>It's been going great. It would be a whole lot better if you were here though ;)<</them>>
<<them>>How's your day going?<</them>>
<<messageReply "It's okay">>
<<me>>It's been going pretty well so far, I'm planning to visit you soon ;)<</me>>
<<them>>I will be waiting <3<</them>>
<<messageRead "emilyphonedom2">>
<<set $day3 to $day>>
<<set $emilyphone to $emilyphone +1>>
<<dominant 1>>
<<messageReplyReplace "University?" #choices>>
<<me>>Hmmm, at your lectures maybe?<</me>>
<<them>><<image "Emily/events/phone events/dom/Fj3faiJXoAEuLja.webp" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<them>>I'm at the mall!<</them>>
<<them>>Buying some new lingerie ;)<</them>>
<<messageReply "Oh really...?">>
<<me>>Oh really... Show me..<</me>>
<<them>>I still haven't picked anything..<</them>>
<<messageReply "Are you in public?">>
<<me>>Are you in public right now?<</me>>
<<them>>Y-yeah.. I'm in the store.. why?<</them>>
<div id="choices1">
<<messageReplyReplace "Send her a sudden dick pic" #choices1>>
<<me>><<image "Emily/events/phone events/dom/beautiful-dick-selfie-3.webp">><</me>>
<<me>>Thinking about you in that lingerie <3<</me>>
<<them>>Omg.. stop.. don't make me horny in the store lol..<</them>>
<<messageReply "Go into the changing room...">>
<<me>>Go into the changing room. You know what to do..<</me>>
<<them>>Y-yes... $name<</them>>
<<them>><<image "Emily/events/phone events/dom/29540339.webp" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<them>>I hate you.. you made me wet at the mall..<</them>>
<<them>>What... what do I do now?<</them>>
<div id="choices2">
<<messageReplyReplace "Send a video of you masturbating.." #choices2>>
<<me>>Send me a vid of you masturbating. Now.<</me>>
<<them>>Okay.. let me set up the camera...<</them>>
<<them>><<image "Emily/events/phone events/dom/28641602.webp" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<them>>Fuck... can you come over?<</them>>
<<messageReply "I'll think about it">>
<<me>>I'll think about it. Don't cum, keep that cunt desperate for more.<</me>>
<<them>>N-noo.... I was so close..<</them>>
<<messageReply "Do as I say">>
<<me>>Do as I say..<</me>>
<<them>>If you wish.. $name..<</them>>
<<messageRead "emilyphonedom2">>
<<set $day3 to $day>>
<<set $emilyphone to $emilyphone +1>>
<<dominant 3>>
<<messageReplyReplace "Nothing.. Stay horny" #choices2>>
<<me>>Nothing, stay horny until I come over and fuck your brains out.<</me>>
<<them>>No baby... please.. look..<</them>>
<<them>><<image "Emily/events/phone events/dom/29047352.webp" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<them>>Please let me maturbate.. I'm so horny...<</them>>
<<messageReply "No">>
<<me>>No, buy the lingerie and get back home, DO NOT touch yourself.<</me>>
<<them>>Y-yes $name..<</them>>
<<messageRead "emilyphonedom2">>
<<set $day3 to $day>>
<<set $emilyphone to $emilyphone +1>>
<<dominant 3>>
<<messageReplyReplace "Don't, just ask her about her day." #choices1>>
<<me>>No.. nothing. How's your day baby?<</me>>
<<them>>It's been going great. It would be a whole lot better if you were here though ;)<</them>>
<<them>>How's your day going?<</them>>
<<messageReply "It's okay">>
<<me>>It's been going pretty well so far, I'm planning to visit you soon ;)<</me>>
<<them>>I will be waiting <3<</them>>
<<messageRead "emilyphonedom2">>
<<set $day3 to $day>>
<<set $emilyphone to $emilyphone +1>>
<<dominant 1>>
<<messengerHeader Emily>>
<<them>>Could you do me a favor? It's really random..<</them>>
<<them wait>>Pretty please 🥰<</them>>
<<messageReply "What is it?">>
<<me>>Well it depends. What is it?<</me>>
<<them wait>>I'm having lunch with a friend of mine.<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Emily/events/phone events/both/mn1.jpg">><</them>>
<<them>>Andddd she doesn't believe how big you are 😋<</them>>
<<messageReply "How big I am?">>
<<me>>How big I am? What do you mean? 😁<</me>>
<<them wait>>You knowwww what I mean babyyyy<</them>>
<<them wait>>Send us a dick pic, I want to brag a little 😆<</them>>
<<messageReply "A dick pic??">>
<<me>>A dick pic?! Haha what??<</me>>
<<them wait>>Come onnnn stop being a pussy catttt<</them>>
<<them wait>>I'll just let her take a peak, that's all!<</them>>
<div id="choices">
<<messageReplyReplace "Fineeee..." #choices>>
<<me>>Fineeee, I need a pic to get hard to though...<</me>>
<<them wait>>Of course you do 🙄<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Emily/events/phone events/both/mn6.jpg" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<them>>We are waiting!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Enjoy..">>
<<me>>Enjoy 😏<</me>>
<<me>><<image "Emily/events/phone events/both/mn2.jpg">><</me>>
<<them wait>>Thank youuu, she's gonna be shocked xD<</them>>
<b>2 minutes later</b>
<<messageReply "Honey?">>
<<them wait>><<image "Emily/events/phone events/both/mn5.webp">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Sorry $name, I just kept staring at it lmaooooo...<</them>>
<<them wait>>Emily is a lucky woman..<</them>>
<<messageReply "She sure is.">>
<<me>>She sure is 😌<</me>>
<<them wait>>HAHAHA WHEN I TELL YOU SHE WAS SHOCKED!!!!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Thanks again baby, she'll finally stop nagging me about it 🙄<</them>>
<<messageReply "My pleasure.">>
<<me>>My pleasure, enjoy your food ❤️<</me>>
<<them wait>>Can't wait for our next date ❤️<</them>>
<<set $day3 to $day>>
<<set $emilyphone to $emilyphone +1>>
<<set $emilyrelationship to $emilyrelationship +1>>
<<messageReplyReplace "Hell no.." #choices>>
<<me>>Hell no.. I'm not about to send a dick pic so you could show it off to your friend..<</me>>
<<them wait>>Huh?? Why not??<</them>>
<<messageReply "It's weird.">>
<<me>>I don't know.. It's weird... I only want to show it off to you!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Ugh fineeeee, I guess I understand<</them>>
<<them wait>>She won't stop nagging me about it though 🙄<</them>>
<<messageReply "You should get better friends.">>
<<me>>You should get better friends baby 😆<</me>>
<<them wait>>Maybe you're right 🤣<</them>>
<<set $day3 to $day>>
<<set $emilyphone to $emilyphone +1>>
<<messengerHeader Emily>>
<<them>>How are you doing..? :)<</them>>
<<messageReply "Hey!">>
<<me>>Hey baby :) I'm doing good, how about you?<</me>>
<<them>>Hehe same.. I'm really horny tho ;P<</them>>
<div id="choices">
<<messageReplyReplace "Want me to come over?" #choices>>
<<me>>You want some help with that? I can come over ;)<</me>>
<<them>>Heh no thanks, porn has got me covered <333<</them>>
<<them>><i>Sending video...</i><</them>>
<<them>><<image "Emily/events/phone events/sub/ezgif-1-1048342a28.webp">><</them>>
<<messageReply "Wtf..">>
<<me>>Wtf... why are you sending me these..<</me>>
<<them>>Just wanted to show you how i'm spending my day :P<</them>>
<<them>>This one is my favorite... Imagine if it was me filming you a video...<</them>>
<<them>><i>Sending video...</i><</them>>
<<them>><<image "Emily/events/phone events/sub/21319308.webp">><</them>>
<<messageReply "Stop...">>
<<me>>Babe.. stop sending me porn this is weird...<</me>>
<<them>>Hehehe are you jealous.. wanna see how horny it made me? ;)<</them>>
<div id="choices1">
<<messageReplyReplace "Kinda.." #choices1>>
<<me>>I don't know.. maybe..<</me>>
<<them>>Knew it.. :p<</them>>
<<them>><<image "Emily/events/phone events/sub/29047352.webp" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<messageReply "Jeez..">>
<<them>>You never made me this horny you know...<</them>>
<<them>>Anyways I need to go.. finish what i started... ;)<</them>>
<<set $day3 to $day>>
<<set $emilyphone to $emilyphone +1>>
<<messageReplyReplace "No! This is weird!" #choices1>>
<<me>>No! What the fuck.. this is weird!!!<</me>>
<<them>>Ugh whatever, you never made me this horny anyways...<</them>>
<<them>>I'm going to finish what I started, bye.<</them>>
<<set $day3 to $day>>
<<set $emilyphone to $emilyphone +1>>
<<messageReplyReplace "N-nice.." #choices>>
<<me>>Nice... i guess..<</me>>
<<them>>Of course you don't care.. you never do. That's why porn is my only solution..<</them>>
<<them>><i>Sending video...</i><</them>>
<<them>><<image "Emily/events/phone events/sub/ezgif-1-1048342a28.webp">><</them>>
<<messageReply "Wtf..">>
<<me>>Wtf... why are you sending me these..<</me>>
<<them>>Just wanted to show you how i'm spending my day :P<</them>>
<<them>>This one is my favorite... Imagine if it was me filming you a video...<</them>>
<<them>><i>Sending video...</i><</them>>
<<them>><<image "Emily/events/phone events/sub/21319308.webp">><</them>>
<<messageReply "Stop...">>
<<me>>Babe.. stop sending me porn this is weird...<</me>>
<<them>>Hehehe are you jealous.. wanna see how horny it made me? ;)<</them>>
<div id="choices1">
<<messageReplyReplace "Kinda.." #choices1>>
<<me>>I don't know.. maybe..<</me>>
<<them>>Knew it.. :p<</them>>
<<them>><<image "Emily/events/phone events/sub/29047352.webp" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<messageReply "Jeez..">>\
<<them>>You never made me this horny you know...<</them>>
<<them>>Anyways I need to go.. finish what i started... ;)<</them>>
<<set $day3 to $day>>
<<set $emilyphone to $emilyphone +1>>
<<messageReplyReplace "No! This is weird!" #choices1>>
<<me>>No! What the fuck.. this is weird!!!<</me>>
<<them>>Ugh whatever, you never made me this horny anyways...<</them>>
<<them>>I'm going to finish what I started, bye.<</them>>
<<set $day3 to $day>>
<<set $emilyphone to $emilyphone +1>>
<<messengerHeader Emily>>
<<them>><<image "Emily/events/phone events/sub/Fj3faiJXoAEuLja.webp" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<them>>Hey $name! Guess where I'm going..?! :p<</them>>
<<messageReply "The mall?">>
<<me>>Hmmm.. the mall? :)<</me>>
<<them>>Wrong! I'm going to the sex shop you work at x)<</them>>
<<them>>I want you to help me pick out some toys!!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Huh...?">>
<<me>>Huh?? Simply pleasure?? What do you want to buy in there...<</me>>
<<them>>Well.. I've been watching a bunch of porn lately and.. I want to try something.. big<</them>>
<<messageReply "..Big?">>
<<me>>Big..? What do you mean..<</me>>
<<them>>Big as in bigger than you $name, I'm tired of being dishonest..<</them>>
<<them>>Now will you help me pick out some dildos like a good boyfriend or not :/<</them>>
<div id="choices">
<<messageReplyReplace "Fine..." #choices>>
<<me>>Sure.. as long as it makes you happy..<</me>>
<<them>>Good boy :P<</them>>
<<them>>I'm here I'll send you some pics soon!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Okay..">>
<<them>>Found a couple that I like already :P<</them>>
<<them>><<image "Emily/events/phone events/sub/as.webp">><</them>>
<<them>>This buttplug x) It's It's not huge but... not small either..<</them>>
<<messageReply "Next...">>
<<me>>Next one please...<</me>>
<<them>>Heh, why do you sound like you are more excited than me? :P<</them>>
<<them>><<image "Emily/events/phone events/sub/92475.webp">><</them>>
<<them>>This is the second one x) Pretty bigggg.... bigger than you, that's for sure ;)<</them>>
<<them>>Just kidding.. probably :p<</them>>
<<messageReply "Very funny...">>
<<me>>Very funny... are there any more...?<</me>>
<<them>>Last one!<</them>>
<<them>><<image "Emily/events/phone events/sub/71c3qhpmz9L._AC_UL600_SR600,600_.webp">><</them>>
<<them>>This one is the biggest.. my favorite!!!! <33333<</them>>
<<messageReply "Which one are you getting...?">>
<<me>>Which one are you getting..?<</me>>
<<them>>So yeah about that... I forgot my wallet.. could you buy one of them for me.. pretty pleaseeee <3333<</them>>
<<them>>I'll even let you pick :P<</them>>
<div id="choices2">
<<messageReplyReplace "Fine.." #choices2>>
<<me>>Fine.. how much are they..<</me>>
<<them>>Hehe :p<</them>>
<<them>>20$ for the butt plug, 40$ for the vibrator and 80$ for the giant dildo ;)<</them>>
<div id="choices3">
<<if $money < 20>>
<<messageReplyReplace "I don't have enough for any of them..." #choices3>>
<<me>>They are kinda expensive.. I don't have that kind of money right now..<</me>>
<<them>>You seriously don't have 20 fucking dollars... Who am I even dating..<</them>>
<<messageReply "Emily!">>
<<me>>Emily! I'm sorry!<</me>>
<<messageRead "emilyphonesub2">>
<<set $day3 to $day>>
<<set $emilyphone to $emilyphone +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<<if $money >= 20>>
<<messageReplyReplace "Pay for the buttplug - 20$" #choices3>>
<<me>>The buttplug... I'm sending you the 20 dollars now..<</me>>
<<them>>The cheapest option, of course.. I'll send you some videos with it when I get home..<</them>>
<<messageRead "emilyphonesub2">>
<<set $day3 to $day>>
<<set $emilyphone to $emilyphone +1>>
<<money -20 "Emily wanted a buttplug...">>
<green>Money -20$</green>
<pink>Submissiveness +3!</pink>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +3>>
<mia>Open-minded +2!</mia>
<<set $openminded to $openminded +2>>
<<set $emilybuttplug to true>>\
<<if $money>=40>>
<<messageReplyReplace "Pay for the vibrator - 40$" #choices3>>
<<me>>The vibrator... I'm sending you the 40 dollars now..<</me>>
<<them>>Mmmm.. good choice :p Thank you honey, I'll send you some videos <333 <</them>>
<<messageRead "emilyphonesub2">>
<<set $day3 to $day>>
<<set $emilyphone to $emilyphone +1>>
<<money -40 "Emily wanted a vibrator...">>
<green>Money -40$</green>
<pink>Submissiveness +3!</pink>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +3>>
<mia>Open-minded +2!</mia>
<<set $openminded to $openminded +2>>
<<set $emilyvibrator to true>>\
<<if $money>=80>>
<<messageReplyReplace "Pay for the giant dildo - 80$" #choices3>>
<<me>>The giant dildo... I'm sending you the 80 dollars now..<</me>>
<<them>>UUuuhhh.. I didn't think you would pay for that one tbh <333 Thank you honey, you're the best!!! I will send you so many videos of me riding it!!!<</them>>
<<messageRead "emilyphonesub2">>
<<set $day3 to $day>>
<<set $emilyphone to $emilyphone +1>>
<<money -80 "Emily wanted a dildo...">>
<green>Money -80$</green>
<pink>Submissiveness +4!</pink>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +4>>
<mia>Open-minded +2!</mia>
<<set $openminded to $openminded +2>>
<<set $emilybigdildo to true>>\
<<messageReplyReplace "No..." #choices2>>
<<me>>No... I won't spend money on my own replacement.<</me>>
<<them>>Eh whatever, I'll find a way to get them for free then.<</them>>
<<messageReply "What??">>
<<me>>What?? what do you mean!!?<</me>>
<<messageReply "Emily!">>
<<me>>Emily! What did you mean by that??<</me>>
<<messageRead "emilyphonesub2">>
<<set $day3 to $day>>
<<set $emilyphone to $emilyphone +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<<messageReplyReplace "No..." #choices>>
<<me>>Of course not Emily, stop trying to humilliate me..<</me>>
<<them>>UGH FINE! You're really starting to piss me off!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Yeah whatever...">>
<<me>>Yeah whatever...<</me>>
<<messageRead "emilyphonesub2">>
<<set $day3 to $day>>
<<set $emilyphone to $emilyphone +1>>
<<messengerHeader Emily>>
<<if $emilybuttplug is true>>
<<them>>Hey :)<</them>>
<<messageReply "Hello!">>
<<me>>Hello baby! How are you doing? :)<</me>>
<<them>>I'm doing greatttt.. wanna see some vids of me and the buttplug? It's not that big.. I wanted something bigger..<</them>>
<<them>>But it's still fun, went to the lectures with it in.. ;)<</them>>
<div id="choices">
<<messageReplyReplace "No..." #choices>>
<<me>>Not really baby.. but I'm glad you're having fun!<</me>>
<<them>>Hehehe you're loss ;) It's still a lot bigger than you <333<</them>>
<<messageReply "Very funny..">>
<<me>>Very funny babe...<</me>>
<<them>>I'm not joking.. it can make me wet too, unlike someone else :p<</them>>
<<messageReply "Stop...">>
<<me>>Stop... this is embarrassing..<</me>>
<<them>>It should be ;)<</them>>
<<messageRead "emilyphonesub3">>
<<set $day3 to $day>>
<<set $emilyphone to $emilyphone +1>>
<<messageReplyReplace "Yes..." #choices>>
<<me>>To the lectures??? Yeah... show me..<</me>>
<<them>>I knew you would want to see..<</them>>
<<them>><i>Sending video...</i><</them>>
<<them>><<image "Emily/events/phone events/sub/22121135.webp" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<them>>As I said it's not the biggest.. but it gets the job done..<</them>>
<<them>>Haha better than you anyways, at least it doesn't cum in 10 seconds XDD<</them>>
<<messageReply "I know">>
<<me>>I-I know that I cum quickly..<</me>>
<<them>>Good boy for admitting it.. wanna see another vid?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Yesss...">>
<<me>>Yes pleaseeee....<</me>>
<<them>><i>Sending video...</i><</them>>
<<them>><<image "Emily/events/phone events/sub/21722657.webp" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<them>>Look at you being a good little cuck and begging for it haha x)<</them>>
<<them>>Imagine if it was a real cock in my ass... would you be mad...?<</them>>
<div id="choices1">
<<messageReplyReplace "Yes" #choices1>>
<<me>>That would be.. cheating Emily.. so yeah..<</me>>
<<them>>Good thing it's not then :p<</them>>
<<them>>Anyways I got to.. go somewhere... see you later xoxo<</them>>
<<messageReply "Bye bye">>
<<me>>Bye bye... don't cheat one me! Haha!<</me>>
<<them>>I definitely won't, don't worry about it :)<</them>>
<<messageRead "emilyphonesub3">>
<<set $day3 to $day>>
<<set $emilyphone to $emilyphone +1>>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
<<messageReplyReplace "I don't know..." #choices1>>
<<me>>I-I don't know..<</me>>
<<them>>You know I've read a lot about one sided polyamorous relationships.. it could benefit us both! :)<</them>>
<<messageReply "What are you saying?">>
<<me>>What are you saying Emily...<</me>>
<<them>>Nothing, nothing :) Don't worry about it love :*<</them>>
<<messageRead "emilyphonesub3">>
<<set $day3 to $day>>
<<set $emilyphone to $emilyphone +1>>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<<set $openminded to $openminded +1>>
<mia>Open-minded +1!</mia>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<<elseif $emilyvibrator is true>>
<<them>>Hey :)<</them>>
<<messageReply "Hello!">>
<<me>>Hello baby! How are you doing? :)<</me>>
<<them>>I'm doing greatttt.. wanna see some vids of me and the vibrator ;) It's pretty bigg..<</them>>
<div id="choices">
<<messageReplyReplace "No..." #choices>>
<<me>>Not really baby.. but I'm glad you're having fun!<</me>>
<<them>>Hehehe you're loss ;) It's still a lot bigger than you <333<</them>>
<<messageReply "Very funny..">>
<<me>>Very funny babe...<</me>>
<<them>>I'm not joking.. it can make me wet too, unlike someone else :p<</them>>
<<messageReply "Stop...">>
<<me>>Stop... this is embarrassing..<</me>>
<<them>>It should be ;)<</them>>
<<messageRead "emilyphonesub3">>
<<set $day3 to $day>>
<<set $emilyphone to $emilyphone +1>>
<<messageReplyReplace "Yes..." #choices>>
<<me>>To the lectures??? Yeah... show me..<</me>>
<<them>>I knew you would want to see..<</them>>
<<them>><i>Sending video...</i><</them>>
<<them>><<image "Emily/events/phone events/sub/28714246.webp" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<them>>It looks like a regular dildo but it vibrates like crazy!<</them>>
<<them>>Look at it going in and out.. barely fitting... you could never do that.. :P<</them>>
<<messageReply "I know">>
<<me>>I-I know..<</me>>
<<them>>Good boy for admitting it.. wanna see me taking it up the ass?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Yesss...">>
<<me>>Yes pleaseeee....<</me>>
<<them>><i>Sending video...</i><</them>>
<<them>><<image "Emily/events/phone events/sub/18179437.webp" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<them>>Look at you being a good little cuck and begging for it haha x)<</them>>
<<them>>Imagine if it was a real cock in my ass... would you be mad...?<</them>>
<div id="choices1">
<<messageReplyReplace "Yes" #choices1>>
<<me>>That would be.. cheating Emily.. so yeah..<</me>>
<<them>>Good thing it's not then :p<</them>>
<<them>>Anyways I got to.. go somewhere... see you later xoxo<</them>>
<<messageReply "Bye bye">>
<<me>>Bye bye... don't cheat one me! Haha!<</me>>
<<them>>I definitely won't, don't worry about it :)<</them>>
<<messageRead "emilyphonesub3">>
<<set $day3 to $day>>
<<set $emilyphone to $emilyphone +1>>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
<<messageReplyReplace "I don't know..." #choices1>>
<<me>>I-I don't know..<</me>>
<<them>>You know I've read a lot about one sided polyamorous relationships.. it could benefit us both! :)<</them>>
<<messageReply "What are you saying?">>
<<me>>What are you saying Emily...<</me>>
<<them>>Nothing, nothing :) Don't worry about it love :*<</them>>
<<messageRead "emilyphonesub3">>
<<set $day3 to $day>>
<<set $emilyphone to $emilyphone +1>>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<<set $openminded to $openminded +1>>
<mia>Open-minded +1!</mia>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<<elseif $emilybigdildo is true>>
<<them>>Hey :)<</them>>
<<messageReply "Hello!">>
<<me>>Hello baby! How are you doing? :)<</me>>
<<them>>I'm doing greatttt.. wanna see some vids of me and the dildo? ;) It's soooo bigg..<</them>>
<div id="choices">
<<messageReplyReplace "No..." #choices>>
<<me>>Not really baby.. but I'm glad you're having fun!<</me>>
<<them>>Hehehe you're loss ;) It's still a lot bigger than you <333<</them>>
<<messageReply "Very funny..">>
<<me>>Very funny babe...<</me>>
<<them>>I'm not joking.. it can make me wet too, unlike someone else :p<</them>>
<<messageReply "Stop...">>
<<me>>Stop... this is embarrassing..<</me>>
<<them>>It should be ;)<</them>>
<<messageRead "emilyphonesub3">>
<<set $day3 to $day>>
<<set $emilyphone to $emilyphone +1>>
<<messageReplyReplace "Yes..." #choices>>
<<me>>To the lectures??? Yeah... show me..<</me>>
<<them>>I knew you would want to see..<</them>>
<<them>><i>Sending video...</i><</them>>
<<them>><<image "Emily/events/phone events/sub/22518359.webp" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<them>>Look at it going in and out.. barely fitting... you could never do that.. :P<</them>>
<<messageReply "I know">>
<<me>>I-I know..<</me>>
<<them>>Good boy for admitting it.. wanna see me taking it up the ass?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Yesss...">>
<<me>>Yes pleaseeee....<</me>>
<<them>><i>Sending video...</i><</them>>
<<them>><<image "Emily/events/phone events/sub/14082927.webp" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<them>>Look at you being a good little cuck and begging for it haha x)<</them>>
<<them>>Imagine if it was a real cock in my ass... would you be mad...?<</them>>
<div id="choices1">
<<messageReplyReplace "Yes" #choices1>>
<<me>>That would be.. cheating Emily.. so yeah..<</me>>
<<them>>Good thing it's not then :p<</them>>
<<them>>Anyways I got to.. go somewhere... see you later xoxo<</them>>
<<messageReply "Bye bye">>
<<me>>Bye bye... don't cheat one me! Haha!<</me>>
<<them>>I definitely won't, don't worry about it :)<</them>>
<<messageRead "emilyphonesub3">>
<<set $day3 to $day>>
<<set $emilyphone to $emilyphone +1>>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
<<messageReplyReplace "I don't know..." #choices1>>
<<me>>I-I don't know..<</me>>
<<them>>You know I've read a lot about one sided polyamorous relationships.. it could benefit us both! :)<</them>>
<<messageReply "What are you saying?">>
<<me>>What are you saying Emily...<</me>>
<<them>>Nothing, nothing :) Don't worry about it love :*<</them>>
<<messageRead "emilyphonesub3">>
<<set $day3 to $day>>
<<set $emilyphone to $emilyphone +1>>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<<set $openminded to $openminded +1>>
<mia>Open-minded +1!</mia>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<<messageReply "Hello!">>
<<me>>Hello baby! How are you doing? :)<</me>>
<<them>>Fine I guess.. remember the last time we talked?<</them>>
<<them>>Well I bought a toy anyways.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Oh..?">>
<<me>>Oh... which one did you get..<</me>>
<<them>>The biggest one, obviously... I had to help the cashier relieve some stress to get it for free..<</them>>
<<messageReply "Relieve some stress?">>
<<me>>Relieve some stress?? What do you mean baby..<</me>>
<<them>>None of your business $name, honestly.<</them>>
<<them>>I'm tired of you not living up to my standards.<</them>>
<<them>><i>Sending video...</i><</them>>
<<them>><<image "Emily/events/phone events/sub/22518359.webp" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<them>>At least a dildo can make me cum...<</them>>
<div id="choices">
<<messageReplyReplace "I will break up with you" #choices>>
<<me>>Keep acting like such a bitch and I will break up with you<</me>>
<<them>>HAHAH SURE! A cuck like you breaking up with me? Hilarious. I will text you later loser.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Emily!">>
<<me>>Emily! Let's talk about this!<</me>>
<<messageRead "emilyphonesub3">>
<<set $day3 to $day>>
<<set $emilyphone to $emilyphone +1>>
<<messageReplyReplace "Fuck baby... that video is so hot..." #choices>>
<<me>>Fuck baby.. that's so hot..<</me>>
<<them>>Hah I know. Want to see me take in the ass too? :p<</them>>
<<messageReply "Yes..">>
<<me>>Yeah.. of course...<</me>>
<<them>>Jeez... you are a loser..<</them>>
<<them>><i>Sending video...</i><</them>>
<<them>><<image "Emily/events/phone events/sub/14082927.webp" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<them>>It's so fucking big.. look at it streching me out.. this could never be you..<</them>>
<<messageReply "...Who's Julian...?">>\
<<me>>Emily.. I can hear you moaning out the name Julian.. who is he..???<</me>>
<<them>>He's a nobody $name, just a friend ;)<</them>>
<<them>>Anyways I have to go, love u :*<</them>>
<<messageReply "Emily! Who is he??">>\
<<me>>Emily.. answer me!!<</me>>
<<messageReply "Emily??">>\
<<messageRead "emilyphonesub3">>
<<set $day3 to $day>>
<<set $emilyphone to $emilyphone +1>>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<<messengerHeader Emily>>
<<them>>Could you do me a favor? It's really random..<</them>>
<<them wait>>Pretty please 🥰<</them>>
<<messageReply "What is it?">>
<<me>>Well it depends. What is it?<</me>>
<<them wait>>I'm having lunch with a friend of mine.<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Emily/events/phone events/both/mn1.jpg">><</them>>
<<them>>Andddd she doesn't believe how small you are 😂<</them>>
<<messageReply "How small I am?">>
<<me>>How big I am? What do you mean?<</me>>
<<them wait>>You knowwww what I mean babyyyy<</them>>
<<them wait>>Send us a dick pic, I want to prove it to her. 😆<</them>>
<<messageReply "A dick pic??">>
<<me>>A dick pic?! Come on.. That's humiliating.<</me>>
<<them wait>>I thought you liked being humiliated though..?<</them>>
<<them wait>>Come onnn, stop being a pussy cat, I'll just let her take a peak, that's all!<</them>>
<div id="choices">
<<messageReplyReplace "Fineeee..." #choices>>
<<me>>Fineeee, I need a pic to get hard to though...<</me>>
<<them wait>>Of course you do 🙄<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Emily/events/phone events/both/mn6.jpg" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<them>>We are waiting!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Just a peak!">>
<<me>>Just a peak!<</me>>
<<me>><<image "Emily/events/phone events/both/mn3.jpg">><</me>>
<<them wait>>Thank you! Yes yes just a peak.<</them>>
<b>2 minutes later</b>
<<messageReply "Honey?">>
<<them wait>><<image "Emily/events/phone events/both/mn4.webp">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Sorry $name, I just kept staring at it lmaooooo...<</them>>
<<them wait>>I feel bad for Emily frfr 😆<</them>>
<<messageReply "Don't say that..">>
<<me>>Come onnn don't say that, I'm pretty good with my mouth...<</me>>
<<them wait>>HAHAHA WHEN I TELL YOU SHE WAS SHOCKED!!!!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Thanks again baby, she'll finally stop nagging me about it 🙄<</them>>
<<messageReply "No problem..">>
<<me>>No problem..<</me>>
<<them wait>>Can't wait for our next date.. Gonna edge you to death 😈<</them>>
<<set $day3 to $day>>
<<set $emilyphone to $emilyphone +1>>
<<messageReplyReplace "I can't do that.." #choices>>
<<me>>Come on.. I can't do that Emily..<</me>>
<<them wait>>Huh?? Why not??<</them>>
<<messageReply "It's weird.">>
<<me>>I don't know.. It's weird... She's your friend after all..<</me>>
<<them wait>>Oh my Goddddd... So annoying.<</them>>
<<them wait>>She won't stop nagging me about it!<</them>>
<<messageReply "You should get better friends.">>
<<me>>You should get better friends baby 😆<</me>>
<<them wait>>Maybe you should just do what I say 🙄<</them>>
<<set $day3 to $day>>
<<set $emilyphone to $emilyphone +1>>
<<messengerHeader Adriana>>
<<messageReply "Hello..?">>
<<me>>Hello? Is this Adriana?<</me>>
<<them>>Hellooo... yes...<</them>>
<<messageReply "Sooo...">>
<<messageReply "You gave me your number, why?">>
<<me>>You gave me your number, why?<</me>>
<<them>>Yeah well... me and Chris kind of like you so.. do you want to meet up again?<</them>>
<div id="choices">
<<messageReplyReplace "I mean.. Sure." #choices>>
<<me>>I mean sure.. just tell me when and where and I'll be there!<</me>>
<<them>>W-well.. we're going to the cinema soon.. want to come with?<</them>>
<<me>>Shit as long as I'm going to get my dick sucked again, I'm down for anything.<</me>>
<<them>>Haha... very funny.. I'll text you in a couple of days.. be ready..<</them>>
<<messageRead "adrianadom1">>
<<set $adriana to $adriana+1>>
<<set $day2 to $day>>
<<messageReplyReplace "No... not really.." #choices>>
<<me>>No.. not really. You two creeped me out.<</me>>
<<me>>Don't take it personally. It was fun and all, but It's over.<</me>>
<<them>>Fine.. we'll find someone else...<</them>>
<<messageRead "adrianadom1">>
<<set $adriana to 0>>
<<messengerHeader Adriana>>
<<them>>$name! You there?<</them>>
<<them>>We're leaving in 10 minutes, you coming?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Of course">>
<<me>>Of course, I'm getting ready as we speak.<</me>>
<<them>>Perfect, we bought you a ticket. The movie is called "They live"<</them>>
<<them>>We're going to be there early.. I'm sending you the ticket now...<</them>>
<<them>>Image... received!<</them>>
<<messageReply "I'll be there!">>
<<me>>Alright perfect, I'll be there!<</me>>
<<messageRead "adrianadom2">>
<<set $adriana to $adriana +1>>
<<set $day2 to $day>>
/* TODO: close phone */
<<goto "adriana dom 2 part 2">>
<</messengerChat>>\<<if $time <2>> <<set $time to $time+1>> <</if>>\
You put down your phone and start getting ready. You brush your teeth, take a shower, apply some perfume... you look like a brand new man! You pick up your phone, with the digital ticket inside, say goodbye to Mia and travel to the cinema on your own.
<<pageReplace "Get inside">>\
<blue>-"Ticket please"</blue> A buff man asks you as you enter the hall.
<b>-"There you go big man"</b> You show him the ticket and he lets you through.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\dom\asdasd.webp" width="750px">
<b>-"Alright.. time to find my seat.."</b> You whisper to yourself as you start searching for it.
<adriana>-"$name! We're here..!"</adriana> You hear someone whisper your name. You look around and see Adriana waving at you.
<b>-"Ah hello beautiful, couldn't find my seat haha"</b> You chuckle as you walk towards her. You both share a passionate hug and sit down.
<blue>-"G-glad you made it dude..."</blue> Chris whispers and gives you a warm smile.
<b>-"Yeah dude, I'm glad too!"</b> Chris seems like a cool dude, maybe you can become friends..
<<pageReplace "Watch the movie">>\
<b>-"So Chris, how long have you been sharing Adriana for?"</b> You whisper.
<blue>-"Awh man not for l-long... we ac-"</blue>
<adriana>-"Shhhh it's starting!"</adriana> Adriana shushes you both.
As you watch the movie you can see the couple constantly whispering, but very quietly, you're sitting right next to them, but can't make anything out. The movie is kind of boring.. so you start caressing Adriana's leg.
<adriana>-"Umff.. A-already... $name..."</adriana> She whispers.
<b>-"Well I didn't come here for just a movie, you know"</b> You wink at her.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\dom\ezgif-5-33a71828e5.webp" width="800px">
Adriana starts touching your and Chris's crotches.
<blue>-"Fuck.. babe..."</blue>
<adriana>-"K-keep it down.. Both of you.."</adriana> She giggles.
Adriana keeps whispering something into Chris's ear. She's probably teasing him.
<blue>-"D-don't say that b-babe.. G-god that's hott... mGhhHH"</blue> Chis starts shaking a little bit in his seat.
<blue>-"F-fuckkkk! NGhhHH..."</blue> He can't stop himself from being loud, but right as he moans, an explosion happens on screen, masking the sound. Chris cums all over Adriana's hand.
<adriana>-"O-oh my.. you came so much..."</adriana>
<blue>-"O-oh... $name isn't finished yet... I-...I-I'll go clean up..."</blue>
<adriana>-"B-babe.. wait!"</adriana> Before she could say another word Chris stands up and leaves.
<b>-"MGhhhh.. eid he get mad or..?"</b> You whisper into her ear.
<adriana>-"N-no.. he just feels inferior when he cums first..."</adriana>
<<pageReplace "Glance at Adriana">>\
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\dom\27483326.webp" height="650px">
She's touching herself..
<b>-"NGhhh.. Enjoying yourself?"</b> You whisper.
<adriana>-"It's sad.. Mghhh.. t-that Chris finished so... NGhhhhhH.. q-quick..."</adriana> She looks at your thick shaft and bites her lip.
<b>-"W-who needs him.. nghhhh.. anyways..."</b> You chuckle.
<b>-"f-fuckkkk.... NGHHHhHHH"</b> You moan a little as you near your limit.
<adriana>-"D-do it...!"</adriana>
<<pageReplace "CUM">>\
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\dom\25035214.webp" height="650px">
<b>-"NGhhHHH...."</b> You cum all over her hand.
<adriana>-"Jeezz... that was a lot.."</adriana> She whispers as she starts licking your cum from her fingers.
<b>-"Jesus... NghhHH... T-thank you honey.."</b> You're still shaking a tiny bit, but after a while you calm down and regain your composure. After the whole ordeal is done, you and Adriana continue to whisper to each other throughout the movie.
<adriana>-"I...I should go $name.. Chris isn't answering my texts.. he's probably too embarrassed to come back.."</adriana> She looks at you with puppy eyes.
<b>-"It's fine Adriana, do what you have to do.."</b> You give her a kiss on the cheek and she leaves. After the movie finishes, you pick up your stuff, check if there are no cum stains on the seats and leave the cinema, the couple is nowhere to be seen...
<<dominant 2>>
[[Get outside of the cinema->Go outside]]
<<messengerHeader Adriana>>
<<them>>You there...?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Yeah... I'm here">>
<<me>>I'm here... What's up?<</me>>
<<them>>Me and Chris just had sex...<</them>>
<<messageReply "Congrats">>
<<them>>H...H-he came in 2 minutes again.. I'm still horny...<</them>>
<<messageReply "Send a pic">>
<<me>>Send a pic, I want to see how you look.<</me>>
<<them>><<image "AdrianaChris/dom/me1adinha_0446.webp" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<<messageReply "F-fuck...">>
<<me>>F-fuck.. You're so hot..<</me>>
<<them>>S-send me something too...<</them>>
<<messageReply "Send a dick pic">>
<<me>><<image "AdrianaChris/dom/asd.webp">><</me>>
<<them>>Nghh... T-thank you...<</them>>
<<them>>It's so much bigger...<</them>>
<<them>><<image "AdrianaChris/dom/me1adinha_0515.webp" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<div id="choices">
<<messageReplyReplace "Ask for more" #choices>>
<<them>>I can hear him coming out of the shower...<</them>>
<<me>>Quick send me one more.. I want to see the pussy I'm going to be fucking soon from up close.<</me>>
<<them>><<image "AdrianaChris/dom/me1adinha_0450.webp" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<<messageReply "God you're perfect...">>
<<me>>God you're perfect...<</me>>
<<them>>H-he's here! I need to go!<</them>>
<<messageRead "adrianadom3">>
<<set $adriana to $adriana +1>>
<<set $day2 to $day>>
<<dominant 3>>
<<messageReplyReplace "End it here" #choices>>
<<me>>Maybe we should end it here... What if Chris sees..<</me>>
<<them>>Y-yeah.. You're right.. I need to go.. I hear him coming out of the shower anyways.. I'll text you later!<</them>>
<<messageRead "adrianadom3">>
<<set $adriana to $adriana +1>>
<<set $day2 to $day>>
<<dominant 1>>
<<messengerHeader Adriana>>
<<messageReply "What's up">>
<<me>>What's up beautiful?<</me>>
<<them>>This is Chris... I saw your messages with Adriana..<</them>>
<div id="choices">
<<messageReplyReplace "Give Adriana her phone back." #choices>>
<<me>>Give Adriana her phone back man, why are you spying on her...<</me>>
<<them>>Nah nah, I got her phone because I actually wanted to ask you something...<</them>>
<<messageReply "I'm listening">>
<<me>>What is it man?<</me>>
<<them>>I want you to fuck Adriana..<</them>>
<<messageReply "Really?">>
<<me>>I mean... really? Why?<</me>>
<<them>>Well.. for starters I know I have small dick... and Adriana is constantly saying how big yours is..<</them>>
<<them>>I want her to enjoy herself you know.. I'm also kinda turned on by the idea.. would you be down?<</them>>
<div id="choices1">
<<messageReplyReplace "It's been fun.. but this is too much man." #choices1>>
<<me>>It's been fun messing around with you too, but this is too much man, I'm sorry.<</me>>
<<them>>Nah man I understand.. give me a text if you ever change your mind..<</them>>
<<me>>Alright buddy, have a good one, tell Adriana I said hi..<</me>>
<<messageRead "adrianadom4">>
<<set $adriana to 0>>
<<messageReplyReplace "Sure thing!" #choices1>>
<<me>>I mean, I'm not going to say no! When and where do you want me to be?<</me>>
<<them>>Perfect... you can come over right now.. I want to surprise her...<</them>>
<<messageReply "Alright!">>
<<me>>Alright bro, I'm already getting ready!<</me>>
<<messageRead "adrianadom4">>
<<set $adriana to $adriana +1>>
<<set $day2 to $day>>
<<messageReplyReplace "So what? I don't care" #choices>>
<<me>>So what? I don't care.<</me>>
<<them>>Chill, chill bro. I just want to talk..<</them>>
<<messageReply "My bad..">>
<<me>>Alright my bad.. What is it?<</me>>
<<them>>I want you to fuck Adriana..<</them>>
<<messageReply "Whatt?" >>
<<me>>Whattt?? I mean... really? Why?<</me>>
<<them>>Well.. for starters I know I have small dick... and Adriana is constantly saying how big yours is..<</them>>
<<them>>I want her to enjoy herself you know.. I'm also kinda turned on by the idea.. would you be down?<</them>>
<div id="choices1">
<<messageReplyReplace "It's been fun.. but this is too much man." #choices1>>
<<me>>It's been fun messing around with you too, but this is too much man, I'm sorry.<</me>>
<<them>>Nah man I understand.. give me a text if you ever change your mind..<</them>>
<<me>>Alright buddy, have a good one, tell Adriana I said hi..<</me>>
<<messageRead "adrianadom4">>
<<set $adriana to 0>>
<<messageReplyReplace "Sure thing!" #choices1>>
<<me>>I mean, I'm not going to say no! When and where do you want me to be?<</me>>
<<them>>Perfect... you can come over right now.. I want to surprise her...<</them>>
<<messageReply "Alright!">>
<<me>>Alright bro, I'm already getting ready!<</me>>
<<messageRead "adrianadom4">>
<<set $adriana to $adriana +1>>
<<set $day2 to $day>>
<</messengerChat>><<if $time <2>> <<set $time to $time+1>> <</if>>\
You put down your phone and stand up from the bed.
As you leave your house, you remember that you didn't ask Chris if you should bring a condom..
<b>-"Eh, whatever"</b> You think to yourself, as you enter your car and drive to her place.
<<pageReplace "Knock">>\
<b><i>*Knock Knock*</i></b>
<b>-"Hellooooo, it's $name!"</b> The door opens.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\dom\bruh2.webp" height="700px">
<adriana>-"C-come inside, quick!"</adriana> She whispers. You come inside of her apartment and close the door.
<b>-"Soo.. did Chris te-"</b> Before you could finish your sentance, Adriana jumps onto the bed and starts speaking.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\dom\bruh3.webp" height="700px">
<adriana>-"Yes yes yes yes, you are fucking me tonight, correct?"</adriana> She smiles.
<b>-"I guess I am"</b> You chuckle, as you look around for Chris.
<adriana>-"I'm sorry I'm just super excited... Chris is not here, I made him leave."</adriana>
<<pageReplace "Ask why">>\
<adriana>-"I want this to be about me and you $name.. Nobody else.. I really.. REALLY... I want to fuck you right now.."</adriana> She bends over.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\dom\bruh1.webp" height="700px">
<adriana>-"Are you going to fuck my brains out, or just stare at me?"</adriana>
<b>-"Adriana usually isn't this confident.. maybe she's ovulating?"</b> You think to yourself.
<<pageReplace "Take control">>\
<b>-"Get on your knees"</b> You order her.
<adriana>-"W-what?"</adriana> She gives you a confused look.
<b>-"I said - Get. On. Your. Knees. Now"</b> You hold eye contact.
<adriana>-"Y-yes..."</adriana> She seems almost hypnotized by yours words. She gets on her knees and stares up at you.
<b>-"Take off my pants"</b>
<adriana>-"Yes..."</adriana> She starts unbuckling your pants.
<adriana>-"F-finally... It's mine.."</adriana> She says as she stares at your cock.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\dom\bruh4.webp" height="500px">
She starts licking your tip without permission.
<b>-"Hey! Did I tell you that you can start?"</b>
<adriana>-"I-I'm sorry..."</adriana> She pulls away from your penis.
<b>-"Wait for my permission you dumb whore.."</b> You whisper while looking right into her eyes.
<<pageReplace "Give her permission">>\
<b>-"Take is as deep as you can"</b>
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\dom\bruh5.webp" height="700px">
<adriana>-"I-Itw's so gwwwooood.... <i>*slurp*</i>"</adriana>
<b>-"Better than Chris's?</b> She seems to catch on to what you're doing
<adriana>-"L-let's nwot twalk about... <i>*slurp*</i> him twonight..."</adriana> She says while saliva runs down her face.
<b>-"Stop sucking, It's time for the main course.."</b> You slap her across the face lightly.
<adriana>-"Mghhh... y-yessss... please!!"</adriana> She jumps on the bed and spreads her legs. You climb on top of her.
<<pageReplace "Tease her">>\
You start rubbing your thick shaft all across her pussy. As she starts shaking and quivering with each stroke, you slap her lips with your tip.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\dom\bruh6.webp" height="700px">
<adriana>-"Ughh... p-put it in.... p-pleaseeee..!"</adriana> She begs you.
<b>-"Haha, even without a condom?"</b> You chuckle. Adriana's eyes go wide.
<adriana>-"O-oh my god... what was I thinking... p-put one on..."</adriana> She quickly grabs a condom from the drawer next to the bed and gives it to you. It's quite small, but you manage to just fit into it.
<adriana>-"N-now fuck me... m-make me your woman today..."</adriana> She looks you dead in the eyes.
<b>-"As you wish.."</b> You whisper and stuff your shaft into her vagina, you can feel that you hit her cervix.
<adriana>-"Ughhh... F-fuckkk..!!!"</adriana> She moans out in pleasure.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\dom\bruh8.webp" height="700px">
<b>-"F-fuck you're tight...!"</b>
<adriana>-"Ughhh... h-harderrr.. p-pleaseee.. MghhHHHhhh.. you're r-reaching.. s-so deeeeepppPPP!!"</adriana> She grabs your shoulders and closes her eyes, quivering in the process of her first orgasm.
<b>-"Jeez.. I can feel you getting even tighter! F-fuck..."</b>
<adriana>-"I-I just came... but... t-this is.. mghHHH.. not e-EEEenough...."</adriana> She opens her eyes.
<adriana>-"S-stop for a second.. p-please..."</adriana>
<<pageReplace "Comply">>\
The second you stop, Adriana pulls out your dick and takes off the condom.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\dom\bruh10.webp" height="700px">
<b>-"A-adriana?"</b> You look at her confused.
<adriana>-"B-breed me $name.. Pleaseeee!.. I won't tell anyone..!"</adriana> She holds eye contact as she starts riding you on her own..
<<pageReplace "Breed her.">>\
<b>-"F-fuck... I can't resists..."</b> You moan out as you take her by the waist and pick up in speed.
<adriana>-"UghhhHHHHHH... Inside! C-cum, inside of me..! Make me your woman.. breeed meee!!"</adriana> She screams.
<b>-"MGhhhh... I'm about to cummm... ngghhHHH"</b> You close your eyes as you unleash the biggest load of your life straight into Adriana's pussy.
<adriana>-"F-fuck...."</adriana> Her panting slows down.. You pull your dick out slowly, making sure that her pussy absorbs every last drop.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\dom\bruh9.webp" height="550px">
<adriana>-"Nghhh...T-thank you... UghhhhHH.."</adriana> Her eyes roll backwards.
<b>-"G-god.. this was so hot..."</b> Adriana stops panting and opens her eyes.
<adriana>-"W-wait... what did you.. why... oh my GOD!"</adriana> She screams as she runs into the bathroom.
<b>-"Adriana? A-are you okay?"</b> You ask her through the bathroom door, fully clothed and cleaned up already.
<adriana>-"I-I don't know what came over me... t-that wasn't me..."</adriana>
<b>-"Everyone makes mistakes Adriana.."</b>
<adriana>-"Y-yes.. this was a mistake.. just a big... misunderstanding..."</adriana> You hear her muffled whispers.
<adriana>-"Y-you should go now $name... Chris is going to be here soon.. me and him need to have a long talk..."</adriana>
<b>-"I-I understand Adriana.."</b>
You get out of the apartment, making sure to close the door behind you.
<b>-"I hope they stay together.. Chris seems like a cool dude... well but Adriana is incredible, what if I... wait - no... what am I thinking.. I have Emily!"</b> You shake the weird thoughts out of your head and enter you car.
<blue>Dominant +5!</blue>
<<set $cameinadriana to true>>
[[Head home->room]]
<<set $dominant to $dominant +5>>\
<<pageReplace "This isn't right... What would Chris think..">>\
<b>-"W-what.. n-no!"</b> You pull your dick out.
<b>-"You have a boyfriend, I'm not going to cum inside of you without his permission..!"</b> She looks you in the eyes and realises what she just asked you to do.
<adriana>-"W-wait... what did you.. why... oh my GOD!"</adriana> She screams as she runs into the bathroom.
<b>-"Adriana? A-are you okay?"</b> You ask her through the bathroom door, fully clothed and cleaned up already.
<adriana>-"I-I don't know what came over me... t-that wasn't me..."</adriana>
<b>-"Everyone makes mistakes Adriana.."</b>
<adriana>-"Y-yes.. this was a mistake.. just a big... misunderstanding..."</adriana> You hear her muffled whispers.
<adriana>-"Y-you should go now $name... Chris is going to be here soon.. me and him need to have a long talk..."</adriana>
<b>-"I-I understand Adriana.."</b>
You get out of the apartment, making sure to close the door behind you.
<b>-"I hope they stay together.. Chris seems like a cool dude..."</b> You think to yourself as you get into the your car.
<blue>Dominant +2!</blue>
<<set $cameinadriana to false>>
[[Head home->room]]
<<set $dominant to $dominant +2>>\
<<messengerHeader Adriana>>
<<them>>Sorry that we didn't text for a while..<</them>>
<<them>>Me and Chris had a long talk about what happened...<</them>>
<<messageReply "What did you decide?">>
<<me>>So.. What did you decide?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Well..<</them>>
<<them wait>>He said he wants to watch next time..<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "AdrianaChris/sub/p4.jpg" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<<messageReply "Haha so he liked it I presume?">>
<<me>>Haha so he liked it I presume?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Hell yeah he did 🥰<</them>>
<<if $cameinadriana == true>>
<<them wait>>He didn't appreciate that you came inside without permission though..<</them>>
<<them wait>>Next time, respect my wishes $name, or we're going to stop meeting up. 😡<</them>>
<<messageReply "My bad..">>
<<me>>My bad Adriana.. I'll try my best not to.<</me>>
<<me>>What now?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Well as I said me and Chris talked about this a lot.<</them>>
<<them wait>>We want you to become my long term bull..<</them>>
<<them wait>>What do you think?<</them>>
<<messageReply "What would that entail?">>
<<me>>What would that entail?<</me>>
<<them wait>>You coming over and fucking my brains out while Chris watches ❤️<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "AdrianaChris/sub/l2.jpg" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<<them>>What do you say<</them>>
<div id="choices">
<<messageReplyReplace "I have a girlfiend.. No.." #choices>>
<<me>>Adriana it's been fun messing around, but I have a girlfriend.<</me>>
<<me>>I don't want anything long term.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Come onnnnn... She doesn't have to know..<</them>>
<<them wait>>You're so much bigger than him, I don't want to let you go!<</them>>
<div id="choices1">
<<messageReplyReplace "Let's give it a try." #choices1>>
<<me>>Fineeeee.. Let's give it a try.<</me>>
<<them wait>>YeeeEEEEEE!!!<</them>>
<<them wait>>You've made the right decision $name! I'll text you in a couple! 😘<</them>>
<<set $day2 to $day>>
<<set $adriana to 6>>
<<messageReplyReplace "A no is a no." #choices1>>
<<me>>A no is a no Adriana.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Ugh fine... It's been fun while it lasted $name.<</them>>
<<set $adriana to 0>>
<<messageReplyReplace "I'm down!" #choices>>
<<me>>I can't say no to more of that amazing pussy 😉<</me>>
<<them wait>>I knew you would say yes!!!! 😍<</them>>
<<them wait>>Thank you $name, I'll text you in a couple, need to tell Chris!!<</them>>
<<set $day2 to $day>>
<<set $adriana to 6>>
<<them wait>>I jacked him off while telling him what we did..<</them>>
<<them wait>>He busted his load everywhere lol!<</them>>
<<messageReply "So what now?">>
<<me>>I'm glad he enjoyed himself hahaha!<</me>>
<<me>>So, what now?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Well as I said me and Chris talked about this a lot.<</them>>
<<them wait>>We want you to become my long term bull..<</them>>
<<them wait>>What do you think?<</them>>
<<messageReply "What would that entail?">>
<<me>>What would that entail?<</me>>
<<them wait>>You coming over and fucking my brains out while Chris watches ❤️<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "AdrianaChris/sub/l2.jpg" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<<them>>What do you say<</them>>
<div id="choices">
<<messageReplyReplace "I have a girlfiend.. No.." #choices>>
<<me>>Adriana it's been fun messing around, but I have a girlfriend.<</me>>
<<me>>I don't want anything long term.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Come onnnnn... She doesn't have to know..<</them>>
<<them wait>>You're so much bigger than him, I don't want to let you go!<</them>>
<div id="choices1">
<<messageReplyReplace "Let's give it a try." #choices1>>
<<me>>Fineeeee.. Let's give it a try.<</me>>
<<them wait>>YeeeEEEEEE!!!<</them>>
<<them wait>>You've made the right decision $name! I'll text you in a couple! 😘<</them>>
<<set $day2 to $day>>
<<set $adriana to 6>>
<<messageReplyReplace "A no is a no." #choices1>>
<<me>>A no is a no Adriana.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Ugh fine... It's been fun while it lasted $name.<</them>>
<<set $adriana to 0>>
<<messageReplyReplace "I'm down!" #choices>>
<<me>>I can't say no to more of that amazing pussy 😉<</me>>
<<them wait>>I knew you would say yes!!!! 😍<</them>>
<<them wait>>Thank you $name, I'll text you in a couple, need to tell Chris!!<</them>>
<<set $day2 to $day>>
<<set $adriana to 6>>
<<messengerHeader Adriana>>
<<them>>Guess what I gottttttt!!!<</them>>
<<messageReply "What is it?">>
<<me>>What is it? 😮<</me>>
<<them wait>>A new toyyyy!!!<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "AdrianaChris/dom/aasdasd321.jpg">><</them>>
<<messageReply "What's a Lush?">>
<<me>>What's a.. Lush?<</me>>
<<them wait>>It's a vibrator you can control with your phone..<</them>>
<<them wait>>I was thinking, maybe you want to try it out with me? 😍<</them>>
<<messageReply "I'm down.">>
<<me>>I'm down! Chris is going to be watching?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Well he would like to but.. I was thinking maybe we can try playing around at your place?<</them>>
<<them wait>>You know.. To change up the scenery a bit!<</them>>
<<them wait>>We would send him a couple of vids too. So he could jack off 😆<</them>>
<<messageReply "Why not.">>
<<me>>Why not, we'll have to be sneaky though, I still live with my family.<</me>>
<<me>>They can't see, they know that I'm dating Emily.<</me>>
<<them wait>>That's fine, we'll be extra sneaky!<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "AdrianaChris/dom/asdasdas1321.jpg" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<<them>>This pussy is ready to be fuckedddddd 😍<</them>>
<<them wait>>I'll come over later today, be ready to let me in!<</them>>
<<set $adrianacomesoverlush to true>>
<</messengerChat>><<set $day2 to $day>>\
<<set $adriana to 7>>\
<<set $adrianacomesoverlush to false>>\
<<set $time to 2>>\
<b>-"She said she'll be here in a couple.. Ughh.."</b> You sigh as your head hits the pillow.
<b>-"Let's watch some tik toks!"</b> You smile as you open the app. Time to burn some time! After the sun disappears over the horizon, you hear a knock on your door.
<grey>Knock Knock!</grey>
<b>-"Come in!"</b> You shout.
<sister>-"Hey $name!"</sister> Ava pokes her head out.
<b>-"What's up Ava?"</b>
<sister>-"I have a friend over, you might know her, she's one of Emily's friends. Do you mind not disturbing us for a bit? We're doing a project together!"</sister>
<b>-"Sure! I'll be in my room if you need me!"</b> Ava nods and closes the door. You don't really know any Emily's friends, but you're happy Ava is getting a long with her.
<b>-"Perfect.. She'll be distracted, I can have some fun with Adriana when she arrives."</b> As the though goes through your mind, your phone vibrates.
<grey>Buzz Buzz</grey>
<b>-"Huh?"</b> You get a message. Adriana is here!
<b>-"Oh shit.."</b> You quickly get downstairs, making sure nobody sees you.
<adriana>-"H-heyy!"</adriana> She smiles as you open the door. You shush her.
<b>-"Come here! Quickly, follow me!"</b> You close the door and lead her to your room. After closing the door and making sure the coast is clear, you both begin speaking.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\dom\m1.webp">
<adriana>-"Jeez.. What's with the rush?"</adriana>
<b>-"I told you, we're not alone! They can't figure out you're here, I'm still daing Emily after all."</b> Adriana sighs.
<adriana>-"Oh yeah.. My bad, I'll be quiet!"</adriana> You see her suddenly grin.
<b>-"W-what's with the face?"</b>
<adriana>-"Ghehehe nothing.. You just haven't noticed it."</adriana>
<<pageReplace"Question her">>\
<b>-"Noticed what?"</b>
<adriana>-"This.."</adriana> She turns around, bends over and lifts up her skirt.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\dom\m3.webp">
<b>-"Fuck me.. You had that inside of you this whole time?"</b>
<adriana>-"Ehehe yess.. It's so quiet I can even use it in public.."</adriana> As you watch her play around with the toy, your blood begins to pool towards your dick.
<b>-"F-fuck me.. Lemme have a try.."</b> Adriana straightens her back.
<adriana>-"Here, you control it with this! J-just.. Go easy on me!"</adriana> She hands you her phone with the Lovesense app already opened.
<b>-"So.. I seems like I can increase the speed..?"</b> You play around with all the options.
<adriana>-"AghHHH!! F-fuckKK! C-come down!"</adriana> She moans in pleausure as you see her quivering.
<b>-"ShhhhH! K-keep it down!"</b> You shush her.
<b>-"I think I understand it now.. Lay down."</b> You point at your bed.. She complies.
<adriana>-"Y-yes $name."</adriana>
<<pageReplace"Play around with the app a bit more.">>\
<b>-"Let's try this.."</b> You increase the speed even more.
<adriana>-"NghhhHHHH.. F-fuckKKk.."</adriana> She tries to muffle her voice.
<img src= "Images\AdrianaChris\sub\p11.webp">
<b>-"Haha! You were right, this thing is fun!"</b> Your cock is fully hard at this point, but you can't stop playing with this thing.
<adriana>-"UghhHH! Y-yeah.. Chris didn't like it.. I knew that you would!"</adriana> You see her taking something from her pocket.
<adriana>-"P-put this in... I like to be plugged in both holes."</adriana> She hands you a small buttplug.
<b>-"Can't say no to that.."</b> After Adriana gets on her back, you slowly insert the buttplug inside. It's pretty small, you didn't even need lube.
<adriana>-"MghhHhhhH! Y-yeshhHhhh!"</adriana>
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\p33.webp">
<adriana>-"$name.. P-put it in please.."</adriana> She looks at you.
<b>-"You think it's time?"</b>
<adriana>-"MghhhH.. Y-yeah.. I'm soaked.."</adriana> You nod.
<<pageReplace"Remove the toy">>\
You slowly take out the vibrator.
<adriana>-"F-fuckkKk..!"</adriana> You see her juices coming out with the toy. After licking your lips, you remove your pants and get on top of her.
<b>-"You weren't lying.. I haven't seen you this wet.. Ever.."</b> You start rubbing your shaft against her pussy.
<adriana>-"T-that's what the toy does.."</adriana>
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\dom\m4.webp">
<b>-"Yesss.."</b> As you get ready to penetrate her, you suddenly hear the door open.
<pink>-"H-hey, sorry to bother!"</pink> You both look at the door.
<pink>-"We just need to borrow a penc- OH MY GOD!"</pink> It's Ava's friend!
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\dom\m2.gif">
<adriana>-"O-oh my God!"</adriana> Adriana quickly covers up with your bed sheets.
<b>-"Dude get out!"</b> You shout.
<pink>-"M-my bad!"</pink> She quickly closes the door.
<adriana>-"Fuck! W-what should we do?!"</adriana>
<span class ='redlink'><<pageReplace "Who cares, fuck Adriana anyways.">>\
<<set $avasfriendbreakupemily to true>>\
<b>-"Fuck that...."</b> You grab the sheets and throw them to the side.
<adriana>-"A-are you sure? What if she tells Emily?"</adriana> You grab Adriana and pull her closer.
<b>-"Who cares.. This is about me and you right now."</b>
<adriana>-"Y-yesss.."</adriana> She gets on all fours and slowly spreads her legs.
<b>-"Here I come..."</b> You slowly push your cock in until it reaches her cervix.
<adriana>-"Y-youCHHH!! S-stopp.."</adriana> You slowly pull out and enter again.
<b>-"G-god you're tight!"</b>
<adriana>-"MghHHHhH!!! M-make me yourss for tonight.."</adriana> You start to speed up.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\dom\m6.webp">
<b>-"Y-yesSS!!"</b> You stutter a bit as your moans grow louder and louder. You've already been caught, no point in trying to hide it.
<adriana>-"UghHHHH!! Y-yesssHHhhHH!! D-deeperrRRr!"</adriana> You pound Adriana with all of your might.
<b>-"Chris can't.. MghHHH.. Fuck you like this.. NghhFFnn... R-right?"</b>
<adriana>-"NooOOOoOO! H-he can'tttTT! NNnhHHHH!"</adriana> Her moans echo through the house.
<<pageReplace"Grab her hair">>\
<b>-"NghHHH!"</b> You grab Adriana's hair and start fucking her even faster.
<adriana>-"Y-yesHHhHH!! P-pullll ittTt!"</adriana> You pull her head back by her hair and give her a kiss.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\dom\m7.webp">
<adriana>-"YesSHHH!!"</adriana> You feel her insides quiver in pleasure as you near your breaking point.
<b>-"F-fuckK! I'm closee!"</b>
<adriana>-"J-just a little more! S-so closeeEE!!"</adriana>
<b>-"Learnt this.. In class!"</b> You shift your hips down, making your shaft start hitting her g-spot.
<adriana>-"Y-yessSSsssS!!!!!"</adriana> Adriana starts convulsing as a wave of pleasure washes over you.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\dom\m13.webp">
<b>-"I-I'm about to cum! W-where do you want it?!"</b> You can barely speak, you're that close to unloading.
<adriana>-"On my tits!"</adriana> She moves forward and gets on her knees.
<b>-"UghHHH!!"</b> You unleash the flood gates right on her chest.
<adriana>-"O-oh my god!"</adriana> Her eyes grow wide with shock.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\dom\m8.webp">
<adriana>-"S-so much.."</adriana>
<b>-"Fuck meeee.. That drained me good.."</b> You fall backwards onto your bed, exhausted.
<b>-"I...I can't believe we got caught."</b>
<adriana>-"I'm sorry if I was too loud $name.. Your cock is just too good."</adriana> You see her licking up the cum.
<b>-"It's not your fault Adriana. Let's get cleaned up."</b> You stand up.
<adriana>-"So what now... She's probably going to tell Emily.."</adriana> You both leave the room and start walking towards the bathroom. The house has grown quiet, you can't even hear anything from your sister's room.
<b>-"Well.. It is what it is. I guess I'm going to find out later today."</b> You both get into the bathroom and clean yourself up. After saying your goodbyes, you lead Adriana out of the house. She says she'll text you in a couple of days.
<<set $dominant to $dominant +2>>
<blue>Dominant +2!</blue>
[[Go back to your room->room]]
<<pageReplace"Chase after the girl.">>
<b>-"FUCK! I can't let her tell Emily!"</b> You stand up and quickly put on your pants.
<adriana>-"W-what should I do?"</adriana>
<b>-"I'm really sorry Adriana, we'll have to continue another time. You need to leave and quickly!"</b> She nods and starts putting on clothes as well. You can't believe this actually happened.. After saying your goodbyes, both of you leave the room. Adriana goes outside and you go straight into your sisters room.
<b>-"H-hey guys!"</b> You say as you poke your head inside.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\dom\m5.jpg">
<sister>-"Hey $name. What's up?"</sister> You look around the room, but don't see the girl.
<b>-"Where did your friend go? We need to talk."</b>
<sister>-"Talk about what? She went to the bathroom I think."</sister> You don't answer Ava's question and quickly rush to the restroom.
<grey>Knock Knock!</grey>
<b>-"H-hey!"</b> You knock on the door.
<grey>Knock Knock KNOCK!</grey>
<b>-"Open up, we need to talk!"</b>
<grey>Knock Kn-</grey>
<bartender>-"What do you want?"</bartender> The doors swing open
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\dom\m11.jpg">
<b>-"H-hey.. Let's talk about what you saw... A second ago."</b> You get inside and close the door behind you.
<bartender>-"Yeah, you cheating on Emily. What about it?"</bartender> She gives you a smug look.
<b>-"Y-you're not going to tell Emily.. Right?"</b>
<bartender>-"Of course I will! I was just about to text her actually."</bartender>
<b>-"C-come on.. There has to be a way to solve this without getting her invloved.."</b> This is bad..
<<pageReplace"You're ready to do anything">>\
<b>-"I'm ready to do anything! This was a mistake, I love Emily!"</b>
<bartender>-"A-anything?"</bartender> She squints her eyes.
<bartender>-"Let me suck your cock."</bartender>
<b>-"W-what?"</b> You stare at her, confused.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\dom\m9.webp">
<bartender>-"I'm a virgin.. I've never tried anything and you seemed.. Well.. Very developed down there."</bartender> You feel her arm touch your cock.
<bartender>-"I've wanted to try sucking someone off for a while now.. And you did say I could ask for anything!"</bartender>
<b>-"So you want me to cheat on Emily for you stay quiet about me cheating on Emily?"</b> This sounds ridiculous.
<bartender>-"Well.. When you put it like that, it does sound dumb. But that's what I want."</bartender>
<bartender>-"So you either let me suck your dick, orrrrr... Give me 200 bucks. If you don't I'll snitch."</bartender> She grins.
<b>-"You rascal.."</b>
<<if $money>=200>>
<<pageReplace"Pay up">>\
<<money -200 "Had to pay Ava's friend for her to keep quiet.">>\
<b>-"Fine! You win!"</b> You shove your hand in your pocket.
<bartender>-"Y-you're really going to pay me? Hahaha what the fuck."</bartender>
<bartender>-"So you can cheat with that girl, but not with me? I take that as an insult!"</bartender> You hand her 200$.
<b>-"I don't care what you take it as. Take the cash and keep quiet! That's our deal!"</b>
<bartender>-"It's been nice doing business with you!"</bartender> You nod and leave the restroom.
<b>-"Fuck me.. Well at least that sorted."</b> Your relationship is saved! For now..
<green>Money -200$!</green>
[[Go to your room->room]]
<<pageReplace"Let her suck your cock.">>\
<b>-"Well... A deal is a deal."</b> You start unzipping your pants.
<bartender>-"Aghh!! Perfect! I knew we would understand each other!"</bartender> She gets on her knees.
<bartender>-"N-now.. How do I do this.."</bartender> Ava's friend pulls your pants down.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\dom\m10.webp">
<bartender>-"Yesss.. It's just as big as I remember it to be.."</bartender> She awkawrdly starts stroking it. It's still rock hard because of Adriana, it'll be hard not to cum quickly.
<b>-"Y-yeah.. You can squeeze a little harder."</b> You guide her hand.
<bartender>-"The top is really sensitive r-right?"</bartender> She slowly envelops the tip of your shaft with her lips.
<b>-"Y-yeah.! You seem to know a thing or two!"</b>
<bartender>-"Eghehee.. W-watched swome.. Slurp.. Videos onw pwornhub!"</bartender> You feel her getting more and more confortale.
<<pageReplace"Shove it in deeper">>\
<b>-"Here, let me teach you.."</b> You grab her head and shove your cock deep inside of her throat.
<bartender>-"MmMMmmMMMMmm!! B-bwastard!"</bartender> She shouts as you pull out.
<bartender>-"F-fuck you! Let me do it!"</bartender>
<b>-"Haha fine! Just wanted to show that you can take a bit deeper. That's all."</b> She starts to suck you off again.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\dom\m12.webp">
<b>-"F-fuckKK!!"</b> You shout as you feel a giant load coming up your cock..
<bartender>-"Ghahaha.. Alwready?"</bartender> She asks inbetween strokes as you begin shaking.
<b>-"F-fuck you.."</b>
<bartender>-"C-come on! On my tits!"</bartender> She shouts as you pull out your shaft.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\dom\m8.webp">
<bartender>-"J-jeez that's a lot of semen.."</bartender> She puts some on her fingers and licks it.
<bartender>-"Eww... So salty!"</bartender>
<b>-"S-so.. Are we even?"</b> You pant.
<bartender>-"I suppose so! Not the first experience I was expecting, but.. It was pretty fun!"</bartender> She stands up.
<bartender>-"Don't woryyyyyyyy, I won't tell her anything."</bartender> Ava's friend says after noticing the look of concern on your face.
<b>-"Good.. I trust you.."</b> You pull your pants up.
<b>-"Thanks for letting me off the hook."</b>
<bartender>-"No biggie, just don't cheat on her again. She's a cool girl, you don't deserve her."</bartender> You silently nod and leave the restroom.
<b>-"Fuck me.. At least that's sorted.. Let's wait for Adriana to text me.."</b> You think as you begin walking towards your room.
<<set $dominant to $dominant+1>>
[[Go to your room->room]]
<<pageReplace"Fuck this, she can snitch.">>\
<<set $avasfriendbreakupemily to true>>\
<b>-"Agh fuck this I ain't doing this."</b> You step back.
<bartender>-"What? What do you mean?"</bartender>
<b>-"I mean you can snitch on me all you want. I'm not letting you suck my dick or paying you. That's fucking weird."</b>
<bartender>-"Welp I'm not going to force you! Emily won't like it though."</bartender>
<b>-"Yeah yeah whatever.."</b> You leave the restroom.
<b>-"She probably won't even text her anyways."</b>
[[Go your room->room]]
<</pageReplace>><<set $brokeupwithemily to true>>\
<<set $dating to "single">>\
<<set $time to 2>>
<<set $avasfriendbreakupemilytemp to true>>\
<<if $emilybreakuptempdom == true>><<goto "Emily break up dom part 3">><</if>>\
Your head sinks into the pillow as you finally lay down after a hard day of work and drama. Suddenly, your phone vibrates.
<grey>Buzz Buzz</grey>
<b>-"Huh? Who could that be.."</b> You sit up and grab your phone. It's Emily! She seems pissed..
<b>-"Oh fuck me.."</b>
<<pageReplace"Read her messages.">>\
<<message "Emily" "Emily break up dom part 2" "Fuck you!" open>>\
It's probably best to finish conversing with Emily before going to sleep. She seems really mad!
<<messengerHeader Emily>>
<<them>>Fuck you!<</them>>
<<them>>Fuck you!!!<</them>>
<<them>>FUCK YOUUUUUUU!!!<</them>>
<<them>>You really fucking cheated on me and didn't have the balls to confess????<</them>>
<div id="choices">
<<messageReplyReplace "I'm sorry." #choices>>
<<me>>I'm sorry Emily.. It was a mistake.<</me>>
<<them wait>>You're damn right it was a mistake, a mistake you're never going to be able to redeem yourself from!<</them>>
<<them wait>>After all we've been through you really cheated on me? I've waited for 3 long years for you to come back!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Please..">>
<<me>>Please.. We can work through this!<</me>>
<<them>>No we cannot $name. We're done!<</them>>
<<them>><i>This user has blocked you</i><</them>>
<<goto "Emily break up dom part 3">>
<<set $emilybreakuptempdom to true>>
<<messageReplyReplace "It's not what it looks like." #choices>>
<<me>>It's not what it looks like Emily! Your friend is lying!<</me>>
<<them wait>>No she's not! Stop trying to run away from this $name, it's not going to work!<</them>>
<<them wait>>After all we've been through you really cheated on me? I've waited for 3 long years for you to come back!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Please..">>
<<me>>Please.. We can work through this!<</me>>
<<them>>No we cannot $name. We're done!<</them>>
<<them>><i>This user has blocked you</i><</them>>
<<goto "Emily break up dom part 3">>
<<set $emilybreakuptempdom to true>>
<</messengerChat>><b>-"FuckkkkKKKK!!!!!!"</b> You throw your phone into the wall.
<b>-"God damnit! I can't believe she really broke up with me!"</b>
<b>-"I fucked up.."</b> Your head sinks into the pillow once again, for the first time in a while, you can feel yourself tearing up..
<<pageReplace"Go to sleep">>
<<set $time to 0>>
<<goto "room">>
<<messengerHeader Adriana>>
<<them>>Sooo.. What happened?<</them>>
<<messageReply "What do you mean?">>
<<me>>What do you mean?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Between you and Emily.<</them>>
<<if $avasfriendbreakupemily == true>>
<<them wait>>Did Emily end up finding out?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Yes..">>
<<me>>Yeah she did.. We broke up.<</me>>
<<me>>I tried to reconcile but she blocked me.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Oh my god that's horrible..<</them>>
<<them wait>>But.. You didn't really even need her all that much.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Now you have me 😛<</them>>
<<them>><<image "AdrianaChris/dom/j2.jpg" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<div id="choices">
<<messageReplyReplace "I guess you're right." #choices>>
<<me>>I guess you're right. You've always been more fun anyways 😉<</me>>
<<them wait>>Hehe you betcha! ;)<</them>>
<<them wait>>Plus, look at it this way, it's another responsibility off of your shoulders.<</them>>
<<them wait>>I sometimes dream about what my life would look like without Chris as well.<</them>>
<<messageReply "You do?">>
<<me>>You do?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Yeah.. What if we were dating instead..<</them>>
<<them wait>>Living together.. You could be ravaging my pussy whenever you want..<</them>>
<<them wait>>Fuck I'm getting wet just thinking about it..<</them>>
<<them>><<image "AdrianaChris/dom/j1.jpg" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<div id="choices1">
<<messageReplyReplace "I would like that." #choices1>>
<<me>>I would like that.. We would make a great couple.<</me>>
<<them wait>>We would... But not now.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Fantasies sometimes are better off staying fantasies.<</them>>
<<them>>Give me time, I need to think about everything..<</them>>
<<messageReply "Take your time.">>
<<me>>Take your time Adriana, I'm not going anywhere.<</me>>
<<them wait>>That's great to hear..<</them>>
<<them wait>>Text you in few $name.<</them>>
<<set $day2 to $day>>
<<set $wantstodateadriana to true>>
<<set $adriana to 8>>
<<messageReplyReplace "I like where we're at." #choices1>>
<<me>>I like you Adriana, I really do, but I like where we're at currently.<</me>>
<<them wait>>I..<</them>>
<<them wait>>I understand.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Fantasies sometimes are better off staying fantasies.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Sorry.">>
<<them wait>>No need to be sorry $name, I just need a few days to think about everything.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Text you in few.<</them>>
<<set $day2 to $day>>
<<set $adriana to 8>>
<<messageReplyReplace "Still hurts." #choices>>
<<me>>I know... Still hurts like a bitch though.<</me>>
<<them wait>>I know I know.. But look at it this way, it's another responsibility off of your shoulders.<</them>>
<<them wait>>I sometimes dream about what my life would look like without Chris as well.<</them>>
<<messageReply "You do?">>
<<me>>You do?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Yeah.. What if we were dating instead..<</them>>
<<them wait>>Living together.. You could be ravaging my pussy whenever you want..<</them>>
<<them wait>>Fuck I'm getting wet just thinking about it..<</them>>
<<them>><<image "AdrianaChris/dom/j1.jpg" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<div id="choices1">
<<messageReplyReplace "I would like that." #choices1>>
<<me>>I would like that.. We would make a great couple.<</me>>
<<them wait>>We would... But not now.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Fantasies sometimes are better off staying fantasies.<</them>>
<<them>>Give me time, I need to think about everything..<</them>>
<<messageReply "Take your time.">>
<<me>>Take your time Adriana, I'm not going anywhere.<</me>>
<<them wait>>That's great to hear..<</them>>
<<them wait>>Text you in few $name.<</them>>
<<set $day2 to $day>>
<<set $wantstodateadriana to true>>
<<set $adriana to 8>>
<<messageReplyReplace "I like where we're at." #choices1>>
<<me>>I like you Adriana, I really do, but I like where we're at currently.<</me>>
<<them wait>>I..<</them>>
<<them wait>>I understand.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Fantasies sometimes are better off staying fantasies.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Sorry.">>
<<them wait>>No need to be sorry $name, I just need a few days to think about everything.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Text you in few.<</them>>
<<set $day2 to $day>>
<<set $adriana to 8>>
<<them wait>>You ran away, did Emily end up finding out?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Nope.">>
<<me>>Nope, managed to convince the girl to stay quiet.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Hooooo thank godness! I'm happy for ya!😊<</them>>
<<them wait>>A little random but..<</them>>
<<them wait>>Have you ever thought about.. I don't know.. Breaking up with her yourself?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Why would I do that?">>
<<me>>Why would I do that?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Dunno.. What if we both broke up with our partners..<</them>>
<<them wait>>Living together.. You could be ravaging my pussy whenever you want..<</them>>
<<them wait>>Fuck I'm getting wet just thinking about it..<</them>>
<<them>><<image "AdrianaChris/dom/j1.jpg" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<<messageReply "Are you asking to be exclusive?">>
<<me>>Are you asking to be exclusive?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Well.. Not really.. At least not yet.<</them>>
<<them wait>>It was just a thought.. But what do you think?<</them>>
<div id="choices1">
<<messageReplyReplace "I would like that." #choices1>>
<<me>>I would like that.. We would make a great couple.<</me>>
<<them wait>>We would... But not now.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Fantasies sometimes are better off staying fantasies.<</them>>
<<them>>Give me time, I need to think about everything..<</them>>
<<messageReply "Take your time.">>
<<me>>Take your time Adriana, I'm not going anywhere.<</me>>
<<them wait>>That's great to hear..<</them>>
<<them wait>>Text you in few $name.<</them>>
<<set $day2 to $day>>
<<set $wantstodateadriana to true>>
<<set $adriana to 8>>
<<messageReplyReplace "I like where we're at." #choices1>>
<<me>>I like you Adriana, I really do, but I like where we're at currently.<</me>>
<<them wait>>I..<</them>>
<<them wait>>I understand.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Fantasies sometimes are better off staying fantasies.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Sorry.">>
<<them wait>>No need to be sorry $name, I just need a few days to think about everything.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Text you in few.<</them>>
<<set $day2 to $day>>
<<set $adriana to 8>>
<<messengerHeader Adriana>>
<<them wait>>Hey pookie 😌<</them>>
<<them wait>>How are you holding up?<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "AdrianaChris/dom/a1.jpg" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<<them wait>>A little bored, thought I would send you a massage 😋<</them>>
<<messageReply "I'm fine.">>
<<me>>I'm fine, just tired... Been a pretty rough few days.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Awwhhhh well I'm sorry to hear that...<</them>>
<<them wait>>Gimme just a sec...<</them>>
<b>1 minute later.</b>
<<them wait>>I always know how to cheer you up!!!<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "AdrianaChris/dom/a2.jpg" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Feeling any better? 😏<</them>>
<div id="choices">
<<messageReplyReplace "Yes." #choices>>
<<me>>Definitely... You do indeed know me pretty well 😉<</me>>
<<them wait>>I'm glad to hear!! 😌<</them>>
<<them wait>>Anyways, I wanted to talk to you about something.<</them>>
<<messageReply "What's up?">>
<<me>>What's up Adriana?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Remember when Chris mentioned that he wanted to watch us... Do it?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Yup.">>
<<me>>Yup, but we never ended up doing it in front of him.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Yeah! So we talked about it last night and... He really wants to give it a try!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Want to make his fantasy come true?<</them>>
<<them wait>>We already set up the room and everything, you just need to show up.<</them>>
<<them wait>>We even got a cuck chair 😆<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "AdrianaChris/dom/a3.jpg" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<div id="choices2">
<<messageReplyReplace "Count me in!" #choices2>>
<<me>>Count me in! Can't say no to that tight pussy of your 😏<</me>>
<<them wait>>Oh... Are you talking about this one?<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "AdrianaChris/dom/a4.jpg" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<<them wait>>❤️❤️❤️<</them>>
<<messageReply "That's the one.">>
<<me>>That's the one... I'm getting hard just thinking about it.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Good, because Chris said he wants you to destroy me 😖<</them>>
<<them wait>>After we started talking about cuckolding, he's been obsessed with you.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Constantly asking me when he'll be able to watch you fuck me...<</them>>
<<messageReply "Sounds like a true cuck.">>
<<me>>Sounds like a true cuck to me!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Mhm! I thought that he might be into it but not that much!<</them>>
<<them wait>>I was wrong however. He even bought himself a new toy!<</them>>
<<messageReply "A toy? What kind of toy?">>
<<me>>A toy...? What kind of toy?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Lemme find it...<</them>>
<b>30 seconds later.</b>
<<them wait>>Here, this is the one he bought.<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "AdrianaChris/dom/a5.jpg">><</them>>
<<messageReply "Oh, it's a chastity cage!">>
<<me>>Oh, it's a chastity cage!<</me>>
<<me>>Ghahahaha, then he's definitely a full on cuck!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Can't believe I'm dating a loser who wants to lock his own dick up...<</them>>
<<them wait>>The thought of leaving that loser and dating you is becoming more and more attractive...<</them>>
<<messageReply "When are we meeting up?">>
<<me>>Enough about Chris, when are we meeting up?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Come to our place in two days.<</them>>
<<them wait>>His cage thingy should arrive by then.<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "AdrianaChris/dom/a6.jpg">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Here's one last teaser 😏<</them>>
<<messageReply "Can't wait">>
<<me>>Can't wait beautiful!<</me>>
<<them>>Me neither! 🍆🍑<</them>>
<<set $day2 to $day>>
<<set $adrianadom8tempday to $day>>
<<set $adrianadom8temp to true>>
<<set $adriana to 9>>
<<todo "Meet up with Adriana in a couple of days">>
<<messageReplyReplace "I'll have to pass." #choices2>>
<<me>>I'll have to pass, next couple of days will be extra busy for me...<</me>>
<<them wait>>Oh come on!!!<</them>>
<<them wait>>You really don't want to fuck this tight pussy of mine??<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "AdrianaChris/dom/a6.jpg">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Pretty please? 🥺<</them>>
<<messageReply "A no is a no.">>
<<me>>A no is a no Adriana. I'm sorry.<</me>>
<<them>>I'll text you in a couple of days then. Maybe then you're available.<</them>>
<<set $day2 to $day>>
<<set $adriana to 9>>
<<messageReplyReplace "No." #choices>>
<<me>>I appreciate you trying, but some ass isn't going to make my day less shit...<</me>>
<<them wait>>😔😔😔<</them>>
<<them wait>>Maybe these news will cheer you up...<</them>>
<<messageReply "What news?">>
<<me>>What news?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Remember when Chris mentioned that he wanted to watch us... Do it?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Yup.">>
<<me>>Yup, but we never ended up doing it in front of him.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Yeah! So we talked about it last night and... He really wants to give it a try!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Want to make his fantasy come true?<</them>>
<<them wait>>We already set up the room and everything, you just need to show up.<</them>>
<<them wait>>We even got a cuck chair 😆<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "AdrianaChris/dom/a3.jpg" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<div id="choices2">
<<messageReplyReplace "Count me in!" #choices2>>
<<me>>Count me in! Can't say no to that tight pussy of your 😏<</me>>
<<them wait>>Oh... Are you talking about this one?<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "AdrianaChris/dom/a4.jpg" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<<them wait>>❤️❤️❤️<</them>>
<<messageReply "That's the one.">>
<<me>>That's the one... I'm getting hard just thinking about it.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Good, because Chris said he wants you to destroy me 😖<</them>>
<<them wait>>After we started talking about cuckolding, he's been obsessed with you.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Constantly asking me when he'll be able to watch you fuck me...<</them>>
<<messageReply "Sounds like a true cuck.">>
<<me>>Sounds like a true cuck to me!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Mhm! I thought that he might be into it but not that much!<</them>>
<<them wait>>I was wrong however. He even bought himself a new toy!<</them>>
<<messageReply "A toy? What kind of toy?">>
<<me>>A toy...? What kind of toy?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Lemme find it...<</them>>
<b>30 seconds later.</b>
<<them wait>>Here, this is the one he bought.<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "AdrianaChris/dom/a5.jpg">><</them>>
<<messageReply "Oh, it's a chastity cage!">>
<<me>>Oh, it's a chastity cage!<</me>>
<<me>>Ghahahaha, then he's definitely a full on cuck!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Can't believe I'm dating a loser who wants to lock his own dick up...<</them>>
<<them wait>>The thought of leaving that loser and dating you is becoming more and more attractive...<</them>>
<<messageReply "When are we meeting up?">>
<<me>>Enough about Chris, when are we meeting up?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Come to our place in two days.<</them>>
<<them wait>>His cage thingy should arrive by then.<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "AdrianaChris/dom/a6.jpg">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Here's one last teaser 😏<</them>>
<<messageReply "Can't wait">>
<<me>>Can't wait beautiful!<</me>>
<<them>>Me neither! 🍆🍑<</them>>
<<set $day2 to $day>>
<<set $adrianadom8tempday to $day>>
<<set $adrianadom8temp to true>>
<<set $adriana to 9>>
<<todo "Meet up with Adriana in a couple of days">>
<<messageReplyReplace "I'll have to pass." #choices2>>
<<me>>I'll have to pass, next couple of days will be extra busy for me...<</me>>
<<them wait>>Oh come on!!!<</them>>
<<them wait>>You really don't want to fuck this tight pussy of mine??<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "AdrianaChris/dom/a6.jpg">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Pretty please? 🥺<</them>>
<<messageReply "A no is a no.">>
<<me>>A no is a no Adriana. I'm sorry.<</me>>
<<them>>I'll text you in a couple of days then. Maybe then you're available.<</them>>
<<set $day2 to $day>>
<<set $adriana to 9>>
<</messengerChat>><<todoCompleted "Meet up with Adriana in a couple of days">>\
<<set $adrianadom8temp to false>>
<<set $adriana to 10>>\
<grey>-"Knock Knock Knock!"</grey> The door makes a dull, knocking sound as you pound on it. You're already at Adriana's apartment.
<b>-"It's $name!"</b>
<adriana>-"Just a second!"</adriana> You hear the locking mechanism of the door begin to move.
<ad>-"Heyyyy!"</ad> The door swings open and you see Adriana.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\b9.jpeg">
<b>-"Oh wow... What's with the outfit?"</b> She smiles and takes a step back. You enter the apartment.
<ad>-"Wanted to make Chris's first time extra special, so I dressed up as his favorite character! 2b from Nier Automata!"</ad>
<ad>-"What do you think?"</ad> Adriana turns around.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\b10.jpg">
<b>-"I'm already hard, that's what I think. You look fucking incredible!"</b>
<ad>-"Heeeeee! I knew you would like it too!"</ad> After slapping her butt, she straightens her back and faces you once more.
<b>-"Anyways, you said it's Chris's first time? What did you mean by that?"</b> You ask while taking off your shoes.
<ad>-"First time getting cucked in person! He's really excited!"</ad>
<b>-"Oh... Right. Where is he anyways?"</b>
<ad>-"In the bedroom, locked in his little cage already hehehe... Let's go join him."</ad> You nod, put away your shoes and stand up. Time to get the show on the road.
<<pageReplace"Walk to the bedroom">>\
<ad>-"Here's my little cucky!"</ad> Adriana jumps onto the bed, where Chris is currently laying. You immediately notice that he's caged.
<blue>-"H-hey..."</blue> He stutters as your eyes connect.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\dom\b1.jpg">
<b>-"Hey man. Ready to watch?"</b>
<blue>-"I-I think so!"</blue> Adriana grins and spreads her legs, making sure Chris gets a good look.
<ad>-"Oh... Is my boyfriend really that excited to see this pussy get ravaged by another man?"</ad>
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\b14.jpg">
<blue>-"NGHHhhh... YessSsss..."</blue> You see precum begin to drip out Chris's cage as Adriana begin to push him away.
<ad>-"Good, then get off of the bed and make room for my dear $name!"</ad>
<blue>-"Y-yes my queen..."</blue> Chris gets off of the bed and sits down on his cuck chair in the corner of the room.
<b>-"Oof..."</b> You let out a gentle moan as you take off your pants. Time to show Chris how to properly fuck a woman!
<ad>-"Come on big boy, what are you waiting for?"</ad>
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\b15.jpg">
<b>-"Fuck me that looks delicious!"</b> You bend over and grab both of her thighs.
<<pageReplace"Begin to eat her out.">>
<b>-"NgHhhH!"</b> With one swift move, you begin to dig right in.
<ad>-"NgHhhHH!! W-wait! B-be gentle!"</ad> She moans as her hand grabs your hair.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\b16.webp">
<b>-"Sworry nwot... MgHhHh... Hapwenning!"</b>
<blue>-"Oh fuck..."</blue> You hear Chris moan from your right.
<ad>-"W-where did you... NgHhhhh! Learn that?!"</ad>
<b>-"GhhrhhHH... Delicious..."</b> You flip your head sideways and begin to aim for her clit.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\b18.webp">
<ad>-"EeeEeeeK!"</ad> She yelps in pleasure and quickly covers her mouth.
<b>-"Have to make her cum quickly... Can't wait to get inside of her."</b> You think as your dick throbs once again.
<ad>-"MgHHHrrRrrHHhH!"</ad> As Adriana throws her head backwards, you remember a move Gina showed you in class.
<b>-"One finger in, aim upwards!"</b> That's where the magic spot is!
<<pageReplace"Use the move.">>
<b>-"One finger in..."</b> You mumble as you use your index finger to penetrate her.
<ad>-"MgHhhh! Good... Ahhhh!"</ad>
<b>-"Aim upwards!"</b> With a simple movement of your finger, you begin to stimulate her g-spot.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\b17.webp">
<ad>-"GhRhHHhHH!!! YeasSHhHhH!!"</ad>
<blue>-"I-Is it good? NgHHHh... M-my queen?"</blue>
<ad>-"YESssSHHHH! KeeEppp goinggg $name! I-I'm about to cuMmm!!"</ad> She screams, with no care if the neighbours hear her.
<ad>-"AGhHhrHHhHH!!!"</ad> Her legs begin to quiver as your face gets covered in her slimey juices.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\b19.webp">
<b>-"AgHHhh!"</b> You open your mouth and try to catch the liquid.
<b>-"Gulp... Gulp... Gulp..."</b> You swallow every last drop... Her juices have a weird, but pleasant and sweet taste.
<ad>-"FucKKkkk! N-now that was an orgasm! Did you see that Chris?"</ad> Her legs quiver one last time.
<blue>-"I-I did baby!"</blue> You turn to your right and see him pathetically trying to masturbate, but the cage stops him.
<ad>-"NgHHhh... Maybe you should learn a thing or two!"</ad> As you straighten your back and stand up, your cock begins to swing from side to side. You slowly begin to remove your shirt.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\dom\b12.jpg">
<blue>-"Holy shit..."</blue>
<ad>-"Fuck... Time for the main course I guess..."</ad> Adriana quickly takes off her costume and sits up.
<b>-"You ready?"</b>
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\dom\b2.jpg">
<ad>-"Bring it on big boy...!"</ad> With a smirk on her face, Adriana lays down and spreads her legs apart. You don't even need lube, considering she just came and is still incredibly wet.
<<pageReplace"Penetrate her.">>
<blue>-"Shit..."</blue> Chris whispers while watching you both.
<b>-"NgHh..."</b> You slap your meat across her vagina a couple of times, marking your territory.
<ad>-"P-put it in already! Please!"</ad> With a slow, but a controlled push, you enter into her insides.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\dom\b3.webp">
<ad>-"Ghaaahhhhhh! YEsssHhh!"</ad> As Adriana moans, you begin to increase the speed.
<blue>-"Holy shit... It fits!"</blue>
<ad>-"NgHhhh! Of course it does cuck! MghHhhh... M-my pussy and his cock... NgHhhh... Already know each other!"</ad>
<b>-"FucKKKkk!"</b> Her tight, wet and warm walls are wrapping around the tip of your cock, trying their best to milk you.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\dom\b4.webp">
<ad>-"AgHhHhhH! K-keep going baby!"</ad>
<b>-"ShiTttTt! Y-you're so tight!"</b> You close your eyes and focus. You need to try your best to last longer.
<<pageReplace"Change positions.">>
<b>-"Come here..."</b> You pull out your cock and fall on the bed next to her. After making sure you're facing the ceiling, Adriana slowly climbs on top of you.
<ad>-"How's the view Chris? Enjoying the show?"</ad> She asks while she slowly lowers her body down onto your rod.
<blue>-"Y-yes! It's amazing!"</blue>
<b>-"NgHhhhh!"</b> You begin to fuck her again, this time making sure to get a good grip by putting a couple of fingers in her backdoor.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\dom\b5.webp">
<ad>-"MGHHhhhh yessSssshhh $name! D-deeper! Faster!"</ad>
<b>-"GrAhHahhHH!!"</b> You begin to pound her even faster, making sure that Chris sees who the dominant man in this room is.
<b>-"Come here!"</b> With your muscular arms, you pick Adriana up and turn her around, giving Chris and even better view.
<blue>-"Oh my God..."</blue>
<ad>-"YessssSSsS! Look at me love!"</ad>
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\dom\b6.webp">
<b>-"NgHHhh!"</b> As you destroy Adriana's insides, you suddenly get an idea.
<<pageReplace"Tell Chris to get closer.">>
<b>-"Come here cuck, take a closer look at how I destroy your girlfriend."</b> Adriana grins and nods.
<ad>-"Yesshhh... Come closer!"</ad>
<blue>-"Y-yes..."</blue> Chris stands up and walks closer to you both.
<ad>-"MgHhhHh! S-see how he penetrates me? S-see how deep it goes...? MgHHHh! This is a real man!"</ad> She grabs his hair and pulls his head even closer.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\dom\b7.webp">
<b>-"MgHHhh! FuckKK... I'm close!"</b>
<ad>-"Me toOoo... NnngHhh! J-just a little more!"</ad> She let's go of Chris's head. He lays down and begins to lick Adriana's feet.
<blue>-"So hot! Slurp... C-cum inside of her please!"</blue>
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\dom\b8.webp">
<ad>-"Y-yesHhhhh! Inside please!"</ad>
<<pageReplace"Creampie her">>
<b>-"RaraahHHhH!!!"</b> With another thrust of your hips, you unload your seed deep in her womb. Her legs begin to shake as she climaxes with you.
<ad>-"FucKKkkK! S-soo warmmmm!"</ad>
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\dom\b9.webp">
<ad>-"NghHhh... Yesss..."</ad> The quivers end and she finally relaxes her body.
<blue>-"S-so much!"</blue> Chris whispers as your cum begins to pour out of Adriana's vagina.
<b>-"Gharrrrhhhh... Fuck me that was good."</b> As you pull out your cock, you notice how red and swollen the tip of your cock is. Adriana was incredibly tight tonight!
<ad>-"NgHhh... Imagine if I wasn't on birth control Chris... Wouldn't that be hot?"</ad> Adriana grins as you move to the side and Chris finally gets a good view of her used pussy.
<blue>-"Gulp... So much!"</blue> You notice that he began to leak again.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\b13.jpg">
<blue>-"Uhmm... Could I?"</blue>
<ad>-"Oh? Could you what?"</ad> As Adriana raises her eyebrow, Chris whispers something into her ear.
<ad>-"Heh, well you have to ask $name. He's the one who made it."</ad> Adriana's boyfriend takes a deep breath and faces you.
<blue>-"C-could I clean her up with my mouth?"</blue>
<b>-"Gosh you're pathetic."</b>
<b>-"Go ahead. Dig right in."</b> You chuckle and stand up from the bed.
<ad>-"Come on then cucky, make sure I don't get pregnant."</ad>
<blue>-"NGhHhh... YesSsss..."</blue> Chris bends over once again and begins to eat Adriana out.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\dom\b10.webp">
<blue>-"Slurp... MgHHhh... S-swo salty... And sweet!"</blue>
<ad>-"Good boy... Every last drop, come on!"</ad> Adriana looks at you and winks.
<b>-"Ghahaha... What a loser."</b> You chuckle once again and wink back. While Chris does his thing, you begin to put on your clothes.
<blue>-"AghHhh! T-thank you $name!"</blue> He thanks you after he's done. After you're fully clothed, you face the couple.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\dom\b11.jpg">
<ad>-"Leaving already?"</ad>
<b>-"Unfortunately... Have some business to attend to back in the city."</b>
<ad>-"Understood... Well thanks for this amazing experience $name."</ad> Adriana smacks Chris's balls.
<ad>-"Say it!"</ad>
<blue>-"O-ouch! T-thank you $name!"</blue> You smile and nod in approval.
<b>-"Send me a message if you ever want to go for round two."</b> You go to the corridor, put on your shoes and open the door.
<b>-"See you later!"</b>
<blue>-"B-bye..."</blue> Time to head back home.
<<set $dominant to $dominant +2>>
<blue>Dominant +2!</blue>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<b>-"No... That's weird, don't be a weirdo. Bring her some tissues."</b> You frown and stand up.
<ad>-"You heard him cuck. Bring me some!"</ad>
<blue>-"NGhHhh... Yes..."</blue> Chris nods and stands up. After getting back from the kitchen with the aforementioned tissues, he begins to clean her.
<ad>-"Good boy... Come on, don't leave a single drop on me. You don't want me to get pregnant."</ad>
<blue>-"Yes... My queen."</blue> After he's done, he throws the tissues on the ground.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\dom\b13.jpeg">
<b>-"Ghahaha... What a loser."</b> You whisper as you begin to put on your clothes.
<ad>-"Good boy."</ad> Adriana stands up and faces you.
<b>-"Give me a just a second..."</b> After you're fully clothed, you face her as well.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\dom\b11.jpg">
<ad>-"Leaving already?"</ad>
<b>-"Unfortunately... Have some business to attend to back in the city."</b>
<ad>-"Understood... Well thanks for this amazing experience $name."</ad> Adriana smacks Chris's balls.
<ad>-"Say it!"</ad>
<blue>-"O-ouch! T-thank you $name!"</blue> You smile and nod in approval.
<b>-"Send me a message if you ever want to go for round two."</b> You go to the corridor, put on your shoes and open the door.
<b>-"See you later!"</b>
<blue>-"B-bye..."</blue> Time to head back home.
<<set $dominant to $dominant +2>>
<blue>Dominant +2!</blue>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<messengerHeader Adriana>>
<<if $adriana==10>>
<<them>>How are you holding up?<</them>>
<<messageReply "I'm well.">>
<<me>>I'm well... How are you?<</me>>
<<them wait>>I'm doing okay to... I wanted to talk with you about something.<</them>>
<<messageReply "What is it?">>
<<them wait>>Well after that night I've been non stop thinking about you...<</them>>
<<them wait>>Not only me, but my pussy too...<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "AdrianaChris/sub/x6.jpg" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Am I stuck in your mind too...?<</them>>
<div id="choices">
<<messageReplyReplace "You are." #choices>>
<<me>>You are. I also can't stop thinking about that night.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Yeah...<</them>>
<<them wait>>That's what I wanted to talk about.<</them>>
<<them wait>>I think I'm getting ready to finally dump that little cuck.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Or at least push him to the side while we date.<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "AdrianaChris/sub/x1.webp" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<<them wait>>All of this could be yours...<</them>>
<<messageReply "Want to meet up?">>
<<me>>Want to meet up and talk about it over some coffee?<</me>>
<<them wait>>That would be great!<</them>>
<<them wait>>When are you free?<</them>>
<<messageReply "How about tomorrow.">>
<<me>>How about tomorrow?<</me>>
<<them wait>>That works for me!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Can you pick me up? I don't have a car...<</them>>
<<messageReply "Of course!">>
<<me>>Of course! I'll be there at 11:00!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Can't wait 🥺<</them>>
<<them wait>>Two final teases to make the decision on your end easier...<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "AdrianaChris/sub/x7.jpg" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "AdrianaChris/sub/x4.jpg" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<<messageReply "Gosh you're hot...">>
<<me>>Gosh you're hot...<</me>>
<<me>>I'll be there tomorrow, be ready!<</me>>
<<set $adriana to 11>>
<<set $day2 to $day>>
<<todo "Pick up Adriana for a coffee date.">>
<<messageReplyReplace "Not really." #choices>>
<<me>>Not really... I enjoyed the night, but that's about it.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Oh...<</them>>
<<them wait>>I thought...<</them>>
<<them wait>>Nevermind.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Want to talk about it?">>
<<me>>Want to meet up and talk about it over some coffee?<</me>>
<<them wait>>yeah I guess...<</them>>
<<them wait>>When are you free?<</them>>
<<messageReply "How about tomorrow.">>
<<me>>How about tomorrow?<</me>>
<<them wait>>That works for me!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Can you pick me up? I don't have a car...<</them>>
<<messageReply "Of course!">>
<<me>>Of course! I'll be there at 11:00!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Okay.<</them>>
<<them wait>>See you then.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Sure thing.">>
<<me>>Sure thing.<</me>>
<<set $adriana to 11>>
<<set $day2 to $day>>
<<set $adrianadom10dontwanttodate to true>>
<<todo "Pick up Adriana for a coffee date.">>
<<them>>How are you holding up?<</them>>
<<messageReply "I'm well.">>
<<me>>I'm well... How are you?<</me>>
<<them wait>>I'm doing okay to... I wanted to talk with you about something.<</them>>
<<messageReply "What is it?">>
<<them wait>>Well after you didn't show up, I felt weird...<</them>>
<<them wait>>Like I missed you... Me and Chris tried fucking but it wasn't the same...<</them>>
<<them wait>>My pussy still aches for you...<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "AdrianaChris/sub/x6.jpg" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Am I stuck in your mind too...?<</them>>
<div id="choices">
<<messageReplyReplace "You are." #choices>>
<<me>>You are. I'm sorry that I couldn't make it, but I'm still thinking about you 24/7<</me>>
<<them wait>>Yeah...<</them>>
<<them wait>>That's what I wanted to talk about.<</them>>
<<them wait>>I think I'm getting ready to finally dump that little cuck.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Or at least push him to the side while we date.<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "AdrianaChris/sub/x1.webp" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<<them wait>>All of this could be yours...<</them>>
<<messageReply "Want to meet up?">>
<<me>>Want to meet up and talk about it over some coffee?<</me>>
<<them wait>>That would be great!<</them>>
<<them wait>>When are you free?<</them>>
<<messageReply "How about tomorrow.">>
<<me>>How about tomorrow?<</me>>
<<them wait>>That works for me!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Can you pick me up? I don't have a car...<</them>>
<<messageReply "Of course!">>
<<me>>Of course! I'll be there at 11:00!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Can't wait 🥺<</them>>
<<them wait>>Two final teases to make the decision on your end easier...<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "AdrianaChris/sub/x7.jpg" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "AdrianaChris/sub/x4.jpg" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<<messageReply "Gosh you're hot...">>
<<me>>Gosh you're hot...<</me>>
<<me>>I'll be there tomorrow, be ready!<</me>>
<<set $adriana to 11>>
<<set $day2 to $day>>
<<todo "Pick up Adriana for a coffee date.">>
<<messageReplyReplace "Not really." #choices>>
<<me>>Not really... That's why I didn't agree in the first place.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Oh...<</them>>
<<them wait>>I thought...<</them>>
<<them wait>>Nevermind.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Want to talk about it?">>
<<me>>Want to meet up and talk about it over some coffee?<</me>>
<<them wait>>yeah I guess...<</them>>
<<them wait>>When are you free?<</them>>
<<messageReply "How about tomorrow.">>
<<me>>How about tomorrow?<</me>>
<<them wait>>That works for me!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Can you pick me up? I don't have a car...<</them>>
<<messageReply "Of course!">>
<<me>>Of course! I'll be there at 11:00!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Okay.<</them>>
<<them wait>>See you then.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Sure thing.">>
<<me>>Sure thing.<</me>>
<<set $adriana to 11>>
<<set $day2 to $day>>
<<set $adrianadom10dontwanttodate to true>>
<<todo "Pick up Adriana for a coffee date.">>
<</messengerChat>><<todoCompleted "Pick up Adriana for a coffee date.">>\
<<set $adrianadom11temp to true>>\
<<if $brokeupwithemily !==true>>\
<b>-"Adriana time I guess... I hope she hasn't forgotten.."</b> You get in your car, drive to her place and begin climbing up the stairs.
<b>-"Let's see..."</b>
<grey>Knock Knock Knock!</grey>
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\dom\x1.webp">
<ad>-"Come in! It's unlocked!"</ad> Adriana shouts from behind the door.
<b>-"Alright!"</b> After opening the door, you step inside.
<b>-"Ready to go?"</b> You ask as you look around, looking for her. After a second or two, she pops out from the kitchen.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\dom\x2.webp">
<ad>-"Yup, I was just grabbing my keys!"</ad> Adriana walks over and you both embrace with a hug.
<b>-"Chris isn't home?"</b>
<ad>-"Nope, on a work trip. I'm ready if you are."</ad> She smiles as you grab her hand.
<b>-"Let's go, I'm parked outside."</b>
<<pageReplace"Walk to the car together">>
<ad>-"S-so... How are you and Emily holding up?"</ad> She asks as you both fasten your seatbelts.
<b>-"Pretty well I guess."</b>
<ad>-"Hmph... Good to hear."</ad> Adriana says in a sarcastic tone. The car comes to life as you turn the key. You begin to drive towards the coffee shop.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\dom\x3.jpg">
<b>-"How are you and Chris?"</b>
<ad>-"You know... Nothing special I guess... That's why we're having this date in the first place, right?"</ad>
<b>-"Yeah, you told me he doesn't satisfy you. How so?"</b> You turn left in an intersection.
<ad>-"Well, I didn't know that he was a cuck before we started dating, so when he told me I was shocked."</ad>
<ad>-"First, sleeping with you was hot, but now I feel more than arousal..."</ad>
<b>-"Mhm, carry on."</b> You're getting close to the shop.
<ad>-"Y-your masculine hands, your fast hips... Your huge cock... It's all too appealing to me... So I started ignoring or even sometimes resenting Chris."</ad>
<b>-"Wow, resenting is a strong word."</b> You say as you find a parking spot.
<ad>-"It is, but it's true... So I feel bad, I want to leave Chris and start to date you..."</ad>
<b>-"Let's head inside, we'll talk more about it there."</b> You climb out of the car while trying your best not to smile. You could tell that Adriana's words were sincere, so you took them as one big compliment.
<grey>-"Dring!"</grey> A bell sound rings out as you both step inside of the cafe.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\dom\x4.jpeg">
<b>-"Let's find a seat."</b>
<<pageReplace"Find a seat.">>
<b>-"I'll take a latte."</b> You tell the server your order.
<ad>-"Same here."</ad> The woman nods and walks off.
<ad>-"S-so... Let's talk."</ad>
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\dom\x6.jpg">
<<if $adrianadom10dontwanttodate ==true>>\
<ad>-"You said you didn't want anything serious, is it because of Emily?"</ad>
<b>-"No, no, definitely not."</b>
<b>-"Well... I don't know. I think I'm just not ready for another commitment."</b>
<ad>-"B-but $name, I could bring so much to the table!"</ad>
<b>-"I believe you."</b>
<bartender>-"Here you are, enjoy!"</bartender> The server puts down two cups on the table.
<b>-"Thank you! How much will that be?"</b>
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\dom\x6.jpg">
<bartender>-"Nothing, the coffee is on the house. You guys are new customers and all."</bartender>
<ad>-"O-oh! Thank you!"</ad> The woman smiles, nods and walks off again.
<ad>-"Well ain't that nice?"</ad>
<ad>-"You said you wanted something more serious too... Is that only because your relationship with Emily is shaky, or do you actually want me?"</ad>
<b>-"I do want you... I think."</b>
<ad>-"You know, I can bring a lot more to the table than tits and ass."</ad>
<b>-"I believe you."</b>
<bartender>-"Here you are, enjoy!"</bartender> The server puts down two cups on the table.
<b>-"Thank you! How much will that be?"</b>
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\dom\x6.jpg">
<bartender>-"Nothing, the coffee is on the house. You guys are new customers and all."</bartender>
<ad>-"O-oh! Thank you!"</ad> The woman smiles, nods and walks off again.
<ad>-"Well ain't that nice?"</ad>
<<pageReplace"Are you ready to break up with Chris?">>\
<b>-"Are you ready to break up with Chris?"</b>
<b>-"Well, I have to know if I agree if you're going to have the guts to leave him."</b>
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\dom\x7.png">
<ad>-"Of course! If you agree I'll break up with him today!"</ad>
<b>-"You will?"</b> You both sip on your coffee.
<ad>-"Y-yes! Just agree... Please..."</ad>
<b>-"Hmmmm..."</b> This is a pretty important decision, you have to think about it.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\dom\x8.jpg">
<ad>-"So... What do you say? Do you want to stay casual or do you want something more serious?"</ad> As you fidget with your arms, Adriana finishes her cup.
<<pageReplace"Break up with Emily and date Adriana.">>
<b>-"Fine... I agree."</b>
<ad>-"Y-you do?!"</ad> Adriana turns her head, it seems like she didn't expect you to agree.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\dom\x9.png">
<b>-"Yeah... I like you a lot Adriana, I can tell that we could make a great couple."</b>
<ad>-"YES!"</ad> She stands up and screams.
<b>-"H-hey! Keep it down, there are people around."</b>
<ad>-"S-sorry!"</ad> She smiles and sits back down.
<ad>-"But this means that..."</ad> You finish your coffee and face her.
<b>-"Yes. I'll have to break up with Emily."</b>
<ad>-"Hmph... And I with Chris."</ad> Your new girlfriend stands up once again.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\dom\x11.png">
<ad>-"I think the quicker we get this done, the better... Want to head back?"</ad>
<b>-"Yeah, let's go."</b> You stand up after her and you both leave the coffee shop. After driving Adriana back, you park next to her apartment.
<b>-"Good luck babe."</b> You kiss her on the cheek as she exits the car.
<ad>-"Y-you too! Let's talk later tonight."</ad> Adriana closes the door and walks off.
<b>-"Fuck... Time to bring the bad news to Emily."</b> You decide that breaking up over the phone might be easier. Sure, it's a pussy move, but you don't want to see her crying...
<<set $datingadriana to true>>
<grey>New relationship - Adriana!</grey>
<<set $adriana to 0>>
[[Drive home->room]]
<<pageReplace"Stay casual.">>
<<set $adriana to 12>>\
<b>-"I think I still prefer to stay casual with you Adriana."</b>
<ad>-"W-what...?"</ad> She whispers.
<b>-"You heard me."</b>
<ad>-"Agh fuck!"</ad>
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\dom\x10.png">
<ad>-"You say that now, believe me I'll win you over."</ad>
<b>-"Sure thing Adriana."</b> You laugh and sip your coffee once again. The cup is now empty.
<ad>-"You'll see! I'm sick of dating that cuck... I'll get you."</ad> She stands up.
<ad>-"Now let's go! I want to go home."</ad> You can tell that she isn't happy.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\dom\x11.png">
<b>-"Sure thing."</b> You stand up after her and you both leave the coffee shop. After driving Adriana back, you park next to her apartment.
<b>-"See ya later beautiful."</b> You kiss her on the cheek as she exits the car.
<ad>-"Mhm! I'll think about if you will!"</ad> Adriana says in a joking tone and smashes the door shut.
<b>-"Fuck... She's mad but I think she understands."</b> Time to head home.
<<set $datingadriana to false>>\
[[Drive home->room]]
<b>-"Adriana time I guess... I hope she hasn't forgotten.."</b> You think as you climb up her apartment's stairs.
<grey>Knock Knock Knock!</grey>
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\dom\x1.webp">
<ad>-"Come in! It's unlocked!"</ad> Adriana shouts from behind the door.
<b>-"Alright!"</b> After opening the door, you step inside.
<b>-"Ready to go?"</b> You ask as you look around, looking for her. After a second or two, she pops out from the kitchen.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\dom\x2.webp">
<ad>-"Yup, I was just grabbing my keys!"</ad> Adriana walks over and you both embrace with a hug.
<b>-"Chris isn't home?"</b>
<ad>-"Nope, on a work trip. I'm ready if you are."</ad> She smiles as you grab her hand.
<b>-"Let's go, I'm parked outside."</b>
<<pageReplace"Walk to the car together">>
<ad>-"S-so... How are you and Emily holding up?"</ad> She asks as you both fasten your seatbelts.
<b>-"We broke up. Haven't I told you?"</b>
<ad>-"Ah... Right."</ad> The car comes to life as you turn the key. You begin to drive towards the coffee shop.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\dom\x3.jpg">
<b>-"How are you and Chris?"</b>
<ad>-"You know... Nothing special I guess... That's why we're having this date in the first place, right?"</ad>
<b>-"Yeah, you told me he doesn't satisfy you. How so?"</b> You turn left in an intersection.
<ad>-"Well, I didn't know that he was a cuck before we started dating, so when he told me I was shocked."</ad>
<ad>-"First, sleeping with you was hot, but now I feel more than arousal..."</ad>
<b>-"Mhm, carry on."</b> You're getting close to the shop.
<ad>-"Y-your masculine hands, your fast hips... Your huge cock... It's all too appealing to me... So I started ignoring or even sometimes resenting Chris."</ad>
<b>-"Wow, resenting is a strong word."</b> You say as you find a parking spot.
<ad>-"It is, but it's true... So I feel bad, I want to leave Chris and start to date you..."</ad>
<b>-"Let's head inside, we'll talk more about it there."</b> You climb out of the car while trying your best not to smile. You could tell that Adriana's words were sincere, so you took them as one big compliment.
<grey>-"Dring!"</grey> A bell sound rings out as you both step inside of the cafe.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\dom\x4.jpeg">
<b>-"Let's find a seat."</b>
<<pageReplace"Find a seat.">>
<b>-"I'll take a latte."</b> You tell the server your order.
<ad>-"Same here."</ad> The woman nods and walks off.
<ad>-"S-so... Let's talk."</ad>
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\dom\x6.jpg">
<<if $adrianadom10dontwanttodate ==true>>\
<ad>-"You said you didn't want anything serious, even though you're single, why?"</ad>
<b>-"I... I don't know. I think I'm just not ready for a commitment."</b>
<ad>-"B-but $name, I could bring so much to the table!"</ad>
<b>-"I believe you."</b>
<bartender>-"Here you are, enjoy!"</bartender> The server puts down two cups on the table.
<b>-"Thank you! How much will that be?"</b>
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\dom\x6.jpg">
<bartender>-"Nothing, the coffee is on the house. You guys are new customers and all."</bartender>
<ad>-"O-oh! Thank you!"</ad> The woman smiles, nods and walks off again.
<ad>-"Well ain't that nice?"</ad>
<ad>-"You said you wanted something more serious too... Is that only because you're single, or do you actually want me?"</ad>
<b>-"I... I don't know. At least not yet."</b>
<ad>-"You know, I can bring a lot more to the table than tits and ass."</ad>
<b>-"I believe you."</b>
<bartender>-"Here you are, enjoy!"</bartender> The server puts down two cups on the table.
<b>-"Thank you! How much will that be?"</b>
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\dom\x6.jpg">
<bartender>-"Nothing, the coffee is on the house. You guys are new customers and all."</bartender>
<ad>-"O-oh! Thank you!"</ad> The woman smiles, nods and walks off again.
<ad>-"Well ain't that nice?"</ad>
<<pageReplace"Are you ready to break up with Chris?">>\
<b>-"Are you ready to break up with Chris?"</b>
<b>-"Well, I have to know if I agree if you're going to have the guts to leave him."</b>
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\dom\x7.png">
<ad>-"Of course! If you agree I'll break up with him today!"</ad>
<b>-"You will?"</b> You both sip on your coffee.
<ad>-"Y-yes! Just agree... Please..."</ad>
<b>-"Hmmmm..."</b> This is a pretty important decision, you have to think about it.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\dom\x8.jpg">
<ad>-"So... What do you say? Do you want to stay casual or do you want something more serious?"</ad> As you fidget with your arms, Adriana finishes her cup.
<<pageReplace"Date Adriana.">>
<b>-"Fine... I agree."</b>
<ad>-"Y-you do?!"</ad> Adriana turns her head, it seems like she didn't expect you to agree.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\dom\x9.png">
<b>-"Yeah... I like you a lot Adriana, I can tell that we could make a great couple."</b>
<ad>-"YES!"</ad> She stands up and screams.
<b>-"H-hey! Keep it down, there are people around."</b>
<ad>-"S-sorry!"</ad> She smiles and sits back down.
<b>-"But this means that..."</b> You finish your coffee and face her.
<ad>-"Yes. I'll have to break up with Chris."</ad> Your new girlfriend stands up once again.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\dom\x11.png">
<ad>-"I think the quicker I get this done, the better... Want to head back?"</ad>
<b>-"Yeah, let's go."</b> You stand up after her and you both leave the coffee shop. After driving Adriana back, you park next to her apartment.
<b>-"Good luck babe."</b> You kiss her on the cheek as she exits the car.
<ad>-"Y-you too! Let's talk later tonight."</ad> Adriana closes the door and walks off.
<b>-"Fuck... Hope the breakup is smooth between those two."</b> Time to head home.
<<set $datingadriana to true>>
<grey>New relationship - Adriana!</grey>
<<set $adriana to 0>>
[[Drive home->room]]
<<pageReplace"Stay casual.">>
<<set $adriana to 12>>\
<b>-"I think I still prefer to stay casual with you Adriana."</b>
<ad>-"W-what...?"</ad> She whispers.
<b>-"You heard me."</b>
<ad>-"Agh fuck!"</ad>
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\dom\x10.png">
<ad>-"You say that now, believe me I'll win you over."</ad>
<b>-"Sure thing Adriana."</b> You laugh and sip your coffee once again. The cup is now empty.
<ad>-"You'll see! I'm sick of dating that cuck... I'll get you."</ad> She stands up.
<ad>-"Now let's go! I want to go home."</ad> You can tell that she isn't happy.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\dom\x11.png">
<b>-"Sure thing."</b> You stand up after her and you both leave the coffee shop. After driving Adriana back, you park next to her apartment.
<b>-"See ya later beautiful."</b> You kiss her on the cheek as she exits the car.
<ad>-"Mhm! I'll think about if you will!"</ad> Adriana says in a joking tone and smashes the door shut.
<b>-"Fuck... She's mad but I think she understands."</b> Time to head home.
<<set $datingadriana to false>>\
[[Drive home->room]]
<</if>>\<<set $datingadrianatemp11 to true>>\
<<if $brokeupwithemily !==true>>
<b>-"I can't believe I'm actually I'm about to go through with it..."</b> You begin to fidget with your hands.
<b>-"Me and Emily have been dating for how long now? 5 years? Am I truly ready to throw the relationship away for Adriana?"</b>
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\dom\xx5.webp">
<b>-"I think... I think I am. There's just something about her."</b>
<b>-"Her smile, her voice, her touch, everything just seems so perfect."</b>
<b>-"Having her all to myself sounds way too good to pass up."</b> As you straighten your head, you see your phone on the table next to you.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\dom\xx4.jpeg">
<b>-"I guess it's time..."</b> With a shaking hand, you take your phone and unlock it.
<b>-"I hope she takes it well."</b>
<<pageReplace"Text Emily">>\
<<message "Emily" "adrianadom11 part 2 home emily message" "Emily, we have to talk." open>>
<b>-"I can't believe I'm actually I'm about to go through with it..."</b> You begin to fidget with your hands.
<b>-"Me and Emily have been dating for how long now? 5 years? Am I truly ready to throw the relationship away for Adriana?"</b>
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\dom\xx5.webp">
<b>-"I think... I think I am. There's just something about her."</b>
<b>-"Her smile, her voice, her touch, everything just seems so perfect."</b>
<b>-"Having her all to myself sounds way too good to pass up."</b> As you straighten your head, you see your phone on the table next to you.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\dom\xx4.jpeg">
<b>-"I guess it's time..."</b> With a shaking hand, you take your phone and unlock it.
<b>-"I better finish this conversation before texting Adriana! This is important!"</b>
<b>-"I wonder if Adriana has already done it..."</b> You begin to fidget with your hands.
<b>-"How long have they been dating? 2 years? 3? I never asked actually..."</b>
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\dom\xx5.webp">
<b>-"And now I'm stealing his girlfriend away from him... I kind of feel like an asshole."</b>
<b>-"B-but... Her smile, her voice, her touch, everything just seems so perfect."</b>
<b>-"Having her all to myself sounds way too good to pass up."</b> As you straighten your head, you see your phone on the table next to you.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\dom\xx4.jpeg">
<b>-"I guess it's time..."</b> You take your phone and unlock it.
<b>-"I hope she's done already."</b>
<<pageReplace"Text Adriana">>\
<<message "Adriana" "adrianadom11 part 2 home adriana message" "Hey, did you do it?" open>>
<b>-"I wonder if Adriana has already done it..."</b> You begin to fidget with your hands.
<b>-"How long have they been dating? 2 years? 3? I never asked actually..."</b>
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\dom\xx5.webp">
<b>-"And now I'm stealing his girlfriend away from him... I kind of feel like an asshole."</b>
<b>-"B-but... Her smile, her voice, her touch, everything just seems so perfect."</b>
<b>-"Having her all to myself sounds way too good to pass up."</b> As you straighten your head, you see your phone on the table next to you.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\dom\xx4.jpeg">
<b>-"I guess it's time..."</b> You take your phone and unlock it.
<b>-"I better finish this conversation before doing anything else! This is important!"</b>
<<messengerHeader Emily>>
<<messageReply "Emily, we have to talk.">>
<<me>>Emily, we have to talk.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Huh...? What is it...?<</them>>
<<them wait>>You're scaring me, I'm already having a bad day.<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "AdrianaChris/dom/xx6.png">><</them>>
<<messageReply "I want to break up.">>
<<me>>I want to break up...<</me>>
<<them wait>>What...?<</them>>
<<them wait>>WHAT??????<</them>>
<<them wait>>WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN???????<</them>>
<<them wait>>WHY????<</them>>
<div id="choices">
<<messageReplyReplace "Tell her the truth." #choices>>
<<me>>I'm not going to lie to you Emily, I found someone better.<</me>>
<<me>>I'm sorry, but I understood that I love this person and can't live without them.<</me>>
<<them wait>>...<</them>>
<<them wait>>You know what.<</them>>
<<them wait>>FUCK YOU.<</them>>
<<them wait>>I don't even need you.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Matter of fact, you're not breaking up with me, I'm breaking up with you!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Whatever you say.">>
<<me>>Whatever you say. Goodbye Emily.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Go fuck yourself.<</them>>
<<them>>This user has blocked you.<</them>>
<<set $brokeupwithemily to true>>
<<set $brokeupwithemilytempadriana to true>>
<<goto "adrianadom11 part 3 home">>
<<messageReplyReplace "Make up an excuse." #choices>>
<<me>>I just need some time alone...<</me>>
<<me>>I've been really stressed lately. Work, school, the Hudson project... Everything is a bit too much.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Fuck me $name... Really? You're sure we can't just work through this?<</them>>
<<messageReply "I'm sure Emily.">>
<<me>>I'm sure Emily... I'm sorry.<</me>>
<<them wait>>I don't know what to say...<</them>>
<<them wait>>I guess this is goodbye?<</them>>
<<messageReply "It is.">>
<<me>>It is... I wish you well.<</me>>
<<me>>Maybe we can reconnect in a couple of years.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Maybe...<</them>>
<<them wait>>Thank you for the amazing 5 years $name... I wish you well too.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Goodbye.">>
<<me>>Goodbye. ❤️<</me>>
<<them>>Bye love... ❤️<</them>>
<<set $brokeupwithemily to true>>
<<set $brokeupwithemilytempadriana to true>>
<<set $brokeupwithemilytempadriana2 to true>>
<<goto "adrianadom11 part 3 home">>
<<messengerHeader Adriana>>
<<if $brokeupwithemilytempadriana ==true>>
<<me>>Hey, did you do it?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Gimme a sec...<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "AdrianaChris/dom/xx3.jpg" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<<them wait>>These are all yours now... Does that answer your question? 😍😍😍😍<</them>>
<<messageReply "Finally...">>
<<me>>Finally, we're together 😍<</me>>
<<them wait>>😯<</them>>
<<them wait>>So you broke up with Emily already as well?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Yes.">>
<<me>>Yes! Like 20 seconds ago actually.<</me>>
<<them wait>>How did she take it?<</them>>
<<messageReply "As best as she could I guess.">>
<<me>>As best as she could I guess.<</me>>
<<me>>She definitely wasn't expecting it...<</me>>
<<them wait>>Mine was the same basically... Chris was shocked.<</them>>
<<them wait>>But understanding at the end.<</them>>
<<them wait>>The past is in the past however, we're finally free!<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "AdrianaChris/dom/xx2.jpg" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Can't wait for you to get here and use me like a doll 😍😍😍😍<</them>>
<<messageReply "Speaking of dates...">>
<<me>>Speaking of coming over, on which days are you free for dates?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Uhmmmm... How about on Monday and Thursday in the afternoon? Those are the only days I'm off work...<</them>>
<<messageReply "Works for me!">>
<<me>>Works for me! Can't wait to see you!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Same here ❤️<</them>>
<<goto "room">>
<<set $adriana2 to 1>>\
<<me>>Hey, did you do it?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Gimme a sec...<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "AdrianaChris/dom/xx3.jpg" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<<them wait>>These are all yours now... Does that answer your question? 😍😍😍😍<</them>>
<<messageReply "Finally...">>
<<me>>Finally, we're together 😍<</me>>
<<them wait>>We are!!!! 🥰<</them>>
<<messageReply "How did the breakup go?">>
<<me>>How did the breakup go?<</me>>
<<them wait>>I mean, he tooks it as best as he could I guess...<</them>>
<<them wait>>He was super shocked, but understanding at the end.<</them>>
<<them wait>>The past is in the past however, we're finally free!<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "AdrianaChris/dom/xx2.jpg" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Can't wait for you to get here and use me like a doll 😍😍😍😍<</them>>
<<messageReply "Speaking of dates...">>
<<me>>Speaking of coming over, on which days are you free for dates?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Uhmmmm... How about on Monday and Thursday in the afternoon? Those are the only days I'm off work...<</them>>
<<messageReply "Works for me!">>
<<me>>Works for me! Can't wait to see you!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Same here ❤️<</them>>
<<goto "room">>
<<set $adriana2 to 1>>\
<</messengerChat>><<if $brokeupwithemilytempadriana2 ==true>>\
<b>-"Fuck, I feel so bad..."</b> You could tell by her messages that Emily didn't want to break up.
<b>-"I have to remember why I'm doing this... This is for Adriana... For my new love!"</b> You look at your phone again.
<b>-"Let's text her, I hope she's done her part already."</b>
<<pageReplace"Text Adriana">>
<<message "Adriana" "adrianadom11 part 2 home adriana message" "Hey, did you do it?" open>>
<b>-"Fuck, I feel so bad..."</b> You could tell by her messages that Emily didn't want to break up.
<b>-"I have to remember why I'm doing this... This is for Adriana... For my new love!"</b> You look at your phone again.
<b>-"Let's text her, I hope she's done her part already."</b>
<b>-"I better finish this conversation, it's really important!"</b>
<b>-"Well, that was rough..."</b> You hope that she'll forgive you someday.
<b>-"I have to remember why I'm doing this... This is for Adriana... For my new love!"</b> You look at your phone again.
<b>-"Let's text her, I hope she's done her part already."</b>
<<pageReplace"Text Adriana">>
<<message "Adriana" "adrianadom11 part 2 home adriana message" "Hey, did you do it?" open>>
<b>-"Well, that was rough..."</b> You hope that she'll forgive you someday.
<b>-"I have to remember why I'm doing this... This is for Adriana... For my new love!"</b> You look at your phone again.
<b>-"Let's text her, I hope she's done her part already."</b>
<b>-"I better finish this conversation, it's really important!"</b>
<<messengerHeader Adriana>>
<<me>>Hello...? Is this Adriana?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Hellooo... yes ;)<</them>>
<<messageReply "Sooo...">>
<<them wait>> Sooooo... what?<</them>>
<<messageReply "About that proposal ...">>
<<me>>So about that proposal.. I would like to try.. <</me>>
<<them wait>>O-oh...<</them>>
<<them wait>>Heh, I knew that you're pathetic from the second I saw you 😏 So you want to be our slave huh?<</them>>
<div id="choices">
<<messageReplyReplace "I mean.. Yeah..." #choices>>
<<me>>I mean sure.. I would like to try... just tell me when and where and I'll be there...<</me>>
<<them>>Well.. I'm going to the cinema soon.. want to be my date for a night?<</them>>
<<me>>I.. I'm down..<</me>>
<<them>>Haha... good.. I'll text you in a couple of days, be ready..<</them>>
<<messageRead "adrianasub1">>
<<set $adriana to $adriana+1>>
<<set $day2 to $day>>
<<messageReplyReplace "No... I changed my mind.." #choices>>
<<me>>No.. not really. I changed my mind..<</me>>
<<them>>Huh what a shame, you would make a good house pet.<</them>>
<<them>>Fine.. we'll find someone else...<</them>>
<<messageRead "adrianasub1">>
<<set $adriana to 0>>
<<messengerHeader Adriana>>
<<them>>$name! You there?<</them>>
<<them>>I'm leaving in 10 minutes, you're still coming, right? ;)<</them>>
<<messageReply "Of course">>
<<me>>Of course... I'm getting ready as we speak, do I need to.. bring any condoms..?<</me>>
<<them>>Haha very funny, of course not, you won't be fucking anyone anytime soon.<</them>>
<<them>>I'm going to be there early.. I'm sending you the ticket now love <3<</them>>
<<them>>Image... received!<</them>>
<<messageReply "I'll be there!">>
<<me>>Oh.. I-I'll be there!<</me>>
<<set $adriana to $adriana +1>>
<<set $day2 to $day>>
<<goto "adriana sub 2 part 2">>
<</messengerChat>><<if $time < 2>><<set $time to $time + 1>><</if>>\
You put down your phone and start getting ready. You brush your teeth, take a shower, apply some perfume... you look like a brand new man! You pick up your phone, with the digital ticket inside, say goodbye to Mia and travel to the cinema on your own.
<<pageReplace "Get inside">>\
<blue>-"Ticket please"</blue> A buff man asks you as you enter the hall.
<b>-"There you go..."</b> You look down in fear, his frame overpowers yours tenfold. You show him the ticket and he lets you through.. thankfully.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\asdasd.webp" width="750px">
<b>-"Alright.. time to find my seat.."</b> You whisper to yourself as you start searching for it.
<adriana>-"$name! I'm here!"</adriana> You hear someone whisper your name. You look around and see Adriana waving at you...
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\1.webp" height="600px">
<b>-"H-hey.."</b> You smile and sit down next to her.
<adriana>-"So, how does it feel to go on a date? This is your first time, correct?"</adriana>
<<pageReplace "Tell her the truth.">>\
<<set $liedtoadriana to false>>\
<b>-"N-no.. I have a girlfriend actually.."</b> You whimpers.. It's probably best not to lie.
<adriana>-"Heh, a cuck like you? With a girlfriend..?"</adriana> She scoffs.. But looks back at you.. Seemingly impressed.
<b>-"Haha.. yeah.."</b> The movie starts and you both go silent. You feel kind of awkward.. but Adriana doesn't seem bothered at all. Nearing the mid-point of the movie, she suddenly grabs your crotch..
<b>-"H-hey!"</b> You say loudly.
<blue>-"Shhhhhh! Keep it down!"</blue> Some man from the croud yells at you.
<adriana>-"Heh, better keep it down loser, or we might get cought!"</adriana> She winks at you and unbuckles your pants.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\23665141.webp" width="600px">
She stars jacking you off while touching herself.
<adriana>-"Nghhh.. you like that..?"</adriana>
<b>-"Mmmmnnngg... y-yes.."</b>
<adriana>-"You know.. I-I'm doing you a favor by even touching you.. I will want something in return.."</adriana> She whispers to you.
<b>-"I-I understand - nghhhhHH..."</b> You whimper.
<blue>-"SHHhHHHH!"</blue> The man shushes you.
<b>-"S-sorry!"</b> You say loudly.
<b>-"Mnghhhh... I-I'm close.."</b> You whisper into Adriana's ear.
<adriana>-"Awhhh already? We just started though.. I tell you what, I'll let you cum, if you agree to do something for me.."</adriana>
<b>-"Nghhh -f-fuck... w-what?"</b>
<adriana>-"N-next time I text you.. you'll send me some pics.."</adriana> She says while biting her lip.
<b>-"P-pictures?"</b> You feel something building up in your chest.. It's anxiousness.. Adriana suddenly lets go of your rod, you were so close to cumming that it's throbbing, you reach for it but she slaps your hand away!
<adriana>-"No touching... now, will you do it?"</adriana>
<b>-"NGhhhhH..."</b> You moan.
<<pageReplace "Y-yes...">>\
<<set $adrianaflashingno to false>>\
<b>-"O-okay! P-please just finish it!!!"</b> You whimper.
<adriana>-"Hehehe, what a good slave!"</adriana> She gives you a satisfied look.
She grabs your throbbing cock and starts rubbing incredibly hard. Thank god she's doing it dry, otherwise every person in the theatre would hear it.
<b>-"F-fuck I'm cu-cumming!!"</b> You moan while staying as silent as possible. Right as you ejaculate, Adriana stops all stimulation and just holds your shaft in place.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\ezgif-2-b549406307.webp">
<adriana>-"Good boy!"</adriana>
<b>-"MghhHH.. n-no! W-why..!"</b>
<adriana>-"You're a slave, you don't deserve real orgasms dummy!"</adriana> She looks at your dick and licks her lips.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\3383329.webp" height="450px">
<adriana>-"Follow my every order and you will experience much more pleasure than today, if you don't.. you will suffer the consequences.."</adriana> She smiles, gives you a kiss on the cheek, rubs your head and leaves. She didn't even say goodbye?
<b>-"S-sending pictures.. what kind??... w-what did I agree too...."</b> You think to yourself..
<<set $submissive to $submissive +6>>
<pink>Submissiveness +6!</pink>
[[Exit the cinema->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace "N-no...">>\
<<set $adrianaflashingno to true>>\
<b>-"N-no.. that's too much!"</b> You whisper.
<adriana>-"Huh.. too bad, no cumming for you. Do better slave."</adriana> She gives you an angry look.
<adriana>-"If you want to gain anything from our "relationship", you better follow my every order."</adriana> She licks her lips.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\3383329.webp" height="450px">
<adriana>-"Or you will suffer the consequences.."</adriana> She stands up and leaves... You wonder if you made the right decision...
<b>-"S-sending pictures to her.. probably nudes ones.... that's too much, even for me!"</b> You think to yourself..
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
[[Exit the cinema->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace "Lie.">>\
<<set $liedtoadriana to true>>
<b>Y-yeah.. I've never been on a date before.."</b> You lie through your teeth. You fear that if she finds out about Emily, she will stop talking to you..
<adriana>-"Heh, just as a I thought, a cuck like you could never land a girlfriend!"</adriana> She teases you.
<b>-"Haha.. yeah.."</b> The movie starts and you both go silent. You feel kind of awkward.. but Adriana doesn't seem bothered at all. Nearing the mid-point of the movie, she suddenly grabs your crotch..
<b>-"H-hey!"</b> You say loudly.
<blue>-"Shhhhhh! Keep it down!"</blue> Some man from the croud yells at you.
<adriana>-"Heh, better keep it down loser, or we might get cought!"</adriana> She winks at you and unbuckles your pants.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\23665141.webp" width="600px">
She stars jacking you off while touching herself.
<adriana>-"Nghhh.. you like that..?"</adriana>
<b>-"Mmmmnnngg... y-yes.."</b>
<adriana>-"You know.. I-I'm doing you a favor by even touching you.. I will want something in return.."</adriana> She whispers to you.
<b>-"I-I understand - nghhhhHH..."</b> You whimper.
<blue>-"SHHhHHHH!"</blue> The man shushes you.
<b>-"S-sorry!"</b> You say loudly.
<b>-"Mnghhhh... I-I'm close.."</b> You whisper into Adriana's ear.
<adriana>-"Awhhh already? We just started though.. I tell you what, I'll let you cum, if you agree to do something for me.."</adriana>
<b>-"Nghhh -f-fuck... w-what?"</b>
<adriana>-"N-next time I text you.. you'll send me some pics.."</adriana> She says while biting her lip.
<b>-"P-pictures?"</b> You feel something building up in your chest.. It's anxiousness.. Adriana suddenly lets go of your rod, you were so close to cumming that it's throbbing, you reach for it but she slaps your hand away!
<adriana>-"No touching... now, will you do it?"</adriana>
<b>-"NGhhhhH..."</b> You moan.
<<pageReplace "Y-yes...">>\
<<set $adrianaflashingno to false>>\
<b>-"O-okay! P-please just finish it!!!"</b> You whimper.
<adriana>-"Hehehe, what a good slave!"</adriana> She gives you a satisfied look.
She grabs your throbbing cock and starts rubbing incredibly hard. Thank god she's doing it dry, otherwise every person in the theatre would hear it.
<b>-"F-fuck I'm cu-cumming!!"</b> You moan while staying as silent as possible. Right as you ejaculate, Adriana stops all stimulation and just holds your shaft in place.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\ezgif-2-b549406307.webp">
<adriana>-"Good boy!"</adriana>
<b>-"MghhHH.. n-no! W-why..!"</b>
<adriana>-"You're a slave, you don't deserve real orgasms dummy!"</adriana> She looks at your dick and licks her lips.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\3383329.webp" height="450px">
<adriana>-"Follow my every order and you will experience much more pleasure than today, if you don't.. you will suffer the consequences.."</adriana> She smiles, gives you a kiss on the cheek, rubs your head and leaves. She didn't even say goodbye?
<b>-"S-sending pictures.. what kind??... w-what did I agree too...."</b> You think to yourself..
<pink>Submissiveness +6!</pink>
[[Exit the cinema->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace "N-no...">>\
<<set $adrianaflashingno to true>>\
<b>-"N-no.. that's too much!"</b> You whisper.
<adriana>-"Huh.. too bad, no cumming for you. Do better slave."</adriana> She gives you an angry look.
<adriana>-"If you want to gain anything from our "relationship", you better follow my every order."</adriana> She licks her lips.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\3383329.webp" height="450px">
<adriana>-"Or you will suffer the consequences.."</adriana> She stands up and leaves... You wonder if you made the right decision...
<b>-"Sending pictures to her.. probably nude ones... that's too much, even for me!"</b> You think to yourself..
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
[[Exit the cinema->Go outside]]
<<messengerHeader Adriana>>
<<if $adrianaflashingno is false>>
<<them>>Well.. are you ready? ;)<</them>>
<<messageReply "Ready for what...?">>
<<me>>... Ready for what exactly..<</me>>
<<them>>The pics dumbass! I let you cum last time, so now you owe me pictures!<</them>>
<<them>>We made a deal, don't break it..<</them>>
<div id="choices">
<<messageReplyReplace "Fine..." #choices>>
<<me>>F-fine.. what do you want me to send...<</me>>
<<them>>Well.. for a start, just a dick pic ;)<</them>>
<<messageReply "That's it?">>
<<me>>Thats it...?<</me>>
<<them>>Bahaha of course not, that's just the start <3<</them>>
<<messageReply "Send the dick pic..">>
<<me>><<image "AdrianaChris/sub/26762560.webp">><</me>>
<<me>>There... I'm hard but not for you!<</me>>
<<them>>Haha it's so cute!!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Cute??">>
<<me>>C-cute???! It's not cute!<</me>>
<<if $chastity is true>>
<<them>>Hehe yeah it is, it's tiny ;) How about you shove that tiny penis into a chastity cage.. I know you have one...<</them>>
<<messageReply "WHAT?!">>
<<me>>WHAT?! A chastity cage? Are you crazy??<</me>>
<<them>>Don't act dumb, and send me a pic with it, I might send something back...<</them>>
<div id="choices1">
<<messageReplyReplace "Equip the chastity and send her a pic..." #choices1>>
<<me>>Ugh fine... wait...<</me>>
<<me>><<image "AdrianaChris/sub/29429882.webp">><</me>>
<<them>>Haha look at that clitty! Me and Chris are dying XDDD<</them>>
<<messageReply "About that picture..">>
<<me>>>>...You promised a picture back...<</me>>
<<them>>Oh right...!<</them>>
<<them>><<image "AdrianaChris/sub/me1adinha_0026.webp" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<<messageReply "So hot..">>
<<me>>Y-you're so hot Adriana..<</me>>
<<them>>I know.. now for your last pic.. if you send it.. I'll send something just as spicy ;)<</them>>
<<messageReply "W-what is it..?..">>
<<me>>What is it...?<</me>>
<<them>>Send a pic of your boypussy.. spread those cheeks and snap a pic love <3<</them>>
<div id="choices2">
<<messageReplyReplace "F-fine..." #choices2>>
<<me>>Ugh fine.. The picture better be good!<</me>>
<<me>><<image "AdrianaChris/sub/19584864.webp">><</me>>
<<messageReply "Do you like it..?">>
<<me>>D-do you like it..?<</me>>
<<them>>Of course baby, I just want to shove something right up in there.. ❤️<</them>>
<<them>><<image "AdrianaChris/sub/Untitled.webp" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<<them>>There's your prize ;)<</them>>
<<messageReply "Censored..">>
<<me>>Why is it censored...<</me>>
<<them>>You don't deserve to see me naked slave.. at least not yet.<</them>>
<<them>>Be patient ;)<</them>>
<<them>>Good job today, I'm proud of you..<</them>>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +4>>
<pink>Submissiveness +4!</pink>
<<set $adriana to $adriana+1>>
<<set $day2 to $day>>
<<messageReplyReplace "N-no..." #choices2>>
<<me>>That's too much Adriana.. I can't do it...<</me>>
<<them>>Huh... too bad...<</them>>
<<them>>I guess I need to train you harder...<</them>>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<<set $adriana to $adriana+1>>
<<set $day2 to $day>>
<<messageReplyReplace "Politely decline" #choices1>>
<<me>>I'm not comfortable with it yet.. I don't want to show you.. I'm sorry..<</me>>
<<them>>Ugh... disappointing..<</them>>
<<them>>I guess I will need to train you harder..<</them>>
<<set $adriana to $adriana+1>>
<<set $day2 to $day>>
<<messageReply "About that picture..">>
<<me>>...You promised a picture back...<</me>>
<<them>>Oh right...!<</them>>
<<them>><<image "AdrianaChris/sub/me1adinha_0026.webp" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<<messageReply "So hot..">>
<<me>>Y-you're so hot Adriana..<</me>>
<<them>>I know.. now for your last pic.. if you send it.. I'll send something just as spicy ;)<</them>>
<<messageReply "W-what is it..?..">>
<<me>>What is it...?<</me>>
<<them>>Send a pic of your boypussy.. spread those cheeks and snap a pic love <3<</them>>
<div id="choices2">
<<messageReplyReplace "F-fine..." #choices2>>
<<me>>Ugh fine.. The picture better be good!<</me>>
<<me>><<image "AdrianaChris/sub/19584864.webp">><</me>>
<<messageReply "Do you like it..?">>
<<me>>D-do you like it..?<</me>>
<<them>>Of course baby, I just want to shove something right up in there..❤️<</them>>
<<them>><<image "AdrianaChris/sub/Untitled.webp" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<<them>>There's your prize ;)<</them>>
<<messageReply "Censored..">>
<<me>>Why is it censored...<</me>>
<<them>>You don't deserve to see me naked slave.. at least not yet.<</them>>
<<them>>Be patient ;)<</them>>
<<them>>Good job today, I'm proud of you..<</them>>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +4>>
<pink>Submissiveness +4!</pink>
<<set $adriana to $adriana+1>>
<<set $day2 to $day>>
<<messageReplyReplace "N-no..." #choices2>>
<<me>>Thats too much Adriana.. I can't do it...<</me>>
<<them>>Huh... too bad...<</them>>
<<them>>I guess I need to train you harder...<</them>>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<<set $adriana to $adriana+1>>
<<set $day2 to $day>>
<<messageReplyReplace "I changed my mind..." #choices>>
<<me>>I-I changed my mind... I won't go through with it..<</me>>
<<them>>Ugh whatever dude, you disappoint me again.<</them>>
<<them>><i>This user has blocked you.</i><</them>>
<<set $adriana to 0>>
<<elseif $adrianaflashingno is true>>
<<them>>Well.. are you ready? ;)<</them>>
<<messageReply "Ready for what...?">>
<<me>>... Ready for what exactly..?<</me>>
<<them>>The pics dumbass! Oh wait.. You didn't agree to the deal.. That's right..<</them>>
<<them>>But come on! Just go along with it, if you send me some pics, I'll send you some back, it's gonna be worth!!! 👀<</them>>
<div id="choices">
<<messageReplyReplace "Fine..." #choices>>
<<me>>F-fine.. what do you want me to send...<</me>>
<<them>>Well.. for a start, just a dick pic ;)<</them>>
<<messageReply "That's it?">>
<<me>>Thats it...?<</me>>
<<them>>Bahaha of course not, that's just the start <3<</them>>
<<messageReply "Send the dick pic..">>
<<me>><<image "AdrianaChris/sub/26762560.webp">><</me>>
<<me>>There... I'm hard but not for you!<</me>>
<<them>>Haha it's so cute!!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Cute??">>
<<me>>C-cute???! It's not cute!<</me>>
<<if $chastity is true>>
<<them>>Hehe yeah it is, it's tiny ;) How about you shove that tiny penis into a chastity cage.. I know you have one...<</them>>
<<messageReply "WHAT?!">>
<<me>>WHAT?! A chastity cage? Are you crazy??<</me>>
<<them>>Don't act dumb, and send me a pic with it, I might send something back...<</them>>
<div id="choices1">
<<messageReplyReplace "Equip the chastity and send her a pic..." #choices1>>
<<me>>Ugh fine... wait...<</me>>
<<me>><<image "AdrianaChris/sub/29429882.webp">><</me>>
<<them>>Haha look at that clitty! Me and Chris are dying XDDD<</them>>
<<messageReply "About that picture..">>
<<me>>>>...You promised a picture back...<</me>>
<<them>>Oh right...!<</them>>
<<them>><<image "AdrianaChris/sub/me1adinha_0026.webp" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<<messageReply "So hot..">>
<<me>>Y-you're so hot Adriana..<</me>>
<<them>>I know.. now for your last pic.. if you send it.. I'll send something just as spicy ;)<</them>>
<<messageReply "W-what is it..?..">>
<<me>>What is it...?<</me>>
<<them>>Send a pic of your boypussy.. spread those cheeks and snap a pic love <3<</them>>
<div id="choices2">
<<messageReplyReplace "F-fine..." #choices2>>
<<me>>Ugh fine.. The picture better be good!<</me>>
<<me>><<image "AdrianaChris/sub/19584864.webp">><</me>>
<<messageReply "Do you like it..?">>
<<me>>D-do you like it..?<</me>>
<<them>>Of course baby, I just want to shove something right up in there.. ❤️<</them>>
<<them>><<image "AdrianaChris/sub/Untitled.webp" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<<them>>There's your prize ;)<</them>>
<<messageReply "Censored..">>
<<me>>Why is it censored...<</me>>
<<them>>You don't deserve to see me naked slave.. at least not yet.<</them>>
<<them>>Be patient ;)<</them>>
<<them>>Good job today, I'm proud of you..<</them>>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +4>>
<pink>Submissiveness +4!</pink>
<<set $adriana to $adriana+1>>
<<set $day2 to $day>>
<<messageReplyReplace "N-no..." #choices2>>
<<me>>That's too much Adriana.. I can't do it...<</me>>
<<them>>Huh... too bad...<</them>>
<<them>>I guess I need to train you harder...<</them>>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<<set $adriana to $adriana+1>>
<<set $day2 to $day>>
<<messageReplyReplace "Politely decline" #choices1>>
<<me>>I'm not comfortable with it yet.. I don't want to show you.. I'm sorry..<</me>>
<<them>>Ugh... disappointing..<</them>>
<<them>>I guess I will need to train you harder..<</them>>
<<set $adriana to $adriana+1>>
<<set $day2 to $day>>
<<messageReply "About that picture..">>
<<me>>...You promised a picture back...<</me>>
<<them>>Oh right...!<</them>>
<<them>><<image "AdrianaChris/sub/me1adinha_0026.webp" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<<messageReply "So hot..">>
<<me>>Y-you're so hot Adriana..<</me>>
<<them>>I know.. now for your last pic.. if you send it.. I'll send something just as spicy ;)<</them>>
<<messageReply "W-what is it..?..">>
<<me>>What is it...?<</me>>
<<them>>Send a pic of your boypussy.. spread those cheeks and snap a pic love <3<</them>>
<div id="choices2">
<<messageReplyReplace "F-fine..." #choices2>>
<<me>>Ugh fine.. The picture better be good!<</me>>
<<me>><<image "AdrianaChris/sub/19584864.webp">><</me>>
<<messageReply "Do you like it..?">>
<<me>>D-do you like it..?<</me>>
<<them>>Of course baby, I just want to shove something right up in there..❤️<</them>>
<<them>><<image "AdrianaChris/sub/Untitled.webp" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<<them>>There's your prize ;)<</them>>
<<messageReply "Censored..">>
<<me>>Why is it censored...<</me>>
<<them>>You don't deserve to see me naked slave.. at least not yet.<</them>>
<<them>>Be patient ;)<</them>>
<<them>>Good job today, I'm proud of you..<</them>>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +4>>
<pink>Submissiveness +4!</pink>
<<set $adriana to $adriana+1>>
<<set $day2 to $day>>
<<messageReplyReplace "N-no..." #choices2>>
<<me>>Thats too much Adriana.. I can't do it...<</me>>
<<them>>Huh... too bad...<</them>>
<<them>>I guess I need to train you harder...<</them>>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<<set $adriana to $adriana+1>>
<<set $day2 to $day>>
<<messageReplyReplace "Nope" #choices>>
<<me>>Hell no.. I still don't want to do it..<</me>>
<<them>>Ugh whatever dude, you're so boring!!!<</them>>
<<them>>If you keep this up, i'll have to block you! :(<</them>>
<<set $adriana to $adriana+1>>
<<set $day2 to $day>>
<<messengerHeader Adriana>>
<<them>>Hey $name ;)<</them>>
<<messageReply "What's up">>
<<me>>What's up..?<</me>>
<<them>><i>Sending video..</i><</them>>
<<them>><<image "AdrianaChris/sub/bruh8.webp" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<<them>>You like it..? ;)<</them>>
<div id="choices">
<<messageReplyReplace "Y-yes...." #choices>>
<<me>>But why are you sending me this..?<</me>>
<<them>>Just wanted to show you what you're missing out on bcs ur a cuck :*<</them>>
<<them>><i>Sending video..</i><</them>>
<<them>><<image "AdrianaChris/sub/27867756.webp" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<<messageReply "So hot...">>
<<me>>So hot...<</me>>
<<them>>Hehe... that's me and Chris yesterday ;)<</them>>
<<them>>I have on more... but you have to beg for it.. <3<</them>>
<div id="choices1">
<<messageReplyReplace "Beg..." #choices1>>
<<me>>I beg you...<</me>>
<<them>>Beg me for what x)<</them>>
<<messageReply "Beg..">>
<<me>>I beg you... to show me a video of you getting fucked by Chris...<</me>>
<<them>>Good boy! :P<</them>>
<<them>><i>Sending video..</i><</them>>
<<them>><<image "AdrianaChris/sub/28181884.webp" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<<them>>Enjoy watching it, because you'll never experience it :*<</them>>
<<set $adriana to $adriana+1>>
<<set $day2 to $day>>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<<messageReplyReplace "Don't beg.." #choices1>>
<<me>>I-I won't.. this is wrong...<</me>>
<<them>>Heh.. your loss :P<</them>>
<<set $adriana to $adriana+1>>
<<set $day2 to $day>>
<<messageReplyReplace "Why are you sending me this..." #choices>>
<<them>>Just wanted to show you what you're missing out on bcs ur a cuck :*<</them>>
<<them>><i>Sending video..</i><</them>>
<<them>><<image "AdrianaChris/sub/27867756.webp" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<<messageReply "So hot...">>
<<me>>So hot...<</me>>
<<them>>Hehe... that's me and Chris yesterday ;)<</them>>
<<them>>I have on more... but you have to beg for it.. <3<</them>>
<div id="choices1">
<<messageReplyReplace "Beg..." #choices1>>
<<me>>I beg you...<</me>>
<<them>>Beg me for what x)<</them>>
<<messageReply "Beg..">>
<<me>>I beg you... to show me a video of you getting fucked by Chris...<</me>>
<<them>>Good boy! :P<</them>>
<<them>><i>Sending video..</i><</them>>
<<them>><<image "AdrianaChris/sub/28181884.webp" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<<them>>Enjoy watching it, because you'll never experience it :*<</them>>
<<set $adriana to $adriana+1>>
<<set $day2 to $day>>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<<messageReplyReplace "Don't beg.." #choices1>>
<<me>>I-I won't.. this is wrong...<</me>>
<<them>>Heh.. your loss :P<</them>>
<<set $adriana to $adriana+1>>
<<set $day2 to $day>>
<<messengerHeader Adriana>>
<<them>>Yo $name!<</them>>
<<them>>I have a request 😋<</them>>
<<messageReply "A request?">>
<<me>>A request? What is it?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Welllllllllll...<</them>>
<<them wait>>I want to surprise Chris and I need your help!<</them>>
<<messageReply "What kind of help.">>
<<me>>What kind of help? And what's the surprise? 😮<</me>>
<<them>>I want to buy him a Lush 3!<</them>>
<<them wait>>It's a sex toy that he could control with his phone...<</them>>
<<them wait>>I need your help to buy it! I'm broke 😥<</them>>
<div id="choices">
<<messageReplyReplace "What's in it for me?" #choices>>
<<me>>What's in it for me? Toys are usually expensive..<</me>>
<<them wait>>You'll see your crush (me) orgasm?? Is that not enough?<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "AdrianaChris/sub/l2.jpg" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Don't lie to yourself, you know you want to see this ass shake from pleasure... 😌<</them>>
<<messageReply "Will I get to control the toy?">>
<<me>>Will I get to control the toy at least? 😪<</me>>
<<them wait>>Probably not, depends on what Chris says.<</them>>
<<them wait>>But you'll be able to watch, the three of us will go out somewhere public! 😍<</them>>
<<them>>What do you say?<</them>>
<<messageReply "I'll google it.">>
<<me>>I guess I'll check it out... No promises though.<</me>>
<<them wait>>AHHHH I knew you were the one to text!!!!!<</them>>
<<them wait>>If you decide to go for it, please send it to Furudal, Kvarngatu 44!<</them>>
<<them wait>>I'll send you something extra spicy too if you buy it for me!!! ❤❤<</them>>
<<set $adriana to 6>>
<<todo "Google the Lush toy">>
<<messageReplyReplace "I'm broke too." #choices>>
<<me>>I'm broke too..<</me>>
<<them>>Comeeee onnnnnnnn.. I know you have some spare cashhh!!!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Don't you want to see your crush (me) orgasm like crazy???<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "AdrianaChris/sub/l2.jpg" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Don't lie to yourself, you know you want to see this ass shake from pleasure... 😌<</them>>
<<messageReply "Will I get to control the toy?">>
<<me>>Will I get to control the toy at least? 😪<</me>>
<<them wait>>Probably not, depends on what Chris says.<</them>>
<<them wait>>But you'll be able to watch, the three of us will go out somewhere public! 😍<</them>>
<<them>>What do you say?<</them>>
<<messageReply "I'll google it.">>
<<me>>I guess I'll check it out... No promises though.<</me>>
<<them wait>>AHHHH I knew you were the one to text!!!!!<</them>>
<<them wait>>If you decide to go for it, please send it to Furudal, Kvarngatu 44!<</them>>
<<them wait>>I'll send you something extra spicy too if you buy it for me!!! ❤❤<</them>>
<<set $adriana to 6>>
<<todo "Google the Lush toy">>
<<messengerHeader Adriana>>
<<them>>Did you buy it for me? 😏<</them>>
<<messageReply "I did not..">>
<<me>>I did not Adriana.. It was way too expensive.. 80 bucks!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Ugh.. And I really thought we understood each other.. Fine, whatever, I'll find someone else who'll buy it.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Very annoying..<</them>>
<div id="choices">
<<messageReplyReplace "I'm broke, but I still want to be your pet..." #choices>>
<<me>>Adriana come on.. I might be broke, but I still want to by your.. You know.. Your pet..<</me>>
<<them wait>>🙄<</them>>
<<them wait>>I guess it can't be helped. Whatever.<</them>>
<<them wait>>I'll try to find a way for us three to have some fun without money involved.<</them>>
<<them>>Stay tuned.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Thank you!">>
<<me>>Thank you Adriana! I'll show how well I can serve you guys!<</me>>
<<set $adriana to 8>>
<<set $day2 to $day>>
<<messageReplyReplace "Whatever." #choices>>
<<me>>Whatever man.. Do what you want.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Fine, we will<</them>>
<<them wait>><i>This user has blocked you</i><</them>>
<<set $adriana to 0>>
<<messengerHeader Adriana>>
<<them>>Did you buy it for me? 😏<</them>>
<<messageReply "I did..">>
<<me>>I did.. Can't wait to see you use it 😍<</me>>
<<them wait>>AHHHHH!!! I KNEW IT!!! YOU WERE THE RIGHT PICK!!!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Gosh I love losers like you.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Did you order it to my house?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Sure did.">>
<<me>>Sure did, it should be delivered in about 3-5 days! 😇<</me>>
<<them>>Good boy!!!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Oh right... I promised something spicy..<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "AdrianaChris/sub/l1.jpg" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Enjoyyy!! Don't jack off to much!!<</them>>
<div id="choices">
<<messageReplyReplace "Why is it blurred.." #choices>>
<<me>>Why is it blurred..? 😪<</me>>
<<them wait>>Do you not know how to read? NOT FOR CUCKS!<</them>>
<<them>>I thought you understood by now. You're not allowed to view me naked, unless Chris is present.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Or I'm feeling extra generous, but that doesn't happen often..<</them>>
<<messageReply "Understood..">>
<<me>>Understood.. Thanks anyways, you look amazing.. 🥵<</me>>
<<them wait>>I know..😘<</them>>
<<them wait>>As I said, don't jack off too much 🤣<</them>>
<<them wait>>Text you soon, when the toy arrives, we'll have some fun!<</them>>
<<set $adriana to 7>>
<<set $day2 to $day>>
<<messageReplyReplace "Thank you!" #choices>>
<<me>>Thanks Adriana, you look amazing.. 🥵<</me>>
<<them wait>>I know..😘<</them>>
<<them wait>>As I said, don't jack off too much 🤣<</them>>
<<them wait>>Text you soon, when the toy arrives, we'll have some fun!<</them>>
<<set $adriana to 7>>
<<set $day2 to $day>>
<<messengerHeader Adriana>>
<<them>>The toy has arrived!<</them>>
<<them>>It's time 😈<</them>>
<<messageReply "How is it?">>
<<me>>How is it?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Haven't tried it out yet, will do in a sec though.<</them>>
<<them wait>>We're going out, meet us in the city, near the sex shop.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Copy that.">>
<<me>>Copy that, will be there in a sec 😍<</me>>
<<them wait>>We won't wait long 😛<</them>>
<<set $needtomeetadrianaincity to true>>
<<todo "Meet Adriana in the city">>
<</messengerChat>><<set $adriana to 8>>\
<<set $day2 to $day>>\
<<set $needtomeetadrianaincity to false>>\
<<todoCompleted "Meet Adriana in the city">>\
<b>-"Hmmm they should be around here... Adriana told me that they'll be near the Sex shop."</b> You only know one sex shop nearby, and that's the one you work at.
<adriana>-"S-stop! Chris!"</adriana> You start hearing some voices nearby.
<blue>-"Hahaha this thing is fucking awesome!"</blue> You quickly turn to your left.
<b>-"That must be them..!"</b> You decide to follow the voices. After crossing the street, you round a corner and go into an alleyway. That's when you spot them.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\f2.webp">
You come up behind Chris, Adriana is facing away, before you could say anything, they start speaking again.
<blue>-"Do you feel it?"</blue>
<adriana>-"H-hell yeah I feel it.. It's wiggling around in there!"</adriana> They start walking and you follow. It's a bit awkward, but you don't want to interrupt.. You peak behind Chris's shoulder as he plays with the app.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\f13.webp">
<blue>-"Haha so many options!"</blue> You hear him laugh.
<adriana>-"MgHHHHhhh! N-not funny! What if someone sees!"</adriana>
<blue>-"That would be hot, no?"</blue>
<adriana>-"S-shut up.. $name should be here soon as well.."</adriana> As they walk, Chris jokingly turns the power and speed of the toy to the max.
<adriana>-"AgHHhHHHHH!!!!!!! FuckKKK!!!"</adriana> She screams as she falls on the ground.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\f4.webp">
<adriana>-"Y-you asshole!"</adriana> As she turns around, your eyes meet.
<adriana>-"$name?! How long have you been behind us you weirdo!"</adriana> She slowly gets up and Chris turns around.
<blue>-"Yooo! What are you a creep?! You could have at least told us you're here!"</blue>
<<pageReplace "Apologize.">>\
<b>-"Ahaha m-my bad guys! Didn't want to interrupt!"</b> You awkwardly laugh.
<adriana>-"Ugh it's fine! You're the one who bought the toy anyways.."</adriana> She sighs.
<blue>-"Wait what? He did!? I thought it was a gift from you!"</blue> He raises an eyebrow in confusion.
<adriana>-"I'm broke Chris! And our little pet over here was more than eager to pay!"</adriana> She smiles at you.
<adriana>-"Ain't that right sweetie?"</adriana>
<b>-"Of course! I couldn't miss seeing Adriana enjoying herself in public.."</b> You blush a little as Chris grins.
<blue>-"Well shit you're in luck then buddy! We planned a whole date for today. We're going to take a walk across the city and grab some food. Sounds good?"</blue> His warm smile calms your nerves.
<adriana>-"Hehehe good! Keep close and enjoy the show!"</adriana>
<adriana>-"Also, give me the skirt Chris, I've won."</adriana> She extends her arm.
<blue>-"Ughhh fine!"</blue> Her boyfriend hands her a piece of fabric.
<b>-"W-why are you not wearing it now?"</b>
<adriana>-"Chris dared me to walk around in my panties for 10 minutes. Guess who won?"</adriana>
<b>-"You?"</b> She puts on the skirt.
<adriana>-"You're damn right.."</adriana> Adriana giggles as you three begin walking again.
<blue>-"Want to see how it works?"</blue> Chris asks you as he swipes his phone a couple of times.
<adriana>-"Nghhhffhh.. C-calm down.."</adriana> She lets out a soft moan as you look at Chris's screen.
<b>-"Y-yeah.. Show me.."</b> Chris begins playing around on the app. Showing you all of the different modes and options. Before you know it, the first group of people are passing by you.
<adriana>-"S-stop playing around.. Act normal for a second!"</adriana> She pouts at you both as you walk by a couple of teenagers.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\f9.webp">
<adriana>-"MghHH!!"</adriana> Adriana squeals a bit as the toy vibrates. The teens turn their heads.
<bartender>-"What the fuck.. Did you hear that?"</bartender>
<grey>-"Hahah yeah.. What a weirdo!"</grey> They walk off.
<adriana>-"These panties are pissing me off!"</adriana> You see her quickly pull down her underwear and throw it to chris.
<adriana>-"S-stash it somew-!"</adriana> Before she could finish the sentance, Chris turns the toy to the max again.
<adriana>-"UGhHHHHH!!!!"</adriana> She leans on a railing.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\f10.webp">
<adriana>-"F-fuckKKkkKKK!! S-stop!!!"</adriana> Adriana tries to keep her voice down as she shakes from pleasure. A couple that's a good hundred meters way is coming towards you.
<<pageReplace"Continue to watch behind Chris.">>\
<b>-"T-this is so hot.."</b> You whisper as you feel your pants slowly becoming a tent.
<blue>-"Ghahaha I know right?"</blue> He gives you a friendly shove as the couple closes in. Chris lowers the speed of the toy to help Adriana out a bit.
<adriana>-"F-fucKKKkkkk... MghhhhHhh.."</adriana> She tries her hardest to keep her moans silent.
<adriana>-"MmmMmmmmmm..."</adriana> The couple pass, giving you all a weird look.
<blue>-"Heheh they're gone.."</blue> He whispers and increases the speed once again, Adriana begins shaking once again.
<adriana>-"ShiIIttTTTT! I-I'm cumminggGGGGgggG!!"</adriana> She lets out a loud moan as you see her squirt all over the ground.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\f11.webp">
<b>-"J-jeez..."</b> You mumble as you continue to stare.
<blue>-"S-shit babe! Hahahaha! You're alright?!"</blue> Chris pets Adriana on the back.
<adriana>-"Y-yesssSss... T-that... W-was... So hot.."</adriana> She turns around and faces you.
<adriana>-"F-fuck.. The thrill of almost being caught.. Gosh I never knew it could feel that good!"</adriana>
<b>-"I.. I didn't know the toy was that strong!"</b>
<blue>-"Me neither, but I'm not complaining!"</blue> Chris smiles.
<adriana>-"Hahaha fuck you guys.. Let's keep going.. We're almost there."</adriana> As you walk to the restaurant, Chris plays around with the Lush a bit more, but not quite as hard as before. He's letting Adriana rest.
<blue>-"So, when did you know you were a cuck?"</blue> He faces you as you walk.
<adriana>-"Chris! That's rude!"</adriana>
<b>-"Aghaha it's fine.."</b> You mumble.
<<pageReplace"I always knew...">>\
<b>-"I-I always knew to be honest... Always watched cuckold porn and stuff.."</b> You mumble.
<blue>-"Really? Never understood you guys."</blue>
<b>-"Yeah I don't know.. I guess it's just how I'm wired!"</b>
<adriana>-"Nothing wrong with that! If you weren't such a loser, we would have never met!"</adriana> Adriana laughs.
<adriana>-"Youch!"</adriana> She moans you hear the toy vibrate.
<blue>-"Heheh.. So fun.."</blue>
<adriana>-"W-we're here.."</adriana> You arrive at the entrance to the restaurant.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\f1.png">
<adriana>-"Now listen here you fucker! No more playing around! It was fun while it lasted, but put that phone down!"</adriana> She turns to Chris and glares.
<blue>-"Alright alright! Calm your tiddies!"</blue> You smile at them both bickering around. After Chris puts his phone away, you all step inside.
<bartender>-"Good evening! W-wow.."</bartender> She server looks Adriana up and down. She's covered in sweat, her hair is a mess, and she's wearing a short skirt with a crop top.
<bartender>-"There's a free table for three, please follow me!"</bartender> He gulps as you begin to follow him. As you walk across the tables everyone stares at Adriana.
<adriana>-"G-god this is so awkward.."</adriana> She whispers.
<adriana>-"Mghhh.. S-stop.."</adriana>
<blue>-"Hehehe.."</blue> He plays with the app a bit.
<bartender>-"Here you are. I'll let you look over the menus and come back shortly!"</bartender> The server says as he walks away.
<<pageReplace"Open the menu.">>\
<blue>-"Should we play around a bit more?"</blue> Chris asks as you all look for something to eat.
<adriana>-"No, we should not! P-please Chris, we can't get caught!"</adriana> She sighs.
<b>-"Hmmm.. This looks good..."</b> You mumble as Chris and Adriana begin whispering.
<adriana>-"Mhmmghhh.."</adriana> Your cheeks blush as the table shakes a bit..
<blue>-"Hey buddy, we're going to be right back alright? We need to hit the restroom!"</blue> Chris turns to you.
<b>-"Really? Oh yeah, that's fine!"</b> You smile.
<adriana>-"Y-yeah.. Give us a sec!"</adriana> You watch them both stand up and walk away.
<b>-"F-fuck.. I know what they're about to do.."</b> You feel your cock throb at just the thought of it.
<b>-"Fuck... Gosh I wish I could see them right now.."</b> Your eyes roll backwards as you day dream. You feel some pre cum running down your leg.. You're about to climax in your pants from just the thought of them doing the deed.. Suddenly a voice shakes you awake.
<bartender>-"Sir? Are you ready to order?"</bartender> The sever is here.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\f5.png">
<b>-"O-oh! Y-yeah sorry! Just a water for now please!"</b>
<bartender>-"Copy that, one water coming up!"</bartender>
<<pageReplace"Wait for them.">>\
<b>-"Damn.. Where are they.. No way they're still at it.."</b> You think to yourself after 10 minutes pass by.
<b>-"Fuck this.. I need to see!"</b> After chugging down the water, you decide to hit the restroom as well...
<adriana>-"Mghhhgghh.. Y-you sure you locked the door?"</adriana> You hear Adriana's voice as you enter.
<blue>-"Y-yeah.. Nobody is coming in.. Mghhh.. K-keep going.."</blue> You silently sneak into the next stall. He forgot to lock the door after all.
<adriana>-"G-goddddd.. S-so deeeeEEeeeEppp!"</adriana> She moans as you climb on top of the toilet and peak your head into their stall.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\f3.webp">
<blue>-"Nghhh.."</blue> He moans as you hear Adriana's ass clash with his thighs.
<blue>-"What about $name?"</blue> He says inbetween moans.
<adriana>-"Nghhhh.. W-what about him?! H-he can wait while we finish this!"</adriana> Chris pulls her hair.
<b>-"F-fuck.. Seeing Adriana like that.. I can't.."</b> You try not to make any noise as you pull down your pants.
<<if $toys==1>>\
<b>-"F-fuck.."</b> You stare at your caged dick.. You feel it pressing up against the cage.. You have to do something!
<b>-"Y-yes..."</b> You lower yourself down onto the toilet seat and start to lightly slap your balls. It gives just enough stimulation to feel like you're masturbating.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\f7.webp">
<adriana>-"S-sooOOoo goooOood... Did you see his lustful eyes.. Mghhh.. As he watched us?!"</adriana>
<blue>-"You're right love.. Mghhhh... We need to invite him more often!"</blue> You hear them laughing as you continue to masturbate.
<b>-"F-fuck. I'm close.. I need another peek.."</b> It's not often you manage to cum with your cage on, but this might be one of those times. You stop for a second and peak at their stall again.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\f12.webp">
<adriana>-"P-pound my fucking assssSSss!!!"</adriana> They're in a completely different position! This is too hot..
<b>-"Mghhh..!!"</b> You feel like you're about to cum, rubbing and slapping your balls really does work!
<blue>-"F-fuckKKkk! Y-yessSSs!"</blue> As you hear Chris moan, you feel a wave of pleasure come your way.. It's too late to stop it.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\f6.webp">
<b>-"YessSSSSsssSSS!"</b> You moan as you bust your load all over yourself. You don't remember the last time you managed to cum in a chastity!
<blue>-"D-did you hear that?"</blue> You hear them stop for a second.
<adriana>-"Fuck no.. K-keep going! I'm almost there!"</adriana>
<blue>-"W-we should hurry.. Mghhhh... H-he's still waiting!"</blue> You hear them speeding up again as you clean yourself up.
<adriana>-"He can go to hell Chris, j-just destroy my insides.. MGhhhhhhhh.. And I'll be satisfied, h-he can wait!</adriana>
<b>-"F-fuck me..."</b> You realise this is going to take a while.
<b>-"I better get going, before they find out I'm here.."</b> You sneak out of the restroom while their moans echo in your ear.
<b>-"I should give them some space today.."</b> You think as you remember what Adriana moaned. You decide that leaving is the best option, they're going to be in the restroom for a while. Thankfully the water was free, so you didn't have to pay anything.
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
[[Leave the restaurant->Go outside]]
<b>-"F-fuck.."</b> You stare at your rock hard dick as you hear them bang in the next stall.. You forgot how tiny it looks compared to Chris's
<b>-"Y-yes..."</b> You lower yourself down onto the toilet seat and begin to slowly masturbate.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\f14.webp">
<adriana>-"S-sooOOoo goooOood... Did you see his lustful eyes.. Mghhh.. As he watched us?!"</adriana>
<blue>-"You're right love.. Mghhhh... We need to invite him more often!"</blue> You hear them laughing as you continue to masturbate.
<b>-"F-fuck. I'm close.. I need another peek.."</b> You stop for a second and peak at their stall again.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\f12.webp">
<adriana>-"P-pound my fucking assssSSss!!!"</adriana> They're in a completely different position! This is too hot..
<b>-"Mghhh..!!"</b> You feel like you're about to cum, you stop yourself for a second, trying to edge out a couple of seconds of extra pleasure.
<blue>-"F-fuckKKkk! Y-yessSSs!"</blue> As you hear Chris moan, you feel a wave of pleasure come your way.. You try your hardest to stop it, but you just end up ruining yourself.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\f8.webp">
<b>-"F-fuckkkKKK n-noOooO!!"</b> You moan as you bust your load all over yourself. You don't remember the last time you came this much!
<blue>-"D-did you hear that?"</blue> You hear them stop for a second.
<adriana>-"Fuck no.. K-keep going! I'm almost there!"</adriana>
<blue>-"W-we should hurry.. Mghhhh... H-he's still waiting!"</blue> You hear them speeding up again as you clean yourself up.
<adriana>-"He can go to hell Chris, j-just destroy my insides.. MGhhhhhhhh.. And I'll be satisfied, h-he can wait!</adriana>
<b>-"F-fuck me..."</b> You realise this is going to take a while.
<b>-"I better get going, before they find out I'm here.."</b> You sneak out of the restroom while their moans echo in your ear.
<b>-"I should give them some space today.."</b> You think as you remember what Adriana moaned. You decide that leaving is the best option, they're going to be in the restroom for a while. Thankfully the water was free, so you didn't have to pay anything.
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
[[Leave the restaurant->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Don't and leave.">>\
<blue>-"What about $name?"</blue> He says inbetween moans.
<adriana>-"Nghhhh.. W-what about him?! H-he can wait while we finish this!"</adriana> Chris pulls her hair.
<b>-"F-fuck.. This is too humiliating even for me.."</b> You think to yourself as you climb back down.
<b>-"It's obvious they're going to be there for a while.. Let's head home."</b> You exit the stall.
<blue>-"D-did you hear that?!"</blue>
<adriana>-"N-nooooOOoo.. K-keep goingggg MGhhHH!!!"</adriana> You hear the echos of their moans as you leave the restroom.
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Leave the restaurant->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"The SUP opened my eyes...">>\
<b>-"Well.. The SUP tought us a lot about cuckoldry and femdom.."</b> You mumble.
<blue>-"Really? I heard that university was hardcore.. Didn't know it was that serious though!"</blue>
<b>-"Yeah.. But most of it is based on true facts and it's quite eye opening if you're determined to learn!"</b>
<adriana>-"Good on them! Teaching them the correct way of life in my opinion! Submitting to a woman should be every mans goal. Ain't that right Chris?"</adriana> She jokes around.
<blue>-"Hahaha do I look like a loser?"</blue> He swipes his phone.
<adriana>-"Youch!"</adriana> She moans you hear the toy vibrate.
<blue>-"Heheh.. So fun.."</blue>
<adriana>-"Nothing wrong with that! If you weren't such a loser, we would have never met!"</adriana> Adriana laughs.
<adriana>-"W-we're here.."</adriana> You arrive at the entrance to the restaurant.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\f1.png">
<adriana>-"Now listen here you fucker! No more playing around! It was fun while it lasted, but put that phone down!"</adriana> She turns to Chris and glares.
<blue>-"Alright alright! Calm your tiddies!"</blue> You smile at them both bickering around. After Chris puts his phone away, you all step inside.
<bartender>-"Good evening! W-wow.."</bartender> She server looks Adriana up and down. She's covered in sweat, her hair is a mess, and she's wearing a short skirt with a crop top.
<bartender>-"There's a free table for three, please follow me!"</bartender> He gulps as you begin to follow him. As you walk across the tables everyone stares at Adriana.
<adriana>-"G-god this is so awkward.."</adriana> She whispers.
<adriana>-"Mghhh.. S-stop.."</adriana>
<blue>-"Hehehe.."</blue> He plays with the app a bit.
<bartender>-"Here you are. I'll let you look over the menus and come back shortly!"</bartender> The server says as he walks away.
<<pageReplace"Open the menu.">>\
<blue>-"Should we play around a bit more?"</blue> Chris asks as you all look for something to eat.
<adriana>-"No, we should not! P-please Chris, we can't get caught!"</adriana> She sighs.
<b>-"Hmmm.. This looks good..."</b> You mumble as Chris and Adriana begin whispering.
<adriana>-"Mhmmghhh.."</adriana> Your cheeks blush as the table shakes a bit..
<blue>-"Hey buddy, we're going to be right back alright? We need to hit the restroom!"</blue> Chris turns to you.
<b>-"Really? Oh yeah, that's fine!"</b> You smile.
<adriana>-"Y-yeah.. Give us a sec!"</adriana> You watch them both stand up and walk away.
<b>-"F-fuck.. I know what they're about to do.."</b> You feel your cock throb at just the thought of it.
<b>-"Fuck... Gosh I wish I could see them right now.."</b> Your eyes roll backwards as you day dream. You feel some pre cum running down your leg.. You're about to climax in your pants from just the thought of them doing the deed.. Suddenly a voice shakes you awake.
<bartender>-"Sir? Are you ready to order?"</bartender> The sever is here.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\f5.png">
<b>-"O-oh! Y-yeah sorry! Just a water for now please!"</b>
<bartender>-"Copy that, one water coming up!"</bartender>
<<pageReplace"Wait for them.">>\
<b>-"Damn.. Where are they.. No way they're still at it.."</b> You think to yourself after 10 minutes pass by.
<b>-"Fuck this.. I need to see!"</b> After chugging down the water, you decide to hit the restroom as well...
<adriana>-"Mghhhgghh.. Y-you sure you locked the door?"</adriana> You hear Adriana's voice as you enter.
<blue>-"Y-yeah.. Nobody is coming in.. Mghhh.. K-keep going.."</blue> You silently sneak into the next stall. He forgot to lock the door after all.
<adriana>-"G-goddddd.. S-so deeeeEEeeeEppp!"</adriana> She moans as you climb on top of the toilet and peak your head into their stall.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\f3.webp">
<blue>-"Nghhh.."</blue> He moans as you hear Adriana's ass clash with his thighs.
<blue>-"What about $name?"</blue> He says inbetween moans.
<adriana>-"Nghhhh.. W-what about him?! H-he can wait while we finish this!"</adriana> Chris pulls her hair.
<b>-"F-fuck.. Seeing Adriana like that.. I can't.."</b> You try not to make any noise as you pull down your pants.
<<if $toys==1>>\
<b>-"F-fuck.."</b> You stare at your caged dick.. You feel it pressing up against the cage.. You have to do something!
<b>-"Y-yes..."</b> You lower yourself down onto the toilet seat and start to lightly slap your balls. It gives just enough stimulation to feel like you're masturbating.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\f7.webp">
<adriana>-"S-sooOOoo goooOood... Did you see his lustful eyes.. Mghhh.. As he watched us?!"</adriana>
<blue>-"You're right love.. Mghhhh... We need to invite him more often!"</blue> You hear them laughing as you continue to masturbate.
<b>-"F-fuck. I'm close.. I need another peek.."</b> It's not often you manage to cum with your cage on, but this might be one of those times. You stop for a second and peak at their stall again.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\f12.webp">
<adriana>-"P-pound my fucking assssSSss!!!"</adriana> They're in a completely different position! This is too hot..
<b>-"Mghhh..!!"</b> You feel like you're about to cum, rubbing and slapping your balls really does work!
<blue>-"F-fuckKKkk! Y-yessSSs!"</blue> As you hear Chris moan, you feel a wave of pleasure come your way.. It's too late to stop it.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\f6.webp">
<b>-"YessSSSSsssSSS!"</b> You moan as you bust your load all over yourself. You don't remember the last time you managed to cum in a chastity!
<blue>-"D-did you hear that?"</blue> You hear them stop for a second.
<adriana>-"Fuck no.. K-keep going! I'm almost there!"</adriana>
<blue>-"W-we should hurry.. Mghhhh... H-he's still waiting!"</blue> You hear them speeding up again as you clean yourself up.
<adriana>-"He can go to hell Chris, j-just destroy my insides.. MGhhhhhhhh.. And I'll be satisfied, h-he can wait!</adriana>
<b>-"F-fuck me..."</b> You realise this is going to take a while.
<b>-"I better get going, before they find out I'm here.."</b> You sneak out of the restroom while their moans echo in your ear.
<b>-"I should give them some space today.."</b> You think as you remember what Adriana moaned. You decide that leaving is the best option, they're going to be in the restroom for a while. Thankfully the water was free, so you didn't have to pay anything.
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
[[Leave the restaurant->Go outside]]
<b>-"F-fuck.."</b> You stare at your rock hard dick as you hear them bang in the next stall.. You forgot how tiny it looks compared to Chris's
<b>-"Y-yes..."</b> You lower yourself down onto the toilet seat and begin to slowly masturbate.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\f14.webp">
<adriana>-"S-sooOOoo goooOood... Did you see his lustful eyes.. Mghhh.. As he watched us?!"</adriana>
<blue>-"You're right love.. Mghhhh... We need to invite him more often!"</blue> You hear them laughing as you continue to masturbate.
<b>-"F-fuck. I'm close.. I need another peek.."</b> You stop for a second and peak at their stall again.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\f12.webp">
<adriana>-"P-pound my fucking assssSSss!!!"</adriana> They're in a completely different position! This is too hot..
<b>-"Mghhh..!!"</b> You feel like you're about to cum, you stop yourself for a second, trying to edge out a couple of seconds of extra pleasure.
<blue>-"F-fuckKKkk! Y-yessSSs!"</blue> As you hear Chris moan, you feel a wave of pleasure come your way.. You try your hardest to stop it, but you just end up ruining yourself.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\f8.webp">
<b>-"F-fuckkkKKK n-noOooO!!"</b> You moan as you bust your load all over yourself. You don't remember the last time you came this much!
<blue>-"D-did you hear that?"</blue> You hear them stop for a second.
<adriana>-"Fuck no.. K-keep going! I'm almost there!"</adriana>
<blue>-"W-we should hurry.. Mghhhh... H-he's still waiting!"</blue> You hear them speeding up again as you clean yourself up.
<adriana>-"He can go to hell Chris, j-just destroy my insides.. MGhhhhhhhh.. And I'll be satisfied, h-he can wait!</adriana>
<b>-"F-fuck me..."</b> You realise this is going to take a while.
<b>-"I better get going, before they find out I'm here.."</b> You sneak out of the restroom while their moans echo in your ear.
<b>-"I should give them some space today.."</b> You think as you remember what Adriana moaned. You decide that leaving is the best option, they're going to be in the restroom for a while. Thankfully the water was free, so you didn't have to pay anything.
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
[[Leave the restaurant->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Don't and leave.">>\
<blue>-"What about $name?"</blue> He says inbetween moans.
<adriana>-"Nghhhh.. W-what about him?! H-he can wait while we finish this!"</adriana> Chris pulls her hair.
<b>-"F-fuck.. This is too humiliating even for me.."</b> You think to yourself as you climb back down.
<b>-"It's obvious they're going to be there for a while.. Let's head home."</b> You exit the stall.
<blue>-"D-did you hear that?!"</blue>
<adriana>-"N-nooooOOoo.. K-keep goingggg MGhhHH!!!"</adriana> You hear the echos of their moans as you leave the restroom.
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Leave the restaurant->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"My girlfriend made me one..">>\
<b>-"My girlfriend made me one.."</b> You mumble.
<blue>-"What do you mean? Your girlfriend cucked you and you liked it?"</blue> He laughs.
<b>-"I mean yeah.. Something like that..<<if $bnwoamericaevent>0>>She became part of an organization of sorts.. Really opened both of our eyes<</if>>"</b>
<blue>-"Well... That's interesting I guess.."</blue>
<adriana>-"Nothing wrong with that! If you weren't such a loser, we would have never met!"</adriana>
<blue>-"I guess I should also be happy, people like you leave more women to me!"</blue> Chris laughs once again.
<adriana>-"Oh shut up!"</adriana>
<adriana>-"Youch!"</adriana> She moans you hear the toy vibrate.
<blue>-"Heheh.. So fun.."</blue>
<adriana>-"W-we're here.."</adriana> You arrive at the entrance to the restaurant.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\f1.png">
<adriana>-"Now listen here you fucker! No more playing around! It was fun while it lasted, but put that phone down!"</adriana> She turns to Chris and glares.
<blue>-"Alright alright! Calm your tiddies!"</blue> You smile at them both bickering around. After Chris puts his phone away, you all step inside.
<bartender>-"Good evening! W-wow.."</bartender> She server looks Adriana up and down. She's covered in sweat, her hair is a mess, and she's wearing a short skirt with a crop top.
<bartender>-"There's a free table for three, please follow me!"</bartender> He gulps as you begin to follow him. As you walk across the tables everyone stares at Adriana.
<adriana>-"G-god this is so awkward.."</adriana> She whispers.
<adriana>-"Mghhh.. S-stop.."</adriana>
<blue>-"Hehehe.."</blue> He plays with the app a bit.
<bartender>-"Here you are. I'll let you look over the menus and come back shortly!"</bartender> The server says as he walks away.
<<pageReplace"Open the menu.">>\
<blue>-"Should we play around a bit more?"</blue> Chris asks as you all look for something to eat.
<adriana>-"No, we should not! P-please Chris, we can't get caught!"</adriana> She sighs.
<b>-"Hmmm.. This looks good..."</b> You mumble as Chris and Adriana begin whispering.
<adriana>-"Mhmmghhh.."</adriana> Your cheeks blush as the table shakes a bit..
<blue>-"Hey buddy, we're going to be right back alright? We need to hit the restroom!"</blue> Chris turns to you.
<b>-"Really? Oh yeah, that's fine!"</b> You smile.
<adriana>-"Y-yeah.. Give us a sec!"</adriana> You watch them both stand up and walk away.
<b>-"F-fuck.. I know what they're about to do.."</b> You feel your cock throb at just the thought of it.
<b>-"Fuck... Gosh I wish I could see them right now.."</b> Your eyes roll backwards as you day dream. You feel some pre cum running down your leg.. You're about to climax in your pants from just the thought of them doing the deed.. Suddenly a voice shakes you awake.
<bartender>-"Sir? Are you ready to order?"</bartender> The sever is here.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\f5.png">
<b>-"O-oh! Y-yeah sorry! Just a water for now please!"</b>
<bartender>-"Copy that, one water coming up!"</bartender>
<<pageReplace"Wait for them.">>\
<b>-"Damn.. Where are they.. No way they're still at it.."</b> You think to yourself after 10 minutes pass by.
<b>-"Fuck this.. I need to see!"</b> After chugging down the water, you decide to hit the restroom as well...
<adriana>-"Mghhhgghh.. Y-you sure you locked the door?"</adriana> You hear Adriana's voice as you enter.
<blue>-"Y-yeah.. Nobody is coming in.. Mghhh.. K-keep going.."</blue> You silently sneak into the next stall. He forgot to lock the door after all.
<adriana>-"G-goddddd.. S-so deeeeEEeeeEppp!"</adriana> She moans as you climb on top of the toilet and peak your head into their stall.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\f3.webp">
<blue>-"Nghhh.."</blue> He moans as you hear Adriana's ass clash with his thighs.
<blue>-"What about $name?"</blue> He says inbetween moans.
<adriana>-"Nghhhh.. W-what about him?! H-he can wait while we finish this!"</adriana> Chris pulls her hair.
<b>-"F-fuck.. Seeing Adriana like that.. I can't.."</b> You try not to make any noise as you pull down your pants.
<<if $toys==1>>\
<b>-"F-fuck.."</b> You stare at your caged dick.. You feel it pressing up against the cage.. You have to do something!
<b>-"Y-yes..."</b> You lower yourself down onto the toilet seat and start to lightly slap your balls. It gives just enough stimulation to feel like you're masturbating.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\f7.webp">
<adriana>-"S-sooOOoo goooOood... Did you see his lustful eyes.. Mghhh.. As he watched us?!"</adriana>
<blue>-"You're right love.. Mghhhh... We need to invite him more often!"</blue> You hear them laughing as you continue to masturbate.
<b>-"F-fuck. I'm close.. I need another peek.."</b> It's not often you manage to cum with your cage on, but this might be one of those times. You stop for a second and peak at their stall again.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\f12.webp">
<adriana>-"P-pound my fucking assssSSss!!!"</adriana> They're in a completely different position! This is too hot..
<b>-"Mghhh..!!"</b> You feel like you're about to cum, rubbing and slapping your balls really does work!
<blue>-"F-fuckKKkk! Y-yessSSs!"</blue> As you hear Chris moan, you feel a wave of pleasure come your way.. It's too late to stop it.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\f6.webp">
<b>-"YessSSSSsssSSS!"</b> You moan as you bust your load all over yourself. You don't remember the last time you managed to cum in a chastity!
<blue>-"D-did you hear that?"</blue> You hear them stop for a second.
<adriana>-"Fuck no.. K-keep going! I'm almost there!"</adriana>
<blue>-"W-we should hurry.. Mghhhh... H-he's still waiting!"</blue> You hear them speeding up again as you clean yourself up.
<adriana>-"He can go to hell Chris, j-just destroy my insides.. MGhhhhhhhh.. And I'll be satisfied, h-he can wait!</adriana>
<b>-"F-fuck me..."</b> You realise this is going to take a while.
<b>-"I better get going, before they find out I'm here.."</b> You sneak out of the restroom while their moans echo in your ear.
<b>-"I should give them some space today.."</b> You think as you remember what Adriana moaned. You decide that leaving is the best option, they're going to be in the restroom for a while. Thankfully the water was free, so you didn't have to pay anything.
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
[[Leave the restaurant->Go outside]]
<b>-"F-fuck.."</b> You stare at your rock hard dick as you hear them bang in the next stall.. You forgot how tiny it looks compared to Chris's
<b>-"Y-yes..."</b> You lower yourself down onto the toilet seat and begin to slowly masturbate.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\f14.webp">
<adriana>-"S-sooOOoo goooOood... Did you see his lustful eyes.. Mghhh.. As he watched us?!"</adriana>
<blue>-"You're right love.. Mghhhh... We need to invite him more often!"</blue> You hear them laughing as you continue to masturbate.
<b>-"F-fuck. I'm close.. I need another peek.."</b> You stop for a second and peak at their stall again.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\f12.webp">
<adriana>-"P-pound my fucking assssSSss!!!"</adriana> They're in a completely different position! This is too hot..
<b>-"Mghhh..!!"</b> You feel like you're about to cum, you stop yourself for a second, trying to edge out a couple of seconds of extra pleasure.
<blue>-"F-fuckKKkk! Y-yessSSs!"</blue> As you hear Chris moan, you feel a wave of pleasure come your way.. You try your hardest to stop it, but you just end up ruining yourself.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\f8.webp">
<b>-"F-fuckkkKKK n-noOooO!!"</b> You moan as you bust your load all over yourself. You don't remember the last time you came this much!
<blue>-"D-did you hear that?"</blue> You hear them stop for a second.
<adriana>-"Fuck no.. K-keep going! I'm almost there!"</adriana>
<blue>-"W-we should hurry.. Mghhhh... H-he's still waiting!"</blue> You hear them speeding up again as you clean yourself up.
<adriana>-"He can go to hell Chris, j-just destroy my insides.. MGhhhhhhhh.. And I'll be satisfied, h-he can wait!</adriana>
<b>-"F-fuck me..."</b> You realise this is going to take a while.
<b>-"I better get going, before they find out I'm here.."</b> You sneak out of the restroom while their moans echo in your ear.
<b>-"I should give them some space today.."</b> You think as you remember what Adriana moaned. You decide that leaving is the best option, they're going to be in the restroom for a while. Thankfully the water was free, so you didn't have to pay anything.
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
[[Leave the restaurant->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Don't and leave.">>\
<blue>-"What about $name?"</blue> He says inbetween moans.
<adriana>-"Nghhhh.. W-what about him?! H-he can wait while we finish this!"</adriana> Chris pulls her hair.
<b>-"F-fuck.. This is too humiliating even for me.."</b> You think to yourself as you climb back down.
<b>-"It's obvious they're going to be there for a while.. Let's head home."</b> You exit the stall.
<blue>-"D-did you hear that?!"</blue>
<adriana>-"N-nooooOOoo.. K-keep goingggg MGhhHH!!!"</adriana> You hear the echos of their moans as you leave the restroom.
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Leave the restaurant->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"When you put it like that...">>\
<b>-"When you put it like that, I feel like an idiot.."</b> You look down.
<blue>-"Well I mean.. You kind of are, in my eyes,"</blue>
<blue>-"But hey, if it makes you feel any better, your money didn't go to waste. This peace of tech is seriously cool!"</blue> He laughs.
<b>-"Y-yeah.. I guess.."</b>
<adriana>-"Heyyyy! Stop being mean to our pet! He made this trip possible!"</adriana> She pets your head.
<adriana>-"Also, give me the skirt Chris, I've won."</adriana> She extends her arm.
<blue>-"Ughhh fine!"</blue> Her boyfriend hands her a piece of fabric.
<b>-"W-why are you not wearing it now?"</b>
<adriana>-"Chris dared me to walk around in my panties for 10 minutes. Guess who won?"</adriana>
<b>-"You?"</b> She puts on the skirt.
<adriana>-"You're damn right.."</adriana> Adriana giggles as you three begin walking again.
<blue>-"Want to see how it works?"</blue> Chris asks you as he swipes his phone a couple of times.
<adriana>-"Nghhhffhh.. C-calm down.."</adriana> She lets out a soft moan as you look at Chris's screen.
<b>-"Y-yeah.. Show me.."</b> Chris begins playing around on the app. Showing you all of the different modes and options. Before you know it, the first group of people are passing by you.
<adriana>-"S-stop playing around.. Act normal for a second!"</adriana> She pouts at you both as you walk by a couple of teenagers.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\f9.webp">
<adriana>-"MghHH!!"</adriana> Adriana squeals a bit as the toy vibrates. The teens turn their heads.
<bartender>-"What the fuck.. Did you hear that?"</bartender>
<grey>-"Hahah yeah.. What a weirdo!"</grey> They walk off.
<adriana>-"These panties are pissing me off!"</adriana> You see her quickly pull down her underwear and throw it to chris.
<adriana>-"S-stash it somew-!"</adriana> Before she could finish the sentance, Chris turns the toy to the max again.
<adriana>-"UGhHHHHH!!!!"</adriana> She leans on a railing.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\f10.webp">
<adriana>-"F-fuckKKkkKKK!! S-stop!!!"</adriana> Adriana tries to keep her voice down as she shakes from pleasure. A couple that's a good hundred meters way is coming towards you.
<<pageReplace"Continue to watch behind Chris.">>\
<b>-"T-this is so hot.."</b> You whisper as you feel your pants slowly becoming a tent.
<blue>-"Ghahaha I know right?"</blue> He gives you a friendly shove as the couple closes in. Chris lowers the speed of the toy to help Adriana out a bit.
<adriana>-"F-fucKKKkkkk... MghhhhHhh.."</adriana> She tries her hardest to keep her moans silent.
<adriana>-"MmmMmmmmmm..."</adriana> The couple pass, giving you all a weird look.
<blue>-"Heheh they're gone.."</blue> He whispers and increases the speed once again, Adriana begins shaking once again.
<adriana>-"ShiIIttTTTT! I-I'm cumminggGGGGgggG!!"</adriana> She lets out a loud moan as you see her squirt all over the ground.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\f11.webp">
<b>-"J-jeez..."</b> You mumble as you continue to stare.
<blue>-"S-shit babe! Hahahaha! You're alright?!"</blue> Chris pets Adriana on the back.
<adriana>-"Y-yesssSss... T-that... W-was... So hot.."</adriana> She turns around and faces you.
<adriana>-"F-fuck.. The thrill of almost being caught.. Gosh I never knew it could feel that good!"</adriana>
<b>-"I.. I didn't know the toy was that strong!"</b>
<blue>-"Me neither, but I'm not complaining!"</blue> Chris smiles.
<adriana>-"Hahaha fuck you guys.. Let's keep going.. We're almost there."</adriana> As you walk to the restaurant, Chris plays around with the Lush a bit more, but not quite as hard as before. He's letting Adriana rest.
<blue>-"So, when did you know you were a cuck?"</blue> He faces you as you walk.
<adriana>-"Chris! That's rude!"</adriana>
<b>-"Aghaha it's fine.."</b> You mumble.
<<pageReplace"I always knew...">>\
<b>-"I-I always knew to be honest... Always watched cuckold porn and stuff.."</b> You mumble.
<blue>-"Really? Never understood you guys."</blue>
<b>-"Yeah I don't know.. I guess it's just how I'm wired!"</b>
<adriana>-"Nothing wrong with that! If you weren't such a loser, we would have never met!"</adriana> Adriana laughs.
<adriana>-"Youch!"</adriana> She moans you hear the toy vibrate.
<blue>-"Heheh.. So fun.."</blue>
<adriana>-"W-we're here.."</adriana> You arrive at the entrance to the restaurant.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\f1.png">
<adriana>-"Now listen here you fucker! No more playing around! It was fun while it lasted, but put that phone down!"</adriana> She turns to Chris and glares.
<blue>-"Alright alright! Calm your tiddies!"</blue> You smile at them both bickering around. After Chris puts his phone away, you all step inside.
<bartender>-"Good evening! W-wow.."</bartender> She server looks Adriana up and down. She's covered in sweat, her hair is a mess, and she's wearing a short skirt with a crop top.
<bartender>-"There's a free table for three, please follow me!"</bartender> He gulps as you begin to follow him. As you walk across the tables everyone stares at Adriana.
<adriana>-"G-god this is so awkward.."</adriana> She whispers.
<adriana>-"Mghhh.. S-stop.."</adriana>
<blue>-"Hehehe.."</blue> He plays with the app a bit.
<bartender>-"Here you are. I'll let you look over the menus and come back shortly!"</bartender> The server says as he walks away.
<<pageReplace"Open the menu.">>\
<blue>-"Should we play around a bit more?"</blue> Chris asks as you all look for something to eat.
<adriana>-"No, we should not! P-please Chris, we can't get caught!"</adriana> She sighs.
<b>-"Hmmm.. This looks good..."</b> You mumble as Chris and Adriana begin whispering.
<adriana>-"Mhmmghhh.."</adriana> Your cheeks blush as the table shakes a bit..
<blue>-"Hey buddy, we're going to be right back alright? We need to hit the restroom!"</blue> Chris turns to you.
<b>-"Really? Oh yeah, that's fine!"</b> You smile.
<adriana>-"Y-yeah.. Give us a sec!"</adriana> You watch them both stand up and walk away.
<b>-"F-fuck.. I know what they're about to do.."</b> You feel your cock throb at just the thought of it.
<b>-"Fuck... Gosh I wish I could see them right now.."</b> Your eyes roll backwards as you day dream. You feel some pre cum running down your leg.. You're about to climax in your pants from just the thought of them doing the deed.. Suddenly a voice shakes you awake.
<bartender>-"Sir? Are you ready to order?"</bartender> The sever is here.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\f5.png">
<b>-"O-oh! Y-yeah sorry! Just a water for now please!"</b>
<bartender>-"Copy that, one water coming up!"</bartender>
<<pageReplace"Wait for them.">>\
<b>-"Damn.. Where are they.. No way they're still at it.."</b> You think to yourself after 10 minutes pass by.
<b>-"Fuck this.. I need to see!"</b> After chugging down the water, you decide to hit the restroom as well...
<adriana>-"Mghhhgghh.. Y-you sure you locked the door?"</adriana> You hear Adriana's voice as you enter.
<blue>-"Y-yeah.. Nobody is coming in.. Mghhh.. K-keep going.."</blue> You silently sneak into the next stall. He forgot to lock the door after all.
<adriana>-"G-goddddd.. S-so deeeeEEeeeEppp!"</adriana> She moans as you climb on top of the toilet and peak your head into their stall.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\f3.webp">
<blue>-"Nghhh.."</blue> He moans as you hear Adriana's ass clash with his thighs.
<blue>-"What about $name?"</blue> He says inbetween moans.
<adriana>-"Nghhhh.. W-what about him?! H-he can wait while we finish this!"</adriana> Chris pulls her hair.
<b>-"F-fuck.. Seeing Adriana like that.. I can't.."</b> You try not to make any noise as you pull down your pants.
<<if $toys==1>>\
<b>-"F-fuck.."</b> You stare at your caged dick.. You feel it pressing up against the cage.. You have to do something!
<b>-"Y-yes..."</b> You lower yourself down onto the toilet seat and start to lightly slap your balls. It gives just enough stimulation to feel like you're masturbating.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\f7.webp">
<adriana>-"S-sooOOoo goooOood... Did you see his lustful eyes.. Mghhh.. As he watched us?!"</adriana>
<blue>-"You're right love.. Mghhhh... We need to invite him more often!"</blue> You hear them laughing as you continue to masturbate.
<b>-"F-fuck. I'm close.. I need another peek.."</b> It's not often you manage to cum with your cage on, but this might be one of those times. You stop for a second and peak at their stall again.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\f12.webp">
<adriana>-"P-pound my fucking assssSSss!!!"</adriana> They're in a completely different position! This is too hot..
<b>-"Mghhh..!!"</b> You feel like you're about to cum, rubbing and slapping your balls really does work!
<blue>-"F-fuckKKkk! Y-yessSSs!"</blue> As you hear Chris moan, you feel a wave of pleasure come your way.. It's too late to stop it.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\f6.webp">
<b>-"YessSSSSsssSSS!"</b> You moan as you bust your load all over yourself. You don't remember the last time you managed to cum in a chastity!
<blue>-"D-did you hear that?"</blue> You hear them stop for a second.
<adriana>-"Fuck no.. K-keep going! I'm almost there!"</adriana>
<blue>-"W-we should hurry.. Mghhhh... H-he's still waiting!"</blue> You hear them speeding up again as you clean yourself up.
<adriana>-"He can go to hell Chris, j-just destroy my insides.. MGhhhhhhhh.. And I'll be satisfied, h-he can wait!</adriana>
<b>-"F-fuck me..."</b> You realise this is going to take a while.
<b>-"I better get going, before they find out I'm here.."</b> You sneak out of the restroom while their moans echo in your ear.
<b>-"I should give them some space today.."</b> You think as you remember what Adriana moaned. You decide that leaving is the best option, they're going to be in the restroom for a while. Thankfully the water was free, so you didn't have to pay anything.
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
[[Leave the restaurant->Go outside]]
<b>-"F-fuck.."</b> You stare at your rock hard dick as you hear them bang in the next stall.. You forgot how tiny it looks compared to Chris's
<b>-"Y-yes..."</b> You lower yourself down onto the toilet seat and begin to slowly masturbate.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\f14.webp">
<adriana>-"S-sooOOoo goooOood... Did you see his lustful eyes.. Mghhh.. As he watched us?!"</adriana>
<blue>-"You're right love.. Mghhhh... We need to invite him more often!"</blue> You hear them laughing as you continue to masturbate.
<b>-"F-fuck. I'm close.. I need another peek.."</b> You stop for a second and peak at their stall again.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\f12.webp">
<adriana>-"P-pound my fucking assssSSss!!!"</adriana> They're in a completely different position! This is too hot..
<b>-"Mghhh..!!"</b> You feel like you're about to cum, you stop yourself for a second, trying to edge out a couple of seconds of extra pleasure.
<blue>-"F-fuckKKkk! Y-yessSSs!"</blue> As you hear Chris moan, you feel a wave of pleasure come your way.. You try your hardest to stop it, but you just end up ruining yourself.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\f8.webp">
<b>-"F-fuckkkKKK n-noOooO!!"</b> You moan as you bust your load all over yourself. You don't remember the last time you came this much!
<blue>-"D-did you hear that?"</blue> You hear them stop for a second.
<adriana>-"Fuck no.. K-keep going! I'm almost there!"</adriana>
<blue>-"W-we should hurry.. Mghhhh... H-he's still waiting!"</blue> You hear them speeding up again as you clean yourself up.
<adriana>-"He can go to hell Chris, j-just destroy my insides.. MGhhhhhhhh.. And I'll be satisfied, h-he can wait!</adriana>
<b>-"F-fuck me..."</b> You realise this is going to take a while.
<b>-"I better get going, before they find out I'm here.."</b> You sneak out of the restroom while their moans echo in your ear.
<b>-"I should give them some space today.."</b> You think as you remember what Adriana moaned. You decide that leaving is the best option, they're going to be in the restroom for a while. Thankfully the water was free, so you didn't have to pay anything.
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
[[Leave the restaurant->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Don't and leave.">>\
<blue>-"What about $name?"</blue> He says inbetween moans.
<adriana>-"Nghhhh.. W-what about him?! H-he can wait while we finish this!"</adriana> Chris pulls her hair.
<b>-"F-fuck.. This is too humiliating even for me.."</b> You think to yourself as you climb back down.
<b>-"It's obvious they're going to be there for a while.. Let's head home."</b> You exit the stall.
<blue>-"D-did you hear that?!"</blue>
<adriana>-"N-nooooOOoo.. K-keep goingggg MGhhHH!!!"</adriana> You hear the echos of their moans as you leave the restroom.
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Leave the restaurant->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"The SUP opened my eyes...">>\
<b>-"Well.. The SUP tought us a lot about cuckoldry and femdom.."</b> You mumble.
<blue>-"Really? I heard that university was hardcore.. Didn't know it was that serious though!"</blue>
<b>-"Yeah.. But most of it is based on true facts and it's quite eye opening if you're determined to learn!"</b>
<adriana>-"Good on them! Teaching them the correct way of life in my opinion! Submitting to a woman should be every mans goal. Ain't that right Chris?"</adriana> She jokes around.
<blue>-"Hahaha do I look like a loser?"</blue> He swipes his phone.
<adriana>-"Youch!"</adriana> She moans you hear the toy vibrate.
<blue>-"Heheh.. So fun.."</blue>
<adriana>-"Nothing wrong with that! If you weren't such a loser, we would have never met!"</adriana> Adriana laughs.
<adriana>-"W-we're here.."</adriana> You arrive at the entrance to the restaurant.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\f1.png">
<adriana>-"Now listen here you fucker! No more playing around! It was fun while it lasted, but put that phone down!"</adriana> She turns to Chris and glares.
<blue>-"Alright alright! Calm your tiddies!"</blue> You smile at them both bickering around. After Chris puts his phone away, you all step inside.
<bartender>-"Good evening! W-wow.."</bartender> She server looks Adriana up and down. She's covered in sweat, her hair is a mess, and she's wearing a short skirt with a crop top.
<bartender>-"There's a free table for three, please follow me!"</bartender> He gulps as you begin to follow him. As you walk across the tables everyone stares at Adriana.
<adriana>-"G-god this is so awkward.."</adriana> She whispers.
<adriana>-"Mghhh.. S-stop.."</adriana>
<blue>-"Hehehe.."</blue> He plays with the app a bit.
<bartender>-"Here you are. I'll let you look over the menus and come back shortly!"</bartender> The server says as he walks away.
<<pageReplace"Open the menu.">>\
<blue>-"Should we play around a bit more?"</blue> Chris asks as you all look for something to eat.
<adriana>-"No, we should not! P-please Chris, we can't get caught!"</adriana> She sighs.
<b>-"Hmmm.. This looks good..."</b> You mumble as Chris and Adriana begin whispering.
<adriana>-"Mhmmghhh.."</adriana> Your cheeks blush as the table shakes a bit..
<blue>-"Hey buddy, we're going to be right back alright? We need to hit the restroom!"</blue> Chris turns to you.
<b>-"Really? Oh yeah, that's fine!"</b> You smile.
<adriana>-"Y-yeah.. Give us a sec!"</adriana> You watch them both stand up and walk away.
<b>-"F-fuck.. I know what they're about to do.."</b> You feel your cock throb at just the thought of it.
<b>-"Fuck... Gosh I wish I could see them right now.."</b> Your eyes roll backwards as you day dream. You feel some pre cum running down your leg.. You're about to climax in your pants from just the thought of them doing the deed.. Suddenly a voice shakes you awake.
<bartender>-"Sir? Are you ready to order?"</bartender> The sever is here.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\f5.png">
<b>-"O-oh! Y-yeah sorry! Just a water for now please!"</b>
<bartender>-"Copy that, one water coming up!"</bartender>
<<pageReplace"Wait for them.">>\
<b>-"Damn.. Where are they.. No way they're still at it.."</b> You think to yourself after 10 minutes pass by.
<b>-"Fuck this.. I need to see!"</b> After chugging down the water, you decide to hit the restroom as well...
<adriana>-"Mghhhgghh.. Y-you sure you locked the door?"</adriana> You hear Adriana's voice as you enter.
<blue>-"Y-yeah.. Nobody is coming in.. Mghhh.. K-keep going.."</blue> You silently sneak into the next stall. He forgot to lock the door after all.
<adriana>-"G-goddddd.. S-so deeeeEEeeeEppp!"</adriana> She moans as you climb on top of the toilet and peak your head into their stall.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\f3.webp">
<blue>-"Nghhh.."</blue> He moans as you hear Adriana's ass clash with his thighs.
<blue>-"What about $name?"</blue> He says inbetween moans.
<adriana>-"Nghhhh.. W-what about him?! H-he can wait while we finish this!"</adriana> Chris pulls her hair.
<b>-"F-fuck.. Seeing Adriana like that.. I can't.."</b> You try not to make any noise as you pull down your pants.
<<if $toys==1>>\
<b>-"F-fuck.."</b> You stare at your caged dick.. You feel it pressing up against the cage.. You have to do something!
<b>-"Y-yes..."</b> You lower yourself down onto the toilet seat and start to lightly slap your balls. It gives just enough stimulation to feel like you're masturbating.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\f7.webp">
<adriana>-"S-sooOOoo goooOood... Did you see his lustful eyes.. Mghhh.. As he watched us?!"</adriana>
<blue>-"You're right love.. Mghhhh... We need to invite him more often!"</blue> You hear them laughing as you continue to masturbate.
<b>-"F-fuck. I'm close.. I need another peek.."</b> It's not often you manage to cum with your cage on, but this might be one of those times. You stop for a second and peak at their stall again.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\f12.webp">
<adriana>-"P-pound my fucking assssSSss!!!"</adriana> They're in a completely different position! This is too hot..
<b>-"Mghhh..!!"</b> You feel like you're about to cum, rubbing and slapping your balls really does work!
<blue>-"F-fuckKKkk! Y-yessSSs!"</blue> As you hear Chris moan, you feel a wave of pleasure come your way.. It's too late to stop it.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\f6.webp">
<b>-"YessSSSSsssSSS!"</b> You moan as you bust your load all over yourself. You don't remember the last time you managed to cum in a chastity!
<blue>-"D-did you hear that?"</blue> You hear them stop for a second.
<adriana>-"Fuck no.. K-keep going! I'm almost there!"</adriana>
<blue>-"W-we should hurry.. Mghhhh... H-he's still waiting!"</blue> You hear them speeding up again as you clean yourself up.
<adriana>-"He can go to hell Chris, j-just destroy my insides.. MGhhhhhhhh.. And I'll be satisfied, h-he can wait!</adriana>
<b>-"F-fuck me..."</b> You realise this is going to take a while.
<b>-"I better get going, before they find out I'm here.."</b> You sneak out of the restroom while their moans echo in your ear.
<b>-"I should give them some space today.."</b> You think as you remember what Adriana moaned. You decide that leaving is the best option, they're going to be in the restroom for a while. Thankfully the water was free, so you didn't have to pay anything.
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
[[Leave the restaurant->Go outside]]
<b>-"F-fuck.."</b> You stare at your rock hard dick as you hear them bang in the next stall.. You forgot how tiny it looks compared to Chris's
<b>-"Y-yes..."</b> You lower yourself down onto the toilet seat and begin to slowly masturbate.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\f14.webp">
<adriana>-"S-sooOOoo goooOood... Did you see his lustful eyes.. Mghhh.. As he watched us?!"</adriana>
<blue>-"You're right love.. Mghhhh... We need to invite him more often!"</blue> You hear them laughing as you continue to masturbate.
<b>-"F-fuck. I'm close.. I need another peek.."</b> You stop for a second and peak at their stall again.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\f12.webp">
<adriana>-"P-pound my fucking assssSSss!!!"</adriana> They're in a completely different position! This is too hot..
<b>-"Mghhh..!!"</b> You feel like you're about to cum, you stop yourself for a second, trying to edge out a couple of seconds of extra pleasure.
<blue>-"F-fuckKKkk! Y-yessSSs!"</blue> As you hear Chris moan, you feel a wave of pleasure come your way.. You try your hardest to stop it, but you just end up ruining yourself.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\f8.webp">
<b>-"F-fuckkkKKK n-noOooO!!"</b> You moan as you bust your load all over yourself. You don't remember the last time you came this much!
<blue>-"D-did you hear that?"</blue> You hear them stop for a second.
<adriana>-"Fuck no.. K-keep going! I'm almost there!"</adriana>
<blue>-"W-we should hurry.. Mghhhh... H-he's still waiting!"</blue> You hear them speeding up again as you clean yourself up.
<adriana>-"He can go to hell Chris, j-just destroy my insides.. MGhhhhhhhh.. And I'll be satisfied, h-he can wait!</adriana>
<b>-"F-fuck me..."</b> You realise this is going to take a while.
<b>-"I better get going, before they find out I'm here.."</b> You sneak out of the restroom while their moans echo in your ear.
<b>-"I should give them some space today.."</b> You think as you remember what Adriana moaned. You decide that leaving is the best option, they're going to be in the restroom for a while. Thankfully the water was free, so you didn't have to pay anything.
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
[[Leave the restaurant->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Don't and leave.">>\
<blue>-"What about $name?"</blue> He says inbetween moans.
<adriana>-"Nghhhh.. W-what about him?! H-he can wait while we finish this!"</adriana> Chris pulls her hair.
<b>-"F-fuck.. This is too humiliating even for me.."</b> You think to yourself as you climb back down.
<b>-"It's obvious they're going to be there for a while.. Let's head home."</b> You exit the stall.
<blue>-"D-did you hear that?!"</blue>
<adriana>-"N-nooooOOoo.. K-keep goingggg MGhhHH!!!"</adriana> You hear the echos of their moans as you leave the restroom.
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Leave the restaurant->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"My girlfriend made me one..">>\
<b>-"My girlfriend made me one.."</b> You mumble.
<blue>-"What do you mean? Your girlfriend cucked you and you liked it?"</blue> He laughs.
<b>-"I mean yeah.. Something like that..<<if $bnwoamericaevent>0>>She became part of an organization of sorts.. Really opened both of our eyes<</if>>"</b>
<blue>-"Well... That's interesting I guess.."</blue>
<adriana>-"Nothing wrong with that! If you weren't such a loser, we would have never met!"</adriana>
<blue>-"I guess I should also be happy, people like you leave more women to me!"</blue> Chris laughs once again.
<adriana>-"Oh shut up!"</adriana>
<adriana>-"Youch!"</adriana> She moans you hear the toy vibrate.
<blue>-"Heheh.. So fun.."</blue>
<adriana>-"W-we're here.."</adriana> You arrive at the entrance to the restaurant.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\f1.png">
<adriana>-"Now listen here you fucker! No more playing around! It was fun while it lasted, but put that phone down!"</adriana> She turns to Chris and glares.
<blue>-"Alright alright! Calm your tiddies!"</blue> You smile at them both bickering around. After Chris puts his phone away, you all step inside.
<bartender>-"Good evening! W-wow.."</bartender> She server looks Adriana up and down. She's covered in sweat, her hair is a mess, and she's wearing a short skirt with a crop top.
<bartender>-"There's a free table for three, please follow me!"</bartender> He gulps as you begin to follow him. As you walk across the tables everyone stares at Adriana.
<adriana>-"G-god this is so awkward.."</adriana> She whispers.
<adriana>-"Mghhh.. S-stop.."</adriana>
<blue>-"Hehehe.."</blue> He plays with the app a bit.
<bartender>-"Here you are. I'll let you look over the menus and come back shortly!"</bartender> The server says as he walks away.
<<pageReplace"Open the menu.">>\
<blue>-"Should we play around a bit more?"</blue> Chris asks as you all look for something to eat.
<adriana>-"No, we should not! P-please Chris, we can't get caught!"</adriana> She sighs.
<b>-"Hmmm.. This looks good..."</b> You mumble as Chris and Adriana begin whispering.
<adriana>-"Mhmmghhh.."</adriana> Your cheeks blush as the table shakes a bit..
<blue>-"Hey buddy, we're going to be right back alright? We need to hit the restroom!"</blue> Chris turns to you.
<b>-"Really? Oh yeah, that's fine!"</b> You smile.
<adriana>-"Y-yeah.. Give us a sec!"</adriana> You watch them both stand up and walk away.
<b>-"F-fuck.. I know what they're about to do.."</b> You feel your cock throb at just the thought of it.
<b>-"Fuck... Gosh I wish I could see them right now.."</b> Your eyes roll backwards as you day dream. You feel some pre cum running down your leg.. You're about to climax in your pants from just the thought of them doing the deed.. Suddenly a voice shakes you awake.
<bartender>-"Sir? Are you ready to order?"</bartender> The sever is here.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\f5.png">
<b>-"O-oh! Y-yeah sorry! Just a water for now please!"</b>
<bartender>-"Copy that, one water coming up!"</bartender>
<<pageReplace"Wait for them.">>\
<b>-"Damn.. Where are they.. No way they're still at it.."</b> You think to yourself after 10 minutes pass by.
<b>-"Fuck this.. I need to see!"</b> After chugging down the water, you decide to hit the restroom as well...
<adriana>-"Mghhhgghh.. Y-you sure you locked the door?"</adriana> You hear Adriana's voice as you enter.
<blue>-"Y-yeah.. Nobody is coming in.. Mghhh.. K-keep going.."</blue> You silently sneak into the next stall. He forgot to lock the door after all.
<adriana>-"G-goddddd.. S-so deeeeEEeeeEppp!"</adriana> She moans as you climb on top of the toilet and peak your head into their stall.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\f3.webp">
<blue>-"Nghhh.."</blue> He moans as you hear Adriana's ass clash with his thighs.
<blue>-"What about $name?"</blue> He says inbetween moans.
<adriana>-"Nghhhh.. W-what about him?! H-he can wait while we finish this!"</adriana> Chris pulls her hair.
<b>-"F-fuck.. Seeing Adriana like that.. I can't.."</b> You try not to make any noise as you pull down your pants.
<<if $toys==1>>\
<b>-"F-fuck.."</b> You stare at your caged dick.. You feel it pressing up against the cage.. You have to do something!
<b>-"Y-yes..."</b> You lower yourself down onto the toilet seat and start to lightly slap your balls. It gives just enough stimulation to feel like you're masturbating.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\f7.webp">
<adriana>-"S-sooOOoo goooOood... Did you see his lustful eyes.. Mghhh.. As he watched us?!"</adriana>
<blue>-"You're right love.. Mghhhh... We need to invite him more often!"</blue> You hear them laughing as you continue to masturbate.
<b>-"F-fuck. I'm close.. I need another peek.."</b> It's not often you manage to cum with your cage on, but this might be one of those times. You stop for a second and peak at their stall again.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\f12.webp">
<adriana>-"P-pound my fucking assssSSss!!!"</adriana> They're in a completely different position! This is too hot..
<b>-"Mghhh..!!"</b> You feel like you're about to cum, rubbing and slapping your balls really does work!
<blue>-"F-fuckKKkk! Y-yessSSs!"</blue> As you hear Chris moan, you feel a wave of pleasure come your way.. It's too late to stop it.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\f6.webp">
<b>-"YessSSSSsssSSS!"</b> You moan as you bust your load all over yourself. You don't remember the last time you managed to cum in a chastity!
<blue>-"D-did you hear that?"</blue> You hear them stop for a second.
<adriana>-"Fuck no.. K-keep going! I'm almost there!"</adriana>
<blue>-"W-we should hurry.. Mghhhh... H-he's still waiting!"</blue> You hear them speeding up again as you clean yourself up.
<adriana>-"He can go to hell Chris, j-just destroy my insides.. MGhhhhhhhh.. And I'll be satisfied, h-he can wait!</adriana>
<b>-"F-fuck me..."</b> You realise this is going to take a while.
<b>-"I better get going, before they find out I'm here.."</b> You sneak out of the restroom while their moans echo in your ear.
<b>-"I should give them some space today.."</b> You think as you remember what Adriana moaned. You decide that leaving is the best option, they're going to be in the restroom for a while. Thankfully the water was free, so you didn't have to pay anything.
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
[[Leave the restaurant->Go outside]]
<b>-"F-fuck.."</b> You stare at your rock hard dick as you hear them bang in the next stall.. You forgot how tiny it looks compared to Chris's
<b>-"Y-yes..."</b> You lower yourself down onto the toilet seat and begin to slowly masturbate.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\f14.webp">
<adriana>-"S-sooOOoo goooOood... Did you see his lustful eyes.. Mghhh.. As he watched us?!"</adriana>
<blue>-"You're right love.. Mghhhh... We need to invite him more often!"</blue> You hear them laughing as you continue to masturbate.
<b>-"F-fuck. I'm close.. I need another peek.."</b> You stop for a second and peak at their stall again.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\f12.webp">
<adriana>-"P-pound my fucking assssSSss!!!"</adriana> They're in a completely different position! This is too hot..
<b>-"Mghhh..!!"</b> You feel like you're about to cum, you stop yourself for a second, trying to edge out a couple of seconds of extra pleasure.
<blue>-"F-fuckKKkk! Y-yessSSs!"</blue> As you hear Chris moan, you feel a wave of pleasure come your way.. You try your hardest to stop it, but you just end up ruining yourself.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\f8.webp">
<b>-"F-fuckkkKKK n-noOooO!!"</b> You moan as you bust your load all over yourself. You don't remember the last time you came this much!
<blue>-"D-did you hear that?"</blue> You hear them stop for a second.
<adriana>-"Fuck no.. K-keep going! I'm almost there!"</adriana>
<blue>-"W-we should hurry.. Mghhhh... H-he's still waiting!"</blue> You hear them speeding up again as you clean yourself up.
<adriana>-"He can go to hell Chris, j-just destroy my insides.. MGhhhhhhhh.. And I'll be satisfied, h-he can wait!</adriana>
<b>-"F-fuck me..."</b> You realise this is going to take a while.
<b>-"I better get going, before they find out I'm here.."</b> You sneak out of the restroom while their moans echo in your ear.
<b>-"I should give them some space today.."</b> You think as you remember what Adriana moaned. You decide that leaving is the best option, they're going to be in the restroom for a while. Thankfully the water was free, so you didn't have to pay anything.
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
[[Leave the restaurant->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Don't and leave.">>\
<blue>-"What about $name?"</blue> He says inbetween moans.
<adriana>-"Nghhhh.. W-what about him?! H-he can wait while we finish this!"</adriana> Chris pulls her hair.
<b>-"F-fuck.. This is too humiliating even for me.."</b> You think to yourself as you climb back down.
<b>-"It's obvious they're going to be there for a while.. Let's head home."</b> You exit the stall.
<blue>-"D-did you hear that?!"</blue>
<adriana>-"N-nooooOOoo.. K-keep goingggg MGhhHH!!!"</adriana> You hear the echos of their moans as you leave the restroom.
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Leave the restaurant->Go outside]]
<<messengerHeader Adriana>>
<<them>>Hey $name!<</them>>
<<them>>Forgot to ask<</them>>
<<them>>Where did you go after we got into the restaurant??? We missed you.<</them>>
<div id="choices">
<<messageReplyReplace "Had an emergency." #choices>>
<<me>>Hello! Had a personal emergency, had to dip!<</me>>
<<me>>Sorry if I ruined y'alls night!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Understood! No no don't worry about it, we had plenty of fun without you 😉<</them>>
<<them wait>>Anyways, what are you up to?<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "AdrianaChris/sub/p4.jpg" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<<messageReply "Nothing much.">>
<<me>>Nothing much to be honest, kind of bored.<</me>>
<<them wait>>I would invite you to come over and watch... But Chris is feeling kind of sick!<</them>>
<<messageReply "So how's the toy?">>
<<me>>So how's the the toy? Did Chris like it?<</me>>
<<them wait>>He loved it!! Our little date was just the beginning, these past couple of days we've been playing with it a lot!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Now that I think about it...<</them>>
<<them wait>>Hehehehehe want to see what we did? 🥴<</them>>
<div id="choices1">
<<messageReplyReplace "Not really." #choices1>>
<<me>>Not really Adriana, not in the mood..<</me>>
<<them wait>>Heh, your loss!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Will drop by if we ever go out again, would love you to join us!<</them>>
<<set $adriana to 9>>
<<set $day2 to $day>>
<<messageReplyReplace "Of course!" #choices1>>
<<me>>Of course! I can't say no to that! 😍<</me>>
<<them wait>>Gosh you're corny.. I love it!<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "AdrianaChris/sub/p11.webp" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<<them wait>>This was filmed the same day we met up.. The toy isn't even big, but fuck me does it wiggle around in there!<</them>>
<<messageReply "That's hot.">>
<<me>>Fuck meee that's hot.. Show me more..<</me>>
<<them wait>>Ehehehe.. Wish I could see your face right now..<</them>>
<<them wait>>What does the pet do when he wants something?<</them>>
<div id="choices2">
<<messageReplyReplace "Beg" #choices2>>
<<me>>I beg you Adriana.. Show me some more videos..<</me>>
<<them wait>>Good boy!<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "AdrianaChris/sub/p33.webp" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<<them wait>>This was like two days ago I think.. Was already getting more comfortable!<</them>>
<<messageReply "You look amazing!">>
<<me>>You look amazing Adriana! I can't stop staring..<</me>>
<<them wait>>Alright alright enough with the compliments!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Also weird question.. What do you think about cam shows?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Why?">>
<<me>>What? Why do you need to know? That's so random ahaha<</me>>
<<them wait>>Just tell me! Or you ain't getting the last vid!<</them>>
<div id="choices4">
<<messageReplyReplace "I like em!" #choices4>>
<<me>>I like em! They're usually pretty hot! Watching the girls live feels kind of real sometimes. Why?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Nothing nothing.. Just though of starting a cam show would be cool.<</them>>
<<them wait>> Maybe I could make a living from cucks like you watching me and Chris 😁<</them>>
<<them wait>>Anyways, here's the last vid! Took it yesterday, he tied me up!<</them>>
<<them>><<image "AdrianaChris/sub/p22.webp" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<<messageReply "Fuck me..">>
<<me>>Fuck me that's so sexy..<</me>>
<<them wait>>Enjoyyyy!! Don't jack off to much, your pecker might fall off 🤣<</them>>
<<them wait>>I'll send you a text if we ever decide to go out again, would love you to join us!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Count me in!">>
<<me>>Count me in!! Can never say no to seeing a goddess like you naked!<</me>>
<<them wait>>😘😘<</them>>
<<set $adriana to 9>>
<<set $day2 to $day>>
<<messageReplyReplace "I don't like em..." #choices4>>
<<me>>I don't really like em to be honest. They usually feel faked and forced. Why?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Nothing nothing.. Just though of starting a cam show would be cool.<</them>>
<<them wait>> But now I don't know lol! You might be right.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Anyways, here's the last vid! Took it yesterday, he tied me up!<</them>>
<<them>><<image "AdrianaChris/sub/p22.webp" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<<messageReply "Fuck me..">>
<<me>>Fuck me that's so sexy..<</me>>
<<them wait>>Enjoyyyy!! Don't jack off to much, your pecker might fall off 🤣<</them>>
<<them wait>>I'll send you a text if we ever decide to go out again, would love you to join us!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Count me in!">>
<<me>>Count me in!! Can never say no to seeing a goddess like you naked!<</me>>
<<them wait>>😘😘<</them>>
<<set $adriana to 9>>
<<set $day2 to $day>>
<<messageReplyReplace "Don't beg" #choices2>>
<<me>>I'm not going to beg Adriana.. Come on..<</me>>
<<them wait>>No more pictures for you then 😛<</them>>
<<them wait>>Last chance!<</them>>
<div id="choices3">
<<messageReplyReplace "Beg" #choices3>>
<<me>>Fineeee.... I beg you Adriana.. Show me some more videos..<</me>>
<<them wait>>Good boy!<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "AdrianaChris/sub/p33.webp" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<<them wait>>This was like two days ago I think.. Was already getting more comfortable!<</them>>
<<messageReply "You look amazing!">>
<<me>>You look amazing Adriana! I can't stop staring..<</me>>
<<them wait>>Alright alright enough with the compliments!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Also weird question.. What do you think about cam shows?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Why?">>
<<me>>What? Why do you need to know? That's so random ahaha<</me>>
<<them wait>>Just tell me! Or you ain't getting the last vid!<</them>>
<div id="choices4">
<<messageReplyReplace "I like em!" #choices4>>
<<me>>I like em! They're usually pretty hot! Watching the girls live feels kind of real sometimes. Why?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Nothing nothing.. Just though of starting a cam show would be cool.<</them>>
<<them wait>> Maybe I could make a living from cucks like you watching me and Chris 😁<</them>>
<<them wait>>Anyways, here's the last vid! Took it yesterday, he tied me up!<</them>>
<<them>><<image "AdrianaChris/sub/p22.webp" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<<messageReply "Fuck me..">>
<<me>>Fuck me that's so sexy..<</me>>
<<them wait>>Enjoyyyy!! Don't jack off to much, your pecker might fall off 🤣<</them>>
<<them wait>>I'll send you a text if we ever decide to go out again, would love you to join us!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Count me in!">>
<<me>>Count me in!! Can never say no to seeing a goddess like you naked!<</me>>
<<them wait>>😘😘<</them>>
<<set $adriana to 9>>
<<set $day2 to $day>>
<<messageReplyReplace "I don't like em..." #choices4>>
<<me>>I don't really like em to be honest. They usually feel faked and forced. Why?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Nothing nothing.. Just though of starting a cam show would be cool.<</them>>
<<them wait>> But now I don't know lol! You might be right.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Anyways, here's the last vid! Took it yesterday, he tied me up!<</them>>
<<them>><<image "AdrianaChris/sub/p22.webp" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<<messageReply "Fuck me..">>
<<me>>Fuck me that's so sexy..<</me>>
<<them wait>>Enjoyyyy!! Don't jack off to much, your pecker might fall off 🤣<</them>>
<<them wait>>I'll send you a text if we ever decide to go out again, would love you to join us!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Count me in!">>
<<me>>Count me in!! Can never say no to seeing a goddess like you naked!<</me>>
<<them wait>>😘😘<</them>>
<<set $adriana to 9>>
<<set $day2 to $day>>
<<messageReplyReplace "Don't beg" #choices3>>
<<me>>Not happening..<</me>>
<<them wait>>Heh, your loss!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Enjoy that single vid, don't jack off too much, your pecker might fall off! 🤣<</them>>
<<set $adriana to 9>>
<<set $day2 to $day>>
<<messageReplyReplace "You guys were busy." #choices>>
<<me>>Hello... Well I saw you guys in the restroom and didn't want to bother.<</me>>
<<me>>You sounded like you're going to take a while..<</me>>
<<them wait>>Oh aghahaha... Well you were right! Kind of forgot about you! So sorry!<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "AdrianaChris/sub/p4.jpg" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<<messageReply "It's okay.">>
<<me>>It's all good Adriana.. I had my fun! Watching you in the restroom was hot too..<</me>>
<<them wait>>You bastard! I didn't even notice you! 😡<</them>>
<<them wait>>Just kidding around, I don't mind. You've watched me before, that's what you guys do 😌<</them>>
<<messageReply "So how's the toy?">>
<<me>>So how's the the toy? Did Chris like it?<</me>>
<<them wait>>He loved it!! Our little date was just the beginning, these past couple of days we've been playing with it a lot!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Now that I think about it...<</them>>
<<them wait>>Hehehehehe want to see what we did? 🥴<</them>>
<div id="choices1">
<<messageReplyReplace "Not really." #choices1>>
<<me>>Not really Adriana, not in the mood..<</me>>
<<them wait>>Heh, your loss!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Will drop by if we ever go out again, would love you to join us!<</them>>
<<set $adriana to 9>>
<<set $day2 to $day>>
<<messageReplyReplace "Of course!" #choices1>>
<<me>>Of course! I can't say no to that! 😍<</me>>
<<them wait>>Gosh you're corny.. I love it!<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "AdrianaChris/sub/p11.webp" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<<them wait>>This was filmed the same day we met up.. The toy isn't even big, but fuck me does it wiggle around in there!<</them>>
<<messageReply "That's hot.">>
<<me>>Fuck meee that's hot.. Show me more..<</me>>
<<them wait>>Ehehehe.. Wish I could see your face right now..<</them>>
<<them wait>>What does the pet do when he wants something?<</them>>
<div id="choices2">
<<messageReplyReplace "Beg" #choices2>>
<<me>>I beg you Adriana.. Show me some more videos..<</me>>
<<them wait>>Good boy!<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "AdrianaChris/sub/p33.webp" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<<them wait>>This was like two days ago I think.. Was already getting more comfortable!<</them>>
<<messageReply "You look amazing!">>
<<me>>You look amazing Adriana! I can't stop staring..<</me>>
<<them wait>>Alright alright enough with the compliments!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Also weird question.. What do you think about cam shows?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Why?">>
<<me>>What? Why do you need to know? That's so random ahaha<</me>>
<<them wait>>Just tell me! Or you ain't getting the last vid!<</them>>
<div id="choices4">
<<messageReplyReplace "I like em!" #choices4>>
<<me>>I like em! They're usually pretty hot! Watching the girls live feels kind of real sometimes. Why?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Nothing nothing.. Just though of starting a cam show would be cool.<</them>>
<<them wait>> Maybe I could make a living from cucks like you watching me and Chris 😁<</them>>
<<them wait>>Anyways, here's the last vid! Took it yesterday, he tied me up!<</them>>
<<them>><<image "AdrianaChris/sub/p22.webp" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<<messageReply "Fuck me..">>
<<me>>Fuck me that's so sexy..<</me>>
<<them wait>>Enjoyyyy!! Don't jack off to much, your pecker might fall off 🤣<</them>>
<<them wait>>I'll send you a text if we ever decide to go out again, would love you to join us!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Count me in!">>
<<me>>Count me in!! Can never say no to seeing a goddess like you naked!<</me>>
<<them wait>>😘😘<</them>>
<<set $adriana to 9>>
<<set $day2 to $day>>
<<messageReplyReplace "I don't like em..." #choices4>>
<<me>>I don't really like em to be honest. They usually feel faked and forced. Why?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Nothing nothing.. Just though of starting a cam show would be cool.<</them>>
<<them wait>> But now I don't know lol! You might be right.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Anyways, here's the last vid! Took it yesterday, he tied me up!<</them>>
<<them>><<image "AdrianaChris/sub/p22.webp" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<<messageReply "Fuck me..">>
<<me>>Fuck me that's so sexy..<</me>>
<<them wait>>Enjoyyyy!! Don't jack off to much, your pecker might fall off 🤣<</them>>
<<them wait>>I'll send you a text if we ever decide to go out again, would love you to join us!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Count me in!">>
<<me>>Count me in!! Can never say no to seeing a goddess like you naked!<</me>>
<<them wait>>😘😘<</them>>
<<set $adriana to 9>>
<<set $day2 to $day>>
<<messageReplyReplace "Don't beg" #choices2>>
<<me>>I'm not going to beg Adriana.. Come on..<</me>>
<<them wait>>No more pictures for you then 😛<</them>>
<<them wait>>Last chance!<</them>>
<div id="choices3">
<<messageReplyReplace "Beg" #choices3>>
<<me>>Fineeeee... I beg you Adriana.. Show me some more videos..<</me>>
<<them wait>>Good boy!<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "AdrianaChris/sub/p33.webp" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<<them wait>>This was like two days ago I think.. Was already getting more comfortable!<</them>>
<<messageReply "You look amazing!">>
<<me>>You look amazing Adriana! I can't stop staring..<</me>>
<<them wait>>Alright alright enough with the compliments!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Also weird question.. What do you think about cam shows?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Why?">>
<<me>>What? Why do you need to know? That's so random ahaha<</me>>
<<them wait>>Just tell me! Or you ain't getting the last vid!<</them>>
<div id="choices4">
<<messageReplyReplace "I like em!" #choices4>>
<<me>>I like em! They're usually pretty hot! Watching the girls live feels kind of real sometimes. Why?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Nothing nothing.. Just though of starting a cam show would be cool.<</them>>
<<them wait>> Maybe I could make a living from cucks like you watching me and Chris 😁<</them>>
<<them wait>>Anyways, here's the last vid! Took it yesterday, he tied me up!<</them>>
<<them>><<image "AdrianaChris/sub/p22.webp" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<<messageReply "Fuck me..">>
<<me>>Fuck me that's so sexy..<</me>>
<<them wait>>Enjoyyyy!! Don't jack off to much, your pecker might fall off 🤣<</them>>
<<them wait>>I'll send you a text if we ever decide to go out again, would love you to join us!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Count me in!">>
<<me>>Count me in!! Can never say no to seeing a goddess like you naked!<</me>>
<<them wait>>😘😘<</them>>
<<set $adriana to 9>>
<<set $day2 to $day>>
<<messageReplyReplace "I don't like em..." #choices4>>
<<me>>I don't really like em to be honest. They usually feel faked and forced. Why?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Nothing nothing.. Just though of starting a cam show would be cool.<</them>>
<<them wait>> But now I don't know lol! You might be right.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Anyways, here's the last vid! Took it yesterday, he tied me up!<</them>>
<<them>><<image "AdrianaChris/sub/p22.webp" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<<messageReply "Fuck me..">>
<<me>>Fuck me that's so sexy..<</me>>
<<them wait>>Enjoyyyy!! Don't jack off to much, your pecker might fall off 🤣<</them>>
<<them wait>>I'll send you a text if we ever decide to go out again, would love you to join us!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Count me in!">>
<<me>>Count me in!! Can never say no to seeing a goddess like you naked!<</me>>
<<them wait>>😘😘<</them>>
<<set $adriana to 9>>
<<set $day2 to $day>>
<<messageReplyReplace "Don't beg" #choices3>>
<<me>>Not happening..<</me>>
<<them wait>>Heh, your loss!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Enjoy that single vid, don't jack off too much, your pecker might fall off! 🤣<</them>>
<<set $adriana to 9>>
<<set $day2 to $day>>
<<messengerHeader Adriana>>
<<them>>Hey $name!<</them>>
<<them>>I ended up getting the toy myself.<</them>>
<<them>>How is my little pet doing though? We haven't met up in a while<</them>>
<div id="choices">
<<messageReplyReplace "Okay I guess" #choices>>
<<me>>Okay I guess.. Had a lot of tests last week, but these past couple of days have been calm. How about you?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Pretty good myself! Went out with Chris for a bit, had plenty of fun in public again 😉<</them>>
<<them wait>>Anyways, what are you up to?<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "AdrianaChris/sub/p4.jpg" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<<messageReply "Nothing much.">>
<<me>>Nothing much to be honest, kind of bored.<</me>>
<<them wait>>I would invite you to come over and watch... But Chris is feeling kind of sick!<</them>>
<<messageReply "So how's the toy?">>
<<me>>So how's the the toy? Did Chris like it?<</me>>
<<them wait>>He loved it!! These past couple of days we've been playing with it a lot!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Now that I think about it...<</them>>
<<them wait>>Hehehehehe want to see what we did? 🥴<</them>>
<div id="choices1">
<<messageReplyReplace "Not really." #choices1>>
<<me>>Not really Adriana, not in the mood..<</me>>
<<them wait>>Heh, your loss!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Will drop by if we ever go out again, would love you to join us!<</them>>
<<set $adriana to 9>>
<<set $day2 to $day>>
<<messageReplyReplace "Of course!" #choices1>>
<<me>>Of course! I can't say no to that! 😍<</me>>
<<them wait>>Gosh you're corny.. I love it!<</them>>
<<them wait>>You're only getting censored videos though!!<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "AdrianaChris/sub/p1.webp" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<<them wait>>This was filmed a couple of days ago.. The toy isn't even big, but fuck me does it wiggle around in there!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Why the blur??">>
<<me>>Why the blur???<</me>>
<<them wait>>Uhmmmm.. Because you didn't buy it for me?<</them>>
<<them wait>>If you'd have bought it for me you would see everything 😒<</them>>
<<them wait>>Now beg like the loser that you are for more videos.<</them>>
<div id="choices2">
<<messageReplyReplace "Beg" #choices2>>
<<me>>So be it.. I beg you Adriana.. Show me some more videos..<</me>>
<<them wait>>Good boy!<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "AdrianaChris/sub/p3.webp" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<<them wait>>This was like two days ago I think.. Was already getting more comfortable!<</them>>
<<messageReply "You look amazing!">>
<<me>>You look amazing Adriana! I can't stop staring.. Even if its blurred...<</me>>
<<them wait>>Alright alright enough with the compliments!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Also weird question.. What do you think about cam shows?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Why?">>
<<me>>What? Why do you need to know? That's so random ahaha<</me>>
<<them wait>>Just tell me! Or you ain't getting the last vid!<</them>>
<div id="choices4">
<<messageReplyReplace "I like em!" #choices4>>
<<me>>I like em! They're usually pretty hot! Watching the girls live feels kind of real sometimes. Why?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Nothing nothing.. Just though of starting a cam show would be cool.<</them>>
<<them wait>> Maybe I could make a living from cucks like you watching me and Chris 😁<</them>>
<<them wait>>Anyways, here's the last vid! Took it yesterday, he tied me up!<</them>>
<<them>><<image "AdrianaChris/sub/p2.webp" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<<messageReply "Fuck me..">>
<<me>>Fuck me that's so sexy..<</me>>
<<them wait>>Enjoyyyy!! Don't jack off to much, your pecker might fall off 🤣<</them>>
<<them wait>>I'll send you a text if we ever decide to go out with it in, would love you to join us!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Count me in!">>
<<me>>Count me in!! Can never say no to seeing a goddess like you naked!<</me>>
<<them wait>>😘😘<</them>>
<<set $adriana to 9>>
<<set $day2 to $day>>
<<messageReplyReplace "I don't like em..." #choices4>>
<<me>>I don't really like em to be honest. They usually feel faked and forced. Why?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Nothing nothing.. Just though of starting a cam show would be cool.<</them>>
<<them wait>> But now I don't know lol! You might be right.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Anyways, here's the last vid! Took it yesterday, he tied me up!<</them>>
<<them>><<image "AdrianaChris/sub/p2.webp" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<<messageReply "Fuck me..">>
<<me>>Fuck me that's so sexy..<</me>>
<<them wait>>Enjoyyyy!! Don't jack off to much, your pecker might fall off 🤣<</them>>
<<them wait>>I'll send you a text if we ever decide to go out with it in, would love you to join us!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Count me in!">>
<<me>>Count me in!! Can never say no to seeing a goddess like you naked!<</me>>
<<them wait>>😘😘<</them>>
<<set $adriana to 9>>
<<set $day2 to $day>>
<<messageReplyReplace "Don't beg" #choices2>>
<<me>>I'm not going to beg Adriana.. Come on..<</me>>
<<them wait>>No more pictures for you then 😛<</them>>
<<them wait>>Last chance!<</them>>
<div id="choices3">
<<messageReplyReplace "Beg" #choices3>>
<<me>>Fineeee.... I beg you Adriana.. Show me some more videos..<</me>>
<<them wait>>Good boy!<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "AdrianaChris/sub/p3.webp" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<<them wait>>This was like two days ago I think.. Was already getting more comfortable!<</them>>
<<messageReply "You look amazing!">>
<<me>>You look amazing Adriana! I can't stop staring.. Even if its blurred...<</me>>
<<them wait>>Alright alright enough with the compliments!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Also weird question.. What do you think about cam shows?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Why?">>
<<me>>What? Why do you need to know? That's so random ahaha<</me>>
<<them wait>>Just tell me! Or you ain't getting the last vid!<</them>>
<div id="choices4">
<<messageReplyReplace "I like em!" #choices4>>
<<me>>I like em! They're usually pretty hot! Watching the girls live feels kind of real sometimes. Why?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Nothing nothing.. Just though of starting a cam show would be cool.<</them>>
<<them wait>> Maybe I could make a living from cucks like you watching me and Chris 😁<</them>>
<<them wait>>Anyways, here's the last vid! Took it yesterday, he tied me up!<</them>>
<<them>><<image "AdrianaChris/sub/p2.webp" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<<messageReply "Fuck me..">>
<<me>>Fuck me that's so sexy..<</me>>
<<them wait>>Enjoyyyy!! Don't jack off to much, your pecker might fall off 🤣<</them>>
<<them wait>>I'll send you a text if we ever decide to go out with it in, would love you to join us!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Count me in!">>
<<me>>Count me in!! Can never say no to seeing a goddess like you naked!<</me>>
<<them wait>>😘😘<</them>>
<<set $adriana to 9>>
<<set $day2 to $day>>
<<messageReplyReplace "I don't like em..." #choices4>>
<<me>>I don't really like em to be honest. They usually feel faked and forced. Why?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Nothing nothing.. Just though of starting a cam show would be cool.<</them>>
<<them wait>> But now I don't know lol! You might be right.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Anyways, here's the last vid! Took it yesterday, he tied me up!<</them>>
<<them>><<image "AdrianaChris/sub/p2.webp" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<<messageReply "Fuck me..">>
<<me>>Fuck me that's so sexy..<</me>>
<<them wait>>Enjoyyyy!! Don't jack off to much, your pecker might fall off 🤣<</them>>
<<them wait>>I'll send you a text if we ever decide to go out again, would love you to join us!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Count me in!">>
<<me>>Count me in!! Can never say no to seeing a goddess like you naked!<</me>>
<<them wait>>😘😘<</them>>
<<set $adriana to 9>>
<<set $day2 to $day>>
<<messageReplyReplace "Don't beg" #choices3>>
<<me>>Not happening..<</me>>
<<them wait>>Heh, your loss!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Enjoy that single vid, don't jack off too much, your pecker might fall off! 🤣<</them>>
<<set $adriana to 9>>
<<set $day2 to $day>>
<<messageReplyReplace "Pretty bad." #choices>>
<<me>>Pretty bad.. Studies have been a bitch to be honest, I have no free time!<</me>>
<<me>>How about you though?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Well that's a shame.. Sorry to hear that.<</them>>
<<them wait>>I'm pretty good myself! Went out with Chris for a bit, had plenty of fun in public again 😉<</them>>
<<them wait>>Anyways, what are you up to?<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "AdrianaChris/sub/p4.jpg" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<<messageReply "Nothing much.">>
<<me>>Nothing much to be honest, kind of bored.<</me>>
<<them wait>>I would invite you to come over and watch... But Chris is feeling kind of sick!<</them>>
<<messageReply "So how's the toy?">>
<<me>>So how's the the toy? Did Chris like it?<</me>>
<<them wait>>He loved it!! These past couple of days we've been playing with it a lot!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Now that I think about it...<</them>>
<<them wait>>Hehehehehe want to see what we did? 🥴<</them>>
<div id="choices1">
<<messageReplyReplace "Not really." #choices1>>
<<me>>Not really Adriana, not in the mood..<</me>>
<<them wait>>Heh, your loss!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Will drop by if we ever go out again, would love you to join us!<</them>>
<<set $adriana to 9>>
<<set $day2 to $day>>
<<messageReplyReplace "Of course!" #choices1>>
<<me>>Of course! I can't say no to that! 😍<</me>>
<<them wait>>Gosh you're corny.. I love it!<</them>>
<<them wait>>You're only getting censored videos though!!<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "AdrianaChris/sub/p1.webp" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<<them wait>>This was filmed a couple of days ago.. The toy isn't even big, but fuck me does it wiggle around in there!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Why the blur??">>
<<me>>Why the blur???<</me>>
<<them wait>>Uhmmmm.. Because you didn't buy it for me?<</them>>
<<them wait>>If you'd have bought it for me you would see everything 😒<</them>>
<<them wait>>Now beg like the loser that you are for more videos.<</them>>
<div id="choices2">
<<messageReplyReplace "Beg" #choices2>>
<<me>>So be it.. I beg you Adriana.. Show me some more videos..<</me>>
<<them wait>>Good boy!<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "AdrianaChris/sub/p3.webp" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<<them wait>>This was like two days ago I think.. Was already getting more comfortable!<</them>>
<<messageReply "You look amazing!">>
<<me>>You look amazing Adriana! I can't stop staring.. Even if its blurred...<</me>>
<<them wait>>Alright alright enough with the compliments!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Also weird question.. What do you think about cam shows?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Why?">>
<<me>>What? Why do you need to know? That's so random ahaha<</me>>
<<them wait>>Just tell me! Or you ain't getting the last vid!<</them>>
<div id="choices4">
<<messageReplyReplace "I like em!" #choices4>>
<<me>>I like em! They're usually pretty hot! Watching the girls live feels kind of real sometimes. Why?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Nothing nothing.. Just though of starting a cam show would be cool.<</them>>
<<them wait>> Maybe I could make a living from cucks like you watching me and Chris 😁<</them>>
<<them wait>>Anyways, here's the last vid! Took it yesterday, he tied me up!<</them>>
<<them>><<image "AdrianaChris/sub/p2.webp" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<<messageReply "Fuck me..">>
<<me>>Fuck me that's so sexy..<</me>>
<<them wait>>Enjoyyyy!! Don't jack off to much, your pecker might fall off 🤣<</them>>
<<them wait>>I'll send you a text if we ever decide to go out with it in, would love you to join us!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Count me in!">>
<<me>>Count me in!! Can never say no to seeing a goddess like you naked!<</me>>
<<them wait>>😘😘<</them>>
<<set $adriana to 9>>
<<set $day2 to $day>>
<<messageReplyReplace "I don't like em..." #choices4>>
<<me>>I don't really like em to be honest. They usually feel faked and forced. Why?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Nothing nothing.. Just though of starting a cam show would be cool.<</them>>
<<them wait>> But now I don't know lol! You might be right.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Anyways, here's the last vid! Took it yesterday, he tied me up!<</them>>
<<them>><<image "AdrianaChris/sub/p2.webp" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<<messageReply "Fuck me..">>
<<me>>Fuck me that's so sexy..<</me>>
<<them wait>>Enjoyyyy!! Don't jack off to much, your pecker might fall off 🤣<</them>>
<<them wait>>I'll send you a text if we ever decide to go out with it in, would love you to join us!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Count me in!">>
<<me>>Count me in!! Can never say no to seeing a goddess like you naked!<</me>>
<<them wait>>😘😘<</them>>
<<set $adriana to 9>>
<<set $day2 to $day>>
<<messageReplyReplace "Don't beg" #choices2>>
<<me>>I'm not going to beg Adriana.. Come on..<</me>>
<<them wait>>No more pictures for you then 😛<</them>>
<<them wait>>Last chance!<</them>>
<div id="choices3">
<<messageReplyReplace "Beg" #choices3>>
<<me>>Fineeee.... I beg you Adriana.. Show me some more videos..<</me>>
<<them wait>>Good boy!<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "AdrianaChris/sub/p3.webp" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<<them wait>>This was like two days ago I think.. Was already getting more comfortable!<</them>>
<<messageReply "You look amazing!">>
<<me>>You look amazing Adriana! I can't stop staring.. Even if its blurred...<</me>>
<<them wait>>Alright alright enough with the compliments!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Also weird question.. What do you think about cam shows?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Why?">>
<<me>>What? Why do you need to know? That's so random ahaha<</me>>
<<them wait>>Just tell me! Or you ain't getting the last vid!<</them>>
<div id="choices4">
<<messageReplyReplace "I like em!" #choices4>>
<<me>>I like em! They're usually pretty hot! Watching the girls live feels kind of real sometimes. Why?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Nothing nothing.. Just though of starting a cam show would be cool.<</them>>
<<them wait>> Maybe I could make a living from cucks like you watching me and Chris 😁<</them>>
<<them wait>>Anyways, here's the last vid! Took it yesterday, he tied me up!<</them>>
<<them>><<image "AdrianaChris/sub/p2.webp" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<<messageReply "Fuck me..">>
<<me>>Fuck me that's so sexy..<</me>>
<<them wait>>Enjoyyyy!! Don't jack off to much, your pecker might fall off 🤣<</them>>
<<them wait>>I'll send you a text if we ever decide to go out with it in, would love you to join us!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Count me in!">>
<<me>>Count me in!! Can never say no to seeing a goddess like you naked!<</me>>
<<them wait>>😘😘<</them>>
<<set $adriana to 9>>
<<set $day2 to $day>>
<<messageReplyReplace "I don't like em..." #choices4>>
<<me>>I don't really like em to be honest. They usually feel faked and forced. Why?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Nothing nothing.. Just though of starting a cam show would be cool.<</them>>
<<them wait>> But now I don't know lol! You might be right.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Anyways, here's the last vid! Took it yesterday, he tied me up!<</them>>
<<them>><<image "AdrianaChris/sub/p2.webp" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<<messageReply "Fuck me..">>
<<me>>Fuck me that's so sexy..<</me>>
<<them wait>>Enjoyyyy!! Don't jack off to much, your pecker might fall off 🤣<</them>>
<<them wait>>I'll send you a text if we ever decide to go out again, would love you to join us!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Count me in!">>
<<me>>Count me in!! Can never say no to seeing a goddess like you naked!<</me>>
<<them wait>>😘😘<</them>>
<<set $adriana to 9>>
<<set $day2 to $day>>
<<messageReplyReplace "Don't beg" #choices3>>
<<me>>Not happening..<</me>>
<<them wait>>Heh, your loss!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Enjoy that single vid, don't jack off too much, your pecker might fall off! 🤣<</them>>
<<set $adriana to 9>>
<<set $day2 to $day>>
<<messengerHeader Adriana>>
<<them wait>>Hey pookie 😌<</them>>
<<them wait>>How is my little pet holding up?<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "AdrianaChris/dom/a1.jpg" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<<them wait>>A little bored, thought I would send you a massage 😋<</them>>
<<messageReply "I'm fine.">>
<<me>>I'm fine, just tired... Been a pretty rough few days.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Awwhhhh well I'm sorry to hear that...<</them>>
<<them wait>>Gimme just a sec...<</them>>
<b>1 minute later.</b>
<<them wait>>I always know how to cheer up a cuck!<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "AdrianaChris/dom/a2.jpg" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Feeling any better? 😏<</them>>
<div id="choices">
<<messageReplyReplace "Yes." #choices>>
<<me>>Oh wow... Definitely 😍<</me>>
<<them wait>>Good! 😘<</them>>
<<them wait>>Anyways, notice anything interesting in the pics?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Not really.">>
<<me>>Not really... You look incredible as always!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Hehehe thank you for the compliment, but I'm not talking about myself.<</them>>
<<them wait>>I got a new camera!<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "AdrianaChris/dom/a44.jpg" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Look at that quality 😍<</them>>
<<messageReply "Nice! What for?">>
<<me>>Nice! What for? 🤩<</me>>
<<them wait>>We decided to start camming!<</them>>
<<them wait>>I thought why should we work if cucks like you could pay for our lifestyle 🤷♀️<</them>>
<<them wait>>Anyways, talking about cammming, I wanted to ask you something.<</them>>
<<messageReply "What is it?">>
<<me>>What is it?<</me>>
<<them wait>>I'm planning to go shopping for some equipment soon.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Some lingerie, toys, tripods etc...<</them>>
<<them wait>>Want to come with? You might have a chance to see this beautiful pussy in person if you do...<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "AdrianaChris/dom/a66.jpg" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<div id="choices2">
<<messageReplyReplace "I'm down!" #choices2>>
<<me>>I'm down! When are we meeting up? 😍<</me>>
<<them wait>>Come to our place in two days!<</them>>
<<them wait>>We'll drive there without Chris, he'll be on a work trip 😥<</them>>
<<messageReply "Can't wait!">>
<<me>>Can't wait beautiful!<</me>>
<<set $day2 to $day>>
<<set $adrianasub9tempday to $day>>
<<set $adrianasub9temp to true>>
<<set $adriana to 10>>
<<todo "Meet up with Adriana in a couple of days">>
<<messageReplyReplace "No thank you..." #choices2>>
<<me>>No thank you... The next couple of days will be super busy!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Comeeee onnnnn... I'll let you take a peak while I change clothes.<</them>>
<<messageReply "I'm sorry.">>
<<me>>I'm sorry... As I said, I'm really busy.<</me>>
<<them>>Fine, I'll text you in a couple. Maybe then you'll be available.<</them>>
<<set $day2 to $day>>
<<set $adriana to 10>>
<<messageReplyReplace "No." #choices>>
<<me>>Not really... Some ass isn't going to make my day less shit.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Wow, thought it wasn't that serious!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Maybe these news will cheer you up...<</them>>
<<messageReply "What news?">>
<<me>>What news?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Let's start with this: notice anything in my pics? :P<</them>>
<<messageReply "Not really.">>
<<me>>Not really... You look beautiful as always!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Hehehe thank you for the compliment, but I'm not talking about myself.<</them>>
<<them wait>>I got a new camera!<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "AdrianaChris/dom/a44.jpg" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Look at that quality 😍<</them>>
<<messageReply "Nice! What for?">>
<<me>>Nice! What for? 🤩<</me>>
<<them wait>>We decided to start camming!<</them>>
<<them wait>>I thought why should we work if cucks like you could pay for our lifestyle 🤷♀️<</them>>
<<them wait>>Anyways, talking about cammming, I wanted to ask you something.<</them>>
<<messageReply "What is it?">>
<<me>>What is it?<</me>>
<<them wait>>I'm planning to go shopping for some equipment soon.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Some lingerie, toys, tripods etc...<</them>>
<<them wait>>Want to come with? You might have a chance to see this beautiful pussy in person if you do...<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "AdrianaChris/dom/a66.jpg" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<div id="choices2">
<<messageReplyReplace "I'm down!" #choices2>>
<<me>>I'm down! When are we meeting up? 😍<</me>>
<<them wait>>Come to our place in two days!<</them>>
<<them wait>>We'll drive there without Chris, he'll be on a work trip 😥<</them>>
<<messageReply "Can't wait!">>
<<me>>Can't wait beautiful!<</me>>
<<set $day2 to $day>>
<<set $adrianasub9tempday to $day>>
<<set $adrianasub9temp to true>>
<<set $adriana to 10>>
<<todo "Meet up with Adriana in a couple of days">>
<<messageReplyReplace "No thank you..." #choices2>>
<<me>>No thank you... The next couple of days will be super busy!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Comeeee onnnnn... I'll let you take a peak while I change clothes.<</them>>
<<messageReply "I'm sorry.">>
<<me>>I'm sorry... As I said, I'm really busy.<</me>>
<<them>>Fine, I'll text you in a couple. Maybe then you'll be available.<</them>>
<<set $day2 to $day>>
<<set $adriana to 10>>
<</messengerChat>><<todoCompleted "Meet up with Adriana in a couple of days">>\
<<set $adrianasub9temp to false>>\
<<set $adriana to 11>>\
<grey>-"Knock Knock Knock!"</grey> The door makes a dull, knocking sound as you pound on it. You're already at Adriana's apartment.
<b>-"I-It's $name!"</b>
<adriana>-"Just a second!"</adriana> You hear the locking mechanism of the door begin to move.
<ad>-"It's unlocked, come in!"</ad>
<b>-"Alright!"</b> After lightly pushing the door, it swings open. As it does, you step inside.
<ad>-"Give me just a second..."</ad> Adriana is sitting right next to the door, on the kitchen table, putting on her shoes.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\b1.jpg">
<b>-"T-take your time Adriana!"</b> She's wearing the same sexy outfit she did when you met up with her at the cinema!
<ad>-"Oof, there!"</ad> After Adriana puts on her second shoe, she stands up.
<ad>-"Ready to go?"</ad>
<b>-"Mhm!"</b> You both leave the apartment and she locks the door behind you. After getting into your car, you begin to drive towards the mall.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\b2.jpg">
<b>-"S-so, what are you buying again?"</b>
<ad>-"I need a new tripod and a costume for my first show!"</ad>
<b>-"Didn't you mention something about needing toys as well...?"</b>
<ad>-"Oh yeah I did... Decided to get them online, thought that buying them in person would be awkward haha!"</ad> You continue to make small talk as you get closer and closer to the mall.
<<pageReplace"Park your car after arriving there.">>\
<ad>-"That was quick!"</ad>
<b>-"I-I am pretty excited..."</b> You awkwardly laugh as you look for a parking spot.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\b3.webp">
<ad>-"Excited for what exactly?"</ad>
<b>-"Well you mentioned something about... Seeing your pussy..."</b> After parking your car, you pull the handbreak and look at Adriana.
<ad>-"Heh, we'll see. If you'll be a good <<if $hairextensions ==true>>girl, maybe you will get a peek... Maybe even more.<<else>>boy, maybe you will get a peek... Maybe even more.<</if>>"</ad> Adriana winks and gets out of the car. You follow suit.
<b>-"Gulp... I will do my best!"</b> After getting inside of the mall, you head straight into the electronics store.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\b4.jpg">
<b>-"What are we looking for again?"</b> You ask her as people walk by you two. You notice that a lot of men seem to be staring at Adriana... You're not the only one who thinks she incredibly hot!
<ad>-"A tripod! I think they should sell them here!"</ad>
<<pageReplace"Look for a tripod.">>
<b>-"Look, right there!"</b> You say as you point towards the counter.
<ad>-"You found them?"</ad>
<b>-"Yup! Look, behind the counter!"</b> You both walk closer.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\b5.png">
<ad>-"Uuuhhh awesome! Nice catch, pet. I knew it was a good idea to bring you here!"</ad> You wait for a couple of mintues while she chooses the one she wants.
<grey>-"BEeeEeeePpp!"</grey> The card reader beeps as she presses her card against it.
<bartender>-"Thank you for your purchase, please come again!"</bartender> You both smile and leave the store.
<b>-"So, where to now?"</b>
<ad>-"Hehehe, now it's the fun part!"</ad>
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\b6.jpg">
<ad>-"We're going to a cosplay shop!"</ad>
<b>-"A cosplay shop?! This mall has a store like that?"</b> You follow Adriana as she begins to walk away.
<ad>-"Sure does! I want to make a good first impression, so I'm gonna get a sexy outfit!"</ad>
<b>-"I thought you wanted lingerie?"</b> You ask as you near the store.
<ad>-"I did, but thought that a hot cosplay would bring in even more viewers!"</ad>
<<pageReplace"Enter the cosplay store.">>
<b>-"Cosplay Freedom huh? Genuinly had no idea they were here!"</b> You mumble as you both enter the store.
<ad>-"I've been here once before, to buy an outfit for me and Chris's anniversary."</ad>
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\b7.png">
<ad>-"Store might look tame at first, but they have some spicy stuff in the back!"</ad>
<b>-"S-show me!"</b> You and Adriana walk around the store for around 10 minutes looking for costumes that might work.
<ad>-"No... That's too tame."</ad>
<ad>-"Covers too much, nope."</ad>
<b>-"How about this one?"</b> You spot what appears to be a lingerie set in the corner of the store.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\b8.png">
<ad>-"Hmmmm... This actually gave me an idea."</ad> The grabs the lingerie and hands it to you.
<ad>-"Hold on to that for a second."</ad> Adriana walks to another section of the store and grabs a wig.
<ad>-"I'm going to be a slutty 2b!"</ad>
<b>-"A what now?"</b> She takes the lingerie from you and begins to walk towards the changing rooms.
<ad>-"It's a character from Nier Automata! Maybe you'll remember what I'm talking about when I put the costume on!"</ad> She gets inside of the booths. You wait outside, of course.
<<pageReplace"Wait for her to get dressed.">>
<ad>-"Well... What do you think?"</ad> The booth opens and Adriana steps out.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\b9.jpeg">
<b>-"You look incredible Adriana! I-I'm already getting hard..."</b> You whisper as she grins.
<ad>-"Good! It means it's working!"</ad> She takes your hand and pulls you inside of the booth.
<ad>-"Look, I found this near the wigs too. Now I totally look like 2b!"</ad> She puts on a blindfold and bends over.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\b10.jpg">
<b>-"Gulp... Wow! You do!"</b> You lie through your teeth, you have no idea who 2b is.
<ad>-"Are you hard? Would you send me tips if I was camming in this outfit?"</ad>
<b>-"P-probably, yeah..."</b>
<ad>-"Probably?! Prove it then!"</ad>
<b>-"Prove what?!"</b>
<ad>-"That you're hard! That you like the outfit! I need to make sure you know! It's a lot of money!"</ad>
<<pageReplace"Pull down your pants.">>
<b>-"F-fine..."</b> You slowly begin to pull down your pants.
<ad>-"Ghehehe, good pet!"</ad> She removes her blindfold to see.
<<if $toys ==1>>\
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\b13.jpg">
<b>-"There..."</b> As if right on queue, the second you remove your underwear, precum begins to leak out of your cage.
<ad>-"Oh you're caged... Ghahaha you're funny."</ad> You blush and quickly put your pants back on.
<ad>-"But good, I saw you leaking. Maybe this costume is the one I should buy!"</ad>
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\b12.jpg">
<b>-"There..."</b> As if right on queue, the second you remove your underwear, precum begins to leak out of your cock.
<ad>-"Heeee it's so small! Did it shrink? I remember it being bigger."</ad> You blush and quickly put your pants back on.
<ad>-"But good, I saw you leaking. Maybe this costume is the one I should buy!"</ad>
<b>-"How much is it?"</b>
<ad>-"Quite a bit, 150 dollars."</ad> She pauses for a second.
<ad>-"Speaking of the price... Would you like to pay for it?"</ad> She sits down on the chair, reveals her chest and spreads her legs.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\b14.jpg">
<b>-"W-w-what?!"</b> It was so unexpected, that it caught you off guard!
<ad>-"If you agree to pay for this costume, I'll let you eat me out..."</ad> She grins while the bottom half of the costume to the side, revealing her pussy.
<b>-"MgHhh!"</b> Your cock begins to throb at the mere sight of it.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\b15.jpg">
<ad>-"So... Do you agree?"</ad>
<<if $money>=150>>\
<b>-"DEAL!"</b> You shout as you immediately dive right in! Her pussy looks way too delicious to wait!
<ad>-"NgHhhHH!! W-wait! I didn't say start!"</ad> You ignore her request and continue to eat her out.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\b16.webp">
<b>-"Sworry nwot... MgHhHh... Sowrry!"</b>
<ad>-"GrAhhAhhHH!"</ad> Adriana quickly grabs your hair and squeezes.
<ad>-"W-where did you... NgHhhhh! Learn that?!"</ad>
<b>-"GhhrhhHH... Delicious..."</b> You flip your head sideways and begin to aim for her clit.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\b18.webp">
<ad>-"EeeEeeeK!"</ad> She yelps in pleasure and quickly covers her mouth. You are in a public place after all.
<b>-"Fuck me this is hot!"</b> You think as your dick throbs once again.
<ad>-"MgHHHrrRrrHHhH!"</ad> As Adriana throws her head backwards, you remember a move Emily showed you...
<b>-"One finger in, aim upwards! Come on $name!"</b> You talk to yourself in your mind.
<<pageReplace"Use the move.">>
<b>-"One finger in..."</b> You mumble as you use your index finger to penetrate her.
<ad>-"MgHhhh! Good... PeEettTTttt... Ahhhh!"</ad>
<b>-"Aim upwards!"</b> With a simple movement of your finger, you begin to stimulate her g-spot.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\b17.webp">
<ad>-"GhRhHHhHH!!! YeasSHhHhH!!"</ad> You've become a real pro at oral...
<b>-"I-Is itw gwood? NgHHHh... M-my qween?"</b> You ask inbetween strokes with your tongue.
<ad>-"YEshHHHH! Keep g-going! I'm about to cumMmMMmmM!"</ad> She screams, with no care if anyone hears her.
<ad>-"AGhHhrHHhHH!!!"</ad> Her legs begin to quiver as your face gets covered in slimey juices.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\b19.webp">
<b>-"AgHHhh!"</b> You open your mouth and try to catch the liquid.
<<money -150 "Bought Adriana a cosplay set!">>
<b>-"Gulp... Gulp... Gulp..."</b> You swallow every last drop... Her juices have a weird, but pleasant and sweet taste.
<ad>-"FucKKkkk! N-now that was an orgasm!"</ad> Her legs quiver one last time.
<ad>-"NgHHhh... It's not comparable to my orgasms with Chris, but that was damn good!"</ad> Adriana pets your head and stands up.
<ad>-"Fuck, my legs are still... MgHhh... Shaking."</ad>
<b>-"Shit."</b> You mumble as you look at your crotch. The precum left a big stain on your clothes...
<ad>-"Nghh... Anyways, now we have to buy this costume either way... It's covered in fluids."</ad>
<b>-"Y-yeah... I'm happy you liked it though."</b> Adriana changes back into her regular clothes and hands you the stained cosplay set.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\b20.png">
<ad>-"I think this cosplay will definitely set me apart from the other cam girls!"</ad>
<b>-"I think so too!"</b> You both leave the booth and head to the counter.
<b>-"..."</b> As you look around, you notice the workers staring at you both. They probably heard everything.
<bartender>-"Will that be everything...?"</bartender> The cashier gives you a weird look and refuses to touch the set, scanning it from afar.
<b>-"Y-yes..."</b> The card reader comes to life.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\b21.webp">
<grey>-"Beeep!"</grey> You press your card up against it... It works!
<bartender>-"Thank you... Please don't come again though."</bartender> The cashier whispers as you hear the other workers laugh.
<b>-"Assholes..."</b> You take set and begin to walk away.
<ad>-"Heh, don't worry about it $name, they're just jealous!"</ad>
<<pageReplace"Head to your car.">>
<b>-"H-here."</b> You hand the clothes to Adriana.
<ad>-"Thank you very much, pet!"</ad> She puts it into the bag her new tripod is in.
<b>-"Straight home?"</b> You ask as you get near the car.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\b22.jpg">
<ad>-"Mhm!"</ad> After climbing into the car, you put it in drive and pull out of the parking garage.
<b>-"S-so... What now? When will you start camming? Do you need any help?"</b>
<ad>-"We'll host a show in a couple of days, I'll send you some clips!"</ad>
<ad>-"If we get enough traction, I might invite you to be our little cuck... People would love it!"</ad> Your cock reacts to her words.
<b>-"Gulp... T-that would be awesome Adriana!"</b>
<ad>-"Ghehehe I know right?!"</ad> You continue to small talk and chat all the way back to her place. By the end of the ride, you're completely hard and can't wait to see her show!
<ad>-"Thanks for the help $name, have a good one!"</ad> She gets out of the car.
<b>-"You too! S-send me those clips please!"</b> Adriana nods and walks away towards her apartment building.
<b>-"I can't fucking wait!"</b> Time to drive back home.
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<green>Money -150!</green>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<b>-"I can't Adriana... I'm runnig really low on cash!"</b>
<ad>-"Come onnnnn... Don't you want to taste this little flavor?"</ad> She begins to tease you by playing with her pussy.
<b>-"I'm sorry Adriana, I'm genuinly pretty broke and 150 dollars is a lot of money."</b> Adriana sighs, covers herself up and stands up.
<ad>-"FINEEE. Get out of then, I have to get changed."</ad> You nod and exit the booth.
<ad>-"Sigh... Let's go."</ad> After around 5 minutes, she comes out.
<bartender>-"Will that be all?"</bartneder> The cashier asks as you both walk up to the counter and place the cosplay set onto it.
<ad>-"Mhm."</ad> She takes out her card and pays for it.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\b21.webp">
<bartender>-"Thank you for your purchase, please come again!"</bartneder>
<ad>-"Let's go."</ad> You walk to the parking garage and begin to look for you car.
<b>-"S-so... What now? When will you start camming? Do you need any help?"</b>
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\b22.jpg">
<ad>-"We'll host a show in a couple of days. Even though you disappointed me today, I'll still send you some clips."</ad> After finding you car, you both get in.
<ad>-"Because if we get enough traction, I might need to invite you to be our little cuck... People would love it..."</ad> Your cock reacts to her words as you fire up the engine and begin to drive.
<b>-"Gulp... T-that would be awesome Adriana!"</b>
<ad>-"Mhm... Just drive me home."</ad> You can definitely tell that she isn't happy about what happened... After around 10 minutes, you arrive at her place.
<ad>-"Thanks for the help $name, have a good one."</ad> She gets out of the car.
<b>-"You too! S-send me those clips please!"</b> Adriana nods and walks away towards her apartment building.
<b>-"I can't fucking wait!"</b> Time to drive back home.
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<messengerHeader Adriana>>
<<if $adriana ==10>>
<<them>>What is my little cucky doing? 😋<</them>>
<<messageReply "Nothing much...">>
<<me>>Nothing much...<</me>>
<<me>>What about you, queen? 😍<</me>>
<<them wait>>Getting ready to start my first stream!<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "AdrianaChris/sub/x1.webp" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Still angry that you didn't show up to help me...<</them>>
<<messageReply "Sorry...">>
<<me>>Sorry... Was really busy... 😥<</me>>
<<them wait>>Whateverrrrrr 🥱<</them>>
<<them wait>>Because I'm super nice and cool and awesome I'll still let you tune into the stream.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Want to see my setup for it?<</them>>
<div id="choices">
<<messageReplyReplace "Of course!" #choices>>
<<me>>Of course!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Spent a bunch of money but I think it looks great!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Gimme a sec...<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "AdrianaChris/sub/x2.jpg">><</them>>
<<them wait>>What do you think? 😌<</them>>
<<messageReply "Looks great!">>
<<me>>Looks great! When is the first stream taking place?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Soon! Tomorrow actually!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Want a link?<</them>>
<<them wait>>You might get to see me naked without the blur again...<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "AdrianaChris/sub/x3.jpg" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<<them wait>>If you pay, of course.<</them>>
<<messageReply "I do!">>
<<me>>I do! How should I find you?<</me>>
<<them wait>>I'm going by xlovelyadrianax on chaturbate!<</them>>
<<them wait>>As I said, I start tomorrow. Will have a whole menu and everything.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Menu?">>
<<me>>Menu? What's that?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Well, losers like you will be able to pay me for me to get naked.<</them>>
<<them wait>>For example, what do you like more, my beautiful second pair of lips or my tits?<</them>>
<div id="choices2">
<<messageReplyReplace "Your hoo-ha." #choices2>>
<<me>>Your hoo-ha!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Of course 🙄😁<</them>>
<<them wait>>Anyways, so after I find out what the viewers like and want to see, I'll start to tease them.<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "AdrianaChris/sub/x5.jpg" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Like this, with blurs and such.<</them>>
<<them wait>>And if they want to see it bare, they will have to pay a price listed on the menu.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Understood...">>
<<me>>Also, I thought you and Chris would be on stream together?<</me>>
<<them wait>>He'll join me in future streams, we thought that a solo debut would be better!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Makes sense.">>
<<me>>Makes sense... Good call!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Thank you 😏<</them>>
<<them wait>>Anyways, tomorrow is my first stream, remember to join!<</them>>
<<them wait>>xlovelyadrianax on chaturbate!<</them>>
<<messageReply "I'll be there!">>
<<me>>I'll be there!<</me>>
<<set $day2 to $day>>
<<set $adriana to 12>>
<<todo "Tune into Adriana's livestream.">>
<<messageReplyReplace "Your tits." #choices2>>
<<me>>Your Tits!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Of course 🙄😁<</them>>
<<them wait>>Anyways, so after I find out what the viewers like and want to see, I'll start to tease them.<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "AdrianaChris/sub/x4.jpg" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Like this, by covering myself up etc.<</them>>
<<them wait>>And if they want to see them bare, they will have to pay a price listed on the menu.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Understood...">>
<<me>>Also, I thought you and Chris would be on stream together?<</me>>
<<them wait>>He'll join me in future streams, we thought that a solo debut would be better!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Makes sense.">>
<<me>>Makes sense... Good call!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Thank you 😏<</them>>
<<them wait>>Anyways, tomorrow is my first stream, remember to join!<</them>>
<<them wait>>xlovelyadrianax on chaturbate!<</them>>
<<messageReply "I'll be there!">>
<<me>>I'll be there!<</me>>
<<set $day2 to $day>>
<<set $adriana to 12>>
<<todo "Tune into Adriana's livestream.">>
<<messageReplyReplace "I would rather see more of you!" #choices>>
<<me>>I would rather see more of you! ❤️<</me>>
<<them wait>>🙄🙄🙄<</them>>
<<them wait>>This is all you're gonna get...<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "AdrianaChris/sub/x3.jpg" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<<messageReply "Wow!">>
<<me>>Wow! You look incredible!<</me>>
<<me>>When is the first stream taking place?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Soon! Tomorrow actually!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Want a link?<</them>>
<<them wait>>You might get to see me naked without the blur again...<</them>>
<<them wait>>If you pay, of course.<</them>>
<<messageReply "I do!">>
<<me>>I do! How should I find you?<</me>>
<<them wait>>I'm going by xlovelyadrianax on chaturbate!<</them>>
<<them wait>>As I said, I start tomorrow. Will have a whole menu and everything.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Menu?">>
<<me>>Menu? What's that?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Well, losers like you will be able to pay me for me to get naked.<</them>>
<<them wait>>For example, what do you like more, my beautiful second pair of lips or my tits?<</them>>
<div id="choices2">
<<messageReplyReplace "Your hoo-ha." #choices2>>
<<me>>Your hoo-ha!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Of course 🙄😁<</them>>
<<them wait>>Anyways, so after I find out what the viewers like and want to see, I'll start to tease them.<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "AdrianaChris/sub/x5.jpg" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Like this, with blurs and such.<</them>>
<<them wait>>And if they want to see it bare, they will have to pay a price listed on the menu.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Understood...">>
<<me>>Also, I thought you and Chris would be on stream together?<</me>>
<<them wait>>He'll join me in future streams, we thought that a solo debut would be better!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Makes sense.">>
<<me>>Makes sense... Good call!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Thank you 😏<</them>>
<<them wait>>Anyways, tomorrow is my first stream, remember to join!<</them>>
<<them wait>>xlovelyadrianax on chaturbate!<</them>>
<<messageReply "I'll be there!">>
<<me>>I'll be there!<</me>>
<<set $day2 to $day>>
<<set $adriana to 12>>
<<todo "Tune into Adriana's livestream.">>
<<messageReplyReplace "Your tits." #choices2>>
<<me>>Your Tits!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Of course 🙄😁<</them>>
<<them wait>>Anyways, so after I find out what the viewers like and want to see, I'll start to tease them.<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "AdrianaChris/sub/x4.jpg" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Like this, by covering myself up etc.<</them>>
<<them wait>>And if they want to see them bare, they will have to pay a price listed on the menu.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Understood...">>
<<me>>Also, I thought you and Chris would be on stream together?<</me>>
<<them wait>>He'll join me in future streams, we thought that a solo debut would be better!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Makes sense.">>
<<me>>Makes sense... Good call!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Thank you 😏<</them>>
<<them wait>>Anyways, tomorrow is my first stream, remember to join!<</them>>
<<them wait>>xlovelyadrianax on chaturbate!<</them>>
<<messageReply "I'll be there!">>
<<me>>I'll be there!<</me>>
<<set $day2 to $day>>
<<set $adriana to 12>>
<<todo "Tune into Adriana's livestream.">>
<<them>>What is my little cucky doing? 😋<</them>>
<<messageReply "Nothing much...">>
<<me>>Nothing much...<</me>>
<<me>>What about you, queen? 😍<</me>>
<<them wait>>Getting ready to start my first stream!<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "AdrianaChris/sub/x1.webp" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Wan't to see my setup?<</them>>
<div id="choices">
<<messageReplyReplace "Of course!" #choices>>
<<me>>Of course!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Spent a bunch of money but I think it looks great!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Gimme a sec...<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "AdrianaChris/sub/x2.jpg">><</them>>
<<them wait>>What do you think? 😌<</them>>
<<messageReply "Looks great!">>
<<me>>Looks great! When is the first stream taking place?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Soon! Tomorrow actually!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Want a link?<</them>>
<<them wait>>You might get to see me naked without the blur again...<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "AdrianaChris/sub/x3.jpg" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<<them wait>>If you pay, of course.<</them>>
<<messageReply "I do!">>
<<me>>I do! How should I find you?<</me>>
<<them wait>>I'm going by xlovelyadrianax on chaturbate!<</them>>
<<them wait>>As I said, I start tomorrow. Will have a whole menu and everything.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Menu?">>
<<me>>Menu? What's that?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Well, losers like you will be able to pay me for me to get naked.<</them>>
<<them wait>>For example, what do you like more, my beautiful second pair of lips or my tits?<</them>>
<div id="choices2">
<<messageReplyReplace "Your hoo-ha." #choices2>>
<<me>>Your hoo-ha!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Of course 🙄😁<</them>>
<<them wait>>Anyways, so after I find out what the viewers like and want to see, I'll start to tease them.<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "AdrianaChris/sub/x5.jpg" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Like this, with blurs and such.<</them>>
<<them wait>>And if they want to see it bare, they will have to pay a price listed on the menu.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Understood...">>
<<me>>Also, I thought you and Chris would be on stream together?<</me>>
<<them wait>>He'll join me in future streams, we thought that a solo debut would be better!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Makes sense.">>
<<me>>Makes sense... Good call!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Thank you 😏<</them>>
<<them wait>>Anyways, tomorrow is my first stream, remember to join!<</them>>
<<them wait>>xlovelyadrianax on chaturbate!<</them>>
<<messageReply "I'll be there!">>
<<me>>I'll be there!<</me>>
<<set $day2 to $day>>
<<set $adriana to 12>>
<<todo "Tune into Adriana's livestream.">>
<<messageReplyReplace "Your tits." #choices2>>
<<me>>Your Tits!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Of course 🙄😁<</them>>
<<them wait>>Anyways, so after I find out what the viewers like and want to see, I'll start to tease them.<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "AdrianaChris/sub/x4.jpg" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Like this, by covering myself up etc.<</them>>
<<them wait>>And if they want to see them bare, they will have to pay a price listed on the menu.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Understood...">>
<<me>>Also, I thought you and Chris would be on stream together?<</me>>
<<them wait>>He'll join me in future streams, we thought that a solo debut would be better!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Makes sense.">>
<<me>>Makes sense... Good call!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Thank you 😏<</them>>
<<them wait>>Anyways, tomorrow is my first stream, remember to join!<</them>>
<<them wait>>xlovelyadrianax on chaturbate!<</them>>
<<messageReply "I'll be there!">>
<<me>>I'll be there!<</me>>
<<set $day2 to $day>>
<<set $adriana to 12>>
<<todo "Tune into Adriana's livestream.">>
<<messageReplyReplace "I would rather see more of you!" #choices>>
<<me>>I would rather see more of you! ❤️<</me>>
<<them wait>>🙄🙄🙄<</them>>
<<them wait>>This is all you're gonna get...<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "AdrianaChris/sub/x3.jpg" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<<messageReply "Wow!">>
<<me>>Wow! You look incredible!<</me>>
<<me>>When is the first stream taking place?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Soon! Tomorrow actually!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Want a link?<</them>>
<<them wait>>You might get to see me naked without the blur again...<</them>>
<<them wait>>If you pay, of course.<</them>>
<<messageReply "I do!">>
<<me>>I do! How should I find you?<</me>>
<<them wait>>I'm going by xlovelyadrianax on chaturbate!<</them>>
<<them wait>>As I said, I start tomorrow. Will have a whole menu and everything.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Menu?">>
<<me>>Menu? What's that?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Well, losers like you will be able to pay me for me to get naked.<</them>>
<<them wait>>For example, what do you like more, my beautiful second pair of lips or my tits?<</them>>
<div id="choices2">
<<messageReplyReplace "Your hoo-ha." #choices2>>
<<me>>Your hoo-ha!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Of course 🙄😁<</them>>
<<them wait>>Anyways, so after I find out what the viewers like and want to see, I'll start to tease them.<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "AdrianaChris/sub/x5.jpg" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Like this, with blurs and such.<</them>>
<<them wait>>And if they want to see it bare, they will have to pay a price listed on the menu.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Understood...">>
<<me>>Also, I thought you and Chris would be on stream together?<</me>>
<<them wait>>He'll join me in future streams, we thought that a solo debut would be better!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Makes sense.">>
<<me>>Makes sense... Good call!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Thank you 😏<</them>>
<<them wait>>Anyways, tomorrow is my first stream, remember to join!<</them>>
<<them wait>>xlovelyadrianax on chaturbate!<</them>>
<<messageReply "I'll be there!">>
<<me>>I'll be there!<</me>>
<<set $day2 to $day>>
<<set $adriana to 12>>
<<todo "Tune into Adriana's livestream.">>
<<messageReplyReplace "Your tits." #choices2>>
<<me>>Your Tits!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Of course 🙄😁<</them>>
<<them wait>>Anyways, so after I find out what the viewers like and want to see, I'll start to tease them.<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "AdrianaChris/sub/x4.jpg" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Like this, by covering myself up etc.<</them>>
<<them wait>>And if they want to see them bare, they will have to pay a price listed on the menu.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Understood...">>
<<me>>Also, I thought you and Chris would be on stream together?<</me>>
<<them wait>>He'll join me in future streams, we thought that a solo debut would be better!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Makes sense.">>
<<me>>Makes sense... Good call!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Thank you 😏<</them>>
<<them wait>>Anyways, tomorrow is my first stream, remember to join!<</them>>
<<them wait>>xlovelyadrianax on chaturbate!<</them>>
<<messageReply "I'll be there!">>
<<me>>I'll be there!<</me>>
<<set $day2 to $day>>
<<set $adriana to 12>>
<<todo "Tune into Adriana's livestream.">>
<</messengerChat>><<set $adriana to 13>>\
<<todoCompleted "Tune into Adriana's livestream.">>\
<b>-"Ah, Adriana is supposed to be streaming today!"</b> You think as you lay in bed.
<b>-"NgHhh."</b> After getting up, you walk to your computer and turn it on.
<b>-"Let's see... She said she'll be live on chaturbate."</b>
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\xxxx4.webp">
<b>-"She said her nickanme is xlovelyadrianax."</b> You type the name into the search box and a channel pops up.
<b>-"Ah! She is live!"</b>
<b>-"Let's see what she's up to."</b> You click on her stream.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\xx1.jpg">
<ad>-"Come on piggies, send more tokens! Another 2k and I remove the tit censor!"</ad> As Adriana moves her body, a censor bar moves with it.
<b>-"Damn... That's some good tech."</b> A drop of sweat runs down your face as you stare at the screen.
<ad>-"Hello anonymous, welcome to the stream! Be a good piggy and tip!"</ad>
<b>-"I-I've seen her naked before but, this is somehow way more hot."</b> You pull down your pants in preparation for what you're about to do.
<<pageReplace"Get ready.">>\
<<if $toys==1>>\
<b>-"NgHhhh..."</b> You decided to treat yourself. After laying down on your bed, you begin to take off your cage.
<<if $chastitycagenew2 ==true>>\
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\xx2.jpg">
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\xx3.jpg">
<b>-"Oof... There it goes."</b> After taking it off, you place the device to the side, stand up and walk to your PC.
<ad>-"Come on come on cuckies, tip your mistress! Don't you want to see me naked?"</ad> As you sit down, a weird sound rings out from the stream.
<ad>-"Ahhhh! Thank you xxsimpysimpxx for the 1000 tokens!!!! One thousand more and I show you all my tits!"</ad>
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\xx4.webp">
<b>-"MgHhh..."</b> You let out a moan as your now free cock grows harder.
<b>-"Fuck, seems like nobody is donating."</b> You think after around 5 minutes of watching.
<b>-"I wonder how much the tokens are... Maybe I should tip?"</b>
<b>-"NgHhhh..."</b> You lay down on your bed and throw your pants and underwear to the side.
<b>-"T-there it is..."</b>
<<if $hairextensions ==true>>\
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\xxxx.jpg">
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\xxxx1.jpg">
<b>-"I'm hard already..."</b> As your mediocre cock throbs, you slowly stand back up and walk to the PC again.
<ad>-"Come on come on come on cuckies! Tip your mistress! Don't you want to see me naked?"</ad> As you sit down, a weird sound rings out from the stream.
<ad>-"Ahhhh! Thank you xxsimpysimpxx for the 1000 tokens!!!! One thousand more and I show you all my tits!"</ad>
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\xx4.webp">
<b>-"MgHhh..."</b> You let out a moan as your cock grows even harder.
<b>-"Fuck, seems like nobody is donating."</b> You think after around 5 minutes of watching.
<b>-"I wonder how much the tokens are... Maybe I should tip?"</b>
<<pageReplace"Check the prices">>
<ad>-"NgHhhh... Look how big they are... Oh wait, you can't! Ghahaha!"</ad> Adriana laughs as you check the token prices.
<b>-"Doesn't seem that bad... 80$ for 1000 tokens."</b>
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\xxxx5.png">
<b>-"S-should I...?"</b>
<ad>-"I'm waiting you little losers... Still 1000 short!"</ad> Adriana begins to play with her tits again.
<<if $money>=80>>\
<<pageReplace"Pay 80$ and tip her 1000 tokens">>
<<money -80 "Tipped Adriana during her stream.">>\
<b>-"Fuck it!"</b> You quickly pay for the tokens and send them over.
<ad>-"Oh my! Thank you anonymous for the 1000 token tip!"</ad>
<b>-"Y-yes!"</b> You take a glance at the chat - it's going completely crazy.
<ad>-"I guess you piggies earned it... Time to turn off the filter!"</ad> After walking off camera for a second, she comes back into frame with her chest exposed.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\xx5_paid.webp">
<ad>-"Look how bigggg and plumppp they are... Be grateful that you can gaze upon them!"</ad> You slowly begin to touch herself as you stare at her tits.
<ad>-"The stream isn't over however!"</ad> With one swift motion, Adriana takes off her panties, her vagina however, get's covered by yet another filter.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\xx6_paid.webp">
<b>-"Aghh! N-no!"</b>
<ad>-"You've unlocked my tits... My pussy has a different price!"</ad>
<<pageReplace"Continue watching">>
<b>-"N-no way I have to pay more...! Right?!"</b> As precum begins to leak out of your cock, Adriana brings the camera closer to her pussy.
<ad>-"Look at it losers... Another 5000 and you can see it without the blurrrrrr!"</ad>
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\xx8.webp">
<ad>-"Good piggies! Thank you all for 2500 tokens! 3500 remain!"</ad>
<b>-"MgHhhH! So hot!"</b> Your arm increases in speed on it's own... You feel like you're about to cum.
<ad>-"Come onnnn guys, we're so close!"</ad> Adriana faces the camera.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\xx7.png">
<ad>-"Oh my God! xxsimpysimpxx with a 2500 token donation! Thank you! 1000 tokens remain unpaid!"</ad>
<b>-"FuckKkkK!"</b> You feel like you're about to cum, but you really want to see her vagina before you do!
<<if $money>=80>>\
<<pageReplace"Tip Adriana again.">>
<<money -80 "Tipped Adriana during her stream again.">>\
<b>-"F-fuck it! Let's go!"</b> You buy another thousand tokens and send it her way.
<ad>-"Ah! Anonymous with another 1k donation! Thank you so much!"</ad> The stream goes black once again and after a couple of seconds, the filter is gone.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\xx9_paid.webp">
<ad>-"Ghehehe enjoy losers!"</ad>
<b>-"ShittTttt! I-I'm about to cum!"</b> Your cock throbs once again as you jack off even faster.
<ad>-"Lemme give you all a better view... You earned it!"</ad>
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\xx10_paid_both.webp">
<ad>-"Now cum for me my pets! Come for your new Mistress!"</ad>
<b>-"H-here it comesssss!"</b> You shout as you squeeze the tip of your cock as hard as you can.
<ad>-"Come on! Do it! Straight onto me! Dump it!"</ad>
<b>-"FuckKKKK!!"</b> While staring straight at Adriana's naked body, you explode.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\xxxx3.webp">
<ad>-"Ghehehe come on! Have you cum already? If not, here's your last chance!"</ad> Adriana begins to lay down as the last drops of cum dripple out of your cock.
<b>-"Shit... That was fucking incredible!"</b> You let go of your rod and lay back in your chair.
<b>-"W-worth every dollar!"</b>
<ad>-"I'm about to go, it's your last chance to cum guys! Look at my beautiful body and release!"</ad>
<b>-"Oof... Time to clean up..."</b> As the stream continues, you go to grab some tissues.
<ad>-"Thank you all for this amazing stream! Expect more soon!"</ad>
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\xxxx7.webp">
<b>-"NGhhh... There."</b> After you get back and finish cleaning up the mess, you look at the computer again.
<b>-"Agh, it's over."</b> You see that Adriana went offline. After throwing the tissues away, you close the stream and lay down in bed.
<b>-"W-what an amazing first stream..."</b>
<green>Money -160!</green>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Decide what to do next->room]]
<b>-"NghHhhh n-no!"</b> You stop yourself and let go right before cumming.
<ad>-"Come on! Do it! Straight onto me! Dump it!"</ad>
<b>-"I need to... I need to train myself... Edging is one way to do it."</b> While staring straight at Adriana's naked body, you stand up.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\xxxx2.png">
<ad>-"Ghehehe come on! Have you cum already? If not, here's your last chance!"</ad> Adriana begins to lay down as the precum from your cock begins to drip on the carpet.
<b>-"Shit... I-I have to clean up... But that was awesome!"</b> Even if you didn't cum, that was one hell of an edging session!
<b>-"W-worth every dollar!"</b>
<ad>-"I'm about to go, it's your last chance to cum guys! Look at my beautiful body and release!"</ad>
<b>-"I'll grab some tissues..."</b> As the stream continues, you walk to the bathroom.
<ad>-"Thank you all for this amazing stream! Expect more soon!"</ad>
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\xxxx7.webp">
<b>-"NGhhh... There."</b> After you get back and finish cleaning up the mess on the carpet, you look at the computer again.
<b>-"Agh, it's over."</b> You see that Adriana went offline. After throwing the tissues away, you close the stream and lay down in bed.
<b>-"W-what an amazing first stream..."</b>
<green>Money -160!</green>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
[[Decide what to do next->room]]
<b>-"N-nah... One donation is enough!"</b> You refrain from sending her more and watch what happens.
<ad>-"And it appears that we did not reach our goal!"</ad> The stream's chat fills up with crying emoji's.
<ad>-"I guess no pussy for you cuckies!"</ad>
<b>-"ShittTttt! N-no! I'm about to cum!"</b> Your cock throbs once again as you jack off even faster.
<ad>-"Lemme give you all a better view... You earned it!"</ad>
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\xx10_paid_first.webp">
<ad>-"Now cum for me my pets! Come for your new Mistress! Cum to her censoered pussy!"</ad>
<b>-"H-here it comesssss!"</b> You shout as you squeeze the tip of your cock as hard as you can.
<ad>-"Come on! Do it! Straight onto me! Dump it!"</ad>
<b>-"FuckKKKK!!"</b> While staring straight at Adriana's naked body, you explode.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\xxxx3.webp">
<ad>-"Ghehehe come on! Have you cum already? If not, here's your last chance!"</ad> Adriana begins to lay down as the last drops of cum dripple out of your cock.
<b>-"Shit... That was fucking incredible!"</b> You let go of your rod and lay back in your chair.
<b>-"W-worth every dollar!"</b>
<ad>-"I'm about to go, it's your last chance to cum guys! Look at my beautiful body and release!"</ad>
<b>-"Oof... Time to clean up..."</b> As the stream continues, you go to grab some tissues.
<ad>-"Thank you all for this amazing stream! Expect more soon!"</ad>
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\xxxx6.webp">
<b>-"NGhhh... There."</b> After you get back and finish cleaning up the mess, you look at the computer again.
<b>-"Agh, it's over."</b> You see that Adriana went offline. After throwing the tissues away, you close the stream and lay down in bed.
<b>-"W-what an amazing first stream..."</b>
<green>Money -80!</green>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Decide what to do next->room]]
<b>-"NghHhhh n-no!"</b> You stop yourself and let go right before cumming.
<ad>-"Come on! Do it! Straight onto me! Dump it!"</ad>
<b>-"I need to... I need to train myself... Edging is one way to do it."</b> While staring straight at Adriana's naked body, you stand up.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\xxxx2.png">
<ad>-"Ghehehe come on! Have you cum already? If not, here's your last chance!"</ad> Adriana begins to lay down as the precum from your cock begins to drip on the carpet.
<b>-"Shit... I-I have to clean up... But that was awesome!"</b> Even if you didn't cum, that was one hell of an edging session!
<b>-"W-worth every dollar!"</b>
<ad>-"I'm about to go, it's your last chance to cum guys! Look at my beautiful body and release!"</ad>
<b>-"I'll grab some tissues..."</b> As the stream continues, you walk to the bathroom.
<ad>-"Thank you all for this amazing stream! Expect more soon!"</ad>
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\xxxx6.webp">
<b>-"NGhhh... There."</b> After you get back and finish cleaning up the mess on the carpet, you look at the computer again.
<b>-"Agh, it's over."</b> You see that Adriana went offline. After throwing the tissues away, you close the stream and lay down in bed.
<b>-"W-what an amazing first stream..."</b>
<green>Money -80!</green>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
[[Decide what to do next->room]]
<b>-"N-nah... 80 bucks is way too much!"</b> You close the token shop and turn on the stream again.
<ad>-"And it appears we fell short of our donation goal! No tits for you cucks!"</ad>
<b>-"F-fuck...!"</b> You take a glance at the chat - the people are not happy!
<ad>-"Take a look at what you missed out on!"</ad> Adriana begins to play with her chest.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\xx5.webp">
<ad>-"Look how bigggg and plumppp they are... You could have seen them, but now it's too late!"</ad> You slowly begin to touch herself as you stare at her censored tits.
<ad>-"The stream isn't over however!"</ad> With one swift motion, Adriana takes off her panties, her vagina however, get's covered by yet another filter.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\xx6.webp">
<b>-"Aghh! N-no!"</b>
<ad>-"You haven't unlocked my tits... My pussy is still for sale!"</ad>
<<pageReplace"Continue watching">>
<b>-"N-no way... I have to see it!"</b> As precum begins to leak out of your cock, Adriana brings the camera closer to her pussy.
<ad>-"Look at it losers... Another 5000 and you can see it without the blurrrrrr!"</ad>
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\xx8.webp">
<ad>-"Good piggies! Thank you all for 2500 tokens! 3500 remain!"</ad>
<b>-"MgHhhH! So hot!"</b> Your arm increases in speed on it's own... You feel like you're about to cum.
<ad>-"Come onnnn guys, we're so close!"</ad> Adriana faces the camera.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\xx7.png">
<ad>-"Oh my God! xxsimpysimpxx with a 2500 token donation! Thank you! 1000 tokens remain unpaid!"</ad>
<b>-"FuckKkkK!"</b> You feel like you're about to cum, but you really want to see her vagina before you do!
<<if $money>=80>>\
<<pageReplace"Tip Adriana.">>
<<money -80 "Tipped Adriana during her stream.">>\
<b>-"F-fuck it! Let's go!"</b> You buy a thousand tokens and send it her way.
<ad>-"Ah! Anonymous with a 1k donation! Thank you so much!"</ad> The stream goes black once again and after a couple of seconds, the filter is gone.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\xx9_paid.webp">
<ad>-"Ghehehe enjoy losers!"</ad>
<b>-"ShittTttt! I-I'm about to cum!"</b> Your cock throbs once again as you jack off even faster.
<ad>-"Lemme give you all a better view... You earned it!"</ad>
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\xx10_paid_second.webp">
<ad>-"Now cum for me my pets! Come for your new Mistress!"</ad>
<b>-"H-here it comesssss!"</b> You shout as you squeeze the tip of your cock as hard as you can.
<ad>-"Come on! Do it! Straight onto me! Dump it!"</ad>
<b>-"FuckKKKK!!"</b> While staring straight at Adriana's naked half censored body, you explode.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\xxxx3.webp">
<ad>-"Ghehehe come on! Have you cum already? If not, here's your last chance!"</ad> Adriana begins to lay down as the last drops of cum dripple out of your cock.
<b>-"Shit... That was fucking incredible!"</b> You let go of your rod and lay back in your chair.
<b>-"W-worth every dollar!"</b>
<ad>-"I'm about to go, it's your last chance to cum guys! Look at my beautiful body and release!"</ad>
<b>-"Oof... Time to clean up..."</b> As the stream continues, you go to grab some tissues.
<ad>-"Thank you all for this amazing stream! Expect more soon!"</ad>
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\xxxx7.webp">
<b>-"NGhhh... There."</b> After you get back and finish cleaning up the mess, you look at the computer again.
<b>-"Agh, it's over."</b> You see that Adriana went offline. After throwing the tissues away, you close the stream and lay down in bed.
<b>-"W-what an amazing first stream..."</b>
<green>Money -80!</green>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Decide what to do next->room]]
<b>-"NghHhhh n-no!"</b> You stop yourself and let go right before cumming.
<ad>-"Come on! Do it! Straight onto me! Dump it!"</ad>
<b>-"I need to... I need to train myself... Edging is one way to do it."</b> While staring straight at Adriana's naked body, you stand up.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\xxxx2.png">
<ad>-"Ghehehe come on! Have you cum already? If not, here's your last chance!"</ad> Adriana begins to lay down as the precum from your cock begins to drip on the carpet.
<b>-"Shit... I-I have to clean up... But that was awesome!"</b> Even if you didn't cum, that was one hell of an edging session!
<b>-"W-worth every dollar!"</b>
<ad>-"I'm about to go, it's your last chance to cum guys! Look at my beautiful body and release!"</ad>
<b>-"I'll grab some tissues..."</b> As the stream continues, you walk to the bathroom.
<ad>-"Thank you all for this amazing stream! Expect more soon!"</ad>
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\xxxx7.webp">
<b>-"NGhhh... There."</b> After you get back and finish cleaning up the mess on the carpet, you look at the computer again.
<b>-"Agh, it's over."</b> You see that Adriana went offline. After throwing the tissues away, you close the stream and lay down in bed.
<b>-"W-what an amazing first stream..."</b>
<green>Money -80!</green>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
[[Decide what to do next->room]]
<b>-"N-nah... Don't feel like donating at all tonight..."</b> You refrain from sending her money and watch what happens.
<ad>-"And it appears that we did not reach our second goal either!"</ad> The stream's chat fills up with crying emoji's.
<ad>-"I am frankly disappointed... I guess my cuckies get no pussy either!"</ad>
<b>-"ShittTttt! N-no! I'm about to cum!"</b> Your cock throbs once again as you jack off even faster.
<ad>-"Lemme give you all a better view of what you misses out on!"</ad>
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\xx10.webp">
<ad>-"Now cum for me my pets! Come for your new Mistress! Cum to her censored body!"</ad>
<b>-"H-here it comesssss!"</b> You shout as you squeeze the tip of your cock as hard as you can.
<ad>-"Come on! Do it! Straight onto me! Dump it!"</ad>
<b>-"FuckKKKK!!"</b> While staring straight at Adriana's body, you explode.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\xxxx3.webp">
<ad>-"Ghehehe come on! Have you cum already? If not, here's your last chance!"</ad> Adriana begins to lay down as the last drops of cum dripple out of your cock.
<b>-"Shit... That was fucking incredible!"</b> You let go of your rod and lay back in your chair.
<b>-"W-worth every dollar!"</b>
<ad>-"I'm about to go, it's your last chance to cum guys! Look at my beautiful body and release!"</ad>
<b>-"Oof... Time to clean up..."</b> As the stream continues, you go to grab some tissues.
<ad>-"Thank you all for this amazing stream! Expect more soon!"</ad>
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\xxxx6.webp">
<b>-"NGhhh... There."</b> After you get back and finish cleaning up the mess, you look at the computer again.
<b>-"Agh, it's over."</b> You see that Adriana went offline. After throwing the tissues away, you close the stream and lay down in bed.
<b>-"W-what an amazing first stream..."</b>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Decide what to do next->room]]
<b>-"NghHhhh n-no!"</b> You stop yourself and let go right before cumming.
<ad>-"Come on! Do it! Straight onto me! Dump it!"</ad>
<b>-"I need to... I need to train myself... Edging is one way to do it."</b> While staring straight at Adriana's body, you stand up.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\xxxx2.png">
<ad>-"Ghehehe come on! Have you cum already? If not, here's your last chance!"</ad> Adriana begins to lay down as the precum from your cock begins to drip on the carpet.
<b>-"Shit... I-I have to clean up... But that was awesome!"</b> Even if you didn't cum, that was one hell of an edging session!
<b>-"W-worth every dollar!"</b>
<ad>-"I'm about to go, it's your last chance to cum guys! Look at my beautiful body and release!"</ad>
<b>-"I'll grab some tissues..."</b> As the stream continues, you walk to the bathroom.
<ad>-"Thank you all for this amazing stream! Expect more soon!"</ad>
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\xxxx6.webp">
<b>-"NGhhh... There."</b> After you get back and finish cleaning up the mess on the carpet, you look at the computer again.
<b>-"Agh, it's over."</b> You see that Adriana went offline. After throwing the tissues away, you close the stream and lay down in bed.
<b>-"W-what an amazing first stream..."</b>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
[[Decide what to do next->room]]
<<messengerHeader Adriana>>
<<them>>So, did you like the stream?<</them>>
<<them>>Wait, did you even watch? Don't remember seeing a nickname that I could recognise.<</them>>
<<messageReply "I did!">>
<<me>>I did watch it!<</me>>
<<me>>It was so sexy... Loved what you did with the censors 😍<</me>>
<<them wait>>Of course you did 😏<</them>>
<<them wait>>What was your name? I would have made sure everyone knew you were one of my pets.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Anonymous.">>
<<me>>Just anonymous... Didn't want to create an account.<</me>>
<<me>>Fortunately you can still buy tokens without one ❤️<</me>>
<<them wait>>Hmph, then make sure to make one before tuning into my second stream.<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "AdrianaChris/sub/q1.jpg" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<<them wait>>I'm already picking out an outfit for it!<</them>>
<<messageReply "So the last one did well?">>
<<me>>So the last stream did well?<</me>>
<<them wait>>VERY well.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Didn't think cucks had that much money 😂<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "AdrianaChris/sub/q2.jpg">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Made this in literally 45 minutes. It was crazy.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Wow...">>
<<me>>Wow... What will the second stream be about? 😍<</me>>
<<them wait>>Chris is going to be apart of it this time!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Also, me and him are down to bring you on for our third stream!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Me?">>
<<me>>Me?! What would I do...<</me>>
<<them wait>>Sit there and watch of course. The viewers would love to see us playing with one of our pets! 😋<</them>>
<<them wait>>What do you say? Would you be down?<</them>>
<<them wait>>I know you can't say no to this body 😗<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "AdrianaChris/sub/q3.jpeg" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<<messageReply "Give me some time.">>
<<me>>Give me some time please... The offer is really tempting, but I don't know if I want to be on camera...<</me>>
<<them wait>>Tell you what, let's just talk after my second stream.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Then you'll decide. Deal?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Deal!">>
<<them wait>>Good! I have to get going, still have a lot of outfits to try on.<</them>>
<<them wait>>See ya soon! Be sure to tip during the second stream! Or else! 😡<</them>>
<<messageReply "I will!">>
<<me>>I willlll! Bye!<</me>>
<<set $day2 to $day>>
<<set $adriana to 14>>
<<messengerHeader Mia>>
<<them>><<image "Events/Mia events/phone/1.jpg">><</them>>
<<them>>OH MY GOD!<</them>>
<div id="choices">
<<messageReplyReplace "$mom1?" #choices>>
<<me>>$mom1? You good?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Shit.. That was meant for your father.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Can you delete it for me?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Of course!">>
<<me>>Of course, give me a second.<</me>>
<<them wait>>On second thought..<</them>>
<<them wait>>You can keep it 😉<</them>>
<<messageReply "What?">>
<<me>>What??? why would I???<</me>>
<<them wait>>I can hear you jacking off every night, it pisses me off.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Maybe this will drain you quicker and I'll finally have a quiet evening 🙄<</them>>
<<messageReply "Oh my God..">>
<<me>>Omg $mom1! You could have just told me that you can hear me!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Where's the fun in that? x)<</them>>
<<them wait>>Here's another one, have fun 😉<</them>>
<<them>><<image "Events/Mia events/phone/2.jpg">><</them>>
<<messageReply "You're crazy...">>
<<me>>You're crazy... I don't want them!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Sure buddy...<</them>>
<<them wait>>Delete them then.<</them>>
<<them wait>>🤷♀️<</them>>
<div id="choices1">
<<messageReplyReplace "Delete the images" #choices1>>
<<set $miaphoneevents to $miaphoneevents +1>>
<<messageReplyReplace "Save the images" #choices1>>
<<set $miaphoneevents to $miaphoneevents +1>>
<<addToGallery "Events/Mia events/phone/2.jpg" "Mia">>
<<addToGallery "Events/Mia events/phone/1.jpg" "Mia">>
<<messageReplyReplace "Come on... We're family.." #choices>>
<<me>>Come on, we're family...<</me>>
<<them wait>>THAT WAS AN ACCIDENT SHUT UP!<</them>>
<<them wait>>It was meant for your father...<</them>>
<<them wait>>Can you delete it for me?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Of course!">>
<<me>>Of course, give me a second.<</me>>
<<them wait>>On second thought..<</them>>
<<them wait>>You can keep it 😉<</them>>
<<messageReply "What?">>
<<me>>What??? why would I???<</me>>
<<them wait>>I can hear you jacking off every night, it pisses me off.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Maybe this will drain you quicker and I'll finally have a quiet evening 🙄<</them>>
<<messageReply "Oh my God..">>
<<me>>Omg $mom1! You could have just told me that you can hear me!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Where's the fun in that? x)<</them>>
<<them wait>>Here's another one, have fun 😉<</them>>
<<them>><<image "Events/Mia events/phone/2.jpg">><</them>>
<<messageReply "You're crazy...">>
<<me>>You're crazy... I don't want them!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Sure buddy...<</them>>
<<them wait>>Delete them then.<</them>>
<<them wait>>🤷♀️<</them>>
<div id="choices1">
<<messageReplyReplace "Delete the images" #choices1>>
<<set $miaphoneevents to $miaphoneevents +1>>
<<messageReplyReplace "Save the images" #choices1>>
<<set $miaphoneevents to $miaphoneevents +1>>
<<addToGallery "Events/Mia events/phone/2.jpg" "Mia">>
<<addToGallery "Events/Mia events/phone/1.jpg" "Mia">>
<<messengerHeader Mia>>
<<them>><<image "Events/Mia events/phone/1.jpg">><</them>>
<<them>>OH MY GOD!<</them>>
<div id="choices">
<<messageReplyReplace "$mom1?" #choices>>
<<me>>Wow $mom1.. You okay?<</me>>
<<them wait>>$name!!! I sent it on accident!!1!!!11 pPleasee Dddeelete itt!!<</them>>
<<them wait>>It it was meant ffor your fatherr!!1!<</them>>
<div id="choices2">
<<messageReplyReplace "Fine, I'll delete it" #choices2>>
<<me>>Fineeee.. I'll delete it<</me>>
<<me>>Be careful next time!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Oh my god!! Thank you honey, I will!<</them>>
<div id="choices1">
<<messageReplyReplace "Save the image.." #choices1>>
<<set $miaphoneevents to $miaphoneevents +1>>
<<set $miaphoneday to $day>>
<<addToGallery "Events/Mia events/phone/1.jpg" "Mia">>
<<messageReplyReplace "Delete the image.." #choices1>>
<<set $miaphoneevents to $miaphoneevents +1>>
<<set $miaphoneday to $day>>
<<messageReplyReplace "I will.. If you send me..." #choices2>>
<<me>>I'll delete it.. If you send me the lower half as well..<</me>>
<<them wait>>What..?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Did I stutter?">>
<<me>>Did I stutter?<</me>>
<<them wait>>...<</them>>
<<them wait>>I'm your $mo2... Why would you want that?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Because you're hot!">>
<<me>>Because you're hot!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Oh my God 🙄<</them>>
<<them wait>>You men are all the same<</them>>
<<them wait>>You promise to delete it..?<</them>>
<<them wait>>John can't know about this..<</them>>
<<messageReply "I promise.">>
<<me>>I promise.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Fine..<</them>>
<<them wait>>BUT DON'T YOU DARE TELL A WORD TO ANYONE!<</them>>
<<them wait>>You're lucky that I'm getting ready to take a shower...<</them>>
<<them>><<image "Events/Mia events/phone/2.jpg">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Happy? 😡<</them>>
<<messageReply "Woah..">>
<<me>>Yes ma'am! 🤐<</me>>
<<them wait>>Good..<</them>>
<div id="choices1">
<<messageReplyReplace "Delete the images" #choices1>>
<<set $miaphoneevents to $miaphoneevents +1>>
<<set $miaphoneday to $day>>
<<messageReplyReplace "Save the images" #choices1>>
<<set $miaphoneevents to $miaphoneevents +1>>
<<set $miaphoneday to $day>>
<<addToGallery "Events/Mia events/phone/2.jpg" "Mia">>
<<addToGallery "Events/Mia events/phone/1.jpg" "Mia">>
<<messageReplyReplace "Oh wow.." #choices>>
<<me>>Oh wow...<</me>>
<<me>>DIdn't know that you liked me that much.. 😳<</me>>
<<them>>$name!!! I sent it on accident!!1!!!11 pPleasee Dddeelete itt!!<</them>>
<<them wait>>It it was meant ffor your fatherr!!1!<</them>>
<div id="choices2">
<<messageReplyReplace "Fine, I'll delete it" #choices2>>
<<me>>Fineeee.. I'll delete it<</me>>
<<me>>Be careful next time!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Oh my god!! Thank you honey, I will!<</them>>
<div id="choices1">
<<messageReplyReplace "Save the image.." #choices1>>
<<set $miaphoneevents to $miaphoneevents +1>>
<<set $miaphoneday to $day>>
<<addToGallery "Events/Mia events/phone/1.jpg" "Mia">>
<<messageReplyReplace "Delete the image.." #choices1>>
<<set $miaphoneevents to $miaphoneevents +1>>
<<set $miaphoneday to $day>>
<<messageReplyReplace "I will.. If you send me..." #choices2>>
<<me>>I'll delete it.. If you send me the lower half as well..<</me>>
<<them wait>>What..?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Did I stutter?">>
<<me>>Did I stutter?<</me>>
<<them wait>>...<</them>>
<<them wait>>I'm your $mo2... Why would you want that?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Because you're hot!">>
<<me>>Because you're hot!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Oh my God 🙄<</them>>
<<them wait>>You men are all the same<</them>>
<<them wait>>You promise to delete it..?<</them>>
<<them wait>>John can't know about this..<</them>>
<<messageReply "I promise.">>
<<me>>I promise.<</me>>
<<them wait>>fine..<</them>>
<<them wait>>BUT DON'T YOU DARE TELL A WORD TO ANYONE!<</them>>
<<them wait>>You're lucky that I'm getting ready to take a shower...<</them>>
<<them>><<image "Events/Mia events/phone/2.jpg">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Happy? 😡<</them>>
<<messageReply "Woah..">>
<<me>>Yes ma'am! 🤐<</me>>
<div id="choices1">
<<messageReplyReplace "Delete the images" #choices1>>
<<set $miaphoneevents to $miaphoneevents +1>>
<<set $miaphoneday to $day>>
<<messageReplyReplace "Save the images" #choices1>>
<<set $miaphoneevents to $miaphoneevents +1>>
<<set $miaphoneday to $day>>
<<addToGallery "Events/Mia events/phone/2.jpg" "Mia">>
<<addToGallery "Events/Mia events/phone/1.jpg" "Mia">>
<<messengerHeader Mia>>
<<them>>Heyyy honeyyy!<</them>>
<<them>>How's my little boy feeling?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Okay..">>
<<me>>Okay I guess.. Where are you anyways.. Can't find you in the house.<</me>>
<<them wait>>On the date silly! Have you forgotten?<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Events/Mia events/sub/t1.webp">><</them>>
<<messageReply "Right now?">>
<<me>>Right now? Don't you think it's a bit early..?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Never too early to get dicked down $name... 🤭<</them>>
<<them wait>>Is your pecker ready for some fun? Seeing your own $mo2 fucked will serve as a valuable lesson for you..<</them>>
<div id="choices">
<<messageReplyReplace "Who are you going out with..?" #choices>>
<<me>>Who are you going out with..?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Hehe that's none of your concern.. Someone with a big dick, let's say that.<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Events/Mia events/sub/t3.jpg">><</them>>
<<them>>We just finished dinner.. Going to his place now..<</them>>
<<messageReply "Okay...">>
<<me>>Okay... Text me when you're there pls..<</me>>
10 minutes later
<<them wait>>We're here... He's taking a shower..<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Events/Mia events/sub/t2.jpg" gallery "Mia">><</them>>
<<them>>Watch and learn.. Maybe you'll finally be able to pleasure a woman..<</them>>
<<messageReply "What is that supposed to mean..">>
<<me>>What is that supposed to mean??<</me>>
<<them>>You know yourself dumbass. Emily constantly complained that you sucked in bed.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Anyways.. He's here..<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Events/Mia events/sub/t4.webp" gallery "Mia">><</them>>
<<them wait>>What's up buddy! Your $mo2 told me to film for you!<</them>>
<div id="choices1">
<<messageReplyReplace "..." #choices1>>
<<them>>Not one to talk to strangers? Hahaha can't blame you!<</them>>
<<them wait>>But got to say, you got one hot $mo2!<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Events/Mia events/sub/t5.webp" gallery "Mia">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Can't believe her husband is sharing her... LOL<</them>>
<<messageReply "...">>
<<them wait>>Fuckkkk she's tight too!<</them>>
<<them wait>>She told me to teach you a thing or two..<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Events/Mia events/sub/t6.webp" gallery "Mia">><</them>>
<<them>>Most important thing - dick size.<</them>>
<<them wait>>ShitttTTttt... I'm rready to busttt alreadyy!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Dick size?">>
<<me>>Dick size..?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Yeah.. A lot of people will try to tell you.. It's not what you have but how u use it or whatever.<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Events/Mia events/sub/t7.webp" gallery "Mia">><</them>>
<<them wait>>They're full of shit..<</them>>
<<them wait>>The bigger the rod, the greater the catch. That's what I say..<</them>>
<<messageReply "Can't change it..">>
<<me>>Well I can't change it.<</me>>
<<them wait>>You're done then bro.. FuucKK!<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Events/Mia events/sub/t8.webp" gallery "Mia">><</them>>
<<them>>My bad man.. She's prettier this way though..<</them>>
<<messageReply "Oh my god..">>
<<me>>Oh my god...<</me>>
<<them wait>>Hehe don't act so shocked now.. I told you he likes to be rough!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Did you enjoy the show? He told me that he gave you some tips!<</them>>
<div id="choices2">
<<messageReplyReplace "He did.." #choices2>>
<<me>>He did.. I definitely learnt something...<</me>>
<<them wait>>Hahaha wouldn't that be great! Maybe Emily would start treating you like a man 🤣<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Events/Mia events/sub/t9.png" gallery "Mia">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Anyways, look forward to next week, your next draining session is coming..<</them>>
<<messageReply "Yes $mo2..">>
<<me>>Yes $mo2...<</me>>
<<them>>Good boy! I'm off to the shower then.. He's calling me over..<</them>>
<<them wait>>Don't jack off too much to the videos! I still need to milk you next week!<</them>>
<<set $miaevent to 11>>
<<set $miadateday to $day>>
<<messageReplyReplace "He did not.." #choices2>>
<<me>>He did not.. He basically told me to get a bigger dick..<</me>>
<<them wait>>Hahaha wouldn't that be great! Maybe Emily would start treating you like a man 🤣<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Events/Mia events/sub/t9.png" gallery "Mia">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Anyways, look forward to next week, your next draining session is coming..<</them>>
<<messageReply "Yes $mo2..">>
<<me>>Yes $mo2...<</me>>
<<them>>Good boy! I'm off to the shower then.. He's calling me over..<</them>>
<<them wait>>Don't jack off too much to the videos! I still need to milk you next week!<</them>>
<<set $miaevent to 11>>
<<set $miadateday to $day>>
<<messageReplyReplace "Who are you?" #choices1>>
<<me>>Who are you?<</me>>
<<them>>Hey Hey! No personal questions! Besides, it's none of your business!<</them>>
<<them wait>>What matters is I got your $mom1 on her knees.<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Events/Mia events/sub/t5.webp" gallery "Mia">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Can't believe her husband is sharing her... LOL<</them>>
<<messageReply "...">>
<<them wait>>Fuckkkk she's tight too!<</them>>
<<them wait>>She told me to teach you a thing or two..<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Events/Mia events/sub/t6.webp" gallery "Mia">><</them>>
<<them>>Most important thing - dick size.<</them>>
<<them wait>>ShitttTTttt... I'm rready to busttt alreadyy!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Dick size?">>
<<me>>Dick size..?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Yeah.. A lot of people will try to tell you.. It's not what you have but how u use it or whatever.<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Events/Mia events/sub/t7.webp" gallery "Mia">><</them>>
<<them wait>>They're full of shit..<</them>>
<<them wait>>The bigger the rod, the greater the catch. That's what I say..<</them>>
<<messageReply "Can't change it..">>
<<me>>Well I can't change it.<</me>>
<<them wait>>You're done then bro.. FuucKK!<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Events/Mia events/sub/t8.webp" gallery "Mia">><</them>>
<<them>>My bad man.. She's prettier this way though..<</them>>
<<messageReply "Oh my god..">>
<<me>>Oh my god...<</me>>
<<them wait>>Hehe don't act so shocked now.. I told you he likes to be rough!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Did you enjoy the show? He told me that he gave you some tips!<</them>>
<div id="choices2">
<<messageReplyReplace "He did.." #choices2>>
<<me>>He did.. I definitely learnt something...<</me>>
<<them wait>>Hahaha wouldn't that be great! Maybe Emily would start treating you like a man 🤣<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Events/Mia events/sub/t9.png" gallery "Mia">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Anyways, look forward to next week, your next draining session is coming..<</them>>
<<messageReply "Yes $mo2..">>
<<me>>Yes $mo2...<</me>>
<<them>>Good boy! I'm off to the shower then.. He's calling me over..<</them>>
<<them wait>>Don't jack off too much to the videos! I still need to milk you next week!<</them>>
<<set $miaevent to 11>>
<<set $miadateday to $day>>
<<messageReplyReplace "He did not.." #choices2>>
<<me>>He did not.. He basically told me to get a bigger dick..<</me>>
<<them wait>>Hahaha wouldn't that be great! Maybe Emily would start treating you like a man 🤣<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Events/Mia events/sub/t9.png" gallery "Mia">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Anyways, look forward to next week, your next draining session is coming..<</them>>
<<messageReply "Yes $mo2..">>
<<me>>Yes $mo2...<</me>>
<<them>>Good boy! I'm off to the shower then.. He's calling me over..<</them>>
<<them wait>>Don't jack off too much to the videos! I still need to milk you next week!<</them>>
<<set $miaevent to 11>>
<<set $miadateday to $day>>
<<messageReplyReplace "I don't want to see that shit!" #choices1>>
<<me>>Yooo! I.. I don't want to see that shit! This is weird..<</me>>
<<them wait>>Hahaha whattt?? I thought you both had an agreement or something.. Alright, shit, suit yourself.<</them>>
<<set $miaevent to 11>>
<<set $miadateday to $day>>
<<set $refusedtoseemiagettingfucked to true>>
<<messageReplyReplace "What will this teach me again..?" #choices>>
<<me>>What will this teach me again?<</me>>
<<them wait>>How to properly fuck a woman you dumbass..<</them>>
<<them wait>>Even if you're not fortunate down there, perhaps you can learn a thing or two anyways.<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Events/Mia events/sub/t3.jpg">><</them>>
<<them>>We just finished dinner.. Going to his place now..<</them>>
<<messageReply "Okay...">>
<<me>>Okay... Text me when you're there pls..<</me>>
10 minutes later
<<them wait>>We're here... He's taking a shower..<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Events/Mia events/sub/t2.jpg" gallery "Mia">><</them>>
<<them>>I would kill to see that little thing throbbing right now..<</them>>
<<messageReply "...">>
<<them>>Oh don't act all shy now.. I know you're watching this while stroking your pathetic little cock 🤣<</them>>
<<them wait>>Anyways.. He's here..<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Events/Mia events/sub/t4.webp" gallery "Mia">><</them>>
<<them wait>>What's up buddy! Your $mo2 told me to film for you!<</them>>
<div id="choices1">
<<messageReplyReplace "..." #choices1>>
<<them>>Not one to talk to strangers? Hahaha can't blame you!<</them>>
<<them wait>>But got to say, you got one hot $mo2!<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Events/Mia events/sub/t5.webp" gallery "Mia">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Can't believe her husband is sharing her... LOL<</them>>
<<messageReply "...">>
<<them wait>>Fuckkkk she's tight too!<</them>>
<<them wait>>She told me to teach you a thing or two..<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Events/Mia events/sub/t6.webp" gallery "Mia">><</them>>
<<them>>Most important thing - dick size.<</them>>
<<them wait>>ShitttTTttt... I'm rready to busttt alreadyy!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Dick size?">>
<<me>>Dick size..?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Yeah.. A lot of people will try to tell you.. It's not what you have but how u use it or whatever.<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Events/Mia events/sub/t7.webp" gallery "Mia">><</them>>
<<them wait>>They're full of shit..<</them>>
<<them wait>>The bigger the rod, the greater the catch. That's what I say..<</them>>
<<messageReply "Can't change it..">>
<<me>>Well I can't change it.<</me>>
<<them wait>>You're done then bro.. FuucKK!<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Events/Mia events/sub/t8.webp" gallery "Mia">><</them>>
<<them>>My bad man.. She's prettier this way though..<</them>>
<<messageReply "Oh my god..">>
<<me>>Oh my god...<</me>>
<<them wait>>Hehe don't act so shocked now.. I told you he likes to be rough!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Did you enjoy the show? He told me that he gave you some tips!<</them>>
<div id="choices2">
<<messageReplyReplace "He did.." #choices2>>
<<me>>He did.. I definitely learnt something...<</me>>
<<them wait>>Hahaha wouldn't that be great! Maybe Emily would start treating you like a man 🤣<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Events/Mia events/sub/t9.png" gallery "Mia">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Anyways, look forward to next week, your next draining session is coming..<</them>>
<<messageReply "Yes $mo2..">>
<<me>>Yes $mo2...<</me>>
<<them>>Good boy! I'm off to the shower then.. He's calling me over..<</them>>
<<them wait>>Don't jack off too much to the videos! I still need to milk you next week!<</them>>
<<set $miaevent to 11>>
<<set $miadateday to $day>>
<<messageReplyReplace "He did not.." #choices2>>
<<me>>He did not.. He basically told me to get a bigger dick..<</me>>
<<them wait>>Hahaha wouldn't that be great! Maybe Emily would start treating you like a man 🤣<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Events/Mia events/sub/t9.png" gallery "Mia">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Anyways, look forward to next week, your next draining session is coming..<</them>>
<<messageReply "Yes $mo2..">>
<<me>>Yes $mo2...<</me>>
<<them>>Good boy! I'm off to the shower then.. He's calling me over..<</them>>
<<them wait>>Don't jack off too much to the videos! I still need to milk you next week!<</them>>
<<set $miaevent to 11>>
<<set $miadateday to $day>>
<<messageReplyReplace "Who are you?" #choices1>>
<<me>>Who are you?<</me>>
<<them>>Hey Hey! No personal questions! Besides, it's none of your business!<</them>>
<<them wait>>What matters is I got your $mom1 on her knees.<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Events/Mia events/sub/t5.webp" gallery "Mia">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Can't believe her husband is sharing her... LOL<</them>>
<<messageReply "...">>
<<them wait>>Fuckkkk she's tight too!<</them>>
<<them wait>>She told me to teach you a thing or two..<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Events/Mia events/sub/t6.webp" gallery "Mia">><</them>>
<<them>>Most important thing - dick size.<</them>>
<<them wait>>ShitttTTttt... I'm rready to busttt alreadyy!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Dick size?">>
<<me>>Dick size..?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Yeah.. A lot of people will try to tell you.. It's not what you have but how u use it or whatever.<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Events/Mia events/sub/t7.webp" gallery "Mia">><</them>>
<<them wait>>They're full of shit..<</them>>
<<them wait>>The bigger the rod, the greater the catch. That's what I say..<</them>>
<<messageReply "Can't change it..">>
<<me>>Well I can't change it.<</me>>
<<them wait>>You're done then bro.. FuucKK!<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Events/Mia events/sub/t8.webp" gallery "Mia">><</them>>
<<them>>My bad man.. She's prettier this way though..<</them>>
<<messageReply "Oh my god..">>
<<me>>Oh my god...<</me>>
<<them wait>>Hehe don't act so shocked now.. I told you he likes to be rough!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Did you enjoy the show? He told me that he gave you some tips!<</them>>
<div id="choices2">
<<messageReplyReplace "He did.." #choices2>>
<<me>>He did.. I definitely learnt something...<</me>>
<<them wait>>Hahaha wouldn't that be great! Maybe Emily would start treating you like a man 🤣<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Events/Mia events/sub/t9.png" gallery "Mia">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Anyways, look forward to next week, your next draining session is coming..<</them>>
<<messageReply "Yes $mo2..">>
<<me>>Yes $mo2...<</me>>
<<them>>Good boy! I'm off to the shower then.. He's calling me over..<</them>>
<<them wait>>Don't jack off too much to the videos! I still need to milk you next week!<</them>>
<<set $miaevent to 11>>
<<set $miadateday to $day>>
<<messageReplyReplace "He did not.." #choices2>>
<<me>>He did not.. He basically told me to get a bigger dick..<</me>>
<<them wait>>Hahaha wouldn't that be great! Maybe Emily would start treating you like a man 🤣<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Events/Mia events/sub/t9.png" gallery "Mia">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Anyways, look forward to next week, your next draining session is coming..<</them>>
<<messageReply "Yes $mo2..">>
<<me>>Yes $mo2...<</me>>
<<them>>Good boy! I'm off to the shower then.. He's calling me over..<</them>>
<<them wait>>Don't jack off too much to the videos! I still need to milk you next week!<</them>>
<<set $miaevent to 11>>
<<set $miadateday to $day>>
<<messageReplyReplace "I don't want to see that shit!" #choices1>>
<<me>>Yooo! I.. I don't want to see that shit! This is weird..<</me>>
<<them wait>>Hahaha whattt?? I thought you both had an agreement or something.. Alright, shit, suit yourself.<</them>>
<<set $miaevent to 11>>
<<set $miadateday to $day>>
<<set $refusedtoseemiagettingfucked to true>>
<<messengerHeader Mia>>
<<them>>Heyy honey!<</them>>
<<them wait>>How r u??<</them>>
<<messageReply "Good I guess.">>
<<me>>Good I guess... Where are you though, I can't find you in the house?<</me>>
<<them wait>>I'm on the date with John! Have you forgotten already?<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Events/Mia events/dom/t1.webp">><</them>>
<<messageReply "This early?">>
<<me>>This early? What the fuck lol..<</me>>
<<them wait>>Well yeah it's pretty silly.. But John is busy in the evening so I had to compromise.. As always 🙄<</them>>
<<them>><<image "Events/Mia events/dom/t2.jpg">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Anyways.. What are you up to?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Nothing much.">>
<<me>>Nothing much to be honest.. Kind of bored.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Awh well that's unfortunate... I wish I could entertain you somehow..<</them>>
<div id="choices">
<<messageReplyReplace "Remember our talk?" #choices>>
<<me>>Well.. There is a way.. Remember our talk?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Our talk.. What are you talking about haha..<</them>>
<<messageReply "Don't act dumb.">>
<<me>>Don't act dumb. Leave that cuck behind and text me when you're in the restroom.<</me>>
<<them>>Ugh.. I am kind of bored right now anyways.. Fine..<</them>>
5 minutes later.
<<them wait>>I'm here.. I told him that I had an emergency..<</them>>
<<them wait>>What would you like me to do..<</them>>
<<messageReply "Strip.">>
<<me>>Strip... I need some visual stimulation.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Yes $name...<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Events/Mia events/dom/t5.gif" gallery "Mia">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Can you send me something back though..? I want to see..<</them>>
<div id="choices1">
<<messageReplyReplace "Fine." #choices1>>
<<me>>Fine.. You seem desperate enough..<</me>>
<<me>><<image "Events/Mia events/dom/t3.jpg">><</me>>
<<them wait>>Oh my goddDdd..<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Events/Mia events/dom/t4.jpg" gallery "Mia">><</them>>
<<them wait>>It's so fucking big..<</them>>
<<messageReply "Imagine it inside of you..">>
<<me>>Imagine it inside of you.. Going in.. And out..<</me>>
<<them wait>>Fuckkk...<</them>>
<<messageReply "Imagine..">>
<<me>>Imagine John watching you as you ride my cock.. The utter humiliation on his face..<</me>>
<<them wait>>MmmmM!!<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Events/Mia events/dom/t6.gif" gallery "Mia">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Shit.. I can't believe that I'm imagining you.. Out of all people.. Fucking my brains out..<</them>>
<<them wait>>Ughhh I'm close..<</them>>
<div id="choices2">
<<messageReplyReplace "Send her something extra.." #choices2>>
<<me>>Good.. Cum for me while looking at this cock..<</me>>
<<me>><<image "Events/Mia events/dom/t8.webp">><</me>>
<<them wait>>ShittTTTT!!<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Events/Mia events/dom/t7.gif" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Fuckkkk... I.. I made a mess..<</them>>
<<messageReply "Good..">>
<<me>>Good.. We'll make an even bigger mess next week..<</me>>
<<them wait>>Yyesss $name.. John will be out of town..<</them>>
<<them wait>>I'll clean up, he's probably wondering why I'm taking so long..<</them>>
<<messageReply "Good girl.">>
<<me>>Good girl. See you next week.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Yes honey.. Yes..<</them>>
<<set $miaevent to 10>>
<<set $miadateday to $day>>
<<messageReplyReplace "Finish it here." #choices2>>
<<messageReply "I said stop.">>
<<me>>I said stop. You're not cumming today.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Bbut $name! I was so close..<</them>>
<<them wait>>I did everything you told me to!<</them>>
<<messageReply "I don't care.">>
<<me>>I don't care. Hold off until next Sunday. I'm going to fuck the shit out of you..<</me>>
<<them wait>>Mghh.. John will be out of town..<</them>>
<<them wait>>Maybe it's possible..<</them>>
<<messageReply "Good.">>
<<me>>Good. You can only cum from my hands now. Understood?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Yes $name.. Your hands.. Or cock.. Only..<</them>>
<<them wait>>I'll clean up and head back.. He's probably wondering what's taking me so long..<</them>>
<<set $miaevent to 10>>
<<set $miadateday to $day>>
<<messageReplyReplace "Not yet." #choices1>>
<<me>>Not yet... Use your imagination.. Dream about fucking my cock.<</me>>
<<them wait>>UghhHHH!<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Events/Mia events/dom/t4.jpg" gallery "Mia">><</them>>
<<them wait>>I remember it being so big...<</them>>
<<messageReply "Imagine it inside of you..">>
<<me>>Imagine it inside of you.. Going in.. And out..<</me>>
<<them wait>>Fuckkk...<</them>>
<<messageReply "Imagine..">>
<<me>>Imagine John watching you as you ride my cock.. The utter humiliation on his face..<</me>>
<<them wait>>MmmmM!!<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Events/Mia events/dom/t6.gif" gallery "Mia">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Shit.. I can't believe that I'm imagining you.. Out of all people.. Fucking my brains out..<</them>>
<<them wait>>Ughhh I'm close..<</them>>
<div id="choices2">
<<messageReplyReplace "Send her something." #choices2>>
<<me>>Good.. Cum for me while looking at this cock..<</me>>
<<me>><<image "Events/Mia events/dom/t8.webp">><</me>>
<<them wait>>ShittTTTT!!<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Events/Mia events/dom/t7.gif" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Fuckkkk... I.. I made a mess..<</them>>
<<messageReply "Good..">>
<<me>>Good.. We'll make an even bigger mess next week..<</me>>
<<them wait>>Yyesss $name.. John will be out of town..<</them>>
<<them wait>>I'll clean up, he's probably wondering why I'm taking so long..<</them>>
<<messageReply "Good girl.">>
<<me>>Good girl. See you next week.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Yes honey.. Yes..<</them>>
<<set $miaevent to 10>>
<<set $miadateday to $day>>
<<messageReplyReplace "Finish it here." #choices2>>
<<messageReply "I said stop.">>
<<me>>I said stop. You're not cumming today.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Bbut $name! I was so close..<</them>>
<<them wait>>I did everything you told me to!<</them>>
<<messageReply "I don't care.">>
<<me>>I don't care. Hold off until next Sunday. I'm going to fuck the shit out of you..<</me>>
<<them wait>>Mghh.. John will be out of town..<</them>>
<<them wait>>Maybe it's possible..<</them>>
<<messageReply "Good.">>
<<me>>Good. You can only cum from my hands now. Understood?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Yes $name.. Your hands.. Or cock.. Only..<</them>>
<<them wait>>I'll clean up and head back.. He's probably wondering what's taking me so long..<</them>>
<<set $miaevent to 10>>
<<set $miadateday to $day>>
<<messageReplyReplace "It's time I go." #choices>>
<<me>>I would love that ahaha.. Anyways Mia, I need to go.<</me>>
<<me>>Have some errands to run.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Okayyy, understood.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Don't miss me too much, I'll be back in a couple of hours!😆<</them>>
<<set $miaevent to 10>>
<<set $miadateday to $day>>
<<set $refusedtoseemiagettingfucked to true>>
<<messengerHeader Adriana>>
<<them>>What's up 😛<</them>>
<<messageReply "Nothing much.">>
<<me>>Nothing much.. Just bored to death. 😐<</me>>
<<them>>Really? Well that's perfect!<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Lectures/do nothing/m1.jpg" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<<them>>Want to join us at the beach?<</them>>
<div id="choices">
<<messageReplyReplace "Can't.." #choices>>
<<me>>Heh.. I wish I could! But I can't.<</me>>
<<them>>Oh come onnnn..<</them>>
<<them wait>>Who cares about those lectures anyways.. You're going to miss this? Really..?<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Lectures/do nothing/m2.jpg" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<<messageReply "Fuck..">>
<<me>>I'm helping out the principal right now.. Can't leave..<</me>>
<<them wait>>Well that's a shame..<</them>>
<<them>>Wanted to tease you a bit with Chris 😣<</them>>
<div id="choices1">
<<messageReplyReplace "You can tease me now.." #choices1>>
<<me>>You can tease me now.. I like it x)<</me>>
<<them wait>>Hahaha I know!<</them>>
<<them>>You're too cute to say no to..<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Lectures/do nothing/m4.jpg" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<<them>>This is all you get though 😛<</them>>
<<messageReply "Adriana come on...">>
<<me>>Adriana.. Come on.. Please..<</me>>
<<them>>Huh? Please what?<</them>>
<<messageReply "...">>
<<me>>Please send me a nude pic...<</me>>
<<them>>Hmmm.. I might.. But you have to beg for it.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Come on, be a good puppy and beg for a pic 😂<</them>>
<div id="choices2">
<<messageReplyReplace "Beg" #choices2>>
<<me>>Pleaseee send me a nude pic.. I beg you!!<</me>>
<<them>>Good boy!!! ❤❤<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Lectures/do nothing/m5.jpg" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<<them>>That's all you get 💔<</them>>
<<messageReply "That wasn't our deal!">>
<<me>>That wasn't our deal! Come on!<</me>>
<<them>>Don't careeeee! Be happy that I even sent you anything.<</them>>
<<them wait>>I usually don't mess with guys who are not.. fortunate down there, but you're funny.<</them>>
<<messageReply "...">>
<<them>>It's the truth.<</them>>
<<them>>Anyways, need to bounce, enjoy those pics you loser x)<</them>>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
<<goto "Do nothing 4 part 2">>
<<messageReplyReplace "Don't beg" #choices2>>
<<me>>Hell no.. I'm not that big of a loser..<</me>>
<<them>>Heh, your loss!<</them>>
<<them>>Need to bounce anyways, enjoy those pics you loser x)<</them>>
<<goto "Do nothing 4 part 2">>
<<messageReplyReplace "Stop the teasing and show your tits already.." #choices1>>
<<me>>Very funny.. Stop the teasing and show those tits already.<</me>>
<<them wait>>HAHAHA someones feeling confident huh??<</them>>
<<them>>That's not how this works.<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Lectures/do nothing/m4.jpg" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<<messageReply "Adriana come on...">>
<<me>>Adriana.. Come on.. Please..<</me>>
<<them>>Hehe now he's back! Please what?<</them>>
<<messageReply "...">>
<<me>>Please send me a nude pic...<</me>>
<<them>>Hmmm.. I might.. But you have to beg for it.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Come on, be a good puppy and beg for a pic 😂<</them>>
<div id="choices2">
<<messageReplyReplace "Beg" #choices2>>
<<me>>Pleaseee send me a nude pic.. I beg you!!<</me>>
<<them>>Good boy!!! ❤❤<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Lectures/do nothing/m5.jpg" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<<them>>That's all you get 💔<</them>>
<<messageReply "That wasn't our deal!">>
<<me>>That wasn't our deal! Come on!<</me>>
<<them>>Don't careeeee! Be happy that I even sent you anything.<</them>>
<<them wait>>I usually don't mess with guys who are not.. fortunate down there, but you're funny.<</them>>
<<messageReply "...">>
<<them>>It's the truth.<</them>>
<<them>>Anyways, need to bounce, enjoy those pics you loser x)<</them>>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
<<goto "Do nothing 4 part 2">>
<<messageReplyReplace "Don't beg" #choices2>>
<<me>>Hell no.. I'm not that big of a loser..<</me>>
<<them>>Heh, your loss!<</them>>
<<them>>Need to bounce anyways, enjoy those pics you loser x)<</them>>
<<goto "Do nothing 4 part 2">>
<<messageReplyReplace "Even if I could I wouldn't go." #choices>>
<<me>>Even if I could, I wouldn't go.<</me>>
<<me>>This whole thing has gone too far<</me>>
<<messageReply "You heard me.">>
<<me>>You heard me.<</me>>
<<them>>Fuck you dude, that's so rude<</them>>
<<them>><i>This user has blocked you.</i><</them>>
<<set $adriana to 0>>
<<goto "Do nothing 4 part 2">>
<<messengerHeader Adriana>>
<<them>>What's up 😛<</them>>
<<messageReply "Nothing much.">>
<<me>>Nothing much.. Just bored to death. 😐<</me>>
<<them>>Really? Well that's perfect!<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Lectures/do nothing/m1.jpg" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<<them>>Want to join us at the beach?<</them>>
<div id="choices">
<<messageReplyReplace "Can't.." #choices>>
<<me>>Heh.. I wish I could! But I can't.<</me>>
<<them>>Oh come onnnn..<</them>>
<<them wait>>Who cares about those lectures anyways.. You're going to miss this? Really..?<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Lectures/do nothing/m2.jpg" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<<messageReply "Fuck..">>
<<me>>I really can't, helping the principal..<</me>>
<<me>>But fuckk.. Forgot how hot you are.. LOL!<</me>>
<<them>>Oh shut up..🙄<</them>>
<<them>>Chris has a habit of looking at other women in bikinis..<</them>>
<<them wait>>Thought we could teah him a lesson you know..<</them>>
<<them>><<image "Lectures/do nothing/m3.jpg" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<<messageReply "I wish..">>
<<me>>I really wish we could..<</me>>
<<me>>If we were dating, I would never look at another woman again..<</me>>
<<them wait>>I know your tricks $name, don't try to seduce me 😠<</them>>
<<them wait>>It's kind of working though..<</them>>
<div id="choices1">
<<messageReplyReplace "Show me how well it works." #choices1>>
<<me>>Really? Well show me how well it does it..<</me>>
<<them>>Hmmm.. Fine...<</them>>
<<them>><<image "Lectures/do nothing/m4.jpg" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<<messageReply "Shit.. So hot..">>
<<me>>Shitt so hot..<</me>>
<<them>>Hehe I know.. Chris doesn't seem that interested though.. 🙄<</them>>
<<them wait>> What are you doing for that principal anyways?<</them>>
<<them>>First time hearing about it!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Long story.">>
<<me>>Eh long story, will tell you later.<</me>>
<<me>>How about you show me what's under that bikini though..<</me>>
<<them>>Well at least someone wants to see.. Fine.. ❤<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Lectures/do nothing/m6.jpg" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<<messageReply "DAYUM!">>
<<me>>DAYUM! I would fuck the shit out of you if I was there rn..<</me>>
<<them>>Haha I know 😘<</them>>
<<them>>I need to bounce though, I can hear Chris calling for me.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Talk to you later!<</them>>
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
<<goto "Do nothing 4 part 2">>
<<messageReplyReplace "I need to go" #choices1>>
<<me>>Alright alright enough yapping. Need to go Adriana.<</me>>
<<them>>Already?? Come on..<</them>>
<<them>>I can take some more pics if you talk to me a bit more 😔<</them>>
<<messageReply "Are you really that desperate.">>
<<me>>Are you really that desperate??<</me>>
<<them>>Yes... I miss our little fling you know.<</them>>
<<them>><<image "Lectures/do nothing/m4.jpg" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<<messageReply "Shit.. You have my attention..">>
<<me>>Shitt you have my attention again...<</me>>
<<them>>Heh.. Good! Chris doesn't seem that interested though.. 🙄<</them>>
<<them wait>> What are you doing for that principal anyways?<</them>>
<<them>>First time hearing about it!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Long story.">>
<<me>>Eh long story, will tell you later.<</me>>
<<me>>How about you show me what's under that bikini though..<</me>>
<<them>>Well at least someone wants to see.. Fine.. ❤<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Lectures/do nothing/m6.jpg" gallery "Adriana">><</them>>
<<messageReply "DAYUM!">>
<<me>>DAYUM! I would fuck the shit out of you if I was there rn..<</me>>
<<them>>Haha I know 😘<</them>>
<<them>>I need to bounce though, I can hear Chris calling for me.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Talk to you later!<</them>>
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
<<goto "Do nothing 4 part 2">>
<<messageReplyReplace "Even if I could I wouldn't go." #choices>>
<<me>>Even if I could, I wouldn't go.<</me>>
<<me>>This whole thing has gone too far<</me>>
<<messageReply "You heard me.">>
<<me>>You heard me.<</me>>
<<them>>Fuck you dude, that's so rude<</them>>
<<them>><i>This user has blocked you.</i><</them>>
<<set $adriana to 0>>
<<goto "Do nothing 4 part 2">>
<<messengerHeader Kei>>
<<me>>Hey beautiful.<</me>>
<<messageReply "Hello?">>
<<messageReply "Don't ignore me.">>
<<me>>Don't ignore me.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Does triples texting work on other women?<</them>>
<div id="choices">
<<messageReplyReplace "Never needed a triple text." #choices>>
<<me>>Never needed a triple text. Women usually text me.<</me>>
<<them>>Wow, mister pussy slayer here.<</them>>
<<them wait>>What do you want?<</them>>
<<messageReply "To talk">>
<<me>>Just to talk.. You said I'll need to earn the privilege of seeing more.<</me>>
<<me>>How do I do that.<</me>>
<<them wait>> Oh it's you $name.<</them>>
<<them>>Well I only go out with guys that are confident.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Attractive, but you got that covered.<</them>>
<<them wait>>And very developed down there.<</them>>
<<them>>Think you got all of that covered?<</them>>
<div id="choices1">
<<messageReplyReplace "See for yourself." #choices1>>
<<me>><<image "Lectures/do nothing/d7.jpg">><</me>>
<<me>>See for yourself<</me>>
<<them wait>>Damn... That's fucking huge..<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Lectures/do nothing/d2.webp" gallery "Kei">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Shit would reach my belly..<</them>>
<<messageReply "Let's set up a date then.">>
<<me>>Let's set up a date then<</me>>
<<them>>Haha not so fast.<</them>>
<<them wait>>I'm not that easy.. We'll do this on my terms.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Your terms?">>
<<me>>Your terms? How do I know you're not just going to ghost me.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Well perhaps I will, you never know. 😉<</them>>
<<them>>But to give you some peace of mind, here.<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Lectures/do nothing/d1.png" gallery "Kei">><</them>>
<<messageReply "Good enough for me..">>
<<me>>Good enough proof for me.. When should I expect you?<</me>>
<<them wait>>You shouldn't. I'll come to the principals office whenever I feel like it.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Be there and I might use you for a little bit.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Copy that..">>
<<me>>Copy that.. I will be waiting.<</me>>
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
<<set $shoveddicktokei to true>>
<<goto "Do nothing 6 part 2">>
<<messageReplyReplace "Hell nah I ain't superman." #choices1>>
<<me>>Hell nah I ain't superman..<</me>>
<<them>>Well then you're shit out of luck 😪<</them>>
<<them>>It was nice talking to you.<</them>>
<<set $shoveddicktokei to false>>
<<goto "Do nothing 6 part 2">>
<<messageReplyReplace "Hell yeah." #choices>>
<<me>>Hell yeah it does. It worked on you, didn't it?<</me>>
<<them>>How cheesy.<</them>>
<<them wait>>But cute. 💖<</them>>
<<them>>What do you want?<</them>>
<<messageReply "To talk">>
<<me>>Just to talk.. You said I'll need to earn the privilege of seeing more.<</me>>
<<me>>How do I do that.<</me>>
<<them wait>> Oh it's you $name.<</them>>
<<them>>Well I only go out with guys that are confident.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Attractive, but you got that covered.<</them>>
<<them wait>>And very developed down there.<</them>>
<<them>>Think you got all of that covered?<</them>>
<div id="choices1">
<<messageReplyReplace "See for yourself." #choices1>>
<<me>><<image "Lectures/do nothing/d7.jpg">><</me>>
<<me>>See for yourself<</me>>
<<them wait>>Damn... That's fucking huge..<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Lectures/do nothing/d2.webp" gallery "Kei">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Shit would reach my belly..<</them>>
<<messageReply "Let's set up a date then.">>
<<me>>Let's set up a date then<</me>>
<<them>>Haha not so fast.<</them>>
<<them wait>>I'm not that easy.. We'll do this on my terms.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Your terms?">>
<<me>>Your terms? How do I know you're not just going to ghost me.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Well perhaps I will, you never know. 😉<</them>>
<<them>>But to give you some peace of mind, here.<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Lectures/do nothing/d1.png" gallery "Kei">><</them>>
<<messageReply "Good enough for me..">>
<<me>>Good enough proof for me.. When should I expect you?<</me>>
<<them wait>>You shouldn't. I'll come to the principals office whenever I feel like it.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Be there and I might use you for a little bit.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Copy that..">>
<<me>>Copy that.. I will be waiting.<</me>>
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
<<set $shoveddicktokei to true>>
<<goto "Do nothing 6 part 2">>
<<messageReplyReplace "Hell nah I ain't superman." #choices1>>
<<me>>Hell nah I ain't superman..<</me>>
<<them>>Well then you're shit out of luck 😪<</them>>
<<them>>It was nice talking to you.<</them>>
<<set $shoveddicktokei to false>>
<<goto "Do nothing 6 part 2">>
<<messengerHeader Kei>>
<<them>>Hello again, this is Kei.<</them>>
<<them>>Meet me in the city, at night.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Hello?">>
<<me>>Uhmmm.. Hello?<</me>>
<<me>>Today you mean??<</me>>
<<them wait>>No, in a week.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Obviously today you dumbass. Remember our deal?<</them>>
<<messageReply "I think so.">>
<<me>>I think so.. I take some photos and you don't snitch on me?<</me>>
<<them wait>>It's time to take em. Meet me in the city. Or else.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Fine fine.">>
<<me>>Fine fine.. No need for threats. Should I bring something?<</me>>
<<them>>No, just come.<</them>>
<<messageReply "See you there.">>
<<me>>Alright, see you there..<</me>>
<<set $helpingkeitakesphotos to true>>
<<goto "Do nothing 6 part 2">>
<<todo "Meet Kei in the city at night.">>
<<messengerHeader Emily>>
<<them>>Hey $name!<</them>>
<<them>>I'm on the plane already!<</them>>
<<messageReply "That's great!">>
<<me>>That's great honey!<</me>>
<<me>>How are you texting me though? Is it not prohibited<</me>>
<<them wait>>We're flying private, so it's allowed 😎<</them>>
<<them wait>>Let me ask Trevor to take a picture of me!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Sure!">>
<<me>>Sure thing honey!<</me>>
<<them wait>><<image "Emily/events/bnwo/yp1.png">><</them>>
<<them>> Your girl is a real beauty!<</them>>
<<them wait>> Haha sorry.. That was him again 🙄<</them>>
<div id="choices">
<<messageReplyReplace "When will you land?" #choices>>
<<me>>When are y'all landing? 😊<</me>>
<<them>>Lemme ask him..<</them>>
<<them wait>>He says that we'll take around 9 hours to arrive!!<</them>>
<<them>>Don't worry, I'll text you when I get to the place we're staying at though 😘<</them>>
<<messageReply "I'm excited for you 🤩">>
<<me>>I'm excited for you 🤩<</me>>
<<them>>I am too!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Wait.. Trevor asked me to show off some lingerie I brought..<</them>>
<<messageReply "Huh?">>
<<me>>Huh? Why would he ask that??<</me>>
<<them>>Well why do you think I'm bringing it with me?<</them>>
<<them>>C'mon don't be a pussy.. I'll ask him to send you some pics!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Whatever..">>
<<me>>Whatever.. It's only lingerie after all..<</me>>
<<them wait>>That's the spirit!<</them>>
<<them>> Gimme a sec.. I'm giving the phone to Trevor..<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Emily/events/bnwo/yp2.webp" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<them wait>>You're one lucky guy! I bet she's tight as fuck..<</them>>
<div id="choices1">
<<messageReplyReplace "Haha.. I guess.." #choices1>>
<<me>>Hahaaa.. I guess..<</me>>
<<them>>Oh don't mind him he's an ass!<</them>>
<<them wait>>It's not like you know how tight I am, anyways 😅<</them>>
<<messageReply "Emily..">>
<<me>>Emily.. Stop.. 😶<</me>>
<<them>>Fine fine.. He took another pic though, sending now!<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Emily/events/bnwo/yp3.webp" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<them>>You like em?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Yeah...">>
<<me>>Yeah.. You look amazing..<</me>>
<<me>>Miss you already! 😍<</me>>
<<them>>I miss you too!🖤🖤<</them>>
<<them wait>>Anyways, I need to go!<</them>>
<<them>>I'll text you when I get settled in my room!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Bye bye honey!">>
<<me>>Bye bye honey! Love you!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Luv u too!<</them>>
<<set $dayamerica to $day>>
<<set $bnwoamericaevent to 2>>
<<messageReplyReplace "Don't talk about her like that!" #choices1>>
<<me>>Don't talk about her like that!<</me>>
<<them>>HAHA OR WHAT?<</them>>
<<them wait>>Oh don't mind him he's an ass!<</them>>
<<them wait>>It's not like you know how tight I am, anyways 😅<</them>>
<<messageReply "Emily..">>
<<me>>Emily.. Stop.. 😶<</me>>
<<them>>Fine fine.. He took another pic though, sending now!<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Emily/events/bnwo/yp3.webp" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<them>>You like em?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Yeah...">>
<<me>>Yeah.. You look amazing..<</me>>
<<me>>Miss you already! 😍<</me>>
<<them>>I miss you too!🖤🖤<</them>>
<<them wait>>Anyways, I need to go!<</them>>
<<them>>I'll text you when I get settled in my room!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Bye bye honey!">>
<<me>>Bye bye honey! Love you!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Luv u too!<</them>>
<<set $dayamerica to $day>>
<<set $bnwoamericaevent to 2>>
<<messageReplyReplace "Where will you stay at?" #choices>>
<<me>>Where are y'all staying at? 😊<</me>>
<<them>>Lemme ask him..<</them>>
<<them wait>>The main headquarters of the IBWO apparently!<</them>>
<<them>>Don't worry, I'll text you when I get there! 😘<</them>>
<<messageReply "I'm excited for you 🤩">>
<<me>>I'm excited for you 🤩<</me>>
<<them>>I am too!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Wait.. Trevor asked me to show off some lingerie I brought..<</them>>
<<messageReply "Huh?">>
<<me>>Huh? Why would he ask that??<</me>>
<<them>>Well why do you think I'm bringing it with me?<</them>>
<<them>>C'mon don't be a pussy.. I'll ask him to send you some pics!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Whatever..">>
<<me>>Whatever.. It's only lingerie after all..<</me>>
<<them wait>>That's the spirit!<</them>>
<<them>> Gimme a sec.. I'm giving the phone to Trevor..<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Emily/events/bnwo/yp2.webp" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<them wait>>You're one lucky guy! I bet she's tight as fuck..<</them>>
<div id="choices1">
<<messageReplyReplace "Haha.. I guess.." #choices1>>
<<me>>Hahaaa.. I guess..<</me>>
<<them>>Oh don't mind him he's an ass!<</them>>
<<them wait>>It's not like you know how tight I am, anyways 😅<</them>>
<<messageReply "Emily..">>
<<me>>Emily.. Stop.. 😶<</me>>
<<them>>Fine fine.. He took another pic though, sending now!<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Emily/events/bnwo/yp3.webp" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<them>>You like em?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Yeah...">>
<<me>>Yeah.. You look amazing..<</me>>
<<me>>Miss you already! 😍<</me>>
<<them>>I miss you too!🖤🖤<</them>>
<<them wait>>Anyways, I need to go!<</them>>
<<them>>I'll text you when I get settled in my room!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Bye bye honey!">>
<<me>>Bye bye honey! Love you!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Luv u too!<</them>>
<<set $dayamerica to $day>>
<<set $bnwoamericaevent to 2>>
<<messageReplyReplace "Don't talk about her like that!" #choices1>>
<<me>>Don't talk about her like that!<</me>>
<<them>>HAHA OR WHAT?<</them>>
<<them wait>>Oh don't mind him he's an ass!<</them>>
<<them wait>>It's not like you know how tight I am, anyways 😅<</them>>
<<messageReply "Emily..">>
<<me>>Emily.. Stop.. 😶<</me>>
<<them>>Fine fine.. He took another pic though, sending now!<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Emily/events/bnwo/yp3.webp" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<them>>You like em?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Yeah...">>
<<me>>Yeah.. You look amazing..<</me>>
<<me>>Miss you already! 😍<</me>>
<<them>>I miss you too!🖤🖤<</them>>
<<them wait>>Anyways, I need to go!<</them>>
<<them>>I'll text you when I get settled in my room!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Bye bye honey!">>
<<me>>Bye bye honey! Love you!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Luv u too!<</them>>
<<set $dayamerica to $day>>
<<set $bnwoamericaevent to 2>>
<<messengerHeader Emily>>
<<them>>Heyy honey! 🖤<</them>>
<<them wait>>I just got into my room.. Soooo tireddd...<</them>>
<<them>><<image "Emily/events/bnwo/bn1.webp">><</them>>
<<them>>What do you think?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Woah..">>
<<me>>Woah.. So fancy! Where are you staying at again?<</me>>
<<them>>The main headquarters of the IBWO! 🥰<</them>>
<<them wait>>The building is REALLY nice! However I keep hearing moans echoing through out it..<</them>>
<<messageReply "Moans?">>
<<me>>Moans? What are they doing?<</me>>
<<them>>Dunno.. Maybe they're already researching breeding.. We're going to learn about it during our theory lectures next week!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Also... Speaking of the moans..<</them>>
<<them>><<image "Emily/events/bnwo/bn4.webp" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<them wait>>I'm really fucking horny.. Send me a dick pic 😍<</them>>
<div id="choices">
<<messageReplyReplace "No.." #choices>>
<<me>>Nooo.. I don't feel like it 😪<</me>>
<<them wait>>Oh...<</them>>
<<them>>Whatever.. I'll use one of the toys then..<</them>>
<<messageReply "Toys?">>
<<me>>Toys..? What do you mean?<</me>>
<<them>>Hihihi nothing nothing..<</them>>
<<them wait>>Just that the IBWO provided some toys and I plan to make use of em..<</them>>
<<them>><<image "Emily/events/bnwo/bn2.jpg">><</them>>
<div id="choices1">
<<messageReplyReplace "Ask her about the toys.." #choices1>>
<<me>>They gave you.. Toys..?<</me>>
<<them>>Of course they did! And they're fucking huge..<</them>>
<<them>>Gonna use em tonight.. See if they even fit! LOL! 🤣<</them>>
<<messageReply "Gonna show me..?">>
<<me>>Gonna show me..?<</me>>
<<them>>Hehe noo... All you get is this..<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Emily/events/bnwo/bn5.webp" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<them>>Suffer 🥴<</them>>
<<messageReply "Emily..">>
<<me>>C'mon baby.. I'm so hard right now..<</me>>
<<them>>Don't care! Plus, the organization strictly prohibits any filming or taking pictures inside..<</them>>
<<them wait>>Be thankful I even sent you that tiddie pic 😅<</them>>
<<them>>Anyways I really need to go.. I'm hella horny.. BYEE!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Ugh..">>
<<me>>Ugh.. Bye honey..<</me>>
<<set $dayamerica to $day>>
<<set $bnwoamericaevent to 3>>
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo +1>>
<grey>BNWO +1!</grey>
<<messageReplyReplace "Ignore it.." #choices1>>
<<me>>Yeah whatever..<</me>>
<<them>>See ya later love, I'll text you in a couple of days 😘<</them>>
<<messageReply "Bye.">>
<<set $dayamerica to $day>>
<<set $bnwoamericaevent to 3>>
<<messageReplyReplace "Fine.." #choices>>
<<me>>Hehe if you wish... I have a couple saved that I'm proud of!<</me>>
<<me>><<image "Emily/events/bnwo/bn3.jpg">><</me>>
<<them wait>>Oh..💀<</them>>
<<them>>You're proud of that one?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Yes..?">>
<<me>>Yes... What is this about 😠<</me>>
<<them>>Hihihi nothing nothing..<</them>>
<<them wait>>Just the toys that the organization provided are a little bigger..<</them>>
<<them>>Will be hard to imagine you fucking me while I use them 🤣<</them>>
<<them>><<image "Emily/events/bnwo/bn2.jpg">><</them>>
<div id="choices1">
<<messageReplyReplace "Ask her about the toys.." #choices1>>
<<me>>They gave you.. Toys..?<</me>>
<<them>>Of course they did! And they're fucking huge..<</them>>
<<them>>Gonna use em tonight.. See if they even fit! LOL! 🤣<</them>>
<<messageReply "Gonna show me..?">>
<<me>>Gonna show me..?<</me>>
<<them>>Hehe noo... All you get is this..<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Emily/events/bnwo/bn5.webp" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<them>>Suffer 🥴<</them>>
<<messageReply "Emily..">>
<<me>>C'mon baby.. I'm so hard right now..<</me>>
<<them>>Don't care! Plus, the organization strictly prohibits any filming or taking pictures inside..<</them>>
<<them wait>>Be thankful I even sent you that tiddie pic 😅<</them>>
<<them>>Anyways I really need to go.. I'm hella horny.. BYEE!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Ugh..">>
<<me>>Ugh.. Bye honey..<</me>>
<<set $dayamerica to $day>>
<<set $bnwoamericaevent to 3>>
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo +1>>
<grey>BNWO +1!</grey>
<<messageReplyReplace "Ignore it.." #choices1>>
<<me>>Yeah whatever..<</me>>
<<them>>See ya later love, I'll text you in a couple of days 😘<</them>>
<<messageReply "Bye.">>
<<set $dayamerica to $day>>
<<set $bnwoamericaevent to 3>>
<<messengerHeader Emily>>
<<them>>How are you??<</them>>
<<messageReply "Good!">>
<<me>>Good! How about you?<</me>>
<<them>>I'm doing well! Just got to class.<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Emily/events/bnwo/q4.png" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<messageReply "In lingerie?">>
<<me>>In.. Lingerie? What a weird uniform.<</me>>
<<them>>C'mon $name we talked about this! It's a requirement!!!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Anyways I need to go.. I'll text you in a bit.<</them>>
<<messageReply "What are..">>
<<me>>What are you going to be learning about 🤓<</me>>
<<them>>Text you in a bit!<</them>>
10 minutes later
<<messageReply "Well?">>
<<me>>Well? How are you doing?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Pretty good..<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Emily/events/bnwo/q3.gif">><</them>>
<<them>>A volunteer is about to show us how to get impregnated properly...<</them>>
<<messageReply "You plan to..">>
<<me>>What, are you planning to get impregnated soon?<</me>>
<<me>>What a weird subject..<</me>>
<<them>>Perhaps 😆<</them>>
<<them wait>>They started.. Do you want to see?? 😍<</them>>
<div id="choices">
<<messageReplyReplace "Yes" #choices>>
<<me>>Maybe.. Yes...<</me>>
<<them>>Hehe I knew you would 😁<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Emily/events/bnwo/q1.gif">><</them>>
<<them>>He's going so fast...<</them>>
<<messageReply "So many people..">>
<<me>>So many people.. This class is really popular huh?<</me>>
<<them>>Well everyone needs to attend at least 10 breeding and serving lectures to graduate..<</them>>
<<them wait>>So the students here don't miss a single lesson!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Wait..">>
<<me>>Wait, are you going to graduate?<</me>>
<<them>>No! Of course not, not yet at least.<</them>>
<<them>>They brought us here to look around and see if this is what we want to pursue<</them>>
<<them wait>>If I ever graduate, it'll be in Sweden, in their headquarters there!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Understood!">>
<<me>>Understood... So nice of them to let you look around...<</me>>
<<them>>I know right! Oh.. Oh my god he's about to cum!!!<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Emily/events/bnwo/q2.gif">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Shittt...<</them>>
<<messageReply "Big..">>
<<me>>Jeez that's a big load..<</me>>
<<them>>Yeah.. So big that it got onto me!<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Emily/events/bnwo/q5.png" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<them>>I need to go $name, clean this stuff up.<</them>>
<<them wait>>It was nice talking to you!<</them>>
<<messageReply "You too!">>
<<me>>You too honey! Be sure to text me again soon ❤️<</me>>
<<them wait>>I will! 🖤🖤<</them>>
<<set $dayamerica to $day>>
<<set $bnwoamericaevent to 4>>
<<messageReplyReplace "No" #choices>>
<<me>>Not really..<</me>>
<<them>>Fine, your loss!<</them>>
<<them wait>>I'll enjoy this though :P<</them>>
<<set $dayamerica to $day>>
<<set $bnwoamericaevent to 4>>
<<messengerHeader Emily>>
<<them>>BABEEE!! I got some great news!!!<</them>>
<<them>>I got featured on the IBWO page!!!!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Huh?">>
<<me>>Huh? Featured.. How?<</me>>
<<them>><<image "Emily/events/bnwo/w5.png" image "Emily">><</them>>
<<them>>Just got back from a nude photoshoot and they said they'll upload the pics today!!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Nude photoshoot?">>
<<me>>Nude photoshoot..? You didn't even ask me..<</me>>
<<them>>Oh come on stop being insecure.. We didn't even do anything..<</them>>
<<them wait>>Just took some pics.. that's all 😋<</them>>
<<them>>Check them out, tell me what you think.. It's IBWO.com I think!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Fine..">>
<<me>>Fine.. I'll text you in a little bit.<</me>>
<<set $dayamerica to $day>>
<<set $bnwoamericaevent to 5>>
<<goto "Emily bnwo googling event 1">>
<<messengerHeader Emily>>
<<them wait>>You saw the pics?? What do you think???<</them>>
<div id="choices">
<<messageReplyReplace "You look amazing!" #choices>>
<<me>>You looked so good!<</me>>
<<me>>Not going to lie... I got a bit turned on..<</me>>
<<them wait>>Hehe me too.. 😋<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Emily/events/bnwo/w2.png" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<them>>Did you see how BIG he was??? 🤩<</them>>
<<messageReply "Yeah..">>
<<me>>Yeah.. He was huge..<</me>>
<<them>>I know right! And every man here is as gifted as he is..<</them>>
<<them wait>>Ngl, kind of wish you were as big as him.. 😌<</them>>
<div id="choices1">
<<messageReplyReplace "Emily!" #choices1>>
<<me>>Emily! C'cmon..<</me>>
<<them>>Hehe sorry not sorry.. It's the truth! 😂<</them>>
<<them wait>>Anyways I need to go, class is starting soon. OH and also!<</them>>
<<them wait>>We're going to the club soon, will text you when we do! 😚<</them>>
<<messageReply "Okay!">>
<<me>>Okay.. have fun!<</me>>
<<them>>I will! 🖤<</them>>
<<goto "room">>
<<messageReplyReplace "I wish so too.." #choices1>>
<<me>>I wish so too..<</me>>
<<them>>Mmmm I bet 😘<</them>>
<<them wait>>Anyways I need to go, class is starting soon. OH and also!<</them>>
<<them wait>>We're going to the club soon, will text you when we do! 😚<</them>>
<<messageReply "Okay!">>
<<me>>Okay.. have fun!<</me>>
<<them>>I will! 🖤<</them>>
<<goto "room">>
<<messageReplyReplace "Too much.." #choices>>
<<me>>You took pictures.. Naked.. With another man! That's wayy too much!!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Ugh, figured you wouldn't like that..<</them>>
<<them wait>>Whatever.. I don't care what you think anymore, I liked it 🙄<</them>>
<<messageReply "Le'ts be grown ups.">>
<<me>>Let's be grown ups and talk about it..?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Nope don't care, it's obvious you're not supportive, bye!<</them>>
<<them>>I have another class anyways.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Emily!">>
<<goto "room">>
<<messengerHeader Emily>>
<<them wait>><<image "Emily/events/bnwo/l1.jpg" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<them>>I'm going to a party! 😁<</them>>
<<messageReply "Awesome!">>
<<me>>Awesome! A party though? I thought you were planning to go to a club.<</me>>
<<them wait>>We did, but the IBWO decided to host a party for it's members, so.. I said why not.<</them>>
<<them>>I'm getting ready right now!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Text me when you're there!">>
<<me>>Cool! Text me when you're done!<</me>>
<<them>>I will!<</them>>
30 minutes later.
<<messageReply "Well?">>
<<me>>Well? Are you there?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Oh my God babe I'm sorry! Forgot to text you!<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Emily/events/bnwo/l4.webp" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<them>>A little dance for you 🤩<</them>>
<div id="choices">
<<messageReplyReplace "Who filmed you?" #choices>>
<<me>>Whaaa who filmed you honey?<</me>>
<<them>>A friend, don't worry about them 😘<</them>>
<<them>>Anyways, how are you doing??<</them>>
<<messageReply "Good!">>
<<me>>Good.. Can't complain.. Just missing you :)<</me>>
<<them>>Awhhh I miss you tooo!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Hah they're pouring us drink after drink..<</them>>
<<messageReply "Us?">>
<<me>>Us? You and who?<</me>>
<<them>>Yeah, me and my friend, Arial!<</them>>
<<them wait>>She says hiii 😛<</them>>
<<them>><<image "Emily/events/bnwo/l2.webp" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<messageReply "Hiii!">>
<<me>>Hiii Arial!!!<</me>>
<<me>>You seem to like her haha! She seems cool!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Sje is!! She's jist a bit crazzy!<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Emily/events/bnwo/l3.webp" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<them>>Sory a litl drunk!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Wow..">>
<<me>>Wow.. She's a little brave!<</me>>
<<them>>Ghahah yyeah.. We're goingg to a seperatee room with some freinds!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Gonna be funn!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Seperate room?">>
<<me>>A seperate room? What for?<</me>>
<<them>>WEll tehy said we're flying back soon so.. The least we ccould do is talk a bit before we do!<</them>>
<<them wait>>We're here!<</them>>
<<messageReply "You're flying back soon?">>
<<me>> You're flying back soon?<</me>>
<<them>>Yyeah! In around 5 days I think... <</them>>
<<them wait>>Ccan't wait! Leanrt so much!!<</them>>
<<messageReply "I'm glad you liked it..">>
<<me>>Well I'm glad you liked it honey! So what do you think about the orginization? 😛<</me>>
<<them>>So good! I feel li<</them>>
<<them wait>>OH MYY GODF ARIAL HAH!<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Emily/events/bnwo/l5.webp" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<messageReply "Wtf..">>
<<me>>Wtf... Wwhat are you guys doing..<</me>>
<<them>>Ghahaha she went into anotherr room witg one off the ibwo guys!s<</them>>
<<them wait>> Tthis is crazy evvryone is fucking!!!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Fucking??">>
<<me>>Fucking? What do you mean? Like having sex??<</me>>
<<them>>Ghahaha yyeah! Look!<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Emily/events/bnwo/l6.gif">><</them>>
<<them wait>>In tthe restroom in the livin room!!<</them>>
<<them wait>>I.. IM gonna go $name!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Text uu later!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Emily??">>
<<messageReply "Emily please answer!!">>
<<me>>Emily please answer!!<</me>>
<<messageReply "Babe!">>
<<messageReply "You okay??">>
<<me>>You okay??<</me>>
10 minutes later.
<<them wait>>She ain't yo babe anymore bro..<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Emily/events/bnwo/l7.webp" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Arial is mine now haha..<</them>>
<<messageReply "Arial?">>
<<me>>What?? Who are you?? And Arial isn't even my girl!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Don't worry about who I am.<</them>>
<<them wait>>If Arial ain't yo girl, who is??<</them>>
<<messageReply "Emily!">>
<<me>>Emily! The girl with blonde hair!<</me>>
<<me>>Have you seen her?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Oh that bitch.. Haha yeah I have..<</them>>
<<them wait>>Lemme show u..<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Emily/events/bnwo/l9.gif" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<them>>Dumb as a stick that one.<</them>>
<<messageReply "...">>
<<them wait>>Hey don't worry, it's shocking at first to see your girl cheat, but every white guy gets used to it after a while.<</them>>
<<them wait>>They're still going at it, wanna see?<</them>>
<div id="choices2">
<<messageReplyReplace "Yes.." #choices2>>
<<them wait>>Haha I knew you were cuck!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Look at her, devouring that fucking cock...<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Emily/events/bnwo/l8.gif" gallery "Emily">> <</them>>
<<them>>Shit this is even turning me on haha!<</them>>
<<them wait>>She's hella pretty though, I'll give her that.<</them>>
<<messageReply "...">>
<<them wait>>What, is someone shy?<</them>>
<<them wait>>HAHAHA! don't worry, you'll get used to it!<</them>>
<<them>>Oh shit they changed positions.<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Emily/events/bnwo/l10.gif" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<them>>You better pay me after this or something, I'm acting as your personal fucking camera man.<</them>>
<<messageReply "...">>
<<them wait>>Annnnnnd there he goes..<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Emily/events/bnwo/l11.gif" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<them>>Alright they're still talking I'm out though. Gonna leave the phone on the counter<</them>>
<<them wait>>I would say sorry if I felt bad, but I don't.<</them>>
<div id="choices3">
<<messageReplyReplace "..." #choices3>>
<<set $dayamerica to $day>>
<<set $bnwoamericaevent to 6>>
<<messageReplyReplace "Thanks" #choices3>>
<<them>>No problem, can't wait to use her myself!<</them>>
<<set $dayamerica to $day>>
<<set $bnwoamericaevent to 6>>
<<messageReplyReplace "No.." #choices2>>
<<me>>No.. I'll just talk to her tomorrow.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Haha aight, your choice.<</them>>
<<set $dayamerica to $day>>
<<set $bnwoamericaevent to 6>>
<<messageReplyReplace "You look amazing.." #choices>>
<<me>>Gosh.. You look so good honey!<</me>>
<<them>>Hehe I know, I've gotten plenty of compliments! 😘<</them>>
<<them>>Anyways, how are you doing??<</them>>
<<messageReply "Good!">>
<<me>>Good.. Can't complain.. Just missing you :)<</me>>
<<them>>Awhhh I miss you tooo!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Hah they're pouring us drink after drink..<</them>>
<<messageReply "Us?">>
<<me>>Us? You and who?<</me>>
<<them>>Me and my friend, Arial!<</them>>
<<them wait>>She says hiii 😛<</them>>
<<them>><<image "Emily/events/bnwo/l2.webp" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<messageReply "Hiii!">>
<<me>>Hiii Arial!!!<</me>>
<<me>>You seem to like her haha! She seems cool!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Sje is!! She's jist a bit crazzy!<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Emily/events/bnwo/l3.webp" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<them>>Sory a litl drunk!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Wow..">>
<<me>>Wow.. She's a little brave!<</me>>
<<them>>Ghahah yyeah.. We're goingg to a seperatee room with some freinds!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Gonna be funn!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Seperate room?">>
<<me>>A seperate room? What for?<</me>>
<<them>>WEll tehy said we're flying back soon so.. The least we ccould do is talk a bit before we do!<</them>>
<<them wait>>We're here!<</them>>
<<messageReply "You're flying back soon?">>
<<me>> You're flying back soon?<</me>>
<<them>>Yyeah! In around 5 days I think... <</them>>
<<them wait>>Ccan't wait! Leanrt so much!!<</them>>
<<messageReply "I'm glad you liked it..">>
<<me>>Well I'm glad you liked it honey! So what do you think about the orginization? 😛<</me>>
<<them>>So good! I feel li<</them>>
<<them wait>>OH MYY GODF ARIAL HAH!<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Emily/events/bnwo/l5.webp" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<messageReply "Wtf..">>
<<me>>Wtf... Wwhat are you guys doing..<</me>>
<<them>>Ghahaha she went into anotherr room witg one off the ibwo guys!s<</them>>
<<them wait>> Tthis is crazy evvryone is fucking!!!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Fucking??">>
<<me>>Fucking? What do you mean? Like having sex??<</me>>
<<them>>Ghahaha yyeah! Look!<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Emily/events/bnwo/l6.gif">><</them>>
<<them wait>>In tthe restroom in the livin room!!<</them>>
<<them wait>>I.. IM gonna go $name!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Text uu later!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Emily??">>
<<messageReply "Emily please answer!!">>
<<me>>Emily please answer!!<</me>>
<<messageReply "Babe!">>
<<messageReply "You okay??">>
<<me>>You okay??<</me>>
10 minutes later.
<<them wait>>She ain't yo babe anymore bro..<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Emily/events/bnwo/l7.webp" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Arial is mine now haha..<</them>>
<<messageReply "Arial?">>
<<me>>What?? Who are you?? And Arial isn't even my girl!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Don't worry about who I am.<</them>>
<<them wait>>If Arial ain't yo girl, who is??<</them>>
<<messageReply "Emily!">>
<<me>>Emily! The girl with blonde hair!<</me>>
<<me>>Have you seen her?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Oh that bitch.. Haha yeah I have..<</them>>
<<them wait>>Lemme show u..<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Emily/events/bnwo/l9.gif" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<them>>Dumb as a stick that one.<</them>>
<<messageReply "...">>
<<them wait>>Hey don't worry, it's shocking at first to see your girl cheat, but every white guy gets used to it after a while.<</them>>
<<them wait>>They're still going at it, wanna see?<</them>>
<div id="choices2">
<<messageReplyReplace "Yes.." #choices2>>
<<them wait>>Haha I knew you were cuck!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Look at her, devouring that fucking cock...<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Emily/events/bnwo/l8.gif" gallery "Emily">> <</them>>
<<them>>Shit this is even turning me on haha!<</them>>
<<them wait>>She's hella pretty though, I'll give her that.<</them>>
<<messageReply "...">>
<<them wait>>What, is someone shy?<</them>>
<<them wait>>HAHAHA! don't worry, you'll get used to it!<</them>>
<<them>>Oh shit they changed positions.<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Emily/events/bnwo/l10.gif" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<them>>You better pay me after this or something, I'm acting as your personal fucking camera man.<</them>>
<<messageReply "...">>
<<them wait>>Annnnnnd there he goes..<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Emily/events/bnwo/l11.gif" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<them>>Alright they're still talking I'm out though. Gonna leave the phone on the counter<</them>>
<<them wait>>I would say sorry if I felt bad, but I don't.<</them>>
<div id="choices3">
<<messageReplyReplace "..." #choices3>>
<<set $dayamerica to $day>>
<<set $bnwoamericaevent to 6>>
<<messageReplyReplace "Thanks" #choices3>>
<<them>>No problem, can't wait to use her myself!<</them>>
<<set $dayamerica to $day>>
<<set $bnwoamericaevent to 6>>
<<messageReplyReplace "No.." #choices2>>
<<me>>No.. I'll just talk to her tomorrow.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Haha aight, your choice.<</them>>
<<set $dayamerica to $day>>
<<set $bnwoamericaevent to 6>>
<<messengerHeader Emily>>
<<them>>We need to talk $name.<</them>>
<<messageReply "We do..">>
<<me>>We do..<</me>>
<<them wait>>I know that you saw some videos and to be honest..<</them>>
<<them wait>>I regret nothing.<</them>>
<<them wait>>I've told you time and time again that I'm not satisfied<</them>>
<<messageReply "What do you mean..">>
<<me>>What do you mean..<</me>>
<<them>>You know what I mean $name.<</them>>
<<them wait>>The IBWO opened my eyes. I know how real men look like, $name.<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Emily/events/bnwo/e2.webp" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Like this.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Emily..!">>
<<me>>Emily! Is that picture from yesterday??<</me>>
<<them wait>>Obviously not.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Listen, I'm going to be forward with you, I don't want your cock anymore.<</them>>
<<them wait>>We either open up this relationship, or we break up.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Open up?">>
<<me>>Open up the relationship? What do you mean..?<</me>>
<<them wait>>I became a serious member of the IBWO yesterday and took on all of the responsibilities...<</them>>
<<them wait>>This includes getting used by the orginization as a relief tool.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Opening up the relationship means you acknowledge this fact and don't interfere..<</them>>
<div id="choices">
<<messageReplyReplace "Break up." #choices>>
<<me>>You destroyed my trust and now you're trying to stay together?<</me>>
<<me>>No thank you.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Fine, it was your choice<</them>>
<<them>><i>This user has blocked you</i><</them>>
<<set $brokeupwithemily to true>>
<<set $dating to "single">>\
<<messageReplyReplace "I kind of like it.." #choices>>
<<me>>I.. I won't interfere.. I kind of like it.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Haha the IBWO was right, you white boys are all the same.<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Emily/events/bnwo/e3.png" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<them>> Sending you a kiss! I knew you would agree.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Sorry if I look ugly, the guy came in my eye LOL!! 🥴<</them>>
<<messageReply "What now..">>
<<me>>Ahaha it's okay... What now..?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Well I'm flying back in a couple of days, I'll text you before I do..<</them>>
<<them wait>>In the mean time me and some other girls who agreed to join will do some training..<</them>>
<<them>>Have to be ready to serve when I get back to Sweden ❤️<</them>>
<<messageReply "Keep me posted.">>
<<me>>Gosh that's hot.. Can't wait to see.. Keep me posted.<</me>>
<<them>>Hahaha I bet! Maybe you'll learn a thing or two.. <</them>>
<<them wait>>I will, bye bye!<</them>>
<<set $dayamerica to $day>>
<<set $bnwoamericaevent to 7>>
<<messengerHeader Emily>>
<<them>>Hello $name. This Arial.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Emily wanted me to send you some videos 😃<</them>>
<div id="choices">
<<messageReplyReplace "What kind of videos." #choices>>
<<me>>Hello! What kind of videos?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Of her training! She said you should know what that means.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Anyways, want to see her? 😛<</them>>
<<messageReply "Of course..">>
<<me>>Of course!<</me>>
<<them wait>>They're almost done, let me set up the camera..<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Emily/events/bnwo/x1.webp" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Look at them go! 🤩<</them>>
<<messageReply "Wow...">>
<<me>>Wow.. What are they learning?<</me>>
<<them>>Did Emily not tell you? How to properly serve the IBWO of course!<</them>>
<<them wait>>It's harder than it looks!<</them>>
<<messageReply "How much longer.">>
<<me>>How much longer are they going to go at it for?<</me>>
<<me>>Want to speak to my baby :)<</me>>
<<them wait>>Don't worry they're finishing up already.<</them>>
<<them wait>>I'm surprised you stayed together though, my boyfriend broke up with me!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Really?">>
<<me>>Really? How well did you take it?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Eh I don't care to be honest, this is much more important.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Sending you another vid!<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Emily/events/bnwo/x2.webp" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<messageReply "Amazing..">>
<<me>>Amazing.. She looks so pretty..<</me>>
<<them>>I know right..<</them>>
<<them wait>>Anyways, she's done...<</them>>
<<them>>It's my turn now, bye bye!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Giving her the phone :)<</them>>
<<them wait>>Hey honeyy!<</them>>
<<them wait>>What did you think?? 😚<</them>>
<div id="choices1">
<<messageReplyReplace "They were so big.." #choices1>>
<<me>>They were so big baby...<</me>>
<<them>>Hehe I know! Can't compare, huh? 😉<</them>>
<<them wait>>The asshole came in my eye again though 😡<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Emily/events/bnwo/x3.jpg" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<them>>Also, dunno if Arial told you, we're flying back tomorrow!!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Tomorrow?">>
<<me>>Tomorrow?? Already??<</me>>
<<them>>Yup! Will you pick me up from the airport?<</them>>
<<them wait>>Pretty please 🥺<</them>>
<<messageReply "Of course!">>
<<me>>Of course I'll pick you up :)<</me>>
<<them wait>>Awesome! I'll be waiting for you in the airport tomorrow then.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Anyways, I need to go and pack. Also mentally prepare for the 13 hour flight back 😖<</them>>
<<messageReply "Love you!">>
<<me>>Sure baby.. Love you!<</me>>
<<them>>Love you too! Bye!!<</them>>
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo +10>>
<grey>BNWO +10!</grey>
<<set $flyingbacktoswedenemily to true>>
<<set $dayamerica to $day>>
<<messageReplyReplace "You looked incredible." #choices1>>
<<me>>You looked incredible honey..<</me>>
<<them>>Hehe I know!<</them>>
<<them wait>>The asshole came in my eye again though 😡<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Emily/events/bnwo/x3.jpg" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<them>>Also, dunno if Arial told you, we're flying back tomorrow!!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Tomorrow?">>
<<me>>Tomorrow?? Already??<</me>>
<<them>>Yup! Will you pick me up from the airport?<</them>>
<<them wait>>Pretty please 🥺<</them>>
<<messageReply "Of course!">>
<<me>>Of course I'll pick you up :)<</me>>
<<them wait>>Awesome! I'll be waiting for you in the airport tomorrow then.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Anyways, I need to go and pack. Also mentally prepare for the 13 hour flight back 😖<</them>>
<<messageReply "Love you!">>
<<me>>Sure baby.. Love you!<</me>>
<<them>>Love you too! Bye!!<</them>>
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo +10>>
<grey>BNWO +10!</grey>
<<set $flyingbacktoswedenemily to true>>
<<set $dayamerica to $day>>
<<messageReplyReplace "Go ahead" #choices>>
<<me>>Go ahead!<</me>>
<<them wait>>They're almost done, let me set up the camera..<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Emily/events/bnwo/x1.webp" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Look at them go! 🤩<</them>>
<<messageReply "Wow...">>
<<me>>Wow.. What are they learning?<</me>>
<<them>>Did Emily not tell you? How to properly serve the IBWO of course!<</them>>
<<them wait>>It's harder than it looks!<</them>>
<<messageReply "How much longer.">>
<<me>>How much longer are they going to go at it for?<</me>>
<<me>>Want to speak to my baby :)<</me>>
<<them wait>>Don't worry they're finishing up already.<</them>>
<<them wait>>I'm surprised you stayed together though, my boyfriend broke up with me!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Really?">>
<<me>>Really? How well did you take it?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Eh I don't care to be honest, this is much more important.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Sending you another vid!<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Emily/events/bnwo/x2.webp" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<messageReply "Amazing..">>
<<me>>Amazing.. She looks so pretty..<</me>>
<<them>>I know right..<</them>>
<<them wait>>Anyways, she's done...<</them>>
<<them>>It's my turn now, bye bye!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Giving her the phone :)<</them>>
<<them wait>>Hey honeyy!<</them>>
<<them wait>>What did you think?? 😚<</them>>
<div id="choices1">
<<messageReplyReplace "They were so big.." #choices1>>
<<me>>They were so big baby...<</me>>
<<them>>Hehe I know! Can't compare, huh? 😉<</them>>
<<them wait>>The asshole came in my eye again though 😡<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Emily/events/bnwo/x3.jpg" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<them>>Also, dunno if Arial told you, we're flying back tomorrow!!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Tomorrow?">>
<<me>>Tomorrow?? Already??<</me>>
<<them>>Yup! Will you pick me up from the airport?<</them>>
<<them wait>>Pretty please 🥺<</them>>
<<messageReply "Of course!">>
<<me>>Of course I'll pick you up :)<</me>>
<<them wait>>Awesome! I'll be waiting for you in the airport tomorrow then.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Anyways, I need to go and pack. Also mentally prepare for the 13 hour flight back 😖<</them>>
<<messageReply "Love you!">>
<<me>>Sure baby.. Love you!<</me>>
<<them>>Love you too! Bye!!<</them>>
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo +10>>
<grey>BNWO +10!</grey>
<<set $flyingbacktoswedenemily to true>>
<<set $dayamerica to $day>>
<<messageReplyReplace "You looked incredible." #choices1>>
<<me>>You looked incredible honey..<</me>>
<<them>>Hehe I know!<</them>>
<<them wait>>The asshole came in my eye again though 😡<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Emily/events/bnwo/x3.jpg" gallery "Emily">><</them>>
<<them>>Also, dunno if Arial told you, we're flying back tomorrow!!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Tomorrow?">>
<<me>>Tomorrow?? Already??<</me>>
<<them>>Yup! Will you pick me up from the airport?<</them>>
<<them wait>>Pretty please 🥺<</them>>
<<messageReply "Of course!">>
<<me>>Of course I'll pick you up :)<</me>>
<<them wait>>Awesome! I'll be waiting for you in the airport tomorrow then.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Anyways, I need to go and pack. Also mentally prepare for the 13 hour flight back 😖<</them>>
<<messageReply "Love you!">>
<<me>>Sure baby.. Love you!<</me>>
<<them>>Love you too! Bye!!<</them>>
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo +10>>
<grey>BNWO +10!</grey>
<<set $flyingbacktoswedenemily to true>>
<<set $dayamerica to $day>>
<<messengerHeader Kaley>>
<<them>>You were right $name!<</them>>
<<messageReply "What do you mean?">>
<<me>>What do you mean? Right about what?<</me>>
<<them>>About which guy to pick..<</them>>
<<them wait>>He agreed to film a bit.. You're one lucky guy..<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Events/sister events/sub/x1.webp" gallery "Kaley">><</them>>
<div id="choices">
<<messageReplyReplace "I don't want to see this..." #choices>>
<<me>>I.. I don't want to see this Kaley... You're my $sister!<</me>>
<<them>>Then why did you help me pick him out???<</them>>
<<them>>Ugh, you're such a weirdo!<</them>>
<<goto "Sisters sub11 part 2">>
<<set $didntwatchthemfuckingkaley to true>>
<<messageReplyReplace "Send me more.." #choices>>
<<me>>Send me more...<</me>>
<<them wait>>God you're such a loser..<</them>>
<<them>>Let me mount him real quick..<</them>>
<<them wait>>So big..<</them>>
<<them wait>>Ava is going to be sooo jealous..<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Events/sister events/sub/x4.webp" gallery "Kaley">><</them>>
<<messageReply "Wow...">>
<<me>>Wow... You weren't lying.. He's huge..<</me>>
<<them wait>>I knoww rightt.. It's so fucking deep..<</them>>
<<them wait>>It's a little awkward fucking and texting.. I'll give him the phone for a second..<</them>>
<<messageReply "Yes...">>
<<me>>Yes.. Understood..<</me>>
<<them wait>>Yooo, your girl is crazy man!!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Never understood you cucks but I'm not complaining LOL! 😁<</them>>
<<messageReply "She's not my girl.">>
<<me>>She's not my girl man.. She's my $sister.<</me>>
<<me>>You better treat her right!<</me>>
<<them>>Well that's even weirder..<</them>>
<<them wait>>Anyhow, she's fucking nuts. Talking about showing off to some Ava or something...<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Events/sister events/sub/x3.webp" gallery "Kaley">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Shitttt.. Her riding skills are insane..<</them>>
<<messageReply "So hot..">>
<<me>>W-woah.. So hot..<</me>>
<<them wait>>Fuckkk.. Didd you seee that.. I'm proud of myself!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Filming this whole thing sucks.. But you earned it..<</them>>
<<them wait>>Next time you're going to be the camera man though..<</them>>
<div id="choices1">
<<messageReplyReplace "I would love to." #choices1>>
<<me>>I.. I would love to Kaley!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Hahaha I knew you would say that!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Oh fuck he's close!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Show me!">>
<<me>>Show me Kaley.. Please!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Here you go buddy, she told me to film it!<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Events/sister events/sub/x5.webp" gallery "Kaley">><</them>>
<<messageReply "So much...">>
<<me>>He came so much..<</me>>
<<them wait>>Haha thanks! Handing the phone back to her.<</them>>
<<them wait>>He covered me.. Jesus.. We're definitely going for a round two!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Thanks for the help $name, feel free to jack your pecker to this or whatever you losers do. See you tomorrow morning!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Can you send me a bit more?">>
<<me>>Can you send me a bit more?<</me>>
<<messageReply "Kaley?">>
<<messageReply "Pleaseee?">>
<<messageReply "Fuck.. Goodnight..">>
<<me>>Fuck.. Goodnight..<</me>>
<<goto "Sisters sub11 part 2">>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
<<messageReplyReplace "Hell no.." #choices1>>
<<me>>Hell no... This is hot, but.. That would be too awkward..<</me>>
<<them wait>>Hmpgh.. Whatever you say!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Oh fuck he's close!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Show me!">>
<<me>>Show me Kaley.. Please!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Here you go buddy, she told me to film it!<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Events/sister events/sub/x5.webp" gallery "Kaley">><</them>>
<<messageReply "So much...">>
<<me>>He came so much..<</me>>
<<them wait>>Haha thanks! Handing the phone back to her.<</them>>
<<them wait>>He covered me.. Jesus.. We're definitely going for a round two!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Thanks for the help $name, feel free to jack your pecker to this or whatever you losers do. See you tomorrow morning!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Can you send me a bit more?">>
<<me>>Can you send me a bit more?<</me>>
<<messageReply "Kaley?">>
<<messageReply "Pleaseee?">>
<<messageReply "Fuck.. Goodnight..">>
<<me>>Fuck.. Goodnight..<</me>>
<<goto "Sisters sub11 part 2">>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
<<messengerHeader Kaley>>
<<them>>You were right $name!<</them>>
<<messageReply "What do you mean?">>
<<me>>What do you mean? Right about what?<</me>>
<<them>>About which guy to pick..<</them>>
<<them wait>>He agreed to film a bit.. You're one lucky guy..<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Events/sister events/sub/x2.webp" gallery "Kaley">><</them>>
<div id="choices">
<<messageReplyReplace "I don't want to see this..." #choices>>
<<me>>I.. I don't want to see this Kaley... You're my $sister!<</me>>
<<them>>Then why did you help me pick him out???<</them>>
<<them>>Ugh, you're such a weirdo!<</them>>
<<goto "Sisters sub11 part 2">>
<<set $didntwatchthemfuckingkaley to true>>
<<messageReplyReplace "Send me more.." #choices>>
<<me>>Send me more...<</me>>
<<them wait>>God you're such a loser..<</them>>
<<them>>Let me mount him real quick..<</them>>
<<them wait>>So big..<</them>>
<<them wait>>Ava is going to be sooo jealous..<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Events/sister events/sub/x8.webp" gallery "Kaley">><</them>>
<<messageReply "Wow...">>
<<me>>Wow... You weren't lying.. He's huge..<</me>>
<<them wait>>I knoww rightt.. It's so fucking deep..<</them>>
<<them wait>>It's a little awkward fucking and texting.. I'll give him the phone for a second..<</them>>
<<messageReply "Yes...">>
<<me>>Yes.. Understood..<</me>>
<<them wait>>Yooo, your girl is crazy man!!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Never understood you cucks but I'm not complaining LOL! 😁<</them>>
<<messageReply "She's not my girl.">>
<<me>>She's not my girl man.. She's my $sister.<</me>>
<<me>>You better treat her right!<</me>>
<<them>>Well that's even weirder..<</them>>
<<them wait>>Anyhow, she's fucking nuts. Talking about showing off to some Ava or something...<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Events/sister events/sub/x7.webp" gallery "Kaley">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Shitttt.. She even squirts..<</them>>
<<messageReply "So hot..">>
<<me>>W-woah.. So hot..<</me>>
<<them wait>>Fuckkk.. Didd you seee that.. I didn't even know I could squirt!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Filming this whole thing sucks.. But you earned it..<</them>>
<<them wait>>Next time you're going to be the camera man though..<</them>>
<div id="choices1">
<<messageReplyReplace "I would love to." #choices1>>
<<me>>I.. I would love to Kaley!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Hahaha I knew you would say that!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Oh fuck he's close!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Show me!">>
<<me>>Show me Kaley.. Please!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Here you go buddy, she told me to film it!<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Events/sister events/sub/x6.webp" gallery "Kaley">><</them>>
<<messageReply "So much...">>
<<me>>He came so much..<</me>>
<<them wait>>Haha thanks! Handing the phone back to her.<</them>>
<<them wait>>He covered me.. Jesus.. We're definitely going for a round two!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Thanks for the help $name, feel free to jack your pecker to this or whatever you losers do. See you tomorrow morning!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Can you send me a bit more?">>
<<me>>Can you send me a bit more?<</me>>
<<messageReply "Kaley?">>
<<messageReply "Pleaseee?">>
<<messageReply "Fuck.. Goodnight..">>
<<me>>Fuck.. Goodnight..<</me>>
<<goto "Sisters sub11 part 2">>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
<<messageReplyReplace "Hell no.." #choices1>>
<<me>>Hell no... This is hot, but.. That would be too awkward..<</me>>
<<them wait>>Hmpgh.. Whatever you say!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Oh fuck he's close!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Show me!">>
<<me>>Show me Kaley.. Please!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Here you go buddy, she told me to film it!<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Events/sister events/sub/x6.webp" gallery "Kaley">><</them>>
<<messageReply "So much...">>
<<me>>He came so much..<</me>>
<<them wait>>Haha thanks! Handing the phone back to her.<</them>>
<<them wait>>He covered me.. Jesus.. We're definitely going for a round two!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Thanks for the help $name, feel free to jack your pecker to this or whatever you losers do. See you tomorrow morning!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Can you send me a bit more?">>
<<me>>Can you send me a bit more?<</me>>
<<messageReply "Kaley?">>
<<messageReply "Pleaseee?">>
<<messageReply "Fuck.. Goodnight..">>
<<me>>Fuck.. Goodnight..<</me>>
<<goto "Sisters sub11 part 2">>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
<</messengerChat>><<set $clotheshomeintro1 to true>>\
You head downstairs from your room.. It's the first time you decided to dress so.. Girly..
<b>-"F-fuck.. I hope nobody sees me..."</b> You arrive at the front door and place your hand on the handle..
<mia>-"Oh..?"</mia> You hear a voice behind you as you open the front door..
<mia>-"I didn't know you dressed... Like that.."</mia> The voice giggles..
<<pageReplace"Turn around">>\
<img src="Images\Events\random events\yppe2.webp" height="600px">
<b>-"O-oh.. It's you.. H-hello $mom1.."</b> You whisper as your gaze lays upon Mia.
<<pageReplace "W-what do you think...?">>\
<b>-"W-what do you think $mom1?"</b> You whimper as you look down at the ground.. Waiting for the worst..
<mia>-"I love it! I always knew that you weren't a real man, just like your dad.. And this proves it!"</mia> She smiles..
<b>-"I.. I'm glad you like it.."</b> You blush..
<mia>-"Did Emily see it already?"</mia>
<b>-"N-no.. Not yet.."</b>
<mia>-"Hehe I wonder how she'll react.. Hopefully the same way that I did, when I saw your dad dressing that way.."</mia>
<b>-"And how was that exactly..?"</b> She smiles as she hears your question..
<mia>-"Don't act like you don't know... He's my cuck now! The same way that you're about to be Emily's cuck!"</mia> She giggles and leans to the side..
<img src="Images\Events\random events\yppe3.webp" height="600px">
<b>-"Come on $mom1! S-stop!"</b> You shout as you quickly open the door..
<mia>-"Haha sorry sorry! It's true though!"</mia> She giggles as you step outside..
<mia>-"I do think that you're doing the right thing though honey! This is the correct step!"</mia> She shouts as close the door..
<b>-"J-jeez! Sh...She's my own mother.. T-talking like that!"</b> You've had these talks before.. But you don't know if you can ever get used to them..
[[Start walking->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace "It isn't what it looks like!">>\
<b>-"It's not what it looks like $mom1!"</b> You whimper as you look down at the ground.. Waiting for the worst..
<mia>-"Haha don't lie to me you goofball.. Plus, I love it! I always knew that you weren't a real man, just like your dad.. And this proves it!"</mia> She smiles..
<b>-"I.. I'm glad you like it.. But still.."</b> You blush..
<mia>-"Oh shut up! Did Emily see it already?"</mia>
<b>-"N-no.. Not yet.."</b>
<mia>-"Hehe I wonder how she'll react.. Hopefully the same way that I did, when I saw your dad dressing that way.."</mia>
<b>-"And how was that exactly..?"</b> She smiles as she hears your question..
<mia>-"Don't act like you don't know... He's my cuck now! The same way that you're about to be Emily's cuck!"</mia> She giggles and leans to the side..
<img src="Images\Events\random events\yppe3.webp" height="600px">
<b>-"Come on $mom1! S-stop!"</b> You shout as you quickly open the door..
<mia>-"Haha sorry sorry! It's true though!"</mia> She giggles as you step outside..
<mia>-"I do think that you're doing the right thing though honey! This is the correct step!"</mia> She shouts as close the door..
<b>-"J-jeez! Sh...She's my own mother.. T-talking like that!"</b> You've had these talks before.. But you don't know if you can ever get used to them..
[[Start walking->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>>\<<set $day to $day-1>>\
<<set $time to 2>>\
<<if $dayy == 1>>\
<<set $dayy to 7>>\
<<set $dayy to $dayy-1>>\
<<set $buttplugintro to true>>\
<b>-"Before I go..."</b> You pull out the small toy Leyja gave you...
<b>-"I better practice a bit... Before I work with Leyja again.."</b> You slowly pull down your pants and get on all fours...
<b>-"N-now.. How do I do this.."</b> After spitting on your finger, you slowly insert it in your rectum.. A soft moan leaves your lips, as your ass stretches...
<img src="Images\Events\random events\3.webp" height="600px">
<b>-"F-fuck..."</b> You whisper as you put another finger in..
<<pageReplace"Spit on your toy..">>\
You take the small buttplug and spit on it.. It's pretty tiny, but still much bigger than your finger..
<b>-"H-here I go... F-for my mistress.."</b> You slowly insert the butt plug inside.. You've done this before, at the shop, but it still feels pretty new...
<b>-"Mfgghh...."</b> You let out a quiet moan as your butt swallows the plug..
<img src="Images\Events\random events\2.webp" width="750px">
<b>-"F-fuck..."</b> You take the plug out a couple of times and shove it back in... Every time it goes in just a little bit easier..
<b>-"T-this is kind of nice..."</b> You smile as you feel how your cock throbs from the pleasure...
<img src="Images\Events\random events\1.webp" width="750px">
You slowly pull it out again..
<b>-"I.. I think I'm used to it now.."</b> You think to yourself as you stand up to go to wash the toy...
<grey>You can now equip the buttplug and use it while watching porn!</grey>
[[Wash the toy->Sleep]]
<</pageReplace>>\<<set $sashaintro1 to true>>\
<<set $sashaintro1day to $day>>\
<<if $domstatus is true>>\
It's night time, you're walking alone, like you usually do..
<img src="Images\Events\random events\dom1.webp">
When suddenly, you hear someone scream..
<adriana>-"H-hEeeeEELpppPP!! S-someone!! P-please!!"</adriana> You look around to see where the girl is screaming from.. You see an alley nearby, the voice seems to be emanating from it.
<adriana>-"Mfggg.. P-please stop!!"</adriana>
<b>-"What's going on??!!"</b> You think to yourself as you decide what to do next..
<<pageReplace "Run to the alley">>\
As you turn the corner, you see a girl being assaulted...
<img src="Images\Events\random events\dom2.webp" height="600px">
<blue>-"S-shut up bitch! A peace of fuck meat like you needs to stay s-still!"</blue> A man screams while touching the woman...
<adriana>-"P-pleaseee!! S-stop.. I-I don't want this.."</adriana> She cries as the man continues to touch her..
<<pageReplace "Help the poor woman..">>\
<b>-"Yo! The fuck are you doing???"</b> You shout as you walk closer...
<adriana>-"H-huh?!"</adriana> They both turn to you.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\dom4.jpg">
<adriana>-"P-please mister.. H-he's trying to r-r-rape me!"</adriana> She shouts.
<blue>-"Ugh shut up you bitch! You know that you want this!"</blue> You glare at the man as he looks at you.
<blue>-"Listen buddy.. Take this and forget this ever happened... Okay?"</blue> He reaches into his pocket, takes out his wallet and tries to hand you a 100$ bill..
<adriana>-"P-pleaseee mister! I-I will pay you more.. I promise! M-my parents are rich!"</adriana>
<<pageReplace "Knock the guy out..">>\
<b>-"The fuck?"</b> You look at the man for a second..
<b>-"Come here bitch!"</b> You shout as the man frows and pushes the girl to the side.
<blue>-"Oh you don't want this..."</blue> He charges you, ready to fight.
<b>-"RaghHh!"</b> As he gets close, you throw a right hook.
<blue>-"Awwff! F-fuck!"</blue> The man falls to the ground..
<img src="Images\Events\random events\dom3.webp">
You knock the man out with a second strike to the head..
<adriana>-"*Pant*... *Pant* T-thank you..."</adriana> The girl stands there, terrified.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\dom5.jpg">
<b>-"Are you okay??"</b> You ask her as you stand up..
<adriana>-"I-I think so! H-he came out of nowhere!"</adriana>
<adriana>-"P-please.. Take this!"</adriana> She takes out her wallet and tries to hand you 300$..
<<pageReplace "Take her money...">>\
<b>-"Are you sure?"</b>
<adriana>-"Y-yeah... You saved me after all..."</adriana> You shrug your shoulders and take the money... She seems disappointed that you did.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\dom8.jpg">
<b>-"T-thanks!"</b> You take the money and shove it inside of your wallet...
<adriana>-"Ahem... Yeah..."</adriana>
<b>-"You sure you're okay?"</b>
<adriana>-"Y-yeah.. My car is just around the corner.. T-thank you so much!"</adriana> The girl smiles as she fixes her dress.
<<money +300 "Random girl I saved gave it to me.">>
<green>Money +300!</green>
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
[[Walk the girl to her car and leave->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace "She's suffered enough.. Don't take her money..">>\
<<set $SavedSasha to true>>\
<b>-"I can't accept your money..."</b> You can't see the woman's face in the dark, but you can tell that she smiled after you said that.
<b>-"Just make sure to carry pepper spray with you or something.. I saw a taser for sale in the mall as well!"</b>
<adriana>-"T-thank you so much.. I-I promise I will pay you back someday.."</adriana> She smiles back..
<b>-"You sure you're okay?"</b>
<adriana>-"Y-yeah.. M-my car is just around the corner.. T-thank you so much!"</adriana> The girl smiles once again as she fixes her dress.
<<set $dominant to $dominant +3>>
<blue>Dominant +3!</blue>
[[Walk the girl to her car and leave->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace "Take the money...">>\
<b>-"Fine, give it here."</b>
<blue>-"Good choice."</blue> You grab the 100$ bill from the man. He smiles..
<img src="Images\Events\random events\dom8.jpg">
<b>-"Hehe now we're talking..."</b>
<adriana>-"N-noouughhh..."</adriana> The girl starts to cry even harder as you shove the bill into your pocket..
<b>-"Sorry girl, you're not my problem."</b> You smile at the man and turn around..
<blue>-"Hehe let's get back to it..."</blue> He begins to assault the woman again.
<<money +100 "Poor girl.. But 100 bucks is 100 bucks!">>
<green>Money +100!</green>
<<set $dominant to $dominant -5>>
<blue>Dominant -5!</blue>
[[Exit the alley->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace "Turn around and keep walking..">>\
<b>-"This ain't my business.."</b> You tell yourself as you turn around..
<adriana>-"M-mister!! P-please help me!"</adriana> The woman sees you as you turn away...
<b>-"..."</b> You don't say a word as you leave the alley..
<adriana>-"N-NoooO!!! P-please..."</adriana>
[[Keep walking->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace "Ignore the screams and keep walking..">>\
<b>-"Fuck this.. She ain't my problem.."</b> You whisper as you turn around..
<b>-"I'll just go around.."</b> You can't deal with this shit today..
[[Keep walking->Go outside]]
It's night time, you're walking alone, like you usually do..
<img src="Images\Events\random events\dom1.webp">
When suddenly, you hear someone scream..
<adriana>-"H-hEeeeEELpppPP!! S-someone!! P-please!!"</adriana> You look around to see where the girl is screaming from.. You see an alley nearby, the voice seems to be emanating from it.
<adriana>-"Mfggg.. P-please stop!!"</adriana>
<b>-"What's going on??!!"</b> You think to yourself as you decide what to do next..
<<pageReplace "Run to the alley">>\
As you turn the corner, you see a girl being assaulted...
<img src="Images\Events\random events\dom2.webp" height="600px">
<blue>-"Shut up bitch! A peace of fuck meat like you needs to stay s-still!"</blue> A man screams while touching the woman...
<adriana>-"P-pleaseee!! S-stop.. I-I don't want this.."</adriana> She cries as the man continues to touch her..
<b>-"H-holy shit! W-what should I do?!"</b> Your heart begins to beat out of your chest as you try to make a decision.
<<pageReplace"Run away...">>
<adriana>-"S-someoneeee! HelpppPPp!"</adriana> She continues to scream...
<blue>-"Shut the fuck up!"</blue> The man slaps her across the face.
<b>-"O-oh my God... What if he does that to me!"</b> A shiver runs down your body... You're scared!
<b>-"Fuck this!"</b> You turn around and begin to run out of the alley.
<adriana>-"NoOOooO!"</adriana> The woman's screams fill your ears as you exit onto the street.
<b>-"Shit... I'm such a pussy..."</b>
[[Try to forget what happened->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Confront the man">>
<b>-"H-hey!"</b> You scream at the guy as you take a step forward.
<blue>-"Huh? What do you want?"</blue>
<img src="Images\Events\random events\dom4.jpg">
<adriana>-"<<if $hairextensions ==true>>Ma'am! P-please help meee! H-he's trying to rape me!<<else>>Mister! P-please help meee! H-he's trying to rape me!<</if>>"</adriana>
<b>-"L-let her go! Or else!"</b> You try to act confident...
<blue>-"Or else what? You look like a pussy."</blue> She shoves the girl to the side.
<blue>-"Don't move!"</blue> He orders her.
<b>-"Gulp..."</b> A shiver runs down your body as he walks over to you.
<blue>-"Listen here, take this and forget this ever happened, capish?"</blue> He reaches into his pocket and takes out some money.
<blue>-"Or you're getting your ass beat."</blue>
<adriana>-"P-please! I will give you more! J-just save me!"</adriana> The girl screams.
<blue>-"Shut up!"</blue> The man turns around and screams.
<<pageReplace"Take the money.">>
<<money +100 "Poor girl... But 100$ is 100$!">>
<b>-"God damnit."</b> Now that he's standing in front of you, you understand that there's no way you can win this fight... You have to back off.
<b>-"I'm sorry..."</b> You look at the woman.
<adriana>-"Nooo! W-whyyYYy!"</adriana> She begins to cry again.
<blue>-"Hah, so you take it? Good choice!"</blue> He hands you the money.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\dom8.jpg">
<blue>-"Now fuck off, I have some unfinished business."</blue> He turns to the girl and begins walking towards her.
<blue>-"Come here love!"</blue>
<adriana>-"NoOoOooOo!"</adriana> Her screams fill your ears as you walk off.
<b>-"I'm such a pussy..."</b>
[[Try to forget what happened->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Try to call the police.">>
<b>-"You know what..."</b> You begin to pull out your phone.
<blue>-"What?"</blue> You dial 114 14, the Swedish police number and show him the screen.
<b>-"T-they're gonna be here any second! S-so you better run!"</b> You begin to threaten the man as the call still doesn't connect.
<blue>-"You shouldn't have done that..."</blue> He man smacks the phone out of your hands and hits you with a right hook.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\dom3.webp">
<b>-"ArghHhhHHh! S-sorryyYyyy!"</b> You scream as the man begins to beat the shit out of you.
<blue>-"Take this you cunt!"</blue> As the final blow lands, everything goes dark...
<<pageReplace"Wake up.">>
<b>-"W-what happened...?"</b> You whisper as you slowly open your eyes.
<b>-"Shit..."</b> You're laying on the ground, still in the same alley, but the man and the woman is nowhere to be seen.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\dom9.webp">
<b>-"NgHhhh!"</b> You stand up and feel your face... It's pretty swollen.
<b>-"T-there."</b> Your phone is laying on the ground. Thankfully, it's not cracked.
<b>-"I shouldn't have done that..."</b> The man overpowered you and probably ran off with the girl... God damnit.
[[Go home, defeated->room]]
<<if $taser ==true>>\
<<pageReplace"Pull out your taser gun.">>
<b>-"I ain't taking your cash!"</b> The man frowns as you shove your hand in your pocket.
<blue>-"Then you're gonna get one hell of a beating!"</blue> He begins to walk towards you.
<b>-"S-stop right there! Before I have to use it!"</b> You take out your taser gun and show him.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\dom6.webp">
<blue>-"Agh shit... Not that thing again."</blue> He takes a step back as he looks at the taser... From his reaction, it seems like he has been tased before.
<b>-"Leave the girl alone! O-or you're getting tased!"</b> The man frowns...
<blue>-"FINE! She wasn't even that hot anyways."</blue> He spits on the ground and walks by you, making sure to bump your shoulder with his.
<b>-"Asshole..."</b> As he walks off, you shove the taser back in your pocket.
<adriana>-"I-is he gone?"</adriana> The woman asks, still standing where the man put her.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\dom5.jpg">
<b>-"Y-yes, yes he is."</b> You walk over to her. You can't see her face because of how dark it is, but you can tell that she's happy.
<adriana>-"WahhhhHHHHhh... T-Thank you so much!"</adriana> She begins to bawl and pull something out of her pocket.
<adriana>-"P-please, take this! I told you I would give you more!"</adriana> She's trying to hand you some cash.
<<pageReplace"Accept the money.">>
<<money +300 "A woman I saved gave me this.">>
<b>-"Can't say no to money!"</b> You smile and extend your arm.
<adriana>-"Wahhhh... O-of course..."</adriana> The woman hands you the cash and continues to cry.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\dom8.jpg">
<b>-"Are you sure you're alright? Maybe I should call the cops?"</b>
<adriana>-"N-no... My car is right there, can you just escort me there... P-please?"</adriana> You have no idea why she doesn't want to report such a crime, but you're not going to be pushy.
<b>-"Of course! Please, lead the way!"</b>
<adriana>-"T-thank you so much!"</adriana> What a strange evening this has been...
[[Escort her to her car and leave->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"She's been through enough, turn it down.">>
<<set $SavedSasha to true>>\
<b>-"I can't accept your money after all you've been through!"</b>
<adriana>-"H-huh?"</adriana> She seems surprised...
<b>-"Just make sure to carry pepper spray with you or something.. I saw a taser for sale in the mall as well!"</b>
<adriana>-"T-thank you so much.. I-I promise I will pay you back someday...!"</adriana> Even through the darkness, you can tell that she's grateful.
<b>-"Are you sure you're alright? Maybe I should call the cops?"</b>
<adriana>-"N-no... My car is right there, can you just escort me there... P-please?"</adriana> You have no idea why she doesn't want to report such a crime, but you're not going to be pushy.
<b>-"Of course! Please, lead the way!"</b>
<adriana>-"T-thank you so much!"</adriana> What a strange evening this has been...
[[Escort her to her car and leave->Go outside]]
<<if $replicagun ==true>>\
<<pageReplace"Pull out your replica gun.">>
<b>-"I ain't taking your cash!"</b> The man frowns as you shove your hand in your pocket.
<blue>-"Then you're gonna get one hell of a beating!"</blue> He begins to walk towards you.
<b>-"S-stop right there! Before I have to use it!"</b> You take out your replica gun and point it at him.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\dom7.jpg">
<blue>-"W-wow wow wow! Let's not do anything drastic here!"</blue> He takes a step back as he looks at the gun.
<b>-"Leave the girl alone! O-or you're getting shot!"</b> The man frowns...
<blue>-"O-of course man! She's all yours!"</blue>
<b>-"Good, now get out of here!"</b> With a terrified expression on his face, he nods and quickly runs away.
<b>-"Asshole..."</b> You shove the fake gun back in your pocket.
<adriana>-"I-is he gone?"</adriana> The woman asks, still standing where the man put her.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\dom5.jpg">
<b>-"Y-yes, yes he is."</b> You walk over to her. You can't see her face because of how dark it is, but you can tell that she's happy.
<adriana>-"WahhhhHHHHhh... T-Thank you so much!"</adriana> She begins to bawl and pull something out of her pocket.
<adriana>-"P-please, take this! I told you I would give you more!"</adriana> She's trying to hand you some cash.
<<pageReplace"Accept the money.">>
<<money +300 "A woman I saved gave me this.">>
<b>-"Can't say no to money!"</b> You smile and extend your arm.
<adriana>-"Wahhhh... O-of course..."</adriana> The woman hands you the cash and continues to cry.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\dom8.jpg">
<b>-"Are you sure you're alright? Maybe I should call the cops?"</b>
<adriana>-"N-no... My car is right there, can you just escort me there... P-please?"</adriana> You have no idea why she doesn't want to report such a crime, but you're not going to be pushy.
<b>-"Of course! Please, lead the way!"</b>
<adriana>-"T-thank you so much!"</adriana> What a strange evening this has been...
[[Escort her to her car and leave->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"She's been through enough, turn it down.">>
<<set $SavedSasha to true>>\
<b>-"I can't accept your money after all you've been through!"</b>
<adriana>-"H-huh?"</adriana> She seems surprised...
<b>-"Just make sure to carry pepper spray with you or something.. I saw a taser for sale in the mall as well!"</b>
<adriana>-"T-thank you so much.. I-I promise I will pay you back someday...!"</adriana> Even through the darkness, you can tell that she's grateful.
<b>-"Are you sure you're alright? Maybe I should call the cops?"</b>
<adriana>-"N-no... My car is right there, can you just escort me there... P-please?"</adriana> You have no idea why she doesn't want to report such a crime, but you're not going to be pushy.
<b>-"Of course! Please, lead the way!"</b>
<adriana>-"T-thank you so much!"</adriana> What a strange evening this has been...
[[Escort her to her car and leave->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace "Ignore the screams and keep walking..">>\
<b>-"Fuck this.. She ain't my problem.."</b> You whisper as you turn around..
<b>-"I'll just go around.."</b> You can't deal with this shit today..
[[Keep walking->Go outside]]
<</if>><<set $sashaintro2 to true>>\
<<set $sashaintro2day to $day>>\
<<if $domstatus is true>>
<b>-"Yawwwwnnnnnn..."</b> You exit your house and begin to walk towards the city.
<b>-"The weather is so nice!"</b> You decided not to take the car today.
<grey>-"VrrrOooommMmm!"</grey> Cars pass you by as you get closer and closer to your destination.
<b>-"Jeez... It's so crowded!"</b> You look around as you finally get there.
<img src="Images\Sasha\intro1_7.webp">
<b>-"Hmmmm... Now what?"</b> Before you could decide what you want to do, you suddenly hear a familiar voice.
<ad>-"H-hey! It's you!"</ad>
<b>-"Huh?"</b> You begin to look around.
<ad>-"Here, here!"</ad> After a couple of seconds, you finally spot her through the crowd. It's a woman you've never seen before, but she's definitely looking straight at you.
<img src="Images\Sasha\intro1_1.webp">
<b>-"Huh?"</b> You walk over to her.
<<pageReplace"Do I know you?">>
<b>-"Do I know you?"</b> You ask as you get closer.
<ad>-"What? You really don't remember?"</ad> The woman looks straight at you.
<img src="Images\Sasha\intro1_2.png">
<b>-"Gosh she's beautiful..."</b> You stare at her face for an uncomfortable amount of time.
<ad>-"A-ahem... I'm the girl you saved a couple of days back!"</ad>
<b>-"It's you?!"</b> It was so dark that night, that you didn't see her face!
<ad>-"Sure am!"</ad>
<b>-"Well, I'm glad your safe... Everything okay?"</b> The woman smiles.
<ad>-"Hah, even now you're so considerate... Of course I'm okay!"</ad>
<b>-"That's good to hear."</b>
<ad>-"Hmph... Give me a second."</ad> She picks up her purse from a table inside, and takes out her wallet.
<b>-"Holy shit..."</b> You think as you see how much money she has.
<img src="Images\Sasha\intro1_4.jpeg">
<ad>-"Here, told you I would pay you back someday. Thanks a bunch!"</ad> She tries to hand you a bunch of money.
<b>-"You're really adamant about giving me some cash, huh?"</b> The woman shrugs.
<ad>-"You saved me after all, you deserve an award."</ad> She extends her arm further.
<ad>-"Please, take it, I have way more than I need anyways."</ad>
<<pageReplace"Take the money.">>
<<money +600 "The woman I saved gave this to me!">>
<b>-"Well, if you insist!"</b> You take the fat bundle of cash and shove it in your pocket.
<b>-"Thank you!"</b>
<ad>-"Not a problem! The world needs more men like you."</ad>
<img src="Images\Sasha\intro1_5.jpeg">
<b>-"I hope that man won't cause you anymore trouble!"</b>
<ad>-"Oh he definitely won't, believe me."</ad> She turns her head towards the cafe she was in and then back at you.
<ad>-"Anyways, I ought to go, my friend is waiting for me inside."</ad>
<b>-"Sure thing! Thanks again for the reward!"</b>
<ad>-"Thank you for saving me!"</ad> You hug each other and the woman goes into the building.
<b>-"Holy shit that's a lot of money... Hell yeah."</b> You count it and shove it in your wallet.
[[Decide what to do next->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"How about you tell me your name first?">>
<b>-"How about you tell me your name first?"</b>
<ad>-"My name...? Why?"</ad>
<b>-"I don't know... You just seemed cute, so I thought why not ask."</b>
<ad>-"Hmph..."</ad> She puts the wallet back in her purse.
<img src="Images\Sasha\intro1_5.jpeg">
<ad>-"Sasha, and yours?"</ad>
<b>-"$name, nice to meet you."</b> You both shake hands... Her soft skin feels so nice and warm...
<ad>-"$name... What a beautiful name. Fit for a knight in shining armor."</ad>
<b>-"Is that who I am now?"</b>
<ad>-"For me? Yes. You saved me."</ad>
<img src="Images\Sasha\intro1_3.webp">
<b>-"What was the situation about, anyways? Did you know the guy?"</b> The woman looks around.
<ad>-"It's a long story, how about I tell it to you over a cup of coffee?"</ad>
<b>-"Right now?"</b>
<ad>-"Ha, no! My friend is waiting inside. We can exchange numbers and set up a date."</ad> She smiles. Her confident demeanor is pretty hot...
<<set $agreedtosashadate to true>>\
<b>-"Sure, give me your phone."</b>
<ad>-"Here."</ad> She nods and hands it to you.
<img src="Images\Sasha\intro1_6.jpeg">
<b>-"I'll expecting a text soon, then?"</b>
<ad>-"Mhm, if you won't accept my money, maybe you'll at least accept a cup of coffee."</ad> She laughs and takes back her phone.
<b>-"That, I will."</b> You laugh with her.
<ad>-"..."</ad> She turns her head towards the cafe she was in and then back at you.
<ad>-"Anyways, I ought to go, my friend is waiting for me inside."</ad>
<b>-"Sure thing! See you later then!"</b>
<ad>-"See ya!"</ad> You hug each other and the woman goes into the building.
<b>-"Holy shit she's hot... Now I just have to wait."</b>
[[Decide what to do next->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Sorry, but no.">>
<b>-"Agh, sorry, but I'll have to refuse, I'm actually seeing someone."</b>
<ad>-"Oh... Well we could go platonically, but I understand."</ad>
<ad>-"You still don't want the reward though? Believe, I have enough money to share."</ad> She giggles.
<b>-"I'm fine, thank you. Seeing you safe and sound is more than enough!"</b>
<ad>-"Thank you... Truly."</ad> You hug each other and the woman looks back at the cafe she was in.
<ad>-"Anyways, I ought to go, my friend is waiting for me inside."</ad>
<b>-"Sure thing! See you later then!"</b>
<ad>-"See ya!"</ad> She walks into the building as you walk off in the opposite direction of the cafe.
<b>-"What a nice woman that was..."</b>
[[Decide what to do next->Go outside]]
<b>-"Yawwwwnnnnnn..."</b> You exit your house and begin to walk towards the city.
<b>-"The weather is so nice!"</b> You decided not to take the car today.
<grey>-"VrrrOooommMmm!"</grey> Cars pass you by as you get closer and closer to your destination.
<b>-"Jeez... It's so crowded!"</b> You look around as you finally get there.
<img src="Images\Sasha\intro1_7.webp">
<b>-"Hmmmm... Now what?"</b> Before you could decide what you want to do, you suddenly hear a familiar voice.
<ad>-"H-hey! It's you!"</ad>
<b>-"H-huh?"</b> You begin to look around.
<ad>-"Here, here!"</ad> After a couple of seconds, you finally spot her through the crowd. It's a woman you've never seen before, but she's definitely looking straight at you.
<img src="Images\Sasha\intro1_1.webp">
<b>-"Huh?"</b> You walk over to her.
<<pageReplace"Do I know you?">>
<b>-"D-do I know you?"</b> You ask as you get closer.
<ad>-"What? You really don't remember?"</ad> The woman looks straight at you.
<img src="Images\Sasha\intro1_2.png">
<b>-"Gosh she's beautiful..."</b> You stare at her face for an uncomfortable amount of time.
<ad>-"A-ahem... I'm the girl you saved a couple of days back!"</ad> She blushes.
<b>-"It's you?!"</b> It was so dark that night, that you didn't see her face!
<ad>-"Sure am!"</ad>
<b>-"W-well, I'm glad your safe... Everything okay?"</b> The woman smiles.
<ad>-"Hah, even now you're so considerate... Of course I'm okay!"</ad>
<b>-"That's good to hear."</b>
<ad>-"Hmph... Give me a second."</ad> She picks up her purse from a table inside, and takes out her wallet.
<b>-"Holy shit..."</b> You think as you see how much money she has.
<img src="Images\Sasha\intro1_4.jpeg">
<ad>-"Here, told you I would pay you back someday. Thanks a bunch!"</ad> She tries to hand you a bunch of money.
<b>-"You're really adamant about giving me some cash, h-huh?"</b> The woman shrugs as you awkwardly giggle.
<ad>-"Y-you saved me after all, you deserve an award."</ad> She extends her arm further.
<ad>-"Please, take it, I have way more than I need anyways!"</ad> The woman bows.
<<pageReplace"Take the money.">>
<<money +600 "The woman I saved gave this to me!">>
<b>-"Well, if you insist!"</b> You take the fat bundle of cash and shove it in your pocket.
<b>-"Thank you!"</b>
<ad>-"Not a problem! The world needs more people like you."</ad>
<img src="Images\Sasha\intro1_5.jpeg">
<b>-"I-I hope that man won't cause you anymore trouble!"</b>
<ad>-"Oh he definitely won't, believe me."</ad> She turns her head towards the cafe she was in and then back at you.
<ad>-"Anyways, I ought to go, my friend is waiting for me inside."</ad>
<b>-"Sure thing! Thanks again for the reward!"</b>
<ad>-"Thank you for saving me!"</ad> You hug each other and the woman goes into the building.
<b>-"Holy shit that's a lot of money... Hell yeah."</b> You count it and shove it in your wallet.
[[Decide what to do next->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"How about you tell me your name first?">>
<b>-"H-how about you tell me your name first?"</b> You try to act flirtatious.
<ad>-"My name...? Why?"</ad>
<b>-"I don't know... Y-you just seemed cute, so I thought why not ask!"</b>
<ad>-"Hmph..."</ad> She puts the wallet back in her purse.
<img src="Images\Sasha\intro1_5.jpeg">
<ad>-"S-Sasha, and yours?"</ad> She seems to be just as shy as you.
<b>-"$name, nice to meet you."</b> You both shake hands... Her soft skin feels so nice and warm...
<ad>-"$name... What a beautiful name. F-fit for a knight in shining armor!"</ad>
<b>-"Is that who I am now?"</b>
<ad>-"For me? Yes. You saved me."</ad>
<img src="Images\Sasha\intro1_3.webp">
<b>-"What was the situation about, anyways? D-did you know the guy?"</b> The woman looks around.
<ad>-"It's a long story, how about I tell it to you over a cup of coffee?"</ad>
<b>-"Right now?"</b>
<ad>-"Ha, no! My friend is waiting inside. W-we can exchange numbers and set up a date!"</ad> She smiles. Her shy demeanor is pretty hot... You got used to everyone around you being dominant.
<<set $agreedtosashadate to true>>\
<b>-"S-sure, give me your phone!"</b>
<ad>-"Here."</ad> She nods and hands it to you.
<img src="Images\Sasha\intro1_6.jpeg">
<b>-"I'll expecting a text soon, then?"</b>
<ad>-"Mhm, if you won't accept my money, maybe you'll at least accept a cup of coffee."</ad> She laughs and takes back her phone.
<b>-"T-that, I will."</b> You laugh with her.
<ad>-"..."</ad> She turns her head towards the cafe she was in and then back at you.
<ad>-"Anyways, I ought to go, my friend is waiting for me inside."</ad>
<b>-"Sure thing! See you later then!"</b>
<ad>-"See ya!"</ad> You hug each other and the woman goes into the building.
<b>-"Holy shit she's so hot... Now I just have to wait!"</b>
[[Decide what to do next->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Sorry, but no.">>
<b>-"Agh, sorry, but I'll have to refuse, I'm actually seeing someone."</b>
<ad>-"Oh... W-well we could go platonically, but I understand."</ad>
<ad>-"You still don't want the reward though? Believe, I have enough money to share."</ad> She giggles.
<b>-"I'm fine, thank you. S-seeing you safe and sound is more than enough!"</b>
<ad>-"Thank you... Truly."</ad> You hug each other and the woman looks back at the cafe she was in.
<ad>-"Anyways, I ought to go, my friend is waiting for me inside."</ad>
<b>-"Sure thing! See you later then!"</b>
<ad>-"See ya!"</ad> She walks into the building as you walk off in the opposite direction of the cafe.
<b>-"What a nice woman that was..."</b>
[[Decide what to do next->Go outside]]
<<messengerHeader Sasha>>
<<if $domstatus ==true>>
<<them>>Hey stranger.<</them>>
<<them>>Well, I don't know if I should call you that, but I digress...<</them>>
<<them>>When are we going on that date we talked about? 😊<</them>>
<<them>><<image "Sasha/intro_2_1.png">><</them>>
<<messageReply "Hey Sasha!">>
<<me>>Hey Sasha!<</me>>
<<me>>When are you free?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Hmmmm... Whenever really.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Maybe tomorrow? If you're available.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Works for me!">>
<<me>>Tomorrow works for me!<</me>>
<<me>>Give me your address, I'll come and pick you up.<</me>>
<<them wait>>No need, I have my own car.<</them>>
<<them wait>>But thank you 🤗<</them>>
<<messageReply "Alright.">>
<<me>>Alright 🤷♂️<</me>>
<<me>>Now for the location - maybe you want to grab some coffee?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Sure! I know a really good spot...<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Sasha/intro_2_4.png">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Shouldn't be too far from either of us!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Cool!">>
<<me>>Cool, see ya tomorrow then!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Before you go, could you help me with something?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Sure, what is it?">>
<<me>>Sure, what is it?<</me>>
<<them wait>>I'm picking out of an outfit for our date... Would you think that this is too much?<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Sasha/intro_2_2.jpg">><</them>>
<<them wait>>😪<</them>>
<<messageReply "I think you look great.">>
<<me>>I think you look great!<</me>>
<<me>>Wear what you feel best in 😉<</me>>
<<them wait>>Hmph, this will do then.<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Sasha/intro_2_3.jpg">><</them>>
<<them wait>>See ya tomorrow!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Bye!">>
<<me>>Bye bye!<</me>>
<<set $sashamessage1temp to true>>
<<set $sashamessage1tempday to $day>>
<<them>>Hey stranger.<</them>>
<<them>>Well, I don't know if I should call you that, but I digress...<</them>>
<<them>>Want to talk about that date you mentioned...? 😖<</them>>
<<them>><<image "Sasha/intro_2_1.png">><</them>>
<<messageReply "Hey Sasha...">>
<<me>>Hey Sasha...<</me>>
<<me>>Sure! When are you free?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Hmmmm... Whenever really.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Maybe tomorrow? If you're available.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Works for me!">>
<<me>>Tomorrow works for me!<</me>>
<<me>>I can come and pick you up, if you wish.<</me>>
<<them wait>>It's fine... I have my own car.<</them>>
<<them wait>>But thank you 🤗<</them>>
<<messageReply "Alright.">>
<<me>>Alright 🤷♂️<</me>>
<<me>>Now for the location - maybe you want to grab some coffee?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Sure! I know a really good spot...<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Sasha/intro_2_4.png">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Shouldn't be too far from either of us!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Cool!">>
<<me>>Cool, see ya tomorrow then!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Before you go, could you help me with something?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Sure, what is it?">>
<<me>>Sure, what is it?<</me>>
<<them wait>>I'm picking out of an outfit for our date... Would you think that this is too much?<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Sasha/intro_2_2.jpg">><</them>>
<<them wait>>😪<</them>>
<<messageReply "I think you look great.">>
<<me>>I think you look great!<</me>>
<<me>>Wear what you feel best in...!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Wow... Thank you $name.<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Sasha/intro_2_3.jpg">><</them>>
<<them wait>>This outfit it is then. See ya tomorrow! 🥰<</them>>
<<messageReply "Bye!">>
<<me>>Bye bye!<</me>>
<<set $sashamessage1temp to true>>
<<set $sashamessage1tempday to $day>>
<</messengerChat>><<set $emilyclothes1 to true>>\
As you arrive at Emily's place, you stop in front of her door..
<b>-"I can't believe I'm going to meet Emily while.. Looking like this.."</b> You take a look at your clohing again..
<b>-"Huuuu... Okay.. I got this.."</b> You take a deep breath and knock..
<emily>-"Come in!"</emily> She shouts behind the door..
<<pageReplace"Come in">>\
As you enter her place, Emily pokes her head from the kitchen to say hi..
<emily>-"Hel..! Hello? W-what's with the clothing haha?"</emily> She smiles..
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\01.webp" height="600px">
<b>-"Oh you know.. Just tried out something new I guess.."</b> You whisper..
<emily>-"Rightttt right.. Well come here, I made us some food.."</emily> She goes back into the kitchen and you follow her, after taking off your shoes, of course.
You both sit down in front of each other.. Emily crosses her legs, looks you up and down and asks:
<emily>-"Something new huh? I knew you were.. Different, never thought that I would see you in this type of clothing though.."</emily> She bites her lip..
<<pageReplace "Tell her you don't want to talk about it..">>\
<b>-"I really don't want to talk about it Emily.. I'm still not sure if this is truly for me.."</b> You look down at the ground..
<emily>-"Mmmm..? Sure honey... Let's just act like this is a small hiccup in our very traditional relationship.."</emily> She giggles..
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\02.webp">
<emily>-"But.. If you don't want to talk about it, so be it.."</emily> She stands up and picks up two plates from the counter..
<b>-"Thank you.."</b> You say as she hands you a plate.. She made some meatballs!
<emily>-"You know, if you continue to dress like a girl I might have to start treating you like one!"</emily> She says in between bites..
<b>-"Emily! I said, I.. I-I don't want to talk about it okay?!"</b>
<emily>-"Right right, sure honey.."</emily> She giggles again.. It's apparent that she sees you as less of a man than before..
[[Finish your food, watch a movie and go home.->room]]
<<pageReplace "Tell her that you're going to be dressing this way more often..">>\
<b>-"I just thought the outfit was cute and... I think I look quite handsome in it.. I might s-start to wear things like these more often.."</b> You look down at the ground..
<emily>-"MMm will you..? Well if you continue to dress like a girl I might have to start treating you like one!"</emily> She giggles..
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\02.webp">
<emily>-"Would you like that? Huh..?"</emily> She stands up gets behind you..
<b>-"Y-you? T-treating me like a girl..? H-how?"</b> You say as she rubs your chest and shoulders from behind.. She slowly takes off your shirt..
<emily>-"Hmmm I don't know.. All good girls need to learn how to take dick right..?"</emily>
<b>-"W-what are you implying Emily.."</b> She starts touching your nipples..
<b>-"Uffff... S-stop!"</b> You try to push her hands away but she keeps touching you..
<img src="Images\Emily\events\sub\03.webp" height="600px">
<emily>-"Hehe.. Not until you admit you're not a real man.."</emily> She slaps your face lightly..
<emily>-"Come on! Say it!"</emily>
<<pageReplace "No...">>\
<b>-"N-no! I'm a man!"</b> You shout as she pinches your nipples even harder..
<emily>-"Wrong! Try again!"</emily> She slaps your face again.. A little bit harder this time..
<<pageReplace "I'm not a real man..">>\
<b>-"I.. I'm not a real man.."</b> The second the words leave your mouth.. She stops..
<emily>-"Good puppy! Now that wasn't so hard was it?"</emily> She kisses your forehead and sits down..
<b>-"Ufff..."</b> You let out a soft moan.. Your chest still hurts..
<emily>-"So pathetic.."</emily> You hear her whisper under her breath.. It's apparent that she sees you as less of a man than before..
[[Finish your food, watch a movie and go home.->room]]
<<pageReplace "N-no..">>\
<b>-"N-no.. P-please..."</b> You whimper as she continues to touch your body...
<emily>-"Say it $name! This doesn't end until you say it!"</emily>
<<pageReplace "I'm not a real man..">>\
<b>-"I.. I'm not a real man.."</b> The second the words leave your mouth.. She stops..
<emily>-"Good puppy! Now that wasn't so hard was it?"</emily> She kisses your forehead and sits down..
<b>-"Ufff..."</b> You let out a soft moan.. Your chest still hurts..
<emily>-"So pathetic.."</emily> You hear her whisper under her breath.. It's apparent that she sees you as less of a man than before..
[[Finish your food, watch a movie and go home.->room]]
<<pageReplace "I'm not a real man..">>\
<b>-"I.. I'm not a real man.."</b> The second the words leave your mouth.. She stops..
<emily>-"Good puppy! Now that wasn't so hard was it?"</emily> She kisses your forehead and sits down..
<b>-"Ufff..."</b> You let out a soft moan.. Your chest still hurts..
<emily>-"So pathetic.."</emily> You hear her whisper under her breath.. It's apparent that she sees you as less of a man than before..
[[Finish your food, watch a movie and go home.->room]]
<<pageReplace "I'm not a real man..">>\
<b>-"I.. I'm not a real man.."</b> The second the words leave your mouth.. She stops..
<emily>-"Good puppy! Now that wasn't so hard was it?"</emily> She kisses your forehead and sits down..
<b>-"Ufff..."</b> You let out a soft moan.. Your chest still hurts..
<emily>-"So pathetic.."</emily> You hear her whisper under her breath.. It's apparent that she sees you as less of a man than before..
[[Finish your food, watch a movie and go home.->room]]
<<if $time !==2>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<</if>>\It's the first time you're in a public place with a chastity on.. Besides the sex shop of course. You feel weird.. But at the same time - incredibly free.
As you enter the mall you see a new food stand to your left, you decide that you should treat yourself, so you walk up to it to see what they are selling.
<b>-"Hello! What do you guys have?" </b> You smile.
<mia>-"Hello sir! We sell italian piadinas! Would you like to try one?" </mia> The cashier smiles. Before you could answer you notice that there's a group of girls pushing a guy towards you.. You have no idea what they're doing.
<b>-"S-sure.. Let meeee haveee.. uhmmm. One pia-" </b> Before you can finish your sentence, the man who was pushed goes up behind you and.. Pulls down your pants!
<img src="Images\Events\random events\ezgif-5-30437694f9.webp">
<<pageReplace"Try to pull them up!">>\
Before you can pull up your pants, the pair of girls see your chastity.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\th.webp">
<sister>-"Hahaha good job Josh!! I definitely didn't think you would do that dare... W-wait.. LOOK AT WHAT HE'S WEARING HAHAHA!!!"</sister>
The girls start hysterically laughing, humiliating you completely... The food stands cashier also notices and giggles.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\ezgif-3-00036f3f21.webp">
<b>-"I-It it's.. It's not what it looks like!!!" </b> You scream in desperation as your cheeks glow red from embarrassment.
You pull up your pants and start running towards the bathroom....
<blue>-"W-what the fuck.. What a weirdo haha!"</blue> You hear the guy talking as you run..
As you run through the mall, your cheeks grow red with embarrassment. Other people are staring at you, not knowing what just happened. After you enter the bathroom, you quickly:
<<pageReplace"Hide in on of the stalls..">>\
<b>-"I can't believe that just happened... Oh my god.." </b> You have never been more ashamed in your entire life, but you notice that you're also... turned on?
<img src="Images\Events\random events\21691131.webp" width="400px" height="250px">
You pull your pants down to check and... there it is. You're dripping with pre cum from being humiliated in public. You accept the fact that you're a pervert, take in a deep breath and leave the stall.
[[Exit the toilet->The mall]]
<<set $mallevenfem1 to true>>
<</pageReplace>>\You run into the mall and you spot him. He's running towards the other exit, at the other end of the store.
<img src="Images\Other\istockphoto-182408547-612x612.webp" height="520px" width="800px">
<<pageReplace "Call for security.">>\
<b>-"S-security! That man has my wallet!!"</b> You shout so loud that multiple people start to stare.
<grey>-"Huh? Where?!"</grey> You hear a voice behind you.
You turn around and see a security guard behind you.
<b>-"That man! The one running! He has my wallet!"</b>
<grey>-" <i>*Shrrrhhttt*</i> I have a suspected thief, african american, young teen, wearing grey sweatpants and a jacket over. <i>*Shrrrhhttt*</i>" </grey> The security guard calls it in on his radio and gives chase to the man, you start running as well.
<grey>-"STOP OR YOU WILL BE TASED!"</grey> He shouts as you both get closer to the man.
<blue>-"Alright, alright, chill.."</blue> The thief stops.
<grey>-"PUT YOUR HANDS UP!" </grey>
<img src="Images\Events\random events\istockphoto-471990936-612x612.webp">
The security guard handcuffs the man and returns your wallet.
<b>-"T-thank you sir.."</b> You tell him as his colleagues take the man away.
<grey>-"No problem buddy, there's a lot of petty theft around these parts, be more careful next time!"</grey>
<b>-"Thank god I got my money back.. I can't miss a rent payment.."</b> You think to yourself as you leave the mall..
[[Look around->Go outside]]
<<set $mugged to 3>>
<<set $money to $money2>>
<<pageReplace "Chase him.">>
<b>-"Fuck it theres no time for security.."</b> You think to yourself as you start running.
<blue>-"Fuck you man! I need this money!"</blue> He shouts as you both get closer and closer to the exit. There's a security guard standing there.
<grey>-"STOP OR YOU WILL BE TASED!"</grey> He looks at you both and shouts.
<blue>-"Alright, alright, chill.."</blue> The thief stops.
<grey>-"PUT YOUR HANDS UP!" </grey>
<img src="Images\Events\random events\istockphoto-471990936-612x612.webp">
The security guard handcuffs the man and returns your wallet.
<b>-"T-thank you sir.."</b> You tell him as his colleagues take the man away.
<grey>-"No problem buddy, there's a lot of petty theft around these parts, be more careful next time!"</grey>
<b>-"Thank god I got my money back.. I can't miss a rent payment.."</b> You think to yourself as you leave the mall..
<<set $mugged to 3>>
<<set $money to $money2>>\
[[Look around->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace "Give up.">>
<b>-"Awh fuck this shit.. I ain't catching him.. He's too far away.."</b> You think to yourself.
<<set $mugged to 3>>
[[Exit the mall->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>>You feel the cold pillow touch your head, the cold breeze coming through the open window is slowly caressing your face, as you drift off to sleep you begin to dream...
<img src="Images\Events\random events\porn--porn-gif-oral-porn-3444498.webp">
Dreaming about your own $mo2, you feel your dick getting harder and harder, it almost feels like someones playing with it in real life....
<<pageReplace"WAKE UP">>\
You slowly open your eyes, getting blinded by the sunlight in the process, you're dick is throbbing in it's cage, ready to be let out.
<mia>-"Heyy sweetiee..."</mia>
<b>-"$mo2?"</b> You whisper as your eyes get used to the light.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\21585802.webp">
Mia is playing with your caged dick.
<b>-"MIA!! W-W-WHAT ARE YOU DOING..!" </b> You shout.
<mia>-"Awh calm down, $name, you're going to wake up the whole house.. I didn't know you were into toys.."</mia>
<b>-"I-I-I'm not..! It's for work!!"</b>
<mia>-"Of course... Of couse..."</mia> She stops and sits down on your bed.
<<pageReplace"Face her">>\
<img src="Images\Events\random events\NINTCHDBPICT000631473461.webp" width="570px">
<mia>-"I'm proud of you $name, I really am."</mia>
<b>-"W-what do you mean.."</b>
<mia>-"Well for becoming a cuck, obviously!"</mia> She smiles at you.
<b>-'I-I'm not a cuck!"</b>
<mia>-"Sure $name, whatever you say, just know that I support your decision! Your $dad1 took a lot of convincing to finally put on a chastity... But now he's in one 24/7!</mia>
<b>-"R-really?"</b> You whimper.
<mia>-"Yes! It's an amazing tool! Well I won't bother you any longer, get dressed and come downstairs, I made some breakfast."</mia> She smiles, flicks your chastity cage and stands up.
<b>-"Ouchh.. T-thank you Mia... For understanding.."</b> Mia blows you a kiss and leaves the room.
<b>-"T-that was kind of hot.."</b>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
<<set $miarandom to 2>>
[[Get out of bed->room]]
<</pageReplace>>\<<location "Images/Other/city afternoon.jpg" "On the way home">>
<<set $joshtaser to true>>
<<set $money2 to $money>>\
<<set $day69 to $day>>\
<<set $time2 to $time>>\
<b>"Time to go home.."</b> You think to yourself as you exit the SUP.
You walk around for about 10 minutes, going through some sketchy streets, you're used to it, but then..
<img src="Images\Events\random events\bajo-la-red-michael-ronda.webp">
<blue>-"WALLET AND PHONE IN THE BAG NOW!"</blue> A masked man runs up to you and starts screaming. You can't do anything, he has a knife.
<b>-"W-wow chill dude, nobody need to get hurt.."</b>
<<pageReplace"Give everything to him">>\
<blue>-"Smart choice you idiot"</blue> He laughs as he takes your wallet.
<b>-"W-whatever man..." </b>
<blue>-"You tell anyone about this, you're dead.."</blue> The man puts your stuff away and runs off.
<<pageReplace "Chase him.">>
<<set $money to 0>>\
<b>-"Fuck this I'm not losing all of my money.."</b> You start chasing the man.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\giphy.webp">
<b>-"S-stop! Or I will call the police!"</b> You shout as you run after him.
<blue>-"Fuck oFFF man! I'll stab you!!"</blue>
You see him run towards the mall, you lose sight of him.
[[Continue running->Go outside]]
<<set $mugged to 2>>\
<<pageReplace "Do nothing.">>\
<<set $money to 0>>\
<b>-"I-It's not worth it.."</b> You swallow your pride and decide that it's too dangerous to chase the criminal...
<b>-"Fuck me man.. I needed that for rent.."</b> You whisper as you walk away..
<<set $mugged to 3>>\
[[Continue walking->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>>\<<set $lovesensetemp to true>>\
<<todoCompleted "Google the Lush toy">>\
<b>-"Let's see.. Lush 3"</b> You type it in and a couple of results show up.
<b>-"Lovesense? Is that the company selling them?"</b> You click on their page.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\l3.png">
<b>-"Oh wow it's on the front page.. There it is."</b> You notice the price.
<b>-"80$?! That's pretty fucking steep.. What even is it."</b> After browsing for a couple of seconds, you stumble onto the stat page.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\l4.png">
<b>-"Extremely quiet huh.."</b> You decide to keep researching about it.
<<pageReplace "See how it's used">>\
<b>-"I want to see how it's used.. Let's google that."</b>
You type in "Lush toy porn" and click search. After a couple of seconds the results load.
<img src="Images\AdrianaChris\sub\l5.webp">
<b>-"J-jeez.. So it's like a vibrator but you can control it with your phone.. It looks hella strong.."</b> A drop of pre cum runs down your leg as you think about Adriana using one of these.
<b>-"I guess Chris would use the app, not me... But still..."</b> You look at the price tag once again.
<b>-"80 bucks is quite a bit... Should I...?"</b>
<<if $money>=80>>
<<pageReplace"Buy it">>\
<<set $boughtadrianalovesense to true>>
<b>-"I can't pass up this opportunity.. To see Adriana in public with a vibrator.. So hot!"</b> You click buy. After punching in her address, you order one vibrator from Lovesense.
<b>-"Time to wait I guess.. It says that shipping takes between 3 to 5 days."</b> You close the computer.
<b>-"Hope I don't regret this..."</b> You cringe a little thinking about how much cash you just potentially wasted.
<<money -80 "Got Adriana a Lush 3 vibrator.">>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<green>Money -80!</green>
[[Lay down on your bed->room]]
<<set $boughtadrianalovesense to false>>\
<b>-"Nahhh I better not.. I'm kind of broke anyways.."</b> You sigh. It's disappointing that you won't be able to see Adriana using it, but... It's just a little too expensive.
<b>-"Hope I don't regret this..."</b> You cringe a little thinking about how much you missed out on.
[[Lay down on your bed->room]]
<</pageReplace>><<set $adriana to 1>>\
<<set $day2 to $day>>\
<<if $domstatus is false>>\
You decide that taking a walk after those hard lectures seem nice, you haven't done it in a while. As you start walking you notice that's kind of hot, so you take off your sweater.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\f6548724061d0eceab24c5ff30c83c1d.webp">
To get to the city, you need to go through this sketchy alley, you're kind of used to it though, you've went through this place hundreds of times before.
<adriana>-"H-hey.. You!"</adriana>
You hear someone whispering.. You have no idea where from though.
<b>-"W-what? Who said that!?"</b>
<adriana>-"Me silly, come here"</adriana> A woman comes out of the dark.. She's gorgeous.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\me1adinha_0418.webp" height="700px">
<b>-"W-what.. H-hello.. What do you want?" </b> You're caught so off guard it's kind of hard to speak.
<adriana>-"C-close your eyes.." </adriana>
<b>-"H-huh?" </b>
<adriana>-"Close your eyes.." </adriana> She smiles. She's so pretty that you can't resist.
<b>-"A-alright.." </b> You whisper as you close your eyes. After around 10 seconds, she speaks again:
<adriana>-"O-okay.. Open them" </adriana>
<<pageReplace"Open your eyes">>\
<img src="Images\Events\random events\me1adinha_0417.webp" height="700px">
<b>-"W-wow!!"</b> She is standing in front of you, naked! Instinctively, you cover your eyes.
<adriana>-"Haha you're so silly! Come now, I want you to eat me out."</adriana>
<b>-"What are you talking about lady! This is so weird" </b>
<blue>-"It wasn't a request pal, do it." </blue> You hear a man speaking to your right, you open your eyes and turn towards him.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\26449654.webp">
<blue>-"You either eat her out, or you suck my dick, choose." </blue> A giant man was standing right in front of you. He was incredibly muscular, you had no chance of fighting him. He was also blocking the way, so you couldn't run away...
<adriana>-"Hahaha, look at him all flustered, come on, pick me!"</adriana>
<<pageReplace"Eat her out">>\
<b>-"I-I'll eat.. I'll eat you out.." </b> You whisper.
<adriana>-"Good boy!" </adriana> The woman laughs as the guy pulls up his pants. You get on your knees and she mounts your face.
<adriana>-"O-oh fuck... I'm Adriana by the way.." </adriana> She moans as your tongue hits her clit.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\25303494.webp" height="700px">
<b>-"I-I'mw $name... W..Why are ywu.. <i>*slurp*</i> mwaking me dwo this?" </b> You ask her while trying not to suffocate under her thicc thighs.
<adriana>-"Mghh.. F-fuck.. W-well $name.. Mghhhhh.. Me and my boyfriend Chris.. Nghhh.. Always wanted a slave in our... sssEEEEXXX LIIff-eeee.. F-fuck that hit the spot.." </adriana>
<b>-"A-a slave.. I'm not a slave..." </b> You stop for a second.
<blue>-"Well for today you are, keep licking.." </blue>
<b>-"Y-yes sir..." </b> After a good 5 minutes of licking her out, you can feel her clit getting harder and harder.
<adriana>-"Y-yes... Nghhh.. K-keep going.. I'm close.." </adriana>
<img src="Images\Events\random events\22227089.webp" height="450px">
<adriana>-"F-fuckkkkk... NGhhhhHHHH.. Y-yesssSSS!!" </adriana> She moans so loud that your eardrums hurt.
<adriana>-"F-fuck that was amazing... Hehe I can see how hard you are Chris." </adriana> She looks at her boyfriend and winks.
<blue>-"Haha this loser is pretty good with his mouth huh? Maybe he wants to suck me off too!" </blue> He laughs.
<b>-"W-what.." </b> You're confused.. Wiping off Adriana's juices as you speak.
<adriana>-"Haha well what do you say, you wanna suck my boyfriend off too?" </adriana>
<<pageReplace "Suck him off.">>\
<b>-"O-okay..." </b> You have no idea what came over you, but you get on your knees again, ready to take the man's dick like a hungry puppy.
<blue>-"Haha look at him!" </blue> Chris and Adriana laugh at you.
<adriana>-"We were just joking around silly!" </adriana>
<b>-"O-oh.."</b> You feel.. disappointed..
<adriana>-"You know what.. I like you.. Hmmm.. Should we, Chris..?"</adriana> She turns towards her boyfriend and whispers something to him, he nods his head.
<adriana>-"Take my number, we both like you so.. If you want to have some fun as our slave, we'll figure something out.." </adriana> She hands you a piece of paper with her phone number on it.
<b>-"I-I'll think about it.." </b>
<adriana>-"Alright baby, have a good one then, thank you for getting me off today!" </adriana>
<blue>-"Bye loser!"</blue> Chris and Adriana walk off while whispering to each other and giggling.
<b>-"W-what just happened.." </b>You put the piece of paper in your pocket... Just in case..
<<set $feminization to $feminization +4>>\
<<set $submissive to $submissive +5>>\
<emily>Feminization +4!</emily>
<pink>Submissiveness +5!</pink>
[[Collect your thoughts and leave the alley..->Go outside]]
<<if $time <2>> <<set $time to $time+1>> <</if>>\
<<set $phone to true>>\
<<set $phoneevent to true>>\
<<set $adriananumbergive to true>>\
<<pageReplace "Refuse.">>\
<b>-"I-I'm not gay.."</b>
<adriana>-"We were just joking around silly!" </adriana>
<b>-"O-oh.."</b> Thank godness..
<adriana>-"You know what.. I like you.. Hmmm.. Should we, Chris..?"</adriana> She turns towards her boyfriend and whispers something to him, he nods his head.
<adriana>-"Take my number, we both like you so.. If you want to have some fun as our slave, we'll figure something out.." </adriana> She hands you a piece of paper with her phone number on it.
<b>-"I-I'll think about it.." </b>
<adriana>-"Alright baby, have a good one then, thank you for getting me off today!" </adriana>
<blue>-"Bye loser!"</blue> Chris and Adriana walk off while whispering to each other and giggling.
<b>-"W-what just happened.." </b>You put the piece of paper in your pocket... Just in case..
<<set $submissive to $submissive +5>>\
<pink>Submissiveness +5!</pink>
[[Collect your thoughts and leave the alley..->Go outside]]
<<if $time <2>> <<set $time to $time+1>> <</if>>\
<<set $phone to true>>
<<set $phoneevent to true>>
<<set $adriananumbergive to true>>\
<<pageReplace"Run away.">>
<b>-"F-fuck this!"</b> You stand up, turn around and start running the way you came in. You look behind your shoulder, expecting to see the man chasing you, but he's just standing there...
You get out of the alley in one piece.
<b>-"Wooo! That was something else!" </b> You think to yourself as you catch your breath.
<b>-"What a weird fucking couple..."</b>
[[Decide what to do next.->Go outside]]
<<if $time <2>> <<set $time to $time+1>> <</if>>\
<<set $phoneevent to true>>
You decide that taking a walk seems nice right about now, you haven't done it in a while. As you start walking you notice that's kind of hot, so you take off your sweater.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\f6548724061d0eceab24c5ff30c83c1d.webp">
To get to the city, you need to go through this sketchy alley, you're kind of used to it though, you've went through this place hundreds of times before.
<adriana>-"H-hey.. You!"</adriana>
You hear someone whispering.. You have no idea where from though.
<b>-"W-what? Who said that!?"</b>
<adriana>-"Me silly, come here"</adriana> A woman comes out of the dark.. She's gorgeous.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\me1adinha_0418.webp" height="700px">
<b>-"What.. H-hello.. What do you want?" </b> You're caught so off guard it's kind of hard to speak.
<adriana>-"C-close your eyes.." </adriana>
<b>-"H-huh?" </b>
<adriana>-"Close your eyes.." </adriana> She smiles.
<b>-"Alright haha, if you try anything fishy though, I'm ready..." </b> You whisper as you close your eyes. After around 10 seconds, she speaks again:
<adriana>-"O-okay.. Open them" </adriana>
<<pageReplace"Open your eyes">>\
<img src="Images\Events\random events\me1adinha_0417.webp" height="700px">
<b>-"D-damn... Are you an exhebitionist or something?"</b> The girl reveals her lower half in broad daylight...
<adriana>-"N-no... It's your turn now.."</adriana> She whispers.
<b>-"To do what?"</b>
<b>-"Why would I do that"</b> You chuckle as you continue to check her out.
<adriana>-"I-....I-I'm going to suusc ur..."</adriana> She mumbles something so quietly you can't make it out.
<b>-"You'll do what? Speak up!"</b>
<adriana>-"I-I'll suck your dick!! Okay?!"</adriana> She says with a raised tone. You have no idea what kind of weirdo you just ran into, but you're not complaining.
<<pageReplace "Agree to the blowjob.">>\
<b>-"Well.. I'm not going to say no! No clue why you're doing this but I'm in!"</b> You smile at her.
<adriana>-"P-perfect!"</adriana> She gets on her knees and starts unbuckling your belt.
<adriana>-"I'll suck it but.. under one condition.."</adriana> She whispers.
<b>-"Oh noo.. I knew that there was a catch... What is it..?"</b>
<adriana>-"C-come out.. Chris.."</adriana> You can see a guy poke his head around a corner, no more than a hundren meters away from you.
<adriana>-"The one condition is.. he gets to watch..."</adriana>
<b>-"Hah.. I don't mind!"</b> You laugh. She puts your dick in her mouth and starts sucking.
<blue>-"D-did he agree..."</blue> He asks from afar, too afraid to ask you upfront.
<adriana>-"Y-yesh.. now shwut up and let mwe do this!"</adriana>
<img src="Images\Events\random events\bleh2.webp" width="650px">
<b>-"Nghhh... W-who is this Chris character..mghhhh..anyways?"</b> You notice that the guy is staring at you.
<adriana>-"H-hwe's my boywfriend...<i>*slurp*</i> Hwe likes to watch mwe."</adriana>
<b>-"Ohhh... He's one of those.."</b> You wink at the guy, he looks down at the ground, embarrassed.
<b>-"Y- mghhhh... You guys do this sorta t-thing often?"</b>
<adriana>-"<i>*slurp* *slurp*</i> Ahhhhhh... N-not really.. <i>*slurp*</i> twoday is owur first time awctuallwy..."</adriana>
<b>-"F-fuck.. I'm close..."</b> You moan out as you feel your thick cum coming up your shaft.
<adriana>-"I-Inswside!!"</adriana> She mumbles as she deepthroats your cock as deep as she can. You can see Chris getting hot and heavy he's starting to touch himself through his shorts.
<b>-"NGhhhhhHHHhhh... t-take it all..."</b>
<adriana>-"Oooof....T-thwank you.."</adriana>
<img src="Images\Events\random events\bleh1.webp" height="500px">
<blue>-"T-that was amazing babe..."</blue> Chris comes up to you both, you can see his boner through the clothing.
<adriana>-"D-did you like it baby... I did it for you!"</adriana> She mumbles as she stands up and cleans her knees. You start putting your pants back up.
<blue>-"Of course honey.. you were so good...I didn't think you had it in you.."</blue>
<adriana>-"Chris.... should we?"</adriana> She turns towards her boyfriend and whispers something to him, he nods his head.
<adriana>-"T-take my number, I'm Adriana by the way, we both.. uhmm.. like you so.. If you want to have some... f-fun again, we'll figure something out.." </adriana> She hands you a piece of paper and looks down, presumably in shame.
<b>-"Haha, I-I'll think about it.. It's been fun though" </b>You chuckle.
<adriana>-"H-have a good day mister, thank you for your help.." </adriana>
<blue>-"Bye man.. Hope we can meet again.."</blue> Chris smiles at you. They both walk off while whispering to each other and giggling, you can see them kissing right after as well.
<b>-"W-what just happened.. That was amazing!" </b>You put the piece of paper in your pocket... Just in case..
<blue>Dominant +4!</blue>
<<set $dominant to $dominant +4>>\
[[Decide where to go next->Go outside]]
<<set $phone to true>>\
<<if $time <2>> <<set $time to $time+1>> <</if>>\
<<set $phoneevent to true>>\
<<set $adriananumbergive to true>>\
<<pageReplace "Don't agree.">>\
<b>-"I have no idea what you are talking about lady, you're crazy.."</b>
<adriana>-"N-no.. listen!"</adriana> She starts yapping again.
<b>-"I don't care what you have to say lady, this is too weird for me.."</b> You start walking away from the woman.
<adriana>-"C-come back! Please!"</adriana>
<b>-"What a weirdo..."</b> You whisper to yourself as you reach your destination.
[[Decide where to go next->Go outside]]
<<if $time <2>> <<set $time to $time+1>> <</if>>\
<<set $phoneevent to true>>\
<</if>>\<<set $ShoppingRandomDone to true>>\
<b>-"You know what... The fridge was kind of empty when I left.. I should get some groceries!"</b> You think to yourself as you head towards the shopping mall..
<img src="Images\Events\random events\21.webp" width="600px">
<b>-"Aghh! Finally.."</b> You enter the shopping mall and go straight to the candy section..
<b>-"Hehe a little bit of sugar has never hurt anybody..."</b> You grab a pack of gummy bears and go to the dairy section, when suddenly, while you're looking around, a girl walks by you..
<<pageReplace"Glance at her..">>\
<img src="Images\Events\random events\22.webp" height="600px">
<b>-"W-woah.."</b> You whisper..
<adriana>-"Hehe did I take your breath away..?"</adriana> The girls is wearing a mask... Is she an.. Exhibitionists?
<<pageReplace "Y-you did..">>\
<b>-"Y-yeah..."</b> She turns around and.. Smiles? You can see it through the mask.. After staring at you for a bit, she walks up to you and sits down on your cart..
<adriana>-"Hmmm.. You're pretty cute..."</adriana> She turns to you..
<img src="Images\Events\random events\23.webp" height="600px">
<adriana>-"I'm out here looking for brave men.. You think you could handle me?"</adriana> She shakes her ass a bit more... She's flirting with you..
<<pageReplace"Flirt back">>\
<b>-"Mfgg..I.. I don't know... Want to find out?"</b> You're not naturally a confident guy, but she's just so hot.. You can't throw away this opportunity!
<adriana>-"Hahaha not so quick big boy.. First I need to see who and what I'm working with... Flash me.."</adriana> She looks down at your crotch..
<b>-"W-what..?"</b> You let out an audible gulp..
<adriana>-"You heard me.. I want a confident man who isn't scared to show some skin.."</adriana> It seems like this won't go any further if you don't flash her but.. You're wearing a chastity cage...
<<pageReplace "Flash her...">>\
<b>-"F-fine.. B-but don't laugh!"</b> The girl looks confused..
<adriana>-"Huhhh... Why would I lau-"</adriana> Before she could finish her sentence, you pull down your pants, revealing your caged cock..
<adriana>-"Oh.. You're one of those..."</adriana> She looks disappointed..
<adriana>-"Ugh my husband is caged too, I'm not looking for a new pet.."</adriana> She picks up a vegetable..
<adriana>-"I need a big.. Massive cock to ravange my holes.."</adriana>
<img src="Images\Events\random events\24.webp" height="600px">
You feel your cock throb as the girl reveals her whole body to you..
<adriana>-"Not your little thingy to play around with.. But I'm sure some guy will find it cute, it looks just like a clit.. Haha!"</adriana> She starts walking off...
<b>-"G-god damnit! If only I wasn't wearing this damn cage.."</b> You watch the woman walk away.. Her ass swinging side to side.. You're sure she's off to find another man.. A better man...
<<set $feminization to $feminization +1>>
<emily>Feminization +1!</emily>
[[Continue shopping->room]]
<<pageReplace "Don't flash her..">>\
<b>-"N-no... I'm not comfortable with that.."</b> You can't show her your caged dick.. She'll laugh..
<adriana>-"Heh that's what I thought.. See ya!"</adriana> She starts walking off..
<b>-"G-god damnit! If only I wasn't wearing this damn cage.."</b>
[[Continue shopping->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace "G-get away from me you weirdo!">>\
<b>-"G-get away from me you weirdo!"</b> You shout at her...
<adriana>-"F-fine! Jeez... I'm just playing around!"</adriana> She starts speed walking away from you..
<b>-"W-what was that about.. Undressing in public.. Ew!"</b> You think to yourself as you continue to shop around..
[[Go to the checkout ->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>>\<<set $sistersreacttooutfit1 to true>>\
You take a look at yourself in the mirror.. Your cock - caged... Your ass - plugged.. You're wearing a girly cheerleading outfit.. What happened to you..?
<b>-"G-gosh.. This is crazy.. All of this happened in just a couple of months? I can't lie though.. I love it..</b> You giggle and check yourself out again..
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\21.webp" height="600px">
<sister>-"What.."</sister> You hear a voice behind you..
<<pageReplace"Turn around">>\
It's Kaley! She sits down on your bed and crosses her legs as you quickly cover up..
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\27.webp" height="600px">
<sister>-"I was about to tell you that I'm going out, but fuck that.. This is way more interesting! I didn't know my little $name was a sissy!"</sister> She giggles..
<b>-"Dude! T-this isn't what it looks like.. It's for my work! It's my uniform!"</b>
<sister>-"Haha sure, the cage is part of it too?"</sister>
<b>-"F-fuck you.. It.. It is.."</b> You whimper and look down..
<sister>-"Never really understood the appeal for you guys.. Can you even get hard in that little thing?"</sister> She points at your cage..
<b>-"W-what are you saying Kaley?? J-just get out of my room.. Please.."</b>
<sister>-"Hehe not yet! Come on, imagine your sister taking bigggg fucking cock rrrright in front of you... I want to see that little thing press against it cage!"</sister> She giggles again..
<<pageReplace "Do it..">>\
<b>-"W-what the fuck Kaley.."</b>
<sister>-"Comeee onnnnn...."</sister> She stands up..
<sister>-"Do it for your big sister..."</sister> She brushes her hand against your crotch.. before you know it, you zone out..
<b>-"Kaley.."</b> You whisper..
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\22.webp" height="600px">
<b>-"C-cock..."</b> You whimper..
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\24.webp" width="600px">
It only takes your cock a couple of seconds for it to jump into action.. As you're zoned out.. Fantasizing about Kaley taking dick, a drop of precum drips from your cage..
<sister>-"HAHAHA.. Oh my GOD!</sister> She shouts as she lifts up your skirt to take a better look..
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\26.webp" height="500px">
<<pageReplace"Snap out of it...">>\
You snap out of it and realise what just happened..
<b>-"Oh my god.. K-Kaley! L-leave!"</b> You shout as you quickly pull the skirt back down and push her away..
<sister>-"Fuck me I didn't think you can leak in that thing too! Jeez!"</sister>
<sister>-"Haha well at least now I know your little clit thinks about me.."</sister> She giggles..
<b>-"N-no! It doesn't..!"</b>
<sister>-"Okayyyy.. Sure, sure..."</sister> Kaley winks..
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\23.webp" height="600px">
<sister>-"Hahaha! Tell your manager I said hi!"</sister> She shouts as she leaves the room.
[[Close the door->room]]
<<pageReplace "Don't and tell her to leave...">>\
<b>-"W-what the fuck Kaley.. No! J-just leave!"</b>
<sister>-"Haha what, you mean to tell me you don't fantasise about me?"</sister> She stands up..
<b>-"N-no! Of course not!"</b>
<sister>-"Okayyyy.. Sure, sure.."</sister> She winks..
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\23.webp" height="600px">
<sister>-"Hahaha! Tell your manager I said hi!"</sister> She shouts as she leaves the room.
[[Close the door->room]]
<</pageReplace>>\You feel the cold pillow touch your head, the cold breeze coming through the open window is slowly caressing your face, as you drift off to sleep you begin to dream...
<img src="Images\Events\random events\porn--porn-gif-oral-porn-3444498.webp">
Dreaming about your own $mo2, you feel your dick getting harder and harder, it almost feels like someones playing with it in real life....
<<pageReplace"WAKE UP">>\
You slowly open your eyes, getting blinded by the sunlight in the process, you're dick is throbbing, maybe you had a wet dream?
<sister>-"<i>*Slurp Slurp*</i> Hwey.. $name..."</sister>
<b>-"W-what.."</b> You whisper as your eyes get used to the light.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\26049391.webp" height="500px">
<b>-"W-wow! Haha hey Kaley.."</b> You laugh.
<sister>-"I.. Mghh.. Came Intwo your room twu.. <i>*slurp*</i> Wake you upw.. bwut I couldn't.. Mghhhh.. Resist.." </sister>
<b>-"Well shit, I'm not complaining.. Nghhhh..."</b> You sit up a bit to get a better view.
<sister>-" <i>*Slurp*</i> I cwan feel you throbbwing.."</sister>
<b>-"I..I'm about to.. F-fuckk.."</b> You whimper as a hot load climbs up your shaft...
<img src="Images\Events\random events\27480762.webp">
<sister>-"H-haaa... T-thank you..."</sister> She moans as your hot cum hits her face.
<b>-"F-fuck... Good girl..."</b>
<sister>-"Heheh.. I'm going to wash up, wanna come with?" </sister> She winks at you.
<b>-"N-no.. I'm still half asleep.."</b> You whisper as you get out of bed.
<sister>-"Awhh.. Well alright suit yourself.."</sister> She smiles and leaves the room.
You get out of bed, put on some clothes and after washing up, you:
[[Decide what to do next->room]]
<<set $sistersrandom to 2>>\
<</pageReplace>>\<<set $domrandomvest1 to true>>\
As you enter the mall, you walk around for a couple of minutes, just thinking about where to go..
<img src="Images\Events\random events\41.webp">
<b>-"Ah, let's go to the electronics shop, maybe they have something new in stock.."</b> You think to yourself.
As you're walking there, you notice that.. A lot of people seem to looking at you..?
<b>-"Is there's something on my face...?"</b> You wonder..
As you walk past a group of girls, some of them look you up and down..
<<pageReplace"Look at her">>\
<img src="Images\Events\random events\42.webp">
<adriana>-"W-wow... N-nice suit!"</adriana> One of them compliments you as she walks past..
<b>-"T-thanks!"</b> You shout back, surprised..
<b>-"I'm not even wearing a suit.. It's a vest haha.."</b> You whisper under your breath and continue on your way..
[[Continue walking->The mall]]
<</pageReplace>>\<<location "Images/Other/city afternoon.jpg" "On the way home">>
<<set $muggedagain to true>>\
<b>"AuuuGGHhhHHH"</b> You yawn as you get outside of the SUP.
You decide that you should walk today home.. The car is great and all, but the weather is so nice..! You'll just pick it up tomorrow!
<b>-"Hmm.. T-this is the place I got robbed last time.. I better be carefull.."</b> You think to yourself
<img src="Images\Events\random events\bajo-la-red-michael-ronda.webp">
<blue>-"WALLET AND PHONE IN THE BAG NOW!"</blue> The same masked man runs up to you and starts screaming.
<b>-"YOU again??? C-come on bro!"</b> You sigh...
<b>-"The one day I decide to go on foot I get robbed again... Fuck me.."</b> You think to yourself as the robber pulls out a knife again.
<blue>-"PUT EVERYTHING INSIDE, IF YOU CHASE ME YOU'RE DEAD!"</blue> The same masked man runs up to you and starts screaming.
<b>-"I can't afford to be robbed again..."</b>
<<pageReplace "Give him your money..">>\
<<set $money to 0>>\
<b>-"Ugh f-fine..!"</b> You hand him your wallet..
<blue>-"Don't even think about chasing me, I will fucking stab you!"</blue> He shows you the knife again and starts running..
<b>-"I can't chase him this time..."</b> You think to yourself as you look down at the ground..
<b>-"God damnit.."</b>
[[Continue walking...->Go outside]]
<<if $feminization>60>>\
<<pageReplace "Offer your mouth instead...">>\
<b>-"I-I can't..."</b> You whisper..
<blue>-"Give me the fucking money, or you're dead!"</blue> He shouts at you again!
<b>-"I-I can suck your dick!"</b> You can't believe what you just said..
<b>-"Y-you heard me!"</b> You're only doing this because you can't lose your money... Yes.. Only because of that..
<blue>-"Heh fine! I'll just rob someone else!"</blue> He grins.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\mugged1.webp" height="600px">
He pulls out his cock...
<b>-"W-wow..."</b> It's a lot bigger than you expected..
<blue>-"HURRY UP!"</blue> He screams at you..
<<pageReplace"Get on your knees..">>\
<b>-"F-fine!"</b> You get on your knees and press your lips up against his cock..
<blue>-"YOU BETTER DO A GOOD JOB OR I'M STILL ROBBING YOU!"</blue> He slaps you across the face..
<b>-"Mgghh!"</b> You put his dick inside of your mouth.. You feel a similar... Salty taste...
<img src="Images\Events\random events\mugged2.webp" width="650px">
<blue>-"F-FucKKKK!!!"</blue> The robber moans as you take his shaft deeper and deeper...
<b>-"I-Is twis gwood..? mgHhHH <i>*Slurp*</i>"</b> You ask him while deepthroating his cock..
<blue>-"NgHHHHggg DFGGgHHHH!fFFF!"</blue> He starts shaking as he pulls out his cock and gives you a facial without warning..
<img src="Images\Events\random events\mugged3.webp" width="650px">
<b>-"NGhHHH G-give me a warning n-next time!"</b> You moan out in surprise...
<blue>-"J-jeez Y-you're a weirdo!"</blue> He says while pulling his cock back into his pants..
<b>-"Y-you were the one face fucking m-me a second ago.."</b> You smile..
<blue>-"W-whatever!"</blue> He shouts as he looks around and starts running away.
<b>-"Well that's o-one way.. T-to get rid of robbers.."</b> You think to yourself as you sit there covered in come..
<<set $feminization to $feminization +1>>
<emily>Feminization +1!</emily>
[[Clean up and continue->Go outside]]
<<if $taser is true>>
<<pageReplace "Taze him..">>\
<b>-"Oh yeah?"</b> You ask while pulling out the tazer..
<img src="Images\Lectures\lecture 18\bullysub2.webp">
<b>-"T-try stabbing me now!"</b> You shout as the robber winces in pain..
<blue>-"AHghhHGHGHGHHHHH!!"</blue> He falls on the ground, shaking from the thousands of volts coursing through his body..
<<pageReplace "Take his wallet.">>\
As the robber lays on the ground, completely defeated, you kick the knife away from his hand..
<b>-"You're the one g-getting robbed now.. Bitch!"</b> You quickly check his pockets and pull out his wallet..
<blue>-"GHhhgHHAHHh!"</blue> He moans in pain..
<b>-"Thanks bro!"</b> You giggle while looking at him..
<<money +200 "Stole the losers wallet.. LOL!">>
<green>Money +200!</green>
[[Run away->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace "Just run away.">>\
<b>-"T-thats what you fucking deserve! D-don't ever try to rob me again!"</b> You shout as you stop tasering him and start running away..
<blue>-"GHhhgHHAHHh!"</blue> He moans in pain while you gain distance..
[[Run away->Go outside]]
<<if $domstatus is true>>\
<<pageReplace "Punch him..">>\
<b>-"Sure man, here you go"</b> You start reaching for your wallet, but the second that he drops his guard, you punch him straight across the face..
<img src="Images\Events\random events\punch.webp">
<b>-"Fuck you!"</b> You shout as the robber falls on the floor, completely knocked out...
<<pageReplace "Take his wallet.">>\
As the robber lays on the ground, completely defeated, you kick the knife away from his hand..
<b>-"You're the one g-getting robbed now.. Bitch!"</b> You quickly check his pockets and pull out his wallet..
<blue>-"GHhhgHHAHHh!"</blue> He moans in pain as he regains consciousness..
<b>-"Thanks bro!"</b> You giggle while looking at him..
<<money +200 "Stole the losers wallet.. LOL!">>
<green>Money +200!</green>
[[Run away->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace "Just run away.">>\
<b>-"T-thats what you fucking deserve! D-don't ever try to rob me again!"</b> You shout as you stop tasering him and start running away..
<blue>-"GHhhgHHAHHh!"</blue> He moans in pain as he regains consciousness, while you gain distance..
[[Run away->Go outside]]
<</if>>\<<location "Images/Other/loc.webp" "On the way to the mall">>\
<<set $pillseventtemp to true>>\
<b>-"Oof.. It's a bit chilly.."</b> You shiver as you cross the street.. The mall is nearby, but it'll still take you a couple of minutes to get there by foot..
After checking your phone a couple of times, you start thinking about what you're going to do when you get there..
<b>-"Hmmm.. Maybe I should buy some new clothes.. My wardrobe seems a bit empty.."</b>
<grey>-"Pssss.."</grey> You hear a weird noise behind you..
<<pageReplace"Turn around">>\
<img src="Images\Events\random events\shady2.jpg">
It's nothing... Huh..
<b>-"W-weird.. I could have sworn I heard something.."</b> You whisper as you keep walking..
<<if $taser ==true>>\
You grip your taser in your pocket in anticipation of.. Something.. It's better to be safe than sorry!
You wish you had bought the tazer from the mall.. Maybe you should do that when you get there!
<grey>-"Y-yo! *Cough* D-do you want the s-shit or not?"</grey>
<grey>-"F-fuck.. *Cough* *Cough*"</grey> You can hear someone behind you!
<<pageReplace"Turn around again..">>
<img src="Images\Events\random events\shady.jpg">
Right as you turn, a guy runs up and stops a couple of feet in front of you..
<grey>-"Jesus man, I know that y-you're wary of the opps and shit, but come on.. Don't make me run like that again, I have heart problems!"</grey> He laughs..
<b>-"W-what?"</b> You squint your eyes as you answer.. You don't know what this guys deal is..
<grey>-"Not one for small talk? I can get behind it haha! So do you want the shit or no? I drove all the way out here for you man!"</grey> Is he confusing you with someone..?
<<pageReplace"Play along..">>
<b>-"Of course I do.. Y-you got the shit..?"</b> You decide that's it's better to play along and see where it goes..
<grey>-"Haha that's my man! Of course I do!"</grey> He smiles and pulls out something from his pocket..
<img src="Images\Events\random events\AnyConv.com__pill.jpg">
The man pulls out a pill and shows you..
<grey>-"S-so.. Are we good? You know that my shit is real, just pay up and it's yours.."</grey>
<b>-"W-what is it.. Exactly?"</b> You question him..
<grey>-"Don't act stupid bro.. It's the best aphrodisiac on the market! Is this not what you wanted to buy??"</grey> He looks confused..
<b>-"An aphrodisiac huh.."</b> You think to yourself..
<b>-"H-how much is it again?"</b>
<grey>-"200$, just as we discussed.."</grey>
<b>-"200 bucks for one p-pill??"</b> Your eyebrows raise as your wallet lets out a pleading cry..
<grey>-"Yeah so? This shit is worth a whole lot more than that, believe me! Any woman you give this to will turn into a hornball in a matter of minutes!"</grey> His eyes light up..
<b>-"Y-you sure..?"</b>
<grey>-"Of course I'm sure! My shit is the best in the market baby!"</grey>
<<if $money >=200>>
<b>-"I mean.. I-I want it.. But for 100.."</b>
<grey>-"Are you crazy? I ain't giving you a fifty procent discount.."</grey> He turns away slightly..
<grey>-"Fuck.. I need the money.. H-how about 150? I'm not going a cent lower!"</grey>
<<money -150 "Had to give the aphrodisiac a try..">>
<<set $aphrodisiacpill to true>>\
<<set $daypill to $day>>\
<b>-"F-fine.. Here you go.."</b> You take out your wallet and hand the man 150$
<grey>-"Fuck yeah man! Pleasure doing business with you!"</grey> He says as he hands you the pill and takes your money..
<grey>-"See ya! Give me a call again, if you need anything!"</grey> The man smiles and starts walking off..
<b>-"D-damn.. I really bought it.."</b> You think to yourself as you stuff the pill in your pocket..
<b>-"I.. I don't know who I should give it to yet..."</b> You continue to walk towards the mall.. You'll figure out what to do with the pill when you get home..
<green> Money -150!</green>
<grey>Aphrodisiac pill +1!</grey>
[[Continue to walk towards the mall->The mall]]
<<pageReplace"Don't buy it..">>\
<b>-"N-nah man I'm good.."</b> You whisper as a slight, awkward smile forms on your face..
<grey>-"Mannnn! I drove all the out here just for you to fuck me?!"</grey> He spits on the ground..
<grey>-"I ain't selling you shit ever again!"</grey> He turns and starts walking away...
<b>-"An aphrodisiac... I don't have a use for that.. Plus, it's expensive as shit.."</b> You think to yourself as you continue to walk towards the mall..
[[Enter the mall->The mall]]
<<pageReplace"Buy it">>\
<<money -200 "Had to give the aphrodisiac a try..">>
<<set $aphrodisiacpill to true>>\
<<set $daypill to $day>>\
<b>-"F-fine.. Here you go.."</b> You take out your wallet and hand the man 200$
<grey>-"Fuck yeah man! Pleasure doing business with you!"</grey> He says as he hands you the pill and takes your money..
<grey>-"See ya! Give me a call again, if you need anything!"</grey> The man smiles and starts walking off..
<b>-"D-damn.. I really bought it.."</b> You think to yourself as you stuff the pill in your pocket..
<b>-"I.. I don't know who I should give it to yet..."</b> You continue to walk towards the mall.. You'll figure out what to do with the pill when you get home..
<green> Money -200!</green>
<grey>Aphrodisiac pill +1!</grey>
[[Continue to walk towards the mall->The mall]]
<<if $feminization>=80>>
<<pageReplace"Offer yourself..">>\
<b>-"I.. W-what if you used me instead.."</b> You whisper..
<grey>-"Haha what? What you mean bro?"</grey>
<b>-"Y-you know.. I could.. Let you use my mouth if you give the pill to me.."</b>
<grey>-"Oh.. OHHHH.. N-no I'm good man, I'm not.. Into you like that.."</grey> He awkwardly giggles..
<grey>-"Do you still want to buy it orrrrr..."</grey>
<<pageReplace"Turn him down..">>\
<b>-"N-nah man I'm good.."</b> You whisper as a slight, awkward smile forms on your face..
<grey>-"Mannnn! I drove all the out here just for you to fuck me?!"</grey> He spits on the ground..
<grey>-"I ain't selling you shit ever again!"</grey> He turns and starts walking away...
<b>-"An aphrodisiac... I don't have a use for that.."</b> You think to yourself as you continue to walk towards the mall..
[[Enter the mall->The mall]]
<<pageReplace"Buy it..">>\
<<money -200 "Had to give the aphrodisiac a try..">>
<<set $aphrodisiacpill to true>>\
<<set $daypill to $day>>\
<b>-"F-fine.. Here you go.."</b> You take out your wallet and hand the man 200$
<grey>-"Fuck yeah man! Pleasure doing business with you!"</grey> He says as he hands you the pill and takes your money..
<grey>-"See ya! Give me a call again, if you need anything!"</grey> The man smiles and starts walking off..
<b>-"D-damn.. I really bought it.."</b> You think to yourself as you stuff the pill in your pocket..
<b>-"I.. I don't know who I should give it to yet..."</b> You continue to walk towards the mall.. You'll figure out what to do with the pill when you get home..
<green> Money -200!</green>
<grey>Aphrodisiac pill +1!</grey>
[[Continue to walk towards the mall->The mall]]
<<pageReplace"Turn him down..">>\
<b>-"N-nah man I'm good.."</b> You whisper as a slight, awkward smile forms on your face..
<grey>-"Mannnn! I drove all the out here just for you to fuck me?!"</grey> He spits on the ground..
<grey>-"I ain't selling you shit ever again!"</grey> He turns and starts walking away...
<b>-"An aphrodisiac... I don't have a use for that.."</b> You think to yourself as you continue to walk towards the mall..
[[Enter the mall->The mall]]
<<pageReplace"Turn him down, you don't have enough money..">>\
<b>-"N-nah man I'm good.."</b> You whisper as a slight, awkward smile forms on your face..
<grey>-"Mannnn! I drove all the out here just for you to fuck me?!"</grey> He spits on the ground..
<grey>-"I ain't selling you shit ever again!"</grey> He turns and starts walking away...
<b>-"An aphrodisiac... I don't have a use for that.."</b> You think to yourself as you continue to walk towards the mall..
[[Enter the mall->The mall]]
<<pageReplace"Tell him that he's got the wrong person..">>
<b>-"I think that you're confusing me with someone.. I don't want to buy anything from you.."</b> You're still wary of him..
<grey>-"Oh.. My bad bro!"</grey>
<grey>-"Have a great night, sorry that I bothered you!"</grey> He smiles and turns away.. Before you know it, he pulls out his phone and starts running away..
<b>-"Hmm.. What a nice guy, I hope he finds the buyer in time.."</b> You whisper to yourself as you continue to walk towards the mall..
[[Enter the mall->The mall]]
<</pageReplace>>\<<set $time to 2>>\
<<set $aphrodisiacpillchoice to true>>\
As you sit down on your bed, you start undressing..
<b>-"*Yawnnnnn* Fuck me.. Today has been an interesting day.."</b> You think to yourself as you take off your pants.
<b>-"W-wait.."</b> You audibly say..
<b>-"The pill!"</b> You quickly dip your hand into he right pocket, looking for it.
<<pageReplace"Pull it out">>\
<img src="Images\Events\random events\pill.png">
<b>-"T-there it is!"</b> You still can't believe you actually bought it.. And that it stayed in your pocket this long!
<b>-"Damn.. I forgot about it.. Thank god I didn't lose it.."</b>
<b>-"He said it'll turn any woman into a hornball for a while.. D-do I really want to do this..?"</b> You know that you're $sisters and your $mo2 like to drink tea before bed.. This might be the perfect opportunity to try it out..
<<pageReplace"I'm ready to try it out..">>\
<b>-"I think.. I think I'm ready to try it out.."</b> You grip the pill in your hands and raise your head in determination..
<b>-"This better be fucking worth it.. S-shit was expensive as fuck.."</b> You think to yourself as you exit your room..
You slowly go down the stairs to the kitchen.. After checking around for a couple of seconds, to see if anybody is looking, you start the electric kettle..
<<pageReplace"Wait for the water to boil..">>\
<<blink "Images/Events/random events/boil.gif" 600>>\
The water is ready.. You carefully pour it into a cup and add a single tea packet..
<img src="Images\Events\random events\tea.gif">
As you watch the sun go down outside of the kitchen window, you take a deep breath and throw the pill inside of the cup..
<b>-"I.. I did it.."</b> You whisper..
<b>-"Oh.. Oh shit I still have to decide who to give it to.."</b> As the pill dissolves, you start to think..
<<pageReplace"Pick Ava">>\
<<set $avapill to true>>\
<b>-"Ava... L-let's give it to her.."</b> You glance at the cup.. The pill has melted.. You take the tea and start heading upstairs..
<b>-"Right.. Let's go.."</b> You knock on her door and it opens..
<sister>-"Hey! Watchu want?"</sister> Kaley asks..
<b>-"Hey. Where's Ava?"</b>
<sister>-"Uhmmm.. In the bathroom I think.. Why?"</sister>
<b>-"I.. I just need to talk to her, that's all.. Have a great night.."</b> You smile and start heading towards the restroom..
As you arrive, you can hear that the sink is on, she's probably getting ready for bed..
<img src="Images\Events\random events\avaa2.jpg">
<sister>-"Ah! K-knock you bastard!"</sister> She screams as you quickly turn away..
<<if $domstatus is true>>\
<b>-"Fine fine! It's not like I've not seen you naked.."</b> You chuckle..
<sister>-"Oh shut up! L-let me put this on.."</sister> You hear the sound of fabric rubbing against her skin..
<b>-"S-sorry.. M-my bad.."</b> You whisper..
<sister>-"G-gosh you're annoying! I know that you're horny, but don't go barging in like that.."</sister> You hear the sound of fabric rubbing against her skin..
<sister>-"R-right.. Where were we..?"</sister> You slowly turn around...
<img src="Images\Events\random events\avaa.jpg">
<b>-"I made you tea.."</b> You show her the cup..
<sister>-"What? W-why would you randomly make me tea? And come barging into the restroom to tell me?"</sister> She squints her eyebrows..
<<pageReplace"Because I wanted to..">>\
<b>-"I don't know.. B-because I wanted to? Am i not allowed to be nice?"</b> You smile..
<sister>-"F-fine.. Fine.. Thank you.. P-put it on my table, I'll drink it when I wake up.. I'm not in the mood for tea right now.."</sister> She turns away and starts the sink again..
<b>-"Alrighty.."</b> You whisper as you leave the bathroom.. You go into her room and place the tea on her table..
<sister>-"Heyyy! You didn't make me any?"</sister> Kaley looks at you...
<b>-"S-sorry Kaley, I'll make you one next time!"</b> You smile as you exit the room..
<b>-"She'll drink it tomorrow huh.. Alright, now we wait.."</b> You go into your room, ready for tomorrow..
<<set $time to 0>>
[[Go to sleep..->room]]
<<pageReplace"Pick Kaley">>\
<<set $kaleypill to true>>\
<b>-"Kaley... L-let's give it to her.."</b> You glance at the cup.. The pill has melted.. You take the tea and start heading upstairs..
<b>-"Right.. Let's go.."</b> You knock on her door and it opens..
<sister>-"Hey! Watchu want?"</sister> Kaley asks..
<b>-"I made you tea!"</b> You smile as you show her the cup.
<sister>-"You..? Made..? Tea..? For..? Me..?"</sister> She looks at you suspiciously...
<sister>-"Haha alright! Come on in then!"</sister> Kaley smiles as the doors swing wide open..
<img src="Images\Events\random events\kaleyy.jpg">
<sister>-"So.. What came over you? Are you dying and trying to rectify your sins?"</sister> She giggles..
<b>-"Hah no.. Just felt like being nice today!"</b> You smile as you put the cup on her table..
<sister>-"Well alright.. Thanks! I'll drink it tomorrow, don't really feel like drinking it today.."</sister>
<b>-"Sure! A-also.. Where's Ava?"</b>
<sister>-"Uhmmm.. Bathroom probably.. Why?"</sister>
<b>-"Nothing really, just wondering.. Anyways, enjoy your tea!"</b> You smile once more as you exit her room..
<sister>-"Thanks again!"</sister> She shouts as you close the door..
<b>-"She'll drink it tomorrow huh.. Alright, now we wait.."</b> You go into your room, ready for tomorrow..
<<set $time to 0>>
[[Go to sleep..->room]]
<<pageReplace"Pick Mia">>\
<<set $miapill to true>>\
<b>-"Mia... L-let's give it to her.."</b> You glance at the cup.. The pill has melted.. You take the tea and start heading upstairs..
<b>-"Right.. Let's go.."</b> You knock on her door and you hear a voice..
<mia>-"Come in!"</mia>
<<pageReplace"Enter her room..">>\
<img src="Images\Events\random events\miaa.jpg">
You're greeted by an amazing sight.. Your $mo2 is laying on her stomach, almost completely naked.. You feel a rush of oxytocin rushing into your vains..
<mia>-"Hey honey.. Did you want something?"</mia> She takes a sip from her cup..
<<if $domstatus is false>>\
<b>-"H-hey $mom1.. I.. I see you're already drinking tea.."</b> You feel disappointed.. Is she not going to drink it now?
<b>-"Hey Mia.. I see you're already drinking tea?"</b> You turn your head slightly.. You're hopeful that she'll still accept your cup..
<mia>-"I am.. Why? Is something the matter?"</mia> She turns towards you, while still laying on her stomach.. Exposing herself to you.. Almost on purpose..
<b>-"No.. Not really.. I just made you a cup too.."</b> You show her the steaming hot tea..
<mia>-"Awhh honey you shouldn't have!"</mia> She smiles..
<mia>-"Put it down on my table love, I'll drink it tomorrow!"</mia> You put the cup down carefully and smile..
<b>-"P-perfect!"</b> You can't believe you actually did it..
<b>-"Well.. G-good night!"</b> You smile as you start backing up.
<mia>-"Good night! Have a great day tomorrow!"</mia> She says as you close the door.
<b>-"She'll drink it tomorrow huh.. Alright, now we wait.."</b> You go into your room, ready for tomorrow..
<<set $time to 0>>
[[Go to sleep..->room]]
<<pageReplace"This is fucked up.. Throw the pill away">>\
<b>-"N-nah.. On second thought, I couldn't give this to someone I adore.."</b> You take a couple of steps to your right and throw the pill into the trash and head towards your bed..
<img src="Images\Events\random events\bi-bed.gif">
<b>-"Bummer.. I spent a bunch of money on it, but still.. This would be fucked up.."</b> You rest your head on the pillow as your mind wanders off.. Time to go to bed.
<<set $time to 0>>
[[Fall asleep ->room]]
<<pageReplace"Save it for later..">>\
<<set $emilypill to true>>\
<b>-"I want to try it out, but.. Not on them.. Maybe I should save it for later.."</b> You think to yourself as you grip the pill in your palm..
<b>-"Maybe I could give it to Emily.."</b> You say as you put the pill back in your pocket..
<b>-"Eh, I'll figure what to do with it later.."</b> You throw the pants on your chair, take off your shirt and climb into bed..
<img src="Images\Events\random events\bi-bed.gif">
<<set $time to 0>>
[[Go to sleep->room]]
<</pageReplace>>\<<location "Images/Other/room.jpg" "My room">>\
<<set $pillfamilyevent to true>>\
<<if $domstatus is false>>\
<<if $avapill is true>>\
<b>-"Alright, time to go outside.. I've a lot of things to do.."</b> You yawn as you open your door and step outside into the hall..
<sister>-"Mfff..."</sister> A soft moan fills your ears..
<b>-"Huh..? What's that..?"</b> You wonder..
<b>-"Did Kaley forget to close her door again? W-wait.. The tea!"</b> You suddenly remember.. You gave Ava the cup of tea, she probably drank it already!
<<pageReplace"Quietly sneak towards her door..">>\
<b>-"T-this ought to be good.."</b> You think to yourself as the moans grow louder and louder..
<sister>-"F-fuck.. W-why.. Mfggg..."</sister> Ava moans as you reach her door..
<b>-"R-right.. I have to sneaky.. I can't afford to be caught again."</b> You say as you reach for the door..
<img src="Images\Events\random events\doorhandle.gif">
<<pageReplace"Slowly take a peak..">>\
<img src="Images\Events\random events\ava3.webp">
As you quietly open the door, the muffled moans turn into screeches of pleasure..
<sister>-"Ughhhh.. F-fuck.. S-so close.."</sister> She says as her lips tightly grip the toy..
<b>-"J-jeez.. I've never seen her this horny before.. T-the man was right.."</b> You think as a drop of precum leaks out from your tip..
<<pageReplace"Keep watching..">>\
<img src="Images\Events\random events\ava1.webp">
<sister>-"F-fuck meee... P-pleaseeee!"</sister> She screams as you tighty grip your crotch..
<b>-"G-god I wish I was that dildo.."</b> Your vision starts going blurry..
<<if $toys ==1>>\
You grab your cock to start masturbating.. But it's tightly locked inside of it's cage..
<b>-"G-god damnit.."</b>
You quickly grab your shaft through your underwear and start stroking it.. Trying to match Ava's speed..
<b>-"Y-yesss.."</b> You whisper as you continue to watch..
<<pageReplace"Check behind you..">>\
You quickly turn your head and look around.. You don't see anyone..
After a minute or two, Ava switches positions.. She's now facing the door, but in her state, she doesn't notice your eyes peeking out from the side of it..
<sister>-"M-more.. More.. MORE... NFGgggGFFF! MOREEE!!!"</sister> She screams as she continues to ride her dildo.. You can see that her juices already soaked the carpet, but she doesn't seem to care..
<b>-"F-fuck.. S-she looks so perfect.. What if.."</b> You suddenly get an idea..
<<pageReplace"Take a quick video..">>\
<<blink "Images/Events/random events/flash.gif" 250>>\
<b>-"Shit!"</b> Your cheeks grow red as you notice that the flash was on! You quickly put the phone away and get ready to run away, but.. Ava didn't see you?
<sister>-"Ughhhh... Y-yesssss.. D-deeeperrrrr..."</sister> She moans as her thighs quiver..
<<image "Events/random events/ava2.webp" gallery "Ava">>
<sister>-"Fuckkkk.. MffffF!!!"</sister> She screams as the dildo turns white..
<b>-"Mfff.. Fuck just a little more.."</b> As the words leave your lips, Ava drops on the floor from exhaustion.. Did the pills effects ran out?
<sister>-"HuuuHuuuu.. W-water..."</sister> She whispers as she starts standing up..
<b>-"Oh shit.."</b> You whisper and quickly close the door.. You're underwear is stained with precum.. Thankfully you managed to take a quick video.. You can finish the job later..
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Run to your room->room]]
<<pageReplace"Don't.. Just keep watching">>
<b>-"Nah.. Way to risky.."</b> You think to yourself as you dick throbs while watching her..
<sister>-"Ughhhh... Y-yesssss.. D-deeeperrrrr..."</sister> She moans as her thighs quiver..
<img src="Images\Events\random events\ava2.webp">
<sister>-"Fuckkkk.. MffffF!!!"</sister> The dildo slowly turns white..
<b>-"Mfff.. Fuck just a little more.."</b> As the words leave your lips, Ava drops on the floor from exhaustion.. Did the pills effects ran out?
<sister>-"HuuuHuuuu.. W-water..."</sister> She whispers as she starts standing up..
<b>-"Oh shit.."</b> You whisper and quickly close the door.. You're underwear is stained with precum.. It's a shame that you didn't finish the job.. Maybe the next time..
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Run to your room->room]]
<<elseif $kaleypill is true>>\
<b>-"Alright, time to go outside.. I've a lot of things to do.."</b> You yawn as you open your door and step outside into the hall..
<sister>-"Mfff..."</sister> A soft moan fills your ears..
<b>-"Huh..? What's that..?"</b> You wonder..
<b>-"Did Kaley forget to close her door again? W-wait.. The tea!"</b> You suddenly remember.. You gave Kaley the cup of tea, she probably drank it already!
<<pageReplace"Quietly sneak towards her door..">>\
<b>-"T-this ought to be good.."</b> You think to yourself as get closer and closer..
You slowly open the door to get a peak, but.. She's not there?
<b>-"Huh? W-where is she.."</b> You start hearing her again..
<sister>-"F-fuck.. mMMFff.. W-why.."</sister> You think that it's coming from downstairs..! Why would she be there..?
<b>-"R-right.. I have to sneaky.. I can't afford to be caught again."</b> You say as you swloly go down the stairs..
As you sneak towards the kitchen, the moans grow louder and louder..
<<pageReplace"Slowly take a peak..">>\
<img src="Images\Events\random events\kaley8.webp">
As you peek from behind the corner, the muffled moans turn into screeches of pleasure..
<sister>-"Ughhhh.. F-fuck.. S-so close.."</sister> She says as her fingers pleasure her..
<b>-"J-jeez.. Did she really get so horny, that she started doing it in the kitchen.."</b> You think as a drop of precum leaks out from your tip.. You can't lie, this is hot!
<sister>-"Mfffff.. W-why does it keep i.. MffGGG!! Itching.."</sister>
<b>-"Thank fuck Mia and John aren't home.."</b>
<<pageReplace"Get a closer look..">>\
<sister>-"F-fuck meee... P-pleaseeee!"</sister> She screams as you tighty grip your crotch..
<b>-"J-just a little closer.."</b> You think to yourself as you inch forwards..
<img src="Images\Events\random events\kaley2.webp">
<sister>-"OH MY GOD! $name! W-what are YOU doing?!?!!"</sister> She screams as she covers up.. You're busted..
<b>-"K-kaley.. I.. I can ask you the same question!"</b>
<<if $toys ==1>>\
You can feel your cock throb against it's cage.. This situation is embarrassing for the both of you.. But maybe that's why you're turned on..
You can feel your cock throb against your underwear.. This situation is embarrassing for the both of you.. But maybe that's why you're turned on..
<<pageReplace"Try to explain yourself..">>\
<b>-"W-what are you doing!! M-masturbating in our kitchen??"</b> You accuse her.. It's probably best to appear confident..
<sister>-"Oh shut up! How dumb do you think I am?!"</sister> She removes her hands, revealing her chest to you...
<sister>-"I know you fucking laced that tea with something.. I've never been hornier in my life.."</sister>
<b>-"I.. I don't know what you're talking about!"</b> You answer as your gaze slowly falls on her chest..
<sister>-"T-this.. This is all your fault! And.. And you're going to help me get back to normal!"</sister> She says as she starts rubbing herself again..
<b>-"W-what.."</b> You gulp..
<sister>-"C-come here you loser.."</sister> She tells you to sit down in front of her..
<b>-"Y-yes Kaley... I'm sorry.."</b> You can't go against her wishes.. As you sit down, she smiles..
<sister>-"Good puppy.. N-now while you watch, remember.. You caused this.."</sister> She says inbetween pants..
<img src="Images\Events\random events\kaley4.webp">
<b>-"F-fuck.. K-kaley.."</b> You fall into a trance.. Watching your own $sister masturbating in front of you.. It's definitely a rare sight..
<sister>-"Mffff.. S-so good.. So deeep.."</sister> She moans as her fingers go in and out of her.. You put your hand on your crotch, but she quickly notices..
<sister>-"Hey! N-no no! You can only watch!"</sister> Her thighs quiver from pleasure..
<b>-"B-but Kaley!"</b> You shout..
<sister>-"MfFFFGG!!! F-fuckkk!! Shut up! I'm c-close!"</sister> She starts pleasuring herself quicker and quicker..
<sister>-"HhaaaAAAA! O-Open your mouth!"</sister> She screams..
<b>-"Y-yes Kaley!"</b> You answer like an obedient dog..
<<pageReplace"Open your mouth..">>\
<img src="Images\Events\random events\kaley1.gif">
<sister>-"FuckkkKKKK!!!!"</sister> She screams as her whole body shakes.. Her juices flow into your mouth.. Your sinuses get filled, you almost sneeze..
<b>-"Haaa! Aghh!!"</b> You gasp for air...
<sister>-"F-fuck.. D-drink up!"</sister> You follow her command and take a big gulp..
<b>-"Ahhhh!"</b> You swallow her love nectar, as pre cum leaks through your panties..
<img src="Images\Events\random events\cumm.gif">
<sister>-"Haaa.. G-good.. Hah.. B-boy.."</sister> She says as she looks around..
<sister>-"I feel.. A whole lot better now.. Clean this whole mess up.."</sister> She points around the kitchen..
<b>-"Y-yes Kaley!"</b>
<sister>-"I never.. Hah.. Lace my fucking tea you imbecill!"</sister> She screams as she takes a tissue and starts cleaning her legs.. G-god this was hot..
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
[[Clean up the kitchen.. ->room]]
<<pageReplace"Disagree and leave..">>
<b>-"N-no.. W-what the fuck!"</b> You shout as you slowly back off..
<b>-"I'll tell Mia that you're fucking masturbating in our kitchen!"</b> You're not going to be her plaything today..
<sister>-"Oh shut up you loser, then I'm going to tell her you laced my tea!"</sister> She throws a box of tissues at you..
<sister>-"If you're not going to help, GET OUT! I need to.. Mfgff.. F-finish this.."</sister> She says as she starts rubbing herself again..
<b>-"F-fine!"</b> You answer her as you climb the stairs..
<b>-"Fuck the pill and fuck her.."</b> You whisper under your nose..
[[Go to your room->room]]
<<elseif $miapill is true>>\
<b>-"Alright, time to go outside.. I've a lot of things to do.."</b> You yawn as you open your door and step outside into the hall..
<mia>-"Mfff..."</mia> A soft moan fills your ears..
<b>-"Huh..? What's that..?"</b> You wonder..
<b>-"Did Kaley forget to close her door again? W-wait.. The tea!"</b> You suddenly remember.. You gave Mia the cup of tea, she probably drank it already!
<<pageReplace"Quietly sneak towards her door..">>\
<b>-"T-this ought to be good.."</b> You think to yourself as the moans grow louder and louder..
<mia>-"F-fuck.. W-why.. Mfggg..."</mia> Mia moans as you reach her door..
<b>-"R-right.. I have to sneaky.. I can't afford to be caught again."</b> You say as you reach for the door..
<<pageReplace"Slowly take a peak..">>\
As you open the door, you're greeted by a pair of tits staring straight at you..
<img src="Images\Events\random events\mia1.jpg">
<mia>-"Haha fucking knew it!"</mia> She giggles as she pulls you inside by your shirt..
<b>-"M-mia! W-what are you doing?!"</b>
<mia>-"I know that you laced my tea you loser.. You couldn't have made it more obvious?"</mia> She laughs..
<b>-"I.. I don't know what you're talking about!"</b> You shout as Mia smiles..
<mia>-"Oh shut up and come here, you're going to watch.. Treat this.. As another lesson.."</mia> She says as you see sweat run down her forehead.. She's probably been at it all morning..
<mia>-"Now come on! I'm stil.. Mfff.. So fucking horny!"</mia> She runs towards the bed..
<img src="Images\Events\random events\mia2.webp">
<<pageReplace"Follow her..">>\
<b>-"Y-yes Mia... I'm sorry.."</b> You can't go against her wishes.. As you follow her and sit down, she smiles..
<mia>-"Good puppy.. N-now while you watch, remember.. You caused this.."</mia> She says inbetween pants..
Mia picks up the toy that was laying on the bed and starts rubbing herself..
<mia>-"Haaa... L-look close.. You did this.."</mia> You see her juices flowing as the vibrator touches her clit..
<img src="Images\Events\random events\mia9.gif">
<b>-"F-fuck.. M-mia.."</b> You fall into a trance.. Watching your own $mo2 masturbating in front of you.. It's definitely a rare sight..
<mia>-"Mfff.. Y-you see.. T-this is a real cock $name.."</mia> She shows the toy.. It's a good 7 inches.. Much larger than you..
<<if $toys ==1>>\
Your caged up cock could only dream of pleasuring a woman like Mia.. As you watch her getting closer and closer to putting it in, you feel your little clit throb...
Your little cock could only dream of pleasuring a woman like Mia.. As you watch her getting closer and closer to putting it in, you feel your penis throb...
<<pageReplace"Keep watching">>\
<img src="Images\Events\random events\mia7.webp">
<mia>-"FuckkkKKKK!!!!"</mia> She screams as her whole body shakes.. Her juices pour out of her as your eyes grow wider and wider..
<b>-"M-mia.. I-I can help.."</b> You blurt out..
<mia>-"Hah! Not happened.. Mffff.. I- I talked with Emily a-already.. MfgggGG!"</mia> She moans..
<mia>-"I know that.. F-fuck.. Y-you can't pleasure a woman.."</mia> Mia has talked with Emily about your sexual life..? T-that's fucked up..
<b>-"Mfff.. $mom1!"</b> You shout as you grab your shaft through your underwear..
<mia>-"No n-no no! Y-you can only watch!"</mia> She shouts and pushes your hand away..
<b>-"B-but I'm so closee!"</b>
<mia>-"D-don't care.. T-this is a lesson.. F-fuck.. Mffff.. D-don't lace your $mo2's tea you cuck!"</mia> She smiles...
<<pageReplace"Watch her cum...">>\
<img src="Images\Events\random events\mia8.gif">
<mia>-"F-fuck!!"</mia> She shouts as her thighs quiver in pleasure...
<b>-"S-so hot.."</b> You whisper under your breath as pre cum leaks out of your cock..
<img src="Images\Events\random events\cumm.gif">
<mia>-"G-good boy.. Y-you watch well.. Y-you're just like your father.."</mia> She licks her dildo clean..
<mia>-"N-now.. Get out of here.. I still need more.."</mia> She says as she shoves the dildo back in..
<mia>-"FUCKKK!!! MFfffFGG!"</mia>
<b>-"Y-yes Mia!"</b> You tell her as you quickly stand up, covering up your drenched crotch.. You need to cum.. NOW!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
[[Run to your room and watch some porn ->Open the laptop]]
<<pageReplace"Don't and leave the room..">>
<b>-"N-no.. W-what the fuck!"</b> You shout as you slowly back off..
<mia>-"W-what?"</mia> She tilts her head..
<b>-"I.. I'm not watching you $mom1, this is still weird!"</b> You open the door..
<mia>-"Huh.. Suit yourself, but don't lace my tea again you twat, because the consequences will be dire.."</mia> Overwhelmed by the aphrodisiac's effects, Mia starts pleasuring herself again..
<b>-"B-bye!"</b> You shout as you step outside..
<mia>-"Nfff!! F-fuck! W-whatever.."</mia>
[[Go to your room->room]]
<<if $avapill is true>>\
<b>-"Alright, time to go outside.. I've a lot of things to do.."</b> You yawn as you open your door and step outside into the hall..
<sister>-"Mfff..."</sister> A soft moan fills your ears..
<b>-"Huh..? What's that..?"</b> You wonder..
<b>-"Did Kaley forget to close her door again? W-wait.. The tea!"</b> You suddenly remember.. You gave Ava the cup of tea, she probably drank it already!
<<pageReplace"Quietly sneak towards her door..">>\
<b>-"T-this ought to be good.."</b> You think to yourself as the moans grow louder and louder..
<sister>-"F-fuck.. W-why.. Mfggg..."</sister> Ava moans as you reach her door..
<b>-"R-right.. I have to sneaky.. I can't afford to be caught again."</b> You say as you reach for the door..
<img src="Images\Events\random events\doorhandle.gif">
<<pageReplace"Slowly take a peak..">>\
<img src="Images\Events\random events\ava4.webp">
As you quietly open the door, the muffled moans turn into screeches of pleasure..
<sister>-"Ughhhh.. F-fuck.. S-so close.."</sister> She says as her lips tightly grip the toy..
<b>-"J-jeez.. I've never seen her this horny before.. T-the man was right.."</b> You think as as your shaft gets harder and harder..
<sister>-"C-cock.. I need cock! MFffGGG!"</sister> It seems like she's in a trance..
<b>-"Hmnn... I could.."</b> A thought runs through your mind..
<<pageReplace"Join her">>\
<b>-"Hello beautiful.."</b> You say as your gaze meets hers..
<sister>-"Mffff.. I..I -I don't know what's.. F-fuck.. G-going on.."</sister> You expected her to act shocked and embarrassed..
<b>-"Feeling extra horny today.. Huh?"</b> You start unbuckling your belt..
<sister>-"I.. I don't know.. P-please... Help me.. I'm so itchy.."</sister>
<b>-"Your wish is my command.."</b> You get on your knees in front of her...
<b>-"Well this was easier than I thought it would be.."</b> You think to yourself as you're faced with your $sister's spread legs...
<<pageReplace"Eat her out..">>\
<img src="Images\Events\random events\ava5.gif">
<sister>-"MfffGG! Y-yes!! F-fuck.. Nffff.."</sister> She lets out a soft moan as your tongue touches her clit..
<b>-"G-god Y-you're wet!"</b>
<sister>-"I.. I'm so.. Mfff.. I-itchy.. I d-don't know why.."</sister> She says inbetween pants..
<sister>-"MfffFFF! C-cock!! C-cock PLEASE!"</sister> She screams as she pushes your head away..
<sister>-"Y-your tongue.. It's n-not enough.."</sister>
<img src="Images\Events\random events\ava6.gif">
<<pageReplace"Fuck your $sister..">>
<b>-"Well I'm not going to say no.."</b> You chuckle as you push her onto the bed..
<sister>-"Y-yes.. P-please.. Quickly.. Mffff.."</sister> The pill definitely seems to have worked..
<b>-"A-are you ready?"</b> You ask as you rub your shaft against her..
<sister>-"J-just put it in.. P-pleaseeeeee.. Mffff, F-fucking hurry up!"</sister>
<b>-"A-alright.. MFff.."</b> You slowly enter Ava.. Your cock getting squeezed by her lips..
<sister>-"Y-yessssSSSS!!!"</sister> She screams.. Thankfully nobody is home..
<img src="Images\Events\random events\ava7.gif">
<b>-"F-fuck.."</b> You moan as your cock goes in and out of your $sister..
<sister>-"Y-yes.. F-finally.. Nfffff.. S-so.. So good!"</sister>
<sister>-"F-faster.. FasterrrRr... FASTERRR!"</sister> She screams as you try your best to keep up..
<b>-"D-damn.. C-calm down!"</b> You shout as your dick slips out..
<sister>-"N-nonoNo NO NOOO!"</sister> Ava pushes you onto the bed and mounts you..
<<pageReplace"Let her do all of the work..">>\
<img src="Images\Events\random events\ava8.gif">
<sister>-"Y-yes.. T-this is so much better!"</sister>
Ava gives you a ride of your lifetime.. As her lips grip onto your sword, you feel a rush of semen climbing up..
<b>-"F-fuck.. I.. I'm close.."</b> She doesn't stop..
<b>-"I said I'm.. C-close! MfgF!"</b>
<sister>-"AHHHH.. I.. I don't care! S-stay still!"</sister>
<<pageReplace"Cum inside..">>\
<b>-"F-fuck!"</b> You shout as you shoot your load inside of her..
<img src="Images\Events\random events\ava10.webp">
You both fall onto the bed.. Completely exhausted and covered in juices..
<b>-"F-Fuck Ava.. H-how are you feeling.."</b>
<sister>-"W-what happened..."</sister> She whispers..
<b>-"Oh shit.. I have to get out before she figures out what just happened.."</b> You think to yourself as you quickly stand up.. Your cock is still throbbing from that magical ride..
<sister>-"$name.. I-is that you..?"</sister> She whispers as she turns towards you.. Her eyes rolled back..
The pill worked! Hopefully you'll run into the man again someday!
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
[[Run to your room->room]]
<<pageReplace"Don't.. Just leave her alone..">>
<b>-"nah I better not.. T-this is fucked up.."</b> You think to yourself as you close the door..
<b>-"W-why did I buy that pill anyways.."</b> You could've spent that money elsewhere...
[[Go to your room->room]]
<<elseif $kaleypill is true>>\
<b>-"Alright, time to go outside.. I've a lot of things to do.."</b> You yawn as you open your door and step outside into the hall..
<sister>-"Mfff..."</sister> A soft moan fills your ears..
<b>-"Huh..? What's that..?"</b> You wonder..
<b>-"Did Kaley forget to close her door again? W-wait.. The tea!"</b> You suddenly remember.. You gave Kaley the cup of tea, she probably drank it already!
<<pageReplace"Quietly sneak towards her door..">>\
<b>-"T-this ought to be good.."</b> You think to yourself as get closer and closer..
You slowly open the door to get a peak, but.. She's not there?
<b>-"Huh? W-where is she.."</b> You start hearing her again..
<sister>-"F-fuck.. mMMFff.. W-why.."</sister> You think that it's coming from downstairs..! Why would she be there..?
<b>-"Is that whore downstairs??"</b> You say as you swloly go down the stairs..
As you sneak towards the kitchen, the moans grow louder and louder..
<<pageReplace"Slowly take a peak..">>\
<img src="Images\Events\random events\kaley8.webp">
As you peek from behind the corner, the muffled moans turn into screeches of pleasure..
<sister>-"Ughhhh.. F-fuck.. S-so close.."</sister> She says as her fingers pleasure her..
<b>-"J-jeez.. Did she really get so horny, that she started doing it in the kitchen.."</b> You think as a drop of precum leaks out from your tip.. Your shaft is ready for action!
<sister>-"Mfffff.. W-why does it keep i.. MffGGG!! Itching.."</sister>
<b>-"Thank fuck Mia and John aren't home.."</b>
<<pageReplace"Get a closer look..">>\
<sister>-"F-fuck meee... P-pleaseeee!"</sister> She screams as you tighty grip your crotch..
<b>-"J-just a little closer.."</b> You think to yourself as you inch forwards..
<img src="Images\Events\random events\kaley2.webp">
<sister>-"OH MY GOD! $name! W-what are YOU doing?!?!!"</sister> She screams as she covers up.. You're busted..
<b>-"Oh shit!"</b> You shout..
<b>-"What am I doing?? Y-you're masturabating in our kitchen!"</b> You realise that you're not in the wrong..
<sister>-"I.. You laced my tea! I.. I think... I'm so I-itchy.."</sister> She says as she removes her hands from her chest and starts pleasuring herself again..
<sister>-"I.. I'm sorry, but.. I can't stop.. MFfggg.."</sister> She moans as you touch her breasts..
<img src="Images\Events\random events\kaley3.webp">
<sister>-"P-please.. Don't tell Mia! I.. I'll do anything!"</sister>
<b>-"Anything..?"</b> You smirk as she understands what you mean..
<sister>-"Y-yes $name.. Anything.."</sister> She gets on her knees..
<sister>-"C-cock.. F-finally.. M-maybe now this itch will... Nfff.. D-disappear"</sister> Kaley unbuckles your pants and pulls out your cock..
<img src="Images\Events\random events\kaley5.webp">
<sister>-"F-fuck.. So big.. G-good.."</sister> She says as she puts the tip into her mouth..
<b>-"Mfff.. Y-yes.. Good girl.."</b>
<sister>-"N-nwot a word two mwia rwinht?"</sister> She says as she takes your cock deeper and deeper..
<b>-"N-not a word baby"</b> She finally pulls your cock out of her mouth, stands up and turns around..
<sister>-"D-do it.. Q-quickly.. I'm so f-fucking horny.."</sister> She whispers..
<<pageReplace"Fuck your $sister..">>\
<img src="Images\Events\random events\kaley6.webp">
<sister>-"F-fucKKKKkkkKKK MfffGGGFfF!"</sister> She screams as you enter her..
<b>-"S-shit.. Y-you're so wet!"</b> Her lips grip your shaft as you push your member deeper and deeper with each thrust..
<sister>-"Y-yessS! H-harder! HARDErrRRRR! P-please!"</sister> She screams as you try to keep up..
<b>-"F-fuck.. I.. I'm going as fast as I can!"</b> She moves forward.. Your cock falls out..
<sister>-"F-fine! I.. I'll do it myself!"</sister> Kaley pushes you onto the ground..
<b>-"O-ouch.. F-fuck!"</b>
<sister>-"D-don't move!"</sister>
<<pageReplace"Watch her mount you..">>\
She jumps on top of you and slowly lowers herself down..
<img src="Images\Events\random events\kaley7.webp">
<sister>-"F-fuck.. I.. I just came.."</sister> She whispers as she picks up the speed..
<b>-"Mffggg! I.. I'm close too!"</b>
<sister>-"A.. A little more.. P-please!"</sister> Her eyes roll back from pleasure...
<b>-"H-here it comes!"</b> You shout as you feel a wave of pleasure wash over you..
<img src="Images\Events\random events\ava10.webp">
<sister>-"Y-yesSsssSSSS!"</sister> She shouts as your baby milk spills out..
You both fall onto the bed.. Completely exhausted and covered in juices..
<b>-"F-Fuck Kaley.. H-how are you feeling.."</b>
<sister>-"B-better... N-not a fucking word.. Y-you hear?"</sister> She whispers..
<b>-"O.. Of course.."</b> You say inbetween pants..
<sister>-"G-goo... M-mia is about to be back.. I.. I-'ll clean up.."</sister> You stand up.. Your cock is still throbbing..
<b>-"R-right.."</b> You whisper as you pull up your pants.. The pill worked! Hopefully you'll run into the man again someday!
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
[[Run to your room->room]]
<<pageReplace"I'll think about it..">>
<b>-"Hagh! I.. I'll think about it.."</b> You say as you let go..
<sister>-"Mfff.. P-please.. J-just let me do this.."</sister> You can see her fingers go in and out...
<b>-"R-right.. D-do what you want.. But leave me out of it.."</b> You slowly back off.. You don't feel like helping her..
[[Go to your room->room]]
<<elseif $miapill is true>>\
<b>-"Alright, time to go outside.. I've a lot of things to do.."</b> You yawn as you open your door and step outside into the hall..
<mia>-"Mfff..."</mia> A soft moan fills your ears..
<b>-"Huh..? What's that..?"</b> You wonder..
<b>-"Did Kaley forget to close her door again? W-wait.. The tea!"</b> You suddenly remember.. You gave Mia the cup of tea, she probably drank it already!
<<pageReplace"Quietly sneak towards her door..">>\
<b>-"T-this ought to be good.."</b> You think to yourself as the moans grow louder and louder..
<mia>-"F-fuck.. W-why.. Mfggg..."</mia> Mia moans as you reach her door..
<b>-"R-right.. L-let's do this slowly.."</b> You say as you reach for the door..
<<pageReplace"Slowly take a peak..">>\
As you open the door, you're greeted by a pair of tits staring straight at you..
<img src="Images\Events\random events\mia1.jpg">
<mia>-"Haha fucking knew it!"</mia> She giggles as she pulls you inside by your shirt..
<b>-"M-mia! W-what are you doing?!"</b>
<mia>-"I know that you laced my tea $name.. You couldn't have made it more obvious?"</mia> She laughs..
<b>-"I.. I don't know what you're talking about!"</b> You both smile..
<mia>-"Oh shut up and come here.. The least you could do is fuck me.."</mia> She says as you see sweat run down her forehead.. She's probably been at it all morning..
<mia>-"Now come on! I'm stil.. Mfff.. So fucking horny!"</mia> She runs towards the bed..
<img src="Images\Events\random events\mia2.webp">
<<pageReplace"Follow her..">>\
<mia>-"Hehe.. S-so, where did you get it honey?"</mia> She says as she jumps onto the bed..
<b>-"Get what?"</b> Mia starts unbuckling your pants..
<mia>-"The pill dummy.. Or powder.. Whatever you put in m-my tea.."</mia>
<b>-"I didn't p-put anything in your t-..tTTTtTTT Ff-fuck!"</b> You moan as Mia wraps her lips around your cock..
<img src="Images\Events\random events\mia3.webp">
<mia>-"Heheh.. D-dwidnt expect wthat did ywou!"</mia> She says as your shaft goes in and out of her mouth..
<mia>-"W-well.. Whatwever it was.. I'mw r-rweady to take swome cwock.."</mia> She takes your cock out of her mouth and spits on it..
<b>-"Y-you sure? W-what if John gets home..?"</b>
<mia>-"W-who cares about that loser.. I-I'm your woman right now.."</mia> She spreads her legs..
<mia>-"Embrace your $mo2 honey.."</mia>
<<pageReplace"Fuck your $mom1..">>\
<img src="Images\Events\random events\mia5.webp">
<mia>-"FuckkkKKKK!!!!"</mia> She screams as her whole body shakes.. Her juices cover your sword as you continue to pierce her..
<b>-"Mfff.. Y-you're so wet!"</b> You shout..
<mia>-"Y-yessS! H-harder! HARDErrRRRR! P-please!"</mia> She screams as you try to keep up..
<b>-"F-fuck.. I.. I'm going as fast as I can!"</b> She moves forward.. Your cock falls out..
<mia>-"F-fine! I.. I'll do it myself!"</mia> Kaley pushes you onto the ground..
<b>-"O-ouch.. F-fuck!"</b>
<mia>-"D-don't move!"</mia>
<<pageReplace"Watch her mount you...">>\
<img src="Images\Events\random events\mia4.webp">
<mia>-"Nffggg.. S-so good!!"</mia> She shouts as her thighs quiver in pleasure...
<b>-"I.. I'm.. Mfff.. Close!"</b>
<mia>-"A.. A little more.. P-please!"</mia> Her eyes roll back from pleasure...
<b>-"F-fuckkkKKK..."</b> You shout as a wave of pleasure washes over you..
<mia>-"L-let me drink it h-honey.. P-please!"</mia>
<b>-"R-right!"</b> You quickly pull out and explode on her face...
<mia>-"Y-yesSsssSSSS!"</mia> She shouts as your baby milk spills out all over her..
<img src="Images\Events\random events\mia6.webp">
<b>-"D-damn.. Mia.. H-how are you feeling.."</b>
<mia>-"B-better... Now.. N-not a fucking word.. Y-you hear? John musn't hear about this.."</mia> She whispers..
<b>-"O.. Of course.."</b> You say inbetween pants..
<mia>-"Good.. A-and next time.. Mfff.. J-just ask.. No need to lace m-my tea.."</mia> She gives you a kiss on the cheek..
<mia>-"N-now run... J-john is coming back soon.."</mia> You stand up.. Your cock is still throbbing..
<b>-"R-right.."</b> You whisper as you pull up your pants.. The pill worked! Hopefully you'll run into the man again someday!
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
[[Run to your room->room]]
<<pageReplace"Don't and leave the room..">>
<b>-"N-no.. W-what the fuck!"</b> You shout as you slowly back off..
<mia>-"W-what?"</mia> She tilts her head..
<b>-"I.. I'm not fucking you $mom1, this is still weird!"</b> You open the door..
<mia>-"Wow, so you lace my tea and don't even take responsibility? F-fuck you!"</mia> Overwhelmed by the aphrodisiac's effects, Mia starts pleasuring herself again..
<b>-"B-bye!"</b> You shout as you step outside..
<mia>-"Nfff!! F-fuck! W-whatever.."</mia>
[[Go to your room->room]]
<</if>>\<<set $pillemilyrandom to true>>\
<<location "Images/Other/7363794952_56303ea0b0_b.webp" "At Emily's place">>\
As you enter Emily's apartment, she greets you with a quick hug.
<emily>-"Heyy honey.."</emily> Her warm body embraces yours..
<b>-"H-hey love..!"</b> Her hair smells of ginger and spring onions.. Maybe she was cooking?
<img src="Images\Events\random events\emily1.jpg">
<emily>-"So.. What do you want to do?"</emily> She smiles..
<b>-"Dunno.. We can watch another movie?"</b> You take off your shoes and jacket..
<emily>-"Hmmm we could! Make me a coffee please, I'll boot it up!"</emily>
<b>-"Ahhh.. A-alright.."</b> You sigh.. You don't feel like doing anything right now.. As you raise your head, you notice that Emily is pounting..
<<pageReplace"Face her..">>\
<<if $domstatus is true>>\
<emily>-"Oh come on.. Don't be like that"</emily> She turns to you and lifts up her shirt..
<img src="Images\Events\random events\emily2.jpg">
<emily>-"Be good a good boyfriend, and I'll be a veryyyy good girlfriend.."</emily> She flirtatiously licks her lips as she lowers the shirt back down..
<b>-"Aigh aigh captain!"</b> You smile as you feel a flood of dopamine invade your body... You better make that coffee.. And quick!
<emily>-"Oh come on.. Don't be like that"</emily> She turns to you and lifts up her shirt..
<img src="Images\Events\random events\emily2.jpg">
<emily>-"Be good a good boyfriend, and I'll be a veryyyy good girlfriend.."</emily> She flirtatiously licks her lips as she lowers the shirt back down..
<b>-"R-really?"</b> You gulp.. You don't remember the last time you fucked her.. You better make that coffee.. And quick!
<b>-"Give me a second, I'll be right there!"</b> You practically run into the kitchen as Emily goes into the living room.. As you take out the coffee powder, you decide to check what time it is..
As you reach for your phone in your pocket, you suddenly feel something inside..
<<pageReplace"Pull it out">>\
<b>-"W-wait.. Is that.."</b> You pull it out..
<img src="Images\Events\random events\pill.png">
That's right, you still have that pill you bought! Supposedly it's the best aphrodisiac there is.. This would be the perfect time to try it out..
<<pageReplace"Let's do it!">>\
<b>-"I think.. I think I'm ready to try it out.."</b> You grip the pill in your hands and raise your head in determination..
<b>-"This better be fucking worth it.. S-shit was expensive as fuck.."</b> You think to yourself as you exit your room..
You slowly go down the stairs to the kitchen.. After checking around for a couple of seconds, to see if anybody is looking, you start the electric kettle..
<<pageReplace"Wait for the water to boil..">>\
<<blink "Images/Events/random events/boil.gif" 600>>\
The water is ready.. You carefully pour it into a cup and add a single tea packet..
<img src="Images\Events\random events\tea.gif">
As you watch the sun go down outside of the kitchen window, you take a deep breath and throw the pill inside of the cup..
<b>-"I.. I did it.."</b> You whisper..
<emily>-"Come on already! The movie is about to start!"</emily> She shouts as you take the cup of coffee and bring it to her..
<b>-"There you are honey.."</b> You hand it to her..
<emily>-"T-thanks baby.. Slowly please.."</emily> She takes the cup, trying to be careful not to spill it..
<b>-"R-right... So what are we watching..?"</b>
<emily>-"Love at first sight! It's a romantic drama.."</emily> She smiles.. You already know that it's going to be boring..
<b>-"R-right.. H-here I come.."</b>
<<pageReplace"Lay down with her">>\
You lay down next to her and start slowly caressing her leg as the movie starts..
<img src="Images\Events\random events\cuddles.gif">
As you both watch the film, you wait anxiously for Emily to start drinking the coffee you made.. After about 15 minutes, she starts taking small sips..
<emily>-"Did you put anything different in this coffee? It tastes really good!"</emily> She smiles..
<b>-"N-no.. Not really."</b> You say as a drop of sweat runs down your forehead.
Before Emily could empty her cup, you start feeling a little fuzzy.. The movie is so boring, you're slowly falling asleep..
<b>*YAaaAAwwwWwnNN*</b> You eye lids feel heavy.. You slowly drift off towards dream land..
<<pageReplace"Take a quick nap">>\
You first start dreaming of far away lands and what it would be like to be an 11th century viking.. But after a while, the dreams shift to mountain peaks and cold winter days.. You don't understand why, but you start feeling cold.. Alone perhaps.. You start shivering, your teeth jumping up and down and your hair standing up.. After a while of being confused, you realised that you must be cold in real life.. After this realisation, you started to slowly wake up..
<emily>-"Uggfff.."</emily> You hear a soft moan to your side.. As you slowly open your eyes, you notice that Emily is not near you and the blanket is nowhere to be seen.. No wonder you were freezing to death!
<emily>-"F-fuck.. Mff.."</emily> The moans grow more and more aware..
<<pageReplace"Look around..">>\
As you look to your left, you're suddenly greeted by something incredible.. It's Emily!
<img src="Images\Events\random events\emily4.webp">
<b>-"O-oh?"</b> You Instinctively say.. The aphrodisiac seems to have done it's job..
<<if $domstatus is false>>\
<emily>-"Oh.. I-it's you.."</emily> Emily stops for a second after she notices you watching.
<b>-"Y-you want some help.. Haha.."</b> Your poor attempt at flirting doesn't go unnoticed.
<emily>-"Mfggg... I.. I-I would u-usually say no but.. F-fuck.. I'm so fucking horny right now.."</emily> She gives you a better look..
<img src="Images\Events\random events\emily3.webp">
<b>-"Y-yessSSSSS!"</b> You think to yoursef. It's finally time! You'll fuck Emily again!
<emily>-"C-come on.. S-show me what you got.."</emily>
<<pageReplace"Pull down your pants">>\
<<if $toys ==1>>\
You pull down your pants, ready to fuck the wind out of your girlfriend and show her that you're the shit, but you forgot something..\
<img src="Images\Events\random events\caged.jpeg">
Your cock is locked inside of a chastity cage!
<b>-"I.. I c-can't.."</b> You whimper..
<emily>-"What..?"</emily> She glances back at you..
<emily>-"Oh my god.. G-god you're a fucking loser.. On your knees!"</emily> She shouts as she turns towards you..
<b>-"Y-yes Emily.."</b> She lays on the sofa and spreads her legs.
<emily>-"Get to fucking work and don't disappoint me!"</emily>
<b>-"W-with what..?"</b> You point at your crotch.
<emily>-"With your tongue you dumbass.. Get to work, or I'll get someone else who will"</emily> She smirks as you blush..
<<pageReplace"Eat her out.">>\
<img src="Images\Events\random events\emily5.webp">
<emily>-"Mffgg... G-god.. I.. I'm so itchy.."</emily> She lets out a moan as your tongue touches her clit..
<b>-"Mfhhh... Y-ywou're swo w-wet bwaby.."</b> You say inbetween breaths.
<emily>-"F-fuck.. W-what's happpPPPPPPeeenNNing to meeeE!"</emily> She quivers for a second.. Your tongue skills have imporved by a lot.
<b>-"Nfgff.."</b> You feel your cock throb against it's cage.. Why do you do this to yourself?
<emily>-"T-this sucks.. L-lay down.."</emily> She pulls your head away and points to the sofa..
<emily>-"I.. I'm going to do this myself.. I don't know w-what's.. MFggggfF... G-going on.."</emily> The pill seemed to have worked!
<<pageReplace"Lay down and let her mount you">>\
Emily slowly lowers herself onto your face..
<b>-"MmmMMMM!"</b> You try to get some words out, but they're completely muffled by Emily..
<emily>-"MfggGGFFF!! F-fuck.. N-now this is better.."</emily> She announces and starts to slowly grind your face..
<img src="Images\Events\random events\emily6.webp">
<emily>-"D-damnit.. I.. I want to be dicked down s-so b.. bwWAAADDDD!"</emily> She screams as her whole body shakes..
<b>-"F-fwuckk.."</b> You moan out as she continues to fuck your face..
<emily>-"Mfggg... S-something is c-coming.."</emily> SHe quivers.
<<pageReplace"Watch as she cums..">>\
<emily>-"S-shit shit ShIt SHit SHITT SHITTTTTtttTTT!"</emily> She screeches as your face gets covered in her juices..
<img src="Images\Events\random events\emily8.webp">
<b>-"G-god.. Y-you're amazing Emily.."</b> You whisper as she gets off of you.. Your penis is trying it's hardest to lose it's constraints, but it's too weak..
<emily>-"T-that.. That was something.. I.. I-I don't know what happened.."</emily> She falls down next to you, completely exhausted.
Hopefully you'll run into that man again one day! The drug did it's thing!
<b>-"N-next time.. I'll make sure to be cage free.."</b> You say as her eyes roll back..
<emily>-"Yeah whatever.. Clean this up.. I'm going to take a bath.."</emily> She stands up, gives you an angry glare and walks off towards the bathroom.. Is she dissappointed that you were caged..?
<b>-"F-fuck.. I disappointed her again.."</b> You think.. After a while of cleaning and making sure that the apartment is spotless, you notice that Emily is not leaving the bathroom..
<b>-"I think.. I think that's my queue to leave.."</b> You put on your shoes and leave the apartment.
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submisiveness +2!</pink>
<<set $feminization to $feminization +1>>
<emily>Feminization +1!</emily>
[[Go home->Go outside]]
You pull down your pants, ready to fuck the wind out of your girlfriend and show her that you're the shit.. When suddenly she turns her head towards you.. She looks at your cock, then her gaze meets your eyes..
<emily>-"What are you doing?"</emily> She looks confused..
<b>-"G-getting ready to fuck you..? Why?"</b>
<emily>-"Y-you're not fucking me.. Haha what???"</emily> She giggles..
<b>-"N-no.. W-what???"</b>
<emily>-"We've talked about this $name.. Do you not care about me? D-do you not remember anything I told you?"</emily>
<b>-"I.. I do.. But I thought I c-could help you j-just this once.. You seem so horny.."</b> You whimper as your rock hard cock jumps and up and down.
<emily>-"Oh my god.. You're such a fucking loser.. On your knees!"</emily> She shouts as she turns towards you..
<b>-"Y-yes Emily.."</b> You want to fuck her, but you can't disobey her request.. She is your girlfriend after all. Emily lays on the sofa and spreads her legs.
<emily>-"Get to fucking work and don't disappoint me!"</emily>
<b>-"W-with what..?"</b> You point at your crotch.
<emily>-"With your tongue you dumbass.. Get to work, or I'll get someone else who will"</emily> She smirks as you blush..
<<pageReplace"Eat her out.">>\
<img src="Images\Events\random events\emily5.webp">
<emily>-"Mffgg... G-god.. I.. I'm so itchy.."</emily> She lets out a moan as your tongue touches her clit..
<b>-"Mfhhh... Y-ywou're swo w-wet bwaby.."</b> You say inbetween breaths.
<emily>-"F-fuck.. W-what's happpPPPPPPeeenNNing to meeeE!"</emily> She quivers for a second.. Your tongue skills have imporved by a lot.
<b>-"Nfgff.."</b> You feel your cock throb harder and harder.. It's just itching to fuck someone or something.
<emily>-"T-this sucks.. L-lay down.."</emily> She pulls your head away and points to the sofa..
<emily>-"I.. I'm going to do this myself.. I don't know w-what's.. MFggggfF... G-going on.."</emily> The pill seemed to have worked!
<<pageReplace"Lay down and let her mount you">>\
Emily slowly lowers herself onto your face..
<b>-"MmmMMMM!"</b> You try to get some words out, but they're completely muffled by Emily..
<emily>-"MfggGGFFF!! F-fuck.. N-now this is better.."</emily> She announces and starts to slowly grind your face..
<img src="Images\Events\random events\emily7.webp">
<emily>-"D-damnit.. I.. I want to be dicked down s-so b.. bwWAAADDDD!"</emily> She screams as her whole body shakes..
<b>-"F-fwuckk.."</b> You moan out as she continues to fuck your face..
<emily>-"Mfggg... S-something is c-coming.."</emily> SHe quivers.
<<pageReplace"Watch as she cums..">>\
<emily>-"S-shit shit ShIt SHit SHITT SHITTTTTtttTTT!"</emily> She screeches as your face gets covered in her juices..
<img src="Images\Events\random events\emily8.webp">
<b>-"G-god.. Y-you're amazing Emily.."</b> You whisper as she gets off of you.. Your penis is trying it's hardest to cum, but with no stimulation, it can't.
<emily>-"T-that.. That was something.. I.. I-I don't know what happened.."</emily> She falls down next to you, completely exhausted.
Hopefully you'll run into that man again one day! The drug did it's thing!
<b>-"P-please.. Next time l-let me use my c-cock.. Y-you'll feel amazing.. I promise."</b> You say as her eyes roll back..
<emily>-"Yeah whatever.. I already know how it feels to get fucked by.. You.. Clean this up.. I'm going to take a bath.."</emily> She stands up walks off towards the bathroom..
<b>-"F-fuck.. I really though that I would get to fuck her finally.."</b> You think.. After a while of cleaning and making sure that the apartment is spotless, you notice that Emily is not leaving the bathroom..
<b>-"I think.. I think that's my queue to leave.."</b> You put on your shoes and leave the apartment.
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submisiveness +2!</pink>
[[Go home->Go outside]]
<emily>-"Oh.. F-fuck.. $name.."</emily> Emily stops for a second after she notices you watching.
<b>-"Wow.. I see you got bored as well?"</b> Your poor attempt at a joke doesn't go unnoticed.
<emily>-"Hah... V-very funny.. I don't know w.. MfgGFFF.. W-what's happening to me.."</emily> She says as she slowly pulls out her fingers..
<emily>-"I'm so.. I-itchy down there.. P-please $name.. H-help me.."</emily>
<img src="Images\Events\random events\emily3.webp">
<emily>-"F-fuck me like there's n-no tomorrow.."</emily> A barely audible moan leaves her lips as you start unbuclking your pants.
<b>-"Come here.."</b> You tell her as you pull out your cock..
<<pageReplace"Let her grind you">>\
<img src="Images\Events\random events\emilydom1.webp" >
<b>-"Mfgg..."</b> You let out a barely audible moan as her ass touches the tip of your cock..
<b>-"W-why didn't you w-wake me up.. AfhhhfF... A-anyways?"</b> You ask her as she picks up in speed.. Seemingly getting more and more desperate.
<emily>-"I.. I thought I could satisfy myself with my fingers.. MfggFFF... Q-quickly.. I.. I didn't want to bother you."</emily> She moans out each word..
<b>-"B-bother me? Come on honey!"</b> You push emily back onto the sofa and get ready to mount her..
<emily>-"W-WooawWW! S-slow down!"</emily> She gets surprised.. But doesn't seem bothered by it.
<b>-"I'll satisfy you.. D-don't worry.."</b> You rub the tip of your shaft up against your girlfriends outer lips..
<<pageReplace"Enter her">>\
<img src="Images\Events\random events\emilydom2.webp">
<emily>-"FUCCKKKKKKK!!!"</emily> She shouts as you make her yours.. Hopefully the neighbours are not home!
<b>-"ArrrGGHH! B-better than your fingers?!"</b>
<emily>-"S-SO M-.. MfgFFFF.. SO MUCH bbEETTeeRRR!"</emily> She screeches after every thrust.
<b>-"T-take this f-fucking d-dick.. UgFFF!"</b> Your pierce her like a soldier would pierce armor, with determination and intent.
<emily>-"Y-yeSSSSS D-deeeperrrr.. F-ffaaasterRRRR!"</emily> Her legs shake as a wave of pleasure washes over you..
<b>-"F-fuck.. I'm a-about to.."</b> After an intense fight between your balls and your girlfriend.. Emily comes out victorious, you're about to cum.
<emily>-"I.. I don't care! J-just keep g-going!"</emily>
<<pageReplace"Listen to her request.">>\
<b>-"ArGHHH!"</b> You shout as you unload a whole clip of baby makers into your woman.
<emily>-"Y-yessSSS!! K-keep going!"</emily> She moans as your juices mix..
<img src="Images\Events\random events\emilydom4.webp">
<emily>-"G-god.. Y-you're.. S-so.. Fucking.. GooODDDD!"</emily> Emily embraces you.
<b>-"F-fuckk.. I-I love you.."</b> You share a kiss as your girlfriends eyes roll back.
<emily>-"F-fuckkk!!! I.. I'm C-cCCUMMMInngG!!"</emily> Right as she starts quivering, you feel another load coming..
<b>-"AffFFFgggF!"</b> You let out an otherworldly warcry as you mark your territory.
<<pageReplace"Finally pull out..">>\
<img src="Images\Events\random events\emilydom3.webp">
<b>-"G-god damnit.. Y-you're too t-tight honey.."</b> Your body gives out, you fall onto the sofa, completely exhausted..
<emily>-"S-shit.. T-the itch is gone.. Y-you did it.."</emily> The pil worked wonderfully, hopefully you'll meet the man again someday!
<b>-"I didn't know you could get this wet.."</b> You giggle as you look around, seeing every piece of furniture around you covered in bodily fluids.
<emily>-"I.. I didn't know you could get that hard!"</emily> You both giggle..
<img src="Images\Events\random events\emilydom5.webp">
<emily>-"J-jeez.. W-we should really take a shower babe.."</emily>
<b>-"I.. I would like that.."</b> You cock is still throbbing.. Trying to get the last drop of semen out of your balls before you put it away again.
<emily>-"G-good.. L-let's go.."</emily> She stands up, barely holding her balance and extends her arm..
<<set $dominant to $dominant +2>>
<blue>Dominant +2!</blue>
[[Follow her into the shower before going home->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace "This is wrong.. Throw the pill away">>\
<b>-"Nahh.. I regret even getting it to be honest.."</b> You whisper..
<emily>-"Did you say something honey?"</emily> She shouts from the living room..
<b>-"Oh.. N-no no! Just talking to myself!"</b> You throw the pill into the trash can and close the lid..
<b>-"What was I even thinking.."</b>
[[Watch the movie and go home->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>>\<<set $gloryholebnwotemp to true>>\
<b>-"Ah fuck.. Perfect timing.."</b> You whisper to yourself as you enter the mall.. Your bladder is full!
<b>-"S-shit.. Hopefully this place has a toilet.."</b> You start looking around for anything resembling a restroom, but you can't find it...
<emily>-"Can I help you?"</emily> You hear a voice from behind you..
<b>-"O. O-w-what?"</b> You say confused as you turn around..
<emily>-"You seem confused, are you looking for something?"</emily> It's a cleaning lady! She has the warmest smile you've ever seen on her face..
<b>-"O-oh yes.. I'm looking for a restroom.."</b> You smile back at her.
<emily>-"Ah yes, it's tucked away in that corner over there!"</emily> She points..
<emily>-"Ah.. back in my day, it was clear as day where to find one haha.."</emily> She giggles as you slighty bow to show your appreciation..
<<pageReplace"Walk towards the toilets.">>\
<img src="Images\Events\random events\bnwo\toilets.jpg">
As you arrive to the restroom, you see a small wooden plate in the middle of both doors..
<manager>CLOSED FOR MAINTENANCE</manager>
<b>-"Oh come on!"</b> You're bladder is about to explode, you can't wait anymore..
<grey>-"F-fuck.."</grey> You hear a muffled voice coming from the mens restroom..
<b>-"If someone is in there, I can go in as well!"</b>
<<pageReplace"Walk into the male bathroom">>\
<img src="Images\Events\random events\bnwo\toilets2.jpg">
As you enter the toilet, you're immediately hit by a strong... Musky smell?
<grey>-"O..Oof.. Y-yeah.. F-fuck yeah bab-babe.."</grey> You hear a voice coming from the last stall..
<<pageReplace"Take a piss">>\
<b>-"W-whatever.."</b> You think to yourself as you unzip your pants in front of the urinal..
<b>"Ahhhhhhh!"</b> Sweet relief.. Time to go back!
<grey>-"F-fuck.. K-keep going!"</grey> The man moans a bit louder.. Is he masturbating?
<b>-"What the fuck.. People have no shame.."</b> You whisper to yourself as you wash your hands..
<<pageReplace"Exit the toilet..">>\
<img src="Images\Events\random events\bnwo\toilets.jpg">
As you exit the toilet, you start hearing even more strange noises..
<pink>-"Mfgghh.... Y-yeshhh.."</pink> A womans muffled voice comes from the female toilet..
<b>-"H-huh.. Weird.."</b>
<<pageReplace"Maybe you should take a look..">>\
<b>-"Hmmm.. M-maybe she's in trouble!"</b> You tell yourself to justify what you're about to do...
<img src="Images\Events\random events\bnwo\toilets3.png">
<pink>-"Mhgghhh.. S-swo bwigg.."</pink> You hear a woman's voice as you enter...
<b>-"I-is she in trouble?"</b> You move closer towards the voice..
<pink>-"*Slurp* Ahhhh! S-so gwood.."</pink> She continues to moan.. Something suspicious is going on.. You reach the last stall of the restroom.. The voices seem to originate from here.
<<pageReplace"Slowly open it..">>\
The doors slowly fling open.. You're greeted by a pair of lovely meat lips looking straight at you..
<img src="Images\Events\random events\bnwo\toilets4.gif">
<b>-"W-woah.."</b> You say, surprised..
<pink>-"Ahhh.."</pink> The woman stops what she's doing and turns to you..
<pink>-"Eh?! Watchu want kid?"</pink>
<b>-"W-what's going on here..? I-I thought you were in trouble!"</b> You announce as your crotch starts aiming at the sky.
<pink>-"Well I'm not so.. Piss off.."</pink> She shifts her body a little bit and you can finally see what's she doing.. She's sucking someones cock!
<b>-"O-oh my.. It's a gloryhole.. I've only s-seen them in movies.."</b> Your cheeks turn red again..
<pink>-"*Slurp* Awr ywou g-going.. Mfggg.. W-whatch mwe all dway?"</pink> She starts sucking the strangers cock again..
<b>-"H-how much..?"</b> You blurt out.. You wouldn't mind getting your dick sucked..
<pink>-"W-what?"</pink> The woman turns to you again, confused..
<<pageReplace"Ask again..">>\
You step inside of the stall.. You can finally see the woman's face clearly..
<b>-"H-how much for a blowjob m-miss?"</b> You look down as the woman glances at your eyes..
<pink>-"Mfhggg.. Ahhh!"</pink> She pulls the cock out of her mouth..
<img src="Images\Events\random events\bnwo\toilets9.webp">
<pink>-"Zero!"</pink> She giggles..
<b>-"Z-zero? S-so you will s-suck me off for free?"</b> You smile..
<pink>-"Haha no! I just don't serve white guys. I said zero because you can't pay me enough to accept.."</pink>
<b>-"Y-you don't serve w-white boys.. W-why not?"</b>
<pink>-"Why do you even care? I just prefer bigger dicks and every time they happen to be black.. That's all.. N-now.. MFggg.. L-leave the fucking stall, or the guy on the other side of this wall.. F-fuck.. I-is going to beat your ass!"</pink> She starts rubbing his cock against her ass..
<img src="Images\Events\random events\bnwo\toilets5.webp">
<b>-"I.. F-fuck.."</b> Your dick is throbbing your pants already.. You don't know what to do.. The woman is so hot..
<<pageReplace"Leave them alone..">>\
<b>-"R-right.. Sorry to bother you m-miss.."</b> You whimper as you back off..
<pink>-"Mhm.. J-just close.. F-fuck mfggg... T-the door.."</pink> She says as the dick slowly slides into her..
<pink>-"FuucKKKKK!!!! Mfhhh..."</pink> She screams as you leave the stall..
<b>-"N-no blowjobs for white boys.. W-what the fuck.."</b> You turn around once again and start walking away..
You exit the toilet and start going towards your favorite shops..
<emily>-"D-did you make it?"</emily> The woman laughs as you walk past..
<b>-"Haha yeah! If not for you, you would have a lot more to clean!"</b> You both share a laugh and you keep walking.
[[Explore the mall->The mall]]
<<if $money >=100>>
<<pageReplace"Offer 100 bucks to watch them..">>\
<b>-"W-what if I payed you.."</b> You pull out a 100$ bill from your wallet..
<pink>-"Nfgghh.. K-keep g-going Jamal.."</pink> She moans as his cock slowly slides into her..
<pink>-"Y-you'll pay money... T-to watch me?"</pink> She giggles..
<pink>-"G-gosh.. You white boys are so pathetic!"</pink> She grabs your cash and grins..
<b>-"T-thank you miss!"</b> You touch your crotch through your pants.. You don't know what's going on, but you're incredibly turned on..
<pink>-"F-fuckkk!!"</pink> She moans as the massive cock starts going in and out of her ass..
<pink>-"D-did you hear Jamal.. T-this loser is.. Nffff.. P-paying me to watch us!"</pink> The thrusting stops for a second..
<grey>-"Hahaha really?! What a loser!"</grey>
<b>-"Mfgh... M-miss.. I-I can jack off right?"</b>
<pink>-"S-shiiitTTTTTT... D-deeeperrr!"</pink> She screams.. She doesn't seem to be listening..
<b>-"R-right.."</b> You whisper.. You'll take the silence as a yes!
<<pageReplace"Start taking off your pants..">>\
<img src="Images\Events\random events\bnwo\toilets10.webp">
<pink>-"Y-yesshHHHH.. S-soo gooOOOddDDD.. So ddeeeeeePPPppPPP!"</pink> She moans as her ass starts moving on its own.. Her hips jumping up and down.. She's like an animal in mating season..
<pink>-"F-fuckkKKKK!!"</pink> She screams as you slowly pull down your pants.. You can't wait anymore!
<<if $toys==1>>\
<img src="Images\Events\random events\bnwo\toilets6.jpg">
<b>-"S-shit.. I forgot I was wearing the cage.."</b> You think as your cock throbs in it's cage..
<img src="Images\Events\random events\bnwo\toilets7.webp">
<b>-"S-shit.. I'm so hard right now.. That it hurts."</b> You think as your cock throbs in your arm..
<pink>-"AghhhHGHHH!"</pink> A gurgling scream leaves her lips as she turns to you..
<pink>-"O-oh Mfhggg... P-put t-that little thing away.. Mfhgggfffff.. I-it's ruining the mood!"</pink> She raises her arm..
<b>-"W-what do you mean.. I-I payed you!"</b>
<pink>-"I d-don't give a.. F-fuckKKKK!! P-pull those pants back up y-you loser.."></pink> She flicks your cock..
<grey>-"F-fuckk princess.. I-I'm close!"</grey> You hear a muffled voice from behind the wall..
<pink>-"Y-yesssS!!! I-inside!! G-give me your f-fucking babies!!"</pink> She shakes her ass and the man inreases the speed.
<<pageReplace"Pull your pants in silence..">>\
<b>-"..."</b> You quietly pull up your pants..
<grey>-"H-here it comes!"</grey>
<pink>-"Y-yesHHHHHhshshHHHHHH!!!"</pink> The man ejaculates inside as you continue to watch.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\bnwo\toilets8.webp">
<pink>-"F-fuckkkk..."</pink> The woman drops to her knees as cum starts pouring out..
<grey>-"Gosh you're amazing baby... S-same time next week?"</grey> He asks..
<pink>-"Y-yeshhh.. P-please.."</pink> The man laughs and walks away.. He didn't leave any money.. Is she doing it for free?
<b>-"God are you o-okay?"</b> You stutter as you ask the woman.. She looks completely defeated..
<pink>-"B-big.. b-black cwockkk.."</pink> Her eyes roll backwards as the words leave her lips.. She's completely exhausted..
<b>-"Shit I better get out of here before someone sees this mess.."</b> You tell yourself as you look around..
<b>-"G-gosh that was hot.."</b> You tell yourself as you leave the stall with the woman still inside..
<b>-"A bbc only gloryhole... T-that's a first.."</b>
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo +2>>
<grey>BNWO +2!</grey>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
<<money -100 "Gloryholes are cool..">>
<green>Money -100!</green>
[[Exit the restroom->The mall]]
<<pageReplace"Leave the woman alone and continue shopping">>
<b>-"Ah whatever.. It ain't my business what she's doing there.."</b> You turn around once again and start walking away..
<emily>-"D-did you make it?"</emily> The woman laughs as you walk past..
<b>-"Haha yeah! If not for you, you would have a lot more to clean!"</b> You both share a laugh and you keep walking.
[[Explore the mall->The mall]]
<<pageReplace"Walk into the female bathroom">>\
<b>-"It's best not to disturb the man.. Let's go to the women's side.."</b> You always wanted to see what the inside of a female restroom looks like anyways..
<img src="Images\Events\random events\bnwo\toilets3.png">
<pink>-"Mhgghhh.. S-swo bwigg.."</pink> You hear a woman's voice as you enter...
<b>-"W-what is she doing.."</b> You think to yourself before remembering why you came here.
<b>-"R-right.. First, let's take a piss.."</b> You enter the very first stall in the row and unzip your pants..
<b>-"Ahhhhh!"</b> Sweet relief.. Finally! After finishing up your business and zipping up your pants, you leave the stall.
<pink>-"*Slurp* Ahhhh! S-so gwood.."</pink> She continues to moan.. Something suspicious is going on..
<<pageReplace"Check it out..">>\
<b>-"H-hey? Are you okay?"</b> You call out but nobody answers.. As you get closer and closer to the last stall, the moans grow louder..
<pink>-"Aghh... Y-yesshhh..."</pink> The muffled voices overtake your senses..
<<pageReplace"Slowly open the stall doors..">>\
The doors slowly fling open.. You're greeted by a pair of lovely meat lips looking straight at you..
<img src="Images\Events\random events\bnwo\toilets4.gif">
<b>-"W-woah.."</b> You say, surprised..
<pink>-"Ahhh.."</pink> The woman stops what she's doing and turns to you..
<pink>-"Eh?! Watchu want kid?"</pink>
<b>-"W-what's going on here..? I-I thought you were in trouble!"</b> You announce as your crotch starts aiming at the sky.
<pink>-"Well I'm not so.. Piss off.."</pink> She shifts her body a little bit and you can finally see what's she doing.. She's sucking someones cock!
<b>-"O-oh my.. It's a gloryhole.. I've only s-seen them in movies.."</b> Your cheeks turn red again..
<pink>-"*Slurp* Awr ywou g-going.. Mfggg.. W-whatch mwe all dway?"</pink> She starts sucking the strangers cock again..
<b>-"H-how much..?"</b> You blurt out.. You wouldn't mind getting your dick sucked..
<pink>-"W-what?"</pink> The woman turns to you again, confused..
<<pageReplace"Ask again..">>\
You step inside of the stall.. You can finally see the woman's face clearly..
<b>-"H-how much for a blowjob m-miss?"</b> You look down as the woman glances at your eyes..
<pink>-"Mfhggg.. Ahhh!"</pink> She pulls the cock out of her mouth..
<img src="Images\Events\random events\bnwo\toilets9.webp">
<pink>-"Zero!"</pink> She giggles..
<b>-"Z-zero? S-so you will s-suck me off for free?"</b> You smile..
<pink>-"Haha no! I just don't serve white guys. I said zero because you can't pay me enough to accept.."</pink>
<b>-"Y-you don't serve w-white boys.. W-why not?"</b>
<pink>-"Why do you even care? I just prefer bigger dicks and every time they happen to be black.. That's all.. N-now.. MFggg.. L-leave the fucking stall, or the guy on the other side of this wall.. F-fuck.. I-is going to beat your ass!"</pink> She starts rubbing his cock against her ass..
<img src="Images\Events\random events\bnwo\toilets5.webp">
<b>-"I.. F-fuck.."</b> Your dick is throbbing your pants already.. You don't know what to do.. The woman is so hot..
<<pageReplace"Leave them alone..">>\
<b>-"R-right.. Sorry to bother you m-miss.."</b> You whimper as you back off..
<pink>-"Mhm.. J-just close.. F-fuck mfggg... T-the door.."</pink> She says as the dick slowly slides into her..
<pink>-"FuucKKKKK!!!! Mfhhh..."</pink> She screams as you leave the stall..
<b>-"N-no blowjobs for white boys.. W-what the fuck.."</b> You turn around once again and start walking away..
You exit the toilet and start going towards your favorite shops..
<emily>-"D-did you make it?"</emily> The woman laughs as you walk past..
<b>-"Haha yeah! If not for you, you would have a lot more to clean!"</b> You both share a laugh and you keep walking.
[[Explore the mall->The mall]]
<<if $money >=100>>
<<pageReplace"Offer 100 bucks to watch them..">>\
<b>-"W-what if I payed you.."</b> You pull out a 100$ bill from your wallet..
<pink>-"Nfgghh.. K-keep g-going Jamal.."</pink> She moans as his cock slowly slides into her..
<pink>-"Y-you'll pay money... T-to watch me?"</pink> She giggles..
<pink>-"G-gosh.. You white boys are so pathetic!"</pink> She grabs your cash and grins..
<b>-"T-thank you miss!"</b> You touch your crotch through your pants.. You don't know what's going on, but you're incredibly turned on..
<pink>-"F-fuckkk!!"</pink> She moans as the massive cock starts going in and out of her ass..
<pink>-"D-did you hear Jamal.. T-this loser is.. Nffff.. P-paying me to watch us!"</pink> The thrusting stops for a second..
<grey>-"Hahaha really?! What a loser!"</grey>
<b>-"Mfgh... M-miss.. I-I can jack off right?"</b>
<pink>-"S-shiiitTTTTTT... D-deeeperrr!"</pink> She screams.. She doesn't seem to be listening..
<b>-"r-right.."</b> You whisper.. You'll take the silence as a yes!
<<pageReplace"Start taking off your pants..">>\
<img src="Images\Events\random events\bnwo\toilets10.webp">
<pink>-"Y-yesshHHHH.. S-soo gooOOOddDDD.. So ddeeeeeePPPppPPP!"</pink> She moans as her ass starts moving on its own.. Her hips jumping up and down.. She's like an animal in mating season..
<pink>-"F-fuckkKKKK!!"</pink> She screams as you slowly pull down your pants.. You can't wait anymore!
<<if $toys==1>>\
<img src="Images\Events\random events\bnwo\toilets6.jpg">
<b>-"S-shit.. I forgot I was wearing the cage.."</b> You think as your cock throbs in it's cage..
<img src="Images\Events\random events\bnwo\toilets7.webp">
<b>-"S-shit.. I'm so hard right now.. That it hurts."</b> You think as your cock throbs in your arm..
<pink>-"AghhhHGHHH!"</pink> A gurgling scream leaves her lips as she turns to you..
<pink>-"O-oh Mfhggg... P-put t-that little thing away.. Mfhgggfffff.. I-it's ruining the mood!"</pink> She raises her arm..
<b>-"W-what do you mean.. I-I payed you!"</b>
<pink>-"I d-don't give a.. F-fuckKKKK!! P-pull those pants back up y-you loser.."></pink> She flicks your cock..
<grey>-"F-fuckk princess.. I-I'm close!"</grey> You hear a muffled voice from behind the wall..
<pink>-"Y-yesssS!!! I-inside!! G-give me your f-fucking babies!!"</pink> She shakes her ass and the man inreases the speed.
<<pageReplace"Pull your pants in silence..">>\
<b>-"..."</b> You quietly pull up your pants..
<grey>-"H-here it comes!"</grey>
<pink>-"Y-yesHHHHHhshshHHHHHH!!!"</pink> The man ejaculates inside as you continue to watch.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\bnwo\toilets8.webp">
<pink>-"F-fuckkkk..."</pink> The woman drops to her knees as cum starts pouring out..
<grey>-"Gosh you're amazing baby... S-same time next week?"</grey> He asks..
<pink>-"Y-yeshhh.. P-please.."</pink> The man laughs and walks away.. He didn't leave any money.. Is she doing it for free?
<b>-"God are you o-okay?"</b> You stutter as you ask the woman.. She looks completely defeated..
<pink>-"B-big.. b-black cwockkk.."</pink> Her eyes roll backwards as the words leave her lips.. She's completely exhausted..
<b>-"Shit I better get out of here before someone sees this mess.."</b> You tell yourself as you look around..
<b>-"G-gosh that was hot.."</b> You tell yourself as you leave the stall with the woman still inside..
<b>-"A bbc only gloryhole... T-that's a first.."</b>
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo +2>>
<grey>BNWO +2!</grey>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
<<money -100 "Gloryholes are cool..">>
<green>Money -100!</green>
[[Exit the restroom->The mall]]
<<pageReplace"Don't and quickly leave the restroom..">>\
<b>-"Ah whatever.. It ain't my business what she's doing there.."</b> You turn around once again and start walking away..
You exit the toilet and start going towards your favorite shops..
<emily>-"D-did you make it?"</emily> The woman laughs as you walk past..
<b>-"Haha yeah! If not for you, you would have a lot more to clean!"</b> You both share a laugh and you keep walking.
[[Explore the mall->The mall]]
<</pageReplace>>\<<set $miareactingtohair to true>>\
<mia>-"$name... Is that you?"</mia> You hear a voice coming from the livingroom as you enter the house.
<b>-"Yes, it's me Mia!"</b> You turn to face her.
<mia>-"Oh.. My.. God.."</mia> She looks at you, shocked.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\m1.jpg">
<mia>-"Is that a wig you're wearing?"</mia>
<b>-"Not a wig $mom1.. They're hair extensions.. And they're permanent.."</b> Her eyes widen.
<mia>-"R-really..? I mean.. Wow.. Never expected you to.. Nevermind.."</mia> She looks away.
<mia>-"Kaley! Ava! Come here!"</mia> You take off your shoes as you hear them coming down the stairs.
<b>-"H-heyy.."</b> You say as you face them.
<sister>-"Hahahaha! What!"</sister> Ava laughs.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\m3.png">
<sister>-"Mia! You have a third daughter now!"</sister> Kaley laughs with her.
<b>-"Aghaha.. S-stop.."</b> You blush from all the attention.
<mia>-"Does Emily know?"</mia>
<<pageReplace"Look at Mia.">>
<mia>-"Does Emily know that you have long hair now?"</mia> Mia smiles.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\m2.jpg">
<b>-"N-not yet.. No.. Why?"</b>
<mia>-"Nothing nothing.. Just as far as I know, she likes masculine men, don't know how she will react."</mia>
<<if $brokeupwithemily !== true>>\
<b>-"I.. I'll text her when I get to my room."</b>
<b>-"We split up a while ago.. She wouldn't care anyways.."</b> You mumble.
<sister>-"I mean I'm not going to lie, it suits you."</sister> Kaley says.
<sister>-"You were always a little feminine, that cage was a dead giveaway."</sister>
<img src="Images\Events\random events\m4.png">
<b>-"P-please.. That's personal.."</b> You see your $sisters giggling.
<b>-"I'm off to my room.."</b>
<mia>-"Alright, I'll tell your father. He probably won't care anyways."</mia>
<sister>-"Do you want to move into our room maybe? You're one of us now, after all, hahahaha!"</sister> Ava laughs.
<b>-"Oh f-fuck off.."</b> You quickly climb the stairs and head into your room. After closing the door, you lay down on your bed.
<b>-"Finally.. Some peace and quiet.."</b> You pull out your phone.
<<if $brokeupwithemily !== true>>\
<b>-"Let's text Emily.. I wonder how she'll react."</b>
<<pageReplace"Text her">>\
<<message "Emily" "Emily hair reaction phone" "Hey honey!" open>>
I better finish this conversation before doing anything else. This is important.
Time to watch a movie or two to take your mind off of things..
[[Watch a movie->room]]
<<messengerHeader Emily>>
<<me>>Hey babe..<</me>>
<<them wait>>Hey $name! How are things?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Good!">>
<<me>>Good, good.. how are you holding up?<</me>>
<<them>>I'm feeling superrr lazy today.. Laying in my bed rn. 😴<</them>>
<<them wait>>What did you want to talk about? 😊<</them>>
<<messageReply "I got hair extensions.">>
<<me>>I wanted to tell you something..<</me>>
<<me>>I actually got permanent hair extensions..<</me>>
<<them wait>>Whatt?? Like long hair??<</them>>
<<them wait>>Huhhhhh?? Why??<</them>>
<<messageReply "Felt like it.">>
<<me>>Don't know.. Just felt like it was the right step for me.<</me>>
<<them>>Oh my god.. Who am I dating.. Send a pic at least!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Send her a pic">>
<<me>>Sure.. The hairstylist took one when she was done.<</me>>
<<me>><<image "Events/random events/m5.jpeg">><</me>>
<<them wait>>Oh my gosh... You look...<</them>>
<<them wait>>Better than I expected honestly.<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Events/random events/m6.png">><</them>>
<<messageReply "You like it?">>
<<me>>So.. You like it?<</me>>
<<them>>I don't know if "like" would be the correct word, but.. I don't hate it!<</them>>
<<them wait>>I'm just happy that you're happy!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Thanks.">>
<<me>>Thanks.. That's all I wanted to hear.<</me>>
<<me>>I'll be going then, have a couple of chores that need doing.<</me>>
<<them>>Can't wait to see my lovely girlfriend in person! 😆<</them>>
<<goto "Mia hair reaction 2">>
<</messengerChat>><b>-"Right.. Well that went better than expected.."</b> You put the phone down.
<b>-"I still can't believe I'm actually with long hair.. Crazy.."</b> You stand up.
<b>-"Time to do those chores."</b>
[[Do house chores->room]]<<set $randomhairspanking to true>>\
As you're walking across the campus towards the university, you stop for a second to take in the view.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\p2.gif">
<b>-"Gosh I love this place.."</b> You think to yourself as you take in a deep breath.
<b>-"Aghhh.. Time to go to my lectures!"</b>
<blue>-"Heyyyy baby, can I walk with you?"</blue> You suddenly feel a hand grab your ass..
<img src="Images\Events\random events\p1.webp">
<b>-"Y-yoooOOOoo! StopPP!"</b> You shout as you turn the around. The man behind you seems confused.
<blue>-"O-oh! Y-you're a dude.. M-my bad man! The long hair, the outfit.. I-I'm sorry!"</blue> He awkwardly laughs.
<b>-"It's f-fine.. I can see that you didn't mean it."</b> You feel weird.. Was it always this hot outside?
<blue>-"I'll get going then.. Sorry again!"</blue> The man starts jogging away from you, towards the main building.
<b>-"He thought I was a girl..?"</b> Your cheeks blush as you suddenly feel a wet sensation downstairs..
<<pageReplace"Take a look.">>\
You look around to see if nobody is watching.. After making sure the coast is clear, you pull your pants to the side and peek inside.
<b>-"O-oh my god.."</b> You whimper.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\p3.png">
Your underwear is soaked in pre cum!
<b>-"Aghh shit.. I need to clean myself up.."</b> You can't believe that he made you this horny.. This quickly.. Time to run to the toilet!
<<set $feminization to $feminization +1>>
<emily>Feminization +1!</emily>
[[Find a restroom->The SUP]]
<</pageReplace>><<set $randomAvabbcporn to true>>\
<b>-"B-L-A-C-K-E-D-.-C-O-M"</b> You type it into google and open up the website.
<b>-"Hehehe.. L-let's have some fun.."</b> You open up a video that looks good and put some lotion on your hands..
<img src="Images\Events\random events\v4.webp">
<b>-"Agh fuck.. T-they're so big.."</b> You whimper as you start to slowly <<if $toys==1>>rub your balls.. You're in a chastity but maybe you'll cum this way.<<else>>stroke your cock..<</if>>
<b>-"T-the girl is going crazy for them.."</b> You whisper as you continue to pleasure yourself.
<sister>-"Ahem.."</sister> You hear a voice behind you.
<b>-"Whaaa!"</b> You quickly pause the video and turn around.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\v3.jpg">
<sister>-"Am i not interruping anything?"</sister> Ava laughs.
<b>-"A-Ava! What are you doing here?!"</b> You pull up your pants as she giggles.
<sister>-"Hahahah! Well I wanted to say goodbye, because I was going out with some friends, but this is a lot more interesting."</sister> She leans against the wall.
<<pageReplace"Make up an excuse.">>
<b>-"It's not what it looks like! I-I was uninstalling a virus and my pants fell down!"</b>
<sister>-"Sureeeeeee buddy."</sister> She giggles once again.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\v1.jpg">
<sister>-"I've heard that you picked bnwo classes.. But to think you're so deep in the rabbit hole already.. Crazy.."</sister>
<sister>-"Do you finally understand why most girls prefer bbc? Maybe you've noticed, almost all of my dates are black.."</sister> She sucks on her finger.
<b>-"Somewhat.. Yeah.. Their dicks are a lot bigger.."</b>
<sister>-"Mhm.. What else?"</sister> She nods and sits down on your bed.
<b>-"They have more stamina.."</b> You blush from embarrassment.
<sister>-"Correct.. What else?"</sister> She nods again.
<<pageReplace"They're more masculine.">>\
<b>-"They're a lot more masculine than whites boys.."</b> You remember one of Jia's lessons.
<sister>-"Correct! That's why women flock to them like flies. I can see that they tought you well.."</sister> She smiles.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\v2.jpg">
<sister>-"Continue to educate yourself and I might let you watch me sometime.."</sister> She licks her lips and stands up.
<b>-"W-watch you.. Doing what?"</b> You ask.
<sister>-"Breed with them, obviously. Live though, not through a screen, but live."</sister> You blush.
<b>-"I.. I'll do my best!"</b> She spots the determination on your face and nods.
<sister>-"Good.. Very good.. You may continue your research haha!"</sister> She leaves the room.
<b>-"Fuck me, can't believe that I got caught.."</b> You open up the computer again, might as well finish the job..
<b>-"But if she meant what she said.. I'll be able to watch her getting fucked live... God that would be so hot.."</b> You think to yourself.
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo +1>>
<grey>BNWO +1!</grey>
[[Search for some porn->Open the laptop]]
<<pageReplace"That's it.">>\
<b>-"T-that's all I could think of.."</b> You look at the ground.
<sister>-"They didn't teach you enough then. They're wayyy more masculine $name. They wouldn't even consider jacking their shit in front of the screen."</sister> She stands up.
<sister>-"Keep studying, you have a long way to guy little brother."</sister> She smiles and stands up.
<b>-"Yes Ava.. I understand..."</b> You nod as she leaves your room.
<b>-"Fuck me, can't believe that I got caught.."</b> You open up the computer again, might as well finish the job..
[[Search for some porn->Open the laptop]]
<</pageReplace>><<set $hobomoney to true>>\
<b>-"You know what.. I'm actually going to go on foot."</b> You decide to let your car rest a little. Time to go on a walk.
<b>-"Bye bye, gonna be back in a couple!"</b> You shout as you exit the house.
<mia>-"Sure thing! Be careful!"</mia> Mia shouts back as you begin walking.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\n1.gif">
<b>-"I've been back for a couple of months, but damn.. Have I missed this place."</b> You take in your surroundings and exchange warm smiles with your neighbours.
After walking for a good 10 minutes, you finally start to see the city's outskirts pop up. A shop here, a hair salon there, you're getting closer and closer to the center.
<bartender>-"H-hey!"</bartender> You hear a man's voice somewhere.
<b>-"H-huh?"</b> You answer, confused.
<bartender>-"Over here."</bartender> You hear him again.
<<pageReplace"Turn around.">>\
<bartender>-"D-do.. Do you have some money?"</bartender> You see a homeless man reaching out his hand.
<b>-"Some money?"</b>
<bartender>-"Y-yeah.. Just a couple bucks man... I swear I just need food.."</bartender>
<img src="Images\Events\random events\n3.jpeg">
<b>-"I don't know man. You sure you ain't gonna buy fentanyl or something?"</b> You frown.
<bartender>-"O-Of course not!"</bartender> The man seems to be offended.
<bartender>-"I'll have you know, I-I was.. Cough.. I was once part of the rabbit brotherhood back in my day!"</bartender> He must be drunk..
<b>-"T.. The what?"</b>
<bartender>-"Ugh these new students don't even know.."</bartender> He spits on the ground.
<b>-"Students? How do you know I'm a student?"</b>
<bartender>-"I-I worked for the SUP.. CougHhhhH.. M-my whole life kid, I can easily tell apart students from.. Aghhrrhh.. Normal folks."</bartender>
<img src="Images\Events\random events\n4.jpeg">
<b>-"Isn't the SUP a new university?"</b> The man starts laughing after hearing you.
<bartender>-"O-of course not! Sure, new management came in or whatever, the name changed, the location... OooOoof... But the premise is the same.."</bartender> He spits once again.
<bartender>-"Anyways! Enough blabbering, give me some cash and I'll make it worth your while.. I-I promise!"</bartender> The man extends his arm.
<<if $money>=10>>
<<pageReplace"Give him 10 bucks.">>\
<<set $haspocketwatchcasino to true>>\
<b>-"You know what.. Sure. Here."</b> You take out your wallet and hand the man 10 bucks.
<bartender>-"D-dude! Thanks so much! T-Truly!"</bartender> He squeezes your hand.
<bartender>-"Here, take this!"</bartender> He hands you a weird.. Metal token.. Or a Pocket watch? You don't know, but it has a rabbit symbol on it.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\n5.png">
<b>-"Thanks..? What is it?"</b>
<bartender>-"It's the brotherhood token.. I have no use for it anymore, b-but maybe you will!"</bartender> He shoves the money in his pocket.
<b>-"What am I supposed to do with it?"</b>
<bartender>-"Keep it close. I can feel that you're going to need it!"</bartender> He starts walking away.
<b>-"H-huh?! What do you mean??"</b> You stand there, confused.
<bartender>-"I will say nothing more. Keep it close!"</bartender> He goes around the corner and you lose sight of him.
<b>-"W-what a weird guy.."</b> You look at the metal token and shove it down your pocket.
<b>-"I guess I'll carry it around for a little while.. Rabbit brotherhood.. What was he on about.."</b> You think to yourself as you begin walking towards the city again.
<<money -10 "Gave 10 bucks to some weird homeless guy.">>
<green>Money -10$</green>
<grey>Rabbit brotherhood token +1!</grey>
[[Walk to the city->Go outside]]
<<if $money>=20>>\
<<pageReplace"Give him 20 bucks.">>\
<<set $haspocketwatchcasino to true>>\
<<set $haspocketwatchcasino2 to true>>\
<b>-"You know what.. Sure. Here."</b> You take out your wallet and hand the man 20 bucks.
<bartender>-"D-dude! What?! 20 bucks, are you sure?"</bartender> You nod.
<bartender>-"Here, take this!"</bartender> He hands you a weird.. Metal token.. Or a Pocket watch? You don't know, but it has a rabbit symbol on it.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\n5.png">
<b>-"Thanks..? What is it?"</b>
<bartender>-"It's the brotherhood token.. I have no use for it anymore, b-but maybe you will!"</bartender> He shoves the money in his pocket.
<b>-"What am I supposed to do with it?"</b>
<bartender>-"Keep it close. I can feel that you're going to need it!"</bartender> He stops for a second.
<bartender>-"You know what, you can have this as well! You were generous to me, so I might as well return the favor!"</bartender> The man hands you yet another item. This time - a necklace.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\n2.jpg">
<b>-"Thanks.. B-but what do I do with them?"</b> You stand there, confused.
<bartender>-"I will say nothing more. Keep them close!"</bartender> He turns around and starts walking away.
<b>-"W-what a weird guy.."</b> You look at the metal token and the necklace and shove them down your pocket.
<b>-"I guess I'll carry it around for a little while.. Rabbit brotherhood.. What was he on about.."</b> You think to yourself as you begin walking towards the city again.
<<money -20 "Gave 20 bucks to some weird homeless guy.">>
<green>Money -20$</green>
<grey>Rabbit brotherhood token +1!</grey>
<grey>Rabbit brotherhood necklace +1!</grey>
[[Walk to the city->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Give him nothing.">>\
<b>-"I'm sorry man, I don't have any spare cash."</b>
<bartender>-"Ugh.. Figures.. Students were broke even when I was part of the orginization."</bartender> She spits on the ground once again.
<bartender>-"Well.. Cough.. Thanks for the company anyways."</bartender> He starts walking away.
<b>-"Yeah, not problem.."</b>
<b>-"W-what a weird guy.. Rabbit brotherhood.. What was he on about.."</b> You think to yourself as you begin walking towards the city again.
[[Walk to the city->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>><<set $emilyspyingonsuptemp to false>>\
<b>-"Agh, finally here!"</b> You say as you step onto campus grounds. Your university building is right in front of you.
<b>-"Time for another 6 hours of torture."</b> You joke to yourself and walk forwards.
<bartender>-"Free speech does not include hate speech!"</bartender> Suddenly, you see a mob moving towards you, shouting nonsense.
<b>-"Hmmm a protest?"</b> You stare at them screaming.
<bartender>-"We have the freedom not to be judged!"</bartender>
<b>-"W-wait..?"</b> You notice something behind them.
<b>-"Is that?"</b>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\m3.webp">
<b>-"What is she doing here?"</b> You spot Emily! The building she's studying at is pretty far away, you've never seen her around here before.
<b>-"Babe!"</b> You shout as you walk towards her, she's pretty far, so your shouts go unnoticed.
<b>-"Emily!!"</b> You try to shout through the mob, but they're in the way. After walking towards Emily for a while, you and the mob finally have to cross paths.
<bartender>-"Hello sir! Would you be interesting in signing this petition?"</bartender> A woman smiles.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\m5.webp">
<b>-"I'm kind of busy right now, sorry!"</b>
<bartender>-"Well this is an issue of great importance sir! We're fighting against people spreading hate on campus, do you think this is a joke?!"</bartender> THe woman glares at you.
<b>-"Woah woah woah, I said no such thing! I just have to go to my lectures!"</b> You raise your hands in the air.
<bartender>-"So be it, we have enough signatures anyways."</bartender> She gives you a condescending look and the mob slowly walks away.
<b>-"What a bunch of weirdos.."</b> You think as you try to find Emily again. She's gone from your sight!
<<pageReplace"Look for her.">>\
<b>-"She was right here a couple of seconds ago!"</b> You scan the environment.
<b>-"Aye, there she is!"</b> You spot Emily right next to your building. She's looking for something in her bag.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\m4.webp">
<b>-"Hmmm.."</b> On second thought, why is she dressed.. Like that? She looks like a spy or something.
<b>-"Honey!"</b> You start shouting again and moving towards her, but before you know it, she disappears into the aforementioned building.
<b>-"Okay this is getting weird.."</b> You follow her inside.
<<pageReplace"Look for her once again.">>\
<b>-"Hmmm.."</b> After a good 10 minutes of walking around, you still haven't found her.
<b>-"Okay whatever, I'll just ask her about it later.."</b> You think to yourself as you start to walk towards the principal's office. You still have some unfinished work there.
<b>-"Alright.."</b> You climb up the long spiral stairs leading to his office. After finally arriving, you extend your arm to grab the door handle.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\m1.jpeg">
<emily>-"O-oh!"</emily> Suddenly the doors swing open and Emily steps out.
<b>-"Emily?!"</b> You look at her, confused.
<b>-"What are you doing in the Mr. Hudson's office?!"</b>
<emily>-"Oh h-haha! $name! I wasn't expecting to see you here!"</emily> She awkwardly smiles.
<b>-"What's this about?"</b> You cross your arms.
<emily>-"N-nothing! I was just looking around! I might study in this building myself someday, you know? Haha!"</emily> You see her looking around.
<b>-"Rightttttt... Why are you sweating?"</b>
<emily>-"It's quite hot in here! Hahahahahahaha..."</emily>
<b>-"Something's fishy about this.."</b> You think..
<<pageReplace"Press her for answers.">>
<<set $lookeforemilydomspy to true>>\
<<todo "Find some information on Johnathan Browey">>
<b>-"Come on Emily, you're snooping around, it's pretty obvious. Your attire isn't very inconspicuous either."</b> You laugh as you look her up and down.
<emily>-"Ugh fine..."</emily> She rolls her eyes.
<emily>-"I didn't want to freak you out, so I didn't say anything.."</emily> She looks down.
<b>-"Freak me out? What are you talking about?"</b> She leans on the wall.
<emily>-"Remember the plate number of those guys who followed me?"</emily>
<b>-"Yeah, I searched it up, found nothing."</b>
<emily>-"Right, well I managed to find the insurance provider by trying out a couple of different websites!"</emily>
<b>-"You did? The site that I used just marked it as classified."</b>
<emily>-"Yeah the first ones I used said the same thing, then I found a sketchy looking one but it worked!"</emily>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\m2.jpg">
<emily>-"Anyways, I found out the car is insured by "Vardia Insurance Group", and so -</emily> You suddenly cut her off.
<b>-"I hate to rush you, but I don't have a lot of time, could you give me a short version?"</b>
<emily>-"Right. The car is owned by a person named Johnathan Browey. On the internet it says he's an investor of the SUP"</emily>
<b>-"An investor you say?"</b> You squint your eyes.
<b>-"Why would an investor be following you around?"</b>
<emily>-"I don't know.. That's why I sneaked in here, I thought I might find some answers!"</emily>
<b>-"You could have just asked me, I work here."</b>
<emily>-"I didn't want to worry you babe, I know you've been overworked lately.."</emily> You smile.
<b>-"Awhhh.."</b> You give her a kiss on the cheek.
<b>-"Thank you for your concern, but don't pull anything like this ever again. I'll try to snoop around and find some documents about him myself when I get the chance. You just hold on tight and stay safe."</b>
<emily>-"I..I understand. Just please hurry, I'm starting to feel unsafe in my own apartment."</emily> You exchange a hug and say your goodbyes. After sending Emily away, you decide to look around the office really quickly, but find nothing.
<b>-"I need to get to my lectures before it's too late.. I'll look around another day."</b>
[[Go to the main hall->The SUP]]
<</pageReplace>><<set $emilyspyingonsuptemp to false>>\
<b>-"Agh, finally here!"</b> You say as you step onto campus grounds. Your university building is right in front of you.
<b>-"Time for another 6 hours of torture."</b> You joke to yourself and walk forwards.
<bartender>-"Free speech does not include hate speech!"</bartender> Suddenly, you see a mob moving towards you, shouting nonsense.
<b>-"Hmmm a protest?"</b> You stare at them screaming.
<bartender>-"We have the freedom not to be judged!"</bartender>
<b>-"W-wait..?"</b> You notice something behind them.
<b>-"Is that?"</b>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\m3.webp">
<b>-"What is she doing here?"</b> You spot Emily! The building she's studying at is pretty far away, you've never seen her around here before.
<b>-"Babe!"</b> You shout as you walk towards her, she's pretty far, so your shouts go unnoticed.
<b>-"Emily!!"</b> You try to shout through the mob, but they're in the way. After walking towards Emily for a while, you and the mob finally have to cross paths.
<bartender>-"Hello sir! Would you be interesting in signing this petition?"</bartender> A woman smiles.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\m5.webp">
<b>-"I'm kind of busy right now, sorry!"</b>
<bartender>-"Well this is an issue of great importance sir! We're fighting against people spreading hate on campus, do you think this is a joke?!"</bartender> THe woman glares at you.
<b>-"Woah woah woah, I said no such thing! I just have to go to my lectures!"</b> You raise your hands in the air.
<bartender>-"So be it, we have enough signatures anyways."</bartender> She gives you a condescending look and the mob slowly walks away.
<b>-"What a bunch of weirdos.."</b> You think as you try to find Emily again. She's gone from your sight!
<<pageReplace"Look for her.">>\
<b>-"She was right here a couple of seconds ago!"</b> You scan the environment.
<b>-"Aye, there she is!"</b> You spot Emily right next to your building. She's looking for something in her bag.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\m4.webp">
<b>-"Hmmm.."</b> On second thought, why is she dressed.. Like that? She looks like a spy or something.
<b>-"Honey!"</b> You start shouting again and moving towards her, but before you know it, she disappears into the aforementioned building.
<b>-"Okay this is getting weird.."</b> You follow her inside.
<<pageReplace"Look for her once again.">>\
<b>-"Hmmm.."</b> After a good 10 minutes of walking around, you still haven't found her.
<b>-"Okay whatever, I'll just ask her about it later.."</b> You think to yourself as you start to walk towards the principal's office. You still have some unfinished work there.
<b>-"Alright.."</b> You climb up the long spiral stairs leading to his office. After finally arriving, you extend your arm to grab the door handle.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\m1.jpeg">
<emily>-"O-oh!"</emily> Suddenly the doors swing open and Emily steps out.
<b>-"E-emily?!"</b> You look at her, confused.
<b>-"What are you doing in the Mr. Hudson's office?!"</b>
<emily>-"Oh h-haha! $name! I wasn't expecting to see you here!"</emily> She awkwardly smiles.
<b>-"Here I am! So... What's this about?"</b>
<emily>-"N-nothing! I was just looking around! I might study in this building myself someday, you know? Haha!"</emily> You see her showing some papers down into her backpack quickly.
<b>-"Rightttttt... What about those papers?"</b>
<emily>-"Oh! They're just some test sheets I got back from a professor today! D-don't worry about it!"</emily>
<b>-"Something's fishy about this.."</b> You think..
<<pageReplace"Press her for answers.">>
<<set $lookeforemilybnwospy to true>>\
<b>-"Come on Emily, you're snooping around, it's pretty obvious. Your attire isn't very inconspicuous either."</b> You chuckle.
<emily>-"Ugh fine! You got me!"</emily> She rolls her eyes.
<emily>-"I got a little assignment from the IBWO and I need to complete it ASAP!"</emily> She looks around cautiously.
<b>-"The IBWO? What do they want from Mr. Hudson's office?"</b> You ask as you cross your arms.
<emily>-"That's classified, definitely not for you to know!"</emily> She leans on the wall.
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\m2.jpg">
<b>-"Classified? What are you talking about! I-I'm your boyfriend!"</b>
<emily>-"So what? The orginization comes first, I took an oath $name!"</emily> Emily checks her watch.
<emily>-"I need to go, they're waiting for me outside."</emily> She gives you a kiss on the cheek, you blush a little.
<b>-"Y-you're seriously not going to explain anything?"</b>
<emily>-"I'm sorry $name, I can't! I serve them now. Also, this mission is of utmost importance, I cannot risk anyone finding out."</emily>
<b>-"Right.."</b> You answer with a disappointed tone.
<emily>-"I'll see you soon babe, remember, I was never here!"</emily> She winks at you and disappears around the corner.
<b>-"The IBWO sent her? What could they possibly want from this place..."</b> You try to warp your head around it.
<b>-"Although, I do trust Emily with my whole heart. I have no doubts she's doing this for the greater good!"</b> You enter the principals office. After doing a couple of tasks that needed urgent completion, you leave the office and head towards the main hall.
[[Decide what to do next->The SUP]]
<<pageReplace"Let it go.">>
<<set $lookeforemilybnwospy to false>>\
<b>-"Alright.. Well I hope you like it here, would be pretty cool if you were to join me next year!"</b>
<img src="Images\Emily\events\bnwo\m2.jpg">
<emily>-"I do like it! But have you forgotten? You're a fourth year silly, you aren't in Norway anymore"</emily> She gives you a kiss on the cheek, you blush a little.
<b>-"Oh right.. How stupid of me."</b> You awkwardly smile as Emily looks around.
<emily>-"Well.. I better get going! Need to do some homework back at my place!"</emily>
<b>-"Right! C-can I come over today?"</b>
<emily>-"I.. I don't know. Maybe? See you soon $name!"</emily> She looks around cautiously again and starts walking away.
<b>-"I love you!"</b>
<emily>-"I love you too!"</emily> Emily disappears behind a corner.
<b>-"Well that was weird.."</b> You enter the principal's office. After looking around for a couple of minutes, nothing seems to be out of order.
<b>-"Hmmm.. Maybe she was just checking the place out."</b> After doing a couple of tasks that needed urgent completion, you leave the office and head towards the main hall.
[[Decide what to do next->The SUP]]
<<pageReplace"Give up and enter the building.">>\
<<set $lookeforemilybnwospy to false>>\
<<goto "The SUP">>
<</pageReplace>><<set $estrogenintro to true>>\
<grey>-"Click!"</grey> You turn off the overhead room lights and begin walking towars the bed.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\pills2.jpeg">
<b>-"Ah! The estrogen pills!"</b> You put the set of pills on your nightstand a couple of hours ago and forgot about them!
<b>-"Hmmm.. The packaging says to drink one pill right before bed..."</b>
<b>-"There are 7 pills in total, so I have enough for a full week."</b> A thought forms in your head as you continue to read.
<b>-"Let me google what I should expect from a week of Estrogen."</b>
<img src="Images\Events\random events\pills5.jpg">
<b>-"Interesting, so I should expect some chest growth then."</b>
<b>-"Shit.. This might be a pretty big step in my journey.. Am I sure I want this?"</b>
<<pageReplace"Drink the pills">>
<<set $estrogenday to $day>>\
<b>-"Fuck it, what's the worst that could happen..?"</b> You chuck the pills in your mouth.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\pills4.webp">
<b>-"Right... I just have to do the same thing for the next 6 days straight."</b> You make sure to leave the pills on the nightstand, so you don't forget to take them.
<b>-"Hopefully I don't regret it!"</b> You climb into bed and turn off the table light next to it.
<b>-"Time to sleep.."</b>
[[Head to bed->room]]
<<pageReplace"Throw them away">>
<b>-"N-nah... I better not mess with my hormones, what if something bad happens."</b> You grab the pills and head towards the bid.
<grey>-"Gruff.."</grey> The sound of the pills hitting the plastic casing rings out.
<b>-"Welp, that's a couple hundren dollars wasted... Good thing I didn't use them though, I might have regretted it!"</b> You climb into bed and turn off the table light next to it.
<b>-"Time to sleep.."</b>
<grey>Set of estrogen pills -1!</green>
[[Head to bed->room]]
<</pageReplace>><<set $estrogenintro2 to true>>\
<<set $estrogentits to true>>\
<b>-"Here I go.."</b>
<img src="Images\Events\random events\pillz1.png">
<b>-"Gulp... And that's the last one!"</b> You say as you swollow the last estrogen pill you bought.
<b>-"Hmmm.. I don't feel any different.. Let's see if they grew!"</b> You haven't really checked yourself out all that much this past week.
<b>-"O-oh..?"</b> As you pull down your blouse, you see that your chest did indeed grow a bit..
<img src="Images\Events\random events\pillz5.jpeg">
<b>-"N-no way! They're so much bigger!"</b> They were pretty much non existent before and now you can see them!
<b>-"Wait.. Let me strip real quick.."</b> You take off your clothes and pose in front of the mirror.
<b>-"Wow.. Incredible!"</b>
<img src="Images\Events\random events\pillz7.gif">
<b>-"I-I'm going to need a bra soon haha! This is awesome!"</b> After looking at yourself for a couple of minutes, you put your clothes back on.
<<if $brokeupwithemily !==true>>\
<b>-"Fuck me that's incredible..."</b> You lay down on your bed and pull out your phone.
<b>-"Maybe I should text Emily! I wonder what she'll think!"</b>
<<pageReplace"Text her">>
<<message "Emily" "Emily reaction to drug changes" "I drank these pills..." open>>
<b>-"Let's finish the conversation before going to sleep!"</b> You think as you put down the phone.
<b>-"Nah.. I shouldn't.. They're too small for her to notice anyways, let's not embarrass ourselves.."</b>
<b>-"I'll just have to enjoy this moment by myself!"</b> You put your phone to the side and begin to touch your chest.
<b>-"Feels so good.. And soft.."</b> After messing around for a couple of minutes, you turn off the nightstand light. Time to head to bed.
<<set $femininity to $femininity +1>>
<pink>Femininity +1!</pink>
[[Go to sleep->room]]
<b>-"Fuck me that's incredible..."</b> You lay down on your bed and pull out your phone.
<b>-"Let me text Emi-"</b> Before you could finish the sentence, you stop yourself.
<b>-"Oh yeah.. We broke up.."</b>
<b>-"I'll just have to enjoy this moment by myself."</b> You put your phone to the side and begin to touch your chest.
<b>-"Feels so good.. And soft.."</b> After messing around for a couple of minutes, you turn off the nightstand light. Time to head to bed.
<<set $femininity to $femininity +1>>
<pink>Femininity +1!</pink>
[[Go to sleep->room]]
<</if>><<set $vplexintro to true>>\
<grey>-"Click!"</grey> You turn off the overhead room lights and begin walking towars the bed.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\pills1.jpeg">
<b>-"Ah! The v-plex pills!"</b> You put the bottle of pills on your nightstand a couple of hours ago and forgot about them!
<b>-"Hmmm.. The packaging says to drink three pill right before bed..."</b>
<b>-"There are 21 pills in total, so I have enough for a full week."</b> You pull out your phone.
<b>-"Google says they won't work of course."</b> You mumble as you read through various articles saying that V-plex is a scam.
<b>-"But I mean, what's the worse that could happen? I bought them already.."</b>
<<pageReplace"Drink the pills">>
<<set $vplexday to $day>>\
<b>-"Fuck it, what's the worst that could happen..?"</b> You chuck the pills in your mouth.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\pills3.gif">
<b>-"Right... I just have to do the same thing for the next 6 days straight."</b> You make sure to leave the pills on the nightstand, so you don't forget to take them.
<b>-"Hopefully I don't regret it!"</b> You climb into bed and turn off the table light next to it.
<b>-"Time to sleep.."</b>
[[Head to bed->room]]
<<pageReplace"Throw them away">>
<b>-"N-nah... I better not mess with my hormones, what if something bad happens."</b> You grab the pills and head towards the bid.
<grey>-"Gruff.."</grey> The sound of the pills hitting the plastic casing rings out.
<b>-"Welp, that's a couple hundren dollars wasted... Good thing I didn't use them though, I might have regretted it!"</b> You climb into bed and turn off the table light next to it.
<b>-"Time to sleep.."</b>
<grey>Bottle of V-plex pills -1!</green>
[[Head to bed->room]]
<</pageReplace>><<set $vplexintro2 to true>>\
<<set $vplexdick to true>>\
<b>-"Here I go.."</b>
<img src="Images\Events\random events\pillz1.png">
<b>-"Gulp... And that's the last one!"</b> You say as you swollow the last V-plex pill you bought.
<b>-"Hmmm.. I don't feel any different.. Let's see if it grew!"</b> You haven't really checked yourself out all that much this past week.
<b>-"Let's put something on..."</b> You open up twitter and begin looking at some porn. Not even a minute later, your cock is rock hard.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\pillz2.jfif">
<b>-"Looks a bit bigger I guess.. Let me just remove the pants."</b> You pull down your pants and remove your underwear.
<b>-"Holy! It definitely grew!"</b>
<img src="Images\Events\random events\pillz3.jpg">
<b>-"Haha no way, it actually worked! Let's see by how much!"</b>
<<pageReplace "Measure your cock">>
<b>-"I think it was somewhere here.."</b> The drawer swings open as you search for a ruler.
<b>-"Ah, this will work!"</b> After laying down on the bed, you begin to measure the length of your cock.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\pillz4.jpg">
<b>-"8 to 8.5 inches! Holy fuck! I got a whole inch out of that!"</b> You begin laughing... You can't believe some black market pills actually grew your dick!
<b>-"That's fucking awesome! Maybe I should.."</b> A thought forms in your head.
<<if $brokeupwithemily !==true>>\
<b>-"Maybe I should text Emily? I bet she would love this new me.."</b>
<<pageReplace"Text her.">>
<<message "Emily" "Emily reaction to drug changes" "I drank these pills..." open>>
<b>-"Let's finish the conversation before going to sleep!"</b> You think as you put down the phone.
<b>-"Nahhh, I better not, she's probably sleeping anyways."</b> You jump into bed.
<b>-"But let's see what this bad boy can do.."</b>
<grey>-"Dummn duumn dumnn cCciii!"</grey> The pornhub intro rings out in your room.
<<set $dominant to $dominant +5>>
<blue>Dominant +5!</blue>
[[Watch some porn and go to sleep->room]]
<b>-"Maybe I should text Emi-"</b>
<b>-"Oh yeah.. We broke up.."</b>
<b>-"Eh, whatever, no point in being sad over it now."</b> You jump into bed.
<b>-"Let's see what this bad boy can do.."</b>
<grey>-"Dummn duumn dumnn cCciii!"</grey> The pornhub intro rings out in your room.
<<set $dominant to $dominant +5>>
<blue>Dominant +5!</blue>
[[Watch some porn and go to sleep->room]]
<<messengerHeader Emily>>
<<if $domstatus is true>>
<<messageReply "Hey!">>
<<me>>Hey babe!<</me>>
<<me>>Want to see something cool..?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Uhmmm sure.. What is it? :P<</them>>
<<messageReply "I took some pills..">>
<<me>>Well, I got some pills that are supposed to make your dick bigger.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Huh? Aren't they scams?<</them>>
<<them wait>>Also, you don't need pills lmao, your dick is already massive!<</them>>
<<messageReply "It's even bigger now..">>
<<me>>Well, it's even bigger now ;)<</me>>
<<me>>I also thought it was a scam, but see for yourself!<</me>>
<<me>><<image "Events/random events/pillz8.jfif">><</me>>
<<me>>Grew by a whole inch!<</me>>
<<them wait>><<image "Events/random events/pillz9.jpg" >><</them>>
<<them wait>>HOLY FUCK!<</them>>
<<messageReply "You like it?">>
<<me>>You like it? 😏<</me>>
<<them wait>>Do I like it?????<</them>>
<<them wait>>"See for yourself"<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Events/random events/pillz12.webp">><</them>>
<<messageReply "I assume that's a yes.">>
<<me>>I assume that's a yes...<</me>>
<<them wait>>You would be right! 😆<</them>>
<<them wait>>Fuck me I can't wait to try and mount that...<</them>>
<<messageReply "You won't have to wait long.">>
<<me>>You won't have to wait long babe, see you soon ;)<</me>>
<<them>>I'll be waiting 😍😍<</them>>
<<goto "room">>
<<set $dominant to $dominant +5>>
<blue>Dominant +5!</blue>
<<messageReply "Hey...">>
<<me>>Want to see something cool..?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Uhmmm sure.. What is it? :P<</them>>
<<messageReply "Do you remember?">>
<<me>>Do you remember when I said I don't really feel like a man anymore..?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Yeah, when you got long hair. I even called you my girlfriend LOL.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Why?<</them>>
<<messageReply "I took some pills..">>
<<me>>Well, I got some estrogen pills and... See for yourself.<</me>>
<<me>><<image "Events/random events/pillz14.jpg">><</me>>
<<them wait>>Wow..<</them>>
<<them wait>>I mean.. DAMN!<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Events/random events/pillz9.jpg">><</them>>
<<them wait>>They look good tbh, mine are still bigger though ;)<</them>>
<<messageReply "So you don't mind?">>
<<me>>So you don't mind?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Of course not! But I'm going to start treating you like a girl though.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Like a girl?">>
<<me>>Like a girl?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Mhm...<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Events/random events/pillz13.jpg">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Just like a girl ;)<</them>>
<<messageReply "Wow..">>
<<me>>Wow... That might be a bit much..<</me>>
<<them wait>>A bit much? Don't be ridiculous.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Somebody has to do the fucking in this relationship.<</them>>
<<them wait>>And it definitely can't be you.<</them>>
<div id="choices">
<<messageReplyReplace "I understand." #choices>>
<<me>>Of course... I understand Emily.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Hehehe good.. I'm already wet just thinking about me fucking you..<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Events/random events/pillz12.webp">><</them>>
<<messageReply "So hot.">>
<<me>>So hot!! 😍<</me>>
<<them wait>>I know 😋<</them>>
<<them wait>>Can't wait to see you babe!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Same!">>
<<me>>Thank you for being so accepting, I'm heading to bed!<</me>>
<<them>>Of course!<</them>>
<<them>>Goodnight!!! ❤️<</them>>
<<goto "room">>
<<set $femininity to $femininity +1>>
<pink>Femininity +1!</pink>
<<messageReplyReplace "Why not?" #choices>>
<<me>>Why not?? I still have a dick you know 😐<</me>>
<<them wait>>Yeah, a dick that's constantly caged.<</them>>
<<them wait>>I bet that thing is tiny at this point, come on, send a picture.<</them>>
<<messageReply "Fine..">>
<<me>>Fine! Lemme just..<</me>>
<<me>><<image "Events/random events/pillz11.jpeg">><</me>>
<<me>>It looks this small because it was in cage for a while! It will look bigger in a couple of days!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Yeah yeah yeah, excuses.<</them>>
<<them wait>>It looks like my pinkie finger 😀<</them>>
<<them wait>>You won't even make it pass my cheeks.. It's my turn to take the reins<</them>>
<<messageReply "But!">>
<<me>>But Emily!<</me>>
<<them wait>>No buts, I said what I said.<</them>>
<<them wait>>You'll like it, trust me ;)<</them>>
<<messageReply "Fine...">>
<<me>>Fine... I trust you... If you think it's best, let's do it.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Hehehe good.. I'm already wet just thinking about me fucking you..<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Events/random events/pillz12.webp">><</them>>
<<messageReply "So hot.">>
<<me>>So hot!! 😍<</me>>
<<them wait>>I know 😋<</them>>
<<them wait>>Can't wait to see you babe!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Same!">>
<<me>>Thank you for being so accepting, I'm heading to bed!<</me>>
<<them>>Of course!<</them>>
<<them>>Goodnight!!! ❤️<</them>>
<<goto "room">>
<<set $femininity to $femininity +1>>
<pink>Femininity +1!</pink>
<</messengerChat>><<set $kaleyadrianatemp to true>>
<<if $domstatus is true>>
<b>-"Yawnnn..."</b> You sigh as you look around... It's pretty late at night already.
<b>-"A couple more minutes and I'm there."</b>
<img src="Images\Events\random events\yy1.webp">
<b>-"I wonder if Mia made any food.. I'm starving to be honest."</b> All of the stores are already closed.
<b>-"A right here..."</b>
<b>-"A left right behind this library.."</b> You walk towards your destination while looking around.
<b>-"Sigh, my least favorite part."</b> An alley stands in front of you as you round the corner.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\yy2.jpg">
<b>-"Here we go!"</b> You begin walking through it... This alley has always been very sketchy, thankfully, you know how to protect yourself if something happens.
<pink>-"Ghhh.. Gulp.. Guh guh guh!"</pink> You begin hearing strange noises as you walk..
<blue>-"Come on!"</blue>
<b>-"What's going on..?"</b>
<<pageReplace"Keep walking">>
<blue>-"S-shit!"</blue> A man shouts as more weird noises ring out.
<pink>-"GhhrRhrhhh... Guh GUh!"</pink> As you round another corner, you a peculiar sight.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\yy3.webp">
<b>-"Ah.. So that's what's going on."</b> You chuckle as you stop in your tracks.
<blue>-"Stand up! I-I need to go inside!"</blue>
<pink>-"Ahhhh.. Fine! But that'll be extra!"</pink>
<blue>-"No problem! J-just please!"</blue>
<b>-"Wow.. That guy sounds pathetic."</b> The couple stand up and the woman turns around.
<pink>-"Come on then."</pink>
<blue>-"Right.. Here I go!"</blue>
<img src="Images\Events\random events\yy4.webp">
<pink>-"NghHhh.. Gentle!"</pink>
<blue>-"S-shit shit shit! So tighthttTT!!"</blue>
<b>-"Hmmm..."</b> You think you recognise the man's voice from somewhere..
<blue>-"I'm about to cum!!"</blue>
<pink>-"W-what?! Already?"</pink>
<<pageReplace"Walk the other way.">>
<b>-"Alright this is becoming weird I'm not watching some dude cum.."</b> You chuckle and turn around.
<b>-"The city is right here anyways, I can just walk around this alley."</b> As you begin walking back, the sounds continue.
<blue>-"ShitTttTT! UghhHhhHH!!!"</blue>
<pink>-"Nghhh.. J-jeez! Not on my skirt!"</pink>
[[Continue walking->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Wait for them to finish and see who the man is.">>
<blue>-"ShitTttTT! UghhHhhHH!!!"</blue>
<pink>-"Nghhh.. J-jeez! Not on my skirt!"</pink> You cross your arms and wait.
<pink>-"Whatever... That'll be 150 love."</pink>
<blue>-"Here!"</blue> The man gives the prostitute some cash.
<pink>-"Pleasure doing business with you!"</pink> As she begins to walk away, you walk forward.
<b>-"Hey, do I know you?"</b>
<blue>-"Huh? What do you want?"</blue> The man looks up.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\yy7.jpg">
<b>-"Chris?!"</b> It's Adriana's boyfriend!
<blue>-"$name?! W-what are you doing here?!"</blue>
<b>-"I could ask you the same thing! Aren't you and Adriana still dating?!"</b>
<blue>-"Fuck.."</blue> He covers his face in shame.
<blue>-"We are... She knows what I'm doing out here..."</blue>
<b>-"Really..? She knows that you're out here fucking a prostitute?"</b>
<blue>-"Sure does.."</blue>
<<pageReplace"She doesn't mind?">>
<b>-"And she doesn't mind?"</b>
<blue>-"Well, after what happened between us three... She has been pretty cold towards me."</blue>
<blue>-"I don't know.. We haven't even had sex in the past couple of months, she's like.. Obsessed with you or something."</blue>
<blue>-"So I have to go out here and get some satisfaction another way.."</blue>
<img src="Images\Events\random events\yy8.png">
<b>-"Well damn.. I'm sorry man."</b>
<blue>-"Hey, no need. I enjoy watching you guys, but sometimes I want to have sex too!"</blue>
<b>-"Alright so.. I don't have to tell her anything right, she already knows?"</b>
<blue>-"I mean you can, but she won't be surprised or anything."</blue> He puts his wallet back in his pocket.
<blue>-"I have to go $name, Adriana is waiting for me at home. Told her I would only be gone for a couple."</blue>
<b>-"Sure man, I have to get going as well."</b> You both shake hands.
<blue>-"See ya!"</blue>
<b>-"Yup!"</b> Chris walks off as you just stand there.
<b>-"What a weird relationship dynamic they have.."</b>
<b>-"Hmph, no clue why he hasn't broken up with he already."</b> You shrug.
[[Walk to the city->Go outside]]
<b>-"Yawnnn..."</b> You sigh as you look around... It's pretty late at night already.
<b>-"A couple more minutes and I'm there."</b>
<img src="Images\Events\random events\yy1.webp">
<b>-"I wonder if Mia made any food.. I'm starving to be honest."</b> All of the stores are already closed.
<b>-"A right here..."</b>
<b>-"A left right behind this library.."</b> You walk towards your destination while looking around.
<b>-"Sigh, my least favorite part."</b> An alley stands in front of you as you round the corner.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\yy2.jpg">
<b>-"Here we go!"</b> You begin walking through it... This alley has always been very sketchy, thankfully, your house is nearby, so you feel pretty safe.
<pink>-"Ghhh.. Gulp.. Guh guh guh!"</pink> You begin hearing strange noises as you walk..
<blue>-"Come on!"</blue>
<b>-"What's going on..?"</b>
<<pageReplace"Keep walking">>
<blue>-"S-shit!"</blue> A man shouts as more weird noises ring out.
<pink>-"GhhrRhrhhh... Guh GUh!"</pink> As you round another corner, you a peculiar sight.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\yy3.webp">
<b>-"Ah.. So that's what's going on."</b> You bite your lip and stand in place.
<blue>-"Stand up! I-I need to go inside!"</blue>
<pink>-"Ahhhh.. Fine! But that'll be extra!"</pink>
<blue>-"No problem! J-just please!"</blue>
<b>-"Wow.. That guy sounds pathetic."</b> The couple stand up and the woman turns around.
<pink>-"Come on then."</pink>
<blue>-"Right.. Here I go!"</blue>
<img src="Images\Events\random events\yy4.webp">
<pink>-"NghHhh.. Gentle!"</pink>
<blue>-"S-shit shit shit! So tighthttTT!!"</blue>
<b>-"Hmmm..."</b> You think you recognise the woman's voice from somewhere..
<blue>-"I'm about to cum!!"</blue>
<pink>-"W-what?! Already?"</pink>
<<pageReplace"Walk the other way.">>
<b>-"Alright this is becoming weird I'm not watching some dude cum.."</b> You turn around.
<b>-"The city is right here anyways, I can just walk around this alley."</b> As you begin walking back, the sounds continue.
<blue>-"ShitTttTT! UghhHhhHH!!!"</blue>
<pink>-"Nghhh.. J-jeez! Not on my skirt!"</pink>
[[Continue walking->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Wait for them to finish and see who the woman is.">>
<blue>-"ShitTttTT! UghhHhhHH!!!"</blue>
<pink>-"Nghhh.. J-jeez! Not on my skirt!"</pink> You cross your arms and wait.
<pink>-"Whatever... That'll be 150 love."</pink>
<blue>-"Here!"</blue> The man gives the girl some cash.
<pink>-"Pleasure doing business with you!"</pink> The man nods and begins to walk away.
<b>-"She's counting the money.. Now it's my time to shine."</b>
<b>-"Hey, do I know you?"</b> You say as you walk towards the woman.
<pink>-"Huh? What do you want?"</pink> She answers while pulling up her skirt
<img src="Images\Events\random events\yy5.jpg">
<b>-"K-kaley?!"</b> It's your sister!
<sister>-"$name?! W-what are you doing here?!"</sister>
<b>-"I could ask you the same thing!? Are you a prostitute now?!"</b>
<sister>-"Noooo.... Ugh this is all Ava's fault!"</sister>
<sister>-"Fuck.."</sister> She covers his face in shame.
<sister>-"It's a long story.."</sister>
<<pageReplace"Tell me everything.">>
<b>-"Tell me everything.."</b>
<sister>-"Ugh.. Ava has been doing this for a very long time.."</sister>
<sister>-"She bought a new car for herself, she always goes on trips, buys jewelry."</sister>
<b>-"Ah, so that's where the cash is coming from.. I thought she worked part time or something."</b>
<sister>-"Hah, don't be ridiculous, she would never!"</sister>
<sister>-"Anyways, so I thought, I would try it out myself!"</sister> Kaley faces you.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\yy6.jpg">
<b>-"W-well.. You know, you could get seriously hurt by doing this!"</b>
<sister>-"I know, I know and thanks for looking out."</sister> She smiles.
<sister>-"But so far it's been going great! These guys remind me of you, they're all pathetic, cumming in a couple of minutes!"</sister> Kaley laughs.
<b>-"H-hey! Come on!"</b>
<sister>-"Ghahahah sorry not sorry!."</sister>
<sister>-"Anyways, you better not tell Mia! I don't want her to worry!"</sister>
<b>-"Sure thing Kaley.. If you think it's best that I stay quiet, I will."</b> You nod.
<sister>-"Good! Now if you'll excuse me, another customer is gonna be here in a second, so if you could leave that would be great!"</sister>
<b>-"Sigh.. Fine."</b> You begin walking.
<b>-"Stay safe Kaley."</b>
<sister>-"Will do!"</sister>
[[Walk to the city->Go outside]]
<</if>><<set $kindappedgirltemp to true>>\
<grey>-"Chirp.. Chirp!"</grey> The sounds of birds fill your ears as you begin your journey towards the city.
<b>-"I'm 10 minutes away, this should be an easy walk!"</b>
<grey>-"Beeep! HonkkK!"</grey> The honking of the cars, the sound of their engines... It's weirdly relaxing. You like walking outside for once, you usually get everywhere by car..
<b>-"Oh.. Is that?"</b> You notice a woman standing nearby.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\yyy1.jpg">
<b>-"Ah! It's Johnathan's girlfriend! Lilly!"</b> They both go to some of your lectures.
<b>-"I should say hi."</b> As you begin to walk towards the woman, a loud noise rings out from behind you.
<grey>-"WhhHWhhhhHhh screeeechhHhHH!"</grey> A van stops right next to Lilly.
<b>-"H-huh?!"</b> Before you could figure out what's going on, 2 men jump out.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\yyy2.webp">
<pink>-"AhhghhHHHH!!! LET GO OF ME! HELPPPP! ANYONE HELP!"</pink>
<blue>-"SHUT UP AND GET IN THE CAR!"</blue>
<b>-"Fuck fuck fuck what do I do?!"</b> <<if $domstatus is true>>You're pretty strong, but there's no way you could take down both of them.. They're a lot bigger than you.<</if>>
<<pageReplace"Do nothing">>
<b>-"Shit... They're too big, I can't do anything."</b> You take a step back as the van doors close.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\yyy5.gif">
<b>-"Holy shit.. No fucking way that just happened in front of me."</b> You quickly pull out your phone.
<b>-"Have to call the cops.. Fuck me.."</b> You dial 112 and press call.
<b>-"I WOULD LIKE TO REPORT A KIDNAPPING!"</b> You scream into the phone as the operator picks up. You spend the next 5 minutes explaining everything that happened and what you saw.
<m>-"Thank you sir, an officer will join you in a couple of minutes, please don't leave the scene."</m> You do as you're told and wait for the police to show up.
<grey>-"Chuck.."</grey> The doors of the police car open.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\yyy6.jpeg">
<blue>-"Dispatch reports 207, see the caller now, 10-23."</blue> The man talks into his radio and begins to walk up to you.
<blue>-"Good afternoon sir!"</blue>
<b>-"Mhm, you too."</b>
<blue>-"You called for a kidnapping?"</blue>
<b>-"Sure did... A girl I knew just got taken right in front of my eyes!"</b>
<blue>-"I'm sorry to hear that, but please, I need every detail that you remember. More officers are coming to collect evidence, but I need you to talk to me in the mean time."</blue>
<<pageReplace"Tell him everything you remember.">>
<b>-"So yeah, and they drove off!"</b>
<blue>-"Mhm.. Do you remember the numbers?"</blue>
<img src="Images\Events\random events\yyy7.jpeg">
<b>-"The van was without them.."</b>
<blue>-"Sigh.. That what I was afraid of.."</blue> He says something into the radio as more police officers show up.
<b>-"Huh.. Why?"</b>
<blue>-"Every year around this time a lot of girl get taken.. All with vans with blank numbers."</blue>
<blue>-"They get found in odd places around 2-3 months later, with no memory of what happened."</blue>
<b>-"W-what... That's so scary!"</b>
<blue>-"Sure is! But thank you for the information $name, we'll try to catch whoever is doing this.."</blue> You nod and stand up.
<b>-"Need me for anything else?"</b>
<blue>-"No, we took your statement, that's enough for now. If anything comes up, we'll give you a call."</blue> The other officers begin to search the area for evidence.
<b>-"Understood, I'll get going then. Hope that you'll find her, she was a nice girl."</b>
<blue>-"We'll try our best!"</blue>
[[Walk to the city->Go outside]]
<<if $taser ==true>>\
<<pageReplace"Pull out your taser">>
<b>-"FREEZE!"</b> You scream as you point your taser at them
<b>-"I'll use it if I have to!"</b>
<img src="Images\Events\random events\yyy3.jfif">
<blue>-"Pfft.. Don't be fucking ridiculous."</blue> One of the guys quickly flashes you his gun.
<blue>-"Don't be a fucking hero."</blue>
<img src="Images\Events\random events\yyy8.jpg">
<b>-"W-wow wow wow! Calm down!"</b> You take a step back.
<grey>-"Chhhhack...."</grey> The other guy closes the van's doors as you hear the muffled screams of Lilly inside.
<bartender>-"Let's go bro! We don't have a lot of time!"</bartender> While still aiming the gun at you, the man slowly backs away and gets inside of the car.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\yyy5.gif">
<b>-"Holy shit.. No fucking way that just happened in front of me."</b> You quickly pull out your phone.
<b>-"Have to call the cops.. Fuck me.."</b> You dial 112 and press call.
<b>-"I WOULD LIKE TO REPORT A KIDNAPPING!"</b> You scream into the phone as the operator picks up. You spend the next 5 minutes explaining everything that happened and what you saw.
<m>-"Thank you sir, an officer will join you in a couple of minutes, please don't leave the scene."</m> You do as you're told and wait for the police to show up.
<grey>-"Chuck.."</grey> The doors of the police car open.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\yyy6.jpeg">
<blue>-"Dispatch reports 207, see the caller now, 10-23."</blue> The man talks into his radio and begins to walk up to you.
<blue>-"Good afternoon sir!"</blue>
<b>-"Mhm, you too."</b>
<blue>-"You called for a kidnapping?"</blue>
<b>-"Sure did... A girl I knew just got taken right in front of my eyes!"</b>
<blue>-"I'm sorry to hear that, but please, I need every detail that you remember. More officers are coming to collect evidence, but I need you to talk to me in the mean time."</blue>
<<pageReplace"Tell him everything you remember.">>
<b>-"So yeah, and they drove off!"</b>
<blue>-"Mhm.. Do you remember the numbers?"</blue>
<img src="Images\Events\random events\yyy7.jpeg">
<b>-"The van was without them.."</b>
<blue>-"Sigh.. That what I was afraid of.."</blue> He says something into the radio as more police officers show up.
<b>-"Huh.. Why?"</b>
<blue>-"Every year around this time a lot of girl get taken.. All with vans with blank numbers."</blue>
<blue>-"They get found in odd places around 2-3 months later, with no memory of what happened."</blue>
<b>-"W-what... That's so scary!"</b>
<blue>-"Sure is! But thank you for the information $name, we'll try to catch whoever is doing this.."</blue> You nod and stand up.
<b>-"Need me for anything else?"</b>
<blue>-"No, we took your statement, that's enough for now. If anything comes up, we'll give you a call."</blue> The other officers begin to search the area for evidence.
<b>-"Understood, I'll get going then. Hope that you'll find her, she was a nice girl."</b>
<blue>-"We'll try our best!"</blue>
[[Walk to the city->Go outside]]
<<if $replicagun ==true>>\
<<pageReplace"Flash your glock replica">>
<b>-"FREEZE!"</b> You scream as you flash your glock replica at them.
<b>-"I'll use it if I have to!"</b>
<<if $hairextensions==true>>\
<img src="Images\Events\random events\yyy9.webp">
<img src="Images\Events\random events\yyy8.jpg">
<blue>-"Dont you fucking dare!"</blue> One of the guys quickly pulls out his own gun and points it at you.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\yyy4.webp">
<blue>-"You move - you die! Don't be a fucking hero."</blue>
<b>-"W-wow wow wow! Calm down!"</b> You take a step back.
<grey>-"Chhhhack...."</grey> The other guy closes the van's doors as you hear the muffled screams of Lilly inside.
<bartender>-"Let's go bro! We don't have a lot of time!"</bartender> While still aiming the gun at you, the man slowly backs away and gets inside of the car.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\yyy5.gif">
<b>-"Holy shit.. No fucking way that just happened in front of me."</b> You quickly pull out your phone.
<b>-"Have to call the cops.. Fuck me.."</b> You dial 112 and press call.
<b>-"I WOULD LIKE TO REPORT A KIDNAPPING!"</b> You scream into the phone as the operator picks up. You spend the next 5 minutes explaining everything that happened and what you saw.
<m>-"Thank you sir, an officer will join you in a couple of minutes, please don't leave the scene."</m> You do as you're told and wait for the police to show up.
<grey>-"Chuck.."</grey> The doors of the police car open.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\yyy6.jpeg">
<blue>-"Dispatch reports 207, see the caller now, 10-23."</blue> The man talks into his radio and begins to walk up to you.
<blue>-"Good afternoon sir!"</blue>
<b>-"Mhm, you too."</b>
<blue>-"You called for a kidnapping?"</blue>
<b>-"Sure did... A girl I knew just got taken right in front of my eyes!"</b>
<blue>-"I'm sorry to hear that, but please, I need every detail that you remember. More officers are coming to collect evidence, but I need you to talk to me in the mean time."</blue>
<<pageReplace"Tell him everything you remember.">>
<b>-"So yeah, and they drove off!"</b>
<blue>-"Mhm.. Do you remember the numbers?"</blue>
<img src="Images\Events\random events\yyy7.jpeg">
<b>-"The van was without them.."</b>
<blue>-"Sigh.. That what I was afraid of.."</blue> He says something into the radio as more police officers show up.
<b>-"Huh.. Why?"</b>
<blue>-"Every year around this time a lot of girl get taken.. All with vans with blank numbers."</blue>
<blue>-"They get found in odd places around 2-3 months later, with no memory of what happened."</blue>
<b>-"W-what... That's so scary!"</b>
<blue>-"Sure is! But thank you for the information $name, we'll try to catch whoever is doing this.."</blue> You nod and stand up.
<b>-"Need me for anything else?"</b>
<blue>-"No, we took your statement, that's enough for now. If anything comes up, we'll give you a call."</blue> The other officers begin to search the area for evidence.
<b>-"Understood, I'll get going then. Hope that you'll find her, she was a nice girl."</b>
<blue>-"We'll try our best!"</blue>
[[Walk to the city->Go outside]]
<</if>>\<<set $estrogenintro3 to true>>\
<b>-"So nice.. And soft.."</b> You whisper as you touch your chest.
<b>-"Let's take a quick photo.."</b> You're still not used to your new look.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\ppp1.jpg">
<b>-"Gosh I'll need a bra soon haha!"</b>
<grey>-"Creek, creek, cRreeEEEk!"</grey> You hear someone walking up the stairs.
<sister>-"$name!"</sister> Kaley shouts as you hear her walking towards your door.
<b>-"Oh shit!"</b> Before you could put on a shirt, she barges inside.
<sister>-"$name, I'm going out and I wa-"</sister> She stops in her tracks.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\ppp2.jpg">
<b>-"Kaley! I-it's not what it looks like!"</b>
<sister>-"YOU HAVE TITS NOW! HAHA THAT'S AWESOME!"</sister> Kaley closes the door and quickly runs up to you.
<sister>-"Whaaaat and they're pretty big! How did you do that?!"</sister>
<b>-"Y-you like them..?"</b>
<sister>-"I love them! I knew you were sissy, but this is next level stuff!"</sister> She grabs a handfull.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\ppp3.webp">
<sister>-"So softttt!!! How did you get them to grow?!"</sister>
<b>-"Took some.. MgHHhh.. Estrogen pills..."</b> You whimper as she continues to touch them.
<sister>-"That's incredible! How large are you trying to make them?"</sister>
<b>-"How large..?"</b> Kaley lets go.
<sister>-"Mhm..! Look!"</sister>
<img src="Images\Events\random events\ppp4.webp">
<b>-"K-kaley?"</b> You stutter as she takes off her bra.
<sister>-"Oh come on, we're sisters now, no need to be embarrassed!"</sister>
<b>-"Gulp.."</b> You feel a weird wetness in your crotch area...
<sister>-"Take a look.. Mine are cup E! Would you like bigger or smaller?"</sister>
<img src="Images\Events\random events\ppp5.gif">
<b>-"Why do you want to know..?"</b> You ask as you stare at her tits.
<sister>-"Just curiuos what my little sister is going for!"</sister>
<b>-"Well, if I could choose, I would go even bigger!"</b>
<sister>-"B-bigger?! How much bigger?!"</sister>
<b>-"As big as they go haha!"</b> You both laugh as she puts her bra back on.
<sister>-"Well good luck with that, it already hurts going down the stairs, couldn't image what it would feel like with even bigger tits!"</sister>
<b>-"Sounds like a good problem to have.."</b>
<sister>-"Ha! Maybe!"</sister>
<sister>-"Anyways, I'm going out with my girlfriends for a bit, so don't be surprised when you don't find me at home!"</sister>
<img src="Images\Events\random events\ppp7.jpg">
<b>-"Alright, have fun!"</b> She nods and begins to walk towards the door.
<sister>-"Thank you! Glad to have a sister like you."</sister> You blush and nod back.
<b>-"Mhm... T-thanks.."</b> After Kaley leaves, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Jeez, thank God that went relatively well.."</b> You look down at your crotch.
<b>-"Shit, knew it."</b> Staring at her tits made you leak!
<img src="Images\Events\random events\ppp6.png">
<b>-"God damnit, let's clean up."</b>
<<set $feminization to $feminization +1>>
<emily>Feminization +1!</emily>
[[Clean up->room]]
<b>-"Well, if I could choose, I would like them to be a little smaller.."</b>
<sister>-"Smaller..? Why?"</sister>
<b>-"Dunno, I like the petite look, I think it suits me!"</b> She begins to put on her bra.
<sister>-"Hmph, to be honest, it does!"</sister>
<sister>-"Anyways, I'm going out with my girlfriends for a bit, so don't be surprised when you don't find me at home!"</sister>
<img src="Images\Events\random events\ppp7.jpg">
<b>-"Alright, have fun!"</b> She nods and begins to walk towards the door.
<sister>-"Thank you! Glad to have a sister like you."</sister> You blush and nod back.
<b>-"Mhm... T-thanks.."</b> After Kaley leaves, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Jeez, thank God that went relatively well.."</b> You look down at your crotch.
<b>-"Shit, knew it."</b> Staring at her tits made you leak!
<img src="Images\Events\random events\ppp6.png">
<b>-"God damnit, let's clean up."</b>
<<set $feminization to $feminization +1>>
<emily>Feminization +1!</emily>
[[Clean up->room]]
<<pageReplace"Similar size..">>
<b>-"Well, if I could choose, I would like them to be exactly like yours!"</b>
<sister>-"Ha, like mine? Why?"</sister>
<b>-"Dunno, I just love how they look! So plump and round!"</b> She giggles and begins to put on her bra.
<sister>-"Well, thank you for the compliment!"</sister>
<sister>-"Anyways, I'm going out with my girlfriends for a bit, so don't be surprised when you don't find me at home!"</sister>
<img src="Images\Events\random events\ppp7.jpg">
<b>-"Alright, have fun!"</b> She nods and begins to walk towards the door.
<sister>-"Thank you! Glad to have a sister like you."</sister> You blush and nod back.
<b>-"Mhm... T-thanks.."</b> After Kaley leaves, you let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Jeez, thank God that went relatively well.."</b> You look down at your crotch.
<b>-"Shit, knew it."</b> Staring at her tits made you leak!
<img src="Images\Events\random events\ppp6.png">
<b>-"God damnit, let's clean up."</b>
<<set $feminization to $feminization +1>>
<emily>Feminization +1!</emily>
[[Clean up->room]]
<</pageReplace>><<if $domstatus is true>>
<<messengerHeader Emily>>
<<them>>Heyyy babe! Need your help!<</them>>
<<messageReply "My help?">>
<<me>>My help? Is everything alright?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Everything is fine!<</them>>
<<them wait>>My and my friend are going shopping for some lingerie, need you to help me pick some!<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Events/random events/sss1.jpeg">><</them>>
<<messageReply "Lingerie you say...">>
<<me>>Lingerie you say.. Well, can't say no to that 😉<</me>>
<<them wait>>Great! Then gimme a sec!<</them>>
10 minutes later
<<them wait>>Honey look, they even gave us champagne!<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Events/random events/sss2.jpeg">><</them>>
<<messageReply "Wow!">>
<<me>>Tbf, they're probably just trying to get you to buy more 😆<</me>>
<<them wait>>Probably, still, I won't complain! 🤣<</them>>
<<them wait>>Gimme a sec again, we picked some sets I just need to try them on!<</them>>
5 minutes later
<<them wait>>Here's the first one!<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Events/random events/sss3.jpg">><</them>>
<<messageReply "Pretty!">>
<<them wait>>I know right?! Susan doesn't like it though..<</them>>
5 minutes later
<<them wait>>Here's number two!<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Events/random events/sss9.png">><</them>>
<<them wait>>What do you think?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Looks great!">>
<<me>>Looks great too!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Mhm! There's one more left though.. I think it might look the best!<</them>>
5 minutes later
<<them wait>>Pic from the back this time :P<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Events/random events/sss5.jpg">><</them>>
<<them wait>>What do you think?!<</them>>
<div id="choices">
<<messageReplyReplace "I like the first one the most!" #choices>>
<<me>>I think I like the first one the most!<</me>>
<<them wait>>I'll get that one then! ❤️<</them>>
<<them wait>>So expensive though.. It's 100 bucks!<</them>>
<div id="choices2">
<<messageReplyReplace "Well yeah it's Prada." #choices2>>
<<me>>Well yeah.. It's Prada! 😆<</me>>
<<them wait>>Well yeah, true 😂<</them>>
<<them wait>>Anyways, can't wait for you to rip it off of me soon! 😋<</them>>
<<messageReply "Same!">>
<<me>>Same! 🥰<</me>>
<<them>>Love you ❤️<</them>>
<<set $emilyrandomlingerie to true>>
<<if $money>=100>>
<<messageReplyReplace "Let me pay for it." #choices2>>
<<me>>Let me pay for it babe.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Are you sure?! It's so expensive though..<</them>>
<<messageReply "I'm sure.">>
<<me>>I'm sure, already sent the money to your bank 😉<</me>>
<<them wait>>Ugh.. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!! 😍😍<</them>>
<<them wait>>Can't wait for you to rip it off of me soon! 😋<</them>>
<<messageReply "Same!">>
<<me>>Same! 🥰<</me>>
<<them>>Love you ❤️<</them>>
<<set $emilyrandomlingerie to true>>
<green>Money -100!</green>
<<money -100 "Bought lingerie for Emily">>
<<messageReplyReplace "I like the second one the most!" #choices>>
<<me>>I think I like the second one the most!<</me>>
<<them wait>>I'll get that one then! ❤️<</them>>
<<them wait>>So expensive though.. It's 80 bucks!<</them>>
<div id="choices2">
<<messageReplyReplace "Well yeah it's Prada." #choices2>>
<<me>>Well yeah.. It's Prada! 😆<</me>>
<<them wait>>Well yeah, true 😂<</them>>
<<them wait>>Anyways, can't wait for you to rip it off of me soon! 😋<</them>>
<<messageReply "Same!">>
<<me>>Same! 🥰<</me>>
<<them>>Love you ❤️<</them>>
<<set $emilyrandomlingerie to true>>
<<if $money>=80>>
<<messageReplyReplace "Let me pay for it." #choices2>>
<<me>>Let me pay for it babe.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Are you sure?! It's so expensive though..<</them>>
<<messageReply "I'm sure.">>
<<me>>I'm sure, already sent the money to your bank 😉<</me>>
<<them wait>>Ugh.. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!! 😍😍<</them>>
<<them wait>>Can't wait for you to rip it off of me soon! 😋<</them>>
<<messageReply "Same!">>
<<me>>Same! 🥰<</me>>
<<them>>Love you ❤️<</them>>
<<set $emilyrandomlingerie to true>>
<green>Money -80!</green>
<<money -80 "Bought lingerie for Emily">>
<<messageReplyReplace "I like the third one the most!" #choices>>
<<me>>I think I like the third one the most!<</me>>
<<them wait>>I'll get that one then! ❤️<</them>>
<<them wait>>So expensive though.. It's 110 bucks!<</them>>
<div id="choices2">
<<messageReplyReplace "Well yeah it's Prada." #choices2>>
<<me>>Well yeah.. It's Prada! 😆<</me>>
<<them wait>>Well yeah, true 😂<</them>>
<<them wait>>Anyways, can't wait for you to rip it off of me soon! 😋<</them>>
<<messageReply "Same!">>
<<me>>Same! 🥰<</me>>
<<them>>Love you ❤️<</them>>
<<set $emilyrandomlingerie to true>>
<<if $money>=110>>
<<messageReplyReplace "Let me pay for it." #choices2>>
<<me>>Let me pay for it babe.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Are you sure?! It's so expensive though..<</them>>
<<messageReply "I'm sure.">>
<<me>>I'm sure, already sent the money to your bank 😉<</me>>
<<them wait>>Ugh.. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!! 😍😍<</them>>
<<them wait>>Can't wait for you to rip it off of me soon! 😋<</them>>
<<messageReply "Same!">>
<<me>>Same! 🥰<</me>>
<<them>>Love you ❤️<</them>>
<<set $emilyrandomlingerie to true>>
<green>Money -110!</green>
<<money -110 "Bought lingerie for Emily">>
<<elseif $emilybnwoevent>13>>
<<messengerHeader Emily>>
<<them>>Heyyy babe! Need your help!<</them>>
<<messageReply "My help?">>
<<me>>My help? Is everything alright?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Everything is fine!<</them>>
<<them wait>>My and my friend are going shopping for some lingerie, need you to help me pick some!<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Events/random events/sss1.jpeg">><</them>>
<<messageReply "Lingerie you say...">>
<<me>>Lingerie you say.. Well, can't say no to that...<</me>>
<<them wait>>Great! Then gimme a sec!<</them>>
10 minutes later
<<them wait>>Honey look, they even gave us champagne!<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Events/random events/sss2.jpeg">><</them>>
<<messageReply "Wow!">>
<<me>>Tbf, they're probably just trying to get you to buy more 😆<</me>>
<<them wait>>Probably, still, I won't complain! 🤣<</them>>
<<them wait>>Gimme a sec again, we picked some sets I just need to try them on!<</them>>
5 minutes later
<<them wait>>Here's the first one!<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Events/random events/sss3.jpg">><</them>>
<<messageReply "Pretty!">>
<<them wait>>I know right?! Susan doesn't like it though..<</them>>
5 minutes later
<<them wait>>Here's number two!<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Events/random events/sss9.png">><</them>>
<<them wait>>What do you think?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Looks great!">>
<<me>>Looks great too!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Mhm! There's one more left though.. I think it might look the best!<</them>>
5 minutes later
<<them wait>>Pic from the back this time :P<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Events/random events/sss6.png">><</them>>
<<them wait>>What do you think?!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Who's the guy you're touching???">>
<<me>>Who's the guy you're touching???<</me>>
<<them wait>>It's Julian! We decided to take him with us!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Wait lemme...<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Events/random events/sss7.png">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Here, remember him?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Yeah..">>
<<me>>Yeah I do..<</me>>
<<them wait>>Hehe good! He's here to watch over us, that's all :P<</them>>
<<them wait>>Which one do you think I should get..?<</them>>
<div id="choices">
<<messageReplyReplace "First one." #choices>>
<<me>>First one looks the best babe.<</me>>
<<them wait>>I'll get that one then! ❤️<</them>>
<<them wait>>So expensive though.. It's 100 bucks!<</them>>
<div id="choices2">
<<messageReplyReplace "Well yeah it's Prada." #choices2>>
<<me>>Well yeah.. It's Prada! 😆<</me>>
<<them wait>>Well yeah, true 😂<</them>>
<<them wait>>The IBWO is paying for it anyways, so I don't care! 😎<</them>>
<<messageReply "Excited to see you!">>
<<me>>Excited to see you!<</me>>
<<them>>Sameee! Lova ya ❤️<</them>>
<<set $emilyrandomlingerie to true>>
<<if $money>=100>>
<<messageReplyReplace "Let me pay for it." #choices2>>
<<me>>Let me pay for it babe.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Are you sure?! The IBWO is offering to pay.<</them>>
<<messageReply "I'm sure.">>
<<me>>I'm sure, as your boyfriend I should pay for it!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Ugh.. I love when whiteboys know their place!!! 😍😍<</them>>
<<them wait>>Can't believe I have such a thoughtful boyfriend!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Excited to see you!">>
<<me>>Excited to see you!<</me>>
<<them>>Sameee! Lova ya ❤️<</them>>
<<set $emilyrandomlingerie to true>>
<green>Money -100!</green>
<<money -100 "Bought lingerie for Emily">>
<<messageReplyReplace "Second one." #choices>>
<<me>>Second one looks the best babe.<</me>>
<<them wait>>I'll get that one then! ❤️<</them>>
<<them wait>>So expensive though.. It's 80 bucks!<</them>>
<div id="choices2">
<<messageReplyReplace "Well yeah it's Prada." #choices2>>
<<me>>Well yeah.. It's Prada! 😆<</me>>
<<them wait>>Well yeah, true 😂<</them>>
<<them wait>>The IBWO is paying for it anyways, so I don't care! 😎<</them>>
<<messageReply "Excited to see you!">>
<<me>>Excited to see you!<</me>>
<<them>>Sameee! Lova ya ❤️<</them>>
<<set $emilyrandomlingerie to true>>
<<if $money>=80>>
<<messageReplyReplace "Let me pay for it." #choices2>>
<<me>>Let me pay for it babe.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Are you sure?! The IBWO is offering to pay.<</them>>
<<messageReply "I'm sure.">>
<<me>>I'm sure, as your boyfriend I should pay for it!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Ugh.. I love when whiteboys know their place!!! 😍😍<</them>>
<<them wait>>Can't believe I have such a thoughtful boyfriend!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Excited to see you!">>
<<me>>Excited to see you!<</me>>
<<them>>Sameee! Lova ya ❤️<</them>>
<<set $emilyrandomlingerie to true>>
<green>Money -80!</green>
<<money -80 "Bought lingerie for Emily">>
<<messageReplyReplace "Third one." #choices>>
<<me>>Third one looks the best babe.<</me>>
<<them wait>>I'll get that one then! ❤️<</them>>
<<them wait>>So expensive though.. It's 110 bucks!<</them>>
<div id="choices2">
<<messageReplyReplace "Well yeah it's Prada." #choices2>>
<<me>>Well yeah.. It's Prada! 😆<</me>>
<<them wait>>Well yeah, true 😂<</them>>
<<them wait>>The IBWO is paying for it anyways, so I don't care! 😎<</them>>
<<messageReply "Excited to see you!">>
<<me>>Excited to see you!<</me>>
<<them>>Sameee! Lova ya ❤️<</them>>
<<set $emilyrandomlingerie to true>>
<<if $money>=110>>
<<messageReplyReplace "Let me pay for it." #choices2>>
<<me>>Let me pay for it babe.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Are you sure?! The IBWO is offering to pay.<</them>>
<<messageReply "I'm sure.">>
<<me>>I'm sure, as your boyfriend I should pay for it!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Ugh.. I love when whiteboys know their place!!! 😍😍<</them>>
<<them wait>>Can't believe I have such a thoughtful boyfriend!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Excited to see you!">>
<<me>>Excited to see you!<</me>>
<<them>>Sameee! Lova ya ❤️<</them>>
<<set $emilyrandomlingerie to true>>
<green>Money -110!</green>
<<money -110 "Bought lingerie for Emily">>
<<messengerHeader Emily>>
<<them>>Heyyy babe! Need your help!<</them>>
<<messageReply "My help?">>
<<me>>My help? Is everything alright?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Everything is fine!<</them>>
<<them wait>>My and my friend are going shopping for some lingerie, need you to help me pick some!<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Events/random events/sss1.jpeg">><</them>>
<<messageReply "Lingerie you say...">>
<<me>>Lingerie you say.. Well, can't say no to that...<</me>>
<<them wait>>Great! Then gimme a sec!<</them>>
10 minutes later
<<them wait>>Honey look, they even gave us champagne!<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Events/random events/sss2.jpeg">><</them>>
<<messageReply "Wow!">>
<<me>>Tbf, they're probably just trying to get you to buy more 😆<</me>>
<<them wait>>Probably, still, I won't complain! 🤣<</them>>
<<them wait>>Gimme a sec again, we picked some sets I just need to try them on!<</them>>
5 minutes later
<<them wait>>Here's the first one!<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Events/random events/sss3.jpg">><</them>>
<<messageReply "Pretty!">>
<<them wait>>I know right?! Susan doesn't like it though..<</them>>
5 minutes later
<<them wait>>Here's number two!<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Events/random events/sss9.png">><</them>>
<<them wait>>What do you think?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Looks great!">>
<<me>>Looks great too!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Mhm! There's one more left though.. I think it might look the best!<</them>>
5 minutes later
<<them wait>>Pic from the back this time :P<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Events/random events/sss6.png">><</them>>
<<them wait>>What do you think?!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Who's the guy you're touching???">>
<<me>>Who's the guy you're touching???<</me>>
<<them wait>>Oh.. Just Susan's friend!<</them>>
<<them wait>>Wait lemme...<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Events/random events/sss7.png">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Here, doesn't he look cute?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Yeah..">>
<<me>>Yeah I guess..<</me>>
<<them wait>>Hehe ikr! He's here to watch over us, that's all :P<</them>>
<<them wait>>Which one do you think I should get..?<</them>>
<div id="choices">
<<messageReplyReplace "First one." #choices>>
<<me>>First one looks the best babe.<</me>>
<<them wait>>I'll get that one then! ❤️<</them>>
<<them wait>>So expensive though.. It's 100 bucks!<</them>>
<div id="choices2">
<<messageReplyReplace "Well yeah it's Prada." #choices2>>
<<me>>Well yeah.. It's Prada! 😆<</me>>
<<them wait>>Well yeah, true 😂<</them>>
<<them wait>>Susan's friend is paying for it anyways, so I don't care! 😎<</them>>
<<messageReply "Excited to see you!">>
<<me>>Excited to see you!<</me>>
<<them>>Sameee! Lova ya ❤️<</them>>
<<set $emilyrandomlingerie to true>>
<<if $money>=100>>
<<messageReplyReplace "Let me pay for it." #choices2>>
<<me>>Let me pay for it honey.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Are you sure?! Susan's friend is offering to pay.<</them>>
<<messageReply "I'm sure.">>
<<me>>I'm sure, as your boyfriend I should pay for it!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Ugh.. You're such a good boy! 😍😍<</them>>
<<them wait>>Can't believe I have such a thoughtful boyfriend!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Excited to see you!">>
<<me>>Excited to see you!<</me>>
<<them>>Sameee! Lova ya ❤️<</them>>
<<set $emilyrandomlingerie to true>>
<green>Money -100!</green>
<<money -100 "Bought lingerie for Emily">>
<<messageReplyReplace "Second one." #choices>>
<<me>>Second one looks the best babe.<</me>>
<<them wait>>I'll get that one then! ❤️<</them>>
<<them wait>>So expensive though.. It's 80 bucks!<</them>>
<div id="choices2">
<<messageReplyReplace "Well yeah it's Prada." #choices2>>
<<me>>Well yeah.. It's Prada! 😆<</me>>
<<them wait>>Well yeah, true 😂<</them>>
<<them wait>>Susan's friend is paying for it anyways, so I don't care! 😎<</them>>
<<messageReply "Excited to see you!">>
<<me>>Excited to see you!<</me>>
<<them>>Sameee! Lova ya ❤️<</them>>
<<set $emilyrandomlingerie to true>>
<<if $money>=80>>
<<messageReplyReplace "Let me pay for it." #choices2>>
<<me>>Let me pay for it honey.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Are you sure?! Susan's friend is offering to pay.<</them>>
<<messageReply "I'm sure.">>
<<me>>I'm sure, as your boyfriend I should pay for it!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Ugh.. You're such a good boy! 😍😍<</them>>
<<them wait>>Can't believe I have such a thoughtful boyfriend!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Excited to see you!">>
<<me>>Excited to see you!<</me>>
<<them>>Sameee! Lova ya ❤️<</them>>
<<set $emilyrandomlingerie to true>>
<green>Money -80!</green>
<<money -80 "Bought lingerie for Emily">>
<<messageReplyReplace "Third one." #choices>>
<<me>>Third one looks the best babe.<</me>>
<<them wait>>I'll get that one then! ❤️<</them>>
<<them wait>>So expensive though.. It's 110 bucks!<</them>>
<div id="choices2">
<<messageReplyReplace "Well yeah it's Prada." #choices2>>
<<me>>Well yeah.. It's Prada! 😆<</me>>
<<them wait>>Well yeah, true 😂<</them>>
<<them wait>>Susan's friend is paying for it anyways, so I don't care! 😎<</them>>
<<messageReply "Excited to see you!">>
<<me>>Excited to see you!<</me>>
<<them>>Sameee! Lova ya ❤️<</them>>
<<set $emilyrandomlingerie to true>>
<<if $money>=110>>
<<messageReplyReplace "Let me pay for it." #choices2>>
<<me>>Let me pay for it honey.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Are you sure?! Susan's friend is offering to pay.<</them>>
<<messageReply "I'm sure.">>
<<me>>I'm sure, as your boyfriend I should pay for it!<</me>>
<<them wait>>Ugh.. You're such a good boy! 😍😍<</them>>
<<them wait>>Can't believe I have such a thoughtful boyfriend!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Excited to see you!">>
<<me>>Excited to see you!<</me>>
<<them>>Sameee! Lova ya ❤️<</them>>
<<set $emilyrandomlingerie to true>>
<green>Money -110!</green>
<<money -110 "Bought lingerie for Emily">>
<</if>><<set $bnwodream1 to true>>\
<span class='fadeIn'>\
<emily>-"Honey! Honey! The water is soooooo warm!"</emily> You hear Emily's voice as the sun shines in your eyes.
<b>-"Yawwwwnnnnn... Is it?"</b> You raise your head and ask.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\qqq1.jpg">
<emily>-"Mhm! Feels like tea haha!"</emily> The love of your life sits down on the towel next to you.
<b>-"How are the waves?"</b>
<emily>-"Pretty calm! My hair didn't even get wet!"</emily> You look up at her once more.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\qqq2.jpg">
<b>-"I do!"</b>
<emily>-"Want to go for a swim?"</emily>
<b>-"Nooo.. Not now at least. Let's sunbathe for a hour or two."</b> Emily nods and lays down.
<emily>-"Of course babe."</emily>
<b>-"Ahhhh, now this is life."</b> You lay down yourself and close your eyes.
<<pageReplace "Doze off">>
<emily>-"Oh wow.."</emily> You hear Emily whispering as you open your eyes. It's been a good 10 minutes and your stomach is already red from all the sun rays.
<b>-"Honey?"</b> You sit up and look at her. She seems to be looking at something.
<emily>-"Hey babe.."</emily> You follow her gaze and finally spot the thing that's got her attention.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\qqq3.jpg">
<b>-"What the fuck.. Is he naked?"</b>
<emily>-"Mhm.. Isn't his cock giant though?"</emily>
<img src="Images\Events\random events\qqq4.jpeg">
<emily>-"Huh? What are you embarrassed? I know you're smaller, no need to feel bad!"</emily> Emily giggles and looks towards the man again.
<b>-"B-babe?! What are you saying?!"</b>
<emily>-"Ah! Look, he's coming this way!"</emily> The man notices Emily looking at him and walks up to you both.
<grey>-"Hey beautiful."</grey>
<img src="Images\Events\random events\qqq5.jpg">
<emily>-"Hey master..."</emily>
<b>-"Master...?! What is going on.."</b>
<grey>-"Ready to go?"</grey>
<emily>-"Mhm..."</emily> The man extends his arm and Emily begins to reach for it.
<<pageReplace"Try to stop her.">>
<emily>-"Take me master.."</emily>
<grey>-"As you wish!"</grey>
<img src="Images\Events\random events\qqq6.jpeg">
<b>-"Emily.. D-don't! What are you doing?! Stay here!"</b> She looks at you.
<emily>-"Shut up $name, this isn't about you."</emily>
<b>-"B-but!"</b> Emily stands up and faces the man.
<emily>-"Don't mind him... He's nothing more than a toy."</emily>
<grey>-"Emily!"</grey> She ignores you and continues to talk with the man.
<emily>-"Your hands are so.. Big.."</emily>
<grey>-"Only my hands?"</grey> Your girlfriend giggles.
<emily>-"No.. Not only!"</emily> The man gets closer and grabs her by the waist.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\qqq7.jpg">
<emily>-"Embrace me.. Take me.. Make me yours!"</emily> She screams out as they begin to kiss.
<b>-"Honey! Emily!"</b> Your vision begins to blur.
<b>-"BabeeEEEeeeEEEEeeee...!"</b> As you close your eyes, everything around you goes silent.
<b>-"Pant.. Pant.. What the fuck was that!"</b> You open your eyes to find yourself in your bed... Your body is sweaty, it feels like you have a fever.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\qqq8.jpeg">
<b>-"S-shit.. It was all a dream.."</b> A nightmare to be precise!
[[Get out of bed and clean up->room]]
<emily>-"Take me master.."</emily>
<grey>-"As you wish!"</grey>
<img src="Images\Events\random events\qqq6.jpeg">
<b>-"Emily.. What's going on?"</b> She ignores you and stands up.
<emily>-"Your hands are so.. Big.."</emily>
<grey>-"Only my hands?"</grey> Your girlfriend giggles.
<emily>-"No.. Not only!"</emily> The man gets closer and grabs her by the waist.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\qqq7.jpg">
<emily>-"Embrace me.. Take me.. Make me yours!"</emily> She screams out as they begin to kiss.
<b>-"Honey! Emily!"</b> Your vision begins to blur.
<b>-"BabeeEEEeeeEEEEeeee...!"</b> As you close your eyes, everything around you goes silent.
<b>-"Pant.. Pant.. What the fuck was that!"</b> You open your eyes to find yourself in your bed... Your body is sweaty, it feels like you have a fever.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\qqq8.jpeg">
<b>-"S-shit.. It was all a dream.."</b> A wet dream to be precise, judging from your drenched underwear.
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo +1>>
<grey>BNWO +1!</grey>
[[Get out of bed and clean up->room]]
</span><<set $miaclothingreact2temp to true>>\
<b>-"Hehe.. So cute!"</b> You look at yourself in the mirror after putting on your new skirt and thigh highs.
<b>-"They really fit together!"</b>
<img src="Images\Events\random events\e1.gif">
<b>-"It's so revealing though.. One gust of wind and it's over."</b>
<b>-"Lemme just.."</b> You slowly sit down on the ground and face the mirror again.
<b>-"I look hot on my knees too.."</b> You say outloud and stick out your tongue.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\e2.jpg">
<b>-"Makes me want to suck someone off.."</b>
<mia>-"Does it now?"</mia> You hear a voice to your left.
<b>-"Huh???! W-what are you doing here $mom1?!"</b> It's Mia, she's standing in your doorway!
<img src="Images\Events\random events\e3.jpg">
<mia>-"The door was open, thought I could come and say hello, but I can see that you're busy."</mia> You face her.
<b>-"N-no no, we can talk! I'm not doing anything!"</b>
<<pageReplace"Stand up.">>
<b>-"Nghhh.."</b> You slowly stand up as Mia shifts her weight.
<mia>-"Nice skirt, really suits your new features."</mia> She smiles.
<b>-"N-new features?"</b>
<mia>-"You know, the long hair, the make up, everything."</mia>
<img src="Images\Events\random events\e4.jpg">
<mia>-"So, it's official, you don't feel like a boy anymore?"</mia>
<mia>-"Well, again, the long hair, the clothes, come on now, it's obvious."</mia>
<b>-"That's a bit personal, don't you think?"</b>
<mia>-"Well I am your mother, who better to tell than me?"</mia>
<mia>-"We can just not talk about it if you wish. But I think you want to get it off your chest, no?"</mia>
<<pageReplace"I don't want to talk about it.">>
<b>-"I don't want to talk about it to be honest.."</b>
<mia>-"Hmph, suit yourself."</mia>
<img src="Images\Events\random events\e5.jpg">
<mia>-"Still, you look great, I'm proud of you for being this confident."</mia>
<b>-"Thanks $mom1, I love you."</b>
<mia>-"I love you too honey."</mia> Your $mo2 might be a sexually charged dominatrix, but she still adores you.
<mia>-"Oh and, remember to close your door before you try on anything like that again."</mia>
<b>-"I will, my bad."</b> Mia nods and leaves your room, closing the door behind her.
<b>-"At least she was nice about it.."</b> You let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Right, what now?"</b>
[[Decide what to do next->room]]
<<pageReplace"I still feel like a guy.">>
<b>-"I don't know.. I still feel like a guy to be honest."</b>
<mia>-"Really? So what's with the clothing and features?"</mia>
<b>-"Don't know, it's just who I am I guess. Don't need to look like a boy to be one you know."</b>
<mia>-"Hmph, I guess you're right."</mia>
<img src="Images\Events\random events\e5.jpg">
<mia>-"Still, you look great, I'm proud of you for being this confident."</mia>
<b>-"Thanks $mom1, I love you."</b>
<mia>-"I love you too honey."</mia> Your $mo2 might be a sexually charged dominatrix, but she still adores you.
<mia>-"Oh and, remember to close your door before you try on anything like that again."</mia>
<b>-"I will, my bad."</b> Mia nods and leaves your room, closing the door behind her.
<b>-"At least she was nice about it.."</b> You let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Right, what now?"</b>
<<set $femininity to $femininity -1>>
<adriana>Femininity -1!</adriana>
[[Decide what to do next->room]]
<<pageReplace"I feel like I'm a girl.">>
<b>-"I think... I think I feel like a girl."</b>
<mia>-"Knew it. When did this start?"</mia>
<b>-"The feeling?"</b>
<b>-"I.. I don't know. Everything happened so fast, only a couple of months ago I was a normal dude who just questioned his sexuality."</b>
<b>-"T-then the lectures started, working for Leyja didn't help.. I truly don't know when it clicked, but it has and I'm not going back."</b>
<mia>-"Hmph, cute."</mia>
<img src="Images\Events\random events\e5.jpg">
<mia>-"As long as you're happy, it doesn't matter, right?"</mia>
<b>-"I guess you're right."</b>
<mia>-"Of course I am."</mia> She smiles.
<mia>-"Anyways, you look great, I'm proud of you for being this confident."</mia>
<b>-"Thanks $mom1, I love you."</b>
<mia>-"I love you too honey."</mia> Your $mo2 might be a sexually charged dominatrix, but she still adores you.
<mia>-"Oh and, remember to close your door before you try on anything like that again."</mia>
<b>-"I will, my bad."</b> Mia nods and leaves your room, closing the door behind her.
<b>-"At least she was nice about it.."</b> You let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Right, what now?"</b>
<<set $femininity to $femininity +1>>
<adriana>Femininity +1!</adriana>
[[Decide what to do next->room]]
<</pageReplace>><<set $clothingtempeventday to $day>>\
<<set $clothespublicreactiontemp to true>>\
<b>-"A-ahem.."</b> Your voice quivers as you look around. It's your first time going out with such clothes.
<b>-"Gosh.. This skirt is so revealing!"</b> You think as you turn the corner and walk onto a busy sidewalk.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\eee1.webp">
<b>-"So many people..."</b>
<blue>-"Ha, yeah and I told her that, but she still didn't care!"</blue>
<olive>-"Lol! What a dummy!"</olive> You hear people talking all around you.
<b>-"NNnnngg.."</b> It'll take a while to get used to this attire!
<pink>-"And they were roomates!"</pink> You see a couple talking and walking towards you.
<pink>-"Mhm! Can you believe it?"</pink> The guy looks at you as you cross each other.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\eee2.jpeg">
<bartender>-"I.. I uhmm.. N-no..?"</bartender> You look back and see him getting pushed.
<pink>-"Did you just check her out you asshole?!"</pink> They walk off arguing as a smile forms on your face.
<b>-"H-he was looking at me!"</b>
<<pageReplace"Continue to walk.">>
<b>-"..."</b> As you continue to walk, you notice more and more men paying attention to you.
<olive>-"60%? We talked about 80% though??"</olive> A man walks by you while talking on the phone.
<b>-"Let's see..."</b> You look back and see him checking you out.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\eee3.png">
<b>-"Heh, knew it."</b> The man quickly looks away and continues to talk on his phone.
<b>-"Mghh..."</b> It feels nice knowing that men find you attractive.
<b>-"I think I need to take a right here?"</b> You round yet another corner, still walking towards your destination.
<blue>-"H-hey lady!"</blue> A voice rings out to your left.
<b>-"Hmmm?"</b> You turn towards it.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\eee4.png">
<blue>-"C-can I get your number?!"</blue> He asks in a groggy voice.
<b>-"..."</b> It's hard not to laugh. The man must be 5'1 or even shorter. You have to look down to talk to him.
<<pageReplace"I'm not interested.">>
<b>-"Sorry, I'm not interested."</b>
<blue>-"What?!"</blue> The man frowns.
<b>-"You're not my type, sorry."</b> He doesn't say anything, but you can tell that he isn't happy.
<b>-"I'll just go.."</b> You turn around again and begin walking.
<grey>-"SLAP!"</grey> You feel a pair of hands slap your butt.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\eee5.gif">
<b>-"H-HEY!"</b> As you turn around, you see the same man running away.
<b>-"Ugh! What a bitch!"</b> Good thing you didn't give him your number, who even does that!?
<b>-"No... I better not."</b> You thought about chasing him for a second, but refrained.
<b>-"Let's get out of here."</b>
[[Decide where to go next->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>><<set $clothespublicreactiontemp2 to true>>\
<<if $money>=1>><<set $money to $money -1>><</if>>\
<b>-"You know what, no."</b> You close your cars door.
<b>-"Let's take the bus for once. Haven't taken it in ages!"</b> You were planning to drive to the city again.
<b>-"Here we are."</b> After walking for about 5 minutes, you reach the bus stop.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\aaaa1.jpeg">
<b>-"The weather is so nice."</b> The bus stop is empty, so you take a couple of minutes to take in the view of your surroundings.
<b>-"7th will take my to the center I'm pretty sure."</b>
<b>-"Oh and there it is!"</b> The bus you need arrives.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\aaaa2.jpg">
<bartender>-"Ticket for one?"</bartender> The bus driver asks as you get inside.
<b>-"Yup!"</b> You pay him a dollar and he hands you a ticket.
<b>-"Thanks!"</b> The driver nods, you do the same. After the doors close, you take a seat near the front of the bus, where you used to sit before getting a car.
<b>-"Heh, this is nice."</b>
<<pageReplace"Look through the window.">>
<green>-"Is it actually free?"</green> Some people on the bus begin talking.
<pink>-"I think so.. At least it was, before the renovations."</pink>
<b>-"..."</b> You gaze through the window as the bus is driving towards your destination.
<b>-"Hmmm?"</b> A man a couple of rows in front of you catches your eye... Is he... Looking at you?
<img src="Images\Events\random events\aaaa3.jpg">
<b>-"Hmph.."</b> Right as you face him, he looks away.
<b>-"Let's see."</b> You begin to look out of the window again, while keeping him in your peripheral vision.
<green>-"Maybe we should visit today then?"</green>
<pink>-"Sure thing!"</pink> The people continue to talk as you watch the man.
<b>-"Oh shit.."</b> You see him stand up and begin to walk towards you.
<blue>-"You don't mind, right?"</blue> He asks as he reaches your seat and points at the one next to you.
<b>-"N-no, not at all. Please."</b>
<blue>-"Mghh.."</blue> The man nods and sits down.
<grey>-"Ziiipppp!"</grey> Not even 10 seconds later, you hear him unzip his pants.
<b>-"Oh fuck me.."</b> Maybe going out with such revealing clothing wasn't the best idea.
<b>-"Shit."</b> The man doesn't say a word, but begins to flaunt his dick around while looking at you.. It's quite obvious what he wants.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\aaaa4.webp">
<b>-"Why do I always get into these situations...?"</b>
<b>-"..."</b> You quickly look around the bus to find out if anyone else has noticed what he's doing, but they seem pretty oblivious.
<b>-"Nobody is paying attention.."</b>
<b>-"What if.."</b>
<<pageReplace"Give his a cock a taste.">>\
<b>-"It isn't big but... It looks damn tasty."</b> You look around once more.
<b>-"Fuck it!"</b>
<img src="Images\Events\random events\aaaa6.webp">
<b>-"MghhHhh!!"</b> With one swift move, you bend over and shove it deep in your mouth.
<blue>-"W-whaaa- nghHGhHh!"</blue> The man seems surprised with your confidence.
<b>"GhahhhRrrh.. Didwn't ewxpect twhat, hwuh?"</b> You whisper.
<b>-"Heh, his small size is so cute.."</b> You think as you begin to stroke his cock.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\aaaa7.webp">
<pink>-"Awh shit! It's 15 bucks now!"</pink>
<green>-"Really?! Damn... I'm still down to visit though."</green> The people continue to talk as you begin to look around.
<b>-"Nobody seems to be looking.."</b>
<<pageReplace"Deepthroat his rod.">>
<b>-"MmmmMHGghHhhH!!"</b> Before you could do it yourself, he shoves your head downwards.
<blue>-"GrarrraaaahHHh... I'm close..."</blue> He whispers into your ear as he covers your head with his hand.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\aaaa8.webp">
<b>-"That hand definitely won't help if someone sees us haha.."</b> You think as you begin to move your tongue around your mouth.
<blue>-"MgHhHHh.. Fuckk!"</blue>
<b>-"Awwhh shwit!"</b> You feel the man begin to throb, he wasn't lying when he said he was close!
<pink>-"Do you hear that sound?"</pink>
<green>-"What sound?"</green> The couple begins to look around as you feel him unload in your mouth.
<b>-"MghHhHhhh swo mwuch.."</b>
<img src="Images\Events\random events\aaaa9.webp">
<b>-"Gulp... Ahhhh.. Gulp.."</b> You swallow his seed as fast as you can and straighten your back. The second you do, your eyes meet with one of the people on the bus.
<pink>-"Hmph, maybe it was nothing."</pink> The woman looks at you, suspiciously.
<blue>-"T-thanks!"</blue> The man quickly zips up his pants and stands up.
<grey>-"Beep!"</grey> As soon as the bus doors open, he sprints outside.
<b>-"What a strange man."</b> You lick your lips and make sure your clothes are not covered in saliva.
<b>-"I think I'm good."</b> As you look out of the window, you notice that you're very close to your stop.
<<pageReplace"Wait for the bus to arrive to your destination.">>\
<grey>-"Beep!"</grey> This time it's you who gets off.
<b>-"Yeesh.. Such salty after taste."</b> You lick your lips once more as you look around.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\aaaa5.jpeg">
<b>-"Still, that was pretty hot."</b> Your cock is rock hard at this point, but you're used to the feeling.
<b>-"Maybe I should charge money next time."</b> After looking both ways, you cross the street and begin walking towards the city.
<b>-"Right, let's get on with it..."</b>
<<set $feminization to $feminization +1>>
<emily>Feminization +1!</emily>
[[Walk to the city->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"What am I thinking?!">>\
<b>-"W-what am I thinking?!"</b> You clear your mind of the weird intrusive thoughts you just had.
<b>-"Creep.."</b> You whisper as you stand up from your seat. It's time to get out of here!
<grey>-"Beep!"</grey> The bus doors open as you reach a random bus stop in the middle of the nowhere.
<b>-"I'm not commuting with that weirdo on the bus."</b>
<img src="Images\Events\random events\aaaa5.jpeg">
<b>-"Sigh... Guys just can't keep it in their pants huh.."</b>
<b>-"Maybe I should take it as a compliment?"</b> You giggle to yourself as you sit down.
<b>-"Time to wait for another bus."</b>
[[Climb on board when it arrives->Go outside]]
<<messengerHeader Ava>>
<<them>>Heyyy buddy!<</them>>
<<messageReply "What's up?">>
<<me>>What's up? 🤨<</me>>
<<them wait>>Me and dad are shopping!<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Events/random events/ee1.png">><</them>>
<<messageReply "Okay?">>
<<me>>Okay? What does it have to do with me?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Well, you see..<</them>>
<<them wait>>I have a date later today and I need some condoms.<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Events/random events/ee2.jpg">><</them>>
<<them wait>>But I'm out of cash... Want to spot me?<</them>>
<<messageReply "How much do you need?">>
<<me>>How much do you need?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Just 20 bucks :P<</them>>
<div id="choices">
<<if $money>=20>>
<<messageReplyReplace "Sure." #choices>>
<<me>>You know what, sure. Sending it now.<</me>>
<<me>><<image "Events/random events/ee4.webp">><</me>>
<<them wait>>Thank you!!!! You're the best brother ever!!!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Enjoy.">>
<<me>>No problem, enjoy ❤️<</me>>
<<set $avamessagetemp to true>>
<<money -20 "For Ava to get condoms.">>
<<messageReplyReplace "What's in it for me?" #choices>>
<<me>>What's in it for me? 20 bucks is a lot, you know.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Of course you want something in return... 🙄<</them>>
<<them wait>>Give me a second.<</them>>
<b>5 minutes later</b>
<<them wait>>Hehe, here.<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Events/random events/ee3.webp" gallery "Ava">><</them>>
<<messageReply "???">>
<<me>>Why is blurred...<</me>>
<<them wait>>I'll send you the unblurred version when you send the money 😋<</them>>
<<them wait>>You said you wanted something in return, no?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Who's the guy..?">>
<<me>>Who's the guy...?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Don't worry about it.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Just send me the money and you'll have some more material for jacking off 😀<</them>>
<div id="choices3">
<<messageReplyReplace "Fine..." #choices3>>
<<me>>Fine.. Sending you the cash now.<</me>>
<<me>><<image "Events/random events/ee4.webp">><</me>>
<<them wait>>Heh, knew you would succumb to the temptation... Thank you!!!<</them>>
<<messageReply "How about the video?">>
<<me>>How about the video??<</me>>
<<them wait>>Ohhh right.<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Events/random events/ee5.webp" gallery "Ava">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Don't jack off too much! ❤️<</them>>
<<set $avamessagetemp to true>>
<<money -20 "For Ava to get condoms.">>
<<messageReplyReplace "Nah." #choices3>>
<<me>>Nah, I'm good.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Come onnnnn... You really don't want to see the video????<</them>>
<<messageReply "Don't care.">>
<<me>>Nope, don't care for it. Not sending you money.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Ugh, you're such a shitty brother.<</them>>
<<set $avamessagetemp to true>>\
<<messageReplyReplace "Ask dad." #choices>>
<<me>>Ask dad for some cash.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Listen, I might be weird, but not that weird.<</them>>
<<them wait>>I'm not going to ask him for money to buy condoms, wtf.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Are you going to spot me or not??<</them>>
<div id="choices2">
<<if $money>=20>>
<<messageReplyReplace "Sure." #choices2>>
<<me>>You know what, sure. Sending it now.<</me>>
<<me>><<image "Events/random events/ee4.webp">><</me>>
<<them wait>>Thank you!!!! You're the best brother ever!!!<</them>>
<<messageReply "Enjoy.">>
<<me>>No problem, enjoy ❤️<</me>>
<<set $avamessagetemp to true>>
<<money -20 "For Ava to get condoms.">>
<<messageReplyReplace "What's in it for me?" #choices2>>
<<me>>What's in it for me? 20 bucks is a lot, you know.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Of course you want something in return... 🙄<</them>>
<<them wait>>Give me a second.<</them>>
<b>5 minutes later</b>
<<them wait>>Hehe, here.<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Events/random events/ee3.webp" gallery "Ava">><</them>>
<<messageReply "???">>
<<me>>Why is blurred...<</me>>
<<them wait>>I'll send you the unblurred version when you send the money 😋<</them>>
<<them wait>>You said you wanted something in return, no?<</them>>
<<messageReply "Who's the guy..?">>
<<me>>Who's the guy...?<</me>>
<<them wait>>Don't worry about it.<</them>>
<<them wait>>Just send me the money and you'll have some more material for jacking off 😀<</them>>
<div id="choices3">
<<messageReplyReplace "Fine..." #choices3>>
<<me>>Fine.. Sending you the cash now.<</me>>
<<me>><<image "Events/random events/ee4.webp">><</me>>
<<them wait>>Heh, knew you would succumb to the temptation... Thank you!!!<</them>>
<<messageReply "How about the video?">>
<<me>>How about the video??<</me>>
<<them wait>>Ohhh right.<</them>>
<<them wait>><<image "Events/random events/ee5.webp" gallery "Ava">><</them>>
<<them wait>>Don't jack off too much! ❤️<</them>>
<<set $avamessagetemp to true>>
<<money -20 "For Ava to get condoms.">>
<<messageReplyReplace "Nah." #choices3>>
<<me>>Nah, I'm good.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Come onnnnn... You really don't want to see the video????<</them>>
<<messageReply "Don't care.">>
<<me>>Nope, don't care for it. Not sending you money.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Ugh, you're such a shitty brother.<</them>>
<<set $avamessagetemp to true>>
<<messageReplyReplace "Nah." #choices>>
<<me>>Nah, I'm good.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Come onnnnn... I'll send you something spicy 😌<</them>>
<<messageReply "Don't care.">>
<<me>>Don't care. Not sending you money.<</me>>
<<them wait>>Ugh, fine..<</them>>
<<set $avamessagetemp to true>>\
<</messengerChat>><<set $miawalkinrandomtemp to true>>\
<b>-"Yawwnnn, come on $name, get your ass out of the bed."</b> You tell yourself as you check the time.
<b>-"Time to head to the city."</b> After walking downstairs, you grab your keys.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\bbbb9.jpg">
<b>-"Hmmm.. Where's my wallet?"</b> You always keep your keys and wallet together on this table.
<b>-"Maybe I left it in my room?"</b>
<b>-"No.."</b> You mumble after you check.
<b>-"Maybe in the kitchen?"</b>
<b>-"Nope..."</b> You suddenly remember something.
<b>-"Ah! I put some clothes into the washing machine an hour or so ago, I probably left it there!"</b> You quickly run to your bathroom and open the door.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\bbbb1.jpeg">
<b>-"Shit!"</b> Mia is taking a bath! Thankfully, she didn't hear you open the door because of the noise of the running water!
<b>-"Damn.. She's so curvy...!"</b> You begin to get a boner as you think about what you should do next.
<<pageReplace"Keep watching her.">>
<mia>-"MghHh.."</mia> She slides down deeper into the water as you continue to watch her through the barely open door.
<b>-"God damn this is so hot.."</b> Your cock is already fully hard. You want to jack off, but that would make too much noise!
<b>-"NgHhh.. Look at those tits.."</b>
<b>-"Oh and that ass..."</b> Before you could finish fantasizing about your own $mo2, your eyes suddenly meet.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\bbbb2.webp">
<mia>-"$name?! Is that you?"</mia> She frowns as your eyes grow wide.
<b>-"O-oh $mom1! H-hey!"</b> You open the door completely, making sure to place a hand on your crotch to hide the boner.
<mia>-"What are you doing?"</mia> Mia begins to get out of the water.
<b>-"Nothing! I'm just looking for my wallet!"</b>
<img src="Images\Events\random events\bbbb3.jpg">
<mia>-"For your wallet, huh? You think I'm stupid? I saw you spying on me you know..."</mia> She giggles and puts on a towel.
<mia>-"Come here."</mia>
<mia>-"Come closer."</mia>
<<pageReplace"Do as she says.">>
<b>-"Fine.."</b> You enter the bathroom and get closer to the bath.
<mia>-"You know, it's normal to be sexually frustrated.. But nobody likes to be spied on."</mia>
<img src="Images\Events\random events\bbbb5.jpeg">
<b>-"Sexually frustrated?! What are you talking about?"</b> You try your best not to stutter. Even after all you've done with her sexually, being caught spying on her is still embarrassing!
<mia>-"Well spying on your $mo2 isn't normal behavior you know."</mia>
<b>-"I wasn't spying on you! I swear! I-I was looking for my wallet!"</b>
<mia>-"Right, so you're not hard right?"</mia>
<mia>-"Your cock isn't hard then right? If you're just looking for your wallet."</mia>
<img src="Images\Events\random events\bbbb4.webp">
<b>-"Of course it's not! Why would it be!"</b>
<mia>-"Then show it to me."</mia>
<b>-"M-my cock?"</b>
<<pageReplace"Hell no!">>
<b>-"Hell no! That's weird $mom1!"</b> Mia seems surprised.
<mia>-"Oh..? You find that weird? Hmph."</mia>
<mia>-"Fine then, look for that stupid wallet of yours."</mia>
<b>-"Thanks.. That's what I came here to do."</b> After looking for a minute or two, you find it.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\bbbb10.jpg">
<b>-"There! Told you I was here for it!"</b>
<mia>-"Mmh, of course."</mia> She rolls her eyes.
<mia>-"Can't believe I raised a son that can't take any accountability."</mia> You stay silent and walk out of the bathroom.
<mia>-"Don't forget to close the door behind you."</mia>
<b>-"Y-yup! Thank you!"</b> You quickly close the door, without even looking at her.
<b>-"Sheesh, that was awkward."</b> You let out a sigh of relief as you shove the wallet into your pocket.
[[Head out->Go outside]]
<b>-"F-fine!"</b> Mia smiles.
<b>-"Shit.. I know I'm hard as a rock, but... I kind of want her to see."</b> You think as you pull down your pants.
<<if $toys==1>><img src="Images\Events\random events\bbbb7.jpg"><<else>><img src="Images\Events\random events\bbbb6.png"><</if>>
<<if $toys !==1>>\
<b>-"NghH.."</b> Before you could lower down your panties, she stops you.
<mia>-"Ghah! I can see how rock hard you are already, no need to pull them down!"</mia>
<b>-"..."</b> You blush.
<mia>-"Not hard you said, huh?"</mia> She laughs once again.
<b>-"I.. I'm sorry."</b>
<mia>-"No need baby. But this is what I was talking about, you're sexually frustrated. You know you can always count on me, right?"</mia> She moves the towel away and spreads her legs.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\bbbb8.webp">
<b>-"W-woah $mom1!"</b>
<mia>-"If you ever want to see my body from up close, just ask me honey. I would be happy to show you."</mia> You quickly pull up your pants.
<b>-"S-stop! I just need my wallet! Really!"</b> She giggles and covers herself up again.
<mia>-"No need to be flustered, your feeling are completely normal."</mia>
<mia>-"Fine, fine, get that wallet you want so much."</mia> You quickly run to the washing machine and grab your wallet. A spurt of pre cum leaves your cock as you head towards the door.
<mia>-"Remember, let me know if you want to see it from up close!"</mia> She shouts as you quickly leave the bathroom.
<b>-"Y-yeah! Whatever!"</b> You smash the door shut behind you and let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me... What was that?!"</b>
<b>-"She's such a crazy woman..!"</b> You shake your head and shove the wallet into your pocket.
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Calm down and head outside->Go outside]]
<mia>-"Ghah! You're caged?! Really?!"</mia>
<b>-"..."</b> You blush.
<mia>-"Well, judging from the pre cum leaking out of it, you're still turned on."</mia> She laughs once again.
<mia>-"And you said you weren't hard.."</mia>
<b>-"I.. I'm sorry."</b>
<mia>-"No need baby. But this is what I was talking about, you're sexually frustrated. You know you can always count on me, right?"</mia> She moves the towel away and spreads her legs.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\bbbb8.webp">
<b>-"W-woah $mom1!"</b>
<mia>-"If you ever want to see my body from up close, just ask me honey. I would be happy to show you."</mia> You quickly pull up your pants.
<b>-"S-stop! I just need my wallet! Really!"</b> She giggles and covers herself up again.
<mia>-"No need to be flustered, your feeling are completely normal."</mia>
<mia>-"Fine, fine, get that wallet you want so much."</mia> You quickly run to the washing machine and grab your wallet. A spurt of pre cum leaves your cock as you head towards the door.
<mia>-"Remember, let me know if you want to see it from up close!"</mia> She shouts as you quickly leave the bathroom.
<b>-"Y-yeah! Whatever!"</b> You smash the door shut behind you and let out a sigh of relief.
<b>-"Fuck me... What was that?!"</b>
<b>-"She's such a crazy woman..!"</b> You shake your head and shove the wallet into your pocket.
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Calm down and head outside->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Announce yourself.">>
<mia>-"MghHh.."</mia> She slides down deeper into the water as you open the door completely.
<b>-"H-hey $mom1! I hope I'm not disturbing you!"</b> You say as she faces you.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\bbbb2.webp">
<mia>-"Oh, $name! Not at all, please, come in!"</mia> You sheepishly nod and enter into the bathroom. It's quite hot, probably because of all the steam.
<mia>-"What's the matter? What do you need?"</mia>
<b>-"I-I'm just going out, so I need my wallet and I'm pretty sure I left it here."</b>
<mia>-"Ah! Feel free to look for it then, honey."</mia> She turns around and begins to get out of the bath.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\bbbb3.jpg">
<mia>-"Oof.. The air is so cold."</mia> You awkwardly laugh and quickly look away. Her figure is making your cock hard..
<b>-"Where the fuck is it.."</b>
<<pageReplace"Look for you wallet.">>
<b>-"Ah! There it is!"</b> You spot your wallet on top of the washing machine.
<mia>-"Did you find it?"</mia> Mia asks while covering herself with a towel.
<b>-"Sure did!"</b>
<img src="Images\Events\random events\bbbb10.jpg">
<mia>-"Where are you going out to?"</mia>
<b>-"D-don't know yet, don't have any plans really. Just want to get some fresh air."</b>
<mia>-"Well that's nice."</mia> You face her once again as you walk towards the door.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\bbbb5.jpeg">
<b>-"NgHhh.. Shit, I might have to jack off in the car."</b> You think as your cock presses up against <<if $toys==1>>it's cage.<<else>>your pants.<</if>>
<mia>-"Enjoy yourself honey! Don't forget to lock the doors!"</mia> You walk out of the bathroom.
<b>-"Y-yup! Thank you!"</b> She nods and you close the door.
<b>-"Fuck, she's so hot.."</b> You let out a sigh of relief as you shove the wallet into your pocket.
[[Head out->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>><<set $bnworandomsuptemp to true>>\
<<if $hairextensions !==true>>
<b>-"Wait, I remember I got a letter that our math class is taking place in another building, but I don't remember which one it is."</b> You pull out your phone.
<b>-"And of course, I ran out of mobile data... Fuck!"</b> The student schedules are publicly available on the SUP website, so you decide to ask somebody to check for you.
<b>-"Oh! She seems nice!"</b> You spot a student working on her laptop a couple of meters in front of you.
<b>-"A-ahem, excuse me!"</b>
<img src="Images\Events\random events\bnwo\sup1.jpeg">
<pink>-"Hm?"</pink> The woman looks you up and down judgmentally.
<pink>-"Ugh, another one, what do you want?"</pink>
<b>-"Another one? I haven't even said anything!"</b>
<pink>-"Yes, another whiteboy. What do you want?"</pink> As the woman speaks, a tattoo on her ankle catches your eye.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\bnwo\sup2.png">
<b>-"Ah, she must be an IBWO member..."</b> You think and face her once again.
<<pageReplace"Ask her to check the schedule.">>\
<b>-"Sorry to bother, I just need someone to check my schedule... I ran out of mobile data."</b>
<pink>-"Ugh, of course you have."</pink> She rolls her eyes and takes out her phone.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\bnwo\sup4.png">
<pink>-"Which group are you in shrimpy?"</pink>
<b>-"U-uhmmm, 4/4 miss. I need the math building."</b>
<pink>-"Says here that it got changed to building 2F."</pink>
<<pageReplace"Thank her and leave.">>
<b>-"Thank you!"</b> You say as she puts her phone back in her pocket.
<pink>-"Mhm, that's all?"</pink>
<img src="Images\Events\random events\bnwo\sup3.jpeg">
<b>-"Yup, thanks for the help!"</b>
<pink>-"Sure, now leave me alone."</pink> The woman sits down on the railing again and opens up her laptop.
<b>-"O-of course.."</b> You turn around and begin to walk away.
<b>-"So scary.."</b>
[[Walk through the campus->The SUP]]
<<pageReplace"Thank her and give her a compliment.">>
<b>-"Thank you!"</b> You say as she puts her phone back in her pocket.
<pink>-"Mhm, that's all?"</pink>
<img src="Images\Events\random events\bnwo\sup3.jpeg">
<b>-"Pretty much.. Just wanted to say that I'm proud of what you're doing.."</b>
<pink>-"Excuse me?"</pink>
<b>-"Y-you know.. Joining the IBWO and such.. I think it's the right step."</b>
<pink>-"Yeah I don't really care what a shrimp sized whiteboy has to say."</pink>
<<pageReplace"My dick isn't that small...">>
<b>-"My dick isn't that small you know.."</b>
<pink>-"Hahaha! Pardon?"</pink> The woman begins to laugh.
<b>-"You heard me!"</b> To your surprise, she pulls out her phone again.
<pink>-"Gosh whiteboys are clueless. Here take a look, this is what a real cock looks like."</pink> She shows you a picture on her phone.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\bnwo\sup5.png">
<b>-"Gulp... Holy shit.."</b>
<pink>-"Hah! I know right? So stop saying nonsense and accept your place in the new order."</pink> She laughs once again and shoves the phone back in her pocket.
<pink>-"And leave me alone, I have work to do."</pink>
<b>-"Ugh.. Fine.. Thank you, still."</b>
<pink>-"Mhm."</pink> The woman laughs to herself once again as you sheepishly look down.
<b>-"How humiliating..."</b>
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo +1>>
<grey>BNWO +1!</grey>
[[Walk through the campus->The SUP]]
<<pageReplace"Stop being such a bitch!">>
<b>-"Stop being such a bitch!"</b>
<pink>-"WHAT DID YOU CALL ME?"</pink> Her bored expression quickly turns into anger.
<b>-"I'm trying to compliment you and you're being a bitch!"</b>
<pink>-"LEAVE ME ALONE!"</pink> She quickly raises her leg and before you know it, she kicks you in the balls.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\bnwo\sup6.webp">
<b>-"AgGHHhHHH! FUCK!"</b>
<pink>-"Fucking weirdo! Look at my tattoo! I'm part of the IBWO, you shouldn't even talk to me!"</pink>
<b>-"I.. Nghhhh... I'm sorry.."</b> The woman says nothing, but you hear her heels clicking on the ground... She's walking away.
<b>-"Shit! Shouldn't have caller her that.."</b> You think as you grab your precious pair of testicles to try to ease the pain.
[[Calm down and stand up->The SUP]]
<b>-"Ugh, whatever.. Just wanted to give you a compliment."</b>
<pink>-"Mhm, don't care. Now leave me alone."</pink>
<b>-"So rude.."</b> You whisper and turn around.
<b>-"I wonder if they would treat me the same if I was a full fledged ally."</b> After shruging your shoulders, you begin to walk towards the math building.
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo +1>>
<grey>BNWO +1!</grey>
[[Walk through the campus->The SUP]]
<b>-"Wait, I remember I got a letter that our math class is taking place in another building, but I don't remember which one it is."</b> You pull out your phone.
<b>-"And of course, I ran out of mobile data... Fuck!"</b> The student schedules are publicly available on the SUP website, so you decide to ask somebody to check for you.
<b>-"Oh! She seems nice!"</b> You spot a student working on her laptop a couple of meters in front of you.
<b>-"A-ahem, excuse me!"</b>
<img src="Images\Events\random events\bnwo\sup1.jpeg">
<pink>-"Hm?"</pink> The woman looks you up and down.
<b>-"So pretty.."</b> You think.
<pink>-"Hey beautiful... What would do you need?"</pink> As the woman speaks, a tattoo on her ankle catches your eye.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\bnwo\sup2.png">
<b>-"Ah, she must be an IBWO member..."</b> You face her once again.
<<pageReplace"Ask her to check the schedule.">>\
<b>-"Sorry to bother, I just need someone to check my schedule... I ran out of mobile data."</b>
<pink>-"Agh! Of course!"</pink> She takes out her phone.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\bnwo\sup4.png">
<pink>-"Which group are you in?"</pink>
<b>-"Uhmmm, 4/4 miss. I need the math building."</b>
<pink>-"Says here that it got changed to building 2F."</pink>
<pink>-"Is that you needed?"</pink>
<<pageReplace"Thank her and leave.">>
<b>-"Thank you!"</b> You say as she puts her phone back in her pocket.
<pink>-"No problem!"</pink> You nod in appreciation and begin to turn around.
<pink>-"Wait!"</pink> She stops you in your tracks.
<pink>-"You're really hot.. Have you thought about joining the IBWO?"</pink>
<b>-"The international BNWO orginization?"</b>
<pink>-"Mhm.. Your hips look really breedable, they would love to have you, I'm sure of it. Plus, it's the morally right thing to do, so there's that."</pink> She pulls out her phone and show you a picture.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\bnwo\sup5.png">
<pink>-"The cocks you can find there are fucking incredible.. I'm never going back to whiteboys!"</pink>
<<pageReplace"Tell her your situation.">>
<<if $emilybnwoevent>7 and $brokeupwithemily !==true>>\
<b>-"My and my girlfriend are already in contact with them..."</b>
<pink>-"You and your girlfriend..?"</pink> She squints her eyes.
<pink>-"Ah! You must be lesbian!"</pink>
<img src="Images\Events\random events\bnwo\sup3.jpeg">
<b>-"Ahah, no no. I'm just transitioning.."</b>
<pink>-"Ahhh, understood. Well, as long as you're allies, it's fine!"</pink> She laughs and puts her phone back in her pocket.
<pink>-"Anyways, continue to talk with orginization, the world needs more folks like you! I can't wait for Sweden to be more diverse!"</pink>
<b>-"Same here!"</b> You and the woman share a smile.
<b>-"I'll get going then."</b>
<pink>-"Godspeed!"</pink> You turn around and begin walking away.
<b>-"What a nice woman that was.."</b>
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo +1>>
<grey>BNWO +1!</grey>
[[Walk through the campus->The SUP]]
<b>-"Thanks for the invitation, but I'm not really interested..."</b>
<pink>-"Hmmm.. Why not? Do you not want Sweden to become a more diverse place?"</pink>
<img src="Images\Events\random events\bnwo\sup3.jpeg">
<b>-"I.. I don't know, that's not realy what I think about often."</b> The woman rolls her eyes.
<pink>-"Ugh, of course."</pink> She leans on the railing.
<pink>-"Then I have nothing to talk to you about."</pink>
<pink>-"Just get out of here. You got what you needed."</pink>
<b>-"Well she's fucking rude.."</b> You think as you turn around and begin walking away.
[[Walk through the campus->The SUP]]
<</if>><<set $femroomday to $day>>
<<set $femredocaratetemp to true>>\
<b>-"Yawwwwnnnnnn..."</b> It's early in the morning hours... As you open your eyes, you yawn and slowly start to get out of the bed.
<b>-"Long day ahead $name, come on."</b> You try to motivate yourself as you stand up.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\q1.webp">
<grey>-"Knock Knock Knock!"</grey> You knock on the restroom's door, because it's locked.
<sister>-"In a second!"</sister> After a minute or two, Ava comes out in her pajamas. You both greet each other and you get inside.
<b>-"MGhhhh..."</b> After brushing your teeth, you clean your face with cold tap water. It helps you to wake up.
<b>-"Time for breakfast."</b> After you make your way to the kitchen, you begin to make some eggs.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\q2.jfif">
<grey>-"Chip Chop Chop!"</grey> You cut up a couple of cucumbers and tomatoes to make a salad.
<b>-"Ahhh, finally."</b> You say after assembling your meal. As you sit down to eat, you suddenly feel your phone vibrate in your pocket.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\q3.jpg">
<b>-"Hmmmm, a pinterest notification? What could it be?"</b>
<<pageReplace"Check it out">>
<b>-"Oh?"</b> You open the app while eating your breakfast.
<b>-"A decor makeover?"</b>
<img src="Images\Events\random events\q4.png">
<b>-"My room is pretty out of date to be honest."</b> The post intrigues you, so you begin to read.
<b>-"Seems like Amazon is selling room decor sets, with everything that you would need included, interesting."</b> You notice that there's a "feminine" room decor set on sale.
<b>-"Let's see."</b> You click a link which takes you to an Amazon page.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\q5.jpg">
<img src="Images\Events\random events\q6.jpg">
<b>-"Interesting... It doesn't seem THAT expensive, it's 500 bucks."</b> You continue to browse through the images.
<b>-"Should I get it... The pink does look very good."</b>
<b>-"It also says same day delivery, so I would get it today... Hmmmmm..."</b>
<<if $money>=500>>\
<<pageReplace"Fuck it, why not!">>
<<set $femininity to $femininity +1>>\
<<set $femroom to true>>\
<<money -500 "Redecorated my room.">>\
<b>-"Fuck it, why not!"</b> As you finish your eggs, you shove the plate to the side and take out your wallet.
<b>-"I think it'll be a great investment."</b>
<img src="Images\Events\random events\q7.webp">
<grey>-"Ding!"</grey> The Amazon app makes a sound after your payment goes through.
<b>-"Now we wait."</b> After putting the plate in the dishwasher, you lay down on the couch.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\q8.jpg">
<b>-"It says here that it should arrive in a couple of hours, the warehouse is pretty close."</b> You turn on the TV.
<<pageReplace"Wait for the package to arrive.">>
<<set $time to 1>>\
<b>-"Yaaawwnnn..."</b> You yawn as you finish your fifth episode of Game of Thrones in a row.
<b>-"When is it coming? It's been 5 hours already..."</b>
<grey>-"Drrrinnggg!"</grey> The doorbell rings.
<b>-"Ah! Perfect timing!"</b> You walk up to the door and open it. As you do, you see the delivery man driving off.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\q9.jpg">
<b>-"Wow! So much stuff!"</b> There are 6 smaller boxes and 1 pretty big one to the side.
<b>-"Nghhh... So heavy! That must be the chair!"</b> You say as you try to lift it.
<b>-"I'll take the smaller ones first."</b> You bring them to your room and begin to open them.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\q10.jpg">
<b>-"Let's see what's inside..."</b>
<<pageReplace"Unpack everything.">>
<b>-"There we go..."</b> You begin to take out the products from their boxes.
<b>-"Ah, these must be the sheets!"</b>
<img src="Images\Events\random events\q11.webp">
<b>-"Eeeek! So cute!"</b> Finally, your room will cease to be so ugly!
<b>-"Time to get the big boy!"</b> You climb downstairs and grab the big box.
<b>-"Ooof..."</b> After a lot of hard work, you carry it to your room and open it.
<b>-"It is the chair!"</b>
<img src="Images\Events\random events\q12.png">
<b>-"It's super cute too!"</b>
<b>-"Right, time to set everything up!"</b>
<ad>Femininity +1!</ad>
<green>Money -500!</green>
<<set $roomtemp to "Events/random events/q13.jpeg">>
[[Set everything up->room]]
<<pageReplace"I better not...">>
<b>-"Agh, I better not, it's way too expensive still!"</b> You close the app and continue to eat your eggs.
<b>-"If it goes on an even bigger sale I might get it, but 500 is still quite a lot for me..."</b> After you finish, you put the plate in the dishwasher.
<b>-"Right, what should I do next?"</b>
[[Decide what to do->room]]
<</pageReplace>><<set $bnwoobservationsuptemp to true>>\
<b>-"NNNNNnNnn!"</b> You stretch your arms as you walk through the campus.
<b>-"Lectures start in 10 minutes, still have some time!"</b>
<img src="Images\Events\random events\z1.gif">
<b>-"..."</b> As you walk, you begin to look around.
<b>-"Good morning."</b> You say to a couple walking by.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\z2.jpg">
<b>-"What a nice looking couple!"</b> You smile as you pass them.
<<pageReplace"Continue walking.">>\
<b>-"Oh? Another one?"</b>
<b>-"Hey!"</b> You greet yet another couple, but they ignore you.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\z3.jpg">
<b>-"Whatever..."</b> You whisper as they walk by.
<b>-"Interesting..."</b> You begin to notice a pattern... Everywhere you look, there are interracial couples! They're everywhere!
<emily>-"Jamessss! S-stop it!"</emily> A woman laughs as you look over.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\z9.webp">
<b>-"Gulp... I-it wasn't like this when I first got here, that's for sure..."</b>
<b>-"Huh... What's that?"</b> You notice something on the woman's leg.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\z4.jpg">
<b>-"It's the IBWO mark! W-wow!"</b> That's the second girl you've seen on campus with it in plain view... The IBWO ads must be working!
<b>-"Is that... A chastity key as well? So hot..."</b> You think as you walk past them.
<grey>-"Beep! Beep!"</grey> The sounds of cars honking fill your ears as you near the universitie's parking lot.
<<pageReplace"Carefully cross the street.">>
<grey>-"VrRrooOOommmm..."</grey> A car next to you comes to a stop as you cross the street. The parking lot is now to your left.
<b>-"YAwwwWWwwnnnn..."</b> You're getting pretty close to the university.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\z5.webp">
<b>-"..."</b> As you continue on your walk, a car pulls into the parking lot.
<pink>-"H-hey!"</pink> A woman shouts from inside of it.
<b>-"Huh?"</b> You look back, not knowing if she's calling out to you.
<pink>-"Yeah you! We need some help!"</pink> The car is nearby, so you shrug your shoulders and walk to it.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\z7.jpg">
<pink>-"Hey buddy! Do you know any good places around here to eat?"</pink>
<b>-"Uhmmmm... T-there's a pizza place about 2 kilometers from here. But the SUP's cafetaria is serving pizza today anyways so..."</b>
<pink>-"Agh! Then we'll just eat here then, thanks!"</pink> The woman opens the car doors.
<blue>-"Yeah, thanks white boy!"</blue> The man smiles as he opens the door as well.
<b>-"..."</b> You turn and begin walking away, but as the woman gets out of the car, something catches your eye...
<<pageReplace"Look at her leg.">>
<pink>-"Ready to go inside babe?"</pink>
<blue>-"Yup, let's hope that pizza is good."</blue> The couple talks as you notice something on the woman's leg.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\z6.jpg">
<b>-"Another mark! W-wow..."</b> The IBWO is indeed going mainstream... Hot!
<blue>-"What are you looking at, loser?"</blue> The man's words snap you back to reality. Her boyfriend noticed you looking at her!
<b>-"Ah sorry! Have a good day!"</b> You awkwardly smile and quickly walk away.
<blue>-"What a weirdo..."</blue>
<pink>-"What do you expect, he's a white boy..."</pink> You hear them talk behind your back.
<b>-"F-fuck... So many girls are into it... I love it!"</b> Your cock throbs once more as you reach the entrance to the university.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\z8.jpg">
<b>-"Time to head to my studies... They're starting soon!"</b>
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo +1>>
<grey>BNWO +1!</grey>
[[Gather your bearings->The SUP]]
<</pageReplace>><<set $randomtittemp to true>>
<b>-"YaaAAAawwwnnnnn..."</b> You climb out of bed, ready to start a new day!
<b>-"Yuck..."</b> You can feel how bad you smell... Time for a shower.
<grey>-"PiSHHHhhHhhHHH!"</grey> The water comes on as you turn the handle.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\ll1.gif">
<b>-"Hmm Hmmm HuhUUuuuu... I wonder what I'll do today."</b> After you're done, you climb out of it and begin to dry off your body.
<b>-"Hmph..."</b> You stare at the mirror.
<b>-"Why are they so small..."</b> You ask yourself as you look at your chest... You've tried so hard, did so much and yet - they're still tiny.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\ll2.jpg">
<b>-"If I had bigger ones, I would get so many more clients in the Lair... Everybody would want to rent me in the club too..."</b>
<<pageReplace"You get an idea.">>
<b>-"W-what if... What if I got implants?"</b>
<b>-"I saw that the clinic is offering a breast augmentation procedure..."</b>
<b>-"I wonder what fake tits would feel like though... Mine are so squishy, I hope they would stay the same way."</b> You poke your tits a couple of times.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\ll3.webp">
<b>-"I also got that 20$ discount from the girl I massaged... I should go there and check the prices."</b> With a determined look on your face, you begin to look for your clothes.
<b>-"If it's not too expensive, I think I'll get it!"</b>
<b>-"O-oh?"</b> You mumble as you grab your panties and look down to put them on.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\ll4.webp">
<b>-"Fuck..."</b> Just thinking about getting bigger tits made you leak precum!
<b>-"Gosh, I just took a shower..."</b>
<<set $feminization to $feminization +1>>
<emily>Feminization +1!</emily>
[[Clean up->room]]
<</pageReplace>><<set $faketitsreal to true>>\
<b>-"It's been a couple of days already... I think it's time."</b> You think as you stand up from your bed.
<b>-"I can't way too see how they look!"</b> You're about to see your new tits for the first time! After heading to the bathroom, you make sure to lock the door behind you.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\u1.jpg">
<b>-"Right..."</b> Somehow, nobody in your family noticed that your chest grew... You wonder how long that will last.
<b>-"Oof."</b> You remove your clothes and put them to the side.
<b>-"Time to remove these bandages!"</b>
<img src="Images\Events\random events\u2.png">
<grey>-"SrHhrhHhh!"</grey> The begin to make a dry, muffled sound as you unravel them.
<b>-"MgHHh... F-fuck..."</b> Your chest is still sensitive, so being careful and patient is the key.
<<pageReplace"Put the bandages to the side.">>
<b>-"NhHGHh... There."</b> After finally getting them off, you put them to the side and face the mirror.
<b>-"Agh, shit."</b> There are some more, under the first layer.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\u3.jpg">
<grey>-"ShickkKkkk!"</grey> You rip them off with a quick pull... It definitely hurts, but you want to see your new chest ASAP!
<b>-"Holy fuck..."</b> You mumble as you finally get a good look.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\u4.webp">
<b>-"T-they... They look real! They feel real! W-wow!"</b>
<b>-"I think I have B cups now... Wow, I never thought I would say that."</b>
<<pageReplace"Play with them a little.">>
<b>-"Ghah, t-they're so cool!"</b> You begin to squish them.
<b>-"And so soft too! The surgeon did an incredible job!"</b>
<img src="Images\Events\random events\u5.webp">
<b>-"Now I have another tool to make money in the club and Lair... The client will definitely pay more when they see what I'm packing!"</b> You feel your confidence grow as you get used to your new look.
<b>-"Gosh they look incredible!"</b> After another minute or two of looking, you finally decide that it's time to move on.
<b>-"I wonder what my mutuals will think when they eventually see them... I hope they're supportive!"</b>
<<set $feminization to $feminization +1>>
<emily>Feminization +1!</emily>
[[Put on your clothes and leave->room]]
<</pageReplace>><<set $sistersnewtitstemp to true>>\
<b>-"Yawwwnnnn..."</b> You get out of bed and stretch.
<b>-"Oof..."</b> Time to take your morning shower!
<grey>-"Creeeek..."</grey> The bathroom door swings open as you get inside. After taking off your clothes, you step inside of the shower cabin.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\u6.jpg">
<grey>-"PshHhhhhHh!"</grey> With a simple turn of the handle, you make the shower head dispense water.
<b>-"NgHHhh..."</b> Your new chest is still sensitive, so you apply body wash carefully.
<b>-"Gosh they're big."</b>
<img src="Images\Events\random events\u7.webp">
<b>-"There..."</b> You mumble as you finish covering yourself in soap.
<b>-"MMmmmmm MMmmmm MMmmmmm..."</b> You begin to hum as you slip under the water again and begin to clean yourself.
<<pageReplace"Finish the shower.">>
<b>-"UgHhh..."</b> You stop the water and climb out of the cabin.
<b>-"W-where's this towel?"</b> You have one of your eyes closed, some soap got into it!
<b>-"Agh, there!"</b>
<img src="Images\Events\random events\u11.jpg">
<b>-"NnnGHHhh..."</b> You begin to dry yourself with it, but as soon as you start, you notice just how sensitive your nipples are!
<b>-"F-fuckKkk... The man said they might be a little irritated for a couple days... But this feels different."</b>
<b>-"This feels good!"</b> Your hand slowly raises on it's own and begins to pinch your nipples.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\u8.webp">
<b>-"MgHhhh!"</b> They feel so good... You know it's not possible, but you feel like you're about to lactate or something!
<grey>-"Knock Knock Knock!"</grey> You suddenly stop as you hear knocks on the bathroom door.
<<pageReplace"Who is it?">>
<b>-"W-who is it?"</b>
<sister>-"It's Ava! Can I come in?"</sister> Shit, you forgot to lock the door when you came in!
<b>-"N-no! Not yet!"</b>
<sister>-"Oh comeee onnnn! We're sisters now, aren't we? Nothing to be ashamed of, I'm coming in!"</sister> You hear her laughing behind the door... Not ever 3 seconds later, it swings open.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\u12.jpg">
<sister>-"Heyyy beauti- W-WHAT?!"</sister> Her smile turns into a shocked expression as she notices your new chest.
<b>-"Fuck... T-this isn't the way I wanted you to find out."</b>
<sister>-"You have... Tits...? And they're bigger than mine?! Ghahahaha!"</sister> Ava begins to laugh.
<sister>-"Are they real?!"</sister> She reaches out and begins to touch your tits.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\u13.webp">
<<pageReplace"Tell her that your nipples are sensitive.">>
<b>-"M-my nipples are still sensitive after the operation..."</b>
<sister>-"Ah, so the tits are not real?!"</sister> She opens her towel, showing off of chest as well.
<sister>-"They look so similar to mine though!"</sister>
<img src="Images\Events\random events\u14.jpg">
<b>-"T-the surgeon did a great job..."</b> You force a smile.
<sister>-"I knew you were different, but didn't think you would actually... I don't know... Actually go through stuff like this. I respect you for it, honestly."</sister> She looks down at your crotch.
<sister>-"That little thing does look silly though haha!"</sister> You follow her gaze.
<b>-"Oh shit!"</b> You took off your cage before climbing into the shower, so now your tiny cock is on full display!
<img src="Images\Events\random events\u9.png">
<b>-"S-sorry... Haha..."</b>
<sister>-"Don't apologise! I bet you don't use it anyways, so who cares!"</sister> She shrugs.
<<pageReplace"Tell her that the shower is hers.">>
<b>-"The shower is yours Ava... I-I'll leave in a second!"</b> You begin to cover your chest but Ava steps in closer.
<sister>-"Oh don't be so shy!"<sister> She bends down and bites your nipple in a teasing way.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\u15.webp">
<sister>-"Hihihi... We're going to have plently of fun with these new tits of yours! Can't wait to tell Kaley about them!"</sister> Ava grins.
<b>-"I... I'll be out in a second."</b> Ava smiles.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\u16.jpg">
<sister>-"Alright, alright, I'm going you goofball."</sister> She covers herself up and starts to walk out of the bathroom.
<sister>-"You really ought to get more confident. With those tits of yours men will be climbing all over you!"</sister> Maybe she's right...
<b>-"You think so?"</b>
<sister>-"Mhm! Use them, getting laid will be super easy now!"</sister> She smiles one more time and exits.
<sister>-"Hurry up!"</sister> Ava closes the door.
<b>-"Fuck... W-well at least she was supportive."</b> You wipe away her saliva from your nipple and begin to put on your clothes.
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Put on your clothes and leave->room]]
<</pageReplace>><<set $femroommiareacttemp to true>>\
<b>-"Time to hit the bed."</b> You say as you look at your phone.. It's pretty late.
<grey>-"Knock Knock Knock!"</grey> Someone knocks on your door.
<b>-"Come in!"</b> Without giving it a second though, you invite whoever is on the other side inside.
<grey>-"Creeeeek!"</grey> The door opens.
<mia>-"Huh?"</mia> It's Mia!
<img src="Images\Events\random events\h1.jpg">
<mia>-"What happened?"</mia>
<b>-"W-what do you mean?"</b>
<mia>-"With your room? It's pink!"</mia> She looks around.
<b>-"Oh fuck!"</b> You totally forgot about that!
<b>-"Oh haha, I just thought it was time for some redocarating... D-don't you think it looks good?"</b> Mia walks over to your bed and checks out the sheets.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\h3.jpg">
<mia>-"Hmph, I mean it does fit your identity a lot better, that's for sure."</mia>
<<pageReplace"Ask her what she wanted.">>
<b>-"S-so, what did you want?"</b>
<mia>-"Just wanted to check in... Why are you trying to change the subject? Is someone embarrassed?"</mia>
<img src="Images\Events\random events\h4.jpg">
<b>-"Of course not!"</b> You indeed are...
<mia>-"Ghah, good! You shouldn't be! I'll accept whichever way you turn out."</mia>
<b>-"What does that even mean..."</b> You mumble as she smiles and begins to turn.
<mia>-"Anyways, I'm off to bed then. Congrats to your new room!"</mia> Mia crosses her arms and smiles.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\h2.jpg">
<b>-"Thanks $mom1..."</b> You don't remember the last time she was this wholesome!
<mia>-"See ya!"</mia> She leaves your room and closes the door behind her.
<b>-"Hmph... I thought she would react differently."</b> Time to hit the bed!
<</pageReplace>><<set $femnamechange to true>>\
<grey>-"Knock Knock Knock..."</grey> You hear a faint sound of someone knocking on your door.
<b>-"Huh? Come in!"</b> You were about to get into bed, you weren't expecting anyone.
<mia>-"Sorry to disturb you love."</mia> Mia smiles as she enters your room.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\fem_name_1.jpg">
<b>-"Oh... $mom1? What's up, what do you need?"</b>
<mia>-"Nothing, just wanted to talk about something."</mia> She walks over to your bed and sits down.
<b>-"W-what's up?"</b>
<img src="Images\Events\random events\fem_name_2.jpg">
<mia>-"Well, me, John, Ava and Kaley have noticed... Some changes regarding your appearance and personality."</mia> You know where this is going...
<b>-"We've talked about this $mom1... T-this is who I truly am."</b> Mia smiles and looks you in the eyes.
<mia>-"I know, that's why I came here in the fist place."</mia>
<<pageReplace"What do you mean?">>
<b>-"What do you mean?"</b>
<mia>-"At first, we thought it might be a phase, but it looks like you're taking this pretty seriously."</mia> You don't say a word as Mia continues to speak.
<mia>-"So we decided to try to make the transition process as comfortable as possible."</mia>
<img src="Images\Events\random events\fem_name_3.jpg">
<mia>-"And in our eyes, the first step to that is - a name change."</mia>
<b>-"A name change?"</b>
<mia>-"Mhm... Considering how you look, I think $name sounds a bit silly, no?"</mia>
<b>-"Y-yeah, maybe you're right."</b> You look down and blush.
<mia>-"Would you like to change your name? We all agreed to call you the name you find most comfrotable."</mia>
<<pageReplace"I would like to change my name.">>
<<set $him to "her">>\
<<set $he to "she">>\
<<set $his to "hers">>\
<<set $changedname to true>>\
<b>-"I... I think I would like to change my name."</b>
<mia>-"Knew it!"</mia> She smiles and faces you once again.
<mia>-"What would you like it to be?"</mia>
<img src="Images\Events\random events\fem_name_4.jpg">
<b>-"I would like my new name to be <<textbox "$name" "">>"</b>
<<pageReplace"What do you think, Mia?">>
<<if $name =="">>\
<<set $name to "Nameless">>\
<mia>-"$name, huh? Sounds good to me!"</mia> Mia smiles and stands up.
<b>-"Thank you for being so supportive Mia..."</b>
<mia>-"That's what family is for baby."</mia> She kisses your forehead and begins to leave the room.
<mia>-"I'll let everyone know, you should text your friends though!"</mia>
<b>-"I will, thanks!"</b> As Mia leaves your room, you begin looking for your phone.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\fem_name_5.jpg">
<b>-"There it is!"</b> You grab it and lay down in your bed. You send Leyja, Adriana and your other friends a message, saying that you changed your name.
<b>-"There."</b> You change the name on your facebook profile as well, so your acquittances also now.
<b>-"Fuck... Now this is a big step."</b> You think as you put the phone down. It is big, but definitely very needed to fully transition.
<b>-"I hope everyone takes it well and respects my wishes..."</b>
<b>-"Yaawwnnnn...!"</b> Time to hit the bed.
<<set $feminization to $feminization +5>>
<emily>Feminization +5!</emily>
<<pageReplace"No thank you.">>
<b>-"Thank you for the offer Mia, truly, t-that's very considerate of you, but I like my name."</b> You smile and face her again.
<mia>-"Huh, really?"</mia>
<img src="Images\Events\random events\fem_name_4.jpg">
<mia>-"Welp, understood! As long as you're comfrotable, we're happy!"</mia> She stands up and smiles.
<mia>-"If you ever change your mind, please let me know!"</mia>
<b>-"I will! Thank you!"</b> Mia nods and walks out of your room.
<b>-"Wow... That was nice, I guess she truly does love me..."</b> It feels good knowing you have such a supportive family.
<b>-"Yaawwnnnn..."</b> Time to hit the bed.
<</pageReplace>><<set $kaleypornrandomtemp to true>>\
<<set $kaleypornday to $day>>\
<b>-"Hehehehe... Time for some fun!"</b> You grin as you enter your room. Your sisters are in their room, Mia and John are out of the house. It's the perfect time to watch some porn!
<b>-"Oof!"</b> You sit down in front of your computer, without noticing that you forgot to close your door...
<img src="Images\Events\random events\plap1.webp">
<grey>-"Beep!"</grey> The PC on your table makes a silent beeping noise as you turn it on.
<b>-"Here we go..."</b> You type in "Femdom porn" into the search bar after the computer boots up and lower down your pants.
<b>-"NgHhh... Fuck yeah."</b> You click on one of the videos.
<Img src="Images\Events\random events\plap2.gif">
<<if $toys==1>>\
<b>-"Fuck..."</b> You're in a chastity cage, but that doesn't mean you can't enjoy yourself! Time to plap those balls!
<<pageReplace"Plap your little nuts.">>
<b>-"GhrHhhh!"</b> You yelp in pain and pleasure as you begin to plap your little nuts.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\plap3.webp">
<b>-"S-so fucking sexy!"</b> You keep getting closer and closer to an orgasm, but you can never reach it...
<grey>-"Thump... Thump... Thump..."</grey> You hear someone walking outside of your room.
<b>-"Wait... Did I?"</b> You quickly turn towards the door, wanting to make sure you closed it, but alas, you find something staring at you through the crack...
<img src="Images\Events\random events\plap5.png">
<b>-"Oh shit!"</b> Someone is about to take a picture!
<<pageReplace"Scream no!">>
<<blink "Images/Events/random events/plap6.gif" 300>>\
<b>-"NOOoOoo!"</b> A flash lights up your room... It's too late.
<sister>-"Ghahahaha! You should have seen your face!"</sister> The door swings open and the person turns on the light.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\plap9.jpg">
<b>-"Kaley!"</b> She was spying on you!
<sister>-"I knew you were into humiliation! You always get hard when we make fun of you!"</sister>
<b>-"W-what?!"</b> You quickly look back and... The porn is still playing! You turn it off in a flash and face Kaley again.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\plap7.jpg">
<sister>-"Too late loser, already got the picture."</sister>
<b>-"C-come on Kaley! What are you going to do with it?"</b>
<sister>-"Show Ava, of course!"</sister>
<b>-"Whyyyy?"</b> Kaley laughs once again as you try your best to cover your caged clit.
<sister>-"Because she'll love finding out that you secretely fantasise about us humiliating you!"</sister>
<img src="Images\Events\random events\plap8.jpg">
<b>-"I-I don't! I just like femdom..."</b>
<sister>-"Well, we'll see what Ava thinks."</sister> Kaley winks and steps through the doorway.
<b>-"God damnit..."</b>
<sister>-"Next time, close the door."</sister> She shuts it closed and walks away.
[[Decide what to do next->Open the laptop]]
<b>-"Fuck..."</b> Your cock begins to throb as soon as you begin to stroke it.
<<pageReplace"Begin the session.">>
<b>-"GhrHhhh!"</b> You moan in pleasure as you begin to stroke your cock faster and faster.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\plap3.webp">
<b>-"S-so fucking sexy!"</b> You keep getting closer and closer to an orgasm, but right before you can reach it...
<grey>-"Thump... Thump... Thump..."</grey> You hear someone walking outside of your room.
<b>-"Wait... Did I?"</b> You quickly turn towards the door, wanting to make sure you closed it, but alas, you find something staring at you through the crack...
<img src="Images\Events\random events\plap5.png">
<b>-"Oh shit!"</b> Someone is about to take a picture!
<<pageReplace"Scream no!">>
<<blink "Images/Events/random events/plap6.gif" 300>>\
<b>-"NOOoOoo!"</b> A flash lights up your room... It's too late.
<sister>-"Ghahahaha! You should have seen your face!"</sister> The door swings open and the person turns on the light.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\plap9.jpg">
<b>-"Kaley!"</b> She was spying on you!
<sister>-"I knew you were into humiliation! You always get hard when we make fun of you!"</sister>
<b>-"W-what?!"</b> You quickly look back and... The porn is still playing! You turn it off in a flash and face Kaley again.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\plap7.jpg">
<sister>-"Too late loser, already got the picture."</sister>
<b>-"C-come on Kaley! What are you going to do with it?"</b>
<sister>-"Show Ava, of course!"</sister>
<b>-"Whyyyy?"</b> Kaley laughs once again as you try your best to cover your caged clit.
<sister>-"Because she'll love finding out that you secretely fantasise about us humiliating you!"</sister>
<img src="Images\Events\random events\plap8.jpg">
<b>-"I-I don't! I just like femdom..."</b>
<sister>-"Well, we'll see what Ava thinks."</sister> Kaley winks and steps through the doorway.
<b>-"God damnit..."</b>
<sister>-"Next time, close the door."</sister> She shuts it closed and walks away.
[[Decide what to do next->Open the laptop]]
<</if>><<set $miapornwatchingtemp to true>>\
<grey>-"Cling... Clongg... Clunggg..."</grey> Your belt begins making metallic sounds as you unbuckle it.
<b>-"There..."</b> After you get completely naked, you throw your clothes on a chair nearby.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\pe1.webp">
<b>-"Oof!"</b> You finally sit down in your chair. Your door is closed, the house is quiet, you should be able to have some fun!
<<if $miapornwatchingtemptype ==1>>\
<b>-"I feel like watching vanilla today..."</b> You open up pornhub and begin looking for a video.
<b>-"Ah... This one is a classic!"</b> Mia did tell you not to jack off, but whatever!
<img src="Images\Porn\Vanilla\3.webp">
<<elseif $miapornwatchingtemptype ==2>>\
<b>-"I feel like watching some femdom today..."</b> You open up pornhub and begin looking for a video.
<b>-"Ah... This one is a classic!"</b> Mia did tell you not to jack off, but whatever!
<img src="Images\Porn\Female domination\1.webp">
<b>-"I feel like watching some blacked today..."</b> You open up BLACKED.COM and begin looking for a video.
<b>-"Ah... This one is a classic!"</b> Mia did tell you not to jack off, but whatever!
<img src="Images\Porn\Blacked\3.webp">
<b>-"Huuuuu..."</b> You exhale in preparation for what you're about to do.
<<if $toys==1>>\
<b>-"NgHhhh!"</b> A moan leaves your lips as you unlock your cage. You decided to have some fun without it today!
<b>-"There!"</b> You spurt some lotion on your palms.
<<pageReplace"Jack off">>
<b>-"FucKkkk..."</b> You moan as you begin to pleasure yourself.
<b>-"NGHhhhh! S-so good!"</b>
<img src="Images\Events\random events\pe2.webp">
<grey>-"Fap... Fap... Fap!"</grey> The sounds of you jacking off ring out through the quiet house as you begin to increase the speed.
<b>-"ShitTTtt! NGhhh!"</b>
<grey>-"Creeeeekkk..."</grey> Your door opens.
<mia>-"$name? Really? Come on, I told you not to jack off!"</mia>
<b>-"M-mia?!"</b> You stop what you're doing and quickly face the door.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\pe3.png">
<b>-"I-I can explain!"</b>
<mia>-"Mhm, I think we're beyond that."</mia> Your $mo2 begins to walk towards you.
<<pageReplace"Stand up.">>
<b>-"M-mia! I wasn't planning to cum!"</b> You stand up as she reaches you.
<mia>-"I told you - I need your balls full! Bad <<if $hairextensions ==true>>girl!<<else>>boy!<</if>>"</mia> Suddenly, she begins to slap your balls.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\pe4.webp">
<mia>-"Bad <<if $hairextensions ==true>>girl!<<else>>boy!<</if>> Bad!"</mia>
<b>-"NgHhhH! P-please!"</b> Your testicles turn red from all of the abuse.
<mia>-"Gosh you disappoint me $name! I asked for one thing and you managed to fuck it up!"</mia> She stops hitting your pearls, sighs and sits down on your bed.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\pe5.jfif">
<<if $chastity ==true>>\
<mia>-"Come here and sit."</mia>
<b>-"What for..."</b>
<mia>-"Just do it. And bring your chastity cage with you."</mia>
<b>-"M-my cage?!"</b> Mia frowns.
<b>-"Yes ma'am..."</b>
<<pageReplace"Do as she says.">>
<<if $toys !==1>>\
<<set $toys to 1>>
<<set $feminization to $feminization +10>>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +10>>
<<set $miahastakenyourkey to true>>\
<b>-"Come on $mom1..."</b>
<mia>-"Here, that should do it."</mia> Mia locks the chastity cage shut after putting it on your cock.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\pe6.webp">
<b>-"Awwwhhh! D-don't squeeze it!"</b>
<mia>-"I'm taking the key. I'll give it back on Sunday."</mia> She stands up.
<b>-"What?! Come on!"</b>
<img src="Images\Events\random events\pe7.jfif">
<mia>-"No buts. I asked you not to fap and you did. And don't be dramatic, you'll survive a couple of days without jacking off."</mia>
<mia>-"Not buts, my decision is final."</mia> Mia walks to the door.
<mia>-"I better see you nice and caged on Sunday, with your balls full. Understood?"</mia>
<mia>-"Good."</mia> She leaves your room and closes the door.
<b>-"FUCK! I guess I'm caged until <<if $dayy ==7>>next Sunday...<<else>>Sunday...<</if>>"</b>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submisiveness +1!</pink>
[[Put on your clothes->room]]
<mia>-"If I had a chastity cage, I would put one on you."</mia>
<<pageReplace"Good thing you don't.">>
<b>-"G-good thing you don't then..."</b> You mumble under your breath.
<mia>-"Sigh... I can't force you not to jack off, but know this - having full balls on Sunday will pay off! It'll feel so much better!"</mia> She stands up.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\pe7.jfif">
<b>-"You still haven't told me what it is that we're going to be doing..."</b>
<mia>-"It's a surprise! You'll have to wait."</mia> Mia walks to the door.
<mia>-"So please, stop fapping! It'll be worth it!"</mia>
<b>-"S-sorry $mom1... I'll try my best."</b>
<mia>-"Good."</mia> She leaves your room and closes the door.
<b>-"God damnit... Caught again."</b>
[[Put on your clothes->room]]
<</pageReplace>><<set $avapornrandomtemp to true>>\
<b>-"Heh, time for another session!"</b> You make sure you close your door this time and open your laptop.
<grey>-"Beep!"</grey> It comes to life as you grab the tissues on your table.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\pw1.jpeg">
<b>-"This will come in use!"</b> You put them right next to you, in preparation for the clean up.
<b>-"There."</b> <<if $toys==1>>You unlock your chastity cage and place it on the table.<<else>>You take off your clothes and put them on the chair you're sitting on.<</if>>
<b>-"Nghhh.. This one looks good!"</b> After searching on pornhub for a while, you finally find a video that looks good.
<img src="Images\Porn\Female domination\4.webp">
<emily>-"NgHhh! Good boy!"</emily> You forgot to turn down your speakers, so for a good 5 seconds, they blast porn on full volume.
<b>-"Oh shit!"</b> You quickly turn the volume down as your cheeks grow red from embarrassment.
<b>-"Hopefully nobody heard..."</b> You're already naked, might as well finish the job.
<<pageReplace"Jack off.">>
<b>-"Hehehe..."</b> You grab your cock and begin fapping away, but not even 10 seconds later, you hear a voice behind you.
<sister>-"Hah, Kaley wasn't lying!"</sister> You quickly turn around and stand up.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\pw2.jpg">
<b>-"A-Ava?! What are you doing?!"</b>
<sister>-"I could ask you the same thing, you dweeb! What's wrong with you, why are you blasting porn at full volume?"</sister> She walks over to you and squeezes your balls.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\pw3.webp">
<b>-"O-oUcHHhhhh! E-enough! Enough! Please!"</b> Ava smirks and let's go.
<b>-"Phew... Nghhhh... I-It was an accident! An accident!"</b> Your balls ache from the abuse.
<sister>-"You know, I always knew my little <<if $hairextensions ==true>>sister was into humiliation...<<else>>brother was into humiliation...<</if>>"</sister> She begins to take off her top.
<b>-"I-it's not what it looks like!"</b> You turn off your computer as she giggles.
<sister>-"What's with you and acting all shy now? We've seen each other naked more than once."</sister> She sits down on your bed.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\pw4.jpg">
<b>-"Not shy... I'm just not into that stuff!"</b> You can already imagine how much torment they'll put you through if you fess up.
<sister>-"Oh really? Huh... Come here then."</sister>
<b>-"On the bed?"</b>
<sister>-"Where else?"</sister> You nod and lay down next to her. Your cock is rock hard...
<sister>-"We're going to test it."</sister> Ava gives your balls a couple more slaps.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\pw5.gif">
<b>-"T-test it?!"</b>
<sister>-"Mhm... I think Kaley was right, you're into us bullying you."</sister> She let's go of your cock, stands up and removes her panties.
<sister>-"And today, I prove it!"</sister> Your $sister sits down on your face.
<<pageReplace"Try to breathe!">>
<b>-"MmmmMMMmmm!"</b> You try your best to breathe, but her fat pussy is making it hard.
<sister>-"Come on dog, lick!"</sister> It's too late to back down...
<img src="Images\Events\random events\pw7.gif">
<sister>-"NnggHhH... ShittTttt... Forgot that... MgHHh... Emily taught you a thing or two about oral... NGHhhh!"</sister>
<sister>-"But... On second thought."</sister> She stands up once again and gets off of the bed.
<b>-"Haaaa!"</b> You gasp for air.
<sister>-"This is too comfortable for you, get on the ground."</sister>
<b>-"O-on the ground?! Come on!"</b>
<sister>-"You're going to say no to your sisters pussy?"</sister> She spreads her second pair of lips open to tease you. Your mind says not to do it, but your cock overpowers it.
<b>-"NgHHh..."</b> You lay down on the hard wooden floor and Ava squats over you.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\pw6.webp">
<sister>-"Good... GnnNHhhh... Puppy!"</sister>
<sister>-"Heh, seems like it's working!"</sister> She looks at your cock.
<<pageReplace"Continue to eat her out.">>
<b>-"NgHHhh...! Haaaa!"</b> You take in a deep breath as she stands up.
<sister>-"Admit it! You're a masochist! You like being bullied by us!"</sister> Ava sits down on your bed as you begin to get up.
<b>-"NGHhhhh..."</b> Before you can stand up, she grabs your cock again.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\pw12.webp">
<sister>-"Say it! And I'll let you off easy today!"</sister>
<b>-"E-easy...? MgHhhhh!"</b>
<sister>-"Mhm! If not, I'm spanking your dick until you cum!"</sister> That sounds painful...
<sister>-"Now, what will it be?"</sister> She lets you get up and lay down next to her.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\pw8.gif">
<b>-"FucKkkkkK!"</b> You feel like you're about to nut, you have to choose quickly!
<<pageReplace"Admit that you're a masochist.">>
<<set $masochistava to true>>\
<b>-"YesSsss! I admit it! P-please!"</b> Ava grins.
<sister>-"Good... Enjoy."</sister> She begins to furiously jack you off, but right before you cum, she stops.
<b>-"NOOoOooOOO! NghHhhhh!"</b>
<img src="Images\Events\random events\pw10.webp">
<b>-"MgHhhhh! You said... AghHHhh... T-that you'll let me off easy!"</b>
<sister>-"And I did. A ruined orgasm is a lot better than what you would have gotten."</sister> Ava wipes her cum covered hands with your blanket and stands up.
<sister>-"Good thing you admitted it, Kaley will love this."</sister>
<img src="Images\Events\random events\pw11.jpg">
<b>-"FucKkkkk..."</b> As you lay there, exhausted, Ava puts on her clothes and head towards the door.
<sister>-"Good session today dweeb, I look forward to more!"</sister>
<b>-"NgHHhh..."</b> You don't answer her and just continue to moan. She grins once more and leaves.
<b>-"What did she mean by looking forward for more...?"</b> You wonder as you slowly get up. Time to clean up.
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
[[Clean up->room]]
<<set $masochistava to false>>\
<b>-"NggGHHhhh... I'm... I'm not!"</b> Ava frowns.
<sister>-"Hmph, wrong answer."</sister> She begins to smack your cock around right as you're about to cum.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\pw9.webp">
<b>-"AGhHhhhh!"</b> You scream in pleasure and pain as you semen flies everywhere.
<sister>-"That's what you get for lying to my face."</sister> Ava wipes her cum covered hands with your blanket and stands up.
<sister>-"Kaley will love hearing about how you came..."</sister>
<img src="Images\Events\random events\pw11.jpg">
<b>-"FucKkkkk..."</b> As you lay there, exhausted, Ava puts on her clothes and head towards the door.
<sister>-"Good session today dweeb, I look forward to more, I'll make you admit it one day!"</sister>
<b>-"NgHHhh..."</b> You don't answer her and just continue to moan. She grins once more and leaves.
<b>-"What did she mean by looking forward for more...?"</b> You wonder as you slowly get up. Time to clean up.
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Clean up->room]]
<</pageReplace>><<set $miapornwatchingearlytemp to true>>\
<<if $domstatus ==true>>
<b>-"It's time to bust a nut."</b> You tell yourself as you close the door.
<b>-"There..."</b> You place a roll of toilet paper on your table in preparation for what's about to happen.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\zz1.jpg">
<b>-"Let's start off with something light."</b> You open up twitter and begin to look for a hot girl to warm up to.
<b>-"Nah, too fat..."</b>
<b>-"Nope, too skinny."</b>
<b>-"Oh fuck yeah! This one is hot!"</b> You click on one of her videos.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\zz2.gif">
<b>-"Holy shit that ass is fat!"</b>
<<pageReplace"Begin the session.">>
<b>-"There..."</b> You pull down your pants and grab your cock.
<b>-"MGhhhh! Oh fuck yeah..."</b> You don't know why, but you're masturbating while standing up.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\zz3.webp">
<b>-"ShitttTtt... Time to put on something more serious."</b> While still jacking yourself off with one hand, you open up pornhub with the other.
<b>-"She's sexy!"</b> You find a video that you like and click on it.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\zz4.webp">
<pink>-"NgHHhhhh! YessSSsss daddyyyy!"</pink> The girl in the video begins to scream... You forgot to turn down the volume!
<b>-"Oh fuck!"</b> You close the website.
<b>-"Shit! Hopefully nobody heard it!"</b> A drop of sweat runs down your cheek as you stand there, frozen.
<grey>-"Knock Knock Knock!"</grey>
<b>-"God damnit..."</b>
<<pageReplace"Someone is knocking on your door!">>
<b>-"Don't come in! Give me a second!"</b> You scream, but the door still swings open.
<mia>-"Don't tell me what to do in my own house."</mia> Your $mo2 says.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\zz6.jpg">
<b>-"$mom1! What are you doing?!"</b>
<mia>-"I heard someone yelp in pain so I came over to check it out, but..."</mia> She looks at your crotch.
<mia>-"Seems like they weren't yelping in pain, but in pleasure."</mia> You follow her gaze.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\zz8.jpg">
<b>-"O-oh shit!"</b> Your cock is still on display!
<b>-"My bad Mia, haha!"</b>
<<pageReplace"Cover up.">>
<b>-"Give me a second..."</b> You begin to look for the pants you dropped a second ago.
<mia>-"A-ahem... I don't mind seeing you... N-naked..."</mia> She turns to the side, trying not to hold eye contact.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\zz7.jpg">
<mia>-"Mhmmm..."</mia> She licks her lips and slowly turns towards you again.
<mia>-"W-what am I doing?! W-where was I?!"</mia> She suddenly snaps out of it and looks around the room.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\zz9.webp">
<mia>-"Please keep it down while you do it! That's all I wanted to say!"</mia> You can tell that she was interested for a second...
<b>-"Sure Mia, I will try my best."</b> Your cock throbs as your $mom1 walks to the door.
<mia>-"B-bye..."</mia> Mia stutters and closes the door.
<b>-"Fuck me she's hot!"</b> She's totally into you!
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
[[Sit down->Open the laptop]]
<b>-"It's time to bust a nut!"</b> You tell yourself as you close the door.
<b>-"There..."</b> You place a roll of toilet paper on your table in preparation for what's about to happen.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\zz1.jpg">
<b>-"L-let's start off with something light."</b> You open up twitter and begin to look for a hot girl to warm up to.
<b>-"Nah, too fat..."</b>
<b>-"Nope, too skinny."</b>
<b>-"Oh fuck yeah! T-this one is hot!"</b> You click on one of her videos.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\zz2.gif">
<b>-"Holy shit what a godess!"</b>
<<pageReplace"Begin the session.">>
<b>-"There..."</b> You pull down your pants and grab your cock.
<b>-"MGhhhh! Oh fuck yeah..."</b> You don't know why, but you're masturbating while standing up.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\zz3.webp">
<b>-"ShitttTtt... Time to put on something more serious."</b> While still jacking yourself off with one hand, you open up pornhub with the other.
<b>-"She's sexy!"</b> You find a video that you like and click on it.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\zz4.webp">
<pink>-"NgHHhhhh! YessSSsss daddyyyy!"</pink> The girl in the video begins to scream... You forgot to turn down the volume!
<b>-"Oh fuck!"</b> You close the website.
<b>-"S-shit! Hopefully nobody heard it!"</b> A drop of sweat runs down your cheek as you stand there, frozen.
<grey>-"Knock Knock Knock!"</grey>
<b>-"God damnit..."</b>
<<pageReplace"Someone is knocking on your door!">>
<b>-"D-don't come in! Give me a second!"</b> You scream, but the door still swings open.
<mia>-"Don't tell me what to do in my own house."</mia> Your $mo2 says.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\zz6.jpg">
<b>-"$mom1! W-what are you doing?!"</b>
<mia>-"I heard someone yelp in pain so I came over to check it out, but..."</mia> She looks at your crotch.
<mia>-"Seems like they weren't yelping in pain, but in pleasure."</mia> You follow her gaze.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\zz8.jpg">
<b>-"O-oh shit!"</b> Your cock is still on display!
<<pageReplace"Cover up.">>
<b>-"There..."</b> You quickly cover yourself up with a pilow.
<mia>-"You know, if you ever feel sexually frustrated, you don't have to watch porn."</mia> She turns to the side.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\zz7.jpg">
<b>-"W-what do you mean?"</b>
<mia>-"You can always jack off to mommy, if you wish."</mia> She licks her lips.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\zz9.webp">
<b>-"Oh my God $mom1! S-stop it!"</b>
<mia>-"Hihihihi, just teasing you $name! Stop being such a buzzkill!"</mia>
<b>-"Ugh... J-just get out of my room please!"</b> Your cock throbs as your $mom1 turns around and walks to the door.
<mia>-"Alright alright, won't bother you for any longer."</mia>
<mia>-"Just please, turn the volume down a bit, we don't want to listen to your porn downstairs."</mia> Mia smiles.
<mia>-"Thank you."</mia> She smiles and closes the door.
<b>-"God damnit..."</b> You can't believe that you got caught! You have to get a lock for your room!
[[Sit down->Open the laptop]]
<</if>><<set $mallrandombnwoordomtemp to true>>\
<<if $bnwostatus ==true>>\
<b>-"Shitttt... I need to piss."</b> You think as you walk into the mall.
<b>-"Where is it?"</b> You begin to walk around and look for a restroom.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\mall_both_1.webp">
<b>-"H-hello! Do you perhaps know where the restroom is?"</b> A security guard turns towards you as you ask.
<blue>-"It's right there, to your right."</blue> He points towards it.
<b>-"Thank you!"</b> He nods as you quickly run off.
<b>-"F-finally!"</b> As you reach the door, you see a peculiar sight...
<img src="Images\Events\random events\mall_sub_2.jpeg">
<b>-"Uhm... E-excuse me?"</b> You tap the old man on the shoulder.
<bartender>-"ArgHhh! S-sorry! Please forgive me! I was just... I didn't know what I was doing!"</bartender> He starts apologizing.
<b>-"Sorry for what? What's going on?"</b> He shakes his head.
<bartender>-"I'm sorry! I-I need to go!"</bartender> Before you could ask more questions, he runs off.
<b>-"What the fuck..."</b>
<<pageReplace"Walk up to the door.">>
<b>-"Maybe he was high?"</b> You think as you get closer to the door.
<pink>-"Ghrhhh! SlurpPppp! YeshhHHh!"</pink> You begin to hear faint moans coming from the unisex restroom.
<b>-"What's going on?"</b> The door slowly opens as you push on it...
<pink>-"GuHhhh! GuHhhh! NgHhhhh!"</pink>
<img src="Images\Events\random events\mall_sub_3.webp">
<b>-"W-what the fuck?!"</b> You cover your mouth not to make any noise.
<b>-"Holy shit! In public?!"</b> The woman switches cocks.
<pink>-"Swoooo bigggg! I loveeee black dicks..."</pink> She has her eyes closed, so you're not seen.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\mall_sub_4.webp">
<b>-"Gulp... NghHhh..."</b> Your cock throbs as you look at her body... You can't see the IBWO mark anywhere.
<grey>-"Suck it bitch! Do you want to join or not?"</grey>
<pink>-"YessHHhhH!"</pink> She screams inbetween strokes.
<b>-"Ahhh... She's a new member - or at least wants to be."</b> You poke your head out of the restroom and look around... Seems like you're safe for now.
<<pageReplace"Keep watching.">>
<b>-"F-fuck it! Maybe I won't get caught!"</b> You think as you take a deep breath and keep looking.
<grey>-"Come on slut, get on top!"</grey> One of the men lay down.
<pink>-"R-right away!"</pink>
<img src="Images\Events\random events\mall_sub_5.webp">
<pink>-"GuHHhh! Swwooo bwiggg!"</pink>
<b>-"H-he's about to put it inside!"</b>
<b>-"NghHhhh... Shitttt!"</b> Your cock is throbbing so hard, it begins to leave a small imprint on your pants. <<if $toys==1>>Thankfully, your cage stops the erection, not making it worse.<</if>>
<img src="Images\Events\random events\mall_sub_6.jpg">
<pink>-"NGHhhh! P-put that giant black cock inside of me! P-please!"</pink> She screams out in pleasure.
<grey>-"Ghahaha, this bimbo is crazy!"</grey> The men laugh.
<<pageReplace"Try your best not to jack off.">>
<b>-"Shit..."</b> You know that the second you'll try to get your cock out, they'll notice you.
<b>-"Not worth the risk..."</b>
<pink>-"ArgHHhhH! YessSHHhh!"</pink> The woman shouts as her pussy gets filled.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\mall_sub_7.webp">
<grey>-"GrggHhhh! So tight! N-not a lot of practice, huh?"</grey>
<pink>-"NgHHhh! Only with white boys! FucKkkk!"</pink>
<grey>-"Hah! That explains it!"</grey> He begins to pound the woman.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\mall_sub_8.webp">
<b>-"Gulp... S-so strong!"</b> <<if $hairextensions>>You wonder how it would feel to have that cock inside of you...<</if>>
<grey2>-"Come on slut, my turn!"</grey2> The second man says as you try your best not to touch your crotch.
<<pageReplace"Continue to watch.">>
<pink>-"Y-yes sir!"</pink> The woman stands up.
<grey2>-"Good girl... You'll fit right in!"</grey2> The woman leans on a trashcan
<img src="Images\Events\random events\mall_sub_9.webp">
<grey2>-"Oh yeah... Look at that pussy."</grey2> He says as he strokes his cock.
<pink>-"P-pound it please! Fuck it! Destroy it! NgHHhhh! It's yours!"</pink>
<b>-"Holy shit this is hot... No wonder the old man was staring..."</b> The second man slowly inserts his rod inside and begins to fuck her.
<pink>-"YESSHHhhHH! Swooo bwwiigggg!"</pink>
<grey>-"Shut up and suck it whore!"</grey>
<img src="Images\Events\random events\mall_sub_10.webp">
<pink>-"Guhhh... GuHhhh... GuHhhh! Yesshhh!"</pink> You squirm as your cock begins to leak precum.
<grey2>-"ArgHhhh... So tightttt! I'm about to bust!"</grey2>
<grey>-"RaghHhhH! Meee tooo!"</grey>
<pink>-"On my face guys! P-please! Give me your semen!"</pink> The woman gets on her knees.
<<pageReplace"Watch them unload on her.">>
<grey>-"ArGHhhhH!"</grey> The first man begin to nut on her face.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\mall_sub_11.webp">
<pink>-"Sooo warmmmm!"</pink> The woman moans as the second man walks up.
<grey2>-"Hereeee I comeeee!!! NGHHhhh!"</grey2>
<b>-"Holy shit that's a big load!"</b> You Instinctively take a step forward...
<grey>-"Huh?"</grey> They heard you!
<img src="Images\Events\random events\mall_sub_12.webp">
<pink>-"Hah, seems like a <<if $hairextensions ==true>>whitegirl<<else>>whiteboy<</if>> is watching us!"</pink> The woman looks at you.
<<if $hairextensions==true>>\
<b>-"Sorry guys! I... I just wanted to use the restroom!"</b> The men laugh.
<grey>-"Of course you did, beautiful."</grey> The woman stands up, and walks over to you.
<pink>-"Hmph, you're well built..."</pink> She looks you up and down, with her semen covered face.
<pink>-"Here... If you liked what you saw here, call this number."</pink> She hands you a card.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\mall_sub_14.png">
<b>-"T-thanks..."</b> You turn it around and see that it's the IBWO number.
<b>-"..."</b> You already have it, but it's a nice gesture.
<pink>-"Join us babe, whiteboys can't compete with these black kings."</pink> She walks over to the men.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\mall_sub_16.jpg">
<grey2>-"Ghahaha! She's interested!"</grey2> He says as you begin to drool...
<pink>-"Give the number a call babe, you won't regret it!"</pink>
<b>-"I-I will! Thank you!"</b> You snap out of it and take a step back.
<pink>-"Good... Now shish, I need to finish these cocks off."</pink> She begins to stroke them again.
<b>-"NGHhhh... Y-yes!"</b> You quickly run out of the restroom.
<b>-"Holy shit that was hot..."</b> You run into another restroom and quickly get into a stall.
<b>-"FUCKkkkkk..."</b> Your underwear are completely drenched with precum!
<img src="Images\Events\random events\mall_sub_15.jpg">
<b>-"T-those cocks were so huge though... I wonder how it would feel inside of me..."</b> You begin to wipe your underwear clean.
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo +2>>
<grey>BNWO +2!</grey>
<<set $feminization to $feminization +1>>
<emily>Feminization +1!</emily>
[[Make sure you're clean->The mall]]
<b>-"Sorry guys! I... I just wanted to use the restroom!"</b> The men laugh.
<grey>-"Of course you did, whiteboy!"</grey> The woman stands up, and walks over to you.
<pink>-"Get out of here! Don't you see we're busy?!"</pink> She suddenly kicks you in the balls.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\mall_sub_13.webp">
<b>-"NgHHhhH! S-sorryyy!"</b> Because you're so rock hard, it oddly feels pretty good...
<grey2>-"You heard the girl, go!"</grey2> One of the men takes a step forward.
<b>-"Y-yes!"</b> You nod and quickly leave the restroom.
<b>-"Holy shit that was hot..."</b> You run into another restroom and quickly get into a stall.
<b>-"FUCKkkkkk..."</b> Your underwear are completely drenched with precum!
<img src="Images\Events\random events\mall_sub_15.jpg">
<b>-"T-those cocks were so huge though... I wish my rod was that size..."</b> You begin to wipe your underwear clean.
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo +2>>
<grey>BNWO +2!</grey>
<<set $submissive to $submissive>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Make sure you're clean->The mall]]
<<pageReplace"Find another restroom.">>
<b>-"Argh... I better not spy on them..."</b> You quickly take a step back and close the door.
<b>-"Fuck..."</b> You look down and see that your cock is already hard. <<if $toys ==1>>Thankfully, the cage stops the erection.<</if>>
<img src="Images\Events\random events\mall_sub_6.jpg">
<b>-"NghHh!"</b> You still want to piss, so after finding another bathroom, you run into an empty stall and relieve yourself.
<b>-"Aghhhhh! So good!"</b>
<b>-"I can't believe they were doing it in broad view of everyone... They must be brave!"</b> You shrug your shoulders and exit.
[[Clean up->The mall]]
<b>-"Shitttt... I need to piss."</b> You think as you walk into the mall.
<b>-"Where is it?"</b> You begin to walk around and look for a restroom.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\mall_both_1.webp">
<b>-"Hey bro! Do you know where the restroom is?"</b> A security guard turns towards you as you ask.
<blue>-"It's right there, to your right."</blue> He points towards it.
<b>-"Thank you!"</b> He nods as you quickly walk off.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\mall_dom_1.jpg">
<b>-"Huh... Is that a unisex restroom? Am I seeing that right?"</b> You put on your reading glasses and squint.
<b>-"I guess it is..."</b> You shrug your shoulder and walk up to the door.
<<pageReplace"Head inside.">>
<grey>-"Creeeeekk!"</grey> The door opens as you push it.
<b>-"Yawwwwnnnnn..."</b> Right before walking inside, you take a look around.
<b>-"Huh?"</b> You spot a woman staring at you behind a pillar.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\mall_dom_2.webp">
<b>-"What the fuck... How creepy."</b> You frown and walk inside.
<b>-"What was that about?"</b> You wonder as you enter one of the stalls.
<b>-"Better not to worry about it."</b> After unzipping your pants, you begin to relieve yourself.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\mall_dom_3.gif">
<grey>-"Creeaaekk!"</grey> You hear the restroom door open again, but think nothing of it.
<b>-"There we go..."</b> You grab some toilet paper as you finish your business.
<<pageReplace"Clean yourself off.">>
<pink>-"Hiiii... Haaaa... Hiiii... Haaaa..."</pink>
<b>-"Huh...?"</b> As you clean yourself, you hear someone silently breathing behind you...
<b>-"...?"</b> You quickly turn around, with your cock still in your hand.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\mall_dom_4.jpg">
<b>-"Oh shit!"</b> You almost fall backwards from the sight! But as quickly as you saw it, the eyes disappear.
<b>-"What the fuck?!"</b> After flushing the toilet, you open the door.
<b>-"Empty...?"</b> You look around the restroom, but see nothing.
<b>-"This is weird man..."</b> Water begins to pour of the faucet as you turn the handle.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\mall_dom_5.webp">
<grey>-"Creeeekk..."</grey> One of the stalls behind you opens.
<pink>-"OH MY GOD!"</pink> A girl suddenly screams...
<<pageReplace"Turn around.">>
<b>-"W-what?!"</b> You turn off the water and quickly turn around.
<pink>-"IT IS YOU! You're $name, right?!"</pink>
<img src="Images\Events\random events\mall_dom_6.jpg">
<b>-"Yes...? How do you know my name?"</b> The girl blushes.
<pink>-"Heh, sorry for spying on you earlier... Had to make sure it was really you..."</pink>
<b>-"Answer the question."</b> You're not playing around.
<pink>-"You're $name! Gina's favorite student! Hudson's right hand! Everybody knows you!"</pink> She smiles.
<b>-"You're from the SUP?"</b>
<pink>-"Y-yeah..."</pink> The girls look down at your crotch.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\mall_dom_7.jpg">
<pink>-"Is your cock as big as they say...?"</pink>
<b>-"WHAT?! WHO SAYS THAT?!"</b> You feel like some sort of celebrity.
<pink>-"Everyone... Hehe..."</pink>
<pink>-"Anyways, can I take a selfie with you?! I can't wait to show my friends that I met you!"</pink>
<b>-"Sigh... Sure, just make it quick."</b>
<pink>-"Yey!"</pink> The girl pulls out her phone and quickly snaps a pick.
<pink>-"Don't you look fabulous!"</pink> She shows you the picture.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\mall_dom_8.jpeg">
<b>-"Is that everything you wanted? Because I really need to get going."</b>
<pink>-"That's all! T-thank you so much!"</pink>
<b>-"No problem... Just don't stalk me next time."</b> You dry your hands with some tissues and begin walking towards the door.
<pink>-"I'll do my best haha! Sorry!"</pink> She giggles as she turns on the faucet.
<b>-"What a weird girl..."</b> You exit the restroom and look around.
<b>-"Now, what did I want to do here again?"</b>
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
[[Decide where to go next->The mall]]
<</if>><<set $randomjohnspycamera to true>>\
<b>-"Yawwwwnnnnn!"</b> You audibly yawn as you dry your face with a towel.
<b>-"Time to grab some breakfast..."</b> After climbing down the stairs, you walk to the kitchen and open the fridge.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\spy camera\goonet1.jpeg">
<b>-"Hmmmm... What do I want?"</b> As you look at the produce, suddenly a voice rings out behind you.
<blue>-"A-ahem... Hey $name."</blue> Is that who you think it is?
<b>-"H-huh... $dad1?"</b> You quickly turn around.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\spy camera\goonet4.jpeg">
<blue>-"That's me... Hahaha..."</blue> He chuckles awkwardly.
<b>-"Shit..."</b> You remember that he found out you were spying on them yesterday.
<b>-"I'm sorry $dad1... I don't know what got into me..."</b>
<blue>-"Sorry for what?"</blue>
<b>-"F-for the camera?"</b> You look at him, confused.
<blue>-"Ohhhh, right... That..."</blue> Your $dad2 begins to fidget with his hands.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\spy camera\goonet2.jpg">
<blue>-"I always knew we were more similar than it appeared..."</blue>
<b>-"Y-you're not mad?"</b>
<blue>-"Of course not! Being turned on by a woman like Mia is... C-completely normal."</blue> He stutters.
<blue>-"Just be careful, deeper you fall into this stuff, the less control you'll have..."</blue>
<b>-"What is that supposed to mean?"</b> You think as you continue to listen.
<blue>-"So, stop doing stuff like that, unless you want to end up like me."</blue>
<b>-"W-what if I want to end up like you...?"</b>
<blue>-"Hmph... I suppose you can continue then."</blue> He chuckles once more.
<blue>-"Just be cautious, don't let anyone take advantage of you."</blue> Your $dad1 extends his fist.
<b>-"Thanks dad..."</b> You fistbump him.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\spy camera\goonet3.jpg">
<blue>-"I'm off then, enjoy your breakfast!"</blue> He grabs his wallet from the desk and begins walking towards the door.
<b>-"S-see ya!"</b> As he leaves the house, you let out a loud sigh.
<b>-"Fuckkkk..."</b> Talks with your $dad1 are never pleasant, but this one was better than most.
[[Eat some breakfast->room]]
<</pageReplace>><<set $randomdomemilykindapped to true>>\
<<location "Images/Other/city afternoon.jpg" "In the city">>
<grey>-"Weeeee Wooooo Weeeee Woooo"</grey> You begin to hear police sirens as you walk through the neighborhood towards the city.
<b>-"Huh? What's happening here?"</b> A part of your block is blocked off with police tape.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\dom_kidnapped_random_2.webp">
<b>-"I guess I'll just go around..."</b> You turn to the left and begin walking around the block.
<b>-"Ohhhh! This is blocked as well!"</b>
<b>-"Well shit... I wonder what happened for such a big area to be blocked off?"</b>
<img src="Images\Events\random events\dom_kidnapped_random_1.webp">
<b>-"Hmph... Maybe I should ask?"</b> You see two police officers speaking in the nearby parking lot.
<b>-"Yeah, let's do it."</b>
<<pageReplace"Walk over to them.">>
<blue>-"We have no fucking clue."</blue> You hear them talking as you walk closer.
<grey2>-"God damnit man, this happens every year!"</grey2>
<img src="Images\Events\random events\dom_kidnapped_random_3.jpg">
<blue>-"Yeah... I think something fishy is going on."</blue>
<b>-"Excuse me officers!"</b> They both turn around and look at you.
<blue>-"Yes? What do you need?"</blue> They walk around their patrol cars towards you.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\dom_kidnapped_random_4.jpg">
<b>-"What happened here? You have the whole neighborhood blocked off!"</b>
<grey2>-"Another set of kidnappings, that's what."</grey2>
<blue>-"Another dozen girls were kidnapped."</blue> <<if $nocontrolpath !==true>>Fucking Hudson...<<else>>Fucking criminals...<</if>>
<<pageReplace"Tell me more.">>
<b>-"Tell me more..."</b>
<blue>-"Nothing else to say really. In this house in particular - girl got kidnapped, boyfriend called the police, when we arrived, he was shot and killed."</blue> He points at a house behind him.
<b>-"H-holy shit!"</b> Good thing that you didn't call the police then, you might have been shot too!
<img src="Images\Events\random events\dom_kidnapped_random_5.jpg">
<blue>-"Every year these students go missing and our government doesn't do shit about it."</blue>
<grey2>-"I think they're in on it..."</grey2> The second cop says.
<blue>-"You think so?"</blue>
<grey2>-"Yeah... Each year they disappear, then get returned with their memories wiped and we get told not to pursue the matter."</grey2> He shrugs his shoulders.
<grey2>-"They're definitely in on it."</grey2>
<b>-"Interesting..."</b> You mumble.
<blue>-"Oh! Right! You're here, hahaha."</blue> Seems like they forgot you were there.
<blue>-"Anyways, here, give me a call if you see anything strange around the neighborhood, I'm trying to find out what's really going on."</blue> He hands you a business card.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\dom_kidnapped_random_6.png">
<b>-"Thanks, I will."</b> <<if $nocontrolpath !==true>>Hmph... Maybe if you get enough incriminating evidence, you could bring them to him?<</if>>
<blue>-"See you around citizen, stay safe!"</blue> He says as you begin to walk off.
<grey>-"Stay safe man."</grey>
<b>-"Have a productive day guys, hope you catch the assailants."</b>
[[Find a way to walk to the city->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>><<set $ibwoflayers to true>>\
<b>-"Yawwwwnnnnn... Let's see..."</b> You woke up a good 10 minutes ago - time to eat some breakfast!
<b>-"Maybe some cereal?"</b> Your fridge is full, but it's so hard to to choose!
<img src="Images\Events\random events\bnwo_random_Mia_1.jpg">
<b>-"Yeah, let's do cereal."</b> After taking some milk from the fridge, you close it and start making your food.
<grey>-"Ding!"</grey> The doorbell rings.
<b>-"Oh? It's so early... I wonder who it is."</b> You walk over to your front door.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\bnwo_random_Mia_2.jpg">
<grey>-"Ding!"</grey> The doorbell rings again.
<b>-"Yeah yeah! In a second!"</b>
<<pageReplace"Unlock the door.">>
<pink>-"Good evening! You order a training book from the IBWO not long ago, correct?"</pink> A beautiful woman is standing in front of you.
<b>-"Gulp..."</b> She's wearing "BLACKED" attire...
<img src="Images\Events\random events\bnwo_random_Mia_3.png">
<b>-"A-a training book? From the IBWO? No... I don't think so."</b> The woman looks confused.
<b>-"Maybe my girlfriend did? She's part of your orginization..."</b>
<pink>-"Hmmmm... Let me see who the parcel is addressed to..."</pink> As she begins to look at the label on the package, you notice a tattoo on her ankle.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\bnwo_random_Mia_4.jpg">
<b>-"Wow..."</b> She's marked!
<pink>-"It seems like the book is addressed to Mia? Does a Mia live in this house?"</pink>
<b>-"M-Mia?! That's my $mo2!"</b> As you look at her, shocked, you feel someone touch your shoulder from behind.
<mia>-"I heard my name?"</mia> It's her!
<img src="Images\Events\random events\bnwo_random_Mia_6.jpg">
<pink>-"Ah! You must be Mia! I got the training book you ordered!"</pink>
<mia>-"Ah yes! Thank you!"</mia> The woman takes out the book from it's packaging and hands it to your $mom1.
<b>-"Oh my God..."</b> You whisper as you look at the cover.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\bnwo_random_Mia_5.png">
<b>-"Y-you said that you weren't a part of it anymore!"</b> Mia has told you before that she and your $dad2 have been part of the IBWO, but had a falling out.
<mia>-"I'm not... But It's getting so popular lately, I wanted to see what's up!"</mia> She giggles.
<mia>-"Maybe it's the right step and we'll join too... I ordered this book to find out!"</mia>
<b>-"F-fuck..."</b> First your girlfriend, now your $mo2?
<pink>-"It's definitely the right choice ma'am! It is the future, after all!"</pink> The woman smiles.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\bnwo_random_Mia_7.png">
<pink>-"The quicker you'll accept it, the better!"</pink>
<mia>-"Heard that $name! Told you!"</mia>
<b>-"Ugh..."</b> You obviously know that to be true, but you still don't know if you want Mia to join.
<pink>-"Anyways, thanks for your order! Here, a sticker, to let everyone else know that you support the movement!"</pink> She hands Mia a sticker.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\bnwo_random_Mia_8.png">
<mia>-"Thank you beautiful!"</mia>
<pink>-"Your welcome! Hopefully you'll join! Our men could put that thick body of yours to good use!"</pink> Your $mo2 blushes.
<mia>-"I bet they could..."</mia>
<b>-"Mommmmmm!"</b> The woman giggles.
<pink>-"Ghahaha, I'll leave you to deal with <<if $hairextensions ==true>>her<<else>>him<</if>>, have a great day!"</pink>
<mia>-"See ya!"</mia> As the woman leaves, Mia closes the door.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\bnwo_random_Mia_9.png">
<mia>-"Why do you seem so surprised? I told you I was interested in it before!"</mia>
<mia>-"Emily is a part of it too, so it must be good! Maybe I'll join her one day!"</mia>
<b>-"I guess that's true..."</b> Emily does make the orginization seem very progressive...
<mia>-"That's that then! I ordered some other stuff from them too, so if someone rings the doorbell today, just call me over!"</mia> Mia begins to walk towards the stairs.
<b>-"F-fine... I will."</b>
<mia>-"Perfect! See you later then!"</mia> She gets to her room and closes the door.
<b>-"Holy shit she might join too... So hot!"</b> You tried to hide it from her, but you're really turned on by the idea!
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo +1>>
<grey>BNWO +1!</grey>
[[Eat your breakfast->room]]
<</pageReplace>><<set $firstbnwomiaeventtemp to true>>\
<<set $bnwomiaevent to 2>>\
<b>-"AghHhh fuck this shit!"</b> You shout as you game on your PS5.
<b>-"Let's queue up for another one..."</b>
<img src="Images\Events\random events\1_miabnwo_1.jpg">
<mia>-"NghHhh! MgHhhh!"</mia> You begin to hear... Moans?
<b>-"S-shit, is Mia masturbating again?"</b> You put down your controller.
<b>-"Wouldn't hurt to take a peek!"</b> After standing up, you walk up to her bedroom.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\1_miabnwo_2.jpg">
<mia>-"ArgHHhhh! W-whyyyy... NGhHhhh!"</mia> It appears that she forgot to close her door all the way.
<b>-"Gulp... Sorry $mom1, but you're way too hot! I have to look!"</b> You get closer.
<<pageReplace"Take a peek.">>
<mia>-"ArgHHhhh!"</mia> You spot her masturbating on her chair.
<b>-"Knew it..."</b> She does this pretty often, so it's nothing new.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\1_miabnwo_3.webp">
<b>-"MgggHhhh..."</b> You haven't seen her do this in a while though, so it's super hot!
<mia>-"NgHHhh... W-why can't I find any... ArgHHhh... Only bbc..."</mia> Mia moans.
<b>-"W-what is she talking about?"</b>
<img src="Images\Events\random events\1_miabnwo_4.webp">
<mia>-"ArgHHhh... The IBWO has something to do with this... NgHHhhh... I should have never... ArgHHh... O-ordered that book..."</mia>
<b>-"Oh shit..."</b> Is this related to the flash drive you used on her computer?
<<pageReplace"That must be it!">>
<b>-"That must be it!"</b> She's probably getting spammed with BNWO propoganda porn...
<b>-"She's jacking off to it... So hot!"</b> You look at her TV to make sure.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\1_miabnwo_5.webp">
<b>-"Gulp... Yeah, she's watching blacked!"</b> Your little clit throbs as you continue to watch your $mo2...
<mia>-"MgHhhh... G-gosh they're big... ArgHHhh... S-should I join back? NghHh... N-no... I musn't..."</mia>
<mia>-"NghHHhhh!"</mia> You can tell that she's getting close to an orgasm.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\1_miabnwo_6.webp">
<mia>-"John would hate me... NrgHhhh... He wouldn't want to come back to them... ArgHHhh... I know it!"</mia>
<b>-"I never knew she spoke to herself this much!"</b>
<<pageReplace"Continue to peep.">>
<b>-"You should join Mia! It's the right thing to do!"</b> You think as you start to rub your clit through your pants.
<mia>-"MGHHhHhhH! YesHGHHhh!"</mia> Mia's legs begin to quiver as she climaxes.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\1_miabnwo_7.webp">
<mia>-"Shitttt... What is wrong with my pc..."</mia> She lets out a loud sigh and begins to sit up.
<b>-"Shit!"</b> You quickly step away from the door.
<mia>-"Huh? $name? Is that you?"</mia> You hear her say.
<b>-"..."</b> Without saying a word, you run to the bathroom and close the door.
<b>-"Phew!"</b> After waiting a minute or two, Mia doesn't come and knock, so you're probably in the clear!
<b>-"Shit... My panties are soaked!"</b> They're full of precum! Mia was way too hot!
<img src="Images\Events\random events\1_miabnwo_8.jpg">
<b>-"I hope she decides to join the IBWO... Would be so hot if she did!"</b> Time to clean your crotch and change panties!
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo +1>>
<grey>BNWO +1!</grey>
[[Clean up->room]]
<</pageReplace>><<set $femoperationtemproom to true>>\
<b>-"F-fuck..."</b> You curse as you struggle to get up the stairs.
<b>-"NgHhhh... So weak."</b> Laying in the hospital for a week has made your legs barely function.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\femop_9.jpg">
<b>-"Thank God the house is empty."</b> At least nobody is bothering you.
<grey>-"Smash!"</grey> You close the door shut and look at yourself in the mirror.
<b>-"Well, let's see what the surgeons did..."</b> You begin to undress.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\femop_10.jpg">
<b>-"NgHhhh..."</b> After taking off your bra, you throw your clothes to the side and straighten your back.
<b>-"..."</b> Time for the grand reveal...
<<pageReplace"Look at the mirror again.">>\
<b>-"W-wow!"</b> You say as you look at the mirror.
<b>-"M-my hips... Are so wide!"</b> You look so feminine!
<b>-"Damn..."</b> You tuck your cock behind your legs - it looks like there's nothing there!
<img src="Images\Events\random events\femop_11.webp">
<b>-"Holy shit! If my face was just a little more feminine, I would be indistinguishable from a real girl!"</b>
<b>-"Let's see how my ass looks..."</b> You pull down your panties.
<img src="Images\Events\random events\femop_12.jpg">
<b>-"I hope they put some fat on it too... It was quite small before."</b> You turn around and take a look.
<b>-"W-woah! They did! Wow!"</b> It's quite a bit bigger!
<b>-"It looks so natural too!"</b>
<img src="Images\Events\random events\femop_13.jpg">
<b>-"Fuck yeah!"</b> You're so happy with the operation!
<b>-"I'll tell Jenna I got it done when I got the headquarters again..."</b> It's finally time to lose your virginity...
[[Put on your clothes->room]]
<!-- Temp fix for locationbackdrop not showing up on load... -->
Config.saves.onLoad = function (save) {
save.state.history[save.state.index].variables.locabacktemp = false;
<<if $pronounschecked !==true>>
<<set $him to "him">>
<<set $he to "he">>
<<set $his to "his">>
<<set $pronounschecked to true>>
<<if $locabacktemp !==true>>
<<goto "location backdrop transfer temp">>
<<if $femroom ==true>>
<<location "Images/Events/random events/q14.jpg" "My room">>
<<locationBackdrop "Events/random events/q13.jpeg">>
<<location "Images/Other/room.jpg" "My room">>
<<locationBackdrop "Other/90704f8813eafd7f3744f6ff641bcee7.jpeg">>
<<if $beenthroughintro !==true and $phonedelaytemp !==true>>
<<set $phonedelaytemp to true>>
<<set $phoneDelay to 2000>>
<!-- Just in case, it checks on load anyways, but if it fails this should set it to the correct $dating status. -->
<<if $brokeupwithemily !==true and $changingdatingstatustemp !==true>>
<<set $changingdatingstatustemp to true>>
<<set $dating to "Emily">>
<<elseif $brokeupwithemily ==true and $changingdatingstatustemp !==true>>
<<set $changingdatingstatustemp to true>>
<<set $dating to "single">>
<<if $equip ==6 and $sistersreacttooutfit1 !== true and $toys == 1 and $asstoys==1>>
<<goto "Sisterleadingoutfit1">>
<<if $hairextensions == true and $miareactingtohair !==true>>
<<goto "Mia hair reaction">>
<<if $equip ==8 and $miaclothingreact2temp !==true>>
<<goto "Mia clothes react 2">>
<<if $femoperation ==true and $femoperationtemproom !==true>>
<<goto "fem operation check out event">>
<<if $spycameramia is true>>
<<if $spycameramiaevent == 1 and $time == 2>><<set $notif to true>><</if>>
<<if $spycameramiaevent == 2 and $day > $day4 + 4 and $time == 2>><<set $notif to true>><</if>>
<<if $spycameramiaevent == 3 and $day > $day4 + 4 and $time == 2>><<set $notif to true>><</if>>
<<if $spycameramiaevent == 4 and $day > $day4 + 4 and $time == 2>><<set $notif to true>><</if>>
<<if $spycameramiaevent == 5 and $day > $day4 + 4 and $time == 2>><<set $notif to true>><</if>>
<<elseif $spycamerasisters is true>>
<<if $spycamerasistersevent == 1 and $time == 2>><<set $notif to true>><</if>>
<<if $spycamerasistersevent == 2 and $day > $day4 + 4 and $time == 2>><<set $notif to true>><</if>>
<<if $spycamerasistersevent == 3 and $day > $day4 + 4 and $time == 2>><<set $notif to true>><</if>>
<<if $spycamerasistersevent == 4 and $day > $day4 + 4 and $time == 2>><<set $notif to true>><</if>>
<<if $spycamerasistersevent == 5 and $day > $day4 + 4 and $time == 2>><<set $notif to true>><</if>>
<<if $car == false and $day >=10 and $messagebeforecartemp !==true>>
<<message "Emily" "emilyphonebeforecar1" "Are you planning to buy a car anytime soon?">>
<<elseif $car == false and $day ==20 and $messagebeforecartemp == true and $messagebeforecartemp2 !==true>>
<<if $domstatus is true>>
<<message "Emily" "emilyphonebeforecardom2" "I miss u..">>
<<message "Emily" "emilyphonebeforecarsub2" "I miss u..">>
<<if $emily20domtemp ==true>>
<<message "Emily" "Emily 20 message dom" "I wanted to thank you.">>
<<if $agreedtosashadate ==true and $day>=$sashaintro2day +3 and $sashamessage1temp !==true>>\
<<message "Sasha" "Sasha intro 2 message" "Hey stranger.">>
<<elseif $sashadate1temp==true and $day>=$sashaintro2day +3 and $sashamessage2temp !==true>>
<<message "Sasha" "Sasha date 2 intro message" "Heyyyy!!">>
<<elseif $sasha==2 and $day >= $sashaday+1>>
<<message "Sasha" "Sasha date 3 message" "Sorry for last night...">>
<<elseif $sasha==4 and $day >= $sashaday+1>>
<<message "Sasha" "Sasha date 3 message 2" "But... What was that???">>
<<elseif $sasha==6 and $day >= $sashaday+3>>
<<message "Sasha" "Sasha date 4 message" "Hey Sasha!">>
<<if $lectures>25 and $domstatus == false and $avamessagetemp !==true and $dayy !==6>>
<<message "Ava" "ava shopping message" "Hey buddy!!!">>
<<if $day >$estrogenday+10 and $estrogenintro3 !==true and $time ==2>>
<<goto "Kaley sees ur tits">>
<<elseif $brokeupwithemily !==true and $emilydays>17 and $emilyrandomlingerie !==true or $brokeupwithemily !==true and $emilybnwoevent>13 and $emilyrandomlingerie !==true>>
<<message "Emily" "Emily random message 1" "Heyyy, need some help!">>
<<if $emilybnwoevent ==27 and $day > $emilybnwoevent27day and $emilybnwoevent27messagetemp !==true>>
<<message "Emily" "Emilybnwo26 message" "How's my little cucky doing?">>
<<if $domstatus is true>>
<<if $miaevent>2 and $day>10 and $time==2 and $miaphoneevents == 1 and $lectures<10>>
<<message "Mia" "MiaRandomPhone1" "OH MY GOD">>
<<elseif $miaevent==9 and $dayy==7 and $miadateday<$day>>
<<message "Mia" "MiaDateWithJohnDom" "Heyy honey!!!!">>
<<if $miaevent==10 and $dayy==7 and $miadateday<$day>>
<<message "Mia" "MiaDateWithJohnSub" "Heyy honey!!!!">>
<<if $miaevent>2 and $day>10 and $time==2 and $miaphoneevents == 1 and $domstatus is false and $lectures<10>>
<<message "Mia" "MiaRandomPhone1sub" "OH MY GOD">>
<<if $adriananumbergive == true>>
<<if $domstatus is true>>
<<if $adriana == 1 and $day >= $day2 + 3>>
<<message "Adriana" "adrianadom1" "Hello? Is this Adriana?">>
<<if $adriana == 2 and $day >= $day2 + 3>>
<<message "Adriana" "adrianadom2" "We're leaving in 10 minutes, you coming?">>
<<if $adriana == 3 and $day >= $day2 + 3>>
<<message "Adriana" "adrianadom3" "Me and Chris just had sex...">>
<<if $adriana == 4 and $day >= $day2 + 3>>
<<message "Adriana" "adrianadom4" "Yo..">>
<<if $adriana == 5 and $day >= $day2 + 5>>
<<message "Adriana" "adrianadom5" "Sorry that we didn't text for a while..">>
<<if $adriana == 6 and $day >= $day2 + 4>>
<<message "Adriana" "adrianadom6" "Guess what I gottttttt!">>
<<if $adriana == 7 and $day >= $day2 + 4>>
<<message "Adriana" "adrianadom7" "Sooo.. What happened?">>
<<if $adriana == 8 and $day >= $day2 + 4>>
<<message "Adriana" "adrianadom8" "Hey pookie!">>
<<if $adriana == 10 and $day >= $day2 + 4 or $day >= $day2 + 4 and $adriana ==9>>
<<message "Adriana" "adrianadom10" "Heya!">>
<<elseif $domstatus is false>>
<<if $adriana == 1 and $day >= $day2 + 3>>
<<message "Adriana" "adrianasub1" "Hello? Is this Adriana??">>
<<if $adriana == 2 and $day >= $day2 + 3>>
<<message "Adriana" "adrianasub2" "I'm leaving in 10 minutes, you're still coming, right? ;)">>
<<if $adriana == 3 and $day >= $day2 + 3>>
<<message "Adriana" "adrianasub3" "Well.. are you ready? ;)">>
<<if $adriana == 4 and $day >= $day2 + 3>>
<<message "Adriana" "adrianasub4" "Hey $name ;)">>
<<if $adriana == 5 and $day >= $day2 + 5 and $lectures >=21>>
<<message "Adriana" "adrianasub5" "Yo $name!">>
<<if $adriana == 6 and $lovesensetemp == true>>
<<if $boughtadrianalovesense == true>>
<<message "Adriana" "adrianasub6 bought it" "Sooo???">>
<<elseif $boughtadrianalovesense ==false>>
<<message "Adriana" "adrianasub6 didn't buy it" "Sooo???">>
<<if $adriana == 7 and $day >= $day2 + 5 and $time !==0>>
<<message "Adriana" "adrianasub7" "It's time :P">>
<<if $adriana == 8 and $day >= $day2 + 6>>
<<if $boughtadrianalovesense == true>>
<<message "Adriana" "adrianasub8 if went" "Forgot to ask.">>
<<elseif $boughtadrianalovesense ==false>>
<<message "Adriana" "adrianasub8 if didnt go" "I got it myself.">>
<<if $adriana == 9 and $day >= $day2 + 4>>
<<message "Adriana" "adrianasub9" "Hey pookie!">>
<<if $adriana == 11 and $day >= $day2 + 4 or $day >= $day2 + 4 and $adriana ==10>>
<<message "Adriana" "adrianasub11" "Heya!">>
<<if $adriana == 13 and $day >= $day2 + 4>>
<<message "Adriana" "adrianasub13" "So, did you like the stream?">>
<<if $brokeupwithemily !== true>>
<<if $domstatus is true>>
<<if $emilyphone == 1 and ($emilydays > 6 or $emilybnwoevent > 1)>>
<<message "Emily" "emilyphonedom1" "Hey baby...">>
<<if $emilyphone == 2 and $day >= $day3 + 5>>
<<message "Emily" "emilyphonedom2" "Heyyyy!">>
<<if $emilyphone == 3 and $day >= $day3 + 5 and $lectures>20>>
<<message "Emily" "emilyphonedom3" "Can you do me a favor?">>
<<elseif $domstatus is false and $emilyisinamerica !==true>>
<<if $emilyphone == 1 and ($emilydays > 6 or $emilybnwoevent > 1)>>
<<message "Emily" "emilyphonesub1" "Heyyyy!">>
<<if $emilyphone == 2 and $day >= $day3 + 5>>
<<message "Emily" "emilyphonesub2" "Hey $name! Guess where I'm going..?! :p">>
<<if $emilyphone == 3 and $day >= $day3 + 5>>
<<message "Emily" "emilyphonesub3" "Hey :)">>
<<if $emilyphone == 4 and $day >= $day3 + 5 and $lectures>20>>
<<message "Emily" "emilyphonesub4" "Can you do me a favor?">>
<<elseif $emilyisinamerica ==true>>
<<if $bnwoamericaevent == 1>>
<<message "Emily" "EmilyAmerica1" "I'm on the plane already!">>
<<elseif $bnwoamericaevent == 2 and $day>= $dayamerica +1>>
<<message "Emily" "EmilyAmerica2" "Heyy honey!">>
<<elseif $bnwoamericaevent == 3 and $day>= $dayamerica +2>>
<<message "Emily" "EmilyAmerica3" "Hey..">>
<<elseif $bnwoamericaevent == 4 and $day>= $dayamerica +3>>
<<message "Emily" "EmilyAmerica4" "BABEEE!!">>
<<elseif $bnwoamericaevent == 5 and $day>= $dayamerica +2>>
<<message "Emily" "EmilyAmerica5" "$name!">>
<<elseif $bnwoamericaevent == 6 and $day>= $dayamerica +2>>
<<message "Emily" "EmilyAmerica6" "We need to talk.">>
<<elseif $bnwoamericaevent == 7 and $day>= $dayamerica +2>>
<<message "Emily" "EmilyAmerica7" "Hello $name. This Arial">>
<<if $rentdue == 300 and $rentintro2 is true>>
<<set $rentdue to 500>>
<<set $rentintro2 to false>>
<<if $sistersevent ==3 and $domstatus is true>>
<<set $sistersevent to 4>>
<<if $miaevent ==3 and $domstatus is true>>
<<set $miaevent to 4>>
You're in your bedroom. You can hear the faint sound of people talking outside and the calming purrs of the cat sleeping next to you...
<br />
<br />
<br />
<div class="actions">
<li>[[Change clothing]]</li>
<<if $day>7 and $lectures>1>>
<li>[[Check yourself out]]</li>
<li>[[Open the laptop]] <<if $notif == true and $time == 2>>+1<</if>></li>
<li>[[See some tips->See tips]] <<if $chastity==true and $lectures==20 and $feminization >=70 and $sawuialertaboutchastitytemp !==true and $sawuialertaboutchastitytemp2 !==true>>+2<<elseif $chastity==true and $lectures==20 and $sawuialertaboutchastitytemp !==true and $feminization >30>>+1<<elseif $chastity==true and $sawuialertaboutchastitytemp2 !==true and $feminization >=70>>+1<</if>></li>
<<if $partyattend==true and $day >=$daypartyy+1 and $beentoparty !==true>>
<<eventCallOut "I must get ready for the party, it's starting in a couple of hours!!">>\
[[Go outside]]
<<elseif $tempemilybnwo24 ==true>>
<<eventCallOut "Install the IBWO flash drive.">>\
[[Go to Mia's room->Emilybnwo24 mission]]
<<elseif $sasha ==1 and $day >= $sashaday+1>>
<<eventCallOut "Time to head to Sasha's place.">>\
[[Drive to her house.->Sasha date 2]]
<<elseif $sasha ==3 and $day >= $sashaday+3>>
<<eventCallOut "Sasha is coming over soon!">>\
[[Get ready->Sasha date 3]]
<<elseif $sasha ==4 and $day >= $sashaday+4>>
<<eventCallOut "You decided to visit Sasha again.">>\
[[Go to her place->Sasha date 4]]
<<elseif $sashamessage1temp ==true and $day >= $sashamessage1tempday+1 and $sashadate1temp !==true>>
<<eventCallOut "Time for that coffee date with Sasha.">>\
[[Drive to the coffee shop->Sasha date 1 intro]]
<<elseif $domstatus ==true and $adriana ==11 and $day >= $day2+1 and $adrianadom11temp !==true>>
<<eventCallOut "Time for that coffee date with Adriana.">>\
[[I should go to her place->adrianadom11]]
<<elseif $datingadriana ==true and $datingadrianatemp11 !==true and $brokeupwithemily ==true>>
<<eventCallOut "Has Adriana already done it?">>\
[[I should text her->adrianadom11 part 2 home]]
<<elseif $datingadriana ==true and $datingadrianatemp11 !==true and $brokeupwithemily !==true>>
<<eventCallOut "Time to break up with Emily...">>\
[[I should text her->adrianadom11 part 2 home]]
<<elseif $colewilliamstemp ==false or $emily23subtemp ==false>>
<<eventCallOut "Maybe I should make some food...">>\
[[Go to the kitchen->Emily 23 kitchen temp]]
<<elseif $adriana ==12 and $domstatus !==true and $day == $day2+1>>
<<eventCallOut "I think Adriana should be streaming right about now.">>\
[[I should check her stream out->adrianasub12]]
<<elseif $needstogototheclubwithleyja ==true>>
<<eventCallOut "I need to get ready for the club!">>\
[[Go outside]]
<<elseif $professorkeidatetoday ==true>>
<<eventCallOut "I need to get ready for the date with Professor Kei!">>\
[[I'm ready to take her out->Sub 26 date]]
<<elseif $goingoutwithkei==true and $goingoutwithkei2 !==true>>
<<eventCallOut "It's time to plan that date with Kei... It has to be perfect!">>\
[[Devise a plan->Sub 25 date planning]]
<<elseif $femaleorgasmresearch == true>>
<<eventCallOut "laptop" "I better research the female orgasm before my next submissiveness lecture!">>\
<<elseif $femresearch is true and $lectures==2>>
<<eventCallOut "laptop" "I better look up what a chastity is on my computer before the next feminization lecture!">>\
<<elseif $femresearch is true and $lectures==8>>
<<eventCallOut "laptop" "I better look up what anal play means before the next feminization lecture!">>\
<<elseif $subresearch is true and $lectures==7>>
<<eventCallOut "laptop" "I bettter look up what femdom is before my next submissiveness lecture!">>\
<<elseif $subresearch is true and $lectures==21>>
<<eventCallOut "laptop" "I bettter look up how to properly eat out women before my next submissiveness lecture!">>\
<<elseif $avapill ==true and $pillfamilyevent !==true or $kaleypill ==true and $pillfamilyevent !==true or $miapill ==true and $pillfamilyevent !==true>>\
<<eventCallOut "Somebody is knocking at the door.. I better see who it is..">>\
[[Check it out->Go outside]]
<<elseif $searchupnumbers is true>>
<<eventCallOut "I need to look up those plate numbers on my laptop before I got to sleep..">>\
<<elseif $helpingkeitakesphotos == true>>
<<eventCallOut "I need to meet professor Kei today..">>
[[Go to the city->Go outside]]
<<elseif $goestothebeachwithemily == true and $dayy ==6>>
<<eventCallOut "Emily is already waiting for you.">>
[[Get ready and meet her outside.->Emily trip to the beach]]
<<elseif $emilyisinamerica == true and $flyingbacktoswedenemily ==true and $day >= $dayamerica +1>>
<<eventCallOut "I need to pick up Emily from the airport today.">>
[[Go to the city->Go outside]]
<<elseif $lectures==2 and $rentintro is false>>\
<div class="actions-horizontal">\
[[Sleep->Rent Intro]]
[[Go outside]]
<<if $time < 2>>[[Wait]]<<else>><span style="opacity: 0.5">Wait</span><</if>>
<<elseif $dayy==7 and $rentintro is true>>\
<div class="actions-horizontal">\
[[Go outside]]
<<if $time < 2>>[[Wait]]<<else>><span style="opacity: 0.5">Wait</span><</if>>
<<elseif $domresearch is true and $lectures==13>>\
<div class="actions-horizontal">\
[[Wait for professor Gina to get here->domevent 3]]
[[Go outside]]
<<if $time < 2>>[[Wait]]<<else>><span style="opacity: 0.5">Wait</span><</if>>
<<elseif $emilybnworesearch is true>>\
<div class="actions-horizontal">\
[[Think if you should tell Emily->EmilyBnwoQuestion]]
[[Go outside]]
<<if $time < 2>>[[Wait]]<<else>><span style="opacity: 0.5">Wait</span><</if>>
<<elseif $spycamera1 is true and $decidespycamera is false>>\
<div class="actions-horizontal">
[[Think where to install the camera..->Spycamera decide]]
[[Go outside]]
<<if $time < 2>>[[Wait]]<<else>><span style="opacity: 0.5">Wait</span><</if>>
<<elseif $adrianacomesoverlush == true>>\
<div class="actions-horizontal">\
[[Wait for Adriana to get here->adrianadom6 part 2]]
[[Go outside]]
<<if $time < 2>>[[Wait]]<<else>><span style="opacity: 0.5">Wait</span><</if>>
<div class="actions-horizontal">
[[Go outside]]
<<if $time < 2>>[[Wait]]<<else>><span style="opacity: 0.5">Wait</span><</if>>
<<if $bnwomia ==true and $day >$bnwomiadays +3 and $firstbnwomiaeventtemp !==true and $dayy !==6 and $dayy !==7>>\
[[You hear a strange noise coming out of Mia's bedroom...->Mia bnwo 1]]
<<if $goestothebeachwithemily !==true>>\
<<if $dayy==6 and $sistersb is false and $domstatus ==true and $sistersevent==1>>\
[[Eat with the family->Sisters dom1]]
<<elseif $dayy==6 and $sistersb is false and $domstatus !==true and $sistersevent==1>>\
[[Eat with the family->Sisters sub1]]
<<if $dayy==7 and $mia is false and $domstatus ==true and $miaevent==1>>\
[[Mia is calling your name->Mia dom1]]
<<elseif $dayy==7 and $mia is false and $domstatus !==true and $miaevent==1>>\
[[Go sunbathing->Mia sub1]]
<<if $dayy==6 and $sistersb is false and $domstatus ==true and $sistersevent==2>>\
[[Take a shower->Sisters dom2]]
<<elseif $dayy==6 and $sistersb is false and $domstatus !==true and $sistersevent==2>>\
[[Take a nap->Sisters sub2]]
<<if $dayy==7 and $mia is false and $domstatus ==true and $miaevent==2>>\
[[Check on Mia->Mia dom2]]
<<elseif $dayy==7 and $mia is false and $domstatus !==true and $miaevent==2>>\
[[Check on Mia->Mia sub2]]
<<if $sistersb is false and $dayy==6 and $day>=21 and ($submissive+$openminded+$bnwo)>30 and $sistersevent==3 and $domstatus !==true>>\
[[Someone knocks on your door->Sisters sub3]]
<<elseif $sistersb is false and $dayy==6 and $day>=28 and ($submissive+$openminded+$bnwo)>60 and $sistersevent==4 and $domstatus !==true>>\
[[Take a nap->Sisters sub4]]
<<elseif $sistersb is false and $dayy==6 and $day>=28 and $dominant>45 and $sistersevent==4 and $domstatus ==true>>\
[[Check out the weird noise..->Sisters dom4]]
<<elseif $sistersb is false and $dayy==6 and $sistersevent==5 and $domstatus is false>>\
[[Take a shower->Sisters sub5]]
<<elseif $sistersb is false and $dayy==6 and $sistersevent==5 and $domstatus is true>>\
[[Play some video games..->Sisters dom5]]
<<elseif $sistersb is false and $dayy==6 and $sistersevent==6 and $domstatus is true>>\
[[Shop around online..->Sisters dom6]]
<<elseif $sistersb is false and $dayy==6 and $sistersevent==7 and $domstatus is true>>\
[[Stay in->Sisters dom7]]
<<elseif $sistersb is false and $dayy==6 and $sistersevent==8 and $domstatus is true>>\
[[You hear a knock on your door.->Sisters dom8]]
<<elseif $sistersb is false and $dayy==6 and $sistersevent==9 and $domstatus is true>>\
[[Get ready to go out.->Sisters dom9]]
<<elseif $sistersb is false and $dayy==6 and $sistersevent==10 and $domstatus is true>>\
[[You hear Ava calling your name.->Sisters dom10]]
<<elseif $sistersb is false and $dayy==6 and $sistersevent==11 and $domstatus is true>>\
[[You hear Ava's voice.->Sisters dom11]]
<<elseif $sistersb is false and $dayy==6 and $sistersevent==12 and $domstatus is true>>\
[[Watch some tiktok's->Sisters dom12]]
<<elseif $sistersb is false and $dayy==6 and $sistersevent==13 and $domstatus is true>>\
[[You hear your sisters calling your name...->Sisters dom13]]
<<elseif $sistersb is false and $dayy==6 and $sistersevent==14 and $domstatus is true>>\
[[Somebody is knocking on your door...->Sisters dom14]]
<<elseif $sistersb is false and $dayy==6 and $sistersevent==15 and $domstatus is true>>\
[[Wait until evening and go to the club.->Sisters dom15]]
<<elseif $sistersb is false and $dayy==6 and $sistersevent==16 and $domstatus is true>>\
[[You're bored...->Sisters dom16]]
<<elseif $sistersb is false and $dayy==6 and $sistersevent==17 and $domstatus is true>>\
[[You hear Kaley calling your name...->Sisters dom17]]
<<elseif $sistersb is false and $dayy==6 and $sistersevent==18 and $domstatus is true and $sistersrouteend ==true>>\
<<pageReplace"Have some fun with your sisters...">>\
<<goto `either("Sisters dom17 random 1", "Sisters dom17 random 2", "Sisters dom17 random 3")`>>
<<elseif $sistersb is false and $dayy==6 and $sistersevent==6 and $domstatus is false and $lectures>=15>>\
[[Take a piss->Sisters sub6]]
<<elseif $sistersb is false and $dayy==6 and $sistersevent==7 and $domstatus is false>>\
[[Play some video games->Sisters sub7]]
<<elseif $sistersb is false and $dayy==6 and $sistersevent==8 and $domstatus is false>>\
[[Try to peek at Kaley again->Sisters sub8]]
<<elseif $sistersb is false and $dayy==6 and $sistersevent==9 and $domstatus is false and $lectures>=20>>\
[[Play some helldivers 2->Sisters sub9]]
<<elseif $sistersb is false and $dayy==6 and $sistersevent==10 and $domstatus is false>>\
[[You remember something..->Sisters sub10]]
<<elseif $sistersb is false and $dayy==6 and $sistersevent==12 and $domstatus is false>>\
[[Ava is calling your name.->Sisters sub12]]
<<elseif $sistersb is false and $dayy==6 and $sistersevent==13 and $domstatus is false>>\
[[You hear Ava's voice.->Sisters sub13]]
<<elseif $sistersb is false and $dayy==6 and $sistersevent==14 and $domstatus is false>>\
[[Watch some tiktok's->Sisters sub14]]
<<elseif $sistersb is false and $dayy==6 and $sistersevent==15 and $domstatus is false>>\
[[You hear Ava calling your name...->Sisters sub15]]
<<elseif $sistersb is false and $dayy==6 and $sistersevent==16 and $domstatus is false>>\
[[Somebody is knocking on your door...->Sisters sub16]]
<<elseif $sistersb is false and $dayy==6 and $sistersevent==17 and $domstatus is false>>\
[[Wait until the evening and go to the club.->Sisters sub17]]
<<elseif $sistersb is false and $dayy==6 and $sistersevent==18 and $domstatus is false>>\
[[You feel bored...->Sisters sub18]]
<<elseif $sistersb is false and $dayy==6 and $sistersevent==19 and $domstatus is false>>\
[[You hear Kaley calling your name...->Sisters sub19]]
<<elseif $sistersb is false and $dayy==6 and $sistersevent==20 and $domstatus is false and $sistersrouteend ==true>>\
<<pageReplace"Your sisters came to tease you again...">>\
<<goto `either("Sisters sub19 random 1", "Sisters sub19 random 2", "Sisters sub19 random 3")`>>
<<if $mia is false and $dayy==7 and $day>=22 and ($submissive+$openminded+$bnwo)>35 and $miaevent==3 and $domstatus !==true>>\
[[Go to the living room->Mia sub3]]
<<elseif $mia is false and $dayy==7 and $day>=29 and ($submissive+$openminded+$bnwo)>75 and $miaevent==4 and $domstatus !==true>>\
[[Take a shower->Mia sub4]]
<<elseif $mia is false and $dayy==7 and $day>=29 and $dominant>60 and $miaevent==4 and $domstatus ==true>>\
[[Take a shower->Mia dom4]]
<<elseif $mia is false and $dayy==7 and $miaevent==5 and $domstatus is false>>\
[[Go downstairs->Mia sub5]]
<<elseif $mia is false and $dayy==7 and $miaevent==5 and $domstatus is true>>\
[[Go downstairs->Mia dom5]]
<<elseif $mia is false and $dayy==7 and $miaevent==6 and $domstatus is false>>\
[[Have some fun alone..->Mia sub6]]
<<elseif $mia is false and $dayy==7 and $miaevent==6 and $domstatus is true>>\
[[Have some fun alone..->Mia dom6]]
<<elseif $mia is false and $dayy==7 and $miaevent==7 and $domstatus is false>>\
[[Take a nap...->Mia sub7]]
<<elseif $mia is false and $dayy==7 and $miaevent==7 and $domstatus is true>>\
[[Check if John is home...->Mia dom7]]
<<elseif $mia is false and $dayy==7 and $miaevent==8 and $domstatus is false and ($submissive+$openminded+$bnwo)>100>>\
[[Get ready for your draining session..->Mia sub8]]
<<elseif $mia is false and $dayy==7 and $miaevent==8 and $domstatus is true>>\
[[Check on Mia...->Mia dom8]]
<<elseif $mia is false and $dayy==7 and $miaevent==9 and $domstatus is false>>\
[[Check on Mia...->Mia sub9]]
<<elseif $mia is false and $dayy==7 and $miaevent==10 and $domstatus is true and $miadateday < $day and $lectures>=20>>\
[[Got to Mia's room...->Mia dom10]]
<<elseif $mia is false and $dayy==7 and $miaevent==11 and $domstatus is true>>\
[[You hear some strange noises...->Mia dom11]]
<<elseif $mia is false and $dayy==7 and $miaevent==12 and $domstatus is true>>\
[[Enjoy Mia's company...->Mia dom12]]
<<elseif $mia is false and $dayy==7 and $miaevent==13 and $domstatus is true and $yournowmiasbull ==true>>\
[[Look for Mia...->Mia dom13]]
<<elseif $mia is false and $dayy==7 and $miaevent==14 and $domstatus is true and $yournowmiasbull !==true>>\
<<pageReplace"Have some fun with Mia...">>\
<<goto `either("Mia dom12 random 1", "Mia dom12 random 2", "Mia dom12 random 3")`>>
<<elseif $mia is false and $dayy==7 and $miaevent==14 and $domstatus is true>>\
[[Time to surprise John with Mia...->Mia dom14]]
<<elseif $mia is false and $dayy==7 and $miaevent==15 and $domstatus is true>>\
[[You hear Mia calling your name...->Mia dom15]]
<<elseif $mia is false and $dayy==7 and $miaevent==16 and $domstatus is true>>\
[[Grab some food from the fridge.->Mia dom16]]
<<elseif $mia is false and $dayy==7 and $miaevent==17 and $domstatus is true>>\
[[Someone is knocking on your door...->Mia dom17]]
<<elseif $mia is false and $dayy==7 and $miaevent==11 and $domstatus is false and $miadateday < $day>>\
[[Get ready for your second draining session...->Mia sub11]]
<<elseif $mia is false and $dayy==7 and $miaevent==12 and $domstatus is false>>\
[[You hear some strange noises...->Mia sub12]]
<<elseif $mia is false and $dayy==7 and $miaevent==13 and $domstatus is false>>\
[[Go to the kitchen for some snacks...->Mia sub13]]
<<elseif $mia is false and $dayy==7 and $miaevent==14 and $domstatus is false>>\
[[Time for your third draining session...->Mia sub14]]
<<elseif $mia is false and $dayy==7 and $miaevent==15 and $domstatus is false and $sonfathercuck !==true>>\
<<pageReplace"Time for your weekly draining session...">>\
<<goto `either("Mia sub14 random 1", "Mia sub14 random 2", "Mia sub14 random 3")`>>
<<elseif $mia is false and $dayy==7 and $miaevent==15 and $domstatus is false>>\
[[Mia's date has arrived...->Mia sub15]]
<<elseif $mia is false and $dayy==7 and $miaevent==16 and $domstatus is false>>\
[[You hear Mia calling your name...->Mia sub16]]
<<elseif $mia is false and $dayy==7 and $miaevent==17 and $domstatus is false>>\
[[Grab some food from the fridge.->Mia sub17]]
<<elseif $mia is false and $dayy==7 and $miaevent==18 and $domstatus is false>>\
[[Time to see Mia's surprise...->Mia sub18]]
<</if>><<set $locabacktemp to true>>\
<<if $femroom ==true>>
<<location "Images/Events/random events/q14.jpg" "My room">>
<<locationBackdrop "Events/random events/q13.jpeg">>
<<goto "room">>
<<location "Images/Other/room.jpg" "My room">>
<<locationBackdrop "Other/90704f8813eafd7f3744f6ff641bcee7.jpeg">>
<<goto "room">>
<</if>><<set $time to 2>>\
<<if $norentdom ==true>>\
<<goto "Sleep">>\
<<elseif $rentdue ==300 and $money<300>>\
<<goto "Game Over Rent">>\
<<elseif $rentdue==300 and $money>=300>>\
<<todoCompleted "Get $300 for rent by Sunday">>\
<<todo "Get 500$ for rent by Sunday">>\
You go to your parents room, John is already asleep, Mia is still awake.
<b>-"Here's the 300$ for this week's rent $mom1!"</b>
<mia>-"Ah! Good boy $name, did you end up working at the sex shop?"</mia>
<<if $domstatus is false>>\
<b>-"Yeah I'm working there 4 times a week, pays pretty well, and Mis... Uhm... I mean Leyja, the manager, is really nice"</b>
<b>-"Yeah I'm working there 4 times a week, pays pretty well, and Leyja, the manager, is really nice"</b>
<mia>-"Remember, next week, I'll need 500$!"</mia> She smiles as she puts the money in her wallet.
<b>-"Sure thing $mom1!"</b> You smile and quickly leave, lying down on your bed, you think about what you will accomplish next week.
[[Go to sleep->Sleep]]
<<money -300 "Rent!">>
<<set $rentintro2 to true>>\
<<elseif $rentdue ==500 and $reparations == true and $money>=700>>
You walk towards your parents room, you notice that the lights are still on!
<b>-"Huh, are they not asleep yet?"</b> You whisper to yourself.. As you enter their room you notice that John is not there..
<b>-"Here's the 500$ for this week's rent $mom1! Where's John?"</b>
<img src="Images\Other\rent.webp" width="600px">
<<if $domstatus is false>>\
<mia>-"Ah! You're such a good boy $name! John is alseep on the sofa downstairs.. I didn't feel like sleeping with him tonight.."</mia>
<mia>-"Oh that guy.. He's sleeping downstairs... Didn't want him here tonight."</mia> She looks you up and down.
<mia>-"You however..."</mia> You squint your eyes in confusing.
<mia>-"Hahahaha! I'm just teasing you $name."</mia> Mia smiles.
<mia>-"Anyways, don't worry about him, he's used to it.. How's your job going?"</mia>
<<if $domstatus is false>>\
<b>-"Pretty well, me and Leyja get along.. Well.."</b> You awkwardly say.
<b>-"Pretty well. I do what she says, get paid and go home. Pretty simple."</b> She doesn't need to know the details..
<mia>-"That's great.. Well you better get going, I have some work to do.."</mia> She smiles and you leave the room.. After laying down on your bed, you open up your phone.
<b>-"Right.. Let's make the payment.."</b> You open up your paypal and transfer 200$ to the IBWO account.
<b>-"What would I not do for you, Emily.."</b> You whisper as you put down your phone. Time to go to sleep.
<<money -700 "Rent and reparations!">>
[[Go to sleep->Sleep]]
<<elseif $rentdue ==500 and $reparations == true and $money<700>>
<<goto "Game Over Rent">>\
<<elseif $rentdue ==500 and $money<500>>\
<<goto "Game Over Rent">>\
<<elseif $rentdue==500 and $money>=500>>\
You walk towards your parents room, you notice that the lights are still on!
<b>-"Huh, are they not asleep yet?"</b> You whisper to yourself.. As you enter their room you notice that John is not there..
<b>-"Here's the 500$ for this week's rent $mom1! Where's John?"</b>
<img src="Images\Other\rent.webp" width="600px">
<<if $domstatus is false>>\
<mia>-"Ah! You're such a good boy $name! John is alseep on the sofa downstairs.. I didn't feel like sleeping with him tonight.."</mia>
<mia>-"Oh that guy.. He's sleeping downstairs... Didn't want him here tonight."</mia> She looks you up and down.
<mia>-"You however..."</mia> You squint your eyes in confusing.
<mia>-"Hahahaha! I'm just teasing you $name."</mia> Mia smiles.
<mia>-"Anyways, don't worry about him, he's used to it.. How's your job going?"</mia>
<<if $domstatus is false>>\
<b>-"Pretty well, me and Leyja get along.. Well.."</b> You awkwardly say.
<b>-"Pretty well. I do what she says, get paid and go home. Pretty simple."</b> She doesn't need to know the details..
<mia>-"That's great.. Well you better get going, I have some work to do.."</mia> She smiles and you leave the room.. After laying down on your bed, you think about what you will accomplish on Monday...
<<money -500 "Rent!">>
[[Go to sleep->Sleep]]
<</if>>\<<set $time to 2>>
As you lay down on your bed, getting ready to sleep, you hear your door creak open. It's Mia.
<img src="Images/Events/Mia events/dom/cjmhjRff.webp">
<mia>-"Hey honey, can I come in?"</mia> She whispers.
<b>-"Yeah of course Mia, what's up?"</b> Your $mo2 turns on the lights, illuminating your whole room and blinding you in the process.
As always, Mia doesn't shy away from showing a little skin. She sees you as family anyways, she has no reason to be ashamed.
<mia>-"So sweetie, how was your first day at the SUP?"</mia>
<b>-"It was definitely interesting.. But it seems like everything is moving so fast, we are already learning about advanced and very... lewd concepts.</b> You quietly whisper while looking down.
<mia>-"Awh honey it's okay, you transferred as a fourth year remember? That's why everything seems so sudden!"</mia>
<b>-"I guess you're right, so what did you want to talk about?"</b> You look up at her.
<mia>-"Well you are a grown adult at this point, so me and your $dad1 decided that you need to start paying rent if you want to keep living here. You have to get used to real life responsibilities."</mia> She says while a warm smile comforts her lips.
<b>-"<i>*sigh* </i> I understand... I just don't know where to get the money."</b>
<mia>-"There is a sex shop downtown that is looking for workers, I saw that they posted an ad in the newspaper!"</mia>
<b>-"Alright! That's a start, I'll check it out as soon as I can!"</b> You smile back at her.
<mia>-"Great! Now this week You'll only have to pay 300 dollars, but the weeks after that, we will ask for 500."</mia> She kisses you on the cheek and leaves your room.
<b><u>-"I better check out the Sex shop downtown if I don't want to live on the street."</u></b> You whisper to yourself while laying down in your bed.
<grey>(Make sure to have enough money every Sunday to pay rent, if you don't, you will lose the game!)</grey>
<<todo "Get $300 for rent by Sunday" 7>>
<<todo "Visit the sex shop" 7>>\
<<set $rentdue to 300>>\
<<set $rentintro to true>>\
[[Go to sleep->Sleep]]<center>Not enough money to pay rent, you get kicked out and die a horribly painful, unimaginably terrible death.
You lost, try again. No seriously just work 4 times a week and you'll be fine.
<img src="Images\Other\a1fed1395bbd9bbb3a159f1f4b84f162.311x311x1.webp" height="500px">
<span class='fadeIn3'>\
<<button "Load one of your saves">>
<<run UI.saves()>>
<<button "Restart the game">>
<<run UI.restart()>>
</center><<if $chastity==true and $lectures==20 and $sawuialertaboutchastitytemp !==true and $feminization >30>><<set $sawuialertaboutchastitytemp to true>><hr><m>• Maybe it's all of the lectures you've been attending, or the porn you've been watching... You don't know, but now you feel brave enough to visit Emily with a chastity cage on.</m><</if>>\
<<if $chastity==true and $sawuialertaboutchastitytemp2 !==true and $feminization >=70>><<set $sawuialertaboutchastitytemp2 to true>><hr><m>• Seeing so many students in chastity cages during your feminization classes has really given you a confidence boost.. You're now brave enough to visit The SUP with a chastity cage on.</m><</if>>\
<grey>• Make sure to pay you rent on time (Sunday). If you do not, you will be kicked out of the house and lose the game! You pay rent by going to sleep on Sunday.</grey>
<grey>• You can switch your lockscreen by clicking on an image in the gallery and pressing the white button on the top right of the screen!</grey>
<grey>• If you want to trigger the BNWO route with Emily, you must have the BNWO classes selected!</grey>
<grey>• If you want a car to visit Emily, make sure to check the mall once in a while! </grey>
<grey>• To experience the full v0.8.5 sex shop route, you need to have enough <emily>feminization</emily> or <blue>domination</blue>.</grey>
<grey>• You can work on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays at night!</grey>
<grey>• You will get a pop up notification when you're brave enough to wear the chastity cage in various public places, you don't have to keep checking!</grey>
<div class="middle"><div class="medium">[[Credits]]</div>
[[Return->room]] </div>Developers: <glow>MegyMonster, Mira Something</glow>
<hr>Help with code: In132.
<hr> Senior Patrons: Hello Hello, Queen Sissy slut, Eumel, Atta, Venus, Beau, Biggi85, Fabi, J. Dakota, Red4ce, Mira409, Sparten, TehBrokenHart, Saura, Dragonslayer1117, Chum, xiaophoenix, astro21, Anders Hellbom, Alexxxi, TAIGA, darthzack666, red4ce, Nikolas Shores, Miguel Hernandez, Doha, Ted, 文辉 詹, Timothy Saura, Kazumi, ArmouredBear and blackjack161.
<hr>Help with visuals: Atta.
<hr><mia>Mia/$mo2</mia> - Mia Malkova.
<hr><sister>Kaley/$sister</sister> - Blake Blossom.
<hr><sister>Ava/$sister</sister> - Kendra Sunderland.
<hr><adriana>Adriana/Friend</adriana> - Me1adinha.
<hr><manager>Leyja/Sex shop manager</manager> - Xenon ne, Xenon cos, Alin ma.
<hr><pink>Kei/Submissiveness professor</pink> - Epicinternetgf.
<hr><blue>Gina/Domination professor</blue> - Gina savage.
<hr><emily>Lana/Feminization professor</emily> - Lana Rhoades.
<hr><grey>Jia/BNWO professor</grey> - Jia Lissa.
<hr><emily>Emily/Girlfriend</emily> - Elsa Jean.
<hr><judy>Judy/Server at the club</judy> - Alina becker.<hr>
<hr><ad>Sasha/Friend</ad> - VixenP<hr>
<div class="middle">[[Return->See tips]]</div><<if $time < 2>>
<<set $time to $time+1>>
<<goto "room">><div class="middle">
<div class="big"><manager>CAUTION</manager></div>
<manager>By using this room, you have a chance to break your playthrough, please save before doing anything.
Leave the cheat room to save your preferred values, refresh the page to default them.</manager>
<div class="medium">[[Return to your room->room]]</div>
<<button "Dominant +">>
<<set $dominant++>>
<<replace "#stats-dom">>$dominant<</replace>>
<<button "Dominant -">>
<<if $dominant !== 0>>
<<set $dominant-->>
<<replace "#stats-dom">>$dominant<</replace>>
<div class="big"><span id="stats-dom">$dominant</span> </div>
<<button "Submissiveness +">>
<<set $submissive++>>
<<replace "#stats-sub">>$submissive<</replace>>
<<button "Submissiveness -">>
<<if $submissive !== 0>>
<<set $submissive-->>
<<replace "#stats-sub">>$submissive<</replace>>
<div class="big"><span id="stats-sub">$submissive</span> </div>
<<button "Feminization +">>
<<set $feminization++>>
<<replace "#stats-fem">>$feminization<</replace>>
<<button "Feminization -">>
<<if $feminization !== 0>>
<<set $feminization-->>
<<replace "#stats-fem">>$feminization<</replace>>
<div class="big"><span id="stats-fem">$feminization</span> </div>
<<button "BNWO +">>
<<set $bnwo++>>
<<replace "#stats-bnwo">>$bnwo<</replace>>
<<button "BNWO -">>
<<if $bnwo !== 0>>
<<set $bnwo-->>
<<replace "#stats-bnwo">>$bnwo<</replace>>
<div class="big"><span id="stats-bnwo">$bnwo</span> </div>
<<button "Toggle car">>
<<if $car is false>>
<<set $car to true>>
<<set $car to false>>
<<replace "#car">><<if $car is true>>You own a car<<else>>You don't own a car<</if>><</replace>>
<div class="medium"><span id="car"><<if $car is true>>You own a car<<else>>You don't own a car<</if>></span> </div>
<<button "Money +">>
<<set $money to $money +10>>
<<replace "#monyz">>$money<</replace>>
<<button "Money -">>
<<if $money >=10>>
<<set $money to $money -10>>
<<replace "#monyz">>$money<</replace>>
<div class="big"><span id="monyz">$money</span></div>
<div class="medium"><manager>Will probably break something...</manager></div>
<<button "Lectures +">>
<<if $lectures <20>>
<<set $lectures++>>
<<replace "#lec">>$lectures<</replace>>
<<button "Lectures -">>
<<if $lectures >1>>
<<set $lectures-->>
<<replace "#lec">>$lectures<</replace>>
<div class="medium"><span id="lec">$lectures</span></div>
<div class="medium"><manager>Will DEFINITELY break something...</manager></div>
<<button "Work event +">>
<<if $workdays <23>>
<<set $workdays++>>
<<replace "#work">>$workdays<</replace>>
<<button "Work event -">>
<<if $workdays !== 0>>
<<set $workdays-->>
<<replace "#work">>$workdays<</replace>>
<div class="medium"><span id="work">$workdays</span></div>
<div class="medium">[[Return to your room->room]]</div>
<div class="invisitext">[[Extra cheat room->Extra cheat room]]</div><div class="medium">[[Family cheats->Family cheat room]]</div>
<div class="medium">[[Emily cheats->Emily cheat room]]</div>
<div class="medium">[[Misc cheats->Misc cheat room]]</div>
<div class="medium">[[test passages->testpassageroom]]</div>
<div class="medium">[[Return to your room->room]]</div><<button "Toggle spycamera1: $spycamera1 ">>
<<if $spycamera1 !== 0>>
<<set $spycamera1 = 1>>
<<set $spycamera1 = 0>>
<div class="medium">[[Return to extra cheat room->Extra cheat room]]</div><div class="middle">
<<button "Mia event +">>
<<set $miaevent = $miaevent+1>>
<<replace "#stats-miaevent">>$miaevent<</replace>>
<<button "Reset Mia event ($miaevent)">>
<<if $miaevent !== 0>>
<<set $miaevent = 0>>
<<replace "#stats-miaevent">>$miaevent<</replace>>
<<button "Mia event -">>
<<if $miaevent !== 0>>
<<set $miaevent = $miaevent+1>>
<<replace "#stats-miaevent">>$miaevent<</replace>>
[[Mia Dom1->Mia dom1]] [[Mia Sub1->Mia sub1]]
[[Mia Dom2->Mia dom2]] [[Mia Sub2->Mia sub2]]
[[]] [[Mia Sub3->Mia sub3]]
[[Mia Dom4->Mia dom4]] [[Mia Sub4->Mia sub4]]
[[Mia Dom5->Mia dom5]] [[Mia Sub5->Mia sub5]]
[[Mia Dom6->Mia dom6]] [[Mia Sub6->Mia sub6]]
[[Mia Dom7->Mia dom7]] [[Mia Sub7->Mia sub7]]
[[Mia Dom8->Mia dom8]] [[Mia Sub8->Mia sub8]]
[[]] [[Mia Sub9->Mia sub9]]
[[Mia Dom10->Mia dom10]] [[]]
[[Mia Dom11->Mia dom11]] [[Mia Sub11->Mia sub11]]
[[Mia Dom12->Mia dom12]] [[]]
[[]] [[Mia Sub13->Mia sub13]]
<<button "Sis event +">>
<<set $sistersevent = $sistersevent+1>>
<<replace "#stats-miaevent">>$miaevent<</replace>>
<<button "Sis event -">>
<<if $sistersevent !== 0>>
<<set $sistersevent = $sistersevent+1>>
<<replace "#stats-sisevent">>$sistersevent<</replace>>
<<button "Reset sis event ($sisterevent)">>
<<if $sistersevent !== 0>>
<<set $sistersevent = 0>>
<<replace "#stats-sisevent">>$sistersevent<</replace>>
[[Sisters Dom1->Sisters dom1]] [[Sisters Sub1->Sisters sub1]]
[[Sisters Dom2->Sisters dom2]] [[Sisters Sub2->Sisters sub2]]
[[Sisters Sub3->Sisters sub3]]
[[Sisters Dom4->Sisters dom4]] [[Sisters Sub4->Sisters sub4]]
[[Sisters Dom5->Sisters dom5]] [[Sisters Sub5->Sisters sub5]]
[[Sisters Dom6->Sisters dom6]] [[Sisters Sub6->Sisters sub6]]
[[Sisters Dom7->Sisters dom7]] [[Sisters Sub7->Sisters sub7]]
[[Sisters Dom8->Sisters dom8]] [[Sisters Sub8->Sisters sub8]]
[[Sisters Dom9->Sisters dom9]] [[Sisters Sub9->Sisters sub9]]
[[Sisters Dom10->Sisters dom10]] [[Sisters Sub10->Sisters sub10]]
[[Sisters Dom11->Sisters dom11]] [[Sisters Sub11->Sisters sub11]]
[[Sisters Dom12->Sisters dom12]] [[Sisters Sub12->Sisters sub12]]
[[Sisters Sub13->Sisters sub13]]
[[Sisters Sub14->Sisters sub14]]
<div class="medium">[[Return to extra cheat room->Extra cheat room]]</div><div class="middle">
<<button "Emily day +">>
<<set $emilyday = $emilyday+1>>
<<replace "#stats-emilyday">>$emilyday<</replace>>
<<button "Reset Emily ($emilyday)">>
<<if $emilyday !== 0>>
<<set $emilyday = 0>>
<<replace "#stats-emilyday">>$emilyday<</replace>>
<<button "Emily day -">>
<<if $emilyday !== 0>>
<<set $emilyday = $emilyday+1>>
<<replace "#stats-emilyday">>$emilyday<</replace>>
<<button "Breakup ($emilyday)">>
<<if $brokeupwithemily != true>>
<<set $brokeupwithemily to true>>
<<set $dating to "single">>
[[Emily BNWO 1->Emilybnwo1]]
[[Emily 2->Emily 2]] [[Emily BNWO 2->Emilybnwo2]]
[[Emily 3->Emily 3]] [[Emily BNWO 3->Emilybnwo3]]
[[Emily 5->Emily 5]] [[Emily BNWO 5->Emilybnwo5]]
[[Emily 6->Emily 6]] [[Emily BNWO 6->Emilybnwo6]]
[[Emily BNWO 7->Emilybnwo7]]
[[Emily 8->Emily 8]] [[Emily BNWO 8->Emilybnwo8]]
[[Emily 9->Emily 9]]
[[Emily BNWO 10->Emilybnwo10]]
[[Emily 11->Emily 11]] [[Emily BNWO 11->Emilybnwo11]]
[[Emily 12->Emily 12]] [[Emily BNWO 12->Emilybnwo12]]
[[Emily 13->Emily 13]] [[Emily BNWO 13->Emilybnwo13]]
<div class="medium">[[Return to extra cheat room->Extra cheat room]]</div>[[Emily->Emily force wallpaper]]
[[Mia force wallpaper->Mia force wallpaper]]
[[Adriana force wallpaper->Adriana force wallpaper]]
[[Leyja force wallpaper->Leyja force wallpaper]]
[[Sisters force wallpaper->Sisters force wallpaper]]
[[Kei force wallpaper->Kei force wallpaper]]
[[Jia force wallpaper->Jia force wallpaper]]
[[Lana force wallpaper->Lana force wallpaper]]
<div class="medium">[[Return to extra cheat room->Extra cheat room]]</div>hudson set up - there's a storage room heavily protected where the bank information of customers is stored. you break it, yoink it, and empty it with the help of a hacker (another hot chick)
Leyja swoops in acting as his wife saying my husband is not a fit to run the festival and give me control. They do and thats the ending.
<<text blue>>Hello..? Is this Adriana?<</text>>
<<text green>>Hello... Yes ;)<</text>>
Imporant locations
<<location "Images/Other/90704f8813eafd7f3744f6ff641bcee7.jpeg" "My room">>\
<<location "Images/Other/parentsbedroom.webp" "Parent's bedroom">>\
<<location "Images/Other/7363794952_56303ea0b0_b.webp" "At Emily's place">>\
<<location "Images/Sex shop/intro/0_Sex-shoppers.webp" "Simply Pleasure sex shop">>\
<<location "Images/Other/atria_5.webp" "The SUP">>\
<<location "Images/Other/istockphoto-182408547-612x612.webp" "The mall">>\
<<location "Images/Other/loc.webp" "On the way to the mall">>
<<text blue>>Hello..? Is this Adriana?<</text>>
<<text green>>Hello... Yes ;)<</text>>
<<pageReplace"I'm ready to try it out..">>\
<<pageReplace"This is fucked up.. Throw the pill away">>\
<div id="choices">
<<linkreplace "Remove your pants.">>\
<<replace "#choices">>\
<<linkreplace "Don't and quickly leave.">>\
<<replace "#choices">>\
<<set document.documentElement.scrollTop = 0>>\
<div id="choices"><div class="disa">No...</div></div>
<<replace "#choices">> <</linkreplace>><</replace>>
const ht = $("html").prop("scrollHeight");
<</done>>\<<location "Images/Other/bathroom.jpg" "Bathroom">>\
You walk to your bathroom, take off your clothes and look at yourself in the mirror,
You see \
<<if $domstatus is true>>\
an all around good looking guy. 6ft, 170lbs, short, black hair.
You are completely straight.
<<elseif $feminization<15>>\
an all around average guy. 5'9ft, 160lbs, short, black hair.
You are completely straight.
<<elseif $feminization>=15 and $feminization<75>>\
an all around average guy. 5'9ft, 150lbs, short, black hair.
You are... probably straight.
<<elseif $feminization>=75 and $feminization<110>>\
a pretty skinny and feminine guy. 5'9ft, 140lbs, <<if $hairextensions==true>>Long, brown hair.<<else>>short,black hair.<</if>>
You are... probably bisexual.
<<elseif $feminization>=110>>\
...A woman? A man? It would be hard to tell.. 5'9ft, 135lbs, <<if $hairextensions==true>>Long, brown hair.<<else>>short,black hair.<</if>>
You are bisexual.
<<if $domstatus is true>>\
<img src="Images\check yourself\Arnaud Francois1c.webp" class="pull-left">
You're an attractive man. Most women look at you when you walk past them, but you're no Henry Cavill.
<<elseif $hairextensions== true and $fakelips ==true and $fakenose ==true>>
<img src="Images\check yourself\new face.jpg" class="pull-left">
With some many operations done, you're not indistinguishable from a woman... And a pretty attractive one at that.
<<elseif $hairextensions is true>>\
<img src="Images\check yourself\sub3.jpg" class="pull-left">
You have long, brownish hair... <<if $longlashes ==true>>With your long lashes, you would be easily confused for a woman.<<else>>You would be easily confused for a woman.<</if>>
<<elseif $lightmakeup is true>>\
<img src="Images\check yourself\sub1.png" class="pull-left">
Your face has light makeup on it, you definitely seem more feminine, but nobody would confuse you for a girl..
<img src="Images\check yourself\sub2.png" class="pull-left">
Your face is pretty feminine, but nobody would confuse you for a girl.
<clear />\
<<if $faketitsreal ==true and $faketits1 ==true>>
<img src="Images\check yourself\b cups.jpeg" class="pull-left">
Your chest is pretty big now... The surgeon did a great job, they look totally natural!
<<elseif $faketitsreal !==true and $faketits1 ==true>>
<img src="Images\check yourself\bandage.png" class="pull-left">
Your chest is bandaged... Time to wait for them to heal!
<<elseif $estrogentits ==true>>
<img src="Images\check yourself\estrogenchest.png" class="pull-left">
Your chest is a lot bigger than it once was... The estrogen pills must have worked!
<<elseif $feminization>100>>\
<img src="Images\check yourself\femchest.png" class="pull-left">
You notice some fat tissue on your chest... Your estrogen production must be through the roof.
<img src="Images\check yourself\chest.webp" class="pull-left">
You have an average chest for a guy, it has no muscle or fat.
<clear />\
<<if $vplexdick is true>>\
<img src="Images\check yourself\vplex cock.jpg" class="pull-left">
Your penis is way above average, at around 8 inches erect... V-plex pills must have worked!
<<elseif $domstatus is true>>\
<img src="Images\check yourself\5.webp" class="pull-left">
Your penis is above average, around 7 inches erect.
<<elseif $toys==0 and $chastitycagenew2 ==true>>\
<img src="Images\check yourself\tiny.png" class="pull-left">
Your penis is tiny! The flat cage is definitely doing it's job!
<<elseif $toys==0 and $domstatus is false and $femstatus is true and $hairextensions==true>>\
<img src="Images\check yourself\femcock.jpeg" class="pull-left">
Your penis has gotten quite a bit smaller. Leyja's training must be working...
<<elseif $toys==0 and $domstatus is false and $lectures>=18 and $femstatus is true>>\
<img src="Images\check yourself\image_1.webp" class="pull-left">
Has your penis got a little bit smaller...? Maybe it's the chastity cage..
<<elseif $toys==0 and $domstatus is false and $lectures<18>>\
<img src="Images\check yourself\s.webp" class="pull-left">
Your penis is painfully average, around 5.8 inches erect.
<<elseif $toys==1 and $chastitycagenew2 ==true>>\
<img src="Images\check yourself\cage2.png" class="pull-left">
Your penis is locked in a chastity cage.
<<elseif $toys==1>>\
<img src="Images\check yourself\Screenshot_1.webp" class="pull-left">
Your penis is locked in a chastity cage.
<clear />\
<<if $blackownedtattoo ==true>>
<img src="Images\check yourself\black_owned_tattoo_on_butt.png" class="pull-left">
You have two tattoos on your butt! Now there's no question about it - you belong to the IBWO!
<<elseif $qostattoo ==true>>
<img src="Images\check yourself\qos_tattoo_on_butt.jpg" class="pull-left">
There's a QOS tattoo on your butt! You're quite proud of it.
<<elseif $femoperation==true>>
<img src="Images\check yourself\femop_ass.jpg" class="pull-left">
After the operation, your ass is quite huge... You love it!
<<elseif $feminization>110>>
<img src="Images\check yourself\clapalongifyoufeellikehapinessisthetruthyeah.png" class="pull-left">
Has your ass gotten bigger? You wonder why that is..
<img src="Images\check yourself\Screenshot_2.webp" class="pull-left">
You have an average ass for a guy, not too big, not too small.
<clear />\
<<if $shavedlegs is true>>\
<img src="Images\check yourself\preloaded-image-14849.webp" class="pull-left">
Your legs are silky smooth, not a single hair on them.
<img src="Images\check yourself\360_F_366527294_wTyrOMpknwwTTuiIQfSOKTzeaXhRMUW8.webp" class="pull-left">
Your legs are a little bit hairy, but nothing too crazy. They're pretty skinny, because you don't workout.
<clear />\
<div class="actions-horizontal sticky">
</div><<drunk clear>>
<<if $day>=45 and $phone is false>>\
<<set $phone to true>>
<<set $wentotheIBWO to false>>\
<<set $wentclubbing to false>>
<<set $attended to false>>
<<set $attended2 to false>>
<<set $worked to false>>
<<set $sistersb to false>>
<<set $mia to false>>
<<set $day to $day+1>>
<<set $time to 0>>
<<if $dayy == 7>>
<<set $dayy to 1>>
<<set $dayy to $dayy+1>>
<<if $work35agreedtodate ==true and $day>$work35agreedtodateday+1 and $work35agreedtodatetemppp !==true>>
<<set $work35agreedtodatetemppp to true>>
<<todoCompleted "Go to Leyja's place in the evening.">>
<<if $adrianadom8temp == true and $day > $adrianadom8tempday +2 and $adriana89temp !==true or $adrianasub9temp == true and $day > $adrianasub9tempday +2 and $adriana89temp !==true>>
<<set $adriana89temp to true>>
<<todoCompleted "Meet up with Adriana in a couple of days">>\
<<if $needstomeetginaprojector==true>>
<<set $didntvisitgina24 to true>>\
<<todoCompleted "Meet Gina at her place at night">>
<<set $needstomeetginaprojectortemp to true>>\
<<if $adcampaign2 ==true and $blasdadasdasdasd !==true>>
<<set $blasdadasdasdasd to true>>\
<<todoCompleted "Decide what to do with the ad campaign.">>\
<<if $professorkeidatetoday ==false and $blasdadasdasdasd2 !==true>>
<<set $blasdadasdasdasd2 to true>>\
<<todoCompleted "Get ready for your date.">>\
<<if $sextapeginatemp ==true and $blahahahahaha123 !==true>>
<<todoCompleted "Wait for Gina to send you the video">>
<<set $blahahahahaha123 to true>>
<<if $emilybnwo is true and $bnwointro is false and $lectures==14>>
<<goto "Emilybnwointro">>
<<elseif $emilybnwoevent>21 and $ibwoflayers !==true>>
<<goto "IBWO flayers">>
<<elseif $spycameramiaevent==5 and $day>$day4+1 and $randomjohnspycamera !==true>>
<<goto "Meet john in kitchen spy camera">>
<<elseif $feminization >=200 and $femnamechange !==true and $hairextensions ==true>>
<<goto "Fem name change">>
<<elseif $day > $femroomday+3 and $femroom ==true and $femroommiareacttemp !==true>>
<<goto "New room Mia reaction">>
<<elseif $faketitsreal !==true and $faketits1 ==true and $day > $faketit1day+2>>
<<goto "You reacting to your new tits">>
<<elseif $sistersnewtitstemp !==true and $faketits1 ==true and $day > $faketit1day+6 and $sistersevent >12>>
<<goto "Sisters reacting to your new tits">>
<<elseif $leyjaslairevent2 >=5 and $randomtittemp !==true and $domstatus !==true>>
<<goto "random tit event">>
<<elseif $estrogen ==true and $estrogenintro !==true>>
<<goto "Estrogen 1">>
<<elseif $day >$estrogenday+6 and $estrogenintro2 !==true>>
<<goto "Estrogen 2">>
<<elseif $bnwoattendeeinfolocationtemp ==true and $jennabnwomessagetemp !==true>>
<<goto "Jenna bnwo19 sleep">>
<<elseif $penisenlargement ==true and $vplexintro !==true>>
<<goto "Vplex 1">>
<<elseif $day >$vplexday+6 and $vplexintro2 !==true>>
<<goto "Vplex 2">>
<<elseif $femininity >2 and $feminization >100 and $femredocaratetemp !==true>>
<<goto "redocarate room">>
<<elseif $ginasextapeprojector==true and $sextapeginatemp !==true>>
<<goto "dom gina video lecture 23">>
<<elseif $avasfriendbreakupemily==true and $avasfriendbreakupemilytemp !==true>>
<<goto "Emily break up dom">>
<<elseif $goestothebeachwithemily == true and $dayy ==6>>
<<goto "Emily trip to the beach intro message">>
<<elseif $emilybnwo11temp==true>>
<<goto "Emily bnwo 11 message">>
<<elseif $kaleyfuckssomeguytemp ==true and $kaleyfuckssomeguytemp2 !==true>>
<<goto "Sisters sub11">>
<<elseif $joshava is true and $joshavaintrophone !==true>>
<<goto "bully 4.5">>
<<elseif $lectures is 18 and $bullythree !==true and $domstatus is false or $lectures is 18 and $bullythree !==true and $domstatus is true and $joshsister is true>>\
<<goto "bully 3.5">>
<<elseif $aphrodisiacpill is true and $aphrodisiacpillchoice !==true and $dayy !==6 and $dayy !==7 and $day >$daypill+2>>
<<goto "Aphrodisiac pill choice">>
<<elseif $buttplug is true and $buttplugintro !==true>>
<<elseif $dreams==1 and $lectures==3>>
<<goto "Dream1">>
<<elseif $dreams==2 and $lectures==4>>
<<goto "Dream2">>
<<elseif $dreams==3 and $lectures==6>>
<<goto "Dream3">>
<<elseif $dreams==4 and $lectures==8>>
<<goto "Dream4">>
<<elseif $dreams==5 and $lectures==10>>
<<goto "Dream5">>
<<elseif $dreams==6 and $lectures==12>>
<<goto "Dream6">>
<<elseif $dreams==7 and $lectures==14>>
<<goto "Dream7">>
<<elseif $dreams==8 and $lectures==16>>
<<goto "Dream8">>
<<elseif $dreams==9 and $lectures==18>>
<<goto "Dream9">>
<<elseif $dreams==10 and $lectures==20>>
<<goto "Dream10">>
<<elseif $dreams==11 and ($worknothing + $worksup + $workweb)>6>>
<<goto "Dream11">>
<<elseif $dreams==12 and ($worknothing + $worksup + $workweb)>8 and $brokeupwithemily !== true>>
<<goto "Dream12">>
<<elseif $dreams==13>>
<<goto "Dream13">>
<<elseif $dreams==14 and $dreamday+2 < $day>>
<<goto "Dream14">>
<<elseif $dreams==15 and $dreamday+3 < $day>>
<<goto "Dream15">>
<<elseif $dreams==16 and $dreamday+2 < $day>>
<<goto "Dream16">>
<<elseif $dreams==17 and $dreamday+4 < $day>>
<<goto "Dream17">>
<<elseif $dreams==18 and $dreamday+2 < $day>>
<<goto "Dream18">>
<<elseif $bnwodream1 !==true and $emilybnwoevent>11 and $brokeupwithemily !==true>>
<<goto "bnwo dream 1">>
<<elseif $miarandom==1 and $toys==1 and $miaevent>3>>
<<goto "MiaChastityEvent">>
<<elseif $dominant>($submissive+$openminded+$bnwo+$feminization) and $lectures>=13 and $sistersrandom==1>>
<<goto "SistersRandomDom1">>
<<goto "room">>
<</if>>\<<set $dreams to $dreams+1>>\
<span class='fadeIn4'>\
<<if $dominant<($submissive+$openminded+$bnwo+$feminization)>>\
You feel the cold pillow touch your head, the cold breeze coming through the open window is slowly caressing your face, as you drift off to sleep you begin to dream...
<img src="Images\Dreams\Sub\1.webp" width="600px">
[[Wake up->room]]
You feel the cold pillow touch your head, the cold breeze coming through the open window is slowly caressing your face, as you drift off to sleep you begin to dream...
<img src="Images\Dreams\Dom\1.webp">
[[Wake up->room]]
</span>\<<set $dreams to $dreams+1>>\
<span class='fadeIn4'>\
<<if $dominant<($submissive+$openminded+$bnwo+$feminization)>>\
You feel the cold pillow touch your head, the cold breeze coming through the open window is slowly caressing your face, as you drift off to sleep you begin to dream...
<img src="Images\Dreams\Sub\2.webp">
[[Wake up->room]]
You feel the cold pillow touch your head, the cold breeze coming through the open window is slowly caressing your face, as you drift off to sleep you begin to dream...
<img src="Images\Dreams\Dom\2.webp">
[[Wake up->room]]
</span>\<<set $dreams to $dreams+1>>\
<span class='fadeIn4'>
<<if $dominant<($submissive+$openminded+$bnwo+$feminization)>>\
You feel the cold pillow touch your head, the cold breeze coming through the open window is slowly caressing your face, as you drift off to sleep you begin to dream...
<img src="Images\Dreams\Sub\3.webp" width="600px">
[[Wake up->room]]
You feel the cold pillow touch your head, the cold breeze coming through the open window is slowly caressing your face, as you drift off to sleep you begin to dream...
<img src="Images\Dreams\Dom\3.webp">
[[Wake up->room]]
</span>\<<set $dreams to $dreams+1>>\
<span class='fadeIn4'>
<<if $dominant<($submissive+$openminded+$bnwo+$feminization)>>\
You feel the cold pillow touch your head, the cold breeze coming through the open window is slowly caressing your face, as you drift off to sleep you begin to dream...
<img src="Images\Dreams\Sub\4.webp" height="450px">
[[Wake up->room]]
You feel the cold pillow touch your head, the cold breeze coming through the open window is slowly caressing your face, as you drift off to sleep you begin to dream...
<img src="Images\Dreams\Dom\4.webp">
[[Wake up->room]]
</span>\<<set $dreams to $dreams+1>>\
<span class='fadeIn4'>
<<if $dominant<($submissive+$openminded+$bnwo+$feminization)>>\
You feel the cold pillow touch your head, the cold breeze coming through the open window is slowly caressing your face, as you drift off to sleep you begin to dream...
<img src="Images\Dreams\Sub\5.webp" height="450px">
<b>-"Is that Emily riding another man... What a weird dream..."</b>
[[Wake up->room]]
You feel the cold pillow touch your head, the cold breeze coming through the open window is slowly caressing your face, as you drift off to sleep you begin to dream...
<img src="Images\Dreams\Dom\5.webp">
[[Wake up->room]]
</span>\<<set $dreams to $dreams+1>>\
<span class='fadeIn4'>
<<if $dominant<($submissive+$openminded+$bnwo+$feminization)>>\
You feel the cold pillow touch your head, the cold breeze coming through the open window is slowly caressing your face, as you drift off to sleep you begin to dream...
<img src="Images\Dreams\Sub\6.webp">
<b>-"Is that Emily getting fucked by another man... What a weird dream..."</b>
[[Wake up->room]]
You feel the cold pillow touch your head, the cold breeze coming through the open window is slowly caressing your face, as you drift off to sleep you begin to dream...
<img src="Images\Dreams\Dom\6.webp">
[[Wake up->room]]
</span>\<<set $dreams to $dreams+1>>\
<span class='fadeIn4'>
<<if $domstatus is false>>\
You feel the cold pillow touch your head, the cold breeze coming through the open window is slowly caressing your face, as you drift off to sleep you begin to dream...
<img src="Images\Dreams\Sub\7.webp" width="600px">
<b>-"H-honey..?"</b> You whimper in your sleep...
[[Wake up->room]]
You feel the cold pillow touch your head, the cold breeze coming through the open window is slowly caressing your face, as you drift off to sleep you begin to dream...
<img src="Images\Dreams\Dom\7.webp" width="600px">
<b>-"T-take this.. F-fucking.. Dick you w-whore..."</b> You talk in your sleep as you dream...
[[Wake up->room]]
</span>\<<set $dreams to $dreams+1>>\
<span class='fadeIn4'>
<<if $domstatus is false>>\
As you close your eyes you hear something..
<grey>*Slap* *Slap* *Slush* *Slush*</grey>
<mia>-"Mghhh.."</mia> You stand up from your bed and head towards the sounds.. They're coming from your parents bedroom..
<mia>-"D-deeper.. F-fuck!"</mia>
<b>-"W-what's going on.."</b> You're sleepy and confused..
<<linkreplace"Open the door..">>\
<img src="Images\Dreams\Sub\8.webp" width="600px">
<mia>-"FUCK ME FUCK ME FUCK ME YESSSSSS!"</mia> She screams as you open the door..
<b>-"What's going on $mom1?! W-who's this?! W-where's John?"</b> You shout as Mia gets destroyed in front of you..
<mia>-"S-shut up and watch you bitch!"</mia> She shouts..
<b>-"MmmmMM MMmmm MMM!"</b> You try to speak.. But your mouth is sewn shut..?
<<linkreplace"Try to speak again">>\
<img src="Images\Dreams\Sub\istockphoto-483422346-612x612.webp" width="600px">
Suddenly, you wake up.. It was just a dream..
<b>-"Oh.. Oh my god.."</b> You whisper as you look under the sheets.. Your underwear is drenched in cum..
[[Clean up->room]]
<b>-"T-take this you w-whore..!"</b> You scream as your $mo2 takes your cock...
<mia>-"Y-yes honey..! Y-you're so big!"</mia> She screams..
<img src="Images\Dreams\Dom\8.webp" width="600px">
<b>-"W-who's better.. Ngff.. Me or John?"</b> You ask her in between thrusts..
<mia>-"F-fuck.. Y-you honey! It's you!"</mia> She shouts..
<b>-"MmmmMM MMmmm MMM!"</b> You try to speak.. But your mouth is sewn shut..?
<<linkreplace"Try to speak again">>\
<img src="Images\Dreams\Sub\istockphoto-483422346-612x612.webp" width="600px">
Suddenly, you wake up.. It was just a dream..
<b>-"Oh.. Oh my god.."</b> You whisper as you look under the sheets.. Your underwear is drenched in cum..
[[Clean up->room]]
</span>\<<set $dreams to $dreams+1>>\
<span class='fadeIn4'>
<<if $domstatus is false>>\
You feel the cold pillow touch your head, the cold breeze coming through the open window is slowly caressing your face, as you drift off to sleep you begin to dream...
<img src="Images\Dreams\Sub\9.webp" width="600px">
<b>-"A-ava..."</b> You whimper in your sleep..
[[Wake up->room]]
You feel the cold pillow touch your head, the cold breeze coming through the open window is slowly caressing your face, as you drift off to sleep you begin to dream...
<img src="Images\Dreams\Dom\9.webp" width="500px">
<b>-"A-ava..."</b> You whisper while you sleep..
[[Wake up->room]]
</span>\<<set $dreams to $dreams+1>>\
<span class='fadeIn4'>
<<if $domstatus is false>>\
You feel the cold pillow touch your head, the cold breeze coming through the open window is slowly caressing your face, as you drift off to sleep you begin to dream...
<img src="Images\Dreams\Sub\10.webp" width="600px">
<b>-"N-no.. Kaley..."</b> You whimper in your sleep..
[[Wake up->room]]
You feel the cold pillow touch your head, the cold breeze coming through the open window is slowly caressing your face, as you drift off to sleep you begin to dream...
<img src="Images\Dreams\Dom\10.webp" height="500px">
<b>-"F-fuck Kaley..."</b> You whisper in your sleep...
[[Wake up->room]]
</span>\<<set $dreams to $dreams+1>>\
<span class='fadeIn4'>
<<if $domstatus is false>>\
You feel the cold pillow touch your head, the cold breeze coming through the open window is slowly caressing your face, as you drift off to sleep you begin to dream...
<img src="Images\Dreams\Sub\11.webp" width="600px">
[[Wake up->room]]
You feel the cold pillow touch your head, the cold breeze coming through the open window is slowly caressing your face, as you drift off to sleep you begin to dream...
<img src="Images\Dreams\Dom\11.webp" width="600px">
[[Wake up->room]]
</span>\<<set $dreams to $dreams+1>>\
<span class='fadeIn4'>
<<if $domstatus is false>>\
<emily>-"Y-yes... S-so bigg..."</emily> As you open your eyes you see Emily.. On her knees..
<img src="Images\Dreams\Sub\12part1.webp" width="600px">
<emily>-"<i>*slurp*</i> S-so much bigger... Than him.."</emily>
<b>-"H-honey.."</b> You whimper as you feel your cock start to throb in your pants..
<emily>-"Look at me $name.. T-this is my future.."</emily> She changes positions..
<<pageReplace"Keep looking..">>\
<img src="Images\Dreams\Sub\12part2.webp" width="600px">
<b>-"F-fuck.."</b> Your underwear stain with precum as you watch your own girlfriend getting dicked down in front of you..
<emily>-"Mfgghhhh! Is this what you want? I-is this.. F-fuckkk... Is this how you want to see me $name?"</emily> She moans as the words leave her lips..
<<pageReplace "Y-yess...">>\
<b>-"Y-yess..."</b> You whimper as suddenly everything goes black..
You open your eyes and you're in your bed again..
<b>-"O... Oh.. It was just a dream again.."</b> You let out a sigh of.. Disappointment..?
<b>-"W-what's happening to me..."</b>
<<set $openminded to $openminded + 1>>
<mia>Open-minded + 1!</mia>
[[Get out of bed->room]]
<<pageReplace "I.. I don't know..">>\
<b>-"I.. I don't know.."</b> You whimper as suddenly everything goes black..
You open your eyes and you're in your bed again..
<b>-"O... Oh.. It was just a dream again.."</b> You let out a sigh of relief..
<b>-"W-what's happening to me..."</b>
[[Get out of bed->room]]
<emily>-"Y-ywes.. Deeper! S-swhow me how mwuch you lowve mwe!"</emily> She says while choking on your cock..
<img src="Images\Dreams\Dom\12part2.webp" width="500px">
<b>-"Ughh.. T-take that!"</b> You start shoving your shaft deeper and deeper in, but you can tell that Emily can't breathe..
<emily>-"$name! P-pwease!"</emily> You hear her muffled pleas...
<b>-"F-fine!"</b> You shout as you pull out your cock and start stroking your little friend faster and faster..
<img src="Images\Dreams\Dom\12part1.webp" height="550px">
<emily>-"Mfggg.. T-thank you for the meal.."</emily> She says as suddenly everything goes black...
You open your eyes and you're laying in your bed..
<b>-"Agh.. A dream again.."</b> You whisper..
[[Get out bed->room]]
</span>\<<set $dreams to $dreams+1>>\
<<set $dreamday to $day>>\
<span class='fadeIn4'>
<<if $domstatus is true>>\
You feel the cold pillow touch your head, the cold breeze coming through the open window is slowly caressing your face, as you drift off to sleep you begin to dream...
<img src="Images\Dreams\Dom\13.webp">
[[Wake up->room]]
<<elseif $femstatus is true>>\
You feel the cold pillow touch your head, the cold breeze coming through the open window is slowly caressing your face, as you drift off to sleep you begin to dream...
<img src="Images\Dreams\Sub\13fem.webp">
[[Wake up->room]]
You feel the cold pillow touch your head, the cold breeze coming through the open window is slowly caressing your face, as you drift off to sleep you begin to dream...
<img src="Images\Dreams\Sub\13sub.webp">
[[Wake up->room]]
</span>\<<set $dreamday to $day>>\
<<set $dreams to $dreams+1>>\
<span class='fadeIn4'>
<<if $domstatus is true>>\
You feel the cold pillow touch your head, the cold breeze coming through the open window is slowly caressing your face, as you drift off to sleep you begin to dream...
<img src="Images\Dreams\Dom\14.webp">
[[Wake up->room]]
<<elseif $femstatus is true>>\
You feel the cold pillow touch your head, the cold breeze coming through the open window is slowly caressing your face, as you drift off to sleep you begin to dream...
<img src="Images\Dreams\Sub\14fem.webp">
[[Wake up->room]]
You feel the cold pillow touch your head, the cold breeze coming through the open window is slowly caressing your face, as you drift off to sleep you begin to dream...
<img src="Images\Dreams\Sub\14sub.webp">
[[Wake up->room]]
</span>\<<set $dreamday to $day>>\
<<set $dreams to $dreams+1>>\
<span class='fadeIn4'>
<<if $domstatus is true>>\
You feel the cold pillow touch your head, the cold breeze coming through the open window is slowly caressing your face, as you drift off to sleep you begin to dream...
<img src="Images\Dreams\Dom\15.webp">
[[Wake up->room]]
You feel the cold pillow touch your head, the cold breeze coming through the open window is slowly caressing your face, as you drift off to sleep you begin to dream...
<img src="Images\Dreams\Sub\15.webp">
[[Wake up->room]]
</span>\<<set $dreamday to $day>>\
<<set $dreams to $dreams+1>>\
<span class='fadeIn4'>
<<if $domstatus is true>>\
You feel the cold pillow touch your head, the cold breeze coming through the open window is slowly caressing your face, as you drift off to sleep you begin to dream...
<img src="Images\Dreams\Dom\16.webp">
[[Wake up->room]]
You feel the cold pillow touch your head, the cold breeze coming through the open window is slowly caressing your face, as you drift off to sleep you begin to dream...
<img src="Images\Dreams\Sub\16.webp">
[[Wake up->room]]
</span>\<<set $dreamday to $day>>\
<<set $dreams to $dreams+1>>\
<span class='fadeIn4'>
<<if $domstatus is true>>\
You feel the cold pillow touch your head, the cold breeze coming through the open window is slowly caressing your face, as you drift off to sleep you begin to dream...
<img src="Images\Dreams\Dom\17.webp">
[[Wake up->room]]
You feel the cold pillow touch your head, the cold breeze coming through the open window is slowly caressing your face, as you drift off to sleep you begin to dream...
<img src="Images\Dreams\Sub\17.webp">
[[Wake up->room]]
</span>\<<set $dreamday to $day>>\
<<set $dreams to $dreams+1>>\
<span class='fadeIn4'>
<<if $domstatus is true>>\
You feel the cold pillow touch your head, the cold breeze coming through the open window is slowly caressing your face, as you drift off to sleep you begin to dream...
<img src="Images\Dreams\Dom\18.webp">
[[Wake up->room]]
You feel the cold pillow touch your head, the cold breeze coming through the open window is slowly caressing your face, as you drift off to sleep you begin to dream...
<img src="Images\Dreams\Sub\18.webp">
[[Wake up->room]]
</span>\<<locationBackdrop "Other/fuck.webp">>
As you open your laptop you feel a wave of relaxation come over you, you can finally rest and maybe even have some fun...
<div class="actions">
<li>Watch some <<link "Vanilla porn">>
<<if $miaevent ==18 and $miapornwatchingtemp !==true and $domstatus !==true>>
<<set $miapornwatchingtemptype to 1>>
<<goto "Mia catches you watching porn">>
<<elseif $submissive >15 and $submissive <50 and $miaevent>3 and $miapornwatchingearlytemp !==true or $dominant >15 and $dominant <50 and $miaevent>3 and $miapornwatchingearlytemp !==true>>
<<goto "Mia walks into on you watching porn">>
<<goto `either("Vanilla1", "Vanilla2", "Vanilla3", "Vanilla4")`>>
<<if $dominant>=30>>
<li>Watch some <<link "Rough Porn">>
<<goto `either("Rough1", "Rough2", "Rough3", "Rough4")`>>
<<if $submissive>=30>>
<li>Watch some <<link "Femdom porn">>
<<if $miaevent ==18 and $miapornwatchingtemp !==true>>
<<set $miapornwatchingtemptype to 2>>
<<goto "Mia catches you watching porn">>
<<elseif $submissive >150 and $kaleypornrandomtemp !==true>>
<<goto"Kaley walks into on you watching porn">>
<<elseif $day > $kaleypornday+1 and $avapornrandomtemp !==true and $kaleypornrandomtemp ==true>>
<<goto "Ava walks into on you watching porn">>
<<goto `either("Sub1", "Sub2", "Sub3", "Sub4")`>>
<<if $blackedporn is true>>
<li>Open <<link "Blacked.com">>
<<if $miaevent ==18 and $miapornwatchingtemp !==true>>
<<set $miapornwatchingtemptype to 3>>
<<goto "Mia catches you watching porn">>
<<elseif $bnwoamericaevent >5 and $sistersevent >6 and $randomAvabbcporn !==true>>
<<goto "RandomAvaBBCporn">>
<<goto `either("Bbc1", "Bbc2", "Bbc3", "Bbc4")`>>
<<if $notif == true and $time == 2>>
[[Check the spy camera's feed->Spycamera]]
<<if $femaleorgasmresearch ==true>>
[[Research the female orgasm.->female orgasm research]]
<<if $sasha ==5 and $sashacamshow3temp !==true and $day >= $sashaday+1>>
[[See if Sasha is streaming->Sasha date 3 camshow]]
<<if $sashashowtemp ==1 and $sashacamshow1temp !==true and $day >= $sashashowtempday+1>>
[[See if Sasha is streaming->Sasha date 1 cam show]]
<<if $femresearch is true and $lectures==2>>
[[Google the word chastity.->Fem Research event]]
<<if $adriana ==6 and $domstatus is false and $lovesensetemp !==true>>
[[Google the Lush toy->Lovesense adriana]]
<<if $femresearch is true and $lectures ==8>>
[[ Google anal play->fem research event 2]]
<<if $subresearch is true and $lectures==7>>
[[ Google femdom->subevent 1]]
<<if $subresearch is true and $lectures==21>>
[[ Google face sitting->Subevent 2]]
<<if $blackedcom is true>>
[[Google Blacked.com->Blacked]]
<<if $searchupnumbers==true>>
[[Search up the plate numbers..->Emily 12 dom part 2]]
<div class="actions-horizontal">
</div>Vanilla porn is the only porn you've ever watched, you didn't even know other kinds exist... and that's not a bad thing!
<img src="Images\Porn\Vanilla\1.webp">
<<if $toys==1 and $buttplugintro !==true>>\
<emily> You cannot cum in a chastity, so you just leak precum everywhere.</emily>
<img src="Images\Porn\Vanilla\27026709.webp" width="580px">
[[Clean up->Open the laptop]]
<<elseif $toys==1 and $buttplugintro ==true>>\
<emily> You cannot cum in a chastity, so you just leak precum everywhere.</emily>
<img src="Images\Porn\Female domination\bleh.webp">
<<pageReplace "Try using the butt plug..">>\
<b>-"F-fuck..."</b> You moan as you slowly insert the buttplug..
<img src="Images\Porn\Vanilla\yip.webp" height="600px">
You feel your cock throb as the toy goes in and out of your asshole.. But it's not enough to make you cum..
[[Clean up->Open the laptop]]
<<if $dildo1 == true>>\
<<pageReplace "Try using the small dildo.">>\
<b>-"I.. I might as well.."</b> You pull out the small dildo from your drawer and slowly insert it inside..
<img src="Images\Porn\Vanilla\yp2.webp">
<b>-"Aghh.. F-fuckk..."</b> Precum drips from your cage... You feel an orgasm coming, but right before it does, the pleasure goes away.
<b>-"N-noooOoo.. E-every time.."</b>
[[Clean up->Open the laptop]]
<<if $dildo2 == true>>\
<<pageReplace "Try using the big dildo.">>\
<b>-"M-maybe this one will work..."</b> You grab the biggest dildo you have from the drawer, lube it up and slowly insert it inside.
<b>-"ArgHhhhhh!"</b> After a minute or two of riding, you climax!
<img src="Images\Porn\Vanilla\wa1.webp">
<b>-"MgHhhhh! S-so big!"</b> As you release your load, your legs begin to shake... It feels so good!
<b>-"Shit..."</b> Your little balls are covered in semen now... Time to clean up!
[[Clean up->Open the laptop]]
<<pageReplace "Maybe not today..">>\
<<goto "Open the laptop">>\
<b>-"OOoohhHHH... OOHHHHH-!"</b> Finally... god you love porn.
<img src="Images\Porn\Vanilla\5.webp">
[[Clean up->Open the laptop]]
<</if>>\Vanilla porn is the only porn you've ever watched, you didn't even know other kinds exist... and that's not a bad thing!
<img src="Images\Porn\Vanilla\2.webp">
<<if $toys==1 and $buttplugintro !==true>>\
<emily> You cannot cum in a chastity, so you just leak precum everywhere.</emily>
<img src="Images\Porn\Female domination\bleh.webp">
[[Clean up->Open the laptop]]
<<elseif $toys==1 and $buttplugintro ==true>>\
<emily> You cannot cum in a chastity, so you just leak precum everywhere.</emily>
<img src="Images\Porn\Vanilla\27026709.webp" width="580px">
<<pageReplace "Try using the butt plug..">>\
<b>-"F-fuck..."</b> You moan as you slowly insert the buttplug..
<img src="Images\Porn\Vanilla\yippe.webp">
You feel your cock throb as the toy goes in and out of your asshole.. But it's not enough to make you cum..
[[Clean up->Open the laptop]]
<<if $dildo1 == true>>\
<<pageReplace "Try using the small dildo.">>\
<b>-"I.. I might as well.."</b> You pull out the small dildo from your drawer and slowly insert it inside..
<img src="Images\Porn\Vanilla\yp2.webp">
<b>-"Aghh.. F-fuckk..."</b> Precum drips from your cage... You feel an orgasm coming, but right before it does, the pleasure goes away.
<b>-"N-noooOoo.. E-every time.."</b>
[[Clean up->Open the laptop]]
<<if $dildo2 == true>>\
<<pageReplace "Try using the big dildo.">>\
<b>-"M-maybe this one will work..."</b> You grab the biggest dildo you have from the drawer, lube it up and slowly insert it inside.
<b>-"ArgHhhhhh!"</b> After a minute or two of riding, you climax!
<img src="Images\Porn\Vanilla\wa2.webp">
<b>-"MgHhhhh! S-so big!"</b> As you release your load, your legs begin to shake... It feels so good!
<b>-"Shit..."</b> Your little balls are covered in semen now... Time to clean up!
[[Clean up->Open the laptop]]
<<pageReplace "Maybe not today..">>\
<<goto "Open the laptop">>\
<b>-"OOoohhHHH... OOHHHHH-!"</b> Finally... god you love porn.
<img src="Images\Porn\Vanilla\5.webp">
[[Clean up->Open the laptop]]
<</if>>\Vanilla porn is the only porn you've ever watched, you didn't even know other kinds exist... and that's not a bad thing!
<img src="Images\Porn\Vanilla\3.webp">
<<if $toys==1 and $buttplugintro !==true>>\
<emily> You cannot cum in a chastity, so you just leak precum everywhere.</emily>
<img src="Images\Porn\Female domination\bleh.webp">
[[Clean up->Open the laptop]]
<<elseif $toys==1 and $buttplugintro ==true>>\
<emily> You cannot cum in a chastity, so you just leak precum everywhere.</emily>
<img src="Images\Porn\Female domination\bleh.webp">
<<pageReplace "Try using the butt plug..">>\
<b>-"F-fuck..."</b> You moan as you slowly insert the buttplug..
<img src="Images\Porn\Vanilla\yip.webp" height="600px">
You feel your cock throb as the toy goes in and out of your asshole.. But it's not enough to make you cum..
[[Clean up->Open the laptop]]
<<if $dildo1 == true>>\
<<pageReplace "Try using the small dildo.">>\
<b>-"I.. I might as well.."</b> You pull out the small dildo from your drawer and slowly insert it inside..
<img src="Images\Porn\Vanilla\yp2.webp">
<b>-"Aghh.. F-fuckk..."</b> Precum drips from your cage... You feel an orgasm coming, but right before it does, the pleasure goes away.
<b>-"N-noooOoo.. E-every time.."</b>
[[Clean up->Open the laptop]]
<<if $dildo2 == true>>\
<<pageReplace "Try using the big dildo.">>\
<b>-"M-maybe this one will work..."</b> You grab the biggest dildo you have from the drawer, but decide to use it on your balls instead of your ass this time.
<b>-"ArgHhhhhh!"</b> After a minute or two of beating them, you climax!
<img src="Images\Porn\Vanilla\wa3.webp">
<b>-"MgHhhhh! S-so big!"</b> As you release your load, your legs begin to shake... It feels so good!
<b>-"Shit..."</b> Your little balls are covered in semen now... Time to clean up!
[[Clean up->Open the laptop]]
<<pageReplace "Maybe not today..">>\
<<goto "Open the laptop">>\
<b>-"OOoohhHHH... OOHHHHH-!"</b> Finally... god you love porn.
<img src="Images\Porn\Vanilla\5.webp">
[[Clean up->Open the laptop]]
<</if>>\Vanilla porn is the only porn you've ever watched, you didn't even know other kinds exist... and that's not a bad thing!
<img src="Images\Porn\Vanilla\4.webp">
<<if $toys==1 and $buttplugintro !==true>>\
<emily> You cannot cum in a chastity, so you just leak precum everywhere.</emily>
<img src="Images\Porn\Vanilla\27026709.webp" width="580px">
[[Clean up->Open the laptop]]
<<elseif $toys==1 and $buttplugintro ==true>>\
<emily> You cannot cum in a chastity, so you just leak precum everywhere.</emily>
<img src="Images\Porn\Vanilla\27026709.webp" width="580px">
<<pageReplace "Try using the butt plug..">>\
<b>-"F-fuck..."</b> You moan as you slowly insert the buttplug..
<img src="Images\Porn\Vanilla\yippe.webp">
You feel your cock throb as the toy goes in and out of your asshole.. But it's not enough to make you cum..
[[Clean up->Open the laptop]]
<<if $dildo1 == true>>\
<<pageReplace "Try using the small dildo.">>\
<b>-"I.. I might as well.."</b> You pull out the small dildo from your drawer and slowly insert it inside..
<img src="Images\Porn\Vanilla\yp2.webp">
<b>-"Aghh.. F-fuckk..."</b> Precum drips from your cage... You feel an orgasm coming, but right before it does, the pleasure goes away.
<b>-"N-noooOoo.. E-every time.."</b>
[[Clean up->Open the laptop]]
<<if $dildo2 == true>>\
<<pageReplace "Try using the big dildo.">>\
<b>-"M-maybe this one will work..."</b> You grab the biggest dildo you have from the drawer, lube it up and slowly insert it inside.
<b>-"ArgHhhhhh!"</b> After a minute or two of riding, you climax!
<img src="Images\Porn\Vanilla\wa1.webp">
<b>-"MgHhhhh! S-so big!"</b> As you release your load, your legs begin to shake... It feels so good!
<b>-"Shit..."</b> Your little balls are covered in semen now... Time to clean up!
[[Clean up->Open the laptop]]
<<pageReplace "Maybe not today..">>\
<<goto "Open the laptop">>\
<b>-"OOoohhHHH... OOHHHHH-!"</b> Finally... god you love porn.
<img src="Images\Porn\Vanilla\5.webp">
[[Clean up->Open the laptop]]
<</if>>\As you grow more dominant, your needs start to change and you want to watch rougher porn. Rough porn for a rough dude!
<img src="Images\Porn\Rough\21347645.webp" height="400px">
You cum so hard that your semen almost hits your face.
<img src="Images\Porn\Rough\25166768.webp">
<b>-"Ahhhh fuck..mghhh.. I'm gonna fuck the living shit out of Emily when we meet"</b>
[[Clean up->room]]
<</pageReplace>>As you grow more dominant, your needs start to change and you want to watch rougher porn. Rough porn for a rough dude!
<img src="Images\Porn\Rough\22507198.webp">
You cum so hard that your semen almost hits your face.
<img src="Images\Porn\Rough\25166768.webp">
<b>-"Ahhhh fuck..mghhh.. I'm gonna fuck the living shit out of Emily when we meet"</b>
[[Clean up->room]]
<</pageReplace>>As you grow more dominant, your needs start to change and you want to watch rougher porn. Rough porn for a rough dude!
<img src="Images\Porn\Rough\24054982.webp">
You cum so hard that your semen almost hits your face.
<img src="Images\Porn\Rough\25166768.webp">
<b>-"Ahhhh fuck..mghhh.. I'm gonna fuck the living shit out of Emily when we meet"</b>
[[Clean up->room]]
<</pageReplace>>As you grow more dominant, your needs start to change and you want to watch rougher porn. Rough porn for a rough dude!
<img src="Images\Porn\Rough\29588455.webp" height="500px">
You cum so hard that your semen almost hits your face.
<img src="Images\Porn\Rough\25166768.webp">
<b>-"Ahhhh fuck..mghhh.. I'm gonna fuck the living shit out of Emily when we meet"</b>
[[Clean up->room]]
<</pageReplace>>As you become more and more submissive, female domination becomes a porn genre you frequently visit.
<img src="Images\Porn\Female domination\1.webp" height="500px">
<<if $toys==1 and $buttplugintro !==true>>\
<emily> You cannot cum in a chastity, so you just leak precum everywhere.</emily>
<img src="Images\Porn\Female domination\bleh.webp">
[[Clean up->Open the laptop]]
<<elseif $toys==1 and $buttplugintro ==true>>\
<emily> You cannot cum in a chastity, so you just leak precum everywhere.</emily>
<img src="Images\Porn\Vanilla\27026709.webp" width="580px">
<<pageReplace "Try using the butt plug..">>\
<b>-"F-fuck..."</b> You moan as you slowly insert the buttplug..
<img src="Images\Porn\Vanilla\yippe.webp">
You feel your cock throb as the toy goes in and out of your asshole.. But it's not enough to make you cum..
[[Clean up->Open the laptop]]
<<if $dildo1 == true>>\
<<pageReplace "Try using the small dildo.">>\
<b>-"I.. I might as well.."</b> You pull out the small dildo from your drawer and slowly insert it inside..
<img src="Images\Porn\Vanilla\yp2.webp">
<b>-"Aghh.. F-fuckk..."</b> Precum drips from your cage... You feel an orgasm coming, but right before it does, the pleasure goes away.
<b>-"N-noooOoo.. E-every time.."</b>
[[Clean up->Open the laptop]]
<<if $dildo2 == true>>\
<<pageReplace "Try using the big dildo.">>\
<b>-"M-maybe this one will work..."</b> You grab the biggest dildo you have from the drawer, lube it up and slowly insert it inside.
<b>-"ArgHhhhhh!"</b> After a minute or two of riding, you climax!
<img src="Images\Porn\Vanilla\wa2.webp">
<b>-"MgHhhhh! S-so big!"</b> As you release your load, your legs begin to shake... It feels so good!
<b>-"Shit..."</b> Your little balls are covered in semen now... Time to clean up!
[[Clean up->Open the laptop]]
<<pageReplace "Maybe not today..">>\
<<goto "Open the laptop">>\
You cum, but ruin your orgasm, that's what professor Kei said to do..
<img src="Images\Porn\Blacked\24053741.webp">
<b>-"Ahhhh fuck..mghhh.. They are so hott-tt...."</b>
[[Clean up->Open the laptop]]
<</if>>\As you become more and more submissive, female domination becomes a porn genre you frequently visit.
<img src="Images\Porn\Female domination\2.webp" width="700px">
<<if $toys==1 and $buttplugintro !==true>>\
<emily> You cannot cum in a chastity, so you just leak precum everywhere.</emily>
<img src="Images\Porn\Vanilla\27026709.webp" width="580px">
[[Clean up->Open the laptop]]
<<elseif $toys==1 and $buttplugintro ==true>>\
<emily> You cannot cum in a chastity, so you just leak precum everywhere.</emily>
<img src="Images\Porn\Vanilla\27026709.webp" width="580px">
<<pageReplace "Try using the butt plug..">>\
<b>-"F-fuck..."</b> You moan as you slowly insert the buttplug..
<img src="Images\Porn\Vanilla\yip.webp" height="600px">
You feel your cock throb as the toy goes in and out of your asshole.. But it's not enough to make you cum..
[[Clean up->Open the laptop]]
<<if $dildo1 == true>>\
<<pageReplace "Try using the small dildo.">>\
<b>-"I.. I might as well.."</b> You pull out the small dildo from your drawer and slowly insert it inside..
<img src="Images\Porn\Vanilla\yp2.webp">
<b>-"Aghh.. F-fuckk..."</b> Precum drips from your cage... You feel an orgasm coming, but right before it does, the pleasure goes away.
<b>-"N-noooOoo.. E-every time.."</b>
[[Clean up->Open the laptop]]
<<if $dildo2 == true>>\
<<pageReplace "Try using the big dildo.">>\
<b>-"M-maybe this one will work..."</b> You grab the biggest dildo you have from the drawer, but decide to use it on your balls instead of your ass this time.
<b>-"ArgHhhhhh!"</b> After a minute or two of beating them, you climax!
<img src="Images\Porn\Vanilla\wa3.webp">
<b>-"MgHhhhh! S-so big!"</b> As you release your load, your legs begin to shake... It feels so good!
<b>-"Shit..."</b> Your little balls are covered in semen now... Time to clean up!
[[Clean up->Open the laptop]]
<<pageReplace "Maybe not today..">>\
<<goto "Open the laptop">>\
You cum, but ruin your orgasm, that's what professor Kei said to do..
<img src="Images\Porn\Blacked\24053741.webp">
<b>-"Ahhhh fuck..mghhh.. They are so hott-tt...."</b>
[[Clean up->Open the laptop]]
<</if>>\As you become more and more submissive, female domination becomes a porn genre you frequently visit.
<img src="Images\Porn\Female domination\3.webp" height="600px">
<<if $toys==1 and $buttplugintro !==true>>\
<emily> You cannot cum in a chastity, so you just leak precum everywhere.</emily>
<img src="Images\Porn\Female domination\bleh.webp">
[[Clean up->Open the laptop]]
<<elseif $toys==1 and $buttplugintro ==true>>\
<emily> You cannot cum in a chastity, so you just leak precum everywhere.</emily>
<img src="Images\Porn\Female domination\bleh.webp">
<<pageReplace "Try using the butt plug..">>\
<b>-"F-fuck..."</b> You moan as you slowly insert the buttplug..
<img src="Images\Porn\Vanilla\yippe.webp">
You feel your cock throb as the toy goes in and out of your asshole.. But it's not enough to make you cum..
[[Clean up->Open the laptop]]
<<if $dildo1 == true>>\
<<pageReplace "Try using the small dildo.">>\
<b>-"I.. I might as well.."</b> You pull out the small dildo from your drawer and slowly insert it inside..
<img src="Images\Porn\Vanilla\yp2.webp">
<b>-"Aghh.. F-fuckk..."</b> Precum drips from your cage... You feel an orgasm coming, but right before it does, the pleasure goes away.
<b>-"N-noooOoo.. E-every time.."</b>
[[Clean up->Open the laptop]]
<<if $dildo2 == true>>\
<<pageReplace "Try using the big dildo.">>\
<b>-"M-maybe this one will work..."</b> You grab the biggest dildo you have from the drawer, lube it up and slowly insert it inside.
<b>-"ArgHhhhhh!"</b> After a minute or two of riding, you climax!
<img src="Images\Porn\Vanilla\wa1.webp">
<b>-"MgHhhhh! S-so big!"</b> As you release your load, your legs begin to shake... It feels so good!
<b>-"Shit..."</b> Your little balls are covered in semen now... Time to clean up!
[[Clean up->Open the laptop]]
<<pageReplace "Maybe not today..">>\
<<goto "Open the laptop">>\
You cum, but ruin your orgasm, that's what professor Kei said to do..
<img src="Images\Porn\Blacked\24053741.webp">
<b>-"Ahhhh fuck..mghhh.. They are so hott-tt...."</b>
[[Clean up->Open the laptop]]
<</if>>\As you become more and more submissive, female domination becomes a porn genre you frequently visit.
<img src="Images\Porn\Female domination\4.webp" height="600px">
<<if $toys==1 and $buttplugintro !==true>>\
<emily> You cannot cum in a chastity, so you just leak precum everywhere.</emily>
<img src="Images\Porn\Vanilla\27026709.webp" width="580px">
[[Clean up->Open the laptop]]
<<elseif $toys==1 and $buttplugintro ==true>>\
<emily> You cannot cum in a chastity, so you just leak precum everywhere.</emily>
<img src="Images\Porn\Female domination\bleh.webp">
<<pageReplace "Try using the butt plug..">>\
<b>-"F-fuck..."</b> You moan as you slowly insert the buttplug..
<img src="Images\Porn\Vanilla\yip.webp" height="600px">
You feel your cock throb as the toy goes in and out of your asshole.. But it's not enough to make you cum..
[[Clean up->Open the laptop]]
<<if $dildo1 == true>>\
<<pageReplace "Try using the small dildo.">>\
<b>-"I.. I might as well.."</b> You pull out the small dildo from your drawer and slowly insert it inside..
<img src="Images\Porn\Vanilla\yp2.webp">
<b>-"Aghh.. F-fuckk..."</b> Precum drips from your cage... You feel an orgasm coming, but right before it does, the pleasure goes away.
<b>-"N-noooOoo.. E-every time.."</b>
[[Clean up->Open the laptop]]
<<if $dildo2 == true>>\
<<pageReplace "Try using the big dildo.">>\
<b>-"M-maybe this one will work..."</b> You grab the biggest dildo you have from the drawer, lube it up and slowly insert it inside.
<b>-"ArgHhhhhh!"</b> After a minute or two of riding, you climax!
<img src="Images\Porn\Vanilla\wa2.webp">
<b>-"MgHhhhh! S-so big!"</b> As you release your load, your legs begin to shake... It feels so good!
<b>-"Shit..."</b> Your little balls are covered in semen now... Time to clean up!
[[Clean up->Open the laptop]]
<<pageReplace "Maybe not today..">>\
<<goto "Open the laptop">>\
You cum, but ruin your orgasm, that's what professor Kei said to do..
<img src="Images\Porn\Blacked\24053741.webp">
<b>-"Ahhhh fuck..mghhh.. They are so hott-tt...."</b>
[[Clean up->Open the laptop]]
<</if>>\You paid 100$ for this so you're going to enjoy it. You open up the front page and click on the first video that appears.
<img src="Images\Porn\Blacked\1.webp" width="1000px">
Seeing black men dominate white women makes your brain go wild, after only a couple of minutes you:
<<if $toys==1 and $buttplugintro !==true>>\
<emily> You cannot cum in a chastity, so you just leak precum everywhere.</emily>
<img src="Images\Porn\Vanilla\27026709.webp" width="580px">
[[Clean up->Open the laptop]]
<<elseif $toys==1 and $buttplugintro ==true>>\
<emily> You cannot cum in a chastity, so you just leak precum everywhere.</emily>
<img src="Images\Porn\Vanilla\27026709.webp" width="580px">
<<pageReplace "Try using the butt plug..">>\
<b>-"F-fuck..."</b> You moan as you slowly insert the buttplug..
<img src="Images\Porn\Vanilla\yippe.webp">
You feel your cock throb as the toy goes in and out of your asshole.. But it's not enough to make you cum..
[[Clean up->Open the laptop]]
<<if $dildo1 == true>>\
<<pageReplace "Try using the small dildo.">>\
<b>-"I.. I might as well.."</b> You pull out the small dildo from your drawer and slowly insert it inside..
<img src="Images\Porn\Vanilla\yp2.webp">
<b>-"Aghh.. F-fuckk..."</b> Precum drips from your cage... You feel an orgasm coming, but right before it does, the pleasure goes away.
<b>-"N-noooOoo.. E-every time.."</b>
[[Clean up->Open the laptop]]
<<if $dildo2 == true>>\
<<pageReplace "Try using the big dildo.">>\
<b>-"M-maybe this one will work..."</b> You grab the biggest dildo you have from the drawer, but decide to use it on your balls instead of your ass this time.
<b>-"ArgHhhhhh!"</b> After a minute or two of beating them, you climax!
<img src="Images\Porn\Vanilla\wa3.webp">
<b>-"MgHhhhh! S-so big!"</b> As you release your load, your legs begin to shake... It feels so good!
<b>-"Shit..."</b> Your little balls are covered in semen now... Time to clean up!
[[Clean up->Open the laptop]]
<<pageReplace "Maybe not today..">>\
<<goto "Open the laptop">>\
You cum, but ruin your orgasm, that's what professor Kei said to do..
<img src="Images\Porn\Blacked\24053741.webp">
<b>-"Ahhhh fuck..mghhh.. They are so hott-tt...."</b>
[[Clean up->Open the laptop]]
<</if>>\You paid 100$ for this so you're going to enjoy it. You open up the front page and click on the first video that appears.
<img src="Images\Porn\Blacked\2.webp" width="1000px">
Seeing black men dominate white women makes your brain go wild, after only a couple of minutes you:
<<if $toys==1 and $buttplugintro !==true>>\
<emily> You cannot cum in a chastity, so you just leak precum everywhere.</emily>
<img src="Images\Porn\Female domination\bleh.webp">
[[Clean up->Open the laptop]]
<<elseif $toys==1 and $buttplugintro ==true>>\
<emily> You cannot cum in a chastity, so you just leak precum everywhere.</emily>
<img src="Images\Porn\Female domination\bleh.webp">
<<pageReplace "Try using the butt plug..">>\
<b>-"F-fuck..."</b> You moan as you slowly insert the buttplug..
<img src="Images\Porn\Vanilla\yip.webp" height="600px">
You feel your cock throb as the toy goes in and out of your asshole.. But it's not enough to make you cum..
[[Clean up->Open the laptop]]
<<if $dildo1 == true>>\
<<pageReplace "Try using the small dildo.">>\
<b>-"I.. I might as well.."</b> You pull out the small dildo from your drawer and slowly insert it inside..
<img src="Images\Porn\Vanilla\yp2.webp">
<b>-"Aghh.. F-fuckk..."</b> Precum drips from your cage... You feel an orgasm coming, but right before it does, the pleasure goes away.
<b>-"N-noooOoo.. E-every time.."</b>
[[Clean up->Open the laptop]]
<<if $dildo2 == true>>\
<<pageReplace "Try using the big dildo.">>\
<b>-"M-maybe this one will work..."</b> You grab the biggest dildo you have from the drawer, lube it up and slowly insert it inside.
<b>-"ArgHhhhhh!"</b> After a minute or two of riding, you climax!
<img src="Images\Porn\Vanilla\wa1.webp">
<b>-"MgHhhhh! S-so big!"</b> As you release your load, your legs begin to shake... It feels so good!
<b>-"Shit..."</b> Your little balls are covered in semen now... Time to clean up!
[[Clean up->Open the laptop]]
<<pageReplace "Maybe not today..">>\
<<goto "Open the laptop">>\
You cum, but ruin your orgasm, that's what professor Kei said to do..
<img src="Images\Porn\Blacked\24053741.webp">
<b>-"Ahhhh fuck..mghhh.. They are so hott-tt...."</b>
[[Clean up->Open the laptop]]
<</if>>\You paid 100$ for this so you're going to enjoy it. You open up the front page and click on the first video that appears.
<img src="Images\Porn\Blacked\3.webp" width="1000px">
Seeing black men dominate white women makes your brain go wild, after only a couple of minutes you:
<<if $toys==1 and $buttplugintro !==true>>\
<emily> You cannot cum in a chastity, so you just leak precum everywhere.</emily>
<img src="Images\Porn\Female domination\bleh.webp">
[[Clean up->Open the laptop]]
<<elseif $toys==1 and $buttplugintro ==true>>\
<emily> You cannot cum in a chastity, so you just leak precum everywhere.</emily>
<img src="Images\Porn\Vanilla\27026709.webp" width="580px">
<<pageReplace "Try using the butt plug..">>\
<b>-"F-fuck..."</b> You moan as you slowly insert the buttplug..
<img src="Images\Porn\Vanilla\yippe.webp">
You feel your cock throb as the toy goes in and out of your asshole.. But it's not enough to make you cum..
[[Clean up->Open the laptop]]
<<if $dildo1 == true>>\
<<pageReplace "Try using the small dildo.">>\
<b>-"I.. I might as well.."</b> You pull out the small dildo from your drawer and slowly insert it inside..
<img src="Images\Porn\Vanilla\yp2.webp">
<b>-"Aghh.. F-fuckk..."</b> Precum drips from your cage... You feel an orgasm coming, but right before it does, the pleasure goes away.
<b>-"N-noooOoo.. E-every time.."</b>
[[Clean up->Open the laptop]]
<<if $dildo2 == true>>\
<<pageReplace "Try using the big dildo.">>\
<b>-"M-maybe this one will work..."</b> You grab the biggest dildo you have from the drawer, lube it up and slowly insert it inside.
<b>-"ArgHhhhhh!"</b> After a minute or two of riding, you climax!
<img src="Images\Porn\Vanilla\wa2.webp">
<b>-"MgHhhhh! S-so big!"</b> As you release your load, your legs begin to shake... It feels so good!
<b>-"Shit..."</b> Your little balls are covered in semen now... Time to clean up!
[[Clean up->Open the laptop]]
<<pageReplace "Maybe not today..">>\
<<goto "Open the laptop">>\
You cum, but ruin your orgasm, that's what professor Kei said to do..
<img src="Images\Porn\Blacked\24053741.webp">
<b>-"Ahhhh fuck..mghhh.. They are so hott-tt...."</b>
[[Clean up->Open the laptop]]
<</if>>\You paid 100$ for this so you're going to enjoy it. You open up the front page and click on the first video that appears.
<img src="Images\Porn\Blacked\4.webp" width="1000px">
Seeing black men dominate white women makes your brain go wild, after only a couple of minutes you:
<<if $toys==1 and $buttplugintro !==true>>\
<emily> You cannot cum in a chastity, so you just leak precum everywhere.</emily>
<img src="Images\Porn\Vanilla\27026709.webp" width="580px">
[[Clean up->Open the laptop]]
<<elseif $toys==1 and $buttplugintro ==true>>\
<emily> You cannot cum in a chastity, so you just leak precum everywhere.</emily>
<img src="Images\Porn\Female domination\bleh.webp">
<<pageReplace "Try using the butt plug..">>\
<b>-"F-fuck..."</b> You moan as you slowly insert the buttplug..
<img src="Images\Porn\Vanilla\yippe.webp">
You feel your cock throb as the toy goes in and out of your asshole.. But it's not enough to make you cum..
[[Clean up->Open the laptop]]
<<if $dildo1 == true>>\
<<pageReplace "Try using the small dildo.">>\
<b>-"I.. I might as well.."</b> You pull out the small dildo from your drawer and slowly insert it inside..
<img src="Images\Porn\Vanilla\yp2.webp">
<b>-"Aghh.. F-fuckk..."</b> Precum drips from your cage... You feel an orgasm coming, but right before it does, the pleasure goes away.
<b>-"N-noooOoo.. E-every time.."</b>
[[Clean up->Open the laptop]]
<<if $dildo2 == true>>\
<<pageReplace "Try using the big dildo.">>\
<b>-"M-maybe this one will work..."</b> You grab the biggest dildo you have from the drawer, but decide to use it on your balls instead of your ass this time.
<b>-"ArgHhhhhh!"</b> After a minute or two of beating them, you climax!
<img src="Images\Porn\Vanilla\wa3.webp">
<b>-"MgHhhhh! S-so big!"</b> As you release your load, your legs begin to shake... It feels so good!
<b>-"Shit..."</b> Your little balls are covered in semen now... Time to clean up!
[[Clean up->Open the laptop]]
<<pageReplace "Maybe not today..">>\
<<goto "Open the laptop">>\
You cum, but ruin your orgasm, that's what professor Kei said to do..
<img src="Images\Porn\Blacked\24053741.webp">
<b>-"Ahhhh fuck..mghhh.. They are so hott-tt...."</b>
[[Clean up->Open the laptop]]
<</if>>\<div class="middle">
<img src="Images\Emily\events\dom\Ffd8-6lXgAEmeqB.webp">
<emily>-"Message from character about changing the wallpaper and threatening player not to change it.."</emily>
<<set $forcedwallpaper to "Images/Lockscreen/forcedEmily.webp">>
<<set $forcedby to "Emily">>
[[Go back to your room->room]]
</div><div class="middle">
<img src="Images/Other/rent.webp">
<mia>-"Message from character about changing the wallpaper and threatening player not to change it."</mia>
<<set $forcedwallpaper to "Images/Lockscreen/forcedMia.webp">>
<<set $forcedby to "Mia">>
[[Go back to your room->room]]
</div><div class="middle">
<img src="Images/Sex shop/intro/tumblr_fe1a0ffc3b3a8e780ad544e9f9dbff94_02d269d1_640.webp">
<leyja>-"Message from character about changing the wallpaper and threatening player not to change it."</leyja>
<<set $forcedwallpaper to "Images/Lockscreen/forcedLeyja.webp">>
<<set $forcedby to "Leyja">>
[[Go back to your room->room]]
</div><div class="middle">
<img src="Images/AdrianaChris/sub/p4.jpg">
<adriana>-"Message from character about changing the wallpaper and threatening player not to change it."</adriana>
<<set $forcedwallpaper to "Images/Lockscreen/forcedAdriana.webp">>
<<set $forcedby to "Adriana">>
[[Go back to your room->room]]
</div><div class="middle">
<img src="Images/Events/sister events/dom/n1.jpg">
<sisters>-"Message from character about changing the wallpaper and threatening player not to change it.</sisters>
<<set $forcedwallpaper to "Images/Lockscreen/forcedSisters.webp">>
<<set $forcedby to "Kaley and Ava">>
[[Go back to your room->room]]
</div><div class="middle">
<img src="Images/Lectures/Lecture 1/jia-lissa-d6hp42tk9t-1080x1350.webp">
<jia>-"Message from character about changing the wallpaper and threatening player not to change it."</jia>
<<set $forcedwallpaper to "Images/Lockscreen/forcedJia.webp">>
<<set $forcedby to "Professor Jia">>
[[Go back to your room->room]]
</div><div class="middle">
<img src="Images/Lectures/Lecture 1/AnyConv.com__FBws8CrWUAUvt2v.webp">
<kei>-"Message from character about changing the wallpaper and threatening player not to change it."</kei>
<<set $forcedwallpaper to "Images/Lockscreen/forcedKei.webp">>
<<set $forcedby to "Professor Kei">>
[[Go back to your room->room]]
</div><div class="middle">
<img src="Images/Lectures/Lecture 4/Screenshot_5.png">
<lana>-"Message from character about changing the wallpaper and threatening player not to change it."</lana>
<<set $forcedwallpaper to "Images/Lockscreen/forcedLana.webp">>
<<set $forcedby to "Professor Lana">>
[[Go back to your room->room]]
</div><div class="middle">You see nothing of interest...</div>
<div class="middle">[[Return|previous()]]</div>
<<if $spycameramia is true>>
<<if $spycameramiaevent==1 and $time==2>>
<<set $notif to false>>
<<goto "miaspycamera1">>
<<elseif $spycameramiaevent==2 and $day>$day4+4 and $time==2>>
<<set $notif to false>>
<<goto "miaspycamera2">>
<<elseif $spycameramiaevent==3 and $day>$day4+4 and $time==2>>
<<set $notif to false>>
<<goto "miaspycamera3">>
<<elseif $spycameramiaevent==4 and $day>$day4+4 and $time==2>>
<<set $notif to false>>
<<goto "miaspycamera4">>
<<elseif $spycameramiaevent==5 and $day>$day4+4 and $time==2>>
<<set $notif to false>>
<<goto "miaspycamera5">>
<<elseif $spycamerasisters is true>>
<<if $spycamerasistersevent==1 and $time==2>>
<<set $notif to false>>
<<goto "sistersspycamera1">>
<<elseif $spycamerasistersevent==2 and $day>$day4+4 and $time==2>>
<<set $notif to false>>
<<goto "sistersspycamera2">>
<<elseif $spycamerasistersevent==3 and $day>$day4+4 and $time==2>>
<<set $notif to false>>
<<goto "sistersspycamera3">>
<<elseif $spycamerasistersevent==4 and $day>$day4+4 and $time==2>>
<<set $notif to false>>
<<goto "sistersspycamera4">>
<<elseif $spycamerasistersevent==5 and $day>$day4+4 and $time==2>>
<<set $notif to false>>
<<goto "sistersspycamera5">>
<</if>><<if $spycameramia is true or $spycamerasisters is true>>\
<<if $spycameramia is true>>\
<img src="Images/Other/spy1.webp" style="max-width: 60%">
<<elseif $spycamerasisters is true>>\
<img src="Images/Other/spy2.webp" style="max-width: 60%">
[[View the spy camera feed->Spycamera]]
<</if>><<set $decidespycamera to true>>\
A camera huh... you don't know why you bought it.. but you did. You have one camera and so many places to put it at... you could install it in the shower.. or the bathroom.... or someone's room... you think about while fiddling with the gadget and finally pick out two locations.
<<pageReplace "Install it in Mia's room.">>\
<<set $spycameramia to true>>
<b>-"Mia has been testing me and trying to teach me things so often lately, I want to see what she and John are up to all the time..."</b> You think to yourself as you get out of bed. You look around to see if anybody is home. You can hear John in the kitchen and someone in the shower, but Mia's bedroom seems to be open..
<<pageReplace "Go inside">>\
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\sub\PARQUET-BEDSIDE-TABLE-our_hanbury_hideaway-image-1666099085353-1.webp" height="600px">
You get inside and close the door behind you. The camera is small, tiny even, it can fit in so many different places! You look around for a bit and decide where to hide it at.
<<pageReplace "Put it on the window sill">>\
You put the camera on top of the windowstill. You decide that hiding it in plain sight is the best option. After putting the device down, you look around to see if anyone spottded you, when you see that you'e in the clear, you quickly leave the bedroom.
<b>-"I have to remember to view the feed at night.."</b> you think to yourself.
[[Go to your room->room]]
<<set $spycameramiawrongspot to true>>
<<pageReplace "Hide it behind a picture frame near the bed.">>\
You hide the camera behind a picture frame right near the bed. You position it in a way that it has a clear view of the whole room. After putting the device down, you look around to see if anyone spottded you, when you see that you'e in the clear, you quickly leave the bedroom.
<b>-"I have to remember to view the feed at night.."</b> you think to yourself.
[[Go to your room->room]]
<<pageReplace "Hide it on a wardrobe in front of the bed">>\
You hide the camera on top of the wardrobe. You position it in a way that it has a clear view of the whole room, including the bed. After putting the device down, you look around to see if anyone spottded you, when you see that you'e in the clear, you quickly leave the bedroom.
<b>-"I have to remember to view the feed at night.."</b> you think to yourself.
[[Go to your room->room]]
<<pageReplace "Install it in Kaley's and Ava's room.">>\
<b>-"Kaley and Ava have been teasing me so much lately.. I want to see what they are up to on their own.."</b> You think to yourself as you get out of bed. You look around to see if anybody is home. You can hear John in the kitchen and someone in the shower, but your $sister 's bedroom seems to be open..
<<set $spycamerasisters to true>>
<<pageReplace "Go inside">>\
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\sub\kids-twin-bed-ideas-hbx080119cuffhome-736-1635276174.webp" height="400px">
You get inside and close the door behind you. The camera is small, tiny even, it can fit in so many different places! You look around for a bit and decide where to hide it at.
<<pageReplace "Put it on the window sill">>\
<<set $spycamerasisterswrongspot to true>>
You put the camera on top of the windowstill. You decide that hiding it in plain sight is the best option. After putting the device down, you look around to see if anyone spottded you, when you see that you'e in the clear, you quickly leave the bedroom.
<b>-"I have to remember to view the feed at night.."</b> you think to yourself.
[[Go to your room->room]]
<<pageReplace "Hide it behind a picture frame near the bed.">>\
You hide the camera behind a picture frame right near the bed. You position it in a way that it has a clear view of the whole room. After putting the device down, you look around to see if anyone spottded you, when you see that you'e in the clear, you quickly leave the bedroom.
<b>-"I have to remember to view the feed at night.."</b> you think to yourself.
[[Go to your room->room]]
<<pageReplace "Hide it on a wardrobe in front of the bed">>\
You hide the camera on top of the wardrobe. You position it in a way that it has a clear view of the whole room, including the bed. After putting the device down, you look around to see if anyone spottded you, when you see that you'e in the clear, you quickly leave the bedroom.
<b>-"I have to remember to view the feed at night.."</b> you think to yourself.
[[Go to your room->room]]
<</pageReplace>>\<<set $day4 to $day>>\
<<set $spycameramiaevent to $spycameramiaevent+1>>\
<<if $spycameramiawrongspot is true>>\
You open the spy camera app on your phone and finally see something. Mia is laying on the bed with John..
<mia>-"Awwww.. Is my cucky getting hard in his cage...?"</mia>
<blue>-"Y-yes... please let me cum today.. please!"</blue>
<mia>-"If you put this on.. I might..."</mia> She hands something to John, you can't make out what it is though...
<<pageReplace "Keep watching">>\
You take a closer look and see that it's a strap on! John puts it on.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\spy camera\28670939.webp" height="600px">
<mia>-"There you go.. now your dick if finally the size that I like.."</mia> She laughs at John.
<blue>-"Nghhh.. please let me fuck you!"</blue> Your $dad1 whispers.
<mia>-"Well with this thing you can.."</mia> She lays on her back and looks around.
<blue>-"C-can I mount you honey..."</blue>
<mia>-"Wait..."</mia> Mia looks towards the camera. Did she spot it??!!
<blue>-"What is it h-honey?"</blue> Mia stands up and goes towards the camera.
<<pageReplace "Keep watching">>\
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\spy camera\Mia-Malkova-ethnicity-2-1.webp" width="750px">
<mia>-"Haha... busted.."</mia> She whispers as your feed goes black.. she found the camera, you didn't hide it well enough...
[[Close the app->room]]
You open the spy camera app on your phone and finally see something. Mia is laying on the bed with John..
<mia>-"Awwww.. Is my cucky getting hard in his cage...?"</mia>
<blue>-"Y-yes... please let me cum today.. please!"</blue>
<mia>-"If you put this on.. I might..."</mia> She hands something to John, you can't make out what it is though...
<<pageReplace "Keep watching">>\
You take a closer look and see that it's a strap on! John puts it on.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\spy camera\28670939.webp" height="600px">
<mia>-"There you go.. now your dick if finally the size that I like.."</mia> She laughs at John.
<blue>-"Nghhh.. please let me fuck you!"</blue> Your $dad1 whispers.
<mia>-"Haha not happening.."</mia> She giggles.
<mia>-"I wouldn't let you fuck me even with that thing, I might jerk you off though.. If you put this on.."</mia>
<blue>-"Anything!"</blue> He whimpers.
<mia>-"Hurry up"</mia> She hands her husband a chastity, he quickly puts it on without further questions.
<blue>-"P-please.. please!"</blue> He pleas like a hungry puppy.
<mia>-"Fine... stand up and face me"</mia>
<<pageReplace "Keep watching">>\
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\spy camera\28670934.webp" width="750px">
<blue>-"N-no.. nGhhh.."</blue> He moans quietly.
<mia>-"Hah did you really think I would jack you off? Why would I make you put on the chastity then!"</mia> She laughs.
<blue>-"N-no.. plea-"</blue> The video suddenly cuts off. Did the camera lose connection..?
[[Close the app->room]]
<</if>>\<<set $day4 to $day>>\
<<if $spycameramiawrongspot is true>>\
You open up the app again.. you know that Mia spotted the camera already so you have no idea what to expect...
You turn on the app and... It's disconnected... she must have turned it off.. bummer.
<i><b>*Knock Knock*</b></i>
<<pageReplace "Who's there">>\
<b>-"Who's th-"</b> Before you could finish, the door swings open.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\spy camera\Screenshot_9.webp" height="650px">
<mia>-"Well well well.. what do we have here..."</mia> It's Mia in lingerie... she's almost completely naked...
<b>-"W-what do you mean.. w-why are you here.."</b> You whisper as you look up at her.
<mia>-"I see you have your phone in your hands, are you spying on me again?"</mia> She giggles.
<b>-"Spying.. I-I would never spy.. on you.."</b> You look down in embarrassment.
<mia>-"Right, right, so that camera you put in my room isn't real right?"</mia> She laughs and climbs on top of the bed.
<b>-"W-what camera.. I-I didin't do anything!"</b> You cry out in shame..
<mia>-"Right, right, take off your pants you cuck."</mia> She commands you.
<b>-"N-no.. what..."</b>
<mia>-"If you do, i might let you use the camera again"</mia> She bites her lip.
<<pageReplace "Remove your pants">>\
<b>-"F-fine..."</b> You cannot lose that camera, it costed you 450$! You take off your pants and throw them to the ground.
<mia>-"Good boy"</mia> She smiles.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\spy camera\27069221.webp" width="650px">
<b>-"F-FUckkKKKK!"</b> You scream out in pain after Mia squeezes your balls.
<mia>-"You like that, huh?"</mia> She holds eye contact.
<mia>-"Never spy on me without my permission you loser!"</mia> She screams out.
<b>-"I-I'm sorry!!!! Please!!"</b> You beg her to stop.
<mia>-"Ugh.. you're just as pathetic as your $dad2..."</mia> She whispers as she lets go. Mia slowly climbs down from your bed, leaving your red balls to rest.
<mia>-"I'll turn on the camera again, make sure to watch me humiliate your $dad1, because you're going to be in his place soon!"</mia> She smashes the door behind her as she walks out.
<b>-"W-what now... she knows.."</b> You think to yourself as you put on your pants.
<<set $submissive to $submissive+2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
<<set $spycameramiaevent to $spycameramiaevent+1>>
[[Collect your thoughts->room]]
<<pageReplace "Don't and tell her to leave.">>\
<b>-"I-I don't care.. leave my room!"</b> You scream out.
<mia>-"Humpf, fine, your camera is going in the trash"</mia> She gets off of your bed and leaves your room, smashing the door behind her.
<b>-"T-that was a close one..."</b> you think to yourself..
<grey>-1 spy camera!</grey>
<<set $spycameramia to 0>>
[[Collect your thoughts->room]]
<<set $spycameramiaevent to $spycameramiaevent+1>>\
You open the spy camera app and you can already see that the action has started. You put on your headphones and hide under the sheets...
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\spy camera\29900392.webp" width="550px">
<blue>-"NghhhHH... p-pleasee.. Mia!!"</blue> Your $dad1 moans.
<mia>-"Come on, jack it.."</mia> She says in a sweet, motherly tone.
<blue>-"I-I want to cum, please!!"</blue> He whimpers.
<mia>-"How bad do you want it?"</mia>
<blue>-"S-so so bad!"</blue>
<<pageReplace "Continue watching">>\
Mia takes off the strap on and starts spanking John's balls.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\spy camera\ezgif-2-569a021524.webp" width="650px">
<mia>-"If you want it that bad, admit that you're inferior.."</mia> She laughs at his face while smacking his balls.
<blue>-"NGhhhhHH... h-honey...."</blue>
<mia>-"Admit it!"</mia>
<mia>-"You enjoy watching me take superior cock right in front you.. you enjoy watching your woman being dominated by other men... you enjoy seeing your wife quivering from pleasure.."</mia> Her voice and words start to control you.. you can't stop yourself from imagining Mia taking a stranger's cock...
<<pageReplace "Imagine">>\
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\spy camera\26231465.webp" width="650px">
<mia>-"Admit it!"</mia>
<blue>-"UghhHHH.. y-yesss. I'm a loser... w-who loves seeing his wife... nmmMMGHHHhh... f-fucked by others..."</blue> Your $dad2 cries out in pain and pleasure.
<mia>-"Good boy... that wasn't so hard was it.."</mia> Mia starts rubbing his balls harder and harder.
<blue>-"UGhjhhhhHHH.. I'm about to c-cumM!!"</blue> He screams so loud that you can hear him outside of your room too.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\spy camera\ezgif-2-a4dab2c0ac.webp">
<blue>-"UGhhhHHHH FFF--ffFUFUUCKKKK"</blue> He moans in pleasure.
<mia>-"Hahahaha! You're such a loser, look at your clitty leak!"</mia> Mia laughs.
<mia>-"Clean yourself up, this was your last draining session this month.."</mia>
<blue>-"N-noo... r-really??"</blue>
<mia>-"Well.. If you clean me up with your mouth when we meet our bull, I might reconsider.."</mia> She bites her lip and winks at John...
<blue>-"W-what? I w-"</blue> The video feed cuts to black again... this camera kind of sucks.. you can feel your little penis getting harder and harder in your pants...
<pink>Submissiveness +3!</pink>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +3>>
[[Watch some porn...->Open the laptop]]
<</if>>\<<set $day4 to $day>>\
<<set $spycameramiaevent to $spycameramiaevent+1>>\
As you open the app to check what's going on, you start hearing creaking noises coming out of Mia's and John's room..
<b>-"Are they.. Having sex..?"</b> Welp, you're about to find out! You navigate to the "Active cameras" section and open the feed..
<mia>-"T-take it you bitch!"</mia> Mia says as she's... Pegging John..
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\spy camera\31.webp" height="600px">
<b>-"Oh my god..."</b>
<<pageReplace "Keep watching..">>\
<blue>-"Mfgggg!! F-fuck!"</blue> Your $dad1 moans...
<<if $spycameramiawrongspot is true>>\
<mia>-"I bet he's watching.. Let's give him a good show!"</mia> She giggles as she glances at the camera..
<blue>-"MFgggGGff.. W-what are you talking about honey??"</blue>
<mia>-"Nothing! T-take this dick and shut up!"</mia> She continues to fuck him...
<mia>-"You like that huh? You like being fucked by a superior cock huh? Huh? HUH??"</mia> She shouts in between breaths.. They're so loud that you can hear them through the walls too..
<blue>-"Y-yesss honey.. I.. I love it!"</blue> Jeez.. You never knew that your $dad2 was so hardcore..
<mia>-"Cum for me you cuck! Cum for me!"</mia> She starts fucking him even faster.. As she's thrusting she starts jacking John off as well.. It's all too much for the poor man...
<blue>-"MMfffGGG ffFF-FuCCKKKkkK!"</blue>
<<pageReplace "Watch him cum..">>\
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\spy camera\32.webp" height="600px">
<mia>-"Take! This! Dick! You! Bitch!"</mia> John starts ejaculating all over the place..
<blue>-"MMffff... <i>*Pant*</i> F-fuck... <i>*Pant*</i>"</blue> <<if $toys==1>>Your cock throbs in it's cage at the though of Mia maybe... Doing the same to you?<<else>>Your cock throbs at the though of Mia maybe... Doing the same to you?<</if>>
Mia slowly takes out the dildo... A flood of lube comes pouring out of John's ass.. He falls to the ground as Mia takes off the strap on..
<mia>-"Good job baby.. You took it better than you usually do..."</mia> She sits down on the bed..
<mia>-"Off you go now, clean this whole mess up.."</mia>
<blue>-"Y-yes honey... Right away.."</blue> John stands up and puts on his underwear...
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\spy camera\33.webp" height="600px">
<mia>-"You've been such a good boy lately.. Keep it up and I'll allow you to watch me breed with a bull again..."</mia> She winks at John..
<blue>-"R-really? W-when?!"</blue>
<mia>-"Hahaha soon baby, soon, now go and bring me some tissues!"</mia>
<blue>-"R-right away!"</blue> John goes out of frame.. You hear the door open and close..
<<if $spycameramiawrongspot is true>>\
<mia>-"I hope you're watching $name... Next show will be just for you.."</mia> She winks..
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>\
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Close the app->room]]
<</pageReplace>>\<<set $day4 to $day>>\
<<set $spycameramiaevent to $spycameramiaevent+1>>\
<<if $spycameramiawrongspot is true>>\
<b>-"O-oh?"</b> You get surprised as your phone suddenly rings.
<b>-"Motion detected...?"</b> It seems like the spy camera has picked something up!
<b>-"Time for another session hehe!"</b> Before you could pull down your pants and relax, you hear your doorbell ring.
<mia>-"$name! Could you let them in?"</mia> Mia shouts from her room.
<b>-"Let who in?!"</b>
<mia>-"The men at the door!"</mia>
<b>-"Men... What men?"</b> You whisper as you stand up.
<b>-"Sure!"</b> After walking to your front door, you open it.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\spy camera\goon1.png">
<grey2>-"Hello. Is this where Mia resides?"</grey2> One of the men asks.
<b>-"Yes...? What do you need from her?"</b> As you ask, you hear someone walking down the stairs behind you.
<mia>-"Don't ask questions $name, I told you to just let them in."</mia> You turn around and see Mia.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\spy camera\goon2.jpg">
<grey>-"GOD DAMN! The pics didn't do her justice!"</grey> The men begin to laugh as they look at your $mo2.
<mia>-"No buts. Come in boys."</mia> They push you aside and walk inside.
<mia>-"Go upstairs, I'll be right with you."</mia> The men nod and walk up the stairs.
<b>-"W-who are they mom?"</b>
<mia>-"Take a peek through that camera of yours... You'll see."</mia> She winks and follow the men.
<b>-"Gulp... Holy shit."</b> Mia did tell you that she'll put on a show, but you didn't expect it so soon...
<<pageReplace"Go to your room.">>\
<b>-"NgHhhh..."</b> As humilating as that was, you're so turned on right now!
<grey>-"Beep!"</grey> You turn on your laptop in a flash.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\spy camera\goon3.jpg">
<b>-"Let's see..."</b> You wait for the computer to load.
<mia>-"Hiahahaha! S-stop guys!"</mia> Your $mo2 laughs fill the house.
<b>-"There..."</b> You plug in your headphones, so the voices don't echo.
<b>-"W-where is it, where is it?!"</b> After frantically looking for the camera feed app, you find it.
<b>-"T-there it is!"</b>
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\spy camera\goon4.jpg">
<mia>-"Well, are you watching?"</mia> Mia says as she stares straight into the camera.
<blue>-"W-who are you talking to honey?"</blue> You hear your fathers voice out of frame.
<mia>-"Someone behind that camera... Now grab it and give $him a good show, I'll tell you who $he is later."</mia>
<blue>-"Yes honey..."</blue> The camera begins to move as John takes it.
<<pageReplace"Continue to watch.">>\
<mia>-"MgHhhh... Such brutes... How impatient!"</mia> Mia moans as the men begin to grope her.
<grey>-"Thank you for inviting us, it's going to be a rough day for your pussy."</grey>
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\spy camera\goon5.webp">
<mia>-"ArgHhhh! See John? This is how you properly touch a woman...!"</mia> You $dad2 doesn't say a word, just keeps filming.
<mia>-"And you... Pay close attention too..."</mia> Mia looks at the camera while getting on her knees.
<b>-"Gulp... I am!"</b> You say outloud as you watch.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\spy camera\goon6.webp">
<mia>-"So biggg..."</mia> Your $mom1 moans as the men get their dicks out.
<b>-"Gosh... This is so hot!"</b> You get an overwhelming urge to jack off.
<<pageReplace"Do so.">>\
<<if $toys ==1>>\
<b>-"NgHhhh!"</b> You pull down your pants and look down.
<b>-"Awh shit...!"</b> You forgot once again... You're caged!
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\spy camera\goon7.jfif">
<b>-"Argghhhh... N-no!"</b> It won't stop you this time! You begin to rub your balls in a circular motion, hoping that it'll be enough to make you cum.
<b>-"NgHhhh!"</b> You pull down your pants and look down.
<b>-"Fuckkkk..."</b> Your little cock is rock hard!
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\spy camera\goon8.jpg">
<b>-"F-feels so good!"</b> You let out a yelp as you begin to slowly masturbate.
<mia>-"Gwahhhh! GuuwahhHH!"</mia> Mia begins to suck the men off.
<grey>-"Ohhhh good whore!"</grey> One the men says.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\spy camera\goon9.webp">
<mia>-"ArgHHhh! L-let me breathe!"</mia> Your $mo2 pleads with them, but another man grabs her head and shoves his cock inside.
<b>-"Wow... So brutal!"</b>
<<pageReplace"Continue to watch.">>\
<mia>-"RagwwHHhhh! G-gwwentlwweeee!"</mia> She tries her best to speak with a cock in her mouth.
<grey2>-"You invited us to show your husband how to breed you! Don't back out now!"</grey2>
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\spy camera\goon10.webp">
<blue>-"Fuck..."</blue> You hear a faint moan coming from John...
<grey>-"I'm going first!"</grey> One of the men starts to mount Mia's behind.
<grey3>-"Hell no you aint! I set this up, I go first!"</grey3>
<grey>-"Ughh... Fine!"</grey> The man sighs and walks to the side.
<grey3>-"Oh fuck yeah..."</grey3>
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\spy camera\goon11.webp">
<b>-"NgHhhhh!"</b> Your sensitive cock begins to ooze out precum.
<mia>-"YEessSSHhshhHhH!"</mia> Mia screams as she gets penetrated.
<<pageReplace"Check if your door is closed.">>\
<b>-"F-fuck..."</b> You take your eyes off of the screen for a second to check if your door is still closed.
<b>-"Yes... I'm safe..."</b> You begin to watch the live feed again.
<mia>-"NgHhhh!! S-swooo dweeepppp!"</mia>
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\spy camera\goon12.webp">
<grey3>-"Come here man, let's do our special."</grey3> The man fucking your mom says.
<grey>-"Fuck yeah..."</grey> Two men pick Mia up and penetrate both of her holes.
<mia>-"ArhGHhhhh! YesSHHhhh! Y-you're reaching where John never coulddddd! Nghhhhh!"</mia>
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\spy camera\goon13.webp">
<b>-"H-holy shit! The strength of those guys!"</b> You begin to jack off faster and faster.
<grey3>-"RaghHhhhh! I'm about to nut!"</grey3> A man screams.
<mia>-"YEahhhHH! UgHHhhhh!"</mia>
<<pageReplace"Try your best to last til the finale.">>
<b>-"S-shitt!"</b> You stop touching yourself for a second, in hopes that you'll last til the finale.
<mia>-"ArgHHhhh! A-are you enjoying this John? UgHhhhh! D-do you like seeing... NgGHhhhh... Your wife fucked by so many men?"</mia>
<blue>-"Y-yes honey..."</blue> Your $dad1 whispers as he holds the camera.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\spy camera\goon14.webp">
<grey3>-"MNgHhhhahhhh! Here it comes!"</grey3> The mans cock begins to throb as he unloads straight into your $mo2's womb.
<mia>-"YEssSSSsss! Fill me up baby!"</mia> She screams while continuing to suck the cock in front of her.
<b>-"O-oh my God..."</b> You whisper as you too inch closer and closer to a climax.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\spy camera\goon15.webp">
<grey3>-"Holy shittt... Didn't even know I could shoot loads that big! Ghahaha!"</grey3>
<<pageReplace"Jack off quicker.">>\
<grey>-"NgHhhhh! I'm cumming tooooo!"</grey>
<grey2>-"MgHhhH! S-same here!"</grey2> As the men begin to shout, you also start to jack off quicker.
<mia>-"Come on! On my face everybody! S-shower me with your semen!"</mia> Mia shouts as she gets on her knees.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\spy camera\goon16.webp">
<mia>-"NGHhhhh! B-bring the camera closer hubby, give $him a good view..."</mia>
<blue>-"Y-yes... But, will you finally tell me who's watching?"</blue> As the final drops of cum hit her face, Mia smiles.
<mia>-"Your <<if $him =="him">>son, $name... That's who.<<else>>daughter, $name... That's who.<</if>>"</mia> The men's eyes grow wide.
<b>-"NgHhhhhH! N-nooooo!"</b> Right as Mia says it, you bust your load...
<<if $toys==1>>\
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\spy camera\goon18.webp">
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\spy camera\goon19.webp">
<grey3>-"Ghahaha! Now this is one fucked up family!"</grey3>
<b>-"NgHhhhh!"</b> You ejaculate all over yourself as Mia outs you...
<blue>-"No way! Y-you're lying!"</blue> John quickly turns off the camera...
<b>-"S-shit!"</b> You sigh as the feed goes black...
<b>-"Nghhhh... I can't believe she told him."</b> You sit up in your bed.
<b>-"H-hopefully he won't hold it against me."</b> Time to clean up the mess you've made.
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Clean up->room]]
<b>-"O-oh?"</b> You get surprised as your phone suddenly rings.
<b>-"Motion detected...?"</b> It seems like the spy camera has picked something up!
<b>-"Time for another session hehe!"</b> Before you could pull down your pants and relax, you hear your doorbell ring.
<mia>-"$name! Could you let them in?"</mia> Mia shouts from her room.
<b>-"Let who in?!"</b>
<mia>-"The men at the door!"</mia>
<b>-"Men... What men?"</b> You whisper as you stand up.
<b>-"Sure!"</b> After walking to your front door, you open it.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\spy camera\goon1.png">
<grey2>-"Hello. Is this where Mia resides?"</grey2> One of the men asks.
<b>-"Yes...? What do you need from her?"</b> As you ask, you hear someone walking down the stairs behind you.
<mia>-"Don't ask questions $name, I told you to just let them in."</mia> You turn around and see Mia.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\spy camera\goon2.jpg">
<grey>-"GOD DAMN! The pics didn't do her justice!"</grey> The men begin to laugh as they look at your $mo2.
<mia>-"No buts. Come in boys."</mia> They push you aside and walk inside.
<mia>-"Go upstairs, I'll be right with you."</mia> The men nod and walk up the stairs.
<b>-"W-who are they mom?"</b>
<mia>-"Hmph... You'll know soon enough."</mia> She winks and follow the men.
<b>-"Gulp... What is that supposed to mean...?"</b>
<<pageReplace"Go to your room.">>\
<b>-"NgHhhh..."</b> As humilating as that was, you're so turned on right now!
<b>-"I-I bet I could see something through that camera!"</b>
<grey>-"Beep!"</grey> You turn on your laptop in a flash.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\spy camera\goon3.jpg">
<b>-"Let's see..."</b> You wait for the computer to load.
<mia>-"Hiahahaha! S-stop guys!"</mia> Your $mo2 laughs fill the house.
<b>-"There..."</b> You plug in your headphones, so the voices don't echo.
<b>-"W-where is it, where is it?!"</b> After frantically looking for the camera feed app, you find it.
<b>-"T-there it is!"</b>
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\spy camera\goon4.jpg">
<mia>-"Well, are you watching?"</mia> Mia says as she stares straight into the camera.
<blue>-"W-who are you talking to honey?"</blue> You hear your fathers voice out of frame.
<mia>-"Someone behind that camera... Now grab it and give $him a good show, I'll tell you who $he is later."</mia>
<b>-"No way she knows... R-right?"</b>
<blue>-"Yes honey..."</blue> The camera begins to move as John takes it.
<<pageReplace"Continue to watch.">>\
<mia>-"MgHhhh... Such brutes... How impatient!"</mia> Mia moans as the men begin to grope her.
<grey>-"Thank you for inviting us, it's going to be a rough day for your pussy."</grey>
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\spy camera\goon5.webp">
<mia>-"ArgHhhh! See John? This is how you properly touch a woman...!"</mia> You $dad2 doesn't say a word, just keeps filming.
<mia>-"And you... Pay close attention too..."</mia> Mia looks at the camera while getting on her knees.
<b>-"Gulp... So hot!"</b> You say outloud as you watch.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\spy camera\goon6.webp">
<mia>-"So biggg..."</mia> Your $mom1 moans as the men get their dicks out.
<b>-"Gosh...!"</b> You get an overwhelming urge to jack off.
<<pageReplace"Do so.">>\
<<if $toys ==1>>\
<b>-"NgHhhh!"</b> You pull down your pants and look down.
<b>-"Awh shit...!"</b> You forgot once again... You're caged!
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\spy camera\goon7.jfif">
<b>-"Argghhhh... N-no!"</b> It won't stop you this time! You begin to rub your balls in a circular motion, hoping that it'll be enough to make you cum.
<b>-"NgHhhh!"</b> You pull down your pants and look down.
<b>-"Fuckkkk..."</b> Your little cock is rock hard!
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\spy camera\goon8.jpg">
<b>-"F-feels so good!"</b> You let out a yelp as you begin to slowly masturbate.
<mia>-"Gwahhhh! GuuwahhHH!"</mia> Mia begins to suck the men off.
<grey>-"Ohhhh good whore!"</grey> One the men says.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\spy camera\goon9.webp">
<mia>-"ArgHHhh! L-let me breathe!"</mia> Your $mo2 pleads with them, but another man grabs her head and shoves his cock inside.
<b>-"Wow... So brutal!"</b>
<<pageReplace"Continue to watch.">>\
<mia>-"RagwwHHhhh! G-gwwentlwweeee!"</mia> She tries her best to speak with a cock in her mouth.
<grey2>-"You invited us to show your husband how to breed you! Don't back out now!"</grey2>
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\spy camera\goon10.webp">
<blue>-"Fuck..."</blue> You hear a faint moan coming from John...
<grey>-"I'm going first!"</grey> One of the men starts to mount Mia's behind.
<grey3>-"Hell no you aint! I set this up, I go first!"</grey3>
<grey>-"Ughh... Fine!"</grey> The man sighs and walks to the side.
<grey3>-"Oh fuck yeah..."</grey3>
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\spy camera\goon11.webp">
<b>-"NgHhhhh!"</b> Your sensitive cock begins to ooze out precum.
<mia>-"YEessSSHhshhHhH!"</mia> Mia screams as she gets penetrated.
<<pageReplace"Check if your door is closed.">>\
<b>-"F-fuck..."</b> You take your eyes off of the screen for a second to check if your door is still closed.
<b>-"Yes... I'm safe..."</b> You begin to watch the live feed again.
<mia>-"NgHhhh!! S-swooo dweeepppp!"</mia>
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\spy camera\goon12.webp">
<grey3>-"Come here man, let's do our special."</grey3> The man fucking your mom says.
<grey>-"Fuck yeah..."</grey> Two men pick Mia up and penetrate both of her holes.
<mia>-"ArhGHhhhh! YesSHHhhh! Y-you're reaching where John never coulddddd! Nghhhhh!"</mia>
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\spy camera\goon13.webp">
<b>-"H-holy shit! The strength of those guys!"</b> You begin to jack off faster and faster.
<grey3>-"RaghHhhhh! I'm about to nut!"</grey3> A man screams.
<mia>-"YEahhhHH! UgHHhhhh!"</mia>
<<pageReplace"Try your best to last til the finale.">>
<b>-"S-shitt!"</b> You stop touching yourself for a second, in hopes that you'll last til the finale.
<mia>-"ArgHHhhh! A-are you enjoying this John? UgHhhhh! D-do you like seeing... NgGHhhhh... Your wife fucked by so many men?"</mia>
<blue>-"Y-yes honey..."</blue> Your $dad1 whispers as he holds the camera.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\spy camera\goon14.webp">
<grey3>-"MNgHhhhahhhh! Here it comes!"</grey3> The mans cock begins to throb as he unloads straight into your $mo2's womb.
<mia>-"YEssSSSsss! Fill me up baby!"</mia> She screams while continuing to suck the cock in front of her.
<b>-"O-oh my God..."</b> You whisper as you too inch closer and closer to a climax.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\spy camera\goon15.webp">
<grey3>-"Holy shittt... Didn't even know I could shoot loads that big! Ghahaha!"</grey3>
<<pageReplace"Jack off quicker.">>\
<grey>-"NgHhhhh! I'm cumming tooooo!"</grey>
<grey2>-"MgHhhH! S-same here!"</grey2> As the men begin to shout, you also start to jack off quicker.
<mia>-"Come on! On my face everybody! S-shower me with your semen!"</mia> Mia shouts as she gets on her knees.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\spy camera\goon16.webp">
<mia>-"NGHhhhh! B-bring the camera closer hubby, give $him a good view..."</mia>
<blue>-"Y-yes... But, will you finally tell me who's watching?"</blue> As the final drops of cum hit her face, Mia smiles.
<mia>-"Your <<if $him =="him">>son, $name... That's who.<<else>>daughter, $name... That's who.<</if>>"</mia> The men's eyes grow wide.
<b>-"H-huhhh?? She knows?!"</b> Right as Mia says it, you bust your load...
<<if $toys==1>>\
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\spy camera\goon18.webp">
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\spy camera\goon19.webp">
<grey3>-"Ghahaha! Now this is one fucked up family!"</grey3>
<mia>-"Yes $name... I know... Who else could it be?"</mia> She grins while staring at the camera.
<b>-"NgHhhhh!"</b> You ejaculate all over yourself as Mia outs you...
<blue>-"No way! Y-you're lying!"</blue> John quickly turns off the camera...
<b>-"S-shit!"</b> You sigh as the feed goes black...
<b>-"Nghhhh... I can't believe she knew... And told my fucking $dad2!"</b> You sit up in your bed.
<b>-"H-hopefully he won't hold it against me."</b> Time to clean up the mess you've made.
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Clean up->room]]
<</if>>\<<set $day4 to $day>>\
<<set $spycameramiaevent to $spycameramiaevent+1>>\
<grey>-"Brrrr... Brrrr!"</grey> Your phone begins vibrating.
<b>-"Oh?"</b> You pick it up and check the notifications.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\spy camera\gooner9.jpg">
<b>-"Agh! The camera detected some movement!"</b> As soon as you read the words, your cock begins to throb.
<b>-"H-holy shit... Let's see..."</b> You can't hear anything coming from Mia's room - she has the door closed.
<b>-"I-I wonder if she's getting fucked again!"</b> After grabbing your laptop, you lay down on the bed and open the camera's feed.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\spy camera\gooner2.webp">
<mia>-"R-ragHhhhh! Say it!"</mia> It's the other way around!
<<pageReplace"Watch them...">>
<blue>-"NGHhhhhH!"</blue> Your $dad2 moans after each thrust.
<mia>-"I said say it!"</mia> Mia slaps his ass and begins to speed up.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\spy camera\gooner1.webp">
<blue>-"ArgHhhhh... I-I raised a loser... NgHHhhh... W-who watches you cuck me!"</blue>
<mia>-"GrraagHHhh! That's right!"</mia> She slaps his butt again.
<mia>-"I bet $he's watching again..."</mia> She turns the head towards the camera.
<mia>-"Am I right, $name?"</mia>
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\spy camera\gooner3.webp">
<b>-"F-fuck... NghHhhh..."</b> You feel your underwear get warm...
<mia>-"Ghahahaha! Keep going down this path and you'll be in John's place soon!"</mia>
<<pageReplace"Look down at your crotch.">>
<mia>-"Now be a good pet and move the camera, so $name get's a better look!"</mia> Mia says.
<blue>-"Y-yes!"</blue> As John is moving the camera, you look down at your warm crotch.
<b>-"O-oh fuck..."</b> You leaked precum!
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\spy camera\gooner4.png">
<b>-"G-god damnit..."</b> You take out your <<if $toys==1>>caged cock and begin to rub your balls.<<else>>rock hard cock and begin to jack off.<</if>>
<blue>-"ArgHhhhh... I-I'm close!"</blue> Your $dad1 moans as his ass gets pounded.
<mia>-"Ghahahaha! Good!"</mia>
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\spy camera\gooner5.webp">
<mia>-"Here, grab the camera! Show $name his future!"</mia> Mia hands the camera to John and he lays down on his back.
<blue>-"NgHhhhh!"</blue> Your $mom1 inserts the dildo into his anus again.
<<pageReplace"Continue to watch...">>
<blue>-"ARgHHhhh! H-here I comeeeeEEEee!"</blue> His voice cracks as he begins to ejaculate.
<mia>-"Come on honey! Show him how inferior you are! D-do it! Cum!"</mia> She shouts as she destroys his ass.
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\spy camera\gooner7.webp">
<blue>-"MghHhhh! Y-yesSssHHhhh!"</blue> After a good 10 seconds, his stomach is completely covered in semen.
<mia>-"Did you enjoy your reward, pet?"</mia>
<blue>-"Y-yes honey!"</blue> Mia looks into the camera.
<mia>-"I hope you enjoyed watching..."</mia>
<img src="Images\Events\Mia events\spy camera\gooner8.jpg">
<mia>-"Hah, loser..."</mia> The feed goes dark as she turns off the camera.
<b>-"F-fuck!"</b> You didn't have enough time to cum!
<b>-"NgHhhh..."</b> Your cock is throbbing, aching for release! Time to watch some porn.
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Watch some porn->Open the laptop]]
<</pageReplace>><<set $day4 to $day>>\
<<set $spycamerasistersevent to $spycamerasistersevent+1>>\
You open the spy camera app on your phone and finally see something. It's Ava... masturbating..
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\spy camera\20999678.webp" width="600px">
<b>-"That's so hot!"</b> You think to yourself as you hide behind the sheets and pull down your pants.
<sister>-"Mnghhh... J-josh..."</sister> Josh...? Who's Josh?
As you're watching you start hearing a weird noise.. It sounds like Ava's door is opening, but she doesn't seem bothered by it at all?
<sister>-"Heyyy!"</sister> It's Kaley!
<b>-"Oh my god! Kaley just caught Ava masturbating!"</b> You think to yourself. You're excited for the drama that's about to unfold.
<sister>-"Oh.. you already started without me?!"</sister> Kaley asks.
<sister>-"Mghhh.. I-I'm sorry.. I Couldn't stop myself!"</sister>
<<pageReplace "Continue watching" t8n>>\
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\spy camera\26053715.webp" width="600px">
Kaley removes her bra and jumps on top of the bed.
<sister>-"Come one, pull it out!"</sister> Kaley looks at Ava. Your $sister turns around, opens a drawer and pulls out a double sided dildo!
<sister>-"Mghh... if you insist..."</sister> Ava whispers as she pours lube on top of the dildo.
<sister>-"Y-you ready?"</sister>
<sister>-"Y-yeah.."</sister> Both of them mount the dildo from different sides.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\spy camera\ezgif-2-bf83978e58.webp">
<sister>-"NghhhHHH.. F-fuckkKKK.."</sister> Ava moans.
<sister>-"Jeez.. NGHhhHh... did you... h-hook up.. mghhhHHH.. w-with anyone at the p-party..."</sister> Kaley asks while she pounds the dildo with her ass. You can't believe what you're watching, your own $sisters masturbating together right before your eyes.
<sister>-"Y-yeah.. w-with Josh..."</sister>
<sister>-"AwwhhHH I-I heard.. MghHHH.. h-he's good!"</sister>
<sister>-"F-f-fucckKKKCkkcckKKKKK"</sister> Kaley screams while quivering like crazy.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\spy camera\27999479.webp" height="450px">
<sister>-"NghhhHH...G-god I lo-"</sister> The feed cuts to black... did it lose connection?
<b>-"Jesus that was so hot.."</b> You whisper to yourself as you look down to see your throbbing dick, you need to watch some porn ASAP!
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Watch some porn->Open the laptop]]
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<</pageReplace>>\<<set $day4 to $day>>\
<<set $spycamerasistersevent to $spycamerasistersevent+1>>\
<<if $spycamerasisterswrongspot is true>>\
You open the spy camera app and you can already see that the action has started. You put on your headphones and hide under the sheets.. It's Kaley!
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\spy camera\ezgif-2-06ee891df9.webp">
<b>-"The camera is right in front of her, how does she not see it?! BEST PURCHASE EVER!"</b> You whisper to yourself as you're giggling.
<sister>-"Nghhh... f-fuckk...."</sister>
She starts to pick up speed, going faster and faster with each stroke.
<b>-"Jeez that thing is giant.. It's crazy that she can take it all... I can't even compare.."</b> You ponder.
<<pageReplace "Continue watching">>\
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\spy camera\ezgif-2-5f190525c6.webp">
You can see her legs start to shake from the intense pleasure.. this is the best!
<sister>-"NghhhHHHH... F-fuuckkkKKKK"</sister> She moans out. Right as she's about to cum, she looks up towards the camera and stops..
<sister>-"Is that..."</sister> She spotted it!
<b>-"F-fuck! Hiding it in plain sight was not the play!"</b> You think to yourself as you continue to watch the feed.
<sister>-"HAHAHA it is, the loser is spying on me!"</sister> She laughs and picks up the camera.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\spy camera\29552421.webp" height="600px">
<sister>-"Ava, take a look at this!"</sister> She laughs while walking towards the bathroom, where Ava is taking a shower. Right before she gets inside.. the camera shuts off...
You have no balls to confront her about it.. you decide to just wait and see where this goes..
<<set $submissive to $submissive+1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Close the app->room]]
You open the spy camera app and you can already see that the action has started. You put on your headphones and hide under the sheets.. It's Kaley!
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\spy camera\ezgif-2-06ee891df9.webp">
<b>-"The camera is right in front of her, how does she not see it?! BEST PURCHASE EVER!"</b> You whisper to yourself as you're giggling.
<sister>-"Nghhh... f-fuckk...."</sister>
She starts to pick up speed, going faster and faster with each stroke.
<b>-"Jeez that thing is giant.. It's crazy that she can take it all... I can't even compare.."</b> You ponder.
<<pageReplace "Continue watching">>\
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\spy camera\ezgif-2-5f190525c6.webp">
You can see her legs start to shake from the intense pleasure.. this is the best!
<sister>-"F-fuck.. J-joshhhh NghHHH"</sister>
<b>-"It's that Josh character again.. w-who is he..."</b> You whisper.
<sister>-"MGhhhhHHHH.. God damniitttt..!!"</sister> She pulls out another toy and puts it against her clitoris.
<sister>-"F-fuck fuck fuck fUUUCCKKKkKKK nGHHHHHHH"</sister> She screams so loud that you can hear her in real life as well.
<<pageReplace "Watch Kaley cum">>\
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\spy camera\ezgif-2-584cb5a3b8.webp">
<sister>-"UNNNGHHHHhhhHHHHH.. J-jesuss..."</sister> She pants as she lays her head on the bed from pleasure.
<b>-"J-jeez... t-that was so hot.. I need to see more..."</b> You think to yourself.
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>\
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
[[Close the app->room]]
<</if>>\<<set $day4 to $day>>\
<<set $spycamerasistersevent to $spycamerasistersevent+1>>\
<<if $spycamerasisterswrongspot is true>>\
You open up the app and go to the "Active cameras" section.. As you open up the feed, you're greeted by Ava... She's in the bath..
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\spy camera\32.webp" height="600px">
<b>-"So hot.. But wait.. I set up the camera in the their room.. Not in the shower..."</b> You remember that Kaley spotted your camera last time.. She must have told Ava..
<sister>-"Mfffggghh f-fuck.."</sister> Ava moans as her fingers go in and out.. As freaked out as you are, you can't lie... This is pretty hot!
<b>-"I can't complain.."</b><<if $toys ==0>>You start touching yourself while watching your own $sister...<<else>>You start touching yourself while watching your own $sister... Your chastity cage doesn't let you get close though..<</if>>
<sister>-"I hope you're watching $name.. Look at your own $sister fucking herself.."</sister>
<b>-"F-fuck.."</b> You whisper..
<<pageReplace "Continue watching..">>\
<sister>-"S-spying on me... Gosh you're horrible.. Nfffgggffff!"</sister> She increases the speed.. Eventually she cums..
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\spy camera\33.webp" height="600px">
<sister>-"Uuuuuugghhhhhh FuuCKKKKK!"</sister> She shouts as you hear the water splash around her..
<b>-"This is so hot.. W-why is she doing this though..."</b> Ava stands up and takes the camera.. After putting it on the sink she starts rinsing her hair..
<sister>-"Heheh did you like that?"</sister> She whispers..
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\spy camera\31.webp" height="600px">
<sister>-"I really hope you're watching.. Kaley told me everything.. I knew that you're a loser... Never thought that you're this desperate though.."</sister> She smiles and touches her chest..
<sister>-"Tune in next time.. I'm going to put on a show justttt for you.."</sister>
Ava takes the camera and kisses it..
<sister>-"Bye bye!"</sister> She giggles and turns it off..
<b>-"What does she mean.."</b> You whisper to yourself.. I guess you'll have to find out on your own...
[[Close the app->room]]
You open up the app and go to the "Active cameras" section.. As you open up the feed, you're greeted by Ava... She's in the bath..
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\spy camera\32.webp" height="600px">
<b>-"So hot.. But wait.. I set up the camera in the their room.. Not in the shower... HUH???"</b> You start panicking.. Someone must have moved the camera!
<sister>-"Mfffggghh f-fuck.."</sister> Ava moans as her fingers go in and out.. As freaked out as you are, you can't lie... This is pretty hot!
<b>-"W-well.. I'll figure it out later.."</b><<if $toys ==0>>You start touching yourself while watching your own $sister...<<else>>You start touching yourself while watching your own $sister... Your chastity cage doesn't let you get close though..<</if>>
<sister>-"F-fuck.. I hope you're watching.. Mffggff..."</sister>
<b>-"Okay what the fuck... She knows that I'm watching..???"</b> You whisper..
<<pageReplace "Continue watching..">>\
<sister>-"F-fuck.. S-spying on me... Gosh you're horrible.. Nfffgggffff!"</sister> She increases the speed.. Eventually she cums..
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\spy camera\33.webp" height="600px">
<sister>-"Uuuuuugghhhhhh FuuCKKKKK!"</sister> She shouts as you hear the water splash around her..
<b>-"This is so hot.. W-why is she doing this though..."</b> Ava stands up and takes the camera.. After putting it on the sink she starts rinsing her hair..
<sister>-"Heheh did you like that?"</sister> She whispers..
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\spy camera\31.webp" height="600px">
<sister>-"Hehe spying on me like that... Whoever you are.. You're in for a show baby! I hope you tune in when I'm getting my back blown out by someone..! Haha what a loser you must be!"</sister> S-she doesn't think it was me? W-who else could it be.. John? You don't know..
Ava takes the camera and kisses it..
<sister>-"Bye bye!"</sister> She giggles and turns it off... She knows that someone is spying on her but it doesn't bother her.. Well at least she doesn't know that it was you..
[[Close the app->room]]
<</if>>\<<set $day4 to $day>>\
<<set $spycamerasistersevent to $spycamerasistersevent+1>>\
<<if $spycamerasisterswrongspot is true>>\
<b>-"Hmph..."</b> You stare out of your window.
<b>-"It wasn't there a minute ago..."</b> There's a car in your driveway... You didn't even hear it pull up.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\spy camera\bomboclat1.jpg">
<b>-"W-whatever, maybe Mia has someone over."</b> You shrug your shoulders and sit down.
<grey>-"Beep! Beep!"</grey> Your phone vibrates.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\spy camera\bomboclat2.jpg">
<b>-"Fuck yeah..."</b> The spy camera has detected some movement! Time to have some fun!
<<pageReplace"Lay down.">>
<b>-"Ghehehe, let's see..."</b> You grab your laptop and lay down.
<b>-"There it is..."</b> You find the camera's software on your PC and open it.
<sister>-"I'm so glad you guys came... Nghhhh..."</sister> Your sisters moans immediately ring out.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\spy camera\bomboclat3.webp">
<b>-"W-woah! Where did they come from?!"</b> You didn't even know that there were these men in your house!
<grey>-"We couldn't say no to a fucking..."</grey> One of the men says as Ava sits down on the bed.
<b>-"The car must be theirs then."</b>
<sister>-"Come here..."</sister> As you watch, your $sister begins to slowly suck one of the cocks.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\spy camera\bomboclat4.webp">
<sister>-"Guahhh.. Guhhh! S-swo bwiggg!"</sister> Your cock begins to throb as you watch the feed.
<b>-"NgHHhh... Shit..."</b>
<<pageReplace"Pull down your pants.">>
<sister>-"GwuahhH! NgHhhhh!"</sister> Ava begins to suck the second man off.
<b>-"T-this is so hot!"</b> You quickly pull down your pants.
<<if $toys==1>>\
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\spy camera\bomboclat6.jfif">
<b>-"Awhhh shit!"</b> You totally forgot you were cage!
<b>-"I guess I'll just get to watch... Still better than nothing."</b> A spurt of precum leaves the chastity cage as you continue to stare at the screen.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\spy camera\bomboclat5.jpg">
<b>-"Awwhhh! GrHhhh!"</b> You're completely hard as a rock!
<b>-"G-gentle!"</b> While it throbs, you slowly begin to jack off. It hurts at first, but it begins to feel good not long after.
<grey>-"Come on slut... Get on top."</grey> One of the men lay down.
<sister>-"YesssshHhhH!"</sister> She slowly mounts his cock.
<sister>-"ArGHhhhH! S-slowww downnnn!"</sister> Without warning, he begins to pound her pussy into oblivion.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\spy camera\bomboclat7.webp">
<grey>-"Is that a camera I see?"</grey> The second man points at you through the screen.
<sister>-"NgHHhh... D-don't worry about it! It's a long story!"</sister>
<<pageReplace"Try your best not to cum.">>
<grey>-"Come here..."</grey> The second guy grabs Ava and pushes her over onto the bed.
<grey2>-"H-hey! I was using her!"</grey2>
<grey>-"Too bad! My turn!"</grey> He penetrates your $sister.
<sister>-"ArgHHhhH! YEsssHhhH!"</sister>
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\spy camera\bomboclat8.webp">
<grey>-"NghHhh! Good girl!"</grey>
<b>-"Shitttt..."</b> <<if $toys==1>>You want to cum, but the cage doesn't let you...<<else>>You try your best not to bust just yet!<</if>>
<grey>-"RaghHhh! Come here!"</grey> He grabs Ava's legs and pins them over her head.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\spy camera\bomboclat10.webp">
<sister>-"YESSsssSSS!"</sister> She screams as her legs quiver... She's climaxing.
<grey>-"FucKkkggg! I'm closeee!"</grey> The man screams as his hips speed up even more.
<<pageReplace"Continue to watch.">>
<sister>-"Come on! On my face!"</sister> Ava says as the man gets off of her.
<grey>-"GrgghHhhH!"</grey> She gets on her knees and begins to suck him off.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\spy camera\bomboclat11.webp">
<grey>-"ARgHHhhhH!"</grey> The man unloads on your $sisters face.
<sister>-"NgHhhh! Soooo warmmm..."</sister>
<b>-"NGhHhhH!"</b> Watching her feels so good... It feels like you're about to cum too!
<sister>-"A-ahem... Did you enjoy the show, $name?"</sister> She turns to the camera.
<b>-"W-what?!"</b> You stop what you're doing and just stare at her...
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\spy camera\bomboclat12.webp">
<sister>-"That's right, I know it's you. Who else would it be?"</sister> She begins to lick up the cum.
<grey2>-"Who's that?"</grey2> The second man walks into frame, with his cock still hard.
<sister>-"Hmph... Don't worry about it. Let's finish you off."</sister> Ava blows a the camera a kiss and gets on the bed.
<b>-"..."</b> You feel sick... But at the same time - so fucking horny!
<<pageReplace"Look down at your cock.">>
<sister>-"ArghHhhh! Shittt!"</sister> Your sister screams as she gets penetrated again.
<b>-"W-what is this feeling...?"</b> You feel something warm on your crotch, so you look down.
<<if $toys ==1>>\
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\spy camera\bomboclat13.webp">
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\spy camera\bomboclat14.webp">
<b>-"H-holy fuck!"</b> You came without touching it!
<sister>-"YeshHhhH! Fuck meee!"</sister>
<b>-"..."</b> As even more semen pours out of your cock, you glance back at the screen.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\spy camera\bomboclat9.webp">
<b>-"Shitttt... I need to clean up."</b> You close the laptop and put it to the side.
<b>-"I... I can't believe she found out it was me! Fuck!"</b> Time to clean the mess that you've made.
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Clean up->room]]
<b>-"Hmph..."</b> You stare out of your window.
<b>-"It wasn't there a minute ago..."</b> There's a car in your driveway... You didn't even hear it pull up.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\spy camera\bomboclat1.jpg">
<b>-"W-whatever, maybe Mia has someone over."</b> You shrug your shoulders and sit down.
<grey>-"Beep! Beep!"</grey> Your phone vibrates.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\spy camera\bomboclat2.jpg">
<b>-"Fuck yeah..."</b> The spy camera has detected some movement! Time to have some fun!
<<pageReplace"Lay down.">>
<b>-"Ghehehe, let's see..."</b> You grab your laptop and lay down.
<b>-"There it is..."</b> You find the camera's software on your PC and open it.
<sister>-"I'm so glad you guys came... Nghhhh..."</sister> Your sisters moans immediately ring out.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\spy camera\bomboclat3.webp">
<b>-"W-woah! Where did they come from?!"</b> You didn't even know that there were these men in your house!
<grey>-"We couldn't say no to a fucking..."</grey> One of the men says as Ava sits down on the bed.
<b>-"The car must be theirs then."</b>
<sister>-"Come here..."</sister> As you watch, your $sister begins to slowly suck one of the cocks.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\spy camera\bomboclat4.webp">
<sister>-"Guahhh.. Guhhh! S-swo bwiggg!"</sister> Your cock begins to throb as you watch the feed.
<b>-"NgHHhh... Shit..."</b>
<<pageReplace"Pull down your pants.">>
<sister>-"GwuahhH! NgHhhhh!"</sister> Ava begins to suck the second man off.
<b>-"T-this is so hot!"</b> You quickly pull down your pants.
<<if $toys==1>>\
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\spy camera\bomboclat6.jfif">
<b>-"Awhhh shit!"</b> You totally forgot you were cage!
<b>-"I guess I'll just get to watch... Still better than nothing."</b> A spurt of precum leaves the chastity cage as you continue to stare at the screen.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\spy camera\bomboclat5.jpg">
<b>-"Awwhhh! GrHhhh!"</b> You're completely hard as a rock!
<b>-"G-gentle!"</b> While it throbs, you slowly begin to jack off. It hurts at first, but it begins to feel good not long after.
<grey>-"Come on slut... Get on top."</grey> One of the men lay down.
<sister>-"YesssshHhhH!"</sister> She slowly mounts his cock.
<sister>-"ArGHhhhH! S-slowww downnnn!"</sister> Without warning, he begins to pound her pussy into oblivion.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\spy camera\bomboclat7.webp">
<grey>-"Is that a camera I see?"</grey> The second man points at you through the screen.
<sister>-"NgHHhh... D-don't worry about it! It's a long story!"</sister>
<<pageReplace"Try your best not to cum.">>
<grey>-"Come here..."</grey> The second guy grabs Ava and pushes her over onto the bed.
<grey2>-"H-hey! I was using her!"</grey2>
<grey>-"Too bad! My turn!"</grey> He penetrates your $sister.
<sister>-"ArgHHhhH! YEsssHhhH!"</sister>
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\spy camera\bomboclat8.webp">
<grey>-"NghHhh! Good girl!"</grey>
<b>-"Shitttt..."</b> <<if $toys==1>>You want to cum, but the cage doesn't let you...<<else>>You try your best not to bust just yet!<</if>>
<grey>-"RaghHhh! Come here!"</grey> He grabs Ava's legs and pins them over her head.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\spy camera\bomboclat10.webp">
<sister>-"YESSsssSSS!"</sister> She screams as her legs quiver... She's climaxing.
<grey>-"FucKkkggg! I'm closeee!"</grey> The man screams as his hips speed up even more.
<<pageReplace"Continue to watch.">>
<sister>-"Come on! On my face!"</sister> Ava says as the man gets off of her.
<grey>-"GrgghHhhH!"</grey> She gets on her knees and begins to suck him off.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\spy camera\bomboclat11.webp">
<grey>-"ARgHHhhhH!"</grey> The man unloads on your $sisters face.
<sister>-"NgHhhh! Soooo warmmm..."</sister>
<b>-"NGhHhhH!"</b> Watching her feels so good... It feels like you're about to cum too!
<sister>-"A-ahem... Did you enjoy the show, $name?"</sister> She turns to the camera.
<b>-"FUckKkk... I did..."</b> You mumble back at the screen.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\spy camera\bomboclat12.webp">
<sister>-"Hihihihi... My little cuck."</sister> She begins to lick up the cum.
<grey2>-"Who's that?"</grey2> The second man walks into frame, with his cock still hard.
<sister>-"Hmph... Don't worry about it. Let's finish you off."</sister> Ava blows a the camera a kiss and gets on the bed.
<b>-"..."</b> You were so focused on the screen, you totally forgot to masturbate.
<b>-"Hmph..."</b> But your crotch feels awfully warm... How weird!
<<pageReplace"Look down.">>
<sister>-"ArghHhhh! Shittt!"</sister> Your sister screams as she gets penetrated again.
<b>-"W-what is this feeling...?"</b> You look down.
<<if $toys ==1>>\
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\spy camera\bomboclat13.webp">
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\spy camera\bomboclat14.webp">
<b>-"H-holy fuck!"</b> You came without touching it!
<sister>-"YeshHhhH! Fuck meee!"</sister>
<b>-"..."</b> As even more semen pours out of your cock, you glance back at the screen.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\spy camera\bomboclat9.webp">
<b>-"Shitttt... I need to clean up."</b> You close the laptop and put it to the side.
<b>-"God damnit... So much cum."</b> Time to clean the mess that you've made.
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Clean up->room]]
<</if>><<set $day4 to $day>>\
<<set $spycamerasistersevent to $spycamerasistersevent+1>>\
<<if $spycamerasisterswrongspot is true>>\
<grey>-"Beep... Beep!"</grey> Your phone vibrates.
<b>-"Ah, the spy camera picked something up again!"</b> Your eyes grow wide as you run to your computer.
<b>-"I thought Ava would throw the camera away after she found out it was me behind it... I guess not?"</b> You wonder as you grab the laptop, lay down and open the feed.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\spy camera\bromboclat1.webp">
<sister>-"MGhHhhh... Am I not right?"</sister> It seems like she was already talking before you tuned in.
<b>-"FucKKkk... So hot."</b> You immediately get a boner as you watch your $sister take off her bra.
<sister>-"Hmph, I bet you want to see these beauties..."</sister>
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\spy camera\bromboclat2.webp">
<b>-"Let's do this..."</b> Time to bust a nut!
<<pageReplace"Lower your pants.">>
<<if $toys==1>>\
<b>-"Yeah, we're not doing that..."</b> You tell yourself as you lower your pants and see that your cock is caged.
<grey>-"Click!"</grey> You unlock it and put it to the side.
<b>-"I want to have some fun today!"</b>
<b>-"Fuckkkk! So hard!"</b> You have a hard time removing your underwear because of your boner...
<b>-"NghHh..."</b> A spurt of precum leaves your pathetic cock as it throbs.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\spy camera\bromboclat3.jpg">
<sister>-"MgHhhh! T-time for something more fun!"</sister> You hear Ava say as you look at the screen.
<b>-"W-wow!"</b> She's got a dildo in her hands!
<sister>-"FucKkkk!"</sister> She slowly inserts it inside as you begin to jack off.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\spy camera\bromboclat4.webp">
<b>-"Holy shit that's hot!"</b> Suddenly, the door to your room slowly opens...
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\spy camera\bromboclat5.jpeg">
<b>-"H-huh?! Who's there!?"</b> You quickly throw your bedsheets on your crotch.
<<pageReplace"Wait for the door to fully open.">>
<sister>-"Heh, me..."</sister> Your younger $sister steps inside.
<b>-"K-Kaley?! What are you doing here?!"</b>
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\spy camera\bromboclat6.jpg">
<sister>-"Hmph... I could ask you the same thing."</sister> She points at your PC... The feed is still open.
<b>-"O-oh shit! I can explain!"</b> As you close the laptop, Kaley climbs onto the bed.
<sister>-"Sure you can buddy..."</sister>
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\spy camera\bromboclat7.jpg">
<b>-"I was... I was just looking out for you guys! I-installed the camera for security reasons!"</b>
<sister>-"Mhmmmm... You sure it was not because you wanted to spy on your little $sisters?"</sister> Kaley gets closer, throws the sheets to the side and grabs your cock.
<b>-"NgHHh! N-no!"</b> Her touch feels so good!
<<pageReplace"Try not to cum!">>
<b>-"Mghhhh!"</b> You take a deep breath, trying your best not to cum.
<sister>-"Hmph... Already so sensitive?"</sister>
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\spy camera\bromboclat10.webp">
<sister>-"I shouldn't be surprised... You're looking at Ava after all... She's smoking hot."</sister> She slowly opens the laptop again.
<sister>-"Look at that perfect pussy of hers..."</sister> You both look at the screen.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\spy camera\bromboclat9.webp">
<sister>-"Don't you wish you were that dildo?"</sister> Kaley slaps your balls.
<sister>-"Answer me!"</sister>
<<pageReplace"I do!">>
<b>-"NgHhhh! I do!"</b> You yelp in pain and pleasure.
<sister>-"Hmph... Of course..."</sister> She lets go.
<sister>-"Now get on all fours and let me do all of the work... You just watch."</sister> Without a way out of this, you nod and do as she says.
<b>-"NgHHh!"</b> As soon as you get on your knees, she begins to stroke your cock again.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\spy camera\bromboclat11.gif">
<b>-"So hot..."</b> You positioned the laptop right in front of you, so you can still see what Ava is doing.
<sister>-"Hihihi... Enjoying the show, loser?"</sister>
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\spy camera\bromboclat11.webp">
<sister>-"Ghahaha look at this little thing throb! How pathetic!"</sister> As she begins to stroke the tip of your shaft, your eyes roll back from the pleasure.
<b>-"ArghHhhhH!"</b> You're about to nut!
<<pageReplace"Unload your semen.">>
<sister>-"Come on then! Cum! Unload that useless sperm!"</sister> Ava laughs as she jacks you off.
<b>-"YEeesSssssSSS!"</b> You scream as you ejaculate straight onto her arm.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\spy camera\bromboclat12.webp">
<sister>-"Wahhh, how much did you have in there!"</sister>
<b>-"Shitttt..."</b> You fall on your stomach as the last drop leaves your cock.
<sister>-"Grab me some tissues, I want this useless jizz off of me."</sister>
<b>-"Yes Kaley..."</b> You slowly get up and gram some tissues from your table.
<sister>-"Sniff... Sniff... Yuck, it stinks!"</sister> She grabs them from you and cleans her hand.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\spy camera\bromboclat13.webp">
<sister>-"Hmph... What a pathetic dweeb you are... Installing cameras in your $sisters room..."</sister> Kaley says as she walks to the door.
<b>-"NGHhhh... S-sorry Kaley."</b> You stutter as your cock finally powers off.
<sister>-"Mhm."</sister> She rolls her eyes and leaves.
<b>-"..."</b> She's trying to act like she hated it, but from how enthusiastically she jerked you off, you can tell that she likes to get you off.
<b>-"Fuck..."</b> Time to throw away those tissues and clean up!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Clean up->room]]
<grey>-"Beep... Beep!"</grey> Your phone vibrates.
<b>-"Ah, the spy camera picked something up again!"</b> Your eyes grow wide as you run to your computer.
<b>-"Let's see..."</b> You grab the laptop, lay down and open the feed.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\spy camera\bromboclat1.webp">
<sister>-"MGhHhhh... Am I not right?"</sister> It seems like she was already talking before you tuned in.
<b>-"FucKKkk... So hot."</b> You immediately get a boner as you watch your $sister take off her bra.
<sister>-"Hmph, I bet you want to see these beauties..."</sister>
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\spy camera\bromboclat2.webp">
<b>-"Let's do this..."</b> Time to bust a nut!
<<pageReplace"Lower your pants.">>
<<if $toys==1>>\
<b>-"Yeah, we're not doing that..."</b> You tell yourself as you lower your pants and see that your cock is caged.
<grey>-"Click!"</grey> You unlock it and put it to the side.
<b>-"I want to have some fun today!"</b>
<b>-"Fuckkkk! So hard!"</b> You have a hard time removing your underwear because of your boner...
<b>-"NghHh..."</b> A spurt of precum leaves your pathetic cock as it throbs.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\spy camera\bromboclat3.jpg">
<sister>-"MgHhhh! T-time for something more fun!"</sister> You hear Ava say as you look at the screen.
<b>-"W-wow!"</b> She's got a dildo in her hands!
<sister>-"FucKkkk!"</sister> She slowly inserts it inside as you begin to jack off.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\spy camera\bromboclat4.webp">
<b>-"Holy shit she's hot!"</b> Suddenly, the door to your room slowly opens...
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\spy camera\bromboclat5.jpeg">
<b>-"H-huh?! Who's there!?"</b> You quickly throw your bedsheets on your crotch.
<<pageReplace"Wait for the door to fully open.">>
<sister>-"Heh, me..."</sister> Your younger $sister steps inside.
<b>-"K-Kaley?! What are you doing here?!"</b>
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\spy camera\bromboclat6.jpg">
<sister>-"Hmph... I could ask you the same thing."</sister> She points at your PC... The feed is still open.
<b>-"O-oh shit! I can explain!"</b> As you close the laptop, Kaley climbs onto the bed.
<sister>-"Sure you can buddy..."</sister>
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\spy camera\bromboclat7.jpg">
<b>-"I was... I was just looking out for you guys! I-installed the camera for security reasons!"</b>
<sister>-"Mhmmmm... You sure it was not because you wanted to spy on your little $sisters?"</sister> Kaley gets closer, throws the sheets to the side and grabs your cock.
<b>-"NgHHh! N-no!"</b> Her touch feels so good!
<<pageReplace"Try not to cum!">>
<b>-"Mghhhh!"</b> You take a deep breath, trying your best not to cum.
<sister>-"Hmph... Already so sensitive?"</sister>
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\spy camera\bromboclat10.webp">
<sister>-"I shouldn't be surprised... You're looking at Ava after all... She's smoking hot."</sister> She slowly opens the laptop again.
<sister>-"Look at that perfect pussy of hers..."</sister> You both look at the screen.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\spy camera\bromboclat9.webp">
<sister>-"Don't you wish you were that dildo?"</sister> Kaley slaps your balls.
<sister>-"Answer me!"</sister>
<<pageReplace"I do!">>
<b>-"NgHhhh! I do!"</b> You yelp in pain and pleasure.
<sister>-"Hmph... Of course..."</sister> She lets go.
<sister>-"Now get on all fours and let me do all of the work... You just watch."</sister> Without a way out of this, you nod and do as she says.
<b>-"NgHHh!"</b> As soon as you get on your knees, she begins to stroke your cock again.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\spy camera\bromboclat11.gif">
<b>-"So hot..."</b> You positioned the laptop right in front of you, so you can still see what Ava is doing.
<sister>-"Hihihi... Enjoying the show, loser?"</sister>
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\spy camera\bromboclat11.webp">
<sister>-"Ghahaha look at this little thing throb! How pathetic!"</sister> As she begins to stroke the tip of your shaft, your eyes roll back from the pleasure.
<b>-"ArghHhhhH!"</b> You're about to nut!
<<pageReplace"Unload your semen.">>
<sister>-"Come on then! Cum! Unload that useless sperm!"</sister> Ava laughs as she jacks you off.
<b>-"YEeesSssssSSS!"</b> You scream as you ejaculate straight onto her arm.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\spy camera\bromboclat12.webp">
<sister>-"Wahhh, how much did you have in there!"</sister>
<b>-"Shitttt..."</b> You fall on your stomach as the last drop leaves your cock.
<sister>-"Grab me some tissues, I want this useless jizz off of me."</sister>
<b>-"Yes Kaley..."</b> You slowly get up and gram some tissues from your table.
<sister>-"Sniff... Sniff... Yuck, it stinks!"</sister> She grabs them from you and cleans her hand.
<img src="Images\Events\sister events\spy camera\bromboclat13.webp">
<sister>-"Hmph... What a pathetic dweeb you are... Installing cameras in your $sisters room..."</sister> Kaley says as she walks to the door.
<b>-"NGHhhh... S-sorry Kaley."</b> You stutter as your cock finally powers off.
<sister>-"Mhm."</sister> She rolls her eyes and leaves.
<b>-"..."</b> She's trying to act like she hated it, but from how enthusiastically she jerked you off, you can tell that she likes to get you off.
<b>-"Fuck..."</b> Time to throw away those tissues and clean up!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Clean up->room]]
<div class="location-header">
<div id="index-gallery">
<div class="item">
<img src="Images\Clothes\1.webp" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
<p><<if $equip !==1>><div class="hover"><<nobr>>[[Equip 1]]<span class="hoverblock">Nothing</span><</nobr>></div><<elseif $equip == 1>>Equipped<</if>></p>\
<<if $outfit2 is false>>\
<div class="item">
<img src="Images/Clothes/Screenshot_8.webp" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
<div class="item">
<img src="Images\Clothes\2.webp" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
<p><<if $equip !==2>><div class="hover"><<nobr>>[[Equip 2]]<span class="hoverblock"><blue>Dominant +7</blue></span><</nobr>></div><<elseif $equip == 2>>Equipped<</if>></p>\
<<if $outfit3 is false>>\
<div class="item">
<img src="Images/Clothes/Screenshot_8.webp" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
<div class="item">
<img src="Images\Clothes\3.webp" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
<p><<if $equip !==3>><div class="hover"><<nobr>>[[Equip 3]]<span class="hoverblock"><pink>Submissiveness +4</pink></span><</nobr>></div><<elseif $equip == 3>>Equipped<</if>></p>\
<<if $outfit4 is false>>\
<div class="item">
<img src="Images/Clothes/Screenshot_8.webp" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
<div class="item">
<img src="Images\Clothes\4.webp" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
<p><<if $equip !==4>><div class="hover"><<nobr>>[[Equip 4]]<span class="hoverblock"><emily>Feminization +10</emily></span><</nobr>></div><<elseif $equip == 4>>Equipped<</if>></p>\
<<if $outfit5 is false>>\
<div class="item">
<img src="Images/Clothes/Screenshot_8.webp" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
<div class="item">
<img src="Images\Clothes\5.webp" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
<p><<if $equip !==5>><div class="hover"><<nobr>>[[Equip 5]]<span class="hoverblock"><emily>Feminization +5</emily></span><</nobr>></div><<elseif $equip == 5>>Equipped<</if>></p>\
<<if $outfit6 is false>>\
<div class="item">
<img src="Images/Clothes/Screenshot_8.webp" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
<div class="item">
<img src="Images\Clothes\6.webp" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
<p><<if $equip !==6>><div class="hover"><<nobr>>[[Equip 6]]<span class="hoverblock"><emily>Feminization +7</emily></span><</nobr>></div><<elseif $equip == 6>>Equipped<</if>></p>\
<<if $outfit7 is false>>\
<div class="item">
<img src="Images/Clothes/Screenshot_8.webp" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
<div class="item">
<img src="Images\Clothes\7.webp" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
<p><<if $equip !==7>><div class="hover"><<nobr>>[[Equip 7]]<span class="hoverblock"><emily>Feminization +10</emily></span><</nobr>></div><<elseif $equip == 7>>Equipped<</if>></p>\
<<if $outfit8 is false>>\
<div class="item">
<img src="Images/Clothes/Screenshot_8.webp" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
<div class="item">
<img src="Images\Clothes\8.webp" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
<p><<if $equip !==8>><div class="hover"><<nobr>>[[Equip 8]]<span class="hoverblock"><emily>Feminization +15</emily></span><</nobr>></div><<elseif $equip == 8>>Equipped<</if>></p>\
<<if $outfit9 is false>>\
<div class="item">
<img src="Images/Clothes/Screenshot_8.webp" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
<div class="item">
<img src="Images\Clothes\9.webp" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
<p><<if $equip !==9>><div class="hover"><<nobr>>[[Equip 9]]<span class="hoverblock">Nothing</span><</nobr>></div><<elseif $equip == 9>>Equipped<</if>></p>\
<<if $outfit10 is false>>\
<div class="item">
<img src="Images/Clothes/Screenshot_8.webp" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
<div class="item">
<img src="Images\Clothes\10.webp" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
<p><<if $equip !==10>><div class="hover"><<nobr>>[[Equip 10]]<span class="hoverblock"><blue>Dominant +15</blue></span><</nobr>></div><<elseif $equip == 10>>Equipped<</if>></p>\
<<if $outfit11 !==true>>\
<div class="item">
<img src="Images/Clothes/Screenshot_8.webp" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
<div class="item">
<img src="Images\Clothes\11.webp" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
<p><<if $equip !==11>><div class="hover"><<nobr>>[[Equip 11]]<span class="hoverblock"><blue>Dominant +20</blue></span><</nobr>></div><<elseif $equip == 11>>Equipped<</if>></p>\
<div class="location-header">
<div id="index-gallery">\
<<if $accessorie1 !==true>>\
<div class="item">
<img src="Images/Clothes/Screenshot_8.webp" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
<div class="item">
<img src="Images\Clothes\a1.png" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
<p><<if $current_arm_accessory !==1>><div class="hover"><<nobr>>[[Put on the watch->a1]]<span class="hoverblock"><blue>Dominant +10</blue></span><</nobr>></div><<elseif $current_arm_accessory == 1>>[[Take it off->Take off a arm]]<</if>></p>\
<<if $accessorie3 !==true>>\
<div class="item">
<img src="Images/Clothes/Screenshot_8.webp" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
<div class="item">
<img src="Images\Clothes\a3.png" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
<p><<if $current_neck_accessory !==3>><div class="hover"><<nobr>>[[Put on the chain->a3]]<span class="hoverblock"><blue>Dominant +5</blue></span><</nobr>></div><<elseif $current_neck_accessory == 3>>[[Take it off->Take off a neck]]<</if>></p>\
<<if $accessorie2 !==true>>\
<div class="item">
<img src="Images/Clothes/Screenshot_8.webp" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
<div class="item">
<img src="Images\Clothes\a2.png" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
<p><<if $current_neck_accessory !==2>><div class="hover"><<nobr>>[[Put on the chain->a2]]<span class="hoverblock"><blue>Dominant +10</blue></span><</nobr>></div><<elseif $current_neck_accessory == 2>>[[Take it off->Take off a neck]]<</if>></p>\
<<if $accessorie9 !==true>>\
<div class="item">
<img src="Images/Clothes/Screenshot_8.webp" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
<div class="item">
<img src="Images\Clothes\a9.png" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
<p><<if $current_neck_accessory !==9>><div class="hover"><<nobr>>[[Put on the choker->a9]]<span class="hoverblock"><emily>Feminization +5</emily></span><</nobr>></div><<elseif $current_neck_accessory == 9>>[[Take it off->Take off a neck]]<</if>></p>\
<<if $accessorie8 !==true>>\
<div class="item">
<img src="Images/Clothes/Screenshot_8.webp" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
<div class="item">
<img src="Images\Clothes\a8.png" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
<p><<if $current_neck_accessory !==8>><div class="hover"><<nobr>>[[Put on the choker->a8]]<span class="hoverblock"><emily>Feminization +10</emily></span><</nobr>></div><<elseif $current_neck_accessory == 8>>[[Take it off->Take off a neck]]<</if>></p>\
<<if $accessorie5 !==true>>\
<div class="item">
<img src="Images/Clothes/Screenshot_8.webp" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
<<elseif $piercedears !==true>>
<div class="item">
<img src="Images\Clothes\a5.png" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
<p>Your ears are not pierced.</p>\
<div class="item">
<img src="Images\Clothes\a5.png" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
<p><<if $current_earrings_accessory !==5>><div class="hover"><<nobr>>[[Put on the earrings->a5]]<span class="hoverblock"><emily>Feminization +5</emily></span><</nobr>></div><<elseif $current_earrings_accessory == 5>>[[Take it off->Take off a earrings]]<</if>></p>\
<<if $accessorie4 !==true>>\
<div class="item">
<img src="Images/Clothes/Screenshot_8.webp" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
<<elseif $piercedears !==true>>
<div class="item">
<img src="Images\Clothes\a4.png" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
<p>Your ears are not pierced.</p>\
<div class="item">
<img src="Images\Clothes\a4.png" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
<p><<if $current_earrings_accessory !==4>><div class="hover"><<nobr>>[[Put on the earrings->a4]]<span class="hoverblock"><grey>BNWO +5</grey></span><</nobr>></div><<elseif $current_earrings_accessory == 4>>[[Take it off->Take off a earrings]]<</if>></p>\
<<if $accessorie6 !==true>>\
<div class="item">
<img src="Images/Clothes/Screenshot_8.webp" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
<div class="item">
<img src="Images\Clothes\a6.png" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
<p><<if $current_legs_accessory !==6>><div class="hover"><<nobr>>[[Put on the thigh highs->a6]]<span class="hoverblock"><emily>Feminization +5</emily></span><</nobr>></div><<elseif $current_legs_accessory == 6>>[[Take it off->Take off a legs]]<</if>></p>\
<<if $accessorie7 !==true>>\
<div class="item">
<img src="Images/Clothes/Screenshot_8.webp" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
<div class="item">
<img src="Images\Clothes\a7.png" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
<p><<if $current_legs_accessory !==7>><div class="hover"><<nobr>>[[Put on the thigh highs->a7]]<span class="hoverblock"><emily>Feminization +5</emily></span><</nobr>></div><<elseif $current_legs_accessory == 7>>[[Take it off->Take off a legs]]<</if>></p>\
<div class="location-header">
<div id="index-gallery">\
<<if $chastity is false>>\
<div class="item">
<img src="Images/Clothes/Screenshot_8.webp" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
<div class="item">
<<if $chastitycagenew2 ==true>>\
<img src="Images\Clothes toys\chastity2.png">
<<elseif $chastitycagenew1 == true>>\
<img src="Images\Clothes toys\chastity1.png">
<img src="Images\Clothes toys\chastity.webp" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
<p><<if $toys!==1>><div class="hover"><<nobr>>[[Equip chastity->toys1]]<span class="hoverblock"><emily>Feminization +10</emily> <pink>Submissiveness +10</pink></span><</nobr>></div><<elseif $miahastakenyourkey ==true>>Mia has the key<<elseif $emilyhasyourkey1 ==true>>Emily has the key<<elseif $toys == 1>>[[Unlock->UnequipToys1]]<</if>></p>\
<<if $buttplug !==true>>\
<div class="item">
<img src="Images/Clothes/Screenshot_8.webp" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
<<elseif $buttplugintro !==true>>\
<div class="item">
<img src="Images\Clothes toys\buttplug.webp" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
<p>You're not quite ready to use it..</p>\
<div class="item">
<img src="Images\Clothes toys\buttplug.webp" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
<p><<if $asstoys!==1>><div class="hover"><<nobr>>[[Insert the toy->asstoys1]]<span class="hoverblock"><emily>Feminization +10</emily> <pink>Submissiveness +10</pink></span><</nobr>></div><<elseif $asstoys == 1>>[[Take it out->UnequipAssToys1]]<</if>></p>\
<<if $qosbuttplug !==true>>\
<div class="item">
<img src="Images/Clothes/Screenshot_8.webp" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
<div class="item">
<img src="Images\Clothes toys\buttplug_qos.png" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
<p><<if $asstoys!==2>><div class="hover"><<nobr>>[[Insert the toy->asstoys2]]<span class="hoverblock"><emily>Feminization +10</emily> <br><grey>BNWO +10</grey></span><</nobr>></div><<elseif $asstoys == 2>>[[Take it out->UnequipAssToys1]]<</if>></p>\
<<if $dildo1 !== true>>\
<div class="item">
<img src="Images/Clothes/Screenshot_8.webp" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
<div class="item">
<img src="Images\Clothes toys\Small dildo.png" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/><<nobr>>Cannot equip<</nobr>>
<<if $dildo2 !== true>>\
<div class="item">
<img src="Images/Clothes/Screenshot_8.webp" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
<div class="item">
<img src="Images\Clothes toys\big dildo.png" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/><<nobr>>Cannot equip<</nobr>>
<div class="actions-horizontal sticky">
[[Take off your clothes->naked]]
</div><<if $equip is 4>>
<<set $feminization to $feminization-10>>
<<if $equip is 2>>
<<set $dominant to $dominant-7>>
<<if $equip is 3>>
<<set $submissive to $submissive-4>>
<<if $equip is 6>>
<<set $feminization to $feminization -7>>
<<if $equip is 11>>
<<set $dominant to $dominant -20>>
<<if $equip is 5>>
<<set $feminization to $feminization -5>>
<<if $equip is 10>>
<<set $dominant to $dominant-15>>
<<if $equip is 8>>
<<set $feminization to $feminization -15>>
<<if $equip is 7>>
<<set $feminization to $feminization -10>>
<<set $equip to 1>>
<<if def $equipGoTo>>
<<set _target to $equipGoTo>>
<<unset $lastEquip>>
<<unset $equipGoTo>>
<<goto _target>>
<<goto "Change clothing">>
<</if>><<if $equip is 4>>
<<set $feminization to $feminization-10>>
<<if $equip is 3>>
<<set $submissive to $submissive-4>>
<<if $equip is 6>>
<<set $feminization to $feminization -7>>
<<if $equip is 11>>
<<set $dominant to $dominant -20>>
<<if $equip is 5>>
<<set $feminization to $feminization -5>>
<<if $equip is 10>>
<<set $dominant to $dominant-15>>
<<if $equip is 8>>
<<set $feminization to $feminization -15>>
<<if $equip is 7>>
<<set $feminization to $feminization -10>>
<<set $dominant to $dominant+7>>
<<set $equip to 2>>
<<if def $equipGoTo>>
<<set _target to $equipGoTo>>
<<unset $lastEquip>>
<<unset $equipGoTo>>
<<goto _target>>
<<goto "Change clothing">>
<</if>><<if $equip is 4>>
<<set $feminization to $feminization-10>>
<<if $equip is 2>>
<<set $dominant to $dominant-7>>
<<if $equip is 6>>
<<set $feminization to $feminization -7>>
<<if $equip is 11>>
<<set $dominant to $dominant -20>>
<<if $equip is 5>>
<<set $feminization to $feminization -5>>
<<if $equip is 10>>
<<set $dominant to $dominant-15>>
<<if $equip is 8>>
<<set $feminization to $feminization -15>>
<<if $equip is 7>>
<<set $feminization to $feminization -10>>
<<set $equip to 3>>
<<set $submissive to $submissive+4>>
<<if def $equipGoTo>>
<<set _target to $equipGoTo>>
<<unset $lastEquip>>
<<unset $equipGoTo>>
<<goto _target>>
<<goto "Change clothing">>
<</if>><<if $equip is 3>>
<<set $submissive to $submissive-4>>
<<if $equip is 2>>
<<set $dominant to $dominant-7>>
<<if $equip is 6>>
<<set $feminization to $feminization -7>>
<<if $equip is 11>>
<<set $dominant to $dominant -20>>
<<if $equip is 5>>
<<set $feminization to $feminization -5>>
<<if $equip is 10>>
<<set $dominant to $dominant-15>>
<<if $equip is 8>>
<<set $feminization to $feminization -15>>
<<if $equip is 7>>
<<set $feminization to $feminization -10>>
<<set $equip to 4>>
<<set $feminization to $feminization+10>>
<<if def $equipGoTo>>
<<set _target to $equipGoTo>>
<<unset $lastEquip>>
<<unset $equipGoTo>>
<<goto _target>>
<<goto "Change clothing">>
<</if>><<if $equip is 3>>
<<set $submissive to $submissive-4>>
<<if $equip is 2>>
<<set $dominant to $dominant-7>>
<<if $equip is 6>>
<<set $feminization to $feminization -7>>
<<if $equip is 11>>
<<set $dominant to $dominant -20>>
<<if $equip is 4>>
<<set $feminization to $feminization -10>>
<<if $equip is 10>>
<<set $dominant to $dominant-15>>
<<if $equip is 8>>
<<set $feminization to $feminization -15>>
<<if $equip is 7>>
<<set $feminization to $feminization -10>>
<<set $feminization to $feminization +5>>
<<set $equip to 5>>
<<if def $equipGoTo>>
<<set _target to $equipGoTo>>
<<unset $lastEquip>>
<<unset $equipGoTo>>
<<goto _target>>
<<goto "Change clothing">>
<</if>><<if $equip is 3>>
<<set $submissive to $submissive-4>>
<<if $equip is 2>>
<<set $dominant to $dominant-7>>
<<if $equip is 5>>
<<set $feminization to $feminization -5>>
<<if $equip is 11>>
<<set $dominant to $dominant -20>>
<<if $equip is 4>>
<<set $feminization to $feminization -10>>
<<if $equip is 10>>
<<set $dominant to $dominant-15>>
<<if $equip is 8>>
<<set $feminization to $feminization -15>>
<<if $equip is 7>>
<<set $feminization to $feminization -10>>
<<set $feminization to $feminization +7>>
<<set $equip to 6>>
<<if def $equipGoTo>>
<<set _target to $equipGoTo>>
<<unset $lastEquip>>
<<unset $equipGoTo>>
<<goto _target>>
<<goto "Change clothing">>
<</if>><<if $equip is 3>>
<<set $submissive to $submissive-4>>
<<if $equip is 2>>
<<set $dominant to $dominant-7>>
<<if $equip is 5>>
<<set $feminization to $feminization -5>>
<<if $equip is 6>>
<<set $feminization to $feminization -7>>
<<if $equip is 11>>
<<set $dominant to $dominant -20>>
<<if $equip is 4>>
<<set $feminization to $feminization -10>>
<<if $equip is 10>>
<<set $dominant to $dominant-15>>
<<if $equip is 8>>
<<set $feminization to $feminization -15>>
<<set $equip to 7>>
<<set $feminization to $feminization +10>>
<<if def $equipGoTo>>
<<set _target to $equipGoTo>>
<<unset $lastEquip>>
<<unset $equipGoTo>>
<<goto _target>>
<<goto "Change clothing">>
<</if>><<if $equip is 3>>
<<set $submissive to $submissive-4>>
<<if $equip is 2>>
<<set $dominant to $dominant-7>>
<<if $equip is 5>>
<<set $feminization to $feminization -5>>
<<if $equip is 6>>
<<set $feminization to $feminization -7>>
<<if $equip is 11>>
<<set $dominant to $dominant -20>>
<<if $equip is 7>>
<<set $feminization to $feminization -10>>
<<if $equip is 4>>
<<set $feminization to $feminization -10>>
<<if $equip is 10>>
<<set $dominant to $dominant-15>>
<<set $feminization to $feminization +15>>
<<set $equip to 8>>
<<if def $equipGoTo>>
<<set _target to $equipGoTo>>
<<unset $lastEquip>>
<<unset $equipGoTo>>
<<goto _target>>
<<goto "Change clothing">>
<</if>><<if $equip is 3>>
<<set $submissive to $submissive-4>>
<<if $equip is 2>>
<<set $dominant to $dominant-7>>
<<if $equip is 5>>
<<set $feminization to $feminization -5>>
<<if $equip is 6>>
<<set $feminization to $feminization -7>>
<<if $equip is 11>>
<<set $dominant to $dominant -20>>
<<if $equip is 8>>
<<set $feminization to $feminization -15>>
<<if $equip is 7>>
<<set $feminization to $feminization -10>>
<<if $equip is 4>>
<<set $feminization to $feminization -10>>
<<if $equip is 10>>
<<set $dominant to $dominant-15>>
<<set $equip to 9>>
<<if def $equipGoTo>>
<<set _target to $equipGoTo>>
<<unset $lastEquip>>
<<unset $equipGoTo>>
<<goto _target>>
<<goto "Change clothing">>
<</if>><<if $equip is 3>>
<<set $submissive to $submissive-4>>
<<if $equip is 2>>
<<set $dominant to $dominant-7>>
<<if $equip is 5>>
<<set $feminization to $feminization -5>>
<<if $equip is 6>>
<<set $feminization to $feminization -7>>
<<if $equip is 11>>
<<set $dominant to $dominant -20>>
<<if $equip is 8>>
<<set $feminization to $feminization -15>>
<<if $equip is 7>>
<<set $feminization to $feminization -10>>
<<if $equip is 4>>
<<set $feminization to $feminization -10>>
<<set $equip to 10>>
<<set $dominant to $dominant+15>>
<<if def $equipGoTo>>
<<set _target to $equipGoTo>>
<<unset $lastEquip>>
<<unset $equipGoTo>>
<<goto _target>>
<<goto "Change clothing">>
<</if>><<if $equip is 3>>
<<set $submissive to $submissive-4>>
<<if $equip is 2>>
<<set $dominant to $dominant-7>>
<<if $equip is 4>>
<<set $feminization to $feminization-10>>
<<if $equip is 8>>
<<set $feminization to $feminization -15>>
<<if $equip is 5>>
<<set $feminization to $feminization -5>>
<<if $equip is 6>>
<<set $feminization to $feminization -7>>
<<if $equip is 7>>
<<set $feminization to $feminization -10>>
<<if $equip is 10>>
<<set $dominant to $dominant-15>>
<<set $equip to 11>>
<<set $dominant to $dominant+20>>
<<if def $equipGoTo>>
<<set _target to $equipGoTo>>
<<unset $lastEquip>>
<<unset $equipGoTo>>
<<goto _target>>
<<goto "Change clothing">>
<</if>><<set $dominant to $dominant +10>>\
<<set $current_arm_accessory to 1>>\
<<goto "Change clothing">><<if $current_neck_accessory ==3>>
<<set $dominant to $dominant -5>>\
<<elseif $current_neck_accessory ==8>>
<<set $feminization to $feminization -10>>\
<<elseif $current_neck_accessory ==9>>
<<set $feminization to $feminization -5>>\
<<set $dominant to $dominant +10>>\
<<set $current_neck_accessory to 2>>\
<<goto "Change clothing">><<if $current_neck_accessory ==2>>
<<set $dominant to $dominant -10>>\
<<elseif $current_neck_accessory ==8>>
<<set $feminization to $feminization -10>>\
<<elseif $current_neck_accessory ==9>>
<<set $feminization to $feminization -5>>\
<<set $dominant to $dominant +5>>\
<<set $current_neck_accessory to 3>>\
<<goto "Change clothing">><<if $current_earrings_accessory ==5>>
<<set $feminization to $feminization -5>>\
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo +5>>\
<<set $current_earrings_accessory to 4>>\
<<goto "Change clothing">><<if $current_earrings_accessory ==4>>
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo -5>>\
<<set $feminization to $feminization +5>>\
<<set $current_earrings_accessory to 5>>\
<<goto "Change clothing">><<if $current_legs_accessory ==7>>
<<set $feminization to $feminization -5>>\
<<set $feminization to $feminization +5>>\
<<set $current_legs_accessory to 6>>\
<<goto "Change clothing">><<if $current_legs_accessory ==6>>
<<set $feminization to $feminization -5>>\
<<set $feminization to $feminization +5>>\
<<set $current_legs_accessory to 7>>\
<<goto "Change clothing">><<if $current_neck_accessory ==2>>
<<set $dominant to $dominant -10>>\
<<elseif $current_neck_accessory ==3>>
<<set $dominant to $dominant -5>>\
<<elseif $current_neck_accessory ==9>>
<<set $feminization to $feminization -5>>\
<<set $feminization to $feminization +10>>\
<<set $current_neck_accessory to 8>>\
<<goto "Change clothing">><<if $current_neck_accessory ==2>>
<<set $dominant to $dominant -10>>\
<<elseif $current_neck_accessory ==3>>
<<set $dominant to $dominant -5>>\
<<elseif $current_neck_accessory ==8>>
<<set $feminization to $feminization -10>>\
<<set $feminization to $feminization +5>>\
<<set $current_neck_accessory to 9>>\
<<goto "Change clothing">><<if $current_arm_accessory ==1>>
<<set $dominant to $dominant -10>>
<<set $current_arm_accessory to 0>>
<<goto "Change clothing">>
<</if>><<if $current_neck_accessory ==9>>
<<set $current_neck_accessory to 0>>
<<set $feminization to $feminization -5>>
<<goto "Change clothing">>
<<elseif $current_neck_accessory ==8>>
<<set $current_neck_accessory to 0>>
<<set $feminization to $feminization -10>>
<<goto "Change clothing">>
<<elseif $current_neck_accessory ==3>>
<<set $current_neck_accessory to 0>>
<<set $dominant to $dominant -5>>
<<goto "Change clothing">>
<<elseif $current_neck_accessory ==2>>
<<set $current_neck_accessory to 0>>
<<set $dominant to $dominant -10>>
<<goto "Change clothing">>
<</if>><<if $current_legs_accessory ==6>>
<<set $current_legs_accessory to 0>>
<<set $feminization to $feminization -5>>
<<goto "Change clothing">>
<<elseif $current_legs_accessory==7>>
<<set $current_legs_accessory to 0>>
<<set $feminization to $feminization -5>>
<<goto "Change clothing">>
<</if>><<if $current_earrings_accessory ==4>>
<<set $current_earrings_accessory to 0>>
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo -5>>
<<goto "Change clothing">>
<<elseif $current_earrings_accessory==5>>
<<set $current_earrings_accessory to 0>>
<<set $feminization to $feminization -5>>
<<goto "Change clothing">>
<</if>><<if $equip is 4>>
<<set $feminization to $feminization-10>>
<<if $equip is 2>>
<<set $dominant to $dominant-7>>
<<if $equip is 3>>
<<set $submissive to $submissive-4>>
<<if $equip is 6>>
<<set $feminization to $feminization -7>>
<<if $equip is 11>>
<<set $dominant to $dominant -20>>
<<if $equip is 5>>
<<set $feminization to $feminization -5>>
<<if $equip is 10>>
<<set $dominant to $dominant-15>>
<<if $equip is 8>>
<<set $feminization to $feminization -15>>
<<if $equip is 7>>
<<set $feminization to $feminization -10>>
<<set $equip to 0>>
<<if def $equipGoTo>>
<<set _target to $equipGoTo>>
<<unset $lastEquip>>
<<unset $equipGoTo>>
<<goto _target>>
<<goto "Change clothing">>
<</if>><<set $toys to 1>>
<<set $feminization to $feminization+10>>
<<set $submissive to $submissive+10>>
<<goto "Change clothing">><<if $toys==1>>
<<set $toys to 0>>
<<set $feminization to $feminization-10>>
<<set $submissive to $submissive-10>>
<<goto "Change clothing">>
<</if>>\<<if $asstoys ==2>>
<<set $asstoys to 1>>
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo -10>>
<<set $submissive to $submissive+10>>
<<set $asstoys to 1>>
<<set $feminization to $feminization +10>>
<<set $submissive to $submissive+10>>
<<goto "Change clothing">><<if $asstoys ==1>>
<<set $asstoys to 2>>
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo +10>>
<<set $submissive to $submissive-10>>
<<set $asstoys to 2>>
<<set $feminization to $feminization +10>>
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo+10>>
<<goto "Change clothing">><<if $asstoys ==1>>
<<set $asstoys to 0>>
<<set $feminization to $feminization-10>>
<<set $submissive to $submissive-10>>
<<elseif $asstoys ==2>>
<<set $asstoys to 0>>
<<set $feminization to $feminization-10>>
<<set $bnwo to $bnwo -10>>
<<goto "Change clothing">><<if $massageintro !==true and $leyjaslairevent >=5>>
<<goto "Massage introduction">>
<<elseif $reversegloryholeintro !==true and $leyjaslairevent2 >=5 and $workdays >=42>>
<<goto "Reverse gloryhole introduction">>
<<set $worked to true>>
<<location "Images/Sex shop/work 31/leyjaslair.jpg" "Leyja's Lair">>
<<locationBackdrop "Leyjas Lair/bleh.webp">>
You walk into Layja's Lair and begin to look around. The thick walls block any sound from coming through, so it's eerily quiet. After taking in a couple of deep breaths, you decide what you should do today.
<div class="actions">
<li>[[Gloryhole services->Redirecting gloryhole]]</li>
<<if $massageintro !==true>>
<li><a><div class="hover">Massage services<span class="hoverblock"><<if $domstatus is true>><grey>Not enough experience!</grey><<else>><grey>Not enough femininity!</grey><</if>></span></div></a></li>
<li>[[Massage services->Redirecting massage]]</li>
<<if $reversegloryholeintro !==true>>
<li><a><div class="hover">Reverse gloryhole services<span class="hoverblock"><<if $domstatus is true>><grey>Not enough experience!</grey><<else>><grey>Not enough femininity!</grey><</if>></span></div></a></li>
<li>[[Reverse gloryhole services->Reverse gloryhole redirecting]]</li>
</div><<set $randomevelyntemp to true>>\
<<if $domstatus is true>>\
<b>-"So tired..."</b> The shop's doors open and you step inside.
<b>-"I'll be at the Lair!"</b> You say as you walk by the counter, where Leyja is standing.
<m>-"Cool, have fun handsome!"</m> You nod and head downstairs.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\s1.webp">
<b>-"Hmph, seems pretty empty."</b> After looking around for a second, you start to walk towards your station - the gloryhole room.
<b>-"Other stations sound pretty empty too..."</b> Your workplace is right next to two other rooms, where girls work.
<b>-"I still can't believe I'm the only male worker here... Thought that there would be plently."</b> You think as you reach the door.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\s2.jpg">
<b>-"Let's head inside..."</b>
<<pageReplace"Open the door.">>
<pink>-"Agh, you're finally here?"</pink> As soon as you open the door, you hear someone from behind the wall.
<b>-"Oh, you're already waiting?"</b> You step inside and look at the gloryhole - you see someone behind it.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\s4.jpg">
<pink>-"I sure am! G-got here 3 hours ago, so I could be the first in line..."</pink>
<b>-"In line? There's a line?!"</b> You ask while undressing.
<pink>-"Hah, sure is! There are like 6 other women waiting outside!"</pink> There's a back entrance on the other side of the store.
<b>-"Shit... I don't know if I have enough nut for all of you."</b> You chuckle as you begin to pull down your pants. You haven't cum today, so your cock is already hard in anticipation for your first customer.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\s11.webp">
<pink>-"Ghehehe, that's why I came first!"</pink>
<<pageReplace"Throw your clothes onto a chair nearby.">>
<b>-"Good plan! My cock is rock hard, get ready for some fun!"</b>
<pink>-"Eek! Can't wait!"</pink> You hear her get on her knees as you throw your clothes on the chair nearby.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\s12.jpg">
<b>-"Give me just a second..."</b> You mumble as you take out your phone from your pants - it's better to have it next to you, what if someone calls?
<pink>-"I'm ready whenever you are... Ahhhhh!"</pink> You see her mouth open on the other side of the hole.
<b>-"Here I go then..."</b> As you get into position, you suddenly hear a weird noise to your right.
<b>-"Huh?"</b> You turn and look... Someone's spying on you through the door!
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\s13.png">
<b>-"Sorry, give me just a second!"</b> You step away from the hole and begin to walk towards the door. The eyes in the crack quickly disappear.
<pink>-"UghHH... H-hurry up please, I'm super horny!"</pink>
<<pageReplace"Check who's spying on you.">>
<b>-"Evelyn?!"</b> You frown as you open the door and see your fellow worker standing there.
<emily>-"Agh! $name! H-hey!"</emily>
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\s8.jpg">
<b>-"What are you spying on me for?"</b>
<emily>-"S-spying?! I was merely... Admiring! Two different things!"</emily> Her cheeks blush.
<b>-"Mhm, what for?"</b>
<emily>-"Sigh... I'm just curious, that's all! There's a whole ass line of girls behind the store, I was curious why they like you so much!"</emily> She looks down.
<emily>-"But now I know..."</emily> You follow her gaze.
<b>-"Oh shit..."</b> Your naked!
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\s14.jpg">
<b>-"Eh, whatever, she's naked too."</b> You think as you continue the conversation.
<<pageReplace"You could have just asked to see it.">>
<b>-"So you just wanted to see how big my dick was? You could have just asked, you know?"</b>
<emily>-"Yeahhhhh, but where's the fun in that!?"</emily> Evelyn walks over to station 2, which is right next to yours and opens the door.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\s9.jpg">
<emily>-"But now that I know how... Well endowed you are, I might become a customer too!"</emily>
<b>-"Oh really? Then I might try out your services too... You do reverse gloryholes too, right?"</b> She blushes once again.
<emily>-"I do... But if you came around, I wouldn't charge a cent!"</emily>
<b>-"Ghah, it's a deal then! Whenever Leyja let's me work there, I'll come to you!"</b>
<emily>-"Ghehehe, good!"</emily> She steps throug the doorway.
<emily>-"Oh and if you can, don't tell Leyja about my little mishap today... That old fart gets pissed super easily!"</emily>
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\s10.jpg">
<b>-"She won't get a peep out of me...!"</b> You both smile.
<emily>-"Wishing you a good shift!"</emily> Evelyn steps into her room.
<b>-"You too!"</b> The doors close and she disappears.
<b>-"What a beautiful young lady..."</b> You think as you step inside of your station.
<pink>-"W-well, ready?"</pink> The woman behind the wall asks.
<b>-"Heh, sure am! Get ready!"</b> You say as you get in position. Time to work your ass off!
<<money +280 "Worked at the Lair!">>
<green>Money +280!</green>
[[Finish your shift and head home->Go outside]]
<b>-"Nghhh... So tired."</b> The shop's doors open and you step inside.
<b>-"I'll be at the Lair!"</b> You say as you walk by the counter, where Leyja is standing.
<m>-"Cool, have fun!"</m> You nod and head downstairs.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\s1.webp">
<b>-"Hmph, seems pretty empty."</b> After looking around for a second, you start to walk towards your station - the gloryhole room.
<emily>-"Nghhh... There."</emily> You begin to hear a faint voice from somewhere inside the Lair.
<b>-"Maybe it's another worker?"</b> A thought runs through your mind as you reach the door.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\s2.jpg">
<emily>-"Won't need this..."</emily> The voice is even louder now... The woman is in your station!
<b>-"Doesn't every worker have a separate station? W-what the fuck..."</b>
<<pageReplace"Check who's inside.">>\
<emily>-"NgHhhh."</emily> As you silently open the door, you spot a woman putting up her hair...
<b>-"Is that... Evelyn?"</b> It's one of Leyja's workers, you've talked to her before.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\s3.jpg">
<b>-"What is she doing here?"</b>
<blue>-"I'm ready beautiful..."</blue> A voice rings out from behind the wall.
<b>-"Oh?"</b> You look over and see someone moving on the other side of the hole.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\s4.jpg">
<emily>-"In a second!"</emily> Evelyn continues to put up her hair.
<b>-"..."</b> She's going to steal your customer, you better speak up!
<<pageReplace"Announce yourself.">>
<b>-"Y-yo Evelyn! Isn't this my station?"</b> You say in a loud, assertive tone... Well, at least that's what you think it sounds like.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\s5.jpg">
<emily>-"$name? It is?"</emily> She stands up.
<b>-"I-I think so..."</b>
<emily>-"Give us a second love!"</emily> She shouts towards the wall.
<blue>-"Agh, fine, but be quick!"</blue> You both leave the room and check the number on the door.
<b>-"See, number 3! It's my station!"</b> Evelyn shurgs her shoulders and faces you.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\s6.jpg">
<emily>-"Huh, my bad then! Almost stole one of your customers haha, sorry!"</emily>
<b>-"It's fine... J-just please check next time."</b>
<emily>-"Talking about customers, I see that you've gotten pretty popular!"</emily>
<<pageReplace"Have I?">>
<b>-"Have I?"</b>
<emily>-"Mhm! There's a whole line outside, waiting for this station to open up!"</emily> There's a back entrance on the other side of the store.
<emily>-"I thought they were waiting for me, but apparently you're the star..."</emily> Evelyn's naked body is starting to turn you on...
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\s8.jpg">
<b>-"Hah... W-well that's great to hear..."</b>
<emily>-"What's your secret? I want to have that many men desperate for me too!"</emily>
<b>-"Secret? I... I don't know..."</b> Suddenly, she raises up your skirt.
<emily>-"Maybe it's this little thing?"</emily> She giggles as your caged clit gets exposed.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\s7.jpg">
<emily>-"It is pretty cute after all..."</emily>
<b>-"E-Evelynn!"</b> You smack her hand away and quickly lower your skirt.
<emily>-"Oh come on! We're both girls here, nothing to be ashamed of haha!"</emily>
<b>-"S-still! I don't know you that well..."</b>
<emily>-"Hah, you will soon enough! Reverse gloryholes don't have stations, so we'll be serving next to each other."</emily> Evelyn walks over to the station number 2, which is right next to yours and opens the door.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\s9.jpg">
<b>-"Next to each other?! H-how does that work?"</b>
<emily>-"You'll see! Don't want to spoil the surprise!"</emily>
<emily>-"Anyways, you should get going, that customer is waiting for you!"</emily>
<b>-"Yeah... Thanks."</b> You smile and start walking towards station 3.
<emily>-"Oh and please, don't tell Leyja about this little mishap, that old fart gets pissed very easily!"</emily>
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\s10.jpg">
<b>-"She won't get a peep out of me...!"</b> You both smile.
<emily>-"Wishing you a good shift!"</emily> Evelyn steps into her room.
<b>-"You too!"</b> The doors close and she disappears.
<b>-"Oof, a line of men, huh? Seems like it's not going to be an easy shift today!"</b> You step inside of your own station and begin to undress.
<blue>-"Well, ready?"</blue> The man behind the wall asks.
<b>-"Give me just a second!"</b> Time to work your ass off!
<<money +280 "Worked at the Lair!">>
<green>Money +280!</green>
[[Finish your shift and head home->Go outside]]
<</if>><<if $leyjaslairevent ==2>>
<<goto "handjob 2">>
<<elseif $leyjaslairevent ==3>>
<<goto "Lair basic">>
<<elseif $leyjaslairevent ==4>>
<<goto "handjob 3">>
<<elseif $leyjaslairevent >=5 and $randomevelyntemp !==true>>
<<goto "Random Evelyn 1">>
<<elseif $leyjaslairevent >=5>>
<<goto `either("handjob random 1", "handjob random 2", "handjob random 3")`>>
If you're here, something is wrong. Please send me a DM on discord or on f95 and I will release a hotfix ASAP!
[[Return->Go outside]]<<set $leyjaslairevent to $leyjaslairevent +1>>\
<<if $domstatus is true>>
<pink>-"Come on big boy.."</pink> A mouth pops up on the other side of the hole.
<b>-"Eager, huh?"</b> You say as you begin to stroke your cock to get it hard enough.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\s1.webp">
<pink>-"Hell yeah I am... Heard that the guys here are huge!"</pink> Your the only guy here..
<b>-"Well, see for yourself!"</b> You slowly insert your rod into her throat.
<pink>-"O-owh mwy GwoddDD!!'</pink>
<b>-"FuckkkKKkk yeahhh.."</b> You struggle to breathe as she begins going back and forth.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\s2.webp">
<b>-"MghHHHh.. You're good!"</b>
<pink>-"NGhHhh.. Mwaybe.. Slurp.. Ywou shwould pway mwe?.. Slurp.."</pink> She laughs as you grip onto the wall for some support
<b>-"Hah, you wish!"</b> You spend the next 10 minutes holding on for dear life while she sucks you dry, but alas, after a couple more strokes, you explode inside of her mouth.
<pink>-"NghHHhh! Gulp... S-swwhitTtt.. Gulp..."</pink> Your thighs quiver as you feel her swallowing every last drop.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\s3.webp">
<pink>-"B-bleh... Hah, you taste good too."</pink> The woman whispers as she spits out your cock.
<pink>-"Thanks love... You deserve this."</pink> She hands you some cash through the hole and you grab it.
<b>-"Thanks for the tip..! Come back again!"</b> The woman walks off as you clean yourself free of your semen. You spend the next hour or two waiting for clients and holding on for dear life when they come. After a good hour or two, you count your money and decide that it's time to call it.
<<money +250 "Worked at the Lair!">>
<green>Money +250!</green>
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<b>-"Finally..."</b> You open your mouth and get close to the hole as the light comes on.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\s1.webp">
<blue>-"Here!"</blue> Your throat gets stuffed to the brim with cock.
<b>-"S-swo twhick!"</b> You struggle to breathe as you begin going back and forth.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\s2.webp">
<blue>-"ShiTtTTttt you're good!"</blue> His muffled voice echoes through the room.
<b>-"NGhHhh.. Thwank ywou..! Slurp.. NghhHh.."</b> As the minutes roll by, you use every skill you've learnt so far to drain his balls completely. Alas, after a couple more strokes, he explodes in your mouth.
<b>-"S-shwitTtt! Gulp.. GHhhHhh... Gulp.."</b>
<b>-"Ahhhh.. So much!"</b> You say as you finish gulping down his load.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\s3.webp">
<blue>-"Thanks love... You deserve this."</blue> He hands you some cash through the hole and you grab it.
<b>-"Thanks for the tip..! Come back again!"</b> The man walks off as you clean yourself free of his semen. You spend the next hour or two waiting for clients and bringing them to climax when they show up. After a good hour or two, you count your money and decide that it's time to call it.
<<money +250 "Worked at the Lair!">>
<green>Money +250!</green>
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<div class="actions-horizontal sticky">
[[Return->Go outside]]
</div><<if $domstatus is true>>
<pink>-"Come on big boy.."</pink> A mouth pops up on the other side of the hole.
<b>-"Eager, huh?"</b> You say as you begin to stroke your cock to get it hard enough.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\s1.webp">
<pink>-"Hell yeah I am... Heard that the guys here are huge!"</pink> Your the only guy here..
<b>-"Well, see for yourself!"</b> You slowly insert your rod into her throat.
<pink>-"O-owh mwy GwoddDD!!'</pink>
<b>-"FuckkkKKkk yeahhh.."</b> You struggle to breathe as she begins going back and forth.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\s2.webp">
<b>-"MghHHHh.. You're good!"</b>
<pink>-"NGhHhh.. Mwaybe.. Slurp.. Ywou shwould pway mwe?.. Slurp.."</pink> She laughs as you grip onto the wall for some support
<b>-"Hah, you wish!"</b> You spend the next 10 minutes holding on for dear life while she sucks you dry, but alas, after a couple more strokes, you explode inside of her mouth.
<pink>-"NghHHhh! Gulp... S-swwhitTtt.. Gulp..."</pink> Your thighs quiver as you feel her swallowing every last drop.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\s3.webp">
<pink>-"B-bleh... Hah, you taste good too."</pink> The woman whispers as she spits out your cock.
<pink>-"Thanks love... You deserve this."</pink> She hands you some cash through the hole and you grab it.
<b>-"Thanks for the tip..! Come back again!"</b> The woman walks off as you clean yourself free of your semen. You spend the next hour or two waiting for clients and holding on for dear life when they come. After a good hour or two, you count your money and decide that it's time to call it.
<<money +250 "Worked at the Lair!">>
<green>Money +250!</green>
<<if $leyjaslairevent>=5>>\
<code>You've reached the end of the current Leyja's Lair route, more content will come in future updates! 😈</code>
<b>-"Finally..."</b> You open your mouth and get close to the hole as the light comes on.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\s1.webp">
<blue>-"Here!"</blue> Your throat gets stuffed to the brim with cock.
<b>-"S-swo twhick!"</b> You struggle to breathe as you begin going back and forth.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\s2.webp">
<blue>-"ShiTtTTttt you're good!"</blue> His muffled voice echoes through the room.
<b>-"NGhHhh.. Thwank ywou..! Slurp.. NghhHh.."</b> As the minutes roll by, you use every skill you've learnt so far to drain his balls completely. Alas, after a couple more strokes, he explodes in your mouth.
<b>-"S-shwitTtt! Gulp.. GHhhHhh... Gulp.."</b>
<b>-"Ahhhh.. So much!"</b> You say as you finish gulping down his load.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\s3.webp">
<blue>-"Thanks love... You deserve this."</blue> He hands you some cash through the hole and you grab it.
<b>-"Thanks for the tip..! Come back again!"</b> The man walks off as you clean yourself free of his semen. You spend the next hour or two waiting for clients and bringing them to climax when they show up. After a good hour or two, you count your money and decide that it's time to call it.
<<money +250 "Worked at the Lair!">>
<green>Money +250!</green>
<<if $leyjaslairevent>=5>>\
<code>You've reached the end of the current Leyja's Lair route, more content will come in future updates! 😈</code>
<div class="actions-horizontal sticky">
[[Return->Go outside]]
</div><<set $worked to true>>\
<<set $leyjaslairevent to $leyjaslairevent +1>>\
<<if $domstatus is true>>\
<b>-"Hey beautiful!"</b> You greet Leyja as you enter the store.
<m>-"Heyyyy handsome! Ready for your shift?"</m>
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\1.jpg">
<b>-"Well.. Actually."</b> You throw your stuff to the side and meet her near the counter.
<b>-"I was thinking of working in the Lair tonight."</b>
<m>-"Oh! Cool! Should be a pretty slow day here, so I won't need your help anyways."</m> Leyja stands up.
<m>-"Come, follow me."</m>
<b>-"Sure.."</b> She leads you to her dungeon.
<b>-"So quiet..."</b>
<m>-"Most girls haven't gotten here yet, so it's pretty empty."</m> You both walk into the room she showed you a couple of days ago.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\2.jpg">
<m>-"You remember this place, right?"</m>
<b>-"How could I not.."</b>
<m>-"Good! Now, let's go over some tips and general notes."</m> She sits down on the chair.
<m>-"Number one - Try not to last as long as you can. No woman wants to pay a bunch of money for a cock that lasts 5 minutes."</m>
<b>-"Of course."</b>
<m>-"Number two - Handjob and blowjob gloryholes aren't the only services we're known for. We also do massages with happy endings, orgies and reverse gloryholes!"</m>
<<pageReplace"Reverse gloryholes?">>\
<b>-"Reverse gloryholes? What's that?"</b>
<m>-"Really haven't heard of it? Shit.. We might have to improve our marketing then."</m>
<m>-"It's when a woman sticks her ass through a hole and you as the worker have to fuck her brains out."</m>
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\3.jfif">
<b>-"Oh wow.. Does that pay better?"</b>
<m>-"Very much so! We'll talk a little more about the other services when you get a little more experience though."</m>
<m>-"And finally, number three - Payment comes after the services."</m>
<b>-"Figured, no problem there."</b>
<m>-"Good! Then wait for a customer to come in, then stick your meat through the hole and have fun!"</m> She smiles and heads towards the door.
<b>-"Will do! Thanks Leyja!"</b>
<m>-"No problem! Enjoy your first day!"</m> The door closes
<b>-"Huff... I guess now we wait. Can't believe I'll actually get paid to be sucked off..."</b>
<<pageReplace"Wait for a customer.">>
<b>-"Hmmm Hmmmm Hmmmm... La laaa laaa.."</b> You sit there, humming and singing, waiting for a sign that someone is on the other side of the wall.
<b>-"I wonder what it'll be like.. Will she be good?"</b>
<b>-"Will she suck? How long will I last? How much will she pay..?"</b> A bright white light suddenly lights up at the corner of the room.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\4.gif">
<b>-"J-jeez!"</b> You shout as you squint and look around.
<b>-"What was that for.."</b> Before you could complain even more, you suddenly hear a knock on the wall.
<b>-"Oh.. I think it's time."</b>
<b>-"Was the light meant to get my attention?"</b> You wonder as you stand up and pull down your pants.
<b>-"Lemme just.."</b> You take a couple of seconds, but after letting your imagination run wild for a bit, you get a boner.
<b>-"Here!"</b> You slowly insert your cock into the hole in the wall.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\5.webp">
<b>-"Enjoy!"</b> You try to communicate with the woman behind the wall, but you get no answer.
<b>-"Not very fond of talking, huh..?"</b>
<b>-"You can start whenever you want..."</b> As you close your eyes, you feel a hand grip your shaft.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\6.webp">
<adriana>-"So big.."</adriana> You hear her whisper from behind the wall..
<b>-"MgHh.."</b> She starts to grab your balls as you grip the wall, trying your best not to cum.
<<pageReplace"Hold on.">>
<b>-"H-hey! Be gentle!"</b>
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\12.webp">
<adriana>-"I wish he was this big.."</adriana> You hear yet another whisper.
<adriana>-"I wonder what it tastes like..."</adriana>
<b>-"S-shiTtttt ngHHhhH!!!"</b> You shout as the woman envelopes your whole shaft with her mouth.
<b>-"S-so warmmMMMmm...!"</b> The wall shakes as you begin to quiver in pleasure.
<adriana>-"Slurp... NgHhhHhh.. Slurp.."</adriana> As you look up to focus easier, you notice that the wall isn't connected to the ceiling.
<b>-"NgHhhH.. H-huh?"</b> It's similar to a bathroom stall. If you stood on the tip of your toes you could see into the other side.
<adriana>-"MmmmMMmm.. Slurp... Delicious.."</adriana>
<b>-"Shit.. S-should I?"</b>
<<pageReplace"Do it.">>
<b>-"W-why the hell not.."</b> You peak over the wall.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\11.webp">
<b>-"S-shit!"</b> Your eyes meet and you immediately stop looking.
<adriana>-"AhhhHHH!"</adriana> She stops sucking.
<adriana>-"Cough cough.. I though you weren't.. Cough.. Supposed to look?!"</adriana> The woman sounds mad..
<b>-"I-I apologize!"</b> Right as you say that, she grabs your shaft once again and begins to rub the tip as fast as she can.
<b>-"S-shit! I'm about to cum!"</b>
<b>-"MgHhhhHH!!"</b> You eyes roll backwards as your massive load explodes onto her.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\8.gif">
<adriana>-"W-wow.."</adriana> She whispers as you fire off the last shot in your magazine.
<b>-"God damn... She has some skills!"</b> You slowly pull out your cock from the hall and fall back on the chair.
<adriana>-"Thanks honey. Maybe I should bring my husband here."</adriana> The woman whispers.
<adriana>-"Here."</adriana> You look up and see her hand come out of the hole with cash.
<b>-"T-thank you ma'am!"</b> After standing up, you grab the money.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\9.png">
<b>-"Not bad for my first day.."</b> You mumble as you shove the bills in your pocket.
<b>-"Leyja told me to tell her when I'm done..."</b> You stand up and look around.
<b>-"Right.. Time to go."</b> After putting on your pants, you walk out.
<<pageReplace"Meet Leyja at the counter.">>
<b>-"Hey Leyja! I'm done!"</b>
<m>-"Already?"</m> She cheks her watch.
<b>-"What do you mean already? That took 20 minutes!"</b>
<m>-"Hah! Just messing around. That's pretty good for a first timer. How much did you earn?"</m>
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\10.jpg">
<b>-"200 bucks!"</b>
<m>-"Only? That's the base rate, so she didn't leave a tip. Did you do anything wrong?"</m>
<m>-"Spit it out."</m> Leyja crosses her arms.
<b>-"I might have peaked over the wall to see her."</b>
<m>-"You fucking dumbass!"</m> She punches your shoulder.
<b>-"Sorry! It was way too easy to do, couldn't stop myself!"</b>
<m>-"Most of our customers want privacy! Keep that in mind next time!"</m> She rolls her eyes.
<b>-"Fine, fine.. I'll try my best."</b>
<m>-"Anyways, so that's pretty much it. Whenever you're bored of working here, go in there, have some fun and earn some cash!"</m> She smiles.
<b>-"Sure.. Anyways, how much do I leave you?"</b>
<m>-"What do you mean?"</m>
<b>-"How much of the 200 does the store keep?"</b>
<m>-"Oh! Nothing! I profit off of entrance fees! People pay money just to get inside!"</m>
<b>-"Really? So it's all mine?"</b>
<b>-"Thanks! I'm going back then, maybe another customer will come in!"</b> Leyja nods as you turn around and head towards the Lair again. You spend the next hour or two waiting, yet nothing happens and another customer never comes.
<b>-"Shit.. That's unfortunate."</b> You feel a little disappointed that you couldn't earn more money, but for your first time, 200 bucks isn't terrible. After you pick up your stuff and say goodbye to Leyja, you go outside and get into your car.
<<money +200 "Worked at the Lair!">>
<green>Money +200!</green>
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<b>-"N-nah.. I shouldn't.."</b> You shake your head free from those thoughts and just focus on the task at hand - Not cumming.
<adriana>-"Come on big boy..."</adriana>
<b>-"Oh no.."</b>
<b>-"NghHHh!"</b> You feel her hand move up to the tip of your cock and start to move incredibly fast.
<b>-"S-slow down!"</b>
<adriana>-"Heh.. No.."</adriana>
<b>-"S-shit! I'm about to cum!"</b>
<b>-"MgHhhhHH!!"</b> You eyes roll backwards as your massive load explodes onto her.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\8.gif">
<adriana>-"W-wow.."</adriana> She whispers as you fire off the last shot in your magazine.
<b>-"God damn... She has some skills!"</b> You slowly pull out your cock from the hall and fall back on the chair.
<adriana>-"Thanks honey. Maybe I should bring my husband here."</adriana> The woman whispers.
<adriana>-"Here."</adriana> You look up and see her hand come out of the hole with cash.
<b>-"T-thank you ma'am!"</b> After standing up, you grab the money.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\9.png">
<b>-"Not bad for my first day.."</b> You mumble as you shove the bills in your pocket.
<b>-"Leyja told me to tell her when I'm done..."</b> You stand up and look around.
<b>-"Right.. Time to go."</b> After putting on your pants, you walk out.
<<pageReplace"Meet Leyja at the counter.">>
<b>-"Hey Leyja! I'm done!"</b>
<m>-"Already?"</m> She cheks her watch.
<b>-"What do you mean already? That took 20 minutes!"</b>
<m>-"Hah! Just messing around. That's pretty good for a first timer. How much did you earn?"</m>
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\10.jpg">
<b>-"220 bucks!"</b>
<m>-"Pfft, what a loser she is! Barely even left you a tip. The base rate for a rented cock is 200, you got unlucky."</m>
<b>-"Shit.. Really?! I thought I did a good job..."</b>
<m>-"Maybe you did, some customers are just broke."</m> Leyja laughs.
<m>-"Anyways, how was it?"</m>
<b>-"Pretty good I guess. Also noticed that there's a gap inbetween the ceiling and the wall. Isn't that a privacy risk?"</b>
<m>-"Yeahhhhh I need to get that check out soon, have gotten a couple of complaints."</m>
<m>-"Anyways, so that's pretty much it. Whenever you're bored of working here, go in there, have some fun and earn some cash!"</m> She smiles.
<b>-"Sure.. Anyways, how much do I leave you?"</b>
<m>-"What do you mean?"</m>
<b>-"How much of the 220 does the store keep?"</b>
<m>-"Oh! Nothing! I profit off of entrance fees! People pay money just to get inside!"</m>
<b>-"Really? So it's all mine?"</b>
<b>-"Thanks! I'm going back then, maybe another customer will come in!"</b> Leyja nods as you turn around and head towards the Lair again. You spend the next hour or two waiting, yet nothing happens and another customer never comes.
<b>-"Shit.. That's unfortunate."</b> You feel a little disappointed that you couldn't earn more money, but for your first time, 220 bucks isn't terrible. After you pick up your stuff and say goodbye to Leyja, you go outside and get into your car.
<<money +220 "Worked at the Lair!">>
<green>Money +220!</green>
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<b>-"Heya!"</b> You greet Leyja as you enter the store.
<m>-"Hey beautiful! Ready for your shift?"</m>
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\1.jpg">
<b>-"Well.. Actually."</b> You throw your stuff to the side and meet her near the counter.
<b>-"I was thinking of working in the Lair tonight."</b>
<m>-"Oh! Cool! Should be a pretty slow day here, so I won't need your help anyways."</m> Leyja stands up.
<m>-"Come, follow me."</m>
<b>-"Sure.."</b> She leads you to her dungeon.
<b>-"So quiet..."</b>
<m>-"Most girls haven't gotten here yet, so it's pretty empty."</m> You both walk into the room she showed you a couple of days ago.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\2.jpg">
<m>-"You remember this place, right?"</m>
<b>-"How could I not.."</b>
<m>-"Good! Now, let's go over some tips and general notes."</m> She sits down on the chair.
<m>-"Number one - Try not to be picky at the start. As more customers get interested, you'll have more options, but for now, get off anyone who asks."</m>
<m>-"Number two - Handjob and blowjob gloryholes aren't the only services we're known for. We also do massages with happy endings, orgies and reverse gloryholes!"</m>
<<pageReplace"Reverse gloryholes?">>\
<b>-"Reverse gloryholes? What's that?"</b>
<m>-"Really haven't heard of it? Shit.. We might have to improve our marketing then."</m>
<m>-"It's when a woman sticks her ass through a hole and a person on the other end can do whatever he wants with it for a limited time."</m>
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\3.jfif">
<b>-"D-does that pay better?"</b>
<m>-"Very much so! But to get access to these services, you'll have to appear a little more feminine."</m>
<b>-"Really? This is not enough?"</b> You show off your long hair.
<m>-"Hah! You look great $name, you really do, but down here, we strive for perfection, because that's what our customers are expecting."</m> She crosses her arms.
<m>-"The choice is up to you. But the more feminine you become, the more customers you'll get."</m> Leyja shrugs her shoulders and stands up.
<m>-"And finally, number three - Payment comes after the services."</m>
<b>-"Figured, no problem there."</b>
<m>-"Good! Then wait for a customer to come in, treat him as best as you can and after you finish come up and talk to me!"</m> She smiles and heads towards the door.
<b>-"Will do! Thanks Leyja!"</b>
<m>-"No problem! Enjoy your first day!"</m> The door closes
<b>-"Huff... I guess now we wait."</b>
<<pageReplace"Wait for a customer.">>
<b>-"Hmmm Hmmmm Hmmmm... La laaa laaa.."</b> You sit there, kicking your feet and looking at the wall, waiting for a cock to pop out.
<b>-"I wonder what it'll be like.. Will it be big?"</b>
<b>-"Will it be small? How long will he last? How much will he pay..?"</b> A bright white light suddenly lights up at the corner of the room.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\4.gif">
<b>-"J-jeez!"</b> You shout as you squint and look around.
<b>-"What was that for.."</b> Before you could complain even more, you suddenly notice something.
<b>-"Oh my God.."</b> A pretty big cock slowly comes out of the hole.
<b>-"Was the light meant to get my attention?"</b> You wonder as you stare the rod in front of you.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\5.webp">
<b>-"H-hello sir!"</b> You try to communicate with the man behind the wall, but you get no answer.
<b>-"Not very fond of talking, huh..?"</b>
<b>-"Here I go then.."</b> As you slowly place your hand on his shaft, you hear a grunt.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\6.webp">
<b>-"So big.."</b> It's definitely not the first time you've touched a cock that's not your own, but it's still pretty difficult to know what to do.
<b>-"Let's try this.."</b>You begin to slowly stroke his rod as it gets harder and harder with each touch.
<b>-"MgHh.."</b> The whole process is turning you on as well..
<<pageReplace"Give his balls some love.">>
<b>-"Can't forget these.."</b> You place your hands on his special pair or cherries and begin pleasuring them.
<blue>-"Nghhhrhh.."</blue> Another grunt leaves the man's lips.
<b>-"Gosh they're massive.."</b>
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\12.webp">
<b>-"I wonder what it would feel like having a cock this size inside of me.."</b> You zone out for a second as the cock hypnotizes you.
<b>-"W-what am I thinking about?!"</b> After taking some deep breaths and shaking your head, you start to speed up.
<b>-"The faster I get done with this, the faster I get paid.."</b> You notice a tiny bit of pre cum leak out of his tip.
<b>-"I.. I want to taste it.."</b>
<<pageReplace"Do it.">>
<b>-"W-why the hell not.."</b> You slowly put your tongue up against his tip as you continue to stroke.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\7.webp">
<b>-"MmmMm.. S-salty.. Yet so creamy.."</b>
<b>-"Gulp.."</b> You swallow some as the man begins throbbing.
<blue>-"FuckK!"</blue> His muffled voice fills the room.
<b>-"A-already?!"</b> You can feel that he's about to burst, so you grab his balls and stroke even harder.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\8.gif">
<b>-"Wow.."</b> You whisper as you witness his enormous load explode onto you.
<b>-"Well that was easier than expected.."</b> You take a tissue that's besides you and clean off your cum covered leg.
<blue>-"T-thanks.."</blue> He whispers as he slowly pulls his cock out.
<blue>-"Here.."</blue> You look up once again, to see his hand come out of the hole with cash.
<b>-"T-thank you sir!"</b> After trowing the tissue to the side, you grab the money.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\9.png">
<b>-"Not bad for my first day.."</b> You mumble as you shove the bills in your pocket.
<b>-"Leyja told me to tell her when I'm done..."</b> You stand up and look around.
<b>-"Right.. Time to go."</b>
<<pageReplace"Meet Leyja at the counter.">>
<b>-"Hey Leyja! I'm done!"</b>
<b>-"Mhm. Guy didn't last long."</b>
<m>-"Hmph, maybe you're better than I thought! How much did you get?"</m>
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\10.jpg">
<b>-"220 bucks!"</b>
<m>-"Pfft, what a dork, barely even left you a tip. The base rate for a handjob is 200, you got unlucky."</m>
<b>-"Shit.. Really?! I thought I did a good job..."</b>
<m>-"Maybe you did, some dudes are just broke."</m> Leyja laughs.
<m>-"Anyways, how was it?"</m>
<b>-"Pretty good I guess. Kind of cool that I can't see him, makes it more private and... Professional?"</b>
<m>-"Spot on! That's what I was going for."</m>
<m>-"Anyways, so that's pretty much it. Whenever you're bored of working here, go in there, have some fun and earn some cash!"</m> She smiles.
<m>-"As I said, the more feminine you become, the more services I'll allow you to do. Do whatever you want with that information!"</m>
<b>-"Sure.. Anyways, how much do I leave you?"</b>
<m>-"What do you mean?"</m>
<b>-"How much of the 220 does the store keep?"</b>
<m>-"Oh! Nothing! I profit off of entrance fees! People pay money just to get inside!"</m>
<b>-"Really? So it's all mine?"</b>
<b>-"Thanks! I'm going back then, maybe another customer will come in!"</b> Leyja nods as you turn around and head towards the Lair again. You spend the next hour or two waiting, yet nothing happens and another customer never comes.
<b>-"S-shit.. That's unfortunate."</b> You feel a little disappointed that you couldn't earn more money, but for your first time, 220 bucks isn't terrible. After you pick up your stuff and say goodbye to Leyja, you go outside and get into your car.
<<money +220 "Worked at the Lair!">>
<green>Money +220!</green>
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<b>-"N-nah.. I shouldn't.."</b> You pull your face away from his cock as you pick up in speed.
<blue>-"FuckK!"</blue> His muffled voice fills the room.
<b>-"A-already?!"</b> You can feel that he's about to burst, so you grab his balls and stroke even harder.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\8.gif">
<b>-"Wow.."</b> You whisper as you witness his enormous load explode onto you.
<b>-"Well that was easier than expected.."</b> You take a tissue that's besides you and clean off your cum covered leg.
<blue>-"T-thanks.."</blue> He whispers as he slowly pulls his cock out.
<blue>-"Here.."</blue> You look up once again, to see his hand come out of the hole with cash.
<b>-"T-thank you sir!"</b> After trowing the tissue to the side, you grab the two 100 $ bills.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\9.png">
<b>-"Not bad for my first day.."</b> You mumble as you shove the money in your pocket.
<b>-"Leyja told me to tell her when I'm done..."</b> You stand up and look around.
<b>-"Right.. Time to go."</b>
<<pageReplace"Meet Leyja at the counter.">>
<b>-"Hey Leyja! I'm done!"</b>
<b>-"Mhm. Guy didn't last long."</b>
<m>-"Hmph, maybe you're better than I thought! How much did you get?"</m>
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\10.jpg">
<b>-"200 bucks!"</b>
<m>-"Pfft, what a dork, didn't even leave you a tip. The base rate for a handjob, you got unlucky."</m>
<b>-"Shit.. Really?! I thought I did a good job..."</b>
<m>-"Maybe you did, some dudes are just broke."</m> Leyja laughs.
<m>-"Anyways, how was it?"</m>
<b>-"Pretty good I guess. Kind of cool that I can't see him, makes it more private and... Professional?"</b>
<m>-"Spot on! That's what I was going for."</m>
<m>-"Anyways, so that's pretty much it. Whenever you're bored of working here, go in there, have some fun and earn some cash!"</m> She smiles.
<m>-"As I said, the more feminine you become, the more services I'll allow you to do. Do whatever you want with that information!"</m>
<b>-"Sure.. Anyways, how much do I leave you?"</b>
<m>-"What do you mean?"</m>
<b>-"How much of the 200 does the store keep?"</b>
<m>-"Oh! Nothing! I profit off of entrance fees! People pay money just to get inside!"</m>
<b>-"Really? So it's all mine?"</b>
<b>-"Thanks! I'm going back then, maybe another customer will come in!"</b> Leyja nods as you turn around and head towards the Lair again. You spend the next hour or two waiting, yet nothing happens and another customer never comes.
<b>-"S-shit.. That's unfortunate."</b> You feel a little disappointed that you couldn't earn more money, but for your first time, 200 bucks isn't terrible. After you pick up your stuff and say goodbye to Leyja, you go outside and get into your car.
<<money +200 "Worked at the Lair!">>
<green>Money +200!</green>
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<</if>>\<<set $leyjaslairevent to $leyjaslairevent +1>>\
<<if $domstatus is true>>
<b>-"Right, let's get to work."</b> You mumble as the light comes on and you begin focusing to get hard.
<b>-"Here I go.."</b>
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\a3.webp">
<b>-"Uuuuu.. Cold.."</b> You shiver a bit as you pierce the hole with your manhood.
<adriana>-"MgHhhh.. Jackpot..."</adriana> A muffled moan rings out from behind the wall.
<b>-"You can start whenever you want!"</b>
<b>-"MghhhHhhh!"</b> Right as you say that, you feel a pair of tight, warm lips wrap around your cock.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\a1.webp">
<adriana>-"Slurp... Swo gwood.."</adriana>
<b>-"S-shittTttt.. Slow down!"</b> It's been a good 10 minutes, but she hasn't slowed down.
<b>-"She better leave me a good tip..."</b> You think as you grab the wall in preparation for what's about to happen.
<b>-"FuckKkk!!"</b> The wall begins to shake as your thighs quiver.
<b>-"MghHhh.. I-I'm cummingggGGG!!"</b>
<adriana>-"GghhH!!! Gulp... NghHhH! Gulp..!"</adriana> You hear her swallowing your thick load.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\a5.webp">
<b>-"Shitt.. You're crazy good.."</b> You whisper as she finally let's go.
<adriana>-"T-thank you honey... My husband has a micro, so this is an amazing experience."</adriana> She laughs as you pull out your cock.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\a6.webp">
<b>-"Don't mention it.."</b> A hand comes out of the hole with some cash.
<b>-"Thank you!"</b> You grab the money.
<adriana>-"You deserve it!"</adriana> The woman slips her hand back and you hear her walk away.
<b>-"Let's wait for another one then.."</b> You sit down on the chair and begin to wait. After a couple of minutes, the light comes on again.
<b>-"Alright.. Come on big boy, get hard."</b> You slap it around a couple of times until it's at least not completely flaccid and put it through the hole.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\a4.webp">
<emily>-"Oh wow.."</emily>
<<pageReplace"Let her enjoy your cock as well..">>\
<b>-"S-shittTtttt OoohhHHhHH!!!"</b> You scream as the woman milks you dry. This time it took a little longer, around 20 minutes, but still quite quick!
<emily>-"Heh.. I knew that I was good.."</emily>
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\a2.webp">
<emily>-"Thank you love... Needed a confidence boost."</emily> You grab yet another pile of cash and shove it done your pocket.
<b>-"No problem, come again!"</b> You wipe off the cum from your shaft after you pull it out and sit down again.
<b>-"Let's see if anyone else shows up."</b> In the upcoming couple of hours, 3 more women show up who you gladly serve. After collecting the money from each one, you count it and begin walking out of Leyja's Lair.
<b>-"Hmph.. Not bad for a couple of hours, but my cock is completely dead.."</b> Even if you wanted to serve more women, you couldn't.
<b>-"Time to head home."</b> You shove the cash in your wallet, say goodbye to Leyja and begin walking towards your car.
<<money +280 "Worked at the Lair!">>
<green>Money +280!</green>
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<b>-"Right, let's get to work."</b> You mumble as the light comes on and a cock comes out of the hole.
<b>-"Damn... Pretty big this time."</b>
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\a3.webp">
<b>-"Here I go..."</b> As you place your hand on the customers shaft, it starts to throb.
<blue>-"HgHhh.."</blue> A muffled moan rings out from behind the wall.
<b>-"I will drain you in no time, don't worry."</b>
<b>-"MghhhHhhh!"</b> You begin to suck the man off. You've got quite a bit of experience, so this is pretty easy.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\a1.webp">
<b>-"S-swo thwickKk.. Slurp... NghHhhhh.."</b>
<b>-"He better leave me a good tip..."</b> You think as you continue to pleasure his manhood.
<blue>-"FuckKkk!!"</blue> The wall begins to shake as the man thighs quiver.
<<pageReplace"Make him cum.">>\
<blue>-"MghHhh.. I-I'm cummingggGGG!!"</blue>
<b>-"GghhH!!! Gulp... NghHhH! Gulp..!"</b> You swallow his thick load as he explodes.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\a5.webp">
<b>-"S-shitt.. So much.."</b> You whisper as you slowly get up from your knees.
<blue>-"T-thank you honey... My wife should take some tips from you."</blue> The man says from behind the wall.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\a6.webp">
<b>-"D-don't mention it.."</b> The man pulls back his manhood and after a couple of seconds, sticks his hand in the hole with a pile of cash.
<b>-"Thank you!"</b> You grab the money.
<blue>-"No, thank you!"</blue> The man slips his hand back and you hear him walk away.
<b>-"Let's wait for another one then.."</b> You sit down on the chair and begin to wait. After a couple of minutes, without any warning, yet another cock pops out of the hole.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\a4.webp">
<b>-"O-oh!"</b> You stare at it in surprise. Time to get to work yet again!
<<pageReplace"Make him cum as well.">>\
<grey>-"S-shittTtttt OoohhHHhHH!!!"</grey> The man screams as you milk him dry. It only took you around 10 minutes!
<b>-"Heh.. This one didn't last long."</b>
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\a2.webp">
<grey>-"Thank you love... Needed this."</grey> You grab yet another pile of cash and shove it done your pocket.
<b>-"No problem, come again!"</b> You wipe off the cum from your hands and sit down.
<b>-"Let's see if anyone else shows up."</b> In the upcoming couple of hours, 3 more men show up who you gladly serve. After collecting the money from each one, you count it and begin walking out of Leyja's Lair.
<b>-"Hmph.. Not bad for a couple of hours."</b> You shove the cash in your wallet, say goodbye to Leyja and begin walking towards your car.
<<money +280 "Worked at the Lair!">>
<green>Money +280!</green>
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<</if>><<set $leyjaslairevent to $leyjaslairevent +1>>\
<<if $domstatus is true>>\
<m>-"Heyyyy handsome!"</m> A voice rings out as you walk towards your gloryhole booth.
<b>-"Hey?"</b> You awkwardly look around to see where it came from.
<m>-"I'm right here dummy!"</m> It's Leyja!
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\d11.jpg">
<m>-"Confused?"</m> She giggles.
<b>-"Shut up.. What are you doing here, why are you not up there?"</b>
<m>-"Eh, closed a little early, thought this place could use a clean."</m> She shows you some cleaning supplies.
<b>-"Ohhh! Need any help?"</b>
<m>-"Not really, but thanks for asking! You can keep working."</m>
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\d10.jpg">
<b>-"You sure I won't make it hard for you?"</b>
<m>-"Of course not! I'll be done here in like 20 minutes anyways."</m> She picks up a mop.
<b>-"Understood, I'm off then."</b> Leyja nods as you begin walking towards your previous destination.
<<pageReplace"Get inside.">>\
<b>-"Right.."</b> You throw your things to the side and stretch a bit.
<b>-"Time to get to work..."</b>
<b>-"Oh!"</b> The light comes on, meaning there's a client on the other side.
<b>-"Just a minute!"</b> You get your cock in order and stick it through the hole.
<pink>-"Mhm.."</pink> The woman mumbles from behind the wall.
<b>-"This is awkward.."</b> You wait for a couple of seconds but nothing happens. To keep your dick hard, you begin humping the air a bit.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\d1.webp">
<pink>-"Sigh.. Fine!"</pink> You hear her put down her phone and get on her knees.
<b>-"O-ohHHH!!"</b> You feel a row of teeth touch the tip of your cock.
<b>-"C-calm down!"</b>
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\d2.webp">
<pink>-"That's for being impatient!"</pink> She giggles and inserts your rod into her mouth.
<b>-"Ooohhhhh... Now that's better.."</b>
<pink>-"MghhHh.. Slurp.. I bwet... Slurp.."</pink>
<<pageReplace"Try your best not to cum.">>
<b>-"Oh fuck yeah.."</b> You whisper as you begin moving back and forth.
<pink>-"G-gwah gwah ghahww.."</pink>
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\d3.webp">
<b>-"Do you want me to slow down?"</b>
<pink>-"N-nwooOOO! Mghhhh.."</pink>
<b>-"Fuck it's way to hot in here.."</b> You take off your clothes as you try your best to continue the thrusting.
<b>-"H-here..."</b> You stick your shaft completely through the opening and let her have some fun.
<pink>-"GuhhhhhHhh."</pink> The woman begins to jack you off while pleasuring your tip with her tongue... This is dangerous.
<b>-"W-wait!!"</b> The wall begins to shake as you throb and hold on for dear life.
<pink>-"C-cwome onw!!"</pink> After another minute or two, you lose all strength and the pleasure overtakes you.
<pink>-"Ahhhhh!"</pink> You feel her pull your cock out of her mouth and begin to stroke you.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\d4.webp">
<pink>-"MmMMmm... Gulp.. MmmMmm... Gulp..."</pink>
<b>-"ShittTTttt.."</b> You close your eyes as you unload.
<pink>-"Mmmm! Do you eat pinapples often?"</pink> The woman laughs.
<b>-"I do!"</b> You chuckle as well and begin to pull out your cock from the hole.
<pink>-"Here, thanks for that."</pink> She hands you some money which you take.
<<pageReplace"Thank her.">>
<b>-"Thank you, come again!"</b> After sitting down on the chair, you hear her begin walking away.
<b>-"Sigh.. Let's wait for another one."</b> You think as you look around the room. Suddenly, you notice something.
<b>-"Is that..?"</b> You think you notice something on the door.
<<pageReplace"Take a closer look.">>
<<blink "Images/Leyjas Lair/d5.jpg" 900>>
<b>-"W-WOAH!!!!"</b> You almost fall backwards in shock. Someone is spying on you! As soon as you see them, the eyes disappear.
<b>-"Who's there?"</b> You stand up and begin walking towards the door.
<b>-"Hello?!"</b> The door swings open as you push it.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\d6.jpg">
<emily>-"Hey superman."</emily>
<b>-"It's you!"</b> This is the woman who teased you on your shift a while back.
<emily>-"It's me!"</emily> She laughs.
<emily>-"I'm Gabby by the way."</emily> She extends her arm.
<b>-"$name."</b> You shake it while still frowning.
<b>-"Why were you spying on me?"</b>
<emily>-"I wasn't spying on you! Just wanted to see what the fuzz was about!"</emily>
<emily>-"Mhm. Suddenly Leyja's Lair is full of women. Apparently it's because of you."</emily> She crosses her arms.
<b>-"Well.. What can I say, maybe I'm just that good."</b>
<emily>-"Hah! Come on, you just need to have a big dick and last long, there's nothing to be good at."</emily>
<b>-"You try it then... Oh wait."</b>
<emily>-"..."</emily> She rolls her eyes while smiling.
<b>-"Anyways, stop spying on me! It ruins the mood!"</b>
<emily>-"Aight aight captain, whatever you say."</emily>
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\d7.png">
<emily>-"Although, that was definitely a lie."</emily>
<b>-"Huh, what was?"</b> Gabby glances towards your bottom half.
<emily>-"You said it was a turn off.."</emily> She bites her lip as you look down.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\d8.jfif">
<b>-"OH FUCK!"</b> You're completely naked! You forgot to put on your clothes after the last job!
<b>-"Sorry!"</b> You begin running back to your booth as gabby begins to laugh.
<emily>-"Hahahahaha it's all good!"</emily> You quickly close the door and sit down.
<b>-"Shit... At least she was nice about it."</b> After calming down for a second, you stand up again.
<b>-"Ready!"</b> You shout as the light comes on again. This time you'll make sure to keep an eye on the door...
<<money +280 "Worked at the Lair!">>
<green>Money +280!</green>
[[Finish your shift->Go outside]]
<m>-"Heyyyy princess!"</m> A voice rings out as you walk towards your gloryhole booth.
<b>-"H-hey?"</b> You awkwardly look around to see where it came from.
<m>-"I'm right here dummy!"</m> It's Leyja!
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\d11.jpg">
<m>-"Gosh you look so silly when you're confused."</m>
<b>-"Leyja! What are you doing here, why are you not up there?"</b>
<m>-"Eh, closed a little early, thought this place could use a clean."</m> She shows you some cleaning supplies.
<b>-"Ohhh! Need any help?"</b>
<m>-"I need you to keep working!"</m>
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\d10.jpg">
<b>-"You sure I won't make it hard for you?"</b>
<m>-"Of course not! I'll be done here in like 20 minutes anyways."</m> She picks up a mop.
<b>-"Understood, I'm off then."</b> Leyja nods as you begin walking towards your previous destination.
<<pageReplace"Get inside.">>\
<b>-"Right.."</b> You throw your things to the side and stretch a bit.
<b>-"Time to get to work..."</b>
<blue>-"A-ahem!"</blue> You hear a manly voice from behind the wall. You instinctively look over at the hole.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\d1.webp">
<b>-"O-oh!"</b> There's already a client waiting and he's very impatient!
<b>-"Just got here sir, give me a minute!"</b> You hear a sigh as more humping ensues.
<blue>-"Can't wait to get drained.."</blue> He whispers as you finally get on your knees.
<b>-"I'm here, I'm here, calm down."</b> You lightly bite the tip of his cock to tease him.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\d2.webp">
<blue>-"O-oh! Hey! Calm down!"</blue>
<b>-"That's for being impatient!"</b> You giggle and insert his rod into your mouth.
<blue>-"Ooohhhhh... Now that's better.."</blue>
<b>-"MghhHh.. Slurp.. I bwet... Slurp.."</b>
<<pageReplace"Suck him dry.">>
<blue>-"Oh fuck yeah.."</blue> He says as he begins to move back and forth.
<b>-"G-gwah gwah ghahww.."</b> You try your best to breath inbetween thrusts.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\d3.webp">
<b>-"S-slow dwownn!"</b>
<b>-"Fuck it's way to hot in here.."</b> You take off your clothes as you try your best to continue sucking him off.
<b>-"That's better.."</b>
<blue>-"GhaaaaAaAAAAAhhhh!"</blue> His rod starts to throb as the wall begins to shake.
<b>-"Shit... Here it comes."</b> You think as you begin to move away from the hole and his cock follows.
<b>-"Cwome hwere.."</b> As you begin to stroke him with your hand, the man quivers even harder.
<b>-"Ahhhhh!"</b> After pulling the cock out of your mouth, you open it in anticipation for what's about to happen.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\d4.webp">
<b>-"MmMMmm... Gulp.. MmmMmm... Gulp..."</b> You swallow his load as you frown.
<blue>-"ShittTTttt.. That was incredible."</blue>
<b>-"Y-yeeshh.. Eats some pinapple man.."</b> The man scoffs ands pulls his cock out of the hole.
<blue>-"R-rude.. But I'll allow it, you were really good."</blue> You smile and begin wiping the cum off of your face.
<blue>-"Here."</blue> He hands you some money which you take.
<<pageReplace"Thank him.">>
<b>-"Thank you, come again!"</b> After sitting down on the chair, you hear him begin walking away.
<b>-"Sigh.. Let's wait for another one."</b> You think as you look around the room. Suddenly, you notice something.
<b>-"Is that..?"</b> You think you notice something on the door.
<<pageReplace"Take a closer look.">>
<<blink "Images/Leyjas Lair/d5.jpg" 900>>
<b>-"W-WOAH!!!!"</b> You almost fall backwards in shock. Someone is spying on you! As soon as you see them, the eyes disappear.
<b>-"Who's there?"</b> You stand up and begin walking towards the door.
<b>-"Hello?!"</b> The door swings open as you push it.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\d6.jpg">
<emily>-"Hey beautiful."</emily>
<b>-"It's you!"</b> This is the woman who teased you on your shift a while back.
<emily>-"It's me!"</emily> She laughs.
<emily>-"I'm Gabby by the way."</emily> She extends her arm.
<b>-"$name."</b> You shake it while still frowning.
<b>-"Why were you spying on me?"</b>
<emily>-"I wasn't spying on you! Just wanted to see what the fuzz was about!"</emily>
<emily>-"Mhm. Suddenly I started having less and less clients, apparently everyone is flocking to your booth!"</emily> She crosses her arms.
<b>-"W-well.. What can I say, maybe I'm just that good."</b> You try to act confident.
<emily>-"Hah! Maybe you are, didn't really see much."</emily>
<b>-"Good! I don't want to be spied on!"</b>
<b>-"A-anyways, don't try to pull that shit again please.."</b>
<emily>-"Aight aight captain, whatever you say."</emily>
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\d7.png">
<emily>-"Anyways, maybe you should go back to your room."</emily>
<b>-"Huh, why?"</b> Gabby glances towards your bottom half.
<emily>-"Because of that."</emily>
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\d9.webp">
<b>-"OH FUCK!"</b> You're completely naked! You forgot to put on your clothes after the last job!
<b>-"Sorry!"</b> You begin running back to your booth as gabby begins to laugh.
<emily>-"Hahahahaha it's all good!"</emily> You quickly close the door and sit down.
<b>-"Shit... At least she was nice about it."</b> After calming down for a second, you get on your knees again.
<b>-"R-ready!"</b> You shout as yet another cock comes through the hole. This time you'll make sure to keep an eye on the door...
<<money +280 "Worked at the Lair!">>
<green>Money +280!</green>
[[Finish your shift->Go outside]]
<</if>>\<<money +280 "Worked at the Lair!">>\
<<if $domstatus is true>>\
<pink>-"Oh wow... That's a pretty big one."</pink> The woman behind the wall mumbles as your cock pierces the hole in the wall. Time to start your Leyja's Lair shift!
<b>-"Enjoy ma'am!"</b>
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\r1.webp">
<pink>-"Fuck... I definitely will..."</pink> She licks her lips and slowly envelopes your cock.
<pink>-"Guhh... HHguHhhh!"</pink>
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\r2.webp">
<b>-"S-such soft lips..."</b> By her technique, you can tell that the woman doesn't have a lot of experience.
<pink>-"Ahhhhh! Want me to speed up?"</pink> She asks after taking out your cock from her mouth.
<b>-"Move at your own pace ma'am, we're doing this for your enjoyment!"</b>
<pink>-"Then take the lead please..."</pink>
<b>-"Sure thing..."</b> You take out your cock from the hole and she presses her mouth up against it.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\r3.webp">
<pink>-"Guhhh... Guhhhh.... Guhhh!"</pink> You try your best to breathe as you fuck her mouth. After about 15 minutes of you destroying her mouth, you begin to feel like the end is near...
<b>-"I'm about to... I-I'm about to cum!"</b> Your shaft begins to throb.
<pink>-"Yessssshhhh!"</pink> She moans as you begin to ejaculate.
<pink>-"Ahhhhhh!"</pink> She opens her mouth wide open and tries to catch it all.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\r4.webp">
<pink>-"Gulp... Gulp... Gulp..."</pink> She slowly swallows your whole load.
<b>-"NGhHhhh... Good work."</b> You compliment her while pulling out your cock. After a couple of seconds, she hands you some money through the whole.
<pink>-"T-thank you sir... That was awesome.."</pink> You chuckle and tke the money.
<b>-"Hah, well I'm glad I could be of service ma'am!"</b> You hear her leave the room and another woman enter.
<emily>-"You ready?"</emily> You take a deep breath and answer. Your cock is still flaccid.
<b>-"Give me just a second!"</b> Time to focus up and finish your shift!
<green>Money +280!</green>
<b>-"Oh wow... That's a pretty big one."</b> You mumble as a cock pierces the hole in the wall. Time to start your Leyja's Lair shift!
<blue>-"H-hurry up please... My wife is waiting in the car."</blue> A muffled, manly voice fills your ears as the man speaks.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\r1.webp">
<b>-"No problem love."</b> You lick your lips and slowly envelope his cock.
<b>-"Guhh... HHguHhhh!"</b>
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\r2.webp">
<blue>-"S-such soft lips..."</blue> By the way he speaks, you can tell that he doesn't get blowjobs often...
<b>-"Ahhhhh! Want me to speed up?"</b> You ask after taking out the cock from your mouth.
<blue>-"MGhhh... Let me take the lead please."</blue>
<b>-"S-sure thing."</b> As he pulls out his cock, you open your mouth and press it against the hole.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\r3.webp">
<blue>-"NGHHHhH! So good!"</blue>
<b>-"Guhhh... Guhhhh.... Guhhh!"</b> You try your best to breathe as he fucks your mouth. You've gotten used to working here, your cock isn't even trying to get hard.
<blue>-"I'm about to... I-I'm about to cum!"</blue> His shaft begins to throb as your eyes grow wide.
<b>-"Already?"</b> You think as you feel cum begin to pour out of his rod.
<b>-"Ahhhhhh!"</b> You open your mouth and aim his tip straight at it.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\r4.webp">
<b>-"Gulp... Gulp... Gulp..."</b> You slowly swallow his whole load.
<blue>-"NGhHhhh... T-thank you honey..."</blue> He slowly removes his cock from the wall and after a couple of seconds, hands you some cash through the hole.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\r5.jpg">
<blue>-"My wife could never, wow!"</blue> You giggle and take the money.
<b>-"Hihihi... Well I'm glad I could be of service sir!"</b> You hear him leave the room and another man enter.
<grey>-"You ready?"</grey> You wipe the cum off of your lips and begin speaking.
<b>-"Sure am!"</b> Time to focus up and finish your shift!
<green>Money +280!</green>
<div class="actions-horizontal sticky">
[[Finish your shift->Go outside]]
</div><<money +280 "Worked at the Lair!">>\
<<if $domstatus is true>>\
<b>-"Whenever you're ready baby..."</b> You say as you slowly jack off to make your cock hard.
<adriana>-"Y-yup, give me a second!"</adriana> After a minute or two, she speaks again.
<adriana>-"Ready!"</adriana> Without a word, you insert your cock through the hole.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\rr1.webp">
<adriana>-"Wow... Pretty big!"</adriana> She says as you feel her hands begin to jack you off.
<b>-"NgHHhh... A lot of girls say that haha!"</b>
<adriana>-"H-here I got then!"</adriana> After licking her lips, she begins to suck you off.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\rr2.webp">
<b>-"MGHhHhh! YessSSs!"</b> You start to throb as the pleasure takes over your body... She's good!
<adriana>-"GrhHHhhh! NgHhhHh! Slurp... Slurp... MGHhh!"</adriana> With each stroke of her mouth, you feel more and more sensitive.
<adriana>-"Ahhhh!"</adriana> She takes out your cock from her mouth and begins to lick the outside of it.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\rr3.webp">
<b>-"AgHhhHHH!"</b> The next 10 minutes are pure heaven... The woman tries her best to milk you the whole time and she's getting pretty damn close!
<b>-"NGhHhhH! I'm about to... I'm about to cum!"</b> You scream as your thighs begin to shake.
<adriana>-"AghHHhhh!"</adriana> She opens her mouth in hopes of catching it all.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\rr4.webp">
<b>-"T-thanks love..."</b> You accidently say inbetween moans.
<adriana>-"Gulp... Gulp... Nghhhh... N-no, thank you!"</adriana> She giggles as you pull out your cock. You enjoy your work so much, you started thanking your customers!
<b>-"Please come again!"</b> You say as you collect your payment through the hole. Time to wait for another customer!
<green>Money +280!</green>
<bartender>-"Whenever you're ready baby..."</bartender> A voice rings out from behind the wall.
<b>-"Y-yup, give me a second!"</b> You just got inside and there's already a line of customers waiting for you. After slipping out of your clothes, you get on your knees and knock on the wall.
<b>-"Ready!"</b> Without a word, the man inserts his cock into the hole.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\rr1.webp">
<b>-"Wow... Pretty big!"</b> You say as you carefully begin to jack him off.
<bartender>-"NgHHhh... A lot of girls say that haha!"</bartender>
<b>-"H-here I got then!"</b> After licking your lips, you begin to suck the man off.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\rr2.webp">
<bartender>-"MGHhHhh! YessSSs!"</bartender> The man's cock begins to throb as you suck him off.
<b>-"GrhHHhhh! NgHhhHh! Slurp... Slurp... MGHhh!"</b> With each stroke of your mouth you feel him getting more and more sensitive.
<b>-"Ahhhh!"</b> You take out his cock from your mouth and begin to lick the outside of it.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\rr3.webp">
<bartender>-"AgHhhHHH!"</bartender> You spend the next 10 minutes trying your best to milk this man.
<bartender>-"NGhHhhH! I'm about to... I'm about to cum!"</bartender> He screams as your feel his cock begin to quiver.
<b>-"AghHHhhh!"</b> You open your mouth and try your best to catch it all.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\rr4.webp">
<bartender>-"T-thanks love..."</bartender> He whispers inbetween breaths as you swallow his load.
<b>-"Gulp... Gulp... Nghhhh..."</b> You lick your lips clean and sit down as the man pulls out his cock.
<b>-"N-not a problem, please come again!"</b> You collect your payment and the man leaves. Time to wait for another customer!
<green>Money +280!</green>
<div class="actions-horizontal sticky">
[[Finish your shift->Go outside]]
</div><<money +280 "Worked at the Lair!">>\
<<if $domstatus is true>>\
<b>-"Hey ma'am!"</b> You say as you hear another customer enter the room.
<pink>-"Hey! Ready to get your dick sucked?"</pink> A confident, young voice rings out from behind the wall.
<b>-"Hah, sure am. You'll just have to get me hard, I just finished up with another girl."</b> After a couple of seconds, your flaccid cock comes through the hole in the wall.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\rrr1.webp">
<pink>-"No worries, give me just a second.."</pink>
<b>-"Nghh...."</b> As she begins to touch your shaft, it starts to grow... And grow... And grow...
<pink>-"W-wow!"</pink> She says as your cock becomes fully hard.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\rrr2.webp">
<b>-"Hah, impressed?"</b> You chuckle.
<pink>-"Sure am! You're huge!"</pink>
<b>-"Well thank you... Now enjoy!"</b>
<pink>-"Of course..."</pink> She licks her lips and begins to give you a blowjob.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\rrr3.webp">
<b>-"Ahhhh! AHhh! S-slow down!"</b> You scream as your hips begin to tremble... She's been sucking you off for about 10 minutes, you feel like you're about to cum!
<pink>-"Ghuuhhhh... Ghuhhh!"</pink>
<b>-"AghHhhH!"</b> You scream as you reach the fourth orgasm of your shift.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\rrr4.webp">
<pink>-"Wow, T-that's a lot of cum!"</pink> She says as you hear her licking her lips clean.
<b>-"That's nothing... You should have seen my first load tonight."</b> You remove your cock from the hole and she hands you some money.
<b>-"Hopefully you enjoyed your night!"</b>
<pink>-"S-sure did... Thank you!"</pink>
<b>-"Please come again!"</b> You hear the woman stand up and walk out of the room.
<b>-"My shift is almost done, 30 minutes remain!"</b> Time to finish your shift and head home!
<green>Money +280!</green>
<blue>-"H-hey honey..."</blue> An old voice rings out from behind the wall.
<b>-"Hey! Ready to get your dick sucked?"</b> You noticed that appearing confident leads to more tips, so that's what you're doing.
<blue>-"Ohoho, it hasn't been touched for so long, but I think I'm ready!"</blue> If you had to guess from his voice, you would say he's around 50 years old. After a couple of seconds, his flaccid cock comes through the hole in the wall.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\rrr1.webp">
<b>-"Let me get it nice and hard for you sir..."</b>
<blue>-"NghHhh... Y-yes..."</blue> As you begin to touch his shaft, it starts to grow... And grow... And grow...
<b>-"W-wow!"</b> You say as his cock finally get's hard. It's huge!
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\rrr2.webp">
<blue>-"Hah, impressed?"</blue> The old man chuckles.
<b>-"Sure am! You're huge!"</b>
<blue>-"Well thank you youngster... Please take good care of me!"</blue>
<b>-"Of course..."</b> You lick your lips and begin to pleasure the man.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\rrr3.webp">
<blue>-"Ahhhh! AHhh! S-slow down!"</blue> He begins to shake as you start to suck him off.
<b>-"Ghuuhhhh... Ghuhhh!"</b> You ignore his request and continue to suck him off.
<blue>-"AghHhhH!"</blue> Not even 20 seconds in, he ejaculates in your mouth...
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\rrr4.webp">
<blue>-"NgHHhhh!"</blue> He did mention he hasn't been touched in ages, but still!
<b>-"Wow, that was quick!"</b> You say as you lick your lips clean.
<blue>-"S-sorry love, here."</blue> He removes his cock from the hole and hands you some money.
<blue>-"Thank you..."</blue> He whispers.
<b>-"Not a problem old-timer, come again, maybe you'll last a bit longer next time!"</b>
<blue>-"Yes..."</blue> You hear the man pull up his pants and walk out of the room.
<b>-"What a cute old man..."</b> Time to wait for another customer!
<green>Money +280!</green>
<div class="actions-horizontal sticky">
[[Finish your shift->Go outside]]
</div><<set $massageintro to true>>\
<<set $leyjaslairevent2 to 1>>\
<<if $domstatus ==true>>
<b>-"Let's work a shift at Leyja's Lair tonight, don't feel like working upstairs."</b> You talk to yourself as you head down the stairs.
<b>-"I didn't see Leyja on the main floor, I wonder if she's here..."</b> As you enter her Lair, you begin to look around.
<b>-"Ah, there you are!"</b> Your boss is only a couple of meters to the side, cleaning the place.
<m>-"Agh, $name!"</m> She puts down the duster and faces you.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\a1.jpg">
<m>-"Came in for some gloryhole work again?"</m>
<b>-"Sure did! You're not on the main floor?"</b>
<m>-"It's been pretty slow today, figured I could use this time to clean the Lair."</m> She's right, you didn't see any customers while walking towards here.
<m>-"Hmmmm, now that I think about it, I could use this free time in another way."</m>
<b>-"Oh? How so?"</b> She turns to the side.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\a2.jpg">
<m>-"I think it's right about time you learned how to give massages, come."</m> Leyja begins walking away.
<b>-"Massages?"</b> You follow.
<m>-"Mhm, it's one of the services we offer. The clients seem pleased with your work in the gloryhole, so I think you're ready to move up the ladder so to speak."</m>
<<pageReplace"Follow her to the massage room.">>\
<b>-"This is it?"</b> You ask as you both enter a room on the other side of the Lair.
<m>-"It is indeed. This is where the magic happens."</m>
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\a3.jpeg">
<m>-"Turn on the lights please."</m> She points at the wall behind you.
<b>-"I assume this service is more expensive?"</b> You ask while flipping the light switch.
<m>-"It depends, if the massage is with a happy ending, then yes. If not, then it pays about the same, maybe even a little less."</m> Leyja begins to climb onto the bed.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\a4.webp">
<b>-"Pardon? Happy ending? What's that?"</b>
<m>-"It's when you make your customer extraaaaa happy for a little cash, if you know what I mean."</m> She winks and begins to undress.
<b>-"Ahhhh... Now I understand."</b>
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\a5.webp">
<m>-"Good... NghHhhh... Now give me a second."</m> She takes off her bra and puts it to the side. Her bare breasts are on display.
<m>-"Your customers will be completely naked, so you'll have to learn how to control that cock of yours."</m>
<<pageReplace"Wait for her to finish.">>
<b>-"Well, when you're the client it'll hard to..."</b> You chuckle as Leyja lays down on her stomach.
<m>-"Hmph, treat this as a test then. Don't pull it out and you pass."</m> She puts a towel on her legs.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\a6.jpeg">
<b>-"What do I win if I pass?"</b>
<m>-"I'll let you do massages, duh!"</m>
<m>-"Anyways, now oil up those hands and show me what they can do."</m> You sigh and nod.
<b>-"Fine..."</b> After you grab a bottle of massage oil, you spread it all across your arms.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\a7.jpg">
<b>-"Will I have to keep it in my pants every time? That's kind of boring..."</b>
<m>-"Depends on the client! Some girls will definitely want to use it..."</m>
<<pageReplace"Give her a massage.">>
<b>-"Oh...? Use it? So I can-"</b> Leyja cuts you off.
<m>-"No, you cannot. No sex, at least not during massages."</m> You start massaging Leyja's back.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\a8.webp">
<b>-"Oh come on!"</b>
<m>-"MGhHh... Sorry, but that's what reverse gloryholes are for! NGhhhh... Clients there have to pay the most!"</m>
<b>-"So there I'll be able to fuck out clients?"</b> You try your best to make Leyja feel good with your hands. You don't have a lot of experience, but judging from her moans, you're doing good.
<m>-"Yes... Ghhhhh... B-but first, you have to prove yourself here, giving massages."</m>
<b>-"Hmph, I will do my best then."</b> You begin to use different techniques you've seen on youtube before.
<m>-"G-good... Good... A little to the left!"</m>
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\a9.webp">
<m>-"AgHhHHhhh! Good!"</m>
<b>-"How do I know if the client wants a happy ending?"</b>
<m>-"You ask... NgHHhh... But most will, almost nobody goes to the Lair just to get a back massage haha."</m> As you raise up your hands for a second, Leyja begins to turn around.
<<pageReplace"Wait for her to lay down on her back.">>
<m>-"NghHhh... There, now do the front."</m> The towel turns with her, so everything is covered.
<b>-"Understood..."</b> You gently grab her leg and begin to massage it.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\a10.jpg">
<m>-"G-good... MGhhh... Very good!"</m> While Leyja is enjoying herself, she doesn't notice that the towel slips to the side, revealing her bare body.
<b>-"Gulp... So hot!"</b> Your cock is already hard, but you remember Leyja's words, so you don't pull it out.
<b>-"I can tell that this spot needs to massaging..."</b> You say as you run down your arm through her chest.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\a11.webp">
<m>-"NgHhhh... I-it does..."</m> Her nipples become hard as you slowly move your hands towards her belly.
<b>-"You've had suchhhhh a rough day, right?"</b>
<m>-"Right... MghHhhh!"</m> You can tell that she's getting into it!
<b>-"Your legs are soooo tired as well..."</b> You whisper as you begin massaging her upper thighs.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\a12.webp">
<m>-"Ghhhh... Y-yesSssSS..."</m> Her body begins to slightly quiver as you continue.
<<pageReplace"Massage her private spots.">>
<b>-"Fuck it..."</b> You begin to inch closer and closer to her vagina.
<m>-"MGhhhh... $name... W-what are you doing...?"</m>
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\a13.webp">
<b>-"You said some clients will want a happy ending... We should practice that too, no?"</b>
<m>-"I... I guess so..."</m>
<b>-"Good, then relax and let me make you feel good..."</b> All you want to do right now is to pull out your cock and fuck Leyja's brains out, but you refrain.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\a14.webp">
<m>-"GHhrhHRhhH! G-gentle!"</m> Leyja moans as you begin to pleasure her with your fingers.
<b>-"Shhhh, let me take control."</b>
<<pageReplace"Shove some fingers inside.">>
<m>-"MgHHhhh! I-it feels so good!"</m> Leyja's body shakes as you shove two fingers inside.
<b>-"Wow, so wet already!"</b>
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\a15.webp">
<m>-"K-keep going $name!"</m>
<b>-"I'm not planning to stop baby..."</b> With your free hand, you begin to pleasure her clit.
<m>-"NgHhhh! F-fucKKkk!"</m>
<b>-"So sensitive..."</b> You think as you observe how her body reacts.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\a16.webp">
<m>-"YeSssSSS!!"</m> She seems desperate, you should follow her instructions.
<<pageReplace"Speed up.">>
<b>-"Here..."</b> You switch hands and begin to hammer her pussy.
<m>-"FuuggggHHhhHhh!"</m> Leyja's body begins to quiver once again, but this time it's different, you can tell that she's about to cum.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\a17.webp">
<b>-"MgHhHh! Come on!"</b> You move to the left side of the bed and switch hands once again. In this position, you speed up even more.
<m>-"GnnNnnHhhhhh! I-I'm about to... I'm about to cum!"</m>
<b>-"NgHHhH! Do it!"</b> You begin to feel some pressure building up in her vagina... After a couple of seconds, you quickly take out your fingers and Leyja explodes.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\a18.webp">
<m>-"GrHHhhHH!"</m> She squirts all over the sheets as her body trembles from pleasure.
<m>-"Aghhh... N-now that... Would lead to a good tip haha..."</m> She covers her face in shame and laughs.
<b>-"Hah, you think so?"</b>
<m>-"Yesss... Nghhhh... Your skills are incredible."</m> Leyja quivers one last time.
<b>-"So I pass?"</b>
<m>-"Yes... Y-you can do massages now."</m> She sits up and points behind you.
<m>-"B-bring me a towel would you? I'm covered..."</m>
<<pageReplace"Grab a towel and some tissues.">>
<b>-"Of course!"</b>
<m>-"NghHh... T-thanks love."</m> You turn around and find see a cabinet on the wall.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\a19.webp">
<b>-"Here."</b> You say after bringing her the supplies.
<m>-"Give me a second..."</m> Leyja spends the next 10 minutes cleaning herself up and putting on her clothes.
<m>-"So! Where were we?"</m> She sits down on the bed and smiles.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\a21.webp">
<b>-"You said I could give massages now?"</b>
<m>-"Agh, yes! That's pretty much your training done! As you can see, the job isn't hard!"</m>
<b>-"Job might not be, but I sure am."</b> You chuckle as Leyja smiles.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\a20.webp">
<m>-"As I said, some clients will definitely want to play with it, so don't you worry!"</m> You both stand up and leave the room.
<m>-"We're about to close, so here's your payment."</m> She hands you some cash.
<b>-"I didn't work today though."</b>
<m>-"I know, but it's my fault you didn't, so just take it."</m> You nod and grab the money.
<b>-"Thanks Leyja!"</b>
<m>-"Don't mention it."</m> Together with Leyja you climb back up to the main floor.
<b>-"I'll try out the massages whenever I get the chance."</b>
<m>-"Good. If you do well, I'll introduce you to the reverse gloryholes, those are really fun!"</m> After chit chatting for another 5 minutes, you say your goodbyes and you leave the store. Time to head home!
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
<<money +300 "Worked at the Lair!">>
<green>Money +300!</green>
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<b>-"I better not..."</b> You move your hands down towards her legs once again.
<m>-"Nghhh... And that's about it, I think you've gotten the hang of things."</m> You nod and raise up your hands. Leyja sits up and faces you.
<m>-"Could you grab me a fresh towel? Need to clean this oil off of me..."</m>
<b>-"Of course!"</b> You turn around and see a cabinet on the wall.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\a19.webp">
<b>-"Here."</b> You say after bringing her the supplies.
<m>-"Give me a second..."</m> Leyja spends the next 10 minutes cleaning herself up and putting on her clothes.
<m>-"So! Where were we?"</m> She sits down on the bed and smiles.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\a21.webp">
<b>-"You said I could give massages now?"</b>
<m>-"Agh, yes! That's pretty much your training done! As you can see, the job isn't hard!"</m>
<b>-"Job might not be, but I sure am."</b> You chuckle as Leyja smiles.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\a20.webp">
<m>-"As I said, some clients will definitely want to play with it, so don't you worry!"</m> You both stand up and leave the room.
<m>-"We're about to close, so here's your payment."</m> She hands you some cash.
<b>-"I didn't work today though."</b>
<m>-"I know, but it's my fault you didn't, so just take it."</m> You nod and grab the money.
<b>-"Thanks Leyja!"</b>
<m>-"Don't mention it."</m> Together with Leyja you climb back up to the main floor.
<b>-"I'll try out the massages whenever I get the chance."</b>
<m>-"Good. If you do well, I'll introduce you to the reverse gloryholes, those are really fun!"</m> After chit chatting for another 5 minutes, you say your goodbyes and you leave the store. Time to head home!
<<money +300 "Worked at the Lair!">>
<green>Money +300!</green>
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<b>-"L-Let's work a shift at Leyja's Lair tonight, don't feel like working upstairs."</b> You talk to yourself as you head down the stairs.
<b>-"I didn't see Leyja on the main floor, I wonder if she's here..."</b> As you enter her Lair, you begin to look around.
<b>-"Ah, there you are Mistress!"</b> Your boss is only a couple of meters to the side, cleaning the place.
<m>-"Agh, $name!"</m> She puts down the duster and faces you.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\a1.jpg">
<m>-"Came in for some gloryhole work again?"</m>
<b>-"Sure did! You're not on the main floor?"</b>
<m>-"It's been pretty slow today, figured I could use this time to clean the Lair."</m> She's right, you didn't see any customers while walking towards here.
<m>-"Hmmmm, now that I think about it, I could use this free time in another way."</m>
<b>-"Oh? H-how so?"</b> She turns to the side.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\a2.jpg">
<m>-"I think it's right about time you learned how to give massages, come."</m> Leyja begins walking away.
<b>-"Massages?"</b> You follow.
<m>-"Mhm, it's one of the services we offer. The clients seem pleased with your work in the gloryhole, so I think you're ready to move up the ladder so to speak."</m>
<<pageReplace"Follow her to the massage room.">>\
<b>-"T-this is it?"</b> You ask as you both enter a room on the other side of the Lair.
<m>-"It is indeed. This is where the magic happens."</m>
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\a3.jpeg">
<m>-"Turn on the lights."</m> She points at the wall behind you.
<b>-"I assume this service is more expensive?"</b> You ask while flipping the light switch.
<m>-"It depends, if the massage is with a happy ending, then yes. If not, then it pays about the same, maybe even a little less."</m> Leyja begins to climb onto the bed.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\a4.webp">
<b>-"Pardon? H-happy ending? What's that Miss Leyja?"</b>
<m>-"It's when you make your customer extraaaaa happy for a little cash, if you know what I mean."</m> She winks and begins to undress.
<b>-"Ahhhh... N-now I understand..."</b>
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\a5.webp">
<m>-"Good... NghHhhh... Now give me a second."</m> She takes off her bra and puts it to the side. Her bare breasts are on display.
<m>-"Your customers will be completely naked, so you'll have to learn how to control your lust."</m>
<<pageReplace"Wait for her to finish.">>
<b>-"I'll do my best Mistress..."</b> You chuckle as Leyja lays down on her stomach.
<m>-"Good. You'll be serving men and women, so some clients won't find that little clit of your useful."</m> She puts a towel on her legs.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\a6.jpeg">
<b>-"B-but some will?!"</b>
<m>-"Mhm. Well not with your clit, but they might play with that tight ass of yours."</m>
<m>-"Anyways, now oil up those hands and show me what they can do."</m> You nod.
<b>-"Of course..."</b> After you grab a bottle of massage oil, you spread it all across your arms.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\a7.jpg">
<b>-"Mghhh..."</b> You let out a soft moan as you get ready.
<m>-"Just remember, whatever you do, don't let anybody fuck you!"</m>
<<pageReplace"Give her a massage.">>
<b>-"F-fuck me...? Why not...?"</b>
<m>-"Because I said so!"</m> You start massaging Leyja's back.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\a8.webp">
<b>-"Oh come on Mistress... I want to know..."</b>
<m>-"MGhHh... That's what reverse gloryholes are for! NGhhhh... Clients there have to pay the most!"</m>
<b>-"S-so there I'll be able to fuck out clients?"</b> You try your best to make Leyja feel good with your hands. You don't have a lot of experience, but judging from her moans, you're doing good.
<m>-"Ghahaha! NgHhh... D-don't be ridiculous, they're going to be the ones fucking you!"</m> A shiver runs down your body.
<b>-"Understood Mistress..."</b>
<m>-"B-but first, you have to prove yourself here, giving massages."</m>
<b>-"Hmph, I will do my best then."</b> You begin to use different techniques you've seen on youtube before.
<m>-"G-good... Good... A little to the left!"</m>
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\a9.webp">
<m>-"AgHhHHhhh! Good!"</m>
<b>-"How do I know if the client wants a happy ending?"</b>
<m>-"You ask... NgHHhh... But most will, almost nobody goes to the Lair just to get a back massage haha."</m> As you raise up your hands for a second, Leyja begins to turn around.
<<pageReplace"Wait for her to lay down on her back.">>
<m>-"NghHhh... There, now do the front."</m> The towel turns with her, so everything is covered.
<b>-"Understood..."</b> You gently grab her leg and begin to massage it.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\a10.jpg">
<m>-"G-good... MGhhh... Very good!"</m> While Leyja is enjoying herself, she doesn't notice that the towel slips to the side, revealing her bare body.
<b>-"Gulp... So hot!"</b> Your caged cock is already hard, but you remember Leyja's words, so you don't pull it out.
<b>-"I-I can tell that this spot needs to massaging Mistress..."</b> You say as you run down your arm through her chest.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\a11.webp">
<m>-"NgHhhh... I-it does..."</m> Her nipples become hard as you slowly move your hands towards her belly.
<b>-"Y-your legs too?"</b>
<m>-"YesSss... Move lower, pet."</m> You can tell that she's getting into it!
<b>-"NgHHhh..."</b> You begin massaging her upper thighs.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\a12.webp">
<m>-"MGHhhhh! Good girl $name..."</m> Her body begins to slightly quiver as you continue.
<m>-"Now give Mistress a good rub down there, let's see how good your happy endings are."</m>
<<pageReplace"Massage her private spots.">>
<b>-"Yes Miss!"</b> You begin to inch closer and closer to her vagina.
<m>-"MGhhhh... $name... Good..."</m>
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\a13.webp">
<b>-"I-is this correct?"</b>
<m>-"YEsSsshhh... Get closer and closer to it..."</m>
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\a14.webp">
<m>-"GHhrhHRhhH! G-gentle!"</m> Leyja moans as you begin to pleasure her with your fingers.
<<pageReplace"Slow down and shove some fingers inside.">>
<m>-"MgHHhhh! I-it feels so good!"</m> Leyja's body shakes as you shove two fingers inside.
<b>-"W-wow, so wet already!"</b>
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\a15.webp">
<m>-"K-keep going pet!"</m>
<b>-"Yes Mistress!"</b> With your free hand, you begin to pleasure her clit.
<m>-"NgHhhh! F-fucKKkk!"</m>
<b>-"Shit..."</b> Your cage begins to leak as you continue to pleasure her.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\a16.webp">
<m>-"YeSssSSS!!"</m> She seems desperate, you should follow her instructions.
<<pageReplace"Speed up.">>
<b>-"Here..."</b> You switch hands and begin to hammer her pussy.
<m>-"FuuggggHHhhHhh!"</m> Leyja's body begins to quiver once again, but this time it's different, you can tell that she's about to cum.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\a17.webp">
<b>-"MgHhHh!"</b> You move to the left side of the bed and switch hands once again. In this position, you speed up even more.
<m>-"GnnNnnHhhhhh! I-I'm about to... I'm about to cum!"</m>
<b>-"NgHHhH! D-do it Mistress!"</b> You begin to feel some pressure building up in her vagina... After a couple of seconds, you quickly take out your fingers and Leyja explodes.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\a18.webp">
<m>-"GrHHhhHH!"</m> She squirts all over the sheets as her body trembles from pleasure.
<m>-"Aghhh... N-now that... Would lead to a good tip haha..."</m> She covers her face in shame and laughs.
<b>-"Hah, t-that was amazing Miss Leyja!"</b>
<m>-"Yesss... Nghhhh... Your skills are quite good..."</m> Leyja quivers one last time.
<b>-"S-so I pass?"</b>
<m>-"Yes... Y-you can do massages now."</m> She sits up and points behind you.
<m>-"B-bring me a towel would you? I'm covered..."</m>
<<pageReplace"Grab a towel and some tissues.">>
<b>-"Of course!"</b>
<m>-"NghHh... T-thanks $name."</m> You turn around and find see a cabinet on the wall.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\a19.webp">
<b>-"Here."</b> You say after bringing her the supplies.
<m>-"Give me a second..."</m> Leyja spends the next 10 minutes cleaning herself up and putting on her clothes.
<m>-"So! Where were we?"</m> She sits down on the bed and smiles.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\a21.webp">
<b>-"You said I could give massages now?"</b>
<m>-"Agh, yes! That's pretty much your training done! As you can see, the job isn't hard!"</m>
<b>-"J-job might not be, but I sure am hihi..."</b> You giggle as Leyja smiles.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\a20.webp">
<m>-"As I said, some clients might want to play with that little clit of yours, so you might get to have some fun!"</m> You both stand up and leave the room.
<m>-"We're about to close, so here's your payment."</m> She hands you some cash.
<b>-"I-I didn't work today though."</b>
<m>-"I know, but it's my fault you didn't, so just take it."</m> You nod and grab the money.
<b>-"Thank you Mistress!"</b>
<m>-"Don't mention it."</m> Together with Leyja you climb back up to the main floor.
<b>-"I'll try out the massages whenever I get the chance."</b>
<m>-"Good. If you do well, I'll introduce you to the reverse gloryholes, those are really fun!"</m> After chit chatting for another 5 minutes, you say your goodbyes and you leave the store. Time to head home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
<<money +300 "Worked at the Lair!">>
<green>Money +300!</green>
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"I'd rather not...">>
<b>-"I'd rather not... Sorry."</b> You move your hands down towards her legs once again.
<m>-"Nghhh... Whatever... But don't come crying to me when the customers won't pay you as much."</m> You raise up your hands and Leyja sits up.
<m>-"Grab me a fresh towel. Need to clean this oil off of me..."</m>
<b>-"Of course..."</b> You turn around and see a cabinet on the wall.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\a19.webp">
<b>-"Here."</b> You say after bringing her the supplies.
<m>-"Give me a second..."</m> Leyja spends the next 10 minutes cleaning herself up and putting on her clothes.
<m>-"So! Where were we?"</m> She sits down on the bed and smiles.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\a21.webp">
<b>-"You said I could give massages now?"</b>
<m>-"Agh, yes! That's pretty much your training done! As you can see, the job isn't hard!"</m>
<b>-"J-job might not be, but I sure am hihi..."</b> You giggle as Leyja smiles.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\a20.webp">
<m>-"As I said, some clients might want to play with that little clit of yours, so you might get to have some fun!"</m> You both stand up and leave the room.
<m>-"We're about to close, so here's your payment."</m> She hands you some cash.
<b>-"I-I didn't work today though."</b>
<m>-"I know, but it's my fault you didn't, so just take it."</m> You nod and grab the money.
<b>-"Thank you Mistress!"</b>
<m>-"Don't mention it."</m> Together with Leyja you climb back up to the main floor.
<b>-"I'll try out the massages whenever I get the chance."</b>
<m>-"Good. If you do well, I'll introduce you to the reverse gloryholes, those are really fun!"</m> After chit chatting for another 5 minutes, you say your goodbyes and you leave the store. Time to head home!
<<money +300 "Worked at the Lair!">>
<green>Money +300!</green>
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<</if>><<if $leyjaslairevent2 ==1>>
<<goto "Massage 1">>
<<elseif $leyjaslairevent2 ==2>>
<<goto "Massage 2">>
<<elseif $leyjaslairevent2 ==3>>
<<goto "Massage 3">>
<<elseif $leyjaslairevent2 ==4>>
<<goto "Massage 4">>
<<elseif $leyjaslairevent2 ==5>>
<<goto `either("Massage random 1", "Massage random 2", "Massage random 3")`>>
<</if>><<set $leyjaslairevent2 to $leyjaslairevent2 +1>>\
<<if $domstatus is true>>
<b>-"Well Leyja told me I could give out massages now... Why not give it a try!"</b> You think as you enter the store.
<m>-"Agh! $name! Perfect timing! I have a request!"</m> Leyja smiles as your eyes meet. She's only a couple of meters away to the side.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\d1.jpg">
<b>-"In another cosplay I see?"</b> You look her up and down.
<m>-"Heh, sure am! You like it?"</m> Leyja spins in a circle.
<b>-"Sure do, you look great!"</b>
<m>-"Nghh... Thank you!"</m> Her cheeks blush.
<m>-"A-anyways! That request I mentioned! Could you work a shift in the Lair? Specifically - doing massages."</m>
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\d2.jpg">
<b>-"I was actually planning to, but why am I needed there?"</b>
<m>-"Some girl figured out you're now allowed to do them and barged into one of the salons..."</m>
<b>-"Ghahaha! Really?!"</b>
<m>-"Mhm... She said she'll only leave if you give her a massage."</m> Leyja covers her face and laughs.
<b>-"Well, I guess I can't say no then!"</b>
<m>-"T-thanks $name, it seems like you're growing a cult following here."</m>
<b>-"It appears so! I'll go straight there then."</b>
<m>-"Thanks again, good luck!"</m> You nod and begin heading towards the stairs.
<<pageReplace"Head to the Lair.">>
<grey>-"Knock Knock Knock!"</grey>
<b>-"I'm coming in!"</b> You knock on your station's door and open it.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\d3.jpg">
<emily>-"Ah, you made it $name!"</emily> An attractive young woman is laying on your massaging table.
<b>-"You know my name?"</b> You ask as you put your backpack to the side and begin walking towards the cabinet on the wall.
<emily>-"I do... I was a frequent customer of your gloryhole station!"</emily> As you reach it, you grab a bottle of oil and begin to apply it on your palms.
<b>-"Heard you really wanted a massage from me, even refused to leave haha!"</b> You begin to massage the woman's back.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\d4.jpg">
<emily>-"Nghhh... W-well, I kind of fell in love with your cock... MghHhh... And now I just wanted to see what it's connected to..."</emily>
<<pageReplace"Did I meet your expectations?">>
<b>-"Well, did I meet your expectations?"</b>
<emily>-"Ghhhh... Y-you did!"</emily>
<emily>-"That's enough of that."</emily> As you raise up your arms, the woman turns around.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\d5.jpeg">
<emily>-"Massage here, if you can."</emily> She grabs your arm and puts it on her chest.
<b>-"..."</b> Her soft breasts are turning you on...
<b>-"Not a problem ma'am."</b> You grab the same bottle of oil you used on your palms and squirt it all over her tits.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\d6.webp">
<emily>-"G-gooodddd..."</emily> After you're done, you put the bottle away.
<b>-"Here I go."</b>
<<pageReplace"Massage the woman's tits.">>
<emily>-"GrRhhHhh... G-gentle $name!"</emily>
<b>-"You know, I never asked you your name."</b>
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\d7.webp">
<emily>-"Z-zira... My name is Zira."</emily> She says inbetween heavy pants and moans.
<b>-"Hmph, first time I've heard that name."</b>
<emily>-"MgHHhhh! Y-yeah... It's not c-c-commonNNnnN!"</emily> You can tell that her nipples are pretty sensitive, so you start focusing on that.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\d8.webp">
<emily>-"NgHhh... Keep goinggGggG! It feelsss sooooOooo goodDDDd!"</emily>
<b>-"God damnit your tits are sensitive!"</b> As you begin to fondle her even more, you notice something.
<b>-"Oh...?"</b> Zira is masturbating!
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\d9.webp">
<emily>-"NgHhhh! Y-you do happy endings, right?"</emily> Her legs quiver as you pinch her nipples.
<emily>-"G-give me one! I... MGhHhhh... I want those masculine hands of yours to get me off!"</emily>
<<pageReplace"Of course.">>
<b>-"Of course... It'll cost you extra though."</b> You let go of her tits.
<emily>-"I don't careeee! J-just do it please!"</emily> You shrug your shoulders, take some oil and apply it to your palms again.
<b>-"Sure thing."</b> After bending down, you begin to apply it to her vagina.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\d10.webp">
<emily>-"AgHHhh! Y-yesShhH!"</emily> Her legs quiver with every stroke of your hands.
<b>-"I'll use two fingers, is that okay?"</b> It's important to know the person's boundaries...
<emily>-"YesssSss! Pleaseee! NghHhhh!"</emily> You nod and slowly insert a pair of fingers into her pussy.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\d12.webp">
<emily>-"MghHhhh...! Swooo... GwooooDDD!"</emily> She covers her face and pants.
<b>-"Gosh she's wet..."</b> You think as your rock hard cock throbs in your pants...
<<pageReplace"Try pleasuring her other hole as well.">>
<emily>-"GHHrhHhhH! K-keep goinggGGggG!"</emily> As the woman moans, you notice that her asshole is twitching... Is it asking for your touch? You think so...
<b>-"Let me just..."</b> After you remove your fingers, you lick one of them and begin to insert it into her backdoor.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\d11.gif">
<emily>-"AgHhhH! N-not there! Not thereeeEEEeeeEE!"</emily> She quickly smacks your arm away.
<b>-"I apologize, I thought it needed some love too..."</b>
<emily>-"Huff... Huff... Huff... I-It's fine... I'm just not ready for that kind of play..."</emily> Zira stops covering her face and looks at you.
<emily>-"H-how about you put that tongue of yours to use... I just need you to get me over the edge, I'm close!"</emily>
<b>-"Hah, how could I say no!"</b> You get on your knees, place her thighs inbetween your face and begin to eat her out.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\dd13.webp">
<emily>-"NGhhhhH!"</emily> With one arm on her chest and the other rubbing her clit, Zira starts to convulse from the pleasure... You can tell that she's about to cum.
<<pageReplace"Hit her with your final move.">>
<b>-"..."</b> Without saying a word, you move your right hand away from her clit and begin to pleasure it with your tongue.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\dd14.webp">
<emily>-"GhahhHH! HhahHHh! HHAhHHHH! I-I'm about to! I... MGHHhhH!"</emily> Her moans turn into panic as her whole body begins to shake.
<b>-"So sweet..."</b> You think as you swallow some of her juices... They remind you of Emily.
<emily>-"AGHhHHHHH!!"</emily> She screams as she orgasms rights in front of you.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\d15.webp">
<emily>-"Pant... Pant... Pant..."</emily> You move your head away as she stops shaking.
<b>-"Well, how was that?"</b> You ask while wiping your lips.
<emily>-"Fucking incredible..."</emily>
<<pageReplace"Hand her a towel.">>
<b>-"Here, take this."</b> You hand Zira a towel.
<emily>-"T-thanks $name! Fuck me... I haven't had such a strong orgasm in ages!"</emily> After she's done cleaning up, she hands it back to you.
<emily>-"Here, thanks for the massage handsome."</emily> She puts down a crisp, 100$ bill on the table after taking it out of her purse.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\d17.webp">
<b>-"Thanks, please come again!"</b> You say as Zira puts on her clothes.
<emily>-"Hah, I will, as soon as I can."</emily>
<emily>-"But I'm not going to be the one getting a massage..."</emily> She smirks.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\d16.png">
<b>-"Oh, how so?"</b>
<emily>-"I'm going to give you one... I want to see that giant cock of yours in action!"</emily>
<b>-"You know, I still won't be able to fuck you, that happens in the reverse gloryholes."</b>
<emily>-"I know, I know, but playing around with it will be more than enough for me!"</emily> She gives you a kiss on the cheek.
<emily>-"Thanks again $name, see you soon!"</emily>
<b>-"See ya!"</b> She leaves as you sit down.
<b>-"Hah, so I'm getting a massage done during my next shift? Can't complain I guess."</b> Time to wait for another customer!
<<money +300 "Worked at the Lair!">>
<green>Money +300!</green>
[[Finish your shift->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"I don't do happy endings.">>
<b>-"Sorry, I don't do happy endings."</b>
<emily>-"Oh...? R-really?"</emily> She looks at you confused.
<emily>-"Fine, I guess... That's it for me then."</emily> You nod and remove your hands. You hand her a towel and she cleans herself up.
<emily>-"Here, thanks for the massage handsome."</emily> She puts down a crisp, 50$ bill on the table after taking it out of her purse.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\d18.jpg">
<b>-"Thanks!"</b> She gets dressed and begins moving towards the door.
<emily>-"I'll change your mind during our next meeting..."</emily> Zira mumbles.
<b>-"Change my mind about what?"</b>
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\d16.png">
<emily>-"About the happy endings... Next time we meet, I'll give you one and you'll see how good they can feel!"</emily> You chuckle as she opens the door.
<b>-"She can't be serious..."</b> You think.
<emily>-"See ya, $name!"</emily>
<b>-"Bye!"</b> You sit down. Time to wait for another customer!
<<money +250 "Worked at the Lair!">>
<green>Money +250!</green>
[[Finish your shift->Go outside]]
<b>-"Well Leyja told me I could give out massages now... Why not give it a try!"</b> You think as you enter the store.
<m>-"Agh! $name! Perfect timing! I have a request!"</m> Leyja smiles as your eyes meet. She's only a couple of meters away to the side.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\d1.jpg">
<b>-"M-mistress is in another cosplay I see?"</b> You look her up and down.
<m>-"Heh, sure am! You like it?"</m> Leyja spins in a circle.
<b>-"Of course I do Miss Leyja! You look incredible in anything and everything!"</b>
<m>-"Good answer, pet!"</m> She smiles, proudly.
<m>-"Anyways! That request I mentioned! Could you work a shift in the Lair? Specifically - doing massages."</m>
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\d2.jpg">
<b>-"I was actually planning to, but why am I needed there?"</b>
<m>-"Some girl figured out you're now allowed to do them and barged into one of the salons..."</m>
<b>-"Huh! Really?!"</b>
<m>-"Mhm... She said she'll only leave if you give her a massage."</m> Leyja shrugs.
<b>-"W-well, I guess I can't say no then!"</b>
<m>-"Thanks! No clue who she is, good luck."</m>
<b>-"Alright, thanks..."</b> You begin heading towards the stairs.
<<pageReplace"Head to the Lair.">>
<grey>-"Knock Knock Knock!"</grey>
<b>-"I'm coming in!"</b> You knock on your station's door and open it.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\d3.jpg">
<emily>-"Ah, you made it $name!"</emily> An attractive young woman is laying on your massaging table.
<b>-"You know my name?"</b> You ask as you put your backpack to the side and begin walking towards the cabinet on the wall.
<emily>-"I do... My husband was a frequent customer of your gloryhole... I wanted to find out what the hype was about!"</emily> As you reach it, you grab a bottle of oil and begin to apply it on your palms.
<b>-"Agh, I think one of my customers mentioned you waiting in the car! W-what did he say?"</b> You begin to massage the woman's back.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\d4.jpg">
<emily>-"Nghhh... W-well, that your oral and hand skills are incredible... MgHhh... Wanted to find out for myself!"</emily>
<<pageReplace"Continue with the massage.">>
<b>-"Heh, I-I'm glad he liked it..."</b>
<emily>-"GhHhh... I understand why... Even on my back, your hands feel great."</emily>
<emily>-"But, that's enough of that."</emily> As you raise up your arms, the woman turns around.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\d5.jpeg">
<emily>-"Massage here, if you can."</emily> She grabs your arm and puts it on her chest.
<b>-"..."</b> Her soft breasts are turning you on...
<b>-"N-not a problem ma'am!"</b> You grab the same bottle of oil you used on your palms and squirt it all over her tits.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\d6.webp">
<emily>-"G-gooodddd..."</emily> After you're done, you put the bottle away.
<b>-"Here I go!"</b>
<<pageReplace"Massage the woman's tits.">>
<emily>-"GrRhhHhh... G-gentle $name!"</emily>
<b>-"Also, I never asked you your name..."</b>
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\d7.webp">
<emily>-"Z-zira... My name is Zira."</emily> She says inbetween heavy pants and moans.
<b>-"First time I've heard that name..."</b>
<emily>-"MgHHhhh! Y-yeah... It's not c-c-commonNNnnN!"</emily> You can tell that her nipples are pretty sensitive, so you start focusing on that.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\d8.webp">
<emily>-"NgHhh... Keep goinggGggG! It feelsss sooooOooo goodDDDd!"</emily>
<b>-"H-how am I doing ma'am?"</b> You're used to pleasuring men, not women.
<emily>-"Fucking great! Keep going!"</emily>
<b>-"Oh...?"</b> As you begin to fondle her even more, you notice something... Zira is masturbating!
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\d9.webp">
<emily>-"NgHhhh! Y-you do happy endings, right?"</emily> Her legs quiver as you pinch her nipples.
<emily>-"G-give me one! I... MGhHhhh... I want those soft hands of yours to get me off!"</emily>
<<pageReplace"Of course.">>
<b>-"Of course... I-It'll cost you extra though!"</b> You let go of her tits.
<emily>-"I don't careeee! J-just do it!"</emily> You shrug your shoulders, take some oil and apply it to your palms again.
<b>-"Your wish is my command ma'am..."</b> After bending down, you begin to apply it to her vagina.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\d10.webp">
<emily>-"AgHHhh! Y-yesShhH!"</emily> Her legs quiver with every stroke of your hands.
<b>-"I'll use two fingers, is that okay?"</b>
<emily>-"YesssSss! Pleaseee! NghHhhh!"</emily> You nod and slowly insert a pair of fingers into her pussy.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\d12.webp">
<emily>-"MghHhhh...! Swooo... GwooooDDD!"</emily> She covers her face and pants.
<b>-"Fuck..."</b> Your cage is trying it's best to stop your cock from throbbing, but it isn't working.
<<pageReplace"Try pleasuring her other hole as well.">>
<emily>-"GHHrhHhhH! K-keep goinggGGggG!"</emily> As the woman moans, you notice that her asshole is twitching... Is it asking for your touch? You think so...
<b>-"Let me just..."</b> After you remove your fingers, you lick one of them and begin to insert it into her backdoor.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\d11.gif">
<emily>-"AgHhhH! Not there! Not thereeeEEEeeeEE!"</emily> She quickly smacks your arm away.
<b>-"O-ouch! I... I apologize! I thought it needed some love too..."</b>
<emily>-"Huff... Huff... Huff... I-It's fine... I'm just not ready for that kind of play..."</emily> Zira stops covering her face and looks at you.
<emily>-"H-how about you put that tongue of yours to use... I just need you to get me over the edge, I'm close!"</emily>
<b>-"Yes Zira..."</b> You get on your knees, place her thighs inbetween your face and begin to eat her out.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\d13.webp">
<emily>-"NGhhhhH!"</emily> Zira starts to convulse from the pleasure... You can tell that she's about to cum.
<<pageReplace"Hit her with your final move.">>
<b>-"..."</b> Without saying a word, you begin to suck her clit, making sure to apply the right amount of suction with your mouth.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\d14.webp">
<emily>-"GhahhHH! HhahHHh! HHAhHHHH! I-I'm about to! I... MGHHhhH!"</emily> Her moans turn into panic as her whole body begins to shake.
<b>-"S-so sweet..."</b> You think as you swallow some of her juices... They remind you of Emily.
<emily>-"AGHhHHHHH!!"</emily> She screams as she orgasms rights in front of you.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\d15.webp">
<emily>-"Pant... Pant... Pant..."</emily> You move your head away as she stops shaking.
<b>-"W-well, how was that ma'am?"</b> You ask while wiping your lips.
<emily>-"Fucking incredible..."</emily>
<<pageReplace"Hand her a towel.">>
<b>-"Here, take this."</b> You hand Zira a towel.
<emily>-"T-thanks $name! Fuck me... I haven't had such a strong orgasm in ages!"</emily> After she's done cleaning up, she hands it back to you.
<b>-"D-did I meet the expectations your husband set?"</b>
<emily>-"Fuck yeah you did... Didn't believe him at first, but you're incredible!"</emily> She puts down a crisp, 100$ bill on the table after taking it out of her purse.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\d17.webp">
<b>-"T-thanks, please come again!"</b> You say as Zira puts on her clothes.
<emily>-"Hah, I will, as soon as I can."</emily>
<emily>-"But I'm not going to be the one getting a massage..."</emily> She smirks.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\d16.png">
<b>-"Oh, h-how so?"</b>
<emily>-"I'm going to give you one... I want to taste that sweet pussy of yours."</emily>
<b>-"Gulp... You'll be in for a surprise then."</b> You mumble under your breath, but she doesn't hear it.
<emily>-"Thanks again $name, see you soon!"</emily>
<b>-"See ya!"</b> She leaves as you sit down.
<b>-"I wonder what she'll think when she sees I'm a sissy..."</b> Time to wait for another customer!
<<money +300 "Worked at the Lair!">>
<green>Money +300!</green>
[[Finish your shift->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"I don't do happy endings.">>
<b>-"S-sorry ma'am, I don't do happy endings."</b>
<emily>-"Oh...? R-really?"</emily> She looks at you confused.
<emily>-"Fine, I guess... That's it for me then."</emily> You nod and remove your hands. You hand her a towel and she cleans herself up.
<emily>-"Here, thanks for the massage beautiful."</emily> She puts down a crisp, 50$ bill on the table after taking it out of her purse.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\d18.jpg">
<b>-"Thanks!"</b> She gets dressed and begins moving towards the door.
<emily>-"I'll change your mind during our next meeting..."</emily> Zira mumbles.
<b>-"C-change my mind about what?"</b>
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\d16.png">
<emily>-"About the happy endings... Next time we meet, I'll give you one and you'll see how good they can feel!"</emily> You chuckle as she opens the door.
<b>-"Gulp... You're in for a surprise"</b> You think.
<emily>-"See ya, $name!"</emily>
<b>-"Bye!"</b> You sit down.
<b>-"I wonder what she'll think when she sees I'm a sissy..."</b> Time to wait for another customer!
<<money +250 "Worked at the Lair!">>
<green>Money +250!</green>
[[Finish your shift->Go outside]]
<</if>><<set $leyjaslairevent2 to $leyjaslairevent2 +1>>\
<<if $domstatus is true>>
<b>-"Goodbye!"</b> You shout as your second customer leaves your station.
<pink>-"Buh-bye!"</pink> Even though she didn't request a happy ending, she left a pretty hefty tip... Neat!
<grey>-"Knock Knock Knock!"</grey> Someone begins to knock on your door.
<b>-"Please come in!"</b>
<emily>-"Hey handsome!"</emily> Zira says as she steps inside.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\f1.jpg">
<b>-"Agh! Zira! You came back!"</b> She's wearing a long, grey coat.
<emily>-"Of course I did! I promised that I would!"</emily>
<emily>-"So, shall we begin?"</emily> She opens her coat, revealing her naked body under it. Was she dressed like this outside too?
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\f2.jpg">
<b>-"Shall we begin what?"</b>
<emily>-"Don't tell me you've forgotten! I said that I'll return the favor and give you a message... I want to taste that sweet cock of yours again..."</emily> Zira licks her lips and looks you up and down.
<b>-"Can't say no to a massage."</b> You can always turn down her advances later...
<<pageReplace"Get undressed.">>
<b>-"NghHh... There."</b> You take off your clothes and throw them to the side.
<emily>-"Fuckkkk... Just as big as I remember it!"</emily> You pull down your underwear and make sure she gets a good look.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\ff1.jpg">
<emily>-"L-lay down, let me do everything..."</emily> You can see a drop of fluid run down her leg.
<b>-"Sure thing love."</b>
<emily>-"Here..."</emily> As you lay down, she puts a towel on your back.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\ff2.jpeg">
<b>-"Be gentle, my muscles are quite sore!"</b>
<emily>-"I will try my best!"</emily> She climbs on top of you and begins.
<emily>-"Relax... Let's start with your back."</emily>
<b>-"NgHhhh..."</b> You let out a groan as her cold hands touch your back.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\f5.jpg">
<emily>-"Well, what do you think?"</emily>
<b>-"G-good... VerryyYyy goodDdDD!!"</b> She shoves her elbow into your right lat... It hurts! After about 5 minutes, she get's bored.
<emily>-"Heh, that's enough of that, let's give your other side some love!"</emily> You nod and turn around, revealing your half hard cock.
<emily>-"Gulp... C-can I give him a massage?"</emily>
<emily>-"Your cock... I... I really want to play with it again..."</emily>
<emily>-"I'll pay extra!"</emily>
<<pageReplace"Let her pleasure you.">>
<b>-"Fine, go ahead."</b> How could you say no to something like that?
<emily>-"Y-yes... Here I go then."</emily> She oils up her hands and begins to pleasure you with them.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\ff3.webp">
<emily>-"Gosh, it's so hard..."</emily>
<b>-"You caused it to be this way."</b> You indulge in some light flirting.
<emily>-"S-stop..."</emily> She blushes.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\ff4.gif">
<b>-"GNHhhhH!"</b> You grab the sheets as Zira's hands reach your tip... It's your weak spot!
<emily>-"It's incomparable to my husbands... Wow..."</emily>
<<pageReplace"Try not to cum.">>
<b>-"NghHhh... FucKkkkk!"</b> You squirm as you try your best not to cum.
<emily>-"H-how am I doing $name?"</emily> Zira asks while still jacking you off.
<b>-"F-fucking incredible!"</b> You stutter as a wave of pleasure washes over your body.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\ff5.webp">
<emily>-"C-can I grind it?"</emily> She looks at you.
<b>-"Grind.. GrRHhHhh... It?"</b>
<emily>-"Yeah... I promise it won't go inside!"</emily> Zira looks desperate, so you decide to agree.
<b>-"Fine, but no penetration. That's for the reverse gloryholes."</b>
<emily>-"YESSS!"</emily> She let's go of your cock and climbs on top of the table.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\f12.jpg">
<emily>-"G-get ready!"</emily>
<<pageReplace"Brace yourself.">>
<b>-"Oh shit!"</b> You grab the sheets once again as Zira comes crashing down onto your cock.
<emily>-"Oof... There!"</emily>
<emily>-"Fuck... I'm so wet."</emily> She begins to slowly grind your cock with her vagina.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\f13.webp">
<b>-"NGHhHhH! So good!"</b> Her wet pussy is right there, if only you could slide your rod inside!
<emily>-"NgHHhh! I-I can't wait to fuck you one day..."</emily> She puts her hands on your chest and begins to increase the speed.
<b>-"FuCKkKkKK!"</b> You feel like you're about to nut!
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\ff6.gif">
<b>-"I'm... I'm about to cUummMmm!"</b>
<emily>-"Oh shit! N-not on my pussy, I'm not on the pill!"</emily> She quickly jumps away and begins jacking you off.
<b>-"AghHHhhHH!!"</b> You shout as you begin to explode.
<emily>-"S-soOoo muuUcHhhH! Let it all out!"</emily>
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\ff7.webp">
<b>-"NgHhhh..."</b> As you lay there, exhausted, Zira stands up and heads towards the cabinet on the wall.
<emily>-"Wow... What a masculine thing your cock is... Can't wait to ride it..."</emily> She begins to clean herself with a towel.
<b>-"FuckKKkk... Bring me one, will ya?"</b>
<emily>-"Here, take mine!"</emily> She throws her towel to you, it's stained with her juices... Hot.
<b>-"Thanks love."</b> After you're done cleaning up, you talk about what happened with Zira. She leaves a pretty big tip, says that she enjoyed her time with you and is going to be back in the future.
<b>-"Gosh... What a woman!"</b> You think as she exits your station.
<b>-"Time to go..."</b> Your shift ended 10 minutes ago. Time to count your cash and go back home!
<<money +300 "Worked at the Lair!">>
<green>Money +300!</green>
[[Finish your shift->Go outside]]
<b>-"S-sorry Zira, let's not..."</b>
<emily>-"Oh? Why not?"</emily>
<b>-"I just don't feel like it..."</b> Zira sighs and shrugs her shoulders.
<emily>-"Hmph, what a shame. I'm still giving you a massage, but won't leave a tip."</emily> She oils up her hands a bit more.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\fff1.jpg">
<b>-"Fine..."</b> Zira gives you a pretty good massage. After she finishes, you talk for a minute. She says that she enjoyed her time with you and will be back another day.
<b>-"Gosh she's hot... I wonder how her hands would have felt on my junk."</b> You think as she exits your station.
<b>-"Time to go..."</b> Your shift ended 10 minutes ago. Time to count your cash and go back home!
<<money +250 "Worked at the Lair!">>
<green>Money +250!</green>
[[Finish your shift->Go outside]]
<b>-"Goodbye!"</b> You shout as your second customer leaves your station.
<blue>-"Buh-bye!"</blue> Even though he didn't request a happy ending, he left a pretty hefty tip... Neat!
<grey>-"Knock Knock Knock!"</grey> Someone begins to knock on your door.
<b>-"Please come in!"</b>
<emily>-"Hey beautiful!"</emily> Zira says as she steps inside.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\f1.jpg">
<b>-"Agh! Zira! You came back!"</b> She's wearing a long, grey coat.
<emily>-"Of course I did! I promised that I would!"</emily>
<emily>-"So, shall we begin?"</emily> She opens her coat, revealing her naked body under it. Was she dressed like this outside too?
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\f2.jpg">
<b>-"S-shall we begin what?"</b>
<emily>-"Don't tell me you've forgotten! I said that I'll return the favor and give you a message... I want to taste that sweet pussy of yours..."</emily> Zira licks her lips and looks you up and down.
<b>-"Gulp..."</b> Time to spill the beans.
<<pageReplace"I don't have one...">>
<b>-"I... I don't have one."</b> You mumble.
<emily>-"Hah? What do you mean?"</emily> You sigh and slowly undress.
<b>-'I'm a... Uhmmm... A s-sissy..</b> Zira gives you a weird look.
<emily>-"A what now?"</emily> You pull down your underwear and make sure she gets a good look.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\f3.jpg">
<emily>-"Oh... You're one of those..."</emily> Her eyes grow wide in surprise, but not even 10 seconds later, a grin forms on her face.
<emily>-"I always wanted to play with one of you guys... Lay down, the deal is still on!"</emily>
<b>-"Y-you sure?"</b> A small drop of precum runs down your leg.
<emily>-"Yes, yes, now come on! I want to see what that little thing can handle!"</emily> You nod and climb onto the table.
<b>-"Please be gentle..."</b> You place a towel on your buttocks and lay down.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\f4.jpg">
<emily>-"I will try my best!"</emily> She climbs on top of you and begins.
<emily>-"Relax... Let's start with your back."</emily>
<b>-"NgHhhh..."</b> You moan as Zira's soft hands begin touching you.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\f5.jpg">
<emily>-"Well, what do you think?"</emily>
<b>-"G-good... VerryyYyy goodDdDD!!"</b> She shoves her elbow into your right lat... It hurts! After about 5 minutes, she get's bored.
<emily>-"Heh, that's enough of that, let's give your other side some love!"</emily> You sheepishly nod and turn around.
<emily>-"We won't need this."</emily> She throws the towel to the side, revealing your caged clit.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\f6.jpg">
<b>-"NGhhh..."</b> You quickly cover it up with your hands as you hear Zira begin to laugh.
<emily>-"Hihihi! Gosh it's so cute! Can I massage it too?"</emily>
<b>-"I-It's caged..."</b>
<emily>-"How about you unlock it then? I bet it hasn't felt the touch of a woman in a very long time!"</emily> Partially true...
<<pageReplace"Let her pleasure you.">>
<b>-"F-fine... Could you hand me my pants please?"</b> You point at the chair with your clothes on it. Zira nods and brings them to you.
<grey>-"Click!"</grey> With the key from your pants you unlock your clit and put the cage to the side.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\f7.jpg">
<emily>-"No... There's no way it's actually that small!"</emily>
<b>-"It's not! J-just give it a second to grow!"</b>
<emily>-"No time to spare, I'll help!"</emily> She grabs your tiny flaccid cock and begins to rub it with 2 fingers.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\f8.webp">
<b>-"GNHhhhH!"</b> You squirm from the pleasure.
<emily>-"Ghehehe, not even my husband is this small!"</emily>
<<pageReplace"Your cock is getting harder...">>
<b>-"NghHhh... I-it's hard..."</b> You mumble as she continues to rub.
<emily>-"Huh? No it's not?"</emily> Zira let's go and slaps your penis a couple of times.
<emily>-"HA! HOLY SHIT IT IS! THIS IS IT?"</emily>
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\f9.webp">
<b>-"I-it's not that small you know!"</b>
<emily>-"Whatever you say silly..."</emily> She climbs onto the table as well.
<emily>-"Doesn't change the fact that you're one, beautiful girl..."</emily> She bends down and begins to lick the tip of your cock.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\f11.gif">
<emily>-"I still want to thank you for that massage..."</emily>
<b>-"Nghhhh!!"</b> Are you actually getting oral?! This is incredible!
<<pageReplace"Try your best not to cum.">>
<b>-"NgHhhh! P-please slow down!"</b>
<emily>-"Not happening."</emily> She smiles and continues to lick your little shaft.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\f10.webp">
<emily>-"Heh, the way it throbs... I love it!"</emily>
<emily>-"When was the last time you fucked a woman?"</emily> Zira asks.
<b>-"I... I don't remember..."</b> You can't recall... You're completely mesmerized.
<emily>-"Heh, you're going to fuck one now then..."</emily> She let's go of your cock and stands up.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\f12.jpg">
<<pageReplace"No way...">>
<b>-"No way... Am I about to fuck someone?!"</b> You think as she slowly lowers her hips.
<emily>-"Oof... Just kidding!"</emily> Zira grins as she sits down on your cock.
<emily>-"Ghahaha you should have seen your face!"</emily> She begins to slowly grind your cock with her vagina.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\f13.webp">
<b>-"NGHhHhH! Y-you bastard!"</b>
<emily>-"Oh come on! It's more fun this way!"</emily> She puts her hands on your chest and begins to increase the speed.
<b>-"FuCKkKkKK!"</b> You feel like you're about to nut!
<emily>-"Oh? Someone's already leaking?"</emily>
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\f14.webp">
<b>-"I'm... I'm about to cUummMmm!"</b>
<emily>-"Oh shit! Don't do it near my pussy!"</emily> She quickly jumps away and begins jacking you off.
<b>-"AghHHhhHH!!"</b> You shout as you begin to explode.
<emily>-"Good sissy! Come on! Let it all out!"</emily>
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\f15.webp">
<b>-"NgHhhh..."</b> As you lay there, defeated, Zira stands up and heads towards the cabinet on the wall.
<emily>-"Ghehehe, wasn't that great? As small as it is, you lasted longer than my husband, so that's impressive!"</emily> She begins to clean herself with a towel.
<b>-"FuckKKkk... T-thank you Zira..."</b>
<emily>-"Here, clean yourself up."</emily> She throws her towel to you, it's stained with her juices... Hot.
<b>-"Y-yeah..."</b> After you're done cleaning up, you talk about what happened with Zira. She leaves a pretty big tip, says that she enjoyed her time with you and is going to be back in the future.
<b>-"Gosh... What a woman!"</b> You think as she exits your station.
<b>-"Time to go..."</b> Your shift ended 10 minutes ago. Time to count your cash and go back home!
<<money +300 "Worked at the Lair!">>
<green>Money +300!</green>
[[Finish your shift->Go outside]]
<b>-"S-sorry Zira, let's not..."</b>
<emily>-"Oh? Why not?"</emily>
<b>-"I just don't feel like it..."</b> Zira sighs and shrugs her shoulders.
<emily>-"Hmph, what a shame. I'm still giving you a massage, but won't leave a tip."</emily> She oils up her hands a bit more.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\fff1.jpg">
<b>-"Fine..."</b> Zira gives you a pretty good massage. After she finishes, you talk for a minute. She says that she enjoyed her time with you and will be back another day.
<b>-"Gosh she's hot... I wonder how her hands would have felt on my junk."</b> You think as she exits your station.
<b>-"Time to go..."</b> Your shift ended 10 minutes ago. Time to count your cash and go back home!
<<money +250 "Worked at the Lair!">>
<green>Money +250!</green>
[[Finish your shift->Go outside]]
<</if>><<set $leyjaslairevent2 to $leyjaslairevent2 +1>>\
<<if $domstatus is true>>
<b>-"How's this?"</b> You ask as you massage your second customer of the day.
<pink>-"NgHhhh... G-good! Keep going, just like that!"</pink>
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\g1.webp">
<b>-"Time to move on to the legs, can I remove the towel?"</b>
<pink>-"Y-yes..."</pink> You nod and remove the towel from her legs.
<b>-"Now please relax."</b>
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\g2.gif">
<pink>-"Feels so... NGhHhh... Good!"</pink>
<b>-"I aim to please m'am."</b> You cannot lie, her voluptuous body is turning you on... And yet, you have to wait until she asks for more than a massage. Forcing happy endings is against Leyja's rules.
<<pageReplace"Massage her buttocks.">>
<b>-"NGhhh..."</b> It is starting to get hard to keep your cock in your pants however... Her pussy is right there.
<b>-"Here."</b> You lower the table so she lays flat.
<b>-"I'm going to move on to your buttocks, don't be alarmed."</b> You apply some more massage oil on your hands go straight at it.
<pink>-"F-fine... NgHHh..."</pink>
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\g3.gif">
<b>-"..."</b> While massaging her ass, you begin to inch closer and closer to her vagina with your fingers.
<pink>-"MgHHHhhh... YesSssS..."</pink> She seems to be enjoying it...
<b>-"Would you like something extra ma'am?"</b>
<pink>-"E-extra?"</pink> She asks inbetween pants.
<b>-"A happy ending."</b>
<pink>-"Yes please..."</pink> The woman thinks for a second, but fortunately - agrees. The second she does, you begin to massage her vagina.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\g4.gif">
<b>-"Just relax and enjoy your time here ma'am."</b> You still try to act professional.
<pink>-"MgHHHhh! I-I want more! GhhhHH! M-more!"</pink>
<pink>-"Your cock! MgHHhh... Grind me with your cock... PleasEeeEEE!"</pink>
<<pageReplace"Of course...">>
<b>-"Of course..."</b> Fuck yeah!
<pink>-"Gosh... I can't believe that I'm actually doing this."</pink> The woman mumbles as you begin to undress.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\g5.jpg">
<b>-"My cock is already hard, so no need for foreplay."</b> You climb onto the table.
<pink>-"G-good... I want it right this second."</pink>
<b>-"Heh, spread your legs then."</b> She does as she's told. You get into position and begin teasing the woman.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\g8.webp">
<pink>-"FucKKkkKK! S-so bigGGgGgg..."</pink>
<pink>-"C-can I do it?"</pink>
<<pageReplace"Give it a go.">>
<b>-"MgHHh... Sure, give it a go."</b> You relax your body as she tenses hers.
<pink>-"NgHHhh! J-just like that!"</pink> The woman begins throwing her hips up and down.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\g7.gif">
<b>-"FucKKkk..."</b> That feels really fucking good!
<pink>-"YEeesssSSSSS!"</pink> Her moans grow louder as her legs begin to shake.
<pink>-"C-come here!"</pink> She pushes you over and climbs on top.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\g6.webp">
<b>-"Wow! Someones horny haha!"</b> You chuckle as she ignores you.
<pink>-"NghHhhH!"</pink> Suddenly, the woman stops and grabs your dick with her arm.
<<pageReplace"Look down at her.">>
<b>-"Huh?"</b> While laying on your back, you look down to see what she's doing.
<pink>-"I... I'll pay extra! J-just let me put it inside..."</pink> She's trying to fuck you!
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\g9.gif">
<b>-"Hey hey hey! We can't have sex!"</b> As much as you would like to, you don't want to lose such a good income source.
<pink>-"PleasEEeeEE! I neeeed to be fucked!"</pink>
<b>-"Come here."</b> You push her over and turn her around.
<b>-"This is all you're going to get."</b> You begin to hump her ass.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\g10.webp">
<pink>-"GhHHh... F-fineeEeEEEe..."</pink> The woman mumbles inbetween moans.
<b>-"AghHhHH!"</pink> You increase the speed.
<pink>-"NgHHhhh!"</pink> Her legs begin to shake.
<pink>-"YeSHHhhh!"</pink> You can tell that she's close to an orgasm... You are too.
<<pageReplace"Cum together.">>
<b>-"AgHHhhH! I'm cummiIInnnGGgGG!"</b> You shout as you begin ejaculating all over her back.
<pink>-"NgHHhhhH!"</pink> Her whole body begins to shake as she climaxes with you.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\g11.gif">
<pink>-"Fuck me..."</pink> She falls from her knees onto her stomach.
<b>-"Phew, now that was something..."</b> You climb down from the table and head towards the cabinet.
<b>-"Here, clean up."</b> You hand her a towel. After you're both done cleaning up, she gets off of the table and the pair of you begin to dress up.
<pink>-"W-why couldn't we fuck?"</pink>
<b>-"Sorry, that happens in the reverse gloryholes, you have to pay extra there."</b>
<pink>-"Maybe it's a sign... Maybe I shouldn't have done this in the first place."</pink> She sighs and places down and envelope on the table.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\g17.jfif">
<b>-"What's that?"</b>
<pink>-"It's your payment... Put some cash in it before I got here."</pink> The woman moves towards the door after she finishes putting on her clothes.
<b>-"Thanks, please come again."</b>
<pink>-"I think... I think I won't, but thank you."</pink> You can tell that she regrets this evening.
<b>-"Maybe she feels guilty? Perhaps she has a significant other..."</b> You wonder as the woman leaves. Time to wait for your third customer of the night...
<<money +300 "Worked at the Lair!">>
<green>Money +300!</green>
[[Finish your shift->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"My cock is off limits...">>
<b>-"Sorry, my cock is off limits, but I can make you feel good in other ways!"</b> You turn her around and shove a couple of fingers inside.
<pink>-"F-finee... J-just get me off please!"</pink> After around 10 minutes of fingering, the woman finally climaxes.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\g18.webp">
<pink>-"YesSshHhHh!"</pink> She screams as her whole body shakes.
<b>-"Fuck..."</b> You whisper as you take out your fingers. They're completely drenched!
<pink>-"NghHhh..."</pink> As the woman pants, you stand up and head towards the cabinet.
<b>-"Here, clean up."</b> You hand her a towel. After you're both done cleaning up, she gets off of the table and the pair of you begin to dress up.
<b>-"So, did you enjoy yourself?"</b>
<pink>-"I did... I just... I don't know."</pink> She sighs and places down and envelope on the table.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\g17.jfif">
<b>-"What's that?"</b>
<pink>-"It's your payment... Put some cash in it before I got here."</pink> The woman moves towards the door after she finishes putting on her clothes.
<b>-"Thanks, please come again."</b>
<pink>-"I think... I think I won't, but thank you."</pink> You can tell that she regrets this evening.
<b>-"Maybe she feels guilty? Perhaps she has a significant other..."</b> You wonder as the woman leaves. Time to wait for your third customer of the night...
<<money +250 "Worked at the Lair!">>
<green>Money +250!</green>
[[Finish your shift->Go outside]]
<blue>-"NgHHhh! That hits the spot!"</blue> The man moans as you massage him.
<b>-"I-is this good?"</b>
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\g1.webp">
<blue>-"Fuck yeah... GgMMHhHhh... It's good beautiful!"</blue> Your massaging an attractive man in his 20's.
<b>-"Gosh he's hot..."</b> You think as stop massaging him for a second.
<b>-"P-please turn around, time to massage your stomach."</b>
<blue>-"Sure thing buttercup"</blue> The man turns around, revealing his rock hard cock...
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\g12.gif">
<b>-"Gulp... W-wow..."</b>
<blue>-"Oh? Has something caught your attention?"</blue>
<b>-"It might have..."</b>
<blue>-"Give it a rub then. My cock needs a massage too, you know!"</blue>
<<pageReplace"Massage the man's penis.">>
<b>-"Of course..."</b> You oil up your hands a bit more and begin.
<blue>-"NgHHhh!"</blue> The man moans as your warm hands begin massaging his shaft.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\g13.gif">
<b>-"W-wow... So hard!"</b> His cock is at least twice as big as yours... So hot.
<blue>-"How about you put that little ass of yours to work, huh?"</blue> He licks his lips.
<blue>-"I haven't fucked someone in a while..."</blue>
<b>-"I'm a sissy sir..."</b> You say inbetween strokes.
<blue>-"I know, doesn't change the fact that you have an ass, no?"</blue> You blush as the man grabs your chin, forcing you to face him.
<blue>-"So, how about it?"</blue>
<<pageReplace"Give him an assjob.">>
<b>-"S-sure, but no sex."</b> You begin to undress.
<blue>-"Hugh? Isn't this a sex dungeon?"</blue>
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\g14.webp">
<b>-"Yes... B-but sex happens during reverse gloryhole sessions... You have to pay extra there. I can give you an assjob though."</b>
<blue>-"Ugh, everything costs extra these days! Fine, come here!"</blue> You throw your panties to the side and get closer to the man.
<b>-"MgHHh... Please relax and enjoy."</b> You begin to grind your ass against his cock.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\g16.webp">
<blue>-"Fuck your ass is big! Do you workout?"</blue>
<b>-"N-no... NgHHhh... It's probably my hormones..."</b> Your cock begins to throb - it wants his cock inside.
<blue>-"Come on the table baby, get on top of me."</blue>
<<pageReplace"Do as he says.">>
<b>-"Yes..."</b> You do as he said and climb on top of him.
<blue>-"FuccKKkk! N-now that feels amazing..."</blue> He moans as you begin to grind him once again.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\g15.webp">
<blue>-"Gosh your ass is fat! NGHhhh!"</blue> You continue to ride the man even when precum begins to leak out of your cage.
<b>-"Fuck... I... I want it inside..."</b> You mumble.
<blue>-"What was that beautiful?"</blue>
<b>-"MgHhh.. N-no, nothing!"</b>
<blue>-"Hmph, fine, come here!"</blue> He pushes you over and turns you around. Without giving a shot at resisting, he begins to hump your ass from behind.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\g10.webp">
<b>-"NGHhhh... YesSsSsS!"</b> You feel like a woman being dicked the fuck down...
<<pageReplace"You feel his cock begin to throb.">>
<blue>-"AghHhhh! I'm about to... I'm about to cummMMm!"</blue> He shouts as you feel his cock begin to throb.
<b>-"A-already?!"</b> You ask as he unloads all over your back.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\g11.gif">
<blue>-"Shit... That was awesome!"</blue> He whispers as he raises his hand.
<grey>-"Slap!"</grey> The man slaps your ass.
<b>-"NgHhhh... Fuck..."</b> He came a bit too quickly, you wanted it to continue, but whatever.
<blue>-"Here, clean up."</blue> The man says after walking over to the cabinet and throwing you a towel.
<b>-"Thanks..."</b> After you both clean up and put on your clothes, the man puts down an envelope on the table.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\g17.jfif">
<b>-"What's that?"</b>
<blue>-"Your payment, packed it before I got here."</blue> He grabs his stuff and heads towards the door.
<blue>-"Thanks for tonight beautiful. Let me know when you're working the reverse gloryholes, I might come for some fun."</blue>
<b>-"I will let you know... P-please have a great rest of your evening!"</b> You smile at each other and he leaves.
<b>-"Fuck he was hot... I wish that cock went inside..."</b> Time to wait for the third customer of the night!
<<money +300 "Worked at the Lair!">>
<green>Money +300!</green>
[[Finish your shift->Go outside]]
<b>-"S-sorry sir, I rather just pleasure you with my hands..."</b>
<blue>-"Hah, fine. You ain't getting a tip though."</blue> After a good 10 minutes, the man finally climaxes from your exceptional handjob skills.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\ff7.webp">
<blue>-"AgHhhHhh... FucKKkKk!"</blue> The man ejaculates all over his belly.
<b>-"Fuck... Now that's a big load."</b> You think as you let go of his penis.
<b>-"Here, l-let me clean you."</b> You grab a towel from the cabinet and begin to clean the man.
<blue>-"Fuck... Thanks love."</blue> After you're done, the man climbs off of the table and gets dressed.
<blue>-"Here."</blue> He places an envelope on the table.
<b>-"What's that?"</b>
<blue>-"Your payment, packed it before I got here."</blue> He grabs his stuff and heads towards the door.
<blue>-"Thanks for tonight beautiful. Let me know when you're working the reverse gloryholes, I might come for some fun."</blue>
<b>-"I will let you know... P-please have a great rest of your evening!"</b> You smile at each other and he leaves.
<b>-"Fuck he was hot... I wish that cock went inside..."</b> Time to wait for the third customer of the night!
<<money +300 "Worked at the Lair!">>
<green>Money +300!</green>
[[Finish your shift->Go outside]]
<</if>><<set $leyjaslairevent2 to $leyjaslairevent2 +1>>\
<<if $domstatus is true>>
<b>-"Please relax your body and enjoy."</b> You say as you begin to massage your last customer of tonight.
<emily>-"NGhHh... Y-yes..."</emily>
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\h1.jpg">
<emily>-"MGHhhhh!"</emily> After around 10 minutes of massaging her back, you ask her to turn around.
<b>-"Could you please lay down on your back now, ma'am? Time to give your front side some love."</b>
<emily>-"W-what? Front side? B-but I'm topless..."</emily> The woman blushes as she sits up.
<b>-"I'm a professional, I won't do anything weird if you don't wnat me too haha!"</b> You try to lighten up the mood by laughing. She seems to drop her guard a bit.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\h2.jpeg">
<emily>-"Is that so...?"</emily>
<<pageReplace"Reassure her.">>
<b>-"As I said ma'am, happy endings are completely consensual."</b>
<emily>-"NgHhhh... F-fine..."</emily> She moves her hands away, revealing a fat pair of melons on her upper half.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\h3.webp">
<b>-"Now just lay down and I will start to massage your stomach."</b> Her massive tits do turn you on, but you've gotten pretty good at controlling your urges.
<emily>-"Could you actually... Massage... Them?"</emily> The shy woman whispers.
<b>-"Massage what?"</b>
<emily>-"My chest... I haven't felt someone touch it in a long, long time."</emily>
<b>-"Hmph, of course, this is a full body massage after all."</b>
<b>-"FUCK YEAH!"</b> You think as you grab some extra oil from the table.
<emily>-"Eeekkk... I-It's cold..."</emily> She blushes once again as you pour it on her tits.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\h4.webp">
<b>-"Now before you lay down, let me just spread this oil around."</b>
<emily>-"Nghhh... Yes..."</emily> The woman closes her eyes as you reach for her chest.
<<pageReplace"Spread the oil around.">>
<emily>-"AghHhHH!"</emily> She moans as you hands reach her chest.
<b>-"Just relax ma'am, I know what I'm doing."</b> You begin to grope her tits, making sure to spread the oil all around them evenly.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\h5.webp">
<b>-"Good! Now please lay down."</b>
<emily>-"Of course..."</emily> As she lays down, you notice her legs quiver for a second. Are her tits that sensitive?
<b>-"If you feel uncomfortable at any point, please let me know."</b> The woman nods as you begin to massage her upper half again.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\h6.webp">
<b>-"Is everything okay?"</b>
<emily>-"YesSss... K-keep going...!"</emily>
<<pageReplace"Continue to massage her tits.">>
<b>-"Gosh they're so perky! I wonder if she's gotten any operations done on them."</b>
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\h7.webp">
<b>-"How is it?"</b>
<emily>-"NgHHHh... T-the nipplzSsZZ...!"</emily>
<b>-"Huh? The what?"</b>
<emily>-"T-touch my nipples... NGHHhh... P-please!"</emily> The woman says inbetween moans.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\h8.webp">
<emily>-"AghHhHH! YeSsHHHHH!"</emily> It seems like the nipples are her sensitive spot...
<b>-"Lemme just..."</b>
<<pageReplace"Massage the chest and the nipples at the same time.">>
<b>-"Gosh she's sensitive!"</b> You think.
<emily>-"MgHHhh!"</emily> She moans as you begin to massage her chest and her nipples at the same time.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\h9.webp">
<emily>-"FucKKk! It feels so gooOOoOdDddDdd!"</emily>
<b>-"Hmmmm..."</b> You can tell that the woman is incredibly close to cumming... Maybe you should help out?
<emily>-"GrRhhHhh!"</emily> She definitely wants it...
<<pageReplace"Give her a hand.">>
<b>-"Fuck it... Let's see how she reacts."</b> With one hand still on her tits, you reach down towards her crotch with the other.
<emily>-"AgHHhh... W-what... What are you doing?"</emily> She asks inbetween moans.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\h10.webp">
<emily>-"EaaAaghhhHh!"</emily> The woman let's out a yelp as your fingers reach her clit.
<b>-"Just helping you get off ma'am... Now please relax."</b> As her eyes close, her whole body begins to shake.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\h11.webp">
<b>-"Wow..."</b> You don't think you've ever met someone with such a senstive body before...
<emily>-"I'm about to... NGHHhhh.. I'm about to cum!"</emily> The woman grabs the sheets she's laying on and squeezes.
<<pageReplace"Make her cum.">>
<b>-"..."</b> You don't say a word as you focus on making this girl climax.
<emily>-"AgHHhhhH! YESsSSSSSS!"</emily> Her voice breaks as her whole body begins to shake.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\h12.webp">
<emily>-"FucKKkk..."</emily> After around 10 seconds, the convulsions stop.
<b>-"Didn't know someone could have such a sensitive chest... That was fun, was it not?"</b> You smile as you extend your arm.
<emily>-"Y-yeah haha..."</emily> She takes it and sits up. After you bring her a towel, she cleans herself off and puts on her clothes.
<emily>-"Thank you..."</emily> The woman looks at you.
<emily>-"Thank you $name... Haven't felt that good in a while!"</emily> She places down some cash on the table and heads towards the door.
<b>-"Please come again!"</b>
<emily>-"I will, have a good one!"</emily> The doors close.
<b>-"Sigh... Finally. Time to clean everything up and head home."</b> After cleaning up all of the oil, you grab your hard earned money and begin your trip home.
<<money +300 "Worked at the Lair!">>
<green>Money +300!</green>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<set $faketitsdiscount to true>>\
<b>-"Please relax your body and enjoy."</b> You say as you begin to massage your last customer of tonight.
<emily>-"NGhHh... Y-yes..."</emily>
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\h1.jpg">
<emily>-"MGHhhhh!"</emily> After around 10 minutes of massaging her back, you ask her to turn around.
<b>-"C-could you please lay down on your back now, ma'am? Time to give your front side some love."</b>
<emily>-"What? Front side? B-but I'm topless..."</emily> The woman blushes as she sits up.
<b>-"I'm a professional, I-I won't do anything weird if you don't wnat me too haha!"</b> You try to lighten up the mood by awkwardly laughing. She seems to drop her guard a bit.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\h2.jpeg">
<emily>-"Is that so...?"</emily>
<<pageReplace"Reassure her.">>
<b>-"As I said ma'am, happy endings are completely consensual!"</b> She seems to be even shier than you...
<emily>-"NgHhhh... F-fine..."</emily> She moves her hands away, revealing a fat pair of melons on her upper half.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\h3.webp">
<b>-"Now just lay down and I will start to massage your stomach."</b> Her massive tits do turn you on, but you've gotten pretty good at controlling your urges.
<emily>-"Could you actually... Massage... Them?"</emily> The woman whispers.
<b>-"M-massage what?"</b>
<emily>-"My chest... I haven't felt someone touch it in a long, long time."</emily>
<b>-"O-of course! This is a full body massage after all."</b>
<b>-"FUCK YEAH!"</b> You think as you grab some extra oil from the table.
<emily>-"Eeekkk... I-It's cold..."</emily> She blushes once again as you pour it on her tits.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\h4.webp">
<b>-"Now before you lay down, let me just spread this oil around."</b>
<emily>-"Nghhh... Yes..."</emily> The woman closes her eyes as you reach for her chest.
<<pageReplace"Spread the oil around.">>
<emily>-"AghHhHH!"</emily> She moans as you hands reach her chest.
<b>-"J-just relax ma'am! I know what I'm doing."</b> You begin to grope her tits, making sure to spread the oil all around them evenly.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\h5.webp">
<b>-"Good! Now please lay down."</b>
<emily>-"Of course..."</emily> As she lays down, you notice her legs quiver for a second. Are her tits that sensitive?
<b>-"If you feel uncomfortable at any point, please let me know."</b> The woman nods as you begin to massage her upper half again.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\h6.webp">
<b>-"Gosh I wish I had tits like these... They're so big!"</b>
<b>-"I-Is everything okay?"</b>
<emily>-"YesSss... K-keep going...!"</emily>
<<pageReplace"Continue to massage her tits.">>
<b>-"Gosh they're so perky! I wonder if she's gotten any operations done on them."</b>
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\h7.webp">
<b>-"How is it?"</b>
<emily>-"NgHHHh... The nipplzSsZZ...!"</emily>
<b>-"Huh? T-the what?"</b>
<emily>-"T-touch my nipples... NGHHhh... P-please!"</emily> The woman says inbetween moans.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\h8.webp">
<emily>-"AghHhHH! YeSsHHHHH!"</emily> It seems like the nipples are her sensitive spot...
<b>-"Lemme just..."</b>
<<pageReplace"Massage the chest and the nipples at the same time.">>
<b>-"Gosh she's sensitive!"</b> You think.
<emily>-"MgHHhh!"</emily> She moans as you begin to massage her chest and her nipples at the same time.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\h9.webp">
<emily>-"FucKKk! It feels so gooOOoOdDddDdd!"</emily>
<b>-"Hmmmm..."</b> You can tell that the woman is incredibly close to cumming... Maybe you should help out?
<emily>-"GrRhhHhh!"</emily> She definitely wants it...
<<pageReplace"Give her a hand.">>
<b>-"F-fuck it... You're too horny not to try!"</b> With one hand still on her tits, you reach down towards her crotch with the other.
<emily>-"AgHHhh... W-what... What are you doing?"</emily> She asks inbetween moans.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\h10.webp">
<emily>-"EaaAaghhhHh!"</emily> The woman let's out a yelp as your fingers reach her clit.
<b>-"J-just helping you get off ma'am... Now please relax!"</b> As her eyes close, her whole body begins to shake.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\h11.webp">
<b>-"Wow..."</b> You don't think you've ever met someone with such a senstive body before...
<emily>-"I'm about to... NGHHhhh.. I'm about to cum!"</emily> The woman grabs the sheets she's laying on and squeezes.
<<pageReplace"Make her cum.">>
<b>-"..."</b> You don't say a word as you focus on making this girl climax.
<emily>-"AgHHhhhH! YESsSSSSSS!"</emily> Her voice breaks as her whole body begins to shake.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\h12.webp">
<emily>-"FucKKkk..."</emily> After around 10 seconds, the convulsions stop.
<b>-"H-how was it?"</b> You smile as you extend your arm.
<emily>-"NGHhh... S-so good!"</emily> She takes it and sits up. After you bring her a towel, she cleans herself off and puts on her clothes.
<emily>-"Thank you..."</emily> The woman looks at you.
<emily>-"Thank you $name... Haven't felt that good in a while!"</emily> She places down some cash on the table.
<b>-"Before you go, I wanted to ask you something."</b>
<emily>-"Go ahead..."</emily>
<b>-"Did you get anything done to your chest? Your tits are so nice!"</b> The woman blushes once again.
<emily>-"Y-yeah... I got realistic implants from Nova like 3 months ago..."</emily> Her tits are not real?! They look so good!
<emily>-"Gimme a sec..."</emily> She shoves her hand in her purse and takes out two cards, which she hands to you.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\h13.webp">
<emily>-"They gave me a couple of coupons to use after I was done... I'm not planning to go back there so, you can have them!"</emily> It's 20$ discount!
<b>-"T-thank you!"</b> The woman nods and begins moving towards the exit.
<b>-"Please come again!"</b>
<emily>-"I will, have a good one!"</emily> The doors close.
<b>-"Maybe I should get implants like those...? Fuck they looked good!"</b> After cleaning up all of the oil, you grab your hard earned money and coupons and begin your trip home.
<<money +300 "Worked at the Lair!">>
<green>Money +300!</green>
<grey>-"20$ discount for breast implants!"</grey>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<</if>><<money +300 "Worked at the Lair!">>\
<<if $domstatus is true>>\
<b>-"How's this ma'am?"</b> Your giving your third client of the night a massage.
<emily>-"NgHhhh... V-very good!"</emily> She asked you to massage her chest, so that's what you're doing.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\q1.webp">
<emily>-"Could I... Could I give you a blowjob?"</emily>
<emily>-"NgHHh... Y-your hands are turning me on... I know that we can't have sex, but I at least want to suck you off."</emily>
<b>-"Hah, sure! Be my guest!"</b> You shrug your shoulders and start to pull down your pants.
<emily>-"Oh fuck... It's so big."</emily> While still laying on her back, the woman begins to suck you off.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\q2.webp">
<b>-"MgHhh! That's good... Keep it up!"</b> You notice her hand slip down towards her crotch... She's masturbating.
<emily>-"Gwuah... Gwuhhhh... GaahHh!"</emily> With each stroke of her mouth you inch closer and closer to a climax.
<b>-"FucKKkk!"</b> You grab her tits with your right arm and begin to face fuck her.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\q3.webp">
<emily>-"NGhHhhh!"</emily> Her legs begin to shake as she moves her hand even faster... She's having an orgasm!
<b>-"ShittTTtt! I'm close!"</b> You shout as you feel your rod flooding with cum.
<emily>-"O-on my face! P-please!"</emily> After the woman get's off of the table, you ejaculate all over her face.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\q4.webp">
<emily>-"AgHhHhh!"</emily> After you're done, the woman begins to lick the semen off of her face as you walk towards the cabinet.
<b>-"Here."</b> You hand her a towel. After she's done cleaning up, you both put on your clothes and say your goodbyes. She leaves you a pretty hefty tip.
<b>-"Oof... I have time for one more customer!"</b> You think as the woman leaves and you check the time.
<green>Money +300!</green>
<b>-"H-how's this sir?"</b> Your giving your third client of the night a massage.
<blue>-"NgHhhh... Very good! Keep it up princess!"</blue> He asked for a happy ending, so that's what you're doing.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\qq1.webp">
<blue>-"Could you give me a blowjob? MGHHhh... Your hands are great and all, but... MGHHhhh... I need more stimulation!"</blue>
<b>-"Pardon? G-gloryholes are for that usually..."</b>
<blue>-"NgHHh... I know... But seeing your beautiful face while you do it is even hotter!"</blue>
<b>-"I-I guess... I guess I could."</b> The man grins as you let go and climb onto the table.
<blue>-"Hell yeah!"</blue> You bend over and begin to pleasure the man orally.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\qq2.webp">
<blue>-"NgHHhhh!"</blue> Because of all the work you've done in the gloryholes, you've gotten pretty good at getting men off with your mouth!
<b>-"GuahH! GuhHhh! GaghhHh!"</b> You try your best not to choke on his cock.
<blue>-"FucCkKKk babe!"</blue>
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\qq3.webp">
<b>-"GhHHh..."</b> You let out a moan as a drop of precum leaks out of your cage.
<blue>-"ShitTTTtt... I'm about to... I'm about to cum!"</blue> The man's legs begin to shake as your eyes grow wide.
<b>-"Already!?"</b> You think. It's only been 5 minutes!
<b>-"O-on my face sir!"</b> The man nods and ejaculates all over your face after you climb down from the table.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\q4.webp">
<blue>-"GhHRHHhHHH! YesSsHhHHH!"</blue> After the last drop falls onto your face, you stand up and and walk over to the cabinet. You clean yourself up and begin to put on your clothes.
<blue>-"Thanks love, here."</blue> He puts down some cash on the table.
<b>"H-hope you enjoyed yourself!"</b> You say your goodbyes and the man leaves.
<b>-"Oof... I have time for one more customer!"</b>
<green>Money +300!</green>
<div class="actions-horizontal sticky">
[[Finish your shift->Go outside]]
</div><<money +300 "Worked at the Lair!">>\
<<if $domstatus is true>>\
<b>-"NgHHhh! Good girl!"</b> Zira came back! She wanted to give your cock a massage again and you couldn't say no.
<pink>-"Heh, you like that?"</pink>
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\w1.gif">
<b>-"Fuck yeah I do... I have no clue why you're willing to pay for this though..."</b>
<pink>-"Seeing your cock throb is well worth the cash..."</pink>
<pink>-"Gosh, precum is already coming out!"</pink> Zira spreads it around your cock, using it as lube.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\w2.webp">
<b>-"MgHHHhh! So gooodDDddd!"</b>
<pink>-"Ghehehe, I know!"</pink>
<b>-"H-how about you remove that top of yours? I want to see your tits."</b>
<pink>-"Not happening handsome... I'll make you cum with no visual stimulation, just my hands."</pink>
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\w3.webp">
<b>-"AghHhH!"</b> Zira spends the next 10 minutes furiously jacking you off...
<b>-"Fuckkk! I'm closeee!"</b>
<pink>-"Good boy! Come on! Let it all out!"</pink> Her confident demeanor is such a turn on!
<b>-"NGHHhhh!"</b> You explode all over her hands.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\w4.gif">
<b>-"ArrHHhh... Thanks Zira..."</b> You let out a moan as she squeezes the last couple of drops of semen out of your cock.
<pink>-"No, thank you $name! For the fun night!"</pink> You slowly stand up and grab a towel. After you both clean yourselves and put on your clothes, Zira puts some cash on the table.
<pink>-"See ya soon love!"</pink>
<b>-"Mhm!"</b> She leaves... Time for you to do the same, you shift is over.
<green>Money +300!</green>
<bartender>-"NgHHhh! Good girl!"</bartender> Another customer wanted a happy ending... You couldn't refuse the extra cash.
<b>-"Heh, y-you like that?"</b>
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\w1.gif">
<bartender>-"Fuck yeah I do... Keep going beautiful.."</bartender>
<b>-"I-it's throbbing already... So hot."</b>
<b>-"Fuckk... Look at all that precum."</b> You spread it around his cock, using it as lube.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\w2.webp">
<bartender>-"MgHHHhh! So gooodDDddd!"</bartender>
<b>-"NgHhh..."</b> Your cock throbs as well, but the cage stops it, of course.
<bartender>-"How about you remove that top of yours? I want to see your tits."</bartender>
<b>-"N-not happening... I'll make you cum with no visual stimulation, just my hands!"</b> In truth, you're just self conscious about your small tits...
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\w3.webp">
<bartender>-"AghHhH!"</bartender> You spend the next 10 minutes furiously jacking him off...
<bartender>-"Fuckkk! I'm closeee!"</bartender>
<b>-"C-come on!"</b> You begin to jack him off even faster.
<bartender>-"NGHHhhh!"</bartender> He explodes all over your hands as he screams.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\w4.gif">
<bartender>-"ArrHHhh... Thanks $name..."</bartender> He lets out a moan as you squeeze the last couple of drops of semen out of his cock.
<b>-"You know my name?"</b>
<bartender>-"Of course I do.. MGHhhh... You're pretty popular around here."</bartender>
<b>-"Hmph... Interesting... Anyways, hope you enjoyed yourself!"</b> You slowly stand up and grab a towel. After you both clean yourselves and put on your clothes, he puts some cash on the table.
<b>-"S-see ya soon love!"</b>
<bartender>-"Mhm!"</bartender> He leaves... Time for you to do the same, you shift is over.
<green>Money +300!</green>
<div class="actions-horizontal sticky">
[[Finish your shift->Go outside]]
</div><<money +300 "Worked at the Lair!">>\
<<if $domstatus is true>>\
<b>-"How's this ma'am?"</b> You say as you massage your customers chest.
<pink>-"Good... Gosh your hands are big..."</pink> She said she'll pay extra if you do it, so you couldn't refuse.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\ee1.webp">
<pink>-"But this ain't enough."</pink> The woman smacks your hand away.
<pink>-"You can't fuck me, right?"</pink> She asks as she stands up.
<b>-"No, that happens in the reverse gloryholes."</b>
<pink>-"Fuck... Then lay down, I'll grind you..."</pink> She seems determined, so you listen to her and lay down.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\e1.webp">
<b>-"NghHh... Go ahead."</b> You say after pulling down your pants. Your cock is already rock hard...
<pink>-"Here I come handsome."</pink>
<pink>-"If only I could shove it inside..."</pink> As the woman finally sits down on top of you, she begins moving her hips back and forward.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\e2.webp">
<b>-"MgHHhh!"</b> Her fluids are acting as lube... It feels so fucking good!
<pink>-"AghHhhh! W-will this cost me extra?"</pink>
<b>-"Same as... GrHhHhh... Any other happy ending..."</b> The woman grins.
<pink>-"Fuck yeah..."</pink>
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\e3.webp">
<pink>-"Buckle up then, we're going to be here a while!"</pink> She wasn't lying! She spends the next 30 minutes grinding and humping your cock.
<pink>-"YesShhHhhh!"</pink> She moans as she reaches her fourth orgasm of the night.
<b>-"ShittTt! I'm close too!"</b> After all that time, your endurance begins to fail you as well.
<pink>-"NGHHhh! Do it!"</pink>
<b>-"FucKKkkK!"</b> You explode all over your own belly.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\e4.webp">
<pink>-"Now THAT, was some money well spent!"</pink> She grins and slowly gets off of you.
<b>-"NgHhh... Bring me a towel, would you?"</b> You point at the cabinet.
<pink>-"Of course."</pink> You both clean up and put on your clothes. The woman puts some cash on the table and begins walking towards the door.
<pink>-"Thanks for tonight $name, I'll come again soon!"</pink>
<b>-"I will be waiting!"</b> After she leaves, you begin to pack your stuff.
<b>-"Time for me to leave as well!"</b>
<green>Money +300!</green>
<b>-"How's this ma'am?"</b> You say as you massage your customers chest.
<pink>-"Good... Gosh your hands are tiny though!"</pink> She said she'll pay extra if you do it, so you couldn't refuse.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\ee1.webp">
<pink>-"But this ain't enough."</pink> The woman smacks your hand away.
<pink>-"I've heard that scissoring can feel real fucking good... Will it cost me extra?"</pink> She asks as she stands up.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\e1.webp">
<b>-"N-no, all happy endings cost the same..."</b> The woman grins as a drop of sweat runs down your forehead.
<pink>-"Fuck yeah... Now get naked."</pink> You nod and begin to pull down your pants.
<pink>-"W-what?!"</pink> The woman shouts as she sees that you're in a chastity.
<b>-"O-oucHChHhh!"</b> She steps on you.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\ee2.png">
<pink>-"You're a sissy?!"</pink>
<b>-"Y-yeSsss... We can still scissor if you want!"</b>
<pink>-"Ugh... Nevermind..."</pink> She doesn't seem to like the idea.
<pink>-"Here, forget this ever happened."</pink> She gets off of the table and throws some cash next to you.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\massage\ee3.jpg">
<b>-"NgHhh... S-sorry to disappoint ma'am!"</b> You get off of the table after her and put your clothes back on.
<pink>-"Mhm... Next time let me know before we start."</pink> She does the same and walks towards the door.
<b>-"I hope to see you again ma'am!"</b>
<pink>-"Yeah, that won't happen..."</pink> She leaves.
<b>-"W-what a bitch..."</b> You pack your stuff and head towards the door as well. Your shift is done.
<green>Money +300!</green>
<div class="actions-horizontal sticky">
[[Finish your shift->Go outside]]
</div><<set $leyjaslairevent3 to 1>>\
<<set $reversegloryholeintro to true>>\
<<if $domstatus ==true>>\
<b>-"Well, how about it?"</b> You ask Leyja.
<m>-"Sigh... Right now?"</m> She's sitting in front of the counter.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\i1.jpg">
<b>-"Hell yeah! You told me I could earn the big bucks doing the reverse gloryhole stuff! I want to see what it's about it!"</b> You've done massages for quite a long time now!
<m>-"Ugh... F-fine... But only because you're my favorite."</m> She touches your chest.
<b>-"Fuck yeah! I assume it's somewhere in the Lair?"</b>
<m>-"It's actually below the Lair."</m>
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\i2.jpg">
<b>-"Below?"</b> The Lair is already in the basement!
<m>-"Mhm, follow me."</m> She stands up and begins to walk towards the Lair.
<<pageReplace"Follow her.">>
<b>-"I thought that the Lair was our bottom floor!"</b> You say as you head down the stairs after Leyja.
<m>-"There's one more below it, but that's it."</m> She points at the fence gate at the corner of the Lair.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\i3.jpg">
<m>-"Never wondered what's behind it?"</m> Leyja walks over and begins to unlock it.
<b>-"Hmph... Never really paid attention to it."</b> The gate swings open and you both step inside.
<m>-"Here, look."</m> It's another set of stairs! These ones are very steep though.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\i4.jpg">
<b>-"W-wow! How do clients even get down there?"</b>
<m>-"Everyone has a key... Brothels are illegal in Sweden, so we try to fly below the radar by vetting every client before we let them use our services."</m> She begins to climb down the stairs.
<<pageReplace"Climb down after her.">>
<m>-"Heyyyy Beatrice!"</m> You hear her say as she reaches the bottom floor.
<b>-"Huh?"</b> You climb down after her and look around.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\i5.webp">
<b>-"Holy shit..."</b> It seems like Leyja is referring to the old woman sitting at the front of the brothel.
<pink>-"Ohhhh hey honey! How you been?"</pink>
<m>-"I've been good! How're the guys? Not out of juice yet?"</m>
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\i6.jpg">
<pink>-"Of course not! They're young, they can handle a couple of rounds ghahaha!"</pink> The old woman laughs and looks at you.
<pink>-"Oh, who's this?"</pink>
<<pageReplace"Introduce yourself.">>
<b>-"I'm $name, ma'am, I work for Leyja."</b>
<m>-"I brought you a new guy! This one is as big as they come!"</m> Leyja giggles and grabs your crotch.
<b>-"H-hey! Ghahaha!"</b> You push her hand away and laugh.
<pink>-"Heh, well nice to meet you youngster! Hope that you fit right in!"</pink>
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\i7.jpg">
<pink>-"All of the guys are in today, so I don't have a spot for ya!"</pink> She shrugs.
<b>-"No problem, I wasn't planning to work today anyways."</b>
<m>-"Yeah Beatrice, I just want to show him around today."</m> The old woman nods.
<pink>-"Alright, go ahead then!"</pink> She smiles and begins to read her newspaper again.
<b>-"She's so old... How long has she been working for you?"</b> You whisper into Leyja's ear.
<m>-"Not that long, maybe a couple of years. I needed someone I can trust and she's my aunt!"</m> You stay silent for a second.
<b>-"That's kind of weird..."</b>
<m>-"How about we change the subject, let me show you around!"</m> She awkwardly chuckles and begins to walk.
<b>-"Fine, fine, let's leave that topic for another day."</b> You both step forward.
<b>-"So, this is where the magic happens?"</b> You begin to look around.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\i8.webp">
<m>-"It is indeed!"</m> She points at the men.
<m>-"These are the guys that work for me. We'll talk to one of them after they stop working."</m> You continue to follow her.
<b>-"Who are clients for something like this..."</b> You notice that the men seems to ignore your presence completely... They're working pretty hard!
<m>-"Lonely women mostly... Or people who don't have time to date."</m> Leyja shrugs her shoulders and turns to you.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\i9.jpg">
<m>-"But you will never find out."</m>
<b>-"Huh? What do you mean?"</b>
<m>-"I mean that it's confidential, same thing was the case with normal gloryholes, remember?"</m> You weren't allowed to see who's behind the wall...
<b>-"Oh yeah... That's for privacy reasons, I assume?"</b> You both stop and begin to look at the men putting in the work.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\i10.webp">
<m>-"Indeed. I'm the only one who knows who the clients are."</m>
<b>-"I guess that's for the best."</b> You shrug your shoulders.
<m>-"It is. As I've mentioned before, this whole operation is technically illegal, so the less people know the details the better."</m> One of the men finishes.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\i11.webp">
<m>-"Ah! Perfect timing! Let's talk with him for a sec!"</m> Leyja takes a step forward.
<m>-"Hey, Julian!"</m> The man scratches his head and turns to you both.
<<pageReplace"Take a look at him.">>
<b>-"Damn..."</b> He's pretty handsome! What's he doing in a dump like this.
<m>-"Sorry to bother Julian, you have a new work buddy though, wanted to introduce you!"</m> The man looks you up and down and smiles.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\i12.jpg">
<blue>-"Hey bro! Aren't you one of Leyja's helpers up above? Watchu doing here?"</blue> Leyja leans in and whispers:
<m>-"When you're done, see me near the counter."</m> You nod and she walks away.
<b>-"Yeah, but I work at the Lair too. Whatever brings the most cash in, you know."</b> You shake hands.
<blue>-"Hah! Well you're in the right place for that man! You can earn some big bucks in here! If you do good, of course."</blue> The man looks at you crotch and back up at you.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\i14.jpg">
<blue>-"How big's your cock?"</blue>
<blue>-"You heard me. The women here are size queens, so the bigger - the better. The more cash you earn too!"</blue>
<b>-"I don't know... Maybe a solid 8 inches?"</b> You haven't checked in a while...
<blue>-"Damn! Not bad at all! You'll fit right in then! In more ways than one... Ghahahahaha!"</blue> The man punches your shoulder and turns to the side.
<blue>-"If you have any questions, lemme know, or else I'm heading to the showers!"</blue>
<b>-"There are showers here!?"</b>
<blue>-"Yes sir!"</blue>
<b>-"Hmph, cool... Nah that'll be all for today, we'll meet again soon, I'm sure of it."</b> He smiles and shakes your hand again.
<blue>-"Alright man! See ya then!"</blue> He walks off as you begin to head towards the stairs.
<<pageReplace"Go to the counter.">>
<b>-"Heyyy!"</b> You say as you walk up to the counter. Leyja is sitting behind it.
<m>-"Hey! How was the convo with Julian?"</m>
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\i13.jpg">
<b>-"Good! Seems like a nice guy!"</b>
<m>-"Glad you got along! You'll be working next to each other!"</m>
<b>-"Really?"</b> You might have found a new buddy!
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\i17.jpg">
<m>-"Mhm... Ronald, the guy working next to him right now has been slacking off, I'm firing him today."</m>
<b>-"That's unfortunate..."</b>
<m>-"It is indeed, but we need to guarantee or clients are satisfied."</m> Leyja sighs, reaches behind the counter and pulls out a key.
<m>-"Anyways, here's your key to the gate. You can work whenever you feel like it. Beatrice will explain everything else."</m>
<b>-"Thanks Leyja!"</b> You smile.
<m>-"No problem handsome! J-just remember, I have needs too!"</m> She winks.
<b>-"You'll always be my favorite, don't worry!"</b>
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
<<money +300 "Worked at the Lair!">>
<green>Money +300!</green>
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<b>-"W-well, how about it Mistress?"</b> You ask Leyja.
<m>-"Sigh... Right now?"</m> She's sitting in front of the counter.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\i1.jpg">
<b>-"Yeah! You told me I could earn the big bucks doing the reverse gloryhole stuff! I-I want to see what it's about it!"</b> You've done massages for quite a long time now!
<m>-"Ugh... Fine... But only because you're my favorite."</m> She touches your clit.
<b>-"NnngHHhhh... Y-yes! I assume it's somewhere in the Lair?"</b>
<m>-"It's actually below the Lair."</m>
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\i2.jpg">
<b>-"Below?"</b> The Lair is already in the basement!
<m>-"Mhm, follow me."</m> She stands up and begins to walk towards the Lair.
<<pageReplace"Follow her.">>
<b>-"I thought that the Lair was our bottom floor!"</b> You say as you head down the stairs after Leyja.
<m>-"There's one more below it, but that's it."</m> She points at the fence gate at the corner of the Lair.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\i3.jpg">
<m>-"Never wondered what's behind it?"</m> Leyja walks over and begins to unlock it.
<b>-"Hmph... N-never really paid attention to it."</b> The gate swings open and you both step inside.
<m>-"Here, look."</m> It's another set of stairs! These ones are very steep though.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\i4.jpg">
<b>-"W-wow! How do clients even get down there?"</b>
<m>-"Everyone has a key... Brothels are illegal in Sweden, so we try to fly below the radar by vetting every client before we let them use our services."</m> She begins to climb down the stairs.
<<pageReplace"Climb down after her.">>
<m>-"Heyyyy Beatrice!"</m> You hear her say as she reaches the bottom floor.
<b>-"Huh?"</b> You climb down after her and look around.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\i5.webp">
<b>-"Holy shit..."</b> It seems like Leyja is referring to the old woman sitting at the front of the brothel.
<pink>-"Ohhhh hey honey! How you been?"</pink>
<m>-"I've been good! How're the guys? Not out of juice yet?"</m>
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\i6.jpg">
<pink>-"Of course not! They're young, they can handle a couple of rounds ghahaha!"</pink> The old woman laughs and looks at you.
<pink>-"Oh, who's this?"</pink>
<<pageReplace"Introduce yourself.">>
<b>-"I'm $name, ma'am, I work for Miss Leyja."</b>
<m>-"I brought you a new girl! Isn't she cute?"</m>
<pink>-"She is indeed!"</pink> The old woman looks at you.
<pink>-"Heh, well nice to meet you youngster! Hope that you fit right in!"</pink>
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\i7.jpg">
<pink>-"All of the girls are in today, so I don't have a spot for ya!"</pink> She shrugs.
<b>-"N-no problem, I wasn't planning to work today anyways."</b>
<m>-"Yeah Beatrice, I just want to show her around today."</m> The old woman nods.
<pink>-"Alright, go ahead then!"</pink> She smiles and begins to read her newspaper again.
<b>-"She's so old... How long has she been working for you?"</b> You whisper into mistress's ear.
<m>-"Not that long, maybe a couple of years. I needed someone I can trust and she's my aunt!"</m> You stay silent for a second.
<b>-"T-that's kind of weird..."</b>
<m>-"How about we change the subject, let me show you around!"</m> She awkwardly chuckles and begins to walk.
<b>-"Fine, fine..."</b> You both step forward.
<b>-"So, this is where the magic happens?"</b> You begin to look around.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\i8.webp">
<m>-"It is indeed!"</m> She points at the men.
<m>-"These are the clients. We'll talk to one of them after they stop using one of my girls."</m> You continue to follow her.
<b>-"W-where will I be working?"</b> You notice that the men seems to ignore your presence completely... They're working pretty hard!
<m>-"In one of the booths you see!"</m> Leyja turns to you.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\i9.jpg">
<m>-"Excited already?"</m>
<b>-"M-maybe... Hahaha..."</b> You awkwardly giggle.
<m>-"Well good! The men here pay a ton!"</m>
<b>-"Oh yeah...? How much?"</b> You both stop and begin to look at the men putting in the work.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\i10.webp">
<m>-"Depends on the women, but earning 500 bucks a day is definitely possible!"</m>
<b>-"D-damn! That's a bunch!"</b> Your eyes grow wide.
<m>-"It is indeed! The more illegal it is, the more expensive."</m> One of the men finishes.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\i11.webp">
<m>-"Ah! Perfect timing! Let's talk with him for a sec!"</m> Leyja takes a step forward.
<m>-"Hey, Rocky!"</m> The man scratches his head and turns to you both.
<<pageReplace"Take a look at him.">>
<b>-"Damn..."</b> He's pretty handsome! What's he doing in a dump like this?
<m>-"Sorry to bother Rocky, you have a new girl to fuck though, wanted to introduce you!"</m> The man looks you up and down and smiles.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\i12.jpg">
<blue>-"Hey beautiful! Aren't you one of Leyja's helpers up above? Watchu doing here?"</blue> Leyja leans in and whispers:
<m>-"When you're done, see me near the counter."</m> You nod and she walks away.
<b>-"Y-yeah, but I work at the Lair too. Whatever brings the most cash in, you know."</b> You awkwardly giggle and shake hands.
<blue>-"Hah! Well you're in the right place for that! You can earn some big bucks in here! If you feel good, of course."</blue> You look down at his crotch.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\i16.jpg">
<b>-"D-damn..."</b> <<if $bnwostatus ==true>>It's not as big as a BBC, but it's still pretty huge!<</if>>
<blue>-"Think you could take it?"</blue> Rocky asks after he notices your gaze.
<<if $novirginfem ==true>>\
<b>-"Hell yeah I could... I've taken bigger."</b> Julian was massive...
<blue>-"Good, you'll fit right in! Nobody likes a pussy that too tight and your cock can't fit!"</blue> He chuckles once more and turns to the side.
<blue>-"If you have any questions, lemme know now, or else I'm heading to the shower."</blue>
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\i14.jpg">
<b>-"T-there are showers here?"</b>
<blue>-"Of course! Locker rooms too!"</blue>
<b>-"Hah, that's cool... No questions though, t-thank you!"</b> The man smiles and shakes your hand again.
<blue>-"Alright, see ya soon love!"</blue> As he walks away, you begin to head towards the stairs.
<b>I don't know... I'm still a virgin."</b> Your cheeks grow red.
<blue>-"Oh? A woman of your looks... A virgin?"</blue> He looks you up and down again.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\i14.jpg">
<b>-"I'm... I-I'm a sissy... So I'm a virgin anally."</b> His eyes grow wide.
<blue>-"Damn! You're exotic then! The guys will pay even more to have a ride with you, ghahaha!"</blue>
<b>-"G-glad to hear it..."</b> He pats you on the shoulder.
<blue>-"Don't worry love, we'll be gentle."</blue> Rocky winks and turns to the side.
<blue>-"If you have any questions, lemme know now, or else I'm heading to the shower."</blue>
<b>-"T-there are showers here?"</b>
<blue>-"Of course! Locker rooms too!"</blue>
<b>-"Hah, that's cool... No questions though, t-thank you!"</b> The man smiles and shakes your hand again.
<blue>-"Alright, see ya soon beautiful!"</blue> As he walks away, you begin to head towards the stairs.
<<pageReplace"Go to the counter.">>
<b>-"H-heyyy!"</b> You say as you walk up to the counter. Leyja is sitting behind it.
<m>-"Hey pet! How was the convo with Julian?"</m>
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\i13.jpg">
<b>-"G-good! Seems like a nice guy!"</b> You bite your lip.
<b>-"Pretty hung too..."</b> Leyja laughs.
<m>-"Hahaha! Yeah he's one of the bigger guys!"</m>
<m>-"Glad you got along! Did you tell him that you were a sissy?"</m>
<b>-"S-sure did! He said I'm exotic and men will pay more to have a ride with me..."</b> You awkwardly recite what he said.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\i17.jpg">
<m>-"Heh, well you were right! Quite a couple of them have requested to have something interesting on offer."</m>
<b>-"Great..."</b> You feel a little objectified, but as long as it gets you paid - you're fine.
<m>-"Anyways, here's your key to the gate. You can work whenever you feel like it. Beatrice will explain everything else."</m>
<b>-"Thanks Leyja!"</b> You smile.
<m>-"No problem love!"</m> She winks.
<<set $feminization to $feminization>>
<emily>Feminization +1!</emily>
<<money +300 "Worked at the Lair!">>
<green>Money +300!</green>
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<</if>>\<<if $novirginfem !==true and $domstatus !==true>>
<<goto "Reverse gloryhole virginity loss">>
<<elseif $leyjaslairevent3 ==1>>
<<goto "Reverse gloryhole 1">>
<<elseif $leyjaslairevent3 ==2>>
<<goto "Reverse gloryhole 2">>
<<elseif $leyjaslairevent3 ==3>>
<<goto "Reverse gloryhole 3">>
<<elseif $leyjaslairevent3 ==4>>
<<goto "Reverse gloryhole random 1">>
<</if>><<set $novirginfem to true>>\
<b>-"T-today's the day!"</b> You put on a brave face, unlock the gate and climb down the stairs.
<b>-"..."</b> You're still anally a virgin, so this is going to be an experience!
<pink>-"Welcome, welcome! Please come in!"</pink> Leyja's Aunt greets some clients as you wait behind them.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\virginity_1.webp">
<pink>-"Ahhh, $name! Ready for your shift?"</pink> She smiles as you take a step forwards.
<b>-"I-I think so! Which booth can I take?"</b>
<pink>-"Fifth one. It's on the right! Should be empty."</pink> You nod and head there.
<b>-"Gulp... There it is."</b> You find the fifth booth behind the wall separating clients and workers.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\virginity_3.webp">
<b>-"Time to get ready."</b> You put your things down and begin to undress.
<<pageReplace"Put your clothes aside.">>
<b>-"T-there."</b> You put your clothes to the side.
<b>-"NgHhhhh..."</b> After letting out a quiet moan, you put the buttplug you just had inside aside.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\virginity_2.jpg">
<b>-"N-now, how about I supposed to do this?"</b> The hole in the wall seems very small...
<b>-"Maybe like this..."</b> You lay on your belly and begin to push your legs through the hole.
<b>-"Mmmmghhh... I think this is good!"</b> Your whole lower body is on the other side of the wall!
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\virginity_4.png">
<blue>-"What is this? A new doll?"</blue> A masculine voice rings out behind you.
<b>-"A-argHhhh!"</b> Someone is touching your ass...
<<pageReplace"Take a deep breath before what's about to happen.">>
<blue>-"Oh... What's this?"</blue> Before the man enters, he feels around near your crotch and finds your... Clit.
<blue>-"Heh, so you must be the sissy that they talked about."</blue> He slaps your ass and grabs his shaft.
<blue>-"And I get first dibs... Fuck yeah!"</blue>
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\virginity_5.webp">
<b>-"A-argHhhh!"</b> You let out a moan as the man's tip presses up against your anus.
<blue>-"You ready? Ghehehe!"</blue> He slaps your ass once again.
<b>-"..."</b> You don't answer - you're too focused on being able to take it.
<blue>-"I'll take that as a yes..."</blue> The man slowly inserts his cock inside.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\virginity_6.gif">
<b>-"Y-yesssHhhhh...!"</b> Surprisingly, it feels really fucking good!
<b>-"MghHhhhhh!"</b> It's nothing like a dildo... A real cock is so much softer and warmer, it's incredible!
<<pageReplace"Enjoy yourself.">>
<blue>-"ShitTTttt... So tighttt!"</blue> The man shouts as he pounds your ass into oblivion.
<b>-"G-grahhh... NnnngHHhhh!"</b> Precum begins to dribble out of your clit as you hold onto the bench you're laying on.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\virginity_7.webp">
<blue>-"I-I'm closeeee! NgHhhhh!"</blue> The man shouts as you feel his penis throb.
<b>-"H-huh? Already?"</b> You whimper quietly.
<blue>-"F-fucKkkkk!"</blue> The takes out his cock and unloads right on your ass.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\virginity_8.webp">
<blue>-"Thank you honey... What an incredible pussy you have."</blue> You hear him walk off.
<b>-"Well that was disappointing..."</b> It ended way too soon! Is this how women feel during sex...?
<<pageReplace"Wait for another client.">>
<b>-"Sigh... Time to wait I guess."</b> You begin to slowly shake your butt, trying to look inviting.
<judy>-"Well, well... What do we have here?"</judy> You hear another man walk up to your booth not even 2 minutes later.
<judy>-"Heh... A sissy? Time to try you out."</judy> He says after lowering his hand inbetween your legs.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\virginity_9.webp">
<b>-"A-argHhhhh!"</b> His cock is much bigger!
<b>-"FucKKkkk!"</b> It's stretching you out so good!
<judy>-"Ohhhh fuckkkk... Now that's a pussy."</judy>
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\virginity_10.webp">
<b>-"Y-yesHHhhh! GrgHhhhh!"</b> Even more precum dribbles out of your clit as he pounds your butt.
<<pageReplace"You feel his cock begin to throb.">>
<b>-"N-noOooo!"</b> You desperately moan as you feel him unload his seed inside.
<judy>-"GrahhHHhhhh! F-fuck..."</judy> The man ejaculates inside and takes out his rod.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\virginity_11.webp">
<b>-"NgHhhh..."</b> Does everyone cum this quickly? Maybe you feel too good...
<judy>-"Gosh darn your pussy is incredible!"</judy> The second you hear him walk off, another man takes his place.
<bartender>-"I heard you were the sissy, right?"</bartender> He chuckles and enters inside.
<b>-"U-ugHHhhhh!"</b> You didn't even have a second to rest!
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\virginity_12.webp">
<bartender>-"Ohhhhh fuckkk yeahhh! That's what I'm talking about!"</bartender>
<<pageReplace"Continue your shift.">>
<b>-"F-finally... It's over!"</b> As the last man walks off, you can finally pull in your torso and legs through the hole.
<b>-"God damnit, I'm covered!"</b> They all came on or in your ass!
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\virginity_13.jpg">
<b>-"Gulp... Still, I didn't expect it to feel this good!"</b> You stand up and look around.
<b>-"T-time to head to the showers I guess."</b> Most of the clients have left already, so the showers should be relatively empty.
<b>-"Need to collect the money from Beatrice too..."</b>
<<set $feminization to $feminization +1>>
<emily>Feminization +1!</emily>
<<money +400 "Worked at the Lair!">>
<green>Money +400!</green>
[[Clean up and collect your payment->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>>\<<set $leyjaslairevent3 to 2>>\
<<if $domstatus is true>>\
<b>-"Time to earn some cash!"</b> You think as you unlock the gate.
<b>-"So steep..."</b> You begin to slowly climb down the stairs.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\s_1_1.jpg">
<blue>-"Ghahaha! Come on then!"</blue> Voices begin to fill your ears as you reach the bottom floor.
<grey>-"Jeez, this one is always so tight!"</grey> You begin to look around.
<b>-"Seems quite empty..."</b> You came here a little early, so most guys haven't come in yet.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\s_1_2.webp">
<b>-"There's even an empty booth!"</b> You spot a girl waiting to be pleasured.
<pink>-"Agh, $name! Hey honey!"</pink> Beatrice waves from her booth.
<<pageReplace"Turn to her.">>\
<b>-"Hey Beatrice! I saw that there's an empty booth?"</b> You face her.
<pink>-"There is indeed! One of the guys didn't come in today, so you can take his spot!"</pink>
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\s_1_3.jpg">
<b>-"Understood, I'll get going then!"</b> Leyja's aunt nods.
<pink>-"Sure thing! Give them hell soldier!"</pink> She laughs as you start to walk away.
<pink>-"Oh and come here after you're done, you'll collect your payment from me!"</pink>
<b>-"Alright, see you soon!"</b> You walk over to the empty booth and look.
<b>-"Hmph, this chick will do."</b> You begin to get closer.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\d_1_1.webp">
<blue>-"Aghhh, $name! What's up bro!"</blue> You hear a voice from your left.
<<pageReplace"Turn towards the voice.">>
<b>-"Yo! What's up Julian!"</b> It's the guy you talked to a while back!
<blue>-"Nothing much! Came in for your first shift?"</blue> You begin to warm up the girl as you speak.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\d_1_2.webp">
<b>-"It is indeed! Pretty excited!"</b>
<blue>-"Haaa, you should be! The girl you're about to smash is tight as fuck though, be careful!"</blue>
<b>-"Be careful? Ghahaha, for what?"</b>
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\d_1_3.webp">
<blue>-"If you nut too soon, you'll get paid less!"</blue>
<b>-"Hmph, I'll try my best to last longer then!"</b> He nods as you start to pull down your pants.
<b>-"Here I go then..."</b> You inch closer with your cock in your hand.
<blue>-"Good luck lad!"</blue> As Julian continues to pound his client, you slowly insert your own rod too.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\d_1_4.webp">
<pink>-"A-argHHhh... Gentle!"</pink> You hear the woman say from behind the wall.
<b>-"O-oh! Sorry!"</b> It seems like your cock is a little bigger than she's used to...
<blue>-"Well, how is it bro?"</blue>
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\s_1_12.webp">
<b>-"Fucking amazing! She's so tight!"</b> You begin to move your hips faster.
<blue>-"Ghahaha, hell yeah! Glad you like it!"</blue> He extends his arm, trying to give you a high five.
<<pageReplace"Give him a high five.">>
<b>-"Ghahaha..."</b> You give the man a high five.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\d_1_5.gif">
<blue>-"It's been nice chatting, but I'm down for the day... Grghhhh..."</blue> Julian takes out his cock and steps back.
<b>-"Done already?"</b> You ask while pounding your own client.
<blue>-"I came in earlier than you! Don't judge!"</blue> He chuckles again and walks away towards the showers.
<grey>-"Finally, my turn!"</grey> Not long after he goes away, a line of men appear for the booth next to yours.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\s_1_11.webp">
<b>-"Why is nobody waiting behind me? NghHhh..."</b> You ask the man next to you.
<grey>-"Leyja told us that you last for a while, so she's all yours!"</grey> You shrug your shoulders.
<b>-"Alright... Well thanks."</b> Feels kind of nice not having people rush you!
<<pageReplace"Continue to pound your client.">>
<b>-"FucKkkkk..."</b> After a good 20 minutes of fucking her, you look at the line next to you again.
<b>-"Hah, it got smaller!"</b>
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\s_1_9.webp">
<pink>-"ArgHhhhh!"</pink> Your client climaxes again... It's like the fifth time already.
<b>-"ShittTttt..."</b> However this time, her vagina begins to pulse and quiver... It feels too good!
<b>-"I'm about to nut!"</b> You grab the wall for some grip and begin to thrust as deep as you can.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\d_1_6.webp">
<b>-"RagHhhhh!"</b> After the last drops of semen dribble out of your cock, you slowly pull it out.
<judy>-"Oh shit! $name is done!"</judy> A couple of men quickly run up behind you.
<grey2>-"I'm next!"</grey2> You take a step to the side to let them have a go...
<b>-"F-fuck..."</b> You remember what Beatrice told you - the more you work, the more you earn. Time to find someone else!
<<pageReplace"Find another client.">>
<b>-"Waghhhh... Finally!"</b> You say as you nut inside of the fourth girl tonight.
<b>-"Time to hit the showers."</b> You're completely drained... Physically and mentally.
<b>-"..."</b> You begin to clean yourself in the shower.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\d_1_7.gif">
<b>-"There..."</b> You dry yourself off and put on your clothes.
<b>-"I-I'm done Beatrice!"</b> She looks at you as you walk up.
<pink>-"Great! The clients were happy with your performance and left some tips!"</pink> The woman puts some cash on the table.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\s_1_14.jpeg">
<b>-"Thanks!"</b> The grab the money and shove it your wallet.
<pink>-"No problem! Please come again!"</pink> Your cock hurts quite a bit, but it was worth it for the money!
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
<<money +400 "Worked at the Lair!">>
<green>Money +400!</green>
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<b>-"Time to earn some cash!"</b> You think as you unlock the gate.
<b>-"S-so steep..."</b> You begin to slowly climb down the stairs.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\s_1_1.jpg">
<blue>-"Ghahaha! Come on then!"</blue> Voices begin to fill your ears as you reach the bottom floor.
<grey>-"Jeez, this one is always so tight!"</grey> You begin to look around.
<b>-"Seems quite empty..."</b> You came here a little early, so there aren't a bunch of clients yet.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\s_1_2.webp">
<b>-"There's one!"</b> You see an empty spot where you could set up at the back of the room.
<pink>-"Agh, $name! Hey honey!"</pink> Beatrice waves from her booth.
<<pageReplace"Turn to her.">>\
<b>-"H-hey Beatrice! I saw that there's an empty spot?"</b> You face her.
<pink>-"There is indeed! Susan didn't come in today, so you can take her spot!"</pink>
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\s_1_3.jpg">
<b>-"Understood, I'll get going then!"</b> Leyja's aunt nods.
<pink>-"Sure thing! Relax and try to enjoy the experience!"</pink> You nod and begin to walk away.
<pink>-"Oh and come here after you're done, you'll collect your payment from me!"</pink>
<b>-"A-alright, see you soon!"</b> You walk to your station and take a look.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\s_1_4.jpg">
<b>-"R-right... Seems pretty clean."</b> You look around and sit down.
<blue>-"NgHHhh! Oh yeah!"</blue> You can still hear their voices from behind the wall.
<<pageReplace"Begin to undress.">>
<b>-"Fuck... Here I go then."</b> You pull down your undergarments and sit down.
<b>-"Mmmmgghhhh!"</b> The buttplug comes out with a light pull.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\s_1_5.jpg">
<grey>-"RagHHhh! That's enough of this one!"</grey> A man shouts from behind the wall.
<grey>-"I want something new! Fresh!"</grey>
<b>-"W-well I have something for you then..."</b> You whisper as you raise your legs and get into position.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\s_1_6.jpg">
<b>-"Now we wait... I-I guess."</b> You lay there, waiting for your ass to be used.
<grey>-"Eh? A new girl?"</grey> You begin to hear the man walking closer to you.
<<pageReplace"Close your eyes.">>
<b>-"NgHhhh... W-what is this?"</b> You feel something soft and tiny penetrate your ass.
<grey>-"Holy shit... It's a sissy."</grey> The man whispers as he begins to finger you.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\s_1_7.webp">
<b>-"Mmmmghhhh!"</b> You begin to squirm around from the pleasure.
<blue>-"It's a what?! A sissy?!"</blue> Another man shouts as he overhears.
<judy>-"A sissy?! I want a try!"</judy> You hear thud after thud as the men run to your booth.
<blue>-"H-hey! I heard it first!"</blue> They all begin to pull on your clothes.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\s_1_8.webp">
<b>-"A-argHhh fucKkk!"</b> Your shirt gets ripped off in a blink of an eye.
<grey>-"HEY! I WAS FIRST! GET IN LINE!"</grey> The men fight for a minute or two but eventually get in line.
<<pageReplace"Prepare to get fucked.">>
<grey>-"MmmgHhhhh! Tight tight tightttt!"</grey> He screams as his cock goes inside of your ass.
<b>-"Ohhhh fuckKkkk!"</b> Your legs begin to quiver as he starts to move his hips back and forward.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\s_1_9.webp">
<b>-"Shitttt..."</b> You hear a whole line if men waiting to destroy your pussy... Today is going to be a long day.
<blue>-"Hurry up bro!"</blue>
<grey>-"FucKkkkkk!"</grey> The first man screams as he nuts inside.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\s_1_10.webp">
<blue>-"Hah! Yes! My turn!"</blue> As the first cock slides out, another comes in.
<b>-"Ahh... Arghhh..."</b> After hours and hours of being fucked, your loud moans turn to whimpers.
<judy>-"Finally! My turn!"</judy> The line is getting shorter...
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\s_1_11.webp">
<b>-"ArgHhhhh!"</b> This one has a giant cock!
<judy>-"Holy shit she's tight!"</judy> After another hour of being pounded, the last man enters your insides.
<bartender>-"Wahhhh, so loose!"</bartender> He begins to fuck your ass.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\s_1_12.webp">
<b>-"Nghhhhh..."</b> After being destroyed by so many men, you can barely feel him inside.
<bartender>-"FUCKKkkKKK!"</bartender> Nonetheless, after around 5 minutes of banging you, he climaxes.
<<pageReplace"Check to make sure he was the last one.">>
<b>-"N-ngHhhh..."</b> You pull your legs behind the wall and sit up.
<b>-"A-am I done? Finally?"</b> You poke your head out through the hole... It's empty.
<b>-"Yesssss..."</b> Semen begins to drip out of your ass as you look.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\s_1_13.jpg">
<b>-"Time to clean up."</b> You remember that there are showers somwhere around here.
<b>-"Ahhhh! So good!"</b> After finding them, you clean yourself up and get dressed.
<b>-"I-I'm done Beatrice!"</b> You walk over to Leyja's aunt and say.
<pink>-"Great! The clients were happy with your performance and left some tips!"</pink> The woman puts some cash on the table.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\s_1_14.jpeg">
<b>-"Thanks!"</b> The grab the money and shove it your wallet.
<pink>-"No problem! Please come again!"</pink> Your ass hurts quite a bit, but it was worth it for the money!
<<set $feminization to $feminization +1>>
<emily>Feminization +1!</emily>
<<money +400 "Worked at the Lair!">>
<green>Money +400!</green>
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<</if>>\<<set $leyjaslairevent3 to 3>>\
<<if $domstatus is true>>\
<b>-"Ghahaha, so what then?"</b> You ask Julian as you both fuck your clients next to each other.
<blue>-"Well next thing I know, her eyes grow wide and she runs out of my place... Ghahahaha!"</blue>
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\s_1_12.webp">
<b>-"What the fuck, no way! I've never had a girl run away because my cock was too big! She must have been tiny... Ghahaha!"</b> Another guy comes up behind Julian and begins to wait.
<blue>-"Ah well, what can I say, big dick problems bro!"</blue> As you both continue to laugh, a guy also comes up behind you, but after about a minute or two, he grows impatient.
<judy>-"Hey bro, you've had enough, give me a try!"</judy> He starts to push you over.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\s_2_3.webp">
<b>-"Eh? What do you want?"</b> You take out your cock from the woman and take a step to the side.
<judy>-"Finally!"</judy> He ignores your questions and begins to finger the client.
<b>-"Hey! I'm talking to you!"</b> You shout, but he continues to ignore you.
<blue>-"The fuck is his problem?"</blue> Julian asks as you look at what the man is doing.
<b>-"What the fuck?"</b> He's trying to shove a giant dildo inside of the client.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\d_2_1.webp">
<b>-"What are you doing? That's not even how vaginas work, you can't just shove something giant into it."</b> The man finally turns to you.
<judy>-"Oh fuck off already, this bitch is going to love this!"</judy> He begins to shove the dildo even harder.
<adriana>-"A-AghHhhh stopppp!"</adriana> The client begins to scream from behind the wall.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\d_2_2.webp">
<b>-"Bro! She's in pain!"</b> You push the man. He turns to you again.
<judy>-"FUCK OFF ALREADY! Before I beat your ass..."</judy>
<<pageReplace"Punch him.">>
<<blink "Images/Leyjas Lair/reverse/d_2_3.webp" 300>>\
<b>-"RagHHh!"</b> You punch the man straight across his jaw. He falls to the floor knocked out.
<blue>-"H-holy shit!"</blue> All of the men, including Julian, stop what they're doing and look.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\d_2_4.png">
<b>-"What? He was hurting the girl!"</b> You say as you stare at them.
<pink>-"What's the commotion here?"</pink> Leyja's aunt comes out of her booth.
<b>-"S-sorry ma'am, he was trying to hurt a client of ours!"</b> You face her.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\d_2_5.png">
<pink>-"Of jeez... Come on $name, you're new here! And already causing trouble?"</pink>
<b>-"..."</b> You roll your eyes and remain silent. She doesn't know what happened.
<pink>-"Go and clean up. Leyja will definitely want to have a word with you."</pink> She turns to the other men.
<pink>-"And you guys - pick him up. I'll bring some water, he should be fine."</pink> As the other men do what they're told, you grab your towel and head towards the showers.
<<pageReplace"Clean up and look for Leyja.">>
<b>-"Fuck..."</b> You mumble as you climb up the stairs. The brothel is operating again, but you didn't see the man anywhere.
<b>-"I think she'll understand."</b> You think as you reach the Lair and begin to walk towards the final set of stairs.
<m>-"$name!"</m> You hear Leyja's voice nearby.
<b>-"Huh?"</b> You turn to your right and see her... She's sitting on a sofa nearby.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\d_2_6.jpg">
<m>-"We better have this conversation here, not in the store."</m> You nod and walk over.
<b>-"You know what happened?"</b>
<m>-"Yeah. Aunt told me."</m> You sit down next to her.
<b>-"Then you know that I'm not at fault?"</b> Leyja places her hand on your chest.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\d_2_8.png">
<m>-"Calm down. And yes, I know. We checked the cameras."</m> Kind of weird that they have cameras in a brothel, but you don't ask about it.
<<pageReplace"Who was this guy anyway?">>
<b>-"Who was that guy anyways? Haven't seen him around before!"</b>
<m>-"A new hire of mine. Thought that he was a great guy, knew him from highschool actually."</m> She sighs.
<m>-"It appears that I was wrong. While you were showering I told auntie to fire him."</m> A smile forms on your face.
<b>-"Good! Asshole deserved it."</b>
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\d_2_7.jpg">
<m>-"He did... And you deserve this."</m> She places a big bundle of cash on the table.
<m>-"A little extra for taking care of that dirt bag."</m> You grab the money and put it in your wallet.
<b>-"Hah, thanks Leyja."</b> You both stand up and share a kiss.
<m>-"No, thank you, my prince."</m> Leyja giggles and begins to walk towards the stairs.
<b>-"That worked out wonderfully."</b> You think as she disappears from sight, reaching the top floor. Time to head home.
<<set $dominant to $dominant +2>>
<blue>Dominant +2!</blue>
<<money +500 "Worked at the Lair!">>
<green>Money +500!</green>
[[Head home->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Walk off.">>
<b>-"Eh, not my problem, I ain't dealing with this shit..."</b> As the man continues to hurt the woman, you grab your towel and walk off.
<pink>-"N-nooo! Stoppp!"</pink> The client continues to scream.
<judy>-"Oh shut up you bitch! You know you like it!"</judy>
<b>-"..."</b> You kind of feel like a pussy, but you're not about to risk your health to protect some chick you don't know.
<<set $dominant to $dominant -10>>
<blue>Dominant -10!</blue>
<<money +300 "Worked at the Lair!">>
<green>Money +300!</green>
[[Head home->Go outside]]
<b>-"NgHhhh! C-come on!"</b> You moan as you're getting fucked.
<judy>-"This one's feisty! Ghahaha!"</judy> The men begin to laugh as they wait in line.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\s_2_1.webp">
<grey>-"WagHHhhHHhh!"</grey> After the man ejaculates, he takes out his cock and moves to the side. The next person in line steps up.
<judy>-"How tight is she?"</judy> He walks up and begins to finger your ass.
<grey>-"Nghhhh... T-tight as fuck."</grey>
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\s_2_2.webp">
<judy>-"Ha! Yeah I can tell now!"</judy> After a minute or two of fingering you, he spits on his cock and slowly inserts it inside.
<b>-"MgHhhhhh... So good!"</b> You've been getting fucked for a good couple of hours now... Hopefully this shift will come to an end soon - you're tired.
<judy>-"G-gahHh! Gahhhh! Take that!"</judy> The man slaps your ass as his cock begins to throb.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\s_2_3.webp">
<bartender>-"Hurry up bro, I'm the last in line, been waiting for ages!"</bartender> You hear someone say.
<b>-"Y-yes!"</b> Only one guy remains!
<judy>-"RaghHHhhhHH!"</judy> After he cums, the last guy takes a turn too, but doesn't take long to nut as well. Finally, your shift is over!
<b>-"Nghhhhh... Lemme just..."</b> You pull in your legs and begin to stretch.
<b>-"ShittTtttt..."</b> It feels so good to be free again!
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\s_2_4.webp">
<b>-"D-damn!"</b> Your ass is jam packed with semen! Time to clean up!
<blue>-"Huh? Who said that? Is that you $name?"</blue> You hear a voice behind the wall.
<<pageReplace"Poke your head out.">>
<b>-"W-who's that?"</b>
<blue>-"Rocky! Remember me?"</blue> You look at the hole in the wall and continue to listen.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\s_2_5.webp">
<blue>-"You're $name, right? The new girl?"</blue>
<b>-"NgHhhh... Give me a second."</b> You turn around and begin to poke your head out of the hole.
<blue>-"There you are!"</blue> He smiles as your eyes meet.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\s_2_6.jpeg">
<b>-"M-my shift is over, sorry!"</b> You're ass has gotten enough punishment for the day!
<blue>-"Oh I know, I was about to leave too, came back to get my towel."</blue> He shows it off.
<blue>-"I didn't know you were working today though! I would have taken you for a ride!"</blue>
<<pageReplace"You still can...">>
<b>-"Fuck... Y-you still can..."</b> You don't know what's gotten into you, but you wouldn't mind getting dicked down one more time.
<blue>-"Hah... Really?"</blue>
<b>-"Yeah, but come here behind the wall, so Leyja's aunt doesn't see you."</b> There's a sofa behind you that you can do it on.
<Img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\s_2_6.jpg">
<blue>-"Leyja's aunt? Huh?"</blue> Rocky asks as he walks around towards you.
<b>-"Oh... Maybe I wasn't supposed to tell you hahaha. The ticket lady, I mean."</b> He chuckles as you finally meet face to face.
<blue>-"Ghahaha, I get what you mean."</blue> He looks at the sofa.
<blue>-"Well, lay down then... Lemme try you out."</blue> You grin and stand up. Your hips begin to swing side to side as you walk towards the sofa.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\s_2_12.gif">
<blue>-"God damn! Such a fat ass."</blue>
<b>-"You like that?"</b> You slap your butt as you lay down.
<blue>-"Fuck yeah I do..."</blue> His cock begins to harden as you invite him over.
<<pageReplace"Get into position.">>
<b>-"W-well? Come on then!"</b> You throw your ass back.
<blue>-"Hah, don't have to tell me twice princess!"</blue> Rocky climbs onto the sofa and shoves his cock inside.
<b>-"ArgHHhhhh!"</b> He's definitely above average in terms of size...
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\s_2_7.webp">
<blue>-"ShitTTtttt! Soo warmmmm!"</blue> You don't dare to tell him that it's another man's semen he's feeling...
<b>-"Ohhh! MmmmgHhhh! Fuck me Rocky!"</b> You moan into the pillow.
<blue>-"Gosh you're tight... NGhHhhhh... Even after a full shift!"</blue>
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\s_2_8.webp">
<b>-"Y-yesHhhhh!"</b> His hips begin to speed up.
<<pageReplace"Try to make him cum.">>
<b>-"NgHhhh!"</b> You squeeze your buttocks to try and milk him.
<blue>-"H-holyyyy shittTttt!"</blue> He screams out in pleasure as his cock throbs.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\s_2_9.webp">
<blue>-"I'm about to... I'm about to nut!"</blue> Rocky's hips begin to shake as you squeeze your glutes once more.
<b>-"AgHhhhh... Nut inside, come on! Breed me!"</b> You shout as his warm semen begins to fill up your already packed ass.
<blue>-"WaghHhhhh...!"</blue> After a second or two of staying inside, he takes out his cock and stumbles back.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\s_2_10.webp">
<blue>-"Holy shit... Now that's what I call a pussy!"</blue>
<b>-"Heh, glad you enjoyed it..."</b> You wait until the cum dribbles out and then stand up.
<blue>-"Want to share a shower together?"</blue> Rocky asks while panting.
<b>-"Sure babe."</b> After you have a little more fun in the shower, you finally put on your clothes, collect your payment and head home.
<b>-"Uuuuu, he left a tip!"</b> You say as you look at the pile of cash in your hand.
<<set $feminization to $feminization +2>>
<emily>Feminization +2!</emily>
<<money +500 "Worked at the Lair!">>
<green>Money +500!</green>
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Too bad, maybe next time.">>
<b>-"Ahhh, sorry Rocky, maybe next time."</b> Rocky nods and smiles.
<blue>-"No worries, I'll try to catch you during your next shift then!"</blue>
<b>-"Alright... See ya then!"</b> He nods once more and begins to walk towards the shower.
<b>-"Time to clean up and head home..."</b> After you cleaning yourself and putting on your clothes, you grab your payment and head to the parking lot.
<b>-"Not a lot of tips today, but still quite good!"</b> You say as you look at the pile of cash in your hand.
<<set $feminization to $feminization +1>>
<emily>Feminization +1!</emily>
<<money +400 "Worked at the Lair!">>
<green>Money +400!</green>
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<</if>>\<<set $leyjaslairevent3 to 4>>\
<<if $domstatus is true>>\
<b>-"NnngHhhhh..."</b> You moan as your cock enters the first pussy of the day. The brothel has just opened, but all of the holes are already filled... The women seem to be eager to get fucked!
<bartender>-"Thank you miss!"</bartender> You hear another worker enter.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\s_3_1.webp">
<blue>-"hey buddy! How you doing?"</blue> Julian comes up next to you.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\s_3_4.webp">
<b>-"F-fucKKkkkk... Hey Julian! Pretty good, how about you?"</b> You share a first bump.
<blue>-"Eh, had a pretty stressful day... Grghhhhh... This is the perfect way to calm down though, am I right?"</blue> He begins to chuckle.
<<pageReplace"Damn right!">>
<b>-"You're damn right! Can't believe we're getting paid for this ghahaha!"</b> As you fuck your client, you feel her begin to moan.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\d_3_1.webp">
<b>-"Huh?"</b> You think that you recognise that voice from somewhere.
<pink>-"F-fucKkkk... Keep going!"</pink>
<b>-"Nnnghhhh..."</b> You take a look at the picture on the wall in front of you - you don't recognise her from anywhere.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\d_3_2.webp">
<pink>-"YesHhhhhh...! So bigggg, finally!"</pink> The woman sticks her hand out of the hole and begins to rub her clit.
<<pageReplace"Pound her hard.">>
<b>-"RagHhhhh!"</b> She seems to be excited... Why not give her what she wants so much?
<b>-"..."</b> You definitely recognise that voice.
<pink>-"A-aghhh... NnnngHhhhh!"</pink> Her vagina begins to pulse as she climaxes.
<b>-"NgHhhhh!"</b> You quickly pull out, fearing that you'll cum too quickly.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\d_3_3.webp">
<pink>-"N-noOoooo... I want to cum again! P-put it back in $name!"</pink>
<b>-"What the fuck...?"</b> She knows your name?
<<pageReplace"Peek through the hole.">>
<pink>-"P-pleaseee!"</pink> She continues to rub her clit while moaning.
<b>-"Who is that...?"</b> You think as you bend over and peek through the hole.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\d_3_4.png">
<b>-"Oh my God... It's Evelyn again!"</b> She isn't a client! What's she doing here?
<pink>-"H-huh?"</pink> Evelyn begins to turn towards you.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\d_3_5.png">
<b>-"Shit!"</b> You quickly straighten your back and grab your cock.
<b>-"In a second love, let me get ready!"</b> You say outloud as you grab your cock.
<b>-"I better not make a scene... A client is probably running late and she took her spot."</b>
<<pageReplace"Continue to fuck Evelyn.">>
<pink>-"NghHhhhh! YeesshhHhhh!"</pink> She begins to moan again as you enter.
<b>-"RaghHhhh!"</b> You can't lie - you've always wanted to fuck her, so this is pretty cool.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\d_3_6.webp">
<pink>-"I'm about to... NGHhhhh... I'm about to cum!"</pink> Her vagina begins to pulse again as you pound her.
<b>-"Again?"</b> You've only been inside for a good 10 seconds!
<pink>-"ArghHhhHHhhh!"</pink> You feel something press against the tip of your cock... You quickly take it out.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\d_3_7.webp">
<pink>-"YESsHHHhHhhHH!"</pink> Evelyn squirts all over the brothels floor...
<b>-"Jeez, what a crazy chick."</b> You think as she quickly pulls her legs through the hole.
<pink>-"T-thank you! I'm done for the day!"</pink> She says from behind the wall.
<b>-"Of course you are... Evelyn."</b> You stand there for a second, but don't hear an answer.
<b>-"I guess she's shy..."</b> Time to find another client!
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
<<money +400 "Worked at the Lair!">>
<green>Money +400!</green>
[[Head home->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Don't and continue to fuck her.">>
<b>-"I better not... I don't want to intrude her privacy."</b> You grab your cock and slowly push it inside again.
<pink>-"NghHhhhh! YeesshhHhhh!"</pink> She begins to moan as you enter.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\d_3_6.webp">
<pink>-"I'm about to... NGHhhhh... I'm about to cum!"</pink> Her vagina begins to pulse again as you pound her.
<b>-"Again?"</b> You've only been inside for a good 10 seconds!
<pink>-"ArghHhhHHhhh!"</pink> You feel something press against the tip of your cock... You quickly take it out.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\d_3_7.webp">
<pink>-"YESsHHHhHhhHH!"</pink> The woman squirts all over the brothels floor...
<b>-"Jeez, what a crazy chick."</b> You think as she quickly pulls her legs through the hole.
<pink>-"T-thank you! I'm done for the day!"</pink> She says from behind the wall.
<b>-"Huh...? Sure?"</b> You stand there for a second, confused.
<b>-"That's weird, most clients stay for longer than a couple of orgasms."</b> You shrug your shoulders... Time to find another client!
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
<<money +400 "Worked at the Lair!">>
<green>Money +400!</green>
[[Head home->Go outside]]
<b>-"NnngHhhhh..."</b> You moan as a cock enters your ass... The brothel has just opened, but people are already flooding in!
<bartender>-"Thank you miss!"</bartender> You hear another client enter.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\s_3_1.webp">
<b>-"ArgHHhhh...!"</b> Of course, you were the first one to get fucked.
<blue>-"Raghhhhh! Gosh your tight!"</blue> The man on the other side of the wall begins to moan.
<judy>-"This the sissy?"</judy> You hear two clients begin to talk.
<blue>-"Y-yeah...! Shit feels so good bro, trust me!"</blue>
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\s_3_2.webp">
<b>-"F-fucKKkkkk... So deep!"</b>
<judy>-"I believe you... Gulp... Wanna give me a try?"</judy>
<blue>-"F-fuck no! NgHhhhh... She's all mine until I nut!"</blue> The man grabs your hips and begins to fuck you faster.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\s_3_3.webp">
<b>-"ArgHhhhh!"</b> Your locked clit starts to leak precum.
<judy>-"Shit! H-how long will you take?"</judy>
<blue>-"Another hour or two! MmmmgHhhh! Drank some viagra before coming, ghahaha!"</blue>
<judy>-"God damnit..."</judy> You hear the man mumble something and walk off.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\s_3_4.webp">
<blue>-"You're all mine!"</blue> Your anus begins to ache as he pounds it even quicker!
<<pageReplace"Try to cum.">>
<b>-"NghHhhh!"</b> You shove your hands through the hole in the wall and begin to rub your locked clitty in hopes that it'll make you cum...
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\s_3_5.webp">
<b>-"YesHHhhhhh!"</b> After a good 10 minutes, you manage to climax.
<blue>-"AGHhHhHHHhhH! Good sluttttt!"</blue> After another 30, the man ejaculates himself.
<b>-"I-I need a break..."</b> You decide to rest for a moment... You need to catch your breath.
<b>-"NgHhh..."</b> You begin to pull in your legs through the hole as you see something in the corner of your eye.
<b>-"Hmmmm?"</b> You turn towards the door and almost fall backwards.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\s_3_6.webp">
<b>-"W-woahhhh!"</b> Someone is spying on you!
<b>-"..."</b> You have an idea of who it is, but you have to make sure!
<<pageReplace"Open your booth's door.">>
<b>-"W-who is it?"</b> You ask as you stand up and walk towards the door. The eyes quickly disappear.
<b>-"I swear to God if it's her again..."</b> You place your hand on the handle and open the door.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\s_3_7.jpg">
<pink>-"Oops, you caught me..."</pink> Evelyn smiles.
<b>-"I-I knew it was you again! Why do you keep spying on me?!"</b> You stomp your foot on the ground, trying to appear intimidating.
<pink>-"How dare you accuse me of such insolence... Hihihi!"</pink> She giggles.
<pink>-"I'm not spying on you! Just checking in, making sure everything is okay!"</pink>
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\s_3_8.jpg">
<b>-"O-oh really?"</b>
<pink>-"Yes, really. You're the first sissy in our ranks."</pink>
<<pageReplace"So, am I okay?">>
<b>-"So, am I okay then?"</b>
<pink>-"Seems like you are! You took that cock like a champ! Didn't think that you would last almost an hour of being dicked non stop!"</pink>
<b>-"Y-you were here the whole time?!"</b>
<pink>-"Pretty much. It was a nice watch though."</pink> She giggles once more and looks down.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\s_3_9.jpg">
<pink>-"Didn't think that that clitty of yours could even cum."</pink>
<b>-"W-what do you mean?"</b> You follow her gaze down.
<b>-"Oh shoot!"</b> You forgot you were naked!
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\s_3_10.jpeg">
<b>-"..."</b> You quickly cover up as Evelyn begins to laugh again.
<pink>-"Ghahaha, what's the point of hiding from me? I saw you getting dicked down like a second ago!"</pink> You slowly lower your arms.
<b>-"F-fair point..."</b>
<<pageReplace"What do you want?">>
<b>-"W-what do you want Evelyn...? I really need to get back to work."</b>
<pink>-"Nothing really... Honestly, I was just checking in."</pink> Evelyn shrugs.
<pink>-"Planned to only watch you for a second, but it was kind of hot to stayed for longer."</pink> Your clit spurts out a little more precum as she finishes speaking.
<b>-"Gulp..."</b> She enjoyed watching you?
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\s_3_11.jpg">
<pink>-"Hopefully we can work together someday! In a shared booth!"</pink>
<b>-"Y-yeah, I hope so too..."</b> Evelyn takes a step back.
<pink>-"Well, thanks for chatting with me a little $name. See you around, good luck."</pink>
<b>-"You too Eve."</b> A slight smile forms on your face as she leaves.
<b>-"Evelyn enjoyed watching me... That's so hot!"</b> You close the door and sit back down.
<judy>-"H-hey! You in there? It's my turn now!"</judy> A guy shouts from behind the wall.
<b>-"Y-yeah! Gimme a sec!"</b> Time to get back to work!
<<set $feminization to $feminization +1>>
<emily>Feminization +1!</emily>
<<money +400 "Worked at the Lair!">>
<green>Money +400!</green>
[[Finish your shift->Go outside]]
<</if>>\<<money +400 "Worked at the Lair!">>\
<<if $domstatus is true>>\
<b>-"Yawwwwwnnnnn..."</b> Time for another session at the Lair!
<b>-"Seems pretty empty..."</b> You say as you climb down the stairs and take a look.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\r_d_1.webp">
<pink>-"Hey $name! Came in for a shift?"</pink> Leyja's aunt asks.
<b>-"Sure did!"</b> She nods and starts writting down your name. Time to get to work!
<b>-"This one seems juicy..."</b> You walk to the first girl you see - she's in a doggy position.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\r_d_2.jpg">
<adriana>-"NgHhhhh..."</adriana> You hear the woman moan as you spread her cheeks.
<b>-"Let's see how tight you are..."</b> You begin to pull down your pants.
<b>-"MgHhhhhh... Oh yeah."</b> You grab your shaft and slowly shove it inside.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\r_d_3.webp">
<adriana>-"YeshHhhhhh...!"</adriana> The women's legs begin to shake as you pound her.
<b>-"NgHhhhh, come on!"</b> After another minute or two, she shoves her hand out of the hole and begins to rub her clit with it.
<adriana>-"K-keep going! I'm close!"</adriana>
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\r_d_4.webp">
<b>-"ShitTtttt... I'm close too!"</b> You grab her hips and begin to pound her even faster.
<adriana>-"UgHHhhhhh!"</adriana> Her legs start to quiver as she climaxes on your cock.
<b>-"fuCKKkkkk!"</b> After exploding inside of her, you slowly take out your cock.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\r_d_5.gif">
<b>-"Heh, good first session!"</b> You look around and see that workers have started flooding into the brothel.
<b>-"Time to find another client before they're all taken..."</b>
<green>Money +400!</green>
<b>-"Ohhhh fucKKkkk!"</b> You scream out in pleasure and a little pain as a cock enters your ass.
<blue>-"Shitttt! As tight as ever!"</blue> You decided to lay on your belly this time.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\r_s_1.webp">
<b>-"NgHHhhhh!"</b> After a good 5 minutes, you feel the man's semen begin to flood your anus.
<blue>-"You have to try her bro! She's insane!"</blue> The man moves to the side and another takes his place.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\r_s_2.webp">
<b>-"ArgHHhhh! G-gentle!"</b> You scream as he begins to pound you at full force as soon as he enters.
<bartender>-"Shut up and take it you whore!"</bartender> He slaps your butt.
<b>-"NgHhhhh!"</b> After another minute or two, a third man comes and switches with this one.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\r_s_3.webp">
<judy>-"Uhhhhh... So warm!"</judy> He says as his thick cocks starts to rearrange your guts.
<b>-"F-fucKKkkk! I'm close!"</b> It feels like you're about to nut!
<judy>-"NgHHhhh!"</judy> He cums right as you do, but instead of cum, all that comes out of your little clit is pee...
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\r_s_4.webp">
<b>-"Shit! Yet another ruined orgasm..."</b> You decide to take a break.
<b>-"Be right back!"</b> You say outloud as you slowly pull in your legs and torso.
<b>-"ArgHhhh... My ass is so full."</b> Semen begins to pour out as you rest.
<img src="Images\Leyjas Lair\reverse\r_s_5.webp">
<blue>-"Yo, where are you? I'm ready for round two!"</blue> You hear from behind the wall.
<b>-"I-In a sec!"</b> Time to clean up and continue your shift!
<green>Money +400!</green>
<div class="actions-horizontal sticky">
[[Finish your shift->Go outside]]
</div><<if $kickedoutofclub == true>>
<<goto "Cold Leyja Work">>
<<elseif $leyjatoldyoutoshaveyourlegs==true>>
<<goto "Work Basic 2">>
<<elseif $workdays ==0>>
<<goto "Sex shop Intro event">>
<<elseif $workdays ==1>>
<<goto "Work Basic">>
<<elseif $workdays ==2>>
<<goto "Work 2">>
<<elseif $workdays ==3>>
<<goto "Work Basic">>
<<elseif $workdays==4>>
<<goto "Work 4">>
<<elseif $workdays==5>>
<<goto "Work Basic">>
<<elseif $workdays==6>>
<<goto "Work 6">>
<<elseif $workdays==7>>
<<goto "Work 7">>
<<elseif $workdays==8>>
<<goto "Work Basic">>
<<elseif $workdays==9 and $domstatus is true>>
<<goto "Work 9">>
<<elseif $workdays==9 and $feminization<20 and $domstatus is false>>
<<goto "Work Basic 2">>
<<elseif $workdays==9 and $feminization>=20 and $domstatus is false>>
<<goto "Work 9">>
<<elseif $workdays==10>>
<<goto "Work 10">>
<<elseif $workdays==11>>
<<goto "Work Basic">>
<<elseif $workdays==12>>
<<goto "Work 12">>
<<elseif $workdays==13 and $domstatus is true>>
<<goto "Work 13">>
<<elseif $workdays==13 and $feminization<40 and $domstatus is false>>
<<goto "Work Basic 2">>
<<elseif $workdays==13 and $feminization>=40 and $domstatus is false>>
<<goto "Work 13">>
<<elseif $workdays==14>>
<<goto "Work 14">>
<<elseif $workdays==15>>
<<goto "Work 15">>
<<elseif $workdays==16>>
<<goto "Work Basic">>
<<elseif $workdays==17 and $lectures >=17 >>
<<goto "Work 17">>
<<elseif $workdays ==17 and $lectures <17 >>
<<goto "Work Basic 2">>
<<elseif $workdays==18>>
<<goto "Work 18">>
<<elseif $workdays==19>>
<<goto "Work Basic">>
<<elseif $workdays==20 and $lectures>=19>>
<<goto "Work 20">>
<<elseif $workdays==20 and $lectures<19>>
<<goto "Work Basic 2">>
<<elseif $workdays==21>>
<<goto "Work Basic">>
<<elseif $workdays==22 and $nocontrolpath !==true>>
<<goto "Work 22">>
<<elseif $workdays==22 and $nocontrolpath ==true>>
<<goto "Work Basic 2">>
<<elseif $workdays==23>>
<<goto "Work 23">>
<<elseif $workdays==24 and $agreedtoleyjaphotoshoot == false>>
<<goto "Work Basic">>
<<elseif $workdays==24 and $agreedtoleyjaphotoshoot == true>>
<<goto "Work 24">>
<<elseif $workdays==25>>
<<goto "Work Basic">>
<<elseif $workdays==26>>
<<goto "Work 26">>
<<elseif $workdays == 27 and $gottheclueformask == true>>
<<goto "Work 27">>
<<elseif $workdays == 27>>
<<goto "Work Basic 2">>
<<elseif $workdays == 28 and $havetheclubmask == true>>
<<goto "Work 28">>
<<elseif $workdays == 28>>
<<goto "Work Basic 2">>
<<elseif $workdays == 29>>
<<goto "Work Basic">>
<<elseif $workdays == 30>>
<<if $domstatus == true>>
<<goto "Work 30">>
<<elseif $hairextensions == true>>
<<goto "Work 30">>
<<goto "Work Basic 2">>
<<elseif $workdays == 31 and $wenttotheclubtemp ==false>>
<<goto "Work 31">>
<<elseif $workdays == 31>>
<<goto "Work Basic 2">>
<<elseif $workdays == 32>>
<<goto "Work 32">>
<<elseif $workdays == 33 and $hasinfofromclubtemp ==true>>
<<goto "Work 33">>
<<elseif $workdays == 33>>
<<goto "Work Basic 2">>
<<elseif $workdays == 34>>
<<goto "Work 34">>
<<elseif $workdays == 35>>
<<goto "Work 35">>
<<elseif $workdays == 36 and $work35gottheinfo ==true>>
<<goto "Work 36">>
<<elseif $workdays == 36>>
<<goto "Work Basic 2">>
<<elseif $workdays == 37>>
<<goto "Work 37">>
<<elseif $workdays == 38>>
<<if $domstatus is true and $work37domtemp==true>>
<<goto "Work 38">>
<<elseif $domstatus ==true>>
<<goto "Work Basic">>
<<elseif $domstatus !==true>>
<<goto "Work 38">>
<<elseif $workdays == 39>>
<<goto "Work 39">>
<<elseif $workdays == 40>>
<<goto "Work 40">>
<<elseif $workdays == 41>>
<<goto "Work 41">>
<<elseif $workdays == 42 and $workdiner >13>>
<<goto "Work 42">>
<<elseif $workdays == 43>>
<<goto "Work Basic">>
<<elseif $workdays > 43>>
<<goto "Work Basic 2">>
<</if>><<location "Images/Sex shop/intro/0_Sex-shoppers.webp" "Simply Pleasure sex shop">>\
<<todoCompleted "Visit the sex shop">>\
<b>"Well, Mia said that this is the place that's looking for workers..."</b>
<b>"Simply pleasure.. Well here goes nothing I guess, what's the worst that can happen?"</b>
As you enter the shop, you don't see anyone inside, no customers, no workers, no nothing.
<b>-"Damn this place really needs workers after all, there's not a single one here haha"</b> You quietly laugh.
<manager>-"What's so funny?" </manager> <<pageReplace "Turn around">>\
You hear a woman's voice behind you. Quicky turning around you're hit with one of the most beautiful sights you've ever witnessed in your life.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\intro\312899227_810637756719934_6902559508978687794_n.webp" height="600px" width="490px">
<b>-"God she's so hot.." </b> <<pageReplace "You think to yourself.">>\
<img src="Images/Sex shop/intro/tumblr_fe1a0ffc3b3a8e780ad544e9f9dbff94_02d269d1_640.webp">
<manager>-"Are you here to buy something or to make fun of my business?"</manager> She stares at you menacingly.
<b>-"O..o..oh I... uhmm... I uhm.. didn't... mmm.. didn't mean to..."</b> Jesus Christ you are a loser.
<manager>-"Right right, so are you here to buy something or not?!"</manager> She removes her coat, revealing her lumpcious upper body.
<b>-"N-No, my $mo2 mentioned that you.. uhmm.. were looking for.. w.. workers?"</b> You whimper quietly, not even looking the women in her eyes.
<manager>-"Ahhhh! Yes of course, please feel right at home. I'm sorry if I was a little harsh on you, I had some thieves come into the store not long ago, they stole some valuable merchandise, so I'm just extra distrustful these past days"</manager>
<b>-"Oh haha yeah, don't worry about it!"</b>
<manager>-"I just got back from the shop, please follow me to the changing room, we'll discuss the details there!"</manager>
[[Follow her->Sex shop Intro event continuation]]
<</pageReplace>><<location "Images/Sex shop/intro/0_Sex-shoppers.webp" "Simply Pleasure sex shop">>\
As you enter the changing room, the shop manager puts down her coat on a clothes hanger and puts it away.
<manager>-"Don't be alarmed of my attire, a sex shop is of course, a sexual place, so I try to dress that way too."</manager> She sits down while looking up at you.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\intro\FdCR8d0X0AAlr0B.webp" height="600px" width="490px">
<b>-"Ye...Yeah I understand.. It's okay"</b> You're visibly flustered and she definitely noticed.
<manager>-"So! Let's go over the details of the job shall we? First of all, you will have to change your clothes, I don't even know what you're wearing right now but it is not...it..."</manager> Well that was rude, but you cannot lie to yourself, you do dress like a 30 year old, single $dad1 of four.
<manager>-"You will do what I say, when I say it and how I say it, my name is Leyja but you must call me Miss Leyja or Mistress, are we clear? "</manager> She seems strict, but weirdly nice, she's barking orders at you, but she has a warm smile on her face. You really need this job anyways, so all you can do is say yes.
<b>-"Yes Mistress, I'm $name"</b> Miss Leyja smiles after you answer, <<pageReplace "and lays down.">>
<manager>-"Perfect, you will be paid 220 dollars per day and we are only open on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays at night. I expect you to show up on time.. Every time!"</manager>
<manager>-"Oh and also, take this, it's your new uniform. Make sure to take it with you when you go to work, but you can wear it elsewhere, if you so wish..."</manager>
<img src="Images/Sex shop/intro/309257340_577405204161805_4597740867558496826_n.webp">
<i>You pick up a skimpy t-shirt, that's completely see-through.</i>
<<if $domstatus is true>>\
<b>-"Yeah I'm not going to be wearing this.. I ain't going to be calling her Mistress either.."</b> You think to yourself.
<b>-"Will I really need to wear this while I work... god this will be embarrassing, but I don't really have a choice"</b> You think to yourself before saying goodbye to Miss Leyja and leaving the building.
<grey>(The sex shop is the main way of earning money in game. To play through the full sex shop route, you need enough feminization or domination. - MegyMonster)</grey>
[[Return->Go outside]]
<<set $outfit3 to true>>\
<<set $workdays to 1>>\
<<set $worked to true>>\
<</pageReplace>><<locationBackdrop "Locations/sexshop.backdrop.jpeg">>\
<<location "Images/Sex shop/intro/0_Sex-shoppers.webp" "Simply Pleasure sex shop">>\
<<set $worked to true>>\
<b>-"Hey Leyja!"</b> You shout as you enter the sex shop. She doesn't answer.
<b>-"How was your day?"</b>
<m>-"Huh?"</m> She mumbles as you walk up to the counter.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\136484.jpg">
<m>-"Just do your work and get out $name."</m>
<b>-"Sigh..."</b> She's still mad about what happened at the club.
<b>-"You're really going to be like that every time?"</b>
<m>-"Don't get on my nerves, or else I'll fire you from here too."</m> Leyja frowns and walks off.
<b>-"Jeez.."</b> You did ruin her plans for revenge.. You understand why she's mad..
<b>-"Let's get to work I guess.."</b> You spend the next couple of hours stacking shelves and mopping the floors. After you finish everything, you find your daily pay on the counter. Leyja doesn't even want to give it to you herself.
<div class="actions-horizontal sticky">
[[Return->Go outside]]
</div><<locationBackdrop "Locations/sexshop.backdrop.jpeg">>\
<<location "Images/Sex shop/intro/0_Sex-shoppers.webp" "Simply Pleasure sex shop">>\
<<if $dominant >= 70>>\
<manager>-"Heyyy!"</manager> Leyja says as you enter the store. You put down your backpack and get ready to greet her.
<b>-"Hey Leyja!"</b> You say as you get closer.
<b>-"Another costume huh?"</b>
<manager>-"Hehe well, you know me, always have to look my best!"</manager> She blushes.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\basic1.jpg">
<b>-"So, what's on the menu today?"</b>
<manager>-"Nothing much, a new shipment of toys came in, stack them on the shelves, send out some orders, oh and.."</manager> She looks you in the eyes.
<manager>-"Refrain from seducing any customers..."</manager> She giggles.
<b>-"Do you count as a customer?"</b> You quickly turn Leyja around and slap her ass.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\basic3.webp">
<manager>-"Agh! Y-yes I count too! W-we have a lot of work to do today.."</manager> She blushes as the print of your hand slowly appears on her ass cheek.
<b>-"Ghahaha fine! Maybe if you didn't look that hot I would bother you less!"</b> You start walking towards the changing room.
<manager>-"W-well I can't control that can I?"</manager> She rolls her eyes.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\basic2.jpg">
<b>-"Whateverrr.. Be right out, need to change first."</b>
<manager>-"R-right.."</manager> You change into your work clothes, and start your shift. After around 5 hours, you're finally finished! You sent out all the orders, stacked all of the shelves and cleaned the floors.
<manager>-"Great job today $name, keep it up!"</manager> She smiles softly as you're exiting the store.
[[Return->Go outside]]
<<elseif $feminization >=70>>\
<manager>-"Heyyy!"</manager> Leyja says as you enter the store. You put down your backpack and get ready to greet her.
<b>-"Hey Mistress!"</b> You say as you get closer.
<b>-"A-another costume huh?"</b>
<manager>-"Hehe well, you know me, always have to look my best!"</manager> She winks.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\basic1.jpg">
<b>-"S-so, what do I have to do?"</b>
<manager>-"Nothing much, a new shipment of toys came in, stack them on the shelves, send out some orders, oh and.."</manager> She looks you in the eyes.
<manager>-"Refrain from seducing any customers..."</manager> She giggles.
<b>-"W-what do you mean?"</b> You turn your head in confusion as Leyja gets behind you.
<manager>-"What I mean is, this ass is getting a little bit too fat.."</manager> She suddenly pulls down your pants and slaps your butt.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\basic3.webp">
<manager>-"Some customers might want to have a piece!"</manager> She laughs.
<b>-"Agh! F-fine fine! I understand."</b> You blush as the print of her hand slowly appears on your ass cheek.
<b>-"Good! Now go ahead and change, I'm going to be waiting for you out here."</b> You nod and start walking towards the changing room.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\basic2.jpg">
<b>-"Y-yes Mistress, I'll be right out."</b>
<manager>-"Good."</manager> You change into your work clothes, and start your shift. After around 5 hours, you're finally finished! You sent out all the orders, stacked all of the shelves and cleaned the floors.
<manager>-"Great job today $name, keep it up!"</manager> She smiles softly as you're exiting the store.
[[Return->Go outside]]
It's around 22:00, it's dark outside and almost nobody is out. But you... Well you just got to work. Kind of sad, if you think about it. As you enter the sex shop you are greeted by a familiar face.
<manager>-"Heyyy $name"</manager> She says while smiling.
<<if $domstatus is false>>\
<b>-"Hello Mistress.."</b> You whisper while looking at the ground. She's as beautiful as ever...
<b>-"Hey beautiful.."</b> You whisper as you look into her eyes. She's as beautiful as ever...
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\xenon_0012.webp" height="600px" width="480px">
<manager>-"Today's task is simple, just walk around the store, put things where they belong and ask the customers if they need any help, understood?"</manager>
<<if $domstatus is false>>\
<b>-"Yes Miss Leyja, I understand"</b>
<b>-"I understand.."</b> You smile..
<manager>-"Great! Off you go then!"</manager>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\xenon_0021.webp" height="600px" width="470px">
<b>-"God she's so hot"</b> You think to yourself, while starting your shift.
You walk around looking for work to do. You put new toys on the shelves as they arrive, you help customers pick out the toys that are best for them, you answer phone calls and do other small jobs.
After 6 six hours of work, you're exhausted, but you shift is finally over.
<manager>-"Great job today $name, keep it up!"</manager> She smiles softly as you're exiting the store.
[[Return->Go outside]]
<<set $worked to true>>\
<<set $workdays to $workdays +1>>\<<locationBackdrop "Locations/sexshop.backdrop.jpeg">>\
<<location "Images/Sex shop/intro/0_Sex-shoppers.webp" "Simply Pleasure sex shop">>\
<<if $dominant >= 70>>\
<manager>-"Heyyy!"</manager> Leyja says as you enter the store. You put down your backpack and get ready to greet her.
<b>-"Hey Leyja!"</b> You say as you get closer.
<b>-"Another costume huh?"</b>
<manager>-"Hehe well, you know me, always have to look my best!"</manager> She blushes.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\basic1.jpg">
<b>-"So, what's on the menu today?"</b>
<manager>-"Nothing much, a new shipment of toys came in, stack them on the shelves, send out some orders, oh and.."</manager> She looks you in the eyes.
<manager>-"Refrain from seducing any customers..."</manager> She giggles.
<b>-"Do you count as a customer?"</b> You quickly turn Leyja around and slap her ass.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\basic3.webp">
<manager>-"Agh! Y-yes I count too! W-we have a lot of work to do today.."</manager> She blushes as the print of your hand slowly appears on her ass cheek.
<b>-"Ghahaha fine! Maybe if you didn't look that hot I would bother you less!"</b> You start walking towards the changing room.
<manager>-"W-well I can't control that can I?"</manager> She rolls her eyes.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\basic2.jpg">
<b>-"Whateverrr.. Be right out, need to change first."</b>
<manager>-"R-right.."</manager> You change into your work clothes, and start your shift. After around 5 hours, you're finally finished! You sent out all the orders, stacked all of the shelves and cleaned the floors.
<manager>-"Great job today $name, keep it up!"</manager> She smiles softly as you're exiting the store.
<<elseif $feminization >=70>>\
<manager>-"Heyyy!"</manager> Leyja says as you enter the store. You put down your backpack and get ready to greet her.
<b>-"Hey Mistress!"</b> You say as you get closer.
<b>-"A-another costume huh?"</b>
<manager>-"Hehe well, you know me, always have to look my best!"</manager> She winks.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\basic1.jpg">
<b>-"S-so, what do I have to do?"</b>
<manager>-"Nothing much, a new shipment of toys came in, stack them on the shelves, send out some orders, oh and.."</manager> She looks you in the eyes.
<manager>-"Refrain from seducing any customers..."</manager> She giggles.
<b>-"W-what do you mean?"</b> You turn your head in confusion as Leyja gets behind you.
<manager>-"What I mean is, this ass is getting a little bit too fat.."</manager> She suddenly pulls down your pants and slaps your butt.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\basic3.webp">
<manager>-"Some customers might want to have a piece!"</manager> She laughs.
<b>-"Agh! F-fine fine! I understand."</b> You blush as the print of her hand slowly appears on your ass cheek.
<b>-"Good! Now go ahead and change, I'm going to be waiting for you out here."</b> You nod and start walking towards the changing room.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\basic2.jpg">
<b>-"Y-yes Mistress, I'll be right out."</b>
<manager>-"Good."</manager> You change into your work clothes, and start your shift. After around 5 hours, you're finally finished! You sent out all the orders, stacked all of the shelves and cleaned the floors.
<manager>-"Great job today $name, keep it up!"</manager> She smiles softly as you're exiting the store.
It's around 22:00, it's dark outside and almost nobody is out. But you... Well you just got to work. Kind of sad, if you think about it. As you enter the sex shop you are greeted by a familiar face.
<manager>-"Heyyy $name"</manager> She says while smiling.
<<if $domstatus is false>>\
<b>-"Hello Mistress.."</b> You whisper while looking at the ground. She's as beautiful as ever...
<b>-"Hey beautiful.."</b> You whisper as you look into her eyes. She's as beautiful as ever...
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\xenon_0012.webp" height="600px" width="480px">
<manager>-"Today's task is simple, just walk around the store, put things where they belong and ask the customers if they need any help, understood?"</manager>
<<if $domstatus is false>>\
<b>-"Yes Miss Leyja, I understand"</b>
<b>-"I understand.."</b> You smile..
<manager>-"Great! Off you go then!"</manager>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\xenon_0021.webp" height="600px" width="470px">
<b>-"God she's so hot"</b> You think to yourself, while starting your shift.
You walk around looking for work to do. You put new toys on the shelves as they arrive, you help customers pick out the toys that are best for them, you answer phone calls and do other small jobs.
After 6 six hours of work, you're exhausted, but you shift is finally over.
<manager>-"Great job today $name, keep it up!"</manager> She smiles softly as you're exiting the store.
<<set $worked to true>>\
<<if $workdays > 39>>\
<code>You've reached the end of the current work route, more content will come in future updates! 😈</code>
<div class="actions-horizontal sticky">
[[Return->Go outside]]
</div><<set $lastEquip to $equip>>
<<if $equip is 4>>
<<set $feminization to $feminization-10>>
<<if $equip is 2>>
<<set $dominant to $dominant-7>>
<<if $equip is 6>>
<<set $feminization to $feminization -7>>
<<if $equip is 11>>
<<set $dominant to $dominant -20>>
<<if $equip is 5>>
<<set $feminization to $feminization -5>>
<<if $equip is 10>>
<<set $dominant to $dominant-15>>
<<if $equip is 8>>
<<set $feminization to $feminization -15>>
<<if $equip is 7>>
<<set $feminization to $feminization -10>>
<<set $submissive to $submissive+4>>
<<set $equip to 3>>
<<goto "Go outside">><<set $lastEquip to $equip>>
<<if $equip is 4>>
<<set $feminization to $feminization-10>>
<<if $equip is 2>>
<<set $dominant to $dominant-7>>
<<if $equip is 6>>
<<set $feminization to $feminization -7>>
<<if $equip is 11>>
<<set $dominant to $dominant -20>>
<<if $equip is 5>>
<<set $feminization to $feminization -5>>
<<if $equip is 10>>
<<set $dominant to $dominant-15>>
<<if $equip is 8>>
<<set $feminization to $feminization -15>>
<<if $equip is 7>>
<<set $feminization to $feminization -10>>
<<if $toys==0>>
<<set $toys to 1>>
<<set $feminization to $feminization+10>>
<<set $submissive to $submissive+10>>
<<if $equip !==3>>
<<set $submissive to $submissive+4>>
<<set $equip to 3>>
<<goto "Go outside">><<set $lastEquip to $equip>>
<<if $equip is 4>>
<<set $feminization to $feminization-10>>
<<if $equip is 2>>
<<set $dominant to $dominant-7>>
<<if $equip is 6>>
<<set $feminization to $feminization -7>>
<<if $equip is 11>>
<<set $dominant to $dominant -20>>
<<if $equip is 5>>
<<set $feminization to $feminization -5>>
<<if $equip is 10>>
<<set $dominant to $dominant-15>>
<<if $equip is 8>>
<<set $feminization to $feminization -15>>
<<if $equip is 7>>
<<set $feminization to $feminization -10>>
<<if $toys !==1>>
<<set $toys to 1>>
<<set $feminization to $feminization+10>>
<<set $submissive to $submissive+10>>
<<if $asstoys !==1>>
<<set $asstoys to 1>>
<<set $feminization to $feminization+10>>
<<set $submissive to $submissive+10>>
<<if $equip !==3>>
<<set $submissive to $submissive+4>>
<<set $equip to 3>>
<<goto "Go outside">><<set $lastEquip to $equip>>
<<if $equip is 4>>
<<set $feminization to $feminization-10>>
<<if $equip is 2>>
<<set $dominant to $dominant-7>>
<<if $equip is 3>>
<<set $submissive to $submissive-4>>
<<if $equip is 11>>
<<set $dominant to $dominant -20>>
<<if $equip is 5>>
<<set $feminization to $feminization -5>>
<<if $equip is 10>>
<<set $dominant to $dominant-15>>
<<if $equip is 8>>
<<set $feminization to $feminization -15>>
<<if $equip is 7>>
<<set $feminization to $feminization -10>>
<<if $toys !==1>>
<<set $toys to 1>>
<<set $feminization to $feminization+10>>
<<set $submissive to $submissive+10>>
<<if $asstoys !==1>>
<<set $asstoys to 1>>
<<set $feminization to $feminization+10>>
<<set $submissive to $submissive+10>>
<<if $equip !==6>>
<<set $feminization to $feminization +7>>
<<set $equip to 6>>
<<goto "Go outside">><<location "Images/Sex shop/intro/0_Sex-shoppers.webp" "Simply Pleasure sex shop">>\
<<if $domstatus is false>>\
Just another day, as usual, you're packing orders to be shipped out to customers, putting things on shelves, doing other small jobs. Miss Leyja is of course, talking to customers, in a new outfit, looking as good as always.
<b>-"I bet she gets a bunch of customer just because of her looks..."</b> You think to yourself as you drool..
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\xenon-cos_0034.webp" height="600px" width="580px">
You suddenly notice, that one of the customers that is talking to Miss Leyja is getting kind of touchy..
<<pageReplace"Look at them talking">>\
Miss Leyja is showing a male customer a selection of dildos, she is biting her lower lip, showing him all the different sizes and giving him recommendations, but suddenly..
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\butt.webp">
The man grabs Leyja's ass and doesn't let go, Leyja seems flustered. You quickly run up to them to defend your manager from this bastard!
<b>-"Hey! HEY! Don't touch her there man! It's not cool!"</b> You yell at the man while feeling like a badass.
<blue>-"What? Oh whatever fuck off"</blue> The man looks you up and down, scoffs and starts to walk away..
<b>-"I'm so sorry you went through that Leyja, I came here as soon as I could!"</b>
<manager>-"You. Fucking. Idiot. First of all, it's Miss Leyja, get that through your head, second of all, that was one of my loyal customers and you just ruined his mood"</manager> She stares at you with her deadly gaze..
<b>-"I... I'm sorry... I thought you needed help Miss Leyja"</b> You whimper.
<manager>-"Your job is not to help me, your job is to help the customers, you are forgiven this time, but never pull that shit again. Even if I'm being fucked in the middle of the store, you have no authority to come over and stop it, you got it?"</manager> She says in an angry tone.
<b>-"Yes mistress I understand, It'll never happen again!"</b> I have to make sure not to interfere with her work again...
You continue to work and finally finish your shift without any more incidents. You pack up your things and go home.
[[Return->Go outside]]
<<set $worked to true>>\
<<set $workdays to $workdays +1>>\
Just another day, as usual, you're packing orders to be shipped out to customers, putting things on shelves, doing other small jobs. Miss Leyja is of course, talking to customers, in a new outfit, looking as good as always.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\xenon-cos_0034.webp" height="600px" width="580px">
You suddenly notice, that one of the customers that is talking to Miss Leyja is getting kind of touchy..
<<pageReplace"Look at them talking">>\
Miss Leyja is showing a male customer a selection of dildos, she is biting her lower lip, showing him all the different sizes and giving him recommendations, but suddenly..
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\butt.webp">
The man grabs Leyja's ass and doesn't let go, Leyja seems flustered. You quickly run up to them to defend your manager from this bastard!
<b>-"Hey! HEY! Don't touch her man!"</b> You yell at the man.
<blue>-"What? Oh whatever fuck off"</blue> The man looks you up and down, scoffs and starts to walk away..
<b>-"I'm so sorry you went through that Leyja, I came here as soon as I could!"</b>
<manager>-"You. Fucking. Idiot. First of all, it's Miss Leyja, get that through your head, second of all, that was one of my loyal customers and you just ruined his mood"</manager> She stares at you with her deadly gaze..
<b>-"Leyja, I'm not going to play these stupid games with you, my manager will not be harassed right in front of me"</b> You stare back.
<manager>-"Your job is not to help me, your job is to help the customers, you have no authority to do anything else, you got it?"</manager> She says in an angry tone.
<b>-"Whatever Leyja..."</b> You scoff at her and walk off.
You continue to work and finally finish your shift without any more incidents. You pack up your things and go home.
[[Return->Go outside]]
<<set $worked to true>>\
<<set $workdays to $workdays +1>>\
<</if>>\<<location "Images/Sex shop/intro/0_Sex-shoppers.webp" "Simply Pleasure sex shop">>\
<<if $domstatus is false>>\
It's a particularly slow day in the shop. You have nothing to pack, no one to help, nothing... While you're sitting on a chair in the corner of the store looking at tik tok videos, Miss Leyja calmy calls your name.
<manager>-".$name... $name! Where are you?"</manager> She says warmly.
<b>-"Yes, yes Miss Leyja, I'm here"</b> You quickly stand up, turn off your phone and run up to her.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\1.webp" height="600px">
<manager>-"I want you to try on this new skirt I got. i want to see how it looks on you first, before I try it on."</manager> She smiles.
<b>-" A..a skirt? Miss Leyja I don't understand..."</b> You're confused.
<manager>-"Just do what I say $name, put on the dress "</manager> She looks at you and squints her eyes.
<<pageReplace"Yes Mistress..">>\
<b>-"Yes mistress, if you say so"</b> You cannot afford to lose this job right now, let's just do what she says.
You quickly go to the changing room, strip down to your underwear and put on the skirt Miss Leyja gave you. You come out and give your mistress a little spin, showing off the skirt.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\Femboy-twink.webp" height="500px">
<manager>-"Very good $name.. If you looked this good everyday I would consider paying you more, you know?"</manager> She smirks.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\3.webp" height="750px">
<b>-"You would pay me more? Why would that be the case?"</b> You ask confused.
<manager>-"Hmmm perhaps I would and for the reason.. Well.. Let's just say you'll find out later.</manager> She walks off while laughing under her breath.
How unusual.. You quickly change back into your regular clothes and leave the dressroom. After your shift finishes, you say goodbye to Miss Leyja and go towards the door when you have a random thought.
<<pageReplace "You liked being in a skirt.">>
You think about it and... You kind of liked being in a skirt. You felt free, cute.. It felt refreshing...
<<set $feminization to $feminization +3>>\
<emily>Feminization +3!</emily>
[[Return->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace "You didn't like being in a skirt.">>
You think about it and... You really didn't like being in a skirt. You felt ugly, weird, it felt like it's not for you...
[[Return->Go outside]]
<<set $worked to true>>\
<<set $workdays to $workdays +1>>\
It's a particularly slow day in the shop. You have nothing to pack, no one to help, nothing... While you're sitting on a chair in the corner of the store looking at tik tok videos, Miss Leyja calmy calls your name.
<manager>-"$name.. $name! Where are you?"</manager> She says warmly.
<b>-"Yes Leyja, I'm here"</b> You quickly stand up, turn off your phone and run up to her.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\1.webp" height="600px" width="440px">
<manager>-"I want you to try on this new skirt I got. i want to see how it looks on you first, before I try it on."</manager> She smiles.
<b>-" A..a skirt? Miss Leyja I don't understand..."</b> You're confused.
<manager>-"Just do what I say $name, put on the dress, i need to see how it looks"</manager> She looks at you and squints her eyes.
<<pageReplace"Try it on yourself">>\
<b>-"Yeah I'm not putting that on, try it on yourself"</b> You say as you look her up and down.
<manager>-"M-me? Are you kidding.. L-listen to my commands!"</manager> She seems shocked, nobody probably questioned her authority before.
<b>-"You heard me, try it on. I'll work overtime today if you do"</b> You wink at her.
<manager>-"F-fine.."</manager> She says in an angry tone.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\ezgif-3-05de04f692.webp">
<manager>-"How is it? It's from our new collection.."</manager>
<b>-"Hmmm.. It's pretty nice, I would like it more if it was shorter."</b> You giggle.
<manager>-"V-very funny.."</manager> She seems embarrassed..
<<set $dominant to $dominant+2>>
<blue>Dominant +2!</blue>
<<set $worked to true>>
[[Return->Go outside]]
<<set $workdays to $workdays +1>>\
<</if>>\<<location "Images/Sex shop/intro/0_Sex-shoppers.webp" "Simply Pleasure sex shop">>\
<<set $worked to true>>\
<<set $workdays to $workdays +1>>\
<<if $domstatus is false>>\
<b>-"Today Miss Leyja is dressed so... So.. Provocatively.. She looks like a girl, no, a woman, who would absolutely dominate me and wreck my shit.."</b> You think to yourself while looking at her greeting the customers coming in.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\asdasdas.webp" height="650px" width="500px">
Today, the sex shop is hosting a sale for all BDSM items, that's why Miss Leyja is dressed this way.
After a long, hard day of working, you are finally finished, but before you could leave you hear your mistress calling out to you.
<manager>-"$name! Come here for a second."</manager>
<b>-"Sure thing!"</b> You shout back as you <<pageReplace"jog to her..">>
<manager>-"I know it's after your working hours already, but still, could you do me a favor and see if this chastity fits you?"</manager> She says while smiling.
<b>-"WHAT?! ARE YOU INS.. Ahem... Miss Leyja are you serious? WHY would I do such a thing?"</b> You almost lost your temper there.
<manager>-"Because I said so. This new chastity just got delivered and the packaging is damaged, I can't see the measurement chart, so I'm going to use you, your dick is average, correct?"</manager> She giggles while looking down towards your crotch.
<b>-"Well yeah.. But.."</b> You whisper.
<manager>-"Ugh you're such a crybaby. Look I'll add 100 dollars to your paycheck if you accept. You just have to put the chastity on, I will take my measurements and you can take it off, deal?"</manager>
<<pageReplace "Deal.">>
<b>-"Ugh okay, but please make it quick mistress, I.. I don't think I'm going to be comfortable."</b> You whisper.
<manager>-"Of course $name, now remove your pants and let me add the chastity device."</manager>
You remove your pants and underwear revealing your dick to Miss Leyja.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\images.webp" height="500px">
<manager>-"Awww how cute hahaha, now let me put on the chastity"</manager> She giggles while looking down at your penis. She puts on the chastity, it's a little tight but it goes over your whole penis and with a turn of the key, your dick is now locked.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\26563638.webp" width="500px">
<manager>-"Awwhhh, I love to see you like this $name, I wish you would do this willingly... maybe one day"</manager> She giggles while taking the measurements.
<b>-"Haha... yeah I..I guess.</b> You whimper while she touches your locked dick.
<center><img src="Images\Sex shop\work\tumblr_muueevwGRC1rvillzo2_400.webp" style="width: 80%"></center>
<<pageReplace"Ask her to stop..">>\
<b>-"M-mistress.. T-that should be enough.. No?"</b>
<manager>-"Alright, alright.. We are done!" </manager> She unlocks your throbbing penis and a small pool of pre cum spills out of Miss Leyja's hands.
<manager>-"Ooof.. Well well someones excited huh, if you keep doing these favors for me, I might do some for you in the future, remember that $name." </manager> You have no idea what she means, but it sounds hot.
<b>-"Y-Yes Mistress, I will be leaving now"</b>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\297794159_586761419839209_5169284320078306709_n.webp" style="width: 110%">
<manager>-"Goodbye $name, I hope I didn't scare you away with this, because there is a lot more to come.."</manager>
You quickly leave, while pondering what she could mean.
<<earnSalary 100>>
<emily>Feminization +4!</emily>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +3>>
<<set $openminded to $openminded+2>>\
<pink> Submissiveness +3!</pink>
<mia>Open-minded +2!</mia>
<<set $feminization to $feminization+4>>
[[Return->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace "No deal.">>
<b>-"I can't really... This isn't for me Miss Leyja, but thank you for the offer.."</b>
You quickly leave. Your mistress seems disappointed but understanding.
[[Return->Go outside]]
<b>-"Today Miss Leyja is dressed so... so.. provocatively, so... fucking hot.. God what I would pay to ruin her guts.."</b> You think to yourself while looking at her greeting the customers coming in.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\asdasdas.webp" height="650px" width="500px">
Today, the sex shop is hosting a sale for all BDSM items, that's why Miss Leyja is dressed this way.
After a long, hard day of working, you are finally finished, but before you could leave you hear your mistress calling out to you.
<manager>-"$name! Come here for a second."</manager>
<manager>-"I know it's after your working hours already, but still, could you do me a favor and try out some sex toys"</manager> She says while smiling.
<b>-"W-what? What are you talking about?"</b> You look at her confused.
<manager>-"Well we got some new shipment of toys and I need someone to test them..."</manager> She giggles while looking down towards your crotch.
<b>-"Well shit what do you have?"</b>
<manager>-"Mmmmhh... I have some fleshlights that just arrived.. "</manager> She bites her lip.
<b>-"Haha alright, whatever, I'll do it for..."</b>
<div id="choices">
<<pageReplace "Free, but you watch">>\
<manager>-"W-watch? I..I-I mean okay.. Whatever.. It's not like I'll like it or anything.."</manager> She's still keeping up with her "dominant" attitude.
<b>-"Yeah yeah whatever you say.."</b> You take the fleslight from the box and examine it. You imagine that you're seeing Leyja's vagina in front of you.. You can feel the boner brewing in your pants already.
<manager>-"W-whenever you're ready.."</manager>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\bleh0.webp">
You pull out your dick and pick up the fleshlight.
<manager>-"O..Oh my.."</manager> Leyja blushes.
<b>-"Stop staring and bring me some lube."</b> You smirk at her.
<manager>-"Y-yes.. Right away.."</manager> She runs off and quickly comes back with a bottle of water based lubricant.
<<pageReplace"Put in">>\
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\blah1.webp" height="500px">
<b>-"F-fuck.."</b> The pocket pussy is gripping your shaft from all sides, giving you incredible pleasure with each thrust.
<manager>-"..How is it.."</manager> She looks at you hypnotised.
<b>-"B-better.. Mghhh... If you helped, my hand hurts"</b> You moan out.
<manager>-"Y-you want.. me to..? O-okay.."</manager> She grabs the fleshlight from your hand and starts pleasuring you.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\blah2.webp">
<b>-"F-fuck.. Keep going... Mgnnhhggg..." </b> You can't stop yourself from imagining fucking your manager, you know that it's not right, you know that you should be imagining Emily, but you can't control your urges..
<manager>-"I..I-It's throb-throbbing.."</manager> She looks at you. You can see that her cheeks are now completely bright red.
<b>-"F-fuckk.. I'm a- NGhhhhMM.. about to... to cumm.."</b> You moan out as you're shaking from pleasure.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\blah3.webp" width="600px">
Leyja quickly removes the pocket pussy, ruining your orgasm in the process.
<b>-"MGhhhhhHHH.. Y-you.. MGhhh.. You bitch..."</b> You moan as you finish yourself off with your hand.
<manager>-"Hehe.. That's w-what you get.. for trying to take control.."</manager> She laughs at you with a proud expression on your face. Although she's acting like everything is in control, her wet panties say otherwise, you can see the stain they left as she got up.
<b>-"F-fuck you.."</b> You whisper as she walks off to clean the toy out. You'll get her some day..
<blue>Dominant +1</blue>
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
[[Return->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace "An extra 100 dollars today.">>\
<manager>-"F-fine.. Whatever.."</manager>
<b>-"Alright, perfect"</b> You wink at her and pick up the fleshlight.
<manager>-"W-whenever you're ready.."</manager>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\bleh0.webp">
You pull down your pants and take out your dick.
<manager>-"O..Oh my.."</manager> Leyja blushes.
<b>-"Stop staring and bring me some lube."</b> You smirk at her.
<manager>-"Y-yes.. Right away.."</manager> She runs off and quickly comes back with a bottle of water based lubricant.
<b>-"Are you going to watch?"</b>
<manager>-"O-oh.. N-no! Of course not!"</manager> She looks.. disappointed?
<b>-"Haha, give me some privacy then!"</b> Leyja leaves and you do your thing, cumming inside of the toy.
<b>-"<i>*Huff Huff*</i> You can come in now, Leyja..." </b> You shout towards the back of the store, where she went. She pokes her head around the door to see if the coast is clear and walks up to you.
<manager>-"D-did you like it...?"</manager>
<b>-"Well yeah, would have been better if you had helped.."</b> You wink at her.
<manager>-"Haha... V-very funny.."</manager>
You take your extra 100 dollars, pack up your things and leave the store. You cannot shake the thought that she wanted to see you use that thing from your head.
<<earnSalary 100>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
[[Return->Go outside]]
<</if>>\<<location "Images/Sex shop/intro/0_Sex-shoppers.webp" "Simply Pleasure sex shop">>\
<<if $domstatus is false>>\
You're on that grindset again, getting that bag, listening to dj khaled on your earphones and cleaning the shop. Miss Leyja is of course flirting with the male customers again, but this time it looks different... He is VERY touchy, but she doesn't seem to complain... All you can do is sit back and watch, if you interfere in anyway you will be scolded again...
<manager>-"You want to do it here? I mean.. My new guy is cleaning the place..."</manager>
<blue>-"Do you want me to confirm the order or not? Who cares about that boy anyways, until your train him properly, you need to do the work.. Come on."</blue>
<manager>-"Ughh fine..."</manager> You hear her sigh.
Before you could blink, both the customer and your mistress walks behind the counter, Miss Leyja gets on her knees and..
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\ezgif-1-e87c1d8561.webp">
She starts sucking him off while you watch..
<manager>-"Hmmm..?"</manager> Leyja spots you gazing at her... She starts wiggling her butt to keep your attention..
<manager>-"Mghhh.,, *slurp* What's with twhe energwy twoday... Y-ywou're usually nwot as rough"</manager> God this is so hot, you wish you were:
<div id="choices">
<<pageReplace "Her.">>
As the guy shoves his shaft deeper and deeper, Leyja continues to tease you..
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\porn--blowjob-porn-oral-porn-7155125.webp">
<blue>-"Is that loser still watching us? Ugh, will he be a problem?"</blue>
<manager>-"No... *slurp* I jwust started *slurp* mghhhh.. T-training him, bwut hwe seems to *slurp*... Understand hwis place." </manager> She can barely speak while deepthroating his cock. After pulling it out, she calls you over..
<manager>-"Hey $name! Come here for a second!"</manager>
<b>-"Y-yes Mistress, how can I help..?"</b> You try not to look at the man's penis as he smiles at you..
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\5.webp" height="600px" width="480px">
<manager>-"While me and this gentleman go behind the store to do some paperwork, would you mind cleaning up this mess we made?"</manager>
<b>-"Of course mistress..'</b> Your pants are now a tent and mistress notices..
<emily>Feminization +4!</emily>
[[Return->Go outside]]
<<set $worked to true>>\
<<set $workdays to $workdays +1>>\
<<set $feminization to $feminization+4>>\
<<pageReplace "Him.">>
As the guy shoves his shaft deeper and deeper, Leyja continues to tease you..
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\porn--blowjob-porn-oral-porn-7155125.webp">
<blue>-"Is that loser still watching us? Ugh, will he be a problem?"</blue>
<manager>-"No... *slurp* I jwust started *slurp* mghhhh.. T-training him, bwut hwe seems to *slurp*... Understand hwis place." </manager> She can barely speak while deepthroating his cock. After pulling it out, she calls you over..
<manager>-"Hey $name! Come here for a second!"</manager>
<b>-"Y-yes Mistress, how can I help..?"</b> You try not to look at the man's penis as he smiles at you..
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\5.webp" height="600px" width="480px">
<manager>-"While me and this gentleman go behind the store to do some paperwork, would you mind cleaning up this mess we made?"</manager>
<b>-"Of course mistress..'</b> Your pants are now a tent and mistress notices..
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
[[Return->Go outside]]
<<set $worked to true>>\
<<set $workdays to $workdays +1>>\
<<set $dominant to $dominant+1>>\
You're on the grindset again, getting that bag, listening to dj khaled on your earphones and cleaning the shop. Miss Leyja is working behind the counter. A customer walks into the shop, it's an attractive young girl. She starts browsing the shelves right next to you.
<b>-"What if..."</b> You get an idea. You pretend that you need to clean next to her and while walking past, you touch her shoulder.
<pink>-"EeeEEkk... B-be careful.."</pink> The girl blushes. You go past her again and again and again, being more and more touchy.
<b>-"My apologies"</b> You tell her every time it happens. After around 5 minutes of this constant groping, the girl finally gives in to her desires.
<pink>-"Mgh... F-fuck... C-come here.."</pink> She whispers to you as her cheeks glow red. You walk up behind her and before you could even say a word, she starts grinding you.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\bloh2.webp">
<pink>-"W-w-why.. Why d-do you.. NgHHhhh.. Keep b-bothering me..?"</pink> She moans quietly.
<b>-"F-fuck.. Shut up and jeep going.." </b> The tent in your pants is completely on display. Leyja noticed what's going on and keeps glancing towards you.
<b>-"I-I have an idea, step to the side.."</b> You whisper to the girl and point to an opening between the shelves.
<pink>-"Mghhh.. N-no.. I d-don't want... Others to see...."</pink> She picks up the speed.
<b>-"If you don't.. Nghhhh... I will move away..."</b> Threatening to stop while she's this into it is an incredibly smart move.
<<pageReplace"Show Leyja what you're doing">>\
You quickly step to the side, revealing yourself to Leyja. The other customers are too busy to notice, but your manager blushes and stares right at you. You pull down the girls shorts to tease Leyja even harder.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\bloh1.webp" width="550px">
<b>-"F-fuck...NGhhh..."</b> You moan out in pleasure, as hot as this is, this is definitely not enough to make you cum.
<pink>-"Mghhhh.. I-I don't l-... Nghhhhhh... Like this..."</pink> Leyja keeps watching you, you wonder if she would want to switch positions with the girl.
The woman suddenly stops, takes a step forward and pulls up her shorts.
<pink>-"W-what what what am I doing.. What did you make me do..."</pink> She whispers in confusion and embarrassment.
<b>-"Come here.. We were so close.."</b> The girl looks you up and down, shakes her head and quickly leaves the store..
<b>-"W-well that could have gone better..."</b> You think to yourself as you notice Leyja fidgeting with her fingers behind the counter. She definitely saw the whole ordeal...
<<set $dominant to $dominant +2>>\
<blue>Dominant +2!</blue>
[[Return->Go outside]]
<<set $worked to true>>\
<<set $workdays to $workdays +1>>\
<</if>>\<<location "Images/Sex shop/intro/0_Sex-shoppers.webp" "Simply Pleasure sex shop">>\
<<if $domstatus is false>>
You enter the store ready to forget what happened last time, but before you can even put your stuff down, your mistress calls for you.
<manager>-"$name! Before you starts working, come here"</manager> She seems to be concerned.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\1677933724_peepeebabes-club-p-alinma-xenon-porno-3.webp" height="650px" width="430px">
She's dressed even sexier now, you can almost see her nipples!
<b>-"Yes miss Leyja?"</b> You ask cautiously.
<manager>-"I noticed, while you were working yesterday, you got hard, which is a big problem in this establishment." </manager> She looks kind of mad.
<b>-"But Miss Leyja, you were- uhmmm.. you were sucking a guy off... it's only natural-"</b> She cuts you off.
<manager>-"Again, what I do should not concern you, times are tough right now and it's the best way to get more clients. Now you walking around with a tent in your pants is embarrassing for the both of us and it's definitely making things worse."</manager> She looks at you.
<b>-"I-I understand mistress, I will try to avoid looking at you while you are doing.. uhmmm.. marketing."</b> You whimper.
<manager>-"Not good enough, today you're going to try out working with a chastity and on your next shift we will talk about a more permanent solution"</manager> She raises her head, looking proud.
<b>-"B-but I don't want to"</b> A chastity while you're working? Oh no..
<manager>-"No buts, If you want to work here, you will obey my commands"</manager>
<b>-"Y-yes mistress.."</b> You don't want to get kicked out... Both you and the Miss Leyja go to the changing room and she hands you a chastity. You quickly put it on while she is looking.
<b>-"Miss Leyja is this chastity bigger?"</b> It went on a lot easier this time..
<manager>-"No silly, your penis just shrank a bit after wearing a cage for so long, it's a normal process. Anyways, if you last the entire shift with it on, I will suck your dick for 5 minutes, that should motivate you!" </manager> She smiles and winks. OH.MY.GOD. Your mistress is going to suck your dick? This is the best day ever!
<<pageReplace"Do as she says...">>\
It wasn't easy, but you did it, you lasted the entire day with the chastity on! It was hard to keep your composure while looking at all the guys your mistress was sucking off, but you somehow managed, although you did leak a lot of precum.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\chastity-precum-dripping_001.webp">
<manager>-"So, you did it huh? I honestly didn't expect you too. I thought after you see me suck so many guys off you would come running to me asking for the key.."</manager>
<b>-"I really wanted to, but the thought of you giving me a blowjob was just far too exciting, I'm ready!"</b> You shake in excitement and anticipation.
<manager>-"Alright alright, I did promise you a blowjob"</manager> She gets on her knees and starts sucking.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\bdsmlr-17110-WvsFhVIfWg.webp">
<b>-"W-what.. M-miss Leyja.. T-t-the cage!"</b> You whimper..
<manager>-"I promised you a blowjob, I didn't say I would remove the chastity though"</manager> She giggles
<b>-"No no no noo! Please Mistress, please I really want to cum.. Mghhh.."</b> You are leaking like crazy and sound like a child hungry for his moms milk.
She sucks you off, well, sucks your chastity off, for a good 5 minutes and then she stops.
<<pageReplace"Try to regain your composure..">>\
<manager>-"Good boy, you did great today. Next shift we will talk about a more permanent solution, be ready."</manager> She stands up, hands you the keys to the chastity and leaves, leaving you dripping with precum and wondering what she could mean..
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\21660633.webp">
<emily>Feminization +3!</emily>
<<set $feminization to $feminization+3>>
[[Return->Go outside]]
<<set $worked to true>>
<<set $workdays to $workdays +1>>
You enter the store ready to confront Leyja about what happened during the last shift, but before you can even put your stuff down, she calls for you herself.
<manager>-"$name! Before you starts working, come here"</manager> She seems to be concerned.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\1677933724_peepeebabes-club-p-alinma-xenon-porno-3.webp" height="650px" width="430px">
<manager>-"U-uhmm.. I-I'm removing you from cleaning duty.." </manager> She blushes.
<b>-"Why? Is it because what happened last time?"</b> You decide to be upfront about it.
<manager>-" I-I don't.. N-no.."</manager> She whispers and looks down.
<manager>-"J-just unpack the new t-toys please..."</manager> She's falling right into your hands. You turn around and heads towards the back of the store, as you open the door to the storage room, you see a box.
<<pageReplace"Open it">>\
The box is full of toys, obviously. You start unpacking it, putting things on shelves and in the storage room for future use. As you get to the bottom of the box, you notice three interesting items, the store is closing so you only have time to ask about one out of the three:
<div id="choices">\
<<pageReplace "A bent dildo.">>\
You pick up a bent dildo.
<b>-"Haha.. Let's take it back to Leyja, it's teasing time.."</b> You laugh a bit under your breath as you open the door and go to the counter. Leyja is already packing up her things, the shop is about to close.
<b>-"Hey Leyja! I found this bent dildo in the box of toys."</b>
<manager>-"O-oh.. yes... what about it...?"</manager>
<b>-"I was just wondering what it would be used for, why is it bent..?"</b> You hide your smirk.
<manager>-"O-oh.. I-it's curved upwards to... uhmmm.. pleasure the.. g-g-spot.."</manager> She blushes.
<b>-"W-where is that miss Leyja, could you show it to me? I'm just curious.."</b> This is totally going to work.
<manager>-"V-very funny.. I-I need to go $name.."</manager> She whispers under her breath as her cheeks turn red. Maybe you were too forward... She leaves the store quickly, mumbling something under her breath and pulling her skirt down.. Is she hiding something?..
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
[[Return->Go outside]]
<<set $worked to true>>
<<set $workdays to $workdays +1>>
<<pageReplace "Broken nipple clamps.">>\
You pick up some broken nipple clamps.
<b>-"Let's take these back to Leyja, maybe I shoud throw them out"</b> You think to yourself as you open the door and go to the counter. Leyja is already packing up her things, the shop is about to close.
<b>-"Hey Leyja! I found these broken nipple clamps in the box!"</b>
<manager>-"B-broken? Broken how...?"</manager> She gives you a concerned look.
<b>-"They don't seem to work.. see?"</b> You try to use the clamps, but they don't open.
<manager>-"You dummy, you didn't take off the plastic.."</manager> She blushes and giggles.
<b>-"Oh haha, what are they used for, anyways?"</b> You wonder.
<manager>-"W-want to see..?"</manager> Miss Leyja.. The dominant, all knowing, cool looking manager is offering to show you how nipple clamps work? Fuck yeah!
<b>-"OF COURSE! I-I mean.. yes please.."</b> You whisper.
She blushes again and slowly removes the stickers from her nipples, revealing her amazing chest.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\bruh1.webp" height="550px">
She even plays with them a little, to tease you.
<b>-"<i>*Gulp*</i> U-uhmm.."</b> You're shocked to see such a beauty in front of you..
<manager>-"Hehe... H-hand me those nipple clamps $name.."</manager> She looks down again, not holding eye contact.
<<pageReplace"Give them to her">>\
<b>-"T-there you go.."</b> You give them to her while staring at her chest..
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\bruh2.webp" width="550px">
<manager>-"NGhhhhhHHhh... Y-you see.. Y-you put them on.. j-just like this... NGhhhhh"</manager> She squeals in pain.
<b>-"You're enjoying this aren't you.."</b>
<manager>-"N-no! This was.. This was just to s-show you! How they are used!.."</manager> She turns red, quickly takes them off and puts on her coat.
<manager>-"W-what are we doing here anyways... Y-you got what you wanted.. I need to go.. Close down the shop without me!"</manager> She still doesn't dare to hold eye contact. She turns her back to you, probably trying to hold on to her last string of decency and leaves the store.
<b>-"Haha... Well that worked.."</b> You whisper under your breath..
<<set $dominant to $dominant +2>>
<blue>Dominant +2!</blue>
[[Return->Go outside]]
<<set $worked to true>>
<<set $workdays to $workdays +1>>
<<pageReplace "A weird gag thingy?">>\
You pick up a weird gag thingy..
<b>-"Let's take it back to Leyja, I should ask her what it's for"</b> You think to yourself as you open the door and go to the counter. Leyja is already packing up her things, the shop is about to close.
<b>-"Hey Leyja! I found this.. I don't even know.. dog toy.. in the box?"</b>
<manager>-"D-dog toy? What do y-you mean?"</manager> She gives you a concerned look.
<b>-"What is this.."</b> You show her the gag thing...
<manager>-"You dummy.. That's just a bdsm toy.."</manager> She blushes and giggles.
<b>-"Oh haha, what are they used for, anyways?"</b> You wonder.
<manager>-"W-want to see..?"</manager> Miss Leyja.. The dominant, all knowing, cool looking manager is offering to show you how a bdsm toy works? Fuck yeah!
<b>-"OF COURSE! I-I mean.. yes please.."</b> You whisper.
She blushes again and slowly takes the gag toy from your hand.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\bruh3.webp">
She even winks at you while putting it on, probably to tease you.
<b>-"<i>*Gulp*</i> U-uhmm.."</b> T-that's what it does... so hot...
<manager>-"hweh hweh.. c-cwan y-uiuy uwwnlo"</manager> She mumbles something with the gag in her mouth.
<manager>-"I-Itz stwuck..."</manager> She's grabbing the back of her head, trying to unbuckle the toy. She's stuck!
<b>-"Ohhh you're stuck..!"</b> She nods her head quickly.
<b>-"Hmmm... If you want it removed... beg.."</b>
<manager>-"W-whwatt??"</manager> She looks at you confused as saliva pours out from her mouth.
<b>-"Get on your knees.. and beg.."</b> You whisper right into her ear. She sighs and gets on her knees.
<manager>-"P-pweasee...!!"</manager> She pleas with you.
<b>-"Hah! I didn't think you would actually do it!"</b>
<<pageReplace"Remove the toy">>\
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\bruh4.webp">
<b>-"T-there you go.."</b> You slowly unlock the buckle and remove the toy.
<manager>-"NGhhhhhHHhh..."</manager> She spits out a ton of saliva
<manager>-"Y-you bastard!"</manager>
<b>-"I helped, didn't I?"</b> You giggle and pat her on the back.
<manager>-"Ugh.. w-whatever... Go finish u-unpacking.. I'll clean up"</manager> She turns red while avoiding eye contact, as always.
<b>-"Haha alright, thanks for the lesson.."</b> You giggle as you walk back into the storage room.
<blue>Dominant +2!</blue>
<<set $dominant to $dominant +2>>
[[Return->Go outside]]
<<set $worked to true>>\
<<set $workdays to $workdays +1>>\
<</if>>\<<location "Images/Sex shop/intro/0_Sex-shoppers.webp" "Simply Pleasure sex shop">>\
<<if $domstatus is false>>\
You wonder what Mistress meant by saying "a more permanent solution to your boner problem"... As you enter the shop, Miss Leyja is already wating, she gestures you to come closer.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\alinma_thefappeningblog.com_0002.webp" height="600px" width="450px">
<b>-"Hello Miss Leyja, how are you doing?"</b> You ask while a slight smile brightens your face.
<manager>-"Well I'm going to be doing a lot better after today's shift $name. Let's talk about the permanent solution, shall we."</manager> She smirks. You turn your head to face her and say quietly.
<b>-"Yes Mistress.."</b>
<manager>-"I have decided that you are now required to wear a chastity during your working hours, every single day."</manager> She grins.
<b>-"B-but... Yes Miss Leyja, whatever you say."</b> You cannot afford to lose this job, you must comply, plus, you're kind of getting used to the chastity.
<manager>-"Now, to make things easy, I will just give you the chastity and the key, you can use it whenever you want, just make sure to bring it with you to work."</manager>
<b>-"I understand Mistress, I will make sure to lock myself up before I come to work..."</b> God this is so embarrassing.
<manager>-"But of course, this chastity isn't free, I'm running a business after all. You have two choices, either pay me 500$, or lick my feet like the pet you are."</manager> She says while grinning..
<b>-"500$? B-but the retail price is only 60$..."</b>
<manager>-"If you want to work here, you will follow my orders, now pick."</manager>
<<if $money>=500>>\
<div id="choices">\
<<pageReplace "Lick her feet.">>
<b>-"I will.. I will lick your feet mistress.."</b> You whimper.
<manager>-"Good boy.. now that was the correct choice, come on now, remove my socks."</manager> She says while lifting her legs up at you.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\alinma-16.webp" height="600px" width="450px">
<b>-"Y-yes Miss Leyja"</b> You slowly remove her socks, finally getting a good look at your queens feet.
<manager>-"Well? What are you waiting for? Get to licking.."</manager> She giggles and looks down at you.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\Screenshot_3.webp" height="600px" width="450px">
<<pageReplace"Y-yes Mistress...">>\
<b>-"Y-yes."</b> You get on your knees and get to work..
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\dffsl7l-396a85e2-9419-46ad-a26b-8661425e25e8.webp">
<manager>-"Good boy... that's enough for now"</manager> She slowly retracts her foot.. Saliva runs down your mouth as she speaks again..
<manager>-"Your job is finished here today, you can leave now.."</manager> She hands you the chastity..
<manager>-"Get comfortable with your new cage.. I expect you to be ready and willing to work with it on next time.."</manager> She smirks while walking away..
<<set $chastity to true>>\
<pink>Chastity +1!</pink>
<emily>Feminization +2!</emily>
<<set $submissive to $submissive+5>>
<pink>Submissiveness +5!</pink>
<<set $feminization to $feminization+2>>\
<<set $worked to true>>\
<<set $workdays to $workdays +1>>
[[Return->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace "Pay 500$">>\
<manager>-"Hah, what a stupid choice."</manager> She laughs. After taking your money, she scoffs and hands you the chastity..
<manager>-"You disappoint me $name.. You really do.." She stands up..
<manager>-"Get comfortable with your new cage.. I expect you to be ready and willing to work with it on next time.."</manager> She smirks while walking away..
<<set $chastity to true>>
<pink>Chastity +1!</pink>
<green>Money -500$!</green>
<emily>Feminization +2!</emily>
<<set $feminization to $feminization+2>>\
<<set $worked to true>>\
<<set $workdays to $workdays +1>>
[[Return->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Lick her feet, you don't have enough money">>
<b>-"I will.. I will lick your feet mistress.."</b> You whimper.
<manager>-"Good boy.. now that was the correct choice, come on now, remove my socks."</manager> She says while lifting her legs up at you.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\alinma-16.webp" height="600px" width="450px">
<b>-"Y-yes Miss Leyja"</b> You slowly remove her socks, finally getting a good look at your queens feet.
<manager>-"Well? What are you waiting for? Get to licking.."</manager> She giggles and looks down at you.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\Screenshot_3.webp" height="600px" width="450px">
<<pageReplace"Y-yes Mistress...">>\
<b>-"Y-yes."</b> You get on your knees and get to work..
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\dffsl7l-396a85e2-9419-46ad-a26b-8661425e25e8.webp">
<manager>-"Good boy... that's enough for now"</manager> She slowly retracts her foot.. Saliva runs down your mouth as she speaks again..
<manager>-"Your job is finished here today, you can leave now.."</manager> She hands you the chastity..
<manager>-"Get comfortable with your new cage.. I expect you to be ready and willing to work with it on next time.."</manager> She smirks..
<<set $chastity to true>>
<pink>Chastity +1!</pink>
<emily>Feminization +2!</emily>
<<set $submissive to $submissive+5>>
[[Return->Go outside]]
<<set $feminization to $feminization+2>>\
<<set $worked to true>>\
<<set $workdays to $workdays +1>>\
As you enter the shop, Miss Leyja is already wating, she gestures you to come closer.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\alinma_thefappeningblog.com_0002.webp" height="600px" width="450px">
<manager>-"I-I want to talk to you about.. Y-your behavior!"</manager> She looks down, as always.
<b>-"Elaborate, I am listening."</b> You say in a cold, controlled tone.
<manager>-"Y-you have been.. D-disobeying my orders.. And.. Uhmm.. And harassing me!"</manager> She looks up at you.
<manager>-"From now on.. You will be required! T-to..wear A.. Chastity..."</manager> She whispers the last word..
<b>-"The what now?"</b>
<manager>-"A-a chastity.. It's to control your e-erections.."</manager> She looks down again.
<b>-"That's not happening."</b>
<<pageReplace"Show her what real control looks like..">>\
You suddenly pick Leyja up from where she's standing.
<manager>-"W-whaa! What are you doing.. l-let go!"</manager> She screams as you carry her into the employee room at the back of the store.. You throw her on a couch and spank her butt.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\brotha2.webp">
<b>-"Listen here, I'm sick of you trying to control my life."</b>
<manager>-"Owwwcchh...I-I'm the manager.. Y-you will submit or or or b-be fired!"</manager> She turns to face you on the sofa and gives you an angry glare.
<b>-"Definitely not, turn around"</b> You command her and surprisingly.. She obeys?
<manager>-"Ugh.. w-whatever.. You won't d-do anything anyways.."</manager> She whispers as she moves on the sofa.
<b>-"Oh yeah?"</b>
<<pageReplace"Spank her">>\
You pull up her panties and start spanking her.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\brodtha1.webp" height="600px">
<manager>-"S-stop!!! Mghhh.. O-Ouchhhh!!"</manager> Leyja moans out.
<b>-"Say sorry!"</b>
<manager>-"F-for whattt!! O-ooouucccHHHHHHH!" </manager>
<b>-"F-for trying to take control of me! For trying to put me.. in a fucking chastity!"</b> You shout as you spank her harder and harder, hopefully nobody in the store can hear you guys...
<manager>-"I-I'm sorry!! JJooo!! AwwhHHh!! - Ok, ok! N-no more! I'll stop!"</manager> She shouts, you continue to spank her..
<b>-"Sorry for what?"</b> You shout back.. Hopefully the customers aren't listening..
<manager>-"O-ouchhh!! F-for trying to control you!! N-now please!"</manager> As the words leave her lips, you suddenly stop.. She turns around, her cheeks brght red from embarrassment..
<b>-"Fix up your panties and go to the register.. I'm done with you.."</b> You bark an order at her, to see how she would react.
<manager>-"F-fine..."</manager> As she pulls up her panties, you notice that they are pretty wet... She gives you an angry, tearful look and leaves the employee room.
<blue>Dominant +3!</blue>
<<set $dominant to $dominant+3>>
[[Return->Go outside]]
<<set $worked to true>>\
<<set $workdays to $workdays +1>>\
<</if>>\<<location "Images/Sex shop/intro/0_Sex-shoppers.webp" "Simply Pleasure sex shop">>\
<<if $domstatus is false>>\
You're working. Packing things up, sending those things out etc. Miss Leyja is nowhere to be seen. Your small cock is nice and locked, like it should be. You notice that a customer keeps glancing at your direction while browsing the catalog of toys. You need to go and fill the shelf behind him, but while walking next to him he suddenly grabs you.
<b>-"Ugggfff! Let go of me!"</b> You say as he takes a hold of you.
<blue>-"Now, now calm down you loser and keep your voice down, I'm just checking the merchandise."</blue> He laughs and grabs your ass.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\butt-cheeks-grab-ass.webp">
<b>-"Uuuuff... s-sir, p-please.."</b> You notice that Miss Leyja is now at the counter, watching you two and smiling.
<div id="choices">\
<<pageReplace "Let him continue.">>\
<blue>-"Awhh, you like that cuck?"</blue> He asks while he's fondeling your ass.
<b>-"I-I-I don't know..."</b> You whimper.
<blue>-"Haha whatever, you'll be for sale soon enough, anyways."</blue> What could that even mean... For sale?... After fondeling your ass for what seems like ages.. He finally let's go...
<blue>-"Good girl.."</blue> He winks as he starts walking towards the counter..
<blue>-"Your new girl is well trained, I will be interested when the time comes"</blue>
<manager>-"Haha yeah she's pretty obedient!"</manager> They both share a laugh and the man leaves. Miss Leyja walks up to you, smiling.
<manager>-"Good job handling that man $name, keep up the good work, you're getting a bonus of 50 dollars today"</manager>
<b>-"Thank you Miss Leyja! But what did he mean by.. Buying me when the times comes"</b> You look up at her.
<manager>-"Don't worry about it sweetie, just do your work and go home"</manager> She leaves.
You're left dripping in your cage, you're ashamed to say, but the man definetely turned you on...
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\tumblr_p55judPPqa1x6bwlio1_500.webp">
<<set $feminization to $feminization +5>>
<emily>Feminization +5!</emily>
<<set $worked to true>>\
<<set $openminded to $openminded+3>>
<mia>Open-minded +3!</mia>
<<earnSalary 50>>
<<set $workdays to $workdays +1>>
[[Return->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace "Push him off.">>\
<b>-"S-sir... SIR STOP! G-get off of me, please!"</b> You look at the ground as you lightly push him off..
<blue>-"Ugh whatever loser, you'll be for sale soon enough, anyways."</blue> He let's go of you and walks off. What could that even mean... For sale?... Miss Layje walks up to you with an angry expression.
<manager>-"You disappoint me again $name, never turn down a customer, even if he's touching you. You're not getting paid today."</manager> She looks you up and down in disgust and starts to walk off..
<b>-"B-but miss Leyja!"</b>
<manager>-"Keep quiet!"</manager> She says as she gets behind the counter..
I guess you're getting no money today...
<<set $worked to true>>\
<<set $workdays to $workdays +1>>
[[Return->Go outside]]
You're working. Packing things up, sending those things out etc. Leyja is nowhere to be seen. While filling up some shelves you notice... A toy that she showed you how to use last shift.. Is she selling used products? That kinda weird.. A bit of time passes and you see Leyja leaving the storage room, you decide to ask her.
<b>-"Hey Leyja, come here for a second!"</b> You shout. Fortunately, there are no customers in the store.
<manager>-"Y-yes $name, what is it?"</manager> She cautiously walks up to you.
<b>-"Is this the toy that you showed me how to use yesterday?"</b>You point to the shelf.
<manager>-"<i>*Cough*</i> Y-yes, yes it is.."</manager> She blushes a bit, probably remembering what happened.
<b>-"And you think that selling used toys is okay?"</b>
<manager>-"N-no... But we're very short on.. Uhmmm.. Money.."</manager> She whispers.
<b>-"Do you try them all out? Is this used too?</b> You point at a butt plug.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\spasyba4.webp" width="450px">
<manager>-"N-no! Of course not.. Please $name, just don't tell anyone.. let's put this all behind us.."</manager> She pleads with you.
<div id="choices">\
<<pageReplace "Fine, but you owe me.">>\
<b>-"Fine.. But remember that you owe me now, for keeping your secret."</b> You wink at her.
<manager>-"F-fine.. Whatever.."</manager> She gives you a distrustful look and walks off, going towards the counter. The second half of your day goes by without a problem, nothing interesting happens.
<grey>(You now have a favor, use it wisely..)</grey>
<<set $workfavor to true>>
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
<<set $worked to true>>\
<<set $workdays to $workdays +1>>
[[Return->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace "If you wear this butt plug I will.">>
<manager>-"W-wha-... What are you saying?"</manager> She gives you an angry glare.
<b>-"This could ruin you Leyja, do as I say!"</b>
<manager>-"F-fine! Whatever!"</manager> Her cheeks grow red..
<b>-"Hah, good, now turn around."</b> She obeys, you can see her quickly checking the store for customers.
<manager>-"Q-quick! And promise me that you won't say a word about the toys!"</manager> She whisper as she spreads her cheeks apart to give you easier access.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\spasyba1.webp" height="650px">
<b>-"Heh, fine, I promise."</b> You take one of the boxes and remove the buttplug from the packaging.
<manager>-"H-hurry up!"</manager>
<b>-"You don't want it lubed or anything?"</b> You chuckle.
<manager>-"J-just lick it.. It'll be fine!"</manager> You lick the butt plug and put it in.
<manager>-"Nghhh... f-fuck.."</manager> She moans quietly. There's nobody else in the story, but she's still very careful.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\spasyba2.webp" width="550px">
<manager>-"Are y-you happy now?"</manager> She turns to you, her face looks like a tomato from all the shame she endured.
<b>-"Keep it in the whole day and I won't say a word, I promise.."</b> You whisper into her ear. She looks at you and nods her head. The day goes on without a hitch.
<b>-"Does she even feel it? I mean it was pretty fucking big and she's working like nothing is different.."</b> You think to yourself as you watch Leyja greet customers and take their orders.
You don't even notice how quickly 6 hours go, as you're working and staring at Leyja, waiting for a reaction or any sign that she has something inside of her rectum. After your shift finishes, you go up to her.
<manager>-"W-we're done. Right...?"</manager> She whisper to you.
<manager>-"You won't tell anyone r-right..? I did everything that you asked me too.."</manager>
<<pageReplace"Tell her a deal is a deal.">>\
<b>-"Of course, a deal is a deal. You can remove it now."</b> She looks around to see if anyone is looking, when the coast is clear she quickly pulls down her panties and takes out the toy.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\spasyba5.webp">
You notice that she's dripping wet.. Did she enjoy having a toy inside of her in public?..
<manager>-"Ouuffff.... W-we...we're done now... Not a w-word! To anyone!"</manager> She gives you an almost.. Satisfied look.
<b>-"Yes, now pull those panties up."</b> You bite your lip as she obeys your command.
<b>-"Good girl.."</b> You spank her ass.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\spasyba3.webp">
<manager>-"Ouccch.. F-fuck.."</manager> She moans quietly.
<b>-"I'll see you in a couple of days Leyja."</b>
<manager>-"Y-yesh..."</manager> She says while panting a bit and not paying attention..
<<set $workfavor to false>>
<<set $dominant to $dominant +3>>
<blue>Dominant +3!</blue>
<<set $worked to true>>\
<<set $workdays to $workdays +1>>
[[Return->Go outside]]
<</if>>\<<location "Images/Sex shop/intro/0_Sex-shoppers.webp" "Simply Pleasure sex shop">>\
<<if $domstatus is false>>\
Another day, another toy shipment! Your mistress asked you to work in a skirt today. You started to notice that after you were employed here, more and more customers are coming in each night... You wonder why. As you unpack the new toys, you notice that most of them are.. Buttplugs? What are they again... You remember that professor Kei mentioned that men use them to cum while being in a chastity.. You decide to ask Miss Keyla.
<b>-"Hey Miss Keyla..."</b>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\1-xenon_0002.webp" height="570px" width="450px">
<manager>-"Hello $name, what's the matter?"</manager>
<b>-"Uhmmm, I w-was just wondering.. What these.. T-toys were for?"</b> You show her the buttplugs.
<manager>-"Ah! These are for good, locked up boys like you to feel pleasure and to train your little holes!" </manager> She smiles and rubs your head.
<b>-"T-train for what?"</b> You whimper.
<manager>-"Here let me show you, follow me"</manager> She puts a leash on your chasity..
<<pageReplace"She pulls on the leash..">>\
<<blink "Images/Sex shop/work/24866715.webp" 900>>\
<b>-"Mffgg!"</b> You whimper as you follow her to the employee room at the back of the store..
<manager>-"Now, good girls like you, need to learn how to cum inside of the chastity, because in the future you will need to cum to real d-"</manager> She quickly stops herself..
<manager>-"O-okay.. Naybe I'm moving a bit too fast. I will show you what I meant by training your holes, bend over"</manager> You do as she says... But did she call you a girl just now?...
Before you can say anything, Mistress lubes up her finger and starts fingering your asshole.
<b>-"M-m-Miss Layja!! W-what are.. mghhh.. what are you d-doing.. fuck..."</b> You cry out in pain and pleasure.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\15378553.webp" height="400px" width="440px">
<manager>-"Getting you ready for the buttplug dummy! I can't just put it in without warming up your little ass first!" </manager> You are... not complaining.
<manager>-"Now you're ready"</manager> She takes a small, black buttplug and pushes it in all the way.
<<pageReplace"Try to resist..">>\
<b>-"F-f-fuckkkkk.... Mghhh... Miss Leyjaaahhhh.."</b> You moan as you spurt precum everywhere... How embarrassing..
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\030ba1c3a66a41d2a4a85fd67472a67a.webp">
<manager>-"Good girl! You took that like a champ! Now clean everything up and leave the buttplug at the counter, you aren't quite ready to take it back home with you.."</manager> She smiles and leaves you.
<b>-"Yes Mistress, I understand"</b> You quickly take out the buttplug, clean the fitting room and return the toy.
<<pageReplace "You enjoyed the lesson.">>
<b>-"Fuck that was so hot..."</b>
<emily>Feminization +5!</emily>
<<set $feminization to $feminization +5>>
[[Return->Go outside]]
<<set $worked to true>>\
<<set $workdays to $workdays +1>>\
<<pageReplace "You did not.">>
<b>-"Ugh that was weird.."</b>
[[Return->Go outside]]
<<set $worked to true>>\
<<set $workdays to $workdays +1>>\
As you enter the store, you notice that there's a bunch of people here already. You walk up to the counter, where Leyja is already packing the shop's online orders.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\grub5.webp" height="570px" width="450px">
<b>-"Hey! Are we having a sale or something, why is there so many people?" </b>
<manager>-"Oh yes, hello. We are having a sale... 20% off of anything and everything!"</manager> She says loudly to remind the customers.
<b>-"Hah okay, I'll get ready and join you behind the counter then" </b> You throw your things onto the sofa in the employee room and join Leyja.
While you're working together, taking customers orders, packing boxes and counting the earnings, you get a sudden idea. While walking past her, you decide that you should..:
<<pageReplace"Tease her a bit">>\
<b>-"There's a bunch of people around.. I should play with her a bit.."</b> You giggle to yourself as you get behind her..
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\grub1.webp">
<manager>-"$name... St..Sstopp..."</manager> She whispers into your ear as she tries to act like nothing is going on...
<b>-"Your wish is my command"</b> You whisper back as you continue to work, acting like nothing ever happened.
After a couple of hours of working, you decide to go for it again. You act you like tripped and fall onto her.
<b>-"Ooof! I'm sorry.. I tripped!"</b> You tell her as she catches you.
<manager>-"I-It's okay.."</manager> She blushes a bit.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\grub2.webp">
While she's still holding you, you start grabbing her ass.
<manager>-"$name... S-stop.."</manager> She looks around to see if anyone is watching, but the store is almost empty now.
<b>-"S-sorry! Needed a better grip, you know?"</b> You chuckle as you regain balance.
<manager>-"Sure..."</manager> She looks down at the floor. All this groping and hiding from customers has made you quite horny..
<div id="choices">
<<pageReplace "Ask for a blowjob.">>\
<<if $workfavor is true and $dominant>=30>>
<b>-"Hey... Leyja.. How about you give a blowjob behind the counter right now.."</b> You whisper into her ear.
<manager>-"N-no.. What are you talking about.."</manager> She glances at you with a concerned look.
<b>-"Remember that favor? You owe me Leyja..."</b>
<manager>-"Oh my god.. Ugh.. I-if I do this.. W-will we be even?"</manager>
<b>-"Heh, sure thing!"</b> You look around to see if any customers are nearby, but the coast is clear.
<manager>-"Ughh... I'll do it because I owe you.. Not because I want to.."</manager> She whispers as she gets onto her knees and hides behind the counter. She slowly unbuckles your pants.
<manager>-"J-jeez..."</manager> She comments as she sees your dick again.
<b>-"I saw your lustful gaze when I was using the pocket pussy a couple of days back... I know you want this.."</b>
<manager>-"O-of course I don't! Stop being.. Nghhh... ridwiculwous..."</manager> She puts your dick in her mouth and starts going to work.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\grub4.webp" width="600px">
<blue>-"Yo man, I can't choose between the Tenga pocket pussy 3000 or this other one.."</blue> A male customer says, as he puts down two toys on the counter. You can feel that Leyja picked up in speed.
<b>-"I-I.. Nghh.. Sorry I'm a bit sick today... I-I would recommend.. The tenga..." </b>You tell him as you grab your stomach to act like you're sick.
<blue>-"Awesome man, I'll take it then!"</blue> The guy hands you his credit card and the toy. Right before you can scan it, you feel like you're getting close..
<b>-"F-fuck....."</b> You whisper under your breath as you scan his card...
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\grub3.webp">
<blue>-"Dude.. You alright?"</blue> The customer looks you in the eyes.
<b>-"Y-yeah... I'm fine man.. Here's your toy..."</b> You hand him the toy and his card, as Leyja continues to pleasure your tip with her tongue.
<manager>-"Ahhhhh.. Is he gone..?"</manager> She whispers.
<b>-"Y-yes..."</b> She stands up and licks her lips.
<manager>-"W-we're even now.. Correct..?"</manager> You can see that her cheeks are red.. But she didn't seem to be bothered by the dangers of being caught..
<b>-"Sure..."</b> You whisper as you buckle your pants back up. You cannot believe what just happened...
<blue>Dominant +3!</blue>
<<set $workfavor to false>>
<<set $dominant to $dominant +3>>
[[Return->Go outside]]
<<set $worked to true>>\
<<set $workdays to $workdays +1>>\
<<elseif $workfavor is true and $dominant<30>>\
<b>-"Hey... Leyja.. How about you give a blowjob behind the counter right now.."</b> You whisper into her ear.
<manager>-"N-no.. What are you talking about.."</manager> She glances at you with a concerned look.
<b>-"Remember that favor? You owe me Leyja..."</b>
<manager>-"S-still.. This is too much..."</manager>
<grey>You're not dominant enough for her to agree...</grey>
You continue to work with a tent in your pants and with Leyja by your side. After a couple of hours you're both finished.
<manager>-"Good w-work today.. $name.."</manager> She smiles while looking at you.
<b>-"Huh.. She's not mad that I groped her..."</b> You think to yourself as you hug her.
<b>-"Thank you Leyja, see you next time"</b> You wave her goodbye and leave the store.
<<set $dominant to $dominant +2>>
<blue>Dominant +2!</blue>
[[Return->Go outside]]
<<set $worked to true>>\
<<set $workdays to $workdays +1>>\
<b>-"Hey... Leyja.. How about you give a blowjob behind the counter right now.."</b> You whisper into her ear.
<manager>-"N-no.. What are you talking about.."</manager> She glances at you with a concerned look.
<b>-"Remember that favor? You owe me Leyja..."</b>
<manager>-"W-what favor..?" </manager>
<b>-"I didn't tell the customers that you're selling used goods?"</b>
<manager>-"Y-yeah.. And I wore the buttplug for you.. We're e-even!"</manager> She holds her ground.. It's true, you did use your favor already, it's better not to push her any further, it's not worth it to ruin your relationship..
<b>-"Ugh.. Fine.."</b>
You continue to work with a tent in your pants and with Leyja by your side. After a couple of hours you're both finished.
<manager>-"Good w-work today.. $name.."</manager> She smiles while looking at you.
<b>-"Huh.. She's not mad that I groped her..."</b> You think to yourself as you hug her.
<b>-"Thank you Leyja, see you next time"</b> You wave her goodbye and leave the store.
<<set $dominant to $dominant +2>>
<blue>Dominant +2!</blue>
[[Return->Go outside]]
<<set $worked to true>>\
<<set $workdays to $workdays +1>>\
<<pageReplace "Go to the back of the store to rub one out.">>\
You decide that it's not the right time to make your move.
<b>-"I'm going to the toilet Leyja, you're on your own for a bit.."</b> You whisper to her as you hide the tent in your pants.
<manager>-"Sure.. Just hurry up.."</manager> She glances towards your crotch. You have no clue if she noticed. You go to the employee room instead of the toilet. As you lay down on the sofa you unbuckle your pants and start rubbing your thick shaft, thinking about Leyja pleasuring it.
<<pageReplace"Jerk harder">>\
You need to hurry up, so you start rubbing harder and harder, thinking about how you would destroy her tight pussy in front of every customer in the store..
<b>-"F-fuck... Nghhh..."</b> You moan as you cum all over yourself.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\grub6.webp" width="600px">
<b>-"Jesus Christ that was good..."</b> You clean up after yourself and exit the lounge area...
<manager>-"Y-you know.. You could be a lot less.. Obvious.."</manager> Leyja whispers into your ear as you join her at the counter.
<b>-"Join me next time, if you're so interested."</b> You reply confidently.
<manager>-"Oh s-shut up..."</manager> She blushes and turns away. You continue to work with Leyja by your side. After a couple of hours you're both finished.
<manager>-"Good w-work today.. $name.."</manager> She smiles while looking at you.
<b>-"Huh.. She's not mad that I groped her..."</b> You think to yourself as you hug her.
<b>-"Thank you Leyja, see you next time"</b> You wave her goodbye and leave the store.
<<set $dominant to $dominant +2>>
<blue>Dominant +2!</blue>
[[Return->Go outside]]
<<set $worked to true>>\
<<set $workdays to $workdays +1>>\
<<pageReplace "Continue working">>\
You decide that it's not the right time to make your move. You continue to work with Leyja by your side. After a couple of hours you're both finished.
<manager>-"Good w-work today.. $name.."</manager> She smiles while looking at you.
<b>-"Huh.. She's not mad that I groped her..."</b> You think to yourself as you hug her.
<b>-"Thank you Leyja, see you next time"</b> You wave her goodbye and leave the store.
[[Return->Go outside]]
<<set $worked to true>>\
<<set $workdays to $workdays +1>>\
<</if>>\<<location "Images/Sex shop/intro/0_Sex-shoppers.webp" "Simply Pleasure sex shop">>\
<<set $worked to true>>\
<<set $workdays to $workdays +1>>\
<<if $domstatus is false>>\
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\141.webp" height="600px">
<manager>-"Oh hey beautiful.."</manager> You hear Leyja call out to you as you enter the building..
<b>-"W-who.. Me?"</b> You look around the store, seeing that it's empty.
<manager>-"Of course you dummy! Now, is your clitty locked and ready for todays shift?"</manager> She smiles..
<b>-"Of course Leyja..."</b> You quickly pull down your pants and show her your locked dick...
<manager>-"Good girl....! Now, I was thinking..."</manager> She starts taking her bra off very slowly while holding eye contact..
<manager>-"Remember that toy we played with yesterday?"</manager>
<b>-"The buttplug? Yes..."</b>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\142.webp" height="600px">
<manager>-"I was thinking about making it part of your uniform... What do you think honey?"</manager> She licks her lips and looks you up and down as she takes off her bra, only covering herself up with an arm.
<<pageReplace"I don't know..">>\
<b>-"I.. I don't know..."</b> You whimper..
<manager>-"What if.. Your mistress showed you her perfect... Big... Rounddd tits right here, right now.."</manager> She starts playing with her chest while covering her nipples...
<b>-"R-really! Y-yes please!!"</b> You start lightly humping the air like a puppy.. You don't know what's gotten into you, but her flirting and incredible figure has you in a trans..
<manager>-"MMMghhh of course you do, you have to accept these new terms though.. My tits, for your acceptance of having your ass plugged during work hours.."</manager>
<div id="choices"><div class="disa">N-no.. That's too much..</div></div>
<b>-"Y-yesss anything for my mistress..."</b> The words leave your mouth automatically... It's like you're on autopilot...
<manager>-"You're such a good girl today!"</manager> She moves her hands and reveals her chest to you...
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\143.webp" height="600px">
<b>-"Oh.. Oh my god..."</b> You whisper as you stare at your mistress beautiful breasts... You can feel your little cock pressing up against it cage, desperately wanting to get out..
<manager>-"Haha impressed I see.. Well I kept my end of the deal.."</manager> She hands you a small buttplug...
<manager>-"Now it's your turn to keep it.."</manager> She smiles...
<b>-"R-right away mistress..."</b> You take the buttplug and start heading towards the changing room..
<manager>-"Now now! I love your enthusiasm $name , I really do. But I don't need any help at the shop today, as you can see, it's empty.."</manager>
<b>-"Y-yes.."</b> You look around again and see nobody..
<manager>-"Take the toy with you.. Try it out, get used to it and arrive already plugged next time.. Okay?"</manager> She smiles, with her chest still on display, you have no reason to say no..
<b>-"Y-yes mistress..."</b>
<manager>-"Good girl.."</manager>
<<set $buttplug to true>>
<<set $feminization to $feminization +1>>\
<emily>Feminization +1!</emily>
[[Go home with your new toy!->Go outside]]
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\141.webp" height="600px">
<manager>-"Oh hey beautiful.."</manager> You hear Leyja call out to you as you enter the building..
<b>-"Haha who? Me?"</b> You look around the store, seeing that it's empty.
<manager>-"Of course you dummy!"</manager> She blushes..
<b>-"Why is the store so empty?"</b> You wonder outloud...
<manager>-"J-just a slow day I guess... Haha..."</manager> You notice that Leyja is acting strange.. But you decide not to mention it..
<b>-"Alright, I'll go get ready then.."</b>
<manager>-"R-right.. Me too! I need to change so.. D-don't peek!"</manager> She nervously laughs again...
<b>-"Huh.. Sure thing Leyja.."</b> You start heading towards one of the changing rooms and notice that Leyja is heading to the back of the store.. She goes inside.. But doesn't close the door...
<div id="choices">
<<pageReplace "Go over there and peek...">>\
<b>-"Well that door must be for me..."</b> You giggle to yourself and tiptoe to the open door... As you peek inside, you see Leyja...
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\148.webp" height="550px">
<manager>-"W-where is it..."</manager> She's looking for something...
<manager>-"Mghh..."</manager> She lets out a soft moan as you continue to watch her..
<<pageReplace"Surprise her..">>\
<b>-"You need any help?"</b> You whisper...
<manager>-"W-waah!"</manager> She quickly stands up.. Her bra in her hands..
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\142.webp" height="660px">
<manager>-"I.. I told you not to peek!"</manager> She blushes...
<b>-"Accidents happen haha."</b> You giggle while looking her up and down..
<manager>-"$name.."</manager> She whimpers as she follows your gaze..
<<pageReplace"Take a better look..">>\
<b>-"Move your hand, give me a better look.."</b>
<manager>-"W-what are you saying.."</manager>
<b>-"I said, move your hand!"</b> You command Leyja to expose herself..
<manager>-"Mghh.. I... Y-yes..."</manager> She whimpers and moves her hand..
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\143.webp" height="600px">
<manager>-"H-happy...?"</manager> She closes her eyes from embarrassment...
<b>-"Mgff... For now.."</b> She's going to be under your complete control soon...
<manager>-"T-then get out!"</manager> She quickly covers herself up again and screams at you.. While she does, you notice that she's soaking wet...
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\147.webp" width="550px">
<b>-"Sure honey, make sure to change those soaking panties!"</b> You tease her as you leave the room.. She smashes the door behind you, not saying a word...
[[Continue working->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace "Don't and quietly change...">>\
<b>-"Eh.. Not today.."</b> You think to yourself as you turn around and get inside... After you change, you come outside and notice that Leyja is already near the counter... But she's in the same clothes as before...
<b>-"Hey.. Did you not change?"</b> You ask her.
<manager>-"Oh.. Yeah well... I forgot my attire at home, don't worry about it.."</manager> She looks.. Disappointed?
<b>-"Welp alright.."</b> You mumble as you start your shift...
[[Finish your shift->Go outside]]
<</if>>\<<location "Images/Sex shop/intro/0_Sex-shoppers.webp" "Simply Pleasure sex shop">>\
<<set $worked to true>>\
<<set $workdays to $workdays +1>>\
<<if $domstatus is false>>\
<b>-"H-hello mistress!"</b> You greet Leyja as you walk into the store.
<manager>-"Hey honey, does my little pet have his toy inside?"</manager>
<b>-"Of course I do... A deal is a deal.."</b> You whisper as a slight smile forms on your lips...
<manager>-"Mmmm... Good... Show me."</manager> She bites her lip and starts heading toward ls the changing room...
<<pageReplace"Follow her..">>\
<b>-"Y-yes Miss Leyja!"</b> You follow her inside. She sits down and crosses her legs..
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\151.webp" width="750px">
<manager>-"Well, what are you waiting for?"</manager> She smiles.
<b>-"R-right away!"</b> You quickly pull down your pants, revealing your caged cock.. After a couple of second, you bend down to give her a good look..
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\144.webp" height="500px">
<manager>-"Perfect.. You look amazing $name.."</manager> She stands up and gives you a kiss on the cheek..
<manager>-"Now go on, get to work. Today is going to be a busy day!"</manager> She smiles, as you pull up your pants and follow her out of the room...
<<pageReplace"Work your shift">>\
As you're stacking some new dildos that came in onto the shelves, a man suddenly grabs your ass...
<b>-"Mghhff!"</b> You let out a soft moan... It's the same man that groped out last time!
<blue>-"Ohoho what do I feel there..."</blue> He touches your buttplug through your pants..
<b>-"S-sir!"</b> You try to push him away and continue working, but he doesn't let you...
<blue>-"Leyja overdid herself, just a couple of days ago you got locked and now you're already plugged?"</blue> He pulls down your pants as you continue to stack the shelves...
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\145.webp" height="550px">
<div id="choices">
<<pageReplace "Push him away...">>\
<b>-"Ugh.. S-stop!"</b> You shout as you push the man away...
<blue>-"Ugh! Train your fucking girls better! I'm sick of this shit hole!"</blue> The man shouts at Leyja as he heads towards the exit..
<manager>-"Don't tell me how to run my fucking store Geralt!"</manager> She screams at him.
<blue>-"Whatever!"</blue> He smashes the door while walking out... Leyja quickly goes up to you..
<manager>-"What. Was. That. $name???"</manager> She gives you a light slap on the face..
<b>-"H-he was touching me again!"</b> You whimper as you look down at the ground, not daring to look your mistress in the eyes..
<manager>-"It seems like you haven't learnt your lesson.. You're not getting paid today.."</manager> She scoffs at you and starts walking off..
<b>-"B-but Leyja!"</b>
<manager>-"No buts! You will start earning money again when you learn how to behave yourself!"</manager>
<b>-"Y-yes mistress.."</b> You whimper as you head towards the changing room, your shift is done..
<<earnSalary false>>
[[Change your attire->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace "Try to ignore the harassment.">>\
<b>-"Mgfff.. T-this is so humiliating.."</b> You think to yourself as the man continues to touch you..
<blue>-"Hey Leyja, when is she going to be for sale?"</blue> He shouts..
<manager>-"Soon, so don't cross the line Geralt, everything has a price!"</manager>
<b>-"W-what... F-for sale???"</b> You have no idea what they're talking about.. But it doesn't seem good...
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\146.webp" height="550px">
<b>-"Mgffghhhhh!!"</b> You moan as he plays around with the buttplug, Pulling it out and shoving it back inside...You look around the store to see if anyone noticed, but nobody seemed to bat an eye... Huh...
<blue>-"Calm down you loser.."</blue> He let's go of you..
<blue>-"God I wish I could rent you for an hour or two already..."</blue> He spanks your ass as your cock throbs in it's cage... You're excited..
<manager>-"Leave her alone! She's not ready yet!"</manager> Leyja shouts at the man..
<blue>-"Ugh fine! But hurry up, the only reason this shit hole hasn't closed down is because of the..."</blue> Before he could finish his sentance, Leyja shushes him..
<manager>-"Not a word more Geralt... NOW GET OUT!"</manager> She shouts as man chuckles and leaves the store..
<<pageReplace"Question her...">>\
After the man leaves, you quickly run up to Leyja... This whole situation was incredibly weird...
<b>-"H-hey.. Who was that?"</b> You ask her...
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\152.webp" height="600px">
<manager>-"Ugh don't worry baby, that's Geralt, one of my most loyal customers.. He might be a bit rough around the edges, but he's soft inside..."</manager> Leyja smiles and pets your head...
<b>-"W-what about the selling... What did he mean?"</b>
<manager>-"Enough with the silly questions $name... I will explain everything in time..."</manager>
<b>-"Y-yes Mistress..."</b> You trust her fully, no point in probing further..
<manager>-"You've been such a good girl today, I think you deserve a raise..."</manager> She hands you 240 dollars..
<manager>-"Follow my commands and you will get even more..."</manager> She winks at you as you pick up the money...
<b>-"T-thank you Miss Leyja! I will do my best!"</b> You stuff the money into your wallet and head towards the changing room, your shift is done..
<<set $feminization to $feminization +1>>\
<emily>Feminization +1!</emily>
[[Change your attire->Go outside]]
<b>-"Another day another shift.."</b> You think to yourself as you enter the store.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\154.webp" height="600px">
<manager>-"Heyy $name..."</manager> Leyja greets you.
<b>-"Hey beautful, no cosplay today?"</b>
<manager>-"Oh well the store should be pretty empty today, so I didn't bother.."</manager> Even without her sexual outfits, Leyja looks amazing.. As you walk towards the changing room she quickly pulls you to the side..
<manager>-"Hey $name... I..."</manager>
<manager>-"C-can I taste your cum?"</manager> She looks up at you..
<<pageReplace "What????" t8n>>\
<b>-"W-what? What do you mean... Why?"</b>
<manager>-"I don't know.. These past days I've just been craving it.. Plus I've never... Had it before. So please, just this once.. I can pay you extra!"</manager>
<b>-"Hmm... Extra you say..."</b>
<div id="choices">
<<pageReplace "Fine, pay me extra and do what you want..">>\
<b>-"F-fine, hand it over.."</b> You wink at her..
<manager>-"R-right!"</manager> She desperately pulls out 340 dollars and hands them to you..
<manager>-"Heh h-happy?"</manager>
<b>-"Mghh... Very!"</b> You stuff your wallet with the cash..
<manager>-"M-my turn! P-pull that monster out.. I already miss him.."</manager> She has such a lustful gaze.. Maybe she's ovulating?
<b>-"Your wish is my command princess"</b> You start to pull down your pants before she stops you..
<manager>-'Wait wait.. Let's go to the back first, so nobody sees us.."</manager> She starts walking and grabs your hand..
<<pageReplace "Follow her" t8n>>\
The moment you both arrive, she licks her lips and starts undoing your pants.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\156.webp" height="500px">
<b>-"Wow... You really wanted this huh, I've never seen you this excited!"</b> You smirk as she throws you onto the bed..
<manager>-"S-shut up... I don't know why I'm acting this way.. Y-you're one lucky guy!"</manager> She starts touching your throbbing dick...
<manager>-"God It's huge... Just as I remember it.."</manager> She starts stroking it..
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\157.webp" height="550px">
<b>-"Hmmmfff... If you l-like it so much.. Why don't you put it inside..?"</b> You smile..
<manager>-"Haha you wish! I'm not like your other girls, I won't fall for this thing so easily..."</manager> She starts sucking your tip..
<b>-"Nfgggg... I-It seems you already fell for it!"</b> You grab her head and start to slowly fuck her mouth...
<manager>-"Mfggg.. S-slow dwon!!!"</manager> She says as her mouth is being ravaged by your cock..
<b>-"Nfgggfff!! FFF-fuckkkKKK!!"</b> You shout as a giant load goes up your shaft...
<manager>-"Aghghhfff!! G-give it to me!"</manager> She shouts as she pulls away from your cock...
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\158.webp" height="600px">
<manager>-"F-fuck... S-so delicious..."</manager> She says as she licks your cum off of her finger tips..
<b>-"G-god you're good!"</b>
<manager>-"Heh, I know.. You're pretty okay yourself... Now clean everything up, we have work to do.."</manager>
<b>-"W-wait I'm ready for round two! I saw how wet you were.. I know you want me!"</b>
<manager>-"Hah! Don't be ridiculous $name, you'll earn this ride eventually, but you'll have to do a lot more than a have a big dick.."</manager> She scoffs at you and walks off..
<b>-"G-god I want to fuck that woman so bad... I'll get her one day.."</b> You whisper to yourself..
<<earnSalary 100>>
[[Clean up->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace "I don't want your money.. If you flashed me however..">>\
<b>-"I don't care abou an extra 100 dollars Leyja.. You're body however, I do care about.."</b> You wink at her..
<manager>-"Ugh.. F-fine!"</manager> She quickly looks around to see if anyone is watching..
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\155.webp" height="600px">
<manager>-"Heh h-happy?"</manager>
<b>-"Mghh... Very!"</b> You feel your cock throbbing in your pants.. Leyja has such a perfect body..
<manager>-"M-my turn! P-pull that monster out.. I already miss him.."</manager> She has such a lustful gaze.. Maybe she's ovulating?
<b>-"Your wish is my command princess"</b> You start to pull down your pants before she stops you..
<manager>-'Wait wait.. Let's go to the back first, so nobody sees us.."</manager> She starts walking and grabs your hand..
<<pageReplace "Follow her" t8n>>\
The moment you both arrive, she licks her lips and starts undoing your pants.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\156.webp" height="500px">
<b>-"Wow... You really wanted this huh, I've never seen you this excited!"</b> You smirk as she throws you onto the bed..
<manager>-"S-shut up... I don't know why I'm acting this way.. Y-you're one lucky guy!"</manager> She starts touching your throbbing dick...
<manager>-"God It's huge... Just as I remember it.."</manager> She starts stroking it..
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\157.webp" height="550px">
<b>-"Hmmmfff... If you l-like it so much.. Why don't you put it inside..?"</b> You smile..
<manager>-"Haha you wish! I'm not like your other girls, I won't fall for this thing so easily..."</manager> She starts sucking your tip..
<b>-"Nfgggg... I-It seems you already fell for it!"</b> You grab her head and start to slowly fuck her mouth...
<manager>-"Mfggg.. S-slow dwon!!!"</manager> She says as her mouth is being ravaged by your cock..
<b>-"Nfgggfff!! FFF-fuckkkKKK!!"</b> You shout as a giant load goes up your shaft...
<manager>-"Aghghhfff!! G-give it to me!"</manager> She shouts as she pulls away from your cock...
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\158.webp" height="600px">
<manager>-"F-fuck... S-so delicious..."</manager> She says as she licks your cum off of her finger tips..
<b>-"G-god you're good!"</b>
<manager>-"Heh, I know.. You're pretty okay yourself... Now clean everything up, we have work to do.."</manager>
<b>-"W-wait I'm ready for round two! I saw how wet you were.. I know you want me!"</b>
<manager>-"Hah! Don't be ridiculous $name, you'll earn this ride eventually, but you'll have to do a lot more than a have a big dick.."</manager> She scoffs at you and walks off..
<b>-"G-god I want to fuck that woman so bad... I'll get her one day.."</b> You whisper to yourself..
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
[[Clean up->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace "No Leyja, I won't do it.">>\
<b>-"No Leyja.. I have a girlfriend... This is too much.."</b> You push her away a bit..
<manager>-"Uhg... F-fine.."</manager> She seems disappointed, but respectful of your choice..
[[Work your shift in peace->Go outside]]
<</if>>\<<location "Images/Sex shop/intro/0_Sex-shoppers.webp" "Simply Pleasure sex shop">>\
<<set $worked to true>>\
<<set $workdays to $workdays +1>>\
As you enter the sex shop, you notice that Leyja is arguing with someone, the store is completely empty except for these two. You stay back a little, not to disturb their conversation..
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\172.webp" height="600px">
<adriana>-"He knows what you're doing, so stop it."</adriana> A woman says... She has her back turned to you, but you her voice seems awfully familiar?
<manager>-"Oh really? Or what?"</manager> She laughs..
<adriana>-"Or we'll do the same thing to him that we did to you.."</adriana> The woman crosses her arms..
<manager>-"You come into my store, you insult and threaten my workers and now you expect me to follow your commands?"</manager> Leyja stands up..
<adriana>-"So w-"</adriana> Before she could finish her sentence, Leyja points towards the door...
<manager>-"Get OUT of here! After everything that has happened, you're dead to me!"</manager> The woman scoffs at Leyja and turns around..
<<pageReplace"Look at her">>\
<div class="shake"><img src="Images\Sex shop\work\173.webp" height="600px"></div>
<adriana>-"Oh.. Speak of the devil..."</adriana> Is that.. The woman who escorted you to Hudson's office?
<adriana>-"If you know what's good for you or for your school, I would advise against working for this woman.."</adriana> She glances back at Leyja, then back to you.. After a couple of seconds, she walks out of the store.
<<pageReplace"Walk up to Leyja..">>\
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\171.webp" height="600px">
<b>-"W-what was that?"</b> You question her..
<manager>-"Ugh it's that dumb bitch again.. Don't worry $name, this doesn't concern you.."</manager> For some reason you feel like talking about the principal asking for your help is not on the agenda today..
<b>-"You don't seem to be on good terms.."</b>
<manager>-"Y-yeah.. I guess you could say that.. Stay away from her or from any of her accomplices if you can... They're all trouble.."</manager>
<b>-"Huh... Interesting.."</b> You whisper to yourself as you walk towards the changing room..
[[Work your shift..->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>>\<<location "Images/Sex shop/intro/0_Sex-shoppers.webp" "Simply Pleasure sex shop">>\
<<set $worked to true>>\
<<set $workdays to $workdays +1>>\
You enter Simply Pleasure and head straight towards the changing room.. After putting down your things, getting mentally ready for the challenges ahead of you, you open the door and get to work..
<manager>-"Oh $name!"</manager>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\183.webp" height="500px">
<b>-"Hello!"</b> You smile at her..
<manager>-"Just wanted to tell you that I'll be at the back of the store for a while.. I have some unfinished business.."</manager> You nod as she walks off..
<b>-"Unfinished business.. At the back of the store?"</b> You whisper to yourself..
<b>-"That's weird.."</b> You shake your head free of your instrusive thoughts, you have a hard day ahead of you! You need focus!
<<pageReplace "Start your shift">>\
You stack products on shelves, you package online orders, you serve customers as they come in.. After a couple of hours of hard work, you finally have a little bit of time to yourself..
<b>-"Ufff..."</b> You let out a soft moan as you finally sit down on a chair.. As you pull out your phone, you hear a strange noise...
<adriana>-"Hfff... mfFgghH..."</adriana> Is someone.. Moaning? You look up and look aorund, but the store is empty...
<adriana>-"P-please... M-mistress..."</adriana> The sound is coming from the back of the store...
<b>-"M-mistress..??"</b> You know that's not Leyja's voice.. Maybe someone is with her..?
<b>-"Well I'm not doing anything at the moment..."</b> You tell yourself as you stand up from the chair and head towards the back of the store..
<adriana>-"Nfgg..."</adriana> The moans grow louder as you get closer and closer, but as you open the door, they turn quiet.... You've never really been here before, so everything seems very unfamiliar. After looking around for a bit, you finally spot two doors right next to each other.. One is black and one is bright red...
<div id="choices">
<<pageReplace "Open the red door." t8n>>\
You slowly open the door to be greeted by... This...
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\181.webp" width="600px">
<b>-"I.. Is this a sex dungeon..?"</b> You ask yourself as you step inside and look around.. The room is full of sex toys... Torture devices... And ominous doors...
One of the doors also has a.. Hole in it?
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\182.webp" height="600px">
As you're looking around, you hear one of the doors behind you open and close quickly..
<<pageReplace"Turn around...">>\
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\184.webp" height="600px">
<<if $domstatus is true>>\
<manager>-"$name!"</manager> Leyja is surprised..
<manager>-"Y-you're not supposed to be here!"</manager>
<b>-"What the fuck is this Leyja.. You have a whole ass sex dungeon??"</b> You glare at her with lust..
<manager>-"I-It's not what it looks like! L-leave!!"</manager> She pushes you lightly
<b>-"Hahaha w-what is this place..?"</b> You ask her..
<manager>-"Ughh D-don't worry about it! H-honestly this isn't the time!"</manager> She pushes you again.. This time harder. It seems like she's genuinly annoyed and in a rush.. Maybe it's best not to probe her any further...
<b>-"F-fine! Just promise to give me a better look some time!"</b> You smile..
<manager>-"F-fine! I promise... N-not now.. Please!"</manager> You get the hint and start heading towards the door..
<b>-"Alright alright.. We all have our secrets!"</b> You giggle as you step out of the dungeon.. The door shuts behind you and you hear a lock turn..
<b>-"P-pheew.. What was that...!"</b> You think to yourself..
<b>-"School representatives coming in.. Now a mysterious dungeon at the back of the store.. What's going on...?"</b> You giggle to yourself as you stack the shelves...
[[Finish your shift->Go outside]]
<manager>-"Well well well.."</manager> Leyja licks her lips..
<manager>-"What do we have here.. You shouldn't be here, pet..."</manager>
<b>-"I.. I'm sorry Ley-... M-mistress Leyja!"</b> You gulp as your manager gets closer and closer...
<manager>-"It's a bit early for you to explore this place fully.. But.. Make sure to look around.. You're going to be spending a lot of your time here soon.."</manager> She grins...
<b>-"W-what is this place..?"</b> You whimper..
<manager>-"Awhh.. Curious aren't we? This is my playground $name.. And one day you'll be a part of it.."</manager> She spanks your ass and lightly pushes you..
<manager>-"And yet.. Today is not that day.."</manager> She pushes you again.. This time towards the door..
<b>-"M-mistress..!"</b> You whisper...
<manager>-"Get out, before you end up like the girl you just heard!"</manager> You get the hint and start heading towards the door..
<b>-"Y-yes! P-please forgive me for the intrusion!"</b> You quickly exit the dungeon and close the door..
<b>-"P-pheew.. W-what was that..."</b>
<b>-"School representatives coming in.. Now a mysterious dungeon at the back of the store.. What's going on...?"</b> You whisper to yourself as you stack the shelves...
[[Finish your shift->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace "Open the black door.">>\
<b>-"Hmmm.."</b> You walk up to the black door and open it.... It's empty..
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\185.webp" width="600px">
<b>-"Damn..."</b> As you look around the empty storage room you hear the red door creep open behind you.. Then it shuts...
<<pageReplace"Check it out">>\
As you exit the storage room, you see Leyja!
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\184.webp" height="600px">
She's dressed differently..
<<if $domstatus is true>>\
<manager>-"O-oh! $name! You scared me!"</manager> She smiles..
<b>-"Wow! You look... Great!"</b> You look her up and down..
<manager>-"T-thanks.. Why are you not working?"</manager>
<b>-"I heard some moans coming from here.. I was afraid someone got hurt.."</b>
<manager>-"N-nobody is hurt $name, as I said.. I have unfinished business.. Y-you should go back to work.."</manager> You notice that she's blocking the red door with her body...
<b>-"What are you hiding Leyja? What's behind that door..?"</b>
<manager>-"N-none of your business!"</manager> She seems oddly defensive.. It's better not to push her too much today..
<b>-"Fine fine! Just promise you'll show me someday?"</b>
<manager>-"S-some day.. Sure!"</manager> She let's out a nervous smile.. You look her up and down again, appreciating her body.. After a couple of seconds you exit and continue to work your shift..
<b>-"School representatives coming in.. Now a mysterious red door at the back of the store.. What's going on...?"</b> You whisper to yourself as you stack the shelves...
[[Finish your shift->Go outside]]
<manager>-"Oh? $name? Why are you here?"</manager> She glares at you..
<b>-"I-I.. I heard some moans coming from here.. I w-was afraid someone got hurt.."</b>
<manager>-"N-nobody is hurt $name, as I said.. I have unfinished business.. You should go back to work.."</manager> You notice that she's blocking the red door with her body... She notices that you're looking at the door..
<manager>-"Don't look at the door $name, look at me.."</manager> She smiles as your eyes meet..
<manager>-"Good girl.. Don't worry about things that you don't understand, you'll see everything with your own eyes soon enough.."</manager> She licks her lips and points at the door behind you..
<manager>-"Out you go, pet."</manager>
<b>-"Y-yes mistress.."</b> You whisper as you nod and exit.. You continue to work your shift..
<b>-"School representatives coming in.. Now a mysterious red door at the back of the store.. What's going on...?"</b> You whisper to yourself as you stack the shelves...
[[Finish your shift->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace "Don't open any of the doors and just leave.">>\
<b>-"Eh I better not risk it... I don't want to walk into something that I shouldn't.."</b> You think to yourself as you turn around and get back to work...
[[FInish your shift in peace->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>><<location "Images/Sex shop/intro/0_Sex-shoppers.webp" "Simply Pleasure sex shop">>\
<<set $worked to true>>\
<<set $workdays to $workdays +1>>\
<<if $domstatus is false>>\
After a couple of hours of stacking items on shelves, you decide to take a quick break.. You sit down on the couch, not far from the entrance.
<b>-"Another day another slay... As they say.."</b> You text Emily after she asks you how your shift is going..
<manager>-"$name! Baby come here!"</manager> Leyja shouts from the counter.. You quickly put down your phone and run to her.
<b>-"Yes Mistress?"</b> You say as her eyes meet yours..
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\22.webp" height="600px">
<manager>-"I want you to say hi to... Your new uniform!"</manager> She smiles as she starts looking for something behind the counter..
<b>-"A.. A new uniform?"</b>
<manager>-"Yes! You're plugged and caged, which is good! But you still look a little too manly.."</manager> She whispers as she finally pulls out something..
<<pageReplace"Take a look">>
<img src="Images\Clothes\6.webp" height="400px">
<b>-"Oh w-wow.. Is that a cheerleading uniform?"</b>
<manager>-"Sure is! Some of our customers are pretty touchy.. You probably have noticed. I decided to make their job a bit easier, so now you're going to be wearing a skirt! Isn't that great?"</manager> She grins..
<div id="choices">
<<pageReplace "Yes...">>\
<b>-"Yesss.. It.. It looks amazing!"</b> You whimper as she hands you the uniform..
<manager>-"I'm glad you like it! Let's go to the changing room, I want to see you try it on!"</manager> She extends her arm and you grab it. She leads you there and you take off your clothes..
<b>-"H-here I go.."</b> You whisper as you put on the skirt and top..
<b>-"Oh.. Oh my.. It's a little short..!"</b> Leyja smiles as the words leave your lips..
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\21.webp" height="600px">
<manager>-"That's the point dummy.. You look amazing!"</manager>
<b>-"Hehe.. T-thank you.."</b> You can't explain it, but you feel a warm, fuzzy feeling in your chest when your mistress compliments you..
<manager>-"I'm a good goddess, so for your good behavior and acceptance today I'm increasing your pay again."</manager> She spanks your butt.
<b>-"Oww! T-thank you Miss Leyja.."</b>
<manager>-"We're closing, you can go home now, make sure to take the uniform with you though!"</manager> She leaves the changing room..
<b>-"T-this.. This doesn't look so bad on me.."</b> You think to yoursef..
<<set $outfit6 to true>>
[[Go home with your new uniform->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace "I guess...">>\
You don't have the balls to tell her that you're not into it.. She's your mistress after all..
<b>-"I.. I guess.."</b> You whimper as she hands you the uniform..
<manager>-"I'm glad you like it! Let's go to the changing room, I want to see you try it on!"</manager> She extends her arm and you grab it. She leads you there and you take off your clothes..
<b>-"H-here I go.."</b> You whisper as you put on the skirt and top..
<b>-"Oh.. Oh my.. It's a little short..!"</b> Leyja smiles as the words leave your lips..
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\21.webp" height="600px">
<manager>-"That's the point dummy.. You look amazing!"</manager>
<b>-"Hehe.. T-thank you.."</b> You can't explain it, but you feel a warm, fuzzy feeling in your chest when your mistress compliments you..
<manager>-"I'm a good goddess, so for your good behavior and acceptance today I'm increasing your pay again."</manager> She spanks your butt.
<b>-"Oww! T-thank you Miss Leyja.."</b>
<manager>-"We're closing, you can go home now, make sure to take the uniform with you though!"</manager> She leaves the changing room..
<b>-"T-this.. This doesn't look so bad on me.."</b> You think to yoursef..
<<set $outfit6 to true>>
[[Go home with your new uniform->Go outside]]
It's around 22:00, it's dark outside and almost nobody is out. But you... you just got to work. Kind of sad, if you think about it. As you enter the sex shop you are greeted by a familiar face.
<manager>-"Heyyy $name"</manager> She says while smiling.
<b>-"Hello Mistress"</b> You whisper while looking at the ground. She's as beautiful as ever...
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\xenon_0012.webp" height="600px" width="480px">
<manager>-"Today's task is simple, just walk around the store, put things where they belong and ask the customers if they need any help, understood?"</manager>
<b>-"Yes Miss Leyja, I understand"</b>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\xenon_0021.webp" height="600px" width="470px">
<b>-"God she's so hot"</b> You think to yourself, while starting your shift.
<img src="Images/Locations/sexshop.backdrop.jpeg" height="500px" width="500px">
You walk around looking for work to do. You put new toys on the shelves as they arrive, you help customers pick out the toys that are best for them, you answer phone calls and do other small jobs.
After 6 six hours of work, you're exhausted, but you shift is finally over.
<manager>-"Great job today $name, keep it up!"</manager> She smiles softly while you're exiting the store.
[[Return->Go outside]]
<</if>>\<<location "Images/Sex shop/intro/0_Sex-shoppers.webp" "Simply Pleasure sex shop">>\
<<set $talkedtoleyjalalreadythisisforemily to true>>\
<<set $worked to true>>\
<<if $domstatus is false>>\
As you cross the street to go inside of the shop, you see the same woman leave the store that you saw a couple of days back..
<b>-"The principals assistant again? Huh.."</b> You enter the shop and go to the counter..
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\201.webp" height="600px">
<manager>-"Hey $name, make sure to get ready quickly, we have a lot of work ahead of us..."</manager> Miss Leyja smiles..
<manager>-"And don't go around sneaking at the back of the store again.. There will be.. Consequences.."</manager> She giggles as you nod... You're about to go put down your stuff, but you remember what you saw just a a couple of minutes ago..
<<pageReplace "Question her about the woman" t8n>>\
<b>-"H-hey.. Mistress.. C-can you tell me more about the woman you keep speaking with? I think I know her..."</b>
<manager>-"Hmmm.. You do?"</manager> She gives you a suspicious look..
<manager>-"You must know Hudson then?"</manager> Mister Hudson is the schools principal..
<b>-"Y-yeah.. He wants me to help him plan some sort of event..."</b> You see Leyjas expression change into worry..
<manager>-"*Sigh*... God damnit.. I thought he wasn't going to try to host this year.."</manager>
<b>-"W-what do you mean..?"</b>
<manager>-"Fuck it, I guess you deserve to know.."</manager> Leyja sits down and crosses her legs..
<manager>-"I was once in your position, I was a student at the SUP and was asked by Hudson to help him plan this "event".. He promised an amazing festival on a private island, where all of our dreams could come true!"</manager> She sighs again..
<<pageReplace"Keep listening">>\
<b>-"S-so? What happened?"</b>
<manager>-"I did it, I recruited over a thousand students and we won the contest..."</manager> She looks sad.. Leyja takes off her jacket and looks at you..
<b>-"Contest? W-what do you mean?"</b>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\206.webp" height="600px">
<manager>-"A bunch of different schools are competing for a night on the island, but it's not all sunshine and rainbows.. The men who pay for everything.. They want something in return.."</manager>
<b>-"The men? I thought the SUP was paying for it?"</b>
<manager>-"Of course not! Ugh it's a long story, but there's a bunch of stuff happening behind the scenes.. I don't want to get into it now.."</manager>
<b>-"R-right.. So what do these random guys want in return?"</b>
<manager>-"They're not "random guys" you dumbass... The people organizing this things have incredible power... The school which recruits the most students wins.. They then deliver the student to the island and get tons of money for it.."</manager> She stands up..
<b>-"Deliver the students for what..?"</b>
<manager>-"The festival.. I'll explain everthing in time.."</manager> She stands up..
<b>-"Also.. Why's the assistant coming to the shop so often?"</b>
<manager>-"Let's just say that.. I'm planning to make Hudson pay for the things that happened to me that night.. And they're on to me... I thought my plan was finished... But with your help it could still work.."</manager> She starts unbuttoning her shirt...
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\202.webp" height="600px">
<b>-"W-what are you doing?"</b> You whimper..
<manager>-"You WILL help me.. Correct?"</manager> She starts lightly touching your chastity cage.. Your cock throbs from the contact..
<div id="choices">
<<pageReplace "Y-yes.. I will help you..">>\
<<set $workdays to $workdays +1>>\
<b>-"Y-yes.. Anything for you mistress!"</b> You answer her...
<manager>-"Good girl! I see that I've trained you well.. Go and work your shift.. Also make sure to act like you're still helping Hudson.. You can try to recruit students as well, I don't mind.. When the time comes however, I will count on you $name.."</manager> You nod as you get ready to start your shift..
<b>-"S-so.. I guess I'm helping Leyja overthrow Hudson.. Or something.. I don't know, whatever, it doesn't matter, as long as I'm my mistress pet, I will obey her every command.."</b> You think to yourself as you start working,
[[Work your shift->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace "N-no! I will trust Hudson...">>\
<<set $nocontrolpath to true>>\
<b>-"I.. I'm sorry.. I trust Hudson miss Leyja! I can't betray him like that.."</b> You whisper..
<manager>-"Hmf... And I thought so highly of you.. Fine... I'll just find someone who will"</manager> She looks disappointed..
[[Work your shift...->Go outside]]
As you cross the street to go inside of the shop, you see the same woman leave the store that you saw a couple of days back..
<b>-"The principals assistant again? Huh.."</b> You enter the shop and go to the counter..
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\201.webp" height="600px">
<manager>-"Hey $name, make sure to get ready quickly, we have a lot of work ahead of us..."</manager> Miss Leyja smiles..
<manager>-"And don't go around sneaking at the back of the store again.. Please.."</manager> She giggles as you nod... You're about to go put down your stuff, but you remember what you saw just a a couple of minutes ago..
<<pageReplace"Question her about the woman" t8n>>\
<b>-"Hey Leyja.. Can you tell me more about the woman you keep speaking with? I think I know her..."</b>
<manager>-"Hmmm.. You do?"</manager> She gives you a suspicious look..
<manager>-"You must know Hudson then?"</manager> Mister Hudson is the schools principal..
<b>-"Y-yeah.. He wants me to help him plan some sort of event..."</b> You see Leyjas expression change into worry..
<manager>-"*Sigh*... God damnit.. I thought he wasn't going to try to host this year.."</manager>
<b>-"What do you mean..?"</b>
<manager>-"Fuck it, I guess you deserve to know.."</manager> Leyja sits down and crosses her legs..
<manager>-"I was once in your position, I was a student at the SUP and was asked by Hudson to help him plan this "event".. He promised an amazing festival on a private island, where all of our dreams could come true!"</manager> She sighs again..
<<pageReplace"Keep listening">>\
<b>-"S-so? What happened?"</b>
<manager>-"I did it, I recruited over a thousand students and we won the contest..."</manager> She looks sad.. Leyja takes off her jacket and looks at you..
<b>-"Contest? What do you mean?"</b>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\206.webp" height="600px">
<manager>-"A bunch of different schools are competing for a night on the island, but it's not all sunshine and rainbows.. The men who pay for everything.. They want something in return.."</manager>
<b>-"The men? I thought the SUP was paying for it?"</b>
<manager>-"Of course not! Ugh it's a long story, but there's a bunch of stuff happening behind the scenes.. I don't want to get into it right now.."</manager>
<b>-"R-right.. So what do these random guys want in return?"</b>
<manager>-"They're not "random guys" you dummy... The people organizing this things have incredible power... The school who recruits the most students wins.. They then deliver the student to the island and get tons of money for it.."</manager> She stands up..
<b>-"Deliver the students for what..?"</b>
<manager>-"The festival.. I'll explain everthing in time.."</manager> She stands up..
<b>-"So why's the assistant coming to the shop so often?"</b>
<manager>-"Let's just say that.. I'm planning to make Hudson pay for the things that happened to me that night.. And they're on to me... So my plan is kind of finished... But with your help it could still work.."</manager>
<manager>-"M-maybe I shouldn't have told you this.."</manager>
<b>-"N-no.. I'm glad you did..."</b> You start thinking about what Leyja just told you.. Could Hudson really be as bad, as she makes him out to be..?
<manager>-"S-so.. What now? Are you going to continue to help him..?"</manager>
<div id="choices">
<<pageReplace "I guess...">>\
<<set $nocontrolpath to true>>\
<b>-"I guess... I don't know if I believe you Leyja.."</b> Leyja seems sad...
<manager>-"I... I understand.. J-just please be careful.. He's not a great man to be around.."</manager> She whispers..
[[Work your shift->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace "Obviously not!">>\
<<set $workdays to $workdays +1>>\
<b>-"Obviously not! We're going to work together and figure this whole thing out."</b> This whole situation has made you confused.. With such a flood of emotions you get frustratingly horny...
<manager>-"Haha I love your enthusiasm.. But it won't be that easy and... I don't know if I can help you.."</manager> You suddenly grab Leyja from behind!
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\205.webp">
<b>-"You WILL help me.. Or you're never going feel my touch again.."</b> You tell her as you fondle her breasts...
<manager>-"Nghhh.. $name... P-pleasee..."</manager>
<b>-"Do we have a deal?"</b>
<manager>-"Y-yes... NFggggGGf... I-I'll help you..."</manager> You let her go..
<b>-"Good... You seem to know a lot more then I do.. Find some useful information for me... I need to know what I'm dealing with.."</b> Leyja pulls up her bra and blushes..
<manager>-"Y-yes $name.. Consider it done.."</manager>
<b>-"So Hudson is a piece of shit who abuses his students and I'm going to try to take his place... Lovely... This will be fun.."</b> You think to yourself as you start working..
[[Work your shift->Go outside]]
<</if>>\<<location "Images/Sex shop/intro/0_Sex-shoppers.webp" "Simply Pleasure sex shop">>\
<<set $worked to true>>\
<<set $workdays to $workdays +1>>\
<<if $domstatus is true>>\
<manager>-"$name! Come inside, quick!"</manager> She says as you open the door to the shop. It's raining, she's looking out for you!
<b>-"Brrrrr... S-so cold!"</b> You take off your drenched jacket and put on your uniform.
<manager>-"Come, sit down, we need to talk."</manager> She smiles as she plops on the couch not far from the register. The store is empty, so you might as well.
<b>-"Sure beautiful.."</b> You walk up to her and sit down.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 23\xenon1.jpg">
<b>-"L-Leyja..??? Didn't know that you smoked!"</b> You wave the smoke away from your face.
<manager>-"Eh.. Only when I'm stressed."</manager> She leans closer to you.
<manager>-"Right, let's go straight to biz. I'm going to close the shop in a couple of days, but I still need you to come in."</manager>
<b>-"To do w-what exactly?"</b> You give her a confused look.
<manager>-"I've bought two brand new, cosplay lingerie sets.. We'll need to take some pictures for our online shop!"</manager> She smiles.
<<pageReplace"Cosplay lingerie sets?">>
<b>-"Cosplay lingerie sets..? Huh?"</b>
<manager>-"Yeah, like the one I'm wearing now. Well this isn't lingerie, but it's still cosplay"</manager> She blushes as you look her up and down.
<manager>-"A-a lot of people are into costumes like these.. They sell like hot cakes!"</manager>
<b>-"R-right.. So what do you want me to do?"</b>
<manager>-"Well, It takes a lot of work to put it on, make it look right, put on make up.. So you need to help me pick one and then take the pictures during your next shift!"</manager>
<manager>-"We won't have time to do both, as I said, it takes a while to make it look right."</manager> She leans closer.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 23\xenon.png">
<manager>-"Will you help me?"</manager>
<<pageReplace"Agree to help her take pictures.">>
<<set $agreedtoleyjaphotoshoot to true>>\
<b>-"Taking hot pictures of the infamous Mistress Leyja.. I couldn't say no.."</b> She blushes again.
<manager>-"Hehe good.. You might get rewarded too.. If you do a good enough job that is.."</manager> Leyja winks.
<manager>-"Now! Help me pick the cosplay I'll be wearing!"</manager>
<b>-"R-right! You said you had two in mind, right?"</b> She nods.
<manager>-"The first one is a sexy cowgirl outfit and the second one is Kamisato Ayaka!"</manager>
<b>-"Kamisato Ayaka? Who's that?"</b> You raise one eyebrow.
<manager>-"You don't know? It's a character from Genshin Inpact! Lemme show you.."</manager> She pulls out her phone and googles her name. After finding a picture she likes, she shows it to you.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 23\xenon4.jpg">
<manager>-"Well, who do you think I would look better as... a cowgirl or Ayaka?"</manager>
<<set $leyjacowgirloutfit to true>>
<b>-"Hmmm.. I would love to see you as cowgirl to be honest.."</b> You lick your lips just imagining it.
<manager>-"Cowgirl it is!"</manager> Leyja stands up.
<manager>-"I'll get everything ready, just show up during your next shift and I'll walk you through it!"</manager>
<b>-"Awesome!"</b> You stand up as well.
<manager>-"Now let's get to work, we have a long shift in front of us."</manager> You nod as you begin working.
[[Finish your shift->Go outside]]
<<set $leyjaayakaoutfit to true>>
<b>-"Hmmm.. That Ayaka girl seemed cute."</b> You lick your lips just imagining it.
<manager>-"Ayaka it is!"</manager> Leyja stands up.
<manager>-"I'll get everything ready, just show up during your next shift and I'll walk you through it!"</manager>
<b>-"Awesome!"</b> You stand up as well.
<manager>-"Now let's get to work, we have a long shift in front of us."</manager> You nod as you begin working.
[[Finish your shift->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Don't agree.">>
<<set $agreedtoleyjaphotoshoot to false>>\
<b>-"Eh, I'd rather not to be honest."</b>
<manager>-"Why not..?"</manager> She looks sad...
<b>-"Dunno.. Just don't feel like it. You'll need to take some pictures yourself."</b> You stand up.
<manager>-"Ugh.. F-fine.."</manager> She stands up with you.
<manager>-"Can't really force you anyways.. Let's get to work."</manager> You nod and start you shift.
[[Finish your shift->Go outside]]
<manager>-"$name! Come inside, quick!"</manager> She says as you open the door to the shop. It's raining, she's looking out for you!
<b>-"Brrrrr... S-so cold!"</b> You take off your drenched jacket and put on your uniform.
<manager>-"Come, sit down, we need to talk."</manager> She smiles as she plops on the couch not far from the register. The store is empty, so you might as well.
<b>-"Sure.."</b> You walk up to her and sit down.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 23\xenon1.jpg">
<b>-"L-Leyja.. Didn't know that you smoked!"</b> You wave the smoke away from your face.
<manager>-"Eh.. Only when I'm stressed."</manager> She leans closer to you.
<manager>-"Right, let's go straight to biz. I'm going to close the shop in a couple of days, but I still need you to come in."</manager>
<b>-"To do w-what exactly?"</b> You give her a confused look.
<manager>-"I've been buying a shit ton of new toys and lingerie for the shop, I think you've noticed. We'll need to take some pictures for our online shop!"</manager> She smiles.
<<pageReplace"Question her.">>\
<b>-"A photoshoot..? Who's going to be taking the pictures?"</b> You ask.
<manager>-"I will. If I decide to model as well, you'll take a couple. Can't really afford a professional photographer right now.."</manager>
<manager>-"Anyways, you'll just have to agree to try out some new toys for the photos."</manager> She leans closer.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 23\xenon.png">
<b>-"W-what kind of toys?"</b>
<manager>-"You already know what kind $name. Have you been using the buttplug I gave you?"</manager>
<manager>-"I know you have it inside right now, but do you also use it at home?"</manager>
<b>-"Y-yes of course mistress Leyja!"</b> You clench your butt.
<manager>-"Good! Your ass is ready then, follow me."</manager> She stands up and you follow. You both walk to the counter, where she points at a pile of toys.
<manager>-"Take a look! We'll have to take pictures of all of them. We'll also need to make explanation videos as well, to show our customers how to use them."</manager> She winks.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 23\xenon3.jpg">
<b>-"You want me to.. U-use them in front of the camera?"</b> You shiver just thinking about it.
<manager>-"Well your face won't be in the pictures or videos of course, but yes, I want you to use them during your next shift."</manager> You look over the toys again.
<b>-"This is.."</b> You pick up a chastity cage, lying nearby.
<manager>-"A smaller cage yes. You'll have to switch to this one for the shoot."</manager>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 23\xenon5.png">
<b>-"I.. I don't know if they'll fit."</b> You look at her.
<manager>-"With enough lube and courage, everything will fit $name."</manager> Leyja giggles.
<<pageReplace"Why don't you do it?">>\
<b>-"Miss L-leyja.. Why do you want me to do it? Wouldn't you be better at it?"</b>
<manager>-"Well this is a fetish shop, a lot of our customers are sissies like you, or own a sissy as a pet."</manager> She starts walking towards the sofa again, you follow.
<b>-"R-right.."</b> You both sit down.
<manager>-"Of course, if you agree, there's going to be a reward."</manager> She slips down her top.
<b>-"Gulp.."</b> Your little cock throbs in it's cage.
<manager>-"Last time I let you see my tits, this time, I'll let you touch them."</manager>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 23\xenon2.jpg">
<manager>-"I'll throw in some extra money too, of course."</manager> She bites her lip.
<<pageReplace"Agree to the photoshoot.">>
<<set $agreedtoleyjaphotoshoot to true>>\
<b>-"G-good enough for me!"</b> You smile.
<manager>-"Good girl!"</manager> She smiles.
<<if $shavedlegs !==true>>\
<<set $leyjatoldyoutoshaveyourlegs to true>>\
<<todo "Shave your legs">>\
<manager>-"Oh and please.. Shave those hairy legs of yours. The pictures will look horrible!"</manager> She hands you some money.
<manager>-"This should cover it."</manager>
<b>-"T-thank you!"</b> You smile as you both stand up.
<manager>-"No need. Now off you go, finish your shift!"</manager> You nod as you shove the money in your pocket. Time to work!
<<earnSalary 140>>
[[Finish your shift->Go outside]]
<manager>-"Now off you go, finish your shift!"</manager> She says as you both stand up. You nod.
<b>-"Time to work!"</b>You tell yourself as you begin.
[[Finish your shift->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Don't agree to the photoshoot.">>
<<set $agreedtoleyjaphotoshoot to false>>\
<b>-"I.. I would rather not Miss Leyja."</b> You whimper. To be exposed like that.. Way too much!
<manager>-"Aghh.. FINE!"</manager> She stands up.
<manager>-"I'll do it myself then. Don't expect anything extra though. Now get up, you have work to do."</manager> You nod as you stand up. You can tell she's disappointed, but at least she doesn't force you to do anything.
<b>-"Y-yes.."</b> You whisper as you start your shift.
[[Finish your shift->Go outside]]
<b>-"S-sometimes.. I guess"</b> You clench your butt.
<manager>-"Good enough! Hopefully your ass will be ready, follow me."</manager> She stands up and you follow. You both walk to the counter, where she points at a pile of toys.
<manager>-"Take a look! We'll have to take pictures of all of them. We'll also need to make explanation videos as well, to show our customers how to use them."</manager> She winks.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 23\xenon3.jpg">
<b>-"You want me to.. U-use them in front of the camera?"</b> You shiver just thinking about it.
<manager>-"Well your face won't be in the pictures or videos of course, but yes, I want you to use them during your next shift."</manager> You look over the toys again.
<b>-"This is.."</b> You pick up a chastity cage, lying nearby.
<manager>-"A smaller cage yes. You'll have to switch to this one for the shoot."</manager>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 23\xenon5.png">
<b>-"I.. I don't know if they'll fit."</b> You look at her.
<manager>-"With enough lube and courage, everything will fit $name."</manager> Leyja giggles.
<<pageReplace"Why don't you do it?">>\
<b>-"Miss L-leyja.. Why do you want me to do it? Wouldn't you be better at it?"</b>
<manager>-"Well this is a fetish shop, a lot of our customers are sissies like you, or own a sissy as a pet."</manager> She starts walking towards the sofa again, you follow.
<b>-"R-right.."</b> You both sit down.
<manager>-"Of course, if you agree, there's going to be a reward."</manager> She slips down her top.
<b>-"Gulp.."</b> Your little cock throbs in it's cage.
<manager>-"Last time I let you see my tits, this time, I'll let you touch them."</manager>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 23\xenon2.jpg">
<manager>-"I'll throw in some extra money too, of course."</manager> She bites her lip.
<<pageReplace"Agree to the photoshoot.">>
<<set $agreedtoleyjaphotoshoot to true>>\
<b>-"G-good enough for me!"</b> You smile.
<manager>-"Good girl!"</manager> She smiles.
<<if $shavedlegs !==true>>\
<<set $leyjatoldyoutoshaveyourlegs to true>>\
<<todo "Shave your legs">>\
<manager>-"Oh and please.. Shave those hairy legs of yours. The pictures will look horrible!"</manager> She hands you some money.
<manager>-"This should cover it."</manager>
<b>-"T-thank you!"</b> You smile as you both stand up.
<manager>-"No need. Now off you go, finish your shift!"</manager> You nod as you shove the money in your pocket. Time to work!
<<earnSalary 140>>
[[Finish your shift->Go outside]]
<manager>-"Now off you go, finish your shift!"</manager> She says as you both stand up. You nod.
<b>-"Time to work!"</b>You tell yourself as you begin.
[[Finish your shift->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Don't agree to the photoshoot.">>
<<set $agreedtoleyjaphotoshoot to false>>\
<b>-"I.. I would rather not Miss Leyja."</b> You whimper. To be exposed like that.. Way too much!
<manager>-"Aghh.. FINE!"</manager> She stands up.
<manager>-"I'll do it myself then. Don't expect anything extra though. Now get up, you have work to do."</manager> You nod as you stand up. You can tell she's disappointed, but at least she doesn't force you to do anything.
<b>-"Y-yes.."</b> You whisper as you start your shift.
[[Finish your shift->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Not really.">>
<b>-"N-not really.."</b> You clench your butt, expecting her to be angry.
<manager>-"Shame. You should play with it a little before you come in next time."</manager> She stands up and you follow. You both walk to the counter, where she points at a pile of toys.
<manager>-"Take a look! We'll have to take pictures of all of them. We'll also need to make explanation videos as well, to show our customers how to use them."</manager> She winks.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 23\xenon3.jpg">
<b>-"You want me to.. U-use them in front of the camera?"</b> You shiver just thinking about it.
<manager>-"Well your face won't be in the pictures or videos of course, but yes, I want you to use them during your next shift."</manager> You look over the toys again.
<b>-"This is.."</b> You pick up a chastity cage, lying nearby.
<manager>-"A smaller cage yes. You'll have to switch to this one for the shoot."</manager>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 23\xenon5.png">
<b>-"I.. I don't know if they'll fit."</b> You look at her.
<manager>-"With enough lube and courage, everything will fit $name."</manager> Leyja giggles.
<<pageReplace"Why don't you do it?">>\
<b>-"Miss L-leyja.. Why do you want me to do it? Wouldn't you be better at it?"</b>
<manager>-"Well this is a fetish shop, a lot of our customers are sissies like you, or own a sissy as a pet."</manager> She starts walking towards the sofa again, you follow.
<b>-"R-right.."</b> You both sit down.
<manager>-"Of course, if you agree, there's going to be a reward."</manager> She slips down her top.
<b>-"Gulp.."</b> Your little cock throbs in it's cage.
<manager>-"Last time I let you see my tits, this time, I'll let you touch them."</manager>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 23\xenon2.jpg">
<manager>-"I'll throw in some extra money too, of course."</manager> She bites her lip.
<<pageReplace"Agree to the photoshoot.">>
<<set $agreedtoleyjaphotoshoot to true>>\
<b>-"G-good enough for me!"</b> You smile.
<manager>-"Good girl!"</manager> She smiles.
<<if $shavedlegs !==true>>\
<<set $leyjatoldyoutoshaveyourlegs to true>>\
<<todo "Shave your legs">>\
<manager>-"Oh and please.. Shave those hairy legs of yours. The pictures will look horrible!"</manager> She hands you some money.
<manager>-"This should cover it."</manager>
<b>-"T-thank you!"</b> You smile as you both stand up.
<manager>-"No need. Now off you go, finish your shift!"</manager> You nod as you shove the money in your pocket. Time to work!
<<earnSalary 140>>
[[Finish your shift->Go outside]]
<manager>-"Now off you go, finish your shift!"</manager> She says as you both stand up. You nod.
<b>-"Time to work!"</b>You tell yourself as you begin.
[[Finish your shift->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Don't agree to the photoshoot.">>
<<set $agreedtoleyjaphotoshoot to false>>\
<b>-"I.. I would rather not Miss Leyja."</b> You whimper. To be exposed like that.. Way too much!
<manager>-"Aghh.. FINE!"</manager> She stands up.
<manager>-"I'll do it myself then. Don't expect anything extra though. Now get up, you have work to do."</manager> You nod as you stand up. You can tell she's disappointed, but at least she doesn't force you to do anything.
<b>-"Y-yes.."</b> You whisper as you start your shift.
[[Finish your shift->Go outside]]
<</if>>\<<location "Images/Sex shop/intro/0_Sex-shoppers.webp" "Simply Pleasure sex shop">>\
<<set $worked to true>>\
<<set $workdays to $workdays +1>>\
<<if $domstatus is true>>\
<<if $leyjaayakaoutfit == true>>\
It's photoshoot day! You unlock and burst through the door, excited to take some pictures of Leyja!
<b>-"Alright.."</b> You look around and see nobody, the store is definitely closed, you had to unlock the door after all.
<b>-"Leyjaaa!?"</b> You shout as you look for her.
<manager>-"I'm here $name!"</manager> You hear a muffled voice coming from the back of the store. After putting down your back near the entrance, you go to the back room.
As you open the door, you see Leyja, already with the costume on, sitting nearby the set.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 24\dom5.jpg">
<manager>-"Well.. Say something.."</manager> She smiles as you continue to look at her.
<<pageReplace"You look great!">>
<b>-"You look.. Great!"</b> You smile as you walk up to her.
<manager>-"Hehehe.. I know.."</manager> Leyja giggles.
<manager>-"Well, let's get to work. Grab the camera, it's on the counter!"</manager> You nod. After a bit of searching, you find it and take it with you.
<b>-"Walk me through it please. I just take pictures and you make poses or something?"</b>
<manager>-"I mean yeah.. W-we really have to sell this costume as a sexy one though... We run a sex shop after all."</manager>
<b>-"Right.. Well, go ahead."</b> You point the camera at her and start taking pictures.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 24\dom4.jpg">
<manager>-"A-a little to the left.."</manager>
<manager>-"Lemme.."</manager> She shift her body.
<b>-"Oh this is nice!"</b> You continue to take pictures.
<manager>-"Let's take a one a bit more daring..."</manager> She slips her top down a bit.
<b>-"Your wish is my command!"</b> You take the picture.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 24\dom8.jpg">
<b>-"Okay.. Good..."</b>
<manager>-"What if I.."</manager> She continues to change positions.
<manager>-"R-right.. That should be enough.."</manager> She sighs. You open up the gallery on the camera, you've taken more than 20 pictures already.
<b>-"You sure..? I don't know if the pictures do it justice... You look way better in real life.."</b>
<manager>-"W-what are you implying?"</manager>
<<pageReplace"Offer to take more revealing picturs.">>
<b>-"Let's take some more daring pictures.. We need to show off how hot this cosplay really is!"</b> Leyja blushes a bit as the words leave your mouth.
<b>-"Yeah.. Take that top off for a start."</b> You lick your lips in anticipation.
<manager>-"Ugh f-fine.. Just remain professional please.."</manager> She slowly takes off the upper half of her costume. You start to take pictures again.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 24\dom6.jpg">
<b>-"Fuckk.. Now this is much better.."</b>
<manager>-"Hehe.. T-take one from this angle too.."</manager> You continue to snap pictures.
<b>-"Gosh.. C-come on, one last one from the front."</b>
<manager>-"Y-yess.."</manager> Leyja turns towards the camera.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 24\dom7.jpg">
<b>-"Jesus Christ.. You look incredible!"</b>
<manager>-"Mmm.. I know.."</manager> As you take one last picture, you can't help but notice how hard your cock is..
<manager>-"We should be done.."</manager> She slowly start to put her top on.. You continue to stare at her naked chest.. This is way too hot..
<<pageReplace"Use her tits to jack off.">>
<b>-"Agh fuck it.."</b> You put the camera aside and jump on top of her.
<manager>-"AghhHHH! $name! W-what are y-y-y-you doing?!"</manager> You rip your pants off and pull out the pussy destroyed 9000.
<b>-"I'm taking what's mine.."</b> She let's out a soft moan as you kiss her neck.
<manager>-"N-nooOoo.. T-this is not the time.."</manager>
<b>-"This is the perfect time! Nobody is in the store..."</b> You sit up and shove your cock inbetween her breasts.
<manager>-"UghhHH.. W-what is this.."</manager> She grabs her chest.
<b>-"A tit job.. They looked way too fucking good not be used.."</b> You start moving your body.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 24\dom1.gif">
<manager>-"Nhgghh.. I.. I don't know if I like this.."</manager> Her nipples slowly get harder and harder..
<b>-"I know you do.. Mfgff..."</b> Your hard, long shaft is rubbing against her milk jugs.
<manager>-"Y-you were just supposed to.. MFgff.. H-help me take pictures!"</manager>
<b>-"And I diDDDddD! I-I'm just claiming my reward.."</b>
<manager>-"Nghg... R-reward?"</manager>
<b>-"I helped you didn't I? I think I deserve to be compensated"</b> You grin.
<manager>-"U-ugh.. F-fine!"</manager> She pushes you off.
<b>-"W-what..?"</b> You land on your back as Leyja gets on top of you..
<manager>-"T-the quicker I make you cum.. T-the quicker we're even!"</manager> She blushes again as her tits wrap around your cock..
<b>-"Gulp.."</b> You've never seen Leyja this enthusiastic...
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 24\dom2.gif">
<manager>-"Come on big boy.. Cum for me.."</manager> Leyja speeds up.
<b>-"Agh f-fuck.."</b>
<manager>-"G-god it's so big.."</manager> Her nipples rub against you with passions and intent.
<b>-"S-shit.. Feels so fucking good.."</b> You start to feel something coming up your rod.
<manager>-"Come on.. D-do it..!"</manager>
<b>-"Agh F-fuck!"</b> You shout as a tsunami sized load shoot from your cock.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 24\dom3.webp">
<manager>-"J-jeez! S-so much.."</manager> She says as she scoops some with her fingers.
<b>-"I would call that.. A s-success.."</b> You giggle.
<manager>-"The photoshoot or the tit job?"</manager> She laughs as well as you both stand up..
<manager>-"I'm not going to lie.. I.. I e-enjoyed that myself too.."</manager>
<manager>-"Take this."</manager> She hands you some money.
<manager>-"There's a little extra too.. Just how I promised."</manager> You nod.
<b>-"Pleasure doing business.."</b> You pull up your pants. It's time to leave!
<<earnSalary 100>>
[[Go outside]]
<b>-"Y-yeah.. These pictures should do just fine."</b> You smile as you put the camera down. You almost did something stupid.
<manager>-"Good.. I think those daring pics will definitely help the sales."</manager> She smiles back at you and stands up.
<manager>-"Thanks for the help $name!"</manager> She hands you some extra cash.
<manager>-"Couldn't have done it with you!"</manager>
<b>-"My pleasure Leyja!"</b> You exchange a hug. It's time to leave.
<<earnSalary 100>>
[[Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Nevermind, these should be enough.">>
<b>-"Nevermind, these pictures should do just fine."</b> You smile as you put the camera down.
<manager>-"You really think so? Well I trust you, if you think they're good, that means they're good."</manager> She smiles back at you and stands up.
<manager>-"Thanks for the help $name!"</manager> She hands you some extra cash.
<manager>-"Couldn't have done it with you!"</manager>
<b>-"My pleasure Leyja!"</b> You exchange a hug. It's time to leave.
<<earnSalary 100>>
[[Go outside]]
<<elseif $leyjacowgirloutfit == true>>\
It's photoshoot day! You unlock and burst through the door, excited to take some pictures of Leyja!
<b>-"Alright.."</b> You look around and see nobody, the store is definitely closed, you had to unlock the door after all.
<b>-"Leyjaaa!?"</b> You shout as you look for her.
<manager>-"I'm here $name!"</manager> You hear a muffled voice coming from the back of the store. After putting down your back near the entrance, you go to the back room.
As you open the door, you see Leyja, already with the costume on, sitting nearby the set.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 24\dom9.jpg">
<manager>-"Well.. Say something.."</manager> She smiles as you continue to look at her.
<<pageReplace"You look great!">>
<b>-"You look.. Great!"</b> You smile as you walk up to her.
<manager>-"Hehehe.. I know.."</manager> Leyja giggles.
<manager>-"Well, let's get to work. Grab the camera, it's on the counter!"</manager> You nod. After a bit of searching, you find it and take it with you.
<b>-"Walk me through it please. I just take pictures and you make poses or something?"</b>
<manager>-"I mean yeah.. W-we really have to sell this costume as a sexy one though... We run a sex shop after all."</manager>
<b>-"Right.. Well, go ahead."</b> You point the camera at her and start taking pictures.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 24\dom10.jpg">
<manager>-"A-a little to the left.."</manager>
<manager>-"Lemme.."</manager> She shift her body.
<b>-"Oh this is nice!"</b> You continue to take pictures.
<manager>-"Let's take a one a bit more daring..."</manager> She lifts her arms a bit.. Revealing a bit of her chest.
<b>-"Your wish is my command!"</b> You take the picture.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 24\dom11.jpg">
<b>-"Okay.. Good..."</b>
<manager>-"What if I.."</manager> She continues to change positions.
<manager>-"R-right.. That should be enough.."</manager> She sighs. You open up the gallery on the camera, you've taken more than 20 pictures already.
<b>-"You sure..? I don't know if the pictures do it justice... You look way better in real life.."</b>
<manager>-"W-what are you implying?"</manager>
<<pageReplace"Offer to take more revealing picturs.">>
<b>-"Let's take some more daring pictures.. We need to show off how hot this cosplay really is!"</b> Leyja blushes a bit as the words leave your mouth.
<b>-"Yeah.. Take that top off for a start."</b> You lick your lips in anticipation.
<manager>-"Ugh f-fine.. Just remain professional please.."</manager> She slowly takes off the upper half of her costume. You start to take pictures again.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 24\dom13.jpg">
<b>-"Fuckk.. Now this is much better.."</b>
<manager>-"Hehe.. T-take one from this angle too.."</manager> You continue to snap pictures.
<b>-"Gosh.. C-come on, one last one from the front."</b>
<manager>-"Y-yess.."</manager> Leyja turns towards the camera.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 24\dom14.jpg">
<b>-"Jesus Christ.. You look incredible!"</b>
<manager>-"Mmm.. I know.."</manager> As you take one last picture, you can't help but notice how hard your cock is..
<manager>-"We should be done.."</manager> She slowly start to put her top on.. You continue to stare at her naked chest.. This is way too hot..
<<pageReplace"Use her tits to jack off.">>
<b>-"Agh fuck it.."</b> You put the camera aside and jump on top of her.
<manager>-"AghhHHH! $name! W-what are y-y-y-you doing?!"</manager> You rip your pants off and pull out the pussy destroyed 9000.
<b>-"I'm taking what's mine.."</b> She let's out a soft moan as you kiss her neck.
<manager>-"N-nooOoo.. T-this is not the time.."</manager>
<b>-"This is the perfect time! Nobody is in the store..."</b> You sit up and shove your cock inbetween her breasts.
<manager>-"UghhHH.. W-what is this.."</manager> She grabs her chest.
<b>-"A tit job.. They looked way too fucking good not be used.."</b> You start moving your body.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 24\dom1.gif">
<manager>-"Nhgghh.. I.. I don't know if I like this.."</manager> Her nipples slowly get harder and harder..
<b>-"I know you do.. Mfgff..."</b> Your hard, long shaft is rubbing against her milk jugs.
<manager>-"Y-you were just supposed to.. MFgff.. H-help me take pictures!"</manager>
<b>-"And I diDDDddD! I-I'm just claiming my reward.."</b>
<manager>-"Nghg... R-reward?"</manager>
<b>-"I helped you didn't I? I think I deserve to be compensated"</b> You grin.
<manager>-"U-ugh.. F-fine!"</manager> She pushes you off.
<b>-"W-what..?"</b> You land on your back as Leyja gets on top of you..
<manager>-"T-the quicker I make you cum.. T-the quicker we're even!"</manager> She blushes again as her tits wrap around your cock..
<b>-"Gulp.."</b> You've never seen Leyja this enthusiastic...
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 24\dom2.gif">
<manager>-"Come on big boy.. Cum for me.."</manager> Leyja speeds up.
<b>-"Agh f-fuck.."</b>
<manager>-"G-god it's so big.."</manager> Her nipples rub against you with passions and intent.
<b>-"S-shit.. Feels so fucking good.."</b> You start to feel something coming up your rod.
<manager>-"Come on.. D-do it..!"</manager>
<b>-"Agh F-fuck!"</b> You shout as a tsunami sized load shoot from your cock.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 24\dom3.webp">
<manager>-"J-jeez! S-so much.."</manager> She says as she scoops some with her fingers.
<b>-"I would call that.. A s-success.."</b> You giggle.
<manager>-"The photoshoot or the tit job?"</manager> She laughs as well as you both stand up..
<manager>-"I'm not going to lie.. I.. I e-enjoyed that myself too.."</manager>
<manager>-"Take this."</manager> She hands you some money.
<manager>-"There's a little extra too.. Just how I promised."</manager> You nod.
<b>-"Pleasure doing business.."</b> You pull up your pants. It's time to leave!
<<earnSalary 100>>
[[Go outside]]
<b>-"Y-yeah.. These pictures should do just fine."</b> You smile as you put the camera down. You almost did something stupid.
<manager>-"Good.. I think those daring pics will definitely help the sales."</manager> She smiles back at you and stands up.
<manager>-"Thanks for the help $name!"</manager> She hands you some extra cash.
<manager>-"Couldn't have done it with you!"</manager>
<b>-"My pleasure Leyja!"</b> You exchange a hug. It's time to leave.
<<earnSalary 100>>
[[Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Nevermind, these should be enough.">>
<b>-"Nevermind, these pictures should do just fine."</b> You smile as you put the camera down.
<manager>-"You really think so? Well I trust you, if you think they're good, that means they're good."</manager> She smiles back at you and stands up.
<manager>-"Thanks for the help $name!"</manager> She hands you some extra cash.
<manager>-"Couldn't have done it with you!"</manager>
<b>-"My pleasure Leyja!"</b> You exchange a hug. It's time to leave.
<<earnSalary 100>>
[[Go outside]]
<<set $chastitycagenew1 to true>>
It's photoshoot day! You unlock and burst through the door, excited to earn a little more money!
<b>-"Alright.."</b> You look around and see nobody, the store is definitely closed, you had to unlock the door after all.
<b>-"Leyjaaa!?"</b> You shout as you look for her.
<manager>-"I'm here $name!"</manager> You hear a muffled voice coming from the back of the store. After putting down your back near the entrance, you go to the back room.
As you open the door, you see Leyja, already with the costume on, sitting nearby the set.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 24\dom5.jpg">
<manager>-"Well.. Say something.."</manager> She smiles as you continue to look at her.
<<pageReplace"You look great!">>\
<b>-"Y-you look.. Great miss Leyja!"</b> You smile as you walk up to her.
<manager>-"Hehehe.. I know.."</manager> Leyja giggles.
<b>-"W-why are you cosplaying though..?"</b>
<manager>-"We're selling these costumes as well, I just don't trust you with the camera. A photographer took photos of me before you came in."</manager>
<manager>-"Well, let's get to work. Take your chastity off and put the new one on."</manager> She points at the counter.
<b>-"R-right.."</b> You walk up to it and see it laying there. You slowly pull your penis out of the cage and put it to the side.
<manager>-"Hurry up!"</manager> Before you put the new cage on, you spot a dildo laying nearby..
<b>-"Am I.. Am I going to use this today.."</b> You take it.
<b>-"G-gosh.. It's way too big!"</b>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 24\sub2.jpg">
<manager>-"Are you coming or not??!"</manager>
<b>-"C-coming!"</b> You quickly put the dildo down and put on the smaller cage. Surprisingly, you have no problem putting it on.
<<pageReplace"Walk back">>
<b>-"I'm here.."</b> You walk up to Leyja with your pants down.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 24\dom8.jpg">
<manager>-"Good, I see the cage fits you well. Put this lingerie on too. It's one of the products as well.."</manager> She hands you some pieces of fabric.
<b>-"R-right.."</b> You put it on. You're ready for your photoshoot!
<manager>-"Alright just stand there, I'm going to take some pictures!"</manager> She pulls out a camera.
<b>-"R-right.."</b> You straighten your back as Leyja begins to take pictures.
<manager>-"Good.. Good.. Pull those legs closer.."</manager> You do as she says.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 24\sub1.jpg">
<manager>-"Amazing..!"</manager> Leyja smiles as she takes multiple snaps.
<manager>-"That should be enough! You can relax now."</manager>
<b>-"Oof.. G-great.."</b>
<manager>-"We're moving on to the dildos now. We have 2 different ones we have to take pictures for. We'll start off with the smaller one!"</manager> She grabs the small dildo and extends her arm.
<<pageReplace"Look at it.">>
<manager>-"Well yeah.. It's tiny compared to normal dildos. I think your butt will handle this one just fine!"</manager>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 24\sub6.png">
<b>-"I.. I-I don't know.. I've never used a dildo before.."</b>
<manager>-"Stop being a pussy $name! If you want the extra pay, you'll do what I say."</manager>
<<pageReplace"Take the dildo.">>\
<b>-"R-right.. Do I just put it in..?"</b> You lay on your back.
<manager>-"Well, put some lube on it first. Then slowly insert it inside, just how you would do it with the buttplug."</manager> She pulls the camer up.
<manager>-"And I'll snap some pictures and make some videos. Your face will of course be blurred. You have my word, seriously."</manager> You take the lube bottle and put some on the small dildo.
<b>-"R-right.. H-here I go.."</b> You slowly insert the dildo inside. It feels different and yet, quite familiar.
<b>-"Mffgfff.."</b> You let out a moan as the dildo hits your prostate. It feels.. Good!
<manager>-"Good.. Speed up a bit, I'll take a video!"</manager> You slowly increase the speed as Leyja films a short video.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 24\sub3.webp">
<b>-"F-fuck.. F-feels so good.."</b> You whimper as your helpless cock presses up against it's cage.
<manager>-"That's enough for now, you can take it out."</manager>
<b>-"Aghhfgghh..."</b> You pull out the dildo.. It's completely covered in lube. As it goes out, it leaves a gaping hole in your anus.
<manager>-"Come on, chop chop, we have some more products to show off."</manager> She throws some more lingerie towards you.
<manager>-"I knew that you'll take that small thing like a champ, but the second dildo is a lot bigger."</manager>
<b>-"I-is it.."</b> You whimper as you put on the new lingerie.
<manager>-"Yeah.. You'll see. Anyways, put these heels on as well."</manager>
<manager>-"Yes, heels. It's for like 10 minutes come on."</manager> You reluctantly put on a pair of black heels..
<manager>-"Catch!"</manager> She throws something on your lap.
<<pageReplace"Look at it.">>\
<manager>-"That's the second dildo."</manager> Leyja chuckles.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 24\sub7.webp">
<b>-"Oh.. My.. God.. T-that is not fitting inside of me!"</b> A shiver runs down your spine.
<manager>-"Of course it is! Have some faith!"</manager> She pulls the camera up again.
<manager>-"Put some lube on it and slowly lower yourself on to it."</manager>
<b>-"U-ugh.. F-fine.."</b> You completely and utterly drench the toy in lube. After sticking it on the ground, you slowly lower your butt over it.
<b>-"Eeek!"</b> You moan as the tip touches your ass.
<manager>-"Come on.. Slowly.. Down you go.. That's what good girls do.."</manager> She licks her lips.
<b>-"OhhHHhhHHHH!!"</b> The tip goes inside of you.. It stretches the outer walls so much.. You don't know how to feel..
<b>-"S-shitttTTTTt!"</b> You go down lower and lower. As it goes deeper inside, it rubs against your prostate, making your cock throb in pleasure.
<manager>-"Good girl! I knew that you could do it!"</manager> She smiles.
<manager>-"Now slowly.. Start going up and down.."</manager>
<b>-"Y-yesss.."</b> Your eyes roll backwards as you begin to ride the thing.
<<pageReplace"Give the camera a good show.">>\
You start going up and down the toys shaft. Leyja brings the camera closer and starts filming.
<b>-"F-fuckkK.. S-so deep!"</b> You whimper
<manager>-"Good, good.. A litle more!"</manager>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 24\sub5.webp">
You get in the groove of it and it starts to feel pretty damn good..
<b>-"G-gosh.. I-It feels really good!"</b>
<manager>-"Haha I know! It's our best seller!"</manager> Leyja giggles.
<b>-"O-Oh shit.."</b> For the first time ever you feel like you're about to cum with the chastity on..
<b>-"F-fuck I'm about to cuMmmM!"</b>
<manager>-"A-already..?? In a cage???!"</manager> Even Leyja seems surprised, but continues to film.
<b>-"NghhhhHFFFFF!! F-fuckkKKKK!!!"</b> You shout as you feel a wave of pleasure wash over your cock.. But no cum comes out?
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 24\sub4.webp">
<b>-"S-shitttt...."</b> You lose strength in your legs and sit down on the toy completely..
<manager>-"WoooOOoHOOOOoo and cut!"</manager> She smiles as she puts the camera away.
<manager>-"Oh my god! You were perfect $name!!"</manager>
<b>-"Pant.. Pant.."</b>
<manager>-"Did you almost cum??"</manager>
<b>-"I.. I don't know.."</b> It felt like an orgasm.. Perhaps a little better even, but nothing came out.. Did you just have a dry orgasm?
<manager>-"Come on, get up!"</manager> She helps you up. You slowly stand up, taking the dildo out.
<b>-"I.. W-what happened.."</b> You're dazed.
<manager>-"Jeez.. Y-you're bleeding a bit.."</manager> She hands you a tissue. Taking that giant dildo after almost no practice hurt you..
<b>-"O-oh.."</b> You clean the blood away.. Thankfully, it's not a lot.
<b>-"S-sorry miss Leyja.."</b> You're still panting.
<manager>-"No need! You were such a good girl! Take this!"</manager> She hands you a big stack of cash.
<manager>-"Keep the small dildo as well, practice with it a bit, so you don't bleed again."</manager>
<b>-"Y-yes.. I will!"</b> You shove the money and the dildo in your bag. After cleaning everything up and putting on your normal clothes, you say your goodbyes.
<manager>-"Thanks again for helping out $name!"</manager>
<b>-"M-my pleasure!"</b> You both exchange a hug and you leave. You can't believe you actually used a dildo.. It felt pretty damn good though..
<<set $feminization to $feminization +5>>
<emily>Feminization +5!</emily>
<<earnSalary 150>>
<<set $dildo1 to true>>
[[Walk around->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Enough is enough.">>\
<b>-"N-no Leyja.. I'm not comfortable putting that inside of me..."</b>
<manager>-"Sigh.. That's fine I suppose, at least we took pictures of the cage and lingerie."</manager> She puts the camera down.
<b>-"W-where do you want me to leave the cage..?"</b>
<manager>-"Eh keep it, it's yours. Throw the old one away, you needed a smaller one anyways."</manager> She stands up.
<manager>-"And that's not a request. From now on, you need to come into work with the new chastity cage on."</manager>
<b>-"I understand Misstress! It shall be done!"</b> You walk up to the counter and throw away your old cage. After putting on your clothes and collecting your paycheck, you leave the shop.
[[Walk around->Go outside]]
<</if>>\<<location "Images/Sex shop/intro/0_Sex-shoppers.webp" "Simply Pleasure sex shop">>\
<<set $worked to true>>\
<<set $workdays to $workdays +1>>\
<<set $leyjaaskedforthemask to true>>
<<if $domstatus is true>>\
<manager>-"$name! Get dressed and come here for a second, we need to talk!"</manager> Leyja smiles as you enter the shop.
<b>-"Hello to you too!"</b> You smile as you go into the changing room.
<b>-"So, what did you want?"</b> You face her after getting dressed.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 26\1.jpg">
<manager>-"Remember when you agreed to help me fuck over Hudson..?"</manager>
<b>-"Yeahhh what about it? Still don't understand the whole situation."</b> You lean on the counter.
<manager>-"Well all you need to know is, I know how to get into a club, filled with people of interest."</manager>
<b>-"People of interest?"</b>
<manager>-"The sons of bitches who pay to be on that island, who pay to.. Use the students..."</manager>
<b>-"Huh?"</b> You frown.
<<pageReplace"Question her">>\
<b>-"Use the students? They're going of their own free will. I'm inviting them myself, they always have a choice to turn the invitation down."</b>
<manager>-"You still don't get it do you?"</manager>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 26\2.jpg">
<manager>-"The university pushes the students to do more and more daring sexual acts as the semesters progresses... They call it - "expanding the student's sexual education". You know what I call it? Manipulation!"</manager> She looks angry.
<manager>-"Have you noticed that the domination students are a minority in the university? That's because they're a lot harder to control."</manager>
<b>-"Keep going..."</b> Gears start to turn in your head.
<manager>-"They manipulate the students into being mindless sex machines and then let them get used on the island for money..."</manager> She closes her eyes.. Probably remembering what she went through.
<b>-"R-really..? Why didn't anyone go to the cops or something?"</b>
<manager>-"Are you not listening? Because they're all conditioned to think that It's completely normal. Some professors are in on it too... Some are clueless though."</manager>
<manager>-"ANYWAYS! So are you going to help me or not? I know how to infiltrate the club where most of them gather.."</manager>
<<pageReplace"Of course">>
<b>-"Of course, but what's the point though?"</b>
<manager>-"I don't know yet.. It's my only lead. Maybe we'll hear some information we can use to blackmail Hudson, or maybe we'll somehow convince the individuals to take our side.. I'm not betting on that though.."</manager> She scoffs.
<b>-"If you want the man arrested I bet there are easier ways..."</b>
<manager>-"If he goes to prison someone else will take his place.. I want control."</manager>
<b>-"Control? Control over what."</b>
<manager>-"Control over the whole operation, of the university. We'll make things right, We'll make things fair."</manager>
<manager>-"Yes.. We.. You and me."</manager> She blushes.
<b>-"Rightttt.. So what's the lead you were talking about?"</b>
<manager>-"Right so, I've been following that assistant of Hudsons for a while now. Every couple of days, she goes into a specific club. Always wearing a mask.."</manager>
<b>-"A mask?"</b>
<manager>-"Yeah.. A mask.. I figured that Hudson must have one too.."</manager> She shifts her body.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 26\5.jpg">
<manager>-"You've been in his office a couple of times, have you maybe spotted something.. Anything.. He has to be hiding it somewhere."</manager>
<<if $sawthesafe == true>>\
<b>-"Yeahhh.. I think spotted a safe a while back. You think it might be in there?"</b>
<manager>-"A safe?! In this office?! He must be hiding it there!"</manager>
<b>-"Noo.. Not really? Haven't been there much!"</b>
<manager>-"There must be a safe.. Or something like it. Please look around the next time you're there!"</manager>
<manager>-"We must find a way to open it $name!"</manager>
<b>-"I agree... If he's hinding it somewhere, it's probably there. Maybe I should look around the office for some clues?"</b>
<manager>-"Good idea! Look around, maybe you'll spot something. I'll follow the girl for a while. I saw that the masked attendees also say a password before coming in.. Maybe it has something to do with the safe."</manager>
<b>-"Sounds like a plan.. I'll get to it as soon as I can!"</b> You smile.
<manager>-"Thank you $name.. I knew that I could trust to you..."</manager> You nod as start to turn away.
<manager>-"Oh and.. Continue to h-help me and I'll reward you.."</manager> She blushes yet again.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 26\3.jpg">
<b>-"Oh..? You know how to motivate me huh?"</b> You laugh as you turn away.
<manager>-"A job well done never goes unpaid in this establishment, you know.."</manager> You hear her say behind you.. Time to work!
[[Exit the store->Go outside]]
<<todo "Look around for clues on how to open the safe">>\
<manager>-"$name! Get dressed and come here for a second, we need to talk!"</manager> Mistress Leyja smiles as you enter the shop.
<b>-"R-right away!"</b> You go into the changing room.
<b>-"So, what did you need?"</b> You face her after getting dressed.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 26\1.jpg">
<manager>-"Remember when you agreed to help me fuck over Hudson..?"</manager>
<b>-"Of course Mistress! I...I still don't understand the whole situation though."</b> You lean on the counter.
<manager>-"Well all you need to know is, I know how to get into a club, filled with people of interest."</manager>
<b>-"People of interest?"</b>
<manager>-"The sons of bitches who pay to be on that island, who pay to.. Use the students..."</manager>
<b>-"H-huh?"</b> You shake your head..
<<pageReplace"Question her">>\
<b>-"Use the students? T-they're going of their own free will though. I'm inviting them myself, they always have a choice to turn the invitation down."</b>
<manager>-"You still don't get it do you?"</manager>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 26\2.jpg">
<manager>-"The university pushes the students to do more and more daring sexual acts as the semesters progresses... They call it - "expanding the student's sexual education". You know what I call it? Manipulation!"</manager> She looks angry.
<manager>-"Have you noticed that the domination students are a minority in the university? That's because they're a lot harder to control."</manager>
<b>-"Keep going..."</b> Gears start to turn in your head.
<manager>-"They manipulate the students into being mindless sex machines and then let them get used on the island for money..."</manager> She closes her eyes.. Probably remembering what she went through.
<b>-"R-really..? Why didn't anyone go to the cops or something?"</b>
<manager>-"Are you not listening? Because they're all conditioned to think that It's completely normal. Some professors are in on it too... Some are clueless though."</manager>
<manager>-"ANYWAYS! You're going to help me infiltrate the club where most of them gather.."</manager>
<<pageReplace"Of course">>
<b>-"Of course, but what's the point though?"</b>
<manager>-"I don't know yet.. It's my only lead. Maybe we'll hear some information we can use to blackmail Hudson, or maybe we'll somehow convince the individuals to take our side.. I'm not betting on that though.."</manager> She scoffs.
<b>-"I-if you want the man arrested.. I-I bet there are easier ways..."</b>
<manager>-"If he goes to prison someone else will take his place.. I want control."</manager>
<b>-"Control? Control over what."</b>
<manager>-"Control over the whole operation, of the university. I'll make things right, I'll make things fair."</manager>
<b>-"A-anything for you Mistress.."</b>
<manager>-"Agh! You've learnt some much!"</manager> She blushes.
<manager>-"You've become an incredible tool in my arsenal $name, you're such a good girl!"</manager>
<b>-"Ehehe.. T-thank you! So what's the lead you were talking about?"</b>
<manager>-"Right so, I've been following that assistant of Hudsons for a while now. Every couple of days, she goes into a specific club. Always wearing a mask.."</manager>
<b>-"A mask?"</b>
<manager>-"Yeah.. A mask.. I figured that Hudson must have one too.."</manager> She shifts her body.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 26\5.jpg">
<manager>-"You've been in his office a couple of times, have you maybe spotted something.. Anything.. He has to be hiding it somewhere."</manager>
<<if $sawthesafe == true>>\
<b>-"Yeahhh.. I think spotted a safe a while back. You think it might be in there?"</b>
<manager>-"A safe?! In this office?! He must be hiding it there!"</manager>
<b>-"Noo.. Not really? Haven't been there much!"</b>
<manager>-"There must be a safe.. Or something like it. Please look around the next time you're there!"</manager>
<manager>-"We must find a way to open it $name!"</manager>
<b>-"I agree... I-If he's hinding it somewhere, it's probably there. Maybe I should look around the office for some clues?"</b>
<manager>-"Good idea! Look around, maybe you'll spot something. I'll follow the girl for a while. I saw that the masked attendees also say a password before coming in.. Maybe it has something to do with the safe."</manager>
<b>-"Sounds like a plan.. I'll get to it as soon as I can!"</b> You smile.
<manager>-"Good puppy! Make sure not to get caught poking around in there though.."</manager> You nod as start to turn away.
<manager>-"Oh and.. Continue to help me and I'll reward you.."</manager> She blushes yet again.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 26\3.jpg">
<b>-"Oh..? R-really??"</b> Your eyes grow wide.
<manager>-"Aghaha god you're hopeless! Come on, get to work, you can jack off while thinking about me later!"</manager> She teases you as you get to work.
<b>-"W-what did she mean by "reward" I wonder.."</b> You gulp as you continue to do your job.
[[Exit the store->Go outside]]
<<todo "Look around for clues on how to open the safe">>\
<</if>><<location "Images/Sex shop/intro/0_Sex-shoppers.webp" "Simply Pleasure sex shop">>\
<<set $worked to true>>\
<<set $workdays to $workdays +1>>\
<<todoCompleted "Find the password to the safe">>
<<set $knowthepassword to true>>\
<b>-"Leyja! I found a clue!"</b> You announce as you get inside of the shop.
<manager>-"Shhhh! You idiot!"</manager> She shushes you as you walk up to the counter.
<manager>-"Stay quiet.. This is a private matter."</manager> She frowns. You look around and notice that the store is full of people. She's right, you should stay quiet.
<b>-"Right.. My bad."</b> You nod.
<manager>-"So.. What did you find?"</manager>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 27\2.jpg">
<b>-"A-a letter that Hudson wrote to his.. Wife..? Daughter..? I don't know, we just have to find out how old she is."</b> You see Leyja smile in excitement.
<manager>-"R-really?! Give it here!"</manager> You hand her the letter and she starts reading it.
To Juliat Marxit.
I've tried to contact you by phone and e-mail, which you ignored or didn't receive, this is why I'm writing this letter.
Please return to Sweden, your spritual expedition... or whatever you call it, is taking too long.
We're hosting another festival this year and I need your help with management, you're the only person I can truly trust.
If you decide to come unannounced, as you usally do, you can find me in my office or at the club.
You can find your mask in the safe, the code is your birth year, just as before. You know the password.
<div class="right">
Kind regards,
Hudson Marxit.
<<pageReplace"Wait for her to finish reading.">>\
<<todo "Unlock the safe. Juliat is between 35 and 40 years old.">>
<b>-"So, Juliat Marxit, you know anything about her?"</b> You ask her as she puts the letter down.
<manager>-"Oh yeah.. I remember that condescending bitch."</manager>
<manager>-"She's his wife.. I think? She was on the island that night."</manager> She looks away.
<b>-"Any clue how old she is? The letter says that her birth year is the password!"</b>
<manager>-"I don't know anything about her to be honest.. My best guess would be that she's somewhere from 35 to 40 years old. She looked middle aged to me."</manager>
<manager>-"Ugh.. I got shivers just from thinking about her. "A spiritual journey" she says, hahaha!"</manager> <<if $femstatus is true>>Mistress Leyja laughs.<<else>>Leyja laughs.<</if>>
<manager>-"Maybe she finally grew a conscience"</manager>
<b>-"Hmmmm... T-that should be enough, I'll just guess a couple of times and pray that I make it."</b>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 27\1.jpg">
<manager>-"Good... Just be careful, maybe the safe has an alarm system or something"</manager> Her expression changes into worry.
<b>-"Probably not, it was pretty well hidden already. But I'll be careful."</b>
<b>-"H-hopefully this is all going to be worth it.."</b> You whisper.
<manager>-"Bring that mask to me $name, and I'll make it worth your while."</manager> Leyja slowly licks her finger.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 27\3.webp">
<<if $femstatus is true>>\
<b>-"Eeek.."</b> Your mind goes wild immediately.. What does she mean by that...
<b>-"Y-yes mistress! I'll... I'll try my best!"</b>
<manager>-"Good girl. Now shoo, time to work."</manager> You nod and go into the changing room. Time to start your shift.
[[Finish your shift and leave->Go outside]]
<b>-"Good.. I'll be expected you on all fours when I arrive."</b> You see her blush.
<manager>-"Alright alright, stop teasing.. We have a lot of work to do.."</manager> She presses her hand up against your chest.
<b>-"You're right, let's get to work. I'll bring you that mask whenever I have the time."</b> She nods as you go into the changing room. Time to start your shift.
[[Finish your shift and leave->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>><<location "Images/Sex shop/intro/0_Sex-shoppers.webp" "Simply Pleasure sex shop">>\
<<set $worked to true>>\
<<set $workdays to $workdays +1>>\
<<if $domstatus is true>>
<b>-"Leyjaaaaa!"</b> You enter the store.
<manager>-"$name! Come here!"</manager> She smiles and starts heading into the backroom.
<b>-"Yup!"</b> You begin to follow her.
<b>-"Good evening."</b> You nod your head when passing a customer. He nods back.
<manager>-"Well... Did you manage to find it??"</manager> She lays down on the sofa and asks.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 28\1.webp">
<b>-"..."</b> You grin as you close the door behind you.
<b>-"Fuck yeah I did.."</b> You pull out the mask from your backpack.
<manager>-"Oh my god.. We have it.."</manager> Her eyes widen.
<manager>-"G-give it here! I must see it.."</manager> She extends her arm.
<<pageReplace"Not before..">>\
<b>-"You can take a look.. After my reward."</b> You grab your crotch through your pants.
<manager>-"F-fine.. You did well $name, you truly did.."</manager> She starts to take off her top..
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 28\2.png">
<b>-"Gulp..."</b> She's so beautiful..
<manager>-"T-the least I could do is reward you.."</manager> She moves her arms.
<manager>-"Y..Y-you like what you see?"</manager> Leyja blushes.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 28\3.png">
<b>-"Fuck yeah I do.."</b> You start getting closer after throwing the mask into your backpack.
<manager>-"J-just please.. Be gentle..."</manager> She wimpers.
<b>-"No promises.."</b> She gets on all fours.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 28\4.png">
<manager>-"C-come on.. Before anyone notices we're gone.."</manager> She starts to shake her ass suggestively.
<b>-"You want this, don't you?"</b> You spank her.
<manager>-"EeeEEKkk! I-I won't deny or confirm t-that information.."</manager> Leyja giggles.
<<pageReplace"Remove her hair.">>\
You remove her hair... After taking in the incredible view, you start to take off your pants.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 28\dom4.webp">
<manager>-"H-hurry up.. I want you inside of me.."</manager> You hear her pleads as she starts to rub herself.
<b>-"Mghhh.."</b> You take out your cock and plop it down on her ass.
<manager>-"S-so warm..."</manager> She whispers.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 28\dom5.webp">
<b>-"Mhgg..."</b> You start rubbing your tip up against her clit.
<manager>-"$name.. Put it in already..."</manager> She quivers.
<b>-"Ask nicely."</b>
<manager>-"P-please $name.. Put your cock inside of me.. P-pleaseeEEEE!"</manager> You see her getting more and more frustrated.. Time to claim your reward.
<manager>-"UghHHHH!! F-fucKKK!!! YessS!"</manager> You slowly insert your shaft inside.
<b>-"S-shittT.. Finally.."</b> You spank her ass again as your cock goes in and out.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 28\dom6.webp">
<manager>-"NghHHHh! Y-yessS!! D-deeper.."</manager> She buries her head into a pillow.
<b>-"Fuck you're t-tight!"</b> You feel wave after wave of pleasure wash over you. With each thrust, you're becoming faster and faster, stronger and stronger.
<manager>-"UghHHHHH!! S-slow down!!!"</manager> She screams with her head down and starts putting in the work herself.
<<pageReplace"Shush her.">>\
<b>-"K-keep your voice down.. MFGhHH.. D-dumbass!"</b> You feel your legs getting more and more sore.. You decide to slow down for a bit.
<manager>-"UghhhHH!!"</manager> She raises her head.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 28\dom7.webp">
<manager>-"S-shiiTTT!! I-I'm closeeEEE!!"</manager> You feel her squeezing you harder and harder.
<b>-"UfgghhHH!!"</b> You speed up.
<manager>-"N-NOoOOOOOO!!"</manager> She screams as you feel her quivering.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 28\dom9.webp">
<b>-"J-jeez!"</b> You laugh as you watch her shake uncontrollably.
<manager>-"UghHHghgHHH..."</manager> Leyja tries to catch her breath.
<<pageReplace"Change positions">>
<b>-"C-come here.."</b> You pick her up and turn her around.
<manager>-"C-calm down!! P-please.. No more!"</manager> Leyja shrieks.
<b>-"MghhHHH!!"</b> You let out a loud moan as you enter her again.
<manager>-"NgHHgGFFF!"</manager> You feel her shaking..
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 28\dom8.webp">
<b>-"I-I'm not done!!"</b> You start rearranging her insides.
<b>-"S-shitTT..!"</b> Thrust after thrust, you feel her getting tighter and tighter.. You're close to cumming.
<manager>-"ToooOO muchHHH!! P-pleaseee!"</manager> She let's out a pathetic plead.
<b>-"FucKKKK!!!"</b> You shout as you feel a flood of semen coming up your shaft.
<manager>-"YuuughHH.. Y-yessHHhhh!"</manager> Her eyes roll back as you cum inside.
<<pageReplace"Take it out..">>\
<b>-"Mghh.."</b> After unloading, you slowly pull out.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 28\dom10.webp">
<manager>-"I.. F-fuck.."</manager> Leyja catches her breath, you do too.
<b>-"That... Was fucking great.."</b> You get off of her.
<manager>-"It.. It was.."</manager>
<manager>-"L-let's clean up.."</manager> She whispers as you both start to slowly get up.
<b>-"R-right.."</b> You slap your face a couple of times and stand up completely. After putting on your pants, you go to the toilet to take some tissues.
<<pageReplace"Clean up">>
<<blink "Images/Sex shop/work 28/10 minutes.jpg" 800>>\
<b>-"Right.. That should be everything.."</b> You say as you throw the last tissue paper in the trash.
<manager>-"J-jeez.. You made a mess.."</manager>
<b>-"I did? Half of those juices were yours!"</b> You both laugh.
<manager>-"F-fine fine. Anyways, show me that mask."</manager> She sits down.
<b>-"Sure.. Found two of them in the safe, took this one. The other one was for a female."</b> You give he the mask after taking it from your backpack.
<manager>-"Oh yeah.. This is the one. I've seen people entering the club with them on."</manager> She turns the mask around.
<b>-"Did you manage to find out what the password was?"</b> You sit down next to Leyja.
<manager>-"Not yet, unfortunately. You'll have to wait a little a bit longer."</manager>
<manager>-"There's usually a shit load of security all around and I can't get close.. But I have a plan."</manager> She hands you the mask.
<b>-"Need any help? What should I do?"</b>
<manager>-"Right now? Just wait. I'll get us that password and you'll be able to sneak inside."</manager> Leyja stands up.
<b>-"Good. Just hurry up, if you can. The festival is in a couple months already."</b> You stand up with her.
<manager>-"I know I know, don't worry."</manager> Leyja kisses you on the cheek.
<manager>-"Thanks for the help $name, truly.."</manager> You nod as you start heading outside of the backroom.
<b>-"My pleasure Leyja. I'll wait to hear news from you."</b> You both exchange a hug. Leyja goes to the counter and you go towards the shelves. Time to start your shift.
<<set $dominant to $dominant +2>>
<blue>Dominant +2!</blue>
[[Finish your shift->Go outside]]
<b>-"Mistress!"</b> You enter the store.
<manager>-"$name! Come here!"</manager> She smiles and starts heading into the backroom.
<b>-"Yup!"</b> You begin to follow her.
<b>-"Good evening s-sir!"</b> You nod your head when passing a customer. He nods back.
<manager>-"Well... Did you manage to find it??"</manager> She lays down on the sofa and asks.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 28\1.webp">
<b>-"..."</b> You grin as you close the door behind you.
<b>-"F-fuck yeah I did.."</b> You pull out the mask from your backpack.
<manager>-"Oh my god.. I finally have it.."</manager> Her eyes widen.
<manager>-"G-give it here! I must see it.."</manager> She extends her arm.
<b>-"Y-yes.. Here you are.."</b> You hand her the mask..
<manager>-"Amazing.. It's definitely the one we need.."</manager> She turns the mask around.
<manager>-"There's just one small problem.."</manager> She giggles.
<b>-"W-what is it?!"</b> You ask.
<manager>-"I'll tell you after your reward.. You did good $name, very good.."</manager> She pushes you onto the sofa.
<b>-"O-Ooof!"</b> You moan as she quickly pull down your pants.
<manager>-"You're such a good girl.. You deserve to have some fun.."</manager> She presses her chest up against your cage.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 28\9.gif">
<b>-"Mfghh!!"</b> You moan as Mistress starts to tease you.
<manager>-"Hihihi gosh you're so cute.. I haven't played with your little pecker in a while huh.."</manager> She extends her arm.
<manager>-"Give me the key.. We'll let it breath today."</manager> Your eyes widen.
<b>-"A-are you sure! G-gosh! Here!"</b> You quickly hand her the key to your cage and lay down. She takes it and slowly unlocks your cage.
<manager>-"Aghahah look at that thing!"</manager> She starts to give you a handjob..
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 28\10.webp">
<b>-"S-shiiTTT!"</b> Soft moans fill the room. You can't remember the last time someone touched your dick..
<b>-"Y-yessHHH!!"</b> You scream as you get closer and closer to an orgasm.
<manager>-"Oh.. Already?"</manager> Leyja giggles as you begin to shake.
<b>-"P-please.. I'm so close!</b> You expect her to ruin your orgasm.. But she doesn't..
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 28\5.gif">
<b>-"MghHHHHHH!! F-fcuKKK! YesshHH!!"</b> You shout as you unleash the flood gates.
<manager>-"Ahahhaha! You're hilarious!"</manager> You pant as she finishes milking you.
<<pageReplace"Clean up.">>\
<b>-"Ughhh.."</b> With your eyes roll back, you begin to pull up your pants.
<b>-"I-I'll clean everything up Mistress.."</b> She suddenly grabs you.
<manager>-"You're think we're done?"</manager> Before you could figure out what's going on, she suddenly shoves two of her fingers in your backdoor.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 28\4.webp">
<b>-"O-ogHGHHhHH!!!"</b> She quickly grabs your cock and starts to stroke it again. Before you know it, you're just as horny as before.
<b>-"F-fuckKK!!"</b> You moan as her fingers hit your prostate.
<manager>-"Good girl.. Take it.."</manager> She pants as her fingers go deeper and deeper inside. After a couple of thrust she suddenly stops.
<manager>-"I have something ready for you.."</manager> You see her grab something from the table next to the couch..
<b>-"Ughh.. W-what is it Miss Leyja..."</b> You ask her. Your visions is blurry.
<manager>-"Bend down."</manager> Leyja says as she gets behind you.
<b>-"Of course Mistress.."</b> You bend down and arch your back. As soon as you do, you feel something pierce you again.
<b>-"UGhHHHH!!!"</b> You moan out in pleasure.
<manager>-"You like it? It's a new strap on I ordered.."</manager> You feel her thighs hit yours as she speeds up.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 28\6.webp">
<b>-"I.. I love it!"</b> You shout as you feel her inside of you.
<manager>-"Take.. This.. Fucking.. Dick.."</manager>
<manager>-"UGhhhHH!!"</manager> You feel yourself getting harder and harder.. You're about to explode.
<b>-"M-miss Leyja.. MghhH! I-I'm about to cum!"</b> You scream.
<manager>-"Hmmm..? Good.."</manager> She quickly pulls out.
<b>-"N-nooo! P-please!"</b> You plead with her.
<manager>-"On your knees."</manager> She says. You quickly comply.
<manager>-"Finish yourself off."</manager> Leyja sits down.
<b>-"Y-yes Mistress!"</b> You quickly start to stroke your cock.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 28\3.png">
<manager>-"Come on, look at me and stroke that litle thing.."</manager> Leyja laughs after removing her top.
<b>-"M-mistress..."</b> As you're staring at her chest, she brings her heel forward.
<manager>-"Be a good puppy. Cum here."</manager> As the words leave her lips, you explode for the second time.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 28\7.webp">
<b>-"UghhhhH.."</b> You unload all over her legs..
<manager>-"Hahaha.. How pathetic.."</manager> She laughs as you shake in pleasure.
<b>-"Pant.. Pant.."</b> You stay on your knees in defeat.
<manager>-"Clean everything up. I want this place spoteless."</manager> She announces.
<b>-"R-right away."</b> You stand up and grab some tissues. After cleaning your cum off of her heels, you begin cleaning the sofa.
<<pageReplace"Clean up">>
<<blink "Images/Sex shop/work 28/10 minutes.jpg" 800>>\
<<todo "Get a permanent hair extensions">>\
<<set $leyjatoldutogetthewig to true>>
<manager>-"Good girl."</manager> Leyja says as you throw away the last tissue.
<b>-"T-thank you Mistress.. I've been in that cage for so long.."</b>
<manager>-"I'm happy you enjoyed yourself. This doesn't mean you don't need to wear it however. Put it back on."</manager>
<b>-"A.. As you wish.."</b> You sigh as you lock your little cock back up.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 28\2.png">
<manager>-"Good. Now, what was I saying."</manager> She leans back as you face her.
<manager>-"Oh right, the mask you took. It's for women."</manager>
<b>-"Y-yes I know.. I thought it would bring less suspicion!"</b> You smile.
<manager>-"Perhaps you were right, but nobody will let you in with it on."</manager>
<manager>-"You'll have to get a wig."</manager> Leyja grins.
<b>-"A.. A wig?"</b>
<manager>-"Yes. A wig. Not a shitty temp one. But a quality, permanent one."</manager>
<b>-"B-but Leyja..!"</b>
<manager>-"No buts, if you want to help me, if you want to get inside of that club, you'll have to look and act like a woman."</manager>
<b>-"So.. If I get a wig, it should be enough?"</b>
<manager>-"For now. You look pretty feminine already, with a wig and a mask they shouldn't be able to tell."</manager>
<b>-"Right.. Did you find out the password?"</b> You ask her.
<manager>-"Not yet, unfortunately. You'll have to wait a little a bit longer."</manager>
<manager>-"There's usually a shit load of security all around and I can't get close.. But I have a plan."</manager> She hands you the mask.
<b>-"N-need any help? W-what should I do?"</b>
<manager>-"Right now? Get a wig and wait. I'll get us that password and you'll be able to sneak inside."</manager> Leyja stands up.
<b>-"Okay.. W-we just need to hurry, the festival is in a couple of months."</b> You stand up with her.
<manager>-"I know I know, don't worry."</manager> Leyja kisses you on the cheek.
<manager>-"Thanks for the help $name."</manager> You nod as you start heading outside of the backroom.
<b>-"I'll get that wig and get inside.. For you Mistress."</b> She grins as you both hug. Leyja goes to the counter and you go towards the shelves. Time to start your shift.
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>submissiveness +2!</pink>
[[Finish your shift->Go outside]]
<</if>><<location "Images/Sex shop/intro/0_Sex-shoppers.webp" "Simply Pleasure sex shop">>\
<<set $worked to true>>\
<<set $workdays to $workdays +1>>\
<<set $needstogototheclubwithleyja to true>>\
<<if $domstatus is true>>\
<manager>-"$name! Perfect timing!"</manager> She says as you enter the store. You're really not in the mood to work, but you could really use the cash!
<b>-"Heyyy Leyja! Why?"</b> You say after making sure the store is empty.
<manager>-"I found out the password!"</manager> Leyja smiles as you walk up to her.
<b>-"The password?"</b>
<manager>-"Yeah, the password to the club, remember?"</manager> She sits down on the counter.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 30\po1.jpeg">
<b>-"Ohhhh yeah my bad! What is it?"</b> You throw your backpack to the side and lean on the wall.
<manager>-"I'll tell you when we get there!"</manager>
<b>-"When WE get there? What? Are we going right now? I also thought I was the only one going?"</b>
<manager>-"Not RIGHT now, but today. And well, change of plans! It'll be easier with me there, trust me."</manager>
<<pageReplace"Ask more questions.">>
<b>-"This is all so sudden, you didn't want to tell me beforehand?"</b> You squint your eyes in annoyance.
<manager>-"I think you're overthinking this a bit.. This visit won't be a one time thing, you'll get used to it!"</manager> She takes off her jacket.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 30\po2.jpeg">
<manager>-"Plus, I'm telling you now! You'll have a couple of hours to get ready!"</manager>
<b>-"Sigh.. I guess.."</b>
<b>-"You could have just texted if we're not going to be working today."</b>
<manager>-"I don't have your number dummy.. And even if I did, I prefer seeing you in person.."</manager> Leyja touches your chest as a shiver runs down your body.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 30\po7.gif">
<b>-"Of course you do.."</b> You grin.
<b>-"So what are we going to do there again?"</b>
<manager>-"Today? We'll get inside and find you a job."</manager> She shifts her body once again.
<b>-"A job?"</b>
<manager>-"Yes, a job. Maybe a server or a cleaner... We just need an excuse for you to be there and not know anyone."</manager>
<<pageReplace"They will just hire a random guy?">>\
<b>-"You think they'll hire just some random guy from the street?"</b> You chuckle.
<b>-"You said it's a very secretive and secure club, no?"</b> Leyja nods.
<manager>-"Indeed it is."</manager>
<manager>-"That's why I'll act like Hudson's wife and recommend you for the position!"</manager> That's actually a pretty good idea..
<b>-"Huh.. That just might work.. But won't they be able to tell you're not her?"</b>
<manager>-"I hope not haha, if they can we're both fucked."</manager> She laughs.
<manager>-"I mean, Juliat hasn't been seen in quite a while.. She's on her spiritual trip or whatever, remember the letter?"</manager> She fixes her hair.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 30\po3.jpeg">
<b>-"I mean yeah.. You're right.. So why do I need this job?"</b> You cross your arms.
<manager>-"As I said, you need an excuse to be there for quite a while. I'll need you to gather information, maybe get some influential people on our side..."</manager>
<b>-"Sorry to ask so many questions, but this is still quite confusing to me, what is the end goal?"</b> Leyja sighs out of frustraition.
<manager>-"To take control of the university of course... To free the students from their inevitable fate on the island..."</manager>
<b>-"Right.."</b> You nod after being reminded the importance of her cause.
<<pageReplace"Anything else I should know?">>\
<<todo "Meet Leyja outside of the shop">>\
<b>-"Anything else I should know?"</b>
<manager>-"Hmmm.. Probably not, I'll tell all the details when we get there. Just make sure to look nice, that's all."</manager>
<b>-"When do I not?"</b>
<manager>-"Ha! Good point..."</manager> Leyja blushes a bit.
<manager>-"You know... If we manage to pull it off, I'll give you another treat..."</manager>
<b>-"A treat?"</b> You chuckle.
<manager>-"Yeah... Maybe another night of fun.. If you know what I mean.."</manager> She gets closer to you.
<b>-"Oh come on, it's more of a treat to you than to me!"</b> You raise her skirt.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 30\po6.webp">
<b>-"There!"</b> You laugh as you spank her ass.
<manager>-"W-what for?!"</manager> Leyja pounts as you let her go.
<b>-"Because I could."</b> You laugh as she pulls down her skirt.
<b>-"Stop trying to buy me with your treats, or whatever you call them, I see how you look at me every day."</b>
<manager>-"Ha! You do?!"</manager> She acts like she doesn't know what you're talking about.
<b>-"Stop acting dumb."</b> You pick up the backpack from the ground.
<b>-"Where are we meeting up? I need to pick out something to wear."</b>
<manager>-"In an hour! Meet me outside of the shop, the club is not far from here."</manager> Her red cheeks start to slowly fade away.
<b>-"Right.. Do they have a dress code?"</b> You start heading towards the door.
<manager>-"I mean.. Not really, I saw all kinds of people entering, just make sure to bring the masks and don't wear those stupid jeans."</manager>
<<if $equip ==1>>\
<b>-"Stupid jeans? The ones I'm wearing right now?!"</b> You look at her, and pretend to be angry.
<manager>-"Maybe... Come onnnn just put on something nice!"</manager> She starts walking towards the changing room.
<b>-"Fineeee! See you in an hour!"</b> You shout as you open the door.
<manager>-"Your pay is on the counter, take it!"</manager> She shouts from the back room.
<b>-"I didn't work today though?"</b>
<manager>-"Just take it before I change my mind!"</manager> You shrug your shoulders and walk up to the counter. After taking the money, you leave the store. Time to go back home and get ready.
<b>-"Stupid jeans? Which ones?"</b> You look at her.
<manager>-"Those old ones you came into the shop for the first time with! Don't wear them and you'll be good!"</manager> She chuckles and starts walking towards the changing room.
<b>-"Fineeee! See you in an hour!"</b> You shout as you open the door.
<manager>-"Your pay is on the counter, take it!"</manager> She shouts from the back room.
<b>-"I didn't work today though?"</b>
<manager>-"Just take it before I change my mind!"</manager> You shrug your shoulders and walk up to the counter. After taking the money, you leave the store. Time to go back home and get ready.
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>\
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
[[Go home->room]]
<<pageReplace"Some members might recognise me!">>\
<b>-"I mean some of the people there will definitely be Hudson's guys, they'll recognise me!"</b>
<manager>-"That's what the masks are for?"</manager> She squints her eyes, confused.
<b>-"Even the staff are wearing masks?"</b>
<manager>-"Of course! Nobody can enter without one on. It's to make sure total confidentiality"</manager>
<b>-"Hmmm... Sure... So why do I need this job again?"</b> You cross your arms as Leyja fixes her hair.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 30\po3.jpeg">
<manager>-"As I said, you need an excuse to be there for quite a while. I'll need you to gather information, maybe get some influential people on our side..."</manager>
<b>-"Sorry to ask so many questions, but this is still quite confusing to me, what is the end goal?"</b> Leyja sighs out of frustraition.
<manager>-"To take control of the university of course... To free the students from their inevitable fate on the island..."</manager>
<b>-"Right.."</b> You nod after being reminded the importance of her cause.
<<pageReplace"Anything else I should know?">>\
<<todo "Meet Leyja outside of the shop">>\
<b>-"Anything else I should know?"</b>
<manager>-"Hmmm.. Probably not, I'll tell all the details when we get there. Just make sure to look nice, that's all."</manager>
<b>-"When do I not?"</b>
<manager>-"Ha! Good point..."</manager> Leyja blushes a bit.
<manager>-"You know... If we manage to pull it off, I'll give you another treat..."</manager>
<b>-"A treat?"</b> You chuckle.
<manager>-"Yeah... Maybe another night of fun.. If you know what I mean.."</manager> She gets closer to you.
<b>-"Oh come on, it's more of a treat to you than to me!"</b> You raise her skirt.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 30\po6.webp">
<b>-"There!"</b> You laugh as you spank her ass.
<manager>-"W-what for?!"</manager> Leyja pounts as you let her go.
<b>-"Because I could."</b> You laugh as she pulls down her skirt.
<b>-"Stop trying to buy me with your treats, or whatever you call them, I see how you look at me every day."</b>
<manager>-"Ha! You do?!"</manager> She acts like she doesn't know what you're talking about.
<b>-"Stop acting dumb."</b> You pick up the backpack from the ground.
<b>-"Where are we meeting up? I need to pick out something to wear."</b>
<manager>-"In an hour! Meet me outside of the shop, the club is not far from here."</manager> Her red cheeks start to slowly fade away.
<b>-"Right.. Do they have a dress code?"</b> You start heading towards the door.
<manager>-"I mean.. Not really, I saw all kinds of people entering, just make sure to bring the masks and don't wear those stupid jeans."</manager>
<<if $equip ==1>>\
<b>-"Stupid jeans? The ones I'm wearing right now?!"</b> You look at her, and pretend to be angry.
<manager>-"Maybe... Come onnnn just put on something nice!"</manager> She starts walking towards the changing room.
<b>-"Fineeee! See you in an hour!"</b> You shout as you open the door.
<manager>-"Your pay is on the counter, take it!"</manager> She shouts from the back room.
<b>-"I didn't work today though?"</b>
<manager>-"Just take it before I change my mind!"</manager> You shrug your shoulders and walk up to the counter. After taking the money, you leave the store. Time to go back home and get ready.
<b>-"Stupid jeans? Which ones?"</b> You look at her.
<manager>-"Those old ones you came into the shop for the first time with! Don't wear them and you'll be good!"</manager> She chuckles and starts walking towards the changing room.
<b>-"Fineeee! See you in an hour!"</b> You shout as you open the door.
<manager>-"Your pay is on the counter, take it!"</manager> She shouts from the back room.
<b>-"I didn't work today though?"</b>
<manager>-"Just take it before I change my mind!"</manager> You shrug your shoulders and walk up to the counter. After taking the money, you leave the store. Time to go back home and get ready.
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>\
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
[[Go home->room]]
<manager>-"$name! Perfect timing!"</manager> She says as you enter the store. You're really not in the mood to work, but you could really use the cash!
<b>-"H-heyyy Leyja! Why?"</b> You say after making sure the store is empty.
<manager>-"I found out the password!"</manager> Leyja smiles as you walk up to her.
<b>-"The password?"</b>
<manager>-"Yeah, the password to the club, remember?"</manager> She sits down on the counter.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 30\po1.jpeg">
<b>-"Ohhhh yeah my bad! What is it?"</b> You throw your backpack to the side and lean on the wall.
<manager>-"I'll tell you when we get there!"</manager>
<b>-"When WE get there? What? Are we going right now? I also thought I was the only one going?"</b>
<manager>-"Not RIGHT now, but today. And well, change of plans! It'll be easier with me there, trust me."</manager>
<<pageReplace"Ask more questions.">>
<b>-"This is all so sudden, you didn't want to tell me beforehand?"</b> You squint your eyes in annoyance.
<manager>-"I know what I'm doing $name.. Plus, this visit won't be a one time thing, you'll get used to it!"</manager> She takes off her jacket.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 30\po2.jpeg">
<manager>-"Also, I'm telling you now! You'll have a couple of hours to get ready!"</manager>
<b>-"Sigh.. I guess.."</b>
<b>-"You could have just texted if we're not going to be working today."</b>
<manager>-"I don't have your number dummy.. And even if I did, I like to see my little princess in person..."</manager>
<b>-"Y-your little princess?"</b> You blush.
<manager>-"Of course.. Just look at yourself.."</manager> You take a look in the mirror to your left and you can't lie, with the uniform and the new hair, you definitely resemble a woman.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 30\po5.jpg">
<b>-"Gulp.. I guess you're right.."</b>
<manager>-"You're going to fool everyone there!"</manager> She giggles.
<b>-"B-but how about you? We only have one mask for women.."</b>
<manager>-"That's why I brought these!"</manager> She suddenly pulls out an old tool box from under the counter and plops it down.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 30\po8.jpeg">
<b>-"....You lost me."</b>
<manager>-"I'm going to change the male mask into a female one! Going to cut off the horns and that big snout, make it all pretty!"</manager> She looks at you proudly.
<b>-"You sure it'll look good..?"</b> You giggle a little.
<manager>-"Hey! I'll have you know, I used to take carpentry lessons!"</manager> Leyja scoffs at your question.
<manager>-"Oh and on that note, give me the mask before I forget."</manager> You nod and open your backpack. After finding the male mask you hand it to her.
<b>-"There you go.. Oh and What are we going to do there again?"</b>
<manager>-"Today? We'll get inside and find you a job."</manager> She shifts her body once again.
<b>-"A job?"</b>
<manager>-"Yes, a job. Maybe a server or a cleaner... We just need an excuse for you to be there and not know anyone."</manager>
<<pageReplace"They will just hire a random girl?">>\
<b>-"Y-you think they'll hire just some random girl from the street?"</b> You ask.
<b>-"You said it's a very secretive and secure club, no?"</b> Leyja nods.
<manager>-"Indeed it is."</manager>
<manager>-"That's why I'll act like Hudson's wife and recommend you for the position!"</manager> That's actually a pretty good idea..
<b>-"Huh.. That just might work.. But won't they be able to tell you're not her?"</b>
<manager>-"I hope not haha, if they can we're both fucked."</manager> She laughs.
<manager>-"I mean, Juliat hasn't been seen in quite a while.. She's on her spiritual trip or whatever, remember the letter?"</manager> She fixes her hair.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 30\po3.jpeg">
<b>-"I mean yeah.. You're right.. S-so why do I need this job?"</b> You cross your arms.
<manager>-"As I said, you need an excuse to be there for quite a while. I'll need you to gather information, maybe get some influential people on our side..."</manager>
<b>-"Sorry to ask so many questions, but this is still quite confusing to me, what is the end goal?"</b> Leyja sighs out of frustraition.
<manager>-"To take control of the university of course... To free the students from their inevitable fate on the island..."</manager>
<b>-"Right.."</b> You nod after being reminded the importance of her cause.
<<pageReplace"Anything else I should know?">>\
<<todo "Meet Leyja outside of the shop">>\
<b>-"Anything else I should know?"</b>
<manager>-"Hmmm.. Probably not, I'll tell all the details when we get there. Just make sure to look nice, that's all."</manager>
<manager>-"You know... If we manage to pull it off, I'll give you another treat..."</manager>
<b>-"A treat?"</b> You blush a little..
<manager>-"Yes... Maybe I'll finally show off my toy room..."</manager> You remember the red room you saw in the back of the store once.. You've never been there since.
<b>-"R-really?! You told me to never go there!"</b> She get's closer to you..
<manager>-"Well... I think it's time to show it off.."</manager> She suddenly pulls up your skirt and spanks you.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 30\po4.webp">
<b>-"Y-youch!"</b> You squeek.
<manager>-"A lot of customers have asked for you to join the leagues.. I think you're ready."</manager> Leyja lets you go.
<b>-"The leagues..?"</b> You step back. You remember hearing moaning coming out of that room.. Is that what she means..?
<manager>-"Hehehe... Do a good enough job in the club and I'll explain everything."</manager> You gulp and pull down your skirt.
<b>-"F-fine.. So where are we meeting up? I need to pick out something to wear."</b>
<manager>-"In an hour! Meet me outside of the shop, the club is not far from here."</manager> Your red cheeks start to slowly fade away.
<b>-"Right.. Do they have a dress code?"</b> You start heading towards the door.
<manager>-"I mean.. Not really, I saw all kinds of people entering, just make sure to bring the masks and don't wear those stupid jeans."</manager>
<b>-"Stupid jeans? Which ones?"</b> You look at her.
<manager>-"Those old ones you came into the shop for the first time with! No woman would wear them!"</manager> She chuckles and starts walking towards the changing room.
<b>-"Of course.. See you in an hour!"</b> You shout as you open the door.
<manager>-"Your pay is on the counter, take it!"</manager> She shouts from the back room.
<b>-"I didn't work today though?"</b>
<manager>-"Just take it before I change my mind!"</manager> You shrug your shoulders and walk up to the counter. After taking the money, you leave the store. Time to go back home and get ready.
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>\
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Go home->room]]
<<pageReplace"Some members might recognise me!">>\
<b>-"I mean some of the people there will definitely be Hudson's guys, they'll recognise me!"</b>
<manager>-"That's what the masks are for?"</manager> She squints her eyes, confused.
<b>-"Even the staff are wearing masks?"</b>
<manager>-"Of course! Nobody can enter without one on. It's to make sure total confidentiality"</manager>
<b>-"Okay good.. S-so why do I need this job?"</b> You cross your arms. As she fixes her hair.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 30\po3.jpeg">
<manager>-"As I said, you need an excuse to be there for quite a while. I'll need you to gather information, maybe get some influential people on our side..."</manager>
<b>-"Sorry to ask so many questions, but this is still quite confusing to me, what is the end goal?"</b> Leyja sighs out of frustraition.
<manager>-"To take control of the university of course... To free the students from their inevitable fate on the island..."</manager>
<b>-"Right.."</b> You nod after being reminded the importance of her cause.
<<pageReplace"Anything else I should know?">>\
<<todo "Meet Leyja outside of the shop">>\
<b>-"Anything else I should know?"</b>
<manager>-"Hmmm.. Probably not, I'll tell all the details when we get there. Just make sure to look nice, that's all."</manager>
<manager>-"You know... If we manage to pull it off, I'll give you another treat..."</manager>
<b>-"A treat?"</b> You blush a little..
<manager>-"Yes... Maybe I'll finally show off my toy room..."</manager> You remember the red room you saw in the back of the store once.. You've never been there since.
<b>-"R-really?! You told me to never go there!"</b> She get's closer to you..
<manager>-"Well... I think it's time to show it off.."</manager> She suddenly pulls up your skirt and spanks you.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 30\po4.webp">
<b>-"Y-youch!"</b> You squeek.
<manager>-"A lot of customers have asked for you to join the leagues.. I think you're ready."</manager> Leyja lets you go.
<b>-"The leagues..?"</b> You step back. You remember hearing moaning coming out of that room.. Is that what she means..?
<manager>-"Hehehe... Do a good enough job in the club and I'll explain everything."</manager> You gulp and pull down your skirt.
<b>-"F-fine.. So where are we meeting up? I need to pick out something to wear."</b>
<manager>-"In an hour! Meet me outside of the shop, the club is not far from here."</manager> Your red cheeks start to slowly fade away.
<b>-"Right.. Do they have a dress code?"</b> You start heading towards the door.
<manager>-"I mean.. Not really, I saw all kinds of people entering, just make sure to bring the masks and don't wear those stupid jeans."</manager>
<b>-"Stupid jeans? Which ones?"</b> You look at her.
<manager>-"Those old ones you came into the shop for the first time with! No woman would wear them!"</manager> She chuckles and starts walking towards the changing room.
<b>-"Of course.. See you in an hour!"</b> You shout as you open the door.
<manager>-"Your pay is on the counter, take it!"</manager> She shouts from the back room.
<b>-"I didn't work today though?"</b>
<manager>-"Just take it before I change my mind!"</manager> You shrug your shoulders and walk up to the counter. After taking the money, you leave the store. Time to go back home and get ready.
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>\
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Go home->room]]
<</if>>\<<location "Images/Sex shop/intro/0_Sex-shoppers.webp" "Simply Pleasure sex shop">>\
<<set $worked to true>>\
<<set $workdays to $workdays +1>>\
<<if $domstatus is true>>\
<b>-"Time to claim my reward.."</b> You grin while fantasizing about what you will do to her.
<b>-"Hey Leyja!"</b> You announce as you enter the store.
<m>-"Hey $name! I'm over here!"</m> You hear her shout from behind one of the shelves.
<b>-"Oof.."</b> After throwing your backpack full of clothes to the side, you walk towards her.
<b>-"Heyyy.."</b> Gosh... Her clothes are so skimpy today..
<m>-"Hey youuuu.."</m> She's crouching down, stacking the shelves and checking if everything is in place.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 31\1.webp">
<m>-"You're in one piece! Glad to see it!"</m> She giggles.
<b>-"What do you mean?"</b> You chuckle.
<m>-"After you told me that you removed your mask, I was worried.. I'm glad nothing happened to you!"</m>
<b>-"...You really don't trust Judy, huh?"</b>
<m>-"I wouldn't say I don't trust her, I'm just cautious of her.."</m> She shifs her body.
<m>-"Anyways, tell me everything you saw."</m> You nod...
<<pageReplace"Tell her everything.">>
<m>-"Really..?"</m> She pauses for a second as you finish.
<m>-"Hmph... She seems to be reeling you in.."</m>
<b>-"Reeling me in?"</b>
<m>-"Yes.. The same way that I did."</m> Leyja smirks.
<b>-"I wouldn't say you reeled me in.. Wasn't it the other way around?"</b>
<m>-"Shut up.."</m> She blushes and rolls her eyes.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 31\2.webp">
<m>-"She's trying to get into your good graces by acting all nice and friendly.. I wouldn't trust her if I was you."</m>
<b>-"Hmmm... Maybe.."</b>
<m>-"As I mentioned over text, we'll use the meetings to spy on them and gather information.. Besides that, you're free to explore the place, just report back to me if you find anything of interest, please."</m>
<b>-"Sure! The club seems to be full of interesting spots to explore, so I'll be texting you a lot haha!"</b>
<m>-"And about the payment.."</m> You mentioned that Judy is earning over 500$ a month from tips.
<m>-"I have a way for you to earn more money as well.."</m>
<b>-"You don't have to compete with her Leyja, I'm not doing this for the money."</b>
<m>-"I know, still, it's better to have that incentive there... Just in case."</m> She stands up.
<m>-"Follow me."</m>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 31\3.webp">
<b>-"Sure."</b> You start to fllow her.
<b>-"Where are we going?"</b> You ask as you begin walking towards the back of the store.
<m>-"To the Layja's Lair."</m>
<b>-"Layja's Lair..?"</b> You keep walking until you reach a red door. You remember seeing it a while back...
<<pageReplace"Get inside">>\
<<location "Images/Sex shop/work 31/leyjaslair.jpg" "Leyja's Lair">>\
<m>-"I own two shops, they just happen to be on top of each other."</m> She open the door and both of you step inside...
<b>-"W-woah.."</b> The room is full of sex toys, strip poles and other trinkets.. You've seen in before, but it's still surprising to see!
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 31\4.jpeg">
<m>-"I'm certain you've heard moans coming from here before."</m> Leyja starts walking towards one of the couches.
<b>-"I have haha.."</b>
<m>-"Yeah sorry about that, it's pretty hard for the customers to keep their voices down."</m> She chuckles.
<b>-"So.. a second shop huh? What do you sell?"</b> She sits down.
<m>-"I'll show you in a second, but now.."</m> You see her slowly spread her legs.
<m>-"Come here.. It's time you claimed your treat for risking your skin in that club.."</m> You cross your arms.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 31\5.webp">
<b>-"What.. Is my reward supposed to be eating you out?"</b>
<m>-"Y-yes.."</m> Leyja stares at you.
<b>-"Not happening, you're going to be the one pleasuring me."</b> You look around the room.
<b>-"Ahh there we go.."</b> You spot some cuffs on one of the tables.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 31\21.jpg">
<m>-"What are you going to do with them.."</m> She asks as you grab them.
<b>-"Put them on."</b> You throw them to her.
<b>-"You heard me. I helped you out big time, you best return the favor."</b> Leyja sighs.
<<pageReplace"Watch her.">>\
<m>-"You're a freak, you know that?"</m> She starts putting them on as you sit down.
<b>-"Really? I'm not the one with a sex dungeon though."</b>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 31\22.webp">
<m>-"Nghh.. There.."</m> She locks them.
<b>-"Wow, that was quick.. You have experience?"</b> You chuckle and begin unbuckling your pants.
<m>-"Maybe I do.."</m>
<b>-"On your knees."</b>
<m>-"R-right.."</m> Leyja listens to your command.
<b>-"Suck, and make sure to do a good job."</b> You lay back as she gets closer.
<m>-"You're so lucky I like you.."</m> She puts the tip of your cock in her mouth.
<b>-"You say that every time."</b> She very softly bites your cock in defiance.
<b>-"H-hey! Be nice!"</b> Leyja begins to go deeper...
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 31\25.webp">
<m>-"MghHh... W-what are ywou gwoing to dwo to mwe?"</m>
<b>-"You'll see.. Now focus on making me feel good."</b> She begins to speed up as you grab her hair.
<m>-"MghHHH.. S-swo bwig.."</m>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 31\24.webp">
<b>-"Good girl.. FuckKkk meee this feels good.."</b> Your eyes roll backwards as the pleasure overtakes you.
<m>-"NghHHh.. I-I'm swo wwet.."</m> She slurs her words.
<b>-"I bet you are.."</b> You decide that you shouldn't cum just yet, you don't want to shoot blanks during the main event.
<b>-"Up."</b> She pulls her head back as you let go.
<m>-"W-what..?"</m> Her face is completely covered in saliva.
<b>-"I said up."</b>
<m>-"NghHhhh.."</m> It looks like she doesn't understand...
<<pageReplace"Stand up.">>
<b>-"Gosh you're pathetic."</b> You stand up and point at the sofa.
<b>-"Get on"</b>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 31\26.webp">
<b>-"Spread your legs."</b> She follows your order and does so.
<m>-"NghHh.. P-please.."</m> Leyja starts to move her butt around, trying to invite you inside.
<b>-"Beg for it."</b> You place your rock hard cock on her hands, behind her back.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 31\23.webp">
<m>-"S-shitTttt.. P-please $name.. Put it inside."</m> You spank her ass.
<b>-"I said beg!"</b>
<m>-"NhHHH!! I-I BEG YOU! PUT INSIDE!"</m> She starts humping the air as you grab your shaft.
<b>-"Good girl."</b>
<<pageReplace"Pierce her.">>
<m>-"MghHHHHHH!!!"</m> You hear her muffled scream as she buries her head in one of the pillows.
<b>-"MghHh.. You weren't lying, you're soaking wet!"</b>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 31\27.webp">
<m>-"YesHhHHH! Swoo gwoodDDDdddD!"</m> She screams as you increase in speed.
<b>-"S-so tight.."</b> Her insides are trying to milk your dry, you do your best to fight it, but you're already close.
<b>-"..."</b> You suddenly remember what you learned from Gina and raise your hips... Aiming your shaft downwards, you begin pleasuring her G-spot.
<m>-"F-fuckKkkKKK!!!"</m> Leyja starts to quiver in pleasure.
<b>-"Hah, already?!"</b> You slow down as Leyja finishes.
<m>-"S-so good... Where did you learn that.."</m> She pants as her shaking stops.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 31\28.webp">
<b>-"Don't worry about it.. Just enjoy yourself."</b> You slap her ass and begin speeding up again.
<m>-"NgHhHhHH!! G-godDDddDDd..."</m>
<<pageReplace"Make her cum again.">>\
<b>-"Fuck feel so good.."</b>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 31\29.webp">
<b>-"Come here.."</b> You do the same thing as before, but also press her stomach inwards, towards the tip of your cock.
<m>-"S-shitTtttttt s-s-stopPPpPP!!"</m> Leyja tries to resist, but with locked hands, she can't do anything.
<b>-"HhhaaAaAGhhH!"</b> You increase the tempo once again and Leyja begins shaking.
<m>-"YessSSssHHHH!!"</m> As Leyja quivers, you feel like it's time for you to explode as well..
<b>-"NghHHhHH! H-here!!"</b> You unload inside of her.
<m>-"Haaaaaah.."</m> She falls on her belly.. Completely exhausted.
<b>-"Pant.. Now that.. Pant.. Is what I call a treat.."</b> You slowly get off the sofa.
<m>-"S-shittt.."</m> You hear a queefing sound as you walk towards the table to grab the keys.
<<pageReplace"Unlock her.">>
<b>-"Here you go love."</b> You unlock her and take off the cuffs.
<m>-"G-gosh.. Y-you bastard.. Why did you do it so hard.."</m> Leyja slowly gets up from the sofa.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 31\30.webp">
<b>-"We haven't had sex in a while.. Had to make sure you knew how good I felt."</b> You chuckle as you watch your cum drip out from her insides.
<m>-"B-bastard.."</m> She walks to one of the drawers and takes out some tissues. After cleaning herself up and putting on a skirt, she faces you.
<m>-"Are you not going to pull your pants back up?"</m> You look down.
<b>-"Oh shit.. Haha you're right."</b> You pull up your underwear and pants.
<m>-"So.. Enjoyed your treat?"</m> She says in a raspy voice.. You can tell that she's tired.
<b>-"I did.. I can tell that you did as well.."</b>
<m>-"Shut up.."</m>
<b>-"So.. What's the Leyja's Lair again? You said you'll give me a tour.."</b>
<m>-"It's a sex club of sorts.. Follow me."</m> She begins walking, but suddenly leans on one of the walls.
<b>-"Woah.. You alright?"</b>
<m>-"Y-yeah.. My legs are just refusing to work.."</m> It's obvious you fucked her a bit too hard.. She regains some strenght and begins walking again.
<b>-"A club huh? Is it similar t-"</b> She interrupts you.
<m>-"No it's not the same as the club you infiltrated... People are free to leave, no blackmail or drugs are involved."</m> You enter one of the rooms.
<b>-"What's this..?"</b> You look around the room, seeing a hole in the wall..
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 31\18.jpg">
<m>-"It's one of my playrooms.. See that hole in the wall? That's where your cock will be.."</m>
<<pageReplace"Question her">>
<b>-"Is that a gloryhole?"</b>
<m>-"Yup... Most of my customers are men, that's why most of my employees are women."</m>
<b>-"I've never seen anyone working around here before.."</b>
<m>-"Well the girls only work in Leyja's Lair, so there's that. You might run into a couple, they come in whenever they want, the hours are flexible."</m>
<b>-"So, they suck dick for money... Where do I come in?"</b> She leans on one of the walls again.
<m>-"As I said, MOST of the clients are men, some are women though, so I need an employee with a big cock to make them happy."</m> She looks down at your crotch.
<m>-"And you definitely got that covered."</m>
<b>-"Hah, so what would I need to do?"</b>
<m>-"When you would hear a knock on the other side of the wall, you'd just stick your cock through the hole and the girls would have fun with it."</m>
<b>-"People really pay money for that?"</b>
<m>-"Of course they do."</m>
<m>-"Anyways, I have some more hardcore rooms in the plans, with the girls blindfolded and you making love to them for cash, stuff like that, but that's in the future."</m> She coughs.
<b>-"Right, so how much would this pay?"</b>
<m>-"Well, most of my girls earn about 300 - 400$ a day, so I bet you would earn something similar."</m>
<m>-"Are you interested? You would be able to work at Simply Pleasure even if you agree."</m>
<<pageReplace"Why not..">>
<<set $leyjaslair to true>>\
<<set $leyjaslairevent to 1>>
<b>-"I mean.. Why not.. If I'm free to work here anyways."</b>
<m>-"So, that's a yes?"</m>
<m>-"Cool! Just come around Simply Pleasure once in a while, I still want to have fun with you."</m> She blushes.
<b>-"Hah! Of course Leyja, you'll always be my favorite."</b> You boh begin walking towards the door.
<b>-"O-oh, look at that."</b> you point at her thigh.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 31\20.webp">
<m>-"O-oh shit!"</m> Some more of your cum got out..
<b>-"Go and clean up, we can't let customers see you like that."</b>
<m>-"Yeah, you're right.."</m> Leyja nods and walks out of the room.
<b>-"Alright, time to head to work."</b> This is great! You can't believe you'll be sucked off for money!
<<set $dominant to $dominant +2>>
<blue>Dominant +2!</blue>
<grey>New location unlocked - Leyja's Lair!</grey>
[[Work your shift->Go outside]]
<b>-"Time to claim my reward.."</b> You grin while fantasizing about what will happen to you today..
<b>-"Hello Mistress!"</b> You announce as you enter the store.
<m>-"Hey $name! I'm over here!"</m> You hear her shout from behind one of the shelves.
<b>-"Oof.."</b> After throwing your backpack full of clothes to the side, you walk towards her.
<b>-"Heyyy.."</b> Gosh... Her clothes are so skimpy today..
<m>-"Hey youuuu.."</m> She's crouching down, stacking the shelves and checking if everything is in place.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 31\1.webp">
<m>-"You're in one piece! Glad to see it!"</m> She giggles.
<b>-"W-what do you mean?"</b> You awkwardly laugh with her.
<m>-"After you told me that you removed your mask, I was worried.. I'm glad nothing happened to you!"</m>
<b>-"...You really don't trust Judy, huh?"</b>
<m>-"I wouldn't say I don't trust her, I'm just cautious of her.."</m> She shifs her body.
<m>-"Anyways, tell me everything you saw."</m> You nod...
<<pageReplace"Tell her everything.">>
<m>-"Really..?"</m> She pauses for a second as you finish.
<m>-"Hmph... She seems to be reeling you in.."</m>
<b>-"R-reeling me in?"</b>
<m>-"Yes.. The same way that I did."</m> Leyja smirks.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 31\2.webp">
<m>-"She's trying to get into your good graces by acting all nice and friendly.. I wouldn't trust her if I was you."</m>
<m>-"As I mentioned over text, we'll use the meetings to spy on them and gather information.. Besides that, you're free to explore the place, just report back to me if you find anything of interest."</m>
<b>-"Sure! The club seems to be full of interesting spots so, I'll be texting you a lot!"</b> You smile.
<m>-"And about the payment.."</m> You mentioned that Judy is earning over 500$ a month from tips.
<m>-"I have a way for you to earn more money as well.."</m>
<b>-"Y-you don't have to compete with her.. I'm loyal to you, Mistress."</b>
<m>-"I know, still, it's better to have that incentive there... Just in case."</m> She stands up.
<m>-"Follow me."</m>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 31\3.webp">
<b>-"Yes Mistress..."</b> You nod.
<b>-"Where are we going?"</b> You ask as you begin walking towards the back of the store.
<m>-"To the Layja's Lair."</m>
<b>-"Layja's Lair..?"</b> You keep walking until you reach a red door. You remember seeing it a while back...
<<pageReplace"Get inside">>\
<<location "Images/Sex shop/work 31/leyjaslair.jpg" "Leyja's Lair">>\
<m>-"I own two shops, they just happen to be on top of each other."</m> She open the door and both of you step inside...
<b>-"W-woah.."</b> The room is full of sex toys, strip poles and other trinkets.. You've seen in before, but it's still surprising to see!
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 31\4.jpeg">
<m>-"I'm certain you've heard moans coming from here before."</m> Leyja starts walking towards one of the couches.
<b>-"I have haha.."</b>
<m>-"Yeah sorry about that, it's pretty hard for the customers to keep their voices down."</m> She chuckles.
<b>-"So.. a second shop huh? W-what do you sell?"</b> She sits down.
<m>-"I'll show you in a second, but now.."</m> You see her slowly spread her legs.
<m>-"Come here.. It's time you claimed your treat for risking your skin in that club.."</m> Your eyes grow wide in exctiment..
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 31\5.webp">
<b>-"Yes Miss Leyja!"</b> You feel your cock pressing up against the chastity cage as you get on your knees.
<m>-"Well, what are you waiting for?"</m> Leyja asks as you stare at her hoo hah.
<b>-"Gulp.. S-sorry Mistress, it's just been a while.."</b> You get closer and inhale her aroma.. She smells amazing.
<<pageReplace"Start to eat her out.">>
<b>-"Here I go.."</b> You slowly remove her panties
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 31\6.webp">
<b>-"Mghhh.."</b> You close your eyes and begin pleasuring her.. Gosh you've missed this.
<m>-"NghHHHH! Y-yessSss.."</m> She slowly rolls her head backwards as you increase the speed.
<m>-"FucKKkk! G-gosh you've gotten good!"</m> She grabs your hair..
<b>-"Muhh.. All twhanks twu ywou.. Mnhh.. Mwistress!"</b> You feel Leyja's juices start to slowly pour out as you shift your body to the right.
<m>-"NghHHH! K-keep going, pet!"</m>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 31\7.webp">
<b>-"GHhhh!"</b> You remember what Kei thought you and start to focus on her clit.
<m>-"F-fuck fuckKkk fuCKKKK!!"</m> She screams as you feel her whole body shakes..
<b>-"..."</b> You stay quiet and let her enjoy the moment..
<b>-"Fuck.. Not good.."</b> You finally mumble as you feel your cock getting harder and harder.. You're about to cum!
<m>-"S-shitTtt.. T-that was a good one.."</m> Her quivers stop.
<m>-"What's wrong, honey?"</m> She finally calms down and lets go of your hair.
<b>-"I-I'm about to cum!"</b> You see Leyja roll her eyes and pull her panties back up.
<m>-"Gosh you're helpless! Come here."</m> She pushes you away and smacks the sofa a couple of times.
<<pageReplace"Get on the sofa.">>
<m>-"I thought you were caged..?"</m> She frowns as you get on top.
<b>-"I-I am Mistress! Take a look!"</b> You take off your panties.
<m>-"Hmph.."</m> She lifts up your skirt.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 31\9.webp">
<m>-"Take it off."</m>
<m>-"I said take it off."</m>
<b>-"Y-yes Mistress.."</b> You take the key out of your pocket and begin unlocking yourself.
<m>-"Can't believe you almost came in your cage! You're learning so quickly, I'm proud!"</m> She smiles as you take the device off.
<b>-"You are?"</b> Your eyes light up.
<m>-"I am.. Next step will be for you to learn how to cum from anal pleasure only."</m> She raises her finger.
<m>-"Turn around $name."</m> You nod and do as instructed.
<b>-"W-what!?"</b> She suddenly puts cuffs on both your wrists and ankles.
<m>-"Don't worry, I will unlock you after you cum... It's just a precaution, so you don't run."</m> You don't know how to feel..
<b>-"MgHHH!"</b> Leyja's cold hands pull out the buttplug you had inside of you.
<m>-"Let's see.."</m> She starts to slowly massage your butt as your barely hard cock swings freely.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 31\10.webp">
<m>-"Have you been using all of your toys often..?"</m>
<b>-"Yes Mistres.. I use them almost daily.."</b> You hear her grab something.
<m>-"Good.. We're about to find out if you're lying or not though!"</m> She squirts some lube on your anus and begins rubbing it in.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 31\11.webp">
<b>-"W-what are you going to do..?"</b> You ask her, sheepishly.
<m>-"See how much of a girl you are."</m> Mistress slowly inserts her finger inside..
<b>-"MgHHHHH!"</b> Your back rounds as you moan.
<m>-"Calm down! It's only one finger!"</m> She slaps your butt and starts to finger you again.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 31\12.webp">
<m>-"You like it?"</m> Mistress asks as you try your best not to make a sound.
<b>-"Y-yesss.."</b> You whisper.
<m>-"Good, you're ready for a couple more then.."</m> Your anus stretches even more as she shoves another finger inside.
<b>-"S-shitTTtt!!"</b> You try to move, but she's sitting on top of you.
<<pageReplace"Close your eyes and focus on the pleasure.">>\
<m>-"H-hey! Stop moving around!"</m>
<b>-"NghHHH! S-sorry.."</b>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 31\13.webp">
<b>-"NghHhhH..."</b> The deeper she goes, the better you feel..
<m>-"Oh wow... I can see that you're enjoying yourself.."</m> Miss Leyja says as she see's the pre cum leaking out of your cock.
<m>-"I think it's time we moved to the big guns."</m> She gets off of you.
<b>-"T-the big guns..?"</b> You ask as she gets behind you and grabs something.. You don't dare to turn around.
<m>-"Yes.. We just need a littleeee more oil.."</m> Your body shivers as you feel her pour a bunch of lube on and into your anus.
<b>-"O-oh no.."</b> You think as something hard and thicc presses up against your ass.
<m>-"Are you ready, pet?"</m>
<b>-"Y-yes Mistress.."</b> Right as you say that, a dildo, much thicker than the ones you've used before, penetrates your body.
<b>-"NghHHHHH!! O-oh my goDDddDD!"</b> Leyja grabs your cock as you try your best to stay quiet.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 31\14.webp">
<m>-"Oh wow! You took that a lot easier than I expected!"</m> She starts to slowly fuck you with the dildo.
<b>-"Ahhh! HhHAAA!"</b> The dildo is so big, that you're having a hard time breathing!
<b>-"N-no more!"</b> You manage to say as your cock throbs...
<m>-"Cum and all of this will be over..."</m> She shoves it even deeper inside..
<b>-"S-swo bwiggg!"</b> You slur your words as the tip touches your g-spot.
<<pageReplace"Try to resists one last time..">>
<m>-"Good girllllll.. Come on.. I can tell you're about to explode.."</m> Her finger nails dig into your back as you arch it.
<b>-"MghhhhHh.. N-noooOoo.."</b> Leyja speeds up, the pleasure is completely overpowering.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 31\15.webp">
<b>-"F-fucKKKK!!"</b> You scream as you bury your head into the pillow.. You're about to cum.
<m>-"Come on!! You can do it $name!"</m> You try to clench your butt to slow her down, but that just made it worse.
<b>-"S-shit sHhitTtt shitTTTtttT!"</b> As Leyja increases in speed one last time, your body gives up..
<b>-"NGhHHHH!!"</b> A wave of ecstasy devours you as you cum all over the sofa.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 31\16.webp">
<m>-"There you go! Amazing!"</m> She takes out the dildo as you continue to cum.
<b>-"NghHhhHH.. S-swo gwooddd..."</b>
<m>-"Incredible job $name... A couple of sessions like this, and you'll be cumming from anal with your cage on in no time!"</m> She lets go of your cock.
<b>-"F-fuckkKk..."</b> You fall on your belly.. Completely exhausted.
<m>-"Take a rest, I'm going to clean this guy."</m> She grabs the toy and stands up. After unlocking you, you hear her walk towards the bathroom as you just lay there..
<<pageReplace"Rest a bit and stand up.">>
<b>-"Oof.."</b> You say as you finally stand up after some time.
<b>-"Gosh.. I've made such a mess.."</b> You look at giant cum stain on the sofa.
<m>-"Agh! You've recovered already?"</m> Mia comes enter the room, with the toy in hand.
<b>-"Y-yes.. I think so.. Sorry for the mess.."</b> Leyja puts the the dildo in one of the drawers and sits down.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 31\17.webp">
<m>-"Hah, no worries, the maid will clean it up in a couple of hours."</m>
<b>-"T-the maid?"</b> You've never seen a maid around here..
<m>-"Yeah, Leyja's Lair get's pretty dirty after each session, so she helps a ton.."</m>
<m>-"So.. Did you enjoy your treat?"</m> She grins.
<b>-"I.. I did! I knew that anal could feel good, but.. That was incredible!"</b>
<m>-"Heh.. I knew you would like it. It feels even better if you're wearing a cage."</m>
<b>-"R-really?"</b> You remember trying out toys with the chastity on... It didn't feel as good as today.
<m>-"Mhm.. You'll be able to try it out in a couple of days, don't worry."</m> You both stand up.
<b>-"Right, so.. What's the Leyja's Lair again? You said you'll give me a tour.."</b>
<m>-"It's a sex club of sorts.. Follow me."</m> She begins walking.
<b>-"... So is it th-"</b> She interrupts you.
<m>-"No it's not the same as the club you infiltrated you dumbass. People are free to leave, no blackmail or drugs are involved."</m> You enter one of the rooms.
<b>-"What's this..?"</b> You look around the room, seeing a hole in the wall..
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 31\18.jpg">
<m>-"It's one of my playrooms.. See that hole in the wall? There's usually a cock poking through it."</m>
<<pageReplace"Question her">>\
<b>-"A-a cock...?"</b>
<m>-"Yes, this is also one of the rooms you would be working in, if you wanted to earn extra cash."</m> As Leyja speaks, you imagine a cock coming through the hole..
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 31\19.png">
<b>-"..."</b> How it would look like.. What you would have to do to get it off... How it would taste..
<m>-"Are you listening to me?"</m> Mistress looks at you.
<b>-"O-oh! Sorry, yes I am!"</b> You shake your head and stop fantasizing.
<m>-"So, if you want to earn some serious cash, you can come here instead of working at Simply Pleasure."</m>
<b>-"Y-you sure you won't need me there?"</b>
<m>-"I should be able to handle it, no need to worry about me."</m>
<b>-"R-right, so what would I be doing here?"</b> You sheepishly ask.
<m>-"Just sit on the chair until a cock pops out of the hole, get it off to the best of your abilities and earn cash."</m>
<b>-"It's that simple..?"</b>
<m>-"Yup.. At least for now. I have other rooms that are more hardcore. Like face to face stuff, but I don't think you're quite ready for that."</m> You nod.
<m>-"Well, are you interested? You would be able to work at Simply Pleasure even if you agree."</m>
<<pageReplace"Why not..">>
<<set $leyjaslair to true>>\
<<set $leyjaslairevent to 1>>
<b>-"I mean.. Why not, if I'll still be able to work with you whenever I want.."</b>
<b>-"How much would I earn here?"</b>
<m>-"Depends on the day, my girls usually get paid around 200 - 400$ a day."</m>
<b>-"Y-your girls?"</b>
<m>-"Yes, did you really think you were the only employee I have?"</m>
<b>-"I've never seen anyone working around here before.."</b>
<m>-"Well the girls only work in Leyja's Lair, so there's that. You might run into a couple, they come in whenever they want, the hours are flexible."</m>
<b>-"Understood.. I'll try it out then.."</b>
<m>-"Cool! Just come around Simply Pleasure once in a while, I still want to have fun with you."</m> She winks.
<b>-"Of course Mistress!"</b> You boh begin walking towards the door.
<m>-"O-oh, look at that."</m> She points to your thigh.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 31\20.webp">
<b>-"O-oh shit!"</b> Imagining that cock made you leak pre cum..
<m>-"Go and clean up, I can't let you stack shelves looking like that."</m>
<b>-"Yes Miss Leyja.. I'll be right back!"</b> Leyja nods and walks out of the room.
<b>-"Shit... Let's clean up.."</b> You can't believe you're actually considering pleasuring cocks for a living..
<<set $feminization to $feminization +3>>
<emily>Feminization +3!</emily>
<grey>New location unlocked - Leyja's Lair!</grey>
[[Clean up and work your shift->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Not really.">>
<b>-"N-not really... They're still pretty new to me."</b> You hear her grab something.
<m>-"Shame.. In either case, we're about to find out how good you are at taking them."</m> She squirts some lube on your anus and begins rubbing it in.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 31\11.webp">
<b>-"W-what are you going to do..?"</b> You ask her, sheepishly.
<m>-"See how much of a girl you are."</m> Mistress slowly inserts her finger inside..
<b>-"MgHHHHH!"</b> Your back rounds as you moan.
<m>-"Calm down! It's only one finger!"</m> She slaps your butt and starts to finger you again.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 31\12.webp">
<m>-"You like it?"</m> Mistress asks as you try your best not to make a sound.
<b>-"Y-yesss.."</b> You whisper.
<m>-"Good, you're ready for a couple more then.."</m> Your anus stretches even more as she shoves another finger inside.
<b>-"S-shitTTtt!!"</b> You try to move, but she's sitting on top of you.
<<pageReplace"Close your eyes and focus on the pleasure.">>\
<m>-"H-hey! Stop moving around!"</m>
<b>-"NghHHH! S-sorry.."</b>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 31\13.webp">
<b>-"NghHhhH..."</b> The deeper she goes, the better you feel..
<m>-"Oh wow... I can see that you're enjoying yourself.."</m> Miss Leyja says as she see's the pre cum leaking out of your cock.
<m>-"I think it's time we moved to the big guns."</m> She gets off of you.
<b>-"T-the big guns..?"</b> You ask as she gets behind you and grabs something.. You don't dare to turn around.
<m>-"Yes.. We just need a littleeee more oil.."</m> Your body shivers as you feel her pour a bunch of lube on and into your anus.
<b>-"O-oh no.."</b> You think as something hard and thicc presses up against your ass.
<m>-"Are you ready, pet?"</m>
<b>-"Y-yes Mistress.."</b> Right as you say that, a dildo, much thicker than the ones you've used before, penetrates your body.
<b>-"NghHHHHH!! O-oh my goDDddDD!"</b> Leyja grabs your cock as you try your best to stay quiet.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 31\14.webp">
<m>-"Oh wow! You took that a lot easier than I expected!"</m> She starts to slowly fuck you with the dildo.
<b>-"Ahhh! HhHAAA!"</b> The dildo is so big, that you're having a hard time breathing!
<b>-"N-no more!"</b> You manage to say as your cock throbs...
<m>-"Cum and all of this will be over..."</m> She shoves it even deeper inside..
<b>-"S-swo bwiggg!"</b> You slur your words as the tip touches your g-spot.
<<pageReplace"Try to resists one last time..">>
<m>-"Good girllllll.. Come on.. I can tell you're about to explode.."</m> Her finger nails dig into your back as you arch it.
<b>-"MghhhhHh.. N-noooOoo.."</b> Leyja speeds up, the pleasure is completely overpowering.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 31\15.webp">
<b>-"F-fucKKKK!!"</b> You scream as you bury your head into the pillow.. You're about to cum.
<m>-"Come on!! You can do it $name!"</m> You try to clench your butt to slow her down, but that just made it worse.
<b>-"S-shit sHhitTtt shitTTTtttT!"</b> As Leyja increases in speed one last time, your body gives up..
<b>-"NGhHHHH!!"</b> A wave of ecstasy devours you as you cum all over the sofa.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 31\16.webp">
<m>-"There you go! Amazing!"</m> She takes out the dildo as you continue to cum.
<b>-"NghHhhHH.. S-swo gwooddd..."</b>
<m>-"Incredible job $name... A couple of sessions like this, and you'll be cumming from anal with your cage on in no time!"</m> She lets go of your cock.
<b>-"F-fuckkKk..."</b> You fall on your belly.. Completely exhausted.
<m>-"Take a rest, I'm going to clean this guy."</m> She grabs the toy and stands up. After unlocking you, you hear her walk towards the bathroom as you just lay there..
<<pageReplace"Rest a bit and stand up.">>
<b>-"Oof.."</b> You say as you finally stand up after some time.
<b>-"Gosh.. I've made such a mess.."</b> You look at giant cum stain on the sofa.
<m>-"Agh! You've recovered already?"</m> Mia comes enter the room, with the toy in hand.
<b>-"Y-yes.. I think so.. Sorry for the mess.."</b> Leyja puts the the dildo in one of the drawers and sits down.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 31\17.webp">
<m>-"Hah, no worries, the maid will clean it up in a couple of hours."</m>
<b>-"T-the maid?"</b> You've never seen a maid around here..
<m>-"Yeah, Leyja's Lair get's pretty dirty after each session, so she helps a ton.."</m>
<m>-"So.. Did you enjoy your treat?"</m> She grins.
<b>-"I.. I did! I knew that anal could feel good, but.. That was incredible!"</b>
<m>-"Heh.. I knew you would like it. It feels even better if you're wearing a cage."</m>
<b>-"R-really?"</b> You remember trying out toys with the chastity on... It didn't feel as good as today.
<m>-"Mhm.. You'll be able to try it out in a couple of days, don't worry."</m> You both stand up.
<b>-"Right, so.. What's the Leyja's Lair again? You said you'll give me a tour.."</b>
<m>-"It's a sex club of sorts.. Follow me."</m> She begins walking.
<b>-"... So is it th-"</b> She interrupts you.
<m>-"No it's not the same as the club you infiltrated you dumbass. People are free to leave, no blackmail or drugs are involved."</m> You enter one of the rooms.
<b>-"What's this..?"</b> You look around the room, seeing a hole in the wall..
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 31\18.jpg">
<m>-"It's one of my playrooms.. See that hole in the wall? There's usually a cock poking through it."</m>
<<pageReplace"Question her">>\
<b>-"A-a cock...?"</b>
<m>-"Yes, this is also one of the rooms you would be working in, if you wanted to earn extra cash."</m> As Leyja speaks, you imagine a cock coming through the hole..
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 31\19.png">
<b>-"..."</b> How it would look like.. What you would have to do to get it off... How it would taste..
<m>-"Are you listening to me?"</m> Mistress looks at you.
<b>-"O-oh! Sorry, yes I am!"</b> You shake your head and stop fantasizing.
<m>-"So, if you want to earn some serious cash, you can come here instead of working at Simply Pleasure."</m>
<b>-"Y-you sure you won't need me there?"</b>
<m>-"I should be able to handle it, no need to worry about me."</m>
<b>-"R-right, so what would I be doing here?"</b> You sheepishly ask.
<m>-"Just sit on the chair until a cock pops out of the hole, get it off to the best of your abilities and earn cash."</m>
<b>-"It's that simple..?"</b>
<m>-"Yup.. At least for now. I have other rooms that are more hardcore. Like face to face stuff, but I don't think you're quite ready for that."</m> You nod.
<m>-"Well, are you interested? You would be able to work at Simply Pleasure even if you agree."</m>
<<set $leyjaslair to true>>\
<<set $leyjaslairevent to 1>>
<b>-"I am.. How much would they pay?"</b>
<m>-"Depends on the day, my girls usually get paid around 200 - 400$ a day."</m>
<b>-"Y-your girls?"</b>
<m>-"Yes, did you really think you were the only employee I have?"</m>
<b>-"I've never seen anyone working around here before.."</b>
<m>-"Well the girls only work in Leyja's Lair, so there's that. You might run into a couple, they come in whenever they want, the hours are flexible."</m>
<b>-"Understood.. I'll try it out then.."</b>
<m>-"Cool! Just come around Simply Pleasure once in a while, I still want to have fun with you."</m> She winks.
<b>-"Of course Mistress!"</b> You boh begin walking towards the door.
<m>-"O-oh, look at that."</m> She points to your thigh.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 31\20.webp">
<b>-"O-oh shit!"</b> Imagining that cock made you leak pre cum..
<m>-"Go and clean up, I can't let you stack shelves looking like that."</m>
<b>-"Yes Miss Leyja.. I'll be right back!"</b> Leyja nods and walks out of the room.
<b>-"Shit... Let's clean up.."</b> You can't believe you're actually considering pleasuring cocks for a living..
<<set $feminization to $feminization +3>>
<emily>Feminization +3!</emily>
<grey>New location unlocked - Leyja's Lair!</grey>
[[Clean up and work your shift->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Not really.">>
<b>-"I don't know.. How much would they pay?"</b>
<m>-"Depends on the day, my girls usually get paid around 200 - 400$ a day."</m>
<b>-"Y-your girls?"</b>
<m>-"Yes, did you really think you were the only employee I have?"</m>
<b>-"I've never seen anyone working around here before.."</b>
<m>-"Well the girls only work in Leyja's Lair, so there's that. You might run into a couple, they come in whenever they want, the hours are flexible."</m>
<b>-"Understood.. I don't really know if I want to try it out to be honest.."</b>
<m>-"Why not?"</m> She crosses her arms.
<b>-"I don't know.. It just seems a bit too much..."</b>
<m>-"Sigh.. God damnit.. So many customers wanted to see you join."</m>
<b>-"S-sorry.."</b> You boh begin walking towards the door.
<m>-"It's fine, don't worry about it."</m>
<m>-"O-oh, look at that."</m> She points to your thigh.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 31\20.webp">
<b>-"O-oh shit!"</b> Imagining that cock made you leak pre cum..
<m>-"Go and clean up, I can't let you stack shelves looking like that."</m>
<b>-"Yes Miss Leyja.. I'll be right back!"</b> Leyja nods and walks out of the room.
<b>-"Shit... Let's clean up.."</b>
<<set $feminization to $feminization +2>>
<emily>Feminization +2!</emily>
[[Clean up and work your shift->Go outside]]
<</if>><<location "Images/Sex shop/intro/0_Sex-shoppers.webp" "Simply Pleasure sex shop">>\
<<set $worked to true>>\
<<set $workdays to $workdays +1>>\
<<if $domstatus is true>>\
<b>-"Good evening!"</b> You enter the store and look around. Leyja is working the counter, there are a couple of customers inside.
<m>-"Heyo!"</m> Leyja faces you as you walk up to her.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 32\1.jpeg">
<m>-"Not at the club tonight?"</m>
<b>-"Nahhh.. Felt like coming here for a change."</b> Leyja smiles.
<m>-"Good! Although, don't forget about the Lair, you're the only guy that works there!"</m>
<b>-"I know, I know, I'll spend some time there soon."</b>
<m>-"Ready for work?"</m> She hands you a note board.
<b>-"Sure thing, what would you like me to do?"</b> You grab it.
<m>-"Just stack the shelves for now, some new products arrived earlier today, everything is on the board."</m> You look down - it is filled with product names and where to put them.
<b>-"Understood, you know where to find me if you need anything."</b> She nods as a customer walks up.
<blue>-"Just this please."</blue> He places a fleshlight on the counter.
<m>-"Awesome! That'll be 43.99"</m> It's time to get to work..
<<pageReplace"Start your shift.">>\
<b>-"Oof.."</b> You pick up a box full of new products from the back of the store and walk towards the main floor.
<b>-"Right.. The bad dragon goes here..."</b> You take the toy and put it on the shelf.
<b>-"Jeez.. It's fucking massive.. No shot someone actually takes it the whole way inside.."</b> You move on to the next shelf.
<b>-"Lush goes here... Vibro bullet here.."</b> As you stack the toys, you notice a customer checking them out nearby.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 32\13.jpg">
<emily>-"Hmmmm.."</emily> The woman humms as you try your best not to get in her way.
<b>-"This goes here..."</b> You place yet another toy where it belongs.
<b>-"Shit.."</b> The girl is blocking the next shelf.
<b>-"Ahem, excuse me."</b> You tap her on the shoulder.
<emily>-"O-oh?"</emily> She turns towards you.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 32\11.jpg">
<b>-"Sorry to bother, I just need access to the shelf."</b> The woman looks you up and down.
<emily>-"Oh.. Ha.. Sure.."</emily> After biting her lip, she takes a step back.
<b>-"Thanks.."</b> You begin stacking the toys.
<emily>-"Are you perhaps.. $name?"</emily> You squint your eyes and turn around.
<b>-"How do you know my name?"</b>
<emily>-"Hah.. Just intuition I guess.."</emily> She giggles and begins walking towards the manga section.
<<pageReplace"Keep working.">>\
<b>-"Hmph.. How did she know.."</b> You wonder as you glance at the note board again.
<b>-"Right.. We got some new doujins..."</b> As you begin walking towards the doujin section, you see the woman checking them out.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 32\3.webp">
<b>-"Of course she's not wearing panties.."</b> The girl turns around.
<emily>-"Hello again.."</emily> She bites her finger.
<emily>-"See something you like?"</emily>
<b>-"A-ahem.. I'm just doing my job ma'am.."</b> You can't lie, she is built pretty damn well..
<emily>-"Righttttt... You're the new guy in Leyja's Lair right?"</emily> So that's how she knew your name... Leyja said the customers have been wanting you to join for a while.
<b>-"Yes, yes I am. I presume you're one of my future customers?"</b> You put down the box, might as well flirt with her a bit.
<emily>-"Hmmmh.. Maybe.. You're definitely pretty damn fine.."</emily> She twirls her hair and begins walking towards another section.
<emily>-"Why are you not there right now...? We could be having a lottttttt of funnn.."</emily> As the woman begins playing around with the toys, you walk up to her, just on the other side of the shelf.
<b>-"O-oh.."</b> She moves her top to the side to give you a better look..
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 32\4.webp">
<b>-"Sorry, can't. It's that time of the month.."</b> You chuckle.
<emily>-"Hah!"</emily> She lets out a laugh.
<emily>-"You know.. I'm a doctor by trade.. I could take a look.."</emily>
<b>-"Hmmm.. You could?"</b> She nods.
<emily>-"Mhmmmm.. I just need a quick look.."</emily>
<<pageReplace"Give her a look...">>\
<b>-"I guess you could... I trust your expertise.."</b> You slowly pull down your pants and reveal your cock.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 32\5.webp">
<emily>-"J-JEEZ!"</emily> She shouts and quickly covers her mouth.
<emily>-"S-sorry.. But oh my god.."</emily> You can tell how impressed she is.. She can't look away.
<b>-"What do you think doctor?"</b> You make your cock pulse.
<emily>-"Gulp.. I.. I think you need to warm it up.."</emily>
<b>-"Warm it up..?"</b>
<emily>-"Mhm.. With this.."</emily> The woman sticks out her tongue.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 32\6.webp">
<b>-"Damn.."</b> She has some incredible skills..
<emily>-"Hehehe.. Now we're both interested.."</emily>
<b>-"Hell yeah we are.."</b> Before you could say anything else, you see Leyja walk up to you both.
<m>-"Hmph.."</m> She looks at your bare cock.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 32\8.jpeg">
<m>-"That's enough of that."</m> You pull up your pants.
<b>-"What do you mean?"</b> Leyja looks at the girl.
<m>-"If you want a taste so bad, you'll have to pay up at the Lair."</m> The woman rolls her eyes.
<emily>-"Come onnn Leyja! Workers can't have fun with each other?"</emily> She giggles.
<b>-"Workers..?"</b> Leyja turns to you.
<m>-"She's one of the girls working there, yes."</m>
<emily>-"Didn't know he was that big... Might have to become a customer for once."</emily> Leyja slaps her butt.
<m>-"Shut up and get to work. There's a line of guys in there."</m>
<emily>-"Y-youch! Fine.."</emily> The woman scoffs and begins walking towards the back of the store.
<<pageReplace"Talk to Leyja.">>\
<b>-"I really thought she was a customer.."</b>
<m>-"Yeah, that's Evelyn for you... She likes teasing folks."</m>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 32\9.jpeg">
<m>-"Also, for future customers, you need to tone down your flirting a bit."</m>
<b>-"Huh? That was like the best part of the job though.."</b>
<m>-"I understand.. But they have to pay for the services in the Lair."</m> You cross your arms and sigh.
<b>-"Ugh.. Fine I guess."</b> She gets closer.
<m>-"You can always flirt with me if you want.."</m> Leyja touches your chest.
<b>-"I know Leyja, I know."</b> You slap her butt lightly.
<m>-"O-ouch! Bastard.."</m> She blushes as you smile.
<b>-"Sorry.. Couldn't help myself."</b> Leyja turns around and begins walking towards the counter.
<m>-"Yeah yeah.. You never do!"</m> She shouts.
<b>-"Right.."</b> You look at the toy box.
<b>-"Time to finish what I started.."</b> You pick it up and begin stacking the toys again.
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
[[Finish your shift and leave->Go outside]]
<b>-"I would rather not.."</b> She's hot, but you don't want to appear like you're interested..
<emily>-"Wha-"</emily> Before she could finish her sentance, Leyja joins you both.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 32\8.jpeg">
<m>-"That's enough of that."</m> Leyja looks at the girl.
<m>-"If you want a look so bad, you'll have to pay up at the Lair."</m> The woman rolls her eyes.
<emily>-"Come onnn Leyja! Workers can't have fun with each other?"</emily> She giggles.
<b>-"Workers..?"</b> Leyja turns to you.
<m>-"She's one of the girls working there, yes."</m>
<emily>-"I can see how big he is through the pants... Might have to become a customer for once."</emily> Leyja slaps her butt.
<m>-"Shut up and get to work. There's a line of guys in there."</m>
<emily>-"Y-youch! Fine.."</emily> The woman scoffs and begins walking towards the back of the store.
<<pageReplace"Talk to Leyja.">>\
<b>-"I really thought she was a customer.."</b>
<m>-"Yeah, that's Evelyn for you... She likes teasing folks."</m>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 32\9.jpeg">
<m>-"Also, for future customers, you need to tone down your flirting a bit."</m>
<b>-"Huh? That was like the best part of the job though.."</b>
<m>-"I understand.. But they have to pay for the services in the Lair."</m> You cross your arms and sigh.
<b>-"Ugh.. Fine I guess."</b> She gets closer.
<m>-"You can always flirt with me if you want.."</m> Leyja touches your chest.
<b>-"I know Leyja, I know."</b> You slap her butt lightly.
<m>-"O-ouch! Bastard.."</m> She blushes as you smile.
<b>-"Sorry.. Couldn't help myself."</b> Leyja turns around and begins walking towards the counter.
<m>-"Yeah yeah.. You never do!"</m> She shouts.
<b>-"Right.."</b> You look at the toy box.
<b>-"Time to finish what I started.."</b> You pick it up and begin stacking the toys again.
[[Finish your shift and leave->Go outside]]
<b>-"G-good evening!"</b> You enter the store and look around. Leyja is working the counter, there are a couple of customers inside.
<m>-"Hey beautifu;!"</m> Leyja faces you as you walk up to her.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 32\1.jpeg">
<m>-"Not at the club tonight?"</m>
<b>-"Missed my Mistress.. T-thought I would pay you a visit."</b> Leyja smiles.
<m>-"Hah.. Good! Although, don't forget about the Lair, I still need some extra hands there."</m>
<b>-"I know, I know, I'll spend some time there soon..."</b>
<m>-"Ready for work?"</m> She hands you a note board.
<b>-"Sure thing, what would you like me to do?"</b> You grab it.
<m>-"Just stack the shelves for now, some new products arrived earlier today, everything is on the board."</m> You look down - it is filled with product names and where to put them.
<b>-"U-understood, you know where to find me if you need anything."</b> She nods as a customer walks up.
<blue>-"Just this please."</blue> He places a fleshlight on the counter.
<m>-"Awesome! That'll be 43.99"</m> It's time to get to work..
<<pageReplace"Start your shift.">>\
<b>-"Oof.."</b> You pick up a box full of new products from the back of the store and walk towards the main floor.
<b>-"Right.. The bad dragon goes here..."</b> You take the toy and put it on the shelf.
<b>-"Jeez.. It's fucking massive.. Can't even imagine fitting that inside of me.."</b> You move on to the next shelf.
<b>-"Lush goes here... Vibro bullet here.."</b> As you stack the toys, you notice a customer checking them out nearby.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 32\13.jpg">
<emily>-"Hmmmm.."</emily> The woman humms as you try your best not to get in her way.
<b>-"This goes here..."</b> You place yet another toy where it belongs.
<b>-"Shit.."</b> The girl is blocking the next shelf.
<b>-"A-ahem, excuse me."</b> You tap her on the shoulder.
<emily>-"O-oh?"</emily> She turns towards you.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 32\11.jpg">
<b>-"Sorry to bother, I just need access to the shelf."</b> The woman looks you up and down.
<emily>-"Oh.. Ha.. Sure.."</emily> After biting her lip, she takes a step back.
<b>-"Thanks.."</b> You begin stacking the toys.
<emily>-"Are you perhaps.. $name?"</emily> You squint your eyes and turn around.
<b>-"H-how do you know my name?"</b>
<emily>-"Hah.. Just intuition I guess.."</emily> She giggles and begins walking towards the manga section.
<<pageReplace"Keep working.">>\
<b>-"Hmph.. How did she know.."</b> You wonder as you glance at the note board again.
<b>-"Right.. We got some new doujins..."</b> As you begin walking towards the doujin section, you see the woman checking them out.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 32\3.webp">
<b>-"Gulp.. W-woah"</b> The girl turns around.
<emily>-"Hello again.."</emily> She bites her finger.
<emily>-"See something you like?"</emily>
<b>-"A-ahem.. I'm just doing my job ma'am.."</b> You wish you were built like her..
<emily>-"Righttttt... You're the new girl in Leyja's Lair right?"</emily> So that's how she knew your name... Leyja said the customers have been wanting you to join for a while.
<b>-"Yes, yes I am... A-are you a customer?"</b>
<emily>-"Hah! Do I look like a man to you?"</emily>
<b>-"N-no.. Sorry."</b> You scratch your head as she walks towards other toys.
<emily>-"I'm just joking around.."</emily> As the woman begins playing around with the products, you walk up to her, just on the other side of the shelf.
<b>-"O-oh.."</b> She moves her top to the side to give you a better look..
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 32\4.webp">
<b>-"If you're not a customer, who are you?"</b>
<emily>-"An inspector!"</emily> She smiles.
<b>-"An inspector?"</b>
<emily>-"Mhmmm.. I need to see if you're ready to serve at the Leyja's Lair."</emily> The woman giggles as you look towards Leyja for confirmation, but she's busy talking to a customer.
<b>-"Leyja never told me anything about inspectors.."</b>
<emily>-"That forgetful fart has a lot on her mind, I'm sure she meant to."</emily>
<emily>-"I need to make sure that every girl is properly dressed... And locked, in your case."</emily> She bites her lip.
<<pageReplace"Give her a look...">>\
<b>-"I guess you could take a look.."</b> You slowly pull up your skirt to reveal your cage.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 32\10.webp">
<emily>-"Heee!! So cute!"</emily> The woman covers her mouth.
<emily>-"WIth that thing not bothering you, I can tell you'll be amazing at blowjobs!"</emily>
<emily>-"Mhm.. While your cock throbs in frustration, you'll be doing this alllll nightttt.."</emily> She sticks out her tongue.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 32\6.webp">
<b>-"W-woah..."</b> You stare at her mouth as she laughs.
<emily>-"What, impressed?"</emily> She laughs.
<b>-"W-where did you learn that..?"</b> Before you could say anything else, you see Leyja walk up to you both.
<m>-"Hmph..."</m> She looks at both of you.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 32\8.jpeg">
<m>-"That's enough of that."</m>
<emily>-"Come onnnn! We were just starting to have fun!"</emily>
<m>-"Is that a good way to treat your fellow workers?"</m> The woman rolls her eyes as Leyja scolds her.
<b>-"Workers..?"</b> Leyja turns to you.
<m>-"She's one of the girls working at Leyja's Lair, yes."</m>
<emily>-"Hahaha, I can't believe you fell for the inspector thing.."</emily> Leyja slaps her butt.
<m>-"Shut up and get to work. There's a line of guys in there."</m>
<emily>-"Y-youch! F-fine.. Don't have to be rude about it.."</emily> The woman scoffs and begins walking towards the back of the store.
<<pageReplace"Talk to Leyja.">>\
<b>-"S-she said she was some sort of inspector.."</b>
<m>-"Yeah, that's Evelyn for you... She likes teasing folks."</m>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 32\9.jpeg">
<m>-"Also, for future customers, try to be less gullible."</m>
<b>-"Yeah I get that... It's just pretty hard saying no to such a pretty lady.."</b>
<m>-"I understand.. But if actual customers want to get a taste of you, they have to pay up at the Lair."</m> You sigh.
<b>-"I'll try my best.."</b> She gets closer.
<m>-"Good girl... Now clean up, you're leaking."</m> She points at your crotch.
<b>-"O-oh shit.."</b> You look down..
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 32\12.webp">
<m>-"Haha, gosh you're so cute.."</m> Leyja begins walking to the counter as you turn around.
<b>-"S-shit.. Where's the toilet."</b>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
[[Clean yourself up and finish your shift->Go outside]]
<b>-"I-I think you're lying.."</b> You take a step back.
<emily>-"Come onnn, you really don't trust me?"</emily> She gives you the puppy eyes.
<b>-"I only trust my Mistress.."</b> Before you could say anything else, you see Leyja walk up to you both.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 32\8.jpeg">
<m>-"That's enough of that."</m>
<emily>-"Come onnnn! We were just starting to have fun!"</emily>
<m>-"Is that a good way to treat your fellow workers?"</m> The woman rolls her eyes as Leyja scolds her.
<b>-"Workers..?"</b> Leyja turns to you.
<m>-"She's one of the girls working at Leyja's Lair, yes."</m>
<emily>-"Ugh.. I just wanted to check out who I'm going to be working with."</emily> Leyja slaps her butt.
<m>-"Shut up and get to work. There's a line of guys in there."</m>
<emily>-"Y-youch! F-fine.. Don't have to be rude about it.."</emily> The woman scoffs and begins walking towards the back of the store.
<<pageReplace"Talk to Leyja.">>\
<b>-"S-she said she was some sort of inspector.."</b>
<m>-"Yeah, that's Evelyn for you... She likes teasing folks."</m>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 32\9.jpeg">
<m>-"You didn't trust her, good job."</m> She smiles and shift her body.
<m>-"Though, in the future, don't even let customers flirt with you."</m>
<b>-"R-really..? Why?"</b>
<m>-"If they want to get a taste of you, they'll have to pay up at the Lair."</m> You sigh.
<b>-"I'll try my best.."</b> She gets closer.
<m>-"Good girl... Now clean up, you're leaking."</m> She points at your crotch.
<b>-"O-oh shit.."</b> You look down..
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 32\12.webp">
<m>-"Haha, gosh you're so cute.."</m> Leyja begins walking to the counter as you turn around.
<b>-"S-shit.. Where's the toilet."</b>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
[[Clean yourself up and finish your shift->Go outside]]
<</if>>\<<location "Images/Sex shop/intro/0_Sex-shoppers.webp" "Simply Pleasure sex shop">>\
<<set $worked to true>>\
<<set $workdays to $workdays +1>>\
<<set $clubmeetinghudsontemp to true>>\
<<if $domstatus is true>>\
<b>-"Huff, huff..."</b> You pant as you enter the store.
<b>-"..."</b> It's raining outside, so you ran from the parking lot. After putting down your stuff in the backroom of the store, you join Leyja at the counter.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 33\1.jpg">
<m>-"O-oh! Sorry $name..."</m> Leyja gets startled.
<b>-"What's the matter?"</b>
<m>-"Nothing, nothing... Just thinking about the best way to get the information about the meeting..."</m>
<b>-"Maybe I can try to overhear some members talking again?"</b>
<m>-"I think I have a better idea."</m> Leyja pulls out her phone.
<m>-"I'll just ask Judy."</m>
<b>-"Hah, you're sure she'll tell you?"</b>
<m>-"If I do something for her, she will."</m> She points at some shelves.
<m>-"Can you stack the shelves with the new inventory please? The box is right here."</m> You glance down and see it.
<b>-"Sure, tell me if you find anything out."</b> You grab the box and begin walking away.
<<pageReplace"Stack the shelves.">>
<b>-"This goes here... This... Right there!"</b> You begin placing products where they belong.
<b>-"Hmmmm... You go here!"</b> After about 10 minutes of work, you're done!
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 33\2.jpg">
<b>-"Welp, that was easy."</b> You take the now empty box and walk to the counter again.
<b>-"I'm done!"</b>
<m>-"Already?!"</m> Leyja turns to you.
<b>-"I mean yeah, it was only a couple of toys."</b> You place the empty box next to her feet.
<m>-"Good! I'm done talking to Judy as well."</m>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 33\3.jpg">
<b>-"How did it go?"</b>
<m>-"Well.. I have good and bad news. Which do you want first?"</m>
<<pageReplace"Good news.">>
<b>-"Good news!"</b>
<m>-"Well, I found out everything about the meeting!"</m> She smiles.
<b>-"You did?! Oh wow, didn't think she would actually tell you."</b> Leyja mentioned that she isn't to be trusted.
<m>-"Well, that's where the bad news come in, I won't be able to go with you."</m>
<b>-"To the meeting?"</b>
<m>-"Mhm. In exchange for the information I'll have to run some errands for her."</m>
<b>-"Shit... Well that's not good."</b>
<m>-"It's fine! I have a plan!"</m> She smiles and begins looking for something behind the counter.
<b>-"So what's the meeting about, anyways?"</b>
<m>-"Hudson is said to announce that they're starting to sell tickets to this years festival."</m> You hear her muffled voice.
<b>-"Damn.. Not good."</b>
<m>-"Indeed.."</m> She pokes her head out.
<m>-"There!"</m> Leyja hands you a tiny black device.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 33\4.png">
<b>-"What's this?"</b>
<m>-"A microphone! Used it a couple of times myself to record conversations."</m>
<b>-"And I'm assuming you want me to wear it?"</b>
<m>-"Of course! You relaying information has been working so far, but I want you to record that cunt incriminating himself."</m>
<m>-"You know how to use it right?"</m>
<b>-"This thing?"</b> You hold the device up.
<m>-"Mhm. You need to stick it on your chest, near your neck."</m>
<<pageReplace"Yes, I know.">>
<<todo "Attend the meeting.">>
<b>-"Yeah, yeah I know. We played around with them during my engineering studies."</b>
<m>-"Oh wow, you're an engineer?"</m>
<b>-"A failed one haha, it's a long story."</b> You put the device in your pocket.
<b>-"Anyways, when is this meeting taking place?"</b>
<m>-"Next time they're open!"</m>
<b>-"HUH?! That soon?!"</b>
<m>-"Yeah! Thank God you caught that info, we would have missed it!"</m>
<b>-"Jeez.. So what am I to do there anyways? Show up, listen to the whole thing and get out?"</b>
<m>-"Pretty much. I'll be listening in real time, so if anything comes up, I'll give you a text."</m>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 33\7.jpg">
<m>-"I have a plan, it's not a set in stone, but it's something."</m>
<b>-"Care to share it with me?"</b>
<m>-"No.. Not yet."</m> Leyja places her hand on your chest.
<m>-"You will hear it soon, I promise. Part of it is waiting for the customers to roll in."</m>
<b>-"I trust you."</b> You place your hand on hers.
<m>-"Hmph.."</m> She blushes and pulls away.
<m>-"O-off you go then! S-some shelves are still empty!"</m> Leyja looks away.
<b>-"As you wish."</b> You spend the next couple of hours restocking the whole store, sometimes stopping by the counter to talk to Leyja. After your shift ends, you collect your payment and leave the store, making sure that you have the microphone with you.
[[Drive towards home.->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"No.. Can you show me?">>
<<todo "Attend the meeting.">>
<b>-"Not really.. Can you show me?"</b> You hand her the device.
<m>-"Ugh.. Fine!"</m> She unbuckles her shirt, revealing her bare chest.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 33\5.jpg">
<m>-"You take some tape and stick it somewhere here!"</m> She begins touching her lower neck.
<b>-"Mhm.. Oh wow.. Yup.."</b> You try to act like you didn't just want to see her tits.
<m>-"And then you click this button and it turns on!"</m>
<b>-"Mmmm..! Very interesting!"</b> Leyja glares at you.
<m>-"You know, if you want to see my tits, you could just ask."</m>
<m>-"Gosh you men are pathetic.."</m> She opens up her shirt completely.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 33\6.jpg">
<b>-"Fuck yeah... Boobies.."</b> Leyja rolls her eyes.
<m>-"So! You understand everything?!"</m>
<b>-"Yes ma'am!"</b>
<m>-"Good.. Then take it."</m> You take the microphone from her hands as she begins to cover herself up.
<<pageReplace"When is the meeting taking place?">>\
<b>-"Anyways, when is this meeting taking place?"</b>
<m>-"Next time they're open!"</m>
<b>-"HUH?! That soon?!"</b>
<m>-"Yeah! Thank God you caught that info, we would have missed it!"</m>
<b>-"Jeez.. So what am I to do there anyways? Show up, listen to the whole thing and get out?"</b>
<m>-"Pretty much. I'll be listening in real time, so if anything comes up, I'll give you a text."</m>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 33\7.jpg">
<m>-"I have a plan, it's not a set in stone, but it's something."</m>
<b>-"Care to share it with me?"</b>
<m>-"No.. Not yet."</m> Leyja places her hand on your chest.
<m>-"You will hear it soon, I promise. Part of it is waiting for the customers to roll in."</m>
<b>-"I trust you."</b> You place your hand on hers.
<m>-"Hmph.."</m> She blushes and pulls away.
<m>-"O-off you go then! S-some shelves are still empty!"</m> Leyja looks away.
<b>-"As you wish."</b> You spend the next couple of hours restocking the whole store, sometimes stopping by the counter to talk to Leyja. After your shift ends, you collect your payment and leave the store, making sure that you have the microphone with you.
[[Drive towards home.->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Bad news.">>
<b>-"Bad news..."</b>
<m>-"Well.. I won't be able to go with you."</m>
<b>-"To the meeting?"</b>
<m>-"Mhm. In exchange for the information I'll have to run some errands for her."</m>
<b>-"Shit... Well that's not good."</b>
<m>-"Buttttttt, she told me everything she knew!"</m> She smiles.
<m>-"That's the good news by the way."</m>
<b>-"Yeah I figured.."</b> You lean on the counter.
<b>-"I guess I'll go alone then?"</b>
<m>-"Yup, but it's fine! I have a plan!"</m> She begins looking for something behind the counter.
<b>-"So what's the meeting about, anyways?"</b>
<m>-"Hudson is said to announce that they're starting to sell tickets to this years festival."</m> You hear her muffled voice.
<b>-"Damn.. Not good."</b>
<m>-"Indeed.."</m> She pokes her head out.
<m>-"There!"</m> Leyja hands you a tiny black device.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 33\4.png">
<b>-"What's this?"</b>
<m>-"A microphone! Used it a couple of times myself to record conversations."</m>
<b>-"And I'm assuming you want me to wear it?"</b>
<m>-"Of course! You relaying information has been working so far, but I want you to record that cunt incriminating himself."</m>
<m>-"You know how to use it right?"</m>
<b>-"This thing?"</b> You hold the device up.
<m>-"Mhm. You need to stick it on your chest, near your neck."</m>
<<pageReplace"Yes, I know.">>
<<todo "Attend the meeting.">>
<b>-"Yeah, yeah I know. We played around with them during my engineering studies."</b>
<m>-"Oh wow, you're an engineer?"</m>
<b>-"A failed one haha, it's a long story."</b> You put the device in your pocket.
<b>-"Anyways, when is this meeting taking place?"</b>
<m>-"Next time they're open!"</m>
<b>-"HUH?! That soon?!"</b>
<m>-"Yeah! Thank God you caught that info, we would have missed it!"</m>
<b>-"Jeez.. So what am I to do there anyways? Show up, listen to the whole thing and get out?"</b>
<m>-"Pretty much. I'll be listening in real time, so if anything comes up, I'll give you a text."</m>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 33\7.jpg">
<m>-"I have a plan, it's not a set in stone, but it's something."</m>
<b>-"Care to share it with me?"</b>
<m>-"No.. Not yet."</m> Leyja places her hand on your chest.
<m>-"You will hear it soon, I promise. Part of it is waiting for the customers to roll in."</m>
<b>-"I trust you."</b> You place your hand on hers.
<m>-"Hmph.."</m> She blushes and pulls away.
<m>-"O-off you go then! S-some shelves are still empty!"</m> Leyja looks away.
<b>-"As you wish."</b> You spend the next couple of hours restocking the whole store, sometimes stopping by the counter to talk to Leyja. After your shift ends, you collect your payment and leave the store, making sure that you have the microphone with you.
[[Drive towards home.->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"No.. Can you show me?">>
<<todo "Attend the meeting.">>
<b>-"Not really.. Can you show me?"</b> You hand her the device.
<m>-"Ugh.. Fine!"</m> She unbuckles her shirt, revealing her bare chest.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 33\5.jpg">
<m>-"You take some tape and stick it somewhere here!"</m> She begins touching her lower neck.
<b>-"Mhm.. Oh wow.. Yup.."</b> You try to act like you didn't just want to see her tits.
<m>-"And then you click this button and it turns on!"</m>
<b>-"Mmmm..! Very interesting!"</b> Leyja glares at you.
<m>-"You know, if you want to see my tits, you could just ask."</m>
<m>-"Gosh you men are pathetic.."</m> She opens up her shirt completely.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 33\6.jpg">
<b>-"Fuck yeah... Boobies.."</b> Leyja rolls her eyes.
<m>-"So! You understand everything?!"</m>
<b>-"Yes ma'am!"</b>
<m>-"Good.. Then take it."</m> You take the microphone from her hands as she begins to cover herself up.
<<pageReplace"When is the meeting taking place?">>\
<b>-"Anyways, when is this meeting taking place?"</b>
<m>-"Next time they're open!"</m>
<b>-"HUH?! That soon?!"</b>
<m>-"Yeah! Thank God you caught that info, we would have missed it!"</m>
<b>-"Jeez.. So what am I to do there anyways? Show up, listen to the whole thing and get out?"</b>
<m>-"Pretty much. I'll be listening in real time, so if anything comes up, I'll give you a text."</m>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 33\7.jpg">
<m>-"I have a plan, it's not a set in stone, but it's something."</m>
<b>-"Care to share it with me?"</b>
<m>-"No.. Not yet."</m> Leyja places her hand on your chest.
<m>-"You will hear it soon, I promise. Part of it is waiting for the customers to roll in."</m>
<b>-"I trust you."</b> You place your hand on hers.
<m>-"Hmph.."</m> She blushes and pulls away.
<m>-"O-off you go then! S-some shelves are still empty!"</m> Leyja looks away.
<b>-"As you wish."</b> You spend the next couple of hours restocking the whole store, sometimes stopping by the counter to talk to Leyja. After your shift ends, you collect your payment and leave the store, making sure that you have the microphone with you.
[[Drive towards home.->Go outside]]
<b>-"Huff, huff..."</b> You pant as you enter the store.
<b>-"..."</b> It's raining outside, so you ran from the parking lot. After putting down your stuff in the backroom of the store, you join Leyja at the counter.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 33\1.jpg">
<m>-"O-oh! Sorry $name..."</m> Leyja gets startled.
<b>-"W-what's the matter?"</b>
<m>-"Nothing, nothing... Just thinking about the best way to get the information about the meeting..."</m>
<b>-"Maybe I can try to overhear some members talking again?"</b>
<m>-"I think I have a better idea."</m> Leyja pulls out her phone.
<m>-"I'll just ask Judy."</m>
<b>-"You're sure she'll tell you?"</b>
<m>-"If I do something for her, she will."</m> She points at some shelves.
<m>-"Stack the shelves with the new inventory. The box is right here."</m> You glance down and see it.
<b>-"Sure, tell me if you find anything out."</b> You grab the box and begin walking away.
<<pageReplace"Stack the shelves.">>
<b>-"This goes here... This... Right there!"</b> You begin placing products where they belong.
<b>-"Hmmmm... You go here!"</b> After about 10 minutes of work, you're done!
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 33\2.jpg">
<b>-"Welp, that was easy."</b> You take the now empty box and walk to the counter again.
<b>-"I'm done!"</b>
<m>-"Already?!"</m> Leyja turns to you.
<b>-"I mean yeah, it was only a couple of toys."</b> You place the empty box next to her feet.
<m>-"Good! I'm done talking to Judy as well."</m>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 33\3.jpg">
<b>-"How did it go?"</b>
<m>-"Well.. I have good and bad news. Which do you want first?"</m>
<<pageReplace"Good news.">>
<b>-"Good news!"</b>
<m>-"Well, I found out everything about the meeting!"</m> She smiles.
<b>-"You did?! Oh wow, didn't think she would actually tell you."</b> Leyja mentioned that she isn't to be trusted.
<m>-"Well, that's where the bad news come in, I won't be able to go with you."</m>
<b>-"To the meeting?"</b>
<m>-"Mhm. In exchange for the information I'll have to run some errands for her."</m>
<b>-"Well that's not good."</b>
<m>-"It's fine! I have a plan!"</m> She smiles and begins looking for something behind the counter.
<b>-"So what's the meeting about, anyways?"</b>
<m>-"Hudson is said to announce that they're starting to sell tickets to this years festival."</m> You hear her muffled voice.
<b>-"Damn.. Not ideal."</b>
<m>-"Indeed.."</m> She pokes her head out.
<m>-"There!"</m> Leyja hands you a tiny black device.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 33\4.png">
<b>-"What's this?"</b>
<m>-"A microphone! Used it a couple of times myself to record conversations."</m>
<b>-"And I'm assuming you want me to wear it?"</b>
<m>-"Of course! You relaying information has been working so far, but I want you to record that cunt incriminating himself."</m>
<m>-"You know how to use it right?"</m>
<b>-"This thing?"</b> You hold the device up.
<m>-"Mhm. You need to stick it on your chest, near your neck."</m>
<<pageReplace"Yes, I know.">>
<<todo "Attend the meeting.">>
<b>-"Yeah, yeah I know. We played around with them during my engineering studies."</b>
<m>-"Oh wow, you're an engineer?"</m>
<b>-"A failed one haha, it's a long story."</b> You put the device in your pocket.
<b>-"Anyways, when is this meeting taking place?"</b>
<m>-"Next time they're open!"</m>
<b>-"HUH?! That soon?!"</b>
<m>-"Yeah! Thank God you caught that info, we would have missed it!"</m>
<b>-"Jeez.. So what am I to do there anyways? Show up, listen to the whole thing and get out?"</b>
<m>-"Pretty much. I'll be listening in real time, so if anything comes up, I'll give you a text."</m>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 33\7.jpg">
<m>-"I have a plan, it's not a set in stone, but it's something."</m>
<b>-"Care to share it with me?"</b>
<m>-"No.. Not yet."</m>
<m>-"You will hear it soon. Part of it is waiting for the customers to roll in."</m>
<b>-"Hmph.. Fine, I trust you Mistress."</b> You blush a bit.
<m>-"You should."</m>
<m>-"Off you go then! Some shelves are still empty!"</m> Leyja looks away.
<b>-"As you wish."</b> You spend the next couple of hours restocking the whole store, sometimes stopping by the counter to talk to Leyja. After your shift ends, you collect your payment and leave the store, making sure that you have the microphone with you.
[[Drive towards home.->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"No.. Can you show me?">>
<<todo "Attend the meeting.">>
<b>-"Not really.. Can you show me?"</b> You hand her the device.
<m>-"Ugh.. Fine!"</m> She unbuckles her shirt, revealing her bare chest.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 33\5.jpg">
<m>-"You take some tape and stick it somewhere here!"</m> She begins touching her lower neck.
<b>-"Mhm.. Oh wow.. Yup.."</b> You try to act like you didn't just want to see her tits.
<m>-"And then you click this button and it turns on!"</m>
<b>-"Mmmm..! Very interesting!"</b> Leyja glares at you.
<m>-"You know, if you want to see my tits again, you will have to do a lot more than that."</m>
<b>-"But Mistress!"</b>
<m>-"No buts! So, you understand how it works now?!"</m>
<b>-"Yes ma'am..."</b>
<m>-"Good.. Then take it."</m> You take the microphone from her hands as she begins to cover herself up.
<<pageReplace"When is the meeting taking place?">>\
<b>-"Anyways, when is this meeting taking place?"</b>
<m>-"Next time they're open!"</m>
<b>-"HUH?! That soon?!"</b>
<m>-"Yeah! Thank God you caught that info, we would have missed it!"</m>
<b>-"Jeez.. So what am I to do there anyways? Show up, listen to the whole thing and get out?"</b>
<m>-"Pretty much. I'll be listening in real time, so if anything comes up, I'll give you a text."</m>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 33\7.jpg">
<m>-"I have a plan, it's not a set in stone, but it's something."</m>
<b>-"Care to share it with me?"</b>
<m>-"No.. Not yet."</m>
<m>-"You will hear it soon. Part of it is waiting for the customers to roll in."</m>
<b>-"Hmph.. Fine, I trust you Mistress."</b> You blush a bit.
<m>-"You should."</m>
<m>-"Off you go then! Some shelves are still empty!"</m> Leyja looks away.
<b>-"As you wish."</b> You spend the next couple of hours restocking the whole store, sometimes stopping by the counter to talk to Leyja. After your shift ends, you collect your payment and leave the store, making sure that you have the microphone with you.
[[Drive towards home.->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"Bad news.">>
<b>-"Bad news..."</b>
<m>-"Well.. I won't be able to go with you."</m>
<b>-"To the meeting?"</b>
<m>-"Mhm. In exchange for the information I'll have to run some errands for her."</m>
<b>-"Shit... Well that's not good."</b>
<m>-"Buttttttt, she told me everything she knew!"</m> She smiles.
<m>-"That's the good news by the way."</m>
<b>-"Yeah I figured.."</b> You lean on the counter.
<b>-"I guess I'll go alone then?"</b>
<m>-"Yup, but it's fine! I have a plan!"</m> She begins looking for something behind the counter.
<b>-"So what's the meeting about, anyways?"</b>
<m>-"Hudson is said to announce that they're starting to sell tickets to this years festival."</m> You hear her muffled voice.
<b>-"Damn.. Not ideal."</b>
<m>-"Indeed.."</m> She pokes her head out.
<m>-"There!"</m> Leyja hands you a tiny black device.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 33\4.png">
<b>-"What's this?"</b>
<m>-"A microphone! Used it a couple of times myself to record conversations."</m>
<b>-"And I'm assuming you want me to wear it?"</b>
<m>-"Of course! You relaying information has been working so far, but I want you to record that cunt incriminating himself."</m>
<m>-"You know how to use it right?"</m>
<b>-"This thing?"</b> You hold the device up.
<m>-"Mhm. You need to stick it on your chest, near your neck."</m>
<<pageReplace"Yes, I know.">>
<<todo "Attend the meeting.">>
<b>-"Yeah, yeah I know. We played around with them during my engineering studies."</b>
<m>-"Oh wow, you're an engineer?"</m>
<b>-"A failed one haha, it's a long story."</b> You put the device in your pocket.
<b>-"Anyways, when is this meeting taking place?"</b>
<m>-"Next time they're open!"</m>
<b>-"HUH?! That soon?!"</b>
<m>-"Yeah! Thank God you caught that info, we would have missed it!"</m>
<b>-"Jeez.. So what am I to do there anyways? Show up, listen to the whole thing and get out?"</b>
<m>-"Pretty much. I'll be listening in real time, so if anything comes up, I'll give you a text."</m>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 33\7.jpg">
<m>-"I have a plan, it's not a set in stone, but it's something."</m>
<b>-"Care to share it with me?"</b>
<m>-"No.. Not yet."</m>
<m>-"You will hear it soon. Part of it is waiting for the customers to roll in."</m>
<b>-"Hmph.. Fine, I trust you Mistress."</b> You blush a bit.
<m>-"You should."</m>
<m>-"Off you go then! Some shelves are still empty!"</m> Leyja looks away.
<b>-"As you wish."</b> You spend the next couple of hours restocking the whole store, sometimes stopping by the counter to talk to Leyja. After your shift ends, you collect your payment and leave the store, making sure that you have the microphone with you.
[[Drive towards home.->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"No.. Can you show me?">>
<<todo "Attend the meeting.">>
<b>-"Not really.. Can you show me?"</b> You hand her the device.
<m>-"Ugh.. Fine!"</m> She unbuckles her shirt, revealing her bare chest.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 33\5.jpg">
<m>-"You take some tape and stick it somewhere here!"</m> She begins touching her lower neck.
<b>-"Mhm.. Oh wow.. Yup.."</b> You try to act like you didn't just want to see her tits.
<m>-"And then you click this button and it turns on!"</m>
<b>-"Mmmm..! Very interesting!"</b> Leyja glares at you.
<m>-"You know, if you want to see my tits again, you will have to do a lot more than that."</m>
<b>-"But Mistress!"</b>
<m>-"No buts! So, you understand how it works now?!"</m>
<b>-"Yes ma'am..."</b>
<m>-"Good.. Then take it."</m> You take the microphone from her hands as she begins to cover herself up.
<<pageReplace"When is the meeting taking place?">>\
<b>-"Anyways, when is this meeting taking place?"</b>
<m>-"Next time they're open!"</m>
<b>-"HUH?! That soon?!"</b>
<m>-"Yeah! Thank God you caught that info, we would have missed it!"</m>
<b>-"Jeez.. So what am I to do there anyways? Show up, listen to the whole thing and get out?"</b>
<m>-"Pretty much. I'll be listening in real time, so if anything comes up, I'll give you a text."</m>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 33\7.jpg">
<m>-"I have a plan, it's not a set in stone, but it's something."</m>
<b>-"Care to share it with me?"</b>
<m>-"No.. Not yet."</m>
<m>-"You will hear it soon. Part of it is waiting for the customers to roll in."</m>
<b>-"Hmph.. Fine, I trust you Mistress."</b> You blush a bit.
<m>-"You should."</m>
<m>-"Off you go then! Some shelves are still empty!"</m> Leyja looks away.
<b>-"As you wish."</b> You spend the next couple of hours restocking the whole store, sometimes stopping by the counter to talk to Leyja. After your shift ends, you collect your payment and leave the store, making sure that you have the microphone with you.
[[Drive towards home.->Go outside]]
<</if>>\<<location "Images/Sex shop/intro/0_Sex-shoppers.webp" "Simply Pleasure sex shop">>\
<<set $worked to true>>\
<<set $workdays to $workdays +1>>\
<<if $domstatus is true>>\
<m>-"Heyyyy! Ready for your shift?"</m> Leyja asks as you enter the store. You look around and swiftly walk towards her.
<b>-"Sure am!"</b> After throwing your bag to the side, you continue the conversation.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 34\1.jpg">
<b>-"So, care to share that plan of yours with me?"</b>
<m>-"What plan?"</m>
<b>-"You said you knew how to deal with Hudson, we just needed time for the customers to roll in."</b>
<m>-"Ohhhh that!"</m> Leyja sighs.
<m>-"It's a long story, I'll tell you more during our next shift, but we're meeting a hacker."</m>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 34\2.jpg">
<b>-"A hacker?"</b>
<m>-"Mhm. With her help, we'll be able to access the banking info of the customers."</m>
<b>-"Are you planning to set up Hudson?"</b>
<m>-"Something like that. When she get's here it'll be easier to explain."</m>
<b>-"Sigh... Fine."</b> You look to your left and see a big box of toys on the ground.
<b>-"Want me to stack them?"</b>
<m>-"That would be great handsome."</m> Leyja smiles.
<<pageReplace"Start your shift.">>
<b>-"Yawwwnnnn..."</b> You grab the box and make your way towards the shelves.
<b>-"Right, let's get started."</b>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 34\3.jpg">
<b>-"This goes here... This - here."</b>
<pink>-"H-how... Hic... Pretty!"</pink> A soft voice rings out from the left.
<b>-"Huh?"</b> You turn, but see nothing.
<b>-"Weird..."</b> You take yet another toy from the box and put it on the top shelf.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 34\4.gif">
<pink>-"So buff..."</pink> The voice comes back, but this time it's in front of you.
<b>-"...?"</b> You look through the shelf and see a pair of eyes staring back at you.
<b>-"Wow!"</b> You almost fall backwards from the surprise. The eyes disappear as the person walks around to your side.
<<pageReplace"See who it is.">>
<b>-"She's hot!"</b> You think as an attractive young woman appears from behind the shelf.
<pink>-"D-don't mind me handsome... J-just shopping!"</pink> She smiles and begins browsing the merchandise right next to you.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 34\5.webp">
<b>-"Sure thing, let me know if you need anything."</b> Her massive ass has already made your cock rock hard.
<pink>-"Oh... T-then I definitely... Hic... Need something..."</pink> She answers without looking back.
<b>-"What would that be?"</b>
<pink>-"Heh..."</pink> She bends over even harder, making sure you see that she isn't wearing any panties.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 34\6.webp">
<pink>-"Your... Hic... Cock!"</pink> The woman turns around and faces you. Her cheeks are bright red and her hair is quite messed up. It's pretty apparent that she's drunk.
<pink>-"You heard me big boy... Hic... I came here for a toy, but you seem like... Hic... T-the better option!"</pink>
<b>-"Shit...!"</b> What should you do?! Leyja told you that customers should pay for sexual favors in the Lair, but the woman is so hot!
<<pageReplace"Indulge your urges.">>
<b>-"Fuck it!"</b> You look around and see that Leyja is at the counter.
<pink>-"NghhHH!"</pink> The woman let's out a moan as your hands begin to grope her.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 34\7.webp">
<pink>-"So rough..!"</pink>
<b>-"You're so hot, I can't hold back!"</b> Your cock is aching to be released!
<pink>-"Good... Hic... Pull it out then!"</pink> The woman turns around.
<pink>-"I-I bet it'll be better... Hic... Than any toy here!"</pink> She gets on her knees and pulls down your pants in one, swift motion, leaving just your underwear on.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 34\9.png">
<b>-"W-woah!"</b> You stutter, shocked from her sudden and confident behavior.
<pink>-"What... Is someone scared?"</pink>
<<pageReplace"Pull down your underwear.">>
<b>-"Scared? Pfft!"</b> You pull down your underwear, revealing your rock hard cock.
<pink>-"W-woah!"</pink> Her eyes grow wide.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 34\16.webp">
<pink>-"So... Hic... Big!"</pink> The woman grins and places her hand on your shaft.
<b>-"Now hurry up, my manager can't see this."</b>
<pink>-"Ghehehehe... It's the size of my head!"</pink> She places your cock on her face.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 34\10.png">
<b>-"Fuck!"</b> If she continues to mess around, you're definitely going to get caught!
<b>-"Where is she...?"</b> You whisper as you look around... Leyja is nowehere to be seen!
<pink>-"H-here I... Hic... Go!"</pink> After licking her lips, she begins to do the same to the tip of your cock.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 34\11.webp">
<pink>-"MmMmm! I-It's gwood!"</pink> As soon as she starts to go deeper, a familiar voice fills your eardrums.
<<pageReplace"Look back.">>
<pink>-"Hmmmmm? Hic!"</pink> The woman stops.
<b>-"Fuck me..."</b> As you turn around you see her... It's Leyja! Seems like she's checking over the merchandise.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 34\12.jpg">
<m>-"Come on $name! We talked about this!"</m> She stops what she's doing and walks over.
<pink>-"Ghehehe hello lady!"</pink> The woman goes back to sucking your cock.
<m>-"Oh come on stop that!"</m> Leyja pushes her away.
<pink>-"Hic... H-Hey!"</pink>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 34\14.webp">
<m>-"If you want his cock, go to Leyja's Lair and pay for it! Come on!"</m> Leyja scoffs.
<b>-"My bad Leyja, she was tempting me way too hard!"</b>
<m>-"Ugh... You're losing me business! I told you, if you want your dick sucked, go to me!"</m>
<pink>-"Y-you guys are no fun!"</pink> The woman wipes her lips and stands up.
<<pageReplace"Pull up your pants.">>\
<b>-"Sorry..."</b> You pull up your pants.
<pink>-"I'm out of... Hic... Here!"</pink> As she leaves, Leyja pulls you to the side.
<m>-"Let's make a deal."</m>
<b>-"A deal?"</b>
<m>-"Yes $name, a deal. If you ever get these urges again, please just come to me."</m>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 34\15.jpg">
<m>-"If you keep this up, clients won't be inclined to go to the Lair if they can use your cock right here for free!"</m>
<m>-"Really?!"</m> Her cheeks grow red in excitment and embarrassment.
<b>-"Yes, but whenever I need you, you'll have to come. No excuses."</b>
<m>-"N-not a problem! Let's shake on it!"</m>
<b>-"Fine."</b> You shake hands and smile. You have to rememeber - whenever you get hit on, go to Leyja and she'll pleasure you herself.
<m>-"Hehehe good! Now back to work, I saw that the box is still half full!"</m>
<b>-"Mhm, going to do it now."</b> You spend the rest of your shift stacking shelves full of toys, cleaning the floors and consulting the customers.
[[End your shift->Go outside]]
<b>-"I'm sorry, if you want to get a piece of this cock, go to Leyja's Lair."</b>
<pink>-"L-leyja's what now..?"</pink>
<b>-"Leyja's Lair. It's below the shop."</b>
<pink>-"Whatever you say... Hic... Big dick man... Hic... You're no fun anyways!"</pink> The woman turns around.
<b>-"Sigh... I feel bad for her."</b> With a couple of wobbles, the woman walks away.
<m>-"What was that about?"</m> A voice rings out from behind you. As you look towards it, you see Leyja, looking over the merchandise.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 34\12.jpg">
<b>-"Some girl wanted to suck me off. Told her to go to Leyja's Lair."</b>
<m>-"Heh, good man! Always remember our deal!"</m>
<b>-"The deal?"</b>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 34\15.jpg">
<m>-"If you ever get the urge to let the dragon loose, you come to me and I'll take care of it."</m> She smiles as her cheeks grow red.
<b>-"Ohhh that, ghahaha yeah I remember. Might need your services soon, been feeling extra horny these past days."</b>
<m>-"Good... I-i'll happily take care of it!"</m>
<m>-"Anyways, now back to work, I saw that the box is still half full!"</m>
<b>-"Mhm, going to do it now."</b> You spend the rest of your shift stacking shelves full of toys, cleaning the floors and consulting the customers.
[[End your shift->Go outside]]
<m>-"Heyyyy! Ready for your shift?"</m> Leyja asks as you enter the store. You look around and swiftly walk towards her.
<b>-"Sure am!"</b> After throwing your bag to the side, you continue the conversation.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 34\1.jpg">
<b>-"So miss Leyja, care to share that plan of yours with me?"</b>
<m>-"What plan?"</m>
<b>-"Y-you said you knew how to deal with Hudson, we just needed time for the customers to roll in."</b>
<m>-"Ohhhh that!"</m> Leyja sighs.
<m>-"It's a long story, I'll tell you more during our next shift, but we're meeting a hacker."</m>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 34\2.jpg">
<b>-"A hacker?"</b>
<m>-"Mhm. With her help, we'll be able to access the banking info of the customers."</m>
<b>-"Are you planning to set up Hudson?"</b>
<m>-"Something like that. When she get's here it'll be easier to explain."</m>
<b>-"Sigh... Fine."</b> You look to your left and see a big box of toys on the ground.
<b>-"W-want me to stack them Mistress?"</b>
<m>-"That would be great handsome."</m> Leyja smiles.
<<pageReplace"Start your shift.">>
<b>-"Yawwwnnnn..."</b> You grab the box and make your way towards the shelves.
<b>-"Right, let's get started."</b>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 34\3.jpg">
<b>-"This goes here... This - here."</b>
<blue>-"H-how... Hic... Pretty!"</blue> A voice rings out from the left.
<b>-"Huh?"</b> You turn, but see nothing.
<b>-"Weird..."</b> You take yet another toy from the box and put it on the top shelf.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 34\4.gif">
<blue>-"Huge ass..."</blue> The voice comes back, but this time it's in front of you.
<b>-"...?"</b> You look through the shelf and see a pair of eyes staring back at you.
<b>-"W-wow!"</b> You almost fall backwards from the surprise. The eyes disappear as the person walks around to your side.
<<pageReplace"See who it is.">>
<b>-"He's hot!"</b> You think as an attractive young man appears from behind the shelf.
<blue>-"D-don't mind me handsome... J-just shopping!"</blue> He smiles and begins browsing the merchandise right next to you.
<b>-"Hmph..."</b> You pay no mind to him and begin stacking the shelves yet again.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 34\5.webp">
<b>-"No problem, just tell me if you need anything sir!"</b>
<blue>-"Oh... T-then I definitely... Hic... Need something..."</blue> He answers as you feel his gaze.
<b>-"W-what would that be?"</b> You bend down even lower, to the point that the man can see your panties.
<blue>-"Your... Hic... Ass!"</blue> You turn around and face him. His cheeks are bright red and his hair is quite messed up. It's pretty apparent that he's drunk.
<b>-"P-pardon?"</b> As soon as the word leaves your lips, he grabs your ass.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 34\7.webp">
<blue>-"You heard me beautiful... Hic... I came here for a toy, but you seem like... Hic... T-the better option!"</blue>
<b>-"Fuck..."</b> What should you do?! Leyja told you that customers should pay for sexual favors in the Lair, but the man is so hot and you're already hard!
<<pageReplace"Indulge your urges.">>
<b>-"Fuck it!"</b> You look around and see that Leyja is at the counter.
<blue>-"Come on then... Bend over!"</blue> The man pulls down his pants.
<b>-"Y-you're not getting my ass... But you're getting my mouth."</b> You get on your knees.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 34\9.png">
<blue>-"Hmph! Good... Hic... Enough for me!"</blue>
<b>-"Let's take it slow $name, remember what you learned!"</b> You think as you take a deep breath.
<blue>-"H-hurry up! What are you, scared?"</blue>
<<pageReplace"Pull down his underwear.">>
<b>-"S-scared? No!"</b> You pull down his underwear, revealing his massive, rock hard cock.
<blue>-"Ghehehehe, you seem... Hic... Shocked!"</blue>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 34\16.webp">
<b>-"So... Big!"</b> The man grins and places her hand on your shaft.
<blue>-"Get to work beautiful."</blue>
<b>-"Gosh it's the size of my head..."</b> You place his cock on your face.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 34\10.png">
<b>-"Fuck..."</b> His masculine scent makes your head dizzy.
<b>-"Where is she?"</b> You grab the cock again and look around. Leyja is nowehere to be seen.
<blue>-"Come on then!"</blue>
<b>-"Shit..."</b> You know it's dangerous, but you begin to lick the tip of his cock. It's delicious!
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 34\11.webp">
<b>-"MmMMMmmmMMmm!"</b> As soon as you start to go deeper, you hear a familiar voice.
<<pageReplace"Look back.">>
<blue>-"Hmmmmm? Hic!"</blue> The man looks up.
<b>-"Mistress!"</b> As you turn around you see her... It's Leyja! Seems like she's checking over the merchandise.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 34\12.jpg">
<m>-"Come on $name! We talked about this!"</m> She stops what she's doing and walks over.
<b>-"S-sorry..."</b> You swallow some saliva.
<blue>-"Ghehehe hello lady!"</blue> The man grabs your hair and tries to make you suck his dick again.
<m>-"Oh come on stop that!"</m> Leyja pushes him away.
<blue>-"Hic... H-Hey!"</blue>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 34\13.webp">
<m>-"If you want her mouth, go to Leyja's Lair and pay for it! Come on!"</m> Leyja scoffs.
<b>-"My bad Leyja, he was tempting me way too hard!"</b>
<m>-"Ugh... You're losing me business! I told you, if you want to suck some cock, go to the Lair or to me!"</m>
<blue>-"Y-you guys are no fun!"</blue> The man begins to pull up his pants.
<<pageReplace"Stand up.">>\
<b>-"Sorry..."</b> You stand up.
<blue>-"I'm out of... Hic... Here!"</blue> As he leaves, Leyja pulls you to the side.
<m>-"Let's make a deal."</m>
<b>-"A deal?"</b>
<m>-"Yes $name, a deal. If you ever get these urges again, please just go to the Lair."</m>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 34\15.jpg">
<m>-"If you don't want to, then come to me, I'll milk you."</m>
<b>-"M-milk me?!"</b>
<m>-"Yes! Because if you keep this up, clients won't be inclined to go to the Lair if they can use your mouth right here for free!"</m>
<m>-"Good, let's shake on it."</m>
<b>-"Fine."</b> You shake hands and smile. You have to rememeber - whenever you get hit on, go to Leyja and she'll pleasure you herself.
<m>-"Good! Now back to work, I saw that the box is still half full!"</m>
<b>-"Mhm, going to do it now."</b> You spend the rest of your shift stacking shelves full of toys, cleaning the floors and consulting the customers.
[[End your shift->Go outside]]
<b>-"I'm sorry, if you want to get a blowjob, go to Leyja's Lair."</b>
<blue>-"L-leyja's what now..?"</blue>
<b>-"Leyja's Lair. It's below the shop."</b>
<blue>-"Whatever you say... Hic... Princess... Hic... You're no fun anyways!"</blue> The man turns around.
<b>-"Sigh... I feel bad for him."</b> With a couple of wobbles, the man walks away.
<m>-"What was that about?"</m> A voice rings out from behind you. As you look towards it, you see Leyja, looking over the merchandise.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 34\12.jpg">
<b>-"Some guy wanted me to get him off. Told him to go to Leyja's Lair."</b>
<m>-"Heh, good girl! Always remember our deal!"</m>
<b>-"The deal?"</b>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 34\15.jpg">
<m>-"If you ever get the urge to let loose, you come to the Lair or to me and I'll take care of it."</m> She smiles.
<b>-"I-I might use that soon... B-been feeling extra horny these past days with my cock locked in this cage."</b>
<m>-"You've been working quite well, I would be happy to milk you soon."</m> You blush.
<b>-"Ghehehe... Thank you mistress."</b>
<m>-"Anyways, now back to work, I saw that the box is still half full!"</m>
<b>-"Mhm, going to do it now."</b> You spend the rest of your shift stacking shelves full of toys, cleaning the floors and consulting the customers.
[[End your shift->Go outside]]
<</if>><<location "Images/Sex shop/intro/0_Sex-shoppers.webp" "Simply Pleasure sex shop">>\
<<set $worked to true>>\
<<set $workdays to $workdays +1>>\
<<set $work35temp to true>>\
<<set $work35temp2 to true>>\
<<if $domstatus is true>>\
<grey>-"Duumnnn..."</grey> The shop's door makes a sudden, dull sound as you pull it.
<b>-"Locked?"</b> You try to pull it again.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 35\1.png">
<m>-"Who is it?"</m> Leyja's voice rings out from behind it.
<m>-"Perfect! Give me a second!"</m> You hear her keys jingle. After a couple of seconds, the door swings open.
<b>-"Still in cosplay?"</b> You let out a chuckle.
<m>-"Closed like 10 minutes ago... Don't judge me."</m> She smiles.
<b>-"What are we doing today again?"</b> You walk inside and she locks the door behind you.
<m>-"We're meeting Laura."</m> Leyja walks to the backroom and turns around to face you.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 35\11.jpg">
<b>-"Laura? Who's that?"</b> You both sit down.
<m>-"The hacker! Remember?"</m>
<b>-"Ohhhh... Yeah yeah I remember. Where is she?"</b>
<m>-"She should come any minute now."</m> After around 5 minutes of small talk, you both hear yet another knock on the door. You remain seated as Leyja goes to check it out.
<<pageReplace"Wait for her to return.">>
<b>-"Hmmmm...?"</b> Leyja doesn't return alone.
<m>-"$name, this is Laura. Laura, this is $name."</m>
<pink>-"Good evening."</pink> The woman says in a deep voice. She's at least 6 feet tall!
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 35\3.png">
<b>-"Hey."</b> You smile and nod. The woman's eyes squint - she's probably smiling back.
<m>-"Please take a seat Laura. The sooner we talk business, the sooner we can get this thing done."</m>
<pink>-"Sure."</pink> Laura sits down.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 35\4.webp">
<b>-"How much does she know?"</b> You whisper into Leyja's ear as she sits down as well.
<m>-"Laura knows everything, no need to hide details or anything."</m> She says in a loud voice, making sure the woman hears.
<pink>-"I'm motivated by money, but I'm still on your side $name. I want to help you bring down Hudson, just not for free."</pink>
<m>-"Laura was my classmate, we both went to the island and experienced the horrors of it. I trust her with my life."</m>
<<pageReplace"Good, so what's the plan?">>
<b>-"Good, so what's the plan?"</b>
<m>-"Right, buckle in because it's pretty confusing."</m>
<m>-"We have to find a way to set up or frame Hudson to seem like he's a bad leader."</m>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 35\5.jpg">
<pink>-"Yup. You want control over the place, right?"</pink>
<m>-"Yes! After $name went to one of the meetings the club hosted, we found out that the banking information of attendees is held at the club."</m>
<m>-"Laura says that she can empty those bank accounts if we get the info."</m> Leyja turns to Laura.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 35\6.png">
<pink>-"Pretty much. All I need is the IBAN code, name of it's owner and that's it."</pink>
<b>-"You can actually do that?!"</b>
<pink>-"Sure can. Not that hard if you know what you're doing."</pink>
<<pageReplace"Continue to listen.">>
<m>-"So the plan is this, we get the bank info of the attendees, we drain the accounts, making it seem like Hudson did it."</m>
<b>-"...Okay I'm following."</b>
<m>-"We orginize a mini coup to make sure the Warden, Hudson and the guards can't interfere as we hold a meeting full of angry members."</m>
<m>-"Then we act like the good guys, say that we caught the thiefs, which were Hudson accompanied by the Warden and we will return the money as soon as they instate me as the new Warden."</m>
<pink>-"Mhm, mhm."</pink> Laura nods in agreement. It seems like they already talked about the plan together.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 35\2.jpg">
<m>-"Which they will do, because remember, I'm still posing as Hudson's wife - Juliat."</m>
<m>-"After they do, we return the money and tell them that we're still hosting the festival."</m>
<b>-"We won't, right?"</b>
<m>-"Of course not! As the Warden, I'll have access to EVERYTHING club related. I'll gather enough evidence to jail every single member there."</m>
<pink>-"You're forgetting something."</pink> Laura says.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 35\9.webp">
<m>-"Oh, right! We'll make Hudson give me his majority shares in the SUP."</m>
<b>-"Majority shares?"</b>
<pink>-"The SUP is an educational institution, but surprisingly it's run like a business. Whoever has the majority of the shares, controls the place."</pink>
<m>-"And Laura found out that Hudson owns 64% of the stock."</m>
<pink>-"Mhm, which will be Leyja's after we're done with him."</pink>
<b>-"You're just going to torture him until he signs the documents?"</b>
<pink>-"Pretty much."</pink> You frown and Leyja notices.
<m>-"Oh come on, don't grow a conscious now. Considering how many lives he's fucked over, he deserves it."</m>
<m>-"Plus, I need to get control over the SUP somehow... This is the only way."</m>
<<pageReplace"Right, so how do we get the banking information?">>
<b>-"Sounds risky, but possible. How do we get the banking information though?"</b>
<b>-"Isn't it held in a safe or something?"</b>
<pink>-"That's where you come in."</pink> Laura hands you a pink eraser.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 35\7.png">
<b>-"Huh...? What's this?"</b>
<pink>-"Open it."</pink>
<b>-"Open what?"</b>
<pink>-"The eraser."</pink> With a confused look on your face, you try to pull apart the eraser. Surprisingly, it pops open, revealing that it's a flashdrive!
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 35\8.jpg">
<m>-"We know that the Warden holds the paper versions of the documents in the safe, but Judy also told me, that the same information is held in a secure, offshore server."</m>
<pink>-"With this flashdrive, you can install a backdoor which I will access from here and steal the info."</pink>
<b>-"How do I get to the server?"</b>
<pink>-"That's the cool part, you dont have to. You just have to get access to the Warden's computer. It's 100% connected to the server."</pink>
<m>-"The computer is probably in his office, however it's usually heavily guarded. At least that's what Judy told me."</m>
<<todo "Find the Warden's office and the safe.">>\
<b>-"So to recap, you need me to either open the safe somehow and steal the documents from it."</b>
<m>-"Taking pictures of them would be smarter."</m>
<b>-"Right. Orrrrrr, I could somehow access the Warden's office and install a backdoor with this flashdrive."</b> You hold up the eraser.
<pink>-"That's right."</pink>
<b>-"This whole thing seems dangerous..."</b> You shake your head.
<m>-"It is, but if we don't do it, who will? The fate of the students are in our hands."</m>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 35\10.jpg">
<b>-"Sigh... Fine, I'll see what I can do. I'll need to find both the safe and the office first."</b>
<m>-"Oh and Laura, what about the payment? How much will I own you?"</m>
<pink>-"Well, if you get the documents, then pennies, it's not hard to empty the accounts."</pink>
<pink>-"If you install the backdoor however, then it depends on the servers firewall. If it takes me ages to decode everything, then a couple of grand, however if I crack it in a day or two, I'll charge a couple hundred."</pink>
<m>-"Works for me."</m> Leyja nods and turns to you.
<m>-"So, first order of business - find both the safe and the Warden's office, then text me."</m>
<m>-"After we talk and you make your decision, grab the info whichever way you please."</m>
<m>-"After the job is done, we'll hold another meeting, here, with the three of us."</m>
<b>-"Sounds like a plan."</b>
<m>-"Good luck $name, I believe in you, just don't get yourself hurt."</m> You all stand up and Leyja kisses you on the cheek.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 35\13.jpeg">
<pink>-"You got this handsome."</pink> Laura's eyes squint again.
<b>-"Thanks... I'll text you when I find the locations then."</b>
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
[[Leave the store->Go outside]]
<grey>-"Duumnnn..."</grey> The shop's door makes a sudden, dull sound as you pull it.
<b>-"Locked?"</b> You try to pull it again.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 35\1.png">
<m>-"Who is it?"</m> Leyja's voice rings out from behind it.
<m>-"Perfect! Give me a second!"</m> You hear her keys jingle. After a couple of seconds, the door swings open.
<b>-"S-still in cosplay Mistress?"</b>
<m>-"Closed like 10 minutes ago... Don't judge me."</m> She smiles.
<b>-"What are we doing today again?"</b> You walk inside and she locks the door behind you.
<m>-"We're meeting Laura."</m> Leyja walks to the backroom and turns around to face you.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 35\11.jpg">
<b>-"Laura? Who's that?"</b> You both sit down.
<m>-"The hacker! Remember?"</m>
<b>-"Ohhhh... Yeah yeah I remember. W-where is she?"</b>
<m>-"She should come any minute now."</m> After around 5 minutes of small talk, you both hear yet another knock on the door. You remain seated as Leyja goes to check it out.
<<pageReplace"Wait for her to return.">>
<b>-"Hmmmm...?"</b> Leyja doesn't return alone.
<m>-"$name, this is Laura. Laura, this is $name."</m>
<pink>-"Good evening."</pink> The woman says in a deep voice. She's at least 6 feet tall!
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 35\3.png">
<b>-"G-good evening!"</b> You smile and nod. The woman's eyes squint - she's probably smiling back.
<m>-"Please take a seat Laura. The sooner we talk business, the sooner we can get this thing done."</m>
<pink>-"Sure."</pink> Laura sits down.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 35\4.webp">
<b>-"How much does she know?"</b> You whisper into Leyja's ear as she sits down as well.
<m>-"Laura knows everything, no need to hide details or anything."</m> She says in a loud voice, making sure the woman hears.
<pink>-"I'm motivated by money, but I'm still on your side $name. I want to help you bring down Hudson, just not for free."</pink>
<m>-"Laura was my classmate, we both went to the island and experienced the horrors of it. I trust her with my life."</m>
<<pageReplace"Good, so what's the plan?">>
<b>-"Good, so what's the plan?"</b>
<m>-"Right, buckle in because it's pretty confusing."</m>
<m>-"We have to find a way to set up or frame Hudson to seem like he's a bad leader."</m>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 35\5.jpg">
<pink>-"Yup. You want control over the place, right?"</pink>
<m>-"Yes! After $name went to one of the meetings the club hosted, we found out that the banking information of attendees is held at the club."</m>
<m>-"Laura says that she can empty those bank accounts if we get the info."</m> Leyja turns to Laura.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 35\6.png">
<pink>-"Pretty much. All I need is the IBAN code, name of it's owner and that's it."</pink>
<b>-"You can actually do that?!"</b>
<pink>-"Sure can. Not that hard if you know what you're doing."</pink>
<<pageReplace"Continue to listen.">>
<m>-"So the plan is this, we get the bank info of the attendees, we drain the accounts, making it seem like Hudson did it."</m>
<b>-"O-okay I'm following..."</b>
<m>-"We orginize a mini coup to make sure the Warden, Hudson and the guards can't interfere as we hold a meeting full of angry members."</m>
<m>-"Then we act like the good guys, say that we caught the thiefs, which were Hudson accompanied by the Warden and we will return the money as soon as they instate me as the new Warden."</m>
<pink>-"Mhm, mhm."</pink> Laura nods in agreement. It seems like they already talked about the plan together.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 35\2.jpg">
<m>-"Which they will do, because remember, I'm still posing as Hudson's wife - Juliat."</m>
<m>-"After they do, we return the money and tell them that we're still hosting the festival."</m>
<b>-"We won't, right?"</b>
<m>-"Of course not! As the Warden, I'll have access to EVERYTHING club related. I'll gather enough evidence to jail every single member there."</m>
<pink>-"You're forgetting something."</pink> Laura says.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 35\9.webp">
<m>-"Oh, right! We'll make Hudson give me his majority shares in the SUP."</m>
<b>-"Majority shares?"</b>
<pink>-"The SUP is an educational institution, but surprisingly it's run like a business. Whoever has the majority of the shares, controls the place."</pink>
<m>-"And Laura found out that Hudson owns 64% of the stock."</m>
<pink>-"Mhm, which will be Leyja's after we're done with him."</pink>
<b>-"You're just going to torture him until he signs the documents?"</b>
<pink>-"Pretty much."</pink> You frown and Leyja notices.
<m>-"Oh come on, don't grow a conscious now. Considering how many lives he's fucked over, he deserves it."</m>
<m>-"Plus, I need to get control over the SUP somehow... This is the only way."</m>
<<pageReplace"Right, so how do we get the banking information?">>
<b>-"Sounds risky, but possible. H-how do we get the banking information though?"</b> You stutter.
<b>-"Isn't it held in a safe or something?"</b>
<pink>-"That's where you come in."</pink> Laura hands you a pink eraser.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 35\7.png">
<b>-"Huh...? What's this?"</b>
<pink>-"Open it."</pink>
<b>-"Open what?"</b>
<pink>-"The eraser."</pink> With a confused look on your face, you try to pull apart the eraser. Surprisingly, it pops open, revealing that it's a flashdrive!
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 35\8.jpg">
<m>-"We know that the Warden holds the paper versions of the documents in the safe, but Judy also told me, that the same information is held in a secure, offshore server."</m>
<pink>-"With this flashdrive, you can install a backdoor which I will access from here and steal the info."</pink>
<b>-"How do I get to the server?"</b>
<pink>-"That's the cool part, you dont have to. You just have to get access to the Warden's computer. It's 100% connected to the server."</pink>
<m>-"The computer is probably in his office, however it's usually heavily guarded. At least that's what Judy told me."</m>
<<todo "Find the Warden's office and the safe.">>\
<b>-"So to recap, you need me to either open the safe somehow and steal the documents from it."</b>
<m>-"Taking pictures of them would be smarter."</m>
<b>-"Right. Orrrrrr, I could somehow access the Warden's office and install a backdoor with this flashdrive."</b> You hold up the eraser.
<pink>-"That's right. How you're going to do that is up to you, but you good looks might come in handy."</pink> Laura winks.
<b>-"T-this whole thing seems dangerous..."</b> You shake your head.
<m>-"It is, but if we don't do it, who will? The fate of the students are in our hands."</m>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 35\10.jpg">
<b>-"You know that I'll do anything for you mistress. Sigh... I'll need to find both the safe and the office first then."</b>
<m>-"Yes. Oh and Laura, what about the payment? How much will I own you?"</m>
<pink>-"Well, if you get the documents, then pennies, it's not hard to empty the accounts."</pink>
<pink>-"If you install the backdoor however, then it depends on the servers firewall. If it takes me ages to decode everything, then a couple of grand, however if I crack it in a day or two, I'll charge a couple hundred."</pink>
<m>-"Works for me."</m> Leyja nods and turns to you.
<m>-"So, first order of business - find both the safe and the Warden's office, then text me."</m>
<m>-"After we talk and you make your decision, grab the info whichever way you please."</m>
<m>-"After the job is done, we'll hold another meeting, here, with the three of us."</m>
<b>-"S-sounds like a plan."</b>
<m>-"Good luck $name, I believe in you, just don't get yourself hurt."</m> You all stand up and Leyja kisses you on the cheek.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 35\12.png">
<pink>-"You got this beautiful."</pink> Laura's eyes squint again.
<b>-"T-thanks... I'll text you when I find the locations then."</b>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Leave the store->Go outside]]
<</if>><<todoCompleted "Go to Leyja's place in the evening.">>\
<<set $work35agreedtodatetemp to true>>\
<grey>-"VROOooOOOMMMmm!"</grey> Your car roars as you speed through traffic.
<b>-"I'm so fucking horny...!"</b> Leyja's place isn't far from here.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 35\d2.jpg">
<b>-"Oh... This is nice!"</b> After around 10 minutes on the road, you arive at her apartment complex. It's really modern!
<grey>-"Screeeech!"</grey> You park your car in the nearby parking lot and get out.
<b>-"I hope she's already ready!"</b> While you were driving, she texted you her building and apartment numbers, so you already know where to go.
<b>-"Oof... So many stairs!"</b> You complain as you slowly climb to the sixth floor.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 35\d3.jpg">
<blue>-"Good evening."</blue> A man passes by you as you pant.
<b>-"Good evening!"</b> After a grueling couple of minutes, you reach her door.
<b>-"Fuck me... This place should get a lift."</b>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 35\d4.jpg">
<b>-"Hmph, no doorbell?"</b> Weird, you figure you should just knock.
<<pageReplace"Knock on her door.">>\
<<location "Images/Sex shop/work 35/d1.jpg" "Leyja's place">>\
<<if $domstatus is true>>\
<grey>-"Knock Knock Knock!"</grey> After a couple of seconds, you start to hear some movement inside.
<m>-"Hello?"</m> You hear her muffled voice from behind the door.
<b>-"It's $name!"</b> Right after you answer, the doors swing open.
<m>-"Heyyyyy!"</m> Leyja looks lovely as always.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 35\d5.jpg">
<b>-"You look beautiful Leyja."</b>
<m>-"Heh, thank you... Let's head inside..."</m> She blushes slightly and takes a step back. You follow her in.
<b>-"Wow, nice place you got here!"</b>
<m>-"You think so? Come, I'll show you the bedroom."</m> You take off your shoes and follow her lead.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 35\d23.jpg">
<m>-"I know right? Perfect view of Stockholm!"</m> Leyja sits down on her bed and turns on the lights.
<b>-"Seems like your business is booming!"</b> You sit down on the chair to the left.
<m>-"Hah, because of the apartment?"</m>
<b>-"I mean yeah, this place is incredible!"</b>
<m>-"Well, you could say that it's booming... Leyja's Lair has been bringing in a lot of cash, thought that it's about time I got a nicer place. Used to live in a dump."</m> She sits up.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 35\d6.jpg">
<m>-"Anyways, want some coffee or tea?"</m> As you're about to answer, she looks down at your crotch.
<m>-"Or nevermind, you probably don't."</m>
<b>-"Hmmm, why so?"</b> Leyja points at your dick.
<<pageReplace"Look down">>\
<m>-"Heh... This guy is telling me you want something else."</m>
<b>-"Oh...?"</b> You look down at your crotch and notice that you're still indeed very much hard.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 35\d8.png">
<b>-"Ghahaha, don't get the wrong idea-"</b> She cuts you off.
<m>-"Hey hey, I know you came here for sex, that's why I invited you in the first place."</m> Leyja bites her lip.
<m>-"So hurry up, fuck the shit out of me and then we can get some tea."</m>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 35\d9.jpg">
<b>-"Gulp..."</b> Where did she get this confidence from?
<<pageReplace"Kiss her.">>\
<b>-"Come here then!"</b> You stand up, push her so she falls onto the bed and get on top of her.
<m>-"YyAaAaaghhH! Sooo roughHhH!"</m> She places her hand on your face as you begin to kiss her.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 35\d12.webp">
<b>-"MGhhhh..."</b> As her soft lips touch yours, you get even harder... This is going to be fun!
<m>-"J-just let me..."</m> She says inbetween breaths.
<m>-"AhhHHhhh."</m> Leyja pulls away as your cock throbs from the excitement.
<b>-"Hmmmm? What is it?"</b>
<m>-"Let me just take it off..."</m> She slowly removes her top. After throwing it to the side, the bra gets the same treatment.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 35\d11.webp">
<b>-"Wowzers! They're melon sized!"</b> Thankfully, you don't say this outloud and just think it.
<m>-"Come on then, your turn handsome."</m> You nod and slowly unbuckle your belt. After you take off your pants, you throw your underwear to the side, same as Leyja.
<m>-"Gosh it's big..."</m> She whispers while looking at your rock hard rod.
<b>-"Come here."</b> This time, Leyja pushes you down. As your back hits the bed, she climbs on top and begins to kiss you.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 35\d10.webp">
<b>-"MGhHhh!"</b> Your lips touch once again as she sits up on top of you.
<m>-"Relax and enjoy. You deserve this."</m> She turns around and begins to tease your rock hard cock with her voluptuous bottom.
<<pageReplace"Do as she says and relax.">>\
<b>-"Ohhhh fuck..."</b> You let out a moan as Leyja speeds up.
<m>-"You like that, big boy?"</m>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 35\d13.webp">
<b>-"NghHhh... Very much so!"</b> Your cock is already covered in her juices... Was she masturbating before you got here?
<b>-"Jeez... Someone is horny... NgHhhhh... Tonight!"</b>
<m>-"Well... MGHhhhh... I had something to look forward too!"</m> She stops moving her ass and stands up.
<m>-"Is your friend here ready to go?"</m> Leyja looks at your cock.
<b>-"It's always ready baby."</b> Leyja giggles and gets on the bed again. After she gets on all fours, you begin to hover over her.
<b>-"Here I come."</b>
<m>-"J-just be gentle!"</m>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 35\d14.webp">
<m>-"YYyyAaaaAaaA!! I-It hurtsss!"</m>
<b>-"Sorry Leyja, just bear with me..."</b> With each thrust, it becomes easier and easier for your cock to go in.
<m>-"NgHhhh..."</m> She puts her head into a pillow and moans.
<b>-"Is it better now?"</b>
<<pageReplace"Increase the speed.">>
<b>-"I'll try going faster beautiful."</b> You grab her feet and begin to thrust a bit faster.
<m>"MghHhHhH! Y-yesSsss!"</m>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 35\d24.webp">
<b>-"Fuck she's tight!"</b> You don't know what happened, but she feels so much tighter than last time! It'll be hard to last for more than a few strokes!
<m>-"MghhHh... So goooddddDDddd!"</m>
<grey>-"SLAP!"</grey> You give her a booty a nice smack.
<m>-"Y-yaahahhHHH!! You asshole!"</m>
<b>-"Hehehe."</b> After you place your hands on her ass, you begin to speed up even more.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 35\d15.webp">
<m>-"S-shitTTttt I need to pee..."</m> Leyja moans.
<b>-"To pee?! Do you want me to stop?"</b>
<m>-"NoOoOOoO it feels tooo goOooDDDDdd!"</m> Suddenly, you begin to feel a weird, wet feeling inside of her vagina.
<b>-"Fuck!"</b> The feeling is incredible, you're close to cumming!
<<pageReplace"Continue to fuck her.">>
<m>-"AgHHhhHHH!!!"</m> Layja screams as her legs begin to shake. She climaxed!
<m>-"GRhHhHhH yessSshHHhHH!"</m> As she screams, her pussy begins to squirt after each thrust of the hips.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 35\d17.webp">
<b>-"NghhHHhH!!"</b> You moan as you feel the cum begin to climb up your shaft.
<b>-"I-I'm closeEEEeeE!"</b>
<m>-"Inside! D-do it inside! I want to be filled up!"</m> She screams in desperation after she finishes covering the bedsheets in her squirt.
<b>-"GahhhH!"</b> With a final thrust, you deliver a giant load straight into her womb.
<m>-"MghhhHH yesssSSss!"</m> She grabs your balls and squeezes, hoping that it would make you cum even more.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 35\d18.webp">
<m>-"So good..."</m>
<<pageReplace"Pull out.">>
<b>-"You're on birth control... Right?"</b> You ask as you slowly pull out your cock.
<m>-"Y-yeah baby... I am..."</m> Leyja rolls onto her back and spreads her legs.
<m>-"Fuck me! There's so much!"</m>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 35\d19.webp">
<b>-"That was great Leyja, I didn't even know you could squirt!"</b> You get out of the bed.
<m>-"M-me neither!"</m> Leyja looks at you.
<m>-"Could you bring me some tissues please?"</m> You nod and go to the bathroom. After cleaning yourself up, you come back with tissues in hand.
<b>-"Here."</b> She grabs them and begins to wipe away all of your cum.
<m>-"Thanks love."</m> After she's done, you throw the tissues away and she lays down on her side.
<m>-"So... Everything went well during the mission?"</m>
<b>-"Yeah, pretty much. Got what we needed, we just need Laura to do her part."</b>
<m>-"Thanks for the help $name, I do truly appreciate it!"</m>
<b>-"Hah, as long as I get to fuck you, I'll do whatever it takes!"</b> Leyja smirks as you begin to put on your underwear.
<m>-"Heh, good... Continue to help me and I'll even let you explore the unexplored."</m>
<b>-"Oh? What do you mean?"</b> She grabs her ass and stretches it.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 35\d20.webp">
<m>-"This..."</m> Does she want you to take her anal virginity?!
<b>-"Does that mean-"</b> Leyja cuts you off.
<m>-"Mhm... I've never been done in my second hole before."</m>
<<pageReplace"Pull down your underwear again.">>
<b>-"Hehe, then let me be the first!"</b> You pull down your underwear, excited to go for round two.
<m>-"No no no, not so quick! I'm not ready yet!"</m>
<m>-"Even if I wanted to, it wouldn't fit! Give me some time!"</m> You sigh and pull your bottoms back up.
<b>-"God damnit..."</b>
<m>-"Sorry to disappoint, but hey, you have something to look forward to!"</m> Leyja bites her lip as you put on your jeans.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 35\d21.webp">
<b>-"Sigh... I understand."</b> She stands up as well.
<m>-"Already going?"</m> You feel her warm arms touch your chest as she gets closer.
<b>-"Unfortunately. It's getting late, and I have some lectures tomorrow. Plus, aren't we having that metting tomorrow as well?"</b>
<m>-"We do... I wish I could just stay here every day though."</m>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 35\d22.jpg">
<b>-"Hmph, I don't blame you beautiful. You have an amazing apartment!"</b> As you put on shirt, Leyja slaps your butt.
<b>-"Hey! What was that for!"</b>
<m>-"Enough with the compliments already, or I'm going to fall for you..."</m> You notice that her cheeks blush once again as you caress her cheek.
<b>-"Maybe that's what I want?"</b> You ask in a gentle, soothing tone as you exchange a kiss.
<m>-"S-shut up..."</m> You chuckle while Leyja begins to blush even harder.
<b>-"Alright alright, that's enough. I really have to get going."</b> You give her another, quick goodbye kiss on the cheek and walk out of the door.
<m>-"Thanks again for your help $name!"</m>
<b>-"Thanks for the night!"</b> The door closes.
<b>-"Shit, these stairs again."</b> You say as you remember that you're on the sixth floor with no lift.
<b>-"Maybe that's why Leyja's legs are so fit... She has to do this shit every day."</b>
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
[[Get in your car and drive back->Go outside]]
<grey>-"Knock Knock Knock!"</grey> After a couple of seconds, you start to hear some movement inside.
<m>-"Hello?"</m> You hear her muffled voice from behind the door.
<b>-"It's $name!"</b> Right after you answer, the doors swing open.
<m>-"Heyyyyy!"</m> Leyja looks lovely as always.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 35\d5.jpg">
<b>-"Y-you look beautful Mistress!"</b>
<m>-"Heh, thank you... Let's head inside!"</m> She takes a step back as you follow her in.
<b>-"Wow, nice place you got here!"</b>
<m>-"You think so? Come, I'll show you the bedroom."</m> You take off your shoes and follow her lead.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 35\d23.jpg">
<m>-"I know right? Perfect view of Stockholm!"</m> Leyja sits down on her bed and turns on the lights.
<b>-"S-seems like your business is booming!"</b> You sit down on the chair to the left.
<m>-"Hah, because of the apartment?"</m>
<b>-"I mean yeah, this place is incredible!"</b>
<m>-"Well, you could say that it's booming... Leyja's Lair has been bringing in a lot of cash, thought that it's about time I got a nicer place. Used to live in a dump."</m> She sits up.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 35\d6.jpg">
<m>-"Anyways, want some coffee or tea?"</m> As you're about to answer, she looks down at your crotch.
<m>-"Or nevermind, you probably don't."</m>
<b>-"Hmmm, why so?"</b> Leyja points down.
<<pageReplace"Look at your crotch.">>
<m>-"Seems like your little clitty wants something else."</m> You look down at your own crotch.
<b>-"O-oh fuck..."</b> Your caged cock is poking out from under your skirt and some pre cum has already stained your panties...
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 35\s9.jfif">
<b>-"Sorry Miss Leyja... After I heard about that reward, I've been getting erections 24/7, even in this cage!"</b>
<m>-"Hmph, then I guess you're getting a new chastity soon."</m>
<m>-"I can see that this one doesn't cut it anymore. A good sissy doesn't get erections, I'll give you a flat cage whenever you come in for a shift."</m>
<b>-"A flat cage?! I-Isn't that a bit much?!"</b>
<m>-"Don't question your Mistress, pet!"</m> As she raises her tone, you sheepishly look down while blushing. She's begin rude, but your cock continues to leak precum...
<m>-"Now, about that reward - you have to options."</m>
<m>-"I either unlock that little clitty and give you a blowjob..."</m> Your eyes widen.
<m>-"Or, I put that nice ass of yours to work and give that prostate a nice fucking."</m> Leyja slaps her own ass.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 35\d9.jpg">
<m>-"What do you choose? One option would make Mistress a lot happier..."</m>
<b>-"O-oh my God..."</b>
<<pageReplace"I want my clit sucked.">>
<b>-"I want my dick sucked..."</b> You whisper.
<m>-"Your what?"</m>
<b>-"M-my dick..."</b>
<m>-"You don't have a dick, pet, you have a clit. Say it properly."</m>
<b>-"I want my c-clit sucked Mistress!"</b>
<m>-"Hmph, disappointing answer, but fine. You did help me after all."</m> Leyja stands up, throws her top to the side and removes her bra.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 35\d11.webp">
<m>-"Get on the bed and take off your clothes sissy."</m>
<b>-"Yes!"</b> You follow her instructions and lay down after get undressed.
<m>-"Now, let's take this thing off."</m> She jumps up onto you and grabs a hold of your cage.
<m>-"Give me the key."</m> Your reach for your pants. After finding the key in the right pocket, you hand it to her.
<b>-"H-here you go Mistress!"</b> Leyja takes it and swiftly unlocks your clit.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 35\s1.jpeg">
<m>-"Hah, it's so tiny after it's been squished! It actually looks like a clit!"</m> Leyja laughs as she begins to jerk you off with two fingers.
<<pageReplace"Enjoy the pleasure.">>
<b>-"MGhHhhh... S-so good!"</b>
<m>-"Come on, we have to get your fully hard before I can give you a blowjob."</m>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 35\s2.webp">
<b>-"EeEeKkk!"</b> Everytime she moves her fingers your cock gets harder and harder.
<m>-"Gosh, it's so cute!"</m> Leyja begins to slap your balls lightly.
<b>-"AaagHhH!"</b> Not even 30 seconds later, you're as hard as a rock!
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 35\s3.jpg">
<m>-"Hmph, good! Now stand up."</m> You follow her directions and stand up after getting off of the bed.
<b>-"..."</b> Is she really going to do it?
<m>-"Sigh... Just cum as fast as you can, I don't want to do this for long."</m> Your body shivers as her lips touch the tip of your clit.
<<pageReplace"Watch her.">>
<b>-"Mghhhh!"</b> You moan as Leyja takes your whole cock in her mouth.
<m>-"It fwits swo easily! I hwate... Slurp... Thwe tastwe though..."</m>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 35\s5.webp">
<b>-"W-wow! NgHHhH!"</b> You don't remember the last time someone sucked your dick... It feels incredible!
<m>-"Ahhhh! Sit down!"</m> She takes out your clit from her mouth and pushes you onto the bed.
<b>-"Yes Mistress Leyja!"</b> You sit down and she continues to suck.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 35\s4.webp">
<m>-"Guh... Guh... GUGhhh!"</m>
<b>-"ShitTttt! I-I'm close!"</b> It hasn't even been 3 minutes yet and you're already about to cum!
<m>-"Awlready?"</m> She raises her left eyebrow as you feel the cum begin to flood up your little shaft.
<b>-"AghHhhhH!!!"</b> You shout as you explode straight into Leyja's mouth.
<m>-"AghHh... Aghhh... Now that was quick! Good sissy!"</m>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 35\s6.webp">
<b>-"Haaa... Haaa... Haaa!"</b> You pant as your cock goes flaccid.
<m>-"It's not bad actually... Surprisingly!"</m> She announces as she licks her finger.
<m>-"Come here, give me a kiss."</m> Leyja stands up and leans in for a kiss, but her mouth is covered in your semen.
<m>-"Come on sissy, thank your mistress for the reward by giving her a smooch!"</m>
<<pageReplace"Kiss her.">>
<b>-"Y-yessSssS!"</b> You lean in and embrace Leyja with a kiss.
<m>-"MGhhhhh... Gwood pwet!"</m>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 35\s7.gif">
<b>-"Ahhhh!"</b> You pull away and lick up the semen from your face and lips. It's not salty this time, it's actually quite sweet!
<m>-"Now lick it up from the ground."</m> She points at the floor, where another pool of your cum lies.
<b>-"F-from the floor?"</b>
<m>-"Yes pet, from the floor!"</m>
<b>-"Right away Mistress..."</b> You lay down on the ground and begin to lick up your own jizz like a dog.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 35\s8.gif">
<b>-"NGhHhh..."</b> It's so humiliating!
<<pageReplace"Finish doing it and stand up.">>
<b>-"A-All done!"</b> Leyja looks down at the ground. You also notice that her face is already clean, she probably used one of the tissues nearby.
<m>-"Good! So, how was the reward? Did you like the blowjob?"</m>
<b>-"A-Are you kidding?! I loved it!"</b> You say as she grabs the cage.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 35\d22.jpg">
<m>-"I'm glad, but back in the cage you go!"</m>
<b>-"Gosh darnit..."</b> You reluctantly sit down as she puts on the chastity cage on you and locks it.
<m>-"But hey, look at the bright side, if you keep helping me, I'll unlock you again!"</m>
<b>-"You will?!"</b>
<m>-"Mhm!"</m> She stands up and puts her arms on her waist.
<m>-"Still, we still have to get you that new cage. This one is too big! Saw how easily I put it on?"</m>
<b>-"Nghhh... W-whatever you want Mistress!"</b> You stand up after her and begin to put on your clothes.
<b>-"Thank you for the reward Miss!"</b>
<m>-"Don't mention it sissy. Just make sure to come in during your next shift, we're having a meeting with Laura, remember?"</m>
<b>-"Yup!"</b> You put on your clothes and exchange a quick cheek kiss with Leyja. After getting outside of the apartment, Leyja grabs the door handle.
<m>-"See ya later pet!"</m>
<b>-"Have a great night!"</b> You go down the stairs and enter your car. Time to drive home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
<<set $feminization to $feminization +1>>
<emily>Feminization +1!</emily>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<b>-"I-I'll have to refuse... I'm sorry!"</b> Leyja frowns.
<m>-"Hmph, pet refusing my orders?"</m>
<m>-"Fine! As long as you drink the cum in Leyja's Lair, we won't have a problem."</m> You breath a sigh of relief as she grabs a tissue and cleans her face.
<m>-"Anyways, how was the reward? Did you like the blowjob?"</m>
<b>-"A-Are you kidding?! I loved it!"</b> You say as she grabs the cage.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 35\d22.jpg">
<m>-"I'm glad, but back in the cage you go!"</m>
<b>-"Gosh darnit..."</b> You reluctantly sit down as she puts on the chastity cage on you and locks it.
<m>-"But hey, look at the bright side, if you keep helping me, I'll unlock you again!"</m>
<b>-"You will?!"</b>
<m>-"Mhm!"</m> She stands up and puts her arms on her waist.
<m>-"Still, we still have to get you that new cage. This one is too big! Saw how easily I put it on?"</m>
<b>-"Nghhh... W-whatever you want Mistress!"</b> You stand up after her and begin to put on your clothes.
<b>-"Thank you for the reward Miss!"</b>
<m>-"Don't mention it sissy. Just make sure to come in during your next shift, we're having a meeting with Laura, remember?"</m>
<b>-"Yup!"</b> You put on your clothes and exchange a quick cheek kiss with Leyja. After getting outside of the apartment, Leyja grabs the door handle.
<m>-"See ya later pet!"</m>
<b>-"Have a great night!"</b> You go down the stairs and enter your car. Time to drive home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"I want to be fucked.">>
<b>-"I want to be fucked..."</b> You whimper as your asshole pulses.
<m>-"Hmph, a very good answer!"</m> Leyja stands up, throws her top to the side and removes her bra.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 35\d11.webp">
<m>-"Get on the bed and take off your clothes sissy."</m>
<b>-"Yes!"</b> You follow her instructions and lay down after get undressed.
<m>-"Now, let me get ready."</m> She leaves you on the bed and goes into the bathroom. After a minute or two, she returns, equipped with a strap on.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 35\ss1.jpg">
<m>-"Knew you would want to get fucked, so I got the toy ready..."</m> You gulp as you see how big it is.
<b>-"W-wow... It's huge!"</b> Leyja gigles and begins to stroke it.
<m>-"Hehehe, not too big for you! You can take it! Now spread those little legs..."</m>
<<pageReplace"Spread your legs.">>
<b>-"NgHhh... Here!"</b> You slowly spread your legs apart.
<m>-"Good sissy..."</m> <<if $asstoys !==0>>Leyja slowly removes your buttplug. <</if>>
<b>-"NgHhh..."</b> You moan as you ass pulses once again... It's aching to be fucked!
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 35\ss2.webp">
<m>-"Now, let's get to it..."</m> Leyja puts some lube on her dildo and onto your ass.
<b>-"AaagHhH!"</b> You moan once again as she inserts a finger inside.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 35\ss8.webp">
<m>-"Hmph, good! You're getting looser and looser, I see your ass has been trained!"</m> You sheepishly nod in agreement.
<b>-"Y-yes..."</b> Leyja takes out her finger and inserts 3.
<m>-"NghHhh... Went in without a problem!"</m> Your body shivers as your clit begins to leak. After removing the fingers, Leyja stands up and places the dildo up against your ass.
<<pageReplace"Watch her penetrate you.">>
<b>-"Mghhhh!"</b> You try not to scream as Leyja inserts the dildo inside.
<m>-"It fits so easily! Wow!"</m>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 35\ss3.webp">
<b>-"W-wow! NgHHhH!"</b> Leyja knows what she's doing! Because she's aiming the dildo up, it's hitting your g-spot with every thrust!
<m>-"Ghehehe... Good pet!"</m> She says while continuing to ravage your asshole.
<b>-"T-thank you Mistress Leyja!"</b> After a minute or two, Leyja stops.
<m>-"Stand up, I heard that this feels really good!"</m> You both stand up and she penetrates you once again. This time, the feeling is completely different!
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 35\ss5.webp">
<b>-"OgggGGgghhHhhgHHh FucckKKkK!!"</b> It feels like your dick is about to explode!
<b>-"ShitTttt! I-I'm close!"</b>
<m>-"Already? Come on, you have to last longer than that!"</m> She swiftly pulls out the dildo out of your butt and sits down.
<<pageReplace"Mount her.">>
<b>-"MgHHhh!!!"</b> You insert the dildo inside yourself and begin to ride your Mistress.
<m>-"AghHh... Aghhh... Now that's a good sissy!"</m>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 35\ss4.webp">
<b>-"Haaa... Haaa... Haaa!"</b> You pant as you feel the cum begin to climb up your half flaccid shaft.
<b>-"NghHhhH!! I-I'm coming!!"</b> Suddenly, Leyja pushes you onto your back and begins to fuck you herself.
<m>-"Come for Mistress, pet! Do it! Do it now!"</m> She shouts while destroying your ass.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 35\ss6.gif">
<b>-"FucKKkK!!"</b> It's been a while since you had a completely hands free orgasm... You forgot how good it felt!
<m>-"Good sissy..."</m>
<b>-"Ahh... Ahhh..!"</b> You finish shooting out your load.
<<pageReplace"Look at the mess you've made.">>
<b>-"Fuck me... What a mess!"</b> You lean forward and look at your stomach.
<m>-"It is indeed, but you did good!"</m>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 35\ss7.jpg">
<m>-"Cumming from anal only in 10 minutes is pretty impressive! Good job!"</m>
<b>-"T-thank you!"</b> Leyja stands up, grabs some tissues and throws them to you.
<m>-"Now clean up."</m> You nod and begin to clean your stomach and cage.
<b>-"A-All done!"</b> You announce after you finish.
<m>-"Good! So, how was the reward? Did you like being fucked?"</m>
<b>-"A-Are you kidding?! I loved it!"</b> You say as she sits down once again.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 35\d22.jpg">
<m>-"Good! If you continue to help me, I'll continue to train and pleasure that little clit of yours!"</m> You stand up, throw away the tissues and begin to put on your clothes.
<b>-"I'll do my best! Thank you for the reward again, Miss!"</b>
<m>-"Don't mention it sissy. Just make sure to come in during your next shift, we're having a meeting with Laura, remember?"</m>
<b>-"Yup!"</b> You put on your clothes and exchange a quick cheek kiss with Leyja. After getting outside of the apartment, Leyja grabs the door handle.
<m>-"See ya later pet!"</m>
<b>-"Have a great night!"</b> You go down the stairs and enter your car. Time to drive home!
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
<<set $feminization to $feminization +2>>
<emily>Feminization +2!</emily>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<</pageReplace>><<location "Images/Sex shop/intro/0_Sex-shoppers.webp" "Simply Pleasure sex shop">>\
<<set $worked to true>>\
<<set $workdays to $workdays +1>>\
<<if $domstatus is true>>\
<grey>-"Creeeaaaakkkk!"</grey> The door swings open as your hand pulls the handle.
<b>-"Oh... Not locked today?"</b> You're supposed to be having a metting with Laura, why is the shop not locked?
<b>-"Hmph."</b> As you walk towards the backroom, you notice Laura standing to the side of the shop with her back turned from you.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 36\1.jfif">
<b>-"Hey Laura!"</b> She turns around.
<pink>-"Oh, hey $name! Glad you made it."</pink> You nod and continue to walk towards the back of the store. Laura walks to the door and locks it.
<b>-"Ah, she probably knew I was coming and unlocked it."</b> You think as you reach the store's counter and throw your backpack near it.
<m>-"Hey handsome!"</m> Leyja smiles as you enter the backroom. She's sitting on the carpet, nearby the couch.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 36\3.jpg">
<<if $work35agreedtodatetemp ==true>>\
<b>-"Hey Leyja!"</b> You notice that she's blushing and not really keeping eye contact with you.
<m>-"Thought that I should thank you for last night, I figured it was more of a reward to me than to you..."</m>
<b>-"Don't mention it beautiful, I enjoyed it just as much as you did."</b> Leyja smiles and finally looks you in the eyes.
<b>-"Hey Leyja!"</b> You both smile and hold eye contact.
<m>-"Please, sit down, Laura is going to lock the door and meet us in a second!"</m>
<<pageReplace"Sit down.">>\
<b>-"Don't mind if I do!"</b> You sit down on the couch and spread your legs.
<m>-"I've said it before, but still, great job getting that information $name. The plan is coming along quite well so far."</m>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 36\2.jpg">
<b>-"Thanks! I want to bring down Hudson as much as you, so don't even mention it."</b> Right after you finish speaking, Laura joins you.
<pink>-"Helloooo! Door is locked, we can commence."</pink> She takes out a note board and begins to look at it.
<m>-"Right, so explain to us what you'll be doing and how you're going to empty those bank accounts whenever we need you to."</m>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 36\4.jfif">
<<if $work35office ==true>>\
<pink>-"Right, so the backdoor you installed worked perfectly."</pink> Laura looks at you.
<pink>-"I managed to access the server and get my hands on the data, however, it's encrypted."</pink>
<b>-"Encrypted? What does that mean?"</b>
<pink>-"It's a process to turning information into code to prevent unauthorized access.. Which is us."</pink>
<m>-"Fuck... How are we going to deal with it then?"</m> Laura sits down as Leyja speaks.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 36\5.jfif">
<pink>-"I'll just decrypt it, that's half of the reason you hired me, no?"</pink>
<b>-"So it's nothing to worry about?"</b>
<pink>-"Not really, it will take time however."</pink>
<pink>-"Right, so the documents you photographed were indeed the correct ones."</pink> Laura looks at you.
<pink>-"However, the IBAN codes are encrypted."</pink>
<b>-"Encrypted? What does that mean?"</b>
<pink>-"It's a process to turning information into code to prevent unauthorized access.. Which is us."</pink>
<m>-"Fuck... How are we going to deal with it then?"</m> Laura sits down as Leyja speaks.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 36\5.jfif">
<pink>-"I'll just decrypt it, that's half of the reason you hired me, no?"</pink>
<b>-"So it's nothing to worry about?"</b>
<pink>-"Not really, it will take time however."</pink>
<<pageReplace"How long?">>
<b>-"How long?"</b>
<m>-"Yeah, the festival is taking place soon, we have to hurry."</m>
<pink>-"Don't know yet... A week, maybe two? Worst case scenario - a month."</pink> Leyja looks at you.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 36\7.jfif">
<m>-"That should be enough time, right?"</m>
<b>-"I think so."</b>
<m>-"And after it's decrypted, we give you the word and you can empty them all?"</m>
<m>-"Good, then while Laura is working on the information, we can think about who we're going to hire for the coup."</m>
<b>-"Remind me what that is please."</b> Leyja faces you.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 36\6.jpg">
<m>-"After we empty the bank accounts, we'll have to hold a meeting with the members so we can set up Hudson and make them take our side."</m>
<m>-"We need a bunch of trained, brave men to take control of the club during that night. So the security can't stop us and Hudson can't escape together with the Warden."</m>
<b>-"Ah yes, I remember now. Where are we going to find these men?"</b>
<m>-"Don't know yet... Hiring mercenaries could be the solution. <u><b>If you'll find someone better just let me know.</b></u>"</m>
<<pageReplace"Cool, so what now?">>
<b>-"Cool, so what now?"</b>
<pink>-"Just act normal until I finish decrypting everything."</pink>
<m>-"Mhm, if I find anyone for the coup I'll let you know $name, you should look for a group willing to do something like this as well."</m>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 36\8.jpg">
<b>-"Roger that, will do."</b> You stand up.
<b>-"Just one last question, the shop is opening back up, right?"</b>
<m>-"It was always open. I just closed it during our meetings."</m>
<b>-"Oh... I meant that during my next shift it'll be open, right?"</b>
<m>-"Mhm! You'll be stacking shelves again, new products are coming in soon. Remember, we have to act normal. I don't doubt the club has agents looking at our every move."</m>
<b>-"I'll try my best."</b> You begin to move towards the counter.
<b>-"I'll leave you ladies to talk."</b>
<pink>-"Have a great rest of your night!"</pink>
<m>-"Stay safe $name!"</m>
<b>-"You too! Bye!"</b> You grab the backpack you threw near the counter and exit the store.
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<grey>-"Creeeaaaakkkk!"</grey> The door swings open as your hand pulls the handle.
<b>-"Oh... Not locked today?"</b> You're supposed to be having a metting with Laura, why is the shop not locked?
<b>-"Hmph."</b> As you walk towards the backroom, you notice Laura standing to the side of the shop with her back turned from you.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 36\1.jfif">
<b>-"H-hey Laura!"</b> She turns around.
<pink>-"Oh, hey $name! Glad you made it."</pink> You nod and continue to walk towards the back of the store. Laura walks to the door and locks it.
<b>-"Ah, she probably knew I was coming and unlocked it."</b> You think as you reach the store's counter and throw your backpack near it.
<m>-"Hey beautiful!"</m> Leyja smiles as you enter the backroom. She's sitting on the carpet, nearby the couch.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 36\3.jpg">
<<if $work35agreedtodatetemp ==true>>\
<b>-"Hey Mistress!"</b> You notice that she's looking straight into your eyes.
<m>-"Ready for your new chastity cage?"</m>
<b>-"I'm getting it now?!"</b> Leyja laughs.
<m>-"Ghahaha I'm just kidding! No, not today, not in front of Laura. I'll give it to your during your next shift."</m>
<b>-"Oh thank God... You scared me."</b>
<b>-"Hey Mistress!"</b> You both smile and hold eye contact.
<m>-"Please, sit down, Laura is going to lock the door and meet us in a second!"</m>
<<pageReplace"Sit down.">>\
<b>-"D-don't mind if I do!"</b> You sit down on the couch and cross your legs.
<m>-"I've said it before, but still, great job getting that information $name. The plan is coming along quite well so far."</m>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 36\2.jpg">
<b>-"T-thanks miss Leyja! I want to bring down Hudson as much as you, so don't even mention it!"</b> Right after you finish speaking, Laura joins you.
<pink>-"Helloooo! Door is locked, we can commence."</pink> She takes out a note board and begins to look at it.
<m>-"Right, so explain to us what you'll be doing and how you're going to empty those bank accounts whenever we need you to."</m>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 36\4.jfif">
<<if $work35office ==true>>\
<pink>-"Right, so the backdoor you installed worked perfectly."</pink> Laura looks at you.
<pink>-"I managed to access the server and get my hands on the data, however, it's encrypted."</pink>
<b>-"Encrypted? What does that mean?"</b>
<pink>-"It's a process to turning information into code to prevent unauthorized access.. Which is us."</pink>
<m>-"Fuck... How are we going to deal with it then?"</m> Laura sits down as Leyja speaks.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 36\5.jfif">
<pink>-"I'll just decrypt it, that's half of the reason you hired me, no?"</pink>
<b>-"S-so it's nothing to worry about?"</b>
<pink>-"Not really, it will take time however."</pink>
<pink>-"Right, so the documents you photographed were indeed the correct ones."</pink> Laura looks at you.
<pink>-"However, the IBAN codes are encrypted."</pink>
<b>-"Encrypted? What does that mean?"</b>
<pink>-"It's a process to turning information into code to prevent unauthorized access.. Which is us."</pink>
<m>-"Fuck... How are we going to deal with it then?"</m> Laura sits down as Leyja speaks.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 36\5.jfif">
<pink>-"I'll just decrypt it, that's half of the reason you hired me, no?"</pink>
<b>-"S-so it's nothing to worry about?"</b>
<pink>-"Not really, it will take time however."</pink>
<<pageReplace"How long?">>
<b>-"How long?"</b>
<m>-"Yeah, the festival is taking place soon, we have to hurry."</m>
<pink>-"Don't know yet... A week, maybe two? Worst case scenario - a month."</pink> Leyja looks at you.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 36\7.jfif">
<m>-"That should be enough time, right pet?"</m>
<b>-"I think so Mistress!"</b>
<m>-"And after it's decrypted, we give you the word and you can empty them all?"</m>
<pink>-"Mhm!"</pink> It seems like Laura knows your relationship dynamic with Leyja, because she doesn't look surprised when you call her Mistress.
<m>-"Good, then while Laura is working on the information, we can think about who we're going to hire for the coup."</m>
<b>-"Remind me what that is... Please!"</b> Leyja faces you.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 36\6.jpg">
<m>-"After we empty the bank accounts, we'll have to hold a meeting with the members so we can set up Hudson and make them take our side."</m>
<m>-"We need a bunch of trained, brave men to take control of the club during that night. So the security can't stop us and Hudson can't escape together with the Warden."</m>
<b>-"A-ah yes, I remember now! Where are we going to find these men?"</b>
<m>-"Don't know yet... Hiring mercenaries could be the solution. <u><b>If you'll find someone better just let me know.</b></u>"</m>
<<pageReplace"Cool, so what now?">>
<b>-"Cool! So what now?"</b>
<pink>-"Just act normal until I finish decrypting everything."</pink>
<m>-"Mhm, if I find anyone for the coup I'll let you know $name, you should look for a group willing to do something like this as well."</m>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 36\8.jpg">
<b>-"R-roger that, will do."</b> You stand up.
<b>-"Just one last question, the shop is opening back up, right?"</b>
<m>-"It was always open. I just closed it during our meetings."</m>
<b>-"Oh... I meant that during my next shift it'll be open, right?"</b>
<m>-"Mhm! You'll be stacking shelves again, new products are coming in soon. Remember, we have to act normal. I don't doubt the club has agents looking at our every move."</m>
<b>-"I'll try my best."</b> You begin to move towards the counter.
<b>-"I'll leave you two to talk!"</b>
<pink>-"Have a great rest of your night!"</pink>
<m>-"Stay safe $name!"</m>
<b>-"Y-you too! Bye!"</b> You grab the backpack you threw near the counter and exit the store.
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Drive home->Go outside]]
<</if>><<location "Images/Sex shop/intro/0_Sex-shoppers.webp" "Simply Pleasure sex shop">>\
<<set $worked to true>>\
<<set $workdays to $workdays +1>>\
<<if $domstatus is true>>\
<b>-"Good evening."</b> You greet a customer as you enter the store.
<blue>-"Good evening!"</blue> The man answers.
<b>-"Where is she?"</b> You think as you look around the store and don't see Leyja.
<m>-"$name! Hey!"</m> She pops her head out from behind the counter.
<b>-"Ah, there you are!"</b> After walking over, you begin to converse.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 37\d1.jpg">
<m>-"Ready for your shift?"</m>
<b>-"Mhm! You mentioned some new toys came in, do you want me to stack them?"</b>
<m>-"W-we'll talk about them later... Just clean the floors and the windows tonight, that should be all."</m> Leyja blushes.
<b>-"What are you not telling me?"</b> You look at her with suspicion filled eyes.
<m>-"I... I'll tell you after you're done, now shu shu, there's a lot of work to be done."</m> She points at some cleaning supplies in a bucket nearby the counter.
<b>-"Sigh... Fine, I'll be right back."</b> You wonder what she's embarrassed about...
<<pageReplace"Grab the supplies and begin cleaning.">>\
<grey>-"Scrub scrub scrub!"</grey> You begin to clean the windows.
<b>-"Yuck, so dirty! Don't remember the last time I cleaned them."</b>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 37\d2.jpg">
<b>-"Leyja was acting strange when we spoke."</b> You think as you finish the cleaning the windows and begin to rinse the sponge.
<b>-"Will she want me to test them again? Last time she was pretty embarrassed about asking."</b>
<b>-"Heh, that must be it... She's so cute!"</b> Even after all this time, Leyja is still shy around you.
<b>-"Now, the floor."</b> You take the vacuum mop from the backroom and begin to clean the whole store with it.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 37\d3.gif">
<b>-"Fortunately it's pretty quiet, wouldn't want to disturb the clients."</b> You look around the store but nobody seems to care that you're cleaning up. That's good!
<b>-"Oof, finally!"</b> After finally finishing your duties, you check your watch.
<b>-"Oh wow, that took 5 hours!"</b> The shop is about to close for the night, time to talk to Leyja again.
<<pageReplace"Walk up to the counter.">>\
<b>-"There."</b> You place the bucket down where it was before you took it.
<m>-"Finally done?"</m>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 37\d4.jpg">
<b>-"Sure am, took longer than I expected."</b>
<m>-"It's no matter, as long as you're done it's fine."</m> Leyja looks around the store. It's completely empty besides you two.
<m>-"I'll lock up."</m> She begins to walk towards the door.
<b>-"Aren't we closing in like an hour?"</b>
<m>-"Well, about that extra hour..."</m> She locks the door and begins to walk towards the back of the store. You follow her.
<m>-"I-I'll need you to test a new toy that came in..."</m> Leyja blushes once again as you both climb down the stairs to Leyja's Lair.
<b>-"Hah, once again? Is it a fleshlight?"</b>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 37\d5.webp">
<m>-"H-how did you know?!"</m> You notice a pile of cardboard boxes filled with toys to the side of the room.
<b>-"Well, what else would I test?"</b> You chuckle as she begins to look for the toy in one of the boxes.
<m>-"Fair enough... But yes, it is a fleshlight and I do need you to test it."</m>
<m>-"There it is!"</m>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 37\d6.png">
<b>-"Sigh... What for?"</b>
<m>-"I need to make sure it can fit bigger than average cocks before putting it up for sale... And yours is the perfect candidate to test it on."</m>
<<pageReplace"Take a look at the toy.">>\
<b>-"So I'm not testing how it feels, just if it fits?"</b>
<m>-"Pretty much... B-but..."</m> She stutters as you check out the toy.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 37\d7.jpg">
<m>-"If you want to test it until you cum, I wouldn't complain...!"</m>
<b>-"Of course you wouldn't."</b>
<m>-"A-ahem! Anyways! Are you going to help out, or no?"</m>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 37\d8.jpg">
<m>-"Pretty please? I'll pay you a little extra..."</m>
<<pageReplace"Fine, under one condition.">>
<<set $work37domtemp to true>>\
<b>-"Hmph, fine, but under one condition."</b> You say as you notice another toy in one of the boxes.
<m>-"Oh...? What is it?"</m>
<b>-"You pay me extra AND you'll have that toy inside during my whole next shift while I have the remote."</b> You point at the toy.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 37\d9.png">
<m>-"I-In front of everyone?!"</m> Leyja covers her mouth with her palm.
<b>-"Of course. However, they'll never find out if you manage to keep your composure."</b> You can see that she's thinking about it.
<b>-"Come on, I test this fleshlight, you test the egg, it seems fair, no?"</b>
<m>-"Fine! But you have to test the fleshlight until you cum!"</m>
<b>-"Deal."</b> With one swift motion, you remove your pants and underwear. Fortunately, Leyja's tits have already made your cock hard.
<m>-"Gulp... So big..."</m> She whispers as you put some lube on the outside and inside of the toy.
<b>-"Here I go."</b>
<m>-"Mhm..."</m> You slowly insert your shaft into the silicone toy.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 37\d10.webp">
<b>-"Wow, it's definitely a hard fit!"</b>
<<pageReplace"Start fucking the toy.">>
<b>-"NghHh! It's tight!"</b>
<m>-"A-ahaha... I trust that it is! Considering how big your cock is!"</m>
<m>-"I can't believe that actually fit inside of me..."</m> She whispers and begins to rub her crotch through her clothing.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 37\d11.webp">
<m>-"MgHHhhhh... Keep going!"</m> She moans as you begin to speed up.
<b>-"ShitTttt! It feels really good!"</b> You speed up even more.
<m>-"N-no... You have to wrap the lips around the tip..."</m> She whispers once again.
<m>-"You're doing it wrong... G-give me a try!"</m>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 37\d12.jpg">
<b>-"Hah, go right ahead!"</b>
<<pageReplace"Let go of the toy.">>
<m>-"NghHh..."</m> Leyja gets on her knees and takes the toy.
<b>-"Come on then, show me what I was doing wrong."</b>
<m>-"Y-you have to wrap the lips around your tip, like this. See?"</m> She begins to pleasure your cock with the fleshlight. You can't lie, with her doing it, it feels even better!
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 37\d13.webp">
<b>-"Ohhh fuckKK!! You're right!"</b> Leyja drools as your cock begins to throb.
<m>-"You give it a try!"</m> She suddenly stops.
<b>-"Shit!"</b> You quickly grab the toy and begin to pleasure yourself again.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 37\d14.webp">
<b>-"NnnGHHHHH!!!"</b> The tip of your cock is completely red from all of the stimulation. You're close to an orgasm!
<<pageReplace"Try your hardest to cum.">>
<b>-"FucKkkKK!!"</b> You begin to pound the toy as fast as you can.
<m>-"I-imagine..."</m> She whispers.
<m>-"Imagine you're fucking my mouth... That might help."</m> Leyja sticks out her tongue.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 37\d15.jpg">
<b>-"GrahhhHhHHH!"</b> As some saliva runs down her chin, your hormones overtake you.
<m>-"Ahhhhh!"</m> Leyja begins to suck on her finger to give you even more visual stimulation.
<b>-"I-I'M CuuUuuMmMINNGGGG!!"</b> You shout as you begin to unload inside of the toy.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 37\d16.webp">
<b>-"Aghhhh! AghHhH!"</b> You pant as the last drops of cum dribble out of your rod.
<m>-"Gulp... S-so it fits XXL cocks I see... Good to know!"</m> From her stained underwear, you can tell that she's horny and completely drenched.
<m>-"I'll bring you some tissues!"</m>
<<pageReplace"Wait for her.">>
<m>-"There!"</m> She hands you some tissues.
<b>-"Thanks..."</b> After cleaning yourself up, you throw the tissue on the ground.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 37\s7.png">
<b>-"Fuck me, now that's one hell of a toy. It's a must buy if you don't have anyone to fuck."</b> You look at Leyja.
<b>-"Fortunately, I do."</b>
<m>-"Ghehehe! You do!"</m> She bends down and grabs the toy that you put on the ground.
<m>-"T-thanks for your hard work tonight $name, the money is on the counter! Including the extra we talked about!"</m>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 37\d17.jpg">
<b>-"Nghh..."</b> You stand up and pull up your pants together with your underwear.
<b>-"Still remember our deal, right?"</b>
<m>-"Yes, yes, of course. I-I'll be ready during your next shift!"</m>
<b>-"Good."</b> Leyja begins to walk towards the stairs.
<m>-"I'm going to the restroom to clean the toy, again, thanks for the hard work today $name."</m> You nod as she disappears upstairs.
<b>-"Hehehe, next shift is going to be fun!"</b> Time to head home.
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
<<earnSalary 100>>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"No thank you.">>
<b>-"No thank you Leyja. Sorry, just not really in the mood."</b> All of that work tired you out.
<m>-"R-really...? It's going to be fun, I promise! It's a quality toy!"</m>
<b>-"A no is a no."</b>
<m>-"Sigh... Fine. That's it for tonight then."</m>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 37\d17.jpg">
<b>-"Sorry to disappoint."</b>
<m>-"It's no matter, I'll just assume it'll fit cocks above average hahaha."</m> She awkwardly laughs while you head towards the stairs.
<m>-"Your payment is on the counter. Take it on your way out."</m> Leyja puts the toy back in the box as you begin climbing.
<b>-"Cool. Have a great rest of your night!"</b>
<m>-"You too!"</m> Time to head home.
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<b>-"G-good evening!"</b> You greet a customer as you enter the store.
<blue>-"Good evening!"</blue> The man answers.
<b>-"Where is she?"</b> You think as you look around the store and don't see Leyja.
<m>-"$name! Hey!"</m> She pops her head out from behind the counter.
<b>-"Ah, there you are Mistress!"</b> After walking over, you begin to converse.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 37\d1.jpg">
<m>-"Ready for your shift?"</m>
<b>-"Mhm! You mentioned some new toys came in, do you want me to stack them?"</b>
<m>-"Nah, just clean the floors and the windows tonight, that should be all."</m> Leyja smiles.
<<if $work35agreedtodatetemp ==true>>\
<m>-"When you're done, come back to me, you'll try on that new cage we talked about."</m>
<b>-"T-the flat one?"</b> You look at her with terrified eyes.
<m>-"Indeed. I think it'll look great one you!"</m> As you cheeks blush, Leyja points at some cleaning supplies in a bucket nearby the counter.
<m>-"Before we get to that though, do as I said and clean the store."</m>
<b>-"R-right away miss, I'll be right back!"</b>
<m>-"When you're done, come back to me, you'll try on a new cage that just came in. I think you're ready."</m>
<b>-"A-a new cage?"</b> You look at her with terrified eyes.
<m>-"Indeed. It's a flat one. I think it'll look great on you!"</m> As you cheeks blush, Leyja points at some cleaning supplies in a bucket nearby the counter.
<m>-"Before we get to that though, do as I said and clean the store."</m>
<b>-"R-right away miss, I'll be right back!"</b>
<<pageReplace"Grab the supplies and begin cleaning.">>\
<grey>-"Scrub scrub scrub!"</grey> You begin to clean the windows.
<b>-"Yuck, so dirty! Don't remember the last time I cleaned them."</b>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 37\d2.jpg">
<b>-"A flat chastity... I wonder if it'll even fit me!"</b> You think as you finish the cleaning the windows and begin to rinse the sponge.
<b>-"Will it shrink my cock even more? I... I hope it does."</b>
<b>-"Now, the floor."</b> You take the vacuum mop from the backroom and begin to clean the whole store with it.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 37\d3.gif">
<b>-"Fortunately it's pretty quiet, wouldn't want to disturb the clients."</b> You look around the store but nobody seems to care that you're cleaning up. That's good!
<b>-"Oof, finally!"</b> After finally finishing your duties, you check your watch.
<b>-"Oh wow, that took 5 hours!"</b> The shop is about to close for the night, time to talk to Leyja again.
<<pageReplace"Walk up to the counter.">>\
<b>-"There."</b> You place the bucket down where it was before you took it.
<m>-"Finally done?"</m>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 37\d4.jpg">
<b>-"S-sure am, took longer than I expected."</b>
<m>-"It's no matter, as long as you're done it's fine."</m> Leyja looks around the store. It's completely empty besides you two.
<m>-"I'll lock up."</m> She begins to walk towards the door.
<b>-"Aren't we closing in like an hour?"</b>
<m>-"Well, the store is pretty empty and I think we'll take a while until we get the cage to fit."</m> She locks the door and begins to walk towards the back of the store. You follow her.
<m>-"Your cock is small, but not tiny. At least not yet."</m> Leyja laughs as you both climb down the stairs to Leyja's Lair.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 37\d5.webp">
<m>-"It should be in one of these boxes... I ordered it like a week ago."</m> Leyja begins to rummage through a pile of cardboard boxes filled with toys.
<<pageReplace"Don't we have one in the store?">>\
<b>-"Don't we have one in the store?"</b>
<m>-"Nope, nobody really buys flat cages, they're really advanced!"</m> She pulls out something from one of the boxes.
<m>-"Here it is!"</m>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 37\s1.png">
<b>-"It's... Tiny! There's no way my cock will fit in that!"</b>
<m>-"Ghehehe, I think it will! At the end of the day, there's only one way to find out!"</m> She walks to a table nearby and opens a drawer.
<m>-"Give me just a second."</m> You stand there, confused and embarrassed. Will it fit? Will it shrink your cock even more? Will it hurt?
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 37\s2.png">
<grey>-"Snip!"</grey> Leyja cuts off the tag with some scissors.
<m>-"I'm ready. Lay down, pet."</m>
<<pageReplace"Do as she says.">>\
<b>-"Oof..."</b> You let out a moan as your back hits the sofa.
<m>-"Take off that skirt."</m> You nod as do as she says.
<m>-"Key."</m> Leyja climbs on the sofa next to you as you hand her the key.
<b>-"B-be gentle please... It's sensitive!"</b> It's been a couple of days after your last orgasm.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 37\s3.webp">
<grey>-"Click!"</grey> The cage unlocks.
<m>-"Look at all that pre cum... You're such a good girl."</m> Her words begin to make you hard as soon as you're out of the cage.
<b>-"T-thank you Mistress!"</b> She places the cage on a table next to the sofa and hands you the flat one.
<m>-"Come on, try to put it on, pet."</m> With her encouragement you take the toy and try your best to put it on.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 37\s4.png">
<b>-"NgHhhh! It doesn't fit!"</b> Because of your boner, the cage doesn't want to close.
<m>-"Hmph..."</m> She looks down at your cock.
<m>-"Ah! You're doing it all wrong! You have to push from the top!"</m>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 37\d12.jpg">
<m>-"Come on, give Mistress a try."</m>
<b>-"O-of course!"</b>
<<pageReplace"Give her the cage.">>
<b>-"Here you go."</b> You give Miss Leyja the cage.
<m>-"First, we put the ring around your little grapes."</m>
<b>-"G-grapes?!"</b> Is she talking about your balls?
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 37\s5.webp">
<m>-"Ghehehe, well they are graped sized."</m> Yet another humiliating comment... They're making your hornier and hornier.
<b>-"M-mistress Leyja... I think we should stop!"</b>
<m>-"Oh... Why? Is my little sissy having second thoughts?"</m> She takes the main part of the cage and begins to press it down over your cock.
<b>-"NghHHhh! B-because I feel like I'm about to cum!"</b>
<m>-"Oh don't be ridiculous! I barely touched you!"</m> It's too late... With another hard squeeze, Leyja proves herself wrong.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 37\s6.webp">
<b>-"NghhHhHH!!!! F-fucKkkkK!!"</b> You moan as your cock explodes all over Leyja's hands.
<m>-"Are you for real...? Ghahaha, gosh you're pathetic!"</m> Leyja places the toy on the table and stands up.
<b>-"I-I'm sorry Mistress! I couldn't hold back!"</b>
<m>-"Calm down, it's fine, I just didn't think you would cum from pretty much nothing! Give me a second."</m> She begins to walk towards the restroom.
<<pageReplace"Wait a minute or two.">>
<b>-"NghHhh..."</b> Your cock throbs once again as the last drops of cum dribble out. Leyja was right - you are pathetic.
<m>-"Here, use this."</m> She returns with some tissues.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 37\d8.jpg">
<b>-"MgHHh... T-thank you."</b> You sit up and take them. You also notice that Leyja's hands are clean, she probably washed them in the sink.
<b>-"I told you it wouldn't fit Miss Leyja..."</b>
<m>-"Oh it will. Especially now, after cumming. Your little thing is completely flaccid, it'll be easy to put on."</m> You clean yourself up and throw the tissue on the ground.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 37\s7.png">
<b>-"You think so?"</b>
<m>-"Mhm."</m> She takes the cage and cleans it with yet another tissue.
<m>-"Here, give it a try."</m> Leyja hands you the toy.
<<pageReplace"Try to put it on.">>\
<b>-"Here I go..."</b> Leyja was right, because your cock was just milked, it easily squished down.
<b>-"I think... I think it's working!"</b>
<m>-"I told you. Mistress never lies."</m>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 37\s8.webp">
<b>-"MGhhhh... I-I did it!"</b> It begins to hurt a bit as you manage to close the cage.
<m>-"Good girl! Now lock it."</m> Leyja hands you the key.
<grey>-"Click!"</grey> With a swift turn of the key, the cage locks.
<b>-"NgHhhh... There!"</b> You put the key back on the table.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 37\s9.webp">
<b>-"FuckKKk!"</b> The pressure it produces is intense! The pain is gone, but it'll still take time to get used to!
<m>-"Wow... I think it looks great! Now you look like a true sissy!"</m>
<<pageReplace "See how it looks for yourself.">>
<b>-"Oh my God! It's so tiny!"</b> You say as you look down.
<m>-"Ghehehe, it is indeed!"</m>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 37\s10.webp">
<b>-"NGhhhh... It feels... It feels good!"</b> The pressure begins to turn into pleasure.
<m>-"I'm glad you like it, pet."</m> Leyja stands up.
<m>-"We still have some time before Laura decrypts the information, so I think we'll do some anal training with this cage soon."</m>
<b>-"A-anal training? I think I've had plenty..."</b>
<m>-"You have, but it's a completely different beast with a flat cage. You get ZERO stimulation and if you want to cum, you need to cum from anal only."</m>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 37\d17.jpg">
<b>-"Seems difficult."</b>
<m>-"Sure is, but a real sissy that works in Leyja's Lair needs to be able to cum from anal with a flat cage on."</m> She leans over, kisses your cheek and turns around.
<m>-"Great work today $name, your payment is on the counter with a little extra added to it."</m>
<b>-"T-thank you Mistress!"</b>
<m>-"Wear that cage for a couple of weeks, get used to it, then we'll start the anal training again."</m> She walks to the stairs and begins climbing them.
<b>-"Understood!"</b> Leyja nods and disappears upstairs. Time to put on your clothes and head home!
<<set $chastitycagenew2 to true>>
<grey>Flat caged unlocked!</grey>
<<set $femininity to $femininity +1>>
<adriana>Femininity +1!</adriana>
<<set $feminization to $feminization +3>>
<emily>Feminization +3!</emily>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"I'm sorry, I changed my mind!">>
<<if $leyjaslair ==true>>\
<b>-"Fuck me... No, it's way too small!"</b> A shiver runs down your back as you begin thinking about how much pain it would cause.
<b>-"I'm sorry, I changed my mind!"</b> You announce as Leyja looks at you, confused.
<m>-"Excuse me?"</m>
<b>-"I'm sorry Leyja, but it's way too tiny! I-I'll just stick with the one I have..."</b>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 37\d17.jpg">
<m>-"Hmph, disappointing..."</m> She sighs and takes a step back.
<m>-"Fine, but you're not getting your payment tonight."</m>
<b>-"B-but Mistress!"</b>
<m>-"No buts! I invested a great deal of time and effort to make you into a sissy that can pleasure my customers in the Lair."</m> Leyja begins to climb up the staircase after walking up to it.
<m>-"If you refuse to continue your training and the transformation that comes with it, that ruins things for me, thus, you're not getting paid tonight."</m>
<b>-"I'm sorry..."</b>
<m>-"Don't be sorry, be better."</m> She disappears upstairs.
<b>-"Shit! What was I thinking..."</b> Time to head upstairs and leave.
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<b>-"Fuck me... No, it's way too small!"</b> A shiver runs down your back as you begin thinking about how much pain it would cause.
<b>-"I'm sorry, I changed my mind!"</b> You announce as Leyja looks at you, confused.
<m>-"Excuse me?"</m>
<b>-"I'm sorry Leyja, but it's way too tiny! I-I'll just stick with the one I have..."</b>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 37\d17.jpg">
<m>-"Hmph, disappointing..."</m> She sighs and takes a step back.
<m>-"Fine, but you're not getting your payment tonight."</m>
<b>-"B-but Mistress!"</b>
<m>-"No buts! I invested a great deal of time and effort to make you into a sissy that can properly work in this shop."</m> Leyja begins to climb up the staircase after walking up to it.
<m>-"If you refuse to continue your training and the transformation that comes with it, that ruins things for me, thus, you're not getting paid tonight."</m>
<b>-"I'm sorry..."</b>
<m>-"Don't be sorry, be better."</m> She disappears upstairs.
<b>-"Shit! What was I thinking..."</b> Time to head upstairs and leave.
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<</if>><<location "Images/Sex shop/intro/0_Sex-shoppers.webp" "Simply Pleasure sex shop">>\
<<set $worked to true>>\
<<set $workdays to $workdays +1>>\
<<if $domstatus is true>>\
<b>-"So, you ready?"</b> You ask after walking up to Leyja. You're already midway your shift.
<m>-"Huh? Ready for what?"</m>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 38\1.jpg">
<b>-"Read to try out that remote controlled toy we talked about last time?"</b> Leyja's eyes suddenly grow wide.
<m>-"Oh my God... I completely forgot about that!"</m>
<m>-"Y-you won't take no for an answer, right?"</m>
<b>-"I mean a deal is a deal."</b> Leyja sighs and looks around the store.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 38\2.jpg">
<m>-"Ugh fine, the store is pretty empty now anyways."</m> She turns and begins walking towards the backroom.
<b>-"You'll have to use it in front of customers! That was part of our deal!"</b> You say from behind her while following.
<m>-"I know, I know! It's in the backroom, I have to put it in first!"</m>
<<pageReplace"Follow her to the backroom.">>\
<m>-"There it is..."</m> You hear her mumble as you walk through the door.
<b>-"Found it?"</b>
<m>-"Sure did."</m> Leyja turns to you and extends her arm.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 38\3.jpg">
<m>-"D-do we really have to do this?"</m> You watch as her cheeks blush.
<m>-"I would be more than happy to use it in front of you... But the whole store?! That's terrifying!"</m>
<b>-"Come on Leyja, it's going to be fun! I'll be gentle with the remote, I promise."</b> You try your best to hide the sinister smile you have.
<m>-"NgHhh... Fine!"</m> She slowly slips down her underwear and lays down on the sofa.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 38\5.webp">
<m>-"P-put it in then..."</m>
<<pageReplace"Do as she says.">>\
<b>-"Heh, don't mind if I do."</b>
<grey>-"Ding!"</grey> The bell on the counter goes off. It means a customer is waiting to pay for their goods.
<m>-"H-hurry up! Someone is waiting!"</m> With a gentle push, you insert the toy inside. Surprisingly, Leyja is already pretty wet, so the toy slides right in.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 38\6.webp">
<b>-"How is it?"</b>
<m>-"MgHhhh... It's not that big, so it's pretty comfortable."</m> You see the remote on the table and take it.
<b>-"Want me to give it a try?"</b>
<m>-"Give what a tr-"</m> Before she could finish her sentence, you click one of the buttons, because why not?
<m>-"NghhHHH!!! It hurts!"</m> Leyja quickly places her hand on her vagina as the toy vibrates.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 38\7.webp">
<m>-"AGhHhHHH!! Y-you put it on... NghHhh!! The highest s-setting!!! FuckKkKK!"</m> You look down at the remote and notice that she's right.
<b>-"Oh shit, my bad!"</b> You quickly turn down the speed to 0.
<m>-"UgHhhh... MgHHhhh..."</m> Her thighs slowly stop shaking.
<m>-"P-please don't put it on 100 again! I need to get warmed up first! That hurt!"</m>
<grey>-"Ding!"</grey> The bell goes off again.
<b>-"Alright, alright, my bad. I'll be more gentle from now on."</b> Leyja looks at you and pounts.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 38\8.jpg">
<m>-"I'll trust you, but please be gentle! Anyways, let's head back, someone is growing impatient."</m> You both stand up.
<m>-"I'm just going to put this on... It'll be too obvious that I have something inside if I go out there in panties."</m> She grabs a skirt from one of the drawers and puts it on.
<b>-"Sexy..."</b> You mumble.
<<pageReplace"Walk to the counter with Leyja.">>\
<pink>-"Ah, finally! Hello!"</pink> A customer smiles as you both get to the counter.
<m>-"Ahem, what can I help you with ma'am?"</m>
<pink>-"I want to buy both of these big boys!"</pink>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 38\11.jpeg">
<m>-"Awesome, give them here and I'll scan them!"</m>
<pink>-"Here you go!"</pink> Leyja takes the toys and scans them.
<m>-"That'll be 169.99! Cash or card?"</m>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 38\10.jpg">
<pink>-"Card!"</pink> As the woman begins to reach for her wallet, Leyja speaks once again.
<m>-"Place it on the machine whenever you're ready!"</m> You look down at her skirt.
<b>-"Hehehe..."</b> You chuckle as a smile forms on your face.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 38\9.webp">
<m>-"D-don't do it..."</m> Leyja turns to you and whispers. She noticed you staring.
<grey>-"Beeeeepp!"</grey> The machine makes a sound as the payment goes through.
<m>-"W-would you like a bag?"</m> She says, nervously.
<<pageReplace"Press the button on the remote.">>\
<pink>-"Yes please! A bag would be great!"</pink>
<b>-"Oops."</b> You press one of the buttons on the remote, making sure it is not the top speed one.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 38\12.png">
<b>-"Hehehe, sorry not sorry."</b>
<m>-"B-bastard!"</m> Leyja whispers.
<m>-"MgHhhh! S-sure thing! Give me just a second!"</m> She bends over to grab a bag while some juices run down her leg from the pleasure.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 38\13.webp">
<b>-"Hmph, so far she's keeping her composure well!"</b> You think as you pretend to do something, so the customers wouldn't suspect anything.
<m>-"Here... MNnnNGhHHh... You are!"</m> Leyja puts the toys in the bag and hands it to the woman.
<pink>-"Awesome, thanks!"</pink> You both nod as she walks away.
<m>-"FuckKkk! I-it feels so good!"</m> Leyja whispers into your ear as she leans on your shoulder.
<b>-"It's not over yet, look forward."</b> Another customer is coming towards the counter.
<m>-"Ughhh... Shit!"</m> She forces her face into a smile and faces the front.
<<pageReplace"Increase the speed while she talks to another customer.">>\
<adriana>-"Hello! Just wanted to ask about this toy here. Do you think it's a good investment?"</adriana>
<m>-"S-sure thing! This one right here?"</m> Leyja points at her hand.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 38\14.jpg">
<adriana>-"Mhm!"</adriana> As the women converse, you get an idea.
<b>-"I think she's warmed up enough... Let's put it on the max again."</b>
<grey>-"Click!"</grey> You press the highest speed button on the remote.
<m>-"AgHhHhH!!"</m> She yelps in pleasure and pain.
<adriana>-"A-are you okay?"</adriana> Leyja quickly shoves her hand below her skirt.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 38\15.webp">
<m>-"Y-yeah! MGHhhHh! T-this toy is... F-fucKKk! For more advanced users... MgHHhh... Because it's really big!"</m> The customer looks at Leyja with a confused expression.
<adriana>-"T-thanks...? I think I'll keep just keep looking."</adriana>
<m>-"Mhm! F-feel free!"</m> Leyja forces a smile yet again as the woman walks away.
<m>-"Shittt! I can't anymore!"</m> Without another word, Leyja pushes you to the side and starts to quickly walk towards the backroom.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 38\16.webp">
<b>-"Huh? Leyja?"</b>
<grey>-"DumbMmm!"</grey> You hear the backroom door slam shut.
<b>-"Damn... I hope she isn't mad."</b> You look around the store and only see the woman Leyja spoke to just before.
<b>-"I better check on Leyja, I think I can leave the counter for a couple of minutes."</b>
<<pageReplace"Check on her.">>
<m>-"FuckKkK! Y-yesSssS!"</m> You begin to hear her moans as you get closer to the door.
<m>-"AhhHhhHH!"</m> You haven't touched the remote, so they toy is still on full speed.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 38\17.jpg">
<b>-"I'm coming in Leyja!"</b> The door swings open as you pull on the handle.
<m>-"GhhaaaAaaHhHH! I-I can't stop!"</m>
<b>-"Oh wow..."</b> You mumble as you see her on the sofa.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 38\19.webp">
<m>-"D-don't turn it off $name!"</m> Leyja faces you. She's gotten completely naked in those few minutes she was alone.
<b>-"Not planning to."</b> You can't lie, you don't mind the show.
<m>-"AgRHhHhh... Fuck! D-do you think they saw me?!"</m>
<b>-"The customers?"</b>
<m>-"YeahHhHHH! NghHhHH!"</m>
<b>-"The second one definitely suspected something ghahaha!"</b>
<m>-"NghHHhh! YeEeessSs! Good!"</m> She begins to rub her clit as her legs slowly start to quiver.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 38\18.webp">
<m>-"I'm about to... I'm about to cum!"</m> Leyja begins to pant as you bite your lip.
<b>-"Gosh this is hot!"</b>
<<pageReplace"Watch Leyja cum.">>\
<m>-"YesssSsshhhHHh!"</m> Leyja's legs quickly come together and begin to shake.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 38\20.webp">
<b>-"Is it truly that good?"</b>
<m>-"GnHhghrrhhHhh... FucKkKk!"</m> She continues to moan as legs slowly stop moving.
<m>-"Y-yes... Yes it is."</m>
<grey>-"Ding!"</grey> The table bell goes off again!
<m>-"Fuck me... T-that was the hardest orgasm I've had in a while!"</m> She takes out the toy. It's completely covered in juices.
<b>-"Welp, that was fun while it lasted."</b> You think as you turn off the toy and put the remote on the table.
<m>-"NgHhhh... Can you take it? I'm still sensitive..."</m> Leyja asks as she sits up.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 38\21.jpg">
<b>-"The order?"</b>
<m>-"M-mhm. I'll clean up in the meantime."</m>
<b>-"Sure thing Leyja."</b> You've had plently of fun already, time to let her rest.
<b>-"Hope you enjoyed it as much as I did haha!"</b> You begin to walk towards the counter.
<m>-"Mghhh... I did..."</m> She whispers.
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
[[Finish your shift by working the counter->Go outside]]
<m>-"Hey $name, come here!"</m> Leyja shouts as you finish stacking the shelves. You're already midway your shift.
<b>-"S-sure thing!"</b> After walking up to the counter, you face her.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 38\1.jpg">
<b>-"What's up?"</b>
<m>-"I have something fun for you to do."</m>
<b>-"Something fun? W-what do you mean?"</b>
<m>-"Well, your Mistress has ordered a toy for herself and I need your help to use it."</m>
<b>-"Gulp... A toy?"</b> What could she mean?
<m>-"Mhm."</m> Leyja looks around the store.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 38\2.jpg">
<m>-"Come, I'll show you."</m> She turns and begins walking towards the backroom.
<b>-"What will I have to do?"</b> You ask while following her.
<m>-"You'll see! Let's go the backroom first!"</m>
<<pageReplace"Follow her to the backroom.">>\
<m>-"There it is..."</m> You hear her mumble as you walk through the door.
<b>-"I-Is that it?"</b>
<m>-"Sure is."</m> Leyja turns to you and extends her arm. It's a lush toy!
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 38\3.jpg">
<m>-"I'm feeling pretty horny, so you're going to help me get off today, pet."</m> Leyja blushes slightly. You can tell by her body language that she's excited to try it out.
<m>-"It's remotely controlled, all that you're going to have to do is click a couple of buttons."</m> Sounds easy enough, but you're still not confident.
<b>-"W-whatever Mistress wants... I'll do my best!"</b>
<m>-"Hehehe, good."</m> She slowly slips down her underwear and lays down on the sofa.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 38\5.webp">
<m>-"Put it in then..."</m>
<b>-"Woah!"</b> You're staring straight into miss Leyja's second pair of lips. Your cock immediately tries to get hard, but the cage stops it.
<<pageReplace"Do as she says.">>\
<b>-"H-here I go!"</b>
<grey>-"Ding!"</grey> The bell on the counter goes off. It means a customer is waiting to pay for their goods.
<m>-"Hurry up please. Someone is waiting!"</m> With a gentle push, you insert the toy inside. Surprisingly, Leyja is already pretty wet, so the toy slides right in.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 38\6.webp">
<b>-"How is it miss Leyja?"</b> You don't remember the last time you were this close to her pussy! The smell of it is making you crazy, all you want to do is dive head first into it.
<m>-"MgHhhh... It's not that big, so it's pretty comfortable."</m> You see the remote on the table and take it.
<b>-"W-want me to give it a try?"</b>
<m>-"Go ahead. Put it on 20% speed."</m> You click the button with 20% written on it.
<m>-"MnghHHh... W-wow! That's strong!"</m> Leyja quickly places her hand on her vagina as the toy vibrates.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 38\7.webp">
<m>-"UgHhhh... MgHHhhh..."</m>
<b>-"So hot..."</b>
<m>-"AgHhh! That's enough for now, $name."</m> Leyja's thighs slowly stop to shake as you turn down the speed to 0.
<b>-"It looks like it feels really good..."</b> A couple drops of pre cum dribble out of your cage.
<grey>-"Ding!"</grey> The bell goes off again.
<m>-"It is! I think it'll feel even better when I'm in a public setting..."</m> Leyja bites her lip. You never knew that she had an exhibitionism kink.
<m>-"Anyways, let's head back, someone is growing impatient."</m>
<b>-"Of course! Do you want me to wait for you commands before using the remote?"</b> She stands up and pulls up her panties.
<m>-"I think you can handle that responsibility. Your new task today is to make me cum with it. Fine with you, pet?"</m> Leyja smiles and gives you a kiss on the cheek.
<b>-"YES! THANK YOU!"</b> You can't believe you're actually going to have an opportunity to make your Mistress cum!
<m>-"I'm just going to put this on! It'll be too obvious that I have something inside if I go out there in panties."</m> She grabs a skirt from one of the drawers and puts it on.
<b>-"So pretty..."</b> You whisper.
<<pageReplace"Walk to the counter with Leyja.">>\
<pink>-"Ah, finally! Hello!"</pink> A customer smiles as you both get to the counter.
<m>-"Ahem, what can I help you with ma'am?"</m>
<pink>-"I want to buy both of these big boys!"</pink>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 38\11.jpeg">
<m>-"Awesome, give them here and I'll scan them!"</m>
<pink>-"Here you go!"</pink> Leyja takes the toys and scans them.
<m>-"That'll be 169.99! Cash or card?"</m>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 38\10.jpg">
<pink>-"Card!"</pink> As the woman begins to reach for her wallet, Leyja speaks once again.
<m>-"Place it on the machine whenever you're ready!"</m>
<b>-"S-so hot..."</b> Leyja's exposed legs were distracting you so much, you forgot to turn on the toy.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 38\9.webp">
<m>-"Come on..."</m> She whispers as your eyes meet for a second..
<b>-"Oh, right!"</b>
<grey>-"Beeeeepp!"</grey> The machine makes a sound as the payment goes through.
<m>-"Would you like a bag?"</m> She says, nervously.
<<pageReplace"Press the button on the remote.">>\
<pink>-"Yes please! A bag would be great!"</pink>
<b>-"There!"</b> You press a button that says 40% on the remote.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 38\12.png">
<m>-"Ghrrrhh... Good girl."</m> Leyja whispers.
<m>-" S-sure thing! MgHhhh! Give me just a second!"</m> She bends over to grab a bag while some juices run down her leg from the pleasure.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 38\13.webp">
<b>-"I wish I had a toy like that... I wonder how it would feel inside of me."</b> You think as you pretend to do something, so the customers wouldn't suspect anything.
<m>-"Here... MNnnNGhHHh... You are!"</m> Leyja puts the toys in the bag and hands it to the woman.
<pink>-"Awesome, thanks!"</pink> You both nod as she walks away.
<m>-"FuckKkk! I-it feels so good!"</m> Leyja whispers into your ear as she leans on your shoulder.
<b>-"A-another customer Mistress!"</b> You point forward.
<m>-"Ughhh... Shit!"</m> She forces her face into a smile and faces the front.
<<pageReplace"Increase the speed while she talks to another customer.">>\
<adriana>-"Hello! Just wanted to ask about this toy here. Do you think it's a good investment?"</adriana>
<m>-"S-sure thing! This one right here?"</m> Leyja points at her hand.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 38\14.jpg">
<adriana>-"Mhm!"</adriana> As the women converse, you remember your task.
<b>-"I think I need to increase the speed... I need to make her cum!"</b>
<grey>-"Click!"</grey> You press the highest speed button on the remote.
<m>-"AgHhHhH!!"</m> She yelps in pleasure and pain.
<adriana>-"A-are you okay?"</adriana> Leyja quickly shoves her hand below her skirt.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 38\15.webp">
<m>-"Y-yeah! MGHhhHh! T-this toy is... F-fucKKk! For more advanced users... MgHHhh... Because it's really big!"</m> The customer looks at Leyja with a confused expression.
<adriana>-"T-thanks...? I think I'll keep just keep looking."</adriana>
<m>-"Mhm! F-feel free!"</m> Leyja forces a smile yet again as the woman walks away.
<m>-"Shittt! I can't anymore!"</m> Without another word, Leyja pushes you to the side and starts to quickly walk towards the backroom.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 38\16.webp">
<b>-"Huh? M-mistress? Did I do something wrong?"</b>
<grey>-"DumbMmm!"</grey> You hear the backroom door slam shut.
<b>-"Damn... I hope Miss Leyja isn't mad..."</b> You look around the store and only see the woman she spoke to just before.
<b>-"I better check on Leyja, I think I can leave the counter for a couple of minutes."</b>
<<pageReplace"Check on her.">>
<m>-"FuckKkK! Y-yesSssS!"</m> You begin to hear her moans as you get closer to the door.
<m>-"AhhHhhHH!"</m> You haven't touched the remote, so they toy is still on full speed.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 38\17.jpg">
<b>-"I'm coming in Mistress!"</b> The door swings open as you pull on the handle.
<m>-"GhhaaaAaaHhHH! I-I can't stop!"</m>
<b>-"Oh wow..."</b> You whisper as you see her on the sofa.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 38\19.webp">
<m>-"D-don't turn it off pet!"</m> Leyja faces you. She's gotten completely naked in those few minutes she was alone.
<b>-"I-I wouldn't dare..."</b> Your cock desperately wants to get hard, but the cage is stopping it.
<m>-"AgRHhHhh... Fuck! D-do you think they saw me?!"</m>
<b>-"The customers?"</b>
<m>-"YeahHhHHH! NghHhHH!"</m>
<b>-"T-the second one definitely suspected something..."</b>
<m>-"NghHHhh! YeEeessSs! Good!"</m> She begins to rub her clit as her legs slowly start to quiver.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 38\18.webp">
<m>-"I'm about to... I'm about to cum!"</m> Leyja begins to pant as you bite your lip.
<b>-"Gosh this is hot!"</b> You think as you begin to rub your crotch through the skirt.
<<pageReplace"Watch Leyja cum.">>\
<m>-"YesssSsshhhHHh!"</m> Leyja's legs quickly come together and begin to shake.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 38\20.webp">
<b>-"I-Is it truly that good?"</b> It seems like you have accomplished your goal!
<m>-"GnHhghrrhhHhh... FucKkKk!"</m> She continues to moan as legs slowly stop moving.
<m>-"Y-yes... Yes it is."</m>
<grey>-"Ding!"</grey> The table bell goes off again!
<m>-"Fuck me... T-that was the hardest orgasm I've had in a while!"</m> She takes out the toy. It's completely covered in juices.
<b>-"I'm happy I could help mistress!"</b> You think as you turn off the toy and put the remote on the table.
<m>-"NgHhhh... Go and take it. I'm still sensitive..."</m> Leyja asks as she sits up.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 38\21.jpg">
<b>-"T-the order?"</b>
<m>-"M-mhm. I'll clean up in the meantime."</m>
<b>-"Sure thing Mistress!"</b> You begin to walk towards the counter.
<m>-"Hope you enjoyed it... MgHhhh... As much as I did hahaha!"</m>
<b>-"I sure did Miss Leyja!"</b>
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<pink>Submissiveness +1!</pink>
[[Finish your shift by working the counter->Go outside]]
<</if>><<location "Images/Sex shop/intro/0_Sex-shoppers.webp" "Simply Pleasure sex shop">>\
<<set $worked to true>>\
<<set $workdays to $workdays +1>>\
<<if $domstatus is true>>\
<<if $leyjaslair==true>>\
<b>-"Only one more!"</b> You were tasked to package online orders tonight.
<b>-"Where's that stupid box?"</b> After looking around the backroom for a bit, you find an empty cardboard box you could use.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 39\1.webp">
<b>-"Two bottles of lube, a masturbator and some nipple clamps. An interesting haul to say the least."</b>
<b>-"And there!"</b> You pack the last order and place it next to the others.
<b>-"Time to talk to Leyja."</b>
<m>-"Already done?"</m> She asks as you meet her near the counter.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 39\2.jpg">
<b>-"Yup! Took less time than I thought!"</b>
<m>-"Cool! Perfect timing actually, I... I wanted to talk with you about something."</m> Leyja blushes.
<<pageReplace"What is it?">>\
<b>-"Hmmm? What is it?"</b>
<m>-"Well..."</m> Leyja sits down on the carpet.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 39\7.jpg">
<m>-"Some Leyja's Lair customers were expressing their want for... More of your services."</m>
<m>-"Mhm... Would you like to learn massages?"</m>
<m>-"Mhm. I-It's a service we provide. Basically you massage the girls and sometimes give them a... Happy ending."</m> Her cheeks grow red once again.
<b>-"Does it pay more?"</b>
<m>-"Than the gloryhole services? Yes, as long as give them the aforementioned happy ending."</m>
<m>-"S-so, would you like me to teach you during your next shift? Y-you could practice on me..."</m>
<<pageReplace"Of course I would!">>\
<b>-"Of course I would! Should I bring anything?"</b>
<m>-"N-no, just show up. That'll be enough."</m> She stands up.
<b>-"Great to hear! I'll make sure to come in during my next Lair shift then!"</b>
<m>-"Good..."</m> She smiles.
<m>-"That'll be it for today then $name, thanks for your hard work."</m> You nod and begin to turn around, but suddenly remember that you wanted to ask her something.
<b>-"Oh, before I go, how's Laura doing?"</b>
<m>-"Ah yes, I forgot to tell you. She's making progress! Although, she did tell me that the decryption is really tough."</m> Leyja takes off her jacket and puts it to the side.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 39\3.jpg">
<m>-"No clue how long she'll take, but I'm guessing a couple of weeks at least."</m>
<b>-"Sigh... I just hope we'll make it."</b>
<m>-"We will $name, we will."</m> She puts on a comforting smile.
<b>-"How about the coup...? Found anyone willing to do it?"</b>
<m>-"I have a group in mind, not sure if they'll be up for it though."</m>
<m>-"W-we'll talk about them whenever Laura finishes. In the meantime, please try to find a group on your own. The more options we have - the better."</m>
<b>-"Understood. I'll do my best Leyja!"</b> As you both exchange a nod, Leyja reaches into her pocket and takes out some cash.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 39\8.jpg">
<m>-"Here's your payment. Keep up the great work, handsome."</m>
<b>-"Thank you beautiful!"</b> After taking the money, you put it in your wallet. Time to head home!
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<manager>-"Heyyy!"</manager> Leyja says as you enter the store. You put down your backpack and get ready to greet her.
<b>-"Hey Leyja!"</b> You say as you get closer.
<b>-"Another costume huh?"</b>
<manager>-"Hehe well, you know me, always have to look my best!"</manager> She blushes.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\basic1.jpg">
<b>-"So, what's on the menu today?"</b>
<manager>-"Nothing much, a new shipment of toys came in, stack them on the shelves, send out some orders, oh and.."</manager> She looks you in the eyes.
<manager>-"Refrain from seducing any customers..."</manager> She giggles.
<b>-"Do you count as a customer?"</b> You quickly turn Leyja around and slap her ass.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\basic3.webp">
<manager>-"Agh! Y-yes I count too! W-we have a lot of work to do today.."</manager> She blushes as the print of your hand slowly appears on her ass cheek.
<b>-"Ghahaha fine! Maybe if you didn't look that hot I would bother you less!"</b> You start walking towards the changing room.
<manager>-"W-well I can't control that can I?"</manager> She rolls her eyes.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work\basic2.jpg">
<b>-"Whateverrr.. Be right out, need to change first."</b>
<manager>-"R-right.."</manager> You change into your work clothes, and start your shift. After around 5 hours, you're finally finished! You sent out all the orders, stacked all of the shelves and cleaned the floors.
<manager>-"Great job today $name, keep it up!"</manager> She smiles softly as you're exiting the store.
[[Return->Go outside]]
<<if $chastitycagenew2 !==true>>\
<b>-"Only one more!"</b> You were tasked to package online orders tonight.
<b>-"Where's that stupid box?"</b> After looking around the backroom for a bit, you find an empty cardboard box you could use.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 39\1.webp">
<b>-"T-two bottles of lube, a masturbator and some nipple clamps. An interesting haul to say the least."</b>
<b>-"Andddd there!"</b> You pack the last order and place it next to the others.
<b>-"Time to talk to Mistress."</b>
<m>-"Already done?"</m> She asks as you meet her near the counter.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 39\2.jpg">
<b>-"Y-yup! Took less time than I thought!"</b>
<m>-"Then that's all for today, thanks for your hard work beautiful!"</m>
<<pageReplace"Before you go, ask about Laura.">>\
<b>-"Oh, before I go, how's Laura doing?"</b>
<m>-"She's making progress. Although, she did tell me that the decryption is really tough."</m> Leyja takes off her jacket and puts it to the side.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 39\3.jpg">
<m>-"No clue how long she'll take, but I'm guessing a couple of weeks at least."</m>
<b>-"Sigh... I just hope we'll make it."</b>
<m>-"We will $name, we will."</m> She puts on a comforting smile.
<b>-"H-how about the coup...? Found anyone willing to do it?"</b>
<m>-"I have a group in mind, not sure if they'll be up for it though."</m>
<m>-"We'll talk about them whenever Laura finishes. In the meantime, try to find a group on your own. The more options we have - the better."</m>
<b>-"Understood. I'll do my best Mistress!"</b> As you both exchange a nod, Leyja reaches into her pocket and takes out some cash.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 39\8.jpg">
<m>-"Here's your payment. Keep up the great work, pet."</m>
<b>-"Thank you Miss Leyja! Once again, I will do my best!"</b> After taking the money, you put it in your wallet. Time to head home!
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<b>-"Only one more!"</b> You were tasked to package online orders tonight.
<b>-"Where's that stupid box?"</b> After looking around the backroom for a bit, you find an empty cardboard box you could use.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 39\1.webp">
<b>-"T-two bottles of lube, a masturbator and some nipple clamps. An interesting haul to say the least."</b>
<b>-"Andddd there!"</b> You pack the last order and place it next to the others. But suddenly, you feel a yolt pain in your crotch.
<b>-"GnHhHHH! T-that damned cage!"</b> You're still not used to your new flat chastity cage. After raising up your skirt, you look down.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 39\4.webp">
<b>-"MgHhhH..."</b> You move the cage to the left a bit, so it stops pinching your skin. However as soon as you touch the cage, your cock begins to throb.
<b>-"Gosh... It's so sensitive!"</b> It hasn't felt stimulation in a long time, it wants to get free!
<b>-"I need to take my mind off of it, let's talk to Mistress."</b>
<<pageReplace"Walk to the counter">>\
<m>-"Already done?"</m> She asks as you meet hear nearby the counter. She's sitting on the carpet.
<b>-"Gulp..."</b> You wanted to take your mind off of the cage, but your Mistress is so hot that your cock begins to harden!
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 39\7.jpg">
<m>-"Hmmm? Hello? $name?"</m>
<b>-"S-sorry! Yeah... I... NgHhh... I did!"</b> Leyja notices that something is wrong.
<m>-"You okay?"</m> You see her look down at your legs and start to giggle.
<m>-"Ohhh hahaha! Now I get it!"</m> After you follow her gaze, you notice that your legs are covered in your own pre cum!
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 39\5.png">
<b>-"O-oh! I'm sorry Mistress! I'll clean up right away!"</b>
<m>-"Hihihi don't worry, don't worry. I'm flattered."</m> She stands up and picks up some tissues from the counter.
<m>-"Here, clean up."</m>
<<pageReplace"Clean up">>
<m>-"Good girl."</m> Leyja smiles as you begin to clean yourself with the tissues.
<b>-"Thank you Mistress..."</b> You can't lie, this is pretty humiliating.
<m>-"Don't mention it, pet."</m> After you're done, you throw the tissue away.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 39\9.webp">
<m>-"So, how's the new cage?"</m>
<b>-"I-It's been hard getting used to it, but I'm getting better!"</b>
<m>-"Does it hurt?"</m>
<b>-"Usually no, unless it pinches something..."</b>
<m>-"Good, it means you're ready!"</m>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 39\2.jpg">
<b>-"R-ready for what?"</b>
<m>-"To train your second hole! We talked about anal training, remember?"</m>
<b>-"O-oh... Yes..."</b> You remember Leyja mentioning that cumming from anal with a flat cage on is incredibly difficult.
<m>-"I'll get everything ready, during your next shift we'll see how close you can get to a climax!"</m>
<b>-"Understood Mistress... I'll get ready!"</b>
<m>-"Good! Anyways, great work today $name, that'll be all for today."</m>
<<pageReplace"Before you go, ask about Laura.">>\
<b>-"Oh, before I go, how's Laura doing?"</b>
<m>-"She's making progress. Although, she did tell me that the decryption is really tough."</m> Leyja takes off her jacket and puts it to the side.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 39\3.jpg">
<m>-"No clue how long she'll take, but I'm guessing a couple of weeks at least."</m>
<b>-"Sigh... I just hope we'll make it."</b>
<m>-"We will $name, we will."</m> She puts on a comforting smile.
<b>-"H-how about the coup...? Found anyone willing to do it?"</b>
<m>-"I have a group in mind, not sure if they'll be up for it though."</m>
<m>-"We'll talk about them whenever Laura finishes. In the meantime, try to find a group on your own. The more options we have - the better."</m>
<b>-"Understood. I'll do my best Mistress!"</b> As you both exchange a nod, Leyja reaches into her pocket and takes out some cash.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 39\8.jpg">
<m>-"Here's your payment. Keep up the great work, pet."</m>
<b>-"Thank you Miss Leyja! Once again, I will do my best!"</b> After taking the money, you put it in your wallet. Time to head home!
<<set $feminization to $feminization +1>>
<emily>Feminization +1!</emily>
[[Drive back->Go outside]]
<</if>>\<<location "Images/Sex shop/intro/0_Sex-shoppers.webp" "Simply Pleasure sex shop">>\
<<set $worked to true>>\
<<set $workdays to 41>>
<<if $domstatus is true>>\
<b>-"Yawwwnnnnn..."</b> You've been packing online orders for a good 3 hours now... It's so boring!
<b>-"Just a little more and my shift is over."</b>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 40\d1.jpg">
<blue>-"EXCUSE ME? T-THESE CANNOT BE NORMAL SIZED!"</blue> You begin to hear shouting at the front of the store.
<b>-"Huh?"</b> You look over and see Leyja trying to calm down a customer.
<m>-"Sir, I'm not the one who decides the condom sizes, I just sell them."</m>
<blue>-"I BOUGHT MEDIUM CONDOMS FROM YOU GUYS AND THEY WERE WAY TOO BIG!"</blue> The customer continues to scream.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 40\d2.webp">
<m>-"I'm sorry that happened sir, we do have a selection of smaller condoms if that's what you need."</m>
<blue>-"SO NOW YOU'RE SAYING I'M SMALL?!"</blue> From fear of the man getting aggresive with Leyja, you decide to intervene.
<<pageReplace"Walk over to the counter.">>\
<m>-"I'm not calling you small sir, I'm just offering a solution."</m> She continues to argue with him as you walk over.
<blue>-"AGH, YOU BITCHES ARE ALL THE SAME!"</blue> The man smashes his fist on the counter. Leyja rolls her eyes.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 40\d3.jpg">
<b>-"Is there a problem sir?"</b> You ask while staring straight into his eyes.
<blue>-"YES THERE'S A PROB-"</blue> In the middle of his sentance, he finally looks up at you.
<blue>-"A-ahem... No, just change your sizing so customers don't get confused!"</blue> He takes a step back.
<b>-"Mhm, will do."</b> The man scoffs and begins to walk away.
<blue>-"Whatever..."</blue> As he does, you turn to Leyja.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 40\d4.jpg">
<m>-"Thank you $name... So many cunts have come in today... Fuck..."</m> You can tell that she's tired.
<<pageReplace"Sorry to hear that.">>
<b>-"Sorry to hear that love, want me to take over the counter for a bit?"</b>
<m>-"N-no... I want to release some stress..."</m>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 40\d5.jpg">
<b>-"Can I help?"</b> You ask as she stands up.
<m>-"Yes you can... Follow me."</m> Leyja begins to walk towards the backroom. You follow.
<m>-"I want to play with my favorite stress toy..."</m> She looks back.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 40\d6.jpg">
<b>-"Which is?"</b>
<m>-"Heh, you already know..."</m> She opens the door and steps inside.
<<pageReplace"Follow her.">>
<b>-"You're calling it your stress toy now?"</b> You chuckle as you get inside.
<m>-"Well of course... A big, succulent stress toy."</m> She gets on her knees.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 40\d8.jpg">
<b>-"You flatter me."</b> You close the door behind you.
<m>-"I'm just pointing out the obvious... It is quite huge after all."</m> You walk up to Leyja and lower down your pants.
<b>-"Hmph, well, be my guest then and indulge."</b>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 40\d9.jpg">
<m>-"H-heh... Don't mind if I do!"</m> Her soft arms wrap around your shaft as she begins to give you a blowjob.
<<pageReplace"Enjoy her embrace.">>
<b>-"MgHHhhhh... Good girl."</b> You mumble as her soft lips begin to grip the tip of your cock.
<m>-"NNnnghhhh! Slurppp... Swooo bwigggg..."</m>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 40\d10.gif">
<b>-"Been pretty stressed today... NGHhhhh... I can see?"</b> She's sucking you off really fucking hard!
<m>-"Ahhhhh... So many dumb customers! Sometimes I wish I wasn't working with people!"</m> Leyja says after taking out your cock from her mouth.
<m>-"Guhhh... Guihhhh... Gauhhhh..."</m> After a couple of seconds, she goes right back into it.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 40\d13.gif">
<b>-"I can... Grghhhh... I-Imagine!"</b> She suddenly squeezes your balls, making you stutter in pleasure.
<m>-"Ywou lwike twhat...? Slurppp..."</m>
<<pageReplace"Fuck yeah I do.">>\
<b>-"NgHHhhh... Fuck yeah I do! Keep going!"</b>
<m>-"Ghehehe... W-will dwo!"</m> As she begins to suck off your tip, you begin to hear the counter bell begin to ring.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 40\d11.gif">
<b>-"You hear that? MgHhhhhh... Customers are waiting."</b> You begin to gently stroke her hair to get her attention.
<m>-"W-when hwas twat ever stopwed us?"</m> Before you could say anything else, Leyja begins to deepthroat you.
<m>-"Guhhh... Gaaauuhhhhh!"</m>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 40\d12.webp">
<b>-"Ohhhh fucKKkkkkk!"</b> It feels so good... You're about to nut!
<m>-"Ahhhhh! Come on big boy!"</m> From all of the time you've spent together, Leyja has learned how to pick up the clues that you're about to cum. She opens her mouth and begins to stroke you.
<b>-"SHITTttTTTT!"</b> You scream out in pleasure.
<<pageReplace"Cum in her mouth.">>
<b>-"Yyyyeahhghhhhh!"</b> You shoot your load straight into Leyja's mouth.
<m>-"Ahhhhhh!"</m> She tries her best to catch every drop.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 40\d14.gif">
<grey>-"Dringggg dringgg dringgggggg!"</grey> The bell continues to ring.
<b>-"Fuck..."</b> You sigh as the last drop of semen dribbles out of your cock.
<m>-"Gulp... Gulp... Gulp..."</m> Leyja swallows everything and smiles.
<m>-"Delicious as always!"</m>
<b>-"Relieved enough stress?"</b> You ask as she stands up.
<m>-"Sure did. Now back to work I go though... Unfortunately."</m> She turns to the door.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 40\d15.jpg">
<b>-"If you get stressed again, you know where to find me."</b> You chuckle once more and put on your pants.
<m>-"Heh... I do indeed."</m> She points at the saliva pool she left on the ground.
<m>-"C-could you clean that up? I have to get back to the counter."</m>
<b>-"Of course, leave me it to me."</b>
<m>-"You're the best!"</m> Leyja gives you a kiss on the cheek and walks off. Time to clean up and finish your shift!
<<set $dominant to $dominant +1>>
<blue>Dominant +1!</blue>
[[Clean up and finish your shift->Go outside]]
<m>-"Hey $name, come here for a second love!"</m> You hear Leyja call out to you from the backroom.
<b>-"In a sec!"</b> You put down the boxes you were holding and follow her voice.
<b>-"You wanted to see me?"</b> You ask after getting closer.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 40\s1.jpg">
<m>-"Mhm. I won't bother you for long though."</m> You sit down on the sofa nearby and look at her.
<b>-"A-alright... Fire away then mistress."</b>
<m>-"Have you been training analy at home with the new toys you got?"</m> She asks all of a sudden.
<b>-"U-uhmmm, yeah... A bit. What about it?"</b>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 40\s2.jpg">
<m>-"Well, I ordered a new batch of dildos today, so I thought maybe you'll want one?"</m>
<<pageReplace"Want one?">>
<b>-"W-want one?"</b>
<m>-"Mhm. Look, there are a bunch of different sizes and colors, you'll be able to pick!"</m> <<if $emilybnwoevent >20>>Thank God, you'll be able to pick out a black one! You are black only after all...<</if>>
<b>-"Hmmmmm..."</b> She shows you a screenshot on her phone.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 40\s3.png">
<b>-"A-and you'll just give me one for free?"</b> There has to be a catch...
<m>-"If you'll show me that you can cum using it, then yes."</m> Leyja grins.
<m>-"If you've been training a lot, this shouldn't pose a challenge for you!"</m>
<<if $dildo1 ==true>>\
<<todo "Get ready for a dildo session with Leyja.">>
<<set $work40dildo to true>>\
<b>-"S-seems good to me! I'll make sure I earn that dildo then!"</b> You smile and show her your clenched fist... You're determined to show that you've improved!
<m>-"Great! Love the confidence haha!"</m>
<<if $leyjaslair==true>>\
<m>-"You'll get one step closer to being able to serve in reverse gloryholes too!"</m>
<b>-"Great news!"</b> Finally! Evelyn mentioned that the big bucks are there!
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 40\s4.jpg">
<b>-"S-so that's all you wanted to talk with me about?"</b>
<m>-"Mhm. You can continue your work now!"</m> You stand up and nod.
<b>-"Alright, thanks! I'll get that toy, mark my words!"</b>
<m>-"Ghahaha, I hope so!"</m> You walk off and begin to work once again.
<b>-"Mistress will definitely be surprised by my skills..."</b>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 40\s5.jpg">
<b>-"Can't wait to show her how much I've changed!"</b> Time to finish your shift!
<<set $feminization to $feminization +1>>
<emily>Feminization +1!</emily>
[[Finish your shift->Go outside]]
<<set $work40dildo to false>>\
<b>-"I'll pass Miss Leyja... Sorry."</b> You're not really interested in that stuff anymore...
<m>-"Hmmmm, you sure? It's a free toy if you cum!"</m>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 40\s4.jpg">
<b>-"I-I'm good mistress, really."</b> You stand up from the sofa.
<b>-"If that's all you wanted to talk with me about, can I go back to work?"</b> Leyja sighs.
<m>-"Fine... Go ahead."</m> She seems disappointed. You nod, and walk off.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 40\s5.jpg">
<b>-"The offer is nice, but I'm down with anal play... At least for now."</b> Time to finish your shift!
[[Finish your shift->Go outside]]
<</if>>\<<location "Images/Sex shop/intro/0_Sex-shoppers.webp" "Simply Pleasure sex shop">>\
<<set $worked to true>>\
<<set $workdays to 42>>
<<if $domstatus is true>>\
<m>-"$name, come here for a sec!"</m> Leyja begins to call you over.
<b>-"In a sec!"</b> You put away the mop you were using to clean the flours and walk towards her voice.
<b>-"What's up?"</b> You ask as you reach her.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 41\d1.jpg">
<m>-"J-just wanted to ask you if you're planning to come in during the next shift?"</m> She asks, nervously.
<b>-"Yeah, probably. Why?"</b>
<m>-"Laura is coming over, we need to talk to her."</m> Her hacker buddy!
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 41\d2.jpg">
<b>-"About the coup, I assume?"</b>
<m>-"Mhm... I think she's done decoding the IBAN codes too."</m>
<<pageReplace"Have you found anyone for the coup?">>
<b>-"Have you found anyone for the coup?"</b>
<m>-"I think so, yeah, basically mercenaries for hire. But they'll be expensive."</m> She shows you a website on her phone.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 41\d3.png">
<m>-"Their base of operation is nearby."</m>
<b>-"Understood... I'll let you know if I find anything too."</b> She nods.
<m>-"G-good... I hope that you will, because this will cost me like 10 grand."</m> She awkwardly chuckles.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 41\d4.jpg">
<b>-"What's justice worth for you?"</b> You ask as you begin to turn.
<m>-"Good point..."</m> She grabs your arm and squeezes. You turn back.Someone's trying to by wise, huh?
<m>-"Thank you for helping me out through all of this $name, the end is near."</m> You squeeze her arm back.
<b>-"Don't mention it."</b> Time to finish your shift.
[[Head home->Go outside]]
<<if $work40dildo ==true>>\
<<todoCompleted "Get ready for a dildo session with Leyja.">>
<m>-"Well, are you ready?"</m> Leyja asks as she locks the front door.
<b>-"Y-yes... I think so..."</b> It's time to show her that you can cum with a dildo! You talked about it during your last shift.
<m>-"Good, then follow me. I have everything ready in the backroom."</m> After you both walk to the back of the store, Leyja sits down.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 41\s1.jpg">
<m>-"How confident are you?"</m>
<b>-"P-pretty confident... I've been using a bunch of anal toys these past few months, I think I'm ready!"</b> <<if $novirginfem ==true>>You've also cum from the real thing already, how much harder can a dildo be?<</if>>
<m>-"Hmph, good... Still, if you struggle to finish, I'll give you some visual stimulation."</m>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 41\s2.jpg">
<b>-"G-gulp... Thank you mistress!"</b> Sounds hot!
<m>-"Alright, time to get undressed. Let's see that little clitty."</m>
<b>-"Y-yes Miss Leyja..."</b> You pull down your clothes and throw them to the side.
<m>-"Heh, as cute as ever."</m> She giggles as she looks you up and down... Her looking at you is turning you on.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 41\s3.png">
<m>-"Grab one of the toys and get started then. Here's a bottle of lube."</m> She hands you some lubricant.
<b>-"W-Which one should I pick?"</b> You ask as you look at the toys in front of you.
<m>-"The smaller ones are for warming up. Don't know if you needed them, but better safe than sorry."</m> <<if $bnwostatus ==true>>How realistic... The small ones are white.<</if>>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 41\s4.jpg">
<b>-"I don't need a warm up... The plug has loosened me up already."</b> You take out the buttplug and grab the biggest dildo out of the 4.
<m>-"Hmph, brave."</m>
<<pageReplace"Put some lube on the toy.">>
<m>-"I'm waiting..."</m> She crosses her legs.
<b>-"NgHhhhh... H-here I go then."</b> You sit down and begin to pour some lube on the toy.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 41\s6.webp">
<m>-"Pretty big, right?"</m>
<b>-"N-nothing that I can't handle mistress..."</b> You try to act confident as you put the bottle of lube aside.
<b>-"Here I go!"</b> You raise your hips and slowly penetrate yourself...
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 41\s7.webp">
<b>-"S-shittttt!"</b> A spurt of precum leaves your cock as it goes in deeper.
<m>-"How does it feel?"</m> Leyja raises her left eyebrow and asks.
<<pageReplace"Fucking amazing!">>
<b>-"F-fucking amazing Mistress!"</b> You moan out in pain and pleasure.
<m>-"Good... Speed up then, I want to see you cum!"</m> You nod and begin to move your hips faster.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 41\s8.webp">
<m>-"You're doing so well $name... I'll give you a little treat."</m> As you ride the toy, your mistress begins to take off her bra.
<b>-"H-holy shit!"</b> Her tits are about to be on full display!
<m>-"Come on love, pleasure that cock..."</m> She throws her bra to the side, but still covers her breasts with her arms.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 41\s9.jpg">
<m>-"Gooood girlllll..."</m> Leyka grins as she notices you looking at her breasts.
<b>-"S-so hottt!"</b>
<<pageReplace"Continue to fuck the toy.">>
<b>-"MnnnghHhhh!"</b> It feels so good! Precum is already dribbling out!
<b>-"A-arghHhhh!"</b> The toy begins to hit your g-spot after each thrust...
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 41\s10.webp">
<m>-"Heh, you definitely have improved! I've never seen you take dick so easily!"</m>
<b>-"T-thank you Miss Leyja!"</b>
<m>-"I think you might be ready for the real thing...!"</m>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 41\s11.webp">
<<if $leyjaslair ==true>>\
<b>-"Mmmgghhh... Y-you mean the reverse gloryholes?"</b>
<m>-"Mhmmmm... But forget about that for now and focus on climaxing."</m> She slowly moves her hands away from her breasts...
<b>-"Mmmgghhhh... Y-you mean like actual men?"</b> <<if $novirginfem ==true>>You've already taken dick before... She doesn't know though.<</if>>
<m>-"Mhmmmm... But forget about that for now and focus on climaxing."</m> She slowly moves her hands away from her breasts...
<<pageReplace"Look at her bare chest.">>
<b>-"FUcKKkkk!"</b> Her tits are right in front of you! They look as incredible as always!
<m>-"Like what you see, sissy?"</m> She puts her hands behind her head to give you an even better view.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 41\s12.jpg">
<b>-"YessssSSSss!"</b> Your legs begin to shake as you inch closer and closer to an orgasm.
<m>-"Then cum for me! Cum for me you little pet!"</m> She begins fondeling her breasts.
<b>-"GrragHhhhh!"</b> This is all too much... You're about to nut!
<b>-"ArgHhhhh!"</b> You scream out in pleasure as semen begins to dribble out from your useless cock.
<m>-"Heeeee, how cute!"</m> Leyja says as she lowers her hands.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 41\s13.webp">
<b>-"MgHHhhh... It feels so good!"</b>
<m>-"Heh, of course it does... The male g-spot is in the anus after all."</m> She crosses her legs once again.
<b>-"F-fuckkkk..."</b> You go down on the dildo once more as even more cum comes out.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 41\s13.webp">
<m>-"Jeez, how much semen do those little balls of your produce? That's insane haha!"</m> Leyja laughs and stands up.
<b>-"ArgHhhh..."</b> You get off of the dildo and sit down in your own pool of semen.
<m>-"Clean this up, I'll package the toy for you to go, it's yours now."</m>
<b>-"T-thank you mistress!"</b> Fuck yeah!
<<pageReplace"Clean up.">>
<<set $dildo2 to true>>\
<<set $reversegloryholestemp to true>>\
<b>-"Oof, that should be everything."</b> You say as you throw a couple of semen covered tissues into the trash bin.
<m>-"Good, then come here, sit down."</m> You put on your clothes and sit down in front of Leyja.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 41\s15.jpg">
<<if $leyjaslair==true>>\
<m>-"Good job today, I think you're ready for the reverse gloryholes."</m> She smiles.
<b>-"G-great! When can I start?"</b>
<m>-"In a couple of days... I'll go with you and give you some training."</m>
<b>-"Can I start during my next shift?"</b> You're pretty excited to start earning the big bucks!
<m>-"No... Laura is coming over during your next shift, we need to talk with her."</m>
<b>-"Ohhhh... About the coup?"</b> Leyja nods.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 41\s16.jpg">
<m>-"Mhm. The festival is taking place soon so we have to finalize our plan ASAP."</m> She stands up puts on her bra.
<b>-"Alright... I'll be there then."</b> You stand up after her.
<m>-"Great, see you next shift then. I put the toy into your bag, you've earned it."</m> Your mistress begins to walk towards the counter.
<b>-"T-thank you mistress!"</b> Time to head home!
<<set $feminization to $feminization +1>>
<emily>Feminization +1!</emily>
<grey>XL dildo +1!</grey>
[[Head home->Go outside]]
<m>-"I need you to come in during your next shift... Laura is coming over."</m>
<m>-"We need to talk with her."</m>
<b>-"A-about the coup?"</b> Leyja nods.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 41\s16.jpg">
<m>-"Mhm. The festival is taking place soon so we have to finalize our plan ASAP."</m> She stands up puts on her bra.
<b>-"Alright... I'll be there then."</b> You stand up after her.
<m>-"Great, see you next shift then. I put the toy into your bag, you've earned it."</m> Your mistress begins to walk towards the counter.
<b>-"T-thank you mistress!"</b> Time to head home!
<<set $feminization to $feminization +1>>
<emily>Feminization +1!</emily>
<grey>XL dildo +1!</grey>
[[Head home->Go outside]]
<m>-"$name, come here for a sec!"</m> Leyja begins to call you over.
<b>-"In a sec!"</b> You put away the mop you were using to clean the flours and walk towards her voice.
<b>-"W-what's up mistress?"</b> You ask as you reach her.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 41\d1.jpg">
<m>-"Wanted to ask you if you're planning to come in during the next shift?"</m> She asks while looking you up and down.
<b>-"Yeah, probably. Why?"</b>
<m>-"Laura is coming over, we need to talk to her."</m> Her hacker buddy!
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 41\d2.jpg">
<b>-"A-about the coup, I assume?"</b>
<m>-"Mhm... I think she's done decoding the IBAN codes too."</m>
<<pageReplace"Have you found anyone for the coup?">>
<b>-"Have you found anyone for the coup?"</b>
<m>-"I think so, yeah, basically mercenaries for hire. But they'll be expensive."</m> She shows you a website on her phone.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 41\d3.png">
<m>-"Their base of operation is nearby."</m>
<b>-"Understood... I'll let you know if I find anything too."</b> <<if $ibwocoup ==true>>The IBWO has agreed to help you, but you better not tell her yet.<</if>>
<m>-"G-good... I hope that you will, because this will cost me like 10 grand."</m> She awkwardly chuckles.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 41\d4.jpg">
<b>-"W-what's justice worth for you?"</b> You ask as you begin to turn.
<m>-"Someone's trying to by wise, huh?"</m> She laughs once again and squeezes your arm. You turn back.
<m>-"Still, thank you for helping me out through all of this $name, the end is near."</m> You squeeze her arm back.
<b>-"D-don't mention it mistress..."</b> Time to finish your shift.
[[Head home->Go outside]]
<</if>>\<<location "Images/Sex shop/intro/0_Sex-shoppers.webp" "Simply Pleasure sex shop">>\
<<set $worked to true>>\
<<set $workdays to 43>>
<<if $domstatus is true>>\
<b>-"What's up cutie."</b> You say as you enter the backroom of the store. You're supposed to be meeting Laura today.
<m>-"Oh you're here already! Hey $name."</m> Leyja answers.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 42\1.jpg">
<b>-"Is Laura here already?"</b>
<b>-"Mhm... She said she forgot something."</b> Before you could even sit down, you hear a familiar, deep voice behind you.
<pink>-"Hey $name!"</pink> Laura steps into the room.
<pink>-"Sorry guys, left my note board in the car!"</pink> She tries to sit down on one of the chairs, but her skirt flies up... She's too thick!
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 42\2.webp">
<m>-"..."</m> Leyja awkwardly face palms as you chuckle.
<pink>-"A-aghhh, sorry, my bad!"</pink> She pulls down her skirt and finally takes a seat.
<<pageReplace"Let's get to business.">>
<b>-"Alright, with that out of the way, how about we get to business."</b> Leyja nods and begins to speak.
<m>-"Yes. What do you have for us Laura?"</m>
<pink>-"Right, so, I manage to decipher the codes into usable bank information."</pink> She fidgets with her note board.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 42\3.webp">
<b>-"So you have access?"</b>
<pink>-"Sure do! Can wipe the accounts whenever you guys tell me to."</pink>
<m>-"Really? Give us a look!"</m>
<pink>-"Here. Didn't manage to crack the e-mails, but they're not needed. Everything else is there though."</pink> Laura flips her note board around.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 42\5.png">
<b>-"Damn..."</b> She shows you a couple of pages filled with names and bank information.
<pink>-"Also, where do you want all of the money to be wired?"</pink>
<<pageReplace"Let Leyja talk.">>
<m>-"Can you not wire it to your account?"</m>
<pink>-"Are you crazy?! The IRS will decapitate on the spot haha. There's over five million dollars in those accounts combined."</pink> Leyja sighs.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 42\4.jpg">
<m>-"Well you can't wire it to our accounts either then... Can you make a burner account or something?"</m>
<pink>-"I can, but it'll cost you."</pink> Leyja rolls her eyes.
<m>-"Fine, whatever, do it."</m> Laura squints her eyes... She's smiling.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 42\6.webp">
<pink>-"Cool! We got that sorted then. How about the coup? Have you found someone to help?"</pink> Leyja turns to you and waits.
<<pageReplace"I didn't find anyone.">>
<<todo "Wait for news about the festival.">>
<b>-"I didn't find anyone personally."</b> Leyja sighs.
<m>-"Shit... I did find a group of mercenaries, but they're gonna cost me at least ten grand."</m> She wipes some sweat off of her forehead.
<b>-"Remember what we talked about? This about justice Leyja, not money."</b> You grab her hand.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 42\8.png">
<m>-"Y-yeah, you're right."</m> Laura claps with her hands.
<pink>-"So! Everything is sorted then!"</pink>
<m>-"I think so."</m>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 42\7.jpg">
<b>-"So what do we do now?"</b>
<m>-"Wait until you get some news about the festival from Hudson. The members are going to host another meeting right before it starts. Hudson and Warden should be there."</m>
<b>-"That's when we swoop in?"</b>
<m>-"Mhm."</m> Laura and you stand up.
<b>-"Understood... I'll wait for news then."</b>
<m>-"Good. Thank you $name."</m> You nod and start heading towards the door.
<b>-"I'll let you know when I learn something!"</b> Leyja nods.
<m>-"I'll be waiting."</m>
<pink>-"Time for me to bounce too!"</pink> She starts walking behind you.
[[Head home->Go outside]]
<b>-"H-hey mistress!"</b> You say as you enter the backroom of the store. You're supposed to be meeting Laura today.
<m>-"Oh you're here already! Hey $name."</m> Leyja answers.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 42\1.jpg">
<b>-"Is Laura here already?"</b>
<b>-"Mhm... She said she forgot something."</b> Before you could even sit down, you hear a familiar, deep voice behind you.
<pink>-"Hey cutie!"</pink> Laura steps into the room.
<pink>-"Sorry guys, left my note board in the car!"</pink> She tries to sit down on one of the chairs, but her skirt flies up... She's too thick!
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 42\2.webp">
<m>-"..."</m> Leyja awkwardly face palms as your cheeks grow red.
<pink>-"A-aghhh, sorry, my bad!"</pink> She pulls down her skirt and finally takes a seat.
<<pageReplace"Let's get to business.">>
<b>-"A-alright, with that out of the way... H-haha... How about we talk business?"</b> Leyja nods and begins to speak.
<m>-"Yes. What do you have for us Laura?"</m>
<pink>-"Right, so, I manage to decipher the codes into usable bank information."</pink> She fidgets with her note board.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 42\3.webp">
<b>-"So you have access?"</b>
<pink>-"Sure do! Can wipe the accounts whenever you guys tell me to."</pink>
<m>-"Really? Give us a look!"</m>
<pink>-"Here. Didn't manage to crack the e-mails, but they're not needed. Everything else is there though."</pink> Laura flips her note board around.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 42\5.png">
<b>-"D-damn..."</b> She shows you a couple of pages filled with names and bank information.
<pink>-"Also, where do you want all of the money to be wired?"</pink>
<<pageReplace"Let Leyja talk.">>
<m>-"Can you not wire it to your account?"</m>
<pink>-"Are you crazy?! The IRS will decapitate on the spot haha. There's over five million dollars in those accounts combined."</pink> Leyja sighs.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 42\4.jpg">
<m>-"Well you can't wire it to our accounts either then... Can you make a burner account or something?"</m>
<pink>-"I can, but it'll cost you."</pink> Leyja rolls her eyes.
<m>-"Fine, whatever, do it."</m> Laura squints her eyes... She's smiling.
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 42\6.webp">
<pink>-"Cool! We got that sorted then. How about the coup? Have you found someone to help?"</pink> Leyja turns to you and waits.
<<if $ibwocoup ==true>>\
<<pageReplace"The IBWO is down to help.">>
<<todo "Wait for news about the festival.">>
<b>-"T-the IBWO is down to help..."</b> You say in shaking tone.
<m>-"The what?"</m> She looks at you, confused.
<pink>-"The International Black World Order."</pink> Laura says.
<m>-"How do you know what it is?"</m>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 42\7.jpg">
<pink>-"Been interested for a long time... It's a long story."</pink> Leyja looks confused, but she doesn't push further.
<m>-"They agreed to help? For how much? Do they have enough people and firepower?"</m>
<b>-"T-they're going to help us for free. And yes, they definitely have enough people and firepower, it's a big orginization."</b>
<m>-"Why do they want to help us?"</m>
<b>-"I-I did a couple of favors for them Mistress... They're to be trusted!"</b> You lie straight through your teeth.
<pink>-"Heh, didn't know you were an ally..."</pink> Laura looks at you and winks. You awkwardly giggle and look away.
<m>-"Hmph, fine, we'll use them then. I trust you."</m>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 42\9.jpg">
<m>-"I'll still have the mercenaries on call though as a backup, if the IBWO pulls out last minute."</m> You nod and Laura claps with her hands.
<pink>-"So! Everything is sorted then!"</pink>
<m>-"I think so."</m>
<b>-"So what do we do now?"</b>
<m>-"Wait until you get some news about the festival from Hudson. The members are going to host another meeting right before it starts. Hudson and Warden should be there."</m>
<b>-"T-That's when we swoop in?"</b>
<m>-"Mhm."</m> Laura and you stand up.
<b>-"Understood... I'll wait for news then."</b>
<m>-"Good. Thank you $name."</m> You nod and start heading towards the door.
<b>-"I'll let you know when I learn something!"</b> Leyja nods.
<m>-"I'll be waiting."</m>
<pink>-"Time for me to bounce too!"</pink> She starts walking behind you.
[[Head home->Go outside]]
<<pageReplace"I didn't find anyone.">>
<<todo "Wait for news about the festival.">>
<b>-"I didn't find anyone personally."</b> Leyja sighs.
<m>-"Shit... I did find a group of mercenaries, but they're gonna cost me at least ten grand."</m> She wipes some sweat off of her forehead.
<b>-"T-this about justice Leyja, not money."</b> You grab her hand...
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 42\8.png">
<m>-"Stop acting wise again."</m> Laura let's go and laughs.
<b>-"Sorry, sorry..."</b> You laugh it off.
<pink>-"So! Everything is sorted then!"</pink>
<m>-"I think so."</m>
<img src="Images\Sex shop\work 42\7.jpg">
<b>-"So what do we do now?"</b>
<m>-"Wait until you get some news about the festival from Hudson. The members are going to host another meeting right before it starts. Hudson and Warden should be there."</m>
<b>-"T-That's when we swoop in?"</b>
<m>-"Mhm."</m> Laura and you stand up.
<b>-"Understood... I'll wait for news then."</b>
<m>-"Good. Thank you $name."</m> You nod and start heading towards the door.
<b>-"I'll let you know when I learn something!"</b> Leyja nods.
<m>-"I'll be waiting."</m>
<pink>-"Time for me to bounce too!"</pink> She starts walking behind you.
[[Head home->Go outside]]
<</if>>\also add reverse gloryholes leyja lair events?<<widget drunk>>
const el = document.getElementById("ui");
<<if typeof _args[0] === "number">>
<<set $drunk to _args[0]>>
<<if _args[0] === "wakeup">>
<<set $drunk to Math.max($drunk - 2, 0)>>
<<if _args[0] === "clear">>
<<set $drunk to 0>>
const el = document.getElementById("ui");
const str = Number(variables().drunk);
ui.classList.remove("drunk-1", "drunk-2", "drunk-3");
ui.classList.add("drunk-" + str);
<div id="menu-overlay">
<div id="menu-content">
<img id="menu-logo" src="Images/ui/logo.webp"/>
<div id="menu-options">
<<button "Continue">><<run menu.close()>><</button>>
<<button "Save/Load">><<run UI.saves()>><</button>>
<<button "History Back">><<run Engine.backward()>><</button>>
<<button "History Forward">><<run Engine.forward()>><</button>>
<<if $phoneDelay ==2000>>
<div id="phonething">
<<button "Fast Messages Off">>
<<if $phoneDelay ==2000>>
<<replace "#phonething button">>Fast Messages On<</replace>>
<<set $phoneDelay to 50>>
<<replace "#phonething button">>Fast Messages Off<</replace>>
<<set $phoneDelay to 2000>>
<div id="phonething">
<<button "Fast Messages On">>
<<if $phoneDelay ==2000>>
<<replace "#phonething button">>Fast Messages On<</replace>>
<<set $phoneDelay to 50>>
<<replace "#phonething button">>Fast Messages Off<</replace>>
<<set $phoneDelay to 2000>>
<<button "Restart game">>
Dialog.setup("Restart game");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Confirm Restart").text);
<div id="menu-footer">
Follow, support and contribute to the development of the game!
<div id="menu-links">
<a target="_blank" href="https://www.patreon.com/user?u=99311409">
<img src="Images/ui/patreon.webp"
<a target="_blank" href="https://twitter.com/MegyMonster5264">
<img src="Images/ui/twitta.webp"
<a target="_blank" href="https://discord.gg/AjVNa699wy">
<img src="Images/ui/discord.webp"
<a target="_blank" href="https://f95zone.to/threads/the-sup-v0-3-megymonster.171918/">
<img src="Images/ui/f95.webp"
<a target="_blank" href="https://subscribestar.adult/the-sup">
<img src="Images/ui/star.webp"
<div class="dialog-content">
Are you sure you want to restart?
Unsaved progress will be lost!
<div div class="columns">
<<button "No">>
<<run Dialog.close()>>
<<button "Yes">>
<<run Engine.restart()>>
<<run Dialog.close()>>
<</nobr>><<set $gallerySeen to Object.values($gallery).flat().length>>
<div id="gallery-app" class="app-view">
<h1>Photo gallery</h1>
<<for _category, _images range $gallery>>
<div class="gallery-app-section">
<div class="gallery-app-grid">
<<for _image range _images>>
<img @src="'Images/' + _image.src" @alt="_image.text" />
<<if !Object.values($gallery).flat().length>>
<div class="app-empty">
No pictures have been added to the gallery yet.
</div><<widget message>><<nobr>>
<<set _author = _args[0]>>
<<set _passage = _args[1]>>
<<set _text = _args[2]>>
<<set _open = _args[3] === "open">>
<<if !$messages.find(message => message.text === _text)>>
<<run $messages.push({
day: $day,
passage: _passage,
author: _author,
text: _text,
read: false,
choices: [],
<<run window._ui.update()>>
<<if _open>>
<<run setTimeout(() => window._ui.openPhone("messages", _passage), 10)>>
/* <<messageRead>> is a special container macro to be inserted at the end
of message conversations.
takes single argument with the name of conversation passage
It always renders conversation ended label.
Only if conversation was not fully read (not reached messageRead widget)
it will trigger its contents. This means any stats changes inside of this
widget happen only once when read status of conversation changes to true
<<messageRead "emilyphonedom1">>
<<set $day3 to $day>>
<<set $emilyphone to $emilyphone +1>>
<<set $dominant to $dominant +2>>
<blue>Dominant +2!</blue>
<<widget messageRead container>><<nobr>>
<<set _passage = window.__temp.activeConversationPassage>>
<<set _message = $messages.find(message => message.passage === _passage)>>
<<if _message.read == false>>
<<run _message.read = true>>
<<set $messages = [].concat($messages)>>
<<= _contents>>
<<run window._ui.update()>>
<<run SugarCube.State.create(passage())>>
<div class="message-conversation-ended">
Conversation ended.
<<widget messengerChat container>><<nobr>>
<<set _passage = window.__temp.activeConversationPassage>>
<<set _message = $messages.find(message => message.passage === _passage)>>
<<if _message.read == false>>
<<run _message.choices = [];>>
<div class="messengerChat">
<<widget messengerHeader>><<nobr>>
<<set _name = _args[0]>>
<div class="messengerHeader">
<img @src="'Images/' + window._ui.avatars[_name]">
<<widget me container>>
<<set _isEmoji = _contents.trim().match(/^((\p{Emoji}+)|❤️)$/u)>>
<<set _classes = "message message-me">>
<<run _classes += _isEmoji ? ' emoji' : ''>>
<div @class="_classes">
<<widget them container>>
<<set _isEmoji = _contents.trim().match(/^((\p{Emoji}+)|❤️)$/u)>>
<<set _passage = window.__temp.activeConversationPassage>>
<<set _message = $messages.find(message => message.passage === _passage)>>
<<set _isWaiting = _args.includes("wait") and !_message.read>>
<<set _classes = "message message-them">>
<<run _classes += _isEmoji ? ' emoji' : ''>>
<<run _classes += _isWaiting ? ' waiting' : ''>>
<div @class="_classes">
<<if _isWaiting>>
<<if ndef _running>>
<<set _running = false>>
<<set _removeWaiting = () => {
_running = true;
setTimeout(() => {
const waiting = $('.waiting');
if (waiting.length > 1) {
} else {
_running = false;
}, $phoneDelay);
<<if _running is false>>
<<run _removeWaiting()>>
<<widget messageReply container>><<nobr>>
<<set _label = _args[0]>>
<<set _passage = window.__temp.activeConversationPassage>>
<<set _message = $messages.find(message => message.passage === _passage)>>
<<set _hash = window.hashString(_contents.trim().replace(/\s/,'').substring(0, 100))>>
<<set _showChoice = ndef _message.choices || !_message.choices.includes(_hash) || !_message.read>>
<<if ndef _message.choices>><<run _message.choices = []>><</if>>
<<capture _message _label _hash>>
<<if _showChoice >>
<<run _message.choices.delete(_hash)>>
<<linkreplace _label t8n>>
<<run _message.choices.push(_hash)>>
<<scrollIntoView 100>>
<<widget messageReplyReplace container>><<nobr>>
<<set _label = _args[0]>>
<<set _selector = _args[1]>>
<<set _passage = window.__temp.activeConversationPassage>>
<<set _message = $messages.find(message => message.passage === _passage)>>
<<set _hash = window.hashString(_contents.trim().replace(' ','').substring(0, 100))>>
<<set _showChoice = ndef _message.choices || !_message.read>>
<<if ndef _message.choices>><<run _message.choices = []>><</if>>
<<capture _message _label _hash>>
<<if !_message.choices.includes(_hash)>>
<<if _showChoice>>
<<run _message.choices.delete(_hash)>>
<<link _label>>
<<replace _selector t8n>>
<<run _message.choices.push(_hash)>>
<<scrollIntoView 100>>
<span class="macro-linkreplace-insert choice-made">
<</widget>><div class="app-grid">
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c-0.123,0.2,0.08,0.441,0.298,0.355l0.895-0.427c0.424-0.202,0.867,0.241,0.665,0.665l-0.427,0.895 c-0.086,0.218,0.155,0.421,0.355,0.298l0.807-0.576c0.383-0.273,0.896,0.086,0.77,0.539l-0.265,0.956 c-0.047,0.23,0.226,0.387,0.401,0.232l0.695-0.707c0.329-0.335,0.897-0.07,0.852,0.397l-0.095,0.987 c-0.006,0.235,0.29,0.342,0.436,0.159l0.562-0.817c0.266-0.387,0.871-0.225,0.908,0.243l0.078,0.988 c0.034,0.232,0.345,0.287,0.456,0.08l0.411-0.902c0.195-0.428,0.819-0.373,0.937,0.082l0.248,0.96 c0.074,0.223,0.389,0.223,0.463,0l0.248-0.96c0.118-0.455,0.742-0.51,0.937-0.082l0.411,0.902c0.112,0.206,0.422,0.152,0.456-0.08 l0.078-0.988c0.037-0.469,0.642-0.631,0.908-0.243l0.562,0.817c0.146,0.184,0.442,0.076,0.436-0.158l-0.095-0.987 c-0.045-0.468,0.523-0.733,0.852-0.397l0.695,0.707c0.176,0.156,0.448-0.002,0.401-0.232l-0.265-0.956 c-0.126-0.453,0.388-0.812,0.77-0.539l0.807,0.576c0.2,0.123,0.441-0.08,0.355-0.298l-0.427-0.895 c-0.202-0.424,0.241-0.867,0.665-0.665l0.895,0.427c0.218,0.086,0.421-0.155,0.298-0.355l-0.576-0.807 c-0.273-0.383,0.086-0.896,0.539-0.77l0.955,0.265c0.23,0.047,0.387-0.226,0.232-0.401l-0.707-0.695 c-0.335-0.329-0.07-0.897,0.397-0.852l0.987,0.095c0.235,0.006,0.342-0.29,0.159-0.436l-0.817-0.562 c-0.387-0.266-0.225-0.871,0.243-0.908l0.988-0.078c0.232-0.034,0.287-0.345,0.08-0.456l-0.902-0.411 c-0.428-0.195-0.373-0.819,0.082-0.937l0.96-0.248c0.223-0.074,0.223-0.389,0-0.463l-0.96-0.248 c-0.455-0.118-0.51-0.742-0.082-0.937l0.902-0.411c0.206-0.112,0.152-0.422-0.08-0.456l-1.054-0.083 c-0.447-0.035-0.601-0.612-0.232-0.866l0.871-0.599c0.184-0.146,0.076-0.442-0.158-0.436l-0.987,0.095 c-0.468,0.045-0.733-0.523-0.397-0.852l0.707-0.695C34.527,18.113,34.369,17.84,34.139,17.887z M23.496,23.135 c0.48-0.277,1.093-0.113,1.37,0.367c0.277,0.48,0.113,1.093-0.367,1.37c-0.48,0.277-1.093,0.113-1.37-0.367 C22.852,24.025,23.016,23.412,23.496,23.135z M17.477,30.691c-0.601-0.582-1.133-1.254-1.572-2.015 c-2.181-3.778-1.418-8.441,1.57-11.352c0.616-0.6,1.642-0.438,2.073,0.307l3.022,5.234c0.407,0.705,0.407,1.573,0,2.277 l-3.024,5.237C19.116,31.123,18.094,31.288,17.477,30.691z M33.047,26.328c-0.603,2.348-2.113,4.46-4.378,5.768 c-2.265,1.308-4.849,1.559-7.184,0.907c-0.835-0.233-1.218-1.204-0.785-1.955l2.797-4.845c0.547-0.948,1.559-1.532,2.653-1.532 l5.595,0C32.613,24.671,33.263,25.488,33.047,26.328z M33.049,21.701c0.209,0.833-0.445,1.635-1.304,1.635l-6.047,0 c-0.814,0-1.565-0.434-1.972-1.139l-3.022-5.234c-0.43-0.745-0.058-1.715,0.77-1.949c4.015-1.132,8.435,0.538,10.616,4.317 C32.529,20.092,32.845,20.889,33.049,21.701z"></path><path fill="#bdbdbd" d="M39.191,14.837l-1.431,0.397c-0.679,0.188-1.217-0.581-0.808-1.154l0.863-1.209 c0.184-0.3-0.119-0.661-0.446-0.532l-1.256,0.599c-0.664,0.317-1.357-0.377-1.04-1.041l0.599-1.256 c0.129-0.327-0.232-0.63-0.532-0.446l-1.21,0.863c-0.573,0.409-1.342-0.13-1.154-0.808l0.397-1.432 c0.07-0.345-0.338-0.581-0.601-0.347l-1.041,1.06c-0.494,0.502-1.344,0.106-1.277-0.595l0.142-1.479 c0.01-0.352-0.434-0.513-0.653-0.237L28.9,8.442c-0.399,0.58-1.306,0.337-1.361-0.365l-0.117-1.481 c-0.052-0.348-0.516-0.43-0.684-0.121l-0.616,1.352c-0.292,0.641-1.227,0.559-1.403-0.123l-0.372-1.438 c-0.111-0.334-0.583-0.334-0.694,0l-0.372,1.438c-0.176,0.682-1.111,0.764-1.403,0.123l-0.616-1.352 c-0.167-0.309-0.632-0.227-0.684,0.121l-0.117,1.481C20.405,8.78,19.499,9.023,19.1,8.442l-0.841-1.224 c-0.219-0.276-0.662-0.114-0.653,0.237l0.142,1.479c0.067,0.701-0.783,1.098-1.277,0.595L15.43,8.47 c-0.263-0.233-0.672,0.003-0.601,0.347l0.397,1.432c0.188,0.678-0.581,1.217-1.154,0.808l-1.209-0.863 c-0.3-0.184-0.661,0.119-0.532,0.446l0.639,1.341c0.303,0.636-0.361,1.299-0.996,0.996l-1.341-0.639 c-0.327-0.129-0.63,0.232-0.446,0.532l0.863,1.21c0.409,0.573-0.13,1.342-0.808,1.154l-1.432-0.397 c-0.345-0.07-0.581,0.338-0.347,0.601l1.059,1.041c0.502,0.494,0.106,1.344-0.595,1.277l-1.479-0.142 c-0.352-0.01-0.513,0.434-0.238,0.652l1.224,0.841c0.58,0.399,0.337,1.306-0.365,1.361l-1.481,0.117 c-0.348,0.052-0.43,0.516-0.121,0.684l1.352,0.616c0.641,0.292,0.559,1.227-0.123,1.403l-1.438,0.372 c-0.334,0.111-0.334,0.583,0,0.694l1.438,0.372c0.682,0.176,0.764,1.111,0.123,1.403l-1.352,0.616 c-0.309,0.167-0.227,0.632,0.121,0.684l1.481,0.117c0.702,0.055,0.945,0.962,0.365,1.361L7.21,29.75 c-0.276,0.219-0.114,0.662,0.237,0.653l1.479-0.142c0.701-0.067,1.098,0.783,0.595,1.277l-1.059,1.041 c-0.233,0.263,0.003,0.672,0.347,0.601l1.431-0.397c0.679-0.188,1.217,0.581,0.808,1.154l-0.863,1.209 c-0.184,0.3,0.119,0.661,0.446,0.532l1.341-0.639c0.636-0.303,1.299,0.361,0.996,0.996l-0.639,1.341 c-0.129,0.327,0.232,0.63,0.532,0.446l1.209-0.863c0.573-0.409,1.342,0.13,1.154,0.808l-0.397,1.432 c-0.071,0.345,0.338,0.581,0.601,0.347l1.041-1.06c0.494-0.502,1.344-0.106,1.277,0.595l-0.142,1.479 c-0.01,0.352,0.434,0.513,0.653,0.237l0.841-1.224c0.399-0.58,1.306-0.337,1.361,0.365l0.117,1.481 c0.052,0.348,0.516,0.43,0.684,0.121l0.616-1.352c0.292-0.641,1.227-0.559,1.403,0.123l0.372,1.438 c0.111,0.334,0.583,0.334,0.694,0l0.372-1.438c0.176-0.682,1.111-0.763,1.403-0.123l0.616,1.352 c0.168,0.309,0.632,0.227,0.684-0.121l0.117-1.481c0.055-0.702,0.962-0.945,1.361-0.365l0.842,1.224 c0.219,0.276,0.662,0.114,0.653-0.237l-0.142-1.479c-0.067-0.701,0.783-1.098,1.277-0.595l1.041,1.06 c0.263,0.233,0.672-0.003,0.601-0.347l-0.397-1.432c-0.188-0.678,0.581-1.217,1.154-0.808l1.21,0.863 c0.3,0.184,0.661-0.119,0.532-0.446l-0.639-1.341c-0.303-0.636,0.361-1.299,0.996-0.996l1.341,0.639 c0.327,0.129,0.63-0.232,0.446-0.532l-0.863-1.21c-0.409-0.573,0.13-1.342,0.808-1.154l1.432,0.397 c0.345,0.07,0.581-0.338,0.347-0.601l-1.06-1.041c-0.502-0.494-0.105-1.344,0.595-1.277l1.479,0.142 c0.352,0.01,0.513-0.434,0.237-0.653l-1.224-0.842c-0.58-0.399-0.337-1.306,0.365-1.361l1.481-0.117 c0.348-0.052,0.43-0.516,0.121-0.684l-1.352-0.616c-0.641-0.292-0.559-1.227,0.123-1.403l1.438-0.372 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<img src="Images/phone/gallery.svg">
<div class="phone-icon ok" id="icon-reminders" @data-count="($tasks.length - ($tasksSeen || 0)) || ''">
<img src="Images/phone/reminders.svg">
<div class="phone-icon ok" id="icon-wallet">
<img src="Images/phone/wallet.svg">
<div class="phone-icon" id="icon-phone" data-count="">
<img src="Images/phone/phone.svg">
<div class="phone-icon ok" id="icon-messages" @data-count="window._ui.unreadMessages() || ''">
<img src="Images/phone/messages.svg">
<a class="phone-icon ok" target="_blank" href="https://www.patreon.com/TheSUP">
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<div id="browser-contents">
</div><<set $tasksSeen to $tasks.length>>
<div id="reminders-app" class="app-view">
<div class="reminders-app-section">
<<for _task range [].concat($tasks).filter(task => !task.done).sort(() => -1)>>
<div class="reminders-app-reminder">
<<= _task.task>>
<h2>Done 👏</h2>
<div class="reminders-app-section">
<<for _task range [].concat($tasks).filter(task => task.done).sort(() => -1)>>
<div class="reminders-app-reminder done">
<<= _task.task>>
<<if !$tasks.length>>
<div class="app-empty">
No reminders have been set yet.
</div><div id="wallet-app" class="app-view">
<div class="data-card sticky">
Current balance
<table class="data-table">
<th>Change <small>in $</small></th>
<th>Day Nº</th>
<<for _entry range [].concat($moneyStream).sort(() => -1)>>
<tr @class="_entry.value < 0 ? 'loss' : 'gain'">
</div><<set $gallerySeen to Object.values($gallery).flat().length>>
<div id="wallpaper-app" class="app-view">
<h1>Set new wallpaper</h1>
<<for _category, _images range $gallery>>
<div class="wallpaper-app-section">
<div class="wallpaper-app-grid">
<<for _image range _images>>
<img @src="'Images/' + _image.src" @alt="_image.text" />
<<if !Object.values($gallery).flat().length>>
<div class="app-empty">
No pictures have been added to the gallery yet.
</div><<widget "earnSalary">><<nobr>>
<<set _salary = 220>>
<<set _bonus = typeof _args[0] == 'number' ? _args[0] : 0>>
<<if visited("Work 20")>>
<<set _salary = 260>>
<<elseif visited("Work 15")>>
<<set _salary = 240>>
<<if _args[0] === false>>
<<set _salary = 0>>
<<set _earned = _salary + _bonus>>
<<set _label = _bonus < 0 ? "lost" : "extra">>
<green>Money +<<=_earned>>$ <<if _bonus>>(<<=_label>> <<=_bonus>>$!)<</if>></green>
<<if _earned > 0>>
<<money _earned "Sex shop daily salary">>
<<elseif _earned < 0>>
<<money _earned "Sex shop daily penalty">>
<<money :amount :reason>>
Widget tracks made and lost money on $moneyStream stream.
Apart of tracking the changes it would also udpate the $money value
‼️ $money should not be changed directly without using this widget ‼️
It will also track the $day and $passage on which the money value changed.
<<money 220 "Sex shop daily salary">>
<<money -250 "Bought sexy red dress">>
<<widget money>><<nobr>>
<<set _value = _args[0]>>
<<set _reason = _args[1]>>
<<set $money += _value>>
<<run $moneyStream.push({
passage: passage(),
day: $day,
value: _value,
reason: _reason,
balanceAfter: $money
<<run window._ui.update()>>
<<widget dominant>><<nobr>>
<<set _change = _args[0]>>
<<set $dominant += _change>>
<blue>Dominant <<if _change > 0>>+<<elseif _change < 0>>-<</if>>_change!</blue>
<<run window._ui.update()>>
<</widget>><<widget "text" container>>\
<<set _color = typeof _args[0] == 'string' ? _args[0] : 0>>
/% Can either be blue or green %/
<div @class="_color">_contents</div>
<</widget>>\<div id="ui">
<div id="content">
<div id="context">
<div id="context-top">
<img class="logo" src="Images/ui/logo-h.webp" />
<svg id="open-menu" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" height="0.9em" viewBox="0 0 448 512" fill="#fff"><path d="M0 96C0 78.3 14.3 64 32 64H416c17.7 0 32 14.3 32 32s-14.3 32-32 32H32C14.3 128 0 113.7 0 96zM0 256c0-17.7 14.3-32 32-32H416c17.7 0 32 14.3 32 32s-14.3 32-32 32H32c-17.7 0-32-14.3-32-32zM448 416c0 17.7-14.3 32-32 32H32c-17.7 0-32-14.3-32-32s14.3-32 32-32H416c17.7 0 32 14.3 32 32z"/></svg>
<div id="context-card">
<div id="context-state">
<div id="context-phone">
<div class="lockscreen">
<div id="day-of-week">
<div class="active">Monday</div>
<div id="time-of-day">
<div class="active">Morning</div>
<div id="day-tracker">
<div>Day <span id="day-counter" class="counter"></span></div>
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 448 512" fill="#fff"><!--! Font Awesome Free 6.4.2 by @fontawesome - https://fontawesome.com License - https://fontawesome.com/license (Commercial License) Copyright 2023 Fonticons, Inc. --><path d="M144 144v48H304V144c0-44.2-35.8-80-80-80s-80 35.8-80 80zM80 192V144C80 64.5 144.5 0 224 0s144 64.5 144 144v48h16c35.3 0 64 28.7 64 64V448c0 35.3-28.7 64-64 64H64c-35.3 0-64-28.7-64-64V256c0-35.3 28.7-64 64-64H80z"/></svg>
<div class="phone-views">
<div class="phone-browser-view"></div>
<div class="phone-reminders-view"></div>
<div class="phone-wallet-view"></div>
<div class="phone-messages-view"></div>
<div class="phone-gallery-view"></div>
<div class="phone-apps-view"></div>
<div class="phone-wallpapers-view"></div>
<div class="phone-back">◀ BACK</div>
<div class="phone-status">
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" height="0.5em" viewBox="0 0 640 512" fill="#fff"><!--! Font Awesome Free 6.4.2 by @fontawesome - https://fontawesome.com License - https://fontawesome.com/license (Commercial License) Copyright 2023 Fonticons, Inc. --><path d="M576 0c17.7 0 32 14.3 32 32V480c0 17.7-14.3 32-32 32s-32-14.3-32-32V32c0-17.7 14.3-32 32-32zM448 96c17.7 0 32 14.3 32 32V480c0 17.7-14.3 32-32 32s-32-14.3-32-32V128c0-17.7 14.3-32 32-32zM352 224V480c0 17.7-14.3 32-32 32s-32-14.3-32-32V224c0-17.7 14.3-32 32-32s32 14.3 32 32zM192 288c17.7 0 32 14.3 32 32V480c0 17.7-14.3 32-32 32s-32-14.3-32-32V320c0-17.7 14.3-32 32-32zM96 416v64c0 17.7-14.3 32-32 32s-32-14.3-32-32V416c0-17.7 14.3-32 32-32s32 14.3 32 32z"/></svg>
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" height="0.5em" viewBox="0 0 640 512" fill="#fff"><!--! Font Awesome Free 6.4.2 by @fontawesome - https://fontawesome.com License - https://fontawesome.com/license (Commercial License) Copyright 2023 Fonticons, Inc. --><path d="M54.2 202.9C123.2 136.7 216.8 96 320 96s196.8 40.7 265.8 106.9c12.8 12.2 33 11.8 45.2-.9s11.8-33-.9-45.2C549.7 79.5 440.4 32 320 32S90.3 79.5 9.8 156.7C-2.9 169-3.3 189.2 8.9 202s32.5 13.2 45.2 .9zM320 256c56.8 0 108.6 21.1 148.2 56c13.3 11.7 33.5 10.4 45.2-2.8s10.4-33.5-2.8-45.2C459.8 219.2 393 192 320 192s-139.8 27.2-190.5 72c-13.3 11.7-14.5 31.9-2.8 45.2s31.9 14.5 45.2 2.8c39.5-34.9 91.3-56 148.2-56zm64 160a64 64 0 1 0 -128 0 64 64 0 1 0 128 0z"/></svg>
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" height="0.7em" viewBox="0 0 576 512" fill="#fff"><!--! Font Awesome Free 6.4.2 by @fontawesome - https://fontawesome.com License - https://fontawesome.com/license (Commercial License) Copyright 2023 Fonticons, Inc. --><path d="M464 160c8.8 0 16 7.2 16 16V336c0 8.8-7.2 16-16 16H80c-8.8 0-16-7.2-16-16V176c0-8.8 7.2-16 16-16H464zM80 96C35.8 96 0 131.8 0 176V336c0 44.2 35.8 80 80 80H464c44.2 0 80-35.8 80-80V320c17.7 0 32-14.3 32-32V224c0-17.7-14.3-32-32-32V176c0-44.2-35.8-80-80-80H80zm368 96H96V320H448V192z"/></svg>
<div class="phone-island"><div class="phone-camera"></div></div>
<div id="context-stats">
<div id="stats-todo">
<div>Reminders: <span id="todo-count" class="counter"></span></div>
<div id="todo-list-wrapper">
<ul id="todo-list"></ul>
<div id="recruits" class="counter" style="--num: 120;">👯♀️ </div>
<div id="stats-stats">
<div class="student-card">
<div class="sc-logo">ISIC</div>
<div class="sc-avatar"><img src=""></div>
<div class="sc-sup-logo">The Swedish University <br/>Of Progressive Learning.</div>
<div class="sc-progress">
<div class="sc-dom counter"></div>
<div class="sc-sub counter"></div>
<div class="sc-fem counter"></div>
<div class="sc-bnwo counter"></div>
<div id="stats-money">
<div class="credit-card">
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" height="2em" viewBox="0 0 576 512" fill="white"><!--! Font Awesome Free 6.4.2 by @fontawesome - https://fontawesome.com License - https://fontawesome.com/license (Commercial License) Copyright 2023 Fonticons, Inc. --><path d="M482.9 410.3c0 6.8-4.6 11.7-11.2 11.7-6.8 0-11.2-5.2-11.2-11.7 0-6.5 4.4-11.7 11.2-11.7 6.6 0 11.2 5.2 11.2 11.7zm-310.8-11.7c-7.1 0-11.2 5.2-11.2 11.7 0 6.5 4.1 11.7 11.2 11.7 6.5 0 10.9-4.9 10.9-11.7-.1-6.5-4.4-11.7-10.9-11.7zm117.5-.3c-5.4 0-8.7 3.5-9.5 8.7h19.1c-.9-5.7-4.4-8.7-9.6-8.7zm107.8.3c-6.8 0-10.9 5.2-10.9 11.7 0 6.5 4.1 11.7 10.9 11.7 6.8 0 11.2-4.9 11.2-11.7 0-6.5-4.4-11.7-11.2-11.7zm105.9 26.1c0 . 1.1 0 .3-.3.5-.3 1.1-.3.3-.3.5-.5.8-.3.3-.5.5-1.1.5-.3.3-.5.3-1.1.3-.3 0-.5 0-1.1-.3-.3 0-.5-.3-.8-.5-.3-.3-.5-.5-.5-.8-.3-.5-.3-.8-.3-1.1 0-.5 0-.8.3-1.1 0-.5.3-.8.5-1.1.3-.3.5-.3.8-.5.5-.3.8-.3 1.1-.3.5 0 .8 0 1.1.5s.2.6.5 1.1zm-2.2 1.4c.5 0 .5-.3.8-.3.3-.3.3-.5.3-.8 0-.3 0-.5-.3-.8-.3 0-.5-.3-1.1-.3h-1.6v3.5h.8V426h.3l1.1 1.4h.8l-1.1-1.3zM576 81v352c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V81c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h480c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48zM64 220.6c0 76.5 62.1 138.5 138.5 138.5 27.2 0 53.9-8.2 76.5-23.1-72.9-59.3-72.4-171.2 0-230.5-22.6-15-49.3-23.1-76.5-23.1-76.4-.1-138.5 62-138.5 138.2zm224 108.8c70.5-55 70.2-162.2 0-217.5-70.2 55.3-70.5 162.6 0 217.5zm-142.3 76.3c0-8.7-5.7-14.4-14.7-14.7-4.6 0-9.5 1.4-12.8 6.5-2.4-4.1-6.5-6.5-12.2-6.5-3.8 0-7.6 1.4-10.6 5.4V392h-8.2v36.7h8.2c0-18.9-2.5-30.2 9-30.2 10.2 0 8.2 10.2 8.2 30.2h7.9c0-18.3-2.5-30.2 9-30.2 10.2 0 8.2 10 8.2 30.2h8.2v-23zm44.9-13.7h-7.9v4.4c-2.7-3.3-6.5-5.4-11.7-5.4-10.3 0-18.2 8.2-18.2 19.3 0 11.2 7.9 19.3 18.2 19.3 5.2 0 9-1.9 11.7-5.4v4.6h7.9V392zm40.5 25.6c0-15-22.9-8.2-22.9-15.2 0-5.7 11.9-4.8 18.5-1.1l3.3-6.5c-9.4-6.1-30.2-6-30.2 8.2 0 14.3 22.9 8.3 22.9 15 0 6.3-13.5 5.8-20.7.8l-3.5 6.3c11.2 7.6 32.6 6 32.6-7.5zm35.4 9.3l-2.2-6.8c-3.8 2.1-12.2 4.4-12.2-4.1v-16.6h13.1V392h-13.1v-11.2h-8.2V392h-7.6v7.3h7.6V416c0 17.6 17.3 14.4 22.6 10.9zm13.3-13.4h27.5c0-16.2-7.4-22.6-17.4-22.6-10.6 0-18.2 7.9-18.2 19.3 0 20.5 22.6 23.9 33.8 14.2l-3.8-6c-7.8 6.4-19.6 5.8-21.9-4.9zm59.1-21.5c-4.6-2-11.6-1.8-15.2 4.4V392h-8.2v36.7h8.2V408c0-11.6 9.5-10.1 12.8-8.4l2.4-7.6zm10.6 18.3c0-11.4 11.6-15.1 20.7-8.4l3.8-6.5c-11.6-9.1-32.7-4.1-32.7 15 0 19.8 22.4 23.8 32.7 15l-3.8-6.5c-9.2 6.5-20.7 2.6-20.7-8.6zm66.7-18.3H408v4.4c-8.3-11-29.9-4.8-29.9 13.9 0 19.2 22.4 24.7 29.9 13.9v4.6h8.2V392zm33.7 0c-2.4-1.2-11-2.9-15.2 4.4V392h-7.9v36.7h7.9V408c0-11 9-10.3 12.8-8.4l2.4-7.6zm40.3-14.9h-7.9v19.3c-8.2-10.9-29.9-5.1-29.9 13.9 0 19.4 22.5 24.6 29.9 13.9v4.6h7.9v-51.7zm7.6-75.1v4.6h.8V302h1.9v-.8h-4.6v.8h1.9zm6.6 123.8c0-.5 0-1.1-.3-1.6-.3-.3-.5-.8-.8-1.1-.3-.3-.8-.5-1.1-.8-.5 0-1.1-.3-1.6-.3-.3 0-.8.3-1.4.3-.5.3-.8.5-1.1.8-.5.3-.8.8-.8 1.1-.3.5-.3 1.1-.3 1.6 0 .3 0 .8.3 1.4 0 . 1.1.3 0 1.1 0 1.6-.3.3-.3.8-.5 1.1-.8.3-.3.5-.8.8-1.1.3-.6.3-1.1.3-1.4zm3.2-124.7h-1.4l-1.6 3.5-1.6-3.5h-1.4v5.4h.8v-4.1l1.6 3.5h1.1l1.4-3.5v4.1h1.1v-5.4zm4.4-80.5c0-76.2-62.1-138.3-138.5-138.3-27.2 0-53.9 8.2-76.5 23.1 72.1 59.3 73.2 171.5 0 230.5 22.6 15 49.5 23.1 76.5 23.1 76.4.1 138.5-61.9 138.5-138.4z"/></svg>
<div id="money"><span id="money-counter" class="counter"></span>$</div>
<div id="cc-number">
<div id="cc-name"></div>
<div id="cc-exp"></div>
<div id="stage">
<div id="passages"></div>
<div style="display: none">
<div id="menu" data-init-passage="Menu"></div>
<div id="notifications" data-passage="Notifications"></div>
</div><<widget lecture>><<nobr>>
<<set _number = passage().replace(/[a-zA-Z]/g, '')>>
<<set _title = _args[0].replace(/\s/g, '\n')>>
<div class="lecture-header">
<h1>_title <<if _number>><big>_number</big><</if>></h1>
<<if _args[1]>>
<<widget pageReplace container>><<nobr>>
<<link _args[0]>>
<<replace ".passage-content" t8n>>
<<run requestAnimationFrame(() => scroll(0, 0))>>
<<todo "Task description" dueInDays>>
Adds a task to the todo list optionally with
a due date by providing days number player has
to complete a task if applies
<<todo "Get $500 for rent" 7>>
<<todo "Research chastity belt on the web">>
<<todoCompleted "Task description">>
marks a task as completed/removes it from the tasks list
<<todoCompleted "Research chastity belt on the web">>
<<widget todo>><<nobr>>
<<set _task = _args[0]>>
<<set _due = !isNaN(Number(_args[1])) ? _args[1] : undefined>>
<<set _openApp = _args.includes("open")>>
<<set _existingTask = $tasks.find(task => task.task === _task)>>
<<if !_existingTask>>
<<run $tasks.push({
day: $day,
passage: passage(),
task: _task,
due: _due,
<<run window._ui.update()>>
<<if _openApp>>
<<run window._ui.openApp("reminders")>>
<<widget todoCompleted>><<nobr>>
<<set _task = _args[0]>>
<<set _completedTask = $tasks.find(task => task.task === _task)>>
<<if _completedTask>>
<<run _completedTask.done = true>>
<<run window._ui.update()>>
- Normal image:
<<image "Example/image.webp">>
- Image to be added to gallery
<<image "Example/image.webp" gallery "University">>
- Porn animation to be added to porn category/kink
<<image "Example/animation.webp" porn "Kink name">>
- Image or Porn can have related "person" to group/find by person
<<image "Example/image.webp" gallery "Friends" "Emily">>
‼️ Image path should not include the "Images/" root of img path ‼️
Additionally we track:
- passage where it was added
- day at which it was added
optionally one can add person that we could display somewhere/somehow.
<<widget image>><<nobr>>
<<set _src = _args[0]>>
<<set _type = _args[1]>>
<<set _category = _args[2]>>
<<set _person = _args[3]>>
<<set _data = {
passage: passage(),
src: _src,
day: $day,
text: _person
<<if _type === "gallery">>
<<addToGallery _src _category _person>>
<<if _type === "porn">>
<<if ndef $porn[_category]>>
<<run $porn[_category] = []>>
<<run $porn[_category].push(_data)>>
<img @src="'Images/' + _src" class="sup-image">
/* <<addToGallery "img_path" "category" "person">>
Adds image to gallery without rendering the image */
<<widget addToGallery>><<nobr>>
<<set _src = _args[0]>>
<<set _category = _args[1]>>
<<set _person = _args[2]>>
<<set _data = {
passage: passage(),
src: _src,
day: $day,
text: _person
<<if ndef $gallery[_category]>>
<<run $gallery[_category] = []>>
<<set _existingImage = $gallery[_category].find(item => item.src === _src)>>
<<if !_existingImage>>
<<run $gallery[_category].push(_data)>>
<<widget eventBox container>><<nobr>>
<div class="event-box" @data-location="_args[0] || ''">
<<widget eventCallOut>><<nobr>>
<div class="event-call-out" @data-location="_args[1] ? _args[0] : ''"><<= (_args[1] || _args[0])>></div>
<<widget recruitmentCard>><<nobr>>
<<set _recruited = _args[0] || $recruited>>
<<set _total = 1000>>
<<set _evidence = _args[0] || $previdence>>
<<set _totale = 10>>
<<if $previdence >0>>
<div class="recruitment-card">
Students recruited<br> for the festival:
<div class="card-counter">
_recruited <span>/ _total</span>
Incriminating evidence<br> collected:
<div class="card-counter">
_evidence <span>/ _totale</span>
<div class="recruitment-card2">
Students recruited<br> for the festival:
<div class="card-counter">
_recruited <span>/ _total</span>